Prossed a Resigns as Pres. by Sam Tra pane At Monda y's College Council meeting, the last acti on Jeff Pros seda took as pre sident was to ask Council to adopt a resol ution. Jeff explained that he put a resolution before the General Assembly of the State Student Government officers and that it was approved overwhel mingly. The resolution was then distributed to all 13 state colleges and the Indiana Stat e University of Pa . for approval by their governing bodies. A motion was made and seconded that Council adopt the resol ution. Lengthy discussion followed pointing out the gramm atical weakness of the resol ution , its negative character , its vague ness , untlmellness , and the question of its purpose . The question was called and the motion was defeated. Infor mal discuss ion immediately after condoned the idea but refut ed the resolu tion as it stood . Futile attempts to endorse the idea followed . Jeff Pro sseda then asked Jean Reese to read the pr epared statement * that f ollows: Member s of College Council: Each one of you has worked well through thep astfew months . It has been an honor and a pleasure to become Involved with you at a level that excites and inter ests me. Wh en I ran for this office , I sta ted that one cannot help the system unless one can work with in the system. Since that time , I have endeavored to do J ust that. H owever , now because of person al pro blems and a grea t sense of hopelessness, I submit my resig nation as President of the Community Government Association . I again thank you for your sincere time and efforts . Respectfully , Jeffe ry S. Pro sseda f / oAAen Sta tement Ed. note : Dr. Nossen was in Har risbur g all ' day and this was brought up J ust before our deadline . ^H^ l i lif I J * ^^^^^^^ VOL. XLVHI NO. 42 H FRIDA Y, APRIL 17, 1970 News Briefs ^in ior BOa ll Tickets for the Senior Ball will be available beginning May 4th , across from the Alumni Room from 11:00-1:00 and 3:00 -5:00 Monda y through Friday until May 20th . They will also be ava ilable to Seniors wh o are pr esentl y stude nt teaching , after practice commencement on Thursday , May 21st. A ticket may be obtained by any senior who has paid class dues upon pr esentation of his I.D. card. Guest tickets will be available by: 1) presenting their I.D. card if the date is a Senior who has paid class dues. 2) payment of $5.00 if the date Is a January 1970 graduate of BSC . 3) payment of $7.50 if the date is not a 1970 graduate of BSC . Tickets will be marked with the couple 's name and will be ch ecke d at the door on the night of the ball— Friday May 22nd . Choice of main dish at the ball will be stuffed Brea st of Chicken or Beef French M arket Style . Please pick up your t ickets early so accurate reservations may be made at Genetin. ^tuatt ls on Z J U BSC on TV: Student Teachers speak on Education , Sunday, April 19 at 9:00 a.m. on channel 16 and again at 7:30 p.m . on channel 44, The panel consists of Harry Berkhei ser , Kathy C ah lll , Jeff Prosseda , Roy Underbill , and Kathy Winter. Bitt en. Ccon . Con/. H oles in your pockets ? Won dering where your money is going? This is probabl y due to inflation. INF LATION- What is it? What causes It? How can it be cured? The Economics Department is pre sent ing their Annual Economics C onference on Sat ur day , April 25 , 1970. The speakers are: Dr . Cagen — Pr esident , Coun cil of Economic Advisors Dr . Willis - Direc tor of Researc h , Federal Reserve Bank Mr. Hagedor — Vice Presi dent & Chief Economist of the National Assoc. of Manufacturers Dr . Gre gg — Economist , U.S. Steel Corp. Mr. MacDonald — Research Economist AF L-CIO Registration ; ! ' Luncheon $3.50 Students $2.50 Available from Joe Lyons , Les Rhorbach , Dr . Saini , Dr. Siegel, Miss Dilworth , and Mr. Ross. inau gura tion A dance in honor of President N ossen 's Inauguration will be held in the new college commons on Saturday night , April 18th , from 9*12 p.m. Dress for students will be coat and tie . There will be an elaborate buffet for all those who attend , ALL students are Invited to atten d t hi s event . It will be free and the entertainment will be provided by "The Romans," It w ill be a nice event . So come and enjoy yourselves I P/a , DlcU The Bloomsbur g Playe rs announce the opening of the box of* flee on April IB , for the produc t ion The Doctor In Spite of Himself by Moliere , Ticket s can be obtained by coming to the box office in Haas Auditori um from 10 a.m . to noon and from 1 to 4 p.m ., dally except Satur day and Sunday , or by callin g 784-4660, ext . 