SOGTR-WESTETIXSTATE XOIUIAL ~CJIOOL. CATALOGUE CALENDAR. OF TIlE OF TIlE 1881-82. Y E.\ It of 42 weeks, Three terms. F_\LI. Tmrxr opens ~[onday, Sept em bel' 5, ] 8 I. .. closes Friday, December 23, 1 8l. "-IXTETI TER:\I opens Monday, January 2, 1882. t. .( closes Friday, ~Iarch 24, 1882. ~1'ltI~G .. opens Monday, March 27, 188:2. closes Thursday, June 29, 188:2. Ixsrrrtrrn open- ~Ionday, ~ray 29. 1882. closes 'I'hursday, J llllC 29, 1882. 'YL-TER VAf'ATIOX of one week. ~lJ:\DIEI! YACA'fJOS of eight weeks. ,f liiCBOOL TUE L',",TITl'TE CLASS of six weeks is embraced Il1 the time of the Spring term. C01>TE:,T OF LITERARY COCIETIES Wednesday, June 28th. CO:\DIEXlE:lIEKT Thursday; June :29, 1882. Location and Traveling Facilities. Tlii- ~chool is located at California, directly on the bank of the ~Ionollgahela. fifty miles hy river from Pittsburgh, accessible hy packet from Pittsburgh and other points on the river at all times. two or three boats passing daily each ,yay. The Pittsburg. Virginia and Charleston Railroad-now a branch of the Pennsy vnnia= ruus several trains daily from the Gnion Depot Pittsburgh, to and from California, thus securing direct railroad coJJ1municatiou to and from the School. A link of' the B. & O. Railroad, now Luilding between a"hingtou, a tfltlrtlh~, + + W~UildD1GtfJ1n FOR THE $gHOOL YEAR 1881"82 "r Pa., and Connellsville, will cross the Monougahelu at California, nn.d thus afford railroad communication CH,t and we-t Oll the line of thLroad. Persons interested are invited to correspond with GEO. P. BEARD, P,·illcipal. CALIFOHXT.\, Wnshingtou County. • 4Q;' MONONGAHELA pa. HAZZARD, PRINTER ,882. • CITY. PA. AND STATIO)[ER, -=-S=O=U=TIl=-=W=£=S=TE=-R=N=ST=A=T=E=N=O=R=lI=IA=L=9C=JJ:=O=O=L=. ===~if1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES. ELECTED BY STOCKHOLDER& Term of office cxplr lug In 1883. W. W. JACKMAN, LOUIS S. l\IILLER. WM.McFALL, A. P. S~IITH, Term of office cxp!ring S. W. CRAFT, JOHN N_DIXON, ESQ-, L. W. MORGAN, Term In lS~1. G. l\I. EBEH,MAN. or orncc cxpit'j"ton Co. PROF. CEO. P. BEARD, Penmanship and Drawing. MIS3 A~~_\.. M. :MEHJ..FFEY, Elocution and Gymnastics, :MISSLIZZIE rr!nclpnl S, w, s. N. ScJool. J. PATTON, Grammar and Rhetoric. T. R WAKEFIELD, Geography and History. MISS ELLA 1\1.MeCL URE, Model School. .M:I~SHATTIE Uodel I .1 E. JACKMAN, chool. I ~========S=O=U=T=rr=_'=~=E=S=TE='=R=~.'=S=T=A=T=E=~='=OR==M=~=L=F=C=H=O=O=L~.~~~--== ---~~~l =-C.AUrORXIA, GRADUATES. WASHni"OTO~ COU:-<'TY,P.1. 7 GRADUATES. Class of 1875. Class of 1878. Name. Axtell, T L Hemphill, Geo P. O. Address. Uniontown, Allegheny City, COliIlty. State. Fayette, Allegheny, Pa. P. O. Addres«. Coal Bluff, Monongahela City, Fayette City, ., " P. O. Address. Millsboro, Uniontown, Flatwood, Redstone, Bentleysville, Belle Vernon Couniu, Washington, Fayette, California, Brownsville, New Castle, California, \rest Newton, California, Tarentum, Ridgeview, Broad Ford, Fayette City, Bentleysville, Tarentum, East Liberty, Fayette City, California, State. Pa. " " " W:tshington, Fayette, " " Class of 1877. I "1 Name. Crookham, Mary P Newkirk, Dsnetta Frye, Frank Frye, 'Ym S Jackman, 'Y S Kiehl, H S l\IcCollum, J B K Ne,."Jil'l,A W Vn~Dyke, J W P. O. Address. Monongahela City, " " California, Lock No.4, Fike Run, Irwin Station, California, Yohognny, California, " Fayette, " Class