Yet Another Ho-Hum CGA Meeting The Arts Council presents James Cunningham and the Acme Dance Company 8:15 tonight in Haas. Dance Compan y To Appear in Haa s The Arts Council of Bloomsbur g State C ollege is present ing J ames Cunn ingham and t he Acme Dance Compan y in Haas Auditorium at 8:15 p.m. on Friday, March 29, 1974. I n the pi eces that make up the compan y's tour ing re pertor y, C unn i ngham has com bi ned elements of yoga , acting , ballet , modern dance , singing, vocal and movement im p rov isi ons and rock danc ing. H e utilizes his core compan y of seven skilled dancer-actors , but often as many as 150 locally recruited and rehearsed student performers. The present compan y is an assemblage of extraordinar y people whose talents range far beyond performing. Graduates of such schools as Dartmouth . Stanford , Sarah Lawrence , Bennington and Harvard , they have taught at those schools and Trustees Meet many others. All have performed with other major dance compan ies and severa l are choreo gra phers of considerable note in their own right. Tickets will be ava ilable at the door in the even ing of the per formance or seats ma y be reserved in advance by writin g or calling the box off ice, 3892802. Adults - $2.00; Students $1.00. Civic Music members will be admitted at the usual reduced rates and senior cit izens will be admitted free of charge b y p resentin g th eir Medicare cards. In addit ion to the Frida y evening p erformance , Cunningham and the Compan y will be giving a Master class for students in the Multi- purpose Rea ding Conference The Tenth Annual Reading Conference will be held toda y and tomorrow , starting with registration in Centennial Gym today from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Dr. J oseph H epman , Professor of P sychology at the Un iversit y of Ch icago , w ill speak at the general session on Saturday , March 30 at 9:15 a.m. in Carver Auditoriu m. His talk will center around "Learning Disabilit ies Defined. " While at the University of Chicago , Dr. Hepman was a clinical instructor in stolar ynology and a lecturer in psychology . After joining the Department of Psycholo gy and Room of the Kehr Union Surgery , he served as Director building from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 of the Speech and Lan guage p.m. The public is invited to Clinic and Research Lab oratory participa te. and Consulted in Psychology, Veteran Administra tion . Dr. Hepman earned his B.A. from Western Michi gan College of Education and was awarded his MA in Philoso phy from ' toward salary increases and to University of Wisconsin and his meet the deficiencies , in library PhD in Philoso phy from books, materials and supplies University of Chica go. and to take care of repairs and A member of the Amer ican maintenance that were Psychological Association, he deferred previously. served as the president of the Mini-Courses Psychology Association in BSC will offer non-credit Illinois in 1967-68. A Fellow in courses on an attendance-fee the American Speech and basis. There are already eleven Hearing Association , he was a minicouries scheduled for the member of the executive fall term with this number council in 1061*63. increasing rapidly . BSC is the < Dr. Hepman has over 75 first Pennsylvani a state college articles pertaining to his field to offer this type .of course and published , national and some of the other state colleges internationalin state journals. are also becomin g interested This conference Is sponsored (pleai e turn to page four ) ( please turn to page roun ' BSC Grante d Moni es The BSC Board of Trustees met last week and informed the public tha t the college has been granted additional monies for the remainder of this fiscal year and that the resolution concernin g "attendance -f ee" and min-courses has been approved. BSC Allocated Additional Monies BSC has been allocated $466,000 from the supplemental allocation fund of 17,400,000 for the current fiscal year to be distributed among the thirteen state colleges and Indiana University. President McCormick - said that this money will be used By PEGGY MORAN Sponsoring students in the forensics nationals , Man and Nature Club allocation , the Maroon and Gold Athletic Fun d and funding for the Nation al Wrestling Tournament were among the topics discussed at the March 25 meeting of the CGA , held in the coffeehouse of the Kehr Union. Monies amounting to four hundred dollars were awarded to nine members of the forensic debating team and their advisor to atten d the national competition in Plattsburg, Ny. This