^WOTmOTWBOTWBBOT* S C#J EEI M | P H j I (^ A^p P-H EH « I Hill , ^ K^ 8 »¦ PBBI ¦ ^3 © PS B ' ¦l^ " SC' -5 § (S H ' SMH k ' © ^ 0_, ^ 2 fee U gc QS 3¦ 2 E^ 1* S 8 Jj o |^s »¦ BR-^ B . HH s I I ^;vj &H tffl " ' Die Them 'SEEDS '' by AD HOC ^^ Haley O'Cab, lecturer, rider, writer, spinster, mother-in-law and all around flunky of the literary world has just arrived in Bloomsburg to promote his new book dealing with his heritage, or family bush if you will, entitled "SEEDS." Yes Mr. O'Cab, related to Haley 's Comet, will be appearing in Haas Moritdrium on Friday night to show the students of Bloomsburg State Normal School how they, too, can trace back in the winds of time to their family seeds. In his book Haley O'Cab tells of campfire stories Uncle Ernie used to tell in Ireland. "Uncle Ernie used to say to me Haley, 'Haley' he said, 'we've been tormented too long in Ireland. Those munchkins or midgets or leprechans or what ever you want to call those little bastards have been on our asses for long enough and it's time that we, The Big Green, rebel and fight those little' monkeys until they waste away.'" After he finished the story about the midgets, the boring author told the sleeping audience about his stint in the IRA as a port-a-john cleaner. "Yes, I cleaned those damn things for fifteen years and every night I had a chance to write about it in my diary. Here's an example of a typical days wdrth of my writing. 'Dear Diary, Today I got up and washed my face, I think. I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed somemore. Them gems were spotless, G'night diary.' I also had an opportunity to write letter for my associates in the IRA because they didn't know how to spell. I used to write the best damn letter to their girlfriends, I'd get pretty mushy in them. I used to think that their colleagues would be proud of them, then I walked off the boat when they were there to meet us at the dock. Man they was ugly submitches!! Anyway, after I was out of the army I joined the Irish answer to Playboy, it was called Blarneyboy. My first interview was with William Butler Yeats, a well known politician and part-time poet. Willy was quite the man of letters in his hey-day and I'm glad to have had the opportunity to ta^k with this fellow oppressed Irishman ." The Irishman also said that his SEEDS went back In Ireland 1 as far as when Saint Patrick chased all the snakes out of the country. "Yes th ese are my SEEDS. St. Patty was a firsit in the O'Cab family line to make something out of his life instead of ! being a deadbeat like his father, Arnold." After the lecture the famous author took time out to have, lunch with the group on campus that scrounged up enough money, by what means we don't know, and that was the Irish Gnomes Intellectu al Turd Society , otherwise known as IGIT, which they are a bunch of , but that realy doesn't have anything to do with this story. The IGITS toofc O'Cab oh a tour of BSNSf which lasted a total of ten minutes and showed him the place where the new statue of the Husky will be erected, or at least put )n the pedestal. They then informed him that the pooch cost the students about $18,000, to which Mr. O'Cab replied "Holy shit, I would have done it for a buck anda quarter ." Mr. O'Cab's last comment had to do with the fact that anyone could be a writer if they tried hard enough and were oppressed by a majority especially in the UnitedStates. Take it fro m me, I've got stories that I made up In my own head that would drive you wild. It's great to have an imagination." They get what '* iney deserve It has come to the point in the cosmic cycle of things when we journalistic college students raise hell by doing a lampoon issue. Bearing this in mind, here is a "poonie"list of awards which should be given .at the awards convocation (providing of course we have a lampoon ceremony) . convocation here they are — The Anyway, Lyle Slack Memorial Awards. Eat your heart out, Boyd... Dean Norton :winner of the L. S. Student Consideration Award. Dean, for your efforts to ensure the quality of justice which supports the Constitution of the United States (if you don't count the Fourteenth Amendment and the Fifth) we award you with oar coveted award, which truly befits your illustrious student' s rights record — an autographed picture of Idi Amin. Pierce Atwater: winner of the Marxist Propaganda Award. Hutch wins this one for having the balls to go around on campus with a picture of Marx on his back. He gets a twenty kopek note bearing Fritz Engels' signature. Jill Sanderlin : winner of the Non-Committal Award. Jill wins the award for her many "abstains " uttered at CBA meetings. The award of five thousand dollars