DANCE— Saturday Ni(o ATHLE TIC LEADERS ENJOY CHICKEN AND WAFFLES DANCE---Saturday Nite WHICH OF THESE 'WILL TYPIFY YOUR SCHOOLROOM twenty- SENIOR MIDDLER DANCE A HUGE SUCCESS ¦ » ^fc^— ¦»—™ ELECTION OF OFFICERS AT Y. W. C. A. TONIGHT At last the night of the To-night's meeting of the Y. W. C. first arrived and with #it arrived also A. is to be one of the most important Wednesday, last, the "Athletic all the pleasure and delight that only held this year. The officers of "the new . 1 Leaders " took nU f eeding necessities an unusual dance can give. Yes, the The classroom had rerJ f reedom. cabinet for the rest of the year and prom was deli ghtful as well as most and started on a sweet , 'but short, When John finished a task j usr lately for next year are to be elected. It unusual for many reasons. given him he procl aimed in a loud j will be composed of Junior girls, of jo urney to the great land beyond The first thing catching our eye voice "I've finished !" and imroediate- i course. Nominations were made at (Lite Street) for a chicken and wafupon entering was the beautifully '[ ly proceeded to bully those about him. the cabinet meeting last week and fie dinner. decorated gymnasium. The color When Jimmie met with an unusually are as follows : President—Edith Morris, Ruth When they left the school there was scheme—fed, white and blue , sug- difficult problem his hand waved a crowd but soon some could not trav- gestive of Washington 's Birthday— frantically in the air and his disgust- Carver. el as quickly as the others so they was most Vice President—Kitty McHugh, artistically arranged. ed grunt issued , "I can 't get this old (three in number) guarded the rear. Streams of crepe paper hanging from thing. " The distracted but always i Laura Mann. The othei's (seven in number) made one side of the balcony to the other loving and gentle teacher rushed from I Secretary—Edna Brotherton , Elgie a brave front for the meal. Every- in a most delightful canopy arrange- one place to another. She was liere Prutzman. thing was very quiet going out be- ment , showed the result of much and to help everybody , she waited on all i Treasurer—Kathryn Munroe, Charcause everybody was saving up steam artistic labor. Off to one side of the demands. Betty and Jane searched i lotte Morgan. for rfinn pr. Assistant Treasurer—Betty Otygym was a rende z v o us set apa rt fo r I in vain for a lost sheet of puper . I A few minutes after all had arriv- the Faculty . In every detail the gym j Georgie returned leisurely from the i man , La Verne Reese. ed , the fire bell rang and we all rush- was mo^t delightful. waste-basket grinning 1 and protruding I Much of the success of the associaed to the dining room. Several peoFrom the decorations we return to his tongue in a foolish manner. A i tion next year depends upon the cabiple wer e n ea rly mangled in the at- the dancers—some new, some old , but piece of crayon whizzed gaily toward ! net you elect , so come out and help tempt to get ahead of Miss Munro all welcome. And what was the first its goal. select it. The other members of the and Marion Hess. After partaking of surprise for them ? Why, the eliminThe class room was having voal cabinet , that is, the chairman of the a little food the injured were again ation dance , of course , with Jimmie freedom— i t was a rectangle of con- various c ommi tte es, will be choosen with us, ready for action. Silence Jones as the caller. This was very fusion and disorder. j fry the present cabinet and the new | officers at a joint meeting some time reigned supreme for the firs t ten min- interesting, indeed , and was one of II. utes, then a great sigh—painful sigh the most unique as well as one of the !s oon. : An . appealing chilly atmosphere If you are a member of the Y. W. —was heard , after which some one most novel features on the list. Anpiped up, "I'll bet the kids at school other was the spot ligh t dance , much prevailed. A rig id , firm-backed file C. A. you have a chance to be on the of boys and girls marched mechaniare eating plain hash !" enjoyed by everyone. Do you wonder cally to their respective scats. A 1 cabinet , if you are n 't , you better j oin Flossy then began to ask for every- that it was a most attractive affair? now ! high-pitched voice rasped , "ArithmeBy Kitty McHugh thing that wasn't in her reach—getThis dance was a gift, one might tic. " Fifty heads bent low, "fifty j ting what she wanted , as u su al , but say, of the Seniors and Middlers to pairs of hands reached into desks, fif- I —B. S. N. S.