CGA Budget $238,000, Officer s Install ed On Monday, May 10, 1971, the Secretary — Linda Zyla, and Community G o v e r n m e n t Treasurer — Skip Wills. Association held its twelvth Mark Foucart was appointed regular meeting. President temporary Parliamentarian . Nossen replied in response to the After much discussion the budget last session of council on the for the 1971-72 year was accepted matter of the function of the by College Council. artists and lecture series in Five members of the track securing funds for outside team have been given $1537 to be speakers . "I believe it im- taken from the college Bookstore perative that the CGA recognize profits in order to send them to the functions carried on by the the NAIA National meet in Artists and Lecture Series and by Montana. the various departments. During Council also moved that a letter the course of any given year, this asking for open admissions to college has almost a weekly state colleges be sent to key seriesuf outside speakers. Before politicians and legislators in the adding formally to this array, I state. hope that you will consider the Mike Siptroth asked council to matter very carefully. elect two members to the In response to the President's executivecouncil for the summer Reply, Tom Brennan reported a months. Those elected at large step had already been taken to from college council membership researchthe possibilities of funds were Jacquie Feddock and Tim in the artists and lectures series. Hartman. The following were then inTwo committees were VISITING BELG IAN STUDENTS got together for an informal tea, Tuesday. See details stalled as the new officers for the to investigate established one , Forei gn LanInternational Club nternational activities below. with the on other i housing procedures and the other ,_ « oncoming year: , g uage Department , their hosts and adv isors _ President - - Mike Siptroth, to investigate the present connuoii 11a 11a: m a rccen u meeting of the publications! Vice President — John Choyka, stitution. committee, the Editor-in Chief of Recording Secretary — Mary The approved 1971-72 budget the 1971-72 Maroon and Gold was Ellen Zukas , Corresponding follows: named. The future Editor's name Community Activities Budget 1971-72 is being withheld for reasons of INCOME ESTIMATES security ( only a select group of one or two people even know how Estimated Estimated Last Saturday, the Foreign Languages remarked on the to pronounce it) , but he has sent Income Income of importance of this day and us this message from his hidden Language Department 1970-1971 1971-1972 Bloomsburg State College was congratulated everyone on their lair in the janitor 's closet on the host to nearly 100 high school fine performance and attendance 126th floor of the Empire State Fees.from Faculty and Building. students from eight area high at Saturday 's events. Students $200,000 $200,000 Checks and certificates of PennApplications are now being schools in northeastern Admissions recognition were presented to the accepted for the following sylvania . The event was in Football 3,200 3,100 conjunction with International winners and their schools by positions on the 71-72 M&G : 700 670 Basketball Joseph Reinick . Winner of the Managing Editors , News Editor., Day at the college, with the un000 800 Wrestling 1, French irregular verb contest Feature Edi tor , Art Edi tor , derlying purpose of allowing Admissions and Other Receipts 200 — interested high school foreign was Dolores Labota representing Sports Editbr , Copy Edi tor , Football Programs 1,850 2,025 an d language students to participate Our Lady of Lourdes High School. Circulation ' M anager Station Wagon Use 1,000 1,500 Susan Hersesker, a student at Photographer. in language competition. 