Twenty- Third Annual Catalogue OF THE SOUTHWESTERN State Normal School, TENTH DISTRICT. Ca ifornia, Washington County, Pa. MURDOCH-KERR 53-55 Ninth rRE~"', Street, P,'I'TSBURGH. 1tlble of C ntents. l'\(;E. Calendar 3 Board of Trustees..................... Standing Committees 4 .) State Board of Examiners........................... Board of Instruction...... Courses of Study for Pennsylvania General Statement .) School Year Consists of Forty-two Weeks. Three Terms. Ii State Normal chools....................... : 9 13 Aim and Departments of the School. Normal Department 15 Practice Department Music Department Physical Culture Department Commercial Department 20 In :?o EXA~II~A'I'lOX OF SEl\'IOH AND Jt;~lOH LnTnm 25 :?l Characteristic Features of the School. The Library Literary Societies :?6 26 . 27 Commencement Exercises Lectures . SCience and Nature, tudy 2b "T. H. BY REI'. June 16th-18th. D. D., :~'rtturday Erenuuj, CLAbi;ES, CRAWFORD, .1",/1' 26th. DR BACC.II,.ll·REA'I'E HERMON, BY REI'. 23 Concerts illY, ALDIN! JWII' Rsuxrox, lVedne.sdIlY, Jtuu sou, 3 P . .1[. A ·.TAT. COXTD'chool. FR. A. HILDEBRA~D, English Grammar. If. E., Southwestern State Normal "chool. S. GRA T MILLER, Algebra. A. B., Mt. Union. .K. BRIRTOW, )L\BEL Drawing. .-\'XNA xr. SRCTTERLY, Librarian. M. .I!:., Sonthwestern ""StateNorm.ll scnoot. SPECIAL INSTRUCTORS AND LECTURERS. W. S. JACKMAN, A. ~l., l'!'{)fessorof Science, Chicago Normal School. Jature Study, (1\larch 29-April 3.) CHAS. A. 1\lcMDRRY, Professor in Ph. V., niverslty of Chicag-o. General Pedagogy. (April 5-17.) J. B. DEMOTTE, Lecturer, Ph. D., Bryn Mawr, I'll. Moral Science. (May 7-11.) Four Conrses of Instruction are provided for, as follows: Elementary Course. Regular Normal Course. Scientific Course. Advanced Xormal Course, ELEMENTARY PREPARATORY COURSE. STUDIES. LANGuAGE.-Orthography, Reading. ~ ATURAI,SCIENCE.-Pbyeiology and Hygiene. JIISTORICALSCIENCE.-Geography, Political and Physical; History of the United States. TnE ARTS.-Penmanship, sufficient to be able to explain some approved system; writing to be submitted to the Board of Examiners. Other studie • as Arithmetic, English Grammar, Algebra, etc., shall be added to the Preparatory year, said studies to be selected by each Normal School, but the" final" examination in these added branches shall be deferred until the end of the Junior year. JUNIOR YEAR. PEDAGO(;I('·.-School Management; Methods of Teaching the Common Branches. LAxGuAGE.-English Grammar; Latin sufficient for the introduction of Cresar. MATJ(E~ATI<;'.-Alithmetic; Elementary Algebra. -ATUR.\f,i3CIENCE.-Botany. HISTORICALScIENCE.-Civil Government. THE ARTS.-Drawing, a daily exercise for at least twenty-four weeks, work to be submitted to the Board of Examiners; Bookkeeping, smgle entry, including a knowledge of common business papers and a daily exercise for at least seven weeks; Vocal )lu. ic, elementary principles, and attendance upon daily exercises for at least twelve weeks, PHYSICALCULTURE. SENIOR YEAR. l'EDAGOGIC".-Psychology; Methods of Teaching the Common Branches; History of Education; Model School Work, at least twenty weeks of actual teaching daily during one period of not less than forty-five minutes; a Thesis on a professional subject. '10 SOUTHWESTERN S'rATE NORMAL SCHOOL, CALIFORNIA, LAXGUAGE.-Rhetoric and Composition; English Literature, at least twelve weeks' work, including the thorough study of four English classics; Latin, Ceesar, through the Helvetian ·Wat.. ~L~Tl1ElfATlcs.-Plane Geometry. NATURALSCIENCE.-Elementary Natural Philosophy. HrSTORIcALSClENcE.-General History. 1.'UE ARTS.- Elocutionary exercises in connection with the study of English Literature; Manual Training. . .PIlY;:IC.~LCUI.TURE. REGULAR NORMAL THREE I I -------- ADVANCED NO~MAL COURSE . FIVE YEARS. YEARS. Course.] PEDAGOGIG'i.-Advanced Psychology; Moral Science; Philosophy of Educacation; Methods of Teaching; Practice of Teaching; Pedagogical Works : Frcebel, Education of Man; Quick, Educational Reformers; Fitch, Lectures on Teaching; School, School Apparatus; Discussion of Manual Training, Physical Culture, etc. MATIlEMATIC8.-Solid Geometry; Plane and Analytical Trigonometrv; . ~~~ Virgil's ./Eneid, 3 books; Cicero, 3 ~ATURALSCIE~cE.-Chemi~try, including Chemistry of Soils ; Zoology. including Entomology; and Geology. LI1'ERATURE.-Higher Literature, English and American, including a study of at least four classics. (This Course includes the studies of the Scientific Co.urse, an~ one vear's additional work in Pedagogics, as follows. A full equivalent WIll be ~ccepted for any of the text-books in the Course. ) PSYCHOLOGy.-James, Advancer! Course. Laurie's Institutes of Education; Rein's Outli~es of Ped.a~~gy; Herbart's Science of Education; Spencer's Education; Rosmini s Method ill Education' Davidson's Education of the Greek people. Discussion of ~fethods and Objects of Leading Educators: Fro-bel, Pestalozzi, Dr. Arnold, Horace Mann and others. Discussion of Educational Theories. . . Education in the United States; Education in Pennsylvania (Wickersham); General Survey of History of Public Education in Germany, France and England. . Advanced work in Language, Mathematics, Natural Science, etc., may be taken at the option of the student. RULES AND SCIENTIFIC PA. [One year in addition to Scientific Course.] (This Course includes the studies of the Elementary Course, and the following branches. A 'full equivalent' will be accepted for any of the textbooks named in this Course:) LANGuAGE.-Latin : Csesar, :) books; orations. COUNTY, :JL!.THEMATlC15.-HigherAlgebra: Spherical Trigonomet~y and. Surveying, with use of instruments; Analytical Geometry; DIfferential and Integral Calculus. . . X.\TURALScIENcE.-Higher [atural Philosophy; Astronomy, Descriptive and Mathematical. . I']"" t Roman Riston.'. HISTORICAL SCIENcE.-English History; G. recian .~ISory; COU~SE. [One year in addition to Elementary WASHINGTON COURSE. FOUR YEARS. [One year in addition to Regular Normal Course.] (This Course includes the studies of the Regular Normal Course and the following branches :) PEDAGOGICS.-Logic; Course of Professional Reading selected from Regular or Advanced Normal Course; a Thesis on a professional subject. LAxGuAGE.-Latin: 3 books of Virgil's lEneid, 3 orations of Cicero, or a full equivalent (an eqni valent of Greek, German or French will be accepted for any of the following studies: Virgil, Cicero, Higher Algebra, Spherical Trigonometry, Surveying, Analytical Geometrv, Calculus, Mathematical Natural Philosophy and Mathematical Astronomy, and an equivalent of Latin and advanced work in Natural Science for. any of the foregoing mathematical studies). ADMISSION FOR FINAL TO THE EXAMINATIONS JUNIOR AND SENIOR MENTARY COURSE. CLASSES IN THE ELE- 1 Admission to the Senior and Junior classes shall be determined by the State Board of Examiners at the annual examination by th,e BoarTd. 2. In order to be admitted to the Junior class of an)' State Normal School, persons must be examined in the six preparatory branches named 'and no others, and the examination in these branches shall be final.. Th?se who for any reason were unable to complete the Prep~ratory e~am~natlOn may be admitted to both the Preparatory and the Junior examinations at the end of the Junior year. But they must be classed as preparatory students till the final examination in the preparatory branches has been completed. No substitutions 01' conditions. shall be allowed for any of the studies required for admission to the Junior ,Class. . 3. In order to be admitted to the Senior class, persons m~st ?e e:,amined in all the Junior studies, except Methods, and t~e. examination 111 these branches shall be final. No substitutions or condltlOn~ shall be allowed for an)' of the studies required for admission to the Senior class. I2 SOUTHWESTERN STATE NORMAL C:\LIFORNI.\. SCHOOL. 4. If the faculty of any State Normal School, or the State Board of Examiners, decide that a person is not prepared to pass an examination b the State Board. he shall not be admitted to the same examination at an~ other State Normal Rchool during the same school year. 5. !fa person who has completed the Preparatory or the Junior studies at any State Normal School, desires to enter another State [ormal 'chool the Principal of the School at which the examination was held shall send the propel' certificate to the Principal of the school which the person desires to attend. Except for the reason here stated, no certificate settingforth the fact of the passing of the Preparatory or the Junior studies shall be issued. 