. ^^ i^ 4 V l$> o ,> " O N O o « o I ^ n. • • • > • . "^'i. o ••* o ^ •^ *> ^ -, » • o II 1 s TO i; V OP^ ^1 OLUMIUA COrNTV, PENNSYLVANIA. m02^ XJXE E-A^ni-IEST Xli^ES. COrXSKLLOIt A I I.WV EMVELL * BITTKNIIENDER. IJi.o«tMsnrno. Pa. PrDusniBS. 2=I^EI^JLCE. ami labor wliich have been required to prepare this been fully fo'eseen, it would not have been uudertaken. Those who are the most competent judges of what has been done, will be the fiist to excuse and overlook what may have been left undone. If it had been attempted many years ago, while the actors in our early history were still alive much valuable information might have been recovered which is now forever lost. We have at this day only glimpses of the earDiligent inquiry has in some ly tinv-'s a. id til'' actors iji thu:ii. oasu.-4 been rewarded, but in most cases no information has been For suhstantial reasons the publication could vouch- safed. not be longer delayed. :ii.d what has been gathered is here prethe time IFvohime for the press had sented. An examination of lie table of contents will give full knowledge of the subject n^ fitter jii.d the extended and exhaustive index will enable the reader to turn readily to any subject he may wish to look over. The bitdy of i!ie book >» ill sufficiently show the authorities ad persons to whom I have been indebted for assistance and information in t' e conij)ilation of the work ard it I ; ; is only necessary here totend.r them The my niost sincere thanks. publ'shers have be ju at considerable expense in illustrating the work, thus reudeiin^;^ it more valuable and entertaining. T-£^BIjE (DIP COlSTTEnSTTS- y PAGE. 8DB.Ii:(.'T*. I Early llistory 1 , The Kiv.rs 9 The Fort. Iu(,lian 13 35 Purchases 39 Organization of the Count)' Streams I Mountains ;iii>1 52 and Borough'^ ^•.yi;s'iiis ' ^'^^'••=^''"' liemoval 46 and Productions iii;>rovement8 55 .r-^Yttr . ^9 •• 65 f. Ele (ion Returns 74 Bl- .mshui 85 tr 96 I'xrwrjck.. 101 (':itawiss:i 198 .lirseytowii > nailer Towns 113 The Courts 1 IVio^raphies of President Judges 130 Normal School 151 ( "oiiiinon Schools Pop; 167 Soeiety Au'iii^'ultural iroiises. . 22 . 181 184 . Bibliuuiaphy 187 Madame Montour 195 Post OHices Legislative ...;.. 1\< j'l Militarv Record Shawanese, who had a village (mi the flats seem to have below Blooms- burg near the mouth of Fishiiigcreek, another at ("atawissa, lusar (tf the present village, and also another near the mouth of r.riann-ek below Berwick. The Delawares were also settled within the valley, and with some others, were under the control of the Six Nations, and were «n-dered by them from ])oinl to point, the site :it will. The Sliawanese came from the (-arolinas, and kept moving north, until by agreement they wore Susipiehanna, about IG97. allowed to settle upon the They were a brave and warlike tribe, and gave the Proprietary Government a good deal of trouble. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. •encry f^r liner than any one Aeseription, It is would believe them The denizens ofiF the palm of of each are strenuous in the praise of their to many an historical spot. The Forks of the Sus(pieline, to he drawn from the and point with exultation \vn locality, counties properly included within 'he anna should perhaps lie south of a f)f (Minton county at the river, lorth Branch strikes the Pennsylvania est line linton, Lyconiini;. imbia, No Bradford. point where the and would include the to line : Wyoming, Sullivan, Luzerne, C'o- Montour and Northumberland. region of Pennsylvania has been written over with so Tuuch and vim and ire ist from any they have not seen them." if not generally admitted which valley bears eaiity. to be 3 zest. have labored to The historian, the poet illustrate its valleys, aiwi to and the romanheighten, if ))Os- Comprising many rich and po)>loiLS countu's. to which, years ago. the hardy settlers flocked foi' heap lands, the pleasures of the chase and the fishing-rod, its ble, history )cal own nr ist the cliarins of is its scenery. peculiarly rich. A people for the possession fierce of warfare raged its rich l)etween alluvials, and at the Legislatures of the several States were obliged to interfere Within its borders occurred some of the most which the white and red man contended for life Fierce and protracted were the struggles nd sulisistence. and .e find marks of them not only on their very sites, but so tenastop the feud. ) loody battles in ; ious was the hold of the Lidian. that he has indelibly stamped nomenclature upon almost every one of the streams, the mounains. the passes, and the valleys. lis Here no cockney has built his Londons, Liverpools, or Man- emigrant from "Der Faderland'' has ;>e-Khined or be-Hhoned our most beautifid river; nor have the Teeks and valleys to [)lay second fiddle to some European localTheir nuisical, aboriginal names still cling to them, and will ity. ;hesters ding to : no matter-of-fact them forever. of them We have Wyalusing, Tunkhannock, Lackawannji. Wyoming, Nanticoke, Catawissa, Mahoning, Shamokin, ('hillis(pia(jue. IMuncy. Loyal Sock, Lycoming. Towanda, Kittaning. Sheshecpiin. anentiuni-.l are fully recollections and Its historical associations cc4el>i-ited that terWithin respects. w.rthv of its high character in other tale of plain the Wyoming, Valley of ritorv'lic's the beautiful of the eyes the to tears citizens hrinos the massacre <.f whose been have horrors and charms whose ,nost careless reader, and Campbell. of pen magic by the tainted but not heightened, the trad oi celebrate.l Van C'ampen followed IIcM-e too. the cruel handsr their in j-risoner a as Indians, or suffered ,lu> B;.t it is some of them occurring almost be more exciting than a rowould i„ si.dit of where 1 Captain Samuel Brady performIn this c-hanned region, ,,y,Zv escapes. exploits, and made his hairbreadth c.d ncu.v of his famous ., i.irrative of whose advent.ires, write, And no greater name than his brightens the rull of Indian which Madame Montour, the is mlu-en the hea.l, and whose name ir.terpretess, seems to have hills, of ranges beautiful of our most .k.liblv stamped upon one \lie celebrated Montour family, of the forks of and some of them are buried in the were at quarters heii.1 whose Susquehanna. Catharine Montour, are sons whose and lake, Seneca Catharine's town, at the head of also at and Wyoming, of massacre •dle-ed to have been at the and a woman called Queen Esther, Ihe butchery at Fort Freeland, and who is alleged to have been them, sometimes confounded with helped bloody rock of W^yoming, all have liv.Hl 'ac-te.l. died, the executioner at the Susciuehanna a romantic history. to give to the Forks of the and the original people Here dwelt the Lenni Leiiape, -the were chieftain most illustrious council-fires of Tamanend, their of first the on For many years annually kindled in its forests. ; Mav throughout his festival Pennsylvania, was In celebrate Fishingcreek, Blooinsburg, at creek, twenty (now) passe!iiitic'S ; sifter will :i\v;ikeii to its roiiiiiiice, uiid conseiil lo valleys and love its liills. From tlie lake wliieli in it bay into which it rkH is the more singular, paths of the different tribes lay atTOHH and along the streams because the war anui- the that Society of any aiid (t('siij;iiati()ii will interest all stil>ji'ct thereon, from Fisllinjj;ere<'k CorXTY rxiiiiA I*''isliiiif>;fn't'k such a perhaps proper to add is Pennsylvania tlu' !»«• <'<>!. iMaj» of nanu' of llislorieal llie Indian old anthority, as heing Names- cesepony. Nescopeck was the only southern Imlian route i'oi' travel between WyominL!; and Shamokin. (.'omiiii;- down tlu' Susipiehanna Coneslo^a, I'hiladel(Ml tiieir way to Kaston, Chester, Lancaster, pliiil, or other |tlaces for holdiny' councils, tlu'y Wyoiiiinjx or or plunder camt' we have Valley. less down the of on tlu' foi- nuirder west side. Consequently other portions of (he than that river at tlu' ol" Shawaiu-si' villa^'c located near where the oi" n(»w stands liloomshurt; rivei' krutwli'diije name Tlu' left and only pi-edatory raids Nt'scopeck, at has nevei' up tiiiiu'd ainon^;st all my researches. Catawissa kn(»wdedi4;e. in is "yt- I72M, and doubtless date of "Cat aw asse, which most ancient" village of and was known by that nanu' much May ye and Inilians .lames Le 'Port writes under earlier. 1728," 12, we have any whites to concernin<;- a ditliculty ''We always thought that the Covernor knew itolhing of the Hight between tin' Shawaynos and the white [»eople." And the famous chieftain Lapackpitton, w ho left his name temporarily upon the place, was therein IT.')!. The West liranch, as it is now calU'(l, was known to tlu' Indians by the name of Otsinachson and I ref(M- to some of the localities upon that rivi-r because all the t»'i-ri(orN' above I'uint near lliat place ; Township to the bia county. In Lycoming county 17')") line was once Mr. Weiser writes to the a part of Coliun- (ilovernor that a <-ompany of Indians had informed him that they intended to build a town on the river Otsinachson. at a place called Otstuagy, oi- as givi'n •! sew here, (>tstuacky. and desiring him to send some men to fence a »'ornliele<-kon, ohl Nutinms him, and t.,1.1 h..me, but th.- rest ..f th.- In-lians receive.l th.- message very Nutimus and the rest of At Woyanux-k it waH home. their In.lians after th.-y shouhl .-..m.n.an th.-re, was frorr. hcune just th.- same, raxan..sy, th.- .l.i.-f was tak.-n w.-ll m.-ssage with an..th.-r string of wampum kin.lly, an.l sai.l they w..ul.l lay it b.-fore als.., th.- by th.)se that w.-re at hom.-. Its.-.-nLs alt..g.-th.-r lik.-ly that th.- points m.-ntione.j an- Cata- or coiJM liiA coiwrv. //is/oh'Y 12 Ni"sc»'l:i\\ MIC iiMUir of same tlu' (lialiTt. (hat "(Miciiastrv, aiikyliiikon. ihid WilSKe," and that all 1>\ MO :ll^<> ()sk«ili:u\ tli:it reli'ired lo the and Pennsylvania h'ltci' oi' same the ••C'henasli-\ " of Catawissa ereek and James |»laee Catawissa mav town ahoiit hall the month ol town of anthoi-ities is ni\en as the Ai«lii\t's 'Vor[ \,v mail seariH'ly ever spells tribes called (he ;i it same place twice l>v Man the Irom iM I, I, *'("ata and the same dilVuultv, 1>»' intended. ua\ between the month lioarinn* reek llu> eliiel" and mav have been the plaet' ealK'd Oskohaiy. No two m«'n spell llu' san\e Indian name alike, ( \\:is tom'llur with the Indian L*!>.'>, ."> 1, .SI itii Tliece was an Indian some pilge III, l*!>.">, 2hi, «Miniiiaii'd w 21"). .-ukI ; I ("ohmial luconls in W'yoiiiiiiL;' CmImw iss:i, :iii(l lliiil (lie otlicr two iiaiiu's .•ir«' So \\:i\v soiiu'liiucs hct'ii (lispdst'd to tliiiik an Indian town on tlic Susniu'lianna, spoken of same way. ditTcient names, as whieli liv I.apaekpitttxi, same and the The dill'erent Catawissa and Mau«j;hwauwame i^ui'ss, and seem to >skohary, as Wyotnoc-k and Seahaut«>wano and For \Vy(>minu' ; distanei's are yivi'ii depend on the strength ot tln' by mt>re rower or the swiftness of the hors»> making- the journey Fifty yi'ars as^o rtiuonn'st olvered and madi' to eontributi' oftl and ehrouohigieal t(» is now thin>;s the personal i't»rn'ctness of (his attempt. lost may interest ; but yet be and lo OF CO HI M HIA (BOUNTY. insi'OliY IIAITKIl ( THE ri"^IfK territory origiritilly J_ iorisi(k'rab]e extent. urnhcrlaiKl county s\\\y^\t III. I^OI^T3. Columbia cornjiOHing It (j^nnprised was of «^y)nnty portion of North- that all which lay we«tofthe North Branch, exc<*pt the Within itH first dewcribed limits were lowtisfiip of Point. now in S<;huylkill «'-ounty, the whole of Montour, and the townwhipH of Chillisquaque, Turbot, LewiH and Delaware, three towiiHhips now Northumb<'rlariranch about date name seventeen of North- have manned three material Fort Montgomery, October, scalped an old couple of the (piacpie West Lieut. Col. Weltncr, under 1782. the and Bosley's killed and Indians of Martin, living on the Chillis- about one mile and a half from Col. James Murray's, and IIISTOIIY took three young OF COLUMBIA women prisonerH, being (JOUN^TY. l.^i the family that wsis all man and and scalped, and was one that helped to bury tlicrii." He complains bitterly of the pei-fidious enemy, and of the f-al.sehood of British assurances that no more parties of sav"This old couple. Col. Hunter ^ays, being in the house. wife, I saw laying killed ages should be permitted to be sent against the frontiers. also that these murders will prevent settlers from He feais returning, and After adds that the Martin family had been back only a few days. summer of 17H0 we hear nothing more of Bosley's Mills, but it the would seem that the post was maintained throughout the Indian Of Cajit. Kemplin, who appears to have been a good and active officer the Hon. John B. Linn in his "Annals of Buffalo hostilities. Valley." gives the following paragraph, [page 108]. "'In a letter Hunter states that Captain Tliomas Kempling, as he writes it, and his eldest son were killed by the In the peIndians at the mouth of Muncy Creek, in March 1781. tition of his widow, who writes her name Mary Campleton, preMy hussented to the Assembly, September 23, 1784, she says band aud soji, with others, went on a tour of duty up the West Branch, early in the spring of 1781, and lying one night at the mouth of Muncy Creek, in the morning the savages carne on them, when my unfortunate husband and son with one William Campbell, fell a sacrifice to all the cruelties and barbarities that savages We were could irifiict, leaving your petitioner and six children. driven from house and home, and so reduced that I am unable to return to the place we had improved upon." to (ieneral I'otter, Colonel : Fort MoNT«;o.MKRr wa.s Fort Muncy, and November, 1779. there The place is mentioned in a letter twelve miles below about two miles from Bosley's Mill, and in were forty men stationed there. from CJol. Weltner to the Board of War, Dec. 13, 1779, as being well situated for the defense of the trtmtier, and that the detach- ment sent there had erected barracks and other necessary defenc^^. the 0th of April, 1780, he writes again to the Board of War, and speaks of Montgomery's as a material out-post, which with After the latter Fort Jenkins and Bosley's Mills he had manned. On date I do not tind the place again mentioned. FuRr Mknin<;kr, the place at which Capt. Kemplen was staNovember, 1779, is reported to have been at the mouth tioned in HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 16 of Warrior's Sunbury. Run on At this West Branch, about seventeen the miles from time the Captain had but fourteen men. It is re- ported to have been a military post previously, and to have been abandoned in June 1779, when McDonald made his raid into the Nothing further seems to be known of its history. county. Fort Schwartz was The located about one mile above Milton. mention of the place occurs in a letter from Colonel Hunter to President Reed, dated "Sunbury, 1 7th April 1780," in which be "Last Saturday a party of twenty Indians struck at Peter says first . Swartz's plantation about twelve Branch. They killed one miles from here on the West three which are now man and wounded town under Dr. Alison's care." He adds that a party in came within sight of the enemy, who di'opt their packs and Between the above date turned up the mountain, and so escaped. and September 18, 1780, the place must have been fortified for in this pursuit ; under that date Gen. Potter writes from Sunbury, that on receiving mformation of the attack on Fort Rice, he assembled some and the next morning marched with 170 men to Fort On the 21st of the same month Col. Hunter writes to "When the German Regiment marched President Reed and says forces, Swarts. : from here I gave orders to the Frontier Companys to embody and keep one fourth of the men constantly reconnoitering, after garrisoning P^ort Jenkins, Fort Rice, and Fort Swartz with twenty off men in each of them." Fort Rice by Sam Hunter to have been erected head waters of C-hillisquake about thirteen miles from Sunbury. It is first mentioned by Col. Hartley in a letter to the Council of War, August 10, 1778, where speaking of maintaining posts at Muncy and Fort Jenkins, he adds that he "was resolved to hold posts at both these extremes, and by is stated Col. Col. Weltner's troops on the have an intermediate one on the head waters of Chelesquaque." It seems not to have been molested for a considerable period of time, but it was attacked about the 6th of September, 1780. by 300 In- who were repulsed by the 20 men by whom the fort was manned. In this attack on Fort Rice the enemy had killed but one man and taken one prisoner. It was at this time and by a portion of this force that P^ort Jenkins at Hill's place was burned, having been evacuated by Col. Hunter upon information of the con- dians, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 17 Col. Hunter says "the enemy atsundown and fired very smartly, the garrison returned the fire with spirit, which made them withdraw a little off, and in the night they begun to set fire to a number of toinplated attack on Fort Rice. tacked the Fort, (Rice) about houses and stacks of grain, which were consumed. In the mean- time our militia had collected to the number of one hundred under the command of Col. men John Kelly, who marched to the re- and arrived the next day. The people in the garrison acquainted Col. Kelly there must be two hundred and fifty or three hundred of the enemy, which he did not think prudent to engage without being reinforced." Expresses were sent out and Col. Purdy on the Juneate, turned his forces toward Sunbury, to engage in the pursuit of the enemy. Volunteers and militia to Gen. Potter the number of several hundred poured into Sunbury. lief of the garrison, coming to Sunbury at this time took command of the militia, hav- ing dismissed the vohmteers, and pursued the enemy. on till Muncy to hills, He marched but did not find the route taken by the enemy the 13th, and then followed on across the country, up P^ishing- creek, and to nearly opposite Wyoming, where the General writes, enemy were found to be so far ahead as to make it useless to At the same time, he writes that another band follow them. "crossed the Moncey hill near one Eveses and went up the Moncey the creek." Nothing further worthy of mention seems to have occurred at October 24, 1782, when it is related in a letter from Capt. Thomas Robison to the Executive Council, that Sergeant Edward Lee and Robert Carrethers were sent out from Fort Rice as and when about two miles from the fort fell into an ambusspies cade of about eleven Indians, were fired on, and Lee was killed and scalped- —Carrethers was missing and snpi)Osed to be taken this post, until ; prisoner. Subsequent mentions of Fort Rice are merely incidental. Boone's Fort was located about two miles above Milton on Muddy Run, and was about seven miles from Fort Freeland. The fort at Muncy having been evacuated, the Indians made an incursion in July 1770, and on the 3rd killed three men and took two prisoners at Lycoming on the 8th burned the widow Smith's mill — — on the 17th burned Starret's mill and Muncy township —and on the 20th all the principal houses in killed three men at Freeland's HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. IS Fort and took two prisoners. succour arrives, the forts at Col. Hunter writes "that unless Freehand's and Boone's cannot stand people behave more spiritedly." long, but that he has never seen the Hill was al)andoned, and Muncy above thing every At that time having driven in scouting and scalping parties of the Indians the together and on the 23th. the inhabitants, gathered themselves and Indians attacked Fort Freeof July a large party of British The firing was heard at Boone's, and Capt. Boone and land. men to reinforce the Capt. Kemplen marched off with thirty-four surrendered, and a had it Before they arrived fort at Freeland's. Capt. Boone under company the enemy met the all detachment of from the fort and cut them to pieces. It is rethe fort, the women and chillated that the enemy were within and Capt. Boone thus fell into unguarded, dren being outside and The women made signs wrong. nothing the ambuscade, thinking at a little distance to him four to retire, but men fought commander, long it was too after, late. Though surprised, the thirty- spoke of McDonald, the British Capt. Boone and his heroic names the desperately, and Col. bravery. . The following are the of killed belonging to Capt. Boone, Capt. S. Dougherty, J. M. McGreen, Samuel Neel, M. Glaghlen, Natt Smith, John Jones, Ezra and Edward CostWoods W. McClintock, Hugh McGill, Andrew Boone's party : Capt. ikan. another the names of killed which are given, but were party, Boone's Capt. of account says that thirteen scalps among Boone's Capt. handkerchief, i,rought into the fort in a ye 4th., 1779,' and Col. Hunter writes under date of "August These are all them; that there were of the relieving force, fifteen killed and two 5th. of August, that wounded. William Maclay writes on the list above given The prisoners. made were men none of Boone's Smith, who says: "This acct. I Believe is is furnished by Matt'w have Bury'd the Dead, gave the Fact as the party out yesterday me the List." Nothing further appears relative to this out-post, though it was such so long as danger from roaming doubtless maintained points of refuge necessary. such made bands of Indians as Fort Fbkei.and was situated about four miles up Warriors HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 19 Susquehanna about five miles above Hunter to be "a little fort near Muncy Milton. It was six and a half miles north of hill, called Fort Freeland." Milton, and half a mile from Warrior's Run Presbytei'ian church. There was a gristmill It is first spoken of as a fort in 1770. The Freebuilt near there by Jacob Freeland in 1773 or 1774. land two story log dwelling house, which constituted the fort, run, which eini)ties into It is said seems to have by the Col. l)een picketed in the fall of within the i)ickets half an acre of gi-ound. and were about twelve party were from Essex county, close feet high. New Jersey. of Ajtril 1779, a scouting party of seven of the militia men 1778. It contained were set PVeeland Tlie timbers The On the 20111. Indians killed or captured stationed there, but it was iu)t until 28th. of July following that the real attack on the Fort the was made. There were at the time forty or fifty women and children in the fort, and by some accounts thirty-two men, and by others only twenty-one. At daybreak on the 28th. of July 1779, a party of about three hundred, consisting of British and Indians, commanded by Cajjt. McDonald, surrounded the fort. There was but little ammunition, and Mary Kirk and Phebe Vincent inmiediately commenced to run their spoons and plates into bullets. The distress of the women and children and the want of ammunition made successful resistance hopeless, and about nine o'clock John Little and John Vincent cona fiag of truce was raised. after consultation agreed u})on the and (bicted the negotiations, following articles: — AuricLKs OK C.vprm.ATioN, Four Frkki.and 1779. Articles of capitulation ent'd into Between Capt'n. John McDaniel on his Majesties ])art and John Little on that of the Congress. Tlie men in (Tarrison to March out and Ground Aurici.K 1st. their .Vrms in the green, in front of the fort, which is to be taken Agreed in Possession of immediately by his ^Majesty's Troops. too. 2dly. All .Men Bearing .Vrnis are to Surrender themselves PrisAgr'd too. oners of war and to be sent to Niagara. 3d. The Women and Children not to be Strip'd of their cloathing nor Molested by the Indians and to be at Liberty to Move Agr'd too. down the country where they Please. JoHX MoDoXAI.I), Capt. of Rangers. John Litti.k. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 20 Samuel Hunter, under date of " Suuhury August ye 4th. graphic account "There Avas in the garrison at the time twenty-six men and fifty women and children, who is all come in safe the fireing at Freeland's was heard at Boon's Mill, about seven miles distance, where a number of the Captains Boon and Kemplen marchinhabitants had collected. ed off witli thirty-four men to reinforce the Fort at Freeland's, but was met a little way on this side by a number of the savages who surrounded them immediately our men behaved with great bravery for some little time, but being overpowered by numbers was almost cut to pieces our loss there was fifteen killed and two wounded. Among the dead is Capt. Boon and Capt. Saml. Dougherty, two very good men." Col. 1779," gives the following : ; ; ; was It came uj), after the surrender of the so many of whom fort that Capt. Boone's party were uselessly slaughtered by the en- emy. In the fort but five men were killed, viz James Watts, John McClintock, William McClung, James Miles and Henry Gilfillen. Thirteen scalps of Capt. Boone's party were brought into the fort : pocket handkerchief. Among them was Capt. Boone's. The whole garrison left the fort by twelve o'clock, and the women and children reached Northumberland, about eighteen miles in a having eaten a bite during the that night, not Col. Smith writes to President Reed from whole day. Sunbury, August 3rd, 1770, that he is there "with sixty Paxtang boys and intends to follow the savages. He reports that fifty two women and children and four old men came safely from Fort distant, He — is great the town county Noithumberland houses, barns, wheat, now composes Such devastation he has not yet stacks of hay, all is consumed. The surrender of Fort Freeland and the defeat and death seen. Col. Hunter writes of Capt. Boone left every thing exposed." under date of July 29th, "The town of Northumberland was the frontier last night, and I am afraid Sunbury will be to night," Freeland. says the distress of the people — And he begs for assistance, as well he might, seeing the helpless women and children flying down the river, many of the husbands and fathers slain, and those yet alive going off into hopeless cap- tivity. It would be interesting now to know who were taken prisoners, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. and wlio returned from the captivity. We 21 have only the names of Beujaiuiu Vincent, Michael Freeland, Bethuel Vincent, Daniel Vincent and Capt. John Little. Daniel Vincent had been married a short time before he was Upon the taken prisoner,to Miss Angelica Heuff of New Jersey. capture of lier husband she returned to the home of her parents, and for a period of something like four years, heard nothing from One evening she was out with a sleighing party, and havhim. ing stopped at a tavern, a roughly dressed stranger happening She was there, inquired if a Mrs. Vincent lived in that vicinity. himself to her notice, whereupon he introduced him, out to pointed The and soon convinced her that he was her long lost husband. hilarity of the party was doubtless much increased by this unexpected but joyful reunion; which as I aju informed by a de.'icendant, took place at the tavern, and not, as reported, after the party had broken up and on the return home. Capt. Little returned to find his wife, deceived by false inforExmation of his deatii in captivity, inavric(l to another man. Letters detailing liis death were })roved to planations ensued. have been received, their falsehood was evident the false husband Med the country, and the })air so long and cruelly separated — were re-united. I add a most interesting and Benjamin Patterson, the hunter, published in At the Judge Mc Master's History of Steuben county. He says Mkirmish of Freeling's Fort in 1779, he and his younger brother Robert fought in the party of Capt. Hawkins Boone, and narrowFreeling's Fort on the West Branch ly escai)ed with their lives. of the Susquehanna, had been taken by a i)arty of Tories and Lidians, the former under the connnand of McDonald, a noted loyalist of Tryon county in New York, and the latter led by Hiakatoo, the husband of Mary Jennison, the white woman. Capt- To tins sketch of Freeland's Fort graphic narrative of : Boone's party of thirty two, volunteered to scout in the neighborhood of the ca}>tured Fort, and to attack the enemy if it could be I They advanced cautiously and succeeded in concealing themselves in a cluster of bushes overlooking the advantageously done. Both Tories and Indians were engaged in cooking or eating, while a single sentinel, a Hne tall savage, with a blanket drawn over his head, walkeil slowlv to and fro. Boone's <;ami» of the enemy. I HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 22 by platoons of six. The sentry sprang inwhoop and fell dead. The enemy yelling frightarms and opened a furious but random fire at their men commenced firing to the air with a fully ran to unseen foes. Boone's men Their Ijullets lay hid, rattled through the bushes where but did no mischief. dians and tories was dreadful. The thirty The slaughter two rangers of Infiring by sixes, with the unerring aim of frontiersmen, shot down one hundred and fifty (so the story runs) before Boone's men with strange indiscretion, the enemy broke and fled. rapidly and coolly in pursuit, and immediately exposed their Hiakutoo with his Indians made a circuit rushed from their covert weakness of numbers. and attacked them in the rear, while McDonald turned ujion their "Save yourselves, men, as you They were surrounded. The enemy closed with tomahawks and can," cried Capt. Boone. front. This part of the fight occurred in the midst of the woods. spears. The rangers broke through their foes and fled with such success that many escaped, but their Captain and more than half his men were killed. Patterson further relates the particulars of his own escape, with others of the rangers, and their pursuit by a party of the enemy, while on the return trip to Niagara. The discrepancies in these several narratives are in a great measure reconciled by the fact that each writer told what he saw and knew, without observing what was the condition of affairs at other [)oints; and having no persons with whom to compare and But the killing of one correct their respective remembrances. hundred and fifty Indians and Tories at Fort Freeland on that occasion seems to need confirmation, and is certainly not sustained by any authority which I have consulted. "The hunter" seems to liave been drawing upon his imagination. McClure's Fort vv.ms located on the North Branch of the Sus- quehanna, "on the farm of Mrs. McClure, about one mile above It was built by Lieut. Moses Van the mouth of Fishiugoeek." Campen in 1781, and occupied tlie exact site of the present dwell- ing house on th^ farm of Douglas Hughes, below Blooiusburg. Sev- had settled along th(i rivtr andon theFishingcreek and was a central point for the dai ing Indian fighter. Hei e he gathi r ed his stores, and from this point proceeded on his excm-sions through eral families this HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 23 was while he held his headquarters at McClure's no doubt a pleasant rendezvous to him, as he married a daughter of Mr. James McClure subsequently, that news was brought him of the assembling of a body of three hundred the wooils. It Fort, which was Indians at Sinnemahonitig, with the They were making intention of a de- and upon all the settlements on the same day. Lieut. Van Campen communicated the intelligence to Col. Hunter, who selected a party of five to go out in disguise, reconnoitre and ascertain their movements. The company consisted of Capt. Campbell, Peter Grovf. Michael Grove, Lieut. Cranmer and Lieut. Van Canipen. and was under th^- command of It was call'-d the Grove party scent on the frontier. to divide into small parties fall Van Camf»en is whose company Van Campen belonged, in a letter to President Reed, dated Septernber 8th., 1781. The expedition was highly successful, and soon after the return from the Sinnemahoning, the Lieutenant Van Campeii. corroborated Thi-< i'l a 1 statement made -tter C from ipt. in the life of Robirison, t> returned to his headquarters at McClure's fort, and entered again upon the service of No settlements. pen was made conducting scouts further mention prisoner in the is made spring of around the line of the fort. 1782, about of the Van Camthe Bald Eagle creek on the West Branch, and was not paroled until near January 1783, and upon his exchange he was ordered to WilkesBarre, where and above which post, he remained until November when was ratified and the army diswas dead, and the family was then Major Van Campen followed, and living near Northumberland. McClure's was again his headquarters. He remained with the McClure family and tarm for several years, and then removed to Briarcreek where he remained for five yea's, whence in 1795 he removed to the state of Nfw York. He died in Livingstni county between 1845 ajtd 1850, aired nearly ninety years. I find no ace 'unt of any adventures or any hair breadth escapes related about th's fort, and if there is a tradition of any I should be glad to ha-e it put m writing. 1783, banded. the Treaty of Peacn Mr. James McClure WiiKr-'.i.Ku's Fort. In the spring of 1778 Lieut. Van Campen was in connnand under Col. Hunter, of a comj)any of six months men, raised for the protection of the frontiers, and with these h HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 24 was ordered to proceed up the North Branch of the Susquehanna mouth of Fishingcreek, and following up this three miles to a compact settlement located in that region, build a fort for to the the protection of the inhabitants. He selected for a site the farm whence it was called Wheeler's Fort. It was built with stockades, and was sufficiently large to accommodate all the families in the neighborhood. Before the fort was entirelycompleted, a runner brought word of an approaching band of Indians. The inhabitants lied to the fort, and their houses and barns and grain and furniture were delivered up by the savages Then the fort was attacked, but it held to the devouring flames. out against them. By evening the ammunition being nearly expended, Van Canipen sent two men to Fort Jenkins, about eight miles off, on the river at Hill's place for a supply. They returned before morning amply provided, and the remainder of the night was spent in running bullets and preparing for a renewal of the fight on the approaching day. The attack was not resumed. This was in May, 1778. "What loss they sustained we could not ascertain, as they carried off all the dead and wounded, though, from the marks of blood on the ground, it must have been considerable. The inhabitants who took shelter in the fort had built a of a Mr. Wheeler, yard for their cattle at the head of a small flat at a short distance from the fort, and one evening in the month of June, just as they were milking them, my sentinel called my attention to some movement in the brush, which I soon discovered to be Indians There w^as no time to be making their way to the cattle yard. lost I immediately selected ten of my sharp-shooters, and under cover of a rise of land got between them and the milkers. On ascending the ridge we found ourselves wuthin pistol shot of them I fired first, and killed the leader, but a volley from my men In the did no further execution, the Indians running off at once. mean time the milk pails flew in eveiy direction, and the best — — runner got to the fort first. The poor equally frightened, cattle leaped the fence and ran off in every direction into the woods, with their tails in the air Van and bellowing at a most terrible rate. and was no danger, as laughable as can well be imagined. But though it w^as an amusing scene to us to the timid women and girls it was a serious fright, for when we returnIt was, continues to us Avho knew Canqjen, a scene of confusion as wild, there ; IIISTOEY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 25 ed, we found them trembling with agitation, and their faces [tale from fear. Yet they soon recovered their accustomed feelings, and as soon as they learned that there was no danger, were ready to laugh with us at the display which they had made of their bravery." Wm. Maclay writes to President "I will not trouble 1780. Reed from Sunbury, April you with the distress of 2, this county. will no doubt be painted to the council in lively colors, and indeed the picture cannot be ovei'charged, nor should I at this time write to you, but foi- a strong belief and persuasion that a They body of Indians are lodged about the They were with creeks. snow gone. Many us to the head of Fishing and INIuncy very beginning of the deep they are with us now before that snow is quite This country might be examined. This is what we wish. of our hmiters who went late last fall into that country last ja'ar, (which is a fine one for hunting) were so alarmed with constant reports of guns, which they could not believe to be white men's are not strong enough to that they returned suddenly back. We examine this country and dislodge them." Mr. But the inhal)iMaclay's conclusion seems to have been correct. tants in and about Fort Wheeler do not appear to have had any apprehensions of danger, and early in the spring began to return The only narrative we have of that raid upon our to their farms. settlements is the one given by Lieut. Van Campen, which is here spare added men : to "My father's house having been burned in the Indian deme to go with him and a younger predations of 1778, he requested brother to our farm, about four miles tions for building another, distant, to and raising some grain. make prepara- But little a]»- prehension was entertained of molestations from the Indians this season, they had been so completely routed the year before. We March, accompanied by my uncle left the fort about the last and his son, al)out twelve years old, and one Peter Pence. We had been on our farm about four or five days, when on the mornof we were surprised by a party of ten was lunged through with a war-spear, his throat was cut and he was scali)ed, while my brother was tomahawked, scalped and thrown into the fire before my eyes. While I was struggling with a warrior, the fellow who had killed my father drew his spear from his body and made a violent thrust at ing of the 30th. of March, Indians. My father HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 26 me. me I shrunk from the turned it s]>ear, and the savage who had hold of it only penetrated my vest and with his hand, so that They were then satisfied with taking me prisoner, as they had the same morning taken ray uncle's little son and Pence, though they killed my uncle. The same party, before they reached us, had touched on the lower settlements of Wyoming, and killed a Mr. Upson, and took a boy prisoner by the name of Rogers. We were now marched off up Fishingcreek, and in the afternoon we came to Huntington, where the Indians found four shirt. white men at a sugar camp, Avho fortunately discovered the In- dians and lied to a house. we, the prisoners, were Having encamped and made tied and well secured, on one side of us and five on the other course, and leaving the sued their ; in the five their fire, Indians lying morning they pur- waters of Fishingcreek, touched the head waters of Hunlock's Creek, where they foiind one Abraham Pike, his wife and child. Pike was made prisoner, but his wife and child they painted and told Joggo Squaw, "go home." They continued their course that day and encamped the in the same manner as the day previous. It came into same night my inind that soinetimes individuals performed wonderful actions and surmounted the greatest dangers. I then decided that these The fellows must die, and thought of the plan to dispatch them. next day I had an opi)Ortunity of communicating my plan to my fellow-prisoners. They treated it as a visionary scheme for three men to attempt to dispatch ten Indians. I spread before them advantages that three men would have over ten when asleep and that we would be the first prisoners that would be taken into their towns and villages after our army had destroyed their corn, that we should be tied to the stakes and suffer a cruel death. We had now an inch of ground to fight on, and if we failed it would only be death, and we might as well die one way as another. That day passed away, and having encamped for the night we lay In the morning we came to the river and saw their as before. canoes up Little Tunkhannock Creek, so called they crossed the river and set their canoes adrift. I renewed my suggestions to dispatch them that night and urged that they must decide the question. Disarm them and each take a tomahawk and come to close work at once. There are three of us plant our blows with judgment, and three times three will make nine, and the tenth ; ; ; II ni;STORY OF COLVMBIA COUNTY. one we can kill at our They agreed leisure. after that take possession of the the four, and the other them. kill first guns and to fire 21 disarm them, and at the one side of two take tomahawks on the other side and observed that \Aould be a very uncertain way, the I shot fired would give the alarm, they would discover the prisoners, and might defeat Peter Pence was chosen to had I us. it to be to yield to their plan. the guns, Pike and myself to tom- fire wood to give them a good ahawk we The prisoners were tied and laid in their places. After I was laid down one of the Indians had occasion to use his knife cut and carried plenty of ; fire. ; and I turned my foot over it and concealed they all lay down and fell asleep. About midnight I got u}> it and found them in sound sleej). T slij)ped to Pence, who rose j he did the same for me cut him loose and handed him the knife ami I in turn took the knife and cut Pike loose, and in a minute's Pence took his station at the guns. time we disarmed them. Pike and myself with our tomahawks took our stations I was to tomahawk three on the right wing and Pike two on the left. That moment Pike's two awoke and were getting up. Here Pike proved a coward, and laid down. It was a critical moment, and their heads turned up fair I I saw there was no time to be lost dispatched them in a moment, and turned to my lot as per agreement, and as I was about to kill the last on my side. Pence shot and did good execution. There was only one at the off wing his name was Mohaw^ke, a stout, bold, that his ball did not reach daring fellow. In the alarm he jumped off about three rods from he dropped my at it feet, ; ; ; ; ; ; the fire ; he saw the war-whoo}>. it was the prisoners that made the He quick to i)revent him myself. me ; I As I attack, giving I was him and darted to take possession of the guns —the my raised contest was then between tomaliawk he ; turiu'd quick to junq) from my tom- followed him, struck at him, but missing his head the back of his neck he and we clinched, his arm was naked I fell full length by his side he caught me around my neck, at the same time I caught him with my left arm around the body, and gave him a close hug, at ahawk stuck in his shoulder, or pitched forward and fell — at rather the same time my foot ; sliiijied. ; ; the same time feeling In our scuflle the wounded for his knife, but could not reach my tomahawk dropped shoulder, and almost out. suffocated it. My head was under me with his blood. III^TOEY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 28 we both rose a violent spring, and Vn'oke from his hold same time, and he ran it took me some time to clear the blood from my eyes my tomahawk was covered up, and I could not find it in time to overtake him he was the only one of the I always have had a party that esca[)ed. Pike was })owerless. Pike was trying to pray, and devotion. christian for deference Pence swearing at him, charging him Avith cowardice, and saywe were niasters ing it was no time to pray he ought to fight of the ground, and in possession of all their guns, blankets, then turned my attention to scalping I match coats, &c. them, and recovt settleni'Mi'. and we lost C'lnsiderable jjioperty, though we saved our guns and amnuuiition, and took to land; we reached Wyalusing late in the aft-Tiu^on. C uii to the narrows, di:er Chillisquaque, which was repulsed but the Indians burned and destroytd ever} tiling in their power along the whole frontier, and Lieut. Hunter hearing of the advance on P^oit Rice, ordered the evacuation of Fort Jenkins, which, with all the buildings about it, was burned by tlie detachment of the enemy which moved up the North liranch. It seems never to have been rebuilt. Mr. Jacob ; Hill furnishes — the following information in relation to P^ort was about twenty rods from the river, and It stood about half the distance from the North Branch canal. upon the very spot upon which my house now stands, "^rhere are no remains left above ground, but I think there might be some There is a very low spot piects of the logs buiicd in the ground. between my house and barn which is said to have been the well inside the fort. There is also another such a spot near my house, and about four rods from the former, which is said to be the cellar of a house built by Jenkins, and in digging the cellar for my house my hands found a quantity of stone which I took to be the foundation of some building, among which were some brick of Jenkins: '"Its location rather singulai dimensions about four or five feet under ground. HI.STORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 32 I well recollect when the poets of the fort stuck out of the ground, bat they can no more be seen. are in the vicinity This is all I ing upon can tell scattered with you about around and The this it. posts The were oak. arrows fields Indians use. such as There has been so much buildmarks of the fort are all spot that almost invisible." Columbia enough to stimulate inquiry and produce additional history of them, if any In his "Annals of Luzerne county," exists, not already in print. the Hon. Stewart Pearce mentions a "Fort Freedly, on the North Branch, below Uloomsburg," and in another place speaks of it as "Fort Freedley, near Bloomsburg, where Capt. Boone and others were slain." It is most evident that Mr. Pearce is mistaken. There was no Fort Freedley neai" Bloomsburg, and the fort where Mr. Boone was killed was Fort Freeland, on Warrior s liun. Pearce also says that Capt. Walker erected Fort Jenkins, and charges that Van Campen claims that honor. Certainly no such claim is made in the ''Life of Van Campen," and I cannot account for the inadvertence. Mr. Pearce asserts that Fort Muncy was built by Capt. Walker. It was so built in 1778, under Col. Hartley, but it was also as certainly abandoned and substantially destroyed, and remained so, in December, 1779. Maj. Van Campen says tliat in March, 1782, at the head of Capt. Robinson's company he was ordered "to march to a place called Muncy, and there rebuild a fort which had been destroyed by the Indians in the year 1779." I see no reason to question Major Van. Campen's veracity in this matter. He was certainly with Capt. Robinson in June 1781, and in September 1781, and in April 1782 Col. Hunter writes to Vice President Potter that Captain Robinson is then at Muncy and is rei)airing the Fort. Besides, Van Campen's Narrative was written and published at a time when, if false, it could and would have been contradicted by many a living witness. I am furnished with the following letter by a gentleman who shows himself competent to speak on the sul)ject: "You are no doubt aware that certain sapient historians have endeavored to make Abraham Pike the Hero of the killing of the Indian captors instead of the hated and despised Pennamite, Van Campen. AbraThis is all the information concerning county which I am able to present here, the forts but this in is HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. ham Pike was himself and 33 little good for wandering around from house to a rather worthless fellow, doing but still less to others, house retailing his Munchausen tales, thereby securing his whisky, warm corner by the lire, on the strength of his wonderful exploits as related by himself. I have heard an incident re- bread, and a lated of him for which at this distant ury, Deceml>er IStli, 1779. He says: "On my being ordered down from Wyoming the first considerati(jn which engaged my attention with regard to posting the troops under my command was to find what position Col. Hartley and the other gentlemen who had preceded me in this command forts, lll.sroin' 34 Ii;i(l on I found Fort Fast Hrancli Mimcy I Sunbury to I Joiikiiis havo been This position endeavored to revive. tliat wcri' occiiiiiod. havo nrvcr sinco heard censured) Hunter whom West and Fort on the witli tlu' mao^a/.inc at only slandinu; posts tlu' I lakoii. (lie OF CO TATMB IA COUNTY. eonstdtod was of (he same opinion; Ihe (wliicli Col. only dif- on some place (Mpially well adapted to cover the frontier as Fort Muney was; Fort Muney having been evacuated MeClnng's wsis agreed on, and a, det;ichnient of ;iii(l destroyed iieulty was to fix — the troo])S accordingly took ])ost there The tlie r)th troops, l\owever, found this ])lacc so void of barren of timber that tJiey of hist s]ielt(>r were obliged to abandon it, niontli. annces erected at this place bi'ing totally false moved to a, and groundless. ])lace called ''I'his detaclunent accordingly Montgomei'y's, nearer to Bosley's Mill and McClung's. having erected barracks and other necessary d(>fences, and their vicinity to liosley's Mill being not more than about two miles distant, makes another ])ost thert' (ptite uneipially well situated for the defentn' of the frontier as At this jtlace. the troojts lU'cessary at ]»resent." niSTOILY OF (JO LC AimA CO (J NT) cHAi'Ti:!; HIKltK wen- ri riion- I tlic soil aU<'ii))»tH, rrioro or Iohh honoHt, of July, ill vurioiiH State of thiietarieH, tJie 1708. final 'i'he )>iirchaHe and l;y Fort M<;Intosh, now to was in th(; l>(;aver, Theated and )»ersistery a)»i)areiitly well 'I'lic of and HiicceHsful lens hounds was made (-omiiion wealth, in <^)etohc'r, 17H1. A under last, or titl all tlie niattt^r.s in di,s]jnte was had at the council at F^aston in July and Aii«^ist, IToO, ..when and where the Governor, Hon. VVilliam Denny, and four memhers of council and ahoiit forty citi/-eiia))i and VV'anaini, two ciiiij^, the Delaware chief, king of Delaware tribes, and of tli^- .Monseys and MohickoiiH. At an adjourned council at the same |)lace in November, 1750, the same Hubj(!Ct was l»rought u)», and when the Governor askcid tin; chief"This ground tain to Htate his grievances, the I^eiawarc said tliat is under me, (stamping with his foot,) is mine and ha,s been taken from me by fraud and forgery," and he )»roc(;eded to explain and insist upon his view and construe'tion of the treaties and At a subsequ<;nt council at Easton in deeds of (conveyance. ])rincij»al parties, the same chargeH the same between 17o7, July, were made and pressed home. Again at Fvaston,in October, I7oS, liis : a deed was executed r(;leasing to the Indians a the territory (;mbraced in culty wfiM not settled, and .