Pilligalli-Hock Win CGA a margin of 132. Mike Hock defeated Marty Morgis by 45 votes . Hock received 766 votes to Morgis ' 721, a total of 1507. Jodie Runnin g unopposed , Koehler was elected recordin g secretary, receivin g 1165 yes votes . For corres ponding secretary, Jan Boyanowski defeated Jac quie Feddock by a 210 vote v mar gin . Boyanowsk ireceived 818 votes and Feddock received 608. Tom Baltuskonis was defeated by Anne Peacock 852 to 617. Polic e of Bloomsbur g arrested Anne won by a 235 vote mar gin. three Bloomsbur g State College Mark Foucart , who ran unop posstudents on campus yesterday received 1139 yes votes for ed , morning at 11:45 char ging them parlia mentarian. the office of with violating the state drug laws. In the senior class elections, The trio , all nineteen and living reelected as Bill Cluley was at the same Murra y Avenue add was unopposed. pre sident Cluley . with their along ress , were listed His vice president will be Susan home addresse s, as follows: Housenick , who also ran unopposDavid Martin Levie, Brewer Avenue . East Hartford , Conn.; ed . Mr. Cortez was selected as William John Lennartz , Sunbury ", Sr . class advisor . Sandy Horvath defeated David and Dudley Grant M ann , Bath . Haas for Jr. Class pre sident by Pa . a slim 13 voter edge. John Lines, Police reportedly found traces unop posed, was elected who ran of mari j uana in the suspect s president vice . apartment following obtaining a sophomores elected Mike The search warrant from the court. Siptroth Fred Hetsko , and Mary , Following a pr eliminar y ar president Lou Rouse as the , vice rai gnment before Ma gistrate R . respecand treasurer pre sident , Donald Holter , all t hree were tively . All three ran opposed . released on $500 ball each. P olice said their investi gation into the case will continue. Mike Pillagalli was victori ous in Monday and ,,Tuesday ' s CGA pre sidential election . Pillagalli defeate d Dudley.Mann to win the highest student position at BSC . A total of 159a stud ents voted for CGA pre sident . Pillagalli received 861 votes to Mann 's 729, BSC Trio A rreste d Bloom has Debat e TV panel During the weekend of March 6 , 7th the Debate Association of Pennsylvania Colleges held their cham pionshi p tournament at C arlow C olle ge , Pitts burgh , Pa. The recent death of Mr. James O'Toole who had been a past pr esident of D.A.P.C. prompted the dedication of that specific tourne y in his memory. Attending from BSC wer e Brenda Knelly , Scott P eter man (debat e), J ane E lmes (W omen 's Exte mporaneo us Speaking) , and M ar y Ellen Golgen (W omen 's Orator y). All BSC students in attendance at the state champion ship compri sed the youngest varsity team in the competition. C onsidering this , the team did ver y well and promises to be a major threat next year to the University of Pittsburgh , the Sweepstakes winner . In debate Knelly-Petermen end. ed competition with a 1-5 record , but lost two very close decisions to Villanova and St. Vincents College. Women 's Orator y found M ar y Golden finishing in 4th place with a 2,3, and 5 ranking out of 5 competitors. In W omen 's Extem pore Speaking, Jane Elmes won 4th place with speaker ranks of 1, 2, and 4 in a field of 10. Both girls finished behind compet itors from the Univ. of Pittsburgh. Jane defeated contestants (continued on page four ) The week of the 8th Dr. Ju ie Ayres and Reverend Richard Bevan contacte d the Bl oomsbur g area minister Reverend Benjam in Jacobson to obtain his assistance in recru itin g interested BSC students to partici pate in a WNEP TV panel discussion . Reveren d Jacobson , a former assistant of Dr. Ayres, contacte d the assistant Dean of Students at BSC , Mr. James McCubbln , On the evening of Tuesday 17th. eleven interested students met with the men (Dr. Ayres and Reveren d Bevan voluntarily work for WNEP ) to initiate ideas and increase interest on the two topics to be discussed: dru gs in the student life and educati on and teaching through the eyes of newly-returned student teachers . Anyone with fresh Insight or ideas they wish to contribute (so that the students may engage in pertinent and meaningful discussion on the panel) may talk with: Harr y Berkhelser , Kathy Cahill , Sandy Horoschak , Sandy Horvath , Caro l M cGee, Anne Peacock , Jeff Prosse da , Janice Shindler , Fre d Sides , Roy Under hill and Kathy Wintersteen . As It Is now planned , ten students will go to WNEP TV in Wilkes -Barre to tape both 28 minute TV shows. These will be aire d Sundays 12th and 19th on chan nel (Continued en page feur) Applications for the positions of Edito r-in-Chief and Business Manager for the 1970-71 Maroon and Gold are now being accepted. Persons s u b m i t t i n g applica tions should state qualifications and plans or innovations for improvement of the newspaper. Send all applications to Mike Hock , Editor-in-Chief , Maroon and Gold , Box 301. News Brie fs THE GADFLY has made arrangements lor a group of students from a Philade lphia High School to be on campus Monda y, March 23. They will present an informal panel discuss ion at 2 p.m. in room 17, Ben Franklin. The discussion will be on the problems and realities of the modern urban high school . oLibra ru0 *J4ou. r& "^ iw Wed., 25 March OPEN 7:50 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Thurs. , 26 March OPEN 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fri . - Sun., 27 - 29 M arch Closed Mon. — Tues ., 30 — 31 Ma rch OPEN 8:30 a .m. — 5:00 p.m. Wed ., 1 April OPEN 7:50 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. 