^ ^k [ssWaV ^asTfJfrdHssMaT y?Jr3e ^Bs^BSM * * *¦ ¦ s s s a ^m—mmmmmm mam¦ ^ msmsnmms ¦ " *^^ S^^^ B^^^ Ib^^ I^ I^ IBI^ m) ^¦ ¦ "¦ ¦¦¦¦¦» ¦¦¦¦¦ ^™ ™ * jEJB 0 5 ^^ ^^lV BSHBB ^3|^^^ ffl^ | & void dt±*YlpxwtL ¦ VOL. XLVIII — NO. 9 ¦ * ^_ BLOOMSBURG STATE COLLEGE .^^ r WEDNE SDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1969 CALENDAR Thursday, Octobe r 16 Frosh Footba ll — Bucknell Friday, October 17 Dead Heat on a Merry-GoRound Carver — 9:00 P.M. Saturday, October 18 Nobody 's Children fivm — 9:00 P.M. MO BE Moves Members of the Stud ent Mofrom Committees bilization Dickinson College and several other area schools will conver ge on Carlisle on October 15 at 5 p.m. f or a mass marc h throu gh town and past the U.S. Army War College and -a rej apama rch by '. '^if' candl elight . Officials of the War College had ear lier refused to allow to join with officers station ed at Carlisle Barracks in a dialogue on American values and priorities. In c letter dated October 6, 1969, C omman dant G. S. EckThis year' s cheer leading squad hardt (Maj . Gen. USA) stated tc the Dickinson College Student is composed of eight girls . They are : Captain Erva Benjamin from Mobilization Comm ittee C5MC), to deny necessa ry I find it Towanda, Pa ., majoring in Ele* "... your requests... to hold grou pdis- mentar y Phys . Ed .; Debbie Crone from Allentown , also an Elemen cussion with our personnel ." agree to tary Phys . Ed . major ; Sue Fich Eckhardt did Gen. adults , $.50 for childr en, and a representater from Langhorne , majoring in special 10 per cent discount for a meeting with threeinsisting that tives of the SMC , Elementary Art; Maryann Hart , groups of 10 or more . Mail order presentatives no re there be man from Bloomsburg, majoring "... tickets must include a self-adpresent " of the news media .... in Elementary Phys . Ed .; Rita dressed stamped envelope. R . May from Mount Joy , major ing Speaking for the students , The Players will present a Marcson expressed in Business Education; Sandy Jo colorful and delightful produc - Anthony grave disappointment over the McClure from Troy , majori ng in. t ion, and all our theater-going War College, but Special Education — Speech Corfriends are cordially invited to decision of the Mobiliz ation leaders added that rect ion; Kath y Novak from Stowe , atten d this musical comedy for an to meet private * majoring in Secondary Education , would be willing enjoyable evening of entertain * ly with the Commandant. Sociology; and Sandy Tr icoskle ment . any acts from Shamokln , majoring in Sec* plannin g are not "We Per formance dates will be Occivil disobediondar y Education . tober 23, 24 , and 25 at 8:18 of violence or "but we Marcs on, " said ence , p.m. in Haas Auditorium . feel compelled nonetheless to enAll students may have two free gage in some demonstration ditickets with their identification recte d toward th is symbol of car d. Amer ican military presence in Vietnam ." Lead ers expect approximately 1,000 marchers , at least 200 of the m coining from l-'roQra m Dickinson , Housing for 600 is y students being made available b and area res idents to those who PR OGRAM FOR OCT OBER IB wish to remain overni ght . TEACH-IN (ACP) - COLLEGIAN , KanOther activities at Dickinson sas State, Manhattan. Kansas . that day include addresses by Carver Hall — 9;0O a.m., Open , "Freshmen women register Dr. Howard L . Rubendall , college ing Lecture. here ." the sign outside Ahearn president , and others , as well Lectur e Hall (Hartline Ouster Field House read. as movies on Southeast Asia. 134) — 10:00 a.m., Historical And during registration , apWar . Approach to the proximately 280 freshmen stu- seum durin g registration and Hartline 72 - 10:00 a.m., dents filled out cards requestin g maybe this was J ust anot her tech gical Warfare L PropaPsycholo personal Inform ation about them - nicality. And