HEARD AFTER TEN. MUSICAL PROGRAM HELD IN CHAPEL JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES OPENING LECTURE OF COURSE GIVEN The fourth floor, commonly called Yesterday afternoon the Junior High the Hardware department was quiet— School City Election took place. Preunusually quiet , perhaps. If silence viously nomination papers were signed could speak, lhat. silence would have posters put in the halls announcand ¦ roared witJi iuur;hter and voices happy. The Mond ay Chapel period program '•"• ho candidates. Citizens . were urg- Dr. Pike, Superintendent of the DanThe floor s.ipe/viso/ had jus t turned last week was in clur ge of the music ed to cast their votes on an impersonal ville State Hospital for the Insane, lecthe corner to back hall when out pop- fYTw rtmeiit. Mrs. Miller acted as f!f>cf ; i(in of merit and of fitness for the tured to the Seniors last Wednesday ped three Loads from as many diffe r- chairman. This was one of the most -•.articn.'ar offices to be filled. The re- evening. This was the first of a series interesting programs given so far this p'M's ti ro not in yet. ent rooms. of six lectures that is to be delivered "Is that her last round ?" w hispered semester. It was as follows : A marked improvement in the ap- on the subj ect of insanity. the light b. bhed hund in the open door I'iano solo—Miss Marj orie McHenry. •"nranee of the interior of the Junior This lecture, dealing chiefly with the "Bird as Prophet"—Shuman. of room 4 . Hi .«h School buildin g is apparent. Walls history and a few causes of insanity, "Yes, b u t don 'i. get caught," called "Danse Negre"—Cyril Scott. have been cleansed. The cloakroom has was very instructive. Dr. Pike pointed th e brown headed one in the door of Vocal solo—Miss Ruth Beaver. been house-cleaned. Desks and floors out that early writers used insane peo"Marriage of Roses"—Faure. room 4 in a stage whisper. have been scrubbed. The drinking ple as characters in fiction . Many Then from those three different Piano solo—Miss Miria m S'traub. fountain has been transformed by a classics discuss treatments used in the rooms stepped twite ay many glrlg. "Romance in A Flnt"—^Reraslcy Kor- ffrormigli swnrtng. These are only a past for the insane people. sakaff. Girli es witli black bobbed hair and girls few of the results of the Clean Up Dr. Pike brought with him from Danwith brown , girls that are thin , and Piano solo— Mips Geraldine Aul. '"'nmpnign recently instituted by the ville, a brain (not his own) which he •'Ponsee du Soir "—Mathews. girls not so ihin. Just girls. .T i *nior High School citizens. used for exhibition purposes. The claAs intere sting a performance as any Vocal solo—Miss Mary Bomboy. Last Friday in Junior High School mor of exaltation raised by the male Liist nighter could see in any first class "Vioche Sa pete" (from "Marriage of ' ssembly Prof. Irwin congratulated the seniors when told that a woman's brain Figaro '1)—Mozart. vaudeville started. Tiptoe—all on tipstudents upon the conduct of their offi- is two ounces lighter than a man's hanging discovery of Piano solo—Miss Irene Hicks. toe. The penalty cers. He mentioned, the large amount brain, diminished when they heard that "On the Banks of the Manzonares"— ">f interest that has been aroused a whale has an enormous brain but er them. On with the dance. .Tensen-Niemann. throughout the school by this experi- knows nothing. Boys, take warning ! ' Darn that squeaky board. Why ¦:;:: ":, it bestill ," said one forgetting the The chorus of mixed voices, directed ment in self government. He_ urged the ( cssiiry lowering of th e voice that bv MI s^j Perner , also made its initial [ Students to remember tbat the success A PATCH (y BLUE. 1 , , r\c ' pmj ai'roj i rancp. The selections -renders' :*-^ :< s after ten require. ef4H}f^?