= MURDER ! ! = A HAPPY EASTER? Library Attachee' Kills . Victim of Circumstance library door . Detectives found a trail of blood leading from the History section (973.4). This section of the L?brary has never been very popular, but since the crime of strain , passion, and hate , throngs have been drawn to the dusty seldom-used "Beard and Beard Historys" as an excuse to view the scene of this ghastly crime. Librarian Eye-Witness Social Service Club is beginning a Due to the absence of the Head Linew project and they need your help. brarian, the assistant gave an eyeThe eiub, in cooperation with the witness account of the tragedy. Said Philadelphia U.S.O. Scrapbook Com- the assistan t, "I had seen 'Buzzie' mittee, plans to make scrapbooks f«r Housfioschus shortly before and had the men in service. These books will said—I could kill him! never thinking be sent to men in American hospitals the girl would take me literally." The overseas, and on small ships leaving girl she spoke of was the second-rate eastern ports, and to men on duty in assistant to the assistant. All the isolated outposts on this continent assistants to the second-rate assistant and off-shore bases. are being held along with the secondIn order to h ave enough material rate assistant to the assistant for furAaa war boxds to fill a lot of these scrap books we i ther questioning. will need all the things we can get . Threat Overhca.nl ¦ If you have any pin -up girls, j okes. soijnnuo.ioe o) ojbjdj Onlookers said they heard the secjo Suiqonn} cartoons , magazine clippings, stories Aoi[) so s^oofqns oiuiopuoK ond -rate assistant to the assistant The two new Freshman girls in the oqi ui s-poqiaiu s.o.i.ioj Jiy Aiu.iy jo (long or short), articles (light , or ser- hiss in a low tone "I'll get you yet"— pin: put: spiu ious), sooiAOp pictures , or qui zzies, save them . i dormitory, Mary Moscr and Marjo cic uoi^B.iisuoiuop n (hen a duJJ thud , followed by a The committee making the scrap- and Brace, have boon \mdergoing Customs 3uiuu?j ; jo uoi)ii/;iun oq; 'pn? Sui death -like stillness . The .second-rate lately. The first day of customs they -ipt!O} v s"i? jjB.iD.ut: io uorii ;zf[rjn oq] books will have a box labeled "U.S.O. assistant rushed from the stacks wore their hair in pigtails and for j oaod niA\ sv.un.iSo.ul nqi 'iB.muoS u j Scrapbooks" on the counter of the shouting "Oh what have. I done ? 1 "uoai " oq {tiav uoi^B.iis canteen . Drop in a gag or a picture didn 't moan to do it , bui he wouldn 't several days they wore sign s bearing " jp their names and names of their homo I - u oiu. oqi oj oi(a\ >Ui:jsjo oq) u;si so2o[ or anything else you have that you let me alone. " With this she slumped olio S.mq think the fellows would enjoy . We prostrate across Webster's New Simtowns. They are frantically tryin g to I -[o;> aoqoi!0^ uoaos •U|i get autogra phs of numerous uppor- -siuooja '£ ", 15JiBui 'ooci d >»nn him so3u|j .uj ui Odds and Knds some of the members ! The committee to release the onlookers from their i Mary Schroerier professes to be an puu siiiBop 'siuout iuj-jaj jo j aqmnu in cha rge of the supper were Eva stunned silence. ardent lover of fresh dates. Wonder {UUIJOU Olf l pun OIHipUOD 10U H|A\ S.JO Bourgeois, Peggy Beach , and Jacque-ipnoj lt Aoua3,w>uu),, pouuo-os luosoj d Pronounced Deiul what kind ? line Shaffer . Dodie Berlows theme song those OH,} JO XUUUI 1l!l|l pUJ Oq) JO A\O ]A UJ During the short business meeting Quick thinkin g, fast , Johnny Opaldnys seems to be "Flys in the Butler- •oSmioo sj o qauox ^UH S Sjnqs uioom that followed the supper, 'plans were ka rushed to Ph.m , Brown who prom ilk , Shoo , Shoo, Shoo ", Well , she O IH SuipniOUJ 'KJUl.'AJ A'SUUOd UI SUOI) made for several outdoor suppers and nounced the victim dead two minutes -nvosuy uojiRonpo .unpuo} oq} \\v. ukuj was raised on a furm , you know. later. Hmelnicky with his ever prea week-end camp ing trip in April, ii Dolores DeVizzia is becoming notor- oun n u| o^unpiM \\].s\ saotpno) pcu p After the business session the club sent thoughtfulnoss took from his ious for the numerous' dancing exhi- -unij uoaojo Xioiv/unmuki v 'inVJ jxou members participated in the various pocket n bottle and assisted the secbitions she pilts on frequently, She is 1S(XO \\\A\ qoH(A\ SOIOUUDUA po.Ip imq activities that are regular features of ond-rate nssistnnt to the assistant to anxiously awaiting the next Navy fire a*iuoa\1 pojniunso oi\\ Atkins oi pojrcd the weekly Girls' Open House. a nearby chair. ui sj ouotto} Special guests of the evening were drill , so she can got off her new rou - •pftini bj sj ,$I j oquia Body In View joutos osuij oijs v tine . 