TWENTY-FIRST AN UAL CATALOGUE =OFTHE= SOUTHWESTERN State Normal School, TENTH CO~:IPOSED OF THE FAYETTE, DISTRIOT. COUNTIES GREENE, OF WASHI GTON, AND SOMERSET. California, Washington County, Pa. For the Year 1894=95, And Prospectus PRI"'TED B' PITTSBURGH,PA.: . '\: \\ M. for 1895=96. G. JOHNSTON & co, COR. 1895· PENN AVENUE AND NINTH STREET. Calijoynz'a, Waslzzlzgton County, Pa. Contents. PAGE. Calendar. Board of Trustees Standing Committees . . . State Board of Examiners Board of Instruction. Graduating Class........ . Senior Class for 1895-'96 Catalogue of Students 9-10 11-22 , 4 5 5 6-7 8 Music Course Scientific and Special Courses........................... 22-23 24 Commercial Course...... Practice Department.. 25 26-29 .. Summary................................................................................ Calendar. 3 30 School Year Consists of Forty-two EXAm NATION OF SENIOR AND JUNIOR CLAS ES, BACCALAL"REATESERMON, ALu)INI REUNION, Elementary Course............................................... 31 Regular Normal Course......... 32 Arrangement of Work for 1895-'96.............................. 33 Extract from the R;les for Final Examination General Information 34-35 36-46 Expenses . Text Books Alumni Register . 48 50-64 47 eeo; FALL TERM OPENS, Monday, September 2d. Priday, December eoo: Monday, December 80th. 1896. "'INTER TERM CLOSES, PRING TERM OPENS, COlIMENCEMENT, JVednesday Evening, June 26th. Thursdau, June 27th. FALL TERM CLOSES, June 19th. 8 P. M. A.·NUAL CONTEST OF LITER.tRY SOCIETIES, ColDIENCEMENT, Three Terms. Sunday Evening, June 28d. 'Wednesday, June 'VINTER TERM OPENS, Course of Instruction as revised December 11, 1894.- Weeks. Friday, Jfm'ch eon. Monday, March 28d. Thursday, June esu: 3 Southwestern 4 California, State Normal School, Board of Trustees. TVashington County, Pa. Standing 5 Committees. Elected by Stockholders. JOHN T. DIXOX. ESQ., Committee on Grounds and Buildings. L. W. ~lORGAK, } Term of office expires L. T. CLAYBAUGH, in 1 96. L. S. :JIILLER, L. P. BEAZELL. G. M. EBEK\IAX, Committee on Household. J. K. BILLINGSLEY, 1. C. AILES, J. A. LETHEmIAN. L. T. CLAYBAUGH, L. P. BEAZELL. 1 DR. J. A. LETHERMAX, D. O. LAMBERT, ESQ., W. I. BERRYMAN, and Instruction. L. W. :JIORGAN, I. C. AILES, J ESQ., 1 G. G. HERTZOG, S. MILLER, G. G. HERTZOG, Term of office expires in 1898. I H. S. DARSIE. W. 1. BERRYl\IAN, Committee on Finance. G. :JI. EBER:JIAX, D. O. LA:JIBERT. Committee on library. G. R. HORNBAKE, L. T. CLAYBAUGH. J G. S. HORNBAKE, Appointed Hox. J. K. BILLIKGSLEY, California. HON. T. M. PATTERSOK, Burgettstown. by State. 1 'I'erm of office expires in 1 96. Committee on Public Relation». TIlEO. B. XORS, CHILL W. HAZZARD, H. T. BAILEY, (T. V. L.\'WREXCE, L. P. BEAZELL, T. :JI. PATTERSOX, H. S. DARSIE, WM. 1. BERRY:JIAX. I J 'I H. S. DARSIE, ESQ., Uniontown. ~ I RON. G. Y. LA WRE~E, ,COL.CHILL W. HAZZARD, Monongahela. ESQ., Washington. State Board of Examiners. Term of office expires in 1897. I I Monongahela. R. T. BAILEY, in 1897. I I. C. AILES, LOU!' Committee on Discipliae Term of office expires J 1 EXAMIXATIOX BOx. Term of office expires in 1898. I ------ j Officers of Board of Trustees. JOHN N. DIXON, ESQ., Presideni. L. W. l\fORGAN, Yice President. G. G. HERTZOG, Secreiari], J. S. EBERMA..."\f, Treasul'n". J. Q. STEWART, 19TH. Jl'XE Depuu] State Superintendent. DR. H. :JI. D. ECKELS, Principal, Stale Normal SCllO(Jl,Shippensburi), C. A. B.\.BCOCK, J .. '. KEFFER, upcrinicndcni, Oil City, B. E. TO:JIB.\UGII, E. F. PORTER, r« npcriniendeni, Bradd(Jck, Pa. Superintendent, H'i.lshillglon County. Superintendent, Fayette County. J. W. LEECH, Superiruendent, C'ambti(L Covnt», E. D. I-;TEWART, Superintendent, Greene COwdy. Pa. 6 Southwestern State Normal School, - California, WasltinglO1l County, Pa. Board of Instruction. KARL KEFFER, Board of Instruction. , .lI1Isic. xnss EmL Y J. TAYLOR, Assistant THEO. in Music. B. SOSS, A. )1., PlI. D., Principal, Psychology LAURA W.\'RD, and Pedaqoqics. . J. B. S:\HTH, froice Culture. A. M., PH. D., Vice Principal, Alqebra GERTRUDE and Arithmetic. A. CLEVELAND, I . Commercial C. L. EI-IREl'I'FELD, A. M., .PH. D., Latin and G-reek. Department. MARA B. CLINGERMAN, ]'[epwds, 1\1. E., Critic Teacher. G. G. HERTZOG, C. H. DILS, 1\'1. E., GeQmet1'y and Arithmetic. Model. School (Room 5.) Principal, JOHN D. MEESE, 'Grammar, Rhetoric, A. 1\1., and Literature. EDWARD E. CLARK, 4, Room FRAXK Draicinq, WILLARD R. HALL, TVriting and 1\1. E., R0nIAINE U. S. History. GEOFFREY LAKE, A. )1., ACKEN, BILLIXGSLEY, O. 1\1., ELIZABETH V. LE\\,ELLEX, IIENRIEiTTA Room Elocution. )1. LILLEY, 1, Model O. B., J. A. COX, A. 1\1., .PH. D., Fn.\NK -Algeb1'a and A1·ithmetic. MRS. MARY G. NOSS, M. E.o CHAVEN, Steward. MRS. M. E. Matron. 1\1. E., 1\1. E., Librarian. Culture and Geography. Geography. M. E., chool. ANNA SHUTTERLY, E TJ:lER M: ~cPHERSON, Physical )1. E., Room 8, Model School. Room 2, Jlodel School. Natural. Science. AUGU~TA M. E., Model School. CO~V[N, 7 Southwestern State ./I/ormal School, 8 Graduating --- California, Wasllingto1l County, Pa. 9 Senior Class for 1895'-96. Class. LADIES. LADIES. Bristow, Evangeline H. Brownfield, Harriet II. Burdette, Kate A. Craven, Sadie L. :Jlal'~ton, Grace E. :JlcKinley, Janet 0 :Jliller, Cora :JJ. :Jlinford, Pauline Eakin, Mary E. Early, Mollie E. Morrison, Xlmnie Patton, :JIinnie Garrett, Carrie J. Penney, Jessie J. Ryan, Clara Rabe, Pearl L. Redman, Leila B. Gibson, Birdie H. Gibson, Xina :J1. Gillespie, :JIinnie :J1. Griffith, Ada M. Stanley, Maud K .. ,rood, Jean L. Junk, Ella S. Wright, Kelley, Lizzie A. Lange, Bessie :J1. :Jlary E. Boyd, John A. Brownfield, Lee B. Cisney, George W. Deems, Charles R. :JlcKain, Charles L. )Iillel', Edmund D. ~lillcl', G. Shannon :J1ock, Fmnk G. Rabe, I\'ylie F. -chrock, Jacob B. Frost, William C. Marston, Arthur R. f'hayer. Clarence L. xreom, Joseph ~. Arnold, Anna C. Bail', Maggie B. Barron, Emma L. Longdon, Lida E. Lynn, Blanche :JI. Barron, Luna A. Baumgardner, Alberta :JlcCaslin, Lucy Bossart, Lulu J. Bowers, Lizzie J. Brownfield, Anna C. Calhoun, Marguerite E. Chamberlin, Lou P. Miller, Nora B. ~Iills, .:\Iatilda :\I. Clingerman, Anna Conn, Helen E. Cook, May Craven, Lizzie Dunn, Grace E. Dague, Samuel X. Maust, Abraham L. Lambert, Dawson, Julia II. Depuey, Jean E. GENTLE:JIEX. Bowman, John L. Allison, Della 1\1. Seibert, Daniel W. Williams, Thomas R. Edmundson, Anna M. Fowles, Xancy B. Garland, Rosa B. (:layman, Irene Uraham, Lillian W. (ioodwin, :J1ollie Hempstead, :J1vrtle P. Higbee, Dora E. Howe, Lillian M. Johnston, Anna L. Jones, Jo ie P. Jennie R. :JIcDonough, Josephine McClelland, :Jlaule B. :JIilliken. Sarah L. Xicolay, Mmnie Patterson, Frances Patterson, .:\Iary Phillips, Pearl Reisinger, May Roley, Janet L. Schrontz, Lizzie M. Sloan, Leila K. Smith, Ella Sprowls, Hannah A. Sterling, Estella C. Stevenson, Carrie Sturgis, Blanche Tombaugh, Xettie X. Troth, Mabel C. Walter, Bertha M, ,Viley, Laura T. Wonderly, Ida ':\I. Wood, Louise Wright, Mattie 10 Southwestern State Normal School, ---------------------------------------------------------------GE Augustine, TLEMEN. Daniel B. Bauman, Daniel II. Billingsley, Charles M. Bowman, Calvin Burroughs, C. F. Cober, Alvaro B. IcCarrell, Andrew D. lHcE]Yeen, John H. l\Icl\1icbael, Erastus Minehart, Lear S. Minford, Dunn, Wilbur L. Errett, William E. F. A. Hoffman, Henry D. King, Charles F. 1894-95. Thomas Kregar, Oliver J. Thompson, J. . Watkins, John F. 'Weller, Harry S. Linsenbigler, Wilson, Harry H. James W·. ~~~~~ 060'6l)06Oo'6l)06Oo II Catalogue of Students. Moyer, Thomas J. Kichol, Joseph N. Owen, Thomas H. Pritts, Miles E. Rasel, C. R. Craig, Charles Hildebrand, - California, Washington County, Pa. Normal Department. RECUL:A:R COURSE. LADIES. X.UIE. POST OFFICE. Ailes, LueIla California Ailes Gertrude Roscoe Alte~, Alice Monongahela Arnold Anna C Vanderbilt Atkins~n, Sallie Pennsville Abel, Cecelia E Brownsville Ache, Louise L Uniontown Allison, Della :i\1. Allegheny Albig, Belle SCottdale Beazell, Pauline California Birkinsha, Agnes B......... " Brevard, Kittie . Brenton, Minnie L .-'V. Brownsville Britton, Louise ~I........... . Beck, Clara Coal Center Blackburn, Jean Blair Burdette, Kate A Homestead Bowers, Elizabeth J Duquesne....................... Brownfield, Harriet H Uniontown Brownfield, Annie C Smithfield Bolen, Lucy Fayette City. Baird, Florence Dearth Boyd, Kate I. Flatwoods ::;on, Emma L Latrobe ~n, Luna A.............. .. Bai rt, Lulu J Derry Station Ba r, ?l-laggie B lendon B ~gardner, Alberta C..Elk Lick rIstow, E\'angeline II Somerset COUXTL Washi~gton, . " Fayette, " STATE. Pa. . " Allegheny, Westl~oreland, Washington, . . . . . Allegheny, " " Fayette, " " . " Westmoreland. . . . Somerset, . " Souttuoestern 12 NAME. State Normal School, POST OFFICE. COl"NTY. Chamberlin, Lou P California Washington, Chapman, Sarah............ . . Carlisle, Pearl................ . . Crissman, ~ellie . . Carroll, Bessie S. . . Craft, Kate.................... . . Campbell, Mary S.... . . Chalfant, Lillian Coal Center . Clarke, Etta B Odell . Craven, Radie L Beallsville . Craven, Elizabeth T........ .. . Cupp, Bertha.... .. . Carson, Laura Bentleysville . Carson, Cora E Lover . Chester, Christie L Speers . Carroll, Jennette I. Beham . Campbell, Nannie D McKeesport Allegheny, Clingman, Anna Altoona Blair, Coursin, Augusta L......... " Allegheny, Coursin, Sadie F ::VlcKeesport . Calhoun, Marguerite E .. " . " Corkan, Katie E. Baden . Cook, May Tippecanoe Fayette, Chalfant, Ethel Pennsville " Conwell, Annie Heistersburg . Clark, Hannah Y Haddonville . Conn, Lillian G Pt. Marion . Conn, I-Ielen E............... " . Cope, Elma :.1.. Redstone . Dewar, Ella Y California Washington, Drum, Emma................. .. . Dornm, Xellie A............. .. . Duvall, Carrie D Coal Center . Duvall, Agnes................ .. . Duvall, Emma............... .. . Danley, Grace :.1.. Charleroi . Dennis, Emma Flatwoods Fayette, Dawson, Julia II Hopwood.............. " Dias, Rena )L Webster Westmoreland, Dewar, Margaret 1.L Courtney Allegheny, Depney, Jean E I-Iomestead......................... " Drake, Emma Wind Ridge Greene, Dunn, Grace E 'Vest Union " Edmundson, Anna M,; Lock No. 3 Allegheny, Early, Mollie E Pittsburgh, 2315 Sarah St...... " TATE. Pa. 