Presidential Hotline Eds . Note — The Presidential Hotline , a column directly from the President 's desk will be featured In the M&G as a feature column. We are running it for the first time on the front page to introduc e it to the students and faculty of BSC. With this column any member of the college commun ity may pose a question or make a statement and ask the President 's rea ction. All questions or responses are tc be sent to the M&G at Box 301 Waller . Due to the Editorial policy of the M&G all response must be signed; questions need not be signed although it is pre - ATTENTION AL L MEMBERS OF THE CLASS OF 711 Senior portrai ts will be I taken this coming week and the follow ing week for the 1971 OBITER. AU stude nts expecting to graduate in January, May, or Augusi of 1971 must sign up for portraits outside th e OBITER office , 231 Waller , secon d floor — faculty member a subject for pubplease do this immediately . lic forum. Perhaps , most of all , it shows a lack of understanding The pics will be taken in the that the college has and obbasement of Scienc e Hall beserves its own channels to assure tween March 2 and March aca demic due process , and 13; men's dress; coat and beyond the college, the p rof ess ion tie; women 's dress; street offers app ropriate channels. WITH THESE IN MIND , I AM clothe s. QUITE SURE THAT ANY FACULTY MEMBER WOULD FIND IT CONTRARY TO HIS OWN SE LF-RESPECT , I N POOR TASTE , AND PROFESSIONALLY WRONG TO ANSWER THE QUESTION AS STATED . mis campus contains wunin it a wide diversity of political viewtawari points. It should continue to do Is it true that Dr . Primack of so. I have constantly directed my the Philoso phy Department Is be- energies to defend the rights of ing dismissed due to his political students and faculty to explore activities? If not , what are the all sides of all questions; to hold reasons for his dismissal? widely divergent viewpoints; to I must necessarily feel a deep espouse "unpopular" ideas . In sense of disap pointment in the t he classroom , a pro fessor h as nature and the tone of the ques- the inviolable right to concern himself and his class with any tion. It implies that a professor is being "fired" ; it assumes that , materials relevant to his subject if' so, the motivation is in re- matter ; beyond the cl assroom , sponse to his political views; It inquiry . Beyond these two areas , asks that I make the name of a pro fessors and students have the same r ights accorded to any citizen , no more , no less. Perhaps one further state ment is in or der: the purpose of a probationary period in making faculty appointments is to assure , mutuall y, an eventually satisfactory academic relationship . As stated in a recent AAUP editorial relating to abuses of tenur e , " For almost always at fault is not the tenure system but an evalutlon system which accor ds tenure to some individuals who either do not deser ve it on their merits or whose mer its would be better suite d to anothe r institution. 11 Evalu ation , there fore , is an essenti al respon sibility; it is Indeed complex; it involves not one, but a number of individuals and offices. And as I note d above, the system has built within it its own checks and balances which safegu ard all participants against arbitrary actions. r f continued on p«oe four ) Br iefs / ¦ re-C ^ ^ana MARRIA GE is the subj ect I PRE -CANA is the nam e ! TIME & P LACE: 3.00 p.m. Bloomsburg Conference s Newman Cent er , 329 Iron St.. March 1, 8, 15. Coupl es or individ uals who plan to marr y in a R oman C athol ic c eremon y between now and the F all 1970 are Invi te d to attend the Pre -Cana Conference s at the Newman Center in Bloomsburg. Priests will discuss: R el igious comm ittment in marr ia ge , mixed marri age quest i ons , and the psychological differe nces of man and his mate. ' A team of married coupleswill di scuss : I nsuranc e , legal quest ions , finances , home-mak ing, love , the honeymoon , k ids , Inlaws , fami ly squabbles . Staff members at the Gelsinger Medical Center speak about : Sexuality in marriage and discuss medical questions . rne pre-cana takes the place of the pre -marita l Instruction expected before a C atholic ceremony. A certific ate will be issued upon completion of full attendance at Bloomsburg . For more infor mation or if you wish to attend the conferences , please call: Fath er Bernard H. Petrina Newman Chap lain at 784-3123 The Liter ar y and Film Society will open its second semester film series with DR. JEKYLL KJp tn-IJ -oru m AND MR . HYDE , Wednesday , March 4, in Hartllne Auditorium Sorry about that I Due to exat 8 p.m. Mem bership will be available tenuat ing circumstances the Phil outs ide of Husky Lounge on M on- osophy C lub was unable to conday , Tuesday, and Wedne sday duct the "Open-Forum on AcaMarch 2 , 3 and 4, and at the dem ic Freedom ," last night. The door Wednesday night . Dues are Open-Forum Is re-scheduled for $ 3 for one person and $8 for two Monday evening, March 2nd , at persons. 