Udall-Ray To Speak At Annual Ed. Confe rence Dr. Henry Ray Dr . Henry W . Ray , Director of Learning Resources for the Centennial Schools of Warminster , Pennsylvania , will prese nt a stimulating multi-media progr am entitled "Art Education For Perception and Insight " , announced by Dr . Percival R . Roberts , III , chairman of the Bloomsbur g State College art department. The prograjn will be presented at J l a.m., Oc tober 24, 1970, in the Haas Gallery of Art , as part Iff you go to BSC, try to locate yourself in this crowd. It's doubtful that you will succeed. This shot is of Thursday's State Collof the art education section of the ( Photo by Foucart ) ege Rally in Harrisburg 24th Annual Education Conference. Dr . Ray received his ED. D.de,gree from Colu mbi a University and has been active professionally in numerous educational capac itites , among the m teaching at the college level at Teachers ColDr. Henry W. Ray Columbia University , Who Have Nothing " Sunday night , the BSC Concert , "Com e Sat - lege , Glassbo/o State , Universit y of Choir put a crowning finish on an ur day Mornin g", the Dionne WarHe was Project Direcor for wick h i t "Paper Mache Homecoming Week, unforgetable ", Pennsylvania , Lehigh University USOE Title VIII B "Education al end. A r ecordcro wd of over 1500 "Close to You " , and many more . and the Exte nsion division of Media and Heurstic Learning ** Those who attended were well Pennsyl vania State University . and a consultant to numerous attended the Pops Concert pre pleased , In fac t , surprised to hear othe r Federal programs and prosented in Haas Auditorium. Mr , Stani slaw say, "That' s every ject s in the area of the humanities. Mr . Richard Stanislaw , new Di- song we know !" So surprised that An Associate editor of the rector of the seventy member they called for an encore and reJOURNAL OF C OMMUNIC Achoir for 1970 , has been working peat of an almos t un-re peatable TI ON , Dr . Ray . has also writte n with the grou p since September . danc e routine. If you missed the performance , numerous articles for AUDIO * Sunday 's hour of continuous popyou owe it to yourself to catch the VISUAL INSTRUCTIO N, EASTular music included nine solos Christinas pr ogram being preERN ARTS BULLETIN , NEA Am ong choreograph y. and unique JOURNA L and most recently In the numbers were songs like: "T pared now. SMITHSONIAN magazine wher e he describes his innovative , Oliver J . Larmi , Professor of multi • media experiment of LEARNING IN THE ROUND conPhilosoph y at BSC , has recallThe first r egularly scheduled formal agenda be suspended and ed the highlights of the text of ducted in the "Special Expe rience CGA meetin g took place last start with the fourth item-le gali- Professor Max well Primack' s Room " of Warminster , Penna .'s Monday at 7:00 P . M . in Carver zation of the Commun ity Govern- address . Dr . Primack spoke to new comprehensive elementary Hall . ment Association Constitution . the Philosoph y Club on Tuesday , school. preliminaries , Tom After This remarkable audio-visual A discussion followed regard- October 13, concernin g the " Mor suggested that the ing the referendum of last year al Responsibility of Grou ps " . Brennan faculity uses an arra y of pr ojectand the results . In reviewin g Mr . Larmi' s summation follows: ors an d s tereo un it s to immer se the past , Brennan said in last If you 're white , are you guilty student viewers in a simulate d year 's referendum , appr oxi- for the wrongs suffered by environment of an "ever-c hangmatel y 82 % voted in favor of blac ks ? Not necessaril y, said ing, tapestry of images , colors , Primack . If you're white , y ou and shapes " which adds a dim(continued on page eight) have special respo nsibili ty to ension of enrichment not avai lable in textbooks or more standblacks which when discharged ar d teachin g methods. will free you from blame incurrAll und ergraduate students who ed by white society. wish to atte nd BSC for the Spring Here is his theory . Special reSemester 1971 must attend ONE sponsibilities are acquired if yotr of the TEN meetin gs to be held belong to a group and personal in Haas Auditorium Wednesday , ly benefit when it exploits anOctober 21. and Thursday , Octobother even though you don 't do er 2 2. any of the dirty wor k . For inIf you don 't have a class in stance , if you benefit from cheap At these meet in gs stu dents will Dr . Robert J . Nossen , Presifill out "mark- sense " f orms to be Bakeless make a point , an yway to food pr ices because of the exdent of Bloomsburg State College , read