nSS ^KRaE ^^KKSsSh m ' vNBNBBUHSRSLsBK fS^MmKF ^ \ o?%eli*roo it8.Irold I ¦¦ ^^_ — — —^ ^ — ——— ¦^ — - ¦ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ MM aa^^^H^H^^^H^H^MMMB ^HH^H^^^H^H^H^^MM I Letter From I I Jeff Prosseda I same sentiments . It should beB^ Hto the BSC Community: ¦ noted that these are isolated in-^l partl y Although the sky is still ¦ clouded , I don 't believe the stances. With the same breathB ¦ heavens will admit much more that I apologize to anyone I mayH ¦ sunlight. I would like to clarify have hurt , I forgive those thatB ¦ ¦a few thin gs concerning last have intimidated me. Jeffre y Prosseda J ¦Thursday and Friday 's activities. ¦Any part that I bad taken in I ¦ those actions was one of Jeff I ¦Prosseda , student at BSC. Let! ¦ me make it clear that I in nol ¦way spoke as president of the! ¦Community Government Associa-I ¦tion. I spoke and acted as a stu-l ¦dent. No action whatsoever wasl ¦one initiated by College Coun-I ¦cil. , ¦ Unfortunate ly,I believe I madel ¦a mistake. You see, everyone hasl ¦had a little hat. Only others seelH In order to keep the student ¦this hat , not the persons wear-l ¦ tody informed , the M&G will ¦ ing it. My hat has written on id¦print the agenda of the upcom¦ ing College Council meeting so "President of CGA." When I gel¦ ¦ ¦that you the studen t may attend home or go anywhere or do anyJ ¦ ¦these open meetin gs when you'r e thin g, my hat says the samel ¦ thing. I¦nterested. ¦ Agenda for the council meetin g I believe under the same cir -l¦ ¦ cumstances as last week I would!¦of October 27, 1969. . Reading of the President 's again do the same thing. How-I¦i fusion ." "It was important that! ¦ ¦ ¦re ply ever if I had been informed lnl , the board understood our posi-l¦ ¦ advance of the Board of TrusJ Memo dated October 23, 1969 tlon," Prosseda said . Atthe con-I¦ meetin g ¦concernin g Item IV, Section A, tees and known that thel elusion of the meeting Prossedal ¦ "basic fees ¦ N umber dress policy for Colhad been on thel 2, '* stated that he assumed "...t hat!¦ ¦lege agenda the demonstration would! Commons— , "appropriate " the board realized that wel ¦neat and clean casual wear not have occurred . I ¦ (the demonstr ators) acted lnsup-l ¦ II. Committee Reports I In all statements given by my-l por t of the Trustees if they shouldl ¦ self in the last week , I express-l¦ A, Dining Boom Committee decide to decline a raise In basic!¦ nothin g ed praise but and grati -l Gar y Blasser I— fees.'" This assum ption pro mpted I tude for the Administrat ion andl I B, Homecoming Committee — ¦ him to urge the students to dis-l Board of Trustees. On thel ¦John Zuchero per se. ' 'Our objectives have been!¦the other hand, I did not receive thel ¦in. Old Business reached ,'' he said to the group , I¦ ¦ A. Consideration of Monetar y "the board realizes why we are I ¦ D onation to the Philoso phy Club here and they appre ciate our feel- ' for Teach-In — Dudley Mann ings. Any further demonstration B, Election of two students will only intimidate the board ." to Inaugural Planning Committee The board , however , failed to For the President 's Inaugura — make any definite decision on the tion in the sorin g. raise in basic fees, but decided C . Consideration of original to study the problem and reconalma mater — Ma roon and Gold sider it at their next meetin g. Band — A new Alma Mater is "After receiving assurance that being considered . the delay will not be detrimental IV . New Bus iness to the current operat ion of t he The Grea t Pum pkin Inc. anA. Consideration of student college, " William Lank stated , nounces the ARM -ARW Hayride dress code — Dor Remsen , This "the board voted unanimousl y to item has come about as a remit contin ue Its study of fiscal costs to be held Halloween Nighfc' of petition of students in favor of and their relationshi p to fee in- (creeeepeee). Frida y, October the removal of the present dress come. The matter will again be code for classes. reviewed at the next meetin g. " 31 , 1969. A bus will leave from B. Report of ad hoc committhe gym parking lot at 7:00 p.m. tee of faculty and students wor k* ing on the Joint Statement on for a farm about 10 miles from Rights and Freedoms of stuCALINDA R Bloomsburg , In addition to the dents — Mr . J ohn Walker . Friday, October 31 ride , there will be plenty to eat, C . Long Range proposal s of Froth Football (H) Constitutional Revision s Coma huge bonfire , and folk singing Dance mittee Glo Wilson . all before the stroke of midSOTrfI C CYCLI D Spanish Club request of . — ©ynv- ° to 12 p.m. |250 for planting tree s in Cer night. Ticket s will be on sale at , vera Spain,. increasing J or reeach of the Residenc e Hall desks Saturday, Nov ember 1 lat ionships between our two counBSC vi. Kutitown (A) - 50 cents stag, 78 cents couple. tr ies. „ . Danee E . Approval of constitution of Plan a date for the hayride this SUMPTIN DIPPiRINT the Rifle Club Oym—9 to 12 p.m. V . Miscellaneous : weekend and supp ort the ARM"VI . Adj ournment, ARW . /? I ¦L ^ o u n cTp il Over 1,000 Students Rally To Support Board of Trustees By Michael Hock A raise in basic fees prompted' over 1000 students at BSC to dem. onstrate last Frida y, in conjunction with a Board of Tr ustees discussion of the subject ', scheduled for that day. "It was a show of support for the Trustees /' Jeff Prosseda , coordinato r of the demonstration , said. Prosseda stated that the demonstration came about because of comments made to him on Thursday by students who complained of "...not knowing what was happening ." He felt that a meeting should be called to discuss the raise in fees. As a result , over 1000 students assembled in Husky Lounge Thr us- * day night , with Prosseda as mod,' era t or , and decided to rally in support of the Board of Tr ustees decision on the fees Increase , should it be in accordance with student sentiments . In conjunction, a student interest Rr oupbegan circulating a petition opposing the increase , but pledging support to the Board of Tr ustees. A final tally Friday showed that the petiti on contained over 1700 signatures . At 8:48 Friday morning students began assembling in front of Carver Hall carrying signs and chantin g slogans, At about 0:30 Presiden t Nossen ar rived and urged stude nts to reconsider what they were doing. "You' re not hurt ing me or the Board of . Trus t ees ," he said , " You're hurtin g yoursel ves. " He furt her stated that this sort of demonstration would not have a favorable affect on the board * "The y won't be Impre ssed by you cuttin g classes/^he said , Af the demonstr ation continued Prosse da met with Dr . ttossen , Mr . William Lank , Chairman of the Board of Tr uste es, an d f our other members of the board . At that time he explained the purpose of the demonstr ation In order to '' clear up any con- ¦ \^¥QencLa ¦ I ARM-ARW Stage H-R ^ MM® ff lSf tikf r it JLtkltr J-rom J ^ian Th. TruWMPM