000 15,000 Big Name Entertainment 15, The future Editor has also sent International Day '71 was MMI Preparatory School in College Desk Blotters 564 — opened with remarks by Joseph Freeland was the champion in word that all applications must 2,140 2, 651 Income 1970 Summer Session Roinick , general chairman for the German Vocabulary contest, be in by May 20, 1971. They can be Maroon and Gold Advertising the day, who welcomed the many and Sara Vastine, representing submitted to Box 301 Waller , or 2,500 2,800 and Subscription sophomore, junior and senior Danville Senior High School took mailed to Bosnia-Herzegovina 300 300 Sale of Olympian honors in the Spanish vocabulary where the postmaster will read high school students. Following 000 2, 000 Sale of Obiter 2, contest. them and chuckle. the greeting, contests in the The Annual Education prospective languages were Conference 4,200 4,200 conducted . Students from Mount man y In response to the Artist and Lecture Series 200 400 Carmel High School, Our Lady of complaints the Student Union 000 Concert Choir 400 1, Lourdes Regional High School, Board has received regarding V D ran ks as t he number one Bloomsburg Players 800 1, 000 and Saint Cyril Academy par- High School Students attendin g commun i cable d i sease i n t he . Miscellaneous 200 200 ticipated in a French irregular , effective dances in the Union U n it ed St a t es and t here seems t o Recreation Asso. — 250 W omen 's verb contest. A German i mm ed i a t el y all dances and be an epidemic of VD on the , , Grand Total Income $236 254 $ 237 896 vocabulary contest was held with mov ies will be carded . Be sure to hor i zen if we are no t able t o s t o p High Hafey students from Bishop bring your ID card to all func- it soon, accord ing t o the Studen t (Continued on page four) School and MMI Preparatory tions , except fund-raising events . Affairs Office , ever y one who has School participating. Shikellamy any suspicion of t he sy mpt oms High School , Saint Cyril Hey ! What are you doing in typewriters ) and cause t o worry about t heir Academy, Our Lady of Lourdes, college? Are you getting your 5) Learn how to sell adcon tacts is asked t o repor t t o a Mount Carmel High School , , money 8 worth or do you ' find vertislng (Good Luck! ) doct or or clinic a t once. Danville Senior High School, and that your days at BSC are in addition to these useful Only a doctor can tell for sure if Bishop Hafey High School were trudging slowly by in an enand interesting activities, we 't hide the disease is at work . Don the participating schools in the dless stream of meals In the offer these extrac urricular y our s y m pt oms or t hink t ha t you •r Spanish vocabulary contest. com mons and nights in the jollies : read our complete A student recita l will be y cures can trea t yourself. The onl Following the contest , the library? If your answ er to the collection of Men 's presented by the BSC known mus t be admin i s t ered by a Music visiting students were given a . (?), last questi on was "Yes " , Magazines thrill to the pro se Dept. on May physician. Our Health Service is 17, in Carver tour of the Bloomsburg campus the n consider this : Pr egg of a BSC , Release play Audi t orium , starting at 8:15 p.m. dedicated to help you but is and became acquain ted with the There Is a place on this Soccer on the world 's only educational opp or t uni t ies offered This program features students unable to do anythin g unless you campus where you can ex, indoor field meet Inf luential there. During the awards • social of Mrs. Mary Decker , Dr. J ack dro p in and ask for help. perience a whole new people and Admlnistrator8 Bemis and Mr. Nelson Miller The office advises that your , hour held in the C olumbia ..ln ., ( groovy) on education : us who have s t udied ei t her voice st a t us as a s t uden t may no t have , Residence Hall , Dr. Edson ) Learn the ins and outs of happ enings and become p iano , flute or clarinet this past to be changed while under the Drake , Dean of t he school of Arts journalism (get to kn ow how a un iversall y Infamous , doctor 's care , but he must know and Sciences , and Dr. Charles semester. newspaper works too ) The program includes many of your contacts for the benefit of Carlson , Dean of the Graduate 2) Learn photography so you Where can you find this School, spoke on the development piano works of Rachmaninoff , you and the entire community . education? can take your Room 234, Waller own porno shots and grow th of Bloomsbur g State Brahms , Beethoven , Bach , Play it smar t and protect your ) Hall. If (use you our hand y faciliti es 'd like to join the College and expressing their hope Debussy and Handel , and vocal friends. The sooner the treatment 1071-72 M&G :i> Learn how to writ e staff , come to Uke that future In ternational Days selections by Mozart , Haydn and is started the sooner the diseases th ls Blass (girls , use our hand y f abled sp ot on the night of can be conquered . will contribu te to contin ued Ives. ) Terry May 18 and join our happy No tickets are needed for the Professional confiden tial ity growth and communication . Dr. 4) cavort ing. Learn how to write up a Araine Foureman , chairman of recital. Everyone is welcome to will be observed at all times . We'd sports story Uke to have you . (use our handy (Continued on page four) the Department of Forei gn come. Lang. Dept. Hosts Intern 'l Acti vities —__— Don't Get Burnt N ews Brief s GE 4 Way Street — Crosby, Stills, Nash,& Young How. many times have you heard CSN&Y cri ticized for putting out such perfect music that you can only listen to them once a month so as not to get bored? And then there is the fiasco on the Woodstock album . They were so non-perfect it made you sick. A CSN&Y fan from the start, I would be angered with such criticisms , only pointlessly , because in a sense they* were right. But now there's an answer. 4 Way Street. The album proves one other thing, that Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young are not a group, but four individual performers helping to spotlight each other. A prime example of this is ace sore thumb Neil Young. Young uses the group to push out his own material to his own advantage. "Cowgirl in the Sand " is done acousticly, a total shock after hearing the original, a completely electric, stomping boogie monster. It works. The rest of Young's stuff , electric or not, comes off just as well. Young is powerful and heavy, both acousticly and electronically. If Young provides the power and the bitterness, David Crosby provides softness. To hell with Grace Slick, because Crosby outdoes the Airplane by a coun try mile with his version of "Triad. " You can almost feel the salt breeze and sun when he tells you all about "The Lee Shore." A typhoon blows up with all the hidden power of the ocean as Crosby insists that it's "A Long Time Gone." Sure, he put in what's sof t , but he is a man of the sea, as unpredictable as waves chewing on the shoreline. And he can anger just as quickly. Stills is a country man or black. He can 't seem to decide which, so he plays both roles. "49 ByeByes" lets both roles come out . First Stills is softly singing about a girl who left in the Spring, then he is growling about America 's Children. It's beyond comprehension how two such different topics and styles can be combined , but he does it. Despite his talent, Stills' material is about the weakest on the record. The only reason for this is that electric and acoustic music can 't be combined very well in fron t of a live audience. Considering the circumstances, Stills does quite well for himself. That leaves Graham Nash . As the softness of Crosby's art contrasts the bitterness of Young, Nash counters Stephen Still's anger . He says what he says quietly in the loudest voice imagina ble. You listen. He asks you to "Teach Your Children ," or to please come to "Chicago." He philosophizes (A Man 's A Man Who Looks A Man Right Between The Eyes). Nash is the strong, quiet voice of conviction . You VOL. IL THE MAROON AND GOLD NO. 48 Bill TeiUworth Editor-in-Chief Busines s Manager Managing Editor Nowt Editor CO'Faaturo Editors dor Remsen Tom Punk Sam Trapana Jim Sachotti Tarr y Blast Spor t s Edit or John Hoffman Linda Broils Pat Hollar Copy Editor CO'Clrcuiation M«rs. Carol Klsh beugh Mark Fooeirt John •?"