mimxLvmu state teactiers colleqe AmETiC' comfeiotce CONSTITUTION AND AmeA# I Naite Tte mm of iJhi.8 organl$atl«i^ ahaU b@ the PentisyXvania State Teachers College Athletic .Conference^ Article II Objectives The objective^ of this Conference shall be the regulation, Supervision, and control of all athletic contests between the colleges of the conference in order that athletic activities in the conference colleges nay be maintained on ah ethical plane in keeping ^ith the dignity and high purpose of educationf. All action of the representatives of this conference shall be subject to the approve of the Board of College Presidents* Article III ^^eInbe^shlp Section 1* The raefljbers of this conference Shall be the Teachers CoUeges of the State of Pennsylvania^ Section 2* Each Gollege'^shall be entitled to one voting representative* Article nr Officers Section I4 The officers of this conference shall be a President, Vice President and a Secretary-^Treasurer elected annually«v Section 2* The officers of this conference and two additional members elected at large from the representatives shall constitute the E^ceouttve Commitiee# nr z Article V Meetings Section 1* There shall be two regular* meetings of the conferences held annually, the Monday preceding Thanksgiving vacation and the Monday pre-» ceding Easter vacation for the transaction of such business as may be necessary* Ihese meetings shall be ehld in Harrisburg* Section 2* Special meetings of the conference may be called at any time by the Executive Ccmmittee upon obtaining permission from the Board of College Presidents* Section 3f The representatives, of a majority of the members of this conference shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Section U* All regular meetings shall be open to faculty members of all Pennsylvania State Teachers Colleges* Article VI Election of Officers Section 1* All officei^s and members of the executive committee shall be nominated and elected by ballot at the Spring meeting* ' Section 2* A vacancy in ary office shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Athletic Committee of the Board of College Presidents* Article VII Amendments This constitution and by-laws may be amended at either of the regular meetings by a two-thirds, vote of the member colleges, provided that the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing to the secretary of the conference at least four weeks before such meeting and provided that a copy of the amendment sl;iall have been sent to each College representative at least two weeks prior thereto* By-Laws Article 1 Section 1* A* The President shall preside at the meetings of the Conference and of the Executive Ccmmlttee and shall issue a call for a meeting of the Executive Committee whenever necessary, providing permission to hold this meeting has been approved by the Board of College Presidents* B* The President shall recoive from the secretary-treasurer formal complaints, and shall take such appropriate action as provided for in these by-laws. 3 1 Section 2* In -case of tt^e abseiice ot* disability of the President, the Vice-iPreSideht shall perform the duties of the President; Section A* The Secretaryi^Treasurer shall keep records of the meetings of the Conference and Executive Ccranittee, He shall report at the regular meetings the actions of the Executive Committee since the last regular meeting* He shall have printed such matter as the Conference or the Executive Committee may determine* He shall give a detailed report ^ each regular meeting of all money expended by the conference* B* The Secretary*#Treasurer shall have printed and furnish to each college in the Conference suitable eligibility forms for the regis­ tration of athletes in the Conferences* one copy of which shall be ex­ changed by the competing Colleges, one -copy sent to the SecretatytTreasurer to be filed and who shall upon request furnish copies to Con«i>* ference members such information as shown by the form^ 04 fhc shall receive all fpfSiial tfqsiplaints of suspected violations of eligibility and by-laws and shall notify the President of such formal complaints* » Article IX Section 1* Executive Committee shall be the executive bod^ of the Conference v empowered to transact business of the conference In the intervals between meetings. Section 2* All disputes shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee who shall give their recommendations to the Board of College Presidents* Section 3* Any Conference member Which has been subject to disciplinary action by the Executive Committee may upon written application signed by their College President appeal to the Board of College Presidents for a special meeting with the Athletic Committee of the Board of College Presidents Section I|., Any monber of the Executive Committee representing a school -involved in an eligibility case or a dispute shall be ineligible to serve on such a case* This vacaiKsy shall be filled by the ^hairman of the Athletic Cojnmittee of the Board of College Presidents who will appoint a substitute member from a disinterested college* Section 5| The Executive Committee shall receive from the Conference Statw» istician at the close of the