Gel Your "Ponnn nt" Ticket * Now AND WE TRAMPLED OLE' "SEM" IN THE MIRE Get Your "Pennant" Tickets Now LAST NUMBER OF COURSE "THE PENNANT" IS V PROGRESSING RAPIDLY AppearGI EN DOUBLE QUARTETTE PRAISED BY SCRANTONIANS Flonzaley Quartette Makes Will Broadcast New Program From ance. WBAX. The Maroon and Gold quintet endYes, things are surely progressing ed another successful season auspicwith regard to "The Pennant. " iously on Saturday night, defeating The double quartette which has The Flonzaley Quartette marked [ Miss Johnston is now assisting with the strong Wyoming Seminary five byj [ the last number of a very delightful the various speaking parts. Mr. Car- now won for itself an enviable reputhe score 34-30. The victory was a|S musical course for this season. We ter still continues to improve the tation in the Eastern part of Pennvery, sweet one for Normal but a very can , after hearing the concert Wed- songs and songsters and he is surely sylvania , again scored a "big hit" bitter one for Sem because i t was the nesday evening, truthfully agree to accomplishing the desired effects. when they broadcasted from the second time this year that their proud ' that old saying, "The last the best of This operetta has a two fold pur- Scranton Times Air Stat ion , Friday and haughty team was forced to low- all the game." While all the num- pose. First we want to show what evening, March 13. Many messages er their colors to a team that was bet- bers of the course were delightful , j we really accomplished and to enter- were received from memb ers of the ter in every department of the game. the quartet Wednesday evening was tain the pleasure seekers, secondly , alumni and friends of the institution What makes the victory all the more superb. The harmony of the music I we are helping to finance the "Maroon requesting encores. . galling to Sem is that they lost the l<' held the audience entranced from the and Gold. " What better aims could The entire program as announced game on their own court. They very first note, and we do not believe anything have? But this purpose will in last week's issue of the Maroon thought they could not be defeated that the artists ever played to a more not materialize unless we have the and Gold was broadcasted. on their home court and went into appreciative audience. On Sunday evening the double support of all faculty members and the fray looking very confident. This;I As studen t s, we are deeply grateful students. Some of us can make post- quartette will broadcast from Station confident look, however, disappeared for the opportunity which is offered ers , others noise, and all of us can WBAX , Hotel Sterling Studio, before the game was five minutes old. ; us to become acquainted with the purchase a twenty-five cent ticket. wiiKes-tsarre, ra. Normal was the first to score , really fine things in music. We hope | The following persons have been The program will be considerably Turner making good a foul try. His that the school will continue giving appointed to canvass the school with changed ; it will include several new one poin t was duplicated by Captain us the opportunity to broaden our- tickets : Girls ' Dormitory : Fourth quartette numbers, and solos by Miss 4 Kazlusky who also threw one in from selves musically. floor , Frances Ruggles; Third floor : Perner , Miss Pursel , Miss Dora B. the 15 foot mark. Donchess, WyomElizabeth Marvin , Elsie Jones ; Sec- Wilson and Mr. Edison D. Harris. —B. S. N. S.— ing's center, tossed in a pretty two ond Floor: Lillian Kester. Down-town : —B. S. N. S.— pointer from behind the 20 foot mark Elizabeth Brooks. Faculty members and the score was tied at 2 all. From JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL TO ; will be approached by any of the Wyoming Reserves Bow to B. S. N. S. GIVE EXHIBITION IN CHAPEL above-mentioned individuals. this time on until t he close of the half , Varsity. the game was a heart thrilling affa ir, Program of Gymnastic Feats. —B. S. N. S.