Paul McCa rt ney Dear Sirs: As this is my first "art icle'* in print this year (after having been denied by the Editor of the M&G , my former regular by Blass on the Hiti ,!1 * which obviously column , "Straight from Stan " "A seance in the dark means th at ihe has,destroyed his for some ostens ibly unstated With voices out of nowhere head by LSD. (He blew his mind thou gh very likely reason) I shud Put on specially by the chil- out , right? And why else would the Beat les so suddenly swear ' der at the thought that my com- dren for a lark" off dur gs, htnmm ?) There 's munication would take the form Unless you've been totally out "Blue Jay Way, " perha pswritten of a letter to the editor . But of touch with the outside wor ld w hen H arr iso n was in L os as the editorial staff of the M&G for the past week or so (like if Angeles and he heard of Paul' s is apparently adamantly opposed you had been in Husky ) the rumor to my weekly discourse on time- that Paul McCartney of the Beat * death. ("There's a fog upon L.A. ly topics which I consider to be les is dead will seem old hat ... my friends have lost their right , so be It here . to ya . And although you may very way. ") There 's "H ello Goodwhich indicates some My prim ary, reason tor thi s well know that it' s all a hoax bye," confusion of who' s who. There 's somewhat lengthly essay is to to sell cheap quality records like "Baby You're A Rich Man ," speak out on the so-called "Mor- "Abbey Road , " this ar ticle may ator ium Day" as was so highly still interest you: for on th ese which could mean the Beatles are congratulatin g God-taken published in the pre ss as of re- pages I will reveal the actual Paul . And don't forget "Straw centi What good pur pose I ask , whereabouts of the REAL Mcber ry Field s, " the first single who has been replaced did this day do? Cartney, they had after the alleged breakIs this day going to bring an by a double . end to the war ? Ya see , the stories have it up. Turn the fade-out fade-in You and I realistic ally know that McCartney 's been dead for part up to 45 and * you can disthat it won 't without endanger - the past three years , that he was tinctly hear someone say, quite I ing the standing of our country . killed in a %car cras h, and that matter-of- factly, "I bur y Paul ." how about the deathfor money ' s sake his fellow And throughout the entire world . Will it serve to save some of Beatles have had his demise cov- re ferenc es in "I Am The Wai -, rus " ? (The walrus can be reour men from being killed by ered by a prepared double , the garded as a death symbol in double being but one of the many | the cut-throat Communists ? tha t left-handed bass players. Not itself .) And who's kicking Edgar I doubt tha t and so should you? unfound•• totall y thes e rumors are Allen Poe? And then there ' s the Will it serve to force " our President to acede to the egotis- ed: somebody , somew here , has idea that the cry ptic "GOO GOO tical and idiotic demands of the been per petrating this hoax for GOO JOOB" was re corded when the last four albums , knowin gfull Paul drowned , that his last words Plnkdy 's? ^-^"" ¦¦"^^^^^ ^¦¦^^^^"^^ ¦^¦¦ ^^ ¦¦¦BSBBlBBBBBBIBBBW Let you and I pray to the good well what would happen. To illu- were "GOO GOO GOO JOOB ." strate , how 'bout a history of Or bloop, bloop, bloop . Lord that it won't ! ' ONWARD The Moratorium Day served roc k rumors ? The Beatles ' plane crashed The white album . In "Glass a purpose alright , as did the EDITORS' NOTE: Dear Edito r : dupes of Communism who act. over Austra lia once . Two years Onion" we're reminded of the All letters printed In the M&G I got up early today (10-24- ively participated in it , and that ago Ji mi Hendrix was killed by a strawberr y fields (Paul 's grave are pr inted exactly as received . 69) so I could be a part of it all , was to do nothing but ensure a bad LSD tri p. Noel Redding has site?), of the fool on the hilL No additions , deletions , corre c- because it was something I be- cont inuance of the war . You ask died about five times. Drumm er still being there , of bent -backed tions: factual or grammatica l are lieved in—supp ortin g the board . why? Well let me tell you why! Mitch Mitchell is, whether he tulips (tombstone decorations?), intentionally made . This is our Sure I knew I'd have to miss The Reds know tha t they can't knows it or not , quite dead ; his of the walrus being Paul . In policy concerning letters. possibly win In Vietnam . We know only match , Ginger Baker , has "Ob-La-Di " we 're informed that class but the essence of educa Our former policy concerning tion is to question — yes, at least that we should have won a long been dying of speed for some* "life goes on, yeah ," even though thing like ten years. Dylan 's acletters was to publish all letters that 's what I' m told education is time ago! one Beatle is gone.. And what cident was fatal . And Adolf Hitler rece ived, and we will continue to —questioning . Well , I questioned about "Why Don't We Do It in the Why didn 't we win? Well we print all letters that we feel de- and learned alot . In short , I was didn 't win because we were in a is alive -and masquerading as Stan Road"? Another r eference to his serve attent ion, but we re serve educated . WAR which we continued to treat Rakowskv. blowing his mind out in a car? THE EVIDENCE the right not to print them , or- to And "Don 't Pass Me By, " with and call as if it were a I learned that when someone print responsible excerpts from gripes about apathy on the BSC Anyway , Paul 's suppo sedly CONFLICT! them, rat her than their entiret y . campus , he 'd better just forget it Senator Goldwater told us in dead . The physical "evidence " : «64 how to END and WIN the Lennon , H arr ison, and even Ringo W e encoura ge letter s, but we because he 's wasting his breath . also encoura ge those wh o wou ld It' s nurtured here— BSC seems war , but we refused to listen . go their own ways for per sonal have their views known or egos to thrive on it . So when PresiWe re fused to listen because appearances and are always popexhibited to submit ar ticles to dent Nossen spoke , I learned we were too engu lfed with the ping up somewhere . For some Forum : Box 301, c-o Feature that the administration is de- left-wing, pseudo intelluctual gar - time Paul 's fabled garden went Editors . Again we reserve the termined to keep BSC quiet , keep bage of how we were the big, unpruned ; now it' s back to norright to exercise editorial discre- us apat het ic , te ll us to go home , bad , aggress ive , bullies (while mal . For a while Paul quite fir1,000 of our men were being ing his help , as he was wont to tion, but there are ways to avoid t o go bac k to classes , t o learn do; now , norma ly. After all that " getting the axe ." from our formalized textbooks ( continued on page three) Jane Asher-datin g, she has a The best way to avoid being