MEMBER OF Ass ociat ion of State Colleges and Un ivers ities American Associatio n of Colleges for Teach er Educatio n ACCREDITED BY Middle States Ass oc iat ion of Colleges and Secondary Schools TEACHER EDUCATION ACCREDITED BY National Council for Accredi tation of Teac her Education SOCIAL WORK ACCREDITED BY Coun cil on Social Work Ed ucation California State College admits students of any sex , race , color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges , programs and activ ities generally accorded or made available to students at the College . The same policy is followed with respect to all employees regardless of rank or classification . California State College does not discrim inate on the basis of sex, race , color, religion , ethnic and national origin in the administration of its educational pol icies , admiss ions processes , scholarships and loan programs , employment practices and athletic and other College administrative programs. California State College does not discriminate on the basis of handicap in admission or access to its programs . Inquiries regarding Title IX compliance and Section 504 of the Rehab ili tation Act of 1973 may be directed to Title IX Coordinator, (412) 938-4351 , Affirmat ive Action Officer, (412) 9384185 , 504 Coordinator, (412) 938-4076 , or the Director of Office of Civil Rights Region Ill , U.S. Department of Education , Philadelphia , PA 17101 . This bullet in contains regulations , facts , and requ irements that were correct at the time of publicat ion . The govern ing personnel of Cal iforn ia State College reserve the right and authority to alter any and/ or all of the statements contained herein . In keeping with the educational mission of Cal iforn ia State College , the educational and financial policies and procedures are continually bein g reviewed and changed . Consequently, this document cannot be considered binding and must be used solely as an informational guide. Students will be held responsible for keeping informed of official college policies and for meeting all relevant requirements . California State College UNDERGRADUATE CATALOG Volume 82 1982-84 Number 1 California State College is one of Pennsylvania's fourteen state-owned and operated institutions of higher learning. Contents Academ ic Calendar .. . .... .. . ... ... . . .. .... . . ..... .. . .... . .. ... . 2 The College ... .. .... . ...... . ... . ..... . . . ..... . . . . . . ... . ...... .. 5 College Objectives ..... .. .......... . . . .. ... . .... ... ....... .... . 7 Academic Programs and Services .. .. . . ... . . . ... ... . . ...... . .. . . 8 Academic Policies and Procedures . . .. ... ..... . . ... .. . . . ... ... . 16 Admissions ... ......... ... . .... . ... . ..... . . .. ...... ....... . . .. 36 Financial Information and Fees . . . . . . . . ..... . . ...... . . .. . . . ... . . 42 Financial Aid and Scholarships .... . .. . . .. .. . ........ . . ......... 47 Student Development and Services ..... ......... . . ... ....... . .. 57 General Education and College Curricula .. ..... . ... .......... . . 67 School of Liberal Arts .. .. . .... . .. .... . . . . . ... . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 71 School of Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 School of Science and Technology . . ............... . . . . . ..... 145 School of Continuing Education . . . . . . .... ........ . .... . .. .. .. 166 Associate Degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Mil itary Science, ROTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Course Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Governing Boards (State Board, Trustees, SCUD Board, Secretary of Education, Commissioner of Higher Education) 276 Faculty ... .. ....... .... ... . .. ....... . ......... .... . . . . .. .... 280 Index . . . ..... . ... . . . . ...... .. ... . . . . ....... .............. ... 301 Campus Map .. . .. . . ... . .. . . ... .. . .. . . . ... ...... ....... .. .. .. 305 Academic Calendar *TENTATIVE SCHEDULE FOR ACADEMIC YEARS 1982-84 SUMMER 1982 Reg istration and Orientation . ... •............. Tues., Wed. June 8, 9 Classes begin .. .. . . . .... . ..... . . ... . . .•......... . . Thurs. June 10 July Fourth Recess Begins after classes .. .. .•.......•.... . . . .... . Thu rs. Ends at 8:00 A.M . . . ...... ... . .. . . . . ........... . Tues. Ju ly 1 July 6 1st 5-week session ends . . . ... ..•.. . . ......... .. ...... Fri. Ju ly 16 Reg istration . ........ .. . . .. . .. . ......... . . .... ....... Fri. July 16 2nd 5-week sess ion begins . . .................... . ... Mon . July19 2nd 5-week sess ion ends 10-week session ends ........... . .............. . Fri. August 20 FALL 1982 Regi stration and Orientation .. . .... . .•........ Tues. , Wed. September 7, 8 Classes begin ..... ... . ..... .. .• . . . . ..• . .. . . ... . ... Thurs. September 9 Thanksgiving Recess Begins after classes . ........ . ... . ... . .. .. ..... . Wed . Ends at 8:00 A.M . . ............ ... ....... . . ... .. . Mon . November 24 November 29 Classes end ... . .... . ... . .....•.. . ..... ....... .. .. . . Wed . December 22 SPRING 1983 Registration and Orientation ........•. ...... . Wed ., Thurs. January 19, 20 Classes begin . . . . ................. .• ... .... ... ... .. . . Fri. January 21 Spring Recess Begins after classes .. . .... .. . . . .. .. ..... . ....... Fr i. Ends at 8:00 A.M. ... .... ... ........ ...... .. .. ... Mon . March 4 March 14 Easter Recess Begins after classes ..... . . . . ...... •. ... . . ... . Thurs. Ends at 8:00 A.M ............ . ....... . . ...... . .. Tu es. March 31 April 5 Classes end .... . ..... . .• . . . . . . . . ......•... . . . ....... Fri. May 13 Commencement . .... .. ••......•. . .....•. ... ..•... . .. Sat. May 14 2 SUMMER 1983 Registration and Orientation ....•.......•. . . . . . Thurs., Fri. June 9, 10 Classes begin . ..... ...... ....... • ...... . • ... . .. .... . Mon. June 13 July Fourth Recess Begins after classes . ... . . . ..... .. . .. . ..... ... ... Fri. Ends at 8:00 A.M . ....................... .... . . .. Wed. July 1 July 6 1st 5-week session ends ........... . ..... .. . • . ...... Tues. July 19 2nd 5- week session begins .. .... . .......... . .. ... . .. Wed. July 20 2nd 5-week session ends 10-week session ends ... . ..... . ... . ... ....... .. . Wed. August 24 FALL 1983 Registration and Orientation . . .. . ..... .. ...... Tues., Wed . September 6, 7 Classes begin . ... .. . . .. . ....... .. .... .. . .... . . .. . . Thurs. September 8 Thanksgiving Recess Begins after classes ... . ... . . .......• . .......... Wed . Ends at 8:00 A.M . ... . . ..... .. .. ...... . ......... Tues. November 23 November 29 Classes end .... ... .. . .. . ... .. ..•.... . ..••...... . ... Wed. December 21 SPRING 1984 Registration and Orientation .. ... .•.. . .. ... . . Wed., Thurs. January 25 , 26 Classes begin .. . . .. ... . . . .. . ... . .. • . ..... . ........... Fri . January 27 Spring Recess Begins after classes ..........•. . .... . .•... .. .... Fri. Ends at 8:00 A.M . .. ... .. . .... .. . .... . . . . . . ...... Mon. March 9 March 19 Easter Recess Begins after classes .. . . ....... . ... .. .. . .. ... . Thurs. Ends at 8:00 A.M . ........ . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . ... Tues. April 19 April 24 Classes end ............ . . . . .. .... . . ................. Fri. May 18 Commencement . .. • . ....... . ..... . .•. .......•...... . Sat. May 19 SUMMER 1984 Registration and Orientation ....•.... .. .•...... Thurs., Fri. June 7, B Classes begin ... . ....... .. ....... . . . ....•..... . ..... Mon . June 11 July Fourth Recess Begins after classes . . .. . . . . • . . .. ...••....... . . Tues. Ends at 8:00 A.M . . .. ............ .. . . ........ . .. . Mon . July 3 July 9 1st 5-week session ends .... . .....•..... . .•. . . . ... . . Tues. July 17 2nd 5-week session begins . . . . ... • . . ... ..•. . . . . ... .. Wed. July 18 2nd 5-week session ends 10-week session ends ............. . ... ... . . . . .. Tues. August 21 3 FALL 1984 Registration and Orientation ... .. ...... . . . .... Tues., Wed. September 4, 5 Classes begin ... . .......... . . . ... . ...... . ......... Thurs. September 6 Thanksgiving Recess Begins after classes . . ....... . .. . .......... . .. .. Wed . Ends at 8:00 A.M . .... . .... .. ................... Tues . November 21 November 27 Classes end .................. . ........ .. .. .... . .. Thurs. Dece mber 20 Directory of College Offices Admiss ions Office ... ............ . President's Office ........... . .. . .. Academic Affairs ... ... .. ... ...... Administration and Finance .. .... . Student Development & Services . . Liberal Arts , School of ......... . .. Continuing Education , School of .. Educat ion , School of ... .. .... .... Graduate Studies, School of ... .. . Science & Technology, School of . Academ ic Records . . ... .. . .... .. . Alumni Relations ........... ..... . Counseling Center ...... ... . ..... Development and Public Affairs .. . Financial Aid . . ........ .... ....... Housing .... . ... . .... . ... ...... .. Library .... . ...................... Placement ...... .. ...... .. ....... Revenue .... .. ................ . . . ROTC ............. .. .......... .. Student Assoc iation , Inc . ......... Student Employment .... . ... . . ... Veterans Affairs ... . . .. . . .. ....... 209 Administration Bldg .......... 938-4404 200 Adm inistration Bldg .. ....... . 938-4400 236 Adm inistration Bldg . ..... .. . . 938-4407 226 Administrat ion Bldg ........ .. 938-4432 124 Student Union Bld g ..... ..... 938-4440 102 Noss Bldg . . . . . . . ............ 938-4240 233 Administration Bldg .......... 938-4447 202 Keystone Ed . B ld g ... ....... . 938-4125 106 Main Hall .......... .. .. .. . .. 938-4187 100 Noss Bldg ........... ... ..... 938-4 169 103 Administration Bldg ...... . ... 938-4434 113 Mai n Hall ................ .. . 938-4418 202 Learning Research Cntr . ..... 938-4191 108 Main Hall . . .. .... . ..... . .... 938-4195 105 Administration Bldg .. .. .. .... 938-4415 134 Student Union Bldg ... ... . .. . 938-4444 217 Manderino Library ........... 938-4096 107 South Hall .................. 938-4413 119 Administration Bldg .......... 938-4431 Army ROTC Bldg ...... ... ... . . . . 938-4074 201 Student Un ion Bldg .......... 938-4303 105 Adm inistration Bldg .. . ... .... 938-4415 230 Learning Research Cntr . . .... 938-4076 4 The College California State College, one of fourteen institutions of higher learning owned by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, traces its origin to the establishment of an academy in 1852. The community of California took its name during the Gold Rush of 1849. Job Johnson, one of the founding fathers of the town, was also the leader in planning educational facilities for the new community. Concerning the vital role he played, Wickersham's History of Education in Pennsylvania said: " Foremost in pushing forward the educational movement was Job Johnson, a Quaker in this Scotch-Irish country, and a man of great public spirit." The town's original incorporators, spurred by Johnson, were also the founders of the College. They constructed a two-story bui lding of hand- pressed brick near the site of the community's current junior high school. The academy opened in 1852 with Professor Ellis N . Johnson , a nephew of Job Johnson, as the first principal. The school was considered an essential ingredient of the town and was supported by a community tax. Purchase of a 10-acre plot for the academy - on which most of the older buildings still stand - was completed on November 14, 1864, at the price of $133.44. A total educational attempt was made at the new academy, extending from the kindergarten to the college level. The higher education portion of the curriculum was largely liberal arts. Economic problems soon forced the College to seek funds beyond the community. The State Normal School Act of 1857 provided an opportunity for state funding, and the trustees sought to have the academy designated as the Normal School for the 10th District. They obtained a charter in 1865, converting the school to a teacher-preparatory institution, and the curriculum was modified to include a three-credit course entitled "The Art of Teaching." In 1874, the College was named the South Western State Normal School with an emphasis solely on teacher preparation. The new normal school adopted the "trimester" plan in order to assist in teacher improvement. The trustees and stockholders sold the school to the Commonwealth in 1914, when it became California State Normal School. Departments of physical culture and commercial training were discontinued at that time, and the College concentrated exclusively on a two-year preparatory course for elementary school teachers. Another switch in direction and goals occurred in 1928, when the Commonwealth changed the normal school to a four-year, degree-granting State Teachers College. Emphasis at this time was also focused on preparation for secondary schools, industrial arts and atypical or special education. In 1959, the College assumed its present name as a reflection of its expanded role as a multi-purpose institution. A Graduate School was established in 1961 . The Arts and Sciences Program was initiated in 1962. Further expansion of the College's mission and goals occurred in 1974, when the Schools of Science and Technology and Continuing Education were established. 5 THE CAMPUS The College is in the Borough of California, a community of approximately six thousand residents located in Washington County on the west bank of the Monongahela River, about a one-hour drive south of Pittsburgh. It is accessible from the north via Interstate 70 and State Route 88. and from the south by U.S. Route 40 (the Old National Pike} and State Route 88. A new (currently under construction} limited access highway will eventually link the campus directly with Interstate 70 and other limited access highways. The College is approximately one hour from Greater Pittsburgh International Airport. The main campus consists of 33 buildings situated on 59 acres. A modern football stadium, including an all-weather track, seven tennis courts, a baseball diamond, playing areas for intramural sports, and picnic facilities are located on some 83 acres at the College Recreation Center on Route 88, approximately two miles south of the main campus. THE AREA The geographic location of the College gives the resident student opportunities to explore and pursue a wide variety of activities. Located in the Appalachian Plateau, an area of low rolling hills, the College is a short drive from camping, hiking, fishing, hunting, white water rafting and canoeing, and skiing activities in the Laurel Mountains. In addition to cultural activities provided on campus, the student has easy access to the Pittsburgh metropolitan area. This easy access provides the student an opportunity to enjoy the Pittsburgh Symphony, the Pittsburgh Ballet, the Civic Light Opera, David L. Lawrence Convention Center, the Pittsburgh Steelers, Penquins, Pirates, various museums and all of the excitements and attractions of a major metropolitan area. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION The alumni of California State College have been organized since 1939. This organization numbers more than 20,000 graduates and former students of the College. The Association attempts to advance the growth and development of the College through individual and group endeavor; to foster beneficial relationships among alumni, students, and the College; and to encourage outstanding academic and extracurricular achievement by the undergraduate and graduate students. There are a number of services available to alumni, including a travel program to destinations around the world; a quarterly publication - The California Review: use of the library and other College facilities; help from the Placement Office in locating a job; and many social events, including Homecoming and Alumni Day. The Office of Alumni Relations, located in Old Main, Room 113, is the center of alumni activity on campus. The office maintains the alumni records, assists in conducting the affairs of the Association, and serves as the communication's center and clearing house for all alumni activities. Alumni are always welcome. 6 College Objectives The faculty and students of Califoria State College are participating members of an educational institution charged with the preservation , discovery, and dissemination of knowledge in the arts, sciences, technologies, vocations and professions, and with the creative application of that knowledge in their lives both as individuals and members of society. The objectives of this institution are: (1) To provide a liberalizing education which aims at developing analytical thinking and individual in itiative and responsibility; (2) To provide flexible, innovative programs and support services that are responsive to a broad range of stu-c:Jent and regional needs; (3) To provide a competent faculty, an efficient adm inistrative staff, and appropriate facilities; (4) To create and maintain a learning environment in which the rights of all are respected ; (5) To provide learning opportunities for persons interested in baccalaureate, graduate, and non-degree programs; (6) To promote effective communication among faculty, students, administration , and the general public; (7) To provide a diversity of cultural , social , and intellectual activities and experiences for the College and surrounding communities; (8) To encourage thoughtful and responsible faculty and student participation in local, state, national, and international affairs; (9) To aid and encourage high standards of teaching and participation in professional activities; (10) To foster academic research which contributes to human knowledge and the vitality of the institution ; and (11) To maintain an on-going system of self-evaluation whereby the goals of the institution serve as the criteria for determining the institution's effectiveness. 7 Academic Programs and Services In order to fulfill the College objectives and to provide educational opportunities for students with different backgrounds and interests, California State College offers a wide variety of academic programs. All of the degree programs are based on two years of broad general education designed to assist the individual to develop his skills in communication, grow in cultural and intellectual interests, and develop his ability to do critical thinking . This extensive foundation in the arts and sciences is enriching and essential in providing a liberal education for all students. As a multipurpose institution, California State College offers degrees from four separate Schools. The Graduate School offers the master of science, master of arts, and master of education degrees. The School of Liberal Arts awards either the bachelor of arts or the bachelor of science degree in thirtyseven major fields. The School of Education offers a bachelor of science degree in education in five major programs. The School of Science and Technology offers sixteen different majors. The School of Continuing Education draws from all the Schools to provide eight separate associate degree programs for interested adults. The following bachelor degree and special programs are available: LIBERAL ARTS PROGRAMS HUMANITIES Art Arts in Human Services English French German Philosophy Spanish Theatre SOCIAL SCIENCES Anthropology Economics Geography Gerontology History Political Science Psychology Social Work Sociology SPEECH COMMUNICATION General Speech Emphasis on Radio and Television PRE-HEALTH PROFESSIONS Pre-Chiropractic Medicine Pre-Dentistry Pre-Medicine Pre-Mortuary Science Pre-Optometry Pre-Osteopathic Medicine Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Podiatric Medicine Pre-Veterinary Medicine NATURAL SCIENCES Biology Chemistry Earth Science Geology Mathematics Physics 8 PROFESSIONAL WRITING PROGRAM Business and Commerical Writing Creative Writing Emphasis on Radio and Television Journalism Scientific and Technical Writing INTERDISCIPLINARY American Studies Humanities International Studies Natural Sciences Pre-Law Social Sciences Undecided Major-Liberal Arts Urban Affairs Urban Recreation and Park Administration SLAVIC STUDIES Soviet Studies SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Environmental Conservation Environmental Resources Environmental Science GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Graphic Communications Technology G.C.T.-Electro-Graphics Option G.C.T.-Photo-Offset Lithography Option G.C.T.-Screen Printing Option INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Industrial Technology I.T.-Management Option I.T.-Scientific Option INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY Industrial Management Technology I.M.T.-Computer Science Option I.M .T.-Manufactoring Option I.M.T.-Printing Management Option SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Accounting Administration and Management Business Administration Energy Technology Manufacturing Technology Math and Computer Science Medical Technology Petroleum Technology Pre-Engineering Water Analysis Technology 9 EDUCATION PROGRAMS Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Industrial Arts Speech Pathology and Audiology SPECIAL EDUCATION Mentally and/or Physically Handicapped Community Service Personnel Mentally and/or Physically Handicapped with Physical Education and Recreation SECONDARY EDUCATION Biology Chemistry Comprehensive Social Science Communications Earth Science English French German Mathematics Physics Spanish DUAL MAJORS Elementary/Early Childhood Elementary/Special Education Early Childhood/Special Education ENDORSEMENT PROGRAMS (avallable as an addition to another certification program) Athletic Training Driver's Training Environmental Education General Science ASSOCIATE DEGREE PROGRAMS Accounting Administration and Management Community Living Arrangements Computer Science Technology Drafting Technology Early Childhood Numerical Control Technology Screen Printing UPPER-DIVISION PROGRAMS (available only to Individuals with previous special certification and/or degree} SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Radiologic Technology (for CRTs) SERVICE AREAS IN EDUCATION Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (for CRNA's) Dental Hygienist (for Dental Hygienists) Public School Nurse (for RN's) CERTIFICATION AREAS IN EDUCATION Early Childhood Certification Elementary Certification Industrial Arts Certification Secondary Certification Special Education Certification Speech Pathology and Audiology Certification OTHER PROGRAMS HUMANITIES Art Arts in Human Services English French German Philosophy Spanish Theatre Speech Communications Radio and Television 10 NATURAL SCIENCES Biology Chemistry Geology Mathematics Math and Computer Science Physics Earth Science SOCIAL SCIENCES Anthropology Economics Geography History Political Science Psychology Social Work Sociology SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Business Administration Graphic Communications Technology Industrial Management Technology Manufacturing Technology Petroleum Technology Energy Technology Medical Technology Radiologic Technology for CRT's Water Analysis Technology Accounting SERVICE AREAS IN EDUCATION Public School Nurse Dental Hygienist Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist PRE-PROFESSIONAL FIELDS Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Veterinary Medicine Pre-Dentistry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Podiatries Pre-Engineering Pre-Chiropractic Pre-Optometry Journalism Scientific and Technical Writing Radio and Television Creative Writing INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES Administration and Management Social Science Natural Sciences Humanities American Studies Urban Affairs Urban Recreation and Park Administration Environmental Conservation Environmental Science Environmental Resources Soviet Studies ASSOCIATE DEGREE PROGRAM Administration and Management Early Childhood Accounting Computer Science Technology Screen Printing Numerical Control Technology Community Living Arrangements Drafting Technology TEACHER EDUCATION Elementary Education Early Childhood Education Speech Pathology and Audiology Special Education and Community Service Personnel Industrial Arts Secondary Education, with majors in Biology Spanish Chemistry French Earth Science German English Physics Communications Social Sciences Mathematics 11 PROGRAMS AND DEPARTMENTAL COURSE ABBREVIATIONS The following departmental and/or program abbreviations are used to identify courses. CODE XAS ANT ART XHS TPE BIO BUS XCP CHE CPE CCU csc ECE EAS ECO EDF EDS EDE ENT ENG EFS XES FAE GEO GER XGE GCT GAE HPE HSD HIS HUN IAR ITE ITA LIT MTE MAT GMS MUS PTE PHI PROGRAMS BY DISCIPLINE American Studies Anthropology Art Arts in Human Services Athletic Training Education Biology Business Career Planning Chemistry Coaching Certification Co-Curricular Activity Computer Science Early Childhood Earth Science Economics Educational Foundations Educational Studies Elementary Education Energy Technology English English for Foreign Students Environmental Studies French Geography German Gerontology Graphic Communications Technology Greek Health and Physical Education Highway Safety and Driver Education History Hungarian Industrial Arts Industrial Technology Italian Literature Manufacturing Technology Mathematics Military Science Music Petroleum Technology Philosophy 12 DEPARTMENT Social Science Art Health and Physical Education Biological and Environmental Sciences Business and Economics Physical Science Health and Physical Education Mathematics and Computer Science Elementary Education Earth Sciences Business and Economics Educational Studies Educational Studies Elementary Education Science and Technology English Foreign Languages and Cultures Biological and Environmental Sciences Foreign Languages and Cultures Earth Sciences Foreign Languages and Cultures Science and Technology Foreign Languages and Cultures Health and Physical Education Health and Physical Education History and Urban Affairs Foreign Languages and Cultures Industrial Arts Science and Technology Foreign Languages and Cultures English Science and Technology Mathematics and Computer Science Music Science and Technology Philosophy PHS PHY POL POS PSY PSN RNA AUS SCA sos sow soc xss SPN ESP SPE SPA THE XUA WAT Physical Science Physics Polish Political Science Psychology Publish School Nursing Registered Nurse Anesthetist Russian Serbo-Croatian Social Science Social Work Sociology Soviet Studies Spanish Special Education Speech Communications Speech Pathology and Audiology Theatre Urban Affairs Water Analysis Technology 13 Physical Science Physical Science Foreign Languages and Cultures Social Sc ience Psychology Counselor Education and Services Counselor Education and Services Foreign Languages and Cultures Foreign Languages and Cultures Social Science Social Work Social Science Foreign Languages and Cultures Special Education Speech Communication Speech Pathology and Audiology Theatre History and Urban Affairs Science and Te chnology LOUIS L. MANDERINO LIBRARY The new 7.1 million dollar Louis L. Manderino Library has a shelving capacity of 500,000 volumes and seating for 1,500 students. The collection is in excess of 436,000 volumes of which 226,000 are in microform, carefully selected to meet and support the curricular offerings at both graduate and undergraduate levels . Currently, the Library subscribes to over 1 ,200 periodical titles . Research potential is enhanced with the microform editions of both current and out-of-print material contained in the L ibrary's 665 ,000 unit microform collection . In addition to major sets of books in microform, the Micromedia Area encompasses the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) document collection of current resource and research material in education . The Library also subscribes to the United States Government Document Collection of both depository and non-depository items which the Library receives monthly in microform . For convenience of students and faculty , photocopying machines and microform reader/printers are available which provide copies at nominal cost to the students. Available for microform usage are 35 microform viewers to accommodate the microform collection , including fourteen portable microfiche and microfilm readers for home and dormitory use. The Curriculum Library on the first floor contains an excellent collection of some 20 ,000 books and over 20,000 non-print materials for use by the students enrolled in the School of Education as well as student teachers involved in their professional laboratory experiences. Adjacent to the Curriculum Library is the Media Services Center which serves as a distribution center for audiovisual equipment on campus. In addition , viewing and listening facilities are available for in-house usage of materials in the Center. Library resources are interpreted to the academic commun ity through a competent library faculty consisting of three Reference Librarians ; Liaison Librarians to the Schools of Education , Liberal Arts , Science & Technology, and Graduate Studies, as well as librarians to coord inate the Microforms Area, Period icals , Curriculum Library , Interlibrary Loan , and Technology Services. The Library at California State College receives several benefits wh ic h are passed on to the academic community through membership in var ious cooperatives. Through membership in the Pittsburgh Regi o nal Library Center, the College has access to the resources of som e 72 acade mic, public .and special libraries through interlibrary loan . Th is region al co nsortium includes major institut ional libraries such as th e U niversity of Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania State University , and the Carn egi e Library of Pitts burgh . Computerized cataloging serv ices from OCLC in Columbu s are utilized in Manderino Library through participation in the Pittsburgh Regional Library Center. The Library is also one of seven academic libraries participating in the Western Pennsylvania Buhl Network (WEB NET) . The purpose of this consortium is to provide cooperative acqu isitions, cataloging , reference, and interlibrary loan services . As a state-owned institution . Cal ifornia also has access to the material hold ings of our thirteen sister institutions as well as the State Library in Harrisburg . 14 SPECIAL PROGRAMS DEPARTMENT The Special Programs Department provides academic support services to students anticipating or experiencing difficulty in adjusting to and coping effectively with academic and related non-academic challenges. Personal assistance is prov ided to promote academic success. Provision of academic advisement and instruction, tutoring, and guidance gives students the opportunity to develop the motivation and skills needed for achievement of their educational goals. Special Programs provides services to the entire student population ; however, its efforts are largely aimed at students whose educational or economic background has made it difficult for them to complete a college degree program . Services are provided by both professional staff and student assistants in the following two areas: Tutorial and Instructional Services: Most freshmen level courses are tutored . Tutors review lecture notes, check and review the student's knowledge of the textbook and other course materials, and teach vocabulary words needed for the course. A three-credit course entitled Reading, Study and Listening Skills is offered to incoming freshmen . Guidance Services: Counselors conduct initial interviews with each student; provide an orientation day for all new students; help students to schedule and register; monitor each student's academic progress; and provide information concerning College policy , procedures , and practices. Academic advisement and vocational guidance are also provided . Students are encouraged to discuss personal problems with departmental counselors . All discussions are treated confidentially. In many cases, students are referred to one of the several other student services offices for additional assistance. The Special Programs Department is located in Room 107 Herron Hall. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Anyone desiring services or information is encouraged to stop at the office or call 938-4231 . THE COMPUTER CENTER The California State College Computer Center provides academic and administrative computer services to the College community utilizing a Sperry/ Univac 90/60 computer. The Center is located in Room 8-13, World Culture Building and is available for student use a minimum of 80 hours per week. Extended hours during academic terms are published at the Center. Students, faculty, and staff may use the computer facility in either the batch or interactive modes. A user's guide is available as well as selected documentation for library programs in statistics, language processors, graphics, and other areas. Experienced help is available from staff members and from student assistants who are in the work-study program . Students who are taking courses in Computer Science are automatically identified to the computer as valid users. Any other student may secure an application for a computer user identification by coming to the Computer Center information window at Room 8-12 , World Culture Building. 15 Academic Policies and Procedures Students are held responsible for securing current information about the official College policies and for meeting all relevant requirements as listed in this catalog . The College reserves the right to change policies, curriculum requirements, and other provisions at any time. Students are required to follow the provisions of the catalog and curriculum guide that are in effect at the time of their enrollment. Students who have interrupted their education for more than one year will become subject to the provisions of the current catalog or curriculum guide. ACADEMIC CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENTS A full-time undergraduate student is defined as one who is enrolled for 12 or more credits in a semester. A student enrolled for less than 12 credits per semester is classified as a part-time student. In designating students by their class, the following credit hour ranges are used : 1-31 credits Freshmen Sophomores 32-63 credits Juniors 64-95 credits Seniors 96 or more credits These class designations are based on credits passed, not on credits attempted . Transfer credits may be counted only after an evaluation of official transscripts has been made by the appropriate School Dean . ADMINISTRATIVE WITHDRAWALS FROM COLLEGE Administrative withdrawals of students are initiated by College officials for compelling reasons which are stated below. All such withdrawals will be governed by the following regulations and procedures. 1. The College administration has the authority to withdraw a student from College and to revoke that student's registration at any time for the following reasons : A. Registration in violation of College regulations (i.e., academic ineligibility to register) . B. Failure of the student to comply with academic requirements (i.e., unsatisfactory class attendar:tee). C. Failure to pay College fees by the deadline. 16 D. Disciplinary suspension (or dismissal) for the remainder of an academic term . E. Severe psychological/health problems where the student cannot be permitted to continue in attendance. F. For other reasons deemed appropriate by the proper administrative officer. 2. Except for academic ineligibility, tne date of the administrative withdrawal will be used to determine the amount of fees to be assessed or cancelled . (NOTE : In most cases, the regular fee assessment and refund policies of the College will prevail.) 3. If a student registers in violation of the academic eligibility rule, the registration will be declared invalid and the fees paid by the student will be refunded in full. No grades will be recorded. 4. Policy for recording grades: A. For administrative withdrawals during the first six weeks of a semester (or two weeks in a six-weeks summer session), the grading symbol WX will be recorded for all courses on the student's schedule. No other grades, including incompletes, will be assigned . B. After six weeks (or after two weeks in a summer session), the date of the administrative withdrawal and the reason for the withdrawal will be considered in assigning grades. (1) Disciplinary suspension or dismissal - only WP or WF grades will be recorded . (2) For psychological/health reasons - WX or incomplete grades may be assigned . (Instructors would have to consent to assigning incomplete grades. If they are opposed, WX grades will be recorded .) (3) For failure to pay fees - only WX grades will be recorded. C. The WX grading symbol is not computed in the student's grade point average and therefore carries no academic penalty. In all cases where WX grades are mandatory, the Dean of Academic Records will submit a written authorization for the Data Center to record this withdrawal symbol. 5. The Dean of Academic Records has the authority to backdate an administrative withdrawal if circumstances warrant such action. 6. Disciplinary suspensions (or dismissals) for the remainder of an academic term shall be initiated by the appropriate authority in the Student Develop- ment Office and written notification shall be sent without delay to the Office of Academic Records . The Dean of Academic Records will cancel the student's registration, notify other administrative offices on a "need to know" basis, and inform the faculty members involved of the action taken . ADVANCED STANDING The College approves the advanced standing opportunity for high school students only under exceptional circumstances and only with the full cooperation of the student's high school principal. Most frequently, high school students will avail themselves of the advanced placement opportunity on a 17 part-time basis. Occasionally early admission is possible , but only after a mutally agreeable arrangement has been worked out with the high school involved. It is not presently the practice of this College to recruit high school juniors for early admissions. The final decisions on advanced standing applications are made by the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs . APPEALING A GRADE In appealing a grade, a student should contact the instructor to discuss the grade which was assigned . If the student is not satisfied with the explanation , the student should then contact the Department Chairman. If accord is not reached at this level, the student may then appeal to the School Dean. The final source of appeal is the Vice President for Academic Affairs . This step should be taken only if there is no possibility for a resolution at an earlier stage and only if the student is convinced that arbitrary and/ or capricious standards were applied. It must be understood that it is not the policy of the administration to change a grade duly assigned by an instructor. It is the policy of the administration and the faculty to provide students with an opportunity to voice their concerns on all matters, including grades. AWARDING A SECOND GRADE California State College offers students the opportunity to work for a second undergraduate degree. A student who has completed the Bachelor's degree program may work on another Bachelor's .degree without doing four years college work , and the student enrolled in the degree program is permitted to complete the requirements of a second degree by doing as little as one additional year of undergraduate work . The specific requirements for this program are as follows: 1. Anyone possessing a Bachelor's degree or anyone currently working on a degree at this institution is eligible. 2. A minimum of thirty (30) semester hours in addition to the first degree will be required . 3. Student must meet all requirements of Area of Concentrat ion with advisor's and/ or department's approval. (Interpretation : Those courses the student has taken for the first degree will be entered on the graduation check-out evaluat ion as though they were transfer credits. ) 4. The second degree policy should not be confused with the procedure for students in the School of Education working on a second field of certification . Students may choose to work on a second teaching certificate by meeting the certification requirements without applying for or meeting the requirements for a second degree. CLASS ATTENDANCE POLICY Regular class attendance is a prerequisite to successful academic work. It is the responsibility of the student to inform all of his instructors of the cause of an absence. If a student koows in advance that a class must be missed, the instructor should be notified if possible, and the student should arrange to 18 make up examinations or other work . In the event of illness, students should report to the College infirmary. Since the College has a no cut system, unexplained class absences will be recorded as unexcused absences. An excessive number of class cuts may be considered by the instructor in determining the final grade of the student. This policy permits class absences for cause but places the responsibility for successful completion of the work on the student. CO-CURRICULAR CREDIT Students may secure the privilege of carrying more than the 16 credits on regular semester schedule by demonstrating their ability to do better than average college work. Honor credits may be granted by the Vice President for Academic Affairs based upon the grade point average earned by the student in the preceeding semester as follows: Co-curricular activity - Band Co-curricular activity - Choir Co-curricular activity - Inter-Residence Hall Council Co-curricular activity - Publications Co-curricular activity - Student Government Co-curricular activity - Theatre These credits in all instances are free electives and will not count toward any particular area of specialization . Students may not receive more than four cocurricular credits toward graduation. Only one co-curricular activity credit can be earned each semester. COLLEGE LEVEL EQUIVALENCY PROGRAM (CLEP) California State College also offers the adult student the opportunity to earn college credits in two ways other than regular classroom attendance. These are the College Level Equivalency Program (CLEP) and the awarding of Life Experience Credits. The CLEP program is a composit of two testing categories. They are General Examination and Subject Examination . The General Examination is a series of tests in five separate areas. The areas are: English Composition, Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Humanities, and Social Sciences - History. A student' may take any or all of these tests, with the possibility of earning as many as forty college credits . The Subject Examination is a comprehensive test covering one subject such as General Psychology, Statistics, etc. A student who successfully passes one of these examinations will be awarded credit for a comparable course at the Collegy. The CLEP program is administered by the College 's Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs. Further information concerning the program is available in Room 236 of the Administration Building . There is a $25.00 fee for evaluation of the CLEP results and the recording of those results on the student's transcript. 19 LIFE EXPERIENCE Life Experience credits are awarded for various non-collegiate kinds of tra ining that a student has received . These awards are pred icated " on the pos ition that it is sound educati onal practice to grant academ ic credit for qual ity educational programs conducted by non-colleg iate organizations , provided that the courses are at the college level , and the cred it is appropriate to an individual's educational program" (American Council on Education , 1976) . Life Experience awards at the College are limited to the elective category. The maximum number of life experience credits awarded is thirty . These credits must be awarded prior to the student's completion of the last thirty credits required for graduation . Applications for Life Experience credit awards are secured from the Office of the Dean of each Schoo l. After the applicat ion is screened , it is presented to the Life Experience Council. If a cred it award is made, a fe e of $25.00 is required of the student in order to record the award on the student's official transcript. 20 COMMENCEMENT HONORS Commencement Honors are awarded to a limited number of students in the graduating class. Not more than one-eighth of the class may receive honors. A minimum of two (2) years residence is required to receive commencement honors. Highest Honors ........ . ..... Grade Point Average 3.75 to 4.00 High Honors . . ............... Grade Point Average 3.50 to 3.74 Honors ...................... Grade Point Average 3.25 to 3.49 This recognition can be bestowed only upon evidence of unusual ability as shown by scholastic records and in keeping with standards established and approved by the faculty. COMPLETE WITHDRAWAL FROM COLLEGE A student who decides to withdraw from College during any academic term , regardless of the reason, is required to report to the Office of Academic Records and obtain withdrawal forms. After the completion of a withdrawal interview the student must obtain a clearance from several administrative offices, including the Business Office. Upon receipt of the clearance form and review of the student's records and status, the Dean of Academic Records will certify as to the type of withdrawal. In the event a student cannot arrange for his withdrawal personally as indicated above, he must notify the Office of Academic Records by telephone or by letter immediately. All withdrawals from College will be governed by the following regulations: 1. An honorable dismissal will be granted to a student who withdrawals from College in the official manner, has met all financial obligations to the College, and has been properly cleared by the Dean of Academic Records. 2. If the student withdraws officially, a W grade will be recorded for each course scheduled . A W grade carries no academic penalty and is not counted in the student's grade point average. For an official withdrawal from a six-weeks session, W grades will be recorded during the first two (2) weeks only. 3. After the sixth week of a semester, a student who makes an official withdrawal must receive WP or WF grades in all courses scheduled. Instructors must assign A, B, C, D, or F grades, and the School Dean must translate A, B, C grades to WP and D or F grades to WF. For six-week courses the WPWF grades will be assigned after the end of the second week. 4. No student will be permitted to withdraw officially from College during the last three (3) weeks of a semester or summer term. 5. Leaving College without notifying the Office of Academic Records and making an official withdrawal will result in automatic failure for all courses scheduled. It will also make the student ineligible for any refund of College fees. Improper withdrawals of this type will be classified as "not in goo·d standing." 21 COMPUTATION OF THE GRADE POINT AVERAGE A student's grade point average is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned in standard courses at California State College by the total number of credit hours scheduled. Exceptions to this procedure are indicated below. In computing a student's grade point average {GPA), the following rules are in effect: 1. Courses transferred officially from other colleges, advanced placement courses, courses passed by examination, courses in which a P grade was assigned, life experience credits, and credits granted for military service are not counted in the grade point average. 2. When a course is repeated, only the repeat grade will be counted in the grade point average. 3. No record of a failing grade will be kept if a student elects to take a course by examination and subsequently fails the examination . ' 4. In the Pass/Fail Grading System, a grade of P will not be counted in the grade point average. However, the credits passed will be counted in the conventional manner. A failing grade under this system will be counted in the grade point average. CONFIDENTIALITY OF STUDENT RECORDS The following policies on the confidentiality and disclosure of student records are based on The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 {Public Law 93-380) , as amended . I. Introduction Official student records are established and maintained in a number of administrative offices for a variety of legitimate educational purposes. In assuming responsibil ity for the reasonable protection of these student records, the College recognizes its obligation to comply with The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. Important sections of this federal law are summarized in this policy statement. II. Ownership of Records All records kept on students, including those records originating at other colleges or institutions that are required for admission, are the property of California State College. Ill. Definition of a Student A student is defined as one currently or previously matriculated on an official basis in any academic program of the College. IV. Public Information Regarding Student 1. The following information is classifed as public and may be released without the prior consent of a student: student's name, address {both local and permanent), telephone number, date and place of birth, academic curr iculum, dates of attendance, date of graduation, degrees and awards received , most recent educationa! institution 22 attended, participation in student activities (including athletics) , and height and weight (for athletic teams) . 2. Students may request that any or all of this information not be made public. Such requests must be submitted in writing to the Office of Academic Records prior to the beginning of any academic term. V. Disclosure of Student Records 1. Upon proper identification, a student may inspect his own official records in the presence of the administrator in charge of the records. 2. After a proper request to inspect a record has been received, the request must be honored within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed 45 days as required by federal law. 3. Limitations on the Right of Access by Students The following materials are not subject to inspection by students: A. Confidential letters and statements of recommendation, which were placed in the education records prior to January 1, 1975. B. Financial records of the parents of the student, or any information contained therein. C. Medical, psychiatric or similar records which are used solely in connection with treatment. Such records can be reviewed by a physician or other appropriate professional of the student's choice. 4. Disclosure of Information to Third Parties In most circumstances students have the right to withhold their records from external requestors. Exceptions to this general principle are: A. Disclosure of student information will be made to a third party if written consent is given by the student involved. B. Information concerning a student shall be released if properly subpoenaed pursuant to a judicial proceeding. C. All necessary academic and/or financial records of students may be disclosed to the appropriate persons or agencies without a student's prior consent in connection with a student's application for, or receipt of, fi~ancial aid. D. Further limited disclosure of certain kinds of information may be required in special circumstances in compliance with the federal law previously cited . VI. Student Challenge to Record Entries 1. Students have the right to submit written/typed rebuttals to negative information contained in their files. A rebuttal statement shall become part of the file, and in cases where the negative information is reviewed by, or transmitted to, a third party, it must be accompanied by the student's statement of rebuttal. 2. A student may challenge the accuracy and/or appropriateness of material contained in his/her file. Once such a challenge is made in writing , it will be the responsibility of the College offical in charge of the file to determine the validity of the challenge, if possible. The College official shall make a written response to the challenge of the student, specifying the action taken . Should a factual error be found in any materials, the College official is authorized to make the appropriate corrections. 23 3. If options 1 and 2 of this section are unsatisfactory, students may request a formal hearing to challenge inaccurate, misleading, or inappropriate information in their records. The College Record Hearing Committee shall conduct a hearing in accordance with the procedures outlined in Public Law 93-380, as amended . 4. The substantive judgment of a faculty member or administrator about a student's work , as expressed in grades and/or written evaluations, is not within the purview of this policy statement. Such challenges by students may be made through the regular administrative channels in existence. VII. Responsibilities of College Officials 1. College officials in charge of student files are responsible for the reasonable care and protection of such files in accordance with College policy. This includes the responsibility for the release of confidential information only to authorized persons. 2. A log sheet, indicating the inspection or release of a student's file, must be kept in the student's file. 3. A College official may classify student materials and records under his jurisdiction as Inactive as circumstances warrant. At the discretion of the College official in charge, Inactive records may remain in the file but need not be circulated. These inactive records may be reviewed by the student upon request. 4. A College official may take the initiative in an attempt to purge unfavorable evaluations, or opinion records of a prejudical nature, in a student's file . This may be done by returning the material to the person who submitted it, or by requesting from the author that the material be destroyed. No College official has the authority to destroy such material without the author's permission. VIII. College Officials Responsible for Student Records The following College officers are designated as responsible for student records within their respective administrative areas: 1. The Vice President for Academic Affairs 2. The Vice President for Student Development and Services 3. The Vice President for Administration and Finance These officers are responsible for the proper maintenance of all official student records under their jurisdiction in accordance with the policies of this document and the relevant state and federal laws. NOTE: If further information is required, a student should contact the appropriate College official with respect to the type of student record in question. 24 COURSE NUMBERING SYSTEM Courses numbered 100 to 499 are undergraduate courses . Courses numbered 500 and above are graduate leve l cou rses . As a general guide to students in selecting courses , the following number classification should be used: 100 - 199 Freshman level 200 - 299 Sophomore level Junior level 300 - 399 Senior level 400 - 499 Course numbers ending in " 9" (such as 209 , 459) are independent study or tutorial in nature . They require consent of the instructor or the Department Chairperson prior to registration . Course numbers with a "9" or an "8" in the middle (such as 491 , 481) are seminar or workshop in nature . Students should consult their advisers or refer to the College Catalog for departmental course prerequisites. COURSE REPEATS AND COURSE CONTRACTS Students have the privilege of repeat ing courses previously taken at California . When a course is repeated , only the "repeat" grade (excluding grades of I, W, WP , WF and WX ) w ill be counted in the grade point average . The original grade remains on the student's record . Students who intend to repeat courses must complete a Course Contract in the Office of Academic Records at the beginning of the term in which the " repeat" course is scheduled . COURSE WITHDRAWALS The present rule concerning "course withdrawals" is as follows : 1. Students may withdraw without penalty and with the record of registration erased from their records during the first six weeks of the semester. To help enforce this rule , on request of the Academic Affairs Committee of the Faculty Senate, all such withdrawals must be dated and signed by the School Dean before the end of the seventh week . 2. After the sixth week, students who withdraw must receive a grade of "WP" or " WF" to be entered on their transcript. The instructor must enter A, B, C, D, or Fon the withdrawal form and the School Dean must translate an A, B, C, to " WP" and D or F to " WF." To enforce this rule , on request of the Academic Affairs Committee of the Faculty Senate, all instructors will be held to the requirements to enter A, B, C, D, or F on the withdrawal forms. The above policy also applies to instances of total withdrawal from the College . If the student is not available, the administration will take the initiative in securing grades from instructors and determining effective date of withdrawal. 25 CREDITS Credit for course work is recorded in terms of credit hours. For formal course work , one credit hour represents one class period per week for one semester of about sixteen weeks. In laboratory courses , a ratio of two or more hours of laboratory work for one credit prevails, according to departmental requirements . CREDITS EARNED BY EXAMINATION Credit may be earned in selected courses by students if they pass qualifying examinations. To challenge a course by examination , the following rules are to be observed : 1. Students must obtain permission to take a course by examination from the appropriate Department Chairperson, the instructor involved, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs . 2. Registration in the course to be challenged is required . 3. Only pass (P) or fail (F) grades are used, and courses passed by examination are credited to the student's academic record . They will be identified by the symbol - CE. CREDITS FOR VETERANS Veterans may be awarded credit for military service and/or military schools. Any veteran who has completed more than twelve months in the military service and has received an honorable discharge (or release from active duty) is eligible for five credit hours in the Free Elective category . Active reservists are eligible at the rate of one credit hour per year, up to five credits. A veteran who had attended a military school may be eligible for credit. Each veteran seeking such an award must submit a copy of his DD 214 to the Director of Veteran's Affairs, who in turn will make a recommendation to the Office of the Dean . DEGREES OFFERED California State College offers undergraduate programs leading to the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Bachelor of Science (B.S.) and the degree of Bachelor of Science Education (B.S.Ed .) On the graduate level, students may earn the degree of Master of Education (M.Ed .), Master of Arts (M.A.) , and Master of Science (M .S.) in a wide variety of specialized disciplines. Specific information on the graduate programs is contained in the California State College Graduate Catalog . In addition, California State College offers the Associate of Science degree (A.S.). DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARDS The Distinguished Service Awards are granted to the most outstanding women and men of each graduating class. The awards are made on the basis of participation in activities, character, citizenship, leadership, and personality. The election of persons to receive the awards is made by a committee composed of members of the faculty. 26 GRADE REPORTS Within two weeks after each semester or summer session, full grade reports are mailed to students at their permanent home addresses. Students are required to provide their permanent home addresses and to keep such information current. In compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, grade reports are sent to each student and not the parents. Grade reports are not mailed to students whose academic records have been sealed for failure to pay their College fees in full . THE GRADING SYSTEM The following grades are used to report the academic standing of students at the end of the each term : Grade Points Per Credit Hour 4 Grade A B C D F -Superior attainment -Above average 3 -Average - Below average; lowest passing grade 2 1 0 0 0 -Failure - Incomplete IF - Indicates an incomplete was received by the student. The student did not complete the work within the year, and the grade automatically reverts to IF. There is no penalty in the quality point average, but the grade may not be removed from the academic record. p -Passed w - Official withdrawal from college during the first six weeks of a semester. (Two weeks for a summer session. Not counted in the GPA.) WP -Withdrew passing after six weeks. (Two weeks for a summer session. Not counted in the GPA.) WF - Withdrew after six weeks with a Dor F grade. (Will be counted in the GPA.) WX -Administrative withdrawal from College. (Not counted in the GPA.) 0 0 0 0 0 - NG -=- No grade submitted by the instructor by the deadline. A temporary grade. (Not counted in the GPA.) O UW - Unofficial withdrawal from a course. The student never attended or there was a registration error as verified by the Dean of Academic Records. (Not counted in the GPA.) O 27 GRADUATE CREDIT LOAD FOR SENIORS Undergraduate students in their last term on campus who have completed , or are completing all the requirements for an undergraduate degree, may enroll in graduate classes for graduate credit. If graduate credits are taken to fulfill graduation requirements for undergraduates, they may not be used to fulfill graduate requirements in the Master's program . With the exception of the undergraduate degree and teaching certificate requirements, they must meet all other Graduate School entrance requirements. HONORS CONVOCATION Each spring , the Honors Convocation is held to recognize demonstrated scholarship on the part of students, both graduate and undergraduate. The College, having a continued commitment to academic excellence, pays tribute to students by designating as Presidential Scholars those who have completed : 1) thirty resident credits and accumulated ninety-six or more total credits, with a cumulative quality point average of 3.25 or better, 2) thirty resident credits and accumulated sixty-four or more total credits, with a cumulative quality point average of 3.25 or better, 3) twenty-four graduate credits with a cumulative quality point average of 3.75 or better. The Convocation also includes the Presentations of Honorary Societies, a Young Alumni Award , and Distinguished Faculty Award Recipients . A reception is held following the convocation where certificates are presented to all Presidential Scholars by their Deans. HONOR SOCIETIES Alpha Mu Gamma - National Collegiate Foreign Language Honor Society Alpha Psi Omega - National Honorary Dramatics Fraternity Beta Beta Beta - National Honorary Biological Society Chi Gamma Psi - Honorary Fraternity in the Field of Science Epsilon Pi Tau - International Honor Society in Industrial Arts Gamma Theta Upsilon - National Honorary Geographical Society Kappa Delta Pi - Honor Society in Education Lambda Alpha - National Honorary Anthropology Fraternity Omicron Delta Epsilon - International Honor Society in Economics Phi Alpha Theta - International Honorary History Fraternity Pi Gamma Mu - National Social Science Honor Society Pi Kappa Delta - National Honorary Forensic Fraternity Sigma Tau Delta - National Honorary English Fraternity Sigma Pi Epsilon Delta - National Honorary Fraternity in the Field of Special Education 28 LIFE EXPERIENCE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Each semester and during the summer months, the College participates in an internship program in which students who have achieved junior status are placed in off-campus field experiences. The Life Experience Internship Program places interns in state government offices, state-related agencies, private associations and businesses. LEIP provides interns with practical experiences related to their academic programs while earning college credit. Interested, qualified students should contact their major Department Chairperson for more information, or contact the Life Experience Internship Program, 800 North Third Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102. Telephone (717) 234-8213. Semester internships will be discontinued at the end of the spring 1982 semester, while internships during summer months will continue. PASS/FAIL GRADING OPTION The general education program provides for limited use of a Pass/Fail grading system. Students may schedule no more than two (2) general education courses each semester on a P/F basis. No more than five (5) such P/F courses may be counted toward graduation. Students shall designate which courses they want to take on a P/F basis after registration by completing forms in the Office of Academic Records. Changes in these P/F Contracts may be made during the first six weeks of the semester. (For six-week summer courses, the deadline is two weeks.) Students will receive the grade of "P" for A, B, C, or D earned in courses designated as "P-F." The grade of "P" will give credit hours in the course, but the grade point average will not be affected by a "P" grade. "F" has the same meaning under the conventional system presently in effect and this P-F Grading System. In no way shall a student be identified to the instructor who shall continue to grade all students in the regular manner. The regular grade submitted by the instructor will be converted to P or F before grade reports are mailed to students. INCOMPLETE GRADES The policy governing incomplete grades is as follows: 1. An incomplete grade should be removed by special arrangement between the student and the instructor within one calendar year after the receipt of the incomplete grade. (NOTE: The student is not required to register for the course again.) 2. After the work has been completed, the instructor should submit a regular Change of Grade form to the Dean of Academic Records. 3. After a lapse of one calendar year, the incomplete grade is converted to 1-F. This 1-F grade carries no grade point penalty, but it does mean that the course and the grade cannot be removed from the academic record. In order to receive credit for a course recorded as 1-F, a student must reschedule the course and complete it. Only the repeat grade will be considered in computing the student's grade point average. 29 4. For a student who withdraws from the College immediately after incurring an "INC" grade, a statute of limitations of five years is imposed upon the removal of the incomplete. After the lapse of five calendar years, the incomplete grade automatically becomes an F grade. This F grade can be removed only when the course is repeated . Students who return to the College prior to the lapse of this five year statute must comply with number one above. , I 5. The incomplete is to be used when the instructor is convinced the student can complete work or "makeup" work which has been missed or is incomplete because of reasons acceptable to the instructor. However, in all cases the instructor has the option of submitting a final grade based on work completed. The instructor may refuse to accept last work . These grading policies should be made clear to the students during the first week of classes. However, instructors are expected to avoid penalizing students for illness where makeups are possible or where grading on work complete is reasonable. 6. When a grade card is received and the student had not attended the class during the term, mark "Not Enrolled" on the grade card and return it to the Data Processing Office. · READMISSION OF STUDENTS A student who desires to return to California after a lapse of three consecutive terms must apply for readmission by contacting the appropriate School Dean . A student who has been dismissed for unsatisfactory academic performance may only be considered for readmission in accordance with the conditions of the dismissal. Usually , the student is not considered for readmission for a minimum of one semester. (Refer to the section on Academic Dismissals.) In the case of a suspension, or dismissal , for disciplinary reasons, the student must (a) comply fully with the conditions of the dismissal , and (b) receive permission from the Vice President of Student Development and Services to return to College. In all cases , applications for readmission should be submitted to the proper administrator at least one month before the registration date for the term in which the student desires to enroll. Finally, all readmission applicants must be cleared by the Business Office. No former student can be readmitted until the past indebtedness, if any, has been paid in full . REQUESTS FOR ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPTS Students who need transcripts of their academic records and certificates of good standing and honorable dismissal may secure them from the Office of Academic Records, Room 103, Administration Building. Transcript requests will be processed according to the following regulations: 1. A transcript request must be made In writing . This written request is the official authorization for the Dean of Academic Records to release a copy of 30 the student's academic record to a third party, or institution, as designated by the student. The request may be made as follows: a. By completing a request form in the Office of Academic Records (Room 103, Adm inistration Bu ilding), or b. By writing a letter to the same office indicating the number of transcripts required , type of transcript (undergraduate, graduate, or both), name and address of person making the request, and specific instructions as to where the transcript is to be sent (Example: Dean of the Graduate School, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa. 16802). 2. As a safeguard against improper disclosure of academic information, no transcript requests will be accepted by telephone. 3. All transcripts will be issued in compliance with the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. 4. Transcript Fee: Each student is entitled upon proper request to receive one transcript without charge. Thereafter, the fee is $2.00 for each transcript. Payment in full by check or money order must be included with each request sent by mail. (Checks or money orders must be made payable to.the Comm_o nw~ f Penns lvania. Ful_l payment is required before transscript request can be processed. 5. In most cases, offic ial transcripts (bearing the College seal and signature of the Dean of Academic Records) are mailed directly to the person, or agency, designated by the student. If a transcript is issued directly to the student, it will be stamped: ISSUED TO STUDENT. This means that the stu-_ dent preferred to receive the transcript in person. Transcripts marked in this manner may not be acceptable as " official " documents when presented to a third party by the student. 6. Transcript requests will be honored as quickly as possible in order of the date of application . During busy periods such as registration , closing of a session , and graduation , there will be some delay in processing the requests. Therefore, it is advisable to submit requests well in advance of the date the transcripts will be needed. 7. No transcripts will be issued for a student whose financial obligations to the College have not been met. In such a situation, the academic record is sealed. It cannot be released until the indebtedness is paid in full . 8. Any questions concerning these regulations and related problems ortransscript errors should be presented to the Dean of Academic Records. Notice to Transcript Recipients: Academic transcripts are issued to a third party, or agency, on the condition that the recipient will not permit any other party, or agency, to have access to the transcripts without the written consent of the student involved. RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS Students in all curricula must complete a minimum of thirty credits of the last sixty credits at California State College in order to qualify for a degree. These credits must be taken on the campus in regular day, evening, or Saturday classes . 31 ? SCHOLARSHIP REQUIREMENTS All students are expected to meet the minimum academic standards for each term of enrollment. The minimum standards are expressed in terms of a grade point average. The following minimum standards are required for students to maintain a "Clear" academic status: Student Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Minimum Grade Point Category Average Required 1.75 ( 1 - 31 credits) (32 - 63 credits) 1.85 (64 - 95 cred its) 1.95 (96 or more credits) 2.00 Academic Probation: 1. A freshman carrying fewer than twelve (12) credits will be subject to scholastic action at the end of the term in which the total number of credits attempted reaches or exceeds twelve. 2. Probationary action will apply to upperclass students (excluding freshmen with less than twelve credits) regardless of the number of credits scheduled in the term. This rule also applies to part-time students. 3. A student who fails to meet the minimum cumulative grade point average for his class category will be placed on academic probation. 4. Transfer credits that have been officially accepted will be counted in determining the student's proper class category. 5. At the end of one probationary semester, the classification of probation is removed when the student achieves the required minimum grade point average for his class category. Academic Dl1ml11al: 1. The College reserves the right to refuse the privilege of further attendance to students who have failed to meet the minimum scholarship requirements. 2. If a student's cumulative grade point average remains below the required minimum after one probationary term, that student will be dismissed from College for at least one semester. 3. Readmission to College after an academic dismissal is not automatic. Those who have been dismissed for unsatisfactory scholarship may be considered for readmission upon proper request to the School Dean. Good Academic Standing: This classification means that a student has earned at least a C (2.00) average for all course work at California State College, is not on academic probation, and is therefore automatically granted the privilege of continued enrollment. 32 SEMESTER HONORS Semester Honors (The Dean's Honor List) are awarded to full-time students on the basis of quality point average at the end of the semester as follows: Highest Honors High Honors Honors 3. 75 - 4.00 3.50 - 3.74 3.25 - 3.49 SPECIAL ACADEMIC AWARDS California State College presents at graduation the following awards in recognition of outstanding academic achievement: Academic Excellence in the Biological Sciences The Alfred Zeffiro Award for Excellence in the Study of Business Management Association of Women Faculty Award for Scholarship and Service Distinquished Woman Graduate Computer Science Award The Department of Elementary Education Memorial Award Department of Geography and Earth Science Awards Department of Military Science H&R Block Award Hercules Scholarship Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Chemistry History Faculty Award for Academic Excellence Industrial Arts Faculty Award Modern Foreign Language Award for French and Spanish (Alpha Mu Gamma) Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Awards for Excellence in Language Study Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants Phi Alpha Theta Award Special Education Faculty Award The Wall Street Journal Student Achievement Award Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges The Z. G. Gabriel Award for Achievement in the Study of Business Awards Distinguished Service Awards Edward McNall Burns Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Achievement in the Social Sciences English Faculty Award Frederick E. Atkins Memorial Mathematics Award George S. Hart Award for Academic Excellence STUDENT CREDIT OVERLOAD / Students who wish to register for more than . :17 credits must get special permission to do so from the Dean of the School in advance of registration. If the student wishes to take more than 18 credits, the student must get special permission to do so from the Vice President for Academic Affairs. It is not the policy of the College to give permission for more than 18 credits except in most unusual circumstances. Students will be charged an overload fee for each credit in excess of 18. (Refer to the section on College Fees.) 33 STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY All students are advised and expected to familiarize themselves with the academic regulations of California State College and the specific requirements for their own educational programs. Faculty advisors are made available to assist students in planning an academic program, but the student has the responsibility for meeting all requirements for his degree. Students are urged to take advantage of the advisory and consultation services available at the College. Students should feel free to consult with instructors, academic advisors, Department Chairpersons, the School Deans, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. All of these College representatives maintain regular office hours for student consultations. SUMMARY OF GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Graduation requirements are the prerogative of a School Dean and his faculty. All requirements are subject to change at any time. Students should become acquainted with the specific graduation requirements for their respective programs. College policy states that students are responsible for meeting all graduation requirements and for submitting the required forms on time. Compliance with the following policies and procedures will help students prepare for graduation: 1. Students must apply for graduation in the appropriate School Dean's office by the deadline. Graduation will be postponed if this requirement is not met. 2. A minimum of 128 semester credits, including the satisfactory completion of all required courses, is required for graduation, with a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 for all courses in which grades other than P are assigned. (Grade points are not computed for courses completed at other colleges or universities.) 3. In the School of Education, the candidates must complete Student Teaching . 4. All College bills must be paid in full before graduation can be approved. 5. Students in all curricula must complete a minimum of thirty credits of the last sixty credits at California State College in order to qualify for a degree. 6. All credentials for graduation, including a certificate application and transscripts of credits from other institutions, must be submitted on time. Graduation will be postponed if a student's record is incomplete. 7. Attendance at the commencement exercises is appropriate, unless unusual circumstances warrant graduation In absentia. Permission to graduate In absentia is granted by the President of the College, or his designee. Candidates for graduation are required to contact the President's Office, or his designee's office, and request permission to be excused from the commencement ceremony. 34 UNDERGRADUATE CREDIT FOR GRADUATE COURSE Undergraduate students may enroll in graduate courses for undergrduate credit if they meet the necessary requirements for those courses. Individual departments shall decide what the prerequisities for each course shall be. Graduate status may be a prerequisite for admission to some courses. 35 Admissions NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY California State College admits students of any sex, race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, priv ileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the College. The same policy is followed with respect to all employees regardless of rank or classification . California State College does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, regligion, ethnic and national origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions processes, scholarships and loan programs, employment practices and athletic and other College administrative programs. California State College does not discriminate on the basis of handicap in admission or access to its programs. Inquiries regarding Title IX compliance and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 may be directed to Title IX Coordinator, (412) 938-4351, Affirmative Action Officer, (412) 938-4185, 504 Coordinator, (412) 938-4076, or the Director of Office of Civil Rights Region 111, U.S. Department of Education, Philadelphia, PA 17101 . GENERAL INFORMATION Requests for applications and all correspondence concerning admissions should be directed to the Dean of Admissions and Academic Records. Applicants are encouraged to write or call for an appointment to visit the College. All applications are individually evaluated. To alleviate anxiety, the admissions staff processes applications on a " rolling admissions" system. This means that as soon as applications are complete, (application form, fee, and all necessary transcripts) , a decision is reached and applicants notified . Every attempt is made to complete this process within two weeks. GENERAL ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Admission standards have been established by California State College to select those students who will be most likely to succeed in the various programs of the College. 1. GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP. An applicant for admission should be a graduate of an approved secondary school or have an equivalent preparation as determined by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. 2. APTITUDE AND ABILITY STANDARDS. An ability to do college level work should be evident from an aptitude examination such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). In certain instances, other kinds of evidence may be used to determine the ability to do college level work . 3. CHARACTER AND PERSONALITY. The applicant must be able to demonstrate that he/she possesses the personality traits, interests, attitudes, and personal characteristics deemed necessary for an advanced education. 4. ADMISSION TO SPECIAL CURRICULA. A student seeking admission to a special curriculum may be required to take an appropriate aptitude test in the special program in order to obtain further evidence of ability to succeed in the special program selected. 36 SPECIFIC ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Freshmen Students attending a post-secondary institution for the first time are considered new freshmen. All students in this classification must submit a completed application, application fee, and a high school transcript or GED certificate. Results from the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT) should be sent, if available. These test results are beneficial to students and advisors; programs are individually tailored . B. Transfers Students who wish to transfer to California State College must submit a formal application , application fee, and official transcripts from all institutions attended after secondary school. Students must be in good academic and social standing at the last institution attended in order to qualify for admission to California State College for the following semester. In cases where students have been out of school for at least one semester, special consideration will be given. If less than thirty (30) credits of college work have been completed, applicants must also submit the high school transcript, including the results of all standardized test scores. The College will accept a maximum of seventy-five (75) credits in transfer from a junior or community college. The determination of which courses will be credited to the major, general requirements, or electives will be completed by the appropriate School Dean following the application process. California State College subscribes fully to the Articulation and Transferability Agreement between the Pennsylvania State Colleges and University and the Pennsylvania Community Colleges. Under this agreement, graduates of a Pennsylvania Community College are eligible for admission to California State College if students receive an Associate degree in an academic program approved by California State College. C. Transients Students who wish to enroll at California State College with the expectation of transferring credits to their home institution and do not wish to receive a degree from us are classified as transients. Students must submit a letter or form from the home institution with appropriate authorization. The document must list those courses which are approved for registration . Transcripts are not required. A formal application with application fee must be submitted initially. An appropriate approval letter with courses listed must be submitted for each semester transient status is requested . In all cases, admission is granted for the approved semester only. D. Early Admit Freshmen Students wishing to enroll at California State College with the expectation of either earning college credits prior to high school graduation or completing the senior year of high school and first year of college simultane- 37 ously must complete the special admission clearance form in addition to the formal application, transcripts, and fees. Special admission is granted for only one semester at a time. The procedure must be completed each semester that special clearance is desired. All students are classified as non-degree/non-matriculated during this period. At the time of secondary school completion, the student's status will be changed and an official transcript generated. E. California State College Graduates Post-baccalaureate students who have graduated from California State College must register with the School Dean in the area where additional courses are desired. Students do not need to contact the Admissions Office. F. Other Post-Baccalaureate Students Students who have not graduated from California State College and want to enroll in undergraduate programs must file an official application, application fee, and the official transcript from the institution granting the baccalaureate degree. G. Foreign Students Foreign students are required to submit an application for admission to California State College. In all cases, a special foreign student application must be completed . All transcripts, a statement of financial support, and letters of recommendation must be submitted. Assuming that all records indicate that foreign students could be successful, final admission is contingent upon acceptable clearance from the education authorities of the home country and from the Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service of the United States. Applicants from foreign countries must have competency in the use of the English language. All foreign students must also subscribe to the insurance plan of California State College. H. Special Students Students who have completed all secondary school requirements may take courses at California State College without being a candidate for a degree. Special students must submit a completed formal application, application fee, and all appropriate transcripts. As special students, all regulations and fees are the same as for degree students. I. R.O.T.C. Students All students interested in the A.O.T.C. program must complete the application, application fee, and transcripts. Details concerning the program can be found in the Military Science, ROTC Section of this catalog. J. Veterans Veterans who have not attended an institution of higher education since their discharge are unconditionally admissable to California State College. 38 Documentation needed are: a completed application, application fee, copy of the DD-214 separation papers, copy of the high school transcript or GED certificate. K. Off-Campus Students Students registering for classes at extension locations are subject to the same admission policies as on-campus students. A formal application, application fee, and all appropriate transcripts must be submitted. Registration procedures will vary with the program and location. L. Students to Special Curricula Students seeking admission to a special curriculum may be required to take an appropriate aptitude test or its equivalent in order to obtain further evidence of ability to succeed in that area. In many upper-division programs specific credentials and experience must be verified prior to formal acceptance to California State College. SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES California State College has shown that some students can succeed and even excel when given individual attention. A small college provides the environment where students are known as individuals and receive additional help from faculty, administrators, and students. In addition to the standard support services, California State College promotes a Special Programs Department. The department provides tutoring and counseling for all age groups. Academically and financially needy students may be eligible for special state and federal programs as administered through the Special Programs Department at California State College. STUDENT CREDENTIALS All credentials presented in support of an application for admission become the property of California State College and cannot be returned to the student. The complete file will be retained according to the provisions of College policy and the Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. All information filed in support of the application must be complete and authentic. Any false information may be used as grounds for denial or dismissal. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS Social security numbers, which serve as the permanent student identification number, must be entered on the application for admission. Students who do not have a social security number are advised to obtain one as soon as possible. 39 OUT-OF-STATE RESIDENCY Out-of-state residency is determined at the time of admission. Change of residency may only occur by appealing to the Residency Appeals Committee. For further information, contact the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs after admission and prior to reg istration. ADVANCED PLACEMENT PROGRAM Advanced placement examinations which are completed under the auspices of the College Entrance Examination Board are available to students. Credits will be granted to students who submit scores of 3 or higher. EVALUATION OF STUDENT APPLICATIONS Many variables are taken into consideration in reviewing applications for admission . The admissions committee weighs as many of the following as possible: class rank, cumulative grade point average, type of curriculum completed in relationship to the proposed major, guidance counselor or another recommendation, on-campus interview, standardized test scores, activities, and maturity. PLACEMENT INFORMATION The Placement Office assists seniors, graduate students and alumni of California State College in obtaining full-time , permanent, professional employment. Through the Placement Service, students may obtain general advice, information and statistics on job opportunities. On-campus interviews are scheduled annually for students interested in meeting with representatives from school districts, business firms , governmental agencies, and industries seeking California State College graduates. It is advisable that any information needed be obtained through an individual appointment with the Director of Placement at California State College. ATTRITION INFORMATION Information relating to the retention/attrition of students at California State College can be obtained through the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs . It is advisable that any information needed be obtained through an individual appointment with the Vice President for Academic Affairs. COMMUNITY COLLEGE GRADUATES California State College subscribes to the Articulation and Transferability Agreement between the State Colleges and University, and Community College. This agreement applies to transferability of credits from Middle States or 40 other regionally approved two-year and junior colleges. The details of this agreement are: 1. Since completion of an associate degree demonstrates a student's motivation to complete a baccalaureate degree, preference for admission to state colleges should be given to applicants who have completed said degree. 2. A transfer student who has completed a two-year degree program should normally expect to complete a baccalaureate program in two additional years. In certain specialized programs of the receiving institution, however, a longer period may be necessary for majors in these programs. 3. The "D" grade obtained by two-year college students should be treated by the senior institution in the same manner as the senior institution treats the "D's" of its indigenous students. 4. Secondary school transcripts as well as test scores should be considered as a guidance tool and not a determinant of transfer to the four-year institution. The awarding of the associate degree is considered to have satisfied the high school graduation requirements. In addition to the above, Community College transfers will be admitted under the condition of California's Transfer Credit Evaluation policy. TRANSFER CREDIT EVALUATION 1. Californ ia State College will transfer no more than 75 credits per student from any two-year Community or Junior College. 2. Courses transferred from two-year institutions will be equated to 300 and 400 level courses at California, only after it can be shown that their content exceeds or is equivalent to appropriate 300 and 400 level courses at California State College. 3. Courses taken at another school under a pass/fail option will be transferred under the conditions of California's pass/fail policy. 4. Students in good standing at California State College may take courses at another institution. Before taking such courses, the student must obtain written permission from his advisor and his School Dean. 5. When a graduate from any two-year or junior college transfers to California State College, courses shall be considered for transfer in the following order. (1) Courses for which the grade earned was A, B, or C. (2) Courses for which a "Pass" grade was given. (3) Courses for which the student received a D grade. No courses for which a D grade was received will be transferred after a total of 64 credits has been transferred. 6. Grades of D are not transferable unless they are counted as part of the Associate Degree. 