fee will cover transport ation , food, lodging and registration costs. Indians Are Funded The Man and Nature (MAN) Club and the CGA are sponsoring a group of Indians from New York and Canada to visit BSC for a weekend in the near fut ure. CGA allocate d a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars to cover their travel an d ea ting expenses. The group of ten Indians will break . show several films and conduct A sum of $1000.00 has already informal discussions on their been realized as a result of concern for the environment. BSC' s participation in the CGA approved in principle a NCAA wrestling tournament. motion tha t would grant the An additional allocation of trustees of the Maroon and Gold three hundred dollars was made to the CEC to help cover Athletic Fund two hun dred reserve seat tickets to be sold to expenses for their international raise money for the fund. convention in New York. The The seats would be for home added -money was needed football and basketball games because the members are and wrestling matches. This staying in New York for two year the Awards Banque t , days rather than the one day as scheduled for late April , will be they had originally planned. the official kick off for the A committee for collection Maroon and Gold Athletic and sale of tickets to all CGA Fund' s drive to sell the tickets. , sponsored events is now being An allocation of $1150.00 was set up . I ntereste d st uden t s made to the wrestling team on should contact any CGA behalf of Ron Sheehan and member. Copies of the revised CGA Shorty Hitchcock so that they constit uti on are available for could compete in the National Wrestling Tournament which student use at the Information was held during the Mar ch Desk in the Union. Govern or 's Son to Perform at BSC the Cur tis Inst itute of Music and her re perto ire consists of the Baro que period of H andel , the early Ital ian Masters , the German Li eder of Shubert , Wolf and Strauss , and the con- The Bloomsburg Civic Mus ic Associat ion will sponsor a joint reci tal by Richard Shapp, bar itone , Mar ianne Casiello , soprano , William Horn , pianist , on Tuesda y, May 2, at 8:15 p.m. in Haas Auditori um. Richard Shapp, G overnor Shapp 's son , has a ppeared with the P hiladel phia Opera , the P ittsburgh Opera , the Philadel p h ia O rchestra at Robin Hood Dell , The Pittsburgh Sym phony at the Tem ple University Music Festival and will debut this season with the Philadel phia Grand Opera and El Gran Teatro del Liceo , Barcelona , Spain. Mr. Shapp earned his temporary period of Berber and Menoitte. Miss C asiello 's op erative background includes leading roles in LaBoheme , Traviata , Otello , Tosea , and Carmen. William Horn also graduated front the Curtis Institute of Music and studied for a year with pianist Gary Graffman. Mr. Horn had a ppeared with the Philadel phia Orchestra , and at Temple Universit y's Ambler Music Festival. This year he is a candidate in the Tchai kovsky competition in Moscow. bachelor of Music in Vocal Each artist will have a solo Performance from Tem ple University 's College of Music and this year will enter the Op era De partment of the Famous Curtis In stitute of portion in the program and Miss Casiello and Mr. Shapp will perform a duet to close the program. A feature of the duet will be selections from Roberg 's Desert Song. Music. Marianne Casiello studied at Items of Interest coming week. This questionnaire gives students an opportunity to react to different aspects of each course they are enrolled in such as Instructor , materials , assignments , examinations , etc. This iJt your chance to say what you want about your courses , so don't Peace Grou p White Roots of Peace Group , several Mohawk Indians from the Akwesasne Reserve , will present two informati ve sessions in the upstairs Coffeehouse In Kehr Union. The first session is this afternoon at 2:00 and the second is tonight at 6:30. Tomorrow morning at 9:30 interested student! can meet this group In the Coffeehouse to go on a hike that wlD end by mid-afternoon. miss it! Financial Aid The Financia l Aid Office is how acceptin g applications for summer work-stud y lobs near your home. Katharine GUriw (please turn Co page low) , Student Evalu ations Student , evaluation of instruction will take place this -( ¦ i 1 ¦ . . ¦ / i i < » i ' ¦ ' . ' Concert Review BSC Musicians Give Fine Performance By SCOTT ZAH M Sandy Zerby , veteran performer with appea rances at the Main Point in Philadelphia and New York 's Bitter End fo her credi t, will play the BSC coffee house