CGA Presiden ti al Candidat es Present Platforms * 2)-^ Wann of people who are supposed to be runnin g this college. I believe judicial proceedin gs should be printed in the MAROON — GOLD . Whenever any action is taken against anyone in the college community the facts should be presented to the communi ty. This will serve as a check on the Administraterial and Judicia l procedures. Also, as college council president it will be my duty to inform you by periodic messages in the newspaper as to what is happening. This is one step which must be taken to elimina te this rumor ridden school . 2. Joint Statement on Students I was asked by severa l people last week why I didn 't have more niguis signs hangin g around the Husky Much of the crying done by stuTh e answer buildin gs. and other dents was brou ght about by viocandidates unlike lations of their right s. It is a simple ver y , is of th e past I felt no need for known fact that students are being smear ing my name all over our pres sured in private meetings fair campus. I felt th is year with the administration. Again it students would vote for the candi- is known that administrators are date and his platform and not for giving opinions of students to pr oa nam e on a sign. So here it is fessors and outsiders . My purpose would be to set up a commit'folks , my platform: 1. Communica tions — what' s go- tee well read in the Joint Statement to listen tc any violations ing on? This is a pet criticism I have a student may wish to brin g beTI I m L I a lore tne committe e , ine committee would then hold hearings , make a decision and send it to We ar e all well aware of the . the communit y, govern ment for further action. The Joint State- upcoming CGA elections . I would ment can be the document to like to urge each of you to get unite the student body in a de- out and vote on March 16th and fense against past and pre sent 17th. It is your CGA , so why not tactics used by our college head s. get out and support the candidate of your choice. 3. A student-faculty Senate If you are undecided about who This document has the greatest to select , I wish you woold conpotential for self govern ment than sider some of my qualifications . any other attempt made at this college. Stud ents and faculty I have worked on many organiza workin g together to govern the tions and sub-committees of CGA , college as a modern educational and know how to get things done will work with AND for all facinstitution should be governed . in the proper way. I am co- tions of the college community . This document could make it pos- chairman of Freshm an Orien- BSC is a place that is in need of sible to eliminate the office of tation and a member of the Exe- necessar y changes, and it is my Dean of Students and Dean of In- cutive Council of student affairs. Intention to move us forward and struction and replace them with I was an active partici pant in not keep us at a status quo. Committees of paid students and the adoption of the AAUP Joint Please get out and vote . It is faculty. Perhaps under this cons- Statement for Bloomsburg State disap pointing to see that only titution a committee can be set up College. I was recently elected one-third of the students voted to advise and help the Board of by CGA to be on a newly formed in the primary election. If this is Trustees make decisions . The Grievance Committee for stud- the case in the final elections , Trustees have been away from ents who feel that their rights 'the President of CGA will not the education institute for so long have been violated . I serve as itru ly be a representative of the they might be confused on how a a Resident Advisor in E lwell majority of students . So when you more up to date college is run. Hall. I have always fulfilled my jgo to the p olls Just Don't Set4 . New Committee — Cam pus res ponsibilities with sincere in- 1tle. . .Select , . Mike Pillagalli terest and desire. If elected , I :President of CGA. (continued on page four } Wlcka. ( P ittafJll ¦^ ^ ^ ^ H B ^ ^ i^ ^ H B M B a M ^ ^ B B M ^B a ^B a a a a ^l^ ^ B^ ^ H i y nr l ES ^^ ^^ * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^L ^^^^^^ ^^^ K --^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ VOL. XLVHI — NO, 36 BLOOMSBURG STATE COLLEGE La Macchia to Speak On March 17, 1970 The Society of Physics Students and the Department of Physics of Bloomsburg State College will present a free demonstration lecture entitled "Lasers and Hologr aphy Today and Tomorrow 1' by Dr. John T. La Macchla , Bell Telephone L ab orator ies, Murray Hill , N.J. Holography , the science of three dimensional image reprod uction , is an outgrowth of Laser