Studen t Grievance Commi ttee Ok'd A gr ant totaling $31 ,400 has been awarded to the Depar tment of Mental Retardation of the Division of Special Education , BSC, by the U.S. Office of Education for the 1970-71 college year . The grant provides two grad uate fellowships and eleven traineeshi ps for undergraduate preparing teachers for mentally retarded children. The graduate fellows will receive stipends of $2,000 for full-ti me graduate stud y at the Mas ter 's level and an allowance of $t>uu , /or each dependent with tuition and fees waived. me eleven unaer graauaie . tra ineeshi ps are broken down into seven senior trainees with each receivin g a stipend of $800 for full-time stud y during the senior year w it h tu it ion and fees waived; the balance is made up of four junior traineeshi ps which provide $300 each for outstand ing sophomore students to be used in full-time stud y during their junior acade mic year . Sophomores and juniors may apply for the und ergraduate train - committee will be used in an advisor y . capacity to relate to a student his rights under the Joint Statement of Rights , Free doms and Responsibilities. The purpose of this committee will be to consider grievances from any student concerning all facets of the college community concernin g the Joint Statement , to investigate the complaint , and to channel and suggest a possible solution to the student' s questions to the appropriate offices. I move that Council adopt the following guidelines to facilitate the worki ngs of this committee to insure its validity and feasibility. 1. Member ship — Membershi p on the Grievance Committee will consist of one student not servin g on the Student -Facult y Judiciary Board (a sophomore or junior to insure continuit y of member ship), one teaching faculty member not serving on the StudentFaculty Judiciary Board , and one ad ministrator not serv ing on the Student-Faculty Judiciary Board. The chairman of the Executive Council of the Committee on Student Affairs will act as chair man of the Grievance Committee. Th e mem bers of the comm ittee will be elected from the pre sent Executive Council of the Committee on Students Affairs by College Council. 2. Election Procedure s — The Student committee member will be elected for a two year term . 3. Procedure s for filing a grievance : a. The grievance must be submitted in writing to the chairman of the Grievanc e committee. The chairman will then esta blish a meet ing t i me f or the committee to confer with the student within 48 hours (or within a reasonable time) after the grievance has been SUbmitt- Applications for the graduate fellowships must be completed and returned by April 13; undergraduates Interested in applying for the junior and senior traineeships should complete and return application forms by April 23 , 1970. Those interested in mak ing application for either an under gr aduate or graduate award f or p re p ar in g to be teacher s of the mentally retarde d should contact Dr. Em ily A. Reuwsaat , C hairman , Department of Mental Retar dation , Division of Special Education , BSC , In addit ion to the above , there will be a limited number of gra duate asslstantship s available for the 1970-71 college year . These asslstantsh ips pay $#2.00 per hour for up to twenty hours per week for $1 ,200 for the acade mic year . Some financial aid for gra duates attend ing summer sessions will also be avai lable In the form of gr aduate asslstantshlp s at the same hourly rat e of pay , Additional Inform ation regard In g asslstantship s may be obtained from Dr . Charles Carl son, Director of the Division of Graduate Studies , BSC. b. All undertaking s of the Gr ievance Committee shall be of a confidential nature . c. All topics brought before this committee should be in accor dance with the Joint Statement on Student Rights , F ree doms an d Responsibilities. The student should use discret ion in submitt in g items of importanc e to the committee ." This motion tabled at the February 23rd meeting , was p assed on March 1st and members of the Executive Council of the Commit tee on Student Affairs , who work ed on the Bloom sburg Statement and thus have a comprehensive knowledge of Its contents . Members were nominated on three levels, Students - Mike Pillagalli, Jeff Pros seda, Bob Beam; Fac ulty - Russell Houk and Levere MoClure ; Administrat ion — John Mulka. Thomas Davles, and Robert Duncan. Those elected were Mike Plllagalli , Prosseda and Beam will be grad uatin g, Lever e Mc Clure , and Thomas Davles. Mr. John Walker , Chairman of Executive Council, will head the Grie vance Committee, A student griev ance , as result of a motion made to College Council, has been establi shed to offer advice to students in regard to the rights granted by the Bloomsburg Statement on Righ ts and Responsibilities of students . The motion , submitted by Jean Reese , states: "I resolve that College Council establish a permanent C.G.A . standing committee entitled "Grievance Committee. " This Spec. Ed. Gets Funds eesiupB. ad. Mr. Doug Parti * from Philadelphia will speak on Black History irt And ruw Librar y ¦R o o m L-35 Wednesda y, March 18, at 7:00 P.M. The * talk is sponsored by Phi Alpha Theta and all «re invited to attend. Nosse n Inauguration Set for April 30 vitied guests will be held in ScranThe inauguratio n of Dr . Robert ton Com mons at 11:45 a.m. on J . Nossen, President of BSC, Saturday, April 18. The Inauguwill take place at the Inaugural ra l Convocation will start with Convocation to be held on