Burkho ider elected CGA President ; McClintock VP , Meizinger Treas. Dan Burkhoider , a College Council re presentative and st udent senator ,, was elected president of College Council in the C6A and Senate elections conducted Monda y and Tuesday of this week. Burkhoider defeated his opponent Bill Hanford by capturing approxima tely 62 per cent of the 800 ballots cast. Running unopposed , Doug McClintock was elected to the Vice-Presidential position. Doug is also currentl y serving on both College Council and the Senate. Both he and Dan have been very active , in campus affairs this year. Also runni ng unop posed was Mike Meizinger who was elected to the Treasure r position. Mike is a stude nt senator , directo r of the Stude nt Informatio n Center and an assistant news editor of the M&G. Pictured above are Phil Kearns and Kevin Trotta , two of the performers in "Superstar ," a road version of the broadwa y hit . "Superstar " which will appear tomorrow night in Haas Auditorium , uses a light show in place of costume and sce nery. Not J. C. Superstar Road versi on of Superstar with 17 vocals tomorro w "Jesus Chri st, Superstar " is not coming to Bloomsburg. "Superstar ," a road vers ion of the Broadway hit will be presen ted inst ead. "Superstar " , with Kevin Trotta , Peter Yellen , and Ellen O'Ha gen starring as J.C., Judas , and - Mar y Magdalene respectively , will hit BSC at 8:15 to morrow n ight i n Haas Aud itorium , sponsored by the Big Name Entertainment Committee . The difference between t he t wo vers ions is t hat "S uperstar " uses a light show in lieu of costum es and scenery. P eter Yellen , in an interv iew , claims , "it makes the show more contem porar y and forces the audience t o use it 's imagination . " It' s also a lot easier to present as a road show . And a lot cheaper . The road version will also have a concert version of the publ ished music, consisting of 17 vocals (as compared to the 23 cuts on the double album ). For the benefi t of our readers and others unfamili ar with the work , "Superstar " documen ts the events leading up to the death of Christ , casti ng Chr ist as weak and indec isive and drunk wi th his new glory . J udas , the tradi ti onal fink , is cast as a man concerned about Christ' s decaying moral state and abo u t t he whole "movement" Christ has set in moti on. J udas turns Chr ist in for Christ' s own good and the rest is histor y . me snow is being pre sented by The Original English Opera Compan y and is directe d by Lee Riser . Tickets are $3.00 and are available at the booksto re or at the door on the evening of the concert. NEWS BR IEF S Artist Assistant Word has been received by the Atten tion art de p artment tha t an artist is — New Education Ma jors needed with some experience , are now curricul um check sheets drawing ability, and able to the availab le to all stud ents in s p end q u i te a few months department office , Ben Franklin , assisting a muralist , Vinvent Room F 13. Maragliott i, in the pre paration of fourteen paintings to be installed Juniors and seniors are in the Capitol Building in requested to see Mr. Johnson , Harrisburg. Work will be done at chairman , for advisement prior a studio 20 miles north of to the pre-registration period. In Harrisburg , For details call Dr. Roberts at doing so, registration fdr the Fall ext. 382. semester can be implemented Elementar y Education E lementar y efficiently. (WMiHniMd on page four ) Ronda Punda and Marcia Follweiler , who both ran unopposed , were elected to the respective positions of Recordin g Secretary and Correspondin g Secreta ry. All of these officers will serve for the 1972-73 school year. 23 Senators Elected Approximately 1,000 students elected 23 students to the College Senate. The following senators will serve for the 1972-73 school year : John Andris , Diane Baker , Tom Beveridge , Peggy Christian , Mark Constable , Mike DeMarco , Sharon Guida , Bill Hanford , Cindy Jurec. Barry Kaplan , Doug McClintock , Mike Meizinger , Rosemary Montayne , Jonie Pietrowski , Joe Romano , Maggie Ryan, Rich Scott . Ron Sheehan , Steve Wagner , Jeff White , Sue Wise , John Woodward , Mary Ellen Zukas. Class Officers The following class officers were elected: Senior Class : Tim Hartman , Preside nt ; Deanna Shuman , Vice-Pres ident ; Carol Drake , Bush , Linda Treasurer; Secretar y . Junior Class : Pat Rappose lli , Presiden t; Pat Kanouse , Vice-Pres ident; Tony Janet Treasure r; Turck , Sophomore Secretar y. Zagorski , Class : Steve Wagner , President; Bev Tur ner , Vice-President. ATTENTION 1973 SENIORS Starting t omorrow , the photographer fr om Merrin Studios will be on campus to take the Senior portraits for the 1973 OBITER. Sign-up sheets are pasted outside of 231 Waller Hall. Pick a time and get your picture tak en now. Faculty pictures will also be taken. PHEAA Scholarship checks for Spring Term, 1972/ are now available in the Business Office. These checks should be available to students beginning March 20. Please go to the Business Office , Carver Hall/ at that time to pick up yo ur check. Identification is required. Your prompt The Simulated Democr atic affair. response is of the utmost Convention , scheduled f or Apr il This will pro babl y be the only im portance. ( Some checks 22, is in danger of folding with chance you'll ever have t o parhave been delayed due to eigh t states yet to be sold and 642 ticipa te in a convent ion. Now is chan ges in ho usin g status , car delegates needed to fill the seats. the ti me to find out how this authorization ^ etc . If your I f these seats canno t be filled, the system works instead of sit ting check is one of these/ an exC onven ti on w i ll have t o be around complaining abou t it. planation of the delay can be oiiuw a iime inter nal , s>up(nu i cancelled. obtained in the Financial Aid t he conven ti on. You have un ti l A ll t he ti m e and e f fort tha t was Office. ) 8 states unso ld 642 Convention delegates needed Pitteng er favors open meetings Secretar y of Educat ion J ohn C . Pi t tenger extended the state 's "Right-to-Know " law to meeting s and minutes of the board s of trustees of the 14 state owned institution s of higher education. In letters sent Mar. 13 to chairman of the Board of Trustees and the Pres ident s of the inst ituti ons , P ittenger stated that " all trus t ees meetin gs shall be open to the public—incl uding news med ia, citizens , administrators , faculty and students — and that minutes of such meetings shall be regarded as public records available to all w ishing to review them. "i reel strongly mat tne intent of the 'Right-to Know ' act was to give citizens and taxpayers access to the ir public institutions ," Pittenger noted. "It is incumbent on us as public servants to make our activities open and accessible to the citizens who support us." The newly stated policy does not retain the opportunity for Boards of Trustees to meet in executive session. However , (continued on page eight) J 4« ^ ¦ A m Aft A 4• • A A put out by the Conven tion committ ee will be wasted , all the plann ing and organ izing will be wor th nothing, all those people who were looking forward to it w ill be let down as the y pack ever y thing awa y in hopes that 4 years from now t here will be enough i nterest to carry it t hrough . It isn't going to require any work or a great deal of your time. One Saturday, that' s all , and besides, wha t is there to do around here on a Satur da y an yhow ? Res ponse from cam p us orga n izations , such as fra ternit ies and clubs , has been very poor. Sororities gave a good response but even the f acult y seems to lack interest in the April 21st to actually get your state , but if you have a potential delega ti on, it would be a good idea to contact the Convention Headquarters in Room 313 Waller Hall before Spring vacation . Remember , there are only 8 states left. . .help make this Convention as good (or maybe better ) than the one in '68. I f you wan t to j