of 1876. Na;,ne. Ammons, Sue Smith, J P Beal, L C Cope, A B Stoody, W 1\1 Peck, Chas E Cwtnfll. Washington, Ccuuty. Washington, State. " " " " " " " " " " " " W estmoreland, 'Yashington, 'Yeetmoreland, Wal!hington, Pa. " 'Yashing~n, " Lawrence, 'Yashing~pn, 'Vest moreland, W:1.Shington, Allegheny, 'Y e~moreland, Fayette, ,; Washington, Allegheny, Fayette, " Waahington, " Redston-, California, " Fayette, Wa..,:hington I !. ;:::;;-- ---------- 8iale. Pa. " - " " " " " " " " " " " "., " " " " " " CALIFOR~I.\'. W.\SIU~aTO~ COU~TY, .P.\. GRADUATES. CLASS OF 1879. GRADUATES. :LADIES. p. O. Address. Name. County. La wren ce, Browne, Millie S. Browne, Rebekah Crawford, Tillie Mehaffey, Anna M. McClure', S:tlliG A. l\IeDJnough, Dora Phillips, Hettie L. Rulston, Laura . Stewart, Bella C. Stoody, L111 L .. Thirkieltl, Maggie E. 'Villi:tm3. Laura n New Castle, Pittsburg, Library, Coal Bluff, 'Yalnut Bottom, Bou tlcysville, Fayette City, Charleston, Washington, Cumbzrlnnd, Washington, Fayette, Swain, 'Vilson, Anua M. Greenock, Allegheny, " " California, Washington, a '! " Allegheny, CLASS OF 1880. State. Pa, " " " " " " N.C. Pa. P. O. Address. Camp, H. W. Craft, W. B. Dunn, 'V. C. I Dearth, O. P. Grant, R. Q. Hall, F. R. Hackney, H. H. HOl'l1cr, Geo. O. Llollnnd, II, R. Longwell, Harry E. Mackey, J. F. Morgan, P. W. Murphy, D. C. Pm'kill, C. L. Peck;P. W. . Rea, J. I". ~~Sh~t"'dj, '-.J~ . A.:P.~. Name. Hl1ven, Maggio , ~Iarie • Belle V. kay. Agnes ]\f. Iure, Elb sr. 1'3, Minnie V. orton, Frank V. ,Mary E. I Olara H. , Laura IlS, Anna B. p. O. Address. CuI iforuia, " Bentlcysvillc, Uuiontown, 13elle Vernon Pike RUlI, \Vcst Elizabeth, Rice's Lauding, Strasbu rg, Brownsvillo, \Vest Newton, County. \\' nshington, " " Fayette, u Washington, Allegheny, Greene, Shcnnndonh, Fayette, 'Vestl110relalld, Stoic. " " " " " " Va. Pa. " GENTLE:M:EN. GENT:LE:M:EN. Name. :LADIES. County. l\Ionongahela City, Washington, Fayette, Merrittstown, I, Flatwood, Merrittstown, " Monongahela City, 'Yashington, Califoruin, Fayette, New Salem, . J\l illsboro, Washington, East Bethlehem, . Monongahela City, " Fayette, Uniontown, iYashington, California, Fayette, Redstone, \Vashingtou, East Liberty, Bedford, Boal.burg, Greene, Carmichaels, 'Yashington, California, Siaie. P. O. Address. Pa. Pike RUll, New Castle, Dawson, Fayette City, Gambles, Pocahoutas, Woodbury, Cn]iforu ia, Lindley's Milh, Rochester, . Smithton, Beallsville, Braden ville, Greensburg, " " " " " u " " " " " " Couniq. Slate. \Yushington, Lawrence, Fayette, " Allegheny, Somerset, Bedford, Washington, " " " " " " Beaver, \ Vest moreland, Washiugton, Westmoreland, " ct " " " " I ~ SOUTII-WF.S-:-ER~ STATI: NORMAL ~ C.ALIFOR~IA, SCHOOL. WASIII~aTO~ COU~TY, PA. I ====_~ GRADUATES. CLASS OF 1881. GRADUATES. LADIES. Name. Adams, Jennie E Barr, Maggie J Eshelman, Ella D Graham, Marne B Hertig, Louise M Hutchinson, Flora Jennings, Maggie Jackman, E Lyons, Sadie, Munroe, Iantha M McAlpin, Agnes N eel,' Mary.U Porter, Lou B Phillips, 1\1ay L Sheplar, Josie L Wickham, Julia P. O. Address. Monongahela City, Allegheny " " " " 6 l' 'Thornburg, George U I \Valker, William J C;(-S h...