317, If you wish to mail for tickets , please Include a selfaddressed stamped envelope and send to box 298, BSC . interim. I regret , of course , his decision, and wish that he had delayed such action at least until af ter we could discuss t h e matfor Leadershi p in any organization is difficult and inevitably leads ' to various forms of frustration. At this time I can only thank Mr . Pr osseda for his servi ces to the college. I met with him on numerous occasions throu ghout this year , includin g those meetings at which he served as advisor to the Board of Trustees. I know that he has worke d conscientiousl y, and that he has used his ener gies in dedication to his office. I wish him well duri ng the balance of his studies at Bloomsburg, and in his teachin g position durin g the coming years. I fully agree with Mr. Pros seda that those who are repr esentin g you in College Council To: The Maroon and Gold I received today a copy of Mr. have "worked well" these past Jeffrey S. Prosse da's resi gna- severa l month s, and to each memtion as President of C.G.A. This , *' ber I say thank you for the manof course , came as a complete ner in which you are fulfilling sur pri se, and I have had no op- your respon sibilities. May I extend personal thanks , portunity to talk with him in the Dope Charges May Be Dropped Althou gh no official word has been given, Dudley G. Mann , accused of possession of marijuana , feels that charges will be dro pped in the civil courts . "Comments from my lawyer and the fact that the prosecution had nothin g to offer , indicates that the trial will be thrown out in the next two weeks," Man n, said . Attorney Galley Keller , counsel f or Mann , David Levie and William Lennartz , told the court in a closed door meetin g Monday, that evidence includin g a pipe , aluminum foil , pipe tobacco and dirt from under a ru g, were taken through an illegal search . The search was made by State Police as a result of information acquired from John Skinner . Skinner was found guilty of offerin g false information in regard to the Mann case , in court Monday. Jud ge C . William Kreisher will establish the validity of this evidence before the grand jury . /» nnvon A M£X4 ^//^BsSk MIM ZJ nroatd Throa ts are ver y vulnera ble. They stick out sor t of , and mascu line ones have pointe d , bobbing , things han ging in the middle tha t crack rather easily. So how come ever yone is (a) shoving thin gs down peoples ' throats , (b) wellding wor d knieves and waving them near people ' s th roats with a general orien tation toward the J ugular , (c) asking for loyalty toward a particul ar set of throats , or voicin g of disappointment in the output of a particular set of threats . Althou gh the last two items mentioned are not so bad in thems elves, they hide a desire on the par t of both parties , those who are loyal and those who are disappointed , to cut the throats of the opposition . . "own - mr .l " 1 1 'i i •' All of which is a ver y long wind ed elucidation of an obvious fact ...the whole mess is getting bloody with all thes e people walk ing around with slashes and gashes in their throats . SUPPORT — THROAT WEEK! SAVE YOUR Letters to the Editor less what the administration thinks , and I'll show you , There were times when I wasn 't enthused by President Nossen 's acti on or lack of it , but I will give him credit for one thing . He 's got the toughest job on campus and acceDt. tha t's saying a hell of a lot. I might mention also that he 's not These children talk about being top banana either , he ' s just the oh so grown up. Treat us as another link in the chain of comadults they say. Give us the right mand that ultimately stems from to act and think for ourselves. the people who foot most of the We 're mature . They ' re maturity bill for this whole affair . can only be likened to a child Sur e, there are things to be in grade school who when not bedisappointed in , but don 't over ing able to pitch in a baseball shadow the accomplishments of game , picks up his bat and ball these tired , frustrated people in and goes home. It is because of rem orse for their inabilit y to those who advocate and take part solve all problems . For God' s in this ridiculously childish acQo 2b,Jica ieJ sake don 't go into next year distion of wear ing armbands and appoin ted ...go dedicated to solve boycotting an event such as the Dear Students: The recent issue of the Gadfly as many of the inevitable future one we are now enga ged that our college has been kept back . is the worst piece of gar ba geI' ve problems as possible by the same read since the Gadfly II . This back-breakin g means used this At times the administration makes a mistake by limiting some support s position quite well. It' s year , confruntation in a collectof the things we ask for. These quite obvious by the malicious ive body of students , faculty, and officials see SUPPOSEDLY ma- ridicule of the college and every- administration . Believe me , its ture collegians acting in a