BASKETBALL WRESTLING SWIMMING PRESS INFORMATION BOOK 1959 - 1960 l Left to right: Russell E. Houk, Wrestling Coach; Harold E. Shelly, Basketball Coach; Donald Heilman, Swimming Coach. STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Prepared by PUBLIC RELATIONS OF'FICE Boyd F. Buckingham, Director S'l'.ATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Bloomsburg Pemsylvania Sports Publicity Office 1959-60 BASKETBALL, WRESTLING, AND SWIMMING BROCHURE President of the College. ••••••••.•••..•••••.••••.•nr. Harvey A. Andruss Athletic Staff (Basketball, W?.-estling, and Swinllling) Athletic Director •.•.•••••••..• Russell Houk, Lock Haven s.T.c. •52 Head Basketball Coach ..... •• •••• Harold s. Shelly, Ohio Northern 1 31 Assistant Coach •••••••••• •.• •.••John Scrmgeour, Bloansburg $• T.c. 1 SJ Student Managers ••..•.••••• • ••• Robert Morgan •62 William Morgan '62 Frank Pinola 1 61 Dennis Reiter •63 Head wrestling Coach ••••••••••• Russell Houk, Lock Haven s.T.c. 1 52 student Managers•••••••••••••••Dean Morgan •61 Vincent Sgro •63 Head Swimming Ccach••••••••••••»onald Heilman, West Chester S.T.C. 1 $0 Studen:li Managers•••••••••••••••Fred Frey 1 62 Ronald Wetzel •61 Director of PublicitY••••••••••Boyd F. Buckingham, Bloansburg s.T.c. ,43 Student Statisticians•• •••• •••• Joseph Zapach •6o John Zorzi 1 61 Athletic Information Member••••• •• ••••••••• • ••• •• ••• NCAA, PSTCAC, NAIA Colors......................... .Maroon ar:d Gold Nickname•••••••••••••••••••••••Huskies Home Oourt•••••••••••••••••••••Centennial Gymnasium Capacity •••••••••••••••.••••••• 1,000 Press Table••••••••••••••••••••Aocommodations for 12 persons Swimming Pool••••••••••••••••••Concrete bleachers ••• capacity•• 250 College Information Denomination.••••••••••••••••••Non-Denominational Conducted bY••••••••••••••••·••Camionwealth of Pemsylvania Year Founded•••••••••••••••••••l839 Enrollment•••••••••••••••••••• .. 16oo Address••••••••••••••••••••••••Bloansburg, Pennsylvania Radio Facilities Are Available *************** : FOR FURTHER INFORMATION : * Write or Call * * STATE TEACHERS CCLLFDE * * Bloomsburg Pennsylvania * * Phone &"1'4-4660 Ext. 18 * * * *************** Sports Publicity Director HARQl.,D s. SHELLY -- HEAD BASKFTBALL COACH The head coach of the Bloomsburg State Teachers College Huskies is Harold s. Shel~, fomer athletic director and basketball and track coach at Wilmington College, Wilmington,_ Ohio. Mr. Shelly, who came to Bloomsburg at the start or the 1949-SO college year, replaced Peter R. Wisher, who tutored Husky cage teams from 1946 to 1949. Before accepting the Wilmington College position, Coach Shelly was head basketball coach at Withrow High School in Cincinnati" In four years at the Cincinnati High School, his cage teams were runnersup for the city championship two years, compiling brilliant records. Mr. Shelly also coached at Milford (Ohio) High School where his basketball teams reached the District title playoffs each of the six years he coached there, winning four county titles withrut losing a single game. In the other two years, Milford was runner-up for the county championship. A graduate of Ohio Northam University, he won letters in football, basketball, and track, and received his Master of Arts degree fran the University of Michigan. His teaching experience includes twelve years of teaching in the public schools and fifteen years of college teaching and coaching. In addition to coaching basketball, Shel~ does a top-notch job as trainer for the football squad, and, when spring rolls around, he will again coach the Husky track squad. During the past ten at Bloomsburg, Shelly's squads have not had a losing season. Last year they won 9 aid lost 6, and barring unexpected injuries to key personnel, another good season appears to be in the making. In two or the past six seasons, Shel4'-c oached teams have had outstanding records, including the s. T. c. Conference Championship in 19S.3 with a 10-2 record. During his tenure at the 11Friendly College", his teams have won 105 contests and dropped 64. Hard-working and affable, the big Husky mentor sets a high goal for his charges -- a well-conditioned squad, drilled to execute fixed play patterns, the fast break, and a man-tor-man defense. JOHN SCRIMGEOUR •- ASSISTANT COACH John Scrimgeour was a menber of Coach Shel'.cy- 1 s track squad for several years before earning his Bachelor's degree at Bloomsburg. After serving nearly 4 years as a pilot in the Navy Air Corps, Scrimgerur joined the faculty of the Bristol Township School District for a year and a half, prior to caning to Bloomaburg s. T. c. in January, 1960, to teach mathematics and science. Sparts Publicity Office BASJCETBlLL OOTLOOIC 19S9-1960 Seven lettermen - 2 seniors, 3 juniors, and 2 sophomores -will form. the nucleus ot the Huslq' cO\ll't squad in the 1959-60 season. Missing from this yearia squad will be: Blll S'lfisher, who set several new Bloomsburg reccrdsJ Jtq Burger, who established himself as a starter during his juniMl High and f'ive 7ears at the Alexis r. duPcnt High School in Wilm1ngton before joining the Bloanaburg coaching staff in September, 1958, as backfield coach. This is his first experience as nimming coach, but he has accepted the challenge with the same enthusiasm characteristic of his efforts in other activities. SWIMMING OUTLOOK 19$9-1960 With a steady increase in mrollment dlring the past aeven years, it has been possible to expand the number of varsity intercollegiate sport.a. A schedule, providing for seven dual meets and participation in the s.T.c. Championship meet was arranged to begin January 16, 1960. When candidates reported for practice far the first time, it was evident tht few,. if &nJ', had any extensive background in either high school or YMCA CCJllpetition. Coach Heilman has charted a course or action which calls for a program ot development, meaning••••"we•re going to build tor a year ••••• or two••••• or three". The present squad ot eleven men is canposed of 5 freshmen, l sophomore, 4 juniors, and l senior. Sparta Publicity Office SWD1MING SQUAD 1959-60 , '- - Name Hel.gbt Weight Bob Drogan Ronald Huttenann Tcm Jones Louis Konetski Wallace Knepper Tan Litt1e Pete Lutz John Nash Bill Price Nelsen SWarts Alberti Weber S•·ll" 170 S•lC1' 16$ 122 S•6½" S 4" 6 51 lot" 5•6" 1 1 211 s•er S•lC1' s,un 51 l0f' - Year 1 145 3 196 4 161 1.30 160 150 142 150 l l 1 2 3 3 l 3 Heme Town Shenandoah. Iselln, New J_.sey RidgwayShamokin Weather~ Philadelphia Bloomsburg Shamokin North Lake Bloansburg Levittown MANAGERS Fred Frey Ronald Wetzel SWIMMIMl SCHEDULE Sat. Sat. Thurs. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Sat. Jan., Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. 16 23 4 10 l3 2 s Mar. 12 Millersville STC Lyooming College Lock Haven STC East Stroudsburg S'l'C Lock Haven STC Lycoming College Millersville STC s. T. c. Chanpionsbip A A A H H H H Slippery Rock