Saan academic pro cession at 2:20 turday , April 8, in Haas Audip.m . Dr. David H . K urtzman , torium at 2:30 p.m . Secretary of Education for the Accordin g to Professor George Commonwealth of Penns ylvania, Stra dtman , co-chairman of the will administer the Oath of OfInaugural Plannin g Committee , fice to Dr. Nossen. A Pr esidential inaugural week activities will Medallion will be pr esented by get underway Sunday , April 12, William A. Lank , President , with an Awards Day Convocation Board of Trustees of BSC, who in Haas Auditorium at 3:00 p. m. will pre side at the inaugural at which time Dr. Andruss will be cerem ony . In addition to the Emeritus presented Presiden t a inau gural address by Dr . NossLj rand Jr f f usion Certificate. The convocation will en , the guest speaker will be Dr. be followed by a dinner for colOscar E . Lanford , President , GRAND ILLUSION , the second lege administrative per sonnel State University College, Fre• " film oi . -,Sprin g 1970 Film and parents of the award recipdonia New York . , Series , will w shown in Kuster ients. The day will be concluded Following the Inau gural ConvoAuditorium (Hartline 134) to- with a concert by the Maroon and cation there will be an informal night , March 18, at 8:30 p.m. Symphonic Band under the r eception in Scranton Commons. It has been scheduled a half hour Gold direction of Stephen C Wallace An Inau grual Ball (semi-formal) later than usual to avoid conflict in Haas Auditorium at .8:15 p. m. will be held in the same location with Phi Alpha Theta' s pro gram , evenin g from 9:00 to 12:00 that "Teachin g Black History, " at An exhibit of the Penns ylvania featuring two bands in twr p.m . 7 p m. Landscape Artists will open on different ballrooms. Membership in the Literary Tuesday , April 14, at 8:15 p.m., s activities will be The week' andjJLl}m Society may still be jln Haas Auditorium with an acconcluded on Sunday, April 19, obtauuMl by sending $3 for one companyin gtalk given by Andrew , performance by the Conwith a per son or $5 for two persons H udson. cert Choir of BSC, under the dito Box 306, or at the door Wednesday evening. Four more film s A significant part of the week 's rection of William K . Decker , in activities will be held on Wed- Haas Auditorium at 7:00 p.m. will be featured this term: HE WHO MUST DIE , FREAKS , THE nesda y, April 15 , with a dedica- , With the exception of the WORLD OF APU , and the prev- tion luncheon for the new Wil- Awards Day dinner , Dedication iously postponed HAMLET . liam W . Scrant on C ommons , the luncheon and the Inaugural Day nam in g of the new nine stor y lunc heon, all events are open to women 's residence hall , the dedi- the public at no charge for adm ission. cati on of the new RCA Computer C enter , and the renaming of four Dr. Ralph R. Ireland , Profess - residence halls on campus . The or and Chairman of the Depar t- luncheon will be held in the ment of Sociology, has just been Scranton Commons at 1:00 p.m., with the former Governor of the Informed that his article "The C ommonwea lth , William W. Education of Black South Africans and Black Americ ans: A Com- Scranton , along with other digniparative Analysis " has been ac- tar ies, being guests of honor . With the approval of the Dean cepted for publication by SOCIAL Following the luncheon , the new o f W omen 's Staff , the Dean of EDUCATION , the official journal commons and res idence halls s and the Pres ident of the Student' of the National Council for the will be open for inspection and the Association of ResiCollege , Social Studies. The article con- an open house, featuring demondent Women will implement a trasts and compar es these two strat ions , will be held in the program of selflimited trial radically different black groups C om puter Serv ice C enter . 'for Sophomore gulated hours re in or der to show how basic soAn outstanding cultural pre- and Junior women. This program cio-political ideologies affect sentat ion in honor 'of the new will be in effect for the seven educat ional policies and prac - President weekends following Easter vacawill take place on Fritices. t ion ' on Friday and Satu rday nights A majo r finding is that the aim day, Apri l 17, with Dr. Frank only . of education for Black South Afri - Polana , bar itone , and Dr. RobThe res idence halls will close M arve l, pianist , both of State cans is to equip them to f unct ion ert as usual at 1:00 a.m. and women University College, Fredonla , as a society completely separate ing to the hall after that return from but equal to the White so- Tfew York , appearing in concert . time will be admitted by a receptAn Inau gural Luncheon for inciety. In Americ a , on the other ionist . This syste m per mits i hand , Blacks are educa ted to greater freedom for upper class ; function as an Integr al part of women and still maintains the total Amer ican Society. secur ity in the women 's res idence halls. Freshm en women will continue a 1:00 a.m. cur few Frito American students who would da yhave MEET THE PHILOSOPHY DEand Saturday nights with the like to have their summer in addition of two one-hour exP A RTME N T Is the topi c of the Euro pe pay for Itself through a tens ions . Senior women have upcoming Philosophy Club meetsummer J ob In Euro pe may do lived off-cam pus under self •reguing to be In the Day Women 's so by applying immediately. Loun ge , Science Hall , at 7:30 late d conditions for some time. Still available are 200-300good p.m., Thursday, March 19. In a recent letter sent to parresort 'hotel