that two pl us two equa ls its nervous breakdown and he mar buried and perhaps forgotten in idealistic four and life is apple to deliver ries some unknown . Pau l was the our back-log file is pie and cuddle blankets and no one l ilt. C arm et... finance man: Apple started to personally . your article or letter is ever unhappy or discontented collapse And now the look-alike author and editor done . If this is , —no one . An Open Letter to Students of has stepped in can often iron out differences , or . I learned , too , that if there is BSC: forget the Davies' And don 't at the ver y least eliminate stylis- a voice, it' s going to be forced to We , the administration of the biogra phy wherein Paul said tic or grammatical errors . emer ge sma ll , because BloomsMount Carmel Area Senior High there were enough unused The M&G needs sta ff members burg is small—an d they're tr ying School questio n the qualifica - tapes for at least three more al- ithe lyric "You were in a car , who can write. We need re- to keep it that way. I thought also crash , and you lost your hair. " tions of Tom Bren nan , Associ- bums . Which means the Beatles porters , f eature wr iters , and re- about what I'd be doing on Car (Eureka! Paul DOES part his hair ate Editor of the GADFLY , for could carry on very well with a writers. If you can't write , th is ver ' s steps before I stood there differently .) And "Mother Na. determining that "Mount Carm- double for McCartne y but no new Is a good place to learn . We 're and said , "I car e." I wasn 't ture 's S on supposedly written ," el' s school system is terrible . " bassist . willing to act as a train ing ground ashame d— but , for the few moby Paul ," in which he says he's In January 1969 , a team of fifwow tne aiDums. me cover ox "lying in a field of grass. '* and a good argument could be ments and long after he spoke , teen e ducator s, appointed by the "Sgt. ,Pepper " has a P' shaped made that is one of the M&G' s I felt like a little kid , and the Death haunts the album : "Yer Middle States Association of Col- bass by the grave . There is an functions. After all , we did run cookie jar was a no-no , again . Blues ," "I' m so tire d ," and leges and Secondary Schools re, omnipote nt-lo oking hand over Sincerely, "Strai ght from Stan " for a year . "Julia , " Lennon's song to his evaluate d the Mount Carmel Area Pauls ' head which may or may not But then , some people never Carol Batzel Senior High School . These fifteen be plucking him from the earth . dead mother . And "Blackbird . " learn , And the Infamous "No . 9" educators , with numerous years And on the back side , Paul 's face of "Revolution 9" is an emer . of experience within the school is unseen , his back turned. We'r e MAROON A ND GOLD gency hospital call . Play the systems of our country , approved told "he blew his mind out in a same track backwards it' s the continuance of Mount Carmel WO. 13 car ,'1 that "nobody was really supposed to feature a girland VOL. XLV1U crying Area Senior High School on the sure that he was from the house she can't make It anymore withlist of accredited secondary of Lords. " There are references Michael Hock out Then get the way the al(continued on page eight ) to fixing holes (grave digging ?). bumhim. ends with a meani ngful Editor-in-Chief There are even those who sup"Goodbye" to everyone , everypose Paul 's re placement is where , dor Remsen Business Manager Bta *6 &U,4 Back named Billy Shears. And how Bill Ttltsworth Mana gin g Editor And the songs not on album yet. about the D*E-A-D chords of "Day Co-News Miters Tom Punk , Martin Kleiner Jude ," with its "take a1 "Hey In the Life" ? W ell the printers , did it again . Olnny Pott er sad song and make It better ." Co-Feature ¦dltors On to "M agical Mystery Which means 1 have to do it Allan Mauror Does "Get Back " tell us that Paul Tour ," which is "DYING to take again , for Lenny 's sake . is burled in Tucson , Arizona ? Clark Ru«h Sport s Mltor The close of my Moratorium you away ,'' a tour by magic bus . Is the lyric "nobody ever really Jim BIH article SHOUL D have read like CAh hah! Bus ! Remembe r the bus Photo graph y Bdltor dug me'* In "Don 'tLetMeDown " this: "Lenny Bruce said It once , in "Day in the Life "? Or can K«thv Copy Idltor a Lennon pun on gravedigging? that the Bible says "Thou shalt they mean Morrison 's "blue ' P«m Van Bppi Circula tion Manager And why, suddenly, did the Beat * not kill' ; there are no amend - bus ," the one which figured so Mr. Michae l Stanle y les need outside assistance like Advisor prominently in , good gracio us , ments ." Billy Preston? And how about A brief re port on the demon * "The End. ") Paul is seen wearADDITIONAL STAFF: Terry Blass , Leona rd House, BarMary Hopkin 's two songs , "Those stration Fri day. We showed our Ing a black carnation; the others Were The Days" and "Goodbye ," stren gth in numbers , Drucker ol of the band , red . He can be bara Memor y, D.tve Kelte r, Vfelma Avtry, John Sturgln , nostalgia pieces for dead Paul * boy, and that was really all any- found sitting behind a desk which Beb Sehulti , Sall y- Swotland . Hey. anyone rem ember the bears a placard reading Was "I one needed . And what are - these ." * Paul McCartney look-alike conIt says in the booklet we are to rumors that Stan Ra kowskl didn 't come alon g with "4 or 5 magiciattend because he thought it was teat of a few years back , the one All opinions expressed by columnists and feature writers, Communi st-inspired and that he ans," which of course signifies to which the winner was never ' announced? Onward. Includin g letten>to »the editor , are not necessaril y tho' s* of demanded his right to PAY the a clue .to the number of Beatles there REALLY are . And Paul's $100? ffils publ 'ittlon but those of the Individuals. (continued on page three ) the neither-dead .or-allve "Fool Blass OR.fi GO H S( sPfe M lk mfiL itiirt >wi_\ uK Letters... *0§r* Adam 's Apple "Sunshine " Review hard to miss. He' s Bloomsburg's answer to Glen Cam pbell and did an excellent job in the play . He reminded me of Tommy Smothers; funny "when he talks and great when he sings . Pure Sex Opposite Ralph was a little doll named Karen Fried . She had to be the sexiest thin g on stage , next te a few of the forest rangers . In her role of Nancy Twinkle she categorized the slapstick sex star of the ear ly '30's. Her funniest scene was when she came , on stage wearing a dyed girdle . Pure sex.... About the only member of the cast who was disappointing was Madam Von Liebedial . She had a difficult part , but several times I noticed her breakin g character and drop ping lines . All in all it was a delightful evening of entertainment for both young and old. The entire cast of chorus and leads deserve much credit . Mr . Richey , too , deserves credit for an excellently-directed show, and Mr . McCubin ' s set was , as usua l, very realistic and