3STOJ TWENTY-SIXTH... ANNUAL CATALOGUE .. .O F T H F .. . Cumberland Valley State Normal School ...F O C A T F D A T ... SHIPPENSBURG, PA. 1897-1898 C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e . N ormal S chool. Board of Trustees. S. M. W H E R R Y, President. E- J. McCUNE, Secretary. Trustees Representing the Stockholders. G. R. D YK K M AN , S. J. H ARRIS, JOHN E. BARNER, E. J. McCUNE, J. E. BOHER, REV. W. A . ADDAM S, J. B. REDDIG, M. C. K E N N E D Y , F. E. H OEEA r M S. M. W H E R R Y, . S. W Y E IE . Trustees Representing the State. H. C. G R E E N A W A E T, M. G. H ARE, H E N R Y R. H AW K , G. H. STE W A R T , J. M. H AM ILTON , G AS. McE E A n / School Officers and Committees. Committee on Houses, Buildings and Grounds. E. J. McCUNE, G. H. ST E W A R T , H. M. C. K E N N E D Y , G. R. D YK E M A N , R. H AW K- Committee on Discipline and Instruction. G. H. S T E W A R T , • j . E. BOHER, E. J. McCUNE, S. S. W YR IE, G. S. M cEEAN. Committee on Finance and Accounts. J. B. REDDIG, M. G. H A L E , j . r . BARN ER, S. J. H A R R IS !!! J. McC. M EANS, Treasurer. 3 4 C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormad S chool . Faculty, 1897=98. G. M. D. E c k e l s , A . M., ScgD ., Principal, Mental Philosophy, Science and Art of Teaching-. Jos. F. B arton , A . M., Sc. D., Natural Sciences. J. W . H ughes , A . M|| j| Mathematics;. E zra L eh m an , M. S., Grammar, literature, General History. H. M. R o th , M. E., Arithmetiei?Algebra. E leanor J. R ock wood , Vocal and Instrumental Music. A da V . H orton , M. E-, Stenography, Typewriting, Orthography. C ora B. C l a r k M Director of Gymnasium. G eo . H. E c k els , M. S., A . M., Latin, Greek. C. E- Bar to n , M. E .,... Geography, Civil Government. A nna M cB r id e , Principal Model School. E udora M a t h e r ,:.. Assistant Principal Model School. M. E m ily L amb , Drawing. ’ •>. ; C ora S t . John F itch Reading, Elocution. I da B. Q u ig l e y , M. E-, Arithmetic, Algebra. M. L innaeus D rum , B. S |f||f Latin, Grammar. B er th a C o u lter , B. S ., Book-keeping, Latin, German. C umberland V a l le y S t a t e N ormal S chool . 5 The Calendar, 1898=99. Fall Term— 1898. Monday, Thursday, Thursday, Aug. 29 — Fah Term begins. Nov. 24 — Thanksgiving. Dec. 15 — Fall Term closes. W inter Term-B|899. Monday|g| Jan. 2 — Winter Term begins. Wednesday, Feb. 22 — Washington’s Birthday. Friday, Mar. 24 E-W inter Term closes. Spring Term— 1899. Monday, FridayllB Friday, Friday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Mar. Apr. May June June June J. ne June 27 — Spring Term begins. 21 *— Anniversary Normal Lit. Soc. 5*— Reunion Philo Lit. Soc. 23E—Model School Commencement. 25 •— Baccalaureate Sermon. 26 — Normal Musical and Lit. Entertainment. 27 — Class Day and Alumni Reunion. 28 — Commencement and Alumni Meeting. *T hese dates m ay be changed. 6 C umberland V a l le y S t a t e N ormal S chool . History of the School. The Cumberland Valley State Normal School first threw open its doors for the reception of students April 15,1873. Since that time eleven hundred and ninety-nine young men and women have graduated from the school and six have received State Certificates. On April 15th of the present school year the Quarto-Centennial of the school was celebrated with appropriate exercises. Addresses on this occasion were made by Dr. N. C. Shaeffer, Superintendent of Public Instruction ; Dr: Geo. F- Reed, President of Dickinson College; Hon. Henry Houck, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction ; Prof. W . F. Zumbro, Superintendent of Franklin C o P r o f . R. M. McNeal', Superintendent of Dauphin.Co.; Dr. J. P. Welsh, Principal of Bloomsburg Normal ; . Prof. W. P. Dick, President of Metzger College ; Hon. S. M. Wherry, President of the Board of Trustees of Cumberland Valley State Normal School; J. S. Omwake, Esq., Class of ’91 ; Dr. J. F. Barton, Class of ’74, and Dr. G. M. D. Eckels’, Principal of Cumberland Valley State Normal School.- In the evening a joint meeting of the two so­ cieties, the Philomathean and the Normal, was held in the Normal chapel, at which meeting Principal G. M. D. Eckels presided, and Miss Anna McBride, Principal of the Model School, acted as sec­ retary. The exefcises of the day were carried out in a very suc­ cessful manner. The Cumberland Valley State Normal School has always rec­ ognized the: principle that the, Normal schools, of Pennsylvania have been established for the preparation of young men and women to teach in the public schools, and in pursuance of this principle the school endeavors to do thorough academic work as a proper foundation for successful professional training and instruction. The present school year has been a very successful one. The teachers composing the Faculty are enterprising, energetic and capable, and their influence, instruction and training have been manifest in the healthy growth and development of the students. The Board of Trustees, are looking forward to large and impor­ tant improvements during the coming year, and when these im­ provements are completed there will be but little lacking to make the Cumberland Valley State Normal School an ideal school home. C umberland V a l l e y St a t e N ormal S chool . 7 Location of the School. The Cumberland Valley State Normal School is . located at Shippensburg, Cumberland county, Pa., and is recognized as the Normal School of the Seventh District. Shippensburg is an ideal school town, situated in the beautiful Cumberland Valley, about forty miles south-west of Harrisburg, and on the line of the Cum­ berland Valley railroad. Shippensburg is also the terminal of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad, and of the Western’Mary­ land railroad. The town is one of Christian homes, containing churches of nearly all the leading denominations. The location is not only beautiful and attractive, but is like­ wise exceedingly healthful. Students are, as a rule, healthier in school than ill their own homes. Diligent attention is given to the sanitary conditions of the institution, and as a result the health statistics of the school are very satisfactory. No epidemic has ever visited the school, and the students have been remarkably free from disease of any kind. The School Buildings. The Normal School Buildings comprise an Administration Building and Gentlemen’s Dormitory, a Ladies’ Dormitory and a Gymnasium. The Administration Building is an elegant brick structure, four stories high and contains over two hundred rooms. There is dormitory capacity in this building for two hundred and fifty students, and school room facilities and accommodations for six hundred students. This building also contains the class­ rooms, libraries, chapel, model school room, parlors, dining room and Principal’s office. The new Gymnasium is a model of its kinds The building is ornamental in design, and well adapted for the purposes of a gym­ nasium. It is well equipped with a complete set of apparatus of the most approved make. This building, with its equipment, enÁ ables us to offer our students, free of cost to them, the very best advantages for physical culture. The Ladies’ Dormitory, the newest of the Normal School Buildings erected, is Romanesque in style, consisting of three 8 C umberland V a l le y S t a t e N ormal S chool . wings projecting from the main structure in the center. This main structure is fifty by fifty feet, and each of the wings is sev­ enty ||r forty-four feet. The whole interior of the building is ex­ ceedingly light and cheerful, and a very attractive home for stu­ dents. This building is undoubtedly the finest ladies’ dormitory building connected with the Normal schools of the State. Arrange­ ments are being made to open it for the coming school year. The opening of this building offers to lady students a most attractive and comfortable school home, an advantage which ought to be carefully weighed by parents who have daughters to educate. The building has dormitory accommodations for all the lady students of the school. A separate building for ladies is desirable in many ways, and we know parents will be glad to have the op­ portunity to send their daughters to an institution offering this advantage. School Grounds. The Campus contains over; twelve acres of ground, graded and laid out in beautiful lawns intersected with pleasant walks and drives. A large and beautiful fountain stands in front of the Main Building. The Class o f ’96 made a generous contribution to the fund necessary to erect it, and the Board of Trustees, appreciating the good will and generosity of the class, dedicated the fountain to it. A flag pole, ninety feet-in height, has been erected on thé grounds in front of the fountain, from the top of which floats a large and handsome U. S. flag. Railroad Facilities. The Cumberland Valley Railroad passes directly in front of the buildings. A t the opening and closing of each term the trains are scheduled to stop at the school grounds to take on and leave off passengers. This prevents any confusion to new students and saves them the expense of transferring their baggage from the station to the school. The Western Maryland and the Philadel­ phia and Reading Railroads have their stations convenient to the school and the baggage is transferred from the station to the school C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . 9 free of charge to the student. It will thus be seen that the rail­ road accommodations are excellent and that students have no difficulty in reaching the school safely and conveniently. Growth of the School* The growth of the Cumberland Valley State Normal School has been highly gratifying to all who are interested in its welfare. Within the last six years the number of'students has more than doubled, and to meet the demands made upon the school by this large increase of students the membership of the Faculty has been correspondingly increased. Additional clagsroom| 4 have been made, the libraries increased, and many improvements made in the interest of the students. In the Normal Department the effort has been to keep the standard of scholarship up to a point which would secure the con­ fidence of the schoolmen of the state in the scholastic attainments of our graduates, and also to place the school on an equality with the foremost Normal Schools of the state in the character of its Academic work. In the professional work we have kept pace with the best modern thought in regard to education, giving to the students the most advanced ideas in relation to the Philosophy of Teaching and the Art of School Management. In the Model School or Training Department we have made continued progress and we can honestly lay claim to having one of the best training schools in the state. Our graduates, if they have any teaching power naturally, cannot fail to become strong teachers by virtue of the criticisms and instruction given in the Training Department. Our Model School is not looked upon as a legal necessity, nor are its duties performed in a perfunctory way, but on the contrary it is regarded as one of the most essential departments of the School. IO C umberland V a l le y S ta te N ormal S chool . Courses of Instruction. A s Revised December 11, 1894. Four Courses of Instruction are provided for as follows : Elementary Course.' Regular Normal Course. Scientific Course. Advanced Normal Course. Elementary Course. Preparatory Studies. EANGUAGE.S-Orthography, Reading. N atural S cien ce .-srPhysiology and Hygiene. H istorical S cien ce .— Geography, Political and Physical, His; tory of the United States. T he A r t s .— Penmanship, sufficient to be able to explain some ■. approved system; writing to be submitted to the Board of Examiners. Other studies, as Arithmetic, English Grammar, Algebra, etc., shall be added to the Preparatory year, said studies to be selected by each Normal School, but the ‘I final” examination in these added branches shall be deferred until the end of the Junior year. Junior Year. P edagogics .^School Management; Methods of Teaching the Common Branches. LANGUAGE.S-English Grammar ; Eatin sufficient for the introduc­ tion of Caesar. M ath em atics .— Arithmetic; Elementary Algebra. N atu r al S cien ce .-— Botany. H istorical SciENc^sH-Civil Government. T he A r t s .— Drawing; a daily exercise for at least twenty-four C umberland V a l le y S t a t e N ormal S chool . i i weeks, work to be submitted to the Board of Examiners; Book-keeping, single entry, including a knowledge of com­ mon business papers, and a daily exercise of at least seven w eeks; Vocal Music, elementary principles, and attendance upon daily exercises for at least twelve weeks. P hysical C u ltu r e . Senior Year. P edagogics .— Psychology; Methods of teaching the Common Branches; History o f Education ; Model School Work at least twenty weeks of actual teaching daily during one period of not less than forty-five minutes; a Thesis on a professional subject. EANGUAGE.S-Rhetoric and Composition; English Eiterature, at least twelve weeks’ work, including the thorough study of four English classics; Latin, Caesar, through the Helvetian war. Math em atics .— Plane Geometry. N atu r al S cien ce .— Elementary Natural Philosophy. H istorical S cien ce .S-General History. T he A rts .— Elocutionary exercises in connection with the study of English Literature ; Manual Training. P hysical C u ltu re . Regular Normal Course. Three Years (This course includes the studies of the Elementary Course, and the following branches. A full equivalent will be accepted for any of the text-books named in this Course): P edagogics .— Advanced Psychology; Moral Science; Philosophy of Education ; Methods of Teaching ; Practice of Teaching; Pedagogical Works; Froebel, Education of Man; Quick, Educational Reformers; Fitch, Lectures on Teaching; School Supervision, School Apparatus; Discussion of Manual Train­ ing, Physical Culture, etc. Math em atics .— Solid Geometry; Plane and Analytical Trig­ onometry; Surveying. LANGUAGE.S-Latin; Caesar, 3 books; V irgil’s ^Eneid, 3 books ; Cicero, 3 orations. 12 C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . N a tu r a l S cien ce .— Chemistry, including Chemistry of Soils; Zoology, including Entomology; and Geology. I,iTERA'fpRE.— Higher Literature, English and American, includ­ ing a study of at least four classics. Scientific Course. Four Years. - (This Course includes the studies of the Regular Normal Course and the following branches : P edagogics .— Logic; Course of Professional Reading selected from Regular or Advanced Normal Course ; a Thesis on a professional subject. L a n g u a g e .— Latin : 3 books of V irgil’s Ajneid, 3 orations of Cicero, or a full equivalent (an equivalent of Greek, German or French will be accepted for any of the following studies: Virgil, Cicero, Higher Algebra, Spherical Trigonometry, Sur­ veying, Analytical Geometry, Calculus, Mathematical Natural Philosophy and Mathematical Astronomy, and an equivalent of Latin and advanced work in Natural Science for any of the foregoing mathematical studies.) ' • Math em atics .— Higher Algebra: Spherical Trigonometry and Surveying with use of instruments; Analytical Geometry; Differential and Integral Calculus. > N atu r al S c ien ce .— Higher Natural Philosophy^Astronomy, Descriptive and Mathematical. H istorical S cien ce .— English H istory; Grecian History ; Ro­ man History. Advanced Normal Course. Five Years. - (This Course includes the studies of the Scientific Course, and one year’s additional work in Pedagogics,, as follows. A full equivalent will be accepted for any of the text-books in the Course g) P sychology .S-James, Advanced Course. Laurie’s Institutes of Education; Rein’s Outline of Pedagogy; Herbart’s Science of Education; Spencer’s Education ; Ros- C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . m mini’s Method in Education; Davidson® Education of the Greek People. Discussion of Methods and Objects of Eeading Educators: Froebel, Pestalozzi, Dr. Arnold, Horace Mann and others. Discussion of Educational Theories. Education in the United States; Education in Pennsylvania (Wickersham); General Survey of History of Public Education in Germany, France and England. Advanced work in Eanguage, Mathematics, Natural Science, etc., may be taken at the option of the. student. ' Rules for Final Examinations And Admission to the Junior and Senior Classes in the Elementary Course. 1. Admission to the Senior and Junior classes shall be deter­ mined by the State Board of Examiners at the annual examina­ tion by the Board. 2. In order to be admitted to the Junior class of any State Normal School, persons must be examined in the six preparatory branches named and no others, and the examination in these branches shall be final. Those who for any reason were unable to complete the Preparatory examination may be admitted.to both the Preparatory and the Junior examinations at the end of the Junior year. But they must be classed as preparatory students till the final examination in the preparatory branches has been completed. No substitutions or conditions shall be allowed for any of the studies required for admission to the Junior class. 3. In order to be admitted to the Senior class, persons must be examined in all the Junior studies, except Methods, and the ex­ amination in these branches shall be final. No substitutions or conditions shall be allowed for any of the studies required for ad­ mission to the Senior class. 4. I f the faculty of any State Normal School, or the State Board of Examiners, decide that a person is not prepared to pass an examination by the State Board, he shall not be admitted to the same examination at any other State Normal School during the same school year. 5. I f a person who has completed the Preparatory or the Junior 14 C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . studie's at any State Normal School desires to enter another State Normal School, the Principal of the School at which the exami­ nation was held shall send the proper certificate to the Principal of the School which the person desires to attend. Except for the reason here stated, no certificate setting forth the fact of the pass­ ing of the Preparatory or the Junior studies shall be issued. 6. Candidates for graduation shall be examined in all the branches of the Senior year. They shall have the opportunity of being examined in any of the higher branches, including vocal and instrumental music and double entry bookkeeping; and all studies completed by them shall be named in their certificate. 7. Persons who have been graduated in any course may be ex­ amined atany State examination in any branches! of ahigher course, and the Secretary of the Board of Examiners shall certify, on the back of their diplomas, to the passing of the branches completed at said examination. 8. A certificate setting forth the proficiency of all the applicants in all the studies in which they desire to be examined by the State Board of Examiners shall be prepared and signed by the faculty and presented to the Board. The certificate presented for appli­ cants for admission to the Senior class in the Elementary Course shall also set forth the standing of said applicant in the studies of the Junior year in which they are not examined. 9. The Board of Examiners is appointed by the State Superin­ tendent of Public Instruction and is composed as follows : The State Superintendent or Deputy Superintendent, who is President of the Board ; the Principal of another Normal School; six County, City, or Borough Superintendents, and the Principal of this Normal School. Each student must receive eight votes out of the nine in order to pass the examination. Students must be examined and recommended by the faculty before taking the State Board Exam ­ ination . Diplomas. A student who is graduated in the Regular Normal or the Sci­ entific Course will receive a diploma in which will be named the branches of the course, and which will confer upon him one of the following degrees: Bachelor of Elementary Didactics (B. E. D.) ; Bachelor of Sciences (B. S.). C ü M B IÎB X A N D V A L L E Y S T A T E N O R M A L S C H O O L . 15 A regular graduate who has continued his studies .for two years, and has practiced his profession during two full annual terms in the Common Schools of the State, will receive, upon presenting to the Faculty and Board of Examiners a certificate of good moral character and skill in the Art of Teaching from the Board or Boards of Directors by whom he was employed, counter­ signed by the proper County Superintendent, a second diploma, constituting him a Master in the course in which he was graduated, and conferring one of the following degrees : Master o f Elemen­ tary Didactics (M. E. Diji;; Master of Sciences (M. State Certificate. Practical teachers who have not attended a Normal School as students may obtain a Teacher’s State Certificate on the following conditions : 1. A ll applicants must be 21 years of âgé, and must have taught in the Common Schools-during three full annual terms. 2. They must present certificates in regard to moral character and skill in practical teaching, similar to those presented by the regular graduates, and have them signed by the same school offi­ cers. 3. They must be examined in all the branches in the course in which they desire a certificate by the Faculty and Board of Exam ­ iners at the time of the annual examination at the school where application is made. 4. A thesis on some educational Subject will be required as part of the examination. The certificates gained in accordancé with these conditions will enumerate the branches of study in which the holder was found proficient, and confer upon him the professional degree to which the extent of his knowledge may entitle him. A ll diplomas and certificates are authorized and furnished by the State, and exempt those who hold them from any further examination by authorities acting under the provision of our common school laws. i6 C umberland VALLEy S t a t e N ormal S chool . Text Books, 1898=99. Arithmetic .^M ilne— Standard. Algebra.— Durell and RobbinsV . Astronomy/— Steele— New Descriptive. : ‘ Bookkeeping^Messbrvej/— Single Entry. 1RrAan-^.Jm^rAfmSchodl and Field Book. Chemistry.— Steele— Popular. Civil Government.— McCleary. Geography, Political.—-Butler— Complete,. Geography, Physical.SCornell— New Edition. Geology.— Steele— Fourteen Weeks. Geometry .— Wentworth,— New Plane. Grammar.— Baskervill and Sewell. History, United States.— Barnes. History, General.— Fisher. History of Education.— Painter. Uatin Grammar.— Harkness. Uatin Reader.— Harkness— New. Uatin, CsesaiMr-Harper and Tolman. . Uiteratu re.— Raub. Mental Science.— Halltck. PhysicsIS-Ai'ery— First Principles. Physiology.— Steele— Hygienic. Rhetoric;— Waddy, Reading.— Emerson. School Management .— White. Spelling FyrBtitzel— Advanced Word Builder. , W riting.— Spencer— Vertical Edition. Zoology.— Steele— Popular. . - N o te .