— For the second time this year, the Normal taking the lead for a minu te There 's a treat in store for you Wyoming Seminary Reserves were Folk Song Program in Chapel. then Seminary. As the first half end- next Friday at 11 A. M. in the audiby the B. S. N. S. Jr. Vared Hrisko scored a two pointer for torium. It will not be extra chapel , i Fridav at the j oint meeting- of As- defeated in a preliminary game last SatSem making the score 19-18, Semin- dancing, nor singing but something 1 sembly several Junior girls told us sity some of urday night. The game was played ary 's favor. else equally interesting. Part of our some interesting facts about on Seminary 's floor at Kingston and The defense was extremely diffi- great Normal School faculty is giv- ; the folk songs of various countri es; preceded the game which was enacted 1 cult to penetrate and it was about ing an exhibi tion—not the dignified their tradition , origin and various by the Varsity teams of these well four minu tes af t er t he st art of the Seniors, nor the Juniors, but the Jun- |peculiarities charac teristic of each known rival institutions. country 's song. se con d half befor e there was a scor e , ior high school girls. The visi t ors, lead by Van Buskirk, Miss Decker opened the program by the same being a single point for Very few of us know of the wonwere entirely too fast for their opBloomsburg which knotted the score derful work that is being done in the 1 telling us about the tradition of the ponen ts running up a score of 46 to by Miss at 19 all. Junior High School. On Friday we folk song. She was f ollowed 30 for the Reserves. Van Buskirk For another five minutes the game are to be given the opportunity of i Reese, who gave the origin of some scored so frequently that the score was a nip and tuck affair , each team seeing the Junior High School give a i1 of these songs and told why different keeper was kept busy changing the having 23 points on the right side of gymnasium exhibition. It is not to types of music is used with cei'tain numbers on the board. He scored a the ledger. From this time on, how- b e an elabora t e , long-drawn out af- , poetical works. Then Miss Davis t ot al of 31 .points the result of 12 ever , Normal's superiority was dis- fair but a short synopsis or out-line spoke abou t the German folk songs. field goals and 7 out of 11 from the tinctly shown and we pulled away of the work done in class by the girls Miss Mann gave a series of talks on 15 foot mark. It will be noticed that to a six point advantage which we in gymnasium. They have worked the German , French , Spanish and "Van" scored one more point than held until the last couple of minutes very hard under the able direction of ! Portugese songs and then Miss Troy the total score of the Seserves. i concluded the program by talking to of play when the lead was cut 2 Miss Edna Munroe. How many of us about the folk songs of the United Line-up : points. The final score as before you have ever seen the Pyramid built States—the good old negro melodies Wyom. Reserve* B. S. N. S. Jr. mentioned being 34-30, Normal's fav- right in the room where you are ? If of the South. McTackie F. this type of informa- Zeveny or. you haven 't here is your chance of I I am sure thatgreat ___ Hariet F. value to future Van Buskirk Donchess and Kazlusky played seeing one, f or these girls will build tion will be of Reily teachers. C. Austin such a hard defensive game that they B C V U J . H l . Stram G. Walsh were both ej ected from the battle via The foi'ward roll is done quite suc- f ollowing program : Wolf G. Stoker the personal foul ruling. Donchess cessfully by the girls. The first time 7's—Skin the snake (maybe a real —B. S. N. S.— was put out shortly after the start of they take one roll , then 2 in succes- ' rattler). the second half while "Kaz " was sion and finally three. Then you shall DID YO U? 9' s—Forward Roll (1, 2, 3). ej ected near the end of the game, sec the rocking chair and cradle, not There will be shedding of tears and 7's—Rocking Cradle. only ono nnd one half minutes re- wooden ones, but real live ones. I wails of disappointments if you 9's—Rocking Chair. x training. Wilcox substituted for havo told you just a little about it, did n't. Get yours now ! 7's—Human Ball. Donchess, going in as forward while but there is lots more so come out and Tickets are going fast ! Don 't bo 8's—Pyramids. 1 left where we left Seminary ! 9's—Pyramid. see for yourself Friday, 11 A. M;, the Continued on Pnj io 4. SEE YOU AT THE TOURNAMENT MARCH 20 AD aroon ' anb <3oit> Published weekly during the schcol year by the Bloomsburg State ' Normal School in the interests of the students , faculty , alumni and the school in general. STAFF MEMBERS. Editor in Chief Edison D. Harris „ .