Alumn i Return Over 10,000 Invit ations have been mailed to alumni of Bloomsburg State College inviting them to return for Alumni Day, Satur day , April 25, accor ding to Howard P . Fenstemaker , President of the Alumni Association. As in recent years, an early date has been selected in orde r to attract as many alumni as possible who are unable to attend later in the month of May becau se of activl, tie s in schools in which they are serv ing. Festivities will get unde rway Friday , April 24, when the Clas s of 1920 holds its Fiftieth Year Reunion .The class members will be guests of the Alumni Association at a dinner to be held in the Scranton Commons at 7 p.m. Members of the classes of 1905, 1910, 1915, will also be guests of the Alumni Association at this banquet . Special class dinners and activiti es have been arran ged for Saturd ay evening , April 25, by the classes of 1925 , 1930 , 1935 , 1940 , 1944, 1945 , 1946, 1950, 1955, 19&0, and 1965 . An inform al get-together for all Alu mni and Faculty will take p lace Saturday ,from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in Waller Hall lobby. There will be an Economics Conference spon sored by the Dep art ment of Economics at the C ollege , in Haas Auditoriu m from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to which Alumni have been Invited , but must make reservations in advance. » At 12:30 p.m. a luncheon for all Alumni will be' held in the Scranton Commons. Durin g the business meetin g immediately following the luncheon at 1:30 p.m. in Scranton C ommons, the Alumni Assocation will present two Distinguished Service Awards . The recipients of these awards will be announced at that time . At 3:00 p.m., class reunions will be held at various locations on the campus which will be followed by open house in all re sidence halls. Social hours and dinners as scheduled by reunion classes will begin at 5:00 p.m. Those alumni who will not be attending special class reunions will have an opportunit y to attend a three act satire on the medical profession entitled "The Doctor In Spite of Himself" in Ha as Auditorium , Saturday evening, at 8:15 p.m. Delighted at having the n e w dining hall-kitchen facility at Bloomsburg State College name d after him , William W . Scranton former Governor of Pennsylvania , state d "I am proud to have a building name d for me where men and women can come and get it. " The William W . Scranton Commons along with a new Computer Services Center was dedicated Wednesday , April 15 , at a luncheon with member s of the college community and a number of count y and state officials pres ent. During the ceremonies , a new res idence hall to be completed later this year was named and four previously completed res idenc e halls were renamed for count ies of the immediate ar ea which the college serves . The Honorable Pre ston B. Davis , Senator , Twenty -seventh Distr ict , General Assembly , gave the dedication address and William A . Lank , President , Board of Truste es delivered the acceptance speech. The for mer Governor said, "Let us not be too provincial and th ink of Bloomsburg State College in terms of J ust the commun ity . We are trying hard to change our state institutions to mult i-type Ins titutions . We must adopt br oad scope thinking and objectives. " He pointe d out that for generat ions people In thi s country have un derrated members of the teach ing profession ! while Soviet Union teachers are held In high respect. He added that we still have this to learn and our teachers should have our full support and understand ing In their efforts to make a better and more Informe d America. A personal tribute was paid by Scranton to President Emer itus , Dr . Harvey A . Andruss , un- der whose administration the extens ive buildin g program on campus began , when he stated that as long as a campus buildin g had pr eviously been named after Dr . Andru ss (Andr uss Librar y), I am delighted to give my consent for the use of the Scranton name for Commons Dedicated this hiHMJntr **** 0 W**V»*«aB}t Pledging full support to t h e college's new Presiden t , Dr . Ro- bert J. Nossen , Scranton conclud ed , "Let us never forget this college was dedicated to the teach ing pr ofession. " Senator Davi s spoke of the new Commons as visible evidence of ' the State's determination to fulfill its responsibility as ra pidly as possible in the development of its college system. He referred to Governor Scranton 's interest in educ ation and the pro gress the system made during the ten year peri od. In accepting the Scranton Commons , Lank spoke of the occasi on as " One honoring a man who has contr ibuted as much to educat ion in Pennsylvania and as one who has given so genero usly of his time for others . " Dr . Nossen paid tribute to the effor ts of former Governor Scranton and former Preside nt Andruss in the development of plans which have become a real uy. Kent Shelhamer , Representa tive , One_Hundr ed-Nlnth District , General Assembly , extended greetings from the General Assembly. He observed "Our educational prog ram is a passpor t to future for youth. In Harris bur g we are aware of the con. tlnuing needs of our schools and I wish to commend these m e n whose vision made possible buildInge such aa the Scranton Commons. '1 Congratul ations from the com- The deadline for picking u0 all 1969 Obiters is Thursday, April 30. After this ti me, sales will be open to the entire campus until all books are sold. News Shondells Head Spring Weekend ¦ ^^ Tommy James and the Shondells , one of the nation's top recording grou ps, will appear in concer t at the Bloomsburg Fair Grounds (under roof) on Saturday, May 2, at 8:00 p.m ,asa part of Spring Weekend , through the Dr . Mark Willes , Director of auspices of Xi Lambda chapter Research , F e d e r a l R eserve of Alpha Phi Omega, nat ional serBank . Philadel phia, will speak on vice fraternity, at BSC A per "Monetary Control of Inflation in centa ge of the profits .realized the Short and Long-JRun " during from the concert will be donated the morning session of the first to charit y. annual Economics Conference to The grou p believe in their be held on Saturday , April 25, theme "We bring the people toin Haas Auditorium. gether through music." Accord Dr . Willes received his Doctor ing to last December 's issue of of Philosophy degree from Co- Billboard , Tommy James and the lumbia University. Prior to his Shondell s were second in sales present position , he was a senior and air time in the field of top seleconomist at th e F ederalR eserve ling singles in 1969 . They sold Bank , an Assistant Professor of more albums last year and reFinance at the Wharton School ceived more air play than groups of Finance , U. of Pa. , a research like the 5 Dimension , Sly and the economist for the Committee on Family Stone, The Who and The Banking and Currency , H ouse of Ten Years After. As a matter Representatives , and an Instruc- of fact , they were right next to tor in Money and Credit at Co- the Rolling Stones in sales and lumbia University. His articles air play . have been published in the NaBesides being one of the most tional Banking Review , The Jour- pr oficient recording grou psin the nal of Finance and the Bank 's Business Review. Briefs Eeon. Confe rence History Conf. Curtain Up On Doctor John A . Lukacs , Hun garia n born pr ofessor of history at La Friday night in Haas Auditori Salle College in Philadel phia, will speak to the Third Annual um , Bloomsburg State College, Hi story C onf erence, April 28 at the curta in will go up on one of BSC , on "The Legends of Re- the f unniest shows ever staged by the Bloomsburg Players . The visiuiuaiii . Professor Lukacs came to the show is THE DOCTOR IN SPITE United States in 1946 after study OF HIMSELF and the director is in Hungary and England . Since Mr . William Acierno . Mrs . AciJ oining tho faculty at LaSalle in erno has taken this original Mol1949 he has served as visitin g iere slapstick comedy and along professor at major American and with John Hallauer adapted it for French universities . He is the re- use by the Player s. THE DOCTOR IN SPITE OF cipient of several academic honors and awards and the author HIMSELF is a farce which r ibs of many historical articles and the medical profe ssion. The story books . Among his most recent evolves around a man forced into books are "Histor y of the Cold pretending he is a doctor and War " (1961), "Decline and Rise then requested to treat a pretty of Europe " (1965), and "His- girl for an illness she is actual tor ical Consciousness " (1968). ly pretending . When he comes H is study of the Cold War has up with a fast working cure the appeare d in paperback edition tyran nical fath er of the young and in German , French , Spanish gir l threatens to have the phony physician hun g. and Italian translations , The techn ical people , along the Mr . Gernnady Stachevsky, with the cast , have been work F irst Secretary of the Soviet Mission to the U . N . will be one of ing hard for the past several the speakers featured in the Cold weeks and promise an exception War C onference. He will speak at al night of entertainment . An es3:15 in Carver Auditorium. The pecially attractive part of the topic of his talk is the Future show will be the color ful 17th centur y costumes , complete with of Amer ican-Soviet Relations . lace y shirts , buckle shoes and mun ity were extended by C.Mar - long curly wigs worn by the men . tin Lutz , Mayor of the town of All the costumes have been deBloomsburg, who was proceeded signed and constructed by the by Dr. Georg e W. Hoffman, Di- costume crew of the Players . Performance dates for DOCrector , Bureau of State Colleges TOR are this Friday and Satur and Universitie s, Pennsylvania day, April 84 and 85 at 8: 15 Department of Education who disIn p.m . Haas Auditorium . Tickets cussed the rapid growth of state can be obtained by calling 784colleges in the past nine year s. extension 317 or by going 466 0, Howard F. Fenstemaker , Pres to the box office In Haas . Ad. ident of the Alumni Association , mission price s are $1.00 for presented greetings from the 11,adults far children , and a , $,00 000 membershi p and pledged sup10 percent discount for group s port of the Association to Doctor of ten or more. Nossen. industry with 18 top 20 hits , 7 of which are solid gold, Tommy James and the Shondel ls also have 10 best selling albums to their cre dit. Last year the album "Crims on and Clover " was one of the biggest gold albums of the year . The grou p's new album "Travelln " is an example of the groups diversification . The group is made up of Pete Lucia on drums , Eddie Gray on lead guitar plus vocals , M i k e Vale on bass and vocals, a n d Tommy on guitar and lead vocals. On stage, the group becomes quite engrossed in the music they create in the studio . Soul is the key word with this group as they work out each number to an over enthusiastic audience . They constant ly experiment with n e w songs, and new dynamics both musical ly and show wise. All seats for the appeara nce of Tommy James and the Shondells are reserve d. Tickets C$3.00 each) can be obtained at Bloomsbur g; Record Ranch , Jigg 's Sports Center , Berwick; Henrie 's M usic Store, Danville; Haines Music Store, Sunbury Laprino 's, Milton ; Book and Card M art, Wilkes-Barre; Camera Music Mart , Shamokin; King's M usic Store, Mt . Carmel ; and the Melody Record Shop, Williamsport. Student chairman in charge of the arran gements for Tommy and the Shondells is Tom Black * well . Johnson Reports Dr . Royce O. Johnson , Direct or of the Division of Elementary Education at BSC , is currently visiting more than sixty experimental and Innovative elementary schools in twent y eight states as part of a project sponsored by the Pennsylvania Departm ent of Education. Upon