man- one in it that the editor s don't the only way! ner which befits third -gr aders. really have a good gripe to air . P .S. Jeff , after much thought and Wh at else would you expect these It is my opinion that this "Week some discussion , I have decided administrative officials to do? of Disappointment" is, in two as• for myself that your resignation was not an adolesce nt impulse , or To you Glo Wilson and to you pects , very inappr opriate . as much as this year First , , acceptance of defeat , but a final Claire Smith and to all who was a year of any recent year , attempt to dramatize your conthink and act as you do , go bury successful It saw the success . tinued concern . Please don't your head s in the MUD! You tight dilmana gement of a very , prove me wrong. You don 't tak e should be ashamed of your childgreat igently prepared budget Its . way easy out . that 's for sure , the ish and moronic actions. Bury you r heads and go back to your success is highlighted by recom- I wish there was some way to im provement thank you for your 4 years of sandboxes where you be long. Sen- men dati on s f or wider student participation dedication . (e .g. sible and mature ladies and in its formation) for next year 's gentlemen J ust don 't act as you officers rather than the 'here ya Gratefully, do) ar e — good luck , pal' this year 's And to the rest of the student execut ive board got . Immediately Sam Trapane body I plead to your Inherent noticeable to the student body ( continuori on page four ) was: the eliminat ion of the dress code (with ease) , the elimination of Family Style dinin g, due enMAROON AND GOLD 2>on t' Wit* tirely to student Initiative , a vast revision of the age old General VOL. XLVIII NO. 42 Requirements that Education leave only your Dept . Chairmen to decide what you'll need in your MICHAEL HOCK area of concentra tion , not to men* EDITOR-IN-CHIEF tion a multitude of minor propos Business Manager dor Rtmt tn als that had been hidden f o r ¦ Bill Toitsworth years . M ore I mportant , the treatManaging Edito r ment of students by faculty and News-Editor Marti n Kleiner administration as adu lts, I can Co-Faatura Editors Ginny Pottar , Allan Maurar c ite a d ozen exam pl es. Sports Editors. Clark Ruch & Jack Hoffman The second reason this week ¦ Photo gra phy Editor Mark Foucart is inappropriately named is be* Copy Staff cause we should not be disappoint * Kay Hahn, Carol Oswald , Irana Oulyct ed in the student leader , nor the Circulation Managar Lind a Ennis ad m i n istrat ion . Jeff and Co . Advisor Mr . Michaal Stanlay poured everythin g they had Into ADDITIONAL STAFF: Tarry Blast , John Stugrln, Bob giving you the best dea l possible . Schult z, Sally Swatland , Dava Ktltar , Stanlay Bunslck , Their tireless efforts were matJim Sachett ), F r ank Cliffo rd, Vaima Avery, Carol Kithched only by the continued openbaugh, Pat Jacobs, Sam Trapana. mindedness and overtime of Dean Jackson , Dean N orton , Dean All opinions expressed by columnists and featuro w rit ors . Hoch and yes , Dean Hunsln ger , , Includin g tttters-to-the-odlt or, a ra not necessaril y t hoso of too. (go ahead and laugh , show mis publication but thoso of tho Individuals. me you d on 't know what you are talk ing about) 1 couldn 't car e To the Editor: I would like to elicit the aid of the BSC faculty and student body in finding information regarding a copy of the "Procedura l Manual for Student Organ izations " which was hand -lettered with the words MULKA'S FUNNY BOOK and left in the fac ulty Lounge Monday , March 16, 1970. All replies will be kept confidential . Reply to Maroon and Gol d , Box 301, in sealed envelope. Thank you very much for your help. Name withheld upon req uest "THE DOCTOR IN SPITE OF ! HIMSELF' ^mitnn er ^p eattd Dear Mike : I saw Tim Nau and Robert Nossen enj oy some old music in a small room and was deeply saddened that two such wellinformed men are separated by forces which compromi se us all. It makes one long for the reali zation of the Rabelasian dream of a free school for free men and women at the Abbey of Thelema. But , on the one hand , adminis trators cannot be prote cted by tenure and , on the other , the free spirit is outraged by what the less well-informed can force the unprotec ted to do to those who will not temporize for protec U.UI1. There is a Greek tra gedy in all of this , and thos e of us who stand in the teachi ng choru s seem condemned by circumstance to lamentable role s productive of no immediatel y discernible progress. Still there are individual pr ogresses , and Albert Camus seemed to say that the crucible in which we all bol l is te mper ing our metal as a species for some great task which we are not yet able even to envision. Meanwhile , ineluctabl y most atte mpt to survive , some few morally , the rest mere ly physically , which , as Henri Ber gson might have said , Is in Itself the honest expr ession of an instinct we share with other forms of life. Tim Nau 's voluntar y departure is a blow to his students and friends , but it Is probably one we communall y deserve. He will always find men of good will since h e seems t o grav ita t e towar d those of his ilk. P lease excuse these Prousti an sentences , but the ideas are not simple and the human beings even more richly complex. Dr. Nossen exp lained quite satisfactorily to me his concept of loyalty as he app lied it to family and college. I had objected to the word 's connotat lve overload since the 1950» s and was thinking of the Insane polarizing effect of loyalty parades and oaths. But then I ha d missed the honors assembly while preparing for the chamber music , Dr . Nossen , who Incidentally Is the busiest per son on camp us , has a muc h better recor d of attendance at college functio n s than any of the faculty or students . In fact , one wa y to get to talk to h i m i s to bestir oneself from one' s booth , pad , or cell, Yours for contin ued good J ournalism , Eric Smlthnar ¦ ^^ -^^ ^mm*m*^ Moharter, Lepley Win As Huskies Open Season W ith Double header Sweep » —»«—-— — — r ^_ ^ ¦<• *w bv ^^ «*«^ ^p p^ » * m m mm ^vsis^^ ¦^ r Coach Clark Boler 's Husk y baseball team opened their 19701 season with a doubleheade r sweep against Kings. The scor es were 4-2 and 4-3 as Bloomsbur g picked up their initial wins of the season at the Lightstreet field . The Huskies (behind lefty Dave Moh arter , junior from Berwi ck ,) came from behind in the first game to record their victory . In. the second inning King 's left-fielder Pat Adonizio tripled to lead off the inning . After a fly-ball-out , Dennis Weir , BSC's third baseman , couldn 't find the handle on Bill Waters ground ball , to give King 's the lead 1-0 . The inning wasn 't over yet . Waters advanced to second on a ground-out and scored when Husky second sacker Jeff Mosser overthrew a ground ball off the bat of Tom Cretella . Pitcher Jor ge J unguera struck out to end the King's C ollege scorin g in the first game . In the bottom of the second with the bases loaded , Chip Smith walked to force home Jeff Mosser with the first Husky run of __ the w — season. The next inning pro ved to be King 's downfall as the Huskies scored three runs without the benefit of a hit . Short y Hitch cock , fr eshman fro m Stevensville , hit a high fly to center fielder Waters , who lost it in the sun to allow Short y to advance to third . Denni s Weir walk ed next and stole second . Bob Faneck mishandled the throw from Cretella to allow Shorty to score and Weir to take third . Dietterick scored on Tom Fleeger 's ground ball . Rick Gatchell walked and Moharter singled but the innin g ended when Gatchell was togged out in a rundown . Moharter pitched a good game for the early season . He allowed 5 hits , struck out 5 and showed good control in walking only 2. Jungu era , the starting pitcher for King's and one of 4 hurlers used , took the loss for Kings . The Huskies again cam e fro m one run down in the second game to record their 4^3 decision . In the top of the first , Bob F aneck reached first on a field- ers choice. He adva nced to second on passed ball and scored on Skip Ma czuga 's single to end the scori ng for the inning . Don Dietter ick scored Bloomsbur g's first run in the bottom of the second when he reached first on an error by the King 's first baseman , took second on a wild pitch , aird third on a ground ball off the bat of BSC 's first socker , Bill Derr . Short y Hitchcock lofted a flybal l into right field to score Dietterick and knot the game at one all . Pitcher Bob Warner scored the second BSC run in the bottom of the second . Warner dre w a base on balls and scored on back-to back singles by Joe Accord! and ¦i Cretella to score . Faneck grounded out , but Marzu ga finished Warner for the day with an RBL cinele Russell E . Houk , Athletic Director and head wrestling coach at BSC, announced Tuesday that a milestone in athletic history at BSC will take place durin g the 1970-71 college year when Iowa State University, the nation 's numb er one wrestlin g team for the past two years (NCAA Univer sity Division ,) will be in Bloomsbur g to wr estle the Huskies, The Cyclones of the Big Eight C onference will meet the Huskies on J anuar y 8 , in Cen tennia l Gym when they are on an Eastern swing wre stling Hofstra Univer sity of Long Island January 7 , and Lehigh University on January 9, The Huskies will meet Iowa State the following year at Ames , I owa . Houk is extremely happy that year 's cham pionship squad . the nation 's number one wrestHouk only loses one regular ling team will be