6. Candidates for grad nation shall be examined in all the branches of the Senior year. They shall have the opportunity of being examined in any of the higher branches, including vocal and instrumental music and double entry bookkeeping; and all studies completed by them shall be named in their certificate. 7. Persons who have been graduated in any Course may be examined at any State examination in any branches of a higher course; and the Secretary of the Board of Examiners shall certify, on the back of their diplomas, to the passing' of the branches completed at said examination. S. A certificate setting forth the proficiency of all the applicants in all the studies in which they desire to be examined by the State Board of Examiners shall be prepared and signed by the faculty and presented to the Board. The certificate presented for applicants for admission to the Senior Class in the Elementary Course shall also set forth the standing of said applicant in the studies of the Junior year in which they are nut examined. 9. The Board of Examiners is appointed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and is composed as follows: The State Superintendent or Deputy Superintendent, who is President of the Board; the Principal of another Normal School; six County, City, 01' Borough Superintendents, and the Principal of this Normal School. Each student must receive eight votes out of the nine in order to pass the examination. Students must beexamined and recommended by the faculty before taking the State Board Examination. WASHINGTON COUNTY. PA. 13 Genera I Statenlent. ~nstitution, usually call.ed the '(Southwes~ern State -:\orSchool," is one of thirteen schools having the powers . ile es of State Normal Schools under the laws of Pennand pnvi g ISh c 00 I D'IS. There are in the State thirteen "N I orma sylvanIa. bli h . " in each of which a school has been esta IS e.d TI re first ::::~se schools to receive "recognition:' as a State Normal was the one at Millersville, Lancaster county, 111 1859· The business affairs of each State Normal School arc manbv a board of eizhteen trustees, two-thirds of whom are age d ) ~ .' cted by stockholders (or contributors), and one-third appointed e1e . . by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Everv student of a State Normal School, above seventeen years of age. intending to teach in the common schools of P~nnsylvania is entitled to receive fifty cents a week towards defraying expenses of tuition; and each graduate who agrees to te~c~ two years, receives a cash bonus of fifty dollars. A great majority of graduates teach more than the required time, and very many adopt teaching as their life-work. This school was officially recognized in 1874 as the State :oJ ormal School for the Tenth District, composed of the counties of Washington, Fayette, Greene and Somerset. The Southwestern State ormal School is the outgrowth of an Academy, first opened in 1852. Three years earlier the town of California was laid out. It owes its name to the excitement then pre\'ailing over the discovery of gold in the State of California A bill incorporating the California Academy with the privileges of a State Normal School was vetoed by Governor Packer in 1859. In 1865 the school was chartered under the name of "S o~thwestern Normal College." The corner-stone of the present Main BUilding was laid August 26th, 1868. The Main Building '\Vas fi rst used for school purposes 111 . 1870. The La dires 'D orrm-. to~ '\Vasfirst used about four years later, and the Gentlemen's Dortnitory about 1876. Science Hall was built in 1&)2 and the Gymnasium in 1894. It'l1;~l 14 SOUTHWESTERN STATE LOCATION NORMAL SCHOOL. OF SCHOOL. The Southwestern State K ormal School is beautifully and healthfully located on the left bank of the Monongahela river, fifty miles from Pittsburgh. It is in the heart of the Monongahela Valley, and is conveniently reached from all points, being but thirty miles distant from Pittsburgh by air line, and fifty by rail. Direct road from Union Station, Pittsburgh. Four trains daily. Only twenty miles by rail (three trains daily) from Uniontown. But one change of cars from Greensburg, Scottdale and Connellsville. Two changes from Hyndman and Meyersdale. Direct boat from Rice's Landing, New Geneva, etc. GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS. The School grounds consist of about 12 acres, covered with a beautiful sod, and planted with ornamental and shade trees, shrubbery and flowers. There are five buildings-a central massive and imposing edifice, having the general form of a Greek cross, with two wings, used as dormitories-the one by ladies, the other by gentlemen, and the two new buildings, Science Hall and the Gymnasium. CALIFORNIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, PA. Tile Ainl and Departnlents of tl\e 5el\001. AIM. The main object of the school is to furnish a thorough course of professional training for teachers in the public schools. This renders necessary first of all and most of all a body of instructors who have an ample knowledge of the subjects they teach, a deep. interest in those whom they teach, and a full realization of the ever-changing needs of the public schools. "As is the teacher, so is the schoo!''' As is the faculty of a normal school, so is the normal school. If the true teaching spirit pervades the atmosphere of a normal school, students will catch. it, but not otherwise. . The faculty of this school is composed of experienced, and helpful teachers-men and women who are devoted to their work, earnestly endeavoring by their teaching and their lives to set before young people high ideals of character and the surest road to· true Success in the teacher's calling. Constant efforts are made by the instructors to improve and enrich their work. Some are actively engaged in the work of ~eachers' institutes and as contributors to the educational periodicals. Faculty Conferences are held weekly. These are entirely dev?ted to literary and pedagogical discussions, and are most helpful in kee pmg . . teac h ers abreast of the best educational thought of t h e day. During the past vear the evenings given to literary subjects were devoted t o a critical . .' study of Shakespearean plays. Members served b t id Y urns as leaders and the leader for each evening proVI ed th h ' . 10Wed m eth at d'er members in advance . with an outline to be folBenr V e I~cussion. Macbeth, Hamlet, Lear, As You Like It, iller~' ~~I., fhe Tempest, Henry IV., Richard III., MidsumNight Ig t s Dream, Romeo and Juliet, King John, and Twelfth of the wer : among the plays studied, and the following are samples, Outl ll1es used: SOUTHWESTERN STATE BR.IEF STUDY NORMAL SCHOOL, IN HAMLET. PROF'E::'~OI{ Mm;:/)E,Leader. I. Contrast the opening scenes in J[((cuelh and Ilomlet. Contra t th action in the two plays. By what right does Claudius hold the Sovereignty ~ Good and bad qualities of the king? the queen? Were the two well mated? II. Hints regarding the condition of ociety in Denmark? Purpose of the dramatist in introducing the gho t? Was it a "real" ghost in Act III? Why is Polonius in the play? III. Does Hamlet deal jnstly with himself in the soliloquy in Act II? \\'hen does the king begin to suspect that Hamlet "knows too much "? Climax of the play? Principal episodes? Significance of Ophelia's remark, "The king rises"? (Act III.) IV. Did Hamlet do right in letting the king escape in the" prayer" cene? Why was Hamlet 0 quick to kill Polonius and so slow to kill the king? Comment on Hamlet's treatment of his mother in the" closet" scene. V. Pedagogical lesson in Hamlet's last remark to Guild. in Act III.'! Compare Hamlet's soliloquy Act III. with Macbeth's. Any excuse for Hamlet's treatment of Guild. and Ros.? VI. Notethe subtle beauty in "There's a willow grows," etc.-other artistic touches. VII. Motive in introducing the grave diggers? At what point do we lose sympathy with Laertes? VIII. What parts of the play seem to have been suggested by the teachings of the church? IX. Iental characteristic of Hamlet-the question of his sanity. Comments on the moral problem presented to Hamlet and on his disposition . CALIF?RNIA, 13. 