2) UC The First Ann ual Greater Northeaste rn Pennsylvania Power lifting Tournament sp onsore d by Delta Omega Chi , social fra tern ity at Bloomsburg State College , will be held In Centennial Gymnasi um on Saturday , M arch 21 . W eightl ifters from t hree states are expected to part icipate in this open tournam ent which will begin at 10:30 a.m. Jimmy Williams , the worl d record holder in the bench pre ss at 620 lbs., will put on a special exhibition. Williams was last month' s "Power Lifter of the M onth. " Admission Is fifty cents and tickets will be available at the door . Save the Earth Day-April 22 Apri l 22 , 1970 is the day set aside for the countr y to sit up and become aware of the ecocatastrophy that is growing everyday. On this day there will be lectures , films , mock burials , and demonstrations all centered on the deterioratin g condition of our environment . Bloomsbur g State Col lege will not be left out on this day. Alr eady plans are underway to insure that this campus will be the site of more than a halfhearted ride on the band wagon. Hourly progr ams are scheduled to commence at 9 a.m. and run throu gh to 5 p.m. The evening pr ogra m will be a presentation by Mr . Harr y Lefevre , Delaware County Community College , speaking on the topic : Walden Pond: Then and Now. Other projects in planning include a photogra phic survey of the ColumbiaCounty environment focusing special attention or. the most obvious trouble spots. A historical view of the pro blem will be presented too. Water samples of local streams will dramatically emphasize the extent of our problems. A great deal of work has been Yale Pres. Asks to be Judged by Joseph B . T reas t er At the ur gingof Kingman Brewster Jr ., a committee of turstees has been selected to review his tenure as president of Yale Universit y. Traditionally, the president of Yale — and most other unive rsities in the county — serves for an indifinite ter m, either until death or retirement . But last fall Mr . Brewster recommen ded that Yale adopt a new policy of "accountabilit y" to guard against "Incom petent and un responsive administrati on ." William McChesney Martin , the former chairman of the Fed * Counsilin f era l Reserve Board , will serve In our last issue , we announ- as chairman of the committee ced the opening of an additional with William P . Bund y, f ormer counseling facility , Room 302 , Assistant Secr etary of State for Waller Hall . This room has been East Asia and Paci fic Affairs , made available for conversation as his deputy. and counselin g related to the In a speech before the Yale p ersona l re ligi ous concerns of Political Union last Sept. 24, member s of the college com- Mr. Brewster said : "1 think Yale mun ity. would be better off if It were Local clergymen and the staff understood that the trustees of Newman Center will be in Room would make a systema tic reap203 on a rotation basis and sched- praisal and consideration of the uled weekly as follows: Monday pre sident' s appointment at some 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. the Rev . Ber - specified interval . " . nar d Petrina; 2 to 4 p.m. the Rev. The effect of Mr. Brew ster 'a Benjamin Jaco bson; Tuesday 11 proposal was to put his J ob on the a.m. to 2 p.m. the Rev . Craig line , but becaus e he Is so highly H . Dorwar d; 2 to 4 p m. the acclaimed on cam pus and across Rev . Frank Ake; Wednesday 10 the nation for his skills In dealto 12 a .m. the Rtv . Char 1its (Continued on page four) (ConttnuM en pate few ) done , but a lot more remains to be done . If you are interested in helping in any way, come to B-79 at 7:30 p.m. on March 23, 1970. If you want to help, but cannot make it , write to Gil Longwell , P.O. Box 512 , Waller. But , whether you are interested or not, remember this: the only way your environmen t will improve is throu gh a conscious effort to improv e it and if you don 't or won't make the effort , you may not get a second chance ! ¦ I I B io-Workshop Bloomsburg State College will conduct a Biology Workshop for secondar y school students on Saturday. One hundred and eighty-fiv<: students from thirty area high schools have been invited to par ticipate in the program sponsor ed by the Department of Biology, and the Biology Club. Under the direction of John R. Flet cher , Department of Biology, the Biology Club has arran ged a full day of activiti es designed to stimulate intere st in the stud y of the blolgocial sciences and to acquaint students with the educational and vocational opportunities in this increasin gly important area of study . Registration will hoo-in at nina a.m. in the lobby of Haas Auditor ium. At ten Dr . Rabb , chair man of the Department of Biology, will welcome the students . BSC students Kathy Wintersteen , David Seybert , and James Wysor will give brief speech es concerning biology in educ ation , libera l arts , and relate d career s. F ollowing these p resentat ions the high school students will be taken on a tour of the biology facilities , which are located in the Hartline Science Center. Luncheon will be served at the College Commons. After lunch , the stu dents will meet in the Kuster Auditorium of the Hartline Science Center to organize into laborator y gro ups. From then until 2:30 p.m., the students will be working in their first laboratory period. Dir ectly after this first labor atory period , a coffee break will be held In the lobby of the Hartline Science Center until three p.m. During the next hour and a half , students will work in their second laboratory period. The workshop will conclude following the ending of this laboratory period . The laboratories which will be offered Inclu de botany , genetics , embryology, invertebrate zoology, limnology, microbiology , and vertebrate physiology . The operation of the workshop Is under the supervision of a steerin g committee consisting ol Kathy Caporlettl , Kathy Win ter , steen , Ellen Glngalow , Pa ul Turner , Ltn Jago , Tom Beverldge , Ted Erwln , Bill Hlbschm ann, Davld Seybert and Mr . Fletcher. f M ovie R eview S ection | 'i &- v.j & _Aiu. J im sachetu Alice: "I'd like to propose a f, toast: to four of the grooviest people I know , to Bob and Carol , l£ '« and Ted and Alice/' That 's it: they 're groovy . ^ \Alice 's choice of adjective is per X feet. She is one fourth of the 'groovie st' foursome you'll ever Jf^' meet in the year s' groovie st >) fUck. A flick that takes a humorous and penetr ating look at the , gre at search going on in our society today . Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice are symbols , representatives of the beautiful people. You know who I mean: the peopl e you read about in the magazines , the jet set , the live for today now people , the playboy man , the Cosmopoli tan woman , the ski bunnies and surfers , the M adison Avenue admen , the junior executives , the middle class nine to fivers , the pleasure seeker s and I could go on forever . They come in a y fi »- - --r— -- • » •* * - J FORUM »rrr r i w 9 m + r ** wrrw \ r v \j w w w j w r + s IW i w \ s 9Ww l / f i t j V wi f f J f ( *' J £ f w l l l » • . . . mere is state law ," stated Professor Deake G . Porter (M&G , March 13), "which says that public officials must not consciously utter untruths and must correct , publi cly , untruths which they inadvertently spread ." It is, for this reason , that the M& G must clarify information which may have been confusing , inadver tantl y spr ead by the M&G when printing Mr . Porter 's Forum article on recent judicial events . Be assured that the M&G is not accusing Mr . Porter of spreading untruths or copping out to the Deans , but simply atte mpting to present both sides of an issue and clarify cloudy statements , all in the interest of responsi ble and objective journalis m. In the fourth paragraph of his article Mr . Porter states that "Dean Hunsin ger suspended three students . . . (violating) the Joint Statement in three ways (cf. pp. 15, 19, 20y"~ The first of these pages refers to Double Jeo pardy ("Students who violate the law may incur penaltie s pre scribed by civil authorities , but college authority shall never be used merely to duplic ate the function of general laws.") which was thought to be violated by Deans Nort on and Hunsinge r . However , the next sentence state s . . . "Only where the college ' s interest as an academic communit y are distinct and clear ly involved shall the special auth or ity of the college be asserted ." Deans Hunsinger and Norton and the Executive Council felt that this was the case and advocated suspending the boys. Mr. John Walker , chairman of the Executive Counci l supports this fact by indicating that he had polled the committ ee member who subsequently supported the suspension . The Joint Statement grants fina l power and decision to thi s committee in disciplinar y cases. Dean Hunsi nger , in an inter view Tuesday , indicated , as to (continue d on page four ) Dear Dr. Nossen: Your recent letter to the par ents of BSC students leaves me appalled by your state of misinformation or your endeav ors to misinfor m others. Possibly both . Because it concerns a gross error involvin g my efforts , I especially want to cal l your attention to para gr aph four . It begins , "At the recommendat ion of the Dean of Student s, followed by extended discussion s with students , the College has relaxed its 'Dre ss Code 1 ... 