ELEVENTH ANNUAL -OF CATALOGUE THE- SOUTl1H -WESTl1E~N ,f, • TENTH DISTRICT, COMPOSE[}OF THE COUNTIES OF W ashington, Fayette, Greene and Somerset. (§)aPifornia, ®yI a~Rirz~ton @ounty, FOR THE YEAR 1884-5, --AND- PROSPECTUS FOR 1885-6. BEST & CO., PRINTERS AND BINDERS, PITTSBURGH. ~a. SOUTH-WESTER 2 BOARD STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, OF -- CAJJIFORNIA, WASHINGTON COU:;ITY, PA. TRUSTEES. ELECTED BY STOCKHOLDERS. Term of office expires in 1886. WM. H. S. DARSIE, McFALL, W. W. LOUIS S. MILLER. JACKMAN, Term of office expires in 1887. JOHN S. W. N. DIXON, ESQ., L. W. - OFFICERS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. MORGAN, G. M. EBERMAN. CRAFT, JOHN Term of o!tice expires in 1888. PROF. G. G. HERTZOG, LUKE P. BEAZELL, O. O. I. HORNBAKE, S. W. N. DIXON, CRAFT, ESQ., Vice President, C. AILES. PROF. G. G. HERTZOG, APPOINTED BY STATE. Term of office expires in 1886. N. S. VEATCH, COL. CHILL W. California. M. D., HAZZARD, Monongahela City. Term of office expires in 1887. HON. J. K. California. BILLINGSLEY,. East Bethlehem. ELI FARQUHAR, Term of office expires in 1888. HON. GIBSON BINNS, HON. G. V. LAWRENCE, President, Redstone, Monongahela Pa. City. JOHN S. EBERMAN, Secretary, Treasurer. MRS. H. M. STOCKDALE, Matron. 3 4 SOUTH-WESTERN STATE NORMALSCHOOL, CALIFORNIA, WASHINGTONCOUNTY,PA. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. THEO. B. Noss, A. M, PH. D .. Principal. J. B. SMITH, A. B., Vice Principal. STANDING COMMITTEES. G. G. HERTZOG, Mathematics. Committee on Grounds and Buildings. FRANK R. HALL, M. E., L. S. Miller, L. P. Beazell, W. W. Jackman. Methods of Teaching and Geog,-"phy. Commutee on Household. EDGAR L. RAUB, M. S., S. W. Craft, L. W. Morgan, J. K. Billingsley. Committee on Discipline and Instruction. History, Drawing and Writillg. E. P. FENNO, A. B., Algebra and Arithmetic. L. W. Morgan, H. S. Darsie, G. M. Eberman. Committee on Finance. G. G. Hertzog, G. M. Eberman. Committee on Public Relations. Theo. B. Noss, J. K. BiIIingsley, L. P. Beazell, Eli Farquhar. W. P. DICK, A. M., Grammar and Rhetoric. JOSEPH JENNINGS, Geography and History. BELL M. DAY, A. M., Grammar and Rhetoric. N. S. Veatch, Chill W. Hazzard, Wm. McFall, 1. C. Ailes. G. V. Lawrence. LENORE H. PHILLIPS, M. E., Elocution, Literature, G)'"mastics. ANNA M. MEHAFFEY, M. E., Rlocution, Literature, Gymnastics. LILLIAN HART, lIlusic. :MRS. MARY G. Noss, M. E., Model ScllOOI. 5 6 SOUTH-WESTERN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, ---- --- CALIFORNIA, WASHI:,\GTON COUNTY, PA. SENIOR 7 CLASS OF 1885. LADIES. .1Vame. P. O. Address • Bell, Sadie, Bridgman, Gertrude 1St st., Alleg'y, Idlewood, Allegheny, " Lock Haven, Clinton, Greathead, McConnellsburg, Fulton, " " " Fleming, Centre, " Hopkins, Ara, Hughes, Hattie E. Garwood, Philipsburg, Washington, Center, " Huntley, Keys, Mary Uniontown, Searights, Fayette, ,. Deputy State Superintendent. Morgan, Lizzie California, Washington, Principal S. N S. Indiana, Pa. Porter, Hettie M. aub, Marne Sandy Lake, Mercer, Lock Haven. Clinton, Brownsville, Fayette, " " " " " " EXAMINA TION JUNE 9th. L. J. C. J AS. S. THEO. H. DURLING, WELLER, Superintendent Somerset County. HERRINGTON, Carrie S. Pa. Hoover, Elda N. STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS. PROF. State. 20 ~dair, Maggie M. HON. HENRY HOUCK, Countv, Superintendent Orella, wan, Mattie Greene County. E. B. Noss, Principal S. N S. California, Pa. 13° James street,} Allegheny, Allegheny, { Fredericksburg, Lebanon, Lock NO.4, Washington, Brownsville, Fayette, " " " GENTLEMEN. Owthers, R. C. Woods Run, ornbake, Jos. D. California, wellen, Leroy W. othwell, A. Lee Masontown, Fayette, " California, Washington, Fayette, " " OOlsey, Orville I. New Geneva, Washington, " " " 8 SOUTH-WESTERN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, ----- CALIFORNIA, Nallle. @Afl1ALOGUE' 08 Sfl1UDENfl1S. 1884-5. NORMAL DEPARTMENT. LADIES. Name. Applegate. Bernice Applegate, Hattie Alter, Lillie Armstrong, Hope Armstrong, Belle Ailes, Mamie Ailes, Ava Ache. Jennie Adair, Maggie M. Abercrombie, Mary Abercrombie,.J ennie Armstrong. Stella Baird. Sadie Baird, Mary Bowen, Maud Billingsley, Vada Billingsley, Frankie Brevard, Myrtie Brevard, Maud Black, Stella Baker, Allie Buffington. Anna Bell, Sadie Bargman, Carrie L. Bargman, Clara Bargman, Ella Bridgman, Gertie Brown, Cora Browneller, Emma F. Brawner, Annie Blair, Meta County. State. California, Washington, Pa. " " " P. O. Address. " " " " West Alexander. " Coal Center, " Masontown, 20 rst st., Alleg'y, Coal Center, Fayette, Allegheny, Washington, " " " " " " California, " " " " " " " Fayette, Washington, " Allegheny, " " " " " Lock Haven, Fayette City, Jacob's Creek, Uniontown, Fayette City, " " " West Alexander, Lawrence, Brownsville, California, Bentleysville, Idlewood, Broughton, " " Clinton, Fayette, Westmoreland, Fayette, " " " " .1 " " •1 ., " " I' " " Carter, Mary L. Carson, Lizzie Clarke, Eva Chalfant. Luna C. C-01lins,Emma L. Carroll, Minnie Carroll, Tena Crumrine. Dora Cope. Florence N. Caughey, Maggie J. Crawford, Olive DeHaven, Kate DeHaven, Lizzie awson, Maud Dowler, Alice Darsie, Pressie Darsie, Cassie Dean, Annie Dunn, Nannie C. Danley, Mattie R. Edmundson, Annie Farquhar, Carrie