^r Vu>3iH^?'S^s were : ITere cc mes Dora ." A. B. Black. •ontrol and their interest in ^ school welThe warning flew and ten girls "Fnewell to the Forest"—Mendel- fji ro . Its been kind 'er dark an' lonesome, .T-nior High School students were the An ' tli ' rain a-porin ' dow : "' •timpered buck to their rooms and soh n . •'Tbe Hea vens Are Declaring "— rests <% f tlio Normal .School at a pro- Covered up th' fields an ' medders "beds. T5i sT dont : Nartine Rice. As you daily jog along. >f«rHi 31 Art Department—Miss v»" ( 'hing—those of scrub-man and j ani- Ain 't no use t* trouble trouble ', i"e-President. : Clara Martin, r< \v!f t. tor. "f .vetaiy. Retty Davison. Till oV trouble troubles you, A pril 7 Elementary School—Mr. Treasurer : Gladys Morgan . Keep your eyes a-lookin' up 'ards •V ssistnnt Treasurer: Jennie Jones. Rhodes. SOCIAL NOTES. An ' you'll see a patch o' blue. April 28 Arbor Day—Mr. Hnrtline. T 'i 'florgnMluatc > Representative: OrotMay f> Junior High School—Mr. Ir- On Thursday, March 6, Miss King.' ::"> C'UlVCr. HARVARD PRIZE HYMN. wln. mn» en tertained the fa culty and all By Maj or Harry W. Farrington. May 12 Music Department—Miss , students whose names began with G. H. KINBKKGARrftN Mpovo, M' ss Patterson. I. mid J. at tea in her rooms. Monday CHRIST. Mny 10 Kindergnrten—Miss Asnd- '1><> K's and I/s were entertained. At I know not OUR how that Bethlehem 's babe A SyJlogfsm. Inn. '¦noli tea thro :» seniors assisted Miss Could in the Godhead bo; Mark J.: "Cnts don't sit up do they ?" May 20 Memorial Program—Y. W. Klngman. It is whispered that each I only know the manger Child George L. {fu riously) : Cu ts can sit r . A. and Y. M. C. A. occiu ion is even more fascinating than Has brought God's life to mo. up, If cats on n't Hit up we cant, we sit H»o lust. up, so If vo sit up eats can." Don 't miss the coffee pour each Sun- I kn ow not how that Calvary 's cross ATTENDED CONFERENCE In connection with the study of rtuy In (he hall outside the gym. Spec- A word from sin could free ; Roosevelt, animnls were studied , their Pearl Radel and Cora Long were del- 'ill Musical Programs are carefully prehabits etc., etc. Out of this has grown egates to a Lutheran Students' Confer- pared nnd everything is done to make I only know its matchless love Has brough t God's love to mo. a circus project. So when our card- once held in Philadelphia over the week yon enjoy your social hour. board animals nnd tents are finished ond of February 81st. Lutheran stud1 know not how that Joseph 's tomb wo expect to give a real . Uve spring cir- ents from all the colleges in the North Blllie : "Snookle, your susqnopndalCould solve death's mystery ; cus pei'fornj nnce. Everybody welcome. Atlantic states attended. Sessions wore leu tarn is atrocious !" only I know a living Christ, Blanche: "Who drew that t lrcor?" hold at tho University of Pennsylvan- Hnooklo : "Olt alright, Bill , T'll throw Our immortality. ia A tour of the city showing all ¦t Teach er: "Miss SehuJtz drew It" fn th e wnste-bnskot. ' " p Ttinnchn : "I'll soy sho Is hoiu artist" p oints of Interest was made. Both delnCome and see your High (Tho Art Dapn rtmont hasn't an ything irn tes reported that they had a fine Do you have your ticket for School day in the Basket Ball on tho Kli dovgnrton ) . time, the Bask et Ball Tournamen t ? Tournament. m When you want GOOD EAT S go to REILLY'S They Serve the BEST REILLY'S CONFECTIONERY i Lowenberg's Draws the Trade The Big Clothing Store With Its One Low Price To All Be Photographed On