ATHLETIC TRAINERS‟ PERCEPTION OF INTERVAL/INTERMITTENT TRAINING IN REHABILITATION A THESIS Submitted to the Faculty of the School of Graduate Studies and Research of California University of Pennsylvania in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science by Erin Schneider Research Advisor, Dr. Robert Kane California, Pennsylvania 2010 ii iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost I‟d like to thank my thesis chair, Dr. Robert Kane, and my graduate program director, Dr. Tom West. Thank you for your patience, time, and guidance during this entire process. Thank you also to my committee for your time and patience as well. To my roommates Sarah (Matera), Jenna(-er), and Meg(o): Thank you for being there and willing (or not so willing) to listen when it got rough and for putting up with the craziness this year. To my classmates: WE MADE IT! Finally! Ya‟ll rock and I‟ll miss you as we leave for our separate paths at the end of the year. The pool dates, the 30 minute “therapy session” rides to chipotle, being snowed in- twice-, Lagerhead Adventures and all the other fun times kept me motivated and laughing. To my parents and family: thank you for always being there and supporting me. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SIGNATURE PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii AKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES INTRODUCTION METHODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Research Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Subjects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Hypotheses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Data Analysis RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Demographic Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Hypothesis Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Additional Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Discussion of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 v REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 APPENDIX A: Review of Literature Introduction . . . . . . . . 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Interval Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Effects on VO2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Effects on Strength . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Intermittent Training . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Effects on VO2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Effects on Strength . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Overall Effectiveness of Interval/Intermittent Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 High Intensity versus Low Intensity Exercise . 35 Interval/Intermittent Training and Rehabilitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 APPENDIX B: The Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Definition of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Basic Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Limitations of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Significance of the Study. . . . . . . . . . . 43 APPENDIX C: Additional Methods . . . . . . . . . 45 vi Cover Letter (C1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Interval/Intermittent Training Method Survey (C2). . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Institutional Review Board (C3 . . . . . . . 54 NATA Student Survey Distribution Form (C4 ). . 68 Follow-Up Email (C5). . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Open-Ended Question Results (C6) . . . . . . 73 REFERENCES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 vii LIST OF TABLES Table Title 1 Distribution of Athletic Trainers‟ Credentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2 A 1 X 4 Chi Square Goodness of Fit Test to determine the distribution of athletic trainers‟ familiarity with interval/intermittent training methods 3 Page . . 12 Distribution of Benefits . . . . . . . . 16 1 INTRODUCTION Various forms of high-and low-intensity intermittent and interval training techniques have been studied and documented to have some sort of effectiveness in general fitness training. The terms “interval” and “intermittent” have become synonymous1 in that both have defined rest and work periods. What makes them different is that while interval training has “fixed” work and rest periods2, intermittent training work and rest rates are more varied (i.e. a 10 second run at 100% intensity, then rest, followed by a 20 second run at 130% intensity)3. Both, however, have been shown to have beneficial effects on muscular strength gains4,5 and aerobic capacity3,6. But what about in rehabilitation? There is very little to no research that explores the effectiveness of interval/intermittent training methods in rehabilitation protocols or even if athletic trainers use interval/intermittent training methods in those protocols. Often the goals of rehabilitation include maintaining the athlete‟s current conditioning and returning the athlete is as good of condition as they were prior to injury. This 2 often means maintaining their current aerobic capacity (VO2). Some goals also include muscular strength gains. These two goals are benefits of interval/intermittent training methods. If the benefits of interval/intermittent training match the goals of rehabilitation then it makes sense that these training methods could be beneficial in rehabilitation. The purpose of this study is to discover if athletic trainers utilize interval/intermittent training methods in their rehabilitation protocols and if they do to, how do they use them. 3 METHODS The primary purpose of this study was to discover if athletic trainers utilize interval or intermittent training in their rehabilitation protocols. the following subsections: This section includes research design, subjects, instruments, procedures, hypotheses, and data analysis. Research Design A descriptive design was used for this study. The independent variable was interval/intermittent training methods. The dependent variables were: athletic trainers‟ use of interval/intermittent training methods, how they used these methods (i.e. what kind of equipment did they use, what conditions they were treating using these methods, their goals for using interval/intermittent training methods, and what kind of timing/interval did they use), athletic trainers‟ perception of the benefits of interval/intermittent training in rehabilitation protocols, athletic trainers‟ familiarity of these training methods, and who used interval/intermittent training methods more- 4 athletic trainers‟ without additional certifications or athletic trainers with additional certifications (i.e. CSCS/CPT, PES, ACSM, EMT, etc.) Subjects Subjects included certified athletic trainers in District 2 of the National Athletic Trainers‟ Association (NATA), where N=952. District 2 encompasses athletic trainers located in Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York. Informed consent was implied by the completion of the survey as well as stated prior to the start of the survey. The District 2 secretary distributed the survey via email with a cover letter (Appendix C1) and direct link to the survey (Appendix C2). The survey was completed online; this allowed for respondents‟ email addresses within District 2 to remain confidential. Instrumentation An original survey was created by the researcher to determine if athletic trainers are familiar with interval or intermittent training methods and if they utilize those methods in rehabilitation protocols. The survey consisted 5 of five questions (Appendix C2). One question asked demographic information to determine if athletic trainers are in a setting that allows them to perform rehabilitation protocols while another asks what other credentials the athletic trainer holds. The rest of the questions asked athletic trainer‟s opinions on interval/intermittent training in terms of rehabilitation: how familiar are they (athletic trainers) with interval/intermittent training methods, if athletic trainers believe these training methods could be beneficial in rehabilitation, if they have used it before in rehab, and if they think they would use interval/intermittent training methods in their rehab protocols in the future. Utilizing the online survey program,, the data obtained from the survey was automatically collected by Survey Monkey and placed into a spreadsheet format for further analysis. Procedures Prior to distribution of the survey, a review of the survey was conducted using a panel of five experts from California University of Pennsylvania. This panel reviewed the survey and provided suggestions for improvements. The panel included five certified athletic trainers from the 6 graduate athletic training program. The researcher then applied for and obtained Institutional Review Board (Appendix C3) approval at California University of Pennsylvania. Permission from the NATA District 2 secretary to distribute the survey was applied for and received (Appendix C4). The survey was distributed by District 2 officials to certified athletic trainers in District 2 of the National Athletic Trainers‟ Association (NATA) with a cover letter stating the risks, benefits, and what the purpose of the survey is, as well as informed consent. The researcher was not allowed access to the email list of athletic trainers within District 2, therefore, the surveys remained anonymous. Athletic trainers invited to complete the survey were given two weeks to complete the survey. A follow-up email (Appendix C5) was sent as a reminder for the athletic trainers at the beginning of the second week of the survey distribution period. It stated to athletic trainers that if they have already taken the survey, they do not need to take it again. After the two week period, the survey closed and Survey Monkey automatically calculated the results and placed them in a spread sheet that could be accessed in SPSS 16.0. Data analysis was performed after the two week distribution period. 7 Hypotheses The following hypotheses are based off a review of the literature and the intuition of the researcher: 1. Certified Athletic Trainers will be shown to be vaguely familiar with interval/intermittent training methods. 2. The majority of certified athletic trainers will be shown to not use these training methods in their rehabilitation protocols. 3. Certified Athletic Trainers holding more than just the certification of an athletic trainer will be found to use these training methods in their rehabilitation protocols. 4. Certified Athletic Trainers holding a type of strength and conditioning credential will be found to use these interval/intermittent training methods. Data Analysis The level of significance was set as α ≤ 0.05. Hypothesis 1: A 1 (athletic trainer response) X 4 (familiarity with interval/intermittent training methods- 8 Very Familiar, Vaguely-somewhat Familiar, Not Very Familiar, Interval-what?) Chi Square Goodness of Fit Test was used to determine the distribution of athletic trainers familiarity with interval/intermittent training methods. Hypothesis 2: A descriptive analysis was performed to determine the percentage of athletic trainers who utilize interval/intermittent training methods in their rehabilitation protocols. Hypothesis 3: A 2 (athletic trainer‟s use of interval/intermittent training methods in rehabilitationyes/no) X 2 (athletic trainers‟ credentials- No Additional Credentials/ATC, Additional Credentials/ATC and other) Chi Square Test Of Independence was used to determine if athletic trainers with additional credentials were more likely to use interval/intermittent training methods. Hypothesis 4: A 2 (athletic trainer‟s use of interval/intermittent training methods in rehabilitationyes/no) X 2 (athletic trainers who have a fitness/strength and conditioning credential yes/no) Chi Square Test of Independence was used to determine if athletic trainers holding a type of strength and conditioning credential are 9 more likely to use interval/intermittent training methods in rehabilitation. If the athletic trainer held a credential from the ACSM, NSCA, or NASM or indicated that they held a personal training credential in the “other” category, then they were determined to have a “fitness/strength and conditioning credential”. 