FACULTY NINE WYOMING EASILY DEFEATS COCKY TEAM PRESENTM TONIGH T WINS LOOSE GAME Austin and Garrity Only Redeeming Features Of Game. Profess or Keller Pitches Stellar Game The Greatest Dramatic Effort Of Th e Year Promised. At last the day has come. The Saturday afternoon , our old time came scenery is up and all the costumes rivals, Wy oming' Seminary do w n h ere a nd b o a t the B loomsburg have been pressed, in preparation Normal School to the tune of 17-4. for the big event. The cast is ready We beat the team that beat them be- *It came as a revelation to the pr. The first named had it all over fore b ut th at didn 't seem to mean sporting world. The Faculty grew th e others like a. tent ; Keller with and not a bit nervous. "The Rivals " a thing. eager for sport , they drew up a team ; his drop. Nelson , the incomparable as it is here acted , is incomparable. Look! The first ball Roan pitched , they challenged any team the Men 's backstop. To miss this tonight would be to Palermo , the little third sacker for Dormitory could put on the field. A / who saw the game would won- miss half your life. Wyoming; , hi t for two bases. That team , managed by Lanshe , accepted derOne played why a f ew of those who Something that has been held in was all right but Roan lost courage |t h e challenge a n d the dat e was set against the faculty have not ansecret for a long time is this: Mutt and allowed live runs in the lirst inn- for last Monday. noumed themselves as candidates j ing-. Auskis is one of the chief actors. He The game was well adv ertised and for the school team . T hey showed But very little of the sad tale was of the town ' soivfe good stuff. T(hey could do ev- is the latest discovery in the line of the fault of the pitchers. Altho neith - the whole school and part T he bleachers i ery thing but hit Keller 's drop. . j comedy and sure is a headliner. To turn ed out to see it . er of th e t hree pitchers who t rie d As for th e faculty—they all hit. j see him in his costume is to see clock capacity at four o ' were filled to ]the job made a success of it , the supgame is forthcoming, , i Another such game didn 't the and behold and lo j port was rotten. another such a crowd is expected. George Washington jus t out of a Yarshefski piled up errors , Yosvi- start till four-thirty. But everybody ¦ up their cheering apparatus Ne xt time a collection should be ta- history book. ak grot many, Kane got two,- Keen ! loosened got for the big moment. : ken. ready Every time this play is given at nnd missed grounders. One spectator j * tell ' different places certain characters The line up follows : where the sentiWho could : sa id t ha t one m ore would m ake a B. D. C. j ments of the crowd lay. Each man , Faculty hundred. No doubt. : Hal) , ss Miller c. stand out . Among them is a very dif<:e;ic-hei or studen t was cheered to A us t i n and G arri t y alone showed Englehart 1. f Lanshe, 2b. ficult part , Mrs. Malapr op. She is a strong1 spots on the team. They alone the * very echo. Such enthusiasm \i N e lson , c Burnozzi school game , ss. sophisticated "old weather bteat en showed wh at Bloomsburg could do would fit in well at a big Thomas, lb. she-dragon " whose words "most inbut alas not even Wyoming pulled Ja ckson , lb when they were going good. Davis, 1. f. j geniously misapplied but never mis• • The w ea kes t spots in th e t eam a crowd last wee!:. No wo nder we Reams , 2b. R orem , c. f Dugan 3b. pronounced " have amused audiences Jos e. They were Yosviak and Ya rshefski. . Riemer rf. , , three men went But. to continue from pole to pole. In this role Gertogether made the most errors. They Shortess, 3b. trude Baucher is peerless To hear should improv e with experience how- to bat in the first inning against'the ; K H awkins, p. her and see her is enough .to change redoubtable Prof. Keller. He used his eller , p. ever. T he h i tt ing wasn 't bad; our men support to the utmost and cleverly, cni,Substitution : Hausknecht for Ror- a funeral to a Charleston exhibition. compiling a total of ten hits and four thus showing some excellent thinking. But then the faculty batted . Mr. Hall Besides these two the pla_y has runs. was first. Hawkins , in the box for The line-up : several more comedy parts that keep his team , had nothin g, with which to things in a constant uproar. There is B . S. N. S. fan his opponents. They hit and ran , a hick of the sticks ; his servant apr h o a e pears both calm and in hysterics ; Kane ss 0 1 1 3 1 scoring in five innings five to their opponen ts three runs. Bradshaw, c the man and another servant also 2 2 9 1 0 It is all a matter of opinion , but Austin , lb 1 2 7 0 0 add. The comed y is r eal and m ost no t everybody was satisfied with the ' Art Department Decorations satiric. You had better come to find Yarshefski , 3b . . 