Board meet s with pr ob e committee A three man team set up to i nvest igate college contr oversies me t with t he" Board of Trus tees Monda y and agreed to carr y out hearin gs this week . The " initial meetin g Monday was closed • to the press. Accord ing to the three investigators t he decisi on t o keep the doors closed was not made by them , Zur i ck , W i ll i am althou gh Trustee , sa id of the dec ision , "It a pp ears to be overwhelming " . Monday the Following meeting, the following report was released : Members of the Board of Trustees of BSC and s pecial committee members are shown as follows : (clockwise fro m left ) Arthur B. Sinkler , President of Board of Directors of State Colleges and Universities ; William Zurick , Edgar A. Fenstermacher , Fran k Fay, Joseph Nespoli, Dr. Edwin Weisbond, Frank D. Croop , boa rd members ; William Heyne and Duane Wilder , members of special panel named to aid in investigation . (Schofield Photo ) Black Student s p lan weeken d from other colleges and needs lodging for these guests . They would appreciate it if anyone who that will take place throughout has an available room for tha t the Black Student Society is the weekend. weekend would either contact sponsoring a Black Weekend The Black Studen t Society is their RA or a member of the Ma rch 10, 11, and 12. The purp ose expecting a number of guests Black Student Society. of this weekend is to bring to BSC Cont i nu ing in t he vein of the Black Colloquim that brought Dr. L i ncoln and The Honorable Shirley Chishol m to this campus , aspects of the Black Culture tha t have never been here before . The Weekend is open to all Com mons. In additi on there are plans for dance trou pes and other bands for dances , plus workshops CGA Agenda The Executive Committee of C GA has announced the agenda for the next Council meeting which will be held Monday March t> in the Student Union at 5:30 p.m. A specia l meeting of College Council was held Monday Feb. 28 to discuss the $33 ,000 allocated for the Tarta n track . members Trustees. of the Board of "At this session , the format for the probe was laid out . Some of the interviewing will be at the C ollege but most will be at the Hotel Ma gee." "I nterv iewing will begin this morn ing and continue at least through Wednesday. " "William Hevn . of New Holland , and Duane Wilder , of W arren , met with the six trustees . Jack Worrilow , a for- Torbert : Student Trus tee students and a completed Michael J. Torbert , a 25-year schedule will be availab le next old N aval Reserve veteran , has week , giving all the events as been named to the BSC Board of well as their times and places . So Trustees by Governor Shapp . Mr . far the weekend includes : the Torbert is a first semester senior movie , "Memphis to Mon- in Business , from Allentown , Pa. tgomery , " The Street People (a group ) , the Black Poet , Sonya Sanchez , The Virginia State Jazz Band , and a Soul Dinner in the STATEMENT ISSUED "Members of the investigating comm i ttee selected f or the check of the situation at Bloomsburg St ate C ollege met f or a few hours late y esterda y afternoon with six He is a transfer to BSC from Community Lehigh County College , where he earned an associate degree in Business . Being Vet will Help Mr. Torbert feels that his being know as many people on the BSC campus and community as possible in order to get their all , he needs the support of the students in order to do a good job as a trustee . He feels that his opinions. He wants to talk to responsibility is to the students , them , and for them to feel free to to convey their views to the talk to him at any time. Above* Board. ( continue d on page fou r) WILL BE CALLED "All who have expressed the wish to be heard will be notified by telephone as to the time and place ." "Two of the trustees , William Booth and Guy Bangs , are in Florida. Another trustee , Judge George Heffner , was also absent. "William Zurick , chairman of the investigation , presided at the meeting. Other trustees present were Josep h Nespoli, Frank Fay, Dr. Edwin Weisbond , Frank Croop , and Ted