10 RESULTS The goal of this study was to determine if athletic trainers utilize interval/intermittent training techniques in rehabilitation and if they do, discover how they use these training techniques via survey. This section provides the results of the survey. Demographic Information Out of 952 surveys that were sent out, 131 certified athletic trainers responded, a 13.8% return. Of those certified athletic trainers that responded, 87% responded that they were in settings which allowed them to work with patients in terms of rehabilitation. The majority of those who responded work in a secondary (high school or middle school) setting at 37.12% or in a college setting at 32.6% of all responses. Other settings that the certified athletic trainers responded that they worked in included: academic appointments (program director/clinical instructor) at 4.54%, clinic (outpatient/Physical therapy/hospital) at 8.33%, professional sports at 3.79%, 11 clinical-high school at 5.30%, other clinical settings at 5.30%. Four athletic trainers responded that they worked in multiple settings (at 3.03%). The certified athletic trainers who responded had a mean of 11.6 ± 7.0 years of experience. Table 1 shows the distribution of athletic trainers‟ additional credentials. Table 1. Distribution of Athletic Trainers‟ credentials Credential Frequency Percentage ACSM (CPT, HFS, CES, 0 0% RCEP, CET, CIFT, PAPHS) NASM (PES, CES) 11 8.4% NSCA (CSCS, CPT) 8 6.1% PT/DPT 3 2.3% PTA 2 1.5% PA 1 0.8% None 77 58.8% Other 20 15.3% More than 1 Additional 9 6.9% Credential Hypothesis Testing The following hypotheses were tested in this study. All hypotheses were tested with a level of significance set at α ≤ 0.05 Hypothesis 1: A 1 (athletic trainer response) X 4 (familiarity with interval/intermittent training methodsvery familiar, vaguely-somewhat familiar, not very 12 familiar, interval-what?) Chi-Square goodness of fit test was used to determine the distribution of athletic trainers‟ familiarity with interval/intermittent training methods. A significant interaction was found (X2= 0.00, p< 0.05) (see Table 2). 53.4% of athletic trainers that responded to the survey indicated that they were “vaguelysomewhat familiar” with interval/intermittent training methods. Table 2. A 1 X 4 Chi Square Goodness of Fit Test to determine the distribution of athletic trainers‟ familiarity with interval/intermittent training methods. Familiarity Observed Percentage P Value Very Familiar 43 32.8 0.00 Vaguely-Somewhat 70 53.4 Familiar Not Very Familiar 15 11.6 Interval-what? 3 2.2 Hypothesis 2: A descriptive analysis was performed to determine the percentage of athletic trainers who utilize interval/intermittent training methods in their rehabilitations protocols. It was found that 44.3% of athletic trainers who responded to the survey have used interval/intermittent training methods in rehabilitation while 55.7% of athletic trainers did not. This supports the hypothesis two which stated that the majority of athletic trainers would not use interval/intermittent training methods in their rehabilitation protocols. 13 Hypothesis 3: A 2(athletic trainer‟s use of interval/intermittent training methods in rehabilitationyes/no) X 2 (Athletic Trainers‟ credentials- No Additional Credentials/ATC, Additional Credentials/ATC and other) Chi Square Test of Independence was used to determine if athletic trainers with additional credentials were more likely to use interval/intermittent training methods. No significant relationship was found (X2= .069, p> 0.05). Hypothesis 4: A 2 (athletic trainer‟s use of interval/intermittent training methods in rehabilitationyes/no) X 2 (athletic trainer‟s fitness/strength and conditioning credential- yes/no) Chi Square Test of Independence was used to determine if athletic trainers holding a type of strength and conditioning credential were more likely to use interval/intermittent training methods in rehabilitation. No significant relationship was found (X2=.078, p> 0.05). Additional Findings In addition to the hypothesis testing, athletic trainers were asked that if they used interval/intermittent training in their rehabilitation protocols to describe how 14 they used it. Appendix C6 lists the responses to these open-ended questions. Thirty-two point eight percent or 19 out of 58 athletic trainers mentioned that they used interval/intermittent training methods to rehabilitate ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injuries. Other injuries that the athletic trainers responded that they treated using interval/intermittent training methods included: sprains, strains, stress fractures/stress reactions, anterior/lateral compartment syndrome, Achilles Tendon problems, hip labral tears, and shin splints (Appendix C6). Most athletic trainers responded that the goal of the interval/intermittent training that they used were to “improve overall fitness”, improve aerobic capacity, strength, endurance, and to prepare athletes to return to play. For goals that were not met, athletic trainers stated that it was due to poor patient compliance, pain, and no improvement in the patient/athlete‟s speed (Appendix C6). Athletic trainers who utilized interval/intermittent training methods reported to use stationary bikes, treadmills, elliptical, slideboards, jump ropes, BOSUTM , swiss/physio balls, tracks (400 m), medicine balls, weight machines, Pilates, swimming pools, TherabandsTM, plyo-boxes, DynadisksTM, kettlebells, versa climbers, BAPS board 15 (Biomechanical ankle platform system), etc (Appendix C6). The interval/intermittent training work: rest ratios that athletic trainers reported using were: 1:2 up to 1:5, 2:1 at 70% of HR max, fast/slow and high/low intensity, Tabata training (4 minutes of 20 seconds on/work followed by 10 seconds off/rest), and 3:l. Most did not specify the specific intensity/time interval/ rest: work/ work: rest ratio. Athletic trainers were asked if they believed interval/intermittent training was beneficial and if so, why or why not. Of the athletic trainers who responded, 93.9% felt that these training methods are beneficial in rehabilitation protocols. The athletic trainers indicated which benefits they believed interval/intermittent training had on rehabilitation. Table 3 indicates the distribution of benefits of the athletic trainers‟ responses. 16 Table 3. Distribution of Benefits Benefit Muscular Strength Aerobic Capacity/VO2 Improvement Balance/Coordination Improvement Improved Proprioception Muscular Endurance Improvement Improved Speed Improved Agility Greater ROM Improved Running/Walking Gait Other Frequency 70 93 46 50 94 63 54 26 26 7 Athletic trainers also asked if they would ever use interval/intermittent training methods in their rehabilitation protocols in the future; 89.3% indicated that they would. They were asked to expand as to why they would or would not use the training methods; answers included, “they work”, required limited amounts of time, it was more sport specific, and helped preventing deconditioning of the athlete. can be found in Appendix C6. A complete list of responses 17 DISCUSSION The following section included: 1) Discussion of Results, 2) Conclusions and 3) Recommendations. Discussion of Results This study focused on discovering if certified athletic trainers used interval/intermittent training methods in their rehabilitation protocols, and if they did, how. The primary findings of this study were that the majority of certified athletic trainers, at 55.7%, did not use interval training in their rehabilitation protocol. This supports hypothesis two. In terms of hypothesis three, of the athletic trainers that did have an additional credential other than certified athletic trainer, 53.7% responded they did use interval/intermittent training while 46.3% did not. Of the athletic trainers that did not hold an additional credential, 37.7% did use interval/intermittent training while 62.3% did not. Of all athletic trainers that did respond to the survey, 22.1% of athletic trainers held an 18 additional credential and used interval training. Hypothesis three stated that certified athletic trainers holding more than just the certification of an athletic trainer will be found to use these training methods in their rehabilitation protocols. While this study did in fact find that 22.1% of athletic trainers that responded to the survey held an additional credential and used interval/intermittent training methods in rehabilitation, it is not considered to be significant given that P=0.069. It was also found that 22.1% of athletic trainers that responded to the survey did not have additional credentials but did use interval/intermittent training methods in rehabilitation. This is interesting because these results show that having an additional credential in general does not necessarily predict if the athletic trainer will use these training methods in rehabilitation. In addition, this study found that of those athletic trainers that held a type of strength and conditioning credential, 58.6% responded that they do use these training methods in rehabilitation while 41.4 do not. Of the athletic trainers that do not hold a type of strength and conditioning credential, 40.2% responded that they do use these training methods while 59.8% do. Overall, 13% of all athletic trainers that responded both held a type of 19 strength and conditioning credential and used interval/intermittent training methods in rehabilitation. While this supports hypothesis three, it was not found to be significant because P=.078. It is important to note however that while the findings were found to not be significant, trends were still found. For example, 46.6% of all athletic trainers that responded to the survey did not hold a type of strength and conditioning credential and did not use interval/intermittent training methods. This makes sense because athletic trainers holding an additional strength and conditioning credential theoretically have more education in areas that include sport performance, improving fitness, strength training, etc., and interval/intermittent training methods fall into those areas, so those athletic trainers that do not have that additional credential are likely to not have that additional education and therefore would be less likely to use these training methods. It is also unexpected that this survey found that of all the athletic trainers that responded, the majority (at 31.3%) did not have an additional strength and conditioning credential but did use interval/intermittent training methods in their rehabilitation protocols. This means that having a type of strength and conditioning credential does not necessarily 20 predict whether an athletic trainer will or will not use these training methods. The additional findings were especially interesting in this study. 