7: 30 p.m. in Carver Hall . HAM LET , which was cancel ed Onc e again we invite the entire because of faulty prints , will be college community to attend. Re-ache dulingly yours , re-sched uled later In the semester for showing to Society memGeor ge H , Hoffecker bers. Pres. of Phil. Club McAuley at BSC Lit -Film by JOE GRIFFTHS Two poets , James McAuleya nd Diane Wakoskl will be on the BSC campus on Tuesday , March 3. McAu ley, pictured above , is prese ntly Assistant Profess or of En glish and Director of the Creative Writing Program at Lycom* ing College . He has written a verse sat ire , THE RE VOLU TION , which was prod uced at the Lantern Theatre , Dublin and Ly. r ic Theatre in Belfast , N, Ire * land , Some of his other wor ks are re presented in the following antholo gies: LOVE POE MS OF THE IRI SH , Mercler Press : THE PENGUIN BOO K OF IRI SH News College Council ations Nomin • * See page four for Photos Three students were nomina ted for the office of C .G.A . President , Tuesday evening, beginning the initial steps of Com munity Governmen t Election . The candidates are Gary Blasser , Dudley Mann , and Michael Pilla galli. M ike Pilla galli , who spoke to the sparse audience firs t , stated that the college "is run by the administration and always will be run by th© administ ration . " He indicated that it is possible , however , to satisfy student wants by approaching adm inistrators on the ir level. He pledged to use this app roach , if elected . Student Apathy was blamed as the cause for C . G.A . failure , by the second speaker . Gary Blasser . He claimed that the college is chan ging but the students are not and stated that his cam paignwould be based on alleviating that apathy . Dudley Mann delivered a slightly revolutionary dissentation and pledged to improve C .G.A . or take it over . He placed great emphasis on improvin g commun icat ions an d creat ing a student directed college through th e stu dent facu lt y senate. Martin Mor gus and Michae l Hock were nominated for the office of Vice President. Mor gis indicated that a subsidy to Big Name entertainment should be allocated to lower ticket pri ces. Hock emphasized the importance of the Vice President as a member of College Council and stated that only the organization can affect changes since the administration only recognizes "du ly constituted groups ." "Other candidates are: C .G .A. Corresponding Secretary — Janet Borowskl and Jac queline Feddock Recor ding Secretary — Jo Anne Kohler Treasurer —. Tom Bahus konis and Anne Peacock Parl lmentarian — Ma rk Fou cart SENIOR CLASS President — Bill Cluley Vice President — Susan Housnick (the officers of Secretar y and Treasurer will be filled by appointment ) JUNIOR CLASS President — David Haas and Sandy Horvath Vice Pres ident — J ohn Lines Secretary — Ch ristine Borowski Treasurer — Barba ra Stancliffe SOPHOMORE CLASS President — Mich ael Siptroth Vice President — Richard Hetok Secretary — (will be filled by appoint ment ) Treasurer — Mar y Lou Rouse M are ASird Dy Jane Elmes & Ken Koharskl On February 20 and 21 California State College hosted the Annual Rare Bird Tournament of Individual Events in forensic Competing with competition. some 20 colleges from Pennsyl * vania , Maryland , Connecticut , and Ohio was Bloomsburg State College. BSC had entries In Prose Reading , P oetry R ead ing, Imprompt u Speaking, and Extemporaneous Speakin g with Mar y E llen Gol den , Mar y E llen Cavanau gh , Jane E lme s , and K arl Kramer . The tourney consisted of three preliminary rounds with six or seven compet itors vyin g f or a place In the final round. The top six contestents competed in the final round. Cat a gor les entered by Mary E llen Cavanaugh and Mary Ellen Golden wer e Prose and Poetr y Read ing which consisted of an 8 to 10 minute oral Interpret ation of literat ure which the in( continu ed on * pago ihroo V Commons dUhroam werktra walk out In protest to wage versus hour problem. I¦ I Fi*f th Colum n BBJ ^ FORUM by Claire Smith I have protested against the Vietnam war mainly because I believe that this war constitutes a futile and unnecessary waste of life. I have joined the fight against the polluti on of our envi r onment for the same reason. But I often wonder how many lives have been saved by my protests , and the protests of others , by our atte mpts