'Y " --- N.\ME. California, Washington 13 County, Pa. POST OFFICE. Eakin, Mary E West Bridgewater. E s Carrie )I. Greensboro yanm'an Yesteral. California F ree ' , " Fowles, Nan~y ~............ .. FO\\'les, )IarJorle............ " French Kate...... .. .. .. Flickin~er, Pearl C Washing.ton Frye, Price G CharlerOl.:........................... Farquhar, Rena Fayette City FOl'!!ythe, Jessie 'N New England ibson Nina M California G " Garland,, Mellie :.1.......... . Garland, Rosa B............ .. Glunt, Stella G........ .. Garee Hattie................. " Gibson Birdie E Bentleysville . Gayma~ Irene Zollarsville Grimes, Margaret A Coal Center.................... Graham Eva Belle Vernon , Glisan, Annie C Markleysburg Gillespie, Minnie 1\L Uniontown Garrett, Carrie J Nineveh Griffith, Ada 1\1.. Pavia Greenawald, Elizabeth A ..Coal Valley Girt, Florence Sturgeon. Gilmore, Susanna 1\1. Webster Goodman, :'Iartha 1\1anor................................. Goodwin, )lollie Brandonville Hamilton, Millie California Hart, PearL.................. . Hornbake, Ethel L......... .. Howe, Lillian 1\1 .. Hague, )Jaude L . Hammond, Ella.............. .. Howe, t::arah I......... .. Higbee, Dora E Venetia Hartill, Mary E Coal Center Bill, Iva ~I. Garwood ~Pkins, Nel\ie Beallsville Hayward, Elizabeth Monongahela Bu~~n,c~~~;~ R........... ": H 11' e T Charleroi 0 B owOOd, Sarah M 'V. Brownsville a::PI!tead, Myrtle V Masontown brey, Ellen V W. Leisenring................ COl'XTY. ST.\TE. Pa. Beaver, Greene, Washington, " . . . . " . Allegl:eny, Washington, " '" . . . . . " Fayette, " . " Greene, Bedford, Allegheny, " " Westmoreland, " " W. vs. Preston, Pa. Washi~~gton, . . . . . . . . . . . " . " Fayette, " Southwestern State Normal School, N.UIE. POST OFFICE. I-lissem, Bird ~I.. Geary Hays, Nettie K Ruffsdale Hornbake, Clara Y ·Wheeling Johnson, Cora IV I". Brownsville Junk, Ella S , Juniataville Johnston, Anna P Flatwoods Jones, Josie P Scottdale Keath, Lillian Coal Center Kelley, Lizzie A Khedive Kenamond, Ella Laboratory Kuhns. Viola Laurelville Korns, Becca H Jenners Lotz, Ada P California Lewellen, Pearl S............ Lancaster, Bessie............ .. Lilley, Berenice........ .....• .. Lambert. Teresa Coal Center Lambert, Bernardine...... .. Longdon, Lida E Lindley's Mills Lowry, Edna DuBois Lange, Bessie 1\1. Webster Lynn, Blanche Homestead Lambert, Jennie R E. Elizabeth Lee, Belle L. TIppecanoe Marshall, Myrtle California Montgomery, Jessie F..... .. l\IcCollum, Lizzie.... .. Marsh, Ella ;\1..... .. Miller, Jennie F............. .. Mahany, Martha B.......... .. Martin, Martha A........... .. 1\IcAllister, Dora .. ~Iitchell, Nellie.............. . Maxwell, Georgia Allenport Mcfronough, Josephine Vanceville Minford, Pauline Elco Marchand, Gertrude E Coal Center Myers, Emma P.............. .. Mills, Matilda 1\I.. Kammerer Milliken, Sara Brownsville Morris, Caroline H :Morris X Roads Miller, Lizzie L Fairchance Mills, Maude M Fayette City Mullin, /Azzie M............. .. Mitchener, Bessie E Brownsville COCXTY. ·Westmoreland, STATE. Pa, . W. Va, Washington, Pa, Fayette, . Westmoreland, Washington, Greene. Washington, \\. est moreland , Somerset, Washington, .. " . . . . . Clearfield, Westmoreland, Allegheny, . Fayette, Washington, . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . " Fayette, . . . . " . " -- California, Washington '\1HIE. County, Pa. POST OFFICE. COU~TY. ston . Grace E Belle Vernon Mars , Agnes B . Mc)Iurc1o, ·G'll 1 esple ·.......... IiUer, ~Iarie P Dunb~r 'nley Janet O .Elk LICk..............................•..• I c K I .' Sinesvill e M'Uer ~ora B "lpesn M~1...ain,Celia Smithtcn liller, )Iina P .Xlt. Pleasant ~'·llerter Lydia A Latrobe Mc, IcKehey, ,. Emma '\. Hi'11' sview McClure ~1attie Reynoldton Morri~oJ;, )Iinnie :W. Elizabeth........................ Miller Cora ~I.. Pittsburgh, 1907 Carson St Mccas'lin, Clara B Bridgeville McClure, Olive Bunola McClelland, Maud B 1\IcKeesport Moore, Grace E............. " McCaslin, Lucy Homestead Mateer, Florence II Mosgrove Miller, Laura J West Union oble, Kate M California utt, Lela 0 Lock No.4............. ea1e, Kate Monarch icolay, Minnie Dawson Openshaw, Annie M Elco 0' eil, )Iinnie E ,1\lcKeesport, 606 Locust St Powell, )1abel 1\1.. California Phillips, )lay C.............. .. Phillips, Clara II............ .. Pollock, Josephine 1\1...... .. Powell, Lillian........ .. Pepper, Tillie .. Paxton, Xellie . Parsons, Ellen B Charleroi ~tterson, Frances Vanderbilt Fa tterson, )1ary Fayette City p~~.n, ~linnie Elizabeth Pe Ips, Pearl. SCottdale 1)~~~eY, Jessie J West Newton....................... "''"'''U, BMary E, Ca Iif . Babe 1 orma Roth~e~~r~~~b~~h"""" Robinson, Jessie Ratnse L' Baine Y'M lllie B Banki~ R ar~ ..· , uble R " W B· .. ·: . rownsville I...agonda Kammerer Burgettstown · Fayette, "" ~ omerset, " . West~?reland, . . " . Allegheny, " . . . . . . Armstrong, Greene, Washington, " . Fayette, Washington, .Allegheny, Washington, . . . . . . " Fayette, . Allegheny, .Westmoreland, " W as himg t on, . . ·.. · . . . . IS STATE. Pa. 16 Southwestern State Normal School. NAME. POST OF,FICE. COl·XTY. Randolph, Lizzie F Carmichaels Greene, Roley, Janet L Belle Vernon Fayette, Reisinger, May Beaver Beaver, Ryan, Clara Pittsburgh, 552 'N. Carson st ..Allegheny, Redman, Leila............... 118 Eighteenth st., Singer, Kate ~1. .California, , Washington, Singer, Bertha ~I............ .. . Singer, Frances L .. . Stanley, Rose L.............. .. . Stanley, Maude K........... . . Stevenson, Mary Coal Center . Sphar, Lucy C Roscoe . Sphar. 1\1:ary.................. .. . Sprowls, Hannah .\. Good Intent . Schrontz, Elizabeth :;\1. Washington . Sprowls, Leona Y Bentleysville . Sharpneck, Ethel1\I.. Rice's Landing Greene, Sloan, Leila K. Ruffsclaie Westmoreland, Shirey, Mary C Latrobe . Sturgis, Blanche M Morris X Roads Fayette, Smith, Bessie Belle Vernon . Smith, Margaret :\1.. Leisenring TO. 1 . Steffey, tella L Dawson . Sterling, Estella C Masontown . Sutton, Ada Srrrithfield . Smith, Ella Connellsville . Stevenson, -Braddock Allegheny, Standley, Eleanor M Chicago Cook, Tombaugh, Nettie G Washington Washington, Taggart, :.\Iattie.............. .. . Todd, Anna Coal Center . Tate, Nellie G Carnegie Allegheny, Tencate, Sarah 1. Pittsbnrgh, ]59~ 38th st . Troth, Mabel C Homestead . Thom.pson, Margaret S Buena Vista . Thomas, Della S Gibbon's Glade Fayette, Ulery, Nellie B Zollarsville Washington, Underwood, Elizabeth Roscoe . ,Yard, Louise California . ,Vhite, Jessie 1\1........ .. . ,Vhite, Anna.................. .. . ,Vheeler, Vennie............ .. . Wilkinson, Anna P......... .. . ,Vilkins, Anna............... . . "Tilliams, Carrie Baidland . s·rATE. Pa. -- California, TVashington County, Pa. X,DIE. PO T OFFICE. "II'a~" Ella M E. Bethlehem "1 11 ..., " ,,'iIIiaJJ1S, Elvaretta......... Whit~ett, Roxanna R...... ~m:g=ii···.·.·.·.Et Ill. Pa. Westlake, CarrieL. Watkins, Anna L Whipkey, Ella G Weaver, ~n~ "'eayer, LIZZie R............ Walsh, Sarah :\1.. infield, Stella Wherry, Luverna 'Watson, Florence B 'Woodward, Jessie O Wood, Louise Wright, ~Iattie... Williams, Bessie 'alters, Bertha :.\I. all, Kate :.\1. illiams, ·Alma iley, Laura. T onderley, Ida :.\1. Yarnell, Rtella Yorty, Ella.................... Zimlllen<, Elizabeth J COUNTY. Washington, " . . . . .... STATE. Pa. u • •••••••••• ,Vest Middletown West Brownsville Coal Center Bentl~~sville .. Dunningsville Wilna Scenery Hill. Smithfield Laurel Hill......... Uniontown " Brownsville Braddock :.\lanown Allegheny Scottdale Freeport California .. Speers •••••••• . . . . . . . . Fayette, " . . . Allegheny, . . Westmoreland, Armstrong, Washington, . . GEXTLE:.\IEX. " " " iles, Renald Ilshouf:C, Rherman........ iles, Herbert rthnr, Theo. J.............. A llman, John C ugustine, Daniel B rnold, Leroy O urandt, Barn' . K Bill' Chas. :'II.. Bre Illgs1ey, rd va , Walter Bane, Lester II E" California .. Roscoe .. Garwood Confluence Vanderbilt. W a t er, Rt"t lee C·a lif . I ornla......... . Baker, lIarr" .Prosperity Bryant Cl' East Bethlehem Bryant' J l~llncey \Y Venetia B)'el'l!, 'Ai~iJ~n L.............. " ..•........... .. , Redstone i: Washington, . . . . , ·omerRet. Fayette, II un timg d on, \V as I'ungton, " . . . . " FayettC', Pa. Sout/noester» 18 ~A)IE. State Normal School, POST OFFICE. Brown, Samuel R. T Waltersburg.v.... . Brownfield, Lee B IIaydentown Brownfield, Owen B..... .. Baker, Chas, D youngstown Bowman, John L Jones' ::\Iills.......... Brougher, Alfred D ~tahlstolVn Barron, Milfred D........... •• Burrough, Frank C Fort Hill. Bauman, Daniel H -:\Iance Bowman, Calvin IIusband Boyd, John .'1. •...•.•.••.••.•.. Elizabeth ............................• Blair, Ross B Worley laybaugh, Lon "\\' California Cross, "'oody........... .. Carlisle, O. C Strabane Carson, Yan Allenport Collins, Thomas E Roscoe Chandler, Sellers Charleroi Chalfant, C. K Coal Center Cunningham, "'infield S.Bancroft Carson, "\'an Allen Lover Callaghan, Patrick J Dunbar Conn, Arthur E Point Marion Coldren, John E Redstone Crow, Jesse L :\Jorris X Roads Cober, Alvaro B Beachdale Critchfield, Elmer T Rockwood Craig, Charle :'IIcKeesport. Carson, Albert S Rostraver Cisney, Geo. W Xossville Drum, Cli fford II California Donaldson, Presley........ . Deems, Chas. R. Garwood Dague, Samuel X Odell Duvall, Frank C Speers Duvall, Philip II Bellevernon Dunn, Wilbur L Flatwoods D nnis, Philip F............. .. Duvall, Blaine Loyer Devore, O. \\' Thomas Easton, George California Elwood, Harry H Coal Center Elliott, Alonzo Sunset Evans, Otis Greensboro Errett, William E Irwin Station COl·XTY. ,·TATE. Fayette, Pa. . . Westmoreland, •• " . . ~omerset, . " . 'l.llegheny, Monongalia, W.Va. Washington. Pa. . . . . . . . . Fayette, . . . Somerset, . Allegheny, We tmoreland, Huntingdon, Washington, . . . . Fayette, . " . Washington, " . . . " . Greene, "\Vestmorelanc1, .. -- California, Washing ton County, Pa. I'O~T OFFICE. "I . . COL·XTY. California Washington, "'-"'UulU, Art l lUI. c •• r'~' \\' Roscoe . rlong RC:l , .. Fu 'CI de I' B. Bethlehem . Farquhnr, au c "\......... •• '11' v Lover . .. F WI Jam ox. "11' C '\ew Salem Fayette, Frost. Jam ~. •• . •• French, 'IlL ~, a vern .........