Fenstermac her. "Also present at the session was Arthur Sinkler , chairman of the State Board of Colleges and Universities , a n d secretary of the State and Board of Education. "Others who might wish to visit the interviewers and who have not made contact as yet may call Stefanon at Room 341, Hotel Magee. It will not be necessa ry for callers to identify themse lves while asking for an appointment. " TR U STEES ON COMM I TT EE The committee is comprised of all members of the board of trustees and four other prominent state residents. The four are Arthur B. Sinkler , president of the Board of Directors of State Colleges and W orrilow , Universities; secretary of Lebanon Foundry ; Wilder , executive vice president of Nation al Forge , W arren ; Heyn , vice president . of New Holland Machine Co. HEARINGS BEGIN The three man committee began hearing testimony on Tuesday. During the first day of hearings , held in the Magee Hotel , the committee listened to a number of administrators , faculty and students. a veteran will help him to bridge News Briefs age and experience will make him acceptable to both the Student Withhol ding May Be Unnecessary the gap between the students and the public. He feels that since the idea of a student trustee is a new innovation in Pennsylvania , his W orking students may be exempt from Feder al income tax students and the college community, he is old enough to relate to the administration , and youn g e n ough to understand the problems of the average student. The Budget Committee will Will Stay On present a report on the Book Although Mr. Torbert will Store Fund . Repor ts will be heard graduate in January, 1973, he will from the Student Dining Room not give up his position as a Committee , the Committee to member of the Board , but will investigate reserved seats in the continue to serve and complete gym and the Committee on in- his three yea r term , since he creased student membership in plans t o stay in the Bloomsburg the Senate. Michael Siptroth will area . He doesn ' t feel that his age repor t on the Pennsylvania State will be a liability in his relation to Association of Student Govern- the students. ments Convention. wnen asked ms opinion or tne Micnaei siptrotn win announce the appointment of two representatives to fill vacant Council seats. A member of the Student Union Pro gram Board will be present to explain their new policy on Admissions. Hopefully, a reply from the Attorne y Genera l concernin g the mer mayor of Lebanon , was delayed because of the sudden illness of his- moth er , but arrived later in the evening. p r oblem raised by the clash be t ween R obert N ossen and Russ Houh , Mr. Torbert commented t hat all he knew of the situation was what he had read about it in the M&G , and he wouldn 't be able to comment until he knew more of the problem . WantH to Meet People Mr. Torbert wishes to get to withholding on their wages this yea r if they notify th eir employers , the Internal Revenue Service stated. MIchMl Torbtrt, ntw stude nt trustee. (Schofltld Photo ) Those who did not owe any tax last year and expect to owe none in the current yea r should so certify to their employer. This w ould el i m i na t e t he need t o f ile a t ax re t urn nex t y ear unless ther e ha s been t ax w it hh olding and t he student wished to recover it. St uden t s who q ualif y for exemption from withholding should fill in and submit a Withholding Exe mption Certificate ( Form W-4E) to their em p loyer. Those who wish t o renew t heir exem pt ion should file a new form because exemption certificat es filed for 1971 expire April 30. Single students with income of less th an $2,050, and married ( continued en page four) I edito ria l An hour spent talking with "the three machinists" currently investigating the BSC situation has dispelled all doubts I may have had as to the credibility of any report they release. Due to the ? closed door meeting" policy recently adopted by the Trustees I was skeptical at first as to their qualifications and the exact nature of their mission. But when I walked out of the Magee conference r oom on Tuesday , I at last fel t that something positive was being done. m:om the minute you walk into that room, you know they are intent on doing a thorough j ob. After informing you that they don't want any second hand rumors (or first hand lies), and after ex. plaining that you may be called upon in court to back up anything you say, they ask if you've got anything to say. (And judging from the list of "notables"who met with them on Tuesday, I'd venture to say tha t there wasplenty said — much of it consistingof axes which have already been ground too thin.