to stop a world that has gone mad with progress and economic prosperity. Sometimes I really believe that we are all mad; when we take life so chea ply and living for grante d , wh en we replac e the value of one life for the value of dollars , and p ower and... However war and pollution are not the only man-create d killers. They just happen to be the most brutal and the most publicized. How abou t the lives t h at a re lost ever y day because of someone ' s though tlessness or carelessness? And right now I'm thinkin g of Bob Leidy; and many more who could have lived if we had just stopped for a few seconds and thought— J ust for a few seconds. I know how that must soun d , as though we could have prevente d their deaths.Maybe we could have , or at least c ou ld h ave tried. Bob Leidy ' s death an d t h e count less others who hav e died on our roads and highways could have been pr evented , they were unnece ssar y. I am not speaking of fault on the part of the pedestrian or the drive r , but the responsibility we must all take to pr ovide for the safety of ourselves and other s— from each other. That is why I am appealing to all members of this college community— facult y, students and administrators— to joi n me in a safety campaign. What I' m asking and begging you to do first of all is PLEA SE BE C AREFUL. Jus t stop for one second before crossing streets , especially downtown and on campus. I appeal to you to be a safe driver. I imagine to you that sounds like a reprimand , but I don 't know how many funerals I could take In a year. M ost Importantly I' m asking all of you to join in this special camp aign for safety, to J oin me in appealing to those members of the town of Bloomsburg resp onsible for traffic safety to make the streets safe , or as safe as they can be made through improved lighting , and improved traffic control . If you are Interested , please call me at 7843760 or send a note to Box 493 , c-o Waller Hall . We will begin this Safet y camp aign as soon as possible . There must be something we can do. We must try , f or our own sake . We have many college students living off campus who risk accidents every day, not to mention the townspeople themselves. Pleas e give me your help . Please contac t me. We must tr y to pr eserve our lives , rather than end t hem— At least my mother thinks so. I' m sure Bob Leidy would agree. MAROON AND GOLD VOL. XLVIH NO. 32 MICHAEL HOCK EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Business Manager dor Romten Managing Edito r Bill Teltsworth News-Edito r .... Martin Klei ner Co-Feature Editors Glnny Potter , Alla n Maurar Spo rts Edito r Jack Hoffman Photo graphy Editor Mark Foucart Copy Staff Kay Hahn , Carol Oswald , Irtne Oulyct Circulation Manage r Linda Ennis Advisor Mr . Mlchaal Stanlay ADDITIONAL STAFF: Tarry Blass J ohn Stu grln , Bob Schul ti, Sally Swetla nd, Dava Kel t*or , Stanla y Bunslek , Jim Sachettl , Susan Zafota , Frank Clifford , Valma Avery, Carol Klsbaugh , Pat Jacob s and Clark Ruch All opinions •xprestad by columni sts and featur e writers, Including lotters-to-the-edltor , ere net necessaril y t hose of this publicatio n but those of th e Individuals. Whop , nigger , spic. They cause by Blass pain , hatred , but they 're «ka y. (to Lenny Bruce; partly because And there ar e words like maim , it' s his schtick and mostly bethe last of which usua lly kill , cause he was right about suede results in death . They 're okay jackets) too The morali ty ' s all screwed Intercourse . Nice word , right ? It should up, the double stan dard' s unb eliebrin g to mind all sorts of plea - vable . It' s so ridicu lous to think sant thin gs. Probably no one is that to — is to be impure. I offended when I write that word, m ean , even God does it . Now the reli gious buffs may because intercourse Is sociall y question that statemen t , but accepta ble and cancer-free , altold that God is omni't we ar e n beit habit -formin g. But there 's another word for potent? And doesn 't that mean intercourse . I can 't print it , but he ' s potent , even thou gh he can I don 't have to because you know only do it once? A peel of thunit . Not that it means anythin g der , a stab of lightning , and zit , to me , print ing it ; what matter s it' s over . Mary: If ya can only do it to me is that if I wanted to print once , why do ya have that big it , I couldn 't . God knows I keep grin on yer face? s just a I say askin g; "Look , it' God: Because tonight 's the word" and somebody tells me "Ya can 't say that , you'll offend night ! (Hold it a sec while ol Blass somebody " and I don't und er looks around for any stray lightstand . Okay. ) bolts. ning