~jJ " Monongahela 'Vashington, California, Elizabeth, Allegheny, Bentleysville, 'Vashington, Pike Run, " 'Vest Elizabeth, Allegheny, Allegheny City, " Belle Vernon, Fayette, Carmichaels, Greene, Dunbar, .Fayette, Millsboro, 'Washington, Monongahela City, " Beaver, Beaver, GEN'rLE:M:EN Name. Barnum, 'VV Best, J S Bryan, W S Claybaugh, Core, John M Kussart, Leo Moredock, T P Miller, J Elwood Rhodes, N E Shallenberger, H D Oounty. 'Vashington, Allegheny, P. O. Address. Pike Run, Scottdale, Dawson, Brownsville, East Diberty, 'I'aylortown, Rice's Landing, Buffalo Mills, Smithton, East Liberty, Allegheny City, E!lst Bethlehem, Statf'. CLASS OF I 882. Pa. " GENTLE:M:EN _ " " " P. O. Address. East Bethlehem, Dunkard, Washington, Ftatwood, Masontown, Sparta, California, Millerstown, Morris x Roads, New Salem, Uniontown, Fayette City, Carrollton, Ninevah, Washington, DonelIy, Lavansville, New Salem, Glade, " " " _ County. 'Washington, Westmoreland, Fayette, " " Greene, " Bedford, 'Vest moreland, Fayette, Allegheny, L Washingt60, 6tlltc. Pa. .. " " " " " " .. " " " :::::::;- ---~-- County. Washington, Greene, Washington, Fayette, State. Pa. " " Washington, " Perry, Fayette, ,. " " Carroll, Greene, ashington, "r " Somerset, Fayette, Somerset, " " " " " •• " O. Pa. .. .. " " " ~r CALIFOR~rA, WASIIIXGTO~ CO~U~iS=-T=Y='~P~A=·==~~=-=--=3 ~=======S=O=U=T=rr=-="='E='S=T:E:R=~--~s=r=~=T=~=;-=X=O=R=M='=~L==S=CI=I=n=O=L='====~~ ~~~~ C7IJIl7Ili8GUE 0Fr ~JIlUDENJIl~. 1881-8~. GRADUATES. CLASS OF NORMAL 1882. SCHOOL. LADIES. LADIES. Name. Alter, Ella Beazell, Ibt." B Crumrine, l\Iary E DJnald3011, May Fuester, Elma Grant, Florence Holland, Corrie 1\1 Hollall~l, Carrie l\[ Jones, Eddie Jenkins. Janie Jenkins, Julia Leonard, Lizzie Reed, Ella Speers, Anna Thomas, Floy K Ulery, Lucy Woods, Lizzie William3, Martie B Williams, Sallie A P. O. Address. Pike H.UIl, Monongahela City, Lindley's illills, Brownsville, Tippecanoe, Monongahela City, Beutlcysville, Cntniy. Wnshiugto.i, .. s, Cu mberlund, Pike Run, California, 'Yebster, Millsboro' Elizabeth, Bellcvcrnon, " P. O. Address. Fayette, " " Wnshington, " " " Allegheny, " .. Wa5hington, 'Y cstmorelaud, Wnshington, Allegheny, Fayette, " " " " " " " Md. '" nshington, P~t. " " " " Pike RUll, " W est Alexander, Smithfield, California, " " " " .( " " .. " Slate. " " " Pa. " " County. California, " " " Allegheny City, 81atc. Pa. .. Monongahela City, Pike Run, Uniontown, \\' est Ne« ton, Stahlstown, California; " .. " " " Fayette, .. '" nshingtou, " " .. " " " " Fayette, W cstrnorclnnd, " .. W nshingtou, .. " " " " (C' " .' " CALlFORXIA, ~======S=O=U=T=>n,='=W=E8=T=E=R=N=S=T=A=T=E=N=O=R=M=A=L=f:=C=H=O",O=L=.== Name. Crawford, Anna Crumrine, Mary E Cleaver. Mattie Chalfant, Luna. C Crow, Dora Cooke, Mattie Clarke. Lizzie Collins, Mary E Courtney, Rebecca P Courtney, Annie Duncan, Anna Dawson, Maude Darsie, Pressie Darsic, Cassie De Haven, Katie Dowler, Lula Dounldson, lUay U Davis, Jennie Frye, Lizzie Frye, Dell l\I Fisher, Laura B Finley, Belle l\I Fairchild, Hattie Fuester, Elmn Fuller, Ella E Forsythe, Sadie Flack, Effie, Geho, Hattie, Garrow, Clara Gleason, Nellie Gamble, Ella J Gamble, Flora Grant, Florence Gallatin, Oda Galley, Belle N Gorman, lUary C .. ~U'"U'M",Y Herron, Lizzie P. O. Address. Pike Run, Lindley's Mills, Garwood, Pike Run, 'Vood's Run, Bellvernon, Uniontown, Vanderbilt, Randall, " County. ~ Washillgton " ' " Fayette, " " Monongalia, " California, Washington, " " " " " Pike Run, Brownsville, Ursina, Californ.a, Lock No.4, Rostraver, \Y