— Assistant Editor in Chief George Jancll Literary Editor _ Ruth Walper „ Assistant Literary Editor Fannie Hilbert Sports Editors Mike Beshel , Betty Davis Training School .. _ . ... „ Kathryn Price : ._ . 1.., Circulation and Exchange Kiemer ¦Hugo ._ Assistant Circulation and Exchange .... Cora Long ._ . ._ . Alumni Editor _ Samuel Barrow .-_ Personal and Social Editor Jean Lacoc _ Humor Editor ... Margaret Jones 'Jupiness Manager William B. Jones .. Assistant Business Manager . . . Earl Farley Secretarial Staff. Catherine McIIugh Mary Hiedix Genevieve Wilson Betty Brooks Reporters. Florence Jones Paul Lanshe John Op iary • Margaret Emmitt Wilhelmina Spangenberg Mary Isaacs Faculty Advisors Edna Munro S. L. Wilson yaar for resi uent students and Subscription Price $1.25 per school Alumni. Entered as second class matter at the Bloomsburg Post Office , BloomsOflice room , 113 Main Building. B. S. N. S.» Bloomsburg, Pa. ! HUMOR. i I It 's hard to know ju st what you 're going to get, | |When the menu for Thursday has not come out yet, Wise Cracks—Table No. 5. I One person will tell you it's "beef , a Horn— "Arch , when doc- Mansfield I la king. " leave and when does Rochester ar- i Too soon you will find it' s a differen t • rive. " thing. j The next one you meet will say Arch— "Today and today. " . "Southern baked ham. " \ , Arch— "Sockio why doesn 't that You 'll go clear off your nut—and then car sta gg er '!" you 'll hear "lamb. " Sockio— "Why should it?" Soon you 'l! hear "stew " and get ready Arch— "Why? Hasn 't it got a to die shine- on?" When you ']} quickly remember—the bier thin s is "" pie ." Bill— "What do wo have for desKay Coxe • sort?" —B. .?. X. S.— Hostess— "Apricots . Willie. " Bill— "They are the apples ' beds. " fl UlDOf See you j at t he Tournament j March 20th Lou— "I wonder what is the matter with Farley?" Audio— "He 's blue because he can play his piccolo. " Socki e—"Bill ,- do you know where we get j elly from? " Hill— "No , I don 't know. " Sockie— "Why from the current in the sea. " NOTE :—Wise Cracks will be gathered from the gang of wise crackers at table No. 5 .and will bo seen in the pa per every week. Table Com mittee. —B. S. N. S— All set for the 24th ? A good show in the audi torium. ????*????????>?»? *???????? |? Bloomsburg \<> . ? National Bank | \* i* Assets over Two One-Fourth Millions ]< >\ \> |j <> ? i N ? J. E.ROYS, JF,VTCLER. -¦ J —^ «LMSI *bR ti llBPRESENTED AT GOV ERNOR' S REC EPTION Many of the students of this school A t a recep t io n held recen tly by journeyed to Kingston to see the basketball game between Bloomsburg Governor Pinehot , the Bloomsburg and Seminary. They were very amply I State Normal School, was not without Two of our Alujnni rewarded. But those who remained representation. the reception at the Executive here wish to assure the boys on the attended Mansion , I. an isburg, Pa. team that they had our best wishes Ray Leidick , a student of our although were unable to be presen t. insti tution in 1916. now in 1925 a LegisDue to the fact that there were so lator from Schuy kill County, Pa., is our few people left in the dorm , the girls i first representive , but he wasn't alone. • were allowed to go to the movies. A { Mrs. Edward Brown , in 1914 , Miss M>. privilege much enjoyed. Many of the 1 Mary Emanuel , was the second. Luzerne Co. Brown is legislator from girls acquired new roomma tes over ! the week-end , while others had very It is needless to say that both these people were extremely popular in their genuine attacks of home sickness. Dan Smith and Mike Beshel went Normal days and evidentl y have remained so for a aumber of years. They home with Lee Bennett for the week- j¦ extend their best wishes to Bloomsburg end and when they s*iy that Mike was and their respective classes. They also down at Gretchen 's after the game, Ij expressed a desire to meet some of us in sometimes they forget to mention the , Washington , at the capitol on some* unfact thnt Dan was also very much in j foreseen day . Here 's hoping that their wishes may evidence. : materialize , for what would be finer Gertrude Hildebrand had as her : guests over the week-end , Miss Mc- than such a meeting with known , yet Celland and Elizabe th Hildebrand , of ¦ unknown, acquaintances. Scranton. Sunday vas such a lovely ; One can imagine with what joy they on Normal Life possibly day that it tempted these people with • they look back and most probably the most influencing Gene Wilson to go to Danville for , factor in their careers. We, too, I ventheir dinner. They took some pic- j ture to say, shall enjoy looking back a tures which should be good. few years hence. Maud e Keen 's m other and father •were among the many visitors here -> r ;Sunday. ' WEEK-EN D NEWS , A. Z. Schoch , President <> \\ Wm, H. Hidlay, Cashier o o ?????????