oin a delegation , bu t you don 't know of any available ones , just sign up in the conven t ion room and the y'll put you in one. Another thing, if you ' re a f raid that y our delega tion won 't be big enough to bu y an y of the states that are lef t , the committee is considering sect ioning the big states and having sub-chairmen for each Over 200 Bloomsbur g State College students failed to receive Penns ylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA ) administered scholarships in 1971 because they didn 't apply . Analysis of Parent' s Confidential Stateme nts, submitted for student employment and other BSC administered aid , showed students with sufficient " need" , the main criteria , who didn 't receive the State scholarship. Discoun ting those students who did apply but were rejected because of unauthorized cars , non-residency , very late applications , and other stipulations , the remaining students could have received aid totaling as much as $140,000 had they asked for it. The number of students who failed to apply is small when (con tinued on page eight) section. Student s fail to apply for PHE AA Fif th Colu mn by Blass The breath of a drunke n middle-aged woman in a crowded New York restauran t hits you full in the face with all the force of the first crushing smell of sex... To a country bump with kin fresh out of Catawissa , New York Ci ty is a nose 's nightmare , a city filled with smells of oily factories , dirty subwa ys , and despef ate people who slither past him without con tact , as if touching in this city invites mugging and ra p ine . Small wonder that after a day and a half of th is ol Blass has gone crazy tr y ing to find something to restore his faith in humanit y, like 110^ S^ HIA BHS a chea p hamburger. So there we are , two lost M& G feature editors findin g refuge among the Muffin Bur gers , when suddenl y the voice of Fa t e speaks. "Bullshit !" I look under my not-so-cheap, not-so-done hamburger to see if t he voice is emanatin g from an enraged cockroach. " Bullshit , ever y th i ng y er sayi ng is all bullshit! " We look across the count er . Hj .tr * Q 3 HH S9N\M*H5 -iio h3«J Recor d Revi ew by Joe Miklos Redbo ne discogra phy : Redbone...Epic Potlatch.. .Epic Message from a Dr um...E pic There are very few bands left that play tru e rock n roll. Most play j ust rock , or some amalgamation of blues , folk , jazz , and classical music. But real rock n ' roll ? Well , that' s left to a few performer s : Creedence C learwater Revival , Van Morrison , the Kinks , and Redbone . Redbone fits into the rock n ' roll category easily , despite the fact tha t they haven ' t hit the popularity level of the other groups mentioned . They had a critic 's field day. Man , was it good ! It got itself praised to the nth degree. It sold poorl y, contrar y to the fact that the music was as fine as critics had cracked it up to be. Several songs stand out : "C raz y Caj un Cakewalk Band , " "Niki Hokey , " " Jambone , " and "Things Go Better ." The latter t wo are long instrumental and are the type of t hings tha t exemplify the music of Redbone . Tight . Potlatch is a follow-up, expanding the style tha t was formed on the first album . The wah wah and leslie guitar parts are further develo ped. The synchronization between guitars , drums and bass is near perfect , Studen t Union top of the forties hit with " Maggie , " but the follow- same notes being timed together up, " Witch Q ueen of New at strategic spots . Orleans , " fell flat despite the fact " Maggie " and " Judgement that it was perfect AM radio Day " are good examples of this. material . Redbone seems in- " Maggie " was cut down for the capable , even on FM stations , of single , leaving out the long inmaking the mark they deserve . strumental break at the end. I 've Their non-popularity never ceases to astound me. The group consists of Lollie and Pat Vegas on guitars , Tony Bellamy on bass , and Pete (Last Walking Bear ) DePoe on drums . The Vegas brothers do much of the writing , but Bellamy is To The Editor : capable of penning some very We wish to take this opnice ballad-like things.Bellamy 's portunity to thank the Black stuff is commercial ; it is easy to Studen t Society for one of the see his roots in the fifties. He uses most enjoya ble weekends in our his background to an advantage , two years in Bloomsburg . Black however , in that such Lettermen Weekend shed more light on the like stuff has some bite to it. The meaning of being black than all of few Bellamy songs are pleasantly the classes , lecturers , and entertaining rather than mushily speakers previously engaged at sacharine . BSC. We are looking forward to me vegas music is tor your next project and hope that stompin * . Interplay of both Black Weekend can be expanded guitars is a basis for a syn- into a Black Week . chronization that carries throu gh Mr . and Mrs. James Ritter to the bass and drums . Each 402 East Third St. instrument blends with the others , yet the songwriting ability of the Vegas brothers The future of our Comkeeps each song distinct , similar in effect to the works of John monwealth Is in the hands of the Fogerty of Creedence Clear- youth of today , and the use of water. In this sense Redbone has alcohol , narcotics and tobacco is stumbled across a rock n ' roll an increasing pr oblem facing our secret: that style should be Commonwealth and the Nation . We recognize the value of early consistent , and , teamed wi th fine musicianship, should be in a state trainin g in buildin g ' character of flux where overworked ideas and the necessity of teaching the and gimmicks, can be removed . facts about alcohol , narcotics and The first Redbone album , a tobacco and the ir harmful effects double set at regular price , was a and the importance of total ab- yet to see a person refrain from foot -stomping , head-bobbing, or hand-cla pping upon hearing either of these songs . Since the .. 1 f ' ' ' ' > ; ;1...;.. . • . .¦¦;. : ;. ;. ; .. ; i .; . ...,: . • • . • !¦• .. , -. . -_ . . . . . "* , our writer friend her plate with a Message from a Drum is one step further for Redbone. The leslie and wah-wah are now used minimall y, changing the sound a little. The style remains basically the same. The single , "Witch Queen of New Orleans ," is an exam p le of the chang e . Style is retained witho ut an overkill of techni que. " Ni j i Man " exhibits the same thing . "Maxs plivitz — Emotions " is an experim ent in jazz styled music , with some very soothing chords and a mixture of fast , fast riffs . J azz is a new direction for Lollie 's playing and thro ughout the album he plays in a rock n ' (contlnut d on page four ) stinence ; and it is the responsibility of the citizens of our Commonwealth to safeguard and train the youth of the Commonwealth by education and example . Therefore , I , Milton J. Shapp , Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania , do hereby proclaim the week of April 23-29, 1972, as YOUTH TEMPERANCE EDUCATION WEEK in Pennsy lvania , and do urge that all citizens in schools, churches , and organiz ations and as individuals give special attention to the temperance education of youth during this week and that they continue throughout the year. Milton J. Shapp Governor Letters to the editor ire an expression of the individual writer 's opinion and do not necessarily reflect the views of the newspaper. All letters must be signed , names will be withheld upon request . The M & G reserve the right to abrid ge , in consultation with the writer, all etters over 400 word s in length. "I been there and I know ," she smirks , spearing a french fr y. it almost gets to her mouth . "All you kids are so smart . " Wink , gulp . "But lemme tell ya , yer workin g miracles . " Neither of us understands that one. My mind wanders to come back just in time to hear Miklos yelling " If a pers on want s to write he just sits down and wri tes and SCREW THE UNIVERS E !" I try to hide behind my pickle . "I' ve made it , I don 't have to prove myself , I ' ve made it . Yer just smar t-alecky kids." » She ' s not an unattrac tive woman for her age . A bit fat and saggy-eyed , but some older guys probably wouldn 't mind shaking their sticks at her , except that her screech could wilt a verita ble oil derrick . "You know what will happen in this coun trv don 't you? It will be just like Nazi Germany soon." At last ( sigh of relief ) , a point of common agreement ! Can it be? " People are going to get fed up and go after all the Jews ." OH NO, IT 'S THE OLD INTERNATIONAL JEWIS H CONSPIRACY schtick . With a vengeance . "They ruined Germany, they were taking it over , running everyth ing, so Germany elected Hitler and he cleaned them up. " Why does she keep looking at quick wrist action which con- ME , for gosh sakes? vinces me she was the 1968 (continued on page four) Frisbee cham pion. TALES OF '68 synchroniz ation emphasizes the beat , such a reaction is almost impossible to avoid. That 's a part of what rock n ' roll is. Letters •>. There sits the afor e-ment ioned woman , looking as belligere nt as onl y a drunk en middle -aged woman can look . Her voice has all the sex app eal of a bull wha le in heat. " Bullshit! " "What 's bullshit? " I venture . "You , " her swaying ha nd motions , "your friend , his hair , it' s all bullshit . " "His hair ?" "Yeah. It ' s all bullshit. " "No it isn 't. He washes it. " " You 're full of it . All you kids are full of it. " Too late , it's starte d . Once a drunk gets into an anti-kid binge, there 's no stop ping him. Or her . Particularly her . "I t' s all you kids. Yer causing it all. You sit there talk ing about writing and making it big. Well , lemme tell ya , smart-asse s, I been there , and I know. 1 been there . " (Hie. ) I tr y to get it out of her . "Well , wha t hav e YOU written? " She smiles and tott ers . Everybody is listening, and she enjoys her show. "I been there , and believe me , it' s hard to bre ak in. You kids are never gonna make it. Neither of you is hand some enough to hav e a woman give up everything for you . " That stops us for awhile . Our waitress , meantime , is serving by elaine pongratz news stories or into any type of In October of 1967, the M&G ran publication . . .the things that a story called "Mock Republican made it a " you had to be there " Convention to be Staged in event . Those stories only go as Sprin g." It explained that a far as Hess 's on a Friday night . steering committe e made up of 20 Chances were that they would students and 3 faculty members never be printed . That' s why I 'm had met to discuss the convention here . My purpose is to expose to and it announced that the Social you the stories of BSCV ConScience Department had secured vention in '68. It started out as a Representative Gerald R. Ford to terrible problem . . How was I to deliver the keynote address. In get this information? Who would response to what was happening 'sell out ' to the press? Using at this time , Mr. James Percey, logic, I set out on a quest for The an Associate Professor of Man behind the '72 Democratic Political Science here at BSC , Convention . . Mr. James Perce y. and an advisor to the Convention Now , to find him. . . paII pH it " the Greatest , unSeveral days of clever dertaking ever attempte d by the questioning led me to the famed students of BSC ." Convention Room . Gently I TVw» PAnimiifiAn *" V VUllVUllUVll tita e e/*V«A#lii1«t ^ l WOO OUllCilUlVU knocked on the door. A slightly for March 16, 1968. This gave the curt "Come in " answered my committee six months to pla n, to tapping . I opened the door and organize , and to turn the con- peered nervously into the room. vention into the success they hoped for . They must hav e been awfully busy, because they were not hea rd fro m (at least not through the local press ) until March 1, 1968 when plat form Chairman Charles Blackenshi p announced the issues to be debated . They covered everyt hing from Foreign Policy to Labor , with Civil Rights and Ethnic Policy coming out ahead as 'top ics to be dealt with' . A week later , on Mar ch 8, the fron t page bore the headline "Conv ention Looms" to forewarn people of the coming event , while the back page showed Nixon edging over Rockefell er by 11 votes in th e Mock Prim ary , By the next issue it was all over. The Maroon and Gold included as it' s centerf old a "Speci al Simulate d Repu blican Convention Issue " , complete with front-p age style headline that read "Rockefeller • Rea gan Ticket put Forth by BSC-GO P " and was followed up by detailed News stories that explain ed the whole pro cess. BUT THE RE MUST HAVE BEEN MORE THAN THAT .... There ar e some things that don 't make it into ' * • ¦ • • ' ¦ ' ¦ ' _ ' ¦ \ v . ¦ ,, , • He was sitting by the desk calmly smoking a cigar. The silence hung over us like a wet sheet. Finally he said , "Wha t can I do for you?" I laid my cards on the table , he had information and I wanted it , simple as tha t. After an hour of careful bargaining we agreed to meet during his night class . At 8:00 p.m. sharp I was there . I passed the door once, he nodded and then I stayed out of sight until his unsusp ecting class had engrossed th emselves deeply in the questions on his exam. There was no time for suspici on now ; they would never know that while they labore d over a test , he was telling me the stories of 'the '68 Convention — BSC style '! At the end of the session I conclude d tha t I had been right all along. . .the convention was not a cut and dried "stand up " — " alt down " , " vote 'yes' — "vote 'no ' — Convention 's over — file out" kind of deal, It was alive because the students were interested . They were into the Convention ana they wanted to be noticed. . .1 out of 80 doesn 't make ( contl nut d on pag* four) " ' '' V.i' .'.t j t ' 'ii'ooii i,\i. iv -v; . Button Gwinette Dirty Harry Don't look now, but Dirt y Harry is here. Who's Dirty Harry? Well, he conies by way of Nick Carter and Dick Tracy, Philip Marlowe and Sam Spade , Lew Archer and Mike Hammer. In other words, he's the latest in hard-boi led dicks, and you should see the "no underwear chicks" egging him on. (If you don't have a pressbook and want to know what a no underwear chick is, go down to the Capitol Theatre , where you can look into it.) Dirty Harry is a cop. There seems to be a lot of cop pictures lately, and this one is one of the best. No wonder — with a name like Clint Eastwood , it ought to be good and dirty, Harry. Ea stwood was the star of "Rawhide ," the old t.v. series. Then he was the star of such spaghetti westerns as "A Fistful of Dollars " and "For a Few Dollars M ore." More recen tly , he starred in a picture of his own making entitled "Play Misty for Me," which , due to Eastwood' s sense of cool and an inspired psychopathic hackjob by Jessica Walter , was 1971's best "B" picture horror flick. And now, Eastwood plays Dirty Harry, the cop who gets all the jobs no one else can handle. The plot concerns a mad Scorpio killer - kidnapper - sniper and Eastwood' s attempts to track him down. There 's an awful lot of blood and guts , and some razzle dazzle chase scenes , not to mention Harry 's homespun cop philosophy : he's bad , I' m good, so no matter how badly I butcher him , he deserves it. Liberals will love it. They shouldn 't worry, though. The press release says Clint "respects every living thing from kids t o kangaroo s; he believes in peace an d reasona bleness, and he has been known to gently urge a common housefly out the window rather than destro y it s fragile life with a violent swat. " by Barry Kaplan There aren 't many dances at BSC that are worth reviewing. However on Monda y, March 6, Button Gwinette played a set well worth it. Although this band played under the same name as one that previously played here , they were really different in many ways. All that remains of the original Button Gwinette is , the drummer and that crazy dude on keyboards. The new