\t tlif that of July, 1754 it ; large amount of but the whole diffi- W!is U)> again in 1701. council in July. 1757. at P^aston, Teedyiiscung discus- 36 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. "As among other things certain boundawant to have Wyonien, we we intend to settle at ries tixed between you and us, and a certain tract of land fixed, sing the question of unsold lands, said, ; which it shall not be lawful for us or our children ever to sell, nor you or any of your children ever to buy. We would have the boundaries fixed all around agreeable to the draught we give you, (here he drew a draught with chalk on the table,) that we may not be pressed on any side, but have a certain country fixed for for own use, and the use of our children forever." To this the Governor replied "As to the lands between tShamokin and Wyomen, the proprietaries have never bought them of our : them under any Indian with the choice they had made of pleased was purchase; that he use all the means in his would and i)Ower to have place, that these lands settled upon \\\w\ agreeable to his request," &c. The draft made by the Delaware chief, as nearly as it can be traced from the copy before me, begins on the west bank of the Susquehanna opposite the mouth of Shamokin creek below Sunbury, thence to the mouth of Lycoming creek, thence along the east bank of it, by what were known as Burnett's hills, south of Towanda creek, and in an easterly circular direction to near Honesdale, and from that point in a southwesterly direction to the beginning. The territory thus demanded and agreed to be set off to him for the tribes he represented, comprised about 2,000,000 of acres, and included, in whole or in part, the counties of Union, Lycoming, Bradford, Sullivan, Wyoming, Wayne, Luzerne, Columbia, Montour and Northumberland. Houses were built for them at Wyoming, and missionaries sent to them. But the great chieftain did not long enjoy his rest. He was burned to death in his own house at Wyoming in 1763, but not without suspicion of arson and nnu'der and within five years thereafter, was held the treaty at Fort Stanwix, already mentioned, whereby not only the aforesaid Wyoming Reservation, but also a large body of other lands were purchased. This treaty included the territory, in whole or in part, of the counties of Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne, Wayne, Sus(^uehanna, Bradford, Lycoming, Clearfield, Indiana, Armstrong, Cambria, Somerset, Fayette, Westmoreland, Allegheny, Washington, Greene, Clinton, Montour, Sullivan and Wyoming. the Indians, and therefore never claimed ; : JII.STOIiY Even before OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 37 1768, the country between Hliamokia have been pre'tty well knowji. It is not my purpose to enter upon any examination or narration of tlie Pennsylvania and the Connecticut claims to the lands within If Connecticut had succeeded the charter limits of oiii- State. in her claim, most of the present county of Columbia would the line passing have been included within her boundaries west would have crossed at the mouth of Fishingcreek, which latitude, which is as near as possible on the 41st parallel of was claimed to be the southern boundary of Connecticut. But it is referred to here mairdy because it introduces to us for the first time the name of a prominent settler in the county. In January, 1769, Charles Stewart, John Jennings and Amos Ogden took possession of the lands claimed by Connecticut, in the name and on behalf of Pennsylvania, and on the 8th of February, and this date, Wyoming nmst ; 1769, a body of Connecticut men appeared on the ground. putes and l)loodshed succeeded, time to time; and among eacli Dis- party being I'eiiiforced from the most determined opponents of the Pennsylvania government were some Lancaster county men, who probably had some personal grievance. Be that as it may. Captain and in pm-suance of from Shamokin to Wyoming. On •Friday, May 12th, 1769," he wiites to "The Honorable John Penn, Escpiire,'' a letter from which I make the following extract "Sir: This afternoon about three o'clock, one hundred and forty-six New England men, and others, chiefly on horse-back, passed by our houses and are now encamped on the east side of Among them is Benjamin Shoemaker and John Mcthe river. I si)oke to McDowell, Dowell, with several of their neighbors. who informed me that at least as many more are on their way, And I have other intelligence that and will be here to-morrow. If this be true tliey will in a few days be five hundred strong. C^harles Stewart continued to hold possession, his duties travelled fretiuently we can only act defensively until reinforced. At present we are but twenty-four men. "On my way up the river from Shamokin, on Wediies(hiy evewas hailed by a man at the mouth of Fishing creek, named Jaines McCIure, who told me he and foui' others, then at a tire hard by, was an advance i»arty of one hundred going to johi the New England men, and that they would chiefly be from ning last, I HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 3H L.aucaster coiinty; that he wduhl he at hut It lie is Wyoming as soon as us, not yet come." does not appear whether Mr. James MeChire and the one liundred In the progress men marched on to Wyoming or not. we shall tind him next at the same mouth of of this history Fishingcreek as a settler, taking up Pennsylvania authorities and holding his taries. ^1 p a tract of land under the title from the proi)rio- : UIISTORY Oh COLUMBIA COUNTY. CHAPTER 30 V. THE countycounty from tlie territory of which was taken, originally extended northward It was organized March 27, 1772, to the borders of New York. and took in all the valley of the West Branch, and with small It conexception the whole northeastern portion of the state. tained 28,922 square miles, a territory almost as large as Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts and New Jersey combined. At the first ('ourt held in that County, April 9, 1772, I find of Nortliiiiii])ei'laii(l, C'olmiihiii the following mimite of the formal opening: "At a court of private sessions of the peace held at Fort Augusta Northumberland on the ninth day of April in tlie twelfth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and in the year of our Lord (jod one thousand seven hundred and seventy-two, before for the county of Williani Plunkett, Esq.," \\u\ among reseiit homestead upon that fann. (Columbia county was taken from Northumberland and Kej>arately organized by act of Assembly of March 22nd, 1813, with the following boundaries, to wit; "Beginning at the nine mile tree on the bank of the nortlieast branch of the Susquehanna, and Witliiu a fann tlie at the from thence l>y the line of Point township to the line of Cliillisquaque township, then by the line of Chillisquaque and Point townsliips to the west branch of the river Susquehanna, thence up the same to the line of Lycoming county, thence by the line of Lycoming county to the line of Luzerne county, thence Vjy the sanie to the line of Schuylkill county, thence along the same to the south-west corner of Catawissa township, thence by the line of Catawissa and Shamokin townsliijis to the river 8usquehann;i, and thence ].. down said river to the jdace of beginning." V. L. ]8]'-5. 1 -jO. There can be no doul)t were originally TurV)Ot tliat tlie townshi])S of Chillisquaque and incoi-j^orated into Columbia county in order to secure the location of the county buildings at Danville; for the commissioners ai)pointed by the Governor to select a site HI8T0RY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 42 for county town were tlie rt'quirc'd to lix "uh near the center it and Danville having been named in the report of the said connnissioners, and the object being thus achieved, an act was passed, and approved the 21st day of February, A. D. 1815, by which it was provided "That from and after the first day of May next, the townships of Turbot and Chillisquaque, in tlie county of Columbia, be, and the same as the situation thereof will admit," are hereby annexed to and made i>art of Northumberland county."" P. L. 1815 p. 38. On "To run and mark a line dividing the became a law. P. L. 1815 p. 43. The seeming trick by which the county seat of the new county had been fixed at Danville, and the prompt re-annexation of the two townships of Chillisquaque and Turbot to that from which they were taken, provoked a spirit of indignation and opposition the same day an act counties of Columbia and Luzerne"' An in the ujjper part of the county. agitation for the removal of the seat of justice from Danville to Bloomsburg, as a more central and moi*e in accordance with the letter and spirit of the Columbia county, innnediately conunenced, and continued until success crowned the endeavor, by an act apju-ovedthe 24th day of February, 1845, just thirty 3^ears after, authorizing a vote upon the question of removal. The detailed result will be location act erecting found under that chapter in this volume. Ill the meantime, however, so active and new movement liec CuKEK, which Chillisquaque, by which the men and Madison and joins IMontour county, \yashingtonville in townshij) of Liberty empties into the locality of Blooins- others. in fact, properly, tlu> is in rises into the Sus- East Ihaiich of the the Chill isipiacjue at and passing through the West the Susfpie- lirancli of hanna, in Chillis(|ua(|ue townsliip, near the foot of INLontour Ridge. Limestone Run rises in the county, and runs westwardly West Branch 1>KVKU township of that name in Montour through Turbut township, into the at jNIilton. RiN Limestone and runs eastwardly into Chill- rises in isquaque. Touv Run quehanna rises at the Malioning township and in Gas Works falls into of the State Lunatic the Sus- Asylum, above Danville. Beaver Run rises in Liberty township aiul runs into Noi thumber- Innd County and emi)ties itself into the Chillisquaque. The C.vr.vwissA mountains give character to all that })artof the county lying east of the river. Between Bloomsburg and CataAvissa, the river, which lias been running a south-west course, suddenly turns south and breaks through the mountain range instead Some terrible convulsiou must have of passing down the valley. caused the chasm through which the winding Sus(juehanna its tloods, and the scenery along "The Rocks" picturesque. The hill Montour county, and gradually breaks is finally lost down as is it j)Ours beautiful and stretelies into in the gentle dei)ression. But on the east side of the river, casting off a sj)ur here and there, it breaks the whole face of the county into great irregidarities. Between Catawissa and Centralia two distinct ranges of mountains bar the way, and upon the farther side of the second we strike the coal measures of tlie try differing materially Schuylkill region, and enter upon a coun- from all other parts of the county. LTpon the opposite or west side of the county the vast ranges HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. (jf tlie Muiicy hills strike in, iiiid 51 Kceni to enclose us witliin their and passing on to the north end we encounter anotlier hrancli of the great Alleglieny range eiiv<'lo)iiiig ])rotectiTig convolutions ; us on that side. NoK mountain rises abruptly in the to\vns)iij» of Orange, and extends iiortli-eastwardly into Lu/erne county, where it also ase rushes Huntingdon creek, wliich county, and, ]»assing through a rises in part of Long Pond Luzerne, in Sullivan into ein|)ties Fishingcreek just at the edge of the township of that name, whence together they continue to, and pass round its western its wooded sides and seek the green valleys tliat lie on leave eiul, tlu; Susquehanna. Xescoi'eck mountain extends from Black creek in Luzerne (coun- down at Mainville. and is now being pros-* ty westward into Columbia county, and breaks and regular in its fomiation, Scotch Valley lies south of it, and beyond the narrow slip rises McCalla mountain, in wliich there is a large de> ]»osit of coal. It Vireaks down at about Mifflin Cross-Roads. BeMcCalla mountain comes Beaver Valley, and beyond that yond Buck mountain, which slides down into the valley some distance above Shuman's. A map of the county, giving plainly the names of streams, hills and mountains is gi'catly needed. It is beautiful pected for coal. Montour's riVli:\lKNTS rril IK piihlic i-(>:i(ls of the good ]»ossil)le by the l'U( »I)IGTI()NS. county are iiuinerous, and new ones J^ are constantly being opened, county VII. sliortest making actress to all parts of routes. Tliey condition, well supplied with index boards, the generally in are and the bridges over the various streams safe and ])lentiful. The North Branch Canal i)asses through the county. Since them running from Northumberland to Wilkes-Barre, 64 miles in length, has come into the ownership of the "Pennsylvania Canal Company." The capital stock of the company is five millions of dollars, aud the whole length of canal owned by it is ;538 miles. The officers are all Philadelphians, except Thomas T. Wierman, the the sale of the canals, that ]»ortion of chief engineer, who resides in Harrisburg. In this county Hugh D. Quick, of llupert, and Hudson Owen, of Berwi(^k, are the active, vigilant and competent local superintendents. The Catawissa Railroad runs from Tamanend to Williamsijort, 94jniles; having de})Ots in Columbia county as follows : Rupert, Catawissa, Mainville, Beaver Valley, (4irard Manor, and others. It is now under lease to the I'hiladelphia & Reading Railroad Company. Tlie Danville, Hazleton &, Wilkes-Barre Railroad, now under Company and known since its lease to the Pennsylvania Railroad and re-organization, as the 8uid)ury, Hazleton cfc WilkesBarre Railway, runs from Sunbury to Tomhickon and in Columbia county on the east side of the river, having a depot at Cat- sale ; awissa, Mainville, Miftiin in length, and is a X new and Roads and Glen City. It is 40 miles im})ortant outlet for coal and produce lieretofore mostly inaccessible. The Lackaw^anna & Bloomsburg Railroad, from Scranton to Northumberland, on the west side of the river, is 80 nailes in HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. county at Berwick, Willow and Catawissa now owned by the Delaware, Lackawanna it West- uikI lias lt'iiL;tli, S|)riiiL!,s, Lime IJriduc. It is ',?, depots in Coliaiibia IJidge, Ks])y, Hloomsbur^', llupcrt ern Railroad Coni|)any. The North and We-;t in this region, important one JVIay company the Itoroiigh of Wilkes-Barrc in soutli side of the ]»oint bia, most by act of Assembly approved I)i-anch IJaili-oad, a anthori/.ed I'mjiowering the 1H71, l.S, was tlie "to construct a railroad from county of Luzerne, along the North Hi-anch of the Sus(juehanna rivei-, to a opposite the town of Jiloomsburg, in the comity of Colum- and thence by a bridge over said river and by the valley of Little Fishingcreek to style and ti:le the of the city of Williamsport, by the name, Nouni and Wi:sr PANV, with ])Ower to construct a IJrancii K Aii.r.oAD Com- from near the town of branch IJloomsburg u]) the valley of Big Fisiiingcreek to connect with any existing or projectol railroad in Sullivan county, witli the right to connect with or cross at grade any railroad now made or l)e made within the counties of Luzerne, Columbia, Montour, Sullivan or Lycoming, and with tlie riglit to build branches not exceeding ten miles each in length." The road has l)een constructed from Wilkes-Barre to a point on the river, op- heieafter to j)Osite Bloomsburg, and thence down necting with the Sunbury, Hazleton The tlie river to Catawissa, con- and Wilkes-Baire at that from Bloomsburg to Williamsi»ort has been surveyed and some further work done, and it is in contemi)lation ])lace. route to begin the construction of tlie road at an early day. Ilunlock's Creek mouth is another road, "from ])i-ojected of Ilunlock's creek in the near the county of Luzerne, through the Huntingdon to the borougli of Muncy in Lycoming by the name, style and title of the Ilunlock's Creek and towiishij) of county, Muncy Railroad Company, witli Philadelphia & other railroad now made ties of Erie, the the connect with the Bloomsburg, or any right to Lackawanna &, made within the coun- Luzerne and Lycoming, with the right to build branches not exceeding ten miles or hereafter to be in length." Several routes have been examined and surveyed, all of which through the county of Columbia. It seems to us impossible to build the road witliout passing througli Benton or Sugar'.o.if or both. Our ])eoi)le are theiefore go for a shorter or longer distance HISTORY OF COLVMBIA COUNTY. 54 greatly interested in the construction of the road, which with the will give to us a positive and per- North and West Hrancli road manent advantage in the coal, and lumber trade of iron this re- gion of country. hardly necessary to add that nearly all the business places Bloomsburg are connected by telephone, and many of them It is in The also to the residence of the respective business houses. line has been extended to Danville, Catawissa, Ku])ert, Millville and Orangeville, from the central office at Bloomsburg. The Tide Water Pipe Line Company are constructing an oil through the county, and are accompanying it by a telegraph line, which connects Buckhorn, Jerseytown and other places, diline rectly with Bloomsburg. The limestone trade of the county is very large. The railroads have transported annually one hundred thousand tons, and a very large tonnage has been shipped on the canal, but the separate items made up, so that the number of tons cannot be The amount used in the manufacture of iron is given of freight are not ascertained. in the statistics of that trade ; and there are no data for estimat- ing the immense number of bushels of lime annually burned and delivered to farmers at the kilns. It is imjiosible to tell bia county. Even of coal may exist in ColumConyngham and Beaver it is what amount in the region of only partially developed; and there are claimed to be abundant and satisfactory evidences of the existence of coal in the northern townships of the county in Nob mountain and in the mountains of Sugarloaf. In this latter township it is claimed that ; there are large and rich dejjosits of iron ore, and if coal is also de- veloped, with the lumber thereabouts, there must shortly be a large access of wealth and population, increased and stimulated by the buildiug of the railroads through there which have been mentioned under the proper heads. But the production of coal is so uncertain that it is hardly worth the while to make any statement about say that as much as 400,000 tons has one year within the county. And the same may be said of the manufacture of pig iron but which in any thing like it. It is sufficient to been mined in ; a fair commercial year averages about 20,000 tons. For each ton of iron manufactured there is recpiired 2.05 tons of coal, 3.25 tons of ore, and 1.59 tons of limestone. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. CIIAPTEll TO'^Tw^^SrSIEII^'S WHEN ized, in it cSc VIII. BOI^OXJOHS. 1813 the county of Columbia was separately organ- consisted of the twelve townships following, to-wit : Bloom, Briarcreek, Chillis(]uaque, Catawissa, Derry, Fishingcreek, Greenwood. Hemlock, Mahoning, MitHin, Sugarloaf and Tnrbiit. Turbut township was declared Court, one of the townships into at April sessions, 1772, by the which Northumberland county was divided. Mahoning township was February sessions 1775, out erected at of part of Turbut. Catawissa township was erected at August sessions 1785 out of Augusta. township was erected Turbut and Mahoning. Chillis(piarinciple of the free vote as ad- vocated by Senator Buckalew was ai)i)lie(l. Tlie working of it was practically tested at our first election on the twelfth day of April, A. D. 1870 had been ; ai>i)lied in liuckalew cast the which was also the first time that the system the United States, and at that election Mr. first vote in illustration of his system. III.STORY 58 OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. KKOAriTULATION. Turbut, original, Mahoning, May original, Catawissa, original, February session August session Chillisquaque, original, Derry, original. 8ession May May session session 1772 177.5 1785 178G 1736 Fishingcreek, original, August session 1789 August session Bloom, original, August session Greenwood, original, August session 1797 1798 Briarcreek, original, Hemlock, original, Mifflin, original, 1799 no date of erection no date of erection Sugarloaf, original, no date of erection Liberty, by Act of Assembly 1810 Limestone, by Act of Assembly 1816 Madison 1817 Mount Pleasant 1818 Berwick Borough Koaringcreek Montour Jackson Orange 1818 1832 1837 1 838 1839 Franklin 1843 Main 1844 Centre 1844 845 l>eaver 1 Benton Pine 1850 1853 Locust, theretofore "Scott" Scott, out of Bloom Conyngham Borough The Town of Bloomsburs Centralia 1 853 1853 1856 1 866 1870 nit^TORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 59 CHAPTER IX P'O^^TJXj^S^TIOISr 1820 the population as then existing was 17,621, INafter the erection of Montour county the popuhition an ))- the readier as by the coni])iler. thp couni}, including Mo;, tour, were found brlow for 1882, for Columbia county alone, as well as seme estimate of acreage and values; of course the ter is constantly fluctuating and is consequently only a basis for Iri 2486. They taxables in will be future comparisons. TaxaT OWNSIIirS. bles Acies of unseated lands. Beaver Acres of Value of •^ea'd lands unseated Value of seated — . HItSTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. The census for figures 1850 are a the year little Gl confused in both counties, because of the division that year, and some uncert.'iiiity about the lines. But for 1860, 1H70 and 1880 they are substantially, perhaps exactly, correct. CENSUS. 1820 TOWNSHIPS. Beaver Benton Berwick Bloomsburg 162f) Biiarcreek Catawissa Centralia Centre Conyiighani , 1719 2520 2081 1706 3130 1840 1850 18ti0 1870 1880 672 901 893 * 1221 1062 2095 1300 1320 969 1050 923 3340 1080 1627 1340 1320 1900 3702 1172 2003 1509 1256 2183 1200 533 1470 1037 539 1370 550 1585 1170 565 1447 543 1710 1080 675 1897 1550 2014 529 1140 1021 485 776 930 555 509 1502 601 1090 1043 624 750 910 760 485 1465 626 1077 1038 662 760 901 911 533 1347 752 701 869 452 1774 486 3122 1451 1091 2060 1143 1019 , 1662 502 , 1088 568 1753 902 1110 I Greenwood Hemlock 1078 1464 1110 1146 426 1111 Mahoning Main 1478 179 1927 Madison 1330 1492 1554 179 Orange 1700 2143 809 609 843 714 1024 409 708 1077 Pine Roaringcreek 1842 519 630 934 1316 Jackson Liberty Liniesione 1681 540 1217 957 265 1329 646 1260 1087 374 Locust 581 Mifflin ]\[ontour Mount Pleasant. 673 71 Scott Valley Sugarloaf Total 2668 1734 1176 , Derry Fishingcreek Franklin 1830 505 678 17621 20149 24243 17700 25065 28766 32439 'With Briarcreek. 62 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. MONTOrR COUNTY. Though not separately organized until 1850, we give the census In of Montour county, before and since its erection, complete. the chapter on "Townships and l^oroughs" there will be found some other interesting matter. Townships. 2 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. I'OrULATION OF TENNSYJA ANIA IIY (OVXTIES, TWENTY-ONE. 1882 PorUT.A.TION Counties. Adams Alleghenv Annstrong Beaver Bedford Berks lilair Bradford Bucks liutler Cambria Cameron Carbon Centre Chester Clarion Clearfield Clinton Columbia Crawford Cumberland Dauphin Delaware Elk Erie Fayette Forest Franklin Fulton Greene Huntingdon Indiana Jeffei-son Juniata 5 32455 3558G9 47641 39605 34929 122597 52740 58541 68656 52536 46811 5159 31923 37922 83481 40328 43408 26278 32439 68607 45977 76148 56101 12800 74688 58842 4385 49855 10149 28273 33954 40527 27935 18227 IS 31984 347968 47363 39163 34346 122146 52257 58003 67107 52408 46602 5151 31882 37574 76402 40228 43287 25992 32264 681 1 43867 72364 51487 12779 74345 56952 4373 47304 10020 27770 33674 40299 27898 17966 AND CITIZENS OVER 63 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 64 Males of 21 and OVER. Population. > Counties. o Lackawanna O 89269 139447 Lancaster 33312 Lawrence 38476 Lebanon 65969 Lehigh 133065 Luzerne 56486 Lycoming 42565 McKean 56161 Mercer Mifflin 19577 20175 Monroe 96494 Montgomery 15468 Montour Northampton 70312 53123 Northumb'd Perry 27522 Philadelphia 847170 Pike 9663 13797 Potter Schuylkill 12974 Snyder 1 7797 Somerset 33110 Sullivan 8073 Susquehanna 40354 Tioga 45814 Union 16905 Venango 43670 Warren 27981 Washington 55418 Wayne 33513 Westmoreland... 78036 Wyoming 15598 York S7841 88971 136596 33076 38391 65851 132310 56508 42211 55735 19362 20020 94731 15361 69987 52929 27358 815362 9579 13770 129616 17778 32994 8070 40135 45699 16772 43120 27784 52774 33482 77349 15577 86481 -u o 1| 298 2851 236 85 118 755 978 S54 426 215 155 1763 107 325 194 164 31808 84 27 358 19 116 3 219 115 133 550 197 2644 31 687 21 1360 9946 30411 6776 9005 13913 16468 4838 11801 10799 4298 4579 20632 3060 14732 10636 6150 133470 1755 3442 18118 4155 6908 1663 9224 10177 4036 8480 5759 11998 6081 15661 3843 19087 o 'o O 11862 3762 1532 687 2719 16170 2397 3057 3000 270 449 484 874 3172 2266 237 88987 688 494 12162 44 844 479 1776 2387 105 1882 2215 1625 2599 3333 312 1581 102 772 62 28 37 216 274 143 113 61 43 551 21 98 63 43 8967 27 8 93 6 76 3 70 41 32 146 56 651 10 180 6 359 recapitulation. Population. White Colored Total Males over 4,197,016 Native white 85,875 Foreign Colored 4,282,891 21. , 797,532 272,860 23,892 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. CHAPTER 65 X. I^Eliv£0 ^^^=^IL. IM:\rK7>IATELY after the location of the seat of justice at Danville, the agitation for a removal thereof to Bloomsburg commenced, and it was carried on without intermission and with more or less intrigue, excitement, diversion and asj^erity, for a It is hardly wor^i while to write up period of thirty years. Its track is strewed the history of that long and bitter contest. with the wrecks of unfortunate local politicians who had mistaken the temper of the people, or were themselves the mere tools of more designing intriguers. Thus the astute politicians of Danville played off the Borough of Berwick against Bloomsburg at one time by proposing a new county to be composed of parts of Columbia and Luzerne, with the Capitol at Berwick, at another by threatening to go solid for removal, but making it to be to ; I^erwick instead of to Bloomsburg. Party politics were lost and year after year re- sight of in the election of county officers, moval ami anti-removal candidates tested the strength of the re- spective localities. But the steady friends of removal had no cause for filibusterTheir object was plain and pronounced, and led by such men as Daniel Snyder, William McKelvy, Charles H. Doebler and Thomas A. Funston, their partisans stood up to the work, and every year showed an increasing vote for the re-location of ing. tl\e seat of Justice. The legislative lobby prevented the necessary and the weary years dragged on and on. As a somewhat curious document, I copy a statement by citizens of the county in favor of the measure, which very fully sets out the course of the struggle, and furnishes some matter for thought. action, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 66 To "rkmoval of the skat of justice of COIXMBIA COL'NTY. Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commomoealth of Pennsylvania. the undersigned, agents in behalf of the petitioners for reColumbia county, beg leave to lay Tlie moval of the seat of justice in before you the following statement of the principle facts in the case, and the grounds on which they rely, to procure the equitable interference of your honourable bodies. an Act of Assembly approved the 22d day of March 1813, the county of Columbia was erected out of a part of Old Northumberland. Its bounds by that act, were extended to the West By branch of the Susquehanna, and included two large townships, (Chillisquaque and Turbut,) which were, soon after the county town was fixed at Danville, by an act of Assembly, struck off from Columbia, and re-annexed to Northumberland county. By the 9th sectiorf of the Act first above mentioned, it is provided' "That the Governor shall appoint three discreet and disinterested persons, not resident in the counties of Northumberland^ Union, or Columbia, whose duty it shall be, after being sworn or affirmed before some Judge or Justice of the Peace, to fix upon a proper and convenient site for a Court house, prison, and county offices, within the aforesaid county of Columbia, as near tJte centre as the situation thereof vnll admit, and the said persons or a majority of them, having viewed the relative advantages of the several situations contemplated by the people, shall on or before the first day of July next, by a written report," &c. See act of Assembly session 1812-13, page 146. But two of the Commissioners appointed by the Governor attended and they did not comply with the requisitions of the act ; of Assembly, to place the seat of Justice "as near the centre as the situation thereof would admit," although the two townships above were at that time, a part of the county. It was known to some, and believed by all, that improper and unfair means had been used to procure the location at Danville the most obvious of which was, the taking in the said townships, against the will of nine-tenths of the inhabitants, and retaining them until Trtentioned — after the location was made. A large majority of the people im- mediately expressed their dissatisfaction with the decision of the Commissioners, and commenced operations to procure a proper HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. location of their seat of justice, as will be seen 67 by the following appeals to the Legislature. January 11, 1814, Mr RrrKRT presented nineteen rejisons therein expressed, for the petitions of Columbia county, praying, similar tenor, from inhabitants of for removal of the seat of justice of from the town of Danville to the town of Bloomsburg; and said petitions were read and referred to Messrs. Ru})ert, MilliSee Journal H. R. session ken, Bollinger, Forster and Dingman 1813-14, page 126. February 2, 1814, Mr. Rupert from the committee to whom were referred on the 11th ult. sundry petitions praying ifec, Report, That they have attended to the same, and on examination find that 1046 of the citizens of Columbia county have signed petitions i)raying the Legislature to pass a law removing the seat of justice from the town of Danville to the town of Bloomsburg. The petitioners state that the people of the county of Columbia have not l)een relieved from the numerous grievances Avhich they labored under, inasmuch as the seat of justice fixed by the commissioners, at Danville, is on the very verge of the county, and only twelve miles from the old county town, [Sunbury] and that the town of Bloomsburg on Big Fishing Creek, a pure and navigable stream of water, and only one mile from the river Suscehanna, Avill be more convenient and much more central. From a view of the map and the knowledge some of your committee have of Columbia county, they are of opinion that the seat of justice being fixed at Danville, does not comport with the meaning and spirit of the law, which declares in the ninth section, that the seat of justice shall be fixed as near the centre as the situation said county — thereof will admit. Believing as they do, that the tOAvn of Bloomsburg is more central, and considering that it is in a fertile country and convenient to permanent streams of water suitable for water works, [so beneficial to country towns] they are of opinion that the j)rayer of the petitioners They ought to be granted. rejiorted the following resolution. Resolced, That a coimnittee be appointed to bring in a agreeable to the prayer of the petitioners. La,id bill on the table. See Journal H. R. session 1813-14, pages 270, 271. December 14, 1814. On motion of Messrs. ordered that an item of unfinished business, Owen and i-elative Shaffer, to the re- HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 68 moval of the seat of justice of the county of Columbia from Danville to Bloomsburg, be referred to the members from the counties See Journal H. R. of Northumberland, Union and Columbia. session 1814-15, page 54. Mr. Owen presented twenty petitions of simi1, 1815. from sundry inhabitants of Columbia county, praying the removal of the seat of justice of said county from Danville and said petitions were read and recommended to the early attenSee Journal H. R. page 498. tion of the next Legislature. While the foregoing proceedings were pending, the Citizens of Chillisquaque and Turbut townships were not inactive with but one voice they had applied to be reannexed to Northumberland day of county and the Legislature by an act approved the detached them from the county of Columbia, and annexed them to Northumberland, thereby rendering Danville still more out of the centre, both of territory and popu- March lar tenor — ; lation. The people under this new aspect of affairs, recoimnenced their api)lication to the Legislature for redress, and the following pro- ceedings were had. December 8, Peti1816, January 16, 1816. and referred to a committee, reSee Journal of H. R. session 1815-16, pages 1815, January 4, tions presented for removal &c. port unfavorable. 15, 105, 210, 206. [On Thursday the 15th of February 1816 a meeting of delegates from a number of townships in the county, elected pursuant to a call of the standing committee, was held in Bloomsburg"for the purpose of devising measures to obtain a removal of the seat of justice The for said county from Danville to a more central situation." meeting was organized by appointing Col. Leonard Rupeit, PresiThe townships were repdent, and Samuel Webb Jr. Secretary. resented as follows: —Levi Aikman, Samuel Webb —John Stewart, George Kelchner. Catawissa — Major Joseph Paxton, William Brewer. Derry —Jacob Swisher, Marshal Girton. Fishingcreek —Daniel Bealer, William Robbins. Greenwood — Abner Mendenhall, Henry Miller. Sugarloaf —Philip Fritz, William Wilson. Bloom Briarcreek Jr. HISTOEY OF (JOLUMBIA COUNTY. The meeting unanimously resolved 69 petition the legislature to law granting the citizens a right to vote "for the seat of Justice in said county," and Paxton, Mendenhall, and Webb Jr. were appointed a committee for thejjurpose of procuring the necto pass a essary legislation.] February '11, may that a law 1816. Mr. M'Clure presented a petition praying be passed to suspend the erection of public build- ings for the county of Columbia for one year, and that the zens of said county may citi- be authorized at a special or at the next general election, by their votes to fix Read and justice for said county. on a place referred. the seat of for See Journal H. R, session 1815-16, page 439. Report that they have had the same under consideration and are of opinion that Danville justice, is not a suitable place for the seat of being in a remol:o corner of the county of Cohimbia, and that there is another site quite as eligible, much nearer the centre and i)robably much more acceptable to the citizens generally. The connnittee are aware that the choice of a county town by the mode })ro))osed, is somew hat novel, but at the same time the choice of the majority is tlu' jn-inciple on which nil our laws are made and our government depends; a })rinciple which may be always lodged with safety in the hands of the people, who are the The committee therefore submit best judges of their interests. the following resolution, Resolved, That a committee be a})pointed to bring in a bill agreeable to the prayer of the petitioners. See Journal if IT. R. session 1815-16, page 504. The above reasonable proposition was rejected by the House. See Journal of H. R. session 1815-16, pages 528, 529. February 1, On motion 1821. ordered that the [)etitions of Messrs. Kinny and Reese, presented on the 3()th ult. relative to the removal of the seat of justice of Columbia county, be refer- red to Messrs. Kinney, M'Clure, Baird, W. Smyth ' and Musser. See Journal of H. R. session 1*^20-21, page 482. March 6, 1821 : Mr. Kinney from the committee to referred sundry petitions on the subject, on a bill No. 311, entitled An act to seat of justice in the county of whom were leave given, reported authorize the removal of the Columbia and for other purposes. See Journal of H. R. session 1820-21, l)age 784. December 7, 1821 On motion of Messrs. Clark and Scudder, : HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 70 ordered tliat aii item of uiifinislied business relative to the removal &c. be referred to the members from the counties of Cohimbia, See Journal H. R. Luzerne, Northumberland and Northampton. The members from session 1821-22, page 51. Berks, Schuylkill and Lycoming, were See Journal ]>. counties of 71. See Journal of the House of Representa- Kei)ort unfavorable. 1821-22, page 80. tives, session From the added to the connnittee. that time until the fall 1833, there of appears to have was nevertheless a subject of constant anxiety within the county, and has always had a controlling influence in the election of members of Assembly and county otticers. No man can be elected to any oftice in As the county, who is not avowedly in favour of the removal. the public buildings had in part been erected the excitement would perhajts have been contined within the bounds of the county for some time longer, had not the Grand Jury at Novembeen no application to the Legislature ; but it ber session 1833, reported to the Court, that the public records were aV)le in great danger of being destroyed by fire, for want of suit- buildings for their acconnuodation, and reconnnending the immediate erection of Are proof oftices. This re})ort aroused the peoj»le, who had long liefore determined that no further expenditure of their money should be made buildings at Danville in — pe- removal were immediately circulated and signed with an alacrity, seldom before witnessed, by full two thirds of the These petitions were ])resented in both taxables of the county. titions for branches of the Legislature and bills removal of the seat of The reached in reported providing for the the Senate was only order and acted on, and lost by a vote of eleven to fifjustice. bill in teen. Last year another appeal was reported, but too late in made the session and bills again have any further action for relief, to on them. It recpiires that Danville is but a cursory view of the county map to discover, is very far from the centre of territory and that it ; equally distant from the centre of population, what is manifest from follows. The townships most convenient to Danville are the following HLSTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. ;iiul coiituiii the nuiuber of t:ixal)le8, 71 paying tax as follow s. Taxables. Tax. 850 $7«6.42 Mahoning (including Danville) 351 1213.G2 Limestone 121 532.94 Liberty 268 498.78 Bloomslmrg, hut none of them more than from the latter j)lace 109 273.62 Derry towiislii]* contains Hemlock contains 327 of whom taxables, one thinl are nearer to Danville than to six miles Accommodated at Danville ; HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 72 one third of the 350 taxables in Derry, which we have to the credit of Danville are nearer to Bloomsburg even set down than to Danville, and the remainder are not more than two miles Danville the average fnrtlier from Bloomsburg than from — of the other two thirds of Derry are not more than four miles fur- ther from Bloomsburg than from Danville. From Mahoning town- ship in which Danville is situated, containing 351 average travel to Bloomsburg will not be ten miles. taxables the Liberty and Limestone townships form the western bounds of the county and Limestone contains 121 taxlie north and south of each other. — — Liberty contains 268 taxables these 389 will none of them have to travel more than eight miles further to reach Bloomsburg, than to reach Danville, and many of them not so far. ables We would further remai'k, that Danville is as far from the cenfrom the centre of pojjulation in the county. It draws a large portion of its business and supplies from a neighbouring county, by which it is almost surrounded and thus acts tre of business as as a continual medium of the county. money expended by suitors and find its way back into the inter- drain on the circulating Scarcely a single dollar of the others attending court, can ever county —there is no trade between them, and no recipbetween the interior of the county and its meti"Opolis. On the other hand, Bloomsburg is not only very near the centre of territory and population, but it is also the centre of business. It is the natural outlet and commands the trade of Hemlock, Madison, a portion of Derry, Greenwood, Sugar Loaf, Fishing Creek, Mount Pleasant, Bloom, and a portion of Briar Creek townships. It is also in the line of communication for a large portion of the county, with the markets of Pottsville, Mauch Chunk, and places below those points. With a knowledge of all these facts and circumstances, it is with the deepest sense of injuries sustained, and the unnecessary inconvenience they have laboured under for many years past that a large majority of the Citizens of Columbia county, once more make their ai)peal to the Legislature for relief they ask no boon but as freemen they appeal to that natural sense of justice, inher- ior of the rocity of interest — ent in the breast of every honest mand and unprejudiced man, and de- a restoration of valuable rights and privileges, unjustly ta- ken, and unjustly withheld from them." . : , HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. At last however, on tlie r3 24th day of February 1845, the legislature })assed an act authorizing a vote on the question of the location of the seat of Justice, and un P. Tomllnson G. McMichael D ElUott :ao«osiM> -SI • ••-( ;o»m \eneii •rH.-iioei .»OU5C^OS'^f-'ffI00T-< C< 1. • ©« . CO 81 -on «0 CO CO ^« :ic ;-H oo 1-" '''SSS'*?2iS"'"'''"'S'"'-o^^'* •* 3' s« I . Duff D 3 O'-f-oeot-io r-T-IM T-rl <>» CO "* rH P .. (S Tiico •50 rfr Tjt j-< r*< ^ CO t- -rH . .-. too-«i-c->*i— Clark Oh > O ^ -* I -00 -^ C« ?C O ^J to CO CJ -^ Tjf c*r . i-« I Oi CO -^ -* CO »0 (N — •"* t- T-l HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 82 p^ TFrederlck HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 83 GOVERNOR, 1882. Official returns from the State show a total vote of 709,217, an increase of 135,467, over the vote for State Treasurer one year ago. Senator Stewart's total vote is 48,602, ai^ainst 49,984 for Mr. Wolfe in 1881. The following candidates for governor, table gives the total vote for the three com])ared Avith the vote of 1881 for the same party candidates. 1882. COT'NTIES. 1881. > < O W_ Adams Allegheny Armstrong Beaver Bedford Berks Blair Bradford Bucks Butler Cambria Cameron Carbon Centre Chester Clarion Clearfield Clinton Columbia Crawford Cumberland Dauphin Delaware Elk Erie Fayette Forest Franklin Fulton Greene Huntingdon . 2606 18298 3468 2650 3021 8142 4487 5199 6504 3941 3279 o C/2 148 4841 185 720 2950 203 3406 259 15922 266 3970 4217 1262 603 7770 512 3464 188 4247 484 86 3061 177 s plurality, 879 6290 1125 112 3473 127 4063 218 2661 102 4139 1520 5071 318i 16191 3351 481 2423 Pattison 7713 1969 2297 1730 1736 3711 4618 3645 373 6941 5671 726 4586 3828 931 150 399 1289 5218 5727 575 5108 3908 96 Pattison 's plurality,, 90 3653 4456 1213 86 611 1036 1635 3546 29 2562 750 2420 2348 15679 2893 2949 3163 4650 3275 4387 6240 3517 3117 519 2152 2344 5636 1739 1814 1819 1247 4507 2922 5793 3221 620 4656 3458 371 4090 768 1530 2629 2871 9860 2»66 2654 3370 9920 2435 2969 6996 3327 3565 479 2719 3491 4298 2734 2994 2525 2878 3718 4023 3800 2372 1212 4130 3752 255 4011 1133 2976 2034 37 5948 317 340 120 139 297 1510 556 771 144 14 103 185 941 132 55 273 127 590 150 951 1574 20 292 88 3 147 8 7 396 1 .. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 84 K W COINTIES. >; •^ *< W Indiana Jefferson Jnniata Lackawanna .... Lancaster Lawrence Lebanon Lehitih Luzerne Lycoming McKean Mercer Mifflin Monroe Montgom y . . Montour Northaniptom . . Kortluimberland Perry Philadelphia Pike Potter.... Schuylkill Snyder Somerset Sullivan Susquehanna Tioga Union Venango Warren Washington 1891 Wayne Westuioreland 3896 2598 1372 5476 13989 2417 4303 5847 7317 3386 1791 4268 1375 635 9287 1037 4068 3876 2634 70940 256 834 7362 1873 3350 445 2864 2270 1303 2386 . 