April 3 at 9:00 p.m. Sandy has worked with David Brom berg and Doc Watson and is said to ofte n outshine the "Bi o Names " at her concerts . The Department of Music presented a concert of Choral Psalms Sunday, March 24 as performed by the Concert Choir, Women's Choral Ensemble, and the Madrigals under the direction of Mr. Richard Stanislaw. The program included a number of Psalm settings by and various American European composers and the selection , Igor featured Stravinsky 's "Symphony of Psalms ". Instrumental accompaniment including work by Maria Williams on piano, John Kashella of organ, Glenn Johansen on violoncello, and Dawn Scott and Jean Graduates Sell Product to Future Employers By FRANK LORAH Did you ever consider what you 'll be doing after you graduate from the hallowed halls of BSC? If you're a senior, that's probably the biggest thought - provoking problem you've had since you started your higher education. There are many questions which you've pondered and would like to know where to go for answers. There just might be a new organization on campus which, if it can't relieve your anxiety, it might very well provide you with insight as to what to expect of employers, how to plan your career with a business organization, and how to conduct yourself at a job interview. The name of this organization is the American Society for Personnel Administration. Sounds terribly formal and only for business majors? Wrong. The first regular meeting of the ASPA on Wednesday, February 27, presented many valuable points about the world after graduation in a friendly and informal setting. The panel members were not business majors either. Their educational backgrounds were varied ; for example , Poli-Sci , English , Math , Industrial Psychology and Education. All curriculums and majors are welcome to join . This particular meeting centered around the job interview and the resume. Here are a few tips which were presented by businessmen from companies such as International Paper Company, TRW Ink and the National Gypsum Company. In filling out a resume you must summarize yourself in terms of education and experience, giving a sort of personal history. Include both immediate and career object ives, in a moderate way. The resume may be two pages, if necessary. All the information provided should be important. A personel director is usually busy and doesn't have time to read a book. The resume may be duplicated but the cover letter should be an original for each firm. The contents of the cover should be custom-built to zero in on each particular firm. Include references with each application. Provide the firm with the information they want. The businessmen on the panel did not think the firm should have to request references. It will mean more work for you but in the long run, it might help you to land that first job. For an interview, student interviewees often underestimate their abilities. No personnel manager is going to expect an expert right out of college. They expect you to be What's a great chance to test your endurance and stamina? And if you have neither , what' s still a great chance for a lot of fun and exercise? It's the Bloomsburg Bike or Hike for the Retarded . It's called the Bike or Hike because you can travel the twenty miles whichever way you prefer — on your bike or in your favori te pair of hiking boots. Last year the event was called Ride-a-Bike because only bike riders participated. This year many more will be involved. Hikers as well as bikers will cover the route . Bloom- sburg ' Mayor Allan Remley, honorary chairman oi the event , invites everyone to participate. The Bike or Hike will start from the Bloomsburg town park at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, April 21. The rain date is the following Sunday. The route will be along River Road , Poplar Street and Old Berwick Road to Berwick , where bikers and hikers will turn around and come back to the town park , thus covering the second half of the twenty mile distance. The Columbia County goal for the Bike or Hike is $4,000. Since this county does not have an adul t organization for the reta r ded, seventy percent of the money raised from the Bike or Hike will go toward organizing a Columbia County Adult Chapter of the Pennsylvania A ssoc i at i on f or Retar d ed Citizens. Such a chapter will be able to help fight for the prevent i on an d al levi at i on of menta l retar d at i on t h roug h community education , begin work-study programs geared at making the retarded citizen a taxpayer and not a tax-user, and start preschool