Miss Waller, the head of the Ful.- lic School Music Department, il conduct the Music Appreciation work every Thursday in chapel. if the at- titude of the student body is in favoi of a contest, one will be arranged for later in the term. The death of Edith IFenne] on Sat- urday, October 4, has brought a note of sadness into the school life. She became ill on Thursday and was tak- ¢ to her home at Fennelton near Butler, Friday she underwent an op- eration for appendicitis and passed away the following morning. Fun- eral services were held at her hom: Tuesday morning, October 7. The school was represented by Miss John- son, Miss Brown, and Mr. Allison oi the faculty, and By Miss Viola Pfaft from the student body. Miss Fennel was a member of the junior class and had affiliated herself with the Y. W. C. A. of the school and the young ladies Bible class of the DMethedist Church, “The Loyal Daughters of the King.” A meeting for the Dr. Muiphy iiemorial was held, Dr. Eisenberg beine appointed chairman and Mr. THE SLIPPERY ROCKET lHeadland Secretary. The decision was made to invest one half the fund; subseribed on January 1, 1925. The income from this investment is to be used for replacements and additions to the history library. A sixty vol- ume order has already arrvived for the library. Tuesday, October 7, is marked with special interest because of the visit of the board of trustees to the scheel. Mrs. McCauley, Hon. J. M. Galbreath, Dr. McGarvey, Mr. Bingham, Mr. Grandey and Mr. Mifflin constitute the membership of the board present. 7 We were delighted to have them as- sigt in chapel exercises, Mr. Grandey conducting the devotional exercises, and Mrs. McCauley favoring us with a short talk. Under the supervision of Miss Me- Clymonds, the art class has begun a study of the current coinage. Thiu this study the students are expectcd to become acquainted with the work and lives of the modern Americai: sculptors. Miss Parks spent the week end in Pittsburgh. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK SLIPPERY ROCK. PA. DR DR R i bbb saasbssstt ...$55,000 SLIPPERY ROCK, & FORD SEDAN An Even Greater Value J. W. Cheeseman Authorized Sales and Service PA. - - - The Home of Teacher Training SCHOOL. BECOME A TEACHER Send for our latest catalogue. Slippery Rock State Normal School SLIPPERY ROCK, PENNSYLVANIA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES WITH FIFTEEN UNITS OF CREDIT ARE ADMITTED TO THE NORMAL A TWO-YEAR COURSE IS OFFERED IN PRIMARY, INTERMEDIATE AND RURAL WORK. A THREE-YEAR COURSE IS OFFERED IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL WORK. SPECIAL THE STATE DEPARTMENT HAS AUTHORIZED THE SLIPPERY ROCK STATE NORMAL SCHOOL TO OFFER A SPECIAL THREE-YEAR COURSE WRITE FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS. J. LINWOOD EISENBERG, Principal. THE GREATEST PROFESSION IN HEALTH EDUCATION. . —— -