5192 1462 5644 Wyoming 1421 York 6148 Totals O 03 S \. < PLi 1^93 2581 1638 6655 9866 1755 2778 7948 1 1830 5114 2137 4521 1776 2934 10588 1664 8741 5054 2674 67287 1088 838 10550 1446 2271 874 3198 2257 1394 2697 1835 5238 2943 7242 1905 10439 « < t; '"^ u d2 liu" 125 53 752 2525 584 215 98 1642 280 529 385 182 66 622 75 645 582 90 8085 88 418 1077 184 699 30 689 221 682 401 439 220 781 242 165 261 310460 350155 48602 < pq HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. CHAPTER 85 XI. BLOO^vdlSBTJ IRO. 1776, Wyoming township extended from the mouth of IXingcreek to the state line on the north, and Mr. James Mc- P"'ish- who in 1772 had settled on the flats above the mouth of was one of the committee of safety for the township. Gradually the name Wyoming was more definitely fixed to the upper end of the valley, as the state line was pushed northward and the Connecticut claimants either relinquished or sold, or CUure, the creek, were confirmed in their claims tlii'ough submission to the Pennsyl- But the great beauties of the Susquehainia valley are not the exclusive property of what is now called Wyoming, but are distributed along the river and to day there is no landscape anywhere superior to several views of the valley from the mouth of Fishingcreek to Berwick, which can be obtained in vania authorities. ; the vicinity of Bloonisburg. From the roof of the Bloon.sburg State Normal School build- ing you have conuuand of scenery unsurpassed by any Your in the winding Susquehanna, rests upon the fertile valleys north of the river, and on the south it the majestic Catawissa mounis relieved by the river hill and tain. Off to the north the Nob mountain looms up in its picturesqueness, and the valley of the Fishingcreek seems shut up among the mountains while immediately at your feet spread out the fifteen hundred acres of land upon which the tov^n of Bloomsburg is built, bounded on the north and west by the Fishingcreek and south by the ever beautiful Susquehanna, making in the sparkling sunlight, a band of silver encircling the green valley ujHin which your eye is resting with unmeasured delight. Through the midst of the valley with shriek and whoop rush the state. eye, for twelve miles along the ; HISTOEY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 86 & Bloomsburg railroad, crossino- the creek near its moutli and sweeping down the bank of the winding river, awakening the echoes of the rock of the "Lover's trans of cars over tlie Lackawanna Scarcely has your eye lost the passing train, before along the mountain side across the river, and in full view, like a demon roaring for his prey, scattering smoke and fire over the watei-s, Leap." echoing train over leaps the North & West Branch railway, and escapes in a cloud of smoke round the point of opposite the the mountain the jnouth of Fishingcreek. While at the same moment, your right, the shrill off to whistle of upon the Catawissa calls your ear, and cross- the train road, ing the Lackawanna burg at right majestically over j. J. & Blooms- angles, moves the Susque- hanna river bridge, and over the North & West Branch railway at the east end, and Huowi-:ii s Iu:lLDI^o. wakes the echoes of the Catawissa hills. From "The Grove" north of the Normal school much of the same view can be obtained, modified in some respects, but with added features, which in the eyes of some persons enchance its beauties. On "The Rocks" are north of the town, the same general features conmianded; and in addition thereto a long stretch of the Fishingcreek, rolling the base of the cliff, its pur-' waters and beating vainly against with the L'ondale Furnaces in the distance, throwing up their lurid lights, impress other sight seers altogether the most delightful and romantic. So, the brow of the hill being on the Lightstreet road, half a mile north east of the town affords a view hardly, any of the as some points if at all, surpassed by but it adds to the others a view of the valley of Scott, Centre and Briarothers. It loses of great beauty, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. creek townships, whose fertile to the eye and to the fields and green hills 87 give delight heart. But it is not only in the matter of local scenery that Bloomsburg is worthy of the observation of the tourist. It has one feaIts drives are perfectly charmture which is absolutely unique. ing, and no matter by whicii of some six or eight road^ yai depart, you can at the end of a delightful drive of from three to ten You need not for many miles or more, re-enter it by another. travelled, and you will once of road any portion a times go over Thus picturesque. good and safe and and all of them each find your drives are almost ever new, and you can make different comIndeed it could not well be otherwise with the binations daily. Susquehanna river on one side, the big Fishingcreek, the Fishingcreek and the Hemlock creek all in little the immediate neigh- borhood, diversifying the face of the country, and hiding in their turnings and connexions many beautiful nooks and shady dells and barren rocks. was settled at an early day by several families, and Major Moses Van Campen says that in 1778 he, with a company of about twenty men, built a fort on Fishingcreek about He also says that "in the spring of three miles from its mouth. The 1781, vicinity we built McClure's fort, a fort on the widow McClui-e's plantation, where our provisions were The town of Bloomsburg was The name was pronounced as if known as Oyersburg. Many of called stored." laid out in 1802 spelled Oyer, by LudwigEyer. and the place was descendants of the Proprie- the and are of our most thrifty and respected citMr. Eyer rested in the Lutheran burying ground which he izens. gave to the congregation, for many years, but his remains were recently removed to Catawissa. He was a generous hearted and liberal minded man, of a stock of whom Pennsylvania is proud. tor Btill reside here which the have been taken a part of Mount Pleasant, a i)art of Orange, a part of Centre, and the whole of Scott. What was left of the township of Bloom was or- Bloom township was one of the original twelve with county was organized in 1813. From it ganized by an Act of Assembly of March of BlooTusburg." tion. It is built No town in the state has 4, a 1 870 as "The Town more healthy loca- on a high bluff on the Fishingcreek, about one HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 88 and a half miles from the river in a straight line north, and about two miles fi'om the mouth of the creek going southwest. The ground descends towards the river and the mouth of the creek so as to afford the most complete system of drainage for all parts of the town. A chapter might be written concerning the improvements and changes of the last thirty years. In 1850 the bridge over the brook below the old Forks Hotel on Second street was less than twenty feet wide, and there were no sidewalks at the point of crossing the brook. At the southwest corner of Second and Iron streets it required a flight of five or six steps to get into the door, now level with the pavement. wound round street The road from the the bank of the Market straight to the bridge as at the present. foot of Second creek instead of going street below Third being a splendid thoroughfare a hundi-ed feet instead of was a narrow, crooked, The road to road. wide, illkept Espy crossed the canal twice and dangerous bridges l)y liigh within a distance of three iiundred yards, instead of nan- ning along the berme bank, a safe, way. level and delightful To speak of the private which have taken BROS. BUILDING. the place of old tumble-down structures, would be to make reference to most of the houses in the town, as Bloomsburg has been substantially rebuilt within twentydwellings MOVKR five years. To No such thing the public buildings pro])er. proper will, therefore, be attempted. and business places some attention is is mentioned under the The Normal School building title in this volume, together with other educational matter The Court House, present requirements built in 1846, is perhaps hardly up to the of the business for which it was intended, the bulk of the records, and the legal business having very considerably increased since the County seat was removed to Blooms- burg. The old jail has been altogether abandoned, and a new HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 89 as much comfort can be prison has lately been erected, in Avhich the occasion of the visit. had, as is consistent with the place and COr-U-MBIA The Lackawant.a & COUNTY PRISOX. Bloorasburg railroad passes through the The North Branch with a depot on Market & Sixth. The North Railroad. the of south yards Canal lies three hundred and Canal, the of south mile half a is Branch of the Susquehanna town, Branch opposite bank of the river runs the North and West railroad, Reading Philadelphia the by At Rupert, railway. on tlu" & you take the omnibus to Bloomsburg. proper Oi tlie newspapers mention will be made under the but may it title; be here said that there are at present, published weekly, democratic; The Bepublican, republican; The The Columbian, Sentinel, democratic; The streets are and the Journal, prohibitionist. numbered from the Fishing creek towards the and west, nearly; and the cross streets runvary in width from ning neariy north and south are ?ianiecl They are over forty them of Most thirty three feet to one hundred. river and trend east and are well paved and well lighted. The Hotels, the business of the Court House, the Normal School, and the main and cindered paved wide, a street, town are upon Second feet wide, thoroughfare. — HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 90 In addition to the many handsome residences, the buildings which give a substantial and imposing character to the town are the Exchange Hotel, opened in 1874 the Central Hotel the Columbian block the block of buildings occupied by D. Lowenberg and J. Cadman the one by Holmes & Schuyler the corner by A. J. Evans the building of D. A. Creasy the corner of Clark &, Son Miss Feterman's building McKinney's building — — — — — — Rawling's building— Barton's building — —Moyer — — Bros' building and the old McKelvy corner, refitted by Knorr & Wintersteen: On the north side we have Robbins, Gilmore, Sharpless, Moyer Bros' drug store, Brower's Furman's, and Kleim's Exchange all ; building, of which, with Hartnian's, what block, are three or four story buildings, Sterner's, known is as the and of consid- erable dimensions. The Opera House on Centre street below Second, capable of seating about one thousand ])ersons, has been fitted up to attract and accommodate a variety of excellent entertainments. It is convenient and accessible, and well suited for lectures and public meetings. town we can only make The extensive Car Shops of (t. M. & K. Lockard the Iron Foundry and Machine Shops of Harman Hassert the Foundry of B. F. Sharpless the Iron fence man- Of the industries carried on in the cursory mention, to wit: J. & — — ufactory of Michael Hess Brother —the planing mill of substantial Woolen — Charles Krug —the —the Carriage Mills of S. A. & shops of M. C. Sloan William Neal & and lastly the Company, and of E. C. Caswell Anthracite furnaces of the Bloomsburg Iron & new, large and ; Sons. Nor, in the enumeration of the advantages and attractions, edbusiness and social, should we omit to mention the Sanitarium, an institution established about three years ago, for the special treatment of nervous affections. It is a large and ucational, handsome with all the modern improvements of and ventilation. It is convenient of access by rail, has pleasant and extensive grounds, and is in hands fully competent to the treatment of the diseases for which it was structure, fitted heat, light, water specially intended, as well as for general hygienic purposes. The churches are Second and Iron as street follows : St. Paul's Episcopal, corner of —Presbyterian, on Market street below IILSTOliY P 3 TO •* c^ <» re — •-• ^ X »j '5 iJ .« r^ OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 91 JIISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY 92 Seoond — Lutherai), Market street above Second — Baptist, Third — Reformed, street, above below Iron— Methodist, Third street below Market Evangelical, Fourth street above Iron Welsh Baptist, First street, east of Iron Welsh Wesleyan, corner of Third and Iron Iron — Roman streets Third Catholic, street — — Iron street, north of First street — African — Methodist, First street, below Market. There are two money institutions: The First National Bank, and the Bloomsburg Banking Com]iany. The capital stock of each is fifty thousand dollars. The Bloomsburg Iron Com])auy was incorporated as the Bloomsburg Railroad Iron com})any, by Act of Assembly of June The furnaces were erected in 1844, and 22, 1839, P. L., 384. may be said to have been and remain in continuous 0[)eration, and mainly in the ownership of the original proprietors or their descendants. The furnaces Neal& of Neal & Sons were erected by Messrs. McKelvy, Co. in 1853 and were put in blast, April 14, 1854. have never stopped except for improvements or repairs, They and are in successful operation. The Rosemont Cemetery Company was incorporated by Act Assembly of A])ril 2, 1853, P. L., 285. Several acres of land were purcliased by the managers at various times, the area now comprising nearly ten acres and the grounds have been tastefully laid out. Most of the lots have been sold, and many beautiful and some elegant and costly momunents are being erected therein. of ; III.'STOJiY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 93 By the late o])eniiig of Centre street, the grading of First street and the Cemetery grounds bordering on it, has been rendered necessary and is progressing. This with other contempLated im})roveinents will shortly i)ut the grounds in excellent condition. The Bloonisburg Gas company was incorporated May 28, 1874, by the couit, with a capital of thirty thousand dollars. Gas was suj>plied to private takers and business places, October 28, 1874 and the streets were light^'d for the first time. May 1, 1875. The Park Of that something ought to be aye, the Park. said, if it be only to call attention to the fact, that although the grounds have been purchased, the Town Council has never thought it worth while to lay out the grounds, or })lant a tree, or even make the fence. If proper and i)ronipt attention had been given to it it would now be a beautiful and attractive spot, provided with sparkling fountains, lighted by gas, sweet Avith the perfume of flowers, shaded by thrifty forest trees, underneath which children, and nurse carriages, free from dust, dirt and danger could spend the long summer days in unmitigated delight. This should be done, and at least two other plots of ground adjoining the town north and east, upon which native forest trees are now growing should be purchased by the Town and fitted for the public promenade. It should be done now while they are cheap and not left . ! until they are either not procurable, or what three times it would be if at {)resent. in market, at a price Let us have plenty of these public jjlaces. The Bloomsburg Water Company was organized August 14, The water is filtered into a well 1877, with a cai)ital of !§30,00L). from the Fishingcreek, and is forced, by two independent acting i)uniping engines into the reservoir, wh.iee by gravitation sity, there conij)k'te(l The is to the town. it is direct- distributed In case of an accident or other neces- direct connection with the pumps. The works Avere about September 1880. site of tlie Town of Bloomsburg was owned by John Adam Ludwig Oyer, his Oyersburg. The origi- Oyer, and the town was laid out in 1802 by known for some years as from West to Iron streets, and from First to Third. The old tannery was built by Daniel Snyder in 1806, and the Mai-r store buildings were begun to be erected in the same year, by Abram Grotz. In that building Mr. John K. Grotz Avas agent, ant the first store and was tlie first i)OStmaster. Mr. Mills kept the tirst hotel where Moyer Bros' drug store is now located, and the second one was where Mr. 1. W. Hartniau now lives. Dr. Park Avas the lirst physician, and Dr. Bacon the second. McKelvy Mr. came about 1820. The original Exchange Hotel was a log and frame struct ure,and was l)uilt by Caspar Chrismanin 1810. What is now the Central H o t e I was ip NEW EXCllANUE HOT built by Phil- Mehrling in He Avas ac- 1818. I I cidentally during the erection. 1825, and it The was removereciation. monthly circulation of oOO volumes. Tlie association shows sj)ecIleadley, Dr. sr., ; ; ial attention to and young i)eople, either resident or visiting tlie i)lace^ to the boys of the town, evening. Tiiis who important enterprise are gathered every is greatly Monday indebted to the ^ HISTOEY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 100 generosity of the Jackson & Woodin Manufacturing Company, energy of Mr. A. G. Kiniberly, the librarian. and Clarence G. Jackson, son of Mordecai W. Jackson, was born March 5, 1842 and died in Berwick May 3, 1880. He graduated to the He at Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport. company H. 84th Regiment, entered the army Au- three years. ObJanuary 18, 1863, and Captaincy on July 1st 1863; was wounded and captured at ChancelMay 3, 1863, and upon his release, was lorsville, Va., transferred to Co. H. 57th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunorteers, January 13, 1865, and was discharged by general His military record was an excellent one. der March 10, 1865. He was a man of much general information, a forcible and fluent speaker, of tine business qualifications, and great energy of char- gust 2, 1862, tained the 1st for lieutenancy acter. Capt. Ciiart.es B. 1, 1840. Read law Brockway was born in the office of E. mitted to the Bar September 5, 1865. at Berwick, Penna., April H. Little Esq. He and was ad- entered the army April and was commissioned First Lieut, in Battery F. First 17, 1861, and served for over tln-ee years. The fighting record of the Battery is one with his, aiid his military record is first rate. He was mustered out November 1864. He represented Columbia county in the Legislature in 1871, 1872 and 1873, and was the Democratic candidate for Congress in 1870, and came within 124 votes of an election, in a district usually republican by about 1000 majority. Capt. Brockway resides in Bloomsburg. 17, 1861, Penna. Light Artillery, October ^ g, ,|-— —-»^=I=^-,-|r—i^ ^ g ^ HISTOEY OF COLUMBIA CHAPTER CATAAVISSA a large is of the Susquehanna, 101 XIII. and Hourisluiig village on the left bank mouth of Catawissa creek, about at the four miles south of Bloonisburg. and j)ieturesque scenery, (JOUNTY. is It is situated in the midst surrounded by a rich and of fertile The town contains over two thousand inhabitants. by the name of Catawissa is date and place of a letter written by James Le Tort, an Indian country. The tlie earliest reference to tlie place Governor of the province. trader, to the wasse. Yo\- May many It is given thus, "Cata- 12, 1728." ye reasons I goes or Turkey tribe, name is a Mousey or Wolf think the wares; but whetlier of the or the Wanamese know, but by the terminal syllable Redmond Conyngham, history the aboriginal Esq., who has devoted of the State, says, much Dela- Unalachit- or Turtle tribe, should judge the I the dialect of tribe, the I do not last. research to "The Piscatawese or Gangawese, or Conoys, (Kenehawas) had a wigwam on the Catawese, at Catawese, now Catawissa." Hon. Stewart Pearce says that 'the Shav>-anese, a tribe of the Eries, driven from the great lakes south about 1608, to Georgia and Florida, becoming involved tliere with the Spaniards and southern Indians, returned noith about 1090.' It is certain that came into the Province in or about 1697. They settled along Delaware and the Susquehanna, among the Delawares, and tliey tlie Mr. Pearce goes on to say Fishingcreek near near Briarsmall settlement a under the control of the Six Nations. "The Shawanese liad a Bloonisburg, and at Catawissa, and however, village at creek." Neither the Gangawese Delawares, yet above stated, it is nor the Shawanese belonged to the not impossible they may have been and "Catawese" may belong to settled as one of them, seeing HISTOEY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 102 they have the sunie terniiiial as the Wanamese of the Dehiwares; and the word in any one of the above dialects may mean, ed, "Pure Avater." It may as claim- be curious to note here, that at a council held at Phila- Thomas Penu and the Shawanese Indians, upon '"being asked if they are at war with any Indians to the southward, they said that they were at war with the Catawbas and Catawas Indians, in Carolina." delphia in July and August, 1739, between some troubles occui'ring between us and the ShawanConrad Weiser was sent to Shamokin to have an interview with them and others. On the 4th of February they met at the house of Shikellimo, and he found among the assembly "OlumaIn 17.54 Mr. Weiser finds pies and Lapapeton of the Delawares." the same Delaware chief, spelling his name, however, Lapackpitton, at Oskohary, doubtless from the context meaning Catawissa or it may be, an Indian town not far from the mouth of Roaringcreek, which is also spoken of by some early writers; and as I find in Post's Journal of 1758 the name spelled Lappopetung, I am the more inclined to locate Oskohary at the mouth of Koaring creek which was in Indian, Popemetung. He was a man of some note, and for a time fastened his name upon the town of "Catawese," and in those ancient deeds the name is spelled Lau' paugh-petin. Well peace to his ashes, however it be. In 1742-3 ese, ! Certainly as early as 1728 there were white people in and about but the first account we have of a settlement made under law and purchase was the granting by patent, of two hundred and eighty-two acres, [on which part of the town now stands], Catawissa ; of Pennsylvania to Edward and Joseph Shippen Jr., the 14th of February, 1770, who by their indenture on the first of May, 1773, granted the same unto Ellis Hughes in fee, who, with Hannnh, his wife, by their indenture of the 27th day of June, 1778, granted ninety-two acres and one quarter of an acre, [jiart of the above mentioned tract], unto William Hughes, who laid out the town in the year by the Honorable the Proprietaries Shippen Jr., 1787. Although an attempt was made to fasten the name of the it, the good sense of the people settled on the already well known and sweet sounding original, and whether founder upon HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Wananiese, or ShawaiiC'se, or Gangawese, it will 103 rem liii "Oita- wese" forever. Williajii Hughes was a Quaker from Berks county. Among Isaiah were Fenton, William Collins, James Watson, John Lloyd, Benjamin Sharpless, and others of the Society of Friends. Of those mentioned there seem to be no records, except'of the Sharpless family, of whom there remain the following interesting facts: The ancestor ])urchast'd from William Penn, in England, by indenture dated A])ril oth, 1682, one thousand acres of land in the Province of Pennsylvania, for twenty })Ounds sterling, and an annual quit rent of one shilling for every hundred acres, on the first day of March, forever. Tlie land was located in Chester county, about two miles north from Chester, and in Providence township and Middleton township, now in Delaware county. John Sharpless, the ])urchaser, died in 1685, aged about 61 years, and Jane, his wife, in 1722, aged about 84 years. Of their children, Thomas died on shipboard, Phebe and Jane in 1685, and Caleb in 1688 leaving three sons, John, James and Joseph, from whom the entire Sharpless family are descended. John Sharpless, the elder brother, married Hannah Pennel, daughter of Robert Pennel, in 1692, and resided on the tract purchased off Ridley creek, near Chester. They had nine children, Caleb, Jane, Hannah, John, Phebe, Rebecca, Margaret, Ann and Daniel. He died in 1747, at the age of 81 years, his wife having died in 1721. James Sharjiless, the second brother, married Mary Lewis, daughter of Ralph and Mary Lewis, from Glamorganshire, in Wales, and settled on the second tract above mentioned, in Providence township. They had eight children, Lydia, Mary, James, Rachel, Sarah, Thomas, David and Esther. Joseph Sharpless, the younger brother, married Lydia Lewis, sister ;o his brother James' wife, and in pursu;nice of a family arrangement settled on the third tract, in Middleton township. They had ten children, Susanna, Joseph, Benjamin, Samuel, Lydia, Na'han, Jane, Abraham, Jacob and William. He died in 1757, and his wife in 1765. Of these children, Benjainin settled in Plughes kej)t Catawissa. the first store. the earlier })ioueers His descendants are lunong the leading men of the town at present. John Mears, a famous Quaker preacher and physician, a man HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 104 became the Proprietor Of him I am able to ])articulars. He was born in of great energy of character, afterwards of the give town by buying up the following the qnit rents. additional and came to Philadelphia with his mother, then the wife of John Lyndall, about 1754. He followed the busIn 1760 he married iness of ship-joining and cabinet-making. Susanna Townsend. Sometime afterwards he settled in Reading. In the war of the revolution lie was a caj)tain in the 4th Penn. Regt. and was wounded at Brandywine. A siiigle relic of CapGeorgia about 17i?7 tain Mears' military career remains in the j^ossession of his grand- John Mears, son, in Wallace street, Philadelphia. single-bladed knife, a])parently rather than the battle-field. ed, It is a large, designed for the commissariat It is well and on the white broad handle is and ingeniously construct- the following inscription: St. Luke La Corxe, To Captain John Mears, 4rii After his recovery, ity. He returned to Penxsyla'ania Regiment. we hear no more of him in a military Reading, but subsequently liis capac- roving dis- him into newer districts of the State. He was the virtual founder and the patriarch of the town of Catawissa. Here he held the office of magistrate, and infused his energy into the inhabitants. Through the difficult country now traversed by the famous Catawissa Railroad, he laid out and built the first carriage road, connecting the valleys of the Susquehanna and the Schuylkill, a great and laudable achievement in those times. Besides holding the offices of magistrate and roadmaker, he was Quaker preacher and physician'; and though his methods were vigorous and rude, his manly presence, his patriotic services and sufferings, his integrity and enterprise Avon him universal respect, and embalmed his memory in the connuunity. He died in the year 1819, at the good old age of 82. Of his five children, William, the oldest, was born in Philadelphia, March 9th, 1761; his wdfe was Elizabeth Haller, the daughter of a colonel in the Revolutionary army. Thus both branches of the position led family contributed patriotic blood aiui loyal impulses to the de- William himself held a colonel's commission in the saw no active service. He succeeded his father as magistrate and like liim, Avas the object of deep and universal scendants. war of 1812, but OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. IILSTOIiY He respect. 105 died suddenly in Catawissa, June 11th, 1825, in his sixty-fifth year. James 1706 In Among Watson out an addition to the town. hiid came about 1790 and took or established a ferry across the Susquehanna. Christian Hn)l)st. whose descendants, active and extensive business the Germans, George men, are the still tliere, first, if not the tril>utary of made ])rint Knaj)j)enl)erger came about Catawissa creek, in John Hauc^ was one of 1793. build to first, a furnace in the region, on a Catawissa township, in 1810. rough old ten j)late stove, maiiy of which with were scattered through the country. tlie lie his im- The early settlement of Catawissa and the fine and unfailing water ])Ower of the creek, made the ])lace at once a i)oint of im- As ]»ortance. Shoemaker early as 1789 Jonathan mil! on the noith side of the creek, just known of that ]ii-ol)st mill. l^enJMinin Sliarjtless running a on in a grist ])resent site 1799 Christian having started to Ohio to settle, visited his the way and found hitu getting rich, ]Ie j)ape!' mill. wissa and having done And built above Shoemaker's. built one. a quarter of a mile brother Jonathan now McKelvy as the above the so, induced Benjamin to return to Catahe sold his farm, lately the Zarr farm, by Judge Shuinan, and together with John Clark they bought tlie Slioemaktr mill and water ])Ower and put uj» a paper mill in 1811. Sharpless cfe Clark ran it till about 1H34. when Clark died, and in the division of the property the Glark heirs took the grist mill and farm, and Sharpless the paper mill. The projj'Mty subsequently came into the ownership of William McKelvy and Joseph Paxton, and afterwards into that of l)eitig laid out in lots Williiun iVIcKelvy. Since his death Bros, of Philadelphia, and is it Guie, a practical and compett-nt man, McCieady management of E. B. has been sold to now under the and is running very suc- cessfully. The shad fishery of the Catawissa was one of the most famous on the Susn of ITr(;ii He raised seven sons and one daughter. The daughter, Sarah, married .James Laird. PiiiNKAs IJakbku lie settled on came and six daughters. now M. Barber was one of the from New Jersey, and have A. Funston noAV owns the old farm. Tlie Itev. Daniel The family came all left about one mile and a half south His family eventually comprised seven sons, west of .lerseytown. sons. into the township about the year 1788. tlie Chil]is(iua«iue the place. originally .Tolin Wu.i.iAM Pkcmj came from Sussex county, He was New Jersey, about tlie on the opposite side of Chillisquaque creek, adjoining lands afterwards taken by Phineas Barber, on He raised two sons and two daughters, one of whom, the west. year 178.). settled William Pegg the second, farm and raised a large family, five sons and five The farm is about two miles south west of or six daughters. Jerseytown. I find the name of the family sometimes spelled Sarah, married Jacob Swisher, Esq. lived on the old Pague. ^Mkmaki, Bim.iiimk came from Sussex county. New Jersey in 1776, and settled on Muddy Run, put up a log hut, cleared off six acres of ground, jiut it in with wheat in the fall of 1777, and just at the time the wheat Wy Diourrr came from New Jersey in the year 178G and of Daniel Welliver and His son Richard now occupies the homestead. settled east of Jerseytown, joining lands lying east of him. lie raised a large family of six sons and six daughters, among the most respectable people in the county. Mr. Jacob Demott, one of the sons now an old man, relates that he remembers very well, seeing, when a boy, the ruins of se\eral Indian wigwams, which had been built upon a high hill south of Valentine Welliver's,. called Huckleberry hill. It was so elevated that the Indians could distinguish the smoke rising from nearly every chimney in the valley. John Welliver and Christopher Welliver, cousabove named Daniel, also from Sussex county, New Jersey, settled in the township about 1780. A large part of Jerseytown is built upon Adam's purchase, which stretched off to the north west. Adam left two sons and two daughters. John's farm lay to the southwest of Jerseytown. There was a family by the name of Whitmoyer living on it at the time of the Wyoming Ai>A>i Wkij.ivkk, ins of the massacre in 1778. When other settlers left they concluded to making maple sugar two of the daughters went to the camp and while they were thus absent, the Indians came and killed all the rest of the family and stay, and in the next spring, at the season of whether there were three or five old I'oad from Jerseytown to Washingtonville on the left hand side of the road, about half a mile from town, near where Capt. William Allen now John ha2. lie creek at that time and included the as far south as to the whole north end of the county, Nob Mountain. John Kh.e, senior, another son-in-law of William Hess, came from Bucks county, between the years 179;> and 1799, and settled on the same Jane Boyd tract of land, on what is now occu})ied by Joseph (). Hess. William Hess and his sons and his family connections in 1799 occupied all the land on both sides of the Fishingcreek, from the North ^lountaiu to the south line of what is now Sugarloaf I'liii.ip townshij*. F'ritz, senior, a nei)hew of William Hess, senior, came into the neighborhood about the year 1797, northeast of his uncle. He was the first of the Peace in the north east corner of and settled on the hill school master and Justice Columbia county. Christian LAruAcii, senior, also a relative of William Hess, came into the county in the year 1790 and settled on the hill senior, last four famiily names are still among the most extensive and respected in that region of the county in which tliey originally settled and it is matter of regi-et that not more full and specific family history has been recovered. south east of him. The ; HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Jonathan Coi.ley settled at a-i day on the east side of His son Alexander came in early Fishiiigcreek, south of P^zekiel Cole. lie represented the the year 1799. What 1822 and 1823. is W.) county in the legislature township, contained now Sugarloaf in in 1799, only about six families. KSI'Yr ed in a vein of very broad but amusing caricature his novel and Mr. Swaby was perhaps, the hall," He came tion. by Dickens in "Nicholas Nickleby," under the name of "Dotheboys to this country in last survivor of that institu- company with his fathei"-in- John Haigh of the British army, in 1821, and settled at the village of Espy, Columbia county. Fa., where he resided until 1846, surrounded by many warm friends, for whom he, to the last, cherished the kindest recollection and regard. In that year he removed to Seneca Falls, where he resided with his His father, Joseph Swaby, died in Jamaica in the year sons. 1811 he was born in 1727; the lives of the father and son consequently extended through a period of 148 years During the law, Capt. ; nearly thirty years' residence of Mr. was in little public home life, Swaby in Seneca being rather retiring in Falls, he disjiosition, and among those whose acquaintance with was highly prized. He possessed the keenest sense of honor, which was alwavs manifest in his interbut in the him became circle intimate, he HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 120 course with the world, and the probity of his character was ever He was a communicant of the church of England, and always maintained the highest standard of a devout Christian. His genial and cheerful tem})erament rendered him peculiarly a favorite among the young. It was while jaarticipating with them in their innocent anuisements, that he received injuries from a fall, which liastened his death. His memory will remain as a precious legacy to those to whom he was a loved companion for years. conspicuous. THE HALF WAV HOUSE. The Half hotel, Way Hofse, was years ago Stonytown, in the in Centre township, at the ferry, is now the stopping place for travel- and the glory of the old stage Sanmel Harman made famous. lers, Knorr was born Col. Samuel 24, 1836. He read law with mitted to the Bar He now no longer a known place. days of stages, a well Wm. office has departed, which in Centre township, G. December Hurley, Esq. and was ad- in 1863. entered the army with the Iron Guards April 22, 1861, at The Company became Co. A. 6th Penna. Reserves and he served as Sergeant until Oct. 23, 1861, when he was promoted to 2d. Lieut, and was honorably discharged Oct. 2o, 1862, on account of physical disability. July 4, 1863, he was commisBloomsburg. sioned Major of the Militia, and mustered and discharged from service August 7, 1863. Was commissioned captain of the 19th Regt. U. S. colored troops, Nov, 30, 1863, as Major, Sept. 29, 1864, Lieut. Colonel Feby. 27, 1865, and on January 6, 1866 honorably discharged, on resignation. His successive and rapid promotions prove his merit and standing as an officer. He was Presidential Elector in 1868, and collector of Internal Revenue for the 13th District of Penna. from April 5, 1869 to May 30, 1873. into the service of the 35th Regt. Penna. United States, MIFFLINVILLE. MiFFLiKviLLE and ancient village nine miles east of Bloomsburg, on the east bank of the Susquehanna, contains about thirty dwellings, a couple of stores, a tavern, shops, churches and school houses, is a Staid and a couple of grist mills. Branch railroad runs through the village. The North & West BISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 121 MAINA'ILLE. ]\rAiNvii,i,K is ill Main to-wnshi)), about six miles soutli-east from Bloomsburg', has fifteen to twenty liouses, tavern, stores, grist mill, and is situated on Catawissa creek, and on the l^eadand Sunhury, Hazleton &: Wilkesharre Railway. forge, tfcc, ing, HKAVKK VALLEY. Bkavku Valley, twelve miles south-east of Bloomsburg, has a tavern, a store, half a do/en dwellings, and a depot for the Read- ing railroad. CENTRALIA HOROUGH. Ckxtkallv Bouougu, situate in Conyngham townshi}), south-east from Bloomsbuig about twenty miles, in the midst of a coal mining district, and has within and about it several hundred dwelling houses, a luunber of stores, and hotels and drinking houses innuIt has a beautiful and tasteful place of worship, "Holy merable. Trinity Cluireh," belonging to the Episcopalians, also one belonging to the Romanists, one to the Presbyterians and one to the Methodists. NLMIDIA AND SLAP.TOAVN. Kr.MiDLv and Slabtown, lying in Locust toAvnship, respectively thirteen and eleven miles south-east from Bloomsburg, have each ten to fifteen dwellings, store, tavern, sho])S, Slabtown, whose post-office name is The t%c. Roaringcreek, is of that name, which drives a grist mill tliere located. 4> village of on the stream 122 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. CHAPTER C01.UMI5IA By XYI. COUNTY COURT HOUSE. the Act of Assembly erecting Columbia county, it was profrom and after the lirst Monday of March, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, the several courts in and for the said county of Columbia, shall be opened and held at such house as is hereinafter provided for in the said county of Columbia, vided; "That HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Court House shall be erected until a in 123 and for said county as hereinafter directed, and shall be then held at said Court House." The sheriflF, coroner and other umberland were officers of the county of North- to continue to exercise the duties of their respec- county of Columbia until similar officers were appointed within said county. The county was annexed to the middle district of the Supreme Court, and to the eighth judicial district of the Courts of Common Pleas, comprising the counties of NorthumVjerland, Union and Lycoming and the Courts were to be holden in and for the county of Columbia on the first Mondays in January, In districting the state under the April, August and November. amended constitution we were put into the 11th district with Lutive offices within the ; Wyoming, and subsequently into the 26th with Sullivan and Wyoming, and under the constitution of 1872 Sullivan and Wyoming were erected into a separate district and Montour annexed to Columbia, in which connection we are now, 1882. To this chapter is apjtended a list of the officers and personnel of the zerne and Court since the establishment of the county. This is not the we might add much matter to this division, of personal history and anecdote, of gentlemen who upon the Bench or at the Bar, have given to our county a solid and honorable reputation at home and abroad. Of Robert Cooper Grier, who began the prac- place, or Bloomsburg, and rose to be an Associate Justice Supreme Court of William G. Hurley, for more than forty years identified honorably with the Bar of this county of John G. Montgomery, a man of great power and elo- tice of the law in — of the United States — and subsequently to Congress, of John Cooper, himself an eccentric and brilliant man, the son of Judge Thomas Cooper, renowned in the old world as well as hei"e of George ^V. Frick, second to none as a man, and as a lawyer of extensive and solid attainments of Robert F. Clark and Morrison E. Jackson, who among the younger members of the Bar, achieved and main- quence, elected to the and who legislature jterished in the National Hotel disaster — — — tained a position at the head of the profession in the county. would it be difficult to select from among Nor names whose the young men of the the living, in the memories ef learning and chaste professional honor whose courtesy, Bar, and it would be safe to follow, and ennobling to emulate. sounds will long linger 124 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. rRESIDENT JUPGES. Date of Commls^sion. Appointed from. Names. Seth Chapman, Julyll, ISll Bucks, Resigned October, 10-1833. Ellis Lewis, October, It, 1833. Lyeoniiiig:, Died in Philadelphia^ March 19-1871. NovthumberiaiKi, Charles G. Donnel, .laniiary, 14. 1843.- Died March, 18-1884. March, 1844. Lycnuing, Joseph B. Aiitliony, Died January 10th, 1851. Northumberland, January IG, 1851. James Pollock, November 5, 1851. Luzerne, John N. Conyiigham. Died April 23, 1871. Warren J. Wo )d\vard, 19, 185G. December 10, 18(11. 23, 1879. Wyoming, Aaron K. Peckhani, May Luzerne, Died September Died March 22, 1865. William Elwcll, Bradford, November 3, 1862. William Kluell, William Elwell, Columbia Novejnber 6, 1872. " January, 1883. ASSOCIATE jriXiES. Juhn Murray, William Montgomery, Leonard Rupert, William Donaldson, George Mack, Samuel Oakes, Stephen Baldy, George H Willits, John Covanhovan, Leonard B. Rupert, George H. Willits, appointed " " " " " " " elected Peter Kline, " Jacob Evans, " Siepht n Baldy, appointed October 11, III. STORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. John McReynolds, Nor. 23, 1861. Nov. 23, 1861. Nov. 8, 1866. elected " Su*i)hen Biildy, Peter K. Herbein, " Died Iram Derr, James Kester, Charles V. Mann, Died Isaac S. jNIonroe, Isaac 8. in office April 1, 1869. Nov. elected appointed elected Iram Derr, George Scott, " Died in office, Mayberry G. Hughes, Franklin L. Shuman, 1866. Nov. 26, 1869. Jantiary 24, 1870. appointed Monroe, 8, April 2S, 1869. elected in office, 125 " April 10, 1876. appointed Yah. 1, 1870. Nov. 9, 1870. Nov. 17, 1871. Dec. 3, 1 875 April 26, 1876. Dec. 8, 1876. Isaac K. ivrickl>aum, " Dec. 8, J Franklin L. .Sliuman, " Dec. 8, 1881. James Lake, " Dec. 8, 1881. elected PROTHONOTARY AND CLERK. George A. P^rick, appointed Dr. David Petrikin, John Knssel, Jacob Eyerly, Janus Donaldson, Valentine Best, Jacob Eyerly, (( u Jesse Coleman. elected 876. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 126 \\v]\\n\x.Um IT. Ent, (uMioial Knt, K. II. lviii>j;kM-, '' William Krickbauni, " Nov. '' '), 1, '' " 1S60. 1871. appointed elected " B. F. Z:irr, Dooomhor elected tlit(l 1871. DocomlxM- 1, Decoiuber 1, 1872. 1875. 1878 1881. ILLSTOUY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Joliii W. Hoffman, 127 JII^TOR Y 128 Agib Ricketts Howell W. A. Peck Cliurles G. Barkley Samuel Knorr Heny H. Grotz William II. Abbott Robert S. Brockway II. Ent M. M. Traugh James K. Brugler Charles B. Wellington Peter S. OF COL UMBIA GO UNTY. Bloomsburg Espy Berwick Bloomsbury :v man. He died large circle of friends to Marcli whom 19th he was endeared by liis bi-illi:iiit and genial qualities. Judge Lewis was by birtli-right a Quaker, but his residence cutting him off from intercourse with the Society of P^'riends, he He died in an expressattached himself to the Episcopal church. ed liope and trust in the love and mercy of his Saviour. CHARLES G. DONNEL. JuixiK DoNNKi. was the sou of Henry and Margaret Donnel, and was born Marcli the 14th, 181)1. On the 14th of January 1843 he was commissioned by Gov. David K. Porter, President Judge of the Eighth Judicial District, then composed of the counties of Northumberland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia. He was sworn into ottice on the 16th of January and entered npon its duties. His first term in his own county began Ai)ril 3, 1843. He presided with great dignity ami urbanity, and would undoubtedly have become emineut as a jurist, had he been spared to develop his powers. He died on the 18th of March 1844, aged forty-three years and four days, having held Judge fourteen months and four days. Judge Donnel peculiarly illustrated the saying, that the life of Immersed in, and dethe successful lawyer is an uneventful one. the office of President voted to his profession, neither politics nor general business atThe excitements of foreiusic battles were enough for tracted him. him, the delights of unravelling tangled threads of evidence occupied his (piieter hours, while his leisure was given to exercise, to and to fiction. Hard facts are the business of a lawyer, works of the imagination his recreation. Judge Donnel was a literature member of the Episci)i)al church. JOSEPH BILES xVNTHONY. Josi'U'H on tlie liw, and in 1821 Bilks Anthony was born 19th of June, 1795. was admitted He in the fitted to practice at city of Philadelphia, himself for the profession of Williamsport he married Miss Catharine Grafius, who in i818, survived him. and HISTOUY OF COLVMBIA COUNTY. rji^iiig rMj»i(lly in in j>olitics, the liis the State Senate in 1H30. isfaction of and becoming profession, democrats of Kotnt'wli.at active him to senatorial district elected his He 133 served his term his constituents, that at the elected to Congress, and re-elected end of in it, 1836, by iji much iso an the sat- to 1834, he was unpncedented majority. In 1843 Governor Porter aj)|jointed him judge of the court for the adjustment of the Nicholson claims, in wliich position he dis- played sound legal learning and discrimination. In March 1844, Governor Porter aj)pointed him President Judge of the Eighth Judicial District, composed of the counties of Lycoming, NorthumHe presided in the courts with great acberland and Columbia ceptability, disposing of many cases of consideiable importance and turning on nice legal questions. He uary on died at Williamsport, of heart disease, the comparatively early age 18.51, at left to of the lOlh of Jan- fifty-six years. He survive him, a widow, and one son and six daughters. In politics Judge Anthony was a democrat of the old school; as a citizen he was social and benevolent; as a lawyer honorable and talented; as a leprcsentative attentive and faithful, and as a judge penetrating, prudent and conscientious. integrity, and his The following during the lines trial, were written by Hon. Joseph B. Anthony, before him, uary sessions of the court in an of While the Mercer, of that place. One of the 1846, Ij<>(jan, was trial were thrown down on the counsel of the bar. indictment, Danville, shooting a valuable setter dog, called amusement All had confidence in his death was a source of unusual sorrow. table, at in }>rogre88, the lines members of the bar has had now offers them to the Poor Logan's dead, no more No more air he'll howl, with deafening cries, he'll set for man the fowl, In death's cold lap he lowly lies. How fondly would he hunt the game. How closely would he seent the air, A for by the Judge, for the public. rend the man the property of a Mr. the lines in his possession ever since, and And the Jan- against a setter known full well The huntsman's friend to fame, ! his master's care. ; 134 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. From day lie From to day, from year to year. roamed the wood, he scour'd tlie iield ; every vicious practice clear, In faithfiihiess, to none he'd yield. A watchful, trusty, peaceful friend, quarrel, strife and bickering free He never failed his aid to lend, But true to huntsman's call was he. From In canine veins no drop of blood, Of "Logan" courses all his race Is now extinct, Man sent — him — in wicked mood, to his restiitg place. JAMES POLLOCK. Jamks Poixock, was born in the Borough of ]\Iilton, NorthHis father umberland county. Pa., on September 11th, 1810. William Pollock, was an American by birth, as also his mother Sarah Pollock. She was the daughter of Fleming Wilson, and was His paternal boi'n in Chester county, Penna., in October 1771. and maternal ancestors emigrated from the north of Ireland to America at least as early as 1760. They settled m Chester county Penna., and were the open and avowed friends of American independence during the war of the Revolution. One branch of the family settled in North Carolina, and some of its members were intimately connected with, if not prime movers in, the first declaration of Independence at Mechlenberg, North Carolina. They were known in that state by the name of Pol'k, an abbreviation of "Pollock," the original family name. His father, William Pollock, died in May 1817, leaving to surhim a widow and seven children,-four sons,-of which James was the youngest,-and three daughters. The widow and mother, vive with an energy and determination that characterized her life, assumed at once the responsible duties of educating her children, and training them up She was a and marked religious character; qualities that aided in forming and moulding the character of those she loved, and for whose temi»oral and woman of strong in the intellect, of "way they should go." great moral courage, llItiTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 135 and prayed. She died in Milton, Pa. February 19th, I860, in the ninety-fourth year of her age. The boyhood of the subject of this sketch, was passed principally Ilis first teacher was the late Hon Joseph li. Anthony, at school. afterward President Judge of the 8th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, of whom he became the successor in the same office in the He remained in the school of Mr. Anthony but a short year 1850. eternal welfare she lal)oreril 1834 county, in Milton, Pa. and was successful in the prac- In 1835 he was appointed District Attorney for Northumberland county, which office he held for three tice of his profession. years. He was married on the 19th day of December 1837 to Miss Sarah Ann, daughter of Samuel Hepburn, Esq. He held a number of important civil offices. but notwithstanding He was a whig in he was, in 1844 elected a member of Congress from the 13th Congressional District of Pennsylvania politics, this, then strongly Democratic; and subsequently twice re-elected from the same District, holding the office foj- three terms, or six years. He was thus a member of the 28th, 29th and 30th Congresses. a niember of some of the most important committees he contributed largely to the general work of legislation. In the 28th As Congress he was a member of the Committee on "claims," and his numerous reports attest the extent and quality of his labors. In the 29th Congress he was on the Committee on Territories, of which the late Hon. Stephen A. Douglas was chairman. To 1 J/ IS ;U1 Ton Y OF COL IMRIA Comuuttoo was roforrod now Torritorios, aiul tho o( ami and gt'iuMally from thr ovidoiit liat t was States a tlio t\> ortiauization oxohuliiiti' slaviM-y t'voin ol" ivf I'xrlusion. ti'mju'v of tlir disi-iissions in The was approaoluno'. ci-isis warmly It was Committoo o\'\vi\ jMTst'iiti'd. faxor ilotiM-inined in and toiu" (.