appropriate . I, like a "Mornin g Press rev iewer ," would like to see a major musical here at BSC. And I am totally confident that the Players can do it , for "Li ttle Mary Sunshine " was joyful , tuneful , an d an all aroun d evening of undiluted fun on the rocks. By TOM KEARNS On October 23, 24, and 25 the Bloomsbur g players pre sented the first in a series of four plays to be performed this year at Bloomsbur g Stat e College. It was entitled "Little Mar y Sunshine ," and was by far a fantastic choice to start off the Players ' season. The show was a beautiful exam* pie of the slapstick style used thirt y or fourty years ago. Every aspect % of the satire was used to its ultimate . The players , themselves can be ver y proud of this show as well as M r . Richey and the rest of the production staff . Robert Casey did an outstanding job in the role of Captain Warrlngton. Bob was a riot from his march down the aisle in the beginning of the show to the final cur tain. H is voice was str ong throu ghout and I can't say enough about his facial expressions on sta ge. Good J ob, Bob. Little Mar y was played by Velma Avery and she, like Bob, was hilarious . H er use of the slapstick style was excellent and she pulled up a dull scene just by her mer e presence on sta ge. Ral ph Miller portrayed Col . Bill Jest er , second in command to C apt . Jim. Many of you seniors will remember Ralph . He's been a professional student for the past six years . However , Ral ph 's voice is one which is Lette r (continued from pige 2) schools. How did Tom Br ennan, in his fewer than three years of college education , become so learne d that he can condemn the opinion of experienced educators ? He must certainl y be gift* ed with talents beyond a normal human being to dare even to challen ge the opinion ot such an eru dite committee. Also, Mount Carm el Area High School has been on the accred ited list since 1947, and Gerald A. Beierschm itt of has been 'Superintendent Certainly, 1934. Schools since he must have played an Important role In the development of an educa tional pro gram that conthe high standard s re. tains quired for accreditation. one concerned with education and aware of the Mount Carmel Area Hi gh School, as Tom Brennan pretends to be. It appears necessar y , however, to remind him of some of these achievements . On May 27, 1969 , THE NEWS-ITEM , from which he quote s a "letter . to the editor ," containe d an arti cle stat ing the fact (and we want to empha size that this is a docu« mented fact) that five alumni of a single class of Mount Carmel , Area Hi gh School received medical degrees , an accomplishment which would make an admlnlstra . tor of any school system extremel y proud . Is this the result of a "terr ible " school system? As a stud ent of MCAHS , Joseph Laplns ki (class of '61) scored 800 in the mathematics section of the CEFB and scored 800 in En glish Composition . Is he a product of ' a "terrible" school system? These are extraordinary accomplishments , and we do ad* mit that they could be isolated cases; ther efore , let us state joxne of the facts about the ac» Tom Brennan also states "tnat athle tics are placed above aca demics." We admit and are proud of the achievements of our athletes. We wonder why he failed to mention the fine band at Moun t Carmel because it, too, is famous, not only throu ghout, the stat e of Penns ylvania but also throu ghout the eastern section of the U .S. and in Cana da. Also, it is not necessar y for us to resear ch some pertinent facto con* cemlng the academic accom* pllihments of students and grad * uates of Mount Carmel Area School District because numer . out facts are prominent in our - .minds and In the mtnds of every. • BY ALLAN MAURER Splro Agnew ; "the leaders of the Morator ium are pseduo-in . tellectua l snobs ." Stan Rakowsky ; "du pes of com* munism , pinkdys ( sic), the black , of a tra itor ." (All in regard to Moratorium participants) . Name-calling has become an acceptable practice in the , arena of extremist politi cs. The two examples above are from the right , but as those on the right scream "communist , dupe , pinko , traitor ," at those who disagree with them , the radical left toss off "pig, fascist," and other more vulgar app ellations directe d at tho se who disagree with them. (conti nued from Rage 2) "Abbey Road." It' s an ana gram or whatever . Rearran ge the letters and it spells "Bear a body." And the word "Beatles '* on the cover is cracked. The band appears to be walking away from a cemeter y: Paul is out of step* sh oeless, and in a suit; Rlngo is preacher -garbed , John 's in white for purity , and behind Paul walks a work ing-man-dressed George as eager gravedigger . And in Paul 's hand is a cigarette , known affect ionately to some as a "cot. fin mail. " And a parked car has a license number of 28IF . (Paul 's 28 , if...) So how 'bout the music Itself? "You're gonna carry that weight " is the Beatles admitting Paul 's death but plugging on anyway . "Golden Slumber " obviously It is time that name-calling be ignored as the efforts of sluggish-minded Individuals who cannot find a rational way to express their disagreeme nts. Whether It is aimed at James Percey , Ton y Sylvester , or a member of the board of trustees , name-cal ling should not be allowed to Influence decisions . at expreising' themselves ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ! ration * ally . " " ' ' • ' " " ' ( continued on page eight ) . F orum by Ginny Potter Thursday night several hundre d stu dents ' rallied to Jeff Pro. sseda's call for an "emer gency " student meeting to discuss the $100 raise in tuition . Husky Lounge was packed. Jeff explaln ed the significanc e of the Board of Trustee 's decision on the tuition Increase question , asked what the students wante d, and appealed to them for their support , The two alternat ives bounce d back and forth: (1) accept and pay the additional $100 or (2) appeal to the Board of Tr ustees to vote down the increa se knowThe entire process is self- ing full-well that unless state aid perpetuating . You call a man a were given , BSC would be forcomm ie, a pinko , a dupe, or an ced to close in March . anarchist traitor , and you make It ¦wasn 't long before some, it fairly easy for him to call you one shouted, "Rally! " Another , a GD fascist pig. Call a man a "Revolution." From that point psudeo -intellectual snob, and you on the only di scuss ion concern facilitate his ease in calling you ed "When ?" and "Wher e?" The^ a filthy, fascist bigot. indi vid ual cease d to be rat ional One major difference between and each hurried to board the name-calling from the right and band -wagon. name-calling from the left seems OTHER ALTERNATIVES to exist . When radicals call a Surely there were more alright-winger a fascist , that is ternat ives to consider than just labelled character assignation , those two. And certainly there