0lvd her a grass skirt and she'll poj punu uoo^moj the new Frosh who just entered colDetectives are searching for the go a long, way. Maybe Gfnny King will lege in March. They are: dorm stu- death instrument . By the way what donate.hors, ; dents—Marjorie Brace and . Mary happened to Krische's crutches?? ajnoy uopc rqig Tiierbr. has been a general comMoscr; day students—Dawn RshelThe victim 's body may bo viewed ( Co|itiinui ed, on page 2) A|ddng JDi pi23jL man nnd Betty Fisher . on request at the Library—Honest. March 27—B. P. Young, prominent in this community, "Buzzie"" Housfioschus was found today bludgeoned to death outside the B-Club Dines In New Gym Waller Hall Girls Initiate iWaroon an b <6olb Inter-Company Track Meet Being Planned PoMUSbodttt the Baoomabar s State Itoaoben OoUtve V^j ivT ^s°cia1ed Golle6ide Pr ess W ^A Editore Athamantia Comuntzis , Jacqueline Shaffer Editorial Board Jean Richard , Phyllis Schrader .. .. '. . . . John Zagoudis Sports Editor Service Editor . Bernard W. Kane Exchange Editor . . . Mary Schroeder Helen M. Wright Business Manager . Eileen Falvey . ... . Circulation Manager Evelyn Doney Assistant Reporters — Peggy Anthony, Rosanna Broadt , Jean Dickinson, Barbara Greenly, John Hmelnicky, Audrey Lawton , i Baron Pittinger , Marj orie Downing -and Marjorie Stover. Typists Anna Pappas, Harriet Rhodes , Mary DeVitis Miss Pearl Mason, Mr . Samuel L. Wilson Faculty,Advisors .. . . :.. . LIFE WITH UNCLE] , Dear Fellas: by B w Kane tr *¦ "Doc" Nelson arid Coach Buchheit have been conferring over the prospects of holding a track and field event among the Navy men on the station . They are planning to have Company A and Company B compete against one another in the course of two afternoons, The proposed days are April 4 and April 6 which fall on Wednesday and Friday respectively. During the firs t afternoon , the following events will take place: 100 yds. dash, pole vault , shot put . one mile run , running high j ump, discus throw, 60. yd hurdles and the 440 yard run. On Friday afternoon the meet will conclude with the 220 yd. dash, runnin g broad jump, javelin throw, 2 mile run , 100 yd . low hurdles, and the 880 yd . run . The meet should prove to be quite interesting and should be given quite a turnout by the follows in the unit . No doubt , we can also be able to gather some ideas as to how our track team will shape up this coming season through this participation . Since my sophomore year, I've enjoyed writing up our M & G's Service column ; but now as a senior, I'd like to give the pleasure to young lady who I know will keep "Life With Uncle" going after I graduate . Many of you "fellas " will remember Phyllis Schrader, as a little fresh man girl who could be as athletic as Chesney and still hold the poise of the Weather Bolsters perfect lady that she is. In 1942, Phyllis came from Lewisburg to B.S.T.C. to train in the Special Baseball Practice field . She is now an outstanding junior who has made worthwhile contributions to leading activities here at college. Bringing bat and ball outside fiYou'll like Phyllis; she's the sort of girl that any soldier could talk nally, due to the fine weather the with confidentially. pas t week , the baseball team under Yes , she 's a real girl for this service work. She will give it her best; Nelson 's eye underwent a and I know that you fellas will return your best . Keep those interesting "Doc" few brisk workouts . Gettin g th e feel letters corning; make "Life With Uncle " a joy for her that it was for me. of a bat and ball was the main obj ect, B. W. Kane while th p coach obtained a fair-idea . 1A. Kenneth It . Allen as to wiio lip 1 bought were, ball First. Lieutenant Kenneth Richard with th e army in Belgium , and How- players . "Doc" Nelson concentrated on Alien was killed in Germany March 1, ard , radio operator , who lias been rehis parents wore informed by telo- ported missing in action since Sep- batting drills and firing practice, sending the outfielders after flii > s . On Ri'am from tho War Departm ent . ; tember .17, 1944 . Saturday afternoon a 3 hour session Lt . Allen was wounded in action Lt . Allen was awarded the Purple December ,19, 19-11 and returned to Heart medal for wounds sustained in was put in by the squad , which may or many not have been beneficial , A action with an artillery u nit last act ion . practice game among the squad memmonth , after recuperating from hoi's which lasted about 4 innings wounds of the shoulder and arm. 1 heard .sad hews, and looked around was played. While a student, at Bloomsburg And i rj, concl usion this I found: As far as the infielders are conState 'Poachers College, Lt . Allen en- Man has a goal beyond this life they had a snappy workout cerned, listed in September , 19-14, and trained Or else we're mad to bear this strife: on Monday, wi th "Doc" Nelson at Camp Shelby, Miss., with an infan- Un mindfully he glowed with joy tin g the hit apple. There was A/S try outfit . IIo was selected