Carlson named BSC president by Sue Sprague At left, Dr. John Pittenger swears in Dr. Charle s H. Carlson as Acting President of B.S.C. At right , Dr. Carlson is delivering his acceptance address to the 200 faculty and administrators in attendance. In the background is Father Berna rd Petrina. (PHOTOS BY OLIVER) BSC on proba tion ; may appeal by bob Oliver The N at ional Collegia t e Athletic Association ( NCAA) has f ound some i rre gular iti es in B.S.C. athletics , and has placed the institution on a probation status for two years . Under probationary status , the college's a t hle t es and teams are barred from NCAA "championship competition and all post season meets and tournamen ts. The orde r does not aff ect of financial aid to student athletes for jobs on which they didn 't work , fund-raising for student - athletes by a local club without the funds being administered throu gh the college, changin g of records of high school student - athletes , changin g grades of student athletes at B.S.C. Re-opening Case? There is a possibility that the Mr* A A miiv n u n iu n its r>nso if nn a ppeal is filed by new president regular season schedules. Dr. Charles Carlson. There is a Also, the order asks the college possibility that the B.S.C. Board t o show cau se wh y f urther of Trustees will ask tha t he does penal ty should not be imposed if this. The a pp eal , if made , may in the f uture " it permits its deal with the assumption that all former direc tor of athletics and head wres tling coach to assume inf ormat ion supplied may not be factual. any administrative or coachin g totally The re por t, in an edited form , is position. . ." as follows : The five-page telegram to the NCAA committee W hereas B.S.C. Pres ident Robert J. on infract i,ons has investiga ted Nossenis replete with allegation s alleged violations of the Associati on 's legislation on the part of Bloomsburg State College and has reported its findings to the NCAA Council. Whereas , the Council has found Bloomsbur g Sta t e College t o have violat ed t he pr inciples govern ing financial aid to student - athletes ( NCAA Constitution 3-1) , in that: l. For several years prior to and ending with the 1970-71 anaAttmin vanr % ^^^ pv« wrm ^0 •¦• ^B»^^ »» ¦ ^r tho nnNoae 'V a th*»n w v- ^ m ¦ ^H^r v ^ rvaip gv dean of studen ts and in some instances t he then Director of A thlet ics arran ged j obs for student - athletes for which they received payment but did not work. Whereas , the Council has found Bloomsburg State College to have violated the principles of institutional control and respon( continued on page six ) Dr. Charles H. Carlson was sworn in to serve as Acting President of Bloomsbur g State College for one year last Thursday. The ceremony was performed by Penns ylvania State Secretary of Education , Dr. John C. Pittenger. Dr. Carlson formerl y serve d as D ean of Graduate Studies and Director of Research at B.S.C. 3 Candidates Dr. Carlson was appointed by Gov. Milton J. Shapp upon the recommendation of the Board of State College and Universit y Directors from three names supplied by the BSC Board of Trustees. The other two candidates were Dr. Donald E. Enders , B.S.C. Supervisor of Teac hing in the Student H arr i sbur g Area School Districts , and Mr. Boyd F. Buckingham , Associate ViceP res iden t f or Developmen t and Director of Public Relations. The three names submitted wer e ch osen by a search and screen comm itt ee forme d las t May by the Board of Trustees. Standing Ovation Upon completion of swear ing-in ceremony, f a «*lc! /\*i V/ O A « 0 V* 1 «*A/iAitfa/l A ^ V W I V V^ U a C4 the Dr. efan/iinff ObllllUltl g ovati on from the approx ima t ely 200 facul ty and administrators in attendance . Dr. Carlson then made t he f ollowing comments : "Mr. Pittenger , Mr. R ingler , Dr. Nossen, distinguished guests , and f r iends. I f eel ver y pr ivileged to have been selected to ser ve as Acting President of Bloomsburg State College. It is also with a sense of hum ility, and awareness of the challenge ahead for me during the coming year , that I approach this office. In his letter of appoi ntment , Governor Sha pp stressed his commitment to educa tional opportunity. Bloomsbur g State College, one of the fourteen inCommonwea lth-owned stitutions , is dedicated to educational opportunity in higher ( continued on page five) Pickett new VP The new Vice President for Academic Affairs & Dean of Faculties at BSC for the '72-73 year will be Dr. Dayton S. Pickett , formerly Associate Vice Chancellor at the University of Illinois. He will replace Dr. Hobart F. Heller who will return to a former position as professora t -lar ge here. Dr. Pickett held his position at the Universi ty of Illinois for the past two years and serve d as Assistant Chancellor from 196870. As the only Associate Vice Chan cellor on that cam p us , comprised of 32,000 students , he per f ormed general academ i c adm inistra tive dut ies act ing as an inde penden t agent wi thin the broa d est pol icy gu idelines provided by the Chancellor and or Vice Chancellor for Academ ic Affa irs involving both line and sta ff res ponsibilities. Pr ior to h is associat ion with the Universit y of Illino is, he served ( continued on page five) Flood victims stay on camp us Althou gh the cleanup process is could be evaluated or solved. At well underwa y throughou t the the same time, the Pennsy lvania area , BSC again showed its National Guard and Pennversatilit y in aidin g flood victims sylvania State Police established of the greater Bloomsburg area their headquarter s on campus . when Governor Milton Shapp Within a week following the approved a portion of the upper flood , Washin gton sent Lt. Col. campus for the location of ap- Ray Beery to Bloomsburg to set proximatel y 90 mobile home up an Office Emerg ency units to house the homeless for Prep aredness , which is still the next year or so. processing flood victims. When midsummer rains BSC Biology