by machine and tallied to de- visit the first floor . There you ploitation of black migrant farm will be inducted as an honorary ter mine the courses to be offer- will find the wor ks of four stu - wor k ers , you incur special remem ber of the Iota chapter of ed next semester . An opportunity dent ceramicists on display in sponsibilities to help them . Now Sigma Alpha Eta , Professional to pre pare a secon d an d fina l the showcases . Some of the pieces if you do what you can to help, Speech Hearing Frater nity course selection will be provided have been purchased by the art you 're not bein g nobl e or at BSC and The Induction will take . department for its permanent col- char itable anymore than you are in November . place toni ght Oct . 21 , in the , lection , but all are intended to In attem pting to pay any debt , The meetin g schedule is as folHearin g and Commun center for create Interest in a busy, im- inasmuch as you are simply dislows: ication Disorders on the ground personal place . Wednesday , October 2 1 char ging an obligation . But if an floor of Navy Hall , at 6:30 P M . . One showcase contai ns a han g- En glishman (who presumably 9:00 a.m. In addition to the Honorary ing piece by Bob Behr , who con- does not benefit from the exploita11:00 a.m. centrates on hand-bu ilding ce- tion of American farm workers ) Level of membership , the loca l 1:00 p.m. ramics . Th is slabware piece , one helps out , he woul d be noble or chapter has membership on the 3:00 p.m. levels of Affiliate , Associate , of a ser ies which may remind 7:00 p.m. char itable , because he ' s un d er no Key, and H onorary for students . the viewer of leather pouches special obligation to do so, If , Thursda y, October 22 The Honorar y level of memberand shoulder bags , skillfully com- however , you benefit, but do noth9:30 a.m. ¦ bines texture and color with a ing, you stand guilty of not meet- ship is confered upon a profess11:00 a.m. ional person who has demonstracomplimentary- material , a leath2:00 p.m. ing your obligations . outstanding Interest and serer stra p, to make people think 3:30 p.m. Now some ar gue that unless you ted vice to the pr ofession of Comof materials othe r than ceramic s. actuall y succeed in rightin g the 7:00 p.m. municat ion Disorders . If it is Impossible for you to However , his favor ite piece on wron gs of your group, you haven 't During the meetin g, Dr . James atten d one of these meetings , display Is a small , white , ab- discharged your obligations . But Bryden Chair man of the Depart , contact the Registrar Immedi- stract for m which is really a that' s not so, said Prima ck, It' s ment of Communication Diswheel'distorte d piece , found at sufficient If you've done all you ately , Be sure to take along a suffi- the opposite end of the same can . To discharge your respon- orders , will present an award to cient number o! soft lead pencils showcase . You'll have no trouble sibility to blacks , tor example , the outgoing Chairman , Dr , Margaret Lefevre , John Dellegrotto , and the PRE -SCHEDU LING book- pickin g out either of these pieces, you need not actuall y end racism; a sophomore from Berwick. Is let , with course offerings and a (continued en peg* seven ) (continued tight ) en pa§t President of the Iota chapter . sam ple "mark-sense " form . '70 Pop s Concert Ends Homec oming CGA Star ts Year Meeti ng Today ! Bakeless Showc ases Primack Recapped On Groups Nossen Inducted Stewart Udall Stew ar t Udall , former Secretar y of the interior and noted author , will be the featured speaker at the General Session of the 24th Annual C onfere nce for Teachers and Administrators to Ix* held at Bloomsburg State College on Saturday , Cctober 24, 1970, in -^ Haas Auditori um at 12:15 p.m. His topic will be , "Limits: The Environmental Imperative ot the 1970' s." Over 5 ,000 invitations have been extended to teachers and administrators in Penns ylvania and nearby state s to attend this Dr . C. one day conference. Stuart Edwards , Dean of the School of Professional Studies , is chairman for the conference. An outstanding grou p of educator s have been selected as speakers for various demonstrations , seminars , and sessions of the divi sions of business , elementary , secondar y, and special education. Durin g the luncheon in Scran ton Commons at 1:30 p.m., the Bakeles s Center tor the Humanities , named for two generations ot the Bakeless family aU ot whom grad uated from the Bloomsburg State Normal School , will be dedicated. The presentation will be made by William A; Lank , President of the Board