There 's nothin g wr ong with the s really weird . Kids it' Yeah , word -* itself . It' s a good Anglotypes of violence all see can Saxon word , now a good healthy in flicks , but they butch ery and American word , a word with a noble history. Cri pes , the an- can 't see sex. Vietnam is morcients wrote of and linked al ; — isn 't. Firin g Primac k is it with bir ds chir ping and bell s good ; — isn't . What we need is a new word , ringin g . Cohere is no substantiation , however , ,to the rumor that a new word to pr ove that no this is the ori gin of the term wor d is dir ty unless ya think " clappers . ") Today 's somethin g it' s dirty. And this word will aI&a rea lly bug 'em , see , because this Today there 's a whole bunch word will be one that was tota lly of self -righteous people who be- innocent up to now , a word which lieve printing — is synonymous is totally printable . So from now with Communis t take-over , per - on, whenever ya feel like saying — but ya feel guilty about it, versi on , VD , and other undesiruse the new word: KUM QUAT! able traits. These people act Yessir , kumquat ! Kumquat the downr ight indignant about the establishment! Kumquat the word — they refuse to hear it , draft! The barriers are down . read it , maybe even do it . But Television will no longer show they can 't truthfully maintain that people killing each other , torthey don 't SAY it , it' s too com- turing each other; it 'll show peo mon a wor d . Matter of fact , I ple iii lo\e , kumquatting. Yessir . wouldn 't be sur prised if the rul- Today the kumquat , tom orrow ... ing on this at BSC reads "No Hold it . Somebody 's at the one , be he on the M&G , Obiter , door . Olympian , or Gadfly, will be wna.c s ims r a dusks *, wun an permited to print — . NO ONE , abandoned child? Wait till I pull not even that Blass. " back the blanket . Ah , ain 't he Strange how that word is ta- cute , all oran ge and all wrinkled . boo. There are far worse words. What a cute little baby kumquat . W 71 . — I 4 It . • ^% A 4 _ ._* 1_ — ± On America n Vio lence J±l_ —- -^ ¦aa Wait , there 's s note with it . "I can 't feed him , I never would have had him if some guy hadn 't peopled me. Take good care of him. Signed , a frui t ." NOW wna t uo i zeeu me lime . i ¦_ * a i ii_ _. in l i _ bugger? He 's cryin g like mad . Milk , maybe? Here ya go, I'll jus t pour this ol milk out in the dish and let ya float in It . Good boy. God, he 's cut e . Maybe he can help my cause. I mean , anybody who looks at him will know my wor d is a good word and come over to my side. So all I gotta do is take car e of the twerp and give him a good home . . . • - Oh good grief . Somethin g just occurred to me. Ya know what this means? I' m a moth er kumquat . The Tales of Hoffma n THE TALE S OF HOFFMA N is a 320-page illustrated documen tary of courtroom confront ations from the trial of the Chicag o 8. It is edite d from the complete official 220 ,O0 G page transcrip t, and will be published next week by Bantam Books in a $1.25 paperback. Rush ed to press as the 27th Bantam Extra Immediately after completion of the incredib le fivemonth tr ial , the book is the work of three young men who edited the tr anscrip t to show what trans pire d in the courtroom in the partici pants ' own wor ds. The excer p te d p ort ions not only reflect the highlights of the trial and the philop sophles of the opposing Interes ts , but also the bitter humor and outra geous or der of the pro ceedings from both sides. Bertrand Russell , great Brit- rogation under electrical and ish mathematician and phi losoph- other tortures . The editors are Mark L . LIKE NAZI REC OR D er died earlier thi s month . We Levine , a gra duate of the New Senator Kenn edy has released York Univer sity School of Law are printing the following article , in memorium , through arrange - figures gi ven to him as chair - presently working with a promi ment with RAM PAR TS magazine . man of the Senate refugees sub- nent New Yor k law firm ; George From "On American Violence " committee . He says that the re McNam ee , a Y ale gra duate an d have been one million civilian mem ber of the New York Stock by Bertrand Russell Violence is not new to Ameri - casualtie s in South Vietnam alon e E xchang e ; and Daniel Gr eenberg , since 1965 , of which 300 ,0C0 have a Columbi a Law School gra duate ca. Whit e men of Europe an stock been killed . In the LONDON presently teaching fifth grade . seized the lands of indigenous Indian s with a feroc ity which TIMES of December 3 , Wa shin gendured until our own tim es. t on correspo ndent Louis Heren The book 's illustrations are by The institution of slavery shaped compar