E. leming, Ollie ry. Lizzie rost, Ettie rrow, Clara row, Annie leason, Nellie ho, Hattie rrett, Lizzie rdon, Ella athead, Carrie S. eenawald, Jessie ertzog, Lucy S . ertzog, Anna oge, Nora oge, Ollie owe, Birdie arris, Ella rnbake ' M ary WASHINGTON COUNTY, PA. P. O. Address. Washington, Bentleysville, Coal Center, County. State. Washington, Pa. " " " California, " " " Zollarsville, Redstone, McKeesport, California, " " " " " " Bellevernon, Monongahela City, Good Intent, Buena Vista, East Bethlehem, California, " New Salem, California, " " " McConndlsburg, Lebanon, California, " " " " " 9 " '. ., " " " Fayette, Allegheny, Washington, " ., " " " Fayette, Washington, ., Allegheny, Washington, " " Fayette, Washington, " " " " " Fulton, Lebanon, Washington, " " " " " " ., ., " " " " " " " " " " " " " ., ,. .. " ,. " " " -- 10 SOUTH-WESTERN Na1Jlt. Hornbake, Nannie Hopkins, Ara Hopkins, Allie Horner, Elma Higbee, Lizzie B. Huntley, Rella Hough, Laura Harmany Baddie, Huggins. Bertie Hamilton, Rena E. Henry, Belle Haler, Mary Hoover, Elda N. Hughes, HattieE. Hagerman, Becca J. Isler, Jessie Johnson, Effie M. Johnson, Ida Jackman, Stella Jenkins, Anna M. Jefferies, Jennie, Keys, Mary Kinder, Dora Kinder, A vie Lilley, Sadie, Lilley, Etta Lopp, Lizzie Lopp, Louie Lancaster, Lucy Latta, Blanche Leadbeter, Cora Lomas, Mima Lackey, Allie C. Luce, Ella M. Lytle, Lizzie M. Mailey, Carrie M. Mailey, Hattie McCain. Lula McDonough, Birdie McCain, Marietta STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Washington, ., Bellevernon, Layton Station, Bellevernon, " " " " East Bethlehem, New Salem, Searights, West Brownsville, Scenery Hill, California, " " " " ., Westmoreland, Fayette, Washington, " " « " « " Fayette, « " " Washington, " « Washington, " " « Center, " " " " " " " " " " Coal Center, Lock NO.4, Fayette City, Redstone, West Elizabeth, California, P a. Fayette, " Fleming, Phillipsburg, Jacob's Creek, Brownsville, California, State. " " East Bethlehem, Venetia, Uniontown, Fayette City, CALIFORNIA, --- County. P. O. Address. Garwood, ~ " " " " " " " Fayette, " Allegheny, Washington, " " " " ,c .. ",. " " " " "., " " Name. cElfresh, Ola McDonough, Mamie Montgomery, Mattie Montg-omery, Louie Morgan, Lizzie Milhollan, Ida Morton, Josie McConnell, Ida cConnell, Lida, Mulhollan, Mary, Mulhollan, Clara E. Moorhouse, Mary F. Mathew3, Anna McClain, Lizzie McVay, Flora orman, Mary Paxton, Minnie Powell, Anna Pflasterer, Katie Peterson, Minnie E. Porter, Hettie M. Raub, Mame Reed. Emma E. Reeves, Becca Remil, Lizzie Roley, Anna E. Rankin, Sallie R. Reeves, May teriing, Belle R . Sutton, Ada "tockdale, Dora aIlenberger, Mattie ~allenberger, Anna .nger, Clara ~nger, Lizzie Inger, Jennie tephens, Hannah wan, Mattie Ill' h It , Hannah odgrass, Jennie WASHINGTON COU)lTY, PA. County. P. O. Address. California, Washington, " " " " « « Coal Center, Bentleysville, Elizabeth, « " " Allegheny, " Pine Glen, Center, " " Brownsville, « Fayette, « « « Allegheny, Elkhorn, Mercer, Sandy Lake, Clinton, Lock Haven, Washington, Coal Center, Fayette, Bellevernon, Fayette City, Bellevernon, " Westmoreland, Webster, Monongahela City, Washington, Masontown, Fayette, California, Washington, .. " " " " " State. Pa. " " " " " " " " ,. ., « Westmoreland, Rostraver, West Union, Greene, Monongahela City, Washington, California, " " II " .." « « " c, " " ".. " " .." " .." .." « « « " " " " Allegheny, West Elizabeth, Fayette, Brownsvilie, Upper Middletown, Washington, Donley, ., " " " c. .------------------------------------12 SOUTH-WESTERN P. O. Address. Name. Sloan, Maggie Taylor, Felicia Teggart, Eva M. Underwood, Jennie L. Veatch, Haddie Vandergrift, Laura Ward, Ethel E. Wilkins, Eva Wood, Anna R. Wood, Annie L. Worcester. Clara B. Wilson, Carrie E. Williams, Alice Watkins, Mamie Watkins, Matilda Ward, Lizzie Welch, Josie Watters, Minnie E. Woods, Bertie L. Weaber, Annie E. White, Dora G. Will, Nina V. Weaver, Maggie Wilson, Jennie YarneIJ, Stella STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, WASHINGTON " SIOle. Pa. @AlllALOGUE OF SlllUDENlllS. " " Lone Pine, California, " " " Heistersburg, Fayette, " " Brownsville, " Washington, Lock NO.4, Monongahela City, West Brownsville, " " Allegheny, NORMAL " DEPARTMENT. " " " " " " " " " Lebanon, Center, Somerset, Westmoreland, Washington, 1884-5. " " California, Elizabeth, { 130 James street, } Allegheny, Elizabeth, Fredericksburg, Pine Glen, Glade, Webster, Monongahela City, California, COUNTY, PA. County. Monongahela City, Washington, California, " Fayette, Fayette City, -Washington, California, " CALIFORNIA, " " " " " " GENTLEMEN. Name. Albert, J. S. Abell, Van Ashbrook, R. L. Armstrong, Bert Ailes, Stephen G. Bennett, C. J. Billingsley, Wade Beazell, Harry Butler, Willie N. Beer, Robert Brightwell, W. D. Bair, W. W. Brant, John A. Baker, Chas. Burnworth, N. R. Cochran. Robert Cochran, Jas. L. Craft, Benton Craft, Samuel rter, John N. tsworth, Jonas lIins, Chauncey alfant, Hal ry haIfant, 0, S. toWthers, R. C. tOwthers, Jonas Crumrine, L. R. rumrine, Sanford Z. oUey, Brown alfant, Alva p. O. Address. County. Slate. Woodland, Coal Center, England, West Alexander, Roscoe, Millsboro, California, Clearfield, Washington, Pa. " " Fayette City, United, Ligonier, East