1 2 0 2 2 faculty line-up . Altho Mr. Shortess i Were Beautiful. Garrity, If 0.3 3 0 0 out what that word means. McGrath , p 0 0 0 0 1 was decked out in a suit we would i Thru all this comedy and buffonhave preferred to have seen Mr. ery shines a beautiful light. A most Rushin , r f 0 0 0 0 0 Hartline hold down the hot curves. j There was quite a crowd at the beau tiful love story that appeals Keen , cf 0 0 5 0 2 The way he scooped up the ground- dance the other night. All dressed up both to the mind and heart makes Yozviak 2b 0 0 1 0 2 ers and pegged them over to first in filmy dresses and brigh t and beau- the theme of the play. A beautiful Roan , p 0 0 0 1 0 during fielding practice was a won- tiful colors , the girls looked pretty. story , a beautiful girl, a tempestuous 0 0 1 1 0 Stokes, p BEST DANCE OF THE YEAR der to behold. But we must remember tha t Mr. Shortess did not receive the benefit of that practice and was, therefore , a lit t le d e ficient . a e It was generally felt that the sub5 0 s t it u tion , Ha usknecht for Rorem , was 0 0 j ustifie d as Mr. Rorem used his well 3 0 feet rather than his head . Dr. Riem0 0 er looked good in right field as long 1 0 as no thing was hit his way. But of 0 0 course , he h ad his position on his a0 0 bili ty as a hitter. Mr. Englehart 0 0 watched for a fly to come his way 4 0 but none came. Therefore he is an unknown quantity. Totals 17 18 27 13 0 The infield was quite competent Struck out : by Roan 1, Stoker 6, Ayres 2. Umpire—Dietrick. Scorer— ordered about by Mr. Nelson from behind the plate. Mr . Hall showed Sorber. some real form at shortstop, getting Two base hits—Palermo, Hrisko, Brominski 2, Three base hits—Bro- quite a few assists. He caugh t Joe minski. Home runs—Bradshaw, Ed- Dugan once fla tfooted . Mr. Reams pulled a new one. It was a play rarewards, Brominski , Tellier , 2. l y seen in thi s region , call e d the p ocket edition. He caugh t the ball DOUBLE QUARTETTES i n hi s p o cket a nd threw it to fir st by On Wednesday night the doubl e turning his pocket inside out. Coach Jackson was a veritable gibquartettes sang in the Mount Zion church back of Catawissa. According ralter on first base. You couldn 't to all reports this was one of the knock him over with a telegraph pole. There must be a certain combest performances given so far. The most beautiful singer , Mary fort in having such a man to throw Bomboy, sang a beautiful solo. Her- the ball to. The batteries for the day were: bert Ralston and Armand Keller Keller and Nelson, Hawkins and Mill. made their debuts in solo land. Totals 4 10 27 Wyoming v h o Palermo, 3b 2 2 2 Hrisko, 2b 3 2 3 Brominski , ss. . . . 3 4 4 Donchess , cf 3 3 1 Edwards, rf 2 2 2 Alper If 1 1 1 Lustig, lb 0 0 11 Tellier , c 2 3 3 Ayres, p 1 1 1 8 8 The men fitt ed into the scene as they should and as they always will. Men are in evi t able , indispe n sable . Decked out in beautiful spring colors , the gym was changed from drab reality to gorgeaus, resplendent fairy land. As the soft strains of th e waltzes floated in and out among the rafters an irresistible atmosphere was created. No matter what was going on , no matter if one danced or not , everyon e was happy. How could it be helped? The stage was set. Step out ! The art department is to be congratulated on the beauty of the gym. It was a creation of another world. JAMES COURSEN —ORATOR The ability of James Coursen as an orator was readily recognized by the Ivy Day Committee which has conferred the honor of giving the Ivy Day Oration on him. His accomplished work during his Senior year has made him eligible for such honors. His ability as an orator was first recognized when he delivered a speech in Senior Chapel on "School Spirit at B. S. N. S.". It brought home many facts to the Senior Class which previously were never considered by them, The committee has made a wise selection in "Jimmie" as he is better known. lov er , a near elopement ! What roman ce , who ca n resist it! "The Rivals " written by Richard Brin sley Sheridan , is a classic comedy, written in 1774 and first produced in 1775. Ever since its first success it has gone through performance af ter performance, given by amateurs and professionals, colleges and clubs like a comet, always beautiful , always bright, always cheered to the skys . Such another success as it had in . London and New York is looked for here. It is a true picture of the life and customs of the day and well sets off some of the sentimental swagger of the age. The satire is most profound. The allusions to honor and valour, the beginnings of duck , the peculiar attitude of the older people toward marriage are all attempts to strike at some wishy-washy ideas