ST STROUDSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL tflNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESIDKWI'S OFFICE. SIXTEENTH ANNUAL CATALOGlj£v^'^ ^*- '^"^ois FRKSIDXMT'S OFFICE State Normal School OF THE FOURTH DISTRICT East Stroudsburg, Penn a 1909 CALENDAR FOR RECORD PRINT STROUDSBURG, PA. DAILY 1909 1909-1910 Calendar 1909-1910. Fall Sixteen weeks. August Term. Opens Monday, 30, 1909, and closes Friday, December 17. Anniversary of Minisink Society, Friday Evening, October 15. Winter Term. Twelve weeks. January 3, Friday, Opens Monday, 19 10, and closes March 25. Spring Term. Twelve weeks. April 4, Opens Monday, 1 9 10, and closes Wednesday, June 22. Anniversary of Shakespearean Society, Friday Evening, April 15. Comincnccincnt, June 22, ipio. Board of Trustees. Officers. MR. MILTON YETTER MR. B. F. MOREY President Vice-President Secretary MR. SEELEY ROSENKRANS MR. M. S. KISTLER Treasurer Representing the Stockholders. Term Dr. John F. of Jltrcc Years. Henry ipo6-ipog. East Stroudsburg, Pa. East Stroudsburg, Pa. North Water Gap, Pa. Mr. a. E. Eckert Mr. Fred W. EiIvEnberger Term of Three Years, igoy-ipio. Mr. B. F. Morey Stroudsburg, Mr. M11.TON Yetter East Stroudsburg, Mr. Patrick CueIvAThER East Stroudsburg, Term of Three Years. ipo8-ipii. Mr. SamuEE Fenner Delaware Water Gap, Mr. SeeeEy Rosenkrans East Stroudsburg, Mr. L. H. Nicholas Portland, * Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Representing the State. Term of Three Years. Mr. Alexander W. Dickson Dr. J. Anson Singer Mr. Frank J. KisteER Term of Three Years. Mr. W. B. Holmes Hon. G Eo. F. Davies Mr. C. H. Warman Terfii *Dr. W. G. of Three Years. Weaver Wm. B. EilEnberger, Esq Mr. George M. HarlEman. Mr. Will F. Maguire ^Deceased. .. ipo6-ipop. Scranton, Pa. East Stroudsburg, Pa. East Stroudsburg, Pa. ipo/-ipio. Honesdale, Pa. Lansford, Pa. East Stroudsburg, Pa. ipo8-ipii. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. East Stroudsburg, Pa. .South Bethlehem, Pa. Plains, Pa. Standing Committees. Grounds and B. F. Buildings. MoREY, Dr. John Henry, W. B. H01.MKS, Maguire, SeeIvEy Rosenkrans. Wii.iv Supplies. SEEI.EY Rosenkrans, Geo. F. Davtes, C. H. SamueIv Fenner, L. H. Nichoi^as. Warman, Instruction and Discipline. Dr. J. Anson F. J. KisTi.ER, Singer^ Wm. B. Eii^Enberger, A. W. Dickson, Geo. M. Harleman. Finance. F. J. KisTEER, L. H. NiCHOEAs, Fred W. Eieenberger, C. H.Warman, Geo. F. DaviES Advertising. A. E. Patrick Cueeather, Samuee Fenner, A. W. Dickson. EcKERT, W. B. HoEMEs, State Board June of Examiners. 1 6th- 1 8th, igop. A. D. Glenn, Dep. Supt. of Public Instruction. Dr. G. M. Phieeips, Principal, West Chester. A. S. Martin, Superintendent, Norristown. E. B. ZiEGEER, Superintendent, Conshohocken. C. J. Scott, Superintendent, W. Uniontown. G. Cleaver, Superintendent, Cheltenham. H. V. B. Garver, Superintendent, Dauphin, Co. A. G. C. Smith, Superintendent, Delaware Co. Faculty. KEMP, E. L. Sc. D., Principal. Pedagogy and German. LEON E. BELL, A. M., Psychology and Pedagogy. JOHN M. YETTER, Pd. D., Natural Sciences. JAMES W. PAUL, M. S., History and Civics. ALBERT WANNEMAKER, D. German. Latin, Greek, WILLIAM M. SEGUINE, Higher Mathematics. PERCIVAL H. NICHOLAS, Adjunct Teacher of. A. M., B. S., A. B., Natural Science. MISS VIRGINIA REYNOLDS, B. S., Model School. Principal of MISS ANNIE S. DOUGHTY, Assistant Principal of Model School. MISS ELIZABETH FREEBORNE, Kindergartner. MISS LUCY A. BELL, Royal Academy, London Fianojorte, Voice, Harmony, Faculty. MISS EDNA L. ROSENKRANS, A. B. Bnglish. MISS BLANCHE DOTY, M. E., Drazving, Book-keeping, Penmanship. MISS ELIZABETH KURTZ, Ph. Geography and Mathematics. MISS MAUDE.FISKE, Elocntion and Rhetoric. MISS STELLA SACKETT, Physical Cultnre. DAVID S. McFARLAND, Mamial Training. WALTER R. HARTZELL, A. B. Assistant Teacher. MISS ALBINA FENNER, Preceptress. CLARENCE B. ALTEMOSE, Book-keeper. MRS. EMMA KEISER, Matron. B., EAST STROUDSBURG, The By virtue of an Act of PA. 11 School. Assembly passed in the Spring of 1893, East Stroudsburg became the seat of the State Normal School of the Fourth District of Pennsylvania. The district embraces Wayne, Lackawanna, Luzerne, This Carbon, Northampton, Monroe and Pike counties. is one of the foremost districts in the State not only in population and wealth, but also in matters educational. It excels in length of term, salaries paid to teachers, and in the It number and quality of its High Schools. has been the constant aim of the authorities of the school from the beginning to make it in way worthy every of the magnificent district for the preparation of whose teachers it was specially called into existence ; to make it, high grade and thorough professional trainingschool. To this end every effort has been made to maintain a high standard of excellence in its corps of teachers, to make its Model School a model school in fact as well as in name, to develop a full and modern equipment, to beautify the buildings and grounds, and to promote every interest that can give life and character to the student body. Devoted to progress and, therefore, always seeking something better beyond, the school is yet remarkably successful in its efforts to guarantee to its graduates a high degree of scholastic attainment. This it does by the thoroughness of its instruction and by the strictness of its requirements for the passing of the examinations in the different grades of work. The development of its professional courses of study is exceptionally complete and thorough, and the Model School is always full to overin short, a 12 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, flowing and has always been fortunate in It its affords the best of practical training in all management. the different departments of elementary school work. Location. There could be no better location for a school. Three miles away is the Delaware Water Gap, fifteen miles in another direction is Mount Pocono, and between, lies the richly varied and picturesque country now so well known because of the vast number of people who resort to it for health and recreation. The school is, therefore, surrounded by scenes of beauty unsurpassed, if equalled, anywhere else in our great State. Best of all, because of the elevation, the purity of the atmosphere, and the number of swift-running mountain streams of pure water, the location is as healthful as it is beautiful. Because of this, hundreds worn down by overwork or wasted by disease now seek among our hills and mountains the restoration to health and vigor they formerly thought possible to find only in Colorado and the other health-resort regions of the West. Buildings and Grounds. The two Stroudsburgs form a busy and progressive community of nearly seven thousand people and practicalone town, among the handsomest for the size in the whole State. On high ground overlooking the towns and much of the magnificent country surrounding them, on a spacious and beautiful campus, are located the buildings. They are four in number, not including the boiler and engine house located on an adjoining piece of ground. The Administration and Dormitory Building is an It elegant brick and stone structure, four stories high. ly EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. VS has a frontage of 176 feet, and three wings extending back 152 feet. On the upper floor of the central wing of this building is a handsome chapel with a seating capacity for nine hundred people, and on the first floor is a welllighted, cheerful dining room in which four hundred can be comfortably seated. A few paces north of the Administration Building and extended forward is the New Recitation Hall. It is 120 feet in length and 60 in width. In it are fifteen welllighted recitation rooms, including large and well equipped laboratories, besides a number of side rooms provided for the convenience and comfort of the teachers and students. It is one of the very finest and best appointed buildings for the purpose in the State. To the south of the Administration Building, directly opposite the recitation hall and similar to it size and type of architecture, is the Model School. It has been just completed, and is a thoroughly modern building. No better may be found anywhere. Over the Model School are two dormitory floors. These add a number of very attractive rooms to our capacity for rooming students. To the rear of the Recitation Hall is the Gymnasium. It has a floor space 60 by 90 feet, and an annex, 40 by 18 feet, containing a reception room, parlor, office, and apartments for the instructor. The basement contains baths, lockers, and dressing rooms. The building is fully furnished with the best modern apparatus. m Back of the gymnasium well furnished. It is is the hospital building. It is intended to help us prevent the spread of contagious diseases, in case any should occur, by isolating the sick, and to put us in position to take better care of them. All the buildings are heated with steam and lighted with electricity. STATE NORMAT^ SCHOOU 14 The Students' Rooms. We endeavor to make the school as nearly as possible a Their rooms are unusually large, and are furnished with the best Ingrain and Brussels carpet, substantial hard wood Each bed is furnishfurniture, and neat iron bedsteads. ed with woven wire springs, a mattress, two pillow cases and one comfort. It is advisable for students to bring with them extra blankets or quilts, each marked with the owner's name. home for the students, cheerful and comfortable. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 15 Courses of Study for Pennsylvania State Normal (As revised and adopted Schools. meeting of Normal School at a Principals held at Harrisburg, November 8, 1900.) Regular Course. (Studies marked with a * are to be reviewed in the Senior Year.) Junior Year. PEDAGOGICS.— School LANGUAGE. — English Management. Grammar,* Reading and Orthography, Latin to Ceasar. MATHEMATICS.— Arithmetic,* Algebra. NATURAL SCIENCE.— Physiology. HISTORICAL SCIENCE.— Geography, States History, Civil United Government of the United States and Pennsylvania. ARTS. — Penmanship (an approved system, with a handwriting). Drawing (daily lessons for at least 20 weeks). Vocal Music (elementary principles and daily fair exercises for at least 10 weeks). Book-keeping (double entry, with a knowledge of common business papers). PHYSICAL CULTURE. Middle Year. PEDAGOGICS.— Psychology, Methods of Teaching. LANGUAGE. — Rhetoric and Composition, with elocutionary exercises ; three books of Ceasar. : ' STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 16 MATHEMATICS.— Plane Geometry. NATURAL SCIENCE.— Elements of Chemistry, Elements of Zoology, Botany. HISTORICAL SCIENCE.— General ARTS.— Manual Training. PHYSICAL CULTURE. History. Senior Year. PEDAGOGICS.— History of Education, Methods of Teaching, Practice of Teaching in Model School (at twenty weeks, forty-five minutes daily), Thesis. least LANGUAGE. — Literature tions of Cicero, three and Books of Classics, Virgil, three Ora- Review of English Grammar. MATHEMATICS.— Solid Geometry, Plane Trigonometry and Surveying, Review of Arithmetic. NATURAL SCIENCE.— Physics, Geology. PHYSICAL CULTURE. Substitutions. The following substitutions may be made with the con- sent of the faculty JUNIOR YEAR.— German or French for MIDDLE YEAR.— Greek, German or Latin. French for Chemistry. SENIOR YEAR.— English History, Ethics and either Logic or Astronomy for Latin Greek, German or French for Solid Geometry, Trigonometry and Surveying. ; ; EAST STROUDSBURG, Special 17 Language Requirements. German. In FIRST YEAR. PA. — Pronunciation; grammar abundant easy ; 100 pages of graduated exercises texts. ; the rudiments of the reading of 75 to Time requirements, four or five periods a week throughout one year. SECOND YEAR.— The reading of from 150 to 200 pages of easy stories and plays; translation into German of matter based upon works read continued drill upon rudiments of grammar. Time requirement, four or five periods a week throughout one year. ; THIRD YEAR.— The reading of about 400 pages of moderately difficult prose and poetry re-translation into German; grammatical drill upon the less usual strong verbs the use of articles, cases, auxiliaries, tenses and modes, word-order and word- formation. Time requirement, four or five periods a week throughout one year. ; ; In French. FIRST YEAR. — Similar with German, together from French prose to those in ability to repeat short selections and poetry. SECOND YEAR.—A variety of literary French (at 200 pages), with the aim of giving the student a fair reading knowledge familiarity with the common idioms grammar work continued by translating unconnected least ; English passages into French. THIRD YEAR. — A more analytic study of classical and contemporary prose and verse (about 400 pages) grammar work continued by practice in writing abstracts and simple compositions WTiting French from dictation. ; ; STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 18 In Greek. FIRST YEAR.—A Book completed and Beginner's the Anabasis begun. SECOND YEAR.— Three books of the Anabasis with exercises in Greek composition. THIRD YEAR. — Xenophon's Symposium (or its equivalent) and two books of the Iliad. Supplementary Course. (In addition to the Leading to the Degree of Regular Course.) Bachelor of Pedagogics. Philosophy of Education, Advanced Psychology. Discussion of Educational Questions; School Superincluding School Law; Devices for Teaching; vision, Educational Theories, etc. School Apparatus and Appliances; Description, Use, Preparation. Leading Two to the Degree of Master of Pedagogics. years' teaching after graduation in the Regular Course. History of Professional Reading, with abstracts European Education in the United States (Boone) (Parsons). of Education Schools (Klemm), Systems ; ; Sanitary Science, School Architecture, etc. Thesis. A full equivalent will be accepted for any of the text- books named above. sics for all the The course in reading and clas- courses shall be determined by the Board of Principals at their meeting, and shall be the same forall Normal Schools. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 19 Rules for Final Examinations, Admissions to the Middle and Senior Glasses, Etc. (For All the Normal Schools of Pennsylvania.) I. —Admission to the Senior and Middle classes shall be determined by the State Board of Examiners at the annual examination by the Board. 2. — In order State to be admitted to the Normal School Middle Class at any students must be examined by the State Board in Grammar and all the Junior studies (except English Arithmetic), and this examination shall be Persons final. who desire to be admitted to the Middle Class without having previously attended a State Nor- mal School must pass an examination by the Faculty and State Board of Examiners in the academic studies of the Junior year (except the Senior review studies), and Plane Geometry or the first book of Ceasar, and must complete School Management in the Middle Year. 3. — In order to be admitted to the Senior Class, stu- dents must be examined by the State Board in Middle Year all the examination shall be final. Persons who desire to be admitted to the Senior Class without having previously attended a State Normal School, must pass an examination by the Faculty and State Board in the academic studies of the studies, except Methods, and this entire course, except the review studies of the Senior year; and must devote their time during the Senior year to the professional studies of the course, and the review studies. 4. — State If the faculty of any State Normal School, or the Board of Examiners, decide that a person is not prepared to pass an examination by the State Board, he STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 20 admitted to the same examination at any Normal School during the same school year. shall not be other State — 5. If any person who has completed the examinations required for admission to the Middle or Senior Class any State Normal School, desires to enter another Normal School, the Principal of the school at which the examination was held shall send the proper certificate at which the person desires Except for the reason here stated, no certisetting forth the passing of the Junior or Middle to the Principal of the school to attend. ficate Year studies shall be issued. — Candidates for graduation shall be examined by the branches of the Senior year, including English Grammar and Arithmetic. They shall have the opportunity of being examined in any higher branches, including vocal and instrumental music and double entry bookkeeping; and all studies completed by 6. State Board them shall be 7. in all named in their certificates. — Persons who have been graduated may be ex- amined at any State examination in any higher branches, and the Secretary of the Board of Examiners shall certify on the back of their diplomas to the passing of the branches completed at said examination. 8. —A certificate applicants in all setting forth the proficiency of all the studies in which they desire to be examined by the State Board of Examiners shall be prepared and signed by the Faculty and presented to the Board. The certificate for the studies of the Junior year review shall also include the standing of applicants in the studies of the Senior year. — 9. Graduates of State Normal Schools in the regular course and graduates of accredited colleges may become EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 21 candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Pedagogics and Master of Pedagogics. To obtain these degrees, canmust be examined by the FacuUy and State Board upon the studies of the Supplementary Course. Three years' successful teaching in the public schools of the State since graduation (or two years in the case of didates candidates quired of who all taught in the Model School) will be re- candidates for the degree of Master of Peda- gogics, in addition to the branches of study indicated above. 10. —Attendance Normal School during at a State the entire Senior year will be required of all candidates for graduation; but candidates for the pedagogical degree may prepare the required work in absentia. Approved, Jan. 9, 1901. NATHAN C. SCHAEFFER, Supt. of Public Instruction. Notes. 1. Students who are prevented by circumstances from presenting themselves for the State Board examinations in the Junior studies, may be admitted to the Middle Class by the Faculty upon satisfactory evidence that they may be expected to carry the Middle year successfully. Such work of the students, however, are required to pass both the Junior and Middle examinations under the State Board at the end of the Middle year. 2. Students presented to the State Board for examination in Botany, Zoology, Geology and Chemistry must produce the note-book in which are kept the records of the field and laboratory work in these sciences. : STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 22 State Certificates. Practical teachers may obtain a Teacher's Certificate on the following conditions All applicants must be twenty-one years of age and 1. must have taught in the common schools during three full annual terms. They must 2. character and present certificates in regard to moral teaching similar to those presented by the regular graduates, and have them signed skill in practical by the same school officers. They must be examined 3. in all the branches of the course in which they desire a certificate by the Faculty and Board of Examiners at the time of the annual ex- amination at the school where application is made. A Thesis on some educational subject will be required as part of the examination. 