«?? +??????? *????? ; Jack Geistwite i Studio of Photography i When you think of j SHOES think of I 124 E. Main St. -' . BUCKALEW'S When you want r GRUEN WATCHES AT SNEIDMAN'S JEWELERY STORE \ GOOD EATS go to Townsend's for ANYTHING IN Dress for Men Cleaning and Pres sing ¦ REILLY'S CONFECTIONERY They Serve the BEST ¦ ' ¦ ' ' : ¦ ; up her forehead. In an entreating Y. W. C. A. TONIGHT. MOBO'S QUIET MOOD. The regular weekly meeting of the As Connie gave her improvised voice she whispered : "Please, Mobo , ve been perfect Y. W. C. A. will be held this evening rattle box flivver its morning appetiz- don 't kick now. You ' er of gas, she exclaimed cheerfully : j all this trip. " Then , "Ann , (16 you in the auditorium. The meeting and devotions will be in charge of Marg"Mobo is in perfect order. We hear that quivery sound?" Helen • Barrow , '24 , is teaching hisBy this time they were caught in aret Kraft. We expect to have a very shall be home in time for school." tory and geography to the fifth , sixth Ann , shrinking into her sixteen the whirl of office and school going pleasing song service as part of our and seventh grades at Sunbury. inch allotment of that low flat racer 's traffic. High school boys stared sur- program so come out and join your Aletha Bullock , '24 , is teaching four foot width, gathered the pack- prisedly as tiny, dusty Mobo skillfully voices in the singing. Help the Y. sixth grade in the Shamokin schools. age of eggs closer into her lap, mum- dodged in and out among handsome W. do its part, in making Bloomsburg Gertrude Roberts, '24 , is teaching bled "Ura-hmm" and hoped for the touring cars and huge limousines. truly "a sing ing school. " '" Besides she I Connie detested traffic. second grade 2 in the McKinly Build- ! hact feared that quivery sound and Mobo 's of ing* the Nanticoke schools. Ann , stealing one last look at the , Charlotte Zearfoss, '24 , is teaching old garden gate and peaceful farm- quiet submissive mood was quite un- another and somehow lived through ! • fifth and sixth grades at Mountain i ho u se, and wondering whether she n a t n r a l . the day. I would ever see it again , saw Jim hop j The limousines did not harm them. Top, Luzerne County. Frances O'Malley, '25. The traffic was successfully evaded. ! into his steady Pierce Arrom. EviNeal Hutton , '22, College Prep., A harmless looking street wagon who is working in the bond depart- j -dently Connie's country cousin had trundled up the street into which ment of the Chase National Bank of not so much faith in Mobo 's achieve- ( they had j ust turned. From a street New York City, visited his home dur- ments. Perhaps he feared his young ! —< cousin 's driving. Coming as close as j wagon Connie expected nothing. Sud- t ing the past week. he dared to their "ligh t tin can ," as ; denly the wagon's guide , a calm-lookRuth Pratt , '24, is teaching first he termed Mobo , he shouted above > ing, innoc ent-faced mule , came to a —and NOW for that grade in Nanticoke. st andst ill di r e ct ly in front of Mobo. ! the roaring machine : Madge Jones, '22 , is teaching sev"I' m coming along to pick, up the Connie 's teeth clenched. Her feet enth grade at Closter, N. J. She is pieces." j st raightened out firmly on the brakes. also coaching basketball for girls. But , discovering, as he trailed them Her hands grasped the wheel more Emily Linskill, '24 , is teaching sevover the first two miles of the uncer- steadily. Mobo plunged forward a j enth grade at Scotch Plains. Read y to Serve You tain country road , that nothing had frac t ion of an i n ch , hesitated—'¦drew Arminta Howell , '24, is teaching in Lack—halted. Connie sat back and dropped—except a few screws and a; the Willow Point School of Vestal , shrieked , 'cu jhed alound. Ann stared frozenly headlight—he loosened N. J. She teaches grades 1-G. _ "Good luck to you !" and left them to before her, A man \ya3ke d out of a One of our most, recent