Bethlehem, Confluence, California, " \i " Coal Center, " Woods Run, " Zollarsville, " Uniontown, Perryopolis, " " " " " " " " " " " Fayette, Westmoreland, ., " Washington, Somerset, Washington, " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Fayette, " s, " " " c, 14 SOUTH-WESTERN Name. DeBolt, Wm. Danley, Grant M. Darsie, Geo. DeHaven, James Davis, Geo. C. Elliott, Frank Eaglen, John Forsythe, Frank W. Farquhar, T. K. Farabee, Will C. Flanigan, A. S. Garee, Frank Garee, Samuel Gallagher, J os. Geho, Harvey Geho, Alva Graham, W. H. Gans, W.G. Ghrist, J as. L. Huhn, Delbert, Horner, Eli G. Hockenberry, John C. Hornbake, J os. D. Harrison, Elliott Harris, John Huggins, Neison Hawthorn, Willie Howe, Willie G. Hertzog, Walter S. Higbee, John Hallam, J as. B. Harrison, Tower Hootman, D. A. Hackney, Geo. W. Hamilton, W. S. James, A. F. Johnston, Geo. W. Jackman, Louis Krepps, Chas, W. Kiehl, H. L. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, County. P. O. Address, Mapletown, Good Intent, California, Greene, Washington, Jefferson, Redstone, California, Redstone, Fayette City, Sparta, Confluence, California, Greene, Fayette, Washington, Fayette, " " .. 0< Washington, Somerset Washington, " " " Dawson, niorrr n, \ Tippecanoe, McClellandtown, Millsboro, Walker, California, Pa. " " " " " " " " " " " " " Washington, Center, Washington, " " " " " Strabane, East Bethlehem, Strabane, New Salem, Ellenboro, Uniontown, Bellevernon, Cahfornia, Allenport, Bentleyville, Slale. " " " " " " " " " -- " Fayette, " ",. -----==-= " " " " Ritchie, Fayette, " Washington, .." " " " " " " " " " " " " " " w.Va. Fa. , . . " , " CALIFORNIA, iVallle. inder, I. V. J{eys, Hugh Latta, Willie LiJley, Ellis Bewis, Bert LopP, Frank Lewellen, Leroy M. Lytle, Anderson Leonard, McClellan McConegly, Willie McKenna, Ira Mailey, Willie Marchand, Louis K. McCrory, W. E. cGill, E. E. McKean, H. B. Montgomery, G. M. McCune, Robert iller, Wm. R. arshall, J as. Morgan, Bert Morgan, Geo. Morgan, Lewis ontgomery, Frank acClintock, B. artin, Samuel inor, Ellsworth S. iller, Colley J. utt, Paul R. ewcomer, 13.S. arker, Geo. Dwell, Archie well, Van Dwell, Carey b.U1ips,Chas, nce, Wm. ease, Everett V . oUock, John B hill' . IpS, Ellsworth Illble, N. A. ' WASHINGTON COUNTY, PA. County. State. Washington, Fayette, Washington, Pa. P. O. Address. West Brownsville, Searights, California, " " " " Masontown, West Elizabeth, Uniontown, California, Fayette, Allegheny, Fayette, Washington, " " " Coal Center, West Brownsville, Good Intent, McClellandtown, Fayette City, " •• " " " " .. " " " " " " " ,. Fayette, " " Uniontown, California, IS " " " " ., " Washington, .. " " " " " " " " " " Ursina, Castile, Mapletown, Uniontown, Brownsville, High House, West Finley, California, Somerset, Greene " " Fayette, t , " " Washington, " " " " " " " ",. Allenport, Bower Hill, Lawrence: Brownsville, Greensboro, " " Fayette, Greene, " " " " 16 SOUTH-WESTERN Name. Renshaw,Geo. E. Ross, F. Gay Runyan, J. B. Reed, Chas. Rabe, Bates Rothwell, A. Lee Richardson, Richard Rader, Vincent C. Rader, John F. Roderick, F. E. Smith, C. L. Smith, Chas. H. Scott, W. R. Sangston, M. S, Swan, Chas. H. Semans, Frank M. .Smith, W. N. Smith, C. M. Shupe, Mathias Scott, D. T. Thomas, E. F. Tornbaugh, Allen \ eatch, Jasper Veatch. C. C. Ward, Geo. Ward, Orrin Ward, Herdie Wadsworth, Hess Wilkins, Fred Wibon, S. C. Winnett, A. M. West, S. P. Wallace, J. F. Woolsey, 0.1. Woolsey, J. W. Wood, John E. Wood, vYm. L. Walters, S. B. Wentworth. Frank H. Young, Harry Zoliars, J os. Zimmerman, Albert STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, CALIFORNIA, P. O. Address. Corouv, State, McClellandtown, Dunkard, McConnellsburg, California, Fayette, Greene, Fulton, Washington, Pa. WASHINGTON COUNTY, PA. " .," mODEL SGHOOL. " " " " " BentIeysville, McClellandtown, Fayette, " " Upper Middletown, " High House, " Dunbar, " New Salem, " Woodside, Heistersburg " Hopwood, " Westmoreland Pleasant Unity Beatty, " Smithton, " Preston, Bruceton, ., " Odell, California. Coal Center. California, Garwood, Fallowfield, Coon Island, West Finley, ew Geneva, " " " " " Fayette, " " " " Uniontown, Confluence, California, Fredericktown, Smithton, W. Va. ., " " " " " " " Pa. ., Heistersburg, " " Washington, " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Somerset, Washington, ., Westmoreland, " " " " " " .. .. ., " " " " ,. GIRLS. Affolder, Lizzie Affolder, Lucy Alexander, Lulu Abell, Maggie Bacon, Annie Bacon, Ella Beazell, Lillie Billingsley, Manie Butler, Marcella Brevard, Lizzie Brevard, Ki'ttie Carruthers, Jennie Craft, J ossie Crow, Lizzie Crow, Minnie Cochran, Lucy Carroll, Louie Dawson; Cora Dawson, Bertha Eaglen, Capitola berman, Ella Forsyth, Lillie Gillingham, Mellie Garee, Mellie Graham, Agnes Graham. Maggie Harris. May Harrison, Etta Harrison, Laura Harrison, Gertie Haywood. Lizzie Haywood, Julia Haney, Sadie Howe, Sadie Howe, Lillie Hart, Pear l Humphries, Lida Humphries, Sadie Hornbake, Clara Hertzog, Lulu Johnson, Ollie Keys, Lillie Lancaster, Cora Lynch, Ora Latta, Maggie Lewis, Cora Lewis, Laura Lewis, Lena Lewellen, Hattie Lilley, Bernice Lane, Bertha McCaslin, Birdie McCaslin, Mary McConegly, May McDonald. Lillie Mailey, Annie Mailey, Ettie Moffit, Carrie