his return to Bloomsburg in early June , Dr. John son will wr ite descriptions of th e schools for use in the catalo g of the Pro ject to Utilise Resource s In Education . The information will then be made available to school boards and admini strators who wish to visit places where experimental idea s are successful In practic e. Dr. Johnson will also send a summary of his findings to the 70 educators throu ghout the nation who assist ed by recommendin g schools for visitation . M c C oy R eport Copies of the McCoy Repor t are now available -en the Reser ve Desk shelf of the Library. This re port Is an evaluation of the college's policies and pr ocedures by Dr. Charles Mc Coy, Chair man , Department of Government , Lehlgh University. EDTTOR TO THE LETTERS Comments on Co llege Council Lessons fo r Stanley April 17 , he felt compelled to I am often amazed and occasionally amus ed at the lack of respect some people have for other people 's rights . But I was neither amazed nor amused while readin g Stan Rakbwsky 's Forum Article in the April 17 M&G . Rather , I was saddened . Sadden ed by the fact that Mr . Rakowsky, in his "dis gust ", deemed it necessary to resort to name calling and making ridi culous statements about certain people with whom he does not agree. I believe , Mr . Rakowsky, that you ought to be taught a few lessons. In the first place Stan , I suggest you get out your copy of the United States Constitution a n d read the section that provides for free thou ght, free speech and a free press for all peoples . Now Stan , I ask: What gives you the right , in expressing your views, to publ icly attack , with crude an* alogies and outlandish ac cusat ions , people who exercised the right to express their views; to publicly attack people who have never , to my knowledge, u s e d such methods to publicly attack vmi Which brings me to my second point: intolerance breeds intolerance , Stan, you should have reali zed , before you wrote that vicious letter , that when a per son is attacked , be finds it necessary to fight back . You can call that the Law of the Jungle , Stan.' You, in the name of "the glory of the college " , have chosen to start a verbal mud-slin ging. Now, you must be prepared to face the counterattack that will surely be swift in coming. Now Stan , to illustrate what I' ve been tryin g to say , let' s suppose that one of the attacked parties were to sit down with your letter and examine it very closely. Do you know that it could prove embarrassin g to an En glish major like yourself Stan? Let' s run over it and I'll show you what I mean . Let 's look at that first long, long para graph . Co you realize that in that one paragraph you roam over four different topics in no observable order? Trivial , you say? Perha ps, but it shouldn 't be considered so by a wet-behindthe ears Senior like yourself . Or how about this sentence: "We couldn 't be human if we were satisfied with everythin g which goes on but what distin guishes the nave 's from the havenots is the manner in which these two types go about re gisteri ng their complaints ." Upon reading that , I went back , searched the preceding sentences , and could not find one reference , impl ied or otherwise , to groups that have or do not have somethin g. Now maybe the groups to which you wer e re ferringwere clear in your mind but you sure messed up while translatin g th ose thou ghts onto the paper . It hardly seems possible that a man of your mol- sture could have such commun ication problem s. Or how about your logic Stan? At one point , you accuse your victims of "actin g in a manner befits third -gra ders" , and two sentences later you tel l them to go stick their heads in the mud . I' ve got news f or you Stan : well saturated college Seniors do not tell people to go stick their heads In the mud , third -grad ers do. Well Stan , there are a lot more things in that letter (like your 'original ' Loyalty Week* pro clamation) that we could examine but I think you get the point: when you don't agree with someone , try and un der stan d or at least t olerate their views and try t o make yours known without resorting to ver bal violence . Jim Sachetti No Understanding Dear Sir: Stan Rakowsky has once again shown his inability to understand a situation. He can not comprehend that all of the student body, as well as all of the faculty, are not euphoric (as he appears to be) over the present conditions at Bloomsburg . He recognizes that "we couldn't be human if we were satisfied with everything which goes on,*' but he fails to see that by the use of effective action and rhetoric changes dan take place . ' Seven days ot disappoint ment " is dedicated to the abolishment of "student ignor ance," faculty indifference in the college com munity , and adminis trative pacification. " By the wearing of a red-arm band...students , faculty, and administrators will become aware of the number of stu dents who feel more must be accomplished here at B.S.C. It should be construed as saying we have seen changes take place , but we feel more changes are necessary. The red-arm bands are sayin g carry-on , intensify t h e efforts for refor m , it's better but it's not the best possible . Stan has misconstrued the meaning of the arm bands , (as he misconstrues man y thing s) he thinks they are a derogatory gesture which they are not . His "directive " is further proof of the misconceptions he fosters. Why he feels competent enough , in his thinkin g to try and guide others to a similar pinnac le of misunderstandin g is beyond me. His dealing in the Dudley M anns suspension (before the civil courts tried him) leaves me in a quandar y as to his J udicial understanding. (But that Is another letter as well as another headache.) Since In his Forum of Friday , MAROON AND GOLD VOL. XLVIII NO. 44 MI C H A IL HO C K ¦DITOR-IN-CHIEF dor temt en Business Manager Bill Teltoworth Managing