in Bloomsburg for the first time . He feels it perfor mer from this year 's squad — Arnold Thompson at 158 lbs. will definitely add to the prestige of the wrestlin g program at BSC . Pa . Conference Champion who The Cyclones under Coach Har - finished third in NAIA competition . By the time the Iowa State old Nichols had a fantastic year match rolls around in January , by winnin g three-individua l first places in the NCAA Cham pion- Houk hopes that his young squad ships— Dave Martin 158 lbs., Ja - will gain enough experience to son Smith 167 lbs., Charles Jean pro vide an interesting evening 177 lbs . The Cyclones were also of wrestling for the nati onal privile ged to have one of the most chamDs. celebrated wrestlers of all time on their squad , Dan Gable who up until his two point loss in the NC Information on a AA finals this year , had posted 181 strai ght victories throughout "Procedural Manual for his wrestling career . Nichols Student Organizations " will have a number of wrestlers hand lettere d with the returnin g next year from this Trackmen: Spike The WANTED: wor d s "Mulka 's Funn y Book" left on a table in the Facult y Lounge on or a b o u t Monda y, Marc h 16, 1970. All replies kept confidential. Send to Box 30UM& G ) BLOOM BOWL Phone: 864-8489 1™—°-" * THE STUDIO SHOP 59 E. Ma in St. . . . for your personal needs in gifts and home decor. Bloomsburg MB 440 yard intermediate hurdles , On Monday, BSC won their third strai ght dual meet for 1970, beat- and Tim Waechter who ran a subten minute 2 mile coming in at ing a strong " star-studded" 9:57 .4. He was followed closely the score of team by Kutztown by Terry Lee who after running high The meet was one of 87-58. the mile and the half-mile turned quality with BSC setting 4 team in a 10:08 for second plac e in the re cor ds , a KSC stadium record and establishin g another fresh - two-mile Needless to say, Coach Puhl man best . The sprint relay team of John was plea sed with the team 's perMasters , Rickey Eckert , Gre g formanc e, and is looking forward to the team 's next meet which is Ber ger and Jim Davis, establisha tri -meet with last year's conof 43 4 ed a new 440 yard mark . ference run ner-up, Millersville to erase the 43 7 second seconds . S.C ., and Shippensburg S t a t e mark of Derr , Storcheff , Enama and Fegliolino of 1964 . Fresh - C ollege. A win over Millers man John Ficek broke his own ville could lead the way for an shot put recor d of 47'1" with an 8-0 season for the trackmen , and eff ort of 48' 11" . Freshman Hank a good shot for the state title this Plumly scored 21*11" for a new year . BSC frosh record and his per sonal best ever . Andy Kusma High hurdl ed to a 15.0 seconds , timin g for a brand new BSC frosh and va rsity as well as a new Kutztown stadium record . This was an overall strong performance for the Huskies in almost every event . Outstanding performances were turned in by Larry Strohl who turned in a 2.01 half-mile , Charlie Graham who pushed in a 56.6 timin g in t h e National Champ Iowa St. To Wrestle Huskies in 1971 $2QQ and up WHERE DAD TOOK HIS GI RL ^¦i The lead swelled to 3-1 in the 4th inning when right fielder John Choyka singled and scored on double error s by Gr oncheroske , and Faneck . Warner got into trouble in the 5th as he issued free passes to Cretella and Millus to start the inning. Denny Weir overthrew Mlteho 's ground ball to allow wuxi A vivian . Find blend of En glish and American lines The Texts I Cindermen Win Third, I IFicek , Plumly, K usma , I I Set Individua l Marks I John Lepley, sophomore from Sunbury , came on to retire the next two men to keep the game tied at 3-3. Neither pitcher was in any serious trouble until Chip Smith singled off Millus in the 7th . Joe Accardi sacrificed him to second to set the scene for Mark Vivian . Mark smashed a hot drive down the left field fine and Smith r ipped home with the game's leading run . Bob Warner and Lepley show* ed good control for this earl y in the season . Between them they allowed 4 hits , struck out 10 (Warner -6, Lepley-4) and walked 4 . The Huskies travel to ShJ ppensburg tomorrow . 