The Teachers College Herald VOLUME 58 MARCH, 1954 NUMBER 3 Catalog Number 1954 - 1955 THIS COLLEGE IS A MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES FOR TEACHER EDUCATION, THE MIDDLE STATES ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS, AND TH NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS TEACHER-TRAINING INSTITUTIONS, AND MEETS THE STANDARDS ESTABLISHED BY THESE ASSOCIATIONS THE STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE SHIPPENSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA The Teachers College Herald is published quarterly. Entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office at Shippensburg, , Pennsylvania/ under Act of August 24 1912 SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 5 COLLEGE CALENDAR 1954-1955 THE SUMMER SESSIONS 1. Pre-Session of Three Weeks Session Begins .............................................................. June 7 Session E n d s ................................................................... June 25 2. Regular Session of Six Weeks Session Begins .............................................................. June 28 Session E n d s............................................................... August 6 3. Post-Session of Three Weeks Session B e g in s ........................................................... August 9 Session E n d s............................................................... August 27 FIRST SEMESTER Registration of Freshm en...............................................September 7 Registration of Upperclassmen.................................. September 8 Classes Begin at 8:00 a.m.............................................. September 9 Thanksgiving Recess Begins at close of classes . . . November 23 Thanksgiving Recess Ends at 8:00 a.m....................... November 29 Christmas Recess Begins at the close of classes.........December 15 Christmas Recess Ends at 8:00 a.m..................................... January 3 First Semester Ends at N o o n ............................................ January 20 SECOND SEMESTER Registration ........................................................................ January 24 Classes Begin at 8:00 a.m..................................................... January 25 Easter Recess Begins at close of classes............................. April 5 Easter Recess Ends at 8:00 a.m............................................... April 12 Alumni D a y .............*............................................................... May 21 Baccalaureate Services............................................................... May 22 Commencement ........................................................................ May 23 6 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD BOARDS OF CONTROL COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Department of Public Instruction FRANCIS B. HAAS, Superintendent of Public Instruction DORR CROSLEY, Deputy Superintendent JOHN LUMLEY, Deputy Superintendent CARL SEIFERT, Deputy Superintendent RALPH SWAN, Deputy Superintendent HENRY KLONOWER, D irecter, Teacher Education and Certification STATE COUNCIL OF EDUCATION President and Chief Executive O fficer, FRANCIS B. HAAS Secretary, CARL SEIFERT BISHOP BROWN ................................................................................. Pittsburgh W . FLOYD C L IN G E R ............................................................................... Warren ELSIE M. Heckman ............................................................................... Allentown DONALD L. HELFERICH ............................................................... Collegeville MILES H O R S T ............................................................................................ Palmyra ROBERT C. S H A W ................................................................................. Camp Hill G. MORRIS S M IT H ............................................................................ Selinsgrove HERBERT J. S TO C K TO N ....................................................................Johnstown JOHN J. S U L L IV A N ........................................................................ Philadelphia BOARD OF TRUSTEES FRANCIS B. HAAS, E x-O fficio ........................................................... Harrisburg RAYMOND G. MOWREY, P resid en t.........................................Chambersburg EARLE H. SCHAEFFER, V ice-P resident.........................................Camp Hill JOHN W . LACKHOVE, Secretary ............................................. Shippensburg GEORGE BRISBIN ...........................................................................Hollidaysburg SIMPSON DAUGHERTY ........................................................................ Carlisle PAUL LEHMAN ................................................................................... Lewistown FRANK MASLAND ................................................................................... Carlisle CARL A. N A U G L E .......................................................................... Shippensburg GRACE H. SPO N SELLER...........................................R. D. 1, Chambersburg SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE THE FACULTY 1954-1955 HARRY L. KRINER President of the College A. B., A.M., University of Pittsburgh; Ed.D., Pennsylvania State University. EARL WRIGHT Dean of Instruction; Chairman, Education Department B. S., M.S., Sc.D., Gettysburg College Ed.D., George Washington University VIRGINIA LONG Dean of W omen B.S., State Teachers College, Lock Haven M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University VINTON RAMBO Dean of M en, Physical Education, Athletic Coach B.S., Iowa Wesleyan College A. M., Teachers College, Columbia University KEITH B. ALLAN Chairman, Geography Department B. Ed., Illinois State Normal University A. M., Colorado Teachers College ARTHUR ATKINSON Psychology; D irector, Psychological Clinic B. S., A.M., Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh MARY ETHEL BEAMER Business Education B.A., Baylor University A. M., Teachers College, Columbia University CHARLES F. BELLOWS English B. S., State Teachers College, Shippensburg M.A., Columbia University WILLIAM BEYERS D irector Student Peaching and Placement B.S., State Teachers College, Indiana M.A., Ed.D., University of Pittsburgh FA Y BITTNER Training Teacher, Cam-bus School B.S., State Teachers College, Lock Haven M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University PAUL CAUFFMAN Chairman, Mathematics Department B.S., State Teachers College, Shippensburg M.A., Lehigh University THOMAS CRIST Physical Education. Athletic Coach B.S., William and Mary College A.M., Southern Methodist University 7 8 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD ROY DIBERT Physics and Physical Science B.S., Franklin and Marshall College A. M., Columbia University M.S., Pennsylvania State University CHESTER S. EASTEP Principal Campus School, Assistant D irector Student Teaching B. S., State Teachers College, Lock Haven M.Ed., Ed.D., Pennsylvania State University M YRA ESH Training Teacher, Campus School B.S., University of Pittsburgh M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University CHARLES R. EURICH Biology and Physical Science B.S., Franklin and Marshall College M.A., New York University M ARY ELIZABETH FOGELSANGER Training Teacher, Campus School B.S., State Teachers College, Shippensburg M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University CLARENCE GLESSNER Visual Education B.S., State Teachers College, Shippensburg M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University RUTH C. HARLEY Chairman Elementary Education B.S., Juniata College A. M.^ Teachers College, Columbia University THELMA-HELLER M a ltC d Physical Education B. S., State Teachers College, West Chester Ed.M., Temple University ESTHER HENDERSON Chairman, Health Education Department B.S., Miami University M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University BERNARD HOGG Social Studies Department B.S., State Teachers College, Slippery Rock M.A., University of Pittsburgh Ph.D., University of Chicago IRENE ILLINGWORTH Training Teacher, Campus School B.S., M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University GEORGE KALUGER Education and Psychology B.S., State Teachers College, Slippery Rock M.Ed., Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSÜE GERTRUDE KAUFFMAN Chairman, A rt Department B.S., State Teachers College, Edinboro A. M., George Peabody College NORMAN E. KING Business Education Department B. S., M.Ed., University of Pittsburgh GERMAINE KLAUS Chairman, Language Department A.B., Dickinson College A. M., University of Chicago HAROLD O. KRAMER Business Education Department B. S., Susquehanna University M.A., New York University LOUISE J. LIENEMANN Chemistry A.B., University of Nebraska A.M., Ph.D., Cornell University NANCY HARPER McCREARY English A.B., Smith College A. M., Radcliffe College ISABEL McCURDY Assistant Librarian B. S., State Teachers College, Shippensburg B.S., Library Science, Drexel Institute ADELE H. MITCHELL Training Teacher, Campus School B.S., State Teachers College, Kutztown M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University DOROTHEA NOBLE Elementary Education B.S., M.S. in Ed., Temple University GEORGE REISINGER Chairman, English Department B.S., State Teachers College, Shippensburg M.A., Western Maryland College ERMA K. ROLAR Social Studies A.B., Pennsylvania State University A. M., Teachers College, Columbia University ETTA C. SKENE Chairman, Business Education Department B. S., Southwest Missouri State College A. M., Ph.D., New Y ork University THELMA E. SMALL Training Teacher, Campus School B. S., State Teachers College, Shippensburg AJM., Teachers College, Columbia University 9 10 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD THOMAS SMYTH Chairman, Science Department B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute A.M., Ph.D., Cornell University ELVIN L. VALENTINE Chairman, Social Studies Department A.B., DePauw University A. M., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin JAMES C. WEAVER Chairman, Music Department B. S., Temple University A. M., New Y ork University GEORGE WINSOR Geography and Economics B. E., State Teachers College, Whitewater, Wisconsin Ph.M., University of Wisconsin ALMA MAE W INTON librarian A. B., Allegheny College B. S., in Library Science, Columbia University M ARY E. YORK English and Speech B.S., A.M., Ohio University SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 11 LABORATORY SCHOOL IRENE ILLINGWORTH, M.Ed................... . . . , , ............................ First Grade FAY BITTNER, M.Ed.......................................................................Second Grade THELMA E. SMALL, A .M .................................. ............................ T hird Grade ADELE H. MITCHELL, M.Ed....................................................... Fourth Grade MARY ELIZABETH FOGELSANGER, M.Ed.............................. Fifth Grade MYRA C. ESH, M.Ed..........................................................................Sixth Grade CHESTER S. EASTEP, Ed.D.................................................................... Principal ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES HARRY L. KRINER, Ed.D. ........................... President of the College VIRGINIA GOODHART .........................Secretary to the President EARL WRIGHT, Ed.D. . . .................................... Dean of Instruction MARTHA B. S H U L L ___ ........... Secretary to Dean of Instruction SARAH MILLER, B.S. . . . ........................................................ Registrar VIRGINIA LONG, M.Ed. . .........................................Dean of W omen VINTON RAMBO, A.M. . ............................................... Dean of M en WILLIAM BEYERS, Ed.D. ................ D irector of Student Teaching PHYLLIS MALAMOS, B.S. Secretary, D irector of Student Teaching JOHN HARGLEROAD, M.D., Temple University .......................Physician JL L E N ittH .L E R JU v L ................................................. , . . . . Resident Nurse HIRAM G I L L ................................................................... .................. Accountant ALICE M. NOLL .......................................................... ................ Bookkeeper GERTIE FO G ELSAN G ER........................................... ......... Account Clerk MARIE Y . LICHTY ...................................................... ......... Account Clerk EDNA MOUER . ' ! ...................................................... ...................Steno-Clerk ANNA C O M M ERER...................................................... Clerk in Retail Store ATHA ZIM M ERM A N ................................................. Clerk in Retail Store R. BRUCE C LIPP IN G E R ............................................. . . . . R eceiving Cl-erk 12 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD HARRY M. ESH ELM A N ........................... Supt. of Grounds and Buildings Grounds and Building Staff— Charles Hill, Clifford Hoover, Raymond Hutchison, Walter Klenzing, Jerry Thomas, ElmPr b . VanScyoc, Harvey Allen, Hiram D. Highlands, Clarence L. Chamberlin, Arthur Commerer, R. J. Hutchison, George Clough, Amos Devor, James Foltz, Blake Schaeffer, Earl Pugh, Edwin Eberly, Calvin R. Kirkpatrick, W . E. Love, John B. Tritt. G. EMORY K A N N ............................................................................... Watchman WILLIAM S. W E IB L E Y ...................................................................... Watchman SARA M cCULLO CH .......................................................... Matron, "Old Main” Assistants— Lula M. Plasterer, Veda P. Lindsay. MILDRED A L L E N ....................................................Matron, M en’s Dormitory Assistants— Ruth Rebuck, Helen Martin, Margaret Weaver. DOROTHY P LA S T E R ER ............................................... Matron, H orton Hall Assistants— Grace Killian, Lena Funston, Mary Millhouse, Ethel M. Frey. LOTTIE McCLELLAN ............................................................................ Dietitian D ining Room and K itchen Staff— Florence Cramer, Amanda Kitzmiller Bessie Rice, Elizabeth Shearer, William Crusey, Mae Rebuck, Nora E. Sleichter, Rose P. Tarner, Jane Tarner, Verne C. Gettel, Anna Culbertson, Mary L. Cressler, Marie F. Eberly, Olive C. Stake, Lillian M. Landis, Lois E. Wiser. NELL K. S T R IK E ....................................................Superintendent of Laundry Assistants— Lena Clough, Beulah Kitzmiller, Mary O’Donnell, Louise Piper, Esther Bert, Violet N. Clough, Margaret E. Hancock, Bessie Ingram, Nina L. Miller, Martha G. Swope, Luella M. Weller. ANNA WALTERS ................................................................. Cafeteria Manager Staff— Esther Reese, Bessie Naugle. SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 13 STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE AT SHIPPENSBURG GENERAL INFORMATION Shippensburg is an Accredited College Regional and national accrediting agencies have been estab­ lished in the United States to assure the public that recognized standards are being met by colleges, and to guard parents of prospective students from exploitation at the hands of unworthy colleges. The acknowledged accrediting agency for this region of the country is the Middle States Association, and this college is fully accredited by it. The national accrediting agency for teachers colleges is the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education which has a membership of 258 fully ac­ credited teacher education institutions including the State Teach­ ers College at Shippensburg. The College is also a member of the National Association of Business Teacher-Training Insti­ tutions. Location The College is located on the north western edge of Ship­ pensburg, which is a town of approximately seven thousand people, situated in the beautiful Cumberland Valley on the P ennsy lv an ia Railroad, forty miles southwest of Harrisburg on Route 11 of the Pennsylvania highway. Carlisle, the county seat of Cumberland County, lies twenty-two miles from Ship­ pensburg toward Harrisburg, and Chambersburg, the county seat of Franklin County, eleven miles in the opposite direction. The College is less than ten miles south of the Blue Mountain nominal on the well-known Pennsylvania Turnpike. Gettys­ burg, the county seat of Adams County, with its famous battle­ field, now a national shrine, is but thirty miles distance. Rich farm lands, broad meadows, and delightful woodlands bounded by mountains to the north and south, characterize this valley which is one of the richest agricultural sections of the country. History Originally known as the Cumberland Valley State Normal School, the institution was founded in 1871. The first class was graduated in 1874. For more than fifty years the school con­ tinued to serve as a State Normal School, graduating students prepared and legally qualified to teach in the public schools of the Commonwealth. After 1922, high school graduation was required for admission to the institution. In 1926 the State 14 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD Council of Education authorized four-year curriculums based upon high school graduation. In August, 1927, by authority of the General Assembly, this institution became a college with the right to grant degrees. Its name was changed to the State Teachers College at Shippensburg. The principals and presidents of the college have been as follows: George P. Beard, 1872-75; I. N. Hays, 1875-78; B. S. Potter, 1879-82; S. B. Heiges, 1882-86; J. F. McCreary, 1886-89; G. M. D. Eckles, 1880-1907; S. A. Martin, 1907-1913; Ezra Leh­ man, 1913-31; Albert L. Rowland, 1932-45; Levi Gilbert, 194548; Harry L. Kriner, 1948— Campus The campus consists of approximately eighty acres with two fully equipped athletic fields, Eckles Field and Heiges Field; ten tennis courts; a quarter mile track with a two-twenty straight away; an archery range; and an open-air Shakespearean theatre. The entire campus has been carefully landscaped with beautiful shrubs, trees, flowers and convenient driveways. The thirteen all brick buildings on the campus are arranged in a curving line on the crest of a hill, sloping gently to the southeast and around a quadrangle in the center of the campus. Buildings OLD MAIN, located in the front center and highest part of the campus, is the oldest building first used in 1871. It has been modernized at various times. Its beautiful tower can be seen for miles in any direction. The first floor contains the offices of the Business Manager, the Cafeteria, the Bookstore, Post Office, rooms for commuting students, several supply rooms, Dining Hall and Kitchen. The second floor contains the offices of the President, Dean of Instruction, Director of Student Teaching and Placement, and Registrar, ten class­ rooms, a number of faculty offices and the "Old Main” audi­ torium. The third and fourth floors are used for the men’s dormitory. HORTON HALL, the dormitory for women, was built in 1894 and is located west of "Old Main,” It is joined with "Old Main” by a bridge on the second floor level. In 1921 the building was wired for electricity, and a small addition was built in 1929. The renovations made in 1950 provide a lobby for each of the four floors and sixteen additional rooms for students on the first floor, and two indoor fire proof stairways which replace the old outside fire escapes. SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 15 ROWLAND HALL, built in 1939 is located on the east campus, and is used as an elementary training school for grades one to six, inclusive. The south wing provides rooms for a kindergarten and a nursery school. .A beautiful auditorium is attached to the building for the use of the Training School. The office of the Principal, a medical and dental office, a library, and art room and service rooms are located in this building. ALUMNI GYMNASIUM was built in 1937 and is located north of Horton Hall with its main entrance facing the quad­ rangle from the west and openings to Heiges Athletic Field on the ground floor. It has a large gymnasium floor, the neces­ sary separate locker room for men and women, a swimming pool, a wrestling and boxing room, and the recreation room which also is used as a classroom for the physical education classes. SHEARER HALL is the science building which was erect­ ed in 1937 on the east campus facing the library. Located on the ground floor are an advance biology laboratory, a classroom, and a greenhouse. A psychological laboratory, an elementary biology laboratory, a physical science laboratory, and a class room are located on the main floor while on the second floor are located a physics laboratory, an elementary chemistry labora­ tory, an advance chemistry laboratory with a balance room, and a classroom. Each laboratory has a supply room and an in­ structor’s room. The EZRA LEHMAN MEMORIAL LIBRA RY was built in 1931 and is located on the northeast campus. This beautiful building is extremely well-planned for excellent library service. A very modern and complete visual education laboratory is lo­ cated on the ground floor. THE MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM was completed in 1951. This is a very modern building with a large stage; amphitheatre room for band, orchestra and glee club practice; music rooms; dramatic and speech rooms; and dramatic workshop. This build­ ing is located at the east end of the campus facing the quadrangle. STEW ART HALL, located east of "Old Main,” was built in 1893 and was used for many years as a gymnasium. It was renovated in 1949 for a student activity center with game rooms, dance floor, kitchen and conference room. 16 TH E TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD GILBERT HALL was built in 1912 as an elementary train­ ing school and is located south west of Horton Hall. In 1946 it was reconditioned for the Business Education Department. THE HEATING PLANT was built in 1952 replacing the old one built in 1898. This new beautiful modern plant uses hard coal and is equipped with smoke and automatic controls. The IN FIRM ARY was built in 1906 and contains separate wards for men and women as well as two private rooms which are used for isolation cases and cases of serious illness. It is located north of "Old Main.” The U T IL IT Y BUILDING was built in 1937 being located on the northern edge of the campus west of the tennis courts. This building contains the laundry, paint shop, carpenter shop, plumbing shop, machine shop, storage room and garages. An auxilitry heat plant is attached which furnishes hot water and steam for the summer needs, thus permitting the main heat plant to be closed. The PRESIDENT’S RESIDENCE is a three story brick house located on the south west corner of the campus. Library The library is modern and exceptionally well equipped. It contains a collection of over 35,000 books arranged on con­ venient stacks. .The magazine racks carry over 200 current publi­ cations. There is ample space and efficient up-to-date facilities for study, research, and recreation. A collection of over 11,000 pictures, a clipping file, a large pamphlet collection and an in­ teresting group of textbooks and courses of study all serve to meet the needs of the college students. Students can readily find recreational reading in the field of biography, drama, fiction and current events. Trained librarians are on duty at all times to assist students in finding material and to make the library the real heart of the collegiate work. Laboratory Schools The college uses its own campus Laboratory School as well as the public schools at Shippensburg, Chamberburg, Carlisle, Waynesboro, Camp Hill, Steelton and Harrisburg for student teaching. These public school organizations give the college students an opportunity to secure practical experience in an elementary school, a junior high school, or a senior high school. W hile students are doing their practicum for one full semester, SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 17 they have available the various facilities of the college, and the course in Curriculum Materials is integrated with student teaching. A systematic plan has been developed for the Fresh­ man, Sophomores, and Juniors to visit the public schools. After each visit a brief report is prepared by the student. These pre­ pare the student for student teaching, and furnish the training teachers valuable guidance material. This practice is extremely important in implementing the work given in college classes. Social Program Shippensburg is a co-educational college. The enrollment of mpn has been half the total student body. Professional and social activities of many kinds are carried on throughout the year con­ sisting of assemblies, dramatics, athletics, field days, intramural contests of various kinds, dances, lectures and entertainments. Conferences and trips to places of historic, scientific, and edu­ cational interest occur frequently under proper supervision. Health Program and Insurance Recognizing health as a basic objective of education, this college makes ample provision for the protection and develop­ ment of the health of its students. In addition to the health examinations required for admission, provision is made for the annual administration of the Mantoux test or mass X-rays. A registered nurse is in full time attendance at the college in­ firmary where two wards, one for women and one for men, as well as private isolation rooms are maintained. The college physician is on campus every day and is constantly subject to call. Arrangements have been made by the College whereby stu­ dents may enroll in the Blue Cross Plan for hospital care if they are not already members of their parents’ contracts. This voluntary, non-profit plan, sponsored by the hospitals, is a way to assure yourself, and your family if married, the best hospital care when you need it without worry, debt, or loss of savings. Shippensburg offers two plans of student insurance which cover the student from the first day of school until the close of school in the spring. 1. Accident Reimbursement—Reimbursement will be made up to $500 for each accident. It makes no difference whether the accident occurs at college, at home or while traveling or participating in sports. Expenses include X - THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD 18 rays, hospital bills, nurses’, physicians’ and surgeons’ fees, laboratory costs, medicines, and, in fact any medical ex­ pense incurred as a result of an accident. 2. Accident and Sickness Reimbursement—Reimbursement will be made for actual medical expenses, not to exceed $500 for each illness. The Student Insurance Plans supplement the College Health Program by protecting the student from the expense of the more costly illnesses and injuries requiring hospital care, surgi­ cal treatment, x-ray examinations or consultants’ services. Rates and detailed information can be secured through the College Business Office. Conduct The college recognizes that the standard of conduct becom­ ing a prospective teacher is so high that it excludes all persons whose habits and conduct are not worthy of the imitation of children who may be placed under their instruction. Since teachers must first be able to discipline themselves, it is the aim of the college to consistently cultivate right habits of self-disci­ pline on the part of its students. Religious Life Shippensburg provides opportunities for wholesome and re­ ligious church life. At the beginning of each semester, the names of all students are forwarded to the clergymen of the churches designated by the students, and they are urged to con­ tinue their church duties and obligations. Many of the churches have activities to which the students are especially invited. Among the churches represented in the Shippensburg area, the following are found: Catholic, Church of the Brethren, Church of God, Episcopal, Evangelical United Brethren, Luth­ eran, Methodist, Nazarene, Presbyterian, Reformed, and United Brethren. The Purpose of the College This college is a co-educational, professional school for the preparation of teachers. The completion of any one of its five curriculums leads to a Bachelor of Science degree in Education and to certification for teaching in the public schools of Penn­ sylvania. The college believes that our curriculums also afford a general and liberal preparation for complete living, and that SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 19 such professional training is an effective preparation for parent­ hood and for constructive citizenship. We believe, further, that the teaching profession provides a most significant social service, as upon the efficiency of the public school and upon the intelli­ gence and devotion of its teachers depend in large measure the hope and destiny of the nation. W e believe that our students can reach a high level of selfrealization and professional efficiency through self-disipline, intellectual achievement, and social, moral, and spiritual growth. We also believe that the nature of the educational process is growth and guided development of the individual. Believing in these things, therefore, we are striving to develop the individual student to the greatest possible extent within his capacities, so that he can live successfully, demonstrate personal integrity, and make his contribution to society. W e also strive to use the demo­ cratic process in the administration of the college and in the relations among administrators, faculty, and students, as its use is considered essential to the student’s daily thinking and living. T o that end, the administration and the faculty of this college are working together to demonstrate these tenets through the following objectives: 1. To maintain a cooperative faculty continuously grow­ ing in professional interest and ability. 2. To recruit and admit, in so far as possible, the more desirable graduates from approved high schools. 3. To evaluate the curriculums continuously in view of adaptation to specific current needs. 4. To foster sound learning, broad cultural background and ethical professional knowledge, attitudes, and techniques. 5. To provide a program of curricular experiences through which the student will develop academic, social and per­ sonal growth. 6. To maintain an effective cooperative organization for the fluid articulation between college classes and practices within the training schools, so that students may clearly recognize the application of professional knowledge. 