••>l " Pam Hickay Kenneth C. Hoffman Advl aor , Carmon Ciul lo, Chapman , Jim STAFF: Kate Calpln Lore Duckworth , Karen Kelnard , Cindy Micherwr , Tom Schofield, Olen Sports , Sue Sprague , Frank Pino ll , Jesie Jaines, Dave Kelter , Donna Skomsky, Mary Ann Petrusa, A. Reknht , Naney Van Pelt Oeorg lanna Cherinchak, Mike Ya rmey, Ji m Nallo , Joe Mlkl o«- Mike Spellmen , Elai ne Pongroti. !»-. .*feature *. writort, AU opinions expro *ed by colu mnists and neeotserll y tnos * Inclu ding letter- to-the-e dltor , are not of the public ation but of Individuals. /»hoto Editor Art Editor Advertising Manager Cat' l*t, m ar Write Ml Frea k Week keep right on listening. Musically speaking, "4-Way Street" is excellent. The vocal harmony is spontaneous and alive. Young and Stills play tight electric leads that contrast and intermingle, The two extended cuts , "Southern Man " and "Carry On ," are lead guitar monkey bars. Neil Young's fuzzy , violent licks jump in and out of Stephen Stills' more jazz-like, clean style. The four rap back and for th with the audience, making fun of their own mistakes or just plain blabbing. The rhythm section , Johnny Barbata and Calvin Samuels, provides a solid background on drums and bass respectively . In Stills ' own words, they really cook. After this album I don't think CSN&Y will be regarded much longer as an overly perfected band of individuals. They are alive , pulsing, driving and carrying on in a way that was evident, if not visible, from the start. j.m. by Mike Yarmey In the interest of fair play and freedom of the press I think it is only appropriate that since the Greeks had their week we should also allow the long hairs to have theirs. We could call it Freak Week. Why be satisfied with a one day strike? The ones who struck were those long hairs and others who just used it as an excuse not to go to class since they weren't being penalized . Only true blue long hairs should be allowed to participate in Freak Week. Since Greek week is exclusive to fraternities and sororities we should establish (is that a bad word?) some restrictions. 1. All males should have at least shoulder length hair or if it's only neck length then they should have a moustache or a beard . 2. For the females, their whole wardrobe should consist of blue jeans or flares. Girls who own stockings and shirts and who look clean shouldn't be allowed to participate. 3. The last stipulation is: if males and females fit the above requirements they snould also display a peace sign or symbol and-or a dissent symbol somewhere on their person (Tatoos are acceptable) Nominations should be put in for Mr. Freak and Miss Freak. We don't want too many rules (it would look too establishment) so the only rule would be as many who wanted to can apply provided someone seconds it. Freak Week would start off with a massive sit-in on Carver Hall lawn and steps, followed by a Speak-in the next afternoon. Such topics as universal peace and how to get rid of the college president could be discussed. Wednesday night is pot night. Straights would have to judge this as all others would be too high. The object is to smoke as much grass as possible the last one to pass out or gets sick wins. T'was a cold wintry night , not the type of clime fit for either man or beast. Being not the type of night for either man or beast , t' was tha t Dec. noc turne tha t the Fates decreed would see the birth of nex t y ear 's M&G editor. The Fates , even then , wer e cruel : he was born, bereft of clothing (except for various garments swadd li n g i n h is manger , wh ich was dec i dedl y man gi er t han most), a nd no sooner di d he notice this gross bari ng of his body, yea his very soul , this wan ton a bsence of garb , than he le t ou t a sq ueal i ng p ro test over his unhappy and frigid nocturnal emission (omission , that is). He has been sq ueal i ng ever since. At the age of two , a p ercocious child , he grabbed h