JUNIOR HIGH ACTIVITIES i Y. M. C. A. CONCERT. , . x Miss Geraldine Koons, pianist, of Scranton . and .Miss Perner, vocalist, gave a delightful musical concert on evening. The progra m, Th ursday which was well varied and very interesting, was given under the auspices >f the Y. W. C. A. The progra m was •s follows: Beethoven Andante in F Mendelssohn Hondo Canricioso Piano No. 3 Chop in Et ude. Op. 10. Waltz in E Minor , Op Posth __ Chopin eherzo in B flat Minor , Op. 31 __ Ch opin Piano C. Saint Siiens Aria Samson Dabla When th° Roses Bloom ( French ) Reichardt Faure After a Dream ( French) Godard °,ereeuse ( .Tocelyn) Cadman Call Me No More Vocal The Nightingale - Alabriff Liszt Liszt lung Aria Rhapsodi c No. 6 Piano WILKES BARRE WINS TOURNAMENT BASE BALL. In harmony with the progressive spirit in athletics student manager "Ace" Buss, together with Facul ty Long before it was time to open the Manager George N. Hall, have gone On Tuesday nf.ornoon , March 18, doors to the gym last Friday, the cor- ahead and arranged an excellent basemayor of the Junior ; retirli-. 1924, the ridors leading to it were packed with bal lschedule Among the teams which High School City administered the oath a gay and noisy crowd, most of whom will appear here this spring the Mansof office to Judge Yand rs ico. who was were out-of-town peopl e who had come li eld , Stroudsburg, Shippensburg Norre-elected in the recent election. The o witsess the different high school mals and Susquehanna University. Judge then administered the oath to ten nis battle for supremacy in the Mayor Kelley, Police Commissioner Eytournament staged by the athletic de- Coach Mead expects to have as much, PropTozer ¦erly, Traffic Commisioner partment of this school. A few min- if not more success with the base-ball erty; Commisioner New Hart, Health utes after the doors opened the gym. team, than the foot-ball or basket-ball Commissioner Gross, and Associate was filled to more than its capacity, teams. H& expects to call out candid Judge Kline. Each of the officers then Th? followers of the different schools dates with.n the next week. Following thanked the citizens for their support congregated in the different sections and asked their co-operation for the and soon the buildings and surround- is the schedule : new term. ing hillsides were reechoing the thun- Sat., Apr il 5, Wilkes-Barre—Here. derous ehe?rs and songs of the highly Tues, (April 8, Susquehanna—SeliusGeorge Riemer, Jack Vanderslice, spirited and enthusiastic crowd. grove. Three o'clock heard the whistle of Fri., April 25, Northumberland—NorBily Holmes and Fred Hill have been referee Bryant call together for the flying the flag in true milliury style. thumberland. first battle of the day, the warriors The Junior High School Students have April 26, Mansfield Normal— Sat., representing the Kingston and Shenundertaken to raise the Stars and andoah tribes. This contest turned Mansfield. Stripes every morning at seven and out to lie the most exciting battle of Wed., April 30, Wilkes-Barre—Here, lower it at four-thirty in the afterCHAPEL NOTES. the day . The score alternated one or rf at., Mh .v 3, Dickinson Seminary— noon. They hope the early bugle call wo points in favor of either team , the Here. will rouse some of the sleepy normal Dr. Grlg?rs ga ve a wonderfully inter- :Y)llow rs of each team being thrilled May 7, Mansfield Normal—Here, Wed., students. esting and enlightening lecture on uul having attacks of heart failure in 10, Stroudsburg Normal— May rfat., >h akesi>ea re\s "Merchant of Venice" t u rn , harmonizing with the alternating Stioudsuurg. Junior High School students are re- during the chapel period on Monday, score as it was chalked up by the