SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL CATALOGUE -OF THE- SOUTHWESTERN State Normal School TENTH DISTRICT, CO {PO ED OF THE COU TIES OF WASH I GTO FAYETTE, GREENE , AND SOMERSET. California, Washington County, Pa. PITTSBURGH, STEVENSON & FOSTBR, PA. PH INTERS, 527-529 Wood Street. PAGE. Calendar, , , Board of Trustees , , Standing Committees, , , State Board of Examiners, Board of Instruction, General Information, Historical, , Senior Class, Junior Class, Catalogue of Students-aLadies . , Gentlemen, , , Model School Pupils, , Summary of Attendance Courses of StudyElementary Course, , Post-Graduate Course, Scientific Course, , Departments of the School, ew Building-Science Hall , Lectures, , , Literary Societies, , , Special Methods Work , Library, , , , , Donations to Library , Examinations, , Diplomas, , , " , Suggestions to Prospective Students, , , Expenses, , State Aid, , Text Books, Alumni Register, , : , ' 4Afen~o.r. 5 6 7 7 ,8-9 10 II 12 13 Ex 1,,1" Blce 14-20 , 20-24 , 25-27 28 " 41 41 ,41-42 42 42-43 44 44 45 46 46 47 .48-57 11"ll'J{E.I'L'E SI,J{~I()X, /\ J.l'~1 X I RECEl'fJOX ALl .\"'\1 29 29 30 , 31-39 40 I I'Ill X OF SEX lOR A~IJ JllX[PR \1"1 AXl) B,IX'~l'E'L' II. C()XT1'~"T OF LITERARY Thursday,JlI/y CIAlllslc. Grammar, Rhd~:·ic, General /flsto1)'. FRA K R. ELI 1\1.E., IIALL, ESSELlUS, S/~)'d. {Vritillg and U. S. Hislory. Drmoing, J. L. WELTER, A. 1\1., TOReA, LIZZIE 1. E., A ssistant ilt IIft,del Sck>ol. 1\'<,llIral Science. TIELL M. D vv, A 'NA SHCTTERLY, 1. E., Librarian, Zo'l~g)' W. S. and //lsIOl)'. BRYAN, L K, GeograpHY and Algebra. MRS. n. 1. SIOCKOALF.. IIlalr~11. EDWIN W. CHUBB, A. M., E1Igiish Grammar. JULIA M. Form Slud)' PATTEN, A. B, 0111/D,-.rwing. FA. I) 10 ----------- 80C'1'IIJI'ESTERN ST.1TE "YOR.lIrIL 8C'IIOOL, ----------- d3'~n~raeJnformaiion+ £,ocCltion. The Southwestern State Normal School is beautifully and healthfully located on the left bank of the Monongahela Pittsburgh. river fifty miles from It is in the heart of the Monongahela valley, convenient of access by trains or river packets, having three trains and a packet each way, daily, between Pittsburgh and California. GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS. The school grounds consist of ten acres, covered with a beautiful sod, aud planted flowers. with ornamental and shade trees, shrubbery and There are three buildings-a central massive and imposing edifice, having the general form of a Greek cross, and two wings, used as dormitories-the one by ladies, the other by gentlemen. The plan of the buildings, providing two entirely separate dormitories, and placing these adjacent to the main building, rather than in it (thus making it unnecessary to have high stories, inconvenient to reach and dangerous thoughtful. in case of fire), commends itself at once to the The chapel, on the second floor of the main building, is a magnificent hall, not surpassed, if equalled, in any similar school in the State. It is IIO feet long, 44 feet wide and capacity for one thousand persons. 22 feet high, and has seating The students' rooms are large and pleasant. steam and provided with good furniture. They are heated with CALIFORNIA, THE Southwestern WASHINGTON COUNTY, 11 PA. State Normal School is one of twelve schools having the powers and privileges of State the laws of Pennsylvania. ormal Schools under There are in the State thirteen" orrnal School Districts," in each of which, except the fourth, a school has been established. The first of these schools to receive" recognition" as a State Normal was the one at Millersville, Lancaster county, in 1859. This school was officially recognized in 1874, as the State Normal School for the Tenth District, composed of the counties of Washington, Fayette, Greene and Somerset. The school is the outgrowth of an academy, first opened in 1852, two years after the laying out of the borough of California. A bill incorporating the California Academy with the privileges of a State Normal School was vetoed by Governor I 865 the school was chartered Normal College." under The corner-stone was laid August 26th, 1868. school purposes in 1870. Packer in 1859. In the name of "Southwestern of the present Main Building The Main Building was first used for The Ladies' Dormitory was first used about four years later, and the Gentlemen's Dormitory about six years later. The business affairs of each State Normal School are managed by a board of eighteen trustees, two-thirds holders (or contributors), of whom are elected by stock- and one-third appointed by the State Super- intendent of Public Instruction. Every student of a State Normal School, above seventeen years of age, intending to teach in the common schools of Pennsylvania, is entitled to receive fifty cents a week towards defraying expense of tuition; and each graduate who agrees to teach two years, receives a cash bonus of fifty dollars. more than the required their life-work. time, A great majority of graduates and very many teach adopt teaching as 12 so [TTITlI'NST,,;n,Y STA 7'E "YOn.lf.