is youn g and sha pely read in g teacher , locked her in a closet, himself included inside also , and proceeded therew it h to primer . Pumping his resources , a t the ten d er a ge of f ive he discovered h is ver y own t rue loin: newspa per writing. Age ten saw him edi t or of the Mu t halode Morning Mung pie , age eleven saw him ed itor of the Morning Press , f rom which he was q uickly dispelled by Victorian censortyp es who d isa pproved of his society column men tioning the illustrious Miss Pyrrholo xia Cornblat' s arm p it. A branded out cast , he wandered aimlessly , his one stead y j ob being a brief stint at a Talon factory working as a zipper. Gunnin g onward , he would have petered out had he not through some bizarre quirk ended down in Bloomsburg State College. Fresh in the business, he found himself enrolled in a Geography class, where he met another weirdly-named misfit. While our hero's name kept coming out of the professor's mouth sounding like some kind of Italian food , the other kid's came out sounding like some kind of preverse sexual act. This butcher ing of surnames d rove the two into a comradeship sailing on the Volga River. Disembarking from the comradeship, they were asked to return to B.S.C. and join frat , but they declined , since a f ter those grueling hours on the Volga River they were sick of all types of Russian. The two decided to never aga in let an y one forget their names. They chose to ma ke themselves famous journalists, hard-hitting political commentators. Why they join ed the Maroon an d Gold rema ins a mystery. But they did , an d the res t, as t hey sa y , is hiss-story. Time (and the feature department) marches on. So next year when ya look on the M &G mast hea d to see the editor 's name , be advised: tis not some sort of Italian restaurant. And be you administrator , stu dent , or part-time narc, if you thought this year's paper was something, next year 's will really be Jimmied up. T.B. Carry On FRID AY, MAY 14 197! ^ Loco Boy Makes Gooder The prize — a months supply of uncut black grass. Thursday would be athletic ciay. All participants of the last night who are back down could challenge any straight team to a game of softball . The Americans (as they call themselves) would be allowed to ha ve groupies spra wled along the first and third base line, shouting cheers for their favorite players such as Right On! or Power to the Bat or Groovy, or a chant like "All we are say ing is give freaks a chance," will do. Friday would be Sing-in . Any band picked by the long hairs would play in the union for nothing (being money is that'evil monster created by these facist business tycoons there should be no desire for it) . No chairs would be allowed. All would have to sit on the floor (good thing those girls don 'S own any skirts ) No dancing either. Those who prefer to stand , could only move to the beat such as heads bopping up and down and around, arms reaching to the sky, or dangling from their shoulders. You know, let it all hang out. There could (Continued on page four) Here it is, another one of those rainy days-you know the onesBloomsburg. typical of Everything is all damp, you are chilled to your bones, and you tend to walk a little faster to escape the discomfort. Doesn't this gloomy, blah weather get you down? Don 't you believe sometimes that you just can't stand it anymore? Well, you know you aren't going to get anywhere by doing nothing, and there actually is a lot. more you can do than just bear it with misery and complaints. Have a little time on your hands? Do you long to go out and play with your Frisbee (?) , but its been pouring for the last four days? Why don't you spend that time up at the library and read something that you wouldn't usually look at? Like poetry, for instance? Take a volume of The Best Loved Poems of the American People down and turn to the section called "Inspiration ". Before too long, if you really dig that kind of- thing, you might go running out looking for rainbows . If poetry