Technology developed since 1960. Dr . La Macchla Is the super visor of the Optical Interactions Gr oup at the Bell Telephone Laborator ies and is resp onsible for stu dies of techniq ues for the def lection of light , and the storage of optical Information. Afte r joining Bell Laboratories in 1966 , Dr . La Macchia became engaged In studie s of the use of holography for optical memories. He was promo ted to his present position In 1968. A native of Wa shington , D.C., Dr . La Macchl a received his Bachelor of Electrical Engineer In g and Doctor of Philo sophy degrees from Catholic University In 1963 and 1966 respectively. He is the author of a numb er of art icles on holography , optical memories , and light scattering. He Is a mem ber of the Optical Society of America and the honor so* cletles Sigma XI and Tau Beta Pi, This program , designed for general Interest , is to be held at 8:00 p.m. In Kuster Lect ure Hall , Hartllne Science Center , Bloomiburg State College. The Society la presentin g this program as part of an all day program Includ ing the installation of Sigma Pi Sigma. Honorar y Society in Phy - slcs. Sigma Pi Sigma Is a nat ionally recognized hono r society within the Society of Physics Student s. It is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies and is an affiliat ed society of the A mer ican Association I Conti nued on p*|o four) ' Elections News Briefs ~Arl C u t a Zrorm ta Several interested members of t h e college commun ity met on M onday , M arch 9, 7:30 p.m. in Navy Hall to explore the for mat ion of an art club , Ideas Unlimited. The club's constituti on was rev iewed, but it was decided it would not be acte d on and sent to the CGA for app roval until another meeting could be held involving more persons Interes ted In the club. A second meeting has been scheduled for Monday , March 16 , at 7:30 p.m. in Navy Hall to continue exploring forma t ion of the elub. It Is hoped that more members of the college commun ity interested in art will atten d to make formation of the club possible and worthwhile . F inal elections for CGA and Class Officers will be conducted on March 16th and 17th , between the hour s of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. In Walle r Hall (opposite the faculty Lounge) . I.D. cards must be shown In order to vote and no campaigning will be permitted within 20 feet of the polls. In the p ast , many Votes have been waste d because some students an d facult y members do not know how to operate a voting machine . The following instructions should aid those members of the college community who are not famfff ohawkd f -'rtsml liar with a voting machine . 1. Walk into voting booth. M ONDAY , MARCH 16, 1970 2. Pull the curtain completely 3:00-4:00 p.m., Kust er Auditoriclosed. um , Hartl ine room B 134, 3 . Pull down the lever by the I NDIAN-MADE FILM FESTIVAL name of the candidate for whom 7:15 p.m., NEW N ORTH HA LL you wish to vote. LOUNGE (all welcome), 4. LEAVE the lever down. WHITE ROO TS OF PEACE , 5. Open the curtain . a program of Iroqu ols insights 6. Leave the voting booth. Into man's relation to Nature If you make a mistake , I.e. and his fellow men; discussion; pull down the wrong lever , push Indian fellowship dance for all that lever up and pull down the present ; Indian -made films correct one. Your vote is record- Sponsored by the BSC Arch ed when you open the curtain. aeology Club , oourtest of Artists Any questions contactGlo Wilson. and Lecture Series. Box 482, 784-8687, or Husky Lounge. . (continued on page four , FRIDAY , MARCH 13, 1970 Archeology Club Presents The Archeology C lub of Bloomsburg State College will present a two-part program centere d around the American Mohawk Indi ans on Monda y, March 16 , 1970. The public is cordially Invited. From 3:00 to 4:00 p.m., a pro gram entitle d "Festival of M ovies M ade by Indian Filmmak ers" will be presented in Kuste r Auditorium of Hartline Science Center. The second part of the progr am will be presented at 7:15 p.m. in first floor loun ge of North Hall and will be ent itled "White Roots of Pea ce." This program consists of a grou p of nine Indians members who will be speaking in Mohawk and English on princi ples of lr oquols League founded by Hiawatha , Indian reverenc e for nature and ecological balance , and conte mporary Indian aspirations. This presentation will be followed by a dance of fellowship for all presanf The White Roots of Peac * group has travelle d ver y extensively acros s our count ry. They have met with the Chickahominy , Choctaw , Cherokee , C ousha tta and the Pueblo people In New Mexico since Januar y, 1970. Last fall they visited the