cbster, " Fayette, Somerset! Washington, " Wcstmorelnnd, " Dawson, Fayette, Tippecanoe, " Upper Middletown, " Camden; Alleghen:y, Pittsburg, " California, Washington, " " California, 'Vashingtny, s• Greene, Fayette, " WfStmol'eland, Washington, " c, 'C Fayette, " " c, Heistersburg, Brownsville, Fayette City, Stahlstown, Elizabeth, Maplctown, Upper St Clair, Lock No.4, California, " " " " Mapletown, \Vaynesburg, " " \V estmorelnud, " Allegheny, Greene, Allegheny, Washington, , I ,." " " " " " " " " " Greene, " 18 SOUTII·WJiSTEHN I:T..lTE XOUl\U L SCUOOL. _-======C=A=L=IF=O=R=N=I=A=,=W=A=eIl=I:N='G=T=O=N=C=O=U=N=T=Y='=P=A='====~ Name. 1881-8:/!. NORMAL SCHOOL. GENTLEMEN. Name. Adams, Charles Armstrong. John A 11:;1181 ino, i\faTolull BCI,;.! :11, l Iarry, BUller, Willie Berryman, J W Bell, J Forrest Blackburn, J C Buker, G Plumn cr Baker, R J B rreland, Charles Baker, Calviu Brown, A G Curtain, BOIke)".T Albeit Burwell, J J Bhtchford, G~oS Bowman, F II Contsworth, Joseph Coatsworth, Charles Coaswortb, Jonas Collins, Chauncey Cochran, Robci t Cochran, James C.·OWI hers, J onus Crowthcrs, R C Crawford, George Post Office. County. California, Brownsv ille, Turkey Fuot, California, Washington, Fayette, - Somerset Washington, " " Pike Ruo, Clajsville, East Bethlehem, Monongahela Dawsou, Fayet.o City, So-nerset, Whalel.I', I'Inpawell, l\lcl~eeppcrt, California, " ., City, " " " " " " " " Pike Run, " " JO , ~lbert tt, Harvey e, Johnson .LS " Somerset, Greene, Dedf..'l'cl, A llegheny, 'Vashington, " " s; t. " " " " ., " " State. Pa. ~ord Eddie CraWl' , Chalfant, Harry Croch, W E Charleton, T J Carrel, Samuel E Carson, Noah Colebank, G C Cooper, A F Cooper, Walter nniDgham, J H ie, James ie, George rsie, Hazen Haven, James rsey, Cassius y, Ell S llolt, George W rth, J n en, John U S G " " " " " ,----- " " " her, Wm H OlV, Milton 0, Uaryey " , Ah-a. " " " " "., g Edgar g, Willie bIt', Elmer ith, 8 A B JoeP " " " " Jolin L In, Wm fI d, Edgar E d,AQ P. O. Address. Pike Run, Dunningsville, 'YashiugtoD, Garwood, Fnllo,,,field, Duukard, F'iatwood, Fayette City, Bell vernon, California, Count», " " Washington, " " " " " 'Y est Brownsville, Sparta, Masontown, Fayette, New Salem, " California, Washington, W est Alexander, " Turkey Foot, Somerset, RcdstT=-=E:n:~:s~r==~='I=~=; CA:.TFOTI:'\'IA, WASIIINGTONCOUNTY,PA, ==~=-O==I==UI==I==A==L=S=C==[=In=O=L=.==== SCLENCEs.-Geology, Chemistry, Zoology. General History, and Philosophy of History, Astronomy, l\lental and Moral Philosophy and Logic, ART3.-Teaching, lJrawing, Oratory and Music. --~ r•• pcrs for second diplomas must be presented to the Board of Exiuers at their regular session, 1. Each student over seventeen yem's of agc, who shall sign a paper larjng his intention to teach in the Common Schools of the State, .11 receive thc sum of FIFTY CF.~TSper ueel: towards defraying the . GRADUATION. Candidates for graduation in course, who receive the joint apprOYal of the Faculty of the Normal School and Board of Examiners, appointed by State authority, will receive Diplomas conferring the degrcc of BAcm,LoR OF THE ELElIIENTE,BACHELOROFTHESCIENCES, or BACHELOR OF THE CLASSIC~,respectively, on completing either course. Successful teachers of three years' experience, and twenty-one years of age, will also receive degrees on complying with the above conditions of examination. The Diploma exempts