1st game King's 020 000 0 2-5-4 BSC 013 000 0 4-5-3 2nd game King's 100 020 0 3-4-4 BSC 011 100 1 4-7-3 AFGHAN HOUNDS Quality AKC Pups L k^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ B j | I ^ ^ ^j Harry Logan Epple/s Pharmacy Prescription Specialist AND Your J twtltr Away from Horn * 5 W. Maih St. Bloomssuro • HELENA RUBENSTEIN • DANA • COTY • MAX FACTO* Repairin g WAFFLE GRILLE I All those who bought or acqui red c h a i n letters last spring are urged to send them or cop ies to D. C.Porter (Box 182) or Tom Funk (Box 617). vA* boniest JZimtmkranee £/s» ^r FLOWER S /of ' lfUo Bendtd Worl d Wld. Ddivtr y MAIN ft IION fTM ITS • CHANEL • OUEILAIN • FAIEROE • IANVIN • PRINCE MATCHAIELLI Fin e J ewelry €> Red Raiders and Marauders • ELIZABETH ARDEN Ortwi t tmmp t Need financ ial advice ? I I Hr Uwted Penn Bank I ^ ^ . ^kWWWknR^^WBWPB ,^J a M t^H '¦ The bink you can grow with. Mtombtr Msral PspssH ImtKranea CtrporaNen I Zroru m ( continued fro m pege two ) sense of respect for yourselves and your Inherent knowledge of what Is right . Reject these mongers of hate and dispaire. Take part in every activity possible during Inauguration week. Do HONOR to the man . Do HONOR to the college. Do HONOR to yourselves. Therefore , in conjunc tion with the inau guration of the President ,, I Stan Rakowsky , as President of the Association of Resident Men (ARM) do hereby proclaim the week of April 12 to the 19 as LOYALTY week for all ARM members and do request all members within my consti tuency to abide by thi s directive. G reeks On Camp us 3bd 't Delta Epsllon Beta would like to announce their Spring 1970 pledge class. Pledg es are : Margarette Morris , Marty Man zick , Phyllis Bradshaw , Jeanne Burns , Donn a Hastie , Bobbie Wynn , Noreen Venn , Jodi Reichel , Debbie Muschlitz , Suzanne Haggerty , Sharon Fedderovich , Kathy Stoner , M ary Muras ki , Debbie Daniels , Jac quie Feddock , Bette Kick , Barb Krywicki , Margie Lavin , Janet Puchalski , Barbie Keiper , and Debbie Thurber. Margarette Morris is president of the pledge class , a n d Marty Man zick is tre asurer. S J O The Browers cm Sigma lota Omega would like to congratulate the newly elected officer s. They President John Choyka; are: Vice Pres. Steve Myers; Rec. Sec. Lou Angelo; Cor . Sec. Bob Pochakilo; Treasurer Jim Gibisser; Historian Jim Davis; and Randy Alumni Corres pondent Comins. In IFC competition the Brothers of SIO took first in the Greek sing, second In the IFC Tug of War and tied for second in game night. In IFC baske tball SIO defeated the Brothers of Phi Sigma Epsil on for first place. The Brothers would again like to thank out going Pres. Jon Black for the superb leadersh ip he has given the fraternity over t h e past year. Inaugura l Week At BSC A highlight of the festivitie s of Inaugural Week at BSC will be a joint concert by Dr . F rank Pul lano, Bar itone , and Dr . Rob * ert Marvel , pianist -composer , on Friday , April 17, in Haas Auditor ium , at 8:15 p.m. Both artists are members of the faculty of State University College , Fredonia , N.Y. Tickets for this event are available to the public at no charge and may be reserved in advance by callin g or writin g M .J. McHale , Chairman , Artist and Lecture Serie s, Bloomsburg Dr . Pullano , Assistant Profes sor of Music at the State University College at Fredonla , holds a Doctor of Musical Arts • degree in Performances and Literature from the Universit y of Illinois School of Music . He has made extensive appearances in opera , concert , recital and oratori o. His operatic repertoire includes over 20 major baritone ro les. Mark Educationa l Records recentl y released , an album of songs and areas sung by Dr. Pullano with John Wustman , national known piano accompanist , at the kevboard. In addition to his undergraduate studies at the State University College at Fredonia and his graduate studies at Illinois , Dr . Pullano studied oper atic literature on a scholarshi p with the Metropolitan Opera Studio staff under George Schick . Dr . Marvel , the newest Dean at Fredonia , is responsible for the overall development of all fine and performin g arts pro gra ms at that college. 'He previously was Director of Mu sic Education for the Departm ent of Music . He earn ed both his M aster of Arts degree in music theory and his Doctor of Philosophy degree in music composition from the Eastman school of Music of the Universit y of Rochester . In addition to active participa tion in committee , state and national musi c project s, Dr . Marvel also is internati onally known as a mus ic comp oser .His intensive Intere st in the fine and performin g arts has brought him special prominence , honor ar y distinction , leadership status in a number of profe ssional soclties and organization s. Cur rently , he is chairman of the National Association of Schools of Music , Teacher Education in Music Committee: Examiner of the National Association of Schools of Music; and a member of the Commission on Curric ula , N at ional A ssociat ion of Schools vi •'l UOiv * He has served on nu merous comm ittee s of councils and associations at the state and national , (conti nued frw m page ©no) Including the For d ing them as the top teem In mat levels , Foundati on National Music Coundivision. Brenda won the first cil and the M.E.N.C . Contempor speaker award in that division . ary Music Committee; he has held In the area of extemporaneous speak ing, B. S. C. placed three var ious