than was no fine ganda . selves. print to read explainin gthe cards Haas Auditorium — 12:00p.m., Most of the m didn 't ask why ao they usually didn't ask , Speeches . Keynote filling out 3x0 note they were But when they did ask, they Lectu re Hall — 3:00 Custer of IBM cards. Nor cards Instead were told . The Informati onwas p.m., Political & Economic As* did. they wonde r why they were going to be used lor dates . And listing their name , home and right now that dat a data Is on pacts of the War; 4tOO p.m., Philoso phical Outlook ; 7:00p .m., school addr esses, height , hair ill* at the Sigma Nu fra ternit y Student Worksho p (Pa nel Discus* & eye color , sororit y and where house. they like to go on dates. . The table was sponsored by lion). Carver Ha ll - 8:00 p.m., Force of habit? After all. (conti nued Wi pasi four ) Movies & Discussi on, they'd filled out cards ad nau» Mary Sunshin e Set for Pick-up The box office is now open at BSC for the Bloomsburg Players first production : Little Mary Sunshine . Tickets will be sold from 9 a.m . to 12 , and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. every day except Saturday and Sunday, and can be obtained by calling 784*4660 ext. 317 or by coming to the box office in Haas Auditorium . Admission prices will be as follows: $1.00 for The BSC Ps ychology Club will meet Wednesday aft ernoon ,Octob«r 15, at 4 p.m. in Room 17, Ben Franklin , to eloet five st udent officer s and a faculty advisor. Off* Ices to ba filled are President, Viet-President , Sec retary, Corresponding Secreta ry, ind Treasurer. ^j r relan d Dr . Ral ph R . Ireland , profes * sor and Chairman of the Department of Sociology, has an article entitled , "The Care and Educ ation of Preschool Nonwhites In the Republic of South Africa ," in the October , 1969 issue of YOUNG CHILDREN ,' the official journal of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. The article deals with the effect of apartheid on the organization and curriculums of nurser y schools and creches for nonwhitei , particularly the Bantu , people s, . . ." Date Data Cheerlea ders ^Jea clt - ^rn The new 1969-70 freshm en squad , which was chosen on Sep-" tember 15, is composed of the following girls: Susan Krum from Bloomsburg, majoring in Elementary Phys. Ed .; Kathleen Molnar from Kulpmont , major ing in Secondary Education ; Pamela Hamstra from Bloomsburg, majoring in Elementary Math; Bobbi Wynn from Sunbury , majoring in Elementar y Education; Theresa Waskie from Bloomsburg, majoring in Elementary Education; and Noreen Venn from Shamokin , majoring in Elementary Phys . ' Ed . Letters tj untker Kebuti Dear Colleague: Tact and good taste normally prevent academic colleagues from carrying their disagree ments into a public forum. Since , however, you chose to attac k me in THE MAROON AND GOLD , I shall reply the same way. Your ' appeal for "an honest , fullscale appraisal " of the Vietnam question on October 15 seems cur ious , because so man y people opposed to the war have chosen October 15 as the ¦ day to discuss it. Obviously the Intent f or that dat e is not mere debate but opposition to our government 's policies. No euphonious phr aseology can cover up that fact . On the day after publication of your let t er , the Communist Vietname se negotiators in Paris published an encouragement to Americans to put pressure on President Nixon and to use October 15 for such public acts . Does that not tell you something about whose side you are on? You claim I smeared you by claiming that demonstrators against our Vietnam war effort are playing the Communist game . I never claimed that all people whose opinions on our Far East commitments are adverse are therefore Communists. I am , however, saying that many are dupes of propaganda and that many more play unwittingly into Communist hands . If you are as stron gly anti-Communist as I am , I would suggest that you reexamine your stand throu gh assiduous listening to Communist rad io stations and reading Com munist literature . It might teach you something about how Communists use well-meanin g libera ls. As for identif ying me with McCarth yism , I think you engaged in the ver y same smear tac ti cs of which you falsely accused me . Contrary to your statement , I never made blizarre or irresponsible charges but I tend to take people's words for their intentions . It is facile though glib and childish to call any opponent of Communis m a McCarth yite. I would suggest that such tactics are unwort hy of academic debate . The reason that our Vietnamese war bears some ana logy to the F rench effort there in 1946-54 is that the Paris govern ment found itself facing a populace misled by demagoguer y and pro- Communist prop aganda carefully manipulated to make France fail . French law prohi bited sending draftees to Vietnam . Only volunteers and Foreign Legionaires cou ld be sent . And France failed , j ust as Amer ica is bound to fail if the enemies of our cause succeed in ending the draft before the end of the war. Uncle Ho needed his cohorts of snakedancers and window-smasher s In MAROON ~ VOL. XLVIII H I cJLau lyxlux France just as hitr successors need demonstr ato rs and student str ikers in Amer ica. Without them , they are bound to lose. Well-intentioned men have always refused to believe in the aggressi ve purpose of their pros pective conquerors . Isocrates was not believed in fourth centur y Greece with his warnings against Philip of Macedon until • Phili p swept down upon the Greek sta t es . Cha mberlain and Daladier ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ thou ght they ¦ could do busines s with Hitler , and Benes believed he could coexist with Stalin. Dubeck compro mj&ea witii Ko&y gin. Will well-intentioned liber als ever learn ? Yours sincerely , Hans Karl Gunther , Ph .D. Professor of History ~" NO. 9 Business Mana ger Mana ging Editor News editor Co-Peature Idltors dor Rs>mson ¦• . Bill Ttlttworth Martin Klein er Olnn y Fetter Sports idltor Photograph y Idltor Copy idltor Circulation Manager Clerk Ruch Jim BIH Kathy *0>rt V Pam Van Ippt Mr . Mlehao l Stanley Allan Maurer ADDITIO NAL STAFF: Terr y Blast , L eona rd Hou se, Barbare M«mo ry, Janice Orlowsk y, Jsnies Schlndeler, Dave Keller , Diann » Crane, Velma Avery, John St u rg rln , Tom Punk , Bob Schul ti . All opinions expressed by columnists and feature writers, Includin g lettor s*to>the editor , ore not necessarily rhoe * of this pufclleaHon but those of the Individuals. it v $ * . Don't you know you ean count me out (in) US #2 by Blast ¦¦¦ ¦»; :; ' «¦ .ia*.;V¦ ¦ ^imtimK^Kmmmmi ^^mmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmimmmm mt^^m^r ^- '^^ Must be a Boxing Game! Forum Editor 's note: The M&G cites a necessity for free expression . Therefore , we are instituting the oLetter of ~Jkank & FORUM so that BSC students may Dear Mr . Gorre y (Superin - have a column in which to exten dent , Building Ground s): pre ss their opinions . Send your On behalf of the PlanningCom - contributions to FORUM , c-o mittee for the 23rd Annual Con- M&G , Box 301. ference for Teachers and AdIt has been stated , over an d ministrators an d on be hal f of over, that there exists a good the College, I wish to extend deal of student apathy on the our most sincere thanks and ap- campus of BSC . By this crit preci ation to you and the mem- icism one can assume that the bers of your entire staff for accusation is dire cted toward exemplary supporting services in the disinterest in , the non-par ticipa tion In, and the lack of atconnection wi th the C onference held on our campus Saturday , tendance at the various activities October 4, 1969 . sponsored by or at the college The quiet , effecient services — be it an educational activity ren dere