of Trustees; the response by Dr. John Bakeless , educator , sch olar , and ret ire d arm y colone l. Stewart Udall , who tor eight year s as Secretar y of the Interior in both the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations fought for a "new con serva ti on'* that would In sure our coun t r y 's econom ic , social and moral he alth. Now , as head of The Overview Grou p, which he formed in 1969 , he Is dedicated to "creatin g a better total environm ent for man " by consulting and working with governmen ts and industries. In addition to heading this pioneer ing international consulting firm , Mr. Udall Is a Visiting Professor of Environ mental Humanism at Yale Universit y and the author of two Imp or t ant books , " 1976 Agenda For Tomorrow '* and "The Quiet Crisis ." A 1948 grad uate of the University of Arizona , Udall is a lawyer by profe ssion and the son of a Chief Justice of the Arizona Supr eme Court , Shortly after his re-election to a fourth term as a Unite d States Representative from Arizon a's Second District , he was sworn in as Secretary of the Interior , January 20 , 1961. YOUR OWN THING is Coming Monday, October 26, Haas Auditorium The H ole in the Wall ., Bloomsburg, Pa. 1781S Hot .' Thurs 9:00* 11)00 Frida y 9:00-12:00 Saturda y 4:30-12:00 Sunda y 11:00-11:00 •» > • < : r t < #. i f t i i < i (4) Proposed amendments which receive the required approval by the Executive council of the Committee on Student Affairs will .be submitted to the College Council of the Community Government Association for action . A 2/3 vote of the total membership of the College Council will be required for passage of the amendment . (5) All amendments approved as indicated in items 1,2,3, and 4 above will become effective immediately after they have been appro ved by the Pr esident of the College . (6) All amendments approved before June 1 will be included in the Pilot and made public immediatel y through the Maroon an d Gold . (7) Public announce ment of the amendin g pr ocedure shall be made not less than twice a semester through the Maroon and Gold . This announcement will be the responsibility of the Executiv e Council of the Committee on Student Affairs. Fondest Remem brance Is... Showcases (continued fro m page one ) The display also includes three slabware pieces by Ed Theiman , who likes to refine natural forms to create organic feeling. Ed showed his ability by forming three slabs over different rocks . The welded seam s of one may remind you of metal welded together . All , however , will give you organic feeling. Ed' s non-objective work is par alleled by an abstraction by Paula Demetriko poul us. Her eagle , made of coils and slabs , glazed with copper oxide , shows that natural objects can be abstracted in ceramics as well as other media . The exhibition is completed by •two wheel-thrown pieces by a former stu dent , Lois Wettstone . These show just what can be done with a potter 's wheel and a ball of clay. Charlie 's PIZZA A HOAGIES Open ftU UtOO pjn. Closed 1x30 to 3t00 p.m. Every Doy But Friday Pil 5 to 7 DIUVIIY 8:30 to 11,30 Regular and King Slie HOAGIES FLOWERS 784-4406 Phon e 7844292 Bonded World Wide 127 W. Moin BLOOMSBURG Delivery Beads and Fish Nets j ust arrived THE STUDIO SHOP 5f I . Main St. , Bloomsburg 794.1818' e) • • • Distinctive Gifts Framing Wallsca ping Music An Open Letter .... Editor 's Note: The following was received from Dr, Joseph T. Skehan , professor of economics at Eloomsburg State College, on Sunday, October 18, 1970. For ease of presentation , the Maroon and Gold Is presenting It In an "open-letter11 form. This article does not necessarily represent the opinions of the M & G or its editors.* Also, the Maroon and Gold has not at anytime mentioned dismissal . leges (AAC- Administrators national organi zation), and the Association of Governing Boards of Colleges and Universities (AG3) — all members organs of the American Council on Education. This departure from professional academic procedures and norms has produced the undesireable consequences they were designed to prevent. For example, the Administration by its failure to consult with the faculty in question has fostered the repetition of much misinformation of an elementary sort about this matter. Respectively on 1 October 1970 and 9 October 1970 the BSC President informed Professor Por ter and Dr. Skehan of their suspension from classroom duties. The President was informed that this action was il egal, because the Administration violated both the Bloomsburg State College procedures regulating such matters