Moore, Nellie Moore, Mamie Miller, Laura Miller, Jennie Marshall, Myrtie Mayhorn, Nova Mayhorn, Ettie Paxton, Nellie Pflasterer, Nellie Powell, Stella Powell, Eva Phillips, Annie 17 18 SOUTH-WESTERN Pollock, Josie Phillips, Linnie .Rabe, Pearl Reed, Nora Rothwell, Lizzie Shaffer, Lulu Shaffer, Lillie Silveus, Blanche Smith, Jennie Smith, Lena Smith, ora Smith. Salina Smith, Lizzie Sturge, Maude Sturge, Emma Sutton, Maude STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. Singer, Katie Singer, Bertha Underwood, Maggie Ward, Gertie Watson, Bertha Watson, Lizzie Watson, Ollie Watson, Myrtie White, Hattie Williams, Katie Williams, Lizzie Ward, Gracie Wolfe, Ella Young, Maude Young, Ossie BOYS. Allen, Willie Abell, Edgar Birkensha, Harry Baker, Orvin Baker, Roy Baker, Albert Billingsley, Harry Bevans, Willie Bevans, Tommy Bevans, John Calvert, Charlie Calvert, Rhinard Coatsworth, Thomas Corwin, Albert Crow, Ernest Crowthers, Howard Dawson, Willie Dawson, Harry Darsie, Burns Darsie, Dana Eaglen, Clarence Fumier, Bruce Fumier, Wade Fleming, Watson Garrow. Ellis Ghrist, Harry Gleason, Willie Gleason, Joe Garee, Clyde Gregg, James Gilbert, Charles Hayward, Jimmy Hayward Stephen Hertzog. Eddie Hoge, Frank Humphries Elijah Humphries, Willis Harris, A. J. Jackman, Charles King, Wiilie King, Harry Keys, Charles Lancaster, Charles Latta, Charles Latta, Fred Lewis, John - CALIFORNIA. Lewis Johnny Lewis, Charles Lewis Ross Lilley, Wilbur McElfresh, Arlie McElfresh, B. McConegly, Eddie McKenna, Clyde Malloy, Francis Marshall, Harry )Iarshall, John Morgan, Thomas Melchi, Seward Mayhorn, Lawrence Mayhorn, Charlie Mayhorn, Warren Martin, Willie Miller, Frank Miller Oliver, Paxton, Cousins Paxton, George Paxton, Carl Pflasterer, Charles Powell, Walter Pollock, Lewis Pollock, Willie • lips, Robert WASHINGTON ~OU~TY, PA. Phillips, Willie Phillips, Earle Rabe, Wylie Reed, Jesse Reed, Frank Reed, Charles Slease, Eddie Smith, Willie Theakston, Samuel Underwood, Samuel Underwood, John Veatch, David Wadsworth, Luther Wadsworth, Hays Watson, Harry Ward, Eddie Ward, Willie Ward, Samuel Ward, Russell Ward, orval Walker, Thomas Walker, John Wilkins, Ernest Williams, Willie Williams, Alfred Wright, Merrill Wright, Vernon 20 SOUTH-WESTERN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, INSTRUMENTAL Name. Billingsley, Manie Bair, W. W. Brevard, Maude Carter, Mary L Caughey, Maggie J. Crowthers, Jonas Darsie, Cassie Darsie, Pressie Fry. Lizzie Forsythe, Frank Garrow, Clara Greenawald, Jessie Hertzog, Lucy S. Hough, Laura Hall, Frank R. Kinder, Dora Lilley, Sadie, Lomas, Mirna Lindsay, Effie B. Mulhollan, Clara Moffit, Cora B. Nutt,Olive N utt, Jennie Stockdale, Dora Smith, Mrs. J. B. Semans, Frank Thomas, E. F. Wilkins, Mary -- MUSIC. P. O. Address. California. United, California, Washington, McKeesport, Woods Run, California, County. Siale. Washington, Westmoreland, Washington, Pa. " " "., " Allegheny, Washington, " " " " Redstone, California, Lebanon, California, Redstone, California, West Brownsville, California, Lock NO.4, West Brownsville, Snow Shoe, California, Bellevernon, " California, " Hopwood, Bruceton, California, " Fayette, Washington, Lebanon, Washington, Fayette, Washington, " " " " " " " " .," " Center, Washington, Fayette, " " " " " Washington, " " Fayette, Preston, Washington, " W. v« pa VOCAL MUSIC. Name, Darsie, Cassie Darsie, Pressie Fry, Lizzie Higbee, Lizzie Mehaffey, Anna M. P. O. Address. County. California, Washington, " " Venetia, California, " " suit. pa. " " ,." --- - CALIFORNIA, Montgomery, Mattie McCain, Marietta Stockdale, Maggie Smith, Mrs. J. B. Yarnell, Stella WASHINGTON California, COUNTY, PA. Washington, " " " California, " " ., 21 Pa. " " " SOUTH-WESTERNSTATE NORMALSCHOOL, 22 --- CALIFORNIA, WASHINGTONCOUNTY,PA. @OU~SES fIS Oft SmUDIES. E?~ESGRIBED BY lllHE SlllAlllE. THE ELEMENTARY SUMMARY. NORMAL DEPARTMENT. 185 153 Ladies, Gentlemen, 338 Total in Normal Department, lJIODEL SCHOOL. 101 102 Girls, Boys, Total in Model School, Grand Total, NOTE-Sevent)"-two a separate school. pupils, counled in previous 203 541 catalogues, were provided (or this yellr in 23 COURSE. LANGUAGE-Orthography; Reading and Elocution; English Grammar; Composition; Outlines of Rhetoric and English Classics; Elements of Latin, including the First Book of Csesar, through the Helvetian War. MATHEMATIcs-Arithmetic; Algebra; Plane Geometry, including the circle. NATURAL SCIENCE- Geography; Physiology; Natural Philosophy; Botany. HISTORY-History of the United States; Constitution of the United States. THE ARTs-Penmanship; Drawing; VocafMnsic; Bookkeeping. PROFESSIONALSTUDIES-School Economy; Methods of Instruction; Mental Philosophy. PRACTICE OF TEACHING-This includes at least forty-five minutes daily practice in the Model School, for one- half of a school year, and a meeting each week for the discussion of the Practice of Teaching. SCIENTIFIC COURSE. MATHEMATICS.-Higher Algebra; Geometry; Trigonometry; Surveying; Analytical Geometry; Calculus; Analytical Mechanics and Mathematical Astronomy. LANGUAGES.-Latin; English Literature; German and Greek Optional. Ph~CIENcEs.-Geology ; Chemistry; dosophy of History; Astronomy: and Logic. ARTS._ Teaching; Drawing; Zoology; General History, and Mental and Moral Philosophy Oratory and Music. 