KANYUCK AGAIN IS STAR OF 1RNX TEAM j MANSFIELD WINS ON HOME FIELD j I ,, I SENIORS PRESENT UN ! SURPASSED VAUDEVILLE ! McGrath Stars With Three Hits ________ j j | QUARTETTE BEFORE THE NATION Wilkes-Barre Extends Second Invitation ¦ The double mixed and double male Quartette To Make Mysterious quartettes broadcasted from WBRE , j last Sunday erenipfiTWilkes-Barre i Appearance. Second Friday he showed some real stuff and j i Listeners-in were given one hour and minutes of excellent musical I fifteen ball j Kanyuck showed some real stuff wrapped his bat around the oldtriple graduat- j entertainment. The group received cream of the Tonight the ; three times. Two doubles and a ; Saturday in the triangular truck g o down in the book to his credit, j ing class will be presented to the man y calls for repetitions of several meet between Dickinson Seminary , He plays a nice game on the j! world in a high class vaudeville by of their numbers. Wyoming Seminary and Bloomsburg hot also The trip was made in machines furcomers. |I the Senior Class of the Bloomsburg State Normal School. Ij e is one of the Prospectors ! School. Normal State and driven by Dr. G. C. Lv nished \ champion The ever smiling and j best this school h as ev e r had and has from one person to were sent out j Riemer and Miss Eleanor Leitetfnaan. I into i s co m ing kidder , Red Garrity, ji another in an effort to find the best j always been the biggest factor in our scoring power. Saturday, working un- i his own again. He is considered our j there was to be found in the class, j Dr. Riemer gave an excellent talk tier a handicap , he won two fi rst I best outfield er. He covers an awful jI The committee is pretty well satis- j on the development of music here places, one second , and out third for |amount of ground and catches seem- jj fied with the conglomeration of acts, j and cited many reasons why suck a total of fifteen points. It. is remark- ]' i ngly impossible flys. Since the last i Picture the scene : a full house , a | tun e, mon ey, etc., pays. He spoke of able . I Wy oming game he hasn 't hit much ! Broadway orchestra in the 'pit ; and student leadership in chapel s as a Friday, he came through with a j f means r>f preparing' graduates for One of the best marks made by ¦ but ij accomplished actors on the stage. I work of a similar nature in future single. doubl e and a members of our school in the high I most fastidious |life. H<> stated that music has beeia The game was one of the most in- ' What more could the ju m p was m ade on Satur 'day by Kan- i , by j surrounded j th e atre g o er w a n t means of bringing out many vmyuck. He j ump ed 5 feet , 7 inc hes to j teresting in which our fellows have I beautiful women , handsome men , the J the recogniaed talents among children. outcome was j played this year. The I ysin first place, }\v taken a by.a uti t'ul i t in clothes. It reminds one of ] In his conclusion , he thanked the ralaten [ team BIoomsbuTg dubious until the j th e city and all its won tiers . j um p with seeming ly no effo rt. He I fans for the response given to ths also took first place in the broad had its last time at bat. It was an j One of the features of this per- dio program furnished. the unluck y sixth inning that spoiled : jump. . f ormance will be the great and wonhad game after our men seemingly Those in of WBRE aske* On the whole Bloomsburg did well i it on ice. Much better baseball "was | derf ul "Mysterious Quartette". Once for a returncharge engagement and viixf o. j j in the meet with what few entries we ji played in this game than they played ; befo re they have appeared in public I the consent of Dr. Riemer tlie rej Sad. Robinson showed fight and speed ! before. Onl y two errors were commit j! and once before the question of their j quest was granted. The group will when he came from second place to ted and they und er peculiar condi- j identity fl ew from lip to lip. They again broadcast from the some stawin the mile race. He also turned in ti ons. I! may be revealed. Don 't miss the !tion May .30th. points for winning second place in ; chance to solve the great mystery, j Proa*"*"* the half mile run. He was some oft' i1 The game started out big for i The committee engineering this j -' r er Ma nsfield w h en thei r pit che r Sor b . , j1 j form in this race, how ever. Paen to Summer Von Su/r«. is headed by Fannie HilHayes, of Dickinson Seminary, struck out our first four men at bat. performance The Fairies Gad«oa» j udgement Discrimination bert and . showed himself to l>e an all around Things looked glum for us till we hit j You Sunrise and P t h e essential ; ate Press , the membership , of which ' game and can be depended on to hit Benjamin F. Lewis cleanness , the intellectual straight- , is limited to educational institutions. j and field to perfection Saturday. lies?, the f r a n k courage-, and the dej That tower of strength , Au stin , BUSINESS BOARD cent idealism <>t " American young - This association has been organized | perched on the initial sack is at his John Robison manhood and y o u n g womanhood. The ; by a group of college graduates who | height and is ready to use his wit in Larry Coolbaugh ; greatest obligation we. an adult gen- felt the need for assistance and co- 1 talking Wyoming out of the game 1 » eration , owe is I he obligation we owe ' operative advice, to render the best l a n d using his playing ability in playPrice $1.50 per j to them. In develop ing those charac- possible service. It is not sponsored |ing them out of it. He and Garrity Subscription teristics of personality :ind citizenin both these departments of school year for resident students and ' ship which u't* desiro for our civili- b y a t?<.»lleg'O or university as a publi * |j shine the game. m c i t y feature. It f u n c t i o n s o n i t s own alumni. j zation , such as obedience to law , re• The absence of Yarashefski leaves Entered as second class matter at ' spect for government , and tolerance. ' merits entirely. ; a vacancy at second base which has the JBlooni sburg Post Office , Blooms- all A m e r i c a n adults will serve youth . Payment of the a n n u a l clues en- i not as yet been definitely filled . The member school to the comtitles the burg, Pa . best by themselves setting those ex- , plete service offered by the associa- I material , however , is adequate. Offices : 11 o "Main Building, B. S. umples which they desir e youth to i tion , the monthly magazine , as well ; Quite a delegation will follow the ' ' • o] ! high ly commendable. It is bring- j This would lie to the Obiter and to int; i" pass the dreams and wishes of j the Maroon and Gold. In return , each difference in ability. " Gems of t h o u g h t like the above are those interested in the welfare of member school places the Undergrad- *•¦ ¦ ¦¦— ¦¦ " ¦ ? o f t e n to 1)0 found in the Business .' athletic- and sports . uate Press on the exchange list of Section of tho Public Ledger. each publication. Jack Geistwite The headquart ers of the association MRS. P I N C H O T SPEAKS TO STUDENTS are located at Kast Lansing, Mich. Studio of Photography M A T E R I A L FORCES VS SPIRITUAL FORCES On Thursday . May 13, Mrs. Pin124 £. Main St. li t | ¦ i m mm *— ^mm m w ¦ ¦ w I chot spoke to t h e students in the au- »' " ' - ¦¦ f j R e c e n t l y Dr. Riemer spoke of the ditorium. She made a strong and inconsistency of the use of force in striking appeal l\w the election of modern life when the teachings of her husband. The speech was short J EWELER •I*Christ re-.- eived onl y the most meagre but to the point. At ilie end of the ! ii i ii n u ii ii m ¦.¦ !-.- ¦-¦¦ i Bloomsburg, Pa. a t t e n t i o n , It is interesting to quote exercise the students sang the Alma the following words of President j Mat er in her honor. i r ,i n in y ! Oonlidge , They have a like import. ! "Wo cannot place our main veli- j ftn oe upon material forces. We must Ij COMMIT TEE TO REVIEW ? I ¦ ' r<»nfli rni and reinforce our ancient ;; . NORMAL SCHOOLS faith in t r u t h and jus tice, i n chnrita- ; blcness and tolerance. We must make j! A committee has been app ointed our supreme commitment to th e ev- ji b y the Council of Education , consis toHasting spiritual forces of life. We i ng* of members of the Council and mu st mobilize the conscience of man- the Department of Public Instruckind. "—Coolidge. t ion , to review tho applications of EDITORIAL BOARD 1 i i J. E. ROYS [ ——— ¦ I' l ¦ ¦ H ill M the Norn in] Schools of Penn.sylwm in for authority to grant degrees . T his FACULTY CHEERS K1WANIS means, of course , that our applicaThe Faculty team was out with all tion will also receive attention soon. ! their suits on ready to wreak dive inj uries on the assembled Kiwnnians . LOUIS BERNHARD , SR. Rain came and ended the hilarity. 