as well as the parallel standards of the AAUP and AAC (1958 statement on dismissal procedural standards). On Friday, October 16, 1970 the press and radio carried stories emanating from the Administration of BloomsburgState College concerning the suspension of Dr. Joseph T .Skehan from his teaching duties. At its formal meetings on 12 September 1970 and on 15 September 1970 the Economics Department, unanimously approved final course assignments for its professors. Us formal decisions rested on several weighty academic grounds. According to academic standards the primary responsibility 'for this kind of decision quite naturally rests with the faculty. On Friday October 16, 1970, The Administration intervened the Maroon & Gold and the pubIn a clearly discriminatory lic media , press and radio , pubmanner in the course assignlished stories based on one or ments only of Professor Porter more Press Releases issued by and Dr. Skehan-respectlvely the the Administration. Senior Member of the Department and the Secretary of the DepartBy this action the Administrament. The procedures used by the tion violated Article 8 of the 1958 violated the Administration Statement on DisAAUP/AAC GovernUniversity College and missal Procedures. This prothe by approved Statement ance American Association of Univer- cedure clear ly limits publicity to sity Professors (AAUP), the "time of the hearing" and the Association o f American Col- lik e, until completion of all col- Primack (cont in ued f ro m page one) The n. are two good reasonsfor this. On the one hand , a college, of all Institutions , should investigate before it speaks, so that it knows what it is talking about , before it addresses the public at large. On the other hand tossing the matter into the public media may prejudice condtfct of the investigation. E mphasis shift from lact-nnding and verification,pr ocedural issues and judicious reflection to press agentry and public image manipulation — the techniques of Madison Avenue, not of a college. Recently the ScrantonCommission reported to the President of the United States that restraint , understanding and reconciliation were desperately needed on campuses in the country . Academic procedures provide the necessary restraints. But they must be followed. BIOLOGY CLUB There will be a social meeting, Wednesday, October 21, at 7:00 p.m., outside room 134 in Hartline . The purpose of this meeting is to get acquainted with each other and break from the usual order of business.So wear old clothes and be prepared for a surprise, it will be worth coming to see what 's happening. POETRY Poetry can pay off . The Eight Annual Competition of the Kansas City Poetr y Contest is awarding $1 ,600 in cash prii.es including six $100 awards for single poems by f ull time undergraduates . For details , see the posters in the English Department Office , first floor Bakeless . SPANISH Improve your Spanish comprehension and conversations .Learn about the culture of one of the many countries whose native tongue is - Argentina . The President of the United Join BSC'Spanish s exchange , States recently appealed for a Graciela Maldonado andstudent Mrs . return to the "rule of reason" Whitme for lunch at 12:00 Monin American colleges. It is day andr Wednesday at the Scranindeed regrettable that Blooms- ton Commons For further . burg State College has violated mation call Extension 371, infor. 11:00 over and over again the pro- - 12:00 Monday, Wednesday, or cedural standards which consti- Frid ay. tute the framework for the "rule of reason." WCTU Joseph T . Skehan, Ph. D . Congratulation s to Jane Elmes, Associate Professor of a Junior from Berwick , the 1970 Economics National Champion of (are you ready for this) the Women ' s seven day limit really applies Christian Temperance Union CGA to CGA minutes). Oratory Contest held recently in At this point, Pillagalli sus- Washington , Pennsylvania. Think (co ntinued from page- one) the referendum to suspend admin- pended the meeting to allow the of all the f un Jane could have up with istrators as voting members of executive board time to clear her $75 first prize! CGA . Of the 17 % of the college this matter . The meeting was to community voting, 18% voted be reheld the following night, Tuesday, Oct . 