Moratorium —————————————^———————— ¦ ¦vtThTWPHI VOL. XLVIII NO. 19 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1969 Over a million and ahalf people from all over the U.S. converged on Washington D.C. to particip ate in the largest anti -war protest in U.S. history. The demons tration consisted of the "March Against Death /' which involved over forty thou sand people marching four and a half miles in a single line with space left between per sons. The BSC contingent lead, by Tom Brenna n and Bill Sanders left BSC at 5 p.m. for their tri p by bus to D.C. Upon arrival the group saw people marc hing, single file, for as far as 15 blocks . After disambarking from the bus , people were line d up to rece ive the name >f a soldier who had died in Vietlam. A bell tolled for 40 straight ii in "• "" •~---~-~-~—~~— '^*m *~mmmmmmmr ^mm ^GiZ2smammmKir'( i'txBmummmmim mmmmmm hours durin g the "March Against Death ." This went on from Thursday Midnight till Saturda y morn ing. The route of the march was from Arlin gton Nati onal Cemetery to the White House to the .Capitol , where name placards were placed in coffins. On Saturda y morning the pro tester s began to gather on the ellipsis behind the capitol at about 9 a.m.; by 10:30 almost 750,000 marchers were set. The para de rout e followd Penna. Avenue to 15th Street where the groups were forced to turn because of a massive line of busses which rin ged the White House. Anti-War Speakers The march ended at the Washington Monument where the peac e rally was held. Ovtr forty thousand ttMdtntt , mothers , lathart, vettrane, etc , partici pated In tht "March Afalntt Death" which lasted ovar fort y hour * The speakers and entertain ment kept the chilled crowd inter ested for the bulk of the afternoon. Toward the end of the inarch , at 1 p.m., various personalities spoke out against toe war. These speakers included Senators McCarthy and McGovern ; Mrs. Coretta King, the widow oi .Dr . Martin Luther King; Dr . Benjam in Spock p Dave Deliinger , member of the Chicago 8; Rev. William Coffin; and Dick Gregor y who stated "Agnew is Nixon 's Nixon." Th e enterta inment consisted of Arlo Guthrie , Pete Seeger , Jimi Hendrix , and the national company from Hair; the speak er s and entertainment went on (continued an page s*v«n) «nd covered four and a half mllti from Arili t ten National Cemetery to th t Capitol. • ¦ • ¦ • : ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦&m•VSVSS9BKnalH9 B]B JB99HBSBBBH B^BBJBl ^BBI l ^liB BBiSBSfflHBBHHHsMsiaB ^B™ Odd Couple '^. IHHHHHP iSirtilll Jr One of the most hilarious ly successful sta ge comedies In Broadway history, Nell Simon's THE ODD COUP LE will be pre sented by the Bloomsbur g Pla yers In Carver Auditoriu m December 11, 12, IS , at 8:30 p.m. THE ODD COUPLE is the fourth in the six tremend ously popular hlts-in-e row for Nell Simon , who with such preceding entert ainments as BAREFOOT IN THE PARK , COME BLOW YOUR HORN , and the musical LITTLE ME proved he can set off explosions of laughter with unerrin g by Tom Brennan Bill Knb tt, a poet who died m 1966, appear ed on the BSC campus last week. Considered to be one of the finest young poets In America toda y by such luminarie s as James Wrig ht and Ker«« efh Rexroth, Knott conducted a worksho p and read some of his poems. Now on a college" read ing circuit , he remarked toward the end of the day that "1 don't feel like readin g poems to these creeps." However good a crit ic of intellectual commun «% 4m ities Knott is, he himself never THE ODD COUPLE tells the received a formal college educa rollickin g tele of two men, old tion and claims to be a hospital friends and charter members of ord erly by trade . a weekly poker game, who demum writes unaer me pen cide to share an apartment to- name of Saint Geraud , who was gether after their respective OAlUf hero of an 18th century French marr iages have blown up. Tony a pornographic novel called Le Kohl (Oscar) and Jim Berkshlzer Tartuffle Libertine ("The Lasci (Felix) portra y these two pals vious Hypocrite of the Triump h who get into uproarious situa- of Vice ") His death in 1966 . co* tions when they find that in incided with his ceasin g to write bunkin g up together they are as on Vietnam . In his suicide note