Iditor News-ldl tor Martin Kleiner Co-F«atur« Bdltor« Oinny Potter , Allan Meuror Sport * Editor * Clark Ruch A Jack Hoffman Mark Foucart Photo graohy Editor Copy Staff Kay Hahn, Carol Oiwald , Irtno Oulyct Linda limit Circu lation Managor Adviso r M r . Michaol St anl oy ADDITIONAL STAFF: Terry Hats, John Stogrin, Bob SthuHi , Sally Swotland , Davo KeHer, Stanlo y Buntlck , Jim Saenottl, Frank CHfford, Vefma Avo ry, Carol Kit h, bau gh, f»at Jacob *, flam Trapano. AN opinions expresses ]by esfiMitnlsts anal feature writers * Includin g lettors-te-tho-eeilt er, aro no* nocosaarll y tboao of this publication but these of the Individual *. use ana logies, I will now analogize. Stan Rakowsky Is like a one-eyed fat cat , who through the u se of his one eye can see the other fat cats , who like him , are content , but , because of his limited sight , he fails to see the halfstarve d and emaci ate d c ats tha t are struggling behind him. Since a ll cats don't thrive on the same diet (garbage ...) all can not be fat and content . Some will and must strive for others feed by their ver y natur e. If you feel that Bloomsburg State College has progressed in the past as well as this year , but feel that there should be more re forms and mor e new policies , then my suggestion is that you make your feelings known by wearing a red -arm band and taking a greater Intere st in the sessions of college council . If , on the other hand , you see yourself as the fat , content cat , then my comments to you are "try and understand that all of us are different and that all of us have different needs . Please don 't belittle us for striving for the things we feel are necessary for - our survival. This letter is concern ing the College Counc il meetin g held April 13, 1970 on Monday evening. At this meetin g a vote was tak en on Jeff Prosseda ' s re solut ion to proclaim the following week a "week of disappointment ." The resolution was voted down and Jeff gave a brief speech and then submi tted his resignation . I trul y believe that BSC lost a goodpresident when Jeff resigned . My ar gument was not tha t Jeff' s resolution was voted down , my ar gument is based on the poor system of representat ion . The ratio of representatives is broken down like this: thirty-fiv e admin istrators ra te six repre sentatives , the facult y of two hundred and eighty rate one representative and most important the students which numb er thirty six hundr ed and fifty rate twenty repr esentatives . I ask the administrati on (Hunsin ger, Jackson, Norton, Hoch , Buckin gham, and Mulka) , what kind of democratic government is this? This is not a body of representati ves , it is a body of dictators . The administration 's ratio of administrators to re presentati ves is five to one. If the faculty had a rat io of five to one , it would have fifty-six representati ves, instead it has only onel If the students ' rat io was five to one it would have seven-hundred and thirty representati ves, instead they have twenty . Twenty repre sentat ives Is a ratio of one-hundre d and thirty-two to one . The College Council is definitely over-run by administrators while the majority, which is the students and facult y, are represent ed by the minority . The representation that is shown at the College Council meetin gs is a disgrace to the democratic way of American life, I firml y believe that the Coun cil as well as the college is not rep resented pro perly and is being run by dictators . Democratically yours, Jim Crease Freshman Class Treasurer Let the Stud lents Decide On April 13, 1970, a meetin g night in Carver Hall . The point of the Community Government in debate and the point voted on Association was held in Carver was not the quality of the pro Auditorium . The agenda for the posed change but should College evenin g included many areas Council let the STUDENTS dewhich were all important to some- cide the quality of the change and one. One section under Old Bus- if it is needed . I would also like iness was especially important to inform the students that the to me because I introduced it . My administration voted in a bloc intentions at the meeting were not to let the students decide if to present to C . G. A . aproposed the change is necessary . This is change in the present constit - a public demonstration by the adution . This change would Include ministration in which they infer removing voting privileges from by their vote that the stude nts administrators who sit on College of this college are not capable of Council . (This refer s to the of- making decisions concerning fices represented not the people) . change . Fortunately ,a majority The removal of the pri vileges is of College Council voted for the not being suggested as an act of re ferendum altho ugh some inretaliation against the admini s- cluding Jeff Pross eda comment tration but is being done to pro - ed , "I per sonally am again st the mote student responsibility . I change but this is not the point firmly believe that the stude nts we vote on. We are here tonight of this college are mature enough to decide whether or not to let and responsi ble enough to eval - the STUDENTS decide ." This uate advice given them by t h e pro ves that at least Jeff knew adminis tration . The College enough about the running of C . To the Editor of the Council discussed this change for G .A . to realize the real decision Maroon and Gold : over an hour . After straighten - to be reach ed . Soon there will be ing out all the questions a vote mor e information furnished for I would like to take thi s oppor- was in order . At this time I would the student concerning the retunity to congratulate Mr . Stan - like to inform the stud ents about f eren dum vot e. ley Rakowsky on the massive im- the vote expressed that Monda y Frank Pizzoli pr ovements In his grammar and vocabulary skills which occur red between his article of Marc h 13th and his