·1L SCHOOL, TGTOY C'O[T:I'TY PA. 11'ASlTIJ'-. • _" __ ' CA1,IFOJlNIA, 3unio\' 13 _ ~f"66. LADIES' LADIES. Applegate, Harriet Jean, Moyle, Lily Annetta, Armstrong, Irene May, Morgan, Bentley, Mary Morneycr, Letitia Luella, Linerva, 1artha Smith, Burke, Florence Vane, McGrtw, Mary Arbanna, DeHaven, Elizabeth Mae, McKown, Jennie Edith, Hutton Lura Adda, Reis, May Althea, Jennings, Lucinda Jane, We tbay, Hattie Corrona, Keener, Eva l\by, Lilley, Henrietta Miller, . Zook, Mary Florence. GENTLEMEN. Bowman, John William, Latimer, William James. Boyd, Elmer Ellsworth, Morgan, Albert Thomas, Brightwell, William Delancy, Martin, William Huston, Corneille, Henry William, Phillips, Eli Cope, Day, Ransom Marion, Smail, Samuel Mark, Dils, Hugh Calvin, Smith, Calvin Luther, Dickey, Charles Emet, Smith, Ira Lucius, Howe, William Caldwell, Whitsett, Ray E<;tep, Hertzog, Walter Scott, Wilson, Harry White. McClure, Etta, M Kinney, Ina, McLain, iaude, McClain, Ella, ~rcKee, Iadgc, Meloy, Ada J., utt, Olive J., Patterson, Eleanor \V., Peterson, Lida, Phillips, Mary J., Powell, Estelle, Powell, Eva B., Stephenson, Liaie, Smith, Margaret, Smith, Iary, Steffy, Mary B., Watt, Rachel D., Watt, Josephine L , Andrews, Anna, Bell, Iar y, Billingsley, Romaine, Campbell, Lucy, Conger, Emma G., Dague, Anna, Gabler, Mary B., Gallagher, Eleanor, Geary, Maria J., Gilmore, Margaret J., (;oodall, Vella, II orne, Flora, Loughman, Lida J., Linton, Cora B., Latimore, Minnie A., Lough, Lona, Lytle, Maude, McCork le, Dora ~1., Macurdy, O. Blanche, GENTLEME.N Baker, Harry T., Carter, Charles E., Chalfant, Alva, Colebank, Lawrence \V., Crouch, \Villiam E., Graff, Frank, Hart, John S., Husk, Orlando, Knotts, William C., McEldowney, I-Tarry, Meyers, Ira B., Orange, Iysses S., Phillips, filton, Smith, Charles S., Sloan, Thomas P., Washabaugh, J. S., Weddell, Joseph B. 14 SOU'L'IIII'ES'I'ERN STA 'L'R NOllilfAL CALIli'Oll~VIA, lV'ISJIIN07'ON .. SCHOOL, ~Vame. ~taeogu~ Crouch, Ebie J., Crouch, Florence A., Crouch Lizzie M., Crow, Mary B" Conger, Emma G., Clegg, Laura ;\1., of ~tu~rnt6'. 1890-91. (!),ormltf i)epltriment. LADIES. Name, Abell, Margaret J., Applegate, Harriet ]., Armstrong, Irene Albright Susan, Ackinclose, Mary D., Andrews, Anna M., Altman, Ora S., Altman, Ola T., Ankrom, Jennie L., Andrews Ina M., Boyd, Nellie, Billingsley, Romaine, Brenton, Emma, Bentley Mary r., Brevard, Kittie, Bell, Mary R., Beazell, Lillia Boyd, Jennie, 1 L., B1ankenbuehler, Mary, Burke, Hattie P., Burke, Florence, Bamford, Alice, Bossart, Lydia S., Brownlee, Mary T., Baker, Lora V. Beazell, Pauline, Birkensha, Aggie, Blair, Meta, Craft, Josie. Campbell Mary 5., ClJ)W, Lizzie C., Campbell, Maggie, Chester, Avolena, Carroll, Bertha, Clarke, Maude. Campbell, Lucy, I'osl Office. California, \Vest Alexander, Brownsville, Roscoe, McDonald, Cal ifornia, Waynesburg, Bulger, Allenport, California, \Vest Brownsville, Monongahela City, California, Idlewood, California, Elizabeth, Shire Oaks, Farmington, " County. \Vash ington, " " " Speers, Beharn, Coal Centre, West Elizabeth, " ,e " " ,e " " e, Allegheny, \Vashington, Allegheny, Washington Marion, ,e Washington,. ",c " Greene, Washington, vi'estmoreland, ,c " " " " Fayette Wilna, " Pa. " Derry Station, West Middletown, Uniontown, California, Fayette City, California, Stale. \Vashington, Washington, Fayette " " "e, W. \'a Pa. " Washington, e, Fayette, \Vashington, " " " " " .c " c, 'c " " Allegheny, DeHaven, Elizabeth, Dawson, Cora, Dague, Anna, Day, Edith, Davis, Effie, Dixon, Myrtle V., Day, Minnie L , Dinsmore, Annie E., Davidson, Clara M., Davis, Julia A., Donaldson, Allie M., Dailey, Kate, Dewar, Ella, Edmundson, Lida, Eisaman, Lillie, French, Alpha, Freeman, Jennie, Forsythe, Hettie, Frantz, Ella E., Ferguson, Zelia M., Fry, Ella P, Francis, Anna D., Fergus, Hallie B , Ford, Mary V., Fowles, Iargery A., Gabler, Mary E., Goodall, Vella, Giles, Lillian, Gallagher, Eleanor C., Greenwood, Ella, Gaddis, Luella, Greiner, Queen L., Gantz, Jennie M., Graham, Mary, Gilmore, Maggie, Geary, Maria J., Glunt, Stella, Garland, Rosa, Halferty, Blanche Y, lIi11, Alpha. Hall, Anna J., omc« Post 15 COUN7'Y, PA. Coal Centre, Fredericktown, Oounti). Washington, ,c "c, ,c Fayette, Washington, e, u " " " " " Odell, Coal Centre, e, " " T \Vest N'ewton, Gibsonton, Upper Middletown, Jeannette, Prosperity, :\1:onongahela City, Webster, Midway, California, " New Florence, Garwood, California, .c " "u " "u Laboratory, Fayette, Fayette City, Allegheny, Unity Station, Fayette, Ruble, Washington, Allenport, Courtney, " C al ifornia, " McKeesport, Allegheny, Pittsburgh 88 Fourth Ave., " .' Washington, C]'~ a I ornIa, " Charleroi, Coal Centre, Washington, Greensburg, Perryopol is, Blythedale, Courtney, Frank, Brownsville, Belle Vernon, ew Haven, 1'" " " Lover, Lindley's Mills, Belle v ernon, California, State, .c ,. ,e " " u u " u Westmoreland, Fayette, Allegheny, Washington, Allegheny, Fayette, " " " " " " " Westmoreland, " Fayette, Westmoreland, Washington, " Westmoreland, Washington, " .c u u c, " c. " " v,' estmoreland, Washington, c, " " 16 SOCTIllVl<)S1WUN ..• VaHle. J [owe, Lillie M, I [art, Pearl, J laft, Eleanor Horne, Flora, II ertzog, Lula, I Iornbake, Clara, II arrison, Gertie, llill, l\[aggie, Humphries, Sadie, lIuuon, I ura A., lligbee, Della 1.., Herrington, Adda L., 1 ray, Alice M., II anion, Annie, Howe, Sadie, IJarmany, Jennie A., Hagerty, Sallie Eo, Irwin, Sadie, Jennings, Lou, Johnson, Dessie E., Jacobs, Daisy, Keener, Eva M., Killius, Ella, Kinder, Annie, Kerr, Grace A., Krissinger, Lottie 1.., Karns, Cornelia R , Kuhns, \'iola v., Kisinger, Julia 1\1., Kuhns, Lizzie M., Lytle, l\laude, Long, France, K., Lewis, Lena, Lancaster, Cora, Lilley, Berenice, Lilley, IIenrietta, Lewellen, Pearl, Lilley, Sadie, Linton, Cora E., Latimer, 1 I attie, Latimore, Minnie, Lough, Lona, Lewellen, Lizzie V., Lutz, Ethel, Loughman, Lida, Lewis, J\T aggie, Latta, Blanche, S'I'A7'1!JNORMA L sonoor., Post. QOice. California, Couno), \rushington, .c CALIFORNIA, Stale. I'a. " " " " " " " .c l Ioustonville, Zoll arsvi lie, California, c, " Garwood, California, " .c I Iero, Venetia, Masontown, Elk Lick, Monongahela City. California, Fayette City, McKeesport, Homestead, Pittsburgh, Lafayette Lindley's Mills, Cui ifornia, Dunkard, Coal Centre, '-Vest Brownsvi lie, Duquesne, Berlin, Tarentum, Laurel lIill, Brownsville, West Newton, Washington, Monongahela California, .