32.8% of athletic trainers that responded to the question of what conditions they treated using interval/intermittent training responded that they treated ACL reconstruction surgery. When the researcher went back to the literature, there was no research indicating that ACL reconstruction surgery could benefit from this form of training method. Literature that indicated that interval/intermittent training showed benefits in gait training, or increase/improve ranges of motion was also very limited. There is some indication that interval training can be beneficial to sport specific proprioception. In a study using the Canadian Curling Team, Behm found that interval training was beneficial to decrease the propriceptive fatigue the curlers experience during a game/match.7 Quite a few responses indicated that athletic trainers‟ have use interval/intermittent training in rehabilitation to help with the return to play process. This is supported by a study by Axe, Windley, and SnyderMackler. In their study, they found that interval throwing programs helped the return to play youth to college baseball players who suffered injuries.8 21 The data that was collected, though mostly insignificant, shows a need for further research. Interval/intermittent training methods can be a useful tool to athletic trainers who play an integral role in an athlete‟s rehabilitation process. It is important for athletic trainers to share ideas and methods so that rehabilitation never becomes stagnant. Conclusions After reviewing the results of the study, it is concluded that the majority of the surveyed athletic trainers are vaguely-somewhat familiar with interval/intermittent training methods. The majority of surveyed athletic trainers also did not utilize these training methods in their rehabilitation protocols. While shown as insignificant, athletic trainers holding more than just the credential of an athletic trainer were found to utilize these training methods the same as those who do not have an additional credential. Athletic trainers who hold a type of strength and conditioning credential were not more likely to utilize these training methods than those athletic trainers who did not have the additional credential. However, those 22 athletic trainers that did not hold the additional strength and conditioning credential were less likely to utilize interval/intermittent training methods. Recommendations Further research recommendations for this study include determining if interval/intermittent training methods create beneficial effects in terms of gait training and improving joint ranges of motion. This would give valid support to those athletic trainers who responded to the survey indicating that these training methods benefited these areas of rehabilitation. Another possible area for additional research is to explore the validity that ACL reconstruction surgeries truly benefit from interval/intermittent training. It would also be beneficial to research the exact effects that interval/intermittent training has on propriception and balance. It is recommended that further education on the concepts of interval/intermittent training be introduced in entry level athletic training education programs and strength and conditioning classes. 23 REFERENCES 1. Daniels J, Scardina N. Interval training and performance. Sports Med. 1984; 1(4): 327-334. 2. Berger NJA, Tolfrey K, Williams AG, Jones AM. Influence of continuous and interval training on oxygen uptake on-kinetics. Med Sci Sport Exer. 2006; 38(3): 504-512. 3. Nourry C, Deruelle F, Guinhouya C, Baquet G, Fabre C, Bart F, Berthoin S, Mucci P. High-intensity intermittent running training improves pulmonary function and alters exercise breathing pattern in children. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2005; 94(4): 415-423. 4. Buresh R, Berg K, French J. The effect of resistive exercise rest interval on hormonal response, strength, and hypertrophy with training. J Strength Cond Res. 2009; 23(1): 62-71. 5. Wernborn M, Augustsson J, Thomee R. The influence of frequency, intensity, volume and mode of strength training on whole muscle cross-sectional area in humans. Sports Med. 2007; 37(3): 225-264. 6. Dolgener FA, Brookes WB. The effects of interval and continuous training on VO2 max and performance in the mile run. J Sport Med Phys Fit. 1978; 18(4): 345- 352. 7. Behm DG. Periodized training program of the Canadian Olympic Curling Team. Strength Cond J. 2007; 29(3): 24-31. 8. Axe M, Windley TC, Snyder-Mackler L. Data-based interval throwing programs for baseball position players from age 13 to college level. J Sport Rehabil. 2001; 10(4): 267-286. 24 APPENDICES 25 APPENDIX A Review of Literature 26 REVIEW OF LITERATURE Introduction Various strength and conditioning training techniques are used by active populations for a variety of reasons. These reasons, or goals, can vary from athletes wanting to improve performance to an untrained individual merely wanting to get in shape. Often, interval training or intermittent training techniques are used by active populations to achieve their goals. Research studies have documented the effectiveness of basic forms of interval1-8 or intermittent9-15 training in areas of endurance and strength, however, research is limited in the use of interval/intermittent training methods in rehabilitation. The purpose of this review is to discuss the current research on interval and intermittent training methods and how they relate to rehabilitation. This will be accomplished by examining the research on interval training, intermittent training, and the effects each has on strength and aerobic capacity (VO2). 27 Interval Training Definition Interval training can be defined as exercise that is performed during pre-determined amounts of time (fixed work rates), with set, or fixed, rest periods in between exercise bouts.1,2 For example, Berger et al. performed research using interval training methods. Subjects were divided into three groups: two training groups and one control group. One training group went through a continuous training program of 30 minute exercise bouts at 60% of their VO2 peak. The other training group went through an interval training program of 20 one-minute exercise bouts at 90% of their VO2 peak, each exercise bout separated by one-minute of rest. In this study, the defined fixed work rate for exercise was one minute and the fixed resting period was also one minute. In an interval training study performed by Helgerud et al., four training groups were used, with two performing interval training. One interval training group had a fixed work and rest interval of 15 minutes each, while the second interval training group had a fixed work rate of 4 minutes and a fixed resting period of 3 minutes.3 It is the researcher‟s discretion to determine what the interval 28 resting and work rates will be. It is important to note that the difference between interval training and intermittent training is that interval training work and rest periods are consistent where as the training and rest periods during intermittent training can be varied. A more thorough definition of intermittent training will be discussed later. Effects on VO2 In past studies, interval training has been shown to improve aerobic capacity (VO2). Using untrained, healthy subjects, Dolgener et al. found the average improvement in the 1 mile run was higher for the interval training group in their study. Both their control group and interval training group exercised 3 days/week for 50 minutes/day. The control group participated in a continuous exercise regimen while the interval training group participated in 220 yard runs at maximum speeds with 220 yard walks in between.4 In a separate study, it was stated that in well trained cyclists, increases or improvements in ventilation thresholds, time trials, VO2 peaks, and resting levels of pulmonary ventilation were found with the use of varied types of interval training5. 29 Using moderately trained male athletes, Helgerud et al. found that the two interval training groups were shown to have greater improvements in VO2 compared to the continuous training groups. One interval training group exercised at a 15/15 interval: 15 seconds of running at 9095% of their heart rate max, followed by 15 seconds of walking (recovery). The other interval training group exercised at a 4-minute interval: 4 minutes of running at 90-95% of their heart rate max followed by 3 minutes of walking (recovery), done 4 times. In conclusion, it seems as though no matter how long the specific interval, interval training in general affects positively on VO2. Effects on Strength While studies are limited, some research does support the idea that interval training can be used in resistive training resulting in improved strength gains. In a study by Burest et al., 12 untrained men were divided into two different interval groups. Group 1 exercised at a 1 minute rest interval while group 2 exercised at a 2.5 minute rest interval. Each group exercised for 10 weeks with both groups participating in a resistive training program that consisted of 3 sets. The intensity was set to where the third set resulted in failure. Initially, group 1 showed 30 greater improvements, but by the end of the 10 weeks of training the difference disappeared. Both groups showed similar decreases in fat-mass and increases in lean body mass. In another study, 20 firemen participated in a 10 week interval running and circuit weight training program7. Significant changes in body composition and strength were found which had the potential to decrease fire department recruitment dropout rates. Increases in strength using interval training had not been limited to males. In a study by Hill-Haas et al, women were also found to improve in strength gains. 18 women were randomly assigned a group. Group one participated in a resistive training program with 20 second rest intervals, and group 2 participated in resistive training with 80 second rest intervals. The results showed greater improvements in strength in group one.8 While studies are limited in their scope of research in regards to strength gains and the use of interval training, there are a few studies that have shown basic improvements in untrained men and women. Further research is necessary to determine if interval training is effective for trained individuals or elite athletes. 31 Intermittent Training Definition Intermittent training is often interchanged with interval training9. Both are alike in that the actual configuration (intensity, mode, duration, etc) is to the researcher‟s discretion. There are no predefined boundaries or values to which intermittent or interval training are performed. Also, both consist of a rest period and a work period (time in which exercise is performed). Though very similar in nature, intermittent training is more varied in its structure. While interval training consists of fixed work rates and resting intervals (specific “start” and “stop” times) intermittent training often has varied worked rates at varying intensities. For example, in a study by Nourry et al., the work rate consisted of run periods that lasted 10 or 20 seconds with intensities varying from 100% to 130% of the participant‟s maximum aerobic speed. The maximum aerobic speed was determined by a 20 meter shuttle run test that the participant ran prior to training10. Intermittent training is also considered to be more sport-specific in nature compared to interval training. Sports like soccer and hockey, where athletes usually never 32 start and stop at specific times, are considered more intermittent in nature11,12. For example, during a soccer game, it is not likely that a soccer player will run at 90% of their maximum aerobic capacity (or sprint) for one minute and jog (or rest) for two minutes and repeat that process (i.e. interval training). It is more likely that a soccer player may sprint for 30 seconds, stop for 10, jog for 20 seconds, and go back to a sprint for 15 seconds (i.e. intermittent training). Effects on VO2 Research has indicated that intermittent training can be effective in improving aerobic capacity (VO2). Nourry et al. found that prepubescent childrens‟ pulmonary function was greatly improved in their intermittent test group as compared to their control, non-training group10. In a separate study, it was found that when subjects were put through a supra-maximal exercise regimen, VO2 was improved as well and participants were able to exercise longer compared to the amount of time the participants were able to exercise prior to the exercise regiment13. 