Your Birthday This Year— PHILLIP S Will Please You Over the Post Office y. m. c. a. The Y. M. 0. A. hold its rpgulnr mooting lust evening, March R; in tho Boy 's Dorintyoty: Club room'. Tho nttondnnco was n ot' as large as usual hut dos pito this fact the mooting was interesting. ' Treat yourself to a good time, come and see the Tournament. BLOOM-IN NEWS. . Publish ed weekly during (lit * school yea r by the Blooinsbu ig « ntc Noriiinl School in ti n- interests of tho students , fac ulty , alumn i and She school in ¦ general. . .. Waller P. Be.minger. Kcilor-iiMJhief Loland r .cnnelt. Assist ant Editor * .1. Norman Marsh all. liusincss Manage r Jos eph I'Migu n . Assist ant Uusiness Manager Evelyn ora WiL on Al uinni Editor lVrsonul and .Social Editor -7 c»:iii I. acoo. Myvsinwy James. H umor Editor IX Harris Kdi son (•imil afion and Kxch.-m.iw> Mana ger KENIOK CLASS KEPORTKKK. Kuth eMne K^ng Dorothy Peterson " Helen Jones Clare Lowenberg JUNIOR CLASS KEPOltTEUS. Anf hmiy ISeshc! Ruth Walper * FACULTY ADVISORY COMMITTEK. j Miss Helen JSabb Miss Edna Monroe ; S. T,. "Wilson The Hloom-I n-Nows Stall" invites members of the Alumni or any one interested hi the school to contribute notes of interest. Subscri ption price $ .f>0 per semester , for resident students ; $ .7;") per semester for members of the- Alumni. Office lUMii, 171) Slain Building. B. 8. X. ^ . Bloorrislmnr. Pa. Enter ed as second class matter. Feb. 19, 1024 , at the Post Office. Bli-.oms ¦ ;, burg. Pa. . MORALITY WRONG END TO This is a day when -much a t t e n t i o n is being given to education and especially is this true of the moral phase ol" our educational work. If we as prospective teachers wish to make a .contribution to such a program it is necessary t h a t we know its nature and the methods whereby such ends may be best accomplished. j W i t h apologies to Dr. Frank Crane let me call your attention to a few salient facts tu be considered in a discussion of this nature. Much ox the present moral education is based upon the bulief that it » t h e so it- d u t y of the parent or teacher to keep the child safe. Some go as far as to s t a t e t hat modern means oi communication and lr..n.sp.mn;n>n are a decided nu t.ace to the y outh of our land. Hy this t hey mean iha t it is a simple m a t t e r for young William ami Mary to manufacture a "date" when we have such eou\ c-u.ieuces as the telephone uudf in the same way reason tha t it is eu cournjiinjr ¦ frequent meet ings for m a t t e r s can be so easily arranged. The only mor. i) .¦Ij iii ff to do is to lock the boy or gi rl up in a room and feed them t h r o u g h a key-hole. This is a negative pro gram. It results in a long list , of "Uon'ts '1 for the unfortunate yout h to obey blindly . What is still more absurb about such a progra m of moral education is that in most eases no explanation is made to the boy or girl as to the reason for therestrietions which are forced upon them The child is expect ed to ask no questions about what ho must not do, but to be contented to follow such rules ami regulations as are set down by thos {> in author ity. It is time that we as n peopl e come to understand that this system of moredixvit ) .))) is any thin g but satisfactory. We need to change our thinki n g al if we as citizens of to-morrow wish to do our part of the world' s work. It would be unwise for me, however , to close without pointing out the way to better wi.rk in ibis respect. Dr. (' ran " says : ' » i\'Our inn In task is to train the child for int"lligent liberty, to develop h' s sense of personal responsibility, and to equip him to take ca re of himself : ' Tho n"oded lesson in life Is to lea