jobs in the most ent s of the BCS coeds , Miss The program will consist of beauti ful regions of Switzerland Jackson , Dean of Women , stated , an Informal discussion of the and some 850 high paying factory, "As you are no doubt aware , there Philosophy major , courses ofconstruction , resort- hotel and is currently fered and oppor tunities in the an increasin g hospital jobs In Germany, many emphasis on the potentiality of field of Philosophy . in beautiful Bavaria preparing women in our sixsiety. Women an All are Invited to attend. Refor the 1972 Olympics. fresh ments will be served. experiencing new freedom! awl Also available are 165 sales bein g ur ged to make more decijobs in Belgium , Germany, Italy, sions on their own. This trend li and Spain with room and board reflected in many ways — all os arran ged at minimal cost in which are felt on the colleg* , roomin g homes , small hotels or campus. " I with private families. News Brief s J,.t *nJ PMuU Coeds Try New Hours P ttLopk , CU Easte r is Almost Her« Eu rop e Editorial s evident in the mature manner in vhich Dave Kozma represented Seta Psi fraternity. It Is my sinsere wish that this letter will make reparati on for the damThere 's something Happening a particular action may be unage that has been done to Zeta here; what it is ain 't exactly popular with a few. I trust that Psi fr ater nity and the reputamay be labeled as radicals and :tion of BSC. Cle ar " — "For What It 's W orth " we can rely upon your suppor t P re6. Motlin* revolutionaries , because by the by Steven Stills in assuring the Colle ge faculty Respectfully , very nature of their attitude s and Communication is an essential and administration the right to Dear Sir: Scott D. Peterman ,in preserving a human balance fulfill their responsibilities withRecen tly your appear ance at actions they atte mpt to violate the of temperment . In its absence out undue interference. " the Ope n Forum on acade mic "American way " by making a wars are started , men learn me cone oi cms statement freedom held by the Philo sophy mockery of the American traditto hate their bro thers , and civil- seems to indicate that the admin- Club helped to open discussion of ions of freedom , J ustice and P rima ct ized man becomes confused and istrators of Bloomsburg State issues on certain policies follow- equali ty. If these ARE American essenti ally uncivili zed. Commun - College are not only pr epared ed by this college. I was inter- traditions and the foundations of A sentence in Blass ' s 5th Col icating is an Imperviou s catalyst for but expect a student orient- ested in what you had to say. what we call the American way, umn in Friday ' s M&G disturbed in assuring understanding . ed disru ption of the educ ational When will you be available for then who really are the ra dicals ? It reads "Un less somethin g me . Those who prot est the perversion ur . Nossen , perhaps re alizin g program . If it is the intent of Dr. the next Open Forum? happens , Primack is desperate of freedom and justice or those the importance of communica - Nossen to rela y thi s feeling,of adJoe Mlklo s out ." who perv ert it? tion , recently sent letters to the ministrative paranoia , he is misI have hope that th is is not Who are the radicals? Those parents of all the students on repr esenting the true temper who fight for and still believe in t rue . My case is being decided this campus . He relayed to th em ment of the students . In all Issues due process and the Constitution by the existin g appeal procedures C*xp tain of L~orr *ct information imperitive to devel- of contention , and particularly or those who abu se the judicial here at Bloomsbur g and I just opment s at BSC. With the initia - with the questions surrounding process and ignor e the Constitu- may win. tion of this letter writing cam- M axwell Prim ack not receivin g Editor: Mor e importantly the phrase paign , the Presid ent has made a continuous employment , students After readin gMr . Porter 's art- tion? Who are the patrio ts ? The ethin g desperate happens " "Som valid and commend able attempt have attempted to use dialogue icle in FORUM , I find it necess- advocates of a war machine gone that if it were a foresuggests to bridge the gap between the and "recognized procedures " in ary to disagree with him . His last mad or the few who believe that (which it is not) gone conclusion student and his par ents . Unfortun - vocalizing their objections and sentence reads , "I don 't see any we could use better schools than lose my case then will that I ately , this worthy attempt to in- have avoided confrontation or ex- laws around here ; all I see is a more graveyards ? Who are the might set desperate somethin g patriots ? Men who sure good communications has tra-legal actions. Any actionsthat bunch of Men. " Men , I assure are willing This I also believe /ailed because much of the in ^. students may take in the future , you , would not act in this way. to die for America (here and things right . desperate somethin g If I appeal to Dean Norton , Dean abroad) or men who are willing is false. formation is cloudy and at best , even if considered disru ptive, Hunsinger will assuredly elicits a misinterp retation of the , and President Nossen to kill for America (here and a- were to happen it would merely be within their conto explain and or correct this in- broad) . There is a difference! confirm the paranoid anxieties of state of affair s on this campus. stitutional rights of protest. If Stan Rakowsky can answer the adm