•.DICkerson Run 1~•••••••• Uniontown . Fra ks \"'II'IIll "I It Westmoreland, Fox n, Logan C ~\.c1am burg . • I..eo..................• California Washington, Gibson Gibsou: Oliver 0...... •• . Gleason. Fred ~.............. .. . Gallagher, John ·.. · . Glunt William · · " . Gamble, J. Clark. Dunningsville . Gamble Robert (l :\lonollgahela........ " Gill. CI:arlcs w ~pruce Creek IIunt~ngdon, Harris Noah California , Vashington, " Hawkins. Rhanor M........ . . Hornbake, Herbert 0...... .. . Hague. Clyde E.............. .. . Hertzog. Herbert............ .. . Hertzog, Karl W............ .. . Harri on. Hanan \\'ilna . Hildebrand. F. A Glyde . Hughes. Wilfred C ~peers · Home. Charles L Zollarsville · . H tetler, Oliver I1 )IcClellandtown Fayette, Huntley. Robert II "C'niontown....... " Headley,I'hineas · )It. Morris Greene, Hoffman. Henry D Youngstown \Vestmorelanel, Jennings. Talmage 1I California Washington, Jenkin, Raymond C K Bethlehem...... " Jackman. L. y Coal Center . J~n ,Thom:u; P Ruble Fayette. ~, Harry California .Washington, g. CharleH F Barronvale SOmerset, ~nney, Cyrns W E. Bethlehem Washington, K lOder, William 1I \\. B '11 " Kelley. Howard T · 1'· rO":1 ]ISVI e.. ·.. ····.. ·· ·..F -ett K da srownsvi 1e.. a) e e, TC~ 11, Chauncey P McClellanc1town................... " ~"t!>11 ••r, Oliver J Kinow Somei .set • s.mgv, 00d m;YCIJames E. Kbedive Greene, l' ElarlcfIF Barronvale Somerset, er, E .............• M'Ianorvi le...........................• 'I. • is J Illler I rrnstrong, • 0 III R California Washington, X.DIE· STATE. Pa. " " .. " .. .. Sout/ueesterri 20 NA)!E. State Normal School, POST OFl'ICE. Leadbeter, Gerald COal Center Lindley, Don Carlos Prosperity Livengood, James P omerset Linsen bigler, James W Delmon t Luckey, Isaiah C Stickel. :\liller, Royal B California :\litchell, David E........... .. Minehart, Lear S............. .. Martin, Job R............... .. :\Ielchi, Raymond ~L..... . Morgan, A. T.. .. Melchi, Seward.............. . :\lartin, William C......... . :\Iartin, Edward.. . ::'I100l'e,Leamon Roscoe :\litchell, Russell Allenport. :\linford, Thomas Elco Moore, Milton O Lagonda :\lcCarrell, Andrew D Hickory Marston, Arthur R Bellevernou Mullin, Paul D Fayette Cit.y :\lyers, Thomas J Uniontown :\laust, Abraham L Boynton Meyers, Herbert P Somerset Miller, Edmund D Fishertown :\Iock, Frank G Pavia :\Ic.\lichael, Erastus K "'est Newton Merritt, Hcrschel.. Scottdale ::'IlcKaiil, Charles L Yohogany .\IcKlveen, John H Greensburg ::'IlcGill, Joseph N Owensdale Mowry, Howard G Beamville :\lowry, John E. II Manrr's Choice .\liller, Shannon (.t ....•.•.•• Fishertown Nichol, Joseph N Bentleysville Nichol, Charles D Yanceville Nichol, Samuel '1'............ .. Nicely , Jacob Ligonier O'Neill, Thomas California Owen, Thomas l1.. COal Center Ober, F. Bert tahlstown Powell, 'Walter G California Pegg, James.................. .. Peirsel, Arthur .T...... . Power, James P. .. COUNTY. IVa hington, STA'£E, Pa. . omerset, Westmoreland, Fayette, Washington, . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fayette, . . SOmerset, . Bedford, . Westmoreland, . . " . Fayette, Allegheny, Bedford, . Washington, . " . Westmoreland, Washington, " . IYestmoreland, Washington, . " " . . " California, - :-;.\)IE. TVasltington Couuty, Pa. POST OI'F1CE. pearsall, Burt Brownsville. pean:all, Itel' .. ... " Patterson, Jesse 0 Markleton Patterson, John N England Pritt", ::'IIiles E. Rcottdale Parson, :\lilton R Nossville Ru~he, Albert California Rushe, George....... " Rushe, Sylvester........... .. Rabe, Paul B.................. .. Rabe, IVylie F............... .. Rothwell, Orville F... '" Basel, Charles R. L Lone Pille Reeves, Henry B Coal Center Ringer, George J Delmont &n-age, Hillery D California loan, Arthur Iyilna loan, Bernard C............ .. \\'e1'8, David E Lone Pine haffer, Andrew K Coal Center mallwood, erwin C..... .. Scott, Elsa Bancroft ~errick, Jacob 0 Tarr's Silliman, 'Yillialll........... •• II, Jacob B New Scranton Scott, Howard :\1.. Camden ~ver Clarence L Friedens ~Ibert, Daniel W Listie...... hrock, Jacob B Stony Creek S:Yder, Albert IV Scullton :rr, Walter TIigh House ter mg, Frank L \la~ontown P ~·art, James O. C Cadwallader To~nbager,Thomas J eromeville n ugh, Scenery. Hill TiPton :\1 Edwin E I Thon ,~ ered West End "'-_ ipson, .l.1QT H C J. Rhannon '" Stahl s to wn............ ' . .. ·· ::'IIadison U d ...,.nUkie.rwood,,Joseph Ro coe ••. nson Be' . .. Ward, UU~ll njamln Y .. California hite, Harry )7............ .. ~ite, Albert ~F" .. 111'lam, John II •.....• , " atki Ill!, .John F C oal . Center ............ 1\. Brown ville COUNTY. . ",,'a ST,\'l'E. Fayette, Pa. . omerset, : Washington, Westmoreland, Huntingdon, Washington, " . . . . . . Westmoreland, Washington, . . . . . . Wesnnoreland, " . Allegheny, Somerset, " . . Fayette, . . . Ohio. IV as hi nngton, Pa. Bedford, I,r estmore Ian d , I' t \ as 1ll1g on, "'r . . .. 2I . . . . Sout/noestern State Normal School, 22 NAME. Watkins, David D Wilson, Harry II Wilson, William W.. Woodward, Stephen L Whitsett, Ralph C Whitsett, Maynard C...... 'Yarman, Robert D 'Yalters, Sylvester. Walters, AlvaM :..... Williams, Edward H vYolfe, Levi. Weller, Harry S Winnett, John O Williams, Thomas R. POS'l' OI"FICE. COUNTY. W. Brownsville Hickory .. Searights Perryopolis .. Fairchance Waltersburg .. Banning Rockwood Husband Natrona Jones' Mills Washington, . . Fayette, . . . . . . Somerset, . Allegheny, Westmoreland, . California, Pa. Music Course. NA)IE. Ailes, Albert Ailes, Gertrude............. Ailes, Luella................. Ailes, Herbert.......... Ailes, Renald................ Aurandt, H. K Allshouse, Sherman Baird, Florence Claybaugh, Lon Conn, Lilian................. Chandler, Sellers Chrissman, Nellie Drum, Clifford.............. Drum, Edward...... Drum, Emma............... Downer, Eva................. Flickinger, PearJ.. Furlong, Rea Fowles, Marjorie Freeman, Arthur........... Gibson, Ollie. Gleason, Fred......... Glunt, 'Yilliam..... Gibson, Leo.................. Goodman, 2'iartil,t. Graham, Eva POST OFFICE. COUNTY. California Washington, .. .. .. 'Vater Street California Dearth Pt. Marion " Charleroi California .. .. .. .. .. Roscoe California . .. . .. .. Manor Belle Vernon STATE. Pa. . . . . . Hnntingdon, 'Yashi ngton, Fayette, . . Washington, . . . . . . " . . . . . . . , Westmoreland, Fayette, :-,-,UIE. STATE. " " " " " " " Washington County, Pa. POST OFFICE. }lertzog, Karl California. .. Harris, Noah. ". " }lague, Cld" y e · Johnston, Anna Flatwood Jones, T. P Ruble Keffer, Karl, Jr California Karns, Becca Jenners King, Harry California Lilley, Berenice Jenners Lilley, Etta " Lewellen, Pearl .. Linn, Blanche Homestead Lewis, Ross California Lewis, Charles........ " Martin, Edward............ .. Martin, Joseph.... .. I Meese, Hugh............... .. Martin, Job.................. .. Miller, Edward Fishertown Mullen, Azz ie Fayette City Maxwell, Georgia Allenport )lcDonough, Josephine ..Vanceville......... .litchell, David E California Marchand, Gertrude Coal Center McCollum, Lizzie California oss, )lary Theodora..... ,. .. utt, Lela Lock No.4 0' Xeil, )Iinnie McKeesport Pepper, Tillie California Piersal, Arthur............. .. Powell, Lillian........ .. Rothwell, Orville......... .. Rushe, Albert............... .. Smith, Bertha... .. Springer, Earl............... .. pahr, Mary Roscoe ...............................• Savage, Hilary California Rabe, Paul " ~Ombaugh: ·E:·E,·.:::::::::Scenery COUNTY. Washington, " . " Fa~~tte, . Washington, Fayette, Washington, Fayette, . . Allegheny, Washington, " . . . . Bedford, Fayette, Washington, " . . . . . Alleghen y, Washington, . . . . . . . Iiiii· .: ·.· :.:::::: Wnderwooc1, Elizabeth WOOd, Annie 00d, Elizabeth. Who w mite, Anna B· Yara ,Russell II Wa~e ,Stella.............. on, Florence Roscoe Elco " .. California •• .. .. Smithfield . . . . . . Fayette, 23 S'l'A'I'll. Pa. Soui/noestern California, ,Slale Normal School, 2S TVashington County, Pa. Scientific and Special Courses. XA)!E. po. T OFFICE: Ailes, . G California Allshouse, Richard........" Baker, Harry T East Bethlehem Campbell, John California Campbell, Robert . Chelcut, Jefferson......... . Clark, E. E................... .. Dils, Hugh C.. .. Eckels, Fannie West Brownsville Gallagher, J 01111 •.•••.••..•. California Glunt, David. .. Glunt, F. R................... .. Jones, T. P Ruble Keeler, E. E :Hanorville Latta, Fred California Lewellen, Elizabeth Y..." Lilley, Sadie....... .. IcClain, :JL1.ude Roscoe McColl urn, J ohn .. :JIc~Iurray, Robert........ .. Merritt, II Scottdale :Jlitcbell, David C California Morgan, Albert T........." Pearsall, Eva. .. Rothwell, Elizabeth H... .. Singer, Kate 1\1............. .. Sloan, Bernard C Wilna Tipper, IVm. J Brownsville Underwood, Joseph Roscoe White, Albert, California......... Wood, Elsie Elco COUXTY. Washington, STATE. Pa. . . . . . . . . . . . NA)IE. era yen, Frank Conwell, Annie 'Duvall, Agnes Deems, Chas. R. Easton, George Garland, l\lellie... McGill, Jos. N Melc hi, Seward • liller, Jennie...... )liller, Lizzie • Reeves, IIenry Reed, 1\lary , tandley, Eleanor -Tarr, II. C •Tencate, Sadie ·lJnderwood, Joseph • William, E. T Yorty, Ella Fayette, Armstrong, Waahington, " . . . . "'. estmoreland, IYasbingtOll, " . . . . Favette Washington, " . Commercial "co co co Course. POST OFFICE. COUNTY. California. ... .. . Heistersburg Coal Center Garwood California .. Owensdale California Fairchance Coal Center California. Chicago :Jladison Pittsburgh Roscoe Banning California .. STATE. Washington, Fayette, Washington, " . . Fayette, ,Yasbington, " Fayette, Washington. .. " Cook, IVestIDOl·eland, Ulegheny, . Washington, Fayette, . I\'ashington, Pa. " " c• Ill. Pa. " " 26 Southwestern State Normal School, - Allshouse, Jennie Baker, :'lIar)' Beazell, Iva Billing1'ley, :'IIary Crissman, Jessie Craven, :'I[argaret Davis. Ida Eaglen, Clara Eaglen. Pearl Ghrist, Lela Glunt, Izetta Gregg, Lulu Practice Department. ROOMNo.5 (HraIIEST GRADE.) BOY .. Bakel', Glen Brevard, Lewis Burtnett, Chas. Crowthcrs, Will Roy Campbell, Frank Cupp, Harry Carlisle, Willie Devore, Clifford Davis, James Dewar, George Garland, Cecil Hayward, Emmet Latta, Chas. Latta, Lowman McBride, Thos. Moffit, Edgar Martin, Joe Piper, Earl Pollock, Thos. Trew, Chas. Wheeler, Willie Harris, Anna Harris, Velma Harris. Flora Harris, Vista Lewellen, Lewis Montgomery, Stellsa :'Ilartin, Delia :'I1cCracken, Agnes Mailey, Grace )IcKenna, Elsie County, Pa. 27 G-IRLS. Harris,I\'a Jones, Hettie Kell, .