is given in the hope that more members of CGA will follow her example — Especially Dean Norton. Tom Mulhern : winner of the Husky Statue Promotional Award. For his efforts to block approval of the $12,000 expenditure which will go towards a Husky statue and matching chain link fence, Tomr will receive a Husky miniature. Since Tom will be student teaching next semester, and will not be able to witness what will result from the disasterous legislation he so desperately tried to prevent, he can put this small copy of the statue on his windowsill and watch the pigeons shit on it at home. ; Duane Lone: winner of the Ludicrady Award. Oarlof wins this for writing a column of utter insanity, for being short, for being weird, and for putting up with Dale Myers' bullshit. He receives an autographed picture of H. P. Lovecraft, and Hunter S. Thompson . Dale Myers: winner of the Out-oi-the-Frying-Pan Into-theFire-Award. Dale wins the full wardrobe of asbestos sweat suits for bearing the brunt of a Aussling lawsuit and sundry other instances of faculty and administrative flame-throwing . Keep cool, Dale. Russ Houk : Winner of the Paul Bunyan Award. Russ wins a copy of Sampson 's Judicial Process and the Libel Laws of the State of Pennsylvania, for tearing into freedom of the BSC press like a termite in a sawmill. Keep chewing ! Mick Myers: winner of the (ABOVE) AH HA11! 11 THAT'S HOW HE WON 111 i! Joe Surdovdl passes the buck before the CGA election. (Below) A closer look at such diabolical action. _____ ¦ (Photos bv Ed Barrett) B.N.R.O.C. Award (Big NonRevolutionary On Campus). For Mick we have an autographed photo of Che Guevara and one of Fidel's unsmoked cigars. Craig Winters : winner of the Windbreaker 's Award. Craig wins a free sample of wind broken at the Yalta Conference by none other than Joseph Stalin. Better watch out , that's no whiff of Jif, Craig. Louis Hurisinger: winner of the Nelson Rockafeller Sound Alike Award.For Lou we have a very special prize — a package of Hormel bacon. , Vickie Mears : winner of the Cognitive Dissonance Award. For being a ^feminist par exellance and overall aware woman, we present Vickie with a token of male equality — a used jock strap. Wear it in good health. Gushers BSC'S ANSWER TO THE ENERGY CRISIS? President Jimmy Carter has dispatched a team of energy experts to Bloomsburg to research what may be the answer to the nation's energy crisis - BSC's steam gushers. The "gushers" were spotted several weeks ago as steam sputtered up between the sidewalks near Carver Hall and several other sites about campus. The unexplained natural phenomenon has perplexed authorities and brought many inquiries. It has even been rumored that representatives from Gulf, Exxon and several Arab concerns were seen checking them out. To limit the possibility of these corporate interests staking claim, the gushers have been ingeniously disguised as "steam leaks," with the use of cinder blocks and wooden horses. The special energy research and development team is expected to conduct testsin order to discover the source and extent of this powerful energy reserve. These tests will prove beyond the shadow of a doubt whether there are, in fact, vast steam reserves beneath BSC. Positive results will end rumors that he gushers are simply vents for the secret underground cooking operations of Brian Sarris, and that there are secret underground meetings of CGA and administrators "letting off steam ." It has also been thought that the Bloomsburg Town Council holds meetings in these chambers, if they do in fact exist. (The latter two explanations were felt to have some merit due to the extreme hot air spewing from the leaks. In any case, President Carter, after reading reports of the incident, felt that the situation warranted a full-scale investigation. If the study proves to be successful and some means , to harness the energy reserve is found, BSC is due for some tremendous changes. If not, we can call the gushers "Old Wastcfull" and create a tourist trap. EDITO RIAL MWAi The red p lague I suppose you've all been hearing a lot about CAS which supposedly stands for the Commonwealth Association of Students but don't listen to the people who are running around trying fo get you to give them your money . Don't listen to them ! This organization is actuall y the Communist Association of Students and all the money they collect for their supposed membershi p fee goes right to the Kremlin. They actually were supposed to wear red armbands at the subversive rally last week , but they couldn't because they didn't have enough money to buy them. Don't think for one minute that your money went to help fight the tuition increase because