41 Financial Information and Fees FEES AND EXPENSES The basic fee covers the cost of in struction , registration, the keeping of student records, library services , student welfare and health services (with the exception of extra nurses) and laboratory facilities. Full-time students: For full-time students (scheduled from 12-18 credits) who are residents of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania , the basic fee is $700 .00 a semester. An additiona l $58 .00 per credit will be charged for credits scheduled in excess of 18. Part-time students: Part-time students who are Pennsylvania residents will be charged $58 .00 per credit hour. (A part-time student is one who is scheduled for 11 or fewar cred its.) Out-of-State students: Out-of-state students enrolled on a full-time basis (from 12-18 credits) pay an enrollment fee of $1 ,225 .00 per semester. An additional $102.00 per credit will be charged for credits scheduled in excess of 18. Out-of-State, part-time students: The basic fee is $98 .00 per semester hour. OTHER FEES Advance Deposit All first-year students , including transfers , and readmitted students are required to submit a $75.00 Advance Deposit payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This fee may be mailed or hand delivered to the Revenue Office, Administration Building, California State College. It is to be paid in advance of registration and is credited to the student 's account for the first semester. Room and Board Charges The room and board charges cover the cost of living in a College dormitory and for meals in the College dining hal l. The cost for both is $775.00 per semester. Of this amount $400.00 is charged for room and $375.00 is charged for meals.• An in-state student is defined as one who is a bona fide res ide nt of and domiciled with in the State of Penn sylvania for a reasonable period, not less than one year, immediately preceding the student 's registration for a term or semester in any State-supported college or university in the State of Pennsylvania. A minor will generally be presumed to be a resident of the place of his parents ' or guardian 's domicile. The establishment of domicile is primarily a matter of continued residence and intention . Generally, Pennsylvania domicile is considered to be established upon the completion of at least 12 months of continuous residence within the State at the time of registration for courses. ' Fees are subject to change. 42 Student Association Fees: All students are charged an activity fee according to their academic status as follows: 12 or more credits 1-5 credits 6-11 credits $45.00 7.00 12.00 A late charge will be assessed after the first six weeks: Full-time undergraduate 1-5 credits 6-11 credits $ 5.00 1.00 2. 00 Make checks payable to: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Commonwealth A11oclatlon of Students Fee: A fee of $1.00 will be charged to all students. College Service Fee: All students will be charged $15.00 per semester for this fee. During the summer term this fee will be $1 .00 per week. Student Union Bulldlng Fee: All students must pay this fee as follows : 10 or more credits 7 to 9 credits 1 to 6 credits $10.00 5.00 2.50 NOTE: This fee is nonrefundable except for academic dismissal and in case of administrative action to revoke a registration. A fee of $10.00 must be paid by each candidate for a degree from California State College. A student shall not be permitted to complete graduation from the College until this fee has been paid. The fee is payable when the student has been notified of clearance for graduation. Life Experience Fee: A flat fee of $25.00 is charged for the administration and recording of life experience credits regardless of the number of credits awarded. SUMMARY OF FEES (Per Semester) Full-time Resident Students Basic Fee• Student Union Building Fee Housing Fee Meal Fee 43 In-State Out-of-State $ 700.00 10.00 400.00 375.00 $1,225.00 10.00 400.00 375.00 Student Association Fee College Service Fee Commonwealth Association of Students TOTAL 45.00 15.00 1.00 $1,546.00 45.00 15.00 1.00 $2,071 .00 Full-time Commuting Students Basic Fee* Student Union Building Fee Student Association Fee College Service Fee Commonwealth Association of Students TOTAL $ 700.00 10.00 45.00 15.00 1.00 $ 771.00 ·eased on a maximum of 18 credits per semester. NOTE: COLLEGE FEES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. SUMMER REFUND POLICY (For Academic Fees) 3 Week Session 1st Week . . . . . . .. . .. . ... . ... . .. . .... . ... .... . . .. . . 80% refund After 1st Week ... .. .... .. .. . ...... . . ... .. .... . .. NO REFUND 5 and 6 Week Session 1st Week . . .. . . . ........ . . ... . ......... . . .. . .. . . . . 80% refund 2nd Week .. . ... . . . ... ...... ........ . . . ... .. ....... 60% refund After 2nd Week . ..... . ..... . . . . . . ...... . .. . ..... NO REFUND 10 and 12 Weeks Session 1st Week ... . ... .... . . . . .... . . . ... ... ..... .. ...... 80% refund 2nd Week ... . ........ . ... . ... .. . . ... ... . . . . ... . . . . 70% refund 3rd Week . ... ... .. . . ... . .... . . .. ... .. .. ... . . . . .. .. 60% refund 4th Week .. . .... . ..... . ... ...... . . .. .. ......... . .. 50% refund After 4th Week ........ . ... .. ... . . . . ... . . .. . ... . . NO REFUND Speclal Conditions (for Summer Se11lons): 1. The first day of classes will be used as the starting date in considering the first week for determining a refund or billing adjustment. 2. If a student registers for two or more sessions and then decides to withdraw from a session before the start of that session, a refund or credit will be pro rated by using the part-time credit fee. No refund or credit will be pro rated for the Student Union Building Fee. 3. Financial aid recipients who intend to withdraw from College must be cleared by the Financial Aid Office as part of the withdrawal procedure. Polley on Room and Board Charges: 1. Refunds on room charges will follow the same percentage schedule established for academic refunds. 44 2. Refunds on board charges will be made according to the following percentages: 1st & 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week 5th Weeks 80% 70% 60% 50% Semester Withdrawal refund 6th & 7th Weeks refund 8th & 9th Weeks refund 10th & 11th Weeks refund After the 11th Week 40% refund 30% refund 20% refund NO REFUND Summer Seulons Refund Polley (Room and Board): 3-Week Session 1st Week 50% refund After 1st Week NO REFUND Per Week Charge, according to Total Per week 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 5 and 6-Week Sessions 80% refund 4th Week 60% refund 5th Week 40% refund 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week 80% 70% 60% 50% 1~Week Session refund 5th Week refund 6th Week refund 7th Week refund 8th Week 40% refund 30% refund 20% refund NO REFUND 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week 80% 70% 60% 50% 12-Week Sessions. refund 5th & 6th Week refund 7th & 8th Week refund 9th & 10th Week refund 11th & 12th Week 40% refund 30% refund 20% refund NO REFUND 20% refund NO REFUND Refund Ellglblllty: 1. A refund, or credit, will not be allowed unless the withdrawal is properly made in the Office of Academic Records. Except for emergencies, the date of notification will be considered the effective date of withdrawal. 2. Refunds are not granted on an automatic basis. A student eligible for a refund must submit a written request to the College President without delay. No action will be taken until this has been done. DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS No student may be enrolled, graduate, receive semester grade reports, or receive a transcript of his record until all previous charges are paid. REFUND POLICY (For Academic Fees) Partial refunds, or credit, will be granted to students who have made an official withdrawal from College. They will be based upon a percentage of the fees paid according to the following schedule: 45 Semester Withdrawal 1st and 2nd week 3rd week 4th week 5th week After the 5th week 80% 70% 60% 50% No refund refund refund refund refund 1. A refund, or credit will not be allowed unless the withdrawal is properly made in the Office of Academic Records . Except for emergencies, the date of notification will be considered the effective date of withdrawal. 2. No refund or credit will be allowed for those who register as full-time students and voluntarily reduce the number of credits scheduled to less than twelve (12) credits in a semester. Exceptions may be made by the President for extreme emergencies only. Requests for a waiver on this rule must be presented to the Dean of Academic Records. 3. Refunds are not granted on an automatic basis. A student eligible for a refund must submit a written request to the President without delay. No action will be taken until this has been done. FEES FOR SUMMER SESSIONS Basic Fee The enrollment fee for any of the regular summer sessions is $58.00 per semester hour. During summer sessions, the rates for non-Pennsylvania resident undergraduate students shall be the same as those for Pennsylvania undergraduate students. Housing Fee Summer session rates are based on the number of weeks in the session. Summer rates are $23.00 per week for dormitory room, and $23.00 per week for dining hall meals. PAYMENT OF BILLS All fees are assessed at the time of registration . Payment by check, money order, or certified bank draft made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvanla is required. DEFERMENT POLICY 1. Students who are unable to pay one-half of their fees at registration and are not eligible for financial aid may be considered for deferments and specialized payment plan if they satisfy the following conditions: a. No indebtedness to the College. b. Sign a notarized promissory note which includes a payment plan. All arrangements for special payment plans must be made with the Revenue Supervisor or the Office of Administration and Finance. 46 2. Military veterans receiving G.I. Bill benefits must request deferments if needed, from the Director of Veterans Affairs. 3. Students who owe fees at the end of a term cannot register for a future term until their accounts are paid in full. In addition, the academic records of students with delinquent accounts will be sealed and grades will be withheld. ACADEMIC MANAGEMENT SERVICES BUDGET PAYMENT PLAN This Plan allows you to pay College fees in 10 monthly payments commencing June 1, 1982 The cost of this Plan is $40.00 which includes Life Benefit Coverage. There are no other fees or interest charges. Information concerning this Plan will be forwarded to you separately. If you wish you may call Academic Management Services directly Toll-Free (800) 556-6684 for information. Flnanclal Aid and Scholarships Financial aid is a critical factor in providing students with the opportunity for a college education . Many types of financial assistance are available to the student. All financial aid is intended to supplement the family's financial resources - not as a substitute. For at least 75 percent of California State College students, financial aid has made higher education a reality. APPLICATIONS FOR ALL PROGRAMS Each applicant must submit a Callfornla State College Appllcatlon for Student Flnanclal Aid to the financial aid office. A "Pennsylvania State Grant/ Federal Student Aid" Application must be submitted to: Pennsylvania Higher Educational Assistance Agency, P.O. Box 3157, Harrisburg, PA 17105. Priority will be given to applications filed before April 1. Applications filed after this date will be considered to the extent that funds are available. BASIS AND METHOD OF AWARDING FINANCIAL AID Student financial aid is provided on the basis of the applicant's demonstratable financial need. Financial aid is defined as the difference between estimated college costs and expected family contribution. Grants and loans will be credited directly toward costs incurred at the College; any excess funds will be refunded to the student. Earnings from student employment will be paid directly to the student. 47 Full-time as well as part-time students taking at least six credits are el igible to apply for assistance through the following financial aid programs: Basic Educational Opportunity Grant Program Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program National Direct Student Loan Program College Work-Study Program Guaranteed Student Loan Program Part-time students can apply for aid in the same manner as full-time students. The aid awarded is dependent on the student's educational costs. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF FINANCIAL AID APPLICANTS Every student has the right to apply for financial aid and also request and receive reconsideration of the financial aid decision. Students also have the right to know how their financial need and family contribution were calculated. Students and parents are expected to provide accurate information on all application materials and may be asked to provide a photocopy of their latest federal income tax return. The Federal Government requires the Financial Aid Office to insure that financial information from all sources is accurate and truthful. When forms are used to establish eligibility for federal student aid funds, false statements or misrepresentations may subject those providing the information to a fine or imprisonment or both, under provisions of the U.S. Criminal Code. Students also have the responsibility to notify the Financial Aid Office of any change occurring in their financial position from that which was reported on the application (e.g., eligibility for Social Security and/or Veterans ' Benefits; receipt of scholarships, grants, or other assistance; change in residency; and so on). FINANCIAL PLANNING Students planning to attend California State College should be aware that the cash from many of the financial aid programs is not available until approximately 9 weeks into the semester for which the funds are intended. Students should plan to come to the College with enough personal money for early-term purchases (books, Industrial Arts materials, art supplies, and so on) without depending upon financial aid funds. EXPENSES California State College is owned by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Students at California State College acquire a quality education which is approximately one-third the cost of that obtained in many private institutions. With the. state paying over one-half of the educational costs, students enjoy fine academic programs and facilities at minimal expenses. California State College's costs for full-time undergraduate students are: PA Resident PA Resident Non-PA Resident Commuter Student Room/Board Room/Board Enrollment Fee/ Semester $ 700.00 $ 700.00 48 $1 ,225.00 Student Association Fee 45.00 45.00 45.00 Student Union Building Fee 10.00 10.00 10.00 College Service Fee 15.00 15.00 15.00 Room and Board 0.00 775 .00 775.00 Commonwealth Association of Students 1.00 1.00 1.00 $2 ,071 .00 Total/Semester 771 .00 $1,546.00 $ $4,142.00 Total/Academic Year $1,542.00 $3,092.00 Full-time tuition is based on 12-18 semester credit hours (SCHs). Full-time tuition is based on 12-18 semester credit hours (SCHs). Students registering in excess of 18 SCH will be charged $58.00/SCH. Part-time students' costs are: PA Resident Non-PA Resident Tuition/semester credit hours (SCHs) $ 102.00 $ 58.00 Student Association fee/semester 7.00 7.00 a) 1-5 (SCHs) 12.00 12.00 b) 6-11 (SChs) Student Union Building Fee/semester 2.50 2.50 a) 1-6 (SCHs) 5.00 5.00 b) 7-9 (SCHs) 10.00 10.00 c) 10-more (SCHs) College Services Fee/semster 8.00 8.00 a) 1-7 (SCHs) 15.00 15.00 b) 8-more (SCHs) Commonwealth Student Association/ semester 1.00 1.00 Please note that all costs are subject to change without notice. In addition to these changes, a full-time student should budget approximately $500 per year for books, supplies, laundry, clothing, and incidentals, exclusive of transportation costs . SCHOLARSHIPS A. A.P.S.C.U.F. Scholarship The California State College local of the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculty awards partial scholarships to selected entering freshmen . To be eligible for the award, a student must have graduated with the highest rank in his or her high school class. Interested students should c_ontact Dr. John K. Folmar, chairman, APSCUF Scholarship Committee, California State College, California, PA 15419. B. Hercules Incorporated Scholarship Each year a $1,000 award is made available to an academically outstanding student majoring in chemistry at California State College. The recipient of this award must have completed at least one year of undergraduate study in 49 chemistry or a related science curriculum. This scholarship is sponsored by the Donora Plant of Hercules Chemical Inc. Details concerning this grant are available at the Physical Sciences Department. C. American Association of University Women Scholarship The California State College Branch of the A.A. U. W. has established a $200 per year award. The award will be made to an upperclass woman over 30 who wants to complete her undergraduate degree at California State College. The nominee must be a full-time student and may renew the award upon maintenance of a 3.0 academic grade average. Those interested in applying should contact the Financial Aid Office at California State College. D. Harhay Memorial Scholarship This scholarship was established in memory of the late Frank Corwyn Harhay. An award of $150.00 will be granted to an outstanding academic student enrolled on a full-time basis in the Nature Conservation Program at California State College. The recipient is selected by a committee of instructors in the Nature Conservation Program and members of the Financial Aid Staff. Inquiries concerning this grant should be directed to Dr. Thomas C. Moon, Biology Department. E. Callfornla State College Faculty Scholarships The faculty of California State College has four scholarships of $2,000each for outstanding entering freshmen . The contests are very competitive. Minimum qualifications include: 1) admission as a full-time student at California State College, 2) a combined Scholastic Aptitute Test score above 1200, and 3) rank in the upper 5 percent of the high school graduating class. Inquiries should be directed to Dr. Robert T. Little, Chairperson of the Faculty Scholarship Committee. F. Other Scholarships Periodic awards are made by various College departments, organizations, affiliates, and alumni. For information concerning these funds, students may contact the Financial Aid Office. GRANTS A. The "Pell Grant (Basic Educational Opportunity Grant)" is a Federal aid program designed to provide financial assistance to those who need it to attend post-high school educational institutions. This grant is intended to be the "floor" of the financial aid package and may be combined with other forms of aid in order to meet the cost of education. The amount of Basic Grant is determined by the student's and family's financial resources. Basic Grants range from $200 to $1,800. The Basic Grant award, unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid . A student is eligible to receive a Basic Grant during the period of time required to complete a first undergraduate degree. Applications specified in the application section of this brochure are required . 50 B. Supplemental Educational Opportunity grants are available to students who demonstrate financial need. A student may receive up to $2,000 pe r academic year. A student is elig ible to receive the grant during the time required to complete his or her first undergraduate degree. Applications specified in the application section of this brochure are required. C. Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency Grants - The PHEAA Program was created to assist qualified students who need financial assistance to attain higher education . These grants are based upon admission to California State College and the need for financial assistance from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as determined by the Higher Education Assistance Agency. High school seniors can secure further information and application forms from their high school guidance office. These grants are available only to residents of Pennsylvania. Interested students may request further information at the Financial Aid Office, California State College . D. Other State Grants Several states, including Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, West Virginia, Rhode Island, New Jersey, and Ohio have state grants which can be transferred to schools outside the state. Interested students may obtain information concerning these programs from their high school gu idance counselors or from the appropriate State Higher Education Agency . LOANS A. National Direct Student Loans - California State College participates in the National Direct Student Loan Program . High school graduates who have been accepted for enrollment at California State College, or students enrolled at least half-time and who need financial help for educational expenses, may receive consideration for this student loan. Eligible undergraduate students may borrow from this loan program each academic year. The repayment period and the interest do not begin until 6 months after the student ends his studies. After termination of studies, the loans bear interest at the rate of 5 percent a year (annual percentage interest), and repayment of principal may be extended over a 10-year period . The institution may require a minimum repayment of no less than $30 a month. If a borrower becomes a full-time teacher in a public or other non-profit private elementary or secondary school with a high enrollment of students from low-income families, or as a full-time teacher of handicapped children , for each complete year of service the amount of his loan shall be reduced at the rates of 15 percent a year, plus interest for the first and second years of service; 20 percent a year, plus interest for the third and fourth years of service; 30 percent a year plus interest for the fifth year of service; which results in 100% cancellation of the loan . 51 In addition, if the borrower becomes a full-time staff member in a preschool program of the Economic Opportunity Act (Headstart) in certain states, for a period comparable to the full school year, and provided the borrower's salary is comparable to that of an employee of a local agency, the amount of the loan shall be reduced at the rate of 15 per cent a year, plus interest for each complete year of service. If the borrower serves as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, a maximum of 50 percent of the loan shall be cancelled at the rate of 12½ percent a year, plus interest for each complete year of service in an area of hostilities. In addition, interest and payments shall be deferred during any period in which the borrower is carrying at least one-half the normal academic work load at an institution of higher learning, or up to 3 years if the borrower is on full-time active duty as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, is a volunteer under The Peace Corps Act, or is a volunteer under the Economic Opportunity Act (Vista) . Any loans made prior to June 30, 1972, are subject to previous regulations . California State College approves and makes the loans and is responsible for collections. Applications specified in the General Information section are required . B. Student Guaranty Loans - The education of students from middle- or upper-income groups frequently places a financial burden on the families, particularly if there are a number of children who want to attend college. In many cases, the student cannot qualify for student employment or a student loan . Even when commerical credit sources are available, repayment generally runs concurrent with the years the student attends college . To help these young people and their families, a Guaranteed Loan Program is in operation . Under this program a student may borrow from a bank or other financial institution. An undergraduate student may borrow as much as $2500 a year up to a total of $12,500. Students from families with adjusted gross incomes of less than $30,000 can borrow without demonstrating need. Students from families earning $30,000 or more must undergo a financial need test to determine if they are eligible to borrow. If the documented need is less than $500, the loan will be limited to need . If a need of $500 to $1000 is demonstrated, the student may borrow $1000. If the need is over $1000, the student may borrow up to the amount of need but not over the program limit $2500/year for undergraduates) . A need analysis form for Guaranty loan purposes will be provided with the loan application. Repayment of the principal of the loan is not required until the student leaves or graduates from college. The Federal government will pay the interest during the time the student is enrolled in college. Interested students shou Id i nq ui re at their local bank or financial institution for further information and application forms for the Guaranty Loan Program. Guaranty Loans are available to students from other states through agencies similar to the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency. In the interest of the student, it is the recommendation of the Financial Aid Office that discretion in borrowing be recognized as a necessary consider- 52 ation. Loans made by each student should be minimized to meet projected educational costs. C. Loans to Parents A program of loans to parents for dependent undergraduate students is established by section 4288 of the new "Higher Education Amendments." The maximum amount a parent may borrow for any one student in an academic year is $3,000. The aggregate loan limit for each dependent student is $15,000. Repayment is required to begin within 60 days of disbursement, and there is no in-school subsidy of these loans. The interest rate will be 9 percent. The effective date on the loans to parents program is January 1, 1981 . It must be understood that the parent loan, when combined with the student loan and/or all other financial aid resources, cannot exceed the cost of education at California State College . D. Emergency Student Loan Fund Small emergency short-term loans are available to California State College undergraduate students. Application forms are available at the Financial Aid Office. EMPLOYMENT A. College Work-Study Program - Students who need a job to help pay for college expenses may be eligible for employment by California State College under the federally-supported College Work-Study Program. Students may work up to 15 hours weekly while attending classes full-time. During the summer or other vacation periods when they do not have classes, students may, with proper authorization, work full-time (37½ hours per week) under this program . In three months of summer employment under the Work-Study Program, an eligible student could earn $1000 or more. This amount, supplemented by weekly earnings during the school year, could help provide total educational costs, including necessary clothes, transportation, and personal expenses. To work under this program, a student must be enrolled as a full-time student at CSC. The student' s eligibility depends upon the demonstration of financial need. Applications specified in the application section of this brochure are required . To work under this program, a student must be enrolled - or be accepted for enrollment - as a full-time student at California State College. The student's eligibility depends upon his need for employment to defray college expenses. Applications specified in the General Information section are required . B. Student Employment (Non-CWSP) Employment available under this program is provided on a priority basis with financial need as the first consideration. Should funds for this program permit, students who do not meet financial need requirements may also be employed . Work assignments and work schedules are similar to those for the Federal Work Study Program . Interested students can receive further information and applications by contacting the Director of Student Employment. Such student employment is considered a financial aid resource and may influence the amount of aid a student receives from 53 college-based federal programs . Applications specified in the Applications Section are required . RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS STIPEND (R.O.T.C.) The College offers participation in the Army Reserve Officers Train ing Corps (R.O.T.C.). Participants are required to attend six-week summer camps . The summer camp requirement includes compensation . Junior and Senior ROTC cadets receive a subsistence allowance of $100 per month for each month the student is in school. This allowance is tax free . Additiona l information is available through the Veterans ' Affairs Office. SPECIAL BENEFITS Benefits are funds to which some people are entitled under special cond itions : Social Security Benefits are available to full-time students until their 22nd birthday if one of the ir parents is receiv ing Social Security. Application and certification forms may be obtained at local Social Security Offices. Veterans ' Benefits are available to veterans who are discharged from the Armed Forces. Application shou ld be made at local Veterans Administration Offices. Vocat iona l Rehabilitation is a servi ce to conserve the working capac ity of persons with an impairment but who still have reasonable expectat ions of becoming employed. Students who might qualify for vocational rehab ilitation aid to attend college shou ld contact the ir county Bureau of Vocat ional Rehabilitation. OTHER FINANCIAL AID Special aid opportunities are often provided by local fraternal organizations , societies , business firms, high school officials , and family employers. Students should investigate these possib le sources of aid . OTHER SOURCES OF FINANCIAL AID The previous sections have been devoted to outside financial aid , primarily from college and Government Agencies. There are also many other avenues from which to obtain aid . These would include: relatives , local clubs or organizations, businesses, summer earnings , special scholarships , and so on . Your gu idance counselor, local civic leaders, or local librarian should be of valuable help in researching such avenues of financial assistance. SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS Federal Programs Continuation or renewal of all Federal Financial aid assistance is contingent upon satisfactory progress. Satisfactory Progress means that a regular student must successfully complete a minimum of (18) credits in one academic calendar year. If extenuating circumstances exist , a student may appeal , in writing , to the Vice President for Academic Affairs . 54 State Programs The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency has established progress guidelines for participants in their programs. This information is incorporated in PHEAA award letters and brochures. OTHER INFORMATION A description of the academic programs and instructional facilities available at California State College is contained in the "California State College Bulletin." Retention data for enrolled students at California State College is available upon request at the Academic Affairs Office. Employment information on graduates of programs which prepare students for specific courses is available upon request at the Placement Office of California State College. The persons designated by Californ ia State College to provide financial aid information to students are the Director of Financial Aid and the Financial Aid Staff. The Financial Aid Office, Room 105, is located on the first floor of the Abraham Azorsky Administration Building . Office hours are 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. The telephone number is (412) 938-4415, 4416, 4417. While California State College attempts to keep all information in this brochure as accurate as possible, financ ial aid programs and gu idelines are subject to change without notice. GLOSSARY OF FINANCIAL AID TERMS AID - total package of funds needed for college expenses EMPLOYMENT - work on campus, which is paid on the prevailing hourly rate GRANT - gift aid which is not paid back, based on need LOAN - funds which are borrowed and must be repaid, usually at low interest SCHOLARSHIP - gift aid which is not paid back, based on academic excellence B.E.O.G. - Basic Educational Opportunity Grant - federal grant program based on need PELL GRANT - New title for B.E.O.G. grant C.E.E.B. - College Entrance Examination Board - Organization which controls S.A.T. tests and C.S.S. forms C.S.S. - College Scholarship Service - organization which analyzes F.A.F. forms (not used at C.S.C.) C.W.S.P. - College Work/Study Program - work on campus, controlled by college, and funded by federal government F.A.F. - Financial Aid Form - used as a need analysis for financial aid (not used at C.S.C.) 55 F.N.A.R . - Financial Need Analysis Report - results of computer analysis of F.A.F. application - sent to colleges designated (not used at C.S.C.) Q.P.A. - Quality Point Average - cumulative grade point average used to determine academic eligibility G.S.L.P. - Guaranteed Student Loan Program - federal and state programs subsidizing borrowed funds for education through hometown banks , etc. N.D.S.L. - National Direct Student Loan - federal program allocating loans through college N.E.E.D. - Negro Educational Emergency Drive-local grant program for the black students demonstrating need P.H.E.A.A. - Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency Program state agency awarding state grants and guaranteeing loans (G.S.L.P.) S.E.R. - Student Eligibility Report - results of computer analysis of B.E.O.G . application - sent to student ; student must then submit all 3 copies to college. S.A.T. - Scholastic Aptitude Test - College Boards - taken by high school students A.C.T. - American College Test - entrance exam taken in place of S.A.T. by some high school students FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information , or to make an appointment to visit the campus, write or call either: The Admiss ions Office California State College California, Pennsylvania 15419 Telephone (412) 938-4404, 4448, 4449 (or) The Financial Aid Office California State College California, Pennsylvania 15419 Telephone (412) 938-4415, 4416, 4417 56 Student Development and Services Inherent in the College 's mission is an institutional commitment to the total development of all students. The Office of Student Development, under the direction of the Vice President for Student Development and Services, is administratively responsible for the implementation of this commitment. The central focus of the Student Development program , therefore, is the personalization of the college experience; concern for not only individual intellectual development, but personal , social , and physical development as well. Student Development provides services to students in the following areas: Orientation Counseling Center Summer Camps Health Center Discipline Athletics Student Association , Inc. Housing Student Government Veterans Affairs and Handicapped Dining Hall Services Residence Hall Programming The principal adm inistrative personnel responsible for the Student Development Program are: Vice President for Student Development and Services Dean of Women / Administrative Assistant Dean for Student Services Dean of Student Life Assistant Deans of Student Life Director of Student Association , Inc. Business Manager of the Student Association, Inc. Director of Health Services Director of Housing Director of Veterans Affairs/Veterans and Handicapped Student Services and Rehabilitation Counselor Director of Counseling and Psychological Services Director of Athletics ORIENTATION A comprehensive one day orientation program is conducted for entering students and their parents during the summer months prior to the student's beginning fall semester. This initial formal encounter with the College community provides students and parents with an intimate view of the College 's total program including both the academic and social aspects. During the course of the program students and parents discuss the academic requirements of various curricula and review an individual student's interest, capabilities , and career plans. At the close of the program the students have registered for their first semester of College courses and both parents and students have made valuable contacts with College personnel. 57 ROOM DEPOSIT An advance room deposit of $75.00, credited to the student's account, is required in order to reserve a room for the following academic year. First-year students who wish to reside in a residence hall will receive a housing contract by mail which must be signed and returned to the Revenue Office, California State College, with a check , money order, certified check, or bank draft in the amount of $75 .00 Upper-class students are also required to pay the $75.00 room deposit. They sould obtain their housing contracts from the Director of Housing , Student Development Office, Student Union Building . Schedules and deadlines for housing contracts are posted for each academic year. STUDENT ASSOCIATION FEE Each student enrolled on a full-time basis is charged a Student Fee of $45 .00 per semester. Part-time students will be charged as follows: 1-5 credits, $7 .00, 6-11 credits, $12.00. Upon payment of this fee, the student becomes a member of the Student Association, Incorporated . The fee is required of all students and has been enacted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. LATE REGISTRATION FEE Each student who enrolls after the date officially set for registration will be charged an additional fee of $15.00 (except when permission for late registration has been secured in advance because of illness or other unavoidable causes) . LATE PAYMENT FEE A $15.00 fee will be charged when a student fails to pay his fees during the registration period or by the deadline established in an approved deferment plan . BAD CHECK CHARGE Students making checks payable to "California State College" or "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania " which are not acceptable to the bank because of insufficient funds will be charged $10.00 for each bad check. The original amount plus the $10.00 charge must be paid by money order or certified bank draft. Personal checks will not be accepted . In a like manner, the Student Association, Inc. charges $5.00 for bad checks. DAMAGE CHARGES Students shall be held responsible for the cost of damage, breakage, or loss and/or the return of College property. 58 COLLEGE SERVICE FEE All students will be charged $15.00 per semester for this fee. During the summer term, this fee will be $1.00 per week. HEALTH SERVICES The Health Center provides limited infirmary and nursing services for resident students and emergency infirmary service for all students. The Health Center is staffed by registered nurses and a qualified physician who is available during specified hours. Infirmary Service for Students Limited infirmary service is provided for all students. Free service is limited to three days, after which a charge of $1 .00 (one dollar) per day is made. Fees for a physician, special nursing care and prescription drugs must be paid by the student. Doctor's Fees and Ambulance Fees Fees for office, home, or infirmary calls by any physician must be paid by the patient. The Student Association, Inc. has an agreement with the local Ambulance Service to provide free local ambulance coverage. Refer to Student Handbook for further information . Health and Accident Insurance Some form of Student Health and Accident Insurance is required of students. Information concerning the availability and costs of such insurance may be secured by contacting the Student Association Office, California Memorial Union . Chronic Diseases Students suffering from chronic diseases will be interviewed periodically by the College physician to determine the nature of the treatment in progress and examined, if necessary, to determine the status of the disease. The College may dismiss, or deny admission to any student whose health would be detrimental to the College community. Cla11 Absences Due to lllne11 If class absence is of four days duration or longer students should contact the Health Center requesting that notification of their illness be sent to their instructors. COLLEGE AUTHORITY The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has the power to make and enforce laws and regulations which are essential to the establishment, maintenance, operation and preservation of the Commonwealth. California State College is 59 owned, established, funded, staffed, operated and maintained by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and has the authority to make and establish rules and regulations designed to enable the College to carry out its purpose without disruption either by external or internal influences. Any student who is in violation of statutes, laws or regulations of the Commonwealth and/or regulations of California State College is subject to prosecution in the appropriate courts of the Commonwealth; and furthermore, is subject to disciplinary action by the College, either or both as may be determined by the proper and duly constituted officers of the Commonwealth and/or the College. Disciplinary authority of the College includes but is not limited to the power to: admonish, warn, censure, place on probation, require restitution, suspend, expel, eject from premises and/or arrest by civil authorities. COLLEGE REGULATIONS 1. Use of Alcoholic Beverages: The possession or use of alcoholic beverages on College property is prohibited. Students are reminded that Pennsylvania law prohibits the use or possession of alcoholic beverages by those under twenty-one (21) years of age. 2. Gambling in any form is prohibited on campus and in College owned and supervised buildings. 3. College matriculation and identification cards are for personal use only. They are valid only for the term in which the student is enrolled. Falsification of these cards, or the transfer of one to another person is strictly prohibited. These restrictions also apply to dining hall and library cards. 4. Students and student organizations are not permitted to make any purchases in the name of the College or the Student Association , Inc. without written authorization of the proper officers of the respective organization. Those who fail to comply with this regulation are personally liable for the payment of the items purchased. 5. Smoking Regulations: Smoking is permitted in the dormitory rooms, faculty and staff offices, the lounges of commuters, the snack bar, and the firetowers. Use the fireproof containers that have been placed in these areas and exercise extreme care to prevent fires. Smoking is prohibited in all classrooms, shops, and laboratories, all corridors in South Hall, Main Hall, Dixon Hall, Lobby, Mandarino Library, Steele Auditorium , the Little Theatre and other areas as posted. 6. Men and women students may not visit each other in their respective residence hall rooms except during hours when visitation is permitted. Visitation hours are posted in each residence hall. Any exception to these hours must be authorized in writing in advance by the Dean of Student Life. 7. The possession or use of firearms, firecrackers, or other explosives on campus or in student living quarters is prohibited. 8. Tampering with fire equipment and setting off a false alarm are prohibited. 9. Unlawful entry to any College building and the theft and/or destruction of any College property are prohibited. 10. Students who participate in any demonstration which is disorderly, riotous, destructive and disruptive are subject to legal action by the Commonwealth, the local government, and the College; and disciplinary action by 60 the College as may be determined by the officers of the institutions concerned. 11 . A notice to a student requesting the student to report to a faculty member or an administrative official has priori ty over any other activity and requires compl iance on the date, day and time indicated; or the student must contact the faculty member or adm inistrative official before that date, day and time indicated to arrange rescheduling of the conference. 12. Any person on California State College premises or in buildings supervised by the College is required to produce self-identification upon the request of a faculty member, administrative official , or employee of the security force. 13. Any student who possesses or sells or uses any drug or medicine including narcotics such as heroin and marijuana, etc. , the issuance of which is controlled by prescription , is subject to disciplinary action by the College and legal action by the civil authorities unless such drug or medicine is secured through regular procedures and channels as required by the statutes of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 14. The College has a strict policy concerning solicitation by groups or individuals on campus. Permission must be obtained from the Vice President for Student Development for any group or individual to sell items on campus. HANDICAPPED PARKING POLICY Parking spaces have been reserved for 31 handicapped or disabled persons. These parking spaces are for the use of persons who have mobility or other physical problems which cause them distress or pain when forced to walk some distance. it is recognized that some disabilities are permanent, while others are of a temporary nature. Handicapped or disabled persons who desire reserved parking privileges must apply for a special parking permit from the Director of Security. The handicapped or disabled person must verify their physical problem through presentation of a letter from a doctor attesting to the disability and whether it is permanent or temporary in nature. Duration of permits will be determined on a case-by-case basis: Questions on this policy may be addressed to the Section 504 Coordinator, Mr. Arthur Bakewell , in Room 230 of the Learn ing Research Center. HUMAN RELATIONS PROGRAM California State College is committed to the principle of equal educational opportunity. Programs and courses are designed so that all students, regardless of sex, religion , race and ethnic background , have equal opportunities to succeed. A Human Relations Committee, comprised of students, faculty, staff, and administration , was established in February, 1974. This Committee oversees the development and implementation of campus-wide programs which assist with the recruitment, enrollment, and retention of minority students. The Committee assists faculty and administration in responding appropriately to the specific needs of minority students and in maintaining an atmosphere of non-discrimination . 61 STUDENT RIGHTS APPEAL PROCEDURE As a citizen in this constitutional democracy every student has a right: 1. To equal protection of laws and equal justice in the courts : 2. To be free from arbitrary search and arrest; and 3. To have legal counsel and a prompt trial if accused of crime or malfeasance. The Personnel Deans are available to help students when and if they are arrested and/or accused of violation of laws and regulations . STUDENT ASSOCIATION, INC. The Student Association , Inc. , (S.A.I.) is a non-profit corporation financed in part by a student association fee which is paid each term by each student. This is an official fee approved by the College and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and as such is required of all students. Programs provided by the Student Association are determined by the Student Congress and the Student Association Board of Directors. Student Association fees are collected , budgeted , appropriated , disbursed , and accounted for by S.A.I. The S.A.I. coordinates the extra-curricular activitie!, provided by the Col lege including homecoming , concerts , plays, musical productions, movies, outdoor recreation , dances, picnics, and other special events. Intercollegiate athletics are also funded by S.A.I. In addition , S.A.I. coordinates the activities of student clubs and organizations. The Student Handbook provides a complete listing of active student clubs and organizations. Publications coordinated by or through Student Association include the monthly calendar of events, Student Handbook, The California Times (student newspaper), Yesterdays ' Papers (yearbook), Pegasus (literary magazine) , and a number of informative brochures. The S.A.I. is responsible for the development and maintenance of the George H. Roadman College Farm , an eighty-seven acre area located one mile from California on Route 88 South . Facil ities include tennis courts , practice football and baseball fields, picnic areas and Adamson Stadium . S.A.I. supervises the California Memorial Union, campus vending, and Outdoor Recreation Center, and The Fayette Mart Book Store. STUDENT CONGRESS Student Congress is the official student governing body. It is designed to represent and serve the entire student population. It provides for a student forum, establishes channels for the communication of students' concerns to the proper administrative and faculty personnel , implements programs and activities which enrich campus life, and creates opportunities for students to exercise and to develop leadership skills. 62 HOUSING California State College provides residence hall accommodations for approximately 1500 college students in six separate residence facilities. Clyde Hall, Stanley Hall and South Hall house women students; Longanecker Hall, Binns Hall, Johnson Hall and McCloskey Hall house men students. All residence halls are staffed by full-time professional student personnel employees who provide personal and academic counseling to students. The College does not maintain any off-campus housing facilities and does not maintain listings of authorized or approved private off-campus housing facilities. Application for Housing All freshmen students are required to live in the College residence halls or commute from their home of record. Freshmen will receive the appropriate application forms with their acceptance letter. Transfer students who indicate that they need on-campus housing are provided with the appropriate application forms at the same time that they receive their letter of acceptance. Upperclass students must contact the Director of Housing , Office of Student Development, College Memorial Union , California State College , California, Pa. 15419 if they wish to secure on-campus residence hall accommodations. DINING HALL FACILITIES - Gallagher Dining hall General Regulations 1. Dining Hall authorization stickers are for personal use only. They are not to be loaned, or sold , to anyone. 2. If a Dining Hall sticker has been lost or stolen, the loss should be reported immediately to the Dining Hall Manager. 3. Students living off campus may request assignments to the College dining hall. Such assignments are made for one full semester and may not be terminated unless the reason is urgent and exceptional. Students who take their meals in the dining room are subject to all dining hall regulations . 4. Each resident living in a campus residence hall is required to accept a dining hall assignment. The dining hall assignment entitles the student to nineteen meals a week (three meals Monday through Friday and two meals Saturday and Sunday). SOCIAL FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES Local fraternities and sororities function under the control of their respective councils : the lnterfraternity Council and the Panhellenic Council. These organizations are subject to College authority and regulations . Currently the following social fraternities and sororities function on campus: 63 SORORITIES Alpha Kappa Alpha Alpha XI Delta Delta Zeta Sigma Kappa Sigma Sigma Sigma FRATERNITIES Alpha Kappa Lambda Delta Chi Delta Sigma Ph i Kappa Alpha Psi Omega Phi Psi Phi Kappa Theta Sigma Tau Gamma Tau Kappa Epsilon Theta XI INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS California State College sponsors a comprehensive athletic program for both men and women . The athletic program is regulated by the policies of the Athletic Council and administered by the Director of Athletics . Sixteen sports are available to students. Baseball , basketball, crosscountry, fencing, football , golf, tennis, track and field, and wrestling for men; basketball, cross-country, fencing, softball , tennis, track and field, and volleyball for women. The College has outstanding facilities for athletics. Adamson Football Stadium , a modern facility located at the College Recreation Center, has spacious locker rooms and a training room . The stadium has a seating capacity of 4,500 and includes an excellent all-weather track. Also located at the Recreation Center are seven tennis courts, a baseball diamond, a softball field , and several practice areas for varsity sports and intramural activities. Hamer Hall, located on the main campus, has three basketball courts, an olympic-size swimming pool , a training room, weight room and a wrestling workout room . The building has a seating capacity of 3,600 for basketball games and the natatorium can accommodate over 250 spectators. Herron Hall , also located on the main campus, is used primarily for women 's athletics. This gymnasium has two basketball courts, a handball court, and a swimming pool. California State College holds membership in the NCAA, ECAC, PSCAC, AIAW, and the EAIAW. COUNSELING & PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES An important objective of counseling is to help students explore, clarify, and understand their personal thoughts and feelings, to acquire new information about their environment, and how to cope effectively with it. The Counseling Center offers both individual and group counseling which involve many areas of concern. A popular student question is "Where Am I Going?". The Center offers professional counseling for students who are experiencing personal/social, emotional, educational and vocational adjustment problems wnich interfere with their effective performance. Also , consultation to faculty and staff is available. 64 Appointments can be made by called the Center or by " walking-in ." These services are available to all California State College students. Each individual and group counseling relationship is a confidential matter between the student and the counselor. Office hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily. Weekend and evening sessions by appointment. The Counseling Center is located in the Thomas Morgan Learning and Research Center. Phone: 938-4191 . OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS The Office of Veterans Affairs , Learning Research Center (Ext. 4076) , is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Evening hours can be arranged by appointment. The director is Art Bakewell. All matters pertaining to veterans and those entitled to veteran 's benefits are handled in this off ice . VA forms and enrollment certifications for all eligible students applying for benefits are processed here. All veterans or elig ible persons applying for entrance to CSC should contact Veterans Affairs at an early date so that necessary VA paperwork can be processed to assure timely payments of educational benefits. Veterans are further advised to take advantage of the College 's outstanding program which awards college cred its for life experiences and military service schools . Veterans who have completed a minimum of twelve months in the Armed Services may receive an award of five credit hours in free electives. Additional college cred its may be awarded to elig ible veterans under the life experience/ mil itary service schools program . Official records such as service school diplomas or certificates and a copy of DD Form 214 should be hand carried to the Veterans Affairs Office for review and subsequent referral to the designated college evaluators for poss ible award of credits. Students who are or have been members of the Active Reserve or National Guard may be awarded one credit per year of active participation , up to a max imum of five credits . All recommendations for awards are subject to final approval by the Vice President fo r Academic Affairs . HANDICAPPED STUDENT SERVICES Handicapped students are provided an equal opportunity to participate in student services and activities conducted by this College. No qualified handicapped student shall , on the basis of handicap, be excluded from participation in , be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any academic , research , occupational training , housing, health, insurance, counseling , financ ial aid , physical education , athletics, recreation , transportat ion, other extracurricular, or other postsecondary program or activity offered or sponsored by this College. Californ ia State College currently has a program underway to make its various programs and facilities accessible to disabled students. It is expected 65 that the planned construction and renovation of physical facilities will be completed by December 1982. During the interim, the College will make every effort to provide " attendant services" to students with severe visual and mobility impairments. Students in need of "attendant services" should contact Section 504 Coordinator in Room 230, Learning Research Center or by phone- 938-4076/ 4077 at the earliest practicable date. Attendants provided through the College student work-study program will be assigned and supervised by the Section 504 Coordinator. Additional information is available on request. 66 General Education and College Curricula GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM General education is an important component of the students' total education . Each School has a general education program that is unique and appropriate for its majors. Students are encouraged to work closely with the Dean of their School and their advisor in determining required and elected general education courses . The College offerings have been divided into four groups for purposes of the general education program . The three areas , Humanities , Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences, are listed below. The fourth group consists of professional and interdisciplinary courses which do not satisfy the above requirements , but they may be included for the hours of free electives. HUMANITIES NATURAL SCIENCES Art - ART English - ENG French - FAE German - GER Greek - GAE Hungarian - HUN Italian - ITA Literature - LIT Music - MUS Philosophy - PHI Polish - POL Russian - AUS Serbo-Croatian - SCA Spanish - SPN Speech - SPE Theatre - THE Biology - BIO Chemistry - CHE Computer Science - CSC Earth Science - EAS Marine Science Consortium Mathematics - MAT Physical Science - PHS Physics - PHY SOCIAL SCIENCES Anthropology - ANT Economics - ECO Geography - GEO History - HIS Political Science - POS Psychology - PSY Social Studies - SOS Social Work - SOW Sociology - SOC MSC FREE ELECTIVES American Studies - XAS Arts in Human Services - XHS Athletic Training Education - TPE Business - BUS Career Planning - XCP Coaching Certification Program - CPE Co-Curricular Activities - CCU Early Childhood Education - ECE Educational Foundations - EDF Elementary Education - EDE Energy Technology - ENT English for Foreign Students - EFS Environmental Studies - XES General Military Science - GMS Gerontology - XGE Graphic Communications Technology - GCT Health, Phys. Ed. & Safety - HPE 67 Highway Safety & Driver Ed . - HSD Industrial Arts - IAR Industrial Technology - ITE Interdisciplinary Studies - XXX Manufacturing Technology - MTE Petroleum Technology - PTE Public School Nursing - PSN Registered Nurse Anesthetist - RNA School of Education - EDU Secondary Education - EDS Slavic Studies - XSS Special Education - ESP Speech Pathology & Audiology - SPA Urban Affairs - XUA Water Analysis Technology - WAT SCHOOL OF EDUCATION CURRICULA Each program offered by the school of Education is divided into three parts: general education, professional education and major area. General Education The School of Education Council has adopted the following objectives for the general education portion of education programs: To develop in the prospective teacher: 1. The ability to communicate with adequate skill in the areas of speaking , writing, reading , and listening . 2. Knowledge, attitudes, skills, and understanding in the natural sciences, the social sciences, technology, and the humanities. 3. The ability to promote better understanding and relationships among individuals and groups. To provide the prospective teacher: 4. Opportunities for development of leisure time and healthful living activities. The general education program is designed to help students meet these objectives. General Requirements English Language Skills - All students must ach ieve competencies in English language skills at the level of Composition 11. Students who are unable to achieve this will be placed in the appropriate writing courses until competency exists. Basic Math - Students with S.A.T. Math scores of 400 or less will be required to take a basic math course. Freshmen or transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T. test will be place in a math course dependent upon high school grades. The basic math course will not count as a physical/natural science requirement. Reading, Study, Listening Skills - Students with Verbal S.A.T. scores of 400 or less will be required to take the Reading , Study, and Listening Skills course. Placement of freshman and transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T. test will be determined by a test administered by the Elementary Education Department. Courses as ELS, Comp I and Comp II will not be included as requirements in the Humanities area. These courses must be counted as free electives. 68 SCHOOL OF LIBERAL ARTS Area Programs In addition to the following list of specifically defined academic disciplines, the School of Liberal Arts offers degree programs in Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Humanities. With the aid of an advisor, a student may structure his own program , choosing courses from the broader range of the entire area rather than limiting himself to a specific academic discipline or major program . To earn a Bachelor of Arts degree under one of these programs, a student must, in addition to completing his General Education Program, complete 68 credit hours in either the Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, or Humanities Areas ; the division of courses into academic areas being the same as under the General Education Program. Thirty credit hours of this work must be taken in courses beyond the introductory level. (Introductory level courses are indicated in the catalog by a plus 1 + 1.) The student may count as many as five courses from outside his chosen area towards the completion of his program. These programs allow each student the freedom to make his own decisions and pursue his own goals, allowing him to take extensive course work in areas where California State College does not offer a degree program or where the degree program does not meet the student's specific needs. These programs are particularly advantageous to students transferring substantial credits from other institutions and to part-time students who may not be able to schedule all of the courses required by a particular degree program . AMERICAN STUDIES The American Studies Program is designed for those students who have a special interest in an interdisciplinary approach to American culture; who wish to combine flexibility in choosing courses from different fields with structure and focus based on individual preference ; and who have particular professional and employment opportunities in mind, such as advertising, public relations, journalism, pre-law, government service, and social service. The Program is designed also to appeal to students who are not certain about pursuing a major in a particular discipline. The need for a serious study of American civilization goes beyond a recognition of the influence our culture exerts on the world to an increasing awareness that , within our national confines, the integrity and coherence of this culture faces serious threats. The discipline of American Studies is shaped by the culture itself: its ethnic, religious, regional, social, and economic variety and complexity; its tendency to thrive in crisis and conflict ; and a contradictory, paradoxical thrust which so often renders it elusive of definition . The American Studies Program attempts to balance trends toward specialization with a curriculum that looks at the whole of American society, examining issues, ideas and values rooted in the American experience in order to gain a more comprehensive and discriminating perspective of American civilization . It recognizes the role of religion , education, economics, and manners and mores in shaping American institutions and laws, and in determining the actions of its members. It stresses the importance of intellectual and social thought in the dynamics of American civilization . It also recognizes the 69 Computer Science - CSC Physical Science Earth Science - EAS Physics - PHY 12 credits 18 credits PHS Social Science Electives - Students must complete three semester hours from at least three different disciplines . Courses in the following disciplines can be used as social sciences electives: Psychology - PSY Anthroplogy - ANT Economics - ECO Social Studies - SOS Social Work - SOW Geography - GEO History - HIS Sociology - SOC Political Science - POS Free Electives - Any course taught for credit at California State College can be used as a free elective. In addition advanced standing credits awarded by way of the college life experience program are used in this area . Area of Concentration In addition to completing the sixty semester hour general education requirements, a student majoring in a Liberal Arts program must complete a sixty-eight semester hour area of concentration . Prospective students should study the following program descriptions carefully in order to identify the program best suited to their intellectual and career goals. Many of these programs have a great deal of flexibility built into them , permitting students to elect courses in both their major field and related fields . In every case , the student must consult with his advisor and secure his advisor's approval for any course that is intended to meet area of concentration requirements. Since program review is an ongoing process at California State College , the following program descriptions should be read with the understanding that requirements may have been altered by the time prospective students enter the College. Up-to-date information can always be obtained by inquiring at the School Office or writing to Dr. Philip Y. Coleman , Dean, School of Liberal Arts , 102 Noss, California State College, California , Pennsylvania 15419. SCHOOL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY General Education The School of Science and Technology's General Education program , equivalent to a minimum of 60 credit hours, is divided into two parts. The first part is comprised of a series of required courses in the following areas: communications, mathematics, psychology and managerial sciences . These required general education courses vary depending upon the student's major program; therefore, students should consult their major advisor before making course selections and before registering . The second part of the program is comprised of a minimum of 30 credits of free elective courses . Students are encouraged and expected to select courses carefully in the latter group in consultation with their faculty advisors. Special emphasis is expected to be placed on courses in the humanities, social sciences , and natural sciences that are not directly related to the student's major course of study. 70 SCHOOL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION General Education Requirements Associate Degrees General education requirements vary for associate degree programs . Some have liberal requirements while others , because of their highly technical nature, have very restrictive general education requ irements . Students are advised to thoroughly examine each program as presented in this catalog and work with their dean and advisors in selecting appropriate courses. School of Liberal Arts The School of Liberal Arts offers thirty-one programs leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree and six programs leading to the Bachelor of Science degree. These range from broad based area programs to narrowly defined vocational and pre-professional majors; however, in all cases , the very broad general studies program assures every student sufficient flexibility to select courses that meet his interests and needs. THE CURRICULUM IN LIBERAL ARTS In addition to completing the sixty semester hour general education requirement, a student majoring in a Liberal Arts program must complete a sixty-eight semester hour area of concentration . Prospective students should study the following program descriptions carefully in order to identify the program best suited to their intellectual and career goals. Many of these programs have a great deal of flexibility built into them, permitting students to elect courses in both their major field and related fields . In every case , the student must consult with his advisor and secure his advisor's approval for any course that is intended to meet area of concentration requirements. Since program review is an ongoing process at California State College, the following program description should be read with the understanding that requirements may have been altered by the time prospective students enter the College. Up-to-date information can always be obtained by inquiring at the School Office or writing to Dr. Philip Y. Coleman , Dean of Liberal Arts, 102 Noss, California State College, California, Pennsylvania 15419. 71 General Education (54 Credits Minimum) I. Humanities (9 Credits) Oral Communications II. Health-Physical Education (3 Credits) Ill. Physical/Natural Sciences (9 Credits) IV. Social Sciences (9 Credits) General Psychology V. Impact of Technology on Society (3 Credits) VI. Free Electives (21 Credits Maximum) The General Education Portion of each School of Education curriculum will vary slightly. Please note the slight changes in each major program . THE CURRICULUM IN LIBERAL ARTS The Liberal Arts curriculum is defined by the requirements of the general education component and the area of concentration component. The general education component consists of 60 semester hours and is the same for each liberal arts program. The area of concentration component consists of 68 semester hours and varies according to the program selected as a student's major. General Education The requirements of the general education component are: English Composition I 3 credits 3 credits English Composition II 12 credits Humanities Electives - At least three semester hours must be successfully completed from the art, music , or theatre disciplines . The remaining nine semester hours must be completed from at least two different disciplines. With the exception of English Language Skills (ENG 100) courses in the following disciplines can be used as Humanities electives: Modern Foreign Language - MFL Music - MUS Philosophy - PHI Polish - POL Russian - AUS Serbo-Croatian - SCA Spanish - SPN Speech - SPE Theatre - THE Natural Science Electives - Students must complete three semester hours from at least three different disciplines. With the exception of Basic Mathematics (MAT 098) courses in the following disciplines can be used as natural sciences electives: Biology - BIO Marine Science Consortium - MSC Chemistry - CHE Mathematics - MAT Art - ART Art and Humanities - XAH English - ENG or LIT French - FAE German - GER Greek - GAE Hungarian - HUN Italian - IT A 12 credits 72 legitimacy of studying popular culture for vital clues to understanding American life as well as the imperative need to relate that study to art, architecture, music, and literature. To achieve these objectives, the Program incorporates course work in areas particularly relevant to the study of American civilization: history, sociology, philosophy, literature, economics, education, geography, speech, political science, psychology, art, and music. Special American Studies courses, two in American Life and Thought, as well as two seminars, provide the framework for insuring an interdisciplinary approach. The seminars are designed to make use of professors from various disciplines, and to offer the student the opportunity for the independent study of problems in, and aspects of, American culture of particular concern to him. Career Opportunities: 1. Government Service 2. Preparation for law school 3. Journalism and free-lance writing 4. Preparation for Graduate study in library science (background) 5. Museum and Historical Societies 6. Public Relations 7. Graduate School Preparation Required Courses: American American American American American Life I Life II Literature I Literature II Philosophy History of U.S. to 1877 History of U.S. Since 1877 American Government American Studies Seminar I American Studies Seminar II Related Electives: 38 semester hours ANTHROPOLOGY The concentration major in Anthropology provides the student with a comprehensive introduction to the principal divisions of anthropological study: Physical Anthropology, Archaeology, and Ethnology. The studies in Physical Anthropology include an examination of the fossil evidence of primate evolution, including that of the human species, comparative data from field studies of the non-human primates, and an introduction to human genetics and variations. The studies in archaeology include investigation of the theory and method of reconstructing the evolution of prehistoric and historic cultural systems, together with a practical introduction (during the summer field schools) to the methods of archaeological site location, survey, excavation, and laboratory processing of materials in the California State College Center for Historic and Prehistoric Archaeology laboratory. Ethnology is the examination of the native cultures of North and South America, Africa, Oceania, and Asia in both aerial surveys and in comparative studies. 73 For the student seeking a broad educational background , the acquisition of an anthropological perspective provides a vantage point from which he may link the various materials of geology, geography, botany, and zoology with those of history, economics, sociology, art, music, and philosophy, in a broad, integrated view of the origins, evolution, and functions of human ecological systems. Students electing this major may prepare themselves for positions in federally and state-funded archaeological salvage and recovery projects, research work with state geological surveys, soil conservation districts, and state and federal museums. This program has successfully prepared students for graduate work in some of the leading universities of the nation. Several graduates of the program have found permanent positions in Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Florida, and Illinois, where they are engaged in teaching archaeological survey and excavation as well as in the publication of their work . With the new legal requirement that strip mining permits, highway projects, and large building projects involving Federal funds require archaeological and historical impact statements, a large number of positions for those prepared in the techniques of archaeological survey and reporting may be anticipated. Career Opportunities: 1. Archaeologists: excavation supervisors 2. State Archaeologists 3. Museum Para- Professionals, curators 4. State Geological Surveys 5. United States Geological Survey staff Archaeologists 6. United States Parks service: staff archaeologists, Monuments staff, guides. 7. United States State environmental impact surveyors for soil conservation services, army corps of engineers, etc. 8. State Department foreign service preparation 9. State historical preservation departments: staff archaeologists 10. Pan American Union fellowships in anthropology, archaeology 11 . Peace Corps 12. Anthropology: American Friends' Service Latin American staff 13. Graduate School Preparation Required Courses: Introduction to Anthropology History of Anthropology World Ethnology Field School or Prehistoric Indians Principles of Sociology Major Electives: 21 semester hours Related Electives: 32 semester hours 74 ART The Bachelor of Arts degree program in Art is designed to introduce students to the visual arts as a means of expression and communication . The student is exposed to some of the history, traditions, and methods of the fine arts and to practical problems of materials and techniques in the various fine arts media. He/She is given conceptual and technical development in a variety of specializations. The Art program is highly flexible, and the course of study for each student depends largely upon individual interest and future plans. In order to assist the student in program development and course selection , an Art Department advisor is assigned to the student during the first semester of enrollment. The student and his advisor discuss the student's relative interests in design, drawing, painting, sculpture, weaving, ceramics, printmaking , and fabrics to determine which of these areas the student wants to study in depth. Keeping in mind the student's talents and career goals, they use the flexibility of the program to design the best set of emphasis for that student. Specific educational objectives toward career opportunities are: a) to provide preparation for graduate study; b) to provide sufficient background for those who have the ability and creative awareness to face the economic pressures confronting the full-time artist; c) to provide a foundation for students who wish to study art as an essential part of their personal and cultural development, and d) to explore avenues of teaching art outside the realm of public education. Career Opportunities: 1. Art instructor in areas other than the public school classroom 2. Independent artist 3. Graduate School Preparation Required Courses: Survey of Art History Design I Drawing I Media and Techniques I Media and Techniques II Studio Concentration: 12 semester hours Major Electives: 24 semester hours Humanities Electives - 15 semester hours Additional Electives - 14 semester hours ARTS IN HUMAN SERVICES The thrust of the Arts in Human Services program is to prepare skilled artisans for service as arts specialists in youth and senior citizen centers, summer camps, nursing homes, community recreation centers, and other interaction agencies. 75 This comprehensive approach to recreation will integrate students in Urban Recreation with those in the Arts in Human Services program . Undergraduates in both programs will plan , organize , implement, and evaluate leisure time activities and experiences incorporating the arts and physical recreation for special populations. The program provides students with alternative careers, responds to the great number of requests which the college receives from social agencies and community organizations for help with arts/recreation related activities, provide agencies with the kinds of arts/recreation expertise they need as well as providing on-site internship experiences for students, and give an affirmative response to the 76 percent positive results of a college survey requesting interest in the program from social agencies and organizations. Career Opportunities: 1. Public and private summer/winter recreation programs 2. Mental Health-Mental Retardation Agencies 3. Day Care Centers 4. Scouts, YMCA and YWCA 5. Youth Development Centers 6. Rehabilitation Centers 7. Nursing Homes 8. Senior Centers/High Rises Required Courses: Media and Techniques I Media and Techniques II Games and Improvisations Music in Human Services I Music in Human Services II Creative Dramatics OR Children's Theatre OR Puppetry OR Reader's Theater Developmental Psychology OR Social Psychology Mental Hygiene Exceptional Child I Introduction to Social Work Program Planning Introduction to Field Experience Fleld Experience: 12-18 semester hours Five different Field Experiences with groups at four different age levels Arts Electives: 12-18 semester hours BIOLOGY The Biology program is an intensive scientific curriculum which prepares students for medical school , dental school, various health related studies, graduate work in the biological sciences, and career work in many biologically related areas. The major emphasis of this program is to provide the student with a broad scientific core of courses, including studies in chemistry, physics, mathematics, and biology. 76 Each student will have the opportunity to select a wide range of biological elective courses which best fulfills his need for future work of graduate study. Scientific theory is integrated into the laboratory portion of each course so that the student learns critical scientific thinking and attains the ability to manipulate many biological instruments and various organisms. The Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences at California State College is housed in a modern , multi-million dollar teaching and research facility equipped with the latest in design, materials, and instrumentation. Specialized areas for student and faculty research - an herbarium, a museum, live animal colonies, a greenhouse, an electron microscope, and a radiation laboratory - all complement this fine classroom-laboratory structure. Career Opportunities: 1. Medical school 2. Dental School 3. Industrial Research in Biology 4. Graduate School Preparation 5. Medical Illustrator 6. 7. 8. 9. Governmental Research Pharmacy School Public Health Health Related Fields Required Courses: Principles of Biology Botany I Botany II Zoology I Zoology II General Chemistry I General Chemistry II Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry II Physics I (Introductory) Physics II (Introductory) Calculus I, Statistics or Basic Calculus Major Electives: 21 CHEMISTRY The program in Chemistry, leading to the Bachelor of Science degree, focuses upon studies of the nature and structure of matter and provides a strong foundation in the fundamentals of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. Upon successful completion of this program, the graduate is qualified to assume a position as a chemist in either the private or public sector. Program graduates should also be well prepared to commence graduate studies leading to the M.S. or Ph.D. in Chemistry. Chemistry majors pursuing the B.S. degree must complete 45 credits in required courses and 23 credits in restricted electives which must be approved by the student's departmental advisor. Five of the latter credits must be earned from additional course work in chemistry, while the remaining eighteen credits may be accrued through course work in other natural sciences. Through consultation with his advisor, the student will obtain information which will guide him toward a proper selection of electives in General Education. Such a judicious selection of electives based upon the student's objectives may help to promote additional career opportunities upon graduation and also satisfy the admissions standards of various professional and Graduate Schools. Some graduates have thus chosen to continue their edu- 77 cation or to pursue careers in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, management, college teaching , and research . Career Opportunities: 1. Analytical Chemist 2. Quality Control Specialist 3. Chemical Industry Sales 4. Industrial Management Trainee 5. Technical Writer 6. Chemical Purchasing Agent 7. Research and Development (with advanced degree) 8. Preprofessional training in medicine, dentistry and law 9. Graduate School Preparation Required Courses: General Chemistry I General Chemistry II General Chemistry Ill Analytical Chemistry I Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry II Major Electives: 5 semester hours Physical Chemistry I Physical Chemistry II Calculus I Calculus II Physics I Physics II Related Electives: 18 semester hours EARTH SCIENCE The Earth Science Program provides students with a varied selection of courses and experiences. The program 's flexibility permits the student, working with his advisor, to get training in depth in his major area of interest. The earth scientist uses a variety of tools and disciplines concerning the earth and its processes and is knowledgeable in the areas of geology, astronomy, meteorology, oceanography, and physical geography. The tools of the earth scientist include mathematics, chemistry, and physics. Presently, most earth science students continue their education in specialized areas in graduate school. Many others, however, move into employment with the public and private sectors in jobs commonly defined as applied earth science. Career Opportunities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Federal Government State Government Consulting Companies Industrial Companies Graduate School Preparation Required Courses: (34 credits) Intro to Geology Astronomy Historical Geology Earth Resources General Chemistry I Meteorology Physics I Climatology Statistics Intro to Oceanography Electives: (34 credits) A minimum of 18 credits of electives will be at 300 level or above. 78 ECONOMICS Economics is a multi-purpose program, providing the major with a liberal arts background while taking him through a detailed examination of the behavior of people as both producers and consumers. The student, as he becomes an economist, beg ins to concern himself with the process by which human wants are satisfied through productive activities. So that he may understand the relationship among social, political, and economic institutions, he is required to study broadly in the other social sciences at the same time he is studying economic issues in depth . Upon completion of the Economics Program a student may enter a number of different graduate programs that include - but are not limited to - the following: Law School, Public Administration, Business Administration, Hospital Administration, Institutional Administration, Labor Relations, Industrial Management, and Economics. Many Economics students choose to bypass graduate school and enter the labor market immediately following graduation . Employment opportunities are as varied as graduate school opportunities, even though the Economics curriculum does not concentrate on providing those job skills in the way that Administration and Management does. The objective in the Economics program is to provide a general background in the liberal arts and to develop an understanding of the real economic problems that all nations face. This approach has been found acceptable to many employers in business, industry, and government. Career Opportunities: 1. Government Research 2. Government Administration 3. Graduate School Preparation 4. Business 5. Employee Relations Required Courses: Introductory Microeconomics Introductory Macroeconomics Accounting I Accounting II Money and Banking Intermediate Micro Theory Intermediate Macro Theory Economics Electives: 14 semester hours Written Communications Skills: Business Writing I or Advanced Writing Quantitative Skills: Mathematics Elective Mathematics of Finance I or Computer Science I Statistics or Business Statistics Mathematical Economics 79 Related Electives: Psychology - 3 semester hours Political Science - 3 semester hours Sociology - 3 semester hours Restricted Electives: 9 semester hours ENGLISH The English program provides the basis for a liberal education and prepares majors for advanced graduate work, literary scholarship, and careers in a number of diverse fields. The program requires 68 credits. To insure some of the coverage traditionally associated with a major, the following 33 credits in English at the 300500 level are restricted electives: one course each in English Literature prior to 1800, English Literature after 1800, and American Literature; three 300 courses; and three 400 courses. The only required course is Independent Studies (3 credits) . The remainder of the program is made up of 32 credits in Humanities. The Department of English feels that a student majoring in English should have a broad acquaintance with other fields of human interest. Basic courses in philosophy, history, the social and natural sciences, fine arts, and foreign languages and literature contribute to this acquaintance. The Department recommends that its majors elect further courses in several of these fields. The freedom of this undergraduate program allows for much personal initiative; yet the more flexibility one has in constructing a program, the more he is responsible to himself for planning an integrated and meaningful course of study. One must ask himself, "What do I want from my undergraduate education?" As in the case of choosing a school, the student should select a program that offers the greatest intellectual rewards and challenges. When the choices are difficult, a faculty advisor can help him , but for the most part the responsibility is his. Career Opportunities 1. Newspaper reporter 2. Company Magazine Editor 3. Writer 4. Public Information Assistant 5. Advertising Researcher 6. 7. 8. 