\>ni>Toss, in qm'stic>ii Vuhvd \hv llu' Ti'Vi ili>ri(,'s ol' iK'l)att,HU H) UNTY. rolatino- all bills this ( ri'iiovts ^avc direction and Wnw t(> luiMic srntimont. ini'vcasod in warmth and hittrrnrss, and linallv iVoin this (.'ommitttH' Tlu' tlisiMissions onlminatod qnol \o all in w and sooossioii, rovolution atttanpti'd hii-h was the trinniph \hv o\' riuht and war. (lio tl>i' so- abolition he was an aetive member "Ways and Means, ol' w lueh tho lion. Sam'P]\e eonntry was tlit'ii enuel F. N'inton, of Ohio, was ehairman. ii'aued in the Moxiean Avar, and in eousecinenee, the business of the l\nmuittee was greatly increased. The duties of the ]»laee w iMe oneuuis and responsible, but Avere fully and faithfully disPurin*;- the ;>()th (.'on^ress o( slavery. o[' the (.\>mmittee of ehargeil On the '2od of Juno 1818, (oDth Oouoress) ho tion for tlu> a]>|>(uutmeut of oiYorod eommittoo to a speeial the neeessity and praetieabilitv of eonstrut'tin>^- As ehairman Taeitie. House in The House report of that eonunittoo ho a resolu- iiu|uire into a railroad to the made a re|H>rt to the favor of tho eonstruetion of suoh a road. Avill be found in the ,'hI volume o\' the.lournal of tho of Keprosontativos for tho 1st session of tho o()th (.\ingross, Ko. 738. This Avas {hi\/irst/arorahle official act on this subject, on tho part of tho Congress of the United States. The in its international and doand ])robable results, but only the opening sentences can be quoted here: "The proposition at first view is a startling one. Tlio magnitude of the work itself, and the still greater and more magnitieont results promised by its aeeonqtlishmont that of revolutionizing morally and eonnnorcially, if not politically, a greater ]>art of the report discusses the question mestic aspects, its feasibility — habitable globe, and utary to us — almost on examination, tind nificent, making the \ ast commerce of the world trib- But your eonunittoo, simple as it is vast and mag- overAvholm tho mind. it a subject as and see no insurmountable ditlicultios in the w ay of its successful accomj>lishment." A bill accompanied tho report, and was referred to the conuuil- JTTSTORY OF COLUMBJA COUNTY. 137 Whole, \mt no further action was taken on it at that mid Mr. Polloek soon after left Congress. In the fall of IHiH, however, he delivered a lecture on the Pacific Railroad, by tee of tlie tiirie, invitation, to a ci'owded house, at Lewisljurg, closing with the following remark "At the risk of being considered insane, diction, that in less than Union county, Pa., vcnluie the j)re- : I will years from this evening, a twenty-five be completed and in operation between Xew York and San Francisco, California; that a line of steamships will be established between San F'ranciseo, Japan and China; and there are now railroatl will in my audience, ladies who will, befoi'e the expiratiojj of the period named, drink tea brought fi-om China and U) their own doors Jajtan, by this route, !"' This pro])hetic announcement with a smile of good-natured was received by the audience but some of those very inci<'(lulity ; during the year 1869, were able to sip their favorite beverage in exact accordance with the terms of the speaker's predicladies, tion ! On May, 1869, the last rail was and the great Pacific Kailway, so long the 10th of driven, an accomj»lished The laid, in the last sjjike embryo, became fact. subjects of special interest during his of service, were the aimexation acquisition of California, tlie and the "Wilmot Proviso" in ed Territories of the United these exciting topics he took repeal its Congressional terra Texas, the Mexican war, the of of the Tariff application to the States. an votes clearly disclosed his views on In all active part. all Act of 1842, newly acquir- discussions on His speeches and tlie those subjects. was appointed President Judge of the 8th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of NorthumberlandjMontour, Columbia, Lycoming and Sullivan. He held the office until the amendment of the Constitution, requiring the election of Judges by the peojtle, came into operation. He declined a nomination for the j»osition, left the 13ench, and resumed the pracOn his retiring from the Bench, the members of tice of the law. the Bar of the respective counties, unanimously passed resolutions highly complimentary to him as a man and Judge. In 1854 he was nominated and elected l^y a large majority, Governor of Pennsylvania, and Avas inaugurated in January 1855. In 1850 he HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 138 He held the office one term, huviiig refused to })ermit his for name to be used as a candidate for re-nomination. At the expiration of liis official term, he resumed the duties of The principal measures of his administration his profession. were tlie adoption of means by which the reduction of the public debt Avas commenced, and nearly two million dollars of it paid; the sale of the mainline of the Public works to the Pennsylvania Central K. R. Co. for $7,500,000, which the payment and reduction of the and which, added to the sum tically nearly $10,000,000: sum was made applicable to debt of the Commonwealth, actually paid, reduced the debt prac- —a series of acts by Avhicii increased were given to the system of common schools; retrenchment and reform in the various Departments, and econvigor and omy efficiency in the general administration of the GovernmenJ;. In the Fall of 1857, occurred a financial crisis which led to the suspension of specie payments by the Banks of the State, and threatened every branch of industry with serious derangement and injury. To avert impending evils, an extra session of the Legislature was called, which convened in On his October of that year. recommendation, the suspension of specie payments was legalized for a definite period, the forfeiture of the charters of the respective Banks prevented, and other measures adopted which allayed the public apprehension, saved the credit of the State, and removed the dangers to which the general prosperity had been exposed. He was appointed in 1860, by Governor Curtin, a delegate to the Peace Conference (or Congress) which was held in Washington, D. C. in February and March 1861. The object of this assemblage was to consider, and if practicable to adjust the differences and dissensions existing between the North and the South on the mucli vexed question of slavery. He took an active })art in the deliberations of failed to secure a favorable result. that In body. May Tlie couferuuce 1861 he was appoint- ed by President Lincoln, Director of the United States Mint at when he Philadelphia, and held the office until October 1st 1866, resigned, unwilling to son, by even By sustain the -'Policy" of Andrew John- a seeming acquiescence, in holding office under him. his efforts, seconded by the approval of Hon. then Secretary of the Treasury, the motto "In S. P. Chase, God we trust." HLSTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 139 was placed upon our National coins, a motto of deep significance, and alike honorable to the people and Government of the United lie was re-appointed, in 1869, by President Grant, DirecStates. tor of the U. S. Mint, which office he held until 1879, when he was appointed Naval officer, which position he still holds, 1882. During the War for the Union his sympathies, efforts and laRebellion bors were all for his Country, for Union and Liberty. Union True to the treason no friend. found no advocate in him and huto liberty defence; true aid in its ever ready to he was manity, he was always their advocate; true to his country, he rejoiced in the overthrow of her enemies, and in the triumph of those great and essential principles of liberty and free government that nuxke the United States the first and best of Earth's — Empires. JOHN NESBIT CONYNGHAM. John Nkshit Conyn(;ham was born in the city of Philadeli)hia December 17, 1798, and graduated with high honor at the Uni- He studied law in the office of upon being admitted to the and the Hon. Joseph valley, and came to Wilkessettle in Wyoming resolved to bar, Shortly afterwards he married Miss Butler, a barre in 1820. His atgi-and daughter of Col. Butler, of revolutionary fame. versity of Pennsylvania, in 1816. R. Ingersoll, tention to the jiractice of his ])rofession year 1833 liis was unremitting. In the seveie forensic efforts produced a bronchial affection him from active practice. In 1839, his upon him the acceptance of the connnission of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of his District. For thirty years he presided on the bench, with the dignity and urbanity of a gentleman of the old school. He came upon the Bench of Columbia county under a commission dated 5th of November, 1851, and remained there until the formation of the twenty-sixth district, composed of the counties of Columbia, Sullivan and Wyoming, for which district Warren J. Woodward was commissioned on the 19th of May, 1856. Judge Conyngham resigned from the Bench in 1870, upon which occasion he was honored with a banquet, attended by the which coni})elled to retire friends irrespective of party, urged 1 HIS TOR Y O F COL UMBIA CO VNTY. 40 AvlioU' l^:u- of les4al Luzerne county, to testify their appreciaiiou of his learning and unswerving purity and integrity of cliaracter. But eminent as he was upon the IJench and in his })rofession, it was not his only, and by no means his highest claim to public couHe was the grandson of Redmond Conyngtidence and respect ham, and the son of David H. Conyngham of the old and honored firm of "Conyngham & Nesbitt," eminent in revolutionary finanIn politics he was a firm and consistent Democrat, cial history. and his voice and influence were always ou the side of his country. Under ham the ministry Judge ConyngChurch in Onderdouk, iii the of the Rev. Dr. Claxton, received the rite of contirmation in St. Stephen's Wilkes Barre, at the hands of Bishop Tl. LT. year 1841, and during a long life he adorned himself with all the He was a vestrynuxn in Saint Steplien's fi-oni christian virtues. Easter 1821, until his death, a ])eriod of almost fifty years. He was elected to the Diocesan Convention for the first time in 1826 and in 1850 he was elected a Deputy to the Genei-al Convention of the Church, and re-elected to every subsequent one, except one. In 18G2 he was a member of the connnittee on Canons, with Judge Chambers of Maryland, Murray Hoffman of New York, and Robert C. Winthrop of Massachusetts. In October 1868 he was elected President of the American Church Missionary Society. His judgment was sound and eminently conservative. He was He was a polnot a radical, either in laAV, politics or theology. ished gentleman, a thorough lawyer, an upright Judge, an humble christian. Judge Conyngham were })eAccompanied by Mr. W. L. Congnyham, he another son, living in Mississippi. They arrived The circumstances of the death of culiarly distressing. was on a visit to about nine o'clock in the evening of where the train stopped for the passengers to take supper. While they were thus engaged tlieir train was taken away from the })lace they left it and another came u}), and when they returned they went into one of the cars, to find, however, that it did not belong to their train, and very naturally they turned to leave it. The train was slowly starting, and they did so with some haste, Mr. W. L. Conyngham and Mr. Henderson alighting without trouble, except a harmless fall on the i)art at Magnolia, in that State, Thursday, April 23, 1871, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. of the latter. The Judge was not 141 so fortunate, as in stepping off the car steps to the platform of the depot, which was rather low, between the platform and the cai-s of the train, and when they had passed it was found that his legs, below the knees, were crushed in a terrible manner, the He whole of the hind trucks having passed over both of them. was taken to the hotel and medical aid immediately summoned, and everything possible was done for his comfort. He did not realize the extent of his injury at first, no })ain attended it, and he even made an attempt to gtt up, before he was removed from the he stund)led and ])latform, saying, fell, w "No illi his legs matter, I am not hurt ; I will get up in a few moments." lie lived two hours, and toward the last, when reaction seemed to be taking place, and he began to feel some pain, and was told how serious his injury was, he desired am))utaInjections of mor})hia were made to allay tion to l)e ])erformed. were making for the am))Utation, but pain, while prei)arations the uiidci- the effects of the morphia he seemed to decline, and not a His last words were, "I great while after, dissolution took place. know that my Redeemer liveth." His remains reached WilkesIJarre on the tii'st of March, and were interred on the third, attended to their last resting place by an iinmense concourse of friends and admirers. He left a widow, and four sons and two daughters. o WARREN J. WOODWARD. the formation of the 2Gth Judicial District, composed of the counties of Columbia, Sullivan and Wyoming, this estimable gentleman was appointed President Judge by Governor Pollock, Upon upon the reconmiendation of the membeis of the Bar of the several counties comjiosing the district, his service commencing in June of that year, and continuing under the executive appointment until the first Monday of December following. In the meantime, at the general election in October of that year, he was electPresident Judge, for the constituterm of ten years. He connnenced with the expiration of and served until the first liis term under his prior appointment, Monday of December, A. D. 18G1. In the latter year upon the retiremf'ut of the Hon. J. Prin)tained them without j)ersonal solicitations or effort. bench l»e exhiV)ited great ability and impartiality, united with a All business before faithful devotion to the duties of him was promptly and the intrusion of dis|tos('d of ings or other sinister He vented. its liis office. into infiuence his ))olitical feel- courts was sternly pre- brought to the bench a mind which had received Judge Conyngliam of Luzerne training and discipline under county, before His passed. whom his professional qualities, constituting life at the bar had l>een high qualifications for a juro]>erly and our cordial concur- a(Ul in all their details, removal 'Vo thoroui^h ac(|uaintanco he added a sound judgment, intlexible integrity and untiring industry, lie always was with him a matter of administer the laws as settled by stood by the ancient landmarks, and conscience not to make adjudged We cases. but to it nuvy be }»ermitted as our especial testinu>ny, tt>mentit)n his unvarying gentleness, courtesy, amiability bearance, which endeared him to his colleagues all his personal frientls. with him no His as a and and for- inadi' thi'm In the whole period of their association instance of unpleasant collision can be recalled. upon opinions exhibiting independent research, expressed in a char and forcible style, without His pretensions to eloqnejice, models of judicial composition. memory will long ))e cherished by all who knew him. and all w ho know how to ai)preciate the character and services <.^^ a faithful ami learned judge. t'anxe judge will rest -o A. K. rKCKIIAIVI. HY .lAJlKS W. I'lAlT, ESQ. Aauox Kingsi.ev Pih'kiia:\i Peckhani and Hannah Bristol county, was a farmer Rhode Ketta was the second child o'i Kiugsley Kounds and was born at Bristol, Island. October 15th, l81o. and while residimr in Rhode Island His father made a bare OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. lIltiTORY comp(;t<'iu;(' for and he facility left himscH' fiiiiiily. ;iii(l Learning of the with wiiich land could be acquired Rhode Island in the Hpring of 1829, and in 145 (;ho;ij)nesH l^ennHylvania after a long and tedious journey fraught witli the dangers, difHcidtio.s and discour- agements incident to the season The expenses Bylvania. and mode of travel, arrived and Columbia, Bradford connty, Penn- settled early in the spring, in of the trip left his fatlier little to begin went earnestly to work in the heavily timbered forest, soon made a clearing and erected habita})le buildings. At fourttnui years old, just tliis tiuie the subject of our sketch was the age when he should have been placed at school and had o|)with, but he portunities for fitting himself better for his after work. lie re- mained with his father until about the age of nineteen assisting in clearing, working the land and making improvements in spring, summer and fall, and attending the common schools of the neighborhood in the winter. He then procured a tract of land in Armenia townsliip, Bradford county and went to work for himself. Not a tree had been cut ujion this tract when he went upon it. He cut and cleared a number of fallows, set up a good sugar bush and made sugar several seasons. The land has now become a fine farm and is in the possession of Benjamin Knight. He remained there until the spring of 1838 when he rented a pail factcn-y of Samuel Myers and C. M. Manville near Towanda, Pa. It was shortly after he began manufacturing pails that he determined to study law. He entered his name as a student with Johti C. Adams his business was and aer of the Bradford county county was separated from J^uzerne county and he went to Tunkhannock to engage in practice. He opened an office on Tioga street in a frame Ijuilding which was subsequently destroyed by fire and stood near Lobar. It was at this as time that Wyoming For about three years he practiced alone. Col. Elhanan Smith, now of the Towanda bar, went to Tunkhannock in 1845, when a law partnership was foraied under the name of beck's lilock. Peckham & Smith. This partnership years and was the only one formed by contirmed him during about three whole legal immediately obtained a fair share of the business in the county and by his industry, application and perseverance practice. He his ins TO li Y OF COL U3fBIA CO UlSTTY. 146 worked his In 1860 way tlie into a d:oo(1 practice. late Warren Woodward, J. tlie tlien Presiding Judge of tlie then 26th jndieial district, eoin])rising among- others Wv«nning connty, was elected President Judge of tlie 2.'{d judicial tlistrict and surrendered his connnission as Presiding .Judge of Governor Andrew i\. C^urtin coniinissioned \. Iv. Peckthe 26th. ham to fill the vacancy in the of fall 1861. In the fall of 1S62, Judge Wm. Elwell, then a member of the Bradford county bar and now Presiding Judge of the 26th district, was nominated by Judge the Democrats and concurred in by tlie Rei>ublicans. Peckham declined to be a candidate. Upon December 1st 1862, his commission expired and he resumed his practice at Tunkhannock, continuing there until the time of his death, March 22d, 1865. He T'. INIanville at Towanda, February 21st, She died at Tunkhannock the 5th day of July, 1855. By her he left one daughtei", Mrs. N. P. Hicks, who now resides at Towanda, Pa. He married Jane E. Ivnowles at Chittenango, N. Y., November 24th, 1858. By lier he left one daughter, Mary, Avho now resides with her mother at Chittenango, N. Y. He was regarded as an enterprising citizen, a kind neighbor, a considerate husband and parent. I know of nothing mort? apt married Jane A. 1845. to say of him than that which rnscribed is upon the monument over his grave at Tunkhannock. "In life au upright of justice, and hostile devoted companion, citizen, parent and faithful friend. to Always affectionate and eHicient oppression and Avrong. all firm i)i defence He being dead yet speaketh." WILLIAM ELWELL. WirxiAM Elwkll was born October 9th, 1808. in Athens, Bradford county, Penn., lie received a good English education at the Athens academy. At the age of nineteen he was an assistant under Chief Engineer Randall in running exploring lines on both sides of the Susquehanna river for the location of a canal from the New York corjts he state line southward. taught menced the study school of the After leaving the engineer for three years law in the office and then comHorace Willis- of 'J HON. wii.i.iAAr K\.\vy.i.i.. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 148 toil, Esq. and was admitted to the Bar in February, 1833 profession sixteen years he ])ractise(i his as For partner of his pre- counties of the state, and until the appointment of Mr. Williston as President Judge of the 13th Dis- ceptor, in the nortlun-n trict lie was a member of his tirst session conxmittee, who among tlie Legishiture in 1842 and 1843, and at Harrisburg, was chairman of the Judiciary at the members of which committee were men afterwards attained great distinction, notably Judge Shars- woed. Judge Gamble, Judge Barrett, liendrick B. Wright and Thaddeus Stevens, and of whom ho was in every respect the equal. In 1843 lie was chairman of the committee of ways a'.d means. As chairman of the Judiciary Comjnittee he prepared and reported Ihe bill to abolish imprisonment iov debt, which witli a single cliauge, stands In 1844 now as originally reported. declined being a cjuididate for Congress, preferring lie the practice of his profession to a luctantly yielded to the demands })olitical life; of his but in 18GG he re- i)arty (the Deiuociatic), and accepted the nomination in the 13th Congressional DistrictHe ran far ahead of his party vote, but did not overcome the liepublican majority. The Supreme Court Re])orts show the extent of his i)raetice, containing as they do, over one hundred cases argued by him. was elected President Judge of the 26th Judicial composed of the counties of Columbia, Sullivan and Wyoming, no candidale being named against him; and upon the expiration of his term, in 1872, he was re-elected withont a dissenting vote. In May 1874, Wyoming and Sullivan were created the 44tli Judicial District, and Montour county was added to ColumIn 1862 he District bia, the District still remaining the 26th. 1862, he removed to Bloomsburg, where he ITpon lins his election in ever since resided. Judge Elwell Avas chosen umpire to settle the between the operators and the miners in the Anthracite coal regions, and his im|»artial judgment was accepted by all parties as a just and eijuitable solution of the troubles. He has been frequently urged to become a candidate for the Supreme Bench, and he has been voted foi- in convention for that place but he has uniformly declined to authorize a canvas in his favor, In April 1871, dithculties ; forthe office, not deeming it consonant withjudicial propriety. And HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 149 same reason he has refused to allow his name to be canoffice of Governor of the Commonwealth, for which has been frecjuently and warmly nrged. for the vassed for the lie On the exj)iration of his second term as President Judge of the and without distinction of i)aity re^juested him to accept a third term, to which he consented and the political convention of the Democratic and Republican party respectively, followin«»' the lead of the J5ar, He was nominated him to the office for the election of 1882. then iiLiaiii unanimously elected. 2nth District, the JJar of the District unanimously, ; Judge Elwell is a member of the EjtiseopaJ Church, having He was a]»been conlirmed a few years since by Bishop Howe. jiointed on the Bi-Centennial committee by Gov. Hoyt in 188], but his official him from taking any active part. Bloomsburg State Nonnal 1873 he has been President of the Board of duties jtrevented In 18(j8 he was elected a Trustee of the School, and since Trustees, and in the dark days of the school he did ing through to it It is its j)resent believed that Judge Elwell than any Judge advantage of have been much in guid- successful condition. has held more special Courts And in order to have the and ability mariy important cases to Columbia county from other districts and now ujion the Bench. his legal learning certified tried before him. Among many the notable cases which Williamsport l^ondcase — Tryon AV^ill he has tried are the — Fisher against the City of Philadelphia and Dull against Munson, and the celebrated Cameron case from Union county, each involving the rights of parties amount to the of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and in all of were affirmed by the Supreme Court. On the ai)peal in the wiii case, after elaborate argument by eminent counsel for the apjjellant, the decision was affirmed, the Supreme Court adopting the o)»inion of the Court below as the opinion of that which his opinions Court. The Mollie Maguire ander itself W. case growing out of the murder of Alex- Kea, which was affirmed by the Supreme Court, of forms a large volume, and establishes tions on the law of homicide, Numerous was many important ques- tried before him. cases in Equity in thi> and other counties liave been 150 he:ivd HISTORY OF C0LU3IBIA COUNTY. and decideil by him, and ex('('i)t decisions liave been sustained on His opinions Weekly Notes which of Cases, as valuable additions t ) in ai)[)ear in a single instance these aj»j)eal. and other the State Reports, in the legal j)ublications, are considered the legal literature of the time. It is wor- thy of mention that of all the ca^es in the Court of Oyer and Terminer, (Quarter Sessions and Orphans' Court, not a single case from his district has been revei'sed during the twenty years he has been upon the bench. -^S 1^ HI^STORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. CHAPTER While facts 151 XVIII. and circumstances are still fresh in the knowledge it is well to put upon record what ought to of citizens, be renienibered, of the early historyof "Tlie Bloonisburg Literary Institute and State Normal School." In the year 1856 the following named gentlemen, to-wit; Sloan, M. Coffman, E. Mendenhall, J. J. Brower, B. F. Hartman, S. A. II. J. Wm. Evans, Miller, Philip Unangst, Jesse G. Clark, A. Witnian, J. A. J. McKelvy, M. Chaniberlin, Michael Henderson, John G. Freeze, Levi L. Tate, Peter Billmeyer, M. C. Sloan, Jonathan Mosteller, Alexander J. Frick, E. B. Bidleman, Robei't F. Clark, A. M. Kui)ert, K. B. Menagh, W. J. Bidleman, Robert Cathcart, A. C. Mensch, and H. C. Ilower, associated themselves together "for the promotion of education both in the ordinary and higher branches of English literature and science, and in the ancient and modern languages," and therefore jiresented a petition to the Court, and at the September term, A. D. 1856, became and were a corporation under the name, style and title of "The Bloomsburg Literary Institute." Under the articles of incoriioration constituting the Charter, William Robison, Leonard B. Rupert, William Snyder, Elisha C. Barton, William Goodrich, D. J. Waller, Joseph Sharpless, John K. Grotz, and I. W. Hartman were made Trustees, to serve until the annual election provided for in the Charter. The min- Board of Trustees have never come into the hands of the writer, and neither the organization nor any of the proceedings are known. But a school of a high grade was promptly opened, and for some time kept in successful operation. It was held in a building located on the lot now owned and occupied by utes of that the Roman Catholic Church. The causes sulted in suspending operation need that eventually re- not be here detailed ; but a HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 152 hetwcon the closing of the school in the re-opening in what was known as tlie Old Acaublic schools had improved considerably, and a more general feeling for a higher A number of young men educational training was develo})ed. were to be fitted for college, and though the standard i-ate of public school teachers was raised by the State, yet all the educational interests of tlie county were in a most backward condition. ('(Hisidorable tiinc elapsed huildiiij:; iiientioiied. None its came near tilling the was the duty as Avell as the oppoitunilead in a new, and lasting and magnificent of the schools, either private or public, ])ublic ty of and requirements, and Bloomsburg to it educational enterprise. In this conjuncture of alfairs Mr. Henry Carver appeared in town and o|)ened a classical school in the Old Academy on Third street. He was successful in his then undertaking and acquired in a large degree the conlidence of our people. The tirst and best result of that feeling of contideuce was the re-organization of the ''BUu)msburg Jjiterary Institute." Pursuant to a notice given, the Trustees of the liloomsburg J. Waller on the evening of May 2nd, ISOti; present D. J. Waller, William Snyder, J. K. Grotz, L. B. l{uj)ert and I. W. Ilartman. On motion of J. KGrotz, D. J. Wallei- was elected }>resident and I. \V. liartman secretary. The places of E. C. Barton, Wm. llobison and Wm. Goodrich Avere declared vacant, and John G. Freeze, liobert F. Clark and William Neal were elected to till the vacancies. Literary Institute met at the study of D. At the next meeting. May 4th, the resignation of Joseph Sharp- was accepted and Conrad Bittenbender was chosen to till the vacancy. A committee of six was named to open books and take subscription to the stock of the corporation. A committee on location of the building was also chosen, and Wm. Neal was less elected to be treasurer. sor Carver number of At the next meeting, May 25th, was elected principal of the contemplated subscriptions to the stock-holders met in the Profes- school. A stock having been obtained, the Grand Jtny room, June 16, 1866, to lox4fter some discussion the question was postponed, and the meeting adjourned to June 22nd. On assembling, i)ursuant to adjournment, propositions were received from William Snyder, Wm. B. Koons, M. S. Appelman, C. Barton & cate the school building. IIISTOEY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 154 Vo. and D. lows J. Waller. On a vote being taken it resulted as fol- : location 489 votes. 3 votes. For Koons' On the same day the Board of Trustees at a meeting resolved to accept William Snyder's j)ropositioii and adoj)ted the location voted for by the stock-holders. On the 29th of June the Board ordered that jjlans and specitications be at once procured and a building be contracted for and })ut up at a cost not to exceed $15,000.00. The resignations of Wm. Neal and J K. (4rotz were tendered and accepted, and thereupon M. S. Appeliuan and Peter Billmeyer were elected to till the vacancies. On the 12th of July Mr. Hartman resigned, and F. C. Eyer was elected, in his place. M. S. Api)ehnan who was electeort in favor of locating the school buildings on the north side of the extension of Main street, but Mr. Snyder declined to sell that and upon the acceptance of the present location, Mr. Waller resigned from the committee, and on the 21f-t of July, from the Presidency of the Board and fi-om the Board of Trustees and subsequently Freas BroAAm was elected in his stead. Hon. Leonard B. Rupert was elected President of the Board of Trustees in the place of Rev. Mr. Waller, resigned, and was annually re-elected until May 9, 1873, when Hon William Elwell was elected and is still, 1882, the President. During all this time tlie matter of subscriptions and building were pushed forward with considerable vigor. On the question of location, some difficult v was experienced. It was designed to locate the building north of the projection of Second street, but Mr, Snyder did not consent to the change. We all see now how great the advantage would have been. A committee waited upon him about the matter and after consultation wiih him, at a meeting on the 4th of August, 1866, it was P'or Snyder's ; "Resolved, that in accepting the location offered by Mr. Snyder, the Board act in view of the assurance given to the public in con- HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. iiectioii witli that oflFer, 155 that the owners of the Porks Hotel will, at hotel, and open Main street directly to no distant day, remove that the front of the Institute grounds." On such terms and conditions the grounds were accepted and the building erected. On Thursday, April 4, 1867, The Bloomsburg Literary tute was opened and df(licated to the purposes of education. Insti- The day was warm and beautiful, and at one o'clock in the afternoon the Bloomsburg Brass Band lieaded the procession, marching from The the Old Academy Building on Third street to the Institute. Band was followed by tlie Board of Trustees, then by the Clergy, next the parents of the pupils, then the pupils, and lastly The piocession passed up Third to Market, up Markthe Faculty. Second and uj) Second to the Institute. On arriving at the door Judge Rujjert, President of the Board, unlocked it, the Band fell back and escorted the Faculty and pupils, who entered et to lirst, followed by the parents and Trustees. The Hall of the In- was filled by the citizens and friends of the School in attendance at the inauguration. After nuisic by the band, prayer was offered by the Rev. I). J. Waller, a song, "Welcome Chorus," given by the glee club, after which Hon. L. B. Rupert, President of the Board of Trustees made a report of the inception and progress of the work. The The y Masters Waller, Armstrong, Buckingham, and F.lwell Little, W. H. Clark, Snyder, Buckalew, Billmeyer, Funk, Hendershott, G. E. Elwell, J. M. Clark, Bittenbender, Neal, Schuyler, : Woods, and At he I I'nangst. close of the afternoon exei-cises, Mr. E. R. Ikeler, on be- teachers of Columbia county, with an apprr)priate Prof. Carver with an album, containing i)orpresented speech, It was retraits of the donors, as a testimonial of their respect half of the ceived by the Prof, returned his acknowledgements in a few and after a song by a class of the pupils, who well chosen sentences, the audience was dismissed. : HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 156 In the evening- the hirge hall of the Institute M\as filled with a and appreciative audience, and the exercises began with A song was then given by the a prayer by Rev. J. R. Dimm. glee club. At the request of the Board of Trustees, Judge Ehvell gratified then delivered an admirable address, in brief reciting the history of the Institute, and urging the friends of education the work, and complete the vide a library and to push on building, beautify the grounds, pro- necessary apparatus , and assuring them that thus they were affording to their children means for an ample education, and bestowing u})on them a legacy which would be for- ever a blessing. The evening Misses L. E. exercises were engaged Jolm, Appleman, M. Bittenbeiider, Clark, Edgar, in by the following John, Ehvell, Lutz, Sharpless, Caslow, McKinney, M. Irving, Sharpless, Armstrong, Pursel, Brower, Rupert, E. Agerand Robbins; and Masters J M. Clark, Bomboy, Hartman, Neal, G. A. Clark, Pursel, Billmeyer, Pardee, Turnbach, Smith, B. Pardee, G. P. Waller, Irving, Swisher, Rupert, Schuyler, L. Rutter, Sloan, Morris, Lutz, McKelvy, Buckalew, Mendenhall, Bittenbender, L. Waller, H. Rutter, Dillon, P^unk, Thomas, Evans, Edgar, Appleman, Girton, E. Rutter, Woods, G. McKelvy, Van Buskirk, Hendershott, J. K. Morris, jr., Melick, 1). J Waller, jr.. Little, L^nangst, T. F. Connor and G. E. Ehvell. Looking back now upon that occasion, important as it seemed it is doubtful if any one realized all that it has accom])lished for the Town, and will yet accomplish. All its influences have been for good, and must continue so to be. It has brought many strangers to our town it has been a means of education to many here who could not have gone elsewhere all its surrounding influences and teachings are of the pleasantest kind. at the time ; — On the 4th of May 1867, — the stockholders of the Bloomsburg Literary Institute met and elected the following Board of Trustees : For one year, Robert F. Clark, Peter Billmyer, F. C. Eyer. For two years, J. G. Freeze, L. B. Rupert, Wm. Snyder. For three years, John Wolf. C. Bittenbender, J. P. Connor. On to fill the 2oth of October, 1867, Mi. E. Mendenhall the vacancy caused by the death of Wm. was Snyder. elected HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. During the year 1867, a tine bell placed in the cui)ola of the school, The money was J. VValler Jr., raised 157 weighing 2171 pounds was at a cost of about $1,200. by subscription through the D. were efforts of Geo. E. Elwell and Charles Unangst, wdio then pupils in the school. And here we may pause for a moment in the history of this Contrary to the expectations even of friends, in spite of the sneers and opposition of the indifferent and close-fisted and narrow-minded, the building and school were great educational enterj)rise. As a proud success. it stood there in its solitary grandeur upon the work with Undeniedly it increased the value of all the i»roperty in Bloomsburg; it increased the attractions of the town as a place of residence; it cheapened the cost of the necessary preparation of boys and girls for the active duties of life; it raised the true re})Utation of Bloomsburg among the surrounding counties, and even beyond the State lines the rumors of us extended, and pupils came thence among us. The liberal and large hearted man rejoiced in the good he had accomplished, and knew it was a monument to his labor and perseverance more lasting than brass. One after another the faint-hearted became footsore, and weary but as they fell out of the ranks their places were tilled by others, and when at the end of the first year a Board came to be elected, it ajipeared that but four of those whose names appeared among the first roll call, had struggled on. together to the end. It had been a struggle, such as they only who had gone through it, could api)reciate. Amid so many discouragements they were surj)rised at their own success, but having succeeded it is but right to say that a very large majority of the citizens of Bloomsburg gave substantial support to the enterprise. In the meantime the year 1867 was passing away, the school was attracting attention, the building was large and conspicuous, and our citizens began to awaken to its importance. Mr. Wickersham, the State Superintendent of Public Schools, had heard of us, and seeing wliat we had already accomplished, suggested the erection of additional buildings and the organization of a State Normal School, to be run in connection with the Literary Institute. Discussion on the subject was general and warm, and on the 9th of March 1868, the Board "Resolved that the Trustees of the hill, the Board of Trustees satisfaction and gratification. ; could look \\\)Q\\ HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 158 the Bloomsbiirg Literary Institute agree to establish in connection with the same, a State Normal School under the Act of Assembly 2nd of May, 1857, and of the to ])rocure the the necessary buildings as soon as the dollars is sum grounds and put up seventy thousand of subscribed by responsible persons, agreeably to the fore- going propositions." In })ursuance thereof, at that and subsequent meetings, committees on plans, specifications and subscriptions, were appointed and proceeded to the discharge of their duties. On was held in the Normal School to be located at Bloomsburg." The Rev. Mr. Waller was called to Mr. Neal the chair, and Capt. Brockway was chosen Secretary. the 18th of April, 1868, a public meeting Recorder's office to consider "the S!ibject of a stated the object of the meeting. After a very fiee and spirited were moved and carried "That the Trustees of the Bloomsburg Literary Institute be earnestly requested to pjirchase the necessary grounds and proceed to make an agi^eement to carry forward the enterprise of erecting discussion, the following resolutions : the building required. That the plans submitted by Prof. Carver be reconmiended to the ti'ustees for adoption. That it be reconmiended to let the building to Prof. Carver at his estimate of $36,000." and i-ecommendations of the piiblic meeting Board of Trustees, then in session, the Board on the same day appointed a building committee, consisting of L. B. Rupert, P. Billmeyer, and F. C. Eyer, and authorized it "to contract for the erection of the building with Prof. Carver at his bid of thirty-six thousand dollars, in accordance with the recominendation of the citizens," and it was accordingly so done, and Tlie ])roceedings having been certiiied to the the building was put in process of construction. On the 2d of May, 1869, the stockholders elected the following: For three years, Robert F. Clark, William Elwell, William Neal; For one year, Elias Mendenhall. It being thought best to have the building committee members of the Board, were On the Judge Rupert, Judge Elwell, and William Neal, elected. the 23d of June, the Board met to consider the subject of Normal School Building. It was "Resolved, that the following HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. specific articles be put in the corner-stone of 159 new the buihling, A copy of the Bible, a certified copy of the charter, names of the Board of Trustees as follows L. B. Rupert, President John G. Freeze, Secretary Elias Mendenhall, Treasuier Robert F. Clark^ Conrad Bittenbender, John Wolf, Joseph P. Conner, William Elwell, and William Neal Catalogue of Faculty and Students, State School Board as follows Maj. Gen. Geary, Governor of the Conmionwealth Hon. J. P. Wickersham, Superintendent of Common Schools C. R. Coburn, Deputy Superintendent; last message of Gov. Geary cpy of School laws history of the Institute and school buildings one copy of The Columhia7i, The Republican and The Democrat proprietor of the grounds, and first treasurer, Wni. Snyder deceased building connnittee, Leonard B. Rupert, William Elwel! and William Neal; architect and builder, Heniy Carver ad-.dsory architect, Samuel one specimen of each of the following curre icy Sloan 1 three to-wit : : ; ; ; ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; : ; ; : cent j)ostal currency, currency, 1 1 five cent postal currency, three cent silver piece, late issue, 1 1 ten cent postal five cent silver and programme of the anniversary exercises. The laying of the corner stone of the Bloomsburg State Normal School was performed upon the 2oth day of June, 1868. At 1:30 p. m., the Hon. C. L. Ward, delivered an oration in the piece, old issue ; At its close a procession was formed, headed by the Board of Trustees, and proceeded to the corner where Arrived there and opening to the the stone was to be placed. hall of the Institute. Wickersham, and other distinRev. Mr. Waller offered Gov. (4eary then laid the corner stone, after having deprayer. posited within it, the articles mentioned. After the stone had been placed, with a]»i)r()priate ceremonies, the Governor made an Judge Elwell then, on behalf of the Board of Trustees address. made an address. Judge Rupert, read a history of the Institute as deposited in the corner stone. Governor Geary then handed the right and left. Gov. Geary, Mr. guished gentlemen, came forward. ])lans of the new building to Prof. Carver, with a short address ; Prof. Carver accepted them, promising to urge the completion of the building as ra))idly as possible. sham met and addressed tute, In the evening Mr. Wicker- a large audience, in the hall of the Insti- on the subject of education generally, and of Normal Schools, particularly. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 160 Thus this new and important enterprise was fairly under way, and a reasonable prospect of sufficient interest in it to insure its completion. There was still a small element of croakers, clogs on all progress, who sneered at the whole matter and predicted it would never succeed. As it is intended that their names shall be forgotten, they do not appear in this sketch. What do they think now, however, that enterprise, tlie the Susquehanna when they —the building see following within the forks of erection of the best hotel upon Second street of more than —of extensive imparts of the town —the erection of provements and repairs an Opera House —the introduction of gas and water— the removal of unsightly obstructions from the streets —the opening, grading a dozen three story brick buildings first-class in all and extension of thoroughfares —the large and desirable citizens. influx of permanent It is but fair to say that little, if any, of all this would have They are happened had not those buildings first been erected. an advertisement of the town of which it has not yet shown itself It was the first deterto be, collectively, entirely appreciative. mined effort at improvement and progress, and it Mas an effort whose far-reaching good can never be measured. And it brings money, and reputation, and population to the town, as well as providing healthful educational influences to thousands of our coming men and women. On the 19th of February, 1869, the Legislative committee, com- Hon. Wilmer Worthington, Hon. James C. Brown, Hon. George 1). Jackson, and Hon. Henry M. Hoyt, met at Bloomsburg for tlie purpose of inspecting the buildings, grounds &c., pre{)aratory to reconunending it to recognition us a Normal School. The report was unanimously favorable, and the announcement was heard with lively satisfaction. Si)eeches were made by Judge Rupert, Hon. Thomas Chalfant, Gen. Ent, and posed of Messrs. others. On the 22d February, 1809, the ment, recognizing it as a State proclamation Normal School, of the Depart- was published, and our legal existence dates from that famous d ay, the birthday of Washington. The following is the full report of the State Superintendent of : HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. coiiiTnon schools on tlie official recognition of the State 101 Normal School of the sixth district "A connuunicution, was received at this department, dated and signed by L. B. Rupert, President, and John G. Freeze, Secretary, of the Board of Trustees, of the Bloonisburg Literary Institute, stating that said board had obtained grounds, erected buildings, and opened a school, which they desired to have inspected by a committee appointed according to the provisions of the act of Assembly approved May 20th, 1857, with the design of having the institution recognized as the February State 8th, 1869, Normal School of the Sixth District. Accordingly, with the consent of the Governor, the following Hon. Wilmer the committee Worthington, Hon. Jas. C. Brown, Hon. Geo. D. Jackson, and Hon. Henry jNI. Hoyt; the several County Superintendents in the counties composing the district were notified, and Friday, the 19th day of February, was agreed upon as the day for the named gentlemen were appointed : examination. All the members api»oiiited, of Connnon of the and they, in committee were present on the day connection with the State Superintendent Schools, and the County Superintendents of the coun- Columbia, Montour and Union, proceeded, at 9 o'clock A. They first atM., to discharge the duties of their appointment. tended the opening exercises of the school in the Chapel of the ties of and then spent some time in visiting the several classrooms and listening to recitations in the various branches. After this, they were conducted by members of the Board of Trustees and delegations of citizens over the grounds and through the institution, buildings. All the official papers appertaining to the were duly examined, its Full explanations tions. ization of the school, the study, tfcc, institution deeds, charter, by-laws, rules and regula- were elicited in reference to the constitution of its faculty, its organplan of &c. The connnittee retiring for consultation, then organized by electing Wilmer Worthington, President, and J. P. Wickersham Secretary, and, after due deliberation, adopted the following pre- amble and resolutions, and thereto appended their proper signatures : 162 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Feb. 19, 1869. Institute," having made formal api)lication to the Department of Common Schools for the ap})ointment of a committee to examine its claims to be recognized as the State Normal School of the Sixth District, according to the provisions of "An Act to provide for the due training of teachers for the Common Schools of the State," approved the 20th day of May, 1857; and Whereas, The undersigned, being duly appointed and authorized under said act, and having personally, and at the same time, on Friday, the 19th day of February, 1869, visited and carefully inspected said Institute, and made a careful examination thereof of its by-laws, rules and regulations, and its general arrangements and facilities for instructing, and having found ihem to be substantially such as the law requires Resolved. That the "Bloomsburg Literary Institute" is, in our opinion, entitled to recognition as a State Normal School, with all the privileges and immunities enjoyed by other institutions of Whereas, The "Bloomsburg Literary ; like character in this Commonwealth. WiLMER WoRTHiNGTON, Chairman. George D. Jackson, ^ Committee. James C. Bromt^, Henry M. Hoyt, J. P. WicKERSHAM, Sec'y. ) C. G. Barkley, County Stipt. Columbia Co, C. V. Gundy, County Sti^^t. Union County. Wm. Henry, County Supt. 3fontour County. announced to a large audience, which had asreport was This sembled in the Chapel of the institution to hear it, and was receiv>- ed with the most lively satisfaction. Principal of the school, presided Prof. Henry Carver, at this meeting, and the a'l dresses were delivered by different members of the committee, Judge Rupert, President of the Board of Trustees, Hon. Thomas ChalIn the evening a "Sociable" was fant. General Ent, and others. held at the school, and this was followed by a banquet at one of the hotels. The following is the proclamation of the Department recognizing the Bloomsburg Literary Institute as a State Normal School: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, "^ V Department of Common Schools, Harrisburg, February 22d, 1869. \ Whereas, In pursuance of the api)lication to this Department of the Trustees of the Bloomsburg Literary Institute for the appointment of a committee to examine its claims to recognition as HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 163 the State Normal School of the Sixth District, according to the provisions of "An Act to provide for the due training of teachers for the Couiraon Schools of the State," approved the 20th day of May, 1857, the following gentlemen were appointed, viz: Hon. Wilmer Worthington, of the County of Chester Hon. James C. Brown, of the County of Mercer Hon. George D. Jackson, of the county of Sullivan, and Hon Henry M. Hoyt of the County of Luzerne and, ; ; ; Whekkas, The committee so appointed, in conjunction with the Schools, C. G. Barkley, Esq., County Superintendent of the County of Columbia, C. V. Gundy, Esq., County Suj^erintendent of Union, and William Henry, Esq., County Superintendent of the County of Montour, the County Superintendents of the other counties in the district Northumbeing berland, Snyder, Dauphin, Perry, Juniata, and Mifflin unable to be present, after having, on the 19th day of Februaiy, 1869, visited anllars When State aid came slowly or not at all, own business. when subscriptions failed, when the daily pressure of debts was almost unbearable, when Prof. Carver left us so unceremoniously without a Principal, the Trustees shouldered the work and accept- his Sometimes it seemed doubtful on Friday ed the responsibility. evening whether there would be a teacher or a student on the but Professors Brown and hill on the coming Monday morning; Ferree were true as steel to their duty, and with the other mem- bers of the faculty kej)t off the daily threatened catastrophe. This is only a nuM-e outline of the daily and nightly toil and anxiety, and no man needs to wish a closer acquaintance with the busiBut the school was without a head, the Sheriff" had sold ness. the lease of Prof. Carver for his debts, and all parties were hanging by the eyelids. The Jioard called upon Mr.Wickershamfor advice and assistance, and he met them on the 19th of December After a long and contidential 1871, at the othce of Col. Freeze. talk upon the subject, Wickersham suggested Charles G. Barkley, Superintendent of Cohnnbia County Common Schools, as a proper person for Principal and on motion of K. F. Clark, Esq. he was unanimously elected. He accepted the position upon condition that he should be relieved as soon as the Trustees could supply his The Board of Trustees met at the Hall the next moriung, place. December 20th, accompanied by Mr. Barkley and Mr. Wickersham. Col. Freeze announced to the Faculty and School the action of the Board in the election of a Principal, and Mr. Wickersham ad; dressed theni, were made in warmly endorsing the management and a the selection. visible Some changes in[)rovement oc- curred. Mr. Barkley continued 1872, when at his own charge of the school until March 27, and the Rev. and on Thursday March 28, the Board, in request he was relieved, John Hewitt was elected, accompanied by Mr. Hewitt, proceeded Barkley called the to the building. Mr. school to order, Mr. Freeze announced the HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. election of the Priiici])al, and Mr. took i'onual charge of the School. end of that school year, until the 165 Hewitt made an address, and He continued to conduct it June :^6, 1873, and the improve- ment begun under Mr. Barkley continued, closing the year condition much ahead opening of the in every respect. in a But, that the crisis in the affairs of the school was was a large deficiency, and the Board was again obliged to sit day after day and night after night as a committee of ways and means. It would be most mon- tonous to repeat here what has before been said as to pressing pecuniary difficulties. Again the Trustees were obliged to step into the breech and pledge their own names and means to satisfy creditors, and save I am i)Uisuaded that the pro])erty and credit of the Institution. the time and labor have not been fully appreciated by the comBut let nninity who are reaping the benefit of the expenditure. Dr. Griswold assumed the duties of Principal at the .that pass! Commencement in June, 1873, and it isiiot proposed here and now to speak of the management and success of the school under although all felt past, yet there his administration; but it is only justice to state that he made it — pay expenses a thing it never did before. In May, 1874, at a meeting of the Stockholders, Hon. Wm. Elwell, Elias Mendenhall, Conrad Bittenbender, Leonard B. Rupert, Jacob Schuyler, John A. Funston, William Neal, John Wolf, and John G. Freeze, were elected Trustees; and on May 3, 1875, the same jiersons were reelected, together with J. J. Brower, Hon. C. B. Brockway, and Joseph Sharpless, the Legislature having increased the Board to At the same time the Superintendent of Public Instructwelve. tion appointed on the part of the State the following named gen- Hon. C. R. Buckalew, Charles G. Barkley, D. A. Beckley, Col. Samuel Knorr, Hon. M. K. Jackson, and C. W. Mil- tlemen, ler, viz: Esq. On Wednesday, August largest list one and year. all But 1875, the 25, of students ever entered looking forward to an in a moment, as it were, upon school opened its books, with the and we were increasingly successful school all our hopes were dashed to the ground. On Saturday was was two hours the magnificent building afternoon, September 4th, the Boarding Hall observed to be on tire, a nuiss of ruins. and It in was a total loss, the $30,000 of insur- HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 166 aiu'c IxMiijjj less furniture and t]\:iii liivlf lixtur(>s. cient aid of the eitizens the value of But tlii' tlu' building, not including Hoard of Trustees, with the of Hloonisburtf, elU- gra})pled with the emer- gency, and took innui'diatt' measures to begin the (>reetion of a new, eidarged, and inipioved building. Their late exiterienee now stood tiiem in good stead, and tlu'y [)ushed tlie work with great energy. The Corner Stone of the new Nt)rmal lioarding Hall was laid on Saturday October, 80th, IHTT), and although the day was very inelement, there was in attendance a large concourse of people. The ensuing winter was an unusually mild and open one, and with the exception of a very few days the work of re-erection and construction went rapidly forward. So nuich so, that on Wednesday, April 2()th 187(), the building was formally dedicated to use, and opened for the admission of students, and the beginning of the spring term. After some time Dr. Griswold was superseded, and the Rev. David J. Waller Jr. was elected Principal. His administration of the school has been siiccessful and satisfactory, and it is to be hoped that a brilliant career is now open to the Bloomsbnrg State Normal School. ///A' TO R Y O F COL UMBIA CO UNTY. CHAPTER The common scliool 1 07 XIX. Hystem had been cxiHtfnce in in the Btate more or less succeHH, wh(;n in 1H54 an Act creating tlic office of County Superintendent and defining his powers and duticH j)aHsed the legislature. Although conHideraV>le opposition was manifested, yet upon the whole the eflFect has been favorsince 1835, with able to the advancem<'titof employed and thc^ Better teachers hav(! been schools. better discipline has been During maintained. all these years howerer, owing doubtless to the continued inefficiency of the public schools, private schools as distinguished from the com- mon, have been supported Up at differ'-nt places in the county. to within a very short time, at Blootnsburg, at Berwick, atCatawissa, at Miilvillc, and have Vjeen schools, and at which the classics and higher matheSometimes they have flourished with at Orang(;ville, there some places there are yet, in matics have been taught. great vigor, and at others have languished blighting inefficieticy schools, both public It has of the died out under the in all the and private, there has been great improvement. been manifested not only in the character and of the teachers, and in the grade of dard proposed, but or Nevertheless, principal. also, studies, and notably, in the better character of the school houses, and their appointments. ty but elsewhere, the common acquirements and the higher stan- sch(Kjls Thus, not only in this have superseded coun- the pri- vate, and have thus also improved their tone and character. Year by year the school department issues very elaborate reports on the educational system, with statistics and tables, and as these are constantly changing, and are as regularly coming into the hands of my readers, to trouble is it has been thought not to any one with columns of V>e figures, expedient or necessary which while the book passing through the press are heconiing incorrect and mislead- ing. niSTOBY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 108 The early liistory of schools, school houses, and education is more iiiteiesting than any presentation of the present condition and future prospects of the subject and 1 therefore gladly avail, myself of the lepoit of William II. Snyder, late County Superintendent, concerning tlie early schools in Cohunhia county, and which he has \i ry kindly allowi d me to coj)y. i\lr. Snyder says '"These schools, with but one excei)tion, weie snj)porttd by subscription, and the houses were generally built in the same manner up to 1834, when the public schools vv(3re established. The branches usually taught in them were spelling, reading, writing, and written arithmetic. A pu[)irs ouifit was a very modest affair; : A Webster's spelling-book, an English reader, or a Testament, a Daboll's arithmetic, a slate, a goose-quill, per, covered the entire range of known and a few sheets of pamaterial for winter after winter, as long as he might go to school. After i)ublic schools were established, Malte Brun's geogra{)hy and Smith's grammar, on tlie inductive system, were soon adiii)ted. Seeing the numerous algebras, geometries, histories, rhetorics, philosophies, physiologies, copy books, drawing-books, language- books, etc, in the schools at the present day, one can scarcely realize the vast improvement. How much higher and broader the schools shall be elevated, is only a question of time. IJK.WKK. The first school in Beaver, was by Isaac Davis, taught in Mr. Four years Kostenbauder's Mr. Davis opened another, in his private dwelling, which stood where Davis church now stands. In speaking of j(?r/ya^6 dwellings, or residence grist-mill, we shall in 1821. later, omit the word "private," hereafter. In 1825, Henry Schell taught in a dwelling which stood near wheie the church Jiow stands, by the road leading from Beaver to Mainville, and Adam Holocher, in a similar building, which was located on the land now owned by Charlen Michael. After teaching several terms, which were usually held during his school, when another was opened in a dwelling which was situated on tlie land owned by Joseph Lehr. The instruction in these schools was principally in German. winter, Mr. Schell permanently closed TTTSTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 169 BENTON. During the year 1799, there were but two families living in the Here Isaac vicinity where llie village cf Benton now stands. Young opened the first school, in a private dwelling. After it permanently closed, another was opened in a similar building, which stood where Eli Mendenhall's barn now stands, above the As the pine forest fell before the sturdy axeman, a small village. log school-house was built on West creek, above, and another be low Benton, where Stephen Jjazarus now lives. Honorable Alexander Colley, who died Monday, June Gth, 1S81, age of nearly 95 years, having been born August 17th, 1786, at the was for many member years the only surviving school board. He was a man school teacher, and had been a of the first public of sound judgment, a surveyor, a number of the lower house of the Legislature. BERWICK. A mist enshrouds the early school history of Berwick. 1800, lierwick h;id character nothing its is schools, but Before under what teachers, and of what known. From 1800 to 1837, it was customary to hold school for a few months in each year. Prominent among the teachers of this period were Mr. Holloway, David E Owen, son of the founder of the town Doctoi- Duilon, David Jones, Doctor Roe and James These men taught between the years 1800 and 181S, and Dilvan. ; men of education. The prominent teachfrom 1800 to 1837, were Messrs. Comstock, Hoyt, Richards, Reverend Crosby and Simon Haiks. were, without exception, ers The innrket-house and Quaker church were the only school- buildings during this time. 1837, on In the ot the market- site house, the academy was erected. This was a prominent step for Berwick. who taught in it were Rev. guished teachers Among J. George Waller, Joel E. Bradley, and Mr. Runk. the distin- H. Ritterdiouse, The school flour- ished for several years, but finally, the building was sold for public school ])urposes, and has since been torn down. In 1872. a splendid brick structure cluding all was necessary equijtments, $15,000. "tj^ 'Wv C erected, which cost in- ^s 1 HISTOR Y OF COL UMBIA CO UNTY. 70 BLOOM. Bloorasburg had her early schools, but as to their whereabouts, whom taught, known. The first school was taught about the year 1802, by George Vance, in a small log-building, which was located where the Episcopal church now stands. Finally, this house was torn down, and a frame one erected in its place, in which William Love taught for some time. The hii^hest branches taught in this school, were reading, writing, and arithmetic. The advanced reading class read in the Bible, and the second class in the New Testaand by of which there any is nothing is definitely recollection, ment. The ncYt school was established in the lower end of town, in a building which was located near where Joseph E. Barkley's cabinet- now stands Robert Fields was its first teacher. Messrs. Love and Fields were succeeded by William Fergeson, Murray Manville, and Joseph Warden. About the year 1830, Hiram W. Thornton opened one in a chair or wagon-shop, which was located where Mr. William Neal's resishop ; dence now stands. The academy, which was erected on the old site of Dr. Evans' present residence, and opened for school purposes in the spring of 1839, was a monument anterior the introduction of the to of zeal in the cause of education, at a time standard of instruction was elevated, ment of the first teacher, to public school system. if The judged by the advertise- give instruction in the Hebrew lan- guage, which was not extensively pursued at that early day in Bloomsburg. But the teacher's literary reputation dwindled when, on perusing a copy of Shakspeare, he inquired whether this was the celebrated author of that name, and what were his principal works and evinced his astonishment in the question, ; " 'What f " This building contained four schoolrooms, and Avas occuj)ied for public school purposes until 1875. ! these dialogues Between 1850 and 1860, Professor Joel E. Bradley taught a high school in the room now occupied by the Democratic Sentinel and Mrs. Anna K. Drake a primary one in the adjoining room. About the same time Miss Mattie Wells, was also teaching a select school in a small building which was located where William Gilmore's establishment now stands and Miss Susan Painter another in the back part of her father's justice office, on Market street. ; Hli^TORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. IIX [The interesting sketch by Mr. Snyder, was only intended to few facts relating to early schools. The improvements since made were not in the task imposed upon him. rescue from oV)livion a Nor intended to give is it publications every official shall therefore only mark of the schools, with wliich full statistics year fully acquaint our people, and work, different schools are spoken of, I In other portions of this special cases. and need not be here repeat, ed. In 1870, the school eastern jtart erected directors of the t«jwn, a large on Fifth street, in the two-story brick building with two wings, containing four main rooms and five recitation or class rooms, one of the class rooms being intended and mainly used for is about 50 feet by 70, and The building will accommodate from 800 to 1000 children. It is heated by steam, with the latest and most ap])roved school furniture, including maps and apparatus of all kinds. The whole expenditure was not less than fifteen The a library. building princi])al the wings about 18 by 20 thousand feet. dollars. In 1873 a second building was erected, on the at the west end of the town, on Third brow of the hill, It is a trifie larger street. than the Fifth street school, but in all material respects, upon the same plan, and heated and furnished in the same complete manner. The two buildings were so arranged as to accommodate children in the town, and no other These, with the exists. common Normal School all school building the now place Bloomsburg in the front rank in point of educational advantages.] BRIAU CREEK. In the year 1800, the first school was opened in the stone standing near Samuel Kelchner's residence. Ten years later a school house was built at Foundryville, when the former school closed and all the pupils in the vicinity attended church, still The next house was erected below BerThe third land now on the stood school was taught in a dwelling which owned by William Stout The names of the teachers who taught the Foundryville school. wick, on the land now owned by Daniel Romback. these schools were Cordelia A. Preston, Daniel Goodwin, Morris Hower, and John Arney. OATAWISSA. The lirst st'liool in this U)\vnshi|) whirh was jvor's (Iwt'HinL:', pl.'U'o, now owiumI ostablisliod in is Conrad (Ji'iMrlntyro calU'd (he Towksbni-y. and M. K. 'oy was on what h>i'aletl tan^lit l>y Martin Stiu'k. year 18l)-l, Mrs. Mjivy Paxton oiumumI a school in hor which was UH'atod noar the Friends' nieetiny,' house, at C\itawissa, and in atUlition to thi' usual branches, taught sewingand knitting. Those who eould not remain at school were pcrAl'li-r this school was kept in niittetl to retire alter riH'itatitMi. Abont tlio rosidonoi', successful operation for time, son\(.' small a franu' house was built near where Frederick Ffahler's lesidencc now stands, in which Elijah Harger, of Chester county, taught, followed by Ellis Hughes. Finally, Joseph Paxton, (son o\' the former teacher,) built an addition to the house for his daugliter liuth Ann. In 1815, Mr. Kent, of New Vork, (whose son is a popular dry-goods mer.1 chant in Philadelj)hia,) ojtened a liigh school in the resident' occupied by Mrs. Kelh'r. of New The w as succeeded IK' by a ^Ir now l^ly, .also York. in ISIS, by Thomas Barger, uj) which stood on the land now owneil by liarger was succeeded by ,1ohn Stokes, .li^sej)!! next school was opened stairs in a spring-house, •lohn Keifer. (JittUn>4. :ind ed by pu[»ils of Ezra school 3[r. Thomas S. Main Ellis. llayhurst, to lab(,)rs, The seluH>l w as principally support- townshi}). whom l^itawissa not only assisted taught successfully for some in is nuu-h indebted for his establishing schools, but also Next catue Joel and opened a scliool time. E. Hradley, from the "land of steady habits," in the academy, which was founded in IS.'^S. He continued until lS4l.\ when Jeiemiah J. lirower took his place in the same building until 1S48. [Since the preparation of this sketcli by Mr. Snytler, there has been erected in Catawissa, a Public school building, second to none in the county. It occupies a beautiful location upon rising ground, on tlie one side overlooking the river, and on the otlier the valley of Catawissa creek. It is fully up to all the modern improvements, in heating, lighting and apparatus. In size it is a little greater than the Bloomsburg Third Street School House; and is intended to sujH'rsede all the public school buildings in Catawissa, and by concentration of lieat :uid teaching force and JILSTORY OF (COLUMBIA COUNTY. oversight, give pupils increased advantages. all It is 173 claimed that some respects the Catawissa house is an improvement upon any thing else, and such may be the fact.] in (JKNTKALIA. was taken from Conyngham township in 1867. its present limits was erected i)i 18.')8, in which school was continued until 1868, when it was engulfed by the breaking down of tlie mines. In the following year, a frame building, with two rooms in it, was erected to till its place. Here Mr. Bowers was emi)loyed to teach a term of eight months, at a salary of iifty dollars per month. The number of pu})ils increased so rapidly, that it was Tliis l)or()ugh The Hrst school-building within necessary, in 1S72. to erect another This l)iiilding. is a first-class building, well furnished and properly ventilated. There are now (1877) four good schools able supervision of W. Mr. J. in the l>iirke, lule borough, priiicijial uiidei- the of the Ash- land high school. CENTRE. The earliest schools in this township were tauglit in dwellings, which were located as follows: One neai' the ferry, taught by Solomon Friedeci another near Lime Kidge, where Joseph Geiger now lives, and the third on the land now owned by Hiram Schwe)j]»eidieiser, which was taught by John Dietterich. The first house for school purposes was located at Centreville in 1810. Being destroyed by fire after a few years' service, another was erected at the lower end of the village, where the pub; lic school-buildings now stan, the Patrons of beautiful hall, furnished the school furniture, of the school, which in is still a prosperous condition. CONVNflHAM. 18.j('). township was formed from the southern part of Locust in It ami the borough of Centralia had no schools before the jiublic school Tills law was in force. Its school history only dates JIISTOEY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 174 back to 1857, when, through school buiUling was erected product of this region, which Gerniantown. was developed large population. Consocpiently, buihlings, which were all of Mr. A. exertion tlie at we su[)plied The a mineral in 1860, attracted a tind, in 1865, with W. Rea, ricli four new school school apparatus, and in character far sujterior to the earlier. FISHING CREEK. The first school in township was taught by Christopher which stood where John Zaner's resi- this Pealer, in a weave-shop, dence now stands. About the year 1794, Henry came from Philadelpliia to which belonged to his father. Being a young man of more than ordinary ability, he was persuaded to open a school there in a dwelling house. The first school house was built at Pealertown, in which Jonalleiss Stillwater, to oversee a tract of lau'l, Colley taught. tlian The next was erected near where Zion church now stands. The Pealer town school finally closed, and the i)upils attended this school. FRANKMN. After the school closed at Mclntyre, in Catawissa township, a was built, just above the foundry, on tlie land now owned by Williaiu Stocker, to accomiuodate the settlers at the mouth of Catawissa creek. Mr. Stuck, wlio liad taught at Mclntyre, was succeeded in this school by Daniel Krist and Daniel Kigles. Sevliouse eral married men availed themselves of the opportunity to receive school. Near where Joseph T. Reeder now Joseph Ilorlocher opened a school, which was called "Clayton's school," the same name the one goes by in this district now. The one established below Esther furnace was taught by Samuel instruction at this lives, Bitler and James Stokes. Anterior to public schools there river, was also one about where the public school ))uilding now kept at the stands. GREENWOOD. About the year ville. now 1785, a school was kept in a dwelling, at Mill- In 1800 a house was built near where Richard Ileacock lives, and occupied until 1836. In 1805, another was built on the laud now owned by Jacob , HLSTOR Y OF COL UMBTA CO UNTY. Gerard. '^I'his Iiouhc not 1 75 being suitably located, was abandoned and a more convenient one erected, few where Catharine McCarty now lives, west of Kohrsburg. In 1838, when public schools were adopted, there were six houses after a years' service, erected. Prominent among the early teachers were Jesse Haines, Jacob Wintersteen, John Shively, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Ferguson, Benjamin Kester, Jonathan Colley, Robert Lockard, and liis daughters, Jane and Nancy Lockard. HEMLOCK. About the year 1801, Mr. Donaldson established the first school dwelling which was located on the land now owned Ijy Eight years later, Thomas Vanderslice opened one Isaac Pursel. in a same kind of building, which was erected on the land now owned by M. S. Appelman and John Boonemother, at tlie forks Henry Ohl of Hemlock and Fishing creek, near James Barton's. succeeded Mr. Vanderslice as teacher. The next was opened in in the by Jacob Wintersteen, in a building which was located on now owned by Dennis Pursel. The house located at the forks of the road, where the brick school-house now stands, is given in Montour township sketches. The Doll school, which was kept near where ex-Sheriff Smith now resides, in IHKJ, was principally composed of pupils from Madison townshi]), now West Hemlock, in Montour county. 1810, the estate JACKSON. John Denmark taught the first school in the township, in 1820which was located near where the Union church now stands. In 1822, a school-house was built close by, in which John Keeler taught four, and William Yocum three terms. The house was then torn down. In 182.5 a house was built at the lower Jackson church, and Mr. Yocum, who had taught in the former building, opened the first school. He was succeeded by Cornelius McEwen, Miss Helen Calvin, Joseph Orwig, and Peter In 1832, a house was re-locuted at the Union church, Girton. and those who taught in it before puVjlic schools were established were William Riche, John Fullmer, and Isaac K. Krickbaum 21, in a dwelling, lately associate judge. 176 HI8T0EY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. LOCUST. The first school in this townsliip cannot be accurately 2,iven, as there were several scliools in session about the same time. Joseph Stokes taught one in his residence, which was located on the land now owned by D. Mears. Joseph Hughes taught another at Kerntown Alexander Mears one at Slabtown and James Miller one near where the old Quaker church now stands. There was also one at Esther furnace, but by whom taught is unknown. When the vote was taken on tlie public school question there was considerable excitement in the township. Had it not been for Mr. John Kline, who induced his tenant not to vote, (but voted himself,) the election would have been a tie consequently, there was one majority in favor of establishing public schools. ; ; ; MADISON. The first school in the township was taught, in 1799, by a Mr. Wilson, in a dwelling Avhich was located at Jerseytown. In 1810, Thomas Lane opened one in a similar building, which stood on the land now owned by Leonard Kisner. The third and fourth were also in dwellings, one of which erected near where the Reformed church now stands, close was by the road leading from Jerseytown to Bnckhorn, and the other in the eastern part of the township, near Millville. Jacob Demott is the only surviving member of the first public school board. MAIN. This townsliij) formerly belonged to CataMassa. school was established obliged to attend the witliin its school present limits the Before any pupils were which was held up stairs in the which was consid- s[)ring-house spoken of in Catawissa township, ered a very important school. About the year 1820 a school was established in a dwelling which was located near where the old fulling-mill stands, above Mainville, and was taught by Jacob Gensel. In 1824, John Walts opened another in the same kind of building, which stood near Avhere Fisher's church now stands. When this church was completed, the old church which stood close by : HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. was fitted and occupied for school purposes uj) 177 until public schools were established. Daniel Krist was a prominent teacher of this school. MIFFLIN, In the year 1794, David Jones opened the first school in this among the scrub pine and oak land now owned by Christian Wolf. township, in a hut which stood below Mifflinville, on the There being no primary books market, the teacher printed in the alphabet on shingles for the abecedarians. This hut was occupied but a short time, then abandoned, and a in a building located where the Lutheran school was opened church now stands at Miftlinville. Another school-house was finally built the in eastern part of the township. MONTOUR. The following a synopsis of John G. Quick's report, secre- Montour tary of The is my was established in the year Judge Rupert. She opened this school in a shanty, which had been built and occupied by contractors, while making the North Branch canal, and building the aqueduct across the mouth of Fishing creek. In this shanty Miss Rupert commenced instructing the children in first school, to recollection, 1831, by ^liss Harriet Rupert, daughter of the late Rupert, charging one dollar for each pupil per After teaching here a short time, she had a room comfortably fitted up, in a log house near her father's dwelling, in which the vicinity of term. she taught successfully for some time. She, being a Christian lady and model teacher, always opened school with reading the Scriptures and prayer. After this school closed, we Avere obliged to travel fully two miles to a school, M^hich was taught by James L. Nevius, in an old log-building, located at the forks of the road leailing from Bloomsburg to Buckhorn. belonged to Hemlock township. The At this time Montour law, in those days, provid- ing for the schooling of indigent children at the expense of the county, was scarcely realized. Parents would rather have their children grow up cated under this Then came in total ignorance, than permit them to be edu- act. the passage of the common school law, which crea- HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 178 Xx'i\ :i gTo;it sons.'ition. The ple for X\\o schooling of idea of iissossintij children, all was a tax U]>on the jieo- thought with serious a some, and, consequently, a division of Hemlock township was brought about, by a caucus being held by some of the citizens in the southern ])art who of the township, thought, by dividing the township, they could get rid of the school law. paring the past with the jtreseut say, that I have been a director for of the rising generation. and have six years, 1838, com- just entered after the future blessings loathe to say, there Yet, I are o[)posed to public schools, and director for faithfully and in said, in but, in conclusion, I sluxll only ; upon the duties for three nu)re, to look who Thus, Much might be Montour was taken from Hemlock. are some ever ready to criticise a conscientiously discharging the du- ties of his office. Why make our school-houses and grounds our homes ? not pleasant and at- tractive, as well as One of the greatest privileges I enjoy to is visit our scliools, and compare their contrast with those of forty years ago. JIT. The first riJiASANT. school in Mt. Pleasant He employed an instructor, at his was founded by Peter Oman. own expense, to come to his dwelling to instruct his and his neighbors' children. three houses were built, one upon the laud Finally now owned by Joseph upon the land now owned by Aaron Kester, and annow owned by Andrew Crouse. These houses were of the same description as early school-houses generally, built of logs, filled between with sticks, daubed over with imui mixed with cut straw, and furnished with slab seats. Careful provisions were made for a large fire hearth, and spacious Gilbert, one other upon the land door, so that amusement logs could be rolled in for fuel. This afforded for the boys at recess. OKANGE. The first school in this township was taught in a building which was located on the north eastern part of Honorable H. R. Kline's farm, by Daniel Rake, Philij) Doder, and Jonathan Colley, father of Alexander Colley, of Benton. In 1820, George Vance, Avho taught at Bloomsburg, opened a school in a small log-building, which stood on the land now owned by William Delong, below Orange- HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 179 Mr. Vance was succeeded by Clemuel G. Ricketts, William The house was then torn down, and a more ville. Kantz, and John Kline. suhstantial one erected at Orangeville, on the very spot where Mr. Kline's residence now stands. This house was accepted ward for ])ublic school purposes. Among after- the earliest teachers were Abraham Kline, Ira Daniels, and Charles Fortner. In regard to adopting public schools, the same feeling arose here as elsewhere in the county. The most enlightened, by whom nearly all the taxes were paid, advocated their adoption. PINK. This township was not as early and rapidly settled as some of In 1830, there was but one school which was taught by John Masters, in a house located at In 1836, when public schools were accepted, education Sereno. took a new impetus, and at present the schools in this, as well as the schools in other sparsely settled townships, compare favorably with those in towns and villages. the townships in the county. in it, ROARING CREEK. The first school within the present limits of this townshij), was by Joseph Stokes, in a small dwelling which beMahlon Hil)bs, and stood on the land now owned by taught in 1816, longed to William Rhoads. This school continued only one term. The following year C'herington, a surveyor and experienced teacher, opened a Thomas school in his son's dwelling, which stood on the land now owned by Samuel Hauck. After teaching several terms, making his entire work in the field as a teacher, forty winters, he abandoned the profession, and assigned the school to taught successively it n)» his son Samuel, who to the introduction of pul)lic schools. In 1821, C'harles Breech re-opened another school in the same which xMahlon Hibbs liad taught, and about the same time, David Chase also opened one in an old log-dwelling, near The first where the Methodist Episcopal church now stands. house for school purposes was built on the site where "No. 2" house in school house the first now stands, fourteen years after the organization of school. SCOTT. The first school-house.^ were built in Scott, about the year 1805. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COXTNTY. 180 One at Espy, on lot No. 56, and the other below Light street, on This lot belonged to the tract lot now owned by J- W. Sankey. of land pnrchased from Tlionias Penn and John Penn, Esqnires, ])roprietaries and governors-in-chief of the Province of Penn- sylvania, in 1773. The school at Espy was established by Messrs. Webb, Kenne- dy, and Waters. In 1814, the third school was opened in a building which was located on lot now owned by Amnierman, B. at the n}>per end of Light street. of the teachers who had charge of these schools George Vance, Joseph Solomon, William Love, and John Kennedy. The names wei*e SUGARLOAF. The pioneers, following waters. uj) Among them was Fishingcreek, settled along a scholarly gentleman, by the He Philip Fritz, from Philadel()hia. taught the tirst its head- name of school of the township, in a log hut, which stood where Saint Gabriel's church now stands. This hut was occupied for school purposes for some in it was erected on the land now owned Joseph Massey, a professional teacher, taught Finally, a school-house time. by Andrew Hess. many terms. N.VMKS OK COrXTY SITEKINTKN DENTS, AVIIEN, Joel E. Bradley, elected June 5, AND HOAV SELECTED. 1854. Reuben W. AVeaver, appointed January 1, 1855. William Burgess, elected May 4, 1857. Lewis Apj)leman, elected May 7, 1860. William Burgess, ai)pointed October 23, 1861. John B. Patton, appointed Marcli 31. 1863. May 4, May re-elected May C. G. Barkley, elected 1863. C. G. Barkley, re-elected 1, 1866. C. G. Barkley, 4, 1869. William H. Snyder, elected M.ay 7, 1872. William H. Snyder, re-elected May 4, 1875. William H. Snyder, re-elected May 7, 1878. J. S. Grimes, elected May 3, 1881. HI.STORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 181 CHAPTER XX. The "Columbia County Agricultural Society" was incor])orated by the Court on the 15th day of December, 1868 Deed Book "V", Page 97. It has been in existence as an Association however, : since about 185.5, the last having been the 27th Aimuul Fair. The charter provided and set out that Benjamin F. Ilartman, James Masters, William II. Shoemaker, Caleb liarton, IMathias Hartman, Joseph P. Conner, Thomas Creveling, Jacob Harris, Johnson H. Ikeler, Andrew J. Sloan, Charles G. Barkley, Palemon John, Joshua Fetterman and Elijah Ikeler I{.. had associated themselves together, "for the promotion of science, to foster and improve agriculture, horticulture, mechanics and the domestic and household arts.'' It can well be said of has been a success from the beginning. it, that as a Society In the amount, it variety and quality of displays, the County Fair has been second to none in the State, considering its area, and in nmltiiudinous attendance it stands unrivalled. Doubtless if the scientific }»art of the agriculture and horticulture received more charter, as applied attention, to and the kind and quality of our soils were investigated so that the best methods of culture and manuring should be taught in an annual scientific lecture or report to go out with the official proceedings, much more might be, than has yet been accomjdished. On this department some money might be judiciously and advantageously expended. This part of their charter promises they have not performed. Ill the more than a quarter of a century in which the Society has been in existence, much effective work in the direc- ought to have been done. The county ought to have been divided into sev^tions, and subjecte 1 to Scientific examination as to soils, and other characteristics for the tion of scientific agriculture HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 182 It is to be hoped that now this duty to .'uid its material interests will be taken in hand. county If ihe farming is a science, why should it not be scientifically done? And if it should, whose duty is it to see that it be done, if not that of the Society, which, by its charter has assumed that duty? hig^iest prodnotiveiiess. has long been seen, and the fact has heen the subject of wellgrounded comj)laint, that more attention is paid to the S};ecd of horses, and lo the accommodation of sharpers and showmen than to For the the more legitimate business of tlic annual e\'hiV)iti()n. connnou duty of life, the })air of hoi'ses that will walk the most miles in a day, is worth more than the pair that will trot or run The liorse the most miles \n a minute or an hour or a day. trained to walk rapidly, is tlie horse that makes time, of which fact, the fabled race between the hare and the tortoise is an illusIt t ration. The soils in limestone, red loam. Columbia county are very various. We Inive clay, shale, white and black slate, and river bottom All these are differently constituted, fitted to produce dif- and root cro|)S, needing for their improvement ditfeient kinds of mamire, and a and uiuh'r it the eorporalion pur- Assendily of IS72, ; chased a traet of huul in the lownslii[), eoniiJiising about 100 aeres, and liave sinee then assembled tl)e [toor in nuuh more eomfortabh' quarters In tliaii thosi' in wliieh thi'v rare, that a small lia[»})y expenditure will make and contented. The assistanei' without lislnnent health is outside lielj), and secured to the inmates. man hard-worked in his all tliat usually give to a kiiul hearted steward, w of a iisiiallv tind pui'ely agrieidtiu'al ecunniunity, eompK'ti' a ill thus thi'mselves. destitution who is so nei'd assistauee the uidortunates can run the wlu)le esiab- mental and physical Thus provided youth, m.iy be and for, tlie old age shotdd be free from repining on the one hand, and from public contplaint on the other. Where such supjiort redound to the credit institutions anil are needed their erection and honor of the community. HISTORY OF C0LU3IBIA COUNTY. CHAPTER XXIT. 10^ by 17 inches, pub- TWV. Br.ooMSHUur, Rkgister, a newspaper by James Delevni', was beariin about the first of October, a|)pears by the oldest co[»y I have seen, being in thepopses- lisliocl 1826, as sioi: Leonard B. Kin)ert and bearing date May 10. 1827, and No. 32. So far as my researches have extended, I unable to find any older, and conclude th^' Sloomshurg Regisof Hon. being Vol. am ter to 1. be the first paper published in this town. Thomas Painter purchased the pajier from the owners and changed the name to the Columbia County Register In April, 1828, as appears by a coi)y of so that he also began a charge of the paper. am it. No. 47, Vol. 2, dated February 9, 1830; new vohune and mimber when he took He continued the publication until 1 844, in was discontinued. The Register was devoted to the party opposed to the democracy, and was vigorously edited by Mr. Painter, who was a man of more than average ability and force of character. He was born in the town of NorApril, when, I told, it thumberland, l^ennsylvaiiia, Jur:e Sheriff of his nativi- county, Assembly, for several terms was at Lancaster, Harrisburg. He ; w*. fiist served one term as member a while the and afterwards when died in He 178.1 8, and of ca|)itol the of General the State had been removed to Muncy, Pennsylvania, on the 12th day it of February, A. D. 1863, in the 78th year of his age. The Columbia Democrat was issued April 29, 1837, by John he was joined by Fianklin S. permanence, and who continued it in it io He and in first number Then, or shortly after, Th^y conducted the paper Capt. Her ry Webb. He gave 1847, in March, s»ld until 1866, to Elijah K. Ikelcr. established, and the Ingrmi. Mills. for one year, and in 1838, sold it S. it to Col. Levi L. Tate, February, of that year sold consolidated it with the it Star of The IIISTOJIY 188 OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. and called the coiubiiiation the Democrat JSForth, ct Star, and Bloomshurg Democrat. until Jatniaiy, 1869, when it Brockway, and merged into The name to was continued under that name subsequently changed the It the was bought by Capt. Charles Ji. Columhian. The paper was, undt-r all its name^ and varying sistently democratic Of fluential. New Mills to its editor-*, Jersey, Tate to VVilliamsport. Henry Webb was born Capt. fortunes, con- and was always deservedly inIngram went from here to Pottsville, in its politics, necticut, July 23, 1796, in and died Windham iti in the state of Con- Bloomshurg, September 22, ^848. established by Reuben W. WeaGilmore retired February Gilmore, Benjamin S. 1, 1849. ver and August 1, 1850, and the paper was continued by Mr. Weaver until The Star ot Thk Nouth was December 2, 1857. was subsequently sold by his death, It AVilliamson H. Jacoby, in October 16, 1862, suspended when he went administrator and bought 1858. He into the army, published it by until and the paper was August, 1863, when he returned and resumed the It was cai'ried on under the old name nntil February, until publication. 1866, his January, when it was consolidated with the Columbia Democrat, then owned by Elijah R. Ikeler, as the Democrat and Star. At the end of about seven months, Mr. Ikeler sold his interest in the establishment to Josiah P. ran the paper nntil Jacoby continued the paper January, 1869, when he sold merged it into Shuman, and Jacoby & Shuraan Shuman retired, and the Bloomshurg Democrat, until to Capt. Charles B. Brockway who January, 1867, when Mr. as it The Columbian. The paper was always democratic in its political faith. County REruuLiCAN Avas established March 1st -1857, by Dr. Palemon John. In 1869 he sold the })aper to a stock company, and Dr. William H. Bradley was employed as editor. Dr. Bradley and Lewis Gordon subsequently purchased the paper, and in 1871, sold it to Daniel A. Beckley and John S. Phillips, who became the publisher, the editorial department being managIn 1873, E. M. Wardin bought the interest ed by Mr. Beckley. of John S. Phillips and not long after, that of Daniel A. Beckley, The Coi.ujriUA J1I8T0RY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. and became C. Brown tinued editor. it tlie 1st of August 1875, James purcluise"! th»' paper IVom E. M. Wardin, and has con- to the i)resent time witli Daniel A. As its name Republican party THE Tmk On tlie sole propi-ietoi-. 189 imports, it I-5ecl:ley as has been and is associate the organ of the in the county. COI.r.AiniAN Coi.L-.MiUAN HIII.DINC, KKKCTEn 1881. was established May the Johnson Republicans, SG6, as the organ of 5th, under the managtnient of George H. 1 OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. UltiTOllY I'JO The good will, subMoore, who published tliirty five numbers. list and material was then i)urchased by a number of Democrats of the county, and placed under the charge of John G. Freeze, January 4th, 1867, as a Democratic newspai)er, beginning scription Vol. 1. No. He continued 1. Capt. Charles B. until P'ebruary Brockway became when 15th, 1867, associated with him, and eventually bought up the stock and took entire charge and ownershij) of the paper. to be printed It was enlarged July on a steam power press. 