the holder from further examination for teaching by State authorities, The Degree of Master in each course will be conferred on the above named graduates of two years of successful experience succeeding first graduation, on certificate of good moral character from School Directors and County Superintendent under whom they have taught, Students can complete the several courses without attending consecutively, provided they take the required standing at examination, and satisfy the Faculty and Board of Examiners that' their skill and success in teaching and moral character warrant it. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS, Pupils applying for a diploma in any course must be examined in all the studies of that course, THESls.-In sional subject. each course a thesis must be written upon some profes- At examination, a paper stating that the candidates have completed the course of study for Normal Schools, have taught the required time in the Model School, and have been examined and approved by the . Faculty, shall be presented to the Board of Examiners. pensfs of tutitiou and boarding, 2. Each student oyer se!'enieen years of nge, who was disabled in the • ilary 01' naval service of the United States, or of Pennsylvania, or ose tether lost his life in said service, and who shall sign an agreent as above, sl1:111receive the sum of 0:'\'£ DOLLARper week. 3. Each student, who, 'I.1pOn g1'Oduating, shall sign an agreement (0 h in the Commou Schools of the State tleo full year!!, shall receive e sum of FJFTY DOLLARS, . 4. Any student to secure these benefits must attend (he school at tone term of twelve consecutive weeks, and receive instructions in e Theory of Teaching. ~ ,0U'm-W"TERN 'TATE >omHAL 'CHOOL_ ~ ~I~======== ~~=======C=A==Ll~F=o=n='~=-J=A='=W==A=Sll==IN='=G=T=O=~==C=O=U=~= I Ed ational reform w i.l come only through reformed teaching and u~ The teacher is the central agent of all education; a new be . . b ettcr s: hIS ' t.h'IS dc nobler order of teachers alon~ ca~ give 00 s. a III • b we aim more specifically to inspire every candidate for teaching t Dters this Institution with a love of and consccration to teachc We intend that this one grand, all-comprehending and unifying " now BESTTO TEACII,shall be paramount III . a II stuc1y, recitation .. 'criticism, and ill every branch of study; that every normal stut shall have daily professional instruction from the first of his e largc facilities for observation and practice in testing theory Il~quiring skill, and great freedom of individual opinion .and ~c, ,Ye do not expect or desire to graduate a stereotype uniformity ~chers, but to make, or help to makc, the most and best of each '"idnal candidate. I PLAN OF THE SCHOOL. The School is two-fold, comprising the Normal School proper and Model School, both thoroughly graded and together complementary to each other, and complete as a whole, furnishing an extensive COurse and every ad vantage for instruction found in first-class schools of cor. responding grades. The Principal has the general superintendency of each department of' both schools, and each instructor a special supervision of his own department. PROMINENT FEATURES. PROF.ESSIO~ALIXSTRUCTIO); is the crowning work of the Normal School. All other culture to the candidate for the sacred office of must, in OUl' ideal, minister