33 Effects on Strength While there is not a lot of research indicating that strength is affected by intermittent training, it can be assumed that due to the similar characteristics between interval training and intermittent training, intermittent training may have similar effects on strength compared to interval training. In a systematic review on intensity, duration, and types of training that influenced strength gains, it was concluded that most studies of significance held that a frequency of 3 days/week with a wide range of intensities were all shown to produce increases in crosssectional areas of muscle.14 Multiple sets of an exercise (more than 2) were also concluded to increase crosssectional areas of muscle and therefore increase a subject‟s strength14. It can then be theorized that as long as the intermittent strength training consists of at least three days of training per week for at least two weeks and each exercise is performed with more than two sets at intensities closer to the subject‟s maximum repetition (1 RM), some sort of strength improvement will be made. 34 Overall Effectiveness of Interval/Intermittent Training In general, interval/intermittent training has been found to be effective in improving sport performance16-18 as well as performance on the job7,19. A study performed by Krustrup et al., indicated that sport specificity- training that closely resembles the actual sport- is important to improve performance. This was found especially important for sports like soccer; Krustrup et al. found that due to the high-intensity and intermittent nature of the sport, the training ought to reflect that same nature16. Studies have also indicated that interval/intermittent training can be beneficial to other high-intensity or intermittent sports. For swimmers, interval training has shown to improve a swimmer‟s maximum aerobic speed17, overall work load, and VO217. Improvements in VO2, ventilation thresholds, and time trials were found in welltrained cyclists who were put through an interval training program5. Interval/intermittent training have also proved beneficial to the work force. As mentioned before, firemen who were put through an interval training regimen were found to have improved strength and body composition7. In a separate study by Marcinik et al., shipmen were divided 35 into two groups: group one consisted of a circuit/continuous running program while group two consisted of a circuit/interval running program. It was found that both improved the mens‟ fitness but in areas of certain muscular endurance, greater improvements were seen with the interval training program19. Both interval training and intermittent training have been determined to be valid forms of training. Research has shown that both can produce desirable effects in regards to fitness and performance. High Intensity versus Low Intensity Exercise It is important to understand that different kinds of training can influence different kinds of changes, and therefore it is important to understand the kinds of changes that are trying to be influenced in this study. In terms of training, intensity can play a vital role in determining what kind of fitness is achieved (i.e. strength versus endurance). Studies vary their definitions as to what exactly determines an exercise as high or low intensity. One study determined a high intensity at 80-85% of the subject‟s VO2 maximum and a low intensity at 45% of the subject‟s VO2 maximum.20 Other studies have determined 36 high-intensity exercise to be at 125-170% of a subject‟s VO2 maximum13, 15 or 80-95% of a subject‟s heart rate maximum.3 No matter the specific definitions of high- and lowintensity exercise, it is generally agreed that high intensity exercise influences more of the body‟s anaerobic systems, and low-intensity exercise influences more of the body‟s aerobic energy systems.13, 15, 30 Research has also found that there is some cross over in regards to high- and low- intensity training. In a study performed by Tanaka and Swensen (1998), swimmers who performed a sport-specific resistive training (high intensity) program along with their swimming regimen (low intensity) were found to have improved their velocity in the water.21 The study also indicated that general resistive training in conjunction with aerobic training benefited performance with cyclists and runners.21 This crossover between anaerobic and aerobic energy systems is due to the fact that the body never shuts off one system completely when the other is being worked.22,23 Without going into an in-depth explanation into the physiology of the body and to put it simply, once the energy has been tapped out of the anaerobic energy system, the body then takes from the aerobic energy system or vice 37 versa.22,23,24 In this study, even though the training regiment is high-intensity in nature and therefore anaerobic, it is expected that there will be some cross over effect due to the mechanisms mentioned. Interval/Intermittent Training and Rehabilitation Interval or intermittent training methods are not well documented in rehabilitation protocols. This could be due to the fact that often, rehabilitation protocols are up to the health care practitioner‟s- physical therapists, athletic trainers, etc- imagination or creativity. This makes it hard to document all of the rehabilitation exercises or protocols that athletic trainers use, especially when often exercises that are documented are called different things in different regions. While there remains little documentation or evidence of interval/intermittent training methods in rehabilitation protocols, there is some evidence that interval/intermittent training can prevent injuries.25 In one study on Australian football players, it was found that those who had participated in an aerobic interval training program sustained fewer hamstring tears than those who did not.26 In another study performed with soccer players, 38 researchers found that the intermittent nature of soccer causes an increase in fatigue in the hamstrings due to the constant changes in speed and that eccentric strength is not reacquired during the resting state of the half time interval.27 It was therefore suggested that eccentric hamstring strength at high speeds along with resistance exercises in a fashion that would resemble soccer specific and game specific patterns (i.e. a type of intermittent training) should be a part of the conditioning program for soccer players.27 It is logical to think that if there is evidence that states that interval/intermittent training can prevent injury, then interval/intermittent training can be beneficial in rehabilitation. So the question of this study is this: if interval/intermittent training methods have been shown to have beneficial effects in strength and endurance training as well as beneficial effects in the prevention of some types of injuries, could interval/intermittent training methods also be beneficial in the treatment (i.e. in the rehabilitation) of injuries? 39 Summary Research has shown that interval/intermittent training methods can be effective in terms of muscular strength gains6,7,14 and improvements in aerobic capacity4,5,10. However, there is little to no evidence that explores if interval/intermittent training methods have been used in rehabilitation protocols. From an athletic trainer‟s point of view, it is often the goal of later stages of rehabilitation to make sure that the athlete is as strong as they (the athlete) were prior to the injury, if not stronger or in better shape. This means that muscular strength gains and improved aerobic capacity are often sought. If the goals of rehabilitation are the same as the beneficial effects of interval/intermittent training, why not use these training methods in rehabilitation? It is therefore the purpose of this study to discover if athletic trainers utilize interval or intermittent training in their rehabilitation protocols. 40 APPENDIX B The Problem 41 THE PROBLEM Statement of the Problem Various forms of high-and low-intensity intermittent training techniques have been studied and documented to have some sort of effectiveness in general fitness training. But what about in rehabilitation? There is very little to no research that explores the effectiveness of interval/intermittent training methods in rehabilitation protocols or even if athletic trainers use interval/intermittent training methods in those protocols. Often the goal of a rehabilitation protocol is to increase range of motion, increase muscular strength/endurance, etc. Interval/intermittent training methods have been shown to have beneficial effects in terms of muscular strength gains6,7,14 and improvements in aerobic capacity4,5,10. So if interval/intermittent training methods have already been shown to have improvements in the same goals as rehabilitation, why not use interval/intermittent training methods in those protocols? That is the purpose of this study: to discover if athletic trainers use interval/intermittent training methods in their rehabilitation protocols and if so, how. 42 Definition of Terms To have a better understanding of this study, it is necessary to operationally define some terms. These terms are used throughout the study and will be defined as they pertain to this study: 1. Untrained: individuals who have are not currently or just started training for less than two months. 2. Rehabilitation Protocol: prescribed exercises given to a patient/client/athlete to improve neuromuscular function after an injury 3. Strength: the maximal force a muscle/muscle group can generate at a specified velocity.22 4. Aerobic Capacity: also known as VO2 max (maximal oxygen uptake); the greatest amount of oxygen that can be used at the cellular level of the body. It is the most accepted and widely used measure of cardio-respiratory fitness. 22 Basic Assumptions The following are basic assumptions that the researcher is making: 1. Readers of this study have a basic knowledge of exercise physiology and energy systems. 43 2. The subjects will answer honestly and to the best of their knowledge. 3. The survey will have face validity after review by a panel of experts. 4. Subjects will not receive outside help from any other individual or from an outside source on any question. Limitations of the Study The following are possible limitations of the study: 1. The response rate of the survey could be low due to busy schedules of the athletic trainers. 2. As with all anonymous surveys, answers may not be answered honestly by the subjects. 3. Incorrect names or email addresses of certified athletic trainers could be included in the list serve. Significance of the Problem Athletic trainers should have basic knowledge of interval/intermittent training methods, however, whether they use-or thought to use- these methods is the question. Athletic trainers are always in search of new or different ways to make their rehabilitation protocols creative and less monotonous. Based off the intuition of the researcher, it is believed that most athletic trainers have not thought 44 to use interval/intermittent training methods in later stages of rehabilitation. It is important to explore why athletic trainers have chosen to not use these methods because using interval/intermittent training methods can be useful and beneficial to the athlete. It is also important to explore how athletic trainers do use these training methods because for some, especially those newly certified, it may never cross their minds that interval/intermittent training methods can be used in rehabilitation. To put it simply, it is important to share ideas, especially good ideas. An athletic trainer can never have too many options in terms of ideas for rehabilitation. 