14. 15. recorded 16. bv him? \VASHINGTON COUNTY, PA. 37 Name one given by )Iark alone. Mention surname given by Christ to some of the apostles. How were the doings and sayings of Christ preserved until by the evangelists? Do you suppose the parables of Christ were used more than once • 17. How would you oppose the theory that Mark's gospel was com piled from Matthew and Luke. 18. Name the twelve apostles. 19. Same the three privileged apostles among the chosen twelve. 20. How many references in ~Iark to the "Prophets"? Does the word" Law" occur at all? What does this indicate? 21. Which chapter tells of the beginning of Christ's ministry? (Answer from memory.) 22. Which gives the parable of the sower? 23. The account of the resurrection, appearances, and ascension? 24. The calling- of the twelve apostles? Peter's confession? 25. The transfiguration? The last supper? 26. Trial by Pilate, death, and burial? 27. Cure of Gadarene demoniac and raising of Jairus' daughter? 28. Murder of John Baptist? Triumphal entry? Feeding of 4,000? 29. Tribute money and widow's mite? yro-Phoenician woman? 30. The ambitious disciples and blind Bartimaeus? 31. Is it recorded that Jesus evei prayed for himself? For anyone 4!lse ? 32. That he ever asked anyone else to pray for him? STU DENT'S ROOM 38 SOUTHWESTERN S'rATE NORlIIAL ~ CHOOL. ~--------------------------------------------------------THE STUDENTS' ROOMS -- Are large, bright and cheery. They are heated by steam, lighted by electricity, carpeted, newly-papered and provided with dressing case, table, spring bed, washstand and wardrobe. They are cosy and attractive. THE BOARDING CALIFORNIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, PA. 39 Expen es. s 1 25 Tuition, per week, 3 25 Board, Board and Tuition, Fall Term,] 6 weeks (less State aid), 6400 48 00 " " Win ter" 12" " " 5600 " Spring " 14 " 168 0(1 " " Full Yr" 42 " Piano or Organ Lessons (two per week), Fall Term, 20 00 " .1 " "" Winter Term, 15 00 17 00 " " " "" Spring Term, " " "less than full term, per lesson, 75 Average charge, pel' term, for use of instrument, one period daily, 200 Private Voice Lesson at same rate as lessons on Piano or Organ. Complete commercial course, one year, 50 00 Bookkeeping, six months, 20 00 Shorthand, six months, 20 00 Typewriting, three months, 10 00 II at a boarding school is always inquired about with genuine interest by those who are to enjoy it, or at least to endure it, for a year or more. We have made a careful study of the whole problem. \Ve do not promise such a variety in the table fare as may be had at a hotel where the charges are as much per day as they are here per week. We provide, however, substantial food, in sufficient quantity and of good quality, with neat and careful service. We can say for our boarding that our students like it. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." :1\0 deduction for board or tuition for first week OJ: last two weeks of term, except by previous agreement with the Principal. One-half the above expenses is due at the opening, the balance at the middle of each term. ' The Principal acts for Trustees and receipts all bills .. Board at above rates includes furnished room, heat and light. Students furnish their own napkins and towelsz Washing will be done by the household department at the lowest terms. STATE AID TO STUDENTS. DINING ROOM. The dining room is a spacious, pleasant hall, well lighted by electricity. The meal times at the Normal are among the hours that will linger long and pleasantly in the memories of students. The teachers and most advanced students are so distributed as to make the conversation interesting and profitable at each table. Each student is entitled to State aid (50 cents a week) who is over 17 years of age, and who signs a paper declaring his intention to teach in the common schools of the State. . Each student who, upon graduating, shall sign an agreement to teach lnthe Common schools of the State two full years, shall receive the sum of fl tyf dollars. t Any student, to secure these benefits, mnst attend the school at least •Welve consecutive weeks, and receive instruction in the Theory of TeachIng. 40 SO THWESTERN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. Text BOORS. The following are among the text books now used in the school: PREPARATORY CLASS. Heart of Oak Readers, Hyde's Lessons in English, Montgomery's History of . S., White'>, Complete Arithmetic, Frye's Complete Geography, Foster & Shore's Physiology, Jl'XIOR CL.\SS. Reed & Kellog's Higher Lessons in Williams & Rogers' Bookkeeping, English, The New Arithmetic (by 300 authors), Strang's Exercises in English, Sensenig's Algebra, Emerson's Evolution of ExpresCollar & Daniell's First Latin Book, sion, No.1, Gray's How Plants Grow, Johnston's History of U. S., Gordv's Psychology, Thorpe's Civil Government, Guyot's Physical Geography, Frye's Complete Geography. SEXIOR CL.\SS. Myer's General History, Dewey's Psychology, Wentworth's Geometry, Emerson's Evolution of Expression, "0. 2, Gage's Physics, Gage's Laboratory Manual of Physics, Wood's Plant Organization, Kelsey's Cresar, Painter's History of Education. SCIEX'l'IFIC AND SPECIAL CLASS}~~. Latin-Kelsey's Csesar, Harper and Miller's Virgil, German -Grimm's Maerchen, Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm, Schiller's Jungfrau von Orleans, Otis' Grammar, Greek -Good win's White's Beginners Pernin's Universal Barnes' Mauual of Greek Grammar, in Greek, Phonography, Typewriting, SUGGESTIONS TO THOSE EXPECTING TO BECOME STUDENTS. 1. You are prepared to enter here when you have co;npleted the usual course in the common schools at home. 2. If you expect to take a course in this school, you will probably save both time and money by coming here at once. 3. It is better to enter at the beginning of a term, but you can enter at any time. . 4. If you can attend but a few weeks, come for tbat time. Even thIS may give you new aims and higher ideals of teaching, and may prove a turning point in your life. CALIFORNIA, 'V ASHINGTON COUNTY, P A. 41 5. Expect to do faithful, earnest work while here, and to make study your single aim. 6. Co~e on firs: day of term, neither earlier nor later, unless circumstances reqUIre It. 7. Bring with you for reference whatever text books you have' you will find such books useful. The new books you may need can be bouzht cheaper here than at home. e 8. The Normal School is but five minutes' walk from the tat' k h k .h h s Ion. Leave trun c ec s WIt t e a?ent, and come at once to the Principal's office at the school. The baggage will be delivered at the schooljree oj charge. SOUTHWESTERN STATE NORlIfAL SCHOOL, ----- Graduating Closs, 1597. Della M. Allison, D. B. Augustine, Leroy O. Arnold, Adaline Altman, Edna Altman. Belle N. Albig, Almeda M. Booth. Edith B. Burdette, Anna C. Brownfield. Frances C. Burroughs, Charles A. Compton, Helen E. Conn, P. Lucia Chamberlin, Alvaro B. Cober, Nancy D. Campbell, Wilbur L. Dunn. Evelyn G. Day, Mary J. Donaldson, Pearl C. Flickinger, Price G. Frye, Olive M. Fife. Margaret Y. I~ife, Mollie Goodwin, Jessie R. Holland. Marjorie M. Holland, Oherrie T. Hubbs, Herbert Hertzog, A. Pearl Jones, Almira E. Jones, Chas. F. Kmg, Pearl S. Lewellen, Jennie R. Lambert, Agnes B. Lemon, George L. Lose. Ira A. Milliron, 'elIie J. Mi tchell, Josephine E. McDonough, Herbert P. Meyers, )1. Clyde McCabe, Bessie P. Mechling, Ethel W. McCarty, Mary J. McCollum, John L. Moore. James H. Moore. Valear L. Minehart, William Mcfilwn n, Minnie Nicolay. Joseph Nichol. Bert F. Ober, Anna M. Orr, Thomas H. Owen. E. Frances Patterson, Walter G. Powell, Charles R. L. Rasel, Sarah E. Ruoff, Edith M. Stout, Clara 1. St. Clair, Charles E. Shomo, May A. Simpson, L. Clyde Shaver, Lucy A. South, l\la ry L. Swindell, Elizabeth Smith; J. :May Stark, Sudie E. Stark. James S. Thompson, Laura '1'. 'Viley, Daisy R. Whiteman, Alma Williams, Morrison J. West, Della D. Whited, Ella M. Wicks, C. )Iay Wagner, Silas C. Witt. ui (/) ele, John R Rteen. Frank Stellhens, JOSE'l)l~P. ~n~'der, Clark :\1 • nlitb. :\1eh-in .T.