programs for the retarded. The Bike or Hike will also benefi t the Youth CARC, an organ i zat i on on th e BSC campus which improves the welfare of the retarded through programs such as its S p ecial O lym p ics , a weekl y f itness progra m f or retarded children in the communit y. Bloomsburg Senior High School is also involved in the event. The retarded can be helped ( please tum to page tour ; Healthy Exercise Aids the Retarded Attacking the Space Frontier By BOB SWIATEK Few people real i ze tha t this weekend Man 's f ront ier will be pushed outward a step . If all goes as planned on Friday, March 29, the Mar iner 10 spacecraf t wi ll send the f irst close-up pictures and scientific measurements of the p lanet Mercur y back to Earth. Skimming by Mercury at a distance of onl y 625 miles, Mariner ' s two p owerf ul television camera s will take several thousand pictures of Mercury ' s surf ace , some showing features as small as 330 feet in diameter . Ever since the ancient Assyrians firs t studied Mercury , the details of its surface have rem ained a mystery , The (please turn to page four ) most power ful t elescopes on E ar t h can onl y reveal some l ig ht and dark areas , possibly due to low l yi ng pla i ns or mountains. Alrea dy Mariner 10 has taken the clearest photogra phs ever of the planet. Onl y t hirty six mi llion miles awa y f rom the Sun , Mercury i tself i s hard to see because most of the t ime it i s lost in the Sun 's tremendous glare . The Mariner 10 space craft , launched last November 2, has alread y accomplished several feats. In addition to taking the firs t close up TV pictures of Venus last February 14, it was also the f irst spacecraf t to use the gravity of one p lanet to swing into position for a ren( please turn to page (our ) Meierhoefer on effect percussion was provided for several of the Psalm settings. Several others were done a capella. The orchestra score for the Stra vinksy piece was played by a select group of musicians from the Philadelphia Musical Academy. Memorable portions of the concert included a fine grasp of a capella style and excellent balance of voices within the choir. The art of finely knitted vocal fabric without instrumental accompaniment reached its zenith in the sixteenth century. Several of the works performed by the choir were drawn from this period. Clarity and blend are very important in this mode of vocal performance. The choir seemed to have a fairly firm grip of the form with each section supporting the others well. In particular , the polyphonic setting of Goudimel's Psalm 23, and William Billings Psalm 126, a later work, exhibited this strength. The MAdrigals* handling of Goudimel's motet setting was also very well done. Schubert's Psalm 23 was done by the Women's Choral Ensemble and a balance of female voices, often difficult to achieve, was appreciated. Following intermission the Stravinsky piece was performed. The balance and blend achieved in the prior half of the program was somewhat buffeted in their attempt of this much more difficult work. It is considered by many as the most important work of Stravinsky's maturity, a period when he returned in a large part to refined construction of musical * work. The piece displays an intricately structured format , but nonetheless, reta ins th e typically abstract harmonies that were so much a part of the man 's legacy . TJie orchestration is difficult and often runs counter to the choral score. An audience can readily appreciate the task of holding a performance of this piece together. Together, the choir, the PMA musicians and conduc tor Stanislaw moved through the work. Their poise slightly depleted, it seemed at times as though they were trudging. The performance as a total , however, offered no glaring distractions with the exception perhaps of an occasional overbalancing toward the orchestra. Actually, the orchestra , choir and director should be commended in working together as well as they did considering they developed their respective scores separately and brought the piece into a whole in a single rehearsal. like the Madrigal Singers' performance of a month ago, the choir exhibited a strong grasp of the material they attempted but the overriding impression was one of impending future development. There is the feeling that these people have much more to offer and that the refinement and cultivation lying just below their present level of performance will flower, perhaps next season, into an exquisite professionalism. The Cat 's M ystique Enthralls Fans /^ i mi .9 By M A R K HA AS Being an