7. To give the students practical experience in the demo­ cratic processes of group planning in executing activities of common interest. 20 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD 8. T o encourage students to recognize the value of worthy family relationships and of the services to be rendered by teachers in a community. 9. To provide opportunities for the student to acquire both the knowledge and the appreciation of the W ORK OF THE TEACHER. The college aims to attain its objectives through the pro­ cesses outlined in a set of policies adopted by the faculty. Com­ mittees have the responsibility of making these policies mean­ ingful or revise them in keeping with the needs of the college. Summer Session In the summer, two three-week and one six-week sessions are conducted to meet the various needs of different groups of students: 1. Teachers who wish to increase the scope of their teach­ ing certificate or complete work for a degree. 2. Students who find it advantageous to continue their edu­ cation throughout the year, thus graduating at an earlier date. 3. Students who desire to make up certain deficiencies. During these sessions a wide variety of courses are offered in business, elementary, secondary, and nursing education. A special descriptive bulletin will be sent upon request. College Living Accommodations Students at Shippensburg State Teachers College live in dormitories, in their own homes, or in approved residences. The dormitory rooms have new single beds furnished with new mat­ tresses, pillows, sheets, pillow slips, and one blanket. Students should furnish a study lamp, extra blankets, towels, wash cloths, and soap. Many students provide window curtains, dresser scarf, bed spread, and small throw rugs. Radios are permitted if operated with due consideration for others. Other electric ap­ pliances are not permitted in the rooms. Laundry Facilities Limited laundry service is provided to boarding students for personal laundry only. Laundry numbers will be assigned at the college laundry and are provided at a very nominal charge. Laundry bags may be purchased at the Retail Store. Special facilities are provided in pressing rooms for students who wish to do extra washing and pressing. SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 21 Wearing Apparel Students do not need expensive or elaborate wardrobes but should be governed in their choice by practicality and simplicity. For women the following is suggested: Several changes of informal sports clothing for class and campus wear; several blouses and skirts; a dress appropriate for Sunday wear; a long dress for social functions; a pair of sturdy shoes with low heels; one pair of dress shoes, overshoes, coat sweater or sports jacket, soft soled bedroom slippers, housecoat, swimming suit, and gym shoes. For men the following is suggested: Two suits, one for everyday wear and the other for dress; at least six shirts; a top coat; a rain coat of some type; slacks, sweaters, and jackets; a bathrobe; one pair of dress shoes and one pair of sturdy school shoes; bedroom slippers; and a pair of gym shoes. Social Rooms Lounges are provided on each floor of Horton Hall and on the third floor of the men’s dormitory for Boarding students. A lounge is provided for day women in the west end of the Main Building first floor, and the east end for day men. Stewart Hall, the recreation center, is open daily and students should see the Handbook for recreational facilities available there. Post Office The post office is on the first floor of Old Main. Combina­ tion boxes are assigned to each boarding student upon arrival at college. Mail is delivered and collected three times daily. Telephone Service Coin booths are available in both dormitories and on the first floor of the Main Building. Students are to use these phones in placing and receiving calls. The Men’s Dormitory phone num­ ber is 9444-W and that in the Women’s Dormitory 9443. Emergency calls may be placed through the Registrar be­ tween 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. and through the Dean of Men or Dean of Women after those hours. Keys Each student purchases a room key or locker lock for $1.00. This is refunded when the key or lock is returned. Possession of keys for other college locks is sufficient evidence for disciplinary action. Notice of Withdrawal Students leaving the college must notify the President of their withdrawal. Regular charges will be made until such notice is received. 22 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD STUDENT ACTIVITIES GOVERNMENT The Student Cooperative Association This body determines the amount of the activity fee and through its constitution delegates to the President’s Council the determination of the activities’ budget and its administration. By the approval of the Board of Trustees, the President’s Council becomes the executive body of the Student Cooperative Asso­ ciation The President's Council This body is composed of twenty-one student members and four advisory faculty members, all of whom hold membership in the council ex-officio, by reason of their leadership of specific activities of the college. The President of the college is the President of the Council. The Council administers the student activities of the college and is allocated its share of the money available for this purpose. The Council elects a student vice president, a secretary and a treasurer. Checks against the activity fund must be signed by the President of the college and the Treasurer of the Council. This body controls and directs the student activities of the college under the authority of the Student Cooperative Associa­ tion. The Council is responsible for the operation of the cafe­ teria and of the retail store, both under the sponsorship of the business manager. The profits return to the student activity fund. The Cafeteria serves primarily the day students of the college although all students and faculty are free to avail them­ selves of its services. The retail store handles the purchasing of all textbooks, college stationery, jewelry, individual athletic equipment, and other items required by the several courses of study and extra-curricular activities of the college. Student Government Organizations Five student government organizations exist at this college: one for day student women, one for boarding student women, one for day student men, one for boarding student men, and one for Stewart Hall, the student activity center. Each organization has its officers and is responsible to the Dean of Men or Dean of Women respectively and to the President’s Council for the social life of the college, including behavior problems which arise from time to time. SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 23 MUSIC The Mixed Chorus is the largest choral group on the campus. The purpose of this group is the enjoyment of par­ ticipating in singing with others, becoming acquainted with ¿he basic rudiments of choral techniques and program building. College and community services are emphasized. To become a member of this organization a student shall have sight reading ability and a pleasant quality of voice. Smaller groups chosen on the basis of sight reading ability and voice blending include the Choraliers, a group of twentyfive mixed voices; the Girl’s Trio; the Girl’s Quartette; and the Collegiate Four, a Male Quartette. When a member of any one of the organizations graduates a replacement is chosen only after voice, sight reading skill and tonal blending ability have been tested. These smaller groups have filled college and community engagements; and they par­ ticipate in the two annual choral concerts, one during the Christmas season, and the other as a joint band and choral con­ cert in the spring. College Band This group plays for all the home football games and at least two away from the campus. The band also drills, forming letters of all the visiting colleges. During the first semester this group is primarily a marching band, but during the second semester it is a concert band, giving at least one concert at the college. The band also plays for numerous occasions during the college year. Admission is by examination in the techniques of the instrument and the ability to read music reasonably well. Bring your instrument to college and apply for admission if interested. The college owns many instruments which may be used by deserving students. College Orchestra This club is open to all students who play an instrument. Admission is by examination in the proper techniques of the instrument and the ability to read music. The group plays for assembly exercises, many college functions, and usually gives one complete concert. Students are urged to bring their instru­ ments and apply to the director of music for admission to this group. Certain orchestral instruments owned by the college may be used by students. 24 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD ATHLETICS Athletic activities are encouraged for recreational purposes. Ample provision is made for the participation of the entire student body in some form of athletics whether intercollegiate or intramural. The intra-mural program is closely correlated with the regular physical education program required of each student. The activities include hockey, soccer, swimming, archery, bas­ ketball, hiking, volley, ball, baseball, tennis, touch football, golf, horseshoes, shuffleboard, softball, table tennis, quoits and water polo. Intercollegiate competition for men is provided in football, basketball, baseball and track. The rules and regulations govern­ ing student participation in athletic competition among Penn­ sylvania State Teachers Colleges as approved by the Board of Presidents and by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, regulate all varsity athletics. Intercollegiate competition for women is provided in hockey, basketball, and archery. Women's Athletic Association Membership in this organization is earned by a point system in major and minor sports, the purpose being to encourage par­ ticipation, cooperation, good sportsmanship, and to offer oppor­ tunities in leadership training to the women of this college. W.A.A. promotes and participates in Sports Days with neighbor­ ing colleges, holds a formal dance, provides special programs in swimming, and dancing for May Day, Homecoming, Alumni Day, and for other events. The Athletic Council The Athletic Council consists of the athletic adviser, the director of athletics for women, the director of athletics for men, the business manager, and the officers of the two athletic asso­ ciations. The President of the college is the chairman of the council. The council determines the athletic policy of the college, directs the budgeting of finances for the support of athletics, approves proposed intercollegiate contracts and schedules, deter­ mines the awarding of insignia, determines the eligibility of students for athletic competitions, administers the program of intra-mural sport, promotes interest in and attendance at athletic contests by students and the community, and exercises such other powers and duties as may be necessary. SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 25 DRAMATICS The Masquers The Masquers is an organization designed for students in­ terested in dramatics. Members are given opportunity not only to take acting parts, but also to direct plays and to experiment with lighting, make-up and staging. In 1953-54 the Masquers presented four major productions as well as many one-act plays at the regular weekly meetings of the organization. Membership is limited and determined by competitive try outs. The new quarters in the Memorial Auditorium are conducive to more high quality work. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Campus Reflector The college magazine is published bi-monthly during the college year. Its purpose is multifold: it aims to provide experi­ ence for students whose interest lies in the field of journalism; it stimulates student morale; it records student activities; it af­ fords prospective teachers experience with the problems con­ tingent with school publications; and it serves as the medium for stimulating creative writing, which is then published in the Reflector. The magazine is a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association. The Cumberland The Cumberland is the annual yearbook edited and pub­ lished by the senior class and paid for by the Student Coopera­ tive Association. Every registered full-time student receives a copy of this year-book which represents in word and picture the spirit of the college. Its form varies from year to year. The Handbook The Handbook is published each year by a student com­ mittee. This small booklet is filled with descriptive material concerning clubs, student organizations and college policies. It is a valuable guide for students, especially freshmen and transfer students. 26 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD CLUBS Archery Club This is a new organization sponsored by the W.A.A. but includes both men and women. Membership is limited to thirty, and prospects try out before a group of judges. Entrance re­ quirements were set up by charter members. Shippensburg is a member of the National Archery Association. Club members conduct meets with neighboring colleges, participate in tele­ graphic meets, and so stimulate better performance in this sport which is so rapidly gaining popularity all over the country. Art Association This extra-curricular organization of the college meets weekly for one and a half hours. It has for its objectives growth of art appreciation and the development of talent beyond that which the classroom offers. The club is maintained for those students who are interested in some phase of art activity. The Business Education Club The Business Education Club is an organization for all stu­ dents in the Business Education Department. Its objectives are to encourage scholarship, to make contact with leaders in the field of commerce, and to sponsor social activities. Students in business education visit large retail establishments, high schools, various types of offices, museums, and the like. Regular programs featuring speakers, films and demonstra­ tions are sponsored. The social program consists of teas, parties, theater parties, and picnics. Elementary Education Club The Elementary Education Club is open to students who are preparing to teach in the elementary field. This group visits public school systems throughout the state and does much to promote the cause of elementary education. This club meets each month having interesting speakers, good films and social programs. English Club Membership in this club is restricted to upperclassmen in­ terested in the field of English. Meetings are held twice a month, and the programs are concerned with literary and allied subjects. SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 27 French Club Membership in this club is open to any student interested in French and who has sufficient background to participate in the various activities. Meetings are held twice a month. The program is usually conducted in French and presents a variety of topics concerning French life and culture. Songs, games, skits, playlets, and short talks are given. Spanish Club Membership in this club is open to any student interested in Spanish and with sufficient background to participate in the programs. Meetings are held twice a month. The program is usually conducted in Spanish and deals with the life and customs of the Spaniards and the Spanish-Americans. Songs, games, skits, short talks, and playlets make up the programs. Future Teachers of America The Future Teachers of America is an organization that gives the student an opportunity for active participation in both state and national associations with which they will be associated dur­ ing their professional careers. Monthly professional and social meetings provide an opportunity to develop abilities in profes­ sional and civic leadership. Membership is open to all students. The Debating Association This club consists of students interested in debating. All students are eligible to. membership. During the first semester one hour each week is devoted to debate practice, study of na­ tional intercollegiate debate question, and preparation for de­ bates with nearby colleges in December. In the second semester the teams engage in about 25 intercollegiate debates, some at home and others on trips to other colleges. These trips include the state tournament and the state debaters convention. The Intercollegiate Conference on Government This group consists of students who participate in three day sessions of the Intercollegiate Conference in Harrisburg late in April. Students from about thirty Pennsylvania colleges and universities participate in the work of model government-body, such as a legislature, constitutional convention, or a national party convention, thus learning by doing. During the second semester the student group meets one hour weekly in prepara­ tion for active part in the Harrisburg conference. 28 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD International Relations Club This club is part of an international organization for the study and discussion of world affairs and is organized under the auspicies of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Members attend an Eastern Regional conference in the fall and a model General Assembly of the United Nations held each spring. A state organization to which delegates are sent has recently been organized. All students interested in current international problems are eligible to membership. Mathematics Club The Mathematics Club aims to promote a greater interest in mathematics among its members and in the college. The work of the club includes a study of important phases of the history of mathematics, the social significance of the subjects, mathe­ matical recreations, and other activities of a mathematical na­ ture. The club is open to all students interested in mathematics. Kappa Delta Pi The Epsilon Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi was in­ stalled on May 25, 1941. Kappa Dela Pi is a national honor society in education and was formed to encourage high in­ tellectual standards and to recognize outstanding contributions to education. To be eligible for membership, high scholarship and membership in the junior class must have been achieved. Phi Sigma Pi This is a national honor fraternity introduced at Shippensburg in 1931. Membership may be gained by men students who have been in residence a year or more and who are able to meet the scholastic, social, and citizenship requirements. Phi Sigma Chi This is a club made up of men who wish to be of outstand­ ing service to the college. The club limits its membership to thirty-six. In order to become a member of this organization it is necessary to maintain a scholastic average of C and to serve the college faithfully and well in at least one extra nirrimlar activity each semester. Club projects are determined by the officers and two faculty advisers. SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 29 Pi Omega Pi The Beta Lambda Chapter of Pi Omega Pi, a national honor scholastic fraternity in Business Education, was installed on March 18, 1944. Its purposes are to encourage, promote, extend, and create interest in high scholarship in the field of commerce; to aid civil betterment; to encourage and foster high ethical standards in business and professional life; and to teach the ideal of service as the basis of all worthy enterprise. Of these, scholar­ ship is considered of primary importance. Eligibility for membership includes an expressed intention to teach in the field of commerce, the completion of fifteen semester hours in commerce and education, and a superior scholastic rating. The Round Table Membership is open to any student interested in discussing books and in gaining practical library experience. Each member works one hour a week in the library. Meetings are held once a month for social purposes and for book reviews. Science Club The Science Club aims to promote interest in science among the students of the college. The relationship of social progress to modern science is stressed through bringing to the campus prom­ inent scientists and by use of films in the field of science and industry. The club is open to all students in the College. Aquatic Club This club is for men and women students who wish advance instruction in swimming. The club sponsors sport days, demon­ strations, and recreational meets. Courses in senior life-saving are given and certificates awarded. Varsity Club Men who have won a varsity award in intercollegiate sports at Shippensburg are eligible for membership in this organiza­ tion. The purpose of the club is to promote amateur intercol­ legiate athletics on this campus, and create public interest in the athletic program of this college. The club provides campus services during the college year including the publishing of programs and providing a refresh­ ment stand at football games. 30 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD FEES, DEPOSITS, REPAYMENTS The account for each student is payable in advance on the dates listed in this catalogue. The late registration fee will apply against each student who registers after the regular registration date. To be admitted to classes, the dining hall, or any college activity, the student shall present a matriculation card which can be secured only at the time accounts are paid. Students shall not be admitted to classes, activities, or the dining hall when pay­ ments on account have not been made in advance. The schedule of fees is subject to change as authorized by the Board of Trustees and approved by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. A. FEES I. Student Activity Fee: A fee to be determined by each institution will be collected from all students and administered under regulations approved by the Board of Trustees through a cooperative organization. This fee will cover the cost of student activities in athletics, lec­ tures, entertainments, student publication, et cetera provided that students taking extension courses or regular session students taking less than seven hours (semester hours) may secure the benefits of the Activities Program by the payment of the Student Activity Fee. The Activity Fee of $40 per year is payable in advance, or $10 per half semester, and is not refundable. Make check for this fee payable to The State Teachers College. Checks to pay other accounts mentioned hereafter shall be made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. II. Contingent Fee: 1. Regular Session. (a) A contingent fee for each student in is charged as follows per semester: Regular Elementary C urriculum .........$45.00 Secondary C urriculum ........... 45.00 Business Education ................. 45.00 each curriculum Special (none) (none) $12.00 Total $45.00 45.00 57.00 This fee covers registration and keeping of records of students, library, student welfare, health service (other than extra nurse and quarantine) and laboratory facilities. SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 31 (b ) Students taking seven or fewer semester hours shall pay at the rate of $7.50 per semester hour. Students tak­ ing more than seven semester hours shall pay the regu­ lar contingent fees. (c) Students taking extension courses shall pay at the rate of $7.50 per semester hour, provided that the regular fees for special curriculums shall be prorated on the basis of an eighteen semester hour load. (d) The president of the college may, at his discretion, authorize payment not less than one month in ad­ vance by worthy students. 2. Summer Session. (a) $7.50 per semester hour. A minimum contingent fee of $22.50 will be charged. (b ) Contingent Fees—Special Curriculums. In addition to the above fees, students in the special curriculums will be required to pay a fee to cover the cost of materials, supplies, equipment, and special services used in the laboratories, shops or studios of the special curriculums. Six Weeks Three Weeks Business Education............... $4.00 $2.00 (c) Students enrolled for periods of instruction differing from the schedule shall pay fees in addition on a pro rata basis of the schedule of fees provided for the regu­ lar summer session. III. Housing Fee: 1. Housing rate for students shall be $108.00 per one-half se­ mester and $72.00 for the six weeks summer session. This in­ cludes room, meals and limited laundry. (a) No reduction in the rate is to be made for laundry done at home nor for absence of students who go home for a few days at a time. (b ) A student may at the discretion of the president of the college occupy a double room alone by paying an ad­ ditional $36.00 a semester or $12.00 for the summer session. (c) In meeting the requirements in those colleges where students rooming off-campus, board in the college 32 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD dining room, the housing rates shall be divided for those purposes as follows: $3.00 for room and laundry (room $2.00 and laundry $1.00) and $9.00 for board. (d) A boarding student may not change to a day student basis without permission of the President of the Col­ lege and then only at the end of a half semester or the close of a summer session. 2. Housing rates for employes other than those included in the State Classification Schedule (faculty, clerks, etc.) are $13.00 per week. 3. The rate for transient meals shall be: Breakfast $.50; Lunch $.75; Dinner $1.00; room per night $.50. Students having guests overnight who must be provided with dormitory accommodations must introduce them to the Dean of Women in the case of women, Dean of Men in the case of men, and arrange for the payment of the regular room charge of $.50 per night. 4. The president of the college may, at his discretion, authorize payment for not less than one month in advance by worthy students. 5. A boarding student in attendance as a trainee of the U. S. Veterans Administration or an Army or Navy program has the privilege of paying housing fees at the rate of $54.00 per month, September through April, both months inclusive. Such monthly payments to be made not later than the tenth of the month in which they are due. Regular and Summer Session housing fees of a trainee shall be maintained on an advanced payment basis. This rate is subject to change by action of the Board of Trustees. IV. Damage Fee: Students are responsible for damage, breakage, loss or delayed return of college property. V. Infirmary Fee: After three days in the college infirmary, the college charges an additional $1.00 for each day. Day students, who may be admitted to the infirmary, pay board at the rate of $2.00 a day. This charge includes the regular nurse and regular medical service, but does not in­ clude special nurse or special medical service. SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 33 VI. Tuition Fee: Students who residence is out of the State are charged a fee of $7.50 per semester hour for all work carried. (Out-of-State students do not pay the contingent fee.) VII. Degree Fee: A fee of $5.00 is paid by each candidate to cover the cost of degree diploma. VIII. Record Transcript Fee: One dollar ($1.00) is charged for the second and each sub­ sequent transcript of record. This fee is waived when tran­ scripts are to be used in connection with induction, enlist­ ment, or advancement with armed forces. IX Late Registration Fee: A fee of $1.00 per day, not exceeding a total of $5.00 is charged for late registration. The same regulations apply to approved inter-semester payments. X. Delinquent Accounts No student is enrolled, graduated, or receives a transcript of his record until all previous charges have been paid. XI. Out-of-State Student Fee: Students whose legal residence is out of the State of Penn­ sylvania shall be charged at the rate of $7.50 per semester hour. (Subject to change.) XII. Private Instruction Fees: 1. Rental of piano for practice, one period per day, $6.00 per semester. Rental of band or orchestra instrument, $6.00 per semester. (For Summer Session the charge is one-third of above rates.) 2. The charge for private lessons in music in the State Teachers College not maintaining the special music curriculum shall be fixed as follows: Tre Board of Trustees of a State Teach­ ers College not offering the special curriculum in music, may, subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Public In­ struction, enter into contract with individuals to give private 34 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD lessons in music in order to afford an opportunity for students to continue their musical education. Such agreement shall pro­ vide reasonable reimbursement to the institution for any service or overhead supplied by the institution. B. DEPOSITS I. Advance Registration Deposit: A deposit of $10.00 shall be made by all students when they request registration. This is a guarantee of the intention of the student to enter college for the term or semester desig­ nated. It is deposited with the Revenue Department to the credit of the student’s contingent fee. If, however, the student notifies the college at least three weeks before the opening of college that he is unable to enter, or if the student is re­ jected by the college, repayment of this deposit will be made on application from the student through the college au­ thorities Checks for this amount must be drawn to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. C. NO OTHER FEES OR DEPOSITS PERMITTED No fees or deposits, other than as specified above, shall be charged by a State Teachers College. D. REPAYMENT Students, who voluntarily withdraw from the college, should notify the dean of instruction of their intention to dis­ continue their studies. I. Repayments are not made: 1. T o students who are temporarily suspended, indefinitely suspended, dismissed, or who voluntarily withdraw from college. 