24 CALIFORNIA, WASHINGTONCOUNTY, PA. SOUTH-WESTERN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 25 -------------------------------------------Practice Teaching in. the. Mode~ School, for at le~st twenty-one dally, IS required before graduatIOn. e;rimary and Advanced Methods, Supervision and Criticism of ctice Teaching by the Faculty, and large opportunities for obserV:~on in the class rooms are afforded all professional students. W ks oi one penod r @OU~SES OF SrrtUDIES fiS fI~~ANGED MODEL FIRST YEAR.- umbers, f10~ <9HIS SGHOOLt. SCHOOL Local SCIENTIFIC Graduates in the Elementary graduate in two years. COURSE. Geography, Writing, Objects, Geography and Language. FIFTH YEAR.-Arithmetic, Geography and Grammar. SIXTH YEAR.-Arithmetic, . Reading. .. Writing, . . Drawing, Objects, Reading, .. Writing, . Drawmg, Geography and Grammar. SEVENTH YEAR.-Arithmetic, History, Grammar, Geography. EIGHTH YEAR.-Arithmetic, History, Grammar, Geography. Reading, Reading, SENIOR PLAN C Writing, Drawing, U. S. Drawing, B CLASS. and Latin, . G Natura Methods of Instruction, eometry, .. Elocution , Latin .'. . WnUlln' Philosophy, English Lltera~ure,. ~ree-hand Drawing a~d work Book-Keeping, Vocal MusIC. CIVil Government, Unfimshed I (J' and Reviews, and Thesis on Teaching. OF THE SCHOOL. LOCATION. Reading and Orthography, Writing and Free-hand Drawing, Arithmetic, and Algebra, Analysis and Parsing, History of the United States and School Economy. A CLASS. YEAR. The quiet village of California is a typical College or Normal chool town. It is situated on the left bank of the Monongahela iver, 50 miles from Pittsburgh. There are at present three trains daily each way between Pittsh and California. Fare from Pittsburgh, $1.50; from McKees, $1.05; from Uniontown, 65 cents. CLASS. . B Elocution, Algebra, Physiology, Rhetonc, otany, Free-hand Drawing, Writing and Mental Science. Chemistry, The School is two-fold, comprising the Normal School proper d Model School, both thoroughly graded, complementary to each ther, and complete as a whole, furnishing an extensive course and ry advantage for instruction found in first-class schools of corresnding grades. The Principal has the general superintendency of each department both schools, and each instructor a special supervision of his own epartment. . Objects, . Drawing, U. S. Free-hand Geology, Surveying, Analytical Geometry, Calculus. Analytical Mechanics, tronomy, Zoology, Moral Philosophy, Philosophy of Education. .. Wntmg, and YEAR. Higher Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, neral History, Latin (four books of Cesar). ELEMENTARY COURSE. D CLASS. Reading and Orthography, Writing Arithmetic, Grammar and Geography. Course can complete this course and JUNIOR Language and Reading. . . . . SECOND YEAR.-Numbers, Reading, Writing, Drawing, Objects, Local Geography and Language. THIRD YEAR.-Numbers, Reading. Writing, Drawing, Objects, Local Geography and Language. FOURTH YEAR.-Numbers, Reading, Writing, Drawing, Objects, COURSE. 26 SOUTH-WESTERN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, -- CALIFORNIA, WASHINGTONCOUNTY,PA. 27 LECTURES. f{EJ11ROSPEGJl1. The corner stone of the imposing Normal School building was laid by the late Governor Geary, August 26th, 1868. In June, 1874, the institution was recognized as the State Normal School for the Tenth District, comprising the counties of Washington, Fayette, Greene and Somerset. Since that time two hundred and thirtyeight graduates (not including the class of 1885) have been sent out into the schools of the State, besides hundreds of other students who have gone forth to do efficient work as teachers. LITERARY SOCIETIES. There are two flourishing literary societies, the Clionian and Philomathean, in the school, meeting every Friday evening in their respective halls. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. A competent and thorough instructor is in charge of this department, and good instruments are provided for the use of students. The advantages for Instrumental Music and Voice Culture are of a high order. LIBRARY AND READING ROOM. Hitherto there has been a pressing need of better facilities for general reading. Within the past two years a large Library and Reading Room has been opened. . Expensive black walnut cases have been provided for books and for a Natural History Cabinet. Many new books have been purchased and the tables have been covered with the best newspapers and magazines of the day. DONATIONS. Our thanks are due for copies of the following papers: Washin.gObserver, Washington Review and Examiner, Monongahela Dally Republican, Canonsburg Rural Notes, Elizabeth Herald, Greens~urg Press, Uniontown Genius of Liberty, Uniontown Republ1cat da Standard, Uniontown Democrat, Conn~llsville Courier, MeyerS e Commercial, Brownsville Clipper, Waynesburg Messenger, wayne;; burg Republican, Washington Democrat, Burgettstown Ca , Beaver Argus and Radical, and Beaver Times. Lectures have been delivered in the Normal Chapel during the past year, by Col. G. W. Bain, H. W. Shaw ( "J osh Billings"), Rev. Robert Collyer, Rev. Dr. W. B. Watkins, Hon. John B. Finch, Rev. Dr. T. De Witt Talmage, and others. The course of lectures