libel , etc., while the right-wing were more consequences to ser assert ions , regardless of proof iously consider than just the closor evidence , that those they dis- ing of the school. And most agree with are commies , pinkos , sure dly there were reasonsasto dupes etc., are perfectly accept - consider as to why the Increase able. might be necessary . However Vestiges of the McCarthy era it seemed that no one stopped, ( Joe ) still exist in American to think long enough to realize society. Combined with Ameri- these possibilitie s. What about can Anti-intellectualls m , th is a $50 increa se to carr y us through leftover McCarthyism add s a the two or three months from wholly undeserved respectabil - March to May ? What about calk ity and acceptable ness to right In g the State s bluff but keep' wing name-calling . ing the $100 in reserve In case IT IS TIME ... It is time that name -calling the State didn 't come thro ugh? be recognized for what it is; a Feasible or not , the point Is vulgar and unethical for m of that those and other similar suggestions or alternatives were persona l atta ct . One thing about name -callin g; it exposes the better man . The BSC board of trustees have been subjected to it , but they did not publlcally engage In it in return, James 'Percey has often been so attacked , notably last year in the G LADF LY , but also In anon ymous letters to var ious people . And yet , all opinion * that Mr , Percey runs the GADF LY are false , Jim has never publlcally engaged in the name-calling, gutter level of Infighting , And anyone who knows Mr. Sylvester , Is familiar with compUshmenta of the student! of the laughing rece ption he gives MCAHS during the past academic name-calling personal attacks¦ y»ar. . him, on . . Rodne y McFall won the I960 But then these gentle men have 1. state cham pionship in the Amor no need to use or be effected by can Legion High School Or atorio * name-cf tUing . They are all per * al Contest and placed first in the ieetly capable and most adept National Regional Contest held . (cenffnuee' en MM eight) rf / c C a r t n iy means someth ing. "Max well's Silver Hammer " is of but one subject: deat h.*1Want You (she 'B so heavy)", essentially a bass tour- de-force , shuts off all too quic kly. There 's the nursery rh yme , "C>ne , two, three , four , five, six, seven , all good children go to heaven." And get a load of the opening tra ck, "Come Together ," whose title even means much significance. "One and one and one is three " can mean that it' s been three years now , or It could be a holy symbol indicatin g McCartney 's becoming a God. More death-men tion: "ho ld you in his arms you can feel his disease " and the reference to "Walrus- gumboot "and the bit that "he' s got hair down below his knee ," which implie s McCartney entombed but with hair still growing . And the "got never even mentioned. MBJMMI IHHjIttHHW IHM IHHUMHH ^^^^^ B^^^ u^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ Other consequences, besid es the closing of the sch ool, were brought out only briefly. They included such "minor " things as the draft status of our male students and the $500 which (before March) ,we would have paid -in for the second semester. In answer to the question on their draft status the student was told tha t he was deferred unti l October . Quest ion: What happens to a student 's draft status if he flunks out in January? Is he still deferred until October? What hap pens to a student 's draft status if he changes from full-time to part-time student? Is he still deferred until October ? Try explaining to your draft board that you're skipping a semester because you voted down the tui tion increase . Then try explaining; to the Vietcong that they musn t shoot because you're deferred until October ; LOOKING FOR REASON It appeared that many studen ts attende d the meeting merely looking for a reason to "Rally " or "Revolt ." Never , neither during; the meeting nor during the protest did anyone stop to consider that the increase might be necessary . When one considers the rising costs of living, the rate of inflation , and the costs of other schools - particularly priva te institutions — the $100 raise J ust might be valid and with the ink crease you could still consid er your self getting away with it cheap I One thing that the "rally " did achieve was to br ing the othe rwise "apathetic " student-body to life and to make it move . Next time , perh aps, they will think to check the bandwagon to make sure it has wheels. . Players ' PerformaiKeW "Mary Sun$hine" - Radiant 4 ._ _ „ _ - -- ' * ——— ¦—- Huskies Stomp Cheyney 28-7 — — - - ¦ '¦¦ - ¦- - ¦ -- -— ¦ ¦I I vwm ¦¦¦ ¦I ¦ ¦i ¦i Henning Steals Sophomore defensive back John Henning set up the Hu skies third touchdown when he stole a Cheyney pass and romped thirty-yards to the CSC ten yardline . From there Schneider connected with Greg Ber ger for the score. Bob Warner , kickin g for the injured Vedral, successf ully converted the PAT and the Huskies now had a commanding lead of 21 to 7. The Huskies added their fourth and fi nal touchd own seven minutes later , when Schneider threw for his third touchdown of the game to wingback Bob Warner. Warner's second PAT was good and the Huskies now had the game safely wra pped up. Besides the heated tempers and several fist thro wing situations which followed, the * remalning of the game was un- Why me? Why me? « Warner runs to daylight Amazin g! That 's the only word to describe Bloomsbur g's victory over Cheyney on Saturday. The Huskies won 28*7, but not without over 200-yards in penalties and a 3-% hour struggle . When the dust finally settled and the sun was txnwing out for the day, the bat tered Huskies walked off with their second straight victory after four losses. Huskies Score First BSC hit touchdown territor y on tfieir initial series of plays. Senior flanker Marv Serhan gathered in a Tom Shneider pass and romped 15-yards for the score . Ernie Vedral 's conversion attempt was good , putting the Huskies into a 7-0 lead . Cheyney tied up the score in the second period , But what happened between the two touchdowns was a lesson in inept , ball handling, as the officials could do nothing but throw their little red and white flags . Wolves Come Back Early in the second quarter Ciieyney took control of the ball on their own 42*yardline . Three successive runnin g plays netted the Wolves a first-down on the BSC 45. From there Freshman fullback , Tom Harris , gallopped throu gh the center of the Huskie line for a 45-yard touchdown . The PAT was successful and the score was knotted 7-7 . Huskies Lead Again With less than a minute remainin g in the first half , the Huskies drove for their second score which put the m in the lead for the remaining of the game . The Huskies took over on the Cheyney State six yardline when the defense alertly pounced on a Ray Hendrick ' s fumble. Paul Skrlmcovsk