they're going to buy red arm bands. Pretty soon they will be in the Commons eating all of our dogs and beans. You may think that they're fust in the Union but they're everywhere. Bakeless , Old Science and carver are now run by the Pinko bastards. The question is, "What can we do to stop the threat of this dreaded disease called Communism?" Do you want to wake up in the middle of the night and have six or seven of the red herring jumping all over your bed. Last night I even found five in my bathtub. Pretty soon we'll be eating our breakfast with chopsticks. Don't give them any more of your hard earned money unless you want it to be used to paint red stars on the side of Commie tanks and guns. Don't listen to any people who ask you to sign petitions. It can only get you a CIA file. If you signed one it's too late. You've already been implicated. We can't fight this enemy alone. Why don't Uncle Jim and his boys do something before it's too late. Even Tommy belongs to them now. The statewide representative, or I should say comrade , even wears a picture of MAO on his workers hat. Don't be tricked by them. Don't let those girls with those cute little smiles talk you into signing anything. Behind those smiles lie the eventual destruction of the American way and all that's good. Four of the top members of the Communist Association of students even hold an assylum for alcoholics and drug addicts. Please do something before the workers of the world are allowed to unite and we all have to use red hankies. Please, its a desperate situation. K ampus Kwizz 1.) Why is the college spending $12,000 for a sterling silver Husky dog? a. To keep the cats out of Bloomsburg b. To satisfy Percival Roberts c. Because uranium dogs cost $22,000 d. $12,000, you ain 't seen nuthin' yet. 2.) Why would anyone want to run for CGA? '\ ' a. A free banquet b. To party at Uncle Jim 's c. It's too far to walk d. Some people are just ¦ masbchists. • " ' • ¦; 3.) The President of CGA is: a. Tammy Mule-hernia b. Serpico c. A 29 year old' black chick d. A jackass , 4.) Why don't students of BSNS join CAS? ^ a. Because they are A-S-S-E-S b. It's a pinko organization. notv a pinko c. It's organization pinko d. What's ;a ¦ organization ? • " '. : , . . ' 5.) Why shouldn't the editors of the Daily Myers get paid? a . Scot Wei tz e l ' s autobiography doesn't deal with this. b. Harry Strine isn 't the advisor. c. Sally Wilson doesn't read the newspaper d. Because they're all independently wealthy. Off on a taiteent JOE SYLVESTERI Editor 's Note: Due to the fact that he was kidnapped, Joe Sylvester could not write "Off On A Tangent" this week. •However, his abductor was kind enough to write it for him. Dan Rather-not, FED news, Somewhere on a protractor (If you don't read this column I'll kill Joe Sylvester, but read it anyway, please!!) It is time again for the longest running off-broadway, on-campus show; Finals Week. Involving a cast of thousands of students, several professors cast in bit parts and Ralph the Wonder Rhine, tiiis action packed drama-comedy will again keep everyone guessing the plot well after the last curtain call. (Remember, I have Joe so keep your nose ta dis here paper, see?) Let us review some of the major acting parts involved, Of course some people will rise, annihilate their alarm clocks, and head over to breakfast. After their return from Bloomsburg Hospital where they had their left, hind fetlock removed , they will begin booking it all day so that they can head out to their favorite nightclub later... The Library. Yes , in case you haven 't noticed, this is the "in" place to be for an extremely active social life on campus. Other more serious students will again review their texts on the art of joint rolling and practice their eye exercises for fifty minutes a day. They will frequen t their favorite study lounges...Hess's, GODS, and the Little Dull Inn...and be constantly annoyed by some joker coming in asking them to equate "Pi" to a thousand 6.) Tripling is: a. The birth of triplets to every BSNS female student. b. Kinky if the rooms are coed. The Kehr Union activites c. Jennie's last HURRAH. board , after bringing such d. One short of a homerun. delights as the Hollywood 7.) What is the Olympian? Squares and the Gong Show to a. Bruce Jenner campus this year has promised b. A Greek Novel a real whopper for the fall, c. A good question namely, the first annual d. A good try anyway. Celebrity Sea Rodeo . The 8.) The college yearbook's nautical nonsense will feature name should be changed to: Hollywood and campus a. The Orbiter celebrities in an exhibition at b. Anything prouncable Nelson Hollywood and campus c. The Life and Times of Scott celebrities in an exhibition at Weitzel Nelson Pool as our boys tusseli d. Fahey's Follie with the scaly little devils. 