2. For any part of the advanced registration deposit for any cause whatsoever except where students can give notice of intention to withdraw at least three weeks before the college opens or when the student is rejected by the college. II. A repayment may be made for personal illness, the same being certified to by an attending physician, or for such other reasons as may be approved by the Board of Trustess for the Memorial Auditorium Alumni Gymnasium SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 35 amount of the housing and contingent fees paid by the stu­ dent for the part of the semester which the student does not spend in college. III. The advanced registration deposit may be returned to stu­ dents provided they notify the college not less than three weeks before the opening of the semester or term of their intention not to attend, or provided the student is rejected by the college. SUMMARY OF COSTS Boarding Student Day Student Half Sem. Year Half Sem. Year ♦Contingent F e e ................. $ 22.50 $ 90.00 $ 22.50 $ 90.00 Activity Fee .......................... 10.00 40.00 10.00 40.00 Board, Room, Laundry . . . . 108.00 432.00 Total .................................. $140.50 $562.00 $ 32.50 $130.00 Business Education (Extra) $6.00 $24.00 $6.00 $24.00 In addition to this sum the average student requires for books, gymnasium costume, supplies, etc., not less than $50.00 a year. Day Students Day students—those living at home— do not pay the hous­ ing fee. The annual cost for such students is $130.00. No student (who does not live at home) is allowed to register as a day student without permission of the President of the College. TIMES OF PAYMENT FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 1954-1955 Sept. 7—Payment for first half of first semester. Nov. 8— Payment for second half of first semester. Jan. 24— Payment for first half of second semester. Mar. 21—Payment for second half of second semester. Summer Session fees payable at the opening of each session. Payment by Check If payment is made by check make it payable to "State Teachers College” for the Activity Fee. All other fees when paid by check should be payable to "Commonwealth of Penn­ sylvania.” * Non-residents of Pennsylvania will pay $7.50 per semester hour instead of the above contingent fee. The above costs are for the academic year of nine months and are payable quarterly. Students attending the Summer Sessions pay $7.50 per semester hour for courses pursued and $12.00 per week for board, room and laundry. 36 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS State Scholarships Holders of State Scholarships may attend State Teachers Colleges and use the Scholarship award toward meeting their expenses. The Senatorial Scholarships do not apply to State Teachers Colleges. Scholarship Prizes The class of 1908 offers a yearly prize of ten dollars to the student having the highest average at graduation. This prize was awarded on Commencement Day, 1953, to Catherine Mc­ Donnell of Sunbury, Pennsylvania. Public Speaking Prize The class of 1916 offers a yearly prize of five dollars for excellence in public speaking. The prize for 1953 was awarded to Lee Greenawalt, Waynesboro, Pennsylvania. George L. Brown Scholarships By the will of the late Dr. George L. Brown, an alumnus of this institution, the sum of $15,000 was placed in trust, the interest of which is available for scholarships. This provides each year several $100 scholarships to deserving young men and women. Preference shall be given to residents of Middle Paxton Township and Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County. Per­ sons interested in and qualified for these scholarships should apply to the President of the College. Harriet Wylie Stewart Scholarships By the will of the late Harriet Wylie Stewart, a distinguished member of the faculty for many years, the sum of $10,000 was placed in trust, the interest of which is available for scholarships to the amount of $100 per year, preference being given to resi­ dents of the Middle Spring area of Southampton Township, Franklin County, and Southampton Township, Cumberland County. Persons interested in these scholarships should apply to the President of the College. Junior Civic Club Scholarship The Junior Civic Club of Shippensburg has established a scholarship fund which provides sufficient money to pay the SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 37 college fees for one student. The Club selects the student and application should be made directly to the President of the Club. Each new award is made when the scholarship student in college graduates, voluntarily withdraws, or does not maintain satis­ factory grades. College Club Scholarship The College Club of Shippensburg provides several $50 scholarships to graduates of the Shippensburg High School who are definitely interested in teaching. Each high school graduate selected for this scholarship receives $50 a year toward college expenses until graduation, withdrawal, or failure to maintain better than an average college record. Students interested in this scholarship should consult the high school principal. Work Opportunities At the College there are opportunities for part-time em­ ployment. These part-time jobs are limited mainly to upper­ classmen who are definitely in need of financial aid, who have demonstrated their ability to do satisfactory academic work, and have proven themselves to be worthy college citizens. Those positions are confined to work in the kitchen, dining rooms, library, offices, and in janitorial duties. Application for such employment should be made to the President of the College on regular forms provided. There are occasional work opportunities for part-time em­ ployment in the community. Students who have had experience in stores, garages, and other types of work can, at time, find odd jobs to do in and around Shippensburg. These jobs are usually for men and should be obtained through the Dean of Men. There is a reasonable amount of work opportunities in private homes where students can receive payment by the hour or in tprms of board or room. Students may make these con­ tacts through friends, alumni, business manager, or the Dean of Women prior to the beginning of each semester. However, students and their parents, or guardians, assume responsibility for such arrangements in private homes. The Hannah A. Kieffer Rural Scholarship Loan Miss Hannah A. Kieffer, a former instructor in the College, bequeathed a sum of money to the College as a loan fund for scholarships for the sole use of needy students majoring in Rural 38 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD Education. Students who are interested and who qualify for this loan should apply through the College President. Students who wish to teach in a rural school will receive consideration. BPW Student Loan Fund The Business and Professional Women’s Club of Shippensburg has established a Scholarship Loan Fund which provides money to help pay the college fees for a worthy woman student who is a graduate of the Shippensburg High School. The club selects the student, and applications should be made directly to the President of the Club who will furnish all details. Payments will cease upon the student’s withdrawal or failure to maintain average or better than average record in scholarship, character and citizenship. THE ALUMNI LOAN FUND This fund is the result of money contributed by various groups and individuals for the purpose of helping students who need financial aid. The fund is administered and controlled by a board composed of three alumni members, the College Presi­ dent, and the College Business Manager. A member of the Junior or Senior Class who is in need of assistance may secure an application blank from the President of the College and apply for aid according to the constitution adopted to administer the fund. Loans may be made to students who are in the last half of their college career. The loan has been limited to one hundred dollars per semester, although more can be secured, the exact amount determined by the board in accordance with the merits of the case and the status of the fund. This fund now has a total of approximately $8,000 a large percentage of which has been in use. Some of the money has been given in the form of so-called Alumni Scholarship Loans in memory of, or in honor of, certain individuals and some has been left by classes either at graduation time or at a later class reunion. The following is a list of the recorded and known donors along with the names thus honored: Prof. John P. McCreary— Gift of Metropolitan Alumni Association. Dr. George M. D. Eckels—Gifts of the Class of 1898 and Alumni Groups. Prof. J. W .Hughes— Gift of the Class of 1893. Dr. Joseph F. Barton— Gifts of L. M. Shepp, 1896, Millersburg, Pa., ana Alumni Groups. SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 39 Dr. James Eldon— Gift of the Class of 1921. Prof, and Mrs. C. I. Penny— Gift of the Class of 1886. H. Milton Roth— Gift of the Class of 1899. T he Ada V. Horton Scholarship Fund— Gifts of the Alumni of York County, Class of 1893 and Class of 1911. In Memoray of John and Sarah Nesbit Early— Gift of Anna E. Early. Ezra Lehman Scholarship Fund— Class of 1896. Class of 1890— Gift of John M. Fogelsanger, 1890, and H. K. Strickler, 1890. Class of 1896 Fund. Class of 1901 Fund. Class of 1907 Fund. Class of 1922 Fund. Class of 1931. Class of 1932. Adams County Alumni. Country Life Club. Franklin Revolution. County Chapter of the Daughters Y . W. C. A. Scholarship Loan Fund. Women’s Athletic Association Loan Fund. of the American 40 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD SCHOLASTIC REGULATIONS REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION The following general admission requirements were adopted by the Board of State Teachers College Presidents November 20, 1953: 1. General scholarship as evidenced by graduation from an approved secondary school or equivalent preparation as deter­ mined by the Credentials Evaluation Division of the Pennsyl­ vania Department of Public Instruction. College authorities will make an appraisal of the student’s detailed secondary school record in order to determine his capacity to do satisfactory college work. In some cases the college should seek further evidence from the results of a reliable aptitude test much as the Ameri­ can Council on Education Psychological Examinations. (On this test, for example, many students falling below the 25th per­ centile appear to have difficulty in achieving academic success in college.) 2. Satisfactory character and personality traits as well as proper attitudes and interests as determined by the high school principal, guidance director or other school official acquainted with the student. 3. Health and physical condition as evidenced by a health examination by the student’s family physician reported on the adopted form and approved by the college physician. No student shall be admitted who has, in the opinion of the college, disa­ bilities which would impair his service as a teacher. 4. Recommendations of two or more college staff members following a personal interview of the applicant. 5. For admission to special curricula the college may require the candidate to take an appropriate aptitude test in the special field in order to obtain further evidence of ability to succeed in the student’s chosen field. ADMISSION TO SHIPPENSBURG To be admitted to the Freshman Class at the State Teachers College, Shippensburg, an applicant shall take the following steps: 1. Secure from the college a set of application blanks, two of which shall be filled out in detail by the applicant, one to be SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 41 completed by the principal of the high school from which the applicant has graduated, and one for the family physician to complete. 2. Have the completed application forms sent to the Dean of Instruction as early as possible. The ten dollar (10.00) ad­ vance reservation fee should accompany the application blank. This is absolutely necessary if a dormitory room reservation is desired. 3. Arrange with the Dean of Instruction for an appoint­ ment at the college with the interview committee some time between May 1 and September 1. These should be completed at an early date. 4. IMPORTANT. If the high school grades has placed the applicant in the lower half of the graduating class it is neces­ sary for the applicant to appear at the college on one of the fol­ lowing dates for placement tests: June 12. July 17. August 21. Tests begin at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time and will be given in the "Old Main” Auditorium. TESTING PROGRAM The following testing program has been adopted by the Board of State Teachers College Presidents: 1. To assist in the counselling of students the college shall require each freshman to take a recognized aptitude test such as the American Council on Education Psychological Examina­ tion and a test on Communications such as the Cooperative English Test published by the Educational Testing Service. 2. In order to determine the student’s achievement for further guidance the college may administer to all sophomore students the Cooperative Tests in English, Contemporary Affairs and General Culture published by the Educational Testing Service. A careful study of each individual student by selected faculty members near the close of the sophomore year is also recommended. 3. In order to measure the academic success of the student as well as the effectiveness of the instructional program of the college, the college may administer, at the request and expense of the student, a recognized terminal test. 42 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD ADVANCED STANDINGS 1. Advanced credit will be given for equivalent courses com­ pleted in approved institutions of collegiate grade where the course grade received is above the minimum passing grade prescribed by the transferring institution. No stu­ dent may obtain a certificate or degree without a mini­ mum residence of one year in this college. A student transferring from another college will be required to present a statement of honorable dismissal from that col­ lege and to meet the same entrance requirements as any other applicant. 2. No candidate for a college certificate receives more than thirty-two semester hours credit toward graduation for work done in extension classes. 3. No credit is given for correspondence work taken after September 1, 1927. 4. Persons who have completed the work of the two-year Early Childhood, Intermediate, or Rural curriculums are admitted to junior standing for a degree, provided they are graduates of an approved four-year high school. The exact number of credit hours granted depends upon the curriculum which the student has completed and the one in which he wishes to secure his degree. Those who be­ come candidates for the degree in the elementary field secure two full years’ credit, but those who transfer to the secondary field lose some credit, usually from ten to twelve hours. 5. Graduates of State Normal Schools prior to September, 1920, who have had a four-year high school preparation, are awarded not more than sixty-four semester hours of credit toward the baccalaureate degree. 6. Graduates of State Normal Schools, who lack four years of high school preparation, may apply to the Pre-Pro­ fessional Credentials Division, Department of Public In­ struction, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, for a high school equivalent certificate, which when issued by this Di­ vision, will be accepted by the State Teachers College as equivalent to graduation from a four-year high school. 7. No credit for public or private teaching experience, pre­ viously credited as high school equivalent or as equiva­ lent professional credit toward graduation, is granted or counted toward meeting the requirements for entrance to or graduation from the four-year curricula. SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 43 SCHOLASTIC PROGRESS To assist each student, a progress report is secured by the Dean of Instruction each mid-semester when the teacher hands to the administration office a record of the students not doing satisfactory work. A report is made to each student and, when necessary, to the parents. At the end of the semester, a permanent grade is recorded for each student, and a copy is sent to the parents. Grades are not reported to the parents of trainees at­ tending the college under the Veterans Administration. QUALITY POINT SYSTEM 1. Just as there is a quality standard for passing each course so there is a quality standard for completing a curricu­ lum. This is made possible by the establishment of a quality point system which means that students cannot be graduated by merely having passing grades in each course. 2. A Quality Point System is in operation and demands that before a student can be graduated, he must have a num­ ber of quality points equal to the number of semester hours required in the curriculum, exclusive of the stu­ dent teaching requirement. That is, a student must have 128 semester hours of credit to be graduated, and, under the quality point system he must have 128 quality points. 3. The Quality Point schedule is as follows: An "A ” grade gives 3 quality points for each semester hour of credit so marked; a “B ” grade, 2 quality points; a "C” grade, 1 quality point; a "D ” grade, no quality points; a failure grade of "F ” gives a minus one quality point for each semester hour. The part dealing with the failure grade became effective September 1, 1949. 4. Students shall not be admitted to student teaching when they have a deficiency of more than six quality points. 5. Students whose quality point-semester hour ratio is be­ low .65 at the end of the Sophomore year shall not be permitted to register for additional new courses required in their curriculum until their quality point ratio has been raised to a .75 or above. (Effective for all students who entered subsequent to September 1, 1948. 6. Students whose competence is demonstrated by place­ ment tests and educational records, who wish to select ad­ vanced courses may, ,with the approval of the institution, substitute such approved advanced courses in a particular field for those listed in the curriculum. This regulation applies to all curricula. 44 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD FACULTY ADVISERS The students are to consider each of their instructors as an official adviser. The instructors of this college study the educa­ tional and social background as well as the aptitude and interests of their students. On the office door of each instructor is posted the office hours during which time students are expected to come for help. Many other scheduled conferences are held between the instructors and the students. Problems and difficulties of the students receive patient and sympathetic attention, thus avoid­ ing many pitfalls which ordinarily befall students without such guidance. STUDENT TEACHING 1. Student teaching is the most essential course provided in the Teachers College. An assignment for the full time of one semester is essential for each student. Learning proper professional attitudes, legal requirements, pupil records, extra class activities, community contacts, as well as class­ room techniques are essential parts of student teaching experience. 2. Student teaching may be assigned only to those students who have completed a semester of work at the Shippensburg State Teachers College prior to their student teach­ ing assignment. This applies to students who have at­ tended other colleges. 3. Former college students who have completed some of the required student teaching at Shippensburg are eligible for additional student teaching by extension provided they have had three years of satisfactory teaching ex­ perience. 4. Credit may not be given for teaching experience. Where teachers of experience have had some of their student teaching, arrangements for completing the full require­ ment may be made with the Dean of Instruction. 5. Teachers who have had three or more years of successful teaching experience in the public schools may meet their student teaching requirement by- actual student teaching; or perform an assignment of work germane to teaching technique in connection with regular teaching in a public school in keeping with State Council regulations, or com­ pleting courses germane to teaching technique where only a few credits remain for the full requirement of twelve credits. SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 45 REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION 1. All students are required to take part, without credit, in one physical education activity each semester, in which no physical education work or student teaching is re­ quired, and to be active in one other extra-class activity one semester each year. 2. A minimum of 128 semester hours, including all re­ quired courses, is required for graduation. 3- A minimum of 128 quality points is required. 4. The teaching ability of a student shall be satisfactory to the Director of Student Teaching regardless of other credits. 5. Attendance at the Baccalaureat and Commencement exer­ cises is necessary unless very unusual circumstances war­ rant graduation in absentia. This permission may be granted by the President of the College. 6. All bills and accounts shall be paid. 7. The last course work toward graduation shall be taken on the campus at Shippensburg. COMMENCEMENT There is one commencement exercise held each year, usually the last week in May. At this annual commencement, students who have completed the required work for degrees from the summer of the year preceding to the time of the commencemnt exercises, constitute the graduating class for that year. All stu­ dents who complete degree requirements within this one year period are required to participate in all parts of the exercises in­ cluding the wearing of the cap and gown on the day that de­ grees are conferred. CERTIFICATION OF TEACHERS Pennsylvania law requires an applicant for a teachers certifi­ cate to be a citizen of the United States. A student who receives a college degree after completing a four-year curriculum will be granted a provisional College Cer­ tificate, which is issued by the Department of Public Instruction, provided an application has been filled out by the graduate for such a certificate. This provisional college certificate which in­ dicates the subjects the hold is permitted to teach is valid for 46 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD three years of teaching and is not to be confused with the diploma issued at graduation. It is important to remember that this certificate is not valid for teaching in any other state out­ side of Pennsylvania. A College Certificate valid for the elementary field may be extended to include teaching in the secondary field by having complied 12 semester hours of professional work applicable to the secondary school; six of which must be in student teaching. There must be 18 semester hours of credit in the field for which certification is desired. A College Certificate valid for teaching in the secondary school may be extended to the elementary field by the presenta­ tion of thirty smester hours of work in professional education ap­ plicable to the elementary grades; at least six of the credits must be in elementary student teaching. The Provisional College Certificate may be made permanent after it has been used for three years of succssful teaching ex­ perience in the appropriate field in the Public Schools of Penn­ sylvania provided a teacher rating of "middle” or better has been secured and at least six semester hours of additional prepara­ tion of collegiate grade has been completed subsequent to the baccalaureate degree; one half of which credit must be profes­ sional, and the remainder related to the subjects or subject field in which the holder is certificated to teach. Residents of Pennsylvania who graduate from this college are required to teach at least two years in the Commonwealth. PLACEMENT The College maintains a placement office as part of its public service. Its purpose is to aid students and graduates in obtaining desirable positions as teachers. It will render assistance to school officials in locating well qualified teachers who fit the requirements of vacancies in the schools of the Commonwealth. Seniors are requested to enroll with the placement office during the time they are doing their student teaching. While the placement office does not guarantee a position, it offers without cost, opportunities which would not otherwise be availa­ ble. Alumni and school officials are urged to use this school service and to cooperate in making the service more reliable and worthwhile for both the student and the schools to be served. SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 47 THE CURRICULUMS The Curriculums offered at this college include elementary education providing emphasis in early childhood education, in intermediate education or in rural education; secondary educa­ tion for teaching the various academic subjects of the junior and senior high school fields; education for teaching in the field of business education; and education for Public School Nurses and Dental Hygienists. All Curriculums are four years in length and lead to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education and to a Provisional College Certificate to teach in the public schools of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. NEW EMPHASIS The new curriculums hold a broad basis of general educa­ tion—the common learnings necessary for living in the social and the physical environment—the development of the arts and skills of communication common to cultured people, the understanding and acceptance of the higher moral, aesthetic and spiritual values, and the essential knowledge and habits neces­ sary to maintain mental and physical well being. Those professional courses and experiences recognized as basic or required law or regulation for all teachers have been included and, in addition to them, the specific training designed for competency at various age levels and in various fields of teaching has been provided. The committee proposes the outlines of courses in the ele­ mentary, secondary and the special fields as a basis for use and continuing study of more effective materials and methods of fulfilling the purpose for which the teachers colleges of Penn­ sylvania were established—"the education and preparation of teachers^ for the public schools of the Commonwealth. SELECTION OF CURRICULUM Curriculum and areas of specialization should be selected with care and with the advice of college authorities. Many stu­ dents will undertake graduate study after completing the under­ graduate preparation for teaching. Since requirements for ad­ mission to graduate schools vary widely, not only with different colleges, but with the fields of study within a give college, un­ dergraduates are advised to explore during the junior and senior years the opportunities and requirements for graduate study in their chosen fields to enable them to meet the special require­ ments wherever possible. 48 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD ELEMENTARY CURRICULUM The curriculum for the preparation of elementary teachers is one of the best in the country. It provides a broad academic background in addition to the various professional courses necessary for an elementary teacher. Every course is given with a distinctive purpose. Professional Opportunities For the past twenty years the demand for teachers complet­ ing the elementary curriculum has surpassed the supply. Re­ cently the shortage of elementary teachers has been most critical and the graduate in this field has had the privilege of choosing one of many offers. The demand has been so great that a num­ ber of students have accelerated their program through attend­ ing the summer sessions, thus graduating in less than the regular four year period. Elementary teachers in Pennsylvania receive the same be­ ginning salary as teachers in high schools. Teachers in rural dis­ tricts where the cost of living is usually lower, receive the same initial salary as teachers in larger towns and cities. Teaching experience in the elementary field is very advantageous for young men and women who desire to become administrators, supervisors, or specialists. Graduates of the elementary curriculum may have their College certificate extended to include the secondary fields by attending college several summer sessions. Graduates in the secondary curriculum may have their college certificate ex­ tended to include the elementary field by completing thirty additional hours of appropriate professional courses. In past years a number of students who completed the secondary cur­ riculum have taken this added work in the elementary field and have made rapid progress in the profession. SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 49 ELEMENTARY CURRICULUM COURSES (Sequence of courses subject to change for administrative reasons) Cl. Sem. Hrs. Hrs. Cl. Sem. Hrs. Hrs. FIRST SEMESTER FOURTH SEMESTER Communications I ........... or English I (3-3) and Speech^ (2-2) Professional Orientation . Basic B iology...................... Health .................................. World Geography ........... 5 5 3 4 2 3 3 3 2 3 Total ............................... 17 16 World Culture I I .............. or Literature II (2-2) and History of Civiliza­ tion II (3-3) Audio-Visual Education . . Teaching of Music in the Elementary Grades . . . . Teaching of Art in the Elementary Grades . . . . * Phy sical Education III . . Electives................................ 5 3 2 4 3 4 2 2 3 1 2 Total ................................ 20 5 5 3 3 4 2 2 2 3 1 3 3 History of United States and Pennsylvania I ... 3 Language Arts in the Elementary Grades . . . . 9 or Teaching of Reading (3-3) Language (3-3) Childrent’s Literature (3-3) General Psychology............ 3 Teaching of H e a lth ............ 3 T o t a l .................................. 20 16 T o ta l.............................. 18 THIRD SEMESTER World Culture I ................ or Literature L (2-2) and History of Civiliza­ tion I ( 3-3) Music for the Elementary Grades ............................. * Physical Education II . . . Science for the Elementary Grades ............................. Art for the Elementary Grades ............................. Electives................................ Total ............................... 16 FIFTH SEMESTER SECOND SEMESTER Communications I I ........... or English II (3-3) and Speech II (2-2) * ^Introduction to Art . . . **Introduction to Music . Basic Physical Science . . . * Physical Education I . . . Geography of the United States and Pennsylvania 5 3 9 3 2 17 SIXTH SEMESTER 5 5 2 2 2 1 3 3 2 3 2 3 17 16 History of United States and Pennsylvania II . . . Child D evelopm ent......... Social Living in the Elementary Grades . . . . or Teaching of Arithmetic (3-3) Elementary Science (3-3) Social Studies and Geography (3-3) Electives................ .............. 3 3 3 3 9 9 3 3 T o ta l.................. .............. 18 18 50 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD EIGHTH SEMESTER SEVENTH SEMESTER American Citizenship . . . . Option I Home and Family Living (3-3) and American Govern­ ment (3-3) Option II Introduction to Philosophy (3-3) and American Govern­ ment (3-3) Educational Psychology and Evaluative Techniques .............. .............. Electives................ .............. 6 6 Student Teaching and Direction of Student Activities ......................... 30 Professional Practicum ineluding School Law . . . 2 Total 3 6 3 6 Total ................ .............. 15 15 ............................... 32 12 2 14 ♦Physical Education I, II and III may be individual or group activity. **A11 or any part of these courses (1-3 s.h.) may be scheduled as a part of the unit in World Culture. A student may be given the privilege of taking an examination in any subject matter area for the purpose of securing exemption from tak­ ing a course. A student shall be given credit for a course in which he registers and in which he demonstrates competence by a qualifying exami­ nation. Library Science Building 51 SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE SPECIALIZATION AND ELECTIVES Provisional College Certificates issued on the basis of the four year elementary curriculum are valid for kindergarten and Grades One to Six inclusive and for Grades Seven and Eight if not in an approved junior high school or a junior-senior high school. Students may specialize in Early Childhood, in Intermediate grade, or in upper grade teaching by selecting appropriate electives. (Required) Courses listed in the elementary Curriculum outline. (Electives) Child Adjustment ............................................... Child Psychology ............................................... Creative Art ........................................................ Creative Activities in the Elementary School Diagnostic and Remedial Reading .............. Pre School Edu cation ......................................... Problems of Elementary School Art ........... School and Community .................................... Speech Problems ............................................... Teaching the Exceptional C h ild .................... Cl. Hrs. Sem. Hrs. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 'l l i ¡ 3 3 3 3 3 3 Students may also elect courses in academic fields and special curriculums offered at the college. SECONDARY CURRICULUM The curriculum for the preparation of secondary teachers is flexible because of the selection of major and minor fields of concentration. These fields of concentration become the fields in which the student is certifi­ cated to teach. During the past number of years the demand for teachers of science and mathematics has more often exhausted the supply than in some other fields especially English and social studies. There is a demand for teachers who possess advanced degree in sub­ ject fields. This curriculum is so devised that a student can complete a sufficient number of courses in an academic field to give the necessary foundation for such advanced degrees. 52 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD SECONDARY CURRICULUM COURSES (Sequence of courses subject to change for administrative reasons) Cl. Sem. Hrs. Hrs. FIRST SEMESTER Communications I ........... 5 5 or English I (3-3) and Speech I (2-2) Basic Biology .................. . 4 3 Health ............................... .. 2 2 World Geography ......... .. 3 3 Electives............................. .. 2 2 Total ............................. 1 16 SECOND SEMESTER Communications II ......... 5 or English II (3-3) and Speech II (2-2) Basic Physical Science . .. 4 * Physical Education I . . . 2 Professional Orientation . 3 Fundamentals of Mathem a tics............................... 3 Electives............................... 2 Total ............................... 19 THIRD SEMESTER World Culture I ................ 5 or Literature I (2-2) and History of Civiliza­ tion I (3-3) * ^Introduction to Art . . . 3 ♦Physical Education II. . . 2 Sciene in Modern Civilizat i o n .................................... 3 Electives................................ 6 T o t a l .................................. 19 Cl. Sem. Hrs. Hrs. FIFTH SEMESTER History of United States and Pennsylvania I . . . . 3 3 Audio-Visual Education . . 3 2 General Psychology............ 3 3 Electives........................... 8 8 T o t a l ............................. 17 16 15 5 3 1 3 3 2 17 5 2 1 3 6 17 SIXTH SEMESTER History of United States and Pennsylvania II . . . Problems of Secondary Education, including Guidance ......................... Educational Psychology and Evaluative Techniques....................... Electives................................ 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 7 T o t a l .................................. 16 16 SEVENTH SEMESTER American Citizenship . . . . 6 6 Option I Home and Family Living (3-3) and American Govern­ ment (3-3 Option II Introduction to Philosophy (3-3) and American Gov­ ernment (3-3) Electives................................. 10 10 T o t a l ................................... 16 16 FOURTH SEMESTER World Culture I I .............. 5 or Literature II (2-2) and History of Civiliza­ tion II (3-3) * * Introduction to Music. 3 ♦Physical Education III . . 2 Electives................................ 9 2 1 9 EIGHTH SEMESTER Student Teaching and Direction of Student Activities .......................... 30 12 Professional Practicum including School Law . 2 2 T o t a l .................................. 19 17 T o t a l ................................... 32 14 5 GRAND TOTAL ................................................................................................ 128 * Physical Education I, II, and III may be individual or group activity. ♦♦A ll or any part of these courses (1-3 s.h.) may be scheduled as part of the unit in World Culture. 53 SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE Graduation requirement for this curriculum includes specialization in not less than two teaching fields except in the general field of science where no second field is required. 1. First Field The minimum number of semester hours required for a first field of specialization is: General field of Science ................................................. English ................................................................................... Social Studies ..................................................................... Social Science........................................................................ History ............................................ ..................................... Biological Science ............................................................... Physical Science ................................................................. Chemistry ............................................................................... Physics ................................................. Geography ............................................................................ Mathematics .......................................................................... Aeronautics .......................................................................... General Speech ................................................................... F re n c h ..................................................................................... German ................................................................................. Spanish ................................................................................... Latin ....................................................................................... 38 35 30 30 30 30 30 27 27 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 2. Second Field The second field requires fewer semester hours than the minimum necessary for certification. A student may be given the privilege of taking an examination in any subject matter area for the purpose of securing exemption from taking a course. A student shall be given credit for a course in which he registers and in which he demonstrates competence by a qualifying examination. AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION AERONAUTICS (First field 24 S.H.; Second field 18 S.H.) (Required) Cl. Sem. Hrs. Hrs. Aviation Mathematics . . . 3 3 Aircraft Communications and Regulations ........... 3 3 General Service and Struc­ ture of Aircraft ........... 3 3 Aerial N avagation.............. 3 3 Meteorology ....................... 3 3 Aerodynamics and Theory of F lig h t........................... 3 3 (Electives) Cl Sem. Hrs. Hrs. Aircraft E n gin es................ 12 6 Identification of Aircraft . 3 3 Climatology......................... 3 3 Commercial Air Transpor­ tation ................................ 3 3 Flight Experience-Varia­ ble C re d it......................... 3 6 54 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE (First field 30 S.H.; Second field 18 S.H.) Students demonstrating compe­ tence to specialize in Biological Sci­ ence will not be required to take Basic Biology. Cl. Sem. Hrs. Hrs. (Required) Botany I ............................... Botany I I ............................. Zoology I ............................. Zoology I I ........................... Teaching Science in the Secondary S ch o o l......... 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 3 3 (Electives) (A t least one course to be selected from each group below.) Group 1. Field Course Field Botany ......................... 5 3 O rnithology........................... 5 3 Entom ology........................... 5 3 Ecology .................................. 5 3 Field Z o o lo g y ....................... 5 3 Group 2. Laboratory Courses Vertebrate Anatomy . . . . 5 Physiology ........................... 5 Microbiology......................... 5 5 Parasitology........................... Genetics .................................. 5 3 3 3 3 3 CHEMISTRY (First field 27 S . H . 9 Second field 18 S.H.) Students demonstrating compe­ tence to specialize in Chemistry will not be required to take Bsaic Physi­ cal Science. (Required) Inorganic Chemistry I . . . Inorganic Chemistry II . . Qualitative A nalysis......... Quantitative Analysis . . . . Teaching of Science in the Secondary School ......... Organic Chemistry I . . . . Organic Chemistry II . . . . Biological Chemistry . . . . Physical Chem istry........... Colloidal C hem istry......... Industrial Chemistry . . . . 6 6 7 7 4 4 3 3 3 6 5 6 5 6 5 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 (Electives) Chemistry of Foods and Nutrition ......................... Water A nalysis.................. Cl. Sem. Hrs. Hrs. 6 4 3 2 PHYSICAL SCIENCE (First field 30 S.H.; Second field 18 S.H.) Students demonstrating compe­ tence to specialize in physical science will not be required to take Basic Physical Science. (Required) Inorganic Chemistry I . . . Inorganic Chemistry II . . Physics I ......................... 6 Physics II ........................... Teaching Science in the Secondary S ch o o l.......... 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 3 3 (Electives) To be selected from Chemistry, Earth Science, or Physics. In order to meet the minimum certification in Physical Science, se­ lected as a second field, the student w i l l be required to complete Chemistry eight semester hours, Physics eight semester hours, and one additional course in either Chemistry or Physics. GENERAL FIELD OF SCIENCE (First field only 38 S.H.) Students demonstrating compe­ tency to specialize in General Sci­ ence will not be required to take Basic Biology or Basic Physical Science. Science in Modern Civilization will not be required where the first field of specialization is Science as a General field. (Required) Botany I ............................... 6 4 Botany I I ............................. 6 4 Zoology I ........................... 6 4 Zoology I I ........................... 6 4 Inorganic Chemistry I . . . 6 4 Inorganic Chemistry II . . 6 4 Earth Science....................... 3 3 Physics I ............................. 6 4 Physics I I ............................. 6 4 Teaching Science in the Secondary Schools ___ 3 3 SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE PHYSICS (First field 27 S.H.; Second field 18 S.H.) Students demonstrating compe­ tence to specialize in Physics will not be required to take Basic Physi­ cal Science. Cl. Sem. Hrs. Hrs. (Required) 4 6 Physics I ............................. 4 Physics II ........................... 6 Teaching of Science in the Secondary School . 3 3 (Electives) Magnetism and Electricity 6 Mechanics ........................... 6 Heat ...................................... 6 Electronics ........................... 5 O p tics.................................... 5 Sound .................................... 5 Physical Measurements Variable 4 4 4 3 3 3 Note: College Algebra and Trig­ onometry are prerequisite for specializing in Physics as a first field. ENGLISH (First field 35 S.H.; Second field 18 S.H.) (Required Communications I .............. 5 5 or English I (3-3) Speech I (2-2) Communications II ......... 5 5 or English II (3-3) Speech,II (2-2) ♦World Culture I (5-5) or Literature I ................ 2 2 History of Civilization I (3-3) ♦World Culture II (5-5) or Literature II . . . . . . . 2 2 History of Civilization II (3-3) Recent Trends in Teaching E n glish ............................. 3 3 (Restricted Electives) At least one course must be se­ lected from each of Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4. Group 1. Survey Courses: American Literature . . . . 3 3 English L iterature.............. 3 3 55 Cl. Sem. Hrs. Hrs. 3 American Poetry .............. 3 American P ro s e .................. 3 3 Children’s Literature and Story Telling ................ 3 3 Group 2. Period Courses: Pre-Shakespearean Litera­ ture .................................... 3 Shakespeare......................... 3 Eighteenth Century Litera­ ture .................................... 3 The Romantic Movement . 3 Victorian L iteratu re......... 3 3 3 3 Group 3. Literary form Courses: Criticism ............................. 3 Modern D ra m a .................. 3 The Novel to 1870 ......... 3 Contemporary Novel . . . . 3 E ssay...................................... 3 Contemporary Poetry . . . 3 Short Story ......................... 3 Literature of Biography . 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Group 4. Composition: Creative Writing .............. 3 3 Journalism ......................... 3 3 Advanced Composition . . 3 3 English Philology and G ra m m a r......................... 3 3 ♦World Culture I and II are composite courses. Each course will carry 2 S.H. toward certification in English. FRENCH (First field 24 S.H.; Second field 18 S.H.) (Required) French I ................................ 3 French I I .......................••• i ' French III ........................... 3 French I V ........................... 3 (Electives) French V— Survey of Literature ....................... 3 French VI— Survey of L iteratu re......................... 3 French VII— Advanced Language and Tech­ niques ............................. 3 French VIII— French Classical Drama ........... 3 French IX — French Litera­ ture of the 19th Century 3 French X — Develooment of the French Novel . . 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 56 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD GERMAN (First field 24 S.H.; Second field 18 S.H.) Cl. Sem. Hrs. Hrs. (Required) German I ............................. 3 3 German I I ........................... 3 3 German III ......................... 3 3 German IV ......................... 3 3 (Electives) German V and VI— Survey of German Literature . . 6 6 German VII— Intensive Grammar and Teaching Techniques .................... 3 3 German VIII— Advanced Conversation and Com­ position ........................... 3 3 German IX — Special Projects ........................... 3 3 German X — The Drama in German Literature . 3 3 German X I— Lyric Poetry in German Literature . 3 3 LATIN (First field 24 S.H.; Second Field 18 S.H.) (Required) Latin I— Ovid and Virgil 3 3 Latin II— L h y .................... 3 3 Latin III— Cicero and Tacitus Selections......... 3 3 Latin IV— Horace ........... 3 3 Latin V— Plautus and Terence ...................... 3 3 Latin VI— Roman Civiliza­ tion .................................... 3 3 Note: To specialize in Latin, students must present not less than two years of secondary school Latin and demonstrate competence to specialize in this field. SPANISH (First field 24 S.H.; Second field 18 S.H.) (Required) Elementary Spanish I and I I ........................ 6 Intermediate Spanish I and I I ........................................ 6 Introduction to Spanish Literature ....................... 3 Spanish Conversation . . . . 3 6 6 3 3 (Electives) Cl. Sem. Hrs. Hrs. Advanced Spanish Con­ versation ........................... 3 Commercial Spanish . . . . 4 Spanish-American Litera­ ture .................................... 6 Contemporary Spanish Drama ................................ 6 3 4 6 6 GEOGRAPHY (First field 24 S.H.; Second field 18 S.H.) (Required) World Geography .............. 3 Teaching Geography in Secondary Schools . . . . 3 3 3 (Restricted Electives) At least two courses must be chosen from each group. Group 1. Earth Studies: Climatology......................... Geology ............................... Meteorology ....................... Physiography .................... Cartography ....................... 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Group 2. Economic: Economic Geography . . . Commercial Air Trans­ portation ......................... Conservation of Natural Resources ....................... Geographic Influence in American H isto ry ......... Trade and Transportation Group 3. Regional Studies: Geography of Penna.......... Geography of Asia ......... Geography of Africa and Australia ......................... Geography of Europe . . . Geography of the Far East Geography of Latin America ........................... Geography of the United States and Canada . . . . World Problems in G eography....................... Field Courses (as ap­ proved) ........................... 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 57 SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE MATHEMATICS GENERAL SPEECH (First field 24 S.H.jt Second field 18 S.H.) (First field 24 S.H.; Second field 18 S.H.) (Required) Cl. Sem. Hrs. Hrs. College A lg e b ra ................ 3 3 Trigonometry ................... 3 3 Analytic Geometry . . . . . 3 3 Calculus I (differential) . 3 3 Calculus II (Integral) . . 3 3 Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools . . . . 3 3 (Electives) Advanced College Algebra 3 Synthetic Geometry ......... 3 Spherical Trigonometry and Navigation ........... 3 Statistics ............................. 3 History of Mathematics . . 3 College Geometry ........... 3 Field W ork in Mathe­ matics ............................... 3 Calculus I I I ....................... 3 Mathematics of Finance . . 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (Required) ♦Communications I (5-5) English 1 ( 3 - 3 ) Cl. Sem. Hrs. Hrs. 2 Speech I .............................. 2 ♦Communications II (5-5) English II (3-3) Speech I I .............._.............. 2 2 Phonetics and Voice . . . . 3 3 Oral Interpretation ......... 3 3 Play Production ................ 3 3 Speech Program in Sec­ ondary S ch ools.............. 2 2 (Electives) Stagecraft, Scenic Design and L ig h tin g ........... .. Debate, Group Discussion and Parliamentary Pro­ cedure ............................. Radio I ................................ Radio I I ................................ Creative Dramatics and Story T e llin g .................. Costume and Make-up . . . Choral Speaking ................ Community Dramatics and Pageants ................ Speech Development and Improvement . . . ........... Speech Problems .............. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ♦Communications I and II are composite courses. Each course will carry 2 S.H. credit toward specializ­ ation. 58 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD SOCIAL STUDIES HISTORY (First field 30 S.H.; 15 in History, 15 in Social Science) Cl. Sem. Hrs. Hrs. (Required) ♦World Culture I (5-5) or History of Civiliza­ tion ....................................... 3 3 and Literature I (2-2) * World Culture II (5-5) or History of Civiliza­ tion ....................................... 3 3 and Literature II (2-2) History of United States and Pennsylvania I . . . 3 3 History of United States and Pennsylvania II . . . 3 3 American Citizenship . . . 6 6 or American Govern­ ment (3-3) and Home Family Living (3-3) or Introduction to Philosophy .................... 3 3 Principles of Sociology . . 3 3 Principles of Economics . 3 3 Teaching of Social Studies in Secondary Schools . . 3 3 (First field 30 S.H.; Second field 18 S.H.) Cl. Sem. Hrs. Hrs. (Required) ♦World Culture I (5-5) or History of Civiliza t i o n ................................... 3 3 and Literature I (2-2) * World Culture II (5-5) or History of Civiliza­ 3 tion .................................... 3 and Literature II (2-2) History of United States and Pennsylvania I . . . 3 3 History of United States and Pennsylvania II . . . 3 3 * * American Citizenship . 6 6 or American Govern­ ment (3-3) and Home and Family Living (3-3) or Introduction to Philosophy (3-3) Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary School 3 3 (Electives) History of Europe to 1815 History of Europe since 1815 .................................. History of Pennsylvania . History of E n g la n d ......... 20th Century World . . . . Diplomatic History of the United States ................ International Relations 1919 to P re se n t.............. History of Latin America Renaissance to Reforma­ tion .................................... History of the Middle East and In d ia ......................... History of the Far East . . Contemporary Social Problems ......................... Contemporary Economic Problems ......................... Municipal Government . . Comparative Government Consumer Education . . . . Industrial R elatio n s......... (Electives) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 *W orld Culture I and II are composite courses. Credit in each is 3 S.H. for certification in Social Studies. History of Europe to 1815 History of Europe since 1815 .................................. History of Pennsylvania . History of England ......... 20th Century World . . . . Diplomatic History of the United States ................ International Relations 1919 to Present ........... History of Latin America Renaissance to Reforma­ tion .................................... History of Middle East and India ....................... History of the Far East . . Principles of Sociology . . Principles of Economics . 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ♦World Culture I and II are composite courses. Each course will count 3 S.H. toward certification in History. ♦♦American Citizenship will not count toward second field. 59 SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE SOCIAL SCIENCE (First field 30 S.H.; Second field 18 S.H.) Cl. Sem. Hrs. Hrs. (Required) Cl. Sem. Hrs. Hrs. * World Culture I (5-5) or History of Civiliza­ tion I ................................ 3 and Literature I (2-2) * World Culture II (5-5) or History of Civiliza­ tion II ............................. 3 and Literature II (2-2) History of United States and Pennsylvania I . . . 3 History of United States and Pennsylvania II . . . 3 * * American Citizenship . 6 or American Govern­ ment (3-3) and Home and Family Living (3-3) Introduction to Philosophy (3-3) Principles of Sociology . . 3 Principles of Economics . . 3 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools . 3 3 3 (Electives) Contemporary Social Problems .................... Contemporary Economic Problems ......................... Consumer Education . . . . Municipal Government . . Comparative Government Industrial R elatio n s......... 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 ♦World Culture I and II are composite courses. Credit in each is 3 S.H. for certification in Social Studies. ♦♦American Citizenship does not count toward second field. 3 3 3 60 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD BUSINESS EDUCATION CURRICULUM The State Teachers College, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, has been specifically designated by the State Department of Public Instruction and the State Council of Education to pre­ pare teachers of business subjects for high schools and junior high schools of the Commonwealth. The fulfillment of the fouryear requirement leads to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education, thereby certificating the graduates in the field of business education as teachers or as supervisors. Young men and women who are graduated from the high school academic, business, or general course are afforded a splen­ did opportunity to obtain preparation in teaching techniques and in business skills. Purpose The purpose of the curriculum in Business Education is to provide thorough and systematic preparation in the funda­ mentals of business education, thus giving an intelligent under­ standing of both the generalized and specialized spheres of education encompassed in the activities of business education. Teaching Sequence The Department of Business Education offers four teaching sequences: General Business, Secretarial, Retail Selling, and Ac­ counting. The General Business sequence leads to certification in the three major fields of business—shorthand, typewriting, and accounting. The Secretarial, Retail Selling, and Accounting sequences permit more freedom in the selection of electives, thus providing an opportunity for certification in other fields, or permitting certification in two Business Education sequences. In addition to the sequence elected, certification to teach busi­ ness law, business arithmetic, economics, clerical practice, busi­ ness English and junior business training is secured. Equipment Modern office machines are a part of the equipment of the Department. Calculating and adding machines, posting machines, duplicating equipment — mimeograph, mimeoscopes, hecto­ graph—dictating and transcribing units, and other up-to-date office appliances enable the student to obtain both a theoretical knowledge and the practical training in the use of the mechani­ cal time-savers of business. SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 61 Opportunities There is a large and growing demand for qualified degree holding teachers of business education in the high schools of die Commonwealth. The demand for stenographic and typewriting teachers far surpasses the supply. Orientation and exploratory courses, and increased guidance in junior high ^schools have caused a demand for teachers of elementary business training and kindred subjects. The realization that retail selling needs trained personnel has caused an impetus in the demand for teachers prepared in this phase of business education. The main outcome of the curriculum is qualified teachers of business sub­ jects, but various concomitant learnings emerge during this period of preparation. Practical Experience Practical experience in various phases of business is a vital and essential part of the preparation of prospective business edu­ cation teachers. This experience, to be of the most value, should be in the field or fields in which the student is preparing to teach. Such experience can be acquired largely during summer vacations and part time while attending college. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS AND GENERAL INFORMATION 1. On completing the basic first year of the Business Education curricu­ lum, students are expected to choose one of the following: General Commercial Sequence, Accounting Sequence, Secretarial Sequence or Retail Selling Sequence as shown on the following pages. 2. Sequence of courses is subject to change for administrative reasons. 3. The satisfactory completion of the curriculum outlined with not few­ er than 128 semester hours is required for graduation. 4. Any courses offered at the college may be chosen as electives subject to the approval of the President. 5. To be graduated with a Retail Selling Sequence, two semesters of Accounting credit are required. 62 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD BUSINESS EDUCATION CURRICULUM COURSES (Sequence of courses subject to change for administrative reasons.) Basic First Year FIRST SEMESTER SECOND SEMESTER Cl. Cr. Communications I ............ or English I (3-3) and Speech I (2-2) Business Mathematics I . . Introduction to A r t ......... Basic Biology .................... Economic Geography . . . Health .................................. 5 5 3 3 4 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 Total ................................ 20 18 Cl. Cr. Communications II ......... or English II (3-3) and Speech II (2-2) Introduction to Music . . . Basic Physical Science . . . Professional Orientation . Physical Education I . . . . Accounting I ....................... 5 5 3 4 3 2 4 2 3 3 1 3 Total ................................ 21 17 THIRD SEMESTER Combined Sequence Cl. Cr. World Culture I ................ or History of Civiliza­ tion 1 (3-3) and Literature I (2-2) Sales & Retail Selling . . . . Accounting II .................... Shorthand I ......................... Typewriting I .................... Physical Education II . . . . E le ctiv e .................... .. Stenog. Sequence Cl. Cr. Acct. Sequence Cl. Cr. ♦Retail Selling Sequence Cl. Cr. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 4 4 4 2 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 4 4 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 2 1 3 3 3 4 2 2 1 4 2 3 2 1 3 17 . 18 14 21 17 T o t a l ............................... 17 21 FOURTH SEMESTER World Culture I I .............. . . or Economics I (3-3) and Literature II (2-2) General Psychology . . . . . Shorthand II .................... . Typewriting II ................ . Accounting III ................ . Physical Education III . . . Electives ............................. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 4 4 3 2 3 3 2 3 1 3 4 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 2 3 1 3 4 2 3 4 3 2 3 2 6 1 6 T o t a l ................................ . 