was provided by the California and Coal Center ~ectu:~ Ass~:iation, composed of members of the faculty and public spirited citizens of the two neighboring towns. TEXT BOOKS. The following Text-Books are now used in the School: McGuffey's Readers, Brooks' Mental Science Reed and Kellogg's Grammar, Ray's Algebra, ' Robinson's Arithmetics, Wentworth's Algebra, Harper's Geography, Wentworth's Geometry, Kellogg's Rhetoric, Ellsworth's Penmanship, Hutchisons's Physiology, Forbriger's Drawing, Barnes' History of U.' S., Avery's Natural Philosophy Higginson's History of U. S., Gray's Botany, ' Shoemaker's Elocution, Smith's (Prof. J. B.) Latin Lessons, Patterson's Speller, Suplee's Constitution of U. S., Mayhew's Book-keeping, Allen & Greenough's Latin Grarn-: Wickersham's School Economy, mar, Blaisdell's Physiology, Andrew's Manual of the ConstituSwett's Methods of Instruction, tion, Wickersham's Methods of Instruction. All text-books used in school and necessary stationery can be purchased at reasonable rates, at the book stores convenient to the School. beGOOd.books are always useful ~or ~eference, and many that may Te conSidered old are valuable aids III the preparation of lessons. achers should be the slaves of no author or book but seek and 1earn th e ng . h t use of the best books, master the subject-matter ' h by t em, and teach without them. Each student should expect to Purchase a few books for the sake of uniformity in classes. DIPLOMAS. c. . ap C andidates lor gra duati uation III course, who receive the joint in:r:ovalo.f the Faculty of the Normal School and Board of Examthe d appol11ted by State authority, will receive Diplomas conferring IE~gree of BACHELOR OF THE ELEMENTS, or BACHELOR OF THE CEs, respectively, on completing either course. SOUTH-WESTERN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, CALIFORNIA, WASHINGTONCOUNTY,PA. ---------------------------------------The Diploma exempts the holder from further examination for teaching by State authorities. . The Degree of Master in each course will be conferred on the above named graduates of two years of successful experience in teaching, on certificate of good moral character from School Direc_ tors and County Superintendent under whom they have taught. MISOELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. Pupils applying for a diploma in any course must be examined in all the studies of that course. THESls.-In each course a thesis must be written upon Some professional subject. . At examination, a paper stating that the candidates have completed the course of study for Normal Schools, have taught the required time in the Model School and have been examined and approved by the Faculty, shall be presented to the Board of Examiners. Papers for second diplomas must be presented to the Board of Examiners at their regular session. EXAMINATION No one can be graduated School, who has not attended FOR GRADUATION. from a Pennsylvania State Nor~al the school at least one-half of a school year. .' d if Candidates for graduatlOn are examined by the Facul~y, an , found qualified. are recommended to the Board of ExaminersThe State Superintendent or his Deputy, two Principals of Normal Schools, and two County, City, or Borough Superintendents, constitute the Board of Examiners. . I . t h e cours e , specla Candidates are examined upon all the stu dires III attention being given to the Science and Art of Teaching. .. A Thesis of not less than SIXfolio pages 0 f manuscnp. t , upon some h . .. educational subject, IS required from each can did I ate, as a p altoft e examination. EXPENSES. 1.25 Tuiton, per week, Board, Instrumental Music (two lessons), 3.25 [.00 DEDUCTIONS. - For Soldiers' Orphans entitled to State Appropriation, 1,00 pe r week . For other students entitled to State Appropriation, fifty cents per week. No deduction except for sickness or other unavoidable reason s. No deduction for board or tuition for first or last week of term, except by previous agreement with the principal. One-half of the above expenses is due at the opening, the balance at the middle of each term. The principal acts for the Trustees and receipts all bills. Board at above rates includes furnished rooms, fue.! and oil. Students furnish their own lamps and towels. Washing will be done by the household department at the lowest terms. No student will be allowed to board outside of the school building, unless with parents or near relatives, except by special permission of the Board of Trustees. The Principal will act for the Trustees under this rule. MISCELLANEOUS. ECONOMY OF TIME.-No time is lost at the opening of a term. Students begin work on the first day of each term in all branches of study; get five full days of regular recitations every week, and fortyfive minutes for each recitation. ECONOMYOF EXPENSE.- The aggregate expenses of a student at this school are much less than at other schools of the same kind, furnishing as much. SCHOLARSHIP STANDING.-Written Reviews in each class weekly or bi-weekly, furnish the basis of standing. Each student has the same chance with every other, and is marked according to the merits of his work. The average in each branch and general average in all, on a scale of 100 for each student, is made public at the end of each term, and a record of the same is kept at the office of the Principal. HEALTH.