just doesn 't turn you on and y ou becom e t ot all y disenchanted with the Library , here 's some thin g else you can tr y . You won 't be gaining the time in th e thoughtful contemplation of hope and beauty this way but the rewards are grea t er on a personal level. What do y ou do ? J us t t r y a li t tle smile and a warm "Hi" to the next person you see passing by, no ma t ter who he is. Then , successful or not , do it again. I t may take a litt le nerve , but you 'll be surprised at how good you will feeland can y ou imagine how good they ' ll feel ? T hey may be shocked and not say anything, but you have brightened their day a lit tle bit . Pretty soon, you 'll begin to feel bet ter , and then good , and t hen great. People will be amaz ed at how someone can be so cheerful on such a misera ble da y. Go ahead try itit' s nothing new at all . After awhile , you might begin to like rainy da ys-so hurry up, smile before t he sun comes out ! Karen Spring Footba ll Begins "Attitute Is Terrif ic " by Jim Chapma n The Bloomsburg Varsity Football team initiated its spring session of football on Monday, May 3, 1971. Coach Puhl was very optimistic about the number of boys turning out for the opening session although he has lost several key players from last year 's squad. Coach Puhl commented on the squad "the present attitude is terrific and we . know that most Bloomsburg athletes are proud , aggressive and tough. Somehow the challenges of the 1971 season will be met." The Huskies are whipping into shape at Bloomsburg High Field because of the slow progress on the construction of the new field site. Coach Puhl will institute something new during the spring campaign this year in an effort to establish where the weak spots lie on the team. This Maroon vs. Gold game will be played on May 22. Bill Nagy a 1970 graduate who last year was honorable mention small college All-American will control the helms for the Maroon team while Joe Bottpleri, 1970 squad captain, will pilot the Goid squad. Coach Puhl is doing this in an effort to give the game back to the players. The coach staff will If II soon be that tim« again when Hie cheering masses take to ' take a back seat for the game, squad offering advice to players when the grandstands and the Maroon and Gold foo tball moves onto the gri diron. Coach Puhl has already set thin gs needed, noting strong points and weakness in an effort to develop into oear for a record season. the Huskies into a unified squad. coaching staff , "to establish will be working hard with his Coach Puhl also cited the pride , to accept boys in an effort to show that he is major objectives of the present academic athletic challenge, to provide fun capable of handling the job ofand psychological outlets through fered to him. Coach Puhl has psychological outputs and to do extreme confidence in the boys Fondest Remembrance the best job possible on the field and with a unified effort of good against all opponents . This coaching and hard dedication the will be Coach Puhl 's firs t Huskies could become a squad Is... year as head coach of which refuses to be booted by the football squad and he anyone. 784-4406 Bonded Wor ld Wide Delivery ¦¦¦¦¦ Bras . . Slips . . Panties . . Bra slips . ¦ Prescription Speciolnf • CHANEL • GUEKAIN • FAUIGE • LAKVIN • rllNCE MATCHAIELU • ELIZAIfTH- AROEN • HELENA RUBENSTEIN • DANA • CO1Y • MAX FACTOR Or—n itomp$ EUDORA'S CORSET SHOP Kampus Nook Acr oss from the Union Hot Platters Every Day Plain & Ham Hoagfrf, ' Cheese - Pepperoni • Onion Piua. Our own Made Ice Cream. Delivery to dorms, sorerl! ] ties, and fra ts. 1 Hours: Won. - Thurt 9:00I 11:00 9:00*12:00 I Frida y 4.30-12:00 I Saturday 11:00-11:00 y Sunda I i 1 Foot of Colle ge Hill Bloomsbur g, Pa. ~ winner, will visit Bloomsburg State College on Tuesday, May 18, f or a ser ies of meet ings , lec t ures , an d d emons tra ti ons under the sponsorship of the Artists and Lectures Series in conjunction with the Concert Choir of the college. Dr. Berger will open