rn how to meet and deal wit h danger. !!iid not how to avoid danger. A j udicious amount of authorit y is proper in parents , but It' ( lint nuthorIly is an end in itself, and If we only vcek to tench the child to obey blindly , mid do not train his own powers of resistance to evil , we do more hnrin than good. Prohibition is ri ght when a child cannot uiul 'M -slnnd ; but it Is wronjr even when there Is no efforl. lo milko li ' m luidorstniirl . It is not Opportu nit y Mint threatens the morals of youlh; It is Ignorance of mind (i ml feebleness of clinrneler . And lliori > Is only one wny to Insure the moral diameter nnd adequate i ntelli gence of the people ; and 1 tluil Is fo teach ethics In the public schools, to t riiIn children (hero In honesty, olerinJIiiOfiH , and ninnliood , nnd to keep nil tho ciridreu during their nonage in school nil the ilinc, Here Jis I linvo pointed out often, is the runnin g soro of our crime, pauporl sm nnd nil soclnl evil—namely , our failure to wire for the children , and of our trusting of them, mil mine d , Into the exonouiic struggle. Go linrk. loncli. (ruin , oduenfo , develop, prevent ; and let. us liavo done with 'his medieval tinkerin g with telephones',- tlientros, and picnics to keep peoplo dofont. " "When you think of SHOES; think of BUCKALEW'S', Bloomsburg, Pa. Townsend's for Anything -inDress For Men Cleanin g and Pressin g F-I-L-M-S Prin ting and Developin g Patent Medicine Toilet Goods Stationery Greeting Cards J. C, Mercer 108 East Main St. A lways the POINT S OF VIEW. BEST I ce Cream Candies Cakes and Soft Drinks SERVE D AT Bush's Ice Cream Pala ce FOR Coats, Dresses Sweaters , Footwear U n d erwear , H os i ery Toilet Articles Lingrie , Furn iture Fancy Groceries. F. P. PURSEL Market Square , Bloomsburg After School Hours Visit Texas Quick Lunch JACK GEISTWITE Portra it Photography In Roys ' Studio 124 East Main Street . ALUMNI NOTES. Lowell wrote, "What is so rare as a Mis s Anna Hoberls, 'ID, is the teachd.'iy i n .Juno?" We would like to an- er of Commercial subj ects in the Mt. nnnnro Din t wo hnve i'n nnd it. It. is Carmel High School at Mt. Carmel , Pa. the steak that is served twice a week Miss Nellie A. Naegeli , "Zti, is teaching at Old Forge," Pa. hi the Normal School Dining Itoom . Mi ss Eliza beth AV. Perry, "23, is Student s as a whole and by that term teaching at Duryea , Pa. i mean ali students , which of course in- Miss Chresceutia McGrath , '22, is cl udes Normal School students, possess teaching at Forest City, Pa. that (|ualit .y Cor which the little anijjj aj , the .-ponjre , is not ed, that of ab- Miss Arliue Tosh, '22, is teaching at sorption. They absorb , smile and look Wilfce s-Burre, Pa. Miss Isabel Jones, '22, is teaching at w.sc Do they retainV Ex ams will tell. Hanover Twp., Pa. Have you ever felt that peculiar Miss Celie Lumbert, '22, is teachin g .sinking sensation , characterized by at Forest City, Pa. rue fearful fl uttering of the heart , the Mi ss Camilla L». Herman , '21, is Prin.reiubhng of the hands and the water- ci pal of the Mehoopany High School at ing of the eyes th at conies to you in Alchoopany, Pa. the ciassn.o m when the subject in dis- Miss Helen K. Kar ains, '23, is teachcussion has been ill-pr epared and the ing at Nanticoke, Pa. snxleut next to you is called upon to Miss Cordeli a K. Vance, '23, is teachrecite. ing at Berwick, Pa. Every enterprise, no matter how Miss Helen M. Keller, '23, is teaching small and triflin g m ust have an ideal, in the Penn Street School at Kingston, i'ei haps it. i.s only the ideal of the fin- Pa. .shed article or finished action . It is Mi ss Kathryn R. Griffith , '23, is tiu> sum