1966 Let:t to right-Coach l\1!cLaugh1in, iBill Hunter, By Hopkins, John Gara, Coach Mentzer PRESS and RADIO INFORMATION BLOOMSBURG STATE COLLEGE Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania GE~RAL lNrORMATION Dr. Harvey A. Andruss President, Bloomsburg State College Russell Houk, Lock Haven S. C. '52 Athletic Director Richard Mentzer, Shippensburg S. C. '30 Head Baseball Coach Eli McLaughlin, West Chester S. C. '57 Assistant Baseball Coach Boyd F. Buckingham, Bloomsburg S. C. '43 Director of Public Relations Bruce 'Nick' Dietterick, Penn State U. '47 Sports Information Director Tom Sipe, Bloomsburg S. C. '69 Student Statistician Michael Smith, Bloomsburg S. C. '69 Head Manager ATHLETIC INFORMATION Member ______________ NCAA, PSCAC, NAIA Colors -------------------- Maroon and Gold Nickname -------------------------- Huskies Home Field -------------------- Light Street Telephone, Sports Publicity __ 784-4660 Ext. 18 COLLEGE INFORMATION Denomination ___________ Non-Denominational Conducted by _ Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Year Founded------------------------- 1839 Enrollment ---------------------------- 2800 rn ,their role of deliendimg Pennsylvaill!ia staite College ,and District 19 N .A.I.A. c·hampions, ,1:ihiis year's Bloomsburg State College niine will ihave ito hustle to equal J:islt year's laurels. The 1965 Husky aggre•grution finished the r:egu1ar se!liSOIJJ 13-4 ancl overall w:i:th a 16-6 record. Mter wi,Iming the Districit 19 title, B,,S,C, wellit on to 'tie for &econd pta.c,e dn NAIA Are,a 8 a,t Shippensburg, PennsylV1ama. The nucleus of fuis year's squad will be John Gara, who plays either right 1iield, •shol'ltstop or fh"st base; Gary Horn, a 1bhird !baseman; Soate Bilyk, alt second base, and ,pitchers By Hopkins and Bill Hunter. Hopkins h:ad ,a 10{! recor:d last seaoon along with ERA of .99. Hlllliter was 3-0 ood had a 1.89 ERA. A number of promising prospects hope 1io fill vac1anc1es created tJwough ,tne gr:aduat10n loss of Roy !Bower, a ca,tcher who led ,the team wu,th a .418 batlbmg ,average last year; Riay Emma •at first base, who ilut .:isi; and ,Rlona1d Hoyle, a P1tcher with ,a 3-2 log. Ron Kirk, ,a ..WO 'hitotmg shortstop who wias signed by Detrmt of tne American League, Wllll also be m1ssmg fr,o,m .this year's squad. Vy1ng to,r pos1uon,s a~e K.Jing ,Perry, John McKiay, JacK ttolus, and Be:n •PoUocK, fu.r ootcmmg p,os1ti0ns; Bob lhl>ble and uene rUruoer, p~tcners; ,ljOb Tucker, Tom Tay~or, firs,t 'base; Jerry .uevun, Mike ueFranc~soo, s:nortstops; Hiarmct Amer.tsoill, second base; li'raillCl's ·OaHa:lliaill, tih:.l•rct 1oas,e; Pat C'i01gan and 'l'o,m Ev,aills, left f1e1a; J,ml .Rupert, Bill uron, BJJ.l Murnn, ce,n:terr~eld; ,and ·.1erry HielW"Y, r1gnt f1eJ.CI. Henry ·is a1·so a p~tcher but 1s nursmg an mjured ,arm. Mentzer ha:s ,a greait deal of work to do as ithe ,te,am hirud a 1a:te starit due to pl'lacbice mc-J..11Jtaes. 'l'ihe team will agiMD use the LLg1111liS1treet baseoa.11 fileld. l:s1g joib at the momellit is to determine ithe best e'ignit or ten 'h:ltters m order ·to aeveiop a potent ~ttack. .. -.~.:-.! l!.L1 McLaughlin, who will be a.sSlist,an;t ito •Mentzer anll w1u serve as fresnman coiacn, nas a fave-gc:IJile scneau1e kneel up for we HusKy Pups. BASEBALL SCHEDULE Varsity April .A.Pr1l AprJ.l Aipril Aprul April Aprll. May May M!ay May 5-E. Stroudsburg ...................................... '14!-Susquehanna .......................................... 16-LocK Ha,ven ............................................ 23--8lll,ppensbu:r:g .......................................... 26-Mansfleld ................................................ l!S-M!J..llersville ............................................ llO--Lock Haven ............................................ 4---E. s,trouds1l>uTg .................................... 7-Mansfaeld .................................................. 