45 APPENDIX C Additional Methods 46 APPENDIX C1 Cover Letter 47 2/25/2010 Dear Fellow Certified Athletic Trainer: My name is Erin Schneider and I am currently a graduate student at California University of Pennsylvania pursing a Master of Science in Athletic Training. Part of the graduate study curriculum is to complete a research thesis through conducting research. I am conducting survey research to determine if athletic trainers use interval or intermittent training techniques in their rehabilitation protocols. The goal of the information provided in the survey is to share ideas as to how other athletic trainers have used interval/intermittent training methods in their rehabilitation protocols. Certified athletic trainers’ in the National Athletic Trainers’ Association District 2 are being asked to participate; however, your participation is voluntary and you do have the right to choose not to participate. You also have the right to discontinue participation at any time during the survey completion process at which time your data will be discarded. The California University of Pennsylvania Institutional Review Board has reviewed and approved this project. The approval is effective 03/04/10 and expires 03/04/11. All survey responses are anonymous and will be kept confidential, and informed consent to use the data collected will be assumed upon return of the survey. Aggregate survey responses will be housed in a password protected file on the CalU campus. Minimal risk is posed by participating as a subject in this study. I ask that you please take this survey at your earliest convenience as it will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. If you have any questions regarding this project, please feel free to contact the primary researcher, Erin Schneider at You can also contact the faculty advisor for this research, Dr. Robert Kane ATC, PT at 724-938-4562 or Thanks in advance for your participation. Please click the following link to access the survey Thank you for taking the time to take part in my thesis research. I greatly appreciate your time and effort put into this task. Sincerely, Erin Schneider ATC, CSCS Primary Researcher California University of Pennsylvania 250 University Ave California, PA 15419 (571)228-0886 48 Appendix C2 Interval/Intermittent Training Method Survey 49 1. Informed Consent 33% Purpose of this study: to discover athletic trainers’ perception of interval/intermittent training methods in rehabilitation protocols. Procedure: You will be asked to answer a series of questions regarding your opinion on interval/intermittent training methods. No identifying characteristics will be asked of you. Duration: 10-15 minutes Confidentiality: Your participation as well as the information you provide in the survey will be kept confidential. All answers to the survey will be anonymous in that identifiers will not be used in the data collected. Your confidentiality will be kept to the degree permitted by the technology used. No guarantees can be made regarding the interception of data sent via the Internet by any third parties. Right to ask questions: Please contact Erin Schneider at (571)228-0886 or at or Dr. Robert Kane at or at (724)938-4562 with any questions or concerns regarding the study. Participation: Participation is completely voluntary. If you wish to not finish, or not answer any of the questions, simply close the browser. There will be no penalty for discontinuing participation in the study and the information you did provide will be discarded. Risks and Benefits: There is no anticipated risk nor benefit to you by participation in this study. It is implied that if you click NEXT, you have read the above information and are agreeing to the informed consent. If you DO NOT wish to participate in the study, simply close out of the browser. Next 50 2. Survey 67% * 1. Are you in a setting that allows you to work with (in terms of rehabilitation) patients/clients/athletes? Yes No * 2. Indicate which kind of setting you PRIMARILY work in: Secondary School (high school/middle school) College/University Dual Appointment (clinical/teaching) Academic appointment (i.e. Program director/ clinical coordinator, professor, etc) Occupational /Industrial/ Business Clinic (Outpatient/Physical Therapy/ Hospital) Professional Sports Youth Sports Military Clinical-High School Other (please specify) * 3. How long have you been a Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC)? In years * 51 4. What other certifications do you have? ACSM NASM CSCS/CPTPT/DPT (CPT, (PES, HFS, CES, CES) RCEP, CET, CIFT, PAPHS) PTA PA None Other (please specify) * 5. How would you rank your familiarity with interval/intermittent training? Very familiar Vaguely-somewhat familiar Not very Familiar Interval-what? * 6. Do you feel that interval/intermittent training can be beneficial in a rehabilitation protocol? Yes No 7. If you said “yes” please indicate which you feel is a potential benefit (Mark all that apply): Muscular strength gains Aerobic Capacity/VO2 improvement Balance/Coordination improvement Improved proprioception Muscular endurance improvements Improved speed Improved agility Greater Ranges of Motion Improved Running/Walking Gait 52 Other (please specify) * 8. Have you used interval or intermittent training in a rehabilitation protocol? Yes No If you said “yes” please answer questions 9-15. If you said “no” please skip to question 16. 9. What injury/condition(s) were you treating? 10. For each injury/condition that you listed, what was the goal of the rehabilitation protocol that utilized interval/intermittent training? (i.e. improving aerobic capacity/fitness, increase strength, increase ROM etc.) 11. For each condition, did you achieve the stated goal? Yes No 12. For each condition/injury that you did NOT achieve the stated goal, please describe why the goal was not achieved: 13. What kind(s) of equipment did you utilize in each case? (i.e. bike, BOSU, treadmill, swiss ball, etc.) 14. What kind of interval/intermittent training technique did you use in each case? (i.e. rest: work interval, intensity: time interval, etc) 53 15. What were the specifics of your interval/intermittent training technique that are not already mentioned above? * 16. Do you feel you would ever use interval/intermittent training methods in your rehab protocols in the future? Yes No Why or Why not? Prev Next 54 Appendix C3 Institutional Review Board 55 Proposal Number Date Received PROTOCOL for Research Involving Human Subjects Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval is required before beginning any research and/or data collection involving human subjects (Reference IRB Policies and Procedures for clarification) Project Title Athletic Trainers’ Perspective of Interval/Intermittent Training in Rehabilitation Researcher/Project Director Erin Schneider Phone # 571-228-0886 E-mail Address Faculty Sponsor (if required) Dr. Robert Kane Department Health Science Project Dates January 1, 2010 to December 1, 2010 Sponsoring Agent (if applicable) Project to be Conducted at California University of Pennsylvania, Herron Hall Project Purpose: Thesis Research Class Project Keep a copy of this form for your records. Other 56 Please attach a typed, detailed summary of your project AND complete items 2 through 6. 1. Provide an overview of your project-proposal describing what you plan to do and how you will go about doing it. Include any hypothesis(ses)or research questions that might be involved and explain how the information you gather will be analyzed. For a complete list of what should be included in your summary, please refer to Appendix B of the IRB Policies and Procedures Manual. The purpose of this study is to discover if athletic trainers utilize interval/intermittent training methods in their rehabilitation protocols. Subjects will include certified athletic trainers in the National Athletic Trainers' Association District 2- PA, NJ, NY, and DE- where N=1000. The study will utilize a survey (attached) and it will be distributed electronically through Survey Monkey. The District 2 secretary will distribute the survey to the athletic trainers so that athletic trainers who participate will remain anonymous and confidential. In the distributing email, a cover letter (attached) is attached stating the purpose, risk, benefits, researcher contact information, a direct link to the survey, and other information pertaining to the study. Upon clicking on the link in that cover letter, the first page the subject will see is an informed consent (attached) that again states the risks, benefits, researcher information, the rights of the subject, etc. By clicking "next" and completing the survey, informed consent will be implied. The subject can also close out of the browswer to exit out of the survey. The following hypotheses will be addressed in the survey: 1. Certified Athletic Trainers will be shown to be vaguely familiar with interval/intermittent training methods 2. The majority of certified athletic trainers will be shown to not use these training methods in their rehabilitation protocols 3. Certified Athletic trainers holding more than just the certification of an athletic trainer will be found to use these training methods in their rehabilitation protocols 4. Certified Athletic Trainers holding more than just the certification of an athletic trainer will find more benefits in the usage of interval/intermittent training methods The survey will address these hypotheses by asking if the Certified Athletic Trainer: what other certifications the subjects holds, if they use interval/intermittent training methods in their rehabilitation protocols, if they do, how have they used it, and if they find these training methods beneficial, and if so, what benefits. (The survey is attached). 2. Section 46.11 of the Federal Regulations state that research proposals involving human subjects must satisfy certain requirements before the IRB can grant approval. You should describe in detail how the following requirements will be satisfied. Be sure to address each area separately. a. How will you insure that any risks to subjects are minimized? If there are potential risks, describe what will be done to minimize these risks. If there are risks, describe why the risks to participants are reasonable in relation to the anticipated benefits. All subject responses will remain anonymous. All responses are the opinion of the subjects. 