impressionable individual my senses are easily stimulated by certain events. The current exile of the Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn has aroused my interests tremendously. Many things have had an effect on my sensor areas but the one single event that to this day is still a conscious part of me was a rock concert I saw at Bucknell University two and a half years ago. The performer was Cat Stevens. In his early days Cat Stevens was a highly commercialized pop idol in London. A few money ma d businessmen used the Cat solely as a way to make money and eventually led him to the hospital bed. His one lung collapsed as a result of tuberculosis and the other lung was not far from being damaged . He spent many months in the isolation of various hospitals and sanitariums. After his recuperation he evolved into an intensley sensitive and serious musician. His past was forgotten and Cat Stevens represented an individual changed by the pain of the past. He emerged as a new man and his first album after his illnes was a beautiful collection of songs about his experiences and feelings on life. He continued to produce ( please turn to page four) THE MAROON AND GOLD Tuun C. Sprague, Edit or-in-Chief Frank Lorah, Assist ant Editor Ba«BU^-:::::::::::: :::::::: SSTJSSr sports Editor Co-News Editor s PhOfO Editw Copy Editor Circulation Mana ger Cartoonist Director of Publ icat ions, Faculty Advise r • "ZSZCS :::::::::::::::v«^fTcaa gm g|n| 0p ' Marty Wenhoid, Barb Waneblsen ; Klm McN.ti y Ka |nv j OltDn Nancy Van Pelt ark Haa , ^ Mr. K. Hoffman PhotoaraDhers : Dan Marosh , Jr., Patty White, Alanna Bergor, Becky Jones, Tom Loah y, Ron Troy, Donna Welter, Debbie Schneid er, Susan Worley, Oeorneo w« »n» Oruber. Judy Scott, toe Eggert, Ingr id Lou Stafft Tom Kuril , Craig winters, Dale Myers, Debbie Bull, Oermaine Oarmoyer, Eric Yamoah, Lor na Rlchey, Scott Zah m, Sandy M Hard SuJ siiotr Mary Ellen Lesho, Beth OibMe, Peqgy Moran" Pat Farnack, Karen Stork So« Williams, Ellen Doyle , Llso Fanell T Anthony Creamer " StOrl? ' Su9 The MAO offic es' are located on the seco nd door of Kahr Union Thn nhnna number is M9-3 I0I. All copy and advortlsln Vshould be wbrnlt Sd r by 4 p ST5 Md b ""W" W*»^ «j r* •«IMoii. V • P'V o« Tuesda y tor F iday 's edTtion" The M»O is gov erned by the Editorial Boar d, with final responsibili t y' for al material resting with the Bditor-ln-Chle f, as stated In the Join " statement on *M*' 1r«»1™* and Responsibili ties of Students of Bloom sburg State College" specialTeJSpTlJ ns mJsj?^^ tho Editor, w ith an allow ance for Ma rvin Stars NCA A Champ ionshi p s By BILL SIPL ER second off the pace. competition , the meet was BSC- had five swimmers Coach McL aughlin is not always well organized , the represent the school at the rationali zing or alibing as to competition was just as keen NCAA College Division why the times dropp ed off for and they were always well Swimming and • Divin g the Hus kies but he feels that the publicized. N Championships tha t were held lack of having any form of . BSC stayed on the Queen at Long Beach State College in competition between the State Mary in Long Beach. Although Long Beach , California last Champi onships and Nationals there were no other college week. Freshman Stu Marvin conceivably could have caused teams involved in Nationals staying there , across from the turned in the best efforts of the the team to lose their comteam was the U.S. Olympic group although they failed to petitiv e edge befor e the NCAAs. place in the finals. If BSC had entered the NAIA Wrestling team and in the opMa rvin swam in two inChampionships the two weeks posite corridor were the dividual events , the 50 and 100 prior to Nationals , he feels that Russian Wrestling team which yard freestyle events , as well as it would have certainl y aided the BSC swimmers had a anchoring the 400 yard freestyle the team 's efforts. chance to meet. relay team. His best effort was But it was decided not to Coach McLaughlin also had in the 100 free where he placed belong to this organization by the pleasure of meeting several 16 out of a field of 65. He missed college of the U.S. team that were officials. Coac h qualifying for the finals and also McLaughlin was personally friends of Shorty Hitchcock' s, All-American Honors in both concerned and hopes that including Buck Deadrich , who the 50 and 100 yard freestyle consideration will be given to wresteld with Short y in teams that wish to belong to this Moscow. events by 0.3 of a second. organization by the college. Marvin has a bri ght future as a