11 The abolition of the Dress C ode was the result of a petition , signed by 724 students , brou ght befor e CGA , discussed , voted on , and passed . Your approval , via the Pre sidents Reply to the Minute s, finalized the motion . The recom mendation came from the students , not from the Dean of Students . As the petition stated , we felt the right to set and maintain our own standards , and that the Dress Code 's abolishment would not affect our professionalism . By your statement that the results have been somewhat disappointing , are you implying t hat cam pus " radicals " ar e dressing in a manner so as not to be confused with the "conser vatives "? Or are you referr- *s ^^ B __ • 1 — 1 * _ _ * » _ mak *»R R & C &. T & A 'trraaw * Natalie Wood and Robert Culp as Bob & Carol in " Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice. " Lette rs , Letters , Letters MAROON AND GOLD VOL. XLVHI NO. 37 MICHAEL HOCK EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Business Manager dor Remsen Managing Edito r Bill Teitsworth News-Edito r Martin Kleiner Cc«Feature Editor * Ginny Potter , Allan Maurer Sports Editor * Clark Ruch & Jack Hoffman Photogra phy Editor Mark Foucart Copy Staff Kay Hahn, Carol Oswald , Irene Oulyci Circulation Manager Linda Ennis Advisor Mr . Michael Stanley ADDITIONAL STAFF: Terry Blast , John Stugrln , Bob Schul ti , Sally Swetland , Dave Keltt r, Stanley Buntlck , Jim Sachet t ), Frank Clifford , Velma Avery, Carol Kithbaugh, Pat Jacob *. All opinion * expressed by colum nists and featur e writers, includin g Utttrs-to-the-edltor , are not necessaril y those of thi s publicatio n but those of the Individual *. thousand different shapes and sizes - but they 've all got one thing in common : their sear ch. They are searching for something that has become awfu l hard to find in America today ; lookIng for something that modern society has left a lot of people without. So Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice are really a lot of people . Ma ybe that 's what mak es them 'groovy*. THE SEARCHERS The stars i n B & C & T & A are all young, ver y good , and fit very well into those cate gories I mentioned. First there 's-Rob ert Cu lp, the ex-tenni s player and secret agent , as Bob . He 's a composite'image of all those searchers complete with beads , long hair and his newly acquired views on extra -marital sex. If you thought he was good with Cosby you'll think he ' s great with Wood , Natalie that is. Amply endowed and often quite visible , she ' s almost worth the price of admission . Her Carol is a bubb ling and enthusiastic seeker , totall y emanci pated and totall y funny too as she jumps up and down like a little girl while begging friend Ted to try her out . On the other half of this twin bill we have Ted and Alice, the skeptical conservative and Elliott Gould as Ted friends. turns in a fantasticall y funny performance that should win him an His 'arouse ' performOscar. ance in bed, his preparatio ns before the orgy and his conversat ion with El Taco make the confused but eager Ted an unfor gettable character and Elliot Gould a star. Ted's wife Alice , played by Dyan Cannon , is that most confused of the four. Her failure to understand her friends behavior , her unresolved fears and doubts , and her final dru nken surrende r give Miss Cannon plenty of chara cter to handle , a job she does quite well. It could be the acting that ing to those who spit jello cubes across the Commons? If either of these are your contention , nothing has changed , therefore there are no results in which to be disappointed . These students displayed the same style of dress and behavior even while the Dress Code was In effect . As I composed , typed , dittoed , circulated , and presented the petition before CGA myself , I have no doubt that the students themselves made the recommendation . Among others , I believe this was a misrepresentation of facts to my pare nts , and the parents of all BSC students. Sincerely, d or R emsen C lar ification: Whether or not the Dean of Stu dents ma d e , throu gh tec h nica l processes , some sort of recom menda tion , the students were principally responsible for the action taken . This should have been made clear in the letter . dor (aju td tion Dear Dr. Nossen: Due to the fac t that I recently withdrew from BSC this letter ma y seem at fi rst to be out of or der. I have , however , a few questions to ask you , and these days it Is gettin g increasingl y more difficult to secure an appointment with you — as many people know , you are very busy. (Inclden tly — I wish to congratulate you on your recent election to the Board of Trustees at the (continued on page four ) * THE SEARCH While a chorus sings Handel 's "Messiah" , Bob and Carol speed into the California hills toward "The Institute " and an 'enc ount er ', a let-it-all-hang-out session in which fifteen people let go of their emotions and learn to be completely honest (*^Myjiame, is Myrna and I'm here because I want a better orgasm " .). So when Bob and Carol return their lives have been completely chang ed , or so they think. When Bob returns fr om his next business tri p, he decide s, in the spirit of the encounter , to tell Carol he had an affair ("Affair ' s not the right word. We had inter course. "). But Carol , in the same spirit , refuses to get shook. Instead , she promp tly rewards him and announces his Infidel ity to friends Ted and Alice who ar e more than slightly shocked. Alice 's shock revea ls itself to a sexually aroused Ted that night in Y\at\ ' Ted: "Corae on , hone y " Alice: "I don't feel like it. Would you . want me to do something that 's against my will?" Ted : "YEAH " Still unable to resolve the doubts their friends have rai sed, Ted and Alice seek help, Alice sees a pschychiatrist and Ted sees (a lot of) a beautiful gir l whom he seduce.s in one of those dream sequences that we all have now and then. Meanwhile , Carol has decided that what 's good for the Bob is good for her and when Bob comes home he finds a tennis player in her room: B ob: "C ome on out . I won't hit you. This isn't a violent home, we don't even have any war toys for the kid. We'll have a drink " Mstiv Ihnff c iinHa ^^ tonriino 1 fcUCM 0 U11UC4 (3 lOUUAUg. •LI Vf VT * Finally , the four head for a Las Vegas vac ation. In their hotel room , Ted and Carol tell a slightly drunken Alice of th eir recent affairs. Alice promptly stri ps < down and invites Bob to share her bed and before you know it (but not before Ted brushes his teeth) they ' re all in bed , Bob with Alice and Ted with THE DISC OVERY But something 's wrong. Is this what they 've been looking for ? There 's something wrong about the whole thing . What 's the mat ter ? They stop, think , and discover . Their search is over. The music tells us what they found . What the wor ld needs now , Is love , sweet love, It 's the only thing , That there 's just too little of That 's what makes Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice 'groovy ', they 've found what we 're all looking for . ^ - J u n n u Cj i r l They wer e half a century apar t , but the careers of Barbr a Strei sand and Fanny Bric e , whose por trayal In the Willia m Wyler -Stark production of "Funny Girl " won Miss Streisand the Acade my Awar d as Best Actress of the Year , conta in many parallels. Both raised in New York City , the girls were determined from an early age to enter the thea trical world. Eac h possessed a vivid Imagination . Both Fann y and Barbr a first were launched by winn in g talent contes t s , Fanny at a loc al vaudeville house and Barbr a at a smoky Gr eenwich Village night club. "Funny Girl" , in which the Oscar -winnin g Barbra Streisand stars with Omar Sharif , now at t he C api tol Theatre , after more , than a year of record-breaking reserve d seat p er formances on Broadway and elsewhere . Both Miss Brice and Miss Streisand were definite and specta cular personali ties. Not being rav ing beauties In the tradi tion of their times , Fanny and Barbra were destined either to be stars or to be totally obscure. They were too different to be chorus girls. Each possessed a great come dlc talent , plus extr aordinary untra ined singing voices — the kind that happens once in a decade . The ir rise to stardom was phenomenal. With in a few years ' time , both becam e the most popular entertainers of th eir day. In addition to their separate appearances on Broadway and the Broadway s of the world , both Miss Brice and Miss Streisand made hit recordi ngs. Television (cont inued on pago four) Barbara Streisand , voted Best Actress of the Year on her motion pictur e* debut as "Funn y Girl 1'. Now at the Capitol. Decade in Track - Review 1970 Outlook Promising By Jack Hoffman Track tradition at BSC is a w inn ing one . In the past decade the Huskie cindermen have posted a total meet record of 45-21-1 and have had twe nty P.S.C .C. cham pions . DECADE OF WINNERS 1960 In 1960 Coach Harold Chelly 's men posted a 4-1-0 slate and had two P .S.C .C . cham pions . Terry Engleman won the two mile with a time of 9:42 .42 which earned him honors . Stanley Hugo copped the pole vault record with a 112»3'» leap. Terry Engleman also made the limelight in the Penn Relay and broke the existing re cor d of Parro Nurmiwith a 14:25.6 effort . 1961 Coach Mike Flannagan took the helm and posted the first undefe ated season since 1941 (3-0) with a 5-0-0 slate . In the '61 season the Huskie trac kmen won P .S .C .C . State Championshi p by 52% points and won five P .S.C .C . events . Terry Engle man won P .S. C. C . honors in both the one and two mile races. EdCoccowon the however , this year marked the end of the on-cam pus tr ack . The effects are evident even today. Coach Geor ge Wilwohle was still head coach . 1965 This was a banner year for BSC trackmen and a fantastic year for Jan Prosseda who had looking twice at timekeepers the ir stopwatches. In P .S.C .C . competition Jan won the one mile with a 4:16. 2 and the two mile with a time of 9:36.7. Our present Assistant Dean of Men , " Big" John Zarski won the P .S.C .C . shot put with a toss of 45'10" . In the NCAA competitio n , in which BSC placed second Jan Prosseda ran wild settin g five school records in the one , two, three and six mile events and the 3000 meter steeplechase . 1966 The team as a whole lagged with a tenth place finish in P .S.C .C . standin gs and only one team record , that coming in the jav elin with a wind-aided heave of 210' 11 % " . 1967 This pr oved to be a The end oS a decade , the 1970 start of a NEW! Coach Ron Puh l is confident of bigger and better things to come . Coach Puhl said , "I have many people on my squad who work and are willing to get tough , when the going gets tough . lam looking forward to excellent teams in the future since I have a lot of good competitor s on my team. " Guys to watch: Jim Davis, sprinter , Tim Waechter and Terry Lee , who put in approximately 150 miles collectively each week ; Charles Shields who pushed the shot put past our present school record and John Ficek , Shield' s wor kout partner , who is approachin g the same recor d. And Larry Strohl who came in second by one tenth of a second at East Stroudsburg in the mile . All thin gs consider ed , the team ^ have now has the potential to we equal and sur pass any track squad established at BSC in the past decade . Ed . Note: My deepest thanks goes to Coach Ron Puhl for the infor mation and interview which made the writin g of this article possible . BSC cinderman relaxes befor e a meet. Don't know what he's doing to his feet , but whatever it is . Sensitivity Training says ifs good for him. r*. ' r^_ *^i /A L * aas>^& \ VLvi ^K3 .