of these idea ls that make up teaching at Kingston, Pa. . ihe idea l of our lives. Our ideal is ever Miss Dorothy S. Titman, '23. is teachchanging for as soon as one ideal is ing at Elk Lake, Pa. overtaken , ir is no longer an ideal and Mr . Eliakim Painter *23 is teaching a new one takes its place. This ever- at Vandling, Pa. changing of goals possesses a charm for Miss Beatrice A. Dawson, '23, is the many. It is this variety that t'lav- teaching at Duryeau , Pa, Miss Dawson was a guest at 15. S. N. S. over last >rs and gives lif e its spice. week-end. •We want wh at we want when we Miss Louise G. Gilboy, '23, is teachwant it ' is the popu '.av saying of the ing at Duryea , Pa. mass as it goes forwa rd seeking for Mr. Maxwell It. Noack, '16, is teacher "" ' of voice, with a stilt", ai I'liiladelphia, .hat which is j ust in front. Pa. THE GINGER POT. Miss A. Geraltline Hall, '23, is teachng at Wyoming, Pa. Good Service. Miss Jessie Down , '12, is teaching at "I've used the same car daily for six Sci n nton , Pa. yea rs and it hasn 't, cost me a cent for Mr . Rhys Powell , '3, is Superintend1 ent of City Schools at Scranton. Pa. .em ail's. ' • (Jrea t Scott! What make is it?" Miss Lydia Bonn , '21, is teaching at Scranton , Pa. eet Cur !" "Str Miss Anna Powell, '17, is teaching at To-day 's troubles are to-morrow's Scranton , Pn. j okes, so let's laugh now. A poach ca me walking down the street, Do you have your ticket for She was more than passing fair ; the Basket Ball Tournament ? A sm ile , a nod , a half-closed eye, And the peach became a "pair." PERSONALS. Unless they get something for nothi n g, some people always consider themWe regret to say that Sara Smull , .•ives stuck. Kathryn Ball and Frances Hahn spent "My life has been in vein !" cried the part of last week In the "Pest" House . imI eorpuscie. sul'l'ering from tonsilltis. -And the nrtery took it to heart. We iiJso hon r that Harper Dodd has lie who laughs hist Is usuully the been missing classes on account of a sore throat. It must bo contagious. last to get the joko . M. Hess : "Oh Dear , I just can 't ad- The school entertained many visitors last week-end. Wyoming had a fine ju st my curriculum." Jamioson. "That's alright, it doesn 't showing nnd we enjoyed playing host to such n wonderful crowd. show anyway . " Prof. Albert : "Which Is correct ; a Monday . March 10, Gretchen Culver ho. il of camels or u drove of camels?" entertained the P. T. S. D. In honor of her birthday. An important business Coope r: "I always thou ght tlio,v,cnino transaction was discussed concerning in packs." the summed. Delightful refreshments In empty ing her lnumlvy bag yostev- wore served by the hostess. dny , ono of the blushin g hox discovered RUzn belli Davj snn and Gladys Jones an art tain of clothing totally foreign to spent the week-end at; Penn State. her wa rdrobe namel y a man 's union VcM'na Kisser spent the week-end in unit mnrked with the Initials "U. T." Kingston. Own er mny have su mo by applying Tlio Editor spont tho week-end at for nnd Idonllfyln g nt business ollico, T ' !;gs(on mul n t bis homo. J. E. ROYS Kodak Finishing Gloss or Eemi-Gloss Finish 40 W. and 124 E. Main St. BARTON PURSEL Tailor and Bushleman Suitin gs For Sprin g Now In Full Line of Sprin g Furnishings Now On Display J. ECKER Correct Apparel For Women COME IN AND SEE US Charlotte Parsons spent the weekend at Laneeford. Misses Lena and Edythe Enamma spent tlie week-end with their parents. Edytlie Poyck spent the week-end in Wilkps-Burve. Jea n La coo was the guest of Louise Betterly Friday night at Kimbles. "Sammy " Oliver has returned the Victrol a to the ftirl s on third floor. He made