unsuitable to each other as they he claimed to be tired of being had been to their respective an or phan and virgin and not wives. Their first amusing difl oved by someone . Knott being ference is in their att itudes to says that he likes death better two chicks living in a neighthan life even if such death is boring apartment , English sisonly spiritual . His only published book thus (continued on page 3) {e TJiA VoAmi DrUkme * Pni *nea Pnr * AO **V» AIMVWI* A W V M t t f a JA7V >J>i > >**'*^>^B*»*'^>^ >^>"*>***^ >**>*'* «*>>*>*>**>*>>M*s*M*j*j*j*^*i*^***^*^* >«*^*>*jB ¦M*^*i*M*a*j*^*^* M*i*^*M*^*a*^*^*^* B*a*j*^*^*^*j*atj*s*j*w ^ ACM L ETTERS Note of Thanks , We, the brothers of Pi Epsilon Chi , would like to take this opportunity to thank thos e members of the college communit y for their suppor t in helping to make our fundraisin gevent a huge success. Thank you, Br others of Pi Epislon Chi Dke (j ay (Bird Dear Editor: Since this is the only newspaper on campus that will print anything by interested students and faculty (or anyone for that matter), I am sending you this letter . There is a serious threat to our aca demic progress on this cam pus. The other day as I was on my way to class , a gigantic bird swooped down on me and plucked me fr om the steps of Science Hall . Well! I was never so embarrassed (sic) in all my life would you like to get plucked , in front of Science Hall? Upon realizing that this feathered felon was flying me many m il es awa y , I tr ied to reason with him. Unf j rtunately , he didn't speak English and I didn 't bird so I decided to light up a ciga- rette and enjoy the scenery . Finally we came to rest atop a rather big mountain . But instead of letting me take in the view, my chirping captor began peckin g at my clothes . Noticing a smile on his beak 1 decided that this was indeed a ver y gay bird . Just when 1 thought that all was lost , a band of gypsies wand ered along and ate the bird . I thanked them for their apeti tes (sic) and inquired where they were headed . Fantastically enou gh , they were on their way to the Mar Ray Taver n (located just outs ide of Bloom) to see Salamader Sally, wh o was their cousin , go-go. Thus it was of grave impor tanc e as you can well see , that an incident of this nature does not occur again . Perhaps you can advise me of the action we can take to insure those individuals that wish to attend classes the complete safety they need. Sincerelv. john a, cooper Featur e Edit or - GADF LY P.S, What did you guys expect for a coke and a bag of frenc h fries? 1 never expect ver y much fro m you , Cooper —regardless of the bribe . MAROON AND GOLD WO. VOL. XLV1II 19 Michael Hock Editor-in-Chief Business fA»n» wr Managing Editor Co News "Editors Ce-Feature Idlters Sports Editor Photograph y Idltor Copy Editor Circulation Manager Adviser .. . — dor Rtmsen Bill Teitswortfi Tom Funk, Martin Kleiner Olimy Petler Allan Mevrer Clark Rueh Jim Urt Kethy Reerty Pern Van Ippe Mr. Michael Stanley ADDITIONAL STAFF: Terr y Blast , Leonard House, Velme Avery , John Sturgrin, Bob Sehulti , Susan Zalete , Linda Snnls , Sall y Swttland, Davo Keitor, Jeff WJmner , Mar y Canavan , Mark Pooeart , Stanley Burslck. All opinions expressed by col umnists and featu re writers, Includin g letters »te>the editor, art net necessaril y fneee>ef this publication but those ef th e Individual s. *r_ Richard Alder fer , BSC speech prof, and advisor 4 to the Flying Club. Mr. Alderfer has work ed hard to initiate aviation education throug h a Flying Club at BSC. ^V* * and Beans which is about evenly div ided between poems con* cern ing Amer ican involvement in Vietnam and those addressed to a woman who is half bone and flesh and half Madonna . His poems reveal a deep humani sm: he manages to cut away the meaningless words and events which sur round living and expose them for what they really are . He wr ites in a pragmatic and memorable (if not shocking) "voice. One ot his poems which touches on both of his main theme 's, he specifically pointed out to me , is entitled Nurembur g U .S.A., .considered to be one of the best . NUREMBURG U .S.A. m mis ume and place , where "Bread and Circ uses*' have be-' come "Bread and Atrocities ," to say "1 love you" is like* say* ing