11-Kutztown .................................................. ·16--Kutzoown .................................................. A--3 :00 April Aprll Aipr1l May Mia¥ Freshmen 5-E. 'Stroudsburg .......................................... 28-J.VIJ..uersn.ue .................................................. ;s~ucKneu Universliity ................................ 4---1!:. StroudSibl.llI"g .......................................... 13---Bucknell Umversity ................................ H--,1. :30 H-1 :00 A-1:00 H-1:00 H--2:~ A-1 :00 H-2:30 A-1:00 H-2:00 A--3,:00 Away liome home Home Alwa,y BLOOMSBURG STATE COLLEGE VARSITY BASEBALL SQUAD Name Class Age Ht. Wt. Pos. Hometown Athens, Pa. Theo. Keir Levittown John DiSangro H. S. Coach "Cron, William Sr. 21 5'5" 155 "Hopkins, By Sr. 21 6'2" 175 CF p "Horn, Gary Sr. 21 5'8" 1:36 3B Ringtown Thomas Grow "Bilyk, Steve Jr. 20 5'7" 155 2B Phoenixville Paul Tomko "Gara, John Jr. 20 6'0" 177 Somerville Albert Malekoff "Hunter, \Vm. Jr. 20 5'11" 170 RF!SS p Winfield Bill Thomas Henry, Terry Jr. 20 5'6" 190 p Hershey Fred Poorman Jr. 20 5'11" 190 C Aldan Don Cornman Tucker, Bob Jr. 20 6'3" 205 1B Hazleton Francis Kinder Albertson, Harold So. 21 5'10'' 145 2B Orangeville Huber Kline Colgan, Pat. So. 19 5'10" 175 LF Carbondale Jerry Finan 19 5'8" 150 RF/SS Mt. Carmel Robert Orvatiz 20 5'9" 175 ss Espy Bill Creasy 19 5'10" 150 3B Bethlehem Bernie Fritz 19 5'11" 160 Orangeville Bill Creasy 18 6'1" 165 LF p Reading C. Dunkelberger 19 6'0" 180 p Boyertown Warren Fry 19 5'10" 185 C Freeland Jack Ramsey 170 C/IB Washington "Perry, King Callahan, Francis Devlin, Jerry DeFrancisco, Mike Evans, Tom Gibble, Bob Gruber, Gene Hollis, Jack So. So. So. So. So. So. So. McKay, John So. 19 6'0" Mullin, Wm. So. 19 165 LF Upper Darby Pollock, Ben So. 19 6'1' 6'2" John Syrek Fred Ulmer 217 C!IB Benton Hubie Kline 18 5'10" 143 CF Bloomsburg John Babb 19 6'0" 175 Robert Habig 19 175 1B p Middletown 6'0" Hazleton E. Valente Rupert, Jimmy Taylor, Thomas Walton, Joe *Lettermen So. So. So. HEAD BASEBALL COACH RICHARD MENTZER Head Coach Dick Mentzer came to Bloomsburg State College in 1963 and is in his third year as baseball mentor. A native of Martinsburg, Pennsylvania, he was a letter winner in football, baseball, and track in both high school and at Shippensburg State College. He then coached at Cresson High School before going to Hollidaysburg, where he was head football and baseball coach in junior high school competition. Mentzer later became head backfield coach, J. V. basketball coach and head track coach at Hollidaysburg Senior High School. Following an appointment as head football coach at Eastern High, Washington, D. C., his team logged 120 victories, 53 losses, and 6 tieswinning 9 Washington, D. C., championships and city championships in 1950 and 1962. In addition, he managed and played with a baseball team at Martinsburg in Blair County. This squad won 3 championships. Mentzer was also a member of a city championship team at Altoona, Pennsylvania. Mentzer received his Master of Education degree at Pennsylvania State University and is taking additional graduate work at the University of Maryland. ASSISTANT BASEBALL COACH ELI McLAUGHLIN Eli McLaughlin, who completed his fifth year as head Swimming Coach at BSC and an active college swimming official, will be in his second season of baseball at the College. McLaughlin started his College career at West Chester State College in 1949, which was interrupted by service in the Armed Forces. As a sergeant in the U. S. Air Corps, he served as Director of Special Services at Edwards Air Force Base, in California, where he organized, directed, and participated in various sports programs. Returning to vVest Chester in 1953, he was an outstanding football center for three years and then served one year as Line Coach for the Freshman Team before graduating in 1957. Prior to coming to Bloomsburg in Septem· ber 1961, he taught and coached three sports at Penn Crest High School.