of the times. At 8:15 in the Normal Auditorium the curtain will be rung up . Can you afford to be among the missing? The cast includes: Arch Austin, Larry Coolbaugh , E leanor Evans, Helen Pursel Gertrude 1 Bauch er, Victor Auskis, Jack Rowlands, Jessie Zimmerman , Jock Fortner, Phil Keil, Hugo Riemer, The director is Miss Johnston. MAROON AND GOLD THURSDA Y CHAPE L OBITERS ! OBiTERS ! OBITERS ! CONCERT OF DANVILLE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Wherever a group congregate thru Junior Chapel was \v«ll attended The Danville Sympho ny Orchestra out the halls you hear them discuss- on Thursday, there being both sening the Obiter of '2(3 . Enter the Li- iors and juniors present. Mr. J. M. gave an excellent recital in the Vic* during the Published weekly brary and see the books flow freely Fitzgerald former president of the toria Theatre of Danville , on April school year by the students of the about for autographs. The staff of W es t ern M ary land R a i lway Co., now 20. There were six different numbers Bloomsburg State Normal School in Committee on on the program. Among the composthe interests of the students, the a- the Obiter for this year consists of: a special agent of the Railways, ers appeared the names of Rossini, Eastern Public Relations of J. Coursen—Editor; Dud Keen—Aslumni and the school in general. of "Railroads." Hay dn , Bizet , Tschaikowsk y Wagsubject spoke on the sistant Editor; Margaret Evans—AsGeorge Janell , accompanied by ner , etc. The selections were all well sistant Editor; J. Tiinko-*—Adv. Mgr. ; Miss EDITORIAL BOARD Perner , d elig hted the students Elgie Prutzman , Kay Munroe , Agnes with his singing of "The Highway- rendered , Especially beautiful was SVPy ler—l<'ii\ ai\ce Committee ; Kitty man " by Woodman . An encore was the L ore l y Paraph ras e b y Nesvadba. Editor - in - chief There was in addition a vocal soMe Hugh—Secretary ; Gilbert Coop- called for but to the disappointment Hugo Riemer t h e soloist w as not loist. Suzanne Keener , a coloratura of the students , j er— Artist ; Art Jenkin—Athletics ; prepared for another selection. soprano , sang v e r y beautifully four Joh n Kanyuck and George Sack— Associate Editor s selections. In addition she gave sevHumor. We congratulate the staff on Helen An drews LIBRARY NEWS . eral encor es, for she was very entheir work in publishing t he best ) Mildz'ed Bejj son Year Book ever sent out of this in- 1 Through the courtesy of Mr. Fcr- thusiasticall y applauded. Her voice Betty Brooks |n a n d Seller , of the Dodge Brothers was sweet and charming. stit ution. Marion Decker The town of Danville is to be conSales Company, the Normal School very valGrace Hai-los gratulated on i ts orchestra. There Library has just received a COUNTY TRACK MEET HERE j uable display of pictures repres ent- are few towns in this section of the Fannie Hilbert T his State of the size of Danville capable industry . ing the evolution of Kitty McHugh j On next Wednesday over two huu - gift is greatly apprecia ted b y t he and williing to support an organizai dre d school children of Columbia Kathryn Phillips tion of as high a type as the Symphoand by the libraria ns. County will take part in the Fourth school ! Kenneth Yocum recently The School Library has ny Orchestra of Danville. Its organj Annual Track and Field Meet of the received an autographed copy of ization is businesslike and efficient. Benjamin F. Lewis Col umbia County Athletic Associa! lion. The meet will be held on Mt. { John Bakeless ' new book "The Ori- Much credit is due to Mr. E. Hart the Bugbee . its conductor. Mr. George j Oly mpus. It will start at ten o 'clock j gin of the Ne xt War " through BUSINESS BOAR D . Bakeless i G. Reefer is the president of the askindness of the au thor. Mr . in the morning and will last through i is a grad uate John Robison Bloomsburg Nori sociation , Dr. H. L. Foss of the of the afternoon. Superi ntendent Evans |the { nial School and is a son of Prof. singcr Hospi tal , is its treasurer.GeiLarry Coolbaugh In • and Ray Cole , the Vocational Super- j He has spokBaseless of our school addition to the executive committee . .' visor of the coun ty, are sponsoring i en to the student bod y on several ! there is a Board of Govei'nors on Price $1.50 per i the aifair. Me mbers of our faculty ' occasions. Subscription which appear the names of the lead\ school year for resident students and and student bod y will o fficiate. riiK present book describes t he lacing1 citizens of the town , such as Dr. alumni. \ Carl Davis of Espy former Scott j tors that are likely to result in an i Gearhar t, Mrs. Foss, Superintendent Entered as second class matter at ! Townshi p High School star , and now ; international conflict : the specific Diehl , Mr. Hug, Mrs. Price , Mr. Apm ember of the track team at State j problem s of dissatisfied races , of ov- plebaugh the Bloomsburg Post Office, Blooms- • aCollege, etc. will run an exhibition quar- ¦ er-population of commercial expen- j burg, Pa . In the past this Orchestra gave retor mile. It is reported that Ilomig, j Offices : 113 Main Building, B. S. \ the long distance runner , will also j siou and of military strategy. The ! citals in our auditorium. Our studWorld says about this book: "Yo u! ents and local patrons always enN. S-, Bloomsburg , Pa . be here. The plan is for him to be the will be t hrilled by Bakeless's infor- j j oyed them . you , "The News about you , of starter of the races ;uid to run an j mation , charmed by his wit , fascinat- j written for you. " exhibiti on mile. Evidently this meet : ed by the clear and vigoro us way he ; will be the leading event of the sea- : has presented the facts . When you , son. j have finished this book you will read You Can Get REACTIONS ON OBITER i yo ur newspaper day by day with ' END IN SIGHT FOR SENIORS There arc ma ny attractive f earuvc ^ \ more interest and enjoy men t, for ; It At I there is no game as excitin g or mo- ! about the new Obiter . Its dedicati on The work of the seniors will come I mentous as that of international pol- ' to Mi- s Mason is wort h y of note . It RITTER S is gratif y' ing to note that the Libra- ;in a n end on Saturday noon . May 2'.> . j itics. " | rians of the .School play the role in ¦Action to this effect was taken by j slmient life that is bein g play . , ; by the faculty at it? last meeting on I MR. MCHENRY CELEBRA TES Miss Mason. The contribution t<> Pro- Tuesday . On Sunday , May .'}() , will j Compliments of ! fessor Iirill by A r t h u r Jenkins is well i •onie the grad uating sermon . Man- j Yesterday, April 2!i , Mr. Mclienry i worded . It forms an excellent lv\b- i lay. Tuesday . "Wednesday and Thurs- j celebrate d his 87th birthday. He re- ; Bloomsburg H ar d ware Co ute to our late teacher and guide , iday will ho free for tVe seniors to j porte d for work at seven o'clock and ; The cuts and views of th e buildin g s , i<> as they wis h. On Friday at ten was gree ted by an absolutely new ; Bloomsburg, Pa. rind yrounds are very attracti ve. It n ' cloek will be the gr aduating exer- luwn mower. This present to him was j is i\ clever idea to h ave them in the if w e s . of gre at jo y. We want to The courses of the juniors and aco source ( •( •ginning of the bo ok. Tin- photon gratulate McH enry on his graphs of gro ups and individuals arv middlers will close on Thursday . J u ne b i r t h d a y and Mr. ass u re h i m t h a t h e is p. :: at 1:20 M. clear and life like. Tito vorsi-s of a living example to all of us of diliexcellent triThe training school classes Guest form an will alEdgar ge nce promptness , perservera n ce a n d Jack Geistwi te bu te to Mr . Wilson , the class advisor . ;\f . also snapshots nro Last Wednesday the Seniors were So meone had an eye for scenes wor- (L 'litertained by the Male Octette and J. E. ROYS thy of reco rd. The views from ('in- ,the mixed double quartett e in chapel . JEWELER de'rella. the Junior H igh School pro- ; !The organization took charge of the Bloomsburg, Pa. duc tion am a great , credit to the Art (i'Utin . exercises. Miss Kvolyn Bom' Club of the Juni or Hiu' h School. The |.boy led the devoti ons and Mary ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ - 4 "Jo kes " are well selected and really ' Homboy, the queen of song birds , I" When you want contain a point. Am on g them stand ! 1,led the singing. na t ''A Myth" and "For the Good o f ' ¦» . The program was delightful. First 1" " - - 4* E. S. N. S. " j , .he combined groups sang "Blue Danube "; next the Mixed quartette sang "My Love i.s Like a lied , Red Rose." DEBATERS OF JUN IOR HIGH SCHOOL AT LIME RIDGE INN 'The biggest hit of the program was ¦—i i!.hc Male Octette when they sang 'Little Annie Rooncy. " When you think of The two debating teams of the JuWe hope to have more programs a chicken and had High School nior waffle dinner at Lime Ridge fun on 'like that one. Monday we have a difgo to SH O ES Wednesday evening. There were nine 'ferent one. Sack and Auskis accompersons present at the stroke of six. Ipanied by the "Mysterious QtuirMr. Keller hud invited Martha Gross , I etto " will -perform , Don 't miss it. Th ink of Frances Evans , Isabel Riemer and . Francis Ickes. The three girls in his LOUIS BERNHARD , SR. party -.formed the winnin g team, BU CK A LEW'S 67 years of service Francis Ickes wns the alternate . Dr. Confectionery Riemer hud invited the losers if they WATCHES , DIAMONDS AND ttouW lose like good snorts . They hud They Serve the BEST J EWELRY „ done so." In his party wcr