offices in the latter. In of the ir students. Anchor man addition to active participation in Karl Kramer walked off with Adj udication tor Erie Philarmon first place. Brenda Knelly placed lc Pittsburgh Symphony Young second and Jane Elmes captured Arti sts Competition , Dr. M arvel als o has presented special fourth place. before groups speeches of music Improm ptu speakin g was again educators throughout the U. S. dominated by Karl Kramer who app eared an d has in numero us won first place , followed by Jane solo and conductin g perform Elmes in third place and Scott ances. He has published many Peterman in fourth. In the division of original ora - articles in papers and leading tor y , Mary Ellen Golden took professional music journ als. second place being the only Bloomsburg competito r placin g er director of forensics and deIn this cate gory . bate coach at B. 8. C , was alCompeting in oral interpretaso awarded to the students . This tion were Mar y Ellen Cavanau gh, tro phy will be a revolvin g trophy who placed third and Mar y Ellen and will be inscribed with the Golden who placed fourth. name of the winning college each Due to the success of the above year . ment ioned, Bloomsbur g was Also competing for B. S. C. awarded enough points to enable were Tom Seriani in oral inter them to capture the sweepstakes pretation and Glnny Potter in tro phy for the fourth consecu - or iginal oratory. The students tive year. A new sweepstakes tro - were accompanied by Mr . Erich phy, one which will be dedicated Frohm an and Mr. Richar d Alderto Mr. James J. CToole , form- fer. 0>ommofi4 (continu ed fro m pag * on« ) new nine stor y wom en 's resident structure which will be completed later this year; renamin g of North Hall to Northumberland Residence Hall ; renamin g of East Hall to Montour Residence Hall ; renamin g of West Hall to Schuylkill Residence Hall; the dedica tion of the new Computer Services Center . Student pr esidents of various associations and councils on campus part icipated in the renamin g of the residence halls and Frank S. Davis , Jr ., Director of Computer Services comment ed on the services which can be provided by the new Center . The invocation and Benediction was delivered by the Rev . Benjamin j acobson, Minister , Pres byterian Church , Bloomsburg, Pa ., and the Madrigal Singers of BSC under the direction of William Decker offered several selections during the luncheon . P layers Rea dy "I find medicine 's the best of all trades ," he says . rtIf a shoemaker spoils a piece of leather , it' s his loss , but we doctors slash away at the stuff we are working on, and we can make a mess of a man without its costing us anythin g. Whethe r you do any good or not , you still get your money." These are the words spoken by Sganarella and , in fact , the essence for the Bloomsburg Players upcoming production , The Doctor In Spite Of Himself , a satire on the medical profession. Mr . W illiam Acierno has taken the ori ginal Moliere play and , alon g with John Halianuer , adapted it for use on the BSC sta ge. Present day physicians with their up-to-date arsenals for healing — their antibiotics and amazing sur gical techniques — ar e still fair game for Moliere 's sly digs and this is exactly what happens in this slapstick comedy. The play begins when , in the course of an ar gument , a woodcutter beats his wife . Thirsting f or r even ge, she figures out a trick (which involves makin g him pretend he's a doctor ) by which she can get him beaten in return by two other men . The role of Sgnarella, the wood-cut ter, will be played by Jack Martin and the part of Martina , the vindictive wife will be played by Jean LeGates . Althou gh he keeps tryin g to deny that he has any medical knowledge, he is compelled to treat a pretty girl named Luclnda (played by Velma Aver y) for a pseudo-i llness . As it turns out , the girl is actually fakin g her d um bness, because her father , (portrayed by Daniel Geronte Boone) is forcin g her to marry a man she doesn't love. Upon discoverin g th is, Sganarelle brin gs the girl' s rea l sweetheart , Leandr e CScott Ather ton) to her and prescr ibes, "a dose of run-away purgative mixed with two drams of matr imony in pills ." When the father finds out how the phoney physician has tricked him , he threatens to have him hun g — a fate not ver y pleasing to the woodcutter . Per formance dates for this Mo> Here comedy are April 23, 24, and 25 at 8: 10 p.m . in Haas Auditor ium . Tickets go on sale April 16th in the box office in Haas dally (except Sat, and Sun.) from 10-12 a.m. and 1-4 p.m . Pr ices are as follov/s:$1.00 for adul ts, $.50 for students , anu a 10 per cent discount for groups of ten or more . Sincerely, Mlchele MattUe In Regards To Armba nds The M&G has .taken to the stree