— with much gutteral complaint from the Juniors. The committee obtained ty neat looking ari thmetic book:? an, the other end of the table. Well , we to have such an affair from 1 peared. Tommy smothered a desire JUNIOR G I R LS ' ate and ate and still ate some more permission Reirner, who also hired Alexand- to ask about a step in his problem , till a few of us thought we'd he ard Dr. GLEE CLUB NEWS er 's Orchestra for us from eight to for to dare to ask a thing about a "Somewhere a Voice is Calling." A eleven o'clock. J problem analyzed the day before ; The Junior Girl s' Glee Club is all few of the noisiest—but quietest Punch and cake were served dur- would have caused maybe an earth- ! ready for a most successful semester. while eating—had to take exercise to quake or someth ing awful. Mary , New members have been elected so get ready to partake of the following ing intermission. No one can deny that-this was one Ann 's pencil point snapped under the ' that the total now on roll is 105. courses—not courses of study—eats. Pockets bulged with waffles and chick- of the most pleasant and successful strain and was ignored for its i>n- 1 With this added quantity Prof. Carten for room mates, etc., but alas for dances ever held at B. S. N. S. It is pertinence. A smile would have with- j; er feels that the quality will be cersome roomies ! We heard much hoped that we may enjoy more like it ered instantly in that cheerless place. tainly excellent. This was a schoolroom where bovsl The club has retained its same offiin the future. munching on the way home. girls were learning truths to help ! cers, as they were elected for the and After dinner the pi'ocession wendBy Kitty McHugh year. They are : president , Lucille them live. Well , what 's in a name? ed its way into the parlor and indulgKaufman ; secretary, Marion Decker ; in. ed in dancing, supposedly, but mostly —B. S. N. S.— Miss Breslin announced a speilin.-j treasurer , Laura Mann. tumble sets and a few of Miss Post's test. A neat pile of parei*s was plac- ! On March 13, the Glee Club is goacquired tricks. Though Miss Post NEW ATHLETIC ed on the front desk of each row. As ' ing to have a party in honor of the couldn 't be there her spirit was with LEADERS NOMINATED the teacher counted "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, ' new members. Although this hapus all because many of us enjoyed our pens to come on Friday 13, no one old friend "rheumatiz " after our exAt their first meeting in Februaz'yr 7" with a slight pause between each , has declined the invitation. You see, ercises. the Athletic Leaders, under the di- coun t, seven slips of paper were sent we 're not superstitious. A voice ou t of the wilderness gave rection of Miss Munro and Miss Post, back the line. The Junior Girls' Special Chorus "Those papers were well passed. vis the unpleasant news that we had decidc/1 that new girls from the Junhas been asked to take the chorus part better start for home. Well , t he best ior Class should be nominated as You surely are improving. " her pleasoperetta which the Senior Glee in the of friends must part—food a^ d me. Athletic Leaders during the third ant voice continued. A happy smile , ¦ decided to give. They have Club has wound its way over every face in the Marion and Deb rush e d ahead a s t hey week in February. and are now working on the accepted I room. want ed t o be back in t ime for t he The Junior girls, when they met for part. "Here are some of our difficul t game. Along the way home the "trio " the first time in the week of Fabruary By Kitty McHugh held forth in great numbers and vol- 1G, were again made acquainted with words with us again. Lot' s see if ume, rendering old , new and indiffe r- the standards of the Athletic Lead- evei'ybody can van i sh thorn forever. —B. S. N. S.