21 17 21 17 20 17 20 17 ♦Nine (9 ) semester hours of Retail Selling electives necessary for certification in this sequence. 63 SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE FIFTH SEMESTER Combined Sequence Cl. Cr. Educational Psychology and Evaluation Tech­ niques ............................. Shorthand III, Transcrip­ tion .................................. Typewriting III, Applications ................................ Accounting I V .................. Business Law I .................. Problems of Secondary Business Education . . . Electives ............................. Stenog. Sequence Cl. Cr. Acct. Sequence Cl. Cr. * Retail Selling Sequence CL cr. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 3 8 3 8 20 17 T o t a l ................................ . 20 17 SIXTH SEMESTER 2 2 2 2 Business Correspondecene 2 2 5 Secretarial P ra c tic e ......... . 5 3 3 Business Law I I ................ . 3 3 Economics II or Home & Family Living . 3 3 3 3 2 2 Audio-Visual Education . . 3 3 Methods of Teaching 3 Business Education . . . . 3 3 3 Electives ............................. 17 17 17 17 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 19 15 T o t a l ................................ . 19 15 SEVENTH SEMESTER 2 2 2 Business Organization . . . . 2 2 2 2 Business Mathematics II . . 2 Clerical Practice and 5 Office M achines........... . 5 3 3 Accounting V .................... American Government . . . 3 3 3 3 History of United Sates and Pennsylvania . . . . . 3 3 3 3 16 15 16 15 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 . 3 3 3 15 13 T o t a l ................................ . 15 13 EIGHTH SEMESTER Student Teaching and Direction of Student 30 12 Activities ........... ........... . 30 12 Professional Practicum 2 2 2 including School Law . . 2 18 16 15 13 30 12 30 12 2 2 2 2 32 14 32 14 . 3 3 3 3 . 4 3 4 3 . . . 4 3 3 2 3 3 4 2 3 . 3 3 3 3 Total ................................ . 32 14 32 14 BUSINESS EDUCATION ELECTIVES Money and B an k in g............................................................................ Meeting Community N e e d s ............................................................... Labor Problems ..................................................................................... Office M anagement.............................................................................. Economic History of U. S............................................. CL 2 3 2 3 3 Cr. 2 2 2 3 3 64 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD DEGREE CURRICULUM FOR DENTAL HYGIENISTS The degree of Bachelor of Science in Education may be conferred upon dental hygienists by meeting the following requirements: 1. The possession of a valid license to practice dental hygiene in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania issued by the State Dental Coun­ cil and Examining Board and the Department of Public Instruc­ tion. "The professional education requirement for dental hygiene is the satisfactory completion of an approved dental hygienist course of instruction of two years of not less than thirty-two weeks of not less than thirty hours each week or its equivalent in and graduation from a dental hygiene school approved by the State Dental Council and Examining Board.” * 2. The satisfactory completion in addition thereto of 64 semester hours of professional and general education courses distributed as follows: A. Education ................................................................... (1 ) Professional O rientation................................ ( 2 ) General Psychology ...................................... ( 3 ) Educational Psychology and Evaluative Techniques .................................... : ................. (4 ) Audio-Visual Education ................................ B. General Education .................................... (1 ) Communications I ........................... or English I .................................. and Speech I .................................. Communications II ......................... or English I I .................................. and Speech I I ............................... (2 ) Fine A r t s ............................................. a. Introduction to Art .................. b. Introduction to M u s ic .............. ( 3 ) Geography .................... ................... . a. World Geography .................... . b. Geography of the United States and Canada .................................... (4 ) World Culture I ............................... or Literature I ............................. and History of Civilization I . . World Culture I I ............................... or Literature II ............................. and History of Civilization II . . . (5 ) Social S tudies...................................... a. American G overnm ent................ b. Economics ...................................... c. History of the United States and Pennsylvania......................... d. Sociology ......................................... C. Electives .......................................................... Total Semester Hours 11 3 3 3 2 41 5 ( 3- 3 ) ( 2- 2 ) 5 2 4 2 6 3 3 ( 2- 2 ) (3-3) ( 2- 2 ) 5 5 (3-3) 3 3 II 3 2 12 64 SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 65 In each category above, credit will be given for equivalent courses pursued in the two year dental hygiene curriculum. In such cases students must increase their electives by the number of semester hours so credited. In the case of dental hygienists who had less than two years of specialized training on the basis of which they were licensed to practice dental hygiene, proportional credit will be given. Such persons must pur­ sue additional general education courses in college to make up the deficiency. Electives may be chosen with the approval of the Dean of Instruction from any field or curriculum offered at the college in which the student is enrolled. This curriculum became effective January 23, 1951. *Bulletin 644, 1950: Rules and Regulations for Applicants for Ad­ mission to Examination for Licensure to Practice Dentistry and Dental Hygiene and Examination Procedures. PUBLIC SCHOOL NURSES CURRICULUM The degree of Bachelor of Science in Education may be conferred upon registered nurses who meet the following requirements: 1. The satisfactory completion of a three year curriculum in an ap­ proved school of nursing and registration by the State Board of Examiners for the Registration of Nurses of Pennsylvania. 2. The satisfactory completion of forty-five (45) semester hours of additional preparation distributed as follows: A. Courses related to public school nursing Sem. Hrs. Public School N u rsin g........................................................ Public School Organization ............................................. Public Health Nursing ...................................................... Nutrition and CommunityH e a lth .................................... Family Case W o r k ............................................................... 2 2 6 2 3 Total ............................................................... B. General and Professional Education History of the United States and Pennsylvania......... Communications ................................................................... World Culture ...................................................................... American Government ...................................................... Professional Orientation to E d u cation ......................... Education Psychology ......... .............................................. Audio-Visual Education...................................................... 15 Sem. Hrs. 3 5 5 3 3 3 2 Total .......................................................................... 24 C. Electives ................................................................................... 6 GRAND T O T A L .................................................... 45 _In the case of nurses with less than three years preparation for regis­ tration, such persons will pursue additional courses to meet the require­ ments for the degree. 66 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD COURSES OF INSTRUCTION THE ARTS ART A-l Introduction to Art A course dealing with art as a yital part of contemporary living. Art of other ages will be given some consideration as a basis for interpreting the present. Students will be encouraged to experiment with material in order to understand the creative process. Through a variety of experiences an attempt will be made to help students develop an awareness of and a sensitive­ ness to all forms of art. 2 semester hours —Preparatory Art A non-credit course in art skills, designed to prepare stu­ dents who have had limited or no art experience for entrance into Art A -ll. Required of all students whose art background appears to be insufficient for them to pursue the professional courses with profit. 2 class periods per week. No credit A-l 1 Art for the Elementary Grades Practice in freehand drawing and composition in various mediums; a study of the principles of design and color, with ap­ plication to creative problems. 2 semester horns A-l 2 Teaching Art in the Elementary Grades Development of problems suitable for the elementary grades; illustration, creative design, bookbinding, clay modeling and soap carving, posters, lettering, potato and linoleum block print­ ing, and construction in paper, cardboard, cloth, scrap and other materials. Emphasis is placed upon the integration of art educa­ tion with other school subjects. 3 semester hours A-30 Problems of Elementary School Art This course is designed to develop a basic understanding of the implications of art as an integral part of general education, and to provide opportunity to develop a complete program of art in a school situation. It is intended to aid the elementary school teacher to provide better instruction in art. 3 semester hours Quadrangle SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 67 A-31 Creative Art This course is designed to develop an understanding of art as creative expression and as it functions in the modern curricu­ lum. A background of philosophical factual and technical ma­ terial necessary for stimulating children to self-expression is ac­ quired through planning and participation in integrated units of the activity. 3 semester hours MUSIC A-2 Introduction to Music This course provides an orientation in music experience which aims to equip the prospective teacher with a knowledge and understanding of music as it relates to general education and the art of daily living. Through the use of recordings, radio, concerts, and other media, every possible contact is made with music. The possibility of correlation with other subjects is ex­ plored. This course is required of all sophomores in general education. No prerequisite courses or special abilities are re­ quired. 2 semester hours —Preparatory Music A non-credit course in music skills, designed to prepare stuients who have had limited or no music experience for entrance into Music A-15. Required of all students whose music back­ ground appears to be insufficient for them to pursue the pro­ fessional courses with profit. 2 class periods per week. No credit •15 Music for the Elementary Grades Designed to prepare the teacher in grades one to three to ach her own music under supervision. It includes the study of uitable rote songs, acquaintance with reading material, and oral nd written ear training. The best practical methods are disssed and used in presenting the material. 2 semester hours '6 Teaching Music in the Elementary Grades An advanced course stressing more than ordinarily difficult oad interesting work especially the singing of two-and threepart music; designed to prepare and assist the teacher in grades four to six in teaching her own music under supervision. Prerequisit: A-15. 3 semester hours s HP 68 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD BUSINESS EDUCATION CURRICULUM Required Business Courses for All Business Education Students B-62 Business Mathematics I Review of fundamental arithmetical processes; reconstruc­ tion and extension of computational skills; application of arith­ metic to accounting; improvement of quantitative reasoning. 3 semester hours B-63 Business Mathematics II Practical and social application of arithmetic skills in prob­ lem-solving as related to credit and installment buying, selling, investments and savings, insurance, analysis of financial state­ ments, interpretation of statistical data. 2 semester hours B-64 Typewriting I Presentation and mastery of the keyboard and operating parts of the typewriter; stroking techniques and control empha­ sized; personal and simple business letters, centering, tabulation introduced. 2 semester hours B-65 Typewriting II Further development of stroking speed and control; diagnos­ tic and remedial instruction emphasized; production of mailable letters, manuscripts, multicopy work, business forms; teaching techniques considered. 2 semester hours B-66 Accounting I, Elementary Bookkeeping and accounting for the proprietorship; the bookkeeping cycle; special journals and special ledgers; accrued and deferred items; business papers; personal record-keeping. 3 semester hours B-67 Business Organization and Finance Historical background of our modern business system; re­ sponsibilities of capital and labor to society; basic tools of man­ agements; the productive process; marketing; finance; competi­ tion and risk; business and government relations. 2 semester hours SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 69 B-68 Clerical Practice and Office Machines Fundamentals of operating the dictaphone and memobelt dictation and transcription machines; key driven and rotary cal­ culators; adding and listing machines; mimeograph, and hecto­ graph duplicating machines; filing systems; office procedures; business papers. 3 semester hours B-69 Business Law I The nature and classification of the law; courts and court procedure; contracts; agency; negotiable instruments; case studies. 3 semester hours B-70 Business Law II Law of business organizations; personal property; security relations; real property; trade regulations. 3 semester hours B-71 Sales and Retail Selling Store operation and management; techniques of selling; sales promotion; retail sales training programs, secondary and adult; current trends in retailing. 3 semester hours B-73 Business Correspondence Review of essentials of grammar; study of the vocabulary of business; setup of business forms and modern business letters; emphasis on the "you” attitude in the writing of letters of in­ quiry, response, order, adjustment and letters of application; sales letters; preparation of data sheets. 2 semester hours B-74 Problems of Secondary Business Education The purposes of Secondary Business Education; the cur­ riculum and its development; guidance, placement, and follow­ up; administration of the business department; physical layout, equipment, and supplies; trends in business education. 3 semester hours B-75 Methods of Teaching Business Education Psychological foundations of teaching; methods of teaching general business subjects; basic skill-building procedures; methods of teaching shorthand, typewriting, and bookkeeping; demonstration teaching; lesson planning. 3 semester hours 70 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD COURSES REQUIRED IN THE ACCOUNTING SEQUENCE B-B-82 Accounting II Further development of the accounting cycle; registers, petty cash, supplementary records, the voucher system; partner­ ship formation operation and simple dissolution; corporation characteristics, formation, accounts and records, handling of stirplus, stocks and bonds; departmentalization, branch and ele­ mentary manufacturing procedures. 3 semester hours B-B-83 Accounting lll|i| Modern methods of cost-finding, specific order costs, process costs, standard and estimate costs; accounting for joint products, by-products; evolution and interpretation of cost-finding methods and cost accounting systems. 3 semester hours B-B-84 Accounting IV Accounting for consignments, ventures, installment sales; consolidations, mergers, parent and subsidiary accounting; estate, trust, and public accounts; stock brokerage, insurance, other ad­ vanced accounting concepts and analyses. 3 semester hours B-B-85 Accounting V General procedures involved in the audit; analysis of original records presented by types of accounts, cash, notes and ac­ counts receivable, inventories, advances, fixed and intangible as­ sets, notes and acceptances payable, deferred credits and operating accounts; preparation of reports; practical auditing cases. 3 semester hours COURSES REQUIRED IN THE STENOGRAPHIC SEQUENCE B-S-82 Shorthand I Principles of Gregg Shorthand Simplified completed; de­ velopment of reading and writing skills; dictation at 50 to 70 words per minute; teaching techniques. 3 semester hours B-S-83 Shorthand II Further development of reading skills; fluency of writing and correctness of outlines emphasized; dictation at intermediate 71 SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE speeds, 70 to 90 words per minute; development of blackboard writing techniques; transcription introduced; teaching tech­ niques stressed. 3 semester hours B-S-84 Shorthand III (Transcription) Advanced speed building; sustained dictation at 90 to 120 words per minute on letters, editorials, educational articles, court and congressional matter; transcription skills emphasized. 3 semester hours B-S-85 Typewriting III (Applications) Development of job production techniques; vocational com­ petency emphasized in typing cards, letters, envelopes, multiple carbon work, manuscript and literary materials, billing, tabula­ tion, legal forms; stencils and hectograph masters; transcription introduced. 2 semester hours B-S-86 Secretarial Practice Theory and practice in common stenographic and secretarial activities; dictation of materials from various types of offices; advanced treatment of business problems, office etiquette; parttime work in school offices. 2 semester hours COURSES REQUIRED IN THE RETAIL SELLING SEQUENCE* **B-R-82 Retail Selling II (Advertising) 3 semester hours **B-R-83 Retail Selling III (Marketing) 3 semester hours **Retail Selling IV (Retail Store Management) 3 semester hours B-90 Office Management Fundamental principles and successful practices used in get­ ting office work accomplished. 3 semester hours * * Courses and descriptions to be set up by each individual school. ♦Accounting II required in the Selling Sequence. 72 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD EDUCATION Ed-1—Professional Orientation An orientation and guidance course acquainting prospective teachers with the opportunities and requirements of the profes­ sion; the relationship of the school to society; the organization and administration of the American school system. Extensive directed observation of various schools and learning situations will be required. 3 semester hours Ed-2—General Psychology A comprehensive study of the origins, motives, and modifi­ cations of human behavior with emphasis on the scientific ap­ proval in analyzing behavior patterns; the importance of man s biological inheritance, and the significance of social environment in influencing human living. Attention is given to the simpler techniques in psychological experimentation. 3 semester hours Ed-3—Educational Psychology and Evaluative Techniques The nature of the learning process with emphasis on the application of the principles of psychology to the problems of learning and teaching. An important aspect to the course is the study of actual classroom problems and procedures by observa­ tion of regular work and by special illustrative demonstrations in the laboratory school. Prerequisite: General Psychology. 3 semester hours Ed-6—Audio-Visual Education Consideration of the need for sensory techniques and ma­ terials in the learning process with attention given to the psy­ chological principles involved. Acquaintance with and achieve­ ment of skills in specific techniques, materials, and equipment within his teaching field. Activities will include actual produc­ tion of material for classroom use and participation in their use. 2 semester hours Ed-8—Introduction to Philosophy An introduction to philosophy with emphasis upon current and pertinent problems. An historical survey of the contributions of outstanding ancient and modern philosophies. Especial atten­ tion is given to ethical implications. 3 semester hours SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 73 Ed-9—Student Teaching and Direction of Student Activities Observation and participation in all teaching and activities related to the performance of a teacher’s work, in the area of the student’s specialization. 12 semester hours Ed-10—Professional Practicum including School Law Methods and practices of teaching. General techniques of teaching and techniques for the students’ special field. Pennsyl­ vania school laws relevant to the work of the classroom teacher. Problems encountered by the students in their student teaching. 2 semester hours Ed-27—Problems of Secondary Education including Guidance Consideration of the practical problems of secondary teach­ ing, and organization. Survey of the basic structure and nature of American secondary education emphasizing guidance prin­ ciples. Prerequisite: Professional Orientation. 3 semester hours Ed-31—Child Psychology The development of a functional understanding of the maturation and learning of children from birth to adolescence and the physical growth as related to psychological maturation. The laboratory school is used for the purpose of implementing the basic facts and principles relating to child growth by fre­ quent observation. Prerequisite; General Psychology. 3 semester hours Ed-90—Mental Hygiene Problems of personality and mechanisms of adjustment, in­ cluding a study of the origin and resolution of conflicts, and the role of emotion in the pattern of behavior are studied. Pre­ requisite: General Psychology. 3 semester hours Ed-91—Phychology of Exceptional Children The problems of exceptional or atypical children. The major purpose is to gain a functional understanding of the various types of psychological and physical deviates, both as to the genesis of their behavior processes, their treatment, and the guiding principles involved in their training. 3 semester hours Ed-92—Public School Organization This course will study the development of the organiza­ tion, supervision, and administration of the public schools in the United States. 2 semester hours 74 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD ELEMENTARY EDUCATION EI-Ed-11—Teaching of Reading Scientific aspects of reading in the elementary grades. Ex­ amination of research in reading, careful study of theory and methods as applied to the modern program, observations in the Laboratory School, recognition of problems of reading, and ex­ amination of materials of instruction. 3 semester hours EI-Ed-12—Teaching of Language Survey of the content of the curriculum in English in the elementary grades. Methods of teaching oral and written com­ position, principles of grammar, poetry, and literature. The teaching of handwriting is part of this course. 3 semester hours EI-Ed-13—Teaching of Children's Literature An introduction to important children’s books, old and new, and techniques for the presentation of book materials. It en­ courages wide reading of juvenile literature and provides cri­ teria for, and experience in, the evaluation of children’s books. 3 semester hours EI-Ed-14—Teaching of Elementary Science Methods of presenting science in each grade of the ele­ mentary school and with the important scientific facts and prin­ ciples that should be taught in each grade. Stressed are field work, collection of materials, special techniques and demonstra­ tions to adapt elementary science to local conditions. Elementary science syllabi of several states and cities are studied. Evaluation of elementary science texts and pamphlets now available for earh grade. 3 semester hours El-Ed—15—'Teaching of Social Studies and Geography A survey of methods and techniques, stressing the profitable use of community resources, the devolpment of healthy civic attitudes, and such specific problems as the grade placement of materials., testing, and procedures for creating sustained interest. 3 semester hours EI-Ed-16—Teaching of Arithmetic Study of the history and development of our number systern. Application of principles of teaching and learning to ex- SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 75 perience in numbers with balance of emphasis on social and mathematical phases. Introduction to sequential order of arith­ metic recommended for each grade level. Adapt to teaching­ learning situations the instructional materials of arithmetic in­ cluding visual and manipulative devices. 3 semester hours EI-Ed-17—Child Development Acquisition of understanding and appreciation of the pat­ terns of physical, mental, social, and emotional growth in the period of early childhood. Consideration of local, state, and na­ tional agencies concerned with the welfare of education of early childhood. Observation of learning situations in the family, school, and community environments. 3 semester hours EI-Ed-30—Creative Activities in the Elementary School Consideration of the guidance of children in creative learn­ ing and expression. Emphasis upon the child’s needs to discover creative interests and upon the development of skills and refine­ ments of taste needed for rich experience in art, music, and literature. 3 semester hours EI-Ed-31—Diagnostic and Remedial Reading Acquaintance with recent research in the field of reading to acquaint students with problems and needs common to in­ competent readers and with the most successful materials and techniques for dealing with such problems. Demonstration and practice in testing, planning, and directing remedial programs with groups and individuals. Prerequisite: Teaching of Reading. 3 semester hours EI-Ed-32—Child Adjustment Application of the principles of mental hygiene to the prob­ lems of elementary school children in home, school, and com­ munity; study of special agencies concerned with child welfare; clinics, social agencies, juvenile courts, etc. 3 semester hours E!-Ed-33Early Childhood Education The characteristic physical growth, learnings, and influ­ ences of environment will be considered for children of early school years. The contributions of the home and the kindergar­ ten as pre-school experiences will be studied. Chief emphasis will center about the education of the child during the first three years of school. Readings, discussions and observations will con­ stitute the work of the course. 3 semester hours 76 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD EI-Ed-34 Pre-School Education A study of the pre-school and kindergarten age-level, of the history, theory and practices of the nursery school and kinder­ gartens, and of appropriate materials and equipment will com­ pose the work of the course through readings, discussions, and observations. 3 semester hours ENGLISH E-l—English I Review of grammar in detail, analysis of constructions, func­ tional practice, remedial drill in punctuation, spelling, and mechanics of English; vocabulary study. W riting of brief com­ positions and analysis for structural faults and errors in diction, Library Usage, separate unit additional to English I, is intro­ duction to use of the library taught by a member of the college library staff. 3 semester hours E-2—English II Study and application of the laws of composition; methods and types of exposition; description and narration. Paragraph and theme writing; analysis of literary samples; book reviewing; outlining; assembling bibliography. Construction of a research paper. Continued functional practice in mechanics. Prerequisite: English I. 3 semester hours E-3—Speech I Study and application of fundamental principles of effec­ tive speaking; training in selection, organization, and develop­ ment of material suitable for speeches; recording and analysis of voice; emphasis on personality adjustment as related to speak­ ing-listening situation; diacritical marking and vocabulary building. 2 semester hours E-4—Speech II Continuation of Speech I with special emphasis on group discussion and parliamentary procedure; expository, narrative, and descriptive material; speeches for special occasions; inter­ pretative or choral reading. 2 semester hours E-5—Literature I As an introduction to literature, this course is designed to provide opportunities for both wide and extensive reading which SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 77 will familiarize students with the development of human thought as it has found expression in the recognized literary masterpieces of all times and peoples from the earliest times to mid-seventeenth century. 2 semester hours E-6—Literature II Continuation of Literature I with emphasis upon the literary masterpieces of the last four centuries. 2 semester hours E-31—Speech Development and Improvement A continuation of Speech I and II with practical emphasis upon play production and other problems as applied to the public schools. 3 semester hours E-32—Speech Problems Acquaintance of students with the various speech problems common to children in the elementary school. Emphasis is placed upon remedial techniques. The study of materials, methods, and techniques used by the classroom teacher in improving the speech of all children. 3 semester hours E-37—English Literature English literature is surveyed from Anglo-Saxon times to the present with emphasis on recognized masterpieces. The course has two basic aims: (1 ) broader knowledge of the growth of English letters and their relation to historic movements, and (2) wider reading and more intelligent appreciation. 3 semester hours E-38—American Literature The course is a survey of representative American writings from colonial times to the present. Particular attention is given those writings which best exemplify democratic ideals and na­ tional character. 3 semester hours E-39—Modern Drama A comprehensive view of the best dramatic literature of the modern American, British, and Continental theatre since 1890 is presented through lectures, discussions, and experiences relat­ ed to the contemporary stage. 3 semester hours 78 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD E-40—English Philology The course introduces students to the scientific and histori­ cal study of the development of modern English and the dis­ cernable trends in language today through the use of exercises in phonetics, etymology, and dictionary usage. 