12th, On 1867, tho first and began of January, Bloomshurg Democrat., from Mr. The Golumhian became the sole Democratic paj>er in On the 1st of January 1871, Henry L. Dieffenbach the county. bought the paper and published it one year, when Capt. BrockIn July 1873, Mr. Dieffenbach again way resumed the control. took the paj)er and continued until October 1st 187o, when Charles B. Brockway and George E. Elwell ])urchased it. They continued it to October 1st 1870, when Capt. Brockway retired, and on that (hiy Mr. John K. Bittenbender, a practical ])rinter, i)urchased an interest in the i)aper, and the publishing firm became Elwell & 1869, by the purchase of the Jacoby, Bittenbender. Columbian has been democratic Since January 1867, the l)olitics, and devoted to the general policy of that party. tober 1881 the otlice was moved into a three story brick in In Oc- building and now occupies the first floor and basement of the building. The presses are run by water power, and in all its appointments the oflice is one of the finest erected specially for it, on Main newspaper establishments in street, the state. The Christian Messenger was started by Edward PI Orvis, at was a montldy of 24 pages. In 1872 the title was changed to the Messenger & Laborer, and D. Oliphaiit of London, Canada, was admitted as co-editor, with E. E. Orvis as the publisher, and the publication was enlarged to 32 pages. In January 1875, the Messenger & Laborer was changed from a 32 page monthly to a four page 24 column weekly. The publication office was moved to Orangeville, October 1, 1875. Oliphant retired from it in December, 1875, and it was suspended December 26lh of that year, for want of support. Benton, in January, 1870. It HISTOR Y OF COL UMB IA CO UNTY. 1 91 The Inokpendent Weekly was started by William H. Smith and Edward E. Orvis, in Benton, April J, 1874, as a democratic newspaper. It was continued by them until October 1, 1875, when it removed to Orangeville with the Messenger & Laborer^ when and where Smith cfe Orvis dissolved, the Independent being continued by Smith. On the first of Aj^ril, 1876, The Independent Weekly returned to Benton, where it was published until September, 1877, when it was removed and established in Milton, .Northumberland county, by the name of The Argus, and where, with varying fortunes, published. it is still TiiK Democratic Sentinel was established in Bloomsburg, in 1871, by Mr. Charles M. Yanderslice, and has continued under his management tics, and as has, as editor it and publisher. It democratic in is poli- deserves, a fair share of patronage. The Bloomshur« Journal was begun by G. A. Potter, was a five column four )>age i)aper. In October 1881 the form was changed to a quarto of twelve pages, and then of 16 pages. In September 1882, Dr. Jacob Schuyler purchased a half interest in the paper, and the new firm changed the form to the old folio style. The paper a is ])l;u'C' The Jiepublican in politics so far as in its Sin, a it It allows politics to have colunms. paper, :rExi>ENT of June 1871, the outfit gentleman who is in politics a Republican. On his retirement from The Independent Mr. Charles \^. Snyder succeeded Mr. J. Sanders in the proprietorship and editorial management of the Hazleton daily and weekly Sentinel, in Luzerne county. S. The Berwick Gazette, gun March 2o, politics but of borhood news. 1882, being the second of that name, was be- by Mr. J. H. Dieterick. democratic proclivities, and It is neutral in full of local and neigh- HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. CHAPTER 3ivii:^A^IDu?L.3N/£E SKETCH A (jf I Ills 105 XXIII. JMIOlNrTCTJI^. celebrated womaii uiid Ik r family will be properly introduced by a short description of the magnificent mountain ridge whidi bears her name. Montour's Uidge rises somewhat al)ruptly (m the West Branch of the SusquHhatiM.i, near the mouth of Chillisquaque creek in Northutid)erlaiid county, PennsylvaniH, and stJirtirii; out in a noitheast course become-* the boundary between tfie townships of Point and Chilli-quaque in Northumberland counts, and between Point and the townships of Liberty and Mahoning in Montour county, near Danville, wheie Mahoning creek bieakn through to the North Branch of ihe .Suscpiehai/iia thence beconing the boundary between Valley and Mahoning, and West Hemlock and Cooper in Montour county, and between Hemlock wwA Montour lownshijjs — in Columbia county ; breaking down again where Hemlock creek flows through into Fishingcreek, and again at short distance, where Fishingcreek rolls between burg, off south-west wardly again its sides north of BloomsNorth Branch; then rising i>recii)itous into the and throwing towards the surface its rich iron deposits and sinking forever, after developing millions of tons of limestone, north and east of the lown north and east of Bloomsburg, of Espy. A geological axis of elevation passes nearly along the middle composed of hard which are covered along both sides, times quite to the top, by slates and the low^er part of which consists of of the ridge, gray and reddish sandstone, sometimes nearly and someshales of overlying series, yellowish or greenish slates, containing thin strata of limestone, in which are impressions of and near these is a very valuable layer shells and other fossils ; of brow^nish red iron ore, from six thickness, also containing inches to fossil impressions. over two feet in This ore is found HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 196 on both sides of the ridge us far east as the vicinity of Bloomsburg, where the strata converge over its top as it sinks away on the east, and finally disappears under the overlying red shale in the neighborhood of Espytown. In the slates above the iron ore some thin layers of dark colored limestone, succeeded by a thick bed of red shale, which forms the upper j)ortion of the Overlying this red shale is a limestone formation, which series. encircles the ridge outside of the red shale, and which may be seen not far from the river above Northtiniborland, and along the dipping under the Fishrailroad from ])anville to Bloomsburg ingcreek half a mile above its mouth, and passing under Bloomsburg, it rises again near Espytown, and extends nearly to Berwick, where it sinks away beneath the overlying slate. A fine deposit of mantle and roofing slate of the very best quality? are ; develops burg. itself It on Little Fisliingcreek, about a mile above Blooms- has been wrought and apjn-oved of by competent judges and workmen, and needs only and enterprise capital to become a recognized industry of the county. Thus will it be seen that Montour's ridge ornamental, rich as well as rugged iron ore, limestone, slate ; is useful as well as yielding right at our doors and building stone in almost unlimited quantities. There are three celebrated Indian portant that parts of the exploits and other, that it in the women who have played im. history of Pennsylvania, and especially in Forks of the Susquehanna but their names, their have become so interwoven with each ; their persons has become a distinguish them. From matter relating to them, I difiicult, if not an impossible, task to the mass of obscui-e and contradictory shall however, endeavor to assign her some of the romance and correcting some of the statements which have heretofore been received as veritable history; or at any rate, as history proper position and actions to each one, dissipating applicable to certain persons. Those three women are and Queen Esther. In his Day Madame Montour, Catharine Montour "Historical Collections of Pennsylvania" Mr. Sherman speaks of "the celebrated Catharine Montour, sometimes call- HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 197 ed Queen Esther, whose more perinaiient residence was at Cath. ariiu'stown, at tlie head of Seneca hike, as being a half-breed who Her reputed father was one had been well educated in Canada. of tlie French Governors of that i)rovince, and she herself was a She was much caressed in Phillady of conijiaiative retinenient. She exercised a conadelphia, and mingled in the best society. trolling influence among the Indians, and resided in this quarter, [Tioga point, Bradford county] while they were making their inIt has been even suscursions upon the Wyoming settlements. pected that she presided at the bloody sacrifice of the Wyoming but Col. Stone who is good authority prisoners after the battle ; upon the history of the Six Nations, utterly discredits the story.'' Here we have the three women utterly confounded. Let us see if we can separate them and assign to each one her own history and individuality. Who was Madame Montour? Lord Cornbury in a letter under date of August 20, 1708, published in Vol. V. page 65 of the Colonial History by the name of New York, speaks a French of gentleman Canada previous to 1668, who married an Indian woman by whom he had three children, one son and two daughters and that subsequently to the birth of the children they got among the Miami Indians in the neighborhood of Detroit. Some sort of intercourse was kept up with the east, and a woman calling herself Madame Montour is of Montour, settled in ; reported lo have been with the Senecas tess, in 1711. In 1744 at a treaty there held at Albany, as an interpre- Madame Montour was with the Six Nations, and at Lancaster, Pa. in a conversation with Mr. Marsh, Secretary of the Maryland Conmiissioners, she told him that she was born in Canada, whereof her father, who was a French gentleman, had been Governor, under whose adminFive Nations of Indians had made war against the French and the Hurons in that Govi-rnment, and that in the war she was taken by some of the Five Nations' warriors, being then about ten years of age, and by them was carried away into their country, where she was habited and brought up in the same manner as their children That when she grew up to years of maturity she was married to a famous war captain of those nations, * by whom she had several children, but about l".f* istration the : i/rsTO/n' 198 or coLiwiui tiHMi voiirs fts^o l»o w:v^ killiHl in a whicli she had not boon with tho )):itll<' inarrii'd That : ('()r^^TV. (.''atawbiis, slu> liad lit(U> sinoo or no ro- inoinbraiice of tho pbioo of hfr hirtli, nor iixh'ed of lior pariMits, it from thom by tlio bi-iiiLT noar Mr. Marsli also says, tliat ''in h^M* cabin wore two of hor lailiais. dauijhtors by thi> war i-aptain. wlio woro bi>th niarrioil, ami that At this »uio of thorn had a boautifiil boy about livo yoars ohl. tiftv tinio, 17 t I, quohanna, in Indians, or ,)anios l.o Tort, an a oommunioation "That intondim; last Twooht woys, Mrs. Montour, a to tradi' Indian tho to to tako a fall ravisliod Montour must thoroforo. IMailanu' sixty voars old. was sho voars sinoo l\avo tradi'r (Ti>vornor jinirnoy as with thi'ni, boon ;'.\)out upon tlu' Susin 172S, says, far as tho ho Miami had oonsullod Fronoh woman, wifo to C'arondawana, about his haviuL:; livod amonj^st and havino a sistor journov thithor, who marriod to ono of that nation," ito., sooms thus to oomph'to tho identity of Madanu> Montour and tho littlo Fronoh L^ivl. husband was Holand husband waa Onoidas. oliiof of the I>y iirst husband sho a hor Oarondawana, had four sons Andrew, llenry, Robert and Lewis, and two diaiijh Ono of tluMu, named Margaret was already, in ITo;?, n>artors. named Katarionioohn, and was livini«- in the rioil to an Indian neighborho h1 of Shamokin. The name of tho other daughter has It sooms agrood on all l>ands that hor Montt>ur, a bravo of tho Sonooas. Ami first hor soooiul not been ascertained. Madame Montour makes her first appearance in onr history at a 1727, between Hon. Patrick Gordon, Lieutenant Governor, and his coimoil on one side, and divers chiefs of the Five Nations, the Conestogoes, Gangawese, and Susquehanna Indians, on tho other. The council being mot and seated "The Governor told thom by M. Montour, a Fronoh wojuan wdio had lived long among those people, and is now interpretess, that ho was glad to see thom all well after so long a jonrney, and was now ready with his council to receive what they have to say." The meetings continnotl several days, Mailamo Montour making tho interpretations between the parties. Again in 1728, in some ijist ructions given by (^ovornor Gordon to llonrv Snii:'i and John I'ottv, then about to visit tho council held at Philadelphia, on the ;b-d the : of July, UTS TO II Y SiiHqneli;iiiii;i IiHlijiiis, jiIko f<» Let |nir|)i»sc. Kitiiic I great captain, F fi" ( ;uii| ';iriiii(lov\':iii;i ( () L II M li I A CO (IN T Y. Jfivcnior I the at all th(; and true mviri to liirn, And he 1 >f> to tlie that hh he is f kind love tliein peoph; about heart(!d, a^ Treaty." my "(4ivo Kpeak cxjxjct of I take care that whow themselves good hope to see him that sayK: wife, ainl liis know liiiii lie will (!() liini Ih a shall and same himself, agiin, in the memorandum: "It was afterwards what present might be proper to be made to Mistress Montour and her husband, Carandawana and year, there is the following by the considered lioanJ the Five Nations, appointed to resiy th(; ge-itlemen dies of that city always invited made her well any tliat the fact that at least three of her sons re<-eived large grants of "donation lands" from the government. mouth, Andrew's on the Loyal Sock, near Montoursville, and Lewis' at Shade Gap, in Henry's lay on tlie Chillisquaque, near its ILmlingdon county. Li Sejitember 1742, Shikellimy, the great Cayuga cdiief was living at Shamokin and was there tlien visited by Conrad Weiser, Count Zin/endorf, Martin Mack and his wife, After s]»ending some time at Shamoand several other |»ersons. Count and pail of his comjtaiiy forded the Sus'pjehanna, and went to Ostonwachin on the West liranch. This place was kin, "the then inliabited, not only by Lidians of different tribes, but V>y OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. JII.STOUY 200 Imd adopted tlic Indian manner of litV. Anionowoman, JMadame Montonr, wlio had married an Indian warrior (Carondawanna alias llol)ei-( Iliiiitt'i;, but lost him in a war against the C'atawbas. She kindly entertained the C\Mint for two days. The Count soon af((.'r wi'iit to E\iro))eans, wIki lattoi- till' was a Wyoming. has the I*''renc'h In his "History (^i Eiglit (\)unties," "When Count following remark: ]Mr. Zin/.endorf \\\\y\i visit- ed Ostonwaehin (or Frenehtown) he was met (July 30, 1742) by an Indian who understood I'^reneli and Knglish." Conraing along the banks of tlu' river, arrived \\\ Otstonwakin in the evening.'' The distances are not to be de- pei\ded upon, for they were determined by the pace of the walker, arm of the n)wer; nor is the spelling of the Indian names of more certain, each man spelling it as it struck Ins ear. But it seems certain that a town at the nu)uth of Loyal Sock creek now called Montoursville, was, over one hundred years ago, known or the places any indifferently as ;ind Otstuacky Frenehtown, Ostouwackin, Otstonwakin, Otstuagy, was, in 1742,tlie residence of Mad:ime Montom-. ;xnd HISTORY OF COLUMBIA C0UN2Y. 201 no evidence that slie ever lived any farther up the she never was uj) the North Branc?i. In 1744 she was with the Indians at tlie Treaty at Lancaster, and Shamokin, which was in 1745 SpangenVjerg visited her at There is West Branch, and then her On |)lace of residence. her statement, the general question of we in addition as 1733 writing of her as "ancient," and to find James Logan in 1734 she lier as is age, early spoken by a chief and messenger from the Six Nations, as "an old woman." But still further, her son Andrew, in 1756, on an of examination as to distances, testified tViat he thought it sixty Logstown to Weningo, that he had travelled the road three times, once when his mother was blind, and on horse back, The date of the death anle as the rocks tliat underlie the beautiful ridge which perpetuates her name, and that her memory should be as green and grateful as the pines that clothe its sides, and waive over its summit. — » Wlio was French Margaret ? It already appears that Madame Montour had two daughters, one of them named Margaret, and married, and the authorities show that French Margaret was the same person. She and Madame lived at Montoiirsville in 1742? HISTDHY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 202 anil the dausxlittM- roiuaiiicd tliciv had si'vt'ral fliildrcii, (linn' Catliariiu' S. and IMary. CoiiccniinL^- Clark of Auburn, N. "Kstlior ('(.'rtaiiily 'N'. was the wife of as lato as wmiuMi, tliesi' tlircH' Ei'liooluind, In the The Monsi'y at or (u'li. JdIui king of the Mousey chin s])riii<; of IToo nearly the Indians of the lower Suscjuelianna abandoned that river. Slu' writes as follows: of the Sus(|uehanna Delawari's. country and settled 17(i(). of wliom wcit dau^httTS, to wit Kstlior, i)ai't all of the Tiooa Point and above on the Chen>un<; Wolf elan settled at Aehsinnissink, near Big Flats, on present Sing Sing creek, about Here they I'eniainnini' miles by way of the river al)o\e Klniira. ed until tlie destruction of all tlu' towns on the OluMnung, in 1764 the site of i>resent l)y iiarlies st'ut out by Sir William Johnson, one of which was conuuanded by Andrew Montour. This chm then retired to the protection of tlio Senecas, and remained tliere until the peace, when they returned down the river and founded the town of Sheshequin.on the west side of the Sustpiehanna, some six miles below Tioga roinl. They remained iicre until 177l\ when the christian ]iarty migrated west of the AUeghenies, undi'r the leadership pagan parly removed up tlie Uiver about six miles, and founded the new titwn, afterwards gencrallv known as In the meantime, Kchgohund having (Jueen Esther's Plantation. died, his wife Esther became generally known as (^''i'*^'" Esther, a rank to which she was fully entitled, as the widow i>f the Mousey King. His town was destroyed by C/olonel Hartley in 1778, when they probably retired to (.^henuing, which was also destroyed by the ai'iny under (Jeneral Sullivan in the succeeiling year, when of Kotli, and the all retired \o Niagara. I'red at around lu-r Long Point After tlie close of the revolution she hov- former home for a few years, but in Cayuga county. New York, about finally settled a mile .~outh where she was living with the noted Cayuga Chief, Steel Traj*, and where she died and was buried on the east shore of Cayuga Lake, at an advanced age, well known as Queen Esther, the fiend of Wyoming. Koswell Franklin, the first settler of that locality, who was well accpiainted witli her when living on the Susquehanna, also kiu'W hvv wi'll when living near him at his liome, at present Aurora. of ITnion Springs, Catharine Montour marrii'd and removed up the Susquehanna HISTORY OF (COLUMBIA COUNTY. ;iim1 foiiiiilc(| tlic town of Klihiiicrnct, loctutc*] cnt W('llsl)nig, Hotn(! nix miles below yeurs seveiiil her witli Esther, her sister, was living up the ('hemung, and rarily the F^lniiru. Aehsinnissink, n(!ar at in 1704, when they after. th(! jteace new town on Sheocjuaga nearly opposite prew- when; she livtHl for and during the same time tliat inotlier, This town was also destroyed 203 liig Flats. retinn! temjjo- niturned arul founded miles from the and where she and they remained until the town was destroyed by Sullivan in 177!), when they retreated with Seneca heaalace particularly. route to the West as a prisoner, Mrs. VVhittaker stopped for a week at Catharine's town, and while there she again saw the same woman and recognized her as the same one that she had previously seen in conipany with Queen Esther, and who had introduced her as her sister." The history of the sister Mary is not as easily traced. In 17o3 JII^TORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 204 FriMio'h ]\r:irg:irot told Mack, hor son and son-in-law hail boon th;vt, killod tho provious wintor whilo (IMacks Journal, Moniorials of on a niarand against tlu- MtM-avian oluiioh, tlio \V,\0, Crooks." noto.) what wo know about tho othor girls, that tho son-in-law was tho husband of JMary. Slio is known as ^lolly, and Mrs. Whittakor know hor woll. Ilor oxistonoo and Tt is i>iH>l>ablo, in tho light o{ and oonsoquontly to Quoon Ksthor, are by tho following roferenco to hor in Pennsylvania Colonial Kooords Vol. Vlll, page 499. rolatiitnship to Catharino, sottlod "Soptond)or jNIr. IVlli, 17(10 ; tho following letter, received from Holland, the Indian Agent at Shaniokin, waa ordered to be entered : Shamokin, 9 Mo., 17th, 1700. Permit me to acquaint tho Governor: That John Hatson arrived here on the loth, in 8 days, from Town, and deliver'd me the inclosed string of Wampum, and the following speech, which he said was sent to the Governor by Catharine, the l^aughter of French Margaret. That she desired, by this String of Wampum, to acquaint the Governor of the receipt of his by Papunohoal, and that she was sorry tho Indisposition of hor Family had so long prevented her from conq)lying with the tTOvernor's request to bringdown tho prisoners, but that she would bo down this Fall with the two that belonged to her, and desired that she may Jiot be blamed for her sisters carrying the woman she has to the Allegany, as it was not in hor power to prevail with her to take hor to Philadelphia; in continuation of which she sent tho (.Tovornor tho inclosed String JMargaret of Wanq)um. John informed me that Molley was with the white ed Cate here in woman to set off for the Allegany and that he expectten days, and that he should go with her to Philafter he left the towMi, adelphia and ilolivor them to the Governor. from thy friend, Natiianiki, HoM.Axn." It is entirely but possible that l\Iary never returned from tho west, may have remained among ily in Ohio. The the members of the Montour fam- history of the Montours has yet to be written. HLSTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 205 This chapter has been only an attempt to disentangle the person ality of the five women who have given to them a name and place in history. Of the sons this article, of Madame Montour, mentioned Andrew was in the course of the most prominent, and held a Captain's commission, and was for a considerable time engaged as interprebetween the Government and the different tribes. It is a ter somewhat remarkable fact that the family generally were natural One Mary, whom I take to be our "Molly," is spoken linguists. of as a regular polyglot, speaking English, French, and nearly the western Indian dialects. little attention was paid to It is all greatly to be regretted that so the personal history of those Indians who showed themselves to be men and women of character and ability. Where there was one Marsh or Logan who inquired and wrote down what was learned, a hundred persons with equal or I greater opportunities, made no inquiry, or no memorandum. see that Dr. Egle, of Harrisburg, is about to issue at that place, a quarterly periodical, of "Notes and Queries, Historical and Genealogical, relating to Interior Pennsylvania," look for something elucidating still and in that we may further the history of the Montours. ^f^ HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 206 CHAPTER XXIV. IPOST OI^IE^ICES. is You may know nearly located. ent, but his nearest post promptly. ity of know at what may happen to be matter of great convenience to often a TTpointvery of a county or township I office is have therefore, each one in the Or near the line of a post office the residence of your correspond- required in in a general way order to reach him indicated the local- township, and in cases where they are on adjoining townships also stated that fact ; as Derr s, cfec. Bear Gap is on the line between Columbia and Northumberland counties and as is known. New Columbus, Cambra, Fairmount Springs and Red Rock, are in the county of Luzerne, but lying so near the line of Columbia, as to accommodate people on the east side of Fishingcreek, Benton and Sugarloaf townships. And just as Berwick in Columbia county, on the very edge of Luzerne, is the nearest office to many persons of the lower end of that county. in the case of lola, Sereno, ; NAMK OF OFFICE. Bear Gap Beaver Valley Benton Bloomsburg Buckhoru TOWNSHIP. LOCATION. Locust West side Beaver Benton Bloomsburg West side Hemlock Canby Mt. Pleasant Catawissa Catawissa Central Sugarloaf Centralia Con) ngham Colescreek Sugarloaf Berr's Greenwood Centre South east Centre West side North South centre South East-edge of Jackson HLSTORY OF COLUMBIA HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 20S NAME OF TOWN SUIT. tH'KlCK. Greenwood Soreno LOCATION. — edge of West IMiio Still Water Fisliiiiiivreok North west \':iii Camp FishiuLCcreek North Waller .1 Wellivers Mount Pleasant acksou Centre Whitinire Centre North east North east Willow Springs Centre Southeast / 1 L»' • P^* . HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 209 CHAPTER XXV. UNITEI> STATES SENATE. Although not the first in order, yet as the first in dignity, it is proper to begin this chapter with the representation which Columbia county has furnished, in the Senate of the United States, in the person of a distinguished citizen, a native of this county Charles R. Buckalew was born in Fishingcreek township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, December 28, 1821. After receiving an academic education, he studied law with M. E. Jackson, Esquire, of Berwick, Pa and was admitted to the Bar of the same county at August term 1843. He was appointed Prosecuting Attorney of Columbia county in April 1845, and resigned in 1847. In 1850 he was elected to the State Senate for the District composed of the counties of Luzerne, Columbia and Montour, and re1853. In 1854 he was appointed special elected in commissioner to exchange the ratifications of a treaty with Paraguay, and made a journey to South America by way of Eng, land. was chosen a Senatorial Presidential Elector for In 1857 he was chairman of the Democratic State Coimnittee, and in the same year was re-elected to the State Senate for the district composed of the counties of Columbia, MonIn the following winter he tour, Northumberlajid and Snyder. was nominated by the Governor, and confirmed by the Senate to In 1850 he Pennsylvania. be one of the commissioners to revise the criminal code of the This post, and the office of Senator he resigned in the State. summer of 1858, and was appointed Minister Resident of the United States at Quito, in the Republic of Ecuador, where he remained three years. On the 14th of January 1863, he was elected a Senator of the United States for six years from the 4th of March following. In — HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 210 1869 he was re-elected a State Senator for the district composed of the counties of Northumberland, Montour, Columbia and Sulli- van. the In 1872 he was the nominee of the Democratic party for Governor of the state, but was not elected. office of At the same election. Col. Freeze was chosen a member of the convention to reform the Constitution of the State, and upon the defeat of Mr. Buckalew for Governor, promptly tendered to him the seat to which he had been chosen, in the Convention. Ac- cordingly, on the third day of the sitting of the Convention, Col. Freeze offered his resignation to that body, and on the next day November the 15th, Mr. Buckalew was selected to fill the vacancy and served during the sittings. In the same fall of 1872, Mr. Buckalew published a work on "Proportional Representation," which was edited by Col. Freeze, and issued by John Campbell & Son, Philadelphia. In March 1876, at the Democratic Convention, at Lancaster, Mr. Buckalew was, by acclamation, nominated to head the Democratic Electoral Ticket of the State at the ensuing Presidential election. Duj-ing his term in the Senate of the United States, Mr. Buckalew, in addition to March his ordinary legislative duties, on the 1st of 1864, submitted to the Senate a "Minority Report on the Repeal of the Fugitive Slave Acts," Mr. Sumner submitting the On the 20th of February 1865, he subniitted an elaborate report on the subject of lighting, heating and report of the majority. ventilating the Halls of Congress. On the 21st of February 1866 he delivered his celebrated speech on "Representation in Congress." On the 15th of January 1867, he addressed the Senate "On the Executive power to make removals from "On Reconstruction" — — and on office" — on July 11th the same day on "Cumulative Vot- on January 29, 1868, on the subject of "Reconstruction" on the 26th of March, on "The McArdle Case Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court" on the 3d of March 1869, he submitted a "Report on Re})resentative Reform" and on the close of the proceedings, an "opinion on the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson." Since the adjournment of the constitutional convention, Mr. ing" — — — Buckalew has been practising law leisure limes Pennsylvania. in in the preparation of a Bloomsburg and engaged at work on the Constitution of C. r.. HICKALICW .i5TAT r.0. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 212 STATE LEGISLATURE. By the eighth section of the was provided — "Tliat l^ill erecting- inliabitants of the tlie berhmd, Union and Colunibm sliall Cohnnbia county, it county of Northum- jointly elect four representa- tives. 1813 Sannu'l Bound, Leonard Rupert, Thonuis Kreanier were elect I'd. ^Vll Murray Jr. and George Democrats. 1814 David E. Owen had 2218 votes in district. Robert Willit had 20;M votes in district. Capt. Joseph nutcliison had 1990 votes in district. Henry Shaifer had 14")!) votes in district. John Maclay had 1 96 votes in district. James Strawbridgc had 1188 votes in district. Andrew McGlenachan had 1080 votes in district. James Hammond had 1040 votes in district. John MontgOTiiery had 239 votes in district. Abraham JNIcKinney had 892 votes in district. 1 In 1815 Columbia county was district made with one nuMuber. 1815 James McClure had 892 votes. David E. Owens had 579 votes. 181 Sanuiel Bond had 807 () votes. James McC^lure had 731 votes. 1817 Samuel Bond was elected. 1818 Sanniel Bond had 757 Samuel Webb had 487 votes. votes. a separate representative HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 213 1819 James McClure was elected. 1820 John Snyder had 768 votes. Col. James McClure had 754 vote-i. Dr. Russel Park had 352 votes. William Uobison had 92 votes. Col. 1H21 John Clark was elected. In 1822 Columbia county was made a separate district with two members. 1822 William McBride had 1313 Alexander Colley had 1282 votes. votes, and they were elected. 1823 William McBride and Alexander Colley were elected. 1824 John McReynolds, Democrat, had 836 votes. Eli Thornton, Democrat, had 1121 votes. Christian Brobst, Democrat, had 601 votes. 1825 John McReynolds, Democrat, had 1991 votes. Christian Brobst, Democrat, had 1071 votes. 1826 John McReynolds and William McBride were elected. 1827 John McReynolds and Christian Brobst were elected. 1828 John McReynolds and John liobison were In 1829 Columbia county was made member. 1829 John Robison was elected. elected. a separate district with one 1 214 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. IS.SO Uzal Hopkins was elected. 1 Uzal Hopkins S8 Avas elected. ih:32 Isaac Kline was elected. 1 888 1 884 Isaac Kline was elected. John F. Den- was electetl. Deir was elected. 1885 Jolni V. In 1836 Colninbia county was a separate district with one mem- ber. 1880 Evan O. Jackson was elected. Jolui Bowman, Whig, was 1837 elected. 1888 William Colt, l^emocrat, liad 2807 votes and was elected. 183<) William Colt had 1602 votes. Geo. H. Willets had 794 votes. 1840 Daniel Snyder had 2787 votes. John C. Lessig had 914 votes. 1841 Daniel Snyder was elected. 1842 Daniel Snyder was elected. In 1843 Columbia county was a se})arate district with one ber. 1848 Daniel Snyder had 1^87 votes niul was elected. mem- 5 HIS TOR Y OF COL U3IBIA CO UN TY. 21 1844 Thomas A. Fiinston had 2075 votes. E. G. llickotts liad 1443 votes. Jos. Brobst Thomas A. had 1196 votes. was elected. Fiinstoii 1 84') Thomas A. Fmiston had 2a76 votes and David Clark had 2029 votes. Avas elected. 1846 Democrat, had 1667 votes. Isaac Low, Whig, had 1443 votes. Stewart Pearce was elected. Stewart l*earce, 1847 Stewai t Pearce, Democrat, had 2829 votes. George W. Lott, Whig, liad 1502 votes. Stewart Pearce was elected. 1848 Stewart Pearce, Democrat, had 2900 votes. Jonas Flayman, Whig, had 2106 votes. Stewart Pearce was elected. 1849 Benjamin 1'. Fortner, Whig, had 2113 votes. John jVIc Reynolds, Democrat, had 1732 votes. Benjamin P. Fortner was elected. Columbia with one member. In is.")i» :ind Montour were a representative district 1850 Columbia Montour McReynolds, Democrat. 2036 402 McKeynold's majority C. B. Bowman, Whig. 419 1823 196. 1851 Colundiia Montour M. E. Jackson, Democrat. 1490 1354 Jonas Hayman, Whig. 1337 Jackson's majority 651. 856 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 21() 1852 M. E. Jnckson, Doniocrat. Geo. Scott, Doinocrat. (.\>lumbi:i 2400 548 401 1703 ^lontoiir Geo. Scott's majority 55G. 1853 Columbia Montour Joseph R. Pattou. 713 oDO Geo. Scott. 2346 735 (.100. Scott's majority KiGD. 1 Jas. (i. Columbia Montour W. INIaxwcll, 854 John Bilhneyer. G. Hurley, 25 22!)9 4 1014 1 855 John G. Monlgoniery, Democrat. Columbia Montour John Stalcy, 1005 1032 894 483 2491) 1515 Whig. Montgomery's majority 984. 1856 John Sharpless, Whig. Peter Ent, Democrat. Columbia Montour 2405 1412 1141 715 3546 2127 Peter Ent's majority 1419. In 1857 the representative district was Columbia, Montour, Sullivan and W^yoming, with two members. 1857 Peter Ent, John V. Smith, D. Columbia 2364 Montour 1069 Sullivan Wyoming II. B. Brower, Henry Metcalf. 2355 1070 1091 1070 572 574 524 354 126 368 1174 1179 832 828 HLSTORY OF COLUMBIA C0UN2Y. 217 1858 G. D. j!u;kKon, OakeH, ColumV>ia Iline, 1965 Montour 724 517 982 ] :>{){) Sullivan 611 Wyoming 989 1 1 Blaker. 363 1286 811 13 6 55 859 Masters, Mo user. Columbia Montour 2040 1746 1162 760 1215 1101 658 314 Sullivan 1009 950 516 651 585 347 195 G. D. Jackson, Wyoming Oakes, GOo 1800 II. Columbia Montour R. Kline 2040 Osterbout Harding. 1786 1757 r>2 1151 1027 535 376 12o5 1254 1049 1018 379 1225 Tate Tutton 2600 1187 546 1087 1 1 Sullivan Wyoming Strawbridge 2590 1861 Columbia Montour 2571 1174 545 Sullivan Wyoming 1017 Lazarus Jennings. 1904 1892 937 396 1398 933 398 1492 1862 G. D. Jack Hon Columbia . C. Ellis Montour 035 Sullivan Wyoming Sam'l 2914 1244 624 13G3 2913 1248 1364 Hays Jacob Kennedy. 1375 1375 778 762 267 1140 267 1130 1863 G. D. Jackson, Columbia Montour Sullivan Wyoming In 1864 J. C Ellis, M Whitmoyer, S. Bondman. 3344 3344 1770 1771 1458 1459 1092 1090 720 713 344 341 1441 1441 1343 1343 Columbia and Montour were made a representative one member. district witb HISTOKY 218 OJ^ COLUMBIA COUNTY. 1 W. l\)luinl)ia II. .laooby, 8(M L. S. StiucMUiUi, l>;iii'l. Snyder. TTTSTORY OF COLUMBTA COUNTY. 210 1H73 Brock way had 2652 votes. Buckalew John M. had 1021 votes. 1874 Under 187 4, the Constitution of Coliitnbia 1S73, and by the act of 10th May, county was authorized to elect two members. The vote was E. J. McHenry, 3014 : votes. Ryan, 2!)40 votes. John McAnall, 1133 votes. Hon S. P. Ryan, died April P. S. 12, 1876. 1876 McHenry had 43.55 Brown had 4131 votes. E. J. votes. had 1085 votes. Eggert liad 2014 votes. Smitli Jcjliii 1878 T. J. • Vanderslice had 3258 votes. Jos. B. Knittle had 3081 votes. A. Phillips had 1467 votes. W. H. Abbott had 1472 votes. 1880 had 4402 votes. T. J. Vanderslice, Democrat had 3823 votes. G. A. Jiiickingham, Republican, had 2248 votes. J. 1j. Knittle, JJemocrat, Eli Barton, Itepublican Greenbacker, C. M. Blaker, Greenbacker, had 133 had 1152 votes. votes. 1882 William Bryson, Democrat, had 4052 votes. Thos. J. Vanderslice, Democrat, had 3004 votes. Mahlon Hamlin, Independent Democrat, had 1526 votes. E. M. Tewksbury, Democratic Prohibitionist, had 227 votes. G. W. Supplee, Republican, had 1748 votes. E. B. (luie, Republican, had 1482 votes. Eli l^arton, (ireenbackcr, hao district. votes in district. Cornelius Courtright had 1341 votes in district. John Baldy had 78 votes in district. 1818 Simon Snyder was elected. Special election to fill 1819 vacancy occasioned by death of Simon Snyder. Robert Willett had 1732 votes in district. Samuel Hepburn liad 944 votes in district. 1820 Redmond Conynghani had 5152 votes in district, and was elec ted. In 1822 our Senatorial District was made the tenth, Luzerne and Columbia, with one Senator. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 221 1824 R. Moore, N. Beach. Robert Moore was elected. 1827 Robert Moore was elected. In 1829 the same Senatorial District was continued. 1830 Jacob Drumheller wa.s elected. 1833 Uzal Hopkins was elected. In 1 836 we were made the Ninth Senatorial and Schuylkill with one Senator. District, Columbia 1S37 Charles Frailcy was elected. 1840 Joseph Brobst. Headley, Samuel F. Headley was elected. In 1 843 we were made the Thirteenth Senatorial umbia and Luzerne with one Senator. District, Col- 1844 Columbia Luzerne Ross, Beaumont, 2243 1748 634 2467 2796 787 William S. Ross' majority 166. Davis. 222 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 1850 Buckalew Columbia Luzerne Montour 2201 V. Best 272 3642 405 2379 1813 C. R. Buckalew's majority 1784 1853 C. K. Buckalew HItiTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 223 1860 Keller Colunibia Montour Nortli'hind Snyder Bound 2487 1080 2556 1133 1910 1075 2633 1694 1863 Montgomery Columbia 3339 ]\[ontour North'! and 1459 Snyder In 1864 Willetts 3383 1328 D. B. Montgomery's majority 2289. 1784 1096 2585 1755 we were made counties of Columbia, the Fifteenth District, comprising the Montour, Northumberland and Sullivan, with one Senator. 1866 Jackson Columbia 1939 3830 414 3350 778 M out our North'land Sullivan Frick 3594 Geo. D. Jackson was elected. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 224 Tlie change the State in tlie Constitution for Senators, Fourth District but and Avith the in required a change in districting 1874 same 1875 we were made counties, the Twenty and one Senator. Hll^TORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 1882 W. W. Columbia Montour Lycoming Sullivan Hart. 3958 1723 4510 779 10,970 225 — HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 226 The district by the bill erecting the county was as follows : "That the said county of Columbia shall form part of the district composed of the counties of Northumberland, Union, Lycoming, Luzerne, Bradford, Potter, Susquehanna and Tioga for the elec- members tion of of Congress. It was the Tenth, with two mem- bers. 1814 William Wilson \ ^Elected Oct. and Jared Irwin 11th, 1814. \ Mr. Irwin died March 1, 1818. 1816 Wm. Wilson had 6106 votes in disti-ict. David Scott had 5920 votes in district. 1817 vacancy occasioned by David Scott's acceptance of office of President Judge of 12th Judicial District. John Murray was elected. Special election to fill 1818 John Murray had 7423 votes in district. Geo. Dennison had 7229 votes in district. 1820 Geo. Dennison had 9545 votes in Wm. Cox district. had 6528 votes in district. Mr. Dennison died in Wilkes Barre in 1831. Mr. Wm. Cox Ellis died in Muncy Nov. 13, 1871 aged 85 Ellis years. 1821 Special election Wm. Cox to fill jr. was vacancy occasioned by resignation of Ellis. Thomas Murray, elected. HISTOBY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. By 227 we were put into a disti'ict numThe counties of Columbia, Union, the apportionment of 1822 bered the Ninth, as follows : Northumberland, Luzerne, Susquehanna, Bradford, Lycoming, and McKean, and elected three members. Potter, Tioga 1822 Wm. Cox Ellis, Samuel McKean and Geoi'ge Kreamer were elected. 1824 Samuel McKean, George Kreamer and Espy Vanhorn, were elec- ted. VOTK George Kreamer, Samuel McKean Ol' COLUMBIA COUNTY. 1307 1358 Wm. Cox Ellis Espy Van Horn 1030 400 1826 Es})y Vanhorn, Samuel McKean and George Ki-eamer were elected. Mr. Kreamer died Mr. Mr. in L^nion county September 11, 1854. Van Horn died at Williamsport July 25, 1829. McKean died in McKean county June 23, 1840. 1828 Philander Stephens had 12,003 votes in district. James Ford had 11,163 votes in district. Alem Marr had 10,855 votes in district. John Murray had 2944 votes in district. Geo. M. Hollenback had 1632 votes in district. Chauncey Alford had 2583 votes in district. 1830 Lewis Dewart, Pliilander Stephens and James Ford were elec- ted. Mr. Ford died at Lawrenceville in August 1859. Mr. Stephens died at Si)ringtield July 8, 1 842. In 1832 our congressional district was iimbia and Luzerne, with one member. 1832 Andrew Beaumont was elected. made the Fifteenth, Col 228 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 1834. Andrew Beaumont was He elected. died at Wilkes-Barre, October 30, 1853. 1836 HISTOMY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 229 1848 Hendi-ick B. Wright, C. Butler, Samuel P. Collings. Columbia Luzerne 2556 2005 504 2343 2929 1434 Wyoming 717 778 280 2168 H. M. Fuller. 932 2948 619 230 HISTORY OF C0Lr3[BIA COUNTY. 1854 Wrioht, Columbia 2034 Lnzenie 3549 794 710 Montom- Wyoming Columbia Fullor 1483 5475 888 1269 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 231 1861 In June 1861 a special election by the death of Mr. Scranton. was held to fill the vacancy left The candidates were both Demo- crats. IT. Colunil)ia Luzerne Montour Wyoming B. Wright D. K. Randall 1949 6059 933 1047 1373 2211 393 763 H. B. Wright's majority 5248. In 1861 a bill was passed putting us in the twelfth district corncomposed of the counties of Bradford, Montour, Columbia, Sullivan, Wyoming and all of Northumberland except Lower Mahanoy township. But the party in power becoming frightened lest the Democrats should carry the district, in 1862 re-arranged the apportionment, making the district, the counties of Bradford, Wyoming, Sullivan, Montour, and Columbia; under which the following was our representation. 1862 Columbia Bradford Moutour Sullivan Wyoming Tracy 2820 3575 Clark 1467 4035 807 1183 609 1333 281 1113 Henry W. Tracy's majority 1817. 1864 Mercur Piollett Columbia Bradford Montour Sullivan Wyoming 1449 5798 912 319 1162 2905 2618 1308 622 1270 U. Mercur's majority 1001. 1866 Bradford Columbia Montour Sullivan Wyoming Elwell Mercur 3185 3644 1550 762 1512 7078 1907 1114 435 1406 Ulysses Mercur's majority 1287 232 MISTOBY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 233 In 1878 a bill was passed putting us in the eleventh district composed of the counties of Montour, Columbia, Carbon, Monroe, Pike, and the townships of Nescopeck, Black Creek, Sugarloaf, Butler, Hazel, Foster, Bear creek, Bucks, Roaringbrook, Salem, Hollenback, Huntingdon, Fairmount, Springbi-ook, and that part of the city of Scranton south of Roaringbrook creek, and east of Lackawanna river, and the boroughs of Dunmore, New Columbus, Goldsboro, White Haven, Jeddo, and Hazleton. 1874 234 HIS TOBY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 1880 HIISTOEY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. I^A.TILjTT.^TI'^Z- 235 IRECOI^nD. INTRODUCTORY. The given military record upon me more desire to have which are about Ave it full and correct, to get the names of sons in the service, to attach them properly with And rank, has required unusual care. omissions and to enter has The trouble than any other portion of this work. erroi's all the per- their official yet I cannot be certain that In the dire confusion of have not occurred. the period an error or omission in the weekly newspaper was either not observed, or not thought necessary to be corrected. Many of our people, seduced by larger bounties, entered the service to the credit of other counties, them was lost, or owing certainly recovered. in In and for that reason many all such cases I have done separate and claim those belonging to tiently and laboriously the all lists of trace of cases to similarity of names, un- our county. my best to And names have been made so pa- up. In two or three instances my attention has been called to inaccuraAll the works I have examined cies, which have been adjusted. disagree more or less, and in most cases the facts were beyond my ascertainment, and I followed what seemed at the time to be the most trustworthy authority. Bates' History, of course, was From contemporary publimen of our county, both cations I have given the lists State and Federal, and I feel that in many respects, this chapter is unusually full and correct, though it may not be })erfect. the great store house of inforniation. of drafted My all design is to put in a cheap, accessible and permanent form the information attainable on the subject, together with names all the of our soldiers, so that in every house a record of pati'iotic action and gallant service may be had and preserved. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 236 CHAPTER XXVI. MILITARY RECORD. Mr. Lincoln was inaugurated as President of the United States Fort Sumpter in Charleston Harbour was tired 4, 186L on April 12th, and on the loth, the President issued a call for 75,000 men. Calls and orders were subsequently issued under March date of May 3d, July 22nd, and July 25th, for the aggregate of was a call for 500,000 and on the 4th of August one for 300,000, supposed to be the number needed to fill the last preceding call. 500,000 men. On the 2d of July, 1862, there On the 5th of September, 1 862, the Rebels invaded Maryland, and a levy en masse in Pennsylvania was called. On the 15th of September a large number of "emergency men" left Bloomsburg. On the 17th, the battle of Antietara was 'fought. On the 18th, army evacuated Sharpsburg and recrossed the Potomac. On the 22nd, more "emergency men" left Bloomsburg. On the 1 5th of June, 863, a proclamation was made for the militia. On the 15th of October there was a call for 300,000 men; the^rebel 1 and on the February 1864, the President ordered a draft the 10th of March. On the 14th of March there was a call for 200,000 men on the 18th of July one for 500,000, and on the 19th of December for 300,000. 1st of for 500,000 to be made on ; Besides these, there was a lot of "Ninety Days Militia," and other irregular musters, all of which will be found under the prophead or section, in this chapter. These various calls were filled by enlistments, volunteering and drafts. We have made diligent and careful examination amongst er HLSTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. sources of information accessible, all name the of eveiy man mustered battles in ; together with the Company, which they were engaged. detail in relation to be also found in this volume. There were four drafts made State authorities for previous calls fill and have given, we believe from Columbia into the service Regiment The same fullness of the troops furnished by Montour county will county, and so credited and 237 ; tlie one on in Columbia county — one by the one on September 17th, 1863, to the 3rd of June, 1864, and one on militia ; the 14th of April, KSGo. Gen. Lee having surrendered April 9th, these The last battle of the war was fought May ed. last were releas- 12, 1865, and the surrender of Kirby Smith, the last army organization, was on the 26th of May. During the war there were for Pennsylvania two grand emerThe first in September, 1862, which Avas relieved by At that time Sept. 11th, GovMcClellan's victory at Antietam. ernor Curtin called for 50,000 men, and Columbia county re. sponded by sending four companies, and Montour by two comThe second emergency was in June 1863, on the 15th of panies. which month the President called for 100,000 men. Of the number required, Columbia county sent five companies and Montour gencies. two. Many ties, citizens of Columbia count)', owing to larger local entered into organizations outside the county. Some of boun- them have been able to follow; doubtless however there are a number Among the comwhose names and fate I have not discovered. panies mustered originally in our county, there were quite possibly, infilling up the depletions of battle and sickness, some new recruits from other counties, though in nearly all cnses officers detailed for the pin-i)ose came back here to fill the ranks with the neighbors I and frienuckalew inof our Senator and Represent at ive there troduced the following as the 13th Section: "That where any revised etn-ollnient in draft district, has been obtained or ing of names from the enrollment may be made lists, adjusted and apportioned any Congressional or prior to any actual draw- the quota of such district to such revised enrollment, in- stead of being applied to or based up(n> the enrollment as it may have stood before revision." But notwithstanding the correcticm of the enrolbnent, and in 8j»ite of the Act of Congress, the War Department refused to do us justice, and drafted from the district one third more men than they were entitled to call. 'I'he from lion. following letter Mr Tracy will explain the action Wasuinijton, D. C, March 15, 1865. John G. Fukezk, Esq Dear Sir: The Provost Marshal General of tlie U. S., after sending up an agent to investigate the enrollment in our district, and receiving his report, has removed Capt. Manville, the Provost Marshal, and has ordered the draft to proceed upon the basis of an enrollment of (5,000 which is a reduction of nearly one halt' from the enrt)llment before any adjustment, and must materially reduce our (piota. : — ; I am yours trulv, H. W. Traoy which we propose to print, many errors, dupBut for all licates, ami names of men then dead will be found. these we were required to furnish our quota; for the young and the old the maimed and the dead, Columbia county was held to In the draft answer. lists HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 239 ENROIJ-MENT OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. We give two lists of enrollmentH. They give us the military strength of the county at the date they were taken. are V)oth subject to the corrections mentioned both in 1862 — one including minors constituted the basis of all and the our quotas and drafts September, 1862, was 1447, of which we had But they They are other not. They above. : our quota in in service 595. IN SKRVKJE. TowNsuirs. 87 31 12 7 21 25 93 45 21 18 30 21 5 42 9 2 13 15 2 34 10 11 62 11 Total 4587 626 IllSTOliY 240 OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. > TOWNSHIPS. »! S S ^ w; S G 5 £ o S w 2 O / ^ ^ !