· Rmith, Lre A.. California, California, Coal Center, Lone Pine, Eutaw, Garwood. Deny, Friedens, Somerset. Kingwood, Kenneth, Bellevernou, Brownsville, Vnnderbilt, Dunbar, Farms, Glad "Tashington, 'iVashington, \Yashinglon, Washington, \Yashington, "'llshington, \Yestmorelancl, Somerset, Somerset, Somerset, Fayette, Fayette, Fayette, E. Bethlehem, Lock 4, Tarl's. Vi'ashington, \Vashington, Westmoreland. "Testmoreland, '" estmoreland, i-I • PA. 'Washin~ton, Wa hiugton, "Tashington, Washington., 'Vrrshington Wrrshington "T. F'ayette, COUNTY, Coal Center, enter, Coal Yance\'ille, Elco. Lone Pine, Lone Pine, England. Ind,2pendence, Lycippus, Belle\'ernon, Belle\'ernon, Belle\-ernon, Belle\'ernon, Ua(lontown, Greensboro, Utica, r oui" D .. .Tr. pipPI·. ' p' er Herbert E. III ' pangburn. Harry pcnllC~', Fred H. panl. Jamc H. paul. Harry H. Post. WilJia me. Painter, Chestr-r A. Peterson, Percy O. Patterson. ,Yalter T. Patton. George Price. George T. Proyince. Edgar R. Pro\'ans, Frank T. Proyins, "'a llace 'V. Phillips. Albert w. POl. WASHINGTON I'OSTOFFlCE. ~;L\rE. Xl'.ln,. Fayette, Fayette, Somerset, Somerset, Somerset, Somerset, Somerset, Somerset, Cambda, Greene. Bedford, Jefferson --- ThiRtieth \'\[\1 .t I' .• 1oseph . 'n lomas. ~\'Ihert ian, Fox D. arr, Ste<;\'art Tboln[l~on . J'l• me;; S. R. r.ral't'S. Stnhbtown, 55 S'l'A'rE. Pa. '" ashington Washington "T.estmol.'eland, Fnyette, Fayette. Fayette. Fayette, Fa~'ette, Greene, Fergus, Mont. Pa. St., Cambria, Fayette. Fayette, Berkele)', W. v«. Pa. 56 SOUTHWESTERN ~UME. STATE NORMAL POSTOFFICE. SCHOOL. Ward, Russell H. West, Morrison J. White, Harry 1\1. Wheeler, William E. Wilkinson, Benjamin Y. Wiley, Edward Winnett, J. Orville Williams, Elverson Wilson, William W. Wallington, John T. "Vall, Porter xr. Woodford, W m. Wesley Wallace, Alvin W. Walters, Orval . Wells, Clyde W. Work, William Witt, Silas C. Werner, Casper N. Masontown, Grindstone. Laurel Hill, Summit Mills, New Baltimore, CO ",~y. Washington, Washington, Washington, Washington, Washington, \-Vashingt(}n. Washington; Washington, Washington, Washington, Allegheny, Allegheny, Allegheny, Fayette, Fayette, Fayette, Somerset, Somerset, Yorty, Tiny J. Yorty, George T. Young, 1'heodore California, California, Monarch, Washington, Washington, Washington, California, California, California, California, California, California, Coal Center, Coal Center, Hickory, Fredericktown, Manown, Beamville, M urruvsville, CALIFORNIA. WASHI:'--GTON COUNTY, PA. ~·r.\TE. 1'a. Model 5cl1001. ROOM I. GIRLS. Allender, Beth Allshouse, Mary Anderson, Olive Burnette, Romaine Bell, J osephene Bengel, Edith Baker. Sara Clark, Ella Cross, Mamie Craig, Laura Dewar, Nellie Edwards, Clara Fontana. Mary Gallagher, Amelia Gallagher, Katie Gary, Elizabeth Harris, Lillie Huggens, Edna Higgens, Mary Jobes, Lillian Jeffries, Pearl LeClery, Marie Lancaster, Gayle Lancaster, Annie Mitchell, Lillie lcCain, l\1iriam McCain, Joanna l\IcHenry, Maggie Miller, Fronia Powell, Margaret Phillips, Mary Paxton, Grace Ray, Edna Raffle, Bessie Rohr, Ina Riley. Edna Savage, Olive Swan, Lizzie Swan, Martha Sloan, Mary Simmers, Dora Wells, Edna Watchorn, Flora Wilkinson, Annie Wilkinson, Grace BOYS. Andre, Julius Anderson, Harry Bowdler, David Crow, Nelson Conlin, Aaron Carroll, Tommy Davis, Earl Davis, Sylvanus Edwards, Joe Edwards, Earl FOWler, Adam Freeman, Harrison Freeman, Wesley Gregg, Howard Goossens, Louie Harshman, Charlie Harshman, Ray Harris, Delmar Harris, Aaron Jones, "Villie Jackman, John Jackman, Joseph Jennings, Harold Kennedy, Alfred King, Earl Lancaster, Alfred Lewellen, Melvin Letherman, Ralph 57 CALIFORNIA, SOU'fHWESTERN STATE NORMAL Swan, John Swan, Hugh ~mith. Ernerv [renton, Eddie Veuch, Russell 'Yilkins, Frank "'ilkineon, Harrison "'iner, John LOIn'. "'illni" Lefllorv. Leon Marshall. HO"'ard :Martin. Clayton Michener, Hcrman ~Iichener. Hnrrv Phillips. Xick . Reed. HartT Eice. Demo;'ne ROOM II. GIRLS. Allshouse, \':1d:1 Cover, Olarn COI'er. Lihbie Cross. Edith Dewar. Grace Fo,,'IC'r, )Iary Heflov Lorella Laird. Georgia Mainwar+nc. )I~Ttle )[ee~e. Helen ,)I('Cnin. Dessa WASHINGTON COUNTY, P A. SCHOOL, )IcCain. Marjory MotlHt. Ma rv Mc)lmray. Xanc\' Phillips, Maggie . Raffle, Olive Rice, 'e!lie Smith, Sadie Sims, Edith "rells, Man' ·Wise. HeleL; BOYS. .\Ibholl~e. Russell Bennett, James RowdIer. Herman Campbell, Willie Crawford, Louis Conlin, Clara Eaglen, Edward Edwarde, John Edwards. Harry Fitzpa trick. Emmett Haney, "'alter Horn bake. Earl J"ones, Joe Lewellen. Eddie Lewellen. James I,owe. Robbie )Iar~hall. Elgie Mills, Harry Xentzling. Joseph Paxton, 'Willie Pcgg, Georg.e Phillips. wuus PettigrelY, Ollie Qneen, Howard Rasel, Chades Seals, Charles Stephen. Roger "'iner, "'illie "'iner, Louie Whiteman. Robert "Tilkins. Fred White, )Ierril 'Wnnchie. "rillie ROOM III. GIRLS. Albholl~e. Pearl Cort<>L'.Edith Oruiz. Cora Fitzpatrick. Sadie Gregg. )Iary Gleason. :\Iary Harrison. :\Iay Harri', )Iaggie Howe, Sadie Humphries. :\Iary Kellar, Maggie Kinder, Stella McCain. Harriette Keutzling, Hattie Pettigrew. )Iaggie Price, Stella Queen. Ethel Rager, Elsie Ray, Ella Simmers. Ethel Sims. Daisy Smith, Adda Smith, LOlli Tobin. ;\Iaud 'Yhitcman. :\I:ty BOYS. PRACTICE TEACHING ROOM. Allshouse. Andy .\ll~house. (Isca r Allshouse, "'illie Bell. Joseph Bennett. Willie Birmingh;m. Harry Clark. )Iel\'in Clark, Elmer Drum. Raymond Dewar. Herbert F'owlor, Ben GUnsrl'!'. 'Yillie IIa uov, Bert Harshman. Alva Harris, \,irginou~ Jonee, Clarence Kennedy. John Mitchell, Robert McCollum. Peter Pegg. Frank Stokes, John Smith. Clinton "'alker. f'am "'ilkins, Jn mcs 'Yise, Alyin 59 60 SOUTHWESTERN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, CALIFORNIA, ROOM IV. GIRLS. Allshouse, Lillian Anderson, Maggie Beazell, Bertha Calvert, Clara Crow, Nellie Crissman, Lizzie Donaldson, Maud Furnier, Nellie Freeman, Cornelia Fowler, Jo~nna Holbert, Beulah Kaller, Lizzie Kennedy, Agnes Lewellen, Blanche Lowe, Ethel !\filler, Ora Miller, Sara McKenna, Mary Piersal, Blanche Raffle, Mamie Reed, Blanche Riley, Lillie Scott, Marguerite Sloan, Blanche Shaffer, Garland Trenton, Jessla Trenton, Mary White, Garnet Winer, Sarah BOYS. Billingsley, Warren Claybaugh, Lucius Cunningham, Charles Dewar, Walter Freeman, Thornton Hart, Willie I-1urnbake, Leslie Keffer, 1\.arl King, Frank McCain, James Moffitt, Guy O'Harra, \Villie Pegg, Edward Powell, Edgar Springer, Earl Stephenson. John "rise, Frank ROOM V. GIRLS. Aston, Lois Billingsley, Mary Claybaugh, Ruth Crow, Jean Campbell, Agnes Dickison, Kate Eaglen, Pearl Eaglen. Clara Harris, .Tennie King, Ida Lewellen, Meda Mainwaring, Maude McCollum, Mary Noss, Mary Paxton, Maggie Sphar, Blanche Watchorn, Anna Wilkins, Olive BOYS. Birmingham, Lewis Campbell, 'I'homas Craft, Uriah Dawson, George Drum, FJlton Gansler, George Harris, Robert Harris, Alvin Harris, Ivan Kinder, Atwater Lewellen, Charles Mailey, George l\fartin, Alva McCollum, Hugh Montgomery, Fred Phillips, Fred WASHINGTON COUNTY, PA. Phillips, Albert Reney, Frank Ross, Simon U. Sutton, Will Sample, Walter Sloane, Charles ROOM VI. GIRLS. Aston, Emma AllshQ]lse,Jennie Anderson, .Maude Baker, Mary Beazell, Iva Bennett, Lizzie Craven, Margaret Crissman, Jessie Deinty, Nellie Donaldson, Mazie Gregg, Lulu Ghrist, Leela Harris, Iva Harris, Rose Hawthorne, Bertha Jennings, Della Kell, Nellie King, Lena Lewis, Mary Laird, Florence McCracken, Agnes McCain. Mezula McCollum, Janet McKenna, Maggie Miller, Mary Phillips, Blanche Robinson, Nanna Rohrer, Eva Rabe, Bernice Reed, Kate Ross, Mattie Williams, Hattie BOyS. Birmingham, Don Billingsley, Quay Baker, Glen Campbell, Frank Clear, Merle Craig, Omar Dewar, William Dewar, George Garland, Cecil Howe, Edward La tta, Lowman ~Ieese, Hugh Martin, Leonard Martin, Fred Montgomery, Earl Rabe, Fred Sutton, Charles Whigham, Fred 61 62 SOUTHWESTERN STA'rE NORMAL -- SCHOOL, CALIFORNIA, WASHIKGTON COUNTY, PA. Alun1ni Register . • TE _This register gives the present address of each graduate so far a, known. ~~OShould be reported for correction.) CLASS OF J875. Summary. REGULAR COURSE. Ladies, Ammons. Sue (Mrs. L. B. Anderson) Beal, L. C. Irwin Ave., Allegheny, Pa., Uniontown, Pn., Cope, Albert B. Peck, Chas. E. mith, J. B. Mt. Union, Ohio, Kent, Ohio, California, Pa., toody, Wm. M. tate Certifica te granted to .Tohn B. Solomon 300 Gentlemen, 228 Music Course, Commercial Northern Iowa, Allegheny, Pa., CLASS OF NORMAL DEPARTMENT. Total in Normal Department, not catalogued, PRACTICE , 39 including special students 63:? DEPARTMENT. Girls, 170 Boys, 160 Total in Practice Department, Physician a n.l Druggist. Physician. Machinist. Vice Principal State Normal School. 