67 years of service The audience was cheated out of a good game. WATCHES, DIAMONDS AND The Fnculty looked good in their JEWELRY suits. In fact they looked like a maj or league team come down to play First National Bank Bid*. an exhibition. They surely would have won if they had played. When you want „ GOOD EATS When you think of go to SHOES REIL LY'S Think of BUCK ALEW'S L_—. Confe ctionery . The y Serve the BEST LOCAL HAPPENINGS ________——————————— THE MU PH IS STEP OUT REPAIR WORK ADVANCES -_ . EXCHANGE S The repai r work is making proOshkosh Normal A dvance—The schools of their district are holdhigh gress. Five rooms have been remodan oratorical contest at Oshkosh ing eled and turned bacK into the hands , Wis. Normal Bugs Adams '24, was a visitor at The Argus—An Art Club has reThe second annual dance of the of the students. The new stack is up. been The top of the old one has been organized at Harrisburg cently the Hill during the week end. Mu Phi Sigma was held Saturday mended. Several openings have been High School. They are now busily The Board of Trustees is pl annin g night , May 15th , in the school gym- ; rut into the wall between the kitch- engage d , in doing1 scarf and china t«- meet on Monday next. ! nasium . This en and the dining 1 room. Two new leather tooling and blocks Kt\ Rorem spent Monday at Leba- best dances dance was one of the 1 sets of double doors have been hung. painting, It is well oil its way toprinting . of the school year and non. '•Three new closets have boon added ward the accomplishment of its pur Miss Nelle Moore and Miss Hayden j the most delightfu l event the sorority j to the convenience «>f Miss Ward for pose. visited the schools of Hazleton last has ever hud. Muhlenberg . Weekly—Dr. W. " C. j the storage of dishes and linen. One week. The gymnasium r was attractive ly ! of the dish washing rooms for glass- j¦ Troxell , X-ray specialist at the AlSuperintenden t Houck of Berwick , decorated with the sorority colors of i es and silverware has disappeared. lentown Hospital , gave a vocational called on Mr. Rhodes relativ e to red and white , the center decoration I Old openings for doors and windows talk on the modern application of the being of red balloons with streamers ; have been walled up. Steam fittings X-ray. He gave som e very interesting teachers for Berwick. to the balc ony of the gym- j have been torn out. Others have been and helpful uses of this wond erful Miss Lee has taken in four room- j radiating , installed . The second fire tower is invention. nasium. . * ers. Her hospitalit y is greatly apprej being1 built. Its three walls of tile The music was furnishe d Prohibition is not a failure accordby Alexj ciated . ander 's Orchestra of nine pieces and I will probabl y be up in a week or ten ing to Rev. Dr. Bieber , an alumnus The local High School is practicing punch was served to the dancers dur- ! days. The transformer vault is being of Muhlenberg College . He says that fvom six to nine in the evening in !j ing the evening. Miss Pearl Mason j moved. A substitute for it has been proh ibition cannot be a failure bepreparation for its Senior Hay . ; and Miss Xelle Maupin , sorority ad- J erected. This all means work and cause its real worth cannot be proved The question of floorin g is receiv- ' visor s were , chaperones and Dr . and , spells progress. The gratifying thing in the short period of six years . Read ing more attention than any other ,' Mrs . G . C. L. Riemer were honor ! about it all is that everyone is ac- j his article for more informa tion in ' guests . Kveryone repor ts havin g had • cepting the changes with the best of i the Muhlenber g Weekly for May 5. detail of the repair work . i spirit. The Green Stone—Two Chinese Mr. Hausknecht drove to his par- a wonderful timt? . students addressed the Chapel Asents ' home near Williamsport 011 Sat1 sembly at West Chester. Mr. P. T. urday. CHARTER OF SCHOOL ' degree gr anting privilege Chen and Mr. ; K. C. Wu are doing Dr. Riemer is at Marrisbur g today 1 work in the school- at to attend a meeting of the Board of I The original charter of our Nor- i Appl ication blanks to the Council Princeton. Theirgraduate message was to Normal School Principals . j mal School was granted by the Court I¦ of Education for the privileg e of ' teach friendship among the nations Mr. Keller is taking advanced work !of Columbia County on March _ .">, grantin g degrees have reached the in our schools , don 't j udge before at Bucknell University every Satur- I 1857 . Later it was altered and a- Principal 's office. They will be filled you make a study and do unto others mended . According to the records , I out as soon as possible , for the School as you would have them do unto you . day. this was done on May •'> , 1909 . At 1 feels j ustified in making application They left with the appeal "Is Young Miss Maupm and Miss Mason were our School whs rail ed the ! for the privilege of granting- degrees . China to plead in vain?" patronesses at the Mu Phi Sigma par- first Rloonisbur g Literary Institute. Later 1 As soon as this privilege is granted West Chester held their Junior ty. it was called the Bloomsburg Liter- i a fourth year will be added and the Prom last Friday night. 