9. Communications Specialist Radio and Television Editor Employment Interviewer Graduate School Preparation Required Course: Independent Studies in English Major Electives: 33 semester hours in English at the 300-400 level including one course each in English Literature prior to 1800, English Literature after 1800, and American Literature. Related Electives: 32 semester hours 80 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Perhaps most contemporary environmental issues can best be analyzed through interdisciplinary approaches that transverse conventional academ ic disciplines. With this concept as a focal point, California State College has developed an interdisciplinary Environmental Studies program within the School of Liberal Arts. Now approximately five years in existence, this program currently has over one-hundred-seventy undergraduate majors within the three distinct track specializations: Environmental Science, Environmental Conservation and Environmental Resources. These track specializations offer B.S. and B.A. degrees and involve core courses thatfocus upon environmental problems from scientific, socioeconomic, political and cultural frames of reference. In addition, required courses include offerings from Zoology, Wildlife Biology, Botany, Ecology, Water Pollution, Biology, Ichthyology, Mammalogy, Ethology , Biometry, Soil Science, Geology, Earth Science, Geography, Cartography, Meteorology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and Economics. Thus, environmental studies curricula cover a multitude of disciplines. A distinction that needs to be made very clear, however, is between an "environmentalist" and an environmental scientist. Environmentalist has become an almost meaningless term describing someone with an interest in the environment; it certainly does not convey any competence in a scientific or academic sense. For example, we offer a senior independent research problems class. The objectives of the class (which is kept to less than ten students for a more effective one-to-one learning utilization) are to give the student practical experience with all phases of a research problem-literature review , experimental design, data collection , analysis, interpretation and scientific writing. Some of the topics that have been covered include : water pollution biology, small mammal population dynamics, plant and animal species diversity comparisons between different types of habitats, the effects of acid mine drainage on the distribution of streamside terrestrial vegetation and the effects of strip mining on ecological succession. The recent graduates in Environmental Studies at California State College have experienced success in graduate schools, as well as gaining employment in private industry, utility companies and state and federal positions as interpretative naturalists, parks recreation , public health, environmental consultants and environmental technicians. The 1970's began with many colleges and universities attempting to address themselves to crucial environmental issues in the course offerings. California State College has developed viable Environmental Studies programs that are seriously fulfilling this obligation. FOREIGN LANGUAGES: FRENCH, GERMAN, AND SPANISH The Foreign Languages Program offers concentrations in French, G·erman, or Spanish. A student may study one or a combination of languages. A limited number of courses are available in languages other than the three major offerings. The program stresses that the primary function of language is to communicate, first through listening and speaking, then through reading and 81 writing . This emphasis on understanding and speaking in no way lessens the traditional value of foreign language study as a key to greater human istic development. The program is also designed to develop an awareness and appreciat ion of other peop le and cultures. Competence in language skills is developed within the context of the arts , econom ics , geography, history, and the way of life of the people who speak that particular language . Historically , the language barrier has hindered efforts to exchange ideas; it remains a major obstacle to greater international harmony. Yet, language is a key to better human understanding . In recent years, American participation in world affairs - political , economic , industrial , social , and cultural - has increased to such an extent that the need for many Americans to be able to communicate directly in other languages has become evident to the public at large. Less striking , but no less an important need for Americans , is contact with another culture through its language. Learning that there are many ways of doing things and not merely our way , is highly desirable in educating our youth for the world of today and tomorrow . Knowledge of a foreign language can open the door to many career opportunities. Language is a basic requ irement for careers here at home and for deal ing with other peoples and other cultures. Learn a modern language and prepare yourself for a career in: Airlines and Travel Industry International Banking and Financing Bilingual Administration Interpreting Medicine Bilingual Secretarial Fields Business Peace Corps Church-Related Work Sc ience and Technology Social Work Communications Government and Foreign Service Study or Teaching Abroad Teaching at Home Graduate School Preparation U.S. Import-Export Organizations International Trade French Required Courses: 33 semester hours Intermediate French I Intermediate French II French Comp ., Conversation & Phonetics I French Comp., Conversation & Phonetics II Studies in French Culture Survey French Literature I Survey French Literature II History of the English Language or Intro to Linguistics European Life and Society to 1815 European Life and Society since 1815 Restricted Electives: 18 semester hours A minimum of three credit hours from each of the following fields for a total of twelve semester hours: 82 Philosophy Sociology Psychology Speech Communication Another language - 6 semester hours Related Electives: 17 semester hours German Required Courses: 33 semester hours Intermediate German I Intermediate German II German Conversation and Comp. I German Conversation and Comp. II Studies in German Culture Survey German Literature I Survey German Literature II History of the English Language or Intro to Linguistics European Life and Society to 1815 European Life and Society from 1815 Restricted Electives: 18 semester hours A minimum of three credit hours from each of the following fields for a total of twelve semester hours: Philosophy Sociology Psychology Speech Communication Another language - 6 semester hours Related Electives: 17 semester hours Spanish Required Courses: 33 semester hours Intermediate Spanish I Intermediate Spanish II Spanish Conversation and Comp. I Spanish Conversation and Comp . II Studies in Hispanic Culture Survey Spanish Literature I Survey Spanish-American Literature Intro to Linguistics Geography of Latin America History of Latin America Restricted Electlves: 18 semester hours A minimum of three credit hours from each of the following fields for a total 83 of twelve semester hours : Ph ilosophy Sociology Psychology Speech Communication Another language - 6 semester hours Related Electives: 17 semester hours GEOGRAPHY The geography program provides students a varied selection of courses and geograph ic experiences, including the human , physical , political and economic dimensions of the discipline. The program's flexibility permits the student, working with his advisor, to get train ing in depth in his major areas of interest. Presently, most geography students continue their education in special ized areas in graduate school. Many others , however, move into employment with the federal government. The Geography major is designed to give each student maximum freedom in coordinating his college program with desired objectives. The geography program also allows the student to participate in internships in industry, government, and social agencies wh ile receiving college credit for his work . Geography affords the graduate the opportunity to work in the public and private sectors in jobs commonly defined as applied geography. Graduates may work for government agencies , industries , and regional or urban planning offices as cartographers , economic geographers , reg i onal special ists , resource managers, location analysts, or demographers. Recent published projections of existing trends show that geography will continue to offer its graduates a wide variety of career opportunities. Career Opportunities: 1. Government Service 2. Urban & Regional Planning 3. Industrial & Commercial Planning 4. Marketing Specialist 5. State Agencies 6. Graduate School Preparation Required Courses: Human Geography Physical Geography Urban Geography Economic Geography Cartography Seminar OR Research Project Major Electives: 11-23 semester hours Related Electives: 27-39 semester hours 84 GEOLOGY In these days of environmental concern and the need for developing new energy sources, career opportunities in the geological sciences are excellent. In addition, projections of future needs indicate that the number of specialists in these disciplines must be greatly increased over the next ten to fifteen years. The Geology program at California State College is currently offered in the Department of Geography and Earth Science. A wide range of geology offerings allows the student maximum freedom to pursue a program that will lead to a B.S. degree in geology. The geology staff and students work closely with the Physical Science and Biological Science Departments, and are active in the Environmental Studies and other interdisciplinary programs. Besides the course work offered on campus, California's membership in cooperative groups allows our students access to some truly unique learning and research opportunities. Most prominent is the Penn Soil Conservation Education Center at Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania. A major in geology allows the student to move immediately into employment with government and environmental agencies. Many industries employ geologists as permanent consultants. Our graduates have also obtained employment with cement companies, highway departments, sand and gravel operations, and in mining , water analysis and coastal surveys. Graduate scholarships are readily available to students with high academic achievement. More than half of our graduates go on to graduate school. Career Opportunities: 1. State Government 2. Federal Government 3. Consulting Companies 4. Industrial Companies 5. Environmental Agencies 6. Water Analysis 7. Agricultural Agencies 8. Graduate School Preparation Required Courses: Introduction to Geology Historical Geology Mineralogy Petrology Structural Geology Geomorphology General Chemistry I General Chem istry 11 General Physics College Algebra Major Electives: 12 semester hours Related Electives: 17 semester hours (Must include at least 6 semester hours of Mathematics and one Biology course) 85 GERONTOLOGY Gerontology, the study of aging , has just recently "come of age" in the United States. In response to this trend and in response to the "Greying of America", California State College has begun an undergraduate major in Gerontology. As the number of older people in the country is rising , both the need for trained professionals and the number of job opportunities in the field of aging is increasing dramatically and yearly. California State College prepares students to work with and for older persons - and agencies and organizations that serve and are comprised of older persons - through its bachelor's degree program in Gerontology. The bachelor's degree program in Gerontology provides students with a core curriculum to prepare them to perform in a variety of settings which call for understanding the problems and needs of older persons, and also permits students to gain indepth competency in specific aspects of Gerontology in which they intend to pursue careers. These may be in public agencies - such as area agencies on aging, state commissions on aging, or planning commissions - or in private agencies - such as retirement communities, organizations for aging religious communities , or specialized business firms. The program in Gerontology is designed to provide the student with a basic education in the biological, sociological , psychological, spiritual and educational components of the process of aging within the framework of a liberal arts education. Gerontology majors must complete 54 credits in required courses and 14 credits in related electives, which must be approved by the student's departmental advisor. This academic coursework is strengthened by field placement experiences where the student has the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts in a real-life situation and is thus able to judge if Gerontology is a suitable career choice. Although slightly more than half of the credits (68) are required in the major field and related courses , the remaining credits (60) may be used to explore other areas of general interest and/or curiosity. Thus , the Bachelor of Arts in Gerontology Program is dedicated to providing students with a broad range of academic and practicum experiences which will enable him/her to function in a variety of settings ranging from administration , planning, management, and delivery of services for older persons. It is also the goal of this program to increase the number and competency of persons working with the older adult, their families and communities. Career Opportunities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Director of Multi-Purpose Senior Center Community Counselor for Older Adults Area, State, or Federal Administration on Aging Employee Protective Services for the Older Adult Recreation Specialist for the Older Adult Director of a Day Care Center Pre-retirement Trainer Nutrition Project Director 86 9. Administrator or Facilitator of Community Volunteer Programs, like Foster Grandparents, Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) 10. Private Sector Program Director 11 . Activity or Social Service Director in a Nursing Home or Extended Care Facility 12. Graduate School Preparation Required Courses: Introduction to Gerontology Recreation and Socialization for the Older Adult Emergency Medical Training Biology of Aging Psychology of Aging Sociology of Aging Program Planning Field Orientation Gerontology Seminar Delivery of Services Principles of Management Field Experience in Delivery of Services Field Experience in Administration Two (2) of the following three (3) courses: The Institutionalized Older Adult The Older Adult in Community Settings Protective Services for the Older Adult Related Electives: 14 semester hours THE HEALTH PROFESSIONS Students in the health professions commit themselves to a lifelong process of self-education; therefore, the development of scholarly motivation, independence, and creativity are vital to professional medical competence. Acquiring an understanding of people, their societies, and their history is a valuable asset in the practice of the health professions. Consequently, a liberal education in the humanities and the arts, as well as in social and natural sciences, provide the best professional preparation. In addition, the student should demonstrate competence and concentrated study in a curriculum or field of special interest. Although students interested in the health professions do not necessarily major in Biology, they should plan to take a significant number of biology courses. Varied program offerings make it possible to satisfy requirements for premedical, pre-dental, pre-veterinary, pre-podiatry, pre-pharmacy, pre-chiropractic, and other pre-health fields. Those interested should contact the Biology Department to discuss the career plans. 87 HISTORY It is the guiding ph ilosophy of the History faculty that our students should be afforded a range of meaningful choices, taking into account not only a concern for a secure future, but the desire to make the college years ones of personal growth and enrichment. From an occupational standpoint, History continues to provide a training ground for a variety of careers where clear and critical thinking and a broad liberal arts background are desirable. An everincreasing demand is being made by our society for professional researchers, especially in the visual and printed media; data analysts and report writers capable of reducing the record of assertion, belief, practice, and decision to understandable order; and lawyers and teachers. The government, state and national, needs military and civilian historians, archivists, curators , and members of the Foreign Service. As a discipline History has become increasingly multidimensional in its efforts to grasp the nature of reality. The historical approach is characterized by a concern for change over a significant period of time , for the directions and trends that may appear in such a period, and for those unique qualities, persons, or events that may either sum up an age or stand out from it. Moreover, historians share with the social scientists an interest in regularities of human activity as well as an interest in those conceptual and quantitative methods which have permitted new approaches to the study of man in his society. The History Curriculum at California State College is designed to reflect the dimensions noted above. Career Opportunities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Historian - Federal and State Agencies Foreign Service 7. Professional Researcher Archivist 8. Journalist Curator 9. Graduate School Preparation Law school preparation 10. Communications Specialist Professional Writer 11 . General Business Required Courses: History U.S. to 1877 History U.S. Since 1877 Research Methods European Life & Society to 1815 European Life & Society Since 1815 Seminar Elements of Economics Principles of Anthropology Intro to Political Science American Government Major Electives: 18 semester hours Related Electives: 20 semester hours INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Given the physical and cultural complexities of the modern world, individuals who bridge the difficulties posed by environment, language and culture are needed if we are to live together as a world community. Two 88 speciali sts ideally suited to apply their skills to the above tasks are geographers and lingu ists: the geographers because he seeks to describe, relate and explain natural and man-made things that distinguish places on the earth 's surface, the linguist because his knowledge of languages and culture makes possible the effective communication of ideas. Career Opportunities: 1. Military 2. Foreign Service 3. Peace Corps 4. Business firms operating outside the United States 5. Federal Government Required Courses: Economic Geography Political Geography Regional Science Map & Aerial Photographic Interpretation Geographic Area Studies Intermed iate Language I Intermed iate Lang uage II Co nversatio n, Com position and Phoneti cs I Conve rsation, Co mpositi on and Phonetics II Culture and Civilization One other language course Major Electives: A minimum of 3 credi t hours from each of the follow ing : Economics Engl ish Histo ry Management Mathemati cs Political Science Psychology Related Electives* *The program allows the student to participate in internships in government and rece ive co ll ege c red it for his/ her work. MATHEMATICS The program lead in g to the Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics is a rigorous program affording the student theoretical and applied wo rk in mathematics. Although the program is rigorous, it is very versatile since it permits the student having a defic iency in any area of mathemati cs to take introductory courses to provide sufficient background enabling students to effectively take cou rses in the area of concentration . Al though these introductory courses do not count in the area of concentration , th ey do count as free electives in the program . An advisor works carefu lly with the studen t to structure a selection of courses best suited fo r the interest and ultimate goal. An y prob lem that a stu- 89 dent encounters may be freely discussed with the advisor at any time . Student work assignments are available for those who wish to have student employment and who qualify. These job assignments may be as a student assistant in the mathematics department, or at the computer center. Hence, the student learns while he earns . Students in this program are required to take courses in physics or chemistry, and in the natural sciences. The mathematics major is thus enabled to see the relationship between mathematics and other sciences. Also , the student may elect to take a number of computer science courses , enabling an interweaving of mathematics with computer science. Moreover, a student in the mathematics program may, if selected , participate in one of a number of cooperative work programs with such agencies as the Defense Department, etc. (See Mathematics and Computer Sc ience Program for more details.) Finally, this program is designed to provide the student with an excellent background for graduate studies in mathematics and for employment in business , industry and government. Career opportunities exist in computer programming and related mathematics, operations research, statistics , applied mathematics, mathematics in government, and actuarial work. Career Opportunities: 1. Public School Teacher 8. Graduate Computer Science 2. Graduate Mathematics Education 9. Operations Research 3. Graduate Mathematics 10. Engineering 4. Mathematics Supervisor 5. Computer Programmer 6. Actuary 7. Statistician 11 . Industrial Consultant 12. Salesman (technical) 13. Biostatistician Required Courses: Calculus I Calculus II Calculus Ill Calculus IV Geometry Abstract Algebra I Linear Algebra I Statistical Analysis I Differential Equations Advanced Calculus I Advanced Calculus II Topology Related Electives: 32 semester hours Physics and / or Chemistry - 12 semester hours Additional Natural Science Electives- 20 semester hours PHILOSOPHY The word philosophy comes from two Greek words that mean love and knowledge . Anyone who enjoys discovering knowledge might be called a philosopher, and thus the word was used originally . As man accumulated more and more information about himself and the world , learning became organized into special disciplines. In modern times, philosophy has come to be the 90 academic discipline wh ich studies critically the nature and development of different kinds of knowledge and attempts to relate these different kinds of beliefs to form a general , workable view of reality . In short, philosophy deals with questions like "What do we really know, and how do we know it? What is the ultimate nature of reality? What is morally right, and how should we live?" Typically , the philosophy student studies the history of man's basic views about knowledge and the world and develops logical skills that will help him deal with specific philosophical issues relevant to his life. Though the chief reward in studying philosophy is the exercise of one's curiosity, the philosophy graduate has a number of career potentials. The philosophy major develops critical reasoning and writing sk ills and an ability to analyze problems from a variety of perspectives. These talents equip one for a broad range of positions in business and government. Depending upon one's interests, the study of philosophy can be excellent preparation for post-graduate study in law or business schools. Teaching positions in philosophy are, however, usually limited to colleges and universities, which normally require the Ph .D. Degree. With a diversified faculty capable of serving the special needs of the student, and with most classes organized on a small-group basis , students find that they can develop their potential in a setting that emphasizes curiosity rather than competition . Students are encouraged to develop secondary interests that supplement their philosophical studies and are frequently counseled about how to develop their programs of study. The major program is designed to provide a broad background in the primary areas of philosophy while allowing the student to explore in depth particular issues of special concern to him . It is recommended that Philosophy majors have a strong second area related to their philosophical interests (e.g. art, history, literature, or a particular science coupled with mathematics) and that all majors take some laboratory course. It is also recommended that those majors planning to seek a graduate degree in philosophy take at least two years of German, French , or Russian . Career Opportunities: 1. Preparation for Law School 2. Pre-professional training for teaching philosophy and for Careers in Religion and Religious Education 3. Careers in Business 4. Careers in Government 5. Graduate School Preparation Required Courses: Logic and Language History of Ancient Philosophy 16th to 18th Century Philosophy Major Electives: 21 semester hours Two courses in each of the following areas of Philosophy: Historical Normative Methodological One additional course from one of the above areas. Related Electives: 38 semester hours 91 PHYSICS The program leading to the Bachelor of Science degree in Physics offers the student a variety of choices which may be tailored to his needs. Above the required forty seven semester hours of Physics, Calculus, and Chemistry courses, the student must have a total of 21 credits. Nine of these credits must be in physics and twelve of them may be in related courses, including chemistry, mathematics, biology, and geology. From the physics curriculum the student may choose between a diversity of courses in classical and contemporary physics, including such courses in applied physics as plasma physics (e.g. Quantum Mechanics) , Special and General Relativity, and Astrophysics . Advanced labs include facilities for studies in photometry, holography, the Mossbauer Effect, X-ray diffraction , and digital electronics. The flexibility of the program allows the graduate to equip himself for many occupations, including entrance to an advanced degree program in physics or engineering, and technical or research positions with industry or government. The programs also serve as excellent training for entrance to professional schools. Career Opportunities: 1. Research and Development - Industrial and Governmental Positions 2. Technical Sales 3. Technical Writing 4. Technical Management Trainee 5. Preprofessional Training for Medicine, Dentistry, and Law 6. Health Professions positions: Health Physics (with advanced degree) 7. Medical Engineer (with advanced degree) 8. Graduate School Preparation Required Courses: College Physics I College Physics II College Physics Ill Intermediate Mechanics Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism Radiation and Optics Modern Physics Advanced Laboratory I Calculus I Calculus II Differential Equations General Chemistry I General Chemistry 11 Major Electives: 9 semester hours Related Electives: 12 semester hours POLITICAL SCIENCE The Political Science program is designed to achieve three major objectives: First, to prepare those who intend to pursue academic goals beyond the undergraduate level, whether in law school , in public administration, or in teaching; Second, to help students achieve a level of intellectual proficiency which 92 will contribute to a successful career in ma ny areas of government service and business; Th ird , to contribute to a broad liberal ed ucati on that affords students the opportun it ies to discover the sig nificance of political inqu iry as an intellectual discipline. It is hoped that the relationship of pol itical science to other academic disciplines such as the physical sc iences, humanities, and other social sciences will be impressed upon the st udent. Accordingly, the program stresses both special ization and interdisciplinary studies. Other social sciences are required as well as the standard minimal 36 hours of Political Science. Required courses in Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology, History, Econom ics and Geography contribute to the multidisciplinary approach - a necessary requisite for the understanding of politics. Ad visement is important in that faculty advisors can impress upon students the desirability of acquiring at least a nodd ing acquaintance with other disciplines such as Philosophy , Mathematics, Engl ish , Fore ign La nguages, and the Physical Sciences, which can be taken as part of the General Studies elective system. The Politi cal Science cu rriculum itself stresses the diverse sub-spec ialities which comprise the discipline, offering courses in Theory, Public Admin istration , Political Behavior, Comparative Politics, International Studies, American Politics, and Legal Institutions. It is recommended that the student eschew parochial tendencies and try to select courses which cover the broad scope of the discipline. Career Opportunities: 1. Civil Service (federal , state, local - domestic and foreign affairs) 2. Governmental Career 3. Journalism 4. Pre- Law Training 5. Graduate School Preparation Required Courses: Introduction to Pol itical Science American Government General Psychology Introduction to Anthropology Principles of Sociology History U.S. to 1877 History U.S. since 1877 European Life & Society to 1815 European Life & Society since 1815 Intro Micro Economics Intro Macro Economics or Elements of Economics Current Economic Issues Introduction to Geography Major Electives: 30 semester hours Related Electives: 2 semester hours PROFESSIONAL WRITING PROGRAM The Professional Writing Program is designed to prepare students to enter the professional writing field in one or more of four areas: Creative Writing, Journalism , Radio-Television , and Scientific-Technical Writing . The program 93 will allow a student to specialize in one of these writing areas and will allow him sufficient opportunity to acquire additional skills in related subject matter. In the interest of academic balance , the curriculum is designed to make certain that the student receives a broad education . Within the area of concentration requirements , provisions for internship credit, electives in a related discipline, and distributed electives allow the student to plan a program suited to his particular career goals . The program will allow a student who has completed work at a community college to apply basic writing credits to the program, thus perm itting him to complete the program within two years . The provision for some hours of internship credits will also facilitate this transition, especially for the student who has been employed in some capacity involving writing responsibilities in addition to some prior formal study. This Professional Writing Program sees the student as one who must become aware of those qualities of clarity, conciseness, and style that constitute competent writing. He must also be able to master basic writing formats and the intricacies and jargon of his chosen field of concentration , be it professional writing in business , science-technology , journalism, radiotelevision , or creative writing . Students will get a broad liberal education and thorough professional instruction . The highest professional standards are maintained in the classroom . In addition to sound educational background, faculty members have had extensive professional experience in all areas of writing . Emphasis on Journalism Required Courses: Advanced Writing Independent Study in Writing Seminar in Writing Journalism I Journalism II Journalism Ill (editing) Article Writing Advertising Studies in Writing Related Electives: 41 semester hours 6 semester hours from the following : Playwriting (THE) Radio and TV Writing : News and Commercial (SPE) Radio and TV Writing : Dramatic Script (SPE) Adaptation of Literary Materials Publishing the Literary Magazine 3 semester hours from the following: Business Writing I Scientific and Technical Writing I Essay Writing Creative Writing : Fiction Creative Writing : Poetry Related Discipline: 16 semester hours (In addition to the courses above, 16 hours in an approved academic discipline . Program must be approved by the department involved.) Internship OR Additional Electives from any area: 16 semester hours 94 Emphasis on Radio & Television Journalism Required Courses: Advanced Writing Independent Study in Writing Seminar in Writing Journalism I Television Production (SPE) Radio Production (SPE) Radio and TV Writing : News and Commercial (SPE) Radio and TV in a Free Society Related Electives: 44 semester hours 15 semester hours from the following : 3 Journalism II Journalism Ill (editing) Advertising Article Writing Studies in Writing Special Problems (SPE) Any writing course semester hours from the following: Business Writing I Creative Writing : Fiction Creative Writing : Poetry Essay Writing Playwriting (THE) Radio and TV Writing: Drama Scientific and Technical Writing 9 semester hours from the following: Radio & TV Workshops Radio & TV Announcing Appreciation of Television Advanced TV Production Special Problems Internship and/or Additional Electives from any area: 20 semester hours Emphasis on Creative Writing Required Courses: Article Writing Advertising Publishing the Literary Magazine Studies in Writing Playwriting (THE) Advanced Writing Independent Study in Writing Seminar in Writing Creative Writing : Fiction Creative Writing : Poetry Adaptation of Literary Materials Related Electives: 35 semester hours 3 semester hours from the following : Journalism I Business Writing I Scientific and Technical Writing Essay Writing Related Dlsclpllne: 16 semester hours (In addition to the courses above, 16 hours in an approved academic discipline. Program must be approved by the department involved .) Internship OR Additional Electives from any area: 16 semester hours 95 Emphasis on Scientific and Technical Writing Required Courses: Advanced Writing Independent Study in Writing Seminar in Writing Scientific & Technical Writing I Scientific & Technical Writing II Business Writing I Business Writing II Article Writing Advertising Studies in Writing Related Electives: 38 semester hours 6 semester hours from the following: Playwriting (THE) Journalism I Essay Writing Publishing the Literary Magazine Creative Writing : Fiction Any writing course Creative Writing : Poetry Related Discipline: 16 semester hours (In addition to the courses listed , the student will have 16 hours in a related discipline, chosen from the Natural Sciences or Science and Technology programs, to be approved by the department of this related interest.) Internship OR Additional Electives from any area: 16 semester hours PSYCHOLOGY Psychology is at one time a scholarly discipline, a scientific field, and a professional activity. Its overall focus is on the study of both animal and human behavior and related mental and physiological processes . Thus Psychology emphasizes human communication , principles and theories of behavior, research on the causes and dynamics of behavior patterns , and the practical application of knowledge, skills, and techniques for the solution and/or prevention of individual and social problems . The Psychologist's level of education is often a major factor in shaping his/her career. Because most doctoral-level psychologists have been exposed to a large and varied body of knowledge and techniques in psychology, those who hold the doctoral degree enjoy the widest range of work choices and the most responsible, as well as highest-paid , positions. A large number of psychologists are trained up to the Master's Degree (M .A.) , and represent the largest group among the three levels of training available to psychologists. Traditionally, the Bachelor's Degree (B.A.) level of academic training has not been considered sufficient for the career as a professional psychologist. Practically every state in the U.S. requires a license or certificate whose basic requirements are the possession of a Master's Degree and several years of work experience . Those with B.A. degrees, however, have the opportunity, along with other psychologists, of being sought after in a variety of specialty areas. Because psychology tends to be confused with psychiatry, a medical specialty, many people erroneously assume that psychology and psychologists concern themselves primarily with psychopathology and deviant behavior. Although some psychologists do, of course, deal with abnormal persons and phenomena, the concern of psychology and the occupations of psychologists are considerably more diverse. Psychologists today are rarely limited to any one kind of specialty. 96 Some of the specialty work areas for psychologists are found in various social, institutional and industrial settings such as schools, community agencies, mental health clinics, private industry, government agencies, hospitals, and in private practice. They work as teachers of psychology on the high school and college level , scientists and researchers, clinical psychologists, educational psychologists, community and social psychologists, industrial psychologists, and school psychologists, as well as in the presently expanding field of ecology and environmental psychology. As in all professions, specialization is a crucial factor and demands the highest level of academic and work experience for success. Yet there are Psychology majors who do not wish to go beyond the B.A. Employment for such persons in the field of psychology is possible. It is, however, necessary to keep in mind that undergraduate training is fundamentally general, and does not represent a specialty in the sense referred to above. Nevertheless, job opportunities are to be found in clinics , hospitals, industry, community agencies and government, but at a job-entry level and under supervision. There is a rapid growth in the number and variety of programs designed to meet the ever-growing needs of educational and mental health problems in our society. Crowding, land use, social and environmental phenomena and their impact are rapidly increasing the need for a new breed of psychologists. The problems of the city have already produced a new specialty in psychology and a great need for people with training in psychology to meet the expanding job opportunities in this field . A career in psychology is realistically possible at all levels of training. Career Opportunities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Hospital Aides Personnel Assistants State Fellowships for Graduate Study/Psychology Graduate School Preparation Preparation for Federal Jobs in Social Science Area Mental Health Technicians General Business Career Required Course: General Psychology Major Electives: 27-45 semester hours Related Electives: 20-38 semester hours Courses in at least three areas such as Anthropology, Biology, Education, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, and Sociology. SOCIAL WORK All social work educational programs can be reduced to the premise of "producing change in some human condition" by working with delinquents, adoptive parents, psychiatric patients, hospital patients, marriage counseling, parent-child disturbances, or a host of other human conditions . Social work is dedicated to working with people , and the undergraduate program at Cali- 97 fornia State College is dedicated to providing the student with a broad range of academic and social agency experiences which will enable him to function in a variety of settings. The social worker understands human problems and has the ability to work with human beings, using methods other than technical skills and mechanical abilities. Persons choosing a career in social work usually do so because of a genuine concern for others and a desire to help. There should be continuing opportunities for growth and development in the social work field, both in the nature and scope of the tasks assigned to the social worker, and in the responsibility and commitment demanded by the job. Our program is designed to provide a most comprehensive training program for social work students. It examines the nature of social work programs, and outlines the functions and interactions within the various social service organizations. Emphasis is placed on defining human needs and the cooperative actions that must be undertaken in order to respond to these needs. This academic effort is augmented by an active field placement experience, whereby the student has the opportunity to implement theoretical concepts in a real-life situation, and is thus allowed to judge if the profession of social work is suited to his or her career desires. Career Opportunities: 1. Caseworker 2. Child Welfare Worker 3. Probation, Parole, Corrections 4. Psychiatric Social Worker 5. Medical Social Worker 6. Family Service Worker 7. Public Assistance Worker 8. School Social Work 9. School Guidance Counselor 10. Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation 11 . Mental Retardation 12. Geriatrics 13. Public Health 14. Graduate School Preparation Required Courses: Minority Group Relations Contemporary Social Problems Intro to Social Work Research Methods in Social Science Social Work Methods I Social Work Methods II : Group Work Social Work Methods Ill: Community Organization Social Change Delivery of Services Human Growth & Behavior II Welfare Practicum I Social Psychology Welfare Practicum II Social Institutions Principles of Sociology History of Social Thought General Psychology Urban Sociology Human Growth & Behavior I Abnormal Psychology Related Electives: 5 semester hours 98 SOCIOLOGY Although sociology has existed as a discipline for approximately 150 years, efforts to understand human society go back into ancient history. The attempt to understand society is the substance of sociology , as well as the substance of any undergraduate sociology program. Sociology is frequently defined as a "community of scholarship that uses rational models to organize empirical data about human society and social behavior." This definition contains four components which constitute the basis of the undergraduate sociology department at California State College : 1. Our subject matter is human society and social behavior; 2. The method is that of observing empirical data; 3. Explanation occurs in and is validated by a community of scholarship; 4. Organization and focus are provided by rational models. Each of these areas requires the content of various courses for one to gain adequate understanding of the discipline. Sociologists attempt to approach their studies as objectively as possible, without bias. Preconceptions, however, are inherent in all thought processes. Sociologists , like other scientists, tend to begin with systematic views of what the world is like , how to study it, and even what may be discovered about it. When these general perspectives are systematized and made explicit, they are known as theoretical models. For sociology, the four theoretical models described above are basic. With its focus upon the whole of human society, sociology is a very broad science. Its practitioners conduct research and seek to develop theory in areas ranging from urbanization and race relations, through family and religious behavior, to student dissent and drug use. In fact, the sociologist is interested in virtually all aspects of human behavior. The sociologist is not interested necessarily in changing society, even though the results of his efforts may very well result in such changes. Rather, he is interested in discovering the content and process of social relations. His discoveries are utilized by many individuals in various disciplines. The practicing sociologist may be thought of as the individual who discovers the methods of change, while others implement his findings to produce change. Career Opportunities: 4. Private Enterprise 5. Government Service 1. Law School Preparation 2. Graduate School Preparation 3. Business Management Required Courses: Principles in Sociology Research Methods History of Social Thought Principles of Anthropology Introduction to Political Science American Government Statistics · Elements of Economics General Psychology Social Psychology Major Electives: 27 semester hours Related Electives: 11 semester hours (Must include one course in Philosophy) 99 SOVIET STUDIES The Soviet Studies Program is interdisciplinary and is administered by the Slavic and Eastern European Studies Committee. It is of particular interest to those who plan to work in government, journalism or international trade . A large number of electives make the program relevant to both the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. The language requirement is satisfied by the completion of second-year Russian . Career Opportuntles: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. United States United States Foreign trade Foreign trade Journalism - State Department Intelligence Agencies - banking - industry overseas 6. 7. 8. 9. Translator Writer Foreign Service Graduate School Preparation Required Courses: Two years of Russian Introduction to Slavic Studies Geography of the Soviet Union History of Russia Literature of the Soviet Union Philosophy of Marxism Politics and Government in the Soviet Union Comparative Economic Systems Slavic Studies Seminar Related Electives: 32 semester hours 12 semester hours from the following list: History of the Cold War Literature and Culture of the Eastern Slavs Soviet Foreign Policy Politics and Government in Eastern Europe Nationality Problems of Eastern Europe Survey of Slavic Literature Masterpieces of Russian Literature Geography of East Central Europe History of Eastern Europe Music of Russia and Eastern Europe Additional Electives: 20 semester hours SPEECH COMMUNICATION The Department of Speech Communication offers two Liberal Arts programs, a general one, and one with an emphasis on radio and television . Both are intended to encourage pursuit of a broad, liberal education. The main distinction between them is that the latter program requires more radio and television production experiences than does the former. The two programs follow the pattern of the School of Liberal Arts which permits 60 hours of student-selected general studies. They require 34 to 36 hours of specific required courses, six to eight hours of elective courses chosen from the Speech Communication disciplines that student and advisor agree are 100 pertinent to the particular student's development. In the general program the required courses were selected .by the departmental faculty as a means of introducing the student to the varied aspects of Speech Communication. In the Radio and Television Program the required courses were chosen to encourage familiarity with radio and television and the pursuit of a liberal education . These two programs examine the discipline of oral communication . su·ch study involves concern with how to communicate effective messages, how best to use the strengths of various communicative formats , how to understand what takes place in communication , and the evaluation of received communications. Neither program is intended as vocational training . Both provide communication skills and perspectives that will enable a graduate to adapt readily to a rapid changing communicative world , irrespective of eventual career. Career Opportunities: 1. Publ ic Relations Specialists 2. Communication Specialist 3. Salesperson 4. Radio Performer 5. Television Performer 6. Information Officer 7. Political Affairs 8. Pre-professional training for Law , Ministry, and government General Required Courses: Oral Communication Survey of Radio, TV & Film Intro to Parliamentary Procedure Fundamentals of Discussion Intro to Communication Theory Intro to Oral Interpretation Speech Communication Workshops Persuasion Argumentation and Debate OR Group Discussion Intro to Television Production Language and Behavior Speech Criticism Restricted Electives: 8 credits in Speech Communication Related Electives: 26 semester hours Emphasis on Radio and TV Required Courses: Oral Communication Survey of Radio, TV & Film Fundamentals of Discussion OR Group Discussion Intro to Communication Theory Intro to Oral Interpretation Three Radio and TV Workshops Intro to Television Production Intro to Radio Production Radio & Television Announcing. Radio & TV Writing : News OR Radio & TV Writing : Drama Appreciation of Film Restricted Electives: 3 to 6 credits from Group A 3 to 6 credits from Group B 101 Group A Appreciat ion of TV Radio & TV Writing (News) Rad io & TV Writing (Drama) Advanced TV Production Special Problems in Speech Communication Radio & TV in a Free Society Related Electives: 26 semester hours Group B Group Discussion Freedom of Speech Fundamentals of Discussion Voice & Art iculation Persuasion THEATRE The program in Theatre is a Human ities program with specialization in theatre . It promotes the highest professional standards in studying , teaching , play production , and research ; encourages and guides significant responses to new and imaginative developments in communication and media ; infuses all students with the conviction that theatre is vital , relevant , and artistic ; maintains procedures for stimulating career development, and presents an important creative and aesthetic outlet. This program provides a means by which our heritage, history, and way of life is experienced by college and community audiences . In cooperation with the Student Association Incorporated, the department sponsors three play-producing organizations : College Players, Theatre for Children and Youth , and Theatre Now. Each organ ization shares department facilities , resources , and faculty. The department works closely with area schools , social groups , and agencies. Career Opportunities: 1. Theatre/drama specialists for social groups and agencies. (Neighborhood , youth and senior citizen centers , libraries, summer camps and recreation areas.) 2. Preparation for professional training in graduate or specialty schools as: 1) stage performers, 2) directors, 3) managers, 4) designers, and 5) technicians (scenery, lighting , costuming) 3. Owners of or professional staff in commerical studios 4. Professional staff in performing arts or cultural centers (administration , box-office management, public relations) 5. Film and television performers , directors, producers , and technicians Required Course: Production , Rehearsal & Performance Major Electives: Movement OR Games and Improvisations Fundamentals of Acting OR Fundamentals of Directing OR Technical Production I Seventeen Credits in Theatre Courses Related Electives: 42 semester hours 102 URBAN AFFAIRS In an urban culture the suburbs of the city as well as the city itself, demand trained personnel to plan and operate local programs . The horizons for urban affairs graduates are expanding as the suburbs become the focus for social and physical planning decisions. Graduates may find jobs in all areas of City and County Municipal Services, Planning Commissions , and Social Agencies . Urban Affairs graduates are encouraged to continue their education . Many go directly to graduate school to pursue degrees in Urban and Regional Planning , City Administration, and Landscaping Architecture. Urban Affairs is also an excellent preparation for a law career. In his junior or senior year, the Urban Affairs student takes a variable credit internship (6-14 credits) . For this internship, the student spends a semester or part of a semester involved in and learning the operations of a city planning commission , housing authority, a local , state , or federal agency. The internship experience prepares the student to grapple with the day to day operations of an on-going urban-based agency. The Urban Affairs internship is an excellent opportunity for the student to test and refine his career decision . Moreover , it can often lead the student directly into a career. Career Opportunities: 1. Urban Planning 2. Urban Transportation 3. City Management 4. Law Caree rs 5. 6. 7. 8. State and Federal Agencies Suburban Government Public Service Graduate School Preparation Required Courses: Survey of Urban Affairs Contemporary Social Problems Intro to Public Administration Planning & Public Management Community Action and Neighborhood Government Urban Affairs & Policy Analysis Urban Geography Urban Sociology Urban Transportation Housing and Housing Policy Urban Planning : The Historical Perspective Workshop in Urban Planning Related Electives: 18-26 semester hours Internship: 6-14 semester hours URBAN RECREATION AND PARK ADMINISTRATION The professional emphasis of this program concentrates upon the planning , organization , and administration of urban recreation and park services and facilities in a variety of settings and program fields . Students completing requirements with this field of specialization will be prepared to assume positions in urban recreation and/ or park agencies where executive, super- 103 visory, administrative, planning and program leadership responsibilities are essential. Concomitant to classroom coursework which includes practical application in addition to theory, the student has the opportunity to further enrich his background of training through involvement in the vast resources offered by the Southwestern Pennsylvania Region . The student is able to gain practical experience in working in a variety of types of urban recreation settings or he may select to specialize in a type of work that meets his interests and abilities. The Urban Recreation and Park Administration student needs an opportunity to apply theory to actual on-the-job situation prior to his assuming professional position in the field . The media through which these opportunities are presented include program leadership assignments actual problem solving situations, extensive field work projects, and the professional level internship requirements . Career Opportunities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Camp Director Municipal Recreation Director 11 . Institutional Recreation Director Health and Welfare Specialist Planning and Construction Consultant Armed Forces Recreation Specialist Commercial Recreation Executive 12. Senior Citizen Center Supervisor Student Union Director 13. Industrial Recreation Director YMCA - YWCA Director 14. Church Recreation Coordinator Boy & Girl Scout Executive 15. Community - School Director 16. Resort Manager Hospital Recreation Specialist Required Courses: Survey of Urban Affairs Contemporary Social Problems Planning & Public Management Introduction to Public Administration Urban Affairs & Policy Analysis Urban Geography Urban Sociology Urban Planning : The Historical Perspective Workshop in Urban Planning Recreation & Park Administration Planning & Developing Areas & Facilities Program Planning Community Action & Neighborhood Government Administration of Private & Commercial Recreation State and Local Finance Related Electives: 7-19 semester hours Internship: 6-14 semester hours 104 School of Education For more than 100 years California State College has prepared teachers for the public schools of the Commonwealth . It enjoys a reputation of excellence and its graduates are able to obtain teaching certificates in every state in the Union. The School of Education consistently meets all standards of accrediting agencies. California State College is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Universities and the School of Education has national accreditation from the National Association of Colleges of Teacher Education. Programs offered lead to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education . Major programs available include: Comprehensive Special Education, Speech Pathology and Audiology, Elementary Education (Kindergarten to Grade Six); Early Childhood Education (Nursery School to Grade Three), Industrial Arts and Secondary Education. The Secondary Education Curriculum further provides opportunity to major in Science, (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science), English, Communication (English, Speech and Theater), Mathematics, Modern Foreign Language (Spanish, French or German), and Comprehensive Social Science (History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology) . The School of Education also offers special programs for graduate nurses in either the Public School Nursing Program or the Nurse Anesthetist Curriculum . Dental Hygienists are also eligible for enrollment in a program leading to a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education and certification as a Public School Dental Hygienist. Students enrolled in the School of Education, regardless of major, may also enroll in one or more endorsement programs. Endorsement programs enable a person to teach in an additional area. California State College presently has five such programs. They are General Science, Driver's Education and Safety, Environmental Education , Athletic Coaching and Athletic Trainer. CERTIFICATION OF TEACHERS Students completing a program in the School of Education receive a Bachelor of Science Degree and an Instructional I certificate. The certificate is the license to teach in the Commonwealth and is valid for six years of teaching in Pennsylvania. In order to teach for more than six years in Pennsylvania, the Instructional I certificate must be converted to an Instructional II certificate. This is done by completing three years of satisfactory service in the Commonwealth and earning twenty-four post baccalaurate credits. These credits may be undergraduate, graduate or in-service credits or any combination thereof . College credits must be taken at a four year institution . APPEAL PROCEDURE FOR CERTIFICATION STUDENTS Students appealing decisions regarding teaching certification should contact the Dean of Education to discuss their concern . If accord is not reached at this level, the student may appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The final source of appeal is with the Certification Appeals Committee, Department of Education, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. This step should be taken 105 only if there is no possibility for a resolution at an earlier stage, and only if the student is convinced that arbitrary and / or capricious standards are applied . U.S. CITIZENSHIP - A REQUIREMENT FOR TEACHER CERTIFICATION IN PENNSYLVANIA According to an opinion issued on January 14, 1981 by the Attorney General of Pennsylvania , Section 1109 and 1202 of the School Code are constitutional. This means , therefore , that no permanent certificate may be granted to any individual not a cit izen of the United States and no provisional certificate may be granted to any individual who is not a citizen and who has not declared in writing to the Department of Education the intention of becoming a citizen. ADMISSION TO TEACHER EDUCATION Admission to Californ ia State College is not a guarantee that a student majoring in education will be permitted to complete the program (which includes student teaching) and rece ive a teaching certificate. The School of Education has established standards that all education majors must meet in order to complete the Teacher Education Program . Some of these standards are embodied in the Adm ission to Teacher Education Program which is usually initiated by the candidate in his sixth or seventh semester of study. In summary, a candidate must meet the following requirements : 1. A quality point average of 2.30 in the major field . For students in the Early Childhood and Elemen tary curriculums , this average will be computed using both elementary and professional education courses . 2. An overall or cumulative average of 2.00, and must be in satisfactory academic standing at time of application . 3. Complet ion of at least 64 credits (including transfer credits) with a minimum of 12 credits completed in the major field . 4. The recommendation of his advisor or major department head. 5. A personal interview with and recommendation from a member of the Committee for Admission to Teacher Education . 6. Approval by the Committee for Admission to Teacher Education. Application forms for the admission process should be secured from the candidate 's departmental office . All of the above requirements are prerequisites to a student teaching assignment. Candidates who do not meet the standards for Admission to Teacher Education on initial application have two semesters in which to correct deficiencies and reapply for admission. If still not approved , they may elect to transfer to another curriculum or, with special permission of the Committee, take 14 cred its in lieu of student teaching and graduate without teacher certification . The latter option (waiver of student teaching and teaching certification) is also available to students who , for exceptional reasons, change their plans about career teaching but wish to complete their baccalaureate programs . The student must initiate, in writing and in person , a reasoned request to do so to 106 the Associate Dean . Such requests must be reviewed and approved by the Associate Dean . If the waiver request and course credits in lieu of student teaching credits are approved, the student may earn his degree without teaching certification. (A notation to this effect is carried on the student's transcript.) It should be emphasized that the Admission to Teacher Education Program, in total , is also designed for the student's growth in educative, experiential, and self-evaluative ways. STUDENT TEACHING Student teaching , a major professional laboratory experience, is conducted under the supervision of the Associate Dean. California State College has five student teaching programs: elementary, secondary, industrial arts, speech pathology and audiology, and special education . Students who are candidates for certification are required to earn twelve semester hours of credit in student teaching . However, student teaching is a competency based program and may continue beyond one semester. Candidates will be certified to teach only if they demonstrate ability to teach effectively. Teaching competency will be determined by the Associate Dean, the College Supervisor, and the Cooperating Teacher or Teachers . The student teacher is also required a practicum while student teaching . Student teaching is conducted in selected public schools located in the service area of the college. The institutional philosophy regarding student teaching is to prepare students adequately to assume their professional responsibilities in the teaching profession in a democratic society, and to develop their appreciation of their need for a mastery of the professional knowledge and skill essential to all teaching and special proficiency in their area of specialization. Student teaching is to provide a climate wherein the student may exhibit his creativity and ability to make critical judgements based upon knowledge and reason . Applications for student teaching may be secured at the Dean's Office. Interviews for student teaching assignments are held each October and February. Before students may be assigned to this vital part of the Teacher Education Curriculum , they must: a. be admitted to Teacher Education b. maintain an overall quality point average of 2.0 c. obtain departmental approval as having satisfactorily completed the required preparatory work. Students will not be assigned to student teaching until they have completed at least one semester's work in this college. Graduates of other colleges must meet the requirements of admission to Teacher Education before being assigned to student teaching. STUDENT TEACHING FOR EXPERIENCED TEACHERS Teachers who have had one or more years of teaching experience, may be permitted to complete the student teaching requirement by special arrange- 107 ment in consultation with the Dean of the School of Education. The Dean of the School of Education may allow the student to fulfill the student teaching requirement for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Education by making a substitute requirement in keeping with the needs of the individual student. PROFESSIONAL LABORATORY EXPERIENCES Educators have observed that those who enter the teaching profession with a wide variety of contacts with young children, adolescents, and adults usually become superior teachers . Many of those who fail as teachers or remain mediocre throughout their career lack such experiences. Obviously everyone cannot acquire a sufficient number of these experiences in the classroom. A program of Professional Laboratory Experiences has been devised by each curriculum department to include not only school activities but also activities in communities and in connection with employment. Professional Laboratory Experiences include all those contacts with children , youth, and adults (through observation , participation ,and teaching) which make a direct contribution to the understanding of individuals and their guidance in the teaching-learning process. It is hoped that this program will help students, as prospective teachers, to get an overall picture of the nature of work in a public school. It is essential that students learn to recognize their strong points as well as their deficiencies, whether they be academic, social, or physical. This program is intended to give students an opportunity to learn to exploit their outstanding abilities and to take intelligent action towards elimination of their weaknesses. Worthwhile experiences are not confined to those which foster intellectual growth alone. Participation in activities which add to physical and social development is vital. These may include such activities as sports in both intraand intercollegiate competition, student organizations including professional and special interest clubs, (dramatics , debate and other forensics), and music activities. Professional Laboratory Experiences present an opportunity to add to the knowledge and skills gained in college classes. The program offers a yardstick which will assist to measure the practical value of theory, and to check student's understanding of theory in action. It will help students to see their own needs, both personal and professional , and to outline experiences which should be included in their future study. It will assist students to study intelligently their ability to guide others in actual learning situations. This program is an opportunity for self-improvement; it is an excellent means by which students can become more realistically aware of their own capabilities. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION General Information The early childhood education program provides the academic background and field work needed for teaching certification from nursery school through third grade. Upon completion of the program , the prospective teacher will receive a Bachelor of Science degree and a Pennsylvania Instructional I Certificate. The School of Education is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education , and certification in Pennsylvania extends 108 to all fifty states. Our Placement Office is active in aiding students seeking teaching positions locally and out of state. Students are offered extensive field work, small classes and individual advising before progressing to the required semester of student teaching. Augmenting their background will be the Professional Semester, wherein most methods courses are incorporated into one semester. Career Outlook California State College has had exceptionally high placement of its Early Childhood graduates, and given the small number of students graduating in the field, future employment looks promising . Objectives - The objectives of the Early Childhood program are to help students: Understand the growth and development of children Plan educational experiences using knowledge of different cultures and societies Select and use instructional resources wisely EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION CURRICULUM General Requirements Engllsh Language Skills - All students must achieve competencies in English language skills at the level of Composition II. Students who are unable to achieve this will be placed in the appropriate writing courses until competency exists. Basic Math - Students with S.A.T. Math scores of 400 or less will be required to take a basic math course. Freshman or transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T. test will be placed in a math course dependent upon high school grades. The basic math course will not count as a physical/natural science requirement. Reading, Study, Listening Skills - Students with Verbal S.A.T. scores of 400 or less will be required to take the Reading, Study, and Listening Skills course. Placement of freshman and transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T. test will be determined by a test administered by the Elementary Education Department. Courses as ELS, Comp I and Comp II will not be included as requirements in the Humanities area. These courses must be counted as free electives. General Education (55 Credits Minimum) I. Humanities (9 Credits) Oral Communication II. Health-Physical Education (3 Credits) Ill. Physical/Natural Sciences (9 Credits) IV. Social Scienes (9 Credits) General Psychology 109 V. Impact of Technology on Society (3 Credits) VI. Free Electives (22 Credits Minimum) Professional Education (30 Credits) Foundations of Education Educational Psychology Child Psychology Teaching in a Multicultural Society Introduction to Educational Media Introduction , Philosophy, & Legal Implications Types of Handicaps in Children Identification, Diagnostic Processes & Parent Inter. Curricular & Methodological Strategies Student Teaching and School Law Credits 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 12 35 Credits Professional Speclallzatlon These courses, all required, give you the knowledge and skills to prepare you for your chosen teaching specialization. Laboratory Experience in Nursery-Kindergarten 3 Field Experience in Early Childhood 3 Art for Early Childhood 3 Music for Early Childhood 3 Health , Physical Education in Early Childhood 2 Reading Experience in Early Childhood 3 Children's Literature 3 Math Concepts in Early Childhood 3 Child in Social and Physical Environment 3 Science for Early Childhood 3 Communicative Arts in Early Childhood 3 Early Childhood Seminar 3 Electlvea 8 Credits ELEMENTARY EDUCATION General Information The Elementary Education program offers small-class size, individual advising, field trips and field work that enhance students' theoretical backgrounds. In addition, California State College offers a professional semester during which students may enroll in most of their methods courses. Students may conduct research in the Mandarino Library and the elementary department's children 's literature library. The department also offers summer employment in its remedial reading camp , held annually on campus. Elementary Education majors must successfully complete one semester of student teaching, which includes field work at two grade levels. Certification to teach kindergarten through sixth grade is awarded upon graduation. The School of Education is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education; certification in Pennsylvania extends to all fifty states. The Placement Office aids students seeking teaching positions locally and out-of-state. 110 Career Outlook Recently the number of students entering and graduating with education majors has dropped dramatically; large surpluses of teachers no longer exist. This condition promises increased employment possibilities for graduates. California State College has maintained a high percentage of placement. With fewer graduates in Elementary Education , placement possibilities look exceptionally bright. Objectives The objectives of the Elementary Education program are to help students: Acquire the knowledge and skills essential to becoming a member of the teaching profession - Acquire knowledge and understanding of educational theory, enabling them to develop a rationale for using and creating a good learning environment - Develop an awareness of the role which parents and the community play in planning for the education of elementary-age children - Expand and enrich specific educational interests - ELEMENTARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM General Requirements English Language Skllls - All students must achieve competencies in English language skills at the level of Composition 11. Students who are unable to achieve this will be placed in the appropriate writing courses until competency exists. Basic Math - Students with S.A.T. Math scores of 400 or less will be required to take a basic math course. Freshman or transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T. test will be placed in a math course dependent upon high school grades. The basic math course will not count as a physical/natural science requirement. Reading, Study, Listening Skllls - Students with Verbal S.A.T. scores of 400 or less will be required to take the Reading , Study, and Listening Skills course. Placement of freshman and transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T. test will be determined by a test administered by the Elmentary Education Department. Courses as ELS, Comp I and Comp II will not be included as requirements in the Humanities area. These courses must be counted as free electives. General Education (55 Credits Minimum) I. Humanities (9 Credits} Oral Communications II. Heath-Physical Education (3 Credits} Ill. Physical/Natural Sciences (9 Credits} IV. Social Sciences (9 Credits} General Psychology 111 V. Impact on Technology on Society (3 Credits) VI. Free Electives (22 Credits Minimum) Professional Education Foundations of Education Educational Psychology Child Psychology Introduction to Educational Media Teaching in a Multicultural Society Introduction , Philosophy, & Legal Implications Types of Handicaps in Children Identification , Diagnostic Processes & Parent Inter. Curricular & Methodological Strategies Student Teaching and School Law 3 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 12 Elementary Courses Art for Elementary Teachers Teaching Music in Elementary Grades Health , Physical Education for Elementary Grades Teaching of Reading Children 's Literature I Field Experience in Early Childhood Professional Lab Experiences 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 Professional Semester Math Content & Method Teaching Social Studies Science for Elementary Teachers Teaching Language Arts Electives In Education DUAL MAJOR - 3 3 3 3 Minimum 11 Credits ELEMENTARY/EARLY CHILDHOOD Elementary Requirements: In addition to the General Education requirements and 22 Free Electives completed by all prospective teachers, Elementary majors must successfully finish 32 credits in their professional specialization , 25 credits in Professional Education, and 11 additional Educational Electives of their choice . Professional Specialization (Elementary Education): Required Courses for Elementary Majors: • Art of Elementary Teachers *Teaching Music in Elementary Grades *Health & Physical Education for Elementary Grades Teaching of Reading 112 Math Content & Method Teaching Social Studies *Science for Elementary Teachers Teaching Language Arts Children's Literature I Field Experiences in Early Childhood Professional Laboratory Experiences Dual Major Requirements for Elementary Majors who are seeking certification In Early Childhood Education: Elementary/Early Childhood Education dual certification students are required to successfully complete all of the previously-mentioned 32 credits in Elementary Education and the following required Early Childhood Education courses : Professional Specialization (Early Childhood): Lab Experiences in Nursery/Kindergarten Reading Experiences in Early Childhood Math Content in Early Childhood Child in Social and Physical Environment Communicative Arts in Early Childhood Programs in this area require a minimum of 128 semester hours for graduation . · oual majors may take eith er Elementary or Early Childh ood courses. DUAL MAJOR - EARLY CHILDHOOD/ELEMENTARY Early Childhood Requirements: In addition to the General Education requirements and 22 Free Electives completed by all prospective teachers, Early Childhood majors must successfully finish 35 credits in their professional specialization, 25 credits in Professional Education, and 8 additional Educational Electives of their choice. Professional Specialization (Early Childhood) Required Courses for Early Childhood Majors: Lab Experiences in Nursery/Kindergarten Field Experiences in Early Childhood * Art for Early Childhood *Music for Early Childhood *Health & Physical Education for Early Childhood Reading Experiences in Early Childhood Children's Literature I Math Content in Early Childhood Child in Social and Phsyical Environment *Science for Early Childhood Communicative Arts in Early Childhood Early Childhood Educational Seminar 113 Dual Major Requirements for Early Childhood majors who are seeking certification in Elementary Education Early Childhood/Elementary Education dual certification students are required to successfully complete all of the previously-mentioned 35 credits in Early childhood and the following required Elementary Education courses . Professional Specialization (Elementary) Additional Required Courses for Dual Majors: Teaching of Reading Math Content and Method Teaching Social Studies Teaching Language Arts Professional Lab Experiences Programs in this area require a minimum of 128 semester hours for graduation. • Dual majors may take either Elementary or Early Childhood courses. INDUSTRIAL ARTS General Information California State College has one of the most respected industrial arts programs in the nation. Industrial arts has been taught at California for over 50 years; its dynamic curriculum has produced many outstanding graduates. The program provides the prospective teacher with an awareness of the potential of technology as well as a background in the teaching of laboratory skills. A Bachelor of Science Degree in Education is awarded upon completion of the program. The teacher of industrial arts at the elementary and secondary school level is a unique person . The teacher needs to understand the technical knowledge of the world, as well as to be able to perform the many manual and mechanical operations associated with the products of an industrial society and problems of daily living . As a result of their training, industrial arts teachers have no problems securing employment. Graduates of the Industrial Arts Education program receive a certificate making them eligible to teach at both the elementary and secondary levels. Career Outlook A shortage of industrial arts teachers exists in Pennsylvania and other states. The field is open to both men and women . In recent years more women have been entering the industrial arts teaching profession . Most graduates remain in teaching and receive additional certification as principals, superintendents, special education teachers and guidance counselors. Some graduates attend graduate school and eventually teach at the college level. In addition, many graduates have distinguished themselves in a variety of industrial employment. 114 INDUSTRIAL ARTS CURRICULUM The study of industrial arts is divided into three areas . The Visual Communications area is concerned with the graphic arts and their technology . The program includes study and experiences in drafting, graphic design , technical illustration, photography and the graphic arts. Courses emphasize offset lithography and include screen process printing and photo-fabrication . The Industrial Materials area is concerned with the technology and use of industrial tools and materials. Students work with many different materials wood , metal , plast ics and clay - in well-equipped laboratories. Their work includes the fabricating and finishing of wooden products ; forming , machining and fastening metals ; forming and fabricating plastics ; and composing creatively in clay. Power Technology is the study of energy sources, conversion and control. The theoretical concepts presented in class are followed by immediate application within the laboratory. In this manner, one experience reinforces the other. The study of power systems includes carburetion , ignition systems , tuneups on small gasoline engines , charging circuits and their related laws and principles. Training is also available on fluidic and pneumatic systems. A summary of the industrial arts requirements is given below: General Requirements: English Language Skills - All students must achieve competencies in English Language skills at the level of Composition 11. Students who are unable to achieve th is will be placed in the appropriate writing courses until competency exists. Basic Math - Students with S.A.T. Math scores of 400 or less will be required to take a basic math course . Freshman or transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T. test will be placed in a math course dependent upon high school grades. The basic math course will not count as a physical/ natural science requirement. Reading, Study, Listening Skills - Students with Verbal S.A.T. scores of 400 or less will be required to take the Reading , Study, and Listening Skills course . Placement of freshman and transfer students who have not ta ken the S.A.T. test will be determined by a test administered by the Elementary Education Department. Courses as ELS, Comp I and Comp 11 will not be included as requirements in the Humanities area . These courses must be counted as free electives. General Education (57 Credits) I. Humanities (9 Credits) Oral Communications II. Social Science (9 Credits) General Psychology Developmental Psychology 115 111. Natural Science (9 Credits) Technical Math I or College Algebra General Physics & Lab IV. Education Requirements (9 Credits) Tchg. Mulit-Cultural Soc. Impact on Tech . on Soc. Health or Phys. Ed . V. Free Electives (21 Credits) Professional Education 12 Credits Foundations of Education Educational Psychology Introduction to Educational Med ia Introduction , Philosophy, & Legal Implications Types of Handicaps in Children Identification , Diagnostic Processes & Parent Inter. Curricu lar & Methodologica l Strateg ies Curriculum Speciality 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 65 Credits Professional Speciality introduction to Arts Education Organization of Course Materials Student Teaching and School Law 3 3 12 Industrial Materials Fundamentals of Woodworking Fundamentals of Mentalwork ing Fundamentals of Machine Advanced Woodworking 3 3 3 3 Power Electricity-Electronics I Power Technology Electricity-Electronics Ii 3 3 3 Visual Communications Drawing and Design Technical Drawing I Technical Drawing II Graphic Communications I Graphic Communications Ii 3 3 3 3 3 Elective Industrial Arts Courses 9 Introduction to Industrial Arts Education: this semester course for sophomores includes school experiences one day a week to help students decide on a career in industrial arts teach ing . 116 Elective Industrial Arts Courses: students are required to elect additional courses in areas in which they have acquired an interest or need . Student teaching: students are required to teach one semester in several industrial arts areas of their choice. Students may select schools from an approved list. Dual degrees: students may receive a degree in industrial arts and one in an industrial technology area by careful planning and wise scheduling of elective courses. ME NTALLY/PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED General Information The Comprehensive Mentally/Physically Handicapped Physical Education and Recreation program is a four-year undergraduate program leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in Education and Pennsylvania Instructional I certification . This certificate entitles the graduate to teach children with the following handicaps: mental retardation, learning disability, physical handicaps, emotional disturbance and brain damage. Majors pursuing the Physical Education and Recreation area of interest can provide physical education instruction for each of these handicap categories . Career Outlook The field of special education , both within the state of Pennsylvania and nationally, continues to grow, providing excellent professional career opportunities . Recent federal legislation has mandated new services for handicapped youngsters and provided increased funds . The impetus should be toward an increased growth rate in special education programs , particularly for children with severe and/ or profound handicaps. The area of physical education and recreation for the handicapped is presently characterized by expanding interest and activity. More and more programs are recognizing the needs of handicapped children to develop their physical skills and their ability to participate in recreational activities. Graduates of this program are qualified to assume several professional roles , including special education classroom teacher, resource room teacher, itinerant physical education teacher for the handicapped, recreational director in an institutional or agency setting , recreational program specialist for governmental agencies involving parks and playgrounds . Objectives - To demonstrate an understanding of the nature of handicapping conditions and the impact of these conditions on normal growth and development To demonstrate ability to use effectively alternative instructional strategies appropriate to the needs of exceptional children To demonstrate ability to identify the educationally relevant characteristics of various exceptional children and to effectively diagnose and prescribe appropriate educational experiences 117 - To demonstrate the ability to function as a competent classroom manager in promoting learning among handicapped students - To demonstrate competency to initiate the instructional programs that facilitate appropriate career and vocational goals for the mentally/physically handicapped ME NTALLY/PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED CURRICULUM General Requirements English Language Skills - All students must achieve competencies in English language skills at the level of Composition II . Students who are unable to achieve this will be placed in the appropriate writing courses until competency exists . Basic Math - Students with S.A.T. Math scores of 400 or less will be required to take a basic math course . Freshman or transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T. test will be placed in a math course dependent upon high school grades. The basic math course will not count as a physical/natural science requirement. Reading, Study, Listening Skills - Students with Verbal S.A.T. scores of 400 or less will be required to take the Reading, Study, and Listening Skills course . Placement of freshman and transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T. test will be determined by a test administered by the Elementary Education Department. Courses as ELS, Comp I and Comp II will not be included as requirements in the Humanities area. These courses must be counted as free electives. General Education (57 Credits Minimum) I. Humanites (9 Credits) Oral Communication II. Health-Physical Education (3 Credits) Ill. Physical/Natural Sciences (9 Credits) IV. Social Sciences (9 Credits) General Psychology V. Impact of Technology on Society (3 Credits) VI. Free Electives (24 Credits Minimum) Professional Education 32 Credits Educational Foundations Educational Psychology Developmental Psychology Introduction to Educational Media Electives•••• Student Teaching and School Law Teaching in a Multicultural Society 3 3 3 2 6 12 3 118 Area of Concentration 39 Credits Exceptional Child I and II Behavioral Principles I and II Education of Severe and Profoundly Handicapped Diagnostic Testing Pre Teaching Physical Education Activities for Exceptional Children Curriculum & Methods I and II Habilitation Training 8 8 4 4 3 8 4 MENTALLY /PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND RECREATION General Information The Comprehensive Mentally/Physically Handicapped Physical Education and Recreation program is a four-year undergraduate program leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in Education and Pennsylvania Instructional Level I certification . This certificate entitles the graduate to teach children with the following handicaps: mental retardation , learning disability, physical handicaps, emotional disturbance and brain damage. Majors pursuing the Physical Education and Recreation area of interest can provide physical education instruction for each of these handicap categories. Career Outlook The field of special eduction, both within the state of Pennsylvania and nationally continues to grow, providing excellent professional career opportunities. Recent federal legislation has mandated new services for handicapped youngsters and provided increased funding . The impetus should be toward an increased growth rate in special education programs, particularly for children with severe and/or profound handicaps. The area of physical education and recreation for the handicapped is presently characterized by expanding interest and activity. More and more programs are recognizing the needs of handicapped children to develop their physical skills and their ability to participate in recreational activities. Graduates of this program are qualified to assume several professional roles including : special education classroom teacher, resource room teacher, itinerant physical education teacher for the handicapped, recreational director in an institutional or agency setting, recreational program specialist for governmental agencies involving parks and playgrounds. Objectives - To demonstrate an understanding of the nature of handicapping conditions and the impact of these conditions on normal growth and development To demonstrate an ability to use effectively alternative instructional strategies appropriate to the needs of exceptional children To demonstrate ability to identify the educationally relevant characteristics of various exceptional children and to effectively diagnose and prescribe appropriate educational experiences 119 - To demonstrate the ability to function as a competent classroom manager in promoting learning among handicapped students - To demonstrate competency to initiate the instructional programs that facilitate appropriate career and vocational goals for the mentally/ physically handicapped MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED WITH PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND RECREATION General Requirements English Language Skills - All students must ach ieve competencies in English language skills at the level of Composition II . Students who are unable to achieve this will be placed in the appropriate writing courses until competency exists. Basic Math - Students with S.A.T. Math scores of 400 or less will be required to take a basic math course . Freshman or transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T. test will be placed in a math course dependent upon high school grades. The basic math course will not count as a physical / natural science requirement. Reading, Study, Listening Skills - Students with Verbal S.A.T. scores of 400 or less will be required to take the Read ing, Study and Listening Skills course . Placement of freshman and transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T. test will be determined by a test administered by the Elementary Education Department. Courses as ELS, Comp I and Comp II will not be included as requirements in the Humanities area. These courses must be counted as free electives. General Education (57 Credits Minimum) I. Humanities (9 Credits) Oral Communication II . Health-Physical Education (3 Cred its) Ill. Physical/ Natural Sciences (9 Cred its) IV. Social Sciences (9 Credits) General Psychology V. Impact of Technology on Society (3 Credits) VI. Free Electives (24 Credits Minimum) Professional Education 32 Credits Educational Foundations Educational Psychology Developmental Psychology Introduction to Educational Med ia Electives· ··• Student Teaching and School Law Teaching in a Multicultural Society 3 3 3 2 6 12 3 120 Area of Concentration 39 Credits Exceptional Child I and II Behavioral Principles I and II Education of Severe and Profoundly Handicapped Diagnostic Testing Pre Teaching Physical Education Activities for Exceptional Children Curriculum & Methods I and II Habilitation Training Physical Education and Recreation Sequence 8 8 4 4 3 8 4 EARLY CHILDHOOD/SPECIAL EDUCATION DUAL MAJOR General Information Students of superior academic achievement who are majoring in either Early Childhood Education or Special Education are encouraged to consider pursuing a dual curriculum leading to Pennsylvania certification in both fields . Current educational thought advocates the placement of mildly handicapped youngsters in regular classrooms with special education resource services made available to the student and the classroom teacher. Students who successfully complete this dual-major program will possess demonstrated competencies in facilitating the assimilation of the mildly handicapped into the mainstream of American education and society. Career Outlook The growth of mainstream programs for mildly handicapped youngsters has been rapid . It has been recognized that children with mild forms of handicaps typically attain higher levels of achievement in the regular class environment than in the special self-contained classroom. These children do, however, need special help and remedial instruction in some areas of the curriculum . Thus , a relatively new educational concept, the resource room , is becoming an increasingly common means of addressing the needs of children while continuing to maintain their enrollment in regular classrooms. This process of integrating the handicapped child should be initiated early , perferably at the preschool level , or no later than the early elementary years. Teachers trained in both Early Childhood and Special Education will be able to provide excellent resource services to both children and the other staff members of an elementary school. Graduates of this program are qualified to assume several professional roles , including regular early childhood classroom teacher (nursery-th ird grade) , special education classroom teacher mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed , physically handicapped, learning disabled , brain-damaged - (nursery- twelfth grade) , and resource room teacher. Objectives Early Childhood/Special Education dual majors must demonstrate the competencies associated with each of the individual certificate programs (refer to Early Childhood and Special Education brochures) . In addition , the following general objectives must be satisfied: 121 - Demonstrate the ability to identify students who are in need of some special service - Demonstrate the ability to work effectively with other teachers in cooperatively planning programs for children with special needs - - Demonstrate the ability to facilitate the social acceptance of children with handicaps by structuring classroom environments which reinforce positive interpersonal relationships Demonstrate the ability to complete educational assessment of the learning needs of students Demonstrate the ability to develop individual educational prescriptions based on assessment data Demonstrate the ability to modify effectively instructional strategies and/or materials to provide for the unique needs of students manifesting learning handicaps General Requirements English Language Skills - All students must achieve competencies in English language skills at the level of Composition 11. Students who are unable to achieve this will be placed in the appropriate writing courses until competency exists. Basic Math - Students with S.A.T. Math scores of 400 or less will be required to take a basic math course. Freshman or transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T. test will be placed in a math course dependent upon high school grades. The basic math course will not count as a physical/natural science requirement. Reading, Study, Listening Skills - Students with Verbal S.A.T. scores of 400 or less will be required to take the Reading, Study, and Listening Skills course. Placement of freshman and transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T. test will be determined by a test administered by the Elementary Education Department. Courses as ELS, Comp I and Comp II will not be included as requirements in the Humanities area. These courses must be counted as free electives. General Education (54 Credits Minimum) I. Humanities (9 Credits) Oral Communications II. Health-Physical Education (3 Credits) Ill. Physical/Natural Sciences (9 Credits) IV. Social Sciences (9 Credits) General Psychology V. Impact of Technology on Society (3 Credits) VI. Free Electives (21 Credits Minimum) 122 Professional Education 26 Credits Foundations of Education Educational Psychology Child Psychology or Development Introduction to Educational Media Teaching in a Multi-cultural Society Student Teaching and School Law 3 3 3 2 3 12 Required Early Childhood Courses Laboratory Experiences in Nursery/ Kindergarten Art for Early Childhood Music for Early Childhood Health , Physical Education for Early Childhood or Physical Activities for Exceptional Child Reading Experiences for Early Childhood Children 's Literature I Math Content in Early Childhood Child in Social & Physical Environment Science for Early Childhood Communicative Arts in Early Childhood 3 3 3 2-3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Required Special Education Courses Exceptional Child I, II Behavioral Principles I, II Education of Severe/Profound Handicapped Diagnostic Testing Prescriptive Teach ing Physical Education Activities for Exceptional Child or Health & Physical Education for Elementary Curriculum & Methods I, II Habilitation Training DUAL MAJOR - 8 8 4 4 3-2 8 4 ELEMENTARY/SPECIAL EDUCATION General Information The growth of mainstream programs for mildly handicapped youngsters has been rapid. It has been recognized that children with mild handicaps typically attain higher levels of achievement in the regular class environment than in the special self-contained classroom . However, these children still need special help and remedial instruction in some areas of the curriculum. Thus, a relatively new educational concept, the resource room , is becoming an increasingly common means of addressing the needs of mildly handicapped children . This process of integrating the handicapped child should be initiated early , preferably at the preschool level, or no later th'an the early elementary years. Teachers trained in both elementary and special education will be able to provide excellent resource services to both children and other staff members of an elementary school. Graduates of this program are qualified to assume several professional roles : regular elementary classroom teacher (K-8), special education classroom teacher (mentally retarded , emotionally disturbed, physically handicapped , learning disabled, brain-damaged, nursery-grade 12) , and resource room teacher. 123 Career Outlook Students of superior academic achievement who are majoring in either Elementary Educat ion or Special Education are encouraged to pursue a dual curriculum leading to Pennsylvania certification in both fields. Since current educational thought advocates the placement of mildly handicapped youngsters in regular classrooms with special education resource services made available to the student and the classroom teacher, students who successfully complete this dual major program will possess demonstrated competencies in facilitating the assimilation of the mildly handicapped into the mainstream of American education and society. Objectives Elementary/Special Education dual majors must demonstrate the competencies associated with each of the individual certification programs (refer to Elementary and Special Education brochures) . In addition , the following general objectives must be satisfied : - To demonstrate the ability to identify students who are in need of some special service - To demonstrate the ability to work effectively with other teachers in cooperatively planning programs for children with special needs - To demonstrate the ability to facilitate the social acceptance of children with handicaps by structuring classroom environments which reinforce positive interpersonal relationships - To demonstrate the ability to complete educational assessment of the learning needs of students - To demonstrate the ability to develop individual educational prescriptions for children based on assessment data - To demonstrate the ability to effectively modify instructional strategies and/ or materials to provide for the unique needs of students with learning handicaps Students pursuing a dual major will be required to take 128-138 credit hours, depending upon which required General Education courses may be excused . General Education (54 Credits Minimum) I. Humanities (9 Credits) Oral Communications II. Health-Physical Education (3 Credits) Ill. Physical/Natural Sciences (9 Credits) IV. Social Sciences (9 Credits) General Psychology V. Impact of Technology on Society (3 Credits) VI. Free Electives (21 Credits Minimum) 124 General Requirements English Language Skills - All students must achieve competencies in English language skills at the level of Composition II. Students who are unable to achieve this will be placed in the appropriate writing courses until competency exists. Basic Math - Students with S.A.T. Math scores of 400 or less will be required to take a basic math course. Freshman or transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T . test will be placed in a math course dependent upon high school grades. The basic math course will not count as a physical/natural science requirement. Reading, Study, Listening Skills - Students with Verbal S.A.T. scores of 400 or less will be required to take the Reading, Study, and Listening Skills course . Placement of freshman and transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T. test will be determined by a test administered by the Elementary Education Department. Courses as ELS, Comp I and Comp II will not be included as requirements in the Humanities area. These courses must be counted as free electives. 