Leaisiiyy under Miss .Moore 's direction , March 17. All those present enjoy ed it scorer. The score a half time was 10- Fri., M a y 16, Bellefonte Academy— Here. a Cantata called "The Mound Build- mmensely, especially the senior who !) . with Shenandoah on the long end. .Sat . May 17, Wyoming Seminary— ors." The author , Paul Bliss, is well are studyin g Shakespeare under Miss With one minute to go they were deadKingston. known in this community . The Cantata Hundley . W > are sure that this piny is locked at 22 each, and though each May 21, Stroudaburg Normal— Wed., escribes a day of Indian life, begin- oubly interesting to us now, after tea m made a desperate attempt to talr Here. ning with dawn and ending with the '¦enrin g his talk concerning it. ly, the ga me ended with the score stilt rise of the harvest moon. If possible Dr. Grlggs also gave another lecture deadlocked. An extra five minute Sat., May 24, Wyoming Seminary—Here. the production will be staged in the •t 330 on Monday . His topic was "Self period ensued and the teams went at Wed., May 28, Susquehanna—Here. Normal School Grove. Culture in tho Margin of Life. " He each other hammer and tongs with Fri., May 30, Shipp ensburg— Shippeus"uve many worth while truths , illust- Shonnndonh getting the breaks. A . burg. THE FOLLOWING IS A RESOLU- iiting them with instances taken from shrill blast from the timekeeper 's siren Tues., June 3, Alumni—Here. announced the end of the initial battle TION ADOPTED BY THE JUNIOR lif e. HIGH SCHOOL ART CLUB AND OF- A la rge audience greeted Dr. Griggs of the war, victory for Shenandoah, the WHO 'S WHO IN ATHLETICS. elimination of Kingston, for the score FERED A-S A .SUGGESTION TO t both lectures. \vps now 30-24. i FOSPECTIVB TEACHERS : Geo. Mend , Coach and Athletic Di« It was a well earned victory for RESOLVED—Thei e is nothin g of Miss Moore 's "Junior Satellites," to Shenandoah , and Kingston , although rector. greater practical value to us than good so Dr. Rienior 's a ppellation, made .defeated , gave a good account of them- Robert Baker , Ass't. Foot-Ball Coach, taste. And once gained it is n source heir '"Debut" nr the chapel period on ' selves nnd it wns the breaks in the fin- 1023. (Jeo. N. Hull. Faculty Manager. of happiness wo will never loose. Wednesday. To translate this title into al minutes of play that decided against Shaughnessy, Foot-Ball The clothes we wea r, the homes we more readily understood English, this tlvm and brought about their elimina- "Shack" build and every object which we wither means the Junior Boy's Glee Club, un- tion. Student Mnnagor , 1923. about us will go far toward determln- der the direction of Miss Moore. After The next game found Wilkes-Barre Earl Brotherston ,Foot-Ball Captain , •i ,',' men 's ju dgment of uh. Mf .ng:n;,' a hymn , listening to n selection nnd Trevorton facing each other. Both 1023. In our business it can be made nn ac- fro m the Bible, and toleratin g n few teams showed to good advantage, but Louis Lerda , Basket-Hall Captain, tive selling force. It will give beauty announcements. Hie curtain drew bnck. the more experienced Wilkes-Barre 1023-24. and effectiveness to our stove windows revealing the n fore-mentioned song- town came under the wire first by a ,TaH. ,T. UnvHon, Student Manager, a n d counters , and its skillful touch will Htei s, oil nicely arranged on the stage. .'13-22 score. Rnsket-HiUl , 1023-24. lend power to the letters we write. A few notes on the piano, a lifting of In the evonlng Newport nnd BerFrank Buns , Student Manager, BaseWe will not wnste our time drawing 'he baton , and Hip music hegnn. Real- wick battled, but Berwick was off form Bull , 1024. landscapes and representative plcturen