- - - - - THE- - - - - East Stroudsburg State Normal School I I I I I TAKE N OTI C E! ~ The opening date is September 14 instead of September 7. Kindly give publicity to this notice. · FRANK E. BAKER, Principal East Stroudsburg State Normal School. 1920 - 1921 TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL CATALOGUE ====OF THE==== State Normal School OF THE FOURTH DISTRICT East Stroudsburg, Penna. J 1920 I CALENDAR FOR 1920-1921 :VIonroe Publishing Co. Stroudsburg, Pa. 1920 FACULTY. E. L. KEl\fP, Sc. D., Litt. D., Principal, Pedagogy and Spanish. DANIEL WOLFORD LA RUE, Ph. D., Psychology and Pedagogy. ALBERT D. W ANNEMAKER, A. l\L, Latin~ Greek, German. WILLIAl\I G. CLEAVER, A. B., Higher Mathematics. ISAAC E. WALTER, A. l\f., Natural Sciences and Agriculture. l\IARGARET :B'. HENRY, A. B., History and Civics. FRANK P. MAGUIRE, .A. :M., French, I.1atin and Social Sciences. STANLEY R. SHIMER, B. S., Chemistry. MISS E.i.\11\fA A. SINGER, B. S., Principal of Model School. ELLA M. KURTZ, . Assistant Principal of Model School. MISS GERTRUDE M. ROGERS, Kindergartner. MISS EDNA L. ROSENKRANS, A. B., English. FACULTY. MISS ELIZABETH KURTZ, A. M., Geography and Mathematics. MISS MARGARET 0. HEWLETT, Drawing, Applied Arts, and Domestic Science. MISS M. KATHERINE HILL, Elocution and Rhetoric. MISS MAE E. HASS, Pianoforte, Voice, Harmony. MISS CHESSYE L. CONWELL, Physical Training. D. WESLEY LEE, Manual Training. MRS. KATE E. CLIFFE, Preceptress. CLARENCE B. ALTEMOSE, Business Manager. MISS L. MAY LARUE, Bookkeeper. MISS ELSIE S. FREDERICK, Stenographer and Teacher of Stenography and Penmanship. :MRS. EMMA KEISER. Matron. MRS. MYRTLE STEVENS, Librarian. 6 STATE NOR;\IAL SCHOOL, THE SCHOOL. The East Stroudsburg State Normal School was established in 1893 by virtue of an Act of Assembly passed in the spring of that year. The fourth district, of which this school is the legally constituted state training school for teachers, embraces the counties of Wayne, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Carbon, Northampton, Monroe and Pike. In population, wealth and matters educational this is one of the foremost districts in the State. The school has always been progressive and iti constantly seeking improvement. It has been very successful in imparting .to its graduates a high degree of scholastic attainment. Its professional courses of study have been developed with great care and are exceptionally complete and thorough. ·The model school is always well filled and is unusually large in comparison with similar departments of other schools. It affords the best of practical training under well-nigh ideal conditions. Location The school is located among scenes of beauty unsurpassed, and probably unequalled, anywhere else in our state. Three miles away to the east is the famous Delaware Water Gap; fifteen miles to the west is Mount Pocono; between lies the country which because of its varied and picturesque natural attractions brings many thousands of people annually to it for health and recreation. The elevaton, the purity of the atmosphere, the number of swift running streams of pure water, and the delightful climate give the school a location as healthful as it is beautiful. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 7 Buildings and Grounds The main school buildings are four in number: 1. The Administration and Dormitory Building. This is a :fine structure of brick and stone, four stories high. It contains the school offices, the library, music rooms, chapel with seating capacity for 900, and dining room in which 400 can be comfortably seated. The north and south wings of this building contain the dormitories for the girls. 2. The Recitation Hall-one of the :finest and best appointed buildings for the purpose to be found anywhere. It contains fifteen well lighted recitation rooms, including large and well equipped laboratories, besides a number of additi9nal rooms provided for the convenience and comfort of teachers and students. 3. The Model School-a thoroughly modern building similar in size and general type of architecture to Recitation Hall. On the :first two floors are the office of the Model School principal, the library, the J'.Iodel chapel, and the Model school rooms. No better facilities for a practice school are to be found anywhere. The two floors over the l\Iodel School contain the dormitories occupied by the boys. 4. The Gymnasium. This is a large and substantial briCk building with a floor space 60 by 90 feet, and an annex 40 by 80 feet, containing reception room, office and apartments for the instructor. The gymnasium is completely equipped with standard apparatus and offers all facilities for work in physical training. A fine athletic field with quarter-mile track and grand stand is in the rear of the gymnasium. A hospital building containing rooms for a number of patients, is located east of the gymnasium. This building is comfortable, inviting, and fully furnished for its purpose. 8 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, The boiler and engine house, in which the heating, lighting and power plants are housed, is located on a plot of ground adjoining the school campus on the north. All the buildings are heated with steam and lighted with electricity. The campus is very spacious, comprising more than twenty-three acres of ground. The many beautiful trees, attractive walks, ·well-kept lawn, and effective grouping of the buildings present a most pleasing appearance. The handsome and costly entrance to the campus was erected by the alumni of the school. During the present year the alumni have presented the school with the beautiful Alma Mater monument in honor of the graduates, teachers and students who served in the great war. This monument is an a.dmirable work of art and adds greatly to the beauty of the campus. Purpose of the School The purpose of state normal schools is to train teachers to carry on the work of public education. Their course of study is planned with this special object in view. The record of our graduates as thoroughly trained, resourceful teachers speaks for itself as to the success of East Stroudsburg Normal in realizing its aim as a III- (Grades 7, 8, 9) rer S. H. In troduction to TPnching.. .-! 3 English Fuu rlamPntats ..... . 3 3 Lnglish Co1uposition . .... ... ::! Nature ~tnr S. Int1·0<1 uction to T<>nching .. .4 Eugllsh FundamPntals ...... 3 English Conlpositlou . ...... . 2 ~atnrf> 8tucJy. ; . ............ 3 ArithmPtic ................ .4 Handwriting .... . .......... :! Per~onal 1.\: Sehool Hygif>ne.. 2 li<' alth Education ........... 3 Electirn . ...•......... :> 26 P8y. anrl ~\do les.;cencP . ..... . :3 Ornl Expr ession ........... . 2 Ln;rlbh Cowpo~itiou . ..... .. :! ThP Tt>nchtng o-f Math .... .. 3 Th!' TPnching of Gt'og .... .. :J Th<' Tend1ing- of Hist ....... :> H"altlt Idit '\leasurernents......... :~ 1-~llucational P8~1 ch olog~·. ........... 3 Kindergarten-Primary i\Iethods.. .. 3 School Administration .. ............ 3 rsycl1ology of ..\.clolescenCe....... . . 3 l'hyRiolog·ical Ps~·chology.......... :{ Em, Heat and Laundry $140.00 *'l'uition . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. ... . Registration Fee........... . ..... 2nd Seme~ t e r Fraction of ::>em . F ull Year per week $140.00 $280.011 7.00 40.00 40.00 80.00 2.00 $5.00 5.00 10.00 40.00 40.00 80.00 5.00 :>.00 10.00 DAY STUDENTS *Tuition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Registration Fee................ 2.00 FEES FOR LABORATORY WORK ('hern!eal Laborato1·y . ...... . ... . 5.00 Ag-ricultnre. Geolo[!y, Zoology, Rotany, Physiol<>.~Y. each . .... 1.00 Household ArtsC0-0king Lahora tory . . ........ . 2.00 •Tuition is paid by the statP for all students sevcntcPn years of ag-e or over who intend to teach in Pennsylvania and are in the regular Normal Course. " 48 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Time of Payments Sept. 7, 1920. Board ................. $70.00 Registration Fee . . . . . . . . 5.00-$75.00 Nov. 16, 1920. · Board ................. $70.00-$70.00 Jan. 31, 1921. Board ..... .. .......... $70.00 , Registration Fee . . . . . . . 5.00-$75.00 April 11, 1921. Board ................. $70.00-70.00 Tuition for Model School students .... $2.00 per Semester. Tuition for Kindergarten students .. .. $1.00 per Semester. Rates For Music First Semester, two lessons weekly . . .... . ....... $25.00 First Semester, one lesson weekly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Second Semester, two lessons weekly ............ 25.00 Second Semester, one lesson weekly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Cse of Piano, each Semester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 Rates For Typewriting and Stenography First Semester, classwork ....................... $15.00 Second Semester, classwork ........... ... ....... 15.00 Individual Instruction, Typewriting or Stenography, per lesson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Use of Typewriter for practice, each Semester. . . . . 3.00 Note :-No one admitted to classwork after beginning of third week. Incidental Expenses The custom so common among boarding schools of using a long list of incidental charges to increase their incomes, thus adding materially to the expense of educating young people, we have never favored. It is always annoying to receive unexpected bills, and to meet unexpected costs. We have, therefore, reduced incidental charges to a minimum. Our only extra charges other than those specifically stated in the catalogue are for ma- c z ti trJ ":I trJ ;.. ..., trJ ti b:! > 00 trJ b:! > t"' t"' ..., trJ > f: .... "'"' 0 r L. I 0 "' "',..; ' ,..; "' ,..; "' EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 49 terials actually used by students in such work as art, manual training, and laboratory courses, and these materials we furnish at cost. Because of frequent variations in the market prices of such supplies it is no longer possible to specify a fixed charge for them in advance. While this policy gives us less money from the individual students than is received by similar institutions whose catalogued charges are lower than ours, we are satisfied with it because we believe it is more profitable and satisfactory to our patrons. ' Deductions No deductions are made for absence for the first two or the last two weeks of any term except by previous arrangement with the Principal. Positively no deductions will be made for the first or last week of any term. For absence two or more consecutive weeks on account of personal sickness one-half of the usual charge for board will be allowed. Damage Deposits Every boarding student is required to deposit one dollar for the key to his room. If the key is given up 1vhen the student leaves school the dollar is returned to him. A deposit of $2.50 is also required to secure the school in case of damage to the students ' room or other school property. ·when no damage is done this money is also returned to the student when he leaves school. Damage charges are deducted from the amount. Reports of Standing . Reports of the standing of students are sent to their parents or guardians at the end of each semester. In case such reports are not received the principal should be notified. Special reports may be sent at any time, and always will be furnished on request. d 50 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, CATALOGUE OF STUDENTS. 1919-1920 POST GRADUATES. Na1ne. Murphy, Thomas E. Sigafu,s, J. Dewey Post office "-'ilkes - Barre, Slateford, County . Luzerne, North ampton, State. Pa. Pa. SENIORS. Beville, .J. Octavius Bohan, Sara B. Boye.r, Helen M. Burke, E. Harold Burke, M. Claire Burke, Mildred Bv.rne, Mary M. Callahan, Thomas A. Conway, Beatrice A. Daw, "-'illiam J. Evans, R. Haydn Feeley, Mary E. Finnerty, Mary A. Flanagan, Regina 1~1:. East Stroudsburg, Nanticoke, Aquashicola, Archibald, Luzerne, Archiba.Jd, Olyphant, Throop, Dunmore, Ashley, Scranton, Olyphant, Scranton, \Vaymart, Fusselman,,l\fadeline M.Schnecksville, Garvey Edward N. "'anam!e, Gibbs, John W. Nanti-coke, Gillard, Mary A. Scranton, Gutne-cht, Celia Dickson City, Hester, Elsie· Mt. Bethel, Hocken. Elsie Nanticoke. .Jones, Catherine "''ilkes - Barre, Karl, Kathryn M. Parsons, Kelly, Mabel R. Old Forge, Kennedy, Beatrice M. Olyphant, Kunsman, Berdie ::vr. Stone Church, Lavin, Alice M. O!y·phant, Lonzer, Hilda E. Hazleton, :.v.IcCa1·tlw, Sara Simpson, McDonald, Helen T. uunm.ore, McGroarty, William J. Pla·ins, McNulty, .Joseph P. Hop Bottom, Miller, Dorothy R. .1-;ast Stroudsburg, Mulligan, John .J. '~'ilkes-•Barre, Mulligan. Nora F. Wilkes-•Ba.rre, :!Hurray, P. J. Carhonc1'ale, Murphy, Florence 1\.1. Olyphan·t, l\Iurphy, Irene E. Olyphant, i\Iurphy, Louise E. Olyphant, Nothoff. l\Tarie G. Luzerne, Parks, Robert W. Dorranceton, Pelrzar. Jacob J. \Yanamie, Pickering, Harry K. So•.1th Gibson, Price, H. Richard Stroudsburg, Revels, Lillian J. Dickson City, Ruane, Catherine Scranton, Schweidel, Rose• Jean Shenandoah, Semenza. Angelina Old Forge. Shaver, Daniel M. 8havertown, Somers, Beatrice E. ~'fountainhome, Storm, Lorna ·M. Cresco, Toole, Anna V. "'ilkes-Earre, :.v.Ionroe, Luzerne, Car.bon, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Lack a 'va-nna, Lackawanna, Lack'a"\va.nna, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Lackawanna, Laiekawanna, Lackawanna, "'ayne, Lehigh, Luzerne, Luzerne, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, l'\oPthampton, Luzerne, Luzerne, Luzerne, Lacka'\vanna, Lackawanna, Northampton, Lackawanna, Luzerne La,cka,:v3.nna, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Susquehanna, l\Ionroe, Luzerne, Luzerne, Lacka\vanna, T. . ackawanna, Lacka'\vanna, LaC'ka,va,nna. Luzerne. Luzerne, Luzerne, Susquehanna, Uonroe, Lack a wanna, Lacka~ranna, Schuylkill, La.,kawanna, Luzerne, l\'fonroe, Monroe, Luzerne. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa, Pa. Pa. Pa. P> Pa: Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. N a n 1e. Postolliee. Virbitski, Helen E. Dickson City, Vroom, Ethel L. Portl and, Wade, Anasta,sia E. Ol)"phant, Hancock, 'Veed, Laur:a I. 'Verkheiser, ,Charles M. Tanners vii le, Wild'l'ick, Roland I. Portland, Williams, Grace M. Stroudsburg, Williams, Sarah E. Pornand, Yeager, Florence A. Hazleton, Ziegenfus, Emma H. M.Palmerton, Zolendzewski,Selma E. Nanticoke, 51 Count~-. Lack a "\Vanna, Northa,mpton, r...a.ckawanna. Delaware, '.\lonroe. Northampton, :\Ton roe, Northampton, Luzerne, Carbon, Luzerne, Stnte. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Pa. Pa Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. JUNIOR S. 1\-1• 1ne. Po~toffice. Anzmann, Eleanor C. 'Vilkes-Barre, Bagley, ,Marjorie E. Carbondale, Barrett, Camilla C. Plymouth, Harteau, :wargaret Portland, Bart>holomew, Lel•a Portland, Bartholomew, Ralph E.East Stroudsburg, Beam, Gertrude R. Old Forge, Beatty, Kathryn S. Olyp,lrnnt, Beck, Blanche E. Mr. Bethel, Boyle, Mary B. Ashley, Burg, Ruth l\f. Al le n.town, Burke, Margue,rite M. Mayfield, Callahan, Mollie B. Dickson City, Ca,sey, Catharine C. O l yphant, Clarke, Beatrice R. Duryea, Cliff, Athol W. East 'Stroudsburg, Cobb, Agnes G. Mayfield, Conroy, 1Mary C. Retreat, Conway, Anna G. Plains, Cosgrove,, Helen C. Old Forge. Craft, Helen A. Thomps·on, Cunningham, J. Carl Mayfield, Cunningham, Louise :\LMayfield, Curran, Lucy P. Olyphant, C~'phers, Claude S. Ba,rtonsville, Davidson, David, Jr. Coolbaugh, Davis. Dorothy M. Nanticoke, Domzalski, lVIartha C. Nanticok e, Dowling, Margaret E. East Stroudsburg, Elward. Kathleen F. Pl:ains, Engelhardt, George H. East Strouds,burg E'oans, Rebe•cca W. Namticoke, Fehnel, Laura A. Eas t Bangor, Fox, Elsie L. Dick>Son City, Frable, Ruth M. Bethlehem, Gallagher. Catherine M.Simpson, Garvey, Helen l\f. ~Tanamie, Gennetti, Leona L. Wes·ton, Geuther, Marion I. Lake Como. Gibbons, Francis O. Eclwards·ville. Gillespie, Cecelfa C. Pittston , GiUespie, James M. Olyphant. Goldburg, Dora Tl'ilk?.s-Barre, Golden, Rose l\L Parsons, Hanahan, Ruth A. Parson<. Harforrl, Laura Tvyland, Healy, Marie A. Plains, Hegarty. VPronica R. 