inistration and provide humane situation publically and Dr. Nossen . similarl y, srlves Take , for example , the followthese questions , I might be able the excuse for a purge of stuing section fro m the second the impression that student dis- immedi ately. page of the letter: I also appeal to the students to resolve my own questions: dents and facu lty. ruptions at West Chester , F and I do mean to suggest that "Unrest , unfortunately , con- M , and Indiana (and Bloomsburg?) of BSC to take action— in the form Are the Dean Hunsingers , Judge advoca tes doing somethin g Blass of letters and petitions— to as- H off mans , and Agnews of Ameri tinues to plague campuses across were lar gely created by "unindesperate . I am concerned bethe country. Within Pennsylvania , formed" students. It is essential sure the administration that thi s ca the radicals or the patriot s? sort of tyranny will not be tolrecent developm ents at West to note that students (in regards Claire Smith cause I fear that people in powP.S. I love my country too , Stan . er will be only too quick to make Chester , Indiana , and Frank- to the Primack question) set up erated. Dennis Plymette But I love it enough not to wave that interpretation . lin and Marshall , to name but an "Open Forum on Academic In brief let' s not provide exthe flag when men are dying in three , make it imperative that Freedoms " to grant a clearity for our own repression. cuses body and in heart —fro m apple we remain alert and firm agai nst of information and subsequently Peace , pie! any form of disru ption of the ed- set up a fact finding committee to ^lan K tp ly Dr . Primack ucational prog ram , or any threat to look into questions about Dr. against person or property on the Primsck 's employment (or non(In reply to the letter by Stan campus . The necessity for the employmen t) status . If students Ratow sky) above colleges to determine the at Bloomsburg are uninformed fitness of certain professors to it is only because their questions ^Absolved continue their duties has particu - have not been answered. There are certain per sons and Dear Editor : larly triggered uninfor med , yet Recently , the reasons for Dr. March 19 — 9:00 a.m. — activitie s at Bloomsburg State disru ptive,, (and in the case of Primack not being granted conSchools, Jamesbur g Public In the March 11 Issue of the West Chester , destructive) re- tinuous employment were releas- College that are defined as being MARRON AND GOLD , there ap- Jam esbur g, New Jersey — Elem sponses. Yet within each college ed. They were attributed to aus- radical and revolutionar y. The peared on page 4, a letter stat- — all grades ; Social Studies; or University , as with Blooms- tere financial reasons and declin- popular conception seems to be ing that Zeta Psi pledges were Math; Bio; Gen Sci; burg , there are recognized pro - ing enrollment in Philosophy . that college dissid ents are in fact ordered to castrate lambs . Zeta March 19 — 10:00 a.m. — cedures sufficient to safeguard However , the combination of the radicals and revolutionary by the Psi contacted the M & G office Pittsbur gh Public Schools , Pittsfaculty members from ar bitr ar y two sentences , "The necessity very nature of the ir actio ns and and obtained the name s of the bur gh , P enna . — Elem; most decisions. Bloomsburg , too , must for the above colleges to deter- their attitudes towards the "Ame- "Animal Lovers. Psi areas of Secondary; make hard decisions during the mine the fitness of certain pro - rican way ", because these atti - eventually found "thatZeta March 19 — 2:00 p.m. — Northe two coming weeks. We shall continue fessors to continue their duties tudes are consider ed to be diawich Central School s, Norwich men 's names affixed to the letter to make those decisions which are . . ." and "Bloomsbur g, too , metrically opposed to American New York — All areas; not the authors of the letter in the best interests of the Col- must make hard decisions during tradition s. If I may assume that were March 20 a.m. — Dethis conception is correct , then and that their names were used partmen t of— 9:00 lege , students , and the CommonR evenue , Har there are many other people who without their knowledge . I am one r isbur g, Pa. — Accoun tants (Continue d on page four ) wealth , realizing that at times ; Aud of the two persons whose name itors; was affixed at the bottom of the March 20 — 10:30 a.m. — Alletter and was therefore contact fred I . DuPont School District , ed by Zeta Psi leaders. Since I Wilmington , Delaware — All knew the "Animal lover s", and ar eas; understood and agreed with their March 23 — 10:00 — Johnson view I agreed to act as mediator , by Allan Maure r a bit about "kooks , 1 the kind who WRITE and nobody , I repeat , no-" School District , JohnCity betwe en the two groups . Anothe r of those Gladfly-style , don 't sign what they write. body is responsible 1 for what is City, New York — All areas ; son ye Ever y sponsors Zeta Psi ar . too-ln sane-t o-be-s 1 g n e d hate in the lines we write , or between 1 a scavenger March 30 — 9:00 • 4:00 — hunt for their This This leads me to the first point t hem , but us. sheets came out recent ly. Angeles C ity Schools , Los Los pledges. In a personal interview & —whoev er writes this pap fears one concern ed the MAROO N as to our ngnt 10 support v1 with Dave Kozma former Pres - Angeles , Cal . — All areas . , Jim Percey so much that before candidate for CGA office ediGOLD and the CGA president ial ident of Zeta Psi I learned that: , they