26 Credits Professlonal Education Foundations of Education Educational Psychology Child Psychology or Child Development Introduction to Educational Media Teaching in a Multi-cultural Society Student Teaching and School Law 3 3 3 2 3 12 Professional Specialization Required Elementary Courses Art of Elementary Teachers Teaching Music in Elementary Grades Elementary Health & Physical Education or Physical Education Activities for Exceptional Child Teaching of Reading Children's Literature I Field Experiences in Early Childhood Education Math Content & Method Teaching Social Studies Science for Elementary Teachers Teaching Language Arts 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Required Special Education Courses Exceptional Child I and II Behavior Principles I and II Education of Severe/Profound Handicapped Diagnostic Testing Pre Teaching 125 8 8 4 4 Physical Education Activities for Exceptional Child 3 or Elementary Health & Physical Education 2 Curriculum & Methods I and II 8 Habilitation Training 4 Students pursuing a dual major will be required to take between 128-133 credit hours, depending upon which required general education courses may be excused . COMMUNITY SERVICES General Information The Community Services Personnel Training Program is a four-year undergraduate curriculum leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in Special Education . It emphasizes careers working with the handicapped in community settings other than schools . Training stresses a comprehensive noncategorical approach to understanding handicapping conditions . Students will learn to work with the mentally retarded, learning disabled, physically handicapped, emotionally disturbed and brain-injured. Career Outlook The field of community alternative services for the handicapped is the fastest growing area in the field of human care services. Both philosophical concern and legal mandates have drastically altered the nature of such services during the past few years. Communities are beginning to recognize and respond to their responsibility for handicapped residents. Large scale warehousing of human beings within institutions has been significantly reduced , and more importantly, society is re-examining the central question of institutionalization on humanitarian and constitutional grounds. This shift has opened an entirely new professional career field - providing communitybased alternative programs for the handicapped. Expansion , while rapid, has been impeded by the lack of trained personnel. The need for competent personnel in this area will very probably continue to expand during the '80s. Graduates of this program will be qualified to assume professional roles as resident managers of community living arrangements, mental retardation specialists in MH/MR community programs, supervisors of work activity centers, supervisors of therapeutic activity centers, supervisors of adult development centers, supervisors of child development centers, coordinators of community living arrangements for the handicapped , and supervisors of sheltered workshops. Objectives The general objectives of the Community Services Personnel Training Program are: - To demonstrate the ability to use effectively behavior management principles in a number of applied settings - To demonstrate the ability to program effectively and provide instruction to handicapped clients in the area of daily living skills - To demonstrate the ability to provide effective counseling services to clients and their families 126 General Requirements Engllsh Language Skills - All students must achieve competencies in English language skills at the level of Composition II. Students who are unable to achieve this will be placed in the appropriate writing courses until competency exists. Basic Math - Students with SAT. Math scores of 400 or less will be required to take a basic math course. Freshman or transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T. test will be placed in a math course dependent upon high school grades. The basic math course will not count as a physical/natural science requirement. Reading, Study, Listening Skllls - Students with Verbal SAT. scores of 400 or less will be required to take the Reading, Study, and Listening Skills course. Placement of freshman and transfer students who have not taken the SAT. test will be determined by a test administered by the Elmentary Education Department. Courses as ELS, Comp I and Comp II will not be included as requirements in the Humanities area. These courses must be counted as free electives. General Education (54 Credits Minimum) I. Humanities (9 Credits) Oral Communications II. Health-Physical Education (3 Credits) Ill. Physical/Natural Sciences (9 Credits) IV. Soc ial Sciences (9 Credits) General Psychology V. Impact of Technology on Society (3 Credits) VI. Free Electives (21 Credits Minimum) 15 Credits Professional Studies Core Abnormal Psychology Developmental Psychology Social Psychology Principles of Behavior Modification Child Welfare Contemporary Social Problems The Family Juvenile Delinquency Social Institutions Community and Ecology Seminar in Urban Studies Social Change 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Career Development Core 53 Credits Exceptional Child I Exceptional Child II 4 4 127 Behavior Principles I Behavior Principles II Education of Severe/Profoundly Handicapped Academic & Recreational Skill Training Occupational & Daily Living Skill Training Community Resources & Public Relations Business Management & Legal Factors Client Counseling & Psychological Development Personnel Management & Program Evaluation Internship & Practicum 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 15 SECONDARY EDUCATION General Information The Secondary Education programs meet the standards of accrediting agencies. California State College is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Universities and the School of Education has national Accreditation from the National Association of Colleges of Teacher Education . California State College offers nine programs leading to certification in the secondary school. These programs include: Biology, Chemistry, Communications, Earth Science, English, Mathematics, Modern Foreign Language, Physics, and Comprehensive Social Sciences. Students enrolled in the School of Education, regardless of major, may also enroll in one or more endorsement programs. Endorsement programs enable a person to teach in an additional area. California State College presently has four endorsement programs ; General Science, Driver's Education and Safety, Environmental Education , and Athletic Training . Career Outlook The following is list of current positions available to graduates who have majored in the secondary education programs: Teacher (Junior High School) Teacher (Senior High School) Overseas Teaching Positions Department of Defense Overseas Dependent Schools Graduate Studies Objectives The faculty and students of California State College are participating members of an educational institution charged with the preservation, discovery, and dissemination of knowledge in the arts, sciences, technologies, vocations, and professions, and with the creative application of that knowledge in their lives both as individuals and members of society. Specifically, the School of Education provides an atmosphere wherein the prospective teacher may acquire knowledge, attitudes, skills, and understandings necessary for becoming an effective educator. Furthermore, each 128 program provides for early, sequential and continuous field experiences that closely approximate full-time employment appropriate to the area of certification . SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM General Requirements English Language Skills - All students must achieve competencies in English language skills at the level of Composition II. Students who are unable to achieve this will be placed in the appropriate writing courses until competency exists. This course must be counted as a free elective. Basic Math - Students with S.A.T . Math scores of 400 or less will be required to take a basic math course. Freshman or transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T. test will be placed in a math course dependent upon high school grades. The basic math course will not count as a physical/natural science requirement. Reading, Study, Listening Skills - Students with Verbal S.A.T. scores of 400 or less will be required to take the Reading , Study, and Listening Skills course . Placement of freshman and transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T . test will be determined by a test administered by the Elementary Education Department. Courses as ELS, Comp I and Comp II will not be included as requirements in the Humanities area. These courses must be counted as free electives. General Education (55) I. Humanities (9 Credit Minimum) Oral Communications II. Physical/Natural Sciences (9 Credits Minimum) Ill. Social Sciences (9 Credits Minimum) General Psychology IV. Health or Physical Activities V. Impact of Technology on Society VI. Free Electives (22 Credits Minimum) Professlonal Education (38 Credits) Foundations of Education Educational Psychology *Problems of Sec. Education Adolescent Psychology Developmental Reading Teaching in a Multicultural Soc. Teaching of Science Intro to Educational Media 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 129 Intro., Phil. & Legal Implications Types of Handicaps in Children Iden!. , Diag . Processes & Parent Inter. Curricular & Meth . St. Student Teach ing and School Law 1 1 1 1 12 'Educational Tes ts & Meas. in Sec. Schools or Intro. to Guidance & Personne l Services or the Secondary Schoo l Curr. may be taken in lieu o f Problems of Sec. Ed. Academic Major 1. Biology - Area of Concentration (35) Required (20) Principles of Biology Botany I Botany II Zoology I Zoology II Restricted Electives (8) General Chemistry I General Chemistry 11 Biology Electives (7) 2. Chemistry - Area of Concentration (35) Required (35) General Chemistry I General Chemistry II Analytical Chemistry I Organic Chemistry I Physical Chemistry I Ind . Work I Calculus I Calculus II Biology Physics I 3. Communications - Area of Cencentration (50) Communication Core (26) Composition Competency) American Literature 361, 362, 363, (for Linguistics, Literature, & Writing Concentration) Any 6 er. in Literture for Theater, Speech Comm. & Media Advanced Writing English Grammar and Usage Public Speaking or Approved Alt. Oral Decision Processes Mass Communications Six credits in Theatre taken from : 151 Technical Production 130 Fundamentals of Acting 200 Fundamentals of Directing 191-193 Theatre Workshop 130 Cr. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 3 3 4 4 6 6 3 3 3 3 2 6 Communication Concentration 24 credits from the specialized areas : Linguistics (24) Adolescent Literature Linguistics , three additional courses Writing , one additional course Chaucer 310 Survey of Old Middle Eng . Li t., or 481 Studies in Old & Middle Eng . Lit. Electives Cr. 3 9 3 3 3 3 Literature (24) Adolescent Literature English Literature, three courses, at least one before and one after 1800 Literary criticism , one course Linguistics, one additional course Electives 3 9 3 3 6 Media (24) Arts and Humanities 102 Introduction to Radio and Television Production Workshops and / or Special Problems (in non-print media) from at least two areas : art , film , music , photography , radio, television , theatre Electives (in non-print media) approved by adviser Speech (24) Voice and Articulation or Introduction to Oral Interpretation Group Discussion or Argumentation and Debate or Parliamentary Procedure Evaluation Listening or Speech Criticism Introduction to Communication Theory or Introduction to General Semantics or Language and Behavior Workshops 192, 193, 194, and 195 Introduction to Radio and Television Production Advanced Public Speaking or Persuasion Freedom of Speech or History of American Public Address in Speech Communication or Contemporary World Address Theatre (24) Production, Rehearsal, and Performance Theatre History or Theatre Literature Sequence Electives 3 3 6 12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 15 Writing (24) Adolescent Literature Creative Writing, two 300 level courses The Teaching of Writing Journalism 307 Linguistics, one additional course Electives 131 3 6 3 3 3 6 4. Earth Science - Area of Concentration (35) Required (23) or (24) General or Physical Geology Meteorology Oceanography Astronomy General Chemistry I General Physics Statistics or Algebra or Trigonometry Restricted Electives ( 12) Any Geology Course Physical Geography Climatology Cartography Map Appreciation Earth Science Workshop Special Prob. in Earth Science Field Methods Honors Courses Seminar Human Ecology Introduction to Biology Space Science Zoology Marine Science Consortium Crs. Other courses only with approval of adviser 5. English - Area of Concentration (48) Required (24) Composition Competency Adv. Writing or Teaching of Writing History of English Language Grammar and Usage Literature for Adolescents 305 Public Speaking or Approved Advance Speech Performance Course Group Disc., or Oral Disc. Practical Criticism Independent Study 3-4 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Restricted Electives (24) Two of the following courses : American Literature to 1865 American Literature 1865 to WWI American Literature from WWI Three English Literature Courses 300-500 level one prior to and one after 1800 Three English Literature courses 300 level of which two must be 400 or above 132 3 3 3 9 9 6. Mathematics - Area of Concentration (33) Required (24) Math - Calculus I Math - Calculus II Math - Calculus Ill Math - Calculus IV Math - Geometry Math - Abstract Algebra Math - Linear Algebra I Math - Statistical Analysis 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Restricted Electives (9) Two electives from group I and one from group II Group I Math - Differential Equations Math - Topology Math - Advanced Calculus I Math - Advanced Calculus II Math - Abstract Algebra II Math - Statistical Analysis Math - Linear Algebra II Math - Data Processing II Math - Assembler Language Math - Honors Group II Math - Data Processing I Math - Field of Math Math - Field of Finance I Math - Theory of Equations Math - Seminar 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7. Modern Foreign Language Teaching K-12 Required Elementary I or Elementary II equivalent Intermediate I 203 Intermediate II 204 Conv. and Comp. I 211 Conv. and Comp. II 212 Cult. and Civil. I 215 Cult. and Civil. II 216 321 Survey of Lit. I Survey of Lit. II 322 Electives in major field (10) Area of Concentration (30) 8. Physics - Area of Concentration (35) Required (18) College Physics I College Physics II College Physics II I Calculus I Calculus II Restricted Electives (17) Five credits in a natural science other than Physics. 133 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 Twelve credits from the following list: Modern Physics I Modern Physics II Intermediate E&M Theory Advanced Laboratory I Advanced Laboratory 11 Electronics Advanced Mechanics Advanced E&M Theory Math. Meth. in Phy I Math. Meth. in Phy II Statistical & Thermal Phy Radiation & Optics Quantum Mechanics Solid State Physics Nuclear Physics Plasma Physics Special & Gen Relativity Astrophysics Astronomy Seminar Senior Thesis Intermediate Mechanics 9. Social Studies - Area of Concentration (48) Required (48) Econ . 100, Elements of Econ 107 or 111 or 205,207, or 305 Econ 115, 130, & all other Econ courses History 101 or 102 or 105 History 111 or 112 or 121 or 122 Political Sc ience 100 American Government Geography 100, Intro. Any other Geog. course Sociology 100, Principles Sociology course Anthropology 100, Principles Any other Anthro. course Educational Psychology 110 Adolescent Psychology 206 The student must take 12 hours in one of 7 fields. a. History (12) History 495 any 9 crs. in History b. Anthropology (12) Six credits from: 210, Prim. Inst; 230, Cult. & Person ; 240, Folk & Peasant; 250, Acculturation; 280, New World Ethnology; 281 , Sub-Saharan Africa. Six credits from : 101, 102, Field School ; 200, Old World Prehist; 350, Woodland Arch ; 286, Man's Imprint; 365, Hist. Arch ; 450, Prehist. Arch; 365, Sch.; 460, Hist. Arch. Field School. 134 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 c. Sociology (12) Sociology Cont. Soc. Prob 205 Sociology Min. Grp. Relations 218 Sociology 220, The Family Sociology 235, Urban Sociology Sociology 240, Social Institutions d. Political Science (12) Three cred its in American Political Affairs (Pol. Sci. 205, 218,220, 235, 250, 260) lnternat. Affairs (Pol. Sci. 207, 208, 216, 236, 237) Three cred its in Area Studies (Pol. Sci. 270, 280) Three cred its in Pol. Theory (Pol. Sci. 215, 217, 225) e. Economics (12) Economics Inter Micro 215 Economics Inter Macro 230 any six hours from: Econ. Labor Econ . 235 Econ . Money & Banking 207 Econ . Publ ic Fin. 208 Econ . Elem. Econometrics Econ. Regional Econ . 260 Econ. Hist. Econ . Theory Econ . Dev. of Am. Econ . Econ. 305, Collect. Barg . 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 f. Geography (12) Geo. 160 Physical Geog . Geo. 105 Human Geography Geo. 491-3 Seminar in Geography Geo. 370 or 372 Cartography or Map Apprec . & lnterp. 370 g. Psychology (12) Child Psychology 205 Mental Hygiene 310 Social Psychology 320 Abnormal Psychology 400 Career Posslbllltles In Blologlcal Science 1. Teacher (certi fi ed) 2. Botanical Curator 3. Zoological Curator 3 3 3 3 3 4. Medical Sales 5. Biological Sales 6. General Science Teaching Career Posslbllltles In English 1. Public School Teacher 2. Preparation for Graduate Degree in English or Communications 3. Public Relations Specialist 4. Personnel Adviser 5. Journalist 6. Copy Writer/Reader 7. Library Technician 8. Preprofessional Training in Law and Medicine 135 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Career Possibilities in Georgraphy and Earth Science 1. Teach ing 2. State Government 3. Industry 4. Highway Departments 5. Federal Agencies 6. Environmental Agencies Career Possibilities in Physical Science 1. Public School Teacher 2. Preparation for Graduate Programs in Education , Chem istry , or Physics Career Possibilities in Social Studies 1. Publ ic School Teacher 2. Preparation for Graduate Degree 3. Education Consultant 4. Educational Salesperson Career Possibilities in Speech Communication 1. Secondary Communication Teacher 2. Preparation for Graduate Degree in Communication 3. T.V. Work 4. Radio Work 5. Public Relations Career Posslblllties in Theatre 1. Public School Teacher 2. Administrator 3. Theatre/ drama specialist for school districts, social groups and agencies : (neighborhood, youth , and senior citizens centers , libraries , summer camps, and recreation areas.) 4. Preparation for graduate degrees in theatre, drama, or communication in order to enhance or advance ones career in education . SPEECH PATHOLOGY AND AUDIOLOGY General Information The experiences in the Speech Pathology and Audiology Department are integrated with the overall college program in order to provide students with a broad understanding of the needs of individuals who have communication disorders . The department provides clinical services for individuals who have communication disorders. Students observe and/or assist in diagnostic evaluations and therapy programs. The work includes experiences with individuals of all ages , ranging from pre-school to adult. Upon satisfactory completion of the requirements of the Speech Pathology and Aud iology curricu lum and upon the recommendation of the dean of the School of Education , the student is awarded the degree of Bachelor of Sc ience in Educat ion . Career Outlook Career opportunities include placement in environments such as public and non-public schools , clinics, and/or hospitals . The theoretical and practical 136 background of California State College graduates is outstanding and their placement record reflects this training. Speech pathologists have maintained one of the highest placement percentages of all CSC graduates. This high placement level is an indication from employers that our graduates have received the quality of training necessary to become a professional contributor to their field. Objectives - To encourage basic scientific study of the processes of individual human communication , with special reference to speech, hearing and language - To promote investigation and prevention of disorders of human communication - To foster improvement of clinical procedures in treating such disorders - To stimulate an interest in an exchange of information with other professionals - To apply research skills in the investigation of the processes of human communication SPEECH PATHOLOGY AND AUDIOLOGY CURRICULUM General Requirements English Language Skills - All students must achieve competencies in English language skills at the level of Composition II. Students who are unable to achieve this will be placed in the appropriate writing courses until competencies exists. Basic Math - Students with S.A.T. Math scores of 400 or less will be required to take a basic math course. Freshman or transfer students who have not taken the S.A.T. test will be placed in a math course dependent upon high school grades. The basic math course will not count as a physical/natural science requirement. Reading, Study, Listening Skills - Students with Verbal S.A.T. scores of 400 or less will be required to take the Reading, Study, and Listening Skills course. Placement of freshman and transfer student who have not taken the S.A. T. test will be determined by a test administered by the Elementary Education Department. Courses as ELS, Comp I and Comp II will not be included as requirements in the Humanities area. These courses must be counted as free electives. General Education (54 Credits Minimum) I. Humanities (9 Credits) Oral Communications II. Health-Physical Education (3 Credits) Ill . Physical/Natural Sciences (9 Credits) 137 IV. Social Sciences (9 Credits) General Psychology V. Impact of Technology on Society (3 Cred its) VI. Free Electives (21 Credits Minimum) Professional Education (30 Credits) Foundations of Education Educational Psychology Developmental Psychology Teaching in a Multicultural Society Introduction, Philosophy, & Legal Implications Types of Handicaps in Children Identification, Diagnostic Processes & Parent Inter. Curricular & Methodological Strategies Student Teaching and School Law Area of Speclallzatlon 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 12 45 Credits Required Survey of Speech Pathology Phonetics Hearing Problems Language & Speech Development Anatomy & Physiology of Ear and Vocal Mechanisms Practice in Measurement of Hearing Auditory Training & Speech Reading Psychology of Speech and Hearing Introduction to Clinical Procedures Assessment of Speech & Language Clinical Methods & Techniques Advanced Clinical Practicum Honors Electives (to be chosen from the following) Exceptional Child I Exceptional Child II Behavioral Principles I Education of Severe/Profound Learning Problems Diagnostic Testing Prescriptive Teach ing Teaching of Reading Teaching Language Arts Communicative Arts for Early Childhood Reading Experiences in Early Childhood Reading in Urban Society Diagnostic and Remedial Reading Mental Hygiene Psychology of Exceptional Child Child Psychology 138 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1-6 9 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Adolescent Psychology Psychology of Personality Principles of Behavior Modification 3 3 3 PUBLIC SCHOOL NURSING PROGRAM This program is designed for persons who have completed an approved nursing program and are registered nurses. California State College grants a total of 68 credits for completion of the R.N. Sixty additional credits are required in order to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Education and certification as a Public School Nurse. A summary of the requirements is given below: I. Public School Nursing *PSN 306 Public School Nursing **PSN 301 Public Health Nursing I **PSN 302 Public Health Nursing II **PSN 305 Nutrition & Community Health **PSN 405 Pre & Control of Com Disease Course in Sociology II. Professional EDF 100 PSY 110 PSY 207 EDS 420 Education (All Required) Foundations of Education Educational Psychology Developmental Psychology Introduction to Guidance !II. General Education (A minimum of 35 credits) Humanities Social Sciences Free Electives (Minimum) 13 4 3 3 3 3 3 credits credits credits credits credits credits credits 12 3 3 3 3 credits credits credits credits credits 35 9 9 17 credits credits credits credits •Required .. Must take two Registered Nurse Anesthetist Program The B.S. in Education for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist is designed for persons who have completed an approved anesthetist program and are currently licensed CRNA's. California State College will grant up to a total of 68 credits for completion of the R.N. and an additional 26 credits for completion of the anesthetist program. To complete the requirements for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education, students must complete 34 additional credits of approved college work. The residency requirement for the program states that 30 credits must be taken on the California State College campus. The complete program is as follows : I. Professional Education (All Required) 25 credits Foundations of Education 3 credits Psychological Foundations of Nursing 3 credits Developmental Psychology 3 credits Introduction to Guidance 3 credits 139 Curriculum Instruction Test & Evaluation Adm . & Field Experience 3 credits 3 credits 3 credits 4 credits Dental Hygiene Program This program is designed for persons who have completed an approved program and have a valid license to practice Dental Hygiene. Students who have completed a two-year program of full time work would require an additional two years at California. Those students with three years of full time course work would be required to complete an additional year of work at California. Each student is required to earn a minimum of thirty (30) credits in residency at California State College. The student earns a Bachelor of Science degree in Education with certification as a Dental Hygienist. This meets the certification requirements for working within the public schools of Pennsylvania. A summary of the requirements is given below: I. Dental Hygiene License Must be earned at an approved institution of higher education II. Professional EDF 100 PSY 110 PSY 207 EDF 305 Education (All Required) Foundations of Education Educational Psychology Developmental Psychology Intro to Ed. Media 3 3 3 2 credits credits credits credits Ill. General Education (A minimum of 18 credits) Humanities 9 credits Social Sciences 9 credits Free electives (As needed to complete the required 128 credits for graduation and the 30 credit residency requirement.) ENDORSEMENT PROGRAMS Athletlc Coaching Endorsement Program The Health, Physical Education and Safety Department offers an Athletic Coaching Endorsement Program approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education . In order to complete the program, the student must obtain a minimum of 18 credits. Twelve (12) of these hours are required as a basic core of the curriculum . The remaining six (6) are to be selected from the elective Theory and Technique courses of specific sports. Since the core, or required, courses serve as basic foundations courses for coaching, at least half, or six (6) hours of these basic foundations courses must be completed prior to enrolling in any of the Theory & Technique courses. However, this prerequisite is waived for all individuals presently coaching in some capacity. These individuals have the opportunity to select any of the course offerings, and in any order, depending upon their needs and convenience. The prerequisite applies only to undergraduate students seeking to complete the entire Athletic Coaching Endorsement Program. 140 Required Courses CPE 205 Foundations of Athletics or CPE 225 Foundations of Pre-Adolescent Athletics CPE 305 Kinesiological Foundations of Coaching CPE 315 Physiological Foundations of Coaching CPE 325 Medical Aspects of Coaching CPE 339 Practical Coaching Experience, or Directed Study Elective Theory & Technique Courses (Select 3 courses) CPE 306 Theory & Techniques of Baseball Coaching CPE 307 Theory & Technique of Track & Field and Cross Country CPE 316 Theory & Technique of Basketball Coaching CPE 317 Theory & Technique of Soccer Coaching CPE 326 Theory & Technique of Football Coaching CPE 336 Theory & Technique of Golf Coaching CPE 346 Theory & Technique of Gymnastic Coaching CPE 356 Theory & Technique of Swimming & Diving Coaching CPE 366 Theory & Technique of Tennis Coaching CPE 376 Theory & Technique of Volleyball Coaching CPE 386 Theory & Technique of Soccer Coaching •rhose individuals who are presently coaching will receive credit for this requirement, subject to approval by the Health, Physic al Education & Safety Department. Career Possibllltles In Athletic Coaching 1. Athletic Coach in the Public Schools 2. Athletic Coach for non-school related programs (such as the YMCA, Little League, Midget Football , etc.) 3. Athletic Coach in the public schools for an individual not certified as a teacher, but still wanting to coach. ATHLETIC TRAINING EDUCATION PROGRAM A student interested in specializing in athletic training at California State must major in any field where upon graduation they will have completed the necessary course work in their subject area to meet the requirements for teacher certification by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Only a limited number of students will be selected for admission into the Athletic Training Education Program. Application for the athletic training curriculum is made during the students' second semester of the freshman year at which time the screening committee will make its selections. Criteria for selection are available from the athletic trainers or School of Education. Required for Speclallzatlon In Athletic Training Human Anatomy of the Extremities Personal, Community, and School Health (Health Co-Ed) Psychology (2 courses) First Aid and Personal Safety 141 42 Credits 3 2 6 3 Physiology of Exercise Athletic Training I Kinesiology Adapted Physical Education Human Physiology Nutrition for Sports Emergency Medical Technician Modality and Rehabilitation Techniques Athletic Training II Practicum Athletic Training I - Fall Practicum Athletic Training II - Spring Clinical Experience - 800 Hours Recommended But Not Required: 3 3 3 2 4 2 4 2 3 1 1 2-23 Credits General Chemistry I General Chemistry II OR College Physics I College Physics II Coaching and Theory Techniques Foundations of Athletics Continuing Issues in Biology 4 4 4 4 2 2 3 Driver Education Endorsement Program The Health, Physical Education and Safety Department offers an endorsement program for a student seeking to become qualified as a Driver Education teacher in the secondary schools. In order to fulfill the requirements of this program, the student must complete a minimum of twelve semester hours. Six of the twelve hours are required in the program. (HSD 300, Introduction to Safety and HSD 305, Driver Education and Traffic Safety.) It can be pointed out that the same twelve hours required in the Driver Education Endorsement Program can be used as "free electives" in the thirty hour free elective block. For further information concerning the program , contact the Chairman of the Health, Physical Education and Safety Department in Hamer Hall. *HSD 300 *HSD 305 HSD 306 HSD 307 HSD 405 HSD 406 INTRODUCTION TO SAFETY ED. (3 credits) DRIVER ED. AND TRAFFIC SAFETY (3 credits) (Prerequisite: A Driver's License) MATERIALS AND METHODS IN SAFETY IN THE SECONDARY AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS (3 credits) MOTORCYCLE SAFETY (3 credits) ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF SAFETY ED. (3 credits) (Prerequisite: HSD 300) VISUAL AND OTHER AIDS IN SAFETY (3 credits) "Required courses. 142 Career Posslbllltles In Driver Education Career Opportunities: 1. Driver Education instructor in the public schools 2. Driving instructor for a private organization 3. Motorcycle safety instructor in the public schools or for a private organization . Environmental Education Endorsement Program Environmental education should be a life long process. It is a way of looking at life, fostering awareness of other life and of interrelationships, and learning to recognize the effects (both good and bad) man has on his physical and biological surroundings. The need for teachers to direct environmental programs and provide environmental teaching is pressing. The courses listed below are designed to develop an individual 's ability to teach and/or direct the development of a school 's environmental education program. Required: XES 100 Man & His Env. Must complete two of the following : PHS 136 Environmental Chem. BIO 105 Environmental Biology EAS 235 Environmental Geology Must complete at least one in each of the following areas: I. Lab. Science Ecosystem Ee. BIO 316 Prine. of Bio. BIO 115 Phys. Geo. EAS 151 Meteorology EAS 241 Man & His Phys. World PHS 111 II. Techniques and Procedures BIO 336 Plant Taxonomy XUA 416 Planning & Dev. Areas & Fae. XUA 400 Rec. & Park Adm. 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 5 4 3 3 Ill. Outdoors Activities BIO 206 Cons. & Bio. Resources XES 421 Game & Habitat Mgmt. XES 422 Wildlife Tech. XES 300 Env. lnterp. XES 210 Cons. & Outdoor Liv. 4 3 3 3 3 IV. Human Involvement BIO 106 Cont. Problems in Human Ee. GEO 240 Human Ecology 3 3 143 General Science Endorsement Program The School of Education offers an endorsement program for a student seeking to be qualified as a teacher of General Science in a Secondary school. In order to fulfill the requirements of this program the student must complete twenty-seven (27) semester hours. The courses required are as follows : 4 credits General Biology I General Biology II 4 credits General Chemistry I 4 credits General Chemistry II 4 credits General Physics I 4 credits General Physics 11 4 credits Earth Science Elective 3 credits 27 credits 144 School of Science and Technology The School of Science and Technology offers thirteen programs leading to the Bachelor of Science degree and three programs leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree. All of these programs are designed to prepare students to continue their education in graduate school or to seek employment in a variety of technical and professional occupations. Each program consists of a core of required major courses supplemented by a carefully selected group of courses in communications, the humanities, the social sciences and mathematics. Additionally, each program has a very flexible component comprised of a minimum of thirty credit hours of free electives. All students are expected to consult regularly with an advisor to insure satisfactory completion of all curricular requirements. The program outlines which appear on the following pages should be considered guides to courses and requirements necessary for graduation . Program review is a continuous process and changes in program content occur from time to time . Up-to-date program information can always be obtained by inquiring at the School Office or writing to Dr. Richard B. Hart, Dean of Science and Technology, 103 Noss Building , California State College, California, Pennsylvania 15419. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT The Administration and Management Program provides a modern management education within the framework of a liberal arts curriculum . The core requirements include coursework in Economics, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Labor Relations, and General Management. Quantitative analysis is emphasized . Considerable attention is given to the development of verbal and written communications skills. Although slightly more than one half of the credits (68) are taken in the major field and related areas, the remaining 60 credits are dedicated to the acquisition of a broad liberal arts background. This freedom of choice permits students to explore many areas of general interest while fulfilling the requirements for a career oriented degree program . The Administration and Management curriculum prepares students for positions of responsibility in business , government and industry . Many students elect to continue their education at the graduate level. The fundamental nature and flexibility of the program provides a suitable background for graduate study in Business Administration, Public Administration , Law, Industrial Relations, Urban and Regional Planning, Hospital Administration, City Management and other related areas. Career Opportunities: 1. General Management 2. Accounting 3. Employee Relations 4. Government Administration 5. 6. 7. 8. 145 Sales Purchasing Business Graduate School Preparation Required Courses: Economic Theory - 12 crs. Introductory Microeconomics Introductory Macroeconomics Money and Banking Labor Economics Communications - 9 crs. Oral Communications: Management Advanced Writing Business Writing Behavioral Management - 6 crs. General Management - 24 crs. Social Psychology or Principles of Market Management Mental Hygiene Collective Bargaining Industrial Psychology Accounting I Accounting 11 Quantitative Management - 18 crs. Intermediate Accounting I Computer Science I Intermediate Accounting II Computer Science II or Cobol I or Cost Accounting or Math of Finance I Managerial Accounting Statistics or Business Statistics Mathematical Economics Principles of Management Managerial Economics Financial Management BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION The business world has grown increasingly complex in recent years. Mathematical models and computer technology have joined the more traditional areas of study in making up today's business programs. California State College's Bachelor of Science in Business Administration curriculum is designed to insure that students acquire sufficient background in all of the required skill areas to undertake a broad range of careers in business, industry and government. Labor Relations, Marketing, Accounting, Production, Finance and Communications are emphasized. Career Opportunities: Personnel Manager Production Manager Purchasing Agent Retail Manager Sales Manager Sales Representative Securities Analyst Stock Broker Accountant Banker City Manager General Manager Government Agency Administrator Hospital Administrator Industrial Relations Manager Insurance Agent Office Manager 146 Required Courses: Economics Core Economics Elective Introductory Microeconomics Introductory Macroeconomics Labor Economics Money and Banking Communication Skills Business Writing I Business Writing II or Advanced Writing Oral Communication: Management Group Discussion Business Core Introduction to Business Accounting I Accounting II Cost Accounting or Managerial Accounting Principles of Management Principles of Market Management Financial Management Collective Bargaining Business Law Quantitative Skills Mathematics Electives 6 crs. Computer Science I Cobol I Business Statistics Interpersonal Relationships General Psychology Industrial Psychology Psychology (Elective) Principles of Sociology Restricted Electives - 17 crs. Industrial Organization Personal Management Accounting Salesmanship Sales Management Principles of Production Business/Economics Electives (200 level or above) Seminar Insurance and Risk Management Advertising Investments Business, Society and Government Mathematical Economics Managerial Economics Required Courses: Accounting Option 9 crs. from list below: Advanced Cost Accounting Auditing Federal Taxation Advanced Federal Taxation Accounting Internship Other upper level accounting courses Economics Core Economics Electives Intro Microeconomics Intro Macroeconomics Labor Economics or Collective Bargaining Money and Banking General Business Core Principles of Management Principles of Market Management Financial Management Business Law Restricted Electlves - 14 crs. Accounting Core Accounting I Accounting II Intermediate Accounting I Intermediate Accounting II Cost Accounting 147 Insurance and Risk Management Investments Industrial Organization Mathematical Economics Managerial Economics Applied Econometrics Personnel Management Business, Society and Government Business/Economics Electives (200 level or above) Communication Skills Business Writing I Business Writing II or Advanced Writing Oral Communications: Management Group Discussion Quantitative Skills Mathematics Electives 6 crs. Cobol I or Computer Science I Business Statistics Interpersonal Relationships General Psychology Industrial Psychology Principles of Sociology ENERGY TECHNOLOGY The enduring problem of securing new sources of energy at affordable cost with a minimum disturbance of the environment has brought about a growing need for qualified men and women who can deal effectively with this challenge . The Energy Technology program provides students with the skills needed to perform a variety of energy-related jobs in government and industry. The interdisciplinary curriculum emphasizes the underlying principles of energy conservation techniques as well as the development of modeling techniques for analyzing interactions between energy use, the economy and the environment. Career Opportunties: Energy Energy Energy Energy Research and Development Energy Modeling Consulting Energy Auditing Conservation Management Production Planning Required Courses: Core Courses - 76 crs. College Physics I College Physics II College Physics Ill Intermediate Mechanics Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism Modern Physics I Energy and Power Seminar I, II Intermediate Energy and Power Advanced Energy and Power I, II Coal Technology Applied Thermodynamics Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Calculus I, II , Ill Differential Equations Systems Analysis General Chemistry I, II Environmental Chemistry Introductory Microeconomics Environment and Energy Economics Principles of Management General Education Courses - 18 crs . English Composition I Scientific/ Technical Writing Oral Communication : Management Pre-Calculus Computer Science I Computer Science II ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE The Environmental Science Program prepares students for career work in environmental science and ecology related areas and graduate work . The major emphasis of the program is to provide the student with a broad core of 148 courses in biology, supplemented with courses in chemistry, physics, and mathematics. Each student has the opportunity to select from a wide range of science elective courses in order to fulfill his/her needs for future work or graduate school. Almost all courses include a laboratory or field component in which students put theory, methodology, and instrumentation to bear on specific problems. California State College has a modern , multi-mill ion dollar four-story building , equipped with the latest in biological and environmental science instruments. Specialized areas include an electron microscope facility, an imal room , greenhouse, herbarium, plant growth facilitfes , rad iation laboratory, museum and extensive photographic facilities. Teaching labs are equipped for the study of anatomy, botany, cytology, ecology, embryology, entomology, genetics, microbiology, parasitology, physiology, radiation biology, zoology , mammalogy, water analysis technology , ichthyology, animal behavior , biometry, ethology, environmental toxicology, environmental physiology, solid waste management, air quality monitoring and dendrology. A senior independent research problems class is offered . The objective of the class (which limits enrollment to less than 10 students for more effective one-to-one learning) is to give the student practical experience with all phases of a research problem - literature review, experimental design, data collection, analysis, interpretation and scientific writing. Some of the topics that have been covered include water pollution biology, small mammal population dynamics, plant and animal species diversity comparisons between different types of habitats, the effects of acid mine drainage on the distribution of streamside terrestrial vegetation and the effects of strip mining on ecological succession . Career Opportunities: A steady demand exists for such environmental scientists as wildl ife biologists, fishery biologists, water analysis technicians, air pollution control monitors, environmental health technicians and interpretative naturalists. Many graduates are employed in these areas by private industry and by state and federal organizations. Some graduates further their education through work leading to the Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy degrees and work at a college or university. Required Courses: Core Courses - 39 crs. Principles of Biology Zoology I Zoology II Botany I Botany II Math and Physical Sciences General General Organic Organic Chem istry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry I II I II Introduction to Geology Ecosystems Ecology Environmental Physiology Biometry Environmental Research Problems 26 crs. General Physics - Med. Tech . Statistics Computer Science I 149 Area of Specialization Electives - 20 crs . Students can elect to specialize in the animal ecology core or the plant ecology core or select courses from both areas. Animal Ecology Core Vertebrate Anatomy Ornithology Entomology Ichthyology Biotic Indicators of Water Quality Ethology Mammalogy Parasitology Herpetology Plant Ecology Core Plant Anatomy Plant Physiology Plant Ecology Plant Taxonomy Soil Science Microbiology Mycology Dendrology Biotic Communities Career Possibilities: 1. Wildlife Biologist 2. Industry - Environmental Scientist 3. Environmental Consulting Companies - Environmental Scientist 4. Graduate Programs in Wildlife Biology , Ecology and Environmental Science Required Courses: Environmental Health Option Core Courses - 20 crs. Principles of Biology Zoology I Zoology II Botany I Botany II Math and Physical Sciences General General Organic Organic General Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Physics - Microbiology Clinical Microbiology Entomology Mammalogy Biometry Water Treatment Facilities Techniques in Water and Waste Water Analysis Seminar 26 crs. I 11 I 11 Med. Tech . Statistics Computer Science I Area of Specialization - 40 crs . Human Anatomy Human Physiology Environmental Toxicology Strongly Recommended Parasitology Radiation Biology Planning and Developing Areas and Facilities Community Organization and Leadership Environmental Regulations Solid Waste Management Career Posslbilltles: 1. Federal, State, County positions involving Environmental Health 2. Industry-Environmental Technician 3. Preparation for Graduate School 150 Required Courses: Environmental Technology Option Core Courses - 20 crs. Principles of Biology Zoology I Zoology II Botany I Introduction to Geology Computer Science II Area of Specialization - 33 crs. Field Biology Soil Science Biotic Indicator of Water Quality Math and Physical Sciences - 20 crs . Biometry Geneal Chemistry I Air Quality Monitoring General Chemistry II Solid Waste Management Analytical Chemistry I Water Treatment Facilities Organic Chemistry I Techniques in Water and General Physics - Med. Tech. Waste Water Analysis Statistics Environmental Regulations Computer Science I Seminar Career Possibilities: 1. Federal, State, County Regulatory Agencies 2. Environmental Consulting Companies - Environmental Technician 3. Industry - Environmental Technician Required Courses: Environmental Conservation Core Courses - 24 crs . Principles of Biology Zoology I Zoology II Botany I Botany II Introduction to Geology Math and Physical Sciences General Chemistry I General Chemistry 11 Statistics Computer Science I Area of Specialization - 26 crs. Field Biology Conservation of Biological Resources Game and Habitat Management Wildlife Techniques Dendrology Ecosystems Ecology or Biotic Communities 14 crs. Biometry Seminar Related Electives - 12 crs . Any 300 or 400 level science courses and advisor's approval. Career Opportunities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Interpretative Naturalist: Federal, State, County Park Systems Environmental Protection Specialist: County Agency County Soil Conservation District Officer Private Industry: Field Technician for Environmental Impact Preparation Fish Commission and Game Commissioner (state, federal) Wildlife and Fisheries Technician (state, federal) 151 Required Courses: Environmental Resources Core Courses - 20 crs . Man and His Environment Seminar in Nature Conservation Statistics Introduction to Geology General Chemistry I General Chemistry II Area of Specialization - Air Photo Interpretation Soil Science Environmental Geology Earth Resources Mineralogy Petrology Energy, Power and the Environment 25 crs . Economic Geography Related Electives - 23 crs . All courses must be approved by the advisor. A minimum of 15 credit hours must be 300 or 400 level courses . Career Opportunities: 1. 2. 3. 4. Federal Mining Inspector Industrial Sales: Geology and Oceanographic Equipment Preparation for Graduate School Federal , State, Local Governmental Agencies that are of impact on the environment. 5. Laboratory Technician : Coal gasification projects MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE The program leading to the Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Computer Science is a careful blending of courses which offers the student the theory and application of problems in mathematics and computer science. A demanding but versatile program, it permits the student with a deficiency in mathematics to take introductory courses to provide him/her sufficient background to effectively take courses in his/her area of concentration . Although the introductory courses do not count in his/her area of concentration, they do count as free electives in his/her program . Advisors work carefully with the student to select courses best suited to the student's interests and goals. A student's problems may be discussed with the advisor at any time. Student work-study assignments are available for those who desire and qualify for employment. The student may assist in the mathematics department or at the computer center. Hence, the student learns while he/she earns. Students in this program have the opportunity to receive hands-on experience in working with the computer. In this manner the student is able to comprehend programming and computer operations. By carefully selecting courses, the student may choose a program in business or science, or both. Cooperative work programs have been established with the Defense Department in Washington, D .C ., Westinghouse, Monroeville, PA, and Social Security Department, Baltimore, MD, whereby a junior, if selected, may work under Civil Service salary guidelines while receiving college credit. Finally, this program is designed to prepare the student for continued study at the graduate level or for employment in business, industry, and government 152 in computer operations , computer programming , systems analysis , or computer equipment analysis , or as a computer specialist in research , analysis, information storage and retrieval, or computer sales . Career Opportunities: 1. Computer Programmer 5. Computer Sales 2. Computer Operator 6. Graduate Work in Computer Science 3. Computer Systems Analyst 4. Computer Equipment Analyst 7. Operations Research 8. Business Administration Required Courses: Core Courses Math Electives from the following Calculus I Statistical Analysis 11 - 6 crs. Calculus II Linear Algebra II Calculus 111 Mathematics of Finance II Calculus IV Differential Equations Discrete Mathematics Computer Science Electives - 6 crs . Statistical Analysis I Linear Algebra I Course numbered 200 or higher, Computer Science I excluding CSC 419 Computer Science 11 . Related Courses - 14 crs . Assembler Language Programming . Numerical Analysis Other than ~athemat1cs and Structure of Programming Computer Science must have Languages approval of the advisor and Cobol I Departmen_t Chairman . (8 or Information Structures ~ore credits must be 200 or higher level) GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY The graphic communications industry, the third largest industry in the United States, has been growing at an annual rate of six to eight percent. Skilled professionals are needed in all areas of this rapidly growing industry. The Graphic Communications program prepares students for careers in the printing , publishing , and allied communications industries by offering a curriculum of technical studies at the process and product-design level , the production level , the management level , and the sales and service level. Students in the Graphic Communications Technology program are provided a multidisciplinary program comprised of general education courses, professional specialty courses, and occupational specialty courses. In the occupational specialty area, students are offered studies in a choice of three technical areas: Electro-Graphics, Photo- Offset Lithography, or Screen Printing . The facilities util ized by the Graphic Commun ications Technology program include two graphic communications and photography laboratories, two darkrooms, a large fully equipped electronics iaboratory, and several drafting and design rooms . A wide variety of modern graphics machinery and supplies, including screenprinting equipment, photo-offset presses, and photocomposition equipment , is available for teaching and student use. Industrial internships are also available to students seeking practical graphics industry experience. 153 Career Opportunities: Graphic Communication Technology graduates can expect to fill positions in production , printing sales, quality control , customer service, scheduling, estimating , buying printing and related graphic materials, product design, marketing, equipment sales, etc . Career opportunities may be found with manufacturers of paper, graphic supplies (film, plates, stripping materials, chemicals used in platemaking and press operation) , electronic equipment and control systems. Advertising agencies and publishers also need graphic communications graduates. Required Courses: Electro-Graphics Option Professional Specialty - 20 crs . Industrial Safety Estimating/Cost Analysis I Industrial Internship/Restricted Electives Area of Concentration - 6 crs. Selected with approval of advisor Communication Skills - 6 crs. English Composition I Scientific/Technical Writing Occupational Specialty - 38 crs . Interpersonal Relationships - 9 crs. Technical Drawing I Photographic Techniques General Psychology Graphic Communications I Industrial Psychology Graphic Communications II Principles of Management Electricity/Electronics I Science and Mathematics - 19 crs. Electricity/Electronics II Electronic Composition I Technical Math I Fundamentals of Digital Electronics Technical Math II Fundamentals of Micro Processors Chemistry of Materials Advanced Micro Processors General Physics-Industrial Arts Television Circuits Computer Science I Industrial Electronics Computer Science II Power Technology Required Courses: Photo-Offset Lithography Professional Specialty - 23 crs. Industrial Safety Estimating/Cost Analysis I Industrial Internship/Restricted Electives Principles of Production Occupational Specialty - 33 crs. Principles of Layout/Design Photographic Techniques Graphic Communications I Graphic Communications II Electricity/Electronics I Electricity/Electronics II Electronic Composition I Photo Lithographic Techniques I Photo Lithographic Techniques II Photo Lithographic Techniques Ill Finishing/Binding Techniques 154 Area of Concentration Electives - 14 crs. Selected with approval of advisor Communicative Skills - 6 crs. English Composition I Scientific/Technical Writing Interpersonal Relationships General Psychology Industrial Psychology Principles of Management 9 crs. Science and Mathematics - 13 crs. Technical Math I Technical Math II Chemistry of Materials General Physics-Industrial Arts Required Courses: Screen Printing Option Professional Specialty - 23 crs. Industrial Safety Estimating/Cost Analysis I Industrial Internship/Restricted Electives Principles of Production Occupational Specialty - 33 crs. Principles of Layout/Design Photographic Techniques Graphic Communications I Graphic Communications II Electricity/Electronics I Electricity/Electronics II Electronic Composition I Screen Printing Techniques I Screen Printing Techniques II Screen Printing Techniques Ill Finishing/Binding Techniques Communication Skills - 6 crs. English Composition I Scientific/Technical Writing Interpersonal Relationships - 9 crs. General Psychology Industrial Psychology Principles of Management Science and Mathematics - 13 crs. Technical Math I Technical Math II Chemistry of Materials General Physics-Industrial Arts Area of Concentration Electives - 14 crs. Selected with the approval of the advisor Speclal Opportunities: A unique opportunity of this program is the Graphic Communications Internship, in which students may spend a semester or a summer working in an industrial setting. This internship tends to broaden a student's education, offering him/her the opportunity to work in a real-life setting, experiencing the problems of a particular job. He/She can observe how problems are handled and solutions reached. On his/her part, the employer has an opportunity, at minimal cost, to observe the student (a prospective employee) at work and to determine whether he/she would like to employ the student after the internship is completed . In brief, the internship is a worthwhile experience for the student and for the companies with whom the college affiliates. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY The need for educated personnel to participate in the development and application of technological change is evident: trained and experienced managers of production insure that the benefits of modern technology are maintained. The complexity of modern production processes requires higher levels of sophistication in the mechanisms for planning, organizing, operating and controlling these activities. The Industrial Management curriculum combines a core of business and management courses with a selected technical area of study to prepare graduates for managerial roles in industry. The three technical option areas available are Computer Science, Manufacturing and Printing Management Career Opportunities: Systems Analysis Computer Programming In-House Printing Management Industrial Engineering Technology Production Planning Production Supervision 155 Field or Service Representative Personnel Management Marketing Management and Planning Quality Assurance Numerical Control Programming Industrial Sales Required Courses: Printing Management Option Management - 27 crs. Intro to Microeconomics Accounting I Accounting II Principles of Management Financial Management Principles of Production Collective Bargaining Estimating/Cost Analysis I Principles of Marketing Electricity/Electronics II Area of Concentration Electives - 9 crs . Selected with approval of advisor Communicative Skills - 9 crs. English Composition I Scientific/Technical Writing Oral Communications: Management Interpersonal Relationships - 6 crs. General Psychology Graphic Communications - 30 crs . Industrial Psychology Photographic Techniques Graphic Communications I Science and Mathematics - 17 crs. Graphic Communications II Principles of Layout/Design Technical Math I Electronic Composition Technical Math II Mathematics of Finance I Photo Lithographic Techniques I General Physics - Industrial Arts Photo Lithographic Techniques II Photo Lithographic Techniques Ill Chemistry of Materials Electricity/Electronics I Required Courses: Management and Computer Science Option Management - 30 crs. Accounting I Accounting II Cost Accounting or Managerial Accounting Business Statistics Intro to Microeconomics Intro to Macroeconomics Principles of Management Managerial Economics Financial Management Collective Bargaining Computer Science - 33 crs. Basic Programming Language Computer Science I Computer Science 11 Cobol I Cobol II Data Structures Survey of Operations Research Systems Analysis Computer Architecture Logic and Switching Theory Computer Graphics Communicative Skills - 12 crs. English Composition I Business Writing I Scientific/Technical Writing Oral Communications Management Interpersonal Relationships - 6 crs . General Psychology Industrial Psychology Science and Mathematics - 15 crs. Technical Math I Technical Math II Mathematics of Finance I Mathematics of Finance II Basic Calculus Free Electives - 32 crs. Selected with approval of advisor 156 Required Courses: Manufacturing Option Electricity/Electronics I Electricity/Electronics II Management - 27 crs. Accounting I Accounting II Cost Accounting Principles of Management Introductory Microeconomics Introductory Macroeconomics Collective Bargaining Cobol I Communicative Skills - 12 crs. English Composition I Business Writing I Scientific/Technical Writing Oral Communication: Management Interpersonal Relationships - 6 crs. General Psychology Industrial Psychology Manufacturing - 34 crs. Technical Drawing I Technical Drawing II Science and Mathematics - 16 crs. Fundamentals of Machine Technical Math I Advanced Machine Technical Math II Numerical Control Programming I Mathematics of Finance I Numerical Control Programming II General Physics-Industrial Arts Advanced Numerical Control Computer Science I Programming Materials Testing Free Electives - 33 crs. Quality Control Selected with approval of advisor Fluid Power INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY The role of technology in the United States becomes increasingly important as lagging productivity, rising prices and soaring energy costs combine to add to the economic difficulties of industries, workers and consumers. The need for educated men and women to work in the development and application of technology is great. The Industrial Technology program provides students with the knowledge and skills to become highly qualified professionals who oversee and guide production and carry out the important research and development needed in a variety of industries. Career Opportunities: Production Supervision Quality Assurance Production Control Product Design Purchasing Sales and Service Systems Analysis Product Design Prototype Development Industrial Relations Required Courses: General Option Professional Specialty - 7 crs. Required Laboratory Courses - 33 crs. Industrial Safety Intro to Industrial Materials Intro to Industrial Technology Graphic Communications I Seminar in Industrial Technology Graphic Communications II 157 Fundamentals of Machine Power Technology Electricity/Electronics I Electricity/Electronics II Fundamentals of Metal Work Lab Elective Courses - 9 crs . Choose from IAR 341 , IAR 346, IAR 351 , IAR 357, IAR 456, IAR 465, IAR 466, IAR 470, IAR 476 and selected technology courses . Required Drawing Courses - 6 crs. Technical Drawing I Technical Drawing II Communication Skills - 9 crs . English Composition I Scientific/Technical Writing Oral Communications: Management Interpersonal Relationships General Psychology Industrial Psychology Science and Mathematics Technical Math I or Advanced Math Technical Math II or Advanced Math 6 crs . 17 crs. Computer Science I College Physics I and College Physics II OR General Chemistry I and General Chemistry II General Option - 20 crs. Business and Management Electives - 12 crs. at least three courses must be upper division courses Science and Mathematics Electives - 8 crs. must be upper division courses Selection of courses with advisor's consent Required Courses: Management Option Graphic Communications I Fundamentals of Metal Work Fundamentals of Machine Electricity/Electronics I Graphic Communications II 33 crs. Power Technology Electricity/Electronics 11 Professional Specialty - 7 crs. Industrial Safety Intro to Industrial Technology Seminar in Industrial Technology Required Laboratory Courses Intro to Industrial Materials Lab Elective Courses - 9 crs. Choose from IAR 341 , IAR 346, IAR 351 , IAR 357, IAR 456, IAR 465, IAR 466, IAR 470, IAR 476 and selected technology courses . Required Drawing Courses Technical Drawing I Technical Drawing II 6 crs. Managerial Economics Collective Bargaining Commun icative Skills - 9 crs. Required Management Courses - 30 crs . English Composition I Scientific/Technical Writing Accounting I Oral Communication : Accounting II Management Cost Accounting Introductory Microeconomics Interpersonal Relationships - 6 crs. Introductory Macroeconomics General Psychology Principles of Management Industrial Psychology Financial Management Mathematical Economics 158 Science and Mathematics Math by Advisement Cobol I 6 crs . Required Courses: Scientific Option Professional Specialty - 7 crs. Industrial Safety Intro to Industrial Technology Seminar in Industrial Technology Graphic Communications I Graphic Communications II Fundamentals of Metal Work Fundamentals of Machine Electricity/Electronics I 33 crs. Electricity/Electronics II Power Technology Required Laboratory Courses Intro to Industrial Materials Lab Elective Courses - 9 crs . Choose from IAR 341 , IAR 346, IAR 351 , IAR 357, IAR 456, IAR 465, IAR 466, IAR 470, IAR 476 and selected technology courses . Required Drawing Courses Technical Drawing I Technical Drawing II Scientific Option - 32 crs. Calculus I Calculus II Computer Science I Computer Science II College Physics I College Physics II College Physics Ill 9 crs . General Chemistry I General Chemistry II Communicative Skills - 9 crs . English Composition I Scientific/Technical Writing Oral Communication : Management Interpersonal Relationships Geneal Psychology Industrial Psychology 6 crs. MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY One measure of man's growth and progress is his ability to manufacture goods effectively. Students considering enrolling in this program should be interested in learning how things are made. Manufacturing related topics covered are machine tool operation, metal cutting operations , technical and machine drawing, welding, casting, heat treatment, materials testing, fluid power, solid state electronics and many other ancillary subject areas. Special emphasis is placed on numerically controlled manufacturing processes. Career Opportunities: N/C N/C N/C N/C Field Representative Technician Programmer Coordinator Production Manager Quality Conrol Technician Sales Representative Industrial Engineering Technician 159 Elective Courses - 6 crs. required Statistics Required for Major - 58 crs . Fundamentals of Digital Electronics Technical Drawing I Fundamentals of Microprocessors Technical Drawing II Fundamentals of Metalworking Fundamentals of Maching Shop Advanced Microprocessors Advanced Machine Shop Communication Skills - 6 crs. Numerical Control Programming I English Composition I Numerical Control Programming I Scientific/Technical Writing Advanced Numerical Control Programming Interpersonal Relationships - 6 crs . Electricity/ Electronics I General Psychology Electricity /Electronics 11 Industrial Psychology Quality Control Fluid Power Science and Mathematics - 22 crs. Materials and Testing Technical Math I Electronic Control Unit Technical Math II Maintenance Basic Calculus Industrial Safety Chemistry of Materials Principles of Production General Physics-Industrial Arts Industrial Internsh ip or Computer Science I Restricted Electives Basic Programming Language Required Courses: MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Advances in medical science have occured at an accelerating pace in recent years , and great progress has been made in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Research findings in biochemistry and advances in instrumentation technology have increased the quality of American health care and have generated a growing demand for men and women trained in the field of medical technology. The Medical Technology program prepares students to hold key positions in the medical laboratory. The California State College Medical Technology program is approved by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, a member of the American Medical Association (A.M.A.). California State College is formally affiliated with eight hospital schools of medical technology. The program involves a three-year program on campus and one year (12 months) at one of the approved affiliated schools or one acceptable to California State College. At the completion of the clinical or internship year the student will be granted a Bachelor of Science degree from California State College as well as a certificate in medical technology from the hospital school. In addition, graduates take the national test given by the Registry of Medical Technologists of the American S9ciety of Clinical Pathologists. The students who successfully pass this examination become registered medical technologists M.T. (A.S.C.P.). 160 Ca liforn ia State College hospital affiliations include: Allegheny General Hospital - Pittsburgh , PA -Altoona, PA Altoona Hospital Conemaugh Valley Memorial Hospital - Johnstown, PA McKeesport Hospital - McKeesport, PA Mercy Hospital - Pittsburgh, PA St. Vincent Hospital - Erie, PA Washington Hospital - Washington , PA West Penn Hospital - Pittsburgh , PA To enhance the student's opportun ity of being accepted by one of our affi liated hospital schools of medical technology for the fourth or clinical year, it is strong ly recommended that the student maintain a minimum of a 3.0 qual ity point average in the natural sc iences (biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics), and a minimum of a 3.0 overall quality point average. Career Opportunities: Qualified men and women will be in great demand as medical technologists to hold responsible positions in blood banking, microbiology, parasitology, chemistry , serology , hematology, and the emerging field of nuclear medicine, as well as in supervisory pos itions in laboratories. Required Courses: Approved School of Medical Technology Biolog ical Sciences - 32 crs. 29 credits Pri nciples of Biology Botany I Strongly Recommended by the Zoology II Hospital Schools of Medical Human Anatomy Technology Human Physiology English Composition II Genetics Clinical Microbiology Organic Chemistry II Lab Instrumentation for Biology Parasitology Mycology Anc ill ary Courses - 23 crs. Radiation Biology Biochemistry I General Chemistry I Statistics General Chem istry II Organic Chem istry I Humanities - 3 crs . Analytical Chemistrv I College Algebra English Composition I (or higher math) General Physics-Med. Tech . Social Sciences - 3 crs. Principles of Management Natural Sciences Zoology I Microbiology 161 8 crs . PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY The energy crisis and the need for national independence from foreign sources of oil have created a trained manpower shortage and an increasing need for technically skilled men and women to engage in the search for and production of petroleum. The Petroleum Technology program provides students with an interdisciplinary academic background, which includes extensive study of geology, chemistry, physics and mathematics surrounding a core of petroleum geology courses . Career Opportunities: Government Service Exploration Planning Consulting Services Graduate Studies Well Logging Surveying Field Geology Well Management Required Courses: Required for Major - 76 crs. Introduction to Geology Historical Geology Mineralogy Petrology Sedimentology Stratigraphy Micropaleontology Structural Geology Regional Geomorphology Cartography Petroleum Geology I College Physics I College Physics II Geophysics Applied Geophysics Reservoir Evaluation College Algebra Calculus I Calculus II Statistics Computer Science I Scientific/Technical Writing COOPERATIVE ENGINEERING PROGRAM California State College participates in cooperative liberal arts engineering programs with both the Pennsylvania State University and the University of Pittsburgh. The student undertakes a three-year curriculum at California State College concentrating on studies in liberal arts and pre-engineering courses in Natural Sciences. Upon successful completion of that curriculum and the recommendation of faculty, the student spends two years at the Pennsylvania State University or the University of Pittsburgh, at which time the student will complete the engineering course requirements as specified by the institution. Some advantages of such cooperative programs include the following : 1. For students who have yet to choose between engineering or another discipline as a field of endeavor, the programs provide the student with initial studies in both the arts and sciences at California State College during which time the student may ascertain whether his abilities and interests lie in the field of engineering or another discipline. 2. The program permits qualified students to receive both a liberal and technical education at relatively low cost. 162 3. Graduates of the program hold two baccalaureate degrees: a B.A. in Natural Sciences from California State College and a B.S. in Engineering from the cooperating university. Thus, through five years of study, a student may complete what otherwise could require six or more years. The program is designed so that the first year is the same for any enrolled student independent of his final choice of engineering school or discipline. This allows students maximum time before these sometimes difficult choices must be made. Beyond the first year, however, the individual programs are determined by these choices and therefore rely on careful advising. A rigorous system of faculty advisement, therefore, is an integral part of the program . A student transferring to the Pennsylvania State University may enter any of the following engineering disciplines: Aerospace Engineering Environmental Engineering Agricultural Engineering Industrial Engineering Ceramic Science Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Metallurgy Civil Engineering Mining Engineering Electrical Engineering Nuclear Engineering Engineering Science Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering A student transferring to the University of Pittsburgh may enter any of the following engineering disciplines: Chemical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Metallurgical/Materials Engineering Electrical Engineering Mining Engineering Industrial Engineering The requirements for the 3:2 cooperative engineering program vary widely depending upon both the engineering discipline selected by the student and upon the university selected for the final two years of study. Specific program requirements may be obtained by contacting the college admissions office or Dr. Richard B. Hart, School of Science and Technology, California State College, California, PA 15419. RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY The Radiologic Technology program is designed for students who have completed their hospital clinical training and are certified radiologic technologists. The two-year program provides the opportunity for the technologist to complete the academic requirements for a Bachelor's Degree in Natural Science with an option in Radiologic Technology. The program emphasis is placed on a carefully planned liberal arts education to support the technological training received in the hospital laboratory program. The science and mathematics courses are designed to provide a background in theoretical and practical relationships of biology, chemistry and physics. The radiologic technology program integrates the basic sciences so that the student will have a comprehensive understanding of the principle effects of radiation in humans. Attention is given to the concepts of atomic and nuclear physics underlying the production and application of x-rays in diagnosis and radio-isotope effects in biological systems. 163 The outcome of the degree program should lead to a better understanding of radiological sciences , human relations and provide training that could lead to more responsible employment opportunity as supervisors. The Radiologic Technology program requires the completion of 128 credits for graduation . Certified radiologic technologists will be awarded 60 credits for their clinical training . Required Courses: Biological Sciences - 16 crs . Principles of Biology Zoology I Zoology II Radiation Biology Physical Sciences - 16 crs . General Chemistry I General Chemistry II Intro to Physics (BIO) I Intro to Physics (BIO) II Mathematics - 3 crs. Precalculus Recommended Elective Courses Human Anatomy Human Physiology Perspectives in Philosophy Principles of Sociology Approved Radiological Technology Certification: 60 crs . Communication Skills - 6 crs . Oral Communictions Scientific/Technical Writing Interpersonal Relationships and Management Skills - 12 crs . Elements of Economics Accounting I Principles of Management General Psychology WATER ANALYSIS TECHNOLOGY The protection of the environment is of concern to both private citizens and to the government. Through environmental legislation and the work of regulatory agencies, coordinated approaches are now being made at federal , state and local levels toward meeting desired environmental quality objectives. As a part of this movement toward a safer, cleaner environment, technically trained men and women are needed as specialists to fill professional positions in the water quality field . Career Opportunities: Environmental Consulting Water Resources Management Governmental Service Water Quality Monitoring Water Treatment Facilities Management Wastewater Analysis Required Courses: Chemistry - 20 crs. General Chemistry I General Chemistry II Analytical Chemistry I Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry II Related Math and Science Introduction to Geology Meteorology Physics-Med . Tech . Computer Science I Statistics 164 17 crs. Field of Specialization - 25 crs. Humanities - 18 crs . English Composition I English Composition II Logic and Language Electives - 9 crs. Man and His Environment Principles of Biology Biotic Indicators of Water Quality Techniques in Water and Social Sciences - 12 crs. Wastewater Analysis Elements of Economics Water Treatment Facilities Psychology or Social Lab Instrumentation for Biology Environmental Research Problems Science Elective Electives - 6 crs . 165 School of Continuing Education The School of Continuing Education was established in 1974 to relate the College to the needs of the surrounding communities. Each semester a new schedule of credit-free mini-courses, conferences, and workshops is offered. The subjects are varied and include skills and hobbies as well as academicallyoriented topics. In addition, short courses and seminars are presented to professional groups such as local businessmen and government officials. Non-credit programs are open to all interested adults. Admission to the College is not required . Fees are nominal. Extension courses and programs for college credit are also coordinated through the School of Continuing Education. Specific classes ahd their locations vary somewhat from semester to semester. For these courses, admission requirements and tuition charges are the same as those for other undergraduate students. This School also offers two-year associate degree programs. Currently eight such programs are offered . They are: Administration-Management Drafting Technology Accounting Early Childhood Education Community Living Arrangements Numerical Control Technology Computer Science Technology Screen Printing Technology ASSOCIATE DEGREE POLICIES* Transfer Credits: California State College will accept no more than 18 transfer credits into any associate degree program. All transfer credit grades must have a letter grade of at least "C". Transfer of more than 18 credits is possible with the approval of the appropriate department chairperson and the Dean of Continuing Education. Second Degree: Students wishing to pursue the associate degree as a second degree must take a minimum of 30 additional credits and the requirements of the area of concentration. Residency: Students in associate degree programs must complete the last 18 credits of the program at the College unless special permission is obtained from the appropriate department chairperson and the Dean of the School of Continuing Education. 166 C.L.E.P. and Life Experience Credits: Awards of C.L.E.P. and Life Experience credits will not exceed 18 credits. Any C.L.E.P. or life experience credit awards will be counted against the 18 transfer cred its . MIiitary Credits: No credits in the associate degree will be awarded for military service. Scholarship Requirements: All students in the associate degree programs are expected to meet the minimum academic standards for each term of enrollment. The minimum standards are expressed in terms of grade point average. The following minimum standards are required for students to maintain a "clear" academic status. Minimum grade point average required Credits 12-31 1.75 1.85 32-47 2.00 48-64 •All other associate degree academic policies are the same as those for baccalaureate undergraduate students as defined in the Co llege catalogue. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT The Department of Business and Economics offers this two-year associate degree (A.S.) to provide students with the basic instruction to an entry-level management position with business or industry. In addition, all of the credits earned in this program are transferable towards the four-year degree. Career Posslbllltles: 1. General Management 2. Employee Relations 3. Government Administration 4. Sales 5. Purchasing 6. Business General Studies: Required 9 credits English Composition I Technical Mathematics I General Psychology Free Electives: In this program, the student along with his academic advisor, will choose ten cred its of free elective courses. These credits must be taken outside of the area of concentration . Restrictive Electives: 6 courses chosen from the list below with the consent of the advisor Cobol I Accounting I Money & Banking Accounting II 167 Business Statistics Math of Finance I Investments Real Estate & Risk Management Business Law Mathematical Economics Managerial Economics Accounting Ill Federal Income Tax Accounting Personnel Management Collective Bargaining Industrial Psychology Sales Management Principles of Production Area of Concentration Requirements Leading to the Associate of Science Degree In Administration and Management Introduction to Business Elements of Economics or Microeconomics Microeconomics or Macroeconomics Accounting I Accounting II Principles of Management Principles of Marketing Financial Management Business Writing ACCOUNTING The Department of Business and Economics offers this two-year associate degree (A.S.) to provide students with high quality training in accounting . In the career ladder concept, the College has designed the proposed program so that students may transfer into the many four-year business programs. Career Possibilities: 1. Accounting 2. Purchasing 3. Bookkeeping 4. Business 5. Sales General Studies: Required 9 credits English Composition I General Psychology Mathematics Free Electives: In this program , the student, along with his academic advisor, will choose ten credits of free elective courses . These credits must betaken outside of the area of concentration . Area of Concentration: Intro to Business Elements of Economics or Microeconomics Microeconomics or Macroeconomics or Current Economics Issues Accounting I Accounting II 168 Principles of Management Principles of Marketing Financial Management Business Writing Accounting Electives: 9 er. (3 courses) (to be chosen with advisor's consent) Restricted Electives: 3 courses (to be chosen from list below with the consent of the advisor) Federal Income Tax Accounting Personnel Management Collective Bargaining Industrial Psychology Sales Management Principles of Production Cobol I Money and Banking Business Statistics Math of Finance I Investments Real Estate & Risk Management Business Law Mathematical Economics Managerial Econom ics COMMUNITY LIVING ARRANGEMENTS One of the most significant new developments in the field of human services has been the rapid and dramatic growth of community-based programs for the mentally retarded . Thse community living arrangements (C.L.A.) need trained staff members to provide client services. General Studies: English Composition I English Composition II General Psychology Psychology Elective Sociology Elective Technical Mathematics *Free Electives "Free elective courses are chosen with the consent of the advisor. Area of Concentration: Behavior Principles I Behavior Principles II Exceptional Child I Exceptional Child II Education of the Severly & Profoundly Handicapped Academic & Recreational Skill Training Occupational & Daily Living Skill Trng . Community Resources & Public Relations **Practicum "" The Practicum consists of a placement in a community living arrangement where the student will receive on-the-job training. 169 COMPUTER SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science offers this two-year associate degree (A.S.) to provide students with training in Computer Science. This high-quality program is career-oriented . All credits earned in this program are directly transferable to the four-year bachelors degree in mathematics and computer science. General Studies: Humanities: Student must take two courses in the humanities. This includes courses from the following departments: English, Foreign Languages and Cultures, Speech , and Theatre . Natural Sciences: Students must take two courses in the natural sciences. These courses come from the following departments or areas: Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Earth Science, Mathematics and Computer Science, Physics, and Physical Science. Social Sciences: Students must take two social science courses. These courses come from the following departments or areas: Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology, Social Studies, Social Work, and Sociology. Free Electives : Students must take at least seven credits of free electives. These will be chosen along with the academic advisor. Area of Concentration: (39 credits) Technical Math I Technical Math II Math of Finance I Basic Calculus Statistics Basic Program Lang . Computer Science I Computer Science II Cobol I Assembler Language Logic and Switching Theory of the Computer Computer Operations Computer Elective (with consent of advisor) DRAFTING TECHNOLOGY The Occupational Outlook Handbook states that holders of an associate degree in drafting will have the best prospects of employment. Employment of drafters is expected to rise rapidly as a result of the increasingly complex design problems of modern products and production. In addition, more support drafting personnel will be needed as the employment of engineers and scientists grows. Drafters are employed in a wide variety of industries. The technical draftsman accounts for approximately 25% of all technicians. These draftsmen employ a graphic language used throughout the world which is called the language of industry. With the increased use of photo reproduction of drawings, electronic drafting equipment and computer controlled drafting machines, the industrial language usage increases its complexity. 170 Curriculum Offered: Technical Drawing I Drawing and Design Technical Drawing II Fundamentals of Metal Technical Mathematics I Architectural Drawing & Design Technical Mathematics II Airbrush Techniques Computer Science I Fundamentals of Machine Computer Science II Advanced Machine Drawing Numerical Control Programming I Industrial Safety Numerical Control Programming II Materials Testing Graphic Communications I Scientific & Technical Writing Intro to Industrial Materials *Free electives 'Free electives are chosen with the consent of the student's academic advisor. NUMERICAL CONTROL TECHNOLOGY A relatively new field, numerical control programming has become the cornerstone occupation of many smaller manufacturing firms. Numerical control programmers program machines which control a wide variety of manufacturing equipment. General Studies: Scientific & Tech , Writing Computer Science I *Electives English Composition I Technical Mathematics I Technical Mathematics II Basic Programming Language 'Electives will be chosen with the consent of the academic advisor. Area of Concentration: Fundamentals of Machine Shop Numerical Control Programming I Numerical Control Programming II Intro to Technical Drawing I Advanced Machine Machine Drawing Fluid Power Fundamental Digital Electronics COMPACT II Advanced COMPACT 11 APT Advanced APT Fundamentals of Microprocessors Elec. Control of Unit Maintenance SCREEN PRINTING TECHNOLOGY Screen Printing is one component of the rapidly growing graphic communications industry. This industry has been growing at an annual rate of between six and eight percent a year, Because of the increasing complexity of the communications industry, individuals trained in screen printing are needed, General Studies: English Composition I Scientific & Technical Writing General Psychology Industrial Psychology Chemistry of Materials Technical Mathematics I *Free Electives 'Free electives are chosen with the consent of the advisor. 171 Area of Concentration: Screen Printing Techniques I Screen Printing Techniques II Screen Printing Techniques Ill Graphic Communications I Graphic Communications II Intro to Technical Drawing Principles of Layout and Design Photographic Techniques Estimating & Cost Analysis I Electronic Composition Industrial Safety EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION The Department of Elementary Education offers this two-year associate degree (A.S.) to provide training in early childhood education . This program is particularly valuable for day care and head start aides. Career Posslbllltles: 1. Day Care Aide 2. Head Start Aide 3. Nursery School Aide General Studies: Required 9 credits Oral Communications General Psychology Diagnostic and Remedial Techniques in Mathematics or Technical Mathematics I General Studies Electives: Three credits each in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences Free Electives: In this program, the student, along with his academic advisor, will choose five credits of free elective courses. Area of Concentration (required): Profeaalonal Education: 11 er. Teaching in a Multi-cultural Society Educational Psychology Child Psychology Intro to Ed. Media Area of Concentration: 30 er. Development of the Pre-School Child Fundamentals of Day Care Education Comm. Arts for Early Childhood The Child in His Social & Phys. Environ. Music for Early Childhood Science in Early Childhood Art for Early Childhood Children's Literature I Reading Experiences in Early Childhood Math Content in Early Childhood 172 Military Science Program (ROTC) The Senior Division, Army Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) is offered at California State College. The program offers the student the opportunity to study and learn leadership techniques that will be of benefit in both military and civilian endeavors. It provides a solid basic orientation to the U.S. Army and its role in our society. Additionally, it provides the opportunity to practice and experience "hands-on " training in a myriad of military subjects such as: rappelling , weapons familiarization , and on field exercises in which students are placed in leadership positions. The ROTC courses are free electives and allow the student to obtain college credits which count towards graduation. What ROTC Offers 1. All students are offered the opportunity to participate in adventure training such as rappelling , water survival, and other activites. 2. Rappelling and many other events which place real leadership producing situations in the hands of the students. 3. Uniforms, equipment, and ROTC text books are issued without cost to formally enrolled students. Requirements for Enrollment All regularly enrolled students are eligible to take GMS 100 while a freshman and GMS 200 while a sophomore, without meeting any additional requirements. Students interested in entering the advanced ROTC program in their Junior year must have successfully completed GMS 100 and GMS 200. Juniors who desire to enter the Advanced program but did not complete GMS 100 and GMS 200 may still be accepted into the Advanced program with approval from the ROTC Department. Additional requirements in the form of indep~ndent study or a 6 week Basic camp will be placed upon these students. Veterans qualify to enter directly into the Advanced program. Scholarship and Flnanclal Aid All students at CSC, men and women, are eligible to apply for a one, two, or three year ROTC scholarship. The ROTC Scholarship pays full tuition, books, laboratory fees, and other educational expenses. ROTC Scholarship students receive a $100.00 monthly tax-free subsistance allowance for up to ten months each year the scholarship is held. Students in the advanced course will attend a 6 week summer camp between their junior and senior year. Transportation to and from Fort Bragg, North Carolina will be paid for by the Army and the cadet will receive approximately $500.00 while attending the summer camp. 173 Students having successfully completed the Basic Course, or having received credit for the basic course by having served on active duty in the armed forces and meeting the admission requirements for the Advanced Course are paid $100.00 per academic month while they are in the Advanced ROTC program. After the student completes the summer camp and receives his baccalaureate degree from college, he/she is commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army. Obllgatlons Enrollment in the freshman and sophomore level ROTC Basic Courses, (GMS 100, GMS 200) in no way obl igates the student to future military service. The student enrolled in an ROTC Basic courses is also not obligated to take an additional military science course. The Basic Course The first two years of Military Science constitute the Basic Course, which furnishes a background in the development of the U.S. Army and the Army's role in support of national objectives. Additionally, military history, fundamentals of leadership, management and map reading. The student incurs no obligation and makes no commitment while enrolled in the basic course. The Advanced Course The last two years of military science constitute the Advanced Course. The decision to enter the Advanced Course is normally made at the end of the second year of school. At this time the student agrees to accept a commission upon graduation. The Advanced Course is oriented entirely towards teaching and preparing the student to attend the Advanced Camp and to become a Second Lieutenant upon graduation . 