^L^ta^L^L^Lm * w^ \ 1 ^LV ^Bi^&w j b^ LbV ?aaaBBM J.^K « V^^ ^bbbbt Crosscountry trackmen , including BSC trackman Larry Strohl , far right , back , at a meet last fall. Trackmen often participate in T & F event * other than College to College scheduled com petition. 100 and 220 yard sprints and also set school records In these rac es. Gary Edwards prevailed against the P .S.C .C. competitio n in the discus . 1962 Coach Mike Flanna gan for the second consecutive year had an undefeated season with a record of 5*0-0. BSC again had five P .S.C .C . champions and set t hree sch ool recor d s. Ed Cocco repeated as 100 yard and 200 yard champion with times of 9.8 and 20.6 respectively . Gary E dwards won the discus with a heave of 146 feet and also the shot put . Roy Peffer set a school record in the 220 yard low hurdles with a 24.2 effort . 1963 Gary Edwards for the th ird successive year was P .S. C .C. cham pion in the discus and shot put . Bill Feese established a school record In the long J ump with a leap of 23' l" and won in P .S.C .C . competitio n . Jan Pros * seda won championship In the two mile run. George Wilwohle sue * ceded Mike Flanna gan as head coach . 1064 The boards men this year had an 8-1 slate and finished third in P .S.C .C. Two tea m recor ds were established this year , buildin g year for the new and present trac k coach Ron Puhl . The team posted a poor 2-7 recor d and had no champions but placed eighth in P .S.C .C . John Mont gomer y had a record 6'4% " in the highj ump and placed third in NCAA Eastern Region* als. The frosh team had an undefeated slate of 4-0-0. 1968 Coach Ron Phul' s squad placed third in P.S.C.S. 's third in Cedar Cliff Rela ys and were NCAA Eastern Regional Champions. The varsity had a 4-3 record while the frosh team had a 5-1*0 slate . Thomas Houster ran a 53. 2 in the 440 yard individual hurdles. Two new team hurdles recor d were set and the frosh team tied for first position with Ced ar Cliff 1969 The cindermen last year p laced seventh in the P .S.C.C . with Steve Ryzman taking honors in the triple j ump . James Cavallero was a cham pion in the javelin with a throw of 196' 5" during the Wester n Frontier Re* lay. In this year the frosh team proved excellent . In the Wester n Frontier Relay meet the frosh won in the spr int medley relay clocking a 3:38 and in the 880 yar d relay they turned in a 1:30 f lat . Boastin g a 7*0*0 record the fr osh placed third in the Penn Relay mile relay . ^ FETTERMANS BARBER SHOP — QUALITY — ^ , lfc*^*m**^* 1W*J*&**** »#*Jl H*^%*^*^*J^*^*l*l^*^*' Epple/s Pharmacy I If _ ^^^ ¦^^^^^^ ¦^^^^^^ ^ ¦^^ ¦^^ i^^ B^^^^^^^ ^ main MAIN ft« IION iion STIIIIS stiiiis The Texas I TOOK HIS GIRL Btoomsburg ; Prescription Sptx/of/sf i^^^^ a^^ WHERE DAD I • • • • • • • • • • CHANEL GUEILAIN FABEIGE LANVIN PRINCE MATCHABELLI ELIZABETH ARDEN HELENA RUBENSTEIN DANA COTY MAX FACTOR Or*m» Sfmi pi I ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ < \ ! < ' ' ! Xf ' -^^BP . A -J ^m TRACK SPECIAL .Foot of Collage Hill Bloom«burg Pa. - iBoaaaaJr NESPOLI jeweler s / Fine Jewelry and Watc h Repair tt I. MMn *., UOOMUUIO I I ¦ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SMORGA SBORD I ALL YOU CAN EAT $3.00 $1.75 ¦ LUNCHEON I Tuesda y thru Friday Holiday Buffett EACH SUNDAY ¦ 11*30 - 2:30 Ivery Week — 11:30 • 1:30 ¦ Children - $1.50 n ... on our 2nd Floor — I I I I ¦ I ¦ ¦HOTEL MAGEE Bloomsburg , Pa.l I Dick Bentflrid , Manager ¦^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ¦^^ ¦^^ ¦¦ ^¦¦¦ ^^ ¦^¦^¦^^^ (^^^ ^^ ¦^¦¦¦¦ I ^¦¦^¦¦¦¦ ^^^ ¦^¦^¦¦ ^¦^^^^ ¦¦ ^^ ¦aB iH / *«" Greeks On Campus J ^ip ma C.. The brother s of Phi Sigma Epsil on are «ow in the midst of assembling a new pledge class for the spring semester of 19 70. The new pledge class consists of Timmy Pauman , Bill "Gen eral" Hartfelder , John Cox , M ike "Briggs " Orlando , Augie Pifer , Paul Gau ghan , Dan Carulli, Denny O'Donnell , Geor ge Lapore , Bill Woodell, Stash Tunney , and "Gypsy " Lyons . _ The broth ers are also occupied right now with securing plans for their installatio n on April 18th Jielten (contin ued from page two ) yj . as the Sigma Xi chapter of the ; national or ganization of Phi Sigma Epsilon here at BSC . The brothers were recently visited by Mr . Gord y Amhaus , direc tor of chapter services who deliver ed the good news in person at our colony 's last meeting. Brother Tom Wilson has just complete d plans for this years IFC basketbal l tournament which is pre sently underway ; games bein g played every Sunday night for the duration of the double elimination tournament . In the first round of action we have Sigma Pi over Beta Sig, SIO defeating PI . Epsilon Chi , and Phi