y, the Gilee Club did even bettor than and was ollnilnntod by a 24-8 score. James Boyle, Base-Ball Captain as we did In former yea rs. We will de- wo oxpoetod it to do , and thnt Is saying Tho Hanover-Bloomgtmvg game was ( open), 1024. sign posters, book cover advertise- <\ groa t deal. After singing flvo selec- n thriller , wit h the breaks again de- Arthur .Tonkins, Student Manager, ments, wearing award, Interiors, and tions , plus nn encore, tho cuvtnln was ciding, nnd Bloom was forced to Foot-Ball , 1024. things which will beautify our sur- drown again , nnd tho eventful first np- «(•knowledge defeat by a 10-10 score. "Jerry " Flt/pn trick , Foot-Ball Cap Tho teams eligible for the seml-fl-nundinfts. ' •en rnnce wns finished. nnls wore WllkoR-Bnrre, Shonandoah , ta i n , 1024. We foel that school art Is building In Wo hopo to honr MiIh Glee Club again Hanover and Newport. Tho firs t Gilbert Cooper, Student Manager ' Continued nn Pn go 4. soon , Continued on Pu go 2 ''Tournament. 1024. When you want GOOD EATS go to REILLY'S Th ey Serve the BEST REILLY'S CONFECTIONERY Lowenberg's Draws the Trade The Big Clothing Store With Its One Low Price To All Be Photographed On Your Birthday This Year— * PHILLIPS Will Please You Over the Post Office PERSONALS. Arminta IIowoll had an her guest over the week-end her inotliov. Miss Baldwin is much Improved after her recent illness. Tho first grade student teachers are anxious to have her with them again. Clnra Mnvtlu auout the week-otu ', with hor parents Jit Hnzloton. IJLOOM-IN NEWS. Published wookly (luring thr school yon r by the lMoom sbnrg State Norii!!'l School in ( lie interests of the students , fiii'iilty, alumni mid the school in .u e:i (>rnL ICilitov-in-Chiof Walter P. Beiininger . Assistant Editor Lolaiul Jlemu'tt. Business Manager j . Norman Marshall. Assistant - Busines s Manager Joseph Duga n Literary Editor Ev elyn G. Hobbl'ii* Sporting Editor Willia m Toole. Al umni Editor i)oru Wilnou Person al and Social Editor Jean l.acoe. Humor Editor Myvnuwy James. Circul ation and Exehanw Manager Edison D. Harris SEXlOli ('LASS KEl'OKTEHS. Dorothy Peterson Kalherine Kins O-lnre Lowcnburg Helen Jones JUNIOR CLASS KEPOHTEUS. l.' u :h Walper Anthony Beshel FACULTY AUY1SO11Y COMMITTED . Miss Helen Babh Miss Edna Monroe S. L. Wilson Th e Bloom-In-Xews StatV invites memhers of the Alumni or any one interested in the school to contrib ute notes of interest. Subscription price $ .">() per semester , for resident students; $ .75 per semester for memhers of the Alumni. Oiliee Room. 170 Main Building. B. 3. N. S . Bloomsburg. Pa. Ent ered as second class matter . Feb. 10, 1024. at the Post Office. Blooms b ur jr. Pa. THE SENIOR PARTY. BASKET BALL TOURNAMENT. Contin ued From Page 1 "When you think of SHOES; think of BUCKALEW'S', < >n Monday, March 17, the Seniors Saturday afternoon found l held thei r animal party . But this pi mo Itloomsburg, Pa. ;:urt y was different , in that everybody i Wilkos-Barre pitted against New Port. The Barons continued to show the said "'G et tliee behind me" to at least champion ship from that marked their r»fl years of hard life, and became childiniti al contest , and when the final ren n .u ain. Such children , in such vawhistle blew they had eliminated New:¦'" <>( !