ts to get t he react ions on campus to the proclaimed Week of Disappoint ment' Wear red arm bands , yes or no, and why? Dave Haas : YES , it's the only way to get the stud ent s to show their dissatisfaction . W e can't even get enough people to do even that — they just don 't care . That' s why they lost their pres ident. Dr . Edwards: No, It' s silly. Dudley Mann: It' s up to the individual , it isn 't an attac k against one person , for most people , it' s many different thin gs to different people. If I would wear one it would be to protest the judicial proceed ure at BSC or to show that everything isn't rosy, Gary Blasser: No, Going throu gh pr oper channels is a more effective way to get things done. Glo Wilson: Yes, to show disappointment in BSC for not living up to its potential ....t o show t hat there are things to be dissatis fied about . Jean Reese: Yes....if you know why. "Wear an arm band and go home Saturda y!" Mr . Alderfer (Speech Dept .) No, it has no Satisfaction Step to follow it; no clear , positive direction. Mr . Wettstone: No, I' m not dissatisfied . If I were I'd use other channels (verbal) to show it . Lee Harris : No, the things that are bein g proteste d stem from a commun icati on probl em ,the arm bands mean too many differ ent things to different people . It could have had a better name ... something involving communica tionMike Pilla galli: ' I' m really disappointe d in stu dent ignorance . Too many people have different interpretations of the rea l mean ing of the arm bands . If people 'really knew what it was for (Jeff' s idea) I feel it would get a lot of support ," Jane Elmes: No, (very disap pointedly) It' s a symbol of "apathetic concern " . I t seems too much like , "I' m concerne d as long as I don't have to get involved ." Nameless Studen t: Yes, I' m disappointed in Nossen, Hunsinger , N orton .... if I had three years I'd tell you about it . Bob Casey: Yes, I' m wearin g one to get student 's reactions so I can write a feature stor y for the M&G . Say, who are you? ... Ed . note: I didn't have the heart to tell him . Lanford Guest At Inauguratio n Oscar E . Lanford , President , State Univers ity College at Fre donla , New York , will be the featured speaker at the Inauguration of Dr . Robert J . Nossen as Pre sident of Bloomsburg State College on Saturday , April 18 , at 2:30 p. m. in Haas Auditori um. Doctor Nossen was formerly Vice President for Academic Affairs at Fr edonla. A native of Louisa County , Vir ginia , Dr . Lanford was educa ted in the public schools of that state and received his degrees in chemistry at the Virgi nia Militar y Institute and Columbi a Univers ity. Dr. Lanford was employed as an industrial chemist in 193435. He was a teaching assistant in chemistry for a two-year period prior to serving as an instruc tor of chemistry for three years at Columbia Univer sity. He join ed the faculty of the State University College, Albany , New York , as a pr ofessor of chemistry and Cha irman of the Departme nt in 1940 , and after a 12 year period was appointed Dean of the College. In 1961 , he was named Pres ident of the State University College at Fredonia. For several years he served as direc tor at a scientific research project sponsored by the Unite d States Atomic Energy C omm ission, which dealt with the concentrat ion of nat urally occur ring Isotopes , especially Nitrogen 15 . He initiated the prop osal for the establishm ent of Stat e University 's Atmospheric Sciences Research Center in 1960 and served as the first director of that center. In addition to being an author of numerous research publica tions in scientific literature , he is the author of a well-known chemistry textbook published by the McGraw-Hill Company and is the co-author of certain chemistr y laboratory manuals . Dr . Lanford serves as member or chairman of advisory committees for the New York State Board of Regents , and has served as a mem ber of accre ditat ion committees of th e Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. The noted educator is a member of the American Chemic al Society. The American Association for the Advancement of Science , and severa l societies and fraternitie s re lated to his field. He is a member of the Board of Tr ustees of the Western New York Educational Television Association , Inc ; a member of the Advisory Board of the Fredonia Office of the Manufac turers and Tra ders Trust Company, and a member of the Technical Advisory Committe e of Chautau qua Opport unities , Inc . Dr . Lanford is married to the former Caroline Clapp Sherm an; they are the parent s of five children. He and his family reside in the President 's Residence on Central Avenue in Fredonla. Fhee tove ml oveRTfle atf p us, and axz son wm*eco*!!to stuw ' ^ BXOf iP TWK S0Wl£R