The Huskies' coach also had This was BSC's first entry in the pleasures of meeting the Husky as was proved by his the Nation al Competition and it anchor league on the relay Russian coach, team physician will have a lasting impression and several team members and team , where he swam in a time although not because the exchanged mementoes. The of 47.8 for his finest effort of the swimmers failed to do as well as coach feels that the Russians Championships. they hoped to do but because the were truly gentlemen. Rich Kozicki also swam in one Coach McLaughlin also feels meet was so poorly organized individual event , the 500 yard that anyone who is associated and publicized. It was the most freestyle , where he placed 31 with BSC from coast to coast is poorly run Champi onships that out of 54 swimmers. The 500 was pro ud of the achievements and Coach McLaughlin feels he has marked by the fact that several efforts made by Shorty Hitever participated in. The feeling swimmers were seeded at times chcock. was, in general , that the host that were slower than what they The coach was also pleased institution , Long Beach State , turned out which through with the support given to the into a was mainly event competi tion in that more concerned team by CGA and the . with the University Chamtailspin. cooperation shown them. He relay pionships that were to The 400 yard freest yle be held hopes this support will continue three the following week. The team had its first in the future. that bleachers and other equipment swimmers swim in times Coach McLaughlin felt, too, were still being installed the were a little slow as they failed that the learning and to make the finals . The team of day before the meet. educational expereince was Coach McLaughlin feltthat he Marvin , Kozicki , Dave Slade shown by freshman Marvin. should listen and observe as it and Paul Richards , with Jim Marvin was quoted as saying on was BSC's first trip to this type Campbell at alternate , placed arrival , "I can't believe it, 20 in a field of 28 as they swam of competition but he also felt Coach , that this is all happening just a little off and finished 1.6 that in the many years of NAIA to me." B S C h urlers and catc hers g ot a workout a gainst Susquehanna as the Huski es read y f or their home ( Photos by B. Sipler ) opener next Wednesda y. A BSC infielde r chases the ball during a scrimmage. BSC meets Bucknell for their fi rst game of the season April 3 at home. ( Photo by B. Sipler ) Dave Miller delivers a pitch dur ing the scrimma ge with Susque hanna University . Miller is one of Coach Bowler 's promisin c freshmen pitcher s. ( Photo by B. SlpJ er) Sp ring Sports Start varsity season th is weekend. The track team , which netted a and sophomores. It' s hoped that these members w ill blend in w i th the veterans and form This year's squad, which will be shooting for its seventh consecutive winning season, is composed of many freshmen are four additions to his staff, This year's netmen have set their eyes on being in the top three teams in the conference. The spring sports begin their another winning contin gent. 7-4 indoor record travels to Tennis Hopes Towson S tate C ollege i n C oach Burt Reese hopes his Mar yland to take part in the Towson Invitati onal today while . netmen keep on their winning ways established this fall. In the Tennis team will be at > Wilkes College tomorrow. fall action , the team posted a 32-1 record and finished in a tie Coach Ron Puhl , who has enj oyed tremendous success in for second place in the ECAC College Division Tournament , « the past , hopes that this years team will follow in the winning a team trophy for the first time in tenn is h i stor y at traditions that his teams from 1970-73 have established . The BSC. seniors who graduated last year With all of last years team members returning with one left behind an overall 46-5 exception, Coach Reese hopes record. Coach Puhl hopes that ' his team will better last years 8s success has the indoor season 3 record. Coach Reese bases this helped many of his younger hope on the fact that in addition performers improve on their to hi s return ing veterans there performances. 