13. against the referendum . Brennan then , asked why some At Tuesday night' s meeting, of these people were still on the Town authorities announced College Council . Over 2/3 of President Nossen was the main that the street sweeping schedule center of attention . the students voting had voted tor , will remain in effect , as posted The heart of his delivery was and according to the Constitution , (supported that House Bill 999 until all leaves are on streets, this was enough to remove them . the Public School law) passed by down off the trees and gathered IRREGULARITIES gave the adminisup. Feb 17 1970, , . It was then pointed out by Mr . Mulka that the referendum of trative heads full responsibility last spring was considered full of for all that happens on the college "irregularities ." John Hankin campus . Since he is responsible asked that the irregularities be for all on campus , he is respon sible for the outcome of the elecpointed out . Oct . 2 2 — 9 a .m , — Chenango Mulka replied saying he had tions, For ks Central Schools , Chenango debate After some unscheduled been in touch with several stuForks , New York — Any ina motion was on the matter , dents who did not vote, but had terested teaching candidates; proposed to end debate, Mr . their names crossed from the Oct 28 - 9:30 a.m . - Army Norton seconded and President list . Also he said that names of Medical Specialist Corps . — departed Nossen , people who were student teaching Army Occupational or Physical Norton then made a motion to or had transferred , had also been Therapy Program , (Men or woup a committee of three to set crossed off . men); legalizing study the matter of He further stated that the Oct . 28 - 11:00 a.m . - New President of the College and the the CGA constitution . York City Public Schools , New Those appointed to the commitDean of Students have the right York, N .Y . - All areas . to accept or reject the referen- tee were Mark Foucar t, Frank Pizzoli , and Mr , John Walker . dum . There w a s considerable Mr , Norton suggested that Mr, comment from the floor regard- Dadice be consulted as an advisor ing a memo that was sent or to the legal aspects . BUDGET DISCUSSED Continental Breakfast (toast , not sent by the President of the original Getting back to the cereal , juice , pastr y, etc .) is becollege to certify the referendum , a motion was made to agenda , Mike Hock , Vice President of bur g. CGA , made a motion to table consider the budget at a later In the miscellaneous business , the discussion until the matter date, Tom Brennan seconded the motion , but it was defeated, it was asked If the preside nt of of the memo was clarified . After the budget was approved , the Student Union Committee Dor Remsen then suggested Pillagalli asked whether or not could be an ex-officio member of that the enti re meeting be adthe CGA could allot funds for a the council , it was decided that journed until the voting order bus to take students to State he would be invited to all meet. and who can vote be straightened Ings , as a gues t , In the future , out . Hoc k made a motion to sus- College Day at Harrisburg. Mr . Norten suggested that the Mi ke Hock made a mot ion to pend the meeting and it was college pay the expense of at least abolish the present method of seconded by John Hankin . selling the BNE tickets . He said H owever , Bob Medford was one bus . John Hankin wondered if we'll be getting a worthwhile that it was not as profitable as stan ding and the motion could not it's enough to be vigor ously fighting against it . Here Primack digressed to make an observation on the Weatherman mentality . They believe that if you try one tactic to right the wrongs of your group, and it hasn't worked , e.g. mass demonstrations , then you are under an obligation to do something more drastic , like throwing bombs . That , he said , does not follow . What follows is that you are under an obligation to do something more effective like or ganizing on a permanent basis to gain access to the media to get your views across, Primack's remarks here were presented on the backdrop of a fable of a garden party held on a lush green lawn in the middle of a mismal swamp. The swamp dwellers and seme of the party goers begin to realize that the swamp exists because of the party and that all the world could really be a garden party. The fable describes how party goers become upset and consider rude those who no longer want to play party games, but do not attempt to dc something about the swamp. For this they are called "Swampies " behind their backs. Out of this conflict grew two moralities . There was the party goer moral lty where goodness was defined in terms of one 's dress and skill in party games, and there was the swample morality where it was defined in terms of one 's committment to ending the swamp. The fable was advanced both to illustrate his theory of the