-Students have special need of regular, methodical physical exercise. The precept, "a sound mind in a sound body," h~ been too generally ignored. Every student not specially excused Willyractice calisthenics or gymnastics daily. Instruction, personal adVice and careful superintendence will be given, in the belief that good health is a prime requisite to mental and moral education. SOCIAL PRIVILEGEs.-In recitation rooms, chapel and parlor, in P~ence of instructors, students have all reasonable opportunities for ~clal culture. Believing that ladies and gentlemen are mutually nefited in the wisely regulated freedom of each other's society, we eo t this as a department of education, and consider education inIllplete without social culture. ---- -- SOUTH-WESTERNSTATENORMALSCHOOL, CALIFORNIA,WASHINGTONCOUNTY,PA. MORALAND RELIGIOUS CULTURE.-A State Normal School' . . Iar sectanan; . . every and the IS no sense or particu sn'11' ,It s hou Id be III b 10 sense Christian in all its influences and aims. The Bible is the b:~t text-book in morals. It is read daily, taught in Sunday Scho~~ classes, and expounded in religious meetings each week. Pastors and Christian. workers of all denominations are cordially welcomed to fellowship in all religious exercises. MANAGEMEN'f.-The rules of the school are few and simple. Self-control is the ideal; self-help the habit sought. The intelligen t conception of duty and a quickened conscience will generally result in a cheerful, voluntary obedience. The government is best which seems to govern least. No visits will be allowed during study and recitation hours. Persons of immoral character, and youn~ men addicted to the use of abusive, profane or obscene language will not be received. Students whose sense of honor and propriety cannot be trusted w~ll be summarily dismissed. They will also be sent away whenever III the opinion of the Faculty, it is evident that they are pursuing a course of conduct detrimental to themselves and the Institution. 3° REGULATIONS FOR STUDENTS. Study hours will be published at the commencement of each session, and the bell will be rung to give notice of them. Students must devote these hours exclusively to study and recitation. 2. During the hours of study, Students may not go to the homes and rooms of other Students. nor visit other persons or receive their visits, nor attend any public meeting or parties, without permission previously obtained from the Principal, but must be in their rooms pursuing their appropriate studies. 3. All Students are required to be present every morning at prayers and at all general exercises in the chapel, unless excused. Attendance on religious worship during the Sabbath is required. 4. A re()lrd of scholarship will be kept, which will be open to inspection by the students and the public. 5. No student will be allowed to deface the building by marking or drawing, or to damage the property in any way; and when done, the expense of the repairs will be charged to the one having done the injury. . 6. No Student may indulge in the use of tobacco in any of. ItS forms in or about the building, or of intoxicating drinks or profan~ty. 7. It is expected that the ladies and gentlemen of the InstitutIOn will treat each other with politeness and usual civilities; but ev~ry lady and gentleman is prohibited, on pain of dismission, from visit~ng the other sex or receiving visits, from holding private conversatiOn or correspondence, and from walking or riding together, unless ~he~ have special permission from the Principal. At the close of meeting of any kind, all will repair immediately to their respective rooms. itrml 8. Gentlemen not connected with the School will not be pe ted to call upon lady Students. I. 9' 10. 32 SOUTH-WESTERNSTATE NORMAL SCHOOL, --- CALIFORNIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, PA. 33 ------------------------------------------------ fI.uUMNI ~EGISTJlER. NOTE.- This register gives the present address of each graduate so far as known. Errors should be reported for correction. OFFICERS OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. 1884--'85, President, Vice President. Secretary. Treasurer. S. R. R.USH, BELLE FINLEY, ANNA M. SHUTTERLY, Prof. D. C. MURPHY, EXECUTIVE J. S. EBERMAN, COMMITTEE. MRS. S. A. CLARKE, MRS. T. B. Noss. CLASS OF 1875. Axtel, Thos. L.-Physician, Northern Iowa. Hemphill, Geo. E., No. 7g Hemffi<* treet, Allegheny Principal of Schools, Third ward. City, Pa.~ CLASS OF 1876. Ammons, Sue (Mrs. L. B. Anderson), No. 37 Taylor avenue, Allegheny City, Pa. Beal, L. c., Falls City, Pa.-Physician. Cope, Albert B., Mt. Union, Ohio.-Physician. Peck, Chas. E., Streetsboro ugh , Ohio. Smith, James Boyden, California, Pa.-Professor Natural Science and Latin in State Normal School. Stoody, Wm. iI-1.-Died March 29, 1884. CLASS OF 1877. Crookham, Mary P. (Mrs. Mary P. Conklin), Osceola, Polk County, Nebraska. Frye, Frank.-(No report.) Frye, Wm. S., Braddock, Pa.-Physician. 1 Of Natura jackman, Wilbur Samuel, Pittsburgh, Pa.-Professor Science in Pittsburgh High School. Kiehl, Henry S., No. 77 Fourth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.