29. 1884. Pa. Masontown, J877. Orookham. ~[ar.\· P. (Mrs. :Mary r. Conkling) • Frye, F'rnnk Frye, 'V, S, Jackman, w. S. Osceola, Neb. Belle Vernon, Pa., Telegraph Operator. Gill Hall, Pa.. Physician. 6916 Perry Ave., Engle- Proressor in Chicago wood, Ill., Normal School. 3d Ave. and Try St., Sup t. ~1onon;::ah('la· S. Pittsburgh, Pu. Connecting R. n. Co. cCollum. John B K Deceased. ewkirk. Donetta,' CM~s. California, Pa. W .. H. Winfield) ewlln, Alex, Willts. Died 1895. )ler("h:lI1t. an D~'ke, .John w. California, Pa., tate Certificate zranted to Dr, A. R Horne Allentown, ra. Total in all Departments, Names repeated, CLASS OF 8 graig, Whole number of different Died March J876. CLASS OF 45 Course, and other courses Physician. Lumber Doa ler. xtel. Tllos. L. Hemphill, Geo. E. tudents, J878. Bell;> OUgIaH. .J. rr. Eberman, .John S. Huston Run. Pa., Blythedale, Pa .• California, Pn., ~ !I'~,Jnme~ :M. Tarentum, aryffith, H('nl'Y William lIgg(l:rt~., Lind\' (~[rs L . ,'rai/{) • .. 'ath. L n~, Clara S. IIrlllll'l' 'I . Lutz (" •• arm Louise IIr '. >eol'~(' D. kCI~IIl, Alldr('w E. ite;('j Da!lie>1 II. I.' I, "alter, f:1I, . B. 1'a., Kecksburg, Pa., California, I'll., Denver, Col., Belle Varuou, Pa., Fayette Citv. Pa., Independence.' Mo., Gree>llsbmg, Pa .. Wcltsburg, w. Yn., \Vellsbmg, ,Yo v«., Teacher. Physician. Cashier Fir~t tional Bn 11k. Druggist. Teacher. ~n- Teacher. Teacher. Attorney-a t-I .n \I'. Druggist. )liniRtel". Graduate. St urlr-u t Utriversi ty of Chicago. SOUTHWESTERN Patton, H. Etta (Mrs. D. C. Murphy) Patton, Noah W. Phillips, H. Lenore (Mrs. Rev. J. L. McCutcheon) Reis, Ella A. (Mrs. Vi'. S. Jackman) Van DykP, Geo. M. Van Dyke, William S. ""'lakefield, 'I'homa s R. 'Veils, J. 'I'ruma n Wilson, Mary F. (Mrs. Jos. W. Smith) Brl)wne, Rebekah E. Browne, Millie S. Camp, Harry W. Craft, Brashear W. Crawford, Tillie, Dearth, Orlando P. Dunn, ""i1iiam C. Grant, R. Q. Hall, Frank R. Hackney, II. H. Hollnnd, H. K Horner, Geo. O. Longwell, Harry Edgar Mackey, John F. Mehaffey, Annie ~L «Mrs. Horton) McClure, Sall ie A. (Mrs. H. S. Clark), McDonough, Dora (Mrs. • Edward Clark) Morgan, P. W. Murphy, D. C. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Slippery ROCk,Pa., Charleroi, Pa., Physician. ,,'heeling, W. Va., 6916 Perry Ave., Englewood, III. . 'Yest Newton, Pa., 'Vest Newton, Pa., Uniontown, Pa., McKeesport, Pa., Physician. Bank Cashier.Attorney-at-Law. Editor. San Luis OOiSPO,Cal. CLASS OF 1879. New Castle. Pa., New Castle, Pa, Died October 23. 1894. ~Ierrittstown, 1'a., Duquesne, Pa., Brownsville, Pa .• Denver, Col. Pittsburgh, Pa.; \Vashingwn, Pa., Atchison, Kan., "" ashington Pa., :\Iillsboro, Fa .• Chicago, III.. Parls, 1, ranee, Teacher. Teacher. 'I'eacher. Physician. Signal Service, U. S. Co. Snp't of Schools. 1st. Nat. Bank. Insurance Agent. 'I'eacher. Draughtsman. Popla!' Bluff, Mo. Uniontown, Pa. 63Ui 'Broad St.. E. E., Pittsbnrgh, Pa. \Vilmerding, Pa., Cashier of Bank. Slippery Rock, Pa., Pror, in State Normal School. Parkhill, C. L. Denver, Col., Professor in Medical College. Peck, Bennett W. :\IcConnellsburg, Pa., 'I'eacher. Phillips, Hettie L. (Mrs. w. S. Frye) Died November 18, 1886. Ralston, Laura Wilkinsbnrg, Pa., Teacher. Ren, .Jessie L. Carmichaels, Pa. Shutterly, Arthur P. Brownfield, Pa., Bookkeeper. Stewart, Belle C. Newville, Pa .• Stoodv, Lou. L. Died October 4, 1886. 'I'hirkield, Margaret E. Fayette City, Pa. Teacher. Williams, Laura B. (Mrs. Supplee) Homestead, Pa. Wilson, Anna M. McKeesport, Pa., Teacher. _<\..xtel,L. M. Browne, J os. K. DeH:wen, Madge Drumm, J. A. Frye, John K. -Gamble, Power T. ITall, :\Iarie . CLASS OF 1880. Died March 18, 1891. Died December 22, 1882. Brownsville, Pa., 'I'eacher. Died October 3, 1887. Johnstown, Pa., Pnrchasing Agent. Cor. Lowell and Meadow Sts., Pittsburgh, Pa., Merchant. 2911 South Park Ave., Chicago, III. . CALIFORNIA, ---------------------------------------J nes Belle Y. o(M~s. Warren Piersol) Kendall, John C. Mncl{eY, Agnes M. (Mrs. Leslie Mullen) ~fastcrs, Minnie Y. McClure, Ella M. ( 1rs. • Walton Howell) McNorton, Frank Y. Neel, Mary E. Joss Clara H. (Mrs. John M. Park) Potts, C. J. Reno, William 'Wilson Rhoads, L. S. Rob rtson, O. A. Robison, W. L. Smail, E. J. Spindler, Alvin C. Swan, Laura, Sweeney, J. F. Thomas, Anna B. Peabody, Kan. Homestead, Pa., Sup't Campbell, Minn. Coal Center, Pa., Teacher. Flushing, Ohio, Wiuterburn Ave., Ward, Pittsburgh, Jefferson, Pa., Montandon, Pa. Bedford, Pa., Rochester, Pa., Jacobs Creek, Pa., Campbell, Minn., Hill City, Kan., Braddock, Pa., Pittsburgh, Pa., Brownsville, Pa., 79 Fourth A ve., burgh, Pa., California, Pa., 65 of Schools. 23d Pa., Teacher. Teacher. Co. Sup't. of SChOOlS. Attorney-at-Law, Merchant. Attorney-at-Law. 'reacher. Attorney-at-In w. Attorney-at-Law, Teacher. Pitts- Real Estate Agent. Training Teacher Normal School. in CLASS OF J88L Adams, Jennie E. (Mrs. J. C. Carter) Barnum, W. Y. Barr, Maggie J. (Mrs. John Dewar) Best, James S. Bryan, W. S. Cla~'baugh, A. M. Core, John McMullen Eshelman, Ella D. (Mr. E. J. Smail) Graham, Mary B. (Mrs. Thpo. B. Noss) Hertig, Louise 1\1. Hutchison, Flora Jackman, Hattie E. (M~s. F. Colvin) Je~nmgs, Malrg-ie (Mrs. _Newton 'W olf) t?ssart, L~e lon . Sadie ~I~Alpin, Agnes ~IllIer, J. Elwood ~~on'dock, Thomas P. • on roe, Iantha May •'pel. Mary M. ( 1rs. J. 1. Burwell) Phillips, May L. (Mrs. P W. N.,Jarrett) R orter, Louisa )3 S hORdes. Noah E S~!llenberger. Hugh D. (frhtr'I Josephin L. 'rhor rs. . B. Mil!er) Walk~~urfv George C. Wickh' m. J. I ~m, Julia (Mrs. E . . '" atson) 5 Died 1 90. Santa Barbara, Cal. Allegheny, Pa. Died November 16, 1883. Carnegie, Pa., Principal of Uniontown, Pa. Uniontown, Pa., Attorney-at-Ln Braddock, Bethlehem, Teacher School. Physician. Pa. Died, 1 93. Columbus, Ohio. Beech Cliff, Pa., Belle Veruon, Pa., Modesto, Ill .. South Bend, Ind . No. 30 Ledlie St., gheny City, Pa . Lincoln, Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. AlIe- eb. Pittsburgh, Pa. Uniontown. Pa. Smithton, Pa .• Leisenring, Pa., Clerk. Clerk. Riverside, Cal. Died October 8. 1 94. Homestead, Pa., East w. Pa. California, Pa., Philadelphia. Pa., Died April 11, 1886. East chools. Ma r shfield, Ma ss., Teacher. Physician. in Xorrnol 66 SOUTHWESTERN S'I'ATE NORMAL SCHOOL, CALIFORNIA, CLASS OF 1882. Alter, Ella (Mrs. Rutter) Baker, George P. Beazell, Kate B. Charlton, Thomas J. Col~bank G. C. CollIns, .fudith Lenora Cooper, Allen F Crumrine, Mary' E Darsie, James . Day, E. S. Debolt, George W. Donaldson, M. May (Mrs. C. A. McIlvaine) Fry, L. S. Fuester, Elma L. Gans, John Lyons, Grant, Florence Holland, Carrie M. Holland, Corrie M J effries, George B: Jenkins, .Iulia H. Jenkins, ,T anie S. Johnson, Wm. Jasper Jones, J<.Jddie (Mrs. Frank Gibson) Lackey, T. S. Leonard, Lizzie M Mosier, O. P. . Reed, Ella M. (Mrs. James Jenkins) Rush, S. R. Robinso~ John C. Shrock, Jacob Schrontz, F. W. Scott, E. E Snodgrass, Milton R. Speers, Anna (Mrs. Speers) Thomas, Flora K. (Mrs. Colmery) Ulery, Lucy (Mrs. E. D. Fulton) win. John A. Williams, Sallie A. (Mrs. J!.. Z. Birmingham) WIllIams, Mattie B. "Toods. Lizzie (Mrs. Carothers) Acklin, Annie E. Redwing, Ca!. Washington, Pa., Homestead, Pa., Died October 29 1886. Octavia, Neb., ' Monongahela, Pa Uniontown, Pa., ., West Union, Pa., Munhall, Pa., McKeesport, Pa., Nebraska. "T. Bank Cashier. Teacher. Attorney-at-Law. Teacher. Merchant. Prin. of High School Teacher. . .Monongahela, Pa Manhattan, Kan. Ruffsdale, Pa., ' N. Y. City, Monongahela, Pa. Oakland, Pittsburgh, Oa~land, Pittsburgh, Uniontown, Pa., Allegheny, Pa., AIl~gheny, Pa., Uniontown, Pa., McKeesport, Pa., Uniontown, Pa Cumberland, Md., Connellsville, Pa., Fayette Cily, Pa., Omaha, Neb.,. Greensburg, Pa., Johnstown, Pa., Ligonier, Ind., Toledo, Ohio, "Tisner, 'cb., Teacher. Teacher. Manager Adv. Dep't of "Electricity." . Pa. Pa. Attorney-at-Law Teacher. Teacher. Attorney-at-Law. . Teacher. Attorney-at-Law, Teacher. Vice Prin. of Schools. Attorney-at-Law. Attorney-at-Law. Teacher. Minister. Physician. Sup't. of Schools. Lawn Ridge, III. Braddock, Pa. a-r • ~illontown. Pa. Died Jan. G. 1 83. California, Pa. Belle Vernon, Pa., Elizaheth, Pa. Waynesburg, Pa., CLASS OF 