Sig over DOC . Phi Sigma Epsilon would also like to announce it's Greek of the year candid ate as being Jim McCabe and athlete of the vear choice as being Mark "Cid" Yanchek . United Penn Bank . It must be a very elating experience being in so many position s of influence and importance .) Please excuse the digression but occasionall y when one is Sj r unn y Q if f deeply troubled by pr oblems with(contin ued from page two ) in his environment it becomes attractivel y easy to avoid the had not been a part of the scene 1 Perhaps search for answers. in Miss Brice 's time: she was you can , at this time , supply one of Americ a 's favorite radio for me some of the answers to stars , as Miss Streisand now is the questions which disturb me. one of the favorites of the telea. Why were you so anxious to vision audience. have me withdraw that you made Herbert Ross directed the musmy withdrawal application offic- ical numbers for "Funn y Girl " , ial before I had completed all prod uced by Ray Stark and direc of the necessar y procedures for ted by William Wyler from a an official withdrawal? screen play by Isobel Lennart . b. Why was I given unjust treat - Jule Styne wrote the music and ment in my attempt to secure a Bob Merrill the lyrics. Walt er state job as a facult y assistant ? Scharf supervised the music and C. With respect to the job that Irene Sharaff cre ated Miss Strei I never received; did you know sand 's costumes. that Dean Norton attached a note to my application with "reasons" haps you could clear up the amwhy he could not recommend me biguity somewhat explaining to for the job AFTER I had received me how the word applie s to Deans his signature of approval in ap- on this campus who "bu y** and plying for the job ? chain lett er "sell" s illegally on A/CCUJ *WI bWli U« &UV * DOOVUO this campus ? gave were stated, generall y , as It seems that the questions follows: keep piling up which may anWhy do Mr. McLaughlin and swer final question; Why Mrs. Donovan both need a stud - are youmy so frightened? ent assistant thi s term when If people openly question the they needed no such assistant activities of those who are given last term? the priviledge of serving them To his knowledge the English in an administrative cap acity it Department does not have adedoes not follow that a state of quate funds allocated to it for anarchy will result . If however an additional student worker; and no satisfying answers ar e given if anyone should receive an as- by those wno SHOU jlD be in a sist ant , it should be he. positi on to do so, perhaps tho se e. Dr . Nossen , does this argu- individu als should be rep laced ment , which was sent to Mr. Dun- by men who can give rea sonable can of the Financial Aid Office answers. How can any governing and cause d him to take NO ac- body expect Its constit uents to tion on my application what so- re spond in an active and responever , seem rather suspecious? sible way when their questions f. Is the Financial Aid Office are contin ually met with silence generally subjected to this type or resp onses aki n to silence ? of out-side pressure ? Thank you for waking me up g. The often used and seldom with your silence , understood word — "Profess Geor ge H. Hoffecker ional" — needs clarif ying. Per - , BH i^a^a^a^Bi ^a^a^ ¦Come in and brows * I I EUDORA'S I I CORSET SHOP I 1 I. Main it. Bloomtbu rg ¦A friendly store fii I town Dean Hunsinger ,"' he said. He also indicated that the boys had Jj rorun * sufficient time to stud y their appeal forms to know their rights . ( continued from page two ) (continued fro m page on*'* Norton, in reference to para ing with students , faculty mem - the alleged violation of the Joint graph eight , stated that he had not ber s and alumni , the drama of Statement on pages 19 and 20/ told the boys that they would get the gesture was somewhat dimin- that Mr . Porter simply had not th e same treatment from the SPJ finished readin g the paragraph thatlhey would get from him , but ished . which covers supension and dis- had told them that an appeal .to "Obviously the review is going to be favorable ," said a ru ption of education . The state - the SFJ would either duplicate man who has been associated with ment allows the college to suspend or lessen their penalt y. Yale for more than a decade . only when the studen t may be Also in the para graph Mr . ''He 's on top of things . He' s deal- harmed or "for reasons relat - Porter states that "Nor ton had ing from strength . When you 're ing to the safety , and well being just the previous week seen the on top is when you want your of students. " The Pilot , page 18, S-F Judiciary throw out a case boss to review what you've been states that "theft of any kind. . . against Elmer Chase . . ." Techis illegal and unacce ptable. Dis- nically, the SFJ had not thrown doing. " Mr . Bund y,who was reached by ciplinary action will be taken by out the case but had referred and it to Mr. Corte z who mediated telephone in Seattle where he was the pr oper authorities attendin g the national Yale alumni suspension may follow . " Accord- between Elmer and Mr. Himes meeting , said he would not predict ing to the Joint Statement (Stand- who subsequently dropped the the