FACULTY Miss Brooks spent the month ia- tervening between the close of Sum- mer School and the opening of school in the fall visiting in Chambersburg and Philadelphia. Miss MecKay spent the summer continuing her duties in the Noimal School office. Mr. Vincent was a student at the University of Chicago this summer, where he took advanced courses in science. At the close of Summer School Mrs. Vincent joined him in Chicago, spending her vacation there. Dr. Abby Virginia Holmes speni her summer vacation in the West— two weeks as the guest of Miss Grace Aitchison of Cedar Falls, Iowa, and the remainder of the time at her home in Omaha, Nebraska. Although Dr. and Mis. Hamm took «cveral shorter trips during the sum- iner the most interesting was a mot- or trip extending over two wecks. The main points of interest were Lake George, Diamond Point, and other places of interest in the Adir- ondac Mountains. During the time extending from Saturday after the closing of the Summer School term until the follow- ing Friday Miss Griffin visited in New York City. On Friday she went by boat to Atlantic City, returning on Sunday to her home in Pittsburgh, where she spent the remainder of the vacation period. Since Miss Mary was not on teacu- ing duty here at Slippery Rock d. ‘ng the summer, it was possible ic. her to spend the entire summer at her home in Lansing, Michigan. We are delighted to know, however, that the student life still appeals to her, for we find that she attended summer school as an English student at Mich- igan Agricultural College situatcd at East Lansing. Miss Bowman also-attended school during this summer’s vacation, tak- ing a six weeks’ course at Boston Uni- versity. The balance of the summer she spent at her home in Lebanon. Mr. Ruff reports as his most inter- esting vacation activity, a ten days’ visit in Westmoreland County. Mus. Ruff and their son, Curtis, accompa- nied him. They spent the time with THE SLIPPERY ROCKET Mr. Rufl’s sister and visiting in and about Mt. Pleasant and Scottdale. Dr. J. Linwood Eisenberg and fam- ily spent a delightful vacation on his farm and later in an automobile touv through New England. On Tuesday, September 9, they saw the round-the- world-aviators when they arrived at New Rochelle, New York. Dr. Eigen- berg also visited Hood College in Maryland and Mercersburg Academy in Pennsylvania. My, Wrigley drove to his home in the central part of the state and ve- mained there throughout his vaca- tion. Miss Hannah Parks spent her vaca- tien at her home in Beaver Falls. Mr. 1. C. Williams, Social Studies teacher, left on a two weeks’ fishing trip to Galls Lake, Canad=z, immedi- atcly after the close of the sunmer school. Mr. Williams was accompa- n.cd by his gcn, Paul Wiliiams, R. M. Steele, former Director of Tr:ining School, and W. B. Steele, brother of R. M. Steele. A good time was re- poirted by Mr. Williams. Coach N. Kerr Thempson, Dean of Men and Athletic Cocach, remained here for the summer schecol. At the close of school, he left for a 10 day fishing trip to Sparrow Lake, Canada, accompanied by Mrs. Thompson, Migs Lillian Johnson, Dean o3 VVomien, spent her summeir vacation at Cliffton Springs, New York. Dr. and Mrs. Heinmiller spent a three weeks’ vacation on a iishing trip throughout Canada after the close of summer school. Miss Florence Walker visited her home in Granville, N. Y., during the last week of August and the first three weeks of September. Mr. Headland and his family left the 27th of August and returned Sep- tember 5th., making a nine day trip to Gettysburg, Harrisburg, Lewis- burg and other eastern points. Miss MecClymonds attended the summer session at the New York Un- iversity. Previous to her return to Slippery Rock, she visited her broth- er in Chicago. Miss M. E. Brown had a very en- joyable vacation this summer visit- ting Jamestown, New York, and then spending a day at Niagara Falls, She stopped for a short visit with Miss L. Johnston at Clifton Springs, and the remainder of her vacation was spent at her home in Allentown, Pa. Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Allison and fam- ily spent one week of June at Toron- to, Canada, where Mr. Allison atten- ded the meetings of the World’s Ro- tarian Convention. They were the guests of Mr. H. G. Coy of Anaconda, Montana, who was the representative of his state. They also spent some time at Niagara Falls and Bufialo. OLD FACULTY MEMBERS I NEW PLACES There have been many changes i our faculty this year, and as a rc- cult many familiar faces are ncw .. longer to be seen in our halls of leain- Thinking it might be interoc.. ing to the students who knew these former teachers, we have tried to g:. information as to their where-about:. Dr. Blaisdell, former Dean of Eng- lish, and Murs. Blaisdell, are enjoying a yeat’s leave of absence by taking a trip around the world. They sailed irom San Francisco on September €, It is their intention to visit both o. their sons, one of whom is in Ching, the other in Constantinople. Misg Joan Easley, former Dean of the Music Department, is now at her home in Wlimington, Delaware, con- aducting a studio of her own. Dr. S. H. Williams has made his 1518, - residence in Pittsburgh, where he iz an instructor at the University of Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Lenhardt are at Dav- enport, Towa, where Mr. Lenhardt is a student at the Chiropractic College there and is also Physical Director at the Y. M. C. A. of that place. Miss Howland is teaching health education at Mt. Vernon, New Yok, and is studying at Columbia Unive:- sity in New York City for a doctors degree. Miss Walton is now working in PPhiladelphia in her father’s life in- surance office. Mr, and Mrs. Roberts are in Cali- fornia, where Mr, Roberts is teaching nsychology in a girl’s boarding school, My, Steele and family are residing. at New York City for a year. M,