3 semester hours E-41—Edvanced Composition Advanced experience in writing is afforded through the presentation of reviews, digests, and critical reports, employing expository, descriptive, and argumentative techniques. 3 semester hours E-42—Shakespeare The work of this course is a study of selected comedies, tragedies, and historical plays by Shakespeare, together with the social, historical, and literary background necessary for their full appreciation. Particular reference is made to those plays most frequently included in the secondary school curriculum. 3 semester hours E-43—Short Story The development of the short story as a distinct and popular current literary form is traced through its history and technique. Recent tendencies are investigated and wide reading in current periodicals is encouraged. 3 semester hours E-44—Contemporary Novel A study of modern and contemporary movements in fiction based on the critical reading and analysis of English and Ameri­ can novels published since 1870. 3 semester hours E-46—Contemporary Poetry An examination of representative poetry published since 1870, in both England and America, provides the basis for a study of forms, aspects, and tendencies in contemporary verse, with particular reference to poetry as a criticism of modern life. 3 semester hours E-47—Victorian Literature Victorian culture is studied through its interpretation by poets and essayists of the period, with particular reference to the writings of Carlyle, Ruskin, Newman, Browning, and Tenny­ son. 3 semester hours SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 79 E-48—Journalism The organization’s management, and supervision of the con­ tent of school publications, the preparation of school publicity materials and the development of journalistic style form the basis of this course through practical participation in journalistic activities. 3 semester hours E-49—Pre-Shakespearean Literature A study of the cultural backgrounds of the English-speak­ ing race, its folk-ways, legends, balladry, and history, particular­ ly as reflected in Beowulf, the Arthurian epics, Chaucer, and Spenser. 3 Semester hours E-50—The Romantic Movement A study of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats, and their contemporaries in the light of social background and biographical and critical doctrine. 3 semester hours E-51—The Essay The history and the development of the essay as a dis­ tinctive literary form, together with readings in current periodi­ cal non-fiction and provision for opportunities for self-expres­ sion through writing. 3 semester hours E-52—American Poetry The nature, form, and function of verse as exemplified by representative American poets are examined, with particular reference to social backgrounds and national ideals. 3 semester hours E-53—The Novel to 1870 A study of the rise and development of the novel in English from its predecessors of the eighteenth century to Hardy and Mark Twain. A selected list of novels is assigned for analysis with a view of cultivating student appreciation of this dominant literary form. 3 semester hours E-54—Eighteenth Century Literary A critical consideration of significant eighteenth-century writers with emphasis upon the struggle between tradition and revolt as reflected in the works of Pope, Johnson, Addison, Swift, Goldsmith, Burns, and other representative writers of the period. 3 semester hours 80 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD E-55—American Prose A study of the development of national ideals as expressed by representative prose masterpieces, with extensive critical read­ ing in current periodicals as well as intensive study of great works of the past. 3 semester hours E-56—Recent Trends in Teaching English The content of language-arts, requirements of the secondary schools is reviewed, with special reference to grade-placement and adaptation of matrials, appraisal of results, and the develop­ ment of programs of study. Directed observation in the labora­ tory school is frequently employed. 3 semester hours GEOGRAPHY G -l—World Geography A basic course organized to develop a knowledge and appre­ ciation of the physical factors of the environment, and man’s adjustment to them. World Patterns of land forms, climate soils, vegetation, etc., are emphasized in relation to their influence on the economic and cultural activities of man. 3 semester hours G-l 1—Geography of Pennsylvania and the United States An analysis of population, land utilization, production and trade, through a comprehensive study of the relations between the physical factors of the environment and man. The first part of the course deals with Pennsylvania, and through its economic position within the States, proceeds logically to an analysis of the nation as a whole and its world relations. Prerequisite: World Geography. 3 semester hours G-40—Geography of the United States and Canada A regional study of the United States and Canada, consider­ ing man’s adjustment to the physical factors of relief, climate, soil, vegetation, and mineral resources. Political structure, and the relations between the two countries and the rest of the world, are analyzed from a geographic point of view. Prerequisite: World Geography.^ 3 semester hours G-41—Geography of Latin America A comparative study of the geographical regions of Middle and South America. The Latin American relations with the SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 81 United States and the rest of the world are interpreted through an analysis of the economic, social, and cultural activities of man in relation to the physical factors of his environment. Prere­ quisite: World Geography. 3 semester hours G-42—Geography of Europe A regional course designed to develop unbiased understand­ ing of the economic problems of Europe. Geographic relation­ ships underlying land utilization, boundary disputes and domin­ ant international problems are considered. The Soviet Union is not included in this course. Prerequisite: World Geography. 3 semester hours G-43—Geography in Asia An economic study of the major geographic regions of the Soviet Union, Southwestern Asia, and India. Special emphasis is placed on the recent cultural and political changes in the area and the significance of these changes to the world economy. Pre­ requisite: World Geography. 3 semester hours G-44—Climatology and Meteorology A systematic study of the climate regions of the world and the advantages and limitations of each for man’s occupance. The physical aspects of the atmosphere, and the regional characteris­ tics of climate are investigated. The course analyzes the laws and underlying principles of atmospheric change. An opportunity is afforded the student to become familiar with the common weather instruments, to observe and record weather data to read and interpret weather maps, and to consider the problems of aviation growing out of atmospheric conditions. Prerequisite: World Geography. 3 semester hours G-45—Physiography A study of the physical phenomena as dynamic forces affect­ ing man. The content of the course consists of a systematic study of land forms, their origin and the forces that produced them, soils, minerals, water resources, and their effect on man. Pre­ requisite: World Geography. 3 semester hours G-46—Conservation of Natural Resources A study of the utilization of the nation’s resources in order to analyze the need for conservation, the problems of conserva­ tion, and to investigate suggested methods for the prevention of waste. The resources of land, water, plant and animal life, miner­ al resources, and man are considered.^ 3 semester hours 82 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD G-48—Economic Geography A study of the activities whereby man makes a living. World production in agriculture, forestry, mining, and manufacturing; distribution of population; and world trade are considered and the knowledge acquired is applied to an interpretation of world problems. The course furnishes a background for greater under­ standing of national and international affairs. 3 semester hours G-49—Trade and Transportation A study of world trade and the resulting major transporta­ tion routes with their associated ports, railroad centers, and con­ tributing hinterlands. Consideration is given to the location factors of cities, roads, railroads, sea routes, air lanes; and to the problems of the modern cities and the tendency for decentraliza­ tion. 3 semester hours G-50—Geography of Pennsylvania A regional analysis of Pennsylvania, emphasizing man’s cultural and economic response to environmental factors. Special attention is given to the resources of the state, analyzing their extent, their use, the need for well directed conservation, and the regional planning program of the Commonwealth. Field trips are an integral part of the course. Prerequisite: World Geography and the Geography of Pennsylvania, and the United States. 3 semester hours G-51—Geographic Influences in History A study of the relations between the natural environment and the historical movement of man. The course emphasizes the influence of coasts, islands, rivers, mountains, vegetation, and soil in the exploration and the settlement of the United States and in the expansion of the American people from a small na­ tion to a great world power. Prerequisites: World Geography and Geography of the United States. 3 semester hours G-52—Geography of Africa and Australia A regional study of Africa, Australia, and the neighboring islands of the Pacific, showing the social and economic develop­ ment of these lands in relation to their physical environment. The political affiliation of these lands, the geographic aspects of the problems of colonies, land tenure, race, and the signifi­ cance of strategic location and production are considered. Pre­ requisite: World Geography. 3 semester hours SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 83 G-53—Geography of the Far East A study of Japan, China, the Phillippines, Southeastern Asia, and the East Indies. Factors of the natural environment and man’s adjustment to them economically, socially, and politically, are investigated. Problems of low standards of living, conserva­ tion of resources, wider use of resources, and industrialization are considered. Prerequisite: World Geography. 3 semester hours G-54—World Problems in Geography A political geography. Attention is given to boundary prob­ lems, the value and control of colonies, fishing agreements, prob­ lems concerning commercial aviation, world trade, world food supplies, control and development of natural resources, and the geographic aspects of problems concerning world peace. Pre­ requisite: World Geography. 3 semester hours G-55—Geology A study of the surface forms, composition, and structure of the earth. Emphasis is placed on the agencies which are con­ tinually at work altering the earth’s surface forms, the classifica­ tion and interpretation of rocks, and the evolution of life. Pre­ requisite: World Geography. 3 semester hours G-56—Teaching Geography in Secondary Schools A survey of available materials and current curricula in the field of geography form the basis for an analysis of modern tech­ niques in the teaching of geography. Emphasis is placed on the importance of geographic thinking in the interpretation of national and international problems, acquisition of good habits for citizenship, analysis of text books and courses contributing to these objectives. 3 semester hours G-61—Economic Geography (Business Education Curriculum) This course combines the principles basic to a classification of climatic types with a study of the variations of natural vege­ tation soils, minerals, etc. of these regions. The diverse products of the regions so studied form the background for a consideration of foreign and domestic commerce and the responsibility in the economic planning for world peace. 3 semester hours G-62—Commercial and Industrial Geography An interpretative survey of the effects in the United States, of geographic conditions upon industrial production and com­ merce, of developments of commercial areas, and of availability of resources to markets, in relation to other regions of the world. 3 semester hours 84 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION The Department of Health and Physcial Education provides facilities in archery, badminton, baseball, basketball, football, hiking, hockey, quoits, shuffleboard, soccer, soft ball, swimming, table tennis, tennis, track, volley ball, and water polo. Provision is made for teaching the necessary skills in these athletic activi­ ties, and a program of intramural contests in these games is maintained. W hile the college has no liability for physical in­ jury in the athletic program, every effort is made to protect the student. A uniform costume for physical education is prescribed for all students. This costume may be obtained after enrollment at the college and shall be worn for physical education classes. HEd-1, 2, 3—Physical Education I, II, and III The purpose of these courses is to help students attain a high degree of physical fitness and to grow in mental and emotional fitness through a program which includes seasonal sports, rhythms, folk dances, swimming, gymnastics, and recreational games. 1 semester hour HEd-4—Health This course acquaints students with systems of the body as to structure, function, care, and diseases. In a broad sense they acquire the health knowledges, understanding, and attitudes which will enable them to meet the health responsibilities in college, home and community. Part of the semester is devoted to the National Red Cross Standard First Aid Course. 2 semester hours HEd-5—Teaching of Health and Physical Education In physical education the activities suitable for grades one to six are presented. The methods of teaching the activities to boys and girls of these grades is stressed. In health education the information necessary for background, the methods of teach­ ing health as an integrated subject in the modern school pro­ gram, and the health of the teacher himself are studied. Student teaching opportunities are offered. 2 semester hours SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 85 FOREIGN LANGUAGES F-40 and 41—French I and II The basic elements of French pronunciation and grammar are presented, with especial emphasis on the oral-aural aspects of the language. Reading selections are so chosen that they will give students a sympathetic understanding of France and her people. The course aims at making French a living language which students will be able to use in their own life situations. Records and tape-recorder are used to enable students to attain a good pronunciation. 6 semester hours F-42 and 43—French III and IV This course continues the work of elementary French. A thorough review of the fundamentals of French grammar and pronunciation is made. The oral-aural techniques is emphasized, with continued use of records and tape-recorder. Reading ma­ terial is chosen from selections of literary and cultural value. 6 semester hours F-44—Survey of French Literature I This course provides a rapid survey of the development of French literature from its origin up to the middle of the eighteenth century. A study of the various literary types and ideas is made with readings of several original works. 3 semester hours F-45—Survey of French Literature II This course is a continuation of French 44. It begins with a study of the development of French literature from the middle eighteenth century and goes up to the present time. Original works are analyzed and studied. 3 semester hours F-46—Advanced French Language and Techniques This course provides a thorough review of advanced gram­ mar and composition. The work is based upon the needs of stu­ dents as discovered in their written composition. Techniques of teaching a foreign language are studied and evaluated. 3 semester hours F-47—French Classical Drama A study of the classical drama from its origin to its full blooming is made. Special emphasis is placed on the master­ pieces of Moliere, Corneille and Racine. 3 semester hours 86 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD F-48—French Literature of the 19th Century A study of the origins and development of romanticism and realism in French literature is made. Readings from 19th cen­ tury dramatists, novelists and poets are studied. 3 semester hours F-49—Development of the French Novel A study of the novel, its origin and development is offered. The most important novels of ecah period are read and discussed. 3 semester hours F-50—French Civilization This course develops an understanding of modern France through a study of the factors that have produced the French nation and its civilization. It stresses the geography, history, arts, sciences, music and literature. 3 semester hours F-51—Advanced French Conservation Everyday spoken French and training in the organization of material for conversation form the basis of this course. 3 semester hours SPANISH Sp. 40 and 41—Elementary Spanish I and II The basic elements of Spanish pronunciation and grammar are presented, with special emphasis on the oral-aural techniques of the language. Reading selections are chosen to give students a picture of Spanish life and culture as found both in Spain and in Spanish-America. The aim of the course is to make Spanish a living and useful language for students and one which they will be able to use in their own experiences. Records and taperecorders are used. 6 semester hours Sp. 42 and 43—Intermediate Spanish I and II A thorough review of the fundamentals of Spanish grammar and pronunciation is made. Reading material is chosen from the literature of Spain and Spanish America. Emphasis is placed on the aural-oral technique. Records and tape-recorder are used. 6 semester hours Sp. 44—Introduction to Spanish Literature This course offers a rapid survey of the history of Spanish literature with emphasis on the development of literary types and ideas. Reading of representative authors is made. 3 semester hours SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 87 Sp. 46—Spanish Conversation Everyday spoken Spanish and training in the organization of material for conversation form the basis for this course. 3 semester hours Sp. 47—Advanced Spanish Conversation Everyday idiomatic spoken Spanish with special attention to peculiar expressions is the basis for this course. Remedial work on pronunciation of students is done. 3 semester hours Sp. 48 and 49—Spanish-American Literature I and II A survey of the history and development of the literature of Spanish American countries is made. A study of the various types and ideas is made by reading from the original works of representative authors. 6 semester hours Sp. 50 and 51—Contemporary Spanish DramaMand II A study of types of modern drama is made with readings of several representative plays. 6 semester hours Sp. 52—Commercial Spanish Business letters and practices in correlation with the work of the business Education Department form the basis for this course. 3 semester hours GERMAN Gr-40 and 41—Beginning German I and II This course is intended primarily for those students wishing to acquire a reading knowledge of German. The basic elements of the structure of the language are presented with particular stress on vocabulary building and reading. Reading selections are taking from a science reader as well as modern short stories. The purpose of the course is to equip students with necessary basic German needed to pursue graduate work. 6 semester hours 88 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD MATHEMATICS M-27—Fundamentals of Mathematics Development of the number system; and application of the fundamental processes; extensions of the number system to in­ clude common and decimal fractions and negative numbers; approximate nature of measurements; per cents; languages of algebra including formulas, graphs, tables, and equations; mean­ ing of proof; elementary concepts of statistics; are of indirect measurement; additional topics of interest to students. 3 semester hours M-40—College Algebra Fundamental operations, factoring; fractions; exponents; functions and their graphs; linear, quadratic, and systems of equations; proportion and variations; progressions; mathemati­ cal induction; logarithms; determinants; permutations and com­ binations. Prerequisites: 1 year high school algebra and 1 year high school geometry. 3 semester hours M-41 —Trigonometry Functions of an angle; logarithms; use of tables; radians; identities; trigonometric and expontential equations; solution of triangles by natural functions and logarithms; inverse func­ tions; complex numbers; application in practical problems. 3 semester hours M-42—Analytic Geometry Correlation of algebra and geometry in finding equations of loci and loci corresponding to certain equations; properties of the straight line, the circle and conic sections; rectangular and polar coordinates; transformation of coordinates; parametric equations; a brief introduction to three dimensions. Prere­ quisites: College Algebra and Trigonometry. 3 semester hours M-43—Calculus I (Differential) Elementary concepts of limits; the derivative; applications of the derivative to maxima and minima, rates, velocity, accelera­ tion; introduction of integration as the inverse of differentiation. Prerequisite: Analytic Geometry. 3 semester hours SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 89 M-44—Calculus II (Integral) Integration as the inverse of differentiation; formulas of integration; the definite integral; methods of integration; integra­ tion as the limit of a sum applied to areas, volumes, lengths of curves and other practical problems. Prerequisites: Differential Calculus. Differential and Integral Calculus may be taught as a unified course. 3 semester hours M-45—Statistics Basic principles and methods of statistics common to scien­ tific research; understanding of and ability to use graphs, fre­ quency distributions, measures of central tendency and disper­ sion; normal curve; correlation; regression and prediction; re­ liability of statistical measures; curve fitting; development of formulas. 3 semester hours M-46—Advanced College Algebra Theory of equations; determinants; partial fractions; series; complex numbers; further development of permutations; com­ binations and probability. Prerequisite: College Algebra I. 3 semester hours M-47—Synthetic Geometry A course coordinating and extending the skills in geometry and developing the ability to make constructions of a higher order than those in other fields of mathematics. The aims and techniques of teaching geometry are emphasized. 3 semester hours M-48—History of Mathematics Study of the growth of mathematics through the centuries and the men who contributed to it, enrichment of the mathe­ matical background of students; integration of basic areas of mathematics. Prerequisite: Analytic Geometry. 3 semester hours M-49—Field Work in Mathematics Mathematics applied to the enrichment of secondary school mathematics. Use of the transit, angle mirror, hypsometer, sext­ ant, and other measuring instruments; simple map making exer­ cises and elementary surveying; construction and use of student made instruments and teaching devices. 3 semester hours 90 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD M-50—Spherical Trigonometry and Navigation Solution of the right and oblique spherical triangles -with emphasis on their practical application, especially in the field of navigation. 3 semester hours M-51—Calculus III A continuation of the calculus to include series, additional work in partial differentiation, multiple integrals, and elementary differential equations. Prerequisite: Integral Calculus. 3 semester hours M-52—Mathematics of Finance Introduction to elementary theory of simple and compound interest with solution of problems in annuities, in sinking funds, amortization, installment buying, mathematics of life insurance. 3 semester hours M-56—Teaching of Mathematics in the Secondary School Place and function of mathematics in secondary education; content and the improvement and evaluation of instruction in mathematics; acquaintance with current literature and research; observation in secondary schools. Prerequisite: 9 hours of college mathematics. 3 semester hours S C I E N C E Biology Bi-41—Botany I Botany I is a study chiefly of the flowering plants. Topics include the anatomy of life processes of plant cells, leaves, stems, roots, flowers, seeds, and fruits. The economic importance of plants used by man and the recognition and classification of the seed plants in the immediate environment of the college are included. 4 semester hours Bi-42—Botany II Botany II is concerned primarily with the non-flowering plants. It considers both the anatomy and life processes of selected algae, bacteria, fungi, mosses, ferns, and their allies. The economic importance and health implications of certain of these groups are emphasized. The recognition and classification of the non-flower­ ing plants of the immediate surroundings are stressed. Prerequis­ ite: Botany I. 4 semester hours SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 91 Bi-43—Zoology I This is a study of the life history, habits, origin, develop­ ment, physiology and anatomy of each phylum of the inverte­ brates. Emphasis is given to the study of those forms of economic importance to man or with health implications. The student becomes acquainted with the many invertebrate species found locally. 4 semester hours Bi-44—Zoology II This course is a study of the Chordata in general, and more particularly the classes of Vertebrates. Topics studies include the anatomy, physiology, origin, development and life history of representative membres of each class. Special attention is given to the vertebrates found in the vicinity of the college. Pre­ requisite: Zoology I. 4 semester hours Bir45—Ecology This course is a study of plants and animals in relation to their physical and biological environments. Special topics include distribution, factors affecting distribution, life zones, food chains, and adaptations. Attention is given to plant and animal com­ munities in Pennsylvania. Individual problems may be assigned. Prerequisite: 6 hours of Biology. 3 semester hours Bi-46—Entomology A general study of insects is made in this course, including structure, physiology, economic importance, classification and relationships. Each student is required to participate in field trips and to complete a project including a collection and report on some group of insects. Prerequisite: Zoology I. 3 semester hours Bi-48—Vertebrate Anatomy Amphioxus, the shark and the cat or rabbit are made the central points of study in this work. The various systems are studied with emphasis upon the comparative relationships; physi­ ology is made a factor in the work. 3 semester hours BI-49—Genetics The purpose of this course is to give the student an under­ standing of the laws of inheritance as they operate in plants, animals, and humans. Cell structure, Mendelian inheritance, 92 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD eugenics, linkage, probability, crossing over, and random assort­ ment are all considered. Prerequisite: 6 hours of Biology. 3 semester hours Bi-50—Parasitology This course considers the anatomy, physiology, life history, and habits of representative parasites of man and his domesticated animals. Means of prevention, detection, and control are empha­ sized. Special attention is given to those forms likely to be en­ countered in the area of the college. Prerequisites: Zoology I and II. 3 semester hours Bi-51—Field Botany This course emphasizes taxonomy. Common names of many plants found in the community are studied, and the scientific names. Phyla are studied and the family characteristics of the most comm on flowering plants are made a feature. Considerable emphasis is given the ecological aspects of plant groups. 3 stemester hours Bi-52—Field Zoology Field and laboratory studies of the animal life of this region are made. 3 semester hours Bi-53—Physiology The purpose of this course is to give the student a general background of how animals carry on bodily processes and a more detailed knowledge of human physiology. Related anatomy is taught as needed. Prerequisites: Zoology I and II. 3 semester hours Bi-54—Field Biology Field Biology attempts to give students in biology a wide contact with the natural history of the area. It serves as an intro­ duction to common types of plants and animals from the various phyla found in south central Pennsylvania. Thus, the student with a major in biology should not graduate without knowing a little of the flora and fauna of this region through first-hand experience out of doors supplemented by study in the laboratory. 3 semester hours SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 93 Chemistry Ch-41—Inorganic Chemistry I This course includes a chemical study of the structure and behavior of matter. Topics stressed in the first semester are the gas laws, solutions, valence, ionization, acids, bases, oxidation and reduction as well as the writing of equations and solving of problems. 4 semester hours Ch-42—inorganic Chemistry II This is a course in a continuation of Inorganic Chemistry I and stresses the more fundamental concepts of non-metals, metals, atomic structure, the periodic classification of elements, and simple qualitative tests for cations and anions. Prerequisite: In­ organic Chemistry I. 4 semester hours Ch-43-44—Quantitative Analysis I and II This is an introductory course illustrating the fundamental principles of gravimetric, volumetric, and electrometric methods of analysis. Practice in stoichiometry, careful manipulation of apparatus, and accurate analysis is stressed. 7 semester hours Ch-45—Organic Chemistry I This course is an elective for those who plan to major or minor in chemistry. It includes a study of the hydrogen com­ pounds of carbon of the aliphatic series with emphasis on struc­ tural relationships and nomenclature as well as on uses and characteristic properties. Prerequisite: Inorganic Chemistry. 