to the royal graces and gilts that are peculiar to the true tcncher. Natural aptness to teach, scholarship in its best and broadest sense, eesthctic find social culture, a virtuous-a Christian character-all enter into and arc essential to the model teacher, and yet pO\l'er to use these gifts nud attainments skillfully and successully, as a true teacher, is a separate and high attainment. . "To teach id the noblest function OIl earth;" and to teach aright embraces rnd rcquires the mastery of one of the profoundest and sublimest of sciences, and one of the most elevated and refined of arts. As to gi vc is nobler than to get, so is teaching higher than acquiring knowledge. Not everyone that c.m acquire successful can impart knowledge with like success, Jo professional inslruction and training can make equally good teachers of equal scholars, The true teach. l' is "bol'll" and so called of God 10 teach, and yet be must be" made" iutelligcnt iu the science and skillful in the art ill order to utilize his gifts and wisely use his powers. ,Ve believe it to be the peculiar work of the Normal School, aftcr it has done what other first class schools do for general education. to inspire its students with professional enthusiasm, and iustruct and them in t he science and art of teaching. Thus, ill accomplishing Its own specific object the Normal 6ehool must necessarily compass a::Jlthe ends of other schools as subordinate ends to it. -- - - ~ OXO:UYOF TBIE.-No time is lost at the opening of a term. dents begin work on the first day of each term in all branches of y, get five full days of' regular recitations every week, and fortyminutes for each recitation. O~OMY OF EXPENSE.-The aggregate expenses of a student at school. are much less than at other schools of the same kind and k. ,y c invite cs] -ial attention in this particular, believing firmly t the expenses of' lcnts at this school are from one to two dollars week less than at her similar iustitutious. ITER.ARYSOCIETIES.-Not the least among the attractions of this 001 are the Philomathean and Clionian Societies, which have gro,'Ill ng and are well ostnblished organizations, serving in themselves as real force of culture. They arc full of life nu-l high aspirntions. ScuOL.\RSIIIP STA~DI~G,-'Vritten Reviews in each class, weekly bi-weck ly, furnish the basis of Each student has tho me chance with en)'y other, and is marked according to the merits his work. The average in each branch and general average ill all, n scale of lOt) fur each student, i:; made public at the end of each rm, and a record of the same is kept at the office of the Principal. I I I I , ~====S=O=U='1'=I=I-~W=E=' ' S='1'=E=' R=N=S='1'=A='1'=E=K=O=R=l\=IA=I=.=c=C=c~=O=-O~ i_=::==:==:::::C:A:L:r-F='-::::O=R':",-:::.=I=~.A-=':W:=.A:E=rr:=I=~==-:G=T=O:=~:=C:O:U:N:' HEALTH,-Students have special need of regular, methodic 1 'r "da soun nunc ' LiIII a sound body" a1 ph),,'01cal exercise The precept, • ""; ' . , las b too generally ignored. 'Ve propose that every student not s ' een . practice, ,ca I'ist Iieuics . or gymnastiCS. CIai'Iy, Inst, peclally excused will , . and careful , " d ence "1 . '11 1.' personal advice superinten uc given, in lllcl!OIl tl ' , , . . I Ie belief that good health IS a pnrne reqursite to meuta aud lUoral d . , e UCa. tion, THE INSTITUTE Socrz,r, PRIVILEG]~s.