9.) Cosmic awareness is: Training for the rigorous a. An excuse for group sex. event has already . begun as b. 20th century 's man celebrity captain Pearce greatest affliction . Seawater and Otter Preminger c. Doing drugs with J. lead their star-studded squad d. Unconstitutional through calisthenics at Fishing 10.) A tuition increase...... Creek while the renovation of a. doesn't bother me , 1 am a Nelson pool is being completed. senior. The pool is being remodeled to a b. beats the shit put of me, I depth of 500 feet to allow for any am a junior. deep water species that may be c. means transferring to entered in the contest. Several Misericordia , I am a BSC members have shown sophomore. great promise In recent ind. sucks, I am a freshman. tramural events. 11.) The BSNS Nursing DepFor instance faculty member t Dr. John Surf displayed a. is bed pan bound. amazing epidermal strength by b. needs an I.V. laying on a bed filled with sea o. practices malpractice. urchins while Dean Smelton d. is headed by Flynn the (Flounder Face) Hunainger Eskimo, everybody jump for was lying on fop of him. Uncle ioy. Dan Rather-not, FED UJS, ^ ^ ^ ^ somewhere on a p rotractor:;HMHM decimal places or asking to borrow their slide rule when they know damm well you're Using it to keep track of how many beers you 've had! During power failures they also take your last match, so that while they play Abe Lincoln by candlelight down the study lounge you are left with your funny cigarette and no way to smoke it. (Joe just lost his index finger because you didn't laugh at that last line now keep reading!) The next part is that of a professor. Although any stuttering bum over forty with a beard and a sex hangup wiE do the trick, this part requires a special person because he must decide whether your final will be comprehensive over the entire World Book Encyclopedia , or just simple memorization of the reference volumes. The audience will usually be awestruck whichever way he decides to do it and it is rather doubtfull that he will receive a standing ovation or a curtain call,..although a few cat calls and tomatoes may be in order. The acts are performed on various stages from Navy to Nelson and may be frequently divided by a long intermission termed a bomb scare, But usually the final act is always the same: we find the stunned student and the laughing professor are talking about their ratings for the show. There are two possible endings for this act ... it just depends on who gets to the gun first. As always, there will be the Academy Awards presented to ^^GeleSrit^^ V |• • • • ¦ « Jim (Tuna Teeth McCorrriick) amazed the team by playing leap frog down at the river with real frogs. Tuna teeth was the only guy with enough stamina to out-hop the slimy little leapers. The visiting team , was collected several weeks ago by the Biology department in recent field trip to the Galapagos islands. Visiting team captain Chuck Darwin promises a very competitive team as soon as his squad evolves completely. CGA president Tuna Mulehernia indicated that several new events will be added to the normal sea rodeo format. Such events as underwater Greco-Roman wrestling, Curling, Blind man 's bluff and the ever popular Shark chase the Geese (a modification of that ever popular childhood game, Fox eliaBe the Geese) . To compensate for the weight discrepancies in the wrestling events the fishies are undergoing a strict weight gaining diet in which only nutritious , high protein food is served. For those who really deserve them. These categories go hand in hand , or foot in mouth , or finger up nose. There will be awards for most cups of coffee consumed and most time spent in the bathroom. Awards for the best bullshit story to a prof and best comeback line from a prof. Also, which prof can give the hardest final and the most original student suicide after taking the hardes t final without study. Awards for who can play their stereo the loudest and fastest total time for hammering a stereo to death by a neighbor. Who can party the most during finals week , and who can use the most original crirse words to someone who cars party during finals week. There are also those funny characters who add the humor to finals week. Like the Polock who comes to a math final with only ah indelible ink pen and no scrap paper. Or the Italian, who throws up his Zucini soup on your freshly, done term paper due today. I'm sure these characters have many other funny, funny stories to tell...if they, live: (Joe, the judges are ¦„¦ '¦: '' watching!) And of course after the play