4. The certificates granted in accordance with these con- enumerate the branches of study of the course in which the holder was found proficient, and confer upon him the professional degree to which the extent of his knowledge may entitle him. ditions will All diplomas and certificates are authorized and fur- nished by the State, and exempt those from any further examination by the provision of our common hold them school laws. College Preparatory A who authorities acting under Work. large precentage of our students prepare for college. Some of" these are special college preparatory students, but most of them also complete the Normal Course. All EAST STROUDSBURG, the Academic PA. 23 studies of this course are necessary for preparation to enter college, and by making proper substitutions student and doing some extra work a good Normal be ready to enter college by the time he may graduates. When students confine themselves to preparatory work, their work is arranged to harmonize with the requirements of the college or university they intend have sent students to all the large colleges to enter. We and universities in the East and their high standing there attests the excellence of their preparation. STATE NORMAL. SCHOOL, 24 Departments of Study. Pedagogy. We never lose sight of the fact that, as a professional it was for this department in particular that our Normal School was founded, and we always endeavor to give it the importance and dignity which it properly school There are three branches of the work. School Management, Methods, General and Special, and the demands. History of Education. MANAGEMENT.— This subject is assignSCHOOL It treats of such topics as The ed to the Junior year. problem of slassroom management the elimination of waste by mechanizing the routine activities, and improving the judgment activities through heightened attention; the passing of lines distribution of materials the daily program, and fatigue as dependent upon it hygienic con: ; ; ; ; grounds and buildings regularity and punctualdiscipline, punishment, incentives; the qualifications needed by the teacher the teacher's professional relations and extra-school duties; moral instruction and ditions, ; ity; order, ; training. METHODS.— The aim Middle year is to lay a by the study of the in the secure theoretical foundation technique of instruction for the pupil's cadet teaching in Model School in the Senior year and work as a teacher. The topics studied his subsequent the nature and aims of the educative process as instruction, test, drill, individual system; the assignment ; include ; : The the recitation, the Batavia class- media and methods of instruction; the inductive development lesson ; lesson plans ; the text- EAST STROUDSBURG. PA. 25 book; examinations and marking; the art of asking questhe training of observation. A general survey of the aims, principles and methods of teaching geography, arithmetic and reading, and of language training, is supplemented by reports by the students based upon their observation of the teaching of these branches in the training department. In the Senior year there is special class study of the fundamental principles of pedagogy and the practice training of the Model School. This latter involves a v^eekly meeting with the principal for criticism and instruction in the details of school work and meetings of groups of student-teachers with the special teachers of the Normal School who have supervision of their work. In these group meetings, as in the meetings of the whole class with the Model School principal, the students receive instruction in methods. HISTORY OF EDUCATION.—This study is reserved for the Senior year, awaiting the- full maturity of the school life of the students. They are expected to trace the development of modern educational thought and practice, to obtain such knowledge of educational systems as will enable them to avoid the errors of the past and adopt what is tried and true, to become inspired by the devoted lives of the world's great teachers, and be led to tions ; form the noblest and best possible which they propose to engage. ideals of the work in Psychology. The position of psychology in the Normal curriculum is no longer in dispute. It is not only coordinate with any one of the particular sciences, but it is coextensive with them all, since it is only by using the mind that anything : STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 26 can be known. Moreover, it is fundamental to all the mental sciences and philosophy, and constitutes the introductory discipline which more than any other conditions the intelligent mastery of the pedagogical literature. Recognizing its central position in the Department of Pedagogy, we have made provision for an entire year of 200 periods in the Middle class for its study. The work consists of the mastery of a text, experimental demonstrations, lectures, quizzes, the presentation of papers and reports, and training in the observation of the student's own thoughts, feelings and acts, and in the expressive acts of others. The memory mastery of the text is subordinated to original psychological insight and self mastery the constant aim is to train the student to 'psychologize,' as well as to become a critical and intelligent reader. The course aims to be the training : course of the curriculum. The following I. indicates the scope of the course OUTLINES OF GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY. This covers the groundwork of the science from the descriptive and functional points of view sensation, per; ception, association, ment, IL memory, imagination, reason, move- instinct, impulse, habit, imitation, etc. PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY. In keep- modern tendency among psychologists, technical details in anatomy and neurology are avoided, and the emphasis placed upon the functional relationship The existing between the mind and the nervous system. ing with the provided with models; and charts of the members of the nervous system are made and explained by the students. department is functionally important III. EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. laboratory is provided with a full set of the The M. Bradley EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 27 Co. Pseudoptics, eye test cards, skeins for detecting color Edelmann Galton whistle, a blindness, touch weights, kymograph, color-mixer, campimeter, esthesiometer, plethysmograph, sphygmograph, pneumograph, ergoBesides, numerous experiments are pergraph, fork, etc. formed without apparatus or with simple pieces devised in the laboratory. Qualitative and quantitative experi- ments are carried out on the senses, especially vision, the elementary bodily expressions of mental memory, tion, states, associa- The laboratory work has etc. not only proved interesting to the student and familiarized him with some of the methods of current research upon which the modern structure of psychology largely depends, but has frequently proved the entering wedge into a science the elusive process of which render it particularly diffiA simple experiment has proved more cult of mastery. fruitful than hours of verbal explanation. There is added reason wlty the 'objective' method should be applied to psychology. EDUCATIONAL AND GENETIC PSY- IV. CHOLOGY. the Frequent reference course to studied ; and the is made throughout pedagogical bearings to their differences as of the facts dependent upon differand in the indi- ent stages of development in the race Aside from the literature, the student is afforded opportunity for the study of the child mind in his practice work in the Model. Opportunity for work in vidual. applied psychology is also given in the Methods class. Mathematics. The work on with the various in all the subjects in special branches aim mathematics is carried to aid the student in teaching the studied. Everv effort is made to STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 28 power and desire to carry on and the realization that the work inculcate a love of study, the original investigations, done in the class room is but the beginning of the work of the true student. The sine qua non of success of the teacher is first the mastery of the subject matter, so thoroughness in preparation of the academic part is made essential and necessary in all of the subjects. Special directed to the value of the study as a Accuracy the logical faculties. ity in attention is means of training in statement, and rapid- execution receive careful attention as requisites of great importance for apply the principles is the teacher's work. Ability to tested by a wide range of exercises in all of the branches. The work department embraces the Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Elementary Astronomy. In order to present what is done as a whole, we present a brief outline of the work. regular following subjects: in ARITHMETIC— The on this Arithmetic, work in arithmetic is carried meet the needs of the various students that present themselves. It may recjuire two years or two terms. The main principles in the entire subject are studied carefully, and learned. The subject is reviewed for one term in the Senior year, when it is taken up primarily to present the best methods of teaching the topics to beginto ners in the subject. The use of the simple equation is encouraged whenever possible in order to avoid the awkward language of arithmetic and prepare the student for the study of Algebra. ALGP3RA. — Two terms in the Sub-Junior year and The the entire Junior year are devoted to this subject. subject is taken up pedagogically rather than logically. ; EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 29 The introduction to the general conceptions and abstract reasoning of mathematics is made in beginning this subject. The work covers the matter given in Beman and Smith's Academic Algebra. GEOMETRY.— Two terms of the Middle year, three In this branch the student first learns to prove something. Beginning with definite ideas and self-evident truths, he is led, step b)^ step, by the process of deduction to the profoundest theorems. Much emphasis is laid upon original work. terms, if necessary, are devoted to plane geometry. In the Senior year Solid Geometry is studied in the Term Plane Trigonometry in the Winter Term Fall ; Spherical Trigonometry and Surveying in the Spring Term. Besides the regular studies, classes are formed in Ad- vanced Algebra, Analytical Geometry, Differential and Integral Calculus, whenever students care to pursue any or all of the subjects mentioned. Standard text-books are used in all courses, and the student is required to put forth his best efforts at all times. Physical Science. The physical sciences are pre-eminently the studies in which students should develop the habit of careful observation, accurate discrimination, independent judgment, correct inference, and an enthusiastic interest in the marvelous mechanism of the universe revealed in the forms of existence that environ them. In the different departments of science, text-books, as far as possible, are used only as aids to the study of the things themselves. The students are required to investigate by observation STATK NORMAL SCHOOL, 30 and experiment, make inferences and keep systematic records of the results. GEOGRAPHY. — The course in this subject includes Mathematical, and Physical Geography. It is pursued in the Sub-Junior and Junior years. Political, The school is well supplied with maps, globes, and the other materials necessary to correct and interesting in- and they are used not only so the student may from them, but that he may also be prepared to use them in such manner as will enable him to teach successstruction ; learn fully with them. This section of the State offers a work in geography, and this fine field for tional is made observa- a prominent feature of the course. BOTANY. — This The work science is studied in the Middle year. Seeds and seedexamined and compared. The relations of plants to the animal and mineral kingdom and their dependence upon these are carefully studied, as well as the forms and functions of their various organs. This is done by a system of experiments and observations of which a record follows the laboratory plan. lings are is kept in a note-book provided simple and for compound miscroscope the purpose. are used. An The herba- rium of twenty-five specimens analyzed, mounted and drawn in color is required of each student. This is supplementary to the work of dissection, the object of which is to develop accurate observation and careful discrimination. The pupils are called upon to exercise their own judgment in describing and classifying plants. Strong emphasis istics of plants, genera and species is laid that may on the distinguishing characterthe classification into families, be understood. EAST STROUDSBURG, ZOOLOGY is PA. 31 studied in the Fall term of the Middle The laboratory is followed, with numerous from the observation and experience of the pupils. The work begins with those specimens with which the students are most familiar and which are common at that season of the year. The students are led to compare these with others of similar but less familiar classes and of a lower order until the amoeba Then the work proceeds to the higher types, is reached. always by comparing the more familiar with those less familiar to the student. A collection of dried and mounted specimens is required of each student. year. lectures and plan illustrations CHEMISTRY follows Zoology during the Winter and part of the Spring terms of the Middle year. The lab- oratory work occupies two days of a week and demonAll strations with lectures and recitations three days. experiments must be performed by the student under the direction of the instructor and a record must be made before the students leave the laboratory of observations of the phenomena accompanying each experiment. GEOLOGY is studied one Numerous excursions may become are full made term in the Senior year. in order that the students acquainted with the effects of the various geological forces and agents. so rich in geological This section of country, formations, makes the subject a very delightful one. To supplement the work this department has an unsually fine collection of minerals based upon the valuable separate collections of Joseph C. Roop, Mrs. Margaret C. Brodhead, and Garret Tucker, presented to the school. PHYSICS. —This Brigham's Geology subject is is the text used. taught inductively. upon the By means of experiments and by own experience and observation the various laws and calling pupil's STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. 32 principles are illustrated and formulated. Manipulation of the apparatus in experimenting is required of the pupils. the It is not taken for granted that tliey understand mechanism and uses of the various pieces of appar- many atus until they have been explained by as as time will allow or Original investigation and encouraged. The pupils seems necessary. it subject is illustration are strongly studied through nearly all of the Senior year. PHYSIOLOGY.— It is the aim of this branch of study to give to the students correct ideas of the structure, and care of the human body, and, activity time, make at the same means of mental de- the subject a valuable As the importance of observation and experiment in this branch is also recognized, facilities are offered for the objective methods of study. velopment. The student is encouraged to confirm the knowledge he gets from the text-book, by the actual observation of The use of the microscope is the objects themselves. encouraged, and lectures and illustrations accompany the recitations. One of the finest manikins that can be procured in Paris is the property of the school. History. — U. S. HISTORY. A thorough course is given in United States history, with opportunity to pursue a more comprehensive course in historical study. While narrative history philosophy of history An effort is made is to is made important, the deeper also taught. make historical study a thought exercise. Civil government and history are supplementary. EAST STROUDSBURG, Civil government is pursued PA. 33 in the natural way, pro- ceeding from the concrete local government to the more Special importance is abstract national government. attached to A civil government with respect to origins. Independent work along particular lines is encouraged. short course is also given in practical politics. Inquiry is made into causes and consequences of cer- day questions. tain present GENERAL HISTORY.— The work in general history aims to give the student a good knowledge of ancient, medieval and modern times. In Greek history enough mythology enable him to is introduced to understand the allusions constantly found in literature. The narrative method supplemented with questions effect, and with notes is tending to emphasize cause and and readings from the best authors. Language. ENGLISH GRAMMAR is taught in the Sub-Junior is given in the and Junior years and a general review Senior year. The aim in the work is not only to have the students obtain a thorough knowledge of study, but also to accustom grammar them as a technical to correct and fluent use of the English language in speech and writing. Examples are taken from compositions, examination papers, and conversations, and are brought before the class for correction. the ordinary mistakes tono'ue. 'fe' Students are thus helped to avoid made in the use of the mother Such corrections and abundant constructive STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 34 exercises in make the an art as well as work of the grammar class training in a science. AND RHETORIC COMPOSITION.—Rhetoric is taken up by the Middle class and a thorough drill in the fundamental principles of composition is given to the students. .Notes and discussions supplement the textbook work and particular The of themes. stress is laid principles of dictation upon the writing and of the various forms of discourse, as well as those underlying verse forms, are set forth by examples taken from the best in literature. In this way an intelligent appreciation of Literature as a distinct study LITERATURE. — The is aroused in the student. course in Literature conforms as nearly as possible to the college entrance requirements Eastern states. The study of the supplemented by a course in the history of English Literature, in which constant effort is made to give the prominent characteristics of each period together with the salient details of the lives of the representative makers of prose and poetry. of the Middle and classics is The aim in the reading of the classics is not only to give the student a knowledge of the selections read but to create a taste and appreciation for the best literature and to equip him with a working knowledge of the principles of criticism whereby the reader can determine for himself what constitutes good literature. LATIN. — In the Junior year two terms are in Pearson's Essentials of Latin, the object required being to ground the pupils thoroughly in the fundamental prinThe disciplinary ciples of paradigms and construction. importance. prime of to be value of the study is held painstakcareful, and close, Constant stress is laid upon EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 35 The ing Study in the preparation of the lessons assigned. quahty of the work done is rated above the quantity of ground covered. The aim is to afford every student the best opportunity to acquire a knowledge and free use of the means and methods of translation and interpretation. In the Middle year the class required to read the is first three books of Caesar, together with practical exercises Latin Grammar. Each member of expected to own a copy of Allen & Green- in the study of the the class is ough's Latin Grammar. In this way every student will equipment be furnished with the that is believed to be essential in any special effort gain mastery of the to subject as a whole or in part. In the Senior year the class orations of Cicero and the required to read three is three books of Virgil. first The reading of these authors will be an incentive for the broadening of the student's own powers of perception and appreciation of literary values in general, and as silent working- factors in the process of mental culture. GREEK. —Those students who desire to take the The aim study Greek. is to give them a thorough preparation, such a command of the vocabulary and syntax of the language as will enable them to become acquainted with the literature, its classical course are required to beauties ,and life is its nobility, always kept and the inspiration MODERN LANGUAGES.