arti cle of April 17th in the MAROON AND GOLD . It is obvious that the Engli sh Dept ., which Mr. Rakow sky is a major , has set up a crash prog ram for Jane Fonda stars in THEY ular in the twenties. It 's a sad , the training of deficient senior s SHOOT H ORSES DON 'T THEY bitter story . It' s a heavy , nostalwho are going to be teaching Eng- a modish flick that had a budget, gic story . It 's a love stor y . But lish the following fall. Mr . Rak - to boot ! most of all , it' s a dep ress ion owsky 's grea t i mp rovemen t stor y. A saga of depression days prove s that this pr ogram is a TSHDT gives a long view of down, , success and that it should be con- an d outers in a down and out time. React ions to they shoot horses tinued In the budget. Red Buttons is around In a dra - are var ied : some hav e walked mat ic role he plays In a strang - out ; others cried. After discovering that another ely The only way to find out what nostalgic way. stu dent had lent his name In an your re action to it will be is tc The story Involves the mar aar ticle to what were , for the most see it. It ' s at the Capit ol theatre , part , the words of an adminis - t hon races (foot) that like "mar- Bloomsburg, trator , I had a momentary sus- at h on" ever yth ings, were so poppicion th at perha ps Mr. Rakowsky 's rapid Improvement was a result of his lending his name to some administrator with good ver bal skills. However , t h a t would have been an act of disloyalty to Pros. Nossen who has condemne d such practices , and since Mr . Rakowsky had J ust proclaimed Loyalt y Week , I quickly realized that he couldn 't have done anyth ing as disloyal as that. Also I couldn't recall that any of the ox-coach admin istrators , to whom Mr. Rakowsky Is close , had much In the way of verbal skills. Peace, Keith Edwards FORUM It 's All H appen i ng H ere I mprovement THEY SHOOT HORSES DON'T THEY lick See it Tonit e stick pstick apstick F Doako Porter more letters on page 3 lapstick SLAPSTICK ' "Th e £• In SP ite Of Hims elf 8:15 Haas Auditori um Lett ers Lett ers Questioning S tan Disappointm ent I was one of the disappointed students that took part in the "ridiculously childish action of wearing armbands and boycotting an event." I did this because I am genuinely interested in improving this college. To be genuinely Interested on this campus you have to be very disappointed in the events of this year. I'm disappointed because we have an administration that assumes you are guilty before proven Innocent. I'm disappointed because Jeff Prosseda (who tried to work from within the system) was forced to resign. I'm disappointed because a balanced budget is considered the "highlight" of the year. I'm disappointed because a policy that this college has supposedly adopted is twisted and broken at every opp ortunity. I'm disappointed because a large majority of the students on this campus are going to go on to teach using the values and precepts taught them at this institution. I'm disappointed because a professor must bring an apple pie to class and wave a flag (American) or he is a suspect. I'm disappointed because we have an administration that stands on a policy of "if we don't like you we'll get you."I'm disappointed because our STUDENT newspaper is being harassed by administrators. I'm disappointed as hell . M aybe working from without the system won't work. I don't know. But I do know that working from within the system only works for the administration dupes. Maybe it is easier to be a dupe. Freedom from harassment is nice. The ability to get a good paying job as a reward for being a "good guy" is nice. The ability to graduate with simple provincial ideas is nice. The ability to go back to your provincial home town and fit right in is nice. But I don't want to teach the next generation the "go stick your head in the mud" philosophy that this school fosters. Liberalization of the dress code was a tremendous advance (even though it affected practically no one). Elimination of family style dining was quite an achievement. Revision of General Ed. requirements puts BSC into the 20th Century in that area. I' m sure the women were really happy about the "liberal" hours they now possess. But If this is all the school has to brag about, while the aforementioned conditions exist , then count me as one very disappointed Immature adult . Sincerely , Dear Editor , We would like to direct the following questions to Stan Rakowsky 1. As Chairman of the Men's Judicial Board, could you tell us. if the members of this board have a copy of the Joint Statement on Student Rights? 2. Are you really an English Major? 3. Are you a king? Otherwise, how could you issue a proclama* tion? 4. If you "are such a responsible person , why didn 't the District Treasurer receive a financial report for second semester? 5. In your capacity as President of ARM , How many meetings of ARM have you called this year? 6. Have you ever submitted a proposal to CGA which would prove valuable to the student - Dear Sir: I must say that your issue of the M & G on Friday, April 17 was very interesting. While I agreed with some of your articles I feel that I must take issue .with one. Namely, Stan Rakowsky's. " Stan starts out by saying that "all of us at BSC should proudly display ourselves and our college to the world." I really am rather ashamed of BSC. I just can't find myself proudly displaying an institution that puts out a very elaborate document on student rights and then completely ignores it . Is this something we would really want other peopleto KnHv? " 7. Why did you leave the last see. Stan then rambles on about CGA meeting early? Were you how he is disgusted with the acttaking your ball and bat home? 8. Jeff Prosseda's proposal ions of certain students. He says for a disappointment week was that he is disgusted with BSC. passed by the Board of Presidents of thirteen state schools. Do you feel that these people are human dignity, unless we substitute greed with compassion, also childish? 