— ent selections. Many a word was set ers. The nomination of the new girls I'm sure that if everybody tries hard to a tune of their own—all giving took place at their second meeting in enough we shall." She'd Take It Now. their own version and but very little the week , thus allowing everyone sev- Jack pondered over a word that an- i A lady stepped into the office to noyed him a great He rained harmony. eral days to decide upon the nomi- his hand. "Yes, John ," came the in-!j purchase a ticket to N. Y., h anding Behold ! a light came into view, the nees. One girl for every seven in tex'ested voice again. the agent a $20 bill in payment hou se of Di\ Riemcr. Then the many each class nominated. The lists "I've looked this word up in the , thereof. As he handed her the tick- . lights of the school. Someone began wore then was submitted to Miss Munro dictionary but don 't seem to be able i et he said , "Change at Greenville. " to sing in a weak voice , "Far above and Miss Post for approval. | Her prompt retort was, "None of to use it properly," staled John. the river winding is our Home, Sweet The activities in each Junior class A. solicitous voice replied , "Now. I that, young man. I want my change Home. So soon we must part and ... take another course—the course of were led by a Senior Athletic Load- jus t what seems to nnnoy you about [| now!" time. " Then the "trio " er. Elections will bo held soon , so the use of that word?" John explai n- ' :>. ???4f tnis paper for the results. ed , "Maybe if Jane used it in a sen00<=>00«00(>C8<3>j— to a greater or a lesser degree. B> do a kind deed for someone, even Studio of Photograp hy I means of this gift we make our t hough he has don e some t hi n g unki nd friends or lose them , and we have to you (it takes nerve and grit but i either success or failure. So in the you 'll get there if you try hard teaching profession it is most neces- enough ) ; live up to your ideal , be 124 E. Main St. | When you think of sary and should be cultivated to the ready to turn down the things you y ^ V best of our ability. If it is lacking, know are wrong; and last of all , lend «/ a helping hand. All these things in handicap very serious it becomes a reaching our goal. For this reason , help to make a pleasing personality. By the time one has learned to do if for no other we should strive to a!X*G*Q*>G*G#G*G*G*G*G*©*G*«¥ think of Xx * *»* develop whatever share of personal- them and do them willingly, his per- 0 y * sonality will surely be a pleasing one, ity we possess. IS! *** I ** How may we develop this person- and his future life will be true suc- A BUCKALEW'S U\ ality? That question , in my point of cess. F. H. f '26. view, must be answered by one 's self. By Gene Wilson We all know how to live a true ,?four- Jack Geistwite ^ I Isabel Williams: "My Buddy. " Mae Gable : "Farley, My Boy. " Peg Woodring: "Jolly is the Miller." Bloomsburg :: Jiggs : "Alice , I' m in Wonderland. " ;; National Stamm : "Sweet Genevieve. " Austin : "Mary, Mary. " !| Bank Jim—"What side of a hen has the most feathers?" \\ Betty— "The outside. " <> Assets over Two One-Fourth Millions j| )| | \\ ' J R W K I . P.R. ][ -s/ 9 GRUEN WATCHES Bryce Nick : "I Wonder What's the Matter With Sally?" J.E.ROYS , jj i Let poets sing their lilting songs , I I (kc^oo&o(^0 And gaily smile the lyre. Give me the man who whistles while He 's putting on a tire. (Carnegie Puppet) r ™n FAVORITE SONGS: >\ SHOES !o i A. Z. Schoch, President Wm, H. Hidlay, Cashier <| o ?+???*????????????? «?+««+ * SNEIDMAN'S JEWELERY STORE * for ANYTHING IN Dress for Men Cleaning arid Pressing When you want g I . GOOD a * AT TownsencT s j I6 \ I | EATS I go t0 O x I | I REILLY'S CONFECTIONERY I I |They Serve the BEST | We Wonder Why : F. Davenport likes Pennington 's. One of the /nost successful projects During a conversation the other Mr. Wilson— "Use the word shatter The Middler boys are so conceited. of our Norm al is that of the orchestnigh t Gene Wilson suddenly exclaimG. Stecker and A. Sybert like Fish ra. We must all admit that it is a in a sentence. " (er 's) on Saturday instead of Friday. Ted Keene— "I see my shatter. " ed , "My John!" most valuable asset to our auditorium B. Geisinger is becoming so. Stern exercises and a wonderful addition to "Presen t," promptly answered the (er). Prof. Alberts—"Give me an ex- Rev. Stamm. ou r concerts and entertainments. We have 4:10 Classes. For this semester we have