\llegheny, " Fayette, Sornerset, Washington, " Fayette, Allegheny, " St., " Washington, " Greene, Washington, " " " "c, " " " " " " "c. " Allegheny, Somerset, Allegheny, Fayette, Westmoreland, \\' ashi ngton, ,c City, ,c Cc " " c, East Bethlehem, West Overton, \Vest Newlon, Dunkard, California, Fayette City, Uniontown, \\roods RUIl, .alifornia, 'c \ Vestrnoreland, Greene, Washington, Fayette, " \YashingtOll, " " " " " " " " --_. S"ame. Linn Ikltha •. Df:doll .LA):, , J., .•\rilona u., Loll, .\ellie, ewcomb, Edith, 'icholas, Georgia, 'ixon, Ruth A., eel, jennie, eel, Minnie, "IfI.YGTON II'.' ~., 17 eOCN7'l', PA. Coun/y • Siale. Pa. Post QOlce. California, lindley's Mills, \\'ashington, .c 'c Cal iforn ia, \ Vest Brownsville, \\'ashington, " " " "c; .C 'C K.ammerer, \\' e,t 1\1iddletown, California, ,! " .c Woods Run, Allegheny, Sharpsburg, Coraopol is, l\[ c Keesport, ,\Ilcgheny, 152 McClure Ave., Alllegheny, ~[cl(eesport, Allegheny, " Pittsburgh 394 Firth Ave., West Newton, \Vestmoreland, l\[cK~esport, 128 Sixth Ave, Allegheny, Lock NO.3, Allegheny, Woods Run, Washington, Stockdale, West Alexander, Fayette City, Dunkard, Deernston, Flatwood, ;\lidway, Connellsville, Burgettstown, West Brownsville, Bentleyville, IIaydentown, Cross Creek Village, west Middletown, Fayette City, " Fayette, Greene, Washington, Fayetle, Washington, Fayette, Washington, ., Fayette, Washington, " " "c, ,c ,c " " " " " J' Fayette, ,c McKeesport, Rostraver, California, Allegheny, Westmoreland, 'Washington, " " " " " " " " " Charleroi, Allenport, Speers, CuI ifornia, c, " " c, " " 18 SOUTIIlVE .•Y.a)ne. Neel, Gertrude, ox,n, Maggie, Overly, Nettie }., Powell, Harriet Estelle, Powell, Eva B', Phillips, Anna, Pollock, Josie, Peterson, Lida G., Pershing, Ida, Pershing, Missouri, Peebles, Ada, Packer, Edna, Phillips, Mary J., Patterson, Eleanor W., Pew, Lulu J., Patterson, Lula S., Powell, Sadie, Phillips, Viola, Patterson, Elda G., Phillips, Maggie If., Parks, Moll ie, Powell, Mabel, Paxton, Nellie, Parsons, O. Blanche, Qualk, Lena, Queen, Hallie, Reed, Mary, Rabe, Pearl, Rothwell, Lizzie L., Rossell, Sallie, Reitz, Mazy L.. Roley, ~Ii1dred, Ramsey, Alice, Reis, May Althea, Regester, Phebe E., Roadman, Lizzie F, Rankin, Belle, Rankin, Dess L., Richardson, Mary, Reed, Allie M., Singer, jennie M., Shaffer, Lulu, Stanley, Maud K., Singer, Bertha M., Singer, Kate M., Springer.Dlive, Steele, Gertrude, TERN STATE NORMAL 80IIOOL, Post OJllce. County. California, Belle v ernon, Kecksburg, California, \Vashington, Fayette, \Vestmoreland, Washington, OALIFO/{.YIA, StClle. Pa. .< <, " Finleyville, Stauffers, " " " " ,< " " " Westmoreland, <, Youngstown, Braddock, l\lcKeesport, Allegheny, 227 Shaw Ave., .< H " " " " Washington, Fayette City, Coal l3Iuff, Coal Centre, St. Cloud, Washington, Fayette, earights, HopWOOd, California, Fayette, <, u .< '~T ashington, Washington, " " " " " ,< Speers, California, " ".< c, " " " "<, .< Courtney, u " Belle Vernon, Fayette, Ft. Palmer, Westmoreland, Englewood, 6702 Honore St., Cook, Deemston, Washington, Brownsville, Fayette, Woodrow, Washington, " alifornia, Cross Creek, alifornia, " " "u Brownsville, " " JII. Pa. " u ",< " "u Washington, u " " " " Fayette, " "u " " .l..Y'(tme. Steele, l\lay, Smith, Maggie, Smith, ~Iary L., Sphar, • ellie, . stockdale, ~IaggJe, StetTey, Mary B., S),lvc:-;ter, Anna, Staeher, Anna ~I., Sphar, Sadie B., Scofield, Viola, Sutton, Luta B., Staley, Lizzie E., Smith, Belle A., Stephenson, Lizzie Stephenson, Elsie B., Scott, Maud C., Savage, Emma P., Shallenberger, Anna, Stanley, Rosa, Smith, Lena, Singer, Frank, Swihart, Ella W., Taylor, Bessie, Truax, Emily L., Thistlethwaite, M. Edna, Thompson, Eva c., Torrance, Rena ~I., Tomer, Amelia M., Thomson, May, Tewell, Charita E., Tipper, May, Van Kirk, Edna, Ward, Grace, \Yard, Lizzie, Ward, Gertie, Wolfe, Ella, Whitsett, Ray, \Yhitsett, Lulu, Wilkins, Anna, Wilkin, Lizzie, \Veaver, Kate, Wetbay, Hattie, \"eaver, Cora, Wilson, Ida S., Will, Hallie 13, \\' ood, Elsie, \Vinnell, Mary R., 2 WASHINGTON OOUNTY, 19 PA. State . Post OJllce. Coullly. Brownsville, Beadling, Fayette, Allegheny, Pa. " "u " Speers, California, Duquesne, Beaver Falls, Gambles, Roscoe, Washington, Ruble, Fredericktown, Youngstown, Cross Creek Village, u " Blythedale, California, '\Vashin~,'ton, " Allegheny, Beaver, Allegheny, Washington, " Fayette, Washington, Westmoreland, Washington, " Allegheny, Washington, "u " " " " u " " " " "u " " " " " " u " Odell, " Pittsburgh, 28 S. Fourteenth St., Allegheny, Allegheny, Monterey & Roberts Sts., Allegheny, East Bethlehem, Washington, Gambles, Allegheny, Dawson, Webster, Uniontown, Elbinsville, California, Wet [ewton, California, " " Fayette, Westnloreland," Fayette, Bedford, Washington, Westmoreland, Washington, .< " ,< .< a " " ,c " " "u " " a u " Perryopolis, .< California, Coal Centre, " Elizabeth, Bentleyville, McKee's Rocks, Glade, \\Tood's Run, Fallowfield, Fayette, " Washington, " " Allegheny, Washington, Allegheny, Somerset, Washington, " "u " " " "u u 20 SOUTIIWES7'ENN Name. Watt, Rachel D., Watt, Josephine L" Withrow, Bertie c., Wood, Jean, Whiting, --, Ward, Louie, Zahniser, Margaret E., Zook, Mary Y., STATE NORMAL Post QITice. County. Ohioville, Beaver, " " Monongahela City, \\'ood's Run, Fayette City, California, Washington, Waynesburg, CALIFOR1YIA, SCIIOOL, Washington, " Fayette, Washington, 1'a. " " " « GENTLEMEN. Abell, Edgar R, Ache, J. M. C., Allen, Edwin R , Ailes, Carl N., Altman, Owen R., Allshouse, Sherman, Billingsley, I-IarTY, Billingsley, Charles, Baker, Roy, Beveridge, John, Boyle, William H, Buffington, William P., Brightwell, W. D., Boyd, E. E., Bowman, J. VI'., Boydston, James D., Bair, William E., Baker, H. T., Bennington, Samuel W., Bayer, Joseph S, Baldwin, Archie c., Bach, Edwin E., Blackshere, Frank, Barr, Joseph, Bowman, Newell, Brashear, Edgar, Bowman, John L., Bechtel, David W., Bradford, Ernest, Ere' ard, Walter, Baker, Orvin, Clarke, Fisher, halfant, Kingsley, arson, John, Cal ifornia, Washington, Pittsburgh, 12 Neville St., E. E., Allegheny, Lock NO.4, Washington, California, " " " " " " " Allenport, West Brownsville, Fayette City, Ohio Pyle, Brownsville, l\lt. Morris, Zollarsville, . East Bethlehem, Zollarsville, Loysburg, Belle Vernon, Rockwood, Mapletown, Zollarsville, Brownsville, " Jones' Mills, Loysburg, California, " " Coal Centre, " Allenport, Pa. " " " " " " " Fayette, " Greene, Washington, ,. " . Bedford, Fayette, Somerset, Greene, Fayette, • " Westmoreland, Bedford, Wash ington, " " " COUNTY, Post QlJlce. Blaie. " Greene, lVASfIING'I'ON " " " " " " " " " " " " u " " " " " " " ",. .