-—Students should bring with them such standard text books as they have on the common school branches, for the pur pose of reference. C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . r7 Expenses. Tuition and boarding for full year . . . . . . . . . $2d$ oo Tuition and boarding for fall and winter term per week, 5 00 Tuition and boarding for spring term, per week, . . . . 4 50 Tuition and boarding for single room, 50 cents extra per week. Tuition and boarding for less than a term, 50 cents extra per week. The above are all the necessary expenses for boarding, fur­ nished room, heat, light, washing and tuition in the regular course. Day Pupils. Tuition in Normal S c h o o l,............................. . $1.50 per week. These rates will be strictly adhered to, and no deduction made on account of absence during the first two or the last two weeks of the session unless by special arrangement made beforehand. No incidental fees of any kind are charged. The only addi­ tional necessary expense to the student is for books and stationery, which are furnished in the building at reduced rates. Regulations. Students attending the entire year will pay one-half at the be­ ginning of fall term and the balance at the commencement of the winter term. Students attending by the term will pay one-half at the opening of the term and the balance at the middle of the term. Students absent one week or longer on account of personal sick­ ness are entitled to a full deduction for boarding for the time lost. ‘ ‘ No students will be allowed to board outside the school building unless with parents or near relatives. ’ ’ Conditions of Admission. Pupils can enter the regular course at any point for which they are fitted. They may enter at any time during the session, and after the first two weeks they will be charged from date of entrance till end of session unless by special agreement. i8 .Gcmbkri.axd V alr b y S tatr X ok .mai, S chooi,. STA TE AID. The State, in the general appropriation act of 1866, and in the subsequent appropriation acts, makes, provision for granting state aid to students and graduates as follows: 1. Each student over seventeen years of age who shall sign a paper declaring his intention to teach in the common schools of the State, and who shall attend the school at least twelve consecutive weeks during one term, and receive instructions in the theory of teaching, shall receive the sum of fifty cents per week toward defraying the expenses of tuition and boarding.. . 2. Each student over seventeen years of age who was disabled in the military or naval service of the United States or of Pennsylvania, or whosefather lost his life in the said, service, and who shall sign an agreement as above,, shall receive the sum of. one dpllar per week. 3. Each student who, upon graduating, shall sign an agreement to teach in the common schools of the State fo r two fu ll years shall re­ ceive, the sum of fifty dollars. 4. Term bills to be settled in full. Students will be credited with appropriations from the State on the latter half of term bill. 5. In case of a deficiency in the amount appropriated by the Legislature for state aid to students, each student will receive his proportionate share of the appropriation. ’ INSTRUHENTAL HUSIC. Extra charges will be made for instruction in music as follows: . Two lessons per week with two periods for practice each day. ' IydsSoris on piano or organ for fall term, . . . . .' $18.00 “ <-e winter term, . . . 12.00 V jS ffp n n g term', . ... .15.00 Pupils taking but one lesson per week with one period for prac­ tice each d ay: For fall term, . . . • • ... . . . . L • , • • . $9.00 - For winter t e r m , ........................... ... . . . . . . 6.00 For spring term, 8.00 STENOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRITING. Stenography^«. < . ■ . $15,00 .per.term.. Typewriting, „ : ; . „ . . . . , . , 5:00 per term. ■ H l a g g y ; C umberland V a l m y S t a t e N ormad S chood. » Government of the School. A ll school government should have for its end the development of character in the individual student. Any method of govern­ ment which does not secure this important end is wrong in prin­ ciple. In a Normal School where the student is being trained to govern other students, there can be no excuse for loose govern­ ment. No person is cpialified to teach successfully in the public schools until he has attained a completé mastery over himself. The individual who has been trained in school to habits of selfcontrol and a wise self-direction has received the best training which any school can give him. We rely largely upon the honor and self-respect of our stu­ dents in our efforts to control. A Normal School is not a reform­ atory, and parents and guardians are requested not to send vicious or immoral students to our institution to be educated. A few such students, if retained in a boarding school, vitiate the entire moral atmosphere of the school, and make it an unsafe place for even the well-behaved student to undertake his education. We notify the parents when we find their children are not at­ tentive to their studies, and if this course does not remedy the matter, the parents will be asked to withdraw them from the school. We have no desire to receive money for tuition from students who are not making good use of their opportunities to receive an education. From a wide experience with students we have found obedi­ ence on their part to the following rules and regulations necessary to the successful management and control of a Normal School, and also for the best interests of the students themselves. No regulations are made which we do not regard as important. TIME REGULATIONS. 1. Students will rise at 6.00 a ., m . and retire at 10.00 p . m . 2. Recitation hours from 8.09 to 12.00a. m., and from 1.15 to 4.15 P. M. 3. Chapel services at 8.45 a . m . A ll students are required to be present at these services. 20 C umberland Y a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool, 4 Prayer-meeting on Wednesday evenings. Attendance vol­ untary. 5. “ Normal ” and “ Philomathean Literary Societies meet Friday evenings at 7.30. 6. Breakfast at 7.00 a . m ,, dinner at 12.15 i\ m ., and supper at 6.00 p . M. 7. Principal’s office hours for students immediately after meals. 8. Y . W . C. A . and Y . M. C. A . meetings on Sunday at 6.00 p. >1. 9. Study hour from 7.00 to 10.00 p . m . C LASS REGULATIONS. 1. Students must be regular and prompt in their attendance upon classes unless detained by sickness or absence from the school. 2. Day pupils will be required to bring a note from parent or guardian, giving the reason for the pupil’s absence. 3. Music pupils will have regular hours assigned for practice, and during that time no visitors will be permitted to be present. 4. No student will be allowed to take more studies than he can pursue profitably, nor fewer than are necessary to keep him Sufficiently employed. 5. Students must attend classes up to the time of their leaving school. 6. A ll students must be present at the daily chapel exercises, unless excused. 7. Ladies are expected, when exercising in the gymnasium, to wear the adopted suit of two pieces, blouse and divided skirt of dark blue flannel. Both ladies and gentlemen must wear the regular gymnasium shoe— rubber-soled shoes are not allowed. BUILDING AND ROOn REGULATIONS. 1. Each student will be held responsible for the condition of his room and its furniture, and he will be charged with any loss or unnecessary damage. 2. No changes or alterations must be made in the permanent parts or fixtures of the room, nor nails driven into the walls with­ out permission of the steward. C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . 21 3. No water, paper or other material shall be thrown from the windows or porticos of the building. 4. Standing in groups at the main entrance or in the corridors, loud talking, whistling or unnecessary noise is forbidden. 5. Students are requested to provide themselves with slippers for the building. 6. Students furnish their own towels, napkins, rings, soap and brushes. A ll articles of clothing sent to the laundry must be dis­ tinctly marked with the student’s full name. SOCIAL REGULATIONS. 1. Gentlemen students boarding in the building will occupy the northeast portion, and lady students the southwest portion of the building. The main building to be the dividing line. 2. Day students will not call at the rooms of boarders, ¡nor stop in their rooms over night, unless by permission of the Prin­ cipal. Boarding students will be held responsible to the Principal for the observance of this rule. 3. Boarding students will not be permitted to visit in town on Sunday, nor remain in town over night, excepting with near rela­ tives;. 4. Visitors to the building will be regarded as under the same regulations as the students. 5. Lady students will not be permitted to leave the campus unless by permission of the Principal or a member of the Faculty. 6. Visiting the buildings or grounds on Sunday will not be permitted, nor will students be allowed to make or receive calls during study or school hours. 7. Ladies and gentlemen will not be permitted to hold pro­ longed conversations with one another, either in the building or upon the grounds, unless in connection with school duties, and then only by permission of the Principal or a member of the Fac­ ulty. 8. Students will receive visits from relatives or friends in the reception room only ; an exception will be made in the case of parents, who will be permitted to visit in their children’s rooms. 9. Ladies wishing to visit their homes or other places during the term must present written permits from their parents to the Principal. 22 C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . SABBATH REGULATIONS. 1. Students are required to be present at the Sunday morning Services of one of the churches in the town, unless excused by the Principal. The selection of the church is left to the parent for determination. 2. Students are required to attend the Sunday-school held in the Normal chapel every Sunday morning, unless properly excused. 3. From 2.00 p. m . to 4.00 p . m . will be observed as a quiet period. During this time no singing, loud talking, or other un­ necessary noise will be allowed in the building. It must not be understood that the foregoing regulations embrace all the duties and obligations devolving upon the indi­ vidual student. No list of rules Could be made which would cover every duty of the student, imder all the possible contin­ gencies of Normal School life. And on the other hand there áre many habits and forms, of conduct so obviously out o f hartnony with the obligations of the person who is preparing to teach that it is not. deemed necessary'to prohibit them by formal rule. We have reference to the use of tobacco , the drinking of alcoholic liquors as a beverage, the utterance of profane or vulgar language, the reading of obscene literature, filthiness in personal habits and slovenliness or indecency in dress. These and other similar ob­ jectionable habits can be best met by general counsel from the chapel desk, and incidentally by the instruction in the class-room. Where this plan fails a formal rule against thé habit will be found a weak barrier in the way of its continuance: Our standard of conduct for those who are preparing to teach under the tuition of the Cumberland Valley State Normal School is so high that it would preclude any one from looking to the profession of teaching for a life-calling, whose habits and conduct are not worthy the imitation of the children who may be placed under his instruction. C umberland V a l l e y S t a l e N ormal S chooî^I 23 Academic Course. The Academic Course includes a thorough knowledge of all the branches belonging to the Elementary, Regular Normal, and Sci­ entific Courses, excepting the Pedagogical subjects^ ORTHOGRAPHY. Considerable importance is attached to the subject of orthog­ raphy . The exercises in this branch are something more than mere memory lessons, they include a careful study of words. Enunci­ ation, pronunciation, oral and written spelling, and the meaning and use of words are embraced in the'study of this subject. Through the instruction in this branch the pupil’s vocabulary is enlarged, and his ability to express his ideas increased. READING. Reading lies at the foundation of all other branches of study ; he who can rapidly and fully grasp a writer’s meaning will find this power to be of great assistance to him in all the subjects be­ longing to a course of instruction. Every effort will be made to develop the individuality of the pupil, and to give him a thorough knowledge of the natural laws of expression. The aim of this’department is two-fold; first— to develop in the pupil the power to thoroughly understand the mean­ ing of language, to cultivate his imagination, to awaken his Sym­ pathies, and to enable him to appreciate and love good literature; second— to develop in the pupil the power to express thought, whether it be his own or that of another, with ease, intelligence, and power. GRAMMAR. The study of the technical rules of grammar develops the pow­ ers of the mind ; analysis helps the student to grasp the meaning of the expression clearly and quickly, and composition enables him to use the best form and style in the expression of thought. Due attention will be paid to parsing, and analysis and struc­ tural forms of the language. Students are encouraged to select 24 C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . from standard authors examples illustrating the various forms of expression. They thus familiarize themselves with the best forms of classic English. COriPOSITION. Special attention will be paid to English composition during the coming year. A ll classes will be divided into sections, and each section placed under the charge of a competent teacher. These sections will be made small enough to enable the teacher to examine carefully the work of the individual student. The work, which will be given weekly, will involve the writ­ ing of compositions, analysis of subjects, and the study of the rules of capitalization, punctuation and paragraphing. RHETORIC. Rhetoric treats of ihe various forms of language, their special meanings and applications. A knowledge of the subject enables the student to understand the principles of the various kinds of composition, to appreciate beauty of expression and to acquire a good clear style. ENGLISH LITERATURE. The primary aim in the teaching of literature should be to cultivate a love for the beautiful and the true through the study of the best thoughts of great authors. The study of the masterpieces of literature will enable the pupil to discriminate between what is elevating and instructive and what is trivial or harmful. During the coming year attention will be paid to the general outline of English and American Literature, but special stress will be laid upon certain classics. The class will study Shakespeare's “ Macbeth,” Burke’s Speech on “ Conciliation with America,” Paradise Lost,’f;;Books I. and II., and Carlyle’s “ Essay on Burns.’ ’ This is the list that has been recommended by the Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the Middle States and Maryland for admission to college in 1898. C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . 25 LATIN. In the Latin department the preparatory work consists of a thorough drill in Etymology and Syntax and the translation of easy sentences, from Latin to English and from English to Latin. This is followed by the application of the Rules of Syntax (upon the necessity of having an exact knowledge of which great stress is laid) to harder exercises, Latin fables and anecdotes, Roman and Grecian history. Upon the completion of this course the student is thoroughly prepared to study intelligently the Latin prose writers that are usually read by the beginner. The most approved method of pronunciation is very carefully taught. The aim of the department is not only to giv.e the stu­ dent a correct knowledge of the structure of the Latin language, but also, through the translation of it into proper English and a study of the derivation of English words from the Latin, to fur­ nish him with a good aid to the study of his mother tongue. PHYSIOLOGY. The work in physiology and hygiene is designed to give the student such a knowledge of the structure and functions of the principal organs of the body as will enable him to understand the conditions under which these organs best perform their respective offices. The subject of hygiene is presented with special fulness, embracing the subjects of ventilation and warming, exercise, clothing, the organs of special sense, the effects of alcohol and narcotics on the system, and the essential conditions for the health in the school room. BOTANY. This subject is taught with special reference to training the powers of observation. Our aim is not merely to train the pupil to identify plants, but to give him a thorough knowledge of the plant itself, which is far more important than its name, however desirable that may be. With this end in view a knowledge of plant structure, physiology, growth and reproduction is first ob­ tained. The student is then required to do daily work in analyz­ ing, recording, classifying and preparing specimens. Frequent botanical excursions are made, and, as far as possi­ ble, each student collects his own plants for work. A written 26 C umberland V a l le y S t a t e N ormal S chool . analysis of at least forty plants and a carefully prepared herbarium of not less than the same number of specimens are required of each student. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. During the past year our facilities for teaching this subject have been much improved. A number of valuable pieces of appa­ ratus of the most improved pattern have been added to the Lab­ oratory. More attention ib given to the construction and use of inexpensive home-made apparatus, thus enabling our students to become better equipped to teach the elements of this branch in schools not having apparatus*;. It is our aim to prepare teachers to develop in their pupils the desire and ability to be observers, •experimenters and investigators. Mere mechanical study and rec­ itation may serve to store the memory with facts, but requisite discipline is only secured when the pupil is trained to collect facts by his own observation and experiment and made to reason upon them. What the student wants is such a knowledge of the subject as will enable him to work practically with the principles he has learned. This we aim to give him. GEOGRAPHY. Physical, Mathematical and Political Geography are included in this course.. Commercial Geography is given considerable prominence in this department. L,ess attention is given to insig­ nificant natural and political divisions than they have received heretofore, and more time applied to the study of the manufac­ tures, commerce and farming and mine products. . Comparative Geography is made prominent in dealing with this important subject. By comparison the pupils get clearer ideas of geographical divisions and places and they are able to retain their impressions longer. The railways and commercial routes are definitely traced, and numerous imaginary trips are made to different parts of the globe. The geographical informa­ tion of the pupil is often drawn upon to furnish material for com­ position writing. The home geography of the pupils is carefully and accurately given as the first step in teaching this interesting subject. The primary concepts of position, direction, distance, soil, climate and natural productions, are learned by the pupil as part of his first geographical knowledge. C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . 27 HISTORY. History is taught primarily to impart to the'student a knowl­ edge of the events of history, and the causes which have produced them. The method of teaching history which results in giving the student simply a knowledge of the facts of the subject, although very commonly employed, cannot be too strongly condemned. Unless the relation of cause to effect is carefully traced-, the stu­ dent fails to get any real benefit from the study of the subject. The proper teaching of United States History will develop a deeper love of country in the mind of the student, and lead him to appreciate more fully the blessings of the government under which he lives. The study of the great lives in the history of our nation has a tendency to develop character in the pupil as well as devotion to liberty and Union. CIVIL GOVERNMENT. The proper' instruction of the student in Civil Government in­ cludes a clear exposition Of the great principles’ underlying the Constitution, with a summary of the legislative provisions in which they have been embodied. Â S the detàils of à government are usually more interesting and more important to the average student than the théories of government that may be obtained from its written Constitution, the agencies of government and its ma­ chinery are very fully presented. ARITHHETIC. In arithmetic the aim is to make the subject thoroughly prac­ tical. Students are given to understand the importance of hav­ ing pupils trained to rapid and accurate work in the fundamental rules. Considerable time is spent in teaching the subjects which have a direct bearing upon the every-day affairs of life. À great deal of time is given to the methods of treating common and deci­ mal fractions and percentage, as these subjects enter into many of the business problems of daily life. As far as possible, we adhere to the inductive method of teach­ ing the subject. Suggestions for the construction of original problems are frequently given throughout the course. 28 C umberland V a l le y S ta te N ormal S chool . ALGEBRA. It is the aim in this subject to give the student a clear and complete knowledge of what is embraced in a standard work on Elementary Algebra. An effort is made to develop the subject gradually enough to make the pupil feel that he is mastering the subject as he proceeds. In giving definitions, particular attention is paid to clearness and brevity of expression. Rules are deduced from processes given in order that the student may get the principles involved. Particular attention is paid to factoring, as a thorough knowledge of this subject is necessary to success in the solution of many al­ gebraic problems. GEOMETRY. The purpose of teaching Geometry is first to discipline the mind in sound reasoning^ the knowledge obtained must be re­ garded as of secondary importance. The following principles laid down by Pascal are closely adhered to : “ to have no obscure terms undefined; to assume nothing not perfectly evident; to prove everything at all doubtful, by reference to admitted principles.’’ Great care is taken to have the definitions correctly given and accurately learned. That which is necessary rather than that which is novel and interesting, is selected for the student to learn. The subject of Geometry is introduced by lessons in geomet­ rical drawing in the Junior year. The familiarity thus gained with geometrical concepts will assist the student very much when he comes to make use of these concepts in his demonstrations, and will also help him to a fuller comprehension of the definitions of geometrical terms. In order that the teacher may be certain that students do their own reasoning, a great deal of attention is given to the demon­ stration of original theorems. BOOKKEEPING. In earlier days only those who expected to become accountants and merchants thought it necessary to study bookkeeping ; but public sentiment in this respect, in recent years, has been rapidly changing. It is now generally admitted that every person should be able to record properly common business transactions. The simpler forms of bookkeeping must, therefore, be taught in the C umberland V a l l e y St a t e N ormal S chool . 29 public schools to meet the public demand for this kind of knowl­ edge as a part of the education of every child who reaches the grammar school. To prepare teachers to teach this subject is therefore an impor­ tant part of the work of every Normal School. PENMANSHIP. A poor penman is almost at as great a disadvantage as he who speaks with a stammering or lisping tongue. The difficulty of recognizing the words of a poor writer interferes with the quick grasping of the thought. We aim to secure rapidity and legibility, and we use the Spencerian system as a guide in practice. The student is expected to understand the theory of an approved sys­ tem, and to be able to explain it intelligently to a class of children. ART DEPARTMENT. One of the good definitions of art describes it as a means of manifesting the Divine in material form for the apprehension of the senses and the reason. This definition makes art one of the three highest products of the soul. Manu-Mental training being the object of art education to-day, our art course has a two-fold aim : to train the hand to delicacy, grace and speed of execution ; to instil ideas of beauty, and to cul­ tivate habits of observation, good judgment and originality of thought. The student who arrives at these ends will, as a teacher, have ability to illustrate lessons. As a practical man of affairs, he will possess a rapid and accurate means of thought expression. So­ cially, he will be known as a person of cultivated taste. NORMAL ART COURSE OF THE JUNIOR YEAR. (Based upon the Prang System of Form Study and Drawing). F r e e -hand P er spec tive .— From geometrical solids. P en cil S k etch in g .— F rom still life. From nature. C onstructive D raw in g .— Working drawings from type forms. C l a y Mod elin g .— From nature. From casts. C harcoal D raw in g .— From casts. From still life. H istory op A r t .— From talks relating to Architecture and Sculpture. D esig n .— Surface patterns. Book-covers, etc. 30 C umberland V a l le y S t a t e N ormal chool . PHYSICAL EDUCATION. ¡¡¡¡I A sound mind in a sound body ” is an end worth working for. One of the objects of«this department is to assist students in maintaining a sound body if they possess it, and to acquire it if it be lacking. Regular, ^systematic exercise will produce an erect, graceful carriage, and will aid in overcoming such common physical defects as round shoulders, drooping head and flat chest. The prescribed amount of exercise in the gymnasium, under a competent instructor,' is expected of all students. In the Junior year instruction is given in military drill, free movements and the use of light apparatus. In the Senior year a course in public School gymnastics is given, with notes on the subject. Practical work for the school-room is emphasized. STENOGRAPHY. 1:1 To save time is to lengthen life ’ ’ says the author of one of the best systems of stenography. The advantages of shorthand are so many and so manifest that only a few years will' elapse until it will become the universal medium for correspondence. The principles of shorthand aré so simple that any ordinary child can learn them. The time has come when every writer, teacher, lawyer and clergyman should acquire this art. It saves time. It saves space,. It saves paper. It quickens the mind as well as the hand. Stenography and typewriting, when combined, offer fine busi­ ness opportunities to young men and women, with fair compensa­ tion. This department has made a good beginning and we expect to accomplish still more the coming year. VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL flUSIC. In the vocal department are given, free of charge, class les­ sons, in which the pupils are taught the rudiments of music and the theory of sight singing. Practice in singing the best part songs and choruses furnish not only the necessary drill in reading music, but also a knowledge of good music. Those taking the professional course receive instruction in th e. best methods of teaching music , and thus are enabled to supply one of the great­ est needs of the times, that of teachers of music in the public schools. C umberland V a lle y S t a t e N ormal S chool . 31 Students have the opportunity of taking voice culture in con­ nection with the other work of the course. The instruction in this subject i||based upon a scientific knowledge of the vocal organs and a clear conception of the quality of tones, A thor­ ough knowledge of piano technics is taught through the studies of Czerny, Krauss, Kohler, Heller, Chopin and others, and style and artistic expression are studied from the best composers of ancient and modern times. PROFESSIONAL COURSE. The Professional Course embraces the subjects.included under the head of Pedagogics in the several courses. PSYCHOLOGY. The teacher must know the mind he proposes to develop— its laws and the principles governing its growth. In order that the subject may not become dry and uninteresting, the facts and prin­ ciples involved in its study are very fully illustrated. The student is made familiar with thè facts gathered from phys­ iological, as well as introspectivejpsychology. The subject is presented in such a way as to quicken interest in mind study, and especially in the study of the child mind; The application of the subject to the laws and principles of teaching is clearly and fully presented. flETHODS. The latest approved methods of teaching the various subjects are given to the Senior class by specialists in the different de­ partments of teaching. Both the science and art of teaching are most fully dealt with, and the student-teacher is made ac­ quainted with the very best ideas upon the subject of instruction. The various methods given are fully exemplified before the Sènior class, so that the members may fully understand how to apply them. In this department care is taken not to make the studentteacher a mere imitator, but he is left to a certain extent to work out his own special devices and methods, thus developing origi­ nality in his work. SCHOOL M ANAGEMENT. The art of managing and conducting a school is made a promi nent part of the teacher’s professional training. He is given ap­ proved plans concerning the location, arrangement and ornament- 32 C umberland V a l le y S t a t e N ormal S chool . ation of school grounds, and the latest and best plans for the con­ struction of school buildings. He is given the best experience in the heating, lighting, ventilating and furnishing of school-rooms. He is taught how to organize and govern successfully, how to conduct recitations, how to keep pupils profitably employed, how to classify an ungraded school, and how to arouse an interest among parents in school work. The importance of making moral training the primary end in school government is fully emphasized. The value of a school requirement is measured by its effects upon the moral nature of the pupils. That school is best controlled where the pupils are gradually gaining increased power of self-control and a safer selfdirection. HISTORY OF EDUCATION. In the History of Education the student is given the develop­ ment of the educational ideal among the leading nations of history. The various theories of education practiced in different countries at different times are clearly presented, and the student is given the data necessary in order that he may arrive at a safe judgment as to the comparative value of the leading theories made use of by these countries. The lives of the leading educational reformers are given in such a manner as to inspire the teacher with greater earnestness and zeal in his work. The History of Education in the United States is given spe­ cial attention, and the student is .led to appreciate the power of education in the uplifting of the people. The relation of education to good citizenship is shown in the fact that the States having the best systems of education have had the widest influence in direct­ ing the governmental policy of the nation. MODEL SCHOOL. The Model School is the most distinctive feature of a Normal School course. Here the student teacher applies the methods he has learned, and his skill is tested by competent critics. In a well directed Model School the experience of the individual teacher results in daily improvement in the application of scien­ tific methods. Eor a young person to have the supervision and B E !h «H L s flÄ -l W ËêfflBËSeSÈlËÊÈÊ■fefljp ïWKSi C umberland V a l le y S t a t e N ormal S chool . 33 counsel of skilled teachers in the class-room must necessarily be of great advantage to him. We attach great importance to the work of the Model School. We employ as critic teachers in the Model School those who have had special training for this line of work. We have in this department pupils in all the grades usually found in our public schools below the high school. The experience which our graduates are able to secure in their practice teaching is of inestimable value to them. The reason that such a large per­ centage of our graduates succeed as teachers is due as much to the agency of the training department as to the instruction given in any other department of the school. The Normal school which does not properly emphasize the work of the model department is denying to its graduates one of the most important advantages that can be secured in a well organized school for the preparation of teachers. To have our faults corrected before they become habits, to learn how to prepare and present subjects to classes, and to know how to measure the daily progress of our pupils are sources of power and influence which cannot help but tend toward our success in the class-room. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. Our students are furnished excellent opportunities for spiritual growth and development. W e have a prayer and lecture service every Wednesday evening, conducted by a member of the Faculty, to which all the students are invited. This service is attended by a large number of the students, and is full of interest and profit. W e have a Sabbath School organized among the students. This service is held every Sabbath morning, and the exercises are highly appreciated and greatly enjoyed by the school. The school is divided into classes, each class being taught by a member of the Faculty. The International ffesson is used. Students, unless excused by the Principal, are required to at­ tend the church of their choice every Sabbath morning. The church attendance in connection with the religious services at the school, offers to them all the spiritual advantages that they would receive at their own homes. In all proper ways Christian influ­ ences are thrown around the pupil, making his school life to con­ form as nearly as possible to home life in a Christian family. 34 C umberland V a l le y S t a t e N ormal S chool . A Young Men’s Christian Association and a Young Women’s Christian Association have been formed among the students. These societies have been doing a great work for the growth of religious sentiment in the school. The spiritual life of many of the students has been quickened and many others have been led for the first time to walk in “ Wisdom’s W a y ” and to forsake "‘u the counsel of the ungodly” through the influences of these associations. The Chautauqua Normal Union is an organization established for the' purpose of obtaining Normal methods for the teaching of the Bible. Quite a number of the young ladies and young gentle­ men of the school have associated themselves with this society, and they have completed together the regular course of the Nor­ mal Union. The knowledge thus acquired will be of great benefit to them in Christian work. LITERARY SOCIETIES. Among the most valuable auxiliaries to a Normal School or College are its literary societies. The Normal and Philomathean societies are strong, vigorous associations, and in their growth are keeping equal pace with the growth of the school. They meet in separate halls every Friday evening for the rendering of carefully prepared programs. These programs are highly enter­ taining and instructive, and those who take part in rendering them bestow ample labor and care on their preparation. The libraries of these societies form a valuable addition to that of the school, and include many of the most valuable works of English and American literature. READING=ROOM. The Reading-Room of the Cumberland Valley State Normal School is one of its most important features. A ll the prominent magazines, periodicals, and'many newspapers, daily and weekly, are found upon the shelves and on the files in the handsome room fitted up for library and reading-room purposes. The students are encouraged to make good use of its privileges, and the results are most gratifying. A teacher is always in charge of the room when it is open, in order that perfect quiet may reign, and that the students may get the largest profit possible from their hours spent in the reading-room, The student who has graduated from a Normal School without having acquired a taste for good CU M BERLAN D V A L L E Y S T A T E N O R M AL SCH OOL. 35 literature and a knowledge of how to read with the greatest profit is but poorly equipped for the work of teaching. ADVANTAGES. • i. We employ only high grade teachers. 2. Our school is thoroughly and properly disciplined. 3. Our school is organized in the interest of students, and not to save labor for the teachers. 4. We carefully preserve the individuality of our students, 5. Our school is not crowded beyond its capacity. 6. We have no difficulty in securing good positions for our graduates. 7. Our school is located in one of the most beautiful spots in the Cumberland Valley. 8. Shippensburg is an ideal school town. 9. The social culture o f the students is made a prominent fea­ ture in our school life. 10. Our school is growing more in popular favor each year. 11. The Cumberland Valley State Normal School is located within forty miles of Harrisburg, the capital of the state, within twenty miles of the Indian Training School at Carlisle, and within thirty miles of the famous battlefield of Gettysburg. SUGGESTIONS. 1. Come at the opening of the term and remain until its close. 2. The Fall Term is the best time to commence your Normal Course. 3. Take at least a year to the Junior Course. 4. Give each subject in the course its full amount of attention. 5. Take for your standard of politeness the most polished and courteous students of the school. 6. Establish a reputation for character as well as scholarship. 7. Make up your mind to be a close and diligent student. 8. Be prompt and regular in your attendance upon classes. 9. Do not be satisfied with anything less than the highest standing your ability will enable you to obtain. 10. Determine when you enter school to win the good-will and respect of the entire Faculty. 11. Read as many good books as possible during the time de­ voted to your Normal Course. • 12. Regard all the regulations of the school as intended for your benefit. 36 C u-m bérèànd V at.t.ry S taim-; N ormai, S chool . Masters’ Degree, 1898. ELEMENTARY. Ladies. Esther Angle,' ’94. Nina E. Barr, ’96. : ' Lottie Basehoar, ’95. Ida M. Blair, ’96. Anna W. Bollinger#’96. Margaret Brandt,.’95. Sara Brehm, ’96: Sue A. Brihley, ’96. M. Jane Campbell, ’96. MinnieSlline, ’96'. ' Georgia P..'Craig, ’94. Helen E. Crilly, ’96. Erances Cromer, ’96. Maude Ernst, ’96. Ella. Eoglesonger,.’96. Erancis Gable, ’96. " Mary J. Gray, ’96. Cora Heisey, ’96. Wealthy Heintzelman, ’96. Einnie Hess, ’96. . Marne E- Hoffman, ’96. -, Sara E. Hoy, ’96. Ella Johnson, ’96. Sue M, Karper, ’95. Carrie Yundt, ’95. Mary B. Kitzmiller, ’98. Etta Eaidig, ’96. Julia Eauman, ’96. Alice: Eehman, ’94. Sara M. Eindley,' ’9§,:-'>]: Minnie Lodge, ’96, Alverta Logan, ’96. Anna Eongsdorf, ’96. Clara M. Lutz, .’95, Anna M. McCaieb, ’96. Mary A. Meredith, ’96. .Bertha Mohler, ’95. Mary Neely, ’96. Hannah Kevins, ’96. Pamaris Peters, ’96. E. Pearl Rhoads, ’95. Nettee B. Roop, ’96. Adelia Russell, ’95. Rebec6a*J. Seip, ’95. Alcesta L . Sellers, ’96. . Maye Sheets, ’96, M. Elsie Shelton, ’96. Alice Shaffuer, ’96, Laura.Walters,.’95. Vida Wolcott, ’96, Gentlemen. A. A. Arnold, ’96. . H. H. Aungst, ’96. E. ÎI. Balsbaugh; ’96. ■ John M. Baum, ’96. Martin A. Brinton, ’96. Morris W. Brunner, ’95. J. Clayton Brubaker, ’96. Mervin J. Cook, ’94. Wilbur A. Creamer, ’96. W. N, Pecker, ’95. Lewis A. Piller, ’96. William C. Ponnelly, ’96. Geo. H. Francis, ’96. J. H. Oise, ’96. W. W. Gulden, ’96. E. M- Gress, ’96. . Harvey E. HartZ, ’96. H. B. Hege, ’96. I. M. Hershèy, ’96. ■ A. M. Hollinger, ’96. H. J. Kennedy, ’96, ■ S. J. Lee.,; ’96.: La M. Long, ’94, J. I. Martin, ’96. A. S, MePowell, ’96. Frank B. Mitchell, ’96. John Roy Mohler, ’96. , B. N. Palmer, ’96. Chas. J. Palmer, ’96. t W. A , M. Pease,’96. P ,B . Peterson, ?96. . Joseph Lee Rhodes, ’96. J. M. Risser, ’96. Emmert Sheely, ’96. Howard Slagie, ’96. H. E. -Smith, ’96. E. P , Starry# ’96.; Howard E. Strine, ’96. Emory Thomas, ’94. H. P, Troup,.’96. Isaac A. Weisner, ’96. L. M. Yohe, ’96. • ;• ' C umberland V a l le y S ta te N ormad S chool . Graduating Class, 1898. SCIENTIFIC COURSE. M. Iv. Drum. REGULAR NORMAL COURSE. Eckels, Minnie,G.. Geiger, Frances U. Wierman, Mary. Altland, Kerwin W. Baker, Jos, T. Eckels, N. Ort, Means', Charles M. Shull, C. H. ELEiTENTARY COURSE. Ladies. Anthony, Mae. Attick, Blanche. Ayers, Emily. Baker, Ella I. Beltzhoover, Mary V. Benner, Leota. Bennett, Amanda. Burger, Laura M. Hornberger, Mary." Britton, Louise. Buhrman, Enesse. Cook, Anna. Crilly Florence. Driscoll, Elizabeth. Dukehart, Anna. Dykeman, Helen. Eby, Bertha D. Eichelberger, Cora. Hager, Alice, Hays, Alice. Horton, Verna. Hughes, Josie. Jacobs, Nettie. Jones, Lizzie. Kob, Barbara. Lamaster, Bessie. Lear, Mary. Mark, Martha. McAllister, Margaret; McCall, Beth. McDowell, Cora. McElheney, Katharine. McElheney, Elizabeth. Miller, Mae, Peffer, Laura. Ruby, Rebecca. Ruth, Ethel. Smiley, Anna. Sparrow, Carrie. Strominger, Mary. ■’Strife, Edith. Unger, Blanche. Wierman, Melva. Wolff, Elizabeth. Gentlemen. Alexander, Jasper. Altland, J. Allen. Benedict, J. G. Brandt, H. C. Burkholder, Lloyd. Bushey, F. R. Lamberson, B. C. Lehman, Frank. Leopold, G. A. Martin, G. W. Mean® J- S, Meredith, J. H. 37 3« C umberland V a l le y S t a t e N ormal S chool . Byers, B. W. Cline, R. W. Crum, H. H. Crouse, A. W. DeEap, W. A. Dick, M. E. Finkenbinder, D. P. Fitting, H. W. Fickes, G. H. Fox, H. C. F o.4/JI. e . Gettel, Raymond. Gingrich, G. R. Graham, C. M. Grove, A. P. Haar, G. M. Hays, Kent. Harris, R. D. Hershey, I. S. Horning, W. H. Kadel, J. Will. Miller, B. K. Morris,: Phinneas. Parret, J. H. Plank, J. M. Ranck, W. H. Reddig, W. E. Reynolds, G. D. Rhinesmith, C. H. Rhodes, F. H. Rhodes, W. K. Ruth, Geo. Shive, J. W. Smith, F. H. Snyder, D. H. Stambaugh, E. S. Stitt, W. F. Stouffer, W. K. Swartz, J. T. Walter, E. N. Weakley, J. E. Yost, C. E. ' EXAMINING COMMITTEE. H o n . H e n r y H o u c k , Deputy Superintendent Public Instruction. Dr . J a m e s E l d o n , Principal Dock Haven Normal School. P r o e . J. B. R i c h e y , Superintendent New Brighton. P r o e . B. F. P a t t e r s o n , Superintendent Pottsville. P r o e . H e n r y S. W e r t z , Superintendent Blair County. P r o e . I r a S h i p m a n , Superintendent Northumberland County. P r o e . W m . C. E s TLER, Superintendent Ashland. P r o e . C l e m C h e s t n u t , Superintendent Fulton County. Dr . G. M. D. E ckels, Principal Shippensburg Normal School. BACCALAUREATE SERMON. Sunday evening, June 26,1898, REV. C. C. H a y s , D. D., Johnstown, Pa. C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . 39 Catalogue of Students. 1897*98. NORMAL SCHOOL. Post Graduate Students. Name, Post-office. County. State. Eckels, Minnie G., ’91,..... .... Shippensburg,.... !. .Cumberland,... .... Pa. Geiger, Erances, ’97,....... .... ShippeEsburg,...... .'Cumberland, .., ' ’-'ti-^ ' Smiley, Ethel D., ’97,....... .... Shippensburg-, ...... .Cumberland, .. .... “ ‘IBM Wagner, Isabelle,’97,....... .... Shippensburg,....... Cumberland, .. Wierman, Mary, ’97,........ .... Shippensburg....... .Cumberland, .. /" It ' it Altland, Kerwin, ’97,....... ....Staley,.................. . Ylll ffl........ ! . T *; Baker, Jos. T., ’97,........... .... Shippensburg:,...... .Cumberland, ...... “ Eckels, Ort, ’97,................ .... Shippensburg,...... •Cumberland, ... 1 It il Hendricks, W. H., ’97....... _Hummelstown, .... .Dauphin,........ it Means, C. M., ’96,............. .... Shippensburg,...... .Cumberland, .. it Miller, A. A., ’94,............ .... Mason and Dixon,.. .Franklin,...... It Shull, C. H., ’97,.............. .... New Chesterpi..'1..’.'^.Adams,...... . ELEMENTARY COURSE. Ladies. ti Alexander, Jessie,............. . ...Willow HijfjfffjHI .Franklin,........ Anthony, R. Maye............ ....Mt. Topj.,...............•York,.............. 1 IBM w Attick, Blanche V., ......... ....Steelton,............ it Ayers, Emily K.,.............. .... Shippensburg-, ...... .Cumberland, ... Baer, Iva,......................... .... Shippensburg, ...... .Cumberland, ... . iti -, it Baker, Ella I.,.................. .... L/ing*lestown,........ It Baker, Ploy,.................... .... Shippensburg-,....... .Cumberland, la, it Bash, Mary E., ................ .... Shippensburg-, ....... .CumberlandsS's tl Beard, Flora M.,...... ........ .... Ortanna, .............. Adams,.... ....... ft Beattie, Mary,................. ¿.¿..Shippensburg,..... .CumberlanolliS ti Beegle, Ora E .................. 1.... Beegleton,............ ¿Bedford,,.,...... . Beltzhoover, Mary V .,.......... Shippensburg-, ...... •Cumberland,.... Bennett, Amanda E .,....... .... Seven Stars,......... .Adams,........... . tt Benner, Leota,................. .... Hopewell, ............. •Bedford,.,........; Biddle, Carrie,................. .... Loysburg.............. .Bedford,.......... it Blessley, M. Ellen,................ Hoguestown,........ .Cumberland,.... ti Bomberger, Florence D.,...,....Shippensburg,....... .Cumberland^1« tt Bomberger, Mary S.,....... .... Shippensburg........ .Cumberland,.... tt Bowman, MaryE-,........... .... Pal in\ r.ErWiti.n. •Lebanon,......... n Boyer, Katie I .,................ .... West Hanover,...... .Dauphin.......... 40 C umberland V a lle y S t a t e N ormal S chool . Brechbill, Annie C.,........ Britton, Louise C.,........... Buhrman, Enesse,1...... Burger, Laura M.,........... Burgner, E. Grace ............. Byers, Libbie J.,.............. Cadwallader, Bessie,........ Cook, Anna,..................... Cbbver, Iva,....... ............. Crilley, Florence A.,........ Crousli Lou,..................... Deardorff, Ellen S .,........ . Dick, Lottie M .,.............. Downs, Hester,................ Drabenstadt, Sara E-,..... Driscoll, Elizabeth K.,...... Dukehaft, Anna,............. Duke, Eva,v... i. . . . Duncan, Charlottefe|5v*A Dykeman, Helen S.,......... Eby, Bertha D.,...... ........ Eichelberger, Cora,......... Ellibtt, Margaret,............ Eppley, Carrie B .,.......... . Eva, Mabel E..,............... Eyster, Annie C.........:.... Pencil, E va,........ . . . . . . . ..... Fencil, Margaret,............ First, Elsie M.,................ Fogelsonger, Mary Belle, Fleming, E lva,....... ...... Fulton, Laura B.,........ ... Gleim, Rebecca Jean,..... Gray,,.Cordelia B.,........... Gramm, Bertha S.,. Greenwood, Bessie,..,..... Groupe, Jennie,..... ......... Hager, Alice,.................. Hague, Margaret C.,...... . Hamilton, Mary Cv, .....,... Harmony, Minnie,..,....... Hartman, Mary D.,........ . Haverstick, Edna L......... Hays, Alice,.................... Highlands, Anniej.......... Hollinger, Dessie M .,...... Holtz, Mary E-,.... .......... Horton, Verna E-,— ....... .Marion,..................Franklin, , .Upper Strasburg, ...Franklin,.. .Chambersburg,.... Franklin, . ;Q u in cyp p $ Ä ......Franklin, .. .Orrstown,..... ........Franklin,... •Upper Strasburg, ...Franklin,.. .Wellsvillë|i,..............York, ........ .Sylvan,:................Franklin, , . F o r t n e y ............York,....... .Ft. London,.......... Franklin, ., .Waterloo,..............Juniata,..... .McKnightstown,... .Adams,..... .Clear Spring,.......York,....... .Catasauqtia, .......... Lehigh,... .Middletown,.........Dauphin,.., .Wiconisco,|j|jv...... Dauphin, .. .Rouzer sville...........Franklin,. .Shippensburg,...... Cumberland, .Oakville,.............. Cumberland, .Shippensburg,....... Cumberland, .Oberlin,............... Dauphin,........ .Hopewell,............. Bedford,........ .YorkSpringSi';....... Adams,........ .Plainfield, A.......... .Cumberland, .Middletown,......... Daiiphin,— .. .Hays Grove,..........Cumberland, .New Cumberland,...Cumberland, .New Cumberland, ...Cumberland, .Bermudian,.... .......Adams, ....... .Oakville,vu..... ....... Cumberland, .Shippen sburg ........Cumberland, .Carlisle...... ...........Cumberland, .Boiling Springs.....Cumberland, ..Ickesburg..............Ferry^Mj .Marietta................ .Lancaster, .New Kingston,..... Cumberland, .Idaville,..v............ .Adams......... .Clay Hill,..............Franklin,...... ..Duncannon, ..........Perry,.......... ,.Shippensburg, v.,,,.. ..Cumberland, .Waynesboro,......... Franklin,..... ..East Berlin,..... ,vv£jAdams......... ..Lykens,..... ............Dauphin, ..... ..Shippensburg, .......Cumberland, .Lee’s Cross Roads,..Cumberland, ..Waynesboro;,. .........Franklin...... ..Blain,...................Perry,........... ..Broad Top City,....Huntingdon, C umberland V a l le y S t a t e N ormal S chool . 41 Houston, Iva V.,.................... Shippensburg,.......Cumberland,.......Pa, Hughes, Josephine,....... ...Shippensburg, ............ Cumberland, ---- “ Jacobs, Nettie,----- ----- - — .Hast Berlin,...........Adams,................. “ Johnson, Bertha*-.....;............ Pen Mar,............... Franklin,..'...... Jones, Elizabeth......... .......... Wiconisco,............. Dauphin,............. “ . Karns, Estella,..,........i.......... Hoysburg,............. Bedford, Kerr, A m a n d a , ..............Pleasant View, .... .Juniata,..,-.,.....:.,-.,.-..-4Ì Kitzmiller, Carrie, .......„„..i.Shippensburg, ..„..Cumberland,...-...... ‘ H Kleckner, Ida M.,.... .............Cisna Run, ........... Perry................... “ Kob, A. Barbara,.................. Falmouth, ............. Hanc^ster-, « Kremer, Eeila, ..................... Millerstown........... Perry,.................. “ Kremer, Mina J .,..... ............ Millerstown, ... ......Perry.......... ........ “ Kunkle, Ida,..................... . New Kingston...... Cumberland,Koontz, Inaura M .,................Orrstown,..............Franklin,....... ..... Kyle, Florence,..................... Chambersburg,..... Franklin.... .... Hamaster, Bessie,....,.......... „Markes*..................Franklin, Hear, Mary J .,..................... Greencastle,.. ...... Franklin, .„..„.A^âï Kerch,.Bessie M.............. ......H i g h s p i r e , ---- Dauphin,,............. ‘f Mark, Martha E.,.................Millersburg,,........ ..Dauphin,............. ‘‘ Maÿ, R. Hulu,......... ..............Eyerett.................. Bedford,.. McAllister, Margaret,..........Gettysburg,............Adams................. “ McCall, Elizabeth,:,..,.............HummelstOwn,........ Dauphin,..... ......., “ McCreary, Jean G ,....... ;....„.Shippensburg,,;.„.,„Cumb'erlan:d*.,L-;,& “ “ McCullough, Jane...............Dee’s .Grpss Roads,..Cumberland, McCune, Elizabeth,.............. Shippensburg,....... Cumberland, ,...... “ McDowell, Cora E., ............... Shady:Grove,........Franklin,........ McElheney, Elizabeth........ .j^oncord,................ .Franklin, ...... .¡J* McElheney, Katharine,......Concord,.................. Franklin............. “ Meyers, Edith G;;,„,'./,,..,^^:AWelsh Run,............Franklin, .-. /flfc Meyer, Eizzie,........................Shippensburg, ........Cumberland,....... . Mentzer, S a d i e , ........... Heberlig,^p|............Cumberland......... “ Miller, Mae,......................... Greencastle............ „Franklin,.... Mower, Ella N.,......................Mowersville,.......,...Cum^&Ìandvi.,...A¥,Af'w w... Myers, Edith E., ......... ........ Idaville,........... . .Adams, il .... Cumberland, .........Newville,........... Mvers, Helen M.,..S|^,. .........Oakville,................ Cumberland,.... 'ESI il NefE, Annie,.......................... Waynesboro,...... ....Franklin, ...... w Nevin, Eleanor,........... .......... Shippensburg, ... _Cumberland,.... a Nickles, Nellie A.,....... ........ Shippensburg..... .... Cumberland,.... ........ Carlisle,............. ....Cumberland.... .... “ Peffer, Haura, Plasterer, Zora,........... ........ Shippensburg,.... ...Cumberland, ... Perdew, Amy K .,........ ... . ...CumberlanaSMH ... Allefidren&SBii....Md. ....Pa. Reed, Myrtle V.,.......... ........ Duncannon,........ ..„Perry,.... 1% ReifE, Carrie F.,.................... Eykens............... ....Dauphin,......... it .... Lancaster, ...... Risser, Phoebe,........... ..........Mt. Joy,...,.......... a RufE, Elmira, 1 ....... . ........ New Oxford,...... ....Adams,........... u RublflCarrie F ........... ......... McV^ytown,...... .... Mifflin,!.-. ...t. a Ruby, Rebecca S .,....... ,.........Chambersburg, .. .... Franklin,.... . 42 C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . Ruth, EJthel A.,....... Shearer, Ella,......... . Shockey, Marne,...... Short), Susie............ Smiley, Anna B.,.... Smiley, Ethel D....... Smith, Mabel F., Souser, Blanche,..... Spangler, Jess P., ... Sparrow, Caroline^® Stambaugh, Minnie, Stevens, Isa. F., .. •|stock, Eva C.,.......... Strite, Edith,.......... Strominger, Mary,... Thoman, Carrie,...... Unger, Blanche, ...... Weber, Ida.... .......... Welker, Nellie,.'.'...... Whisler, Eyde II...... Wierman, Melva,.... Wolff, Elizabeth,.... Wolf, Mary,^^^^Wp Highspire,, ............ Dauphin,..... .Mt. Holly Springs,..Cumberland, .Rouzersvili e,____Franklin,..... .Waynesboro,........Franklin,..... ■Shermansdale.... ....Perry,......... .Shippensburg,__ ... Cumberland, .NagineylPii..........Mifflin, ........ .Wolfsburg, ..... . Bedford,....... •Shippensburg,...... Cumberland, .Harrisburg,............ Dauphin,..... .York Springs, ....... Adams,....... ■ Eaidig,.................... ..Fulton,.... .New Oxford,......... Adams,......... .Greencastle,.......... Franklin...... .Eewisberry, .......... York,........... •Abbottstown,........Adams,. A __ .Foltz,.... ......... .......Franklin, _ .Bedford,................Bedford,....... •Willow Hill, .......... Franklin,_ ■Shippensburg,____Cumberland, .Shippensburg........Cumberland, .Chambersburg, ..... Franklin, ... .Shippensburg,... ...Cumberland, Gentlemen. Alexander, Jasper, , Alleman, Ira F .,..... Allen, U. E.,.....:.... Altland, J. Allen,.... Altland, Oscar H.,.. Ausherman, N. W., Babington, E. A.,... Badorf, Jas. A. G .,., Baer, A. W .,.... ......... Baer, Bren ton C.,.... Baish, John W........ Bailor, W. E . * ‘..! Baker, J. D.,........... Barrick, J. E .,,....... Basehoar, Allen F., Beattie, Hugh A., . Benedict, J. G .,...... Berry, Matson A., ,, Billow, J. W.,......... Bolinger, S. E.WIIIf Booz, Joseph.......... Brandt, W. H.,....... Brandt, H. C.......... .Bloserville,............ Cumberland, .Middletown, . ...;... Dauphin,....... .Mt. Holly Springs,..Cumberland, .Big Mount,..... ......York, ........... Ilftaley,.................. York,............. .Duffield,............... Franklin,..... ■ Fairplay......... .......Washington, .Harrisburg.... :....... Dauphin,..... .Shippensburg,.......Cumberland, .Shippensburg,...Cumberland, .Clear Spring,.... ...York,............ .Eoysville, ............. Perry,-...:.... .Millerstown,............ ..Perry,.. .Bloserville,...........Cumberland, .Gettysburg,. .... ....Adams,........ .Oakville, ............. .. Cumberland, ..Mt. Alto,................Franklin,_ .New Germantown,..Perry .Acker, ............... Perry,_________ _____ .Orbisonia,............ Huntingdon, ..Shippensburg,......Cumberland, ..Scotland,............. Franklin, ..Marsh Run,.......... Perry,........... C umberland V a l le y S l a t e N ormal S chool . Brewster, Earnest,....... Brig-htbili,D. 1).,....... Brinley, Fohl,............ Brown, Denton J.,...... Burkholder, Lloyd,...... Bushey, Fremont R.,. . Byers, Byron W., i..... Carl, Lenus A.-fthiVkli.. Chubb, J. Cline, E. B^-**^*****^ Cline, Robert W .,...... Cook, Chas. C.,............ Creamer, Herbert L .... Crouse, A. W „........... Crook, John W............ Crum, H. H.,........... . Cummings, W. Frank, Davis, W. P.,.............. Davis, J. A.,...... ......... Deibler, A. E .,........... DeLap, Wilbur A.,...... Dick, Murray L-,......... Dick, R. P .,................ Drawbaugh, F. F.,..... Dunmire, Chas. B........ Duncan, D. G...... ....... Early, John G .,......... Eichelberger, G. M.,... Failor, F. A.,;V..s;L:,’:i;'. Faust, T. H . , .......... Folty, Wilson,............ Fickes, G. H .,............. Finkenbinder, D. P.,... Fitting-, H. W.............. Fleming, J. W.,.......... Fogelsonger, J. R...... . Forry, C. S .,.............. Fox, H. C.,............ ..... Fox, H, Ellsworth,..,..., Fry,.A. A.,...... ........... Gettel, Raymond,....... Gingrich, G. R.,..... .... Gish, Jacob K.,.,........, Graham, F. J............... Graham, Clem M.,...... Grove, Ambrose P.,j.,v. Gross, Chas. W.,......... Haar, G, M.,............... 43 , Oakville............. ... Cumberland,..... WPS, .Iyingdestown, ........Dauphin,........... i i l f .Spring Run,....... ....Franklin,.......... i ( .Hampton,........... ...Adams,.............. u •Lehmastefs,....... ...Franklin........... i t .Menallen,.......... 1...Adams............... l i ,.Tar rs,...... .......... ...Westmoreland,... u . ^ .Landisburg........ ...Perry................ i i u .Powls Valley..... ....Dauphin,.. ,. .Knobsville..............Fulton,... ......... .. i <• .Orrstown............ ...Franklin,........... a a ..Hyndman,.......... ...Bedford,....... . .Middle Spring, ...,... Cumberland,.... . .McNeal,...... ....... ... Huntingdon,..... a .Williamstown, B .Dauphin,........... a ..Middletown,....... ...Dauphin,........... i t ..Barr,............... ...Mifflin,.............. i t '' .Oakville,............. ... Cumberland,.....1 ( i . Walnut Bottom,... ...Cumberland,..... t i ,.Killing*er,...... _Dauphin,........... a .Camp Hill,......... ....Cnmteeriand!,__ a ..Wertzville,........ ...Cumberland,...... a ..Farmers,........... .. York,................. a .McCrea............... .... Cumberland,..... ... “ .McVeytown,...........Mifflin,............. <( ..Oakville,........... ,.. .Cumberland,..... i t Shippensburg..... ... Cumberland,...... t t ..Barree, ............ . ....Huntingdon,..... ■ K ..Green Spring,.....,... Cumberland,..... .Mowersville,....... ... Cumberland,..... l i << .Iyinglestown, ..... ...Dauphin,........ .Mt. Rock,........... ... Cumberland^«.!! ...............P r iii. G a rfie ld S c h o o l. J . H . W a lte r s . Class of 1877. L iz z ie A . A tk in s (A dair),..;:...........703 B e r k s S tre e t, P h ila . N a n n ie E. G r a y s o n ,.........................S h ip p e n s b u rg , Pa;,..;............... .T e a c h e r . L a u r a K r e i d e r ,........................ ....... ...711 W a ln u t S t., L e b a n o n , P a . L i z z ie L o n g . D ecea sed . C umberland V a l le y S t a t e N ormal S chool . L i l l i e G . M oore (W ils o n )................ 2736 P . S t ., L in c o ln , N eb. I d a B . Q u ig le y ,................... .......... ....S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,...;:..... l i b e r t y M. Q u ig le y (M cC lellan d )..S h ip p en sb u rg 1, P a . E m m a C. R e b u c k ,.............................S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,............. R o s a S . W h ite ,....................S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a : r ' W . A . B e a r ,..........................................S h ip p en sb u rg1, P a .,............. A. J. B e i t z e l , ...Boiling* S p rin g ’s, P a ........... E m o r y C . C h e n o w e th ,..... B a ltim o re , M d . ,.................................. '♦ George M . D ra p e r. C a lv in C . H a y s ,.......:... ............. J o h n sto w n , P a .,................... S a m u e l Y . K a rm a n y * ......................L e b a n o n , P a .,....................... * F . H. K easey. M . T . L i g h t n e r ,................... .............. Roscoe^ S . ■ -J. L . M c C a s k e y ,......... ...................... B o ilin g S p r in g s , P a .,........ A . C . M c L a u g h lin ,.............................N e w G e rm a n to w n , P a . J a co b V . M o h r,...... ............................ S io u x F a l ls , S . D .,..& & |^ ; W . T . N o s s,........................................ In d ia n o la , I o w a ,............... ■ ♦ William O. P ittm a n . R o b e r t J. S t r o n g ,........................... ...S h ire m a n sto w n , P a . R o b e rt H . T a y lo r,^ ...:...................... W e s tto w n , N . S . H . T r e h e r ,......................................C a r lis le , P a .,....’. ......... •G eorge A . Z in n . Ü .T e a c h e r C . V . S . N . S . .T e a c h e r . .S a le s m a n . .E d ito r C a rlisle Gazette. .T e a c h e r . .M in iste r. .In s u ra n c e A g e n t. .L a w y e r . ■ Agent. W e ig h e r a n d C a sh ie r. .P rin . S im p so n C o lle g e . .M in iste r. T each er. Class of 1878. J e n n ie A . D o n n e lly (H ill),, E m m a P . G r a c y ,..............1... L a u r a H a r v e y (Shearer).... A n n ie P. H e a g y (S m ith j^ k Su e B . K a u ffm a n (E ly ),. ... S a llie A . M e ix e l (Otto),...... E l l a R a r e y (H eid ric k ),...... A n n ie S te e l. '♦ Annie E . W h ite (K u n tz). H . M a r y W in te rs ,................ J. GrOSS A p p ,. .......... G e o r g e O . A th e r to n ,........... M . L . B e c h t e l ,..................... A lle n D r a w b a u g h ,.............. W . A . G o o d h a rt,................... D . M . H u n te r j..................... ■ C. F . Johnson,....................... J o h n C. M c C u n e ,................... .L e x in g to n , N eb. .N e w v ille , P a. .‘S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a . .1014 F r a n k lin A v e ;, C o lu m b u s, O. C h a m b e rs b u rg , P a . .B o ilin g S p r in g s , P a . .Y o r k , P a . .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a . .M a h a n ta n g o , P a .,...... .......¿ ^ ...F arm er. R e fo r m S c h o o l, W a sh in g to n , D . C ........................................... T each er. .M illsto n e , M d .,.....................................T e a c h e r . .S teelto n , P a .,................ ...........T e a c h e r. .N e w v ille , P a . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ .R ed C lo ud , N e b .,..................... ..Co. S u p ’t o f S c h o o ls . .Steelton^ P a .,...............................T e a c h e r . .80 B r o a d w a y , N e w Y o r k ,.......E x p e r t ac co u n ta n t. Class of 1879. N a n n ie J . A d a m s,. F r a n c e s A . F e t t e r ,..................... E l m i r a G o o d h ea rt. M a r y H ..G rin d ro d . K a t e B . H o c h ,......................... . B e c k ie S. M a r s h a ll (H ykes),.., N a n n ie E . M c C o rm ic k ,............ =*Sue E . M y e r s (M cC lu re). ♦ Annie R e e d e r (H arg lero ad ). .149 S c h e rm e rh o rn S t., B roo k- T e a c h e r H ig h e r E n g lis h ly n , N . Y . and M a th e m a tic s ? i n F r ie n d s ’ S e m in a ry . .S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a . , ...... T e a c h e r . M id d le S p r in g , P a .,................. T e a c h e r . .K iu K ia n g , C h in a ,.....................M is s io n a r y . .79 C r a ig S t., K n o x v ille , T e n n . ♦ Deceased. 52 C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . S a llie B . R ip p e y (K olbe),. S u e A . S tu te n ro th ,..... I d a M . N e g le y ,........ ........... * E d w a rd A p p . E . S. B o llin g e r ,................... W illia m L . D e la p ,............ F . W . D y k e m a n ,............... . J . P . G a r b e r ,........................ S . B . H u ber. S a m u e l H a a k ,..........iisifilsl J. H . H e c k e n b e r g ,............. *J . A . H a s s in g e r. J o h n M. M e a n s , ..... ... *J. I . M ic k e y . J. H . R e ig le , — ................... • .W a s h in g to n , D . C. .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,................... T e a c h e r . .W a y n e s b o ro , P a .,...................... T e a c h e r . .A s to r ia , O re g o n ,.........................M in is te r. .G lo u c e s te r, N , J.,.i;Wy.i............. P h y s ic ia n . ..71 E . 85th S t., N . Y . , .................M e rc h a n t; ..15th b e l. T i o g a S t., P h ila .,.....T e a c h e r . ..M y ersto w n , P a .,......................... P r in c ip a l o f sch o o ls . .S h aro n H ill, P a .,..................... ...M in iste r. .47 an d 49 S o u th J efferso n St.,..Sec. C h ic a g o G a s a n d C h ic a g o , 111., E le c t r ic F ix t u r e M an u ­ fa c tu r in g C o m p a n y . ..B e r n v ille , P a .............................. .P h o to g ra p h e r. Class of 1880. L y d i a B e n d e r (E ld o n )......... ............ D o ck H a v e n , P a. H . B e r d G o o d h a rt,.............. .............. N e w v ille , P a .,.............................. T e a c h e r . A n n ie M . G riffin , ............ ............. M a c u n g ie , P a .,............ ........ ........ T e a c h e r . A n n a E . K a r m a n y ,....................... ...622 N . S t., H a r r is b u r g , P a. C la r a E . K e e fa iiv e r (R ic k e r),........M t. H o lly S p r in g s , P a . K a t e M c C a lm o n t (S h ra d er),......... S e v e n ty S ix , P a . M a r y C. M cC u n e (H arp er),............ 4528 W e s tm in s te r P la c e , St. L o u is,;M o . N e llie M cC u n e (P a tterso n ),...........1403 D e la w a r e A v e ., W ilm in g . to n , D e l. A n n a M . M c D a n n e l (Sw een y),...... C h a m b e rs b u rg , P a . C a ro n d e le t B . P a lm ,..... ................... ............................................................C le r k C . B . & Q .-R . R . L o u is a P rice . A b b ie A . S to u g h ,................ .............. B o s to n , M a s s ., .......................P e n sio n D ep a rtm en t. * E d g a r L.. B a k e r . .P r in c ip a l o f S ch o o ls. J o h n T . Bevan,........v.;0..'.W.V:..5;.'..v..Gridley, C a l.,......... •L a w y e r. J a m e s W . E c k e ls ,.............................C a r lis le , P a ............ .P h y s ic ia n . J o h n W . F e l t y , .................................. A b e lin e , K a n .,........ .T e a c h e r g r a m m a r school.A d . M . F ir s t in e ,................................ W e a th e r ly , P a .,§ || .L a w y e r . H a r v e y W . Jon es*............................. K a n s a s City* M o ., P a rs o n J . M y e r s. Class of 1881. S a lli e C a s t le ,. ................ U p la n d , P a .,............. ....................T e a c h e r . J e a n G ra ig (R obin son ),...................S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a. A d a M . D o n n e lly (G roff),................256 N o r th S t ., H a r r is b u r g , P a . S a d ie E . M c C u llo u g h (S h a rp e ),...O a k v ille , P a. A n n ie N o fts k e r (D ieh l),..¿ ............S h ip p en sb u rg , P a. L in a M . P ip e r ,........;....%.-;«.y;i:iis ^ ’. >.Ne'wville, P a . , ..............................M u s ic te a ch e r. L iz z ie C . S h e a re r,............................... 11 N . H a n . S t., C a r lis le , P a ., ¿..M illin er. R o b e r t M a te e r,................. .................. K a n s a s C ity , K a n s a s ,............. T ic k e t A g e n t. S. S. R u p p ,........p ? ..S h ire m a n sto w n , P a .,.............................................L a w y e r . J. L* P o tt e ig e r ,................................... 500 W e s t D ia m o n d av en u e , H a z e lto n , P a .,.,........................In s u ra n ce a g e n t. Class of 1882. A b b ie P . A lle n (L am on d s),............L e e ’s C ro ss R o a d s , P a .,.......... T e a c h e r . A n n a S. B a r r o n ,................................M o w e rsv ille ,’ P a .,.£&.................. T e a c h e r . M a ttie M . B e n d e r ,.............................S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a .,...................T e a c h e r. * C a rr ie M . D ie h l. *D eceased . C umberland *V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . C la r a L - F o r tn a ,.................. C a r r ie E . L i g g e t (M eans),. J e n n ie E . M a rtin ( R ic h ) ,. B e s s ie C. M oody (S h e lly ), G e o rg e B r i l l , .;. A . J. B r o w n ,................i..., C . S h e ld o n C a ro th e rs . J. C . D e v e n n y ,..................... * L . E . D o rn b a c h . D . A . F o rtn a . E d w a rd M c G eeh n ,.............. J . A . P a r k , ............. ............... C . F . E . R e e h li n g ,.............. * L . W . S ib b e t. R . H . S h a rp e , *J. C. S tro m in g e r . .C h a m b e rsb u rg , P a .,..... ..;........ S te n o g r a p h e r . .300 S . R o b y S t., C h ic a g o , 111. .1354 V e rn o n S t., H a r r is b u r g , P a . H atb o ro , P a . ...... -.;£?ik*....... ................... ......... . T e a c h e r . H a z le to n , P a. H a r r is b u r g , Pa.. P h y s ic ia n . .H a zleto n , P a . .P u eb lo , C a l.,. .......... .............. L a w y e r ; .S teelto n , P a ., ..........................M e rch an t. .O ak R id g e , N . J .,...................... M in iste r. Class of 1883. M a m e A . B o w en (N o a k e r ) ,............ W a ln u t B o tto m , P a . M am e J. C r is w e ll ( D is e r t) ,........... C h a m b e rs b u rg , P a. F a n n y F . C u n n in g h a m (H arp er)..L en o ir, N . C. M a r y S . H a le ,.....................................S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a u | s O . . . ..... T e a c h e r . * A n n ie H efllefin ger. H e le n R . H y k e s (H im es),..............W e s t F a ir v ie w , P a .,.................... T e a c h e r . E l l a M . M a te e r (S q u ire s ),.......... ...S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a . S a d ie A . M y ers,...................... .........S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a ., ......T e a c h e j I d a N o a k e r ( F o g e ls o n g e r ),...........S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a .,................. ....T e a c h e r . E l l a B . N o f t s k e r ,..............................S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a . E m m a W a lte r s (W in g e rt),............. C h e ls e a , M a ss. *Jen n ie M . W e lls . S. E . H a rk in s ....................................B la in , P a . , .......................................T e a c h e r . S . C . H a r r i s ,....................................................................................................T e a c h e r , T . M . H e rb e rt,................... ................. B e a v e r M ea d o w s, P a .,...............T e a c h e r . Q u in n T . M ic k e y ........ ........... ‘..S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,....................L a w y e r . J o h n D . M in ic h ,.............................¡..L en o ir, N . C .,...^ ;.— .................P re s . F e m a le C o lle g e . * Jo h n R eese. D e K e lla r S t a m y ,.............................. M id d leto w n , D e l . , ...................... P r in c ip a l S c h o o ls. Jo h n H . U ric h ,....i......... .....................433 C o lu m b u s A v e ., B o sto n , . M a s s .,..... • ......... P h y s ic ia n . G. A . W e b e r,... ............................... B a th , P a .,........................................P r in c ip a l o f S c h o o ls . Class of 1884. M a r th a B . Agle,..:Hi:;i:i'.::if................ ^........... 2a ........................................¡T e a c h e r. M a r y R . A b r a h im s ,......................... 1418 13th A v e ., A lto o n a , P a .,..T e a c h e r G ra m . S c h o o l. M o llie B . B l a ir (M illa r),.............. ...Y o r k S p rin g s , P a . M. L iz z ie D a v id s o n (W h ite ;, ....T a c o m a , W a sh in g to n ,............. T e a c h e r . L o t tie R . D u tto n ,...... ........................E d in b oro , P a .,..i| i^ g y ..............T e a c h e r , S. N . S . *C ora E . H a r r is (R ea). * L . A lic e L o n g (Coffey).. G e rtru d e R . M c C re a r y ,18?........ .....B e th le h e m , Pa.,yv.;...................... T e a c h e r . M a g g ie M c E lh a ir e ,...........................S tra s b u r g , P a .,......i...i.........v ....T ea th e r; J e n n ie C . W ith e r o w (M illeisen ),...M ech an iC sb u rg , P a. C la r a W ic k e rs h a m (G arretson),...567 M c M illa n t S t ., C in c in n a ti. O. E s t a C . W o o d s (W a tt),..... . ...¡.......O x fo rd , P a . D . T . H u m b e r t,^ ffi^ ^ ;..........^ » .B ig C o ve T a n n e r y , P a .,...¿ .....T e a c h e r an d fa r m e r . J . I/. K u n k le . * D ecea sed . 53 54 C umberland V a lle y S t a t e N ormal S chool . :2Ja:eV T . M e ix e l, — ............... H arrisburg-, Pa.,-.....-.............,....T e a i:h e r H .S e h o b l.. D . D . P a r k ,..... .............¿ ....:» ^ 9 M .T a n n e tts b u r g ;- - P a .v.................... T e a c h e r . M . S . T a y lo r ,...................... y..... ......... S h ire m a n sto w n , P a .................. P r in c ip a l o f sch o o ls. S c o tt A . W h ite ,...................... .........T a c o m a , W a s h in g to n ,|p |,.......L a w y e r . T . B . W ic k e r s h a m ,........................... S te e lto n , P a ., ............L a w y e r . Class of 1885. M a ry C . B a rto n , D ied M a y 2,1891. J o s ie B o w e n ( G le s s n e r ),..................Y o r k , P a . C a r r ie M . D u b b s (C o b a u g h ),......... M id d leto w n , P a. A lic e M . H ill,....... ........ ........ .G re e n c a s tie , P a .....................................T r a in e d n u rse. B e r th a H e ig e s ,................... ............ .;..5Ö9 E S t., W a s h in g to n , D . C ., ..A r tis t. T ran ces H y k es, ................. ...........S h ip p e n sb u rg , P a .,....................T e a c h e r . M arne O. M a rtin ,.......................... .....S h ip p e n sb u rg , P a . S a llie A . M a rtin (B re tz),.................224 R ë ile y S t., H a r r is b u r g , P a . C a r r ie A . M cC re a ry ,...k .,.:.iw......... S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a .,....................T e a c h e r ^ M a y S h a n k (G eist),...........................W a y n e sb o ro , Pa. M a ry E . S ib b è tt ( B r e h m ) , ......... 109E . 7th S t., H u tc h in so n , K a n . S a llie E . S w a r t z ,................................911 N . Second s tre e t, H a r r is ­ b u rg , P a .,....... .................... .....T e a c h e r. C a rrie M . T r i t t (S tu ll),................... W a y n e sb o ro , P a . Su e S. W a lk e r ( K n ile y ) ,........ ......... W ic o tiis co , P a . P h ia n n a E . W a g o n e r. J. M . A l l e r ,................................. ......... L a th a m , K a n ....... T ea ch er. O. S . B rin ton ,........ ............ ... .C arlisle, P a ., ...... ............. ....L aw yer. M . E . B o y e r ,................ .......................G len W ilto n , V a ......... .............C o o k Iro n Co. H a r r y M. B r e tz ,.................................. 224 R e ily S t., H a r r is b u r g ,....... A tto rn e y -a t-L a w . J a m e s E . C a ro th e rs ,:.......................B a r n itz . P a .,.,........... ...................T e a c h e r . J. T r a n k E p ie r ,.................................. 228 S . 3rd s tre e t, P h i l a . , .......-L . V . R . R . W il l A . E ld e r. D ied O c t. 2,1891. J. G . G le s s n e r,..,,,,....... ....... ........... .Y o r k , P a .,............ L aw yer. * T . B . N . H o ffe r,................................ M oun t J o y , P a .,............................T e a c h e r . J a b e H . M i l la r ,.......................... ........ Y o r k S p rin g s , P a. R o b e rt L* M y e r s,............................... 124 M a rk et S t., H a r r is b u r g ,. .E d u c a tio n a l p u b lish e r. E . C . M e C u n e,....... .............................. A tla n ta , G a .v ................................D u p o n t P o w d er Co. W i l l R . S ib b e t...... ................................. ................................. ;.............. .....C le rk . S . S. S m ith ...................................... A b ile n e , K a n s a s ,........... ........ ....L a w y e r . 0 . W a lte r W e b b e rt,,.............. C a r lis le , P a .,......................... Law yer. D a v id E . Z e ite r,....... ...........................P en b ro o k , P a .,.............................T e a c h e r . Class of 1886. V e rm o n t C. T o re m a n (W a g n e r),..C a rlisle , P a. M a r th a L . T a u s t, (B a rr),...............S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a. M a ry H e m m in g e r ( S h a fe r ) ,.........C a r lis le , P a . F lo re n c e M . H a le , (D o n n e lly ),...... S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a. A n n ie G . Ke r r . . . St eel t on, P a . , ..... T e a ch e r. R o s e B . K in t e r ( T y p e r ) ,..................C h a m b e r s b u r g ,P a .,................. ..T e a c h e r. M o llie A . L a u g h l i n , ..... ................................................................T r a in e d N u rse, W o m a n ! M e d ic a l C o lleg e. C a r r ie C. L e e (H ale),................. .......S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a. S a llie H . M u s s e r , ............................ S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a .,,...................T e a c h e r . M . J en n ie M u s s e r (D rum ),..,..........T h o r n h u r s t, Pa; A n n a J.P eebles^ -;.'...'.....' ......... N e w b u rg , P a ................................ T e a c h e r .- . M y r a L . Peter’s,,;.;.............................. H a y s C ity , K a n s a s ;.® ^ ;,,.,.-...T e a c h e r. T resfia S i. P t e s s e i , .................... 838 H olto n S t., M ilw a u k e e , . JV i s ..... T e a c h er. I L a u r a B . S t a le y ,.................................M t. J o y , P a . , .................................. A s s t . H . S ch oo l. * P e rm a n e n t C la s s H is to ria n . .Cumberland V a l l e y St a t e N ormal S chool . L i llie S t r o m in g e r ,.................... . M a ttie E. T h o m p s o n (Shelly.),, N e llie R . W a lte r s ( R e b u c k ),.. * A n n a M . W in g e r . C le m . C h estn u t,................ ....... . D . L . R ic k e s ,.................. ................ I. O liv e r F r y , ................................. D a v id W . K e rr y . ......... ................ J. B . K e n n e d y ,.......................... , J. S . M o u l, ............. :.. A . B . M yerSj... *D . B . M y e rs. J . E v e r e t t M e y e r s ,....................... J o h n T . N ace*........ ................... . G e o rg e W . P lo y e r ,...... ................ A . C . R a w h a u s e r ,............. ......... H. E . S h a fe r ,............................ W . G . W a tso n . J o h n W a lt e r ,___ ___ _______ J. E . W ith e rs p o o n ,..... ............. J a m e s P . W it h e r o w ,................... •L e w is b e rr y , P a ...... .N a n tic o k e , P a . .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a . .T e a c h e r , .H u sto n to w n , Pa...... .S cra n to n , P a . , ......... .M a rie tta , P a .,... :..... W o r th v ille , P a ., .... .G reen c a stle, P a . , .. . .W r ig h ts v ille , P a .,.. .W in d o m , Pa.,.^^.*.'',; .S u p t. F u lto n C o u n ty. .L a w y e r, .T e a c h e r . M in iste r. .T e a c h e r . .M erch a n t. M e rc h a n t. 55 .S m eth p p rt, P a .,............. ...........S u p t. M c K e a n C o u n ty . .H a n o v er, P a ............. .................T e a c h e r G ra m . S c h o o l. .N e w v ille y P a . , ...... . ..(T e a c h e r. .Y o r k , P a . , ....................................T e a c h e r . .C a rlis le , P a .,.................................B a n k C le r k . .349 N . 8th S t., L e b a n o n , P a ., ..P h y s ic ia n . .............. ................................. ......... Stu d e n t. P h ila d e lp h ia , P a .,..................... C le r k P . R . R . Co. Class of Ì 887. M . L u lu C o le (Ston er),..... .............. .W a y n e s b o ro , P a . D o ro th y E s h e n m a n n ,......................S h ip p en sb u rg* P a .,....f..............T e a c h e r. B e s s ie H . H a y s ...................... ........H a rris b u rg , P a ........................T eachO ryV iv C a r r y A . H a r r is (G ates),.............. ..S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a . L i l l i e B . H o ffm a n (M etz)i,........'....S h ip p en sbu rg, P a . J e a n ie C . J o h n s o n .......................... S h ip p e n sb u rg , P a . , T e a c h e r. S a d ie C. K ir k ,...................................... W a rfo r d s b u rg , P a ., ...............T e a c h e r. ;■ ••• M . F lo r e n c e K a n a g a ( B ig g s )........ S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a . S a llie L i g h t (E tter)........................L e h m a s te rs , P a. M a m ie E . P e r le t t ,.............................. S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a .,..... .............. T e a c h e r . H . A d a S h e a r e r ( B r in s le y )............S p r in g R u n , P a . w V . si-»; v , - ' > , . 'a M in n ie E . S n iv e ly (K au ffm an ),.... S h a d y G ro ve, P a . C a r r ie E . W a lk e r ,............. .................S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a .,............... ....T e a c h e r . A i li e M . W h e r r y (W e a k le y )..........S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a . R e ttie W ilb a r (W ils o n ),..................1625 D e rry S t., H a r r is b u r g , P a. D a s ie A . W illia m s (K e tte re r ),...... T o rre s d d le , P a . C . C. B a s e h o re ,............................ ......C a rlis le , P a .,......................... Law yer. E . H . B i x l e r ,...... ............... C a r lis le , P a .,........ ......... .T e a c h e r . W . A . B r e a m ,..................... ............... .Y o r k S p r in g s , P a ., .¿.¿.............T each er. E . J. C ook, ......... ...¿...;...i................ .T o w s o h , ..... .....L a w y e r . L e e H . D ie h l^ ^ ^ ffi.v.’.;;;.-..'...... ........ S h ip p e n s b u r g , Pai,;.;................ Jew e le r. C. E . G arre tt........................................H an o ver; P a .,....... ................. T each er. J . P . G lu c k ,..........................................L e h m a s te r s , P a ........................S tu d e n t M e rc’ r s b ’g C o l. I . R . H e r r ,...........................................E liz a b e th to n , P a . , ............. ......L a w y e r . W . B o y d M o rro w ,.............................. S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,................... M erch an t. B . F . M y e r s ,................ ....................... S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a .,................... P h y s ic ia n . W . F . S p re n k le ^ ^ ^ '.-i;.....................P h ila d e lp h ia , P a .,......................P h y s ic ia n . E . I . S t a u ffe r ,................. .Q u in cy , P a .,....... ........... ............T e a c h e r. C . J. W a lt e r ,......................................N ew to w n , P a .,..............................P r in c ip a l o f sch o o ls. S . E . W e tz e l. • J. L . Y o u n g , .............................. ......... M e e h a n ic s b u rg , P a .,................L a w y e r . * D eceased . 56 C umberland V a l l e y S t a l e N ormal S chool . Class of 1888. M a u d e S . A d a m s. E m m a S. A lle n , .................................E e e s X R o a d s , P a .,.................... T e a c h e r . V io la M . A r n o ld (G ra m m a r). S a llie R . B i e s e c k e r ,.........................M c K n ig h ts to w n , P a .,............... T e a c h e r . H y p a tia B . A . E . D ille r , ................ Y o r k S p r in g s , P a . , ...............- .T e a c h e r . J e n n ie M . G o o d h a rt ( T h r o n e ) ,.....M t. R o c k , P a . A lic e A . H a tto n (B a r n h ill),..........M id d leto w n , P a. Ada V. H o r t o n . . ..... ...Sh ip p en sbu rg., P a ., .................. S te n o g r a p h e r , C .V .S .N .S . A n n ie M. I rw in , ................................. M c C o n n e lls b u rg , P a .,...............T e a c h e r . A lic e E i g h t , .............. .........:............. E e h m a s te rs , P a .,............- ...- - ..T e a c h e r . M . L iz z ie L o t t (B o y er),............ .....A re n d ts v ille , P a . C a r r ie R . M cC un e (W esto n ),..........942 A m s te rd a m A v e ., N . Y . M a g g ie O v e r h o ltz e r ,..... ................. H am p to n , P a ., ...;>v.^..............T e a c h e r . M in n ie E . R e is n e r (M a rs h a ll),.....S h ip p e n s b u r g , Pa. M in n ie S ip e s ,...............................A lto o n a , P a .,..............................T e a c h e r. C. I v a S m i t h , ........ ........................ .S teelto n , P a ., ............. ;.............. T e a c h e r . E m m a E . W ie rm a n ,.........................Y o r k S p r in g s , P a . , ....... .......... T e a c h e r . F lo r a W . W ith e r o w ,.........................F a ir fie ld , P a .,............................. T e a c h e r . M a r th a W . W ith e r o w ,.....................F a ir fie ld , P a .,.............................T e a c h e r . E a c y W i l l i a m s , . . . ; . - - ..... N e w v ille , P a .,........ .....................T e a c h e r . * 0 . M. G ra m m a r. * E . H . H a tfie ld . J o h n H e t r i c k , .- - .- .. . ...................... W e s t F a ir v ie w , P a ., ................ P o s ta l C le r k . C h a r le s W . H y k e s ,...........................A rd m o re , P a .,.............................T e a c h e r . J . H a y s M orrow . W . H . P e n t z ,........................................J a r e ts v ille , P a . , ...........................P r in c ip a l o f sch o o ls. J o h n J. R ep p . C h a r le s T . R ic e , ...... ......................... N ew p o rt, P a . ,............................ M e rc h a n t. R . C. S p a n g l e r ,................................... G e tty s b u rg , P a .,................... .....O rg a n is t a n d M usic T ea ch er. Class of 1889. Z o ra A n d e r s o n ,......... - ..... ..............S h ip p e n sb u rg , P a ...................... T e a c h e r . M aud C re s s le r, ..................R e id , M d ................................ T each er. E i llie B . F u n k , .................... ..N e w v ille , P a .,........................................ N u rse . G e rtru d e H a y e s ,................................S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,................. — T e a c h e r . M a ry E . H u ll, .................................... M c C o n n e lls b u rg , P a .,...............T e a c h e r . E i llie S . K e n d ig (F e g a n ),..............C a rlis le , P a . E le a n o r V . K y n e r ,.............................N o rw o o d , P a .,..................... .T e a c h e r . F a n n ie C . E a m b e r s o n ,............ — H u sto n to w n , P a . , ..................... T e a c h e r . M a y L a n d is ,......... .— .........................B elw o o d , P a . , ...................... .......T e a c h e r . M a r g a r e t V . E e h n e r (A lex a n d er), E v e r e tt, P a . M a r y V . E o n g (C ra ig ),................. M id d leto w n , P a .,...................... ...T e a ch e r. M a g g ie A . E i n e , ............M ed ia , P a .,— ........ .T e a c h e r , E a d ie s ’ nary, B e r th a M etz (H orn),........................ H a g e r sto w n , M d. J e n n ie M o u l,........................................ E a s t B e r lin , P a .,................ .......T e a c h e r. C la r a A . O sb o rn e (G ard n er),& ij...-N ew C h e ste r, P a . E l l a H . P o w e ll (P a tte rs o n ),......... .4286 P a g e A v e ., S t. L o u is , M o. C a r r ie E . Q u ig le y (Sp an gler). F lo r a S efto n (R ead in g). A lt a M . S h e a ffe r (Z e rfo s s ),.......... E ld re d , P a . A n n ie S c h w a r tz (D ie h l),.................C a sh to w n , P a . G ra c e B . S p a n g le r ( Y e is e r ) ,.......... N a ra s a r o p e t, I n d ia . M a r y V . U n g e r ,................... .............. F o ltz , P a . , .................................... T e a c h e r . *D eceased . S e m i­ C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . 57 f i b b i e J. W a ts o n (B a ld w in ),¿,.¿....648 A c k e r S t ., W a s h in g to n , D . C. E l l a P . W a g’neI'' (S n y d er),...... .......E a s to n , P a . P io E . W a lte r s ,..................................S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a ...................T e a c h e r . V . M a y W o n d e r s ,...........................S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a ., .............. T e a c h e r . J . B . B r u b a k e r , ................ M e c h a n ic sb u rg , P a .,................ T e a c h e r . A . S . G o o k ,........... ...............................B e l A ir , M d .,............. .•..........,4;..:.Prin. o f A c a d e m y , E . P . C h a r le s . ’> • J . C . E s h le m a n ,.................................340 S . 14th S t., H arrisbu rg,viw .R . W . M a il S e rv ic e . D. JR. P o g le s o u g e r ,...,,..;:.,........N e w b u rg , P a . , ..........................T e a c h e r . J . A . P is h e l, .........i>%i'.;«.^.%............Siddonsburg, P a . , . T e a c h e r . S a m u e l K it z m llle r * .... . . . . . .............. W a y n e sb o ro , P a .,.................... .Jew e le r. A . C. L o g a n ,..... .................................. C a r lis le , P a .,................. S tu d e n t, D ic k in s o n C o l. E z r a L e h m a n ............. .....................S h ip p e n sb u r g , P a . , ........ ........P r o f. C. V . S . N . S . A . C. L a c k e y ,.......... ..........................D u n ca n n o n , P a . , ........................L a w y e r. J . H . M y e r s ,.............................. ..y:;.,,...M echanicsburg, P a ;, .......C le r k . H. M . R o th , .............¿¿vii.. ........S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a ., ...............P r o f. C . V . S . N . S; A . K . S m it h ,.......... ..............................A lto o n a , P a ................... .............W ard P rin c ip a l. S . Z. S h o p e ,..........................................H a r r is b u r g , P a ., ....¿.¿¿....y....... P h y s ic ia n . J. A . U n d e rw o o d ,........;...:..... .......;S h ep h erd sto w n , P a . H . A . W a lt e r ,.....................................N e w K in g s to n , P a .,............... ...T e a c h e r . St a t e Ce r t if ic a t e . J. P . W hitaker,. .Dock H aven, Pa.,..;...;............ P ro f. N orm al School. Class of 1890. S u e O. B e id le m a n (D ra w b a u gh ),..C am p H ill, P a . , .......... L u lu P . B u h r m a n ,............................ C h a m b e rs b u rg , P a . C a rrie E . D a v id s o n (J e ffe r is ),__ .N o rth W a le s , P a . C o ra E . D u n b a r ,................................ W e s t F ä ir v ie w , Pa.,.'.. C la r a L . D y k e m a n ( K e lly ),..;....... S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a . G e rtru d e C. E p p ly ...... .......................C a r lis le , P a .,................. A n n a P e n s te r m a c h e r ,.....................M o o res, P a .,................... . C la r a C. P r e c k ,...................................M ille r s b ü r g , P a ., ....... M a d g e C . H e m p h ill (M yers),.........S to u g h sto w n , P a . M au d e H e w i t t , ................ W a y n e sb o ro , P a ., ........ J e s s ie K ilh e ffe r ,................................ W e s t F a i r v ie w , P a .,... B la n c h e K ro n e n b e rg ®Veiner), ...C a rlis le , P a . R o s e H . M a r tin ,................................ S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a . E ls ie D* M c ln t ’ r e ,.......¿................... ..C a ta s a u q u a , P a .......... I s a b e l M e tz (M c C a n n ),....................S u m m it P o in t, W . V a M a ttie N . P ip e r ,.............• « ; ..N e w p o rtv ille . P a .,....... S a d ie A . S c h r iv e r ,......... ....................G e tty s b u r g , P a .,....... F lo E . S h a r p e , ......... ...N e w v ille , P a .,............... E l l a C. S ib b e t......................................O a k la n d , C a l. M o llie B . Snow ,......;y.{......................J o h n sto w n , P a .,........... Em m a E. S ta m y , i'..-.;7.i.s. .............. 3.'. ; H .t J e n n ie E* S t e e v e r ,............................. J e n k in to w n , P a........... L i l l i e V . W i l b a r , ...............................M a n h eim , P a . , .............. C o ra E . W in g e r (S h in h a m ),.......... C e a rfo s s , M d . M o rris A . B i r le y , .............................T h u rm o n t, M d . ,......... W . C . B o w m a n ,..................................W o r m le y s b u r g , P a ...... H a r r y D . B r e w e r ,............. ................ R o c h e s te r, P a .,............. G e o rg e L - B r o w n ,............................. .P o r t H u n ter, P a .,. ..; ^ C h a r le s J. B u r g e t t ,...........................C a r lis le S p rin g s , Pa*, G . P . E c k e ls ,....................................... P h ila d e lp h ia , P a ;,..:... P . A . P is h e l.........................................P r o g re s s , P a . , ............... J . M . F o g e ls o n g e r ,.............. ..............P h ila d e lp h ia , P a . G eo. E . G r a y ,........... ...........................P a c k e r to n , P a . , . .......... S . H . H e tr ic k ,...................................... P h ila d e lp h ia , P a ;,^ .v J T eacher. .Teach er. .Teacher. .Teacher. .Teacher. .T each er. .Teacher. .Teacher. .Teacher. .T each er. .Teach er. .Teacher. .Teacher. .Teacher, .Teacher. .Ph ysician . •Teacher. .Prin. Schools. .P h ysician . .Teach er. •Teacher. .Teacher. .P rin cip al o f Schools. .Law yer. 58 C umberland V a l le y S t a t e N ormal S chool . T R fS g g b s '■ * D ic k in s o n L a w ■- ■ . .......... ...O a k v ille , P a ;,- .;...;.;.» ............ .T e a c h e r . : : T feho61l J. T . K e lle y , S . W . K i r k , ............ ....................... .....M c C o n n e lls b u rg , P a .,.............. L a w y e r . E. W . M a r tin d e ll,......................... H u lm v ille , P a .^ & ..;...................P r in c ip a l o f sch o o ls . J . A b n e r M i l l e r ,......... ...................R ix fo r d , P a .; .............. P r in c ip a l o f sch o o ls. P h ilip C . M ille r ,..... ........................... B i g le r v ille , P a .,....-......® .......T e a c h e r . J . E . N ell,.........;.;........... .................... S te e lto n , P a . , ...........i;'.......;......T e a c h e r . W . H . N ic h o la s , ...... A Po ll°» P a.,.. .;...-..;................... M in is te r. S . E . P ip e r , Jr.,iQv):.'........................ O a k v ille , P a .,..... .v..i;................. T e a c h e r . J. O . R u sse ll,;.'...;.............. ............... S teelto n , P a . , .............;... .....T e a c h e r. Jn o . D . S to c k .....................................P h ila d e lp h ia , P a ., ..................... B o o k k e e p e r. H . K . S t r ic k le r ,.......... ................. ......E a s t S tro u d sb u rg1, P a .,...........P rin c ip a l o f sch o o ls. ]y[#j j #T h o m a s , .......D ills b u rg 1, P a . , ........................... P r in c ip a l o f sch o o ls Jn o . C. W a ts o n ,.'..............................M ilfo rd , P a .,....... J I * > | g g P r i n . h ig h sch o o l. W . G . W e ig le , ............... ...C o rn w a ll, P a . , ............................ T e a c h e r . J . L . W e itz e l,....... H H H M H ...... C a rlis le , P a .,....;:;;::;......... T each er. . I . R . W itm e r ,......... H a n o v e r, P a .,........................................... T each er. G eo. K . L a n d is ,............ ...................... P o ttsto w n , P a .,....® ^ .^ ,« ^ ..... T e a c h e r . Class of 1891. C lara M. A u lt ( P e t e r s ) , ....... ...L ehighton, Pa. Helen B ittn er (Roth),.....................M iddletown, Pa. L u c y Bow ers;S£;.;..........................H untingdon, P a .,.S i B ertie D. Conner,...-......... .............. N ew burg, P a .,........... Marne R . E a rly (H ockersm ith),...Shippensburg. S te lla S. E arly;......;........ .*>;>.........H arrisburg, P a .,....... M innie G. E ck els,..... ...... ............... Shippensburg, Pa...... N ona E b e r h a r t , ..;;iwi:,.^;*,l..Shrewsberry, P a .,.... A n n ie B . E llio t,............................... S terrett’s Gap, P a ..... M abel G ie s e y ,...;::.^ ;.............. ....Y o rk , Pa. M aggie Giesey,.....:....;...-;3;....A--” Sbrewsbury^ Pa. A n n ie M. H ake,....,:.^;;...:........*....Gettysburg, P a .,....... N e llie H argleroad (Shank).,........Cham bersburg, Pa. B erth a B . H e rrin g ,........................ M echanicsburg, P a.| E l la H o ffm a n (K a u fm an ),....., E l s ie H o ffm a n (H o lle r),.......... L u lu A . H u d s o n ,....................... O llie C . H y k e s (T o m p kin s),... M a r g a r e t K e n y o n (S w artz),.. N a n n ie B . M a rtin .................. G r a c e M c D a n n e l,.M ..... ........ . E liz a b e th C . M c C u n e ,............. E s t e lla M e t c a l f , •. J e s s ie B . M o o r e ,......... O la M y e r s .......... M a r y B . O sm a n ,.....:.........;..V.;y M aud A . P e r le tt ,..... .y....;.. I s a b e l P e ttig r e w , yW;.......;....... M a r y M . R a u m ,........... ............ E s t e lla R h o d e s ,......................... L u c y E . R u p le y ,...;................... N e ttie S . R u s s e ll,...................... M a ry B . S m it h , . . . . . : ; • > . . . , M in n ie B . S n a v e ly (F rissele). S a llie E . S t e v e n s ,................ A n n ie E . S t r ite ,.......... P h o eb e E . T a y lo r ( s t e v i c k ) ,.. .H a g e rs to w n , M d . .C h a m b e rsb u rg , P a . .S h a d e G a p , P a ., .G re e n w ic h , C o n n . .C a r lis le , P a. .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,.......... .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,.......... .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a . .J o h n sto w n , P a ., ...>:;u.y.. .M t. H o lly S p r in g s , P a.,. .M id d leto w n , P a ............... .H a r r is b u r g , P a .,............... .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,......... . .E v e r e tt, P a .,....................... .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a . , ...... . .G re e n c a s tle , P a . , .......... .W e s t P a ir v ie w , P a .,..... .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,......... ..F o rt L o ud o n , P a . , .......... .S te e lto n , P a . „W ic o n is co , P a .,|& .......... .G r e e n c a s tle , P a ., ........U. „ H a r r is b u r g , P a. .T e a c h e r .T e a c h e r .T e a c h e r .S cie n tific C o u rse .T e a c h e r . .T e a c h e r . .T each er. .T e a c h e r o f e lo c u tio n I r v ­ in g c o lle g e . .T e ach e r. .T e a c h e r . .T e a c h e r. .T e a c h e r . ..T each er. .T e a c h e r in h ig h sch o o l ..T each er. „T e a c h e r. .T e ach e r. ..T each er. ..T e a c h e r. „T e a c h e r. ..T e ach e r. ..T e a c h e r. ..T each er. ..T e ach e r. C umberland V a l le y S t a t e N ormal S chool . 59 Z u lu E . T ro s tle ,............................. ..... Y o r k S p r in g s , P a .,............ ;.*. ¿¿..¡.Teacher. L i l l i e B . W a lte r s ,......................... ..... Sh i ppen shrj r g , "Pa S u e W a l t e r s ,........:....................... .....S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,......... .SH H .T each er. E d ith W e r tz ,................„ . . . . ......... B la n c h e W o o d a l,...............................Oh am hershn rg- P a TJ A n n a M . Z e ig le r (Reber),;........... ....H u n tin g d o n , P a . H a r r y A lle n ,..................... ............ ..... L e e s X R o ad s, P a. G eo. R . A n g le ,.......... ............. ...., ..... S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a .,.......... ........C le rk . C h a r le s E . B a r to n ....................... ..... S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a .,.......... ..........P r o f . C . V . S . N S T . H . C. B e r k s tre s s e r. C. A . D e a r d o rf,.............................. ..... Onenee.ve, TCansas * L e e R o y D o n n elly* . /. G e o rg e H . E c k e ls ,............ .......... __S h ip pe.n shn rg, P a T, P ro f C V S N S W . E . F o h l , ..................................... ....N e w b u rg , P a .,.................... ........T e a c h e r. G e o r g e G a b le ,................................. ....R ic h la n d S ta tio n , P a . , ....___ P r in c ip a l p f S c h o o ls J a m e s O . G r a y ,.............................. ....M a r y s v ille , Pa;.,.'.-r... __P r in c ip a l o f S c h o o ls W il l H . H a m ilto n ,........................ ....P h ila d e lp h ia , P a .,...................... S tu d e n t U n iv . o f P a . C . A . H a rtm a n ,.............................. .....A re n d tsv ille , P a .,........ . ........T e a c h e r . W illia m B . H e c k m a n ,................ ....C o m m o n w ea lth , G a .,....... ........T e a c h e r . J . S . H e ig e s ,................................... _C o lle g e v ille P a , J. M . H o o v e r ,................................. ....C h a m b e rs b u rg , P a .,......... .......T e a c h e r . . N . E . M . H o o v e r ,.......................... ....W e s t D u b lin , P a . , ............. ........T e a c h e r . W . H . K i s s in g e r ,.......................... .....W ico n isco , P a .,.................. ........ A ss t. P rin . H igh S c h o o l J . J. K le ffm a n ................................. ....A lto o n a , P a . ... T ^ ach ^ r D . E . D o n g ,...................................... ....C a rlis le , P a .,........................ ........L a w Stu d en t. J a m e s H . M a c k e y ,.................1...... ....P h ila d e lp h ia , P a .,............. ....... P . R . R . C o. E r n e s t B . M a r tin ,.............'............ ._W illia m s p o r t, PaJ o h n H . M c A llis t e r ,..................... ...C o lle g e v ille , P a ,................ ...... S tu d en t TTrsinus; C o lle g e , «3. U . G . M c C r e a r y ,........................ ...F r a n k lin to w n , P a .,............ ...... T e a c h e r . G . W . M i l le r ,............................... ....Y o r k S p rin g s , P a ., .. ..T e a e lie r J . S . O m w a k e ,................................ ....S h ip p en sb u rg , P a .,........... ........ L a w y e r . J. H . R e b e r ,...................................... ....H u n tin gd o n , P a ., ............. ..... P r in . o f H ig h S ch o o l. C h a r le s S . R e b u c k , ................... .....E a s t H a r r is b u r g , P a ........ ....... P h y s ic ia n . W. M . R i f e , .................... .......... ...C o lle g e v ille , P a ., ....... ...... ..... S tu d e n t TTrsinus C o lle g e G . S . R u p p , .....................................C a rlisle , P a ., ................... .j-Tifliv S ch o o l. R o b e rt N . S a d le r ,........................... ...W o rm le y s b u rg , P a .,.......... ........ T e a c h e r . J a m e s S la y b a u g h , ..................... ,...M t. A lt o , P a ., .......................... T e a c h e r . J a m e s S m i l e y , ........................... ...P h ila d e lp h ia , P a ., ............ ......S tu d en t M e d ic a l C o lle g e . S o l. S m y s e r , ..............................._S h irem a n sto w n , P a . , _ ..... T e a c h e r . J o h n H . S tu a rt, .......................... ....J o h n sto w n , Pa*3 --- W a rd P r in c ip a l P e a r le E . T a y lo r , ....................... ...O h a m h ersb u rg , P a .,........ .....L a w y e r . J. E . W a lte r , ............................... ...W e r tz v ille , P a ., ................. .......T e a c h e r . G . M . W e r t z , ............................. 1...G ood H op e, P a . , ............... ..... T ea ch e r • S t a t e ^C e r t i f i c a t e . J. E. H a in ........................................H a rr is b u rg , P a ., ............... .¡i...U . S. P o s ta l S e rv ic e . C la s s o f 1 8 9 2 . M ild re d E . B e itz e l ( F i l l e r ) , ...... ...C a rlis le , P a. B e r tie C r e s s le r , .......................... ...R eid , M d. M a ttie M . D a v is (K is s in g e r ), .... ...P h ila d e lp h ia , P a . A m b le r I*. D i e h l , ....................... ...G e tty s b u rg , P a .,................... ..... T e a c h e r . N e ttie D u n a b a u g h ,......................... ...State L in e , P a .,.................... ......T e a ch e r. E m m a F a i l o r ,.....................................C a rlis le , P a „ .......................... ..... T e a c h e r . A n n ie F o g le s o n g e r (M ow ery),... ..C h a m b e rs b u rg , P a . N e llie V. G e i g e r ,.......... ............ . ...S h ip p en sb u rg, P a . A lic e H a m ilt o n , .......................... ..S c o tla n d , P a .,..................... rt. .....T e a c h e r . .M a rth a G . H am m on d (P u rv is),. ..L e w is b e r r y , P a . * D ecea sed . 6o C umberland V a l le y S t a t e N ormal S chool . J e s s ie M . H arm , .................. .............. L in w b o d , P a . , ......................... — T e a c h e r. "Rp.Ksift W . H a rm a n ............. ..............M t. HrVTlv SnriniTR. P a .......... ....T e a c h e r . S a d ie M . H e c k (H a r t m a n l,............ A r e n d t s v illè , P à. A lv e r d a H efflefin ger (H a m b rig h t)M is h a n a k a , In d . L/ida P . H ig h la n d s , ......................... 211 N . A v e ., A lle g h e n y , P a ., ...T e a c h e r. M in n ie S . H o f fm a n ,.......... ..............B ig le r v ille ., P a .,..........................T e a c h e r. R a c h a e l H u m b e rt,.............. ..............B i g C o ve T a n n e r y , P a .,...........T ea c h er. B e r th a J a m e s ,................................... N e w v ille , P a ., .......................... ...T e a c h e r . A n n ie M . K e e n e ,................ ..............WSi&eoh i sco, P a ., ................... .. L u e lla M c A l li s t e r ,............. ..............G e tty s b u rg , P a .,......... ............ ...T e a c h e r. ..C arl is le , P a ., ——........................ L a u r a P e f f e r ,........................ A n n ie R e b e r ,........................ ............. M id d le S p r in g , P a .,........... B la n c h e R e e s e m a n ,...... '... ..............W a y n e sb o ro , P a . , .................. ...T e a c h e r . A d a lin e R e x r o t h ,............................ M c C o n n e lls b u rg , P a . , ........... — T e a c h e r . E d n a C. S c h o c h (S m ith ),...............L e b a n o n , Pa. J e ssie M . S efto n (D unkle); ..............S teelto n , P a . N o rm a Seitz. M a r y S i p e s ,.......................... .............. M c C o n n e lls b u rg , P a . , ........... ...T e a c h e r . E liz a b e th E . S p a n g le r (N ich o las) A lle g h e n y , P a . R o s a A . S p id e l,................... ............. H u m m elsto w n , P a . , .............. ...T e a c h e r . M a ry T . W a g n e r ,.............................S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a .,................. ...T e a ch e r. C ord ili a W o o d s ,- ..............,...............C a r lis le , P a .,............................. G e o rg e W . B a k e r , .............. .........- ..S p r in g G ro v e , P a .,................. .,— P rin . o f sch o o l. J. A lb e r t B a x tr e s s e r ,..— J.............. E liz a b e th to w n , P a . , .............. H . M . B e c k e r, .............. H a n o v e r, P a .,............................ ...Stu d en t U . Pa. H . D . B e c k e r',.......... ............ ............. H an o ver, P a .,............................ 0 . C. B ish o p , .............. ......... ..............O b erlin , P a ., ......... B . J. B o w e r, .......................... ............. M ill H a ll, P a .,.......................... ...P rin . S ch o o ls. N . J. B r in e r ,........................... ........— L o y s v ille , P a .,.......... 1............. ...T e a c h e r, J. M . B r in to n , .. ................ .............C a m p H ill, P a . , ........................ ..T e a c h e r. W . H . B u r d , ........................... .............D o n n a lly M ills , P a .,.............. ...T e a ch e r. A . A . E v a n s ,* W M ISM ■ IM!.............M o o red ale, P a . , ..........................T each er. J. E . E v a n s , ...... ............. .. ...... M o o red ale, P a . , ....................... ...T each er, S . F . G e r b e r ic h ,................... .............H u m m elsto w n , P a . , .............. ...S tu d en t a t F . # M Pol C . E . G re a s o n ,................... .............C a rlis le , P a .,............................... g . c. H a m ,............ IMNH1 .............M t. U n io n , P a ......................... ...P rin c ip a l o f sch o o ls. G e o rg e M a co m b er. A . C. M c C u n e ,....................... .............P h ila d e lp h ia , P a .j .. F .’ M. P a u l, ................... ........ ............ G rea so n , P a .,........................ D . M. S h e a re r, |...................... .......... - F a y e t t e v ille , P a .,..................... ...T ea ch er. C . R . S h y r o c k ,....................... .............S h ip p e n sb u rg , P a . , ................. ...U n iv. o f P e n n a . B . M . S h u ll,........... ................. ........- - D u n c a n n o n , P a .,....................... ...T ea ch er. G . W . S m e lt z e r ,.............;.... ...— .O b e rlin , P a .,.............................. - P r in . o f sch o o ls. A . B . S o lle n b e r g e r ,.............. .............L e h m aster, P a . , ....................... - T e a c h e r . C. W . S n y d e r,......................... ............ E d e n v a le , C a l . , ......................... -T e a c h e r . P. H. S ta m b a u g h ,............. .............H a n o v e r, P a ......... ................. -T e a c h e r. J. A.:Stephens,............... ................ Wicotij^cp,. Pa.,......................... Student State College. J .O . W a g n e r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | 5 ^ . i ; .N e w p o r t , .............P rincipal of Schools; H . J. W a g n e r ,..................... .................G reen S p r in g , P a .,............. . .......T e a ch e r. G . A . W eb b . Sc ie n t if ic Co u r se . E z r a L e h m a n ,............. ....... ................ S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a .,............. ...... P ro f. 0 . V . S . N . S. C la s s o f 1 8 9 3 . N a n n ie E . A l l e n , .............. ................ L e e ’s C ro ss R o a d s, P a. .. M a ry L . A r n o ld ,................ ............... D e lta , P a .,............................... L i llia n S . B eso re,............................... G re e n c a s tle , P a . , ................ E v a M . B o y e r ,.................... ............... T a b le R o c k , P a .,.................. ■,...... T e a c h e r. C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . M a r y D o w n s,” .......... .............. * E l l a R . E rd m a n . C o r a M . F ic k e s ,.......... M a b e l G e ig e r ,............................. L i llia n B . G o sb o rn (H assler). E d ith B . G etz,...« ,« ,. N e llie R . H a y s ,.............. J e n n ie M. H e fe lb o w e r,..... ....... C e lia H e fe lb o w e r,. B e s s ie M . L a n d is ................... E v a J. L i g g e t t , M a ry K . M cC un e, (B ratton ) .. R o s e M c K in n ie ,......................... C o ra A . M iller,-................. M . E ls ie Peters.iP.v-..,....««i.vAA n n a L . R a ilin g (A d am s), E i la N . R alsto n ,....,.....;........... B e lle R e ifs n y d e r ,...................... M a ry R h o d es,.........................:... * B e r th a R h o d e s. C la r a E . R in a r d ,.......A M a u d e E . R o b in s o n ,................ R a c h e l M . S c o tt,........ ............. A d a A . S e ib e rt (W alker),.;« H a ttie L . S h e l l y , ....................... E m m a M . S h u g a r s ,.................. Z a ta e I . S m ith ( H a g e r ty ) ,..... L e n a T a y l o r , ......................... B la n c h e W a g n e r ,..................... . A n n a W a lla c e ,............... ............ A n n a W a lte r s ,.......... ................. M a r y Y . W eim er,. 4..;,..v. K a th a r in e W ensell,,««:;........... H a ttie A . W y lie ,. A a ro n B . C ro o k ,..,,;.,,,.;« ,,..,.,. J . F . D ea rd o rff A . C . D o n n e lly , J . B . E b y , ...3i K £ ;................. . J . W ils o n E l lio t t ,......... D . A . F o r s y t h ,........................... U . G ra n t F r y , . . . « « « « , . , . M . W . G a r r e t t , ...... L . B . H a f e r , ................................ J. H . H a n d s h a w ,....................... C . A . H a s s le r , ........................... J. P . H e r r ,.................................. J . F . H o c h ,........ J o h n H . H o ffm a n ,.................... R . H . H u g h e s ,..... ......... «:«•:«;. J a m e s K e n n e d y ,.. O s c a r H . J n t t l e ,................... G eo. O . L u t z ................................ H a r r y L . M a rch . J . L . M c A llis te r , W e s le y A . N y c u m ,.................... C h a r le s C . O g le ,........................ C . P . O m w a k e ,............................ G . L . O m w a k e ,......................... 6i .C a ta s a u q u a , P a . , ........... •Teacher. .M e ch a n ic s b u rg , P a .,. ... S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a . .S h ip p en sb u rg, P a . .L a n c a s te r , P a. .S h ip p e n s b u rg , Pa,,««,*.. .M id d le S p rin g , P a .,...,.. .M id d le S p r in g , P a .,...... .H u m m elsto w n , P a .,...... .I c k e s b u r g , P a .,............... .S h ip p en sb u rg, P a . .G re e n c a stle , P a .,............. .H u m m elsto w n , P a . , ..... .Y o r k S p rin g s , P a .,;.;..... . .B a k e r s v ille , N . J. .M e c h a n ic s b u rg , Pa.,..«. .R en o v o , Pa.1,................... .G r e e n c a s tle , P a .,............. .Teach er. .C y p h e r, P a .,.................. .W a te rlo o , P a .,................ .G reen M o u n t, P a . , ......... .F a n n e tts b u r g , P a. . A n n v ille , P a . , ........ . .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a . , ...... .H a r r is b u r g , P a. .S h ire m a n sto w n , P a .,..... .L ititz , P a .,......... .W a y n e s b o ro , P a .,.......... .C a ta sa u q u a , P a .,............ •C le a rv ille , P a .,................ .H ig h s p ire , .M id d le S p rin g s , P a .,..... .W illia m s to w n , P a ,...... . ..W a y n e sb o ro , P a . , ......... .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a......... ..E ls to n v ille , P a .,..... ....... ..S terrett’s G ap , P a . , ....... .In d ia n S p r in g , M d . ,.... .M cC rea , P a ............. .. ..N ew ton H a m ilto n , P a .. .F t . W a s h in g to n , P a .,... ..S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,...... ..S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,...... ..O rrsto w n , P a .,................ ..S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,....... P h ila d e lp h ia , P a . , ....... .A lto o n a , P a ................... .G re e n c a stle , P a .,............. .C o n co rd , P a .,............... . ..B o ilin g S p r in g s , P a „ .. .T each er. •Teacher. .Teach er. .Teach er. .Teacher. .Teacher. .Teacher. •Teacher. .Teacher. .Student W ilson C o llege. .Teach er. .Teach er. •Teacher. •Teacher. ..Teacher. .Teacher. .M erchant. ..Prin cipal o f sch ools. ..Minister. ..Teacher. ..Teacher. .T each er. ..Teacher. .Student Med. C o lle ge . .Postal Clerk. .Teach er. ..T each er. ..Teacher. ..B a rlo w ', P a .,.................... .E v e r e tt, P a . , .................... .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,....... .G r e e n c a s tle , P a .,............ ..C o lle g e v ille , P a ., ......... ..Student Penna. C o llege. ..Teacher. . ..Clerk. ..Bookkeeper. ..Student U rsin us C o lle ge * Deceased. •Student W ilson C ollege. •Teacher. •Teacher. T eacher. •Teacher. .Teacher. .Teach er. .Teacher. .Teacher. .Teacher. .Teacher. .T ea ch er in L . V . College. .T each er. Ó2 C umberland V a lle y S t a t e N ormal S chool . W . O . P a r c e ll, ....:iv.i;.' 0 . E b b e rt P l a s t e r e r ,.. H . W . P y le s , W illia m R if e ,............... C . M . R o m b e r g e r ,...... H . F . S c h ro e d e r ,........ C . E . S h a n e r ,................ J . N . S h rin e r ,.^ :.......... C . E d w a rd S lo n a k e r,. H . M . Smiley,.....^¿¿¿v:! W . E . T h o m as, G e o rg e R . T r a x le r ,... H . J . W ic k e y .W illia m s p o r t, P a .,.................. j T e a c h e r . .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a . , .................... T e a c h e r . ..W illia m s p o j t. P a .,....................L a w y e r. .C a s h to w n , P a .,..........¿.i.v.vi........ T e a c h e r . .W ico n isco i P a . , ........... ..¿ ..........T e a c h e r. .M id d leto w n , P a ., ..¿¿.....;............ M e d ic a l S tu d e n t. .O a k v ille , P a .,............................T e a c h e r. ■ Taneytown, M d........................T e a c h e r . .M u m m a sb u rg , P a .,...................T e a c h e r . •L a n d is b u rg , Pa.,..;.!!................P h y s ic ia n . ,.M t. H o lly S p rin g s , P a . , .......... P r in c ip a l o f sch o o ls. . . . . ; i ......... T e a ch e r. .M id d le to w n , P a .,............¿.¿¿¿¿...Principal o f sch o o ls . G e o rg e H . E c k e ls,. .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,................... P ro f. C . Y . S. N . S* A . J. H a rb a u g h , .H a n o v e r, Pa.^& & ;-.v;.. S c ie n t if ic Co u r s e . St a t e C e r t if ic a t e . .\..S u perinten d en t sch o o ls. Class of 1894. M ertena A lle n ,.............. N e ll A lle n ,...................... E sth er Angled........ ....... M ollie B a ir,............. Jennie B e ll,........... ......... M argaret B ell,.....;;. ¿..¿. M ary Bender,................. M ary B en ner,............ ... A m an d a Bennett,...jwH Sarah B la c k ,................... E lla B o h e r,....... Id a Bow en,......... . C arrie B row n ,................ G eorgia C r a ig ,.............. E m m a Deahn, Zulu D eatrick, B erth a D eavor ............. A . Jane D iller.............. . Maud E b y ,......... ............ E ssie E rn st,.................... Id a F ra n k ,...................... F ra n ces Goldsboro,..-..... E v a H artm a n ,............... *A nn a Hoffman (Noll),. S tella H y k e s ,................. R u th Kann,..................... E lizab eth K is e c k e r,..... B erth a K e lle y ,............... L izzie K ir k ,...... K a tie F e g e le y ,............... A lice L eh m a n ,.............. . E lla L eh m an ,...... A m an d a L o sh ,............... M argaret Martin,..;;...;.; M ary M iller,....;........... . J e n n ie M yers,................. .H ig h s p ire , P a . , ......... .L e e s X R o a d s , Pa.,.. .G r e e n c a s tle , P a .,...... .S p rin g R u n , P a .,....... .M a r y s v ille , P a ., .M a r y s v ille , P a .,........ .S h ip p e n s b u rg , Pa.,... .G e tty s b u r g , P a . , ..... .F lin ts to n e , M d .,....... .S teelto n , P a .,............. .S h ip p e n s b u rg , Pa.,.. .E v e r e tt, P a .,.............. .W o rm le y s b u r g , P a ., .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a . , .. .M au ch C h u n k , Pa.,.. .P la in v ie w , Pa.,.if&*s& .H o u sto n to w n , Pa...... .N e w v ille , P a .,............. .G r e e n c a s tle , P a . , ..... .B lo s e r v llle , P a .,....... .F is h e r v ille , P a ........ .H u n tersto w n , P a ...... M u m m a s b u rg , P a.,... .P illo w , P a . .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a.,.. .L is b u r n , P a .,............ .G re e n c a s tle , P a .,....... .O a k v ille , Pa.............. •W a rfo rd sb u rg , P a .,. .M id d le S p rin g , P a.,.. .S h ip p e n s b u rg , Pa.,.. .W in g e rto n , Pa.^i^k* .D u n can n o n , P a .,...... .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a . .H y n d m a n ,................... .I d a v ille , P a .,.............. . * D ecea sed . .T e a c h e r . .T e a c h e r . .T e a c h e r . .T e a c h e r . .T e a c h e r . .T e a c h e r . .T e a c h e r . .T e a c h e r . .T e a c h e r . .T e a c h e r . .T e a c h e r . .T e a c h e r . •T e a ch e r. .T e a c h e r . .T e a c h e r . .T e ach e r. •T each er. .T e a c h e r. •T each er. .T e a c h e r. .T e ach e r. .T e a c h e r. .T each er. .T e a ch e r. .T e a ch e r. .T e a ch e r. .T e a c h e r. .T e a c h e r. .T each er. .T e a ch e r. .T e a c h e r. .T e ach e r. .T each er. .T each er. C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . M a r y M y e r s ,............. M a b e l N is s le y ;.......... . A n n ie P a tt e r s o n ,.... ....... E m m a P f o u t z ,.......... . J u li a R a d le ,.fwlgVs....... .>.. G ra c e R e if s n y d e r,.......... . S a r a A . R o o p ,.................. S a r a A . R o th ,..lp |^ § |^ P R e e k ie R it t e r (A rn o ld ), , A n n a S c h w a r ts .............. R ö s a S c o tt a.p p iftü w ig B l Y i r g i n i a S m ith , ............... C la r a S t a m y ,..... . H e le n S to n e r (C o ck lin ), R e s s ie W e is e r ,................... A d é lin e W a l t e r ,.............. . F a n n ie W h is le r (Speer), S u d ie W i n g e r t , ..... •C lara Y o u n t ,...... H . A . A l b e r t , ..... C la u d e R a rto n , C . M . R e s t.................... E . E . R o m b e rg e r,............. F . H . R r a m e ,.................. C . V . C lip p in g e r, M . J . C o ok , ...1.............. .'.... W . S . C o r n m a n ,.............. . R . C u n n in g h a m , ............. A . M . E n g le ,............ W . W . F e i d t , ..... W . E . G la s s ,................ ....« I r v in g H a n d s h e w ,....,..... W . S . H a fe r.................... E . M . H e r s h e y ,.......... . C . E . H o k e, ...;................... I . A . H o k e ,........... .-.iVii&viii H a r r y H o o p y , ....... W . C. H u g h e s .................. C. E . K e l le y ,.................. W . H . K l e p p e r ,.............. . I r a E o n g , ........................ W . G . M c C o y ,................... W . H . M c G o w a n ,.............. J . W , M c C la in ,...i|fp ...... A . A . M ille r ,.« .« ,,............ J . A . N o l l , ............. S . H . P ip e r ,........................ : P . W . M . P r e s s e l,............ H . A . R e e d , ........................ J . M . R e i g h t e r ,.................. W ilb u r R e p p ,...« ,.............. U . G . R is s e r ........ N o a h R o t h , ....................... « I r a S h a w ,.......................... C. C . S h e a f f e r ,................... H . H . S h e n k ,....................... E d g a r S h u g a r s ,..... ............ EL S ib e t t ,......... ........ R o b e r t S m i t h ,.................... 63 ..Y o r k S p rin g s , P a .,................... ..T ea c h e r. ...H u m m elsto w n , P a .,............... ..T e a c h e r . ..H a r r is b u r g , P a .,................ ..N ew F r a n k lin , P a .,................ ..T e a c h e r . ..D a lm a tia , P a . , ......................... ..T e a c h e r . «.Orrstown, P a .,........................... ..R o ok keep er. ..H ig h sp ire , P a .,......................... ..T e a c h e r. ..G old en v ille , P a . , ..................... ..T e a c h e r. ..N ew p o rt, P a. ..G e tty sb u rg , P a .,....................... ..T ea c h e r. ..G reen M ount, P a .,................... ..T e a c h e r. ..S h ip p en sb u rg , P a .,.................. ..T e a c h e r . ..G re e n c a s tle , P a . , ..................... ..T e a c h e r . ..H a rris b u rg , P a . ..C o a te s v ille , P a .,....................... ..T e a c h e r. ..H a m p d en , P a .,........................... ..C h a m b e rs b u rg , P a. ..W a y n e sb o ro , P a .,..................... ..T e a c h e r . ..E ittle s to w n , P a . , ..................... ..T ea c h e r. ..N e w O x fo rd , P a .,..................... ..T e a c h e r . ..C a r lis le , P a .,.............J ............ ..M e e h a n ic s b u rg , P a . , ............... ..S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,................. ..C lerk . ..H e id le rs b u rg , P a .,................ ..A n n v ille , P a . , ............................ •Stud en t. ..A s p e rs , P a .,................................. .T e a c h e r . ..P illo w , P a .,................................. ..P rin c ip a l o f S c h o o ls. ..O a k v ille , P a .,............................. ..H u m m elsto w n , P a . , ................ .T e a c h e r . . M ille r s b u r g , P a .,...................... .S tu d e n t U n iv . o f P a . ..332 W . F r a n k S t ., H a g e rs to w n , M d .,........................... ..T e a c h e r. ..O b erlin , P a .,............................... .T e a c h e r , , E e h m a s te rs , P a . , ...................... .T e a c h e r . ..H o c k e rs v ille , P a .,.................... ..S tu d en t U rs in u s C ol. ..M o w e rs v ille , P a . , .................... .T e a c h e r . ..M o w e rs v ille , P a ., .................... .T e a c h e r . .W e s t F a ir v ie w , P a .,......... ....... .T e a c h e r * ..S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,.................. ..T e le g r a p h O p e r a t o r . .O a k v ille , P a .,............................. ..T e a c h e r. ..E v k e n s, P a . , ............................. ..H a ys G ro ve, P a . , ..................... ..S tu d en t P e n n a . C o lle g e . .O a k v ille , P a .,.............................. .T each fir. ..R urn t C a b in s , P a . , .................. ..T ea c h e r. ..S p rin g R u n , P a . , ..................... ..T ea c h e r. .M aso n an d D ix o n , P a .,.......... ..S cien tific C ou rse. ..M ille rs b u rg , P a .,........................T ea c h e r. ..New R rid g e , P a . , ...................... .T e a c h e r . .O r w ig s b u r g , P a . , ..................... ...P rin . H ig h S c h o o l ^ * ..M iddle S p r in g , P a .,................ .T e a c h e r . .C a rlisle, P a .,............................... ..T e a c h e r . ..C la y H ill, P a .,............................ .T e a c h e r . ..C am pb ellton , P a . , ................... .P h y s ic ia n . ..H u yett, M d .,............................... .T e a c h e r . ,.Mt. R o c k , P a .,............................ .T e a c h e r . .M o o red a le, P a . , ........................ .D eo d ate, P a . , ................................Student U r s in u s C o lle g e . .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,................... .T e a c h e r . ..O akland, C a l.,............................ .O a k v ille , P a .,.............................. .S tu d e n t D ic k in s o n C o l. 64 C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . B. H. .................... ........ E m o r y T h o m a s .................................. M c C o n n e lls b u rg , P a .,. .Student B u ckn ell U n iv . .Teacher. C . A . T r o s t e i ,.......... '...-..4.i..;.:l^ij:i;'r..Gettysburg-, P a .,........... D . S . W e im e r, ................C le a r v ille , P a . , ............. O. G . W i c k e r s h a m , . .............S teelto n , P a .,..................... * C . H . W illia m s o n . .Bank Clerk. .E aw School. .E aw yer. St a t e Ce r t if ic a t e . M a r g a r e t C o d er,.................................H u n tin g d o n , P a .,......... D . C . S tu n k a r d ,...............B ed fo rd , P a .,........................... * .v,.. .Teacher. .Principal of Schools. Class of 1895. C a r r ie M . B a k e r , ............... N o ra E . B aker, E o ttie K . B a s e h o r e ,.................... F lo r a A . H . B e n n e r ,................... E l l a S . B o o th , E t t a B . B o w ers, M a r g a r e t B r a n d t ,...................... . A n n ie C a sh m a n , M a r y C a s h m a n ,.................... ....... V id a M . C lip p in g e r (H arm on,). M arne C lu g s to n ,........................... A n n ie C o rn m a n ,............................ M a r th a J . D a v is , M a r g a r e t D eard o rff, H op e D i l l , ...................................... E d n a E a r ly (B a rb o u r);;;-.-:.;.;; E le c t a F ic k e s ,...... .... .. E i lli e G le im ,...... Wfii S t e lla M . G rim m , ........................ E u lu G ro ve, A n n a M . H a rb a u g h , .^ iW -.v .;. M a ry K e rr H a y s ,.^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ s F lo r e n c e S. H o lla r (M ackay).... H e le n H a rm a n ,........... ............ ..... K a th a r in e H y k e s , G ra c e J on e s ,...... — S u s ie K a r p e r ,......... A n n a E e h m a n ,............................. E l l a E i g h t , .....;;W.Y.V.................... S a d ie M . E in d le y , .................. ;• A . E lle n L o h ,............ C la r a M. E u t z ,........ ...................... A n n ie M . M c K e e (T ra xler), .... M in n ie M o c k . . . . . . . ..... B e r th a M o h le r,...... .v. E ffie M o u l,...................................... A n n ie B . N y e , M in n ie M . O rr (A n g le ) R a c h e l P e te rs , M arne R e i f s n y d e r * ........ N e liie R e ic h e r d ,...;..................; E . P e a r l R o d es A d e lia R u s s e ll,............................ R e b e c c a S eip , E liz a b e th S c h e lle n b e r g e r ,...... K a t ie S c h e lle n b e r g e r ,............... .H atton , .M t. H o lly S p r in g s , P a ., .G e tty s b u r g , P a .,.............. .G e tty s b u r g , i a .,.. .M c Y e y to w n , P a .,............ .B ed fo rd , P a . , .................... .S h ip p e n sb u rg , P a .1,;...— .W a y n e s b o ro , P a ., .......... .C h a m b e rs b u rg , P a .,...... .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a. .M id d le S p r in g , P a . , ...... .H a tto n , P a . , ..................... .E y k e n s , P a .,.................... . .Y o r k S p rin g s , P a.,......;. .Y o r k S p r in g s , P a .|^ ;:^ .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a . .H a m p to n , P a .,................. .B o ilin g S p r in g s , Pa...... .S h ire m a n s to w n , Pa...... .G re e n c a s tle , P a ., .......... .W a y n e s b o ro , P a . , ......... .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,....... .P h ila d e lp h ia , P a. .M t. H o lly S p r in g s , P a ., ..S h ip p e n sb u rg , P a .,....... ..C h a m b e rs b u rg , P a .,— . ..W ico n isco , P a . , ............. ..S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,....... ..E e h m a ste rs, P a . , .......... ..H u m m elstow n , P a ., ..... ..H a rris b u rg , P a .............. ..H a r r is b u r g , P a .,..... ..... . E u r g a n , P a ., ..M cC o n n e lls b u rg , P a . , . ...S h ip p en sb u rg, P a .,....... ..C a rlis le , P a . , ........... ... ..H u m m elsto w n , P a . , ..... ..S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a . ..U r ia h , P a .,......... ............ ..R en ov o , Pa.,jt;£................ ,.S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a . ..G re e n c a s tle , P a .,....... ... ..W a y n e s b o ro , P a . , ......... ..W ic o n is c o , P a .,.7.'; ..M id d leto w n , P a .,........... ..M id d leto w n , P a .,........... * Deceased, .Teach er. .Teacher. .Teacher. .Teacher. .Teacher. .Teacher. .Teacher. .Teach er. .Teacher; •Teacher. .Teacher. .Teacher. .Teacher. .Student D ickinson Col. .Teacher. .T each er. .Teacher. .Teacher. .T each er. .Student W ilson College. .Teacher. ..Teacher. ..T each er. ..T each er. ..Stenographer. ..Teacher. ..T each er. ..Teacher. ...Teacher. ..T eacher. ...Teacher. ..Teacher. ..Teacher. ..Teacher. ..T eacher. ..Student K ee M ar. .Teacher. ..T eacher. ..T each er. ..Teacher. ..Teacher. C umberland V a l le y S t a t e N ormal S chool . E l la L . T a i t ; ...... I d a J. U n d erw o o d , Inaura W a lt e r s ,.. .................... M a r y Iy. W eaver,....,,,....;;..... Iy o la W e ir m a n ,.................. . M a ry C. W e n g e r ,................... A r t e li a Iy. W ilso n , ................ N a o m i W in g e r t (H ollin ger) H a rr ie t A . W is e ,, E liz a b e th H . W o lf f ,.............. C a r r ie Y u u d t , ..........y;........... C h a r le s A l b r i g h t , .................. J . W . A u s h e r m a n ,................. H e n ry H , B a is h ,..................... J . A . B i s h , ...................... .......... G e o rg e C . B o l l i n g e r , ............ M o rris W . B r u n n e r................ G . W . C o o v e r,.......................... O s c a r C u n n in g h a m ,.............. W . N . D e ck e r, .....v............... J . S. D e c k e r ,........................— C a r l D ie n e r ......... B . E . D ille r , ........................ J a m e s M. E b b e r t ,.......... ...... D . M . F e g a n , ......................... J . M. G a n t t,...... ....................... H a r r y E . G re s s , .......;;...V...,, C. H . H a n li n ,........................ . G e o r g e H a rtm a n ,................... J o h n S. H e r s h e y ,................... D . M . H o ffm a n ,............ I . W . H u n tz b e r g e r ,.............. J . B r u c e K e n n e d y ,............... A . A . M cC ro n e, T h o m a s E . M ille r ,...;.......... H . C. N e a g le ÿ , S te w a rt N o a k e r ,.. ;....,.., ...... T . C . P a r k ,......................... G . W . R e i g h t e r , .................... G e o rg e E . R e p p ,.................... A . K . R is s e r ,......... . J . H . S e a s le y ,.......................... J . E . S h u g a r t,.......................... A . Iy. S n o k e ,...................... ..... C . E . S n o k e ,............................ A . S . T h o m p s o n ,..;................ H . E . W a l h e y ,........... . . ^ B G a ta sa u q u a , P a .,..... ................... T e a c h e r . I d a v ille , P a ; , T e a c h e r . .S h ip p e n sb u rg , P a . , ....................T e a c h e r . .G reen c a stle, P a . , ..........T e a c h e r. .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,.................... T e a c h e r . .S h ip p en sb u rg, P a . .C a rlisle S p rin g s , P a .,............... .T e a c h e r. .C h a m b e rs b u rg , P a . .S h ip p e n sb u rg , P a . , ....................T ea c h e r. .S p r in g R u n , P a ., ....45..;...........T e a ch e r. .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,...... .............T e a c h e r . .B a n d a n a , P a ., ......................... ...T e a c h e r. .D uffield , P a .,.;............. T e a c h e r. .A lto o n a , P a . , ..................... ...T e a ch e r. .Iyittlesto w n , P a . , ........................ T ea ch e r. ..H eid lersb u rg, P a . , ......................T e a ch e r. .N e w B lo o m field , P a .,. .............. T e a c h e r . ..E e w is b e rry , P a .,.....................;...T each er. .B r y a n s v ille , P a ., ........................T e a c h e r . .M a c a n g ie , P a ., ....T eacher. ..H a rris o n v ille , P a ., .................... T e a c h e r. .W a te rlo o , P a . , .................... T e a ch e r. ..A lle n , P a . , .................... T each er. .G re e n c a stle , P a . , ................ T ea ch er. ..S h ip p en sb u rg , P a . , ..... ............C le rk . ..N ew p ort, Pa.,^;.%.?;................... T e a c h e r . ..M cC o n n e lls b u rg , P a . . .............. T e a c h e r . ..N ew b u rg , P a .,.............................S tu d e n t D ic k in s o n C o l. ..S m ith ’ s S ta tio n , P a . , ................ T e a c h e r . ..C am p b ell to w n, P a . , ..................T e a c h e r . ..B ry s o n ia , P a ; , ........;.^ ^ ; k5v;....Teacher. ..E liza b e th to w n , P a . , ..................S tu d e n t E e b . V a l . C o l. ..Iyandsfield B u ild in g , M on on-..In su ran ce B u s in e s s . ; g a h e la . P a. ..C a rlisle , P a .,................................ S tu d en t D ic k in s o n C ol. ..D o n n a lly M ills , P a .,..................T e a ch e r. ..K illin g e r , P a .,.........,......... T each er. ..S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a ....................... T e a c h e r . ..Iyibo n ia, P a . , ....................;.^ & g T e a c h e r . ..C a r lis le , P a ., ........... :,;^ ^ T e a c h e r . ..C la y H ill, P a ............ .....,..„.;....T e a c h e r. .T^itflftstnwri, Pa., ............ ........ Teacher. ..Carlisle, P a .,........................... Teacher. ........Teacher. ..Mowersvi11e, Pa.,........... ......... Teacher. ..Scotland, Pa.................... ........Teacher. ..Carlisle, Pa.,.................... ........ Student Dickinson S t a t e C e r t if ic a t e . ........ Bank Clerk. J. H. Allem an,. Class of 1896. D a isy A llw e in ,.. N in a B a rr,.......... M ary B la c k ,...... Id a B la ir,........... A n n a Bollinger,. S ara B reh m ,...... 65 ,-Uebanon, Pa., .......................... Teacher. ..Reedsville, P a .,.............. ........Teacher. . TTimtingdon, Pa.,........... .........Teacher. ...Chambersburg, P a .,................ Teacher. ..Millerstown, P a.,............ ........Teacher. ..Hummelstown, P a.,....... ........Teacher. 66 C umberland V a l le y S t a t e N ormal S chool . S u s ie B r i n l e y , . ..................................S p rin g' R u n ,...................... ......... T e a c h e r. H u ld a B u r k h o ld e r ,.......................... D illsburg-, P a . , ................ ........ T e a c h e r . M . J e n n ie C a m p b e ll,........................D ry R u n , P a . , ......... ....... .........T e a c h e r. M in n ie C lin e ,.........v.;........... . ..O rrstow n , P a .,.................. ......... T e a c h e r . E d ith C o le.......... ....................... ........ ..S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a . H e len C r ii ly ,. . . . . . . . . . . . .......... F o r t U oudon, P a ., ......... .........T e a c h e r . ......... F r a n c e s C ro m e r........................ F o r t U ittleto n , P a .,.« .... T e a c h e r . M a g g ie D in s m o re ,............................ D e lta , P a , ........... ......... ... .........T e a ch e r. E m m a D is e r t,................ :.,.,..-..^.;.;;>.,New F ra jik liiiv P a . , ...... .........T e a c h e r . M aud e E r n s t ,..................................... B lo s e r v ille , P a . , .............. .........T e a ch e r. A lic e F e n s t e r m a c h e r ,.................... S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a .,......... ;^:.„v..Clerk. E e o ra F i c k e s , ..... .............S alem C h u rc h , P a . , ....................... .........T e a ch e r. E l la F o g e l s o n g e r , ...... Ship pen sburg", P a . F a n G a b le ,..........................i.,.;.;v......C h a m b ersb u rg, P a .,..... .........T e a c h e r . M a r y J . G ra y , ................................... .I c k e s b u r g , P a . , .............. ..........T e a ch e r. C o ra H e is e y ,........ ............................ C a m p b e llto w n , P a . , ...... ..... ...T e a c h e r . E in n ie H e s s , ...... S te e lto n , P a . , ................... ..........T e a ch e r. W e a lth y H e in tz e lm a n ,...... ;..........F a y e t te v ille , P a .,............. Sw^yi.Teacher. P . O liv e H i x o n , ............E v e re tt, P a .,......... ...... *.... ......... T e a ch e r. S a llie H o y ,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...........L y k e n s , P a .,................... ..........T e a ch e r. M arn e H o f fm a n ,.......................C h a m b e rs b u rg , P a .,...... ..........T e a ch e r. A lic e H u b e r........................................P in e G ro ve, P a .,............. .......... T e a c h e r . E l la J o h n so n ,.....................................S u m m it H ill, P a . , ........... ...........T e a c h e r . M a r y K it z m i ll e r ,...............................S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,....... ..........T e a c h e r . E t t a E a id ig , ..... ... ......... ..................H u sto n to w n , P a .,.......... . ..........T e a c h e r . J u lia U a u m a n ,...^ .« ..................... M t. H o lly S p r in g s , P a.. ..........T e a c h e r . A l v e r t a U o g a n ,..... ......... ......... ........ P la in fie ld , P a .,................. ..........T e a c h e r . E e i la U o g a n ,......................................P la in fie ld , Pa.^ ¿,.«.¿4.... ......... T e a c h e r . . M in n ie D o d g e ,.....................................E m m a v ille , P a .,............. ..........T e a c h e r . A n n a L o n g s d o rf,................................M e c h a n ic sb u rg , P a,,..ii ......... T e a c h e r ; D o u M a r t in ,............................. ........S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a . Mattr.e M a t t h e w s ,............................ O rb iso n ia , P a .,................. « .....« T e a ch e r. A n n a M c C a le b ,. . ..............N e w v ille , P a .,.................. ..........T e a c h e r . Cyv;... ..T e a c h e r. M a ry M ered ith , ........................ .C le v e rs b u rg , P a .^ ? i^ | M a r y N e e l y ,............... ........................ Y o r k S p r in g s , P a .,....;., .......... T e a c h e r . ......... T e a c h e r . H a n n a h N e v in s ,..;................ ............S u m m it H ill, P a ., D a m a ris P e t e r s ,................................U r ia h , P a ., ...................... .........T e a ch e r. M a r y G . R h o d e s ,..... ................... H y n d m a n , P a ............ |p |5|„T ea ch er. V ir g i n i a R h o n e ,................................ O rrsto w n , P a . N e ttie B a e R o o p ,...............................H a rr is b u rg , P a .,............. ..........T e a c h e r. P e a r l R a y R u t h ,..... ........ .................. B a in b rid g e , P a. A lc e s t a S ellers,....'............................. F o r t D oudon, P a . , ......... ..........T e a c h e r . A lic e S h a ffn e r, ..................................W a lla c e to n , P a .,............. .........T each er;. M a y e S h e e t s ,...................................... M c C o n n e lls b u rg , P a . , ., .......... T e a c h e r, E ls ie S h e lto n ,............................ N e w v ille , P a . , ...... ..........T e a c h e r. G ra c e S i b b e t t ,....................................O a k la n d , C a lifo rn ia . M a r y S m ith , ........C a r lis le , P a .,......t............ .......... T e a ch e r. N e llie S n o k e, .......... ........................... M o w e r s v ille , P a .,........... .......... T e a c h e r. B la n c h e S o u le, ................................... N e w B lo o m fie ld , Pa...... .......... T e a c h e r. S a llie S p a n g l e r ,.............. ..................A r e n d t s v ille , P a . , ........ . .........T e a ch e r. D y d a S t a n d in g ,.......... ..................... C a r lis le , P a . .........T e a ch e r. M. C arrie S w o rd ,...... ........W illiam sport, Md.,.. ....« « .C lerk. M am é W e tz e l,........... ........Cariisie, P a .,........... .......... T e a ch e r. Pauline W is o tz k i,.... ........ G ettysburg, P a .,...... M ay W in gler............. V id a B . W olcott,....... Grace W o lfe ,........ ..... A . A . Arnold............. H. H. A u n g s t,........... E . M. B a lsb a u g h ,...... ..«..„Shippensburg, Pa. ........ Uykens, P a .,............. ........ Shippensburg, Pa.,.. ........ Salem Church, P a.,„ ........R einholds, P a .,........ ___ H ockersville, P a .,... ..........T e a c h e r, ..........S tu d en t S c i. C o u rse . ..;...... T e a c h e r. ...........T e a ch e r. .......... T e a c h e r. C umberland V a l le y S t a t e N ormal S chool . J. M. B a u m ,........................... ..........¿..P alm yra , P a .,............... ;........ .....T each er. G . A . B e r k h e im e r ,.............................Sh epherdstow fa, P a .,............. .¿..T eacher. M . A . B r in t o n ,..................... ..... ......... C a m p H ill, P a .,....................... .... T e a c h e r. J. C. B r u b a k e r ,.................... ............... L i t it z , P a .,................................ ....T e ach e r. F . S . C h r o n is te r ,................ ................ D ills b u r g , P a .,......................... ¿•^Teacher. W . A . C re a m e r ,................... ..............M id d le S p r in g , P a . , ............. ....T e a c h e r. L . A . D ille r ,........................... ...............A lle n , P a . , .......... W . C . D o n n e l ly ,.................. ..............E v e r e t t, P a .,............................ _Tea oh e r H ig h S^liool M . L . D r u m ,....................... ............... S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a .,................ ....P rof. C. V . S. N .'S . A . C . F o g e ls o n g e r ,........... ...............S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a .,......... G . H . F r a n c e s ,.................... ............... G re e n s b u rg , P a . , ................... ....T ea c h e r., J . R . E . G e tte l........ ......... .. ...............S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,............... ....C le rk . J . H . G i s e , ............................. .............. O rrsto w n , P a .,........................ _T e a c h e r E . M . G r e s s , ..................... . ■..............M c C o n n e lls b u rg , P a . , ........ ....T e a c h e r. G . W . G u ld e n ,............... . ..............T a b le R o d i, P a ., . N . H . H a a r ,.......................... ....T e a c h e r. H . E . H artZ ,.........................•................P a lm y r a , P a ., .. H . B . H e g e ,........................... ....T e a c h e r. I. M. H e r s h e y ,..................... ..............H o c k e rs v ille , P a . , ......................T e a c h e r . A . M . H o llin g e r ,................ ..............M o o red ale, P a . , ..................... ....T e a c h e r . H . J. K e n n e d y ,.............. ...............S u m m it TTÌ11, P a . , ........ _T e a c h e r S . J. L e e ,................................................D e lta , P a.,... M o rton M a g e e ,................... ...............N e w B lo o m fie ld , P a .,............ ....T e a c h e r. J. I. M a r t i n ,......................... ..............B a r n itz , Pa..,........................... . T e a c h e r . H u sto n M c C u llo c h ,..............-.‘.....-«¿.¿¿.Middle S p r in g , P a . A . S . M c D o w e ll,........... . .............. S h a d y G ro v e , P a . , ............. ... T e a c h e r. C . M . M ea n s, HnmJKHimHRüfl ....Student S e t. C o u rse. F. B . M it c h e ll,..................... J . R . M o h le r ,.......................................S h ep h erd s to w n , P a . , ............ ..’..T e a c h e r. R . S. M y e r s ,......................... ..............H am p to n , P a . , ......................... ■---Teacher, 0. G . M y e r s , .................... ........... O a k v ille , P a ., ...................... ....T e a c h e r. J. W. M y e r s , ................. ........... H a r r is b u r g , P a . B . N. P a lm e r , ................... ..............N eed m ore, P a ., ....................... _T e a eh er. C. J . P a lm e r ,.......................... ........... L ittle s to w n , P a ., .................. ...T e a c h e r . W . A . M . P e a s e , ......... ........ ..... ........F r a n k lin tow n P a . ... T ea ch er. J . F . P e te rs , ......... ............ ............... Y o r k S p r in g s , Pa , ............ ... T e a c h e r . D . B . P e te rs o n , ................. .......... B u r n t C a b in s j P a ., .............. ...T e a c h e r. J . M . R is s e r , ..................... ........... B r u n n e r v ille , P a ., ............. ...T e a c h e r. J. L . R h o d e s , ................... ...........G re e u c a s tle , P a . , ............... .....T ea c h e r. D . L . S c o t t , ........... .......... ........... T a r r s , P a . , ........................ . .. T e a c h e r . E m m e rt S h e e ly ...... ........ 1.............M ason A Di von Pa L . M . S h e p p ,........................ ...........P o w ls V a lle y , P a ., .... ......... ...T e a c h e r . J. H . S h e n k , ........ ............. D eo d ate, P a. ... - T each er. H . F . S lh g le , .................... .......... .N ew O x fo rd , P a ., .............. . ...T ea ch e r. H . F . S m it h , ..................... ■............ M a n ch ester, P a .,...................... ...T e a c h e r. H o race F . S m it h ,................. ............. A r io s a , P a .,............................ ...Teacher^ F . P . S t a r r y , ..... I ............Y o r k S p r in g s , P a ., ...... . ...T ea ch e r. H . F. S t r in e , ..................... .............M a rio n , P a., .. H . E . T r o s t e l, .......... ........ ............Y o r k S p r in g s , P a ., .. Tea eh erH . P . T r o u p , ................. ........... B e rm u d ia n , P a ., ................. ...T e a c h e r. S . E . W a r r e n , ................... ..... ..... S h ip p e n s b u r g , P a . I. A . W ie s n e r , ............ . ........... R o a d sid e , P a .,.. ................... ...T each er. J. S . W o l f f , ...................... . L . M . Y o h e , ..................... .......... Y o r k , 539 W . P h ila . S t., P a., ...T e a c h e r. SHNNNN. . . Class of 1897. M ary L . A u gh ey,.. L izzie Basehore,.... Pearl L . B eistline, .Patterson, P a-.,....... .Newburg, Pa.......... .W illiam s M ill, Pa.,, .Teacher. .Teacher, .Teacher. 67 68 C umberland V a l l e y S t a t e N ormal S chool . A n n a G. B e ll,...... E lla E . B la ir ,................ E d ith A . B ollin g er, ... M argaret B oyd, ........... Sue H. B ra n d t,............ E d na M . Brew ster, ..... S. E lizab eth Brown, .... M ary Clark.............*.... E izzie C la rk ,,................ Gertrude B . C la r k ,...... M ary A . D arlington,... H uldah E . D evor,........ Annie V . E a r ly ,....... M inerva F a ilo r ,.......... M. Grace F a irm a n ,..... E ste lla F e lt o n ,............. F lo M. F ic k e s ,...... ....... K a th a rin e Fleisber...... M arion E . F lick in g e r, B essie F o u s t ,.............. E illia n F o u s t ,.............. F ra n ce s E . G eiger,..... .-.Huntingdon, P a .,........ ..OrrstoW n, P a .,............. ..C u lb ertson , P a .,......... . ..S u m m it H ill, P a .,...... ..F lo rin , P a .,................... ..O ak ville* P a ., ............. .P le a s a n t G ro ve, P a .,.. ..S u m m it H ill, P a ., ..... ..S u m m it H ill, P a . , ..... ..H en sel, P a .,................... ..N ew B lo o m fie ld , P a.,, ...S p rin g R u n , P a . , ...... .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a ...... .C a r lis le , P a .,................ ..M id d letow n , P a . , ....... ..R ays H ill, P a . , ............. ..N ew p o rt, P a . , ............. ..N ew p ort, P a .,...........:. ..N ew p ort, P a . , ............ ..H u n tin gd o n , P a .,....... ..H u n tin g d o n , P a .,.,.... ..S h ip p e n sb u rg , P a .,... M a ry M ea d e G illila n d ,... A n g e lla G r is s in g e r ,........ H op e A n g e l H a s k e ll,....;. F l o r a D . H a y s , ............. G r a c e I . H e n r y ,................ E a u r a H o c h ,...;............... N a n n ie J o h n sto n ,............ E iZ z ie J o h n so n ,.................. D ru c ie M . K i n g ,............... J e s s ie J . K ip p ,.......... ........ M a rie tta K u n t z ,............... E s t e lle E o g u e ,.............. .... E liz a b e th E o n g e n e c k e r, E l l a F . E o v e , .................... A n n ie M . M a r k le y , ......... M a m ie C. M c S h e r r y ,..... E ls ie M . M e a ls ,................. •C. E l la M ille r ,..........J H j •Carrie A . M it c h e ll,............ M a r g a r e t P a s sm o re ,........ F l o P e rle tte , ............. ........ R h o d a V . P e r e g o y ,......... E liz a b e th P e te r s ,............. A n n a M . R o t h , ................. M a r y J . R u ff,........... ........ I d a F . R u p p ,..................... E iz z ie U . R u t h ,.................. J e s s ie S h e lla b a r g e r ,........ J a n e N . S h r y o c k ,............. E m m a C . S k in n e r,............ G r a c e S m ith , ...................... E t h e l D . S m ile y , ............ I s a b e lle W a g n e r ,........... M a ry N . W a l t e r s ,............ M a ry W ie r m a n ,............... .O rb iso n ia, P a .,............. .C a rlisle , P a .,................. ..U riah , P a . , ................... ..S h ip p en sb u rg, P a ...... ..Penbrook, Pa.,.*........... .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a ...... ..Sh ip pen sbu rg, P a ..Su m m it H ill, P a . , ..... ..V ir g in ia M ills , P a ., .. .M ille r sto w n , P a ......... .U r ia h , P a .,.................... ..F r a n k lin M ills , P a ., .B a k e rs S u m m it, P à.,. ..Concord, P a . , ..... ........ .S teelto n , P a .,................ ..Y o rk , P a ..................... ,.U r ia h , P a . ,.......*. ..,.*,*■ .>* .G r e e n c a s tle , P a . , ....... .N ew B lo o m fie ld , P a.,. .D un ca n n o n , P a .,......... .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a .,...; ..W ayn esb o ro , P a . , ..... ..U ria h , P a . , ...... ....^*> ..Steelto n , P a . , .............. ..B ry a n s v ille , P a . , ...... .S h ire m a n s to w n , P a . ..Sh ip p en sbu rg, P a ., .... .O rb iso n ia , P a . , ........... ..S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a . .D ry R u n , P a . , ............. ..S h ip p en sb u rg, P a...... ..S h ip p en sb u rg , P a ...... .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a ...... .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a ., ... .S h ip p e n s b u rg , P a ...... M y r t le W o lf, .S h ip p en sb u rg, P a. .T each er. .T e a c h e r . .T e a c h e r. .T e a c h e r . ..T e a c h e r. T e a ch e r. ..T e a c h e r. ..T e a c h e r. .T e a c h e r . ..T e a c h e r. ..T e a c h e r. .T e a c h e r . ..T e a c h e r. .T e ach e r. ..T e a c h e r. ..T e a c h e r. ,.T e a c h e r . ..T e a c h e r. .T e a c h e r . ..T e a c h e r. ..T e a c h e r. ..Studen t S cien . C. V . S. N . S. ..T e a c h e r. ..T e a c h e r..T e a c h e r . ..T e a c h e r. ..T each er. ..T e a c h e r. C o u rse, ..T e a c h e r. ..T e a c h e i. ..T each er* ..T e a c h e r. ...T each er. ..T e a c h e r. ...T ea ch er. ..T e a c h e r . ..T e a c h e r. ..T e a c h e r. ..T e a c h e r. ..T e a c h e r. ..T e a c h e r. ..T e a c h e r. ..T e a c h e r. ..T e a c h e r. ...T each er. ...T each er. ..T each er. ..T e a c h e r. ..T e a c h e r. ..T e a c h e r. ..Stu d en t C. V . S. N . S . ..Student C . V . S . N .S . ...T each er. ..S tu d en t S c ie n tific C o u rse C. V . 8. N . C. C umberland V a lle y S ta te N ormal S chool . H a ttie F . W o lf........ E v a T . W y li e ,......... M a r ia N . Y o u n g 1,... K . W . A lt la n d ,......... J . S . A u sh e rm a n ,.... J. T . B a k e r , ........... W . H . B a is h * .......... W . F . B e n n e r ,......... . T . S . B o rtn e r,............ J. O . B r o w n ,............. R . H . Cunningrham , D . F . D e E a p ,............ C. M. E a r is m a n ,...... N . O rt. E c k e ls , ........ W . W . E is e n h a rt,.... J . E . F e n to n ,............. H. E . F r e e d , ......... . G. W . G a r b e r ,.......... U . E . G la t f e l t e r ,...... T . W . Gray,...;:.v.^.... F. B . G reen ...... .¿..... H . M . G riffith ,..... ...... B . F . G r i m , ...... H . M. H a rtz, ........... W . H. H e n d rick s ,.... S S . J a c k s , ............... H . H . K e l l , ................. W . B . K ir k p a tr ic k ,.. S. E ig h tn e r , ............. H. C . E o w e. ................ A . D. M a r t in ,.......... J . H . M a rtin ,........,.., A . M o r r is ,.................. H . M . M u s s e l m an ,... J. M . N y c u m ,.......... H . E* N y c u m ,.......... H . S. P la n k , H . H . P o o le ,............. O. A . P r e s s e l,..... ..... C. I. R a ffe n s p e r g e r ,. A . D. R e a s e r ,...... C . H . R i s s e r , .............. E . M . S a n d o ,.............. S. E . S e i t z , .................. W . I . S h a e ffe r ,.......... J. E S h a e f f e r ,......... . I . M. S h u e ,................ C. H . S h u ll, ................ E . C. S to v e r, ..... ........ F . H . U m b e rg e r,....... G . V a r n e r , .................. J . F . W a lk e r , W . E . W a ts o n ,.......... W . F . W a ts o n ,.......... J. E . Z im m erm an , ... ..S h ip p en sb u rg, P a .,......... ......... T e a c h e r . ..M id d le S p rin g , P a . ..Steelton , P a . , .................... ..........T e a c h e r. .S ta le v , P a . , ...................................S tu d en t S c i. C o u rse. -D u ffield , P a . , .................... ..........T e a c h e r. .S h ippen shu rg , P a .,................... S tu d e n t S c i. C o u rse. ..A lle n , P a . , .......................... ..........T e a ch e r. H o p ew ell, P a ,,--................ ........T e a c h e r. ..H an over, P a , .................... ..........T e a c h e r . .F o r t H u n ter, P a .,............. ..........T e a c h e r . .M a r y s v ille , Pa.., ............... ......... .T e a c h e r . .B e n d e rs v ille , P a .,........... ..........T e a ch e r. .M id d leto w n , P a . , ....................... T e a c h e r . ..S h ip p en sb u rg , P a .,......... ..........S tu d e n t S c i. C o u rse. ..A b b o ttsto w n , P a .,........... .......... T e a c h e r . .O a tiv ille , P a .,............... . T e a ch e r. . A r e n d t s v ille , P a ., ............ .........T e a ch e r. .G reen P a r k , P a . , ............. ..........T ea ch er. .E a s t B e r lin , P a .,............... ......... T e a c h e r. „I c k e s b u rg , P a . , ................ ..........T e a ch e r. ..D ickin so n , P a . , ................. ...... ..T e a c h e r. ..W ells T a n n e r y , P a .,........ .........T e a c h e r . -D a lla s to w n , P a ., ............. ..........T e a c h e r. ..P a lm y r a , P a ., ............................T e a ch e r. ..H u m m elstow n , P a . , .................. S tu d e n t S c i. C ou rse. ..Middletowm, P a . , ....................... T e a c h e r . •E o y s v ille , P a . , ................... .........T e a c h e r . .D ry R u n , P a , ................... .........T e a c h e r . . E o y s v ille , P a .,................... .........T e a ch e r. ..F a irfie ld , P a .,.................... ...... ‘...T each er. ..Green c a s tle . P a , ....................... T e a c h e r . .M a rio n , P a .,............... 1......1....... T e a c h e r . .M cF o rd , P a .,....................... .........T e a c h e r . .H ig h fie ld , M d . ,................. ..........T e a c h e r . ..R a y s H ill, P a . , ................ ..... ....T e a c h e r. ..C le a rv ille , P a . , ................ ..........T e a c h e r . .F a irfie ld , P a ., ................... ......... T e a ch e r. ..H yn d m an , P a . , ................ ...........T e a c h e r . „ B o ilin g S p rin g s , P a .,..... ..........T e a c h e r . „ M a n s v ille , P a . , ................ ..........T e a c h e r . .R o le r , P a . , ......................... . ..........T e a c h e r . .M t. Joy,- P a .,....................... .........S tu d e n t F . & M. •E eban on , P a ., ................... .........T e a c h e r. .M o u n tv ille , P a . , ............... ........T e a c h e r . .H u n tsd a le, P a .,.................. .........T e a c h e r . .M o o red a le, P a .,................. ..........T e a ch e r. .B a n d a n n a , P a .,................. ..........T e a c h e r. „N ew C h e ste r, P a ., ........... .........S tu d e n t S c i. C ou rse. .C a sh to w n , P a . , ................. ......... T e a c h e r . .W illia m s M ill, P a ........... .........T each er. .S tate E in e , P a .,................. .........T e a c h e r . .D ry R u n , P a .,;.................... ..........T e a c h e r . .M id d leto w n , P a . , .............. .........T e a c h e r. .F a irfie ld , P a .,..................... .'.v)i|.'|Teacher. .C o rd elia, P a . , .................... .........T e a c h e r . R e g u l a r N o r m a l Co u r s e . Grace M. W olfe. J. H. M cCulloch. C. E . Snoke, M. E . D rum . O. G . M yers. 69