d by y our work crews or a social activity such as dances , concerts , «tc . were a major contribution to the outstan ding success of the ConAPATHY PRESE RVED ference. Perhaps it would be appro Let me add my own personal priate at this time to point out thanks for a job well done! why SOME of this so-called Sincerel y yours, "apat hy " exists . It is approDr . Emory W . Rarig , Jr . priate now because this past Director , Business Division weekend was homecoming. Naturally (and as usual) many students home«went or locked them (Sommu nicaf ion selves in their dorm room . Why ? ' \~J aP It appears that we have with us on this college campus sever al Dear E ditor , profe ssors who are hell-bent on What is wrong with the comPRESE RVING an apathetic BSC munications at our college? When (perhap s because they them our s t udents leave th e campus an d selves are of this faith) . By thi s, move out to a student teaching center , are they suddenly forgot - one may stand behind his whiskers and horns and snicker , ten ? If I remember correctly, we "Te-hee class , they 'l l be a test were re quired to put our STU- on Monday!" — all of which you DENT-TEACHI NG address on our take in stride because of the devil re gistratio n cards . Wh at ever he is. But then there is anhappened to those cards ? If those other prof who seems to truly add resses aren 't used at all , why believe that the only things that do we have to waste the time to exist in this world are his two classes — and so — in wanting write it down on all the cards? to do them both justice , claims We , as student -teachers are that both tests will be given on supposed to get involved in the Now, actuall y , he Tuesday . extra- curricular activities of the seems li ke a nice f ellow, so you school and community in which we are doing our teaching . But approa ch him with the facts: homecoming: which takes up Friyet , when we do this , we are completely out of touch with the col- day night , all day Saturday, and all day Sunda y (and if you're lege community . When my mothworking on the M&G you may er called about tickets for the well scratch the whole weekBNE for homecoming weeken d, end because not even the busishe was informed that everyone , ness department sends an y of the ir "expert" typists to help out!); and of course you also AND GOLD Michael Hock Editor-in-Chief Advisor Shelf * including student teachers , got notices in their MAIL BOXES over the weekend and that all the tickets were sold. But, what happens to the student teacher who didn 't happen to go home that partic ular weekend? How were we to find out about getting tickets for the concert ? I think it is pretty bad when the student teachers are completely left out of the college community due to a breakdown in communications . After all , we are still students of the college and we have a ri ght to be kept informed . But apparently the rest of the college doesn 't feel that way! Maybe the students who are still on the campus should give some thought to this because you may find yourself in the same position some time in the near future . How would you like) to be forgotten? Evelyn Lweeey, Student Teacher in Mont gomery Count y point out that there is already one test scheduled for Monda y. What is the nice guy 's res ponse ? He said that we shall discuss the matter . The discussion lasted no more than a matter of seconds . It consisted of one proclamation by the prof : the test will be Tuesday . He explained that after having "considered " the situation , he believes that it will be "good exercise " for you. ATTITUDE PRE VAILS This is by no means the only example. On the contrary! On the basis of the number of students who have experienced this condition , it seems that this attitude is quite prevalent —or at least was during the past week. Perhaps this accounts for the miniature audience at Bramwell