the latest propaganda . . . "d efoliation " . . . "low yield blast" . If bombin g childre n is preserv ing peace , then my f ing you is a war cr ime. l_l_ I _ a • • Up, Up & Away What 's that — you say you've never heard of the BSC Flying Club? Perhap s you remem ber it as the Landettes . For those of you who are still in the dar t, of you who are still in the dark , the Lan dettes started in '67. Originally the Landettes was "for girls only, " This was done as a novelty in hopes that BSC coeds would join all the more willingly, In Its first year the Landettes was not affiliated with the col * lege . However , in Jan . '69 , its constitution was appro ved by CGA. Maybe some of you are wondering what the pur pose of the Flying Club is. According to our interview with Sue Van Riper , it is to promote an interest in aviation and to show how a know* ledge of aviation can be used in the classroo m. Basic prin * clples of aviatio n are discussed, A ground school Is presently being proposed to qualify stud * enta to take the writt en portion of the exam leadin g to licensed pilots. The club wants more ped* pie Coo longer limited to Just girl * — guys are welcome) to J oin so that the cost of such a venture would be less per per * •on. In ewe you would be interested In joining th e Flying Club , duei are $4 a year. This fee guaran tee! an orientation flight — a flight in which a qualified pilot ta ke* you up for a half hour In a two or four seater Cessna . These plane s are the property of the Parlor City Club (the Mens Flying Club at Bloomsbur g Air port) . Presently, the club is planning a fund-raising event that is to be called a "Pancake Fly- In ." This would include breakfast at the airport and washing and polishing planes . For those of you who would like to learn more about the club, contac t: Mr . Alder fer , Box 144; or Sue Van Ripe r , Box 2014 South Hall . **y *\ mp§!! Mi •"•*•»' vl»* •» *» *w l.eontrolled elngle engine plane the Plying Club wet. WItiBAYi NOVEMBER 21; 1969 wuiiM auuiutuu uuut mmim ^K^ UutUUtUUuuUt ^ h ¦ ¦:¦ i Kecord Keuiew • • • « . • ? H | 1/ arJi iJ VnliniU f" by Blass (Just to set things str aight , the Jefferson Air plane review should have ended like thi s: Hey, did I ever tell you about the time I tried to seduce Grade Slick? Well , I just flashed my ol left hand and began to move and she took one look at me and said: "Look Blass , I don' t care if I am a member of Jefferson Air plane , quite tryin to crawl into my cockpit!" Now if the . above old pun offends you , send your complai nts to the M&G so I can have a good laugh . Now to the review .) Way back in the dark "Yeah Yeah" days of rock there was a group called the Yardbird s.They did fast , hard blues-based rock while the Stones , their closest competi tors, were still pretty much slow. They did songs like the anti-war "Shape of Things ," the rebellious "Over Under Sideways Down " ("ho pe I die before I get old"), commer cial ditties like "For Your Love " and "Heart Full of Soul ," and good gut-thom per s like "I' m s Man " and "Smokestack Lightning." , Yet for all their talent , despite their being about four years ahead of the mselves , they were largely ignored , too often confused with the better -known Byrds. Today three Yardbird s are superstars , each in tils: own degree, Ms own supergro up, all three excellent guitarists , one rock' s BEST guitarist . They are, as if ya didn 't know , Jeff Beck , Jimmy Page , and Eric Clapton. They are the reason old Yardbirds ' LPs are about as L/euz i^oup lt . (continued from page 2) ters appropri atelynamed Pigeon -to be played by Amy Raber and Velma Avery. Others in the cast will be Russ Griffiths , Alan Kla witter , Ed Morgan , and Carl Rosa as chums of the odd couple who join them in the famous poker- game scenes of the play. Mr. Michael J. McHale is direct ing this hurricane of merri ment and Mr. Jame s McCubbin is designing the settin g of aramshakle bachelor 's apartment. The Odd Couple sports a veteran cast . Berkshizer Is BSC's answer to Art Carne y. His mat . leable face and versatile voice have added comic relief to McH ale's production of Henry IV , and Acierno 's of the Great Ma gician. He has gained att ention even in cameo roles, such as the telephone