Jack Ramsey to Speak At All Sports Banquet Jac k Ramsey, coach of the Phi l* adelphia 76ers in the National Basketball Association, will be the featured speake r at the 13th Annual Bloomsbur g:State College Athletic Awards Dinner to be held in the Scranton Commons , Tues day evenin g, May 5, at 7:00 p. m . Athleti6 Director Rus s Houk is in charge of the arran gements . When Jack Ramsey took over the Philadelphia 76ers for his first season of coaching professional basketball (1968-1969), he pro mised to produce a team that would be interesting and exciting. He was right on both accounts . While establishing himself that season as one of the top coaches in the NBA , Ramsey guided the 76ers to a 55-27 record and second place in the NBA' s rugged Ea stern Division; The 76ers , relyin g freq uently on Ramsey 's favorit e defense — the zone press — wer e one of the big surprises in a NBA season • full of them.. Ram sey, pres ented some innovations especially for a team that had previously featured 7*1" Wilt Cham berlain as its star for many seasons . At Women 5 C^ndemole The Women 's Choral Ensemble and the Men 's Glee Club of Bloomsburg State College will be featured in a Spr ing Concert to be held In Haas Auditorium on Sunday , May 3 , at 8:15 p.m. The event is open to th e p ub lic at no charge for admission. The Women 's Choral Ensemble , composed of 70 partici pants , has been well received in many local appearances. During the past Christmas season , the Ensemble achieved unusual acclaim f or Br itten 's "Cere mony of Car ol's". Their repertoire has rang ed from Brahms to "pop s" . Richar d J. Stanlslaw , a mem ber of the BSC music faculty , Is the director and Nancy Pfleegor , Phyllis Haas , and JoAnn Schlieder are accompanists . The Men 's Glee Club , a relatively new organization on campus , Is comprised of 22 men who have appeared locally and have performed at the college and in high school assemblies. Rich ard Stanlslaw also direct s this group which sings traditional glee clu b select ions , pops , and classics. Ruth Ann Rone mus and Ruth Ann Latshaw are the accomp an- times , Ramsey had three "litt le men " on the court at one time . At another time , his center was 6'5" Johnny Green and on other occasions the pivot man was slim 6'6" Matt Guokas . In addition to coachin g the past two seasons , Ramse y served as General Mana ger of the 76ers for the past four years. H owever, he recently relin quished his manageria l duties and will devote all of his efforts to his main interest , coachin g. Durin g the 1969-70 season the 76£f s won 42 games and lost 40 contests . In the Division semifinal play-off , Ramsey 's charges were out done by the Milwaukee Bucks 4-1 in the best of 7 series . Milwaukee went on to lose by the sam e count to the New York Knicks in the Eastern Division While coaching at St . Joseph' s C ollege for 11 seasons , Ramsey brought the Hawks of Philadel phia to 10 major post-season tournaments in that span . Under his guidance , the Hawk teams posted a 234-72 record , with much of their success stemmin g from Ramsey 's frequent use of the pressing defense . Holder of a Master 's Degree and Doctorate in Education from the University of Pennsylvania , Dr . Ramsey turned author several years ago with a book called "Pressur e Basketball ." He is a 1949 graduate of St . Joseph 's College , where he captained the team in his senior year and was an all-city selection in 1948-1949 . He served in the Navy where he gained rank of ensign. Following college, h e cont inue d his basketball playin g and was one of the great hustlers on the courts in the Eastern Pro-Basketbal l League during the 1950' s. 3 Riv ers Fest iva l Important Information for art ists interested In entering the 11th annual Three Rivers Art s Festiv al to be held in Pittsburgh 's Gateway Center on May 29 throu gh June 7 has been released by Mrs . A . Reed Schroeder , cha irman of the juried art exhibit. Eligibility — The show Is open to all art ists , 18 years old or over , presently living within 110 miles of Pittsburgh . Entr ies — Entrie s will be received at the third floor galler ioto ies , Museum of Art , Carneg ie InThe program to be pre sented st i tute , 4400 Forbes Avenue , by the singing gr oups covers a on Friday and Saturday , May 8 wide range