e There was a youn g fro m Trinit y. Who took the squa re of infinity. The numbe r of digits , him the fid gits; So he dro pped math took up Divinity. man Send com ments on the New root Schedul ing gave "Sc heduli ng", and B ox to 301, Blo omsb urg State Coll ege. Pre -Schedu lin g Elim in ated With the continuin g growth of the college and the largest undergraduate enroll ment in the history of the institution , certain chan ges have had to be made in class schedulin g pro cedures to insure that each student wil* have a clas s schedule which will meet the demands of his academic progra m . Big Name Entertain ment presents the Homecoming Concert. Procedure Ides of March for the Ides of Ma rch B .S .Cf . Security police will have most credible figures on the another "Vehicle " on their contemporary music scene . He hands , and it' s one they can't put has appeared on many major TV a ticket on. This "Vehicle " is shows includin g Today, Tonight, the smash single of the "Ides of Perry Como, Edie Adam s, Joe y March" who will be appearing and Bishop, Johnny Carson , in the annual homecoming concert Steve Allen and has appeared at in Haas Auditorium , October 16, the Newport , Montere y, Longhan, at 8:30 p.m . and Vir ginia Beach jazz festivals . He won best guitarist award in "Dow Bent" magazine ' s InterMarch" is a The "Ides of the national Critic 's Poll and band etc seven piece rock , blues , . is P layboy Jazz poll several times . from Chicago who's sound somewhat similar to that of "Chi Most recently , Byrd has been cago" and New York' s " Blood , stud ying with Ravi Shankar and Sweat , and Tears " . Their firs t plays at his own night spot in major single, "V ehicle " , topped Washington , D .C . the charts all over the country this summer and won the group Byr d will appear at B.S.C . with instant fame and a gold record . a Bassist , Drummer , and Their new single, "Su per man , " Flutist . is now climbing the best sellers ' list . Tickets for the "Ides of March" and "Charlie Byrd" On stage , the group is led by Concerts will be sold together , Jim Peterick vocalist and lead both for three dollar s (two con guit arist . He is also responsi- certs— one price) . Students and ble for writin g most of the ori- faculty will be able to buy tickets for these concerts on October 1, ginal material they perform . 2 , and 3, using the new policy prepared and passed by College Peterick is backed by Larry Mlllas , second guitarist and or- Council last year , to eliminate ganist , who also does vocals with the long line , long wait proced ure a ran ge of three octrvves. M ike used In the past . This pro cedure Borch , drummer , is considered is as follows: one of the best in the M idwest ; BNE envelopes will be availBob Ber glard plays bass , sax , abl e at the desk of all the resiand doubles as the group 's busdence halls , in the book store , iness mana ger ; Ray Herr plays and in the union . Students wishguit ar , bass, and also does lead tickets (no more purchase ing to voca l s. The hor n section is com customer ) should than two to a pr ized of John Lavson and Chuck plac e a check or money order Somar . for three or six dollar s (one or two tickets ) in the envelope and For those on campus who like place it in the ballot box which J azz , B .S. C, will also host one of will be located in th e book stor e the finest Jazz guitarists on the on October 1, 2, and 3 These contemporary music scene today, envelopes will be drawn .random Charlie Byrd , in an unprecedent - ly, the best seats being awarded second Homecoming concert ed to the lirst choice , and so on. on Octobe r 25 , at b'.OO p.m., in On October 8, 9 , and 10 , tick ets Gymnasium. can be picked up in the bookstore the Centennial . (Bring your own blanket) . Students must show their I . D . to re ceive the tickets and faculty members and the Big Name EnByrd , who has studied under the famous Spanish classical ruI - terta inment committee must turn tar lst , Andres Segovln , legend - the ir check and envelope into Mr . ary gypsy guitarish , Djan go Rein- Mulka , in his office In the Union . In the event tha t there are left har dt , and has played with Stan over t ickets , they will be sold in Getz (Gir l fr om Ipenema) presents a rar e and successful fus- the book store on October 8 to the ion of class ical , J azz , and blues colle ge staff in the morning and guitar , mak in g him one of the to all others in the afternoon . Administrative officers , includin g Dr . John A . Hoch , Vice President and Dean of the Facul ties; Mr . Robert Bunge , Registrar; and Mr . Fr ank Davis , Director of Computer Services Center