\"ellie King, Lena Lewis, Azalea Lewis, Mary :'IIcKenna, Maggie McCallum, Janet :'IfcCallum, )Iary Meinhart, Dora O'.\"eil, Mar)' Queen, Ida Ross, Mattie Reed, Kate Robinson, Nannie Shelcut, :'Ilary Smith, Aletha Smith, i\J yrtle Springer, :'I1aud Vasseur, Helene 'Yillis, Anna Wilkins, Olive 34. Roo)[ No.3. BOYS. 21 Billingsley, Warren Birmingham, Lewis Campbell, Thos Campbell, Geo. Clear, :'IIerle Conlin, Conrad Drum, Elton Freeman, Thornton Gausler, George Haywood, Thos. Harris, J ohn Harris, Alvin GIRLf:l. Burtnett, Maggie Chapman, Frances Calvert, Flora Crissman, Nellie Claybaugh, EYa Crowthers, Ruth Donaldson, Mazy Furnier, Effie Fowler, Cora French, Kate Gregg, Bertie California, Washington McCallum, Janet )Ioon, Jessie Rohrer, Eva Rohrer, Olive Riley, Mary Riley, Flo. Reeves, Anna Smith, Adda Smith, Stella "Tard, Winnie Jones, Albert Lewellen, Chas. Martin, Al va Martin, Charles )1ailey, Geo. )IcGary, John Mitchell, Jas. :'IIcCallum, Hugh )1cBride, Wilbur :'IIontgomery, Freel )Iontgomery, Earl Pegg, Eddie Powell, Edgar Pollock, Artie Phillips, Fred. Rush, Chas. Ross, Simon Springer, Earl Sample, "Tal tel' Sutton, Willie Thompson, Willie Wise, Frank 3-1 31 GIRLS. Roost .\"0. 4. Allshouse, Lilian Bennet, Lizzie Campbell, Aggie Calvert, Clara ~aYbaugh, Ruth row, Jean Fumier, Nellie BOYS. Birmingham, Don Ferree, Dannie Glunt, Leonard Harris, Ivan Howe, Eddie Martin, Leonard Martin, Fred. Meese, Hugh Mitchell, Claire Rabe, Fred. Sutton, Charlie Shaffer, Harry Trew, George Trump, Clyde Whigham, Fred. 15 Harris, Jennie Hagen, Daisy Kaller, Lizzie King, Ida Lewellen, Meda Martin, Jennie :'I100re, Anna )1cKenna, )Iary Xoss, Mary Paxton, Maggie Rabe, Bernice White, Garnet Wise, Rosa 20 28 Southwestern State Normai School, - ROO~lNo. 2. BOY. Allshouse, Willie Cady, Edward Calvert, Roy Chapman, 'Yalter Claybaugh, Lush Davis, Robt De Garden. Yictor Ferral, Clyde Ferral, Thomas Fowler, Ernest Gausler, Willie Gaskill, John Hart, Willie Haywood, Melvin Hornbake, Leslie Jackson, Lyman Jackson, Zeddie Jones, Clarence King, Frank Lewellen, Ray ~lcAllister, Henry :Mitchell, Robt. )Ioffit, Guy O'Hara, Willie O'Neil, Joseph Pegg, Frank Reny, Frank Springer, Clyde 28 GIRL Allshouse, Pearl Beazell, Bertha Crissman, Lizzie Crow, Kellie Donaldson, Maud Fitzpatrick, Sadie Fowler, Joanna Freeman, Cornelia Gleason, Mary Grace, )Iarie Gregg, )Iary Harrison, )Iay Jane, Martha Kallar, Maggie Lewellen, Blanche Lowe, Ethel McBride, Edna McGary, Mary McKenna, Josie r iceling, Hattie Piersol, Blanche Pollock, Mary Queen, Ethel Reed, Blanche Ragar, Elsie Riley, Lilley Shaffer, Garland Shelcut, Lucy Sloan, Blanche Smith, Louie Staiger, Grace Trenton, Jessie Trenton, Mary Wauderbose, Louise Whiteman, ::\Iay Wolf, Mary California. Allshouse, Yada Blanque, Leo Blanque. )Iary Bingle, Edith Burnett, Romaine Dewar, Grace Farrell, Mary Fowler, :Mary Humphries, )fal'Y Howe. Radie Harris, Maggie Heffey. LoreJla TVas/lingtoll County, Pa. GmL~. Kennedy, Harriet Horner, Rebecca Levy, Annie )IcCain, )Iarjory )IcGaree, Lizzie Phillips, Maggie Price, Nellie Pettigrew, Maggie Rawlison, Etta Ray, Ella Remil, Carrie 36 ROO~l:So. l. BOYS. Allshouse, Andy Allshouse, Oscar Birmingham, Harry Bennet, Willie Bennet, Charlie Brevard, Charlie Davidson, John Willie Clark, )Ielyin Conland, Clark Drum.Raymond Eaglin, Eddie Fowler, Ben Hague, Willie Harshman, Alva Harshman, Charlie Harris, Yirginius Haywood, Geo. Keifer, Louis Kiggins, John Kennedy, Dannie Lewellen, James Lewellen, Eddie Lesky, Andy LOII"e,Robby Mill , Harry Marshall, Elgie Moon, Thos. :\1cCullum, Peter McAllister, Floyd Paxton, Willie Pettigrew, Ollie Pollock, Strickler Queen, Howard Stolks, John Smith, Clinton Thompson, Anthony "Talker, Sam. Wilkins, Fred. Wilkins, James White, Lou. "Weiner, wnus Wilkins, Frank 'Vise, Alvin Whiteman, Bobby Webb, Eli ~~Q5l~~ ~0l)0 45 29 Simmers, Ethel Stanley, Emma Smith. Adda Stanley, )Iartlm Smith. Sadie Scott, )Iarguerite Shelcut, Emma "Walker, Lizzie Wells, Mary Bell w ells, Edna Webb, Lizzie 3..J Southwestern State Normal School, 30 - California, [,vashingtoll County, Pa. Pennsylvania State Normal School. COURSES OF I STRUCTION AS REVISED DEe. Four CourFes of Instruction Elementary Course. Regular Normal Course. Scientific Course, Advanced Normal Course. Summary. ~ORi\IAL ELEMENTARY T894. are provided for, as follows : COURSE. PREPARATORY Ladies, 282 Gentlemen, 164 }I usic Course, 72 Commercial Course, 18 I'cientific and Special Courses, 35 Total in Normal Department, 571 DEPART:\1E~T. Girls, - BOYR, Total in Practice Department, Xames repeated, number of different students, STUDIE~. LAl\UL'.\GE-Orthography, Reading. X.\Tl·RALSCIEl\cE-Physiology and Hygiene. HISTORIC.\LScrsxca=Geography, Political and Physical; History of the United States. THE ARTS-Penmanship, suflicient to be able to explain some approved system; writing to be submitted to the Board of Examiners. Other studies, as Arithmetic, English Grammar, Algebra, etc., shall be added to the Preparatory year, said studies to be selected by each Xormall'chool, but the" final" examination in these added branches shall be deferred till the end of the Junior year. 155 J NIOR YEAR. 143 "'hole 1I, DEPARTMENT. REGULARCOUR.~E. PRACTICE 31 298 61 808 PEOAGOGIC. '-School Xlanagement ; Methods of Teaching the Common Branches. LAxGLlGE-English Grammar; Latin, sufficient for the introduction of CfeRar. ~ATIlE)[A'I'I('!i-Arithmetic; Elementary Algebra. X .\Tnl.1 L ~('[ExcE-Botanv. HJ~T()RICAL SCIEXCE-Ciyil Government. TilE A IlTS-Drawing, a daily exercise for at least twenty-rom weeks, work to be snbmitted to the Board of Examiners; Bookkeeping, siught'n~ry, including a knowledge of common business papers, and a da~ly .exercise for at least seven weeks; Vocal Muslc, elementary pnnclples, and attendance upon daily exercises for at lea~t twelve p . \\'('('ks . II~"J('.II. (\·L'ITRE. California, Sout/uoestern State Normal School, 32 33 rVas/lington County, Pa. -----------------------------------------Arrangement of Work for 1895'-'96. f-.;EXIOR YEAR. PED,WOGlcs-Physiology; Methods of Teaching the Common Branche~. History of Education; Model School ',"ork, at least twenty week~ of actual teaching daily during one period of not less than fortv_ five minutes; a Thesis on a professional subject, L,~:\'GUAGE-Rhetoric and Composition; English Literature, at lea~t twelve weeks' work, including the thorough study of four Engli8h classics; Latin, Csesar, through the Helvetian 'Yar. )IATJIEMATIC'3-Plane Geometry. NATURALScucxoz=-Elementary Natural Philosophy, HISTORICALScrsxcs=-General History. Tn s ~\.RTs-Elocutionary exercises in connection lish Literature; Manual Training. with the study of Eng- FALL COLLEGEPHEP_\RATORY CLA . . German, Grimm's ;'Iaerchen and Grammar; beginning Greek, Begllllllng . C B ks "--4' General History ; . ' k Book' Geometry; Latin, resar, 00 ,, FU'8t (Iree , GymnaFtic. SEXIOHCLASS. Ps . I ology Elocution; Geometry; English; svc 1 .' . G ti (~k I ) ; ;'Iethods of Teachmg; +ymnas ICS. Jt:NIORCLASS. Arithmetic; Geography; Pn YSICA I, CULTURE. TERM. Algebra; English; Psychology; General Music ; Bookkeeping; WINTER NORMAL COURSE-Three Years. (This Course includes the studies of the Elementary Course and the following branches: A full equivalent will be accepted for any of the text books named in this Course. ) PED,~GOGIC'3-Advanced Psychology; Moral Science; Philosophy of Education; Methods of Teaching; Practice of Teaching; Pedagogical IV orks : Frcebel, Education of )lan, Quick, Educational Reformers, Fitch, Lectures on Teaching; School Supervision. School Apparatus; Discussion of Manual Training, Physical Culture, etc. )IATI1EM,~TIC'3-Solid Geometry; Plane and Analytical Trigonometry; Sun-eying. L.~NGU_\GE-Latin: Cresar, three books; Virgil's .iEneid, three books; Cicero, three orations. XATl'lUL SCIENCE-Chemistry, including Chemistry of Soils ; Zoolog.\' including Entomology and Geology. LITERATURE-Higher Literature, English and American, including a study of at least four cia sics. [Note-Classes have not been formed in this school in the other t",o courses, but German, Greek, and a more extended study of Latin have been added to the Regular Normal Course, thus adapting it to the needs of students preparing to enter college.] Ceesar, Reading; Gymnastics. SUB-JUNIORCLARS. Beginning Latin; Reading; History; ~eginning English; Drawing and ,Yriting; GymnastICS. REGULAR History; Algebra; Arithmetic; TERM. COLLEGEPREPAR.\TOHYCLASS. German, ;'Iary Stuart; Greek, Grammar and An~basis; Latin, Virgil's .Eneid, (Books 1-2) ; Physics; GymnastICS. Geometry; SEKIORCLA. '. Psychology ; Elocution; Teaching; Gymastics. Geometry; "English; Physics; ;'Iethoc1~ of Jt:KIOR CLASS. Arithmetic; Algebra ; Latin; English , Gymnastics, Psychology; Drawing and Writing; Sl'B-Jl'K!OR CLASS . . Heading; Orthography; ti(>ography; lIlg and Writing; Gymnastics. SPRING Latin; Arithmetic; Algebra ; Draw- TERM. COLLEGEPHl;PARA'l'ORY CLASS. ('erman, Hermann and Dorothea, na?a~i~, and Iliad, Book I; Latin, OntHon; PhYHic~; (iymnaslics. and Minna yon Barnhelm; Greek, JEneid, Books 3 and -±; Cicero, one HE:-IlORCI,,\ 'S. Elocution; English ; Physics; Methods of Teach- 34 California, Washington Southwestern State Normal School, COWl I)', Pa. 35 ---------------------------------------------------------------.JlJXIOR CLA RULES . Methods of Teaching; Arithmetic ; Algebra; History and Civics ; Draw_ ing and Writing; English; Gymnastics. SUB-JUXIOR CL.I. '. Methods of Teaching; Reading; Orthography; Geography; Arithmetic; English; Gymnastics. Physiology; History; XOTE.