can sleep peacefully I bet torially, the MAROON AND GOLD 1 6 (1) Pledges are not ordered to do Personall y, I'd rath er not brin g they have to check the dark re- constitution , the M&G editorial anything against their beliefs or up trash like this— it' s too muc h cesses of their closets , their policy statement , and the Joint religion and (2) The pledges were like rooting around In a rat infestkitchen pantry, and under their Statement on Student Rights allow ed garba ge can— but ignorin g it beds to make sure Percey isn 't us that pr ivilege . As to the argu- told that if they did not want to doesn 't wor k . It doesn 't go away . ther e . Well , to quote our be loved ment that editors should remain get something in particular , the y So , we'll examine several President (Nixon), "I'd like to neu t ra l because they are edi tors wouldn 't have to. Among the points of the hate sheet , which mak e one thing clear . " Hock , I ask this: Do you think that every, things inc luded in this year 's consisted of lies , mostly, and ra p Blass and I SIGN WHAT WE scaven ger list were toilet paper , student on this campus should towe ls, and pigtails . The boys , have the right to express their h owever opinion thro ugh this paper (and pigtails ,atwere not able to find any the local butcher , so MAROON AND GOLD they have that right) except tho se upon suggestion by Frank Clifford of a pledge , the y people who work on the paper upStrike one: It was an ancient to make a substitutio n. A 1941 NO, 37 VOL. XLVIII wards of 20 hours a week all year decided black and white movie. pledges drove out to a long? If you do so believe, I sug- few of the That ' s not a m ispr int , I said 19 gest you come up here , wor k sheep farmer where one of the • forty-one . MICHA EL HOCK hard , become an editor and estab- pledges have previously worke d. This movie dealt with the same EDITOR-IN-CHIEF lish the neutrality you desire . When the pledges returned to the question that the Greeks , Rodor Rwrnn Business Manager F urt hermore , it seems tome dorms they were boasting that mans , and other great clvilay had castrated several lambs . tlons pondered : All the world Bil Teltswort h that those people who believe the the Managin g Editor . Let it be known here and now that and the forces of best thing that can be done with an (1) the nature are In* News-Edi tor Martin Kleiner ... . farmer did the actual cast - struments of good an idea one disagrees with Is to d ev il , which Ginny Potter , Allan Mauror Co-Feature Editors suppress it , and those who be- rat ion and not the pledges and are constant ly battling each Clark Ruch & Jack Hoffman Sports Editors li eve as the hate sheet d oes, that (2) the lamb s were to be cast- other . The Idea was fairly treatEditor Mark Foucart Photo graphy M&G money would be better spent rate d anyway . It Is the false bo- ed, considerin g the film was asting that I find fault with. How- 1941 vintage. We were warned beif used to send their personal Copy Staff Kay Hahn, Carol Osw ald, Irene Oulyct ever , looking over on the other fore the movie that It ' s attem pts enem i es to t h e S ov i et U n i on , Manager Linda Ennis Circulation t ide of the fence , I find fault with at horror were at best bor ing would be far happie r under the Advisor Mr . Mlchaol Stanley author itarian , total itarian , Soviet the "Animal lovers " who did not and comical , T rue , true. ADDITIONAL STAFF: Terry Slats , John Stugrin , Bob police state than the people they bother to check out the facts com- The movies then didn ' t have to be pletely , and who acted rath er ver y thrilling, It was before the Schul ti, Sally Swetland, Dave Kettar, Stanle y Bunslc k, want to send there . tt ) One final word . To whoever is rashl y. I would like to point out birth of telev ision; so then , the Jim Saehe , Frank Clifford , Velma Avo ry, Carol Kishwr ltlng this gladfly-or-whate ver • that the Zeta Psi frater nity Is one movies didn 't try to scare the bauff h, Pat Jacobs. of the most progr essive frat er- livin' hell out of you J ust to atit-is: You 're sick and I feel sorry All opinions expressed by columnists and featur * writers, for you. But you should see a nitie s on camp us. Zeta Psi pro - tract the lost box office patron s. includin g letteri-to-the-editor , are not necessarily those of motes intellectual develop ment , psychiatrist and get help before A youthful Spencer Tr acy play * mis publication but those of the Individuals. you hurt yourself . And, Mr., If we emotional sta bility, and stresses (Continue d on pate four ) ever find out who you are ,.* leadership . All these Ideals -were rw«_ _ 1 I Letters.... _ » a%_ ! l _ l | 1 Z.U Psi inte rvie ws HATE SHEET RAPPED J & H Movie Poor Entry Pictured abov e are BSC grappUr s victoriou s in the NAIA tour ney. Left: Captain place. Right: Shorty cock , third place. Ami * Thompson , third place, Center: Ron Sheehan, 6th Hitch- Thom pson,Hitchcock ,Sheehai Place in National lornney BSC Ranks 9th out of 97 Participating by Jack Hoffman BSC grapplers traveling to Superior , Wisconsin , exhibited excellent wrestlin g abilities and finish ed ninth out of 97 colleges and univers ities. A total of 345 wres tlers participated which is the lar gest in the history of the NAIA and possibly the lar gest in the country . • The Universit y of Nebraska and Omaha won the tourney. Mark Vonichi of Wisconsin State Wrestlers who placed high in University 4-0 for his third place the standings for Bloomsbur g berth. Arnie wrestled six times were Senior