es such slaughte r to the V ern a Sad ock w h ose sketc hes t h e c h ar acter of th e nat i on an d Nazi record in Eastern Euro pe: have been the basis for NBC-TV leaves its mark everyw here to- •'These are terri ble figures , news broa dcasts throu ghout th e pro por tionally perhap s compara - tr ial since photographers were day. Countles s "loc al" wars were mounted throughout the = ble to the losses suffered by the not admitted to the courtr oom. Soviet Union in the Second World The Bantam book will contain 25 Twentieth Century to pr otect commeric a l interest s abroad . W ar. " Two days earlier , the of the artist' s sketches. Fin ally, same newsp ap er 's corres pondent the United States Th e manuscr ip t was compl eted emer ged at Hiroshi ma as the in Saigon , Fred Emery , repor ted: y this week and Bantam imearl ar biter of world affair s and self- • Wh at begins as a 'firefi ght ' in mediatel y Implemented its "inappointed policeman of the globe. a ha m let cont i nue s com p uls ively publishin g" schedule. stant What is new in 1969 is that for long after opposing fire has been Book s will be off pr ess the first supp ressed . With such appalling the fi rst t ime man y affl uent week of March and Immediately fire discipline among all units In A mer icans are learn in g a very throu ghout the world . distribute d little of thi s disconcerting pic- Vi etn am , It Is only exhaustion of ture . The revelat ions of atrociammun ition that brings engageties by U.S. servicemen in Vietment s to an end. " This is precisely the picture nam , commente d : "...There is a nam Illustrat e not Isolated acts Ina dvertently committe d by dis- which emerged from the sessions stron g underc urrent of knowledg e of the International War Crimes an d fear that 'there , but for the ciplined troo ps, but the general Tribunal in Scandinavi a in 1967. grace of God , go I. 1" pattern of the war. for its charThis is why the prosecution of The Tribunal heard from for mer acter Is genocldal. It has been fought fro m the air with napalm U.S. servicemen of the drop ping Isol ate d j unior officers Is quite and fragme ntatio n bombs , hellof Vietnamese prisoners from Inadequat e. They are to be made cop ter gunsh lp s an d p ellet hel icopters , the killing of prison - scra pegoat s. The more wicked ers under torture and the shoot ing war cr iminals are the highest bomb s, the spraying of poisons on thousan ds of acres of crops and on orders of those trying to be ac- rank ing military and civilian the use of enor mous high ex- cepted as prisoners. All this and lead ers , the arch itect s of the muc h more was known years ago whole genocldal policy. Have we plosive weapons. Civilian areas have been declar ed "free fire to anyone concerned to learn the so soon forgott en the regular zones" and the policy has been truth. It was certainly known to White H ouse breakfasts at which , tens of thousands of troo ps in Johnson boasted openly , he and one of the mechan ical slaughter. Vietnam . The LONDON TIMES 1 McNamara and their closest colOn the ground , "search and deSai gon , corresp ondent, describ - leagues selected the target s for str oy" missions have used gas In lethal quant ities, the killin g of ing the reac tions to the recent (cont inued on page four) prisoner s, and systematic inter revelation s cf Amer icans In Viet— — — •* ^ — — -~ -^ ^m ^» w ™ ^^ ^^F Maryland To Take Dist. 19 Championshi p Nationally ranked Maryland State College (17-0) is the leading candidate to take the National Association of Intercolle giate Athletics District 19 Cham pionship, on March 2 and March 4, accordin g to Russell E . Houk , Athletic Director of BSC and Chairman of NAIA District 19. Houk is working in conjunction with Robert (Tut) Moore , Athletic Director of Mansfield State College who is the NAIA District 19 basketball chair man * " v * '- ¦ •*' * - ¦ ' ' - »* :. ^-J* - «fci * vi •<« .T«"t < Vknrr ^' s J a h a H B a M U V X H B H H I ^H B B Q M B I W n iH M H M H M BSC Track Team begins practice for its 1970 season. by Clark Ruch With the fine brand of athletes Ya seen the track team lately? that BSC is fortunate to have comWell th ey'r e down in Elwell runn - peting , you would think some exing on the ground floor . Due to ception would be made for decent exist the lack of facilities , Coach Ron facilities . As situations now to practice on a track the , Puhl 's forced to stage prese ason team must go to Central six , pr actices in the corridor s of the miles away . A tr ack on or near dorm. w ait , things aren 't over yet. the campus would allow for mulWh en things seem to be going tiple practice sessions each day, bad , they can get