--Ill all the above courses, recitations in some of the studies OCCur but two or three times in the week. EXTRACTS FROM THE RULES EXAMI.r ATIO FOR FINAL 1. Admission to the Senior and Junior classes shall be determined by the State Board of Examiners at the annual examination by the Board. 2. Those who for any reason were unable to complete the preparatory examination, may be admitted to both the preparatory and the Junior examinations at the end of the Junior year. But they must be classed as preparatory students till the final examination in the preparatory branches has been completed. 3. In order to be admitted to the Senior class, persons must be examined in all the Junior studies, except l\Iethods and Latin, and the examination in these branches shall be final. X 0 substitu tions or conditions shall be allowed for any of the studies required for admission to the Senior class. 4. If the faculty of any State Xormal School, or the State Board of Examiners, decide that a person is not prepared to pass an examination by the State Board, he shall not be admitted to the same examination at any other State Xormal School during the same school year. . 5 If a person who has completed the Preparatory or the Junior studies at any ~tate Normal School, desires to enter another State Xormal School, the Principal of the School at which the examination was held shall send the proper certificate to the Principal of the School which the person desire to attend. Except for the reason here stated, no certificate setting forth the fact of the pa sing of the Preparatory or the Junior studies shall be issued. 6. Candidates for graduation shall be examined in all the branches of the Senior year. They shall have the opportunity of being examined in any of the higher branches, including vocal and instrumental music and double entry bookkeeping; and all studies completed by them shall be named in their certificate. 7. Persons who have been graduated in any Course may be examined at any State examination in any branches of a higher course, and the Secretaryof the Board of Examiners shall certify, on the back of their diplomas, to the passing of thc branches completed at said examination. S. A certificate setting forth the proficiency of all the applicants in all the studies in which they desire to be examined by the State Board of Examiners, shall be prepared and signed by the faculty and presented to the Board. RELATING TO CERTIFICATES DEGREES. AND 1. "tudent~ who have completed a~l):one of the foregoin~ Courses sha.ll recein' a certificate or diploma. authorizing th~m to teach 111 the public 8Chool~of the smte two years WIthout examination. . 0) Per;:ons who have completed anyone of the foregomg Courses and ha . ~~aught two full annual school terms since graduation, shall receive a ~~firate or diploma authorizing them to teach in the public schools of ;ennsyh-ania without further. examinati?n. pro~'ided that they present to the faculty and Board of Examiners a certificate of good m~ral character and kill in the .\rt of Teaching from the Board or Boards of DIrectors by whom they were employed, countersigned by the proper Superintendent. 3. Degrees shall be conferred as follows: To graduates in the Regular Normal Course, the degree of Bachelor of Elementary Pedagogics (B. E. P.); after two years' successful teaching, the degree of Master of Elementary Pedagogics Cl\f. E. P.) To graduates in the Scientific Course, the degree of Bachelor of Science (B. S.); after two years' successful teaching, the degree of Master of Elementary Pedagogics Pi. E. P.) Graduates of the Scientific Course who have engaged in scieutific, literary or prolessional pursuits at least three years after graduation, may receive the degree of Master of Science (1\1. S.) To graduates in the Advanced Xormal COtlI'Fe,the degree of Bachelor of Pedagogics (B. P.); after two years' successful teaching after completing this Course or the I'cientific Course, the degree of Master of Pedagogics (M. P.) ~~~~~Q.9. Obc~ mJoC500CQJo Sout/uoestern State Normal School, General Information. LOCATION. The Southwestern State Normal School is beautifully and healthfully located on the left bank of the Monongahela river, fifty miles from Pittsburg. It is in the heart of the Monongahela Valley, and is conveniently reached from all points, being but thirty miles distant from Pittsbnrgh by air line, and fifty by rail. Direct road from Union Station, Pittsburgh. Four trains daily. Only twenty miles by rail (three trains daily) from Uniontown. But one change of cars from Greensburg, Scottdale and Connellsville. Two changes from Hyndman and Meversdale. Direct boat from Rice's Landing, New Geneva, etc. No hack fares at school. GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS. The School grounds consist of about 12 acres, covered with a beautiful sod, and planted with ornamental and shade trees, shrubbery and flowers. There are five buildings-a central mas- Campus Front. sive and imposing edifice, having the general form of a Greek cross, with two wings, used as dormitories-the one by ladies, the other by gentlemen, and the two new buildings, Science Hall and the Gymnasium. LATE IMPROVEMENTS AT THE NORMAL. 111 Science Hall, a building completed two years ago, acco modating the Model School, Science Department and Sloyd Department. Total cost about $27,000. 1. - Calzforma, lVaslzmgtoll County, Pa. Dynamo and Engine 37 Ro o rri , The Gymnasium, completed this year, including, besides the gymnasium proper, bath rooms, 'Yater closets, dynamo room, etc. Total cost about $35,000. . 3. Front extension to main building and to connecting buildings, completed one year ago. I, 4. Electric light plant with a capacity of 900 lamps. 5· Complete new system of Water Improvements. 2. THE CE~TRAL AIM AT. CALIFORNIA ~s the preparation of teachers by ample scholarship and practice 111 teaching. The various departments are in charge of experienced and able instructors, and there is an ample supply of apparatus and illustrative material. The most approved methods are .used in all subjects. The student has before him constantly a hIgh standard of teaching. PraCtice TeAching Room. Southwestern State Normal School, T~e students ~tudy not only the theory of teaching, but engag also In the pradzce ". The Senior Class is divided into small group e on.e. member teaching a class of children in the presence of thS~ critic .teacher and of the other members of the group. By means o.f wntten plans. for each le~son and k~ndly but searching crit]. cism, each p!actlc~ teacher IS kept at his best. Nothing is gained by r~peatIng mistakes, hence errors are eliminated as speedily as possible. PHYSICAL CULTURE. It ~s the duty of a n?rmal school to send out students who are physically as well as intellectually and professionally equipped for the arduous tasks of the teacher's vocation. California, Wasltzizgton Tennis Courts. within limits, such games as base ball foot ball, but these by no means fully meet the demand. rule, onlv the strongest, and are likely to give these than is beneficial. 39 G 11IlJlaSiulil. The work in ewriters and bookkeepers upon leaving school. The course lllci eludes Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Banking ~n Commercial Law, with supplementary training in Spel.llllg, Punctuation, etc., Manifolding, Indexing, Letter Filing, BUSlll~SS Forms and Correspondence. If desired, students may enter oJ one of these branches only. Writers of all systems of Shorthan I are received for rapid dictation. Diplomas will be grante.d to. al who pursue the course thoroughly and pass the final examlllatlo~i No attempt is here made to describe, or even refer to, a the lines of work carried on in the school. Many amonJ5 most important departments of school activity are not mentlO}e in the foregoing paragraphs. thd -- California, vVasJu'ngton County, Pa. 47 Expenses. $ I 25 Tuition, per week, 3 25 Board, "Board and Tuition, Fall Term, 16 weeks (less State aid), 64 00 " Winter" 12 " " 48 00 " Spring " 14 " 56 00 - 168 00 " Full Vr" 42 "" Piano or Organ Lessons (two per week), Fall Term, 20 00 " "" Winter Term, IS 00 " Spring Term, 17 00 " less than full term, per lesson, 75 Average charge, per term, for use of instrument, one period daily, 2 00 Private Voice Lesson at same rate as lessons on Piano or Organ. Complete commercial course, one year, $50 00 Bookkeeping, six months, 20 00 Shorthand, six months. 20 00 Typewriting, three months, 10 00 No deduction for board or tuition for first week or last two weeks of term, except by previous agreement with the Principal. One-half of the above expenses is due at the opening, the balance at the middle of each term. The Principal acts for the Trustees and receipts all bills. Board at above rates includes furnished room, heat and light. Students furnish their own napkins and towels. Washing will be done by the household department at the lowest terms. STATE AID TO STUDENTS. Each student is entitled to State aid (50 cents a week) who is ~.ver 17 years of age, and who signs a paper declaring his intenIon to teach in the common schools of the State. to t ac~ student who, upon graduating, shall sign an agreement ac rec: in the common schools of the State two full years, shall A We the sum of fifty dollars. at l=t stUdent, to secure these benefits, must attend the school 'rheo twelve consecutive weeks, and receive instruction in the ry of Teaching. Southwestern State Normal School, -- Calij'ornz'a, TVashzlzgtoll County, Pa. 49 4. If you can attend but a few weeks, come for that time. Even this will give you new aims and higher ideals of teaching, and may proye a turning point in your life. S. Expect to do faithful, earnest work while here, and to Text Books. The following school: are among J]1akestudy your single aim. the text books now used in the Hyde's Lessons in English, Patterson's Grammar, Reed & Kellogg's Grammar, Strang's Exercises, Hill's Rhetoric, Maynard's English Classic