'f'amaqua. Hess. Ada R. Ea ~to n, Honor, :\fargaret E. Pl)·mouth. Horn, Florence E. Nanticoke, Huffman, Dorothy E ·a.st f'troudsburg. Hutchins. Harolrl \\'. Pl)'mouth, .Tones. Has,ting H. Ashley, Coun1y. Luzerne, Lacka,vanna, Luzerne, ~ortllampton, Northampton, l\'Ionroe, Lack a wanna, Lacka"ranna, Northampton, Luzerne, Lehiigh, Lacka\vanna, Lackawanna, Lack a \Vanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Lackawanna, Luzerne. Luzerne, Lar·ka \Vanna, Su!:quehanna, Lack'a wanna, Lack a \\'anna, Lackavvanna, Mionroe, i\1ionroe, Luzerne, Luzerne, i\]onroe, Luzerne, Monroe, Luzerne, Northampton, Lacka ·wanna, Northampton, Lacka \\~anna, Luzerne, Luz ern e , P lains, Luzerne, Luzerne, Lackawanna, TJuzern.e. Luzern~. LuzPrne, Buck•. Luzerne. Schuvlkill. Northampton, Luzerne, Lu zerne, l\fsonroe. Luzerne, Luzerne, Stnt.,. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. P a. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa a2 STATE NO&"'IAL SCHOOL, N aJne. Postoffice. Jones, Louise L. Uniondale, Kane, Mary S. Kingston, Kemp, Edward L. East Stroudsburl:', Koff, Tessie I. \Vilke,s-Barre, Kresge , Florenc e E. Gilbert, l..Jamb, Grace H. Wilkes'-'Barre, Larson, Laura l\1. King;s ton, Lavin, Edward J. Carbondale, Lewis, Ethel L. Dickson City, Loftus, Anna iM. C:arbondale, uong, Kenneth H. Red Lion, Mc Andrew, Helen C. Vandling, :\lcAndrew, John T. Dunmore, McCann, Elizrubeth K. Carbondale, :VlcCusker, Ella l\1. Lakewood, :VIcGinnis Mary E. Duryea, :\1cNelis, \v,inifred A. Freeland, Manko, Anna E. Herrick Center, M e lvin, Elizabeth Vandling, Miller, Edna M. Mt. Bethel, :\{iller, Georgene Durham, Mimnaugh, George S. Kirkwood, l\1itchell, Henry A. Stroudsburg, Mulherin, Anna R. Gre n Lyon, Mullaney, Irene R. J es,sup, :\Iul,len, Margaret R. D ickson City, Murphy, Margaret A. Plains, Narcoonis, 'Mary R. Dicks on City, Kiles, •Marjorie I. Lakewood, O':V[.alley, Mary L. Duryea, Oplinger, Tilman A. Bath, Oswald, Harold S. Lehighton, Pado on, Jose phine G. Parsons, Pos pie sinski, Bertha Nanticoke, Price, Beatrice A. Cre s co, Price , Harriet G. :;.\1oscoVir, R e ap, Kathleen L. .Tes.s up, Reedy, Marjorie M. Ol yphant, R o che, Helen C. Ol d Forge, Rushin, Tillie Nanticoke, S•ail e, Ed•ward H. L e highton, Schwart7., Benjam·in T h roop, Shive ly, ]\iargaret East Stroudsburg, S imoson, Evaline A. Kings ton, S n yd e r, Ca•the rine A. Scranton, S t a pl e ton, Leona A. \Vi lk Ps -Barre , Rcotos ko, Cathe rine Nanticok e , Sto ut. Myrtl e V. Leh ighton , S to~·alc Mary E. D ick s on City, Sweeney, Helen E. Ol yphant, Turn e r, Florence H. Eas t Stroudsburg, U nd e rwood, Ruth L. Honesdale, VanVleit, Iva V. Stroucls·burg, Vlos sak, Irene R. King,ton, V osh e ski, Pauline U. Gle n Lyon, "'a nnemaker,DorothyLEa,st Stroudsburg, " ' annem•ak e r, Pauline Kresgeville, "'e ldman. Rella M. Portland, -;Yei s s, Kathryn C. \Vanami e, "-iJl is . T obith a P . Nan t i cok e . " 'ilson, W ilbur V. Eas t ·Stro udsburg, Zalne r ai ti s , ·Mollie K. Wanamie, County. Susquehanna, Luzerne, State. i\:Jionroe, Luzerne, Monroe, Luzerne, Luzerne, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, York, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, Lackawanna, \Yay ne, Luzerne, Luzerne, Susquehanna, Lackawanna, Nort hampton, Bucks, Cam den, N. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. J. llfo n roe, Lu ze rne, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Fa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. \\'ayne, Lu z e rne. '.\fon roe , L ackawanna, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. :'.\.Uonroe, Luzerne, La c kawanna, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Lac kawanna, \Yay ne, Luzerne, N o rthampton, Carbon, Luze rn e Luzerne: :VIonroe, Lackawanna, Lac ka v'ranna, Lacka v;;~anna, L ackawanna, Lu z erne, C arb on, Lack a 1vanna, l\1'onroe, Lu ze rne, Lackawanna, L uze rn e , L u zerne, Carbon, Lacka i;vanna, L a•ck-a 'van na, l\Ion roe, \ V a y ne, l\fon roe, Lu ze rne, Luze rne, ::\Io n roe, :\Io n roe, Nort h ampton, L u z erne, I~u zer ne, SOPHOMORES. Bailer, Laura L. B o y l e, Edward P. ~ liff. H e rbert Cohen , :\Ian u e l L. G o u1ds boru, \\'ilk e •-Barre. Eas t 8'troudsburg, Old Forge , EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. Po~tofilce. Nome. Fogarty, Helen R. Nantictroudsburg, Dickson City, \V-ilkes-Barre, Haz leton, East Stroud8burg, Cresc•o, Jermyn, Lehighton, Eas t ,strnud•sburg, Dublin, Tannersville, Monroe, Lacka \Vanna, Luzerne, Luzerne, Monroe, Monroe, Lack1a \Vanna, Carbon, l\lo n roe, Bucks, l\fonroe, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. SPECIAL AND UNCLASSIFIED. Banta, Jose.phine Bergan, James Burt, Paul S. Cannon, J. Romaine Daley, J ,ohn P. Falvella, Conrad A. Feitusch, Henry J. Font, Julio Foulkes, Margaret A . Gerheart, Do,rothea D. Gilboy, Paul P. Gilpin, Beatrice Gordon, Louis J. Grau. Hogelio Hartshorn. Mildred Hornsby, Leo \Y. Howey, Arthur E. Jones, Elw1ood Kellv, ::'liargaret M. Kindig, J. Robert Kloess, Robel't W. Lip.pit, John P. :Wicha~ls, Robert D. Near~-. Stanley J. O'Tiourke, Rafael Orive, Cesario Otero. Juan Pacheco, Jose :'If. Paxton, Vicitoriia Ratajski. John E. Reilley, Robert W. Hoberts, Anna Salathe, Noble Sala,the, Ray S. 3ch\varzholzer, Ro.sina Swoyersville, Newport News, East Stroudsburg, Olyphant, Mayfield, Hazleton, Luzerne, Cienfuegos, Scranton. Swiftwat e r, Du rye.a. \Yaymart, East Stroucls,burg, New York City, Dickson City, ~anti coke, Dickson City, Uniondale, \Vilkes-Bal're, PhHadelphia, Eas,t Btroudsburg, \V>ilk es -Barre, Lenox, Carbondale, Cienfuegos, Victoria de le Tunas, Newport, News, Havana, Stro uds,burg, Duryea, Spangler, Scnanton, East Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, Eais•t Stroudsburg, Luzerne, i\1onroe, Lackawanna, Lack a \Vanna, Lu zerne, Luzerne, Santa Cruz, La~ kawanna, Mo nroe, Luzerne, "\vay n e, Monroe, Queens, La:ck,a wanna, Lu zeTne, Lack1a 'vanna, Susquehanna, Luzerne, Ph iladelphia, ::'IIonroe, Luzerne, Susquehanna, Lackawanna, Santa Cruz, !\Ion roe, Luzerne, Cambria, La.ck-a wanna, .:\fonroe, M·onroe, Monroe, Pa. Va. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa . Pa. Cuba. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y . Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. P a. Cuba. Cuba. Va. Cuba. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. 54 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Nnn1e Post office SeUen , Louis Sha ll er, Ruth So.sa, Horac io Villapol, Carlos "'alton, George "Whittaker, Arthur Koegel, Ch ris tie Santiago, >)tr.o ud sburg, Ne\v York City, Cienfuegos, Eas t •S troudsburg, Eas•t Stroudsburg, Lehighton, County ~ronroe, Queens, 'Santa Cruz, :If.on roe, Monroe, Carbon, State Cuba. Pa. N. Y. Cuba. Pa. Pa. Pa. MUSIC STUDENTS. Beck, Blanche Burg, Ruth Craft. Helen C liff, Herbert Hanahan, Ruth Hocken, Elsie Hobbs, Pauline Healy, Marie Holbrook, Florence Koff, 'l\h eresa Kresge, Flore n ce Long, Kenneth :llitchell, rtenry Mul'phy, Irene ~iulherin e, Anna l\IcDona.ld, Helen Niles, l\Iarjoorie De•L uca, Tiosie Evans, Haydn Evans, Rebecca Frabl e, Ruth Fehnel, Ruth Frederick, Verna Frederick, Viviene Golden, Rose G illes•pie, Celia OSIrs. Adolph Woolner .\!rs. L. E. VanOrsdal, .\!rs. Geo. Drury, Teacher, Teacher, .\Irs. Thos. Thomas, Teacher, Teacher, Sister, Teacher. Teacher, Teacher, Teac1her, Scranton, .\!rs. J. Do~herty, Teacher, Physician. Institute Instructor, Mrs. T. \V. Barker, N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Sc ranton, Pa. Yonkers, N. Y. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Summit Hill, Pa. \Vatertown, Conn. E. M'ch Chunk, Pa. 'Nest Pittston, Pa. White Haven, Pa. Denison, Texas. Santa, Ida. Pa. Pittston, E. Mauch Chunk, Pa. Pa. Scranton, Pa. Lansford, S c ranton, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Wilk es-Barre, Pa. Tobyhanna, Pa. ~Jauch Chunk, Pa. E. M'ch Chunk. Pa. Pa. Nanticoke, Pa. Tidioute, Park Place, Pa. Pa. Milford, E. Orange, N. J. Mrs. X. P. Huddy, Moscow, Pa. Teacher, Pa. :l.frs. Harry Yeide, Weatherly, Wales. Crynant, Mrs.DavldW.Daniel, Pittsburg, Mrs. Vi'. Maxwell. Pa. Addresses not indicated unknown. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. Costenbader, Thos. Culberson, John *Collins, Frank *Golden. Edward lCJ.OOVer, G. S. Jackson, H. A. Kunkle, H. A. Lord, J. P. •McGill, J. J. McCarthy, Francis McMonegal, M. Rinker. Richard Boyle, Mary E. Shull, Samuel 57 GENTLElIEN, '94. Clerk, Postal Clerk, Mauch Cnunk, N. Y. City, R. R. Foreman, Merchant, !vfinister, Attorney, Saltsburg, Palmyra, \Vilkes-Batre, Pa. Pa. Pa. School Supt., Teacher, Minister, Mayfield, Hazleton, Pittston, Pa. Pa. Pa. STATE CERTIFICATE, '94. Teacher, Lansford, Superintendent. Perth Amboy, Pa. N. Y. Pa. N. J. CLASS OF 1895. Brands, :Mary J. Brown, Elsie Barteau, Agnes Bush, Edith 1\Iae Carney, Anna Canam, Grace R. Cool, Evelyn Curran, Nellie Dodson, Katie E. •Davies, :Mary Evans, Laura B. Evans, Susie ,E. Edwards, Anna ;\L Flynn, Emilv Fenstermacher, M. Z. Gray, Edith Heller. Huth Hicks,Katherine,111.A. • LADIES. Mrs. C. E. Beck. Mrs. Chas. \V. Carr, .\frs. C. McKel vey, .\Irs. J.' Huffman, Teacher, Mrs. C. B. Chase, :Hrs. F. B. Fletcher, .\!rs. N. V. Taylor, Mrs. \V. A. Wolfe, Mrs. H. R. Flagler, lllrs. J. Thomas. Mrs.John M. Thomas, Teacher, .\Irs. P. M. Graul, Mrs. B. S. \Yarner, i\Trs. H. C. Hearn. Instr. Russell Sage College, .\lrs..T. A. Laubach, Mrs. F. Burk, Portland, Pa. Angels, Pa. New Rochelle, N. Y . Marshalls Creek, Pa. \Vilkes-Barre. Pa. Des 1Moines, Ia. Malboro, Mass . Scrant0n, Pa. Selinsgrove, Pa. Stroudsburg, Pa. Fran klin, Scranton, Lehighton. Ridle y Park, Baltimore, Troy, N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Md. N. Y. B ethlehem, :'.\I organ town, W. Va. Holzeman, Katherine Johnson, Emma Jones, .\iartha Jones, Sadie J. Kurtz. Mabel Krauter, i\lar)' .\L .\Jack. Anna V. .\1iller, Sue B. Metzgar, Lizzie i\icCadden, Anna McCauley, Josephine Mallahan, Kate Newhart. Carrie G. Osmun, Isabel Rhinehart, Minnie G. Reap, Mame Ruddy. Mary :::,hater, Margaret Schoonover, Elsie Timony, Kathryn Wi])jams, Mary L. Walsh, M. Alice Teacher, Teacher. .\1 t·s. Albert D. Green .\Ir~. T. J. Donohue, Mrs. Sue B. Warman, Mrs. C. F. Schatzle, Teacher, .\1rs. T. H. Govreau, Mrs. J. O'Brien, ~frs I. BergstresRer, .\Irs. Zedricl< \\' omer, Teacher, Teacher, :\1rs. John Tierney, Teacher, .\1rs. J. \\". Palmer. Mrs. J. McBrearty, Mrs. G. Shultz. Mrs. P. B. Kelly, Appenzeller, C. D. Bush, Ralph D. Brewster, Wm. F. Bursh, · E. F. Bachman, C. C. •Deceased. Chiropodist, Yonkers, N. Y . Ins. Agent, .\1anasquan, N . .r. Lawyer, Kingston, Pa. Teacher. East0n, Pa. Principal, Allentown, Pa. Addresses not indicated unkno\vn . Pa. Parsons. Pa. E. Stroudsburg. Pa. Norwalk, Conn. Portland, \\' !lite Haven, Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Pa. ~a. Nanticoke, Pa. Allentown, Pa. N. J. Newark, .\1.ountainhome, Pa. \V ilkes-Barre, Pa. Pa. Scranton, MountainhomP., Pa. Alamogordo, .. N . i\1. Freeland. Pa. Plymouth, Pa. Syracuse, N. Y. GENTI.,ElUEN, 'f>:i, 58 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Batt, O. E. Coolbaugh, H. E. Detrick, W. J, Eilenberger, R. J. Fawkes, Edward Gilpin, George Graul, P. M. Houck, C. S. Jayne, \Vilson T. Kinney, Ira L. Keiser, Norman G. Mulligan, John R. Miller, Charlton D. Supervising Prine., Merchant, li__,,armer, Principal, Nazareth, Stroudsburg, !Stroudsburg, Clinton, Teacher, Lawyer, Bank Cashier, Prlndpal, Principal, Ulass Manufacturer, McGuigan, Frank H.hodes, Norman E. Reimer, Eli Smith, H. E. Smith, Hezekiah Supt. of Schools, Trav.Aud.Erie R.R.Co '.\Ierchant, Business, Merchant, Sterling, Pa. Lehighton, Pa. Hawley, Pa. Pullman, Wash. Langhorne, Pa. larson, Eliz. A. •Deceased. Teacher, Mrs. Virgil Gillespie, Mrs. L. H. St!lmar, Mrs. S. Shick, Superv. Drawing Vice Principal, \\' ilkes-Barre, Pa. Seattle, Wash. Springfield, Mass. At t. Pocono, Pa. Old Forge, Pa. Pa. Lansford, Mrs. \V. A. Henry, Mrs. John Hugl!es, Teacher. Teacher, Mrs. David Lavelle, Teacher, Mrs. Andrew Shigo, Teacher, Mrs. Eli R<>imer. l\Irs. Robt. Hermany, Mrs. J. Reinert, l\Irs. J. Fulmer Hefft, Mrs. G. Farnsworth, Mrs. John Davidson, Mrs. J. K. Moore, Teacher, Principal, Vi' ilk es-Barre, Nesquehoning, Carbondale, Ph i ladelphia, Scranton, Je rmy n, Freeland, Moos i c, Flicksville. Wilkes-Barre, VVyon1ing, W a l tham. Hagerstown, Miami, Pert h Amhoy, Dorrance ton, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. PL Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Mass. Md. Okla. N. J. Pa. Hawaii. Teach el'. Honolulu, '"reacher. N. J . Hackensack, Pa. Teacher. Carbondale, Pa. T e ach e r. Scranton, Pa. Teac her. J.~. Stroudsburg, N. Y. Mrs. Elizaberth L. .N'e\V York, Curley, Teaf'l11·1·. Newark. N. J. Springfield, Pa. .\llrs. Stanley Rogers Newark, N. J . Mm. J. Wuertt:el, Brevard, N. C . Mrs . •T. Silverstein, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Book-keeper, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. ;\frs. vV. H. Loder, Cherryville, Pa. Teacher, Phillipsburg, N. J . Mrs. 0. F. Rinker, Rockl and Lake, N. Y. J.1rs. D. C. Hummel, .Mrs. J. M. Schreck, Nara menta, B. C . E . Stroudsburg, Pa. Mrs. Frank Bush, Mrs. Ira Kresge, ~lin er's Mills, Pa. E:a~ton . Pa. Teacher, Address es not indicated unknown. • EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. Purcell, Mary Price. Elsie E. *Roehrig, Mary E. Rasner, Anna Reinhart, Lizzie Ruddy, Kate Reilly, Lizzie Reilly, Nellie Smith, Cora E. Shaw, Eva L. Smith, Esther M. Silver, Mary C. Swartswelder, F. Shields, Mary E. Shivler, Katie Smith, Mary 'Seiple, Bertha E. Trimmer, Frances Timbrell, Lena Timony, Bridget Watson, Emma E. \l\•yckoff, Jennie F. Williamson, Kate \\' ebber, Marie \,\'aters, Anna W. •Yost, Estella. M. Mountainhome, Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. J\Irs. Edward Burke, E. Sweet, Michael Mackin, John O'Donnel, \Vm. Clymer, Mrs. V. B. ·wells, Mrs. Clinton Supplee, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. G. E. l\Ierrett, T ea c her, Teacher, llirs. John T . Hess, Clerk, Mrs. H. M. Forrester. Mrs. J. A. Armstrong, Mrs. Emile Perrot, Mrs. C has. J. Bunn, Mr~. C. J. Bunz, :\Jrs. Theo. Scholla, Mrs. Wm. D. Palmer, Pasadena, Binghamton, Scranton. \\' ilkes-Barre, \\'ilkes-Barre, Dalton, Phi ladelphla, Stroudsburg, J ermyn, Hackensack, Bangor, \Vil!{e~-Earre, 59 Pa. Calif. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Nutley, Pa.. N . J. Trenton, N. J. Dunmore, Stroudsburg, Pa. Pa. Mt. Bethel, ~lt. Bsthel, B ethlehem, Hazleton, Lansford, Philade lphi a, Pioche. Den v er, Haz leton, E a~t Bangor, Vi' ilkes-Barre, \\'ei;t Easton, Peeks kill. Pa. Pa. Pa. P a. GE:VTJ,E!UEN, '96 Beck, Frank B . Brodt, H. O. Becker, Wm. A. Boyle, Frank P. Boyle, B. S. Coyle, M. J. Cyphers, R. l\1. Cyphers, F. L. Cannon F. J. Dilliard, H. C. Drum, Herbert R . Frace, Jame8 M. Gish. \Vm. H. *Hanlon, James A . Hom, Garrett F . *Hemm, Gustav Hess, John T. Heberling, E. C. Houston, J. B. Jamison, Wm. Kresge, Eries Koehler, John J . .. oehler, Geo. W. Kunkle, Geo. B. •Loughran, P. J. *:\IcCrear y, J. N. • .\Iadde n . J olln McGeehan, Con. '.1-lorgan. A . S . ~tcDona.Jd, Jas S . ~lill<"r. C~o. \\'. Oyer, .To8. E. *O'Donn ell, .fohn D. Pomp. \l'illiam H . Powell, James J. Price, Myron A. *Remaly, G . <;V. Saricks. J. G. i'hannon . .I. P. Smith, A. L. oitrunk, \\'alter 111. SilYer. :\fic hae l I. *Deceased. Bookkeeper, C l erk, Book-l{i>eper, Lawy er, Teacher, Ass. Ins. Supt., Ranchman, Mgr. Const. Co., Lawyer, Engineer, Mech. Engine er. Principal, Foundryman, Pa. Pa. N<>v. Colo. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Salesman, Teacher, L. V. R. R. Clerk, P hys ician, Teache1-, Law ye r, Co. Supt. Wayne Co. Clerk P . 0 . Principal, Bangor, So. B ethlehem, lilt. Carmel, Scranton, Bald Jl>Ioun1tain, H onesdale, Nazareth, Wind Gap, Freight Clerk. Slate Manufacturer, Hook -k Peper. Teacher, Attol'ney- at- La"" Freeland. Pa. S latingto n, Pa. NPw York. N. Y . Bangor, R.D. 4 Pa. P l eas antville, Pa. Instr. Technical Lawyer, Hotel Proprietor, Harrisburg , Scranton, Canadens is, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. P a. Pa. Pa. l\Igr. Coal Co., Freeland, Pa. :Su 1wrvising Prin., \\' ilkes - Barre, Pa. :\lini8ter, ~1ilI. Laran1y, Anna 0. Lore. Emma D. :\.[orey, Bertha R. Ma.rkey, Rose R. Miller. Margaret .\L Par.terson, Itose G. Hee$e, Angie T:eilly, Nellie Shoemaker, Pauline ShiE-ld s , Ali<'e V. Shar.,r, Lottie V. Spencer. Lottie A. Templeton, Margaret Ta~·lor, .\label E. Whitson, Bessie LADIES . .\frs. J. Vanvorst., Easton, Pa. Teacher, Mrs. Elizabeth :'>I. B. Springfield, '.\'lass. Seymour, Stud. Simmens Col., 'l'eacher, E. Stroudsbu1·g, Pa. Teacher. Pa. Scranton. Clerk, Stroudsburg, Pa. M. or Fae., P. Inst., N. J . Heightstown, Teacher, Fact.oryvi lie, Pa. .