of selections which and 9. Exhibit will Include pain tshou ld satisfy the taste of all ings , watercolor s, graphics , music lovers . There will be some sculpture and cr afts. The entry special selection s from the f ee , non-returnable , is $4.00 per Broadway version of "Paint Your cate gory of panel , sculpture and wagon" . crafts . Concl uding the program will be Entry For ms - Comp lete Inthe presentation of "Song of Dem- format ion sheet and entry form ocracy " by Howard Hanson which have been mailed to artis ts. For will feature both singing groups additional sheets and form s , arand the Maroon and Gold Band t ists are req uested to send a selfof 60 Instrumentalist s under the addres sed , stam ped. Number 10 direction of Stephen C. Wallace . busines s envelope (4% " x 9ft ") 111 ' m ¦ A study of BSC has bNn mad* by a representativ e of th« AAUP, Dr. Charles McCoy, becaus e an inc ident, prior to Dr. Nossen 's arrival at Bloomsburg, concerning dismissal of Miss Barbara Shockley, a political science professor at BSC several years ago. The results of this report are on reserv e in the library for the student body. News Briefs (fJa ro^ue Concert The Bloomsbur g Area Baroque Ensemble is pre sentin g its second Sprin g Concert at 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening, May 5 , in the Haas Art Gallery at the College. Refreshments will be served and invitations are available to the general public at the Student Activities Office , Waller Hall or will be held for you until 8:00 at Haas if you call 784-8567 . 12 ill _ _' * *a ^ - % ^ ^ ^ A V M m + m* ^^ *^ ** ^-*¦*¦»¦¦¦mmm-m ^m ^ * * » *^» * m * ^ Huskies Crush Eagles 92-53, Stro l, Yanchek , Lee, Shine ^ On Tuesday the BSC track team in spite of the absence of Jim trave led to Lock Haven S.c. to Davis , still managed to beat Lock meet the Bald Eag les. The Eag. Haven with a time of 43.9 . The les were five and one going into shot put found Charlie Shields this meet with their only loss go* with a first place-put of 46 feet ing to Millers ville . The Huskies 10 inches and John Ficek in sec« had a six and one reco rd also ond with a put of 45 feet 4% inrecording their only loss to Mil. ches. The mile run was the scene lersville . in last year's contest of a new freshman record by Ter with Lock Haven the Huskies were ry Lee who ran the best mile in crushed unmer cifully, but this his career in a time of 4:25 .7. year, the shoe was on the other Andy Kusm& followed this by set-foot, as the track men rolled off ting a new BSC record in the 120 their seventh victory of the sea- H .H . in a time of 14.9, This was son by beating Lock Haven by also a new L ock H aven stadium a score of 92 to 53. - Record . Beroer and Eckert tied The whole day was one endless for. first in the 100 yard dash . ..chain of outsta nding perfbrma h* Then Bloom swept the broad jump ces , in which , two school reco rds , with the 1,2,3 finish of Hank Plum five stadi um records , " and one ly, Rick Eckert , and Mark Confreshmen record were broken, stable . - Probably the highlight of the out with .. The Huskie s started ' a win in the 440 yard relay , that meet was Larry Strohl' s tr emen- ......„_—— Jurbal a Fires 69 To Pace Huskies that is against ShippensburgS. C . next Thursday, A win against Shippensburg would give the track team an eight and one record which ties the best record of any track team in BSC's history; as well as the best team record of any team at Bloomsburg tills dous victory in the half mile when he broke the BSC school record , and tied the Lock Haven stadium recor d in a time of 1:58 .0. Other - records were set by " Mark Yanchek who broke the stadium recor d with his six feet-four inch jump , Andy Kusma , with another stadium record in the trip * le jump , and the .BSC mile relay 3f Lucysyn , Beroer , Bittner , and Gra ham, which also set a new stadium record . ¦' It should also be noted that Terry Lee broke the ten minute mar k in the two mile with a tre mendous time of 9:56 .4. This was overall an extremely stron g performance by the Husk ies, Wh o are now seven and one. The trackmen have only one.more dual meet remaining this season Fre shman Rick Jurbala fired a three under par 69 to lead the Husky golfers to a. 16-3 victory over the Millersville Marauders . Jurbala dropp