(» .!, yon novor saw before in all your l i v e . - . Neith er would St. Patrick if he ! port. •oiild have boon there. Street urchins, The next contest was betwecu Hanpandered babies , fanners, sailors, over and Shenj indoali and it prov ed to sport s, sweet darlings, anil j ust plain be the biggest surprise of the tournaev- ment. The Hanoverites not only, ' 1.1 l ashioneds , showed themselves deerywhere. Without a doub 4- the girls feated the opposing team but played a were the h its of the evening. And no brand of basket bull that had their opwonder ! Cute , curly, bevuffled , bave- pone nts completely bewildered from knei d girl ies—well , the old gym had i he start to the finish. the shock of its existence. It never The largest crowd that ever cramm- Cleanin g and Press ing ed the normal gym was on hand when knew that it mfgh t contain a second the two remaining teams, Wilkes-BarFollies. And the "Wild abandon of re and Hanover , came on the floor for sweet childhood " as shown in the way the deciding game of the tourna ment. t v n y liody ate ! And drank ! At first we Despite the fact that both teams hail were dubious—when we glimpsed the . participa ted in the contests in the afternoon of the same day, it was a faBt cherries in the punch—but our own and excit ing pane from beginning to j.olici man rvonounced it safe for chil- end. The first half was nip and tuck d ren ! It is said that somebody was and ended with the score in Wilkes- Printin g and Developing l i v i n g to make an innocent Spa rk Plug Barre 's favor. In the second frame the Jitiruns cut loose with a lightning atdrinl ; ! tack and when the smoke of battle had Anywa y, everybody had a rlp-ronving cleared they were on the long end of a •i<> d tim e ! And tlie general feeling L'-It 12 score, and had acquired Patent Medicine thu s. 'on:* to be. that wo have another ! Championship of the II. S. N. S. TournAin 't yuh glad yuh went , aim ament of 1024. don 'ti'lm want to go again, Seniors ? Toilet Goods Dr. Kleiner presented them with the . wards which wore a sliver loving cup SOCI AL NOTES. and six .silver niedalH for the individStat ionery ual playm'N. Hanover was presented Cla ra Martin ontortalnofl a number with bronze medals for the individual mC liei- friends recently in honor of her members of that teum. The best cenbiithilay. She was presented with a ter , guard and forward as picked by Greeting Cards B. W. N. S. locket by tho girls. Tho best the commitleo are Alpor, Wilkes-Bnrpail of the party was the "Eats." Of ro1, forwa rd . Olilfz , WJlkos-Bnrre, concourse every one had a good time. !er : Stoker , Newport, guard. They Thnsi ' present were : Until Wnlpov , Ar- were awarded gold medals. Tho first niinta I To well , Charlotte Parsons, Flor- all-tournt \v team consisted of Alpcr ence Jones, lldith ITavrlH, TClon Fholioy, iWllkes-Barre ; Nork , Hhonundonh , for|' wa rds ; Ohifjj . Wilkw-Biirro, am tor. '. Ice King, Pauline Huskier, 108 East Main St. TownsencTs for Anything -inDress For Men F-I-L-M-S J. C. Mercer Always the CHICKEN- -AND. WAFFLES. WITH TIM! RIEN. J. E. ROYS The (Ire nt Event hiinponcd the 13th On Thursday nigh t of last week, the of March (even though some people male residents of the dormitory met for Kodak Finishing, are superstitious, we were not) when the second time in as many weeks, for .hirty members of the Philosophy of the purpose of considering self-governGloss or Eemi-Gloss Finish Eiii -iy lOduc iition Class, with our teacli- ment plans. At the first meeting, a er Miss Asuuiun as chaperon , hik ed to week previous, it was unanimously Hotel Iteinl y at Light Street and cnj oy- agreed that some form of self-govern40 W. and 124 E. Main St. c.'(l a chick en and waffle dinner. ment was desired. A motion carried All went well on the hike because we that Chairman Tootfe appoint a commitknew that the quicker we got there the stumor our ,'siip ui'en in'muus" app eti tes tee of five to draw up several forms of student-government, said plans to be would he appeased. On reaching- the hotel we immediate- submitted to the students at the next ly proceeded to discard our wraps and meeting. The members of this comBAR TON PURSJEL waited imp atiently for that hell of all » isefc'ls, the dinner boll. While waiting mittee were Kane (Chairman), Shaugh we entertained ourselves by listening to nessy, Barrow, Fitzpatrick and Galthe four-minute roll records on the lagh er. phonograph (which device seems to At the last meeting the committee nave been saved from N oiih's Ark, so made its rep ort in the form of a constiripened with age was it) and heard si/ine very interesting selections as '"Un- tution. A very interesting discussion Suitings For Spring Now cle Josh Buys a Car ," "Casey Jones" of each point took place and after many a nd other s, the names of which we changes were made the following conIn didn 't tax our memory with. atitiitioh was adopted and the comSERVED AT (ilad tidings ! Come, eats ! A bell mittee instructed to meet with Dr. pealed forth its merry message and out liiemer to obtain his approval. Full Line of Spring Furnish.o the dining room the girls literally dashed. We had lost all our dignity by ings Now On Display KINDERGARTE N this time and our chief thought was to make a storming attack on the chicken and waffles. Oh! Plow those victuals In the circle—children talking about disappeared. Of course many of the figh tinggir.s who were fasting on various ar- Harry : "I don't believe in fighting c.c- k's of food deemed it necessary to with anyone. " break all fas;s. I must state here that Allen : "I do, if anyone hits me I'd hit many pounds were gained by that feast hi m Lack, my father said 1 should alm so far as the maximum number of ways hit anyone when they hit me." wafiles eaten was thirty five (no , I (Two kinds of philosophy on life). iioirt mention names ) and the minimum Grade One. Oral Compositions Corr ect Apparel was fifteen. (1 wonder who had the Winter. 1 like to make snow men and I like t.oor appetiteV) During the meal Miss Asadian en- o slide on the ice. I want winter to For Women lertiiined us royally by relating many stay a long time because I like to play humorous Oriental nonsense (tails) iii the snow. Donald Connor. tales. you can sleighCOME IN AND SEE US I like winter because AI and Dock were more quiet during yido and you c:in ice skate. You can the period of eating than they ever Jj fl ve ht'ou befo re, except probably when dido on you r feet and you can make they ' re; asleep. However , towards the 'Fox and Geese tracks. " Richard Zarr. end of the dinner a great clamor was FASHION NOTES. I like winter and snow because you hoa rd at the end of the table where can sleighride on the snow. I don't F. 1\ PURSEL i Hick sat. •Suddenly she was heard to like ico because you fall down nnd hurt Hair is no longer bobbed, it is shingexcl aim , just after filling her plate yourself. Market Square , B!oomsbur|£ about the third time with six more Neil Richie. led. wa ffles : "Oh ! Alice this is a case Luis' Doll. A now fad , quite the go with the fairsvl.ere the pain is pleasant!" Thereupon I have my mother 's doll. She looks is that of wearing HIS picture A l r eplied : "Now Dock; I'm a painless like ft little lndy because her hair is er sex, on the face of her wa tch. Look at their surgeon, do let me aid you in devouring fixed up like a lady's.. After School that , which causes you the pleasant Her name Is Betsy Ann. wa tches first boys, nnd then go ahead. pain. " Middles of. course can be worn at Lois Styer. After the* excellent meal was entireHours Visit most all times. They are even approply consumed we /issoiiiblcd in the pnr- During the nftor-dinner fun , Alice church , if you do not remove m 1 and siitlng room to danco nntl piny liUinbort favored us with the "African riate for giinies. We jus t had to have some form Pigmy " dance to the unheard-of tune your