Fletcher' s excellent presenta tion of "Bernard Shaw." Thus it seems that if you your don 't ta k e part in share of act ivities , you're apath etic; and if you do, you may flunk . In writing this it is not suggested that there are too many assignments or tests given. It Is suggested that the faculty consider the fact that studen ts doi have more than one class f or which to prep are , and a college environment to enjoy — if they find the time ! Memorial Awards The Joe Awards: Griffiths Memori al (He ain't not dead , but it don 't matter much .) Mike Hock and Allan Maurer Award s Committee. To Hans Karl Gunther , One Ba gel , no reason , we just think he's earned it. To James Perc y for not getting elected to the Profess ional Affairs Committee , one loser but ton. To George Turner , one copy of Roget 's Thesaurus , for saying "ram ifications" 9,000 times per class. To Bill Sander s, one Stan Ra kowsky; he deserves it. To Stan Rakowsky , one Bill Sanders; he deserves it. To Glo Wilson, COA ParUmentarian , one copy of Robert 's RULES OF ORDER , since She claims she's too poor to buy one and the CGA doesn't own a copy. To Craig Hlmes, a can of John son's wax, or a toupee, his choice, for carr yingpolarisation to Its epitome. A freesubscritplon of the latest (continued on page four ! Don*t You Know That You Can Count Me Out (J in) - US 2 By Blass " This is my rifle , this is my gun, one is for fightin g, one is for fun. " The cover of US 2, the "Back to School Issue/' Is of long-haired Commie hippie yipple kri pple freaks , armed and maybe read y for anything the adminis trators can throw at them. Much as I hate to adm it it , after pannin g the first copy of the paperback mag, US Is spread ing. It 's se llin g very well, even at the atrocious price of $1; an d somet i mes the e ditors are flooded by a weekly 50-60 manu scr ipts from jmder -30-typewrit ers , poets , an d some who don't even have cate gories yet. And US is improving ; 2's cover says that this book must be read , it's cru cial an d there are some thin gs that have to be said in here , so pick it up and see where our heads are at. And this time it' s a worthw hile experience; there 's not a bad piece in the mag. THE NEW 50's... Fir st , there ' s Richie Goldstein 's "The New *5O's: Bad Moon Rising ," a prophecy of the new roc k , whatever that may be, which the NEXT Beatles and Stone s will be doing. Says Goldste in , " ...expect the first 'author ized' superstar of the seventie s to be a young man who is straight enough to appear at Billy Graham 's crusa de." Trouble is, he could be right , and he goes on to prove it with NASHVILLE SKYLINE and Dylan "singing about the de-mystification of pop and the rise of a new cool." There 's even a picture of the US cover with a banner underneath reading "Why is this man smiling? " Brr. Then there 's Toby Thom pson's odyssey to Hibbing , Minn., his report on Dylan 's school da ys , old girl friends , Mom , Jewish ness , college frat house , W oody Guthrie worshi p, and his hush puppies. (Hush puppi es?) And it's kind of fun and scary too , to see a '58 class photo of the god when he was still meek and mild Robert Zimmerman , ri ght along side Barbara Yeshne and Betsy Zozgornlk . Good ol' Barb and Betz , where are the y now? And then th ere 's the well-wrlt ten but trivial stuff; Paul Williams boring me again , with "The Great Astrology Essay " ; Victor Moscoso 's cartoons , which , as usual , I don't understand or care to; " Hums ," poems by Tom Clark ; Tom Nolan on "Leary in Limbo/ * which is where he can stay; and an amus ing William Routt primer on Robert Mitchum . (Mitchum , Smitchum , Rich ard Burton 's my man . I don't think too much of his clothes , but boy would I like his Taylor.) Now we're really Into the stuff which demands readings : Marv in Garson ' s "Whole Head Catalogue ," a primer on what to do until the Revolution