student s, under decided to turn portions of the direction of Dr. Michael Penns ylvania into a disaster area Herbert checked into the water it didn't overlook Bloomsburg. oit uaiiuii uy uuuig tree sam ple Hard hit by the sudden stor m, a tests on impounde d water to multitude of area people found check the spread of mosquitoes. themselves without... virtually The American Red Cross everything. established Its Disaster Center in Immediatel y BSC became a the New Admini stration Haven for nearl y 2,000 refugees. Building. BSC students, both They were housed in the campus from the town and those raiding residence halls and fed in the in residence halls on campus, Scranton Commons until their along with faculty and ad( continued on page five ) further living condition stat us fl It l* A 4> IJIM ft *t W #J tffel M «« fujkA M M *MB _A 1A. Flood refugees were brought to BSC campus during Agnei ' onslaught In June ). ( Photo by Dr. Michae l Herbert) An interview with Dr. Nossen ed it o ria l In assuming the position of editor of this year 's M&G , I fall heir to a variety of momentos . These include , amon g other things , three offices on second floor Waller , (temporarily , anyway ) a Stugrin poster asking "What kind of schmuck reads the Maroon and Gold , " six ancient typewriters , and an editorial board mad e up from last year 's staff . But by far , the most important thing left to me is a responsibility to produc e the best newspaper possible for the college communit y. . , ., .. L But a responsibilit y to the colle ge belon g s to others besides the M&G. Looking back on last year , and the overall havoc which engulfe d BSC, it seems tha t when Walt Kelly 's cartoon character Pogo cried vyc nave mci uie enemy anu lie is us: lie migni well nave oeen speaking for Bloomsburg State. After all , who but BSC's own students , faculty and administrati on have torn and divided the college? Of Knights Who've Passed This Way jim sachett i Dr. Robert J . Nossen is no longer President of Bloomsburg State College . It seems strange. After three long, crazy years filled with some of the most and vicious in- spectacular fighting ever spawned by an the community, academic various and sundry BSC factions are no longer going to have Bob Nossen to kick around anymore . And he won 't be around to kick back . How did he feel about leaving the battlefield (whether as the And who can rebuil d a torn college better than that same college community which destroyed it? Who else do we have but our- » victor or the vanqu ished will be selves? debated for years ) ? I was curious BSC is beginning the 1972-73 academic year with a new president , enough to call his office and academic vice-president , and wrestling coach . This should be more arrange for an interview . This than enough to provide the reconstr uction that BSC so sorely needs article is the result . — provided every one is willing to try . We must stop supporting one PIED PIPER man or one idea , and attempt to reunite and build a better college TO A NEW LAND ? wMuiuuiuiy . yyiiu use coiuu oenenc irom a oecier college man me To kind of put things in their students , faculty, and administration of that college? proper perspective , I asked Dr. We may have met and found the enemy to be ourselves , but so Nossen what it was he had hoped must we rebuild and make better the unity that was once BSC. to accomplish when he first came The staff of the M&G pledges to do its best to fulfill the obligation here. He replied that he had it has to the college community. We sincerely hope that the rest of hoped to make BSC into as much that community realizes its respon sibilities and acts accordingly . of a first rate public Arts and Who says we can ' t be a Harvard on the Susquehanna? Sciences college as possible... Susan Sprague "with a strong , viable faculty and a variety of programs. " I then rather naivel y asked him Us ing Cen trex by Karen Keinard Remember the days of 10 minute phone limits to worry about and waiting in line to use residence hall phones ? Wait and worry no longer , friends. Bloomsburg State has finally established the much awaited Centrex phone system which gives each residence hall room its ver y own telephone ! Here is how the system works : Each phone 's number begins with 389 for all over the campus the last four will be for the individual phone . If you desire to call outside the cam pus , you must firs t dial 9, and then the number if it is local. If the number is long distance , dial 9, if he felt he had accomplished those goals in the short time he was here. "You can never , " he re plied, "accomplish these goals. They are something you move At the end of each month , the toward , and as soon as you feel caller who signed a contract will you 've accomplished them , then be billed for any toll calls they torgei li, you re in me wrong made . business . " m O.K., so much for outside calls. Suppose you want to call your friend down the hall (by phone ). You do not use the 389—just dial the last four digits of the number , mis can oe aone tor any oncampus call . For examp le , if you want to call the Maroon & Gold and volunteer your services , just dial 3103, and we 'll be glad to acce p t . Simple , isn 't it? C er tain public area phones on cam pus are restricted —those i » i • • it _ _ _ Dr. Nossen said that a check of the college catalog would reveal that a greater flexibilit y, in courses and curriculums was achieved under his leade rship . to the He then turned Bloomsburg Foundation , one of his branchilds. He said tha t no college can operate withou t the supplementary funds provided by a Foundation type operation . Then , with a touch of bitterness , he located in the lobbies and in said , " Those who were not Waller Hall cann ot be used for particularl y interested in the and then follow the regular (continued on page eight ) college used (the Foundation ) for procedure for long distance calls. their own purposes — misinter