Shoshones, P omos, Hoop as, Pa iutes , and other Indiana of California. They have had meet* ings at the Universit y of Florida , Utah , Californi a and Washin gton and about 40 other campuses during the past five months . They are visiting Indian groups to extabllsh Indian unity, Indian stren gth, and the vitality of Indi an tradition. For non-Indian group s , they hope to bring un derstanding of Indian — non< Indian relationships , of Indlai wa ys of peace , and of the neec for bette r tre atment of our mother , the Earth . With their current intere st in ecology, inter grou f relati onships, peace, and Indi an matters , the ir message is verj time ly. A t the college, the Indian s members will be speaking tc classes and p ossib ly hold an open meet ing. There will be plenty oJ time for Informal discussions with the group during the day . It 's interes tin g to note that the Wh ite Roots of Peace group are (cont inued on page four ) Ctnttr \J p 0n9d In keeping with the need t< make available a wide vari et; of counselin g services to stu dents seeking assistance , th< Communit y Ministeries , a grou ] of local lay and religious leac era , have agree to staff a "Cen ter " on campus . In keeping wit) widespread practice among stat< and private colleges across th< country, the Center will work strictl y on a none-sectarian has is, with any person who seek. its help. Staffed on a rotatin g basis, th C ounselors will main tain a ached ule of weekly hours wnloh wlU b descr ibed in a printed bro churi The Center will be located 1 Room 203, Waller Hall. Student desiring to use the services < (Continued en page four) PAGE TWO Pa^SB^^ ^^^^ ™ Rakows ky Raps on Freedoms and Responsibili ties lBi^^ BPr ^^^ ^Hk ^Sa^BJBS^ ^••¦¦bbbbb ^vHDB ~A Lf owrnmint of by D. G. Porter The Board of Trustees on July 7, 1969 published a statement informing students that << Bloomsbur g State College believes in a government of law and not men ". Students were furthe r advised in the statement that they were not to engage in violent demonstrations to pressur e men into chan ge but rat her were to change the laws peacefully if they didn't like things . Not liking things last year the students tried to get a new college law adopted called the Joint Statement on Students Rights. This winter thanks to Pres. Nossen the new law was adopted by the Board of Trustees. Unfortunate ly, a lar ge number of recent incidents make It clear that the College administration does not believe with the Trustees in a government of law but rather they obviously believe that me n (t hemse lves) are above the law. Dean Hunsinger on Feb. 16th , hearing that three students 60 miles away from the campus had allegedly gone on a drunken orgy of stealing and breakin g into cars , suspended the students for two weeks. By this single action he violated the Joint Statement in thre e different ways (cf. pp 15 , 19, 20). When the students returned to the campus on M onday March 2nd , they had a hearing before Dean Norton. He suspended them indefinitel y despite the fact that they had been cleared by the civil authorities of all char ges and had violated no college rules. Thi s action by Dean Norton involves six violations of the Joint Statement (cf. pg. 17). Even thou gh the parents of the boys questi oned his action they did not receive a hearing befor e the Student-Facult y Judiciary but were instead told to take their appeal to Dean H uns inger (a p roce dure now h ere prescr ibed). Another violation of the Joint Statement (cf. pg. 20) Dean Hunsinger told the boys they could come back in Septem ber. The result of all this for the boy s? P arents an d towns peop le are making them pay In shame for what they did on Feb. 14th but on top of thi s they are to lose ti me on their education and suffer exposure to the draft. Norton misinformed the boys when he told them that they would rece ive the same punishment from the Student-Facult y J udiciar y as they would receive from him and Dean Hunsinger. Nor ton had just the pre vious weekl FRIDAY. MARCH 13> 1970 BLCEOMSBURG STATE COLLEGE J ^BpBBY seen the S-F Judiciary throw out a case against Elmer Chase becaus e the Deans had violated the Joint Statement. The S-F Ju diciary doesn't want to be sued. Dean Hunsinger misinforme d me when he told me I couldn 't accompany the boys (at the parents request) into a hearing before him. He told me that it wasn't a disciplinary hearing, that no disciplinary action was to be taken. Then he suspended them unti l Son*- Pres. Nossen (sorry kids , no "new er a of J ustice") sent me a memo onv March 4th reporting on his investigation of the affair. In it he said the Executive Coun cil of the