wraps. You can wear them to of exercise to prepare us for our hike >f "The Old Oaken Bucket" Her net- Thursday evening dinner , if your Hoshomo for wo would have boon unable 'ons throughout the dance wore rather tess does not objec t. i I assure you wo U> nnvlg if to had we not done so. Miss original nnd well dono. The combined do not. Asmllnn entered righ t into the spirit of wiggling, j iggling, running, j umping, Stripes are quite the fashion. Stripos everything. Really some mngie scorned turning nnd squeolinR reminded one of JACK GEISTWIT E to have changed her from a dignified a. Hygiene lesson on muscular activity . In drosses , in socks , in sweaters nnd In and impressive toucher into n young (ihi '.sl Didn 't wo linvo a wonderful other articles of clothing too numerous girl of IS summers, She danced with time? Wo surely did. .Shall wo go to mention. us nnd snug for us. Slio also taught us again? Yes. Wo wore tired after re- The now ties with 13. S1. N. S. are n few new games nnd she showed that turnin g but that showed wo had a good proving very popular. Just think of ' In Roys ' Studio more than one thin g can he dono at a time. I' mo. .Tiint j inIc her to show you tlio Enough, writer I Tho ffli'ls know of the freo advertising BInomsburg State r\>Hin op olilnn gnino , the fun nnd that' s bettor than writing. Normal School Is securing. 124 East Main Street BEST Ice Cream Candies Cakes and Tailor and Bushleman Soft Drinks Bush's Ice Cream Pala ce FOR Coats, Dre sses Sweaters , F ootwear Underwear , H os i ery Toilet Articles Lirv^rie , Furniture Fancy Groceries. Texas Quick Lunch Portrait Photography J. ECKER p|K ., =MK XOK =OW 1 THE VICTORIA PROGRAM * , —W EEK ' >F .WARCH 31— j MONDAY & TUESDAY i Metro Presents Raymon Novarro Barbara La Marr and all-star cast in j THY NAME IS 1 2 H iq WOMAN . . . .. A powerful] drama of love set amid Spanish back grounds ' THURS & FRI. Warner Bros. Presents JONNY[ HINES . n r i j . 1 Wise and Otherwise ladies to Board " "THE LOVE PIRATE " m A fascinating Story Of Romance, Thrills and Suspense f r= i f -. . . . I,, M . o'Mnrn : Deeply interested in hei Hi story class n.vked, '"Did the Nordies uvy curly luiirV" Mr. Brill : •'Cert ainly, curly hair like |rlio majority of this class, th e teacher included. " Chan's great stage that ran one solid year on [I Broadway. x SATURDAY Un iversal Present! Caramel My ers Tom Mix's inheritance of an Old Ladies Home Turnishes a story of a thousand hi ghs. to nss ^ssMiZsn K£S2S22HH ^2i£^zi!f i^sssssszss ^s^zt 0 m; [ M. fl success WEDNESDAY Win. Fo.*i'rc» ;s L Kkks Bad Ej,'fi s Y ekes Dumb EtfKS K Esgs Fried Eggs K«KS it Sam Oliver : "Hello , Is this the went her bureau? How aboiit a shower touiglit? " Voie? of the prophet : "Don 't ask me .f you need one. take it." JUNIOR HICH ACTIV ITIES. Pat Kane : "If a b oa t is 135 f eet long Continued F*oin Page 1 and 35 feet wide , how old is the capALWAYS THE liEST IN COMEDIES AND NOVELTIES tain?" C o n t i n u o u s Show .? All Week I V ius that force which is the greatest ot I fc» " »<»^ »* «tjj Bill Jones : -'35 years." MX" uuman assets—creative imagination. ! Pat : "How come?" •I magination ," Napoieou said, "rules Bill : "I asked him." the world." POINTS OF VIEW. MOKE AMBITI ONS. Thvoivsli observation , perception aud carefu l deliberations we will absorb imNow that. Spring is surely on its way . Kd it h Bohr : To become educated, Rowland and Powell on a camping pressions which we will quickly turn l .ut S. : To keep the elevator busy. we hear many students complaini ng of . nto expression. And in the future it trip. Kyh Z. : To hypnotize. long classes, hard work , many exj un.s is this ability to create to express wi.h Dick, Tom. "Look, this coffee