57 b. How will you insure that the selection of subjects is equitable? Take into account your purpose(s). Be sure you address research problems involving vulnerable populations such as children, prisoners, pregnant women, mentally disabled persons, and economically or educationally disadvantaged persons. If this is an in-class project describe how you will minimize the possibility that students will feel coerced. All subjects will be volunteers and over the age of 18. No vulnerable populations will be sought out. c. How will you obtain informed consent from each participant or the subject’s legally authorized representative and ensure that all consent forms are appropriately documented? Be sure to attach a copy of your consent form to the project summary. Each subject will be emailed with an informational cover letter stating the purpose, risks, and benefits of the study. By completing the survey, informed consent is implied, however the first page of the survey is an informed consent form where the purpose, who's asked to participate, the benefits, risks, researcher contact information, etc, is again stated and the subject is required to click "next" to continue on to the survey or close out of the browser to leave the survey. d. Show that the research plan makes provisions to monitor the data collected to insure the safety of all subjects. This includes the privacy of subjects’ responses and provisions for maintaining the security and confidentiality of the data. Data will be collected during the spring semester. Responses to the survey will be kept in a secure location that is only accessible to the researcher and research advisor. 3. Check the appropriate box(es) that describe the subjects you plan to use. Adult volunteers Mentally Disabled People CAL University Students Economically Disadvantaged People Other Students Educationally Disadvantaged People Prisoners Fetuses or fetal material Pregnant Women Children Under 18 Physically Handicapped People Neonates 4. Is remuneration involved in your project? 5. Is this project part of a grant? Yes or Yes or No No. If yes, Explain here. If yes, provide the following information: Title of the Grant Proposal Name of the Funding Agency Dates of the Project Period 6. Does your project involve the debriefing of those who participated? Yes or No 58 If Yes, explain the debriefing process here. 7. If your project involves a questionnaire interview, ensure that it meets the requirements of Appendix in the Policies and Procedures Manual. 59 California University of Pennsylvania Institutional Review Board Survey/Interview/Questionnaire Consent Checklist (v021209) This form MUST accompany all IRB review requests Does your research involve ONLY a survey, interview or questionnaire? YES—Complete this form NO—You MUST complete the “Informed Consent Checklist”—skip the remainder of this form Does your survey/interview/questionnaire cover letter or explanatory statement include: (1) Statement about the general nature of the survey and how the data will be used? (2) Statement as to who the primary researcher is, including name, phone, and email address? (3) FOR ALL STUDENTS: Is the faculty advisor’s name and contact information provided? (4) Statement that participation is voluntary? (5) Statement that participation may be discontinued at any time without penalty and all data discarded? (6) Statement that the results are confidential? (7) Statement that results are anonymous? (8) Statement as to level of risk anticipated or that minimal risk is anticipated? (NOTE: If more than minimal risk is anticipated, a full consent form is required—and the Informed Consent Checklist must be completed) (9) Statement that returning the survey is an indication of consent to use the data? (10) Who to contact regarding the project and how to contact this person? (11) Statement as to where the results will be housed and how maintained? (unless otherwise approved by the IRB, must be a secure location on University premises) (12) Is there text equivalent to: “Approved by the California University of Pennsylvania Institutional Review Board. This approval is effective nn/nn/nn and expires mm/mm/mm”? (the actual dates will be specified in the approval notice from the IRB)? 60 (13) FOR ELECTRONIC/WEBSITE SURVEYS: Does the text of the cover letter or explanatory statement appear before any data is requested from the participant? (14) FOR ELECTONIC/WEBSITE SURVEYS: Can the participant discontinue participation at any point in the process and all data is immediately discarded? 61 California University of Pennsylvania Institutional Review Board Informed Consent Checklist (v021209) This form MUST accompany all IRB review requests Does your research involve ONLY a survey, interview, or questionnaire? YES—DO NOT complete this form. You MUST complete the “Survey/Interview/Questionnaire Consent Checklist” instead. NO—Complete the remainder of this form. 1. Introduction (check each) (1.1) Is there a statement that the study involves research? (1.2) Is there an explanation of the purpose of the research? 2. Is the participant. (check each) (2.1) Given an invitation to participate? (2.2) Told why he/she was selected. (2.3) Told the expected duration of the participation. (2.4) Informed that participation is voluntary? (2.5) Informed that all records are confidential? (2.6) Told that he/she may withdraw from the research at any time without penalty or loss of benefits? (2.7) 18 years of age or older? (if not, see Section #9, Special Considerations below) 3. Procedures (check each). (3.1) Are the procedures identified and explained? (3.2) Are the procedures that are being investigated clearly identified? (3.3) Are treatment conditions identified? 4. Risks and discomforts. (check each) (4.1) Are foreseeable risks or discomforts identified? (4.2) Is the likelihood of any risks or discomforts identified? (4.3) Is there a description of the steps that will be taken to minimize any risks or discomforts? (4.4) Is there an acknowledgement of potentially unforeseeable risks? (4.5) Is the participant informed about what treatment or follow up courses of action are available should there be some physical, emotional, or psychological harm? (4.6) Is there a description of the benefits, if any, to the participant or to others that may be reasonably expected from the research and an estimate of the likelihood of these benefits? (4.7) Is there a disclosure of any appropriate alternative procedures or courses of treatment that might be advantageous to the participant? 5. Records and documentation. (check each) 62 (5.1) Is there a statement describing how records will be kept confidential? (5.2) Is there a statement as to where the records will be kept and that this is a secure location? (5.3) Is there a statement as to who will have access to the records? 63 6. For research involving more than minimal risk (check each), (6.1) Is there an explanation and description of any compensation and other medical or counseling treatments that are available if the participants are injured through participation? (6.2) Is there a statement where further information can be obtained regarding the treatments? (6.3) Is there information regarding who to contact in the event of researchrelated injury? 7. Contacts.(check each) (7.1) Is the participant given a list of contacts for answers to questions about the research and the participant’s rights? (7.2) Is the principal researcher identified with name and phone number and email address? (7.3) FOR ALL STUDENTS: Is the faculty advisor’s name and contact information provided? 8. General Considerations (check each) (8.1) Is there a statement indicating that the participant is making a decision whether or not to participate, and that his/her signature indicates that he/she has decided to participate having read and discussed the information in the informed consent? (8.2) Are all technical terms fully explained to the participant? (8.3) Is the informed consent written at a level that the participant can understand? (8.4) Is there text equivalent to: “Approved by the California University of Pennsylvania Institutional Review Board. This approval is effective nn/nn/nn and expires mm/mm/mm”? (the actual dates will be specified in the approval notice from the IRB) 9. Specific Considerations (check as appropriate) (9.1) If the participant is or may become pregnant is there a statement that the particular treatment or procedure may involve risks, foreseeable or currently unforeseeable, to the participant or to the embryo or fetus? (9.2) Is there a statement specifying the circumstances in which the participation may be terminated by the investigator without the participant’s consent? (9.3) Are any costs to the participant clearly spelled out? (9.4) If the participant desires to withdraw from the research, are procedures for orderly termination spelled out? (9.5) Is there a statement that the Principal Investigator will inform the participant or any significant new findings developed during the research that may affect them and influence their willingness to continue participation? (9.6) Is the participant is less than 18 years of age? If so, a parent or guardian must sign the consent form and assent must be obtained from the child Is the consent form written in such a manner that it is clear that the parent/guardian is giving permission for their child to participate? 64 Is a child assent form being used? Does the assent form (if used) clearly indicate that the child can freely refuse to participate or discontinue participation at any time without penalty or coercion? (9.7) Are all consent and assent forms written at a level that the intended participant can understand? (generally, 8th grade level for adults, age-appropriate for children) 65 California University of Pennsylvania Institutional Review Board Review Request Checklist (v021209) This form MUST accompany all IRB review requests. Unless otherwise specified, ALL items must be present in your review request. Have you: (1.0) FOR ALL STUDIES: Completed ALL items on the Review Request Form? Pay particular attention to: (1.1) Names and email addresses of all investigators (1.1.1) FOR ALL STUDENTS: use only your CalU email address) (1.1.2) FOR ALL STUDENTS: Name and email address of your faculty research advisor (1.2) Project dates (must be in the future—no studies will be approved which have already begun or scheduled to begin before final IRB approval— NO EXCEPTIONS) (1.3) Answered completely and in detail, the questions in items 2a through 2d? 2a: NOTE: No studies can have zero risk, the lowest risk is “minimal risk”. If more than minimal risk is involved you MUST: i. Delineate all anticipated risks in detail; ii. Explain in detail how these risks will be minimized; iii. Detail the procedures for dealing with adverse outcomes due to these risks. iv. Cite peer reviewed references in support of your explanation. 2b. Complete all items. 2c. Describe informed consent procedures in detail. 2d. NOTE: to maintain security and confidentiality of data, all study records must be housed in a secure (locked) location ON UNIVERSITY PREMISES. The actual location (department, office, etc.) must be specified in your explanation and be listed on any consent forms or cover letters. (1.4) Checked all appropriate boxes in Section 3? If participants under the age of 18 years are to be included (regardless of what the study involves) you MUST: (1.4.1) Obtain informed consent from the parent or guardian— consent forms must be written so that it is clear that the parent/guardian is giving permission for their child to participate. (1.4.2) Document how you will obtain assent from the child— This must be done in an age-appropriate manner. Regardless of whether the parent/guardian has given permission, a child is completely free to refuse to participate, so the investigator must document how the child indicated agreement to participate (“assent”). 66 (1.5) Included all grant information in section 5? (1.6) Included ALL signatures? (2.0) FOR STUDIES INVOLVING MORE THAN JUST SURVEYS, INTERVIEWS, OR QUESTIONNAIRES: (2.1) Attached a copy of all consent form(s)? (2.2) FOR STUDIES INVOLVING INDIVIDUALS LESS THAN 18 YEARS OF AGE: attached a copy of all assent forms (if such a form is used)? (2.3) Completed and attached a copy of the Consent Form Checklist? (as appropriate—see that checklist for instructions) (3.0) FOR STUDIES INVOLVING ONLY SURVEYS, INTERVIEWS, OR QUESTIONNAIRES: (3.1) Attached a copy of the cover letter/information sheet? (3.2) Completed and attached a copy of the Survey/Interview/Questionnaire Consent Checklist? (see that checklist for instructions) (3.3) Attached a copy of the actual survey, interview, or questionnaire questions in their final form? (4.0) FOR ALL STUDENTS: Has your faculty research advisor: (4.1) Thoroughly reviewed and approved your study? (4.2) Thoroughly reviewed and approved your IRB paperwork? including: (4.2.1) Review request form, (4.2.2) All consent forms, (if used) (4.2.3) All assent forms (if used) (4.2.4) All Survey/Interview/Questionnaire cover letters (if used) (4.2.5) All checklists (4.3) IMPORTANT NOTE: Your advisor’s signature on the review request form indicates that they have thoroughly reviewed your proposal and verified that it meets all IRB and University requirements. (5.0) Have you retained a copy of all submitted documentation for your records? 67 Institutional Review Board California University of Pennsylvania Psychology Department LRC, Room 310 250 University Avenue California, PA 15419 Robert Skwarecki, Ph.D., CCC-SLP,Chair Erin Schneider, Please consider this email as official notification that your proposal titled “Athletic Trainers’ Perspective of Interval/Intermittent Training in Rehabilitation” (Proposal #09-064) has been approved by the California University of Pennsylvania Institutional Review Board as submitted. The effective date of the approval is 3-4-2010 and the expiration date is 3-42011. These dates must appear on the consent form . Please note that Federal Policy requires that you notify the IRB promptly regarding any of the following: (1) Any additions or changes in procedures you might wish for your study (additions or changes must be approved by the IRB before they are implemented) (2) Any events that affect the safety or well-being of subjects (3) Any modifications of your study or other responses that are necessitated by any events reported in (2). (4) To continue your research beyond the approval expiration date of 3-42011 you must file additional information to be considered for continuing review. Please contact Please notify the Board when data collection is complete. Regards, Robert Skwarecki, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Chair, Institutional Review Board 68 Appendix C4 NATA District 2 Survey Distribution Form 69 70 71 Appendix C5 Survey Follow-Up Email 72 Follow- Up Email Dear Fellow Athletic Trainer: My name is Erin Schneider and I am a graduate student at California University of Pennsylvania and this is a followup email for my survey titled “Athletic Trainers‟ Perspective of Interval/Intermittent Training Methods in Rehabilitation”. If you have already taken the survey, thank you so much and please disregard this email. If you have not taken the survey, this is a kind reminder that the survey is still available for you to take until March 29, 2010. If you chose to take the survey, please follow the link: If you have any questions about the study please feel free to contact me at (571)228-0886 or at Thank you for your time, and I hope you have a great day! Sincerely, Erin Schneider ATC, CSCS California University of Pennsylvania Graduate Student 73 Appendix C6 Open-Ended Question Results 74 Open Ended Question Results/Responses The following are athletic trainers‟ answers/responses to the open-ended questions in the survey. Question 9: Injury/Condition being Treated Quadriceps strain all injuries All types, mostly LE ACl post op acl repair Lower extremity injuries(spains ,stress reactions,over use injuries) Grade 3 ankle sprain ACL Rehabilitation, Bliateral Anterior/Lateral Compartment Syndrome Repair Shin splints ACLs, Ankles, Achilles, Hip labral repairs lower extremity low back injuries Lower extremity; grade II muscle strain; ACL repair all Knee, ankle, Low back ACLR; Hamstring/Groin Injuries Knee Sprains, Muscle Strains, Most lower leg strains and sprains acl repair, post surgical post-op lower extremities lower leg stress fracture Muscle strains, ligament sprains lower extremity musculoskeletal injury--preparing for return-to-play after deconditioning Lower Extremity Strains/sprians, muscle imbalances sprains/strains muscles strains or sprains ACL Reconstruction, UCL Reconstruction, Instability of shoulder post surgical ACL Lower Leg Muscle Strain Fractures, post-ops (ACL, shoulder reconstructions), hamstrings strains knee injuries ACL reconstruction Ankle sprains, knee sprain, hamstring/quadriceps strains stress fractures ACL reconstruction, multidirectional shoulder 75 instability Ankle Sprain/Strains; Thigh Strains. Muscle strains/ACL rehab any legs injury, upper body injuries soft tissue injuries of upper and lower extremity hamstring, quad hamstring strain Track/Running Injuries ACL-R, ankle reconstruction, Arthroscopic knee ankle sprains, muscle strains, knee ligament sprains, shoulder sprains/strains strains, general weakness low back strain upper and lower extremities hamstring strains, post acl/r ACL reconstruction ankle and knee injuries Lower Body...HS/quad/calf strains Various Upper and Lower Extremity Conditions ACL and MCL surgery Acl reconstruction acl, pcl, shoulder musculoskeletal Question 10: Goal of the Treatment improve anaerobic and/or aerobic capacity/fitness, muscular strength and endurance Improve overall fitness prior to sport specific activity aerobic fitness Return to play/work Increased strength and agility all of the above trying to get back to competition Cross training for fitness/aerobic/endurance/strength improving aerobic capacity, increase lower extremity strength Improving aerobic capacity and increased muscular strength and speed Improve fitness, speed Improving fitness, promoting seamless return to sport fitness to return from sugery, ACL sports spec. activities increase strength, increase ROM Gaining functional endurance, strength for RTP maintain fitness improve aerobic capacity, increase endurance Improve overall fitness; break monotony of rehab; increase strength; increase functionality improving aerobic capacity Build strength, maintain aerobic ability while rehabing injury, increase ROM and flexibility return to play training. endurance increase fitness improving CV endurance through gradual loading 76 increasing strength, proprioception general reconditioning, propioception, coordination, balance improving aerobic capacity/fitness increase strength, proprioception, agility, CV Strengthening, proprioception and increased fitness increased strength, increased muscular endurance improving aerobic capacity Improving balance, coordination, proprioception, musclular strength and agility and speed increase conditioning, improve gait, increase muscular strength Improved Aerobic and increase muscle endurance all of the above aerobic, sport-specific activities Increase muscular strength/endurance Improve aerobic fitness, progress to sports specific training and return to full activity improving aerobic capacity/fitness increasing aerobic capacity prep for RTP. Increase strength, muscle endurance, propioception improved fitness, strength Improve or maintain CV fitness, improve muscular endurance and coordination for quick changes in position or direction on the field or court. trp Increase strength and endurance Increase strength, endurance, better overall running gait, muscular and anaerobic improvements improving aerobic capacity and muscular endurance maintain/improve sport-specific muscular endurance demands in anticipation of return to play increased strength, endurance increase strentgth to progress fitness capacity as well as maintain body characteristics and transition increase strength and endurance Increase strength, speed, agility, confidence in knee improve aerobic capacity and return to play Return to sport prep Condition Dependent - Based on Individual Needs of the Patient strength and ROM increased strength,increase power, increases aerobic capacity improving aerobic capacity increased ROM, strength, endurance Question 13: Equipment used bike, treadmill, elliptical, slideboard, jump-rope, bosu, swiss ball, etc HR monitor, Bike, 400-meter track, swiss ball, medicine ball bike, treadmill Cardio, BOSU, Med Ball, bike, treadmill bosu cones 77 bike ,elliptical,bosu,fitter,rope weight eq and track Stationary bike/eliptical/treadmill/weight machines/bosu gym ball/ mat exercise/pilates ex. Bike Bike, Treadmill, synthetic turf, pool bike, elliptical Bike, Stairmaster, track, treadmill elliptical, bike, bosu, box UPE, swiss ball, weights, theraband Dynadisk, aquatic therapy, ellipticals, physioball Bike bike, treadmill, elliptical, Kettlebells, Bosu, Versaclimber, AirRunner, Slam Ball, SLide Board, Skiier, MEdicine Balls treadmill Mostly and exercise bike, sometimes a treadmill bike, running, elipitical, arm bike bosu, slide board, track treadmill bike, elliptical, BOSU Bosu, running bike, elliptical trainer, treadmill bike, treadmill, track BAPS, swiss ball, teadmill, bikes, ellipical BOSU, bike, swiss ball, airex balance pad treadmill, elliptical Treadmill, elliptical, BOSU, cones, tennis ball, physioball - athletes' own body track, elastic bands Cybex Arch Trainer, Eliptical, Treadmill Bike, EFX, Treadmill, plyo boxes, dynadiscs, Bosu ball, agility ladder, physioballs BOSU, swiss ball, therabands, etc Bike, Treadmill, Trampoline, Medicine Ball Bike, treadmill, track, gymnasium bike, treadmill, eilliptical, UBE upper body ergometer Treadmills, Stationary Bikes; Steppers bike, treadmill, balance equipment, hurdles bike, weights Bike, elliptical, treadmill, traditional playing surface, sport specific implements (i.e., tennis racket, etc) bike treadmill eliptical trainer, swiss ball, fitter, balance disk Bike, Treadmill bike, Elyptical, stairmaster Bike, Elliptical, treadmill, UBE, BOSU, Airex, Physio Ball, floor dots for plyometric training bike, eliptical, treadmill BOSU, swiss swiss ball step box, various other basic exercises bike, treadmill, track 78 bike, stairs, jump boxes, medicine ball, kettle bell, bike and running in the gym Bike, TM, running Variety - Cycle Ergometers, Treadmills, Balls, Bands, Walls, etc. bosu, Swiss ball, baps board, thera band mini trampoline,BOSU bike, elliptical, versaclimber treadmill, ball, weight equipment Question 14: Interval/Intermittent Parameters work:rest interval and/or intensity:time interval work:rest, intensity:time work/rest intensity : time time interval intensity and time intensity- time type of training 2min hard 3min soft working at an intensity range of 4.5 being soft to 6.0 being hard rest:work interval; intensity:time interval time interval and work interval mostly rest:work interval intensity, work load, Combination depending on athlete sport, function intensity/time interval intensity, speed, duration Time Interval, Intensity, Weights time and work interval 1 1/2 minute easy, increase resistence and sprint for 1 minutes as hard and fast as they can go, then back to easy no resistence for 1 1/2 minutes and do that for a specified amount of time. work intervals rest/work, intensity levels fast walk/jog intervals intensity:time Ratios of 1:2 up to 1:5 intensity:time intervals time interval Intensity/ time work interval, intensity, time interval intensity time interval time interval, changes in work and rest time as they progress 2:1 work:rest, 70% max HR Fast/slow, high/Low intensity rest:work; intensity:time; max:moderate intensity, time Intensity & Rest rest:work, and intensity:time 79 varied but most intensity time interval Variation of Tabata protocol. time interval tabata- 4 min of 20s on/10s rest, and basic bike intervals, various work to rest intervals rest:work with varying intensities intensity timed intervals, speed variation, intensity variable Depends on the day and what was trying to achieve. 