\frs. Harry B. \Volte Factoryville, Pa. Teacher, Wille es-Barre, Pa. Principal. Lanesboro. Pa. Teacher, Pa. E.i'.YI'ch Chunk. Teacher, Mrs. E. F. G!bb3, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Mary Meyer, titenographer, Mrs. Geo. Bornhoeft, :'lfrs. Oscar Liepaus, •\J rs. W. l. l~o id, ~!rs. J. J. Judge, '!'each er, Student, Teacher, Mrs. \V. J,. Meaker. :.\1rs. A. A. Garrison, :'llr~. I•'. E. \Vilson, Teacher, Mrs. Ro&"er Wlllla.mB, Teacher, Teacher. Mrs. \Vm. Clymer, :11rs. Matt. Crowley, ~lrs. M . . J. l\kLean. :'llrs. Ralph Cooper, !\[r~. C. A. ~\[orris, Supt. Hospital, :\Trs. Va!Pntine Shoop. Mrs. Thos. Bryant, GEN'rI,EMEN, Ackerman, Oscar W. Arnold, Harry E. Connaghen.John H. Giersch, Harry C. •Deceased. N. J. :\Irs. Sidney T. Baker MaplewooJ, Pa. '°'anticoke, Say re, De t roit. Pit t s1ton, Pa. .:>iiril. Pa. .Tersey City, N. J. E. ...Hroudsburg, Pa. Davenport, \\"ash. Nazareth, Pa. l'eekville, Pa. "' ilkes-Barre, Pa. \Vilkes-Barre, Bethlehem, Nanticoke, Easton, \ \T ilkes-Barre, Philadelphia., P i ttstou. Hudson, Hebron, Coopersburg, Huntingdon, Dorrance ton, Lanesboro, Nanticoke, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Dak. Pa. Ore. Pa. Pa. Pa. '•1. Supt. of Schools, Glens ide, Pa. Electrician, Buff.ala, N. Y. Priest, Locust Dale, Pa. Stroudsburg, Pa. Bookkeeper, Addresses not indicated unknown. 61 EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. Gardner, Fred C. Hester, Henry Haiges, Fred O. Harton, James F. Ink, Lewis A. Ketcham, Walter E. Kistler, Milton S. Murray, Martin C. Moyer, William L. Miers, Charles 0. Murray, Michael J. Michael, Charles W. Oliver, Joseph \V, Powell, Fred M. Peifiey, Harvey F. Pipher, Josiah B. •Reichard, John Shick, Frank J. Snyder, Wallace J. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Stroudsburg, Pa. White Haven, Pa. \~ ilkes-Barre, Pa. Duluth, Minn. Yokohoma, Japan. E. Stroudsburir. Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Easton, Pa. Flicksville, Pa. Bank Clerk, Teacher, Merchant, Prin. Gram. School, Clerk, Elec. Engineer, Cashier, Bank, Teacher, Clerk. Teacher, Lawyer, Merchant, Manual Training, Head of Com. Dept., Business, Clerk and Cashier, Sci. Teach., St. Norm School, Director M. Tralnln~. Bookkeeper, Sandt, John H. Shuman, F. W. W. Shook, S. Bertie SchRfer, Heber I. Taylor, Ernest L. Toole, Michael J. Ward, Thomas H. Wilmarth, Naaman Farmer, Teacher, Principal H. S., Principal, Insurance, Farmer, Scranton, Pa. Laceyville Tunkhannock, Dinuba, Bangor, Gloversville, Pa. Pa. Cal. Pa. N. Y. Edinboro, Winona, Easton, Stroudsburg, Danielsville, l{.ane, Avoca, Scranton, New Milford, Pa. Minn . Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. SCIENTIFIC COUll!!E, '111. Kunkle, G. B. Principal, Brodheadsville, Pa. POST GRADUATE!!, '87. Kinney. Ira L. Powell, James Sha!er, \Yilliam A. Strunk, Henry S. Unger, J. J. VanGorden, Clara Prin. Schools, Lawyer, Lawyer, Bethlehem, Co. Supt., Mrs. A. F. Schmalstlea Langhorne, Pa. Pa. Scranton, Pa. Stroudsburg, Northampton, Pa. N. J . Vineland, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, CLASS OF 181>8. LA.DIES. Bible, Alice May Brazille, Nellie A. Blessing, Inez Butterworth, M. E. Brewer, Laura M. Burt, Flora E. Bennett, Lizzie R. Bartholomew, Laura Cannon, Stella A. Conway, Margaret T. Coronway, Ethel Cannon, Celia E. Clarke, Julia L. Conway, Margaret Z, Crosgrove, .Margaret Davis, Cora A. Dowling, Mamie Dill~. Ella Frutchey, Laura M. Grover, L. Maye Heller, Marcia C. Holland, Jennie L. H>'aley, Katie G. Hess, Louise E. Howell. Evelyn M. Joyce, Margaret V. •Deceased. Teacher, Mrs, Peter Cawley, Mrs. O. E. Williams, Teacher. Mrs. J. J. Cort, Mrs. Vancampen, Mrs. John Grennan, Mrs. Harry F. Miller, Teacher, Champaign, Stroudsburg, \Vilkes-Barre, Pa. Pa. Teacher, Teacher, V\• llk es-Barre, Summit Hill Pa. Pa. Passaic, Madisonville, E. Stroudsburc, N. J. Pa. Pa. Ill. Teacher, Pittston, Pa. Teach e r, Archbald, Pa. Mrs. N. H. Graves, Dalton, Pa. Mrs. Anthony, Teacher, Duryea, Pa. 'J'pacher, Harrisburl', Pa. Teach Pr, Hazleton, Pa. :\Irs. Hend,rickson, Deal Beach, N. J. Traveling Saleslady, Bangor Pa. Teacher, Carbondale, Pa. Teacher. Berwick, Pa. Mrs. A. vV. Larrabee, Rta rrucca. Pa. Teachi>1·, Carb ondale, Pa. Addresses not i ndicated unknown. 1 62 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Kerney, Genelda C. Lynch, Mary R. Martin, Ada B. Metzgar, Lou B. ;'.1cCarthy, Anna L. McDonald, Rose C. Michael, Martha E. Mollahan, Kathryne McKee, Minnie A. ~1ack, Mary Mick, Rosella Murphy Joanna L. McGinnis, Helen I. McLean, Mary M. J. Nixon, Addie l\I. Phillips, Mae Price, Olive A. Rice, Margaret Robinson, Eliz. M. Skinner, Mabel E. Sullivan, Kathleen E. *Smith, Katie J. •smith, Lulu J. Schoonover, Caroline Sigafus, Anna E. Shannon, Daisy V. Shafer, Eliz. M. Tracy, Mary M. TI'elter, Mae Wise, Octavia K. Wright, Elizabeth Wheaton, Bessie R. \'Vatt, Gertrude E. Mrs. T. F. Delaney, Mrs. Wm. Klllgallon, Mrs. ·wallace Snyder, Teacher, Sup. Principal, .Hrs. R. J. Reilly, Stenographer, Teacher, Mrs. M. M. Morgan, Teacher, Mrs. M. F. Hannon, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Jas. Brophy, Mrs. Arthur Patton, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Charles Knight, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. T. A. Briggs, Mrs. C. T. Cushman, Teacher, Mrs. C. vV. Howell. Mrs. H. Mussigbrod, Mrs. Robert Sayre, Mrs. Frank Dutt, Mrs. S. F.Breed, Mrs. Walter Lewis, Teacher. Jessup, Pittston, Edinboro, Stroudsburg, Mayfield, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Nazareth, '\Vilkes-Barre, Carbondale, Bangor, Henryville, Carbondale, Scranton, Carbondale, Stroudsburg, Thompson, Mountalnhome, Chalfont, Scranton, Milan ville, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Tucson, New York, Pen Argyl, Uniondale, R.D. Wisdom, Stroudsburg, Ariz. N. Y. Pa. 3, Pa. :\font. Pa. Gelatt, Passaic, N. J. Pa, Coal Dealer. Teache•·. Concrete Engineer, Hoboken, Flicksville, Jersey, City, N. J. Pa. N. J. Paymaster, l\linister, Minersvllle, Spring Glen, Pa Pa. GENTLEMEN, '98. Ace, Claude B. Brodt, Stewart C. Bender, Benj. F. *Butler, William J. Cullather, M. A. Carl, Oscar E. Curtis, Edward B. •Flory, Roy C. Green, Oscar F. Gibbs, Edwin F. Hobbes, C. E. Hoffsommer, Walter *Kintner, Ira L. LaRue, Daniel vV. Miller, Elbert A. Mengel, Henry F. Male, Nicholas M. Miller, Lafayette McCabe, James F. Mitman, Wesley M. Michael, Benj. F. McNamara, Galusha Palmer, Abner M. Reimer, Enoch Reimel, Elmer .J. Rogers, Edward B. Reimer, Azariah •Smith, Lewis A. Seguine, Wm. M. Super. Jacob J. *Deceased. Pa. Farming & Teaching, Saylorsburg, Pa. Nanticoke, Merchant, Pa. 1Vllkes-Barre. Dentist, Japan. Tokio, Missionary, Mem. Normal Fae., Farmer, E. Stroudsburg, Mt. Bethel, Pa. Pa. Slate Business, Teacher, Lawyer, Prin. of Schools, Druggist, Merchant, Steamship Bus., Teacher, Draftsman, Cashier, Minister, Pa. Pen Argyl, N. J Belvidere, Pa. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Easton, Pa. Laceyville N. J. Beerston, K J. Plainfield, Pa. Bangor, Ala. Birmingham, Pa. Elmhurst Arlington Heights, Mass. Sand Dealer, Kenvil, N. J. Teacher, Bangor, Pa. Addresses not indicated unknown. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 63 Doylestown, Real Estate, Pa. Physician, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. A•torney-at-Law, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Physician, Scranton, Pa. Principal, Avoca, Pa. POST GRADUATES, '98 Principal, Brodheadsville, Kunkle, George B. Pa. Principal, Kinney, Ira L. Langhorne. Pa. Bank Clerk, E. Stroudsburg, Gardner, Fred C. Pa. Teacher, Hebron, N. Dak. Shoemaker, Pauline Parsons, Jones, Sadie J. Teacher, Pa. Stevens, Wm. M. Sullivan, Edward J. Walsh, Wm. P. Walsh, Anthony T. Webber, Charles B. CLASS OF 1899. LADIES. Atherton, Kittie M. Bell, Ruth Bretney, Clara J. Brumbaugh, C. G. Coyne,. Cath. A. Castle, Charlotte L. Chambers, Bertha Cassidy, Ella M. Case, Lulu E. Chamberlain, Bertha Doughty, M. Olive Dertinger, Louise C. Ervin, Sadie E. Eyer, Ida M. Evans, E. May Edwards, Laura A. Fenstermacher, C. Fetherman, Daisy A. Forgeng, Mary I. Fallon, Theresa F. Guinnip, Mabel G. Gannon, Eliz. C. Gilpin, Blanche K. Hanahan, Margaret Hoover, Sue E. Hills, Myra L. Holton, Katharyne *Herriotts, Jane A. Heller, Bessie Hottel<, Maria Heckman, Eva Johnson, Lilian A. Kober, Mary Kemp, Gertrude Kennedy..Josephine Klaer, M. Louise Mullen, Sarah A. Leonard, Agnes G. lllcHale, Sadie A. Mundy, Susie T. Mulderig, Katie C. McAndrew, M. G. McGee, Gertrude L. Mosser, Laura E. Michael. Charlotte F. Miller, Edyth G. Miller, Anna M. Motte, Clara E. A. Moore, Mary T. Murray, Carrie Messinger, Ella M. Mulherin, Anna Mulherin, Katie *Deceased. Mrs. John Williams, C'lk's Summit, Mrs. E. Higgins, Rushville, Mrs. Chas. A. Wagne1 Lehighton, Teacher, Scranton, Pa. Neb. Pa. Pa. Teacher, Pa. Stroudsburg, Mrs. :u. J. O''.'.falley, N. Y . Warwick. Mrs. Roy A. Sykes, Burlington, Vt. Mrs. J. M. Lenox, W y alussing. Pa. Mrs. E. F. Eversole, Stroudsburg, Pa. Teacher, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Forty-Fort, Pa. Clerk, Teacher, Ashley, Pa. N. J. Mrs. Philip Brundage Grantwood, Mrs. A. E. Herriman, Pa. Galeton, Pa. Mrs. B. M. Shull, Lehighton, Pa. Mrs. A. C. Graham, Allentown, Pa. Teacher, Scranton, Pa. Mrs. Daniel Holland, Old Forge, Mrs. Daniel LaRue, E . Stroudsburg, Pa. Mrs. James Donovan, Pa. Pittston, Mrs. "\V. H. Robacker, S. Sterling, Pa. Pa. Mrs . .James P. Burns, Miners II-fills, Pa. Mrs F. 0. Ruth, Easton. Mrs. W. J. Niemeyer, Pa. Dunmore, Teacher, \\'i!kes-Barre. Pa. Mrs . .J. S. 1Vet7.el, Ack e rman·:llle, Pa: Mrs . .Jos. P. Keeney, Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Chas. E. Bessel, Mineola, L. I. Teacher. Bangor, Pa. Mrs. V. H. Dimmick, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Mrs. H. Templeton, Buffalo, N. Y . Teacher, Olyphant. Pa. Mrs. D. R. Chapin, A rel m o r e , Pa. Teacher. .J e rmy n, Pa. Mrs A. P. Conniff, Plains, Pa. Teacher, Miners Mills, Pa. Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Mrs. !11. F. Dougher, Inkerman. Pa. Principal, Carbondale, Pa. Mrs. M . A. Kennedy, Scranton, Pa. Mrs. I. A. Fager, Harrisburg, Pa. Teacher, Nazareth, Pa Teacher, Easton, Pa. Kansas City, Kan . Book-keeper, Teacher, S c ran t on, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Teacher, Mrs. vVm. M. Young, Jermyn, Pa. Mrs. S. Mann Uhler, Pen Argyl, Pa. Pa. Mrs. J. F. Gallagher, Glen Lyon, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Teacher, Addresses not indicated unknow n . 64 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Northup, Lena L. Newsbigler, Mabel O'Brien, Edith Passmore, R. Helen Parker, Anna G. Phillivs. Ella G. *Ross, Gertrude Rosenkrans, Edna L. 1dchards, Bertha E. Remaly, Henrietta *Shafer, Alzena B. Smith, Olive K. Swartwvod, Mary E. Starke, Blanche L. Stark, Clara A. Squier, Ethel Thomas, Lilian Thompson, Kate L. 1.~homas, klarg. H. Vancampen. Addie VanHorn, Nettie \Valker, Blanche E. Wivell, Mary A. \Vllliams, Maud Alleman, Ira F. Farmer, Drown, W. E. B»rrett. Patrick Barrett, Charles A. Duff, Leonard *Demund, Howard M. Donovan, James Feltham. Ralph H. Fenner, Frank D. Green. D. Albert Gallagher, J. F. Hin;-Barre, Pa. Villa, W. Va. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Stroudsburg, Pa. New York, N. Y. York. Pa. Bangor, R.D. 4, Pa. Teacher, Merchant, Treas. Mfg. Co., Principal, Gen. Foreman, Ph y sician & Surgeo1 Teacher, Electrician, Naza.reth, Pa. S~ranton, Pa. Tatamy, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Elizabeth, N. J. Buffalo. N. Y. Nazareth, R.D. 2, Pa. Martin's Creek, Pa. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. I.hrs. Frank Spiegel, S. M. Glidden, Mooney, A. Ollendick, John E. Faber, D. H. Keller, D. Pa. c. La. E. Stroudsburg, Norfolk, Luzerne, Pa.. Va. Pa. Mrs. Henry Mingle, Mrs. G. Avery, Mrs. F. L. Hartman, Mrs. L. E. Ace, Mrs. Ethel Bushnell, Teacher, Mrs. W. H. VanFleet, E . Stroudsbur&", Tunkhannock, Factoryville, Stroudsburg, Montrose, Wilkes-Barre, Ransom, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Teacher, Mrs. C. D. Wolfe, Mrs. Chas. L. Avery, Mrs. Ernest Keller. Hope, N. J. Netcong, N. J . Uniondale, RD 3, Pa. Alderson, Pa. 'O•. Banker, Dallas, Hail road Accountant, Principal. Bath, R. D., J{. n. Posfal Clerk, Stroudshurg, Supt. Pike County. Matamoras. l st Lt. Ordnance Res. Phi 1ad elphia, Corps, Teacher, Northampton, SOIEXTIFJC COURSE, Ric>nnett. Lizzie R. Kinney, Ira L. Schoonover, C. E. Throop, Washington, Pineville, Pa. Pa. Mem. Norm. Faculty, Mrs. J. M. Phillips, Teacher, Gl~NTLEME:!f, Ziegentus, Milton D. Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. ·~9. Mrs. John Grennan Principa.1, Mrs. T. A. Briggs, Urbana, Langhorne, Tues on, Ill. Pa. Ariz. POST GRADUATE, '99. l.lenrler, B. l<'. *Deceased. Concrete Engineer, Jer•PV r.1ty. ~ .! Addresses not indicated unknown. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 65 CLASS OF 1900. LADIES. Aikman, Anna M. Harteau, Ethel Bisbing, Minnie G. Bortree, Ella Bortree, Grace Mae Boundy, Nellie E. Brennan, B. C. •Bonham, Eva B. Conner, Lillian Caswell, Hettie Cotton, Jennie H. Cook, lielen R. Chamberlr~in, Jennie Corcoran, Alice D. Everitt, Clara B. Ferris, Jessie E. Follett, Dora M. Fetherman, Mary Gibbs, Ella George, Berdie Geiser, Laura B. Gwilliam, Carolyn Giess, Bertha Hannas, A. Belle Hobbs, Mabel Heller, Anna Johnson, Aquilla Jennings, Satie A. Jackson, Nellie Kerrick, Ruth A. Kelly, Margaret L. Lesh, Lydia F. Lear, Harriet H. McClellan, Mary IL Melcher, Lottie M. Meginess, Susan V. Morris, Anna J. Madden, Annie !lkMahon, Eliz. V. McFall, Gertrude M. Neyhart, Nellie Owen, Bessie Olver, Lillie A. Paul, Olive Plummer, Alice A.. Parry, Leah C. Posten, Blanche Quinn, Eva Richards, Effie May Shorner, Elizabeth Swezy, Olive Swartz, Jessie :!IL Smiley, Grace H. Search, Blanche T. Snyder, Della H. Snyder, Minnie E. Tretheway, Esther Uhler, Alice C. Wells, Lavinia N. Whiting, Florence L. Walsh, Martha. B. Vl'eiss, Anna Keller \Vestbrook, Ella F. Achenbach, Enos D. •Bortree, Loren A. *Deceased. e Mrs.D.S. VanBuskirk. Mrs. Eugene VanWbl Principal, H. S ., Mrs. J. N. McConnell, Examiner In I. C. S Mrs. Ward Hart. Teacher, Winsted, Conn. E. Stroudsbur&", Pa. Philadelphia, Pa.. Scranton, Pa. Wapato, Wash. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Mrs. G. E. Webster, Los Angeles, CaL V\' averley, N. Y. Bushkill, Pa. Teacher, Advertising M'g'r, Plainsville, Pa. New Orleana;, La. Mrs. E. S. Garey, Beverly, Mass. Mrs. 0. B. GIU!s, N. J . Roselle Park, Mrs. Chas. Axtman. Pa. Kingsley, Teacher, Pa. Professional Nurse, E. Stroudsburg, Mrs. J. E. Van.A.uken, Blair.stown, R.D. N.J. Teacher, Nazareth, Pa. Teacher, Philadelphia, Pa. Pa. Mrs. W. C. Stitt, Plymouth, Mrs. Edward Epp, Concord, N. H. Mrs. W. A. Fltchorn, Wood River, Neb. Trained Nurse, Scranton, Pa. Pa. Teacher Sussex IL S., Bushki!l, Pa. Mrs. C. A. Miller, Allentown, Teacher, Binghamton, N. Y. Teacher, Mrs. B. H. Daniell, Stoddartsvl!le, Pa. Nurse, Mrs. B. Har. West, Niles, Ohio Teacher, Pa. Doylestown, Mrs. J. L. Evans, Woodclin'e, N. J . Mrs. Lottie M. Beer, Pipersville, Pa. Mrs. John Haertter. Pa. Kingston, Mrs. Anna Phillips, Wanamie, Pa. Teacher, Pa. Elmhurst, Teacher, Mrs. C. E. Bachman, Allentown, Pa. Mrs. H. L. Renvllle, Forest City, P a. Teacher, Hazelton, Pa. Mrs. H. C. Walker, Mo. Kirkwood, Mrs. Charles Smiley, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Mrs.A.A. Chamberlain Thornhurst, Pa. Mrs. Thos. Saricks, Hazleton, Pa. Son Yea, N. Y. Teacher, Mayfield, Pa. Mrs. Oscar S. Young, Nanticoke, Pa Mrs. E. ·waiter, Stroudsburg, Pa. Inst. Univ. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. Mrs . Jessie :!IL Edward.s, Fairfield, Idaho. Teacher, Anal om ink, Pa. Teacher, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Teacher, Pa. Jermyn, Pa. Mrs. A. Dietrich, Carbondale, Asst. Prin., Parsons, Pa. Pa. Mrs. G. S. Messinger, Tatamy, Cal. Teacher, Pasadena, Mrs. R. S. Wllllama, PL Mayfield, Teacher, Mrs. Sam Bartron, Bangor, Pa. N. J. Mrs. J. W. Lucas, Summit, GENTLEMEN', 'M. Pa.. Business, Bangor, 338 Olive street, Mrs. ·r,v. E. Green, Addresses not indicated unknown. 