> Getting an ambiguous statement past the committee is harder than trying to find Elton Hunsinger"s office. The three men repeatedly ask for clarifications, background material and the circumstances leading up to a particular event.They ask questions about every topic until they feel they understand it. And, surprisingly enough , they never betray a hint of bias in favor of , or against either side of the conflict. That last point is important because the three men are performing a function w.hich the Trustees, entangled as they are in their web'of political and personal commitments, are incapable of performing — locking, as objectively as possible, at the whole situation. v That' s another important point — the WHOLE situation. Wednesday, The Morning Press ran an editorial (front page, no less) complaining about the fact that*anyone who wanted to could call the committee and receive an appointment to "grind their axe". But isn't that the point of the whole thing? To hear everything, including the bullshit and the petty gripes, and clear the air of the whole stinking mess? Perhaps if the reporter who made that call for The Morning Press had actually kept the appointment he made instead of bitching about the fact that he got one, he would have seen that the solution to the "Bloomsburg mess" may be close at hand. jim sachetti The editors of the Maroon and Gold wish to apologize to Mrs. Nicole Porter and her daughters for any harassment they may have received, or will receive as a result of a letter written by Mr. D. Gifford Porter and printed in the February 25 issue of the M&G. Sex Maniac BY RUSSEL DAVIS This article is dedicated to all females of BSC and to all males who (eel that they 've been wronged by one who "attacked" their girls. Who out there in reader-land , has ever considered the life of a Sex Maniac (or SM for short)? Has anyone ever followed one through his dail y life , photographing and cataloguing his movement? Have any of you readers ever considered the frustrations of his life? Here, in part , is the story : Imagine , if you will , coming to college to escape from your old life. Remember , back in high school, being that short-haired , serious student who read scientific articles for entertainment. Then , suddenly, you graduate , and discover at the same time , that you have a body that enjoys S-E-X. What happens next? You go to an average oolleee with a greater number of girls than guys, hoping to indulge in your new-found recreation. Here you are in college, when lo and behold , you suddenly realize that most girls up here, whether they realize it or not , are a f ter a husband. That is (before I'm crucified on a women 's lib cross ) , they want the security of knowing that someone will always be there. Being rather dumb and naive, you aren 't ready for that Mrs. Hoke to lea ve BSC by Sue Sprague Mrs. Althea S. Hoke is a warm , vibrant person, and somehow she makes you want to visit your grandmother who you haven't seen for a long time. In case you 've never met Mrs. Hoke, she's the House Mother in Man tour Hall , and has worked as a House Mother at BSC for fifteen vears. When Mrs. Hoke came to BSC she lived in the only residence hall for women on campus: Waller. As Head Resident (House Mother ) under Dean Miller , she advised all committees and the Governing Board in that hall. She counseled , talked to parent s , chaperoned the Wednesday night dances , arranged social functions , interviewed prospective students, and even spent a summer as Acting Dean of Women. But