4 semester hours Ch-46—Organic Chemistry II This course is a continuation of Organic Chemistry I. It deals primarily with the amines and proteins and those compounds belonging to the aromatic series. Both micro and semi-micro techniques are employed to stress the properties and type reac­ tions of the usual classes of organic compounds. Prerequisite: Organic Chemistry L Ch-49—Biological Chemistry This course includes the chemistry of proteins, fats, carbo­ hydrates, minerals, and vitamins, and the biological functions of 94 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD each. Digestive and metabolic changes are studied by laboratory tests and animal feeding experiments. Prerequisite: Organic Chemistry I. 3 Semester Hours Ch-51—Physical Chemistry This course is an introduction to the fundamental principles of theoretical chemistry with application in the solution of problems and training in the techniques of physical-chemical measurements. The following topics are included; phase rule, properties of solutions, ,liquids, solids, gases, surface tension, vapor pressures, osmotic pressures, chemical cells, buffers, indi­ cators, oxidation-reduction potentials, and conditions affecting chemical equilibria. Prerequisites: Inorganic Chemistry and Physics I and II. 3 semester hours PHYSICS Ph-41—Physics I This is an introductory course in mechanics, heat, and sound. Some of the topics studied are the mechanics of solids, liquids, gases, themometry, calorimetry, and heat transference, the pro­ duction and nature of sound waves including musical sounds. 4 semester hours Ph-42—Physics II This is a continuation of Physics I and an introductory course in magnetism and electricity. Some topics discussed are reflection, and refraction, optical instruments, spectra and inter­ ference. The portion devoted to electricity and magnetism deals with the general concepts of magnetism electrostatics, electrical circuits, generators, motors, and alternating currents. 4 semester hours Ph-43—Mechanics This is an intermediate course in mechanics of solids, liquids, and gases. An opportunity is provided for a deeper insight into the principles in operation and their practical application. Studies are made of rectilinear and circular motion, work and energy, impulse and momentum, simple harmonic motion, and hydrostatics. Emphasis is placed on qualitative considerations. Prerequisites: Physics I and II. 4 semester hours Ph-44—Magnetism and Electricity This is an advanced course in general electricity and mag­ netism. The electric magnetic fields, D.C. and A.C. circuits, capac­ itance, inductance, electrmotive force and electrical instruments are among the topics developed. Prerequisites: Physics I and II. 4 semester hours SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 95 Ph-45—Electronics This is a course dealing with the electron, inducing the charge, emission, and velocity of the electron. The fundamentals of vacuum tubes and their circuits and the use of tubes in com­ munications and industry are studied. Prerequisites: Physics I and II. 3 semester hours Ph-46—Heat This is an itermediate course in heat. The basic concepts and principles are developed more intensively in the study of properties of gases and in thermodynamics. Some of the specific topics studied are temperature measurements, expansivity, specific heats, thermal conductivity of solids and liquids, thermal proper­ ties of gases, change of phase and heat engines. Prerequisites: Physics I and II. 3 semester hours Ph-47—Physical Measurements This is a course in the study of various precision measuring devices. The principles of operation and practical uses are em­ phasized. Some instruments used are the vernier caliper, mi­ crometers, sphereometers, cathemeter, micrometer microscopes, pressure gauges, audimeters, sextants, jolly balances, photometer, spectrometers, potentiometers, balistic galvanometers, and oscillo­ scopes. Prerequisites: Physics I and II. 3 semester hours Ph-48—Modern Physics This is a study of twentieth century physics. The course includes the development in thermionics, x-rays, and radio­ activity. Considerable attention is given to the modern concepts of atomic structure together with the mechanisms of release of atomic energy and its subsequent utilization. 3 semester hours OTHER SCIENCES BS-1—Basic Biology This course deals with the principles of Biology Topics in­ cluding celluar structure and physiology, growth and repair, re­ production and development, control, sources of food energy, inheritance, and man’s interrelationship with his biological en­ vironment. The classification of plants and animals is reviewed briefly. 3 semester hours 96 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD PS-1—Basic Physical Science This course utilizes the field of earth science and astronomy to provide a broadened background of science. The nature and uses of energy is the central theme for the study of heat, light, chemical, electrical, and atomic energy. Emphasis is placed on the methods and the thinking of scientists in recognizing and solving problems. 3 semester hours S-ll—Science for the Elementary Grades This course following the year of basic science, is designed to provide the elementary teacher with a more adequate back­ ground for teaching science in the elementary school. Units or problems are selected to achieve this purpose which cut across various fields of science. Emphasis is placed upon developing resourcefulness in gathering data and using the scientific method in the solution of such problems. 3 semester hours S-27—Science in Modern Civilization This course is designed to acquaint the secondary student with some of the major discoveries of science in all fields and the effects of discoveries upon man’s way of life. Emphasis is placed upon developing an understanding of science and its implica­ tions. Discoveries leading to more abundant supplies of energy, discoveries contributing to better health and longer life, more rapid transportation, to a more abundant and better food supply, better housing, better clothing and to greater destructive poten­ tial are some of the topics developed. 3 semester hours S-56—Teaching of Science in the Secondary School This course is planned to give the prospective science major a thorough grounding in the problems of teaching Science. The objectives of the science program in the secondary school. The objectives of the science program in the secondary school, selec­ tion of textbooks, sources of suitable literature, how to secure materials for instruction, the preparation of units, and special techniques are studied. Prerequisite: 12 hours of work in major field. 3 semester hours SOCIAL STUDIES HISTORY World Culture I and II A survey of the evolution of man’s culture — his govern­ mental, economic, social, religious, intellectual, literary and aesthetic activities — from the beginnings of the race to the present time. 5 semester hours each semester SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 97 SS-1—History of Civilization I A study of origin and development of political, economic, social and religious institutions which have contributed to modern civilization. This course covers broad movements in the evolution of world cultures to the middle of the seventeenth century. 3 semester hours SS-2—History of Civilization II A continuation of SS-1 with emphasis on the revolutionary developments of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It attempts to give the student a clear understanding and appreci ation of our great heritage from the past. 3 semester hours SS-5—History of the United States and Pennsylvania I This general course traces the political, economic and social developments of the American people from colonial beginnings through the Civil War and Reconstruction. Pennsylvania’s place in the story is emphasized. Some attention is given to biography and to intellectual movements. 3 semester hours SS-6—History of the United States and Pennsylvania II A continuation of SS-5 dealing with the period 1865 to the present. Stress is placed upon the impact of the Industrial Revolu­ tion on American society. America’s recent rise to world power is carefully traced. 3 semester hours SS-41—History of the United States since 1900. This is an advanced course stressing the recent economic, social and cultural developments of the American people. It traces the growth of the city and the developments of our econ­ omy, and deals with the diverse effects of these forces upon American life and thought. Prerequisites, History of the United States and Pennsylvnia I and II. 3 semester hours SS-42—History of Europe since 1815 This course is a basic survey of the political, economic and social forces which have been at work in Europe in its entirety and within the states as individual units. It attempts to study and interpret those forces in such a manner as to offer a back­ ground for the understanding of the European scene today and its relation to present world affairs. Prerequisite: SS-I and SS-II. 3 semester hours 98 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD SS-43—Twentieth Century World History A study of those movements which constitute the modern world: the evolution of nationalism; the challenge of socialism, communism and facism to liberal democracy and representative constitutional government; the decline of imperialism; and the struggle for international order. These and others are subjects for study with illustrative material drawn from the history of national states. Prerequisites: SS-I and SS-II. 3 semester hours SS-44—History of Pennsylvania A history of the development of Pennsylvania from its founding to the present. Study is made of the political, economic and social developments in each period of its history. Special atention is given to the diversity of its people, their institutions and problems and the growth of Pennsylvania to a leading posi­ tion in our industrial society. 2 or 3 semester hours SS-45—History of the Middle East and India A study of the contributions of the various civilizations that developed these areas to both oriental and occidental cultures. Special emphasis is placed on the recent role of these people in world affairs and in international problems. Prerequisites: SS-I and SS-II. 3 semester hours SS-46—History of England Emphasizes those contributions which England has made to Western Civilization: the fusion of parlimentary government, civil liberties and monarchy; the evolution of a colonial empire into a Commonwealth of nations; the transition from an agrarian economy through merchant and industrial capitalism to the present socialist order: and the social background of English literature. Prerequisites: SS-I and SS-2. 3 semester hours SS-47—History of the Far East The important historical developments and cultural achieve­ ments of the Orient, including China, India and Japan, are sur­ veyed to provide an understanding of recent events there. The modern relations of Eastern Asia with Europe and America are traced, and the results of this impact upon both civilizations are studied. Prerequisites: SS-I and SS-II. 3 semester hours SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 99 SS-48—History of Latin America This course surveys the development of the Latin American countries from the period of discovery to the present. The economic, social, political and cultural areas receive special at­ tention first as domestic problems, then as they are related to the various political units involved. Present day problems are stressed. 3 semester hours SS-49—Diplomatic History of the United States A survey of American foreign relations from the Revolu­ tionary War period to the present with emphasis on the dip­ lomacy leading to America’s recent world leadership. Special attention is given to factors determining our foreign policies, such as influences from abroad, the American press and public opinion and special interest groups. Prerequisites: SS-5 and SS-6. 3 semester hours SS-50—International Relations 1919 to the Present A course dealing with twentieth century developments of the national state, regional pacts and international organizations, and at the same time with imperialism, power politics and intensified warfare. Attention is given to the changing status of international law and courts and to the conduct of diplomacy. Such problems are studied as human rights, refugees, minorites and conflicts between opposing cultural economic and ideological groups. Pre­ requisite: SS-6 or SS-42 or SS-43. 3 semester hours SOCIAL SCIENCE SS-3—American Government An introductory course stressing the fundamental principles of American Constitutional Government. Emphasis is placed upon the evolutionary development of our government from a simple one of an agrarian economy into a complex one with economic, social and political functions in an industrial society. Political parties, elections, citizenship, and civil liberties are carefully considered. 3 semester hours SS-51—Principles of Economics S 1 Fundamental principles of economics are stressed along with the relationship of the economic organization and its principles to the student as an economic individual. Attention is given to the principles involved in such individual interests as market practice, credit buying, housing investments and insurance. 3 semester hours 100 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD SS-52—Contemporary Economic Problems (Continuation of SS-51) The general economic organization and behavior of our society is examined in such fields as money and banking, foreign trade, corporations, agriculture, public utilities and public fi­ nance. Emphasis is placed on the broad social effects of economic conditions today and on economic measures for the general welfare. Prerequisite: SS-51. 3 semester hours SS-54—Comparative Government A comparative study of the principles, forms and functions of democratic, fascist, and communist governments. Such subjects as political parties and electoral systems, legislative representa­ tion, federalism, constitutional order, bureaucracy and dictator­ ship are examined in this functional and comparative manner. Prerequisite: SS-3. 3 semester hours SS-55—Municipal Government A study of the organization and functions of government on the local level with particular attention paid to local government in P ennsy lv an ia. State-local and national-local relations are stressed. 3 semester hours SS-56—Teaching of the Social Studies in the Secondary School A course designed to acquaint the prospective teacher of social studies with the philosophy of the field, curriculum prep­ aration and materials, and recent methods and techniques. Course outlines, preparation of teaching units, testing and visual aids are stressed. 3 semester hours SS-57—Principles of Sociology This is a basic course in sociology which deals with funda­ mental sociological concepts including the meanings and func­ tions of culture and the origin, functions and characteristics of the basic social institutions. Some emphasis is placed upon the causes and nature of social disorganization. 3 semester hours SS-58—Contemporary Social Problems A sequal to SS-57. This course is concerned with the more pertinent problems which grow out of social change and mal­ adjustment. Among the specific problems studied are family conflict, populations, race conflict, industrial conflict, poverty, crime and delinquency. 3 semester hours SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 101 SS-59—Home and Family Living This course deals with the development of the family and the home in their historical, economic, social and legal aspects. The various factors affecting the organization of the family are considered, as well as the modern trends in the basic institution. 3 semester hours SS-60—World Economic Problems This is a general survey course in the principles practices and problems of world economics. It deals with world population, natural resources, trade, capital organization and investment, financial mechanisms, and current world conditions. Emphasis is given to the historical background which is essential to the student’s understanding of current development. 3 semester hours SS-61—Economics I This course in the Business Curriculum is equivalent to SS-51. 3 semester hours SS-62—Economics II A continuation of SS-61, this course is equivalent to SS-52. Prerequisites: SS-61. 3 semester hours 102 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD ALUMNI In eighty-two years of its existence, Shippensburg has gradu­ ated approximately 6,000 students from its various curriculums. Many of these graduates are engaged in the teaching profession throughout Pennsylvania and are well represented in many other states. Approximately 3,000 of these graduates have received a Bachelor of Science degree at this institution since 1927. The A lum ni Association meets regularly each year during the commencement season. Representatives of the Association in various parts of the service area form an Alumni Advisory Coun­ cil which constitutes a contact with the college. The Alumni Advisory Council meets at the annual Homecoming each fall. The Alum ni Executive Committee meets each spring on Alumni Day. Organized units of the Alumni Association are active in many sections of the State, including the counties of Adams, Blair, Cumberland, Franklin, Perry, and York as well as districts centered in Harrisburg, Lewistown, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Shippensburg. There is also an active association in Hagers­ town, Maryland, and Washington, D. C. SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 103 GENERAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION .P resident..................... J. Clyde Ziegler— 1910 First Vice-President .. . . Robert Bloom— 1936 Second Vice-President .. .Sara E. Drake— 1928 Secretary ..................... . . . .Myra C. Esh— 1926 T rea su rer..................... , .Erma K. Rolar— 1918 Assistant Treasurer . . . .Paul Cauffman—-1932 ALUMNI EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Term Expires Alumni Day 1954 Blanche Stoops ’21 ......................................................... Ardmore, Pa. Robert Beard ’3 8 ................................................... Chambersburg, Pa. Jay Fickes ’4 9 .............................. . 8 . ............................... Dover, Del. Term Expires Alumni Day 1955 Paul E. Shull ’23 and ’3 2 ........................................ Waynesboro, Pa. Jesse S. Heiges, ’9 1 .....................................................Collegeville, Pa. Paul S. Lehman, ’2 1 .....................................................Lewistown, Pa. Term Expires Alumni Day 1956 Monroe S. E. Gobrecht ’20 . . Landisburg, Pa. George Briner ’01 ............. ...........Carlisle, Pa. Mrs. Chester Eastep ’36 . . . Shippensburg, Pa. 104 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD ALUMNI ADVISORY COUNCIL H igh School County Altoona Blair Bedford Belleville Biglerville Burnham Camp Hill Carlisle Bedford Mifflin Adams Miffln Cumberland Cumberland Chambersburg Franklin Cheltenham Township Darby Dry Run East Berlin Elizabethville Everett Fairfield Fanettsburg, Metal Twp. Gettysburg Montgomery Delaware Franklin Adams Dauphin Bedford Adams Franklin Adams Greencastle Hagerstown, Md. Harrisburg William Penn William Penn John Harris Hershey Highspire Hollidaysburg Huntingdon Johnstown Landisburg Lansdowne Lebanon Lemasters Lemoyne Lewistown Franklin Loysville Lykens McClure McConnellsburg Perry Dauphin Snyder Fulton McVeytown Martinsburg Mechanicburg Mechanicburg Mercersburg Middletown Mifflin Blair Cumberland Cumberland Franklin Dauphin Dauphin Dauphin Dauphin Dauphin Dauphin Blair Huntingdon Cambria Perry Delaware Lebanon Franklin Cumberland Mifflin Alumnus Byron Ashburn Frank Mastrocola Cyril Ramsey Katherine Antes Paul E. Mowary Russell Roddy L. V. Stock Mrs. Carl Hambright Sara E. Drake William Earp Charles Lehman Robert Beard Kenneth Gabler Ida Heller John Harris John Neeley William Shearer Elmer W.Gruver Mrs. Cora Eby Geiss Claude Larimer George Inskip Robert Kochenour Charles Gentzler G. W . Lefever Charles I. Raffensperger Wiliiam Conrad Robert F. Lesher W . Alexander McCune Charles H. Ebner Guy Shumaker A. Sterling King Tyrell Robinson Griff Jones, Jr. Mrs. Frank W . Maggill Jerry F. Trostle Monroe S. E. Gobrecht Roy Kraber Harvey Bolan Jacob Brake Catherine Hubley Calder Geedy Samuel Shearer Paul Hurley C. R. Coyle W . Michael Weader Harold Welsh Claude Mellott Richard Kitzmiller Dean W . Brumbaugh McClay Kelly Charles Sheilds Estella Whitmore S. A. Johnson 105 SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE H igh School County Mifflintown Millersburg Juniata Dauphin Mount Union Huntingdon New Bloomfield Perry New Cumberland New Oxford Newport Newville Penbrook Petersburg Port Royal Quincy Reedsville Roaring Spring Robertsdale Saltillo Saxton Liberty Schellsburg Scotland Orphans School Sharon Hill Shippensburg Cumberland Adams Perry Cumberland Dauphin Huntingdon Juniata Franklin Mifflin Blair Huntingdon Huntingdon Bedford Bedford Franklin Delaware Cumberland Steelton Dauphin St. Thomas Progress Swatara Twp., Oberlin Twin Rocks Tyrone Warfordsburg Washington Township Waynesboro Franklin Dauphin Dauphin Cambria Blair Fulton Franklin Franklin Williamstown Wrightsville Yeagertown York Dauphin York Mifflin York York Springs York Alumnus Myra Rodgers Richard Fralick Gertrude Shuler Lola Pheasant Weyant Mrs. Joseph Shapiro Jesse Snyder Ralph Swan Charles Slaybaugh Charles Taylor George Sollenberger C. E. Hassler Adam Hoover Henry J. Stoudt Mrs. E. L. Beaver Roger C. Mowrey Homer Dean Mrs. Chalmer E. Sell Hazle Angle Mrs. Louisa Cornelius Rose McCahan John W . Miller Robert Maclay Helen M. Hefner Harper Wentz S. L. Daihl James Gibboney Frank Yeingst Charles Hoerner Richard McCurdy Winifred Kitchen John Roddick William C. Nenninger Willard Kerr Gordon Charlton W alter Lehman Glenn Lehman George Bitner Clavton C. Vogel Elizabeth Reeder Nispel Gerald Woomer Anna Mary Melhorn Benjamin Nispel Tom Schade Mrs. Wimbert Neely 106 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD ROSTER OF STUDENTS 1953-54 Acker, Carolyn L., New Cumberland Adams, Pauline C., Spring Run Adams, Robert L., Tower City Ahlers, Ronald O., Carlisle Aikens, Woodrow E., Harrisburg Allan, Kathryn A., Shippensburg Allan, K. Douglas, Shippensburg Allan, Sally J., Camp Hill Allcorn, David K., Orbisonia Allcorn, Shirley Todd, Orbisonia Anderson, Marylou, Palls Church, Virginia Angelucci, Andrew N., Harrisburg Angle, E. Ann Brown, Shippensburg Appleby, Anne A., Mt. Union Aurand, Dale K., LewistoWn Baer, Justin F., Chambersburg Bahn, William M., Glen Rock Baker, Doris G., Rouzerville Baker, Floyd A., Spring Run Baker, Jack A., Shippensburg Barbush, Donald C., Harrisburg Barclay, Gail L., Somerset Barnhart, Beverly A., Hanover Barton, Mary J., Hustontown Baumgardner, H. A., Jr., Lewistown Beard, Kenneth E., Harrisburg Beard, Roberta A., Waynesboro Beauchamp, Gordon L., Chester Beltz, Betty Swanger, Newburg Bender, Nancy A., Gettysburg Benner, Donna M., Burnham Benner, Joan R., Lewistown Benner, Phyllis L., Middleburg Bensing, Philip G., Carlisle Berkstresser, Clifford E., Laidig Berzansky, Paul, Wood Bickel, Donald E., Enola Biddle, Glanard L., Hanover Bitner, Joanne L., Chambersburg Bittle, Joanne M., Harrisburg Bivens, Mary A. McConnellsburg Blair, Dolores M., Aliquippa Bock, Lois Shank, Shippensburg Bollen, S. Frederick, Harrisburg Bollinger, Frederick G., Hanover Bonitz, John A., Windber Bookwalter, Sara E., Newport Boozel, Janet C., Shippensburg Boretos, Pauline A., Harrisburg Bowen, Susan L., York Bowen, F. Joan, Chambersburg Bowling, James M., Waynesboro Bowling, R., Larry, Waynesboro Bowman, A. Winifred, Mercersbu: Boyd, Bertha Peffer, Carlisle Boyd, Donald A., Newville Boyer, Melva C., Carlisle Brake, John C., Mercersburg Brandt, Dana P., Newville Brenneman, Orr N., Mt. Holly Springs Bressler, George D., Wilmerding Bretz, William G., Carlisle Brickner, Gloria A., Harrisburg Brown, Ethel F., North East, Md. Brown, John W ., Altoona Brubaker, Reva Hoback, Shippens­ burg Brubaker, Ronald C., Shippensburg Brumbaugh, Fred D., Martinsburg Bryant, Mary R., Prospect Park Bull, Jacquelyn E., York Burkholder, Naomi K., Newville Burkert, S. Joyce, Lewistown Burkett, Kenneth M., Coalmont Burnheimer, Charles F., Altoona Butts, William D., Shippensburg Cable, Nancy J., Shippensburg Cain, Fred E., Penns Grove, N.J. Calhoun, Roxee L., Huntingdon Cameron, Nancy M., Oreland Campbell, Estella M., Shippensburg Carbaugh, Margaret M., Chambersburg Cauffman, Elizabeth A., Shippensburg Chait, Hyman, Hackensack, N.J. Champion, Helen L., Lemoyne Charlton, D. Joanne, Warfordsburg Cherry, George W ., Jr., Philadelphia Chomas, Theodore R., Elizabeth Cialone, Jean J., Robertsdale Cisney, Joretta J., Shippensburg Claypool, Roy C., Revloc Cleary, Nancy A., Aldan Clever, Dorothy A., Shippensburg Clopper, Donald L., Waynesboro Clouse, Lee A., Newville Clouse, Madeline J., Newville Clouser, Ronald A., Williamstown Coble, Wanda E., York Colston, Vicki I., York Connor, John M., Aliquippa Cook, C. Leland, Tunkhannock Cooper, Charlotte P., Harrisburg Corney, Beverly A., York Coulson, William L., Carlisle Creager, Max E., Waynesboro Creamer, Joseph R., Chambersburg SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 107 Creasey, Helen A., Wormleysburg Forrester, Laura J., Scotland Creasey, Richard G., Wormleysburg Fortna, Anna L., Shippensburg Creavey, Joan Nesbitt, Dillsburg Fowler, Robert H., Bellwood Crimm, Ronald E., Havertown Frank, David S., Chambersburg Crouse, Richard J., Waynesboro Freeland, John R., Harrisburg Croyle, Louise L., Alexandria Freet, S. Emory, Duncannon Cutchall, Robert R., Big Cove Frushour, Gladys V., Chamberburg Tannery Funk, Genevieve, Harrisburg Daddario, James D., Lewistown Garner, Roger L., Saxton Daniels, Joalto R., York Gaston, Gloria M., Shippensburg Davidson, Jay F., Shippensburg Gearhart, Dale L., Greencastle Davis, Barbara A., Alexandria Geedy, Josephine R., Lewistown Davis, Vera Cook, Fayetteville George, Kenneth L., Robertsdale Defibaugh, Donald L., Defiance Gerdes, Richard M., Harrisburg Denner, Francis E., Norristown Gettel, Jean A., Shippensburg Detwiler, John W., New Enterprise Gibboney, Anna Curry, Devaric, Robert J., Steelton Shippensburg DiDonato, Alfred H., Gingerich, Lois E. York Hackensack, N. J. Glatts, George F., Chester Diehl, Nancy J., Mann’s Choice Gleim, Ellen H., Shippensburg DiEsposti, John Jr., Harrisburg Gleim, Lillian D., Shippensburg Diggs, Gwendolyn Owens, Glunt, William C., Shippensburg Shippensburg Graf, Nancy A., Camp Hill Dillen, Chester L., Bellwood Graham, Keith D., Lemoyne Dinterman, Ralph R., Waynesboro Graybill, S. Ann, York Dissinger, Joann E., East Berlin Green, Doris A., Chambersburg Dixon, Janice M., Mercersburg Green, James E., Harrisburg Donaldson, Glendyr G., Mt. Union Greenawalt, Gilbert L., Waynesboro Downing, Dorene, Lewistown Greenholt, Shirley Feeser, Hanover Drake, F. Ruth, Lewistowö Grimes, Percy A., Palmyra, N.J. Dunlap, Cleome E., Shiopensbürg Gross, Neida M., Thomasville Dunmire, ^William H., Shippensburg Grubb, Anna M., Williamstown Dunn, Shirley M., Mifflintown Gruver, Martha L., Harrisburg Dymond, John B., Fayettevillfe Gunnet, John A., Soring Grove Ebersole, Elaine F., Altoona Gutbub, Ruth M., Cornwall Eby, Iona R., Elizabethville Guver, Jay F., Hollidavsburg Eckard, M. Nelson, Lewistown Hafer, Susanne M., Shiooensburg Ehlman, Dorothy J., Biglerville .. Hagyard, John H., Phillipsburg Eigenbrode, Richard D., Waynesboro Hake, Donald J., Laurel Eisenhower, Frank L., Jr., Newburg Hall, E. Jane. Biglerville T 7 T I J •_ TJT_11 T____ r . . . ! Ellis, Raymond, Philadelphia Hall, James E„ Orrtanna Engle, Wanda J., Amaranth Hall, Sandra C., Orrtanna Eooly, John W., Plainfield Hammann. Carol L., Carlisle Eshenour, Caroline G., Greason Hancock, Eleanor E., Altoona Evans, Robert W., Hampton Handshaw, M. Joann. Shiopensburg Failor, Donna K., Mechanicsburg Harbach, Anna M., Carlisle Failor, James C., Lemasters Harderode. Jack E., Everett Farner, Pauline Stake, Orbisonia Harper, Albert S.. Lewittown Farrell, Anna M., Burnham Harpster, Joanne E., Warriors Mark Feather, John R., Gettysburg Harpster, Mary A., Hollidavsburg Felton, Bonnita M;|§Breezewood Hartman, Carol E.. Martinsburg Ferraris, Medea M., Shiopensburg Hassler, Carolvn M., Chambersburg Filioovitz, Dolores E., Security, Md. Hauck, Richard H., Mechanicsburg Finkenbinder. Ronald L., Lemoyne Haugh, Gerald E., York Fisher, Ida M., Clearvllle Havens, Oakley P., Williamsburg Fisher, Robert L., Harrisbdrg Havice, Shirlev A., lewistown Fogelsonger, Barbara A., Hawk, Kenneth L., Hanover Chambersburg Hawn, Ruth E.. Petersburg Foose, Gerald L., Shiopedsburg Havs, Herbert E.. Jr., Shiooensburg Forrester, Eleanore G., Scotland Heberlig, Edgar S., Newville 108 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD Heberlig, Jack G, Newville Heberlig, Joanna B., Newburg Heefner, Theodore G , Jr., Chambersburg Heefner, Lowell G, Scotland Helman, Thomas R., Marion Hench, Robert R., New Bloomfield Henderson, Martha L., Alexandria Hengst, Harold W ., Bedford Henry, Barry L., Manheim Henry, Bertram V., Shippensburg Herr, Edwin L., Carlisle Hess, Barbara A., Waynesboro Hess, Nancy L., Waynesboro Hess, Shirley A., Lewistown Hickman, Shirley, West Chester High, Jack G, Chambersburg Highlands, Kenneth E., Newburg Hill, Gale V., York Hill, Jane L., Warren Hock, Ruth E., Shippensburg Hockersmith, Lauretta J., Shippensburg Hoffman, Eleanor L., Enola Hoke, June M., York Hooper, Shirley L., Todd Hoover, B. Anne, Wrightsville Horner, Phyllis R., Harrisburg Hrubovcak, George A., Aliquippa Hummel, Patricia M., Carlisle Hutchison, James F., Philadelphia Hykes, William O., Shippensburg Iannucci, Lewis, Bristol Ingels, Charles R., Waynesboro Irwin, Carol A., Carlisle Jackson, James P., Altoona James, Richard L., Hanover Jenkins, Geraldine L., Defiance Johnston, Joan B., Waynesboro Jones, Kathryn B., Aldan Jones, Lois A., Shermans Dale Jones, Nancy A., Shermans Dale Judge, John A., Camp Hill Justice, Jeanne E., Hollidaysburg Karam, Mary Louise V., Cortland, N. Y . Katz, Marvin M., Harrisburg Keach, Patricia A. Dover Keller, Willis, Bellwood Kelly, Richard G , Mt. Union Kennedy, Stanton R., York Springs Kercheval, William G , Waynesboro Kerchner, I. Marie, Mifflin Keyes. Sterling S., Atlantic Highlands, N.J. Kidd, Ralph F., Mt. Union King, Nancy A., Est>y King, Norma H.. Shippensburg Kister, Kenneth F., New Cumberland Klenzing, W . Joanne, Chambersburg Kline, Joanna R., Lewistown Kline, Margaret Y ., Harrisburg Kling, Janet L., York Kling, Wilbur J., Shippensburg Klinger, James H., Harrisburg Klinger, Josephine E., Sunbury Klock, Beverly J., York Knapp, Beverly A., Harrisburg Knepp, John E., McVeytown Knox, Mary Jane T., York Koehler, Barbara A., Harrisburg Kohler, Joseph F., Chambersburg Koons, Helen L., State Line Koontz, Irene