66 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Brown, Robert Superv. Principal, Biesecker, .John C. Merchant, Burke, .James P. Grocer, Cros.s, Clarence G. Dentist, *Drach, Stewart E. Dooley, E. R. Supt. of Schools, *Frutchey, WebsterC. Foley, .John G . .J. Pre•s. Longsh. .A!s•s .. Fisher, Patrick .J. Newspaper Man, Getz, R. M. Manufacturer, Gish, .John N. Bank Cashier. Houck, Ray N. Dentist, Higham, .J. V. Merchant, Itterly, G. Merchant, .Jenkins, .John T. Pharmacist, Kromer, W. H. C h ief Acc., Kleintob, Corey B. Minister, Kennedy, .John M. Principal, •Koch, Edward W. LaBar, Ira A. Lawyer, Miller, Harvey S. Principal, Ramsey, Will W. Teacher, *Rhodes, T. Floyd Stover, Edgar S. Prin. Com. H. s.. Sarrlcks, Thos. F. Mgr. Aetna Exp! Co., vVagner, Chas. Teacher, •Wyckoff, .John P. Younkin, Allen Supt. Tannery, Stroudsburg, Ro'ns om, Pittsburg, E. Stroudsburg, Filer, Idaho. San Francis co, Wilkes-Barre, Nazareth, E. Stroudsburg, Philadelphia, Wind Pa. Pa.. Pa. Pa. Gap, Cal. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Balb oa Heights, C. Z. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Alden Station, Pa.. Stroudsburg, Sparta, Perth Amboy, Bloomfield, Hazleton, Lehighton, Hartford, Pa. N. J. N. J . N. J. Pa. Pa. Conn. STATE CERTIFICATE. Hanyon, Cole B. .Jenkins, Mrs. J. T. Supervising Prin., Rutland, Chicago, Pa. Ill. CLASS OF 1901. LADIES. Atherton, Grace Beidleman, Roxie Battenburg, .Jennie Bachman, Grace Bachman, Geneva Bannatyne, Ethel M. •Bunnell, Louise Burk, Catharine Birs, Genevieve •Baldwin, Belle Carpenter, Blanche Cross, Susie .J. Cline, Edith Crisman, S. Marg. Cure, Susie N. Donohue, Margaret Dewing, Nancy Decker, Mamie Decker, Ada M. Donnelly, .Julia A. · Detrick, Blanche M. Edinger, .Jeannette Fenner, Laura Ford, Elizabeth Foley, Margaret Gillespie Helen •Griffiths, Nellie Garis, Bertha M. Gabert, Mildred Goodnough, Gertrude Hopgood, Anna Hunt, Elsie Hoag, Genevieve L. Hawke, Eliz. .J. *Decea sed. Teacher, Mrs. Roxie B. Rus·h , Mrs . Arthur Rhodes, Mrs. Wm. Hughes, Mrs. Howard Adey, Mrs. L. J. Place, Clark ' s Summit, Pa. Washington, N. J. Forty Fort, Pa. Hazelton, Meshoppen, Pa. Pa. Teacher, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre, Carbondale, Pa. Pa. Pa. Mrs. F. E . Gritman, Dalton, Mrs. Lawrence J. Hall, Waverly', PL N . .J. Teacher, Hackettstown, N. J. Teacher, Passaic, Pa. Mrs. Chas. W. Palmer, Trucksville, Pa. Mrs. Chas. Beers, Scranton, Mrs. N. E. Young, Uni o n, N . Y. Pa. Mrs. 0. W. Petty, Ransom, Mrs. Harry E. Miller, Analomlnk, Pa. l\Irs. Julia D. Callary, N ew Bruns wick, N. J . Mrs. S. E. Brasefield, Philadelphia, Pa.. Mrs. Wm. P. Morton, Cal. Mrs. Jervis E . Kresge, Lookout, Clark' s Summit, Pa. Mrs. Cor. Manning, Shenandoah, Pa. Teacher, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Teacher, Mrs. Granville Harding, Pen Argyl, Pa. T eacher, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Mrs. Roland B. Moore, East Orange, N . .J. Mrs. J. E. LeGrande, W. Pittston, Pa. Mrs. Lester Brink, Wa·shngton, D. C. Teacher, Sayre, Pa. Teacher, Forty-Fort, Pa. Addres s es not Indicated unknown. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. Jenkins, A. Bertha Jenkins, Anne Kielty, Mary Kilker, Anna Kintner, May Kltrlck, Hele'n Lobb, Flora Meyers, Bertha Michael, Marietta Morgan, Lizzie Messinger, Lizzie Murray, Etta McCormick, Hannah Moore, Jennie L. Nicholas, Florence O'Brien, Nellie Paulson, Anna M. Riddle, Alice E. Ryan, Nellie •Shaw, Mary Smith; Leola Smith, Laura •Shafer, Leona Stevens, Sadie Sweeney, Maggie Taylor, May Tewksbury, Lucia Uhler, Lucy A. •Walker, Agnes Wismer, Ella Werner, Sadie Mae Williams, Anna B. 67 Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. W. Younirblood, Mrs. Thos. J. Race, Mrs. Jas. P. Snyder, Teacher, Mrs. H. Hottmelster, Mrs. A. G. Schmidt, '.\1rs. H. W. Hauser, Mrs. F. P. Bossard, Mrs. H. H. Albert, Mrs. W. J. Dooley, Mrs. W. J. Donovan, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. H. A. Spragle, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. E. J. Fahey, Scranton, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Dorranceton, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. Bath, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Youngstown, Ohio Nazareth, Pa. Dunfield, N. J. Chester, Pa. Tatamy, Pa. Dunmore, Pa. Ashley, Pa. Alden Station, Pa. Nazareth, Pa. N. J . Dun field. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Mrs. Olin A. Rogers, Teacher, Marquette, Dorranceton, Mrs. D. O. Kersteter, Teacher, Mrs. Harry Robinson, Prin. School 4, Mrs. A. G. Abel, E. Mauch Chunk, Pa. Washington, Pa. "\;Vest New York, N. J. Bangor, Pa. Nurse, Teacher, Mrs. John Gish, Doy lestown, N. J . Pen Argyl, Pa. E. Stroudsburi:, Pa. E. Mauch Chunk, Pa. Mi ch. Pa. GENTLE!HEN, '01. Cross, Friend A. Corkhlll, James Davitt, Michael Druckenmlller, C. Edinger, Henry Frantz, Nelson A. Flaherty, Patrick 1''anseen, J. J. Florey, Floyd Govier, Charles Hazleton, Samuel Hollenback, Leroy Jayne, David H. Johler, J. J. Kress, Edmund J. Maynard, 0. F. McFarland, S. C. Neumiller, Carl Peters, Sidney R. Purvis, William S. Reese, W. P. Sanford, Lester Steigerwalt, E. E. Tra.nsue, Charles •Welter, Charles Wagner, Charles Physician, Prothonotary, Principal, Clerk, Scranton, Mauch Chunk, Plains, Ampere, Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Mgr. Dally Record, Stroudsburg, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Teacher, Advertising Airent, Philadelphia, Pa. Army C. Ass., Sharpsburg, Pa. Inst. Tele. Eng., State College, Pa. Mont. Prop. Tombstone Co., Billings, Freight Aud. D.L.&W. Clark's Summit, Pa. Charleston, W. Va. Public Accountant, Teacher, Scranton. Pa. Pa. First National Bank, Pen Argyl, Merchant, Harford, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. Insurance Broker, Pa. Forester L. C.&N. Co. Lansford, Slatington, Pa. Bookkeeper, Traveling Salesman, Nicholson, Pa. Parsons, Pa. Merchant, Elec. Engineer, London, Eng. Locomotive Fireman, Lehighton, Pa. Business Manager. Worcester, Mass. Ins. of Math. H. S., Lehighton, Pa. Luzerne, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Pa. STATE CERTIFICATE. Osborn, T. G. No1hoff, Leona A. Super. Principal, Mrs. Arthur Blewett, SCIENTIFIC COURSE. Dooley, E. R. *Decea,sed. Science Pro!., Filer. Idaho. Adidresses not i ndicated unknown. 68 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, CLASS OF 1902. LADIES. Allan, Maybelle H. Bush, Carrie A. Bachman. Gertrude Bender, M. Ellen Bredbenner, Nell A. Bloom, Carrie M. Brown, Charlotte A. •Bishop, Ethel M. Brown, Ruth May Bishop, L. Antonett• Boyle, Edith D. Brader, Grace E. Brewster, Carolyn Cawley, Mary G. Cruver, Bessie D. Clemow, Lillie Cunningham, Katlt Corkhil!, Marie A. Cannon, Edna. C. Connelly, Mary I. Depue, Mabel B. Doolittle, Ethel H. Dickisson, Marg. H. *Dean, Anna ::\lay Delaney, May J. Davis, Sallie W. Donnelly, Anna Edinger, Anna M. Foss, Mabel E. Frey, Erma •France, Jessie :P.L Franklin, Laura M. Frankenfield, Edith Frankenfield, Lizzlt Fanseen, Ada L. Flanaghan, Isabell• I' arrell, Loretta Gallagher, Lillie C. Hibschman, Marg. :b.L Hunsicker, Mame E. Heal, Lucy E. Henwood, Alice M. Henry, A. Elizabeth. •Haslam, May E. ' Ide. Flora K. Jeffreyes, Barbara Johnston, Katharln• Jackson, Floretta M. Kelley, Mabel Kennedy, Esther E. Koons, G. Florence Keller, Bertha Krickbaum, Rozelle Kitrick, Helen P. Kaufer, Caroline C. Kress, Hester L. Leonard, Josephine Lyons, Margaret K. *Lewis, Ethel M. Langan, Mary A.. •Leonard, May G. Miller, Martha E. McDonnell, RO.'Se Morgan Euith L Mayock, Rose M. *Deceased. Teacher, Principal, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. 0. G. Marstlller, Mrs. H. M. Shaffer, Teacher, Pittston, \Vatertown, Lehighton, Mrs. L. C. Taylor, Teacher, Mrs. T. J. Callahan Shoemaker. Mrs. W. H. Dilliston, Mrs. G. H. Tiffany, Teacher, Mrs. F. M. Marvin, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs.Warner Clemente Teacher, Mrs. F. R. Decker, Mrs. H. A. Shuster, Teacher, Olyphant, Bethlehem, Forty Fort, Pa. Paterson, N. J. Kingsley, Pa. Miner's Mill•, Pa. Bartonsvllle, Pa. Plymouth, Pa. Avoca, Pa. Mauch Chunk, Pa. Sioux Falls, S. D. Ashley, Pa.. Lafayette, N. J. E. Stroud11burs, Pa. Irvington, N. J. Crestmont, Luzerne, \Yilkes-Barre, Pa.. Conn. Pa.. N. C. Pa. Pa. Pa.. Pa.. Mrs. Elmer J. Davies, Lansford, Mrs. D. H. Nicholas, Teacher, Mn. Elliot Newton, Stroudsburg, Stewartsville, Dunmore, Teacher, Clerk, Teacher, Book-keeper, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Marg. H. Llgglt. Teacher, Mrs. G. J. Scholla, Mrs. D. D. Jones, Mrs. Henry Dartt, Mechanics Valley, Pa. Stroudsburg, Pa. Stroudsbur~. Pa. Mt. Pocono, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Vandling, Pa. 'Vilkes-Barre, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Lehighton, Pa. Dunmore, Pa. Jermyn, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Mrs. A. R. Wildoner, Mrs. F. D. Vanorsdale Teacher, Mrs. o. F. Maynard, Student, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. E. N. Howe, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. W. M. Wh1tne;:r, Teacher, '!'each er, Scranton, Albany, Susquehanna, Harford, Scranton, Palmerton, Pipersville, Pa. Pa. PL Wilkes-Barre, Wilkes-Barre, Philadelphia. Scranton, Easton, PllPa. Pa. Pa. Pa.. Phys. Director, H. S. Pittston, Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa.. P«. N. Y. Pa. PL :Mrs. :Martha M. Harrisburg, . Pa. Denmoyer, Teacher, Dunmore, Pa. Mrs. Frank Davison, Scranton, Pa. l\!rs. P. T. Ruane, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Addresses not indicated unknown . EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. Mitchell, Bessie M. Moyer, Irene M. Norton, Sallie Northcote, Myrtle O'Brien, Josephine O'Malley, Catharine O'Dea, Kate s. O'Connor, Kathryn Paul, Elva Ruth Prudhoe, Eva J. Patterson, Clyde A.. Quinn, Sa.die F. Reagle, Allura B. Robbin~. Jesse M. Ruggles, R. Blanche Rynkiewicz, Ella J, Richards, E. Mae Ruggles, Bertha I.. Super, Blanche Staples, Edith L. Sarson, Anna Shelley, Lillie B. Stevens, Clara M. Shlt'l'.er, Alice Sheridan, Mary B. Sherman, Alice C. Vandermark, E. M. Volongevich, J. Whipple, Nellie E. Mrs. H. J. Schmoyer, Mrs. Robert Gosser, Teacher, Mrs. Wm. N. Thomas, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Paul Overfteld, Mrs. D. J. Williams, Mrs. Geo. E. LaBarre, Teacher, Mrs. Jesse P. Oyer, Mrs. J. W. Wll!larns, Mrs. Walter Roberts, Physician, Mrs. A. W. Roslle, Mrs. W. E. Roberts, Mrs. Robt. Merwin, Mrs. Wm. M. Glebe, Mrs. Jay J. Hartung, Mrs. Edwin Schantz, Teacher, Mrs. Roy Evans, Teacher, Mrs. Alice C.Boenlng, Mrs. F. W.Lamoreaux, Teacher, Mrs. R. J. Graham, Wiiiiams, Sarah L. Wallace, Isabel E. Wieand, Ella M. Ward, Mary Agnee Teacher, Mrs. John B. Carey, Teacher, Teacher, 69 Bethlehem, E.Mauch Chunk, Nazareth, .Ashley, Pa. Pa.. Pa.. Pa. Dunmore, Pa.. Scranton, Pa. Dickson City, Pa. Rom e. G a. \Vilkes-Barre, Pa. New Milford, Pa. Mayfield, Pa. Mt. Bethel, Pa. Scranto n, Pa. West Pittston, Pa. Shenandoah, Pa. Tacoma, Wash. W . Pl ttston, Pa. Stroudsburg, Pa. Camden, N. J. Bangor. Pa. E. Gree nvill e, Pa. Madisonville, Pa. Ky. Frankfort, \Vllkes-Barre, Pa. Tobyhanna, Pa. Lamoreu, Pa. Harri man, Wilkes -Barre, Ithaca, Hackensack, Wilkes-Barre. Pa.. P a. Pa. N. Y. N. J. Pa. GENTLEMEl'f, '9S. Beck, Minor C. Clerk, Hazelton, Pa. Bryant, Frank M. · Inst. Math. State Col., Pullman, Wash. Boyle, James D. Lan sford, Pa. Baldwin, Bert 0. Teacher, Scrant on, Pa. Chalfant, H. B. Physician, Mull ica Hill, N . J. Charles Rollin L. Inst. Lehigh Univ., Beth l ehem, Pa. Cohen, Joseph F. Lawyer, Port Griffith, Pa. Cannon, Con. Book-keeper. Philadelphia, Pa. Decker, Harry Business Ma.nas•r, Berling ,.·orest, N. J . •Dexter, Fred O. Delong, Charles R. Ettinger, Herbert Edinger, I. W. Farmer, Stroudsburg, Pa. •Frederick, Chas. C. R. F. D. Foley, James J, Accountant, Philadelphia, P a. Forrest, James F. Principal, Summit H111, Pa. Howell, A. H. Principal Schools, a y mart, Pa. Hindson, W. S. Prin Gram. Schools, White Haven, Pa. Henshaw, J. Irwin Sc i. Teacher, H. S., J e r sey City, N. J . Jenkins, W. W. Teacher, Scranton, Pa. .Jones, Ben. F. Pub. Busines:1, Philadelphia, Pa. Jones, Allan H. Throwster. Phlllipsburg, N'. J . Kitto, William A. Asst. Gen. Manager Pen Argyl. Pa. Blackboard Co., Krause, Ralph U. Mechanical Eng., Nef!'s, Pa. Ml tke, A. Charles Mining Engineer, Bisbee, . Ariz. Morgan, John E. Supt. Wyoming Co., Tunkhannock, Pa. Moran, John F. Prln. High School, Archbald, Pa. McGinley, Jerry Supt. Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. McDonough, Alex J. Teacher, Chauncey, Pa. •;-,rorgan, Robt. D. Needle, Harry Lawyer, Olyphant, Pa. Ott, Howard Physician, Portland, PL Pentecost, M. Irving Phy sician, Peck ville, Pa. Ruth, J, H. Teac.h er, Stroudsburg, Pa. •Deceased. Addresses not indicated unknown. "'r 7{) STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Ratajskl, Joseph E. Roberts, Walter E. Physician. Prin. Hughestown Schools, Teacher, Physician, Supterin tenden t, Physician, Ins. Co. Inspect., Physician, Business, Salesman, Ass. Co. Supt. Civ. Eng., Supt. Gilbert Home, Bank Clerk, Reese, Lynn B. Rhodes, Alfred L. Strong, Solomon Shaw, Ernest B. Smith, C. Herbert Smith, Stanton R. Shafer, Philip A. Travis, Orin L. Taylor, Burt S. Uhler, Eugene H. VanWhy, Eugene Watson, David L. Yarrlck, John Zang, George W. Alden Station, \Vest Pittston, Scranton, Tobyhanna, West Orange, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Chicago, Ill. B1·idgeport, Conn. Binghamton, N. Y. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Bradford, Pa. Bethlehem, Pa. Winsted, Conn. Shenandoah, Pa. T'cher, Indian Service STATE CERTIFICATES, '02. Landis, Fannie Osborne, Jeannette Plack, Catherine Rittenhouse, Mary S. Trumboner, H. C. Perkasie, Dorrance ton, Pa. Worcester, Coopersburg, Pa. Pa. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Freeland, Watertown, East Orange, Pa. Conn. Teacher, Scranton, Mrs. B. O. Baldwin, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Scranton, Swoyerville, Kingston, Irvington, Teacher, Mrs. Floyd Butz, :'11rs. i\fcGeehan, Freeland, Teacher, Principal, Teacher, Teacher, Physician, Pa.. CLASS OF 1903. LADIES. Boyle, Margaret Bush, Carrie A.• Bender, Ella M. • •Campbell, Ellen l. Carpenter, Mary •cease, Edna M. Connin:, Mary A. Con~don, Agnes K. Coughlin, Eliz. V. Dickisson, Mae M. • •Frantz, Myrtle M. Gafl'.ney, Margaret Gallagher, Bessie R. Gallagher, Marie M. Gallagher. Mary A. Garrett, Nellie I. Hefferon, Margaret Henwood, A. E. Hochrine, Minnie :Vialloy, Anna T. O'Brien, Josephine• Phillips, Mary Rowan, Mary L. Stark, Edith M. Whyte, Mary T. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. New York City, N. Y. Teacher, Avoca, Pa. Teacher, Kingston, Pa. Mr~. H.C. Woodfield, New York, N. Y. Mrs. F. J. S. Morrow, Marietta, Pa. Teacher, Plainsville, Pa. Teacher, Atlantic City, N. J. Teacher, Kingston, Pa. Teacher, Shenandoah, Pa. Mrs. H. W. Haefele, Nanticoke, Pa. Teacher, Scranton, Pa. GENTLEMEN, Chalfant, Harry B.• Campbell, John H. Doll, H. Stanley •Dreher. Norman IL Gilpin, Ivison H. Jenkins, Willard W.• McAndrew, Wm. I. McGarey, John J. Merrick, Patrick J. N. J. •oa. Physician, Supervising Prin. Agt. Oil Co., Camden, Carbondale, Dallas, Merchant, Prin. Gram. School, Teacher, Assit. Bank Cashier, Teacher, Bethlehem, Scranton, Rahway, Freeland, lnkerman, N. J, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. POST GRADUATE, '03. Gilpin, Laura Toye, Peter F. Nye, M. George Morgan, John E. Teacher, Asisstant Princival, Book-keeper, Co. Supt., Sterling, Pittston, E. Stroudsburg, Tunkhannock, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. *Graduates of previous year who took the new diploma with the class. •Deceased. Addresses not indicated unknown. EAST .STROUDSBURG, PA. Koehler, J. J. McDonough, Alex. Mitke, Chas. A. Bortree, Ella Frantz, Nelson A. Supt. Wayne County, Teacher. Chem. En&'., Teacher, Mgr. Dally Record, Honesdale, Chauncey, Bisbee, Ba.th, Stroudsburg, COLLEGE PREPARATOR1', •os. Chalfant Harry B. Physician, Camden, J•rnkins, Willard W. Teacher, Scranton, Outterson, Maybelle Ed. Work, Cornell Ithaca, University, 71 Pa. Pa. Ariz. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. N. Y. OLA.SS OF 1904. LADIES. Adams, Jennie Boland, Regina M. Burke, Jennie T. Biesecker, Eleanor Bennett, Ida M. Barrall, Lelah G. Cannon, Regina M. Campbell, Mary A. Corkhill, Katherine Cron, Jessie H. Cosgrove, Nellie J. Daniel, Edith Duffy, Teresa M. Edwards, Anna Eckenrode, Lorena Evans, Mam·e Frantz, M. Julta I' rantz, Lillian Guiney, Katharine Gilligan, Loretta A. Gallagher, Sadie L. Gabel, Esther Griffith, Sue ,V, Gallagher, Katie M. Gill, Mary H. Gallagher. Marg. V. Heal, Bessie L. Hunt, Fannie B. Harlos, Jessie M. Honeywell, Laura M. Hoary, Katherine G. •Jones, Estella B. Kennedy, Mae G. Kistler, Mary M. Klaer, Bertha Kearney, Katie A. Knight, Birdie Lavin, Anna F. Leinbach, Elsie 0. L'Hommedieu. H. B. L'Hommedieu, H. C. McGlnley. Bridget V. llfcHalc, Katie McHugl1, Marg. M. McLaughlin, B. M. McCann, Anna C. Mulreany, Anna Mushlltz, Clara E. Mathers, Minnie L. ~1cCoy, Teresa J. Mulherin, Anna Mahan. Lelia V. ~ye. ll!attie *Deceased. Mrs. W. J. Griffiths, Tea.ch er, Teacher, Mrs. J. G. Harris, Critic, St. Norm., Mrs. H. W. Harrison, Mrs. Vv. E. Holloway Asst. Principal, Girard, Carbondale, Old Forge, Trenton, \Vilkes-Barre, Ohio Pa. Pa.. N. J. Pa. Mrs. G. E. Webster, T eacher, Mrs. R. L. Saunder~, Teacher, Mrs. J. c. Bloss, Teacher, Mrs. George Ripple, Mrs. Arthur Shutts, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Philip Reilly, Carbondale, Pa. Mauch Chunk, Pa. Philade·lphia, Pa. Goyne, Pa. Irvington, N. J. Parsons, Pa. Allentown, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Haddon Heights,N. J . Globe. Ariz. Philadelphia., Pa. Wllkes-Barre, p,., Sayre, Pa. Mrs. Fred E. Riede, Mrs. Lloyd Coil, Teacher, Mrs. P. F. McHale, Teacher, Mrs. S. F. Lawrence, Mrs. G. C. Gunderson, Mrs. Silas Randall, Mrs. H. M. Montz, Teacher, Freeland, Pa. Scra.n ton, Pa. Parsons, Pa. Rutherford, N. J. Perth Amboy, N. J. W. Philadelphia, Pa. Hazelton. Pa. "Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Teacher, Mrs. J. J. O'Connor, Clerk, Teach. of Biology, Teacher, Mrs. H. A. Diltz, Au s tin ville, Parkesburg, Va. Pa. 0lyphant, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. New York, N. Y. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Dalton, Pa. 'I'eacher. Olyphant, Pa. Mrs. C. B. Altemose, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Mrs. \Vm. \Yebb, Stroudsburg, Pa. Mrs. Banks, Elmira, N. Y. Teacher. Oneida, Pa. Teacher. Shenandoah, Pa. Teacher, Freeland, Pa. Mrs. A. W. Knecht, Pittston, Pa. Mrs. J. H. Campbell, Carbondale, Pa. Teacher, Freeland, Pa. ll'Irs. \\-. A. Dewalt, Mrs. H. Coolbaugh, Trucksville, Pa. Mrs. \V'ill :'\Iaguire. Plains, Pa. ),!rs. J. Leo. O'Connor, \Vilkes-Barrb, Pa. Teacher. f;,,ranton. Pa. Mrs. A. R. Appel, Northampton, Pi Addresses not ind!ca,tetl unknown. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 72 O'Connor, Anna C. O' Connell, Mary J. •peters, Sarah M. Paterson, Jannette Purcell, Katie A. Rutt, Marion S. Roberts, Florence M. Smith, Ethel Stuckley, Clara M. Singer, Mabel Swartwood, Martha Smith, Gertrude )(. Timlin, Mary C. Timlin, Bezie A. Van Why, Helen F'. Veenschoten, N. S. Williams, Edna Wisegarver, Emily Weidman, Edith E. Wallis, Minnie E. l:ounkln, Anna ?.L Young, Ruby M. Alling, Willard Behler, \Vm. M. Cyphers, S. Leonard Gallagher, E. Joseph Herring, John Jones, Adrian H. Lewis, Meyer LeBar, Frank Morris, Bert F. McDonald, John E. Mensch, Harry E. .Ma&"ulre, Wm. F. *Noble, Raymond H. Newton, Elliot B. O'Neill, W. Chester O'Donnell, John A. O'Malley, John A. •Pelton, Claire, W. Paules, Howard S. Rozelle, Ernest M. Saunders, R. Lee \Vllson, Charle s A. Mrs. Edward Keely, Teacher, Miner's Milla, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Pa. Teacher, Mrs. B. F. Burns, Teacher, Mrs. E. S. Hllsdort, Supt. Penmanship, Mrs. W. T. Lytle, Teacher, Mrs. H. S. Paules, Teacher, Teacher, Teac her, Teacher, Mrs. Wm. Ruder, Teacher, Mrs. F. W. Wackernagel, Mrs. c. W. Simpson, Teacher. Mrs. C. Dudley Hull, Principal, GENTLEMEN, 'IH. Principal, Principal, Civ. Engineer, Pri ncipal, Supervisin&" Prln., Lawyer, La Plume, Shenandoah, Luzerne, Middletown, New ark, Pleasantville, Moosic Perkasie, Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y . N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Business, Cr. Mgr., Teacher, Principal, Busi ness, Stroudsburg, Merchantville, Freeland, Sussex, Plains, Mail Carrier, Teacher, Gen. Contractor, Asst. Prln., Dunmore, B e lvi dere, Sum mit Hill, Plains, Pa. N. J . Pi Pa. Minister, Principal, City Supt., Farmer, Perkasie, Franklin, Irvington, Factoryville, N. J . N. J . Taylor, Pa. Taylor, Pa. E. St roudsburg, Pa. Schenectady, N. Y. Passaic, N. J . Lancaster, Columbia, Carbondale, Wharton, Forty Fort, Pa. N. J . Pa. N. J. Pa. N. J. Allendale, Pa. Jermyn, Pa. So. Bethlehem, Pa. Tre s chkow, Pa. Freeland, Pa. Hazleton, Pa. N. J. Pa. N. J . Pa. Pa. Pa. POST GRA.DU.ATl!l EXAMINATION FOR NEW DIPLOlllA. Connor, Lillian Northup, Lena L. Schnelder, Henry Mrs. G. E. Webster, Philadelphia, Hrs. Frank Spiece!, Scranton, Newfoundland, Wayne, Pa. Pa. Pa. PRACTICA.L TEACHER'S CERTIFICATE. Schultz, Elva G. Wilson, James P. T e a cher, D ick s on City, Pa. CLASS OF 1005. LAD ms. Au1'enstein, L. M. A n gle, Gertrude Angle, Lulu M. Bell, Sarah E. Ilortree, Ada H. Bortree, Ida H. Harteau, Mildred Brown. Jes sie Bachman. Sarah Beach, Martha *J?eceased. N ewark, Mrs. J. E. Jones, Allentown, Teacher, :\Irs. R. H. Rochester, Raton, Mrs.W.Homer R&llley, Hub, Teacher, Mrs. R. J. CrOSll, N. J. Pa. N. M . N. J . Bank Clerk, Stroudsburg, Pa. Teacher, Mrs. Frank Clapp!er, Minersville, Pa. A d dresses not i ndicated unknown. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 73 *Bro·wne, Anna B. •Cooke, Helen G. Pa. Cook, Mary W. Mrs. Ralph Turn, Bushkill, Mrs. N. A. Frantz, Stroudsburg, Pa. Cross, Katie M. Carlin, Daisy E. Cummings, .Marg. C. Mrs. T. W. Jordan, Carroll, Anna K. Pa. Carden, Mary V. Mrs. R. T. Woods, Avoca, Pa. Cowling, Isabella A. Mrs. Wm. A. Kitto, Pen Argyl, Pa. Doggett, Agnes C. Mrs. J. J. Gallagher, Drifton, N. J . Datesman, Eliz. c. Teacher, Paterson, Pa. Davitt, Bridget L. Teacher, Mayfield, Pa. Donovan, Mary A. Wilkes-Barre, Teacher, N. J. Emery, Naomi Vineland, Com. Teacher, Pa. Evans, Adeline Scranton, Mrs. T. P. Hartman, Pa. Fox, Alice E. Glendon, Teacher, Pa. Mrs. c. E. Blecher, Bloomsburg, Grant, Kathryn H. Pa. Gri!Uth, Etta M. Mrs. J. W. Walters, Nanticoke, Pa.. Holland, Bertha. Mrs. Walter LaBar, Saylors burg, Pa. Mrs. F. A.Cross, Houck, Lulu A. Scranton, Pa. Mrs. F. 0. Messinger, Allentown, Hill, Ada Pa. Mrs. J. N. Pusey, Hogeland, Allee F. Avondale, Pa. Teacher, Heneghan. Sadie F. Old Forge, Pa. Mrs. Russel D Scott, Hultman, Frances E. Stroudsburg, •Holmes, M. Dasiy Pa. Mrs. A. B. Melchner, Jensen, Nellie H. E . Stroudsburg, Jacoby, Cora E. Pa. Kutzki, Josepha Teacher, Nanticoke, N. J . Kane, M. Lillian Prin. Gram. Sch., Belvidere, Kane, Grace Pa. S. S. Sup. Ed. S.S. W., Philadelphia, Pa. Kress, Mabel S. 'l'eacher, Pen Argyl, Pa. Kellow, Lottie J. Teacher, Pen Argyl, Pa. King, Anna L. Teacher, Scranton, •Longacre, Elsie M. Pa. Moran, Kathryn Teacher, Scranton, Pa. McGreevy Mary D. Mrs. P. J. Lenahan, Wilkes-Barre, Murphy, Agnes G. Pa. Prin. High School, Duryea, Pa. McMurtrle, Minnie D. Mrs. Lee C. Hessler, \ Vilkes-Barre, Pa. McBride, Mary IL Teacher, Easton, Pa. Murrey, Nora F. 'J:eacher, Dunmore, Pa. McNells, Elizabeth •reacher, Summit Hill, Pa. McLean, Marg. P. Teacher, Carbondale, Pa. Mahan, Nellie V. Teacher, Scranton, Pa. Mangan, Helen B. Scranton, Mrs. Paul Golden. Pa. Nixon, Margaret Stroudsburg, Mrs. Wm. B. W olte, Pa. Neary, Nellie A. •reacher, Old Forge, N. Y. Outterson, Bessie E. Principal, West Chazy, Pa. Owen, Margaret K. Teacher, Freela.nd, O'Malley, Margaret Mrs. Edward Regan, •Overfield, Mae O'Malley, Marie "Mrs. J. R. Burns, Forty Fort, Pa. Peters, Bessie Mrs. L. MacDonough, Clark's Summit, Pa. Phillips, Blanche Teacher, Kingston, Pa. Quick, Mabel E. Mrs. A. L. Ward, Oakland, Cal. •Roache, Katharine E Rex, Hattie 111. Allentown, Pa. Teacher, Reardon, Agnes C. Teacher, Scranton, Pa. Reber, Ella M. Mauch Chunk, Pa. Teacher, Rohrbach, Estelle Mrs. John W. Koch, Philad elphia, P a .e Reap, Helen N. Y. Mrs. Ge.orge R. Eddy, Mt. Vernon, Sunderland, Marg. Teacher, Shenandoah, Pa. Seguine, Edith M. Stenographer, Cresco, Pa. Schumacher, Eva Mrs. Allen J. Hahn, Dover, N. J. Slutter, Hattie M. Mrs. Harry Freeland, Endicott, N. Y. Tisue, Mary Teacher, Dunmore, Pa. Tierney, Anna Mrs. Jas. J. Reynolds, Scranton, Pa. VanWhy, Grace Mrs. Grace Pipher, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Wheeler, Mabel Teacher, Olyphant, Pa. Wieand, Kath. B. Teacher, Hackensack, N. J, Zerbey, Esther M. Mrs. John Mulllgan, Nesquehoning, Pa. •Deceased. Addresses not indicated unknown. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 74 GENTLEMEN, Anthony, James W. Donohue, Michael Dunleavy, Joseph M. Griffith, L. D. Gallagher, James J. Gill, John Gilpin, Leon Hoffman, Lewis •Hollenback, L. B. Haverty, Thos. A. *Hazen, J. Moore J one s, William H. Kanyuck, John Koerner, John L. •Michener, Elmer Mccann, Michael Miller, Harvey Noble, Greylock O'Bri en, G e orge V, Osmun, Luther Pysher, Willard Prokopovitch, A. s. Pelton, Homer c. Storm, John S helly, William B. Tri1nsue, Wm. T. VanHorn, Clinton \V llliams, Harry 'Voodley, Thomas 'O~. Superv. Prin., Of. U. S. Navy, Principal, Physician, Teacher, Private Secretary, Lumbe r Business, Salesman, Aquashicola,. Glen Lyon, Scranton, Baltimore, Drifton, Ithaca, Fores t Hills, Philadelphia, Pa. Pa. Pa. Md. Pa. N. y Mass. Pa. Real Estate Agent, Shenandoah, Teacher, Teacher, Principal, !'!anticoke, Glen Lyon, Audubon, 'l'eacher, Superv. Principal, Physician, Book-keeper, Principal, Teller, Lawyer, Teacher, D i r. Voca'l. School, Sal esman, EoardingHouseProp., M in ister, Teacher, Fa·rmer, L arksville, Pa. Spart a, N. J . Brooklyn, N. Y. Bound Brook, N. J. Alpha, N. J. Flicksville, Pa. Olyphant, Pa. Hamlin, Pa. Carlisle, Pa. Quakertown, Pa Shaw nee-on-Del., Pa. Newa rk, N. J . R e nd ham, Pa. i\Iiddlefown, N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. EXAMINATION FOR NEW DIPLOMA. Strong, Solomon C. Sup erint e n dent, W est Orange, N. J. CLASS OF 1906. LADIES. Be nnett, Sarah Bornhoeft, Anna B achman, Ethel Bieith Pas·saic, Pa. Scranton, Cummings, C. Lucy Teacher, Pa.. DePew, Mary E. Moscow, Teacher, Donnelly, Mary A. Teacher, Pa Donohue, Mamie M. Teacher, Glen Lyon, N. Y. Dolinskie, Julia New York, Teacher, Depuy, Margaret I:L Mrs. J. R. Ros'iyn, Edward, Ethel E. Pa. P i t ts burgh, Mrs. T. H. Brehn, Eschenbach, Martha Pa. Mrs. R. D. Melvin, Strou dsburg, Ede, Elma .B. Pen Argyl, Pa. Mrs. James Hewett, Foss Margaret W. N. J. Teacher, Stew ardviHe, Pa. Farrell, Kathryn D. Teacher, Dickson City, Pa. Fairless, Marilla F. Mrs. C ..J. Surplus, Gouldsboro, Farrell, Mary E. Pa. Teacher, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Grlesmer, Marlon T. "\Vilkes-Barre, Teacher. Pa. Gettings, Hannah V. Mrs. R. P. Schalla, Jr. Dunmore, Groner, Anna H. Wis. Mrs. Geo. H. Crow, Withee, Pa.. Gaffney, Mary E. Throop, Teacher, Pa.. Nanticoke, Goff, Nora D. Teacher, Pa.. Plains, Teacher, Gildea, Sarah B. Pa. Gardner, Maude l... Mrs. Charles Wilson, Factoryville, Pa. Freeland, Gaffney, Agnes I. Teacher, Pa. Pen A rgyl, Houck, M. Stella Mr s. J. W. Nulton, Hauenstein, Edna P. Pa. Teacher, Hart, Clarrissa l\L 'Vilkes-Barre, Pa. Harris, Miriam L. :Vlrs. J. C. Fleming, Dallrus , Hawk, Carolyn B. New York City, N.Y. Teacher, Pa.. Hartman, Helen l\L Allentown, Teacher, Pa. Jones, Cora B. Mrs. Benj. H. Rhys, Warrior Run, Pa. Lyons, Kathryn G. Olyphant, Teacher, Pa. Leidich, Martha M. Easton, Mrs. W. Hlndenach, Pa. McMahon, Mary E. Teacher, Wilkes-Barre, McGowan. Loretta Pa. Morgan, Esther Teacher, l'i!anticoke, Pa. Miller, M. Grace Teacher, Dunmore, Pa. McCormac, Mary c. Olyphant, McCormac, Julia C. N'. J . M r s. M. T. Hannon, Orange, Murray, Kathryne Pa. Dunmore, Mervine, Carrie M. Pa. Mrs. Carolme Stivers, S t roud·sburg, McKeeby, L. Pearle N. Y . Binghamton, Mrs. Leon D. Payne, McDermott, Anna F. Teacher, Pa Carbondale, Murphy, Katharine Pa. Teacher, Scranton, •Nyce, Bessie E. Pa. Wyoming, Newton, Grace I. Teacher, Outterson, Lillian M. Mrs. F. 0. Ritter, N. J, Orange, O'Connell, Margaret Teacher, *Owens, Jennie E. Pa. Nanticoke, Teacher, O'Brien, Nellie L. Pa.. Wanamie, Ormes, Mayme M. Teacher, *O'Donnell, Anna M. Mrs. Graydon Hoffman E. Stroudsburg, Pa. O'Niel, Helen W. Teacher, Dickson City, Pa.. O'Connor, Rose A. Mrs. Benjamin Cornel Scranton, Pa. Page. Lena M. Addres s es not indi cated unknown. *De-ceased. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. Puterbaugh, Edna M. Purdy, Mary E. Porter, Lillian D. Porter, Irene E. Royer, Mary s. Rufe, Sadie M. Sterner, Leila E. Samuel, Eleanor Stull. Hallie A. Stapleton, Mary M. Samuels, Eva L. Strohmeier, Emily Sullivan, Tiiiie M. Smith, Hellen A Talmage, Alice S. Thomas, M. Ethel Uhler, Edna M. Vancott, Lucia B. Williams, Mary Woodring, Sadie E. 79 Mrs. Norman Marsh, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Mrs. Oscar Hager, Easton, Pa. Brantwood Hall, Teacher, Bronxville, N. Y. Mrs. R. F. Wood, New York, N. Y. Mrs. E. P. Kuenne, Oakland Heights, S. I., (N. Y.) Mrs. Wm. Ztecler, Easton, Pa. Mrs. Ellery B. Scott, Mrs. J. H. Yeager Mountajn Top, Pa. Hazelton, Teacher, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Teacher, Nanticoke, Pa. Mrs. S. J. Price, B e thle·h em, Stenographer, Pa. Hackensack, N. J. Teacher, Mrs. W. H. Perick, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. M11s. C. Cortright, Pa. Mrs. G. C.Whitenight, Nanticoke, Pen Argyl, Pa. Mrs. Millard Stine, Pa. Mrs. W. W. Thomas, Susquehanna, Dunmore. Teacher, Pa. GENTLEIUEN, 1908. •Armstrong, Fred E. Browne, A. Roy Bensinger, Allan R. Coyne, Peter J. Clark, William J. Corbett, James J. Crowe, Montgomery Creveling, Jacob V. Cummings, John M. Dutot, s. Claire Edinger, Frank P. Foulkes, John Heller, R. Foster Hotrman, Greydon lJ. *Kemp, George N. Kunkle, John H. Lane, Dennis J. Reese, Leslie J. Williams, Herbert R Adv. Manager, CI. Ag. Penna. R. R. Teaching, Law Student, Clerk L. Y. Coal Co., Lt. U. S. Army, Teaching, Passaic, N. J . Philadelphia, Pa. Moosic, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Plains, Pa.. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Hack etts>town, N. J . Olyphant, Pa. Chemist, County Treasurer, Teacher, Clerk D. L. W. R. R., Lumber Merchant, Stroudsburg, Bangor, Scranton, E. Stroudsburg, Sci. Teacher, H. S .. Dentist, Principal H. S., Supt. Water Co., E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Tow anda, Pa. Lans ford, Pa. Glen Summit Springs, Pa. Pa. Pa Pa. Pa.. STATE CERTIFICATE, '08. Wise, Lenore Wiltz, Stella Teacher, Mrs. Harry G. Carroll Schwenksville, Pa. Salem, Mass. CLASS OF 1909. LADIES. Barrett, Jennie M. Beebe, Helen E. Benson, Genevieve D. Blanche, Nellie Y. Bohan, Josephine l>. Boland, Helen A. Boyle, Rose Anna Boyle, Rose Mary Breslin, Kathryn J. Brown, Carrie L. *Brown, Josephine A. Carroll, Mae D. *Casey, Eva G. Cassimer, Anna V. Cohen, Tibi H. Collins, Bernetta B. Connltr, Regina R. Crain, Alice L. Cutr, Mamie A. *De.ceased. Teacher, Teacher, Principal, Teacher, Mrs. J. J. Maguire, Teacher, Teacher, New Milford, Dickson City, Dunmore, Wilkes-Barre, Dunmore, Hazleton, Pa.. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Teacher, Teacher, Lansford, Kingston, Pa. Pa. Teacher, Carbondale, Pa. Teacher, Examiner, I. C. S., Shenandoah, Carbondale, Pa. Pa. Teacher, Teacher. Teacher, Wanamie, Wilkes-Barre Pa. Oak Ridge, N. J. Shenandoah, Pa. Addresse•s not indicated unknown. 80 STATE NOHJ\IAL SCHOOL, Davies, Lotta I. Devine, Mary C. DeWan, M. Frances DeV'tan, Joanna E. Dietrich, Mabel E. Donnelly,Florence E. Earley, Mayme E. Eley, Florence D. Flynn, Helen F. Fox', Anna V. Fulper, Helen E. Gaffney, Sadie L. Gallagher, Mary l!l. •Gallagher, Rose M. Gantzhorn, Florence Giblin, Loretta F. Glass, Irene E. G1·oner, Emma vV. Hayes, Margaret M. Heller, Maude W. Heyer, Emma V. Horan, Nora C. Jacob, Laura P. Kaul, Edna A. Kennedy, Amanda J. Kennedy, Marg·aret G. Kilpatrick, Gertrude K istler, Alice L. Lane, Agnes B. Latimer, Emily Lavin, Alice L. Lewis, Blanche A. Loftus, Tessie A. Long, Jessie M. Lutes, Roxanna E. Lyons, Alice L. Maloy, Catharine D. Mann, Carrie B. Marvin, Leona G. M cCabe, Margaret C. McCaf!l'ey, Sara McCue, Anna C. McGeehan, Sara M. McGeehan, vVinifred McHale, Mae M. McHale, Theresa M Messinger, Lelia S. Moffit, Claire M. Mooty, A. Marie O'Donnell, Genevieve O'Donnell, Mary L. :)'Hara. Agnes T. • O' Mal!ey, Mayme E. )wens, Mary Pa lmiter, Adelia A. Phillips, Catharine Powell, Blodwyn Quinn, Mary G. Hei!ly, Mary R. Riegel, Anna D. Roberts, Ida M. Savage, Elizabeth K. Shaw, Ethel F. Si nger, Lucy Smith, Helen M. Smith, Laura S mith, Muriel I. Snyd er, G. Adele Spencer, Blanche S toneback, Mae J. Sullivan, Catharine J. *Deceased. P ri ncipal, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Lansford, Torresdale, Rummerfield, Rummerfield, Mrs. Jas. Finnerty, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Chas. Wendland, Teacher, Yeowoman U.S.Navy, Olyphant, Lansford, Dickson City, Scranton, Taylor, Phillipsburg, Throop, Nesquehoning, Teacher, Tannersville, Teacher, Brackney, Mrs.Carl Hosenkrans, E. Stroudsburc- P&. Pa. Pa. P&. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Teacher, Mrs. A. R. Raeisly, Mrs. B. N. Schlimme Teacher, Mrs. Perry B. Evans, Mrs.ChesterA. Snover, Mrs. Chas. E. Peck, Mrs. R. J. Woodrlnir, Teacher, Music Student, Mrs. M. Hoban, 'I'eacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs.C.W.Brlttlngham, Mrs. Geo. Clark, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. R. S. Gulick, Mrs. 0. E. Shinn, Clerk, Mrs. '.rhos. F. Cadden, Teacher, Teacher, 'l'eacher, Mrs. P. J. Lavelle, Teacher, Mrs. Norman C. Uhler, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Scranton, Pa. Pa. Easton, Pa. Glens Ide, Pa. Rendham, Pa. Nanticoke, Stroudsburg, Pa. Pa. Pleasant Mount, Hazleton, Pa. Pa. Carbondale, Pa. E . Stroudsbur&', Pa. Olyphant, Dingman's Ferry, Pa. Pa. Olyphant, N. J . Newark, Pa. Olyphant, Pa. Beach Haven, Pa. Alderson, Pa. Olyphant, Pa.. Lansford. N. J. Plainfield, E . Rutherford, N. J. N. Y . Roch ester, Pa. Nesquehoning, Pa. Dunmore, \Vilkes-Barre, Pa. Pa. Hazleton, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Easton, Pa. Carbondale, Pa. Simpson, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Altoona, Pa. Dickson City, Mrs. B. H. Ballard, Mrs. ·wm. D. Oakley, Hamburg, Nicholson, Wanamie, Summit Hill, Carbondale, Carbondale, Trenton, Dorranceton, Dunmore. Teacher, '.reacher, Tecacher, Teacher, Mrs. H. B. Gilbert, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. R. E. Kocher, '1'eacher, Mrs. Haydn Davl1, Mrs. Fred Thomas, Mrs. J. E. Houck, Mrs. G. Adele Landi~. Teacher, Mrs. :.rae Fisher, N. J . Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. N. J . Passaic, Pa. Dickson City, 2, Pa. Scranton, R. D. Pa. Scranton, Pa. Bangor, Conn. Cos Cob, Pa. Quakertown, Addresses not indicated unknown. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 81 Taylor, M. Gertrude Tlbblns, Florence lL Transue, Georgia R. •Tresslar, Sarah G. Walsh, Margaret W. \Vagner, Lenora Weinland, Maude M. Weller, Sara C. •wentzel,MadelineP. Williams, Mildred M. 'Wismer, Ada Wood, Myrtle H. Teacher, Mrs. T. S. Porter, Mrs. Scott Avery, Bloomingdale, Lock Haven Tunkhannock, Pa, Pa. Pa. Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. J. E. Madara, Teacher, Peckvllle, Phi ladelphia, Pa.. Pa. Flint, Teacher, Mrs. H. L. Lehman, Te.acher, Pittsburg, Doylestown, Old Forge, Balmoos, John N. Beck, Robert J. Brogan, James S. Conklin, O. Bruce Culkin, John T. Dougher, Edward A. Ely, Jasper Q. Bus Manager, Med. Student, Cashier, Ins. Agent, Teacher, Principal, Sanlrs. Philip Wood, Plains, Pa. M r s. Wm. Brass, Padden, Mary L. Dunmore, Pa. Payton, Agnes A. Teacher, n ot ind icaited unknown. Addr ess es •Deceased. ' EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 85 Teacher, Dlngman's Ferry, Pa. Quick, Lena A. Teacher, Dickson City, Pa.. Ramlk, Mary V. Teacher, Shepp ton, Pa. Recla, Agnes V. Regan, Ruth W. Teacher, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Reilly, Patric.la R. Teacher, Dunmore, Pa. Pa. Remaly, Florence E. Mrs. John 0. Fulmer, Easton, Teaching, Milan ville, Pa. Reynolds, Meda M. Rogers, .n.11ce M. 'Mrs. R. L. Blrtley, Clark's Summit, Pa. Ruddy, Bessie D. Teacher, Scranton, Pa. Teacher, Dunmore, Pa. Ryan, Elizabeth A. Mrs. G. R. Rogers, Phi!lipsport, N. Y. Sawyer, Grace Mrs. J. A. Bush, Jr., E . Stroudsburg. Pa. Scheller, Maude Teacher, Coatsvi!le, Pa. Scott, Mabelle Teacher, Taylor, Pa. Shea, Gertrude R. Mrs. R. J. Rockefeller, Stroudsburg, Pa. Smith, Lila L. Mrs. A. R. Downes, Milford, Conn . Stone, C. Gertrude , Sullivan, Mary E. Nurse, Montclair, N. J . Swingle, Beulah A. Mrs. Alfred C. Walla.ce, Baltimore, l\Id. Thomas, Anna Teacher, Edge Hill, Pa. Timlin, Helen U. Teacher, Scranton, Pa. •Tischler, Mabel J. VanVllet, Anita Mrs. T. Breltwleser, Muncie, Ind. VonBrunn, Mabel C. Teacher, Ta!ton, Pa. Weidman, Ruth C. Mrs. G. Earl Brugler, Weehawken, N. J . Mrs. vVm. T. Slattery, Scranton, Wells, Janet B. Pa. Westervelt, Lucv A. Mrs. John Staubach , Scranton, Pa. Williams, Mary E. Teacher, Nanticoke, Pa. Wolftnger, Fannie G. Teacher, Greenwich, Conn. Young, Helen M. Teacher, A.Iden Station, Pa. GENTLEMEN, 11111. Brown, Walter F. Clerk, E . Stroudsburg, PL Brugler, G. Earl Lawyer, 'Weehawken, N. J . Burke. Jullan B. Teacher, Dunm o re, P a. Carroll. John A. Med. Stud., , Cumbola, Pa. Daley, Edward L. U. S. Army, Mayfield, Pa. Davey, William H. Lt. U. S. Army, Pen Argyl, PL Dean, Clifford P. Miller, New Miltord, Pa. Plains, PL Dutry, Frank A. Teacher, North Water Gap, Pa. Eilenberger, Melcholr Teacher, Ettinger, Walter 0. Teacher, Doy lestown, Pa. White Mills, Pa. Gill, Anthony H. Salesman, Price burg, Pa. Golembiewski, Steven Principal, '• Henry, J. Russell Teacher, Henryville, Pa. Moosic, Pa. Healey, Thomas J. Teacher, Hilderbrant, Harold F.C l erk, D. L. & W., Portland, Pa. Freeland, Pa. Johnson, John B. Teacher, La Jun ta, Col o . Koehler, Karol Lawyer, LaBar, Chester W. Pat tern )laker, Stroudsburg, Pa. Lash, Frederick M. Mann. Roy L. U. S. I. D. Banker, Ros ebud Agency, S.D. Dam ascus, Pa. Menhennett, Winfield, Prin. H. S., Myers, Harold H. Newspaper Man, Archbald, PL Hawley, Pa. McClosky, Joseph J. Principal, Moscow, Pa. Noack, Frank P. Merchant, Pallman, George B. Teacher, Clark's Summit, Pa. Olyphant, Pa. Raker, Charles Merchant, Shaplin, Altred C. Asst. Co. Supt., Honesdale, Pa. Sharkey, Eugene T. Lawyer, Bayonne, N. J. New York, N. Y. Smith, Chester A. Sales Manager, Snyder, Ralph A. Principal, Ja ck s on, Pa. Nesquehoning, Pa. Ulshafer, Gordon E. Principal, Wagner, John R. U. S. Army, Stone Church, Pa. Williamson, Claude M. Ft. Slocum, N. Y. Wlsegarver, George WU. S. Service, E . Stroudsburg, Pa. \Vyckoff, Myron Bank Clerk, CLASS OF 1912. Adams, Ada D. Allen, Viola *Deceased. • LADIES. Nanticoke, Pa. Teacher, Pleasant Mt., Pa. Teacher, Addresses not indicated unknown .· 86 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, A s hman, Elsie M. Mrs. H. S. Parson<>, Nanticoke, Pa. Aten, Helen M. Mrs. Helen HuthmakerClark's Summit, Pa. Bachman, Elva M. Teacher, Freeland, Pa. Baicker, Dora D. Mrs. Morris Wilner, Banks, M. Ada Nurse, Pottstown, Pa. Barnhart, Ida C. Teacher, Nesquehdning, Pa. Barrall, Laura L. Teacher, Pa. Nanticoke. Bartholomey, Freida A.Teacher, Vandling, Pa. Bartleson, Reba J, Teacher, Ariel, Pa. Boes, Elsae Bookkeeper, Scranton, Pa. Bortree, Floss E. Boyer, Bessie M. Teacher, Slatington, Pa. Bruce, Lena M. Mrs. Wm. J. Coll, Portland, Pa. Bube, Ruth M. Teacher, Glenwood, N. J. Burke, Clara H. Teacher, Scranton, Pa. Burns, Elizabeth E. Pa. Mrs. Jas. A. Copeland,Carbondale, Call, Josephine M. Teacher, Freeland, Pa. Carpenter, Helen L. Mrs. Geo. Lightbody, Dalton, Pa. Clark, Anna L. Teacher, Jermyn, Pa. Clifford, Helen B. Teacher, Avoca, Pa. Cole, Alma M. Mrs. Arthur Swink, Union Hill, N. J . Collins, Ethel Va. Gov. Clerk, Newport News, Craig, Helen D. Mrs. Chas. J. Robertson, Easton, Pa. Crooks, Grace M. Teacher, Gouldsboro, Pa. Dawson, Frances E. E . Stroudsburg, Pa. Decker, Daisy I. Decker, Edith M. 'reacher, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Dempsey, Clare E. 1''Jacher. :11ayfield, Pa. Derby, Elizabeth K. Mrs. W. F. Scott, Somerville, N. J. DeRemer, Barbara E. Supt. of Gen. Hos.p ., E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Derr, Myrtle M. Mrs. S. L. Munson, Bethlehem, Pa. Diehl, Ethel C. T"°acher, Scranton, Pa. Diehl, Helena A. Mrs. August Burkart, Newton, N. J. Dunn, Nellie J. Teac;her, Maltby, Pa. Edinger, Mabel E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Mrs. Geo. A. Day, Evans, Myrtle L. Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher, Fallon, Helen C. Old Forge, Pa. Teacher, *Fenicle, Florence E. Ford, Ethel I. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Mrs. P. A. Dugan, Ford, Ethel K. Pa. East Bangor, Teacher, Forrest, Viola G. Pa. Summit Hill, Teacher, Fuller, Fannie B. Pa. Mrs. Percy Nicholas, Jenkintown, Gantzhorn, Elsie W·ashington, D. C. Gov. Clerk, Groh, Jeanette Pa. \ V ilkes-Barre, Teacher, Gross, \Vinona G. ~1atJamoras, Pa. Teacher, Hallock, Helen M. Pa. Mrs. Elmer B. Stone, Stroudsburg, Hanlon, Loretta A. Pa. Mr·s. Rich. J. Murray, Bethle·hem, Hartneady, Anna V. Nesquehoning, Pa. Teacher, Harvey, Edith M. N. J. Mrs. L. G. Tichenor, East Orange, Hein, Catherine E. Herdman, Elizabeth J.Mrs. Harry Doll, Tunkhannock, Pa. Holmes, Hazel M. Teacher, Ransom, Pa. Hughes, Leona E. Teacher, Nesquehoning, Pa. Johnson, Anna V. Teacher, Coaldale, Pa. Jones, Mary Teacher, Nanticoke, Pa. Keller, Katherine N. Teacher, E. Plymouth, Pa. Kelly, Anna C. Teacher, Plains, Pa Kelly, Mary I. Teacher, Pittston, Pa. Kimble, Emily K. Teacher, Dunmore, Pa. Kistler, Katherine M. Teacher, Allentown, Pa. Kramer, Anna I. Teacher, Passaic, N. J. Kunsman, Katherine Pa. R. R. Clerk, Pa. :\1orrisville, Lynch, D. Della C. Pa. Teacher, Old Forge, Lavan. Mildred M. Pa. Teacher, Carbondale, Lavin, Mary A. Teacher, Olyphant, Pa. Lleyllyn, Ada M. Teacher, Vandling, Pa. Lovering, Olyvette B Teacher, Sc ran ton, Pa. Maloy, Elizabeth J. Teacher, Lansford, Pa. Mangan, Anna F Teacher, Carbondale, Pa. Mansfield, Florence M.Mrs. Richard W. Jones, Bangor, Pa. •Deceased. Aclclresses not indicated unknown. EAST &TROUDSBURG, PA. Marsh. Ruth E. B. Marshman, Ethel M. Meehan, Agnes C. *Merrick, Margre't L. Moore, Ethel R. Morey, Lela Moriran, Bessie Morgan, Helen M. Mosteller. Ada B. Murray, Johanna I. McDonald, Rose E. McFadden, Loretta F. McHale, Blanche E. McMahon, Anna R. McNellis, Mary A. Odendahl, Marguerite Pace, Eva J. Paul, Maude L. Perrego, Lavina H. Persing, Beatrice I. Prugh, Mildred R. Reap, Florence C. Redgate, Catherine A. Regan, Ethel c. Regan, Frances R. Regan, Lillian M. *Repp, Ruth B. Riechers, Dorothea L. Rinehart, Nettie M. Schilling, Anna M. *Seil, Juliet Shaver, Mae E. Shore, Mary E. Smith, Ellen P. Stanton, Carrie A. Stetler, Laura E. Sullivan, Nellie E. Sutton, Stella M. Swartwood, Margaret Swift, Laura M. Thompson, Mildred C. Tippett, Elizabeth J. Trevett, Annie Uhler, Annie C. Unganst, Martha M. \Yatkins, Pauline M. Watts, Charlotte E. "\Veis, Catherine M. "\Yeiss, Virginia A. "\\'illis, Ruth \Villiams, Bessie Williams, Edith H. Teacher, l'vlrs. Ray Kester, Teacher, Danielsville, Freeland, Freeland, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Easton, Portland, Nanticoke, Teache~ Nanticok~ :1-frs. Thos. S. Rinehart.Stroudsburg, Teacher, Scranton, Teacher, Avoca, Teacher, Carbondale, Teacher, Scranton, Teacher, \V ilkes-Barre, Teacher, Hazelton, Mrs. R. N. Warr~n, Philadelphia, Mrs. Robt. Werkheiser.East Orange, Teacher, v\'eatherly, Mrs. H. L. Steele, Norfolk, Mrs. Robt. H. Fisher, Teacher, Weatherly, Teacher, Scranton, Teacher, Lansford, Mrs. Thos. Joyce, Buffalo, Teacher, Avoca, Teacher, Avoca, Mrs. A. T. Blakeslee, Preserve, Teacher, Stroudsburg, Teacher, Portland, Mrs. M. S. Irving, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Karol Koehler, Mrs. R. S. Potter, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Cecil C. Bodie, Teacher, Teacher, i\frs. Lewis A. Smith, Mrs. Alonzo Phillips, Mrs. J. L. Bauer, Teacher, 'Teacher. Mrs. Frank Edinger, Teacher, Teacher, •reacher, New York, Shenandoah, Hazleton, Leadville, 87 Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Va. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Co-lo. Easton, Pa. Stockertown, Pa. Factoryville, Pa. Dunmore, Pa. Prompton, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Nanticoke, Pa. Easton, Pa. Titusville, N. J. Weehawken, N. J . E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Stroudsburg, Pa. Nanticoke, Pa. Nanticoke, Pa. Easton, Pa. GENTLEJllEN, 1912. Arida, Raphael N. Arndt, Russell C. Berkenstock, Lloyd Bisbing. Ralph W. Boyle, Alexander J. Cole, Earl M. Conmy, Patrick A. Coyne, Frank P. Downs, Sydney B. Duffy, Frank A. *Frederick. Elmer Gaffney, Patrick J. Haggerty, Albert Hess, Floyd M. *Hourigan, Leo F. Hoyt, Jay V. Imbt, M. Russell *Deceased. Teacher, Supt. P. 0. Vehic., Lt. U. S. Army, ·reacher, !':ew York, N. Y. Danielsville, Pa. Pa. Pottstown, E . Stroudsburg, Pa. Pa. \V. Hazleton, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Pa. Olyphant, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Honesdale, Pa. Parsons, Teacher, Teacher, Asst. Cashier, Throop, ·white Mills, )ft. Bethel, Manufacturer, \Veighmaster, Teacher, H. S., Clerk, Teacher, Druggist, Pa. Pa. Pa. 'i\lanufacturer, Delaware, N. J. Prin. High School. Pocono Pines, Pa. A1lclre,s ses not indicruted unknown. 88 STATE Jones, Clarence F. Jordan, James W. Kennedy, Patrick H. Kunsman, Arlington Lastowski, John M. LeBar, J. Amzi Melenric, Rudolph A. l\felvin, James A. Mitke, August L. O'Brien, Albert J. Pearson, John L. NO~MAL SCHOOL, Principal, Teacher, Teacher, Chemist, Lt. U. S. Army, Druggist, Prin. Gram. School, Teacher, U. S. Air Service, Principal, Creditman Firestone Company, Teacher, Teacher, Tax Rec., News Reporter, • Teacher, Clerk, Teacher, Teacher, Rogan, Camillus A. Rosenfeld, James Ruhf, Truman J. Singer, J. Stotz Smith, James Smith, John Stokes, Wm. P. Taylor, Lloyd E. Teel, Naaman J. Van Horn, Maynard D. Walter, Russell B. Teacher, \Veidman, Mark Business, Scranton, Throop, Simpson, Wilmington, Alden Station, Stroudsburg, Cedarville, Pittston, Summit, Birchard vi Ile, Pa. Pa. Pa. Del. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. N, J . Pa. Akron, J<'reeland, Olyphant, Allentown, Stroudsburg, Ohio Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Nanticoke, Minooka, Irvington, Wind Gap, Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Shawnee-on-Del, Pa. Easton, Pa. CLASS OF 1918. LADIES. E. ,Stroudsburg, Pa. Ammerman, Adelaide Teacher. Dietician, Risley Hall, Ithaca, N. Y. Albertson, Mary s. Bookkeeper, Ariel, Pa. Andrews, A. Densy Ault, Elba M. N. Y. Austin, Ruth M. Teacher, Sidney, Barnum, Cynthia Teacher, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Basley, Clara A. Stenographer, Middletown, N. Y . N. Y. Beer~. Adelaide Supecv. Hosp., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Beineman, Florence E.Teacher, Forestport, Bellaire, Jessie M. Mrs. John A.W. Pearce.Randolph, Mass. Biery, Anna Mrs. A. D. Adams, Plainfield, N. J. Blum, Sophia Teacher, Braman, Pa. Boland, Mary M. Teacher, Dunmore, Pa. Boney, Helen G. Teacher, Plymouth, Pa. Boyer, Linda ,L. Mrs. Ralph Fry, Allentown, Pa. Pa. Boylan, Veronica A. Teacher, Avoca, Breslin, Agnes W. Teacher, Jeddo, Pa. Brotzman, Agnes E. Teacher, Rush, Pa.. Pa. Bunnell, Leila M. Bank Clerk, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Casey, Anna M. Teacher, Carbondale, Pa. Catlin, Millie A. Teacher, Lovelton, Pa. Clancy, Kathleen Mrs. Jos E. Kelly, Olyphant, Pa. Connor, Margaret L. Teacher, Old Forge, Pa. Conway, Margaret C. Teacher, Shenandoah, Pa. Corcoran, Katharine A.Teacher, Dunmore, Pa. Corrigan, Sadie M. Mrs. Robert Maguire, Beav er Meadow, Pa. Courtright, Laura B. Mrs. John W. Kllpple, Ransom, Pa. Coyle, Margaret C. Teacher, Shenandoah, Pa. Crowe Virginia Teach e r, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Dailey, Ina M. Teacher, Wyoming, *Davis, Margaret Dech, Lulu G. Teacher, Nazareth, Pa. Decker, Ella F. Teacher, Shenandoah, Pa. Devers, Hannah Teacher, S. Bethlehem, Pa. Dougherty, Helen M. Teacher, Vandling, Pa. Dougherty, Renna E. Teacher, Old Forge, Pa. Duf!y, Anna E. Teacher, Dunmore, Pa. Dunn, Julia A. Mrs. Paul M. Kennedy, Seelyvil'le, Pa. Dwyer, Margaret c. Teacher, E. Plymouth, Pa. Edmunds, Margaret H.Teacher, Mayfield, Pa. Edward, M. Estelle Teacher, Nanticoke, Pa. Eilenberger, Kathryn Mrs. Harold Edwards, Stroudsburg, Pa. •Deceased. Addre,sses not indica.ited unknown. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 89 Eilenberger, Vera Mrs. Russell Irvin, Philadelphia, Pa. Fallon, Mercedes K. Teacher, Plains, Pa. Fanning, Laura C. Teacher, l?>unmore, Pa. F"arrell, Clara G. Teacher, Olyphant, Pa. Finnan, Madeline C. Teacher, Pittston, Pa. Flannagan,GeraldineM.Teacher, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Gallagher, Mary A. Teacher, Shenandoah, Pa. Gardner, Eva M. Mrs. G. A. Burdick, G ibsonia, Pa. Lansford, Pa. Garland, Charlotte Teacher, Pittston, Pa. Gildea, Anna M. H. S. P.hys. Dir., Portland, Ore. Gill, Sadie A. Mrs. H. J. Conlin, Glass, Lucille E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Graham, Ruth 'N. Teacher, Passaic, N. J. Haggerty, Marie L. Teacher, Dunmore, Pa. Hartman, Bessie H. Mrs. A. L. Burrows, Beth lehem, Pa. Hine, Reba M. Clerk, W. Dep., Was hington, D. C . Hines, Margaret M. Mrs. A. V. Armstrong, M i lford, Pa. Hughes, Amy M. Sten. Pres. Corn., Ith a c a, N. Y. Hummel, Miriam W. Teacher, Nazareth, Pa Jones: Alvira H. Teacher, Pars ons, Pa. Jones, Hilda Teacher, Cla rk's Summit, P a. Jones, Reba J. Supervisor, Dury ea, Pa. Jordan, Margaret H. 