Series, Riverside Literature Series, Barnes'Historyofthe United States, Montgomery" .Iistoryof the United States, Johnston's History of the United States, Myers' General History, Painter's History of Education, Thorpe's Civil Government, Williams' & Rogers' Book-keeping, Pernin's Universal Phonography, Barnes' Manual of Typewriting, CeciJian Music Series, McGuffey's Readers, Emerson's Evolution of Expression, McLellan's Augsburg's Drawing, White's Arithrnetics, New Arithmetic, Sensenig's Algebra, Wentworth's Geometry, Allen&Greenough's Latin Grammar, Allen & Greenough's Ceesar, Collar & Daniell's First Latin Book, Harper & Miller's Virgil, Harkness' First Greek Book, German-Grimm's l\Iaerchen, German-Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm, Guyot's Physical Geography, Gage's Physics, Gage's Laboratory lannalofPhysics, Bastin's Botany, Gray's Botany, Wood's Plant Organization, Stowell's Essentials of Health, Gordy's Psychology, Psychology. SUGGESTIONS TO THOSE EXPECtING TO BECOME STUDENTS. r . You are prepared to enter here when you have had the usual course in the common schools at home. 2. If you expect to take a course in this school, you will probably save both time and money by coming here at once. 3. It is better to enter at the beginning can enter at any time. of a term, but yoU 6. Come onjirst day of term, neither earlier nor later, unless circumstances require it. 7. Bring with you for references whatever text books you have; you will find such books useful. The new books you need can be bought cheaper here than at home. 8. The Normal School is but five minutes' walk from the station. Leave trunk checks with the agent, and come at once to the Principal's office at the school. The baggage will be landed at the schoolfree of charge. ~~~~~ 000000000000000 50 Southwestern Slate Normai School, California, WasMngto1Z County, Fa. -------------------------------------- 51 CLASS OF 18i8.-CoXTIXUED. Alumni Register. [~OTF..-This Register gives the present address of each graduate should be reported for correction.) so far as known. Error CLARS OF 18i5. Axtel, Thos, L., Xorthern Iowa.c--Physician. Hemphill, Geo. E., Allegheny, Pa.-Lumber Dealer. CLASS OF 1876. Ammons, Sue, p1rs. L. B. Anderson), Irwin Ave., Allegheny, Pa. Beal, L. C., Uniontown, Pa.-Physician. Cope, Albert B., Mt, Union, Ohio.s--Physician. Peck, Chas, E., treetsborough, Ohio.-i\lachinist. Smith, J. B., California, Pa.-Yice Principal State Normal School. Stoodv, Wm. }I.-Died ~larch 29, IS8-!. State Certificate granted t John B. 'olomon, }1a ontown, Pa. CLAR OF 187i. Crook ham , Mary P., CUrs. Mary P. Conkling), Osceola, Neb, Frye, Frank, Belle Vernon, Pa.-Telegraph Operator. Frye, W. S., Gill Hall, Pa.-Physician. Jackman, W. S., 6916 Perry ave., Englewood, nl.-Professor in Cook County Normal School. Kiehl, Henry S., No. 7i Fourth ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. McCollum, John B. K.-Deceased. Newkirk, Dcnetta=-f Mrs. W. H. Winfield), California, Pa. Newlin, Alex. Willis, (Ph.D.) Puebla, Mexico, President of Methodist Theological Institute. Van Dyke, John 'V., California, Pa., Merchant. State Certificate granted to Dr. A. R. Horne, of Allentown, Pa. CLASS OF 1878. Craig, Belle, Huston Run, Pa.-Teacher. Douglas, J. H., Blythedale, Pa.-Physician. Eberman, John S., California, Pa.-Cashier First National Bank. Esler, James M., Tarentum, Pa.-Druggist. Griffith, Henry William, Kecksburg, Pa.-Teacher. Haggerty, Lindy (Mrs. L. Craig), Coal Bluff, Pa. Kell, Nath B., Denver, Col. Lang, Clara R., Belle Vernon, Pa.s--Teacher. Larimer, }Iaria Louise, Fayette City, Pa.e-Tcacher. Lutz (feorge D., Independence, }lo.-Attorney-at-La,w. )lart'in, Andrew E., Greensburg', JI Kee Daniel II., Wellsburg, ". \ a.i--Xlinieter. 1d~tche;l, Walter, St. Clairsville, W. Y~.-:-Principal Public Schook Patton, H. Etta PIrs. D. C,. Murphy), ~h?pery Rock, Pa. Patton, Xoah 'Y., Charleroi, Pa.s--Physiciau. . Philips, H. Lenore PIt'S. Re\'. J. L. McCutcheon), Franklin, Va. Beie, Ella A. (Mrs. W. S. Jackman), 6916 Perry ~,:e., Englewood, Ill. Van Dyke, George ~I., West Xewton, Pa.c--Physician .. Van Dyke, William s., West Newton, Pa.-Bank Cashier. Wakefield, Thomas Randolph, Uniontown, Pa.-Attorney-at-Law. Wells J. Truman, ~1cKeesport, Pa.-Editor Ereninq Times. Wilso~, ~1ary F. (~1r~. Joseph W. Smith ) San Luis Obispo, Cal. CLA~S OF 1879. Browne, Rebekah E., Xew Castle, Pa.-Teacher. Browne, ~Iillie R., New Castle, Pa. Camp, Harry W.-Died October 23, 189-1. Craft, Brashear 'V., Merrittstown, Pa.-Teacher. Crawford, Tillie, Duquesne, Pa.-Teacher. Dearth, Orlando P., Brownsville, Pa.-Physician. Dunn, 'Villi am C., Denver, Col. Grant, R. Q., Pittsburgh, Pa.-Signal Service, U. R. A. Hall, Frank R, California, Pa.-Professor State Normal School. Hackney, n. 11., Atchison, Kan.-Cashier First National Bank. Holland, II. R., Washington, Pa. Borner, George 0., )Iillsboro, Pa. Longwell, lIarry Edgar, Chicago, Ill.-Dmughtsman. Mackey, John F., Paris, France. Mehaffey. Annie )1. (}Irs. Horton), Poplar Bluff, )10. cClure, Rallie A. (Xlrs, H. S. Clark), niontown, Pa, McDonough, Dora (M,·s. Edward Clark), 6315 Broad st., E. E., Pittsburgh, Pa. Morgan, P. 'Y., Wilmerding, Pa.-Cashier of Bank. urphy, D. C., Slippery Rock, Pa.-Professor in State Normal School. ~khill, C. L., Denver, Col.-Physician and Professor in :Medical College. ec:~,Bennett W., McConnellsburg, Pa.-Teacher. ::IlIPS, Hettie L. (Mrs. W .. Frye)-Died November 18,1886. ton, ~ura, Wilkinsburg, Pa.-Teacher. h ,.JeSSle L., Carmichaels, Pa. utterly, Arthur P., California Pa.-Bookkeeper California Coal Co. Wart, Belle C., Newville, Pa.' ~~, Lou L.-Died October 4, 1886. I~d, Margaret E., Fayette City, Pa.-Teacher in Soldiers' Orpban ill~ hool, Jumonville, Pa. ilao - Laura B. CMrs. Supplee), Homestead, Pa. n, Anna ~1., McKeesport, Pa.-Teacher. ae: S2 Southwestern State Normal Scltool, California, Washington County, Pa. CLASS OF 1880. Axtel, L. J\I.-Died March 18, 189L. Browne, Jo . K.-Died December 22, 1882. DeHayen, Madge, California, Pa.-Teacher. Drumm, J. A., Dawson, Pa.-Died October 3, 1887. Frye, John K., Johnstown, Pa.-Purchasing Agcnt. Gamble, Power T., Pittsburgh, Pa.-Bookkeeper. Hall, Marie, 2911 South Park ave., Chicago, Ill. Jones, Belle Y., (Xlrs, Warren Piersol), Peabody, Kan. Kendall, John C., Homestead, Pa.- uperintendent of Schools. Mackey, Agnes )I., (Mrs. Leslie ~Iullen), Campbell; Minn. Masters, Minnie Y., ~IcKeesport, Pa.-Teacher. McClure, Ella ~I., ()Irs. 'Walton Howell), Flushing, Ohio. McNorton, Frank V.,Winterburn ave., 23d 'Ward, Pittsburgh, Pa.--Teacher. Neel, Mary E., Jefferson, Pa.-Teacher. Noss, Clara H., (Mrs. John M. Park), Montandon, Pa. Potts, C. J., Bedford, Pa.-County Superintendent, Bedford County. Reno, William 'Nilson, Rochester, Pa.-Attorney-at-Law. Rhoads, L. S., Jacobs Creek, Pa.-~Ierchant. Robertson, O. A., Campbell, Minn.-Attorney-at-Law. Robison, W. L., Hill City, Kan.-Teacher. Smail, E. J., Braddock, Pa.-Attorney-at-Law, Pittsburgh, Pa. Spindler, Alvin C., Pittsburgh, Pa.-Attorney-at-Law. Swan, Laura, Brownsville, Pa.-Teacher. Sweeney, J. T., Pittsburgh, Pa.-Real Estate Agent. Thomas, Anna B., Braddock, Pa.-Supervisor Primary Schools. CLASS OF 1881. Adams, Jennie E., (}Irs. J. C. Carter).-Died 1890. Barnum, ,Yo V., Santa Barbara, Cal. Barr, l\Iaggie J., 218 Washington. aye. , Allegheny, Pa.-Teacher. Best, James S.-Died Tovember 16, 1883. Byran, 'V. ., Brownsville, Pa.-Principal of Schools. Claybaugh, A. nI., Uniontown, Pa.-Journalist. Core, John )Ic)fullen, Uniontown, Pa.-Attorney-at-Law. Eshelman, Ella D., (Mrs. E. J. Smail), Braddock, Pa. Graham, Mary B., (Mrs. Theo. B. Noss ), California, Pa.-Teacher in Norll1al School. Hertig, Louise M., Philadelphia, Pa.-Physician. Hutchinson, Flora.-Died April 11, 1886. Jackman, Hattie E., (Mrs. F. Colvin), Ea t Bethlehem, Pa. Jennings, Maggie, (Mrs. Newton Wolf), California, Pa.-Died 1893. Kussart, Lee, Columbus, Ohio. Lyons, Sadie, Beech Cliff, Pa.-Teacber. 'McAlpin, Agnes, Belle Vernon, Pa.-Teacher. CL,\.SS OF 1881.-CoNTINUED. . J . Elwood , ~rodesto, Ill.-Teacher. hiler, •I redock Thomas P., Houth Bend, Ind. ~ 0 I'antha l\Iay ~o. 30 Ledlie st., Allegheny City, Pa. 'Ionroe, c • '. I 'l·uy·)1. (}hs. Lawson Bane), Amity, Pa. ee , • ., -) Pi b h P Phillips, )Iay L., (Mrs. W. l'i. Jarrett, itts urg, a. porter, Loui~a B., Urriontown, Pa. Rhoades, Xoah E., Smithto~, Pa:-Clerk. hallenberger, Hugh D., Lelsenrmg,. Pa.-Clerk: ';heplar, Josephine L., \ Irs. 1. B. MIller), BeSWIck, Cal. Thornburg, Geo. C.-DIed Oct. 8, 1894... Walker, "'m. J., Homestead, Pa.-PhYSlCJan. Wickham, Julia, (nIrs. E. 1II. Watson), East Marshfield, Mass. CLASS OF 1 82. Alter, Ella, (Mrs. Rutter), Red wing, Cal. Baker, George P., 'Vashington, Pa.-In County Recorder's Office. Beazell, Kate B., Boggs ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.-Teacher. Carlton, Thomas J.-Died October 29, 1886. Colebank, G. C., Octavia, Keb.-Bank Cashi r. Collins, Judith Lenora, Monongahela, Pa.-Teacher. Cooper, Allen F., Uniontown, Pa.-Attorncy-at-Law. Crumrine, Mary E., 'West Union, Pa.-Teacher. Dansie, James, Munhall, Pa.-iUerchant. Day, E. H., )IcKeesport, Pa.-Principal of High School. Debolt, George W., Nebraska.-Teacher. Donaldson, )I. )Iay, pIrs. C. A. nIclh'aine), ~IQ.nongahela, PJ.. Fry, L. 8., )Ianhattan, Kan.-Teacher. Fuester, Elma L., Ruffsdale, Pa.-Teacher. ~ns, John Lyons, K. Y. City, Manager Adv. Dep't of "Electricity." ~rant, Flo:-en?e, Monongahela, Pa. olland, Carne)I. Oakland Pittsburgh Pa Holla .' , ,. nd, Corne ~I., Oakland Pittsburgh Pa. Jeff!' , " nes, <'.eorge B., nioutown, Pa.-District Attornev. J enk' ~n8, 'J u I'ia II., Xo. 98 Arch st., Allegheny City, Pa.-Teacher. JenklOl' Ianio S " 98 \ . 1 J h "', ., ~'O. arch st., Allegheny City, Pa.s--Teacher. o l180n \\ III Ja P . . ' . sper, ulllontown Pa -.Utornev-at-Law. J one Eddi ,. PIrR. Frank Gibson), McKeesport, Pa.-Teacher. Lack'ev ,(T ie, ~ \. . T _ ., ••• ,. nn .\.rbor, ~Irch.-Attorney-at-Law. ~onard I' . ,.IZZI<.' )I., Cumberland Md -Teacher M. ler 0 PC. ,. . Reed ~'ll: )., onnellsnlle, Pa.