Student Affairs Committee had decided that disciplinar y action was to be taken against the three boys. Accord ing to severa l members of the E xecutive C ounc il they made no such decision. Obviously someone on ine Dean of Student' s Staff is giving falae information to the President. This is a practice of some members of that staff of which the President has been apprised over this past year by several people including myself. I think there is a State law which says that public officials must not consciously utter untrut hs and must correct , publicly, untrut hs which they Inad vertently spread. A government of law and' not men? I don 't see any laws around here; all I see is a bunch of men. Electio ns... By Obiter Dictum (Dob tlf mek) Ed . note : Any semblance between per sons living or living is purely coincidental . Well , it looks like the elections of the Comm unity Dictator * ship Syndicate are upon us again . The students can now exercise their perogitive of electing the most incompetent members of the college community to posts fitti ng their intelligence . Now is the time to throw away all mora ls of decency and resort to the American way of politics; namely, graft , bribery, and mud slinging . No one in the election campaigns seems to be a better dirt-flinger and babbling idiot than tha t femme -fatale of BSC, Ike Sillyglrly. That blood-thirsty gutter -snipe has spread malicious fabrications about his op- MAROON AND GOLD "~~ VOL. XLVIII NO. 1*6 MICHAEL HOCK EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Business Manager dor Remsen Managing Edito r Bill Toltsworth : Now s-Bdltor Martin Kloliitr Co-Faaturo Editors Glnny Potter , Allan Mauror Sports Editor * Clark Roch A Jack Hoffman Photo graph y Editor Mark Foucart Copy Staff Kay Hahn, Carol Oswald , Iron* Oulycx Circulation Manager Linda Innic Adviso r M r . Michael St anloy ADDITIONAL STAFF: Torry Mast , John Stugrin , Bab Schultf, Sally Swetland , Davo Keltar , Stanl ey Bunslck , Jim Sachatt), Frank CHfford , Valma Avar y, Carol Kit hbaufh, f»at Jacobs. AH opinions oxpratsod by columni sts and faatun t writers, includin g l»tHrt-to4H *«dftor , aro net nacawarl ly thoso off fMs publication but thos o of rhe Individual s. by Stan Rakowsky "These pigs who are in power have no concern for the r ights of anyone except themsel ves and should be removed from office. Th e system or the est ab lishment which Is run by these pigs, is wron g and must be chan ged , by force if necessary. " These are Just a few of the remarks indicitive of tho se made by the Insurrectionists who wer e recently found guilty in the Chicago riot trial s. They made a complet e mocker y of our court system and ' a duly constituted official of the court , the Honorable Juliu s Hoffman. Yet in spite of the contem pt in which they hold our system , they are free today because of this ver y system which they so despise . Judge Hoffman should be commended for the strict manner in which he conducted the trial in view of the extenuating cir cumstances which engulfed the courtr oom. He was definitely J ustified in sentencing these crimin als to J ail for contem pt of court and that is where they should have *• stayed. They openly advocate d the overthrow of our government and should be regarded , as Judge Hoffman classified them , as detrimental to the wellbeing of our society. But as been so unfortunate with similar cases in the past , these ra dicals have been released by some high-up court official who is apparently listening to the whims of this vocal minority of troublemakers , who inter pret the idea of personal rights beyond the point of sensibility, instead of doing what Is correct. It is because of soft court officials and laxtdaslcal state and local administrators such as these that our society is in the disheaveled condition that it is today. If after being proven guilty by trial by Jury, punish ment f or these cr iminals was swift and severe , I believe that our entire society would be stren gthened. I believe that this same "gettough** policy should be applied , to colleges where proven nondesirables and radical Insurrec tionists detrimental to the good of the entire community should be gotten rid of. This policy should be applied to be the students and facult y. At times dissent is necessary for it keeps those who are in power on guard against being corru pted by power. But those who advocate and take part in the overthrow or the attem pted over thro w of our way of life , a son ponent s to such an extent that it would seem VP Hag new (a rare Afr ican anima l of some sort or another) and Bean Dungslinger have finally met their matc h (a real flamer) . These