1 1 ' 'V ' ' .M. . ¦ // . .. ' ' ' ¦' ¦ ¦" : •; ' > /;/ / ' / - / ; ' ( i i i ¦ / ' ' - , ' ¦ ¦ * i ¦ - . ;. '¦ ¦ '. i ' i > ' Trustees (from page ' one ) because of BSC's effor ts. Profs Promoted Promot ed to the rank of associ ate pro f essor wer e Christi ne Wh it raer , f ormer assistant pr ofessor of foreign lan guage s and William Ac iernoa , f ormer ass istan t profes sor of speech. Appointme nts were approved for J ane Brown ' as temporary assista nt professor of English for Dr . Janet Stamm this current term ; and Barry Siegal as temporary assistant profes sor of geography, replacing Brian Johnson . Margaret Chu had been approved as temporary professor of Chem istry for the '74-75 term , replacing Dr. Barrett Benson for first semester and Dr. Clyde Noble for second semester. Items ( from page one) A re presenta ti ve of t he Ka tharine Gibbs Schools Admissions Office will be at the Placemen t Office at 11:30 a.m. on W ednesday, April 3. This special program for college women and graduates is an 8V& month prog ram of complete executive secretarial training. Concert Band The Bloomsburg State College Concert Band will present its annual Spring Concert on Sunday, Marc h 31, at 2:15 p.m. in Haas. Admission is free and the public is invited. The 80-member ensemble will present a rounded program of band literat ure that includes music by Sousa , Goldman , Nelhybel , Rodgers , Mancini and other s. Gra duates Sell Product to Emp loyers (from page two ) an employer but don 't be backwilling to learn. Try to pre sent about yourself. The atward the "real you" at an inte rview. titude you portra y must fit in Be sincer e and an individual. with the rest of your perIt is best to go for an inter view sonality. by yourself and not with a group If you think you need more of people. The intervie wer is information about the real looking for your "work ethic " or world of business , contact one of attitude toward work . Tell him the officers or their advisor what you want to do in specific Don Wood , president; Charles terms. As for first impressions , Hicks , vice president; Morris it was the concensus of the Leighow , treasurer; John committee that a per sonnel , Ilvento secretar y or Mr. director will attempt to get advisor . , Hutch inson Robert several men to give their "first loyee must emp Every future impres sions" of the interviewee remember tha t he is selling a so as not to be biased in the product-himse lf. Even those in selection process. The first education will be enter ing the impression may have small business world upon graduation value in the overall screening and should have some ideas to process . help them land their first job. Being pushy may antagonize Hartzef 's Music Store 72 N. Iron St. Over 300 Mars and Amplifiers MARKET ST. SUNOCO SERVICE CENTER 7th and Market Sts . Proprietor Rick Belins kv 784-8644 Dr. Win. Weir , 0.0. BILL'S USED FURNITURE Rohrsbur g, Pennsy lvania Used Furni t ure of All Kin ds 784-1063 or 784-0721 Eppley 's Pharmacy MAIN i IRON STREETS 21 E. Fift h Street Bloomsbu rg, Pa. 17815 . Phone 784-2131 By A ppointment Eye Examinations Contact Lens Svc. •ELIZABETH ARDEN •HELENA RUIENSTEIN •DANA •COTY John 's Food Market W. Mai n A Leonard St Open 8 a.m. to 12 mid niff h l Daily Deli cates sen Full line of groceries 6 snac ks Mariner 10: Attacks th e Space Frontie r ( from . page two) scientists monito ring it in dezvous with a second. In this P asadena, California. case Venus '{swung " Mariner In conjunction with the toward Mercury. So far the photo gra p hs , much ot her space probe has survived the scientific information . will be trip in good condition . With the radioed back by Mar iner so that exception of it mysteri ously our knowledge of the planet and switching from its primar y „ our solar system will be vastly power supply to a back-up improved. Thus , little by little , mode, most of its problems Man explores the wonders of the have been overcome by the universe in which he lives. Exercise Aids Reta rded (from page two) but helpers are needed. Biking or hiking is great exercise . Let' s do it for a reason . If you would like to bike or hike on April 21, pick up a sponsor sheet in the Student Union on April 1 through 5 or the 17 to the 19. Ask people to sponsor you for any amount of money per mile. You're not obligated to fill up the entire sponsor sheet or walk the entire twenty miles. Get your friends to join with you. Benefits can be reaped in more ways tha n one from Bike or Hike . You can get some good healthy exercise and you also can give the retarde d in this community a better future. It' s a chan ce for you to really get involved in a chari ty and not just drop a quarter in a can. It' s the Bike or Hike . Are you up for froin page two) albums at about the rate of one a year and his image and popularity grew. His music deals with haunting poetic melodies on his outlook of life. It can be described as soft , dynamic , melodic , forceful , dramatic and