a few ample of fair competition. ' ' ¦Why is a flapper like a bungalow? W. Flaherty likes the "Kitchen. " new addi tions to it. Our new tromSam Barrow—"All is fair in love K. Jury visits Phillips 's studio. bone players are James Bittenbender Because she 's shingled on the top, and war. We wonder how Sam " B. Brooks wants to go to .West and Paul Best., Creveling Strauser nothing sides and has painted on the Chester. plays a piccolo and Chester Haupt the knows. in the attic. E. Jones prefers Green (ly) to any carone t. •: Watkins, other color. Miss Patterson—"Miss We sincerely hope our hew memgirls who are lots of Jiggs—"There H. Walk is buying so many postage bers will en'j oy their stay with us. did you inherit your musical ability? " stamps. don 't want to get married. " Review of the Orchestra. Lily—"Not exactly. I live in a flat A. Hidlay wears a red dress. On Thursday evening, March 5th, Alice—"How do you know?" M. Eyerly is so particular about the orchestoa will play for the Rotary on Sharp Street and try to be NaturJiggs—"I have asked them. " the kind of gifts she bestows to her Club. On March 6th , it will play for al" the Junior plays , and on March 24 t h , Steena—"We must have a new calf j friends. M. Richard likes to go to Catawissa. S. S. teacher to Nadin e Rice : it will accompany the Glee Clubs in in the dormitory." B. Miller did not attend the Musithe operetta they will give entitled "Be sure to come to the party and not a calf you hear , it's cal the other evening. Cora— "No "The Pennan t. " We 're sure this will bring a j oke." be a wonderful asset to the program Nadine—"All right, I'll bring Mae. " it's Ru thie Thomas playing her saxobecause of previous experience. phone. " By Kitty McHugh Lewis Alimenti has a good sense of * 4— : Stationer y Eng ine. value. He thinks Dolores is worth $1 —B. S. N. S.— but he doesn 't know the half of it. Tony— "Bet that car sticks to the —and NOW for that Las t of Dr. Pike 's Lectures to be road all right. " j He Got the Nickel. It Jack Riley—"You 're right. Given To-day. * Bobby , aged ten , rushed into the stuck to it five hours this morning be- j I have , may This afternoon the Seniors and house calling, "Mother ' Middlers will hear the last of Dr. a nickel for a poor man who is out- fore I could move it." , set the alarm Larry—"Tony Pike 's series of lectures. We have side cry ing? " ' enj oyed his talks, as well as profited clock. " "Certainly, Bobby ," said his mothReady to Serve You by them, and are really sorry that for at this time of Tony—"What they are to discontinue after to-day. er, '-'but what is he crying for?" night?1' | Dr. Pike has, in his visits here , not I Bobby—"Oh , he is cry ing 'Hot Larry—"My foot has gone to ', only impar ted to us a gist of the field Roasted Peanuts'!" sleep. " j of his work, but has allowed us the i privilege of coming in contact with a very forceful and likeable charactALUMNI NOTES. er in himself. We appreciate his inUontiuued from page z. terest in us and our profession. COMING As a climax to this course of lec- spent the week-end at B. S. N. S., as tures , Seniors and Middlers will the guest of Anne Lizdas. The Hit of the Season j ourney to Danville on Saturday for First Junior Class Harold Lesaius of Scranton , was the purpose of going through the hospital for the insane. By so doing, we the guest of Billy Spangenberg at Production shall come in contact with specific the dance Saturday night. Don 't Miss It. cases about which Dr. Pike told us, I OVER THE POST OFFICE Laura Mann entertained Paul and so will impress the content of his | lectures on our minds. All parts of Smith , of Gettysburg College, during the hospital will be open for the in- the week-end. I—|>fl >CZ><)(l<3>0(HC^>0(hCZ>0(Krj—I spection of the visitors. It is only xik "Bud " Marshall had his sister here xiK hoped that none of our number will 8 be forced to remain there as the re- as a guest on Saturday and Sunday. 2 Always the action of this novel experience. )£ y Ru th Walper had company too. Her sister , Hel en , Mabel Lonzer and Hel— B. S. N. S.