^ 5 HO • '^ « f^ ^ a 3 S? ^ G Klooiu 366 l.SS 91 Uorwick 101 30 24 13 Hriaivroek 174 0() 12 "54 47 Hoavor 150 06 7 H) Hoiiton 148 24 21 33 Conyughmu 318 214 208 78 215 210 120 30 30 SI 25 66 22 56 17 31 64 52 20 31 16 Coutro Catawissa Franklin Fishingorook Groonwood llomlook Jaokson Loc-ust ]\h>ntour Mt. rioasnnt Main MilHin Madison Oranoo Pine^ Roaringcreek Soott Sugarloaf 7!) 30 81 83 54 13 S 145 60 226 77 108 87 147 164 124 95 52 244 129 ^^2 10 46 36 20 92 48 34 12 17 15 71 10 19 5 31 4844 1447 595 852 21 5 87 28 44 41 15 13 33 54 4 1 43 24 26 20 53 52 38 IIIsrOIiY COLUM/ifA (JOUNTY. <>I^ CONSCIKNTIOIIH 241 HCIUIl'I.E KXK.MI'T.S. Tlic naincH of tlioHo pcrHonH who wore exempt from the perforof military . T>afayc1t(' ("reaHy, W. Kzra EveH, Hai^fMihueh, Moi-ris Masters, Jesse Ileaeocjk, P^ves, W. J>on^Khore, Kci^liard, Jacoh Kcstcr, fSehechterly, .John Milh-r, -^ Kcstcr, B. !•'. Kest(!r, Philip Oeasy, H. C Isaat; lleacock, Wm. ileese, George Eves STAI KMKN ''i''hc . K. Vastine, Hunt. I'KIVATKS. John Adams W. W. Hayes Charles Ilezekiah Ilolbert Peter Baldy Bichai'd Jenkins Andrew Best Wtii. II. Jenkins Peter F. Bourgenot Kase, Wm. 11. Crcarliart, Wm. McLain, Moses Netter, Hervey II. J. Daniel H. B. l^rower, Charles WilV)ur Brower, (t. II. jr. GibVw, Frank Gibbs. S. "^riieodorc! Baker Palmer, Sam'l L. But terworth, Samuel M. GriHiii, West Perry, William Bryant, Isaac X. Grier, Herbert (Jaskins, Nelson Carr, Robert M. Cathcart, Michel Ilaiipt, Isaac Pursel James M. Criswell, W. Lamar Ilahn, Henry Walton, Willianv H. (\>ol, William Wand, William Cummings, Samuel Ware, Charles Childs, lieuV»en S. Reild, Aaron I). Uockafeller, A. M. Russel, Warren liidgeway, John C. Shaver, Joseph Sechler Henry jr. Stephen Cuthbert, Samuel Wm. Wm. Dean, Peter Werklieiser, (^yrus F. Styers, Dent, Duncan VVelliver, C. Snyder, Wesley Deshay, Charles Kaufman, Lewis Tittle, Samuel Y. Thompson, Jos A. Doran, Alfred Kneas, Ste})hen C. Vansant, Christian Ernst, Fred Kreps, Jolm Edward Evans, Henry Thomas C. Ilartman, Koclier, L. Vastine, J. Vastine, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 244 Josiah Frantz, Charles Liraberger, William E. Walton, Sara'l B. Flick, Reuben Werkheiser, Alex. M. Gearhart, Samuel Lyon, Wm. C. Lyon, John V. Martin, Edmund Franklin Miller, Evan Fisher jr. Gearhart, Geo. B. O'Conner, Samuel J. Pardee, -From Montour county. Samuel Werkheiser, B. C. Welsh, chaplain, Josiah Wolf, Robert Wilson, — Company B. Captain, William S. Potts 1st Nicholas D. Harmau 2d Lieutenant, Mahlon Hamlin ; ; Lieutenant, ; Sergeants, Lewis Hayhurst, Albert Schmick, Samuel B. Dieraer; Corporals, Nelson P. John, George Davis, Clinton W. Harder, Theodore Schmick Musician, Norman W. Walter. Geo. S. Gilbert, ; PRIVATES. Jer. S. Fahringer, Valentine Metz, John W. P\iller, John Guinn, Clemon Osman, Mayberry G. Hughes,George Reifsnyder, Thomas Kartman, Stephen B. Rahn, Nelson C. Hartman, Jeremiah Fahringer, Marvin T. Hartman, George Roup, George R. ILi.y hurst, Charles Strausser, Edward Hart, George W. Soult, Lewis Kietfer, Joseph Walter, Amos Daniel Kostenbader, Alfred Yetter, William Berlinger, George W. Clark, C. A. Crosthwaite, Elijah C. Cleaver, John Care, William Eyer, Brittain A. Fortnei", August Frantz, Fahringer, William G. Yetter, Peter Fenstermacher,William Knittle, Lloyd Zarr. From Columbia county. — Company D. — Captain, Robert F. Clark ; 1st Lieutenant, David Fowler; Sergeants, Hiram W. Thornton, Thomas Winner, Peter Billmeyer, James A. Jamison, Levi L. Tate Corporals, Leonard B. Rupert, Thomas J. Barton, Elisha B. Beidleman, George W. Edgar, Henry C Barton, Musician, Fi eas Brown, Thomas W. Edgar, Henry B. Wells William H. Abbott. Lowenberg ; 2d Lieutenant, Charles S. ; ; PRIVATES. Philip Angle, Eli Barton, D. A. Beckley, William Bahme, Cyrus A. Eilenberger,Henry W. Mellick, John L. Evans, John McCormac, Robert East, Franklin McBride, And. J. Evans, Wm. P. McBride, ; HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Kester McMichael, Foster McCoy, Benj. F. Bi'ooks, Robert Fowler, James B. Case, C. S. Fisher, Watson George Fleckinger, Chas. H. Noll, Henry Kesty, John Penman, Case, John Cadniau, 245 Peter S. Rishel, Alfred M. Cad\valader,Peter Kinney, Richard B. Menagh, James Rodgers, James Carr, Ebenezer S. Case, Geo. Carey, Rodman E. Philip Mover, S. Cyi-iis Miller, Drinker, George Moyer, Fred'k. C. Ever, Clinton Mellick, John Fry, Geo. Frederick, James Henry John Peter Jacoby, F. Fox, Miles Fry, Henry Geo. C. Grotz, W, Garrison, Plill, J. Hess, W. H. Jacoby, Uriah Johnson, Wm. Kramer, Hiram Reese, Geo. Green, Roup, Lewis A. Rank, Eli John Risewick, George Ruckle. Henry I. Slater, John Shaffer, W. H. Shuman, Matthias Shaffer, Joseph Townsend, David P. Thomas, B. H. Vannata, Shipman, Wesley Wirt, Daniel A. Walter, Henry Shiptou, Shannon, Amos Wanich, Joseph L. Albert Hendershott, Wilson Wanich, illiam Hagenbuch, Bernard Stohner, Leonard George Hughes, John Hummel, V>. W — John G. Wooley. From Colnmbia county. — Captain, William Young; 1st Lieutenant, Al 2d Lieutenant, Alfred Patton Sergeants, Morrison B. Munson, A. Jerome Harder, Geo. W. Ramsey, Alex Hofner Corporals, Alfred Yarricks, Hugh P. Liphart, Lewis Byerly, Wm. Company K. fred Melon Miller; Sergt), : ; Musician, Beverly John W. Mussleman (promoted to Com- Geist. PRIVATES. David James, George Lunger, John W. Krebs, Samuel Kelly, James Best, Samuel Amerman, John C. Alexander, W. H. Leighow, W. Victor Lotier, Sylvester Blockridge, Oaklej- V. Amerman, H. Beyerly, W. Samuel Moore, John Bedow C. Franklin Myers, Murtin Cornelison, John Dean, Wm. David Bodine, W. Moore, P. Pursel, C. D. Millard, Jos. H. Cauipbell, James Martz, Leonard Dinunick, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 246 Joseph E. Dougherty, Lewis Rodinhefer, John T. Patton, Wm. Wm. D. Everhart, C. C. Herr, Riffle, Francis Rockafeller, John Hale, David M. Springer, J. S. Hall, Geo. L. Sanders, W. W. William Treas, Duncan W. Heller, Geo. W. Watts, James M. Aramerman. PTorner, — From Montour county. On men from Colum- the same time and occasion the additional bia county were organized, and attached to the twenty-first regi- ment and became Company — Captain, Hiram R. Kline 1st Lieutenant, Jacob G. 2d Lieutenant, Charles W. Forrester Sergeants, WmM. Ent, Wni. G. Thomas, Jacob N. Harman, Abraham M. White, Wm. H. Stackhouse Corporals, Elisha C. Ager, James M. War- D. Mellick ; ; ; ; din, Thomas Williams, Wesley W. lington Ruckle, Wm. C. Sutliff, Charles F. Suit, BiL Barnes, Samuel H. Smith ; Musicians, John M. Snyder, John F. Harman. PRIVATKS. Samuel Achenbach, Cyrus B. Apjjleman, John S. Bachmau, Samuel L. Bettle, Darius Buscoder, (Benscoter) Richard M. Johnson, John Roup, Samuel M. Keeler, Clemuel Ruckle Jeremiah B. Kisner, James R. Ruch, Benj. F. Kline, John Sanderson Lazarus, John Leonard, Joseph Sanborn, Sarley, Nathan B. Santee, Daniel Boise, Benj. F. Lunger, Adam John Bredbender, Bergen A. Browe, Henry C. Conner, Wm. Jeremiah R. Mather, Hiram S. Marr, A. Schuyler, S. Seesholtz, Chas. Stackhouse, Samuel Montgomery,John M. Stackhouse, Jeremiah H. Mears, Samuel Shoemaker, Fred Muffley, Albert Searles, Wm. J. Eves, Benj. F. Pursel, Milton M. Traugh, Wm. Fenstermacher, Llewellyn Prosser, Wm. Warrick Wm. Fisher, Jeremiah B. Rice, (Wanick) Wm. Remley, M. B. Hughes, Silas E. Walton, Benj. F. Jacoby, Geo. W. Rittenhouse,Charles R. Woodin, Mason C. Johnson, Hartley N. Ror, Samuel K. White, Wesley Zaner. From Columbia county Lewis Crawford, John Edgar, — HISTORY 01 COLUMBIA COUNTY. 247 COLUMBIA COUNTY KESERVES. This company of "Emergency Men," left Bloomsburg on the 22d of Seittember 1862. I have not been able to find that they were ever mustered into the service, or placed in any regiment. Dr. P. John, Capt. McKamey, I. Achd Patterson, Lieut. Samuel Musgrave, 1 Pealer, 2 Lieut. C. O'Brien, S. J. M. C. Vance, 1 Sergt.D. J. Patterson, M. C. R. S. T. McD Price, Alfred Creveling, Sylvester Pursel, Thos. Hughes, McCollum,2 Ser.C. L Krickbaum, A. P. Ale, Jesse B. Hayman, 3 SWm. H. Krickbaum, H. N. Ammerman, Rich, 4 Sergt. E. M. Wardin, 1 C. Bittenbender, Corp.Ira Doty, Benj. F. P. Masters, 2 Corp.E. P. McCollum, H. W. W. W. J. D. Ira Hess, Bangs, 3 Corp.J. B. Lutz, W. Hess, Michael Wenner, A. Crawford, Gilbert, John Bellas, Thomas Robbins, Wm. Green ley, John Hoffer, Hill, E. B. Brower, R. R. Pealer, E. P. Bender, J. L. Parker, Jesse Shoemaker, W. W. Elisha C. Barton, J. John Wm. Henry, Samuel Achenbach, Redline, J. C. W. W. Clayton, Josiah Heacock, C. Patterson, N. B. Reece, Eveland, Depue, A. A. Harvey, Elias Hicks, Silas Henry Kicli, Solomon Lewis, Alfred Johnson, Andrew P. F. Ashleman, J. John l\eeee, David Doty, T. J. Thornton, J. L. T. Sharpless, Benj. F. Hicks, Patrick Dillon, W. J. J. Brower, E. Sands, T. Conner, Parks, Samuel Farver, Wesley Eveland, Fleckenstine, Andrews, o EMERGENCY MEN 1863. The emergency of 1862 ended with the defeat of the rebels by McClellan at Antietam in September, 1862. But in December 1862 our troops were beaten at Fredericksburg under Burnsides ; May, 1863, still more disastrously under Hooker, at Chancellorsville and in the month of June, 1863 the rebels prepared to rei)eat their invasion of Pennsylvania. On the loth of June a rebel brigade entered Cliambersburg, and other forces followed. On the 12th of June Gov. Curtin had issued his proclamation, and and in ; HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 248 men was and around was a nuistering of forces and a gathering of troops and material on both sides, and on the first days of July, 1863, the tendency of the rebel army was towards Gettysburg. And there on the 1st, 2d and .'?d days of July, tlie fierce and contested and much discussed battle of Gettysburg was fought. The rebels were beaten, and before the middle of the month of Jnly, had recrossed tlu> Potonxac, and the "emergency" was over, In this call for men the following persons went from Ci»lund)ia and Montour. They were mustered into service in June and discharged in August. rWKNrY-FIKST UKGIMENT Mustered in June ll)-24, 18G3— Discharged July 27-28, 1863. by a largo force of tlu' ITtli From irarrisburg. that date to encaiiiped tlie last — Colonel. James Chamberlin Field and Staff Mci^leery Wm. in of the month, there ; Lieut Col. John Jessup; Adjt., Jacob Mellick Quartermaster, Thompson G. Evans Surgeon, Geo. Lotz Asst. Sur; Major, II. ; ; ; Henry geon, C. Roberts; Sergt. Major, Albert E. Barnes; Quar- termaster Sergt. Sanniel J. Slei)py; H. Orwig Hospital Steward, Wm. Company C— Captain, Robert ; Conuuissary Sergt. Thonnis S. Moyer. F. Clark; Lieutenant, 1st Kd Green; 2d Lieutenant, Thos. W^enner; Sergeants, Andrew Madison, Isaac McKamey, VV. II. Abbott, Isaiah W. Masteller, C\ Isaiah (too. Hagenbuch; Corporals, Emanuel Garrison, K. Green, ITarman Hoffman, M. Johnson, Peter Wm. W. McCoUum, S. Eli llishel, Barton, Geo. W. John Penman, Musician, Willits C. Gearhart. riiivvTics. Francis Albertson, Sanniel Harp, Iviclnirdson Parker, David Hartman, John Daniel Baker, Ira Hess, Jolin J. Uisewick, Jos. K. Bogart, Alvin A. Harvey, IxMij. F. Sterner, Sanmel Bogart, Josiah Heacock, Wm. Isaac Albert Geo. W. Andrews, S. Brittain, F Peiifer, Shoemaker, HendershottPeter F. Shoeman, Franklin Brocliius, Oscar Buckalew, Oscar B. Case, Michael Chemberlin, Tobias Henry, Moses Benj. F. Hicks, Ilezekiah B. Thomas, Samuel Howard, Sylvester Crawford, Eleazar Jones, Josiah Townsend, James Turby, Charles Trump, Isaiah I. Jamison, Stiff, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA C0UN7Y. Clark Crt'veliiig, SainiK'l Dodge, 249 KiclllU'll ,I(;hllS011, Thomas Vamiutta, Eli as John B. Vaiihoni, I licks, Van Ira Doty, David Francis P. Drinker, Eli Kuiikle, John Wni. John John Alonzo Lockhart, Theodore May, Philip C. Whiteiiight, James A. James K. Merrill, C. K. Mills, Jacob Wei'kliciscr, P^ilwards, W. W. Thos. Evans, P2yer, Fil/-<;('i-ald, K Chas. Geo. Wm. li. (ireeii, Cyrus (Jroul, Criiber, P. Benj. F. Whitenight, Woodin, Mc Bride, — From Columbia county Conqyany IL — Captain, Uzal H. Hampton 2d VVa(4onseller, Isaac iNIordan, Fiiiniaii, li. Ilernboldt, J. Hervey B. Walter, Nathan Walj), Nels(jn McCaity, Alnion Woodworth, Matthew McColluni, John Watkins, John L. Parker, Jacob Waiiipole, Ashiir K. Follmcr, Elias C. H. Ivliiie, Eiit ; 1st Lieutenant, Jos. D. James C. Hinkson, John H. Bates, C. H. Smith, Mason B. Hughes, John L Haitinan, Reed R. Vargason Corjjorals, Jos. S. Hayraan, Marvin J. Kline, Jos. \^. Aiman, Charles MufHey; Musicians, Chas. H. Allabach, John Fortner. : Lieutenant, Jesse Tate ; Sei-geants, ; rUlVATKS. Furguson Eveland, James P^oster, Theodore Fedder, Geo. \V. Anderson W. Bodine, F. Geo. K. Bidleman, Thos J. Henry Floyd, James J. Fowler, Brinton, B. H. Ji.ooks, Tavlor L. Jiowman Isaiah N. Mears, Isaac MufHey, Joseph Nice, Geo. O'Malia, Jesse Griswold, W. Hayman, Benj. Payden, H'^man A. Prentiss, Simon D. Pealer, Jeremiah Comsti^ck, Geo. Wesley Crawford, Enoch Cadman, Hersey Hower, Francis A. Pealer, Benj. G. Hess, Charles N. Shaffer, Lewis C. Crofford, Frederick Hicks, Caleb C. Coburn, Noel B. Lee, Wm. H. Connor, Thonnis Meredith, Redmonia Absalom Tonkin, Chas. M. Vanderslice, Owen D. Webster, Sidney C. Williams, county. o IN THK THIUTIKTII Company E. — Captain, Josiah RF.UI.MKNT W. David Hollingshead; 2d Lieutenant, WERE Williams Wm. J. ; 1st Lieutenant, Brady; Sergeants HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 250 Lloyd W. J. B. Fistler, Alvin K. Kostenbader, John Ludwig ; Cleaver, Scott Hite, James B. Corporals, Joseph Walter, Geo. W. Wni. B. Whiteside, JNI. M. llendershott, Henry M. Yocuui, Samuel Beaver. Rett, Allen B. Fortner, Alex B. Quiini, rUIVATKS. Lorenzo N. Briggs, Theodore Miner, William Gearhart, Gideon B. Mutchler, Thonuis E. Plarder, Frederiek Miller, (promoted to Sergt.Clemnu)n Osmun, Major June 27, '63) Geo. W. Reifsnyder, Isaac Hagerty, Ira Rodarmel, David Hagerty, Marshal S. Rhawn, Alex Ilite, Charles Rhodes, Jesse Cleaver, Lionel Hopkins, Jose])h Schlee, Wesley Simon Huntsberger, Daniel Shoemaker, Jacob Cofenhaver, John Davis, Jacob Johnson, Josiah VV. Smith, Wash Jacob Kitchen, Edward E. Watkins, Theodore L. Kramer, James Wartman, Charles C. Albert Kisher, Ixill, Zachiiriah Beach, Samuel IJiieher, John J>reiseh, Henry Bredbenner, Wm. Brobst, Martin V. Briggs, (^ooley, Dyer, Jj. D. Kase, Charles Dougherty, Harvey Laniberton, Lloyd Fahringer, Jeremiah Fahringer, Archibald Lewis, Amos Fahringer, George Morgan, Abel T. Fincher, Thomas jMalay, From Columbia county. David Stewart, Daniel Wary, W M. Wintersteen, John D. Whiteside, Tobias Weaver, — o XHIRTY-FIl'TH RKGIjMKNT. Mustered in July 2, — Discharged 1863 Fidd and Staff.— Qo\o\\v\, onel, Edward C. Scheitfelin August 7, 1863. Ileiuy H. INlcKean: Lieutenant Col: Major, Sanniel Knorr; Adjutant, Henry H. Roe Quartermaster, Hugh Young Surgeon, Renssalaer Ottman Assistant Surgeon, W. W. Webb; Chaplain, Wm. H. Dill Sergeant, ]Major, Wni. H. Humphries; Quarter JNIaster Sergeant, John G. Keeler Conmiissary Sergeant, Clark E. Davis; Hospital Stewards, Lemuel A. Rdigway, John C Lacy, jr. Company H was raised by the personal exertion of our townsman David Lowenberg, Esq., and after they were sworn into the service, by a vote of the company they unanimously adopted the name of the '*Lowenberg Guards," and were as follows Company H. Captain, J. Boyd Robison 1st Lieutenai,'. John ; ; : ; ; : — ; ULSTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Low; B. GuiklH; 2d Lieutciiiint, George L. Sergeants, 251 Reuben L. John F. Decker, Tolnus Hinaid, Parvin Eves Corporals, Henry J. Robbins, Thomas 13. Miller, John M. Sanks, Samuel Musgrave, Francis Knorr, John Edgar, Charles Nesbitt, Francis M. Girton. Rich, Henry W. ReerH, ; I'UIVATK.S. Wm. Jasper Deinott, James H. Ilildebrand, Samuel Rimby, John C. Richart, J)avid Ileiser, Henry Rich, Alexander Hazlett, Michael Shoemaker, Henry J. Johnson, Eli M. Knorr, John F. Smith, Richard Shannon, John W. Kennedy, Francis M. Drum, Al>salom J^ewis, William Shoemaker, David Edwai'ds, Jacob K. Latshaw, Jonathan Lemon, Jolm Lemon, Heniy Long, Thos. E. Sands, Allen Harvey, James R. Josiah George Heacock, John W. Hunter, Jeremiah Millard, h'lederick MufHey, Enninuel Abraham W. Monroe, Wm. Baker, Wash IJittenhender, Henry C-roiii), John I. Case, Joseph Davis, Michiiel (Jruher, Ad:im Gensil, Ethen Hampton, Hill, Andrew 13. Pines, Harvey Rhoads, Hokendaffer, — From Columbia county. Companij — Captain, Wm. I. Stiles, John Staley, ILirmon Smith, Amos William Stewart, Jacob Stern, Mordan, J Sergeants, John F. Eck, Orion B. Mcllick, Oscai- B. Millard, John Betz, Tilghman ; Faux ; Corporals, Clark Reece, Kimlter C. Price, Ent, Samuel John Musicians, Chai-les F. Doan, (Jeoi-ge S. liachmari. Napoleon B. McTowler Trumj), Robert H. ; W. Monroe. I'KIVATES. Philip Angle, Joseph lierdcott, Comfort James E. Butler, Wm H. Dill, Prom(jted to Chaplain Case, (ieorge \V^. Creveling, July 9, 1H63. ii. Priscus K. Boml)<)y, Alfred (i. Burlingame.Isaac ('reveling, Peter Coons, Charles A Jiooiie, Patrick Dailey, Simon O. Berger, (Jeo. A. Frederick, William Briggs, Geen Johns, John Pugh, W. Piiilip J. Piles, H. Kiiouse, Win. Lake, J ohn S. Lenhart, Daniel Mowrey, Cyrus B. Miller, L. Hess, Geo. C. Hnglies, Joseph Heckman, Isaiah Hall, Henry Trembly, Thos. B Trowbridge, Henry Waiiich, Silas E. Walton, Henry Zeigler, Charles W. Zaner, -From Columbia county. F( \IV\- V\ RST F'u'hl onel, and Staf. Alexander KK( IM KXT. i — Colonel, Edward Frick J. ; li. Mayer Major, John Stejthen D. Soiile; Quarterniaster, Abtam H. ; Lieutenant Col- Oliver; Adjutant, Longaker Surgeon, Theodore C. V eager; Chaphiin, John Thomas Sergeant Major, Frank W. Watson; (Quartermaster Sergeant, Gould P. Parisli Commissary Sergeant, Ivussel A. Thayer, Hospital Steward, Frank Barnes. Company E. Captain, Alexander J. Frick ({>roinoted to Lieutenant Colonel July 5, 1863), George W. Ileay 1st Lieutenant, John W. W. Klase 2d i.ieutenant, Erastus Hill; Sergeants, Sheldon T. Gibbs, Jacob F. Kedtield, John Keim, Samuel G. Quick, Will. Henrie Cori)orals, E. Dallas Smith, Ogden H. Ostrander, Charles Small, John A. Elliott, George Wallace, John J. Roderick, Alexander M. Russel, William M. Watts; Musicians, Augustus Woods, Benjamin J. C^ook. Pobert S. Simiiigton ; B. ; Assistant Surgeon, ; ; — ; ; ; PRIVATES. Samuel Amermaii, Wm. G. Brower, Win. Evan, James M. Amermaii, Elisha W. Conkling, Wm. D. Evans, Latimore Amerman, Hawthorne Clare, Wm. P. Edmonds, George Auten, Isaac Crewitt, Moses R. Furman, Wm. Beckham, jr. Edward Ciithbert, Alvin Fowler, Charles S. Baker. John Dodson, Ziba Gerringer, George Berdaniel, Joseph A. Doran, Geo. W. Gray, John W. Bailey, Wm. Davis, Samuel Hays, Tlios. Brown, Hiram S. Eggert, Chas. S. Hinkley, Joliii Bunker, Evan S. Edward, Win. H. Hardin, HISTORY OF (JOTAJMBIA COUNTY. Wm. Wm. Wm. Hullihcn, Wm. R. Hahn, Dewitt C. Millard, Mathias Muiray, Ednujnd Milner, Samuel N. Miller, Iloff, Win. F. Horner, Wellington Howe, A. Marr, Evan Jordan, Benj. F. Mayers, Lewis li. Jones, H. Wm. Johnson, Frank Johnson, Samuel Kester, Wm. Wm. Wm. D. Wilson, Uriah G. Kust, John H. lounger, Wm. Milner, lain July 12, 1863) W. Van Daniel Paugh, Geo. StaiKlish I^hillips, Samuel Van kirk, Wm. Vought, Wm. Leighow, David M. Springer, Wm. Shawda, Samuel Y. Thom])son, Sam'l. M. Trumbower, Robert Teple, John Thomas, (Promoted to Chap- Moyer, D. Rogers, Gilder, John Ivichard, Wm. Wm. Wm. Randall, Robt. G. Williams, JacoV) H. jr. jr. 253 Ruch, John Levers, Wm. M. Smith, David Litehenthaler, Robert M. Slack, Thos. Loudon, John B. Snyder, Henry H. Leisenring,Wm. H. Snyder, From Montour county. Williams, 1st, Williams, 2d. Burton G. Waples, Charles Williams, William A. Young, — o FIFTY Tlimi) REGIMENT. Company Z>. — Captain, Thomas Chalfant; 1st. Lieutenant, Mahlon K. Manley; 2d Lieutenant, John S. Ware; Sergeants, Benneville K. Vastine, Samuel Antrim, James H. Burns, Simon Vought, John C. ICUis Corporals, Geo. D. Butler, James McWilliams, Wm. Dean, Peter Zeigler, Alexander Share, Samuel M. Wuite, Benj. F. Hagenbuch, Daniel Linn. ; PRIVATES. Jesse C. Araerman, Patrick Brazil, (Promoted to Sergeant James C. Baylor, Major July 8, 1863) Joseph VL. Campbell, John Amerman, John Carlan, Martin H. Cuthbert, James Ash worth, Hiram H. Amerman, Stephen Cuthbert, John Boudman, Josei)h Coopersmith, Michael Callan, Jacob Byerly, Lewis Byerly, Jos. Brigham, Michael Dalton, Jackson Diehl, Nicholas Baker, Daniel Fry, Matthew Gafny, El wood Garrett, W. H. Gearhart, John Gilroy, Matthew Handy, Samuel Herr, John Harvey, Alex. Huntingdon, Henry Heist, Henry Hockey, David James, 254 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. P]j>hraiin C Jacob Kostor, T\riit«'hler, J. Win. Linn, John McCadey, Sylvester McNully, Charles lA'ighow, Jones Snyder, Walter Scott, Geo. D. Scott, Jos. Ta'vots. Denis O'Neil, John John L.'twson, Engonc Li'nh;ut, David Parks, Levi Sechler, H.irkley Perry, Conviid Max Caleb Snyder, Jacob Straub, Ijoctlniler, Pi'rcy, John Michael INIurphy Matthias Peifer, John Mowrer, Morgan Philip Miller, Charles Pedtield, Jos. ]\[o\vrer, John IT. Sniitli, George Tillson, Win. TT. Winter, James D. Ware, James Younu'. Peter M. Messenger, Charles Peiffer, —From Montmir connty. Sechler, Price, Keedi'r, o THK nUAKlKD The following in is a CVilumbia connty. list MIl.rriA of OK COT.UMIUA COUNTY. the drafted The townships ough of Berwick having fnniishcd were exein]>t from draft. Militia of each townshiji of Catawissa, Pine and Bor- their cpiota by vohinteering, lu.ooM rowN'suir A. M. Ixnpert, James Hen wood, Henry S. Arthur, M. CAbbott, Philip Shoemaker, Henry W. Heller, John Girton, Denison Brink, Eli Roup, Eli Barton, Thos. W. Gunton, Henry Bodine, Jesse Shoemaker, G. W. Correll, John Foster, W^m. Girton, Eckard Smith, Wm. Evans, Jacob (Jii'st, David Evans, Samuel Stead, Isaiah Nuss, Benjamin Bomboy, Samuel Gross, Josc])!) Witts, Wm. Edgar, Joseph L. Shannon, Samuel Yetter, Solomon Smith, Philip S. Moyer, Abraham TT. Thomas, Wm. Coleman, I'rederick C. P^yer, Samuel McNinch, W^n. F. Hagenbuch, Henry Fans, John Giest, Wm. IT. Jacoby, Jacob Sechler, Thos. J. Barton, Andrew MeCabe, Ethan A. Scott, Ilobert Edgar. Samuel H. Searles, Oliver C. Ivahler, Wm. E. Sterner, HUIARCKKKK David Kline, Wm. Wellington Reiswick, Augustus B. Raub. TOAATSISHIP (Mewell, Conrad Markle, Eli as Yost, Emanuel Smith, Stephen Michael, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Isaiah Mel lick, John H. Martz, Fowler, (ico. (4eorge Arty, Alex. Bingham, Joseph Blank, Reese Henry Laymon, John M Eck, Ilai'inan, Albert Ox, Stephen Creasy, Ellas Kop]iis, Wm. Madiz Bomboy, Will. Iliitplesteol, J. Silas E. Moyer, PI. Stahl, P. Gordiner, Jacob R. Mosteller, Wm. Lynn, (too. Bovver, James Meean, Jacob WeiKe, Morris Hittcnhoiise, David Shaffer jr., .James Sponenberg, Samuel K(lRAFTEI) 15. John Clarke, Noah Mouser, Reuben Rouch, Edward .Stosser» E. L. Spencer, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY 262 FISHINGCRKEK TOMTISHir Wonner, Daniel Wenner, Wesley Evans, Micluiol Wm. Edgar, Mathias Kvanior, McHenry. Emanuel Edgar, George Lazarus, John Depo, Henry NO. nRAFTEI) 38. 1 2r). Wilson McMichael, Harnian H. I^abor, Alexander Yajtle; Ezra Chapin, Sitler, Wm. M. Stoker, Samuel Thomas, AVm. Santee. Klisha Emory, Wm. Elias S. Stoker, Daniel Golder, Jackson McHenry, John Bender, Fred Hartman, Peter J. Weaver, Hiram Karns, H. N. Ammerman, Elias M. Laubach, B. Kester, Charles Eyer, Silas Daniel Pealer, Elias Wenner, Uriah INIcHenry, Wm. Eyer, Isaac Lauderbach, Elisha K. Robbins, John John Trexler, J. Fuller, Elisha Trimmer. GREENWOOD TOWNSHIP 1 1 2. Edwin John, Jesse Hayman, NO. DRAFTED 34. John C. Richart, Paxton Kline, Allen Harvey, Wm. McEwen, Abraham Abm. Daniel Patterson, John Cromley, James Y. Alfred Kline, B. F. Battin," John E. Heacock, E. Kline, Driblepiece, Gillespie, C. R. Watts, Thomas Mather, Avery G. Smith, Wm. R. Mather, John Robbins, T. M. Potts, John S. E. H. Parker, Abm. Geo. B. Thomas, Peter H. Girton, J. Jackson Robbins, Henry Humphries. Hiram Albertson, Perry D. Black, Hugh Fairman, Wm. Patterson, 47. NO. Silas E. Lynn, Peter Eckroth, G. Girton, DRAFTED 14. Philip Hartman, Ira J. Richart, Shadrack Eves, Elias Watts, Robert Potter, John Fans, Thos. Y. Stackhouse, John Johnson, v. Wintersteen, Emanuel Bogart. BRIARCREEK TOWNSHIP 83. Levi Sitler, Peter Bachman, Wm. Ringrose, W. Yanderhoven, Alfred Heacock, Seybert, riNE TOWNSHIP Thomas Young, Wm. F McEwen, Mather, Montgomery Cox, Elijah Shoemaker, Elias Coruelison, NO. DRAFTED 2o. Emanuel Smith, Josiah H. Martz, Haldebrand, Joseph Lamon, Gideon Fehnel, Ira Eaveland, John Betz, Charles Miller, Wm, Linden. J. 11. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Daniel Kelchner, Silas E ]Moyev, David Shatter, Ili'iiry Laiuon. Xathan Sitler, Henry Melon, Levi Shatter, NO. Isaac Lutz, Peifer, Martin Hutchison, David Knouse, Wm. A. Lynn, Nelsoh Stackhouse, rowNsmi' — 81 John Charles Kux, DRAFTED 24. John F. Creasy, R. Zimmerman, Albert Millard, Albert Brown, Henry Fulk, Samuel Snihh, Jeremiah Kelkner, Suuiuel Michael, Adam Smith, Wm. Rote, Reuben House, John H. Davis, Harvey Hess, Isaiah Frederici, Uriah Spade, John Wolf, Jacob 263 John Bond, Mensinger, Silas John Michael, MADISON TowNsiur — 89. Stephen Kirkendall. DRAFTED 27. W. Nicholas ¥. Barber, Geo. Charles Johnson, Thos. Ball, Jacob Zeisloft, Joseph R. Kisner, James Richards, Ezra Eves, Daniel Welliver, Thos. Jingles, Wm. John Shetler, David N. Welliver, David Haines, John Kramer, Andrew Stouffer, R. C. Johnson, Morris E. Masters, Alfi-ed Pegg, Russel W. John D. BENTON TOWNSIIII' Hiram F. Everett, Miner K. Smith, Dennison Cole, Joel Keitter, Stout, 68. Cyrus Day, Wm. NO. Allen, Theo. H. Runyan, S. Lomison, S. Allen, Frederick Kramer, Jas. Ellis, Whitenight, W. Eves, (single) DRAFTED 2L John F. Conner, Josiah H. Kline, Elias Mc Henry, Samuel P. Krickbaum, Abijah Hess, Phineas Sitler, Thomas S. Smith, Caleb O'Bryan, Russel Karnes, John Keiffer, Silas Karnes, Samuel Hartman, Peter Ashleman, Joel E. Roberts, John W. Kline, James Conner, George Poust, CENTRE TOWNSHIP 89. NO. DRAFTED 27. Wesley Hess, Isaac Grover, John W. Clarke, Hugh Wenner, Charles Kelchner, Peter M. Boone, Emanuel Sitler, Josiah H. Nagle, A. C. Hagenbuch, Wm. Deitrich, Levi Remly, Morris B. Freas, Thos. W. Hagenbuch, J esse Hoffman, Samuel Neyhard, — Thos. W. Freeman Fry, Sitler, Daniel Baker, Wm. Thos. Cain, Mordecai Millard, Hidlay, jr. 1 JIISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 20 Lyman Croup, Do Long, llonry Sidle, John A. .Tolin ,Iohn Hill, soorr TOWNSHIP Jackson A. Tobias, — 152. Noyhani, ,l:u'ob W. Lohinan. no. DRAtn-En 45. Klias Mills, Cico. S. Patlorson, .lolin Win. G. Girton, Goorgo Hrino, Joseph L. Evans, Wni. L. C^weling, Philip Anglo, .Tohn Kline; Robert Hatlerst>n, Kobert Abn\. M. White, John Turner, John W. lleiser, Goo. W. .Tohnson, Daniel A. Creasy, S. Howell, Harvey Jones, Patrick Daly, U/.al II. Enl. Jos. H. Vansickle, Eli Hartnian, C^lark Masteller, John Hartnian, John Wliitenight, James Lees, Wesley Crawford, Kobt Ent, W. Shannon, Thos. JMorodith, H. G. Creveling, Butler Edgar, KiinberC. Ent, Geo. F. Unangst, Jolin Miller, Joseph Bucook, Nelson S. Tingley, Heuben Sitler, Mason C. Johnson, Valentine Kressier, Kobt. M. C. Fowler, Charles S. Fisher, John Brown, John A. White, Norman Lloyd Kressler, S. Pursel, TOWNSUie 11(5. Wm. Thomas, NO. OKVl'TKO 3o. Wni. (loarhart, Keuben Kahringer, Jacob Mellick. Jolin Eveland. Henry K. John H. Howell, Peter IL lA>ng, Francis Kern, Jacob Helwig, Go. rge Boyer, Wm. Bonneville l.OOL'ST Abraham Koop, Tyson, Wni. George, Bare, Wary, Jacob L. Artly, Wm. M. K. Wilson, Natlian Kostenbader, Wobb Thomas, George Leiby, John Oliver, John B. Boup, Samuel Price. Amos Yeager, Wm. Helwig, Chas. H. Gable, James Brofee, Jonathan Kisliel, Geo. W. Kreisher, Alfred Marks, John Holdren, David Helwig, Henry H. Koads, Daniel K. Lockard, UKRWICK lJOROU(;il 85. NO. ORAITEO 19. Tl\omas Stackhouse, John McINrichaol, Emanuel Frantz, Ira A. Coleman, Abia Phillips. Wm. J. Knorr, Walter Hinkly. Wm. Kogers, Wm. Kunkle, Edward B. Hull. Daniel Keedy, George Thompson, John Billeg, — Elisha Kisner, Jeremiah Geo. W. S. Hoin-y L. Freas, Sanders, James A. Pollinger, Meixell, Henry Hockman, LowoUyn Prosser, niHTORY OF COLUMBIA SUOAKI.OAK TOWNSHIP Klijali MathiuH Samuel Fritz, Wm. Kit(;li»;n, Elias S. Fritz, K. I^'ritz, Philip IlesH, Jefise Herririgton, Eli Frit/., Lowri(! Cole, Shadrach HeHH, Frunk MastclUer, Joliii Diltz. Jacob li. IIckh, .MOLNT I'I.EASANT TOWN.SrilP Dildino, W. Hock, John H. White, John C. Morden, Tho8. S. Lorow, Geo. Andrew J. Martin — 53. I^. VVosley Mill<;r, Jacob Fox, iKaac K. Appleman, Win. JoliiiHon, NO 47. (Jlinton Sterling, Samuel Shuler, Noah Critz, Marshal Hendershott,Wm. Teeple, Peter S. Ford, Jackson (Jl(;aver, Samuel Hoagland, Aaron Loreman. .MAIN TOWNHIHI' Wm. 1 little, B. F. Kester, Wm. Owrnan, W. W. Kline, NO. I>KA1TKI> 7. George Kreisher, David Gearhart, Yocuin. KRANKMN TOWNSHir S. 10. M(;Carty. Peter M. Beaver, David OKAITKO Micliaf;] Ilock, KOAKINOCKEKK TOWN.SHIl' 24. John M. Sanks, H. p. Cherin^ton, Charles Mensch, John Mowry. Isaac NO. KlirK;, Franklin JG5 NO. I>HAF'rKI> 14. 47. Wrri. MaHtdler, JortiaFi IIcriiH, COUN'JY. Brown, Kline, Erastus Shuman, 34. N(J. 1)UA)T1,0 14. Wm. Iluber, David Reader, Wellington Clark, Benj. 1>KAKTII> Zimmerman, 1 ') Daniel Miller, Wm. Daniol Kline, (ieorge riauster, Nathan Uriah Berninger, Knajij), Fisher, Charles Shiiman. <;oNYNf;nAM TowNSiiir. — 210. UUAITKO 05. David Camp, James Madden, Alexander W. Ilea, James (Jleary, William James, Philip Nixon, Jacob ChamV^ers, Augustus liider, Michael Sherlock, Mahlon Myers, Martin Laughlin, John Frederick Goble, Daniel Mos«'r, Wm. Hoagland, David Crisher, Richard Phillips, Robert Lawless, Patrick Horrity, Philip McBhyne, .John lintlcr (miner) Lendlin Hart, I'oe, Tobias Leisar, Charles Sharp, Wm. Nelly, Ference Cave, George Clark, Uriah Til ley, Joseph Crider, Augustus Glessner, 266 Michael inSTOET OF How, Sivuiuel B. Long, Moses Snyder, John Meinsinger, David Evans, C0Lir3[BIA COUNTY. Andrew Henry Mull, Wm. Wni. l->rennin, John Murphy. Stephen ]N[ainhew, l*atrick Quinn, Henry Eckerling. Hugh Cliristian Soner, I'eter Hrenin, Janu's l>reninill, Thonuis Brennon, Wm. Hart, Summers, Geo. H. Moshier, Thos. Cununings, Thonias Riley, John Snyder, Henry Williams, Patrick Fhmnegan, Mich C\MnuM\ laborerPatrick Keeling, Frank Warisicker, Michael McMulty, John Fry, James Scott, BEAVER TOWNSHir 100. NO. Christian Snow, John AUvar, Peter Hower, Absolom Womer. DRAFTED Henry Hoffman, Aaron Dreisbach, William Berry, Nathiin Erwine, Daniel Longenberger,John HaAvk [single] Wm. McFee, Daniel Singley, Joseph Singley, Thomas Dande, Henry Swank, Charles Hotz, John Henninger, Henry Hinterliter, John Hostler, Josiah Johnson, Wm. McFee, Michael Mumy, Frank L. Shuman, Thos. Hoft'man, Edward Scliell, Reuben Henninger, 33. John Deats, Wasliington Fry, Philip JMumy, Franklin Shell, Tlnunas Miller, James Prescott, George Dreisbach, David Erwine, Aaron Johnson, Levi Fraster, Daniel Swank. CATAWISSA TCWNSIlll'— 97. NO. DRAFTED David Strouse, Geo. HoUenback, Wm. Fitz, Teffer, 29. B. S. Reifsnyder, Strouse, Ephriam Kramer, Jacob Miller, Pinkerton DrumhellerPeter Fenstermacher,John Fit/gerald, Easick Kerns, David Snyder, Geo. R. Hayhurst, Wm. T. Shuman, Alexander Hide, Fleming Jacoby, Stephen B. Rahn, Walter Scott, Tobias D. Barninger, Geo. Briesch, Clinton W. Edward G. Hart, Harder, Daniel Cleywell, Lewis Hayhurst, John Martz, Wm. Wm. Claywell, Charles Gaumer, Richards, John H. Butz. Thomas Barry, JACKSON TOWNSHIP — 37. NO. Chas. C. Mausteller, Daniel George Getty, Thos. H. Robbins, S. Young, DRAFTED IL Geo. W. Farver, Geo. Remely, HIISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. p](l\v!vrfl Ben Savage, John Blacker, Roberts, IIIO.MLOCK Jului S. David Henry TOWNSHIP 1 NO. 29. DRAFTED Hugh George Ivy, Ralph Ivy, Win. Pursel, Amos B. Hartman. Xeyhart, Shaffer, Ilirani Girton, Emanuel Somers, Apitlcnian, Wm. Michael Wliitenight, Knock P. Evans, Hiram Reese, John Appleman, Jacob Workheiser, W. Harris, Jackson Leidy, Mathew Tubby, Vivian Stephens, Isaac N. Leidy, Henry W. Wagner, Jacob Andes, Joseph K. McMichaelSanford Shoemaker, John C. Folk, Joseph Walters, Geo. 35. F. McBride, Lewis Hartman, Sam. Workheiser, Boyd Girton, Daniel Yocum, Sidney S. Shoemaker,George Hooper, C. Grotz, Lafyette Faust, Wni. Washington Knouse, j.- Franklin Hamlin, 267 Faust, OKANGE TOWNSHIP NO. 60. DRAFTED 18. David E. Hayman, Thos. F. Schuyler, Jasper Kline, John Beagle, Joseph C. Hughes, James B. Hannan, Monross S. Hayhurst,Samuel A. Sharpless, A. C. Bidleman, Alfred H. Kisner, Orville A. McGargle, Robt. G. Paden, Franklin Keifer, Joseph A. Henrie, Thomas Ruckle, David R. Ap})leman, Sidney DRAFT The following is a list Charles AUabach, C Williams, JUNE 3d, 1864. of the men drafted at Troy, Penn'a., OH the above date. BLOOM TOWNSHIP —NO. DRAFTED E. R. Drinker, Lloyd T. Sharpless, 27. Thomas McGill, Harman, David Beers, Hazle, Thomas McCormick, Oliver C. Kahler, Peter John T. Williams, Ransom Albert F. Yost, George Hassert, Jacob Diehl, Ohas. H. HendershottJohn McCormick, Oliver Palmer, Douglas Hughes, Samuel Gehringer, Thomas Downes, Andrew M. Rupert, Samuel H. Surles, James Hen wood, Henry Rosenstock, Henry S. Arthur, S. Enos Jacoby, Nelson Bruner, Michael McCormick, John Coleman. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 268 — BRIARCREEK TOWNSHIP NO. DRAFTED 18. Neimah Ritteiihouse, William Thomas, M. Klinetob, William Tillman, Jacob Biedner, Josiah Blank, Enes McAffee, Evan D. Adams, Clark Bower, Jacob Fenstermacher,Ephraim Trowbridge, Eckard Smith, Samuel Rinard. BENTON TOWNSHIP NO. DRAFTED 33. John W. W^eaver, Conrad Miberham, Thomas Seigfritz, David P. Crossley, Livingston Rhone, Charles Keefer, Edward McHenry, Thomas Appleman, Joel Albertson, Robert L. F. Cully, John Swartout, Elisha Shultz, Daniel Kitchen, John Appleman, Isaac K. Krickbaura, Henry Shultz, Charles Dodson, Abraham Harman, Wm. — Jacob Knouse, John Hartman, A. Davis, George Alten, Harmon Peter Laubach, Benjamin Brink, Reuben L. Stine, J. Davis, Parvin Masters, Chester S. Dodson, BEAVER TOWNSHIP Thomas Hartinan, McHenry, Elias Clark Brink, William S. Kase, Rohr McHenry. NO. DRAFTED, 48. Levi Michael, Peter Schilcher, Thomas Wm. Daniel Hinderliter, Robert Watson, James Gallagher, John Wilson, Henry Baker, Jacob Lindermuth, Jacob Hoffman, Peter Shellhammer, Wm. Wm. Peter Eckrote, Samuel Sherman, Morgan Davis, Samuel Mungster, Conrad Harman, Josiah Johnson, Solomon Hunsigner, John Hunsinger, Joseph Berry, Elias Erwine, Levi Feoster, William Michael, David Bidleman, Patrick Lynch, Aaron Johnson, David Fry, J. Painter, Andrew Knittle, Amos Yeager, Milton, Prescott, Nathan Bredbenner, Wertz, Shuraan, Peter Hawk, Enos Ritten house, John Hinterliter, Moses Schlicher, Reuben Shumaii, A. Jacob Eggert, John Lonenberger, J. Bretts, Gideon Hutisigner, Stephen Lehr No Wm. Naus, Paul Yry, Stephen Lehr. HEMLOCK TOWNSHIP NO. DRAFTED 18. Seth Shoemaker, Geo. L. Shoemaker, John P. Guild, Elijah Miller, 2, — Thomas A. Lewis, Passeville Folk, John C. Fox, John Havtman, Geo. W. Whitenight, Jefferson Reese, Hl;STORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. John H. Miller, Joel Folk, 269 James T. Estop, Michael Grover, Martin Kinney, Isaac Kitchen, John Robbins. Samuel W. Girton, JACKSON TOWNSHIP NO. DRAtTED 21. Wm. Shoemaker, Abra. Hidler, A. J. Kline, Geo. W. Manning, Ellis Young, Hugh Shultz, Henry Wagner, Theo. W. Smith, David Bishline, Joseph Derr, Wm. Kester, Joseph Yorks, Elijah Yocum, Michael Kesler, Gotlieb Wagner, Levi Keeler, Daniel Young, Calvin Derr, Abraham Stauffer, Frederick Hees, W. W. Ezekiel Cole, LOCUST TOWNSHIP —NO. Peter Miner, Peter Kline, John Morgan, Geo. DRAFTED Wm. W. Yeager jr. Roberts. 55. Carl, Geo. H. Patterson, C. P. Mears, Michael Stein, Gera Hower. Joseph Thomas, Geo. Morgan, James Berd, Chas. C. Eck, W. Alex. Ernest, James Wm. Bernard Ten f el, Calvin Achenbach, David Adams, Joseph Rhoads, Jacob Herner, Peter Fettenuan, Isaac J. Fisher, Nicholas Englehart, John Yost, Jacob Carl, Lloyd F. Farringer, Jonathan Beaver, Wm. Ausnean, J. Campbell, E. Walter, Reuben Leiby, John H. Stokes, Nathan Kostenbader, John Morris, George Eisenbach, Wm. Daniel Wary, Henry Klein, Christian Small, Benj. Fetterman, Asa Yeager, Deily, Geo. Resdy, Adam Dimmick, Adam M. Johnson, Wesley Pony, John A. Bitner, Stephen Yohe, Sara Miller, L. W. B. Fisher, Daniel Bilnean, Sol. Strauser, H. Reinbold, John Watkins, Jacob Stein jr. Jos. Sanders. Louis Reinbold. MADISON TOWNSmi' Henry Thomas, Geo. W. Parmer, Isaac Wipple, Edward NO. Stuart, DRAFTED 38. Wesly Demott, Joseph C. Smith, Cyrus Demott, John Strong, Wm. Graham, Thomas Boker, John Haines, Robert F. Start, Jackson Biddle, Wm. Philip Eves, Wm. Townsend, Cyrus Richard, Jacob Straufer, George Ohl, David Ross, Mosteller, Joseph Moist, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 270 Wni. W. Carahani, Henry Wagner, Cyrus Welliver, Jacob Slioemaker, Stephen Ellis, Josiah Moist, Wni. Wintersteen, Cox, Phenias Wilken, Jacob Kramer, Samuel P. Demott, Andrew Felix Hitter, Abm. Daniel Merkle, Peter Sniitli, Geo. Deinott, Amos S. Allen, Swisher, CATAWISSA TOWNSHIl' W. NO. DRAFTED 32. Jacob Hoffman, John, Theodore Kreigh, Geo. Edward Broombach, John A. Shuman, Jesse K. Sliarpless, Harvey Miller, Nathan Creasy, David Metz, James S. McNinch, Amos Wellington Clayton. Wm. Solomon D. Rinard, John Getkin, Mark B Hughes, Thomas Howlin, Thomas Hartman, Ambrose Sharpless, Burton W. Fortner, Jacob Haines, Wm. B. Reed, Jacob Martz, Wm. H. Hartman, Gensil, Jacob Breech, James Stanley, Harvey Geiger, John Scott, Jacob H. Creasy, CENTRE TOWNSlUr NO. Henry Wm. Peter DRAFTED (Tuinn, J. S. Boiber, Miller, ]\[cNeal, 13. Chas. Zinmierman, Wm. Shadrack McBride, John Horn, George K. Hess, David K. Sloan, Joseph Conner, Henry Masteller, Henry Isaac Arnwine, John Durling, L. Freas, Daniel Rinard, Shaffer, Jesse Freas, CONYNGHAIM TOWNSlllF NO. DRAFTED 91. Henry Hechst, John Heapenny, Jinkins Bernaixl Kelly, Richard Keley, Elias Stobich, Henry Patrick Kinney, J. S. Beadle, Bowem, John Gristol, Anthony Cosgrove, Michael Zimvet, Martin Costello, Daniel Lunger, Anthony Gallagher, Michael Gloglau, Henry Heckman. Patrick Devine, Thomas Nixon, Michael Brinnin, (tco. David Black, William Shuman, John Stall, George Womer, Jacob Fisher, Josej>h B. Knittle, Thomas Michael Conner, Henry Cyrong, Joseph Edwins, John Dolney, Henry Foy, Thomas Uriah Geo. INIaidenfort, W. Mitchell Baers, Farrel, Joseph Brian, W. Davis, Frank Smelser, Tilley, Frederick Snyder, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA G0UN2Y. John Mull, jr. Stei)hen Thomas, Moses Morrison, James McDonald, Lewis Bloss, 271 Peter Huneloaf, Abin. Williams, Tobias Lisar, Reuben Tilley, David Brown, John Langan, John I lor, Peter Maley, Peter Peter Huttensteine, John G. Han ley, James Monj^le, Thomas Thomas Piilrick Joice, Patrick Burke, James J. Scott, Jiastin, (ik-nner, Butler, Patrick Demott, Michael McCole, M. Finch, John Michael Glessner, Collier, Thomas Burke, John Koe, Lafayette Fetterman, James Darrach, Jacob Harmaii, John Stetsler, Daniel Kietter, Peter Snow, Moses Long, Frank D. Long, Wm. John Stuben, Anthony Kiley, John McDonald, Robert Humphrey, Wm. Lills, Elias Barringer, Daniel F'etterman, Thomas Kilcoll, Peter Brenin, Wm. Snyder, George Mastiii, Barney McGuire, John Fleming, Hoagland, William Branchide, MOl'NT PLEASANT TOWNSHIP Sanniel Jacoby, Isaac K. Appleman, James J. Thomas, Jackson M. Hower, Aaron Kister, Aaron Fox, Mathias Kindt, Samuel Marr, Emanuel Sitler, John B. Crawford, Thomas C. Kester, Josejth Crawford, NO. DUAFTKO 36. James Bittenbender, Joshua Hartzel, Daniel Bonawitz, Russel Appleman, Sylvester Crawford, Alexander Rambo, John Osman, Henry W. Mellick, Joseph Gilbert, Samuel Harp, G. Hartzel, Gabriel Everett, Joseph Hildebaum, Robert Howell, Henry Kitchen, R. Bittenbender, Melchia Ruck^l, S. Alfred Miller, Alexander Zigler, John Hippensteel, David Stroup, Robert S. Oman, Clemuel Shoemaker, Geo. L. Oman. MAIN TOWNSHIP NO. DRAFTKO 18. William Ritter, William Angel, Thomas Quinn, Tx)uis Filker, Samuel John Wesley, N. H. Brown, Jacob Bauman, David B. Gitting, John G. Pifer, Solomon Deaiier, Francis Flemming, Franklin Shuraan, Martin Nuss, Jonas N. John. Schell, Reuben Shuman, Lewis W. Culp, Conrad Bredbender, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 272 MONTOUR TOWNSHIP Andrew P. Roth, Jackson Leiby, NO. 1»RAFTK1> Eiuanuel Summers, Franklin Miller, 6. James F. Foster, Isaac B. Schull. MIFFUN TOWNSHir NO. DRAFTKO 3. David Eckrothe, Stephen H. Schwank. ORAKGE TOWNSHIP NO. DRAFTED 39. Emanuel Appleman, James R. Handiwork, Nelson Crouse, Adam A. Schuyler, Abm. A. Kline, Samuel Trump, Jeremiah Hess, Jeremiah B. Kisner, John Fislier, Philip Hess, — Righter Isaac K W. Bowman, (ieo. Dildine, Daniel Shultz, G. Lott, Henry Charles Brewer, Stiner, M. D. Montgomery,Benjamiu Paden, Miles A. Williams, John Trumbore. Charles Jones, Samuel Johnson, Jonathan Poust, McClure Drake, Robert B. Rickets, Henry Bowman, Samuel Achenbach, Peter Bogart, Alexander Herring. Aaron R. Patterson, Joseph C. Hughes, Archibald Patterson, Geo. W. Rittenhouse,Elwood W. Coleman, Marion B. Hughes, John M. White, Emanuel Snyder, Taylor Bowman, Charles Allabaoh, Clemuel R. Henrie. PINE TOWNSHIP NO. DRAFTED 20. Clark Whitmoyer, Wm. Hinney, Richard W. Lyons, Wesley Keller, W^m. Thompson, Isaac Sweeny, John Wintersteon, John Lore, Jacob Gordner, Wm. P. Fans, Alvin Fowler, Joseph Driblebis, Lafayette LTnger, Montgomery Cox, Geo. Crossley, Lafayette Applegate, John E. German, Jacob Christian, Pemberton Piatt. Clemuel McHenry, ROARINGCREKK TOWNSHIP NO. DRAtTED 14. Robert S. Hampton, Owen Hoagland, Phenis Thomas, Martin Wintersteen, Benneville Rhodes, Joseph Buck, Henry Y. Gable, Joseph Witner, John M. Trump, John B. W^itner, Benj. Levan, Wm. H. Eck, S. Abraham Beaver, Sam'l L. Cherrington. FISHINGCREKK TOWNSHIP Geo. M. Howell, Joseph Kline, Enos Pealer, Peter Bogart, John W. Harrison, John Hile, Evan E. Bittenbeuder,Frauk Wolf, Jacob Kline, Reuben Savage, MO. DRAFTED 34. James Campbell, Wm. Hagenbuch, Emandus Bender, Hiram McHenry, Jacob O. Wilson, — HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. F John McHenry, Jiinu'S Jjicob Slioeniaker, Abniliam Isaac McIIt'ury, Thomas M. Auf^ustus Stoker, TJiiangst, W. Weaver, Alexander Sutton, Samuel Shive, Aiitliony Ilunsinger, Mathias Aj)[)leman, Amos Samuel Pealer, John F. Hutchison, Wni. lloycr, Charles Ash, Yaple, Cah'h O'lirien, I)aviRAKrEI> 12. Jonathan Loreman, John Loreman, John It. Urobst, Hiram William Sway/e, Israel GREKNWOOI) TOVVNSIIII' Benj. Stackhouse, John VV'm. SmitI), Daniel Dunn, Ashton, NO. DK.\I.TKI» 18. Valentine (nirnet, 1*. T. llower. Isaac Richards, Francis M. Roe, McK. Musgrave,Peter Ilayman, Mc Henry, Sajnuel All)i'rtson, Reese Jacob Watts, Joshua Davis, Richard J. Fves, George Ikler, Jacob Shultz, John Lemon, A. Erastus Hendershott, i*. Geo. Gieenly, Geo. F. Kindt, Heller, scorr TowNsiur no. okai ri;i) 32. Patrick Daly, N Abner H. Hiown, George Gilbert, David J. Quick, Robert Farst, Prisciis F. Jesse .Merrell, Flisha B. Pursel, Geo. B. Kitchen, Daniel Johnson, Geo. F. C-ain, William Masteller, Chaucey C. Trench, Theodore McDowell, Isaac J. Kester, Charles Schug, Emanuel Ruckel, Wm. Esl)and A. Case, Cliarh's S. Fowler, John I'riah Turiu'r, W. Montgomery Bomboy, . John Wolf, Henry Gman, James Greenage, Charles Merrel, John B. Vanhorn, Edgar, Phili}) Dieterick, sU(;aum)ak township Jacob H. Fritz, Alexander Hess, Transue, Daniel Mauron, Fowler, John W. Hunter, (ieo. >L Edgar, S. I. Zeppamiah —no. drafted L. Kline, 15. George Jesse Fritz, Wm. Ellison, Peterraan, Mordecai Goodwin, Nathariiel H. Steward, Samuel H. Hess, John Cornelius Girton, Stephen Larish, John Montgomery, James Petennan, Cole, T. Brink, — — HI STORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 274 A supplemental^ draft was made cancies in townships under KISIIINGCKKEK TOWNSlIir Hiram lless, Evan Bittenbender, James Campbell, J. Deemer McHenry, James Paden, Dec. 1864 to in tlie jn-eA^ious calls. — NO. Edward (n'ors^o IK'uth, Abraham .I:unes E. Jones, Golder, Samuel Savage, George Fullmer, Michael Beishline, Thomas Wm. \\. Elisha Evans, John Moomey, Christian <.\)rneiius Bellas, John Dreschei', Richard B. Bright, riNK TOWNSIlir lloyer, J. Ash, Ya])le, F. E.lgur, Will. Shugars, Daniel l^laiik, Aivhibakl llichart. REQUIRED NO. DRAFTKl) 8 4. John Johnson, Isaac Sweeney, IJobert Lvoih, Ira C. Pursel, Abel Ilartinan, Elisha Taylor, <). Tliomas P. Swisher, ouan<;e TOAVNsiiir jNIcl^ride, drafted 24 no. required Stephen H. Ilill, Ai-chibald Patterson, Jacob Remley, W. E. Thomas D. Kline, Augustus Everhart, Charles W. Low, Calvin Herring, Emery Day, John Graham, John Delong, Abraham Daniel G. Ent, J. Sanderson Woods,! )avid I. M Ilayman, E. Patterson, JIADISON TOWNSIlir NO. DRAl'TED 20 15. Coleman, Charles Kelcliner, Jacob Roub, 15. ITnangst, Jacob Slioeniaker, Daniel Winner, John M. Buckalew, E'rank ITuinmel, some va- as follows — NO. UlXjlJIUEl) DIIAKTKU 29 Wesley Kline, lill was It Joseph C. Hughes, I\I. White, Simon P. Johnson, Wm. Fritz, Justice Ikeler, Clemuel \i. Ilenrie, Samuel K. White, —REQUIRED 10. Alinas Kline, Felix Ritter. Richard F. Stout, Lawson Hughes, Phineas Welliver, Jacob Zeisloft, 8imon Cotner, James Welliver, Abraham Young, Watkius Prosser, John P. Runyan, Wm. Graham, S. S. Runyaii, i^harles Gibbons, Joseph Moist, Wilson Masters, Ashcr Ileitsman, M. A. Moore, IJENTON Ephr'm TOWNSHIV NO. DRAFTED 18 P. McCollum,Russcl Shultz, Furnian Smith, John J. Karns, Ezra Vandine, Issachar Titnian, REQUIRED 9. Mathias Appleraan, Jesse B. Shultz, : HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Oscar Jolui Klias Asli, ('oiiiicr, .[. .lessee LiviiigstuMo IJiirik, lilioiie, Charles N. Dodsoii, Jared Preserve Conner, Wni. .Tolin .lAtMvSON TOWNSIIIl- Case, Fenningtoji, Thoiniis A))])]eMian, Moses IMc Henry, S. II. 275 NO. UUAFTKl) 10 Coll", Lemons. NO. UKt^H'IUlCn .5. John Edgar, Henry (ietty, Joslnia Iless, Cliaiincy Strong, L Isaac liCwis, (^eoi-ge .Toll 11 Samuel IIe>s, Keller, \Vm. Brink, Kemley, Aslier ^'orks, si (iAUI.OAK I'OWNMIII' DKAirKI) S N(t. Valentine Stout. Kli;is "N'oung, ]M;irtin Miller, Clinton Clinton Hess, Ezekiel Frit/, W. Lewis, HEt,>ri ItKD 4. Andrew La Wm. ;l.acii, Peterman, o On Tuesday cies in the .January 1.5, 1865, the following di-afts for deficien- townships named, wire made at Troy. MA]»ISON. Jacob M. Beishline, Wilson W. Smith, John Shoemaker, .Jeremiah Stiles, Jacob Flick, Ashly Laylan, Peter H. Shultz, Silas .Johnson. Jos. Joseph Wagner, I{. Pennington, .John Zeisloft, Calendar Clark, Wesley Dildine, George Gibbons, John Daniel Shultz, Gei-ei", ORANGK. .lames S. I^azarus, Ba/.aleel Hayliurst, lllram B'lwman, Emanuel Henry Geo. U. M. Abbott, Stiner, Ij. I). H. Megargel, .lohnson, .Jonathan Poust, Thomas McHenry, Wm.TIeidhiy, FISIIINfJCKEEK Martin Albertson, Monroe Markle, (ieo. McBride, •Jolm Dietterick, .TACKSON. Theodore W. Smith, Thomas McHenry, Jacob I'^arver, StIGARI.O.VK Elinas Coll', Samuel Park, riNi:. John E. German, David Shoemakei-, Noah Bogart, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA Cons' lY. •276 On Friday Troy to till the 14fch day of April, 180'), a draft the quota of Columbia county on wa> made at last call of the tlie President. Bi.oor. William Morgan, Allen Cadwallader, Hiram Ileacock, Washington Ruckle, Samuel J. Kelchner, Robert Roan, Bernard H. Stohner, Jacob Stiner, Robert C. Fruit, Isaac S. Kuhn, Michael Whitmoyer, David Winner. Clark M. Brown, H. Clay Hartman, Joseph Morris, Phineas Welsh, James B. McKelvy, Henry Wanicli, J. J. R!)))bius, E. li. Yordy, Hutchison Vaniiatta, David Lowenberg, Wm. Shoemaker, Jacob F. Vox, John AV. Shannon, James F. McBride, Wm. Edgar, Jacob Geist, John Rinker, Jacob Diehl, Daniel Ingold, R. E. Wil-^on. Henry Mills Chemberlin, W. Wm. John W^esley, Samuel Hughes, Julius Greenbaum, Andrew Madison, T. J. Thornton, Solomon Heist, John Beagham, Samuel Garringer, John Rinard, Lucas N. Moyer, B. H. Vannatta, Henry Garrison, Jonah Townsend, Peter Downs, John Cadman, Samuel M. Prentiss,. Henry Ariwine, Gilmore, Andrew Seager, H. Hannan, Oliver A. Jacoby, Clinton W. Xcal, David W. Fisher, Wm. Howell, Watson Furman, John Morris, Palemoii John, B. Cathcart, Cliarles P. Sloan, IIKAVKU. David Hinterliter, John Hoflfman, Andrew Huntsinger, Joel Swaiik, J no. Dalevson, Peter Kneclit. Samuel Hinterliter, Jno. Hawk, Thomas Miller, Isaac Harringer, Peter Shellliouse, Ste})hen Lehr, Jo'm Naus (Xaas) John Fry, Conrad Brcdbeuder, Daniel Mensinger,. Tilriian Rlttenhouse, Edmond Peter Fisher, John Dreisbach, Uriah McAffee, Geo. Shuman, Henry Henry Sherman, Andrew Sliuman, John Harrine, Joseph Keister, John Holtz, Ilarninger, Wash Schell, Herring, Peter Slicker, N. Longenberger, Aai-on Johnson, Morton Johnson, John Floats, jr. Fred Sherman, Enos Ritteidiouse, Jacob Baumbergery John Singlev, Henry Miller, JIISTOIIY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 277 Henry Lehr, James Large, Juliu lliuitzinger, Isaac Ousback, s. Steele, Win. Grant, Jno. Jos. Snyder, Heladd, Tlios. Jno. Eiigle, Jno S. Goo. W. Thos. Kline, Davis, INIaluMi, James (Toniiinjj,s, IVIiehael Horn, Morton Hrennan, Jno. Thomas, Thos. Delton, Pat McOonm'll, Clinton Di'witt, Robert (iorrell, JNlull, jr. Thomas, Sylvester HotVman, Pat Lenchan, Frank D. Long, Stei»hen Patrick Kennedy, Jno. Skilling, Peter Lnpert, Martin Nenss, Thos. Kilk-Ml!, AVm. Kiitc, John Met/inger, Jos. D. J.,ong, Moses Long, Hugh Monday, John Laras, John Moyer, Henry Diesher, David Black, J. X. Frick, PCI i as Barringer, Ellis Valentine, Martin Briiinan, Jacob Stots, James McCollum, Danii'l Cnimm, George Reedy, Cnas Angle, Daniel Jones, Jno. McDonnell, John Elijah Harinan, Philij) Cain, L. D. Mendeuhall, Sanuiel Sanu Henry Wm. Webb, ('KN'rUF,. Shult/., Pesteier, Mordecai Hieks, Levi Creasy, Ct. iSmitli, W. Dodson, el lx)i)ne, Geo. P. Stiner, T. W. Fry, Levi Hidlay, Geo. Hidlay, Knorr, Elias Brown, Erastus VV. Baker, H. He/.ekiah Boone, T. Henry R. Remley, Samuel Rinard, Alfred l^ower, Chas. R. Boone, Jos. Weis, Jacob Miller, J. MeD Price, Chas. Zimmerman, Jesse Hieks, FRANKl.IX. Shultz Knittle, William Mensch, John Artly, Henry Edmans, Jos. B. Belber, Hiram Geo. Zarr, Washington Parr, Samuel Yetter, John Cooner, John S. ]\IcWilliams, Jacob Bolder, Geo. Hartman, David Huber, AVi'llino-ton Clark, Christian Artly, Jacob Knit tie, Benj. Zimmerman, D.ivid J. W. Reeder, Wm. i>:uninger, Keiflfer, UOAKINCCIJEKK. John Karig, Joseph Buck, Emanuel K. Case, Samuel Leiby, Michael Knittle, Peter Strausser, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Elias Rarig, Phineas Thomas, John Geo. Joseph Kline, (tco. Kreishei', P>l8i Geo. Robeuliolt, Hezekiah Kelolnu'r, Win. Philip llcss. Win. KoIc-Iuut, Daniel House, Samuel E. Smith, Wash Stei)hen Hetter, Wm. Jos. K. Miller, Kilebaugh, John Jaeob Snyder, Wm. Michael, Z. ,1. E. Sch\ve|)[)enheiser, ITartzel, Zimmmnan, Thos. W. Hutchison, Jer. Fleas, Abr.im M. (iitliiig, Arasteller, John Kint, Alfred Hess, Ste|)hen Dietterick. Lewis Creasy, Whitney Hess, VictDr Ronald. Sanuiel Shives, Hiram McHenry, R^^nj- Jacobs. Hishline, Geo. M. Howell, Leyi Winner, Monterville McHenry, Abrani W. P.itterson, Dennis Kline, I'hili]) Bellas, Thos. M. Station, Cyrus B. Fox, Keuben Hess, D. C. James McMichael, Geo. Gilbert, Alex. Jackson, J Campbell, Elisha K. Kobbins, Stot FISniNCU'UKKK. ,]as. Sutliff, Oolder, Jacob Kline, Wm. McHenry, Perry Buckalew, Eyens, Reuben Appleman. SrGAKIA).