'Miss Gertrude Andrews and Miss ary Institute and State Normal • School will be changed into a Teach- . Slippery Rocket—A contribu tion Elizabeth Eves attended the Mii Phi School of the Sixth District . In 11) 1(5 ors College . t'o the exhibit of American colleges, Sigma dance. our School was taken over b y the I which is held yearly at Carnegie LiMiss Conway drove to Xanticoke State and was then , known as the brary is being made by Slippery COMPLETION OF LOCAL I on Thursday . On Tuesday she took I Bloomsburg State Normal School . Rock. The exhibit includes pictures , HIGH SCHOOL year dinner with friends from Nanticoke j According to Article IX of the ; books , catalogues, studen t pub[' charter the purpo se of the institution at the Hotel Magee. lications and other interesting 1 things ; It may be impossible to complete in connection There was a shift of tables last j was the professional trainin g of with the school. the local high school building until week . Since that time there have de- ! young men and women as teachers J about November 3st. This will make relbped many new acquaintances and ji f or the common schools of the State j for the high school pu- ARRANGE M E NT WITH friendships. [ leadin g to the degree of Bachelor of J Hpilsnecessary to use : , the normal school buildLOCAL SCHOOL BOARD Pedagogies and the instruction of The house on the corner of Third jj students in thorough college prepar - j ings for a few weeks nex t fall. This : an d Wood streets is being repaired !! atory work Arrangements with the local School and business 'j School will again do what it can to and repapered. Soon it will be ready courses , iind commercial i help the boys and girls Board of Bloomsfor student teaching purposes , in science music and the tfi) receive some of the help. , were made at their meeting last Friarts , and other educational courses. | burg- continu e their work . Miss Saxman called on M iss Mc- ! In 1020 the Normal Schools of day evening. Ne xt year student teachCatnmon on Tuesday and Wednes- Pennsylvania were completely reorers will have access to every grade day. She had just taken her doctor 's J ganized. Subsequent to that date in the town from one to nine includegree in physical education. This affords our School enviable they have been used only f o r the GRUEN WATCHES ! sive. training facilities , the like of which Invitations to commencement are j trainin g of teachers. The teaching coming to the administration office was all put on a college basis . High are hard to find anywhere in the At country . With the cooperation of from many schools throu ghout the school instruction was. eliminated as |! School and Town this Normal School State . rapi dl y as possible. A t present no SNEIDMAN 'S JEWELERY STORE is looking forward to a. ver y bri ght such instruction is being offered . In The certificates for the graduates fu ture. iu June have arrived , duly signed by j place of the degree of Bachelo r of Supt . Francis B. Haas. They will now Pedagogics the Normal Schools wil l soon grant the degree of Bachelor ha s igned by Dr. Riemer. ¦ - M - M m ¦m . .¦¦ — 11—.u~-u—.r * ; of Science in Educat ion. This will I ¦{" ¦'¦ *¦ The rain on Wednesday was wcl- 1 doubtless EVENTUALLY I , f o r in the near future I come altho it did interfere with the prelim inarybe slops with this end in game between the Faculty and the view are now being ' taken. —and because you must Kiwanis. do it eventually—and beMr. Schoeli , Presid ent 01 the .Board ATHLETIC LEADER S MEETING of Trustees, is at Atlantic City . cause the longer you wait Miss Harriet Moore went to BethA t the regular meeting Monday, the older you grow— lehem on Saturday to hear the Bach May 10, officers for the coming year Choir. Assets over : therefore do it were elected. Miss Verna Mealoy sucThe budget for the year 1020-27 ceeds Miss Jessie Zimmerman as prewas prepared by Mr. Hausknecht anpreciai 98 feel. H inches . large this year as it was last . A good ment of the School. The idea is a tion of the concer t of our quart ci« throw—Ha y es , Javelin , Dickinson Kood one . It is often true that one first, 14(5 foot ; Dork , Dickinson , sec- many young men are registering. It j and the *same head , helped and sup- at Wilkus-Barre on Sunday. "I apprecia ted the concert re ml «••!