— en Shetly, all of Hazleton , visited her. Kenneth Hoffman was the guest of Danger—W arning. Betty Davis at the Senior-Middler We have noticed lately at the third prom Saturday night. floor laundry shute, tha t there have Another guest at this affair was been several narrow escapes from decapitation. Some of the Juniors have David Tho m as , of Kingston , who acnot gotten over the childish of habit companied Flo M. Jones to the hop. y Ice Cream • of hanging over the railing and looking down. While doing this; though —J Candies y less Seniors not realizing the Juniors |~~l!K Z>fl3< I^<)<)<)<^^ pastime drop their laundry down from fourth floor. Thus the Juniors Pastries v nearly lose what brains they have. ORCHEST RA NEWS. HUMOR Photograph s Ui^£j \ i I T EXACO 11 F-I-L-M-S | 11 | BLUE BOWL A pleasant welcome will be extended to all students. Light Lunch or Re&uluv Meals ^ ???^????????????????????? A Patent Medicine A K Toilet Goods n Greeting Cards A Stationery A * Ti * COMPLIMENTS OF WOOLSWORTH ????????? ^?????????????? * A H J. G. Mercer 2 A 108 E. Main St. 0 Lubrica n ts Gasoline Kerosene j BEST I | * I g tI V SEABOARD & INLAND I a OIL COR. | Call Bell 53 Bloomsburg, Pa. and Lunches Served at |. B U S H ' S 1 3 S Quality Shop a^tftf «3fctt*^It5 ! ^^•©•••••^ / 7 f i FAVORITE EXPRESSIO NS I WHO ? Archaelogist Discovered at B. S. N. S I WONDE lt WIlYt Mildred Higgins—"My man !" Does "Doc " go to the movies with Sam, Zeck and Andy cleaned winEveryone—Stop ! Look ! Listen ! Mike Kushma—"I'll bite. " ! now? A famous archaelogist has been do w s d own i n the first grade latel y ? Ellen Whitchousc—"You know. " I Is the "belle of Moscow?" Th e g ir ls are all we arin g the ir hair discovered at B. S. N. S. in the per's a darn cute | Is the f a m o u s whistler on third sonage of Roy Haring. The next ; |straight? Bill Jones—"She girl." r floor annex? question that arises in your mind is, I Peg Fay is feeling so blue since Audrey Ramble— "I can 't find my I Does Mil Hausch receive Special I presume, How do you account for Friday night? pitch pipe. " I Deliveries from which are post mark- that? Well , the answer is simple. So many girls were happy over the John Kanyack— "Act your ago , j ed Si-.ate College? This illustrious discoverer was mean- week-end? ; with rheumatism." Does Jack Reilly go to Wilkcs-Bar- dering through the underground tunLarry pays so many visits to the Clara Martin— "Oh! Papa. " Hospital ? !re to see ? Bloomsburg nels that are being excavated underEarl Farley—"Well you see , it' s i Is the attraction at basket-ball neath the famous halls of learning of Lately, Jiggs is always in the lithis way." j games for "Charlie " Lesser? B. S. N. S. when he unearthed the brary? Dean Driscoll—"There 's a reason. " ; Incidentally, day students spend Do the Robbin 's sisters have a ter- Olympian King and Julius Caesar: Grace Ilarlos—"Merry Christinas!" j rible crush on? This sudden renowned archaelogfst a great deal of time there ? Lee Bennett—"Did you pay y o u r I Is going to give a "Big Feed" be- then immediately informed our Olym- Famous Say ings : Obiter dues?" Professor Brill— "I teach a big ! fore we go home for our Easter vnca pian Queen at Normal (Miss Bueher ) I Louise Thompson—"My John!" tion ? concerning this marvelous discovery woman 's Sunday School Class. " Marion Sche-lbort—"Any time you j Knows where Grace Weber got the of the twentieth century. Her joy Professor Fischer— "Are we all do I'm worried." I letters on her Spaulding? knew no bounds , that such a treasure agreed?" Emily Parks— "What did I do ,: Got the .shock of their young lives should be discovered in so modern a Miss Paterson— "Children , are " you j tii .'1 night of the fire whe n two girls school , and consequently she in turn ready?" what did 1 say?" . Pearl Radel—"Oh! those lesson ! came in and yelled "Fire ! Fire?" Mr. Bakeless— "Now, notice." sought Mr. Englehart. plans!" By Kitty McHugh Brings "Ruthie " Jenkins up from The exploring party then journeyBetty Saricks—"Slush!" down town every day? ed to our modern hades (the furnace bye ; Helen Goulden— "Good Did "Kit" Seiger entertain over the room) and there , as our archaelogist thanks for letting mo in. Sec you week-end because of "Teachers' Meet- had reported , they found the long lost some more." ing?" bust of Zeus and Julius Caesar. Velma Nelson—"I have to go to i Goes shopping with Mari on and They are now renovated and in the the library. " j helps