preting incredibl y and this , in Editorial Staff : Editor-in-Chie f, Susan Sprague ; Managing many ways , violated its efEditor , Bob Oliver ; Assistant Manag ing Editor , Karen fectiveness ." Keinard ; Co-News Editors , John Dempsey and Michael I asked Dr . Nossen if he Meizinger ; Feature Editor , Joe Miklos ; Sta ff, Don Enz and thought his attempts to change Joanne Linn. Business Staff : Business Manager, Elaine BSC from an Education to a Pongratz ; Offi ce Manager, Ellen Doyle ; Advertising Liberal Arts emphasis hurt him. Manager , Frank Lor ah; Circulation Manager, Nancy Van He said that he didn 't thin k the Pelt. Advisor , Ken Hoffman ; Contributin g Editors, Frank problem was tha t specific . Pizzoli and jim sachetti. Rather , he felt tha t the general Come to 234 Waller to find us. Or call at 389-3101. All copy opposition to change , the " desire must be submitte d by no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesdays to hang onto the status quo " , and Sundays. which pervades BSC hurt his NOTE: The opinions voiced in the columns and feature arprograms. ticles of the M&G are not necessarily shared by the entire To illustrate his point , Dr. staff. Nossen said that he tried to provide a more effective voice for student s . "Yet I found that in- future and I had to be concerne d stead of stude nts excercising for the welfare of my wife. " The words , "welfare of my individua l and inde penden t judgemen t, they were all too wife " recalled the night someone willing to follow anyone who threw rocks th rough the windows wanted to be the pied piper and of the President' s home and I lead them to greener pastures out mentioned it . "That was only one thing, " he replied (as if that in some distant land . " weren 't enough ) , "you just don't NOW THAT THE realize the harassing telepho ne PROBLEMS ARE OVER . . . (uncalls , the hate letters th at conthe mistake I made ) of tinued to pour in, the type of suppo se I forgivable with activities which were probabl y questio n prefacing my next 've seen — the worst the the worst I the statement , "Now that all " seem to be Over... trnii h1*»s ever in an academic com" Wha t , " I asked , "do you see for munity . " Returning to the Wilder report , t BSC in the coming year?" "Do not assume , " Dr . Nossen Nossen seemed criti cal of it at very quickly and empha tically first ( "it was not. an accr editing cautioned me, " that all the repor t ") but then said that he troubles are over ." He then thought it should have been acenumera ted a numbe r of cepted and acted on by the Board potential and rea l troubles which of Trustees . . the college faces this year — a When I asked if he thought the reevaluation of our accredita tion , report should have been imcollecti ve contract negotia tions plemented with regard to Russ and , the ever present (or so it Houk and Elton Hunsinger , Dr. seems) athletic situation . Nossen responded with an Alluding to the NCAA report unqualified and very emphatic and sanctions , which at the time " Absolutel y ! No question of interview was still an uns poken whatsoever ! For the welfare of rumor , Dr . Nossen said . " The everyone — no college can college had definitel y violated the operate without leadershi p and rules of the institu tions to which it without respect for that belonged. . .1 will never take part leadershi p, no matter who the in supporting such violations and person is in office . When there is these have to be reck oned with ." open insubordination and there is KNI GHTS a disregard for the role and O N WHITE STEEDS function of that leadership then I asked Dr . Nossen if he there has to be acti on taken !" thought removing himself from "By the way, I might add that BSC would solve its problems . He in my final months here I have didn 't . He was not , he cautioned done ever y thing possible to me , being arrogant , but he implement the report. " I asked if simpl y felt that the break in he was referring to the rumors I continuity which the changing of had heard regarding Elton a Presiden t always means would Hunsinger waking up one morhurt the college. ning and finding himself without " You 'll go through at least a a job . Dr. Nossen informed me, in year with an interim president , " no uncertain terms , that he was. he said , " and there will be all the "The position which Mr. Hun tumul t associated with the search singer held , " he assured me , "No for a new man. There will be the longer exists. " usual hopes and ha ils when ( the PRESIDENT new president ) is named. He will vs. LAY BOARD be the knight on a white charger , I asked Dr . Nossen if he and six mon ths after he 's here thought there was any hope for you 're going to find that he 's the Board of Trustees . He recited human ." the duties of the Board as I couldn 't help but recall the prescribed by the much - inimage of Robert Nossen, hailed terpreted Act 13. He concluded by three years ago as a " liberal on saying that the administrative a white charger , come to free affairs of the college are left ¦ I B ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ I ¦ ¦ I I I I ¦ ¦ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 Bloomsburg from the despotic entirely to the President by Act clutches of its former ruler . I 13. " The president sim ply has to sensed a slight bitternes s in the run the institution , a lay boardtwo very similar , yet very dif- cannot do so." ferent scenes . "I am ver y confident ," he said , "that . .most of the people THE WILDER REPORT AGAIN on thesome. Board ha ve learned a Did Dr. Nossen resign because the Wilder Report told him to? "Absolutely not , " said Dr. Nossen . "My decision to resign preceded the report. I had toassess m y own p rofessional great deal in the past few months and they have recognized some of the difficul ties in which they have been involved and shouldn 't have ( continue d on page three ) , NC AA and the Ban , I I I I I I I I, is I I | 1 ¦ * W I h | if \i ;il i I Vji 1, I'j ,] I ' * •i¦ I I I i i i ; I by Frank Pizzoli least to inform all principals So the NCAA places us on involved of the pending action , pr oba ti on barr ing our a thletes since he hadn 't deemed it from the organizatio n's cham- necessary to ask for any expionship competition s and all planation of the so-called post season meets and tour- 'evidence. ' But then , Nossen is naments. This action is based on gone and only the people who an investiga .tion suppo sedl y were hurt remain to pick up the conducted by the NCAA. nieces. But did they really investigate You'd think the NCAA, certhese matters for themselves? In tainly no amateurs in the matter light of comments made by some of athletic investigations , would college officials it doesn 't look so. ha ve contacted the principals Some people around here are involved to get their side. What if pretty much convinced that the some of the' information given information in the recent report them was padded , blown out of is not based on any real in- context , or just plain fibs? Not vestigation , but is instead based that I' m taking sides with Elton on a conglomer ation of Hunsinger or Russ Houk, but if statements put together someone is going to do a job , they prim arily by former President oughta do it right. Robert J. Nossen. One portion of the report Perhaps the report was needed charges that student s' high to put a stop to all the smutz school records were altered to about athlet ics, but the impact meet admission requi rements could be destroyed if some* and to make them eligible for "facts " reported turn out to be sports. more like dre ams. If Dr.Noss en Two former admissions of- wanted to zap Houk and Hun ficers have said they first learned singer and maybe a few others he of the allegation through the should hav e been extre mely press. Neither was contacted by careful to check out his "facts. " the NCAA, or anyone else, con- If the least little thing turns out to *cerning the matter. Both have be wrong in the report , the men it since lodged strong protests with attacks will have been supplied the NCAA. with .more ammu nition to carry You'd think that Dr. Nossen on their never -ending battle . would have had the courtesy at Summer Theatre : Leora Dana "Death of a Salesman " receives honorary initi atio n into Alpha Psi Omega fr om Jean Legates. (Maresh Photo) D ertran d's w Ociol V* lub '"'Hm-ra -m. No answ er. " I "But what' s this," I said, "he 's thought. They must be too busy left the peephole open. " So I stretched to look inside. socializing." I rapped again . see couldn't but I success, Ah, Looking about I could see all the man who answer ed because peephole. small the beautif ul people in their fine opened a only he wonderful clothes, but they were "Yes? " he said. onl y mann equins dressed to And I said , "He llo , I' m impress the real people outside. sociable. May I enter? " , in all its And the interior I stood there for sometime "No. You haven't a key." g rand e ur , rem i nded me of - staring at the magnificent "Yes I do," I said. "Here 's my Oswald' s Grill without the Getting By building trying to injagin e how house key, my car key, my ofcounter and cash register. wonderful and grand it must be f " inside. Then it struck me; this is Seeing these disappointing "You don't have a Bertrand' s a social club, therefore they Social Club key," he interrupted. sights I turned away, because I should welcome a fine person as "No I don 't , but isn't this a real ized I' d been played against myself. After all, I'm sociable. sociable club?" by outwar d appearances. And So I wen t t o the gilded door and anyway, I don 't need a key to be "Not if you don 't have a key." ra pped the brass knocker. sociable. And with that he disappeared. by Joe Miklos vote in campus elections. It' s There are things that are told your money being spent. Bands new college students and things at the dances are local or from a that are not. Of course there is 100 to 150 mile ra dius. Quality information available concerning depends. The movies also var y. the needs of incoming st uden ts, They can be anything from the but much must be learned by most maudl in love st ories to bumbling in and out of situations , some fine contemporary films. ( continued from page two ) some un pleasan t . If used art icles of an y type are ad j unct t o y our opera tion . The first thing not told to new desired , it pays to watch the been. There is hope f or the Board. the cavemen. " "W hen people tr y to use mob The y're not going to make you, st uden t s i s t he mess that Student Union and Waller Hall I think the addition of M ike re gistration (as you already bullet in boards. There are some Torber t as studen t truste e will psychology, when they try to they 're not going to bring you know!) is. Amongst outers , tnat sur prising deals floating around. make a good contribution. " inculcate ha t e, when they try to fame and for t une as some still your room mate is a jerkBooks (other than text books) HOWEVER... uti lize political organizat ions for unfortuna tely think is true. They Wha t would he do if he had it t o the ir own pur poses the y hardl y think that all you have to do is tolerable-nice guy or leaves the are a problem . If the Student lights on all night. Nor does the Bookstore or H enr ie's (also on do over ? Acknowledg ing the qual ify as educated people. There have a great f ootball team and new student have any idea of the Main , near the square ) doesn't power of hindsigh t, Dr. Nossen are probably fewer of these nothing else and the college has it type of resident advisor he may carr y it or can 't order it , the re plied , " I do not lament the people than there were three made and that is absolute nonhave to deal wi th. reader is stuck . actions which I had to take . I felt years ago but nevertheless some sense." Ttr Nossen noted that the Unfortunately, t hese are Need spiritual help? There are I had to take