Steele is spending a year’s leave of absence in attending Columbiag Uni- versity. Miss Stewart is at her home in West Sunbury, Pa., resting after a period of ill health. : Mrs. Fisher is now with her hus- band in Pittsburgh. WHO’S WHO IN OUR FACULTY (Continued from Page 1) Miss A. I. Kramer, B. S., who has been teaching in Wilmantie, Conn., and in Philadelphia, Pa., is a graduate of the high school of Ashland, Pa., and of Teachers’ College, Columbia University. She has charge of the kindergarten. C. H. Lady, A. B., is teaching mathematics here and was lately as sociated with the West Chester Nor- mal School and the Swarthmore high school. He was graduated from West Chester Normal School and Colum- bia University. Miss Maguire, instructor in voic: and piano, is a graduate of the Braun School of Music at Pottsville and of the Progressive Music School at Jen- kintown. Prior to coming here shz gave private music lessons. Miss Matheny, instructor of d:n - ing in the Health Education depart- ment, was graduated from New Cast- le High School, attended Oberlin Coi- lege and was graduated from the Sar- gent School of Physical Education. H. A. Menser, Litt. B., has charge of the manual training work. He has been doing that kind of work in Penn’a township, Cambria county, and in addition to having been gradu- ated at Calfornia Normal and from Grove City College, has been doing extension work at the Carnegie In- stitute of Technology. Miss M. C. Saylor, librarian, is a graduate of Pottsville High School and Kutztown Normal School. She comes to us from Allentown. Miss Snyder after being graduated from S. R. S. N. took a course in handwriting at the Palmer School and has been teaching this method in Fast Youngstown, 0., New Castle, Pa., and Granville, O. She is teach- ing the same subject here. Miss Sperry, B. E., instructor in Geography, is a westerner too, hav- THE SLIPPERY ROCKET ing been graduated at Illinois State N. U,, and later taught at iNew Ber- lin and at Normal, 1llinois. Miss Stern, Instructor in Health ducation, 1s a giraduate of Tempie University, Schoei of Physical Edu- cation, and has taken extension work at the College of the North American Gymnastic Union at Indianapolis, and in the Harvard Summer School at Cambridge, Mass. Besides teaching at the Harvard summer sessions, she was recently engaged in teaching physical education at Cumberland, Md. Miss Strunk, the new instructor in public speaking has been teaching for the past three years in Georgia. She attended Juniata College and is a graduate of Emerson Coilege. Wm. M. Tinker, A. B, B. D.,, A. M,, professor of English, has taught in the Sharon Academy and the Cum- berland high school. Ie is a gradu- ate of Thiel College, Yale University and Lehigh University. R. A. Waldron, B. S.,, M. S., Ph. D, was graduated from Park high school Massachusetts Agricultural College, Penn State College, and the Univers:- tv of Pennsylvania. He has taught at Amherst College, Penn State Col- lege, Thiel College, and the Universi- ty of Pennsylvania. WHERE ’24 IS CARRYING ON (Conunued from Page 1) We find the 1924 Slippery Rock oraduates well represented in New Castle. Here are Florence Hilton, Jean Harbison, Virginia Fischer ana “iljan Hunt . Miss Dorothy Weller, '24, is con- ductine the Health Education Depart- ment in the Natrona Heights high school. Miss Violet Maxwell, '24, *s tea~"- o in the Woodlawn public school In Homestead we find Miss Margar- et Douds, 24, teaching in the public school. Miss Martha Kenned , 24, is one of the faculty in the East Pittsburgh Publie School. Miss Trene Goeddell. 24, is teach- inerin West Sunbury, Pa. Miss Mary Delle Wagner, 24, is teaching in the Oak Street School, New Castle, Pa. 3 Dorothy Dickson, Lillian Blair, Elizabeth Kerr and Annabel Lais are all teachers in Woodlawn. Idna I1fft, Antionette Szarzynski, Iithel Cook, Helen Shepler, and Mar- ian Kile are now members of the Mec- Kees Rocks teaching coips. The New Kensingion schools have claimed Inez Wolfe and Donella Aker, While Lillian Benson and Flora Mac- Donald are teaching in McKeesport. Jean Barclay, Ann Kramer, Marian Braun, and Ruth Kennedy are em- ployed by the Natrona school board. Mary Evans, Mary Russell, Marie Uber, Belle Collins and Helen Som- ogyi, are teaching in Farrell; Marie Cook near Edinboro, Betty Brown at Elizabeth, Lela Rockey in Youngs- town, Mildred Harrison in Freeport and Armeda Cameron at Latrobe. BUREAU OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICE Bureau of Educational Service has been established in the Normal School, which includes the extension division, traveling libraries, adverti:- ing of the Normal School, and cooper- ation with the Alumni Association asz to forming new local alumni units. The Normal School entertainers, under the direction of the Bureau of Educational Service, are giving a ser- ies of entertainments throughout the surrounding counties. The members of the troupe consist of Miss Gerber- ich, organ and voice instructor; Miss Jones, violin teacher; Miss Maguire, piano instructor; Miss Strunk, ex- pression teacher, and Mrs. Vincent, expression teacher. The entertain- mentgs will consist of vocal, violin and piano solos, and readings. Foilowing is the time schedule of the Normal School entertainers: North Washington—Oct. 3 Chicora—Oct. 10 Hooker—Oct. 17 Bruin—Oct. 24. ATTENTION! MUSICIANS! Enroll now, for the Slippery Rock Orvchestra. Receive an advantage in oroup playing that you can not ob- “~in playing alone. Extra credit i being offered for your music. Don't miss it! Repert to Miss Jones for the next orchestra 1*'elh'e‘a1‘sal.