man in Richel' s production of Barefoot in the Park last-summer. Tony Kohl portrayed the Greek landlord In last year 's MY SISTER EI LEEN , and Chief Brownbear in the more recent LITTLE MARY SUNSHINE. Kohl has afar reachin g voice and a flair for broad comedy which is evident in , his treatme nt of the two roles he 's played thus far. Amy Raber and Velma Avery have both demonstrated their thespian abilit y, especially with comedy roles , and althou gh they have only cameo spots in the ODD COUP LE their presenc e In a predominat e male cast is quite welcome I Russ Griffit hs, Alan iClawitter , Ed Mor gan, and Carl Rosa are all experienced stage-wise and Sinister Reviewer , known around the M&G office as Adam , says he's watch ing them " because the little guys are important. " Mr. Jame s McCubbln 's sets are usua lly so expertl y constructed that they never fall to provide the player 's with a stron g baokini. Director MoHa le lias given the college HENRY IV, THE TROJ AN WOMEN , MAN FOR ALL SEASONS. TATUFFE , I REMEMBER M AMA , and THE CORN IS GREEN. \ easy to find as an indication ot Spiro Agnew's IQ (135). BECK—OLA Beck is the least recognized of the three. His first album , "T ruth," fared well and the new one sh ould do better . It' s called "Beck-Ola ," and it' s pure rock . Let the jacket blurb give ya some idea of what goes on insirie> ' 'Today, with all the hard competition in the m.usic bus iness, it' s almost impossible to come up with anythi ng totally original . So we haven't— however , at the time this album was made , the accent was on heavy music . So sit back and listen and decide if yoti can find a small place in your heads for it ." Good advice . Some chan ges have gone down since "Truth" ; drummer Mick Waller has been replaced by Tony Newman , and pianist Nicky Hopkins appears to have permanently joined up. 0 mean , cripes , he is the best pianist in rock; he has record ed with the Airplane and the Stones; so he could make plenty on his own. Disregard the rumors that Hopkins is runnin g around looking for openings for his organ .) Of the six songs , f our ar e theirs and two are right out of the '50' s; an improved Pr esley, "All Shook Up, " and a frantic "Ja ilhouse Rock. " In spite of the source, Jeff Beck Grou p pulls the two off nicely. And they have fun on their own material too. Rod Stewart' s vocals are always good, Ron Wood' s bass makes itself felt , and Beck' s guitar is at times brilliant . All throu gh "Spani sh Boots" and . "P lynth (Water Down the Drain )" and "The Han gman's Knee" I get the uneasy feeling Oils grou p isn't getting all the attention it deserves. Then I listen to Hopkins' solo and their instrum ental sign-off and I know they're not getting their dues , just paying ' them. Sure, the album is good old roc k , bard and pure , but the Jeff Beck Gro up is always sur prising me. They let Hopkins loose on a lovely solo, "G irl from Mill Valley," which is great. But then I 'm sur prised again , by the last track , the 7:28 "Ric e Pudding. " It' s all •instrumen tal , with Beck soarin g away and Hopkins going wild and Wood playin g like he never has before. Ju st as it gets to the point I can't take It an y longer , the needle lifts and silence hits. And "Pu ddin g" was rele ased some months before "Abb ey Road" and "I Want You (she's so heavy)" Jeff Beck Group got the gimmick before the Beatles! But enough about Jen Beck. I' ve gone on this long because I rea lly like him and them and I think they need the exposure . Led Zeppelin, with their first album's gold record award , nee d littl e publicit y. But they dp deserve the pr aise. And besides, they do a lot of whoosh ing. And I' m a B. W . A, (Big Whoosh Addict) member , ever since the Byrd s.w w«w^ rm •«* m w^wmw •• v^* LiBiU Z i B i V V B i L i l BU i E x-Yardbird Jimm y Page is another fugitive guitarist with his own group. But what might be just another super group Is becoming a major force, and not on virtuosit y alone. '' Led Zeppelin II " tries some dangerous thin gs, and they all come off. Jeff Beck Is grantedly egotistic , and the Zeppelin tops even him. The inside cover If a monument of Led Zeppelin , with each, member' s name enshrined and spot * lights arcin g up to the monument 's peak, on