—The modern method. languages are A of Greek in view. class in nearly as possible a German, for German lessons conducted in by taught class. beginning classes in the conversational instance, The is made as lessons are object German. The command of language developed in the oral exercises is perfected in written STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 36 This work is supplemented with easy reading and as rapidly as possible, the students are grounded in the elements of grammar. The first reading themes. lessons, generally are not translated. followed by questions in the language lessons in the same way. The reading is answered This method not only introduces the to be students to a usable knowledge of a foreign tongue, but serves also as the best possible preparation for the study of its literature, as it develops grasp of the language as mere translation can not. The spirit of a Practical Arts. — DRAWING. The purpose of this work is to develop observation and concentration of thought, and to train the hand to execute accurately that which the brain dictates. The ability to step to the board to illustrate with a few lines the general outline and strong characteristics of objects quickly and freely before a class, is one of the prominent features of successful teaching, and the students are given a foundation of right principles in the free use of drawing as a means of expression in every The class work of the Junior class and in every subject. year consists in a daily exercise of twenty-four weeks, and one lesson each week is required throughout the Senior year in the practical application of black-board drawing to the teaching of other subjects The use of water color in connection with the regular drawing, and advanced work in charcoal, crayon and painting supplement the regular work. SPECIAL COURSE IN DRAWING.~For who wish those to make drawing a specialty, a thorough course of instruction in teaching the subject throughout the EAST STROUDSBURG, grades in the PA. 37 given, with practical application of the is work Model School. MANUAL TRAINING.— This department embraces Mechanical Drawing and Raffia Work, including basket weaving, and wood work. The wood work is designed to develop practical skill in knife work, wood carving, and in such use of carpenter's tools as will be useful to the students in their future work. The articles made are such as embody the different exercises in the order of their simplicity and have practical utility. clay modeling, PENMANSHIP. —Thorough instruction in the prin- both Vertical and Slant Systems is supplemented practice by for good, healthful position and rapid easy execution preparatory to practical applications in exercises in books and on the blackboard. The blackboard exercises are an important feature of the work. ciples of BOOK-KEEPING.— Both single entry and entry systems of book-keeping are taught. consists in thorough in writing drill double The work up from dictation the principal commercial papers, and complete sets of books are kept, applying all business processes as they occur in actual transactions. The students are compelled to reason out each transaction. TYPEWRITING AND STENOGRAPHY taught. The are courses in these are thorough, and there is abundant opportunity given the students for practice under careful supervision. Physical Culture. The course graded. in physical training has been carefully All students are required to report to the nasium twice every week. gym- STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, It is with necessary that the young ladies provide themselves of bloomers and waist, blue being suits, consisting ladies and young men The young men may pur- Both young the uniform color. must have gymnasium shoes. chase their suits at the school. Special attention is given to the theory of gymnastics. During one term the Seniors receive instructions in the teaching of gymnastics and have the experience of teaching classes from the model school. When the course is completed each one work required in Ample time is is most thoroughly capable of doing the schools. devoted to games such as indoor base ball, division ball, tennis, base ball, and foot ball. Elocution. The aim of this course is to educate the student not by fashioning him from a certain model or making him a slave to arbitrary rules, but by quickening and developing his intellectual faculties, cultivating his imagination, deepening and guiding his feelings, and training him to the mastery of the agents of expression, giving special attention to the development and control of the voice. We seek to prepare him to express his thoughts, convic- and emotions freely and in accordance with his own temperament to develop the sources of real power to tions, ; ; deal with causes, not with qualities of effects; to develop mind and heart that lie back of make them effective; all those forms of expression and VOICE CULTURE.— There training. is much technical voice use of the voice are carefully and flexpurity. smoothness, and of voice are cultivated, eradicated. ibility Faults in the With practical exercises resonance EAST STROUDSBURG, power and brilliancy of tone. thorough drill in phonics. PA. 39 All the students receive ADVANCED READING EXERCISES.— After much preliminary practice in the reading of shorter com- positions and drills in declamation, more extended liter- Students who desire special training in elocution can make arrangements for private lessons. For these there is an extra ary master-pieces are studied and read. charge. Music. — SINGING. All the Juniors are required to take a course in vocal music to prepare them to teach singing in the public schools. teach it in the ing and are position. Afterwards they are required Model School. made They to receive voice train- proficient in sight reading and trans- Private lessons in this are also given. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC— We have a carefully prepared course in pianoforte playing, special attention being given to forming a good technic, and correcting faulty or neglected touch. Sight reading and memorizing are features of the course. Students who wish, are specially prepared for teaching piano, and may take a course Method, which cfualifies them to take the examination for the Teacher's Certificate of the Virgil School of Piano Playing, New York City, in addition Before to the diploma granted by the Normal School. completing the course, students must have had one year's work in harmony. in the Virgil Recitals are given throughout the year, giving students sufficiently advanced opportunity for public performance. : STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 40 The following an outline of the courses is First Year. Virgil Method, Book i. Correct hand position. Table exercises for developing the Major and arpeggios. Pieces scales hand and wrists. Low's Book of Duets. adapted to the grade. Second Year. Book i. Major and minor scales and Finger and octave exercises. Bach's 12 Little Preludes. Sonatas and pieces of moderate diffiVirgil Method, arpeggios. culty. Third Year. Book 2. Major and minor scales in and octaves; arpeggios of the major and Virgil Method, thirds, sixths, minor triads with their inversions. Bach's Two-Part thoven. Easier sonatas by Haydn, Mozart and BeeSelection from Schumann, Schubert, Men- delssohn, etc. Inventions. Fourth Year. Virgil Method, Book 2. All forms of the scales in dominant and diminished seventh with their inversions. Bach's Three-Part Inventions. Sonatas by Mozart and Beethoven. Selections from classical and modern composers. contrary motion; arpeggios Fifth Year. Virgil Method, Book 2. Scales in double thirds, sixths and octaves irregular arpeggios. Bach's Preludes and Fugues. Chopin Studies. Selections from classical and ; modern composers. EAST STROUDSBURG, The Model PA. 41 School. Normal School, a model school The teaching in the model school is done In connection with the is maintained. by the Seniors under the close supervision of the model school principal and assistants. Here the Seniors put into Normal actual use the principles of teaching taught in the School, become acquainted with aids and various devices in teaching, and receive instruction and gain experience in the handling of classes. The model school consists of nine grades and does the work of the first nine grades of the public schools. The course of study and the text-books used are kept in touch with conservative progress in school work. The 'Word System' in primary reading is used, but is supple,regular mented is largely. largely In the higher grades the reading matter drawn from literature. The arithmetic work is keeping with the best ideas on this subject and the material is drawn from the business life of today. In in geography and history teachers learn how to use supplementary material, but the text-book method is followed. Drawing, music and physical culture are under the supervision of the heads of these departments of the Normal School. Nature study receives special attention and the locality furnishes excellent opportunity for such work. Seniors are required to teach twenty-one weeks, but many voluntarily teach throughout the year. So many requests are made to teach during the whole year that such requests should be made promptly at the opening of the school year to request. garten is A make sure of the granting of the well equipped and well conducted Kinder- maintained in connection with the Model School. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 42 Rules and Regulations. Loud 1. talking, whistling, scuffling or and boisterous behavior in the buildings any other rude strictly pro- is hibited. The use of tobacco 2. in any of forms its about in or the buildings, and the use of intoxicating drinks or pro- fane language and card playing are strictly prohibited. No 3. dirt or other refuse shall be windows, nor thrown into slop sinks baskets are provided for this purpose on Students shall not 4. visit thrown from the or toilets all ; waste the halls. each other's rooms during the regular hours of study except by special permission of the teacher in charge. No 5. student shall withdraw from the school during the session without permission from* the Principal. desirable that students leave school as little It is as possible during the terms, and no permission will be granted to or friends at a distance, or friends in town or vicinity over night unless a written request for such permission is received by the Principal from a parent or visit relatives guardian. All students are expected to be regular and prompt 6. in attendance at class, chapel and meals. Ladies and gentlemen are not allowed to associate 7. together, excepting at such times and occasions as be designated by the Principal. the main Standing in may groups in corridors, or prolonged conversations are not allowed. 8. dition Each occupant will be held responsible for the conof his or her room and any damage done to furni- EAST STROUDSBURG, No ture. PA. nails, screws, tacks, etc., shall 43 be driven into No the walls, doors, windows, furniture, etc. contriv- ance shall be attached to locks or transoms for the purpose Climbing into rooms over transoms of opening them. breaks the locks and doors, and is prohibited. Pressing botanical specimens under bed post, breaks the rails and head boards, and No 9. therefore, also prohibited. is, student shall withdraw from classes to which he has been assigned without special permission from the Principal. No gentleman not connected with the school will be permitted to meet, walk, or ride with a student of the opposite sex except in cases of necessity and by per10. mission. Students shall attend public worship each Sunday at the church of their choice or designated by parents or guardian. 11. morning 12. It is to be understood by the students that it is enjoined upon the members of the faculty to see to it that the requirements of the school are complied with, and that they have acts that Breakfast, 7.00 p. p. m. m. ; full may come authority to correct any improper to their notice. a. m. ; Dinner, 12.00 m. ; Supper, 6.00 Study Hour, 7.00 p. m. ist Retiring Bell, 9.45 Lights must be out promptly at 10.00 p. m. ; STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 44 Miscellaneous. Library and Reading Room. The Library and Reading Room contains reference books, standard literary works, International and Standard dictionaries, cyclopedias, daily papers, magazines, leading periodicals, and large additions have been educational made journals. Lately of books on travel, history and pedagogy. Mrs. Margaret C. Brodhead has presented to us a number of valuable w^orks, and we have developed a plan for making regular monthly additions of the best new books published. This plan has proved so satisfactory that we shall continue to adhere to it. Lectures. In order that the students may have opportunity to hear some of the best lectures and musical attractions during the year, a course of four or five entertainments is arranged. In addition to this the Music Department of the school gives a concert, and the Societies each a public entertain- ment. The Model School gives a closing Concert and other interesting exercises. The commencement concert is always a very interesting feature of the year. Literary Societies. There are two flourishing Literary Societies, the Minisink and the Shakespearean, which hold meetings on alterAll students except such as cannate Saturday evenings. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 45 These and second not attend are required to join one or the other. societies hold open meetings on the first Friday evenings following the opening of each term. Christian Influence. The Young Men's Christian Association, organized growth since. The meetings are held in the Chapel every Sunday morning. It is doing a good work among our young men. in the Fall of '93, has continued a steady The Y. W. the C. A. is equally as flourishing and its influ- The meetings are Model School Chapel every Sunday morning. ence for good is very marked. held in Every Sunday evening all the students whose church do not forbid it are required to attend Bible study in the Chapel. The study is conducted by the relations Principal. among Subjects in controversy the churches are passed by. Sunday morning, students are expected to attend some one of the churches in the towns naturally the church to which they or their parents belong. — Devotional exercises are conducted in the Chapel each noon by the Principal or a member of the Faculty, at which all the students are expected to be present. Students whose church relations do not permit them to be present during the religious exercises are required to present themselves there for the announcements. Athletics. A large part of the athletic field. It is campus has been fitted up as an kept in good condition, and a com- modious grand stand has been erected upon it. The Trustees encourage athletic sports by contributing STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 46 money among freely for the students support. their is The athletic spirit strong and healthy. Laundry. Each allowed to send to the laundry 12 pieces of clothes per week, including handkerchiefs, napkins and towels. In calculating these 12 pieces a pair of cuffs are counted as one piece, and a pair of hose as one pupil The piece. is fact that pupils 12 pieces during any one put in more than may have put in less than week does not them to The number entitle 12 pieces any other week. of pieces in any one week must not exceed 12. having shirt waists, skirts, Ladies or wrappers to be washed be permitted to put in more than two of these any one week; and these must be plain, as no elaborate ironing will be done in the laundry. No will not pieces during white shirt waists or white dresses will be washed for any one from November ist to April ist. Woolen and done in the laundry. Each must have on it the pupil's name, plainly marked with indelible ink. Clothes which are not unlaundried. Clothes must be marked will be returned taken to the laundry in laundry bags, each bag must have No pupil's name plainly marked on it with indelible ink. clothes will be washed for any student the first week or the last week of any term. merino dress skirts will not be article of clothing Outfits. Each expected to furnish, for personal use, the following articles One bed comforter or pair of blankets, These must be plainly marked. also towels and napkins. pupil is : They are also required to furnish Gymnasium Slippers and Gymnasium Costumes. These may be secured at EAST STROUDSBURG, the school after pupils register. nasium ly to outfit is obligatory. PA. The 47 use of the Gym- All articles of clothing, like- be sent to the laundry, must be plainly marked with ink. As no silverware is allowed to be sent indelible from the Dining Room, a knife, fork and spoon should be included in the outfit for use in cases of sickness. Slippers, overshoes, an umbrella and raincoat should also be included. Text Books Used. Algebra Arithmetic Botany Caesar Cicero . . ; Chemistry Civics Elocution Geography Geology Geometry, Plane Geometry, Solid German Grammar History of Education History, United States History, General History, English Latin Management, School Methods Physics Phychology Beman & Smith's Academic Durrell & Robbins Leavitt, Complete with Flora Walker Allen & Greenough Williams' Elementary Phillips' Nation and State Emerson College of Oratory Rand & McNally, Pa. Edition Brigham Hobbs Hobbs Joynes-Meissner Maxwell Kemp Morris Myer Niver's Pearson Bagley White Avery Titchener : STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 48 Physiology Rhetoric Blaisdell Smith-Thomas Lyman & Goddard Greenough & Kittridge Trigonometry Virgil Zoology Burnet Tanner & Allen Analytic Geometry College Algebra Wells Lyman & Goddard Spheric Trigonometry Expenses of Boarding Pupils. For tuition, boarding, washing, furnished and car- peted rooms, steam heat, electric light and service, per week $ 5.25 Fall term, 16 weeks, $5.25 per week Winter term, 12 weeks, $5.25 per week Spring term, 12 weeks, $5.25 per week Registration Fee, payable upon registering each term Chemicals for Laboratory use, Elementary Course Chemicals for Laboratory use. Special Course, per term Extra charge for breakage in 84.00 63.00 63.