alumni, the mercy of Mobo 's changeable nearby store , lo oked scr ut in i z ingly Michael "Pokey " Walokonis, has been whims and Connie's skillful driving, j over Mobo and her occupants , graspappointed to a position at Eldred, Mobo , however, was in a quiet ed the left mud guard with both ; Schuylkill Co. He succeeds a Miss mood. She chugged patiently over hands , stretched it straight and re. Millerm whose eyes were so inj ured the low hills. Like a track-team 's marked calmly : from looking at the eclipse last Jantrick runner, she gradually gained ' "I guess you 're all right. Pretty uary that she was forced to retire ° energy. As she climbed one hill af- • close shave though !" from teaching. For the sake of our ; The girls did reach home in time ter another, her speed increased "Pokey " we are glad there are no steadily. Her whizzing wheels caused to get to school , much to Ann 's sureclipses scheduled for us during the OVER THE POST OFFICE a hitherto peaceful cow to cease its prise. However Connie carried a next few years. while quiet smile with her all day, quiet grazing and rush madly over Stephen Lerda, '23, is teaching the pasture. A sleepy country boy, Ann just "passed" from one class to History in Glen Lyon. He will also just hustled out of his comfortable officiate as referee in the B. S. N. S. bed , stared in open-mouthed , wideinvitation basket ball tournament to eyed amazement as that queer lookbe held here this week. He will share ing machine hustled by. this work with "Zip " Bryant of Always the When Mobo had jostled over the ' Wilkes-Barre, an Alumnus of Mans/ re^c^ last row of railroad tracks, Conn 'e, field Normal. risking a glance toward Ann , remavkWhile the double quartette was ar\ A v r t W w broadcasting from station—in Scran"Those eggs may be scrambled , but ton last Friday evening, several phone we've left the country behind. " calls were received from Luzerne , But, turning back to her driving Lackawanna, Susquehanna and other again , a pained expression wrinkled counties saying that the program was Ice Cream being enjoyable l'eceived. Most of the calls were from a alumni of this Candies institution. The Alumni department of the Maroon and Gold thanks these Alumni for their friendl y interest. Pastries ! v-v . . ¦ flliJ iD i)i Photograph BEST TEXACO Lubricants Gas oline Ker osene F-I-L-M-S Patent Medicine BLUE BOWL A pleasant welcome will be extended to all students. I Light Lunoh or Regnlnr Menls ' ' Toilet Goods ¦ Stationery ' ?????????????????????????? J . C. Mercer ' COMPLIMENTS OF , WOOLWORTH ?????????????????????????? SEABOARD & INLAND OIL COR. Greeting Cards ¦* Call Bell 53 ' 108 E. Main St. ' j. i i 11 . i ! t i . . . . • !' t Bloom sburg, Pa. and Lunches I i i i i ' ¦ Served at BUSH'S Quality Shop ( ' SENIOR CLASS ACTIVITIES.' Down Town Girl Entertain*, Need The Teachers Apologize ? H. J. Fehton.—Educational Review. Miss Winifred Flaherty delightful- At a meeting on March 11, the Senapol! Teachers have no reason to be ly ent ert ained a n umber of th e down ior class de cided to send flo wer s t o Continued From Puge 1 og-etic. You never need to speak de- down girls at a "500" party Thurs- the deceased Mrs. Rice, Nadine 's j Sherako went to center. Cooper preciatingly of your work provided day evening. A color scheme in keep- mother. This is the only way that took Kazlusky 's place and Turner act- it is the best you can 3o. Although ing with St. Patrick's Day was car- we, as a class, can show our deepest ed as Captain. by following this profession recom- ried out. The following girls enj oy- sympa thy. The entire Normal team played a pense may not be so large there is a It was also arranged that flowers remarkable game. Every man did his I vast opportunity for effectiv work ed the evening: e Misses Gladys Stecker, be sent to Dorothy Herring, who was M arie du ty and it was only by good team and service. Character tells everywork that we won. Our boys played where and no profession more so than Karn s, Alice Ludwig, Betty Brooks, at the Bloomsburg Hospital, but who their best floor game of the season in teaching , for teaching is a pro- Beatrice Geisinger, Elsa Robbins , is now convalescing at her home. Our and also timed their shots accurately . fession , perhaps the noblest of them Margaret Emmitt and Winifred Flah- best wishes for a speedy recovery acerty. companied the flowers. They were, however , weak on free an. * —B. S. N. S.