sport season which operates under the point' systemji the results of the conference's rating for that sport and they shall review and officially declare the conference standing* Article HI Scheduling and Conference Rating Section 1^ A* All. contests shall be scheduled by mutual agreement between conference contests shall be filed with the and Conference Statistician at least one month before the opening of their respective seasons* $ u Section -2^ Ajk A football schedule of at least four conference ganies shall be neceSsafy to secure a conference rating-* A basketball schedule of at least shall be necessary to secure a ratir^* conference games •C# A baseball schedule of at least four conference games Shall be necessary to s^ure a rating# D* A Soccer schedule of at least three conference games shall be tlecessary to secure a rating* .E# Wrestling rating shall be decided by an annual tournament* ,F* Track fsting shall be decided by an annual conference meet# ,G# A tennis schedule of at least three conference iftatches shall be necessary to secure a rating* H# A golf schedule of at least three conference matches shall be necessary to secure a rating^ .It A swimming schedule of at least three swimming meets shall be necessary to secure a rating* Section,!# The conference may be operated in any sport in which four or more members of the conference .have teams* Section- J|*AThe Saylor system shall be used to determine a championship In sports in which tournaments are not being used* B* To determine the conffS|f||^j|t champions* member Colleges' shall be ranked on the basis* points ^warded for minimum number of required games for each sport football (U), basketball (8)%^ baseball^(U)* soccer (3)* golf (3), tennis (3), and swimming This minimum number must iriclude all conference games in wMch a team has been defeated or tied* To determine on the basis championship mum* In any wins as will divided into the conference champion, member schools shall be rated of the minimum number of conference games required for honors, or any number of games greater than the mini^ case all lossed ar^i ties shall be counted and as many give the school its highest rating* Schools shall be tl^ee groups as follows^ a* Group 1 shall contain all schools who have won more than two;* thirds of their .games* b* Oroup 2 shall contain all schools who have won two»-tbirds or les6 of their games and one-third or more of their games* c* Group 3 llll&ll contain those schools who have won less than one* third of their games* , d* To determine a place in these "groupings, tie games shall count - as half game won and half game lost». Points shall be awarded as follows; ^ at for defeating a team in Group 1, a school shall be awarded 300 points* bt for tieing a team in Group 1, a school shall be awarded 200 pointd)» c* for losing to a school in Group 1, a school shall receive ^100 points* ^ d* for defeating a school in Group 2, a school shall receive 2^0 points* e» for tieing a school in Group 2, a school shall receive 1^0 points^ f* for losing to a school in Group Zf a school shall receive 50 pointst ^ g* for defeating a school in Croup 3, a school shall receive 200 points* ^ ht-for tieing a school in Group 3t a school shall receive 100 points* 1* for losing to a school in Group 3, a school shall receive 0 pointsji A school* s rating shall be determined by adding the points it has earned from games played with schools on which it is being rated and dividing by the number of games upon which the school is being ratedt A school whose rating is highest in total points shall be the Conference Champion* In case of a tie, the tied schools shall be considered co^ champions* 6 Article IV Order of Business If Ron daU 2f Reading minutes of |>revtous taseting Reading of treasurer's report at Unfinished business 5* Reports, coimr^inications "6t New business 7# Election of officers (Spring meeting) Bm adjournment Article V Finances Section 1« The annual dues shall be forty-*five dollars* Section 2. The annual dues are payable in advance on or before October 1* Article VI Statistician Section 1. The conference statistician shall be selected and employed fey the representatives of the conference* Section 2* It will be the duty of the statistician to keep all athletic records of the conference in aH sports* He shall receive the full cooperation or all Colleges and coaches* Section 3* The statistician shall be required to file releases with all news services neces^^ary for proper coverage,- and his weekly releases shall be duplicated and mailed to each College. -Section U# The statlsticaln shall be paid a salary of $300, and also annually* be allotted a budget of Section 5* The statistician at the coranletion of the sport season which Operates under the point system file the result of the co“iference ratingj*-. with the executive comroitteef ^ Article VII ^ Eligibility Rules ^^eetion 1. Eligibility rules are regulated by action of Teacher College Board of Presidents, The follomng rules were passed May 18, 19U8* By-Laws (Continued) 7 A. ReaponBlblllty. the President of each College shall be responsible for Its athletic Program, He or his. authorized representatlye shall accompany any team which represents the College in any athletic Contest^ Lists* At least four days before every official gam, eligibility Usts, certified by the President of the competing colleps > Shan be exchanged, on forms provided by the Conference S3Bcr©v8,^y c. Eligibility. ^flrs Cpnipetition> A student shall not be allowed more than four years of intercollegiate competition. 