comes. "The solution Is not to slow down the destruct ion of the old but to speed up the constr uction of the new. " "M y Schools A Composition ," by Perry Brandst on, 12-year sold , who says "Sex and all the related topics are not discussed In Hygtne becau se Mr. B. would be embaraased ." Twelve year s old I Fred Gardne r' s interview with Robert Chrl stgau. organiser of "Resistance in the New Action Army/ ' Nikkl Giovanni 's "On Being Asked Wh at It 's Like To Be Blaok. " honest , brief , and so trus it hurts . "Up from Radicalisms A FtmU (continued on page four ) If Rams Wreck Homecom ing II ••• West Chester State College rolle d-up an Impressi ve 249 yards on the ground to defeat BSC 38-13 tefor e a sellout homecoming crowd. RAMS BUILD LEAD The Rams kept the Huskies bottled-u p In their own territory through most of the game as they piled-up a big lead . The Rams built a 31-0 lead before the Hu skies broke into the scor ing column. A 67 yard drive that req uired 9 plays opened the scoring for the Hams. Following the successful PAT they led 7-0. An attempted quick-kick that was blocked at BSC' s 26 led to the second score . Four plays put the ball on the BSC 14 yard line. From the 14 quarterback Forchetti hit Bob Fisher on a quick slant-in. It appeared that Fisher never gained control of the ball , but when Dunkleberger fell on the ball in the endzone it was ruled a touchdown . Before the end of the first half , West Chester scored another touchdown and a 36 yard f ieldgoal by Rick Stevenson to go into the locker room with a 240 lead. Stalled temporari ly in the second half , the Rams hit paydirt on an 11 yard pass from For ehetti te halfback Randall Wyn nings. The touchdown was setup when Paul Dunkleberger returned a BSC punt to their own 38. BSC ON THE SCOREBOARD The Huskies finally got in the scoring column when John Davis intercepted a Forchetti pass at the R ams 40 and returned it to the 20. On the first play from scr immage, Tom Schneider hit tight end Bob Warner for the touchdown. Ernie Vedral added the PAT to make the score 31-7. With 3:03 left in the game, Tom Schneider scored on a QB sneak from the one. The drive covered 74 yards and requir ed 10 plays. The attempt at the two point conversion failed leaving the score 31-13. West Chester capped the scor ing with a 10 yard touchdown pass from Dilts to Wolfr um with only 6 seconds showing on the clock. The placement was successful making the final score 38-13. By BOB SCHULTZ This year I have been watching our football games in the capacity of just another BSC stud ent. A well-informed and Interested student, but I'm no longer watching the m as sports editor of the M&G. Wa tching the games from this viewpoint has its advantag es.For one thing I no longer have to compute the yardage or ' catch the player 's number on each play. Also, I am able to hear the stu dent body 's opinion of the game and team. COMPLIMENTS? W ith the season foorwweek-old the student opinion has been all thu mbs down. I have yet to hear a complimentary re mark concerning our gridiron efforts. Generally I don 't like to make excuses. It is difficult to say we should be 3-1 if.....But after four losing efforts I would like to voice some of those ifs. ONE UNLUCKY TEAM Despit e their record we have a good team. An unlucky team per haps , but a good team. Lock Haven beat us 28-25 in our opener. We were at full stren gth with one exception — Ernie Vedral , our PAT man , was not in the game. Although we lost on the extra points it still took some freak y TD's to beat us. Anytime a defensive back intercepts ap ass, then dro ps it into the opponent 's arms when the opponent is lying on the ground , I would call it freaky. Along came the Mansfield game . Despite a great game by the best quarterback in the league we were still in the- game earl y in the fourth quarter. In fact we were walking all over the Mounties. But a pass that just missed being a TD was intercepted and we ran out of time and momentum. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE FOE Our first home game was against a reportedly weak Adelphl team. Unfortunatel y Adelphl had never subscribed to that theory . We I f Mill er Office • FMNCE MATCHAMUI • aiZAKTH AROEN • HELENA RUBENSTEIN • DANA •COTY • MAX FACTO* ^^^^ B^^w WwWpP . PIZZA & HOAGIE S Suppl y Co. Open 'tiM2i00 p.m. Closed 1i30 to 3i00 p.m. Every Day But Friday 18 Wew Mown Street Mil DBUVIIY BLOOMSBURG. FA oiro ¦ .._;_ _ _ _• . _ ^r * • IANVIN ! Charlie ' s ^v HAUMAIK CMM WAFFLE GRILLE • CHANEL • GUMLA1N • FABEtGE I BLOUSES COLLEY BARBER | SHOP 486 W. MAIN ST Pretcripf/on Specialist GOODWILL STORE 154 W. Main, Bleemsbur f I .I I MAIN ft WON HERTS YOUR DOLLA R BUYS MORE AT A ^^ _, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thurs. > Sat. Fri. 9 a.m. -9 p.m. Closed Wednesday reasonably priced Eppley's | Pharmacy ! I 5t o7 8,30 toll ,;*) Regular and King Site HOAOIIS Phont 784-4292 784.2561 127 W. Main BLOOMSB URO | \ ISC IFC Memorial Awards... (contin ued from pago two) chain letter to Deake Porter , for consumer interes t. unabiding ' To Mrs. Donavan , a b ox of Tiparil los, for her efforts to promote W omen's emanc ipatio n. To Dean Huns inger , a basketball , for old time s sake. To John Mulka , a cantaloupe, 1 Just because we like you. Jack . A free date with anyone on the M&G staff to Miss Rosencratz for br inging a lot to this c a mpus (remember , that' s a Dean Hunsin ger quote.) The Brothers of Pi EpsilonChi are now accepting their third pledge class which consists of ten pledges. The members of the class are Thomas Baltuskonis , John Feyrer , Robert Herb , Gary Hitz , Alexander Horvath , John Lines , John McElwee , Shelly Partlon , Michael Saurers and Richard Schildt . The Brothers are looking forward to another successful year in IFC competition and the intramural program . They will be sponsoring a band dance November 14 featuring NOBODY'S CHILDRE N . To John Cooper , a bar of Ivory soap, for possessing the dirtiest mouth or campus (figuratively speaking). To David Ruckle and all the securit y police , a kind word , because It was requested. M artin Guildea receives our special evil awar d for excessive experimentation with grain deriv ative s (that' s his excuse). Mr . Mur phy receives an amplified recordin g of Dr . Sat z rea ding WALDE N TWO , you know why, Murph , Dates ( cont inued fr om page on») Sigma Nu pledges who wanted to get to know the girl s before the stu dent directories came out , according to Dave Kellenberger , Sigma Nu pledge. "When they came in groups , they just lined up and didn 't ask why," he said. "But when they were alone or with another girl , somet imes they asked ." Initiated by Larry Apt , Sigma Nu pledge , the project was designated so the pledge s could know the incoming freshmen. Sp ecial W ednesda y , October 15 Hartline 8 6 — 4 P.M. Speaker — Dr. Rabb Homecomin g Topic — "Science Improvement Program In India " I wil l be Ser- FETTERMANS ( I BARBER SHOP I \^ — QUALITY — "V I Poot of ColUgt Hill Bloomtb urg Pa. I Duchess Warn er Deena 1 E. Main St. Bloomsburg TOOK HIS GIRL HopuMPurg OVER 8000 Greeting Cards HENRIES Card and Book Nook 40 W. Main St. j WHERE DAD BOOKS... N If s • book wo Have it or wo can «*t H Frida y The Texas CORSET SHOP TITLES IN STOCK | Thor « will be a mooting of tho Vett Club on Thursday, Octobe r 16, at 11:00 A.M. in tho 2nd-floor loungo of WaiIt Hall. EUDORA'S WrW TEAM.SCORED Trig FEWESTRUNS IK) SERIES MISTORV ? I ssue I J ¦comTIJ ^browse S»» our lingerie from I We want to give something to Jeff Prosseda , but we can't think of anything to give him , or anything he 's done to deserve getting anything, or anything he 's done for that matter . To ARA Slater , a picture of a pig we took while at the fair . We