things are different now. Mrs . Hoke will be leaving soon as a resul t of the college 's "phasing out" of House Mothers, and placing the burden of most of the responsibility on the Resident Advisors. "As time has gone on, my job has lessened, indeed," said Mrs. Hoke. And so it has. BSC has changed a great deal since that September in 1957 after Mrs. Hoke had completed her certification as a House Mother at Purdue University, and came to BSC as its firs t Head Resident. Mrs. Hoke's most rewarding experience over the past fifteen years, has been, "The fact that so many of the girls who have gone on have come back to see me." Thousands of girls have passed Mrs. Althea S. Hoke, Head Resident , Montour Hall. ( Sprague Photo ) through her life, and she says that she wouldn't trade that for the world. At the surprise dorm party held in her honor last Monday night , she told the several hundred girls in attendance that they had "filled an empty spot" in her life. Mrs. Hoke was the wife ot a physician, with a son and a daughter of her own before she came to BSC. Then she was widowed, and she tells her girls that she "loves them like they were her own daughters." Mrs. Hoke win now go to live in another part of Pennsylvania to act as companion to two of her aunts. Her parting remark to ail the girls that she has worked with is: "I hope that the rest of my life could be as happy as my life here in Bloomsburg. I certainly wish joy, success, and happiness to all my friends here on the campus." R ecor d R eview type of attachment. So, you do the next best thing (or so you think) . by Joe Mikl os You become a SEX MANIAC. Sunfighter... SlickKantner So much for history. Where are we have the mountains and " we now? Wh y, sitting in the the town now we have student union , watching all the tone silver battle cruiser two beautiful , young females walk loser past you. You sit there and run with the wolfpack... " drea m , no — fantasize , about Grace Slick what would happen if Mary, or Paul Kantner Karen or perhaps Kathy over (here , would suddenl y come over are almost human , or to you and say, "Let' s.... It' s fun at Wolves in action. They are least to drea m — much safer , but ca rnivores and social animals. much more frustrating . are a deviant in the animal Anyway, your suung in me They . They hunt in packs , kingdom union , and a girl comes over to killin g the weak laga rds in a herd you , with tears in her eyes, to tell of caribou. Their renown is you how her boyfriend suddenly great: they are reputed to be hates her because she gained five fierce and vicious brutes . pounds from eating cheez waffies. So being the lovable SM that Wolves have been crowned you are, you compliment her on with an undeserved crest that the color of her eyes, or the sheen leaves fear as a monogram. Yet of her hair. Of course, she just wolves are family oriented , eats it right up. Then, you tell packs consisting of a related how attractive and desirable you group. Pups grow up under think she is. You sit there with family like conditions. And your arm around her waist, finally wolves are shy, rarely hoping. But all is for naught. Her attacking human beings ; the boyfriend (some 6'2" weightlifter flesh they eat comes from the with big shoulders and a deep weakest prey . They are balanvoice comes in dramatically, and cers in the food chain. rescues her , explaining that he But why wolves in a record had a hangover. He sweeps her rev iew ? from your evil clutches, leaving Well , Sl i ck and K an t ner are you to pick your nose. very similar to the aforemenWell , that leaves you t i oned wolves . Between t his (continued on pag> four) al bum and it s sister , J efferson Starship, G race Sl ick and her old Editorial Staff : Edito r-in-chief , |im sachetti ; Business man have been nailed w i th Editors , ; Co-Managing Carol Kishbaugh Mana ger , char ges like : sloppy music , KarenKeinard and sue sprague ; News Editor , Frank PIzroll ; repeti t ion , and ult imately fanAssistant News Editors , Joh n Dempsey and Michael ta8magorical . revolu t ionary Mtlzin ger ; Co-Ftaturo Editors , Terry Biass and Jot Miklos ; monomania. All of that is true. Sports Editor , Bob Oliver ; Art Editor , Denise Ross ; Circulation Manager , Elaine Ppngratz; Co-Copy Editors * Ellen like t he wolves , But Doyle and Nancy Van Pelt ; Photograph y Editor * Tom SlickKant ner are wearing an Schofield ; Contributin g Cartoonist , John Stogrln ; Advisor , undeserved crown. They hit us K«n Hoffman. several times with t he ecology Dan Maresh, Craig Photogra phy Staff : Mark Fouca rt, lines. The albums seem to be Ruble kee ping the Airplane family Leah Mlchener , , Cindy Repor ters : Suzyann Upousky cogent , Marty Balin notBob MeEnz, Don Ouyer, Skladan y, Mike Yarme y , Dtnny withstanding. He seemed to be Cormlc k, Rose Montayne , Paul Hoffman. ing the bit when he left Debby charn p Rtnn , Ann Office Staff : Barb Olltott , Jo yce Keefer , any how. Yachym , Ruth MacMurra y. "Let' s go back , fix up this The MftO is located In roo m 234 Waller , Ixt. Ml« Box Ml. mess," seems to be the messa ge, but lyrical devices are dropped in tha t Jefferson Airplane style that keeps you guessing : science fiction or here-and-how reality ? There seems to be a true love for the Earth Mother that touches one's desire for purity . Kantner once more alludes to the stars , heading out to Andromeda. It's a clean blend of a vision of a new earth , technological symbiosis , or death. The only other solution the album offers is for the Good People to clear out on that hijacked starshi p ready by 1990. So the album is another monomaniacal concept jo b. It' s lousy music , it's good production. It' s Jefferson Airplane and like Starship, like Bark it grows on the listener. Eventually, like all Airplane records you end up liking it. Despite my urge to handle this thing like a critic would, I'm faced by my self (nasty fella ) to say, "It's good." The fantasy is too much to swallow in one gulp. SlickKantner must be listened to until you can 't hear the music, until you start dreaming. If you want a taste of Sunfighter , listen to "War Movie" on Bark . It's the spirit of the thing, not the music, eh? Cagers dro p 6th ; p lay o ffs beg in Monda y by Bob Oliver The BSG Cagers ended their 1971-72 regular season schedule M onday nite when they were defeated by King 's College of Wilkes-Barfe , 76-63, at the King 's B.vm. i inr nuswes , y l a y i n g men imri game in litt le over a week , traile d right from I he start. Down 36-32 at the half , the Cagers battled back (o within 2, 45-47, with a l it tle over 12 minutes rem aining . Then , however , the Monarch' s C huck Balbra ith caught fir e , m ostly because Husky center was again in foul trouble. The M onarch 's t hen ran awa y with the game, and t he Huskies lost ?hpj r sixth game of the year. Opponent: St. Mary 's Colle ge The BSC scoring lea ders were Paul Kuhn , H oward Joh nson , and Willis with 12 points each . BSC (17-5 ) has been notified (hat its opponent for the first game of District 19 playoffs will M onday nile the Huskies return to Centennial Gym to host the f irst game of the District 19 playoffs, vs St. Mary 's College . Tick et s are on sale in the Bookstore , and i f you have a t icket , you are guaranteed to be adm itted . In t he P SC final standin gs, the Huskies finished t i ed for second place with an 11-3 record , as did East Stroudsburg, both being one game behind Cheyney , who was 12-2 for the year. VARSITY g f pts. C° Ma ' rv 'fcTtv game is scheduled for Monday, March 6 at 8:00 p.m. in Centennial Gymna sium at Bloomsburg by Virtue of the Huskies bei ng th e No. 1 seeded team with Johnson Kuhn Willis Luptowski Choyka Consorti Art Luptowski drives , w ith John Willis setting partia l sc reen. Howa rd Johnson attem pts an eight foot er, with Dennis Mealy in fore ground and Paul Kuhn breaking from the top of the key. (Ruble Photo ) Maf vland ^ The 5 3 5 3 4 2 2 6 2 3 1 3 12 12 12 9 9 7 TRACK NEWS by Paul Hoffman O n February 27, John Ficek , A nd y Kusma and Larr y H orow it z t raveled to Delaware Sta t e Un i versity for the Delaware Invitational Indoor Tra ck and Field Meet , representing the Husky sq uad . Each man