ed in five birdies VMT at Briar Heights during his siaThis is the strongest overall zling round . Rick has been playteam BSC has ever assembled . ing great golf since the beginning In the past Bloom has had strong of th e season to remain th e only individual performers , like Jan undefeated member of the BloomProsseda, but never bef ore has sburg team. BSC had such a well rounded Bob Snyder , Steve Neumeier , t eam, which " is str ong in ever y. and Jurbala shut out their opevent . ponents by 3-0. scores . Bob SiAll this was accompli shed only mons beat Rus sell Swensgn 2-1, through the strong individual ef- and Jeff Hock won his match 2% f ort of each runner, since Bloom- lk . John M arshall finished up the sburg S.c. still does not have a scoring with a lfe -l&_ tie. track. The Huskie s' ,. recor d now stands at 6-1-2 with two matches left before the state tournament . With the ability shown by the team thus far they should be serious challengers for the state title BSC 16, Millersville 3; John Marshall tied Jeff Grove. l% -i% Jeff Hock beat Tom Penninger. How to Watch a Tennis Match or Keep Your Eye on the Balls You were at Madison Square Garden during the famous Laver Gonzalez Classic and you thought it was one of the most exciting matches you had ever seen . What else : did you notice? Did both playe rs always follow serve to '" • - net? Did they concentrate on serve to the backhand and on what occasions did they serve to the forehand? In the all important tie-break , did each player always get his first service in? How did >. the -Gonzalez return of serve differ from Laver 's return of serve? Did either man dro pshot? Did Laver lob as much as BLOOM BOWL :¦ ' ¦ " © ¦ . WAFFLE GRILLE I BOOKS... OVER 8,000 TITLE S IN STOC K Gonzalez? Did Pancho miss any over heads? There are a hundred factors that determine the outcome of a tenni s match . If a player is consistently losing his serve , it could be for any one of the following reason s: His first serve is Big Bertha ' personified , but it seldom goes in His second serve is too short . His serve is a medium- good American twist which "sits up." When he serves wide to the forehand court , his opponent hits a down-the-line winne r. His oppone nt is hittin g hard , low returns off either side . He follows his serve to net but frequentl y had to half-volley, and he is - half-volleying short . He comes to net behind serve but he is not volleying hard enough t o hurt the opponent. His oppone nt constantly anticipates his backhand volley which is hit rrfore often than not , cross' court. • He makes his first valley deep but he does not close in enough for the second volley. L (continued on page four ) MAREE'S DRESS SHOP Fine J ewelry Your J tuultr Awy from Horn * 3 W. Main St. Bloomsburo I _ _ ^¦¦ iwpj mmp Educational Financing I I IIP united Penn Bank I 1 | Epple/s Pharmacy 112 W. Main Wt Aim To Please BBBBBBBB ^gflBBiBslBl ^B^^ S^B^P^^^^ S^B^B^^^ iB^^ B^^^^ i^^^™ ^pW The bank you can grow with. RIamm|m»wb Ptk I Momber Foesrsl Deposit Insurance CerpereHen I I ^^ I BIS8ET*FRITZ Berber She» Opea Dally S:« A.M. til l: *P.M. «*.8:» a.m. »tU S:» p.m. (Ckne f Monda y) Tuesday A ppointment . Only ~ | I B# IIfathionabh . II In ^B^ft_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AT I 1 I , I • CHANEL • GUEILAIN • FABERGE • LANVIN • PRINCE MATCHAIELLI • ELIZAIETH ARDEN • HELENA RUBENSTEIN • DANA • COTY • MAX FACTOR I ¦^^ B^^ MfcMfcjB ^A^^ fSjSBBS ^BBv | i ; < \ i ' AfAAei ClaeiBt ymww ^n OTWIii pU 1™1 ™ ^ ^^ ^SoilOAlBWi r ! II II I re us ' I shop MAIN 4 WON STUITS Prescriptio n Spectator 124 E. Main St . At Your Service *Shirts professionally laundered *Sanitone Dry Cleaning "'Repairing and Alteration soh Premise * Repa iring UR Hsirat by Uf£ *^ CAMPUS CLEANERS AND YO J^PJ Appointment M Tuesdays M 784-7854 ! Greeting Cards I ^L ^B*jl I 59 E. Main St. . . . for your personal needs in I , and home decor. gift* t )4HMH e^B^B^M ^e^B^B^k4^e^B^B^M ^e^B^B^Brf ^B^B^B^4ft^B^B^BM)^B^BflBy4)^HflBV4 fc^BB^BBM^ Harry Logan Card and Book Nook 40 W. Main St. Bob Snyder beat Jame s Bogan, is disaster for the hitter in 3-0 good tournament play) .What does Bob Simons beat Russell Swena player do when he gets a short son , 2-1 ball (a set-up): does he place it Steve Neumeier beat Tom deep to the backhand and come