think you forgot what they look like , fellas. To Dr. Nossen, an I-v/anna-beyour -buddy button , for sycoph ant ic pur poses. A box of lollipops to the case of LITTLE MARY SUNSHINE for courage ab ove and bey ond the call of dut y to the Players. To the CGA , six thousand dollars. You can't take it away, we 're GIVING it back. We didn 't want your dirt yold money anyway. To Miss Console , our special Smokey the Bear award , for being a definite fire hazard. All awards may be claimed at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue , Wash ington , D.C., ask for Dick; or at pier three , Hudson River , New York, New York , ask for Harold. If no one' s around, check under the pier . Al l persons, places and thin gs in the above art icle are fictional. Any resemblance to rea l persons , living or dead is pure ly coincidental. Proj iles Student PSEA Meeting Refreshments ved iBPwr t^m ^mmmmmm ^mm ^mmmmmmim m ^mmm~ «—» ¦¦— I9O9 PHILADELPHIA. A'S SCOREDTHRgg RUMS IM FIVE GAMES..nH&M£u ; YORK GiAAns 'CHRiSTy MATHBWSOJO SHUT 0UTTH& A'S 3 "nM eS...THE 1965 OF FfcUR BUNS IN FOUR. GAM&S ? f.Harry Logan^ Fine J ewelry AND I Repair ing I Your J iwtUr Away fro m Home I 5 W. Main St. Bloomsbur o I m ^ ^ I SHUMAN'S WORLD TRAVEL I I 17 IAIT MAIN IT. • IIOOMISUIO • FMONI 714-3*20 I I LONDON SUPER SHOW TOUR I ONLY 1*78. I ¦ I I I ¦ announces the ah new two weeks at the London Theatre Guaranteed weakly departures I 1 W Includi ng sir Ur; accommodations , tlckst t * much mors | waBawaia ^BiBHasaiasajaBawaMawaBBBS ^BBB ^^^ B^^^^^ aB^B^^^*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ t nist Journal,*' Ellen Willis* adventures with the Redstockings as th«y try (and continuall y fall) to get sexual equality , as they tr y to legalize abortions , as they ...re ad it. I didn't like Lewis MacAdams ' poetry in US 1, but his "I Am "The Children' Singing Off* is poetry in pro se, a deliberately Incoherent and therefore fright ening look at whites again st blacks, or is it blacks against whites? Or everybody against everybody? JAIL IS WHERE... So aV last we come to the c lassic , the piece worth the buck : Katharine Dunn 's chilling "Jail Is Where When You Have To Go There They Have To Let You In. " Goldstein says Dunn writes like "falmi ng shit ," and there' s no other way to descirbe it. Her pri son scenes are so starkly real: the holdin g it in so your cell mate won't see you crap; the screams in the night as a young boy is raped in the men's >all-block ("How' s that gag?... Let' s seehis ass ...Let me onhim. Hold him tight boys I'm going to ride him hard. "); the night the whole pri son cried and no one heard; the pink walls, the lesbians , the loss of self. And then the endin g.... US 2 suffers from some of the same p rob lems as 1 , but this collection so outdistances the first lt*s unbelievable. US is finally what it is supposed to be: dangerous visions . Read it. You may not like what you read , but it will challenge you, maybe even make you aware of who US is and what we demand. See ya back in school. MOYER Pharmacy Your Prescri ption Druggist ROBERT G. SHIVE, R.P. Free Prescri ption Deliver / TOILET GOODS COSMETICS RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES GREETING CARDS 1 West Main St. Phone: 784-4388 BLOOMSBURG, PA. THE VANK&BS SCOREDA 1QTAL t (c ont inued from page *wo) ^^' l,:.il,iJlJ:!!!l ji:ll,,iii,il,::!!li nll!l,liJl»,Ij ,J Jet. of Route 11 and Interstat e 80 Exit 36- OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT FRI. & SAT. Sundays & Dail y — 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. We Invite You To Dine With Us Everyday and Sundays Too We Cater To Every one and Serve Only Choice CHARCOAL BROILED STEAKS CHOPS, BEEF-BURGERS SANDWICHES & SALADS Phone 784-7837 —^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PAUL DIBTER, Prop. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *'