; DA NC12—Saturday. Ki te DANCE---Saturday Nite « NORMAL DEFEATS W10MING SEMINARY 'NOTED ARTIST MAKES Huge APPEARANCE HERE STAFF HAS NEW AND BRIGHTER PROSPECTS SENIORS SELECT Vaudeville Much Class Spirit Shown at Recent Meet ing. Show Proved Success. a CLASS MOTTO The Maroon and Gold Staff has a On Febraury G, the best of the conThe Maroon and Gold passers dePresident Smith called a meeting feated the strong Wyoming Seminary new hold on^things. The paper can cert series course was given in the of the Senior class on Wednesday, quintet iast Saturday night by the be continued through the cooperation Normal Auditorium by Nora Fau- February 11, for the fi r st time this score 33-32. It required an extra five of everyone—both students, faculty chald , a noted lyric soprano. From semester. The class was well repreminute period to decide the issue the and 'stafF members. The first oppor- her first appearance on the stage un- sented and as a result something was score being 30 all after 40 minutes tunity for showing cooperation was til the last note of her last selection accomplished. Our president was granted through the vaudeville show was sung, the audience was held as if highly pleased with the interest and of heart thrilling Basketball. ihe game was one of the best ever of February 7. Those who were not ! by a trance. cooperation shown and expressed his staged on the Normal court. Semin- there may have a view of the show as Miss Fauchald was , charmingly appreciation in a few words at the ary started the scoring- and maintain- follows : dressed in a quaint and modest gown beginning of the meeting. ed a lead throughout the first half , "Now—Then," The first act, was a of taffeta—a white sleeveless bodice, The first question for discussion the score at half-time being 19-14. dramatic musical comedy given by a a skirt with a double hem of blue , and 1 was the choosing of a class motto. Sem's favor. During the iirst half group of Normal girls. It portrayed a blue georgette shawl-.colla'r that was Various members suggested various St:m played a fine floor game and , led the love affairs of "Then " as compar- caught together in a tie effect, on mottos. Among these were : Climb by Hrisko, caged goals from all angles ed with those of "Now." which was a large red rose. Her hair Though the Rocks be Rugged ; Not of the floor. On the other hand , N orThe quartette comprised the second of golden brown was attractively Done , Just Begun ; Not Sunset, But mal was not working so well and act. Several beautiful selections were brough t about her head in an effect- the Dawn ; and He Who Seeketh could not fathom Sem 's defense. ive manner. Her general appearance Knowledge, Seeketh Life. The last gi v i ; i i . .Normal's men appeared on the floor , reminded us of a modern Martha mentioned was chosen by a large mawith a determined look in their eyes j The third act was a "Scene in the I jority. which meant that Sem. should take 1 girls' dorm." This simple but true The program of Miss Fauchald's The next problem was the selection care. Haupt by his line snooting soon ! to dorm life act gave the audience an songs was commended by all as being insight into life as the girls live it. of a class flower. The sunburst rose had Normal on a level with Sem. It j one of a most individualistic charactwas chosen. was then a nip and tuck aifair until i "Cooks and Cardinals," a humorous er. Her voice, with which she is Prof. Shortess, our class advisor, the iinal whistle blew. With but one play, was given by the Dramatic Club charming the thousands of her listenalso gave a short advisory talk. minute to play Sack scored a foul ; with great success. ers, is one of exquisite sweetness and po ;nt which tied the score at 30-30. j "Reveries," a play ing, singing, and clearness. She possesses an unusual Now that we have made a good 'ihc 40 mmutes of play ended with , whistling act, was most delightful. ability to express the thought and start for this semester, why not conthe same score. I As a final act , "Ed" and "Doc" feeling of her selections so that the tinue it and then probably our class 'i hen came the extra five minutes. ' gave us a most unusual and delightful audience can understand even these party will pep up. Sack fouled Edwards at the very start renditions of songs and dances. An in foreign languages. SENIORS—PEP UP—SHOW CLASS and groans were heard from the Nor- encore was given by them which com- ;! One of the things which helped to SPIRIT. malites as Edwards made good his at- prised a vocal solo and solo dance by hold the audience was her informality tempts from the foul line. Haupt "Doc" and a solo by "Ed." —B. S. N. S.— j and her willingness to give an encore again came to the rescue and brought ! after the loud peals of applause. Miss Dressed as kids with black and j Normal to another tie by also making Fauchald's appearance and voice will white as the color scheme for their j good his two tries for fouls. Sack be long remembered by the students JUNIOR CLASS TO GIVE THREE Mary Lannon and Lora costumes, ' followed this up with another extra of the Normal School. ONE-ACT PLAYS ON MARCH 6point which gave us a one point mar- Woodworth charmingly announced The "Diabolical Circle" by Beula gin. Sack fouled Wilcox with only the acts. Bornstead is one of the best contem20 seconds remaining. The chills —B. S. N. S.— We wish to take this opporagain began to creep up and down the j porary plays of the day dealing with 1 tunity of -publicly thanking all spines of the Normal followers but historical material. One of its most those who in any way helped to Wilcox missed both the tosses and the ACTIVITIES OF THE SPECIAL noteworthy elements is its fine charmake the "Maroon and Gold" game was ours. j acterization. It was first produced CHORUS IN GIRL'S GLEE CLUB 1 i vaudeville a success. Besides Captain Hrisko from Sem. and Capby the Dakota Players in their Little The special chorus holds its rehear- | those who took direct part in tain Kazlusky and Sack from Normal Theatre in the University of North were all eliminated from the game i sals every Tuesday and Thursday at | the performance we wish to Dakota. The play is set in New Engthank Miss Munro and Miss via the personal foul ruling. Hrisko ; 12:00 M. in Room 22 , Science Hall. j land. The time is about 1700. It Perner for their suggestions and was Sem 's best bet and Haupt and This chorus consists of twelve girls : I presents on one side the straightened advice ; Mrs. Miller for allowing were Soprano—»Kitty Lily Wat| Castles, Normal's outstanding stars Sa^k conventions of the time, an d on the us the use of the Steinway ; Earl kin? , Lillian Kester, and Rachel The line-up was as follows : other side , rebellion to these convenFarley for producing the light i« } Bolles. ' . PTS j Bloomsburg G. havin g as a th eme the rivalr y tions, 1 effects ; Miss Perner , Mr. Carter, Turn er , forward 2 5 9 Seconds—Beatrice Geisinger, Elof two suitors. an d Jessie Zimmerman for acHau p t , forward 4 4 12 len Phebey, Emily Parks, an d Lorett a The "W onder Hat" was ori ginally companying at the piano ; the Cooper , forward 0 0 0 Kester. played at the Arts and Crafts Theatre, orchestra and double quartet ! Zimolzack , center 0 0 0 I Altos—Flossie Jones, Clara MarD e tr o it , Mi ch. This play is a Harlefor their musical numbers ; and Sa ck , guard 1 1 3 tin , Kay Price , and Gertru de Gross. quinade by Ben Hecht and K. S. the Leader Store for the use of Kazlu sky, guard 6' 2 8 Goodman. It is a farce which gives This group of girls, t ogether with scenery. Stoker , guard 0 1 1 a new light on the old subject of the . Much of the success of the Wyommg G. F. PTS Pr of. Carter are planning to produce j trials an d troubles of Pierrot and production was due to the serSherako. forward 0 0 0 a cantata entitled "Fays of the Float- jI vice of these people. Hrisko , forward G 2 14 in g Island." This, together with the ! we Hope, cantata o f th e entir e clu b , ! The "Man Who Married a Dumb __ The Staff. _ .O Wilcox , f orward 0 0 g that the entire will be somethin " is a comedy founded upon a Wife Bodle , guard 4 1 9 oy later in the school ma y en j story which dates back to medieval Don cho a, center ... ...... 2 1 5 semester. I times. It is written by the famous _ . Edwards , guard 0 3 3 MIDDLER GIRLS Anatole France of the Ro y al Wilson , guard 0 1 1 FORM A SORORITY Academy. It was first translated for —3. S. N. S.— Strahn , guard . _ 0 0 0 production in New York for GranRef eree , Bryant. Score at half Since the dissolution of the Middler ville Barker. It brin gs in the quaint HER FIRST ATTEMPT time , Sem.' .10, Bloom sburg 14. Cla ss, the girls decided that organization is possible without the assistance customs of the da y but has very modMarion made an an gel cake —B. S. N. S.~ of the opposite sex. This culminated ern satire and characterization. This For her darlin g Jamie's sake. in the formation of the Mu Phi Sigma play is a rollicking farce, full of Jenkins: "Remember when we first "Jamie, you a piece of cake must Sorority. The men now seem to bo lau ghs from beginning to end. Since at the post met^n the revolving door take." unnecessarily in quisitive when any Anat ole France has so recently died 6«lcJ?" :^ meetings of this organization are his work has been given a great This she meant. ' scheduled. The next meetin g will be amount of attention. , ,TwJ|i'ff. Fay : "But that wasn 't the Jamie ate it—every crumb , '¦;',;Jirst time we met. " These three one-act plays will bo held Tuesday noon. They seem to have a bright future ahead of them given by the Junior class in the Nor''M Jenkins: "Well , that's the first time Then he heard the an gel s hum , "Jamie come !" with Miss Harriet Mooro and Miss mal Auditorium , Friday evening, £wc started to go around together,, .Calling softly, March G. Ma son included in their number. Jamie wont. i Bwasn 't it? " Abaroon ano <3olt> * EXCHANGE. Edith Evans, '24 , is teaching read- "THE CAMPUS REFLECTOR" ShipPublished weekly during the schcol year by the Bloomsburg State , ing and language in the Hazleton pensourg Normal Normal School in the interests of the students', faculty, alumni and the you on your earnschools. We congratulate school in general. Mildred Fautz, '24 , is teaching in est sponsoring of Girls' athletics. STAFF MEMBERS. her home town , Forest City. "THE IND iANA-PENN ," Indiana -Editor in Chief Edison D. Harris Eva Watters, '24 , is teaching a rurNormal Assistant Editor in Chief George Janell al school at Mifflinville Pa. Interesting! , Literary Editor Ruth Walper Virginia Gallen , '24 , is teaching ' "THE SLIPPERY ROCKET ," SlipAssistant Literary Editor Fannie Hilbert pery Rock Normal Mike Beshel, Betty Davis first grade at Chester, Pa. fports Editors raining School Catharine Schuyler , '24 , is teaching Kathryn Price Snappy write-ups ! Circulation and Exchange Hugo Riemer rural work near her home , Turbot- "THE GREEN STONE ," West ChestAssistant Circulation and Exchange Cora Long ville , Pa. er Normal • Alumni Editor Samuel Barrow Emmet Hoyt, '23, is attending A newsy paper. v Personal and Social Editor Jean Lacne Syracuse University, Syracuse, New "THE CLARION CALL," Clarion Humor Editor Margaret Jones Normal » Business Manager I "William B. Jones York. Mabel Ridall , '24 , is teaching a rurWe like your pictures. Assistant Business Manager Ear] Farley ] al school at Shickshinny. j "NORMAL TIMES ," Lock Haven Secretaria l Staff. Mary Curtis, '24 , is teaching a sec- ', Normal Mary Hicdix Catherine McHugh ond grade at Nanticoke . j Your "Ohservation Tower " is good. Genevieve Wilson Betty Brooks Alic e Albee , '23, is teaching at Ash- K 'TECH TATLER ," Harrisburg Tech Reporters. ley, Pa. Florence Jones H igh Paul Lanshe j Grace Baylor, '24 , is teaching at Margaret Emmitt We await your paper. John Op iary Atlantic City. She is doing third "THE SHAWNEE ARROW," PlyWilhelmina Spangenberg Mary Isaacs grade work. Faculty Advisors mouth H. S. j , Catharine Ball Munro , '24 , is teaching Edna Good stuif between the advertiseS. L. Wilson Subscription Price $1.25 per school year for res'ident students and third grade at Pompton Lakes, N. J. ments. Elizabeth Corrigan , '24 , is tea ching "THE JOURNAL ," Wilkes-Barre Alumni. i H. S. Entered as second class matter at the Bloomsburg Post O.Rce, Blooms- t hi r d grade a t H azle t on , Pa. Frances Carr, '24 , is teaching grade ' The column , "The Great and Near burg, Pa. Office room , 113 Main Building.B. S. N. S., Bloomsburg, Pa. four in her home town , Luzerne. , ' Great ," is enjoyable. Francis Donnelly, '22 , has don e Musical Comedy work in New York EDITORIAL for the past two years. When last ; COMING h ea r d from he was wi t h t he sho w, j i The Hit of the Season How proud we are to announce happen -which should really be pub- "Sally, Irene and Mary. " '24 Ida Johnstorfe, , is teaching at that we can go on with our paper ! lished , but j ust because a staff mem- j First Junior Class Yes, we have removed the obstacle ber -wasn 't present at the time, it i Av onij ale, Luzerne Co., Pa. Production that lay in our path , a nd so again t he doesn 't appear there. | Edna Pursel , '24 , is teaching rural j work in Roaring Creek Township of ; to we should like ' Now, st uden ts , "Maroon and Gold" will come to you Don 't Miss It. improve this paper this semester, but Columbia County. Wednesday of each week. : Due to the success of the vaude- we can 't hope to do so without your ; Veronica O'Neil , '24 , is teaching '/ " " ville which was given a little more help. You must give suggestions, j first grade at Forest City. *< than a week ago, and an increase in and must also be willing to help us. j Evelyn Kauffman , '24 , is teaching advertising, we have been able to i It should be the duty of the staff to : grades one , .wo and three at her home ; assemble the paper, using material ; town , Drumms, Pa. continue publi shing the paper. It is hoped that our readers will ap- . which the students at large contri- : precia tc the efforts of the staff to but e. As it is, we have been forced \1 I—|3>00<3>OK ^>0!>()l>CC«CZ>|—I i make this possible. They have done to write the material—that is, most Studio of Photogra phy i it , not for themselves, but for you of it—ourselves. ¦ A school publication should repre- 0 and tho school. It lias cost them much ' | express the views and extra work and hours of worry and sent and 124 E. Main St. an xiety. They have tasted of despair opinions of the school , but can it truly i '< When you think of and met with discouragement. And do this when only a few members ex- ! y I ^ was it worth while for them to go i press themselves by it? through all this? We think so; how j As you glanced through the paper i S*£*G*G£*G*G*G*G*G*G*O*G£G£& do you feel about it? You needn 't] you probably noticed that we have X»* 5?* answer this question verbally, for most of our old advertisers with us i © gf think of * "actions speak louder than words. " again. You probably noticed that M * £ «nf ' c> Since the stair has done so much 1, we have some new ones. We wish to; for your favor , we feel justified in i welcome them to our publication , and ; making an appeal to you. Here it j hope that they shall not regret the is—Will you contribute to the paper? j few dollars they have spent to adverO * Oft times some little incident may ' tise here. 6 * ALUMNI NOTES i Jack Geistwite i1 r jj SHOES si jj BUCKALEW'S H; ' V0; & 2n A HAY RIDE. Ai-lene Sweet—"Position is everyLI] (Hcrr>O(>O(KCI>«&C(K-n thing in life , boys. " It was on a summer night hay-ride As they strolled about the land That he softly called her sweetheart [ \! / And held her little—raincoat. ij GRUEN WATCHES ?????????????? ???????????? | As he held her little raincoat * They were going quite a pace. AT He nestled close beside her And moved close to her—umbrella. SNEIDMAN'S JEWELERY STORE As lie moved close to her umbrella ; /| a He murmured little sighs , Tho mellow moon came down And he peeped into her—basket. 