Arnie Thom pson, and only lost one match . • Shorty Hitchcock decision ed who took third at 150; Shorty Hitchcock , fre shman , who also Fletcher Can of Tampa Uniplaced third in the 177 pound versit y, 8-i , to take his thtf d class; and freshman Ron Shee- place spot . Hitchcock also wr estled six times with only one loss. han , who copped a 6th place berth Ron Sheehan lost to Rich Edat 191. Arnold Thom pson defeated ward s by a score of 11-2 and Swimmers Reel In Fourth Place at PCSC Meet By Robert Ross The Huskie s fought hard to capture fourth place in the Pennsylvania Conference Swimming Cham pionship held March 13 and 14 at West Chester State College. Record breaking competition set ll new records in 16 events . West Chester smashing from a 6th place finish in the Middle Atlantic Championshi ps crushed cocky Clarion 127% to 87. East Stroudsburg was able to capture 1st and 3rd In 3 meter diving plus some fine work by their relay easily avenged their dual meet def eat at the hands of the Huskies by finishing third with a total of 57Vfe points. Captain Ralph Moerschbacher won his 3rd consecutiv e championship in the 200 yard free (j im C-omr y Cheats at ' (-f in rCummy ana f -ool* C *at IJ our Sunf lower .3##a4 Kj unimomt. Qo W.u Qo breast stroke for 2 points. Bob Jones earned xk point with still another tie this time for 6th place in the 100 yard back stroke. slipped to the sixth place position . Sheehan wrestled four times and suffered two losses. The surprise of the tournament was the match between John Weiss of BSC and Roger Vir gil of Ada ms State . Vir gil was the top seeded man at 140 and Weiss decisioned him 3-0 on over time . Coach Russ Houk comment- ing on the tournament said , "We did a good job and I' m proud of my boys . This tournament gave them good experience since the competition was so tough." Arnie Thompson and Shorty Hitchcock are going to the NCAA cham pionships to be held thi s coming weekend at Evanston , Illinois. Husky Rooks Win Western Division bers are impressi ve. Jim Kitchen owns the best record with 7-1-0. F ollowing with 8-3-0 is Ken Drake . Dave Sheaffer sports a 7-3 -1 record and Dennis Plymet te owns a 7-3-1 also. Dave Kistle r has done a commendable job on first board with a 6-4-1 record . The Rooks take on Mulhenburg April 5 , with the league tourn ament the following week. The R ook s seem to h ave an excellent chance to come in fir st place in the Pa. State C ollege tourn ament for the tenth straight year. The B.S.C. chess team taveled to Lebanon Valley College on lay Bloomsburg was in 5th place trailin g Slippery Rock by 1 point . M arch 8 for the second time this year. Having , won the fir st time , Two years ago it was this reMyers of Bloomsburg surlay that lost 1st place ; we felt we could win again , but last year Bob prised everyone by finishin g 8th this relay lost second place . Hissuch was not the case. L.V.C. 's in the 3 meter diving. Consider - tory started to repeat itself once second board , Glenn Beidels toping the fact that 1 diver suffer - again. Bob Her b, Doug Yocum and ped Ken Drake 's win streak at 8 as he attacked suddenly for a ed a dislocated shoulder durin g Ken Narsewicz did their best but mate. It looked bad on boards the preliminary trials and that t hey weren 't able to give anchor2 and 4 as both Dennis Plymette ther e are no 3 meter boards man M oersc hbac her a lead over available to the Huskies for prac - the Rocket team . Ral ph did not and Dave Sheaffer traded a rook for a bishop . Freshman first t ice you can app reciate the team give up ana he was able to spirit shown by Bob. H owever , no brin g his team into 3rd place board Dave Klstler won a pawn points are awarded solely for earning 8 point s so that the final in the opening and kept it till the effort . score read Bloomsbur g 32, end game where he took full advantage of it. The score was 1-3 Slippery Rock 31. The other Bob Jones , Jim Koehler , Jim when both Denni s and Dave Sheaffteams finished In this order: Scallse and Doug Yocum team- Millersville lead by er lost concurren tl y. Freshman Kevin Weir ed up in the 400 yard medle y finished with fifth boar d Jim Kitchen won a 26 points . Lock relay to take 5th and earn 4 H aven , lead by Bob Hults , earne d beautiful game. He was down in points . At the start of the final pieces f or most f the game and event the 400 yard free style re- 18 points Califor nia made the long then racked a oknight for two tr ip to West Chester only to finpawns and quickly won. ish last 17 point s. The big news , though , is that the The Husky tea m coached by Rooks have won the Western DiTom Houston and Cecil Tuber- vision of the Pa. chess league. If ville did very well in this ra pid- we win the Eastern Division then ly expandin g and improving con- we are the champs! The indi viference . And the school spir it in dual records of the team memsupport of the mermen has been excellent . BOOKS... OVER 3,000 TITLES IN STOCK If If s a book we have I t or we can get It Greeting Cards HENRIES Compliments of REA ft DERIGK, lit * MAREE'S sty le. This victory and a third place in the 100 yard freestyle earne d Ralph 11 jpolnts in the in* dividual scoring . Bob Herb tied for 4th In the 80 yard free style and was in a 3 way tie for the 8th in the 100 yard free style . These hard won ties earne d him 3% points . Jack Feyrer had a lit* tie trouble with his turns in the West Chester pool and had to settle for a Oth in the 100 and a 6th In the 800 free style earn * ing a total of 3 points . J im Koehler took 6th in the 