-Vice Principal of Schools. Ru h' ~ r., pIrs. James Jenkins), Fayette City, Pa. RObi~~(· 'r' °ll1laha, eb.-Attorney-at-Law. JIl" 0 In C (' b brOCk J ., neens llrg, Pa.-Att.orney-at-Law. , ,aco\) , .Tollns t own, P a.-PrJJ1Clpal .. or Dale School. , J i~' S3 54 Southwestern State Normal School, CLASS OF 1882.-CONTI:-il-EV. Schrontz, F. "'., Ligonier, Ind.-)Iinister. Scott, E. E., Toledo, Ohio.-Physician. Snodgrass, Milton R.. Osceola, Xeb.-Principal Public Schools Speers, Anna, phs. Speers ), Lawn Ridge, III. Thomas, Flora K., (Xlrs, Colmery ), Braddock, Pa. Ulery, Lucy, p1r~. E. D. Fulton), Uniontown, Pa. Will, John .\..-Died January 5, 1 83. "Williams, Sallie A., PIt'S. L. Z. Birmingham), California, Pa. Williams, Mattie B., Belle Vernon, Pa.t--Teacher.: "Woods, Lizzie, (Ml'S. Carothers), Elizabeth, Pa. CL.I..HSOF 188:~. Acklin, Annie E., Waynesburg, Pa.i--Preceptress Waynesburg College. Applegate, Minnie Evelyn, (Mrs. W. S. Abbott), McKeesport, Pa, Armstrong, L. Etta, (Mrs. W. Gregg), ""est Alexander, Pa. Barker, Mattie J., Pittsburgh, Pa.-Teacher. Barnum, Lizzie, Coal Centre, Pa.-Teacher in Homestead. Beard, Stella S., Blair, Xebraska:-Teacher. Beard, Lucy E., (J~1t'S.T. H. I-Iaug) , )1inneapolis, )linn. Berryman, 'V. I., Washington, Pa.e+Attorney-at-Law. Blackburn, Ida E., Stahlstown, Pa.-(iraduate of "-oman's Medical College, Philadelphia. Cassidy, Amanda, Pittsburgh, Pa.-Teacher in Hiland School. Cleaver, Mattie J., Allegheny, Pa.-Teacher. Collins, Wilmot, Dravosburg, Pa.-Principal of Schools. Cook, ~1attie 1., (~1rs. Rev. C.• L Clark), Webster, Pa. Cooper, "'alter L., Derrick City, Pa.-Principal of Schools, Coulter, Carrie E., Monongahela, Pa.-Teacher. Finley, Belle )1., (Mrs. Rankin), (lreensburg, Pa. Hackney, Lide E., Kew Salem, Pa.-Teacher. Hart, Ella L., (MI'S. Geo. Henning), Pittsburgh, Pa. Hartranft, Belle, (Mrs. 'V. S. Bryan), Brownsville, Pa. Hustead, Josephine M., (Mrs. Edward Snider), Uniontown, Pa, Hutton, D. S., Buena Yista, Pa.-Physician. Johnston, Oscar S., Muskingum, Ohio.-Teacher. Jones, Minnie, (l\II'S. Geo. P. Weaverling), Homestead, Pa, Jones, Bertie, Homestead, Pa.-Teacber. Jones, \Villiam 1-1.,Bentleysville, Pa.-Teacher. Lilley, Laura L., (Ml'S. A. N. McKinzie), Cholarne, Cal. McClure, John C., Los Angeles, Cal.s--Civil Engineer. McCollum, J. Roscoe, Dows, Iowa.-Teacher. McKnight, Ada 1\1.,118 Fremont st., Allegheny, Pa.-Teacher. Newmyer, Win. ll., Dawson, Pa.t--Teacher. Nutt, Maud, (Mrs. F. E. Pelton). Blltler, Pd,. Overly, Ada, Ridge View, Pa.v=Teucher. Calt/ornz'a, f1/asllz'llgtollCounty, Pa. -- CL.I..SS OF 1883.-CO:-iT[:-il:ED. Patton, Celia .\.., -cnionto\Yl l,Pa'-pTeaC~r)er. I "'"ldie D. , Pleasant uruty, a.- oac rer. p~ ble,", ," Pfla.~terer, .I..nna R., ()Iri'. Rel-. Fait), Onadark?,.Indian Territory. Pittman, John H., )IcConnellsburg, P'l.-PhYl'lClan. . Rei~. Lily R, pIn'. Fred w. King), ()9lG Perry ave., Englewood, Ill.. R sh Charles "'., Dawson, Pa.-Teacher. :;'d~r, .1..1Iie)1..' p1rs. Wm. Lytle), West Elizabeth, Pa. wckdale, )Iaggle, Los Angeles, Cal. utherland, J. l L, Xel\' Cumberland, W. \'a.-~Iinister. utherlaml, L. 0., Beham, Pa.-)1ini,ter. wearer, Lizzie )Iay, (~1rs. Rev. A. Bash), Esplanade st., Allegheny, Pa. Thomp~on, John.-Died July 18, lk8(). Tombaugh, B. E., Washington, Pa.-Supt. Washington County. Tor rence, Kate M.-Deceased. Weitzel, Sue, Greensburg, Pa---Teacher. CLA.SS OF 1884. Bierer, Retta C., Uniontown, Pa.-Teacher. Bell, J. :F., Elgin, I1l.-Physician. Berkey, J. A., Somerset, Pa.-District Attorney. Dunn, )1. Eo, Mcridan, Kan.v=Minister. Galley, Belle :X., plrs. w. X. Stahl), Swissvale, Pa. Gallagher, G. w., Nell- Hayen, Pa.-Physician. Gamble, W. E., Boundary City, \Y;lsh.-Teacher. Guffey, :\fary 1[" (i.\Irl'. J. S. Eberman ), Died March 1,1893. Hertzog, EI\'a )1., California, Pa.-Died. Hertig, Wendell, )Iinneapolis, )Iinn.-.Utorney-at-Lal\'. Holland, Rena C., phs. Robt. H. Hook), Uniontown, Pa. Humbert, J. 1., Alleghany, Pa.e-Theologrcal Rtudent. Jami(:;on, J. F., Uniontown, Pa.-In P. H. R. Office. K.efo\'er, C. F., Uniontown, Pa.-.Utorney-aL-Law. Lmw..ay, Effie B., Brownsville, Pa.-Teacber. Longanl'cker, Carrie E., (Xlrs, D. "\\'. Sholmlter), Springfield, Ohio. Lon~on, J. C., West Finley, Pa.-Teacber. cKet', ,Jo~. II., Woochille, Pa.-Physician. ~ O~tt, Cora B.-Died August 20, 188(). erkm~, Emma ~I. '''ebster Pa Pollock J H B '. "" ufTalo, K 1.-.Utorney-at-Law. P ratt Mary F J II ,. R" ,., ewe City, Karu---Teacher. 199, d .• 1...,Crafton, Pa .....:..)Iinistfl'. unders '"C'·':' 'I ~Iverton, Pa.e+Bookkccper. UveUB 'r' • J mith 'J' 7:,93 Diamond st., Pittsburgh, Pa.s--Attorney-at-Law. hut~rl en~lc ., (Mrs. Clyde Kimball), Dunbar, Pa. akelleici .t;na, California, Pa.-Libmrian Nonnal School. Uson E' ato, Connellsville, Pa.-Teacher. , mIlIa M., (MrR. P. T. Uamble), Pittsburgh, Pa. 55 Soutinoestern. Stale j\'ormal School, CLAf'S OF 1885. Adair, :'I1aggic :J1., 20 First st., Allegheny, Pa.-Teacher. Bell, Radie, Idlewood, Pa.-Teacher. Bridgeman, Gertrude, Xewark, Del. Orowthers, R. C., Cincinnati, Ohio.t--With Lysle Coal Co. Greathead, Carrie S., :J1cConne\lsburg, Pa.-Teacber in Belle Vernon, Pa. Hoover, Elda X., (:J1rs. Chas. A. Peters). Dean, :J1inn. Hopkins, Ara, (Mrs. Henry Allman), Garwood, Pa. Hugbes, Hattie E., Lebanon, Pa.-Student in Medical College, N. Y. City. Huntley, Orella, (Mrs. Geo. Dixon), "Uniontown, Pa. Hornbake, Jos. D., California, Pa. Keys, Mary, (Mrs. T. Graham) Haddenvillc, Pa. Lewellen, Leroy 'V., ~ew Salem, Pa.-::\1inistcr. Morgan, Lizzie, California, Pa.-Bookkceper. Porter, Hettie 1\1., Stoneboro, Pa.-Teacher. Raub, l\Iame, (Mrs. Chas. D. Evans), Newark, Del. Rothwell, A. Lee, California, Pa.-Teacher. Swan, Mattie, (Mrs. James Goe), Tippecanoe, Pa. 'Watters, Minnie E., (Mrs. Jas. Darsie ), Munhall, Pa. ,Veaber, .Annie E., Fredericksburg, Pa.-Teacher. 'Wilson, Carrie E., Charleroi, Pa.-Teacher. Worcester, Clara B., (:'IIrs. G. E. Dresser), Pittsburgh, Pa.-Teacher. Woolsey, On'ille I., :J1orris X Roads, Pa.-Tl'ucher. CLASS OF 18 'u. Armstrong, Bell, Farmer City, Iowa.c--Toachcr in Tligh School. Chalfant, Luna C., (Mrs. Frye), Charleroi, Pa. Cbalfant, O. ., Washington, Pa.-Attorney-at-Law. Chalfant, Harry M., Carmichaels, Pa.i--Xlinister. Cope, Florence x., (:Jlrs. T. S. L1Ckf'Y), Ann Arbor, :Jlich. Debolt, William, Mapletown, Pa.-Principal of Greensboro Schools. Downer, E\"a C., (:J1rs. E. W. Chubb), Platte\'ille,I\'is. Hertzog, Lucy 1"., Carrollton, Ohio.v=Physieian. Hockenberry, J. Coulter, Cbester, Pa.-Principal of Schools. Jenkins, Annie :J1., (:J1rs. F. R. Hall), California, Pa. Kinder, Avie, R:enery Hill, Pa. l\IcGill, E. E., Good Intent, Pa.-Teacher. :llIcGinnis, Carrie, Ten :JIile, Pa.-Teacher. i\1cConegley, IV. L., Homestead, Pa. Moore, :J[aud, IVest Newton, Pa.--Teacher. Smith, C. 1\1., Pittsburgh, Pa.-Bookkeeper. Snodgras , U. IV., Rising Sun, Ind.c--Minlstor. Teeters, Nettie C., (l\lrR. George If. Linn), Monongahela, Pa. Thomas, E F., Smithfield, Pa.-Principallhnkin (111.) Schools. California, Wash£ngton County, Fa. 57 CLASS OF 1886.-CO~TINUED. t S P Brownsville, Pa.-Teacher. Wes, 'L'n ~t Paul "IIinn.-Teacher in High School. Wilson, . .," , . . . tt <:; E Waynesburg, Pa.-PhyslC"mn. Wll1ge ,>.c. ., P • Annie R., (Xlrs, Charles Swan), Heiste~burg, a. ~ood(" t'ficate g~anted to Louise E. Baker, Uniontown, Pa.-Teacher. tate er 1 • CLASS OF 1887. ran J . D ., Coal Centre, Pa.-::\1erchant. Berry n...., Brant John A., Ligonier, Pa. . , R )1 ,Yashington Pa.-Instructor III W. and J. College. Curry: h'a·m" -rtr D St Thomas Ontario-·Minister. Cunmng ,""" , Da rs ie , Priscilla, Uniontown, Pa.-Te.c'lcber. l' . Flanigan, A. R., Algona, Iowa--1\ inister, Fritzius Jennie N.,' (Mrs. S. H. :McGeal'Y), Homestead, Pa. Guffey, 'Albert A., ,Valls, Pa.-Principal of Schools. Hallam, James B., Strabane, Pa.-Teacher. Jolmson, Effie 1\1,-Died 1893. Keys, Hugh 1., Vanderbilt, Pa. . . Kiehl, Harry L., Washington, Pa.-PhySlCmn. Mayhugh, Jo eph F., Elizabeth, Pa. cDonough, Bernette, California, Pa. Powell, Anna 1\1., (l\Irs. Charles Ashley), Homestead, Pa. Rader, Vinoent, West Elizabeth, Pa.-Physician. Ruple, Anna C., Washington, Pa.-Teacher. Reeves, Becca, Belle Vernon, Pa.-Teacher in Homestead. mans, Frank ::\1., Uniontown, Pa.--Bank Teller. heeran, Lizzie 1\1.,150 James st., Allegheny, Pa.-Teacher. toekdale, Elladora, (:\lrs. W. C. ':J1cKean)--Died :JIay 3, 1890. tiffy, Clara Z., Beaver, Pa.-Teacber. Ward, Ethel, (Mrs. G. ::\1. Danley), California, Pa.-Teacher in Homestead, Pa. CLASS OF 1 8. Ailes, i"tephen G., California, Pa.-Editor J[essengfl'. A~~legate, W111.A., Ann Arbor, :JIich. Billingsley, Yada, California, Pa.-Teacher. ~Yd: ~la.ry E., 2~3 Sixth sr., Portland, Oregon.-Teacher. nh ~, Grant. ::\I.-Died October 31 1889. ~oWle~, ('eo. 1L, Braddock, Pa.-Pl:incipal of lligh School. eho, Harriet, California Pa.-Teacher. G unn AI' ' Lo ' (a, Ehzabeth, Pa.-Teacher. ~uter, Wm., Cadwallader Pa.-Allegheny College Student. :u nuell, Ella xr., ::\lcKeesp~rt, Pa.-'l'eacher. ou~~.Josephine, (Mrs. Leyda), Beaver Falls, Pa. ier, )1abel, BelleYernon, Pa.-Teacher in 5th,Vard School, Allegheny. 58 Soia/uoester»: State Normal School, CLASS OF 1888.-CoXTIXliED. McFarland, Mary E., 4409 Cypress st., Pittsburgh, Pa.-Teacher. Mulhollan, Clam M., (Mrs. Brown), Belle Vernon, Pa. Iarquis, Amber :'II., Burgettstown, Pa.-Teacher. Nickeson, Frances, (Mrs. II. G. Lincoln), Carmichaels, Pa. Patterson, Eva, Asheville, N. C.-Teacher ill Female College. Packer, Flom B., Braddock, Pa.-Teacher. Peairs, I"~. F ..• uterville, Pa.--Physician. Parker, Geo., West'Finley, Pa.-Law Student at Pittsburgh. Powell, Van B., Pittsburgh, Pa.v--Attorney-at-Law. Roley, Minnie, (Mrs. Ed. A. Riddle), Belle Vernon, Pa. Stephens, Ada P., Redstone, Pa.-Teacher in West Xe\\'ton. Stephens, Hannah E., West Elizabeth, Pa.-Teacher. Stewart, Chas., Pittsburgh, Pa.-Stenogmpher. Singer, Clam, California, Pa.-Teacher in Pittsburgh. Scott, Radie C., Florence, Pa.-Teacher. Teggart, Em, ( Irs, C. :'II. Smith), Pittsburgh, Pa. Vance, Anna ~1., Burgettstown, Pa.-Teacher. CLASR OF 1889. Ache, Jennie, Uniontown, Pa.-Teacher. Baker, Allie F., (Mrs. Grant Hillis), Alliance, Ohio. Brown, Lillian, West Newton, Pa.