•ond , l.'M feet , 8 inches ; Griffiths , looks as though North Hall would be ported by a number of other heads, f eil by the studen ts on Sunday nigkt Dickinson, third , 12? feut , I inches ;1 full. ; is more efficient and effective than last at Wilkcs-Bavre. Dr. Riemer ' Carson . Wyoming, "- fourth , 124 foot , |; that- one head could possibly be by | : ^ 8 inches. MR. ROREM ELECTED itself . The Maroon and Gold is look- I address was opp ortune and appropriShot put—Hayes , Dickinson , first. SUP'T OF LEBANON ing forward to the time when it will j ate. " 45 foot , 2 inches ; Corson. Wyomin g, be able to announce the where and j second, -12 feet , l> inches ; Rushin , Mr . Rorem has been elected to the when of such a box. j Blo oinsburj f . third , 3(1 feet , 11 inch_ j es; William s , Wyoming 1, fourth , ft9 superintendenc e* ot" the schools of Le- ! feet . 2 inches. banon . Lebanon is a town of about PICNIC AND FIELD DAY j Pole Vault—Patoski. Wyoming, 25 ,000 population . It is the county i first , i> feet , -i inches ; Joseph . DickThe picnic lunch is to come off on I A ttractions for inson , second , 0 feet ; A ustin. Blooms- ' seat of Lebanon County , which lies !j Tuesday , May 25th. The banquet and ; burg, third . 8 feet. 9 inches ; Shea, east of Harrisbur R. We are sure that Meld day is scheduled for Thursday. ; Saturday, May 22. fourth. S feet , 6 inches. Mr. Roveni will fill his new position Ii May 27th . Let us hope and pray that f Hig h j ump— Knnyuck , Klooms^ all longing, ! the rain for which we are burg. first . 5 feet . 7 inches ; Patoski . in a very creditable manner . He has will come in between these days and j BUCK JONES Wyoming, second, o feet (5 inches ; our best wishes. i not on them. I Alger and Jk-Quiggan, t hird . i> feet, IN : I 5 inches. | RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION Walsh , Nelson and Brace had FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN charge of track events with Reams , 1 Sutliff. Swartz and Luddington the COMPLIMENTS OF The following quotation from j udges of thp finish and Thomas, Jen- School Life of April shows what one kins. Jamieson and Smith j udges on town is doing- to meet the needs of WOOLW ORTHS j Monda y and Tuesday the curves. the children in religious education : i , Keil . Garrity and McGrath had' - "More than 9,000 children from NORMA TALMADG E ciiargf of the field events. 2;i public schools of Dayton , Ohio , receive instruction in week-day In Her Greatest Offeringschools of religious education. Since ; Better Footwear For Less ALTON B. PARKER DIES its inception four years ago the moveAlton B. Parker, the standard ; ment has grow n rapidly, and in the HAINES bearer of the Democratic Party a- 18 centers maintained in the city , 4,441 children The are enrolled; and in gainst Theodore Roosevelt in the • A Greater N orma Talmad 'g* Presidential race of 1904 , died on - the 17 county centers -4,774 are en- : SHOE WIZARD May 10. He rose from the obscurity ; rolled. The work is under the direc- i 146 W. Main St. Than You Ever Saw Before of a y outh spent on a New York ' tion of a supervisor and 14 full-time State- farm , to the position of Judge teachers , all of whom have had special traini ng for their vrork. " and presidential cnmlidnte. j FOR SN APP Y Com ing Soon i I I I t Colombia Theatre Fightin g Buckaroo " KIKI " Arcus Women 's Shop The Store of Quality and Low Price 132 W est Main St. ; i \ ii ¦ ¦ .. , » , , ,¦ I j t | | . SPRING DRESSES see J. ECKER 4 Door* below Market Square |"THE j MERRY WID O W" We 've a letter from a friend advising us that he has in constant use a rug, woven f r om KRA U SS' strips of Hemingway suits that CASH GROCERY he 'd worn out after years of The Nearest Grocery Store to service. And the rug is giving the "Normal". A full line of as much wear as the suits did. Quality Groceries and Candies. The temptation to say someCor. Wood and Third Sts. thing j ocular about our "rugged clothing" is almost too great to resist, but as a matter Lowenbergs of fact , there's no j oke about 1 The Big Clothing Store the long-wear qualities of our With It's One Low Price suits and topcoats. to All Invites Students to There are no better fabrics Examine the Newest and Latest in than those we use ; no higher standards of workmanship Men 's Wear than ours. And if you 're finicky about good style, you 'll find plenty LEADER STORE CO. of that in 'em , too ! , John W. Knies, Mgr. New Spring Suits B loo m» burg P«. $25 $30 $35 $40 "Quality "Is Remembered New Spring Topcoats $25 $30 $35 Long After Price is Forgot ten." \ I I _______________________________________ Ready to Wear "Ail-ways Reliable " . , * The Latest Spring j and Summer Fashions ¦ in Mens ' Suits and Overcoats. Made to your measure or W e St and behind The Sloga n Fred R. Hippensteel Clothing of All Kinds .. - - ¦ Bart Pursel Dry Cleaning and Repairing Our Hobby VICTORIA THEATRE MONDAY AND TUESDAY May 24th. and 25th . "V OLCA NO" WI TH Bebe Daniels , Ricardo Cortez and Wallace Berry HEMINGW AY S