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 Chemical Laboratory. Those who avail themselves of State Aid reduce their expenses $1.50 per week, which deducted from the above amounts, makes the expenses for boarding pupils as follows Fall term, 16 weeks W^inter term, 12 weeks Spring term, 12 weeks $60.00 45-00 45-00 Registration Fee, payable upon registering each term 2.00 EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 49 Chemicals for Laboratory use, Elementary Course Chemicals for Laboratory use, Special Course per term Extra charge for breakage Expenses of in 2.00 5.00 Chemical Laboratory. Day Pupils. Fall term, 16 weeks Winter term, 12 weeks Spring term, 12 weeks $24.00 18.00 18.00 Registration Fee, payable upon registering each term Chemicals for Laboratory use, Elementary Course Chemicals for Laboratory use. Special Course per term Extra charge for breakage Expenses For of in 2.00 2.00 5.00 Chemical Laboratory. Model Pupils. and taband stationery for Regular Course tuition, including use of text-books lets, pencils $1 .00 per term This charge of $1.00 per term is payable to the PrinModel School at the beginning of each term when pupils register. No pupil will be admitted to any term until the bills of the previous term have been set- cipal of the tled in full. Payments Fall term : for Boarding Students. —Boarding pupils entitled to State Aid are required to pay $32.00 when they register, Aug. 30, 1909, (this includes the $2.00 Registration Fee), and $30.00 at the middle of the term, Oct 25, 1909. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 50 Winter Term : — Boarding pupils entitled to State Aid are required to pay $24.50 when they register, January 3, 19 TO (this includes the $2.00 Registration Fee), and $22.50 at Spring middle of the term, Feb. Term : — Boarding 14, 1910. pupils entitled to State Aid are required to pay $24.50 when they register, April 4, 1910 (this includes the $2.00 Registration Fee), and $22.50 at the middle of the term, May 16, 1910. Boarding pupils who do not receive State Aid are required to pay $1.50 in addition to the amounts named above. Payments Fall Term : — Day for Day students Students. who do not receive State Aid, are required to pay $14.00 when they register, Aug. 30, 1909 (this includes the $2.00 Registration Fee), and $12.00 at the middle of the term, Oct. 25, 1909. Winter Term: —Day students who do not receive State Aid, are required to pay $11.00 when they register, Jan. 3, 19 10 (this includes the $2.00 Registration Fee), and $9.00 at the middle of the term, Feb. 14, 19 10. Spring Term — Day students who do not : Aid are required to pay $11. co when receive State they register, April 19 10 (this includes the $2.00 Registration Fee), and $9.00 at the middle of the term. May 16, 191 o. 4, Day students who receive State Aid, will be required pay only the Registration Fee of $2.00 each term, but these fees must be paid at the opening of each term when to students register. Charges for Chemicals for Laboratory use or any other charges, other than those named above against students, will be payable at the middle of each term. EAST STROUDSBURG, Payments are who to be made PA. 51 to the Principal of the school, acts as agent for the Trustees. Bills are payable, when one-half at the beginning of the term, pupils regis- middle of the term, and no deviation will be made from this rule except by special agreement, in advance, with the Principal or Board of ter, and the other half at the Trustees. Lectures and other entertainments in the regular course and the school publications are free to all students. Rates for Music. Term, two lessons weekly Term, one lesson weekly Winter Term, two lessons weekly Winter Term, one lesson weekly Spring Term, two lessons weekly Spring Term, one lesson weekly Use of Piano, each term $16.00 9.60 Fall Fall 12.00 7.20 12.00 7.20 1.50 Special Notice as to Payments. Special attention these payments, as is called to the we do not amounts and dates of make a practice of sending and parents and pupils are expected to arrange for the prompt payment of all accounts on the dates specified. No pupil will be admitted to any term unless the bills of the previous term have been settled in full. out bills, Deductions. No or the made for absence for the first two two weeks of any term except by previous deductions are last arrangement with the Principal. Positively no de- STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, ductions will be made for the first or last week of any term. For absence two or more consecutive weeks on account of personal sickness one-half of the usual charge for board will be allowed. Extra Charges. There are no extra charges other than those specified, except that each pupil must be provided with a Gym- by the Institution. This may be secured at the Institution at prices ranging from one to three dollars. Ladies may make their own outfit if they so desire, and gentlemen can order theirs at the school. nasium suit prescribed State Aid. For students seventeen years of age or over who take who sign an agreement to teach at least two full years in the public schools the prescribed courses of study and of Pennsylvania, the State pays the tuition charge of $1.50 a week. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 53 Catalogue of Students. 1908-1909. POST GRADUATES. Postoffice. jVaine. Cornealisori^ Dora G. Crowe, Montgomery Creveling, Jacob V. Dutot, S. Claire Troxel, Oliver C. Ccu-nty. North Water Gap, East Stroudsburg-, Monroe, Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg, Delaware, Monroe, Monroe, Warren, State. Pa. .Monroe, Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. SENIORS. Balmoos, John N. Barrett, Jennie M. Beck, Robert J. Beebe, Helen E. Benson, Genevieve D. Blanche, Nellie V. Bohan, Josephine D. Eoland, Helen A. Boyle, Rose Boyle, Rose Anna Mary Kathryn Ereslin, J. Brogan, James S. Brown, Carrie L. Brown, Josephine A. Mae D. Casey, Eva G. Cassimer, Anna Carroll, V. Cohen, Tibi H. Collins, Bernetta B. Conklin, O. Bruce Conn iff, Regina R. Crain, Alice L. Cuff, Mamie Dietrich, Luzerne, New Milford, Dickson City, Dunmore, E. E. Donnelly, Florence E. Dougher, Edward A. Earley, Mayme E. Eley, Florence D. Ely, Jasper Q. AVilkes-Barre, Luzerne, Luzerne, Simpson, Ransford, Freeland, Lehman, Carbondale, Carbondale, Carbondale, Slienandoah, Carbondale, Lovelton, \A' yoming, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, Lansford, Carbondale, Schuylkill, Lackawanna, Wyoming, Luzerne, Luzerne, Dickson City, White Haven, Gantzhorn, Florence Giblin, Loretta F. Tannersville, Taylor, Phillipsburg, Brackney, East Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg, Delaware, Scranton, North Water Gap, N. Carbon, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Luzerne, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, AA'arren, Lackawanna, Carbon, Luzerne, Monroe, Susquehanna, Monroe, Monroe, Warren, Lackawanna, Monroe, J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Lackawanna, Carbon, Throop, Nesquehoning, Hazleton, Maude W. Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Lansford, Fulper, Helen E. Gaffney, Sadie L. Gallagher, Mary E. Gallagher, Rose M. Heller, Lackawanna, Morris, Schuylkill, J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Carbon, Luzerne, Luzerne, Eiadford, Bradford, Carbon, Nanticoke, Scranton, Pa. Pa. N. Lackawanna, Rummerfield, Rummerfield, Weatherly, Olyphant, Old Forge, Evans, Arthur Flynn, Helen F. Fox, Anna V. Glass, Irene E. Groner, Emma W. Hartung, Lester M. Hayes, Margaret M. Warren, Susquehanna, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Dunmore, Humboldt, Shenandoah, A. Mabel ^lonroe. Wanamie, Walnut Valley, ]\'ilton, Culkin, John T. Davies, Lotta I. Devine, Mary C. DeWan, M. Frances DeWan, Joanna East Stroudsburg, N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 54 Name. Postoffice. County. Heyer, Emma V. Hibbard, John J. Horan, Nora C. Nazareth, Wanamie, Rendham, Luzerne, Jacob, Laura P. Nanticoke, Middletown, Nanticoke, Old Forge, East Stroudsburg, Pleasant Mount, Hazleton, Carbondale, East Stroudsburg, Luzerne, Dauphin, Luzerne, Johnston, Earl S. Jonathan, William E. Joyce, John Kaul, Edna J. A. Kennedy, Amanda J. Kennedy, Margaret G. Kilpatrick, Gertrude Kistler, Alice L. Kocher, Ralph N. Agnes B. Latimer, Emily I^ane, Lavin, Alice L. Lewis, Blanche A. Loftus, Tessie A. Long, Jessie M. Lutes, Cecil C. Lutes, Roxanna E. Lyons, Alice L. Maguire, Arthur A. Mahlon, Thomas Maloy, Catharine D. Mann, Carrie B. Marsh, Ira Marvin, Leona G. McCabe, Margaret C. McCaffrey, Sara McCarthy, John V. McCue, Anna C. McGeehan, Sara M. McGeehan, Winifred McHale, Mae M. McHale, Theresa M Messinger, Lelia S. MofRt, Claire M. Mooty, A. Marie Murray, Anthony J. O'Donnell, Genevieve O'Donnell, Mary L. O'Hara, Agnes T. O'Malley, Mayme E. James O'Neill, B. Owens, Mary Palmiter, Adelia A. Patrick, Austin L. Patrick, D. Lawrence Phillips, Catharine Powell, Blodwyn Quinn, Mary G. Reagle, William H. Reilly, Riegel, Mary Anna R. D. Roberts, Ida M. Savage, Elizabeth K. Shaw, Ethel F. Singer, Lucy Smith, Helen M. Smith, Laura Smith, Muriel I. Snyder, G. Adele Spencer, Blanche Stoneback, Mae J. Studders, Charles F. Sullivan, Catharine J. Taylor, M. Gertrude Northampton, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Monroe, Wayne, Luzerne, Lackawanna, Flicksville, Monroe, Northampton, Archbald, Lackawanna, Dingman's Ferry, Pike, Olyphant, Lackawanna, Mauch Chunk, Carbon, Olyphant, Wilkes-Barre, Noxen, Eowmans Creek, Olyphant, Lackawanna, Plains, Stroudsburg, Lansford, Stroudsburg, Danielsville, East Stroudsburg, Nesquehoning, Nesquehoning, Simpson, Luzerne, Wyoming, Wyoming, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Carbon, Monroe, Northampton, Monroe, Carbon, Carbon, Dunmore, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Wilkes-Barre, Hazleton, Luzerne, Luzerne, Scranton, Carbondale, Easton, Carbondale, Simpson, Scranton, Scranton, Altoona, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Northampton, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Dickson I/ackawanna, Luzerne, Luzerne, Lehigh, City, Plains, Upper Lehigh, Slatington, Nicholson, Scranton, Scranton, Wanamie, Summit Hill, Blair, Wyoming, Lackawanna, Ijackawanna, Luzerne, Carbon, Carbondale, Lackawanna, Northampton, Lackawanna, Riegelsville, Bucks, Carbondale, Mt. Bethel, ^^ anamie, Dunmore, Noxen, East Stroudsburg, Dickson City, East Stroudsburg, Newfoundland, Eangor, Ijuzerne, Lackawanna, Wyoming, Monroe, Lackawanna, Monroe, Wayne, Northampton, Poyntelle, Wayne, Coopersburg, Avoca, Olyphant, Bloomingdale, Lackawanna, Lehigh, Luzerne, Luzerne, State. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa Pa. Pa. Pa Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. EAST STROUDSBURG, Name. Postofliee. Tibbins, Florence H. Transue, Georg-ia R. Travis, Eli R. Tresslar, Sarah G. VanHorn, Vincent H. Vosburg, Israel PA. 55 County. Noxen, Wyoming, liaceyville, Plast Stroudsburg-, Wyoming-, Monroe, Dunmore, Lackawanna, Wintermute, Bald Mount, Sussex, Peckville, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Lehighton, Carbon, Portland, Northampton, \^'ilkes-Barre, Luzerne, Luzerne, Bucks, Walsh, Margaret W. Weinland, Maude M. Weller, Sara C. Wentzel, Madeline P. Williams, Mildred M. Wismer, Ada Wood, Myrtle H. Parsons, Gardenville, Old Forge, Allen, Franklin Pen Argyl, Lackawanna, State. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. MIDDLERS. J. J. Allison, Russell Altemose, Webster J. Atchley, William L. Bardwell, Vivian L. Earteau, John Frank Bennett, Mary V. Bishop, Ellen P. Bradley, Rebecca A. Eroadbent, Bethel A. Broadhurst, Walter Brogan, Nellie M. Brotzman, Joseph W. Brown, Edith E. Brown, Eleanor F. Brugler, Grace U. Bube, Elizabeth Cannon, Nellie Casey, Josephine A. Casey, Mary A. Caskie, Hilda S. Conklin, Iva M. Conlan, Anna R. Connelly, John Conolly, Mary F. Daley, Edward Dunmore, Stone Church, Tunkhannock, Delaware Water Gap, Honesdale, Hawley, Mauch Chunk, Monroe, Wayne, Wayne, Carbon, Wyoming, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, AA ilkes-Barre, Columbia, Weatherly, Hazleton, Carbondale, Olyphant, Walnutport, Stroudsburg, Canton, Olyphant, Mayfield. Milford, Dean, Sylvia Deats, Bartley F. Decker, Bessie Decker, Helen C. Decker, Leroy New Detrick, Violet F. Dieter, Earl A. Donnelly, Helen M. Analomink, Dreher, Grace D. Wyoming, Factoryville, Wyoming, L. L. Lackawanna, Northampton, Scran ton, Olyphant, Rush, Fast Stroudsburg-, Pittston, Cummings, Mary Northampton, Toledo, Bangor, Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, Danielsville, Scranton, Stroudsburg, Susquehanna, Monroe, Luzerne, M^arren, Carbon, Luzerne, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Northampton, Luzerne, Luzerne, Monroe, Luzerne, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Susquehanna, Northampton, Monroe, Monroe. Monroe, Monroe, Northampton, Lackawanna, Monroe, Susquehanna, Dunn, Grace A. New Duffy, Parsons, Nazareth, East Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, Luzerne, Frank M. Edelman, Mamie A. Edinger, Hilda K. Eilenberger, Mary B. Ellsworth, Oliver F. Evans, Nellie Fanseen, Foster H. Ferrio, Mary Fitzgerald, Sara Foley, Claire H. Frantz, Alvin Fritch, Florence J. Gardner, Vida M. KathleenC. Gillespie, Milford, Northampton, Monroe, Monroe, Pa. Ohio. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Dallas, Luzerne, Olyphant, Mt. Pocono, Priceburg, Lackawanna, Pittston, Daleville, Luzerne, Pa Lackawanna, Saylorsburg, Lehighton, Monroe. Carbon, Factoryville, Pittston, Luzerne, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Monroe, Lackawanna, Wyoming, STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Cora A. Golden, Patrick A. Gordon, Esther Griffiths, Percy W. Guinnip, Milton S. Haas, May E. Hathaway, Susie H. Hawley, Bernice M. Healev, Thomas J. Hefft, C. County. Postotfiee. IVaine. Gilpin, Edna South Sterling, Wayne, Persons, East Stroudsburg, Taylor, Luzerne, Monroe, Atco, Lackawanna, Wayne, Allentown, Lehigh, Thompson, New Milford, Moosic, Wyoming. Susquehanna, Susquehanna, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Henne, Joanna K. Dickson City, Lackawanna, Hess, James V. Hicks, Sadie A. Higgins, Catherine H. Hines, John P. Jeffreys, Jeanette L. Johnston, Elizabeth G. Kane, Patrick T. Kelley, Rose M. Stroudsburg, JMonroe, Schuylkill, Kennedy, Walter B. King, Catharine M. Kintner, Alice W. Knapp, Frank lloehler, Raymond A. Kunsman, Charles H. Langan, Margaret J. lash, Fred M. Lenahan, Agnes G. Leonard, Martin J. Louis F. MacAlpine, Elsie W. L.esoine, Auburn, Minooka, I Susquehanna, Susquehanna, Susquehanna, Susquehanna, Parsons, Sf ranton, Olyphant, Ashley, Stroudsburg, p:ast Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg, Stone Church, Pittston, Delaware Water Gap, Olyphant, Parsons, East Stroudsburg, Scranton, Stockertown, Avoca, Olyphant, Scranton, Scranton, Mann, John W. McAndrew, Laura G. McCormac, Genevieve McCauley, Mabel D. McCrone, Delia C. Pittston, McDonald, Helen C. Wilkes-Barre, MacDonald, Nora A. Mary C. McGuinness, Mary M. INIcElhenny, McHale, John J. McHugh. Edward V. Miller, Harriet Moran, Kathryn M. Morgan, Emma C. Mulvey, Mary J. Murphy, John A. Murray, Emma D. Nye, Fern O'Donnell, EleanorV. O'Donnell, John F. 0\'erfield, Jennie Raker, Louis Pceimer, George R. Remaly, M. Madalene Remaley, William F. Reynolds, Meda M. Rinker, Mae M. Rosenberry, M. Claude Rosenberry, Frank L. Ruddy, Bessie Ruddy, Mary T. Ruhf, Samuel T. Sandt, Oscar Saunders, L. Glenn. Scheidy, Elizabeth Seguine, Beulah Seguine, Lillian lackawanna, Plains, Pittston, Mayfield, I liZerne, .uzerne, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Monroe, Monroe, Northampton, Luzerne, Monroe, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Lackawanna, Northampton, I uzerne. Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, I uzerne, Luzerne, 1 .uzerne. Lackawanna, Shenandoah, Schuylkill, Fi eeland, Luzerne, Bucks, Luzerne, Upper Black Eddy, Kingston, New Milford, Susquehanna, Miners Mills, Luzerne, Scranton, Vandling, East Stroudsburg. Altoona, Eckley, East Stroudsburg, Olyphant, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Stone Church, Shickshinny, Easton, Milan ville, East Stroudsburg, Stone Church, Stone Church, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Allentown, Easton, Hop Bottom, Upper Lehigh, Cresco, Cresco, Monroe, Blair, Luzerne, Monroe, Lackawanna, Northampton, Luzerne, Northampton, Wayne, Monroe, Northampton, Northampton, Lackawanna, Luzerne, I>ehigh, Northampton, Susquehanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Monroe, State. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. PcX. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. EAST STROUDSBURG, Name. Postolliee. Shiffer, Rudolph Sliotwell, Fred C. Smith, Chester A. Smith, Cora Mae Smith, Mabel Spencer, Anna E. Spratt, Loretta Stark, Edna J. Stark, Mollie C. Stoddard, Eleanor V. Uch, Margaret D. Uch, Mary A. Uhler, Chester R. Warner, Nettie G. AVerts, Elsie M. Wintermute, Clara S. Yeager, Gertrude A. Slroudsburg, East Stroudsbu] Stioudsburg, Eactorvville, PA. * County. Monroe, Monroe, Monroe, Monroe, Poyntelle, Wayne, Wayne, Wyoming, Wyoming, Tunkliannock, Bangor, INi.atamoras, Matamoras, L'.aston, \*'eatherly, Pittston, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Wyoming, p;ffort, High Lake, Tunkhannock, 57 Nortliampton, Pike, Pike, Nortliampton, Carbon, Puzerne, Mehoopany, Wyoming, Hazleton, Luzerne, JUNIORS. Bachman, Ardella A. Barkley, Ida T. Bartron, Helen Boyle, Cornelius J. Butz, Anna M. Bush, Clarence T. Bush, Elsie R. Carroll, John A. Cole, Beatrice Corcoran, Nora F. Costello, Ruth R. Courtright, Anna C. Culp, Eleanor C. Cummings, Charles P. Davey, William H. Davis, Myrtle Decker, Ella Decker, Kathryn Mary r>anielsville, Atco, Martin's Creek, Northampton, Monroe, Monroe, East Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg-, Port Carbon, Stroudsburg, Old Forge, Jessup, Anthony H. Hartung, Ethel J. Johnson, John B. Kemp, Annie M. Gill, Kernan, Anna E. Kimble, Nella Kuntz, Esther M. Naomi Maloney, Mary Mann, Roy L. Lichte, McGee, Sarah Meehan, Mary J. J. Melvin, James A. Anna Bettine Overfield, Hope Pallman, George Palmer, Reuben M. Monroe, Monroe, Luzerne, Fretz, White Mills, Delaware, Upper Lehigh, East Stroudsburg, Wilkes-Barre, Honesdale, Cherryville, Bethlehem, Wilkes-Barre, Stroudsburg, Freeland, Menhennett, Winfield Merwine, Burton Schuylkill, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Freeland, Scranton, Pen Argyl, Sandy Valley, E. Fretz, Blanche R. Schuylkill, East Stroudsburg, Hawley, Ransom, Miners Mills, Inkerman, Lake Como, Stroudsburg, O'Brien, Birchardville, Outterson, East Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, Clarks Summit, Delaware Water Gap, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Wayne, Monroe, Saylorsburg, Depue, Grace L. Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, Edinger, Mima Eilenberger, Melchoir North Water Gap, Fallon, Marjorie L. Old Forge, Fangboner, Helen M. East Stroudsburg, Frederick, Elmer East Stroudsburg, Dietrich, Northampton, Delaware Water Gap, Kaska, Lackawanna, Northampton, Luzerne, Wayne, Lackawanna, Monroe, Monroe, Monroe, Monroe, Lackawanna, Monroe, Monroe, Bucks, Wayne, Warren, Luzerne, Monroe, Luzerne, Wayne, Northampton, Northampton, Luzerne, Monroe, Luzerne, Luzerne, Lackawanna, Wayne, Monroe, Susquehanna, ]\Tonroe, Monroe, Lackawanna, Monroe, N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 58 Name. Postoffice. Pearson, John Quick, Lena Recla, Agnes Remaly, Florence Rogers, Alice Scheller, Maude Shotwell, Robert Singer, Stotz Smith, Clayton S. Sullivan, Northampton, Dingman's Ferry, Pike, Schuylkill, Sheppton, Easton, D. Mary Watts, Charlotte Weisgarver, George Wolfinger, Fannie G. County. Bath, State. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Monroe, Factoryville, Wyoming, Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, Dalton, Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, Monroe, Monroe, Monroe, Lackawanna, Monroe, Monroe, Monroe, Monroe, SUB-JUNIOKS. Congdoh, Louise Conmy, Patrick Coyne, Frank P. Craig, Helen T. Dalrymple, Elizabeth Edinger, Ethel Graves, Forest Hallock, Helen M. Hess, Floyd Hovt, Jay V. Imbt, M. Russell Dorothy Love, Marguerite E. Melenric, Rudolph Odendahl, Margaret E. Paul, Verna Kistler, Repp, Ruth Rhinehart, Nettie Stoddard, Arthur Transue, Mae Weiss, Virginia A. East Stroudsburg, Olyphant, Old Forge, Delaware, Shawnee, East Stroudsburg, Delaware Water Gap, East Stroudsburg, Mt. Bethel, Delaware, East Stroudsburg, Delaware Water Gap, Jermyn, Scranton, Scranton, Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg, Bangor, Mt. Pocono, Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, Weller, Isabel A. letter, M. Russell Monroe, I^ackawanna, Lackawanna, Warren, Monroe, Monroe, Monroe, Monroe, Northampton, Warren, Monroe, Monroe, .Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Monroe, Monroe, Monroe, Northampton, Monroe, Monroe, Monroe, Monroe, Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. SPECIAL AND UNCLASSIFIED. Ackerman, Harrison Arida, Raphael N. Bartron, Florence E. liebelheimer, Daniel Bisbing, Lester Brown, Donald H. Caminero, Jose Campbell, Robert C&rden, John Carl, Paul Christian, Charles S. Compton, Mary M. D' Andrea, Canio L. Lilenberger, Freda K. I';ilenberger, William Flagler, M. Ada Garvery, Raymond Hatton, Stanley G. Heller, Carrie Heller, Leila A. Henry, J. Russell Hindson, George E. Hoffman, Oram J. Northampton, Pa. Homs, N. Syria, Turkey, Delaware Water Gap Monroe, Pa. Easton, Port Carbon, Schuylkill, East Stroudsburg, North Water Gap, Havana, Monroe, Monroe, Scranton, Carbondale, East Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Cuba. Monroe, Monroe, Honeybrook, Dunmore, Chester, East Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg, Monroe, Monroe, Monroe, Moosic, Lackawanna, Dingman's Ferry, Narrowsburg, Pike, Sullivan, Stroudsburg, Henryville, Monroe, Monroe, Luzerne, Monroe, White Haven, East Stroudsburg, Pa. Pa. Pa. Lackawanna, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. EAST STROUDSBURG, Name. I. Kautz, Bertha Loretta B. Learn, Margaret Lessig, Bessie M. Lyman, Percy Machell, Edna M. I^ang-an, McMann, Thomas P. Morgan, David R. Nash, Hazei Penabaz, Fernando Predmore, Bessie Price, Harrison Roach, Edna Roe, Mary E. Sebring, Edith C. Silberman, Oscar Singer, Edith "E. Skweir, John Smith, Sadie A. Jermyn, Lackawanna, Monroe, Hawley, Sandy Valley, East Stroudsburg, Wayne, Monroe, Milford, Dallas, Luzerne, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Luzerne, Monroe, N. Y. Pa. Pa. Boyle, Rose A. Blsbing, Bessie Bornhoeft, Anna Bornhoeft, Edna Brown, Agnes Breslin, Kathryn Barkley, Ida T. Buck, Laura Boland, Helen A. Chambers, Bertha Cohen, Tibi H. Quarries, Brainards, East Stroudsburg, Stanton, Factoryville, East Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg, Cresco, LIST C. B. Cuba. Monroe, Monroe, Pa. Pa. Pike, Pa Monroe, Monroe, Northampton, Monroe, Luzerne, Monroe, Monroe, Monroe, Monroe, Northampton, Monroe, Monroe, Warren, Monroe, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Montgomery, N. Earley, Mayme E. Fanseen, Foster I'rankenfield. Edith Felker, Emma Glass, Irene E. Haas, May E. Hefft, Edna Henry, Russell Kipp, Hannah Kemp, Grace Kurtz, Ella Kennedy, Margaret G. Dean, Sylvia M. Davies, Lotta I. Lyman, Percy McGeehan, Winifred Kistler, Alice L. Lennington, Jennie Wyoming, Monroe, Monroe, Monroe, Buck, Maud Bush, Frank Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. McCauley, Mabel D. Miller, Edith (^utterson, Bettine K. Palmiter, Adelia A. Reynolds, Meda M. Reagle, William H. Sandt, Christine Taylor, Gertrude Tresslar, Sarah G. Turn, Laura Turn, Daisy Warrick, Beulah Werts, Elsie M Warner, Ethel Wisegarver, Emily VanAtta, Bessie K. Yothers, Emma D. MODEL SCHOOL ROLL. Ammerman, Adelaide Bonynge, William Ammerman, Ruth Bonynge, Rita Allen, Marguerite Allen, Thelma Ace, Chester Ace, Ida J. Pa. Iowa. OF MUSIC STUDENTS. Decker, Adele Detrick, Violet F. DeWan, Joanna E. DeWan, Frances Luzerne, Pike, Brooklyn, Edwardsdale, East Stroudsburg, Santiago de Cuba, East Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, Flagstone, Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, South Bethlehem, Stroudsburg, Tobyhanna, Delaware Water Gap, Emma State. N. J. Siroudsburg, Chapman Wood, Violet Altemose, Mrs. Sussex, East Stroudsburg, Delaware Water Gap, Delaware Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Tinney, Martha W. Transue, Leroy Transue, Robert E. VanAtta, Bessie VanFliet, Laura Wallin, Clarence A. Weaver, Charles G. Weidner, Mae Yothers, Layton, McAdoo, Slaples, Harold D. Staples, John R. Staples, Leila 59 County. Postollice. Hursh, Anna M. Jones, Alice PA. Bivens, Harold Bartholomew, Ruth Brockley, Paul Clarke, Ealand Crowe, Virginia Crowe, Reginald Crowe, Janet Crowe, Helen Caramella, Jennie Carleton, Claude DeWitt, Alvin Detrick, Ira Eilenberger, Vera Eilenberger, Cleo STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 60 Englehardt, George Eding-er, Ada May Glass, Arthur Glass, Lucille Glass, Louis Glass, Florence Schoonover, Bernard Kramer, Jacob LaBar, Lulu Lanterman, Floyd Sandt, Christine Lee, Mabel Lee, Florence Gorden, Abner Gorden, Emery Gorden, Stanley Gorden, Louis Garrison, Kintner, Frank Leap, Raymond Macomber, Mabel Marean, William McPherson, Mary McPherson, Bernice Emma Garris, Milton Garris, Edith Metzg-er, Norman Metzger, Stanley Mertens, Serena Mertens, Chester Hoyt, Jay Henry, Stephen Hineline, Gertrude Hopkins, Rebecca Mount, Ruth Mount, Bertha Peters, Bernard Place, Clinton Rhinehart, Nettie Kennedy, Iva Kennedy, Amy Smith, William Smith, Claire Stoddard, Arthur Stackhouse, Reeves Mosteller, Newhart, Ruth Oerfield, Russell Plattenburg, Miles Plattenburg, Amzie Peters, Clara Kemp, Chester Kemp, Edward Kelsey, Henry Stettler, Turner, Mary Turner, Henrietta Talesz, George Talesz, Louis Tipman, Martha 'iaylor, Viola Raymond VanGorden, Samuel. Ralph Hurley, Stephen Hurley, Frances Hanna, Olivia Hallock, Richard Ike, Arthur Ike, Bertha Imbt, Floyd Kemp, Grace Heller, Shaw, Earl Shannon, Thei'esa Stauffer, Dorothy Stauffer, Edith Schmalsteig, John Setzer, Beulah Slider, Helen Slutter, Bertha Siptroth, Arlene VanGorden, Paul VanGorden, Samuel Welter, Dorothy Welter, Harold Walters, Russell Vvalters, Harold Wannamaker, Dorothy Walker, William Watts, Florence Watts, Susan Watts, Ethel Kathleen KINDERGARTEN ROLL. Ace, Kenneth Ralph Bonynge, Bernard I?artholomew, Brockley, Maud Bush, Harold Burch, Nelson Burch. Richard Burnett, Margaret Eilenberger, Stanley Foley, Martin Gilbert, Sarabelle Gordon, Raymond Hartman, Helma Hartman, Beatrice Mabel Ike, Krauter, Elsie Lanterman, John John Marsteller, Hazel Mount, Kathleen Rheinfels, Ralph liCe, Stauffer, George Stem, Irvin Talesz, Frank Talesz Bertha Teeter, Mary Emma Turner, Madeline Wah, Bud Harry "Walton, Walter, Stewart Slider, Irene Warman, Helen Smith, Paul Weisgarver,Marguerite SUMMARY. Post Graduates Ladies Seniors Ladies 1 Gentlemen Ladies Juniors Ladies 39 Gentlemen Ladies 14 Gentlemen Special and Unclassified. . .Ladies 27 Gentlemen Music Ladies Model School Gentlemen Grades Kindergarten 47 — 136 89 Gentlemen Sub-Juniors — — 129 4 Gentlemen Middlers 28 101 5 — — 29 — 20 59 9 23 47 4 — 56 51 115i 34 EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 61 Alumni. CLASS OF 1894. LADIES. Beitle, Helen Brady, Anna Broadhead, Mary E. Bush, Anna Corby, Hattie M. Connell, Bessie Corbett, Anna L. Cope, Lottie E. *Coolican, Tillie Cyphers, Lizzie Cunningham, Kate Cox, Kate *Fisher, Alice Gilligan, Mary C. Gilmartin, Lydia Gordon, Susie Griffitli, Laura *Gaug-han, Anna Gillespie, Nellie Hess, Lizzie Henrick, Emma C. Hancock, Ethel Heberling, Ella L. *Heath, Elizabeth Hicks, Grace DeWitt Johnson, Mame Kelley, Kelley, Mame Anna Kenney, May G. T. G. Kline, Jennie A. Kervin, Maggie LaBarre, Daisy M. McCaulev, Teresa McHale, Mary McCarthy, Lizzie Moses, Esther Laura E. Morrow, Grace Morrow, Mary L. Mahan, Mary Miller, Newmiller, Louise O'Dea, Marie Orr, Katie O'Neil, Alberta Richards, Nellie Regan, Elizabeth Scanlon, Winifred Stuckley, Emily Snyder, Gertrude H. *Snyder, Carrie B. Teacher, Mrs. Chas. Norris, Mrs. R. E. Laramy, Mrs. Dr. F. Krause, Mrs. A. D. Thomas, Teacher, Mrs. R. D. Jennings, Mrs. J. H. Fulmer, New York, Wiikes-Barre, Mrs. Dr. D, C. Trach, Teacher, Teacher, Kresgeville, Mrs. A. J. Horan, Teacher, Mrs. W. Kearney, Jersey City, Carbondale, New York, Mrs. Dr. E. F. Hanlon, Teacher, Mrs. W. G. Walter, Mrs. J. A. Noecker, Teacher, Hazelton, Pa. Pa. W. Bethlehem, Pa. Bethlehem, Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Pa. Bethlehem, Teacher, H. S. Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Thos. S. Burke, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. J. E. Williams, Teacher, Scranton, Mrs William Mack, Principal, Mrs. Geo. Drury, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Thos. Thomas, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. F. S. Michel, Pliiladelphia, Hazleton, Nanticoke, Scranton, Nazareth, Parsons, N. J. Pa. N. Y. Pa. Slatington, Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, New York, Wilkes-Barre, Summit Hill, Conn. Watertown, E. M'ch Chunk, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pittston, White Haven, Denison, Scranton, Richland, Texas. Pa. Ore. Pa. Chunk, Pa. Pa. Scranton, Pa. Somerset, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Tobyhanna, Pa. Mauch Chunk, South Bethlehem, Pa. Pittston, E. Mauch Mrs. J. Dougherty, Teacher, Lansford, Sorenson, Margaret Turner, Nellie Elfa Tennant, Kate VanEtten, Bessie *Deceased. Pliysician, Nanticoke, Stenographer, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pittston, Shields, Katie T. Shields, Mamie Elocutionist, Mrs. T. W. Barker, N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Phoenixville, E. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. M'ch Chunk, Tidioute, Wilkes-Barre, York, New N. Y STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. 62 VanEtten, Lila Annette White, Lottie Mrs. X. P. Huddy, Teacher, Mrs. Harry Yeide, Crynant, Mrs. W. Maxwell, B. Vail, Williams, Maud Weaver, Sarah GENTLEMEN, Costenbader, Thos. Culberson, John Frank *Golden, Edward Collins Jnoover, G. S. Jackson, H. A. Kunkle, H. A. Lord, J. P. *McGill, J. E. Orange, N. J. Pa. Moscow, Weatherly, Wales, Pa. G. Pittsburg, B. Pa. '94. Clerk, Mauch Cnunk, Postal Clerk, Physician, N. Y. City, Merchant, Merchant, Mt. Carmel, Pa. Saltsburg, Pa. Guelph, Ont., Canada. Dorranceton, Pa. New Minister, Teacher Math., H. S. York, Pa. N. Y. N. Y. J. McCarthy, Francis McMonegal, M. Rinker, Richard Supt. of School Teacher, Colbayog, Hazleton, Minister, Pittston, STATE CERTIFICATE, Boyle, Mary Shull, Samuel E. Teacher, Superintendent, CLASS OF Phil. Is. Pa. Pa. '94. Lansford, Perth Amboy, Pa. N. J. 1895. LADIES. Brands, Mary J. Brown, Elsie Barteau, Agnes Bush, Edith Mae Carney, Anna Canam, Grace R. Cool, Evelyn Curran, Nellie Dodson, Katie E. Davies, Mary Evans, Laura B. Evans, Susie E. Edwards, Anna M. Flynn, Emilv Fenstermacher, M. Z. Gray, Edith Gillespie, Mary Heller, Ruth Hicks, Catharine Holzeman, Katherine Johnson, Emma Jones, Martha Jones, Sadie J. Kurtz, Mabel Krauter, Mary M. Mack, Anna V. Miller, Susie B. Metzgar, Lizzie McCadden, Anna McCauley, Josephine Mollahan, Kate Newhart, Carrie G. Osmun, Isabel Rhinehart, Minnie G. Reap, Mame Ruddy, Mary tehafer, Margaret Deceased. Mrs. Dr. C. E. Beck, Teaclier, Mrs. C. McKelvey, Mrs. J. Huffman, Teacher, Mrs. C. B. Chase, Mrs. F. B. Fletcher, Mrs. N. V. Taylor, Mrs. J. B. McKeage, Teacher, Mrs. H. R. Flagler, Mrs. J. Thomas, Mrs. John M. Thoma^ Kindergartner, Mrs. P. M. Graul, Mrs. B. S. Warner, Teacher, Sewing, Teacher, Portland, Pa. Angels, Pa. New York, N. Y. Marshalls Creek, Pa. Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Des Moines, la. Yonkers, Scranton, Jersey Shore, Scranton, Stroudsburg, Vaughnville, Scranton, Dunmore, Lehighton, Newark, Scranton, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Allentown, N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Ohio. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Mrs. J. A. Laubach, Mrs. F. Burke, Philadelphia, Teacher, Scranton, Pa. Teacher, Parsons, Teacher, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Pa. Mrs. Albert D. Green Lock Haven, Mont. Mrs. T. J. Donohue, Butte, Pa. Portland, Studying Music, Pa. Mrs. C. F. Schatzle, White Haven, Pa. Teacher, Wilkes-Barre, Exeter Borough, Pa. Teacher, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Teacher, Pa. Slatington, Mrs I. Bergstresser, N. J. Mrs. Zedrick Womer, Newark, Pa. Mountainhome, Teacher, Pa. Scranton, Teacher, Pa. Scranton, Teacher, Pa. Mountainhome, Teacher, EAST STROUDSBURG, Schoonover, Elsie Timony, Kathryn Williams, Mary L. Walsh, M. Alice Mrs. J. W. Palmer, Mrs. J. M. Brearity, Mrs. G. Shultz, Teacher, GENTLEMEN, Appenzeller, C. D. Bush, Ralph D. Brewster, Wm. F. Bursh, E. F. Bachman, C. C. Batt, O. E. Coolbaugh, H. E. Detrick, W. J. Eilenberger, R. J. Express PA. Hoboken, Peckville, '95. Flushing, L. Vice-Principal, Manasquan, Lawyer, Wilkes-Barre, Easton, Bangor, Moores, Stroudsburg, Jersey Shore, N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Co., Teacher, Teacher, Supervising Princ, Merchant, Principal, Principal, Clinton, Teacher, Sterling, Graul, P. M. Lawyer, Lehighton, Cashier, Teacher, Principal, Keiser, Norman G. Mulligan, John R. Miller, Charlton D. McGuigan, Frank Rhodes, Norman E. Reimer, Eli Smith, H. E. Smith, Hezekiah I. W. Va. Fairmount, Bank Jayne, Wilson T. Kinney, Ira L. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Plymouth, Eng. Mech., C. S. N. Freeland, Fawkes, Edward Gilpin, George Houck, 63 Pa. Pa. Pa. Hawley, State of Washi ngton. Portland, Pa. Binghamton, Nesquehoning, N. Teacher, Arlington, Mass. Principal, Pittston, Book-keeper, Merchant, Meadville, Business, Easton, Flanders, Glass Manufacturer, Prin. Gram. School, CLASS OF Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Flicksville, Merchant, Y. Pa. N. J. 1896. LADIES. Burke Mary Bonner, Grace Bennett, Clara R. Bowman, Agnes Brodhead, Josie May Boyle, Ellen Cooper, Delia A. Carney, Mary Margaret Casey, Marie Collins, Crooks, Anna E. Cooke, Lucy Cure, Anna Dougherty, Mary Dick, Jeannette H. Farrow, Carrie B. Follweiler, Clara L. Gillispie, Mary E. Gilpin, Elizabeth Gray, Virginia Huston, Myriam Henry, Jeannette M. Hawk, Grace M. Jones, Laura M. Jenkins, Eva L. Jones, Elizabeth Klaer, Anna Kilhullen, Julia A. Kellow, Jessie Kurtz, Ella M. Loughney, Eliz. A. Mutchler, Ella M. Teacher, Mrs. Howard Eyster. Wilkes-Barre, New York Mrs. Mt. Pocono, Old Forge, Lansford, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, S. Shick, Vice Principal, Teacher, Mrs. B. T. Brown, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Retired, Mrs. Andrew Shigo, Teacher, Mrs. Eli Reimer, Mrs. Robt. Hermany, Mrs. J. Reinert, Student Pa. Hospital Mrs. G. Farnsworth, Mrs. J. Henry Rider, Mrs. Jean Savacool, Teacher, Assistant Principal, Mrs. William Walter Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. F. P. Courley, Teacher, Pa. Wash. Seattle, Columbia Univ., City. Nesquehoning. Carbondale, Gouldsboro, Scranton, Jermyn, Freeland, Moosic, Flicksville, Dallas, Miners, Philadelphia, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Tex. Pa. Pa. Waltham, Mass. Stanton, Somerville, Va. Mass. Perth Amboy, Plymouth, N. Birdsboro, Plymouth, Stroudsburg, Carbondale, Scranton, E. Stroudsburg, Pittston, E. Stroudsburg, J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 64 Masters, Edith M. Moll, Elizabeth Mount, Lizzie Jane Emma Michaels, Murphy, Olive G. Nicholas, Lillie M. Newhart, Hattie Newlin, Powers, Emma W. Pearoe, Maud Hannah Pursell, Fannie B. Pearson, Eliz. A. Purcell, Mary Price, Elsie E. Roehrig, Mary E. Rasner, Anna Reinhart, Lizzie Ruddy, Kate Nellie Reilly, Smith, Cora E. Shaw, Eva L. Smith, Esther M. Mary Silver, C. Mrs. Stanley Rogers Mrs. J. Wuerffel, Mrs. J. Silverstein, Teacher, Mrs. W. H. Loder, Teacher, Mrs. O. F. Rinker, Mrs. D. C. Hummel, Mrs. J. M. Schreck, Mrs. Frank Bush, Mrs. Ira Kresge, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Geo. W. Jasper, Mrs. Edward Burke, Mrs. E. Sweet, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Clinton Supplee, Teacher, Teacher, Swartswelder, F. Shields, Mary E. Shivler, Katie Mary Smith, Seiple, Bertha E. Trimmer, Frances Timbrell, Lena Timony, Bridget Watson, Emma E. "Wyckoff, Jennie F, Williamson, Kate Webber, Marie Waters, Anna W. Yost, Estella M. Mrs. G. E. Merrett, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Mann, Teaching, Clerk, Mrs. R. M. Forrester, Teacher, Mrs. Emile Perrot, Mrs. Chas. J. Bunn, Mrs. C. J. Bunz, Mrs. Theo. Scholia, Faculty Friends Sem. Mrs. D. L. Wilson, GENTLEMEN, Beck, Frank B. Brodt, O. Becker, Wm. A. H Boyle, Frank P. Boyle, B. S. Coyle, M. J. Mill S. City, E. E. Stroudsburg Stroudsburg '96 Stone Church, Teacher, Teacher, Mt. Bethel, Bethlehem, Book-keeper, Lawyer, Hazleton, Port Vue, Prin. of Schools, Teacher, Mauch Chunk, Pioche, Bethlehem, Lawyer, Hazleton, Engineer, Mech. Engineer, East Hemm, Gustav Hess, John T. Heberling, E. C. Houston, Jamison, J. Wm. Bangor, Philadelphia, Principal, West Easton, Foundryman, Peekskill, Principal, Wilkes-Barre, Salesman, Attorney-at-Law, Teacher, Mauch Chunk, Philadelphia, Bangor, L. V. R. R. Clerk, Physician, Teacher, B. C. Pa. Pa. Pa. , Cannon F. , , Mine Owner, Hom, Garrett , N. J. N. Y. N. Y. Pa. E. Stroudsburg Miners Mills, Pa. Easton, Pa. New York, N. Y. Pa. Mountainhome, Shickshinny, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Binghamton, N. Y. Pa. Scranton, Pa. Hudson, Pa. Dalton, Philadelphia, Pa. Pa. Scranton, Pa. Silverbrook, Pa. Stroudsburg, Pa. Jermyn, Manasquan, N. J. Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Bangor, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, N. J. Rockaway, Pa. Freeland, Trenton June, N. J. Pa. E. Stroudsburg Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Dunmore, Pa. Stroudsburg, Pa. Scranton, Business, Drum, Herbert R. Frace, James M. Gish, Wm. H. Hanlon, James A. N. Cherryville, Phillipsburg, Palenville, Buffalo, Cyphers, R. M. Cyphers, F. L. F. J. Billiard, H. C. Pa. Pa. Bethlehem, Rosman, Philadelphia, Mt. Carmel, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Nev. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Kresg-e, Erles Lawyer, Koehler, John J. xvoehler, Geo. W. Co. Supt. Kunkle, Geo. Asst. Principal, Scranton, Battle Creek, Honesdale, Nazareth, Pen Argyl, Book-keeper, Kingston, Pa. Freight Clerk, Freeland, Pa. B. *Loug'hran, P. McCreary, J. Clerk Wayne P. O. Co. Mich. Pa. Pa. Pa. J. N. Madden, John McGeehan, Con. Deceased. EAST STROUDSBURG. Morgan, A. S. McDonald, Jas S. Miller, Geo. W. Oyer, Jos. E. O'Donnell, John D. Pomp, William H. Myron Price, G. W. G. *Remaly, Saricks, A. J. P. Smith, A. L. Strunk, Walter M. Silver, Michael Strunk, H. Treible, I. S. Harry Walsh, M. Slatington, Book-keeper, Real Est. Ass, Attorney-at-Law, New York, Bangor, R. Easton, Teacher, Summit Ass't Principal, Pen Argyl, Lumberman, Supervising Prin., Wilkes-Barre, Wilkes-Barre, Ricketts, York, Philadelphia, Teacher, N. Service, McGuigan, Frank S. Kurtz, Elizabeth N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Bethlehem, Stroudsburg, Scranton, '96. Westfield, Supt. School, Chamberlain, H. E. VanGorden, Clara Pa. Pa. Pa. New Express Clerk, STATE CERTIFICATE, Savitz, J. J. Wilt, O. R. Hill, Minister, Customs Pa. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. F. D. Canadensis, Book-keeper, Lawyer, J. 65 Slate Manufacturer, Sec'v Y. M. C. A., J. Shannon, PA. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Superintendent, S. Bethlehem, Teacher, Lanesboro, Mrs. A. F. Schmalstieg E. Stroudsburg, Principal, Member Faculty, Pittston, E. S. Normal. CLASS OF 1897 LADIES. Appenzeller, Elsie Brown, Elizabeth M. Bond, Elizabeth Mae Brown, Margaret Burnett, Rose G. Burke, Helen J. Cyphers, Miriam E. Clum, Mrs. Stella Carpenter, Lilly M. Carpenter, Hattie N. Cronk, Mae A. Mrs. J. VanVorst, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Book-keeper, M. of Fac, P. Inst., Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Donovan, Mary A. Principal, Diehl, Ida A. Fanning, Nellie R. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher. Mrs. E. F. Gibbs, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Stenographer, Mrs. Geo. Bornhoeft, Teacher, Mrs. W. L Gold, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. J. R. VanGorder, Student, Teacher, Mrs. W. L. Meaker, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Gray, Esther M. Gilpin, Laura A. Gallagher, Margaret Harmon, Bertha S. Hoag, Mary T. Howe, Blanche A. Headley, Eliz. M. Haley, Mary A. Hill, Isabella Hoffman, Lou M. Javne, iNannie Kline, Hattie A. Kearney, Ella C. Kearney, Bessie A. Knapp, Lulu E. Levan, Laura M. Lane, Tillie M. Laramy, Anna Lore, Emma O. D. Morey, Bertha R. Markey, Rose R. Miller, Margaret M. Deceased. S. Easton, Atlantic City, Pa. N. J. Glens Falls, N. Y. Angels, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. , Scranton, Pa. New York, Heightstown, N. Y. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Factoryville, Factoryville, Wilkes-Barre, Lanesboro, E.M'ch Chunk, Plymouth, Newark, Sterling, Wilkes-Barre, Nanticoke, Sayre, Detroit, Passaic, Mich. N. J. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Jersey City, N. J. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. , Eatonville, Nazareth, Peckville, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, W. Philadelphia Wilkes-Barre, Bethlehem, Nanticoke, Stroudsburg, Wilkes-Barre, Portland, , Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. STATE NORMAL. SCHOOL, 66 Patterson, Rose G. Reese, Angie Shoemaker, Pauline Shields, Alice V. Shafer, Lottie V. Spencer, Lottie A. Templeton, Margaret Taylor, Mabel E. Whitson, Bessie Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. M. J. McLean, Teacher, Mrs. G. A. Morris, Teacher, Mrs. Valentine Shoop, Teacher, GENTLEMEN, Ackerman, Oscar W. Arnold, Harry E. Connaghen, John H. Gierscli, Harry C. Gardner, Fred C. Hester, Henry Haiges, Fred O. Harton, James F. Pittston, Pa. Pa. Scranton, Bismark, N. Dak. Middletown, Conn. Coopersburg, Pa. Hornell, N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Plymouth, Lanesboro. Nanticoke, '97. Science Teacher, Signal Dept. L.V.R.R. Ashbourne, Geneva, Priest, Steelton, Air Brake Inspector, Teacher, Stroudsburg, E. Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg, Merchant, White Haven, Lewis A. Ketcham, Walter E. Prin. Gram. School, Prin. High School, Elec. Engineer, \vilkes-Barre, Eisbee, Kistler, Milton Cashier, Bank, E. Stroudsburg Wilkes-Barre, Easton, Bangor, Clerk, D.L.&W.R.R., Pa. N. Y. Pa. R. F. D. No. Ink, S. Murray, Martin C. Moyer, William C. Miers, Charles O. Murray, Michael J. Michael, Charles W. Oliver, Joseph W. Powell, Fred M. Harvey Peifley, F. Pipher, Josiah B. *Reicliard, John Shick, Frank J. Snyder, Wallace Sandt, John H. Shuman, Shook, F. J. W. W. Bertie S. Wilmarth, Naaman Clerk, G. B. Teacher, L. Scranton, Postal Clerk, Clarks Summit New York, N. Y. Principal, Gilroy, Business, Bangor, Stroudsburg, :, Book-keeper, N. Clearfield, Winona, Bookkeeper, Y. Pa. Minn. Easton, R.F.D., No. 3 Stroudsburg, Pa. Bookkeeper, Nazareth, Ass't Principal, Principal, Ithaca, Insurance, Railway Mail Clerk, 3. Pa. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. '97. Pen Argyl, Assistant Principal, Pa. '97. Portland, Prin. Schools, Principal, Vineland, Mrs. A. F. Schmalstieg CLASS OF D. No. Avoca, Scranton, Gibson, Unger, J. Pa. Pa. Teacher, Lawyer, Bethlehem, J. Cal. Brooklyn, Clerk, H. S. Science Teacher, Director M. Training, Powell, James Shafer, William A. Strunk, Henry S. VanGorden, Clara Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. , Manual Training, POST GRADUATES, Kinney, Ira Pa. Pa. Ariz. Lawyer, SCIENTIFIC COURSE, Kunkle, 2. Japan. Teacher, R. F. Schafer, Heber I, Taylor, Ernest L. Toole, Michael J. Ward, Thomas H. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Northampton, N. J. Cumberland, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Minooka, Stroudsburg, 1898. LADIES. Bible, Alice May Brazille, Nellie A. Blessing, Inez Butterworth, M. E. *Deceased. Teacher, Mrs. Peter Cawlej', Mrs. O. E. Williams, Teacher, Passaic, New York. Scranton, Madisonville, N. J. Pa. Pa. EAST STROUDSBURG. Brewer, Laura M. Burt, Flora E. Bennett, Lizzie R. Bartholomew, Laura Cannon, Stella A. Conway, Margaret T. Coronway, Ethel Cannon, Celia E. Clarke, Julia L. Conway, Margaret Z, Crosgrove, Margaret Davis, Cora A. Dowling, Mamie Ella Frutchey, Laura M. Grover, L. Maye Dills, Heller, Marcia C. Holland, Jennie L. Healey, Katie G. Hess, Louise E. Howell, Evelyn M. Joyce, Margaret V. Kearney, Glenelda C. Lynch, Mary R. Ada B. Metzgar, Lou B. McCarthy, Anna Martin, L. McDonald, Rose C. Michael, Martha E. Mollahan, Kathryne McKee, Minnie A. Mack, Mary Mick, Rosella Murphy Joanna L. McGinnis, Helen I. McLean, Mary M. J. Nixon, Addle M. Phillips, Mae Price, Olive A. Rice, Margaret Robinson, Eliz. M. Skinner, Mabel E. Sullivan, Kathleen E. Smith, Katie Smith, Lulu J. J. Brooklyn, Shoemakers, Bridgewater, Stroudsburg, Wilkes-Barre, Sugar Notch, Wilkes-Barre, Ass't Principal, Mayfield, Mrs. R. Wilkes-Barre, Nazareth, Wilkes-Barre, Carbondale, Bangor, Atlantic City, Carbondale, Scranton, Carbondale, Stroudsburg, J. Reilly, Stenographer, Teacher, Mrs. M. M. Morgan, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Jas. Brophy, Mrs. Arthur Patton, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Charles Knight, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. T. A. Briggs, Sigafus, Teaching, Teacher, Anna E. Shafer, Eliz. M. Tracy, Mary M. Welter, Mae Wise, Octavia K. Wright, Elizabeth Wheaton, Bessie R. Watt, Gertrude E. Mrs. C. W. Howell, Teacher, Mrs. Robert Sayre, Mrs. Frank Dutt, Mrs. S. F.Breed, Mrs. Walter Lewis, Teacher, GENTLEMEN, Ace, Claude B. Brodt, Stewart C. Bender, Benj. F. Butler, William J. Cullather, M. A. Carl, Oscar E. Curtis, Edward B. *Flory, Roy Coal Dealer, Teacher, Clerk, Super. Prin. Stenographer, Teacher, jrrin. Schools, Summit Hill Jamesburg, Pittston, Archbald, Stearns, Dalton, Duryea, Nazareth, Hazleton, Asbury Park, Bangor, Carbondale, Berwick, Starrucca, Carbondale, Jessup, \V ilkes-Barre, Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg, Burnwood, Mountainhome, Chalfont, Scranton, Milanville, Wilkes-Barre, Nanticoke, Tucson, Glen Ridge, Pen Argyl, Parma, Wilkes-Barre, Stroudsburg, Easton, Brooklyn, Gelatt, Passaic, N. Y. Pa. Mass. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Ky. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Ariz. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Pa. N. J. '98. Hoboken, Portland, Jersey, City, Wilkes-Barre, Minersville, Fearnot, Susquehanna, N. J. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. C. Green, Oscar F. Deceased. 67 Mrs. J. J. Cort. Mrs. VanCampen, Teacher, Mrs. Harry F. Miller, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. N. H. Graves, Mrs. Anthony, T'cher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. A. W. Larrabee, Teacher, Mrs. T. F. Delaney, Teacher, Clerk, P. O., Teacher, Schoonover, Caroline Shannon, Daisy V. PA. Teacher, Sciota, Pa. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Gibbs, Edwin Merchant, F. Hobbes, C. E. Hoffsommer, Walter Kintner, Ira L. LaRue, Daniel W. Miller, Elbert A. Mengel, Henry F. Male, Nicholas M. Miller, Lafayette Nanticoke, Pa. AVilkes-Barre, Pa. Tokio, Janan. Marshalls Creek. Pa. Augusta, Me. Dentist, Missionary, Teacher, Supt. of Schools, Richmond, Teacher, Teacher, Slate Business, Teacher, Elmhurst Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Boston, Mass. Easton, Pen Argyl, Belvidere, McCabe, James F. Mitman, Wesley M. Lawyer, Wilkes-Barre, Prin. of Schools, Michael, Benj. F. Druggist, Merchant, Agt. Munson S. S. Co. Teacher, Mech. Engineer, Easton, Laceyville South Gibson, McNamara, Galusha Palmer, Abner M. Reimer, Enoch Reimei, Elmer J. Rogers, Edward B. Reimer, Azariah *Smith, Lewis A. Seguine, Wm. M. Super, Jacob J. Stevens, Wm. M. Sullivan, Edward Walsh, Wm. P. Walsh, Anthony Webber, Charles Clerk, Minister, Stroudsburg Norm, Bangor, R. F. D. 1, Pa. Faculty, E. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, , A.torney-at-Law, T. B. Physician, Agent, POST GRADUATES, Kunkle, George B. Kinney, Ira L. Gardner, Fred C. Shoemaker, Pauline Jones, Sadie Lansford, Bank Member J. Yonkers, Bangor, J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pen Argyl, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. '98 Assistant Principal, Teacher, Clerk,D. L. &W. R. R. Teacher, Teacher, CLASS OF Lansford, Wilkes-Barre, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, Avoca, . Portland, E. Stroudsburg, Shoemakers, Parsons, 1899. LADIES. Atherton, Kittie M. Bell, Ruth Bretney, Clara Brumbaugh, J. C. G. Coyne, Cath. A. Castle, Charlotte L. Chambers, Bertha Cassidy, Ella M. Case, Lulu E. Chamberlain, Bertha Doughty, M. Olive Dertinger, Louise C. Ervin, Sadie E. Ever, Ida M. Evans, E. May Edwards, Laura A. Fenstermacher, C. Fetherman, Daisy A. Forgeng, Mary I. Fallon, Theresa F. Guinnip, Mabel G. Gannon, Eliza C. Gilpin, Blanche K. Hanahan, Margaret Hoover, Sue E. Hills, Myra L. Holton, Katharyne Deceased. Teacher, Mrs. E. Higgins, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. E. F. Eversole, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Philip Brundage Mrs. A. E. Herriman, Mrs. B. M. Shull, Mrs. A. C. Graham, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Daniel LaRue, Mrs. James Donovan, Mrs. W. H. Robacker. Teacher, Mrs F. O. Ruth, Mrs. W. J. Niemeyer, Teacher, C'lk's Summit, Rushville, Lehighton, Pniladelphia, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Stroudsburg, Warwick, Passaic, Wyalusing, Monroe, Wilkes-Barre, Forty-Fort, Ashley, Palisades, Galeton, Lehighton, Allentown, Scranton, Old Forge, ^ugusta, Pittston, Sterling, S. Miners Mills, Easton, Dunmore, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Neb. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. N. J. Pa. Mich. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Me. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. EAST STROUDSBURG, *Herriotts, Jane A. Heller, Bessie PA. Mrs. J. S. Wetzel, Teacher, Ackermanville, Heckman, Eva Instructor, Johnson, Lilian A. Kober, Mary Kemp, Gertrude Kennedy, Josephine Klaer, M. Louise Mullen, Sarah A. Leonard, Agnes G. McHale, Sadie A. Teacher, Mrs. V. H. Dimmick, Mrs. H. Templeton, Teacher, Mrs. D. R. Chapin, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Montrose, Bangor, E. Stroudsburg, Houck, Maria Mundy, Susie T. Mulderig, Katie C. McAndrews, M. G. McGee, Gertrude L. Mosser, Laura E. Michael, Charlotte F. Miller, Miller, Edyth G. Anna M. Motte, Clara E. A. Moore, Mary T. Murray, Carrie Messenger, Ella M. Mulherin, Anna Mulherin, Katie Northup, Lena L. Newsbigle, Mabel O'Brien, Edith Passmore, R. Helen Parker, Anna G. Phillips, Ella G. Ross, Gertrude Rosenkrans, Edna L. xvichards, Bertha E. Remaly, Henrietta Shafer, Alzena B. Smith, Olive K. Swartwood, Mary E. Starke, Blanche L. Stark, Clara A. Squier, Ethel Thomas, Lilian Thompson, Kate L. Thomas, Marg. H. VanCampen, Addie VanHorn, Nettie Walker, Blanche E. Wivell, Mary Williams, A. Maud I. Principal, Mrs N. G. Keiser, Mrs. Henry Mengle, Mrs. G. Avery, Mrs. F. L. Hartman, Mrs. L. E. Ace, Mrs. G. W. Bushnell, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. C. D. Wolfe, Teacher, Teacher, GENTLEMEN, Principal, Brown, W. Business, Teacher, E. Barrett, Patrick Barrett, Charles A. Duff, Leonard Demund, Howard M. Donovan, James Feltham, Ralph H. Fenner, Frank D, Green, D. Albert Gallagher, J. F. Hindson, J. Frank Hill, Jacob Hanna, George *Deceased. E. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. LaAnna, C. S., Teacher, Mrs. I. A. Eager, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Wm. M. Young, Mrs. S. Mann Uhler, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Mooney, Mrs. A. Ollendick, Mrs. John E. Faber, Mrs. D. H. Keller, Mrs. O. M. Brittain, Mem. Norm. Faculty, Teacher, Teacher, Alleman, Ira F. 69 Buffalo, Y. N. Olyphant, Scranton, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Jermyn, Plains, Miners Mills, Wilkes-Barre, Inkerman, Carbondale, Scranton, Reading, Nazareth, Easton, Pa Pa. Salina, Kan. East Orange, Wilkes-Barre, Jermyn, N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pen Argyl, Glen Lyon, Wilkes-Barre, Atlantic City, N. Wilkes-Barre, New York, Throop, N. J. Pa. Y. Pa. D. C. Pa. Pa. Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Carnegie, Pa. Luzerne, Pa. Binghamton, N. Y. Blairstown, N. J. Tunkhannock, Pa. Pa. Factoryville, Pa. Scranton, Elmira, N. Y. Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Bald Mount, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Pa. Troytown, N. J. Butler, Pleasant Mount, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Pa. Alderson, Washington, Philadelphia, Easton, '99. Middletown, Bangor, Glen Lyon, Principal, Hudson Teacher, Teacher, Minsi, Minsi, Clerk, E. R. R., Principal, Poly. Inst. Gilbert, Susquehanna, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Teacher, Science Professor, Flushing, Manager "News," Supt. Graham Mine, Wilkes-Barre, Oswald, W. Va. Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg, Pa. Teacher, Mail Carrier, Lock Haven, STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 70 Koehler, Elmer E. Keener, Daniel P. Lomasson, Clarence Lynch, John Mack, Jacob J. Structural Engineer, Teacher, Teacher, Law Student, U. of P., Teacher, Pottstown, York, Martin's Ci'eek, Wilkes-Barre, Nazareth, ic. Manning, Cornelius Messinger, Geo. S. McGuire, John J. Nelson, Henry Paul, Augustus C. Reese, Jacob E. Rader, Floyd A. Robinson, James M. Rood, Ralph H. Snyder, Claarles L. Shiffer, Alvin O. Sayre, Robert J. Westbrook, Lucien Webster, G. E. Ziegenfus, Milton D. Merchant, Engineer, Teacher, Business, Osteopath, Teacher, Bennett, Lizzie R. L. C. E. F. D. No. Pa. Pa. Pa. Plains, Elizabeth, Matamoras, N. J. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. AVatertown, Mass. Buffalo, Electrician, Nazareth, Martin's Creek, Teacher, Miners Teller, Dallas, Philadelphia, Petersville, Railroad Accountant, Teacher, R. R. Postal Clerk, Supt. Pike County, Asst.Chemist,U.S.Ars. 'Teacher, Milis, Stroudsburg, Seemsville. Pa. '99. Bridgewater, Teacher, Principal, nVTrs. T. A. 3. Scranton, Tatamy, 3IENTIFIC COURSE, Kinney, Ira Schoonover, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. , Briggs, Mass. Portland, Tucson, Ariz. Jersey City, N. Pa. POST GRADUATE, Bender, B. F. Clerk, CLASS OF J. 1900. LADIES. Aikman, Anna M. Barteau, Ethel Bisbing, Minnie G. Bortree, Ella Bortree, Grace Mae Boundy, Nellie E. Brennan, B. C. Bonliam, Eva B. Conner, Lillian Caswell, Hettie Cotton, Jennie H. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher,Teacher, 338 Olive street. Mrs. W. E. Green, Avoca, Del. Water Gap E. Stroudsburg Hub, Hub, Des Moines, Wilkes-Barre, Dorrancetown, Newark, Los Angeles, Pa. Pa. Pa. , . Pa Pa. la. Pa. Pa. N.J. Cal. Athens, Pa. R. F. D. 26. Cook, Helen R. Chainberlain, Jennie Corcoran, Alice D. Everitt, Clara B. Ferris, Jessie E. Follett, Dora M. Teacher, Advertising M'g'r, Mrs. E. S. Garey, Gram. School, Mrs. Chas. Axtman, Teacher, Prin. Lakewood, New Orleans, Beverly, Bridgeville, Kingsley, Fetherman. Mary Geiser, Laura B. Gwilliam, Carolyn Giess, Bertha Hannas. A. Belle Hobbs, Mabel Heller, Anna Johnson, Aquilla Jennings, Satie A. Jackson, Nellie Nurse, Nurse, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Dr. Stiff, Mrs. Edward Epp, Teacher, Trained Nurse, Teacher, Mrs. Dr. C. A. Miller, Teacher, Teacher, J. Pa. La. Plainsville, R. F. D. Gibbs, Ella George, Berdie N. Mass, N. J. Pa. 1. Pa. Water Gap, Mich. Otter Lake, Pa. Nazareth, N. Lakewood, Plymouth, Concord, Long Branch, Scranton, Bushkill, Allentown, Binghamton, Duryea, N. J. Pa. N. H. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Pa. EAST STROUDSBURG, Kerrick, Ruth A. Kelly, Margaret L. Lesh, Lydia F. Lear, Harriet H. McClellan, Mary H. Melcher, Lottie M. Meg-iness, Susan V. Morris, Anna J. Madden, Annie McMahon, Eliz. V. McFall, Gertrude M. Neyhart, Nellie Owen, Bessie Oliver, Lillie A. Paul, Olive Plummer, Alice A. Parry, Leah C. Posten, Blanche Quinn, Eva Richards, Effie May Shorner, Elizabeth Swezy, Olive Swartz, Jessie M. Smiley, Grace H. Search, Blanche T. Snyder, Delia H. Snyder, Minnie E. Tretheway, Esther Uhler, Alice C. Wells, Lavinia N. Whiting, Florence L. Walsh, Martha B. W^eiss, Anna Keller Westbrook, Ella F. PA. Mrs. B. H. Daniell, Nurse, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. E. Phillips, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. H. L. Renville, Teacher, Mrs. H. C. Walker, Mrs. Charles Smiley, 71 =.Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, h Doylestown, r"Philadelphia, f- Wismer, ^^"Kingston, --W^anamie, fe Lords Valley, ^VVilkes-Barre, ^* Flicksville, S. Canaan, ^Freeland, , Louis, Mo. TE. Stroudsburg, Pa. Pa. Pa. St. Factoryville, Teaclier, .-. Mrs. Thos. Saricks, p Upper Lehigh, Teacher, Mrs. Oscar S. Young, Mrs. E. Walter, Teacher, Stenographer, Teacher, Teacher, Instructor, I. C. S., Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. G. S. Messinger Teacher, Mrs. R. S. Williams, Teacher, Mrs. Sam Bartron, Mrs. J. W. Lucas, GENTLEMEIV, f-~Son Yea, e.Mayfield, I Scranton, I •• F_ Jermyn, Jermyn, Parsons, Tatamy, , r Sayre, ^Virginia, « L Summit, Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. i^ '00. Bangor, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Cross, Clarence G. Drach, Stewart E. Dooley, E. R. Teacher, Science Teacher, *Frutchey, W^ebsterC. Foley, John G. J. Auditor Ex. Dentist, Co., Teaclier, Mgr. Slate Co., Bank Cashier. Dentist, Houck, Ray N. Higham, J. V. Itterly, G. Jenkins, John T. Kromer, W. H. Kleintob, Corey B. Kennedy, John M. *Koch, Edward W. LaBar, Ira A. Harvey S. Ramsey, Will W. Rhodes, T. Floyd Stover, Edgar S. Miller, Wyckoff, John Younkin, Allen *Deceased. P. Pa. Pa. Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Nazareth, Pa. Miss. Tougaloo, W^ilkes-Barre, Philadelphia, Nanticoke, Nazareth, E. Stroudsburg, Philadelphia, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Teacher, Merchant, Student-Teacher, Sandy Run, Valpa.raiso, Ind. ClerK, Minister, Principal, Colon, Eatonville, Panama. Wind Gap, Alden Station, Pa. Pa. Lawyer, Stroudsburg, Principal, Cornish, Teacher, Druggist, Perth Amboy, N. J. Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Member Pa. N. J. of Faculty, Edinboro N. Sarricks, Thos. F. Minn. Mayfield, Argyl, ^Pen Vice Principal, Merchant, Teacher, J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. ^Analomink, -Wilkes-Barre, Business, Patrick Ky, ir Brown, Robert Biesecker, John C. Burke, James P. Getz, R. M. Gish, John N. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. W^anamie, - Stroudsburg, Lexington, :^ Aclienbach, Enos D. *Bortree, Loren A. Fislier, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. te r^ S., Clerk, Dept. of Mines, Railway Post. Clerk, Book-keeper, Edinboro, Harrisburg, E. Stroudsburg, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 72 STATE CERTIFICATE. Hanyon, Cole Jenkins, Mrs. T. Supervisiing Pr m., Student, CLASS OF Rutland, Valparaiso, Pa. Ind. 1901. LADIES. Atherton, Grace Beidleman, Roxie Battenburg-, Jennie Detrick, Blanche M. Teacher, Mrs. Waldro T, Rush, City Hospital, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. F. C. Gritman, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher. Mrs. Chas. Beers, Mrs. N. E. Young, Mrs. O. W. Petty, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. S. E. Brasefield, Edinger, Jeannette Mrs.Wni. Bachman, Grace Bacliman, Geneva Bannatyne, Ethel M. Bunnell, Louise Burk, Catharine Genevieve Baldwin, Belle Carpenter, Blanche Birs, Cross, Susie J. Cline, Edith Crisman, S. Marg. Cure, Susie N. Donohue, Margaret Dewing-, Nancy Decker, Mamie Decker, Ada M. Donnelly, Julia A. Laura t'enner, Ford, Elizabeth Foley, Margaret Gillespie Helen *Grifflths, Nellie Garis, Bertha M. Gabert, Mildred Goodnough, Gertrude Hopgood, Anna Hunt, Elsie Hoag, Genevieve Hawke, L. Eliz. J. Jenkins, A. Bertha Jenkins, Anne Kitrick, Helen Kielty, Kilker, Mary Anna Kintner, May Lobb, Flora Meyers, Bertha Michael, Marietta Morgan, Lizzie Messinger, Lizzie Murray, Etta McCormick, Hannah Moore, Jennie L. Nicholas, Florence O'Brien, Nellie Paulson, Anna M. Riddle, Alice E. Ryan, Nellie Shaw, Mary Smith, Leola Smith, Laura *Shafer, Leona Deceased. Morton, Mrs. Jervis B. Kresge, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, P. Summit, Pa. N. J. Pa. Elizabeth, N. J. Freeland, Pa. Meshoppen, Pa. Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Pa. Carbondale, Cl'k's Washington, Wilkes-Barre, Almira, Dalton, . Wash. N. J. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Cal. Pa. Pa. Pa. Passaic, Jermyn, Dorranceton, Warrenham, Ransom, Analomink, Scranton, Easton, Philadelphia, Lookout, Scranton, Shenandoah, Wilkes-Barre, Teaclier, Pittston, Mrs. Lester Brink, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Thos. J. Pace, Teacher, Mrs. H. Hoffmeister, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Olyphant, Stenoghapher, Tatamy, Dunmore, Teaclier, Pa Hackettstown, Mrs. Granville Harding, Pen Argyl, Teacher, Mauch Chunk, Teacher, Skinner's Eddy, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. H. A. Spragle, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Pa. Sterling, Sayre, Porty-Fort, Scranton, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Wilkes-Barre, Wilkinsburg, E. Stroudsburg, Pen Argyl, Petersville, Dunfield, Stroudsburg, , Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Ashley, Pa. Alden Station, Pa. Nazareth, Del. Water Gap, Pa. Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Scranton, Del. Water Gap, Pa. Pa. South Sterling, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, EAST STROUDSBURG, Stevens, Sadie Sweeney, Maggie Taylor, May Tewksbury, Lucia Lucy A. Uhler, PA. Mrs. D. O. Kersteter, Teacher, Mrs. Harry Robinson, Teacher, Teacher, 73 Philadelphia, Pa. Mauch Chunk, Pa. Washington, Pa. W. Norwood, N. J. E. Easton, R. F. D. No. Pa. 2. *Walker, ^gnes Wismer, Ella Werner, Sadie Mae Williams, Anna B. GENTLEMEN, Cross, Friend A. Corkhill, James Davitt, Michael Druckenmiller, C. Edinger, Henry Frantz, Nelson A. Flaherty, Patrick Fanseen, J. J. Wismer, Pen Argyl, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. John Gish, '01. Physician, Recorder's Clerk, Teacher, Clerk, U. S. Meat Inspector, Mgr. Monroe Record, Teacher, Scranton, Plains, New York, Philadelphia, Student, Lehigh Uni., Inst. Tele. Eng., Carpenter, Edelman, Hollenback, Leroy Jayne, David H. P'reight Aud. Mill Rift, Scranton, Charleston, Scranton, Pen Argyl, Harford, Pittsburg, Lansford, Slatington, Purvis, William S. Reese, W. P. Sanfo'rd, Lester Steigerwalt, E. E. Traveling Salesman, Merchant, Parsons, Student, Corn. Uni., Ithaca, Traveling Salesman, Bowmantown, Transue, Charles Welter, Charles Teacher, Bloomfield, J. J. Edmund J. Mavnard, O. F. McFarland, S. C. Neumiller, Carl Peters, Sidney R. R. F. D. No. Factoryville, Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa, Pa, State College, Public Accountant, Teacher, First National Bank, Merchant, Pres't Imp. Ass. Co. Teacher, Teacher, Johler, N. Philadelphia, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Advertising Agent, D.L.&W. Pa. Pa. Pa. Mauch Chunk, Florey, Floyd Govier, Charles Hazleton, Samuel Kress, Pa. Pa. Pa. E. Stroudsburg, W. Va. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. 1. N. Pa. Pa. Y. Pa. R. F. D. No.l. N. J. STATE CERTIFICATE. Osborn, T. G. Super. Principal, Luzerne, Pa. SCIENTIFIC COURSE. Dooley, E. R. Tougaloo Uni., CLASS OF Tougaloo, Miss 1902. LADIES. Allan, Maybelle M. Bush, Carrie A. Bachman, Gertrude Bender, M. Ella Bredbenner, Nell A. Bloom, Carrie M. Brown, Charlotte A. Bishop, Ethel M. Brown, Ruth May Bishop, L. Antoniette Boyle, Edith D. Brader, Grace E. Brewster, Carolyn Deceased. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. L. C. Taylor, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. G. H. Tiffany, Pittston, Watertown, Lehighton, East Bangor, Dorranceton, Luzerne, Duryea, Detroit, Bethlehem, Forty Fort, Wilkes-Barre, Kingsley, Pa. Conn. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Mich. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 74 Cawley, Mary G. Lillie Cunning-ham, Katie Corkhill, Marie A. Cannon, Edna Connelly, C. L, B. Mary Depue, Mabel Doolittle, Ethel H. Dickisson, Mary M. Dean, Anna May Delaney, May J. W. Donnelly, Anna Eding-er, Anna M, Davis, Sallie Foss, Mabel E. Frey, Erma *France, Jessie M. Franklin, Laura M. Frankenfield, Edith Frankenfield, Lizzie Fanseen, Ada Mame E. Lucy E. Henwood, Alice M. Heal, Henry, A. Elizabeth, Haslam, May E. Flora K. JefCreyes, Barbara Johnston, Katharine Ide. Jackson, Floretta M. Kelly, Mabel Kennedy, Esther E. Koons, G. Florence Keller, Bertha Krickbaum, Rozelle Kitrick, Helen P. Kaufer, Caroline C. Kress, Hester L. Leonard, Josephine Lyons, Margaret K. Lewis, Ethel M. Langan, Mary A. *Leonard, Miller, May Martha G. E. McDonnell, Rose Morgan Edith L Mayock, Rose M. Mitchell, Bessie M. Moyer, Irene M. Norton, Sallie Northcote, Myrtle O'Brien, Josephine O'Malley, Catharine O'Dea, Kate S. O'Connor, Kathryn Paul, Elva Ruth Prudhoe, Eva J. Patterson, Clyde A. Quinn, Sadie F. Reagle, Allura B. Bobbins, Jesse M. Rug-gles, R. Blanche Deceased. . Miner's Mills, Pa. Kans. Hutchinson, Plymouth, Avoca, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Mauch Chunk, Wilkes-Barre, Ashley, Perth Amboy, N. E. Stroudsburg-, Little Falls, Morgantown, J. Pa. N. J. W. Va. Pa. Pa. Salt Lake City, Utah. Pa. E. Stroudsburg-, Port Griffith, Lansford, Washington, N. J. Pa. Souderton, Wismer, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Vandling, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Pa. Eshbaugh, Lehighton, Pa. Pa. Dunmore, Pa. Jermyn, E. Mauch Chunk, Pa. Pa. S. Bethlehem, Pa. Dorranceton, Pa. Forest City, Pa. Susquehanna, Pa. Harford, Pa. Ariel, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Palmerton, Pa. Wismer Pa. Allentown, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Sunbury, J. N. Somerville. Pa. Scranton, Pa. Easton, Pa. Lansford, Pa. Pittston, Stroudsburg, Book-keepler, L. Fianag-han, Isabelle I* arrell, Loretta Gallagher, Lillie C. Hibschman, Marg-. M. Hunsicker, Teacher, Mrs. F. Marvin, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Photo2;rapher, Teacher, Teacher, Student, Mrs. Elmer J. Davies, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, M Cruver, Bessie D. Clemow, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Rollin E.Charles. Mrs. A. R. Wildoner. Mrs. F. D. VanOrsdale Teacher, Mrs. O. F. Maynard, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. E. N. Howe, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. W. Whitney, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. E. J. Reimel, Teacher, M . Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. A. C. Drew, Teacher, Mrs. Wm. N. Thomas, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Paul Overfield. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Jesse P. Oyer, Teacher, Teacher, Stroudsburg-, Mt. Pocono, Scranton, Hazleton, Dunmore, Scranton, Miner's Mills, Bethlehem, E. Mauch Chunk Nazareth, Ashley, Atlantic City, Dunmore, Scranton, Dickson City, Ridgeway, Plymouth, Harford, Mayfield, Philadelphia, Harford, Dorranceton, , Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. EAST STROUDSBURG, Rynkiewicz, Ella Richards, E. Mae J. Bertha L. Super, Blanche Staples, Edith L. Rug-g-les, Anna Sarson, Shelley, Lillie B. Stevens, Clara M. Shifter, Alice Sheridan, Mary B. Sherman, Alice C. Vandermark, E. M. Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. W. E. Roberts, Mrs. Robt. Merwin, Stenographer, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, INIrs. Roy Evans, Teacher, Book-keeper, PA. 75 Shenandoah, Pa. Pa. Pa. Stroudsburg, Pa. Del. Water Gap, Pa. Stewartsville, N. J. Quakertown, Pa. Madisonville, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Tobyhanna, Pa. Silkworth, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Mehoopany, Pa. Plymouth, Pa. Forty Fort, Pa. Orwigsburg, Pa. A\ilkes-Barre. Pa. Slatington, Pittston, Ward, Mary Agnes Mrs. F. W.Lamoreaux, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Tekcher, Teacher, Teacher, Beck, Minor C. Bryant, Frank M. Teacher. Civil Engineer, Hazleton, Traveling Salesman, Lansford, Scranton, Philadelphia, Vplong-evich, J. Whipple, Nellie E. Williams, Sarah L. Wallace, Isabel E. Wieand, Ella M. GENTLEMEN, Boyle, James D. Baldwin, Bert O. Chalfant. H. Student, B. Charles RoUin L. Cohen, Joseph F. Cannon, Con. Decker, Harry *Dexter, Fred O. Belong, Charles R. Ettinger, Herbert Edinger, I. W. Frederick, Chas. C. Foley, James J. Forrest, James F. Howell, A. H. Hindson, W. '02. S. Henshaw, J. Irwin Jenkins, W. W. Jones, Ben. F. Jones, Allan H. Kitto, William A. Krause, Ralph U. Mitke, A. Charles Morgan, John E. Moran, John F. McGinley, Jerry McDonough, Alex Inst. Lehigh Univ., Teacher, Book-keeper. Bethlehem, Port Griffith, Philadelphia, Scranton, Clerk, Geigers Mills, Teacher, Teacher, Physician, Stroudsburg, R. F. D. E. Stroudsburg, Salesman, Teacher, Summit Hill, White Mills, Teacher, Law Student, Scranton Bus Scranton, Sandyrun, Winwood, Wilkes-Barre, Col., Teacher, Scranton, Pen Argyl, Best, New Haven, Lawyer, Pentecost, M. Irving Ruth, J. H. Physician, Teacher, Ratajski, Joseph E. Roberts, Walter E. Reese, Lynn B. Physician, Insurance, Teacher, Student, Jeff. Med. Col. Med. Col. Deceased. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Slatington, Scranton, Peckville, Stroudsburg, R. F. D. No. Shafer, Philip A. Travis, Grin L. Taylor, Burt S. Uhler, Eugene H. Conn. Nicholson, Archbald, Freeland, Chauncey, T^ p fi f* li Morgan, Robt. D. Needle, Harry Rhodes, Alfred L. Strong, Solomon Shaw, Ernest B. Smith, C. Herbert Smith, Stanton R. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Shenandoah, Clerk, L. C. & V. Co., Principal Schools, Prin Gram. Schools, Prin. Twp. H. S., (^ r .student,' Jeff. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pen Argyl, Slate Manufacturer, Student, Cornell Uni., Student, Yale Uni., Principal, Prin. High School, J. Pa. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Binghamton, Principal, Hotel Clerk, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Salesman, Teacher, Student, Lafy. Col. 1. Duryea, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, Tobyhanna, Rahwav, Atlantic City, Dalton, West Chester, Stroudsburg, E. Stroudsburg, Bradford, Stockertown, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 76 VanWhy, Eug-ene Student, Bucknell Col Clerk, Stroudsburg, Teacher, T'cher, Indian Service Water Gap, Waubun, Bank Watson, David L. Yarrick, John Zang, George W. STATE CERTIFICATES, Landis, Fannie Osborne, Jeannette Plack, Catlierine Rittenhouse, Mary S. Trumboner, H. C. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Stu, Med. Chi. Phil. CLASS OF Shenandoah, Pa. Pa. Pa. Minn. '02. Perkasie, Dorranceton, Collegeville, Norristown, Passer, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. 1903. LADIES. Boyle, Margaret Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Bush, Carrie A.* Bender, Ella M.* *Campbell, Ellen Carpenter, Mary Cease, Edna M. Mary Conniff, A. Garett, Nellie I. Hefferon, Margaret E. Hoclirine, Minnie Malloy, Anna T. O'Brien, Josephine* Mary Rov/an, Mary L. Stark, Edith M. Whyte, Mary T. Phillips, Teacher, Mrs. A. J. Coombe, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, McGarey, John I. J. J. Merrick. Patrick Laura Little Falls, Forty Fort, Freeland, Philadelphia, Scranton, Scranton, Avoca, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. A. H. Yetter, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Pringle, Skinners Eddy, Tobyhanna, Plainsville, Atlantic City, Kingston, Shenandoah, Nanticoke, Scranton, Philadelphia, Supervising Prin. Supervising Prin., Evans Carbondale, J. Scranton, Moosic, Freeland, E. McDonough, Alex Deceased. Pa. Principal, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Inkerman, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. '03. Book-keeper, J. Falls, La Anna, Business, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Supt. Wayne County, Teacher, Grad. Stud, at Yale, Mitke, Chas. A. Teacher, Bortree, Ella Mgr. Monroe Record, Frantz, Nelson A. Graduates of previous year who took the new diploma Koehler, Pa. Conn. '03. Student, Teacher, Teacher, Toye, Peter F. Nye, M. George Morgan, John Plains, Luzerne, Swoyers, Mrs. Floyd Butz, Teacher, POST GRADUATE, Gilpin, Bangor, Scranton, Nanticoke, Principal, Teaclier, GENTLEMEN, Chalfant, Harry B.* Campbell, John H. Doll, H. Stanley *Dreher, Norman H. Gilpin, Ivison H. Jenkins, Willard W.* McAndrew, Wm. Watertown, 1. Condon, Agnes K. Coughlin, Eliz. V. Dickisson, Mae M.* Frantz, Myrtle M. Gaffney, Margaret Gallagher, Bessie R. Gallagher, Marie M. Gallagher, Mary A. Henwood, Anna Freeland, E. Sterling, Pittston, E. Stroudsburg, Nicholson, Honesdale, Chauncey, New Haven, Bath, Stroudsburg, with the class. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Conn. Pa. Pa. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. COLLEGE PREPARATORY^, Chalfant Harry B. Jenkins, Willard W. Outterson, F. M. Student, Teacher, Student, Vassar, CLASS OF 77 '03. Philadelphia, Scranton, Stroudsburg, Pa. Pa. Pa. 1904. LADIES. Adams, Jennie Boland, Regina M. Burke, Jennie T. Biesecker. Eleanor Bennett, Ida M. Barrall, Lelah G. Cannon, Regina M. Campbell, Mary A. Corkhill, Katherine Cron, Jessie H. CosgTove, Nellie Daniel, Edith Duffy, Teresa M. J. Edwards, Anna Eckenrode, Lorena Evans, Mame Frantz, M. Julia J rantz, Lillian Guiney, Katharine Gilligan, Loretta A. Gallagher, Sadie L. Gabel, Esther Griffith, Sue W. Gallagher, Katie M. Gill, Mary H. Gallagher, Marg. V. Heal, Bessie L. Hunt, Fannie B. Harlos, Jessie M. Honeywell, Laura M. Hoary, Katherine G. Jones, Estella B. Kennedy, Mae Kistler, G. Mary M. Klaer, Bertha Kearney, Katie A. Knight, Birdie Lavin, Anna F. Leinbach, Elsie O. L'Hommedieu, H. L'Hommedieu, H. B. C. McGinley, Bridget V. McHugh, Marg. M. McLaughlin, B. M. McCann, Anna C. Mulreany, Anna Mushiltz, Clara E. Mathers, Minnie L. McCoy, Teresa J. Mulherin, Anna Mahan, Lelia V. Nye, Mattie O'Connor, Anna C. O'Connell, Mary J. Peters, Sarah M. Paterson, Jannette Deceased. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. J. G. Harris, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. R. L. Saunders, Teacher, Mrs. J. C. Bloss, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Principal, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Silas Randall, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs.C. B.Altemose, Mrs. Wm. Webb. Mrs. Harriet L'Hom- medieu Thomas, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. W. A. Dewalt, Mrs. H. Coolbaugh, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Rev. Appel, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Nanticoke, Carbondale, Old Forge, Dorranceton, Lowell, Nanticoke, Wilkes-Barre, Carbondale, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Mass. Pa. Pa. Pa. Mauch Chunk, Pa. Dunmore, Pa. Coyne, Pa. Secaucus, N. J. Parsons, Pa. Allentown, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Lansford, Pa. Atlantic City, N. J. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Pittston, Pa. Freeland, Pa. Lehighton, Pa. Lansford, Pa. Freeland, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Parsons, Pa. Dunmore, Pa. Perth Amboy, N. J. Taylor, Pa. Luzerne, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Parsons, Pa. Olyphant, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Milford, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. LaPlume, Pa. Olyphant, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Stroudsburg, Pa. Stroudsburg, Oneida, Freeland, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. La Plume, Pa. Pittston, Dunmore, Freeland, Siegfried, Trucksville, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, Grantville, Miner's Mills, STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 78 Purcell, Katie A. Ruff, Marion S. Roberts, Florence M. Smith, Ethel Stuckley, Clara M. Singer, Mabel Swartwood, Martha Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. E. S. Hilsdorf, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Shenandoah, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. C. W. Simpson, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Pa. Scranton, Taylor, Pa. Pa. Taylor, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Schenectady, N. Y. Bloomfleld, Mauch Chunk, Moosic Ransom, R. P. D. Smith, Gertrude M. Timlin, Mary C. Timlin, Bezie A. VanWhy, Helen Veenschoten, N. Williams, Edna F. S. Wisegarver, Emily Weidman, Edith E. Wallis, Minnie B. \ounkin, Anna M. Young-, Ruby M. GENTLEMEN, Ailing, Willard Behler, Wm. M. Cyphers, S. Leonard Gallagher, E. Joseph Gilpin, Leon Herring, John Jones, Adrian H. Lewis, Meyer LeBar, Frank Morris, Bert F. Noble, Raymond Newton, Elliot O'Neill, H. B. W. Chester O'Donnell, John A. O'Malley. John A. Pelton, Claire W. Paules, Howard S. Rozelle, Ernest M. Saunders, R. Lee Wilson, Charles A. Teacher, Student, Student, Ohio Northern University, Student, Lehigh Uni., Business, Schneider, L. Henry 1. 1. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Pa. E. Stroudsburg, N. J. Columbia, Pa. Carbondale, Hibernia, Forty Fort, N. J. Pa. Allendale, N. Hughe.stown, Freeland, LaAnna, Ada, Hazleton, Scranton, Stroudsburg, Mountainview, Teacher, Freeland, Principal, Editor, Student, N. Y. Uni., Piincipal, New Student Medico Chi., Civil Engineer, Teacher, Teacher, Student, Muhl. Col., Principal, Supervising Prin. Principal, Mountain Top, Plains, Newfoundland, Ohio. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. York, N. Y. Pa. N. J. N. Y. New York, Pa. Plains, Pa. E, Stroudsburg, Pa. Allentown, Pa. Bioomingdale, N. J. Secaucus, Pa. Tobyhanna, Mt. Pleasant, Belvidere, NEW DIPLOMA. Atlantic City, Teacher, J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. E, Stroudsburg, Principal, POST GRADUATE EXAMINATION FOR Northup, Lena No '04. Principal, Principal, Student, State Col., Book-keeper, McDonald, John E. Mensch, Harry E. McGuire, Wm. F. Pa. Pa. N. J. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Luzerne, Perth Amboy, Wayne, N. J. Pa. PRACTICAL TEACHER'S CERTIFICATE. Schultz, Elva G. Wilson, James P. Washingtonville, Dickson City, CLASS OF Berks, Lackawanna, Pa. Pa. 1905. LADIES. Augenstein, L. M. Angle, Gertrude Angle, Lulu M. Bell, Sarah E. Bortree, Ada H. Portree, Ida H. Barteau, Mildred Brown, Jessie Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Bank Clerk, Pa. Panther, N. J. Columbia, Pa. Packerton, Pa. Coudersport, Pa. Hub, Pa. Hub, Pa. Del. Water Gap, Pa. Stroudsburg, EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 79 Teacher, Teacher, Hackettstown, Carbondale, Lakewood, Heneghan. Sadie F. Huffman, Frances Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. F. O. Messinger, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Avoca, Pa. Pen Argyl, Pa. Freeland, Pa. Paterson, N. J. Mayfield, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Vineland, N. J. Taylor, Pa. Glendon. Pa. Nanticoke, Pa. Nanticoke, Pa. Bangor, Pa. LaAnna, Pa. Allentown, Pa. .Atlantic City, N. J. Coyne, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. *Holmes, M. Dasiy Jensen, Nellie H. Jacoby, Cora E. Kutzki, Josepha Kane, M. Lillian Clerk, Student, Emerson Col. Teacher, Teacher, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Nanticoke, Pa. Atlantic City, N. J. Stroudsburg, Pa. Pen Argyl, Pa. Pen Argyl, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Tannersville, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Duryea, Pa. Bachman, Sarah Browne, Anna B. *Cooke, Helen G. Cook, Mary W. Cross, Katie M. Carlin, Daisy E. Cummings, Marg. Carroll, Anna K. Garden, Mary V. C. Cowling", Isabella A. Doggett, Agnes Datesman, C. Eliz. C. Davitt, Bridget L. Donovan, Mary A. Emery, Naomi Evans, Adeline Fox, Alice E. Grant, Kathryn H. Etta M. Holland, Bertha Griffith, Houck, Lulu A. Hill, Ada Hogeland, Alice F. • Kane, Grace Kress, Mabel S. Kellow, Lottie J. King, Anna L. Longacre, Elsie M. Moran, Kathryn McGreevy Mary Murphy, Agnes D. G. McMurtrie, Minnie D. McBride, Mary H. Murrey, Nora F. McNelis. Elizabeth McLean, Marg. P. Mahon, Nellie V. Mangan, Helen B. Nixon, Margaret Neary, Nellie A. Outterson, Bessie E. Owen, Margaret K. O'Malley, Margaret *Overfield, Mae O'Malley, Marie Peters, Bessie Blanche Quick, Mabel E. *Roache, Katharine Phillips, Rex, Hattie M. Reardon, Agnes Reber, Ella M. C. Rohrbach, Estelle Reap, Helen Sunderland, Marg. Seguine, Edith M. Schumacher, Eva Slutter, Hattie M. Tigue, Mary Tierney, Anna Deceased. E Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Med. Student, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, 'leacher. N. J. Pa. Sterling, Scranton, Scranton, Forty Fort, Glendon, Easton Dunmore, , Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Student, Col. Univ., Teacher, Teacher, Summit Teacher, Mrs. A. McDonough, Teacher, Teacher, Malt by. Paterson, N. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Allentown, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Clerk, Mrs. Harry Freeland, Teacher, Teacher, Hill, Carbondale, Scranton, Scranton, Stroudsburg, Old Forge, E. Stroudsburg, Freeland, Atlantic City, Scranton, Kingston, Scranton, Mauch Chunk, Lehighton, Mt. Vernon, Shenandoah, Cresco, Lehighton, Allentown, Dunmore, Scranton, Pa. Pa. Pa. J. STATE NORMAL, SCHOOL, 80 Van Why, Grace Wieand, Kath. B. Zerbey, Esther M. Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. John Mulligan, Anthony, James W. Donohue, Michael Dunleavy, Joseph M. L. D. Gallag-her, James J. John Leon Hoffman, Lewis Gill, Gilpin, *Hollenback, L. B. Haverty, Thos. A. Hazen, J. Moore Jones, Willie H. Kanyuck, John Koerner, John L. *Michener, Elmer McCann, Michael Miller, Harvey Student, Muhl. Col., Teacher, Little Gap, D. L. Scranton, Taylor, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. & W. '05. Glen Lyon, R. R., Student, Medical, Teacher, Pay Clerk, Stud. Univ. of Penna. Student, Real Estate Agent, Drifton, E. Stroudsburg, LaAnna, E. Stroudsburg, Shenandoah, Business, Teacher, Teacher, Mt. Bethel, Nanticoke, Glen Lyon, Poughkeepsie, Book-keeper, Teacher, Plymouth, Principal, Student, Univ. of Pa., Book-keeper, P.R.R. Cornish, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Osmun, Luther Merchant, Teacher, Delaware, Pelton, Homer S. C. Storm, John Shelly, William Transue, Wm. B. T. VanHorn, Clinton Williams, Harry Woodley, Thomas Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Olyphant, Hamlinton, Teacher, Principal, Student, Muhlenberg, Boarding House Prop., Student, Lake Ariel, Quakertown, Teacher, Rendham, Pa Shawnee, Poughkeepsie, Pa. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Matamoras, Principal, NEW DIPLOMA. Rahway, Principal, CLASS OF Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Flicksville, Lawyer, EXAMINATION FOR Strong, Solomon C. J. J. Pa. Noble, Greylock O'Brien, George V, Pysher, Willard Prokopovitsh, A. N. N. Paterson, Nesquehoning, GENTLEMEN, Griffith, Garfield, N. J. 1906. LADIES. Bennett, Sarah Bornhoeft, Anna Bachman, Ethel Biesecker, Nora F. Boyle, Cecilia V. Burke, Mary Banks, Mabel M. Colver, Lucretia Cochran, Lulu P. Cronce, Ethel R. Cornish, S. Beatrice Croasdale, Ada Crosbie, Alice Carter, Grace I. Cannon, Celestine T. Decker, Lillian Teacher, Student, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Student, Stenography Student, Wilson Col., Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, N. J. Glen Ridge, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Bald Mount, Stewartsville, Davies, Marg. A. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Edwards, Lulu Edwards, Ethel Fitzimmons, Reb'cca Teacher, Teacher, Dew, Bessie *Deceased. N. J. Pa. N. J. Pushkin, Hackensack, Tobyhanna, Pa. Troy, N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pleasant Mount, Rendham, Wilkes-Barre, Ransom, R. F. D. Dougherty, Anna Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Riegelsville, Hazleton, Duryea, Panther, Glen Lyon, Nanticoke, Nanticoke, Ii onville. Plymouth, Rock Lake, No . 2. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Pa. Pa. EAST STROUDSBURG, Elizabeth Klipple, Sarah E. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Ed. J. Rushmore, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Kistler, Jeannette Book-keeper, J'arrel, Fallon, Sadie Farrell, Bessie Gillespie, Marie Gallagher, Kittie A. Grogan, Mary Henry, Mabel Heller, Julia C. Horn, Anna Haley, Anna G. John, Gertrude E. Jones, Bessie Jones, Margie Jackson, Tessie Jeffrey, Lillie Jordan, Elizabeth Kipp, Hannah Lane, Mary H. Lacoe, Martha L. PA. 81 Parsons, Old Forge, Parsons, Coyne, Archbald, Scranton, Bushkill, Hibernia, Wilkes-Barre, Nanticoke, Jermyn, Slatington, Duryea, Pen Argyl, Carbondale, Ransom, R. F. D. No. 2. E. Stroudsburg, E. Stroudsburg, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Ransom, R. F. D. No. Ashley, E. Stroudsburg, Morahan, Agnes E. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Avoca, New York, Archbald, Stroudsburg, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Moscow, Book-keeper, Mary Miller, Nettie F. McAndrew, Anna Morgan, Sophia E. McCann, Nellie J. Montanye, Anna Osborne, Josephine O'Malley, Elizabeth Owens, Margaret Pritchard, Jessie Padden, Julia Raeder, Eliz. H. Ruane, Katherine G. Roche, Nellie Reap, Edna Shafer, Ida B. Smith, Cora V. Smith, Essie O. Romelda Emina Schwartz, Lydia M. Turrell, Stella Turn, Daisy E. Turn, Lura F. Music, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, GENTLEMEN, Conniff, James Doll, Harry E. Henry, John Horan, James Losey, Frank B. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. J. N. Dunmore, Wilkes-Barre, Avoca, Maltby, Slatington, Springville, Mayfield, Ransom, R. F. D. No. Plains, 2. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Coyne, Wilkes-Barre, Mountainhome, Flanders, Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Nanticoke, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Student, Col. Univ., Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Turn, Isabel Wheeler, Mabel A Winter, Leona E. Younkin, Bessie Edmund 2. Analomink, Murphy, Theresa Davies, Pa. Pa. Pa, Pa. Dushore, Teacher, Staples, Singer, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pittston, Lewis, Stella H. Loder, Lucy Lesoine, Minnie Miller, Pa. N. J. Hackensack, N. J. Bangor, Pa. Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Nanticoke, Pa. Springfield, N. Water Gap, R. F. D. No. N. Water Gap, R. F. D. No. Stroudsburg, AVaverly, Bald Mount, N. J. Pa. 2. Pa. 2. Pa. Pa. Pa. Garfield, N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. '06. Student, Plains, Principal, Tsp. H. S., Sup. Clerk, L.V.C.Co. Teacher, Mil. Acad., Evans Nazareth, Teacher, Teacher, Flatbrookville, Falls, Plains, Rendham, STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 82 Murphy, Joseph McDonough, James McAndrew, John A. McDonough, George McCluskey, James Makowski, Ladislaus Reynolds, Verner H. Ries, Henry Stright, R. Tracy Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Principal Schools, Clerk, Dept. Mines, Book-keeper, Man. Tr. Teacher, West. Uni. of Pa. Teacher, Strader, Wm. M. Stoneback, Ralph Transue, Vincent M. Transue, Victor H. Van Horn, Wm. S. Wildrick, Charles D. Student Col. Univ., Bank Clerk, Stud. State College, Stud. State College, Principal, H. S. Principal, STATE CERTIFICATE, Hillegas, Mainie Teacher, CLASS OF Port Griffith, Chauncy, Moosic, Roselle, Jessup, Harrishurg, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Alleghany, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Pa. R. F. D. No. 4. N. Y. City, N. Y. Coopersburg, Pa. Del. Water Gap, Pa. Del. Water Gap, Pa. Mt. Bethel, Pa. Milford, Pa. '06. Pennsburg, Pa. Susquehanna, Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. 1907. LADIES. Aldrich, Nellie R. Bensinger, E. M. Bailey, Gussie, Bornhoeft, Edna Beers, Cora Buck, Laura H. Boyer, Pansy Barrett, Bessie R. Barrett, Margaret M. Burke, Florence M. Cawley, Mary L. Dietrick, Lettie H. Downing, Anna C. Dwyer, Bessie G. Dedrick, Olive H. Decker, Isabel K. Dowling, Grace E. Davis, Grace R. Ede, Violet M. Ely. Ruth E. Farrell, Nellie B. Flynn, Agnes G. Flynn, Genevieve L. Foley, Mary O. Gerrity, Anna R. Golden, Margaret M. Griffin, Delia C. Gardner, Bessie Giiligan, Nellie H. Hannick, Mollie C. Hoban, Gertrude D. Harte, Anna M. Harmon, Pearl E. Hendershot, Minnie Hainz, Katherine M. Kessler, Hattie L. I ally, Teacher, Commercial Teacher, Milliner, Mary F. Lavin, Claire I. Loftus, Mae C. Lewis, Mae E. Michael, Leonora Meehan, Sarah A. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Geo. Teacher, Teacher, Stewartsville, Mountainhome, C. Fox, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Music Student, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, L C. S., Teacher, I. C. S., Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, N. J. Pa. Pa. Hudson, Pa. Jessup, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Dunmore, Pa. Nanticoke, Pa. Nanticoke, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Hackettstown, N. J. Del. Water Gap, Pa. Gouldsboro, Pa. Ransom, Pa. R. F. D. No 2 Pen Argyl, Pa. White Haven, Pa. Dickson City, Pa. Dunmore, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Rendham, Pa. Pittston, Pa. Parsons, Pa. Old Forge, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Dunmore, Pa. Olyphant, Pa. Olyphant, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Pa. Stroudsburg, Pen Argyl, Pa. Pa. Ashley, Nazareth, Pa. Pa. Scranton, Olyphant, Pa. Pa. Old Forge, Wortendyke, N. J. Dunfleld, N. J. Dickson City. Pa. Slatington, EAST STROUDSBURG, McNulty, Lucy B. Nash, Bessie Nallin, Lauretta H. O'Connor, Bessie H. Pauls, Gertrude E. Place, Clara M. Raesly, Vivian Rapp, Bertha M. Regan, Mary N. Roche, Cecilia M. Roache, Marg. A. Regan, Emily B. Sarson, Bessie J. Saunders, Ethel G. Slutter, Edith Strunk, Cora M. Storm, Sarah E. D. Scanlon, Nora P. Tidd, Florence Tingley, Grace W. Vaughan, Agnes M. Mayme Book-keeper, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Portland, Springtown, Olyphant, Old Forge, Alden Station, Avoca, Stewartsville, Stud. Eastern Col., "Warner, Ethel M. Warner, A. Wilson, Vannie M. Williams, Emma E. Zweizig, Effie M. Lake Como, Susquehanna, Scranton, Taylor, Mt. Pocono, Weatherly, l^actoryville. Sterling, Stroudsburg, Business, Teacher, Student, Laf. Cross, Arthur T. Principal, Prin. Dallas Twp., Iloff, lloff, Otto Principal, Teacher, Teacher, Prin. Seeleyville, Principal, Philip M. Kautz, Harry C. Kitto, Chas. W. Moyer, Samuel R. Morgan, Harry McGeady, Peter Teacher, Teacher, Principal, J. L. Malloy, Neice A. Rosenkrans, Carl B, Richmond, Leon H. Riordan, Frank S. Roman, Russell B. Troxel, Oliver Tierney, Walter P. Warden, S. Col., Teacher, Student, Lehigh Uni., W. Roy Teacher, Student, Teacher, Med. Student, Stud. Dickinson Col., Teacher, Teacher, Principal, Teacher, Teacher, Forkston, STATE CERTIFICATES, Hannah S. Dougherty, Helen H. Gerrity, Mary E. Hopps, Agnes S. Hangen, Anna V. Cullen, Hoffman, Rose Haggerty, Katharine Kiethline, Edna Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Va. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. '07. Aten, Paul Bush, Fred S. Croasdale, Harold Hover, Lynn A. Heller, Clayton A. Port Royal, Easton, E. Stroudsburg, Scranton, Taylor, GENTLEMEN, Doll, C. Lewis Gough, Chas. L. Hunt, A. Ellis Hovany, Chas. F. 83 Throop, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Tuxedo, N. Y. Miner's Mills, Pa. Bethlehem, Pa. Del. Water Gap. Pa. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Ward, Lyda PA. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Pleasantville, N. J. Del. Water Gap, Pa. Agusta, N. J. Evans Falls, Pa. Nanticoke, Pa. Stroudsburg, Pa. Larksville, Pa. Findeine Park, N. J. Pen Argyl, Pa. Honesdale, Pa. Prompton, Pa. N. Water Gap, Pa. Pen Argyl, Pa. Perkasie, Pa. R. F. D. No. 3 Shenandoah, Pa. Wanamie, Pa. Freeland, Pa. Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg, Pa. Pa. Summit Hill, Pa. Alden Station, Delaware, N. J. Pa. Alden Station, Pa. Evans Falls, '07. Dunmore, Dunmore, Dunmore, Paupac, Hosensack, Dunmore, Dunmore, Tunkhannock, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. STATE NORMAL. SCHOOL, 84 Murray, Vera Meredith, Lena McGuire, Anna L. McHale, Anna E. McLane, Loretta G. Murphy, Eleanor F. McDonnell, Anna A. Oberholtzer, Warren Taylor, Agnes G. VanAiken, Minnie A. Wilson, Nellie Zahnlecker, Tillie Honesdale, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, CLASS OF Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Towanda, Dunmore, Dunmore, Dunmore, Dunmore, Dunmore, E. Greenville, Dunmore, Matamoras, Dunmore, Matamoras, 1908. LADIES. Appleman, Ina M. Arnold, Leila E. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Lovelton, Bachman, Minnie C. Bachman, Ruth A. Bennett, Lillian M. Bolton, Lillian A. Student, Teach. Col. Teacher, New Capiello, Maria Teacher, Cummings, C. Lucy DePew, Mary E. Donnelly, Mary A. Teacher, Teacher, Sub. Teacher, Dolinskie, Julia Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Donohue, Mamie M. Depuy, Margaret H. Edward, Ethel E. Eschenbach, Martha Ede, Elma B, Foss, Margret W. Farrell, Kathryn D. Fairless, Marilla F. Farrell, Mary E. Griesmer, Marion T. Gettings, Hannah V. Groner, Anna H. Gaffney, Mary E. Goff, Nora D. Sarah B. Gardner, Maude L. Agnes Teacher, Sub. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Sub. Teacher, Hawk, Carolyn B. Hartman, Helen M. Jones, Cora B. Lyons, Kathryn G. Leidich, Martha M. McMahon, Mary Teacher, I. Houck, M. Stella Hauenstein, Edna P. Hart, Clarrissa M. Harris, Miriam L. E. N. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, J. Pa Glen Lyon, Wilkes-Barre, Futlei% Pa. N. Nanticoke, Thornhurst, Pen Argyl, J. Pa. Pa Pa. Washington, Dickson City, . ' Gildea, Gaffney, S. Teacher, Teacher, N. , T. Post. Grad. E. J. Pa. Mills, Pa. N. J. Hawley, Pa. Reigelsville, Pa. McAfee Valley, N. J. Slocum, Pa. Walnutport, Pa. Duryea, Pa. Old Forge, Pa. Old Forge, Pa. Hicksville, L. I. N. Y. Dunmore, Pa. N. Water Gap, Pa. Passaic, N. J. Carbondale, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Madisonville, Pa. Summit Hill, Pa. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Cornealison, Dora G. Carey. Mary C. Coughlin, Lydia G. N. York, Nanticoke, Hope, Bowers, Mabel A. Bishop, Irene M. Bray, Ethel H. Bube, Margaret M. Crotzer, Edna M. Caskie, Rena A. Cotton, Hattie M. Coyne, Anna L. Cosgrove, Lillian Corbett, Ella M. Pa. Newton, Bethlehem, Warren Paper Gouldsboro, Wilkes-Barre, Wilkes-Barre, Dunmore, Stroudsburg, Throop, Nanticoke, Plains, Factoryville, Freeland, Stone Church, Glenwood, Wilkes-Barre, Edwardsville, Martins Creek, Allentown, Warrior Run, Olyphant, Springtown, Wilkes-Barre, N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. EAST STROUDSBURG, McGowan, Loretta Morgan, Esther Miller, M. Grace McCormac, Mary C McCormac, Julia C Murray, Kathryne Merwine, Carrie M. McKeeby, L. Pearle McDermott, Anna F. Murphy, Katharine Nyce, Bessie E. Newton, Grace I. Outterson, Lillian M. O'Connell, Margaret Owens, Jennie E. O'Brien, Nellie L. Ormes, Mayme M. O'Donnell, Anna M. Helen W. O'Connor, Rose A. O'Niel, Page, Lena M. Puterbaugh, Edna M. Purdy, Mary E. PA. 85 Carbondale, Nanticoke, Teacher, Teacher, Olyphant, Olyphant, Teacher, Dunmore, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Sub. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Student, Col. Univ., ' Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Student, Col. Univ., Porter, Lillian D. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Porter, Irene E. Teacher, Butler, J Demarest, Wilkes-Barre, Nanticoke, Nanticoke, Wanamie, N. .-. N. .J. Pa. Pa. Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Kintnersviile, Pa. Belvidere, Dick.son City, New Milford, I, Bronxville, Tannersville, eacher, Revere, Montvale, Wilkes-Barre, I,aurytown, Wilkes-Barre, Nanticoke, S. Bethlehem. Gouldsboro, E. Stroudsburg, Nanticoke, Easton, R.F.D. Teaclier, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, New GENTLEMEN, E. Bensinger, Allan R. Coyne, Peter J. J. J. Crowe, Montgomery Creveling, Jacob V. Cummings, .John M. Student, Uni. I ndiana. Bookkeeper, i-Jtudent, Yale College Insurance Agent, Post Grad. E. S. N. Prin. High School, Teacher, Post Grad. E. Dutot, S. Claire Edinger, Frank P. Foulkes, John Heller, R. Foster HolTman, Greydon Kemp, George N. Kunkle, John H. !>. S. N. Teacher, Student Pierce Business School, Student Drexe llns., Student, F. & M. Student, Muh]ienberg College. Lane, Dennis J. Reese, Leslie J. Williams, Herbert Dental Stu. U. of P., Lenore N. Milford, R Teacher, Teacher, Y. I, N. Y. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pii. 2, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Plymouth, Pel. Dunmore, Pa. Ind. Indianapolis, N. J. Passaic, Pa. Stroudsburg, Pa. Moosic, Pa. Avoca, Pa. Plains, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Sterling, Pa. Olyphant, Pa. Stroudsbui-g, Pa. Stroudsburg, Bangor, Pa Saylorsburg, E. Stroudsburg. E. Stroudsburg. Pa. Pa. Pa. Kresgeville, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Dushore, Taylor, Alderson, STATE CERTIFICATE, AVise, W^iltz, Stella Pel. Readington, W^ilkes-Barre, Edna M. VanCott, Lucia B. Williams, Mary Woodring', Sadie E. Clark, William Corbett, James N. J. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Secaucus, E. Stroudsburg, Brantwood Hall Teacher, Teacher, Uhler, J. Brantwood Hal] Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Talmage, Alice S. Thomas, M. Ethel Armstrong, Fred Browne, A. Roy N. Kingsley, R.F.D. 2, Pa. Carbondale, Pa Scranton, Pa. Bronxville. Royer, Mary S. Rufe, Sadie M. Sterner, Leila E. Samuel, Eleanor Stull, Hallie A. Stapleton, Mary M. Samuels, Eva L. Strohmeier, Emily Sullivan, Tillie M. Smith, Hellen A Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Dunmore, '08. Schwenksville, l;unmore. Pa. Pa. '^^^M^at^---^.^ ILLINOIS DIVERSITY OF pRBSIPBNT-8 OFFICE.