•''''((7ne. Cn"v, John, Comeille, II. W., Copeland, \\'illiam, Crawford, Boyd, Clark, James II , Crile, Lafayette C., Clarke, Jord., Curry. William B., Chalfant, Alva, Colcbank, L. \V., Carroll, R. l ilton, Crouch, William E., Carter, Charles E , Campbell, Robert, Claybaugb, Lon, Dickey, C. E., Dawson, William T., Darsie, Dana, Day, Ransom M., Dague, Samuel N., I)ils, C. II., Dague, Herman L , Donaldson, Nesley J., DeBolt, J. E , Dusenberry, Denny F., Elliott, Charles S., Easton, George, Elwood, William T., Frazee, Albert, French, O. E., Fowles, R. 1., Furbee, Charles \"1., Furbee, Guy S., Fumier, Clyde, Freeman, Arthur, Greenlee, William Ghrist, lIarry '1'., ' Gleason, Joseph, Graff, Frank Gal s, W. L.', Gans, T.W, Gilmore, John C., Grove, oah B., Gibson, Carl E., He ter, J. F., Husk Ora lIall,'CIyd~ S., McClellandtown, East Bethlehem, Charleroi, " \Vest Brownsville, Amity, Coal Centre, Laurel Hill, Perryopolis, DillineT, Uniontown, . East Bethlehem, California, " " 21 P.r!. Omnty. Fayette, Washington, " " " " ,. Laboratory, Odell, Old Frame, Bentleysville, Allenport, Mapletown, Bald IIill, Redstone, California, Charleroi, Hopwood, Perryopolis, Frank, Mannington, " " Fayette, " Greene, Fayette, Washington, " Somerset, Washington, " " " Fayette, Washington, Meadville, Morris X Roads, " Dawson, Stahlstown, Baidland, Elizabeth, Coal Centre, Wellsburg, .. " " " ",. .," .. " " " " " " " " " Greene, " Fayette, Washington, " Fayette, " Allegheny, Marion, W. Va. " Washington, " " " " " " " " " " Allenport, California, Bentleysville, California, 1'a. " " Meyersdale, California, suu« Crawford, Fayette, Pa. " "u " " " " Westmoreland Washington, Allegheny, Washington, Brook, u " " W. Va. 22 SO trrrr: rES7'J!JUN Name. Hertzog, Bert, Hawthorne, Richard, Hawthorne, William, Hertzog, Carl S., Hertzog, Walter S., Howe, William C., Hawthorne, Wm. F. Hertzog, Edward, Horn, Preston, Hart, John, Hanns, Edward Rainie, Hiller, W. R., Huntley, Newton, Hess, Virgil, IIeth, James S., IIope, David M., Hixenbaugh, Ethelbert, Henderson, James L., Harsha, james V., Hawkins, Shanor, Llana, John M. F., Ilibb, Samuel E., Herron, D. Campbell, Herron, William A., Horn bake, Herbert, Inglis, W. D., Jennings, Talmage, Jackman, L. V., Jacobs, Charles B., King, William, Kenney, Carl, Knotts, William c., Kunkelrnann, George P., King, 11arry, Lilley, Ellis M., Lewis, Ross, Lilley, Wilbur, Lewis, Charles r., Lewis, John R., Long, William, Lowers, J. S., Latimer, Will J., Lewellen, Lester E., Luce, William W., Lcadbeter, Gerald, Linn, J. Madison, Lynch, Bert C., S'l'A re NORMAL CALIFORNIA, SCHOOL, WASIffNO'l'ON GOU1YTY, PA. eounty. Post O.f)lce. Post Qf!lce. eounty. California, Washington, " " u " " " " " " Amity, West e wton, Old Frame, Brownsville, Uniontown, Merrittstown, Morris X Roads, " l'erryopolis, Washington, State. Pa. " " " " " \Vestrnoreland, Fayette, " " "u " " Washington, u Beallsville, Lone Pine, [ew Salem, Monongahela " " " City, Fayette, Washington, " California, Claysville, California, Coal Centre, Fayette City, California, East Bethlehem, Dunkard, Dravosburg, California, " " " Fayette, Washington, u Greene, Allegheny, Washington, " " " " " " "e, " Coal Centre, Wood's Run, West Overton, Masontown, Whitsett, Coal Centre, California, Pcrryopol is, " " " Westmoreland, Fayette, " " .e " Washington, " " " Fayette, " " _,"«me. Lewellen, C. Gregg, Lamhert, John A., Martin, Will B., founbier, Rush, Miller, Oliver J., Ma.."hall, John E., Mitchell, David E., Miller, Frank, ~fartin, William C., Melchi, Seward A., Massey, \" arner, Morgan, A. '1'., Marchand, Samuel V., McIlvaine, Carson, McEldowney, II arry, Minehart, Lear, Manon, J. N., Miller, Forney S., McIntire, John Emery McKenna, Byron C , Meyers, Ira B , Miller, S. Grant, Morris, John T., McGregor, Willinm, Meredith, B. F., Melchi, Raymond, McFall, William, Martin, IIarry, earhoor, Joshua, Orange, U. S., O'Neil, James, Peairs, E. E., Phillips, E. C., Powell, Walter, Pollock, William, l'axton, Carl, Pollock, Lewis, Pore, Harry F., Phillips, Millon, l'hillippi, J. W., l'hillips, William 11. Piersol Arthur '1' ' ' ., Powell, A. D., Reed, John, Reeves, I Lenry B., Ross, eh arl es, Ross, Howard, California, Fayette Springs, Perryopolis, Lock No.4, California, Washington, Fayette, " u " " ., u " Fayette, Washington, u Greene, Fayette, Washington, Fayette, Bedford, Washington, " City, ,e " " " "u " " " " " " ,e " Blair, Fayette, " " Allegheny, Fayette, Washington, " " " " " " "e, Mr. Pleasant, Meyersdale, Glade, Fayette City, California, Fayette City, Coal Centre, " " " " " " " Olivia, ew Salem, Fayette City, Bl ythedale, Fayette City, California, Pa. " " " "u " " Stale. Washington, " Coal Centee, Becks Mills, Masontown, California, Van Buren, Dunkard, Perryopolis, Scenery Hill, Markleysburg, Fishertown, California, Monongahela Prosperity, California, 23 Westmoreland, Somerset, " " " " " " Fayette, Washington, Fayette, Washington, " " " " " " 24 SOU7'JTJI'ES'l'Ell.y Name, Rabe, \Yylie, Richardson, C. W., Reid, William, Rothwell, Orville, Rabe, Paul, Shepler, I. K., Smith, C. L., Smith, T ra L., Steele, Charles 1 T., Smail, S. M, Shupe, Lewis S., Sloan, T. P., Shepler, Shad, Sheple-, Lewis II., Sterling, Bruce F., Show, Cyrus, Swearer, Albert A., Sangsto:1, llibbs D., Sangston, Horace G., Smith. Chades S, Smith, Oliver C., Savage, Hillery D., Taylo-, Grttlon, Taylor, John, Tombaugh, Edwin E., Trump, Norman, Underwood, Joseph Veatch, David, Weddell, ]. B., H, Whigham, William H., Whitselt, R. B, Wilkins, Orin Ernest, Wilkins, Khramer R., Ward, Russell, Ward, Samuel P., Ward, William, Weaver, L. S., Watson, H. K., Wells, George F., Woy, William, , Wood, John M., Wilson, Harry W., 'Williams, John, Washabaugh, J. S., Witt, William G., Wolfe, Robert II., Wilde, William, 87'A7'E NORMAL sorrooz; Po.•l Office. California, Ctnmly. Washington " Confluence, California, " West Leisenring, Ma.ontown, California, Mt. Pleasant, Wa,hington, Scenery Hill, California, Roscoe, California, West Newton, California, Perryopolis, California, " u " Wilna, S<.omerfield, Freeport, Berlin, Heistersburg, Coal Centre, " Beck's Mills, Meyersdale, East Bethlehem, Californi'l, Pa. " " " " Somerset, \Yashington, " Fayette, " " " " Westmoreland, " " " " Washington, Fayette, We;tmoreland, Fayette, " " " " " " " " " " \Vashington, Westmoreland, Washington, " " " " Westmo, eland, Washington, Fayette, Washington, " " " " " " " ,I " " " " Somerset, Armstrong, Somerset, Fayette, Washington, " " " " " " Somerset, Washington, " COUN7'Y, P.I. Stale. u " Relle Vernon, High House, Masontown, Brownsville, Greensburg, Smithton, Wilna, Belle Vernon, Webster, Masontown, Ohio Pyle, Brownsville, McClellandtown, CALIil 'OR:vIA .•. ., WASIIrNOTON .1 BOYS. Allshouse, Willie, Bradford, Wil~ie, Brevard, LeWIS, Baker, Glen, . Beveridge, wn he, Beveridge, James, Beam, Robbie, Bracken, Robbie, Billingsley. Warren, Braznell, Bennie, Braznell, Ruby, Campbell, Frank, Crow, Sol, Crawford, Boyd, Conlin, Conrad, Conlin, Eddie, Campbell, Tommy, Davis, Samuel, Dewar, George, Davis, Robert, Darsie, II ugh ie, Davis, James, Dale, Richard, Edwards, George, Edwards, Joshua, Elliott, Willie, Fumier, Wade, Freeman, Thornton, Fowler, Ernest, Gleason, Fred, Green, Willie, Glunt, J .eonard, Garland, Cecil, Gillis, Abram, Humphries, Willis, Humphries, Bert, Holllbake, Glen, Hawthorne, Leonard, HOffman, Willie, Ilarris, Wilson, Harris, Ivan, Harris, Robert, Howe, Eddie, Hoffman, Jimmy, Jacobs, Roy, Johnston, Fuller, Jones, Albert, Jones, Clarence, Kennedy, Archie, Kennedy, Alex., Kiefer, 1Icnry, Kiefer, Matt, Latta, Loman, Minehart, Harry, Martin, Fred, Minehart, Larry, Moore, Willie, McCartney, Anthony, McCartney, Albert, McCain, James, McGaree, John, McElfresh, Forest, Martin, Charlie, Murphy, Charles, Massey, Barton, Martin, Alvin, Philips, Willie, Philips, Philips, Fred, Albert, Pegg, James, Pegg, Eddie, Paxton, John, Pollock, Thomas, Pollock, Artie, Rossell, Brosey, Rabe, Fred, Ross, Simon, Reed, Howard, Raetz, Willte, Rossell, Bert, Shaffer, Harry, Stevenson, Robert. 25 GAIJFORNJA, 26 SOU7'IIWRSTEllN S7'ATE Sample VI alter, Sutton, Willie, Springer, Earl, Sarver, John, Trump, Clyde, Turner, Edgar, Turner, Clyde, Turner, Charlie, NORMAL Whitsett, John, Wood, Russell, White, George, Wells, Clyde, Wilson, Earl, Wilkins, Fred, Wilkins, Jimmy, GIRLS, Allshouse, Jennie, Allshouse, Lilian, Allshouse, Kate, Baker, Mary, Beam, Gertie, Beazell, Iva, Billingsley, 1\1ary, Bradford, I nez, Carroll, Bessie, Calvert, Flora, Craft, Katie, Calvert, Clara, Campbell, Aggie, Campbell, Maggie, Crow, Jean, Camp, Gail, Claybaugh, Eva, Claybaugh, Ruth, Craven, Maggie, Chelcut, Mary, Chelcut, Lucy, Davis, Annie, Davis, Lulu, Davis, Ida, Eaglen, Clara, Eagren, Pearl, Elliott, Bella, Edwards, Ellen, Freeman, Vester, Freeman, Cornelia, Fowler, Cora, Fowler, Joanna, Fumier, Effie, Fumier, Tellie, Glunt, Izetta, Gillis, Maude, Garland, Mellie, Gregg, Bertie, TVASlfINOTON GOUNTY, PA. SGHOOL,~ Gregg, Lulu, Gleason. Mary, Harris, Sadie, Harri s, Vi sta, Harris, Leona, Harris, Rosa, Harris, Kat urah, Harris, Flora, TIornbake, Ethel, Henry, Ella, HotTman, Lizzie, Hawthorne, Bertha, Hornbake, Anna B" Jennings, Della, Johnston, Myrtle, Johnston, Bessie, Johnston, Asa, Jones, Hettie, Kennedy, Jennie, Kennedy, Agnes, King, Lena, King, Ida, Kiefer, Lizzie, Lancaster, Bessie, Lewis, Mary, Montgomery, Jessie, Marshall, Rena, McElfresh, Rosaie, Martin, Della, McKenna, Elsie, fcKenna, Maggie, Moore, Leona, McFall, Katie, Massey, Bessie, Iassey, Eva, McCattney, Mary, Morgan, Carrie, McCain, Mezula, Murphy, Emma, 'ohle, Katie, Paxton, Jessie: I'dxtOD, M aggte: I'cuigreW, Jenme, }'hilips, Blanche, Queen, Ida, (,lucen, Ethel, . Robinson, NannlC, I{abe, Bernice, Ro,", Mattie, Riley, May, Riley, Florence, Reed, Kate, Rutherford, Martha, Smith, Stella, StevcnsoO, Jennie, Smith, Louie, Shaffer, Garland, Thomas, Nellie, Tollan, Bridget, Turner, Sidney, Watson, Myrtie, Ward, Winnie, Wat on, Wessie, Wolfe, Anna, Wilkins, Olive, Whitsett, Mamie, Wolfe, Stella, White, Jo-ie, Wells, Ella, Williams, Cora, Williams, Hattie, White, May, White, Mary, White, Garnet, 27 28 SOl''rTTWR8J'filRZ\- S'rA TE .NORMAL SOTTOOL, (JALTFOZZ.YLA , 1V,18I1fN(lJ'ON 29 COUX'!'Y, PA. [AS Recently Revised by the State Authortttes]. d;fementa~ Course. JUNIOR I'EDAGOGlcs.-School Management; LANGUAGE.-Orthography; (sufficient for introduction Elementary Ladies, Gentlemen, 222 Mathematical of the United States; Civil Government; Geog- 502 SCHOOL. YEAR. PEDAGOGICS.-Psychology; Methods; History of Education; Practice (daily, for at least half a year); a Thesis on an Educational subject. II2 97 209 Teaching LASGL\GE-Rhetoric; English Literature (at least one-third of a year, with a thorough study of one representative selection from each of four English Classic) ; Latin (Cresar, Book 1., Helvetian War). IATIIE~[ATICS.-Plane Grand Total, Algebra. and Political). SENIOR Total in Model School, - Latin for at least one-third of a year). Total in Iorrnal Department, MODEL and Composition; TilE ARTs.