them , they had to be have still remained who really do problems that this columnist two places aside from the done. There were moves which not belong in a society of college will have to be both can 't solve. There is some in- Counseling Center in Waller Hall had to be made , there had to be a educated men. " flexible and ada ptable in the formation , however , that I can where it can be obta ined. Ja y ahnrino nn of this inntttntfnn in n coming years. He also noted that prov ide. Rochelle of the Campus Ministry dozen different ways. However , I the college would have to realize First of all , if you like music , at the Communit y of the Spir it probably would have handled that teacher educa tion cannot WILL BE ASSOCIAT E Bloomsburg has three record (across from the Union) and them a lit tle dif ferentl y . " susta in it as a viable instituti on in PROVOST stores and one music store. The Father Bern ie Petr ina at the "I assumed too much from both Dr. Nossen explained that his the future. record stores all reflect different Newman Center (behind Elwell) f acult y and students in terms of new job at the University of TOLERANCE tastes and are located on the are both fine counselors who the ir readines s to take on shared Pi t tsbur g would involve the AND UNDERSTANDING main drag. They are Arcus won 't give you a religious song responsibilities . Perhaps I moved coordination of the academic Dr. Nossen explained that in Brothers , Pandemon ium , and the and dance , but will be attentive to a little too ra pidly in this area and programs at the four regional leaving , he had absolute ly no Record Ranch. The music store is any personal problems you may the results are very obvious ." Dr. cam puses maintained by the hard feelings towa rd the college. on Iron Street , about a block from have. Also, the Helpline service Nossen sort of chuckled when he University. He will also be "I enjoyed thorou ghly most of the Ma in. and the Student O ffice of finished the thought; the results res ponsibl e for inter-school students I met here. M y only Bloomsbur g boasts two movie Sexuality should soon be opening. were very obvious. cooperation within the Pittsbur g regret is that some of the most theatres , the Capitol and the Both are strictly confidential and important parts of education still area . GENTLEMEN? Columbia . The Capitol is on Main offer trained student assistance . I asked Dr. Nossen what his haven 't rubbed off on them ; they In his introductory speech to Street across from Penne y's and Anonymity is assured. Watch the hopes were for BSC in the coming still haven 't learned the major the Columbia is on Center Street bulletin boards for phone num- my then — Freshman class way years. He explained first of all res ponsibilit y of selecting back when in September of 1969, that he will always be concerned leadership wisely." near Woolworth' s. Un- bers and locations. fortunately , first run movies are If you are a late night muncher , Dr. Nossen said something about with the welfare of BSC after I could tell by the watch on Dr. slow in arriving in this area . there are few places in Bloom- a gentleman being someone who investing three years of his life in Nossen's wrist that the interview O ther entertainment can be sburg open later than midnight. doesn't hurt. The quote stuck In t he college ; "I' m going to carr y was about over ( his secretary found at the Inn Different , a The two most popular are Pappas my mind and I asked him about it this with me as long as I live. ' hud Infnrmori me of a meetlnn he coffee house caterin g to the 18 Pizza House, which is open until now. He then explained that the had to atte nd). But before we <«T (imIp #...» _ tUrn. * .imUtUa 4 twit Mint tju vwwiuii iiuiu thru 21 year old age group. The 2:00 am and the all night diner , must solve a number of wound it up, he made one last food is good and on weekends Casper 's Corner Lunch at 5th and John Henry Newman, It said that college in the areas of lines of point, "We have got to learn a gentlemen Is one who does not problems there 's folksinging. Elwell Hall West streets , authority , decentralization and tolera nce ; tolerance and unalso boasts a coffee house on These are just a few things that cause pain to others ." the establishment of areas of derstandin g," I asked him if he had found responsibilit Frida y and Saturda y nights for the new student isn't inform ed of. If I hadn 't had the tape y. those who di g dim lights , thick Most others are things that must " gentlemen " in Bloomsbur g. recorder along, "tolerance and to come will have college "The smoke and folk music. be learned through experience. "On the whole , yes. Ungrips with "what is higher understandin g" is probably the The entertainment provided at My advice? Keep your eyesopen, fortunately there are many who to ' and 'what is its role In only thing I would have college dances and movies is of a or call the Student Infor mation have not been able to conquer education it.' And this does not mean remembered. var ying quality. Much depends Center in Waller . The numbe r is themselves and consequently Yeah , tolerance and unproviding winning teams , on the Student Union Board , so likewise posted on bull etin they have resorted to tactics derstanding. gh there is nothing wrong which should have gone out with althou use what power you have and boards , with having winning teams as an By Donald G. Enz Walking throu gh the streets of This Place I happened upon Bertrand' s Social Club. From outside you could see the finely dressed members looking out into the drab stree t where I was standin g looking back. Untold Tales Knights Who 've Passed Fro sh receive welcome thru Summer Orienta tion —¦«"— ¦———»—«—————_— . . ..... .^ . ..