tact ics ma y not be a good and honorable way of winning ; but it' s sure one way of throwing the election . Yes, the type of Sillyglrly can be traced throu gh the all time great s of history; such as: Ivan the Terr ible , Attlla the Hun , C ortes , Genghis Khan , Fu Manchu , Richard Nixon, and Benelux the Inco mpetent . But what are those weird ru mors that are spreading like the smell of a week-old corpse? One cannot simply give you the DOPE on all thi s without assertin g that there ' is~ some PILL responsible . This blight should be sent away on an Egypt ian GALLEY . We do not mean to RAOD the sanct ity of any MANN'S apartment ; but when someone take s advanta ge of such a situation In or der to spread his foul and dlapicable comments about the collage thus making it easier for him to win the gallowed office of President , we cannot sit idle . Believe not the voice of this , effete , Impudent snobl Fall not (Contlnua d on pap* four) lnion..J have yet to see the facts. In closing, when speaking of revolut ion I would like to leave Mr. Rakowsk y with this indirect quote "t hat when government falls to serve the people it should be over thrown **. I believe , this can be f ound in our Declarat ion of Inde pendence . To say icore would be useless. ciety in which they cannot possibly function should remove themselves f rom the societ y to one which is more to their liking or should be expelled by that society as swiftly and expediently as possible I -Si dden du m v Bl«ss fi p oy Marun lueiner In his article , Stan Rakowsky speaks of terms indicative of the g "Chica go Seven. " Well , Just last I week District Attorney Foran I "sunk" to the depths of name I calling and I quote from News- 1 week magazine from the week of I March 2. Mr. Foran in an inter- I view stated summaril y that he * thought "...that all defenda nts involved with the exception of Bobby Seale; were faggots." As for his "Mockery of our Court System " Mr . Rakowsky I fails €o mention Hoffman's treatment of Bobby Seale; was this: ( not a travesty of justice or Is our judicial system now allowing "crue l and unusual" punishment to go on right under its noses. He also states that these crim inals (politlcos) should be dealt with quickly; so out goes our system of appeals. Further in Mr. Rakowsky»s section of F orum , he notes a vocal minority and what it' s doing; could it be that Stan is insecure of his or the Nixon position , which is one of silencing any opposition to anythin g but agreement. . In his closing paragra phs he takes a weak and myopic slap at the Primack affair . He suggests that his is the majo rit y op- Co fomV*. • . Join the Sports Staff ^^ ^^^^ WBa^BT^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ i "Ban g bang, Maxwell' s silver hammer came down upon their heads " Unless something desperate hap pens , Primack is out. And we still don 't know why. Could be Princi pal Nossen, could be the F .I . B., we still don't know who 's doing it . But the rumors go on. Rumors , vicious ones , ones that link Pri mack with all sorts of things. Like mora l pur poses. Like being part of the Chicago conspiracy. And the stories that 100 or more students have signed a document sayin g when Primack goes, they go. And the whispers of confrontation . And the State Police standing by. We^rd . Weirder still , the administration is stra ngely silent all of a sudden . The next Academi c Forum , th e one to mak e up f or the one t hat wasn't finished , hasn 't materialized . And here we are , with no basi s for Primack' s ousting. But maybe , just maybe, the mum bit has a pur pose. Whenever t he ad min istrat ion is cau ght doing something nau ghty (like that still unexplained illegal quest ionnaire) , whenever t hey're questioned back , the wor d goes out and the cone of silence lowers . Wonderful . So what happened? The big monstrous Primack issue is sud (Continue d on page four ) r\ l i » «»» » ay » w I A * * f c * tirmrEK ^v^aa - _• •• BSC Sends Eight to NAIA Tournamen t at Wisco nsin State University ¦MM^HMi ¦¦ w ! ^ ^ M^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ '" Mermen Dive fo r States The Bloomsbur g State College swimmin g team will partici pate in the Pennsylvania Conference meet to be held at West Chester State College today and tomorr ow, March 13 - 14. West Chester , who defeated the Huskies earlier this season 62-42, is favor ed to capture its third strai ght title . Bloomsbur g will be out to better its third place finish last year after being nosed out by Slippery Rock for the second spot in the final event . Captain Ralph Moerschbacher , a junior from Camp Hill , won the 200 and 500 yard freestyle