1883. Appleg-ate, Minnie Evelyn (Mrs. W. S. Abbott) Armstrong-, L. Etta (Mrs. W. Gregg-) Barker, Mattie J. Barnum. Lizzie Beard. Stella S. Beard. Lucy E. (Mrs. T H. Hang) . Berryman, I. Blackburn. Ida E Cassidy, Amanda' Attorney-at-Law. Teacher. McKeesport, Preceptress Waynesburg College. Pa. '\Yest Al(>xander, PIttsburgh, Pa., Coal Center Pa Blair, Nebraska,"' Minneapolis "'ashington; Stahlstown Pittsburgh: Teacher. Pa. Minn Pa., . Pa Pa.;' 'I'eacher. Teacher. Teacher. Attorney-at-Law. Physician. Teacher. Clever, Mattie J. CoIlins,- Wilmot Cook, Mattie I. (Mrs. Rev. C. A. Clark) Cooper, Walter L. Coulter, Carrie E. Finley, Belle i\1. (Mrs. Rankin) Hackney, Lide E. (Mrs. Hart, Ella L. George Henning) (Mrs. Hartranft. Belle W. S. Bryan) Hustead, Josephine M. (Mrs. Edward Snider) Hutton, D. S. Johnston, Oscar S. Jones, Minnie (Mrs. Geo. P. Weaverling) J ones, Bertie Jones William S. Lilley, Laura L. (Mrs. A. N. McKinzie) McClure, John C. McCollum, J. Roscoe, McKnight, Ada M. Newmyer, Wm. H. Nutt, Maud (Mrs. F. E. Pelton) Overly, Ada Patton, Celia A. Peebles, Sadie D. Pllasterer, Anna R. (Mrs. Rev. Fait) Pittman, John H. Reis, Lily R. (Mrs. Fred W. King) Rush, Charl~ W. Snyder, AllIe i\1. (Mrs. Wm. LytIe) Stockdale, Maggie Sutherland, J. H. Sutherland, L. O. Swearer, Lizzie May (Mrs. Rev. A. Bash) Thompson, John Tombaugh, B. E. Torrence, Kate M. Weitzel, Sue WASHINGTON "T. PA. Allegheny, Pa., Dravosburg, Pa., Teacher. Principal of Schools. Belle Vernon, Derrick City, Monongahela, Principal Teacher. of Schools. Pa. Pa., Pa., Greensbnrg, Pa., New Salem, Pa., Pittsburgh, Carnegie, 'reacher. Pa. Pa . Uniontown, Pa. Buena Vista, Pa., Pittsburg, Kansas, Physician. Principal of Business College. Homestead, Pa. Homestead, Pa., Bentleysville, Pa., Shandon, CaI. Los Angeles, Ca!., Mitchell, Iowa, 118 Fremont St., gheny, Pa., Da wson, Pa., Teacher. Teacher. Civil Engineer. Principal of Schools. Alle- Deceased. Hidge View, Pa., Uniontown, Pa., Pleasant Unity, Pa., Onadarko, Indian Tel'. McConnellsburg, Pa., 6916 Perry Ave., Englewood, II!. Dawson, Pa., West Elizubeth, Pa. Los Angeles, Ca!. New Cumberland,W.Va. Beham, Pa., Esplanade St., Allegheny, Pa., Died July 18, 1886. Washington, Pa. Deceased. Greensburg, Pa., CLASS OF Bierer. Hetta C. Bell, J. F. Berkey. J. A. Dunn, M. E. Gallov, Bclle N. (Mrs. W. N. Stahl) Gallagher, G. W. Gamble, E. Guffey, Mary M. (Mrs. J. S. Ellerman) Hertzog, Elva i\1. Hertig, Wendell CoUNTY, Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Physician. Teacher. :\Iinister. Minister. Teacher. 1884. Uniontown, Pa., Elgin, Ill., Somerset, Pa., Circleville, Pa., Pittsburgh, Station D, Pa. New Haven. Pa .. Boundary Oltr, Wash., Died .March Deceased, Minneapolis, Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Physician. District Attorney. Minister. Physician. 'reacher. 1, 1893. Minn., Attornev-nt-Law. 68 ___ ~S_O_UTHWESTERN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Holland~. Rena C. (.Mrs. Robt, H. Hook) Died September 30 1895 Humbert, J. 1. AII!!gheny,Pa, ' . Jamison, J. Ii'. Ulllontown, Pa In R. R. Office. Kefover, C. F. Uniontown, Pa:; Attorney-at- Law. Lindsay, Effie B. Brownsville, Pa., Teacher. Longanecker, Carrie E. (Mrs. D. W. Showalter) Springfield, Ohio. Longdon, J. C. West 1!'inley, Pa., Teacher. McKee, J os. H. Woodville, Pa., Physician. Moffitt, Cora B. Died August 20, 1886. Perkins, Emma M. Webster, Pa, Pollock, J. R. Buffalo, N. Y., Attorney-at-Law. Pratt, Mary E Jewell City, Kan., Teacher. Rigg, M. A. . Crafton, Pa., Minister. Saunders, W. M. Alverton, Pa., Bookkeeper. Silveus, J. G. 93 Diamond St., Pittsburgh, Pa., Attorney-at-Law. Smith, .Tennie S. (Mrs. Clyde Kimball) Dunbar, Pa, Shutterl~', Anna California, Pa., Librarian Nor. School Wakefield, Kate Connellsville, Pa., Physician. Wilson, Emma M. (Mrs. P. T. Gamble) Pittsburgh, Pay CLASS OF l88S. Adair, Maggie M. 20,1st St., Allegheny Pa Bell, Sadie IdlewoOO,Pa., ,., Bridgeman, Gertrude Newark, De\. Crowthers, R. C. Cincinnati, Ohio., Gr!?athead, Carrie S. McConnellsburg, Pa., Hoover, BId:! N. (Mrs. Ohas, A. Peters) Dean, Minn. Hopkins, Am (Mrs. Henry Allman) GarwOOd,Pa, Hughes, Hattie E. Lebanon, Pa., Huntley, Orella (Mrs. Geo. Dixon) Uniontown, Pa, Hornbake, Jos. D. California, Pay Keys, Mary (1\1rs. T. Graham) HaddenvilJe, Pay Lewellen, Leroy New Salem, Pa., Morgan, Lizzie California, Pa Porter, Hettie M. Stoneboru, Pa:: Raub, Marne (Mrs. Charles D. Evans) Newark, Del. Rothwell, A. Lee California, Pa., Swan, Mattie (Mrs. James Goe) Tippecanoe, Pa. Watters, Minnie E. (Mrs. James Darsie) Munhall, Pa. Weaber, Annie E. Fregericksburg, Wilson, Carrie E. Charleroi, Pa., Worcester, Clara B. (Mrs. G. E. Dresser) Pittsburgh, Pa, ". oolsey, Orville 1. Morris X Roads, Pa, "T. Armstrong. Bell Chalfant, Luna C. (Mrs. Frye) Ohalfant, O. S. Chalfant, Harry M. Cope, Florence N. (:\Irs '1.'.S. Lackey) . Teacher. Teacner. With Lysle Coal Co. Teacher. Physician. Minister. Bookkeeper. Teacher. Teacher. Teach!?r. Teacher. Teacher. CLASS OF l886. F'armor- City, Pa., Teacher in High Sch. Charleroi, Pa, Washington, Pa., Waynesburg, Pa., Attorney-at-Law. Minister. Uniontown, Pa, CALIFORNIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, P A. 69 Debolt, William Downer, Eva C. (Mrs. E. W. Chubb) Hertzog, Lucy S. Hockenberry, J. Coulter Jenkins, Annie :\:£. (Mrs. Ii'. R. Hall) Kinder, Avie (Mrs. Curry) McGill, E. E. McGinnis, Carrie McConegley, W. L. Moore, Maud Smith, C. 1\1. Snodgrass, G. W. Teeters, 1 ettie C. (Mrs. Geo. T. Linn) Thomas, E. F. West, S. P. Wilson, L. B. Wingett, S. E. Wood, Annie R. (Mrs. Charles Swan) State Certificate granted to Louise E. Baker . Mapletown, Pa., Prin. Greensboro Sch. PlattevilIe, Wis. Carrollton, Ohio, South Chester, Pa., Physician. Boro'. Superintendent. Berryman, J. D. Brant, John A. Curry, R. M. Cunningham, W. D. Darsie, Priscilla Flanigan, A. S. Fritzius, Jennie N. (Mrs. S. H. McGeary) Guffey, Albert A. Hallam, James B. Johnson, Effie M. Keys, Hugh 1. Kiehl, Harry L. Mayhugh, Joseph F. McDonough, Bernett Powell, Anna M. (Mrs. Charles Ashley) Rader, Vincent Ruple, Anna C. Reeves, Becca (Mrs. J. E. McIlvaine) Semans, Frank M. Sheeran, Lizzie M. Stockdale, Elladora (Mrs. W. C. McKean) . Stiffy, Clara Z. Ward, Ethel (Mrs. G. 1\1. Danley) Charleroi, Pa., Ligonier, Pa. Elizabeth, Pa, St. Thomas, Ontario., Uniontown, Pa., Algona, Iowa, Washingtgn, Pa. Good Intent, Pa., Ten Mile, Pa., Homestead, Pa., West ewton, Pa., Pittsburgh, Pa., Rising Sun, Ind., Teacher. Teacher. Law Student. Teacher. Bookkeeper. Minister. Monongahela, Pa, Rankin, m., Frankhn, Pa., St. Paul, Minn., Waynesburg, Pa., Principal of Schools. Minister. Physician. Physician. Heistersburg, Pa. Uniontown, Pa., Teacher. CLASS OF l887. Died 1893. Walls, Pa .• Strabane, Pa., Died 1893. Vanderbilt, Pa., Washingto~ Pa., Elizabeth, .l:"a., Charleroi, Pay Homestead, Pa., West Elizabeth, Pa., Washington, Pa., 207 Jucunda St., S. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. Uniontown, Pa., 150 James St., Alleghe'y, Died May 3, 1890. Beaver, Pa., California, Pa., Merchant. Minister. Teacher. Minister. Princrpal of Schools. Teacher. Teacher of Music. Physician. Teacher. Physician. Teacher. Bank Teller. Teacher. Teacher. Training Teacher Tormal School. in CLASS OF l888. Ailes, Stephen G. Applegate, Wm. A. Billingsley, Vada Boyd, Mary E. Danley, Grant M. FG' owles, Geo. M. eho, Harriet California, Pa., Ann Arbor, Mich. California, Pa., Tarentum, Pa., Died October 31, 1889. Boston, Mass., California, Pa., Editor Messenger. Teacher. Teacher. Theological Student. Teacher. SOUTHWESTERN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, CALIFORNIA, Gunn, Ada Lowstuter, Wm. McConnell, Ella M. Mellon, Josephine (Mrs. Leyda) Mountsier, Mabel McFarland, Mary E. Mulhollan, Clara M. (Mrs. Brown) Marquis, Amber M. Nickeson, Frances (Mrs. H. G. Lincoln) Patterson, Eva Elizabeth, Pa. Cadwallader, Pa., McKeesport, Pa., Teacher. . Allegh'y Col. Student. Teacher. Beaver Falls, Pa. Belle Vernon, Pa. Teacher in Allegheny. 