— throws caging only ten out of a total If teaching is a profession then it of twenty tries. Captain Kazlusky , should be entered upon as any proHaupt and Turner incidentally were fession ; namely, to make it your life the shining lights of Normal 's victory. work. Many people drop teaching Wyoming , also played a. line floor because they do not know what else game and shot fouls well , caging four- to do as a stepping stone to something or else we will get it for you in teen out of twenty from the 15 foot higher. From this condition has arisshort order. mark. However they did not seem to en the only too-true statement by Let us print your letters and envelopes. be able to take the ball down under Shaw , "All those who can do, do; Social size, 250 sheets and 250 envelopes in a Cabinet, envelopes in drawer and rate they shot any the basket. At those who can 't , teach. " sheets in separate compartment. Niftyfrom all angles and all places from However , although probably there Visiting cards. Engraving. the floor , try ing many shots from be- are some in the teaching profession not money but something more valSmith Print Shop yond the center of the floor. Captain who can 't teach there are many who uable—opportunity for study, for Conri House Avenue Hrisko was the most guilty of this can. To teach successfully one must long distance shooting trying no less read , observe widely, have a know- reading and research time for travel, than twenty long shots only one of ledge of human nature, and the abil- and the satisfaction of being an influenc e in moulding young lives. The which was nipped thru the basket. ity to think clearly. forceful teacher is always a reader, a Donchess performed best for WyomTeaching i§ a high calling and de* student and a thinker. ing. Hrisko scored high but as was mands much of those who are deteralready stated tried many long shots mined to succeed in it. If teaching Finally, the teacher should get spiri tual returns in seeing the youth Evans ' Tea House which gave the ball to his opponents. wishes to maintain itself at the head and Coffee Shop After the game, Coach Quay , in a of the profession , then its m embers through his leadership, grow into manhood ; he should have a certain 370 East Third Street talk with the writer of this article should aim to be leaders of youth, in satisfaction in securing enough wagpraised the Normal team , say ing "that a crusade against ignorance, bigotry, Good things to Eat, good things es for a comfortable living and in to take away. they played by far the better game narrow-mindedness and evil thinking. having himself surrounded with com' and were entitled to win." He said Home Cooking Home Baking The dividend for those teaching- is panionable books. He may not die that "the Normal quintette was one Dinners Engaged of the smoothest working machines-f¦ Zimolzak , Cooper, Kazlusky (5) ; Wy- rich but should die happy and never he had seen." Thank you , Coach . oming—Sherako (3) , Hrisko (2), need apologize for being a teacher. Qnsiv. I Donchess (5) , Bodle (3) , Edwards. Zip Bryant handled the game in his Substitutions—Haupt .for Jenkins, usual fast and faultless manner . Cooper for Sack, Wilcox for DonBloomsburg was accompanied by chess. three hundred rooters. Line-up : B. S. N. S. Wyoming Sem. Turner F. Hrisko (c) Jenkins F. Sherako Cabinet changes are reported. _.._ C. _ Zimol zak , Donchess Why, we have them everyday. ' ___ G. Sack Bodlc Kazlu sky (c) G. . Edwards Shirts come in and shirts go out—especially go Field goals, Bloomsburg—Turner out at this season when price revisions of 66c to (2) , Jenkins , Haupt (4), Sack, Kaz$3.00 apply to so many shirts. lusky (3); Wyoming—Sherako (2), Hrisko (4) , Wilcox', Donchess. Fouls, Every shirt thus retired to private life, we Bloomsb urg—Turner (2), Haupt , trust has lon g life and gives happiness; and though AND W E TRAMPLED OLE ' "SEM" IN THE MIRE . 11 Pennant Tickets Now On Sale Recent News From Washington Set Us Thinking JOIN the Y. W. C. A. NOW! I i: Barton Pursel \\ E. Myron Sands, Prop. Just a short walk. Give us a trial / ' " ' ' ¦ LOUIS BERNHARD, Sr. fi!> Yftnr of Servlr« WATCHES , DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY Finl Nil. Bmk Building Rfooniilv m, P«. —9 ?????????????????????????? Creek Side Inn - vs > !\ Tailor and Bushleman