have developed a set of procedures which should give every student the course schedule he needs to meet his graduation requirements . Advance schedulin g, which in the past has been a hectic exercise in futility, will become a thing of the past . With it will go all the confusion , disappoint ment , and the devious practices that helped to make it a nightmar e. student thinkin g, wants , desire , and academic needs. It must also be noted tha t along with this new fr eedom and power goes increased respons ibility . Each student must be sure of the courses which he wishes to take , and must indicate the choices carefully to insur e that his voice is heard . It should be pointed out that student choices (courses-not sections of courses ) will be com puterized , and the final class schedule will be the result of a computerized program especial ( contin ued en pag e four ) Foundation Approv ed poration were prepared by Attor ney E . Eugene Eves who also assisted with the development of the bylaws . The trustees appro ved the Foundation in principle early in the 1969*70 academic year , and gave the final approval at their meetin g in July, 1970 . During the summer months , both President Nossen and James H . Neiswender , Assistant Director of Development , have contracted representatives of business organizati ons and alumni groups to explain the pur poses of the Foundation a n d solicit financial support . The response to their initial contacts have been very gratif ying. Bri efs Rings C lass Ring orde rs for those graduatin g in 1972 will be taken at the C ollege Store M onday , September 28 thru Friday, October 2, 1970. Orders ' Will be taken from 9:00 A M . to 4:30 P.M . The Bloomsbur g F oundation , a A $10.00 deposit must accomnon-profit educational corporatpany each order. ion , has been approved by the Board of Trustees of Bloomsburg State College . The announcement The new procedures will per - came from . William A. Lank , mit the student to indicate his Trustee Pr Mr esident , who with the choice of courses in preferentiElections Internal Revenue code as a tax al order (and possibl y give him exempt organization qualified to an additional choice of a few al- receive gifts , bequests endown , Elections of officers for the ternate courses , if one or more of ments , grants , and other sour Association of Women Students his first five or six choices can- ces of private income . will be held in the respect ive wonot be scheduled) . men 's residen ces as follows: The incorporator s include Ro- Primary — M onday , Sept. 28 Durin g the month of September , bert Nossen, William A . Lank , Final - Wednesda y, Sept. 30 a series of ten group meetings William E . Booth , Boyd E . Buckare planned to present the new ingham , Paul G . Martin , Elton plan to uppercla ss students; new Hunsin ger college officials . and , students and transfer students The corporation calls for memmet during the summer months A .R.M. * bershi p fr om college constitu all to lear n how to complete the new choice forms . Students must at- ent groups and a Board of DirectThe Executive Board of the tend one of the ten meetings which ors elected from that memberDirectors shall consist of A ship. .R.M. announces the district will be scheduled in either CarBloomsbur g the President of elec ti ons f or re pre sentat ives to ver Auditorium or Haas Auditori representaCollege two State , the Executive Council of the A.R , um . Complete explanations of the tives of the Board of Director s M. Anyone interested , see your new procedures will be made , elected from that membership . Resident Advisor concerning ofand students will be able to ask questions regarding the pr ogram . Directors shall consist of the fices , districts , and qualificaPresident of Bloomsbur g State tions . College , two re presentatives of Students will be asked to indi- the Board of Trustees , one reThe Executive Board of the cate course preferen ces on mark - pre sentative of the faculty, one A.R.M , als o announces nominasen se f orms , selecting fro m a list representative from the Alumni tions for C.G.A. represent atives of courses which represents all Association , the Business Mana- from each resident hall. If incourses which the college could ger of the College , and t h e Dean terested contact Pete Doyle or , conceivabl y offer during the se- of Students of the College Rloh Nlcklas . , Box 628 Waller mester . The master schedule is Elwell respectively . 