9. As chairman of the men's unless our education is somejudicial board, ' why didn 't you thing more than 128 credits, all publicly object to administrators the changes will have been for sitting on the Judicial Board in naught. For all of this, I do a voting capacity during Dudley's demand instant gratification, for that recognition is long overappeal? *4««a 10. Did God die and leave youas Stan, doesn 't it bother you boss? that we have fear rather than Stan, we hope you can answer respect for each other? Did you these questions. The students looking past our ever consider need another laugh . actions and into your consience Sam Trapane felt that the last understanding? for I know that issue of the Gadfly was the worst to do that is difficult . It is difpiece of garbage he had ever ficult for all of us But we must . seen since the Gadfly II.Apparstart sometime . ently he had not seen your article. Stan, I apologize for not underRich Scott you and merely berating standing Joe Miklos your actions, however, I will not apoligize for fighting for what I believe in. It is not you I am fighting, Dear Stan , nor President Nossen, or even There are times when I become Dean Hunginger I am fighting . very angry with you , especially ignorance, hatred and injustice. after your last article . H owever, These things exist in all of us my anger has subsided , and all Sometimes we are all ignorant. that is left is compassion for you , of what is important and good because you really don 't under- At times we are all consumed. stand . Most of what you said in with hatred At times we are your article was , in fact , not true. all unjust . . But we cannot accept But the sad part about it , is that this in ourselves or in others you really believe that it is true . We do not have time to quibble. I don 't imagine that you , or ot hers about who is responsible We . like you , will ever comprehend barely have time to become reour need s, for you only see our sponsible ourselves This we actions and look no further . I do must recognize or .what good not demand instant grat ification are all our changes? Change for all my needs and goals . But , should give us something more I ask you: how long must I wait? than freedom It should and must How long will it be before BSC teach us not to.tolerate ignorance, enters the 20th Century? How it must give us the opportunity long must I wait before true aca - to learn how to love, not hate. It demic freedom is realized on this also must give us the opporcampus? When will we see the tunity to learn not to accept or day when students do in fact par - practice injustice, the most imticipate in a learnin g environportant knowledge of all . Is this ment ? Instant gratificat ion at too much to ask? Is it too t imes may result in disorder . for you to compr ehend? If much It is H owever, disorder and disap - too much, then maybe you'll know pointment , frustration and ag- why 1 wore a red armband, gression grow and manifest them Claire Smith UUC | In Reply to Stan Robert Schultz Harry Logan Fin e J ewelry AND Repa iring Your J iwiUr Amy from Horn * 5 W. Main St. Bloommum I ^^^^^ H^ ^^ BmBHWB ^^^ MMMMH ^P^^^^^ Bi^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Are You Kidding W^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ selves in a situation which Is Impervious to HOPE . Like many campuses, BSC is fostering such a situation . Chan ges have been made . How* ever , I am "disappointed " because what th is college commun ity falls to recognize la that unless we develop respect for ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ CAMPUS CLEANERS 124 E. Main St. At Your Service ^Shirts professionally laundere d *Sanitone Dry Cleaning " Repairing and Alteration * on Premise * Wo Aim To Ploaso ^^^ H Greeting Cardo I HENRO Card and Book Nook 40 W. Main St. Thank Yous To Everyone Who Helped: The success of all the events of Inauguration Week was most His next few sentences are not gratifying. President Nossen has very clear . But one word stands been inaugurated with a cereout . Dupes. Does Stan really mony of investiture and a week have the right to call anyone a of related activities appropridupe? Just go to a CGA meet- ate to the highest academic traing and see who seconds every dition. We have not only honored motion made by an administra- the prime office of our College and the man who, holds it , but tor . * in doing as we have honored our A little farther along Stan re- College and recognized Its posifers to Frank and Glo and Clair tion of academic respectability as hate mongers. This would among institutions of higher mean that these people are try- learning in this country and ing to influence other people to abroad. As Bloomsburg State hate. (BSC I guess.) What they College grows and progresses really are trying to do is getpeo- we should increasingly relate to ple involved. Something which those universally accepted traStan Rakowsky, as President of ditions and current practices ARM has not even tried to do. which enhance academic presThen there is a mismash about tige. In so doing, we enhance asking questions and getting an- our own prestige as faculty, stuswers and not getting answers dents and alumni of Bloomsburg. We sincerely thank the many, and being afraid to accept the answers. Can Stan verify what many persons — faculty, stuhe is trying to say here. He con- dents, non-instructionpersonnel, tinues by saying that these people town and area residents , deleact like "children ." "Their ma- gates from universities,colleges turity can only likened to & child and learned societies — who In in grade school who, when not one way or another aided in plsui being able to pitch in a baseball ning and promoting Inauguration game picks up his bat and goes Week. We also thank those who home." Now lets go back to Oct- attended