100 yard DRESS WAITED: People who heard the WHLM Radio Pro gram "Speak Up" shortl y before Thanksgiving:, In which the wisdom m employing one M. Prlmack was discus sed. If you are tuch a perso n, contact Prof. Primack , Box 31? or go to tffle e iN Waller between H or 54 today. "Stores 112 W. Main I 17 lAtT MAIN IT. * UOOMIMJM ' \ " SHUMAN'S WORLD TRAVEL ^ SHOP \ of Service Card and Book flook 40 W. Main St. • PHONI 714-SeSO For All Your Travel A rrangement * RESERVATIONS • TICKETS • TOURS « ETC. All Airlint / Trains A Ho fit Handled Applications f or Yout h Pore Card s available Cell Us •# Mop In MOW *r Amy hhrmmfn on Travel! re turn s, Jekyll lays off the evil- J Uf ff an d J4 ,J. (continue d from page two ) ed the lead role , for a while (and I' m not J oking) he actually looked better as Mr . Hyde ,in spite of the unkempt hair , ghastly eyes , and that wierd , kumquatted • up grin. Strike two: the plot. Harry Jekyll i physician , was convinced of the good vs. evil bit . There is, according to him , angelic good and diabolic evil underl ying in the personalit y of every man. Dr . Jekyll experi mented in his lab with animals , trying to prove that this devilish , overwhelming evil in men could be brou ght to the surfac e. (Ask Robert Louis Stev enson why Jekyll didn't tr y to bring out the good.) He perfect ed a serum that let the bad vibrations out by testing it on various small animals and on some of his human patients. Enter the romantic element . Dr. Jekyll sur passin gly loved a beautiful woman named Bea . She was a perfec t lady, well mannered, dainty, and she obeyed and hun g aro und with her daddy (who was a meddlin g, genuine pain in the ass.) She brought out the good in Jekyll . Ente r the conflict. Dr . Jek yll saves an attractive woman from the advances of a drunken bum one night as he was strollin g through the streets . H er name was Ivy. She is immediately star * struck by this han dsome , gentlemanly rescu er . Acting true to the sneaky feminine form , she feign* ed sever e injury, and pretended she couldn 't walk. He carried her to her pad, and started examin ing her . N ow, Ivy was , as the saying goes, a woman of easy virtue . She didn 't know that he was a doctor yet , and translate s his profe ssional pro bes as passes being made . No sex, though , the only heat generated in this film was from the projector ' s light bulb. W hen she found out his real intentions , she was painfully embarrassed . She said , "But I' m not a ... a inducing serum , and happily proposes to Bea . We find now that Jekyll is plagued by recurring bad trips . He keeps turnin g into Mr . Hyde without taking doses of the serum. Ther e's an allegory in there for all you acid heads . Th e poor man finds himself a monster one hour , and a gentle man the next . Unfortunate ly, it was when he was about t o brea k t he news to Bea when he turned to Mr . Hyde again , beat her and killed her father . The police kill him. As he lay there , dead , he turned back into Dr. Jekyll and everyone found out the truth. On the whole , it was a bad film in my opinion . If you think this review was borin g, be glad you missed the film. And if the Lit erary and Fil m Society shows others as bad as this one, it looks like a bad season coming up. But we 'll find out for sure tonight , when The Grand Illusion will be shown in Kuster Auditorium. It 'll have to be better than this one. Is Thi s A ny Way to Run a St at e with their $7,200 annual salaries , would mean a legislative pay of $14 ,200 a year . The added cost to Pennsylvania taxpayers would be $560,000. The Senate must now app rove the deal to make it stick. Members of that body, unfortunately for themselves , will have to vote on it out in open, in contrast to the shady methods employed by the House to put it th rough last Thursday. Indicative of the feeling of those pushing the bill in the House was the comment of Rep. • • Martin R . Mull en, Philadelphia ' 'I know you're not , '' he said . Democrat and sponsor of the meaThey were talking - about the sure . word whore , and they both lied Noting that the mishmash of a in the above dialogue . Honest , tax packa ge was going through her red kimona shone throu gh at the time , Mullen commented: the black and white . "We may as. well get all the crltlAs Jekyll kissed her and left , c ism at once ." Speaker Fineman he noticed that he was pretty also admitted that "the timin g is strongly attached to her . a happy circumstance , but not So now we have a decent , upthe members were chafin g at the right doctor being pulled in two bit. " opposite directions at once. Bea, Even conceding that there is PARIS (U PI )-W ith films like United States. But it has still his girl friend , brin gs his good to mane avanaoie a wiae vibrations to the surface . And The Balcony and Ulysses to his not been shown generall y in some mer it in the content ion of the lawmakers that the present variety of counselin g services Ivy, the woman of the night he credit , director J oseph Stric k Brit ain. Onl y two cities have to students seeking assistance , encountered on the street that could be considered somethi ng granted it licenses for local $4,800 expense allowance is not the Community Ministeries , a night , inspire s his evil side . Still, of a specialist in sex movies. showing. enough to cover the cost of meals , The film is totall y room s and other outlays , the way £rou p of local lay and religious things were on a fairly even keel , But he doesn 't see his latest banned in some countries bein which