NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES WASHINGTON. D.C. 2090S MUSEUMS AND HISTORICAL ORGANIZATIONS PROGRAM DIVISION OF PUBLIC PROGRAMS APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS PLANNING GRANTS ($10,000 and under) 1 I. APPLICATION DEADLINES The following are the 1977/1978 deadlines which apply to all categories of support in the Museums and Historical Organizations Program. Deadline_____ Notification no later than June 3, 1977 November, 1977 August 26, 1977 January, 1978 November 21, 1977 May, 1978 March 3, 1978 August, 1978 June 2, 1978 November, 1978 September 1, 1978 January, 1979 November 20, 1978 May, 1979 When planning a project for which Endowment support is requested, applicants should keep in mind the time period between the date of application and actual notification of action taken. All applications must be received by the Endowment by the date of the deadline or before. Late applications will be returned and may be submitted at the next deadline. Applications should be addressed to: Museums and Historical Organizations Program Division of Public Programs (Mail Stop 405) National Endowment for the Humauiities 806 15th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20506 II. APPLICATION FORMAT A complete application consists of four parts arranged in the following order: (two pages) A. Application Face Sheets B. Project Description (no more than three pages) C. Budget D. Vitae 2 Fifteen copies of the full proposal, including the Face Sheets, must be submitted. Please use standard size paper (8 x 10^^) , number the pages and staple the application. If you wish to send supplemental information about your organization, such as a brochure, one copy will be sufficient. You will be notified immediately when your application is received-by the Endowment. A subsequent letter will assign a log number to your application to which you should refer in all future correspondence. A. FACE SHEETS A set of blank face sheets is enclosed. Please fill out each item as the following instructions indicate. Item 1. Institution; Enter the name, address and zip code of the institution/organization sponsoring the project. Item 2. Project Director: Enter the name of the person who will carry out the project or be chiefly responsible for directing it. Remember to include the title, address, and telephone number of this individ­ (The project director must sign in the space ual. provided under Item 14 on page two of the face sheets.) Item 3. Type of Application; Check "planning" under either Exhibition or Interpretive Program. If this is a resubmission, indicate the previous application number. Item 4. Inclusive Dates for Prospective Grants; Enter the month, day and year of the starting and concluding date of the proposed planning project. Please note that only costs incurred during the grant period may be charged against the prospective grant. Item 5. Type of Institution Applying; Check private or Public. If your institution is public and is chartered or owned by and receives substantial operating funds from a unit of state, county or municiple government, check the appropriate space. Item 6. Financial Information; a. Grant Request Usually this will be a request for outright funds (line 1.) 3 The "Gifts and Matching" arrangement is not X Otten used^' in pTaTThrh^gr-ahts'. Therefore, simply ente'r 'the amoufif~of“tKe grant requested on line one and again on line four. (For more information on Gifts and Matching, please refer to the information sheet at the end of these instructions.) b. Applicant's Cost Share This reflects the amount the institution is committing to this project and should include the dollar equivalent of in kind services as well as cash. c. Support From Others This should show any outside contributions to the project. Total Cost; Enter result of adding the totals in a, b and c. Item 7. title. Project Title: Enter a short, descriptive Item 8. Project Abstract: Use the space available for a concise synopsis of the project. (Do not continue on next page.) Item 9. Other Sources of Funding: List any other public or private funding sources that may be con­ tributing to the support of this planning phase. Item 10. Normally not applicable to planning grant applications. Item 11. Authorizing Official: Enter the name of the individual authorized to commit your institution or organization in business and financial matters. This individual will be responsible for administering the grant if made. Item 12. Payee: After indicating the payee, enter the name, address and telephone number of the individ­ ual to whom NEH checks should be sent if a grant is awarded. This person will be held responsible for accounting and reporting to the Endowment. 4 B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION This attachment is an important part of your applica­ tion. It should be a clear concise description of the project’s objectives, indicate the kinds of consultants you will use if you are unable to be specific at this time and the procedures that will be followed in the planning stage. This should be no more than three pages. C. BUDGET Submit a simple itemized budget which clearly indi­ cates funds requested from the Endowment and all institutional cost sharing, and any addtional out­ side support if applicable. Categories eligible for Endowment support might include the following: -Salaries for additional temporary staff brought in for the project (salaries of permanent staff may be included in the cost share); -Consultant fees and honorarium; -Travel; -Supplies; -Equipment essential to the project; -Any other related costs. Funds may not be requested for: -Acquisition of artifacts or works of art; -Purchase of permanent equipment for general purposes (file cabinets, office equipment); -Major structural modifications or additions to the facilities; -Conservation or restoration (except under the sharing Collection Resources category, as ex­ plained in the guidelines); -Cataloguing of collections; -General operating expenses; 5 -Permanent staff salaries (only salaries for additional, temporary staff brought on expressly for work on the project may be supported by NEH); -Indirect costs in applications for planning grants or where the institu­ tions does not have or is not negotiating a formal indirect cost rate with the Federal Government; -••Miscellaneous" or "Contingencies" - these are not allowable budget categories. D. VIT^E Vitae should be attached for the project director and key professional people including outside consultants.