174 Course Descriptions (Introductory level courses are indicated by a plus(+).) AMERICAN STUDIES +XAS 200. INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN STUDIES. (3 crs.) +XAS 201 . AMERICAN LIFE I: COLONIAL ORIGINS TO THE GILDED AGE. An interdisciplinary examination of American civilization from its colonial origins through the 19th century. The course emphasizes economic, social, religious, educational, intellectual, and artistic developments. (3 crs.) +XAS 202. AMERICAN LIFE II : 20TH CENTURY INDUSTRIAL-URBAN AMERICA. A study of the radical changes in American life which followed the United States' coming of age as an urban and industrial civilization at the turn of the century, examining changes reflected in the religious , educational, domestic and social life of the modern American , and the impact of the new society on social stratification , population trends, family affairs, city life, labor developments, as well as shifts in the judicial , political and legislative systems . (3 crs .) +XAS 263. THE BUSINESS MAN IN AMERICA . This course assesses the significant role of the business man in American culture. Its objectives: (1) to trace the historical development of the business man ; (2) to analyze his relationship to the dominant intellectual, social , and moral thought of his time, and (3) to study his portrayal in fictional and nonfictional selections which characterize his origins, methods, value system, life style, and contributions to the culture (3 crs.) XAS 401 . SEMINAR IN AMERICAN STUDIES I. An intensive study of a representative figure, theme, or period (such as the 1840's or the 1930's) that has influenced and reflected a significant aspect of American culture. Both structure and topic should afford opportunity for the student to cut across lines of discipline. Independent reading and research will be encouraged. Professors representing related disciplines will be invited to participate. (3 crs.) XAS 402. SEMINAR IN AMERICAN STUDIES II. This seminar examines the history and development of American Studies, contributions of various disciplines to American Studies, and different techniques and approaches employed in the study of American culture. A special project or paper, reflecting the particular interests of the student, will be supervised carefully by the director of the seminar. Key studies in American Studies scholarship are incorporated into the course. (3 crs.) ANTHROPOLOGY +ANT 100. INTRODUCTION TO ANTHROPOLOGY. (3 crs.) +ANT 101 . ARCHAEOLOGY FIELD SCHOOL I. (Variable) +ANT 103. BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY. A study of Biblical times, places and events as seen through the archaeological record. Special emphasis is placed upon chronology of Biblical events, upon diverse cultural traditions as well as in-depth studies of selected archaeological excavations. Extra-Biblical written and excavated sources are included when they relate directly to Biblical history. (3 crs.) 175 +ANT 110. LIVING HISTORY. A study of material folk culture of southwestern Pennsylvania. Designed to show how to study material folk culture and how to replicate aspects of that culture today. (3 crs.) ANT 200. OLD WORLD PREHISTORY. A middle-level survey of the main archaeological focal points of the old world , requiring a basic understanding of archaeological concepts, goals and techniques. (3 crs.) ANT 205. CULTURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: HISTORIC PRESERVATION . The course acquaints the student with the need for preservation of cultural resources (historic preservation), the legislation supporting such work, and the way the work is performed. Students learn what is meant by historic preservation and cultural resource management, the problems faced by anybody doing cultural resource study, what types of questions preservationists must seek answers to, how significant resources (historic and archaeological) are identified, how it is determined whether a resource is considered significant, how to do architectural descriptions of historic structures, and how to complete the National Register of Historic Places nomination forms . Part of the course will involve actually doing some on site study of resources. Prerequisite: ANT 100. (3 crs.) ANT 210. PRIMITIVE INSTITUTIONS. Analysis and comparison of the social , political, and religious institutions of pre-literate and pre-industrial peoples. (3 crs.) ANT 220. AZTECS, MAYAS, AND INCAS. (3 crs.) ANT 225. 18 and 19 CENTURY CRAFTS. (3 crs.) ANT 226. HISTORIC SITES ARCHAEOLOGY. Classroom and limited experiences in laboratory and field recording in an archaeological study of Amer ica 's pioneer , industrial and military past. Historic sites archaeology acquaints students with techniques, philosophy, work, and aims of that branch of history and anthropology that studies the American past from a cultural-archaeological point of view. The course includes study of military and community restorations based on historical archaeology such as Colonial Williamsburg , Plymouth Plantation, Independence Square , Fort Michilimackinac, Fort Ligonier, and Fort Necessity . Prerequisite: ANT 100. (3 crs.) ANT 231 . MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY. An introduction to the relatively recent but increasingly important sub-discipline of medical anthropology, emphasizing the contributions from biological anthropology , archaeology, and cultural anthropology to the study of human sickness and health. Prerequisite: ANT 100. (3 crs.) ANT 235. ENC UL TU RATION . A cross-cultural examination of the universal human problem of transforming a neonate into a functioning adult in a particular culture. (3 crs.) ANT 240. PEASANT AND FOLK CULTURE. (3 crs.) ANT 250. CULTURE CHANGE AND CULTURE SHOCK. (3 crs.) ANT 255. WORLD ETHNOLOGY. An advanced course in cultural anthropology, drawing comparative data from texts and films on representative non-western cultures. The ethnographic endeavor itself is also examined . (3 crs .) ANT 260. CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY. The basic concept of Western man as revealed in the archaeological record from Crete through the Hellenistic period .(3 crs .) ANT 270. SOUTHWEST ETHNOLOGY. An examination of the constantly changing cultural life styles that have existed in the Southwest Cultural Area of North America. (3 crs.) ANT 280. INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA. Social anthropology and cultural ecology of American Indian cultures. (3 crs.) 176 ANT 281 . SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. The cultural anthropology of representative African groups , past and contemporary. (3 crs.) ANT 285. ORIGINS OF MAN. Contemporary Physical Anthropology, emphasizing the evolution of man as part of the evolution of the primates. (3 crs.) ANT 286. PREHISTORIC MAN. A comprehensive survey of archaeology: history, theory and techniques. (3 crs.) ANT 350. PREHISTORIC INDIANS. The archaeology and reconstructed culture of the Indians of the eastern United States. (3 crs.) ANT 385. PRIMATE SOCIETIES AND BEHAVIOR. Advanced study of the non-human primates, including classification to the generic level. Prerequisite: ANT 285 or permission of the instructor. (3 crs.) ANT 420. HISTORY OF ANTHROPOLOGY. (3 crs.) ANT 495. SEMINAR IN ANTHROPOLOGY. (3 crs.) ART +ART 100. SURVEY OF ART HISTORY: CAVE PAINTING TO PRESENT. Emphasis is placed on the historical relevancy of art to our present society. (3 crs.) +ART 102. ART HISTORY I: CAVE PAINTING TO RENAISSANCE. (3 crs.) +ART 103. ART HISTORY II : RENAISSANCE TO PRESENT. (3 crs.) +ART 105. DESIGN I. An examination of elements and principles used in visual composition. The student uses a variety of media to solve problems in the theory and practice of art fundamentals . (3 crs.) +ART 107. MEDIA AND TECHNIQUES I. Development of a broad knowledge of media and techniques used in creative expression . Emphasis will be placed on exploration rather than product. Two and three-dimensional media and techniques will be covered . (3 crs.) +ART 108. MEDIA AND TECHNIQUES II. Development of a broad knowledge of media and techniques used in creative expression . Emphasis will be placed on exploration and product. Three dimensional media and techniques will be covered . (3 crs.) +ART 110. DRAWING I. Introduction to the basic elements (line, shape, value, etc.) , materials (pencil, ink, charcoal , etc.) , and techniques of drawing. The development of these graphic skills will be accomplished through analysis and interpretation of natural and man-made forms . Some preparation for Commercial Illustration. (3 crs .) ART 193-293-393-493. CERAMICS STUDIO . An art studio course which expects each student therein enrolled to select a particular direction for personal exploration. Students work in depth in such areas as Ceramic design , glaze problems, kiln construction, ceramics history, etc . At each successive level, they will be expected to illustrate additional competencies and experience. Prerequisite: ART 230. (3 crs .) ART 194-294-394-494. WEAVING STUDIO. A successive level studio course in weaving and fiber art, designed to enable the student who is seriously interested in fibers to experiment with and explore multiple techniques and to investigate specific problems in one or several areas, e.g. sculptural weaving , surface treatment of fabric, etc . Prerequisite : ART 240. (3 crs.) 177 ART 196-296-396-496. PAINTING STUDIO. An art studio course which allows students to select a painting medium and to practice skills and explore in depth problems of form , content, and technique. The course enables the student to progress through degrees of competencies and abilities, with opportun ities for maximum growth in an area or areas . Prerequisite : ART 270. (3 crs.) ART 197-297-397-497. PRINTMAKING STUDIO. A successive level art studio course which expects each student to select a particular direction for personal exploration . Students work in depth in such areas as rel ief printing , intaglio, screen printing processes, composition and registration problems in multiple printing , printmaking history, etc . Prerequisite : ART 280. (3 crs.) ART 198-298-398-498. SCULPTURE STUDIO. A successive level studio course in sculpture is designed to enable the student who is seriously interested in sculpture the opportunity to experiment with many types of media and to investigate others. He will be expected to undertake problems which demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of materials. Prerequisite: ART 220. (3 crs.) +ART 208. CALLIGRAPHY AND ADVERTISING . Designed to acquaint the student with contemporary ideas in advertising and to make him/ her knowledgeable in the art of calligraphy. (3 crs.) ART 210. DRAWING II. Further development of the knowledge and skills covered in Drawing I, with increased emphasis upon individual forms of expression. Prerequisite : ART 110. (3 crs.) +ART 220. SCULPTURE I. Introduction to the basic language, components, elements, and principles of organization of sculpture. The basic techniques of manipulation , subtraction, substitution, and addition will be covered, involving a limited range of materials. (3 crs.) +ART 230. CERAMICS I. An introduction to the construction, decoration, glazing, and firing of pottery and other clay objects. Construction techniques will include wheel throwing and hand-building processes. The course will cover a wide range of glazing techniques. (3 crs.) +ART 240. WEAVING I. Designed for the beginning weaver; includes the very basics of loom weaving with four harnesses. Instruction in the procedures involved in warping thread, the step-by-step method of dressing a loom, and loom-controlled and handmanipulated weaving methods, including twills, lace weaves, wrapped-warp techniques, soumack, rya, flossa, and combinations of eaves. A minimum of five finished pieces is required at semester's end . (3 crs.) ART 242. FIBERS AND THREADS. Designed primarily to give the student an opportunity to manipulate varying fibers in such techniques as macrame, tapestry and free weaving, backetry, sprang, rug construction, braiding, twining, combinations of techniques. Imaginative treatments of all techniques is stressed, unusual uses and combinations of materials are encouraged, and emphasis is on quality pieces. (3 crs.) ART 245. TAPESTRY WEAVING. The exploration of free tapestry techniques on upright tapestry looms as opposed to low-warp looms. The student experiments in unusual yarns and decorative material, i.e. , ribbons, beads, shells, feathers, leather, bamboo, etc., and will be evaluated on his competency on the loom , design, and imagination . (3 crs.) +ART 255. JEWELRY I. An introduction to the varieties of creative jewelry construction and design. Emphasis is placed on an original hand-built product. Techniques covered including wire construction, forging , cutting, piercing, etc . (3 crs.) 178 +ART 260. WATERCOLOR PAINTING I. Designed to assist students in basic watercolor techniques. Emphasis will be placed on both transparent and opaque water colors. (3 crs.) +ART 270. PAINTING I. An introduction to the fundamentals of painting . Emphasis is placed on pictorial representation and conceptual development, primarily in oils, but work in watercolor or acrylics may be developed. (3 crs.) ART 275. FABRICS: SURFACE TREATMENT. An exploration of surface decorative treatments of commonplace and unusual fabrics . The techn iques presented include batiks, tie dying , printed and stenciled procedures, applique, cutwork, quilting , trap unto, drawn weaving , and combinations of surface methods. Design, interpretation, and craftsmanship are emphasized. (3 crs.) +ART 280. PRINTMAKING I. The fundamental techniques of intaglio, relief, and serigraphy. Composition and craftsmanship are stressed in the printing processes. (3 crs.) ART 337. FOLK POTTERY OF SOUTHWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. An introduction to the salt-glazed stoneware manufactured in Southwestern Pennsylvania during the second half of the 19th century. Lectures, slides, field trips to pottery sites, and guest lecturers and Historians. Actual construction of a piece on the potter's wheel, decoration of the ware, and glazing in a kiln . (3 crs.) ART 355. JEWELRY II. A means of providing further opportunity for study and experience in the craft of jewelry making . For the undergraduate student, who having completed Jewelry I, wishes to continue his work, increase his skill, and acquire further knowledge of metal techniques. (3 crs.) ART 360. WATERCOLOR PAINTING II. A course designed to further the study of transparent watercolor and includes techniques in gouache, egg tempera and fresco painting . (3 crs.) ATHLETIC COACHING ENDORSEMENT PROGRAM CPE 205. FOUNDATIONS OF ATHLETICS . The application of data and principles from psychological and sociological fields is covered as they specifically apply to athletics, coaches and spor'ts activities. Organization and planning procedures of sports are also covered as well as other areas to aid the prospective coach to be more cognizant of player, school and community relationships. (2 crs.) CPE 225. FOUNDATIONS OF COACHING PRE-ADOLESCENT ATHLETICS. Basically the same as CPE 205 with the areas covered relating specifically to the unique differences as they exist in pre-adolescent athletics (2 crs.) CPE 305. KINESIOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF COACHING . This course emphasizes the biomechanics of motor performance; a study of the myological and mechan ical aspects in order to prepare the prospective coach with the ability to identify and analyze movements in order to better teach, correct, or improve these athletic skill movements. (3 crs.) CPE 315. PHYSIOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF COACHING. The course is designed to teach the prospective coach the significance of human body functions in regard to motor activity. Covered are the scientific theories and principles underlying strength , muscular endurance, cardio-vascularendurance, flexibility, training and conditioning in sports. (3 crs.) 179 CPE 325. MEDICAL ASPECTS OF COACHING . A course dealing with the basic concepts and techniques in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injuries . (2 crs.) CPE 339. PRACTICAL COACHING EXPERIENCE OR DIRECTED STUDY. *Each candidate is encouraged to experience a practical coaching duty within the framework of this 18 credit program . The administrative details for the arrangement of the coaching experience will be student 's responsibility and subject to approval by appropriate authority of the H, PE & S Department . This coaching experience might occur in a school setting , summer athletic league, coaching or assisting for civic groups ' teams, etc ., depending upon the student's interest. If a student is unable to make arrangements for a suitable coaching experience, a directed study project relative to the student's interests and future coaching aspirations will be substituted . (2 crs.) *Those individuals who are presently coaching will receive credit for this requirement, subject to approval to the Health, Physical Education & Safety Department. CPE 306. THEORY & TECHNIQUE OF (SPECI FIG SPORTS). Each of the courses listed below is specific to the particular sport . The courses are designed to acquaint the prospective coach with the theories , knowledge, coaching aids and general mechanics of coaching competitive teams or competitors. Laboratory experiences emphasizing coaching techniques and use of coaching aids are discussed . (2 crs.) THEORY & TECHNIQUE COURSES CPE CPE CPE CPE CPE CPE CPE CPE CPE CPE CPE 306 307 316 317 326 336 346 356 366 376 386 THEORY THEORY THEORY THEORY THEORY THEORY THEORY THEORY THEORY THEORY THEORY & TECHNIQUE & TECHNIQUE & TECHNIQUE & TECHNIQUE & TECHNIQUE & TECHNIQUE & TECHNIQUE & TECHNIQUE & TECHNIQUE & TECHNIQUE & TECHNIQUE OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF BASEBALL COACHING TRACK & FIELD AND CROSS COUNTRY BASKETBALL COACHING SOCCER COACHING FOOTBALL COACHING GOLF COACHING GYMNASTIC COACHING SWIMMING & DIVING COACHING TENNIS COACHING VOLLEYBALL COACHING WRESTLING COACHING ATHLETIC TRAINING PROGRAM TPE 200. HUMAN ANATOMY OF THE EXTREMITIES. This course entails the study of the structures and functions of the human body. It will deal with the skeletal and muscular systems that support and protect body parts and make movements possible . It will also concern the nervous system that coordinates body functions . It will explain the structure and functions of cells and tissues, digestive, urinary, and respiratory systems. (3 crs.) TPE 210. NUTRITION FOR SPORTS. This course entails the study of basic nutrition and its application to sports. It is designed to have the students become aware of professional organizations and their functions in our society, how they can aid us, and their effect on nutrition in the United States; nutrients - the basic building blocks; and how we can apply our knowledge of the science of nutrition to sport. (2 crs.) TPE 300. MODALITY AND REHABILITATION TECHNIQUES. This course entails the study and practical use of physical therapy modalities which are used in the sports medicine clinical setting. This course will cover the use of rehabilitation techniques and equipment that can be used to accomplish proper reconditioning . It will also cover the use of these modalities. In conjunction with a prescribed rehabilitation program for injured athletes. (2 crs.) 180 TPE 305. ATHLETIC TRAINING II. This course entails the study of the spine and its extremities. It will deal with the evaluation techniques that are used to determine the degree of injury found in the clinical setting . It will also cover the muscles and their actions in relati on to injuries. BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES BIO 102. INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGY (LABORATORY) . Laboratory experiences related to the subject matter of BIO 101 . Ecological awareness, nature study, cellular and microscopic studies, molecular and physiological processes, as well as more classical descriptive anatomy and classification . Prerequ isites: BIO 101 previously or concurrently . Three laboratory hours weekly. (2 crs.) BIO 103. CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN BIOLOGY. Basic biological principles are applied to the understanding of current social-biological problems and how these relate to an individual's personal life. Topics included are: human sexuality, nutrition, health and disease, evolution , behavior, and the diversity of life. The course is intended for students not majoring in biology. Prerequisite: None. Three lecture hours weekly. (3 crs.) BIO 104. BASIC CARE OF PLANTS. A general introduction to t he basic care of plants. Students will be introduced to techniques that will make the growing and caring of plants, indoors and out, less complicated and more fu n. Prerequ isites : None. (3 crs .) BIO 106. CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS IN HUMAN ECOLOGY . An extensive ex aminat io n of man ' s impact on the biosph ere , hydrosphere , lithosphere , and atmosph ere, with emphasis on (1) pollution of aquatic and tripospheric systems ; (2) other pollutants in human ecosystems; (3) human populatio n dynamics in relation to disease, malnutrition , genetics, and food . Lecture, possibly supplemented with various field trips . Prerequisite: BIO 101. Three lecture hours weekly. (3 crs.) BIO 107. HEREDITY AND HUMAN AFFAIRS. A stud y of the basic princ iples of classical and molecular genetics and how these are applied to contemporary bio logical problems . Prerequisites: BIO 101 . Three lecture hours weekly. (3 crs.) BIO 108. BIOLOGICAL CONCEPTS. A one semester preparation course in biology for students who must take BIO 115 as part of their curriculu m and who require additional training in the biological sciences. Topic areas are selected to deal with those fundamental concepts which are requisite to entrance into BIO 11 5. Prerequisites: None. 3 hours lecture weekly. (3 crs.) BIO 111 . BOTANY I: NONVASCULAR PLANTS. An analysis of the biology of lower plants encompassing the origin of plant life on earth , modes of increasing structural complexity, the nature and meaning of sexu ality, the nature of motil ity, the evolutionary processes and ecology, especially as manifest in the algae and fungi. Prerequisites: BIO 115. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 115. PRINCIPLES OF BIOLOGY. Structures and funct io n common to all organisms: cell structure and function , the chemical aspects of biological systems, energy and materials balance in nature, developmental biology, principles of genetics , evolution , and ecology. Prerequisites : Science majors . Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 121 . ZOOLOGY I: INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. A comprehensive phylogenetic survey of the invertebrate animals, with emphasis on evolutionary changes and their relationship to man . Laboratory studies of representative members of the major phyla. Prerequisites: BIO 115. Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs.) 181 BIO 205. FOUNDATIONS OF BEHAVIOR . A survey of the anatomical and physiological bases of animal behavior, together with the techniques involved in behavioral analysis. Prerequisites : BIO 115,121,222. Three lecture hours weekly. (3 crs.) BIO 206. CONSERVATION OF BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. A study of biological aspects relating to plants and animals directly associated with water, soil , and environ mental changes. Numerous field trips are taken into areas of Western Pennsylvania to observe land reclamation , conservation practices, and basic problems confronting human populations. Prerequisites: BIO 111 , 115, 212. Three hours lecture and a three hour field trip are required weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 212. BOTANY II : VASCULAR PLANTS. The origin and evolution of the land flora , emphasizing the origin of leaf, shoot, seed, and flower in a progression of change from ferns and fern allies to the flowering plants . Prerequisites: BIO 111 and 115. Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs.) BIO. 222. ZOOLOGY II : VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. A comprehensive phylogenetic study of the Phylum Chordata with emphasis on the evolutionary changes and the interrelationship of animals of the different classes with their environment. Prerequisites : BIO 115 and 121 . Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 305. COMPARATIVE VERTEBRATE ANATOMY. A comparative study of the vertebrate organs and organ systems, primarily concentrating on comparing the rabbit with man . Other chordates are used as ancillary material. Prerequisites : BIO 115, 121 , and 222. Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 306. HUMAN ANTOMY. A basic study of the structures of the human body. Prerequisites: BIO 115, 121 , and 222. Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 307. PLANT ANATOMY. A detailed study of structural differentiations, especially in the higher plants: the structure of meristems and developmental changes in their derivatives . Prerequisites: BIO 111 , 115, and 212. Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 308 . BIOTIC COMMUNITIES . The principles of the structure and nature of various biotic communities are considered from the concrete stand to the biome level. Factors which limit, maintain , and modify biotic assemblages are presented qualitatively and quantitatively from the local to the regional portions of the communities . Interrelationships between organisms and environment in reference to the organism's morphological , physiological , and behavioral adaptations . The dynamics of ecological succession are stressed , illustrating the permanence of climax communities over geological time. Ecological techniques and methods to quantify and qualify the community will be pursued in the field and laboratory. Extended field trips may be required . Prerequisites: BIO 111 , 115, 121 and 212. Three hours lecture and three hours of laboratory-field experience weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 314 PLANT ECOLOGY. A consideration of the plant communities which are influenced by both biotic and physical factors . The emphasis is on the vegetation of Pennsylvania , especially in the area of the Appalacian Mts . Laboratory work provides the student with the opportunity to become familiar with modern methods of vegetational analysis and community sampling. Prerequisites: BIO 111 , 115, and 212 . Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 315 . CYTOLOGY AND CYTOGENETICS. A detailed study of microscopic and submicroscopic components of plant and animal cells, with emphasis on modern research into the morphology and function of various organelles . Mitosis , meiosis, chromosomal basis of heredity, and chromosomal abberations in various organisms, including humans. Special attention is given to experimental cytology, cytological and cytoge- 182 netical theories, and cytological techniques. Prerequisites: BIO 111 , 115 , 121 , and 222 . Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 316. ECOSYTEMS ECOLOGY. An introductory study of the dynamics of the biological, physical, and mathematical relationships and interrelationships that proceed within various ecosystems on the earth . Emphasis is placed on biogeochemical cycling, energy cycling , population dynamics, productivity, and pertinent problems concerning ecosystem deterioration . Field and laboratory studies concerning various processes operating within an ecosystem. Prerequisites : BIO 111 , 151, 121 , 212, and 222. General Chemistry I and II and College Algebra recommended. Three hours lecture and three hours of laboratory-field experience weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 317 . EMBRYOLOGY . A study of oogenesis and spermatogenesis and resultant developments following fertilization ; factors involved in morphogenetic determination ; organology: sequences of changes in development. Special emphasis on the chick and comparative examples of development in other animals. Prerequisites: BIO 115, 121, and 222 . Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs .) BIO 318. GENETICS . An introduction to molecular genetics and to the basic principles of inheritance. Gene interactions, multiple-factor inheritance, chromosome mapping, chromosomal and extrachromosomal inheritance . The roles of mutation , selection, migration, and genetic drift are investigated to determine the genetic composition of different populations. Prerequisites: BIO 111, 115, 121 , and 222 . Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly . (4 crs.) BIO 321 . BIOTIC INDICATORS OF WATER QUALITY. A survey of biotic indicators of pollution, with emphasis on relating these indicators to the chemical and physical characteristics of various polluted waters. Practical exercises include field problems as well as laboratory experiments. Prerequisites: BIO 115, 121, CHE 101, 102. Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 325 . ANIMAL HISTOLOGY. The study of cellular differentiations in tissue, tissue identification , and special functions, especially in the mammals. Prerequisites: BIO 115, 121 , and 222. Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 326. MICROBIOLOGY. A detailed study of bacteria and viruses, with less emphasis on fungi , algae and protozoans. Special emphasis on medical aspects of bacteriology, immunology, and virology. The cytology, physiology, microbiology and culture of microbes are pursued in the laboratory. Prerequisites: BIO 111, 115, CHE 101 , 102. Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 327 . PARASITOLOGY . A study of the etiology, epidemiology, and biology of some common human and animal parasites. Prerequisites: BIO 115, 121 , and 222 . Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 328. HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY . The functions of the human body. Basic physiological phenomena are studied , with considerable emphasis upon clinical and practical application . Prerequisites: BIO 115, 121 , 222 . Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 334. SOIL SCIENCE. An edaphological approach is taken in the study of the soil , i.e., the soil as a natural habitat for plants. The various properties of the soil will be considered as they relate to plant production . Since the clay and humus fractions are of tremendous importance, the course will incorporate a colloidal-biological basis . Prerequisites: CHE 101 , 102. Three hours lecture, and three hours lab per week . (4 crs.) BIO. 335. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. The physio-chemical foundations of plant functions will be investigated, including such topics as water and salt absorption , photosynthesis, respiration , plant growth substances, photoperiodic responses, mineral metabolism , 183 germination, and the effects of air pollution on plants. Recent advances in the field of plant physiology will also be included. Prerequisites: BIO 111 , 115, and 212 , CHE 101, 102. Three hours lecture and three hours lab per week . (4 crs.) BIO 336. PLANT TOXONOMY. A study of relationships among the flowering plants and fersn , their classification , and methods of identification. Ecology is stressed as it applies to Western Pennsylvania. Prerequisites: BIO 111 , 115, and 212. Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 337 . ORNITHOLOGY. The study of bird life. Classification , anatomy, behavior, and recognition of birds, with emphasis on local species and their relationships to man and the ecological balance with other organisms. Prerequisites: BIO 115, 121, and 222. Three hours lecture weekly and three laboratory hours or field activity weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 342. SCIENTIFIC PHOTOGRAPHY. A basic course in the life and environmental sciences which stresses the myriad of ways in which photography can be applied to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and research endeavors of biologists and environmentalists. Special attention is given to photom icroscopy, macrophotography, and f ield photography. Various other illustrative materials are also prepared utilizing selective photog raphic equipment and /or procedures . Prerequisites: Three biology or environmental courses with a minimum of one field-oriented course. (2-4 crs .) BIO 400. MAMMALOGY . A study of the classification , d istribution , and natural history of mammals, with emphasis on eastern North American species . Field studies and preparation of study specimens. Prerequisites: BIO 115, 121 , 222 ; BIO 308 or BIO 316 or XES 300. (4 crs.) BIO 405. HUMAN GENETICS. Chromosomal abnormalities, Mendel's Laws, and the effect of chance of gene act ion of Mendel ian ratios . Other topics: sex-related inheritance, random mating , consangu inity, allelism , mutations, and maintenance of polymorphism . Prerequisites : BIO 115, 121 , 222, and 318. Three hours lecture weekly. (3crs.) BIO 406. MOLECULAR GENETICS . A detailed account of the relationship between nucleic acids and the proteins for which the code was determined . Gene control mechanisms, mutation mechanisms, genet ic repair, and recombination in procaryotic and eucaryotic cells. Prerequisites: BIO 115, 121 , 222, and 318. Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 407. MYCOLOGY. An extensive examination of the fungi , with emphasis on the filamentous forms. The cytology, physiology , and morphology of the fungi are studied to determine their role in the scheme of nature. Laboratory techniques in isolating , culturing , enumerating , and identifying fungi. Prerequisites : BIO 111, 115, 212, and 326. Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly . (4 crs .) BIO 408. RADIATION BIOLOGY. Biophysical processes :nvolved in absorption of radiation by living systems. Production , properties , and measurement of ionizing radiation and radiosotopes; safety, and biological effects. This course provides necessary backgound for special certification as a civil defense radiation instructor. Prerequisites: BIO 111 , 115, 121 , 222, Physics I & II. Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 409. INTRO TO RESEARCH . Given a problem in biology (or one of his own choice) the student surveys the literature, organizes a program that might lead to its solution , and undertakes experiments. Prerequisites: Biology majors in junior or senior year, others by approval of department. The number of hours spent on the course per week is by arrangement. (Variable) BIO 418. BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH INVESTIGATIONS. A research study program for 184 advanced undergraduate students who wish to pursue careers in biological or medical areas. Emphasis is placed upon the student learning to use various scientific instruments and biological procedures necessary for research investigations. The student works closely with one or more faculty members on a research project which is departmentally approved . Each research project is unique and the data should ultimately be published in a prominent biological journal. The student normally participates in one aspect of an ongoing research study and he/ she may pursue his/ her work for one or more semesters. Prerequisites: BIO 111 , 115, and 212 (or 121 and 222) , one biology elective course, junior or senior standing, and a 3.0 QPA. (1-4 crs.) BIO 426. CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY. A survey of the indigenous and pathogenic microorganisms of man , general principles deduced from complexities involving biochemistry and physiology, host-parasite relationships , and laboratory procedures. Organisms studied include bacteria , fung i, viruses, and rickettsia. Prerequisites: BIO 111 , 115, and 326 and CHE 101 , 102. Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 442. DENDROLOGY. A botanical course which pertains only to the tree species of Kingdom Metaphyta. These organisms will be characterized by studying their importance to other biota, especially man and to their prospects of their continued survival in a rapidly changing biosphere. Emphasis will be directed towards the understanding of the forest communities and tree species and the mixed mesophytic forest regions of southwestern Pennsylvania. BIO 486. ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY. A comparative approach to the study of physiological systems in animals relative to environmental pressures and phylogenetic standing . BIO 443 . ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY. A study of the types of environmental pollution and how these pollutants effect organ ismic physiology, population dynamics, and food chains. BIO 427. CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY. The physiology of the cell with emphasis on the relationship of cell structure and function . Includes physical and chemical aspects of cells, the relation of cells to their environment, energy conversions in cells, membrane permeability, photosynthesis, and enzyme action . Prerequisites: BIO 11 1, 115, 121 , 212, and 222; CHE 101, 102; Organic Chem istry I and II recommended . (4 crs.) BIO 428. ANIMAL SYSTEMATICS. Collective and study of animal species from the various major phyla of animals; use of keys in determining taxonomic groupings of animal collected. Prerequisites: BIO 115, 121, & 222. (4 crs.) BIO 430. LAB INSTRUMENTATION FOR BIOLOGY. The theory of and practice with major types of laboratory instrumentation used in modern biological practice. Content wil! be adjusted to methods practiced at C.S.C. and may include any additional procedures of special interest to the class members. Practice in writing lab reports and designing experiments. Prerequisites: BIO 111 , 115, 121 , 222, PHY 102, CHE 261 , or permission of instructor. (4 crs.) BIO 431 . TECHNIQUES IN ELECTRON MICROSCOPY. Detailed training in the operation and care of the electron microscope; techniques of specimen preparation for electron m icroscope visualization , including fixation , embedding , and ultrathin sectioning; special techniques such as replication and shadow casting . Prerequisite or concurrent courses: BIO 432, CHE 331 , 332, or consent of the instructor. (4 crs.) BIO 432. CELLULAR ULTRASTRUCTURE. A study of the generalized cell , the highly specialized cell , and tissues as seen by the electron microscope, with special emphasis on correlation of structure with function . An additional aim is to enhance the student's ability to interpret electron micrographs. Prerequisites: BIO 111 . 115, 121 , 222 and 212, 185 CHE 331 , 332 , a Molecular Biology course and/ or consent of instructor. (3 crs.) BIO 433 . HERPETOLOGY . A consideration of the Amphibia and Reptilia from taxonomical , morphological , evolutionary, behavioral , and physiological viewpoints , with special emphasis on the Testudinata. Prerequisites: BIO 115, 121 , and 222. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 435 . ICHTHYOLOGY. An introduction to the morphology, taxonomy, ecology, and distribution of the major groups of freshwater fishes , with emphasis on the northeastern U.S. fauna. Prerequisites: BIO 115, 121 , 222. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 441 . ETHOLOGY. Four principal approaches to ethology-ecology, physiology, genetics, and development are interpreted within the framework of evolutionary biology with emphasis on the patterns of behavioral similarities and differences among different kinds of animals. Prerequisites: BIO 115, 121 , 222; BIO 308 or BIO 316 or XES 300. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 445. ENTOMOLOGY . A special ized study of the insects: identification and classification developmental phases; physiological characteristics, economic importance, disease vectors. Prerequisites: BIO 115, 121 and 222. Three hours lecture and three laboratory hours weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 449. BIO . MED . TECH . CLINICAL PRACTICUM I. Upon acceptance to a hospital school of Medical Technology, the student undertakes the clinical train ing experience requ i red by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS) . Programs of instruction will vary from one hospital to another but usually include hematology, microbiology, parasitology, immunology, urinalysis, and biochemistry . This course covers the first term of two required terms (15 crs.) BIO 459. BIO. MED . TECH . CLINICAL PRACTICUM II . A continuation of BIO 449. The second of two terms (14 crs.) BIO 466. BIOMETRY. The fundamenta l concepts underlying the application of statistical methods and experimental designs to environmental problems. Practical experience in the development and analysis of laboratory and field projects will be included. Prerequisites: MAT 215 , a field biology course, and consent of instructor. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory weekly. (4 crs.) BIO 478. EVOLUTION . An advanced course pertaining to the mechanisms which are operative in the process of biological evolution . Life origins and development will be investigated with special emphasis placed upon the importance of genetic and metabolic systems diversity. The recurring and universal themes of mutation and natural selection will be thoroughly discussed as the concept of evolution at the popu lation level is developed. A detailed account of human origins and species diversity is also studied . Prerequisites: BIO 318 and CHE 101 . Three hours lecture weekly. (3 crs.) BIO 495. SEMINAR IN BIOLOGY. Roundtable discussion of selected topics in biology, reports from original literature both current and classical. Prerequisites: Biology majors in junior or senior year. Two hours lecture weekly. (2 crs.) BUSINESS BUS 100. INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS. A survey course covering the internal and functional setting of business enterprise, its organization and control. (3 crs.) BUS 111 . ACCOUNTING I. The fundamentals of debit and credit; the use of journals and ledgers; basic accounting procedures; adjusting and closing entries; completion of 186 accounting cycle; preparation of pertinent financial statements comprise the major topics of this course. (3 crs.) BUS 112. ACCOUNTING II. A continuation of basic accounting princ iples with an emphasis on partnership and corporate accounting . Prerequisite: BUS 111 . (3 crs.) BUS 118. FEDERAL INCOME TAX ACCOUNTING . An introduction to individual federal income tax accounting . Prerequisite: None, open to any major as an elective. (3 crs.) BUS 201 . PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT. A survey of the theories in the field of management covering concepts developed by the classical school , behavioral school , and the management science school. Emphasis is on human factors, bu t the influences of economics and technological factors are also considered . Prerequisite: PSY 100 or permission of instructor. (3 crs.) BUS 216. MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING. A course designed for non-accounting majors emphasizing the uses of accounting data in the decision making process of a business enterprise. Topics covered will be cost-volume relationships ; manufacturing costs and analysis ; relevant cost analysis; master and flexible budgets and related variances; responsibility accounting and cost allocation ; job and process systems; overhead application. Prerequisite: BUS 111 and BUS 112. (3 crs.) BUS 221 . SALESMANSHIP. Basic principles underlying all types of selling, practical application of these selling principles to various selling situations and the legal aspects of selling. Prerequisite: ECO 201 and ECO 202. (3 crs.) BUS 241 . BUSINESS LAW. To convey an understanding of the nature of law and the part it plays in the regulation of modern business; to emphasize that law, t he courts, and the legal system exists for the citizens as employers, employees, taxpayers, and consumers; to examine legal concepts stressing those which are relevant for business managers. Prerequisite: ECO 100 and at least sophomore standing . (3 crs.) BUS 301 . COMPUTER BASED MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS. An introduction to the technology, application , and management of computer based information systems. Topics covered will be business computer systems, computer hardware , computer software, data base management systems , data communication , systems analysis, systems design , general accounting, application , materials control application , management information processing, systems planning , operations management, performance review. Prerequisite: CSC 121 or CSC 108, BUS 201 , BUS 112. (3 crs .) BUS 311 . INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING I. A review of basic accounting principles and concepts. A preparation for advanced courses in accounting and for the theory and practice sections of the uniform CPA exam . Prerequisite: BUS 112. (3 crs.) BUS 312. INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING II . A continuation of the review of basic accounting principles and concepts incluidng financial statement analysis. A preparation for advanced courses in accounting and for the theory and practice sections of the uniform CPA examination. Prerequisite: BUS 311 . (3 crs.) BUS 315. COST ACCOUNTING. An introduction to basic cost accounting principles, cost-volume, profit analysis, standard costing , process and job order costing and departmental budgeting . Prerequisite: BUS 112. (3 crs.) BUS 317. MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS. An introduction to management control systems, which include control of production costs, standard costs, flexible budgets, managed costs, profit centers and capital acquisitions. Prerequisite: BUS 315 . (3 crs.) 187 BUS 321 . PRINICPLES OF MARKET MANAGEMENT. An introduction to basic principles of marketing management. Other topics covered will be selected target markets; developing marketing mixes; marketing management in action. Prerequisite: ECO 100 or ECO 201. (3 crs.) BUS 323. SALES MANAGEMENT. The role of sal es manager, both at the headquarters and field, in managing people, resources , and selling functions. An analysis of the problems involved in the management of sales force : recruiting, selection , training and evaluation of the selling performance of salesmen ; collection and analysis of relevant marketing data and controlling function . Prerequisite: ECO 201, ECO 202 and BUS 201 . (3 crs.) BUS 332. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. The study of financial analysis, planning and control including working capital management, decisions involving long-term assets, sources and forms of long-term•financing and other selected subjects. Advanced techniques of financial analysis are employed. Prerequisites: BUS 112, ECO 201 and MAT 225 or MAT 171. (3 crs.) BUS 335 . INVESTMENTS. An introduction to financial investments. Topics include securities and securities markets; investment risks, returns and constraints; portfolio policies; and institutional investment policies. Prerequisite : MAT 106 or permission of instructor. (3 crs.) BUS 342. BUSINESS , SOCIETY AND GOVERNMENT. A survey of the historical and contemporary relationship between government and business in the United States . Special emphasis is given to the developments of the past two decades . Prerequisite: ECO 100. (3 crs.) BUS 351 . PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT. Decision making and analyses of major management problems that arise in manpower planning, recruiting , selection, development, compensation, and appraisal of employees in various organizations . (3 crs .) BUS 355. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING . A Comprehensive examination of collective bargaining as a work place institution , including a survey of practical methods in use in industry and government ; the various laws , court decisions and government agency regulations pertinent to the subject are reviewed . (3 crs.) BUS 361 . INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT . An introduction to insurance principles, the nature and significance of risk in business enterprise and the use of insurance in resolving problems involving personal and business risks. Prerequisite: BUS 100 or ECO 100. (3 crs.) BUS 363. PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE. A basic cognitive course covering physical , legal and economic aspects of real estate. Topics to be covered will include valuation , agreements of sale, title, leasing , settlements and landlord-tenant relations. Prerequisite: ECO 100 or ECO 201 or consent of instructor. (3 crs .) BUS 379. SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN BUSINESS . This course is to meet the changing interests of business students and staff. Topics vary in response to those interests. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor. (3 crs.) BUS 406. ADVANCED FEDERAL TAXATION . Advanced topics in federal taxation. Partnerships, decedents, estates, trusts, corporations, pension and profit sharing plans, foreign income, securities transactions, etc . Prerequisite: BUS 118. (3 crs.) BUS 408 . BUSINESS POLICY. A course in the integrated decision making of general management. Topics covered include corporate strategy and implementing corporate strategy. Prerequisite: BUS 201, ECO 322 . (3 crs.) 188 BUS 410. AUDITING . Auditing , a critical evaluation of financial statements. Prerequisite: BUS 312. (3 crs.) BUS 412. ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING . Special topics in accounting. Mergers and acquisitions, consolidated financial reports, accounting for international operations, etc. Prerequisite: BUS 312 . (3 crs.) BUS 415 . ADVANCED COST ACCOUNTING . Advanced Cost Accounting ; a survey of special topics in the field of industrial accounting. Prerequisite: Bl/S 111, BUS 112 and BUS 315. (3 crs.) BUS 491 . ACCOUNTING INTERNSHIP. Practicum with Public Accounting firms , government , or industry . Prerequisite: 18 credits in Accounting and consent of instructor. (Variable) BUS 492 . BUSINESS INTERNSHIP. The student is placed with a business firm , a bank, a government agency and/ or a non-profit organization for " on-the-job" and/ or counseling experience. It offers a practical training ground for students, which supplements academic training by permitting them to address live problems in a real business environment. Prerequisite: Sen ior standing or permission of instructor. (Variable) BUS 495. SEMINAR IN BUSINESS. An intensive examination of selected subjects from the general field of business. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. (3 crs.) CHEMISTRY +CHE 100. INTRODUCTION TO CHEMISTRY. A preparatory course emphasizing the mathematical and reasoning skills needed to be successful in general chemistry. There are no pre-requisites and the course will satisfy requirements in the Natural Science area for non-science majors. This course is not an elective for Chemistry majors. +CHE 101 . GENERAL CHEMISTRY I. An introductory course for majors and non-majors. Topics covered include atomic structure, bonding , stoichiometry , chemical reactions (including redox reactions) , solutions, and the liquid state. Three class hours and three lab hours each week. (4 crs.) +CHE 102. GENERAL CHEMISTRY II . A continuation of General Chemistry I. The gaseous state, solutions, thermodynamics, kinetics, acids and bases , gaseous and ionic equilibria, and electrochemistry. Prerequisite: CHE 101 . Three class and three lab hours each week. (4 crs.) CHE 203 . GENERAL CHEMISTRY Ill . A continuation of General Chemistry II. Descript ive chemistry of metals and non-metals, nuclear chemistry, and complex compounds. Three class hours each week . Prerequisite: CHE 102. (3 crs.) CHE 255. GEOCHEMISTRY . Basic chemical principles employed in the solution of some geologic problems. Geologic, dating , sedimentary geochemistry, chemical weathering , colloids and structural aspects of clay minerals and soils. Three class hours each week. (3 crs.) CHE 261 . ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY I. An introduction to quantitative analytical technique and procedures, including a statistical evaluation of gravimetric, volumetric , chromatography, and electrochemical data. Prerequisites: CHE 101 and 102. Three lecture hours and three laborabory hours each week. (4 crs.) CHE 262. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY II. An introduction to colorimetric and spectrophotometric techniques and procedures, including ultraviolet and visible, infrared, emis- 189 sion and atomic absorption, nuclear magnetic resonance raman , and electron spin resonance. Prerequisite: CHE 261 . Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours each week. (4 crs.) CHE 331 . ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I. An introduction to the basic principles which govern the behavior of carbon compounds. Particular emphasis on the structure of organic compound,s, acid and base theory, and an introduction to the fundamental principles necessary for the study of organic reaction mechanisms. Three class hours each week and four laboratory hours each week . Prerequisites: CHE 101 and 102. (4 crs.) CHE 332. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II. A thorough examination of the major reactions characteristic of organic compounds. Particular emphasis on substitutions, additions, eliminations, condensations, and rearrangements. Three class hours each week and four laboratory hours each week. Prerequisite: CHE 331 . (4 crs.) CHE 340. ORGANIC SPECTROSCOPIC INTERPRETATION . Structure elucidation of organic molecules based on infrared determination of major functional groups and differentiation of functional group isomers; ·nuclear magnetic resonance determination of chemical shifts, coupling constants and splitting patterns; mass spectroscopic determination of molecular weight, fission and rearrangement processes, isotope ratios ; ultraviolet determination of max for conjugated dienes and 2, B-unsaturated ketones, chromophore types, extinction coefficients and Lambert-Beer relationships. Prerequisites: CHE 332. (3 crs.) CHE 345 : MEDICINAL MEDICINE . A general understanding of the chemistry , pharmacology and synthesis of the more important classes of medicinal agents used in therapy. A glimpse for pre-medical and other health-related students into this large and fascinating field. Three class hours each week . (3 crs.) CHE 368. INDIVIDUAL WORK I. An opportunity for each student specializing in chemistry to organize, investigate, and report on a specific problem of his own selection. (Variable) CHE 411. BIOCHEMISTRY I. A comprehensive survey of the properties of amino acids, elucidation of protein structure, protein biosynthesis, the Genetic Code, and carbohydrate metabolism. Prerequisite: CHE 101 and/or instructor's permission. (4 crs.) CHE 412 . BIOCHEMISTRY II. A continuation of Biochemistry I and including fatty and biosynthesis, fatty acid metabolism, photosynthesis, protein metabolism , vitamins, hormones and immunochemistry. Prerequisite: CHE 411 and/or instructors permission. (4 crs.) CHE 421 . ADVANCED INORGANIC CHEMISTRY I. Modern treatment of principles of inorganic chemistry, emphasizing chemical bonding and sterochemistry, with emphasis on periodic properties, acid and bases, and non-aqueous solvents. Three class hours each week . Prerequisite: CHE 451. (3 crs.) CHE 422. ADVANCED INORGANIC CHEMISTRY II. Coordination compounds ; nomenclature, sterochemistry, and kinetics of coordination compounds of the short and long transition metals. Prerequisite: CHE 421 . (3 crs.) CHE 425. ORGANIC PREPARATIONS . An advanced course in synthetic organic chemistry. Important reactions and special experimental techniques are applied to the preparation of more complex organic compounds. Three class hours each week and three laboratory hours. Prerequisite: CHE 331 and 332. (3 crs.) CHE 426. QUALITATIVE ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Identification of pure organic compounds and mixture by classical and instrumental methods. One class hour each week and four lab hours each week. Prerequisites: CHE 331 and 332 . (3 crs.) 190 CHE 433 . ADVANCED ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I. A detailed study of the modern structural theory of organic chemistry. Particular emphasis on the correlation of the structure and reactivity of organic compounds . Three class hours each week . Prerequisites : CHE 331 and 332 . (3 crs.) CHE 434 . ADVANCED ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II. A study of the application of modern instrumental techniques to organic structural problems. Particular emphasis on the interpretation of the ultraviolet, infrared , nuclear magnetic resonance , and mass special data for elucidating the structure of organic molecules . Three class hours each week. Prerequisite: CHE 433. (3 crs.) CHE 441 . LABORATORY TECHNIQUES WITH INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSIS I. Chromopotentiometry, coulometry, electrodeposition , stripping analysis, chromoamperometry, polarography, voltametry, cylclic voltametry, and column , thin-layer, and gas chromatography. Three class hours each week and three laboratory hours each week. Prerequisites: CHE 261 and 262. (4 crs.) CHE 442. LABORATORY TECHNQUES WITH INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSIS 11. Ultraviolet , visible, infrared , and reman , emission , atomic absorption, electron paramagnetic resonance , and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Three class hours each week and three laboratory hours each week. Prerequisite: CHE 441. (4 crs.) CHE 445 . MATH FOR CHEMISTS . Mathematical techniques, including differential and integral calculus , ordinary and partial differential equations, vector and matrix algebra, eiginfunction theory and group theory are employed in the solution of problems of chemical systems. Three class hours each week . (3 crs .) CHE 451 . PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I. Properties of gases, kinetic-molecular theory , molecular energies , classical and statistical development for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd laws of thermodynamics , with applications to thermochemistry and chemical equilibria . Prerequisites: CHE 261 and Mathematics through Integral Calculus. Three class hours and three lab hours each week. (4 crs.) CHE 452 . PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY II. Kinetics of chemical reactions, properties of liquids , phase equilibria, solutions, thermodynamics, properties of elctrolytes in solution and electrochemistry. Prerequisite: CHE 451 . Three class hours and three lab hours each week . (4 crs.) CHE 453. ADVANCED PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I. Classical and statistical thermodynamics as applied to chemical systems. Three class hours each. Prerequisites: CHE 451 and 452. (3 crs.) CHE 454. ADVANCED PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY II. Kinetics and electrochemistry. Prerequisite: CHE 453 . (3 crs.) CHE 457 . CHEMISTRY FOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS . Designed for the teacher in service. Will include recent ideas in chemical bonding, crystal structure, and radio and nuclear chemistry. Three class hours each week. Prerequisite: Certification in General Science of Chemistry. (3 crs.) CHE 463. ADVANCED ANAL YT I CAL CHEMISTRY I. Theory and application of instrumental techniques used for inorganic and organic systems. Topics considered are separate and electrochemical techniques. Separation techniques utilize all mudes of chromatography; and , using the " double layer" theory, all electrochemical techniques are treated for the analysis of the systems. Prerequisites: CHE 261 and the permission of the instructor. (3 crs.) CHE 464 . ADVANCED ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY II. Theory and application of instrumental techniques used for inorganic and organic systems. Using group theory as a 191 basis, all divisions of spectroscopy are treated for the analysis of the systems . Prerequisites: CHE 261 and permission of the in structor. (3 crs.) CHE 479. SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN CHEMISTRY . (Variable) CHE 495 . CHEMISTRY SEMINAR. Students may choose a particular topic in c hemistry and , under the supervision of a faculty member, prepare and present a seminar on it . The topics are to be on material not covered in the undergraduate courses , or may be an ex tension of some particular aspect of ch e m istry includ ed in less deta i l i n an undergraduate course. (1 er.) CHE 497. SPECIAL TOPICS . Meets t he needs of students who may want to study a topic in more detail than is given in the regular courses , or who may want to pursue some topic not included in their course work. (Variable) COMPUTER SCIENCE +CSC 105. BASIC PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. Elementary computer concepts in such areas as the nature and structure of computers, the history and development of computers, flow charting and elements of the basic language involved in reading and printing, transfer statements, looping, subrout ines, conversational programming , etc . The computer language taught is basic. Prerequisites: One year algebra. (3 crs .) +CSC 108. COBOL I. Introductory concepts of data processing through the basic components of COBOL programming. Prerequisites: CSC 121 (3 crs.) +CSC 121. COMPUTER SCIENCE I. Introduction to computer programming through the Fortran IV language. Prerequisites: MAT 101 (3 crs.) CSC 208. COBOL II. A continuation of COBOL I emphasizing files, various mass storage devices, table handling, declarative and linkage sections, use of source program library facilities , operations of calling and called programs and important features of COBOL for business applications, e.g ., report writer feature, and sort feature. Prerequisites: CSC 108 (3 crs.) CSC 222. COMPUTER SCIENCE II. Three class hours each week with outside assignments requiring advanced Fortran programming a digital computer to assist in the solution of problems assigned . Considerable time in computer center lab. is required . Prerequisites: CSC 121. (3 crs.) CSC 256. COMPUTER AIDED INSTRUCTION (CAI) . The course is taught on a lecturelaboratory basis. Students are expected to be able to use time sharing terminals and be familiar with at least one conversational computer language, preferable BASIC . In the laboratory session, students will be exposed to various types of CAI programming materials and be instructed in the development of their own CAI "package" . Prerequisites: CSC 105 or CSC 121 . (3 crs.) CSC 275 . COMPUTER OPERATIONS. To introduce the student to the hardware of the computer and to acquaint him with the usage and operation of the Central Processing Unit and its peripheral equipment. Prerequisites: CSC 121 and CSC 222. (3 crs.) CSC 308 . SURVEY OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH . Lecture and laboratory sessions utilizing the computer in the performance of quantitative methods of decision making . Survey of present operations research tools available to the administrator and manager is an integral part of the course. Working knowledge of FORTRAN and statistics is necessary. Prerequisites: CSC 121 , MAT 215 , MAT 225. (3 crs.) CSC 316. LOGIC AND SWITCHING THEORY OF THE COMPUTER . A lecture labora- 192 tory course providing an in-depth study of digital computers, including the circuits and logic involved in the computer. Prerequisites: CSC 121 , MAT 101, MAT 102. (3 crs.) CSC 323. ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING . Computer organization, representation of numbers and characters, instruction codes, machine language, macros, and subroutines. Prerequisites: CSC 222 . (3 crs .) CSC 324 . COMPUTER GRAPHICS . Lecture and laboratory sessions utilizing the computer via inter-active graphics terminals and study of the theory and hardware of graphics devices is stressed. Development and utilization of graphics soft-ware is the major goal of this course. Prerequisites: CSC 121, CSC 222 . (3 crs.) CSC 328 . DATA STRUCTURES . Concepts and algorithms used in the solution of nonnumerical problems. Applications to data management systems, file organization , information retrieval , list processing and programming languages . Prerequisites: CSC 222. (3 crs.) CSC 375. SYSTEMS ANALYSIS . An introduction to the basic concepts and tools of systems analysis within the context of real life problem situations. Prerequisites: CSC 222 . (3 crs .) CSC 377 . INFORMATION STRUCTURES. Data structures, concepts and algorithms used in solution of non-numerical problems. Applications to data management systems, information retrieval and list progressing . Prerequisites: MAT 235 and CSC 222 . (3 crs.) CSC 378. COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE. Central processor organization , instruction formats, addressing schemes, hierarchies of storage, executive, and priority processing, as well as input and output. Prerequisites: CSC 222. (3 crs.) CSC 410 . LISP PROGRAMMING. An introduction to LISP (List Processing) as a vehicle for encoding intelligence-exhibiting processes. Topics include a survey of lambda calculus and recursive function theory. Prerequisites: CSC 377 or CSC 328. (3 crs.) CSC 419. MATHEMATICS INTERNSHIP AND COMPUTER SCIENCE. Mathematical Programming Work Experience. Prerequisite: Approval of Mathematics and Computer Science Department. (3 to 15 crs.) CSC 424. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS. Modern methods of numerical analysis methods as they apply to the digital computer. Prerequisites: CSC 222, MAT 214. (3 crs.) CSC 455. STRUCTURE OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES. The power and limitations of algebraic languages, string manipulation languages and interactive languages will be studied together with compiler structure and techniques. Prerequisites: CSC 222. (3 crs.) CSC 456. DAT A BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS . Design, implementation and application of data base management systems. Prerequisite: CSC 108. (3 crs.) CSC 460 . LANGUAGE TRANSLATION . Theory and design of assemblers, interpreters, and compilers for digital computers. Topics include analysis of source language, generation of efficient-object code, and optimization techniques. Prerequisites: CSC 323 and CSC 377. (3 crs.) CSC 475. THEORY OF LANGUAGES. An introduction to abstract machine theory, combinatorial systems, computable functions , and formal linguistics. Topics include finite-state machines, regular sets, Turing machines, Chomsky hierarchy grammars and languages. Emphasis is on surveying basic topics and developing an intuitive understanding in the theory of languages. Prerequisites: CSC 377, MAT 235 or MAT 231. (3 crs.) 193 CSC 485 . SPECIAL TOPICS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. Individual study or research on topics and materials not ordinarily covered by other courses. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. (3 crs.) CSC 49.6. SEMINAR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. Topics to be chosen jointly by the instructor and the student or students involved . Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. (1 to 3 crs .) DRIVER EDUCATION ENDORSEMENT PROGRAM HSD '300. INTRODUCTION TO SAFETY EDUCATION . This course is a general overview of the history and development of the safety movement. Psychological variables such as attitudes, habits, emotions and values are considered in terms of their importance in the total accident picture. Home, farm , traffic , fire , industrial and many other areas of safety are discussed. (3 crs.) HSD '305. DRIVER EDUCATION AND TRAFFIC SAFETY. The course is desigm prepare a Driver Education teacher to teach a complete thirty-and-six Driver Educa class. Emphasis is placed upon essential facts , principles, skills and psycholog1 variables necessary for good driving and the teaching of the same to beginning driv6 Enrolled students are required to teach a beginner the behind-the-wheel drivi1.g sequence. Prerequisite - a driver's license. (3 crs.) HSD 306. MATERIALS AND METHODS IN SAFETY IN THE SECONDARY AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS . Emphasis is placed upon the various teaching methods and materials that can be used to teach safety in the elementary or secondary schools. The advantages and disadvantages of a correlated , intergraded or separate subject approach are analyzed . (3 crs.) HSD 307 . MOTORCYCLE SAFETY. Motorcycle Safety provides the student with a comprehensive study of all aspects of motorcycle safety. Various classroom and range experiences are provided to enable each student to become a proficient cyclist. The course also prepares the student to teach others how to ride . Prerequisite: HSD 305 . (3 crs.) HSD 405 . ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF SAFETY EDUCATION . Emphasis is placed on organizing and administering Safety Education Programs ranging from the elementary school through college . School safety programs, environmental safety, and safety services are analyzed in detail. Prerequisite- HSD 300. (3 crs.) HSD 406. VISUAL AND OTHER AIDS IN SAFETY. The course places emphasis on visual , psychomotor and other sensory aids that can be employed for testing and teaching in various areas of safety. (3 crs.) 'Required Courses for Driver Education Endorsement Program. EARLY CHILDHOOD ECE 201 . LABORATORY EXPERIENCES IN NURSERY-KINDERGARTEN. This course is intended to provide the student with an introduction to working with the child of three , four and five through experiences in Day Care Centers, Headstart, Nursery School, and/ or Kindergarten . The student will observe and plan work with individuals, small groups , and large groups of children . Student interest and ability to relate to the young child will be evaluated by both students and teachers. Lesson preparation and activity development are stressed. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing . ECE 202. FIELD EXPERIENCES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD. The student receives background and experience in working with primary grade children in the classroom during 194 the sophomore or junior year. Lectures and classroom teaching experiences are combined to give the student an opportunity to discover his aptitude and interest in working with young children . (3 crs.) ECE 206. MOVEMENT EDUCATION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD. The prospective teacher of children age three through eight years is provided with a working knowledge of the most modern approach to teaching gross motor activity in an instructional physical education program . An attempt is made to emphasize the importance of helping the ch ild develop a positive concept for self and an awareness of spatial relationships . (2 crs.) ECE 215. ART FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD. The student studies the development of the child in art from three to eight years and explores creative problems suitable for the young child . The student works with materials . techniques, and processes not experienced in the course . Art for Elementary Grades. (3 crs.) ECE 217. MUSIC FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD. Students are provided with a creative approach to the music interests and needs of the very young child designed to acquaint the prospective teacher with current music education practices in pre-school and the primary grades. Experiences are provided in singing, listening , playing instruments , rhythmic movements and creative music activites . (3 crs.) ECE 218. HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD . The health , physiology, and motor growth and development of the child from age three through eight are studied . Program planning for the health and physical education from nursery school through grades three is ex plored . (2 crs.) ECE 301 . READING EXPERIENCES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD. This course prepares students for beginning instruction in reading with emphasis on meeting individual needs and planning a reading program that is preventive in nature rather than corrective. Instruction will deal with concepts of readiness and introduction of reading skills in the primary grades. (3 crs.) ECE 315. MATH CONTENT IN EARLY CHILDHOOD. The student is the teaching quantitative measurement to young students with emphasis on known concrete operations. Teaching for the development of the concepts of size, shape and number is an integral part of the course. (3 crs.) ECE 316. THE CHILD IN HIS SOCIAL AND PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT. This course is intended to provide the college student with skills necessary for developing children 's awareness in their social and physical world . Teaching strategies will be developed and evaluated as they pertain to early childhood aged children . ECE 317. SCIENCE ACTIVITIES FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD. The course gives students experience with vocabulary, materials, and print that will prepare the student to be successful in student teaching. (3 crs.) ECE 318. COMMUNICATIVE ARTS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD . The beginning of early language patterns in childhood are studied as they can be fostered and furthered in a creative manner. Tools and techniques are developed for teaching the language arts to individuals and to groups of children from Kindergarten through grade three. (3 crs.) ECE 405 . EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION SEMINAR. This course emphasizes the relationship between the academic and theoretical background of the student and its practical application . His background in child psychology and creative learning activities is related to his ability to plan creatively for classroom experience. Child development theories, child-parent relationships, parent-teacher relationships, and curriculum planning will be stressed . (3 crs.) ECE 491 . FUNDAMENTALS OF DAY CARE EDUCATION. The purpose of this course is 195 to provide background in the origin and current trends of daycare and introduce the student to fundamentals of setting up a day care center. The course will teach students how to administer a program focusing on aspects such as budgeting , personnel management , and developing program components. (3 crs.) ECE 492. DAY CARE EDUCATION WORKSHOP. This course will provide the student with actual practice in designing a comprehensive plan for establishing a Day Care center. Through small group work, all Day Care program components wil l be designed . Applicat ion will be made of the principles taught in the Fundamentals of Day Care Education course . (3 crs.) ECE 493. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRESCHOOL CHILD . This course traces the development of the child from conception to three years of age. The areas of development to be explored will be sensori-motor, social-emotional , language, and intellectual. Techniques for enhancing growth through the various stages will be emphsized . (2 crs.) ECE 495 . EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION WORKSHOP . This workshop will involve the partic ipants in the design and construction of Early Childhood Education materials and activities appropriate to a variety of purposes. Students will design materials that take into account individual differences such as those of slow learners, gifted learners , and the physically handicapped. They will plan activities which reflect unique cultural differences. Some attention will be given to designing learning materials appropriate to various Early Childhood Education theories. (3 crs.) ECE 496. KINDERGARTEN - PERCEPTION WORKSHOP. This course gives the college student experience in organizing a preschool classroom , planning for and working with preschoolers in an appropriate setting . Special emphasis is placed on the development of children 's sensory and perceptual-motor skills. Approximately 25 preschoolers are recruited so each college student can participate in plannng individual , small group and large group activities. (3 crs.) ECE 497. ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION WORKSHOP. This course will involve a series of field trips to a variety of preschool settings. Emphasis will be on identifying the unique characteristics of each program and how these programs meet differing needs. (3 crs.) EARTH SCIENCE +EAS 100. INTRODUCTION TO EARTH SCIENCE. A study of earth environments and processes with in the environments. Laboratory experiences are a part of the course, although no laboratory periods are designated . (3 crs.) +EAS 150. INTRODUCTION TO GEOLOGY . Intended primarily for the non-science major. Laboratory work is an integral part of the course, and the student has the opportunity to work with rock and mineral samples, fossils , topographic maps, and geologic maps and cross-sections. (4 crs.) +EAS 160. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. The physical elements in the geographic pattern of man 's environment and introductory phases of systematic geography. (3 crs.) +EAS 163. INTRODUCTION TO OCEANOGRAPHY . An introductory course in the study of the four main branches of Oceanography: (1) Geology of the oceanic basins (origin of the oceans, structure and geomorphology of the ocean 's floor , methods of investigation) ; (2) Chemistry of the oceanic waters; (3) Physics of the oceans (currents, waves, tides, etc .); (4) Biology of the oceans (marine plants and animals) . (3 crs.) EAS 200. HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. A survey course in earth history that assumes some knowledge of geologic principles and terminology. Topics considered include geologic time, the use ·of fossil material, the origin of life, the physical evolution of planet earth 196 (with special emphasis on North America), and environmental interpretation. Laboratory work includes selected problem sets, geologic maps, and fossils . (4 crs.) EAS 202. HYDROLOGY. Hydrology is a basic survey course in the area of water and its utilization by humans. The course deals with the identification of water resources and the geographic and geologic aspects of these resources. (3 crs.) EAS 231 . ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY. The interaction between man and his geologic environment. The student needs only a limited backgound in geology (e.g. Introduction to Geology) , as the course has been designed as much for the environmental studies major (and general education student) as for the geology major. Erosion, floods , sediments and pollutants, health hazards, soils, earthquakes (prediction and control), mass movements. volcanoes, and urban environmental problems. (3 crs.) EAS 232. EARTH RESOURCES. The first half of this course covers the identification and description of rocks and minerals, the origin and classification of soils, and water as a resource . The second half is concerned with the distribution and geologic origin of the economically important metals, non-metals, and fossil fuels. (3 crs.) EAS 241 . METEOROLOGY . An introduction to the physics of the atmosphere , approached from the standpoint of earth-atmosphere interaction . The effects of controls such as land and water distribution upon weather and climate. Weather map analysis and weather observations. (3 crs.) EAS 242. CLIMATOLOGY. A systematic study of the climatic regions of the world and the advantages and limitations of each for man's occupancy. The physical qualities of the atmosphere and the regional characteristics of climate . Recommended: Meteorology. (3 crs.) EAS 271 . CARTOGRAPHY. A laboratory course designed to acquaint the student with the history of maps and mapping ; the interpretation of globes, cartograms, and geographic diagrams ; the nature and function of maps, including concepts of scales and cartographic symbols; and the use of cartographic tools and equipment in map construction . (3 crs.) EAS 272. MAP AND AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY INTERPRETATION. A utilization of maps and aerial photographs as a source of information to aid in landscape analysis. The principles of data collection and acquisition of information from map and aerial photographs are done in a manner that does not require previous background. (3 crs.) EAS 302. FIELD WORK IN HYDROLOGY. The course is designed as a follow-up course in hydrology. It allows the student to do practical work concerning water and water budgets. Students will work with problems concerning storage of water, stream measurements, and evaporation problems. (3 crs.) EAS 321 . PETROLEUM GEOLOGY. This course is the first of a two-semester sequence intended primarily for petroleum technology majors. Topics considered include petroleum reservoir properties, petroleum traps, the origin and migration of oil and natural gas, exploration prospect development, and well drilling and completion technology. (3 crs.) EAS 322 . PETROLEUM GEOLOGY II. The second half of the petroleum sequence, this course considers such topics as geological, geochemical, and geophysical exploration techniqu~s; lithofacies analysis; computer applications; well log analysis; secondary and tertiary recovery techniques; and major oilfields of the U.S. and selected areas of the world . (3 crs.) EAS 331 . MINERALOGY. An introduction to the morphology and internal structure of 197 crystals and an examination of the chemical and physical nature of minerals. Laboratory time is devoted to the study of crystal models and the identification of selected mineral specimens. This course presupposes a basic knowledge of Physical Geology and General Chemistry. (3 crs.) EAS 332. PETROLOGY. A detailed examination of the three major rock groups. Particular emphasis placed on the origin of individual rock types and the several bases of classification. Laboratory work includes hand specimen and thin section identification . Recommended : Physical Geology, Mineralogy, and General Chemistry prior to taking this course. (3 crs.) EAS 341. FIELDWORK IN METEOROLOGY. This is a field oriented course designed as a follow up course to meteorology. It is concerned with the measurement of weather conditions, plotting these conditions, and predicting the weather. Other weather problems and library research are part of the course. (3 crs.) EAS 343. GEOMORPHOLOGY. The origin, description , and classification of surface features (landforms) . Particular emphasis on the evolution of landscapes as related to underlying geologic factors and the climatic regime. Time is devoted to the examination of landforms as displayed on topographic maps. (3 crs.) EAS 350. MICROPALEONTOLOGY . Micropaleontology deals with the essential biological and geological principles which are basic to all paleontological studies. Most of the course is devoted to the study and identification of various microfossil groups: particularly the foraminifera and the ostracodes. The use of microfossils by the petroleum industry for stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental interpretation is also considered . (3 crs .) EAS 351 . INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY. Invertebrate Paleontology consists of a detailed analysis of each of the invertebrate phyla as well as consideration of the more important of these as stratigraphic index fossils . Some consideration is also given to vertebrates and important local plant fossils . It is hoped that this course will be of interest to biology as well as geology students. (3 crs.) EAS 363. COASTAL GEOMORPHOLOGY AND MARINE RESOURCES . Physical processes that are changing the coastal landforms such as wave action ; long shore currents and transport; wind and tectonic forces . Also includes a study of the resources of the sea and the problems of ocean pollution . (3 crs.) EAS 366. GEOLOGY OF PENNSYLVANIA. A survey course intended for non-major as well as the student majoring in geology. The origin and description of landforms , the physical and historical evolution of the Appalachian Mountain complex, the economic resources of our state , and the various aspects of coal formation in western Pennsylvania . Recommended : Introduction to Geology or Physical Geology and Historical Geology. (3 crs.) EAS 372 . FIELD MAPPING. On-site exercises using field equipment and the processes and problems involved in mapping . Emphasis is on cartographic techniques , layout, and design of maps from field data . Prerequisites: EAS 271, 272 or permission of the instructor. (3 crs.) EAS 373. STATISTICAL CARTOGRAPHY . The statistical approach to cartographic representation. Methods of data manipulation, problems of symbolization and tech niques of presentation will be emphasized. (3 crs .) EAS 421. SEDIMENTOLOGY . All aspects of sediments and sed imentary rocks. Laboratory work includes hand specimen and th in-section descriptions and classification of sedimentary rocks, and the mechanical and statistical analyses of sediments. Aecom- 198 mended: EAS 160,200, 331 and CHE 101. (3 crs .) EAS 422. STRATIGRAPHY . Emphasis on the time and spatial relationships of layered rocks. The use of guide fossils is stressed , and the stratigraphy of Pennsylvania is examined in detail. Students become involved in local and regional stratigraphic problems of individual interest. Recommended : Physical Geology, Historical Geology, and Paleontology. (3 crs.) EAS 425 . STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY . An examination of the dynamic nature of the earth . The response of rocks to deforming forces , fold systems, fault systems , and the tectonic history of the earth . Modern theories of continental drift, sea-floor spreading , and subcrustal convection. Opportunity is provided for study of local structural features of interest to the individual. Recommended: EAS 160, 200 and PHY 101 . (3 crs.) EAS 463. SEMINAR IN OCEANOGRAPHY. This seminar is designed for department majors who have completed all or nearly all of the required courses for the major. Students will be required to select reseach topics which will be determined by the class and the instructor. Each student will make a copy of the written research report for each member of the class. Students will present and defend the research report before the class. (3 crs.) EAS 493. EARTH SCI ENCE WORKSHOP. Designed to provide students with a combination of experiences: lectures , field work, and laboratory situations. It is hoped that through these experiences the student will gain insights relevant to present-day situations. Prerequisite: Permission of staff. Hours to be arranged . (3 crs.) EAS 494. GEOLOGY WORKSHOP. See 493 . (3 crs .) EAS 495. SEMINAR IN EARTH SCIENCE. (3 crs.) EAS 496. SEMINAR IN GEOLOGY. Designed to give students of advanced standing in geology a chance for group discussion and involvement in areas of geoscientific interest. The content and approach of the seminars varies from semester to semester, with individual staff members covering their areas of greatest competency. (3 crs.) EAS 498 . PRACTICUM IN GEOLOGY . The student combines academic theory with practical on-the-job experience by spending up to a full semester's internship in one of several state or local agencies such as the Governor's Energy Council , Council on Environmental Resources, State Geological Survey, etc. The practicum can be taken for 3-17 credit hours, and includes supervision by the participating agency as well as performance evaluation by the academic adviser. Limited to geology majors. (Variable) ECONOMICS +ECO 100. ELEMENTS OF ECONOMICS . An introduction to the elements of economics analysis, structured particularly for the non-major; the student is exposed to the mechanics of the market system and a survey of modern macroeconomic theory and policy. (3 crs.) ECO 200. CURRENT ECONOMIC ISSUES. An application to contemporary economic problems of economic principles . Current readings in economics are examined . Prerequisite: ECO 100 or ECO 201 . (3 crs.) +ECO 201. INTRODUCTORY MICROECONOMICS. An introduction to the market mechanism at work in a modern mixed economy; supply and demand analysis is applied to consumer markets as well as resource markets. Prerequisite: ECO 100 recommended . (3 crs.) 199 +ECO 202. INTRODUCTORY MACROECONOMICS. An introduction to the determination of national income; problems of inflation and unemployment ; international trade and economic growth . Emphasis is placed on the roles of monetary and fiscal policy in the conduct of macroeconomic policy. The efficacy of wage and price controls is analyzed. Prerequisite: ECO 100 or ECO 201. (3 crs .) +ECO 204. PERSONAL MONEY MANAGEMENT. A guide to personal finance to best meet one's objectives and make financial decisions easier. Prerequisite: ECO 100 or equivalent. (3 crs.) ECO 251 . DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAN ECONOMY. A survey of the beginning, development, and growth of the American economy with emphasis on the business sector. Prerequisite: ECO 201 , ECO 202 or ECO 100. (3 crs.) ECO 301 . INTERMEDIATE MICROECONOMICS. AN analysis of the theories of consumer behavior in the allocation of resources , and of general price and distribution theory, with application to current economic issues. Prerequisites: ECO 201 and ECO 202 or permission of instructor. (3 crs.) ECO 302. INTERMEDIATE MACROECONOMICS. Analysis of the determination of national income, employment and price levels. Discussion of consumption, investment, inflation, and government fiscal and monetary policy. Prerequisite: ECO 201 and ECO 202. (3 crs.) ECO 304. MONEY AND BANKING. Relation of money and credit to economic activity and prices; impact of public policy in financial markets and for goods and services; policies , structure and the functions of the federal reserve system; organization operation and functions of commerical banking system, as related to questions of economic stability and public policy. Prerequisite: ECO 201 and ECO 202. (3 crs.) ECO 307. STATE AND LOCAL FINANCE. Principles and problems of financing state and local governments. Topics to be covered include taxation, expenditures, intergovernmental grants, and governmental fiscal relations. Prerequisite: ECO 100 or equivalent. (3 crs.) ECO 311 . LABOR ECONOMICS. An introduction to labor economics, theories of the labor movement, the American labor movement, wage and employment theory, comparative labor movements and trade union impact on wages , prices and national income. Prerequisite: ECO 201 and ECO 202. (3 crs.) ECO 320. MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS. A course designed to enable economics and business majors to understand the simpler aspects of mathematical economics. Relationships of functions and graphs, simultaneous equations, maximization techniques, and those parts of algebra and calculus required for economic analysis will be presented . Prerequisite: ECO 201, ECO 202, MAT 106 or MAT 101 . (3 crs.) ECO 322. MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS. A survey of analytical techniques available to the modern business manager. Topics to be covered will include economics for managers; business forecasting; cost and production functions ; industrial pricing; profit planning ; business decision making. Prerequisite: ECO 201, ECO 202 and ECO 320. (3 crs.) ECO 331 . REGIONAL ECONOMICS. An introduction to regional analysis : Theories of city locations and hierarchies, industrial location patterns, land use patterns, the shortrun impact of industrial change upon employment in one community and on long-run differentials of per capita income between regions. Prerequisite: ECO 100 or ECO 201 or ECO 202. (3 crs.) 200 ECO 342 . ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS. Environmental pollution , failure of the market system , and optimum resource allocation; levels of pollution abatement and public policy ; energy and public policy. Prerequisite: ECO 201 and ECO 202. (3 crs.) ECO 351 . COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC SYSTEMS . An analys is of the institutional structure of each type of economy and understanding of the reasons for the similarities and differences of institut ional structures by comparing capitalist, socialist and communist economic systems . Prerequisite: ECO 201 and ECO 202. (3 crs.) ECO 379. SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN ECONOMICS. This is designed to meet the changing interests of students and staff. Topics vary in response to those interests. Prerequisite: ECO 201 , ECO 202 or permission of instructor. (3 crs.) ECO 401 . INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION . Analysis of market structure and its relation to market performance; changing structure of U.S. industry; and pricing policies in different industrial classifications of monopoly and competition in relation to the problems of public policy. Pre requisite: ECO 201 . (3 crs.) ECO 405 . PUBLIC FINANCE. A study of the role of federal , state and local governments in meeting publ ic wants. Topics covered include: analys is of tax theory and policy, government expend itures, public debt management, government budgeting , benefit cost analysis and income redistribution . Prerequisite: ECO 201 and ECO 202. (3 crs.) ECO 421 . APPLIED ECONOMETRICS . Deals with the formulation , estimation and testing of economic models. Topics include single variable and multiple variable regression techniques, theory of identification , autocorrelation and simultaneous equations. Prerequisite: MAT 225 and ECO 320. (3 crs.) ECO 431. INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS. A descriptive and theoretical analysis of international trade, balance of payment accounts, comparative costs, mechanism of international financial relations. Prerequisite: ECO 201 and ECO 202 . (3 crs.) ECO 433. ECONOMICS OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. To provide an understanding of the obstacles to economic growth , requirements for growth, and other topics related to economic growth in underdeveloped countries. Prerequisite: ECO 201 and ECO 202. (3 crs.) ECO 451 . HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT. An extensive survey of the development of economic thought from ancient times to the present stressing the contributions of Smith , Ricardo, Marx , Marshall and Keynes. This course should be taken quite late in the undergraduate career. Prerequisite: ECO 201 and ECO 202 . (3 crs.) ECO 479 . HONORS COURSE IN ECONOMICS . Integrated reading under staff direction . Selected topics are investigated and written reports are submitted. Prerequisite: ECO 201 , ECO 202 or permission of instructor. (Variable) ECO 490. COMMUNITY RESOURCES WORKSHOP. A workshop that exposes teachers to various community resources and encourages their implementation into educational programs. Emphasis is placed on the economic aspects of community life with approximately twenty-five hours of classroom economics supplementing numerous field trips and lectures. Prerequisites: Senior Standing or College Degree. (Variable) ECO 492 . ECONOMIC INTERNSHIP. The student is placed with a business firm , a bank, an industrial firm , a government office, a health care facility or a similar institution for "on-the-job" experiences related to their classroom course work. This course should be taken quite late in the undergraduate career. Credit hours will range from 1 to 12 depending upon the nature of the particular assignment. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (Variable) 201 ECO 495 . SEMINAR IN ECONOMICS . An intensive examination of selected subjects from the fields of Economics, Management, Business and Labor Relations . Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (3 crs.) EDUCATIONAL STUDIES EDF 100. FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION. A survey course designed to contribute directly to the professional growth and development of the prospective teacher and to serve as an introductory course for the Arts and Science student. It stresses the history , philosophy, legal , and social foundations of th e American educational enterprise . Emphasis is also given to teaching as a profession , as well as to the structure , administration , and support of the system of public education at the local , state , and federal levels. The student is encouraged to think constructively and creatively abou t education and self. (3 crs.) EDF 206. INSIDE MYSELF AND WITH OTHERS. This course in values designed to give teacher trainees an opportunity to define themselves , what th ey believe , and how they relate to others. Methods used to achieve class objectives are small group dynamics , encounter techniques, and writing to one 's self. (3 crs .) EDS 300. PROBLEMS OF SECONDARY EDUCATION . The practical problems of teaching and learning in the secondary school with emphasis on principles of problem solving are studied . A survey is made of the structure and nature of American Secondary Education . Tools and techniques used in prob lem solving are introduced. A Field Exposure Experience of two classes per week for nine weeks in the local secondary schools is a requirement of the course . Prerequisite : Educational Foundations. Three class hours each week . (3 crs.) EDF 305. INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATIONAL MEDIA. Emphasizes the learning of effective media utilization practices , the acquisition of skills in sele cting materials and equipment, the operation of equipment and competence in simple local production tech niques . For juniors, seniors and special students. Three class hours each week . (2 crs.) EDF 306. MASS COMMUNICATION IN EDUCATION . Thi s course seeks to prepare teachers to use newer media (film , TV, comics , etc .), to develop skills in selecting materials , to provide practice in operation of eq ui pment , and to foster local production of media materials . For English and Communication majors of junior, senior and special status. Two class hours and one laboratory hour each week . (2 crs .) EDF 316. TEACHING IN THE URBAN SCHOOL . Teacher in the Urban Schoo l is an elective course designed to prepare teachers for urban teach ing . The content of the course will center upon the following units: Linguistics for Urban Teaching ; The Psychological Development of the Black Child in America; The Relationship between Teacher Attitudes and Minority Achievement ; A survey of Curriculum Materials and Teaching Mehtods Currently being Recommended for Use in Inner-City Schools ; Observations of Inner-City Schools ; Implications of Black Thought for Inner-City Teaching; and Simulated Classroom Experiences. (3 crs.) EDF 317. GUIDANCE FOR ELEMENTARY TEACHERS. The purpose of this course is to provide the prospective teacher in the elementary school with an understanding of the philosophy of Elementary Guidance and with an awareness of the role of the Elementary School Counselor. The teacher's role in the total elementary guidance program is emphasized . (3 crs .) EDF 318. FOUNDATIONS OF DEATH AND DYING . This course exposes students to the phenomenon of death and dying in the areas of anthropology , psychology , philosophy , education , literature and song . (3 crs .) 202 EDF 360. COMPARATIVE EDUCATION . This course is an introduction to the various schools of the world in their many manifestations . Selected countries include England , France , Italy , Spain , West Germany, the U.S.S.R. and the United States. The general strategy is to explore the history, social organizations, and economic and political conditions that have shaped educational institutions in each country. (3 crs .) EDF 380. VALUES CLARIFICATION IN TEACHING . This course for undergraduates will examine the process of values clarification and will explore ways that the process may be used in various subject matter areas. Procedures to be used in the course include : paper and pencil exercises, verbal or discussion exercises, self-analysis exercises, and rolepracticing exercises. Ample opportunity will be provided for active participation by all class members. The instructor will frequently function as a class member and little course work will be required outside of the class period . (3 crs.) EDF 411 . PHOTOGRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS . This course for advanced undergraduates will consider the skills and techniques needed to take and display effective photographs in black and white or in color, and how to use various cameras , common supplements , attachments, and materials . Because photography also depends on the photographer's perception and style , students will be encouraged to seek out subjects that interest them. They will plan and execute individual projects in communicating thoughts or feelings to others. Applications to problems of instructional communication and instructional development will be encouraged , and emphasis will be placed on techniques of presentation. (3 crs .) EDF 412. PREPARATION OF INEXPENSIVE TEACHING MATERIALS. This course for advanced undergraduates will encompass the principles , techniques and skills associated with , and necessary for , the effective preparation of a variety of inexpensive teacher-made instructional materials, such as : transparencies, opaque projection materials , individual materials to support projector instruction , duplicating disc recordings on tape , duplicating tapes, making sound effects , chalkboard techniques , mounting and preserving pictorial materials and specimens , lettering techniques, devices for the display and study of live specimens, special-purpose maps, models , mock-ups, flannel boards , magnetic boards , electric boards , diorama stages, and effective bulletin boards . (3 crs.) EDF 413. TELEVISION PRODUCTION FOR TEACHERS. This course for advanced undergraduates will involve a study of the techniques for producing and directing effective televised instruction . Exercises in planning , designing and preparing graphics for , and teaching short television lessons will be included , and effective utilization techniques considered . (3 crs .) EDS 420. INTRODUCTION TO GUIDANCE AND PERSONAL SERVICES. The primary objective of this course is to develop an understanding of the principles of guidance with emphasis on the basic concepts of individual and group counseling and the relationship of the counselor, teacher, and school nurse in grades K-12. (3 crs.) EDS 420. INTRODUCTION TO GUIDANCE AND PERSONNEL SERVICES . For C.R.N.A. only. The primary objective of this course is to develop an understanding of the principles of guidance in the post secondary school setting with emphasis on basic concepts of individual and group counseling as applicable to the role of the C.R.N .A. as an instructor and in his dealing with the sick and dying . Educational Psych is not a prerequisite. (3 crs.) EDS 425. INTRODUCTION TO INSTRUCTION. In this course emphasis is placed on principles of instruction as they are related to major learning theories . Students are acquainted with the relationships between instructional strategies and educational objectives; commonly used instructional materials, principles of accountability and the evaluation of instructional outcomes. (3 crs.) 203 EDS 430. EDUCATIONAL TEST AND MEASUREMENTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. This course is a consideration of the simpler statistical measures . with particular stress on the application to classroom work , and of the principles underlying the construction of valid , reliable objective tests. Prerequisite: Educational Psychology. Three class hours each week . (3 crs.) EDS 435. SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY. The development of classroom techniques which lead to cooperative understandings between school and community is a chief objective of this course . Considerable attention is given to the structure of the community , its groups, and their goals. The school is viewed in its role as a public relations laboratory. Three class hours each week . (3 crs.) EDS 440. TEACHING OF ENGLISH IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. The application of principles of educational psychology , philosophy , and sociology to the teaching of English in junior and senior high school. The course includes both practical techniques of classroom practice and an investigation of the larger problems of the profession . Adequate prior content courses in English are necessary to the student undertaking this course. Three class hours each week . (3 crs.) EDS 445. TEACHING OF SOCIAL STUDIES IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. This course is intended to familiarize prospective teachers with desirable methods which may be used in teaching the social stud ies. Emphasis is placed on the philosophy, objectives, courses of study, and organization of subject matter for teaching purposes , curriculum materials , procedures and development. Three class hours each week . (3 crs.) EDS 447. TEACHING OF EARTH SCIENCE IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. A reveiw of concepts and basic philosophy in Earth Science. The course includes a survey of available materials and current curricula in the field of earth science which form the bases for analysis of modern techniques in the teaching of this discipl ine. (3 crs .) EDS 455. MODERN METHODS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. An analysis of the functions of secondary education and of classroom problems, followed by the presentation of techniques for the solution of such problems as indicated by recent literature in the field . Three class hours each week . (3 crs.) EDS 456. THE SECONDARY SCHOOL CURRICULUM . An analysis of the functions of secondary school curriculum including : the historical development of the high school curriculum; current and projected trends ; patterns of curriculum development; the dynamics of curriculum improvement; curriculum provisions for meeting individual differences; trends in specific instructional fields ; the place and purpose of student activities and the extra-class curriculum . Three class hours each week. (3 crs .) EDS 459. STUDENT TEACHING . Observation and participation in all teaching and activities related to the performance of a teacher 's work , in the area of the student 's specialization . Prerequisite : A general quality point average of C or 2.00 and 2.00 in the area of specialization . The student spends full time in actual classroom teach ing fo r a semester of 16 weeks. (12 crs .) EDS 460. TEACHING MATHEMATICS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. The mathematical abilities of the secondary student are diagnosed. Methods of mathematical teaching are discussed and presented. Results of mathematical education according to recent research are studied and trends are indicated . The control and use of the visual aids pertaining to mathematics , and a study of student , teacher, administration and community problems with proper methods of instruction are considered. Content material will be included at the discretion of the mathematics department. Evaluation is maintained by tests, reports, textbook evaluations, course outlines. unit plans, projects and teaching lessons. Prerequisite: Mathematical Insights. Three class hours each week . (3 crs.) 204 EDS 465. DEVELOPMENTAL READING IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. See Ed 465. The purpose of this course is to help the prospective teachers of the Secondary Academic subject areas develop an understanding and appreciation of the necessary reading skills needed by their students. Methods of establishing awareness of general reading needs as well as the special skills unique to their subject area w ill be stressed . Two class ·hours each week. (2 crs.) EDS 466. TEACHING MODERN LANGUAGES (K thru 12) . This course will be taught in the language laboratory. It will cover the theory and practice of teaching and modern language. Instruction in the use of the laboratory will be given. Emphasis is given to the student developing an adequate understanding of the needs , interests , learning characterisitcs and motivations of students at various ages of development (K thru 12) . (3 crs .) EDS 467. TEACHING OF SCIENCE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. The course is planned to give the prospective science major a thorough grounding in the problems of teaching science. The objectives of the science program in the secondary school , selection of textbooks , sources of suitable literature, how to secure materials for instruction , the preparation of units, and special techniques are studied. Prerequi site : Twelve hours of work in major field . Three class hours each week . (3 crs.) EDS 475. SEMINAR IN NEGOTIATIONS FOR TEACHERS, ADMINISTRATORS, AND SCHOOL DIRECTORS (Summer Workshop) . The purpose of th e seminar is to train teachers, admin istrators, and school directors to develop these understandings and appreciations relative to collective bargaining. (3 crs .) EDS 490. PROFESSIONAL PRACTICUM AND SCHOOL LAW. Primary consideration is given to the general techniques and principles of teaching with particular emphasis to techniques that are pertinent to the student 's special field . Pennsylvania school law relevant to the work of the classroom teacher as well as the problems encountered by the students in their student teaching experiences are considered in the Professional Practicum class. Two class hours each week . (2 crs .) EDS 491. HONORS SEMINAR IN SECONDARY EDUCATION. (Variable) EDF 493. FOUNDATIONS OF OPEN TEACHING . This course is designed to supplement the "methods" courses presently required for certification. The methods used for instruction of the course are those which characterize open teaching - small seminar discussion groups, contracts, and creative activity centers. (3 crs.) EDS 494. STUDENT TEACHING WORKSHOP. This workshop is intended for students seeking second ary teaching certification in Pennsylvania who have had prior teaching experience in secondary schools. The learning proc edures assume various understandings and competenc ies as a result of this previous teaching experience. Registration for this workshop requires the approval of the Dean of Education and the Director of Student Teaching . (Bers .) EDS 495. SEMINAR IN SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS (Summer Workshop) . The purpose of the seminar is to train teachers , school administrators , and other personnel in the school and community to develop professional understandings and appreciation pertaining to school and community relations. (3 crs.) 205 ELEMENTARY EDUCATION EDE 100. READING , STUDY AND LISTENING SKILLS. The purpose of this course is to develop listening and reading-study skills at the college level. Special objectives are the development and reinforcement of ab ilities to select judiciously, to read and listening critically, to interpret cogently, to appreciate fully, and to adapt flexibility of reading rate and method to various kinds of materials and to different pruposes in reading . (3 crs.) EDE 103. THE PLX APPROACH TO READING READINESS. The purpose of this course is to provide an effective strategy to involve adults in the reading readiness process with children . Also to introduce and teach the (PLX) or picture language approach to Day Care Staff . (3 crs .) EDE 205. ART FOR ELEMENTARY GRADES. The course consists of the development of art activities suitable for the elementary grades . Emphasis is placed upon the integration of art education with other school subjects. (3 crs.) EDE 207 . TEACHING MUSIC IN THE ELEMENTARY GRADES. This course is designed to demonstrate proper techniques of teaching music to children . Includes the study of much source materials and its proper application in the classroom . Covers procedures in all grades, kindergarten through sixth , in such activities as the use of rhythm instruments, records, part singing, singing games , dances and creative work . College students develop proven techniques and procedues through actual teaching experiences in a typical classroom situation. (3 crs .) EDE 208. TEACHING HEAL TH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR ELEMENTARY GRADES. Elementary school teachers are constantly called upon to supervise and plan programs for recreation or curriculum purposes. This course is designed to give the necessary background and experience in health and physical education practices on the elementary school level. (2 crs.) EDE 301. TEACHING OF READING. The theory and practice of the teaching of reading in the elementary school is discussed . Students are acquainted with a variety of current reading materials and with approved techniques in their use. Students are given the opportunity to participate through observations , demonstrations, and actual lesson planning and teaching situations. (3 crs .) EDE 302. DIAGNOSTIC AND REMEDIAL READING . Major emphasis is placed on acquainting the student with the techniques of diagnosting reading difficulties and of determining appropriate remedial treatment . Opportunities to develop informal diagnostic tools and to assist in developing instructional plans for disabled readers are provided through on-site tutoring in the local schools . (3 crs.) EDE 303. PRACTICUM IN READING INSTRUCTION. The purpose of this course is to provide opportunities for students to identify and remediate reading difficulties of children . Formal and informal diagnostic testing procedures are used. Prerequisite: EDE 301 , EDE 302. (3 crs.) EDE 304. READING AND LANGUAGE ARTS SEMINAR. Technique in research writing will be emphasized. The student will conduct research on a current topic reading and language arts and present a written paper in Turbian style. The student will prepare an oral presentation of his research findings . Prerequisite: EDE 301 . (3 crs.) EDE 305 . MATHEMATICAL CONTENT AND METHOD IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Emphasis is on understanding the cognitive development and the perception of children and their work with mathematics. To accomplish this, students will work with small groups of children . The professor will demonstrate learning activities appropriate to the developmental and academic levels of the children . As time permits, and on the 206 basis of the experiences gained through observing and working with children, critical analysis of commercial arithmetic materials and texts, as well as recent trends and current curricular projects in arithmetic will be considered . Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Mathematics or its equivalent. (3 crs.) EDE 306. TEACHING OF SOCIAL STUDIES. The various social studies curricular approaches will be examined both as to content and rationale . Teaching strategies will be studied and evaluated . Special emphasis will be given to current trends and to the present status of social studies programs. Different types of materials and references in the social studies will be examined . Particular attention will be given to the reading study skills, lesson plans, resource units, and projects in the field . ·(3 crs.) EDE 307 . SCIENCE IN THE ELEMENTARY GRADES. This course, required of all students in the elementary curriculum, is part of the Professional Semester. It is designed to provide students in the elementary curriculum with an understanding of current programs in the elementary science, especially those receiving national attention . Consideration will also be given to other potential science programs in a K-6 sequence . (3 crs.) EDE 308. TEACHING OF LANGUAGE ARTS. This course is designed to present a broad foundation of the various aspects of the language arts in the elementary education. Emphasis will be given to the knowledge of the facets of the language arts, basic principles , techniques, materials of instruction , recent trends and research , and practice planning language arts experiences. (3 crs.) EDE311 . CHILDREN'S LITERATURE I. This course is designed to acquaint college students with literature that is available for children and the various techniques that may be employed in an elementary classroom for stimulating an interest in the reading of story and poem . Special emphasis is placed on telling and reading stories and poems and methodology for getting children and books together. (3 crs.) EDE 312. CHILDREN'S LITERATURE II. An extension of Children's Literature I. Selection and use of literature in the curriculum with emphasis upon children's neeqs, interests and abilities, the deepening of insights about the world and human relationships and the heightening of appreciation for literature is emphasized and the primary focus of this course. Prerequisite: Children's Literature I - EDE 311. (3 crs.) EDE 313 . SEMINAR IN CHILDREN' S LITERATURE. The limited size of a seminar is conducive to the in-depth considerations of areas, and topics in children 's literature singled out as being of special interet to particular students, or a timely social adjustment. (3 crs.) EDE 327 . MAKING AND USING SCIENCE MATERIALS. This course provides an opportunity for students in the elementary curriculum , and for elementary teachers, to engage in creative experiences in science. Provides for students to design and construct a variety of original devices to use in teaching science in the elementary grades. (3 crs.) EDE 335. READING IN AN URBAN SOCIETY. This course is designed to present an understanding of the reading process and its relationship to the students in the urban school. Emphasis will be given to: characteristics of the disadvantaged child, phases of the reading process, stages of readiness, needs of the disadvantaged child, providing for individual differences, various multi-ethnic basal reading programs, and materials and equipment. Prerequisite: EDE 301 . (2 crs.) EDE 336. CHORAL READING IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. This course is designed to acquaint students with methodology for conducting choral speaking in an elementary school classroom . Stress is placed upon student creativity within the framework of the mechanical technique of traditional choral speaking . The techniques learned are the 207 basis upon which the creativity in choral speaking develops . Thus the future elementary school teacher may provide an opportun ity for developing various language patterns and speech habits by means of a poetic and creative approach in a particular classroom . (2 crs .) EDE 337 . POETRY FOR THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CHILD. A course intended to familiarize prospective teachers with desirable methods which may be used with children engaged in the study of poetry . The major emphasis shall be placed on poetic experience. The student will have the opportunity to gain experience reading , writing , and discussing poetry. (2 crs.) EDE 409/ OBSERVATION AND CONFERENCE. This course is designed to provide opportunities for pre-student teach ing experience in actual classroom settings as well as in the preparation and construction of learning materials. Cooperating school districts in this area will be used for field experience . The major emphasis will be on micro teaching of small groups. The student is expected to devote four (4) hours every other week to this and attend a seminar every other week . (3 crs.) EDE 459 . STUDENT TEACHING . During this course the student is assigned to work in two classrooms of various publ ic schools. Under supervision , the student observes and participates in all teaching activities related to the performance of a teacher's work in the elementary grades . Prerequisites: Completion of th e Professiona l Semester; Admission to Teacher Education ; approval of Teacher Education Committee. (12 crs .) EDE 490. PROFESSIONAL PRACTICUM AND SCHOOL LAW. Discussions are centered around the current materials utilized in all subject areas. Pennsylvania school laws relevant to the work of the classroom teacher are analyzed and discussed thoroughly . Opportunities are provided to discuss problems encountered by the student in their student teaching experiences . Teaching opportunities are identified and discussed on a weekly basis. Prerequisites: Elementary Education 459 to be taken concurrently with this course. (2 crs.) EDE 497 . READING WORKSHOP. The read ing workshop is designed to upgrade the knowledge and skill of classroom teachers in all aspects of reading . Special emphasis will be given to beginning reading methods , adjustment of instructional materials to meet needs of pupils , study skills , and reading as a lifetime habit. The workshop will strive to meet the needs of the group enrolled . Guest lecturers will speak on the various topics of reading instruction and materials for the newer programs will be provided by major book companies. Prerequisite: Admission at the discretion of the instructor. (3 crs.) EDE 498 . INNOVATIVE TECHNIQUES AND EXPERIENCES IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. The course is designed to acquaint students with modern teaching techniques and innovations in elementary education . Opportunities are provided for students to present innovative techniques to the class . (3 crs .) ENGLISH +ENG 099. WRITING CLINIC . A service of the English Department, the writing clinic is located in Dixon 116. It is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and is staffed by English faculty and graduate assistants . Any teacher or administrator in need of editorial assistance should call 4336 for an appointment. Any student should simply drop in , preferably no later than 3:30 p.m. +ENG 100. ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS. This course is a basic study of spelling, vocabulary, punctuation , usage, and grammar. Once a student masters these items, they 208 become his tools to construct sentences, the keys to good writing , and compositions in miniature. Having learned how to make sentences, the student can easily learn how to develop larger units in writing . (3 crs.) +ENG 101 . ENGLISH COMPOSITION I. Composition I is a natural sequence to English Language Skills. It reviews the construction of sentences and leads the student to arrange sentences into well-formed paragraphs . In essence , its business is threefold: to review sentence structure, to oversee the use of effective diction , to instruct in how to write a paragraph . (3 crs.) +ENG 102. ENGLISH COMPOSITION II. The sequence of Composition I, Composition II has as its principal business teaching the student to write a multi-paragraph paper. The course includes instructions in writing a topic sentence, in using transitions, and in choosing an appropriate expository methods . (3 crs.) +ENG 103. ENGLISH COMPOSITION Ill. The complement to Composition 11, Composition Ill instructs the student in writing autobiographical essays, letters of application, and resumes . Further, it instructs him in the manifold procedures for writing a research paper. In sum , this course emphasizes some practical applications of writing. (3 crs.) +ENG 106. INTRODUCTION TO POETRY. This course consists of an intensive study of selected poems . Each selection entails consideration of the personal background of the author and his literary techniques. (3 crs.) +ENG 107. INTRODUCTION TO FICTION. This course serves not only as an introduction to the short story, novelette, and the novel, but also as a writing-about-literature course. It provides a foundation for judging and appreciating good fiction , and broadens the student's general cultural background. Emphasis is placed upon an author's methods as well as his thoughts . (3 crs .) +ENG 108. INTRODUCTION TO DRAMA. This course examines dramatic materpieces written during the Greek Classical Period, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Restoration and the Modern Era. Such writers as Aeschylus, Sophocles, Jonson, Moliere, Chekhov , Synge, El iot, and others, and their most representative works will be discussed in relation to the basic and essential elements of drama (character, action, conflict , dialogue, setting , theme, etc .) and the specific characteristics (cultural , historical , philosophical, political , etc .) of the age which produced the drama. (3 crs.) +ENG 155. BLACK LITERATURE. An introduction to the writings of Black Americans in poetry , fiction , and drama, ranging from the Harlem Renaissance of the 20's to the contemporary productions of Leroi Jones and Ishmael Reed. (3 crs.) +ENG 191. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS' WORKSHOP. This course uses the college newspaper and yearbook as laboratories. Under supervision , the student uses his laboratories to practice writing , editing , photography, layout, and production . Above all , the student learns to work against the clock , a journalistic necessity. (1 er.) ENG 203. GREAT BOOKS. This course will analyze the texts and historical backgrounds of seven selections from among the most highly regarded literature of the Western World. The range will be from the classical Greek era to the twentieth century. Two papers will be required . +ENG 205 . WORLD LITERATURE TO 1600. Greek, Roman, Hebrew, Northern European, Early German , and Early Italian works are examined for their literary merit and national characters. Works are read in translation . (3 crs .) +ENG 206. WORLD LITERATURE FROM 1600. This course , which concentrates on the novel and short story, considers these genres and their chronological development in 209 Spain , France, Germany, Italy, and Russia. The works of such writers as Cervantes, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Pirandello and Kafka are examined for their literary merit and their national characteristics. (3 crs.) +ENG 207 . ENGLISH LITERATURE TO 1800. A fundamental examination of major works, figures, schools, and influences from the Anglo-Saxon period to the Restoration . Recommended for all English majors. (3 crs.) +ENG 208. ENGLISH LITERATURE FROM 1800. Literature from the Romantic period to the early twentieth century . Recommended for all English majors . (3 crs.) ENG 211. BUSINESS WRITING I. An introduction to the analysis , writing , and oral presentation of formal and semi-formal documents considered essential to the business communities. Prerequisite: ENG 101 . (3 crs .) ENG 212. BUSINESS WRITING II. A continuation in the practice of those skills developed in Business Writing I. Prerequisite: Business Writing I or equivalent writing ability. (3 crs.) ENG 217 . SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL WRITING . An introduction to the specific techniques used in the preparation of reports and other scientific documents . Recommended for Science and Technology majors. (3 crs.) ENG 265. AMERICAN EXPERIENCE IN LITERATURE: 19TH CENTURY. This course will survey selected works which (1) were very popular; (2) were influential in the course of American history; (3) reveal facets of American life in the 19th century. Lecture on background; discussion of works read . When possible , guest lecturers will be invited to participate. (3 crs.) ENG 266. AMERICAN EXPERIENCE IN LITERATURE: 20TH CENTURY. A study of selected literature of 20th century America in the context of major social, historical, economic , and intellectual trends. In addition to the treatment of standard 20th century "classics," books which have had a wide popular appeal or which have influenced or interpreted the cultural life of modern America will be studied . All genres will be included, with especial emphasis on fiction and non-fiction . A lower division course designed for the general educational student. (3 crs .) ENG 305. LITERATURE FOR ADOLESCENTS. The purpose of this course is to acquaint prospective teachers in English with sufficient literature (poems, short stories, novels, plays) to teach both general and academic classes - grades 7 to 12. Emphasis in the course will be placed on making literature meaningful for the student. Poems, short stories, etc., which students can relate to will be examined and ways for presenting these selections will be studied . (3 crs.) ENG 307. JOURNALISM I. The course offers basic instruction and training in newspaper journalism. The student will be given practical experience by writing news stories in a simulated newsroom. Writing will conform to accepted newspaper style. Instruction will include the procedure in gathering news, in covering meetings and events, in interviewing witnesses and personalities, and in the standard method of copyreading . (3crs.) ENG 308. RESEARCH FOR WRITERS. Research for Writers will help students in each of the professional Writing tracks. Beginning with basic library techniques, the course projects beyond readily available on-campus resources to government records, public service networks, interviews, mail and telephone queries, and other sources of information of value to the industrious writer. ENG 310. SURVEY OF OLD & MIDDLE ENGLISH. A study of English literature from the beginnings to approximately 1700. Some of the topics, authors, and works are Beowulf, 210 elegiac and Christian poetry, the rise of the drama, the romance (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Malory, for example) , and finally selections from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales . Most of the writing is read in Modern English versions. Attention is pa id to historical and social backgrounds of the period . (3 crs .) ENG 311 . JOURNALISM 11. Journalism II continues with the principles and methods of objective reporting established in Journalism I. The student is taught how to write new stories , editorials, reviews , features , headlines , and c aptions . In all , the student must demonstrate his ability to edit and revise his own work to accord with the recommendation of the Associated Press Style Book. (3 crs .) ENG 312 . JOURNALISM Ill. This is a course in practical journalism . Its purpose is to teach , through working on college publications, editing , proofreading, and rewriting materials for print. These abilities are learned in the classroom and in the production of actual publications . (3 crs.) ENG 316 . MYTHOLOGY I. An exploration of the origins of mythology and various myths through a study of samples from Greek , Roman , Nordic , Oriental , African , and American Indian mythologies . The roles of gods and heroes in the indicated cultures are also studied. (3 crs .) ENG 317. MYTHOLOGY II . A further examination of mythology, with emphasis on legends and folktales , through study of English , Irish , German , Italian , French , and American mythologies . (3 crs.) ENG 318 . POETICS . Through readings from a tex t on poetic theory, essays on poetry by poets , and an anthology of poetry, stud ents will learn to analyze poems in great detail , stressing poetry as an act of language and som ething which is made as much as it is inspired. Students will become acquainted with the variety of means by which the literary craftsman creates feeling and meaning . ENG 321 . THE ENGLISH RENAISSANCE : SKELTON THROUGH DONNE. A study of the nondramatic prose and poetry chosen from such writers as Wyatt , Surrey, Sackville , Skelton , Sidney, Spenser, Shakespeare, and Donne, with emphasis on such literary genres as the lyric and sonnet, and an examination of various philosophical, historical, and social documents . (3 crs .) ENG 322. THE ENGLISH RENAISSANCE : BACON THROUGH MARVELL. A study of the nondramatic prose and poetry of England in the seventeenth century from the works of Donne , Jonson , Herrick , Herbert , Milton , and Vaughan . Emphasis on the three schools of poetry of this century. (3 crs .) ENG 331. RESTORATION AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY: DRYDEN THROUGH POPE. A concentrated study of the major literary figures of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, including Dryden, Congreve , Addison , Steele, Defoe, Swift, Gay, and Pope . (3 crs.) ENG 332 . RESTORATION AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY: RICHARDSON THROUGH BURNS. An examination of the work of Richardson , Fielding, Smollett, Sterne, Gray, Cowper, Burns, Johnson, Walpole , Goldsmith , and Sheridan . (3 crs.) ENG 341. ROMANTIC LITERATURE . An intensive study of selected works by such Romantic poets as Wordsworth , Coleridge , Shelley, Keats , Byron, and Blake. (3 crs.) ENG 342. VICTORIAN LITERATURE. A historical and critical survey of the poetry and non-fictional prose of the Victorian period through such writers as Tennyson, Browning , Arnold, Rosetti, Hopkins, Mill , Ruskin , Newman, Huxley, and Pater. (3 crs.) 211 ENG 345. ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND USAGE. A practical study of traditional and modern approaches to grammar. Required of all Secondary English and Communications majors. (3 crs.) ENG 346. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. A survey of the development of the language from its Germanic base to the emergence of American English. Explanations of sound shifts and foreign and social influences. Required of all Secondary English majors. (3 crs.) ENG 347. INTRODUCTION TO LINGUISTICS. An examination of the several areas of language study: history of the language, phonology and morphology, grammars (traditional and modern) , and contemporary American usage, dialects, lexicography, and semantics. (3 crs.) ENG 348. HISTORY OF LITERARY CRITICISM . An examination of major critical documents from Plato through the modern critics. An intensive examination of the works themselves, with some additional concern on their place in literary history. (3 crs .) ENG 351 . PUBLISHING THE MAGAZINE. Students in this course will publish a biannual , regional magazine. They will solicit contributors, finance the magazine through advertising , market it through a state wide network , establish editorial policy, and, if need be , write such materials as are necessary to produce a top quality magazine . (3 crs.) \ ENG 352. STUDIES IN WRITING . The intent of Studies in Writing is to develop in the student awareness of the modern, critical approaches to literature, e.g., the mimetic , expressive , objective , and affective. Through analysis of select critical essays and works of literature, the student will apply and evaluate critical theories, ultimately identify and even predict fashion in criticism . (3 crs.) ENG 355. SURVEY OF THE ENGLISH NOVEL I: THE BEGINNING THROUGH SCOTT. A study of the development of the novel from its beginnings through the Romantic period, with emphasis on Defoe, Richardson, Smollett, and Austin . (3 crs.) ENG 356. SURVEY OF THE ENGLISH NOVEL II: DICKENS TO THE PRESENT. A study of the novels and novelists of the Victorian period and the twentieth century, including Dickens, Bronte, Thackeray, Eliot, Conrad, Joyce, and Woolf . (3 crs .) ENG 357. 20TH CENTURY BRITISH LITERATURE TO WORLD WAR 11. A study of fiction, drama , and poetry with emphasis on Yeats, Lawrence, Shaw, Joyce, Conrad, Woolf, Forster, and Auden. (3 crs.) ENG 358. CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE SINCE WORLD WAR II. An exploration of major genres in English and Continental literature by such authors as Mailer, Vonnegut, Fowles, Lowell, Kesey, Durrell, Malamud, Plath, Gunn, Pasternack, Beckett, Genet, Ionesco, and Brecht. (3 crs.) ENG 365. SURVEY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE TO 1865. Astudyofthewritingsofthe Colonists, the Federalists, the Romantics, the Trascendentalists, and others, with emphasis on the Puritan ethic, early American social history, and the implicit conflicts in American culture. (3 crs.) ENG 366. SURVEY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE FROM 1865 TO WORLD WAR I. A study of the emergence of modern American Literature through the work of Whitman , Dickinson, Twain, Harte, Howells, James Dreiser, and others. (3 crs.) ENG 367. SURVEY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE SINCE WORLD WAR I. A study of the literature from 1914 to present, concerned with such writers as Hemingway, Frost, Faulkner, Wolfe, Fitzerald, Sandburg, Dickey, Stevens, and others. (3 crs.) 212 ENG 375 . ADVANCED WRITING . A presentation of the theories of expository , persuasive, and specialized report writing, and the opportunity for the student to practice these under editorial supervision . Required for all Secondary English and Communication majors and all Liberal Arts Writing majors. Prerequisites: English Composition I and English Composition II or equivalent writing ability. (3 crs .) ENG 376. CREATIVE WRITING: FICTION. Techniques of fiction are studied and applied to the writing of short stories, and students are encouraged to use and shape their own experience, transmitting those "everyday" things around them, into fictional " realities ." (3 crs.) ENG 377. CREATIVE WRITING: POETRY. Aspects of poetry, such as line length, rhythm , sound patterns and imagery, are discussed so students will be able to apply those techniques that are studied to their own experience and vision, developing a poetic voice or style. (3 crs.) ENG 378. CREATIVE WRITING : DRAMA. Writing techniques for the modern stage are studied and such elements as developing character through dialogue and action are discussed so students will be able to render their own perceptions in a dramatic form . (3 crs.) ENG 401 . COPYWRITING . This course is not for beginners. Students who have already taken the basic Advertising course will be expected to improve pre-existing writing skills through individual and group projects in each of these areas: (1) direct mail ads , (2) newspaper and magazine space ads, (3) industrial newsletters and brochures, (4) radio and TV ads. Each student will write at least two usable ads for off-campus clients and one ad for a campus program or organization. ENG 415. CHAUCER . Principally, the Canterbury Tales - Chaucer's last and most varied work - considered as a collection of stories, and as a criticism of life . (3 crs.) ENG 419. INTERNSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL WRITING . This course introduces the student to the competitive world of professional writing . If the student satisfies minimum requirements, he and a cooperating institution conclude a formal agreement whereby the student works at a job and simultaneously receives college credit. (All details of the course are to be worked out with the Director of Professional Writing . Credits vary according to assignment.) ENG 425. SHAKESPEARE I. This course explores in considerable depth, and with special reference to the conditions of Shakespeare's times and theater, some of his greatest plays, especially (a) those most often studied in secondary school and (b) his great tragedies. (Designed particularly, but not exclusively, for Secondary Education majors) . (3 crs.) ENG 427. MIL TON. An examination of the major poetry: Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained , Samson Agonistes and Lycidas. The prose will be treated only insofar as it is related to the poetry. (3 crs.) ENG 430. ADAPTATION OF LITERARY MATERIALS. The purpose of this course is to teach the student to adapt literature to the mechanical demands of television , radio, theater, and film . While remaining faithful to an author's intent, the student must adapt one short piece of literature and one major, long piece to each of the following: radio, television, theater, and film . (3 crs.) ENG 435. ARTICLE WRITING. In a broad way this course deals with the styles and techniques of article writing . The student learns the editorial demands of numerous magazines, and demonstrates his versatility and writing ability by tailoring his work to the demands . The course, in addition , promotes astuteness by showing how to illustrate, "package," and market a special kind of writing . (3 crs.) 213 ENG 437 . ADVERTISING . This course lets the student sample advertising by having him learn marketing theories , behavior patterns, and techniques of advertising campaigns. He will learn copywriting , layout, and production of advertising through working for an actual client. (3 crs.) ENG 445. DESCRIPTIVE LINGUISTICS. An examination of the method used by linguists to describe languages in terms of their internal structures. Topics explored include world language families , language classification , writing systems, inventories of speech sounds, and other related material. (3 crs.) ENG 448. PRACTICAL CRITICISM. Designed to provide examples of criticism and the opportunity to criticize poetry, fiction , and drama. Required of all Secondary English majors. (3 crs.) ENG 478. DIRECTED STUDIES IN ENGLISH . An opportunity to pursue a specific interest in literature or linguistics under the direction of a member of the English faculty. Students must submit a one-page summary of intent and method to the department chairman in the term prior to the one in which they plan to take the course. Required of all Arts and Science and Secondary English majors. (3 crs.) ENG 481 . STUDIES IN OLD AND MIDDLE ENGLISH LITERATURE . Arthurian Romance, Medieval Drama, Boewulf, Medieval Ballads, Old English Poetry. (3 crs.) ENG 482. STUDIES IN RENAISSANCE LITERATURE. Elizabethan Lyric Poetry, PreShakespearean Drama, Jacobean Drama, Renaissance Prose, the School of Spenser, Metaphysical Poetry, Cavalier Poetry. (3 crs.) ENG 483. STUDIES IN THE RESTORATION AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. Restoration Drama, Augustan Satire, The Scriblerus Club, Periodical Literature, Neo-Classical Criticism. (3 crs.) ENG 484. STUDIES IN NINETEENTH CENTURY LITERATURE. Nineteenth Century Drama, Romantic Prose, Nineteenth Century Literary Criticism, the pre-Raphaelites, the Edwardians, and Georgians. (3 crs.) ENG 485. STUDIES IN TWENTIETH CENTURY ENGLISH LITERATURE. Contemporary Trends in Literature, the War Novel, the Poets of the30's, Irish Literature, Twentieth Century British Novel. (3 crs.) ENG 487. STUDIES IN AMERICAN LITERARY GENRES. The American Short Story, the Nineteenth Century American Novel, the Twentieth Century American Novel, Modern American Poetry , American Drama, American Non-Fiction. (3 crs.) ENG 488. STUDIES IN DRAMA. Classical Drama, Theater of the Absurd, Continental Drama, Film and Television as Drama, Realism and Naturalism in Drama. (3 crs.) ENG 495. CREATIVE WRITING SEMINAR. The fictional principles learned in ENG 376 are applied to the writing of major creative work, such as a novella, and the student is given the opportunity to polish and extend writing skills previously acquired . (3 crs.) ENG 496. SEMINAR IN WRITING . Students talents and needs set the direction for this course. Students work individually with an instructor to refine their work for publication. (Students are expected to publish at least one work during the semester.) Simultaneously, they compile job-related portfolios, and work on a supervised project, e.g., a public relations scheme for the college. (3 crs.) 214 ENGLISH FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS EFS 101 . SPEAKING AND LISTENING SKILLS. A coursedesignedforinternationalstudents who have an insufficient command of spoken American English. The course enables students to both comprehend and use oral language in formal and informal situations. (3 crs.) EFS 102. READING AND VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT. A course which enables international students to broaden their awareness of English vocabulary, slang expressions, levels of usage, and to spell correctly, both orally and in writing. (3 crs.) EFS 103. IDIOMATIC ENGLISH. (3 crs.) EFS 104. WR ITING IN ENGLISH. (3 crs.) ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES +XES 100. MAN AND HIS ENVIRONMENT. The broad field of environmental management. Man's biological basis, soils, land use, water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, and agencies and laws associated with the above topics. No one area will be covered in depth . Rather, the student will be introduced to each problem, its source, current corrective measures, and possible future technology. (3 crs.) XES 205. FIELD BIOLOGY. An introductory course dealing with the conservation of renewable resources, with emphasis on soils, forests and wildlife. Basic ecological principles will be demonstrated as they apply to native flora and fauna of southwestern Pennsylvania. The course will involve extensive field experiences. (3 crs.) XES 300. INTERPRETATION . To acquaint students with opportunities, through practical work in the field , for the interpretation of natural and physical phenomena. Explores the environments of plants and animals in the complex interrelationships of nature. The study of the conservation and horticulture practices necessary in the preservation and maintenance of our environmental resources. Covers the four seasons of the year. Prerequisites: BIO 111 , 121 . Four class hours per week. (3 crs.) XES 421 . GAME HABITAT MANAGEMENT. Application of historical and economic aspects of game problems to present-day conditions. Field and laboratory studies with demonstrations of basic game management. Prerequisites: BIO 111,121 and Interpretation. Five class hours per week. (3 crs.) XES 422. WILDLIFE TECHNIQUES. Field studies in basic techniques necessary in the study and use of fish, wildlife, and outdoor recreation skills, with emphasis on use in Conservation and Outdoor Education programs. Methods in observation, area studies, collecting, field data, habitat evaluation and relationships, and basic program methods and procedures. Prerequisites: BIO 111 , 121, Ecology, Interpretation. Four class hours each week. (3 crs.) XES 430. AIR QUALITY MONITORING. The course deals with the technologies involved in the abatement of emissions from mobile and stationary sources, monitoring techniques and air quality standards. XES 431 . SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT. An applied course dealing with the fundamental technologies involved in the collection, processing and disposal of urban, industrial and agricultural wastes. XES 432. ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS. A review of environmental laws and regulations and the institutions and instrumentalities that deal with the problems. 215 XES 459. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH PROBLEMS. An independent study with a cooperating faculty member. Emphasis on scientific research on contemporary environmental problems. These independent studies are to be as field-oriented as possible, with a final research paper written in proper scientific notation. (Note : As of January, 1975, no environmental studies student may enroll in more than eight (8) credit hours of this course within his/ her total college curriculum) (Variable) XES 494. SEMINAR - NATURE CONSERVATION . Lectures, individual reports , panel discussions, and individual project assignments concerning the environment and man 's future roles in improving the quality of life. (3 crs.) XES 495. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH PROBLEMS. (3 crs.) XES 497. ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION WORKSHOP. An interdisciplinary summer program designed to prepare the public school teacher for teaching environmental education . This workshop considers all aspects of the relationship of man and his institutions to the environment. It also has a large "how to do" component. (Variable) FRENCH +FAE 101. ELEMENTARY FRENCH I. For the student without previous knowledge of French . The development of the fundamentals of correct idiomatic French . Basic sound patterns and sentence structures: hearing and speaking, then reading and writing . Classroom instruction is supplemented by laboratory study and practice. Three class hours each week and one hour language laboraory per week . (3 crs.) +FAE 102. ELEMENTARY FRENCH II . A continuation of French 101 . Three class hours each week and one language laboratory per week . Prerequisite: French 101 or one year of high school French. (3 crs.) +FAE 203. INTERMEDIATE FRENCH I. French grammar and reading . For students who have completed French 101 and 102 or two years of high school French. A review of essential French grammar. Development of audiolingual comprehension and reading and writing facility . Three class hours each week; one hour language laboratory per week. Prerequisites: French 101 and 102 or two years of high school French . (3 crs.) +FAE 204. INTERMEDIATE FRENCH II. Continuation of French 203. After a short review of grammar, structural patterns are further developed through reading and discussion of selected prose by modern authors. Three class hours and one hour language laboratory each week. Prerequisite: French 203 or equivalent. (3 crs.) FAE 211 . FRENCH CONVERSATION, COMPOSITION , AND PHONETICS I. Cultural themes as a basis for idiomatic conversation and discussions ; written compositions are assigned to teach the student how to write correct French . Three class hours and one hour language laboratory per week. Prerequisite: French 204. (3 crs.) FAE 212. FRENCH CONVERSATION, COMPOSITION , AND PHONETICS, II. Continuation of French 211 on a more advanced level as reflected in conversation. Three class hours and one hour language laboratory per week. Prerequisite: French 211 or completion of French 204. FAE 295. STUDIES IN FRENCH CULTURE. Taught in English; no previous knowledge of French required . Films, slides, music, graphic materials, and other educational media illustrate the French way of life, past and present. Art, music, diplomacy, cuisine, education, architecture, customs, and all facets of French culture and civil ization. (3 crs.) Subjects change from semester to semester, and may be repeated for additional credit so long as the topic remains different. Three class hours each week. No prerequisites. 216 FAE 321 . SU RVEY OF FRENCH LITERATURE I. A general survey of French literature from the Middle Ages to 1800. Three class hours each week. Prerequisite: Twelve hours of French beyond French 102. (3 crs.) FAE 322. SURVEY OF FRENCH LITERATURE II. A general survey of French literature of the 19th and 20th centuries; the principal novelists, poets, and dramatists of the romantic, realist and modern periods. Three class hours each week. Prerequisite: 12 hours of French beyond French 102. (3 crs.) FAE 469. STUDIES IN FRENCH LITERATURE. Subject matter to be arranged . Designed for French majors who wish to take additional credits. Prerequisite: 18 hours of French. (Variable) GEOGRAPHY +GEO 100. INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHY. The physical factors of the environment and man 's adjustment to them. World patterns of landforms, climate, soils, vegetation , etc., emphasized in relation to economic and cultural activites. (3 crs.) +GEO 105. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. The existing group patterns and the spatia~d istribution of the occupants of the earth. Broad lines of human evolution and recent economic and demographic changes. (3 crs.) +GEO 200. ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY. The geographical bases for the production, manufacture, and distribution of the earth 's resources , and the relationship arising as man engages in making a living. (3 crs.) GEO 210. URBAN GEOGRAPHY. An investigation of cities in selected regions. Topics investigated and analyzed about cities include their classification , location, distribution , function , growth, types, and patterns of land use. Emphasis toward urban planning is incorporated . (3 crs.) GEO 217. DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS. This course deals with demographic processes. The determinants and consequences of population trends. Emphasis is placed on distribution patterns and environmental ramifications. (3 crs.) GEO 220. GEOGRAPHY OF THE UNITED STATES AND PENNSYLVANIA. A study of the physiography, climate, vegetation, population, land utilization, production, and trade of the various regions of the United States and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (3 crs.) GEO 240. HUMAN ECOLOGY. Man 's interaction with the elements of the natural environment. Emphasis on problems created by man 's adjustments to the natural environment. The principles of conservation are stressed. (3 crs.) GEO 275. CONTEMPORARY GEOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS. Various physically and human-oriented courses based on the application of geographic techniques and concepts to selected problems of spatial interaction. Specific course topics and course numbers are available at each registration. (3 crs.) GEO 306. MARKETING GEOGRAPHY. A study of the spatial patterns associated with the consumption of retail goods, especially the collection and subsequent distribution of these goods to consumers. (3 crs.) GEO 310. URBAN GEOGRAPHY. An analysis of cities in selected regions. Classification, location , distribution, function , and growth , as well as types and patterns of land use. (3 crs.) 217 GEO 315. URBAN TRANSPORTATION. The characteristics of urban functions , structure, location, and internal patterns associated with spatial variation in transportation systems . Urban problems related to transportation . (3 crs.) GEO 317. URBAN LAND USE ANALYSIS AND PLANNING . An analysis of the structure of urbanized areas, with particular emphasis on the description , patterns , and trends in urban land use. Methods for defining , representing , and evaluating land use. Explanations of land use patterns through factor models. (3 crs.) GEO 318. GEOGRAPHY OF CHINA. A geographic study of the historical, cultural , political, and economic factors as they combine to make twentieth-century China an important factor in world affairs. Traditional Chinese society, the impact of the West, modern China, and the physical environment. (3 crs.) GEO 325. GEOGRAPHY OF EUROPE. Europe's natural and political regions , the complexity of the continent's natural and cultural features , and the effect they have had on the occupants, past and present. (3 crs.) GEO 326. GEOGRAPHY OF PENNSYLVANIA. A regiona l analysis of Pennsylvania, emphasizing man 's cultural and economic response to environmental factors . Field trips are an integral part of the course. (3 crs .) GEO 328. GEOGRAPHY OF LATIN AMERICA. The effects of the physical environment of Latin America upon human activities. Effects of the historical background, types of governments, and ethnic backgrounds of the peoples upon the development of the natural resources of Latin America. The study is regional by nat ions . (3 crs .) GEO 330. GEOGRAPHY OF THE SOVIET UNION . A regional study of the physical and cultural features of the Soviet Union . Emphasis is placed upon the factors responsible for the current position of the Soviet Union as a major world power, and upon potential future development. (3 crs.) GEO 337. GEOGRAPHY OF AFRICA. A regional study of Africa, showing the social and economic development of these lands in relation to their physical environment. The importance of Africa to the world , and the effect thereon of emergent nationalism in an Africa torn by strife are studied . (3 crs.) GEO 340. HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY. A study of the interrelationships between the natural environment and the historical development of the United States. (3 crs.) GEO 345 . POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. A political geography giving attention to the problems of State, internal and external, as influenced by the human and natural resources . (3 crs.) GEO . 370. MAP INTERPRETATION. A non-technical laboratory course designed to develop competence in map use and evaluation . Interpretation of cartograms and graphs along with the theory of map construction and mapping techniques is included . (3 crs.) GEO 445. FIELD METHODS IN GEOGRAPHY . An intensive micro-geographic study through actual field work. An advanced course. Permission of staff required for registration . One hour lecture and four to eight hours field work each week. (3 crs.) GEO 491 . SUMMER FIELD COURSE GEOGRAPHY . Trips are made to various places of geographic interest, where lectures and discussions are conducted . (Variable) GEO 493 . SEMINAR IN GEOGRAPHY. Consideration of evolving geographic thought , evaluation of selected geographic literature , and the development of individual or group 218 research projects. Recommended as a culminating course for majors in geography. (Variable) GEO 498. INTERNSHIP IN GEOGRAPHY. The geography intern (during his sophomore, junior or senior year) spends a semester of practical experience with a planning, governmental, business, industrial, or social agency. Credit for the course varies, depending upon the nature of the internship assignment and the number of hours of on-the-job training . The internship culminates with a report submitted by the intern, a report that serves along with the sponsor's evaluation of the intern as a basis for determining the credit and grade given. (Variable) GERMAN +GER 101 . ELEMENTARY GERMAN I. For those who have had no previous instruction in German or who reveal insufficient training for a more advanced level. Develops the fundamentals of correct idiomatic German through basic sound patterns and sentence structure. Language laboratory is used in conjunction with this and the following courses. Three class hours and one hour language laboratory per week . (3 crs.) +GER 102. ELEMENTARY GERMAN II . Continuation of German 101 . Three class hours and one hour language laboratory per week. Prerequisite: German 101 or one year of high-school German . (3 crs.) +GER 203. INTERMEDIATE GERMAN I. The goals are understanding , speaking, reading, and writing on a more advanced level. A reveiw of the structural principles covered in German 101 and German 102 and additional structural material, idioms, etc. More emphasis on both speaking and reading . Three class hours and one language laboratory per week. Prerequisite: German 102 or two years of high school German. (3 crs.) +GER 204. INTERMEDIATE GERMAN II . Continuation of German 203, with speaking, reading, writing on a more advanced level. Three class hours and one language laboratory per week. Prerequisite: German 203. (3 crs.) GER 211 . GERMAN CONVERSATION, COMPOSITION , AND PHONETICS I. Concentrates on the further development of knowledge and skill in speaking and writing, based upon a relatively small amount of reading particularly well adapted to this purpose. Three class hours and one hour language laboratory per week . Prerequisite: German 204. (3 crs.) GER 212. GERMAN CONVERSATION, COMPOSITION , AND PHONETICS II. Continuation of German 211, conducted on a more advanced level. Three class hours and one hour language laboratory per week. Prerequisite: German 211 or the completion of German 204 with the grade A or B. (3 crs.) GER 295 . STUDIES IN GERMAN CULTURE. Designed asanArtsandScienceelectivein the Modern Language Department; no knowledge of German required. The individual topic for Studies in German Culture changes from semester to semester. The subject may be an oustanding person (e.g. Goethe) , and era (e.g. The Wilhelminian Era) , or an entire culture (e.g. Switzerland) . As long as the topic remains different, the course may be taken for credit repeatedly. No prerequisites. (3 crs.) GER 321 . SURVEY OF GERMAN LITERATURE I. Background for study of the history of German literature, presenting a foundation in literary definition (style, form, period) with examination of appropriate examples from the works of leading German-speaking authors. Three class hours each week. Prerequisite: 12 hours of German beyond German 102. (3 crs.) 219 GER 322 . SURVEY OF GERMAN LITERATURE II. Continuation of German 321 . Three class hours each week. Prerequisite: 12 hours of German beyond German 102. (3 crs.) GER 469. STUDIES IN GERMAN LITERATURE. Designed to meet special problems or deficiencies . Prerequisite: 18 hours of German . (Variable) GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY GCT 225 . PRINCIPLES OF LAYOUT AND DESIGN . A presentation of various design elements employed to produce graphic communications materials . Printed materials will be analyzed in terms of these design elements. The development of harmonious relationship between these elements and various type styles will be considered in detail. Some knowledge of how to prepare art for reproduction , i.e. , how to pasteup, keyline, and instruct the cameraman is required for this course . (3 crs .) GCT 235 . PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES . A study of the basic properties of the photographic system and how each oJ these properties affects and influences the total system . The nature of light will be examined and its effect on light sensitive materials will be studied . A thorough examination of lens and lens systems will be undertaken. The chemistry of photography as used in the process of microphotography as it relates to the graphic communications industry in the form of microfilm and microfische will be discussed . Prerequisite: IAR 467 . (3 crs .) GCT 245 . GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS PROCESSES . An introduction of different graphic arts processes. The various artists media used to produce printed pieces , such as books , booklets , pamphlets , advertising copy, magazine advertising will be considered . Students will be expected to collect a representative set of printed pieces in each of the major printing processes . This collection will be analyzed in terms of the process and the art technique used . The language and vocabulary of the graphic communication industry will be presented. (3 crs.) GCT 320 . ELECTRONIC COMPOSITION I. An introduction to the production principles , procedures and techniques for preparing composition by electronic photographic systems. Special attention is given to the study of justifying and non-justifying keyboards and their place in the typesetting system as well as analysis of various photo outputs including video display terminals . Additional work with proofing and paste-up techniques will be included . Prerequisite: GCT 350, 351 . (3 crs.) GCT 321 . ELECTRONIC COMPOSITION II. Emphasis is placed on analysis of photocomposition systems from an understanding of basic functions and their compatibility with other components or systems. Some hands-on experience will be provided to alter the compatibility for better system function . Prerequisite: GCT 321 . (3 crs .) GCT 340. ESTIMATING AND COST ANALYSIS I. A critical examination of the operations involved in producing graphic materials for the purpose of determining costs of each operation will be undertaken . The procedures necessary to assemble this information to produce estimates of typical printing matter will be discussed. The identification and study of cost centers as they relate to the hour costs and ultimately to the selling price will be discussed . Prerequisite: IAR 322. (3 crs.) GCT 341 . ESTIMATING AND COST ANALYSIS II. Attention will be devoted to cost determination, price determination, break-even analysis, effective use of press equipment and the application of computer methods to the solution of graphics production problems. Prerequisite: GCT 340. (3 crs.) 220 GCT 350 . PHOTOLITHOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES I. An in-depth study of line photography from determination of basic operational functions to the creation of projects reflecting an understanding of the knowledge of the techniques employed in the production of graphic materials in the communications industry . Students will be required to handle film through stripping, platemaking and press operations. Emphasis is placed on the fundamental understanding of the processes involved , so that the students will be able to adapt this knowledge to different situations. (3 crs.) GCT 351 . PHOTOLITHOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES II. Emphasis is placed on halftone photographic techniques and on the relationship of qual ity reproduction to careful stripping , platemaking and presswork . A variety of projects will be carried out to reinforce the concepts and to provide further insight into the complexities of producing printed material. Special emphasis will be placed on stripping, platemaking and press operation as it relates to halftone photography. Prerequisite: GCT 350. (3 crs.) GCT 352. PHOTOLITHOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES Ill. Primary emphasis will be placed on developing an understanding of the nature of light, the nature of color, its relation to filters and printing inks used in the graphics industry and the problems caused by color contamination in making color separations. A presentation of direct and indirect methods of color separations as well as the various masking techniques will be included . The use of various control devices will also be discussed and employed in the laboratory. Special techniques required to strip projects, make the plates and produce them on the press will also be covered . Prerequisite : GCT 351. (3 crs.) GCT 360. SCREEN PRINTING TECHNIQUES I. An examination of the elements that make up stencil systems for screen printing . An in-depth study of each element and its function as an integral part of the stencil system will be provided . Each student will have the opportunity to participate in the identification and calibration of proper elements for stencil systems. (3 crs.) GCT 361 . SCREEN PRINTING TECHNIQUES II. An introduction to the substrates imaged by the screen printer with considerations of storage, handling , printability and printing quality. Planning and execution of image transfer for flat printing , textiles, decals, pressu re sensitives, cylindrical objects and contour shapes will be considered and demonstrated . Prerequisite: GCT 360. (3 crs.) GCT 362. SCREEN PRINTING TECHNIQUES Ill. A study of halftone and process color photography and its application to screen printing. The nature of light, nature of color, its relation to filters and printing inks used will be discussed. Special techniques in the selection and use of screen materials, stencil systems and other elements of screen printing will be covered . Prerequisites: GCT 361 . (3 crs.) GCT 456. FUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITAL ELECTRONICS. A study of microporcessors as digital controllers. Emphasis will be placed on the terminology, the capabilities, the limitations, and the application of these powerful integrated circuits. Prerequisite: IAR 456 . (3 crs.) GCT 457 . ADVANCED MICROPROCESSORS . An advanced treatment of microprocessor technology. Emphasis will be placed on the 8080 and 280 families of microprocessor chips with both hardware and software implementation problems addressed. Prerequisite: GCT 456. (3 crs.) GCT 465. FINISHING AND BINDING. This course provides an introduction to the operations performed in the binding of printing materials. Various operations such as cutting, trimming, folding, gathering, stitching, casemaking, gluing, laminating , perforating , sewing, roundcornering , and drilling will be considered . Analysis of the kinds of adhesives available and their most effective uses will be discussed. (3 crs.) 221 GCT 475. PRINCIPLES OF PRODUCTION . An introduction to the methods used in analyzing the production flow from raw material to the finished product. Topics covered include a study of material handling , plant layout , operations analysis, purchasing estimating , industrial engineering , inventory control and shipping . An overview of the role of production management as it relates to the various areas of an industrial environment will be presented . (3 crs.) GCT 495 . GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS INTERNSHIP. Student interns will be placed with an organization which most nearly approximates their goals for employment. If this is not possible, students will be placed in any type of graphics environment which is available at the time. The intent of the internship is to provide students with practical work experience in an environment in which they will be dealing with real problems requiring real solutions in a relatively short time frame. {Variable) GREEK +GAE 101. ELEMENTARY GREEK I. Introduces the student to basic Greek grammar and vocabulary , with the aim of developing reading skills in ancient Greek as rap idly as possible. Selections from such authors as Plato, Euripides, and Lysias. In explaining the structure of the Greek language, the instructor will make use of comparative linguistics . (3 crs.) +GAE 102. ELEMENTARY GREEK II . A continuat ion of Greek 101 . Prerequisite: Greek 101 . (3 crs.) GAE 203 . INTERMEDIATE GREEK I. A continuat ion of the Study of grammar; selections from Plato ' s Dialogues and the Apology will be read ; composition from Greek into English and English into Greek with translat ions from Plato. (3 crs.) GAE 204. INTERMEDIATE GREEK II . A cont inuation of the study of grammar; selections from Homer' s Iliad and translat ions from Homer from the Greek into Engl ish and English into Greek. (3 crs.) HEAL TH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT HPE 100. HEAL TH . The course provides the student with a critical analysis of many health problems facing man today. Topics stud ied include: communicable diseases , chronic diseases , alcohol and drugs , mental and emotional health, sex and reproduction , nutrition , fatigue, exercise, and consumer education with a focus on health products and services. (2 crs.) HPE 110. PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION . The primary purpose of this course is to enable the student to develop a workable philosophy of physical education which will guide his decisions in planning and teaching motor activities. To this end emphasis is placed on the historical development of physical education and on the sociological and psychological foundations of the profession. (2 crs.) HPE 120. MOVEMENT ANALYSIS . This course includes the study of significant aspects of anatomy, kinesiology , physiology and educational psychology as they relate to human movement. Stresses the factors which contribute to efficiency of human movement and body mechanics in athletic activities and in daily living. This is primarily a theory course with some laboratory work included for practical application of related principles. (3 crs.) 222 HPE 205. ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION . The course is designed to meet the needs of the student who suffers from some temporary or permanent physical deficiency that interferes with his or her ability to participate in the general physical education program . (1 er.) HPE 211 . SWIMMING AND BOWLING . The course will provide instruction and practice in the fundamentals of swimming and bowling . Emphasis will be placed on the practical application of the two activities. (1 er.) HPE 212. ADVANCED SWIMMING . The course will emphasize the learning skills, techniques and attitudes that are necessary in many areas of swimming . (1 er.) HPE 216. ARCHERY AND BEGINNING GOLF. The course provides instruction and practice in the fundamentals of golf and archery. The curriculum includes analysis, practice and application of a variety of golf strokes , of game rules , and of etiquette. Archery activities include target archery, different types of competition and bare bow hunting . (1 er.) HPE 221 . GAMES AND GYMNASTICS - GRADES K-3. This course is d ivided into three parts, theory, application of theory through the teaching laboratory school children, and the development of personal skills and knowledge in elementary tumbling events. The factors wh ich are stressed are: application of growth and development characteristics to movement, application of laws of learning to physical education activities. (2 crs.) HPE 222. GAMES AND GYMNASTICS - GRADES 4-6. Includes: Exercises and warmup activities, relays , lead-ups to team games, individual and dual activities as well as selftesting events . Evaluation procedures in physical education are introduced. Emphasis is placed upon methods and techniques of teaching skill experiences. (3 crs.) HPE 226. RYTHMICS AND DANCE K-6. This course concentrates on personal development of dance sk ills. Responses to musical and percussion instruments in dance patterns and in creative movement are stressed . Students are introduced to the various methods of teaching dance in the elementary grades. (3 crs.) HPE 231 . BEGINNING BADMINTON AND TENNIS. The course consists of instruction and practice in the fundamental skills. Knowledge of rules , strategy, and courtesies of both badminton and tennis is included . (1 er.) HPE 240. APPARATUS AND GYMNASTICS. The course places emphasis on the development of fundamental skills in stunts, tumbling and apparatus. The course also stresses the importance of proper spotting techniques for each skill taught. (1 er.) HPE 241 . BEGINNING SWIMMING. The course places emphasis on the development of skills that will enable a student to move safely in and around the water with ease and enjoyment. (1 er.) HPE 242 . INTERMEDIATE SWIMMING. Advanced beginner and sub-intermediate swimming instruction is provided. Emphasis is placed on perfecting the nine basic strokes and on becoming more comfortable in , on, or near the water. Students should feel safe in deep water in order to enter this course. (1 er.) HPE 245 . SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING . Numerous swimming skills are included in this course. Emphasis lis on variation of strokes and performance of stunts to create swimming composition. The diving includes fundamental dives from the low board . (1 er.) HPE 246. INTERMEDIATE ARCHERY AND GOLF. An opportunity is provided for the student to advance beyond the beginner level and acquire a greater degree of skill through advanced analysis of techniques and strategy. (1 er.) 223 HPE 248 . FOLK DANCE. This is a progressive course in international folk dance with emphasis on circle and lines. Dances originating in the Balkan Countries are taught. (1 er.) HPE 250. MODERN DANCE. The course consists of a study of contemporary dance forms , techniques and composition. Expressive movement problems in force, time and space are also analyzed . (1 er. ) HPE 255. TRACK AND FIELD. This course includes basic instruction and practice in both the running and field events (sprints, long distance running , hurdles, relays , shot put, discus, javelin , broad jump and high jump). (1 er.) HPE 256. CONDITIONING AND MOVEMENT EDUCATION . The course is designed to help the student understand the various components of fitness and includes the presentation of a progressive course of conditioning activities. The course encourages an appreciation of the ability and capacity to control and direct the movements of the body with skill and intelligence. (1 er.) HPE 257 . BOWLING AND POCKET BILLIARDS. This course includes the fundamental skills of bowling and game practice. The basic skills of pocket billiards and various cue games are also included . (1 er.) HPE 265 . BADMINTON AND GOLF. The course will provide basic instruction of the rules , strategy and courtesies of both golf and badminton . (1 er.) HPE 266. TENNIS AND VOLLEYBALL. The basic fundamentals and game techniques of tennis and volleyball are taught. Proper drills and conditioning exercises are also a part of the course. (1 er.) HPE 267. ARCHERY, BILLIARDS, TABLE TENNIS . The course will include instruction on the fundamental skills of the three activities. Emphasis will be placed on the practical appliction of the activities. (1 er.) HPE 270 . SLIMNASTICS. (only persons 15% overweight or more) This course is designed exclusively for the woman who is overweight. Through this course the overweight person will attempt to understand herself and her problem. Course content will include dietary information and vigorous physical activities aimed at weight reduction. Physican 's approval is required . (1 er.) HPE 275. VOLLEYBALL AND BASKETBALL. The course places emphasis on instruction and practice in fundamental techniques and team play; analysis of systems of team play; study of methods, rules, and game strategy. Practical experience in officiating is also provided. (1 er.) HPE 276 . RECREATIONAL GAMES. The course includes the fundamental skills and rules of deck tennis, table tennis, aerial tennis, paddle tennis, shuffleboard, horseshoes, croquet, etc. (1 er.) HPE 277 . FENCING. The course provides instruction and practice in basic fencing techniques, including elementary bouts, rules and officiating . (1 er.) HPE 312. WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTOR. Conducted under the auspices of the American Red Cross, the course is designed to equip the individual with the basic knowledge and skills necessary to save his own life or the lives of others. The course also provides a student with the methods and techniques of water safety instruction . Prerequisite: Current Senior Life Saving Certificate. (3 crs.) 224 HPE 313. ADVANCED LIFESAVING . Conducted under the auspices of the American Red Cross, the course gives consideration to swimming and life saving techniques necessary to meet the requirements of water safety. Prerequisite: American Red Cro!I~ Certification. (2 crs.) HPE 315. CARDIO-PULMONARY RESUSIT A TION. The course is designed to train students in the many aspects of CPR and consists of both laboratory and classroom experiences. The course is sanctioned by the American Red Cross. (1 er.) HPE 317. CAMPING AND OUTDOOR EDUCATION . The course provides an opportunity for the student to develop an awareness of the variety of camping techniques and experiences available on a recreational basis. (1 er.) HPE 332. INTERMEDIATE BADMINTON AND TENNIS. An opportunity is provided for the student to advance beyond the beginner level and to acquire a greater degree of skill through advanced analysis of techniques and strategy_. (1 er.) HPE 335. ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND RELATED PROGRAMS. The purpose of this course is twofold: First it is concerned with the development of understanding of a wide variety of handicaps children in a regular classroom may possess. Emphasis is placed on modifying regular physical education activities to meet the needs of the atypical child. Second , instruction is given in planning and teaching activities which can be taught within the confines of a regular classroom . (2 crs.) HPE 336. PROGRAMMING PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Included are the elements of total organization of physical education in the elementary school relating to content, evaluation , curriculum development, legal implications and general duties of the physical education teacher. Also stressed is the relationship of physical education to allied areas and their implications for the physical education program . Major emphasis is placed on actual construction of a curriculum , or course of study. This is a major class project. Pre-student teaching experiences are also provided . Study of facilities, fabrication and maintenance of supplies and equipment, and the organization and administration of extra-class physical education activities are included . (3 crs.) HPE 337. PLAYGROUND AND GYMNASIUM ACTIVITIES. The course provides an introduction to the principles, techniques and research in the physical education training for the exceptional child . Major emphases are: (1) movement education, (2) perceptual motor activities, (3) physical fitness activities, (4) gymnastics, and (5) contemporary dance. A short-term practicum is required. (2 crs .) HPE 345. SKIN AND SCUBA. Through theory and practical work the student is introduced to skin diving and scuba diving. With an emphasis on safety, the student is exposed to various types of equipment and activities. Prerequisite: Advanced Life Saving. (1 er.) HPE 347. BASKETBALL OFFICIATING. The course is designed to enable students to become qualified PIAA basketball officials. Course content includes: analysis of rules, regulations and the mechanics of officiating. (1 er.) HISTORY +HIS 101 . HISTORY U.S. TO 1877. The social, political, economic, and intellectual development of the United States to 1877. (3 crs.) +HIS 102. HISTORY U.S. SINCE 1877. The social, political, economic, and intellectual development of the United States since 1877. (3 crs.) 225 +HIS 105. SURVEY OF U.S. HISTORY. Covers as thoroughly as possible the most important ideas and events in American history, and emphasizes the vital role which Pennsylvania played in the historical development of the U.S. (3 crs.) +HIS 111. THE DEVELOPMENT OF MAJOR WORLD CIVILIZATION. Focus on the process and interplay of the major world cultures in their evolution. Included are the following contemporary cultures: Indian, Moslem, East Asian, (China, Korea, Japan), Slavic, Western European, Latin American , and African . (3 crs.) +HIS 112. MAJOR WORLD CIVILIZATION IN TRANSITION . Significant factors continuing to influence the direction of change among the world's cultural areas: Industrialization and urban conflict; the democratic revolution and the rise of charismatic leaders from Napoleon to Hitler; changing life styles after World War 11 ; the family ; the workplace; values. (3 crs.) +HIS 121 . EUROPEAN LIFE AND SOCIETY TO 1815. The development of the social, economic, political, religious, and cultural experiences of the European people. The decline of monarchial Europe and the major democratic movements in Europe. (3 crs.) +HIS 122. EUROPEAN LIFE AND SOCIETY SINCE 1815. The development of Europe from the Congress of Vienna to the 1970's with specific examination of the social , political and economic stimulations that led to the emergence of nationalism, dictatorship , and war. (3 crs.) +HIS 145. HISTORY OF LATIN AMERICA. The emergence of modern Latin America in its historical context. The origins and development of the region's culture, its economy and its political institutions are examined together with international influences that have shaped the area. (3 crs.) +HIS 146. HISTORY OF THE FAR EAST . The interaction of East and West, with emphasis on developments since 1800 . The impact of modern technology , imperialism , nationalism, and communism on Oriental cultures is given special attention . (3 crs.) +HIS 147. HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE EAST. A history of the peoples of the region emphasizing the 20th Century interplay of cultural changes with traditional ways: Islam and moderization; Soviet American rivalry and the politics of oil; the Arab-Israeli conflict; Arab nationalism: its leaders; the role of terrorism . (3 crs.) +HIS 150. HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT WORLD. A study of the origins of Western civilization from prehistoric man to the disintegration of the Roman Empire, embracing a thorough study of the cultural aspects of the fertile crescent and Greco-Roman civilizations. (3 crs.) HIS 200 . HISTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA. A study of the historical development of Pennsylvania from colonial times to the present; the changes involved in social, political, and economic life are treated from internal and external points of view. (3 crs.) HIS 206. RESEARCH METHODS. To introduce students to research and report writings. Theory and practice by examples will illustrate how methods of work and investigation are relevant in all of scholarship. New ideas and methods in history, e.g ., quantification. Will not follow th usual classroom lecture format, but will be modified toward workshop/ independent problem-solving. (3 crs.) HIS 208. THE NEW NATION, 1789-1816. Using national political developments as the organizational framework, this course will consider the changes (economic, social, political) of the first quarter-century under the Constitution. (3 crs.) HIS 215. THE EXPANSION OF AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY. The emergence of modern American foreign policy and the factors that have influenced its operation in the 226 20th Century: the interplay of military strategy and the conduct of foreign relations; the role of an expanding intelligence activity since World War II ; global economic problems: modern revolutionary movements; the scientific revolution. (3 crs.) HIS 216. HISTORY OF ENGLAND. The rise of England as a world power from the reign of Henry VII to the modern era, with particular attention to the social and economic aspects of British life. The rise and fall of the British colonial empire and its consequences on world affairs. (3 crs.) HIS 217. THE AFRO-AMERICAN IN U .S. HISTORY. A survey of the role of Afro-Americans in the course of American history, from the beginnings to the present. (3 crs.) HIS 218. HISTORY OF SPORT IN AMERICA. Presents sport as a pervasive facet of our popular culture, as a soc ial institution, as an arena of human activity, as a drama, even "spectacle" . The course emphasizes the history of sport as a study of cultural values and value conflict, and also examines the relationship of sport to social change throughout American history. It investigates, among other things, the literature of sport, the economics of sport, and the influence of modern sport on our language, politics, religion , and education . It also looks at sport as amusing anecdote, illuminating incident, and even tremendous t rifle. (3 crs.) HIS 220. U.S. MILITARY HISTORY. The development of America's military strategy and the growth of the U.S. military establishment: principal campaigns and battles; the role of the armed forces as a social and political institution from the revolution to the post Vietnam Era. Emphasis is given to 20th Century strategy and related policy problems. (3 crs.) HIS 225 . HISTORY OF CONTEMPORARY EUROPE. A topical outline of the major developments in Europe within the last 35 years - developments which have significance in challenging and transforming many of the traditional values of this society. The decline in the pre-eminent position of Europe in world affairs and the rise of a global civilization . (3 crs.) HIS 226. HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL EUROPE. A study of the political, social, economic, and cultural forces of th e Middle Ages, with emphasis on the institutional and cultural life from the fall of Rome to the Renaissance. (3 crs.) HIS 227. RENAISSANCE AND REFORMATION. A study of Renaissance culture in Europe from the 14th to the 16th century, with emphasis on Italy. Late medieval civilization, humanism , artistic Renaissance, and the growth of the middle class. The universal church, appearance and character of the principle branches of Protestantism. (3 crs.) HIS 230. HISTORY OF EASTERN EUROPE. The medieval origins of Poland , Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Bulgaria; Romania through the period of national revival of the 19th centu ry, independence after World War I, sovietization after World War 11 , and re-emerging nationalism. (3 crs.) HIS 234. URBAN PLANNING IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE. The course examines the planning implications of urbanization . It looks at the early city planning of the preindustrial era, and traces the efforts in city planners and developers to make the city more attractive and liveable in various periods of urban growth. The course discusses social as well as physical planning, and attempts to relate both to the process of urbanization. (3 crs.) HIS 236. HISTORY OF URBAN AMERICA. T he urban experience in America from the 17th century to the present. Urban America in the context of world urbanization, demographic trends, technology, and the implications of these forces on the socio-economic scene of urban development. (3 crs.) 227 HIS 238 . HISTORY OF AMERICAN LABOR . A survey history of American labor from early Colonial times to the present, covering various periods, problems of these periods , solutions proposed to these problems by the American worker, and the vital role American labor has played in the history of our nation from earliest times to the present. (3 crs.) HIS 240. HISTORY OF THE COLD WAR. The origins and continuance of Soviet-American rivalry since World War II ; Confrontation in Europe ; Nato; the Warsaw Pact ; the growing nuclear arsenal ; regional confl ict in Africa, Latin America and Asia; the Congo , Angola, Cuba , Iran, China, Vietnam ; the politics and leadership of both nations ; the emergence of Russia as a global power. (3 crs.) HIS 245. HISTORY OF RUSSIA. A survey of Russian history, culture, and institutions from the enception of the Kievan state to the present. Emphasis on the pre-Soviet periods and on those aspects of development of the Russian state and people that have played a dominant role in the shaping of Russian character, temperament, and history. (3 crs.) HIS 247 . HISTORY OF ETHNIC AMERICA. Concerns the role of the immigrant in U.S. history from the 18th century through the contemporary period . (3 crs.) HIS 250. AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY. A general study of the growth of the American constitutional system , with special emphasis on those aspects of constitutional growth which relate closely to the fundamental structure of the American government and social order. (3 crs.) HIS 255 . GENEALOGY AND LOCAL HISTORY. Introduces students to the location, the evaluation, and the significance of local history by using the problem solving and genealogical approach to learning . Specific topics will be analyzed in order to get to know first hand the importance of local and family history at the "grass roots" level. Topics which may be considered are borough politics and economics, business and industry in the "Valley" ; as well as trade, communication, transportation , recreation , education, the arts and ethnic studies. (3 crs.) HIS 260. WOMEN IS U.S. HISTORY. An introduction to the study of women from the Colonial era until the present, arranged around topics such as reform , abolition , political activism, working conditions, and contemporary issues. (3 crs.) HIS 280. SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND POLICY. The increasing role of science and technology in shaping American society in the 20th Century; the influence of scientists in shaping national policy during and since World War II ; the growth of the militaryindustrial complex; policy conflicts over atomic power and nuclear weapons; the environment and the quality of life; scientists as a special interest group with values and political power. (3 crs.) HIS 296. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION , 1763-1789. The emergence of American Nationality is examined in the light of a changing colonial culture, geography and military strategy, developing political institutions together with dominating personalities shaping independence. (3 crs.) HIS 300. CIVIL WAR AND RECONSTRUCTION . The causes of the Civil War; the military, political, economic, and social developments during the war; the consequences of the post-war period from the standpoint of contemporary developments and their applications today. (3 crs.) HIS 304. THE GREAT DEPRESSION AND WORLD WAR II . A study of the stresses and strains of the 1930-1945 period of U.S. history, using recent trends in teaching and scholarship. (3 crs.) HIS 305. CONTEMPORARY HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. The unprecedented changes that have occurred in the United States since the end of World War II . (3 crs.) 228 HIS 320. THE ANATOMY OF DICTATORSHIP. The basic, social, economic, psychological, and political elements which make up the modern dictatorship. The elements of strength and weaknesses which either destroyed or changed the structure of the original philosophy of dictatorships of our current century in terms of their objectives, aims, and potential. (3 crs .) HIS 340. POLITICAL HISTORY OF U .S. The course is a survey of the major developments of the political party system in the United States from a chronological perspective. These include its uniqueness, trends over time, voter participation , state and regional politics, and the impact of modern political campaign techniques. (3 crs.) HIS 350 . ADOLF HITLER. An analysis of the philosophical and psychological elements that led to the rise of National Socialism , and its impact upon the western world. (3 crs.) HIS 379. SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN HISTORY. Development of individual programs by students. (Variable) HIS 495 . SEMINAR IN U.S. HISTORY. A study of American historians and their writings; emphasis is on the changing interpretations of major topics in American history. (3 crs.) HUNGARIAN HUN 469. SELF-INSTRUCTIONAL HUNGARIAN . Students teach themselves, chiefly with tapes. Student must provide their own cassette or tape player and blank tapes . A weekly meeting with a native speaker is held, and grading is based on an examination at the end of the semester. (3 crs.) INDUSTRIAL ARTS IAR 101 . DRAWING AND DESIGN. Design is studied as a process made up of three major components : the creative, the aesthetic , and the technical. Students experience design creatively and aesthetically by actively participating in a series of design problems which stress the sensitive use of the elements and principles of design . Creative thinking and aesthetic sensitivity are encouraged and developed . The student's expressive talents are awakened and enhanced through instruction in sketching and drawing. Much of the instruction and many of the design exercises used in this course are designed to show the student how to make use of design instruction in order to enrich his or her teaching in the industrial arts laboratory. (3 crs.) IAR 111 . TECHNICAL DRAWING I. Technical Drawing I is a beginning course with major emphasis on assignments and problems in the following areas: the graphic language, mechanical drawing, lettering, geometric constructions, sketching and shape description, multi-view projection, sectional views, auxiliary views, dimensioning , axonometric projection , oblique projection, perspective drawing. (3 crs.) IAR 120 . FUNDAMENTALS OF WOODWORKING . An introductory course in woodworking with emphasis on hand tool operations. Basic machines including the jointer, surfacer, band saw, wood lathe, scroll saw, drill press, and grinder are covered . The safe use and care of the machines and hand tools is stressed . A project is assigned that provides experiences in the various woodworking operations. (3 crs.) IAR 121. GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS. The student is given an opportunity to develop skills by applying techniques of layout and design to letterpress printing, screen printing techniques (hand-cut and presensitized stencil films), process line photography and bindery operations. (3 crs.) 229 IAR 201 . INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL ARTS EDUCATION. Classroom instruction providing an introduction to the role of industrial arts as a part of general education ; the objectives of industrial arts; the role of the industrial arts teacher; the position and purposes of industrial arts in the elementary, middle and secondary schools; the use of professional literature; and the recognition of historical influences upon current trends and directions in industrial arts. Emphasis is also placed upon laboratory safety, organization , management and legal considerations in teaching . A field-based effort with undergraduate participation in industrial arts programs at a teaching center working with a supervising teacher; industrial arts tours ; college seminars; and educational trips to observe the urban setting in industrial arts. (3 crs .) IAR 211. TECHNICAL DRAWING II. This course provides experiences in problemsolving with reference to technical working drawings . Special emphasis is placed on American Standards drawing practices, shop processes, conventional representation , standardization of machine parts and fasteners , preparation of tracings and the reproduction of industrial working drawings. Prerequisite : IAR 111 . (3 crs.) IAR 220 . FUNDAMENTALS OF METALWORKING . An introductory course in metalworking giving instruction in sheet metal , bench and wrought metal , forging and heat treating , oxyacetylene welding-brazing-cutting, electric welding and metal spinning. Emphasis is placed on the selection , safe use and care of metalworking tools and materials . (3 crs.) IAR 225. FUNDAMENTALS OF MACHINE. Instruction in the operation of hand and machine tools, including the engine lathe, milling machine, shaper and drill press. Basic foundry techniques are included . (3 crs.) IAR 226. ELECTRICITY/ELECTRONICS I. An introductory course in DC and AC circuit theory. Fundamentals of circuits and components is studied with emphasis on the effects of resistors, capacitors and indicators in DC and AC circuits. The theory includes Ohms's Law, the power formula and Kirchhoff's Laws. Laboratory work provides for verification of the theoretical concepts and introduces the student to the fundamentals of wiring from schematics and the use of electronic instruments. (3 crs.) IAA 301 . ORGANIZING AND DEVELOPING COURSE MATERIALS FOR INDUSTRIAL ARTS EDUCATION . Analysis of industrial arts and educational objectives in relation to the selection of course content and teaching techniques at the various school levels in the areas of visual communications, power and industrial materials. Students are required to develop sample instruction sheets, methods of student evaluation and appraisal , and a course of study for industrial arts education . Also, an examination of common instructional and management techniques for industrial arts teaching will occur for the undergraduates. Prerequisite: IAR 201. (3 crs.) IAR 320. ADVANCE WOODWORKING . A basic course in machine woodworking giving instruction in furniture and case work . Safe operation of all basic woodworking machines is covered . Students construct a small piece of case work involving operations on basic machines. Maintenance of equipment and intelligent use of materials is stressed . (3 crs.) IAR 322. GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS II. This is the second of two required courses in the visual communications area. Graphic Communications I is a prerequisite for this course. Emphasis is placed on understanding the structure, processes, and the products of the graphic communications industry. Learning experiences with tools, materials, equipment and processes represented by this industry will be provided for students to explore and gain understanding . Instruction in spirit duplicating , strike-on composition, photo composition , darkroom techniques , and offset lithography operations are included in this course. (3 crs.) 230 IAR 325. POWER TECHNOLOGY . The objectives of the course are to develop a historical perspective of Power Technology and its impact on man and society and to give the student a working knowledge of energy sources and converters. Reciprocating , rotary and reaction type internal combustion engines as well as electromechanical devices and automotive electrical ignition, cranking and charging circuits are studied . Experiments with the wind tunnel and pneumatic trainer affords the student the opportunity to apply Bernou ll i's principle, Charles' Law, Boyle's Law and the Ideal Gas Law to practical learning activities . (3 crs.) IAR 326. ELECTRICITY /ELECTRONICS II. An introductory course in analog electronics dealing with the fundamentals of semiconductor devices as applied in circuits including power supplies, amplifiers, oscillators and systems such as the superheterodyne radio receiver. Laboratory experiments are designed to develop skill in the basic uses of electronic instruments and to reinforce the theoretical concepts of the course. Prerequisite: IAR 226. (3 crs.) IAR 335. NUMERICAL CONTROL PROGRAMMING I. Numerical Control Programming I is the introductory course to programming manufacturing equipment. The student will study binary codes as they relate to tape commands and use cartesian coordinates to locate points. EIA and ASCII codes will be used with word address, tab sequential and fixed sequential formats . The student will interpret a coded format detail and be able to write the manuscript for motion dimensions and ancillary command instructions. The student will be able to apply this data to the operation of point-to-point equipment and machining centers. (3 crs.) IAR 336. NUMERICAL CONTROL PROGRAMMING II. Numerical Control Programming II is the second of two courses in the manual programming of numerically controlled machines. This course will concentrate on continuous path of parts using the linear interpolation capability of the machine to cut chords of arcs to closely approximate curves. Circular interpolation programming will also be studied with the additional word addresses that are necessary. (3 crs.) IAR 340. WROUGHT METALWORKING . A study of traditional contemporary ornamental iron design and fabrication techniques . Emphasis is placed on individual project design and construction . Students practice the techniques of hot and cold metal forming , riveting, brazing and welding-Weldment design , strength , microstructure, and metallurgical aspects are investigated . Instruction is given relative to surface treatment and finishing of ferrous metals. (3 crs .) IAR 341 . MATERIALS TESTING . A study of the theory and application of materials testing designed to increase the student's knowledge of those industrial materials generally employed in teaching industrial arts. The physical nature of metallic, polymeric, ceramic, wood and miscellaneous materials is explored. Selected destructive and nondestructive tests for understanding the physical characteristics of these materials are demonstrated. Provisions are made for individual and class development of test specimens and their subsequent evaluation. Instruction is provided in the recording and interpretation of test data. (3 crs.) IAR 345. ART METAL. This course provides lab and design experiences with a variety of metals. Raising, shaping and forming of brass, copper, aluminum and pewter are done by a traditional craftsman approach. (3 crs.) IAR 346. ADVANCE MACHINE. Emphasis is placed on the technical aspect of the production of castings in the foundry . Accurate dimensional and quality control is stressed in layout machining and assembly of a required project. Prerequisite: IAR 225. (3 crs.) IAR 348. CERAMICS. A study of the uses of clay for artistic expression, recreation, and industrial application, with emphasis upon design, craftsmanship and problem solving. 231 The student is taught the kind of background material and introduced to techniques that will prepare him to teach ceramics in the public schools. IAR 350. CRAFTS. This course is designed to provide any student at our college with a general introduction to the crafts. Creative craftwork is done with a variety of materials including sterling silver, other nonferrous metals, gem stones, enameling compounds, imported woods, copper foil and mosaic materials. The student is taught the kind of background material and introduced to techniques that will prepare him to teach crafts in the public schools. (3 crs.) IAR 351 . SMALL GASOLINE ENGINES. A basic course in the theory, operation and general overhaul of small gasoline engines. Engine components, diagnosis, testing, maintenance and trouble-shooting is stressed in the course and affords the participants the opportunity to develop the expertise in course content skills and the background to teach small gasoline engines . Laboratory works provides for the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts into general practice. Prerequisite: IAR 325. (3 crs.) IAR 355. JEWELRY MAKING. This course is designed to provide any student at our college with a general introduction to the craft of jewelry making. Original jewelry pieces are designed and constructed by the student using a variety of materials. These materials include sterling silver, gold , bronze, copper, gem stones, enameling , compounds, plastics, imported woods such as ebony, rosewood, and zebra wood , pearls, clay, and leather. The student is taught the kind of background material and introduced to techniques that will prepare him to teach jewelry making in the public schools. (3 crs.) IAR 356. LEATHERCRAFT. The importance of leather in everyday life. Career opportunities in industry, business and teaching are stressed. Students experience the basic techniques of carving, tooling , sewing, lacing, shaping and forming leather. Students are encouraged to design projects with originality, self-expression and creativity. (3 crs.) IAR 357. INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS. A general introduction to the history and development of industrial plastics with laboratory emphasis upon the use of molds, forms, relevant materials and processes. The adoption of these concepts will also be considered in light of their use in the public school programs in grades K-12. (3 crs.) IAR 410. FUNDAMENTALS OF AUTO MECHANICS. An introductory course in automobile mechanics. Theory and practical application is limited to basic preventive and tune-up procedures in the areas of: carburetion, pollution devices and controls, complete engine tune-up, diagnostic skills, use of testing equipment, ignition circuits, charging circuits, and cranking circuits. (3 crs.) IAR 411 . ADVANCED AUTO MECHANICS. An advanced course in auto mechanics that provides for both an in-depth understanding of basic automotive principles and a broadening in scope of other areas of preventive and tune-up procedures. Theoretical and practical activities in : carburetion, ignition circuits, charging circuits, cranking circuits, and the use of testing equipment applicable to the unit of study. (3 crs.) IAR 440. AIRBRUSH TECHNIQUES. Precise pictorial line representation as it relates to technical illustration is stressed. Mechanical and freehand techniques used in pictorial line drawing are explored in detail. Students will gain experience in the theory of light and shadow. Emphasis is placed on exploring more advanced graphic media in technical illustration. Extensive experience is provided in airbrush rendering techniques. (3 crs.) IAR 444. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN. Design experience is provided in basic residence planning . The fundamental sequences in designing and drawing a residence are stressed and the student completes all architectural drawings necessary for construction . Elements of the course include: architectural styles, area planning , structural detailing , pictorial rendering, building specifications, and cost analysis. (3 crs .) 232 IAR 455. FLUID POWER I. The course is a study of basic hydraulics that include hydraulic fluids, filtration, power supply, circuits, actuators, controls, conditioners, and monitoring devices. Teaching and learning activities include lectures, class discussion and laboratory activities. (3 crs.) IAR 456. FUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITAL ELECTRONICS. An introductory course in digital electronics dealing with the theory and practice of modern computer type circuitry. Logic gates, memory elements, data communication, integrated circuits, shift registers, counters and arithmetic elements all comprise the major units in the course. The laboratory segment provides an opportunity for verification of the theoretical concepts and hands-on experiences with digital integrated circuits and digital troubleshooting equipment. (3 crs.) IAR 458. WOOD PATTERNMAKING . Patternmaking is another facet of woodworking that is a necessary part of metal casting . Principles of pattern design as they relate to patterns and core box construction are stressed. Materials other than wood are used in this course. (3 crs.) IAR 459. STUDENT TEACHING-INDUSTRIAL ARTS. Student teaching is the culminating experience leading to certification for teaching . Each studentteacher is assigned to work with two master teachers in the field and is required to demonstrate competency in lesson planning, writing, and delivery, developing visual media, positive teacher-student relationships, objective-subjective evaluation devices, academic record keeping , safety supervision and physical plant management. (12 crs.) IAR 460. FURNITURN DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. Basic principles of furniture construction and upholstery are presented. Emphasis is placed on individual instruction in methods and techniques of teaching modern methods of upholstering for the junior and senior high school student. Prerequisites: IAR 120-Fundamentals of Woodworking and IAR 320-Advanced Woodworking. (3 crs.) IAR 467. FUNDAMENTALS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. This course deals with the fundamentals and advanced problems of photography. It includes the study and care of cameras , picture composition , developing, contact printing, enlarging and photo finishing . Processing color slide film, processing color negative film and color printing are also included in the course. (3 crs.) IAR 468. SPECIAL MACHINE SHOP. This course is designed to allow the student to investigate a specific area of interest in the metal machining field . Students interested in taking this course will complete a document identifying the scope of their interest, specifying the activities that will be pursued throughout the semester, and have it approved by the instructor six weeks prior to the beginning of the class. The student will boraden his background in the metal machining processes by completing the laboratory experiences outlined in the approved proposal. (3 crs.) IAR 470. INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICITY-ELECTRONICS. This course provides theory and experiences associated with the various types of alternating and direct current motors and motor controllers. These control systems shall include both electromechanical and electronic control systems. Study will also be made of the transformation and distribution of power. Transformer theory, construction , design, and testing will also be included. A unit on motor rewinding will be included if time permits. Experiences will include the use and operation of these circuits and equipment. (3 crs.) IAR 476. TELEVISION CIRCUITS. Special emphasis is placed on the theory of operation of the various stages of black and white receivers as well as color television receivers and television transmission. Practical experiences will be provided in the trouble shooting and operating techniques of the various stages of each system. Prerequisites: IAR 226, IAR 326. (3 crs.) 233 IAR 480. SEMINAR IN INDUSTRIAL ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY. This seminar affords the student an opportunity to establish a perspective of the evolutionary inter-relationships between man and his natural environment as well as man and his adjusted environment. Specifically, social , political , philosophic , economic , religious and cultural realms are correlated with the teaching of technology through industrial arts. (3 crs.) IAR 481. INDUSTRIAL ARTS AND THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. An introduction and/ or review of: the purposes and relationships of elementary education and industrial arts; the learning capabilities of young children ; and the various curriculum approaches for placing industrial arts within the elementary program . Undergraduates who have obtained a basic collegiate background in professional and technical education will have the opportunity to select, design and employ various teaching units in both the industrial arts laboratory and the self-contained elementary classroom. (3 crs.) IAR 490. PROFESSIONAL PRACTICUM. Practicum is designed to provide the student an opportunity to refine teaching techniques acquired in student's area of specialization and to encourage investigation into the technologies as they apply to education . Aid is given to laboratory problem solving when needed. Also, the prospective teacher is made aware of Pennsylvania School Laws relevant to classroom instruction . MUST BE SCHEDULED WITH STUDENT TEACHING. Two lecture hours per week. (2 crs.) Independent Study Courses IAR 309. STUDIES IN INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS . (Variable) IAR 319. STUDIES IN POWER . (Variable) IAR 329. STUDIES IN VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS . (Variable) •1AR 409. HONORS IN INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS. (Variable) •1AR 419. HONORS IN POWER . (Variable) •1AR 429. HONORS IN VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS. (Variable) These are independent studies in which the student works in an area of interest under the guidance of an instructor with similar interests. The student prepares triplicate copies of a proposal which presents the objectives to be achieved , a procedural outline , states special conditions, expected findings, and specifies how the activity will be evaluated. The student is entitled to a minimum of five hours of individual faculty time per credit. Proposals must receive instructor and departmental approval before the student registers for the course. ·Honors courses are reserved for students with a "B " grade or better quality point average in the industrial arts courses taken. INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY ITE 101. FUNDAMENTALS OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY. An introduction to the fundamental aspects of safety. A thorough examination of the many facets of safety as it applies to the work-a-day work both on and off the job is provided . Students will be able 234 to identify the cause of accidents involving both people and property in industry. Various methods of prevention and correction of situations that cause accidents will be presented . (3 crs.) ITE 105. INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY. A survey of a variety of industrial plants with visitations to determine how the various plants operate. An introduction to the role of the industrial technicians thru readings, speakers and observations. ITE 205. INTRODUCT ION TO INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS. An investigation will be made to familiarize the student with the characteristics of plastics, ceramics and wood as applied to industrial uses. Emphasis will be placed on the study of uses , design factors, fastening or joining, forming processes and finishing of these materials ., Approximately one half of the class time will involve practical laboratory experiences. ITE 405. SEMINAR IN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOGLOGY. This course is designed for investigation into th e many phases and problems of industry where the industrial technician may become involved. Study will be made into the organization of industry, management structures , the many aspects of production, as well as those connected with labor in industry. Also, a study will be made of safety organizations and practices of enforcement. ITALIAN +ITA 101 . ELEMENTARY ITALIAN I. For the student without previous knowledge of Italian. Develops the fundamentals of correct idiomatic Italian through basic sound patterns and sentence structure. Three class hours and one hour language laboratory per week . (3 crs.) +ITA 102. ELEMENTARY ITALIAN II. Continuation of Italian 101 . More read ing, and more advanced speaking . Three class hours and one hour language laboratory per week. Prerequisite: Italian 101 or one year of high-school Italian. (3 crs.) ITA 295 . STUDIES IN ITALIAN CULTURE. Designed as an Arts and Science elective in the Modern Language Department; no knowledge of Italian required . The topics for Studies in Italian Culture change from semester to semester. The subjects may be significant personalities or movements in literature, painting, sculpture, architecture, music, phi.losophy or science. As long as the topic remains different, the course may be taken for credit more than once. Three class hours per week. No prerequisites. (3 crs.) LITERATURE The courses listed under the LIT prefix are all introductions to literature, with emphasis on the subject indicated in the title. They are aimed at the general student and may not be counted as English requirements by English majors. +LIT 115. MAN'S VIEW OF GOD. An introduction to the Bible as a chronicle of Hebrew history. It emphasizes recent archeological and philolog ical discoveries that shed light on this persuasive book. This course makes a concerted effort to show how deeply this oriental book affected the western mind. (3 crs.) +LIT 116. MYTH , MAGIC, AND MYSTICISM. A study of the use of literature of magic, fantasy, mysticism , and myth. Concerned with the theoretical explanation and the literature describing immediate experience. (3 crs.) 235 +LIT 118. THE AMERICAN HERO . An examination of the development of the American hero in fiction, with specific emphasis on the nature of the hero, his character, and his maturation . (3 crs.) +LIT 125. THE AMERICAN WEST. A general introduction to the literature of the Great American West through an examination of a variety of literary types. (3 crs.) +LIT 126. SURVEY OF SLAVIC LITERATURE. An introduction to the literature of Czechoslovakia, Russia, and Yugoslavia. The course deals with some of the preoccupations of Slavic literature, with the concept of pan-Slavism , and with the causes of the " Slavic mentality." (3 crs.) +LIT 127. WOMAN AS HERO . An exploration of heroic roles assigned to women in literature, the contrast between reality and the literature, and the differences between fictional women created by male and female authors. An analysis of the reasons for these differences form part of the subject. (3 crs.) +LIT 130. ATHEISM AND EXISTENTIALISM . A discussion applied to a variety of literary works, of atheism, and atheistic and theistic existentialism. (3 crs.) +LIT 138. WAR IN THE NOVEL. A study that limits itself to those wars fought after 1900 and to their treatments in literature. In particular, the course is interested in the effects of war upon individuals, and in the ambivalence toward war shown by novelists. (3 crs.) +LIT 147. SCIENCE FICTION . An introductory survey to the forms of science fiction , with particular emphasis on the .author's ability to detail and predict future developments. (3 crs.) +LIT 148. HORROR IN LITERATURE. An examination of the tradition of horror literature in England and America from a literary , historical , psychological viewpoint. Some emphasis on the sociological implications of the popularity of the form . (3 crs.) +LIT 150. BASEBALL IN LITERATURE . A survey of the great American past-time in fiction and news reporting . This course includes sufficient history of baseball to affirm Barzun 's observation that " to know America, one must know baseball. " The student learns to convert statistics and box scores to prose , to write heads and leads for articles , to interview meaningfully, to read significantly in a specialized area. (3 crs.) +LIT 160. AMERICAN NATURE WRITERS. An introduction to the best of America 's great naturalists emphasizing the development of informed and educated attitudes toward the American earth as an organic entity of protection from exploitation . (3 crs .) +LIT 168. SOVIET LITERATURE. Soviet Literature is an introductory level survey of major Russian writers from the Russian Revolution of October 1917 to the present. The course will examine the changes wrought on Russian life and literature by the violent upheaval of the revolution and the establishment of the first Marxist society in history. (3 crs.) +LIT 170. ALL ABOUT WORDS . An introduction to the total complexity and fascination of words. The course deals with words as shapes, analogs, formulas , and games. Indirectly , but significantly, it instructs in vocabulary by introducing a sizeable vocabulary for talking about words and by feeding a student's natural curiosity about words. (3 crs .) MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY MTE 335 and IAR 335 . NUMERICAL CONTROL PROGRAMMING I. A course to acquaint students with basic numerical control operations and provide experiences that will identify how numerical control is used in various manufacturing processes. (3 crs.) 236 MTE 336. NUMERICAL CONTROL PROGRAMMING II. A presentation of the techniques involved in the manual programming of numerically controlled machines. The method of programming a three-axis contouring milling mach ine with a linear interpolation capability to machine an arc simultaneously on three axes within an acceptable tolerance will be demonstrated and practiced . Prerequisite : MTE 335. (3 crs.) MTE 337 . COMPUTER PROGRAMMING NUMERICAL CONTROLLED EQUIPMENT (COMPACT II) . A study of the Compact II computer language used to produce mach ine tape instructions for manufacturing parts. Students will learn to access and utilize a computer to describe part geometry and direct a machine tool in a cutter path around the contours. Prerequisite: MTE 336. (3 crs.) MTE 338. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING NUMERICAL CONTROLLED EQUIPMENT (APT.) This course will investigate the APT machine tool language for programming N/C machine tools. Students will be able to write APT statements describing geometry pertinent to manufactured parts and be able to drive the cutting tools with motion statements around that geometry. MTE 465. ELECTRO NIC CONTROL UNIT MAINTENANCE. A presentation of the various electronic controls used with manufacturing equipment. Students will develop an understanding of machine electronic schematics and will be able to troubleshoot various controls to identify and repair malfunctioning components. The necessary electronic theory for understanding control unit operations will be included . (3 crs .) MTE 455. FLUID POWER. A study of basic hydraulics including hydraulic fluids , filtration , power supply, circ uits, actuators, controls, conditioners, and monitoring devices. Teaching and learning activities include lectures, class discussion and laboratory activities. (3 crs.) MTE 445. QUALITY CONTROL. A critical examination of how industry assesses the quality function of manufactured goods. A method of quality planning will also be developed. (3 crs.) MATHEMATICS +MAT 098 . BASIC MATHEMATICS. This course is designed to cover the more important aspects of arithmetic and elementary algebra. This course cannot be used as a natural science elective. (3 crs.) +MAT 100. FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICS. Sets and their language, numeration systems, properties of natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational and real numbers , elementary number theory, modular arithmetic, mathemat ical systems, elementary algebra, logic, probability, and intuitive geometry. No prerequisites. (3 crs.) +MAT 101 . COLLEGE ALGEBRA. Lecture course covering usual algebra topics designed for terminal students, as well as, for majors in natural and social sciences. Prerequisites: MAT 100 or two years high school mathematics. (3 crs.) +MAT 102. COLLEGE TRIGONOMETRY . Polar coordinates, identities useful in integration techniques, solving trigonometries equat ions, functions and inverse functions. Prerequsites: MAT 101 , the student should have an adequate background in algebra and some plane geometry would be desirable. (3 crs.) +MAT 103. PRE-CALCULUS. Fundamental notions (lines, segments, slopes, angle between lines, graph and equations), conics, simplification by translation and rotation, algebraic and transcendental curves, Polar coordinates, parametric equations, three- 237 dimensional analytic geometry. Prerequisites : High school algebra, trigonometry, and plane geometry desirable. (3 crs.) +MAT 106. TECHNICAL MATHEMATICS I. Designed to prepare the student for further study in technological fields . Review of basic arithmetic operations, introduction to exponents and radicals, introduction to algebra , and an introduction to linear equations, functions and graphs . Prerequisites: One year high school algebra. (3 crs .) +MAT 107. TECHNICAL MATHEMATICS II . A continuation of Technical Mathematics I with added emphasis on practical mathematics and the applications of mathematics in business and industry rather than on abstract concepts of mathematics. Prerequisites: MAT 106 or MAT 101. (3 crs.) MAT 111 . CALCULUS I. Introduction to analytic geometry. Prerequisites: MAT 103 or 4 years high school mathematics. (3 crs.) MAT 112. CALCULUS II. A continuation of Calculus I. Prerequisites: MAT 111 . (3 crs.) MAT 135 . GEOMETRY. Analysis of axiomatic systems , axiomatic development of elementary Euclidean geometry and non-Euclidean geometry. Prerequisites: MAT 101 , MAT 102, and 3 years high school mathematics. (3 crs.) +MAT 151 . DIAGNOSTIC AND REMEDIAL TECHNIQUES IN MATHEMATICS. For elementary education majors with an area emphasis in mathematics . Various approaches and methods designed to engage the student in a critical analysis of strengths and weaknesses in approaches to teaching mathematics. Materials and games to remedy deficiencies of the child . Teaching techniques such as flexible grouping patterns and individual instruction. Prerequisites: MAT 100 or 2 years high school mathematics. (3 crs.) MAT 155. METRIC WORKSHOP. For anyone who wishes to improve his use of the metric system in all aspects of his daily life. Activities applicable to teachers, parents , and persons in business and industry. Teaching strategies, games, and sources of materials for teachers. (1 er.) +MAT 171. MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE I. Formulas used in working finance problems and how they are formulated and applied . The use of tables to shorten the arithmetic . Prerequisites: MAT 101 and MAT 106. (3 crs.) MAT 172. MATHEMATICS OF FINANCE II. A continuation of Mathematics of Finance I, encompassing some of the everyday financial problems of an average family (including merchandise shopping with discounts and mark-up problems) , shopping for the cost of money (renting money), insurance, taxes, investments as a hedge against inflation , public and private financing , higher education as an investment, etc. Emphasis on underlying principles and mathematical computations. Prerequisites: MAT 171. (3 crs.) MAT 175. VOLUNTARY INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE IN COOPERATION WITH IRS . Preparation and Analysis of the latest 1040 A (short form). Preparation and Analysis of 1040 and Schedule A (latest versions) . Preparation and analysis of schedules R & RP (for the elderly) - latest versions. (1 er.) MAT 213. CALCULUS Ill. Vectors in the plane, indeterminate forms and improper integrals, polar coordinates, infinite series , and the theory of infinite series. Prerequisite: MAT 112. (3 crs.) MAT214 . CALCULUS IV. Expands the concepts of vectors in the plane to vectors in three space. The differential calculus and the integral calculus of functions of several variables. Prerequisite: MAT 213. (3 crs.) 238 MAT 215 . STATISTICS . For non-math majors , not counted toward a math major. Frequency distribution , percentiles, measures of central tendency, variability, normal distribution , curve , populations, samples and error-sampling distribution of means, sampling distribution of proportion null and alternative hypotheses, type I and type II errors, tests of means confidence and intervals and decision procedures, correlation, chi-square, simple analysis of variance, statistics, and design of experiments. Prerequisite: MAT 101 . (3 crs.) MAT 225 . BUSINESS STATISTICS . Statistical techniqu es relevant to business applications are covered in the course. Primary emphasis is placed upon identifying the proper statistical methods to use in a particular situation and the proper presentation and interpretation of results . The student will also be shown how to use various government sources of statistics that are useful in business. (Topics covered include: measures of central tendency and variation, correlation, regression , time series, index numbers, seasonal variation). (3 crs.) MAT 231 . ABSTRACT ALGEBRA I. Fundamental concepts of logic, sets, relations , and functions . Groups, fields, rings , and integral domain and the properties associated with these structures. The number systems from the natural numbers to the complex numbers system (its structure and properties) . Elementary concepts of number theory. Designed to introduce students to Abstract Algebra in a way that emphasizes the nature of the subject and the techniques of rigorous proof. Prerequisites: MAT 111-. (3 crs.) MAT 235 . DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. An introduction to abstra~t mathema!'i·cal structures with special emphasis on theories and methods which are relevant to Computer Science. Topics include an introduction to formal systems and techniques of proofs ; combinational versus relational structures; graphs and directed graphs; Boolean Algebras ; abstract languages and machines . Prerequisites: CSC 105 or CSC 121 or equivalent high-level computer language . (3 crs .) MAT 253. BASIC CALCULUS . The techniques of differentiation and integration are covered without consideration of the retical topics such as limits and continuity. Applications in Business and Biological Science are considered. Prerequisites: MAT 101 or MAT 106,' MAT 102 or MAT 107. (3 crs.) MAT 306 . DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS . Ordinary differential equation and its solution . The existence and uniqueness of solutions. Various types of differential equations and the techniques for obtaining their solution . Some basic applications , including some numerical techniques. Computer solution techniques will be presented . Prerequisites: MAT 112. (3 crs.) MAT 332 . ABSTRACT ALGEBRA II. A continuation of the study of abstract algebra . The theory of groups, group isomorphism and homomorphism, theory of rings, integral domain and fields , polynomial rings . To prepare students for advanced work in mathematics by a very careful and rigorous study of algebra. Prerequisite: MAT 231 . (3 crs.) MAT 341 . LINEAR ALGEBRA I. An elementary treatment of linear algebra suitable for students in the first sophomore term , offering fundamentals of linear algebra with applications and numerical computations . Emphasis on vocabulary , operational procedures, and computational skills . Prerequisite: MAT 112. (3 crs .) MAT 342 . LINEAR ALGEBRA II. Extends the concepts learned in Linear Algebra I. Linear transformations are revisted . Eigenvalues and eigenvectors are investigated . Euclidean spaces are explored . Real quadratic forms are studied, along with the related geometry . The use of linear algebra in solving linear systems of differential equations is introduced . Special topics related to computer science will be considered . Prerequisite: MAT 341 . (3 crs.) MAT 361 . STATISTICAL ANALYSIS I. Basic concepts of both discrete and continuous 239 probability theory . The concept of a random variable is stressed , and a number of standard distributions are studied in detail. Prerequisites: MAT 112 . (3 crs .) MAT 362. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS II. Fundamental concepts of statistical inference. Covers classical statistical inference, but certain decision theoretic notions also developed . The student is expected to understand the theory underlying certain statistical procedures and be able to solve problems using these procedures. Prerequisite: MAT 361. (3 crs.) MAT 401. ADVANCED CALCULUS I. To prepare students for graduate school by presenting an introductory course in mathematical analysis. To better acquaint the student with rigorous methods of mathematical proofs, and to stress the importance of definitions . Prerequisites: MAT 124. (3 crs.) MAT 402 . ADVANCED CALCULUS II. A continuation of Advanced Calculus I , presenting an introductory course in analysis. Prerequisites: MAT 401 . (3 crs.) MAT 405 . TOPOLOGY. Prelim inaries (sets , ordering , relations , cardinality, etc.), metric spaces, topologies, separation axioms, convergence, coverings, compactness, etc. Prerequisites: MAT 401. (3 crs.) MAT 469. HONORS COURSE IN MATHEMATICS. Math majors must, as a prerequisite for this course, have completed 64 credits with a QPA of 3.25 in all work. Recommendation of the mathematics faculty and the approval of the department head and Dean of instruction. No one special textbook for the course. Meets by arrangement. (3 crs.) MAT 495 . SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS. Topics in this course are chosen jointly by the instructor and the student or students involved . Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. (1 to 3 crs .) MILITARY SCIENCE GMS 100. INTRODUCTION TO MILITARY SCIENCE. This course is designed to introduce the first-year student to the study of military science. It will treat the military profession as an object of social inquiry to enable the student to gain a fuller and more accurate assessment of the its position in American society. An indepth view of leadership styles, techniques and management are discussed , then applied to practical use. The student will be provided a background from which can be formed a personal leadership philosophy. Introduction to basic markmanship, elementas of map reading, an overview of the defense establishment, and discussions on contemporary problems round out the GMS 100 course. This course should normally be taken during the freshman year. GMS 200 . EVOLUTION OF AMERICAN MILITARY CURRENT TACTICS/MAP READING PRINCIPLES. GMS 200 is divided into three sub-courses: Military History, Map Reading , and Introduction to Tactics . GMS 100 is a prerequisite of this course, and GMS 200 should normally be taken in the sophomore year. The Military History Course centers on the development of American military institutions , politics, experiences, and traditions in peace and war from colonial times to the present. Emphasis is on th e relationship between the military and the aspects of American society and the role of the military in the establishment, expansion , preservation, and development of the nation . The sub-course on map reading provides an in-depth study of military and topographic map reading, principles of land navigation , use of the compass, and introduction to the sport of orienteering . 240 The sub-course in tactics deal with the basic small unit composition, employment, movement, and communications. Discussed are basic principles of offense and defense, troop leading procedures, problem solving techniques , and the application of individual tact ical skills. The course provides an excellent background for the transition to the Advanced ROTC program. GMS 300. PREPARATION FOR ADVANCED CAMP. Th is course provides the student with extensive study in the area of military communications in the combat environment. The student is exposed to an indepth study of military tactics , principles of war, and a review of the basic military skills acquired in the basic course. A pre-camp orientation is given to the students during the semester to prepare them for the Advanced Summer camp which is attended between the Junior and Senior year. GMS 400. THEORY AND DYNAMICS OF THE MILITARY TEAM . The course provides the student w ith a basic understand ing of Jhe principles, fundamentals , and tactics as they apply to th e employment of combat' teams. Emphasis is placed on leadership responsibilities of the Combat Commander as team coordinator. The development , understanding and an appreciation of the roles and the contributions of the various branches of the Army in support of the combat team is discussed in depth . Prior to graduation and commissioning students will be introduced to military law, logistics, unit administration , and a seminar on duties of the junior officer. MUSIC +MUS 100. INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC . A study of historical , analytical , and aesthetic elements of music. Through the use of recordings, radio , concerts, and other media, every possible contact is made with music. (3 crs.) +MUS 105 . SURVEY OF JAZZ. The historical background of jazz from 1900 to the present, the noted figures in jazz and their contributions to the American musical form , and analysis of jazz styles through recordings and live performances. (3 crs.) +MUS 106. TWENTIETH-CENTURY MUSIC SURVEY. A study of the development of contemporary music (including electronic music). Begins with Debussy and considers such prominent figures as Schoenberg , Berg , Webern , Stravinsky, Boulez, Stockhausen, Cage, et al. (3 crs .) +MUS 107. AMERICAN MUSIC . A study of American folk , popu lar, and art music native and European . Primitive music, psalmody , early opera and concert life, African and European folk music's influences on America , the music of European immigrants , and the roots of Jazz . A chronological study of American composers and thei r music , including Black composers and their contributions to American music. Recordings of musical examples will be played throughout the semester. (3 crs.) +MUS 108. THE MUSIC OF RUSSIA AND EASTERN EUROPE. The music of Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia , the Ukraine , Poland, and Russia . Folk music , national istic music, and art music , and their relationsh ip with and contributions to international music. Rec orded examples of the music used throughout the course. No prerequisites . (3 crs .) +MUS 111. MUSIC IN HUMAN SERVICES I. A preparatory course which presents the basics of music, theory , appreication , accompaniment techniques , choral techniques and repetoire , and recreational music activities through creative projects which develop and formulate positive ways to meet the needs of the clients in various agencies, institutions and organizations. (3 crs.) 241 +MUS 112. MUSIC IN HUMAN SERVICES II. A continuation and refinement of the materials and techniques presented in Human Services I. The student's background will be expanded to include additional rhythmic experiences, and recreational music activities. Creative projects will be used to develop positive ways to meet the needs of clients in various agencies, institutions, and organizations. Prerequisite: MUS 111 . (3 crs.) +MUS 115. FUNDAMENTALS OF MUSIC. Designed to provide students with a knowledge of the fundamentals of music and an ability to execute basic skills. Includes the study of note values, meter signatures, scales, key signatures, and the use of syllables in reading music . A basic introduction to the piano keyboard. Strongly recommended for Elementary Education students and any others interested in strengthening their knowledge of music fundamentals. (3 crs.) MUS 196. STAGE BAND . Entrance by interview with Stage Band Director. Required attendance at rehearsals and all public performances. Membership Is granted only by audition. (1 er.) MUS 197. CALIFORNIA CHORALE. A group of approximately 20 mixed voices . Members are chosen from the student body, faculty , and members of surrounding communities. Membership Is granted only by audition. The group sings good choral literature, most of which is sung a cappella. (1 er.) MUS 201. HARMONY I. Begins with a study of all diatonic chords, along with rules for four-part writing . Introduction to modulation . Extensive ear training . Also included are at least two short original compositions in four parts, with or without words, involving materials studied . Prerequisite: MUS 115 or thorough knowledge of music fundamentals. (2 crs.) MUS 205. SIGHT SINGING AND EAR TRAINING . Concentration on sight reading of material traditionally taught in public schools. Includes melody and rhythm , as well as two, three, and four-part singing ; ear training in use of intervals, chords, cadences, melodic dictation of easy to moderate difficulty. (2 crs.) MUS 206. RHYTHMIC EXPERIENCES . Structured for those students in Elementary Education with a basic understanding of music fundamentals . The class has two basic aims: (1) to review and fortify previous knowledge and understanding of basic rhythms , meters, note values, sight reading , and related problems associated with rhythm ; (2) to present the students with skills and methods of presenting rhythmic activities in the elementary music curriculum. Students participate in actual performances on tuned and non-tuned percussion instruments. (2 crs.) MUS 207. CHILDREN'S SONG LITERATURE. Study and memorization of songs for all occasions. Songs about animals, seasons, transporation , other countries, etc., are representative of material included. Provides a memory repertoire for the teacher. Students also participate in classroom teaching . (2 crs.) MUS 208. THE SYMPHONY . A general survey of the development of the symphonic form from earlier practice to the beginning of the 20th century, with emphasis on composers whose primary significance rests on symphonic achievement. (3 crs .) MUS 211 . KEYBOARD I. For the student interested in achieving facility at the piano . Majors and minor scales, patterns and fingerings . Chords (I, IV, V7) in both major and minor keys followed by their inversions. The common tone chord sequence pattern . A student completing the course should be able to play simple songs - melody with chord accompaniment. (2 crs.) MUS 302. HARMONY II. A continuation of Harmony I, including more detailed modulation , altered chords, and analysis. At least one short four-part composition , written according to specification, is required . Prerequisite: MUS 201 . (2 crs.) 242 MUS 305. OPERA SURVEY. The origin and history of opera, national contributions to the arts, the analysis of numerous representative operas, the relationship of operatic plots to history and events. (3 crs.) MUS 312 . KEYBOARD II. A continuation of Keyboard I for the more advanced student. Reivew of scales, chords, inversions, and sight reading , followed by the improvisation of simple accompaniments from chord symbols. Modulation study is begun with the study of the circle of fifths; further methods of modulation are introduced as time permits. Transposition at both the second and third are introduced . A thorough study of dominant seventh chords relating the simple improvisation within any given key. (2 crs.) MUS 469. INDEPENDENT STUDIES IN MUSIC . Limited to instructor's availability. (Variable) CCU CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Students may earn up to four semester hours of credit toward graduation in cocurricular activities. They may continue participation and have more than four co-curricular credits recorded on their transcript. However, only four such credits may be counted in the 128 hours required for graduation. These four credits may be counted as Free Electives only. CCU 190. CHORAL ENSEMBLE. (1 er.) CCU 191 . COLLEGE BAND. (1 er.) CCU 192. COLLEGE CHOIR . (1 er.) CCU 196. GLEE CLUB (1 er.) PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY PET 450. APPLIED GEOPHYSICS. Emphasis in this course is placed on the actual application of geophysical instrumentation to the solving of geological problems. While the major thrust will be in the area of petroleum exploration , other problems of mineral resource exploration, and assessment will also be considered . PET 455. RESERVOIR EVALUATION . The purpose of the course is to analyze in detail rocks which serve for the storage and ultimately for the production of petroleum. The characteristics of these rocks will be studied in hand specimen, in thin section, in cores , and in terms of their responses to various "down hole" geophysical surveys (well logs) . Laboratory work and problem solving are emphasized . PHILOSOPHY NOTE: The letters A, B, or C after the title of upper-level courses indicate which area the course satisfies for philosophy majors. +PHI 100. PERSPECTIVES IN PHILOSOPHY . Introduces the student to such major phi lo: sophical issues as the nature of knowledge, reality, religion, and morals. This course is not recommended for philosophy majors. (3 crs.) +PHI 115. LOGIC AND LANGUAGE. Introduces the student to the basic principles and techniques for distinguishing correct from incorrect reas.oning . (3 crs.) +PHI 201 . HISTORY OF ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY. Discusses the pre-Socratic philosophers, Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, Epicureans, and the Skeptics. (3 crs.) 243 +PHI 206. 16TH TO 18TH CENTURY PHILOSOPHY. Discusses such influential thinkers as Francis Bacon , Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hurne and Kant. (3 crs.) PHI 211 . FORMAL LOGIC I. Introduces the student to the semantics of truth-functional and first-order languages, and also to proof theories for such languages. (3 crs.) +PHI 220. ETHICS. Examines selected ethical systems and discusses their philosophical foundations . Lays special emphasis on understanding such basic moral concepts as good , right, and duty. (3 crs.) +PHI 225 . SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY - 8 . Examines selected social or political systems and discusses their philosophical foundations. Lays special emphasis on such basic concepts as natural right, equal ity , justice, individual freedom , and political authority. (3 crs.) PHI 231 . PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION - 8 . Considers the nature of religion , speculations and arguments of the nature and existence of God , the possibility of religious knowledge, claims to religious experience and revelation , the problem of evil , the belief in immortality, and the meaningfulness of religious language. (3 crs. ) PHI 235. PHILOSOPHY OF ART . Exami nes the nature and funct ion of art , crit ical judgments in the arts, and such basic concepts as beauty, the ugly, meaning , creativity, and style. (3 crs.) +PHI 240 . PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION . Discusses the aims of education and the relation of philsophy to education . (3 crs.) +PHI 246. VALUES & SCIENCE. Studies the nature of science and its relation to human values. Explores the problems that result from changes in our values as science and technology advance . (3 crs.) PHI 266. PHILOSOPHY OF PLAY. Seeks to clarify human play and/ or leisure activities. Special attention is given to the problem of constructive and destructive forms of play and their relationship to human freedom and anxiety. (3 crs.) PHI 269. COMPUTERS & SOCIETY . Surveys the development of the logic and mathematics that led to computer technology. The student has hands-on experience on a terminal after having learned to write programs in the language called BASIC. (3 crs.) +PHI 270 . PHILOSOPHY OF MARXISM - A or 8 . Examines the basic texts of Marx and Engels and the subsequent development of Marxist philosophy. Attempts a critical evaluation in light of contemporary political philosophy. (3 crs.) PHI 280 . AMERICAN AESTHETIC EXPERIENCE. Includes a brief su rvey of painting , sculpture, and architecture, along with music and other fine arts . Discusses American theories of art as propounded by American philosophers, prominent artists, critics, and historians. Illustrated with color slides, films and appropriate music. (3 crs.) PHI 305 . MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY - A. Begins with Nee-Platon ism and proceeds with such thinkers as August ine, Erigena, Anseirn , Aquinas, Roger Bacon , Duns Scotus, and William of Ockharn. (3 crs.) PHI 310. NINETEENTH CENTURY PHILOSOPHY - A. Surveys the development of German idealism after Kant and the voluntaristic reaction to it. Also considers British Empiricism and French Positivism . (3 crs.) PHI 312. FORMAL LOGIC II - C. Continues Formal Logic I, with emphasis on the metatheory of truth-functional and first-order languages. It also considers selected topics in 244 the philosophy of logic and the philosophy of mathematics . Prerequisite: PHI 211 . (3 crs.) PHI 320 . ETHICAL THEORY - B. Examines the possibility and nature of ethical knowledge and the meaning of moral discourse. Special consideration is given to contemporary discussions. (3 crs.) PHI 325 . PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE- C. Studies the methods, concepts, and presuppositions of scientific inquiry. An attempt is made to understand science in the context of various theories of knowledge and reality. (3 crs.) PHI 335. AESTHETIC THEORY - B. Examines the nature and bas is of criticism in the fine arts and literature- the nature and function of art, aesthetic standards, the concept of beauty, artistic creativity, and meaning and truth in literc1ture and the arts. (3 crs.) PHI 345. AMERICAN PHILOSOPHY- A. Surveys the development of American philosophy from Jonathan Edwards to the present. (3 crs .) PHI 350 . PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY - C. Discusses the problem of the scientific status of history and whether it has a meaning or a goal. (3 crs.) PHI 355. HISTORY OF SCIENCE - A. Studies the conceptual development of science. Emphasizes the relation of scientific progress to alteroative conceptions of scientific methodology and advances in technology and philosophical systems. (May be offered as an interdisciplinary course.) (3 crs.) PHI 405 . EPISTEMOLOGY - C. Examines selected theories of knowledge with special emphasis on contemporary discussions. (3 crs.) PHI 410. METAPHYSICS existence. (3 crs .) C. Inqu iries into the nature of reality and the meaning of PHI 415. PHILOSOPHY OF MIND - C. Examines important stages in the philosophical development of the notion of mind. Discusses such contemporary problems as the relation of mind and body and the nature of consciousness, and analyzes such notions as will, emotion , action , and memory. (3 crs.) PHI 420 . PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE- C. Explores the relations between the various dimenions of language and traditional philosophical problems. Examines theories of meaning , kinds of meaning, and uses of languages. (3 crs.) PHYSICAL SCIENCE +PHS 111 . MAN AND HIS PHYSICAL WORLD I. Man and His Physical World is presented in a two module approach: The first module (1) Reaction and Rea1on focuses on basic concepts and skills from the physical sciences. A second module (2) The Dellcate Balance reinforces and extends these concepts and skills by examining some of environmental problems and issues we face today. (5 crs.) +PHS 112. MAN AND HIS PHYSICAL WORLD II. (Physical Science Study Committee) A continuation of Man and His Physical World I. Prerequisite: PHS 111 . (5 crs.) +PHS 116. BASIC PHYSICAL SCIENCE. Designed to provide the non-science major with the opportunity to acquire a basic understanding and appreciation of contemporary physical science. An alternative to those who do not wish or are unable to schedule our five-credit course. C lassroom activities and discussions will center on the topics chosen by the professor with or without the solicited aid of the students in the class. (2 crs.) 245 +PHS 117. BASIC PHYSICAL SCIENCE 8 . An elementary, non-laboratory approach to the physical world. Topics selected jointly by students and instructor. (3 crs.) +PHS 118. MAN , METHODS, MATERIALS. An activity-oriented class which cuts across the lines of social science, science, and mathematics. The major objectives are to improve the technological literacy of the student - to give him that understanding of modern technology (its capabilities, characteristics, and limitations) which is so important if he is to cope with the problems of the interaction of technology and society. Emphasizes systematic approaches for analyzing complex problems. (3 crs.) +PHS 125. OBSERVATIONAL ASTRONOMY. Designed for science and non-science majors interested in understanding and observing the night sky. The basic concepts of astronomy, and the use of star finders , tables, charts, and graphs as they relate to nighttime observation. Contemporary films in astronomy will be shown and current developments in astronomy discussed . Direct night-time sky orientation and observation will be included, and appropriate projects undertaken as time and weather permits. Two class hours each week. (3 crs.) PHS 126. MODERN PHYSICS AND ANTI-PHYSICS. The objective is to create in liberal arts students an awareness of the principal concepts of 20th century, or modern , physics. Since its is assumed that many of the students have not had high school physics, some time will be spent on the classical physics. Emphasis on concepts, not mathematical details, and a high-school course in Algebra will suffice as mathematical preparation. The climax of the course will come during discussions of special relativity , and quantum , or wave, mechanics. Many of the original arguments, such as Einstein's famous "Gedanken" experiments, will be presented. The use of the modern ideas in astrophyics will term inate the course . (3 crs.) PHS 127. THE PHYSICS OF MUSIC. A zero-math level course intended for a general audience interested in understanding the physical basis of music and musical instruments. Approximately the first third of the course is devoted to the physical principles necessary for an understanding of the physics of music. The latter two thirds of the course consider the application of physics to music. (3 crs.) PHS 128. PRACTICAL ELECTRONICS . A practical non-mathematical view of some fields of elementary electronics. The student is given the opportunity through laboratory work to examine some of the theory presented in lecture. In addition , he is required to build .a project of his choosing . Solid theory and application is emphas ized, although vacuum tubes are mentioned. (3 crs.) PHS 135. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS. A general education course without prerequisites designed with a slant toward graphic arts. The content includes basic chemistry background, photographic chemistry and solution chemistry needed to understand graphic arts processes. (5 crs.) PHS 136. ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY. A number of the most significant factors in the relevance of science and the chemical environment in which people live. The air, water, and earth provide raw materials to be used in the practice of science and technology for the sustence and comfort of mankind. (3 crs.) PHS 145. ASTRONOMY. Non-mathematical presentation of methods and results of astronomical discovery. Survey of facts and important astronomical theories. Solar systems and the stellar system , including binary and variable stars, clusters, and nebulae. Discussion of observations, techniques, and interpretations. Three class hours each week. (3 crs.) PHS 205. CONTEMPORARY ISSUES OF SCIENCE AND SOCIETY. Major sciencerelated societal problems. The class will identify some of these problems: air pollution, 246 water pollution, sound pollution, population control and distribution, and drug abuse. (3 crs.) PHS 409 . PRACTICUM FOR TEACHERS OF SCIENCE IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. Emphasizes design and use of apparatus, demonstrations, and expeiments for general science, chemistry, physics, and biology. Special emphasis is placed on secondary school scientific instructional materials. (3 crs.) PHYSICS +PHY 101 . COLLEGE PHYSICS I. Introductory Physics. Vectors, mechanics, hydrostatics, heat and thermodynamics. Three class hours and three lab hours each week . Corequisite: MAT 102. (4 crs.) +PHY 102. COLLEGE PHYSICS II. A continuation of Physics 101 . Waves and acoustics, electricity, magnetism, AC circuits, and electromagnetic waves. Three class hours and three lab hours each week . Corequisite: MAT 111. (4 crs.) +PHY 105. GENERAL PHYSICS - MED TECH. An introductory course for students of Medical Technology. Mechanics, electricity and magnetism, light and radiq-activity. Three class hours and three lab hours each week. Prerequisite: MAT 101 . (4 crs.) +PHY 106. GENERAL PHYSICS- INDUSTRIAL ARTS. Emphasis on mechanics: vectors, forces, work, power, and energy. Considerable attention given to the application of the principles of physics to machines. Three class hours each week and three laboratory hours each week. Prerequisite: MAT 101 . (4 crs.) +PHY 111 . INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS I - BIOLOGY. An introductory course in physics for biology majors. Topics include mechanics, properties of matter, and heat. Examples from biology are given as application of physical laws. Three class hours and three lab hours each week . Recommended: A functional knowledge of algebra and elementary trigonometry. (4 crs.) +PHY 112. INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS II - BIOLOGY. A continuation of Physics 111 . Topics include waves, electricity and magnetism, and modern physics. Three class hours and three lab hours each week . Prerequisite: Physics I. (4 crs.) PHY 203. COLLEGE PHYSICS Ill. A continuation of Physics 102. Light atomic and nuclear physics, and special relativity. Some time is also spent reviewing material from Physics 101 and 102. Three class hours and three lab hours each week. Prerequisite: Physics 102. Corequ isite: MAT 112. (4 crs.) PHY 221 . INTERMEDIATE MECHANICS. Vector calculus, Newtonian kinematics, and dynamics of many particle systems with emphasis on integral relations, motion in a central potential, scattering theory, systems with contraints, variational principles in mechanics, small oscillations, wave equation, and special relativity. Three class hours each week and three laboratory hours each week. Prerequisite: PHY 102. Corequisite: MAT 213. (4 crs.) PHY 256. ASTRONOMY. Astronomy of the solar system and the universe beyond, the evolution of stars and stellar systems, recently discovered quasars and pulsars, and the current cosmological models of the universe. (3 crs.) PHY 261. equations, equations, refraction. INTERMEDIATE ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Ordinary differential fundamentals of electromagnetics, multipole fields, Laplace and Poisson electromagnetic field equations, electromagnetic. waves, reflection, and Three class hours each week. Prerequisite: PHY 221 . (3 crs.) 247 PHY 305. ELECTRONICS. A thorough grounding in the concepts of digital electronics . Diode, transistor, and other switching circuits , switching logic and logic gates, transistor, amplifiers and oscillators, flip-flops , multivibrators , counters, registers, readout devices, and analog-digital instruments. Three class hours each week and three laboratory hours each week. Prerequisite: PHY 261 . (4 crs.) PHY 322. ADVANCED MECHANICS . A continuation of Physics 221 . Variational principals, relativistic dynamics , Hamilton's equations , canonical transformations, HamiltonJacobi theory , continuous systems, and class ical field theory. Applications to quantum mechanical, electromagnetic , and relativistic systems. Three class hours each week . Prerequisites: PHY 221 , 261 . (3 crs.) PHY 331 . MODERN PHYSICS I. Relativistic kinematics and dynamics, particle and wave aspects of radiation and particles, the structure of the hydrogen atom, and the many electron atoms. Quantum mechanics introduced for the first time here. Three class hours each week. Prerequisites: PHY 261 and MAT 213 . (3 crs .) PHY 332 . MODERN PHYSICS II. An introduction to solid state physics, nuclear physics , and elementary particle physics. Three class hours each week . Prerequisite: Physics 331 . (3 crs .) PHY 341 . MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF PHYSICS I. The application of the following techniques to problems in physics: ordinary differential equations, infinite series, evaluation of integrals, eigenfunction theory, calculus of variations, vectors and matrices , special functions , and partial differential equations. Three class hours each week. Prerequisites: PHY 261 , MAT 213 . (3 crs.) PHY 342. MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF PHYSICS II. A continuation of Physics 341 . Perturbation theory , integral transforms, integral equations of complex variables , tensor analysis , and an introduction to groups and group representations. Three class hours each week. Prerequisite: PHY 341 or equivalent math courses . (3 crs.) PHY 362. ADVANCED ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY. A continuation of Physics 261. The microscopic theory of dielectrics , magnetic properties of matter, slowly varying currents , introduction to plasma physics, applications of Maxwell's equations, special relativity electrodynamics , and superconductivity . Three class hours each week . Prerequisite: PHY 261 . (3 crs.) PHY 375 . RADIATION AND OPTICS. This course begins with a review of Maxwell ' s equations and wave analysis , and then goes into Fraunhofer diffraction , radiation from atoms, polychromatic waves , scattering , reflection and transmission of waves , magnetoand electro-optic effects, and an introduction to laser and maser theory. Three class hours each week . Prerequisite: PHY 261 . (3 crs .) PHY 376. STATISTICAL AND THERMAL PHYSICS. Statistical methods , statistical thermodynamics , macroscopic thermodynamics and its relation to statistical mechanics, application of statistical mechanics to gases and solids, phase equilibrium, and quantum statistics. Three class hours each week . Prerequisite : PHY 261. (3 crs.) PHY 405. QUANTUM MECHANICS. Thiscourse,afteran introduction to the necessity of quantum mechanics, includes a discussion of Schroedinger' s equation in one dimension, systems of particles in one dimension, motion in three dimensions, angular momentum and spin, approximation methods , and various applications to atomic and nuclear physics. Three class hours each week . Prerequisite : PHY 332. (3 crs.) PHY 409. SENIOR THESIS. An opportunity for each physics major to do individual research on a topic of his choosing, either experimental or theoretical. Prerequisites: Senior standing and PHY 332. (Variable) 248 PHY 435. PLASMA PHYSICS. An introduction to tensor analysis, electrodynamic equations, elastic collis ions, the Boltzmann equation , charged particle interactions, wave phenomena in plasmas, plasma oscillations, and plasma generation . Three class hours each week . Prerequisites: PHY 261, 376. (3 crs.) PHY 445. NUCLEAR PHYSICS. The deuteron , nucleon, scattering , nuclear models, gamma transitions , alpha decay, beta decay, nuclear reactions , and an introduction to elementary particle physics. Three class hours each week . Prerequisites : PHY 332, 405. (3 crs.) PHY 451. ADVANCED LABORATORY I. Experiments selected from topics discussed in Modern Physics I. The lecture time will be used to discuss error analysis, curve fitting , and points of interest to the laboratory reports. One class hour each week and six laboratory hours each week . (3 crs .) PHY 452 . ADVANCED LABORATORY II. An extension of Physics 451 . The experiments are selected from Modern Physics 11 as well as from some of the advanced courses (such as Nuclear Physics, Solid State Physics, Plasma Physics , and Optics). Computer analysis of data . One class hour each week and six laboratory hours each week . Prerequisites: PHY 451 , 332. (3 crs.) PHY 455 . SOLID STATE PHYSICS. Crystal structure, crystal binding , elastic constrants, lattice vibrations, thermal properties of insulators , the free electron model of metals , the energy brand theory of insulators and semiconductors, and the properties of semiconductor crystals . Three class hours each week. (3 crs .) PHY 465. SPECIAL AND GENERAL RELATIVITY. Relativistic mechanics and electrodynamics of mass points , mechanics of continuous matter, applications of the special theory of principle of equivalence, the field equations and the general theory, experimental tests of the general theory, and equations of motion in the general theory . Three class hours each week . Prerequisite : PHY 332. (3 crs.) PHY 475. ASTROP HYSICS. Topics chosen from the following concerning stellar evolution: observations , physical state of the stellar interior, evolutionary phases and initial and final stellar structure , and some vital statistics of the stars. Three class hours each week . Prerequisites: PHY 332, 376. (3 crs.) PHY 495. SEMINAR. An introduction to literature , history, teaching, and research methods in the physical sciences. Prerequisites : Junior standing and at least 19 hours of physics (including College Physics I and College Physics II) . (1 er.) POLISH +POL 101 . POLISH I. Classroom use of audio-lingual methods. Students must provide cassette or tape players and blank tapes. Students with a grade of B or better may continue their study through Polish 469. (3 crs.) POL 469. STUDIES IN POLISH LITERATURE. Independent readings in Polish literature. The instructor and the student arrange a program of study according to the student's needs and desires. (Variable) 249 POLITICAL SCIENCE +POS 100. INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE. The characteristics, concepts, and trends of political science . (3 crs.) +POS 105. AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. The general principles of the American system of constitutional government. Special emphasis on the organization and functions of the national government-legislative, executive and judicial. Careful treatment of the rights and duties of citizenship, the electorate , political parties , civil rights , and the growing regulatory function of government . (3 crs.) +POS 203 . THE POLITICS OF WELFARE. Welfare policy and administration in the United States on federal , state , and local levels, with some cross-national comparative analyses . (3 crs.) POS 205. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. The history, organization , structure, and functions of the major types of municipal government in the United States. The student should have some knowledge of the American federal system . (3 crs.) POS 215. COMPARATIVE POLITICS. Different political systems illuminated by comparison. System, structure, and function are basic concepts employed in devising categories for comparative analysis. An intensive examination of individual countries , ranging from Western , industrial politics to non-Western , pre-industrial , and authoritarian states . (3 crs .) POS 216. NATIONALISM . A systematic study of the origin and development of nationalism in modern times and its role in world politics . Prerequisites: POS 100 and 105. (3 crs.) POS 218. POLITICAL PARTIES. This course deals with the organization and operations of political parties in the United States. Careful attention is given to the methods used by parties in nominating candidates and conducting campaigns , and to the significance of pressure groups, public opinion, and the electorate in our political life . Prerequisite : POS 105. (3 crs.) POS 220. INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION . An analysis of the history and scope of public administration in the United States. Organizational theory and practice and problems of centralization , decentralization , management, and political and legal controls. Prerequisites: POS 100 and 105. (3 crs.) POS 222. THE ADMINISTRATION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN THE UNITED STATES. (3 crs.) POS 225. DEVELOPMENT OF POLITICAL THOUGHT. A study of the principal writings and theories of the major political philosophers and thinkers from the time of the Greek city-state to the 19th century. Prerequisite : POS 100. (3 crs.) POS 226. COMPARATIVE COMMUNISM . Eastern Europe exclusive of the Soviet Union : The Balkans, Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. Post-World War II developments in politics and government , with considerable stress on the roles of the Party in each political system. (3 crs.) POS 227. NATIONALITY PROBLEMS OF EASTERN EUROPE. Integrative and disintegrative forces in multi-ethnic Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union . Particular attention is paid to the influence of nationalism on political structures and policies and to its effect on communist intra-bloc relations . (3 crs.) 250 POS 235. STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT. A treatment of the organization , powers , functions, and problems of state and local government units. Emphasis is placed on the growing complexity of relationships among the various levels of government as a result of technological developments and the growth of metropolitan areas . It is suggested that the student have some knowledge of the American federal system . (3 crs.) POS 236. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. The background of international politics since the first World War, emphasizing successes and failures of the League of Nations, the rise of totalitarianism and World War II . Major topics include : the state in global politics, the international system , international tensions, Phases I, II and II of Cold War, third world tensions, power patterns in world politics and conflict management in international politics. (3 crs.) POS 237. UNITED NATIONS SYSTEMS. An analysis and evaluation of the United Nations and other international organizations, and consideration of some of the theoretical concepts and practical problems involved . Prerequisite: POS 100. (3 crs.) POS 250. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. A study of the major provisions of the American Constitution and the growth of American Constitutional Law based on analysis and discussion of leading judicial decisions . Prerequisites: POS 100 and 105. (3 crs .) POS 260. INTEREST GROUPS AND PUBLIC OPINION. Studies of the influence of individuals and groups on governmental policy decisions through formal and informal processes. Emphasis on the formation , expression , measurement, and role of public opinion and the organization techniques, policies, and membership of political interest groups . Prerequisites: POS 100 and 105. (3 crs.) POS 270. POLITICS OF THE DEVELOPING AREAS. A systematic study of the oriyin and rise of Anti-Colonialism. The course is a critical investigation of the most basic problems and the most important political and constitutional developments and governmental systems of new independent states; the struggle for influence among great powers and the increasing native demands for national self determination in the remaining colonial countries. Prerequisite : POS 100. (3 crs.) POS 280. POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT IN THE SOVIET UNION. We will be concerned with the background of the Bolshevik Revolution and the subsequent development of political institutions and processes. Considerable attention will be paid also to the role of the Party and its impact on the various sectors of Soviet society . Prerequisite : POS 100. (3 crs .) POS 305. 20TH CENTURY PAN-MOVEMENTS. A critical investigation of the most basic obstacles in promoting economic, social , political and religious cooperation among nations of the same origin , region, religion , continent, etc. to meet and resolve their common problems. (3 crs.) POS 306. AMERICAN LEGISLATIVE PROCESSES. An introduction to the American Legislative Politics in Congress and in the State Legislatures. The student is exposed to the role-playing of the legislators, rules of the game , structures, policy outputs, and the like can be brought together, and general patterns of behavior can be observed and explained . (3 crs.) POS 307. REVOLUTION. A study of revolution as a phenomenon of violent political change involving a fundamental and total reordering of the power structure . The approach will be theoretical and empirical, referring to the many past and current revolutionary episodes. (3 crs.) 251 POS 315. CIVIL LIBERTIES. A study of the development and meaning of the rights and liberties guaranteed to persons under the Constitution of the United States . Special emphasis is pl aced on th e antecedents of and the adoption of the Bill of Rights , and a description of the co urt structure through wh ic h the meaning of civ il liberties is determined in speci fic situation . (3 crs .) POS 316 . THE AMERICAN LEGAL SYSTEM . Describe , ex plain , and analyze th e basic compo nents of law in the United States and to identify some of its more serious probl ems. To provide interested undergraduate students and others with at least an initial understanding of th e law and th e co urts . (3 er.) PSYCHOLOGY +PSY 100. GENERAL PSYCHOLOG Y. A general int roduction to th e scie ntific study of the principles of behavior with emphasis on such topics as methods of resea rch , development of the individual , lea rn ing , motivation , emotions , cognitive processes, sensatio n , preception , testing , personality, behavior disorders , and individual differences . Experimental research as well as practical appl ica tion is stressed . (3 crs .) +PSY 110. EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOG Y. A study of the nature of the learning process , with emphasis on the ap pl ica tio n of principl es of learni ng to the prob le ms of teaching. The study of ac tual c lassroo m problems and proce dures by observation of regular work and by special illustrative demonstrations in the laboratory school. The psycholog ical clima te o f the c la ssroom . th e impo rtanc e of eval uating the child ' s total learning , the group process, and gui dance as an essential part of creative teach ing . Should furn ish the prospec tive teac her wi th a foundation in the th eories , principles, and master ideas of the educative process . Prere quisite : PSY 100. (3 c rs .) +PSY 205. CHILD PSYCHOLOGY. A study of the patterns of physical, mental , social and emo ti onal development in the period of early childhood through the prepub es cent period. Th e role of mat uration and of experience in dete rmining normal development of th e individual. Pre req uisit e: PSY 100. (3 crs.) +PSY 206 . ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY. An introduction to the study of those factors that influence the growth and development of adolescents. Emphasis on the relationship among physiologica l, psychological and sociological factors . Theoretical systems used to describe, explain, predict. and work with adolescents . Prerequ isi te : PSY 100. (3 crs.) +PS Y 207 . DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. A study of the patte rns of physica l, mental , socia l and emotional developm ent from early childhood through maturity. Particularl y o ri ented to students who will wor k w ith children and wish to understand their developme ntal patterns . Pre requis ite : PSY 100. (3 crs .) PSY 210 . PSYCHOLOGY OF SEX ROLES. This course deals with theories and current resea rch on the psychological natures of women and men and their roles in society . The aim of th e course is to critically examine assumptions about women held by the discipline of psychology and by our culture as a whole , and to test these assumptions in the perspective of current research and individual experience . It includes sequential treatment of all relevant levels of analysis - biological, psychological , organizational and cultural. This course is open to both men and women . Prerequisite : PSY 100 or its equivalent. (3 c rs .) PSY 215. PSYCHOLOGY OF EXCEPTIONAL CHILD. A survey of the psycholog ical pro blems of hea ring , speech , mental , and personality defects , and of children who are culturally disadvantaged , as well as problems of children of superior ability . A major purpose is to gain a functional understanding of their problems and of the procedures for helping them to cope with them . Prerequisite : PSY 100. (3 crs.) 252 PSY 310. MENTAL HYGIENE. Problems of personality and mechanisms of adjustment, including a study of the origin and resolution of conflicts, and the role of emotion in the patterns of behavior. (Should not be taken if Psychology of Adjustment has been taken .) Prerequisite : PSY 100. (3 crs .) PSY 320. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. A study of the interaction between the individual and his social groups within a cultural context: the individual in his social role, social groups, and social institutions . Prerequisite : PSY 100. (3 crs.) PSY 325. PSYCHOLOGICAL STATISTICS. The need for statistics in psychology is demonstrated by examining the variable nature of psychological measurements . The statistics of chance variability and its relation to the normal probability curve are studied in detail. A number or correlational methods are presented , along with the types of psychological problems for which each is suited . Prediction of one variable from another using these correlations and regression coefficients is learned, but with considerable attention to data typical of problems in the area of psychology. Prerequisite : PSY 100. (3 crs.) PSY 326. INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY. A study of the application of psychological principles of behavior to people-work conditions. An examination of business and industrial activities and the role the psychologist plays in such activities . A strong emphasis on the practical and everyday problems that confront people in the world of work . Prerequisite: PSY 100. (3 crs.) PSY 330. PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY. A study of the relationships between bodily processes and behavior. The relationship between psychological phenomena and the physiological functioning of the organism. Sensation and perception , reflexive behavior, motivation , emotional behavior and critical functioning . Some laboratory experience will be included in this course . Prerequisite : PSY 100. (3 crs.) PSY 335. PSYCHOLOGY OF LEARNING . A study of the nature and conditions of learning . The course will examine the types of learning and the experimental procedures used in the study of leanring problems. The various interpretations of the process will be examined and evaluated . Prerequisite: PSY 100 and Junior rank. (3 crs.) PSY 340 . PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING . A study of the nature and function of measurement in psychology with concentration on test construction problems and procedures and an examination of some typical tests in the fields of intelligence, personality, aptitudes, abilities and interests. Prerequisite: PSY 100. (3 crs .) PSY 345. HISTORY OF SYSTEMS OF PSYCHOLOGY. A detailed look at the evolution of psychological thought from its ancestral background through its development into a separate scientific discipline from philosophy, physiology and physics . The early problems and methods of psychology are examined in some detail as are the various schools of psychological thought. Emphasis is directed toward the effect of the discoveries and thinking of the times on the course of the development of psychology as a science. Prerequisite: PSY 100. (3 crs.) PSY 350 . PRINCIPLES OF BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION . A consideration of the application of the principles of contemporary behaviorism to the problem of behavior modification in educational and clinical settings . Major emphasis will be placed on the remediation of problems of academic , emotional and social adjustment in the classroom context. Prerequisites: Educational and Developmental Psychology or permission of the instructor. (3 crs.) PSY 355. PSYCHOLOGY OF SOCIAL CONTROL. The course will consist of analyses of fictionalized descriptions of attempts to control human behavior from the viewpoint of contemporary behavioral science. Such analyses will reveal the degree to which the 253 procedures and outcomes described in fict io nal accounts are consiste nt with what is known or assu med to be true about behavior and its causes . Fi ctionalized accounts of such techniques as physical punishments threat . indoctrination and brainwash ing , drugs and hypn osis applied to both individuals and groups will be consi dered . The moral and ethical issues involved in socia l control versus ind ivi dual freedom will be examined in the light of a rapi dl y developi ng behavioral tech nolog y and an increasing real-life incid ence of misappli catio ns and abuses. Prerequ isite : PSY 100. (3 crs.) PSY 360. EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY . Experimental Psychology emphasizes researc h method o log y, ex perimen ta l design , an d the appropriate statistical treatments of ps yc ho log ica l data . Alth oug h demonstrations are used , students are encouraged to design their own procedures for experimentally testing scie nt ifically meaningful proposi tio ns. A co mbinati on of laboratory time and discussion peri o ds permits a critical consideratio n of principles and theories that are amenable to ex perimental investigation . Students are requ ired to do an individual experiment as part of the co urse requirements . Prerequisi te: PSY 100 . (4 crs .) PS Y 400. ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOG Y. A survey of behavi or pathology - including the p sychoses . neuroses . character di sor ders including drug addiction and psych o physiological disorders - together with a general consideration of etiology , treatme nt . and prognosi s. Prerequisi te: PSY 100. (3 crs.) PSY 405. PSYCHOLOG Y OF PERSONALITY. An introduction to the study of the essential factors that result in creating indiv idual d ifferences of human behavior. Current theories used to ex plain the development and structure of personality will be presented. The characteristics of the normal and t he maladjusted personality will be identified with special co nce rn for developmental patterns . Prerequisite : PSY 100. (3 crs .) PSY 411 . CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY I. An introductory course designed to aid students to think creatively about the kinds of information and data to be obtained in studying individ uals. The course seeks to point out so me of the problems and procedures which constitute the type of cl inic al pro cedures . This course is not designed as course to train the student to become a clinical psychologist, but rather is an introduction to the applied areas of clinical psychology. Prerequisites: PSY 100, 340, 400, 405 and Senior standing . (3 crs .) PSY 412. CLINCAL PSYCHOLOGY II. the project ive techniques used to assess individual personal ity. The construction and methods of interpretation of these techniques. An introduction to some of the tools of the clinical psycholog ist and counselor. Prerequ isites : PSY 100, 400, 340 and Senior Stand ing. (3 crs .) PSY 419. CLINICAL PRACTICUM IN PSYCHOLOGY I. Special study in case study methods , psycholog ical testing, and psychopathology. Prerequisites : PSY 340, 325, 411 , and permission of the head of the Department. (3 crs.) PSY 429. CLINICAL PRACTICUM IN PSYCHOLOGY II. A continuation of Clinical Practicum I, but with greater emphasis on psychotherapy, use of clinica l instruments , diagnostic cases , and visits to hospitals and clinics . Prerequisites : PSY 340, 325, 411 , 419 and permission of the head of the Department . (3 crs .) PSY 495. HONORS COURSE IN PSYCHOLOGY. An opportun ity to engage in independent study in psychology under the direction of a member of the faculty . Prerequisites : high academic performance; approval of Department Cha irman ; consent of the instructor. (3 crs .) 