2612 or Box then prod uced from the result , Designed to assist the college ing tally . This represents a major in various function s for which departur e fr om traditio nal sched- either state funds should not or The Bloomsbur g Fair Asuling in that the students are now cou ld not be used , the Foundation socia t ion has extended it s being brought into the decision* will significantly assist the colfree admission polic y t o t he makin g process . In other wor ds , lege in carrying out its full edust uden t s and fac ulty of t he the master schedule will reflect cational mission . Bloomsb urg State College accordin g t o t he followin g According to Mr . Lank , "State sohedule. Admission will be Bloomtburg State Colle ge colleges and universities have by pr esent a t ion of y our is permitte d to nominate 4 long found it necessary to depend Bloomsbur g State College seniors or recent graduatts for some support on private Identification card. for tha Danforth Graduate fund s . This becomes especially Fellowship. This fellowship true at a time when Increasing STUDENTS AND FACULTY provide s for stipends rangdemands are being mad e upon the ing from $1,800 t o $3,600 for state for appropriations . HistorTuesda y, Septemb er 29, an academic yea r. The Felically, Bloomsbur g has essential 1970, after 12:00 noon . low ship is desi gned for perly recleved some aid fro m federsons wis hing to purchase a al and state grants , an d f rom its STUDINTS ONLY flaroe *- in col lege teaching alumni . Hopefully, the Founda Thos e who qualify and are tion will make possible the broadThursda y, Octobe r 1, 1970, intereste d should contaet oi th is base enjm r ." after eiOO p.m. (prior to Oct. 10) Mr. Brian Scheduled claim will NOT T h e initial or ganizat ional Johnson , Box 85, 230 Hartllne be cancelled to atten d the of the meeting Bloomsburg telenca Center , Ixt. 342, Blbomtbur g Fair. Foun dati on will be held in Sept for further informa tion. ember , The Articl es of lncor . EDITORIAL Up on top of Olympus Mount , M ore Freshmen stand than I can count. They quietly await as if at a funeral , Whi le the Or. Comm. announces •It's time for Tribunal.*' And this concludes another season of that old tradition called "Freshman Orientation ." While BSC's Orientation Committee and program are much improved over that of five years ago, they still have a ways to go. As part of this year's plan , Incoming freshmen spent a weekend on campus this past summer, tfven though testing occupied a large portion of the time , they (Vrtlrl K were given a chance to get acquainted with the new environment. Meeting people and a short stay in the dorms got them better oriented than if they had been dropped on the campus the first week of school. Informality and casualness as well as the friendliness of everyone seemed to Immensely aid the transition. But with all of the se highlights and good points , there still remains a stumbling block. With the mature way the orientation was handled during the sum mer ,, one would think there VOL. IL (continued on page four ) 1 5R ft £ L. out looking at the lower half of his voter 's card. A certificate of Registration is, of course , not a ticket to cut class, but if some of you register to vote with that in mind , you might get thinking on the way up the hill from the County Court House what could happen to the Bill ol Rights in a nation where only the frightened and senescent make it to the polls while other listless lumpheads lie on their pads waiting for Mr. Nixon's volunteer service plan to deliver them from the last of their political decisions. My own voter's certificate lies snuggled somewhere among less valid credit cars in my wallet and is marked N. P., which outlines a duty to listen to many pronouncements in the hope of finding a few candidates who, despite a national trend , still believe education is a proper route towards peace. If you are too young to vote, organize and seek that right. You have a strong rationale since you are old enough to fight , able to read long letters, and better informed than before you came to BSC. Thanks for the opportunity to continue enjoying my academic freedoms, Eric W . Smithner , member publications committee oy susi Kress The now infamous encircled crowsfoot known as the "peace symbol" was originally based on the semaphore signals (signaling with the use of flags) for the letters N and D, which stand for Nuclear Disarmament. "N»» is made by holding the arms out fr om the sides in a 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock position and ? •D" is made by holding them in a 6 o'clock and 12 o'clock position. The circle is a sign of unity and of fire. During the 1950's the Committee on Nuclear Disarmament in Britain developed this peace symbol and later their American (continued on