is all over most serious students will remain for the weekend to totally destroy any brain cells left by getting fubarred any way they can. For after all, it was a really good year...that is the parts of . it that are still left in my memory banks. (No ! No!, Joe, don't do it, don't ... damm he got away. Well, I guess that means you don't have to read the article after all. But if you don't reread it I'll get you and your little dog toooooo.) this reason, the fish are not permitted within a 500 mile radius of the Scranton Commons. The Blind Man 's bluff event is really hell as the blinded contestant of one squad is placed in the pool with the entire opposing squad. The blinded member who captures the most opponents in two minutes wins the event; A novel twist will be seen in the way that the contestant is blinded. Instead of the traditional blindfold, the bluffee will be forced to chug two quarts of Tiger Rose, (some fun , huh). The final event of the night will be shark chase the geese. In this event a 25 foot; Great White Shark will be placed in the center of the pool. The team with the most survivors after swimming three lengths . will be proclaimed the winner. This event promises to be the highlight of the upcoming social season so don 't delay in getting your tickets. If you apply now you will get a 20 per cent discount off the $6 admissions charge and a stomach distress bag will be included at no additional charge. Interested students should consult Mike Mouthwash in the Union for ticket info. iaasi Letters to> the editor..• Passover? Dear Editor *. What's all this I hear about Passover on Lightstreet Road? Why it's high time that people of Jewish descent are given their rights. I don't know , granted , much about their religion , but they have a right to practice it. This is a free country, isn 't it? Why , The very foundation of our country rests on freedom and equality f o rall ! As long as they don 't infringe upon the rights of others, I think they should be able to observe Passover anywhere they want even Lightstreet Road. Though I don't know why anyone would want to hold Passover there,' why, without an overpass that could be dangerous. Overpass !_ ?! Sorry, never' mind. Respectfully, Emily Lietella Perth Amboy, N.J. Editorial abuse-yeah! Dear Editor: It gladens me that you have so seriously abused your position as Executive Editor of the CAMPUS VOICE. The non-stop waterfall of words headed "Judicial Inaction" in last Friday 's Voice got only one side, yours. And who needs a way to pick out what was fact and what was only one man 's opinion. You indeed printed all of the facts and made them clear , losing no impact in column after column of relevant back-biting. Sixty-six column inches of type not only makes your message powerful , sixty-six more would have made it even more so. You should have realized how important this issue is to your readers. You had many good points to make and even an extremely illeterate reader would have picked them up. Your purpose in writing the article the way you did had an aura of effectiveness * that enhanced your respectability. If you get little administration feedback on this article, don't be surprised , for surely your effectual ranting and raving stunned them into silence. Articles such as yours, and there have been similar ones published throughout the year, have brought the VOICE great respect among administration and faculty members. Not that this matters, because respect from the administration and faculty won 't make your words any more powerful. In fact, you have chosen the most effectual way of getting the problems you have presented solved — editorial abuse. The CAMPUS VOICE will continue to gain readers and respect , on campus as it Royal record by SO WRONG PEFF Yes, fans, they 've come through again ! After a yearlong wait in breathless anticipation, the world can hear the new album by that famous group from Tibet, "King." Following their previous record breaking successes, including "King ',, "King Zwei," "Sheer Arteriosclerosis," and "A Night at the Brassiere Factory, " King has just released their latest, "A Day at the Morgue. " Known for their extremely high falsettos, King has had a long line of hits. "Killer King," the poignant tale of Henry VIII, borught King to world renown. This was followed by "Afghanistan Symphony," a remarkable song, chiefly known for its operatic arias and gong crash. "You 're My Worst Enemy," their third hit, told the sad story of a loner who falls in love with a porpoise, which dies after having a masectomy. Another sorig, although not a hit but still popular, was "I'm in Love with My Refrigerator ." The new album already boasts