-Teacher. Berthel, Anna, :l\It. Pleasant, Pa.-Teacher. Crawford, Nettie J., 72 Sedgwick st., Allegheny, Pa. Coursin, Minnie St. C., n1cKeesport, Pa.-Teacher. Cunningham, Millie, 'Wampum, Pa.-Teacher. Darsie, Catherine, Uniontown, Pa. Dague, Ida S., Monongahela, Pa.-Teacher. Eichbaum, Mary, Mahoningtown, Pa.v-Teacher. Goo, Ada, Tippecanoe, Pa.-Teacher. Gilmore, Maggie, West Elizabeth. Pa.-Teacher. Hertzog, Annie I., California, Pa.'-Teacher. Hugg, Ida, Belle Vernon, Pa.-Teacher. Jamison, Lizzie A., Monongahela, Pa.-Teacher. Josephs, :Uary A., Pittsburgh, Pa.-Teacher. Kinder, Anna, West Brownsville, Pa.-Teacher. Lilley, Sadie, California, Pa. Lewis, Bert, 512 Smithfield st., Pittsburgh, Pa.-Bank Clerk. Long, James C., California, Pa.-Electrician at Normal School. Luckey, Joseph M., Dawson, Pa.-Teacher. McMunn, Minnie A., 109 Market st., Allegheny, Pa.-Teacher. Musgrave, Lizzie, (JHr~. Geo. Lawson), Shousetown, Pa. Musgrave, Josephine, Shousetown, Pa.-Teacher. California, Washington County, Pa. - 59 CLASS OF 188D.-COXTIXCED. O1e~,Ella S., Johnstown, Pa.-Teacher. _ eet n 'Iinnie California, Pa.-Teacher at :'IIch.eesport. () , ." .,. itl Lee Uniontown Pa.-Pr!11clpalof Schools. SJnI 1" ' Teggart, Ella.-Died February 5, 18U2. Vogl'l, :'IIary, (Mrs. Jas. Young), Webster, Pa, Van YOOl'his, Sallie, Monongahela, Pa.-Teacher. }"Blt CLAS~ OF 1890. !n Qllllpbell, Janet, California, Pa.-Teacher Charleroi ', Duncan, .\.Rna, "Gnionto\\'n, Pa.-Teacher III Connellsnlle. F08tcr, Xlartha :1\1., :'IlcKeesport, Pa.-Tcacher. Goodman, Fannie, (Mrs. Kenneth Watkins), Jacobs Creek, Pa. Gass, Emma, Allegheny, Pa.-Teacher. Gallagher, Ida, ,Yest Xewton, Pa.-Teacher. Greathead, Fannie, Connellsyi\lc, Pa.-Teacher. Gumbert, Ida, Elizabeth, Pa.-Teacher. Hank, Olive .T., )Ionongahela, Pa.-Teacher. Higbee, Lizzie B., Venetia, Pa.-Teacher. ., Hornbake, Xannie B., plrs. Jeff. Hornbake), California, Pa. HU1'l't, Anna, pIre. ,V. J. Latimer), New Alexandria, Pa, Kinney, Lucy, 21 Rivcr ave., Allegheny, Pa.-Teacher. Lace, Ella :'II., Redstone, Pa.-Teacher. Leech, Linnie E., South Burgettstown, Pa.-Teacher. McC'rickart, :'IIauc1e,Pittsburgh, Pa.-Teacher. McWhirter, :'Ilamie, Plrs. J. O. :'Ileanor), Yirsoix, Pa. :McKown, Georgia, Coraopolis, Pa.-Teachel' in Second Ward, Allegheny, Pa. Murray, :'IIary, Allegheny, Pa.-Teacher. Reed, Anna, McKeesport, Pa.-Teacher. Richard, Gertrude, Latrobe, Pa.-Teacher. mith, Clara, Connellsville, Pa.-Teacher. ibbit, Ella, Coal Centre, Pa.-Teacher. terling, Bell R., Masontown, Pa.-Teacher. terling, Chat, )Ial'onto\\'n, Pa.-Teacher. Taylor, Lida.-Died September 16, 1890. ~oma;., -Iennis, "Tebster, Pa.-Teacher. ,.,onbalaH,Salli R., \Vebster, Pa.-Teachcr. Y" est v". La ura, '"I' .1'_ izabetb, Pa.-Tcacher. arnell, ~tella, California, Pa.-Teacher. ld,.Jc!<.' • ., d . ' EJ' C Uniontown Pa --ASSistant Principal Redstone Aca emy. Phillips, 1 ., " wail ~muel :'11., Braddock, Pa.s-=Law Student. 'tl' 'Calvin L. Derry, Pa.-Principal of Scbools. JDl 1,' . I 0f Scl100lS. . I1, Ira I..I., Cadwallader (Bridgeport), Pa.- P'rmcipa SUllt . Wilson, Harry 'V., 19 East College ave., St. Paul, Minn. CLASS OF 1892. Andrews, Anna M., Bulger, Pa.-Teacher. :Barnes, Jennie, Duquesne, Pa.-Teacher. Bell Man' B., Idlewood, Pa.-Teacher. Billingsley, Romaine, California, Pa.-Teacher in }Iodel School. Qunpbell, Lucy, West Elizabeth, Pa.-Teacher. Cline, Venia, (Mrs. James Hamilton), Windy Gap, Pa. Conger, Emma G., Lindley's Mills, Pa.-Teacher in 'West Washington. Dague, Anna, Odell, Pa.-Teacher. Enoch, Lizzie F., Lone Pine, Pa.-Teacher. Gabler, Mary C., Brownsville, Pa.-Teacher. Gallagher, Eleanor, West Newton, Pa.-Teacher. Geary, Inria J., Midway, Pa.-Teacher. Goodall, Vella, Belle Vernon, Pa.--Teacher. Greathead, Elsie S., Wilkinsburg, Pa.-Teacher. Hester, Margaret L., Monongahela, Pa.-Teacher. Horne, Flora, Washington, Pa.-Teacher of Drawing. Killius, Hannah E., Coal Centre, Pa.-Teacher. lAtimore, )1innie .\.., 'Vest Xewton, Pa.-Teacher. Longdon, Arizona H., Lindley's Iills, Pa.--Teacher. t>ughman, Lida J., Uniontown, Pa.-Teacher. ~le, Maude E., Washington, Pa.-Teacher. e oy! Ada J., West Middletown, Pa.-Teacher. ~n, Ella B., Rostraver, Pa.-Teacher. cOl rkle, )1. Dora, Scottdale, Pa.-Teacber. CIn~re, Etta May, Charleroi, Pa.-Teacher. laiyre, Mary H., )lcKeesport, Pa.-Teacher. Patter:; ~ude, Coraopolis, Pa.-Teacher at Roscoe. 'D....... n, leanor 'V., McKeesport Pa -Teacher ·"'!el'8On L di ,., PhiUipe '~ ia G., Duquesne, Pa.-Tcacher. ry Po ll, 'Eva J.! Mc~eesport, Pa.-Teacher. II Eete'IICahforma, Pa.-Assistant P. M. . , e, California, Pa.-Teacher at Homestead. 61 Southwestern State Normal School, GLARS OF 1892.-Co:-lTl:-lUED. mith, Margaret, Beadling, Pa.-Teacher. Steffey, Mary B., Duquesne, Pa.-Teacher. Watt, Rachel D., Ohioville, Pa.--Teacher. Watt, Josephine L., Ohioville, Pa.-Teacher. Baker, Harry T., East Bethlehem, Pa.-Prin. ,Yo :\Iiddletown School. Carter, Chas. E., California, Pa.-Law Student at Ann Arbor. Chalfant, Alva, Perryopolis, Pa.-Teacher. Colebank, Lawrence 'Y., Crafton. Pa.-Principalof School. Fazenbaker, Walter, Farmington, Pa.-Teacher. Garwood, Clyde H., Brownsville, Pa.-Teacher. Graff, Frank, Meadville, Pa. Hart, John S., "'est Newton, Pa.-Teacher. Horton, Edmund T., East Bethlehem, Pa.-Teacher. Husk, Thos. 0., Coal Centre, Pa.-Student 'Yest Penn Medical College, Pittsburgh. Knotts, William C., Braddock, Pa.-Principal of 'Yard School. Meyers, Ira B.-Teacher in Cook Co. Normal School, Chicago, Ill. Orange, Ulysses S., Charleroi, Pa.-Merchant. Phillips, Milton, Shousetown, Pa.-Principal of Schools. Powell, Archibald, Latrobe, Pa.-Principal of Schools. Sloan, Thomas P., Wilna, Pa.-Principal of Roscoe Schools. Smith, Chas. S., West Leisenring, Pa.-Teacher. Washabaugh, J. S., Beck's ;\[ills, Pa.-Teacher. CLASS OF 1893. Carroll, Bertha F., Homestead, Pa.-Teacher. Fell, Jennie M., McKeesport, Pa.-Teacher. Gilmore, Blanche, 'Vebster, Pa.-Teacher in Duquesne. Karns. Cornelia R.. Tarentum, Pa.-TeH.cher. Lewellen, Lizzie Y., California, Pa.-Teacher in )Iodel School. Lough, Lona, (Mrs. Bowlby,) Dunkard, Pa. Miller, Elsie 1., )It. Pleasant, Pa.-College student, Mt, Union, O. Miller, :\Iary K., 17 Industry st., Pittsburgh, Pa. McKee, Margery H., Carnegie, Pa.-Teacher. Patterson, Lulu, Fayette City, Pa.-Stlldent in Oberlin College, O. Phillips, Maggie H., Searights, Pa.-Teacher. Powell, adie, Coal Bluff, Pa.-Teacher. Singer, Jennie M., California, Pa.-Teacher at St. Lawrence, Pa. Singer, Kate M., California, Pa.-Teacher. Spragg, Chilnissa H., Chicago, Ill.-Teacher. Tomer, Amelia M., Monongahela, Pa.-Teacher. Tilton, Laura, (Mrs. T. B. Craig, Jr.,) Claysville, Pa. Boydston, J. D., Mt. Morris, PH.-Teacher. Calz!oynia, Washington County, Pa. CLASS OF 1893.-Co;-;'l'!:-IUED. ' F' California, Pa.-Teacher in )Iodel School. Car' I k F,. ,., Fien't~ne, :X. B., Christy Park, Pa.-;Principal.of ,·?hool. Hummel, Redolpho.-Rtudent at" estern University. Lewi~, L. Ross, "'ilmerding, PJ.-Ba.nk Clerk. iller 1". ('rlll1t.-Rtudent at :\It. U11l011College. :tch~lI, David E., O,llifornia, Pa.-Principal of West Belle Vernon Schools. loan, Bernard C., "'ihm, Pa.--Teacher. eddt'lI, Joseph B., ~I?narch, Pa.-Teacher. CL.\.~S OF 189-1. Iten, :\[argaret, :\[onongahela, Pa.-Teacher. ltman, Ora R., :\Iasontown, Pa, Baldwin, Ruth .J., 508 Kelly ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Berthel, Gertrude, l\lt. Pleasant, Pa.-Teacher. Black, )[argaret A., Duquesne, Pa.-Teacher. Boyd, Ram ~L, Tarentum, Pa.-Teacher. Boyd, Jean, Elizabeth,. Pa.-Teacher. Boydston, Anna )1., l\It. Morris, Pa.-Teacher. Brown, Jessie, "Uniontown, Pa.-Teachcr. Campbell, Leonora, "'est Elizabeth, Pa. Cmmrine, Lucy E., Zollarsvillc, Pa. Dalby, )Iargaret E., Monongahela, Pa. -Teacher. Eckels, Fannie K., "'est Brownsville, Pa. Eisaman, Lillie )1., Knoxville, Pa.-Teacher. Eisaman, Ada K., Knoxville, Pa. Fife, Alma E., )[cKeesport, Pa.-Teacher. Fowles, )[arjorie, California. Pa.-Teacher. :Srrison, Lotta 1., Xarrona, Pa.-Teacher. o~man, )1ilk'l. A., Belle Vernon, Pa. Jenkins, " ellie, Coraopolis, Pa. Knotts Berth 1'. Kuhn ' . a, ,"11l0ntowll, Pa.-Teacher . . " )1. Hilda, Homestead, Pa.-Teacher. ~more, Hettie A., "'est Xewton, Pa.-Teacher. ~. Ethel I., Fayette City, Pa.-Teacher. :Kim~ey, Ina, Lock Xo. 3, Pa.-Teacher. n iUer ;:" A~na 0., Elk Lick, Pa.-Teachc·r. Parks: MO~ih., 307 ~eun'a ave., Allegheny, Pa.-Teacher. Patten Be e C., UnIOntown, Pa.-Teacher. Rice, Bert~le'iIomestead, Pa.~Teacher. • hard Fa., Burgettstown, Pa.-Teacher. , ranees Lat be P thwell Li .' ro, a.-Teacher. , ZZle L C lif . ley. Kate W ., a I or~Ia, Pa.-Teacher . ., Brownsville, Pa.-Teacher. Southwestern State Normal Schooi. -. CLASS OF 189-1.-CO)lTINUED. Spahr, Radie B., Roscoe, Pa.-Teacher. Spragg, :'IIargaret H., Spraggs, Pa.-Teacher. Steele, Maggie E., McKeesport, Pa.-Teacher. Swihart, Ella ,V., Odell, Pa.-Teacher. ~--...... Wood, Elsie, Elco, Pa.-Teacher. ~ Allen, Edwin R-Diecl October 30, 189-1. Bail', W. E., Beallsville, Pa.~rincipa~ Washington Schools. Barnes, J. Q., Bruceton, W, Ya.-Teach~ Brown, Frank C., West Newton, Pa.-Teacher. Bryan, \\'. H., Scottdale, Pa.-TC<'tcher. Carson, John, Allenport, Pa. Cisney, .\...J., Pittsburgh, Pa.-Principal of Newsboys' School. Fazenbaker, Alvey, Farmington, Pa, Fritz, Chas. D., Pine Hill, Pa.-Teacher. Fritz, 'Vm. D., Pine Hill, Pa.-Teacher. Gamble, H. L., l\lonongahela, Pa.-Student in W. & J. College. Henderson, D. 'Y., Tippecanoe, Pa.-Teacher. Hertzog, Karl S., California, Pa.-Teacher. Kretchman, \\'. J., Berlin, Pa.-Principal of Schools. Kunkleman, Geo. P., Dravosburg, Pa.-Teacher. Miller, R G., 17 Industry street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mock, It. D., Pavia, Pa.-Teacher. Moore, w. J., Trent, Pa.-Teacher. Rhoads,1-1. S., Lull, Pa.-Teacher. Ross, Chas., Coal Centre, Pa.-Principal of Schools. Staley, R G., Beallsville, Pa.-Teacher. Streng, .\...A., Latrobe, Pa.-Yice Principal of Latrobe School. Suhrie, "\...L., Osceola, Pa.-Teacher in High School. Tipton, John, West End, Pa.-Teachel'. Wallace, Clarence E., Derry Station, Pa.-Yice Principal of Schools. ~~~~~ 000000000000000