^dinborti ^tak (dolleqe SCHOOL OF ARTS ANO HUMANITIES Edinboro, Panntylvania 16444 Dapartmant of Enjliah Talaphona: (814) 732-2736 29 Nov 78 Dear Gary: that the budget we submitted remainrunchlnlld^w^^ 1979.Presuming you with an honoraria of $50. unchanged,we can provide Include^i^par^^fifn^^terTafrSj: • P«sentation that night propriate photographs we could rpninH^°^ provide us with apformat.In any e^ent/we 3oSld mm.slide^ to see as wefl as^hel? :onethi^^oPtg:''Lt^°:! call (734-3039y^and^we t^S this point,it would hpln mo through some possibilities.At by wa? of fiit^^or something professional“55perlence.As well ionJd^ your education and of newspapers,newsletters or indicate the names like to^Lrn’of X !n :??er,e?t tr.iti.L in Lf.e pi^feiam in question. I look forward to talking with you again. John L.Marsh Professor,English