y hit the center of the Cheyney defensive line for 1-yard to precede Bob Warner' s 5-yard scorin g run . Vedral' s kick was again good and the Huskies led 14-7. On this play Ernie' s leg was broken when he was hit after the whistle had been blown . However , the usually alert officials with their flying flags , didn 't penal ize Cheyney on this obvious infraction. Harriers Blitz K-Town Crush Mansfi eld un Wednesday , October 22 , Kutztown State College journeyed to BSC's golf course to tak e on the powerful Huskie runners . The results were as expected . The BSC Harriers defeated them 21 to 38 with their sixth win of the season. NESPOLI jewelers Striding acros s the line in their usua l 1-2 combination were Terr y Lee and Tim Waechter who took turns winning first place . Then Bob Bentzin ger came in with fifth plac e, Larry Strohl in sixth , Ifashionable fourth quarter . Rather than run up the score, experience was given" to the reserves . Despite the unusually large amount of penalties, BSC can be credited with a good effort. From here it is on to Kutztown and hopefully the Huskies third victory of the year . Beat K-Tow n Charlie 's I PIZZA & HOAGIES SHOP I Watch Repair I ( He^^ H^^ o^^^^^^^^ rcus n^^ nw^p^^^ v^HH^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ CAMPUS CLEANERS 124 E. Main St, At Your Servi ce *Shirts profession ally laund ered *Sanit one Dry Cleaning *Repairin f and Altera tion * on Premise * , eventful . Coach Densetorff substituted . liberally during the ' (Continu ed en page 7) Fine Jewelry and IS I. M«ln St., HOOMSfUftO Good Pursuit , Good line - No Gain W« Aim To PlMit ' II r ! I i Optn 'til 12:00 p.m. Clostd 1i30 to 3t00 p.m. Evtry Day Bur Friday Msa^MHjpflj Mil DillVIRY I 5 t o7 I 8>30 to 11,30 Regular and King Six* , hoaoiis Phone 784-4292 127 W. Main BLOOMSBURO ! ; i | j Defense about to kill fRElTUDIOSHOP 1 ... fo r your personal needs in fifU and homo decor. I I 89 E. Main St. I COLLEY BARBER | SHOP The Texas Mon. I Tuei, o 9 Thurs. f am> * 6 p>fr > Sat. Fri. 9 p.m. - ' 9 p.m. C/oiecf Wtdneidoy reasona bly priced WHERE DAD TOOK HIS GIRL Bloomsburo , ¦ X^. ¦ ¦ ' I I I 486 W. MAIN ST ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ - ¦ >¦ ¦ • ' , ' ¦¦ • j : j '¦ ' ¦ ' M¦ , ¦VI ot ** T^^^ K/B^^ tob f * ¦. ** 1 ^%» ' ^B(Tb ^ ^ ^ ^ **l*>^^ Mtti ^>Hl^^ »^^^ h ft ^ w * v *"r ^ ^^^^ * *• ^Si ^ f Stahley, Dougherty Shine * ^ BcSmBB The powerful Huskie freshmen won their third game in four contests with a 16*6 decision over the Lock Haven underclass men. This is probably the best freshmen team to play at Bloomsbur gdurinKthe '60's. Previ ously. the 1967 and the 1968 versions of the Huskie Fr osh were yeiy poor, but with the strength of the present team the outlook is good ^^^^ j ^ ^ ^ t o , ^^ nMfefe ^BP^^ w^^^^ F^ ^^^ ^' -f * **^$r j *£* y * ** *" * ^§fi By Clark Ruch in such a way , that everybody in The opinions express in this Athletic Park , with the exception art icle, are those of the sports of the officials could see the penstaff of the Maroon and Gold and alty. The Cheyney defender was not the M&G per se. obviously playing th« man and To be a good , fair , and imnot the ball . Under normal cirpartial college football official , cumstances , an official would a man must possess many sterhave called pass interference on ling, godlike qualities. H e must the play and awarded the ball to Bloomsburg on the Cheyney 1 be able to not only referee a football game as he himself sees yardline . H owever, no penalty an but he must also act as was called and the officials ' exit , planation to BSC' s coaching staff impartial mediator with ever-watchful and observin g eyes. was that blocking the receiver 's The five gentlemen who had vision was a high school rule and did not apply in college . The the privilege of overseeing the B.S.C ., Cheyney State College rules do state that playing the game on Saturday did not seemman rather than playing the ball ingly possess these qualities . constitutes pass interference. Th ere w ere several very obvious Thus , when a defensive halfback Infractions which were missed by waves his hands in the air to the "infa lible " men in the stri ped block a receiver 's vision it is shirts. obviously claimed playing the The first of these occur red man and not the ball. It would near the end of the first half . seem that if the officials had On the point after the touchdown ever read a rulebook they would attem pt by Bloomsburg , after not have made the call or lack scorin g their second touchdown , thereof , and Bloomsburg would B.S.C . kicker , Ernie Vedral was have scored another touchdown . hit after the whist le. The fact Most of the officials I have that there was no penalty called seen in the many football games on the play is secondar y because I' ve watched knew tiieir jobs, of the injury incurred by Vedral but the five men who officiated when he was hit . At the time the game on Saturday must have this paper went to press the known their jobs or they wouldn 't true extent of E rnie' s injuries have been there. Every official was not known. Vedral is def- can have an " off day," but as initely out for the season with a I' ve said in the beginning of this broken leg. Perhaps if the of- article , an off icial must be an ficials had been less lenient be* omniscient being with godlike fore this paly , the Cheyne y play- qualities every time he sets foot er who hit Vedral would have on a football field . thou ght twice before committing the infracti on. Thus the fact remains that the officials intentionall y or unintentionally allowed previous infractions to go undetected , might have cost a good ball player his college career . The second very apparent , but unpenalized Infracti on occurred in the second half . Mike Kolojejchick , Bloomsbur g State Col The Department of History and lege' s offensive end, was in the Phi Alpha Theta. Int ernational end zone seemingly about to pull Honor Society in History , have In reserved quarterback , Marv announce d the establishment of H istory Contest Serhan ' s pass for a touchdown . He was however , interfered with Wonderv iew Area Ski Tentative Opening 0k. IB, 1969 Ptiomi 784-9715 Fin e J ewelry BOOKS... Your J twtltr Away fro m Horn * TITLES IN STOCK Greeting Cards si " ¦I submit essays to the Hi story Prize Committee . The author whose paper the C ommittee judges the best will receive the ' awar d at the end of the academic year . The essays submitted may be on any topic approved by a member of the Prize Comm ittee; they may be of any'length; they need not be writtenespecially for pr ize competition. ARS - ARW HAYRIDE The members of the Prize Committee for this year are: Dr. Ralph Herre , Chairman; Dr. James Sperry; Dr . Hans Karl ' Gunther; Mr. Anthony Sylvester; and Mr. Louis Nau. Persons Friday,Halloween Night 7 - 12 pm Intereste d in competing for the prize , and who feel the y are eligible , should consult