K rause, 3-0 to net (and does his opponent Rick Jurbala beat David Brown , lob high and defens ively) or angle 3-0. it shar ply? When you watch a match between top tournam ent players , do yon go away with a mental picVote Z/m on ture of each player ' s style? Does one have an exceptionally hardhit forehand, almost like Western style , or is it a wris t flicK? r£ *[ *r *n dum. Does either of the players " chip" He closes in too much and his opponent occasionally catches him -with a lob. He does not bend his knees and had trouble with low for ehand volleys. He «rrs on occasion on high backhand volleys. He tries too many trick shots . Sometimes he stays back , allowing the opponent -to take the net away from him . He is tightenin gup from nerves and is overhittin g (or under hittinel - - Are you watchin g the points only ("He J ust lost his serve ") or do you see the techni ques and _ the strategy, the strength of one and the weakn ess of the other , the .depth of a shot , the topspin on a f orehand, the underspin of a backh and ,, the flexibility of one player (he mixes up his shots) other (he and the stiffness of the ; is Mr . Precision)? You can tell speed by watch ing to see how fast the players run; if they only lope to the ball, there is not much pace . In a base * line exchan ge, watch the depth (a ball hit in the service line ar ea *~~~~~ THE STUDIO SHOP If It' s s book wo have it or wo can got It HENRO m ALL YOU CAN EAT $1.75 $3.00 Holida y Buffett I LUNCHEON EACH SUNDAY I Tuesday thru Fri day ¦ 11)90 - 2:30 Ivery Week - 11:30 - 1:30 Childre n - $1.50 I ¦ — on our 2nd Floor — I I I ¦ I I ¦ ¦ HOTEL MAGEE Bloomsburg ,Pal M gsBWBBpsWkws ^^ B^PBBB ^s^B^iBBBBwwaBBB jej ^iB^BwBw * Pick BonoftoUl , Monitor ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ VeH BIH ^HIi ^i^^ |^HIHiv ^^^ HipH ^^^^ HP |^H^IHiii ^HIHIllBHJHBIIIIi I ^|HH (¦¦¦1 ^¦—IM ^¦¦¦wi^Kmmmmmm ^m^mimmtmmmmm ZJen nid {continued from p*g* thr **j return of serve or do they both go for the Big Passing Shot , which is an occasional winner ? From what spot on the court does each of the players hit his first volley: behind the serv ice line? If both players are staying back because the surfac e is slow, ar e their errors in the net or over the baseline? By how much do they clear the net? Do you know that net clearance can safely be six to ten feet in a baseline exchan ge (it insures better depth than a net-skimm er) but must be low when the opponent is attac king? When a player has a "bad " serve , do you know why? Is he RomemW ttio good oH days wtwn BSC was a GREEN fungi* 5 f \ii/er3 (eontinuo d from page on*). .* p lay must be weather resistant as it cannot be covered. Special at* " tention will be given to the staging of small sculpture . Fragile items that scratch , chip or are otherwise easily damaged must be entered at the owner 's risk , Sculpture is limited to 2 entries. Craft Exhibit - All crafts will be staged indoors ^ There will be special panels indoors for display of hanging crafts . Crafts are limited to 4 entrie s. • Sales — Sold works will remain on display until the end of the Festival . A 20 per cent commission will be taken on all sales to help defray Festival costs . ' Jury — All work s submitted will be judged individually . The Art Exhibition Committee is pleased to announce Its jury: Mr. Edgar Kaufman , Jr. , professor of architecture , C olumbia Univers ity , has consen t e d to act as jurer for panels , sculpture , and crafts , together with Mr. Tracy Atkinson , director of the Milwau kee Art Center . Awards — There will be Festival Purchase Awards again thi s year and all categories will be eligible. The jurors will be responsible for making the awards. f ^oor -Jvoi oLin * (continue d from page two ) tossing too much to the side or is the body weight transference incorrec t and , if so, at what point ? Can you tell by the toss if the serve is going to be an American twist? Does the server have both feet off the ground at the moment of impact? # FK cview ( continued from pago two) ses Don't They ." This hodge. port a grou p that vowed publicly If you have seen some major podge of facts , many wrong, gave, to destroy our political system; tennis events feat uring the best , no true idea of the nature of the 2. It is against his nat ure to supfilm . port any cause which does not Th e reviewer use d only the have a positive constructi ve goal briefest description s of the fine in mind. perfo rmances in the film . No ment ion, at all, was made of Gig 3 . The cost of these speakers is Young 's Academy Awar d perfor - not in pr oportion with their qualifications nor with past BSC exmance and the opening sentence $200., perhaps more, for information leadpenditures for any speaker . "The made one wonder if Jane Fonda lunar exploration expert cost only ing to the positive identificati on of the didn 't play a horse . a fraction of their price ($350autho r or authors of the Glad fly. Contact While he made an allusion to $1000 + depending on the speak a 1920's foot race , it was really er) " town box number 145. All replies kept con. a dance marathon in the Depress However , a committee of stufidental. ion Thirties , he totally missed dents and faculty has been estab the point if that was all he saw. to make plans for a proAs in his other reviews , he made lished gram lmmediatelyprior to the beno mention of the fine sets , cos- ginning of classes in September . tumes , cinematography , editing Fund s for this event will be part or spore . He even totally forgot ly made up of the surplus fro m to menti on the use of the n e w this year 's bud get that was to be "Flash forward ." divided two-one for BNE and the Arti st and Lecture Series funds Certainly BSC students should (which has no balanc e remaining be exposed to better writing than this year .) has been shown in these reviews . As I do not believe in tearing down, though , without building up, I would like to volunteer to write UoU I J «6 on these reviews for the M&G . This letter is not necessarily r\*f *r *n aunt meant for publi cation , but as a per sona l note to you . REWARD A BUY AND A G|RL SEARCHING FOR LIFE... The Texas Thank you and I will be glad to. receive any reply . JCetnemtranceS/s- David J . Pope Box 466 Waller Hall i Editor 's Reply: The M & G always needs help . We welcome you to the M & G staff . Your Prei cr/pffon Dm g gM ROBERT G. SHIVE, R.?. Fr— Pftcription D%Hvry TOILET GOODS COSMETICS RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES GREETING CARDS 1 Wet!Main St. Phonei 7t4-43M •IOOMS1U1O, PA. IT Bloomsburg _B^_I _d^^^^V _, _ _ _^ j- ______ j B^H _H H ___H ' Hft^lfc ¦"• • *, I BM ' » Bondtd World Wldo D«liv«ry MOYER Pharmacy ¦ Wr <8JLT* **j ¦¦ • ¦*¦—' I, ' - J U1*^k ) !'> ^«___ 1 WHERE DAD TOOK HIS GIRL FL OWER S 784-4406 <=-Jf %m If b^_b_-b_b^__# ' MB. '" * * /-••'¦* v —~-~y~**** ?"*^IJ[& US-Sb-EEiI *'' ' * ' ____|_2b_1 ^ i __T f _¦ \ ^^_»_ w* ^3^B_?^ ^^ T* * _SF m v m ^^ ' ¦^¦w • ' m J e^B *^__ H ^^^_ M ' 'JHsi mm i t i ^ m M ' _____k_s__F^_ 1 ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^B^^ * U ^b* ^ ^*^^ | I A Decidedly Differ ent Experience In Love... ENGLAND'S sensational young star - Cuff "Richard WORLD WIDE PICTURES presents _^Hm ^ |' " ' *^^^^j ^yJSMi'l***^^ Zj f a'^^^ SH IN'S JEWELER S Visit Our Sh owroom ... 130 East Main Street Bloomsburg •Tto A PENNS ^^ ^ ^t^m can you answer the following questions about these stars: 1. Is Pancho Gonzalez a good retr iever ? 2. Is Billie Jean King noted for her court covera ge ? 3. Does Tony Roche leave the ground with both feet on serve? 4. Would you call Roy Emerson a flexible player? 5. Does Char lit o Pasarell (the Slugger of men.'s tennis) ever try touch shots? 6. Will Nanc y Rlchey (the Slugger of the women 's game) ever softball? 7. What is the weakness of Arthur Ashe's volley? 8. Does Rosie Casals have touch? 9 . What is Santana 's best shot? 10. Do the top Seniors (45 and over) come to the net? ANSWERS 1. The best! 2. Yes, she is extremely quick . 3. Almost always , 4. No. 5. No, but he can temporize . 6. Yes, but without knowin g it . It happens in a tight match and her shots retain their depth but lose the ir pace. 7. He does not bend his knees . 8. Yes, yes, yes. 9. His superb forehand . 10. Most of them . ¦ w ANN HOLLOWAY ^ billy graham.^ m DORA BRYAN AVRIL ANGERS Music by MIKE LEANDER • Written by STELLA LINDEN Executive Producer FRANK R. JACOBSON • Directed by JAMES F, COLL IER iMVMMMQlOt V Opens Sunday, Capitol Theat re, Bloomsburg . Now. playing at the Berwick Theatre . Special student rates available for all thre e Sunday showing *.