moral responsibility of groups and to illuminate the polarization which has taken plaice in America today. be recognized . The 1970-71 Obiter will hold a •faff meeting thlt Thursd ay, Oct. 22, 1970. The meeti ng iftafl be held in the Obiter office en t he second floor of Waller Hall at 7:00 p.m., room 231. All those that signed up at registra tion should attend thlt mooting. legiate procedural steps. Brief s Medford said that " ever yone was grab bing at all kinds of straws " a n d looking for loopholes , Brennan further questio ned the validation of the referendum , Mr , Wal ker stated that there was a seven-day provision In the con * stitution saying that If In seven days the president doesn 't reply, the re ferend um Is approved (the SWEEPING CAMPUS INTERVIEWS BREAKFAST return on our investment . Janet Boyanoskl said we'll get more back than we invested and Bob Medford called it "a new experien ce." M ike H ock , sittin g in (or President P lllagallL, recognlzed Plllagalli,who made a motion to accept the PSASG statement , A motion was then made to provide funds for the cost of one bus to take stu dents to the rally in Harris- the previous method . Norton stated that we should not re-eva luate the new system until it has been given a fair trial . The motion was defeated , but Hock suggested that a comm ittee be established to study the situat ion . The meeting was adjourned by Pilla galli. The next scheduled CGA meeting is M onday, October 26 , 1070. In g served Monday through Friday in Dining Room B of Scranton Commons f r om 8:15 to 9:00 a .m . OLYMPIAN Submissions are now being accepted for the 197 1 Olympian , BSC 's literary magazine , Allan Maurer , editor , announced . Short stories, poetry, Hiaku, and works in progress , are sought for the student publication. Submissions may be made to Box 293 , Waller , See "Oli mp peon " feature on page two for further information . Byrd (co ntinued from page three ) to understand that one doesn't interfer with another 's appreciation of such an involved , complex and engaging art for m as modern jaz z or classical guitar by discussing the attractiveness of one"s date for the all-impor tant Ides of March concert the following evening. And it was a bit embarrassing when Mr . By r d had to remark that there might be better and more mutually tolerable things to do in the darkness of the gym than talk . The girls next to me found out what he was like . One was wearing a "psychedellically " painted "Love" T-shirt . When someone behind her found it necessary to ask her to allow him to enjoy the concert in silence, it became quite obvious that the most basic prerequisite for love, respect , was sadly lacking. Nevertheless, many students did enjoy the concert . Many were introduced to music far beyond the self-imposed horizon of top 40 AM radio. In more ways than one, it was an educational as well as an entertaining experience. Racists (continued from page t hree; peoples of Spanish descent as often as that against Blacks , it does exist , and subtle as it is , it is_ a sickness and it needs curing. And my Jewish brother , don 't thi nk that " Kike isn 't used around here. I really don't know what the reason for this racism Is , bu t 1 can speculate . It may be that the upbringing of these sick people is the cause of their malday, but where there 's a wi ll , there 's a way , and man , you can cure It. One of my favorite myth s is that one that goes through the minds of some white guys when they see a white chick with a black guy. Myth : aw well , she j ust wants a bigger penis than white guys can give her. You know the myth , don 't you men? Did it ever occur to you that that chick finds that guy more interesting, intriguing? Just might be I Anyway, I think you racists should take a look at yourselves in the mir ror of the mind , and if you look real hard , you may find out that you just don 't understand your bro ther , and that can only mean th at you don 't und erstand yourself ver y well. Dave Watt FORUM (Co ntinued fr om page three ) ful level — something tried in man y ar eas of the college , ^y in itiati ng student involvement a collect ive and genuine feeling of pr ide can be Introduced to and taken on by the student body. Throug h this gr oup concern constructive chang e by wny of microscopic evaluation of issues confronting th e college can be accomplishe d. Comm unication Is (or all sides If a community is to advanc e in any direct ion. Communication br eeds understandi ng....understanding la conducive to succesg....success scratches the sur face of perfection .