^ . ^ Carve r Hall lawn was the scene for a fr eshman picnic. I* Frosh and parent s leave Haas afte r an enlightening orientation meeting. Picsby Dan Maresh ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Maggie Ryan working at her job as Orie ntation Chairman. » This food and drink is provided by the ARA Slater dining service. I The long line-up is an unavoidable part of inst itutional livin g . News Brief s Why would anybody want a picture of Mont our HallT Bloomsbur g State College has administered in the School of rece ived word from the Bureau of Professional Studies , wh ile Data Firs t impressions art usually mixed. i Incoming coeds en|oy the gran with thtl r mtal. Academic Services. Department of Education , Commonwealth of Penns y lvania , t hat pro gram approval has been granted on three undergraduate teacher educa t ion programs , and ini tial app roval has been granted on a fourth under graduate teacher educa tion program. The three programs receivin g full a pproval are : data processing , dental h y gienist , and school nurse. Initial approval has been given in the area of communica tion. Program approval status for Puhlic School Nurse arid Dental Hygienist car ries with it the agreement tha t the Department of Education will issue certificates to the graduates of these programs on the recommendation of the college. The approval for these revised progr ams is subject to review in five years , although continuing evaluation is practiced by the college. In ComThe programs mun ication , Public School Nursing, and Dental Hygiene are Flood (continued from page one) IVfV ^ i f in the following capacities at tiie Universit y of Denver beginn ing in L966 : gr aduate research assistant and university Fellow ; assistant to the director , School of Educ ation ; assistant to the dean , College of Arts and Sciences; and lecturer in education psychology. He previously was an assistant professor of military science at the Colorado School of mines for three y ears where he a lso serves as vars ity coach of t he soccer and r ifle teams. For 12 years pri or to that time , he was a U.S. Army officer in the corps of engineering. A s an under grad uate , he ( continued from page one) participated in both athle tic and student activities. His graduate and professional pursuits include : national championship rifle competitions ; team captain , all-army rifle champions ; AAU regional championship s, Class B singles , handball; presi dent , graduate student council , University of Denver ; holder of severa l awards and decorations , U.S. Army ; member , special committee on ROTC to the Secretary of Defense ; secre tar y -t reasurer , association of N R O T C; and member , designate , Departm ent of Def ense Adv isor y P anel on R OTC Affairs . Ca rlson new P res. ( contin ued from page one) ministrat ive perso nnel pitched in education and must be conProcessing is administered in the and helped flood victim s in sidered as a p ar t of a t ot al School of Business. numerous ways. Commonwe alth network . Those Dr. Robert J. Nossen , former actions which we take and those "BSC vehicle registration for Pres ident of BSC , state d " We , at policies which we establish here , Facult y members , and non- BSC, feel f ortunate that the must be consisten t with a broader instructional personnel for the college , in its excellent location , philosophy of state and natio nal 1972-73 ter m was accomplished was able to provide the man y t hink ing. via mail prior to the star t of the services for the flood victims and It is first and foremo st an vehic le the town , and the agencies of the academ ic en terprise in which we Stude n t term. registration was accomplishe d in state and nat ional governme nt. " are engaged at Bloomsburg. The PontAnninl ftvm at the noint of gener al welfare and well-bei ng of registration as in the past. The this instit ution of hi gher learnin g new decal which reflects an O ffice , (Waller Ha ll) , any time and those who serve it, is of expiration date of 8-31-72, should durin g normal adm inistrative para mount concern for all of us. read 8-31-73. It will be effective hours Monda y through Fr iday. We can do no less than to strive to September 1, 1972 throu gh August The owner ' s card must be provide for st udents the best 31, 1973. This year 's decal should presented at the time. possible programs that thi s A brochu re contain ing the 1972- college is authorized to offer . be placed on the backside of trie rear-view mirror so that it is 1973 Traffic and Pa rkin g visible throu gh the windshield Regula tions along with a map of At the conclusion of this apfrom the outside and then only on the cam pus which illustra tes pointment it is my intention to the vehicle that has been available parking will be return to the position of Dean of available in the Security office the School of Graduate Studies . I registered. faculty of those for anyone desiring one. shall be most pleased to take that For the benefit member s , non-instru ctiona l Questions pertaining to BSC step as soon as a permanent personnel and eligible studen ts vehicle registration and campus president is identified and who have not yet received their parking should be directed to the assumes his responsibility . In the 1972-73 vehicle decal (s) they may Security Office , telephone : 389- meantime , I pledge my effort s to pick tnem up in the Secur ity 2617." pro vide the best leadership that I am capable of providing .' Thank you." Dr. Pittenger , in his remarks preceding the swearing-in commented on the problems facing colleges and universities today. He stressed the fact that college communities need to have a greater feeling of respect for each other by saying "If there's one thing I believe a community cannot do without , it is a civility of feeling." Dr. Carlson came to B.S.C. in 1959 an d has held several positions , including acting chairman of the Departmen t of Music and Director of Graduat e St ud ies. H e also served on college evaluation teams and as a con* sultant to th e Pennsylvania Department of Educa tion and US Governmen t Agencies. Dr. Carl son r eceived a bachelor of ar ts degree from San J