2i A student mst complete his intercollegiate competition within a five year period from the date of first matriculation at amr college. This restriction may be waived in the case of a veteran or draftee. Interpr tation: In determining years of competition in all cases, tire folloTidng .provigion applies: Participation, however brief, in ary intercollegiate athletic conpetition in ary college or junior college >Till cause that year to count as one of the alloted years of congjetition* Notes The restrictions of Section IIIWl are waived in the case of .a veteran. The year or years during which a student may have represented ary College, as a service trainee in inter­ collegiate athletic competition shall not count in his tofcal years of eligibility* 3. Acadendc Attainment, a. A student to be eligible must carry at least twelve (12) semester hours of credit courses, b, A student to be eligible must have secured passing grades in at least Urelve (12) semester hours of work during Ws preceding semester, A student having failed .to pass twelve (12) se?nester hours in any semester may bepome eligible by attending summer sessions and securing a passing grade in twelve (12) semester hours of credit* Student. No transfer student shall be eligible for intercollegiate athletic coT?petitlpn in varsity snorts until he has comnleted satisfactorily a full year's or two semesters work at hia college* Interpretations: a. Attendance at summer sessions shall not be regarded as meeting ' the requirements of a Semester»s residence, b* The student T«?ho trains at a training ca'np with a College before the football season opens but who does no matriculate at the college is eligible to enter a teachers college and plsy that season. ^-Lawa (Continued) 8 Ifetilculation means paymentfees, completion of registration forms* and attendance at ons'^class, c* A student transferring from a regularly accredited junior college shall not be affected by this rule» Rule, A student coit^eting in intercollegiate athletics shall be an amateur in good Standing# An amate\ir sportsman is one who engaged in sports for the physical, mental, or social benefit he derived therefrom, and to whom the sport is an avocation, A student ceases to be an amateur and is therefore ineligible to participate in intercollegiate competition by the commission of any of the follotdng acts; a# Participation in any athletic competition under an assumed name, or otherwise with intent to deceive* Directly or indirectly receiving money or remuneration for participation in any competition as a player or for coaching any sport* d# Directly or indirectly receiving money for signing a contract with a professional team in any sport* d,t Signing a contract with a professional team in any sport, ^ re|ardledS of any subsequent cancellation or revocation, absence of payment, or lack of training idth the tean, 5* A Student who is a squad member on the date of the first regularly scheduled cohtest, who engages in any athletic cdnteSt during a time the college is in session, not airanged or sanctioned by his college, shall not be eligible to represent his college in that sport during that semester, and he shall also be ineligible for the ensuing -season in the sport in which he participated in an unauthorized contest# fhis includes Thanksgiving vacation and between Semesters,, but does not include Christmf .Vacation*. Competition# A teachers college varsity team may conpefe only iri.th Varsity teams of four year degree granting Colleges in regularly scheduled games* Interpretations: 1* Regularly Scheduled games are games for which contracts are Signed and/or admission charged# $* ^Ihere scheduling difficulties are encountered, this rule may be waived by the Athle tic Committee of the Board of Prosidents* (Continued) 9 ^ Q»aying and Pfactlce Seasoni 1^ Pre-Season practice in football shall not begin prior to Septeirber first of each year or prior to three ueejcs before the first regularly scheduled gaine, tjhtchever is earlier, and the regular plasring schedule shall be liMted to a inaxitnam of ten games in a season, exclusive of post-season coffpetition. , Pre-season practice in basketball shall not begin prior to Noveniber first of each yearf the first scheduled gaine shall not be played prior to December first, and the maximum nutriber of regulariy scheduled games^ shall mt exceed twenty-six in a season, exclusive of ppstSeaSon tournament contests* 3* Organised post-season practice in football shall be limited to tt^enty sessions in a period of thirty-six calendar days, vacation tnd Sxandnation days excluded^ h# Organised post-season practice in basketball shat 1 be limited to twenty sessions in a period of thi3?ty calendar days, vacation and examination days excluded. F* These regulations shall become effective January 31* 1956#