'l'eacher, Olyphant, Pa. Kane, Lula A. Teacher, Sugar Notch, Pa. Kelleher, Agnes D. Teacher, Forest City, Pa. Kearney, Katherine E. Teacher, Pitts ton, Pa. Kelly, Florence A. Teacher, Arie l, Pa. Kelley, Geraldine G ov. Clerk, Wash ington, D. C. Kelly, Kathryn Teacher, Vandling, Pa. Klipple, Mary J. Teaching, Ransom, Pa. Kotz, E. Louise Teacher, Ridge field Park,N. J . Langan, Theresa C. Teacher, Pittston, Pa. Leinbach, Martha G. Mrs. Morris Eyer, E . Stroudsburg, Pa. Lenahan, Kathleen 111. Teacher, Ashley , Pa. Lewis, Geneva ;\I. Stud. John Hopkin s Md. Hos·pital, Baltimore, Manley, Mary E. Teacher, Pitts ton. Pa. Martz, Edith M. Pa. Mrs. James N. Clark, Philadelphia, Meyers, Evangeline Teacher, E . Stroud sburg Pa. Morgan E. Emily Teacher, Fore s t City, Pa. Mosier, Alma W. Mrs. W. C. Treible, E. S troudsburg, Pa. Mulhearn, Sallie C. Teacher, Lans ford, Pa. Mullally, Barbara F. Teacher, Pa. vVilke s-Barre, Mullen, Marie A. Pa. Teacher, Di ck s on City, Mullin, Genevieve B. Teacher, P i tts ton, Pa. Murphy, Alice R. Pa. Teacher, Dunmore , lllurphy, Teresa F. Pa. Teacher, Ashley, Murray, H e l e n E . Pa. Teacher, Carb ondale, lllcAndrew, Agnes J. Pa. Teacher, Dunmore. McCabe, Kathleen B. Mrs. \V. J . Murray, Jersey City, N . J. McCormick, Lillian Pa. Teacher, \ Vi lkes-Barre, McDonald, Mary L. P .a Teacher, Carb ondale, McDonald, Elizabeth Nurse, P a. Stroudsburg, McGee, Rose M. Stenographer, B ethlehem, Pa. McGuire, Nellie C. Teacher, Dunmore, Pa. :llcHugh, Katherine A. Teacher, Pa. Scranton, McHugh, Kathryn . Teacher, Summit Hill, Pa. llfoLaughlin,IHargaret Teacher, Pa. Olyphant., l\lcPherson, Mary O'Brien, Anna Teacher, N. Y. Binghamton, O'Connell, Helen E. Teacher, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, •O'Malley, Tere s a L. O'Neil, Elizabeth R. Mrs. Harry Apgar, Beatystow n, N. J . Parker, Mary A. Mrs. Harold T. Rinker, Bloomsbury , N. J. Person, Mabel S. Teacher, Allentown, Pa. Price, Elizabeth Teacher, Taylor, Pa. Quick, Helen S. Teacher, Bus hkill, Pa. Reape, Frances E. Gov. Clerk, Was h i ngton, D. C. Rheinfels, Clara E . Stroudsburg, Pa. Regan, Sallie E. Teacher, D u nmore, Pa. Richards, Ellen E. Mrs. Wm. Thomas, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Rowan, Margaret A. Teacher, North Bergen, N. J. *Deceased. Addresses not indicrute d unknown. 90 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Samson, Anna Searfoss, Anna S eeds, Sadie J. Shav.,1, Emma Shultz, Beryl Shuster, Lena M. Simons, Claire B. Skinner, Asenath M. Smith, Rose . Sosnowski. Helen A. Strunk, Beulah K. •Sullivan, Anna M. Sullivan, Mary T Sutton, Stella M. Taylor, Ruth E. Tingley, F. Pearl Tully, Susie L. •ry ler, Ada 0. Vail, Mary Van Blargen, Kathryn V reeland, Hester L. W alsh, Florence L. ·weidman, Esther B. \\' ilson, Hattie M. Wis mer, Esther R. Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. Roy Taylor, Gov. Clerk, Bookkeeper, Teacher, Teacher, Mrs.· VanEtten Crane Teacher, Teacher, Mrs. A. E. Taylor, Pa. Phillipsburg, N. J. Scranton, Pa. Washington, D. C. Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Stroudsburg, Hamlin, Pa. Lima, Ohio. Orson, Pa. Freeland, Pa. Strouds,b urg, Pa. Mrs. Frank Miller, 'reacher, Mrs. E. C. Washburn, Teacher, Allentown, Stockertown, Susquehanna, Lakewood, Principal, Teacher. •reacher, Mrs. Russel V. Miller, Teacher, Mrs. Wm. R. Burd, Elk ke, Jessup, Bangor, Corona, Lumberville, Ariel, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Shep~n, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Cal. Pa. Stroudsburg, Philadelphia, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa Pa. GENTLEMEN, 1913. Banks, Vere J. B erkenstock, Mark J. Box. Cecil 'l'. Burke, Patrick J. Carey, Ambrose J. Carroll, William G. Crane, James J. Devlin, Thomas F. Duffy, Thomas A. Ellvworth, C. Herman E ;,, ·'" Morris E. F lorey, Clyde Frederick, John G reaves, Harvey Hughes, Michael Hutchinson, Wm. H. Jacobs, Ario B. Jacoby, vVilliam Jr. Johnson, Jnseph ~ Kane, Edward J. Kerl, Julius J. Lawler, James P. Lesh, Layton 0. J\Iaguire, Robert F. M urphy, Joseph D. P. McDonald, Michael R. llicGroarty, Thomas L. Padden, Joseph P. Penn, Jam~s M. Remel, Arhng M. Roche. Harry B. Roman, Thomas G. Schlaefer, Edward G. Shook, Floyd R. Smith, William R. Smith, Warren Staples, Eduarde F. Stone, Elmer B. Sutter, vVilliam F. •reresinski, Michael F. Tyle r. Miles Ulsh afer, Gordon E. Za"·oiski, Andrew J. *Deceased. Coll. Coal Co.. Army Pharmacist, Prin. High School, Teacher, H. S., Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, U. S. Navy, Bookkeeper, Teacher, Principal, Stu. Muhlenberg Col. Serg. U. S. Army, U. S. Army, 'l'eacher, Principal, Teache~ U. S. Army, Principal, Teacher, Salesman, Clerk, Teacher, Teacher, u. s. Army, U. S. Kavy, Principal, Principal, Principal, Teacher, U. S. Army, Farm ~1gr., Teacher, Prin. High School, T eacher, Plumber, Teacher, U. S. Army, Starruca, Plains, Jessup, Carbondale, Carbondale, Plains, Parsons, Dallas, Stroudsburg, Nazareth, E. Stroudsburg, Catasauqua, Plains, Alden Station, Milnesvllle, Portland, Freeland, Parsons, Simpson, Jessup, Wind Gap, Plains, Avoca, Force, Plains, Plains, Hazleton, N azare.th. Old Forge, A.Iden Station, Bushklll, Nazareth, R. D. 3, Bath, New Hope, E. Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg, Nescopeck, Parsons, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Prin. Gram. School, Nesque·honing, Pa. Law yer, Plains. Pa. Addresses n ot indi cated unknown. lif EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 91 CLASS OF 1914. LADIES Teacher, Bethlehem, Pa. Allen, Margueri te E. Teacher, Bethlehem, Allen, Thelma M. Pa. Teacher, Boylan. Mary Carbondale, Pa. Teacher, Boyle, Cecelia A. Easton, Pa. *Bryson, Mary Candrlck, Miriam Teacher, Olyphant, Pa. Covey, L. Ruth Gov. Clerk, \\'ashington, D. C . Cummings, Marie M. Teacher, Scranton, Pa. Deibler, Dorothy L. Com. Agt., E . Stroudsburg, Pa. Dreher, Alice R. Mrs. R. H. Roberts, Philadelphia, Pa. Edelman, Donna E. Teacher, Easton, Pa. Mayfield, Evans, Mary D. Teacher, Pa. Fellencer, Lucy A. Teacher, Stroudsburg, Pa. Fuller, Katherine Teacher, Easton, Pa. Gibbons, Mary Teacher, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Summit Hill, Pa. Gildea, Jennie M. Teacher, Pittston, Pa. Granahan, Helen M. Teacher, Spangler, Hogan, Mary A. Teacher, Pa. Pen Argyl, Pa. Hoppock, Viva M. Teacher, James, Verna Teacher, Pittston, Pa. Kotz, Helen J. Teacher, Stroudsburg, Pa. Kipp, Fannie Teacher, Milford, Pa. Lavin, Elizabeth Teacher, Swoyersville, Pa. Sayre, MacDonough, Helen D. Teacher, Pa. McAndrew, Helen M. Te~.cher, Paterson, N. J. Maloney, Marion A. Mrs. J. H. Neighbour, Jersey City, :N. J. Mulderig, Florence Teacher, Scranton, Pa. Peters, Clara Teacher, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Prior, Mildred M. Teacher, Jermyn, Pa. Raesley, Ruth H! Teacher, Portland, Pa. Reynolds, Rose M. Teacher, Netcong, N. J. Rosenkrans, Bertha M.Mrs. F. M. Dickison, , Unionville, ·N. Y. Sharkey, Grace F. Teacher, Bayonne, N. J. Staples, Alice Stud. Pierce Bus. Col., Philadelphia, Pa. Tingley, Mabel C. Bank Clerk, Nicholson, Pa. Weir, Dorothy E. Principal, Honesdale, Pa. \Velty, Annie Teacher, Hokendauqua, Pa. Will, Marion E. Mrs. Harley J. Curbs, Hamlin, Pa. Wren, Marion F. Teacher, Scranton, Pa. \Vrightson, Olive T. Teacher. Gouldsboro, Pa. 0 GEl\"TLEMEN 1914 Bronson, George Curtis, Harley J. Fegley, Harry G. •Kernan, John J. Kirkhuff, Harold B. McDonald, Joseph L. McMullin, James J. Nulton, Jacob vV. Schneider, Edward J. St. Ledger, James Yetter, Henry Teacher, Farmer, U. S. Ambul. Serv., Stockertown, Hamlin, Orwigsburg, Rec. Clerk.Beth St. Co. Bethlehem, 'reacher, Gouldsboro, Dentist, Surveyor, Teacher, ::\Iechanic, Pen Argy~. Philadelphia, Carbondale, Summit, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. CLASS OF 1915. LADIES. Armstrong, Sala A. GoY. Clerk, ·washington, D. C. Bensinger, Gertrude R.Dom. Sci., Stroudsburg, Pa. Black, Mary M. Teacher, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Campbell, Alice A. Teacher, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Chamberlin, Caroline E.Teacher, Analomink, Pa. Collins, Marie S. 111rs. H. V. Hess, Beth lehem, Pa . Cook, Katherine C. Teacher, Carbondale, Pa.. *Deceasecl. Addresses not indicated unknown. 92 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Corbett, Mary A. Corra, Mary J. Teacher, Drif.ton, Pa. Coyne, Genevieve R. Teacher, Old Forge, Pa. Decker, Vernetta F. Teacher, Stroudsburg, Pa. Donlin, Geraldyn M. Teacher, H. S., Luzerne, Pa. Doran, Sadie R. Teacher, Plains, Pa. · pa. Eckert, Edith K. Mrs. Joseph Wallace, Stroudsburg, Jermyn, Pa. Edmunds, Gertrude L. Teacher, Olyphant, Fadden, Allle Teacher, Pa. Olyphant, Pa. Fallon, Constanc.e, Teacher, Factoryville, Pa. Foley, Caroline lVl. Teacher, Pa. Shenandoah, Gaughan, Regina E. Teacher, Pa. Dunmore, Grady, I<'lorence B. Teacher, Pittston, Pa. Hinchcliff, Gertrude G. Teacher, Easton, Pa. Hinton, Naomi G. Mrs. Harry Dew, Nanticoke, Pa. Hocken, Etta Teacher, Philadelphia, Pa. Hunter, Dorothy A. R. R. Clerk, Philadelphia, Hunter, Margaret H. R. R. Clerk, Pa. Joyce, '\¥inifred B. Teacher, Rend ham, Pa. Kelleher, Katherine Teacher, Scranton, Pa. Ariel, Pa. Kelly, Esther Teacher, Kemp, Grace M. Mrs. Russell Stofflet, Allentown, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Kinney, Phyllis Teacher, Summit Hill, Pa. Kleckner, Clara A. Teacher, Stroudsburg, Pa. Knox, Edna Y. Mrs. Paul Neuman, Kressler, Helen R. Teacher, Bethlehem, Pa. Lavelle, Alice Teacher, Stewartsville, N. J. Slatington, Lloyd Ruth, Teacher, Pa. Pa. McFadden, Irene R. Teacher, Carbondale, McGin ty, Anna M. Teacher, Inkerman, Pa. Pa. Mcguire. Anna R. Teacher, Dunmore, McKernan. Margaret J. Teacher, Ashley, Pa. Pa. McLaren. Madeline A. Teacher, Olyphant, •Mooty, Marcella M. Mosteller, Elizabeth M.Mrs. Hugh Edwards, Wyckoff, N. Y . Neary, M. Elizabeth Teacher, Old Forge, Pa. O'Donnell, Regina G. Teacher, Pa. Parsons, O'Malley, Beatrice M. Teacher, Olyphant, Pa. Pa. Wanamie, Phillips, Sara A. Teacher, Duryea, Pa. Regan, Eleanor G. Teacher, Pa. Carbondale, Reilly, Etta C. Teacher, Pa. Siglin, Mary C. Teacher, Brodheadsville, Pa. Nanticoke, Snyder, Merle N. Teacher, Pa. Olyphant, Sullivan, Mary V. Teacher, Pa. White Mills, Swanson, Walber A. Prin. H. S., Pa. Stroudsburg, Williams. Bessie H. •reacher, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Yetter, Alice M. Booklteeper, G ENTLEiUEN, ltlUI. Bennett, Oscar 0. Teacher, Boland, William F. Conroy, Joseph B. Teacher, Dew, J. Harry Teacher, H. S., Egan, Patrick J. Teacher, Imbt, Floyd R. Student of Geol., U. S. Army, Ka.ne, Aloysius J. LaFrance, Ervin J. McCormack, John F. Loco. Fireman, Palmer, Ellsworth C. Salesman. Ratchford, Anthony J. U . S. Army, Tierney, James J. U. S. Army, "'alter, LeRoy B. Teacher, Weidman, George A. Teacher, Bainbridge, N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Plains, Pa. E . .Stroudsburg, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, N. Y. Windsor, Pa. Ashley, Pa. Stroudsburg, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Alden, Pa. E . Stroudsburg Pa. Portland, Jessup, Eas ton, ULASS OF 1916. LADIES Allabaugh, MadellneA.Teacner, Au~tin, Esther A. Teacher, Badman, Elizabeth S. Teacher, •Deceased. Dallas, Pa. New "-filford, Pa. Nanticoke, Pa. Addresses not indicated unknown. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 93 Barrett, Florence A. Teacher, Wanamie, Pa. Barteau, Ruth Mrs. Arch Hartzell, Mt. Bethel, Pa. Bechtel, Marguerite Pa. Teacher, Nesquehoning, Behan, Florence N.Y. Tutor, Mt. Kisco, Bell, Pearl M. Pa. Mrs. Bruce Schnure, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. · Benson, Elizabeth T. Teacher, Dickson City, Boland, Anna F. Pa. Teacher, Scran to n. Bowen, Charlotte H. Pa. Mrs. J. A. Alexander, State· College, Brennan, J.\.Iarle R. Pa. Teacher, Archbald, Bryan, Pearl 0. Pa. Teacher, Danielsville, Burgess, Fannie Teacher, Wyoming, R. D. Pa. Burke, Helen M. ::11rs. Albert Carnason , Carlin, Mabel L. Pa. Mrs. H. E. Walter, Palmerton, Carpented, l\Iildred C. Teacher, Pa. Scranton, Carr, Catherine M. Pa. Teacher, Plymouth, Carter, Ruth E. Pa. Teacher, Jermyn, Pa. Clark, Laura Teacher, Nanticoke, Coakley, Loretta B. Pa. Teacher, Shenandoah, Cobb, Ruth V. Pa. Mrs. G. H. Bennett, New Milford, Coner.ton, Marie A. Pa. Teacher, Carbondale, Pa. Connell, Claire E. Teacher, Parsons, 1 '\Vilkes-Barre, Pa. Cooper, Elizabeth E. Mrs. J. L. Varker, Cowley, Mary M. Pa. Teacher, Olyphant, Coyne, Sadie R. Pa. Teacher, Old Forge, Pa. Cummings, Irene M. Teacher, Olyphant, Davies, Ellen Pa. Teacher, Nanticoke, Dean, Kathleen I. Pa. Teacher, Archbald, Pa. Deshler, Dorothy A. Teacher, Bangor, Pa. Dooley, Elizabeth G. Teacher, P lains, Dowling, Sadie M. D. C. Mrs. H. P. Rue, Washington, Dreher, Catherine E. Teacher, Pa. Tobyhanna, Dreher, Emma L. Pa. Mrs. L. H. Cook, Stroudsburg, Dreisbach, Esther R. Teacher, Pa. Lehighton. Eckert, l\Iiriam E. Pa. Teacher. Buckhill Falls, Edmunds, Eva Mae Mrs. \'irilson S. Maury, Jermyn, Pa. Fadden, Florence Teacher, Olyphant, Pa. Ferguson, Martha Teacher, Luzerne, Pa. Feuerman, Mary Mrs. Mary Levy, Scranton, Pa. Finn, Nellie D. Pa. Teacher, Parsons, Ford, Pearl C. Teacher, Moosic, Pa. Gallagher, Anna C. Teacher, Luzerne, Pa. Gallagher, Margaret Teacher, Pa. Jessup, Gordon, Jessie E. Granahan, Anna V. Pa. Duryea, Teacher, Guinan, Norine D. Pa. Olyphant, Teacher, Haggerty, Kathleen Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Teacher, *Harrington, Mary T. Harvey, Marguerite E. Teacher, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Pa. Heller, Sara E. Teacher, Moore, Herring, Carrie A. C. Teacher, Pen Argyl, Pa. Pa. Hochrlne, Estella M. Mrs. Estelle Martin, Bethlehem, Hourigan, Emily D. Teacher, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Hughes, Edith May Mrs. C. M. Ball, Birchard ville, Pa. Keller, Florence E. Teacher, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, · Kelly, Agnes C. Teacher, V\'ilkes-Barre, Pa. Kelly, Alice T. Teacher, Jessup, Pa. Kelly, Clare Teacher, Pittston, Pa. Lavin, Hortense A. Teacher, Olyphant, Pa. Lydon, Helen B. Teacher, Ashley, Pa. Lympany, M. Netta Mrs. Thos. E. Owens, Akron, Ohio. lllcCabe, Lola L. Teacher, Avoca, Pa. Mccann, M. Clare F. Teacher, Dunmore, Pa. McCarthy, Gertrude R.Teacher, Moosic, Pa. llicDonald, Mary Teacher, Carbondale, Pa. l\[cGinis, Kathleen F. Teacher, JesHup, Pa. llicGowan, Alice c. Teacher, Scranton, Pa. l\Iartin, Marguerite B.Teacher, Carbondale, Pa. llferrick, Madelyn B. Teacher, Pa. Plains, ;>;anticoke, l\Iiller, Anna M. Teacher, Pa. *Deceased. Addre·sses not indicated unknown. 94 STATE NORl\IAL SCHOOL, l\1iller, Florence J. Moran, Bes,sie G. Murrin, Kathleen Nolan, Catherine O'Hare, May O'Malley, Kathryn *Poltrock, Elsie L. Porter, Margaret Praetorius, Phyetta Reilly, Agnes V. Rogan, Marie C. Schoch, Esther C. Shanley, Florence C. Shea, Mary G. Short, Agnes M. ShuHz, Dottie s. Snyder, Mamie M. Spangenberg, Frances Sullivan, Nellie J. Tole.mie, Man.i lia D. Walsh, Marie M. Ward, Nellie M. Warlow, Sara A. Warner, N. Ruth \Villiams, Aletta R. Wolfe, Edith M. "\\'ysoki, Victoria S. Sub-Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Scranton, Kingston, Scranton, Pa. Pa. Pa. Teacher, Teacher; Shenandoah, Olyphant, Pa. Pa. Barrett, John E. Bunn, Warren G. Clark, Gordon E. Connell, John J. Curtiss, Arthur H. Daley, James J. Detrick, Fred H. Doµgher, Leo A. Fudala, Peter C. Gordon, Emery Haggerty, Martin J. Harrison, Wm. H. Hatton, Frank E. Hocker, Charles R. Kelly, Joseph P. Kemp, E. Chester Kosko, John J. Learn, D. Harold Leeson, Henry J. McCarthy, Thomas Maguire, James B. Monasky, John A. Montanye, John Mulligan, Daniel F. Reynolds, Clair H. Rue, Harold P. '\Yall, Fred B. Weisenfluh, Norman White, Vern s. \Villiams, Robert E. U. S. Navy, U.S. Army, Teacher, Teacher, ;Farmer, Nanticoke, Ariel, Plymouth, Elmhurst, Ins. Agt., Teacher, Prin. Ind. Sch., R. R. Cond., State Trooper, L". S. Army, Principal, Dent. Stud., Teacher, Student, Teacher, Law Student, Teacher, Teacher, Sgt. State Police, U. S. Army, Lt. U. S. Army, Serg. U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, Gov. Chem., Analomink, Pa. Jess·up, Pa. Duryea, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Pottsville, Pa. East on, Pa. Beachlake, Pa. Louisville, Ky. Plains, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Hudson, Pa. Cresco, Pa. Kings,ton, Pa. Simpson, Pa. Newcastle, Pa. Donora, Pa. P ittston, R.D. 2, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. E. Strouds·burg, Pa. D. c: V.' ashington, Teacher, Serg. U. S. Army, H. S. Teacher, Old Forge, E. Strouds,burg, Lansford, Teacher, Nanticoke, Pa. Teacher, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Teacher, Nanticoke, Pa. R. R. Clerk, Freeland, Pa. Mrs. Cleon Starr, Sonestown, Pa. Teacher, Waymart, Pa. Teacher, Scranton, Pa. Teacher, East Bangor, Pa. Bookkeeper, E . Stroudsburg, .Pa. Pa. Mrs.W.H. Sche.Jlhamer,Lynnville, Teacher, Waymart, Pa. Teacher, Miner's Mills, Pa. Teache~ Scranton, Pa. Com. Teacher, Summit, N. J. Teacher, 'i'i'ilkes-Barre, Pa. Teacher, Nanticoke, Pa. Teacher, \Vea therly, Pa. Clerk, Elmhurst, Pa. Teacher, Bangor, Pa. Teacher, Nanticoke, Pa. GE.:VTLEIUEN, '16. VVanamie, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. CLASS OF 1917. LADIES Ammerman, Ruth Andrews, Clara Bachstein, Ada M. Bachstein, Edna A. Biery, Mabyl *Deceased. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, E . Stroudsburg, Pa. Slatington, J;.>a. Nanticoke, Pa. Nanticoke, Pa.. AJ,derson, P&. Addre·sse.s not indicated unknown. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 95 Teacher, Nanticoke, Boone, Verna Pa. Pa. Riegelsville, Boyer, Ruth A. Teacher, Pa. Brogan, Sara Freeland, Teacher, Pa. Nanticoke, Bryan, Carolina Mrs. \Ym. Walter, Pa. Honesdale, Bryant, Carlol'ta E. Teacher, Mrs. E. A. Kellachow, Bryant, Mildred• Pa. Hazleton, Teacher, Burke, Margaret C. Pa. Hazleton, Byrnes, Isabe.J V. Teacher, Pa. South Sterling, Carlton, ·Marjorie E. Teacher, Pa. Ashley, Teache.r, Clark, Rose M. Mayfield, Pa. Coggins, Mary C. Teacher, Pa. Scranton, Teacher, Coleman, Marie I. D. C. Comptometer Opera tor Washington, Collins, Bernice K. Pa. Carbondale, Cook, Mary B. Teacher, Cooney, Loretta C. Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Typist Crowe, Janet M. Pa. Drift on, Curran, Josephine M. Teacher, Pa. Nanticoke, Teacher, Davis, ·Mabel E. Pa. Mrs. Frank J. Boyle, Freeland, Deck~r. Lena S. Pa. Nanticoke, Dew, Anna Teacher, Pa. Glen Lyon, Teacher, Doherty, Celestine Plains, Pa. Teacher, Dooley, Regina Pa. \Vilke•s -Barre, Dougherty, Margaret Teacher, Pa. Scranton, Earley, Margaret Teacher, Hazleton, Pa. '.Ferry Katherine Teacher, Sugar Notch, Pa. Teacher, Finn, Margaret T. Dunmore, Pa. Flaherty, Matilda F. Teacher, Pa. Scran t on, Gahagan, F. Jane Teacher, Alderson, Pa. Garringer, Ethel J. Teacher, •Garvey, Irene A. \Yilkes-Barre, Pa. Gibbons, G. Irene Teacher, White Mills, Pa. Gill, M. Esther Teacher, Forest City, Pa. Gillespie, .Alice T. T~acher, Forest City, Pa. Glanville, Bea•trice J. Teacher, Nanticoke, Pa. Goff, Elizabeth M. Teacher, East Bangor, Pa. Hamm, Sylvia M. Teacher, Pa. Moosic, Healey, C. Helen Teacher, Hazleton, Pa. Helferty, Helen D. Teacher, Herman, Eva C. Teacher, E . Stroudsburir, Pa. Pa. Hilliard, Lottie A. Teacher, Mt. Bethel, Stroudsburg, Hobbs, Charlotte E. Stenographer, Pa. James, Bertha E. Teacher, Plymouth, Pa. Jennings, Sadie M. Teacher, Scranton, Pa. Keating, Helen L. Teacher, Kingston, Pa. \Vilkes-Barre, Pa. Keating, Helen R. Teacher, Kenny, Carmel D. Teacher, Simpson, Pa. Kilgallon, Mary E. Teacher, Carbondale, Pa. Kinney, Verna G. Teacher, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Kline, Margaret E. Teacher, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Kreidler, Catherine Teacher, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Larkin, Margaret T. Teacher, Nanticoke, Pa. Lavin, Rose E. Teacher, Swoyersville, Pa. Law, Anna Teacher, Edwardsville, Pa. Leininger, Cora I. Teacher, Weatherly, Pa. Lenahan, Dorothy C. Teacher, Plains, Pa. Loftus, Marie Teacher, Olyphant, Pa. Loughney, Kathleen Teacher, Pittston, Pa. Maguire, Helen G. W. B. Cham. of Com.,Plains, Pa. Maloney, Anastasia L. Teacher, Olyphant, Pa. Marold, L!llian A. Teacher, Damascus, Pa. Martin, Mary E. Teacher, Olyphant, Pa. McCarthy, Helen G. · Teacher, Kingston,. Pa. McCormack, Anna Teacher, A s hley, Pa. Meade, Ruth V. Teacher, E . Stroudsbure-, Pa. Monaghan, ·M ae G. Teacher, Lakewood, Pa. Monahan, Mary A. Teacher, T h roop, Pa. Monahan, Mary N. Teacher, Luzerne, Pa. Murphy, Anna Teacher, Olyphant, Pa. :VIurphy, Marguerite V.Teacher, Duryea, Pa. *Deceased. Addresses not indicated unknown. 96 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Murphy, Mary Teacher, Pittston, Pa. Oncay, Helen E. Comptometer OperatorWashington, D. C. Petty, Sybil Teaeher, Ransom, Pa. Nanticoke, Powell, Leah S. Teacher, Pa. Raines, Lila Teacher, Pen Argyl, Pa. Robinson, Martha Teacher, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Schoch, Kathryn E. Teache.r, Stroudsburg, Pa. Schwartz, Viola Teacher, Nanticoke, Pa. Shollenberger, DorothyTeacher, Pen Argyl, Pa. Shovlin, Nellie G. Teacher, Freeland, Pa. Shupp, Esther M. Mrs. Wilbur Serfass, Saylorsburg, Pa. Scranton', Snyder, Hilda M. Teacher, Pa. Solt, Pearl Teacher, Northampton, Pa. Bangor, Steinmetz, E. Velma Teacher, Pa. Stettler, Kathleen Teacher, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. N. J. Stocks, Beulah B. Stenographer, Newark, Ohio Youngstown, Stocks, Viola R. Teacher, Pa. Strohmeier, Adella E. Teacher, Lebanon, Pa. Olyphant, Sweeney, Alice T. •reacher, Pa. Susquehanna, Swingle, Leona M. Teacher, N. J. Taylor, Viola ·Mrs . Harry Shannon, Paterson, Pa. Lehighton, Teets, Florence A. Teacher, E. Stroudsburg-, Pa. Travis, Dorothy E. Teacher, Pa. Lakewood, Tully, Marie A. Teacher, Pa. Nanticoke, Turley, Gladys C. Teacher, Pa.. Nanticoke, Vivian, Verda Teacher, Pa. Kresgeville, Wannemaker, Sadie F.Teacher, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Ward, Sara E. Teacher, Pa. Weatherly, 'Varner, Jennie E. Teacher, Pa. Nanticoke, 'Vaters, Elizabe,th Teacher, Pa. Hokendauqua, ·welty, Ruth M. Teacher. Pa. Plymouth, Williams, Mona E. Teacher, GENTLEIUEN, 11)17. Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Black, Frank J. Teacher, Pa. Nanticoke, Boyle, Edward A. Teacher, Pa. Freeland, Boyle, Frank J. Salesman, Pa. Canadensis, Brush, Steward S. Teacher, Mass. '.Va ban, Bush, DeForest Teacher, Pa. Angels, Butler, Gerald G. Teacher, Pa. Ashley, Carey, John L. Teacher, Pa. S. Sterling, Carlton, Os·car E. Teacher, Pa. Ashley, Connolly, Leonard E. Surveyor, Pa. Plains, Corcoran, Patrick J. Teacher, Pa. Olyphant, Curran, Joseph P. Teacher, Pa. Duryea, Donley, Harold J. Teacher, Pa. Old Forge, Dougherty, Frank J. Salesman, Pa. Peckville, Gallagher, Charles P. Teacher, Pa. Carbondale, Gardella, M. Joseph Business, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Greenfeldt, Abraham Teacher, Pa. Edelman, Hearn, Raymond E. Quarryman, Pa. Summit Hill, Kennedy, William J. Clerk, Pa. Old Forge, Keogh, Charles J. Teacher, Pa. Freeland, Lukac, John Principal, *!\.fcCormack, Anthony Pa. Plains, McGroarty, Harold F.'reacher, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, McLaughlin, Leo J. Teacher, E. StroudsbUri', Pa. Morris, Elmer J. Principal, Pa. Olyphant, Prokopovitch, Chas. Teacher, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Schmalstieg, John W. Stud., Lafay. Coll., Pa. Nanticoke, Schmidt, Harry Teacher, Pa. Sones town, Schoch, Lawrence A. Principal, Pa. Nazareth, Stocker, Chester G. H. · S. Teacher, Pa. Nazareth, Stocker, Ralph E. Accountant, Pa. Blakesley, Thomas, Edison A. Principal, unknown. not indicated •Deceased. Addresses EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. 97 CLASS OF 11H8. LADIES. Anderson, Martha B. Teacher, Nanticoke, Pa. Baicker, Sara J. Teacher, Nanticoke, Pa. Beers, Elizabeth S. Teacher, E. Stroudsburg, Pa Benovitz, Esther Teacher, Dickson City, Pa. Black, Sarah A. T e acher, \Vllkes-Barre, Pa. Boyle, Cecelia G. Teacher, Freeland, Pa. Brown, Evalyn B. Teacher, Nanticoke, Pa. Bruch, Leila N. Teacher, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Bruschi, Jennie A. Stenographer, Bangor, Pa. Burns, Cora S. Teacher, Flemington, N. J. Caffrey, Mary I. Teacher, Sugar Notch, Pa. Cawley, Margaret D. Teacher, Je·ssu p , Pa. Cheshenski, Sophie E. Teacher, Nanticoke, Pa. Chubb, Hazle A. Teacher, "Vaymart, Pa. Clancy, Beatrice M. Teacher, Olyphant, Pa. Clark, Margaret D. Teacher, Parsons, Pa. Clark, Mary C. Teacher, Scranton, Pa. Connell, Mary V. Teacher, Parsons, Pa. Connor, nose M. Teacher, Carbondale, Pa. Cook, Agnes C. Teacher, Carbondale, Pa. Cooke, Vivienne K. Teacher, Dallas, Pa. Corcoran, Margaret R. Teacher, Old Forge, Pa. Cummings, Mary A. Teacher, Carbondale, Pa. Daley, Kathleen R. Teacher, Old Forge, Pa. Dean, Marita I. Teacher, Prov idence, Pa. Deppe, Helen A. 'l'eacher, Palmerton, Pa. Deubler, Elizabeth Prindpal, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Dinsmore, Mary G. Teacher, Ply mouth, Pa. Dixon, Elizabeth A. Teacher, Avoca, Pa. Dougherty, Sally C. Teacher, \¥ilk es-Barre, Pa. Duffy, Gertrude B. Teacher, Pars ons, Pa. Dugan, Nora F. Teacher, \Vilkes-Barre, Pa. Dwyer, Mary . M. Teacher, S. Bethlehem, Pa. Edinger, Virginia L. Teacher, La•mbe•rtville, N. J. Nmery, Hazle G. Vice Principal, Portland, Pa. Farrell, Elizabeth R. Teacher, Dickson City, Pa. Felton, Myrtle A. Principal, Panther, Pa. Finley, Helen D. Teacher, Wanamie, Pa. Finnerty, Helen I. Teacher, Olyphant, Pa. Fitzsimmons, Monica Teacher, Mayfield, Pa. Flynn, Mary B. Teacher, ',Yi!kes-Barre, Pa. Frederick, Laura A. Teacher, Easton, Pa. Gallagher, H e len R. T e acher, Rendham, Pa. Gallagher, Regina R.E. Teacher, Simpson, Pa. Gilhooley, Grace E. Teacher, Avoca, Pa. Gilligan, Gretta M. Teacher, Dunmore, Pa. Granaha·n, Mary Cla.ireTeacher, Pitts.ton, Pa. Haggerty, Margaret M.Teacher, Scranton, Pa. Hauck, Mary C. Teacher, Easton, Pa. Old Forge, Hayes, Genevieve L. Teacher, Pa. Hennigan, Margaret F. Teacher, Dunmore, Pa. Hill, Evelyn M. Teacher, Lookout, Pa. Hill, Verna A. Teacher, Lookout, Pa. Hughes, Mary R. Teacher, \Vilkes-Barre, Pa. Jame.s, Gwendolyn E. Mrs·. Har.old Hutchins, Plymouth, Pa. James, Isabel H. Teacher, W. Pittston, Pa. Nanticoke, Pa. Jone·s, Janet Teacher, Ariel, Kelley, Rulh Teach e r, Pa. Kelly, Mary M. Teacher, Plai n.s, Pa. Nanticoke, Pa. Kittle, Abbie R. Teacher, Carbondale, Pa. Lavin, Catherine E. Teacher, Olyphant, Pa. Lenahan, Gertrude M. Teacher, Fled Lion, Pa. Long, S. Eliza Teacher, Olyphant, Pa. Lyons, Helen M. Teacher, Mace, Beth B. Pay Roll Clerk, Su sq. Nanticoke, Pa. Cea! Co. Carbondale, Pa. Mannion, M:uy C. C. Teacher, Pa. Bethlehem, MacManamon,Marie M. Teacher, Dunmore, Pa. Mccann, negina G. Teacher, 98 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, McDonald, Agnes E. Teacher, Carbondale, P3. McDonnell, M. ::Vlay Teacher, Olyphant, Pa. McGinley, Elizabeth H. Teacher, Parsons, Pa. McHale, Josephine M. Teacher, \Vilkes-Barre, Pa. McLaughlin, Sadie E. Teacher, Olyphant, Pa. MoMahon, Helen G. Teacher, \V likes-Barre, Pa. Mellet, Helen B. Mrs. Irvin Heinz, Pott•sville. Pa. Miller, Anna E. '.reacher, Allen.town, Pa . .Miller, Hazle V. Teacher, Greentown, Pa. Morgan, Anna Pay Roll Clerk, Susq. Nanticoke, Coal Co. Pa. Moughan, Mary R. Teacher, Pittston, Pa. Murray, Geraldine G. Teacher, Wilkes-Barre, P19 LADIES Bagley, Kathleen Barry, Esther Barteau, Beulah Beatty, Marie Bennett, Una Bonnor, Nora Brennan, Alice Buckley, Mary M. Burke, Anita Burns, Alice Burns, 1Mildred Butler, Glenna Callahan. Anna Campbell, Cath e rine Carey, Lucy Champion: Agnes Cawley, Loretta Cleaver, Helen Clune, Margaret Con•vay, Kathryn Oorcoran, Mary Corrcgan, Josephine Cosgrove, Lucille Dellmore, Helen Dierks, Ethel Doherty, Veronica Donnelly, Roise Duffy, Dolores Dunn, Agnes Elward, Helen l"eeney, Margare t Finn, Helen Flynn, Bernedetta Gallagher, Margaret Gallagher, Marguerite Gilroy; Anna Girdzunis, Agnes Gus•titus, Mary Hefferman, Dorothy Heller, Anna Henry, Lucy Hilderh'of, Wilh e mina Hogan, Marie Hughes, Enola Hughes, Marie Jacobs, Marguerite Jones, Ruth Kelly, Lydia Kelly, Marie K e nnedy, Margaret Koerner, Florence Kreidler. Louise Krieg, Irene Laverty, Nora Lawlor, Louise Leonard, Theresa Lewis, Winifred Mac k, Carme l Maguire, Esth e r Maher, Beradine Maloney, Helen McKeown, Ce·celia McKernan, Alice. McLaughlin, Anna Mcl\Ianmon, Theresa Mona.ban, Helen lV Iorris, Leona ~lnld e rig, Lucy , Mulherin, ·Margare t Teach e r, Teache r, Teac her, Teacher, T eac h e r, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, T eacber, T eacher, Teacher, Teac h e r, T e acher, T each er, T e a c h e r, T e a cher, T each e r, T eacl1e r, T each e r, Tea cher, Teacher. rreacher, T eacher, Teacher, Teac her, T e a c h er, Teacher, Tea c her. •.reacher, •.rea ch er, T ea cher, Teacher, T each e r, T each e r, Teac h er, Teacher, Teacher, T eacher, T e a che r, Teacher, Mrs. C. Stog·s dill, S ecr e tary, T each e r, T e a c h e r, Teacher, T ea c h er, T e a c h er, T e a c her, T each e r, T eacher, Teac her, Teac her, T e a c h e r, T e ach e r, T ea che r, T each e r, •rea c h e r, Teac h e r, Teac h e r, Teach e r, Teache r, Teacher, T eacher, Teiacher, T eacher, T eacher, Teacher, Teach e r, Teacher. Throop, Lark svill e, Por.tland, Olyphant, J ,oh n s.on City, Old Forge, Coaldale, E. Hon esdal e , Dickso·n City, Simpson, Wilkes-Barre, Angels, Throop, 1''ree land, _ J essup, Athens, Forest City, Newton, Carbondale, Throop, Old Forge, \ VJlkes-Barre, Old Forge, l\Iayfie 1d, Dunmore, Pitts-ton, Hone.s dale, Plains, Swoye r sville, Plains, Plymouth, Sugar Notch, Ashley, Mayfield, Freeland, Dunmore, Throop, Exeter, Easton, l\It. Bethel, E. Strouds.burg, New York, Shenandoah, Dorrance-ton, Parsons, vV. Pittston, Portland, Kingston, Avoca, Binghamton, Mt. Pocono, \Vilkes-Barre, ~Vi lk es - Barre, Shenandoah, Brandonville, Mi!HO•Wn, _ Sugar Notc h, May fi e ld, Sugar Notch, Plymouth, Olyph ant, Parsons, Ashley, Parso n s, Sugar Notch, \Vilk es-Barre, Nanticoke, Olyphant, G len Lyon, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. 100 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Mullen, Eleanor Nealo•n, Agnes Norton, Anna O'Brien. Jennie Overfield, Irene Paddon, Marion Ple·sko, Anna Quinlan, Helen Quinn, Petonella Rehill, Kathl een Reszczynski So•phia Rockefeller, Susie Rowan, ·Mary Ryan, E'lizabeth Scriven, Augusta Shaw, Esther Shea, Harriet Silfies, Mabel Smi•th, Margare•t Swanson, Ella Ten·Bi;oeck, Hele n Turik, C e·lia Turner, Mary Underwo.od, Ursula Vancampen, Orma Walker, Maude \Valsh, Marie ·walsh, Mary White, Mildred Teacher, r.reiacher, TP;acher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Te•acher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Tea-cher, Te>acher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teiacher, Teacher, Teache r, Tea.cher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, Tea.ch er, Teacher, D ickson City, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa1isons, Pa. Kingsrton, Pa. Ol yphant, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Northampton, Pa. Gouldsboro, Pa. Damascus, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Glen Lyon, Pa. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Honesdale, • Pa. Exeter Boro, Pa. Mayfield, Pa. Nanticoke, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Honesdale, Pa. fteading, Throop, l\faners Mills, E . .Strouds·burg, Dickson City, Throop, E. Stroudsburg, Jessup, Wj.jkes-Barre, Nan ti.coke, E. Strouds·burg, GENTLEJUEN, 1919 Chamberlan, Andre•w J. Teacher, Collier, J. Ardian Teacher, Fregans, Albert Te•acher, Gwyn, Morgan Teacher, Hill, Henry Teacher, Kenny, Wil'liam Teacher, Luke·Sh, Frank Teacher, Luzenski, William Teacher, McCormack, Pa-trick Teacher, McLean, Joseph Teacher, McGraw, Michael Teacher, Murphy, Thomas Clerk, Roche, Austin Teacher, Roman, Thomas Cle·rk, Ruszin, Andre.w Teacher, Sl.ale1s, Ern e st Teacher, Stogosk1, 1Stanley Teacher, Warner, Clinton Teacher, Whalen, Edward Student, Canadens•is, Olyphant, Mt. Bethel, Old Fo.rge, Hazleton, \Vilkes-.Barre, K i ngston, Nanticoke, Wilkes-Barre, Dunmore, Peckville, Wilkes-Barre, Old Forge, Brooklyn, Alden Station, Penns Grove, Luzerne, Tannersville, \Vashiin gt on, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. N. Y. Pa. N. J. Pa. Pa. D. C. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 3 0112 105800707