page four) NO. 2 Feature Staff Sports Staff Twry Blass, Co-Editor Jack Hoffman , Ed. Bonni e 8lough James Chapman Carme n Clollo Jim Flynn Cathy Jack Photo Staff Circu lation Staff Copy & Typing Staff Mark Foucar t, Ed. Ka t e Cal pln Carol Klshbau gh , Co-Mgr. Pet Heller, Co-Mgr. Marg aret Jones Btaln e Ha rtung Karen Gable Tom Fl y nn Andrea Hoffma n Tom Schofleld Andrea Boy d Linda Bnnls , id. Holly Mensch Janet Bablari •*••"" • ¦• Chowka Randee Pray Busi ness Staff : Pam Hlckey, Anne Staslk, Barbara Strohm. Art Editor: John Stugrin , Adviser : Mr. Kenne thC. Hoffmen. > ku nu « B J ( M * l^ a U a p ivllMti ^ i^W W f Vy M |i|in n mrl ^ ra la a i> 4 w M fcMMM laA * Ww p ^WWfV V^ViPlVt Wf nVTv, U m>4i ^I^m IFravWNlB J I^A AMim» * I^WVr^TV oeMer,ere net smtetrh V*»** **e swM catlen but ttteeo of Ike Individuals. ¦i ONtos teeetedst *4 WeNer Hall , Extensio n 313. '• I ¦ ' ' ' ' \ ¦ ' ' . ' • • ' in ¦ ' - . .. - - . ¦ . by Blass Sunday...I walk into the office with man pencil in mah hand and there's Mike and he tells me Hendrix is dead . I hadn't known. It started to sink in that night , and I swear the moon turned a fiery red . It's the old Dylan/ McCartney^Baker^Mitchell^^ Hendrix dead trick , only this time it's for real . And I'm just beginning to realize another friend gone. Gone a week now . Nobody seems to know why, how, but he's gone . Mainlined to his head , some say. Whatever 3 years ago rumors from Monterey: the ByrdsUast acid test as Dave Cr osby j a m s with Buffalo Springfield (I wonder if anything'11 ever come of that); stories about Big Br other and this chick named Janis; and wild things about this black NUT in weird clothes burning his guitar mention of the Experience on Burdon 's "Winds of Change " al^^ bum ... and then, the album , those ridiculous blurbs and that fisheye cover my brother and I sat around playing it for a whole week, going "What is this anyway? That guitar sounds like fi t's TALKING , for Chrissake . I dunno is this MUSIC ?" "I dunI no if it's music or not, but I love it ." jim sachetti "Purple Haze " all the teenyLet's see, as soon as I think bop dances with every rinky of a few examples, you can start tink band doing Hendrix for the reading this article . There must foxey ladies in the crowd ... noobe a million of them but I only ble bodies washed in orgiastic need one or two. OK , let's use sounds, swaying and gyrating and HULA-HOOPS and RICHARD NIX- orgasming, and you thought ON. cream was a GROUP? throwNow right about here , half of away voice chuckling evilly... you are thinking: "He 's invent- enough feedback and whooshing ing a new word game," and the that I got over the loss of the other half is thinking: "He 's old Byrds... from out of nowriting an article on recurring where, Hendrix overthrows Chet American fads ." Both you halves Atkins on the Playboy Poll and are wrong. It' s the half that 's becomes world king of guitar thinking: "HULA-HOOPS and three years? RICHARD NIXON are monuments Feedback and wah-wah and soul to our new heroes , " that's the carooming speaker to speaker ... half that knows what this article a man crawling inside his guitar , is about . (The half that thinks making cosmic sounds as ya this article is half-baked can go tried to see his fingers move , back to the Student Union and en- and couldn 't ...playin g his instrujoy the 'atmosphere '.) ment between his legs , behind his Anyway, HULA-HOOPS and back, with his teeth Mitchell RICHARD NIXON are indeed mon- flail ing away, Redding doing very uments; eternal erections to a interesting bass lines , an aposmall band of new, American calypse of sound , mere backheroes . Heroes so strong, that ground for the best guitarman in they control every mind in Ameri- the world (the best guitarman in ca with their all-powerful wea- the world)., .no Robert Johnson pon , the 'boob tube '. Heroes so numbers, no half-hour versions of clever , that they have taken over "Spoonful ," no sympathies for the electing of government of- the devil , no lemon-squeezings , ficials without anyone finding out . no "Ah got ah bird that whistles , And heroes so cunning, that they ah got a bird that sings ," just have devised clever ways to take a humming bird and it hummed our money, give us nothing in re- so loud ... (not that he wasn 't outtur n , and make us enjoy it . 