her to select hair ornaments " near future they will be found in I La Verne Hill—"Why Worry? " Is Arlene Coolbaugh' s latest "Rod- their rig htful place of honor—the or else we will get it for you in Orpha JIuteliings— "Oh ! Harold!" j haired" shick? Latin Domain. short order. B. Sumner—"Orpha , I got a let- 1 Helps Jerry select his shaving Who knows but what this sudden Let us print your letters and envelopes. . tor." i eroam? „ repute that Roy has acquired at B. S. ! Social size, 250 sheets and 250 envelopes j Margaret Smith—"Say, kid. " Does Edith Harris never cease talk- N. S. will lead him to other fields of in a Cabine t, enve l opes i n dr a w er an d Helen Spare—"Sit still , my flutter- ing about? conquest? sheets in separate compartment. Nifty. :st ?" ing heart. " Likes to use the word "de? By Gene Wilson | Visi ting cards. Engraving. By Kitty Me IIugh Helen Fairclougli—"Oh! Nelson. " ! Smith Print Shop —B. S. N. S.— Joe Kane— "Experience teaches." —B. S. N. S.— Court House Avenue Adeline Burgess—"Didn 't you j Favorite Top ics of Conversation. know that before?" j[ New Cases. Norman Marshall— "Try and get Pat I-Iilbert—George. me to." Farley and Mae Gable. Margaret Faye—Basketball. Stina Deppen— "Patsy, stop teasTony and Claire Beckley. Lucy Evans—Stuttering. ? O ing me. " Driscol and Ruth Owens. Grace Harlos—Dymonds. ^lv ' Tea House g Mr. Fisher—"Are we all agreed?" f Jiggs and Liilian Wagner. Reva Walker—State College. Edith Harris—"Now listen , Deara-A Coffee Shop | Walsh and Mae Dugan. Margaret Price—Insane Asylums. § ie." Bud and Who 's Next? Prof. Hartline—High School Stuff. 370 East Third Street ¥ Marion Carpenter—"Ye s, James. " Stamm and Gene Wilson. Arline Coulbaugh—Larry or her 2 »> Good things to Eat , goo,, things g Isabel Williams— "Wouldn 't man. Davis and Myrtle Wharmby. Q to take away. ? freeze you?" Jimmy Jones and Claire Yeggle. Isabel Williams—Officers , especial- * © " ® Mike Beshcl—"Say, Kid , you don ' t ly Marshalls. Larry and Mildred. Home Cooking Home Baking * know what you are talking about. " Lester Benni't and Red Jones. Gretchen Culver—Daniel—in the Dinners Engage:! A 4* Ruth Walper—-"Oh , that hair!" lion 's den. Jcnks and Margaret Fay. Jimmio. Jonos— "Have your walkLest, but not least , Marion and By Gene Wilson ing shoes ready!" Jammie. Bruce Sheets— "Allright , McCar—B. S. N. S.— thy. " j —B. S. N. S.— ! AI ' m e n t i — "Why is your hat like j i ! CHAPEL REVIEW. | the Wooiworth building?" ' G i l b e r t — "It covers a block. " Assembl y exercises are now being conducted in a new manner. The Seniors anil Middlers are meeting Mondays and Wednesdays by themselves ; the J u n i o r s on Tuesday and 3 Cabinet changes are reported. 4 Thursday, and on Friday there is a Wh y, we have them everyday. 7 joint session. This is being done to J develop class spirit as well as to give ) the different classes an opportune Shirts come in and shirts go out— especially go U time to conduct mc-otin gs wlu-n they out at this season when price revisions of 65c to ? | so desire. This scheme seen:;.; to be A $3.00 apply to so many shirts. (J working out .splendidly ^o far; however we miss the orchestra and we Every shirt thus retired to private life," we K .[) wonder if it would not be possible trust has long life and gives happiness ; and though it to have class orchestras, then this difi/ ? it may seem hard to find another one so handsome A ; ficulty would be s u r m o u nt e d . By Gone Wilson [ to take its place in our cabinets, somehow one is y wwwwwwwwwwwww If It's in Print Ve Have It • wwwmwwtwf m m ns JOIN the Y. W. G. A. I I A a Creek Side Inn E. Myron Sands , Prop. t . . .„. _ ... . _ ._ LOUIS BERINHARD , Sr. 05 Yiinr of ScMVicv. WATCHI:S. DIAMONDS AND JEWELKY Firil Nut. Bmli Hullin g V.. Dlogtutbur v, Pa. ;. 4 ; 1I J \J| ^ t " **^*^*****^******** In | %) '* (I % i? Full Line of Fall Furnish- 1 \J j Tailor and Bushleman Z •I A Just a short walk. Give us a. trial |5aJ3$*ei^©ig»>©i®>©a>>2!>C$ \ , NOW! ] K Diocniiburgi Pa. I I -i' .i-ti ^ i^ . -.ziiuu j tv ^Ji 'mitJts j ijiuisaT.i.'il ^ ' - j ^v/i ^-^ i ||j i j^bgjSS.£l:VCT.f» F, \Z Y.:Ql\ 1TAKH CLOTIHIEIZ S .1 B>«C*HS^J ¦ ¦ ' V 'I ,i i.' .j ,.—' . li ' lit ' ¦¦l1>».i.i..i I nii W - • ' T^SBSNl V 0 ! ,;.. f ' A || \l O '" ¦ ;'