personnel consisted of a new bass player and a new lead guitar. Missing were the vocalists — male and female . These changes have made a great difference in their sound . The new bass player in some cases was better than the old; in some, not as good (notably , "Glad " by Tra ffic). But overall , he's a tremendous asset to the group. Particularly in the last number he showed that he is capable of putting out . Although his vocals were far from fantastic , they were better than average. In addi tion , he stabilizes the group. The last time they played , there seemed to be a rivalry within the group for stardom ; this cannot be said now, and credit goes, to a great extent , to him. As many would say, "he brings them together. " The hew lead guitar is also a great addition to the group. His playing was far superior to that of the old lead' s, playing more complicated riffs quite well. In addition , he is a bit more versatile , being able to play different styles, all commendably. He too seems to reduce the superstar competition within the band. He fits in beautifully. As far as the drummer and keyboard man go, they are phenomenal. The drummer has improved since the last time, by playing with enthusiasm and excitment. If one would just watch him, he-she'd see how much he puts into it...exceptional work. The keyboard player also adds great excitement and a comic element to the music. If one listens , they 'll hear marvelous work done on piano and organ , and if he-she watches, they'll be amused by his antic s. His vocals being far from spectacular , are used well, so they fit fine. u n h f/\ TKaro ic *inf m s»**i+i#%i9A *«* A 1IV1 V *»J AJl/l * 1 1 1 U V I 1 W \*M. 1 U V J « « 1 U this band. For the most part , they were too loud. And for the finale they did a 50 minute tribute to dead rock stars...trite but good. Good in that they did songs by Joplin , the Stones , Hendrix , the Doors , and the AUman Brothers, adding creative insight to each rather than trying to play a poor but faithful copy. Also the bass player did a fine act with bis movements on stage , but they were just tha t, an act. In comparison to that were the more Violent swats these days shouldn 't be frowned upon. Recent films have treated us to ("MacBeth" ) , decapitations rape - sex - violence - makes - the ; conti nued on pago four ) - man moralit y plays ( "Str aw. Dogs" ), and choreogra phed mogging ("Clockwork Orange ," with its "Singing in the rain — poom! — just singing in the rain Eastwood' s — . thud!" ). collaboration with Director Don The Lycoming College Alumni minutes indicate that this Seigel is just a thriller , and a Association is sponsoring the American made film is in Ok darn good one , and an y cries of Pennsylvania Premier Showing right han ds, both Indian and "Facism " can be succinctl y of the Ravi Shankar film "Raga " American. answered with this cut from the at the State Theatre in The key is Shankar himself. A press release: Williamsport on March 21 at 8:00 large man with a strong, senP.M. Student tickets (with I.D.) sitive face , he narra tes a simple, "Clint Eastwood is truly an are $1.00 each. All other s are pensive biographical comanimal lover and abhors an y kind $2.00 and are available at the mentar y that sketches his early of cruelty in the wild kingdom , as Alumni Office at D.S. Andrus years as a P ar is dancer , his well as in the domesti c one. He is Company , Williamsport or at the ground ing in I ndian music under also a people lover an d deplores box office on the 21st. a venera ble teacher and , in the inhumanity , in any respect. His The film is produced an d best and most revealing part of wife feels the same way. " direc ted by H oward Worth a 1958 the film, his emergence as a hot I n ot her words , even people graduate of Ly coming C,ollege. property -not his words- in who don 't like cops can see He will be there for the Premier Amer ican music circles. "Dirty Harry " without feeling and will talk about the film at the Not once is the personal tone of guilty. State Theatre. F ollowin g is the pictur e, which is the tranquil Howard Thompson 's Nov. 24, 1971 sincerity of Shankar , ever lanced rev iew f rom the New York by the sharp, excellent color photogra phy of such vignettes as Times. a practice session with George See "Raga. " This quietly Harr ison , lessons to young penetrating, beaut ifull y made students by Shan kar and one color documentar y about the electr ic duet session with Yehudi musicia n-teacher- Menuhin. Add a steady, charIndian composer , Ravi Shankar , opened ming flow of Indian music, in hypocr ites who say one th ing with yesterday at the Carnegie Hall solos and grou ps, with Shankar t he ir dress and act ions and mean Cinema. Everythin g about it is cradl ing his exotic sitar. something entirel y dif ferent. " adm irable . And even as Shank ar wistfully Exhib itionism is a kind of admuses about the delusion of his rema i ns T he music o f India vertis ing. It' s all r ight to wear a coun tr y' and the lightni ng pr ice if y ou can be sold. I f you 're remote to man y A mericans , American8 music seizures of musical p ublicized highly although the not on the market , take your trends , including himself , he and , record seller a popular S hankar , goods off display . the movie keep feet on the s best has become his countr y' "No k inds of exhibition ism can ambassador of music to ground. For this we can than k reall y be considered known t he Western world. Some Howard Worth , the Americ an patholog ical ," asserts Bashore , may even producer- director , and the rest of uninitiated viewers "this problem only arises when of reedy a skillfull team that do the subearfu l expect an the person refuses to face twan ging-in , a ject and themselves full justic e. moaning and reality . " If a girl knows what she headache. Relax. Aboutshort "Raga " is a welcome joy. three is after and she realisticall y feels her provocative behavior will Editoria l Staff: Editor -in-chief , |im tac hetti / Busines s bring her a little closer to her Manager, Carol Klshbaug h ; Co-Managing Edit ors , goal, she's human. If she uses her KarenKelnard and sue sprague ; News Editor, Frank Plusll ; physical attractiveness and Assistant News Editors, Joh n Dempsey and Michael feminit y as a weapon to Melzlnger;Co -Feature Editors, Joe Mlklot md Tarrv llMt mani pulate members of the Sports Editor, Bob Oliver ; Art Editor, btnlse Row" a?opposite sex for security or selfculstlon Manager, Elaine Pongrati ; Co-Copy Editor s, Ellen assurance , she's playing with fire yl Nl.n2f 4Y in Ptlt ; p"»**»P»y Bdlter , Tom and may have to pay the cost. PL 2 f.nSchofleld ; Contributi ng Cartoonis t, John Stugrln ; Advi sor, ^ What are "healthy Ken Hoffman . exhibitionists?" Mr. Bashore Photography Staff : Mark Foucart , Din Maresh , Craig answers , "The y are people who Raga , Mama , Raga Ex hib iti on ist say . Doct or Bashore , a pro fessor by Joanie ZIotnicki Here we are in the Bloomsburg in the Psycholo gy Department at State College Student Un i on BSC descr ibes this as " a long build ing on a ty pi cal afternoon . term stud y ." Shirley ma y just be Around us are gathe red students keeping up wit h the ti mes, but if nervously ant icipating their next Shirle y were the f irst girl to period tests while the ir texts are initiate the style, if she followed serving as trays for their cokes, the fashion gra pevine and was chips or yogurt. A section of determined to be the first t o gloating class-cutters are calmly parade the tightest fitting and dealing the pinochle cards and shortest pair of "hot pants " , she enjoying what could very easily is just an exhibitionist. There are all types of be their last semesters here at BSC. A few professors are here exhibitionists. Shirley belongs to escaping the confines of their a group that could be classified as "The Shockers ." They thrive on offices and the scene is set. In walks Shirley and wnat was attention and double- takes. Style once a mass of passive is seldom their concern . If it's procrastinators turns into a seductive and sensual, it' s theirs. Another group of exhibitionis ts crowd of gazing eyes and hanging are a little more subtle. They are dazzling tongues. Shirley is a "hot the "Innocen ts. " They appear brunette in bright red pants " , black boots , a see- modest, but wat ch more closely. throu gh clinging blouse and no An "Innocent" slowly sits down, bra. As she moves across the adjusts her slowly rising skirt or floor she makes a series of quick an under garment and strokes her turn s, tossing her long hair in nylons to smooth the wrinkles. are honest with themselves and suggestive movements. Ever y These girls often have a stron ger the people around them ." They act ion she makes is executed effect than their contemporaries. use what they have for legitimate feel doesn't Bashore with such precision that it ac"It purposes and they don'T abuse is always bad. exhibitionis t attrib ute cents every physical depends on wha t you want. More their gifts without legitimate or is and more , men are becomin g reason. ^fsSSSey^n exhibitionist female Are you an exhibitionist? bv shejust fashionable? It is hard to discoura ged Ruble, Scott Lavwere. Reporters: Suiyann upousky, Cindy NUchener, Leah Skladany , Mike Yarmty, Denny Ouyer, Den Em, Bob MeCormlck, Rose Mwttayne, Paul Hoffma n. Office Staffs Barb Olllott,. Joyce Reefer, Ann Renn, Dtbby Yachym, Ruth MacMurr ay. _ The M*O Is located In room m Waller ,Ext. m iox 101. Tales of '68 ( continued fro m page two) * you too significant (unless you ' re supp or t ing POGO or someone like that. ) Arms don ' t y ou? " Walters nodded and turning to the Sergeant at Arms said "T ake care of him ." The Sergeant - at Arms quietly picked up the Alabama Chairman , and tucking him under his arm , bodily removed him. from the gym. . The Texas Delegation made themselves known. They were su p por ti ng John Tower as their Alabama kicked and screamed f avori t e son ' candida te , and they all the way out the door but it did stood out as they walked in him no good, it was the last that wearing ten gallon hats , pistols , was seen of him for the rest of the and boots. They carried a Con- convention . These are three of the stories ; federate Flag and long, narrow •there are many more . Most will signs that proclaimed "Tower never be printed . The ta pes have Power " to be the best. been destro yed; the notes have Then Mr. Percey told me about been burned ; you can kidnap me , the famous balloon fiasco — and torture me. . .1 don ' t care . I starring John Hara . . ." John Hara ' s delegat ion was suppor ting will never indulge the secrets Lindsa y. He didn ' t have any that have been ordained in me. votes . S« he came to me and said , They will never be exposed . Unless , maybe some Friday "I want to do something really night in Hess 's, if the company is spectacular. ' I asked him , 'Like right. . . what ?' ' Well , ' he said , ' I'd like to take my cam paign money and Three movies will be shown buy balloons , then I want to as part of the prog ram fo r th e suspend the balloons in some kind Simulated Democratic of 'thing ' from the ceiling in Convention at 7:00 p.m. Centennial Gym and then when Monday, March 20th in Carver Li ndsa y is nominated I'l release national wildlife week national wildlife federation and state affiliates march 19-25, 1972 Movies are: Auditorium. The t h e m all o v e r the Gym, "JFK ; Man and "Yippie " nasium. ' It was fine with me. . President " , and "The Last .the week before the convention (with Spencer Hur rah" he bought $15 worth of balloons Tracy) . These movies are free and Hara and a bunch of other to the public. gu y s s pent the wh ol e week blowing up balloons . He put them Mad scramble for our coats . I (continued from page two) her he's down to his last dollar . don all in six big sheets that were tied 't even notice that I've acMy sentiments exactly . I wonder cidentally put on t ogether and fixed it up with a Joe 's Donny ' " And that ' s what s gonna what our lady friend 's are. rope to release them. (continued fro m pag e one) Osmond LuvNPeace medallion. happ en over here , you just watc h, "Will you give to the orAt 8:00 a.m. March 16, he was Susquehanna String we 're gonna get all those Jews phanage , m 'am? " Our u p-on-the-issues voter in the Gym try ing to get this Quartet and those colored people—" looks hurt . She's losin g her contra ption up to the ceiling . I The Sus q uehanna Str ing cap ti ve audience . Exactl y at which time a "No , dearie. I have a sister don 't think anyone noticed it. Quartet will perform in Carver " colored " people comes by and "What 's the matter , you guys Prett y soon the nomination was Auditorium Sunday, March 19, at stares down at her . "Want to buy who 's your kind . " 't like Teddy Roosevelt? " don The nun backs off. I find myself made. . . " and now Ibring y ou the 7 p.m. The concert is sponsored some silverware , lady? " She Joe starts for the exit. For the next President of the United by the Music Department as part doesn 't bother to respond ver- thinking this is the first time I 've first time in an agonizing twenty States — John Lindsay!" Hara of its Chamber Music Series. minutes , the woman is silent. bally . She GLARES . He backs ever felt pity for a nun. pulled and nothing happened. . The Quartet , organized in the off . She flicks ashes unto her " I have a sister . She's like .the damn thi ng wouldn 't open. f all of 1971, consists of Grace plate. Triumphantly. Here's my chance , no time to that .a Maryknoll nun. Me, I'm leave the waitress a tip even, The faculty delegation was sit- Boeringer and Karen Clarke , I notice that my ketchup - proud that I left my religion . ting nearby, and they got up and violinists ; David A. Boltz , covered french fries look like " she says to Joe , "like your we 've got to get out of here. I Not , started pulling . No luck. He violins t and Zoya Jenks , cellist. wounded Chinese soliders . If it spread my hands in the universal Jewish friend here . " ended up dropping it to the floor There will be no charge for wouldn 't bring the conversation sign of friendship, mar veling at during the lunch break and admission and the public is to another racist slant I' d I gag and suddenl y get my sense of the sarcastic. killing all the balloons .' (Note — 1 cordiall y invited to attend . "We have to leave now , lady . I mention it . paranoid worrying if the pickle I cheerleaders don 't know if it was as a result or "You see it happening over just ate was kosher . Me, Jewish ? can only say that we wish to you A Spaghetti dinner , sponsored here , just like in Ger many. All not , but Lindsay ended up with Must be my unhealthy resem- all the good luck you wish us." by the cheerleaders , will be held them Jews ." Look of disgust . only 8 votes.) blance to that greatest of sex Violence prevailed in the latter on Tuesday, March 21, from 5 to 7 We exit to the tune of Joe 's From behind me— a voice. symbols , Woody Allen. part of the convention . . Alabama p.m. in the Studen t Union . The " Give to the orpha nage? " I look laughter , leaving our nameless refused to cast their votes to menu includes : Spaghetti , Italian back to see a black nun totin g a "It' s all you Jews . Even in writer friend to her life of loud anyone but their "favorite son" , bread , salad , and beverage for basket. I tell her "No, " not that I Ireland . Just look at Ireland . All desperation . The wind hits us G eorge Wallace . The head of the the cost of $i. Please attend and dislike nuns , I just wouldn 't want those Jews over there changing with all the smells of a dying Alabama delegation was making hel p the squad in their fund- one of them doing it with my their names . Me, I wouldn 't civilization and the grea test of this rather obvious by hogging raising event . sister. change MY name. But those Irish human dreams turned nightVarsity cheering tryouts will be the mike and screaming " We will She moves on to Joe , who tells Jews — they 're all changing their mare. We turn up our collars , support George Wallace held Thursday, March 23 at 7 names to Maggie , Maggie tuck in our heads , trying as we FOREVER!! !!" Jim Walters , p.m. in the small gym. Ther e will walk not to touch anyone , as is McGuire ." Chairman of the Convention , got be practices Thursday, March 16 the way of the city. upset . He told Alabama to go at 4 p.m. and Monday, March 20 We breathe out air and suck in A guy across from us rolls his away, but to no avail. . .Finally at 4 p.m. in the small gym. All apoca lypse. eyeballs heavenward . We roll he turned to Mr . Percey and said interested women should sign up ours back . An ally ! "What am I going to do? " Percey in Mr . Mulka 's office. And me, I keep thinking about "There will always be this type said " "You have a Sergean t - at back home in the sticks , where a (c ontinue d on page eight ) of thing, " he says . We agree. She nice Jewish boy like me can run notices . safe and free and enjoy such College Council will discuss the possibility of increasing student "I 'll tell you something ." Looks small country comforts as when membership on the Student - around furtivel y. "I shouldn 't tell you 're cleaning out chicken pens Faculty Senate during a Com- you this , but I 'm going to. " We and you scrape along the bottom mittee report by Steve Wagner at hold our breaths . Who'll get It of the wet stuff where the fountwo) ( continued from page its next meeting March 20 at 7 next? The Chinese maybe? Or tain overflowed and up from the manure drifts the momentary roll context. One song, an ex- effective. It would be better to p.m. doesn 't she have that particular sweet smell of pepMichael Sinisko will present a chink in her armor? What can ception , not the rule. At any rat e, describe them as clockwork permint... which , in every sense, yells, similar to the "doot-d oo's" report on the Housing Committee this secret of secrets be? it succeeds. smells far better than THIS A lot of Redbone 's consistency in the Stones "Sympathy for the and Micha el Siptroth will outline place , some activities of the Pennhangs on the vocals. Lollie Vegas Devil. " Hushed voice . "In a recent So long , New York. ,.howdy , Since all members of the band sylvania State Association of column , Bill Buckley reveale d has a twangy , nasal and powerful East Catawissa . (if strained - sounding ) voice. are full-bloode d American In- Student Governme nts. how Nixon sold out to Formosa. " The BSC model United Nations Backup vocals are , while not a dians , the sense of rhyth m caught Oh no, Bill Buckley I Lemme product of intricate harmonies , in Indian music has made its way and the Pilot are reque sting $400 outta hero!! into rock. Chants appea r each from the reser ve fund. The "But actually it wasn't Nixon , througho ut all three albums , Birth Control Projec t of the MAN it was Roosevelt . He sold us all allocation "Ch ant-Thirt eenth Club will request a $100 " Hour being John 's Food the longest. "Niji Man " contains and Mr. Boyd Buckingham will out ." (continued from page three ) an even more powerful and be present to discuss an Air! Gimme air! Market moving adaptation , fitting in with allocation for an underwater sincerely felt actions of the organ W. Main A Leonar d St. the drive and rhythm to an ef- speaker system for the new gym. "And inasmuch as I didn 't Uke player. The thin g that is most his two brothers, I'm going to missed is the voca l section . Open 6 a.m. to 12 mid- fective and unique advantage. Redbone is a truly Amer ican vote for him. My sister voted for Although they do fine now , the The Public Hearings on Iht band that makes American night Daily the first one because he was presence of a good vocal section Proposed Platform for Iht music. More important , Redbone Catholic , but I didn't. And then did wonders for their total sound Democrat ic Simulated Delicates sen plays rock n * roll . The world the second one got shot or in oast days. Convention will be held it 7 iOO needs a little more of that, and In summar y , the ban d was one whatever. But I' m going to vote p.m. Friday in Kuitt r Ful l line of groceries Redbone needs a littl e more for Ted. of the best groups BSC has ever Yes sir , that' s who I' m Auditorium. Interested popularity. They just may be the seen. I know that I'd like to see voting for this year , good ol Student! an Invited to amnd. Sg mack s 1 ultimate rock n ' rollers . Teddy Roosevelt! ' Button Gwlnette again. Fifth Col umn News Briefs Senate Increase? Redbone Butto n i * i .i . . . Internat ional Education Source Materi al on India goals ; and the eased inA list of source ma ter ial on volvemen t of our incr s t af in the India is available in Robert C. international ization offs teacher Miller 's office (Waller 223) for educa tion and the - teachin g an y facul ty member or student who desi res t o use t hem. profession. T he overseas p ar t of t he Basically, t here are lists of seminar will be between the record s , paperba cks , films, approximate dates of June 15 and filmstrips , study kits , slides, August 15, 1972. exhibitions and other mat erials on the culture of India which Latin Ameri can Seminar might well be useful in cour ses in A Latin-Am erican seminar has music, art , political science, been scheduled for April 6-9, 1972 geography, history, economics by the Penn sylvania Council for and other related fields. Intern ational Ed ucation . The Instit ute for Inter -American Studies at Temple University will Program In Egypt be the orga nizing body for this Council for Pennsylvan ia The prog ram tha t will be held in Education has Internationa l Washington notified that BSC , D.C. Appr oximate recently been cost to gran t f rom students and faculty will has been aw a rded a PL 480 funds for a program in the be $30 - 33 dollars. Meetings United Arab Republic durin g the scheduled ar e at the Departmental State , the CIA , the U. S. summer of 1972. The title of the project is Information Service , the Voice of of the "Facult y Development Pro ject America , Partners On the Modern ization Process In Americas and sever al Latin Education In Egypt." The ob- American embassies. jectives are the development and The first meetings will start at improvement of faculty com10:30 a.m. on April 6, which petence in international and means that a departure from in inter-cultural studies ; Bloomsburg will have to be at development of professio nal approximatel y 6:30 - 7:00 a.m. on relationships between staff in that day . Students living in the Egypt and the United Stat es, Philadel phia area could depart specifically within the Council' s dir ectly from Temple , since this is during our Easter vacation bre ak and man y students who live in that acea will be at home. Depending upon the number of st uden ts and facul ty who will be going from Bloomsburg, transportation will be arranged either by car or by bus. The cost of $30 - 33 will include room and trav el, with part of the * cost of this seminar being funded through a grant made available to the Institute for InterAmerican Studies. NATI ONAL TEACHER EXAMINATIONS The National Teacher Examinations will be administered on April 8, 1972, at BSC. College seniors preparing to . teach and teachers applying for positions in school systems which encourage or require the NTE are eligible to take the tests. In A Delegation Committee from APSCO (Assoc. off Pa. State College and University Faculty) PHEA (Pa. Higher Education Association ) will be on campus to meet with interested students from 1-3 p.m. on Thursday, March 23. After that they will be free from 3-5 p.m. to meet with the Student-Faculty Senate and then at 8 p.m. they will meet with on-campus members of APSCCVPHEA. The committee will be made up of the President, Dr. John Watkins , Doctor of English or Vice-President, Dr. Richard Keller, Doctor of History ; Chief Moran, Martin Negotiator; and Melvin