with one of the members of the Commay be mittee. Inquiries addresse d to Dr. Herre. Box 8# Waller Hall . Tickets on tale at Residence Hall desk CAc stag - 7Cc couple THE" Jet of Suite Eb *ad Jbterstato* • CHANEL • 6UEILAIN • FABHOE • IANVIN We Invite You To Dine With Us Everyday and Sundays Too We Cater To Everyone and Serve Only Choke CHARCOAL BROILED STEAKS Duchess Warner Oeena CHOPS,BEEF-BURGERS EUDORA'S J bit 36 OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT FRI. & SAT. Sundays & Daily — 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. • PRINCE MATCHAIEW • ELIZABETH ARDEN • HELENA RUBENSTEIK* • DANA • COTY • MAX FACTOR Qntn Sffiwpt St* our lingarls from Phone 784-2561 , history courses; and (3) they must * have completed 15 credit s in history by the end of the current year . Those who qualify may pOAlliN &^ROWSE HALLMARK CA1DS GIFTS HENRIES 40 W. Mala St. J 18 Wtit Main Strett BLOOMSBURG, PA. If if i • book wt h«vt It or we can fltt It Card and Book Nook Bloomsburo Supply Co. OVER 8000 (1) They must have an overall grade point avera ge of 3.0 or better ; (2) they must have an avera ge of 3.01 or better in (continued from page t) and Mike Dufra yne in seventh. Charli e Grah am came in ninth and Dave Keite r came in tenth. The Kutztown lads could only mana ger thir d, fourth , eighth , eleventh , and twelfth places. If not for the absenc e of a few of the Hus kies ' top runners, they might not even have been that lucky. On Frida y, October 24, it was time for the men with the wingedfeet to fly past Mansfield for their seventh win of the sea$on <. Th e final score turned out to be 21 to 40. The Huskies came through with Terry Lee In second place , Tim Waechter in third place , Larry Smith in fourth place , Paul Pelletier in fifth place , Scott R ogers in seventh place , Mike Dufrayne in eighth place and Dave Keiter in ninth place. The Harriers next win will be With three more meets lef t in the season and a record of 7*2-0, Sheppensburg on Monday, soonto mis year' s Cross Country Team be followed by the defeat of Scranhas alread y posted the best ton University , and then states . The Harriers will be a top run- * record in the history of Cross Country as BSC and when the fin- ner in the state meet f or the al tally is taken, we will find a first time in five years. The de> season recor d of 10-2-0. This feat of Lock Haven in Stat es may shows quite anI mprovementover prove the end result of this se? < son's work. last season's 3-5 record. Prescription tpmda lht Repairing rMill er Offi ce an annua l history prize to be awarded for the first time this year to an outstanding BSC student . . The prize will consist of _a subscription to the Amer ican Historic al Review and the engraving of the winner 's name on a plaqu e which will be displayed In one of the public rooms of the college. To be eligible to compete for the prize , students must meet three qualifications . for the future of Huskie football . .The young Huskie- struck paydirt first when Dougherty took the ball over to the 13 yardUne. Oberholtzer 's conversion was wide and the Husky pups had a 6-0 lead . In the second quarter, Ober holtzer made up for the missed extra point with a 30-yard field goal . Neil is the best placement kicker to atte nd BSC in a long time._Undoubtedly _he will be an asset to the varsity next year . Lock Haven * scored their only • touchdown later in the same peri od on an 80-yard pa ss. The PAT was no good and the Husky pups ' led 9-6. Halfback George Stahley added the final score of the game on a 56-yard jaunt . Oberholtzer 's PAT split the uprights and the Huskie s led 16-6. The frosh could have added 6 more points to their total if Oberholtzer 's two first-half field goal atte mpts had not been blocked . Th e amazing freshmen take on Mansfield this Friday at 2:30 at Athletic Park to complete their five game schedule . If they win , which is to be expected , they will finish with a 4-1 record . The only blemish on their record the 36-6 loss to Bucknell . MAIN ft WON ITMITS AND 5 W. Main St. t i / *J4arrier i -1tf 5 Eppley's Pharmacy Harry Logan Date ' Frosh Win Third SANDWICHES & SALADS DORSET SHOP Phone 784-7837 1 I . Main St. Bloomsburg , t PAUL DIETER, Prop. m LETTERS.... Fr / c C^ arin t^ ( continued from page three) MOUNT CARMEL ... £ )&M<~ 9\Ut*\ r "5 (continued Tr om page two ) to be good-looking 'cause he's in "Delaware and second in the so har d to see" speaks of Paul 's National Sectional Contest held in absence from Beatles ' affairs of New York . Leon Nark earned a late. And then there's the use of "The End ," with McCartney mysscholarshi p with the Tamburitzans of Diiquesne University for ter iously coming back as if from his musical ability and his scho- the you-know-what . And the rum lastic achi evement; there are ap- ors that the next album , "Get proximate ly 1000 applicants and Back," will be the group 's last . only five openin gs. Alan Jones , in (Have those legendary tapes run an essay contest judged at BSC , out ?) So there you have— but wait! placed third in competition with twenty-two other high schools of A sudden br ainstorm! Can the the region . John Bianchi placed Beatles be doing all this to throw first in the District No. 17 Ameri- us off the track? * Maybe Little can L egion essay contest, a Nicola is wrong and JOHN is district containing , more than the walrus . Which would explain ten high schools . Stephaie Var- the Ono infatuation and all. Anano, in oral interpretation of other double ! Right? And how prose at the H azleton C ampus of about the queer Russian who want PSU, placed first in competition ed to John Lenin? > with more than ten schools. AlForge t the above paragraph . I so, 54 per cent of the Class of promised to reveal P aul 's where '69 are attending institutions of abouts and I will. No more baiting learning ; CEEB test you to confuse you. high scores last year were 22 points THE SIM P LE TRUTH above the national average in The simple truth , all y ou Math and 27 points above the na- " panting little teeny-bops, is that tional avera ge in Verbal , one stu- Paul simply got tired of it all. dent scoring a composite score So he found a double , made those above 1400. tapes, and went incognito. Not that Ixi addition to academic it was all that easy. First he achievements we can also point had to undergo plastic surgery with pride to the following: The and make himself unbelievably Southern Division Championshi p handsome . Next he had his legs of the Eastern Football Confer * amputated and replaced by others ence; R obert Sacavage, a state , so he'd look considerably short cham pion in wrestling ; a Nor- er. And it was worth it , too. Ail thumberland County cham pion * these years being a stupid ole ship wrestling team ; and a track bass player when he actually team that did not lose a dual meet wanted to be a great writer. So Paul has found himself and is now in twenty-six