ose St ate Colleg e and h is Master 's and Doctora te from Columb ia University where he was an instr uctor befor e coming to Bloomsburg. BSC ath letic s on p ro batio n (continued from page one ) sibility (NCAA Constitution 3-2), in that : 2. For several years prior to and ending with the 1970-71 academic year , the college's then director of athletics collected funds from sources outside of the college for the purpose of providing impro per financial assistance and extra benefits to student - athletes. Specifically, the college community sport s club (3 "C" Club ) was organized for the purpose of raising funds to provide education al expenses and other benefits to student athletes : these funds were not gra des of cert ain student - coopera tion to develop full facts athletes in order that these young of the matter ; men could remain eligible to Whereas, the Council supports g participat e in intercolle giate the actions taken by Bloomsbur v i zes t hat recogn College, State athletics. meanin g Whereas , the Council has found this type of effort gives principles and co-operative to the Bloomsburg State College to have en- ' NCAA the of philosophy violated the prin ciples governing the admini stration of financial forcement pro gram , considers aid (NCAA Constitution 3-4-(A) , actio ns agains t the involved individuals as meanin gful and in that : 1. For several years prior to effective , and appropriatel y and endin g with the 1970-71 considered all corrective actions academic year , the college's then in arriving at its conclusion ; UNCOOPERA TIVE Director of Athl etics acted in , the Counci l has Whereas place of the college's regular scholarship awards authority by considered the failu re of providing financial assistance to> BioomsDur g acaie ^uuege s student - athlet es; this aid was. former Director of Athletics and not admini stered by the in-. head wrestlin g coach to cooperate with the college and the stitution. committee on infractions NCAA Specifically, these moniesi , information conin disclosing came from an outside fund (the and has take n cerning this case, college community sports club). in this factor into consideration ETHICAL VIOLATION arriving at its conclusion ; Whereas the Council has found Whereas , the Council also Bloomsburg State College to have supports and is direc ted by the violated the principles of ethical policy which provides that conduct (NCAA Constitution 3-6- NCAA in cases of serious and multiple (A) , in that : the institution and 1. The involvement of the violations, take should college's former Dean of NCAA both punitive actions ; corrective and Students , Director of Admissions it resolved , be , Now, therefor© and Director of Athletics ifl the be that Bloomsbur g State College | violations set forth in this reprimanded and censured ; resolution was contrary to THE ORDER gener ally recognized high Be it further resolved, that new jo y BSC students en standards norm ally associated Bloomsburg State College be tennis courts . with the conduc t and adplaced on probation for a period Pic) (Oliver ministration of intercollegiate of two years from this date athletics . (August 1972) it being un18, , Whereas the Council, has found derstood that prior to the exBloomsburg State College to have Coach Clark Boler has piration of this probationary violated the provisions governing annou nced that any inter ested recruiting (NCAA by -law 6-3) in period the NCAA committee on candidate s for 1972-73 Varsi ty i nfrac ti ons shall review t he that: Baseba ll shou ld be present for 1. During the 1969-70 academic athleti c policies and practices of a meeting on Thursday, year , three then prospective the institution; Septem ber 7 at 7 p.m. in Be it further resolved, that student - athl etes were permitted Centennial Gym. The purpose during the first year of this by the college' s t hen head of the meeting is concern ing probationary period , Bloomsburg wres t l i n g c o ach to work out wit h fall baseball practice . State College shall end its sports the instit ution 's varsity wrestling . All candidat es wishing to seasons with the last, remilarlv team , the wrestling coach was play t hat are not participa ting scheduled, in-season contest or present during this workout . in oth er fall sports are urged event and it shall not be eligible REPORT TO NCAA to atte nd. If there are any to enter teams or athletes in Whereas, the Councilhas noted questi ons , talk to coach Boler national collegiate championship that Bloomsburg State College in the new phys-ed building, competition and all post-season under the direction of its chief room 243. meets and tournaments; iexecuti ve officer , initiated its Be it further resolved , that own investigati on of the alleged Bloomsburg State College be violations, found the allegations I requested to show cause why an Hitter 's to be substantial in nature , took Office Supply immedi ate and drastic actions additional penalty should not be aga i nst t hose involved , im- imposed if in the future it permits 112 E. Main St. mediat ely reported the entire its former Director of Athletics Bloomsburg, case t o t he NCAA and prov ided and head wrestling coach to (conti nued on page eight) complete assistance and 784-4323 deposited with the instit ution and th erefore resulted in aid|I being provided to student athletes other than that administered by the ' college. 3. For several years prior to and ending with the 1968 - 69 academic year , the college's then Dean of Faculties changed the vh. « ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ i^e ^"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ARCUS BROTHERS STEREO CENTER Hey Kids! The Brothers now have over $100,000,000 Inventory to choose from at their new location on 9 E. Main St. Yes-records are still $3.39 and tapes are as low as 4 for $10. For the Best Stereo Equipmen t in Town. Open Noon to 9 six days a week Nobody Undersells Arcus Brothers *¦!A _ A. _ ^^ 1 .1 at the famous % COm©r HOUS© of Quakertown can you find the greatest selection of junior fashions J^^^ & '^ptofUs I^^W LOWER S Delivery Worldwkh ^^^ SCBU ^BKBBXB I ^ |> ^^^ B^iiiaa ^B^^^ JaB ^.