good use of it alright. We all want to know where "Ace" got the soro throat last Wednesday. It has been rumored around that IsaProf. Bakeless' bel Ferguson locked preventing day, almost door the other let her dance , class beeauNe he wouldn't on his desk ! Misses Edna and Mary Munro were called homo unexpectedly as their father is seriously ill. Miss Moove is recovering from a fractured finger received while play tog ba sket ball. Watch next issue for full particulars concerning the . ournament. , , —M« ~)t »C^ -MM -MAK V ft- -j 1 THE VICTORI A PROGR AM * ^ MAE MURRAY i?nw I rvvanm AonlUJ l KU lf A Picture decidedly difflI ferent from her usual screen j Ce -— WEDNESDAY Wm. Fox Pr esents ERNE ST TRUE c. n ,. j , Six Cylinder Love A filmization from the biggest stage success in twenty years. THURS & FRI. Warn er Bros. Presen ts LUCRETIA L0MBARD A drama of flaming Passion g,^ ' Irene Rich and Monte SATURDAY Wm. Fox Presents PHARI FS JUHO TONFS UlAKLCa "Not a Drum Was Heard " A story revolving around the loyalty and friendship of two Cowpunchers. \ZZ • ' IE i ' Wise and Otherwise j * . uf .SSSS ¦¦ ^SSZSSSSSZi ¦ ¦ W ¦ »¦¦ ¦— —WEEK OF MARCH 17— & TUESDAY J MONDAY Metro Presents ZZZI F^ 1— EH f til* ¦ ¦ ¦¦ —¦¦ ^i — ¦— ¦ ¦ i n C OLUMBI A """* * ft i ¦!¦¦¦¦» > ¦ j YVe Wonder What Wou.d Hiipp.-n I f : ; j .h>e l>llgUll ll i l l l 11 i i Professor: "I am dismissing you ten ! minutes early today, do out quie.ly so |as not to wake the other classes." I School Nurse : "You cough easier this I MH.iniiJJ g," Ellen Phooby : "I ought to, I practiced all night." * i THEATRE " CtlSl> . " Liebe Daniels had n't ouo. Prof. Wilson forgot a ciass. > ? Edit ha End called "Marian " (Ad inns) •'lilies.'' ! Ki a net's Halin quit "vamp ing. " ; «Cc>aeh" l'a Lli'd 10 tisk for an excuse. j Someone "cut " the edito r "out. " j Eiias L\ Morga n didn 't go home ever .v I ' SatiiJ day. : j TI.e Editor nii.ssed his br ea k fast. Joe Sicsko liked "Keystone AcafI ; demy. " j Shorty l.«'.ng didn 't like "Art. " I NEW i » COMING SOON 'The Great Big Feature "The Covered Wagon" A BARGAIN PRICE. Dr. C. A. Pierle. head of the department of chemistry at the West Texas Teachers college here, lnis found that a body of a man weighing 150 pounds, ¦ ALWAYS THE BEST IN COMEDIES AND NOVELTIES if divided into its compon ent chemical J Coat iiiuous Shows Saturday Only » , "Do_ " Watson to workman in the tft , would be found to contain elements mHl » M — m* jj ^t " >"< Dorm : "Beg y< ;uv pardon , mister, seeenough wnter to wash a pair of blanking you 're painting the door, I though t et s, enough iron to make a ten penny Q VUi AN YTHING BE WORSE COULD YOU IMAGINE : I'd better tell yon that the lock needs i nail, lime sui!k:io:it to white-wash a Everyhody in tUeir rooms at live of small chicken ec.op and enough sulphur a little grease and the hinges a little THAN THIS? ten ? id kill the fleas on a good sized dog. tuni ng." cosmopolibeing aliove us is a Prof. A l b e i t : "What The hoys who live I'ill: Cain : "Dugan did your watch All these elements, he est imates, could noisy? t a n V" . • Ucpi ed when it dropped to the floor ?" i)S be purchased at a drug store for St u dent : "Suppose there was a RusStudent Government in the boy 's . cents. Dugan : "Sure ! Did yon think it sian Jew living in England with tin dorm? would go through?" Italia n wife , smoking Egyptian cigar- An alarm dock that went off right ? Some of the gi rls in the school would Archie : "Th e man (hat Mivrues v'. f - '. el les nea r n Kronen window, in a room The hells ring ing for m eal s, etc? like to have Mr. William Toole give .vi.man is a fool. " with a Turkish rug on the floor. If Lei da : "1 