0 ra geous , mind )...but the best guieven hear that they are so smart, tarman in the world , not necesthe college is going to let them sarily stoned , just beautiful try to fix the air-conditioning In ( continued on page four) Hartline .) I refer to those mad salesmen , the super-hucksters of all time , the m en who can mu ch they can do for an encore. and do shove the oddest things Well , all I can say is: "Think down the American public 's again," They topped themselves throat , the Madison Avenue mer- this summer when they began chandisers . Witness two of their selling THIS: "Hi Bob!" monumental achievements: Joe , Peace!" "Hey after years The HULA-HOOP, "How was your summer , development it had of painstaking arrived : r ound , hollow , plastic man ? " "Oh wow , it was great , ju st an d wort hl ess. Enter our heroes , a few well placed ads, a few well great ." Hey, I like that 'peace ' ring planned publicity stunts , and people were gyrating themselves you 're wear ln '," "Oh wow, lemme tell ya Joe, into chiropractic clinics all over this was the summer of peace America . Or take RICHARD NIXON and love . C' m on over ta m y (please?), after years of pains- ro om , I'll show ya what 1 mean Wha d' ya think of that? taking development he had ar"Yeah , that's real nice ". rlve ' , ¦' Most people say you have to start at the bottom no matter how high you want to climb. . ¦ ¦ .;.,. ¦ ¦ .. ¦ ;.„ ¦ • • ' I ' ' j Randolph Air Force Base, Texas 78148 Please send me more information, Name College Crltfitimtinft n .u Graduation Date . > Address.. ' city . . . ..... state. itp ¦ ' under»ta ™1 there is no obligation . ^ *! ^w* s *!kk ¦ . . I — ¦ __ ~ '¦ " ¦• „ /• Wwrw , .... .._ . . . : - ' • \ I A «e . ! ! ! ¦¦ , "" united states air force R Bo^ A , DeJ SCP-79 •> • ' ¦' ¦ ' . " ¦ . •) Wind (continued from page two) electric ladies and rainy days & a ghost ride as a broth* er 's house burns & they say it's impossible for a man to live and breathe underwater & it's too bad our friends can 't be with us today (and Dylan watching from all along the watchtower)... choice of instructor , but the over* Hole In The Wall ¦ ridin g purposes of the new pro(continued from page two ) cedures Is the need to provide every student with the courses he this ." must have in order to complete "That' s uh dlfferent ." his program of studies without "Yep, 'peace ' written in twelve interruption or delay. different languages. The back's down with the edge of his hand (who would have thought the mountains WOULD fall on him?)... but castles made of sand the AP sez he was 27... somehow that seems too old for him ... but 90 miles an hour was the speed he drove and let's hope he finds better things on the other side of town, ... ... ... CROWSFOOT ... I got this friend , still alive , a combination T .E .Lawrence he becomes Dylan-ish, Muad'Dib Brandoch Daha who breaks that image of blacksuper- explained it all about Hendrix ihy stic voodoo child, changes once* Was talking bout "Purple bands a few times .;.doesn't re- Haze ," and it' s an insult to cord for over a year, still gets Hendrix I can 't print the real no. 1 guitar position on Play- thing but anyway the boy said boy 's poll ... unlike Dylan, he is "Man that Purple Haze is the at Woodstock ...his fin est hours best kumquatting song ever ." ... doing the national anthem the Upon which I started "Hey, what way it SHOULD be done (nobody about Desolation Row or Visions can sing it anyway..."Oh-h o say of Johanna?" until I knew what can you s-EEEEEE?")...too beat he meant. Purple Haze ain't just, to appear on Cavett with Airplane, good kumquatting music , it's good' Stills, Crosby, Joni Mitchell ... no KUMQUATTIN G music . And so wonder ...(h ey, didn't he walk off was most of Hendrix ' s stuff ,'he Carson when Wilson Pickett sch- did great rock, and he made this ticked on soul ?)...the Capitol al- third " stone from the sun a bit bum , finally...she spreads her easier to live on. magic all over my bed "Ma ,,.su in honor we'll play the chine Gun," best guitaring ever? ... "evil man make me kill you " national anthem as he goes , and sung for , oh yeah, the soldiers we'll never hear surf music in Viet Nam (hey wasn't he a para- again , but we will hear his, it's trooper in Nam once?)..."Ma- in the air. Something good will chine Gun " should be sent to come out of his loss ... his insome of those evil men who make fluence wherever he is now will us kiU ... better than football work just like it did here... games* and John Wayne flicks, and the gods will make love. right?,,,stories of the Experience rebanding, but Redding always seems to be feather bedding with Pre-Scheduling Fat Mattress finally maybe doing a few gigs together again (continued from page one) the Monterey album, Otis Redding ly prepared by the Computer Serlong gone , Jimi Hendrix , just vices Center . lost ... three years? Students should be aware of the fact that they may not get their He's gone and can 't be replaced ... but someone will try...the marketeers will do their worst God, will they release old stuff scurfed . up from the dusted tape decks like they did with Otis?...please , •wind, in your old age & yourwisdom, please whisper "no, this will be the last"...