lo take an A care free "kid" a little boy. catchi ng A/S Klinofoltrr on Bnttger , offi cers' candida te course at Fort Sill , I watched this healthy lad run past . " om, on with fi rst, alternatin gA/S P Okla ., and was the n transferre d to "He" died tha t such may ever last.. Protico and A/S second base A/S . the artillery . After being commission- A teen-aged girl st rolled by my way Vornon , at short stop. A/S Mariased he was sent to Camp Hutner , N. C, Alive with youth , a girl quite gay. late r returnin g to Fort Sill (or an She saw my gaze and dropped her chin , and spl ittin g third bnso A/S Ix and A/S Ter hun e . The pitchers extension course. Following compleeyes tion of the special course, Lt . Allen The purest kind where goodness lies. are still, loosening tip working for was sent to Camp Pickett , Va., nnd Per haps "He " had the like to boast ; cont rol The squad should be due for its first cut . late last, year was sent overseas, ar- So in protection gave His most . riving in England , October 5, 1944. Then many helpless came lo mind: Kenneth Richard Alien was bom The grand old lady good and kind ITq, Tenth Air Force In Burma— in Shamokin , May 9, 1922, and wns I saw the lame the half who 'll li ve The promot ion to Staff Sergeant of graduated from Shamokin High Because there's such ns "Him" to Robert L. Johnson, 23 yea r old son School in 1940, af ter which he enof Mrs , Ada .Johnson , 224 Reservoir giv e. rolled at Bloomsburg State Toachors Ididn 't think St., Lancaster , Pa., was announced by of sturdy men College. He wns well known through- Wh ole strength makes life secure for Maj . Gen . Howard C, Davidson , Comout this region as a talented dru m mandin g General , Tenth Air Force, them maj or, performing with Shamokin Although Sgt, Johnson , who hns been in they gain from what he did High School band , and later with the By complex life tho service 31 months , spent the , their Rain is hid. Bloornsburg State Teachers College past 22 months in tho India Bunn n From those ta general thoughts I band . Ho taught drum major ing at thentro as Chief Clerk in tho stray Danville. Since childhood , Lt, Allen Quartermaster Section of Tenth Air was a member of the Trinity Episco- To wonder what the world would say Force Headquarters . If it knew what a gem it lost pal Church and Sunday school , He graduate^ Ieksburg High School If it knew what a war has cost. Surviving lire the parents and two to tho BloomsburR State Teachers brbtfibrs, Private Jaincs Allen , who is B. W. Kane College. A.K.S.T.C, Freshman art studen t , Richard Fox, spends a lot of his spare time pulling strings to make people perform . You see , he's a marionette maker, actor , and director. His productions include "The Mikado," "Hansel and Gretel," and the "Merry Widow." His most popular act is a burlesque on Cindrella called "Red Plot Cinders." —The Keystone Take Me Out To The Bull Game Plans for a softball game between the men and women are under way at Trenton State Teachers College. The girls must wear men 's clothing and no make-up . (My beloved is rugged). Boys must be completely clad in female attire ( skirts and blouses or dresses ) hair ribbons, and must bo completely mads- up—lipstick , rouge, and powder. They must also bat left handed . ( Aro-o-o-o-ow!) —State Signal My Pet I'eevo . . . Is that some boys are so gropey! -—Leila Shaffer. Windber Hi-Times War Scrap Book At New Paltz State Teachers College all members of the faculty and student body are saving clippings about men or women who' have at some time attended New Paltz . It will no doubt make interesting reading in the future years. —The Van del Hattlci of lh« Sexes The females at Shippensburg State I Teachers College have definitely disi proved the theory that where brawn j is concerned , tho male is the suporj ior of the human race. In a ghastly, barbarous bloody basketball battle, the weaker sex displayed their hidden talents for sinkin g shots in the basket . On several occasions the ladies heroically throw themselves to the ground in order to break the falls Jof the boys as they thudded to the door with tho delicacy of cannon balls . (Girl s, chalk one up for our side). Tlie Campus Reflector StrwUsh With graceful feet, a maiden sweet Was tripping the ligh t fantastic; When she suddenly tore for the dressing room door— You novor ran trust tin's war elastic! The Collegio Cruising the Campus Ahn, 'tis Spring, De "boid" is on do wingAw, don ' t bo "AfosoM" De wing is on de "bold"! WALL.K K 1IAIX (Continued from page 1) plaint "No let ter today " running around the plnce lately. Someone bettor put a boo in tho bonnet s of some of tho former V-12's at B.S.T.C. Wnlco up, Phyz , . . It' s the usual custom to take one's clothes off when taking a shower—or is an 8 o'clock P.T. class too early for you ?