turned in a fine performance , setting new tea m records. In the shot put , John Ficek placed fourth among some of the top collegiate entries in the east . John 's toss was marked at 51' lOV, landing one of the new team rec ords . The winning heave in the event was 56' 5" by Hyde from the University of Pittsburg. in me w ya. nign nura ies, anay Kusma finished 5th overall with a second new team record of 7.5 seconds. The winning time was 7 .3 set by Tarpey of St. Josep h' s Larry Horo witz finished third in third indoo r record that day with a 4.23.7 time In the mile run. The Huskies have now compiled eight new tea m records in four meets. Coverage of the BSC, East Sfroudsburg, Ursinus meet to be in next Wednesda y 's issue. John 's Food Morkot (Marosh Photo ) All those Intereste d in trying out for the BSC golf team are requested to be at a meeting on Friday, at 4i O0, In Mr. Oironlsters office in Centennial Oym. Beat St. Mary 's will meet on Tuesday, March 7, site to be determined by outcome of Monday 's games . Lincoln , Penna ., and Mar yland *• will go on sale SL Mar y's contest Wednesday Marc h 1, in the ***** m ""^ U"iVerSity ' State College of Eastern Shore , Mar yland . That game will be played Monday night at Lincoln , The winners of the two games DaR e Grac e Woods Ognosky G race FR0SH 1 0 2 0 0 0 7 6 20 5 0 10 5 3 13 Tickets for Bl^rasburg - college bank on campus Admission price is $2.50 for adults and $1.50 for students. Keller Tyler Datres Mikulsky 1 1 3 5 l 0 2 4 3 2 8 14 ( Photo by Bob Oliver ) his heat and claimed the Huskies The Husk y Cheerleader! perform ing during a timeout. the choice of the playing site. The other two teams participating in the District 19 W. Main oV Leonard St. Open 8 a.m. to 12 mid night Daily Delicatessen Full line) of groceries o% anackt Bob Consorti comin g down aft er layup attempt as Mike Schwartz (24 ) and George Hamilto n (12) follow. ( Photo by Bob Oliver ) WRA Schedul e Woman's Recreation Association's tentat ive sched ule f or the month of March is as follows : TIME PLACE ACT IVITY DAT E Mon. Mar. 6 5:30-7 :30 Centennial volley ball 7:00 H-10 WRA exec .com. 7:30 G-105 WR A Boa rd of Rep. Tues. Mar. 7 3:00-6:00 Centennial volley ball 6:30-8 :30 small gym cacjeball Thurs. Mar. 9 6:00-9:00 Centennial volley ball 7:30-9:00 wrestlin g gym self-defense 7:30-9 :00 wrestlin g gym Mon. Mar. 13 self-defense 8:00-10:00 Centennial volley ball 3:00-6 :00 Centennial Tues. Mar. 14 volley ball 6:30-8:30 small gy m Wed. Mar. IS cageball 6:00-7 :00 Centennial Thurs. Mar. 16 volley ball 6:00-8 :00 Centennial Mon. Mar. 20 volley ball 6:30-8 :00 wrestling gy m self defense 3:00-6 :00 Centennial Tues. Mar. 21 volleyball 6:30-8 :30 small gy m ca geball 6:30-8 :30 small gym Wed. Mar. 22 cagtball Thurs. Mar. 23 9:00-10:30 Centennial volley ball Say Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversa ry with. '^Mtm ^s \ ^^ FLOWER I I S •W ^^ DoHver y Worldwid e ^ Down The Hill On East St. I | . CGA Ag enda ( continued from page one ) Gadfl y will be presented. The Executive Council is also trying to initiate the "Indiana policy " at BSC, which would require all Council members to spend one hour per week in the CGA office. This issue will be discussed at the next meeting . News Bri efs (continued from page one) ones filing joint ly with incomes of less than $2,800, will generally not owe any Federal income tax for 1972, the IRS said. ATTENTION!! A coat was taken by mistake from Hess's Tavern last Saturday night. There were car keys, credit cards and cash in the pockets. The owner would appreciate the return of the coat and these articles as they are invaluable to him. If you have this coat please call 784-7588. Sex Maniac depressed , so you sit back and frown , and sulk, and indulge yourself in some self-pity. Out of nowbsre, another girl appears next to you , and starts fawning over you. It seems, she's really .eeling bad and needs complimenting too. Once again , you go through the routine, only to find out that she's in love with your next door neighbor and doesn 't know how to meet him. By now, an ant would have