-Penmanship (mastcry of some approved system}; Drawing (daily exercise for at least 28 weeks); Bookkeeping (single entry); Vocal Music (daily drill 280 Girls, Boys, Grammar and Hygiene. HISTORICAL SCIEN 1~.-lIistory raphy (Physical, English of Coesar). ATURALSCIENCE.-Physiology DEPARTMENT. Methods. Reading; MATIIEMATlcs.-Arithmetic; NORMAL YEAR. Geometry; -ATVRALSCIEscES.-Elementary Mensuration. Natural Tm: AWfs.-Elocution (in connection MATIIEMATI'S.-Solid Geometry, Philosophy; Botany. with the study of English Literature). [One Year.] LATlN.-Three . I'EIlAGOGv.-Advanced ;!' Plane Trigonometry and Surveying. Books of Cresar and Three Books of Virgil's A~neid. Psychology, Moral Philosophy, Logic, Practice in Teach- a. careful reading of Quick's Educational Reformers, Fitch's Lectures on achmg and Payne's Contributions to the Science of Education, with written notes d an criticisms. ATURA!.S IENCE.-Chemistry, Zoology and Astronomy. 30 ] IISTORY .1\:'\ f) LnER.\Tl ; J lislory of j I istory RF.-(;cllcral English and 1\ mcrican Literature, with a careful study of four classic!:),with written note-, and criticism ..•.and a Course of ~cn('ral reading. Course. ~ienti'ffc PI':IMr.or.ICS.-Moral Philosophy; Logic; l'hilosophy fcssional Reading (with abstracts and criticisms). L.,'\"(;u.\(;E.-Latin; six hooks of Virgil's .Encid, of Education; Course of Pro four Orations of Cicero, Germania of Tacitus; Literature. [An equivalent of Greek, French or German will he accepted for Spherical Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry, Calculus, Mathematical Natural Pliilosophy, and Mathematical Astronomy.] i\LlTIlE~L\T1CS.-Iligher Algebra; Solid Geometry; nometry; Surveying; Analytical Geometry; Differential NATURAL SCIENCE.-Natural Philosophy Astronomy; Chemistry; Geology; Zoology. Il r-,[ORY.-General (as Plane and Spherical Trigoand Integral Calculus. much as in Snell's Olmstead), IIistory. ~fementa.r~ Couru. PREPARATORY YEAR. FALL TER~f.-Reading, Spelling, Writing, Drawing, Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar. \VII'', PA. 47 '. 81'.1 '1'/.;,YOR M A r. SOIJOOI" Tuition, per week, 1 25 Board, " 3 25 Board and Tuition, Fall Term, 16 week. (less State aid), 64 00 " Winter" T2" " " 48 00 " Spring " 14 56 00 " Full Yr." 42" " " 168 00 Piano or Organ Lessons (two per week), Fall Term 16 00 " " " "Winter Term 12 00 " " " " pring Term 14 00 Average charge, per term, for use of Instrument, one period daily 2 00 Private Voice Lessons at same rate as lessons on Piano or Organ. o deduction for board or tuition for first or last week of term, except by previous agreement with the Principal. One-half of the above expenses is due at the opening, the balance at the middle of each term. The Principal acts for the Trustees and receipts all bills. Board at above rates includes furnished room, heat and oil. Students furnish their own lamps and towels. Washing will be done by the household department at the lowest terms. (C " " TEXT BOOKS. b k used in the school The following are among the text 00 os.~'O\~I ebra - II's Grammar Sensenig s g , Reed & Ke o~g . ' Wentworth's Geometry, , linson's ArIthmetlcs, . 1,,0 ) I Prang's Drawing, Harper's Geogra~lY, G~ge's Physics, , B t y Kellogg's RhetOrIC,. I Gray soan , llutchinson's PhyslO ogy, S ith' (Prof. J.B.) Latin Lessons, " f the . S. 1111 S " Barnes History 0 . Allen & Greenough s Latin GraHIBarnes' General History, mar, Mayhew's Bookkeeping, Allen & Greenough's Cresar,. Blaisdell's Physiology, Painter's History of Education, Dewev's Psychology, Johll~ton's History of the . S. STATE AID TO STUDENTS. Each student is entitled to State aid (So cents a week) who is over declaring his intention to teach in the common schools of the State. 17 years of age, and who signs a paper Each student who meets the above conditions, and whose father lost his life in the service of the State, or of the United States, is entitled to one dollar a week. Each stud ent who, upon gradua . g, shall sign an agreement to leach in the common schools of the State two full years, shall recei ve the sum of fifty dollars. Any student, to secure these benefits, must attend the school at least twelve consecutive weeks, and receive instruction in the Theory of Teaching. .• 48 SO U1'IIWESTEllN _______ STATE OALIFORNIA, ~C1'Ol>MA • L SOHOOL, lIaggelty, LNoTE. -This Register gives the present address should be reported for correction,] ~ bffic~r£f of t6e f 0 eac ~fumni h graduate so far as known 18go-18gl. SADIE R. President. TIlOMAS, Secreta ry. CLASS OF 1875' Axtel, Thos, L., Northern Iowa.-Physician. Hemphill, Geo. E., Allegheny, Pa.-Lumber raig), OF 1876. Ammons, Sue, (Mrs. L. B. Anderson), Irwin Ave., All gheny, Pa. Beal L. C., Uniontown, Pa.-Physician. Cope, Albert B 0'. l\lt Union , Ohio .- PIlyslclan. .. Peck, Chas, E., Streetsborough Ohio.-Machinist Smith , J . B ., Califo . ' "rela,. P a.- V'·Ice P'rincipal State .Normal S I I Stoody, Wrn. I.-Died March 29,1884. C1OO. State certificate granted to John B • Solo mOD} M ".lasontown, P a. CLASS OF 1877. Crookham, Mary P. (Mrs. Mary P. Conklin), Osceola, Frye, Frank, Belle Vernon, Pa.-Telegraph Operator. Frye, W. S., Gill Hall, Pa.-Physician. [eb. Ja~kman, W. S., C~icago, I11.-Professor in Cook County Normal School. Kiehl, Henry S., o. 77 Fourth Ave. Pittsburgh Pa McCollum, John B. K. - Deceased. ' ,. ~ew:irk, Donett~, (Mrs:. 'V. II Winfield), California, Pa. Newlin, Alex. WilliS, '" intersville, Obio.-Minister. Van Dyke, John W., California, Pa.-Clerk. State certificate granted to Dr. A. R. Horne, of Kutztown, Pa. CLASS OF 1878. Craig, Belle, Huston Run, Pa - Teacber. Douglas, J. II., Blythedale, Pa.-Physician. Eberman, John S., aliforeia, Pa.-Druggisl. Esler, James M., Tarentum, Pa.-Druggisl. Griffith, Henry 'VOl., Kecksburg, Pa.