v VlUIUv mm M M. n ¦ ¦ m^tvviuvwtu gy «^»»—«r\ The Cherr y Orc hard to Be Presented Announce Cast In Russian Comedy Now Under Preparation by Players The Bloomsburg Players will present Anton Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard on February 13 and 14 in Carver Hall. Written in 1903, The Cherry Orchard has remained one of the most popular of his plays ever since. Tragedy? Although it has often been produced as a tragedy, Chekhov did to be construed not intend his play in this way. The ^CCK^i^ ^v^ play concerns ^|iHH|H^r '^j ^^^^lHi^ people who are ^^^HjPfr^P:< los*n£ everything ever ^^^Hl ^I ?' ''**> *nat nas anything meant *¦ " ^ ^^H®- * **> Kif «(£ ' * tO them> bUt lt-is * , . i cause these peo£^0|«Pi| MiRj \ j^ d pie, especially the Seigfried owner of the cherry orchard, Madame Ranevskaya, refuses to do anything to save the situation. The play is described by the director, Dr. Mary Homrighous, as the sort of play at which one has to laugh or he's going to cry, and he mustn't cry. The cherry orchard stands as a symbol ^ of the old Russian aristocracy, its sale is symbolic of the upcoming control of a new order. Russian Names The cast is presently undergoing a trial , the trial of learning to pronounce with alacrity their various polysyllabuled Russian names. The cast list will give some idea of the difficulty they are having. Lyuboff Andreyevna Ranevskaya (Priscilla Greco) is the owner of the cherry orchard who is ultimately forced to sell to Yermolay AndreyevitchLopahin (Henry Fetterman) a merchant. Her daughter Anya (Janice Feimster) and step-daughter Varya (Donna Bogard) are both filled with aspirations of their own. Her brother Gayeff (Don Hopkins) is a billiard-playing aristocrat who is. as indifferent to HjfllHH^IB the impending family pennilessness as his sister. The arrival of W J^^^^^Eb E^HPiRHB ¦|^Hl ^'^sB| BB^jJj PNiB Pyotor Trofimoff l|Pl||t j c^yjjl (Luton Houtz ) ^^^^P*"'^^H the former tutor ^^r^ mi^^S of Mme. Ranev- ' ^ iSSpfB * — ——-————— classes were canceled for the first Cancel Classes? time at this college for this meDespite- t h e s e precautionary teorlogical reason. True to form, measures, many members of the Mother Nature, by sending us this BSC community have been exesolidified form of precipitation, cuting a number of pas de chat, by Jennifer Smith completely; disrupted the pursuit graceful or otherwise, in their With the end of a semester, one of academic endeavors. Such 'pursuit of excellence.' One befudstrange sights as professors in dled commuter wandered quite in- thing that is inevitable is the beparkas, students sporting the "lay- nocently into the M&G office , and ginning of another. With this speus, ered look" in winter apparel, and asked : "Why don't they cancel cific inevitability almost upon ' thinking doubt students are no saggy notes and term papers have classes when we have a blizzard?" become very characteristic of the Of course, we all looked at him about the courses which—after winter scene at BSC. It was also very strangely and chastised him blood, sweat and tears — they rumored that the first and second for his illogical thinking. Surpris- finally ended up with. When schefloors of Navy and Science Halls ingly, he went on to say that there duling, one's primary consideraWhere do you get your supplies such as- scotch tape, staples, pencils, would be closed because of snow were many other individuals who tion is, necessarily, the courses pens, paper, and magic markers? If you're an average BSC student you drifts! Besides causing an outward shared his views, apparently the which are being offered. probably get them from one of the three student campus offices. Where change in the phyhical appearance minority must have triumphed Once in a blue moon, though, it the idea originated that these offices are for the supply of the general of most individuals, this climato- over the majority, for classes w ere occurs to a student that there is a student body is beyond our imagination. logieal phenomena is also a definite canceled the following day. An ad» course he'd like to take, but alas! It seems that when somebody needs such an item, they j ust come in hindrance to human equilibrium. mirable occurrence ! Many faculty it doesn't exist. In order to find out and take it. However, there is one drawback. These items are bought As one travels to classes, it is not members, moreover , h a ve ex- how many students were harborwith the purpose of using them in the offices in the work of each partic- unusual to hear a scream, a pressed their views over the "snow ing such thoughts, we asked a ular office . These offices art on a budget and must stick to it, and we "squish ," and a thud and to look dilemna." One M&G reporter over- number of students representing cannot do this if we supply all other organizations and people on campus. down to find