worse. The as well as time for the indivitr ac k w here h ome meets ase held is on the Old Route 11 at the Central Colu mbia High School . No offense meant to Central because they donate the track free-of -charge , but it stinks . In places it is hard , ot h ers loose , and to top it all , it is too long. A re gular competition track for high school and colleges is 440 yard s long. This one is 450 . That means that the finish of any race over a quarter mile is back from the starting line . The two mile event finishes on the backstretch. Now comes the big question . Where is our tootba.ll field-track facility which was supposed to be built last year and hasn 't been start ed yet? . ^B M B W I i M ^B W H H dual to work out at his discret ion . This is not a stab-in-the-back to the administration but a plea. A plea to shape up, f or get about politics and put the BSC house in order. It would be a morale booster for the teams to play on their home field. So come on, wh at do ya say, give us the field h ouse , It won 't hurt that much. Wat ch Repair I MOVER Pharmacy SS I. Main St., UOOMSBUIIQ foot of C o lU g e H ill ^ Your Pficrlptlon Drug ghl BLOOM BOWL WAFF LE WONDERVIEW SKI AREA FETTERMANS BARBER SHOP — QUALITY — ] GRILL E J ROBERT G. SHIVE, HP. Free Proscriptio n Dolivery TOILET GOODS COSMETICS RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES GREETING CARDS 1 Wott Main St. Phonoi 784-4388 BLQOMSBURG , PA. ; Bloow tb urg Ps. . weekdays 7-10 p.m. 1- 10 p.m. Monday -— College Night only $1.00 per person |¦ !1 IMmIIII Clings to Dashboard , Refrigerato r, locke r, etc . Flexible can also be glued to most any surface or worn on bracelets, or necklaces. Blue and white orllv -/^"if ^v w/iN OTW ¦T for ^^ Mtmber Bloomibur fc Pa. federal Deposit Insurance Corporation JL Two 1 % inch diamete r Two 1 Va inch diameter Nted f i n a n c iadvice al T Bank Penn I |_r United The bank you can grow with. I Finish At Buckn ell wmm—mmmmmmmMm I | jI Fro s h The BSC freshmen basketball team finished their season Thurs(continued from page one ) day in a single game contest Buckn ell . The frosh , preagainst dividual prepares. Advancing in- ceding publication , had a 10-7 to the finals from BSC in Poet ry the recCompared with slate . Reading was Mary Ellen Cavaords of last season of 12-5 and naugh who received honorable the previous year 12-7 , this is 's mention. e ra g e y ear an av . Extemporaneous speakCoach Bert Reese said the ing dealt with the general topic team had trouble winnin g on the of pollution in the United States. road . Besides Mansfie ld, who Jane Elmes and Karl Kramer beat them twice , and Cheyney compete d in this. The cate gory State and Baptist Bible School consisted of drawing a specific who BSC beat twice , all other topic on any of air , w ater , land , schools wer e splits , winnin g at or human pollution and with one home and losing on the foe's hour pr eparation time deliver a The frosh only lost one cour t s . 5 to 7 minute docume nted speech. game only won three and at home Advancing into the finals was on the road Outstandin g indiKar l Kramer. Karl defeated con- viduals on .the team are Bob (Continued on page four ) Fadder , leading rebounder; Dennis Mealer , leadin g scorer; Bill Schemeck , who led the defense MY TEAM WON IT'S INTER- in steals; Dave Dickens , most assists , and Gary Beatty leads MURAL B-BALL GAME TUES. in foul shootin g per centa ge . The frosh played Lackawanna MITE 33-32 DESPITE POOR Junior College Wednesday night . SPORTSMANSHIP BY T H E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-_ _ _ _ _ _ ¦ TREVORTON TOM. Is this, any way to run a track team ? BSC is in dire need of new facilities ^______________ Fine Jewelry and Bird OTHER TEAM. WAY TO GO. Q. Wh at has eight een legs and a lot of contem pt? A. The Chicago Seven plus two. NESPOLI jewelers Maryland State , by vir tue of its fine record , is the number one seeded team for the play offs . Lincoln University (14-9) is also automatically in the competition due to its winning the Delaware Valley Confere nce, which has all of its members in the NAIA and over five teams falling in District 19. The NAIA rules state any district having fourteen NAIA teams or more will have four team s vying for the District Cham pionship . Therefore , since District 19 has 19 members , this would result in two more selections , based on won-lost records through February 28 , to be named in addition to Maryl and State and Lincoln . Three colleges; Fredonia , N . Y. . (11-7), Mansfield S .C . (13-7) and Bloomsbu rg (14-7) are under considerat ion for the two positions. Fredonia has three contests remainin g on its schedule : Brockport-Feb 