~Jn recitation rooms, chapel and parlor, in presence of instructors, students have all reasonable Opportullities for social culture. Believing that ladies and gentlemen are Illutllall benefitted in the wisely regulated freedom of each other's society,,,~ treat this as a department of education, and consider education incom_ pletc without social culture. MORAT. A~D RELIGIOUS CULTuim,-A State Normal School is in no sense (,1' pnrticular sectarian j still, it should be iu every and the best sense Christian ill all its influences and aims, The Bible is the best text book ill morals, It is read daily, taught in Sunday School classes, and expounded in religious meetings each week. Pastors and Christiau workers of all denominations arc cordially welcomed to fellowsliip in all rel igious exercises, MAXAGElIIENT.-The rules of the school arc few and simple. Selfcontrol is the ideal j self-help the habit sought. The intelligent COllception of duty and a quickened conscieuco will generally result in a cheerful, voluntary obedience. That government is best which seems to goyern least. RECAPITULATIO~,,",' e aim to make the following special poillts ill this school viz.: A harmonious aojustrnent of a gl aded school nnd , " ary iustrucelective course of study j great prominence to ngizht pJlm. 'I tion in both theory and practice j special care for health and phys.lcn , j vocal cu I't.ure JI1 cru I 'J y CI 1'1 '11' III EJ training of pupils • ocu tion 1 •and S!1lg• t ' cxpressiouiou nud y ing for all pupils. j ski .I I III nu exceu tiJOn III eyery \,1\1'1(' ',1 . t for <('C1.1 of su bjcct of work : large opportunities under propel' restrain ~. , prommerico " , bl e J(' ,1"IgJOl.ts ex:erclses; culture j special to regular and suita . ti. (S and universal test an d stan d ar d 0 f ECI1olarS32S3: iug and using fiL'e-:u'll13;in b:>i3tJl';)uS!le3s,scuffiiu;S or im;:ulite b:lhavior, 13, It is expected that the ladies and gel1tlem:m of the Institution will treat each other with politeness and usual ci viiitie:>; but ever} lady and gentleman is prohibited, on pain of dismission, from visiting the other sex or receiving visits, from holding private conversation or correspondence, and from walking or riding together, unless they have special permission from the Principal. At the close ot meetings of any kind, all will repair immediately to their respective rooms, 14. Gentlemen not connected with the School will not be permitted to call upon lady Students. 15. No visits will be allowed during study and recitation hours, 17. Gentlemen Students having sisters 01' other female relatives or friends ill the Institution. whom they wish to call upon, may receive from the Principal special perruission to do so at an appropriate. hour .: The Faculty, bclieviug the social influences of the sexes to be most salutary in the proper development or"character, will occasionally allow general and special parties for social enjoyment; but uo such parties will be held without the grant of the Faculty. l:.tion rcgt tt dormitories are also subject to the Faculty, at the houses of and all misconduct, of which tIC to make report, will be treated es of:h' d';"'plin,of Uw r",tilution. .