a classmate sprawled heard a BSC professor make the each maj or field the following Speaking of organizations, we suggest that you talk to your treasurer on the ground in a very surrealistic following remark after he had question : Are there any courses-— ' and secure your own supplies. contortion. taken a very scholarly "spill" — dealing with some aspect of your The three offices involved have decided to crack down on this evil. In Emergency Squad " (censored), I knew I should have maj or field—which are not offered the future, don't be surprised if you are given a cold "no" when you ask at BSC, but With this preponderance of accepted that position at the Uni- at the present time for an item that you can buy in the bookstore or downtown. which you think might be of some snow and ice, how is it possible to versity of Miami!" value to someone in your field ? keep the BSC variety of homo saSimilar questions were sent to the piens in their usual erect position ? Two mothers were discussing departmental chairmen to see if One BSC student helpfully sug- their respective daughters, both The Maroon & Gold is expand- and discuss the various poems gested the organization of a stu- about to enter college. "Wha t is they might possibly have any opining. No, we are not taking over the which have been submitted. The dent emergency s q u a d which your daughter taking?" asked one. ions on new courses. Not everyone could think of CGA office , but we are adding a Poetry Board wishes to emphasize would be stationed in such strate- "Seventeen skirts and 34 blouses!" something that they'd like to see new organization to our staff. With the fact that all of the submitted gic locations as the hill coming the other answered. ( Continual on pagt 3) this issue, we take great pleasure poems will be given full considera- down from Navy and the "catin announcing the addition of a tion. walk" leading to Science Hall. The Poetry Board. Why this addition? Certain Misconceptions duties of this group would consist At the beginning of this academic Despite the success of this col- of helping to elevate these "fallen" year, the M&G not only decided to umn, there are some misconcep- individuals, providing first-aid to publish a weekly newspaper, but tions which exist concerning the wounded pride, and, above all, also a weekly student poetry col- publication of student poetry. We , keeping the sidewalks clear of huumn. Student response to this lit- of the M&G, would like, once man paraphernalia. It has also erary experiment has been so fa- again, to clarify our purpose in been remarked that students and vorable that it has become neces- creating the column: to provide an professors should utilize skis and sary to create a committee such outlet for the literary talent of snowshoes as a means of locomoas the Poetry Board for purposes many BSC students and to provide tion. Tlfese articles, however, of ju dging and selecting poems for enj oyment for the college popula- might cause some congestion when publication. tion. The M&G staff is not trying students are climbing the steps of Duties of Board to establish itself as a critic of Navy Hall. Besides, it would look The first Poetry Board will con- poetry; also, we do not imply that' very unprofessional! A psychologysist of Harold Ackerman, Harry all the works published in this col- minded BSC student also stated Humes, and Jennifer Smith, all of umn are poetic masterpieces. We that the human fear of slipping on whom have been selected both for do know that there are many crea- snow and ice can definitely be their knowledge of this literary tive individuals at BSC, and the cured by the application of the medium and their critical abilities. student poetry column is an excel- formula — "mind over matter." I'lioto by Caldwkix Future teachers in field of BSCS Biology. Under the chairmanship of the fea- lent means through which the This individual has agreed to disture editor, this board will meet "creative spirit" can be exhibited. cuss his psychological cure with Biological science is playing an classroom "to seek the improveany interested parties, and he can increasingly important role in to- ment of biology education." That be located at the Bloomsburg Hos- day s society. Dr. Donald Rabb of year one thousand ' biologists met MAROON & GOLD the biology department at BSC in Boulder, Colorado to set up a This newspaper therefore, would advantageous more feels that it is both progressive system of study, * No. 14 Vof. XUI HHPAV, JANUARY 17, 1964 like to renew its request for conand essential that the school has because biology at the secondary tributions to the poetry column; Editor - G. BLAIR HARTMAN CAMPBFX L DIANNE r Advisor — E. J unio AdvUor — MR. RICHARD SAVAGE the continued success of this liter- adopted the nationwide, improved school level was falling behind BusiMU Mana str - RICHAR D EYERLY ary venture t depends, after all, on course in study, the Biological Sci- what was required. To quote Dr. Editor: Manholl Siegel Photo graphy W. C. Van Deventer of Western Managing Bditon Gharlet Smith ences Curriculum Study. BSC students themselves. Photo graphy Staff: Douglas Caldwcll. Emphasized Experiments Michigan University: "New addiRiorum Nan Barton , J ean KWser , J oAnn Art Editor' . J ennifer Smith. McGinnis , Grace Perkins , Connie Long , teaching This new method of tions to the body of science, beginOinnl Mathewf , Melanie Albcrtson, Carol Art Staff : Carol yn Wood. Pnula Kline , DorMcClure , Loll Wyiocltl, Mar y Lou Meothy Deltterlek , Birdie Feuler , Jame» ning at the graduate level , graduEditors Attend Meet 'g and learning what used to be a Cutchen , George Yacina, John Kluck , John Knorr , Carol Creas y. subj ect can now be ally filter Ke cut-and-dry 8r t LET 'S GO LIADINO MEN ft BOYS STORE cmrf BOWLING AT t ROUTE 11 , NORT H T»l. 784-5914 DICK BENIWIID , Managw Several Pleasant Air-Conditioned Banquet Rooms — 6 to 160 WEDDING RECEPTIONS - BANQUETS FESTIVE OCCASIONS FRATERNITY AND SORORITY PARTIES ^^ nM AL'S MENS SHOP "For ?/»• Clo thing that mokti fht man " HOTEL MAGEE 784-3200 ^MHNM ^Mi ^^ MHMM BLOOM BOWL BLOOMSBURO , PA , BLOOMSBURG, PENNA. DRY CLEANER LBHNM ^MMNWMHM f l w t o by Sibobl Rex Perry, of Pitt 1964 Olympic wrestling coach presents Russ Houck with the Wilkes College second place trophy. Bloom, the defending champions, were upset by the New York Athletic Club. Joel Melitski (123) and Bill Robb (ISO) were tourney champs. Ed Taylor (187) took a second and Jerry Fortney (115) placed third. J ackson-Discusses Crisis in Panama Ed. Note : The fo llowing is a commentary on the Panama situation from Mr. Charles J ackson of the BSC History Department. In November, 1956, the Israeli government army raced across the Sinai Peninsula supported by the British and French governments in an attempt to seize the Suez Canal. The Egyptian government" army successfully resisted the attempt supported by the governments of the United States and the Soviet Union. Subsequently, the EffVDtian government nationalized the Suez Canal by buying out or paying off the private investors, principally French and British, and has used the accruing profits in a large part to finance the Aswan High Dam project. The significance of the United States position in this matter was not lost on the Panama government. The principal difference is that the Panama Canal is owned and operated by the government, not a private corporation. The Canal Zone is not governed by the Panama Canal Company but by a United States Military Governor. Ever since the Suez incident, the Panamanian government has pressed increasing demands on the Canal Zone: first that the Panama flag be flown in addition to the United States flag, then that they be on poles of equal height, then that the Panama flag be on a higher pole. These rather minor incidents finally culminated in last week's riots. The Panama Canal has shown a profit every.year since it opened. A second set of locks have been built and paid for. Certainly this presents an attractive prospect to Panama of either nationalizing or expropriating the Canal because not only would no tax system be needed; but also, with the increased wealth, Panama would become a strong nation in relation to its geographic and demographic size. In addition to its commercial manifestation the Canal also has long held strategic military ramav *. uiuicuuun lur our iwo ocean navy FINE JEWELRY and REPAIRING CORNER EAST & FIFTH STS. TOILET GOODS COSMETICS RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES GREETING CARDS 1 Wtit Main St., Bloomsb prg — concepts. Possibly Panama hopes to sway regional and world public opinion against United States ownership and control of the Canal and the Zone in the Organization of American States and the United NUtions. Alternate routes through Nicaragua and Guatemala have long been contemplated but unfortunately not pursued. That would have shortened distances \n many instances and would have reduced our reliance on the Canal. ROCKS Sfedc House Free Prescription Delivery a Sptelalliing In PRIM! WISTBRN BEEP . SIAFOOD Your Jtwtfor away from horn*. SPAGHETTI Private Parrfc i BSC CLASS RINGS BETTY and BILL HASSERT Propr/tfon Harry Logan 7,30 A.M. -1,00 A.M. f W. Main If. IT 4.?I9S i Blaomiburg ________________________.^^^ _^______ . __, ; .' ' ¦ - ' # > . f $?K + ?:- ¦: * '>¦ < ^ " , ¦ • :. »fr? A" _^yill_!^l^J^______________ L___^__^M______, ¦ - ' * ' - r ^ > SWUlS vmiR riiB ¦ uii w ] (M^ " " Wu^^Sffi ** ^ run i */Tt ^^^sfcc//» i :^^3 ¦ I IIIIn TrvTnnni/ Q ^^^^^ * IcAIdUUI\o sell t hose book s! it A buyer from the largest book clearing house will be on hand to purchase all kinds of college textbook s. FOLLETT COLLEGE BOOK COMPANY - Chicago I \ .