^^ f^BHMBMB ^M '. ! John 's Food Market I W. Main A Leonard St. ! Open S a.m. to 12 midnight Daily Delicat essen Pull lin« of groceries 4k anacks NENRIFS Card and Book Nook .40 W. Mai n St, FETTERMANS BARBER SHOP — QUALITY— Foot of Colle ge Hill Bloomsb urg, Pa. For latent in Lingerie Fashions - and Foundations Shop at v ._* . — I• Hi There I We extend a friendly hand of service and want to meet you personalt y at the Corner of East and Thir d Stre ets . HEY GALS... only in downtow n Shamokin for less. V ^ Shop 't il 9at nite mon. - f ri. , sat. 'ti l 5=30 ^ E| X .corner Eudora 's Corset Shop 1E. tfafa S. Wonnst m 7BM4M BSC' s gridders setting in tune ^ ¦ ^ ^ Team workin g into shape by bob Oliver Sighting a new offense and an improved defense , BSC head football coach Bill Sproule expressed optimism for the coming season. The Huskies will be trying to improve on last years four wins, five loss record . Coach Sproule has a fine nucleus returning from last years squad , having lost only five seniors. Of the sixty gridders who came out for the team , thirty-one are returning lettermen . Pro-Type Offense The Huskies will be using the Pro-Type Triple-Option Offense this year in an effort to beef up their scoring punch. This is a must , if the Huskies plan to improve on their recor d, as the offense last year prod uced only 132 points. Trying to pick up the rushing void left by the graduation of All - Conference Tailback Bob Warner will be 6'2" , 215 pound fullba ck George Gruber. The BSC coache s feel that George may turn out to be the finest back in the conference. Valuable also are backs Mark Constable (6' , 1S5 lbs.) and Ken Vancas (5'10" , 195 lbs.). Coach Sproule feels the passing attack has improved with Joe Geigers year of experien ce* Defense The coaching staff felt that BSC was weak in its pass coverage , and have made changes accordingly. One big switch has been the moving of last years number one receiver Joe Courter to the defensive secondary. The coaches feel J oe can beef up both the pass coverage as well as the overal l de f ens ive pla y . The def ense will be using a bas ic pro 4-3 defense with a rover , which should strengthen the point halters . Kicking and Punting The num ber three scorer from last years squad , kicker Neil Kqyi. r\tMM?Vinli>v«M «&<¥ juui uie staff of the Maroon and Gold. It'll be held in our offices at 234 Waller Hall on Monday night , Sept . 11 at 7:30 p.m. We need people who would like to devote a few hours of their time each week — wr iting, typing or gathering news. We need photographers too. Experience is absolutely not needed, just a willingness to do a little work and have a few laughs. "And Grand M&G Railroad ." "Yecch. And there 's always Crosby , Stills, Nash and M&G ." "Or The Rolling M&G' s." "And The Nitty Gritt y M&G Band. *' "Jethro M&G!" "M&G Rex..." If .you too would like to improve your mind , raise your consciousness , get involved in campus affairs , address yourself to the burnin g issues of the day ( continued from page six ) and devote your spare time to stimulating, informing and en- assume any administrati ve tertaining your fellow students , coaching position within thore join the M&G. department of athletics ; Be it finally resolved, that recor d be made of the assistance and co-operation extended to the NCAA and its committee on in( continu ed from page fraction s by the executive and two ) present athletic admi nistration s toll calls. It just won't work . of Bloomsburg State College. Phone numbers that may be NCAA Centr ex helpful are : Securit y 2617, Student life - Dr. Griffis 3811, Mr. Norton 2317, Mr. Mulka 2918, Mr. Walker 3706, Community Activities 2104, Infirmary 3807, Financial Aid 3908, counseling center 3718, and the Bookstore 3701. Also, various state departmen ts can be reached with 4 digits . Some of these are : State Police 3711, Pa. dept. of transportation 3615, Welfare 3516, Health 3611, and Environment & Resour ces 3606. PHOTO SERVICES 36 E. Main Street Bloomsburg, Pa. 784- 1947 Eppley 's Pharmacy MAIN g IRON STREETS Prescri ption Specialist •CHANEL •GUERLAf N •FABERGE •LANVIN •PRINCE MATCHABELLI •ELIZABETH ARDEN •HELENA RUBENSTEIN •DANA •COTY •MAX FACTOR Grewi Complimen ts of the Bloom Bowl ^ f ^ — To Brighten Up Your Room See our Fabulous Collection of Bates Bedspre ads Mod Prints and Solids from $9.98 HOUSE OF FABRICS Market Square - Bloomsburg I DON'T WAIT TIL THE MATCH IS OVER I |HH ^H|H^^ HIh I V iliii ^^^ B^^^^^ B^^^ HI^^^^^^^ I HKl gl^^^^ HHHraHn Hj ^^^^^^ H^^^^^^ B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W II^^ HI^^^^ HH^^^ ^^^^ B BH^^^^ ^^ n ^MSm iSMK^ ^w^nm &'j z i K ^flk^Rt W&B^^^^^^ K? * MB^kflk^k^k^k^k^k^^^ k^k^kik^k^k^B^k^k^k^k^k^klB ™p ^^^a^B^B^B^B^HM^^Ss^Si^lB^S^^^^^^^^^^ I^BajH^H^MHffllfajRB ^Bf '^B^^^B^htiBW''* * ^fc whfi^k^kik^k^k^HBireii^^^^^R^a^E^Hk^k^kV^'" ^^^^ M sLaHL^L^L^L^L^LVHI^L^L^L^L^LiB^KM^LBj^^i^iSB^i^H Stam ps Miller Office Supply Co. 18 Wist Main Stint, Bloomibur f, Pa. HEA DQUARTERSOF H A LLM A RK CARDS AND GIFTS Phone 784-2561 */h0 # m The Student Union Building isn 't quite finished (hen, heh), but hopefull y will be compl eted for Spring occupation. (Oliver Photo ) BLOOMSBURG Featu ring a comp le te lin e of ladles fashions. We lcome Back to Campus Ris e and Shin e I Atune your room to the time s of. ,. THE STUDIO SHOP SB E. Main St., Bloomsbiur f 7S4-2818 WKKKKKKKKKtttKtKmBKm ^^ KISKmmKSK^B ^^^^ m ^^ M REGISTER NOW: PLAY YOUR PART IN THESE ISSUES S War in Sou theast Asia ts Envi ron menta l Impro vement ts Peop le 's Rig hts ts Educ ational Benefi ts and Expansion Register and Partici pate TODAY AT CENTENNIAL GYM—8:00 A.M. to 5 P.M. Voter Registration Open Until October 10th at the Courthouse Sponso red by the Columbia Coun ty Democratic Committ ee I - I