results of the review . But ards of Conduct ) " standards. . . char ges. he added: "It' s not a put-u p J ob. should be publ ished in advance From this Information , relying It' s a serious undertakin g. It was through such means as a stu- on the credibility of our Deans, seriously proposed and we in- dent handbook. . ." By virture of it appears that proper procedures his capacity as head disciplin- had been used in suspendin g the tend to do a serious job ." Edwin Foster Blair , a senior arian on this campus Dean Hun- three students. Perha ps all furthFellow of the late Cor poration singer had the right to make er attacks should be made on that govern the universit y, said ¦what he felt was the proper ap- the state ments in the Joint he expected the review to be nlicatinn of these rules Statement and Pilot . If there , In para graph five , Mr. Porter completed by the end of this is any guilt it lies with these academic year . Mr . Brewster had states " . . . they (the three documents. by the suggested that the trustees re- students) had been cleared (M.L .H.) »» The use of civil authorities. . . appraise his appoint ment after seven years or by June , 197 1, the word 'cleared ' may be misbut a spokesman said the leading in this case. It does not pre sident was ' 'pleased' ' that the mean that charges had been dropZJau ^i y ma J - ^i action would be take n sooner . ped , since each of the boys had been fined 50 dollars for each On March 16 the sister s of of the 19 cars which they broke l-ound clin g intc . Later , in this paragraph he Tau Sigma Pi elected their new states " even thou gh the parents . officers. They are president , Kay ( continued from page one) . . questioned his (Dean Norton's) Ha hn; vice-president , Carol OsL eibig , 12 to 2 p.m . the Rev. actions they did not receive a wald; corresponding secretary , Vincent Siciliano; 2 to 4 p.m. hearing beforethe Student FaculBonnie Miller ; record ing secrethe Rev . James Ber ger; Thurs- ty Judiciary but were instead told tary, Ann Chesonis ; treasurer , day 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. the Rev . to take their appeal to Dean Hun- Irene Gulycz; directress , Rae Bernard Petrina ; 1 to 2 p.m. singer ." The boys requested Mitstiefer . The third pledge class 2 to 4 (signed affadavit) that Dean Nor- is now in the midst of pledgin g. Sister Theresa Marie , p. m. the Rev . Wm. Walker ; Fri- ton try their case and no appeal P ledges for . this semester are day 11 a .m. to 2 p m . the Rev . (signed affidavit )was requested . Ann Marie Alloy, Joan Barnhard , Glenn Watterson . Adjustments Dean Norton indicated that the Pat Kwatchko , Donna Motika , Maand extensions of this schedule pare nts had gone to Dean Hun- rie Reddin gton, and Ann Sipling. will be made in response to the singer for counselin g. "The only Tau Sig has also acquired a forobserved needs. eign member for their sorority question asked by the parents Individuals or small groups was She is 15 year old Bella An1 help will it if we talk to ' desiring to use this facility may gelica Lopez Marquez from Ecwalk in during the scheduled uador . We 're sponsoring this foshours , or they may make an apter child through the Christian pointment by a telephone call to (continued from page one) Children 's Fund . the Student C ounseling Cente r — 16 at 9:00 a.m. ami on channel Extens ion 324 or 325. .44 at 7:30 p.m. Senior Kathy Eventually, Room 203 will in- Cahill will act as panel discusclude the furnishing of some sion leader for the educati on disbas ic library material s of theo- cussion and sophomore Sandy logical and ethical content , ac- Horvath will lead the discussion cessible to all who are Inter ested. concernin g drugs . Harr y Logan Fine J ewelry DV P an ./ f 2) *t>at * (continued from page one ) from Slippery Rock , Clarion , Geneva , Bloomsburg , Carlow College, and Penns ylvania . from The coach attending Erich Frohwas Mr. Bloomsbur g man. Bt fashi onable (\ — FOR SALE — SPINET PIANO Wanted, reasonable party to take over low monthly payments on a spinet piano. Can be seen locally. Write Credit Manager, P .O. Box. 35, Corfland, Ohio. V SHOP AT U£ ^7 Your J twtUr Away fro m Home I Bloomsburo I d$» Tttmemkrance YOUR Haircut by km Appointment M Tuesdays M 784-7854 AND 5 W. Main St. J ^L SK fl rcus ' Repairing I BISfiET *FRITZ Barber Shop Open Daily S:M A.M. ttl S:» P.M. fat 8:00 a.n. *tU 8:00 p.m. (CJostfl Monda y) Tuesdays Appointment Only, BLOOM BOWL "N C MOVER Pharmacy Your Proscrfp f/ on Dru gg ht ROBERT G. SHIVE, HP. Froo Prescription Do/ivory TOILET GOODS COSMETICS RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES GREETING CARDS 1 W«tt Main St. Phono: 784-4388 BLOOMSBURO, PA. J ^8^8*^ B^B^Ba^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^a^i^B^B^Bl^B^i^i^i^eM^B»a««B ^BlW I liP UnitedPenn Bank j I ^^ I 1 The bank you can Qrow with. Bloomtburg,Pa. M»mber Federal .Deposit Insurant I I Educational financing I Cor poration I I I FLOW ERS 784-4406 Bond»d Wo rld Wldo Deliver y ¦¦¦¦ CAMPUS CLEANERS 124 E. Mai n St. At Your Service *Shirtt professionally laundere d *Saniftone Dry Cleaning *Repairing and Altera tions on Premises ^ ^ ¦¦¦¦ Wt Aim To Please ¦^ ¦^¦¦ ^ ^ I WAFFLE I GRILLE I ¦¦M i a B M i H aB