24, Plattsbur g-Feb 27 and Geneseo -Feb 28. Mansfield also has three more: Robert Wesleyan-Fe b 24, Kutztown-Feb 25 and Millersville-Feb 28. Bloomsbur g has one remaining match with West Chester at Bloomsburg on February 28. A victor y by the Hus kies over West Chester would definitel y put BSC in the playoffs , leaving the other position to be determined between Mansfield and Fredonia. A loss to West Chester would result in the two teams with the best records after this week being selected . Maryland State will play the number four team selected with teams two and three each other in the initial contest on March 2; the final game will be held on March 3 . In each case , the game will be played on the home mats of the opponent with the best record as long as it meets the di mensions req uired by the NATA and the seati ng capac ity of 1.500. Send $1 Cash — No C.O.D. To: i D&R Novelty Companyi P.O. Box 3144 | I I j I U. City, Mo., 63130 Name Address City I j I ^^^^^ HHHH ^BH^BMaW ^M^^ MWa ^MBBi^Ba^BBB™^^**^**"* ^mmt mimmm mm ^^^^^ —-—— Garv Rlnttar Drat Photos by Fouca rt WcJu hv (continued from page one) VERSE , and THE FABER BOOK OF IRISH VERSE . His poems and short stories have appeared in literary periodicals in Ireland , Britain , and the United States . The following is the progra m of Tuesday , March third. 11:00— 12: 15— They will be guests of the Modern Poetry Class (Navy 26) and will discuss the subject of poet ry with the students. 1:45— 3:45 _ Works hop —Alumni Room , Waller . An opportunity for campus poets to have individual conferences and commentary on their poems. Cecile Mac Knis is in char ge of arran gements for the workshop, so students who wish appointments should see her . 4:00—4:3 0— Coffee hour , lobby of Hart line outside Kuster Audi torium. 4:30 — Reading: Diane Wakoski , and James McAu ley 6:30 — Drinks and dinner , dutch treat , at Rock' s open to interested faculty and students. 8:30— Inf ormal reception; Newman Ce nter . All events are open to the en- r>tirll *w . Mann —PrM. ¦ PF ^V WV ^ P W ' the coming week? CONDEMNED This in turn is why it is ludicrous to suggest that an inquir y should be mounted by anyone associated with the govern ment or arme d forces . The whole establishmen t stands condemned , including tho se more moderated politicians whose every utterance is still dictated by caution and petty ambition . Goldberg 's call f or a commission of "concerne d patri otic Americans" would be a sublime irrel evance were It not the very means where by the full horror would be hidden. Onl y a Pentagon enquiry cou ld d o worse . B ecause I doubt whether any enquiry in the United State s would be free from the most severe harassment , I have Invited some 15 heads of state aroun d the world to press the Semi furnished 2nd floor apartment for rent 3 room a n d private bath , g a s baseboard heat , all utilitie s furnished priv ate entrance , one block from College. call 784-4908 after 3 p.m. —¦ — Milr * — -— — vwv^ ^ P^ Inte rv iews ¦ v sBw^wwwsa p ¦v *w Bird Marty Morgus —V-Pres. Mike Hock—V-Pres. s Da rk of the Moon stron g man in a 'frassl ln" match weds Barbara Allan. Mar y Lou is a 1968 graduate from Central Catholic High School in her hometown of North ampton . She is a sophomore at Bloomsburg State and is major ing in En glish in secondary education. She has been an active member of the Pla yers for the past two seasons as well as being editor in char ge of the F ootnote . Besides DARK OF THE MOON , Mary Lou has appeared in two other productions: HENRY IV and MY SISTER EILEEN. In HENRY IV she played Lad y Percy , the * vibr ant wife of Hats pur , and in MY SISTER EILEEN she appeare d as Violet , a New York woman who rented the broken down apartments before the two sisters took over. Perform ance dates for u/vKK. OF THE MOON will be Mar ch 5, . 6 , and 7 at 8:15 p.m. in Haas Auditorium . Tickets go on sale February 25 and can be obtained by coming to . the box office in Haas Auditorium or by calling 784-4660 , ext. 317. The box office is open every day' from 1012 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. except Saturda y and Sund ay. DARK OF THE MOON , Which the Bloomsbur g Players w i l l (continued from page three } presen t , directed by Mr. Robert testants from Penn State , Dus- Richev. is the stor y of the legquene , Southe rn Connecticut endary Barbara Allen 's romance State , and Geneva College to win with John , the witch boy who the first plac e trophy . turns human in orde r to marr y Impromptu speaking consisted her. Though DARK OS THE of a 7 minute period during MOON may be considered a which contestents are given an nove lty in present day theatri