1:3, 1:1, or 1:2 depending on tolerance of athlete and injury intensity: time interval rest:work interval intensity over time interval, rest work time interval work/rest ratios all of the above depending on stage of rehab I used a combination rest:work, & Time with intensity increase Time Intervals and Work Intervals depending on status of patient and individual needs intensity time intervals 10 seconds rest 30 seconds rest 3:1 rest:work ratio intensity time interval increase intensity, decrease rest Question 16: Benefits of Interval/Intermittent Training in Rehab Interval training has been effective pushing the athlete's ability to make gains in the specific parameter of training, either aerobic or anaerobic, strength or endurance. Plus most athletes are competitive by nature so this gives them the predefined "rules of the game" to pace and/or perform in the limited rehab domain. They also have the advantage of seeing objective gains with successive trials or sessions. In order to better prepare that athlete for return to play activities. It's a very easy and useful technique to improve fitness. I need to learn more about interval/intermittent training but if and when the time comes it could be a usefull tool to get athletes back to pre-injury levels of fitness sooner. Different protocals may be more appropiate for a given population They worked I believe it is a valuable too in rehabilitation of any athletic injury. I think in order to get athletes back to full capacity they also need rehab that correlates to their sport in intensity,work etc. If I learned more about the specific protocol and reviewed some peer reviewed literature saying that this technique is benefitial...Good luck 80 with your research :) I feel interval training would be beneficial in my rehab protocols, but I have not been in a situation where I believe it would have benefitted my athlete for the minimal rehabilitation that I have done up to this point. if I perceived a need My current job is more evaluation and case management, very little rehabilitation. challenges keep them from boredom of rehab and promotes a more sucessful total recovery Interval/intermittent training is a useful tool that can be utilized in a variety of ways throughout the rehabilitation process. They work. Rehab is just more than return to play. It is a means of making the athlete better than when they came in with an injury and that means all aspects not just strength and function but functional strength and functional capacity to perform at a better level than before. Interval training is an asset to be used with certain sports and a must for other sports. my main goal is to get the athlete back to a stage that they can work out on their own. if I am understanding this survey correctly, I would allow the athlete to work out on a bike to make gains in ROM and mild aerobic conditioning in order to get the blood pumping. But any long term training should be on the athlete to do. If indicated, I would have no qualms about using it! I find that it is more interesting for the patient. engaged. Good results Not sure what it is. So I don't know. limited for one on one rehab Keeps the patient more Also working in a HS, time is Seems to be a great way to get the athlete back faster I believe it gets the athlete ready to return to full activity faster because it keeps them aerobically fit pluse works on all muscle fibers to keep them all up to speed during their down time. If indicated and time allows I am not familar with it. part of athletics If I had a high performance athlete then yes I would, however clinical you are limited by time. Interval training is probably best suited for the strength and conditioning professionals post-rehab I would use these methods for the above stated reasons. However, I would 81 use them toward the end of rehab in preparation for return to play. a useful tool when creating programs Benefits to the athletes and to create rehab programs where the athlete feels challenged. I feel that they are effective in gradual loading of the musculoskeletal system; they allow the athlete to begin to trust their 'systems' again It is part of real life, which makes it part of the final recovery. Interval/intermittent training methods are helpful to regain conditioning after a period of inactivity. I feel it is a good way to keep the athlete interested in their rehab and it creates muscle confusion which then helps them see results however working in thesecondary schoool setting I can say the one on one time needed to create interval training programs with specific athletes is not always practical. I'm consistently adding new things to my rehab protocols. Once I learn more about interval/intermittent training methods I will be sure to implement it. Presently, not a treating clinician, my role is almost purely administrative so I don't anticipate an opportunity They are beneficial to meeting the goals. Not familiar enough with it. I'll continue using using the techniques It is beneficial in that it will help to get the athlete back to play sooner by improving their aerobic capacity faster It is an excellent way to restore agility and speed, balance and proprioception and muscular strength. We utilize it to return to sport demands, structuring it specifically to each athlete's needs. effective way of reconditioning athletes When given the opportunity interval training can be very beneficial especially when looking to make quick improvements. I would like to become more accustomed to using them Past experiences, but it remains dependent on the injury Interval training is a key component to building/returning to a specific aerobic activity level. It is especially important to sports that are more stop and go. Interval training is a great way to maintain fitness when injured. 82 I would need to learn more about it, and if it proved to be useful then I would definitely incorporate it. it works Not working in a setting where I would have the ability to use. If I thought my patient needed it would have some benefit from it important to prepare for return to play. In rehabilitation, we must get the athlete back to full, game ready capacity as quickly as possible. It's also very time efficient way of training. Because they help prevent an athlete from deconditioning and help an athlete to return gradually to sport specific skills at competition levels. due to the gains you get from interval training Feel that it can be beneficial Time Found it to be very beneficial progression to full return to athletics. Athletes were very healthy in their return and had no additional issues They help make the rehabilitation process more functional and/or sportspecific; can easily manipulate the intensity for the athlete to re-gain necessary weaknesses due to the injury and/or time-off due to injury I don't really know much about it, so I would need to do alot more research on it before I used the methods in my rehab protocols No longer in the sports medicine environment, but it is something I would like to have tried. 1. Rehab. was not a major component of the duties at last position. returned to school to persue new career 2. have Yes it can be implemented easily for many types of injuries. If the situation would occur that it would be practical and effective, I may use interval/intermittent training as part of the rehabilitation protocol. If I was working with an athlete in a sport requiring significant power and strength in addition to overall endurance - attempting to recondition for RTP would be good adjunct to functional progression back to dance, as demands of dance are largely intermittent in nature. This style of training leads to a more sports specific result. can better guage his or her progress. The athlete It helps the athletes build back up to game play For Return to sport...& would be specific to each sport I find it to be very useful if used properly. I also think it is a great way to rehab without potentially re-injury. 83 Because I think that it would benefit the athletes that I work with It is something that can be time-consuming, but something I would consider using especially in the later stages of rehabilitation. This is not something that many athletic trainers have time for, especially in the high school setting where many other demands are placed upon the athletic trainer that are usually outside the scope of practice. It is a tested method of increasing strength, endurance, ROM in the patients I work with. I believe they will make differences in performance Limited space as of now. 84 REFERENCES 1. Berger NJA, Tolfrey K, Williams AG, Jones AM. Influence of continuous and interval training on oxygen uptake on-kinetics. Med Sci Sport Exer. 2006; 38(3): 504-512. 2. Billat LV. Interval training for performance: A scientific and empirical practice: special recommendations for middle- and long- distance running. Part II: Anaerobic interval training. Sports Med. 2001; 31(2): 75-90. 3. Helgerud J, Hoydal K, Wang E, Karlsen T, Berg P, Bjerkaas M, Simonsen T, Helgesen C, Hjorth N, Bach R, Hoff J. Aerobic high-intensity intervals improve VO2max more than moderate training. 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An email was sent out to certified athletic trainers in the NATA District 2 with a link to the survey to be completed on an internet based program at the athletic trainers own discretion. 953 certified athletic trainers from the NATA District 2 were asked to volunteer their time and participate in the study. 131 athletic trainers responded to the survey. Interventions: An original survey was created for this study. The survey was examined by a panel of experts to determine the validity of the survey. Then an IRB approved survey was sent to 5 certified athletic trainers to test its reliability. The survey was created on the web server „Survey Monkey‟ and sent via email to the athletic trainers. A cover letter explaining the study was also uploaded with the survey. Main Outcome Measures: The research hypotheses will be analyzed using chi-square goodness of fit test and chi-square test of independence at an alpha level of 0.05. Results: A significant interaction was found in athletic trainers‟ familiarity with 88 interval/intermittent training methods. The majority- at 53.4%- were found to be vaguely-somewhat familiar. The majority of athletic trainers were also found to not use these training methods in their rehabilitation protocols at 55.7%. An insignificant relationship was found between athletic trainers‟ use of interval/intermittent training and whether athletic trainers held an additional credential where X2= .069, p> 0.05. An insignificant relationship was also found between athletic trainer‟s use of interval/intermittent training methods and whether the athletic trainers held a type of strength and conditioning credential where X2= .078, p> 0.05. Conclusions: Word Count: 393 While the results of this study were statistically insignificant, trends were found. Holding an additional credential, or specifically a type of strength and conditioning credential, did not predict use of interval/intermittent training methods in rehabilitation protocols. Athletic trainers‟ familiarity with interval/intermittent training was found to be statistically significant indicating that while the majority of athletic trainers were found to be vaguely-somewhat familiar with these training methods, most of them did not utilize them in their rehabilitation protocols. Further research is necessary to determine if there is a relationship between interval/intermittent training and improving balance/coordination/proprioception, or if there is any validity that ACL reconstruction surgery truly benefits from these training methods due to the large responses in these two areas specifically.