Mitchell, a negotiator at Clarion. In answer to an invitation made by the Executive addition , the designation of BSC as a test center for these examinations will give prospective teachers in this area an opportunity to compare their performance on the examinations with candidates throughout the country who take Council of A PSCO/PHEA to meet and discuss any questions with the Delegation Committee of APSCO PHEA Dr. William Carlough, Senate Pres. sent this reply: Idiscussed with the Senate Executive Committee your proposal on the Senate agenda because the agenda includes two or three policies that may provoke extensive debate/ the Committee does not think time will be available at this meeting. It does, however/ appreciate the offer and hones opportunit y will present itself again. Any student interested in discussing a grievance with the Delegation Committee is invited to attend.The location of the meeting will be announced in B.S.C. Today. the tests . Bulletins of Infor mation registration describin g procedures and contai ning Registration For ms as well as samp le test questions may be obtained from Dr. Sanders in Room 12, Ben Franklin Building Tankmen at PSC The Husky Tan kmen traveled to Clarion State College and the Conference Pennsylvan ia meet. There on Swimmin g Saturday the 24 and Friday and 25 they earned their share of glory. Ken Narsewicz seized ioth place in the 200 yard butterfly with a time of 2:24.76. Bob Herb swam to a third place in the 50 yard freestyle. Dave Gibas placed 1st in the same event with a time of 21.68. Dave's t ime is a new Clar ion pool record , a new BSC team record , and a new Pennsylvania State Conference record . Dale Alexander seized tenth place in the backstroke with a time of 1:59.15. Doug Yocum, in the same event , swam to 7th place with 1:55.14. Jim Koehler took fifth place and set a new team record in the 200 yard breast stroke with a time ot 2.25.26. The end of the one-meter diving found Eric Cureton in tenth place with a score of 305.70. In the same (continued on page seven) Left to riohr : Dave Kustler and Jim Kitchen. Husky Roo ks defeated Tht Hutky Girl 's basketball team , with a 2-2 record / (at press time ), hat bttn. providing a lot of excitement. (Oliv er Photo ) CAMPUS INTERVIEWS March 21 — Harford Count y Schools/ Williamson/ N.Y. ; Board of Education/ Bel Air/ Recruitin g (or 8-10 school Maryland ; Teacher Can- districts Ttachtr Candidate March 23 — Warwic k School didates Ptnna.; District/ Lltlti/ March 2) — North Penn Ttachtr Candidates Lansdale, Dlit. , School March 24 — Spring -Ford Ptnna. ; Ttachtr Candidat es Schools / March 22 — National Bank E l t m t h t a r y Ptnna.; Roytrsford , Examiners * Busines s March 22 — Wayne Count y EUmtntar y A week ago B.S.C. traveled to Princeton U. for a chess tournament. The players of the first five board s — Dave Kistler , Jim Ki tchen , Dave Schaef f er , Ann Marie Schultz and Jack Fran ks, were grossl y outmatched , as their aver age rating of approxim ately 14S0 was pitted aga inst Princeton 's near expert rat ing of almost 2000. Despite the overall team defea t , K istler managed a drawn game and Schaeffer scored a mate at th ird hoard. B.S.C. 's "B" Team , comprising the second five boards , was also ou tmatched and defeated , but not totall y, as Tim Hoffmier , Four th board player , forced a win from his opponent , Sunday, at 1:30 in the Alumni Room in Waller , the Husky Rooks will be host to the town chess club from Shamokin. Also, in two week s, the Rook s will be challenging the University of Pennsylvania In another tour- nament. U.S. Senator Harold Hughes from Iowa will speak on Politi cal Party Refor m Thursday, March 23 at \\ a.m. In Haas. Ht It sponsortd by tht Artists and Ltcturt Series In cooperation with tht Simulated Demo crati c Convention and tht History Conference. Tht public (s Invited to attend. Ann Shulti pondering htr next ftw move*. *) I Chess Ptiotot By Martsh ) . t Cagers drop Dist . 19 final ending 18-7 seaso n The BSC Husky Basket ball Tea m ended it 's 1971-72 season on a low note when they were defeat ed in the finals of the Distri ct 19 Playof fs agai nst the Univer sity of Maryl and (East ern Shore ) 88-72, before a half full gym two weeks ago . The Huskies , who trailed most of the game by 3 or more points , got a great indivi dual effort from soph John Willis , who scored 30 points and pulled in 12 rebounds. Maryland j um ped to an earl y 4 point lead , but the Huskies tied the game up until it was tied at 22. Then the Shorers score d 6 straight points , and later in the half spurg ed to a 16 point lead. in the second half , the-Huskies started going to Willis , and with the aid of Howard Johnson and Paul Kuhn , who were both playing there final BSC game , the Huskies cut the Maryl and lead to 5. After trading baskets , the Huskies Cut the margin to 3 at the 7:15 mark , 70-67. The Shorers started to hit , and built up a 9 point bulge , coasting the rest of the way. The Husk ies ended one of thej r most successful season s with a 18-7 record , with 4 of their losses coming the last 2M> weeks of the season. Seniors lost for next year are Johnson , Kuhn , and Bob Consorti. Lupto ws ki 1972 Captain C oach Charles the college record for the number an At the same meeting the. Husky cagers also named the all-star opponent tea m . Selected were : guards — Dennis Lomax , Mansfield , and Rubin Collins , Universi ty of Maryland , Eastern Shore ; center — J ohn Lehman , East Stroudsburg ; forwa rds — Charles Kirkland , Cheyney , and Moe Griffin , ESSC . The opening tap for the District 19 semi-finals. (Oliver Photo) Chronister assists ( 18) and steals (13) in announced Monday that at a post of one game against West Chester season meeting the Bloomsburg on Februar, y 12. State College bask etball team Chronister states , "The team selected Art Luptowski , Ridley made an excellent decision. Park , as the 1972-73 captain of the Lu ptowski , who didn 't play high Husk y squad . school basketball , has shown As a junior , 5'10" Luptowski steady improvement , developing was the team 's top playmaker , into one of the top guards in the leading in assists with 146 in 24 Penn Conference . He should be games and scored a total of 265 even better next year. " points for 11.0 per-g ame average . He also collected 36 rebounds during the season and hit on 49.7 per cent of his field goal attempts and shot 68.9 per cent from the foul line. Luptowski directed the Huskies to an 18-7 recor d with his ball handling and playmaking, feeding to the big men inside and setting up outside shots . He holds Trackrcen take second , winn ing 12 medals , Davis Dual Champion In a space of six hours on Saturday, the BSC Track Team won twelve medals , a runner-up trophy and crowned a dual champion James Davis. They became runners-up to West Chester State College ( 46 pts. ) and beat 15 other schools including Lehigh ( 29), ESSC (21) , and several other teams of noted track Power . shot putter of Lehigh in the shot put . He once again was over 50' but moun tain man Hill went 57'. Senior High Jump star Bob Lacock , became run ner-up at 6' 4Vfe " just missing 6'6" and team mate Junior Gary Beers ju mped 6'3" to combine 6 points toward John Ficck performing at hit best. mmm^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^* Jim "Sha key " Davis warmi ng up the fine team showing. Catawissa 's fine pole vaulting star for BSC, Randy Yocum , just aparxea Dy me ouiBumuin g missed 12' but had to settle for performance of J ames Davis , third place . senior sprint star , the BSC team compiled 32 pts. and establ ished three new Husky records and tied Jim Davis came back to also win the 300 yard dash at 33.1 one. The records came on the seconds and proved himself to be outstanding efforts of the one of the meets quality perDistance Medle y team of Lar ry formers by combining a 6.5 ) Strohl (1:59+ , John Boyer second , 6.3 and 6.3 second 60 yard (54+) , Terry Lee ( 3:11) , and dash p erformance , a 33.1 and 33.2 thunderous Larry Horwitz 's 4:22 clocking and a anchor mile, Jim Davis , tied his 300 yard dash five time establis hed 6.3 sixty 51+440 yard split for the mile yard dash record , the mile relay rela y. That was six quality races team of Andy Kusma , Charles in less than six hour *, a fa&t Graha m , John Boyer and Jim difficult to match. The BSC conting ent is proud of Davis ran under the recently established mile relay mark of the showing . We took 18 of our 3:35.5 by docking 3:34.8 and team members to this quality Andy Kusma , the Huskies fine meet. Several just as great hurdler , ran an 8.6 time identical competitors are rapidly rounding to winner Steve Mclntyre of into condition for the upcoming Trenton State. Andy 's race was outdoor season. The Husky as close to a perfect tie as is coachs Puhl , Hinkle and Noble term the indoor season a huge possible. cook success with a 3-2 log, topped tit onn ricex Powerfu l J . (a potential with a second place trophy second to John Hill pro footballer and great eastern against great competition. SPORTS SHORT ' • ¦¦ ' v. .v.