to tunnel to reach you, you are feeling so low. You are reaching for the razor blades, when along staggers a girl. She's plastered , and worries about that freckle on her nose. This one, being wiped out , you get to your room , whereupon she tells you about being good friends and trusting you. (Girls — do you want to kill a guys sex drive sometime? Tell him tha t you trust him.) "Oh , Lord, just let me reach that bottle of pills!" Back to the union and more frustrations. Nothing Big happens the rest of the night — jus t more of the same. With your eyes down you head back to your room to contemplate the night's events. A few conclusions are reached. One — this, definitely, is not the way; two — you're stuck with it as long as there are insecure women ; three — I think I'll kill myself. So girls, if ever you feel down and out , or if you feel ugl y or insecure about something, don 't ever hesitate, just walk right up to the nearest SM and smile. He 'll do the rest! Don Lewellyn TV-STEREO SERVICE 232 Iron St. 784-2274 Kampus Nook AcroM from th e Union Plain and Ham Hoagies, Chew - PepperonJ • Onion Pin*. Our own Mao> Ice Cream. Orders—Deliv ery Pratt, .Sororit ies. M.I 7144111 Take (Hit to Dormi, HOURSi Mon Thun 9iOO a.m. • 11 p.m . Friday ?iOO a.m. -12 p.m. Saturday 4i90 p.m. ' 12 p.m. Sunday UtOO a.m. - 1 1 tOO p.m. ; Campus Inte rviews CAMPUS INTERVIEWS FOR MARCH—1972 March 7 — Marine Corps . Student Union March 7 — State College Area School , Teacher Candidates , State College, Penna . March 7 — Kingston City School s, Teacher Candidates , Kingston, New York March 8 — Marine Corps, Student Union March 9 — Marine Corps, Student Union March 9 — Carroll County Board of Education , Teacher Candida tes , Westminster , Maryland March 10 — Morrisville-Eaton School Dist., Teacher Candidates, Westminster, Maryland March 10 — Morrisville-Eaton School Dist., Teacher Candidates, Morrisville, New York March 13 — Scotch Plains Public Schools, Teacher Candidates , Scotch Plains , New Jersev Marc h 14 — Grandway Discount Stores, Management Trainee (Train in Sunbury then relocate ) , Paramui, N.J, (main office ) March 15 — Cecil County Bd of Ed., Teacher Candidates, Elkton , Maryland. March 15 — Caesar Rodney School Dist ., Teacher Candidates , Camden-Wyoming, Delaware March 15 — Dept. of Auditor General, Business - at least 12 credi ts in accounting, Harrisburg, Penna . „ «*> ..Migrants are a group of people who come Into an area for about 4 months to help with the harvest and then leave to da work «l*e\wfcere , We have who corn * to migrants Colombia County in Jul y and leave in Octo ber . Little \% done to help them better tneir Uvino, conditions . A Cnitd Care Center fo r pre-school children and a tumme * tutorin g program fo r school ch ildren was set uf> »fl fetoomsbur g. AH those c*n«err»ed with hopin g tfce Migran t's help themsel ves are invited to attend a meetin g on Thurs day, March Wh at 7.- 30. Gueit speaker wilt be Mr. Car-berry . For furth er information on this and about transportat ion to the meeting , contact : Alonso , 784-8310; Kathy (roo m 140, Luzerne ), 784-9742; Joanie ( room 603, Columbia ), 784-9882; or Rita ' (room 618, Columbia ), 7849857. CGA PRIMARIES-Marc h 6 & 7 CGA and SENA TE ELECTIONS March 13 & 14 ¦¦ ^5?*5^ j IN PEHNSUMWA- ^ BORROW fOR USS ¦ ¦ SERVICE TUCKERS IS ¦ ^B at one of the I ¦ RATES I i nVUEST LOAN i CTerally 3£* .SSmwS * " "" I Band Three BSC students will be among the 12& young musicians who have been selected as the best instrumentalists in the bands representing 36 colleges and universities in Pennsylvania and will perform in a concert at West Chester Stale College this Sunday afternoon, March 5, at 2:30 p .m . Representing Bloomsburg will be Janice Barbar, York , second flute ; Richard Schwanger , Boyertown, third trombone; and William Humelright , West Chester, baritone saxaphone. The student bandsmen will play under the baton of Commander Donald W. Stauffer , conductor of the United States Navy Band. ¦ siiilir: I -sm^«T5«-0300 ¦ IToW iOHft S-E^S^ ^^ universit ies. ¦ I" J gs-g-ggS j? [ USMC V pf es*9« *®« /V/