which sits their symbol , a Led Zeppelin (what ', else?). Pickin g favorites of the nine songi is risky; they'r e all good. ( continued on pope seven)' Hav e a Grook corn in iauo , .riec nem oegan his career in science stud ying and workin g with some of his own ideas at the Niels 'Bohr Institute of Copenhagen and from there moved into technolo gy. Through many years of friendship with Albert Einstein and Norbert Wiener , the father of cybernetics , he produced , a long line of inventions , designed the Super-Ellipse , an exact "rectan gular oval ," used in the new Stockholm city center , and created mathematically-based game s and puzzles , the latest of whic h, SOMA and the Super Egg, have just been released by Park er Brothers. GROOKS In 1940 , when the Nazi s invaded Denmark , Piet Heiu , then president of the Anti-Nazi Union, went underground and invented " grooks , the short, aphoristic poems of multi ple meanings which enabled him to say humanistic and democratic things for his people at a level ju st beyond the ran ge of German understanding. He was immediately acclaimed " a born classic ," a descendant of the writers of ^¦^ * __ 4 S\ A^> T% * _ A VT—.J 9 J. ¦_ _ me via rvortuc navamai poems , and today he is considered the most quoted Scandinavian writer . Collections of grooks have sold over a half million copies in Danish alone , a language spoken by fewer than five million people. Over 120,0Gu copies of GROOKS have already been sold in the United States , where they have bridged the generation gap by appealing to university students and the general public of all ^N« _ * apes. *V -*» _ »»_ _ « _ _ _ The author of essays , fables and poems as well as more than 7,000 grooks , Piet Heiu regards -j himself as a "characteristic specialist " because he ap plies the same kind of creative imagination over all his "l ittle specialist 's field ,'* which is remark able since his work encom passes both the traditionally opposed fields of science-technolo gy and the humanities. A true humanist , he interprets the enormou s response to his work , not as a tri but e to hi mself but as a very encouraging sign that the world does appreciate those thing s which bridge the man-made gaps in our univer se. ¦ ¦ ¦• ¦ ¦ . -. ¦ .: ^^^ H ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ r B ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ h ^^^^^^^^^^^ . ^^ -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B^^^^^ H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B^^^^^^^^^^^^ Bi^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ H^^ I^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ o. 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Dukett piled up 406 yards (394 passing ) in his final game against Bloomsburg . Casterline won the passing title on total completions with 117. Dukett had 115 completions but more yards than Casterline , 1562 to 1477. The best completion aver age in the top ten belonged to West Chester soph Ernie For chetti- 59.6. Casterlin e had the most TD passes , 16 , and the most inter ceptions , 16. Shipp ensburg end Al Boman won the pass receiving champion ship a second straight year with 39. catches despite an injured leg in the last two games, Bloomsburg 's Greg Berger had Football playoff finalists West Chester and Clarion ran off with the Pennsylvani a conferenc e team offense and defense cham pionships for 1969. Mansfield , Shippensburg , Edinboro, East Stroudsburg , Millers vllle, Bloomsbur g and West Chester made their mark in the individual classifications . Mansfield quar terbackStuCasterline staved off a furious last-ditc h bid by East - Strouds burg ' s Bill Dukett to win the total offense and passing crowns . Casterline rar for 3S5 yards and pas sed for 1477 for a total offense production of 1832 in eight games of Eastern and West ern Division competition. Dukett , playing in two less games, ran for 85 yards and passed for 1562 for a tot al of 1647. The Philli psburg, K.J. senior who shattered every East most yardage on catches of 584. Mansfield 's Paul Gates had most . TD passes , eight , and shared the scoring title with West Cheste r ' s Paul Dunkelberg er. Each had 48 poi nts on seven touchdowns . Edi nboro 's sensation al soph , Al Rain es , out-sprinted every body to the rushing titl e with 641 yards . East Stroudsburg halfb ack Bob Leste had the best aver age yard age per r ush— o.3. Mississip pi's obliterati on of ern — Spartans down the WildTennessee and Geor gia 's loss cats. Darthmouth over Princeton — to Auburn highlighted last week' s upsets . With 17 of 20 last week , The Indians roll over the Tigers I have 118 of 148 for 85 per cent . for fvy League crown. Florida over Miami — The Things are looking bri ghter and shine this week could really . Gators chew up the Hurricanes . Georgia Tech over Georgia — West Chest er ran up 470.4 Ohio State over Michi gan — yard s a game to win the team of- Buckeyes tram ple Wolverines to Upset of the week. Rambling Wreck to roll over the slumping fense title a second straight year. win big Ten Title . Clarion held opponent s to 233 .5 Notre Dame over Air Force — Bulldo gs. a contest for the defen se c^rown. Bowl-bound Irish pluck the Fal SMU over Baylor — Mustang passing attack stam pedes over cons. Southern California dver UCLA the Bears. — Trojans smash the Bruins Texas over Texas AM — Longfor all the roses. horns gore the Aggies. Purdue over Indiana — BoilTennessee over Kentuc ky — I oppose . I can imagine responThe curb on all game species is ermakers in a squeaker . Volunteers whip the Wildcats . Missouri over Kansas — ses to this such as "We don't provided for . throu gh the sport Syracuse over West Virhave to kill our food anymore ." of huntin g. Without this sport the Orange Bowl Tigers claw the ginia Orangemen chase the Jayhawks — My response to this is: "Would populations of game wouldproba. Mountaineers back to the hills. Fenn State over Pittsburgh — it be better to kill game by hunt- bly increase to a point where Or egon State over Oregon — ing or by running it over with they would be unab le to survive Lions smash the surprising Beavers chew up the Ducks . a car? " on the amount of food available. Panthers . Oklahoma over Nebraska — Harvard over Yale — Crimson opinion these are the necIn my Last year alone over 15,000 \essar y reasons for huntin g. But Sooners pull the kernels out of bloody up the Eli . deer were killed on our state ,the main one is companionshi p the Corn Huskers . San Diego State over North highways. Nationwide , over one .and the excitement of the hunt . Arkansas over Texas Tex — Texas State — Aztecs scalp the million species were killed by Razorbacks tune up for next Eagles . Hunting bring s together many week' s big game . cars. Not only is this a great Minnesoto over Wiscon sin — loss of animal life but the dam- different types of indivi duals . No Michigan State over Northwest - Gophers dig the Badgers gra ves. matter where you go, if you find age to vehicles is immense . someone wh o lik es to go hunting, In addition , all game species •you most assuredly are hia must eat, right ? The economic Friend . Questions and answer s 'concern ing hunting are "hashed" damage incurred by farmers through loss of farm crops runs over as well as telling of tales into the thousands of dollars . of past experience . H unting to me also means being out in the woods enjoyi ng what AT THE NEW nature has to offer. It seems crisp morn ings listening to the howling of beag les. But most of all it means the freindship of fellow hunters and , with a bit of luck, a rewar d fro m nature in the form of a rabbit or pheasant etc . 324 Mil: St., Danville The punting title went to Shippensburg 's Br uce Bau stein with a 39.3 average . The year 's longest punt belonged to Miller sville's Ray Ga rganes with a 68yarder. • In Defense of Huntino By Stanley Bunsick This article is my per sonal opinion concerning why I go hunting and why hunting is necessar y. There have been many occasions when people say to me "How can you kill a sweet little thing like a rabbit or a deer or a pheasant ? I consider myself a pacifist in many ways , with killing agai nst my better principles . H ere, however, is where the distinction is drawn. Senseless killing is what ZJ~or 9Slrtn.da.ui an a .Srnniwrdaried DANVILLE SUB SHOP FL OWERS Don's Ftalf Shop Radio - T.V. Repairing Great Tasting 784-4406 SUBS Bwdtd World Wide Delivery Sound Equipm ent Repairin g AND DELICIOUS r . FETTERMANS BARBER SHOP — QUALITY — PIZZA ^ Poot of ColUge Hill Bloomsb urg Pa. (Baked Tht Way You Like It) OPEN SUNDAY — 5 P.M. TO 12 P.M. 1 ( Harr y Logan 1 Fine J ewelry AND Repairing Your }tuiiUr Away from Horn * 5 W. Main St. ^ Bloomsburo I I I I 784-2274 CAMPUS CLEANERS 124 E. Main St, At Your Service *Shirt s professionally laundered >! rall y in Washington , members of Nixon's "silent majori ty'1 conducted count er- demons trations throughout the country . War Veter ans made up the main body of this group with such other organization s as the Young Republicans and ' Young Americans for Freedom (which are the J unior Bircher s.) P eacef ul P rotest Almost all organiza tions involved in the pro test and counterprotest expected the protest to be peaceful and it was up until the last hour the BSC bus was there ; at that time a minor outbreak of violence , involving the Yippie s and the police began. With the pro test on the J ustice Departmen t , police began to throw large amounts of pepper gas which causes a burning sensation and breathing to become very difficult. Other than this short and minor outbreak , t he ent ire weekend was peaceful , cold , wet and it is hoped above all , successful. Chi Sig On Saturday evenin g, November 22, Chi Sigma Rhc 's annual pledge banquet will be held at Briar Heights Lodge . The event , which is held in honor of the new «isters , will feature the Sundae x rain for dancing . H onore d guests will include President and Mrs . N ossen, Dean and Mrs. Hunsinger , Dean and Mrs. Hoch , Mr. and Mrs. John Mulka , Mrs. Carpenter , and Dean J ackson as guest speaker . "The Soror ity 's adviser , Miss K ay R osencrance , and her fiance will also attend . On December 4, the soror ity will sponso r a pancake and sausage dinne r to be held at St. P aul ' s Episcopal Church . Dinner will be served fr om 4:30 to 7:30 on Thursday evening . Ti ckets ma y soon be purc hased from any of the sisters or outs id e H usky > Lounge . Chi Sigma Rho ' s new sisters are Jan Lineberger , Claudia Zaboski , Cheryl La Barr , Kathy Albright , Debbie Dixin , Donna C asale , Sandy Deloplaine , Barb Kappler , Sharo n Domura d , Bonnie Aten , Sue Cra wford , Bobbi Ball , Joyce Dun heimer , Paula J ohnson , and Peggy Sutliff . ^ DRESS Wonderv iew Ski Urea Mill er Office : SHOP V Phones 784-9718 Supply Co. r ™**™Tfft STUDIO SHOP Tj THE 111 ||pBa aaa>a l>allBia sa a> 11 1 1 11 11 11 U||| M | Ul l r"" !! " !!"!' "* !!"!^ '!!!!!**!!!"!!" SaU! ' ^•r WAlSh JEWELERS 14 West -Main Street , Bloomsbur g, Pa. lIJluiiJln Lajl^illnlllJl.ii i li.linJillllJll i.lllj WANTED Student to compile list of students, their class, address and field, for use in corporate recruit ing a n d educational mailing * . . . Work at y o u r leisure. Write MCRB, Div. of Dart Industries Inc. 12011 Victor y Blvd No. Holly wood, Cal. 91609. Educational f inancin g The bank y o ucan grow with I BOWL I I B ^^ wb — p^ ^ ^ i ^fcJ ww^r^H^ MAREE'S m&Sm ~~ *~ WAFF LE I GRILLE II Jk e v i e w •••^^ Aj$Carved Buy Now f Mew "UvMltafN " Set Save More P W SBSfiS' During Out * cfte^. Artnlvenar y y^KjB ^k BLOOM ; \" .'¦• " .; ;PjjA k£R «jBPpl!|j|g ^ time , if that stuff worries; ^-' : A lesser surprise . J immyMil- V ler produces as well aaf lle diB for the Stones arid Traffic. .A lucky sur prise is 61 Rick Gr *c"h, who used to play with someth ing called Family: the boy lays ;down a good bass line , in fact quite a few good bass lines , all throu gh the album , providing the middle that Clap felt was missin g in C ream. And the electric violin he SDorts fits nlcelv. ' • ¦' ' -. ' MAROON &G PLP> The bank you can grow with. Number Ptdtnl Deposit Insurance Corporation Sarit 36 OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT FRI. & SAT. Sundays & Daily — 11 a.m. to 10 p.rr. —¦ | || || ... —— ^ —1 ^ — ^M—»- __ ||iB | Ne Invite You To Dine With Us Everyday and Sundays Too ^^^M M « ¦ M M ^i ^ ^ M c f B lB M M W i M M W M ^ w B B B p f CHARCOAL BROILED STEAKS CHOPS, BEEF-BURGERS SANDWICHES & SALADS Bloomsburg, Pa. I Jet. el Roate a «md Jtoterete tes* IV* Caler To Everyone and Serve Only Choic. UPUnited Penn Bank ^Br . I Phon. 784-7837 pAUi DIETER, Prep. PAGE EIGHT Charte r Changes FRID J MAROON A GOLD - n i ^ ^ _... 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