(and Acnew will do a thing on the drug menace in rock and natter "n 'yah, Fine Jewelry and served him right, n 'yah")...we have the albums... it's weird lookWatc h Repair ing back, j ust reading the titles Live Today listening "I Don 't " 25 E. Main St., Bloomsbur g to the freedom declaration in "If 6 Was 9" and "there ain't no life nowhere ." ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... NESPOLI jewelers ... three years... that's an , dui he filled them , did n 't he? he turned us on naturally, showed us the different emotions we 're experienced now , Just from watching him as he cut mountains ... ... REA & DERIGK INC. "Dru gstore of Service " 34 E. Ma in Street and Scottown Shopping Center i ^MILErilAVIS^L 1 II IT'S A BEAUTIFULDAY 1 wM B I riM MINK MIT MIM FMIICISCt M M IJOHN I SEBASTIAN ¦ I BUDDY MILES H¦ JMCIU HMD ifNUlIN I I ¦ ¦ II §ffigl UNiVHUIV . ' aU MOWS lHHI W&W& MW-.5 riCKCTS AVAHAIll IUCK Mill IO0KHOM , 1UMUIV, isSSsi ';iig$S! j CfNT "M wu " cj " 3 C0UMI, (ICODO ' llOOM, I COllICI AW . MMIIUIH, 0IK Q IAMA, I N ilh JT. li- pffi¦ > '¦ . s \ ,'4 > ^ ffl &m § j § ## Wtffli *@5SW WM-W\ Wp:i& iw S Siw 'W:- .W. MAINtJ MUSIC, WIllfAMl- W/W& '"" JTAMMO Mu 'aOMUSIO s , * ' ,. ItWIlOM TO tUCKHfll 141. ¦¦ '¦W: y, ¦. ''&. . IUCKMIU l/NIV., Jl 'dfr jmS; ' counterpar t , the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (SANE) adopted it at the same time this organization was formed in New York November of 1957. SANE is now America's largest peace and disarmament group , with a membership of about 30,000. According to the Maryland Institute of Art this symbol was a primitive Christian sign of the early church for salvation descending from Heaven and spreading over the world. EDITORIAL (continued from page two) would be no place for a ridiculous kid»s game. The Tribunal of September 14, to which I refer , had no constructive or helpful place in the orientation program . "Punishment" was dealt out for not knowing rules , regulations or people's na mes , apractice that reverts back to the first or second grade. This I' m sure you 'll agree is not where we belong. So next year , let's save the eggs and the whipped cream , and do something a little more fitting. B.T. BLOOM BOWL © H0 L TUESDAY Thro FRIDAY every week 11:30 - 1:30 l ™* * .°JJ 8UNDAY EACH E T _ , ":3° " 2 ~ Children - $1.50 ON OUR 2nd FLOOR HOTEL MAGEE Bloomsburg, Pa. DICK BENEFIELD , Manager m The Brothers of Sigma Pi Fraternity Invite all rushees fo attend the rush meetings on Olympian PUCKS FLY field hockey schedule is as follows: Thurs., Oct . 1 Wilkes-H ome Mon ., Oct .5 Susquehanna-Away Tues ., Oct . 13 MisericordiaHome Wed ., Oct . 21 Bucknell-Home Mon . Oct . 26 Mansfield-Away (3:30) All the home games will be played on the country club field at 4:00 P.M . Come on out and support the team ! MOVER Pharmacy Your Prescription Druggis t ROBERT G. SHIVE, R.P. OK, now you 're positive that our Madison Avenue heroes have gone the limit . You 're thinking that taking something as sacred as peace and turning it into a cheap, commercial gimmick is as far as they can go. Well I doubt it . Any day now , we'll be seeing something like this: "Hey Bob, how was your vacation?" "Oh man, it was j ust heaven ." "That' s an... er u n u s u a 1 sweatshirt you got there ." "Hey yeah, you like it? It cost me six bucks but it was worth it, looka this , its got Him surrounded by a host of angels on the back . It was all they were wearin ' down the " ... Visit our Fair Booth — in the Hort icultural Building Free Prescription Delivery TOILET GOODS COSMETICS GREETING CARDS ALL YOU CAN BAT _ 12-82 Tax .18 $3 00 The RUSSELL STOVER CANDIE S WAFFLE GRILLE Tax "You know , an end to all wars: Viet Nam , the M id-East, the racial conflicts in our nation , the religious wa.... " "Hey man, hold on . You got me wrong. I don 't care 'bout no wars, my thing is 'peace '. Looka them posters, my shirt! Why jus' the other day, I was tellin ' my girl that she ought to get the 'peace ' sign tatooed on her !" (continued from page three ) SMORGASBORD $1.65 .10 $1.75 L U N C H E O N Buy (continued from oaae two ) the same. It was all they were wearin ' down the shore this summer ." "Ya know Bob, it always makes me feel good to see someone like you; someone interested in putting an end to war and conflict in our world." "Wha'?" Sept. 27 at the Sigma Pi H