covering all the emotions man is capable of feeling. The Cat is not a pretentious individual whose image is built around a stage show such as Alice Cooper. He is a shy introverted man who gives few interviews and lives in the solitude of his home in London. His past patte rn has been an album , then a short tour and finally a complete disappearance from the public eye. There is a mystique built around him as a result of his life style. The less he is seen, the more anxious his fans become t o learn about him. Of all the dod idols in the w orld Cat Stevens cert ainly does not have the most fans but I will swear under the tears of a thousand generat ions tha t the fans he does have are more loyal and zealous than any other fans in the worl d. Cat' s last album was released seven months ago so a new album should appear shortly. When the album is released to his musically starved fans Cat Stevens will again be communicating to the world , a communication based on a dramatic and penetrating thythm in which are found in all of his songs. I thank Cat Stevens for the many enjoyable hours he has given his fans and I hope he continues to produce his special brand of music . Although he has been called an embryonic Beethoven for he is rarely seen in public I believe that he is, in spite of this , the stron gest force on t he contem porar y mus ic scene today. it? Cat ' s AAys t¦ igue Enthalls Many ^^^H^Hi^B^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^V^^^^^^^^^^^H Ritt er s Office Suppl y 112 E. Main St. Bloom sburg, 784-4323 I I I | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Write Camp Director , 138 Red Rambler Drive , Lafayette Hill , Pa. 19444. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ~ ^" \ ^^^^ BHM^^^^ BBHBMHBHB hlmu WARHURST APTS. SUMMER HOUSING Reduced Rates - all utilities paid Stamps 784-8833 24 Hrs. cms. serv ice NUMIDIA DRAGWAY OPENS SUNDAY 4-7-1974 ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I COURSE CHANGES Please make the followin g changes and • or corrections to the list of under graduate course offerings for the Fall Semester 1974. Page 8 ADD: 30-306-Visual Arts for Exceptional Chi ldren (3-3) Koslosk y Special Note : For only or majors Educa tion instructor. the permission of 32-490-Ar t CANCEL: (to be offered in Gallery Spring 1975) Page 13 52-102-Preprequis ite should be 52-101 or placement by departm ent. Page 14 52-211 Course ti tle shou ld be Organic " Introductor y Chemistr y " 52-233 Course ti tle shou ld be " Introduc tory Bio-Organic Chemist ry " ADD: 52-114 — Colle ge Algebra for Business Applications (3-3) TBA Note : New course with For pendin g. appr ova l Administration Business majors. Page 19 ADD: 93-348 Operations /Management (3-3) TBA Prerequisite : 93-334 (New course pending approval ) ADD: 93-441 Investment Manageme nt (3-3) TBA Prerequis ite: 93-343 (New Course ) Over 19 for unique overni ght summer camp in Penna. Able to instruct one of following : Watersafet y , Boating , Watersk iing, Soccer , Phot ograph y, NRA Riflery , Golf , Rocketr y , Archery , Ham Radio , or Science. ?MAX FACTO* Ontit ( from page one) ' by the reading clinic and Dr. Sp o n seller , director of the cl inic. COUNSELORS PntcripHon Sp0dalltt •CHANEL •GUERUIN •FABERGE •LANVIN •PRINCE MATCHABEUI Conf erence n KKKKKKtHK^KBB^FBtE ^KBKBEKII^ntKBB ^B/ ^t ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ protect yourself I I I I I I ^^^^^^^^^^^ I I I I I I I I I I I I ^ ^SSSS7 I nllH II against muggers , rapists ^S^PCQf l Illlll tl g^ •¦¦/ww and worse with th is ^ ^ ^ ^n^ ' amazing new whistle. Wear it as a necklacB or carry it as a koy chain, Its long-ra nge penetrating shrill brings Kelp in a hu rry. The next dark night (that 's tonlghtl ) you 'll feel a lot saf er just knowing yo u bBve the grea t est protection in the world . Gives obscene phone callers a shrilling earful , too. GET IT BEFORE YOU HAD IT I I I I I I I I I COME IN OR MAIL HANDV COUPO N YmI Iwant to b« uvetll Sind mo London-Like Whliiloi Necklace (Number) — Kiy Chiln Iancloio$3i00 for each London-Like Chrome Whittle. I undentand that If I am not total ly latlifled , I will receive a co mplete refund H returned In 10 dayi. NAM6_ ' I 8TRBET NUMBER | ¦ CITY I Fm_^—^——»— ^——^ .^^^^»_»__ ^_^^^^___ ¦¦^¦^ ^ ^ _ _ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦M H M I M p „ ... , II ' I ,,, .. I , I ESS'SLM 1i"? 1 JK" wn ^AISm minimum, k*E ' wiicoiwln B32OO STATE -, I ZIP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^WpBfc^ ^MMMi^^BW^ ^p^ ^ p^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I I I I I l H