years . We are certain that we speak ready to once more makehimself for the citizens , the students, available to any Beatle -lovinfeand the facult y of the Mount male willing to dontate her body. Carrnel Area School District in A hint : he is enrolled in a small saying that we are proud of our but small college and goes under school system and that we are the name of Blouse or Blash or proud of and hold the highest re- something like that. So, all you spect for our Chief School Ad- females who want to groupie with ministrator , Mr . Gerald A. Beir- a retired rock star , you can find schmitt , who was and is the Paul - Blows or whatever chained leader responsible for the ac- to a desk at the M&G. He may complishments of the students .not look like much , but you should and the graduates of the Mount see what he can do with his Carmel Area School District . left hand. Yours truly, Attention History majors I Robert L. Varano, Are you interested in joining Principal Joseph B. W arner , Phi Alpha Theta , National Assistant Principal Honorary Fraternity? To be a member , a student must have completed four history courses , have a 3.01 average or better in history, and a 3.0 average or better in the remaind er of his courses. If you wo uld like to have fur ther informa tion , please contact Ellen Robinson , Box 721 Waller. ZA P! You're non-violent ' i the rules of his school and not/ be swayed by a minor ity of trouoLeiter f rom ^5tan ble mak ing radica ls. This is t • also the course of action I would (continued from page three ) hope that he, as well as other of the Board of red , white;audblue pro udly;from slaughtered every week by these members will continue to fol- the highest pedaatlle possible . poor, defenseless , under pri v- Trustees, many men are But how ileged, and aggradized peoples.) low. will not be that this like And instead of supporting our ser- thereyed into reassess ing their po- Show your colors yes, not the swa black of a traitor , but the red , vicemen in this gargantuous first sign of white , and blue of a member ver y the sition at stru ggle for survival , we (and I need men such as of the greates t country in the use this WE very loosely) did prot est? We only in the high schools worl d, the United States of Amer these not nothing more than attem pt to debut also in the colleges. These ica. And to those who persist moral ize the men. have the BACKBON E in their debauchery to the point I believe that the recent Mora- men must y NO most implicltely, If to sa of treasoness demoralization , torium fits into the category of part i- let' s hope that they come around do not feel that a they demoralization and In some cirfor the before they 're completely left... cles is even referred to as high cular thing would be is men like .in the cold!!! of all ! It nt betterme treason l And people who are conDr. S. I. Hawaka ya that have Respectfully your s, victed of treason deserve to be leader. to be a tak es what it Stan Rakowsky hung from the toes until dead ! I am not for wir for the sake cl insur war , but I do believe that when For when told by these plans were rect ionists that their our countr y undertakes a policy unne g ot i a b le he agreed and so , which has been initiated by those didn negotiate . It is men like 't men whom we have elected to office , we are bound to support this that make our countr y stron g those men until which time we and in turn free. choose to replace them for the The same applies to BSC as hooes of somethin g different. the American Legion insinuates , And though it might seem Love it or leave it." If you're slightly out of place in an essay " not satisfied with how thin gs are ing concern some sort of Morap us, then the thin g on t hi s cam torium, I'd like to add that if for you to do is to leave. I stop you would only to take noam a senior at this institution . tice you 'd find that MOST of YOUR DOLLAR those who took an active part in this spectacle are the same I have been as involved in school BUYS MORE AT A people that are the unsati sfied, activities as one could possibly publicit y seeking, trou ble-mak - be. I am, for the most part ing insurrectionists , that are satisfied with how things have been run in the past. What troub hard at work not only on our 154 W. Main, Bloomsburg own campus but also on campuses ghout the land to undermind throu the very fibers of our society* Shirts Qftc & up It is these people who feel because of one reason or another, they have the "calling " to reSlacks A Qc & up form the world. They don't ask whether or not we want things changed , rather they assume that because they don't like the way things are going, then allthe rest must follow suit. These peop le also have a habit of putting their noses where they don't belong. Such was the case ' when a re gular campus publication recentl y, made light of a highly distinguished member of the board of trust ees of our school and insinuated tha t this man (who by the way had headed most honorabl y this local educational institution for many a long year) should conduct business different than he has in the past. Here is a professio nal in the educational field who has run the school distr ict as he saw fit for the better ment of the entire system. What happens? These treat "saviours" tell him what rules should or should not be enforced. I 37 IAST MAIN ST. • UOOMSSUtO • PHONI 714-1*30 I Knowin g this man I am certain I announce s the all new I that he will continue to uphold MAREE'S all ^J S ^g ^^^ff Nov*hW$k&H \^km$*- Rent- A- Cop Strike! GOODWILL STORE HEX Dance NOV. 7,1969 C«e? boniest j Rj t m zrcutu m b Js- WAFF LE GRILLE I BoadedIferld Wide Delhrer y I ¦ I 1340 HOLIDAY 1UFMT EACH SUNDAY 11,30-2t3O Children — $1.M — O N OUi Snd H.OO1 — I I I I I I MOTEL MAGEE/Bloom sburg , Pa.| ^^^^^ OIek ltonjgjWMJoBogj^^^^^^ i I .... LONDON SUPER SHOW TOUR I Fr °m •**¦¦ I two weeks at the London Theatre Gua ran teed weekly depar tures I I | includi ng air far e, accommoda tions , tlcktt t & much more I J MOVER Pharmacy * - m" ' Bv IBB {' '¦ ejBSJk!-" > L' i&'BhIMbm *<> ^h ^wiw - , aj SIujfMt BBBJ m'' 'f ?VBBj ** t Jl BmffliBr i S" r * " " "' I, " ifj i¦¦>"" .ji-, . ..''- ^ ¦ ... ^ IIB BBBUn ^^ r*£^j^BBjB 0g ^tftfr ^m^^ ¦• Ilv u ^- A ' k ** £bVHbb I i t . ' * ^^ ^s^B^B^B^BkBbBm pJi ^ lrf ** ** r- ' i i ^^ SaBBB ^^ B^Bar ^Ly /our Prescript/on Orugglsf ^^ SMOROAS BORD I I ALL YOU CAN EAT IVJS I I LUNCHEON I TUESDAY thru FRIDAY IEvery W«tk — 11.30-1130 I 25< cheap I I FLOWER S 112 W. Main I I © 784-4406 PEP BUTTONS I SHUMAN'S WORLD TRAVEL I DRESS SHOP 1 I Support your Team BLOOM BOWL i I ^PGHK ^¦¦¦^¦^¦MBB ^M^MVM ^MMnMH ^BV^M^Hm^B^BMMMMM ^^^^ BVBM^BB l ROBERT G.SHIV6, HP. Ft— Prtcription Dilivry TOILET GOODS COSMETICS RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES . GREETING CARDS 1 West Main St. Phonet 7«4-43I« SIOOM1BURO, PA, m\mm jeweibbs Visit Our Showroo m,,. 130 East Main Street Bloomabwg