-Teacber . r FrauklIn, \ a. Rcis Ella A., (Mrs. \Y. S. Jackman), Chicago, 111. Van'Dyke, Geo. M., West Newton, Pa _Physician .. Van Dyke, \Vm. 5., 'Vest Newton, Pa,-Bank Cashier. Wakefield, Thos. Randolph, Uniontown, Pa.-Attorney-.~t-Law. \Vells, J. Truman, McKecsport, Pa.--Editor Evmmg TUlles. Wilson, Mary F., (Mrs. Jos. W. Smitb), Ballard, 'a!' Browne, Rebekah E., New Castle, l'a.CLASS PA. oal Bluff', Pa. CLASS Dealer. OOUNTY, Kell, ath. B., Denver, Col. Lang 'lara S., Belle Vernon, l'a.- Teacher. Laril~er, Maria Louise, Fayette City, Pa.- Tea~her. dependence Mo.- City upenntendent. Lutz, G eo. D ., In ' . Martin Andrew E, Derry, Pa.-Drugglst. McKe~, Dan. II., Bridgeville, Pa.---:Y1inist~r. . . '1' b II Walter St. Clairsville, OhlO.-Pnnclpal Public Schools. ."tC e " . k P Patton, II. Etta, (?lIrs. D. C. Murphy),. SlIppery Roc, a. Patton, Noah \Y., Smitbton, Pa.-Physlclan. Philips, II. Lenore, (Mrs. Rev. J. L. McCutcbeon), ~£f£focia.fton. S. P. \VEST, f<:rror:, Lindy, (Mrs. L. WASIIINGTON OF 1879' Teacher. Browne, Millie 5., ew Castle, Pa. Camp, 1 Iarry W., California, Pa.-~Iinister. Craft. Brashear VV., Merrittstown, Pa.-Teacher. Crawford, Tillie, McKeespcrt, Pa.-Teacher. Dearth, Orlando P., Brownsville, Pa.-Physician. Dunn, Wm. C., Denver, Col. Grant, R. Q., Fort Smith, Ark.ignal Service U. S. A. Hall, Frank R., California, Pa.-Professor State [ormal School. Hackney, H. H, Atchison, Kan.-Teller First [ational Bank. l Iollnnd, If. R., \Vashington, Pa.-Insurance Agent. Horner, Geo. 0., West Elizabeth, Pa.-Principal of Schools. Longwell, Harry Edgar, Chicago, Ill.-Draughtsman. Mackey, John F., Paris, France.-Student. Mehaffey, Anoie 1., (Mrs. Horton), Poplar Bluff, Mo. :\1cClure, Sallie A, (Mrs. II. S Clarke), Uniontown, Pa. McDonougb, Dora, East End, Pittsburgh, Pa.- Teacher. Morgan, P. IN, Irwin, Pa -Vice Principal of Schools. Murphy, Dawsey Cope, Slippery Rock, Pa.-Professor of State Normal School. Par hill, Clayton L., Denver, Col.-Physician and Professor in 1edical College. Pec'<, Bennett W., McConnellsburg, Pa.-County Superintendent, Fulton .ounty. Phillips, Hettie L., (Mrs. Dr. W. S. Frye) -Died Xovember 18, 1886. Ralston, Laura, Will insburg, l'a.-Teacher. Rea, Jessie L., Carmichaels, Pa.- Teacher. Shutterly, Arthur P., California, Pa.-Merchanl. Stewart, Belle c., Tewville. Pa. Stoody, Lou L.-Died October 4, 1886. Thirkield, 'Margaret E., Fayette City, l'a.-Teacher. 49 51 CALIFOR.VIA, 50 IVA8nr.VG7'O.v COI.!.VTY, PA. SO(T'J'FllVE81'ICIlN 81',1 1'1<: .VORMA L SCIIOOL, Moredock, Thomas P., Rice's Landing, Pa.-Teacher.. Monroe, Iantha, May, ?\o. 30 Ledlie St., Allegheny City, Pa, Williams, Laura B., (Mrs. Supplee), Homestead, Pa, Wtlson, Anna M., Me Keesport, 1'a.-Teacher. ~eel, Mary M. (Mrs. Lawson Bane), Amity, 1'a. Phillips, May L. (Mrs. \Y. -. Jarrett), Piusburgh, Pa, CLASS OF ,880, porter, Louisa B., Uniontown, Pa. Rhoades, Noah E., Smithton, l'a.-Clerk. Shallenberger, JIugh D., Leisenring, Pa.-Clerk. . ' . hi I (Mrs I B Miller) Larimer Ave. Pitts ,urgh-1eacher. Sheplar, J osep me ,. ,n • • , ' Thornburg, George C., Pittsburgh, Pa._Reporter for Press. Axtel, L. M.-Died March 18 1891 Browne, Joseph K.-Died De~embe; 22, 1882. DelI aven, ladge, alifornia, 1'a.- Teacher. I?rumm, J. ~., Dawson, l'a.-Died October 3, 1887· F rye, John x., johnstown, Pa.-Bookkeeper. Gamble, Power T. Pittsburgh, Pa.-Bookkeeper. \lall, Marie, 2911 South Park Ave., Chicago, 1I1. J?nes, Belle V. (Mrs. Warren Piersol), Peabody, Kansas. kendall, John Christian, Homestead, Pa.-Principal Public. chools. Mackey, Agnes M., Campbell, iinn.-Teacher. Masters, Minnie V., McKeesport, 1'a.- Teacher. McClure, Ella M. (Mrs. Walton Howell), Flushing, Ohio. McNorlon, Frank V., Allegheny, l'a.- Teacher. Neel, Mary E., Jefferson, Pa.-Teacher. Noss, Clara I-I. (Mrs. John M. Park), MontandonT'a. 1:0lts, c. J... Bedrord, Pa.-County Superintendent, B"drorJ County. keno, William Wilson, Rochester, Pa.-Teacher. Rhoads, L. 1'., Jacobs Creek, Pa.-Merchant. Robertson, O. A, Campbell, Minn.-Lawyer. Robison, \V. L., Hill City, Kan.-Teacher. ~maid\ E. J.. Braddock, Pa -Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh, • pm er, Alvin c., Pittsburgh, Pa -Attorney-at-Law_ Swan, Laura, Brownsville, Pa-Teacher_ Sweeney, J. T., Bradenville, Pa. Thomas, Anna B., Braddock, Pa.-Teacher. Walker, Wm. J., Homestead, Pa._Physician. Wickham, Julia l)lrs. Prof. E. M. Watson), East Aller, Ella (Mrs. Rutter), Redwood City, Cal. Baker, George 11., \Vashington, Pa.-In County Recorder's Office. Beazell, Kate B., pittsbmgh, Pa.- Teacher. Chnrlton, Thomas J.-Died October 29, 1886. Colebank, G. C., Octavia, Neb.-Bank Cashier. Collins, Judith Lenora, Monongahela City, l'a.-Teacher. Cooper, Allen F., Uniontown, Pa._Attorney-at-Law, Crumrine, Mary E., 'Nest Union, Pa.- Teacher. Darsie, James, Munhall, Pa._Merchant. Day, E. S._Student in Wash. & Jeff. College. DeBolt, George 'vV, Kebraska--Teacher. Donaldson, K May ()Irs. C. A. McIlvaine), Monongahela . City, Pa . Fry, L. 5., Manhattan, Kan.-- Teacher. Fuester Elma M., Scottdale, Pa.- Teacher. Gans, john Lyons, Connellsville, Pa.-. upl. Electric Light Co. Grant, Florence, :\[onongahela City, Pa. __ Teacher. Holland, Carrie )1., Washington, Pa. Holland, Corrie xr., Washington, Pa. Jeffries, George B., Uniontown, Pa._Attorney-at-Law. Jenkins, Julia n., xe. 98 Arch si., Allegheny City, Pa._Teacher. Jenkins, Janie ., No, 98 Arch St., Allegheny City, Pa._Teacher. CLASS OF ,88, Adams, Jennie E. pirs. J. C. Carter).-Died, 1890. Bamun., \V. V., Santa Barbara, Cal. Barr, Maggie J., 218 Washington Ave., Allegheny, Pa.-Teacher. Hertig, Louise M., Philadelphia, Pa.-Physician. Hutchinson, Flora-Died April 11, 1886. Jackman, Hattie E. (Mrs. F. Colvin), East Bethlehem, Pa. Jennings, Maggie (Mrs. Newton Wolf}, California, Pa. Kussart, Lee, Columbus, Ohio. Lyons Sadie, Beech Cliff, l'a.