or participated in the ober 14. Stan was supposed to various events for they, in their speak on U .S. involvement in support , justified the efforts of Vietnam. But what did he do? those who planned and promoted He defended his actions when he the activities. From our position, was student teaching. After he we could only observe fine cowas done speaking several people operation and dedicated efforts in the audience wanted to ask que- on the part of everyone. Sincerely, stions. Stan refused to answer George G. Stradtman any questions and walked out. Co-chairman Now who picked up his bat and Inaugural Planning Committee went home? Stan tries to justify the actions of the administration by making the assertionthat we act like third graders. The last time I saw someone act like a third grader was Stan at a CGA meeting. He also says that "sensible and mature ladies and gentlemen just don 't act as you do." The only thing I can say is that when I see Frank and Glo and Clair I see people trying to affect change. Something I don't see in the ARM. The last sentence is a killer. "I, Stan Rakowsky, as President of ARM , do hereby proclaim the week of April 12 to 19 as Loyalty Week for all ARM members and do req uest all members within my constitu ency to abide by this directive ." I question if Stan has the righ t or the power to tell all resident men at BSC that it Is Loyal ty Week for them . After reading (and rer e ading) Stan ' s letter I can only help but wonder If his letter reflects the re sponsibility and judge ment of a coU To all those who contributed to the success of the JUDAS MACCABEUS concert: I wish to extend sincere thanks and congratulations to all the people who helped make our concert last Sunday night such a success. I would especially like to congratulate Mr. William Decker , conductor; the soloists , Mrs. Mary Decker, Beth Powlus , Mr . Richard Stanlslaw, and Tim Hoffman; Dr. Jack Bemis, Mr. Steven Wallace , and the band members who played in the orchestra; and the members of the Concert Choir who devoted so much of their time and energy. A special note of thanks goes to the lighting and stage crews for their able assistance.Again I say congratulations on an outstanding performance. Jim Raaka iege seni or. John Han klns i •^^ ¦^^ a^^ a^^ a^^ p^e^^ e^^ a^^ B^^ B^^^^^^^ I B^^^^^ * ^ The Texas TSftBA ^ WHERE DAD TOOK HIS GIRL BERW ICK THEATRE Bloomsburg OVER i.OOO TITLES IN STOCK Letters Actually these students said they were only disappointed with BSC. Can we then infer that Stan is only dissappointed? Who knows? BOO KS... If It's ¦book wo havo It or wo can 0Ot It I I * Penmu vsr ¦¦™ F^B ^j ^ PICTURE COMING April 29 CAPITAL THEATRE Bloomsburg May 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ j^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ i ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SMORGASBORD I ALL YOU CAN EAT $3.00 I $1.75 Holida y Buffett I LUNCHEON EACH SUNDAY I Tuesday thr u Fr iday ¦ Ivory Wook - 11:30 • 1:30 " «W - 2:90 ¦ Children - $1.10 ¦ — on our 2nd Floor — — ^^^Hh I I I I I I I ¦ ¦HOTEL MAGEE Bloomsbur g, Pa.| \ Olofc ¦onoflold , Mtnofor ^^mHHHEflBUlMflHIHHH IHiH milHHHIHHHIHiilfliMI \ Histor y Conference REGISTRATI ON HAAS AUDITORIUM 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.-V. Monday and Tuesday PROGRAM A CARVER AUDITORIUM TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR THE COLD WAR Charles Jackson and Theodore Shanoski Bloomsburg State College Jack Cam pbell , Chairman Lycomlng College PROGRAM B KUSTER AUDITORI UM HENRY WALLAC E , HARRY TRUMAN , AND THE ORIGINS OF THE COLD WAR John Offher Shippensburg State College Richard Micherl , Chairman Bloomsburg State College Gerald Gorden , C ommen t at or Susquehanna University Session II: 10:00 - 11:00 A.M . HAAS AUDITORIUM VIETNAM AND THE COL D WAR Hans Universit y of Chicago Kathleen Cahi U , Chairman President of Phi Alpha Theta Professor Morganthau 's Address Sponsored by the Political Science Department and Artists and Lecture Series Coffee and Refreshments: 11:00 - 11:30 A.M . Haas Auditorium Lobby Session III: 11:30 A.M . - 12:30 P.M . PROGRAM A HAAS AUDITORIUM ORIGINS OF THE COLD WAR Hans Gunther Bloomsburg State College Ral ph Herre , Chairman Bloomsburg State College Louis Gebhard , Com mentator College at Cortland , S.U.N.Y. PROGRAM B CARVER AUDITORIUM tJOOPERATION AND THE COLD WAR David Golding Slippery Rock State College J ames Neiswen der , Chairman Bloomsburg State College LUNCH: 12:30 - 2:00 P.M. WILLIAM W. SCRANTON COM M ONS Session IV: 2:00 — 3:00 P .M. HAAS AUDITORIUM CROSSING THE 38TH: A STUDY OF THE COLD WAR IN MI CROCOSM Walter LaFeber Cornell University George A. Turner , Chairman Bloomsbur g State College Session V: 3:00 - 4:00 P.M. PROGRAM A KUSTER AUDITORIUM UNITED STATES - SPANISH R E L A T I O N S AND THE COLD WAR Albert Donley , Jr. Vlllanova University t BLOOM BOWL Pi Kappa Delta Inducts Pledges Dear Editor : Substituting for an ex-offlcio Session IX: 11:00 A.M. - 12:00 Richard Anderson , Chairman member of College Council , EdP.M. Bloomsburg State College ltor of the Maroon and Gold , C olonel James McGarity , Com- CARVER AUDITORIUM By: Jane Elmes I had an opportun on April 13, THE UNITED STATES AND UNImen t ator ity to listen to Dean Hoch, Dean FICATION OF WESTERN U.S. Arm y War College Four recently initiate d pledges EUROPE: ORIGINS 1945 Hunsinger , Boyd Buckin gham and Carlisle Barracks the President of the BSC and others rap on the "ina dequacy" PROGRAM B - 1948 Chapter of Pi Kappa Delta , atof Jeff Prosseda 's "7 days of Samuel Astorino CARVER AUDITORIUM the Northeast Provincial tende d disappoint ment ." JOHN F OSTER DULLES: M AK- Duquesn e Universit y By now it is well known that , Convention and Tournament held ING OF A COLD WAR RIOR Craig A. Newton , Chairman Southern then CGA President , Prosse da from April 9 to 11th atat New Bloomsburg State College Ronald Pr uessen