events and was the only first place winner for the Huskies last 190 lbs.; and Robert Eummel , Lemoyne, heavyweight. Bloomsburg had one cham pion last year — Ron Russo at 137 ^M | | g^^^^^^^^^^^ g^p^t^a^^^^^^^^^^ I I n I H *J0 - 2:30 ¦ Ivary Week - 11:30 - 1:30 I Children - $1.10 ¦ — on our 2nd Floor — I I ¦ I | I I ¦HOTEL MAGEE Bloomsburg , Pal ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Dick ¦mtfl.M, M«u«»r ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TOOK HIS GIRL I 1 M^Mja ^pjaji ^^^ MwajBjauB ^^^ a^MHHMMB m SMORGASBOR D WHERE DAD Bloomsburg |' 59 E. Main St. . . . for your personal needU im gifts and home decor I ALL YOU CAN EAT $3.00 I $1.75 Holida y Buffett I LUNCHEON SUNDAY EACH I Tuesda y thru Frida y ¦ The Texas «3#ri/*aI Harry Logan Fin e J ewelry | H Kg ^^^ MpMpBBJpJpJpJp j Lee- Pat's ^ MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING HAGGAR SLACKS LEVIS McGregor sporiwear VAN HEUSEN ond MANHATTAN SHIRTS BRENTWOOD SWEATERS ? Formal Wear Rental Service 520 1. Main St. Mmmi 7I4-I744 5 W. Main St. i ^ YOUR Halrcatb y i^H Tvfiflsyf M Appointment M Ug <^P 784-7854 Bis8ET *nun Barber Map J MOYER Pharmacy Bloommum I WK ] BOWL track team placed second in a three-way trac k meet with East Stroudsburg State College and Muhlenburg College . The meet was held at Ea st Stroudsburg . The individ ual team scores were East Strou d-63 , BSC-53, and Muhlenburg-10 . Coach Puhl' s trac kmen racked up their points in the shot ( continued on page four ) meet, West Chester as host team has the advantage of swimming in their own pool so the Huskies will need all the moral supp ort lhe studen t body can give them . Captain Ralph Moerschbacher swimming in his last P .S.C .A.C . meet will do his best to set an examp le for the team and many of the team members have improved thei r times since the meet with West Chester . A tri p to West Chester to see this competition should prove worth the time and expense since many new records will be set this year . | your Prescript ion Druggltt l ROBERT G. SHIVE, HP. Fr— Prescription Deliver y j j TOILET GOODS COSMETICS RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES GREETING CARDS Ope*Daily S:« A.M. *II I:» P.M. fat t:ft a.m.tfl l:M pjM. (Ctoart Metfay) ruttday s Appointment Only; 1 West Main St. Phone s 7t4-43t8 •LOOMS1UIG, PA. SHUMAN'S WORLD TRAVEL ' 17 IAJT MAIN IT. « MOOMSMItO • PHONI 7M-J410 For All Your Travel AnangtmenU RESERVATIONS • TICKETS • TCUJRS « All AMirm / Trofni & Hotels Handled ETC. Applica tions for Youth Fare Cards availabl e Caff Us or f fe» in MOW for Any l»lsraMtfM an Tmll twlann. (continued from page one ) llnrnef I would like to set up this committee to help talk about the problems you find on the Bloomsburg Campus. This committee would set up meetings twice a month where students , faculty and administration could all come together and expres s their views on the Bloomsburg campus . The committee would take decisions made at these meetin gs and brin g them before the college council where action will be taken . This would be an official standing committee of College government . 5. Community Government to Student Government This will be the biggest change in the government of the college I will work for . Since the faculty will soon be under its own constitution there is really no need for our present community government association but rather a document should be drawn together uniting the students into a governing body with powers to legislate policies involving the students . At present administrators sit on council with voting privileges . This is ridiculous and must be stoppe d. This is my platform probabl y scary to the conservatives and not enough to the radicals , but to go along with my platform is a justification of my policies through my opinion of the relationshi p I see between the school and the student . in early periods of American history the school was an authoritarian institute . The leaders realized what an important fac tor education would play on the existence of the nation . Because the people wer e all wra pped up in self survival they had no time to think about going to school therefore rules had to be made to force a boy or 'girl to go to school . Once the student was there strict rules had to be established to keep him there and make him learn. Since then we have come a long way . No longer does today 's student need that force placed on him. He realizes the need for education and pursues those goals. Now the school is a politi cal organization and must not hinder the students educa tion . He has the right to decide wher e he wants to go to school and what he wants to study. The school