pot Kushnm : To keep the girls pood t a st e, which will make us leaders and fault. I'l'iidin? insiriielors. It is jus ; <\nirlotte P. : To say the lastguessing. leaks." word. ,ii business '' and aacinl life . don't, yon Dick : "Why fix it?" a touch of Spring -fever. Have mercy Gi -tz. : To preserve the dining room For the good of your students anil Tom : full I can't fix it. "It's " on the porr insiguificeiit student. Oh chi na. :, "Fix it when it's empty then." every other individual in your comDick Tucker : To cat and not get sick. groa t and Good instructors. munity, you should examine your selnol Lena E.: To lend Joe from all temp- Tom : "It doesn't leak then, you egg." art situation. And if there is no art We are here to prepa re for the tench- tat Ion. work at all in your school, you should ing profession at least (hut should be .Miss Hadley : To put cupid out of urge the adoption of such courses and ..UH;ness. Esther : an awful cold. "I hnve " do all in your power to further their our purpose when we enrol l at a Nor- Toole : To possess a harem. are you tnklng for it?" advancement. Dora : "What mal School. Js it the teacher of the Miss Mason : To maintain quiet in tlio Esther : "Well , make me nn offer. " future the guides of youthful minds libr ary. The Dramatic Club is rehea rsing a and the art ists in huma n clay that forDot. M.: To make the record for Marion Ulrieh : "Wanna p?o on a play entitled ' Alice in Grammarland." get their duty to others? •< i.ie goi ngs. n elj rhlnjy party?" '. ebwall : To keep on the right side ' Oath ran Fear: "Who are we gonna Is it our future touchers who throug h The Mathematics Cub is writing a onrolonsuoss , neglect and IliouglJlless - I ' Mr -I on Z. slay?" to bo presented in Assembly someplay The Seniors : To maintain the digniJi ess. dike on other 's books , use anothlime in April. er 's number ni ;• !' n Senior while- In u Junior 's prosthe (ither one and n blol on his hon- nee. . lie Juniors : To bo Seniors some day. Sam Harrows thinks that musicians Designs for a school monogram have esty? eat piano rolls for breakfost been submit,ert by Junior High School 1.(4 us return the thin g s Hint nnve They have been asked to HtmlcntM. COMING ! COMING ! COMING ! That ylrl'H a miser when sue dances, contribu te songs and cheers for select thus been secured nnd be more en refill of the future. AT LAST ! Tlie Junior Play ha* How ho? ion by the student body. been definitely selected ! The cast is Very, very close An excerpt from a compositio n upon bo 'ug selected by MIrs Moore, wh o reFrances Evans hus been cited for conStudent. Is It posnible to hnve Spring- omitted , by accident , from the list punthe human brnin written by a selntillnt- j i 'oris things are developing favorably. in,3 Junior rends thusly : "The brnin of The cast will consist, of only the nest: fever nil the time? spieuous citizenship . Her name was Mr. Rhodes : I'm not sure but I think lished lust week. nn intelligent person bus ninny convul- liilent , obtnlnnble from the Junior Clnss. The dates given for the prosen- Senior 11 A. B. has that malady. sions." - ii '. '.iin nvo May 8-9, 1024. Roy Haring. "I'm qu ite a near nottfh niish-n-bye penlors on the tree top Ah long as you study the cradle will bor of yours now. I'm living j us Han.pt. "I sec you 're won ring gol f <>t acrosH the river, " (Neseopeck). go! Lot me go! me «o! Lot me rock. stockings." ' "Indeed ," said Miss Amstadt, "I H'hy should I lot you go? If yon. stop studyhv? the cradlo will L/nvHon : "How do you know?" liopo you'll drop in some day." (Bur"m n little film nnd I want to be refall, I-Taupt : "I jus!', counted eighteen holes !('i i" 0(l, Pawn will pome wnlor, disown awl nil. wick). In them."