Hav C onn. State College Dan . P. Sllverman , Commenta - had made this resolu tion at the en Conn. Temple Univer sity , PSASG convention the weekend tor James Rodechk e, Chairman before Pennsylvania State Universit y Wlik es College . It had passed in the GenNineteen colleges and unive rsiunanimous ly. Is tie s from the NE United States eral Assembly C harle s Ameri gner , Com men- LUNCH: 12:00 - 1:00 P.M. WILLIAM W. SCRANTON COM- it , or is it not typical that BSC's were on hand for the champion tator Col lege Council deemed it nec- ship. Competing from BSC were: M ONS Pennsylvania Stat e University essary to question its literar y Scott Peterman-entered in novice Coffee and Refreshments qual ity i± i Session X: 1:00 2:00 P.M . Lobbie s of Carver and Kuster debate and discussion; Brenda Members of the administration Knelly-novice debate and extemCARVER AUDI TORIUM felt that since the resolu tion por aneous ; Karl Kramer-ora THE LEGENDS OF REVISIONISM Session VI: 4:00 — 5:00 would be aired by the four teen torv. discussion , extemp.; Elaine John Lukacs PROGRAM A state colleges, it should be mas- Onushack— oral interpretation , LaSalle College CARVE R AUDITORIUM terpiece so as to make BSC look after-dinner speaking , and disTHE AMERICAN BUSINESS John Drabble , Chairman its shining best . One phrase in cussion; Jane Elmes-discusslon , Paterson State College COMMUNITY AND T H E particular seemed to get stuck after dinner COLD WAR speech , extempin their throats— "administra - oraneou s. Session XI: 2:00 — 3:00 P.M. Robert Mayer tive pacification " . What IS that PROGRAM A Newark State College f hoir OclroH Each chapte r elected a voting CARVER AUDITORIUM Jack M eyers , Chairman One week later I sat in on a delegate to atten d the convenCONGRESSI ONAL INF LUENC E Wilkes College IN FOREIGN POLICY: A special meetin g, spurred on by tion . Voted from BSC was Karl Rob ert Maddox , C ommenta t or a CGA motion and called by Pres - Kramer . COLD WAR CASUA LTY P ennsylvania State University ident Nossen, to discuss the posRobert Bressle r PROGRAM B Awar ds of excellence , meanin g y of a member of the Chic sibilit Capital Campu s — Pennsylvania KUS TER AUDITORIUM competitor was In the upper the ago Seven (now Eight) speaking State University I.F. STONE : HIS EARLY VIEWS percent of the competition was 20 on campus . After length y disJames R. Sperry , Chairman Norm K aner given to Elaine Onushack in oral views of those pr esent , it was Bloomsburg State College Temple University inter pr etation who finished in 5th decided that no one from the Philip Stebbins , C ommenta t or James Whitmer , Chairman Dosltion. decided that no one from t h e Pennsylvania State Universi ty Bloomsburg State College Chicago Seven will speak this Commentator J ames P erce y , Certificates of Superiorit y-upDaniel Walden , C ommen t at or year Possibly next semester .... Bloomsburg State College per 10 percent of competition Pennsyl vania State University at a proposed colloquy on "some were awar ded to K arl K ramer for PROGRAM B controversial issue ." orator y, extemp , and discussion. Session VII: 8:00 - 9:30 P .M. KUSTER AUDITORIUM For those who did not pre v- He received 2nd place trophies COLD WAR: ITS TREATMENT HAAS AUDITORIUM iously understand — THAT is in extemp. and orator y and 3rd IN SECONDARY TEXTS UNITED STATE S, CHINA , SO- Anthony administrative pacification . place in discussion. Sylvester and George VIET RE LATIO NS AND THE Don't give the students what they A. Turner Also receiving a rank of Supwant, just something else to keep er ior was Jane Elme s in disBloomsburg State College HarrisonDSalfi£ury C. Stuart Edwards , Chairman them quiet . cussion. She wot* 1st place in a The Hew York Times Don 't get me wron g, though , A field of 32 competitors. Bloomsburg State College Mike Hock , Chairman Coffee and Refreshments : 3:00 colloquy organized properly and The national discussi on topic Editor of Maroon and Gold 3:15 P.M. scheduled with a few sterling was used. It was: What is the Sponsored by the Artists and Lobbie s of Carver and Kuster speakers wou ld be one of th e most role of the universit y in Ameri Lecture Series P.M . 4:15 Session XII : 3:15 — accomplishments of can society? educational TUESDAY — APRIL 28 PROGRAM A BSC next year. Too bad senior s In novice debate , Brenda KnelSession VIII : 9:00 - 10:45 A .M. CARVER AUDITORIUM like Jean Reese won 't be aroun d ly won 3rd individual speaker PROGRA M A THE COLD WAR: A SOVIET to experience it . awar d. KUSTER AUDITORIUM dor R emsen VIE W Next spring , NE Province of THE TEAC HER AS EDITORIAL Gennady Stachev sky PKS will gather again in HousRoy Fairfi eld First Secre tary , Soviet Mission M ar tin Gildea , C ommen t at or ton , Texas , for the natio nal tour Anti och-Putne y Gr aduate School Bloomsburg State College to the U.N. nament at the Universit y of TexH.M . Afshar , C ha irman C ollege stu dents , faculty and staff as. Louis T. Nau , Chairman Bloomsburg State College need not pay registration fees for Bloomsburg State College Advisor and Coach attendin g Sponsored by the E ducational Dethe conference. PROGRAM B was Erich Frohma n. p artmen t KUSTER AUDITORIUM PROGRAM B M ORALISM AND REALISM IN CARVER AUDITORIUM UNITED STATES F OREIGN THIRD WORLD AND THE COLD POLICY WAR 59 E. Mai n St. Robert Wechman ! 1 A PANEL DISCUSSION g e Elm i ra C olle Mike Higgens and J oe Ketchum I . . . for your persona l need* in Robert Warren , Chairman I Har rlsburg Communit y College College Bloomsburg State , J ames Terr y , C ha irman 4 ~f gift*4MHand home decor. B^^ B^BBBaBB9 ^ ^B^^^^ BjBHB ^ bbb ^BB^^ BB^ k^BBBBBBI fe^aBBBa ^k# I^bbbMBB ^I ^^ ¦^B^BBB^^ 9^I^^ H^^ 9^a^HBjH ^B^%^ k^^ BBBBa ^J Ame r ican University vftft% * J tUfcfci? '*^*^^ ^ | ~°~^ ESTUDIO SHOP *~" ^L SB) A U£ ^7 MOYER Pharmacy BU6ET A FRITS Barber Shef DRESS Free Prescri ption Deliver y SHOP I:H A.M. till : *P.M. fat. S:N a.n. tlll:M pj M.