-Private Secretary of Chief Engineer P., McK. & Y. R. R. McCollum. John B. K., California, Pa.- Teacher. ewkirk, Donetta, Coal Center, Pa.- Teacher. ewlin, Alex. Willis, Meadville, Pa.-Prof. in Allegheny College. an Dyke, John W., California, Pa. tate certificates granted to John B. Solomon, Masontown, Pa., and Prof. A. R. Horne, of Kutztown, Pa. CLASS OF 1878. Craig, Belle, Coal Bluff, Pa.- Teacher. Douglass, Jas. Harvey, No. 137 East Pratt street, Baltimore, Md.Physician. Eberman, John S., California. Pa.-Postmaster. Esler.Tames M., Tarentum, Pa. Griffith, Henry Wm., Ridgeview, Pa. Haggerty, Linda (Mrs. L. Craig), Coal Bluff, Pa. Kell, Narh. B., Connellsville, Pa+-Book-keeper for Hood Bros. ang, Clara S., Bellevernon, Pa. Larimer, Maria Louisa, Fayette City, Pa. Lutz, George D. artin, Andrew E., Tarentum, Pa.-Principal of Schools. cKee, Dan. H., Brewnsville, ~.-Principal Bridgeport Schools. itchell, Walter, Wellsburg, W. Va.-Principal Public Schools. Patton, H. Etta (Mrs. D. C. Murphy), Lock Haven, Pa. Patton, Noah, Fayette City, Pa.-Student in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa. 'lips, H. Lenore, California, Pa.-Chair of Elocution in State ormal School. , , Ella A., (Mrs. W. S. Jackman), Pittsburgh, Pa. yke, Geo. M., Bellevue, Pa., (Myler P. O).-Principal Public Scliools. an ak ~ 1'0 wQ yke, Wm. S., West Newton, Pa.-Principal Public Schools. ld, Thos. Randolph, Uniontown, Pa.-Attorney at Law. . Truman, McKeesport, Pa.-Editor McKeesport Paragon. , Mary F. (Mrs. Jos. W. Smith), Ballard, California. CLASS OF 1879. . Rebekah E., New Castle, Pa.-Teacher. • MilIie S., New Castle, Pa.- Teacher. arry W., Monongahela City, Pa.-Associate Record. I Editor Monon- 34 SOUTH-WESTERN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, --- Craft, Brashear W., Merrittstown, Pa.- Teacher. Crawford, Tillie J., McKeesport, Pa.- Teacher. Dearth, Orlando P., Brownsville, Pa.-Physician. Dunn, W m. c., Ballard, Cal. Grant, Robert Quincy, Atlanta, Ga-Signal Service U. S. Army. Hall, Frank R., California, Pa.-Principal Model Department, State Normal School. Hackney, H. H., Atchison, Kan.-Banking clerk. Holland, H. R., West Alexander, Pa.-Principal of Schools. Horner, Geo. 0., Millsboro, Pa.- Teacher. Longwell, Harry Edgar, Indianapolis, Ind.-Draughtsman in Steam Pump and Water Works of Dean Bros. . Mackey, John F., Paris, France.-Student in Paris. Mehaffey, Annie M., Lock Haven, Pa. McClure, Sallie A., (Mrs. Clarke), Uniontown, Pa. McDonough, Dora, East Liberty, Pa. . Morgan, P. W., California, Pa.-Book-keeper. Murphy, Dawsey Cope, Lock Haven, Pa.-Prof. of Drawing in State Normal School. Parkhill, Clayton L., Flatwood, Pa.-Physician. Peck, Bennett W., McConnellsburg, Pa.-Principal Public Schools. Phillips, Hettie L. (Mrs. Dr. W. S. Frye), Braddock, Pa. Ralston, Laura, Wilkinsburg, Pa.- Teacher. Rea, Jessie L., Carmichaels, Pa.-Teacher. Shutterly, Arthur P., Dawson, Pa.-Principal Public Schools. Stewart, Belle c., Newville, Pa.- Teacher. Stoody, Lou L., Bentleysville, Pa.--Assistant Principal, Braddock, Pa. Thirkield, Margaret E., Monongahela City, Pa.- Teacher. Williams, Laura B., Homestead, Pa.- Teacher. Wilson, Anna M., McKeesport, Pa., Teacher. CLASS OF- 1880. Axtel, Luther M., Coal Center, Pa.-Principal Public Schools. Browne, Joseph K.-Deceased, December 22,1882. DeHaven, Madge, Missouri Valley, Iowa.-Teacher. Drumm, J. A., Dawson, Pa.-Teacher. Frye, John K., Johnstown, Pa.-Book-keeper. Gamble, Power T., Gambles, Pa.- Teacher. Hall, Marie, Missouri Valley, Iowa.-Teacher. Jones, Belle V., McKeesport, Pa. Is Kendall, John Christian, Homestead, Pa.-Principal Public SchOo' CALIFORNIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, PA. 3S -----------------------------------------------Mackey, Agnes M., Connellsville, Pa.-Principal Public Schools. Masters, Minnie V., Coal Center, Pa.- Teacher. McClure, Ella M. (Mrs. Walton Howell), Flushing, Ohio. McNorton, Frank V., No. 244 Arch street, Allegheny City, Pa.Teacher. Neel, Mary E., Jefferson, P!l.- Teacher. oss, Clara H. (Mrs. John M. Park), Montandon, Pa. Potts, Cyrus J., Alum Bank, Pa.-Principal Public Schools, Pleasantville, Pa. Reno, Wm. Wilson, Rochester, Pa.- Teacher. Rhoades, L. P., Jacobs Creek, Pa.-Merchant. Robertson, O. A., --Teacher. Robinson, W. L., Laurelville, Pa.-Teacher. Smail, E. J., Braddock, Pa.-Attorney at Law, No. 98 Diamond street Pittsburgh, Pa. ' Spindler, Alvin c., Beallsville, Pa.-Law Student, Pittsburgh, Pa. Swan, Laura, Brownsville, Pa.- Teacher. Sweeny, J. T., Bradenville, Pa. Thomas, Anna B., Webster, Pa.-Teacher. CLASS OF 1881. ms, Jennie E., Waco, Texas.-Instructor in Waco College. Barnum, W. V., Coal Center, Pa.- Teacher. ~rr, Maggie J., No. 218 Washington avenue, Allegheny City, Pa.reacher. Best, Jas. S.-Died November 16, 1883. , W. 5., Dawson, Pa.- Teacher. ebaugh, A. M., Uniontown, Pa ..-Principal Public Schools. '. john McMullan, Vanderbilt, Pa.-Law Student, Michigan U versrtv, ~~hel n, Ella D. (Mrs. E. J. Smail), Braddock, Pa. ;h.am.' Mary B. (Mrs. Theo. B. Noss), California, Pa.-Assistant 1.J r~nClpal Model School. qertlg L . M' Butch.' ouise . (Mrs. Jesse Llewellyn), Homestead, Pa, Inson, Flora, Elizabeth, Pa.-Teacher . Jackrnan H . Jen'nlngs ' Matne . E., Coal Center, Pa.-Teacher. I