M., Littlestown Koppenhaver, Catherine P., Millersburg Koser, Rudolph R., Camp Hill Kosier, Gladys L., Lykens Kostukovich, Richard J., Philadelphia Kretzing, Donald R., Shippensburg Kyner, Jayne A., Chambersburg Laderach, Joan G, Kinzers Lane, Roger V., Todd Lash, Stark W ., Lewistown Lauer, William G, Tamaqua Lease, Mary K., York Lebo, Harold R., Millersburg Leeper, Glenda F., Mifflintown Leese, Dale F., Hanover Lefever, Melvin E., Lancaster Lehman, Wilmer R., Chambersburg Leonhard, Ronald R., Duncannon Lewis, Jane E., Carlisle Limes, Dawn Keiser, Lewistown Lindsey, Lloyd J., Carlisle Linsky, Marilvn G , Shippensburg Lloyd, Donald W ., Aliauippa Lohr, Kenneth V., Jr., Camn Hill Long, Jacqueline S.. Camp Hill Long, Lester D., Wood Lory, Esther S., York Sorings Love, Frank B., Shirleysburg. Ludwig, Catherine M., Chambersburg McCardle, Dollie F.. Lewistown McCarthy, Raymond A., Saint Clair McClellan, Donna M., Harrisburg McCracken, Phillip F., Harrisburg McDermott. John J., Chambersburg McDevitt, James L., Pottstown McGaughney, Patricia A., Media McKinnon. John G, Lewistown McLamb. Larrie H., Tr., Steelton McLauehlin. Shirlev R-, Fort Loudon McMullen, Helen L.. Shade Gap Maclay, Lucy K., Shinoensburg Marearo. Louise M., Harrisburg Magill, Kenneth D., Shippensburg SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 109 Nolan, Fredith E., Newburg Mahoney, Norabel, Altoona Northcraft, Audrienne L., Artemas Manigian, George S., Drexel Hill Nugent, Edward J., Philadelphia Manning, Thomas W., Nye, Jack G., Shippensburg Atlantic City, N. J. Osman, Richard E., Harrisburg Markley, John T., Bellwood Paige, Janice N., Milroy Marsh, Fred L., Hanover Palmer, Paul G., Mann’s Choice Martin, Blake E., Chambersburg Parker, Eugene C , Altoona Martin, Edith K., Gettysburg Parks, Kim A., Altoona Martin, Janet A., Shippensburg Patterson, Joan E., Carlisle Martin, Joan E., State Line Pearl, Robert W ., Waynesboro Martin, Lee G., Leacock Pearson, Nathan P., Phillipsburg Martz, Mary A. Knodsville Perry, Jane A., Lemoyne Martz, Richard W ., Enhaut Persiponko, Joseph, Williamstown Masemore, Ira G., Lewistown Pescuma, Gayle Thursh, Hanover Mason, Mary C. E., Gettysburg Matthews, Patricia L., Harrisburg Peters, Gerald F., Scotland Peters, Norman E., Chambersburg Maurer, Albert I., Shippensburg Peters, P. William, Fayetteville Maurer, Ronald L., Tremont Peters, S. Jane, Burnham Meade, Maureen G., Pettenati, Delphine F., Altoona Bradley Beach, N. J. Picciallo, Michael, Hackensack, N.J. Meek, Richard, Six Mile Run Picking, John C., Marion Melius, Melvin E., Carlisle Picking, Ralph H., Chambersburg Mell, Nancy L., Carlisle Piper, Mona L., Petersburg Mercurio, Frank S., Lemoyne Plack, Annabelle R., Harrisburg Metcalf, J. Lorraine, Greencastle Miller, Barbara Anne, Harrisburg Plasha, Russell, Saint Clair Polesky, Fred P., Bentleyville Miller, Charles L., Millersburg Potter, Shirley A., Shippensburg Miller, James F., Bellevernon Powell, Edward E., Chambersburg Miller, James K., Carlisle Purcell, Beulah Hutchinson, Miller, John R., Carlisle Lewistown Miller, Joyce D., Altoona Raffensperger, Donna E., Camp Hill Miller, Judith E., Gordonville Raffensperger, Shirley J., Camp Hill Miller, Larry G., Juniata, Altoona Ramper, Barrv S., Robertsdale Miller, LaVonda J., Concord Reber, Rav W ., West Reading Miller, Ronald D., Gettvsburg Reed, G. W alter J., Altoona Minick, Glenn S., Newburg Reed. Herbert, Jr., Atlantic Minick, Harry N., Newburg Highlands, N. J. Minnick, Harry D., Mt. Union Reed, Marjorie L, Alexandria Monn, Jeanne E., Favetteville Reeder, Marcia N., Yeagertown Moore, Edward C., Philadelphia Reese, Dorothy W ., Plainfield Moore, Gary C., Union Deposit Reese, Robert E., Hanover Moore, Nelson R., Aliquiopa Reichard, Glendora E., Waynesboro Moore, Rhoda E., Waynesboro Remsburg, Barbara R., Moreland, Blanche E., York Sharpsburg, Md. Morgart, Donald T., Roaring Spring Renn, Kathryn E., Harrisburg Morrow, Bertha L, Newburg Replogle, James R.. New Enterprise Moser, Gerald L., Waynesboro Rhen, Mary Ann. Pine Grove Mozloom, John A.. Saint Clair Rhodes, Charles F., Mt. Union Murdock, George W ., Pittsburgh Rice, B. Joan, Landisburg Murphy, Paul S., Mechanicsburg Rice, James F., Altoona Murray. Doris L., Franklintown Rice, Robert E., Narberth Mver, Teresa A., Bareville Richardson, Margaret L., Newville Mvers, Eileen J., New Oxford Ricketts, Tanet L., Havertown Mvers, Marian L., Huntsdale Rigaux. Hueuette J., Shippensburg Nailor, Doris M., Newville Rion, Kail C., Levittown Neadv, Frances A., Wavnesboro Robbins, Marguerite N., Nearhoff, Edward O., Bellwood Nenninger, Nancy E., Belsano New Cumberland Nicholson, Robert E., Shippensburg Roberts, Carol A., Summerdale Noel, W . Theodore, Shippensburg Robertson, A. Susan, Doylesburg 110 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD Robinson, Mary J., Carlisle Stenger, Melvin B., Jr., Mercersburg Rock, Ronald L., Greencastle Sterner, Virginia M., York Rodemaker, Mary Ann, Duncannon Stevens, Edward A., Dauphin Rohland, Cldye G., Jr., Harrisburg Stewart, Billy L., Amberson Roll, Eranklin D., Mt. Union Stewart, John R., Altoona Ross, Ernest J., Robertsdale Steikell, Doris E., Chambursburg Rowen, John E., Harrisburg Stine, Dorothy A., Mechanicsburg Rozycld, Joan C., Sunbury Stock, Laura R., Littlestown Rummel, Nancy Stumpff, Lewistown Stoner, Marilyn J., Mechanicsburg Runkle, Jeanne L., Harrisburg Stoner, Nancy A., Harrisburg Runkle, Margaret E., Lewistown Stouffer, Thomas G., Greencastle Rupert, Gary D., Chambersburg Strausner, Marjorie F., Mont Alto Ruppert, Shirley R., Dover Strohecker, Jacqueline, Pottsville Sanderson, Kay L., New Bloomfield Strohm, Joan G , Shippensburg Stull, Jean Hess, Waynesboro Satterfield, James A., Saxton Sullivan, William R., Waynesboro Satterfield, Rebecca A., Hopewell Sutton, Millicent L., Camp Hill Sauter, C. Frank, Shippensburg Saylor, Carl L., Lewistown Sunderland, Ray T., Newton Hamilton Scheetz, William M., Harrisburg Schell, Virginia L., Lemoyne Swartz, Elva E., Harrisburg Swartz, Edwin E., Carlisle Schmidt, James M., Bellwood Swartz, Harold W ., Loysville Schubauer, Selma V., Harrisburg Seilhammer, Richard L., Sykes, Jack M., Harrisburg Taksen, Arnold, Harrisburg Chambersburg Sgrignoli, Irene K, Mechanicsburg Tarras, Kathleen C., York Shaeffer, Robert M., Harrisburg Teitrick, Suzanne E., Carlisle Shambaugh, Phyllis J., Carlisle Tenley, Carol L., Defiance Thompson, Gloria L., E. Waterford Shanholtz, Huberta C., Lemoyne Thrush, Jeanne E., Hanover Sheaffer, Ronald M., Lewistown Shearer, Joan E., Spring Run Timmons, Jesse D., Newport Shears, Marian M., Gettysburg Tolbert, Rodney N., Chambersburg Sheetz, Nancy C., Blairsville Tolbert, Sharee A., Chambersburg Trail, Margaret L., Flintstone, Md. Sherbine, Marlin C., Portage Sherkel, Judith L., Camp Hill Tribit, Donald K., Springfield Trueblood, Cecil R., Hollidaysburg Shewell, Richard D., Glen Rock Ulrich, Hersheul R., Harrisburg Shildt, Mary C., Taneytown, Md. Ventresca, Benito P., Philadelphia Shippey, Ned W ., Mann’s Choice Shoeman, Ernest K., Camp Hill Verdier, Harry B., Mont Alto Shoener, Barbara A., Chatham, N.J. Verdier, Joseph N., Waynesboro Shriner, Fred L., Newburg Waggoner, Keith A., Mechanicsburg Shuman, Robert L., Chambersburg Wagner, Virginia A., Annville Shumate, James M., Aliquippa Wallace, Dorothy A., Bellwood Shuss, E. Alice, Breezewood Wallace, Marie R., Wellsville Simcox, Nancy A., New Cumberland Wallace, Richard E., Reading Siters, Clayton J., Bellwood Wasson, John L., Tyrone Sload, Joyce E., Harrisburg Wasson, Barbara A., Tvrone Smith, Beverly A., Waynesboro Waters, Sara J., Burnt Cabins Smith, Florence W ., Shippensburg Watson, Lynn A., Waynesboro Snare, Ellis J., Saxton Weast, Nancy A., Minersville Snoke, Margaretta A., ChambersburgWeaver, Dorothy L., York Snyder, Dorothy B., Chambersburg Weaver, Gladys A., Saxton Snyder, Gerald L., Greencastle Webber, Hazel I., Chambersburg Snyder, Richard E., Hagerstown, Md.Weikert, Stanley M., Littlestown Spahr, Preston H., Jr., Chambersburg W ert, Donna L., Spruce Creek Spangler, Elizabeth A., York Wertz, Larry R., Lewistown Stankus, Donald P., Uniondale Weston, C. Jane, Orbisonia Whisler. Connie J., Harrisburg Starner, Loline E., Gardners Statler, James O., State Line White, Dolores G-, Langdondale Staub, Vera M., Mechanicsburg Whitfield, James R., Chambersburg Steele, William T., Mechanicsburg Whitsel, Donald R., Lewistown SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE Whitsel, Warren D., Shirleysburg Williams, Gracie M., Gettysburg Williams, Mary A., Lewistown Williamson, Palmer H., Shippensburg Wilson, Joan L., Warriors Mark Wilson, Vesta P., Greencastle Winemiller, Marian L., York Wingert, Patricia J., Chambersburg Winters, Darrell J., Dallastown Wise, Barbara A., Spring Grove Wolfe, John P|, Shiremanstown Wolford, H. Jolene, Chambersburg Wood, Joanne S., West Chester Wrightstone, Robert L., Shiremanstown 111 Wright, Joyce A., Millerstown Wyerman, Donald G., Hollidaysburg Wynkoop, Marilyn E., Narberth Yeager, Frank E., Hollidaysburg Yeakel, Mary H., Pottsville Yoskowitz, Selma, Asbury Park, N.J. Young, Sidney D., Palmyra, N.J. Zechman, Ronald E., Shippensburg Zimmerman, Carolyn Glassmyer, Lemoyne Zimmerman, Dorothy B., Chambersburg Zimmerman, H. Elizabeth, Harrisburg Zimmerman, Roberta, Lemasters Zinobile, P. Joseph, Mt. Union 112 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD TENTATIVE CLASS 1954 Adams, Robert L. Allan, Kathryn A. Berkstresser, Clifford E. Bivens, Mary A. Bonitz, John A. Bonseli, Mary Wise Bowen, F. Joan Boyd, Bertha P. Brake, John C. Brown, John W . Bryant, Mary R. Bull, Jacueline E. Burkett, Annabel Powell Burkholder, Naomi K. Burnheimer, Charles F. Campbell, Estella M. Campbell, Patricia Magee Carbaugh, Margaret M. Champion, Helen L. Charlton, D. Joanne Cherry, George W . Chomas, Theodore R. Clopper, Donald L. Cook, E. Leland Creasey, Richard G. Cutshall, Robert R. Daddario, James P. Daihl, Robert E, Davidson, Jay F. Davis, Vera Cook Defibaugh, Donald L. Diehl, Nancy J. Diehl, Kathryn Wagaman Diggs, Gwendolyn Owens Dissinger, Joann E. Downing, Dorene Drake, F. Ruth Ellis, Raymond Engle, Wanda J. Epply, John W . Evans, Robert W . Farrell, Anna M. Felton, Dorothy G. Filipovitz, Dolores E. Finkenbinder, Ronald L. Fisher, Robert L. Fitz, Virginia Walck Fogelsonger, Barbara A. Fortna, Anna L. Frank, David S. Freeman, Barbara Gorsuch Fuller, Alvin W . Gerdes, Richard M. Gettel, Jean A. Graf, Nancy M. Green, Doris A. Gutub, Ruth M. Hafer, Suzanne M. Hall, Sandra C. Hamsher, M. Ruth Hancock, Eleanor E. Hawn, Ruth E. Hays, Herbert E., Jr. Haugh, Gerald E. Heller, Elizabeth Ditchburn Henderson, Martha L. Hess, Barbara A. Hess, Nancy L. Hissong, J. Faust Hoover, B. Anne Horner, Phyllis R. Jaymes, Althea Stains Jenkins, Geraldine L. Jones, Lois A. Kates, Mary Helfrich Keller, Willis Kercheval, William C. Klenzing, W . Joanne Klinger, Josephine E. Klock, Beverly J. Laderach, Joan C. Lauer, William C. Limes, Dawn Keiser Linsky, Marilyn McCann, John E. McClelland, Frank T. McMillen, Fern M. Mackey, Martha Coble Madden, Lois A. Magaro, Louise M. Mahoney, Norabel Martin, Blake E. Martin, Janet A. Martin, Lee G. Miller, Barbara Ann Miller, Ellen R. Miller, Joyce D. Minick, Harry N. Monn, Jeanne Deardorff Peterson, Eleanore Love Pettenati, Delphine F. Polesky, Fred P. Raffensperger, Donna E. Reed, Marjorie I. Reichard, Glendora E. Replogle, James R. Richardson, Margaret L. Rigaux, Huguette Ross, Ernest J. Rowan, John E. Rummel, Nancy Stumpff Scaglione, Steve SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE Schubauer, Selma V. Shambaugh, Phyllis J. Shaull, Robert K. Shearer, Joan E. Sherkel, Judith L. Shuman, Robert L. Sload, Joyce E. Slothower, Gertrude Wonders Smith, Beverly A. Spangler, Elizabeth A. Staub, Vera M. Stenger, Melvin B., Jr. Stewart, Gerald E. Steillman, Ruth H. Stitzel, Mary Clevenger Stoner, Marilyn J. Stoner, Nancy A. Strausner, Marjorie F. Stull, Jean Hess Sunderland, Ray tfe; Sutton, Millicent L. Thompson, Gloria L. Ulrich, Hersheul R. Wagner, Virginia A. Wallace, Dorothy A. Walters, Hazel F. Weaver, Gladys A. Wilkinson, Elinor Perreida Wynkoop, Marilyn E. Yeager, Frank E. Yeakel, Mary H. Zeger, Kathryn Downing 113 114 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD GRADUATES OF 1953 Name Adams, Kenneth J. Allison, James J. Amato, Domenica R. Andetson, Stanley E. Angle, Dolly L. Angle, Jacque D. Appleton, Helen M. Arnold, Edith O. Bellas, Edward A. Blackburn, Joanne R. Blake, Edwin W . Brehm, Joan Oiler Brown, Richard V. Broyles, Kenton H. Burgess, Carolyn Mills Bushey, Archie L., Jr. Callen, Matthew, III Carlson, Carl A. Chapparone, Anthony L. Claar, Francis P. Clevenger, Paul D. Clouser, Louise A. Cockley, William H. Coleman, Murdock W . Coleman, Richard N. Corkle, William I. Craft, James E. Cressler, Mary Ann Davis, H. Eugene Davis, J. Bruce Deardorff, Lucille A. DeShong, Donna J. Dillard, D. Brooke Duncan, David Erdman, Marie M. Feather, James R. Fisher, David S. Flick, William C. Address County and State 3006 Bedford St., Johnstown Cambria, Pa. R. D., Belleville Mifflin, Pa. 116 S. Penn St., York York, Pa. 209 Harrison Ave., Avalon 2 Allegheny, Pa. R. D. 2, Mercersburg Franklin, Pa. 43 Vi W . King St., Shippensburg Cumberland, Pa. 10 Virginia Ave., R.D. 1, Langhorne Bucks, Pa. 1126 S. Homewood Rd., Charleston West Virginia Colver Cambria, Pa. R. R. 1, Sidman Cambria, Pa. 516 N. Juniata St., Hollidaysburg Blair, Pa. 33 Parsonage St., Newville Cumberland, Pa. 197 Coldbrook Ave., Chambersburg Franklin, Pa. 309 S. Church St., Waynesboro Franklin, Pa. 401 S. Jefferson St., Mt. Union Huntingdon, Pa. R. 1, Spring Grove York, Pa. 243 Maclay St., Harrisburg Dauphin, Pa. 108 W . Market St., Williamstown Dauphin, Pa. 1518 Vonkirk St., Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pa. 201 Walnut St., Hollidaysburg Blair. Pa. R. D. 2, Newville Cumberland, Pa. 418 S. 13th St., Harrisburg Dauphin, Pa. 926 Wilson Avenue, Chambersburg Franklin, Pa. 432 Vine St., Elizabeth New Jersey Beaver Springs Snyder, Pa. 345 E. Fort St., Shippensburg Cumberland, Pa. Box 76, York Haven York, Pa. R. D. 3, Shippensburg Cumberland, Pa. Blandburg Cambria, Pa. Walnut St., Reedsville Mifflin, Pa. R. R. 1, Fayetteville Franklin, Pa. McConnellsburg Fulton, Pa. R.D. 6, Carlisle Cumberland, Pa. 67 Vi Garber St., Chambersburg Franklin, Pa. Gratz Dauphin, Pa. 119 Vi Chambersburg St., Gettysburg Adams, Pa. Mann’s Choice Bedford, Pa. 226-22nd Avenue, Altoona Blair, Pa. SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE Nam e Forcellini, Lindbergh C. Frye, Marjorie A. Fuhrman, Lowell K. Fullerton, Garnett A. Garling, William 1. Geyer, James R. Glee, Evelyn R. Griffin, Patricia Hursh Gross, Harry E. Gross, Mary W . Group, Mary L. Grove, Richard K. Guss, Susanne J. Hahs, Shirley C. Hargleroad, John M. Harpster, Harry R. Hatchell, Marjorie M. Hauber, Frederick W . Heistand, Barbara Radel Hepner, James J. Hess, Regina L. Heycock, John R. Hildebrand, Joan Martin Hocker, Elaine W . Hoffman, Janet V. Holbert, John W . Holley, Josephine E. Hoover, Rodney L. Howell, Roy E. Hunsberger, Jean Walker Itinger, Mary Lou Jumper, Eldon D. Kaiser, Charles W . Kaup, Nancy L. Kiefman, Robert R. Killalea, Patricia A. Klinger, Lloyd E. Knohr, Janet L. Lehman, Suzanne Vink Lenker, Helen E. Lewis, Phillip L. Lickel, George R. Address 115 County and State 1062 Second St., Nanty Glo, Cambria, Pa. 8 W . Main St., Mechanicsburg Cumberland, Pa. R. D. 1, Hanover Adams, Pa. R. D, 2, 67 Elmdale Drive, Ruthfred Acres, Bridgeville Allegheny, Pa. 18 W . King St., Shippensburg Cumberland, Pa. Star Route, Lurgan Franklin, Pa. McConnellsburg Fulton, Pa. 8 E. Big Spring Ave., Newville Cumberland, Pa. R. R. 2, East Berlin Adams, Pa. Box 165, Dauphin Dauphin, Pa. 318 N. Stratton St., Gettysburg Adams, Pa. 213 E. Fifth Ave., Altoona Blair, Pa. 20 S. Third St., Mifflintown Juniata, Pa. 20 Albert Ave., Alden Luzerne, Pa. R. D. 2, Chambersburg Franklin, Pa. Pearl St., Reedsville Mifflin, Pa. 211 Verbeke St., Harrisburg Dauphin, Pa. 1551 Simpson Ferry Road, New CumberlandCumberland, Pa. 120 Huston Ave., Penbrook, Harrisburg Dauphin, Pa. 317 E. Orange St., Shippensburg Cumberland, Pa. R. D. 1, Loysville Perry, Pa. 336 Hummel Ave., Lemoyne Cumberland, Pa. 229 N. Union Ave., Havre de Grace Maryland 62 Park St., Progress, Harrisburg Dauphin, Pa. Main St., Saltillo Huntingdon, Pa. 249 S. Washington St., Greencastle Franklin, Pa. 5849 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pa. Newburg Cumberland, Pa. 117 Ann St., Middletown Dauphin, Pa. 229 Argyle Rd., Ardmore Montgomery, Pa. Shelton Ave., Alexandria Huntingdon, Pa. 26 E. Main St., Newville Cumberland, Pa. R. 5, Chambersburg Franklin, Pa. 60 S. Munn Ave., East Orange Newjersey Riddlesburg Bedford, Pa. Sumner Nebraska 1251 Susquehanna Ave., Sunbury Northumberland, Pa. Market St., Gratz Dauphin, Pa. 27 Elmwood Ave., Geneva New York Market St., Pillow Dauphin, Pa. 663 Pennsylvania Ave., Y ork York, Pa. 1917 Fourth Ave., Altoona Blair, Pa. 116 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD Nam e McCullough, Joseph P. McDonnell, Catherine E. McKee, Margaret J. McMillen, Faye E. Madden, Bonita R. Malamos, H. Phyllis Mariner, Andrew Meckley, Patricia A. Mills, Charles W . Mock, Dorothy L. Moore, Romana L. Motter, James R. Moyer, Janet Statler Moyer, Leon W. Myers, Charlotte K. Myers, Jack E. Nace, Eleanore T. Neely, Donald L. Nesbit, James C. Ness, Robert E. Nolan, Joann Ogden, Nancy J. Peck, Rose M. Penn, Thomas F. Penrod, Alma Jones Pescuma, Ralph A. Pheasant, E. Marie Pine, Shirley Powell, Robert E. Pryor, Sarah J. Pyles, Kathleen Flood Reese, Ruth E. Richards, Max E., Jr. Roberts, Janet Long Roberts, Roger A. Robertson, Donald E. Rodgers, Dean T. Roland, Calvin E. Routsong, Jacquelin B. Rummel, Wallace B. Runkle, Mary G. Scott, Emma R. Shank, Anna Bricker Sherman, Edgar J. Sinner, Carl I. Smeigh, Susan S. Smith, Genevieve A. Smith, Glenn E. Address County and State 118 S. Pomfret St., Carlisle Cumberland, Pa. 711 Cedar St., Croydon Bucks, Pa. 28 S. Main St., Chambersburg Franklin, Pa. Loysville Perry, Pa. 8 W . Main St., Mechanicsburg Cumberland, Pa. 8 S. Penn St., Shippensburg 4030 Creston St., Philadelphia 24 Philadelphia, Pa. 506 Ninth Ave., Juniata, Altoona Blair, Pa. 74 Asbury Ave., Atlantic Highlands New Jersey 129 E. First Ave., Everett Bedford, Pa. Neelyton Huntingdon, Pa. R. 2, Littlestown Adams, Pa. 139 Glen Road, Glen Burnie Maryland 408 Seiberts Courts, West Lawn Berks, Pa. 752 W . Princess St., York York, Pa. Gardners 2, Hunters Run Adams, Pa. 2223 Boas St., Harrisburg Dauphin, Pa. Blair, Pa. R. D. 1, Hollidaysburg York, Pa. R. D. 1, Wellsville York, Pa. 166 S. Albemarle St., York Newburg Cumberland, Pa. 336 Baltimore St., Gettysburg Adams, Pa. 711 Cedar Ave., Croydon Bucks, Pa. Centre, Pa. 100-13th St., Philipsburg York, Pa. 34 S. Sixth St., Mount Wolf 110 Terrace Ave., Babylon New York Cassville Huntingdon, Pa. 305 Kalton Ave., Altoona Blair, Pa. 119 N. Potomac St., Hagerstown, Maryland 109 Ridge Ave., Waynesboro Franklin, Pa. Neelyton Huntingdon, Pa. R. R. 3, Shippensburg Cumberland, Pa. 20 Ninth St., Philipsburg Centre, Pa. R. D. 6, Carlisle Cumberland, Pa. R. D. 6, Carlisle Cumberland, Pa. 938 W . Locust St., Y ork York, Pa. College Ave, Milroy Mifflin, Pa. 315 Frederick St., Hanover Adams, Pa. 418 S. 13th St., Harrisbrg Dauphin, Pa. 22 S. Prince St., Shippensburg Cumberland, Pa. 28 S. 24th St., Penbrook, Harrisburg Dauphin, Pa. 60 S. Munn Ave., East Orange New Jersey R. 1, Chambersburg Franklin, Pa. 3424 N. Fourth St., Harrisburg Dauphin, Pa. 1915 N. Second St., Harrisburg Dauphin, Pa. 5507 Sixth Ave., Altoona Blair, Pa. R. D. 1, Shippensburg Cumberland, Pa. Third St., Boiling Springs Cumberland, Pa. SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE Name Smith, Virginia E. Spigelmyer, Wanda L. Stadulis, Robert T. Stamp, Joan M. Steele, Mildred I. Sterner, George L. Stuck, Kenneth O. Stull, Lorren L. Swartley, Kenneth M. Swartz, Richard L. Sweitzer, Joanne Laughlin Taylor, Carol J. Tenny, William B. Treese, Gerald E. Vesco, Theresa J. Wallace, James W . Ward, Myra F. Warner, Emily S. Wenger, Jean E. Wetzel, Eleanor Eyler Whitcomb, Robert K. W irt, Sally Ann Yakoumis, Gertrude G Yoder, Betsy L. Zeiders, Barbara Hess Zimmerman, David E. Zimmerman, Dorothy L. Address 117 County and State 235 W . Main St.,. New Bloomfield Perry, Pa. 60 S. Munn Ave., East Orange New Jersey 44 S. Earl St., Shippensburg Cumberland, Pa. 7075 Radbourne Rd., Upper Darby Delaware, Pa. 2114 Bellevue Rd., Harrisburg Dauphin, Pa. 34 N. Duke St., York York, Pa. 629 Highland Ave., Lewistown Mifflin, Pa. 242 Hamilton Ave., Waynesboro Franklin, Pa. 235 Cross Hill Rd., Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pa. R. D. 1, Mercersburg Franklin, Pa. 1005 Jefferson Ave., Tyrone Blair, Pa. 1500 Moore St., Huntingdon Huntingdon, Pa. 41 N. Enola Drive, Enola Cumberland, Pa. 312 N. Fourth St., Bellwood Blair, Pa. R. D. 4, Box 158, Greensburg Westmoreland, Pa. 2600 Hoffer St., Penbrook, Harrisburg Dauohin, Pa. R. D. 1, Clearville Bedford, Pa. Blue Ridge Summit Franklin, Pa. 330 S. Second St., Chambersburg Franklin, Pa. 118 N. Potomac St.,. Waynesboro Franklin, Pa. R. D. 6, Carlisle Cumberland, Pa. 106 S. 18th St., Camp Hill Cumberland, Pa. 415 E. Norwegian St., Pottsville Schuvlkill, Pa. 200 E. Main St., Belleville Miffllin, Pa. 117 Willow Rd., Harrisburg Dauohin, Pa. Orrstown Franklin, Pa. 4915 Smith St., Colonial Park, Harrisburg Dauphin, Pa. 118 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD SHIPPENSBURG ADVANTAGES Located in the Beautiful Cumberland Valley Reached Easily by Car, Bus, or Railroad Beautifully Landscaped Campus Sunlighted S w im m in g Pool Two Athletic Fields Ten All-weather Tennis Courts Extensive Extra-Curricula Program Student Activity Building New Gymnasium Effectual Memorial Auditorium New Laboratory School Building New Science Building New and Up-to-date Science Laboratories Modern Business Machines Competent Faculty Fully accredited by regional and national accrediting agencies An outstanding Library Friendly Spirit SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 119 SOME LYCEUM ARTISTS WHO HAVE APPEARED AT THE COLLEGE DURING RECENT YEARS Carl Sandburg, Poet and Lecturer The Trappe Family Singers Margaret Webster Players in The Taming of the Shrew Mario Lanza, Tenor Eleanor Knapp and Lloyd Harris, Operatic Duets Margaret Daum, Soprano Ruth St. Dennis Dancers Charles O’Connel, Author, Conductor, Lecturer The Ten Shawn Dancers Evelyn MacGregor, Contralto The National Symphony Orchestra The Westminster Choir Mario Braggiotte, Pianist The Boston Symphonette The Men of Song, Male Quartet Louis Untermeyer, Poet and Lecturer The Clair Tree Major Players Sidney Harth, Violinist W ilbur Evans, Baritone The Hedgerow Players Louise Bannerman, Harpist The Vienna Choir Boys Ruth Daye, Xylophonist Morley and Gearheart, Duo Pianists The Revelers, Male Quartet Rawn Spearman, Tenor The Tamburitzans Philadelphia Wind wood Quintet 120 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE HERALD I N D E X Pages Administrative Offices ....................................................................................... Admission Requirements ..................................... Advanced Standings ............................................................................................ Alumni .................................................................................................................... Alumni Advisory Council ................................................................................. Alumni Executive Committee .......................................................................... Alumni Loan Fund ............................................................................................ Art Course Descriptions ................................................................................... Athletics .................................................................................................................. Awards and Scholarships ................................................................................. Board of Control ................................................................................................ Board of T ru stees................................................................................................ Business Course Descriptions .......................................................................... Business Education Courses ............................................................................ Business Education Curriculum ...................................................................... Certification of Teachers ................................................................................... Class of 1954 ......................................................................................................... Clubs ....................................................................................................................... College Calendar for 1954-1955 ..................................................................... Commencement ..................................................................................................... Costs Summary ..................................................................................................... Curriculums ............................................................................................................ Curriculum Selection .......................................................................................... Dental Hygienists Curriculum ................................................ Deposits for Reservations................................................................................... Dramatics ................................................................................................................ Education Course Descriptions ...................................................................... Elementary Education Courses ........................................................................ Elementary Curriculum ..................................................................................... English Course Descriptions ............................................................................ Faculty Advisors ............................................ Faculty Members ................................................................................................ Fees and Costs ..................................................................................................... Fees, Payments ..................................................................................................... Foreign Language Course Descriptions ........................................................ Geography Course Descriptions ................................................................... Graduates of 1953 ..................................................................................... . . . . Graduation ............................................................................................................ Health and Physical Education Course D escriptions................................ Information, General ....................................................................................... Insurance ................................................................................................................ Keys .............................................................................. . ........................................ Laboratory S ch o o l................................................................................................ Laundry .................................................................................................................. Loan Fund .............................................................................................................. H 40 42 102 104 103 38 66 24 36 6 6 68 62 60 45 112 26 5 45 35 47 47 64 34 25 72 49 48 76 44 7 30 35 85 80 H4 45 84 13 17 21 11 20 38 SHIPPENSBURG COLLEGE ISSUE 121 I N D E X Pages Mathematics Course Description ................................................................... 88 Music Course Description ................................................................................. 67 Music Organizations .......................................................................................... 23 Nurse Curriculum .............................................................................................. 65 Placement .............................................................................................................. 46 Purpose of C o lleg e.............................................................................................. 18 Quality Point System .......................................................................................... 43 Scholarships and A w a rd s................................................................................... 36 Scholastic Progress .............................................................................................. 43 Science Course Description ............................................................................... 90 Secondary Courses .............................................................................................. 52 Secondary Curriculum ........................................................................................ 51 Shippensburg Advantages ................................................................................. 118 Social Studies Course Descriptions................................................................. 96 State Council of Education ............................................................................ 6 Student Government ......................................................................................... 22 Student Publications ......................................................................................... 25 Student Roster .................................................................................................... 106 Student Teaching ............................................................................................... 44 Summer Sessions ................................................................................................ 20 Telephone Service .............................................................................................. 21 Tests ......................................................................................................................... 41 Withdrawal Notice ............................................................................................ 21