'A I , '' As he peeped into her basket <> The merry little miss * Assets over \\ Laughed in sweet confusion <> The Strongest Bank in the < *> . Town Invites your \\ \I w {)(Kii>q(><^^o<^^ thing kept telling him , "It is import- i |unjustly. ant. It must be delivered!" No mat! Thus Grant had saved a family ter how he tried he could not drive i from disgrace, and had met his future y Always the y the though t from his mind. At last wife in the bargain. he dressed himself as warmly as possible, and when all was ready he went into the room where his father was COMING ch a tt i n g with the re st of th e m en , The Hit of the Season and said , "Dad. I am going to deliver the message." Everyone looked up in First Junior Class amazem ent. This young chap deliver the m essa ge? Production "Give it to him. He will come back befoi'e long!" was the cry. The en() Ice Cream Don 't Miss It. j| gineer Rave him the message and then Gr a nt d art ed out into th e ra gin g (I Candies V storm. The snow was blowing in his face an d eyes with the sharpness of 8 a a knife. The flakes seemed to come I) Pastries V faster than ever and steadily the snow was becoming deeper and deep- Photograph 1 BEST J TEXACO j I I BLUE BOWL A pleasant welcome will bo extended to all students. Light T.uncJi nr Regular Meals ???#??????????????? ??????? Compliments of | i woolsworth ^???????????????????? F-I-L-M-S I 5 | S ft Patent Medicine A •f t Toilet Goods A K Greeting Cards ft Stationery y J . C. Mercer ft 108 E. Main St. i Lubricants Gasoline Kero sene I SEABOARD & INLAND ! OIL COR. 7j A . 2 ft ??<>fo LJr >«0<=>flft<==>00?.Just then the boss came along and by the engineer. It took but a short I—I (imc for them to reach the fourth lev- looking at them saAV that their faces I |»»>CC^90i >0 el and havin g pulled the wire which ' were still Avhite. "What happened?" rings the signal for the engineer to ihe asked. "Thank God Ave 're alive!" hear , he appli ed his breaks and the the men replied . "Our place has cav- . car stopped. The men , in company ed!" j Avith others avIio worked on the same bottom , alighted and signalled to the engineer !o pull up. They then continued Avalkin g along the railroad to their respective places. The two part2 Cabinet changes are reported. ? ners, Frank and John , had their (j Wh y, we have them everyday. breas t located about two miles from y the bot tom. They hud to walk a little briskly in order to gut started in their (j Shirts come in and shirts go out—especially go y Avork. They Avalked along splashing out at this season when price revisions¦ of 65c to | y each other Avhen they arrived at Avet . apply to so many shirts. A $3.00 ( spots which , of course , Avas unavoidable. Water is found in many places Every shirt thus retired to private life , we t 7 in mines and the company must make y trust has long life and gives happiness: and though ditches and maintain pumps to cope \ with it. •? it may seem hard to find another one so handsome K I W ell , about eigh t o 'clock they ar- : N to take its place in our cabinets, somehow one is j\ Mn mimiiiMimu^u ; It It's in Print We Have It i ¦ 6 JOI N the Y. W. C. A. NOW! i^ £ A J ust o short walk. Give us a trial y < • » "" LOUIS BERNHARD, Sr. '^ 05 Yoar of Service WATCHES . DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY First N«l. Bank Building A jj J\ * found and trade goes merrily on. § Thus is prosaic Commerce linked with Statesmanship, and our glass Cabinets of Shir ts with the Cabinet in Washington. * A y !;: Barton Pursel )| I E. Myron Sands , Prop. 1 Recent News From • Washington Set Us Thinking *????????»????????+??????? § |Creek Side Inn fi V jj Blnonuburg, P«. 1 \\ \*> Tailor and Bushleman < \i Suitin gs For Fall Now \\ in :: ;; Full Line of Fal l Furnish '• * ings Now on Display • ?????????? ??«????????? \\ y A w ! '• The Stare With A Constuiict " J\ ! ftlommburg, Pa, p I HEMINGWAYS' !j S 3 ? i\ \ 'Ir/j' " "' *" '*A'tt *"'«h'f' >' ^^*^ ag.^4»^V3*O^J*jt1wltf ^Ti^ M«ijgtt« ^V 40flOfl fl^^ A ,¦{& jj ^T JL A* , .%¦ W ~*