two hits. "Somebody to Hate," about a teen idol who is ._. ,„ ,.. ^ ; LOST: Koys on brown chain and / ' bluo |ackot with "Hungtlngton" f i on It. Call Rich ph. 2258 Montour • I 146, W:.. k . . . . . Cement the Husky ! Dear Editor , Waste, Waste, Waste! We always complain • aboivt government waste. Now our own CGA £oesv and appropriates money for a $33,000 Husky statue. We would have been glad to steal President Mccormick's dog and stick it in a batch of cement if you would reimburse us for the $12.95 bag. Yours for a thrifty CGA, . The Hunsicker Twins (Lou and Jeff) and their Uncle Elton John Birch award Pear Editor : ; Congratulations on your receiving the Dow Jones Industrial Memorial Journalism Award for your outstanding in a c h i ev e m e nt cinematography. It does my heart good to hear that anyone, especially you, that;rants and raves about being a hip college student into Marx, Lenin, et si would wind up in possession of a EQE&I Slipped disc . .... , dedicates itself to serving the college community as a responsible, respective news source.There is no need to walk hand in hand with the administration on any issue, and it is best to deliberately antagonize them with every issue. With all good intentions, Kim McHale Coyote _..__. ..._. „-__ ..¦¦^¦•life.ama^lt^tott***" m* Sincerely, Henry Ford, XXXVI A team of huskies! Dear Editor, I feel that the Campus Beautification Committee has not gone far enough with its Claris to erect a statue of a Husky, which is the BSC mascot. If we really want to dp it up right we should erect a statue of a whole team of huskies leading a sled being driven by Uncle Jim McCormick dressed as Sgt. Preston of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. As an added feature perhaps we should place a fire hydrant in a strategic location close to the huskies. Yours truly, Buffalo Atwater Lou's bacon Dear Editor, I must express my displeasure with the BSCC this year/ All we bad this year was CCAA holds final session by SO WRONG PEFF disgusted by the teeny-boppers A summer vacation, further who follow him, and "Tie Your campus beautification and an Sister Down ," the heart- execution were planned at a tale of a recent meeting of the College warming necrophiliac's incestual love for Campus Final Association. his dead sister, are rapidly The spending of CCAA's moving up the charts. budget for a summer vacation King 's . lead singer and for all members was endorsed manager, Fairy Venus, is proud by CCAA's members. However, of his group 's success. In they spent most of the alloted "Crawling Rock," a weekly meeting time figuring out newspaper on rock music, where to go. Fairy stated the following : Dr. James Bryden , chairmy dear, we are doing person, suggested Siberia. He "Yes, simply well (giggle). We plan to claimed that the tundra is release our next album on lovely in the summer. Joe Surdbval , student Halloween (giggle). The title? Oh, yes , love, it's to be called member, expressed his wish to "Afternoon with a Sadist. " go to Poland. "I have relatives And there you have it. The there!" he exclaimed . world is once again waiting in Dr. Carig Himes, chairperson breathless anticipation for of biological sciences, settled King's new disc. For now, turn the argument by suggesting a on to "A Day at the Morgue. " place which all members Especially listen for a short, but heartily agreed upon — Berrapidly growing, song entitled wick. "I've never been there," "My Father has Rigor Mortis claimed Cathy Lucrezi, student and My Male Dog Had Pup- member," and golly ! I heard pies," which promises to be it's even more exciting than their third hit from this in- Bloomsburg! How could we pass it up?" novative album. Further plans for campus beautification were discussed. These include : blowing up ¦ Thoro will bo a mooting for all ¦EKvell Hall in order to build a new girls dorm/and shooting all |thoso Intorostod in establishing I ¦tho Sfoopy Tlmo Half-Way Houto Ifemale students which did not 5 Fodoral Subsidatlon Committee. I meet Dr. Himes criteria (on a I This monoy will bo usod for bigger |scale from one to ten , those ¦partial , moro boor, and now |rating one to nine would be I sleeping bugs. Coma support tho |,shot). I causo ( Mooting tlmo Is Friday at I Dr. Bryden claimed that these plans were being put into 3 t m t l mWm\ m0l mm m m,' WM mm L *2£2L m MJt mm mmumm mMJ$£2k2L, m» ''m __ placque with "Dow Jones " inscribed on it. Maybe in the future you could cop the John Birch Society Award, given every thirty five years to a BSC graduate attending a Midwestern graduate school of journalism . Now if you could tell me who died, was it Dow Jones or was it Journalism? action. However, the bombing