- ¦»**»*».,.. .-WB^ttTOiWiWutttiH Wilj*^¦^J^^ i Andy Kusma striding over the high hurd les. TRACK PHOTOS BY DAN MARESH Chuck Hurston , obtained from the Kansas City Chiefs by the Buffalo Bills, who had drafted him originally into pro ball , was asked on his arrival in Buffa lo by a Bills1 official : "Where have you been? We were expecting you for a scrimmage seven years ago." "Oh ," mused Hurston , "I went to the Super Bowl." (Some people can rub it In.) ¦». y4i?M Wres tling Champ ionsh ips . ^. y nanmL *mimst, m — '¦ .*.¦»• - ¦ « n mmm immn "T —imimmiw IMIIMnfllllMfr" illllMinillllllllMllMlffl^ The Association of Resident Men held t he ir Wres t lin g Cham p ionshi ps last Tuesda y night in the lobb y of Elwell Hall before 375 fans. The winners, who will rece ive two steak dinners at a downtown restaurant/ were as f ollows : 120 Ib. — Craig Davies 130 — Kevin Barr 140 — Lon Edmonds 150 — Randy Watts TANKMEN SWIM \ (continued from page five) event Steve Coleman seized 12th place with a score of 294.85. The 400 yard freestyle relay team of Bob Herb. Doug Yocum. Jon Stoner , and Dave Gibas set a new team record of 3:20.44. The event was won by West Chester with a time of 3:20.04. Both these times brok e the old State conf erence record. The 100 yard butterfly event saw Ken Narsewicz take 12th place with a time of 1:02.01. Dou g Yocum seized seventh place with a time of 0:58.76, The finish of the 100 yard freestyle saw bod Hero In sixth place with a time of 0:53.08. Dave Glbas swam to 1st place with a time of 0:48.11. This Wrestlin g Pics by Bob Oliv er ¦ i . i . l t - . V « 4 ¦' . . • ' ., . . \ \ ' ¦ ¦ , ' » ¦ # ¦ ¦ '•, •' '' ' lime is a new team record , and a new Pennsylvania State Conference recor d. 170 — Brian Berry 180 — Joe Micko 190 — Dan Burkholder 200 — Randy Bowen Unlimited — Pat O'Malley The wrestlin g series was enjo yed by many people, and a special tha nks should be given to ARM, their president Rod Mor gan, and Mr. Binauchi. The 'Official referee tor the meet was Mike Mallozzi. Jim Koehler swam 104.94 to get 7th place in the 100 yard breaststroke. Dale Alexander seized 11th place in the 100 yard backstroke. The 200 yard individual medley event saw 'Dale Alexander swim to tenth place with a time of 2:77.93. The threemeter diving found Bob Myers in Uth place with a score of 284.15. The 400 yard Medley relay team of Dave Gibas , Jim Koehler, Doug Yocum , and Bob Jones seized third place with a time of 3:55.49. This is not quite the end of the swimming season . Several members of the 1971-72 BSC swimming team have qualified to compete in the national chtmpionshipt. See this space next week for further developments. 1 ¦ ¦' . ' . '. • .• ¦ ? * i _• »f A v V i ' Utl'.cy i ' V i s * -u Ori ginal Graphic Art on display in Haas March 21 An exhibition and sale of American , European , and original graphic art by con- Japanese printmakers . Prices temporary and old master artists start at $5.00 with the majority will be presented in the Haas nrireri under $10. . A qualified represen tative of Gallery of Arts on Tuesday, the Roten Galleries will be March 21, from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 present to answer questions p.m. regarding graphic ar ts and Arranged by the Ferdinand printmaking. Ferdinand Roten Roten Galleries , the exhibition Galleries , which has one of the will include 1,000 original et- largest collections of graphic art chings , lithographs and woodcuts in the countr y, specializes in by artists such as Picasso , arranging exhibition sales of Chagall , Miro , Dali , Goya , origina l grap hic art in colleges, Renoir , Kollowitz , and many museums , and art centers others including contemporary throughout the coun tr y. ^ |^^^ FLOWER S l IAN & SYLVIA Plus PEARLS BEFORE SWINE ( continued fro m page one) compa red to the number who did apply. (1900 BSC students received awards totaling $900,000). From the position of the ' Financial Aid Office , however , one lost scholarship is one - too - many . This year there will probably be no extension of th e deadlines. Only those who apply before March 31 , for their initial award will be eligible. Renewal applications (mailed to previous year recipients by PHEAA ) must be returned to Harrisburg by April 30, for the following Fall term award. Dinner \ j! Spaghetti by Cheerleaders I ¦5-7 p.m. Student Union | I 4^S^ f * aBA^VB^ .^VKA I I _J A" of Sefv.e e and M«« B^ PhonB ^H 2 iaf Vear*»6 Educators ftTOfl ^Hrefers -gggSS I ^ ^^f .^h.^^k At ^m- ^m- & I Lj -I-jgJ £j ^^^ ^^^ (continued from page one) these instances are to be limited strictly to situations where public visibilit y may be unfairly injurious to an individual 's reputation , according to Pitlanflar Home of the Dagwood^^I 8 West Main Street I | April 12-Bucknell Univ.-8:45 p.m. Ticke ts $5.50, Avai lable at: PANDEMONIUM I *|g| VJjiJK ffitf Pittenger favor s open meetin gs EMERSON , LAKE ,! and PALMER HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9:00 a.m. U p.m. Friday 9:0O a.m. -12 p.m. Saturday 4:30 p.m . -12 p.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m. -11:00 p.m. . *w*m DICK'S MARKET ^^^> ^h. Mai m-an "BORROW FOR LESS ¦ ¦ SERVICE TEACHERS ¦ ES RAT AN I LOW EST LO lo ^_ Talc* Out Ord«r $—Delivery to Dorms, Frat*, .Soror ities. ^B ¦ ~ I malT2«)548-0300 tffc^» ^k * ¦ ^b Plain and Ham Hoagto, Ch««s« • P«pp«roni - Onion Pizza . Our own Mao> Ic* Craam. I I M I IN PENNSY LVANIA-. I Across from the Union Foot of College Hill B loomsburg , Pa. . r rfOB TEACHEBS AND EDUCATO R f l a umiMwn . i » r $ The 13 state colleges affected by the policy are Bloomsburg, California , Cheyney, Clarion , In ariHi tirm tt\ the momhorQ ftf Stroudsbur g, Edinboro , East the Steering Committee , DRS. , Lock Haven , ManKutztown Emory W. Rarig, Jr. and Cecil C. , Millersville , Shipsfield Seronsy attended this meeting . Slippery Rock and pensburg , Drs. Rarig and Seronsy will draft West Chester , as well as Indiana the fina l document during the of Pennsylvania. Universi ty summer. Kampus Nook . FETT ERMANS BARBER SHOP — QUALITY — I ¦ ¦ A meeting of the Steering Committee on Assessment and Planning was held on March 7. Activities now are accelerating and an increasing number of persons are becoming involved. The major thrust of the meeti ng concerned improved tow n relationships in a numbe r of specific areas. rui iuruivr ueutus , contact me I Davis Gym I Bucknell Univ . Tickets $4.00 Available at: I 1 The third lecture "A Detemination of th e Finite Groups having Eight Conjugate Classes" for the Fri day, March 17 Mathematics Lect ure classes has been cancelled. Director of Financial Aid , Bloomsburg State College, or write directly to PHE AA Scholarship Division , Towne House , Harrisburg, Pa. 17102. SATURDAY APRIL 1 - 8:45 p.m.! PANDEMONIUM 214 East Street, 8/oomsburg or at the door ( continue d from page fou r) Cancellation Assessment and Plannin g l