the day's ''Continued on page four) *X *i* AY BUFF 'HOLID 1AOT KFimAY HOTEL MAGEE Bloomsbwg> Pa. DICK BENKF I1LD, Mana gw BLOOM BOWL IT ^talNHBMBMMriB ^M John 's Food Market W. Main & Leonard St. Open 8 a.m. to 12 mid Daily Delicatessen Full line of grocer ies & snacks © WAFFLE GRILLE WANT TO EARN MONEY? Start a part-time business of your own. Earnings unlimited. Write: Business Opportunity Box 1775, Luxern e Mill er Offi ce Supply Co. '' BLOOMSBURG,PA. TM TUESDAY Thr! FRIDA Y •m, we* 11*0 - 1*0 cmm . *M ON OUR 2nd FLOOR _ — QUALITY — 18 West Main Street ALL YOU CAN EAT T" w ii ti u ¦ a u W-65 Dr. Jean Berger , internationally known composer, conduc tor , and Pulitzer Prize Berger To Visit FETTERMANS BARBER SHO P f ¦¦¦¦¦¦MMlANHfcMiMaMriMni SMORGASBOR D I combine it with sludge from the city 's municiple sewage plant and turn it into reuseable materials and fertilizer . The new plant will eliminate the need for a city dump and the separation of organic garbage from trash. No date has been projected for the completion of the project. 137 E. Fourth St., Bloomt bWfl ^HMaB ^HMI ^MaaH ^BMHMM MAIN * IION STtflTS The Delaware legislature during its last session authorized the expenditure of $1 million for the state to plan and design a waste recycling treatment plant. A contract to plan and design the plant was let to Hercules, Inc. of Delaware. The resulting plant will take all trash and garbage from the city of Wilmington , Don's Bike Shop 1 E. Main St., Bloombur g Eppley's Pharmacy Delaware Vs. Wast e RENT-A-BIKE See Our New JR. MISS line from War ner 's in FL OWER S BSC's Husky tennis team recentl y t raveled to th e State Meet at East Stroudsburg State College and returned ) tied in ninth place. The only two tea m points that were score d were by Tom Leedom in a singles match and Tom Jones in the doubles. Both a Freshman The Husky for th e season is 1-9-0, one that will be bettered next year according to Coach Burt Reese. Reese felt confident that the com pletion of college tenn is courts by the next tennis se ason would greatly aid the squad' s chan ces of a recor d season. HALLMARK CARDS GIFTS W»one 784-2561 1 MOVER Pharmacy BOOKS... Vour rVescr/pf/on Dru gg ist TITLES I N STOCK ROBERT G. SHIVE, R.P. Free Prescription Delivery TO ILET GOODS COSMET ICS RUSSE LL STOV ER CANDI ES GREET ING CA RDS IWtst Main St. Phone: 784-4388 BLOOMSBURG , PA. OVER 8,000 If It' s a book we have It or we can get It , Greeting Card* HENRIE S Card and Book Nook 40 W. Main St. IFC Results Delta Omega Chi placed first in IFC competition for 1970-71. It was the fourth consecutive year that DOC has won ( they never lost). Last year after winning the cup for the third consecutive year, they were entitled to keep it permanently. Standings for the 1970-71 IFC year are as follows : DOC-67 points, Phi Sigma Kappa - 57 points, Sigma Pi - 56, Lambda Chi Alpha - 55.5 pts^r Sigma Iota Alpha - 46, Zeta Psi - 37.5, and Phi Sigma Epsilon - 27. Winner of Greek Week competition during the week of May 3-9 was Sigma Pi, second CGA (continued fro m page one) place went to SIO and third was captured by Lambda Chi Alpha. The IFC would like to thank all the members of the sororities and fraternities , especially the IFC1SC council for making this a successful and fun year for all of the Greeks. EXPENDITURES I. Athletics and Recreation 1970-1971 1971-1972 Football Baseball Basketball Track Cross Country Wrestli ng Men 's Intramurals Women 's Rec.Assoc. Women's Varsity Ath letics Golf Varsity Swimming Tennis Cheerleaders Athletic Field Rentals & Buses f or Spring Sports Athletic Awards Dinner Athletic Insurance Final Exam Sched ules are on nser vB in the li brary, in facult y the hands of all in poste d membe rs, and dorms , the library, Sutlif f , and outs ide the Office of the Registrar , Ben Franklin. Greek Week activities included a pie-eating cont est . The guy that ate the most won. (continued from page one ) (Continued from page two) Also, they advise to read all the availabl e instructions before using a sun lamp for the quicky tan . There have been 5 cases of very bad facial burns in the last week due to the lack of information or the failure to heed the advice. The people who make the lamps know the dangers. Don 't believe you can ignore them and not get hurt. Read and believe, then follow. even be a contest to see who was the grooviest head bbpper or arm waver. Berger (Continued from page two) Sunday night , Greek activities concluded with a Greek-Sing in showed Sigma Carver Auditoriu m. Final tally of the results Pi won the week's activities. SOLE POWER ^ % % ¦ ' .