attempt on Elwell failed in its first try. Bryden claimed that he would continue in his project. "Anything to beautify this campus is worth the trouble." Plans for Dr. Himes execution were made. On May 14, the final day of the spring semester, he will be taken to the front of Hartline Science Center, tied to a telephone pole, blind-folded, and be shot by all CCAA members. He will not be allowed to have a farewell cigar ! Dr. Himes was found guilty of constantly qomplaining and rejecting the association 's proposals. CCAA will return from Berwick in September (minus Dr. Himes) to continue their service to BSC. Hit the heach musical attractions such as Billy Joel and the Dirt Band when we could have had the ultimate of campus attraction Lou's Bacon with his scrapple, deformed gopher and other renditions (along with a good light show). A good warm-up comedy act for Lou would be Ron Troy being himself. This would have been the star attraction that BSC students have long awaited. To the committee I say Hum Bug ! Sincerely, Connell Matt P.S. I hope next year's committee realizes their mistake before these two fine , performers"leave our campus. A husky asset Dear Editor , CGA recently allocated $11,000 for the purchase of a sterling silver Husky statue to be placed in Aumiller Plaza. I feel that this would be a vital asset to our fine campus. However I believe that it is of high importance that this statue be protected from vandals, thieves^ rapists, robbers, arsonists, homosexuals, highw ay m e n , c o m m u n i st s , muggers, and of course, the worst threat to freedom in college today, America students. For this reason, I urge students to support the administrators proposal to spend $1.2 billion of CGA funds to buy, land mines, barbed wire, a trident, submarine and a B-l bomber to protect this aesthetic marvel. Please sign me A concerned administrator . Hickie haven? Dear Editor , Whatever happened to the good, old days when hickeys were fun and everyone wore them. I am shocked by the lack of scarred necks on Sunday nights in the Scranton Commons. In my freshman year hickeys were everywhere. But they were especially prominent the first weekend that 24 hour visitation went into effect. Then all we "Hickey Hunters" were delighted to be assured that BSNS students were alive and virile. . But alas, it seems as though sex and the subsequent hickey are dead at BSNS, and all we "Hickey Hunters " mourn its passing, Hugs and Kisses, A concerned onlooker B*Wtafii Brabby-T.W.D. by E. MUNCIIKIN The story of Barb Fahey who was reincarnated as a wonder dolphin after she gave up the ghost. I Brabby wasn't always so wonderful. She became a wonder dolphin after the good Sea King Dale Coralmyers waved his magic wand over Brabby's snout and said the magic word, "slaw ". When Dale said that all of a sudden Brabby could think and reason , something she could never do before. Brabby was lonesome however because she couldn't communicate with any of the other sea animals (except for maybe Catfish B. Lou, the B. is for Bacon) so off she went in search of fame of furtune. Brabby and many exciting adventures so look for the Adventures of Brabby starting next week. 16 set recdixfe ^n '77 school year YOU SAID A MOUTHFUL — A member of the BSNS month lacrosse team makes her way down field during last week's championship game with Lock Haven. - (Photo-byShields) ~ " ¦ _ « BSNS TOMOR R O W PUBLISHED IN THE STUDENT ACTD7ITIES OFFICE LUNCH & DINNER IN THE COMMONS ... Grilled ground hogs, roll, oleo, and yesterdays salad, assorted beverages ... Roast Ham Hocks, greasy french fries , stringed beans, salad with puke dressing and Hot Dogs with peas. Today 's Events Movie "Brabby the Wonder Dolphin", KUB Multi. Rm. II & I Discussion by Mr. Davis on how Brabby the Wonder Dolphin affects the political process, KUB Multi Rm. A ,-3:30 p.m . Study Group, KUB Ladies Room, on the second floor of the union. Sensational George — will pull Brabby the Wonder Dolphin from his hat. Celebration , KUB Green Room. Feast day of Brabby the Wonder Dolphin. Ring Day, College Store, get our ring with an insert of Brabby the winder Dolphin. Orleans, Bardo Gym , W. Third St., Williamsport, will sing praises of Brabby the Wonder Dolphin. Phi Beta Brabby meeting, 6:30 in the green room. Health Science Center HAUY >* B06 Guidance Program featuring Dr. Albert Lansing & Dr. Shirley 'Atkins?Will discuss the care and feeding of dolphins in the wild. Another Big Record Promo, in the College Store featuring recordings of Brabby the Wonder Dolphin from depths of 2,000 it. below the Atlantic. Report Your New License Plate No. to the Coast Guard. All pet dolphins must be registered before the twentyl 1 Advisor Advertising Manager , Circulation Manager Copy Editor. Photography-Editor Sports Ediitor I Feature Editor News Editors' Managing Editor ¦ Business Manager Executive Editor Cartoonist fifth of May or it could cost you $5.00. The Month of June is Dolphin Orientation time. All interested in teaching incoming freshmen how to care for their dolphins properly please sign up at the aquarium up at Nelson Field Hov«se before May tenth. Undersea Horticultural Club presents the "Plants that Brabby loves Best"...7:30 KUB Green Room. = .Sir Richard Passive .