·-Teacher. !I1cAlpin, Agnes Belle Vernon, Pa.-Teacher. Miller J. Elwood, Modesta, IlL-Teacher. Mass. CLASS OF ,882. Pa. Best, James S.-Died ovember 16, 1883. Byran, W. S., California, Pa -Proressor in State Tormal School. Claybaugh. A. M., Uniontown, Pa.-Journalist. Core, Jobn McMullen, Uniontown, Pa.-Atlorney-at-Law. Eshelman, Ella D. (Mrs. E. J. Smail), Braddock, Pa. Graham, Mary B. (Mrs. Theo. B. Noss), alifornia, Pa.-Teacher 'larshfield, Johnson, Wm. Jasper, Uniontown, Pa._Attorney-at-Law. Jones, Eddie (:\[rs. Frank Gibson), lcKeesport,Pa.-Teacher, Lackey, T. S., Allegheny, Pa.-Principal First Ward School. Leonard, Liz-ie M., Cumberland, Md.-Teacher. Mosier, O. P., Connellsvillt", Pa.- Vice Principal of Schools. in orrnal School. Reed, Ella i\1. p1rs. James Jenkins), Courtney, Pa, Rush S. R , Omaha, Teb._Attorney-at-Law. Robinson, John C., Greensburg, Pa.-Allorn y-al-Law. Shrock, Jacob, Johnstown, Pa._Hook-keeper. Schrontz, F. 'vV., Washington, Pa.-Sludent in Bethany College. SCLtt, E. E., Toledo, O._Physician. Snodgrass, Milton R., Osceola, Teb._Principal . Public Schools. Speers, Anna ()lrs. Speers), Lawn Ridge, Ill. Thomas, Flora K. (Mrs. C6Imery), Rankin Station, Pa, 4 52 SOUJ'HJVESJ'ERN STATE NOR.ilfAL SCIIOOL, Ulery, Lucy, (JUrs E. D. Fulton), Uniontown, Pa, Will, John A.-Died January 5, 1883, Williams, Sallie A. (Mrs. L. Z. Birmingham), Pittsburgh, Pa. Williams'-Martie B., Belle Vernon, Pa.-Teacher. Woods, Lizzie, (Mrs. Carothers), Elizabeth, Pa. CLASS OF 1883. Acklin, Annie -E., Greenfield, Mo.-Instructor in Ozark College. Applegate, Minnie Evelyn ( Irs. 'V. S. Abbott), Me Keesport, Pa, Armstrong, L. Etta (Mrs. W. Gregg), West Alexander, Pa, Barker, Mattie J., Pittsburgh.- Teacher. Barnum, Lizzie, Coal Centre, Pa.-Teacher. Beard, Stella S., Laurens, S. C.-Teacher in Female College. Beard, Lucy E., Scotland, Dakota.- Teacher in Academy. Berryman, J. W., Washington, Pa.-Law Student. Blackburn, Ida E., Greensburg, Pa.-Teacher. Cassidy, Amanda, Pittsburgh, Pa.- Teacher in I-Iiland School. Cleaver, Mattie J., Allegheny, Pa, - Teacher. COllins, Wilmot, California, Pa.- Teacher. Cook, Mallie I., (Mrs. Rev. C. A. Clark), 5140 Carnegie St , Pittsburgh, Pa. Cooper, Walter L., Derrick City, Pa.-Teacher. Coulter, Carrie E., Monongahela City, Pa.-Teacher. Finley, Belle M., (Mrs. Rankin), Greensburg, Hackney, Lide E., ew Salem, Pa-Teacher. Hart, Ella L. (Mrs. Geo. Henning), Pittsburgh, Pa. Hartranft, Belle (Mrs. W· S. Bryan), California, Pa. Hustead, Josephine 1. (Mrs. Edward Snider), Uniontown, Pa. Hutton, D. S, Buena Vista, Pa.-Physician. Johnston, Oscar S., Muskingum, O.-Teacher. Jones, Minnie, Homestead, Pa.-Assistant Principal. Jones, Bertie, Homestead, Pa.-Teacher. Jones, William S., Bentleysville, Pa.-Teacher. Lilley, Laura L. (Mrs. A. 1 . McKinzie), Starkey, Cal, McClure, John c., Los Angeles, Cal.-Civil Engineer. McCollum, J. Roscoe, Dows, Iowa.-Teacher. pa. McKnight, Ada M., 1I8 Fremont St., Allegheny, Pa.- Teacher. Newmyer, Wm. H., Dawson, Pa.-Teacher .. Nutt, Maude (Mrs. F. E. Pelton), Butler, Pa. Overly, Ada, Ridge View, Pa.- Teacher. Patton, Celia A., Connellsville, Pa.-Teacher. Peebles, Sadie D., Pleasant Unity, Pa -Teacher. Pflasterer, Anna R., (Mrs. Rev. Fait), Onadarko, Indian Territory. Pittman, John H., McConnellsburg, Pa.-Physician. Reis, Lily R., Allegheny, Pa.-Teacher in Fifth Ward School. Rush, Charles W., Dawson, Pa.-Teacher. Snyder, Allie M. \ \1rs. Wm. Lytle), West Elizabeth, Pa. Stockdale, Maggie, California, Pa -Teacher in Bethany College. Sutherland J. 11., Kittanning,Pa.-:\1inister. CALIFORNIA, TVASHIKGTON COUNTY, 53 PA. Sutherland, L. 0., Pittsburgh, Pa. Swearer, Lizzie May (Mrs. Rev. A. Bash), Springdale, Pa. Thompson, John-Died July 18, 1886. . T om I)au gh , B . E , Washington , 1'a . Superintendent Washlllgton County. Torrence, Kate l\1.-Died. Weitzel, Sue, Greensburg, Pa.- Teacher. CLASS OF 1884. Bierer, Retta C., Uniontown, Pa.-Teacher. Bell, J. F., Elgin, Ill.-Physician. Berkey, J. A., Somer-et, Pa.-Attorney·at·Law. Dunn, 1\1.E., Meriden, Kan.-Minister. Galley, Belle T, (Mrs. W. I . Stahl), Swissvale, Pa, Gallagher, G. W., New Haven, Pa.-Physician. Gamble, W. E., Cheney, Washington.-Teacher. Guffey, Mary M., (Mrs. J. S. Eberman), California, Pa. Hertzog, Elva M., California, Pa -Teacher. I lcrtig, Wendell, St. Paul, Minn.-Bank Clerk. I loll and, Rena C., (Mrs. lZnbt. 1I. lIook), Uniontown, Pa. Humbert, J. 1., Allegheny, Pa.-Theological Student. Jamison, J. F., Millsboro, Pa.-Teacher. Kefover, C. F., Uniontown, Pa.-Attorney·at·Law. Lindsay, Effie B., Brownsville, Pa.-Teacher. Longanecker, Carrie E., (1\1rs. Dr. D. W. Showalter), Springfield, Ohio. Longden, J. C., West Finley, Pa-Teacher. McKee, Jos. H., Woodville, Pa.-Physician. Moffitt, Cora B.-Died August 20, 1886. Perkins; Emma M., Webster, Pa, Pollock, J. R, Buffalo, N. Y.-Law Student. Pratt, Mary E, Jewell City, Kan.-Teacher. Rigg, M. A., Hero, Pa.- 1inister. Saunders, W. 1'11.,Stoners, Pa.-Bookkeeper. Silveus, J. G., Pittsburgh, Pa.-Law tudent. Smith, Jennie S., (Mrs. Clyde Kimball), Dunbar, Pa. Shutterly, Anna, California, Pa-Librarian Normal School. Wakefield, Kate, Connellsville, Pa -Teacher. Wilson, Emma M., (Mrs. P. T. Gamble), 'Pittsburgh, Pa. CLASS OF 1885, Adair, Maggie M., 20 First St., Allegheny, Pa.-Teacher. Bell, Sadie, Idlewood, Pa.-Teacher. Bridgeman, Gertrude, Newark, Del. Crowthers, R. c., Pittsburgh, Pa.-Secretary Coal Exchange. Greathead, Carrie S., McConnellsburg, Pa.- Teacher. Hoover, Elda N., Fleming, Pa.-Teacher. Hopkins, Ara, (Mrs. Henry Allman), Garwood, Pa. Hughes, Hattie E., Johnstown, Pa.-Teacher. Huntley, Orella, (Mrs. Geo. Dixon), Uniontown, Pa. • 55 54 -------- SO urn WNS'l'ER:V S'l'A 1'1<: XOll.lLI L SClIOOL, Hornhak e, jos, D., 'nlifornia, l'a.-T