s pur pose is to teach him what he wants to learn. The school s pur pose is not to tell you where to eat , not to tell you where to live , not to tell you what you must study, not to tell you what to do with your life out of the classroom . The students purpo se is to get an education and make sure he learns what he wants to learn. If he is being inhibited in any way, act ion must be ta ken to stop t he authority involved and open the pathway to knowledge . I Briefs Madrig als Sing denly done with , come next year he'll J ust be gone. The Powers That Be will have succeeded by CA y» on vJrldy e actin g like no questions were ever asked . Sunda y, March 15, the college by J. Chllmonik Oh well . At least with the Card players of Bloomsburg Madri gal Singers will bri ghten questionnaire thin g I can run a the weekend with their Pops public service message next year unite . This is the first of a new fea- Concert . The group gets its nam e somethin g like ." Do not answer ture dealing with the subject of from the Renaissanc e madrigals those questions ya don 't wish C ontr act Br idge . Bridge Is an in- when friends sang in the even- to. " Because I' ll BE here the te llectual car d game , perha psthe ing for entert ainment while seat- next year , ya see , I have no inonl y one , as compare d to other ed about a table (usually a bottle tentions of going anywhere and card games that are basic ally of wine was available to brighten there should be no reasons I luck orientated . Bri dge offers an the spirit s.) Most of the mel- have t o go anywhere. That is, excitin g combination of skill , odies deal with nymphs and lov- unless I get involved in any luck , and psychological strategy. ers , and are sung in a tongue-in- peace demonstrations. But PriMillions of people thr oughout cheek manner which makes them ma ck won't be ar ound next year . the world play bridge regularly . a delight to hear. Firetruck but this is a mess. Althou gh noted mostly for their What can I say, I have nothing The American C ontr act Bridge League alone has a quarter of a madri gal songs, the Madrigal to combat but vague answers million members . Here at Singer s are at the same time and schizo rum ors. The ques Bloomsburg we have ap pr oxi- quite versatile . ' They will be tions still stand. Is the adminis singing folk songs such as the tration dickin g Primack? Or is mately twenty br idge enthuiasts who have for med a bridge club beautiful "I Know Where I' m it the F .I .B., F . B.I ., durn it? of their own. W e meet ever y Going" which have pr oven them - And if it IS the F .B.I ., don 't Sunday at 2:00 in the third floor selves before audience s before . they have better thin gs to worry The final portion of their pro - about than imaginary conspirWaller Hall lobby. Our purpose is to play regulary and to teach gram will include a selection acies? Shouldn 't they wor ry about anyone interested in learning how of songs from the broadway and the crazed Commie prevert who to play bridge. We are eager to movie hit "Finian ' s Rainbow ." is plottin g even as we speak to inteac h anyone interested how to These gay Iri sh tunes will be filtrate the F .B.I by flowing play. If you would like to learn done by soloists and in duets . Efrem 's zimbal. Don't th ey have how to play come to Waller Kail and in a country settin g with °t!]!eJ r pestilences to worr yabout? on Sunday. For more informa - costumes. l,ike global famine, The risin g If you're looking for good mu- V .D. ra te , Stan Rakowsk y? Aah, tion contact me at P.O . Box 477 sic, fun or just a way to spend it' s hopeless . Wa ller. Next Week : The History of the evening, don 't fail to put But what am I bitchin g about? the Madrigal Singer s' Pops Con- Where would the world be if we Bridge. cert at the head of your list for didn't have good clean evil? Huh? this Sunday March 15, at 8:15 p.m. in Haas. OLiter ^bictum (cont inued from page two) into the flaming pit of despair , but rise to the high hill of hope (College Hill? ) with a MAN at the helm. And who is thi s Darty Borgis anyway? We know of a cante lope who think s he knews . STUDENTS , ARISE AND STOP THE SPRE AD OF THIS SMELL IN THE CDS, VOTE POWER TO BANN ! I t ier men (continued fr om page three ), fly; Jim Koehler , Media; 400 Med. Relay and 100-200 breaststroke; Lee Peroni , Pottstown , 100-200 backstroke and 400 Med . Relay; Jon Stoner , Coatesville , 500 freestyle ; Douglas Yocum , P ottstown , 500 freestyle and 400 Med. Relay and 400 freestyle relay; Robert McClosky , Brookevllle , Md. , 10J butterfly; Joh n Feyrer , Bethlehem , 100-50" free st yle ; an d K enneth N arsew lcz , Whi tehal l, 20C freesty le and 4