\ Cracked Splinters NQSBD Dennis Kabickle, the fifth seal Wayner Palm, Al Pacino Electric Shock Ad Hoc Bill Foxhole, , Barbeckrickhaganrote Peg O My Heart Moron, Lady Montague von Snlppington, III Jerry Eyosanoars Daily Myers Stove Pretzel The DAILY MYERS offices ar» located on the second floor of the Kehr Union and we don'? have a phone. The Myers Is a lackluster organixatlon having no set editorial policy, but they try to maintain their reputation as the quintessence of shoddy collegiate journalism. Editorial decisions are made by the casting of lots but no strict format is adhered to. The opinions voiced in The Daily Myers' columns editorials and feature stories are usually plagiarized from the New York' Times. by ELECTRIC SHOCK It was another record setting year here BloomsburgVState Normal School, as the Guinness Book of Pennsylvania College records was dented sixteen times by members of our college community. The following is a list of the records and their infamous (or famous) owners: The longest yawn by PegO' My Heart Moran, at a meeting of the executive board of the Daily Myers II, 2:22.14; However, this is only a State Normal School record. The University mack was set by an english major in Bucknell. The greatest number of nuclear warheads eaten in one setting, 26; by Craig Winters. Craig will be sent to the national finals, held in Provo, Utah. The greatest number of jelly beans stacked on the new Waller Hall flagpoles, by Stinkin' Oarloff , 43. This beats the old BSNS record of 32, set by Chuck Daly, class of 1943, on the old Carver Hall flagpole. The most trips to the bathroom on one pitcher of beer, by Daily Myers, 12. This was accomplished in Hess' Tavern on his birthday in January. The greatest number of bowls of lemon jello consumed in one meal, by the 16th Street Cleanup crew, 47. However, this does not include jello with whipped cream. The fewest number of desks used by an editor in five years, by Peg O' My Heart Moran, one. The longest indoor leap, by Brabby, the length of the second floor Union corridor. The longest (time) descent on a parachute jump, by Jim Peffley, three weeks. Peffley Started his j ump from the roof of Nelson Fieldhouse, and landed on the steps of Uncle Jim's Executive mansion. The greatest number of oral wind breakings (continuous) at a CGA meeting, by Sally Wilson. This event started two semesters ago and is still going on. We're still, cheering for you Sally ! The highest number of quotes incorporated in a seven inch news story, by Lou Hunsinger. Lou also holds the record of most trivia asides -'during a mass communications class. The most articles of blue clothing worn at the same time by Barb Hagan. The highest phone bill on record, by the bomb scare phantom phone caller. The greatest number of scheduled and completed physical activity courses in spring semester, by Mary Hughes, three. The highest number of false arrests in one school year, by the BSNS police. The greatest number of people named Al on a single newspaper staff , by the Daily Myers 1977 staff. These members of BSNS should be proud to have their names entered into the record book. However, they are always in danger of being scratched out by other collegesMn our state, including our own beloved campus. But , the accomplishment alone is worth the time and effort put out. The Whorer of the Campus Hugs and Kisses M»!ffl»M,l For the longest time you've ben readin' my collum in this paper. Now that I'm finished wit it I jist wanna say that my collum has ad a lot of typpbgraphicall errrorrs inn itt. I always read my manuscripts real carefull wen I get finished typing it. Would you believe theres not a single mistake on it? * It's those darn people att Danvillee! EVery Time I see my collum I see they 've messed itt upp. SOmEtlmEs I gc tT ;REA1 mAd. Anyhow, I just wanted to show you that I can spel good. -HUGS AND KISSES, OARLOF P.S. I also figured that if I started sending in my copy in this condition, it would come out alright. Who knows? 11 ¦ ; ' " So, as So Wrong said, this would be an awful whole If you don't type up a box. So, here It is: A BOX. By $TCV£ Wtvim