254 PUBLIC SCHOOL NURSING PSN 301 . PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING I. The course comprises a study of the fundamental principles of public health nursing. Topics are related to changes in concepts of public housing , sanitation and other contemporary public health problems. (3 crs.) PSN 302. PUBLIC HEAL TH NURSING II. The course applies the principles of public health nursing and defines the functions of the nurse in various services of public health nursing such as child hygiene, communicable disease , industrial nursing , tuberculosis, venereal disease, cancer and polio. (3 crs.) PSN 305. NUTRITION AND COMMUNITY HEALTH. This is a study of the role of nutrition in attain ing and maintaining good health and planning food budgets for various income groups. Defines the role of the nurse as a nutritional resource person . (3 crs.) PSN 306. PUBLIC SCHOOL NURSING. Consists of a study of the development, planning and procedures for carrying out a school health program in relation to public school nursing . (4 crs.) PSN 405. PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASE. The course covers communicable disease problems of our society. Emphasis is placed on prevention and control as they relate to public school nursing . (3 crs.) REGISTERED NURSE ANESTHETIST RNA 401 . PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF NURSING. Psycholog ical Foundations of Nursing is a functional course which will relate to the problems of promoting better social , emotional and mental health care. The course includes aspects of psychological foundations of life , human (pathos) emotions, psychology of human personality, psychology of good mental health as well as a system of values. (3 crs.) RNA 411 . ADMINISTRATION AND FIELD EXPERIENCE FOR NURSE ANESTHETIST. The purpose of this course is to provide students in training or on the job with an understanding of the princ iples and practices of administration as they apply to work of the nurse anesthetist. This course will focus on such factors as policies concerning planning , human relations , and personnel as well aa the adm inistration of business affairs, legal liability and organizational problems. In add ition to the regular classroom work a 15 hour field experience will afford students opportunities for practical experiences in administ rative functions through observation and participation in the on going programs of nearby hospitals. (4 crs.) RUSSIAN +AUS 101 . ELEMENTARY RUSSIAN I. For students without previous knowledge of Russian . The fundamentals of correct id iomatic Russian . The student is made aware of basic sound patterns and sentence structures, with emphasis first on hearing and speaking , then reading . (3 crs.) +RUS 102. ELEMENTARY RUSSIAN II. A continuation of Russian 101 . Prerequisite: Russian 101 or one year of high-school Russian . (3 crs.) AUS 203. INTERMEDIATE RUSSIAN I. Understanding , speaking , reading , and writing on a more advanced level. A review of essential Russian grammar and further develop- 255 ment of audiolingual comprehension , with emphasis on reading . Prerequisite: Russian 101 or 102. Three class hours each week and one hour language laboratory per week . (3 crs.) RUS 204. INTERMEDIATE RUSSIAN II. To develop a reasonable control of the principal structural patterns of Russian through dialogue and oral, reading , and writing practice . Prerequisite: Russian 203. (3 crs .) RUS 469. STUDIES IN RUSSIAN LITERATURE. Independent readings in Russian literature. The instructor and the student arrange a program of study according to the student's needs and desires. (Variable) +RUS 295 . STUDIES IN RUSSIAN CULTURE. A course which covers the three areas, Golden Age of Russian Culture, (1800-1870) Silver Age (1871-1917) , Soviet Period 1917 to present. Slides, films, and records will be used to cover art, music , and certain aspects of history, literature, and intellectual life . Lecture and discussion will be the chief method for dealing with history, literature and intellectual life. All readings will be primary sources - chiefly literature. (3 crs .) SERBO-CROATIAN SCR 469. STUDIES IN SERBO-CROATIAN LITERATURE. Independent readings in Serbo-Croatian literature. The instructor and the student arrange a program of study according to the student's needs and desires. (Variable) SOCIAL SCIENCE +SOS 100. INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL SCIENCE. An introduction to the broad field of human behavioral studies, with concern for the changing and contrasting patterns of life developed by the species. (3 crs.) +SOS 101 . WORLD CULTURE. A survey of the evolution of man's culture - his governmental, economic, social , religious , intellectual , and aesthetic activities from ancient times to the beginning of the modern world. (3 crs.) +SOS 107. UNIVERSAL CULTURE PROBLEMS. Problem of Technological Change - in Ancient Egypt and in Modern China ; Problem of Social Organization - in Industrial Western Nations and in U.S.S.R. ; Problems of Allocation of Authority - in Ancient Greece and in Nazi Germany; and Problems of Religion - in Medieval Europe and in Middle East Today. (3 crs.) +SOS 120. MEN , WOMEN AND WORK. This course is a discussion-centered course . Through the use of reading selections, audio-visual materials , panels and informal student reports , class members all investigate the roles of men and women in the existing economic structure , the reasons for these roles and development of trends and changes in the economic area. (3 crs.) +SOS 145. CHARISMATIC LEADERS. A discussion-centered course in which students develop a mode of inquiry to investigate five charismatic leaders: Gandhi , Joan of Arc , Martin Luther King , John Kennedy and Che Guevara . (3 crs.) +SOS 1t:O. MODERN LIBERATION MOVEMENTS. Liberation of European Jews ; Liberation of American Workers; Liberation of American Blacks ; Liberation of Women ; Liberation of Colonial Peoples: Cuba . (3 crs.) 256 SOS 155. CULTURAL VIEWS OF WOMEN . Women in five different cultures: Mead 's Primitive Societies , India, Russia, Victorian America, and Modern America. (3 crs.) SOS 160. CONTEMPORARY WOMEN'S MOVEMENT. An investigation of themes , philosophies, and activists in the current women 's revolution . (3 crs.) SOS 220 . CULTURAL REVOLUTION IN CHINA. A study of the cultural traditions and the dynamics of change in modern Chinese society. (3 crs.) SOS 230. LATIN AMERICAN SOCIEITIES. A study of the origin and evolutionary development of various Indian and Latin cultures of Latin America . (3 crs.) SOS 240. THE ARAB WORLD. An examination of continuity, change, and cultural variation in Arab society. (3 crs.) SOS 275 . RESEARCH METHODS IN SOCIAL SCIENCES. (3 crs.) SOCIAL WORK +SOW 150. INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK. Introduces the beginning student to the social , pol itical and economic dimensions of poverty and welfare services of the United States . Complements other beginning courses in the social sciences by integrating th is knowledge in a fashion which aids in the comprehension of welfare services while establishing a basis for movement toward higher level courses. (3 crs.) SOW 208. MINORITY GROUP RELATIONS. Analysis of the historical , economic and political relations of American religious , ethnic and racial minorities in terms of social change and social structure . Special attention given to Puerto Rican, Chicano and Indian subcul t ures. Sources of prejudice and discrimination, social processes including conflict, segregation , assimilation , accommodation, and cooperation . Prerequisite: SOC 100. (3 crs.) SOW 215 . HUMAN GROWTH AND BEHAVIOR I. The course emphasis is on differences as opposed to the approach of looking at the normalcy of behavior. The sequence illustrates how diverse groups affect human development throughout the individual's life cycle . Prerequisites: SOW 150 and SOC 100. (3 crs.) SOW 216 . HUMAN GROWTH AND BEHAVIOR II . A continuation of Human Growth and Behavior I. Prerequisite: SOW 215. (3 crs .) SOW 255. SOCIAL WORK METHODS I. This course is designed for people who work with other people . It assumes that the tasks that a human service worker may be asked to perform vary from agency to agency, there are, nevertheless, certain attitudes, knowledge , and skills that are basic to all such work. It further assumes that as these attitudes, knowledge , and skills become more acutely developed , that selfawareness will develop with the subsequent development of a " professionalized self" . Prerequisites: SOW 150 and SOC 100. (3 crs.) SOW 265 . JUVENILE DELINQUENCY . The causes , prevention , and treatment of deviancy among the youth. Emphasis on the concept of the non-adversary role of the juvenile court system and the urgent need for change. An exploration of the sociological theories for deviancy and the changing attitude toward treatment and treatment facilties . Prerequisite: PSY 100. (3 crs .) SOW 270. CHILD WELFARE. Th is course is designed to focus on the services which are peculiar to a program in a Child Welfare agency. Casework with children, natural parents 257 and substitute parents will be discussed . Separation theories will be presented and related to the understanding of th is experience for children. Some historical as well as current practice in homemaker service, day care , foster care (foster home institutions, group homes, and residential treatment centers ) and adoption will be presented . Case material will be used to focus the discussion of the caseworkers role in the above services. Prerequisite : SOW 150. (3 crs. ) SOW 290. SOCIAL WELFARE AS A SOCIAL INSTITUTION. This course utilizes a historical approach to social welfare as an institution in order to focus on the process of institutionalization in which behavior that is unanticipated and unpredictable evolves into that which is regular, patterned and recurring . The historical approach also enables students to make some correlation between values , beliefs and norms emanating from social welfare in 16th, 18th and 19th Century Europe and concepts, attitudes and philosophies associated with social welfare in 20th Century America. Prerequisites : PSY 100 and SOW 150. (3 crs .) SOW 309. WELFARE PRACTICUM I. An opportunity to learn and apply theoretical knowledge to practice through involvement in a social welfare agency setting or institut ion. The student is required to spend 16 clock hours per week in the field . Prerequisite : Permission of the Instructor. (6 crs.) SOW 319. WELFARE PRACTICUM II. Continuation of Welfare Practicum I. The student continues to work under a trained social worker, preferably in the same setting as his previous placement. The student is expected to demonstrate a considerable amount of classroom knowledge . He should show conviction about the value of social work in improving the client's psycho-social function ing . The student is required to spend 16 clock hours per week in the field . Prerequ isite : SOW 309 and permission of the Instructor. (3 crs .) SOW 346. SOCIAL WORK METHODS II: GROUP WORK. History of social group work , the social work values, the assessment of goals and objectives in the group , the principles of social group work , and the various models of group therapy . Prerequisites : SOW 150, SOW 255 . (3 crs .) SOW 347 . SOCIAL WORK METHODS Ill : COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION. A comprehensive review and descriptive history of the evolution of community organ izati on methodolog ies with emphasis upon their generic social work qualities. Concern will be devoted to both the character of the process and tasks assoc iated therewith , as we ll as the role commun ity organization plays in social reform in the United States. The course material will relate to collective social behavior, social institutions, the politics of social services del ivery , community problem-solving , and social planning . Prerequisite : SOW 346. (3 crs .) SOW 352. ADVANCED CLINICAL TECHNIQUES. Builds upon those elements of casework practices introduced in Social Work Methods I. The process of psychosocial study, diagnosis, and treatment more adequately developed . Abundant use of assigned tests and case material , particularly those concerned with social welfare. Pedagog ic use of role playing is also systematically developed. Generic concepts stressed, but specific setting topically cons idered . For example , relaxation training , biofeedback , hypnosis and projective testing for the social worker are typically considered . Prerequisite : SOW 255. (3 crs .) SOW 365. DELIVERY OF SERVICES. Th is course deals with macro practice techniques . Theoretical underpinnings are examined from a social systems perspective . The primary value stressed is that the student must become sensitive to consumers and empathy to their concerns are qualities which are a prerequisite to becoming a professional social worker. It is felt that such a goal cannot be attained simply by talk ing about consumers , 258 but that consumerism must be experienced . Therefore, the student is required during the semester to become involved in a consumer concern , which will be agreed upon by the student and the instructor, and write a paper describing their experience and how it relates to the course. Prerequisite : SOW 346. (3 crs.) SOW 370. SOCIAL CHANGE. This course is a continuation of SOW 365 , Delivery of Services, and also emphasis on macro, generalists techniques, drawn from social system theory. It is stressed that societal representatives will effect needed changes only if the human service worker initiates change efforts in a fash ion that provides adequate feedback to decision-makers . It is assumed that decision-makers effect needed societal changes only if these changes in some way make the constituient and the decision maker more satisfied . Prerequisites: SOW 346, 365. (3 crs.) SOW 495. SEMINAR IN SOCIAL WORK. (Variable) SOCIOLOGY +SOC 100. PRINCIPLES OF SOCIOLOGY. This basic course examines interaction among human beings. Emphasis on natural and social heritage , the meaning and functions of culture , the origin , functions , and characteristics of social institution with inquiry into the nature and genesis of social pathology. (3 crs.) +SOC 110. ETHNIC , RACIAL AND SEXUAL MINORITIES. (3 crs.) SOC 200. RESEARCH METHODS IN SOCIOLOGY. It is assumed that the students have not studied , nor have they been involved in systematic , empirical social-scientific research . Consequently, the objective is to teach fundamental concepts of research in the social sciences . The logic and procedural rules for scientific problem solving are studied , and the methods and techniques for implementing these rules in actual research are emphasized . (3 crs.) SOC 205. CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL PROBLEMS. Provides an objective view of some of the social problems and a theoretical frame of reference for analyzing these problems . (3 crs.) SOC 210. SOCIAL STRATIFICATION . Provides the student w ith an objective appraisal of our society and an awareness of the extent of our class structure. The student wil l be made more aware of our stratified society. Prerequisite: SOC 100. (3 crs.) SOC 220. THE FAMILY. The purpose of this course is to familiarize the students with the family as a social institution in terms of its social and cultural conditioning aspects . Prerequisite: SOC 100. (3 crs.) SOC 225. SOCIOLOGY OF AGING . Theoretical issues of aging , research, and the methodological traditions involved in the study of the human aging process . Special emphasis is placed upon the interaction of pertinent biological and sociological variables related to the processes of work , retirement , leisure , institutionalization, and death . Prerequisite : SOC 100. (3 crs.) SOC 235. URBAN SOCIOLOGY. Much of the current material that describes the problems of urban life is part of this exploration of the dimensions of .the urban mass and the problems of the people who live there : the effects of a technological age and a rapidly changing urban civilization , and their challenge to the viability of the urban habitat. Accommodates primarily social work and sociology majors after they have had an introductory level sociology course. Prerequisite : SOC 100. (3 crs.) 259 SOC 240. SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS. Analysis of the collectivity from a behavioral perspective. The family and political, economic, religious , and educational institutions are examined. Consideration of the systematic provisions in society provide for the maintenance of group patterns of behavior. Prerequisite : SOC 100. (3 crs.) SOC 260. CRIME. Types of criminal behavior, the epidemiology of crime in the United States, the social basis of law, and major etiological forces responsible for lawbreaking. General systems theory is the basic theoretical perspective used in this course . Prereq uisite: SOC 100. (3 crs.) SOC 305. SYMBOLIC INTERACTION ISM. This course presents the sociological contribution to social psychology, symbolic lnteractlonlsm in such a way as to complement the psychological contribution of the field : psychoanalytic theory, Gestalt psychology, and Neo-behaviorism . Prerequisite: SOC 100. (3 crs.) SOC 370. SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY BUILDING . This course provides some logical basis for determining the relative merits of alternative assumptions concerning matters of fact or social policy. Prerequisite: SOC 100. (3 crs .) SOC 375 . HISTORY OF SOCIAL THOUGHT. Significant social theorists , particularly as they have influenced the development of contemporary social theory ; ways of approaching social reality by way of social theory; historical development in the 19th and 20th centuries. Intended primarily for sociology and social work majors in the sixth semester or higher level. (3 crs .) SOC 495. SEMINAR IN SOCIOLOGY. (3 crs .) SPANISH +SPN 101 . ELEMENTARY SPANISH I. For the student without previous knowledge of Spanish who wishes to achieve a sound basis for an active command of the language. The development of the fundamental speech skills, reinforced in the language laboratory. Progressively greater emphasis is placed on reading and writing . Three class hours and one hour language laboratory per week . (3 crs.) +SPN 102. ELEMENTARY SPANISH II . A continuation of Spanish 101 . Three class hours and one hour language laboratory per week . Prerequisite: Spanish 101 or one year of high school Spanish . (3 crs.) +SPN 203. INTERMEDIATE SPANISH I. An adequate review of the essentials of Spanish grammar through intensive oral structures and written practice to facilitate the use of Spanish grammar, and to develop the use of words and expressions accepted throughout the Spanish-speaking world . Three class hours and one hour language laboratory per week . Prerequisites : Spanish 101 and Spanish 102 or their equivalents. (3 crs.) SPN 204 . INTERMEDIATE SPANISH II . To develop a reasonable control of the principal structural patterns through dialogue and oral, reading , and writing practice from reading of modern authors. Three class hours and one hour language laboratory per week . Prerequisites: Spanish 203. (3 crs .) SPN 211. SPANISH CONVERSATION, COMPOSITION, AND PHONETICS I. Intensive practice based on modern prose to provide models of natural, spontaneous speech which includes cultural themes and colloquialisms and up-to-date dialogues on which to base class discussions . Written compositions using orthographic rules and an introduction to written Spanish. Three class hours and one hour language laboratory per week . Prerequisite: Spanish 204. (3 crs.) 260 SPN 212. SPANISH CONVERSATION, COMPOSITION, AND PHONETICS II. A study of the essential Spanish morphology, syntax, semantics, and linguistics , as reflected in some representative authors that confronts the student with new ways of writing and thinking that prepare him for the Spanish Culture and Civilization courses. Three class hours and one hour language laboratory per week. Prerequisite : Spanish 204. (3 crs.) SPN 215. CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION OF SPAIN . A study of the most significant aspects of Spanish history, with a broad discussion of its essential characteristics and contribution to western civilization. Designed to stimulate thought on the social , political, economic, and cultural problems of Spanish history . Three class hours each week . Prerequisite: Spanish 211 or Spanish 212. (3 crs .) SPN 216. CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION OF HISPANIC-AMERICA. A study of the preColombian cultures of the Spanish-American countries and the impact of the Spanish conquest upon the people of these countries. Wider appreciation of the psychological elements that have made their imprint upon the people who live in these lands and an examination of the contemporary political , economic , literary, artistic, and scientific movements in the most important republics of Hispanic-America, and their relationship to the United States . Three class hours each week . Prerequisite: Spanish 211 or Spanish 212 . (3 crs .) SPN 295 . STUDIES IN HISPANIC CULTURE. Taught in English ; no knowledge of Spanish required . An Arts and Sciences elective in the Modern Language Department. Offers insight into Spanish culture and civilization, providing material that is interesting and intellectually challenging, from primitive culture, Roman domination through the Arab conquest, and the impact of the discovery of America on Spanish life. The individual topic for studies in Hispanic Culture changes from semester to semester. Specific topics selected through guest lecturers; films, slides, movies, music and other educational media illustrate the Spanish way of life, past and present. As long as the topics remain different , the course may be repeated . Three class hours each week. No prerequisite : (3 crs .) These courses are designed to be taken in sequence. Instructional media and textbooks especially written for these courses are used to develop communication skills in the Spanish language. Students without any knowledge of Spanish should take Elementary Spanish I and II in order to have a better foundation . Students with two years of high-school Spanish need not take Elementary Spanish I and 11 , but may receive credit for these two courses by examination at the discretion of the instructor. (3 crs .) SPN 300. ADVANCED SPANISH GRAMMAR. An intensive grammar review and a detailed study of the Spanish language and "shades of difference" in the meanings of words and sentences as used in oral and written expressions. SPN 305. CERVANTES: DON QUIXOTE: Prerequisite : Spanish 321 or Spanish 322. (3 crs.) SPN 316. GOLDEN AGE NOVEL. The major prose works of the Renaissance and Baroque styles: the Pastoral , Chivalric, and Picaresque novels . Prerequisite : Spanish 321 or Spanish 322 . (3 crs .) SPN 321 . SURVEY OF SPANISH LITERATURE. An introduction to the masterpieces of Spanish literature, ranging from Poema de Mio Cid to current authors. Represented will be all of the important Spanish literary genres : narrative poetry (epic and ballad) , lyric verse, the short story, and selections from novels and dramas. Prerequisite: Twelve hours of Spanish beyond Spanish 102. (3 crs.) 261 SPN 322. SURVEY OF SPANISH-AMERICAN LITERATURE. A study of representative selections from the colonial period to the present, with emphasis on the salient characteristics and the distinctive contributions of each literary form in the period or movement under study. Prerequisite : Twelve hours of Spanish beyond Spanish 102. (3 crs.) SPN 333. HISTORY OF THE SPANISH LANGUAGE. A history of the development of modern Spanish , beginning with vulgar Latin as used in the Iberian peninsula, how it changed under political and cultural influences with attention to comparison and contrast with changes in the other Romance languages. SPN 469. STUDIES IN SPANISH LITERATURE: For the benefit of teachers in service or to meet special problems or deficiencies. Prerequisite: Eighteen hours of Spanish. (Variable) SPECIAL EDUCATION ESP 101 & 102. EXCEPTIONAL CHILD I & II. Exceptional Child I and II constitute a twocourse introductory sequence to handicapped children and to the field of special education. These courses examine the board range of handicaps in children and their sociological, educational and vocational implications. Specifically , the sequence develops competencies in such areas as the historical development of services for handicapped children , definitions and classification of children's handicaps, the impact of labelling children and mainstream programs, pre-school and post-school programs for the handicapped , family services , prosthetic devices and program modifications for the physically handicapped and a behavioral analysis of normal child development. These courses will stress observation of the various target groups of handicapped children . ESP 111. BEHAVIOR PRINCIPLES I. Behavior Principles I is a course designed to provide the student with those verbal and performance skills in measurement and observation necessary to apply the principles of behavior modification in schools and a variety of other settings. The student should consider the information and skills acquired as requisite to the second course, Behavior Principles II. In a sense the relationship is similar to that between a course in algebra or calculus and an advanced physics course . (Students who successfully complete the course will have mastered skills in data collection , data manipulation, data display including graphing , behavioral definitions, the principles of reinforcement and extinction , and data based decision making) . Entry level skills required by all students include demonstrated ability to perform the four basic arithmetic operations with fractions and decimals, calculate percentages and rates including the specification of correct units and/or labels. These skills will be determined by pre-test. Each student should also be able to use the language in verbal and written form at a level judged to be that of a competent high school graduate. ESP 112. BEHAVIOR PRINCIPLES II. This course familiarizes the student with the laboratory derived learning principles that constitute the field of applied behavior analysis . An experimental component provides each student the opportunity to observe and report on a behavioral intervention program. ESP 215. EDUCATION OF CHILDREN WITH SEVERE/PROFOUND LEARNING & BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS. This course has been designed to prepare teachers for classrooms with severe and/ or profound learning and / or behavior problems. The course emphasizes the value of a "behavioral approach " with such children . Class participants are presented with curriculum materials as well as specific instructional techniques/ methodologies which have proven effective with such a population . Class participants spend time in classrooms which contain children with severe and/or profound handicapping conditions. They are responsible for teaching select self-help and academic skills as well as the encouraging or discouraging of selected student behaviors . 262 ESP 250. WORKSHOP FOR TEACHER AIDES. This workshop has been designed especially for teacher aides who work in classes for hand icapped children . The content will , however, be of great value to all teacher's aides since it deals with methods that might enable the participants to deal more easily and more effectively with any children . Numerous activities will characterize the workshop ; it will not be a lecture-type approach . ESP 278. ACADEMIC AND RECREATIONAL SKILL TRAINING. Handicapped persons residing in the community and receiving services from various community agencies must acquire those skills which will facilitate their adoption to, and assimilation by, the community at large. Important among these skills are basic competencies in such " academic" areas as reading , writing , communication and computational abilities. In order to live independently, the handicapped must be capable of " normal " behavioral responses in various social , vocational and recreational situations. Handicapped persons need to be aware of the constructive leisure time and recreational opportunities which are available within the community. Participation in these activities will significantly enrich their lives and enhance their social adjustment. ESP 279. OCCUPATIONAL SKILL TRAINING & ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING (ADL) . In order to achieve an acceptable level of "normalized" status in the community, two critical aspects of handicapped individuals must approach a reasonable level of development. These aspects involve : (1) the person's occupation , position or primary means of involvement in meaningful activity; and (2) how that person conducts himself in performing normal, daily and routine duties. Deficits in activities of daily living skills are often the most obvious behavioral deficiencies to the general public and likewise the most frequently overlooked and "taken for granted " by staff involved in training handicapped individuals. This course is intended to focus upon the prevocational and vocational needs of handicapped youth and adults as well as those supportive skills necessary for achieving acceptable levels of " normal adult adjustment." Since the habilitation and training needs of the handicapped population is so diverse, the nature of course content and emphasis shall also be broad , to include such programs as sheltered workshops and rehabilitation facil ities, work activity centers, therapeutic activity centers , CLA's, etc. ESP 306. DIAGNOSTIC TESTING AND PRESCRIPTIVE TEACHING . This course is divided into three major segments. The first .segment introduces the student to the essentials of testing and covers topics such as : nomenclature , purpose of testing , and descriptive statistics. The second segment deals mainly with test evaluation, test demonstrations, identification of the behaviors or constructs measured by standardized normreferenced tests, criterion-referenced tests and teacher constructed tests. The third segment deals with the interpretation of test performance and includes such topics as : item analysis, relationship of sub-test scores within and among tests, remediation strategies, and writing an educational assessment summary with recommendations for instructional programming . HPE 337 . PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR THE EXCEPTIONAL CHILD. Physical Education for the Exceptional Child is an introduction to the principles, techniques, and research in the physical education training for the exceptional person . Major emphasis will be on gross-motor skills and physical activities leading to lifetime recreation and sports. ESP 360. FIELD EXPERIENCE FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION . The Field Experience course provides for both undergraduate and graduate students a vehicle for obtaining needed practical experiences with various groups of handicapped children . The type of practicum site may vary widely and would include such settings as public and private residential institutions, day care centers, therapeutic activity centers, sheltered workshops, rehabilitation centers, community MH/ MR programs, and summer camps for handicapped children . 263 ESP 378. COMMUNITY RESOURCE UTILIZATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS. This course serves two specific but related functions . Community-based programs for handicapped individuals utilize community facilities , agencies and services to provide broad base support and assistance to the client populations . In those situations where an insufficient or inadequate level of support is in place the public as well as the policy makers must be mobilized to fill identified voids . Very often the springboard from which an effective service base can be established is a well developed program of public relations . Certainly the public relations program also serves the handicapped by educating the community members - the neighbors of handicapped persons living in the community. ESP 379 . BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS. Community based programs currently exist both as a mandate of law and at the pleasure of legislation from a fiscal standpoint. Further, the relationships between providers and clients, providers and agencies, agencies and clients, etc . are all regulated . This course , therefore, explores the many legal implications involved in community based programs and specifies for the student the responsibility that he/ she will face as a professional. ESP 405 and ESP 417. CURRICULUM PLANNING AND METHODS I & II . Curriculum and Methods I and II are a block of courses which are offered to special education majors the semester prior to their student teaching experience. The major purpose of these courses is the instruction of communication and arithmetic skills to all age groups of exceptional children . Specifically, Curriculum and Methods I is concerned with communication skills (reading - silent and oral , vocabulary development and comprehension .) Curriculum and Methods II emphasizes arithmetic skills. Both courses stress: (1) a behavioral diagnosis of communication and arithmetic strengths and weaknesses; (2) the development and implementation of intervention strategies for various populations of exceptional children; (3) the selection and / or development of appropriate materials for instruction ; (4) the procedures and techniques for continuous evaluation for the instructional process in order to determine effectiveness . ESP 426. HABILITATION TRAINING . Habilitation Training is a course designed for special education majors to be taken during the semester prior to student teaching. The course content is specifically related to special education programs for senior high school students as well as those community services designed to serve post-school handicapped persons . In particular, emphasis is placed upon vocational preparation and training . Since the vocational needs of handicapped youth are extremely diverse (based upon degree of severity) , the course provides for the familiarization of the student with : (1) all governmental and private services available to serve the needs of handicapped youth; (2) program elements that function to meet those needs; (3) public school functions and programs as they pertain to vocational training ; (4) standard and regulations as they relate to vocational programming , and (5) the means by which a professional in the field may best utilize the programs and resources to improve the employability of the handicapped youth . ESP 459. STUDENT TEACHING . In the new comprehensive curriculum , each course will have a practicum associated with it that will involve consistent contact throughout each semester with special children. The special education staff members will make a concerted effort to insure that special education majors are exposed to the full range of children covered under the comprehensive certification, i.e., mentally retarded , emotionally disturbed , learning disabled, brain damaged, and physically handicapped . Further planning will insure that our students will be exposed to the dimensions of mildprofound and elementary-secondary since the new certification covers K-12, mild through profound in each of the handicapping areas. Special education majors will identify two of the handicapping areas for their student teaching experience . The areas chosen by students probably will relate to their specific vocational goals and their own interests and strengths. The major practicum, student teaching , will provide an intense experience for the student in two of the handicapping areas for a period of sixteen weeks . 264 ESP 478. PSYCHO-SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND CLIENT COUNSELING . This course will examine the concept of normalization and how the emphasis on the normalization of the experiences of handicapped clients in community based programs is vital to their successful adjustment. Methods for developing normali zing experiences will likewise be explored. Because community service personnel interact with professionals from several other disciplines , this course will examine basic information dealing with the psycho-soc ial development of the handicapped . Handicapped clients and their famil ies likewise are frequently in need of counseling services to assist their adjustment to the community program. Accordingly, fundamental counseling and intervi ewing skills will be stressed . ESP 479. PROGRAM EVALUATION FOR PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT. At all levels and in all types of community service programs , there exists the need for persons to engage in roles in which required skills are categorized as: managerial, decision-making , planning , evaluating , supervising , communicating , etc. This course is intended to fulfill this need for train ing of personnel within community facilities who are required to perform those duties. Even for individuals who would not enter directly into the " administrative" roles mentioned above, their understanding and appreciation of the associated processes and applications would greatly enhance their involvement in the training programs. In addition , their opportunity to move into these " managerial" roles may be an attractive incentive to many. The environments for which the training techniques in the course are designed would include. Community Living Arrangements, sheltered workshops, Adult Activity Centers (both therapeutic and work) , and other human service providers and community social welfare agencies . Competencies will be developed that are knowledge/ information-based as well as skill-based . ESP 490. PRACTICUM. This course syllabus ESP 490 has been written during an interim interval in the legislation regarding a new Pennsylvania School code . Since House Bill 770 did not pass because of substantive charges , presently, the use of the Public School Code of 1949, recodifying it, deleting sections which are obsolete and adding new sections updating the school code with no substantive change, is under discussion . A new bill will be introduced in January of 1977 which may take several forms before passing, giving Pennsylvan ia a new school code. Therefore , I have used the current legislation for special education of June 3, 1975 as the basis of the course syllabus. ESP 498 . INTERNSHIP. Each student majoring in the Handicapped Persons Community Service Personnel Training Program will complete a one semester (15 week) internship assigned to community agencies . Ten weeks will be spent working in all phases of a community living arrangements (CLA) including client counseling , skill training , recreational planning , public relations, business and personnel management, etc . Interns will be required to "live-in" at the CLA facility when it is considered essential to their training . The remaining five weeks of the internship will be spent in another type of community program for the handicapped such as Therapeutic Activities Centers , Work Activity Centers, Adult Development Centers, Sheltered Workshops , etc . Students will be encouraged to identify the type of agency they are interested in and attempts will be made to arrange an appropriate affiliation. SPEECH COMMUNICATION +SPE 101 . ORAL COMMUNICATION . Developing a listener's and a speaker's understanding of, recognition of, and capacity to demonstrate the methods and responsibilities of oral communcators in a free society . (3 crs .) +SPE 103. ORAL COMMUNICATION - MANAGEMENT. Developing and improving communication skills that relate to the students' potential role within organizations , businesses , or industries . Prerequisite : Business or Industrial Arts major. (3 crs.) 265 +SPE 105. SURVEY OF RADIO, TELEVISION , AND FILM. Introduction to communication in radio, television , and film ; effects of mass media on the individual ; role of mass media in news, documentaries , commercial , and entertainment broadcasting . (3 crs.) +SPE 106. INTRODUCTION TO PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE. The basic philosophy and rules of parlimentary procedures, with emphasis on participation in problem solving . (1 er.) +SPE 107. FUNDAMENTALS OF DISCUSSION . Introduction to group forms , techniques, participation , and chairmanship in informal and formal discussions of contemporary issues. (3 crs.) +SPE 108. INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION THEORY. Nature, origin , purposes, and functions of verbal and nonverbal communication. (3 crs .) +SPE 111 . INTRODUCTION TO ORAL INTERPRETATION. Techniques of discovering denotative and connotative meanings in literature ; audible and visible interpretation . (3 crs.) +SPE 121 . VOICE AND ARTICULATION. Introduction to phonetics and to voice production and c ontrol, with exercises to develop adequate quality , loudness, pitch , rate , and articulation . (3 crs .) +SPE 192. FORENSIC WORKSHOP . Practical experience in inter-collegiate debate and competitive speaking . (1 er.) +SPE 193. RADIO AND TELEVISION WORKSHOP. Practice in using equipment; projects in radio and television . Prerequisite: Completion or concurrent registration of SPE 240 or 245. (1 er.) SPE 212. ADVANCED ORAL INTERPRETATION. Detailed analysis and evaluation of literary forms . Preparation and presentation of suitable programs. Prerequisite: SPE 111 . (3 crs.) SPE 220. PERSUASION . Methods of changing attitudes and behaviors through speech communication ; analysis of individuals , audiences , occasions , and subjects for persuasive appeals. Study of logical and psychological arrangements and the ethics of persuading and being persuaded . Preparation of persuasive speeches . Prerequisites : SPE 101 or 103 or 107. (3 crs .) SPE 230. ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATE. Logical advocacy; briefing and supporting logically-adequate cases advocating propositions of policy; negative positions , exposing fallacious evidence and reasoning; refutation and rebuttal. Applications to inter-colleg iate and mass media topics. Prerequisites: SPE 101 , or 103 or 107. (3 crs.) SPE 231. GROUP DISCUSSION . Using a rational sequence to derive group approved solutions to group and publ ic problems . Techniques of involvement, creativity, conflict resolution , morale build ing , and decisi on mak ing. Prerequisites: SPE 101 or 103 or 107. (3 crs.) SPE 240 . INTRODUCTION TO TELEVISION PRODUCTION. Fundamentals of television production , including the use of equipment. Maintaining logs and records and scheduling of programs and commercials. Directing , plann ing, and evaluating programs. (3 crs .) SPE 245. INTRODUCTION TO RADIO PRODUCTION . Fundamentals of radio production including study of various types of broadcast equipment, different radio formats and their rationales , various regulatory agencies which affect radio broadcasting , maintenance of logs and records, and evaluating , planning and directing programs. (3 crs.) 266 SPE 246. RADIO AND TELEVISION ANNOUNCING . Theories and practice of gathering, evaluating, writing , and delivering newscasts , sports, commericals , interviews , editorials, and documentaries for radio and television audiences. Prerequisite: SPE 240 or 245. (3 crs.) SPE 260. FREEDOM OF SPEECH . History of free speech in the world , with special attention to its development in the United States; legal decisions in contemporary attacks upon and attempts to expand the principle of freedom of speech . (3 crs.) SPE 270. APPRECIATION OF TELEVISION . Screening and analysis of exceptional television and film productions. Examination of media presentations for understanding of their goals, accomplishments, and shortcomings . The application of critical standards for the purpose of evaluation of instructive, persuasive , and entertainment values of selected screenings. Problems relating to creative use of media are explored in some detail. Recommendations are given for constructive use of media as an educational correlative. SPE 292. FORENSIC WORKSHOP. Practical experience in inter-collegiate debate and competitive speaking . Prerequisite: 192. (1 er.) SPE 293. RADIO AND TELEVISION WORKSHOP. Practice in using equipment ; projects in radio and television . Prerequisite: 193. (1 er.) SPE 305. ORAL DECISION PROCESSES. Cooperative planning , individual research and reporting, group discussion, debate, and parliamentary procedure in rational group decision processes. Prerequisites: Composition I and SPE 101 . (3 crs.) SPE 307 . INTERPRETATION OF PROSE LITERATURE. Analysis and oral presentation of prose literature. Prerequisite : SPE 212 . (2 crs .) SPE 315. LANGUAGE AND BEHAVIOR . Developing language habits that improve sensory and symbolic perception , inference-making , evaluation , and the resolving of conflicts. Prerequisite: SPE 115 or consent of instructor. (3 crs.) SPE 317. CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN PUBLIC ADDRESS. Study of selected United States speakers and speeches of major significance in national issues since 1960. (2 crs.) SPE 330. RADIO AND TELEVISION WRITING: NEWS AND COMMERCIALS. The writing of news , commentary, documentary, educational , and commerical scripts for radio and televis ion . Prerequisite : SPE 240. (3 crs.) SPE 335. RADIO AND TELEVISION WRITING : THE DRAMATIC SCRIPT. Prepares dramatic scripts for radio or television from original or other sources; examination of series, comedy , serial, and drama. Prerequisite : SPE 240. (3 crs .) SPE 340. ADVANCED TELEVISION PRODUCTION . Further appliction and extension of practical and creative techniques and skills learned in earlier production courses. Prerequisite: SPE 240. (3 crs .) SPE 355. BROADCAST MANAGEMENT. Development of administrative responsibilities concerned with media personnel, programming , budgeting . technical maintenance, and compliance to FCC regulations . Prerequisite: Jr./Sr. Standing and 240 and 245 . (3 crs.) SPE 360. APPRECIATION OF FILM . Preparation for intelligent response to cinema. Discussion of the screen play, director, and actor. Critical evaluation of outstanding films of the past and present. (3 crs.) SPE 392. FORENSIC WORKSHOP. Practical experience in inter-collegiate debate and competitive speaking. Prerequisite: SPE 292. (1 er.) 267 SPE 393. RADIO AND TELEVISION WORKSHOP. Practice in using equipment ; projects in radio and television . Prerequisite: SPE 293. (1 er.) SPE 419. PRACTICUM . Practicum is intended to provide on-the-job experience in some communication related specialty. It is open only to superior senior level students and requires student participation as an intern in some off campus public or private enterprise. The student will be under the supervision of both a job supervisor and a faculty committee . Permission to register for this course must be secured from the faculty committee prior to the semester of the practicum . Senior level standing. (Variable) SPE 429. SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN SPEECH COMMUNICATION . Independent study and reporting of topics of interest to the student but not available to him in scheduled courses. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and department chairman . (Variable) SPE 445. RADIO AND TELEVISION IN A FREE SOCIETY. A study of the rights and obligations of the mass media producer, purveyor and audience . (3 crs.) SPE 460 . SPEECH CRITICISM. A study of historical, experimental , and other methodologies in speech criticism and development of critical skills. Analysis of significant speeches and speakers. Prerequisite : Jr./Sr. Speech Communication major. (3 crs.) SPEECH PATHOLOGY AND AUDIOLOGY SPA 100. SURVEY OF SPEECH PATHOLOGY. This course will initially introduce the student to the field of Speech Pathology. Not only will discussions center around specific speech problems , but discussions will also be concerned with what is expected of a speech clinician , his role in the school and his/ her opportunity potential. Special emphasis will be placed on the Public Schools . SPA 101. PHONETICS. A study of the science of phonetics as it applies to the communicative process. Emphasis is placed on the articulation process in a communication system. The student is required to learn and use the International Phonetic Alphabet. SPA 102. HEARING PROBLEMS. A survey of the problems of the hearing-impaired individual with special emphasis on the anatomy and physiology of the ear, as well as etiology, symptomatology and treatment of the diseases of the ear. In addition, the student is introduced to basic principles of acoustics and rehab ilitation services available to persons with hearing problems . SPA 105. LANGUAGE AND SPEECH DEVELOPMENT. The course emphasis will be on the normal development of speech , language, and communication . The form and function of language will be considered , i.e., phonology, syntax, morphology , and semantics will be included . General intellectual development and the effects upon language will be considered . Finally, there will be an emphasis on language and speech stimulation activities. SPA 106. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE SPEECH MECHANISM . This course will enable the study to understand (1) the structure and normal function of the various components of the human body participating in speech production and (2) how the func tion of these components may change during speech production . SPA 201 . SPEECH , LANGUAGE AND HEARING HANDICAPPED SCHOOL CHILDREN (non-majors) . This course is for the classroom teacher, although it will also prove useful to parents, child -guidance workers, special education teachers, nurses, and others who are concerned with the development and training of children. The course is primarily 268 designed for those who are interested in children's welfare and who would like to know more about some of the common speech , language and hearing problems of children and what to do for them . SPA 204. PRACTICE IN MEASUREMENT OF HEARING . The purpose of this course is to provide the undergraduate student with an understanding of the underlying theory , test procedures and equipment used in the assessment of hearing for pure tones and speech . The student is required to become proficient in the administration of basic tests of hearing . An overview of more advanced auditory testing is also presented . SPA 212. AUDITORY TRAINING AND SPEECH READING . The purpose of this course will be to teach students to plan effectively for hearing handicapped individuals. This will require the application of all points emphasized in the course which includes: a) diagnostic information; b) speech reading methods; c) approaches used in auditory training; and , d) speech training for the aurally handicapped . SPA 215 . PSYCHOLOGY OF SPEECH AND HEARING. The student will be able to use the linguistic methods of distinctive features and transformational grammar for remedia tion of speech and language disorders. SPA 218 . INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL PROCEDURES. Primary emphasis on articulation and stuttering disorders . Opportunity for observation of speech and hearing diagnostics and therapy. Discussion and demonstration of clinical tests and materials. SPA 320. ASSESSMENT OF SPEECH AND LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT. This course trains students to administer, score and interpret speech and language tests and write diagnostic reports based upon the administration of these tests . SPA 322. CLINICAL METHODS AND TECHNIQUES. The purpose of this course is to provide meaningful and operational therapeutic techniques of speech therapy with some discussion of therapeutic materials, devices and equipment. Effort will be made , when feasible , to provide students with " hands-on" experiences with therapy, utilization of materials and equipment. Also, experiences will be provided in diagnostic and assessment of persons having speech and/ or language disorders. SPA 323. ADVANCED CLINICAL PRACTICUM . The purpose of this course is to provide the student clinician with a variety of therapeutic and evaluation experiences with children/ adults having speech , language or hearing disorders. SPA 459. STUDENT TEACHING . Observation and participation in public school and clinical speech and hearing programs. The student spends one full semester of sixteen weeks under the supervision of a certified speech and hearing supervisor. In most cases, the student will be exposed to two separate assignments to add to his professional growth (eight weeks per assignment). SPA 490. PROFESSIONAL PRACTICUM AND SCHOOL LAW. General techniques of teaching , and techniques for the student's area of specialization . Pennsylvania school laws relevant to the work of the public school speech and hearing clinician are discussed . Discussion of problems encountered by the clinician during student teaching . THEATRE +THE 100. INTRODUCTION TO THE THEATRE. An overview of the composite art of theatre - from idea to reality - with representative readings from dramatic literature . (3 crs .) +THE 101 . VOICE AND SPEECH. A practical approach to voice and speech dynamics using the Lessac method involving the body, senses and imagination. (3 crs.) 269 +THE 102. VOICE AND INTERPRETATION. Methods of analysis and presentation for effective oral reading of dramatic literature, prose and poetry. (3 crs.) +THE 110. GAMES AND IMPROVISATIONS. A non-acting approach to solving dramatic problems. Theatre games, sensitivity exercises and spontaneous non-verbal improvisations stimulate the student to discover that recall of past physical and emotional experiences is useful in most dramatic situations. (3 crs.) +THE 115. MOVEMENT. Designed to improve the individual's suppleness and control and to increase awareness of spatial ·relat ionships . Includes specific techniques for performers . (3 crs .) +THE 125. MAKE-UP. Theory and practice of make-up for performance. (1 er.) +THE 130. FUNDAMENTALS OF ACTING . Basic techniques of acting, with application in rehearsal and performance of selected scenes. (3 crs.) +THE 151 . TECHNICAL PRODUCTION I. Introduction to the principles and practice of planning and constructing scenery. (3 crs.) THE 152. TECHNICAL PRODUCTION 11. Advanced principles and practice in planning and constructing scenery. Prerequisite : THE 151 or consent. (3 crs .) THE 191 . THEATRE WORKSHOP. Specific assignments in cast or crew for campus play productions. (May be repeated for credit. See guidelines.) (1 er.) THE 200. FUNDAMENTALS OF DIRECTING. The directorial analysis of plays, plus fundamentals of composition , picturization , movement, rhythm, and pantomimic dramatization . (3 crs .) THE 211 . LIGHTING I. Basic theory and practice in lighting . (3 crs .) THE 225. COSTUME CONSTRUCTION. Basic pattern drafting and sewing techniques applied to the construction of costumes , including the use and care of sewing machines. (3 crs.) THE 240. CREATIVE DRAMATICS. The stimulation and development of creativity through playmak ing exercises , storytelling , improvisation , and sensitivity techniques useful for potential teachers and parents. (3 crs .) THE 245. CHILDREN' S THEATRE. The selection , direction and production of plays for children . (May be repeated for credit.) (3 crs.) THE 250. PLAYWRITING . Principles and practice of writing for performance. (3 crs.) THE 255. PUPPETRY. The planning and production of puppet plays. (3 crs.) THE 257. HISTORY OF COSTUME. A survey of the history of costume in the western world . (3 crs .) THE 261 . HISTORY OF THE THEATRE I. The development of the theatre from the Classic through the Baroque, including representative plays. (3 crs.) THE 262. HISTORY OF THE THEATRE II. The development of the theatre from the Baroque to the present day, including representative plays. (3 crs.) THE 263. AMERICAN THEATRE HISTORY. A survey of the American theatre from Colonial times to the present, including representative plays. (3 crs .) 270 THE 270. READERS THEATRE . The principles and practice of organizing and presenting Reader's Theatre presentations. Prerequisite : THE 102 or SFE 111 or consent. (3 crs.) THE 305. SHAKESPEARE IN THE THEATRE. Representative Shakespeare plays studied as theatrical presentations. (3 crs.) THE 307. LYRIC THEATRE. Opera considered as a theatrical art combining music , drama , acting, dance and design . Extensive use of recordings and visual material to illustrate and supplement discussion . (3 crs .) THE 315 . WORLD DRAMA ON STAGE. Classical to 19th-century plays Shakespeare - studied as theatrical presentations. (3 crs .) excluding THE 317. MODERN DRAMA ON STAGE . 19th and 20th-century plays studied as theatrical presentations. (3 crs.) THE 321 . SCENERY AND LIGHTING DESIGN I. Introduction to the theories and practice of designing scenery and lighting . Prerequisite: THE 151 or consent. (3 crs.) THE 322. SCENERY AND LIGHTING DESIGN II. Advanced theory and practice of designing scenery and lighting, with emphasis on designing for various environments. Prerequisite: THE 321 or consent. (3 crs.) THE 325. COSTUME DESIGN . Basic principles of costume design. Students will be expected to complete various design projects for specific plays selected from a variety of historical periods. (3 crs .) THE 330. ADVANCED ACTING . Designed to extend basic acting skills and to develop the student actor's ability to handle a variety of acting problems within specific periods of dramatic literature. Prerequisite: THE 130 or consent . (3 crs.) THE 392 . PRODUCTION , REHEARSAL AND PERFORMANCE . Special acting, directing , management and design , or technical involvement in a play production . Prerequisite : junior-senior level only. (May be repeated for credit. See guidelines .) (3 crs.) THE 400. DRAMATIC THEORY AND CRITICISM . Theories and methods of dramatic structure and their application to theatrical presentations . (3 crs .) THE 409. SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN ACTING . (3 crs .) THE 419. SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN DIRECTING . (3 crs.) THE 429. SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN DESIGN . (3 crs.) THE 439. SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN TECHNICAL PRODUCTION . (3 crs .) THE 449. SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN PLAYWRITING . (3 crs .) THE 459. SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN HISTORY AND LITERATURE. (3 crs.) THE 469. SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN THEORY AND CRITICISM . (3 crs .) GUIDELINES The guidelines for the following courses are published here as a reference for advisors and as a guide for students: 271 THEATRE WORKSHOP: Open to all students ; may be repeated for credit provided the assignment varies ; grade based on a quality determination , plus a minimum number of hours worked and completion of the project to the complete satisfaction of the instructor, or quality determination and completion of the project to the complete satisfaction of the instructor. Assignments: (1) crew head for a major production ; (2) directing a departmentally-sponsored one-act play; (3) leading role in a departmentally-sponsored oneact play ; (4) minor role in a major production ; (5) stage managing a departmentallysponsored one-act play ; (6) special cast, crew or production assignments. A grade may be assigned retroactively within the student's next regularly enrolled semester provided an agreement is made between the student and the instructor before the assignment is undertaken . PRODUCTION, REHEARSAL AND PERFORMANCE. A junior-senior level course implying distinctive work in cast , crew or production ; project selection based on departmental policy, as an outgrowth of class work or as the resu lt of competition or audition ; may be repeated for credit provided the assignment varies. Additional credits may not be substituted for required or elective courses within the department's curriculum . Grade evaluation determined by the instructor upon satisfactory completion of criteria predetermined by the instructor and the student, e.g. , a prompt script , elevations , working drawings, an in-depth character analysis , etc. A grade may be assigned for special and distinctive off-campus assignments or projects performed under faculty supervision and subject to the above regulations but exclusive of student teaching projects undertaken as part of student teaching. Assignments: (1) design and supervision of execution for either scenery, costumes or lighting for a major production; (2) technical direction for a major production ; (3) directing a major production ; (4) leading or feature role in a major production ; (5) stage managing a major production ; (6) choreographer or musical director for a major production ; (7) special projects in cast, crew or production , projects which must receive departmental approval. A grade may be assigned retroactively within the student's next regularly enrolled semester provided an agreement is made between the student and the instructor before the assignment is undertaken . SPECIAL PROBLEMS: A junior-senior level course conceived as a seminar or independent study under faculty supervision or as a practical or scholarly research project ; may be repeated for credit provided the assignment varies. Additional credits may not be substituted for required or elective courses within the department's curriculum. URBAN AFFAIRS +XUA 101 . SURVEY OF URBAN AFFAIRS. (3 crs.) +XUA 120. INTRODUCTION TO RECREATION SERVICES. A su rvey course designed to introduce the student to a variety of vocational opportunities in recreation. Field experience and individual study is emphasized. (4 crs .) +XUA 151. OUTDOOR RECREATION. The course consists of lecture and laboratory sections with emphasis on existing values , programs , trends and opportunities in outdoor recreation. Students will participate in hikes , outdoor cooking , and environmental education activities . (4 crs.) +XUA 173. COMMUNITY ACTION AND NEIGHBORHOOD GOVERNMENT. (3 crs.) XUA 203. URBAN AFFAIRS AND POLICY ANALYSIS. (3 crs .) +XUA 215. PLANNING AND PUBLIC MANAGEMENT. A survey of the policy system in urban affairs, with a view to illuminating (a) the contexts and the institutional settings in which social policy decisions relevant to urban proclems are made, and (b) the relevant influence of various factors on these decisions . (3 crs .) 272 +XUA 217. POLITICAL ECONOMY. The application to issues in urban affairs of the analytic methods and principles common to planning law, politics , and economics. (3 crs.) +XUA 221. RECREATION AND SOCIALIZATION FOR THE ELDERLY. Designed to prepare the student of gerontology and / or recreation to provide meaningful leisure time activities for persons over fifty years of age. Its emphasis is upon preparing the student to guide the adult to plan and direct his/ her own leisure life . The investigatory approach to the individualization and evaluation of programs will be stressed . Laboratory and field experiences are requirements of this class . There will be a weekly one hour lecture/ discussion period and a two hour laboratory period and/ or a two hour field experience. (3 crs.) +XUA 250. DATA ANALYSIS FOR PUBLIC DECISION. (3 crs .) +XUA 254 . HOUSING AND HOUSING POLICY. Urban housing form the sociological, economic, and historical perspective . It deals with the nature of shelter, the elements and housing , and discuss such topics as housing and transportation , housing and the private sector, public housing , housing design , housing finance and slum creators . Main objectives of the course will be to examine housing in the process of community building. (3 crs.) +XUA 264 . ORGANIZATIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE BEHAVIOR . This course provides a survey of organizational and administrative behavior in the context of planning , policy development, purveyance, and implementation . In order to promote basic understanding of the various activities and processes involved , a number of concrete policy cases wil be used as vehicles for discussion and illumination. (3 crs .) XUA 326. PROGRM~ PLANNING. An understanding and general knowledge of the program fields in relation to programming principles, planning objectives and goalsetting, structural organization, purposes and values of types of activities, selection of program content, program planning, and evaluation . Principles of planning, organizing, and conducting workshops , institutes, conferences , clinics , and special projects in recreational settings. (3 crs.) XUA 328. LEISURE LEARNING . Provides an over view of both leisure and recreation with emphasis placed upon the history , economics, education and the role of government and the private sector as they affect both leisure and recreation in the twentieth century. (3 crs.) XUA 335. RECREATION LEADERSHIP. Provides a study of leadership theory and practices as they relate to the administration, service and delivery of recreational programs . (3 crs.) XUA 344. PROGRAM EVALUATION AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS. Process of analyzing a number of plans or projects on programs with a view to searching out their comparative effectiveness in meeting public objectives. Evaluation of plans is an essential component of urban planning and management. Proper evaluations have considerable potential for furnishing a much better guide than presently exists for decisions on whether specific on-going programs should be retained, modified, expanded, or dropped . Evaluation process is also a great help in testing programs before large resource commitments are made. (3 crs.) XUA 345. WORKSHOP IN URBAN PLANNING . The planning workshop provides experience in applying academic skills to specific urban and regional problems, often for actual clients. Workshop participants analyze a real or hypothetical problem , develop and evaluate alternative approaches, and recommend courses of action . (3 crs.) 273 XUA 350. RECREATION IN THE SCHOOLS . Provides an over view of the administration , supervision, implementation and evaluation of community-school recreational programs. (3 crs.) XUA 355. SCHOOL INTRAMURAL RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS . Presents an over view of the organization and administration of intramural activities . Laboratory sessions provide an opportunity to direct intramural events. (3 crs.) XUA 357. RECREATION FOR THE PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY DISABLED . Designed to assist students to develop personalized recreation programs for those individuals who are " mainstreamed " into both public and private recreation programs. (3 crs.) XUA 368. ADMINISTRATION OF PRIVATE AND COMMERICAL RECREATION . Survey of the scope and development of private and commercial recreation agencies , facilities , and services. An examination of effective administrative guidelines and procedures including : personnel management , legal status, accounting, records and data , public relations , advertising and promotion , programming , areas and facilities , and other pertinent administrative aspects. (3 crs .) XUA 400. RECREATION AND PARK ADMINISTRATION . An analysis of managerial and administrative practices and processes in recreat ion , park and agency departments , including : legislation , legal liability, planning , organizing , staffing , directing , coord inating, evaluating , budgeting , finance , records , reports , research, office management , public relations , areas, facilities, and programming. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (3 crs.) XUA 416. PLANNING AND DEVELOPING AREAS AND FACILITIES. Principles, practices, guidelines, and problems in the planning , organization , acquisition , development, and maintenance of public, private , and school-related park , recreation , and outdoor education areas and facilities . A study of standards , trends , surveys, land-use patterns, layouts, designs , landscapings, and functional useage of areas. The planning and realization process. Community analysis and funding , urban renewal , zoning , and other applicable areas. Must have Junior standing . (3 crs.) XUA 449 . PRACTICUM IN URBAN AFFAIRS. The student interns in one of numerous planning , development or social agencies or organizations serving the Washington , Greene , Westmoreland , Fayette , and Allegheny County regions . Can be taken for 3-17 credits , and will include cooperating agency supervision as well as performance review and evaluation by the Urban Affairs Coordinator. (Variable) XUA 469 . PROFESSIONAL PRACTICUM . Professi onal field experience with an approved cooperating agency or department appropriate to the student's career choice . Practical on-the-job experience in an established organization or agency. Appropriate time commensurate to credit hours . Consent of the instructor. Limited to majors with a field of specialization in Urban Recreation and Park Administration . (Variable) XUA 420. URBAN AND REGIONAL MANAGEMENT. (3 crs .) 274 WATER ANALYSIS TECHNOLOGY WAT 341 . TECHNIQUES IN WASTEWATER ANALYSIS. A thorough study of the chemical testing of water in wastewater plants , streams , and drinking water sources . Emphasis will be placed on learning acceptable levels of chem icals in the different types of water. Samples of water from sources of concern will be analyzed in the laboratory portion of the course. WAT 355. WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES. An examination of the operation of modern water works and waste water treatment systems utilizing an integrated lecturelaboratory approach . Emphasis is on a practical understanding of concepts related to water processing and familiarity with the various techniques currently employed. Lecture material is coorelated with the inspection tours of local water and wastewater treatment facilities and laboratory demonstrations of processes and associated analyses of water quality. 275 Directory STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Dr. John 0 . Hershey Chairperson of the Board COUNCIL OF HIGHER EDUCATION Sister M. Lawrence Antoun , Chairperson Mrs. Anna Lee Dowling Keith Doms Herbert P. Lauterbach Dr. Fern E. Polaski William H. Rea Mrs. Barbara H. Franklin COUNCIL OF BASIC EDUCATION Dr. H. Ronald Huber, Chairperson Mrs. Jane S. Abrahams Mrs. Madge K. Benovitz Dr. Paul S. Christman Donald W. Fox Mrs. Paulette D. Johnson William P. Kimmel Mrs. Gladys B. McNairy BOARD OF STATE COLLEGE & UNIVERSITY DIRECTORS Mrs. Roberta J. Marsh , Chairperson Dr. Muriel Berman Mr. Laurence Fenninger, Jr. Ms. Rebecca F. Gross Mr. Jo Hays Mrs. Anne Jackson Mr. P. D. Mitchell 276 Mr. Frederick A. Reddig Mr. Ralph J. Roberts Dr. Bernard F. Scherer Mrs. Beverly Schiffrin Mr. Harry E. Seyler Mr. J. Edwards Smith Mr. John B. Veltri PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Dr. Robert G. Scanlon Secretary of Education Dr. James Gallagher Commissioner, Higher Education Mr. Joseph Bard Executive Secretary CALIFORNIA BOARD OF TRUSTEES Judy Ansill .. . . ... ..... . .... . ... . ........... . . .. . . .... . .. .. . Chairperson T. Philip Stout . . .. . . . ........ . ...... . . . ......... . ...... Vice-Chairperson Mark Lizak ... .. ..... . ... . . . ... . ... . .. . . . . . Secretary and Student Trustee Paul Altomari Fred L. Lebder Alfred Kraft Donna Oreski Marylou Stefanko ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS AND STAFF PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE .. . .... . ... ... John Pierce Watkins , Ph .D. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Vice President for Academic Affairs ........ ...... . Nancy Z. Nelson, Ed.D. Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs . ... Jesse A. Cignetti , Ph .D. Dean , School of Liberal Arts ... . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . Philip Y. Coleman , Ph .D. Associate Dean , Liberal Arts ....... .. .... . .. .. . .. .. Robert T. Little , Ed .D. Dean , School of Continuing Education ... . .. Will iard C. McCartney, Ph .D. Dean , School of Graduate Studies .. . . ........ . ... Homer R. Pankey, Ed .D. Dean, School of Science and Technology .... ...... . Richard B. Hart, Ph .D. Associate Dean, School of Sc ience and Technology (Acting) ....... .. .... .. . . ... . . . ........ . . . . . .. Marc A. Sylvester, Ph .D. Dean , School of Education .. . .... . .. ... .. . ... . William R. Benedetti , Ed .D. Associate Dean , School of Education .......... .. . George W . Crane , Ph .D. Dean of Admiss ions and Academic Records . . Norman G. Hasbrouck , M.A. Assistant Director of Admissions . .. .... . . . . . .. ... . Walter A. Carter, M.Ed . Assistant Di rector of Adm issions . .. . . . .. . . . . ... .. . . . Sylvia J. Myers, M.A. Assistant Director of Admissions . . .. .. . . ... . .. . . Charles E. Talbert , M.Ed. Director of Placement . .......... . .... . . . . . ..... Anthony J . Mattee, M.Ed . Assistant Director of Placement ..... ...... .. .. . .. . Richard H. Webb , M.A. Director of Library Services and Media ... . ..... . .. William L. Beck , M.L.S. ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE Vice President for Administration and Finance ...... Allan J. Golden, Ph.D. Associate Vice Pres ident for Administration and Finance . . ..... . ... . ... .. ... ... . . . ..... . .... .. Eugene P. Grilli , M.B.A. Director of Physical Plant . .... ... .... ... . .. .... . .. ..... Wesley C. Sheets Director of Purchasing . .. .......... . .... . .... . . .... . Thomas W. Johnson Director of Financial Aid .... . . . . . ... .... . ... . . . . ..... William F. Behrendt Director of Personnel .... . . . . . ....... .... .. . . . . . .. . ... .. J. Robert Wilson 277 Director of Accounting .......... . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . ... ... . Jerome Smarslok Budget Officer .. . . . . .. . .. .... ... . .. . . ..... . . . . . .. Charles W. Zinsser, Jr. Director of Computer Services ......... . . . . .... .. Richard E. Cerullo , M.S. Director of Security . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . ........ . .. . .. . . .. . William Cowden STUDENT DEVELOPMENT AND SERVICES Vice President for Student Development and Services .. ...... . Elmo Natali Dean of Women/Administrative Assistant . ... . . . . . ... . . .. . .. Nancy J . Tait Dean of Student Life . ..... .. . . ..... . .... . .. .......... . ... Phillip L. Hayes Assistant Deans of Student Life . . .. .. . . Maetroy Walker, William Parkinson Dean of Student Services . . . .. . ... . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . Paul E. Burd Director of Student Association , Inc . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . .. Dennis Riegelnegg Program Director (SAi) . . .......... . ......... . ........... Lorraine Ruday Comptroller .. . . .. . . . . . ..... . ... . . . ... . . . . . .. .. . .. . .... .. . . Jeffrey Smith Food Service Manager (Student Union) .. .. . . . . . . . . . ... . Book Store Manager (Student Union) . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . . Michael Schram Director of Health Services . ..... . ........... . ..... Harry Goldstone, M. D. College Nurses ... .... .... .. . . . . Vivian A. Broadwater, Catherine Ruschak , Celeste H. Roskevitch , Margaret E. Sanders, Mary E. Verry Director of Counseling & Psychological Services ........ . .... Allison Troy Director of Housing . .. . . .... . . . ... . . . .. . .. . ... . ....... Joseph Dochinez Director of Athletics . . .. . ...... . . . ............. Jeffrey Petrucci : (Interim) Associate Director of Athletics . . ... .. ... . .... ..... ... . . Janice McConnell Director of Veterans Affairs & Handicapped Services . ... .. Arthur Bakewell Director of Student Publications . . ... . .. . . . ... . .. . .. . . .... William Bennett CHAIRPERSONS OF ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS Art ... . .. . . ........ . ............. . .... . .......... . .... Raymond Dunlevy Biological and Environmental Sciences . . . .... ... .. .. . . Edward Zadorozny Business and Economics . .. ...... . ...... . . . ... . . . ...... . . . . . . Jay Zeffiro Counselor Education and Services ..... . ...... . .... Dr. William G. Parnell Earth Sciences ...... . .... ... . . .. ..... . . . . .. ...... . . . ... Lawrence Moses Educational Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Dilawar Edwards Elementary Education . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . .... . . Dr. Stephen A. Pavlak English ... . .... ... ..... . ......... . . . .... . .. . . ...... .. . ... Leonard Lizak Foreign Languages and Cultures ... . ... ... . ..... . . . Dr. Raldo Parascenzo Health and Physical Education . . .... .... . .. . . . .... . . ... Myles B. Witchey History and Urban Affairs . . ... .. .. ... .... . ......... . Dr. Frank T. Edwards Industrial Arts ....... . . .. ....... . ... . ...... . ....... . .. Dr. Nevin E. Andre Library . . ...... . ................ . .. . ... . . . ................ . Ethel V. Davis Mathematics and Computer Science .............. . Dr. Howard L. Hausher Music ............ . .... . . . ..................... . . ... . . ... . Paul P. Dolinar Philosophy . . . . ..... . .... .. .... . ..... . .. . ...... . .. Dr. Vincent R. Lackner Physical Science ........... . . . .. . ....... . . . .... . ... Dr. Anthony Lazzaro Psychology ..... .. .. .. ..... .... ... . ...... . . .. . . .. . .. Dr. Richard D. Scott Social Science . .... ... . . .. . . . .... .. . ... ... . ... . .. . . .. ... .. George Zemo Special Education . . . . . . .. . ... ..... . . .. ... ... . ... . . .. Dr. Robert F. Dickie Special Programs . ..... .... . . . . . ..... ... .... .... ... .. .. . .. . . Melvin Sally Speech Communications . . . . . . . . .. . .. .... ....... . . Dr. Corinne Flemings Speech Pathology and Audiology .......... . ........ . ..... Albert E. Yates Theatre ... . .... .. . . ..... ... . . . ... . . . . . ... ........ . . . .. Dr. Robert Cowan 278 EMERITI FACULTY Miss Emma Sacco (1928-1957) Dr. Karl W. Gamble (1961-1976) Dr. Harold W. Traister (1947-1957) Dr. Luis V. Romero (1965-1976) Dr. 0 . R. Bontrager (1936-1962) Mr. Hubert E. Snyder (1949-1976) Miss Louise A . Hildreth (1926-1962) Mr. William H. Buell (1962-1977) Mrs. Ida K. Marsh (1945-1965) Mr. Wasil Curtioff (1966-1977) Mrs. Cora Coover (1953-1966) Mr. Robert C. Matzen (1962-1977) Dr. Sh river L. Coover (1930-1966) Mr. Leonard Volkin (1967-1977) Dr. John F. Lewis (1945-1966) Dr. Howard R. White (1966-1977) Mr. Aaron J. Hoover (1936-1967) Mrs. Lola M. Willett (1961-1977) Dr. George Hart (1938-1968) Dr. Harold K. Crockett (1965-1978) Mr. Calvin Fleming (1948-1968) Dr. Harold E. Kemper (1955-1978) Mrs. Lela T . Hamilton (1953-1968) Dr. Karl F. Limbacher (1961-1978) Dr. Mary R. Decarlo (1954-1968) Mr. Theodore J . Nemeth (1946-1978) Dr. Arthur G. Henry (1958-1968) Dr. George H. Roadman (1948-1978) Mr. J. Herschel Bowlen (1946-1969) Mr. Charles Slick (1964-1978) Dr. Malverne R. Wolfe (1947-1969) Mr. Vetold W. Sporney (1963-1978) Mr. Angus H. Douple (1946-1970) Mrs. Henrietta Wood (1959-1978) Mrs. Ruth Barry (1962-1979) Dr. Jack F. Hoyes (1946-1971) Mr. Merle 0 . Covell (1956-1971) Ms. Pauline Glod (1959-1979) Dr. Merrill G. Campbell (1948-1974) Mrs. Rose Lofstead (1957-1979) Mrs. Rose G. Hughes (1938-1974) Dr. Irvin Shutsy (1946-1979) Dr. John A. Long (1963-1974) Mrs. Merrell Holman (1947-1980) Miss Louise Rakestraw (1946-1974) Ms. Norma Langham (1959-1980) Mr. James Norman (1961-1980) Dr. William L. Black (1965-1975) Dr. Harold C. Jones (1960-1975) Dr. Stephen E. Pavlak (1950-1980) Miss Isabella R. King (1956-1975) Mrs. Mildred Gath (1966-1981) Mrs. Eleanore Hibbs (1966-1981) Dr. Harry L. Monroe (1942-1975) Mr. Alexander Smoyer (1946-1975) Ms. Margaret Maley (1966-1981) Mr. John R. Swearingen (1955-1975) Dr. Wilbur Marisa (1960-1981) Dr. Gabriel P. Betz (1955-1976) Dr. Francisco Taracido (1968-1981) Mr. Alek R. Krill (1965-1976) Dr. Billie Teske (1967-1981) Mrs. Marian H. Weaver (1954-1976) Miss Doris Nevin (1962-1981) Dr. Alexander Tsambassis ( 1964-1981) 279 FACULTY Jagdish C. Agrawal, (1969) Professor; Mathematics and Computer Science S.S., Agra Un iversity, Agra , India ; M.S., Agra University, Agra , India; M.S., University of Windsor , Canada; Ph .D., Purdue University M . Eileen Aiken , (1969) Professor; Elementary Education S.S., Edinboro State College ; M.Ed ., Indiana Un iversity of Pennsylvania ; Ed .D., Brigham Young Universit y Rob ert H. Aldstadt , (1963) Professor; Ed ucational Stud ies B.A. , Gettysburg College ; M.Ed ., University of Delaware ; Ph .D., University of Pittsburgh George S. Allen , (1971) Professor ; Speech Pathol ogy and Audiology B.G.E., University of Omaha ; M.S., Eastern Washington State College ; Ph .D., Washington State University Nevin E. Andre , (1964) Professor; Indu strial Arts and Technology S.S., Pennsylvania State University; M.Ed ., Pennsylva nia State University; Ed .D., Un ive rsit y of Missouri Mary Bai ley, (1 980 ) Instructor: History and Urban Affairs A.B., Bryn Mawr College ; M.P.A., University of Pittsburgh Mitchell M. Bailey , (1959) Associate Professor ; Biological and Environmental Sciences S.S. California State College ; M .Ed ., Rutgers Univers ity Arthur L. Ba kewell , (1973) Instructor Adm inistrator; Di rector of Veterans Affairs and Handicapped Services S.S., Californ ia State College ; M.Ed ., Cali forn ia State College William J . Baldridge , (1969) Professor ; Psyc hol ogy B.A., Wash ington University; Ph .D., Wash ington Un iversity Georgianna Ba ldwin , (1967) Assoc iate Professor ; Library Services S.S., Clarion State College ; M.L.S ., Un iversity of Pittsburgh Arthur L. Ball , (1964) Professor ; Educational Studies B.A ., Washi ngton and Jefferso n College ; M.Ed .. Duquesne University: Ph .D., Un iversity of Pittsburgh Jan W. Ball ing , (1966) Professor ; Biological and Environmental Sciences B.A ., University of Louisville ; M.S., Purdue Un iversity ; Ph .D., University of Louisvi lle R. Michael Barber, (1976) Associate Professor ; Social Science S.S., Oh io State University; M.S., Oh io State University ; Ph .D., Oh io State Un iversity John F. Bauman , (1969) Professor ; History and Urban Affairs B.A. , Ursinus College ; M.A. , Temple University; Ph .D., Rutgers University Robert A. Bauman , (1968) Professor; Special Education S.S., Geneseo State College; M.S., Indiana University; Ed .D ., Indiana University 280 William J. Beardsley , (1969) Assistant Professor; English B.A. , West Virginia University; M.A., West Virginia University William L. Beck, (1970) Director of Library Services S.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania; M.L.S., University of Pittsburgh William F. Behrendt , (1971) Associate Professor Administrator ; Assistant Director of Financial Aid S.S., California State College ; M.Ed ., University of Pittsburgh Peter J. Belch , (1968) Professor ; Special Education S.S., California State College; M.A., West Virginia University; Ed .D., West Virginia University William R. Benedetti , (1965) Dean of the School of Education S.S., Slippery Rock State College ; M.Ed., University of Pittsburgh; Ed .D., University of Pittsburgh William K. Bennett , (1967) Assistant Professor; English; Director of Student Publications B.A., University of Pittsburgh; M.A., University of Pittsburgh Robert M. Berry, (1968) Associate Professor; Mathematics and Computer Science 8 .A ., University of Maine; M.A .. University of Maine August J. Bethem , (1961) Professor ; Mathematics and Computer Science B.A ., Washingto n and Jefferson College ; M.A., Washington and Jefferson College ; M.S., University of Illinois John A. Beyer, (1963) Associate Professor ; Mathematic s and Computer Science B.Ed ., Duquesne University; M.Ed ., Duquesne University; M. Math , University of South Carolina William 8 . Biddington , (1977) Assistant Professor ; Athletics B.S., West Virginia University Foster E. Billheimer , (1969 ) Professor ; Biological and Environmental Sciences S.S., Pennsylvania State University ; M.A., University of Texas ; Ph .D., Rutgers University Richard M. Birch , (1957) Professor ; Industrial Arts and Technology B.S., California State College ; M.Ed ., Pennsylvania State Ur,iversity Will iam F. Blank , (1965) Associate Professor; Mathematics and Computer Science S.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania ; M.A.T. , Duke University Glenn H. Blayney , (1966) Associate Professor ; English B.A. , LaFayette College ; B. Litt ., Oxford University; M.A., Brown University Vernon L. Bloemker, (1962 ) Professor ; English B.A. Midland College ; M.A., University of Nebraska ; Ph .D., University of Nebraska Will iam F. Blosel, (1976) Associate Professor; Business and Economics S.S., Pennsylvania State University; M.B.A ., University of Pittsburgh Marcella A. Blout , (1968) Associate Professor ; Speech Communication B.S., California State College ; M.A. , West Virginia University 281 Gale H. Boak , (1967) Assistant Professor; Art B.S. , Edinboro State College ; M.A., Syracuse University William A. Bolosky, (1969) Professor; Social Work B.A. Wabash College; M.S.W., West Virginia University; Ph .D., University of Pittsburgh Joseph K. Brady , (1970) Associate Professor; Social Science B.S., Shippensburg State College ; M.A., Ball State University Clarence L. Brammer, (1966) Professor ; Speech Communication B.S., Western Montana College ; M.A. , Northern Colorado University; Ph .D., University of Missouri Edward Brown, (1967) Assoc iate Professor; Social Work B.S., University of Pittsburgh ; M.L.S., Carnegie Institute of Technology; M.S.W., University of Pittsburgh Robert A. Brown , (1969) Professor; Counselor Education and Services B.A. , University of New Hampshire; M.Ed ., University of Pittsburgh ; Ph .D., University of Pittsburgh Basil V. Buchovecky , (1965) Associate Professor; History and Urban Affairs B.S. University of Pittsburgh ; M.A. , University of Pittsburgh Thomas P. Buckelew, (1969) Professor; Biological and Environmental Sciences B.S., Muhlenberg College ; M.S., University of South Carolina ; Ph .D., University of South Carolina Paul E. Burd Ill , (1969) Professor Adm i nistrator; Dean for Student Services , Student Development and Services B.A., West Virginia University; M.A., West Virginia University; Ed .D., West Virginia University John J. Burns, (1969) Associate Professor; Philosophy; B.A. University of Notre Dame ; M.A. , University of Toronto Charles A. Butler, (1961) Assistant Professor; Educational Studies B. Ed ., Duquesne University; M.A., Columbia University Malcolm Callery , (1978) Assistant Professor; Theatre B.S., California State College; M.F.A., Southern Illinois University Dorothy J. Campbell , (1973) Associate Professor; Elementary Education B.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania ; M.S., Bucknell University Walter A. Carter, (1969) Instructor Administrator; Assistant Director of Admissions B.S., Geneva College ; M.Ed ., Cal ifornia State College Raymond A. Catalano, (1967) Professor; Biological and Environmental Sciences B.S., Edinboro State College ; M.Ed ., Indiana University of Pennsylvania ; Ph.D ., Brigham Young University Richard E. Cerullo, (1968) Director of Data Processing B.S. , California State College ; M.S., West Virginia University 282 Ralph F. Charney , (1946) Assoc iate Professor; Industrial Arts and Technology B.S., California Sta te College ; M.Ed ., University of Pittsburgh M. Arshad Chawdhry, (1976) Professor; Business and Economics B.S., West Pakistan Agricultural University; M.S., West Pakistan Agricultural University; M.S., University of Illinois ; M.A., University of Maryland ; Ph .D., University of Illinois Ronald A. Christ , (1970) Professor ; Elementary Education B.S., University of Pittsburgh ; M.Ed ., University of Pittsburgh ; Ed .D., Pennsylvania State University Mary J. Cicconi , (1969) Associate Professor; English B.S., California State College ; M.Ed ., California State College Jesse A. Cignetti , (1968) Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs B.S., Slippery Rock State College ; M.Ed ., Duquesne University; Ph .D., Ohio State University Clyde W . Clendaniel , (1968) Associate Professor ; Physical Sc ience B.S., California State College ; MAT. , Indiana University Leonard M. Colelli , (1958) Associate Professor; Music B.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania; M.Ed ., Boston University Philip Y. Coleman , (1967) Dean , School of Liberal Arts B.S., Southern Illinois University; M.A., University of Illinois; Ph .D., University of Illinois Donald J. Conte , (1968) Associate Professor; Earth Sciences B.S., California State College ; M.A., Indiana University of Pennsylvania Thomas H. Goode, (1965) Professor; History and Urban Affairs B.S., Middle Tennessee State University; M.A., Middle Tennessee State University; J.D., YMCA Night School of Law , Nashville; Ph .D., University of Georgia Elaine I. Costello, (1966), Instructor; Physical Science B.S., California State College Robert A. Cowan , (1968 ) Professor; Theatre B.A., Hanover College ; M.F.A., Yale University ; Ph .D., Purdue University Robert C. Cowles , (1965) Associate Professor; Speech Communication B.A .. Marietta College; M .A., Bowling Green State University Merel J. Cox, (1966) Associate Professor ; Earth Sciences B.S. , Pennsylvania State University; M.S., Pennsylvania State University J. Robert Craig , (1957) Professor; Physical Science B.S., West Vi rginia Wesleyan ; M.Litt ., University of Pittsburgh ; Ph .D. , Louisiana State University George W. Crane , (1969) Associate Dean , School of Education B.S ., State University of New York ; M.S., State University of New York; Ph .D., Ohio University Leslie E. Crowley, (1955) Professor; Educational Studies B.A. , University of South Carolina ; M.Ed., University of South Carolina; Ed .D., George Peabody College 283 Albert Dascenzo , (1972) Associate Professor; Special Education S.S., California State College ; M.Ed ., California State College Ethel V. Davis, (1969) Assocaite Professor ; library Services B.A., Virginia Union University; M.L.S., University of Pittsburgh Joseph A. Delisi , (1968) Associate Professor; Business and Economics B.A ., Washington and Jefferson College ; M.B.A., Duquesne University Manuel G. Demetrakis, (1966) Assistant Professor; Foreign Languages and Cultures B.A ., West liberty State College ; M.A ., West Virginia University Robert F. Dickie , (1966) Professor ; Spec ial Education B.S., Bridgewater State College; M.A. , Mich igan State University; Ed .D., Michigan State University Robert W. Dillon , (1970) Professor; Engl ish B.A. , Fairfield University; M.A. , Ohio University; Ph .D., Ohio University Berlie E. Dishong , (1964) Associate Professor; Special Education B.S., California State College; M.Ed ., Pennsylvan ia State College Joseph Dochinez , (1961) Assoc iate Professor Adm i nistrator; Director of Housi ng and Assistant Dean , Student Development and Services B.S ., California State College ; M. Ed ., University of Pittsburgh Paul P. Dolinar, (1968) Assistant Professor; Music B.S., Duquesne University; M.Ed ., Duquesne Un iversity Theodore L. Dominick , (1969) Professor ; Physical Science S.S., California State College ; Ph .D., West Virginia University William L. Dovenspike , (1955) Professor ; Mus ic B.S ., Indiana University of Pennsylvan ia; M.Ed ., Pennsylvan ia State University; D.M.A., West Virgin ia University Ronald G. Dreucci , (1973) Associate Professor; Industrial Arts and Technology B.S., California State College ; M.Ed ., California State College James R. Duncan , (1966) Associate Professor , Mathematics and Computer Science B.S., Geneva College ; M.Ed ., University of Pittsburgh Raymond Dunlevy , (1978) Assistant Professor ; Art S.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania; M.Ed ., Indiana University of Pennsylvania Dilawar M. Edwards , (1972) Professor ; Educational Studies I.Sc ., St . Aloysius' College ; India ; B.E., Government Engineering College, India; M.E., Indian Institute of Science , India ; M.S. in Ed ., Indiana University; Ph .D., Indiana University Frank T. Edwards , (1969) Professor ; History and Urban Affairs B.A., Antioch College; B.S., Georgetown School of Foreign Service ; M.A., Georgetown University; Ph.D ., Catholic University of America 284 Roger C. Emelson , (1961) Professor ; Theatre B.A. , Beloit College ; M.F.A., Carnegie Institute of Technology; Ph .D., Carnegie-Mellon University Harry L. Ervin , (1971) Instructor; Health and Physical Education S.S., Hardins-Simmons University James C. Etheridge, Jr. (1969) Associate Professor ; Social Work B.S., California State College ; M.S.W., West Virginia University Walter A. Fabian, (1969) Professor; Psychology B.A. , Pennsylvania State University; M.S., Pennsylvania State University; Ph .D., University of Buffalo Edward E. Fear, (1964) Associate Professor ; Social Science B.S., California State College; M.S., University of Pittsburgh R. Michael Feldman , (1969) Professor; Speech Pathology and Audiology B.A. , University of Pittsburgh ; M.A ., University of Iowa ; Ph .D., Northwestern University Antonio J. Fernandes , (1961) Associate Professor ; Mathematics and Computer Science B.A. , West Virginia University; M.S., West Virginia University Sumner J. Ferris , (1964) Associate Professor; English B.A., Harvard University Ann D. Fisfis, (1968) Associate Professor; Library Services B.S., University of Pittsburgh ; M.L.S. , University of Pittsburgh Corinne K., Flemings, (1969) Professor; Speech Communication B.A. , University of Maryland; M.A. , Northwestern University; Ph .D., University of California at Los Angeles John K. Folmar, (1969) Professor; History and Urban Affairs B.A. , Sanford University ; M.A., Birmingham-Southern College ; Ph .D., University of Alabama Ronald L. Forsythe , (1968) Assistant Professor; English S.S., California State College ; M.A. , North Dakota State University George J. Frangos , (1966) Professor ; Physical Science B.S ., California State College ; M.A., West Virginia University; Ph .D., Ohio State University Richard E. Fricker!, (1969) Professor; Elementary Education S.S., Kutztown State College ; M.Ed ., Rutgers University; Ed.D., Lehigh University Gabriel C. Fusco , (1967) Professor; Physical Science B.S., Duquesne University; M.S., Duquesne University; Ph.D., University of Colorado William E. Gabor, (1964) Professor; Biological and Environmental Sciences S.S. , West Virginia University; M.S., West Virginia University; Ph .D., West Virginia University Henry R. George, (1965) Associate Professor; Social Science B.A., University of Pittsburgh; M.Litt. , University of Pittsburgh 285 John S. Gibson , Jr. , (1967) Assoc iate Professor; Mathematics and Computer Science B.A. , Washington and Jefferson College ; M.A. , Michigan State University Charles A. Gismondi , (1969) Associate Professor ; Speech Pathology and Aud iology B.S., California State College ; M.S., West Virginia University Joan M. Glasgow, (1968) Associate Professor ; Special Education B.S., California State College ; M.Ed ., University of Pittsburgh Allan J. Golden, (1981) Vice President for Administration and Finance B.A., Fairleigh Dickinson; M.A.T., Fairleigh Dickinson ; Ph .D., New York University Jack D. Goodstein , (1967) Professor; Engl ish B.A. , Queens College; M.A. , New York University; Ph .D., New York Un iversity William G. Graf, (1980) Associate Professor; Speech Communication; Coordinator of Television Services B.A. , Michigan State University; M.S., Syracuse University Albertha Graham , (1971) Assistant Professor Adm inistrator; Assistant Director, Regional Training Office B.S., Morris College ; M.Ed ., Erickson Institute for Early Childhood Education , Loyala University of Chicago Eugene P. Grilli , (1972) Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance B.A., California State College ; M.B.A., University of Pittsburgh Robert H. Gri mes, (1961) Assistant Professor ; Engl ish B.A., West Vi rginia University; M.A., West Virginia Un iversity Richard H. Grinstead , (1972) Assistant Professor ; Art B.A.E ., Ohio State University; B.F.A., Oh io State University; M.F.A., Ohio State University; M.A.E., Ohio State University Michael R. Gross, (1978) Professor ; Mathematics and Computer Science B.S., Carnegie Institute of Technology ; Ph.D. , University of Pittsburgh Charles M. Hackett, (1965) Associate Professor ; Physical Science B.S., University of Delaware ; M.S., University of Delaware Gene P. Halboth , (1965) Associate Professor ; English B.A., Marquette University; M.A., University of Chicago William 0 . Hambacher, (1968) Professor; Psychology B.A. , Upsala College ; M.A., University of Pittsburgh ; Ph .D., University of Pennsylvania John M. Hanchin, (1967) Professor ; Engl ish B.A., Duquesne Un iversity ; M.Ed ., California State College; Ph .D., Indiana University of Pennsylvania Richard B. Hart , (1968) Dean , School of Science and Technology B.S., Franklin and Marshall College ; Ph .D., University of Minnesota 286 Norman G. Hasbrouck, (1980) Dean of Admissions and Academic Records B.A., Thiel College; M.A., Slippery Rock State College Howard L. Hausher, (1966) Professor; Mathematics and Computer Science B.S., Waynesburg College; M.A., West Virginia University; Ed.D., University of Virginia Phillip L. Hayes, (1970) Professor Administrator; Dean of Student Life , Student Development and Services B.A. , Fairmont State College; M.A., West Virgnia University; Ed .D., West Virginia University Jay D. Helsel, (1961) Professor; Industrial Arts and Technology B.S., California State College; M.Ed ., Pennsylvania State University; Ed .D .. University of Pittsburgh William D. Hepner, (1956) Associate Professor; Social Science B.S., California State College; M.A. , West Virginia University Francis J. Herron , (1960) Associate Professor; Elementary Education B.S., California State College ; M.Ed ., University of Pittsburgh Robert V. Herron , (1965) Associate Professor; English B.S. , University of Pittsburgh ; M.A., Duquesne University Wallace D. Hodge, (1968) Professor; Special Education B.S ., Pennsylvania State University; M.Ed ., Duquesne University; Ed .D., West Virginia University Samuel L. Hood, (1969) Professor; Biological and Environmental Sciences B.A., College of Wooster; Ph.D., Cornell University Karen L. Hornung, (1981) Associate Professor; Director of Gerontology B.A. , Geneva College ; M.A., University of New Mexico; Ph.D., University of Nebraska Thomas C. Howard , (1970) Professor; Psychology B.S., Montana State University; M.A., Montana State University; Ph .D., Washington State University Ronald C. Hoy, (1969) Professor; Philosophy B.A., University of California; M.A ., University of Pittsburgh; Ph .D., University of Pittsburgh Barry B. Hunter, (1968) Professor; Biological and Environmental Sciences B.S., California State College; M.S., University of Minnesota ; M.Ed ., California State College ; Ph.D., West Virginia University Phil R. Jack , (1955) Professor ; Social Science B.A. , Pennsylvania State University; M.A. , Pennsylvania State University; Ph.D ., University of Pittsburgh Allan D. Jacobs, (1970) Professor; Elementary Education B.S., Eastern Michigan University; M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University; Ed.D., Wayne State University David L. Johnson, (1968) Professor; Physical Science B.S. , Kansas State University; Ph.D ., Louisiana State University 287 Donna J. Johnson , (1969 ) Assoc iate Professor ; Health and Physical Education S.S. , Sl ippery Rock State College ; M.Ed ., University of Pittsburgh Carolyn Jones, (1975) Assistant Professor ; Special Programs B.A., St. Augusti ne 's College ; M.A., North Carolina Central University Geraldine M. Jones, (1974) Instructor; Special Programs B.S., Cal ifornia State College Annette M. Kaleita , (1966) Professor; Speech Pathology and Audiology B.S., California State College ; M.Ed ., Duquesne University ; M.A., Northwestern University; Ed .D., University of Maryland William B. Kania , (1961) Associate Professor; Business and Econom ics B.S., West Virginia University; M.B.A. , University of Pittsburgh John H. Katusa , (1966) Associate Professor; Health and Physical Education S.S., Mississippi State College ; M.A. , West Virginia University Roger R. Keightley , (1963) Assoc iate Professor; Industrial Arts and Technology B.S. , Californ ia State College ; M.A., West Virginia University Milton C. Kells , (1966) Professor; Physical Science B.S. , University of Washington ; Ph .D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Gary W. Kennedy , (1962) Professor ; Elementary Education B.S., California State College ; M.A. , West Virginia University; Ph .D., University of Pittsburgh Curtis W. Kerns , (1969) Assistant Professor; Industrial Arts and Technology B.S., California State College ; M.Ed. , Un iversity of Pittsburgh Clyde Y. l