~:i 19. :No meetings ?f s;udcnts, arc allowable uu less permission to ho~d lll has fro:n theV",Faculty , and no org:llH' • b~eu "Pl\)VWUS,yobtained • , e tion iut? S)?letlzs or ass icintions shall b) effected until a draft for e Constltut,LOn,and By-L3WS for tha shall have been approved. ret orgalllzatlOIlS for allY purpose will uot be allowed. 20. Pers~ns of immoral character, and young' men addicted to the of abU51\'e,profane or obscene language wid not be received, 8tuts whose sense of honor and propriety cannot be trusted ·'11 b di . d 'I wi o manly ISIl1l53e, hey 'rill a'so he sent away whenever ill 11 · 0 f Ih.e r.ucu It}", Iit I~ i evu'I ent that they arc pursuing a course of io ion uct detnmental to themselves and the Institution, • ?'ljecLi:>!lal b)~c;;: periodic ils and lle\rSi1ap:!I'S,found in the sion of Students, will ba withheld from them until their ' d epnrtI SCI1:>01, firom the • ,,,110willfully disobeys the rules b• E\'eI'Y Student ,.,. .es oftl or tuc I us tit1 U I'10:1 C PI'.G11lpt-y dismissed ; and if he leaves before the close IJf the on, Without hOllol'Ub~edismssion, or is deficient in punctuality or ent of ~l11€S, or 'per~lstelltly refuse to prepare his literary excror avoid cxnmiuatiou, Iris name will be marked ill the next anCAtalogue as a delinquent. ery Student who becomes a member of the Institution by atnee.I or enrollment ,aill th t ac t assents to t h ese rules and promises ' • gun cd by them, regulations ha.v c b een a d optecI a f tel' very careful consideraI w~t~:~;t ,~;uld ~~ the best fo:' the Institu tion and those coned ,he printed regulations are not a perfect cede. W hen necessary les will .' verbal IU'1es WI'II b e ae1ded ; and it is hoped that all eset 8S 16. No visiting allowed on Sunday. 18. Students rooming out of tde lar visitatiou by some member of families with whom they board; heads of such fumi.ics arc solicited COU'TY, PA. ~ I _ -=-=_~~-;.~~ t n d b recommeud themselves to the good sense of every • fn . he e ob3erved ill tl 10 same spirit . , III . which they arc givenude hi 01 t e highest good of all. • '!~1??38 ====~~~-=-~==~~~~ SOUTH-WESTERN STAT/: 1\OnM.\L scrroor., CALENDAR. 18-32-83. SCiI()OL YEAR of 42 weeks. Three terms. FALr. TERM op')os ;\[ontby, September 4, 1882. " " closes Fri.lny, December 22, 1882WnnER TERM opens Tuesday, January 2, 1883. c, " closes Friday, Maroh 23, 1883. EPRIXG " opens Monday, March 26, 1883. " closes, Thursday, June 28, 1883. 'VrXTEp. V A,C.\TWX of one week. SmnIE1~ " of eight weeks. Cox rnsr OF LITERAHY S)C[El'fES Wednesday, June 27th. CO~DIENCEME)lT Thursday, .Iunc 28, 1833. Lccaticr and TraYeling Facilities, This School is located at California, directly on the bank of the Monongahela, fifty miles by river from Pittsburg, accessible by packet from Pittsburg and other points on the river at all times, two or three boats passing daily each way. The Pitt-burg, Virginia and Charleston Railroad-now the Monongahelu branch of the Pennsylvania R. R.-runs several trains daily fl"0111 the Union Depot, Pittsburg, to and fr0111California, thus securing direct railroad commuuicatiou to and from the School. This road will be open to Uniontown ill 1882. A link of the 13. & O. R iilroad, now building between Washington, Pa., nud Connellsville, will cross the Mouongahela at Cal ifornia, and thus :l.ffJd railroad c.xuaiuaicatiou cast and west on the Iiue of thi3 road. Persons interested arc invited to co-respond with • GEO. P. BEARD, p'r;ncipal~ CALIFOP.:NU,Washington Ccuuty, Pn.. IL