the $560 ,000 appr opri leader s, have agreed to staff a but Jekyll had finally perfected cause Strick refu ses to . approve ation bill was handled reflects no "C enter " on the BSC campus. that evil serum, and the fool de- production , a film of Henry the cuts that would make it Miller 's novel Tro pic of Cancer , credit on its backers. Mullen inIn keeping with the widespre ad cided to drink it . acceptable to censors. practice amon g state and pritr oduced it last Tuesday at 9:30 Here' s how Mr . Hyde got his as being primaril y about sex. "There is no question of al"To me it 's just an extremel y p.m. to a pr actically empt y chamvate colleges acro ss the country, name; Jekyll , as the monster , the Center will work , strictly on was seen leaving the lab by his funny book , arid I hope the tering a word or a scene in ber . According to the Associated Press , "Mullen then called for a a non-sectarian basis , with any butl er . When approached for an film will be equal ly funny, " Tro p ic of Cancer , " said Strick. "Either it gets shown in full person who seeks its help. mock meetin g of his Appr opriexplanat ion, Jekyll stammers for Strick said , in an interview. ' " or it doesn t get shown. Staffed on a rotatin g basis , the an excuse, picks any word at all ; ations Committee and reported "I think a lot of peop ie who Counselors will maintain a sched - and says it was a Mr. Edward the bill to the floor in about 30 once rea d Henry Mill er 's book Strick 's treatment of the seconds. It was one of the swiftule of weekly hours which will be Hyde , a friend of his . Pr etty for the wron g reasons could go Miller book , which was first est-moving pieces of legislation described in a pr inted brochure. clever . bac k to it again and find much p ublished in Paris in 1934, this session." And the $2,200 The Center will be located In Suddenly , Bea' s father decided more on a secon d readin g, grants no concessions to Pu ri- hike was made retroactive to July room 203, Wall er Hall . Students to up and go to Europe , takin g ri maril the humor. " y, desirin g to use the services of Bea with him. Jekyll , who was p 1st of last vear ! tans. Some of the most frank the Center may walk-in during about to propose to her , was Strick achieved recognition With this kind ot an attitude sections of the book have been towards the tax paying public, the the scheduled hours; however , If broken-hearted , really embitter - as a proponent of sexual honesty re tained , four-letter-word for legislators wishes to make an apalready in deep studen t a in films with his treatments of ed . Well , like a wron ged lover trouble over the hodgepodge tax pointment , a telephone call to t urn ing to booze, Jekyll hits the the J ean Genet play, The four-letter-word. Tr opic of Cancer takes p lace package, are only invitin g furththe Student Counselin g Center , evil serum. He moved In on Ivy, Balcony, and the J ames J oyce in Paris , and recounts a period er voter opposition at the poles Ext . 324 or 325 will establish an and abused her every night. Ivy, novel Ulysses. Both films had in Miller 's life when he was a this year . appointment . completely terrorized , is even censorshi p trouble. Those makin g their time avail- afraid to tell the cops; and takes penn iless down-and-ou t living able have no official connection the monster 's abuse night after "But I don 't think we 'll ha ve una shamedl y on handouts from with the college, rece ive no com - night . any trouble with Tropic of Can- friends and acquain t ances. pensation for their services , and Str ike three: the sick , let-down cer in the United States," Strick Strick filmed it in the streets , will meet only . with those who " climax " . Bea 's miserable old cafes, railroa d stations and park s seek them out for their own pur- father softens and decides to let said. "Perhaps we will in Britain j t t M s m k num3s~. that exist today. poses . Durin g the past , however , her marry Jekyll . Therefore they and some other countries. As many students have sought oppor - return to Amer ica. When she with Ul ysses, th e troubl e is no t tun itie s for such counseling, and with what is shown , but w it h the college is pleased to assist , what is said. " as a completely disinterested whi ch in clud ed Ul ysses, party . N one of the ti me of t hose M oll y Bloom 's sex-act soliloquy staffin g the Center will be spent in i ts Ang lo-Saxon entirety , can for sectarian religious interests , (continued from page two ) be seen almost anywhere in the but as evidence of the ir concern the coming weeks. . .",seem s to for and availability to memb ers ^^^^—^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ indicate that Prlmack 's demise is of the College community. due to reasons quite differ ent FLOWERS than lack of money and enroll — FOR SALE — ment. 784-4406 We offer Dr . Nossen our congratulations for his attempt to imBond »d World Wide Delivery pr ove communications but quesWanted , reasonable party to tion his ambiguity . take over low monthl y payPIZZA (M.L.H.) ments on a spinet piano. Can be seen locally. Write Credit Strick pu lls no punch es in sex films Cen ter Edito ria l... BLOOM BOWL © Charlie 's A HOAOIES Optn 'til 12.00 p.m. Owed 1,30 to 3,00 p.m. Every Doy lot Pridcy PMII DUMMY 5t o7 Bi30 toUi30 Regular and Kino Sl*e HQAGIIS Phont 7844292 127 W. Mob BLOOMSIURO Eds. Note: As a preface to jthis article of " news " it should ibe noted tha t on the heels of this Penn State , Temple , the Univer Jsity of Pennsylvania , and the Uni