agree with you." them p rivate lessons in the art ( ?) of SIGNS OF SPRING. this man drank American ice-cream so- Coach Mead's new suit. flirti ng, the aforesaid being a graduate A rchie. "And if lie expects to have das while listening to a German band Strawberries for dinner last week. in that Art. the last word he's oven a bigger fool." p'. ay 'Come Back to Erin ,' after a supLerd a : "Quite so, quite so. What did All the new cases. Emily and "Doe" per of Dutch cheese made up as Welsh especially. Maroon neckties with the letters "B. you and your girl quarrel about yesra rebit , then you might be quite safe Three "Kobbins " have been soon on S. N. S." upon them in gold have been terday?" in saying that he was a cosmopolitan ." the campus. introduced at the Normal and have ?".<;ck ( looking rather hungry, and made a hit with b oth male and female smacking his lips) : "I wish I had one A real live blue bird lias been seen. Severa l of the fourth floor girls were members of the student body. The tie of the crisp rolls that mom used to badly frightened at the sudden appearIs very attractive and severa l hundred , ance of the "Mystery Man." Looking Coach Meade wns teaching one of the of them have been disposed of. It is make " Shack (looking gloomy and blue) : up suddenly from your work and see- Junior girl's gym classes. Some of the planned to introduce some article of , and I wish T had ono of the crisp "Yes obj ected to his new method of ing his grinning face with its big baby ladies school colors dress worked out in the rolls that father used to carry." blue eyes , hook nose and big mouth , teaching, whereupon ''Conch " replied each week. Ace Buss (rather exci ted) : "My would send a chill down the spine of that lie wasn't going to argue with fifclothing store ! My clothing store!" ty (HO) women. the bra vest of girls. Dr. Pike, who lectured to the sen- A n dy Ti rpak : "I never knew you Instructor : "I spent three hou rs on ors Wednesday evening, told them that had a clothing store before." J.ady (pas sing through Bloomsburff the correcting of these note-hooks." hi> felt perfectly at home in a Normal Ace Buss : "You don 't understand on I) . \u seeing Normal on the hill) : Brocious : "And look nt the "bu m" School. We wonder if his being at the me, no! no ! I sat on a nail. My clothJob you've made of it. " "Is tha t the Danville Asylum?" Danville Asylum so long as anythin g ing 's tore ! My clothing 's tore !" Nornuil Cirl : No, lmulame. That is Ellas Morga n ( symp athetic/illy) : to do with 'itV Until : "A re Into hours good for one? 1' where they get us ready for it. "What's the matter with your hand , my Watchman (on duty ) : "Halt! Who Jerry : "No, but they are good for little man?" ghrni t. Senior : % 'Do I looke pnJo?" two." goes there ?" '"' Fresh Junior (nsido) : "No , more Carl Itinkcr : "Snwcul the top of my ,Snm Oliver : "A Junior with dough - Miss Moore ( music period) : "A litfi nger off. " nuts." "t ub. " tle more spirit. Open your mouth and Ellas (sympathetically ) : "Well , well , Watchnm ii : "Pass, Junior. Halt ! throw yourself into It. " how did you do that?" doughn uts." Took*: "I flunked that; quiz , flat." Ju ni or Br ightness in Aji English Exam. Klnkor : "Sawing." Lhwhoii : •' What was the matter? Evelyn II, : "I believe I' ve danced Define OCTOPUS givin g genus. Didn haven 't 't you know the answers?" before, with you I?" An octopus Is a figure with oight Come and see your High ; du nno you why Toole : "Yes ; but I had vaseline on Mike K.: "I if have sides. play School in the Basket Ball my 't you do it now ?" hnlr don and they nil slipped my mind. " octopus is n dessert plant. An Tournament.