^L^H^a^L^L^i^i^ftSSi ^i^i^Hk.. ' ' ^t^KuM^B*^ ->^^- /^j J ^ L ^^a^a^. " ' ' *¦ ' ¦ '' '^'* ' ¦a^ B^ B^B^ BnaBr? ' '' ' ^ti wk afi^ iS 1* '-^V^ ' ' ¦ a^aH ^^^ 3tP^- '' '"' '^^^ ^^^^ L^ItSSMMm activities with an informal meeting in the band room of Haas Center for the Arts at 10:30 a.m. which will be followed by a lecture and a question and answer period at 11:00 a.m. At 2:00 p.m. the noted artist will hold an open rehearsal with the BSC Concert Choir in the band room. A reception will follow at 3:30 p.m. in the Green Room of Haas Center. The day's schedule will conclude with a lecture demonstration including a reading session in Haas Auditorium at 8:15 p.m. The public is invited to all of the sessions, particularly, the one at 8:15 p.m.; there is no charge for admission. Michael McHale, Chairman of the Artists and Lecture Series, and Richard Stanislaw, Director of the Concert Choir, are in charge of the day's activities . * Charlie ' s PIZZA A HOAGIES Open til 12:00p.m. Closed 1:30 to 3sOO p.m. Evtry Do/ Bur Fridoy Mil DILIVIRY i;; v/\;o :v.^ • ~^*jt ?i» ''^ vTST ^i'r. ^^^ K'4' <: :'>: ^'^^^^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ r 5 to 7 8:30 to 11:30 Regular and King Sixe HQAGIES ¦ih^-iv ' ' >Vi>i '' ' j:;1;: " ¦¦^ ;:;' ::::;i;^:';'s .-iiffiffififfl -ffi ' ''^ ¦¦v ^i$#M;£i iI lI iiS: We welcome your Matter Charge, lfI 'i H W!i,iiSt fe^ iI I Sl ^ ^pi^ii .•¦'•^'¦^^-¦ifo 1- iPlIP /'¦$#¦: '• ' " " ' Bank Amerlcard 17,375 16,455 4,850 4,850 9,389 9,253 5,690 5,067 800 800 8,398 8,170 2,000 2,000 1,050 1,300 2,775 2,775 . 1,700 1,700 6,325 6,600 1,450 1,450 416 395 ' Fr eak Week Don 't Get Burn t I Proposed Proposed 2,300 2,800 1,500 1,500 8,800 9,000 $74,818 $74,115 Saturday would be the big finale. It would start with a rap-in preferrabl y close to or on a k e e p off the grass sign. Here each person would get up and shout obscenities and curse at whoever or whatever they wished, such as "Off the Pigs" or "Peace Now", "Impeach Nixon ", or "agnew is a fascist pig" Applause would be accepted after each demonstration of talent. Then for the last activity it would only be appropriate to make this a mass collaboration. The Storm Carver "Hall game. Anything from rotten tomatoes to eggs could be thrown at Carver Hall. No bricks or rocks allowed. The taxpayers money will pay to clean up the mess. After all the ammunition was expended they would storm Carver Hall auditorium . screaming and shouting obscenities all the way ; where Freak Week would end up with another Rap-in with a guest speaker such as Abbi Hoffman or even Rudy the Red . Sunday would be used for recuperation and preparation for the next years Freak Week . Monday would be "business as usual ." Greek week is a time for fun usually in the form of competition between fraternities and sororities. I think it is worthwhile to end up a school year with a Greek week . All participates, win or lose, have a good time. So lets not overlook our minority on campus. They are entitled to some of the fun also. Maybe if they had their Freak week they wouldn't think about demonstrating against the frats for just wanting to have a good time. CharUs N. Yeager Dispensing Opt ician! 120 E. Main St. Precriprfonc rWled A rep«ir» HBBHKMBMHMBaBIBBBMBBBMHMIMM Phone 7844292 REA & DERIGK INC. 127 W.Moin 34 E. Main Stree t and Scottown Shopping Center B LOOMSBURG "Dru gstore of Servic e" Home of the Dagwood DICK'S MARKET 8 West Main Street i