editorial to read , organize , and cal productions , folklore has speak about. Entries from BSC actually been a prett y stead y were , again , Jane Elmes and visitor to the stage down Karl Kramer . Advancing into the throu gh the years. finals was Karl Kramer whoplacSuch dramas as WAY DOWN ed second in competiti on with EAST and THE OLD HOME Penn State , Dickinson , Frostburg STEAD utilized much folklore A. Kumquat is: State of Mar yland , and Dusquene. material , and perha ps the most Also att ending from BSC was outstanding folklore play of all a. An uqly member Tom Serreani who observed the theatrical histor y was RIP VAN of the M&G mechanics of the tourney In pr e- WINKLE which survived a total paration for a forthcoming Indi - of ninety years of undiminished b. A New Asst. Dean vidual Events Tournament at BSC popularit y. DARK CF THE MOON c. A FIGment of in Apri l. Coach accompanlng the has been one of the most wellBlass 's imagination group was James CToole , Dire c- received dramas in the pre sent tor of Forensics. renaissance of folklore 'plays d. A new word so po or The next competition for BSC having chalked up a run of 40 people like me can get will be this weekend at Penn weeks in New York and an exgross. State, which hosts the Legisla - tended countr y wide tour . tion Congress on this year 's In the title role of Barbara AL. tire campus as well as town s- debate topic. The topic for this len will be Mary Lou Boyle. people. The poets are here under year will be , "Resolved that Barbara Allen is one of the fair the Poet' s on Cir cuit program , the federal government should est girls of the Smokey Mountain and the arrangements for their grant annually a specific per- Region and one of the few yet unvisit are co-ordinated by Mrs . cent age of Income tax reven ue married. This cause s a great deal to the states. " Competitors from of ri dicule and scorn fro m her Lauer . BSC will be Karl Kr amer ,, Scott friends and family until it looks P eterm an , Mike Hokannen , and like she might end up marrying Ken Kohar skl. Other events are ; the back mountain strong man and After Dinne r Speaking on "Moth- bully . H owever , the witch boy diser Goose 1970" , E xtemp oraneous covers her and by defeating the U.N. Secretar y General to es- Speaking , Scripture Reading, and tablish an enquiry into war Persuasive Speaking . Competicrimes in Vietnam . tors for individual events Include Sever al A merican newsp ap ers Mar y E llen Golden , Mary Ellen h ave obs erve d that react i on to the C avanaugh , and Elaine Onusch ak. massacre revelati ons h as been Fi ve tournevs,# including two much more rapid and sharp in state championshi ps will be Western Euro pe than in the Unit - forthcoming in both ,debate and ed States. Thi s is highly alarm - individual events this semester. Fin e J ewelry ing. The entire American peopl e AND are now on tr ial. If th ere is not the will to continue the slaughter a massive moral revulsion at is not enough; the people of the Repairing what is being done in their names United States must now repudito the people of Vietnam , there ate their civil and military leadYour J $w$Ur Away from Homt ma y be litt le hope f or the future ers. 5 W. Main St. Bloom sbuko of the United States . H avin g lost March 3 — 1 0 a .m., Mount Pleasant School Dist ., Wilmington , Delaware. All areas . March 3 — 1:30 p.m., Upper Darby Twp. School Dist., Upper Darby , Penna. All areas . Mar ch 4 — 9:00 a .m. , State* of Hawaii , Dept . of Ed ., Honolulu , Hawaii . All areas. March 4 — 9:00 a.m., Seaford School Dist ., Seaford , Delaware . All areas. March 5 — 10 a.m., Bristol Twp . School Dist ., Br istol , . Penna . All ar eas. KJn ^Atmer ic an ( continued from page two ) — v m- ^m m m m — * Pfllaaj tlli—Pra * V XJ ie § *ndt $L Uio ten ce JvemtmiroMceD$~ ^J2&* Harry Logan ^L The Texas FLOWERS 784-4406 Bondtd Worl d Wid e Delivery YOUR S*£ Haircut by Ug ¦^P BIS8ETft FRITZ Barber ftep M Appointment ¦H Tutsdoys M 784-7854 WHERE DAD TOOK HIS GIRL Bloomsburg O^ ^ BMB W Opes Dally 8:N A.M. 'til S:» P.M. Sat. Siot a.u. 'tU fcW p.m. (Closed Monday ) Tuesday s Appointment Only, "Ramparts ^ ^ Ijyes A ^ m Students- ^^L for $3.00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 6 issues ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M m ^^^^^^^^^J SHUMAN'S WORLD TRAVEL ^ 37 IAST MAIN ST. • UOOMUURO • PHONI 784-3630 For All Your Travel Arrangements RESERVATIONS • TICKETS • TOURS ? ETt All A irlinn / Traim & Hotels Hondftd Applications for Youth Pare Card* available Cwll U$ * flea h NOW ft Any hftmelltn on Tnvll . ^^^^ Name Addreu City School State . ^^^^ r Zip Stnd poymtnt to: BoxC, Stanfo rd, Ca 94305 ^^ —