4409 Cyprus St., Pg>h., Teacher. Belle Vernon, Pa. Burgettstown, Pa., Teacher. Carmichaels, Pa. Asheville, N. C., Teacher in Female College. Braddock, Pa., Teacher. Suterville, Pa.;... PhYsician. West rrinley, .t'a., Law Student. Pittsburgh, Attorney-at-La w. Packer, Flora B. Peairs, W. F. Parker, Geo. Powell, Van B. Roley, Minnie (Mrs. Ed. A. Riddle) Belle Vernon, Pa. Stephens, Ada P. Fayette City, Pa., Stephens, Hannah E. West Elizabeth, Pa., Stewart, Ohas. Pittsburgh, Pa., Singer, Clara California, Pa., Scott, Sadie C. (Mrs. A. D. McCormick) Florence, Pa. Teggart, Eva (Mrs. C. M. Smith) Pittsburgh, Pa. Vance, Anna M. • Burgettstown, Pa., Vice Principal Homesteaa Schools. Teacher. Stenogrllpher. ·Teacher in Pittsburgh. Teacher. CLASS OF J889. Ache, Jennie Baker, Allie F. (Mrs. Grant Hillis) Brown, Lillian Berthel, Anna Crawford, [ettie J. iUniontown, Pa., Teacher. Alliance, Ohio. West Newton, Pa., Teacher. l\ft. Pleasant, Pa., Teacher. 72 Sedgwick St., Allegheny, Pa. Te>acher. Coursin, Minnie St. C. McKeesport, Pa., Teacher. Cunningham, Millie (Mrs. A. D. Morris) New Castle. Pa. Darsie, Catherine Uniontown, Pa., Teacher. Dague, Ida S. (Mrs. A. L. Van Voorhis) Washington, Pa. Eichbaum, Mary Mahoningtown, Pa., Teacher. Goe, Ada (Mrs. R. M. Curry) Elizabeth, Pa. Hertzog, Annie 1. (Mrs. L. A. Thompson) Greeley, Col. Hugg, Ida Wilkinsburg, Pa., Teacher. Jamison. Lizzie A. Monongahela. Pa., Teacher. Josephs, Mary A. Pittsburgh, Pa .. Teacher. Kinder, Anna West Brownsville, Pa., Teacher. Lilley, Sadie California, Pa. Lewis, Bert 512 Smithfield St., Pitts- Clerk in burgh, Pa., Bank. Long, James C. Died March 11. 1896. Luckey, Joseph M. Dawson, Pa., Teacher. McMunn, Minnie A. 109 Market St., Allegheny, Pa., Tencher. Musgrave, Lizzie (Mrs. Geo. Lawson) Shousetown, Pa. Musgrave. Josephine Shousetown, Pa .• Teacher. Neemes, Ella S. Johnstown, Pa., Teacher. COUNTY, Paxton, Minnie (Mrs. J. D. Berryman) Charleroi Pa. Smith, Lee Uniontown, Pa., Teggart~ Ella Died February 5, 1892. Vogel, ll'Iary (Mrs. Jas. Young) ~Tebster, Pa. Van Voorhis, Sallie Monongahela, Pa., P A. 71 Sup't. of Schools. Teacher. CLASS OF J890. Campbell, Janet Duncan, Anna Foster Martha M. (Mrs. .Ed. j unker) Goodman, Fannie (Mrs. Kenneth Watkins) Gass, Emma (Mrs. Frederick Eggert) Gallaher, Ida Greathead, Fannie Gumbert, Ida Hank, Olive J. Higbee, Lizzie B. (Mrs. M. C. McAnulty) Hornbake, Nannie B. (Mrs. Jeff. Hornbake) Hurst, Anna (Mrs. W. J. Latimer) Kinney, Lucy Luce, Ella M. Leech, Linnie E. McCrickart, Maude McWhirter, Mamie (Mrs. J. O. Meanor) McKown, Georgia Murray, Mary Reed, Anna Richard, Gertrude Smith, Clara Sibbit, Illlla Sterling, Bell R. Sterling, Chat Taylor, Lida Thomas, Jennie Thomas, Sallie R. "'estbay, Laura Yarnell, Stella Arnold, Jesse O. Butler, William N. Countryman u; N. B. Cottom, F . .t'. Mellon's WASHINGTON Crow, W. E. Farquhar, W. H. Graves, Charles Johnson, A.. J. Kreger, W. S. Layhue, J. M. Masters, J. Edgar Meredith, B. F. McCullough, Wm. McVay, F. W. Phillips, Charles California, Pa., Uniontown, Pa., Teacher. Teacher. McKeesport, Pa., Jacobs Creek, Pa. Preble Ave., Allegheny Pa., "-est Newton, Pa., Connellsville, Pa., Elizabeth, Pa., ~Ionongahela, Pa., Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Upper St. Clair, Pa. California, Pa. New Alexandria, Pa., 218 River Ave., Alleg'y., Redstone, Pa., South Burgettstown, Pa., Pittsburgh, Pa., 'reacher. Teacher. 'reacher. Teacher. Virsoix, Pa., Coraopolis, Pa., Teacher. Allegheny, Pa., Teacher. McKeesport, Pa., Teacher. Latrobe, Pa., Teacher. Connellsville, Pa., Teacher. Coal Centre, Pa., Teacher. Johnstown, Pa., Teacher. Masontown, Pa., Teacher. Died September 16. 18\)0. tTeacher. Webster, Pa., Teacher. "rebster, Pa., Teacher. Elizabeth, Pa., Teacher. California, Pa., Ass't Prof. Jefferson Phlladerpbra, Pa., Medical College. Law Student. Beaver, Pa., Oakland, Cal., Uniontown, Pa., Editvr Genius of Liberty. Uniontown, Pa., Ass't Dist. Attorney. East Bethlehcui, PH., 'I'eachor. Philadelphia, Pa., Student in ::'IIedical College. Attorney-at-Law. Uniontown, Pa., Allegheny, Pa., Student 'I'heol. Sem. Seattle, ~Tash., Principal nigh School. Merchant, Coal Centre, Pa., Principal of School. Turtle Creek, Pa., Ohiopyle, Pa., Teacher. Prosperity, Pa., Teacher. Principal S c h 00 I s, California, Pa., Coal Center. SOUTHWESTERN Parsons, H. F. STATE Charleroi, Ross, A. M. Scott, R. NORMAL Pa., Seattle, Wash., New Salem, Pa., 'V. SCHOOL, CALIFORNIA, Booking CI'k, P~h. PIa te Glass Co. Prin. Public School. Physician. CLASS OF J89J. Applegate, Harriet J. Armstron.g .• Irene M. Bentley, Mary M. Burke, Florence Y. (Mrs. Rev. G. W. Snodgrass) DeHaven, Elizabeth M. (Mrs. John R. Neal) Hutton, Laura A. , Jennings, Lucinda J. Keener, Eva M. Lilley, Henrietta M. McKeesport, Pa., West Alexander, Pa., Monongahela, Pa., Died August 1.1, 1896. Cumberland, Md. Reynold ton, Pa., Wilkinsburg, Pa., Dunkard, Pa., California, Pa., Morgan, Martha S. (Mrs. James W. Buttermore) Momeyer, Letitia Moyle, Lily A. McGrew, Mary A. (Mrs. James Hartman) McKown, Jennie E. Reis, May A. (Mrs. Luce Dawson) Whitsett, Ray E. (Mrs. C. C. Ruse) Westbay, Hattie C. Zook, Mary F. Bowman, John W. Boyd, Elmer E. Dawson, Pa. Elizabeth, Pa., Waynesburg, Pa., Manzanola, Col., McKeesport, Pa., Brightwell!,-~Wm. D. Corneille, Henry W. Day, Ransom M. Dils, C. H. Duquesne, Pa., Died June' 3, 1892. Allegheny, Pa., California, Pa., Dickey, Charles E. Itowe, William C. Hertzog, w alter S. Latimer, William J. Morgan, Albert 1'. Martin. William H. Phillips, Eli C. Smail, Samuel M. Smith, Calvin L. Smith, Ira L. Wilson, Harry w. Teacher. Teacher. 'reacher. Teacher. Teacher. l'raining Normal Connellsville, Pa. McKeesport, Pa., Sharpsburg, Pa., Teacher. Teacher. McKeesI!0rt ••..Pa., Coraopolls, Ya., Teacher. Englewood, Teacher III., Teacher. 'reacher. Principal of Schools. 'reacher in High School. Principal of Schools. Teacher. Professor School. Principal in Normal Avalon, Pa., of Schools. Died November 22, 1896. California, Pa., Teacher in Nor. Sch. New Alexandria, Pa., Principal of Schools. California, Pa., Law Student, Dickinson College. California, Pa., Teacher in Normal School. California, Pa., Teacher. Braddock, Pa., Attorney-at-Law. Braddock, Pa., Prin. 1st Ward Sch. CadwaliaCler, Pa., Principal of Schools. 19 East Paul, College Ave., St. Minn. CLASS OF J892. Andre'Ws Anna M. Barnes, j 'ennte Bell, Mary B. Billingsley, Romaine Campbell, Wallace) Lucy ill School. Bulger, Pa. Duquesne, Pa., Idlewood, Pa., California, Pa., Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Student in Emerson College, Boston. (Mrs. West Elizabeth, Pa. \VASHII'GTON COUNTY, Cline, Vena (Mr8. James Hamilton) Conger, Emma G. Dague, Anna Enoch, Lizzie F. Gabler, Mary C. Gallagher, Eleanor Geary, Maria J. Goodall, Vella Greathead Elsie S. Hester, l\1argaret L. Horne, Flora Killius, Hannah E. Latimore, Minnie A. Longdon, Arizona H. Loughman, Lida J. Lytle, Maude E. Meloy, Ada J. McClain, Ella B. McCorkle, M. Dora McClure, Etta May McIntyre, Mary H. McLain, Maude H. Patterson, Eleanor W. Peterson, Lydia G. Phillips, Mary J. Powell, Eva Smith, Margaret Steffey, Mary B. Watt, Rachel D. Watt, Josephine L. Baker, Harry 1'. Windy Uap, Pa. Lindley's Mills, Pa., Odell, Pa., Lone Pine, Pa., Brownsville, Pa., West Newton, Pa., Midway, Pa., Belle Vernon, Pa., Wilkinsburg, Pa., Monongahela, Pa., Zollarsville, Pa., Coal Centre, Pa., West Newton, Pa., Lindley's Mills, Pa., Uniontown, Pa., Washiugton, Pa., West Middletown, Pa., Rostraver, Pa., Scottdale, Pa., Blairsville, Pa., McKeesport, Pa., Coraopolis, Pa., McKeesport, Pa., Duqu isne, Pa .. McKeesport, Pa., Califorma, Pa., Beadling, Pa., Duquesne, Pa., OhiovilIe, Pa., Ohioville, Pa., Ohicago, III., Carter, Chas E. Chalfant, 'Alva Colebank, Lawrence W. Fazenbaker, Walter Garwood, Clyde H. Graff, Frank Hart, John S. Horton, Edmund T. Husk, Thos O. Knotts, William C. Meyers, Ira B. California, Pa .. Perryopolis, Pa., Crafton, Pa., Farmington, Pa .• Belle 'Vernon. Pa., Meadville, Pa. West Newton, Pa., Walls, Pa., Coal Centre, Pa .. Reyno!dton, Pa., Chicago, Ill., Orange, Ulysses S. Phillips, Milton Powell, Archibald Sloan, Thomas P. Smith, Chas. S. Washahaugh, J. ~. Charleroi, Pa .. Shouse town, Pa., Latrobe, Pa., Wilna, Pa., West Leisenring'. Pa., Beck's Mills, Pa., PA. 73 Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. 'reacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher, Teacher. 'reacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. 'I'eaclrer, Teacher. Teacher. Ass't Postmistress. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher in Chicago Normal School. Teacher. Teacher. Principal of Schools. Teacher. Principal of Schools. Teacher. Principal of Schools. Teacher in Chicago Tormal School. Merchant. Principal of Schools. Principal of Schools. Prin. Roscoe Schools. Teacher. Teacher. CLASS OF J893. Carroll, Bertha F. (Mrs. Rev. Wm. A. Atkinson) Fell, Jennie M. Gilmore, Blanche Karns, Cornelia R. Lewellen, Lizzie V. , LOUgh, Lona Bowlby) Miller, l'Jlsie I. Miller, Mary K. MCKee, Margery Patterson, Sarah Washington, Pa., McKeesport, Pa., Homestead, Pa., Tarentum, Pa., California, Pa., Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Training Normal Teacher School. ill (Mrs. H. L. Dunkard, Pa., Mt. Pleasant, Pa .. 'Vest ewton, Pa .. Carnegie. Pa., Fayette City, P(1., ColI. Slu't. Mt. Union. 'reacher. Teacher. Student. Oberlin ColI. 74 SOUTHWESTERN STATE NORMAL Phillips, Maggie H. Searights, Pa., Powell, Sadie Coal Bluff, Pa., Singer, Jennie M. Johnstown, Pa., Singer, Kate M. OalifornIa, Pa., Spragg, Harriet C. California, Pa., Tomer, Amelia M. Monongahela, Pa., Tilton, Laura (Mrs. 'I'. B. Craig, Jr.) Claysville, Pa., Boydston, J. D. Mt. Morris, Pa., Powell, Estella Oalifornla, Pa., Clark, E. E. Schellsburg, Pa., Fierstone, N. B. Confluence, Pa., Hummel, Redolpho Smith's Ferry, Pa., Lewis, L. Ross Miller, S. Grant Mitchell, David E. Sloan, Bernard C. Weddell, Joseph B. Wilmerding, Pa., Welshfield, Ohio, Uniontown, Pa., Wilna, Pa., Monarch, Pa., SCHOOL, CALIFORNIA, Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher in Scottdale. Teacher in Nor. Sch. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher, Homestead. Teacher. Teacher. Student at Western University. Bank Clerk. Sup't. of Schools. Editor of Tribune. Teacher. 'I'eaehsr, CLASS OF J894. Alten, Margaret. Altman, Ora S. Baldwin, Ruth J. Berthel~ _Gertrude Black, Margaret A. Boyd, Sara M. Boyd, Jean Boydsto~ Anna M. Brown, .J essie Campbell, Leonora (Mrs. Joseph Griffith) Crumrine Lucy E. Dalby, l\Yargaret E. Eckels, B'anme .K. Eisaman, Lillie l\1. Eisaman, Ada K. Fife, Alma E. Fowles, Marjorie Harrison, Lotta M. Houseman, Mina A. Jenkins, Nellie Knotts, Bertha Kuhn, ;\1. Hilda Latimore, Hettie E. Lutz, Ethel 1. McKinney, Ina McKinley, Anna O. Miller, Cora G. Parks, Mollie C. Patten, Belle Rice, Bertha E. Richard, Frances Rothwell, Lizzie L. Smalley, Kate Spahr, %tdie B. Spragg, ~largaret H. Steele, Maggie E. Swihart, Ella W. Wood, Elsie Allen, Edwin R. Bair, W. E. Monongahela, Pa., Masontown, Pa., 508 Kelly Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Duquesne, Pa .• 'l'arentum, Pa., Elizabeth, Pa., Mt. Morris, Pa., Uniontown, Pa., Hazelwood, Pa. Zollars ville, Pa. Monongahela, Pa., West brownsville, Pa. Knoxville, Pa. Knoxville, Pa., McKeesport, Pa., Duquesne, Pa., Natrona, Pa., Belle Vernon, Pa. Coraopolis, Pa. Uniontown, Pa., Homestead, Pa., West Newton, Pa., Fayette City, Pa., Lock No.3, Pa., Elk Lick, Pa., 307 Penn'a Ave., Allegheny, Pa., Uniontown, Pa., Homestead, Pa~ Burgettstown, .l:"a., Latrobe, Pa .. California, Pa., "Test Brownsvillo, Pa., Roscoe, Pa., Spraggd, Pa., McKeesport, Pa., Odell, Pu., Elco, Pa Died October 30, 1894. Beallsvfllo, Pa., Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. TE'acher. I Teacher. Teacher. TeaCher. StUdent, Oberlin Coli. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Principal W. Washington Schools. Barnes, Brown, Bryan, Carson, Cisney, J. Q. Frank C. W. H. John A. J. WASHINGTON Bruceton, W. Va., Bolivar, Pa., Scottdale, Pa., Allenport, Pa., Pittsburgh, Pa., Fazenbaker, Alvey Fritz, Charles D. Fritz, WID. D. Gamble, H. L. Henderson~ D. W. Hertzog, Karl S. Kretchman, W. H. Farmington, Pa. Pine Hill, Pa., Pine Hill, Pa., Monongahela, Pa., Tippecanoe, Pa., Uniontown, Pa., California, Pa., Kunkleman, Geo. P. Miller, R. G. Mock, R. D. Moore, W. J. Rhoads, H. S. Ross, Chas. Staley, R. G. Streng, A. A. Suhrie, A. L. Tipton, John Wallace, Clarence E. Dravosburg, Pa., West Newton, Pa., Pavia, Pa., Trent, Pa.!.. Somerset, .l:"a., Mt. Union, Ohio, Beallsville, Pa., Latrobe, Pa., Wilcox, Pa., West End, Pa., Glenfield, Pa., Bristow, Evangeline H. Brownfield, Harriet H. Burdette, Kate A. Craven, Sadie L. Eakin, Mary E. Early, Mollie E. Garrett, Carrie J. Gibson, Birdie H. Gibson, ~ina M. Gillespie, Minnie M. Griffith, Ada M. Junk, Ella S. Kelley, Lizzie A. Lange, Bessie M. Marston, Grace E. McKinley, Janet O. Miller, Cora M. Minford, Pauline Morrison, Minnie Patton, Minnie Penney, Jessie J. Ryan, Clara Rabe, Pearl L. Redman, Leila B. Stanley, Maude K. "rood, Jean L. Wright, Mary E. Bowman, John L. Boyd, John A. Brownfield, Lee B. Cisney, George W. Deems, Charles R. Dague, Samuel . Frost, William C. Martson, Arthur R. MaU8t, Abraham L. COUNTY, CLASS OF J89S. Somerset; Pa., Uniontown, Pa., Homestead, Pa., Beallsville, Pa. Beaver Falls, Pa., Duquesne, Pa., Nineveh, Pa., Bentleysville, Pa., California, Pa., Uniontown, Pa., Pavia, Pa., Juniatavllle, Pa., Swissvale, Pa., Webster, Pa., Belle Vernon, Pa., Elk Lick, Pa., 1907 Carson St., Pittsburgh, Pa., Duquesne, Pa., West Elizabeth, Pa., Elizabeth, Pa., West Newton, Pa., 552 W. Carson St., Pittsburgh, Pa., Oalifornia, Pa., . 118 Eighteenth St., Pittsburgh, Pa. California, Pa., Elco, Pa. New Haven, Pa., Jones' Mills, Pa. Elizabeth, Pa., Haydentown, Pa., Neelyton, Pa., West Leisenrmg, Pa., Reynoldton, Pa., West Point, N. Y., Belle Vernon, Pa., Boy ton, Pa., PA. 75 Teacher. Principal of Schools. Teacher. Teacher. Principal of Newsboys' School. Teacher. Teacher. Student, W & J. Coli. Ass't Ed. Tribune. Teacher in State Normal School. Teacher. Stud't,l\It. Union Coli. Teacher. Teacher. 'I'eacher, College Student. Teacher. Principal of Schools. Principal of Schools. Teacher. Principal of Schools. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. 'I'eacher, Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. 'Peacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Tl'acher. Principal. Principal. Cadet. Teacher. Teacher. SOUTHWESTERN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. McGill, Joseph N. McKain, Charles L. Miller, Edmund L. Miller, G. Shannon Mock, Frank G. Rabe, Wylie F. Schrock, Jacob B. Shaver, Clarence L. Seibert, Daniel ·W. Williams, 'I'homas R. Owensdale, Pa., Fort Riley, Kan., New Haven, Pa., Fishertown, Pa., South Fork, Pa., California, Pa., Ston-y Creek, Pa., Prosperity, Pa., Somerset, Pa., Jones' Mills, Pa., Teacher. Soldier. Teacher. Teacher. Prin. of Schools. Student. Teacher. Prin. of Schools. Teacher. Teacher. CLASS OF J896, Teacher. Arnold, Anna C. Vanderbilt, Pa., Baker, Jessie Greensburg, Pa., Teacher. Bowers, Elizabeth J. Duquesne, Pa., Teacher. Teacher. Barron, Luna A. Latrobe, Pa., Teacher. Bair, Mnzaie B. Braddock, Pa., Craven, Elizabeth T. Beallsville, Pa .• Teacher. Clingerman, Anna 1.. Altoona, Pa., Teacher. Dunn, Grace E. West' Union, Pa., Teacher. Depuey, Jean E. Homestead, Pa., Teacher. Dawson, Julia H. Hopwood, Pa., Princmal of School. Edmundson, Anna M. McKeesport, Pa., Teacher. Fowles, Nancy B. Scottdale, Pa., Teacher. Graham, Lillian 'V. Belle Vernon, Pa., Teacher. Garland, Rose California, Pa., Howe, Lillian M. California, Pa., Teacher. Higbee, Dora E. Venetia, Pa., Teacher. Hilderbrand, Zoe r. Glyde, Pa., . Teacher. Longdon, Lida E. Lindley's Mills, Pa., Teacher. Lynn, Blanche M. Homestead, Pa., Teacher. Miller, Nora B. Ligonier, Pa., Teacher. McClelland, Maude B. McKeesport, Pa., Teacher. Mills, Matilda M. Kammerer, Pa., Teacher. McCaslin, Lucy Homestead, Pa., Teacher. Phillips, Pearl E. Connellsville, Pa., Teacher. Patterson, Mary N. Fayette City, Pa., Teacher. Reisinger, May Beaver, Pa. Roley, Jennet L. Belle v emon, Pa., Teacher. Stevenson, Carrie B. Braddock, Pa. Smith, Belle A. Duquesne, Pa., ·Teacher. Sterling, Estella C. Masontown, Pa., Teacher. Sturgis, Blanche C. Morris' X Roads, Pa., Teacher. Troth, Mabel C. Homestead, Pa., Teacher. Walter, Bertha M. Braddock, Pa., Teacher. Bowman, Calvin Fayette City, Pa., Teacher. Barnes, William H. Bruceton Mills, W. Va., Darrall, Boyd H. Masontown, Pa., Principal of School. Hilderbrand, Frank A. California, Pa., Teacher in Nor. Sch. Kreger, Oliver J. Kingwood, Pa., Teacher. McCarrell, Andrew D. Hickory, Pa., Teacher. McMichael, Erastus N. West Newton. Pa., Teacher. Pritts, Miles E. Scottdale, Pa., Teacher. Weller, Harry S. Husband, Pa., Teacher-. W!ltkins ••.... John F. -W:est Brownsville, Pa., 'Peacher. WIlson, Harry R. HIckory, Pa., Total number of graduates, including Class of 18~7, i55.