\F. Hiram Lunger, Hiram Lunger, Elijah Peterman. Jos. L. Geo. Case, Clinton Cole, Elijah Hess, Benjamin Peterman, Cyrus Larish, Reuben Betterly, Richard Hess, Elias Golden, Abijah Hess, Peter Masteller, Sanniel Roberts, John W JVotc. teering or for special foregoing lists some cates, They had quotas by yolunwas postponed. Li the tilled their reasons the draft nniny names are manifestly wrong, of persons deceased, or long absent. are thus ai)parent ist. Fritz, Michael Beishline, Kline, —The other townships ; Jer. Vansickle, Amos Harp, many The dupli- errors that must not be charged to the printer or the copyfrom the furnished or printed lists, are correctly copied and giyen as per copy. To those who know the persons the correction is easy, and it was thought best to permit that to be done by the reader, and to give the names as we found them. The careless incorrectness ^vas zens, and these worse. lists much trouble to our citimonument of incompetency or the cause of are a lasting HLSTOEY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. CHAPTER 283 XXVII. dkaftp:d militia—nine months' service. 178th KKCilMKNT. J. W. Cheniberlin, Major, promoted from private, Both Ivcgimeiit, P. V. Regiment 27th July, November 21, Company A, 18G2, mustered out witli 1863. Isaac Pursel, Quartermaster, promoted from 1st Lieutenant, pany P", December 3, Com- 1862, mustered out with Regiment, 27 July, 1803. — Quarter Master Sergeant mustered promoted from ('ompany F, December 8, lH(t2, nuistered out with Regiment 27 July, 1863. William Fisher, Commissary Sergeant, mustered October 3, 1862, Williamson November H. Jacoby, 24, 1862, promoted from Sergeant, Company A, Dtcember 8, 1862, mustered out with Regiment 27 July, 1863. William F. (Jruver, Hospital Steward, mustered X'ovember 2, 1862, promoted from Corporal, Com[)any F. Uecembei- 3, 1862, mustered out with Regiment, 27 July 1863. The Regiment was recruited in Columbia, Montour, Lancaster and Lii/erne: companies A, II, and I were from Columbia The regiment county, and F and G mostly from Montour. was mustered iiito the service between October 30th and November 4th, 1862, and was mustered out at Harrisburg July 27, 1863. The men not otlierwise designated, were mustered out with the Company. The Regiment moved to Washington December 6, and reached Yorktown on the 29th. In April it had a skirmish near Williamsburg, and was on the advance picket line until the 23d of June. When the rebels moved into Pennsylvania, a demonstration towards Richmond was made by our troops, and the 178th under Gen. Keys moved towards Bottoms Bridge on the Chickahominy. It had a brisk skirmish on the 2d July. It held HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 284 the picket line until the 6th, wjis then returned to Williamsburg and hurried to Washington to reinforce the army of the Potomac. Hut the defeat at Gettysburg relieved it, and it was sent to Ilarrisburg and mustered out. CO:\IPANY A. John M. Buckalew, Ca})tain, nuistered out with company, 27 July, 1863. Martin V. B. Kline, 1st Lieutenant, certificate, January Karns. ,I()hn J. May Lieutenant, 1st discharged on surgeon's 22, 1863. jjroinotcd from 2d Lieutenant lo, 1863. Janu's Muchler, 2d Lieutenant, promoted from Sergeant, S. May 15, 1863. Montgomery, Sanuiel Sanuiel F. Peal(t W. John discharged March 19, 1863. Creveling, Sergeant, promoted from Corporal, July Stephens, Sergeant, promoted from 1863. Zebulon 1, 1st Sergeant. 1st Sergeant, Shortz, Sergeant. Alfred L 1, r, S. Cor{)oral, July 1863. 11. Keeler, Sergeant, promoted from private July 1, 1863. William Fisher, Sergeant, promoted to Commissary Sergeant, December Samuel Park, 8, 1 862. C-orporal. A. A. P. Unangst, Corporal, absent at hospital at nuister out. Henry Wagner, Corporal. Abraham B. Browe, Corporal. William Comstock, Corj)oral. Kli Ivobbins, Corporal, absent in hos]iital at nuister out. John W. Beishline, Musician. William J. Pobbins, Musician. Allegar, John Y., Private, absent in hospital at nuister out. Beishline Levi, Private. Beishline Michael, Private. Beiuler P^lias I'., Bangs Ilendrick W., '• -' Boston Reuben, discharged on surgeon's 22, 1862. certificate November OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. IlIISTORY Bitterly 285 certificate November on surgeon's certificate Redman, discharged on surgeon's 22, 18(52. W., Private, Bellas Geo. November discharged 22, 1SG2. Buss Joshua, T*rivate, died at Harrisburg, December 6, 1862. Cole Benjamin I), nnistered out with company July 27, 1863. Cole William, Private. " Cole John, " Connor Oscar, Dietrich Jolm, Dodson Chester rs., Eveland Wesley E., " " Eveland Fred K., Evans, John W., Fans Henry, Fuller, Joseph D., " " " Andrew J., Private, discharged on November 22, 1862. Fritz Fuller John vember J., surgeon's certificate Private, discharged on surgeon's certificate, No- 22, 1862. Getz Jolm, mustered out with company July Getz Martin, Hess Benjamin W., . TIarp Joseph, " " Hartman Jesse Hartman Geo. W., Hartman Minor, " " " Howard Charles, Hoche Geo. W., " Harrington Newton, l*rivate, November 27, 1863. " discharged on surgeon's certificate 22, 1862. Heath George, Private, dischaiged on surgeon's vember 22, 1862. Kline Ira D., Privat-, mustered out with Killinger (ieo. W., Private. KufT Jarcd " Kindig Charles F., " Keeler, SannicI ^I., " certificate Company July No- 27, 1863. ///s7'()/n' i>s(; Novombor :?l\ l.auUaoh •-'_*. s rortitioati^ disi'harm'd on suriionn's i-crtilioato ah', ilisi'hary;oil on sii'^oon's I'ortiiioalo No- 1S(;l>. l>anii>l, nmstoivd out l.audorbarh William, riivato, NoviMulu'v I'L*. MonliionuM-y witli i'OiH|iauy -7 July, IS(k"!. on surjiootrs (iisi'li.aiiiotl (.'ortitioaU' IS(c'. Musslcm.an Jacob, 1 sur^'oii ISii:?. Klino ,Ioso|»h S. rrivato, MMiilu-r on disohai-oi'.l 1S(!l'. '2-J. William. Prix Kr'u'kl)ai:;n corx/v. I'o/.r.y/u.i Prixato. Ki-iv'kl)auiu rhili|t. NoviMubiM- or mustrr l*ii\ato. absont.siok at 1\oIhm-1. l'ri\ali>. nuistoi-od out out. with comjiauy I'T July S(>;>. Moori> (.''hristian rrivati'. 1... Marklo Monro. MastoMor Im'O. W.. Privatr. .U'sorlOil Novombor lo. MoP.oury Kli. Privato. ilosortod DooiMubor ;U), lS(il*. (>smon(l Ji>hn. Privnit'. nrastonnl oul with Park Palmer Severn 1*7 July, 18lio. 1>., Patterson Paniel S.. M.. " James I'enninixtoii K KvMuley Pavid , CJeoru'e, W.. KobiM-ts \\in Klione NVm. P , Punyon Joseph C".. Private. November "Ji*. IS(>2. Stoneeker July St>'.'. Private. (ha-in. Kemle\ company 1 Henry. Pri\ ale. clisclKU;^e(l mustered on surgeons out with eerlitieate con'^pany ^7 isi>;v Private. Shult/. FJias. Wheeler, Shult/.. Shidt/. Kussol. Shult/. Peter K/.ra. Santee William, November " P., Stevens •_>!>. Prl\ ate, discharged on siirL^eons certiticilo 1S(?l\ Shult/ Cornelius, Private, discharged on surgeon's eertitieate No- ven\bor 'J'J, \W2. OF I/Is'ronv Wesley SiitlidV- V 21. .I;uiii;ii Srnilli .MiiKM- Tnl)l)S Tliotniis \\'., I'iiv;i1,<', er 22, IH(;2. YoiMiLT Williairi, Private, riiuslered out witli cotiiitany July 27,1803. Yaple Djiiiiel, Yount,' Private, Private, desi-rted .Xovendx-r 21, 1802. I^llis, "Vajil"' 'riioiiias, Ya]»le J*rivato, descrte A., Smith Harvey, Shearer Charles, discharged on Surgeon's certificate January 1 15, 868. Snyder John S., deserted Novend)er 18, 1862. November Sheetz Jolm, deserted 19, 1862. Swisher Clement, deserted November Thom})son Wm., Private. Thomas Joel, deserted Wintersteen H. Jr., Walter Jackson, Wise November 12, 1862. 18, 1862. Private. " Elias 0., transferred to Company I, 163 Regiment Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, November 23, 1862. Wintersteen John, deserted November West Lewis D., deserted Yarich David P., November 8, 19, 1862. 1862. discharged on Surgeon's certificate November 22, 1862. o CH).-\irANY (5. This company was from Montour county, except a few names, and was mustered into service mainly November 4, 1862, and mustered out July 27, 1863, and unless otherwise accounted for, the men were mustered out with the company. William Y. Adams, Captain, mustered out July 27, 1863. Thomas Butler, 1st. Lieutenant. Stephen C. Vansant, 2d. Lieutenant. Charles D. Levan, 1st. Sergeant. 1 IIItiTOR Y Joliii II. John S. OF COL UMBIA CO UNTY. 29 Leidy, Sergeant. " Mahaii, " Phineas llaldren, James S. Headings, '• James W. Lowry. C()r})oral. " Thomas P. Perry, Henry D. Geiger, " '• George Haldron, '" Vansant, Thomas M. " Daniel M. Adams, " Jacob J. Bardole, Allien Peter V., Private. Ande Thomas H. " Albeck Jacob, deserted November liutler John 8 l*rivate 20, 1862. , Burch Peter, Bomboy jr. Daniel, " " Beers David, Biddle James I{, discharged on surgeon's certificate November ^'l^ 1862. Bechtel Jacob, discharged on surgeon's ] certificate, November 14, 862. Bechtel Daniel S, discharged on surgeon's certilicate, November 14, 1862. Barber Silas W, discharged, date unknown. Barber Nicholas, deserted November 21, 1862. Cooper Abraham, Private. " Confer William, " Cox William J, Confer PliiHi>, dii-d at Yorktown, \'irginia, Februa'T 7, 1863. Carr Ale.xaiider, discharged on surgeon's certificate November 14, 1862. Cox Amos, discharged November lo, Carr Andrew, jr., deserted November Cotner Daniel, absent without leave Conway Jesse, Dry Adam, Derr Thomas, Derr Iliram, deserted Noveml)er Private. " " 1862. 4, at 1.), 1862 muster out. 1862. or 292 rrrsiTORr Di'greoti Augustus Private. Dyor .Taoobr Kyov Johi\, Evans David, ooLrr^nir.l coiryi " i '' I deserted, date unkuo\vn. Private. (xiuder Jacob, Gordon Ernst, Grim John II. deserted November Huttenstine y. 18, lSfii>. I'rivate. J. " Herner John, Harries John Heiner William, discharged on surgeon's '' certiticate November 22, 1S62. rrikert Samuel, deserted November '2'2. 18n2. Hartman Lewis, deserted November 21, 1862. Irvin \Vm.. Private. Kelly Jo!m Kester Jeremiah " Kersteller Leonard, Kline Isaac, Kitchen John "• " II. discharged on surgeon's certificate November 22, 18(52. Kirkner Leonard, deserted November La-hell Wm. MathU'n James, " M;igonigal Thomas, Murray Joseph 21, 1862. Private. " S., " K., " ^lurtz John, More George, Mi'ler Wnj. H, '' Planning AVm. L., Myers James I)., discharged on surgeon's certificate November 22, 18(i2. Morris Edward M., deserted November 13. 1862. Mcv'racken James, Private. Mc^Iahan James, b.M- 22. jr., discliarged on 1862. Richard Hiram, Ruse Corneliu-i, Roads Mahlon, Private. " '' surgeon's certificate Novem- HIHTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. (^fOi 293 Stineman Frederich, Private. " Starr John I)., " Smith Alexander, " 8weitzer John, Shiras liownian 8weitzer Wni. " 1)., " \V., " Strouse Win., Shock discharnod November 21, 1802. KniaiiiK'l, November 17, 18G2. November 17, 1862. deserted November 9, 18G2. Shires \Vm., dischirged Stecker Moses discharged L., Shultz Itobt-rt M., Swisher deserted Novembei- 20, 1862. IJiiri^es, Smitli David, dcsei-tcd Thomas Tayhjr F liunj. Xovembir 6, 1862. Private. , C^yrus, Thomas '' Jolin, Tinchdl Andrew, discliai-ged on surgeon's ceititicate Tanner Ileni'y, jr., deserted Weisnar Wm., Wykoff Wm. 2, 1863. v., Andrew J., Wanicli Amos, Warner May lo, 1862. Piivate. " Vaiisickle Jolin A., AVellever November Christian, tlied at " " Newport News, ^'irginia, December 16, 1862. certificate, November discharged on surgeon's certificate November Weisner Augustus, discharged on surgeon's 22, 1862. Wertman Ileniy L., 13, 1863. Young George W., deserted November OOMrANV 2.j, 1862. II. was nnistered into service mainly on the 28th of October 1862 and was mustered out at llarrisburg July 27, lS6;i. If not otherwise stated ihe men were mustered out with Tiie comjtany ; the Company. Theodore McD. Price, Captain. Wm. 1st Lieutenant, II. Evans, discharged May 6, 1863. ffrsT07?y i>;n Frank Howard. A. M.iy 1"), Miihloii 1>. II. l.iop.UMiniU. [ironu>(o*l 1st 1'roiii iM l.ii'iiti'iiant is(;;>. llicks. proiuotiMl to 1st Scvgo:mt ,I;iiui;u-y 2(1 I/u'iitiMiMut. Win. or coLrjnuA corxrv. Stalil. Juiu' 1st i;>. I Sd;?, to Jiilv 1, 18()3. 6, promotod from Corporal Sorui'iiiit. iS(>;v August B. ClowrlK iiromotod from Corporal .laiiuarv ISi'rg'i'anl. 1. 1 86;i. Ilonry IT. Sorgoaut Mart/., Win. Girton, Sergeant. Jacob Weiss, Sergeant. i)ronioted from private July 1. 18GM. Wm. Remley, Sergeant, discharged on surgeons certiticate February 27, ISGo. Isaac Lutz. Sergeant, deserted Richard Ivupert, Xovember 24, 1862. Cori)oral. James D. Evans George P. Stiner AVm. A. Lynn. Corporal, deserted November Enos L. Bower, Musician. 10, 1S()2. Elijah Bower. ^lusician. Andrews Sanuiel. Frivate. discliargcd on surgeon's certiticate November S, 1862. Andrews Isaac, discliarged on surgeon's certificate November 22, 1S62. Boon Benjamin Bomboy Armanis Boon George H. Private. '' " Blank Josiah Bi'ck Wasliington " Brobst William Brown David discharged on jr.. surgeon's certificate November 12, 1862. Bower Wm. Clewell Wm. F.. deserted H. Deitriek Hervey Durliii Wm., November 2o, 1862. Private '* J. dischaiged on surgeon's certificate 1862. Deitriek Harrison II.. deserted Krwiae Wilson, Private. November 8, 1862. November 22, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Fiilk !^:iins(»ii, 295 Private. Fre. (r , Private, " discharged on surgeon's certiticate ]Srovend)er 22, 802. Ciensell Joseph, transferred to Ulman's lndej)endent ]>attery, 2 December, 1862. TTowell Theodore, Iluttenstine D. M., Hagenbuch W. K., llunuuel John J., Harmon Benjamin, Private. " " " Hart/ell Jacob, '" Harmony " Hill Daiuel, dames. Hock Michael, dones Hervey, discharged on surgeon's 1 certiticate 862. Kindt Mathias, Kline Abraham Knouse Philip, Private. " " Kreischer Jerre Kline George C, absent, sick at muster out. Kneclit Daniel \V., Kline Martin, deserted Private. November 2o, 1862. November 22, I HI.STORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Lou- Priviite. Willi.'im, Loiigenberger 200 J. B., deserted November 22, 1862. Longeiiberger John, deserted November 22, 1862. Meiich Christian, Private. " Miller Fnuiklin, Mosteller « Wm., Miller Charles, discharged on surgeon's certificate, 1 November 22, November 22, s(;l> Menere John, discharged on surgeon's certificate 1862. R Mack Sedgwick , transferred to Ulman's Inde|)endent Battery, December 2, r Henry L., deserted November 21, 1862. McMichael Josej)h K., discharged on surgeon's 1862. Milk certificate Novem- ber 22. 1862. Nuss Benjamin, deserted November 26, 1862. Nuss Gi(ieon, deserted November 26, 1862. Potter John, Private. Price Jonas, " '' Patrick James, " Potter Lemuel, Russell Thomas, " Rider Daniel, '* Reinbold Lewis, Reinliart John, deserted November 4, 1862. Stine Michael, absent, sick at muster out. Shannon Jared Y., Seigfried Iliram, Private. " Schug Charles, discharged on surgeon's certificate November 22, 1862. Steely Philip, deserted November 26, 1862. November 20, 1862. December 5, 1862, returned Seigfreid Jacob, deserted Turner Jolin, deserted April 1, 1863, nnistered out with company. Wardin James Woomer M., absent, sick at muster out. Joshua, Whare(VVharey) Private. Israel " Williams Charles, discharired on surany August 8, 1863. Thomas J. Barton, C\nn})any A, Sergeant, November 1, 1862, mustered out with company August 8, 1863. Leonard K. Bomboy, eomjiany A, musician, November 2, 1862^ nnistered out with company August 8, 1863. Henry S. Bodine, eomi)any A, private, November 2, 1862, mustered out with company August 8, 1863. C A Eik'nberger, cH)mpany A, private, November 2, 1862, mustered out witli comj)any August 8, 1863. Uriah Gohler. company A, private, November 2, 1862, mustered out with eomjiany August 8, 1863. Kichard Hess, com{)any B, private, November 2, 1862, nnistered out with company August 7, 1863. Lewis Hess, com})any B, ])rivate, November 2, 1862, mustered out with company August 7, 1863. Samuel Y. Hess, company B. private, November 2, 1862, nnistered out with company August 7, 1863. George W. Hittle, company B, private, November 2, 1862, mustered out with cotin)any August 7, 1863. Jolm Heighmiller, comitany B, i)rivate, November 2, 1862, mustered out with comany, August 7, 1863. Knoch Ikeler, company B, private, N«)vember 2, 1862, mustered out with comjiany August 7, 1863. Cyrus Demott, company G, private, December 6, 1862, mustered out with comjiany, August 8, 1863. HIiSTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 301 The regiment left Camp Curtin on November 27, and proceeded by Wusliington Jind Norfolk to Suifolk, Virginia. December 28, it jiroceeded to Newbern, North Carolina, and went into win- who had appearWashington and erected breastworks at Hill s point. The 171st was detailed to storm them, but were witlihen, Casper, Williams Daniel, Woods Young Jol\n, AVilliam, Patton AltVed B., Exeejiting marehiug and drill the 14th did not see nmeh service. Although several marches were made for the purpose, they never succeeded in encountering the enemy. They Avere with Gen. Patterson on the Potomac. Upon being nmstered out, a large number of the war. men took service in other regiments recruiting for the Ill STORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 305 16th RKGIMENT. COMPANY Ill C. April 1861, the following citizens mainly of Berwick, went They were mustered in April months but at once agreed to re-enlist at the ex|urg to enter the service. 20, 1861, for three ; ; July 30, 1861, S. F. Sliwartz, M. J. Goodman, N. G. Williams, Jacob ]^>fl, A. S. Kensey, Fernando Lake, W. C. Thompson, E. C. Bahl, Thomas Stackhouse, W. Harrison Swank, A. C. Thompson, H. Crandall, J. W. James Smith, J. A. Yount, A. Lockart, J. V. Robert Webster, Lyman H. William CampV>ell, Cyrus RoVjbins, Lafayette Myers, Wesley R. A. 1). J. F. Seely, Gilroy, Hertz, Fowler, Price. Chemberlin, 100 DAYS SEBVICE. 193d. REdlMKNT. COMPANY B. The Company was from Montour county, was mustered into Novembers, 1864. On the day of the organization of the regiment it moved for Baltimore, and went into camp there at Mankinds woods. About the service July 17, 1864, and mustered out 806 JUS TORY September 1st. it OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. moved to Camp city on the line of the Baltimore Carroll, a mile southwest of tlie and Ohio railroad. Detaohments regiment were used for provost duty, escorts, and other similar service but were not in any battle or skirmish. Fnless otherwise marked, all the men were regularly nmstered out with of the ; the company. John A. Winner, Captain. James Foster, 1st. Lieutenant. Isaac D. Crewitt, 2d. Lieutenant. David K. Shutt, 1st. Sergeant. John Keim, Sergeant. Jacob Ixiokmiller, Sergeant. James M. Elliott, Sergeant. Henry Kneibler, Sergeant. Hiram Echert, Corporal. William Hordner, Corporal. David Aten, Corporal. Charles Melville S. 11. Baker, Corporal. Ditt. Corporal. David Lochenthaler, Corporal. Janies Bullauiore, Corporal. James R. Wilds, Cori)oral. Augustus Woods, Musician. Sanuiel Morgan. Musician. Ashtoti Alexander, Private. Alexander Park, Brent William, Bright Edward R., Bookmiller John. Bredbender W. M., Buckalew W., deserted July Cook Benjamin, Crossley John M., Cummings Russell, •Carroll Patrick, Consor Asa A., Doran Joseph A., Di'nmick Emanuel, Davis John- 20, 1864. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 307 Davis James \V., Evelaiid Hiram, Evans John M., Evans George D., Pluck Lewis , A., Fitzgerald Tliomas, Gearhart Alexander M., Guntiier Cyrus S., Gib])s Slieldun promoted T., to Commissary Sergeant July lS(i4. Hale John, Hale Joseph, Hinckley Charles R., Hilkert John, Hoiiier William L., Housel .Jacob P., Harding Terrence Heddings William M., Jones CalcVi, Johnson Henry W., Jones Stephen A., Jones, Francis W., Jones. Henry C, deserted July 2 >, 1864. Klase Jesse, Larafer William, Lloyd William M., Learny William, Learny Dennis, deserted October Martin John, McGrath James, Newberry Josiah, Faugh Robert, Purcell (Jharles P., Rake John, Reninger William, Rhoads George, Robins Abram V., Runyan Jesse, Robenbach Joseph H , 12, 18G4. 2 1, 308 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA OOUNIY. Snyder Henry, Snyder Jacob J., Stadler Aaron W., Scott Robert, David L.. John G., Suit Alonzo J., Sterick Sarapsol Strawhecker D. H., Taylor John H., Taylor William E., Thomas James, Woodside Charles, Walker Harvey V., Weaver Benjamin, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY 309 NINE MONTHS' SERVICE. 132d KEGIMENT. COMPANY A. This company was from Montour county and was mustered into August 15, 1802. The Regiment was at South Moun- the service tain, Antietara, record is first Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. rate. When were nuistered out with tlie not otherwise Its war men Clinton W. accounted for the Company, May 24, 1863 Neal, of Bloorasburg, was Quartermaster of the Regiment. Joseph E. Slireve, Captain, promoted to major September 18^ 1862. Charles E. Norris, Captain, G. W. Vangilder, 1st Lieutenant, discharged on surgeon's certifi- cate October 26, 1862. Tliomas Maxwell, Charles A. 1st Lieutenant. Meylert, 2d Lieutenant, missing since February 22, 1863. Edward W. Roderick, 2d Lieutenant. David Shutt, 1st Sergeant. J. M. llassenplug, 1st Sergeant, killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Jolin S. Ware, Sergeant. Isaac D. Crewett, Sergeant. Michael Kessler, Sergeant, wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. George Lovett, Sergeant. Jacob II. Miller, Sergeant, discharged Jauuaiy 30, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862Joseph H. Nevins, Sergeant, discharged on surgeon's certificate March 6, 1863. Daniel Vanronk, Sergeant, killed at Antietam September 17, 1862, Jacob lit'dfield. Corporal, wounded at^Chaucellorsville, Virginia, May 3, 1863. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COlfNTY. 310 Jjinies VVilliiuns, CA)ri>()r;il. Conrad S. Atcii, Corjjoval. George Snyder, Corj)c)ral, absent, siek Alexander Huntingdon, Corporal. Samuel Stall, Corporal. Henry Vincent, at muster out. Corporal. flohn tlarig. Corporal. Charles Flick, Cor|)oral, discharged December (i, iy(t2, for wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Nathan F. Lightner, Corjioral, discharged on surgeon's certificate December, 18()l>. William C. McCormick, Corporal, discharged March 1, 1863, for 8 wounds received at FredericksV>urg, December 13, 1862. Henry L. Schick, nuisician. Ai)pleman, Amos, Private. Arnwine, Sylvester W. wounded at Antietam. Adams Henry, died September 22 of wounds received at Antietam September 17, 1862. Beaver Arthur W. Bookmiller Jacob, wounded at Chancellorsville May 3, 1863. Blee Franklin G. Black Jeremiah. wounded Carroll William, at Chancellorsville May 3, 1863. Cooper Sanniel E. deserted October 22, 1862. Devine Franklin. Davis William. Dye Sanuiel \'. discharged on surgeon's certificate April Earp William jr., wounded at Chancellorsville. Easton James S. Eggert Hiram. 8, 1863. Feidel Joseph. Flickinger Samuel. Foin John B. A. Foster James. Fitzsiiumons C. W. Fields John L. J^Vancis George, discharged on surgeon's certificate 1862. Goodall Thomas. November 15, IflSTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 311 Gulicks Samuel. Gibson John, killed Hale .Josei»li. Hunt George E. PIornl)er2. Oliver I'alnier, Bloomsburg. " wounded at Fredericksburg, Virginia, Josiah Keedy, December ,I(>ii!i 13, 18G2. Bloomsburg. Ivoadarmel, " Isaac Roadarmel, C'harles W. Snyder. Frederick M. Staley, •' " George W. Sterner, Edward C. (Treene, Amasa W'liiteniglit, '• corporal, 10 " wounded land, September 17, 1802. Samuel Wood, Orangeville, corporal David Kuckel, " George W. Howell, Charles W. 25tli February, 1803. " Lazarus, killed at Antietam, Maryland, September 17, 1802. Ilayman, deserted August Samuel R. Johnson, Orangeville. .losepli S. Hiram F. Jesse M. ginia, Kline, " llowell, " July 8, 30, 1802. died near Falmouth, Vir- 1803. Elwood W. Coleman, Orangeville. Levi H. Priest, Josiah Benton. " Stiles, Thomas O. Kline, II. Ti'eller, Lenmel Mood, absent, sick at muster out. Orangeville. " Sanmel Krickbaum, Francis M. Lutz, F. J. 1802. Antietam, Mary- " :MutHey. Daniel Markle, Wm. November at " Lewisburg. Lightstreet. Lafayette Applegate, Sereno. W. H. Hunter, Sereno. Joseph Lawton, Pine. John Lawton, Lsaac M. Lyons, " " HIiSTORY OF COTAJMnTA COUNTY. 31;5 Joseph W. Lyons, Pine. Leonard Bciii^Ie, Mordansvillc. " Henry M. Sands, Hiram M. Hroat, Jerseytown. Clark Price, Lime Rid!:;e. James F. Trump, Jacob W. Homboy. Isaiah S. Hartman, l^^!^]>y'' " died October 1(5, of Antietam, Maryland, September 17, 1862. Jeremiah Keece, prisoner from May Hd to May wounds received at Samuel M. Vanhorn, Greenwood, 10, 1863, Thomas certificate Harmony buried in C'arutliers, C'hestnut February 1 o, dieromoted to 1st mustered out with company John I. C. Karns, August May 25, 1862, 29, 1863. promoted to Corporal 1863, mustered out with company May 29, 1863. George Nicholas, promoted to Corporal March 1, 1863, out with company May Boone Samuel W., Bowman Joseph Eves John P., J, mustered 29, 1863. nnistered out with P., nnistered company May out with conii)aiiy died December 18 of wounds icksburg, Virginia, March December 13, 1862. 29, 1863. May 29, 1863. received at Freder- IIIS 320 TOUT OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Fhn-k Williiuu A., imistored out with company May 29, 1SG3. Fox Isaiah, wounded and captured at Fredericksburg, Va Dec. 1802, died at Kichnjoud, Virginiii, January 10, IStuV , Hirlenian David G mustered out with company May 29, 1863. Kitchen Joseph H., mustered out with company May 29, 1863. Mott Samuel M., discharged on surgeon's certificate March 10, , 1 803. Puff Jacob, mustered out with company May 29, 1863, and never heard of since Kemley Daniel II , died in hospital Jiear Belle Plain Lauvling of fever. Khone Livingston, mustered Vansickle J. 11 , Vanilerslice T. J out with com}>any ^lay 29, 1863. mustered out with company May 29, 1803. , musteied out with company May 29, 1863. with company May 2\^, 1863. Van>ickle Aaron M., nuistrred out Wright Thomas, nnistered out with company May 29, 1803. On the 26th of August the Kegiment was one of the cordon of defenses of Washington. Thence to Sharpsburg, Warrenton, Brooks Station, ^Vhile Oak Church and Falmouth. In the battle of hVederioksburg the Regiment lost 140 in killed, wounded and missing. It wa-* out on the lorsville at it lost several Mud March. In the l)attle men, and saw hard lighting. Harrisburg, the 29th of May 1863. i^\h 1 y of Chancel- Mustered out JI J STORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 321 ONE YEARS SERVICE. 74Tn RKOIMENT. COMPANY A. Recruited in Columbia county. Those marked with a * in Wyoming county. Samuel J. Poalor, Marcli \?>, I8O0, discharged May 8, 1865. " promoted from iHt. LieutenJohn W. lieisliline, ant to Captain July 1, I8G0, mustered out witii company August 29, 1865. *Joiin F. Miller, March tenant, July 1865. 1, 13, 1865, promoted from 2d. to Ist. Lieu- *John Beikler, September 6, 1861, promoted from Sergeant Company K. to 2d. Lieutenant, July 2, 1865. William Saunders. March 4, 1865. •Charles B. Fisher, " Hagenbuch, February " Brown, Hiram Isaiah 21, 1865. W RoV>ert C. Parks, " Fred M. Staley, February Albf^rt Series, Walter Moulton, John Lemon, Francis W. 17, 1865. " " " Jones, February 25, 1865. Severn B. Palmer, March 1, 1865. Nelson Williams, February 7, 1865. William Peck, Samuel B.Anderson, March 4, 1865. " Charles W. Wood, Abbott William, discharged by general order May Beers David, March 4, 1865, 12, 1865. IIi;ST01iY 322 OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Blakely Alex R. March 10, I8G0. " Butters Comfort E., " Booue Samuel W., *Burlingauie A. G., Buckalew A. G., Bower Jonas M., Brittain Frank, Brines Charles, March Betz William S., " " " 4, I860. " Baker (Charles, Bean Benjamin F., Fehruary 16, 1865. Brown James M., March 10, 1865, died ginia, May at Beverly, West Vir- 14, 1865. Cain Pliilip, February 9, 1865. Cain Michael, February 10, 1865. Case James B.. March 4, 1865. Creveling Clark, March 10, 1865. John, " Campbell William D., Clu'onias Nathan, Eveland Peter, Emory Hervey, Fox Lloyd, February " " L'aden Finley Martin, March " " 2, 4, 1865. 1865. March 4, 1865. Fox George. March 10, 1865. Fowler Miles B., Howey William, February 16, 1865. Herson James, February 16, 1865. Hufnagle George F., February 9, 1865. Hartman David, March 10, 1865. Hill Abram, March 10, 1865. Henrie Francis S., March 10, 1865. « Herring Alex B., Mahlon B., Hicks Holligan Patrick, March 10, 1865, discharged by general order May 29, 1 865. James John C, March 4, 1865. Kelchner E. A., March 4, 1865. Kishbauch William, March 10, 1865. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 323 Kline John C, Miirch IJ, 186.5. Lantz John, March 4, 186.5. May Joseph, February 21, I860. Miimmey March March Israel, Miller Cyrus U., " B Miller Joseph 10, 1865. 4, 186.5. , " Markle Joseph, *Mellon Jacob May F., February 16, I860, discharged by general order 24, I860. Nathan E., February 16, 186.5. *McNeal Ilervey, March 4, 1865. *Miller Oliver Aithur, " Oman Henry " F., R March 0, 1 865. " Pohe Stephen, *Rasty Peter, March 4, 1865. *liuckey Emanuel, Ma.ch 4, 186.3. Price Wesley 1 , Robins Abram V., February 9, i860 W, February 27, 1865. Shipnian William A., February 21, 1865. Shultz J.'iraes. February 21, 1865. Stiller George P. March 10, 1865. Stahl John W., Rol)ins William Shaffer Winfield Suit Alonzo S., Febru iry 9, 1365 Swank Wilson, February 9, 1865. *Thompsou James M., March 4, 1865. *Titus George W., March 4, 1865. Trons'.ie .)., George, March 10, 1865. Truni;) Charles W., Marcli Williams 4, 1865. February 10, 1865. Wertmaii Willoughby, March 4, 1865. Williams Montgomery, Match 10, 1865, discharged by general der .Joliii, May or- 24, 1865. Zinnnerman George, March 10. 1865. This company was assigned to the seventy-fourth in March 1865. It was at th.at time on guard and garrison duty on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, with headquarters at Green Spring. T.ie regiiU-M: procejdv-vl thence by rail to Webster, from which TTTSTORY OF COLUMBIA 324 COUNTY It remained at the last named place place it marched to Beverly. on picket and guard duty fi'om April 8, to May 12, when ordered Subsequently the headquarters were at Parkersto ClarkslDiirg. V)'irg. wlience it did guard duty along the Parkersburg branch of It Avas mustered out of serthe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. vice at Clarksburg, August 29, 1865, Avhence it returned to Pittsburgh, where it disbanded. All the men not otherwise accounted for, Avere mustered out with the company. 103d RKGIMENT. COMPANY B. llecruited in Bloorasburg. George H. Jones, Captain. E. B. Yordy 1st Lt. Win. E. Sterner, 2d Lt. John G. Gilroy, 1st Sgt. Frank B. Gibson, Sgt. H. C Hartman, Sgt. Alvah Wolcott, Sgt. Shannon, Sgt. Jos. L. Jones Richard, Krumm Amos, Andrew Klett T. Kline Harmon, Kunkle Charles, Kitchen Isaac H. Long John, Morris Robert, Elias Hoffman, Corp. Mittever William, Thomas Moyer Philip Jacob Wm. B. "Williams, Corp. W. Fisher, Corp. Thomas, Corp. John Cox, Corp. Jacob F. Fox, Corp. C S. Millard Samuel May J. William, I Mears John B. Nuss Isaac, Albertson David, Owens John, Powell John D. Powell Abiathan, Auman Penman John, Chester Marr, Corp. A. M. Cad wall ader, Corp. Ananias, Bodine Henry F. Braut George, Richart John Rooney . C Patrick, Brian David, Reiswick Well H. Bennett Abraham, Rehm Brink Dennisoii, Boice Daniel, Reichelderfer Michael, Bradshaw Chas. John, Roanoke Island N. deserted. 1865. died at C. April 18, IIISTOliY Stiner Jacob, Sands William, • Diley Abel, Shijie Jonas, Evans Thomas, Evans John W. Evans James D. Shaffei- Harrison, Snyder George I. Siout Valentine, Stephenson John Freas B. \^. Golder Henry, \\. Moses Snyder Joseph, Stiff llower Azima V., Summers Jesse, sick out— absent. Thornton Hiram W, Hopkins Thomas, Hart Charles, Heist Gideon, at muster Terwilligor William, Howell William, Hendershott Frederick, Trout William, Vannatta Benj. Kitchen Eli, Van Liew Peter, Williams George. Hartzell Jacob, Heist John, Hess Sliadrack, Jones John C. Jones Franklin, into the service during the montlis and attached to the 103d Regiment. They were mustered out of the service at Newbern, North Carolina, June 2o, 1865. The company was mustered of FrlMiiarv and March, ISO.'), 209th REGIMENT. COMPANY Recruited in Anril 20th. Thence to City Point, thence to Alexandria, where it went into camp, and on May 31, 1865, was muster- ed out. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 330 CHAPTER XXVIII. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. REGIMENT. 3oTIl SIXTH RESERVES. COMPANY A. "the iron (iUAKDS." William \V. liicketts, April 22, '61, promoted Colonel to July 27, 1861. Wellington H. Ent, April '61, 'I'l, promoted to Major Septem- ber 21, 1862. Samuel Waters, April , 27. 1861, to wounded 1865, muster H Isaac '61, "2.'!^ Captain March promoted to 2d. Lieutenant July 1863, to brevet Bethesda Church, at May Major March I'l, '61, 22, '61, resigned October 16, 1861. })romoted from 1st Sergeant to Lieutenant April 24, 1863, to brevet captain, March Samuel Knorr, April Harrison 13, 30, 1864, absent at out. Seesholtz, April Albion B. Jamison, April 1st 1, J. 22, '61, 13, 1865. resigned October 25, 1862. Conner, April 22, 1861, promoted from sergeant to 1st Lieutenant March 1, 1868, to brevet 1st Lieutenant March 13, 1865. James Stanley, April 22, '61, })romoted to 1st. Sergeant Api'il 15, 1863. W. S. Margerum, April George W. Mears, July November 22, '61. 8, '61, wounded at 27, 1863, absent in hospital at George R. Gensel, April 22, '61, New Hope muster Church out. discharged on Surgeon's December 6, 1862. R. W. Bowman, April 22, '61, discharged March wounds received in action. certifi- cate 9, 1863, for ni;sTonY of Columbia county. Amos Gensel, May v., Uriah v., B. \\. A})!'!! 31, 1SG4. 2i', transferred to 8, '61, regiment, P. 191st. regiment, P- promoted '61, 22, to Sergeant Major 22, 1861. Charles H. Brockway, April 22, 43(1. 191st. Veteran. 31, 1864. ITayhurst, April R. June to Veteran. Burkert, July May transferred 'Gl, 331 '61, transferred to Battery F' regiment P. V., date unknown. W illiam k. Snyder, July 13. '61. Joseph R. Hess, April 22, '61. Randolph llayman, July 13, '61, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps date unknown. — Marks B. Hughes, April 22, Benjamin F. Sharpless, July William ]\IcNeal, ^Vpril 22, cate September 6, 1861. John C. Clark, April V, May 'I'l., May 31, 13, '61. '61. discharged on surc'eon's transferred '61, to certifi- 191st. regiment, P. Veteran. 31, 1864. George Whitesides. July P. v., '61. 1864 8, '61, transferred to 191st. regiment, Veteran. S. Furman, July Corps October 28, 1863. 13, '61, transferred to U. Daniel M. Patterson, April 22, '61, died Chester March S. Signal 31, 1862. George M. Demorest. April 22. '61, died September 23, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Harman A. Shuman. Ai»ril 22, '61, . Nolton Meury, April V, of Columbia county irrsToin' 334 '61. 22, transforrod 191st to rogiiuont P. Voteran. :^[ly ;>K 18()4. Palmer William II., April 22, *(il, discharged on surgeon's eertirtcate June 4, 1804. Price William H., April 22. "01. discharged June 17. 1863, for wounds received in action. Quimby Frank ,]., April 22. '61, discharged oh surgeon's certiti cate February o, 1S63. Raup William. April 22, Ross David April A^, May S., ]\clir Franklin, August for S., wounds received Staler February Henry Schwaderer died of Signal S. '61, 13, P., April F., 13, 1863 discharged March 30, 1863, at Fredericksburg, 22, April 0. wounds Marcli '61. April 22. 'I'l, December discharged April "(il, at Fredericksburg, Seitzinger Ludwdg, tificate U. '61. Strausser Franklin, April wounds received transferred to '61, 11, '62, Shortz Abraham, April 22, Leonard regunent P. 191st to 18, 1863. Sterling Bait is, July 13, Stineman transferred July 23, li., Corps I)cccnd)er '61, Veteran. 31, 1864. Ramsay James \\\. 22, '61, December 13, 1862. lo, 1863. for 13, 1862. discharged on surgeon's cer- 1863. 31, '61, deserted April 25, '61, Saptetuber 21, 1862. deserted August 21, 1862— Schuylkill county. Smith Ashabel W., April Waher Reuben ed Felu-uary II., 5, 22, '61. April 12, '(>!, not on muster discharged 22, '61. 2.), C, Ajjril 22, '61, killed at o.i Surgeon's l)raines\ ille 1861. Wit. nan Jamc> receiv- discharged on Surgeon's cer- Waters George, .\pril '>>, '61. WhitenighL P. 0, April 22, '6J, discharged ficate October 18, 1862. ber wounds 1863. Tremble Georg.' W., April tilicaie Noveuiber20. '6:i. Walter Sanmel roll. for F., July 13, '61, died Septeaiber 1, 1801. certi- Decem- Ills TO n Jerciniuli \<)n\\\f August Corj>8 F COL UMB IA CO UNT Y. () traiisfril to :^S "> U. S. Signal 21, 18G1. iVlexander, April Zeigler June Y '01, 32, innslcicd out with coinpuiiy 11, 1864. OUIfilNAI. MKMr.KICS — NOT IN liATKs' IIl.STOUY. Gelkiu Frank, uiiaccountcMl U)V. Getkii) Jerciiiiah, unaccounted for. C'roKsley .John Willanl A, Lunj^er ISenjaniin Smith Hee 12th. I AiiLCUHtuti, returne(l I^eter !>., 2<1. F., unu<;counte(l unaccounted lietz J<»hn, unaccounted On Thursday, June J-Jloornsburg the names: for. for. ii>r. 14, 1804, and had an loi'. for. Jiowman Joseph P.. unaccounted Vox Aaron, unaccounted for. Jirown John, unaccounted F Artillery. J3attery with conijjiiny .June 14, 1864. Col. Wellington II. returned to ''The Iron Guards'" e thusiastic reception. Ent, The following Adjutant George S. are Cole- man, First Lieutenant A. J). Jameson, Second Lii^utenant H J. Conner, commanding company. Sergeants James Stanley, W. S. Margerum, Corj)orals W. II. Snyder, Benjamin F. Shar|)less, Joseph K. Hes.s, Marks B. Hughes, Privates Charles Achenbach, H. C. Bowman, Alfred Eck, Thomas Griftiths, Henry Gotschall, Wil- Theodore Mendenhall, A. W. iMann, Baltis Sterling, George Waters, Nelson Bruner, Joseph S. Eck, Charles S. Fornwald, Samuel G. Gottschall, P. S. Hamlin, J. II. Hughes, J(jhn Kern, Augustus Willard, William Ilaup, Abliam Ilollingshead, Sylvester Hower, raham Shorl/, Alexander Col. IJicketts died at Zigler, Emanuel Kurtz. August 10, Oningeville, 1862, having been discharged on surgeon's certificate F'ebruary 27, 1862. Wellington II. Ent was promote, Pa., and on the 22d was ordered by the way of Harrisburg and Baltimore to Washington. It was nmstered into the service of the United States July 27, 1861. On It was assigned to the Third lirigade of McCall's Division. December 20th the battle of Drainesville was fought, in which the Reserves won the lieserves in their tirst all their almost a history of the victory. movements war. It is imjjossible to follow and marches. It would be On the 13th of .lune, 1862. it emOn the 2hth it was abandoned barked for White House, ^' a. and the stores burned, and the army fell back, McOlellan having been beaten in the Seven Days' tight. The regiment reached The last days of July Harrison's Landing on the 1st of July. came the three days' mameuvreing tight at AVarrenton. After the Second liull Hun the Regiment moved towards South Mountain and took position on the extreme right. They performed a gallant service in capturing the rebel position on the mountain top, and the next two days were in the victory gained by McClellan at And so it continiu'd in march counter marcli and drill Antietam. due course moved on toward Fredericksburg, in which It made the celebrated battle it took a very prominent part. from Fairfax Station moved "Mud March," and on the 25th June Thence to Falling Waters, campaign. in the Gettysburg to join and in l\appahannock, Bristoe Station, New Hope Church, through the campaign of the Wilderness, and on to the battle at Bethesda Church, fought after its term <>f enlistment had expired, and gaining a signal victory, it started for Harrisburg 1 June, 1864, where it was mustered out on the 11th of the same month, with a military reputation unsurpassed by any in the service. -*»^ HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. COMPANY K. SIXTH RKSEUVKS. Recruited in Montour county. Mahlon K. Manley, May cate March 22, 18G3. May Charles Richart, 14, 14, 'fil, May Iloni, from Ist certifi- Lieutenant to brevet Major, March 13, I860. discharged on Surgeon's certificate '61, 14, ])roraoted 'Gl, Captain Au^nist 27, 1863, John discharged on Surgeon's 337 Sei>tember 27, 1862. Joniah Mull, May '61, 14, promoted from Sergeant October 11, 1861, to 2d Lieutenant April 13, 18G3. George W. Deen, May 14, '61, promoted to 1st Sergeant May 15, 1863, Commissioned 2d Lieutenant March 21, 1863,not nmstered, mustered out with Company June 11, 1864. Joel Metz, Thomas May 27, Sergeant. '61, Levers, June 1861, to Sergeant April William \. Moyer, May 15, May burg, Virginia, 14, '61, Kriner, May Corporal April missing in May 6, 1862, Sergeant '61, 14, action at Fredericks- 1862. discharged May 26, 1862, for accidentally. May 14, '61, transferred to 191st Regiment 31, 1864, Veteran. Abraham Wand, May May '61, 14, 13, William E. Ackey, House, 15, 1862. December wounds received P. v.. 6, 1863. Nicholas Frieze, AVilliam May promoted to Corporal July '61, 26, 14, 12, 1864, '61, wounded at Spottsylvania Court absent at General Hospital, Washington, D. C. at muster out. William Lezerve, May 14, '61. William E Gillespie, June 20, '61, transferred to IQlst Regiment P. V. May 31, 1864, Veteran. H. Kustenbather, July ,11 '61, transferred to 191st Regiment P. V. May 31, 1864, Veteran. — LoHUt, Jolui .Inly 11, M;iy JU, ISO v., 1*. Aaron May Edwin .Iiiiic 2"), '(il, May May May Lockliart, May 14, f rniisicncd to lOlst '(;i, killed Hrllicsda (Mnircli, at Vir- traiisrcncd to '(>2, 1*. V. U'i>j, at KN'^inicnt l!)lst :n, iMdI. 27, '()1, Moniidcd, Hristoo Station, Yiroinia, Octolx'v 11, 1 witli loss of S()3, al)seiit, in liospital, nnistcr ont. May Buttles William, V. IJc^imciil, 11, T.l. 1, Adrrlioldl Kaiiu'st, .hdy at Kcoitnciil P. V. 1!»lst. ISdl, N'ctcraii. 'M), Kicliart, April .1. to ;U, 1S()1, VctiMMn. II. (Jil)soii, liiiiia, tr:iiisf«"rr('.l '(il. Vctonm. I, 'riiiiddcus S. Smith, Eli or ('OLUMIUA COl^NTY. IllSTOlir 888 May Brown James Eebruary July 28, Mareli Bin<;inan May 11., 2'), '(11, May 21, '(>!, (leoioc, 12, discliarnt'd diseliaro-ed May 11, May 14, Y)l, deserted '(il, (ieoi-^-e. ;U, 18(il, June (>, on Siirj^-eon's ceil ificate, on Suro«M)n's certilieate, disc'liavi^ed (Jliaplain Orvill, Elinn James, H, '(12. 1*. V. "(il, disehar:ed on Surneon's ecrtiticate, 20, lH(il. May 20, '(12, diseharged on Surtjoon's Grill Josiah, 1 II, '(il. 1, January 2!), lH(i2. Davis John, June 21, '(!1. Darfus John, May It, '(il, absent Erant'is Tliomas, September Veteran. February November on Sui'^con's certiru'ate transferred to IDlst lu'giment '(51, C^innin<:;liam Robert, M:iy May 1*. 1H()8. I'lironistcr .lolm \V., ,lune cate, KN^inuMit traiisfciTcd to llUst '()!. (\)wdt'n SanuH'l, May '(11, 12, 1S()2. Bailey Olney, Bowman 25, 81, 1.S04, Vctovan. June 20, '(il, — date unknown wounded in certitioate, December transferred action to IDlst 19, 18(>2. Iveoinient 31, 18(54, Veteran. Garner Autjustus, July 20, Hare Joseph, :\lay 14, '61. Jlilgert Jacob, May 16, '61. '(Jl, deserted February 11, 1S(!2. P. V. nisTonv OF coiAjMiiiA bounty. H:it(:iii ( M:iy 21, !li;iil<'S, May Ilfisiicr Il(!iiry, wouikIh received til 14, 1 ;il of riiiistci- out, (liscli:irctol)er ille, Karigiier, (iottleib, wonnds recived May 2. 1 May 1804, died 20, 804, grave 11, discharged March 14, '01, at Veteran. Hi;}. 18, 18(52, for in action. Kie/er John, July 20, '01, discharged on surgeon's (;(;rtiiicate, Feh- rnaiy 17, 1802. Krclner CJeorge, wounds May .'iO, discharged '01, March 28, 18(j.'}, lor receiv(!d in a(;tion. May 14, '01, d(!S(;rte(l Augnst 28, 1802. King James II., Marcli 11), '64, not on muHter out roll. Lucas Abraham, May 25, '01, committed suicide at (yaiiij) Tenally K, Ott OF rrrsv'onv 'Ml ooLir.u/ifA (lorrNrr. tlischiirt^cd l»y '(>1, 27, Aiijfust onlcr, sid'ciiil 18(52. Al|)li(Mis I)., .Inly February 2!), '()1, 10, tlitul Brisloi' at Slatioii, Virll I'orry, .luly by dist^liarocd '(il, ">, August order, sjiocial 11, IS()2. I'l-'uu' Abraliam, August tember Richard John lvou|» Jonas, ()., May May 11, killcil South :it iMouiilaiii, (il, absent in hospital at action inissinii; in '(>1, Kose .Toseph, May 14, December 12, 1H()2. lH(il, iiiustt'r out. at liethesda (^hnrch. IStil. ;{(), Keinhardt Kdniund. June 2."), '(il, transl'crrcd to ]». v., May .*n, lH(i4. Veteran. Shedon Sep- absi'nt, in hospital at nnistfi- out. 2r), '(il, Ivantz Isaac, .Inly 20, May 2(i, '(>!, 14, IH02. May .John, 11, discharged .'(il, wounded '(il, absent, in hosjiital, at muster at on regiineni l!Hst- surij^eon's certilicati>, Helliesda Church, May 12. out. May 11, '(U. May 14, '(il. Staub 1-onrad, Shult/, .John, Springer June 8, Sintijhiser cate, C\)nr:ul, M:iy 14, '(il, discharoed on suri^con's certilicale, 18G2. Theodore, .luue February "(il, d (i, on surgeon's certili- 13, 18(i;?. ISevarts (lotleib, .June (i, '(il, discharged April 20, ISd.S, for \voun1, I, 'Ik'I May Welliv«'i- 'riiDiii.is, Wagner Otto, .Inno Wagner 1, I cate .January May H, on surgeon's certificate discharged on surgeon's cH-rtilicate 27, '(il, tlischarged on surgeon's (H-rtili- May 14, sjucial order, disch irged "(il, i»y II, 1H02. , 7, iliscliargcd 1802. Walter Joseph, July her (il, 11, '01, August C'hi'istoplier, August 7, '(Jl. IH(i:i. WillianiH (iecu-ge, Woods C, August SOI. ('luist ian, April 20, VVasliiiigtoii, J). '(il. 1, '(il. Wi'sl Christ inn, August 27, J)e(H-nil)er iit 2'), 12, '(il, 1, "01. died at (ieorgetinvu, JJ. C, Septeni- iSOl. Weaver Joseph, June killed at South Mountain Septemlxr 14, 1802. Walls John, July 21, '01, deserted August M, 1802. Vordy Williani '1'., May 14, "01. '01, deserted June 4, 18GI1 Zeihe Wilkins Iv., June 'j, l''roni J)r:iines\ ille to JH'thesda ( hurch, hy JNlountain, Frederickshurg, (iettyshurg, the way of Soutlj and .Sj»ottsylvania Court House gatliering daily greener lauiels, is glory enough for Clonipany E., of the Si.xtli Reserves. 'I'lii- company was mustered out and of service June 11, 1804, witli an unstained military rec(;rd discharged. thus all tlie men not otherwise accounteil for weie ; ; HISTOIiY OF COLUMBIA 342 COUNTY I'OUTV-TIURI) UKCIMKXT. FIRST ARTlLV.KnY. BATTKRY K. COLIMT.IA ANO MONTOUR. R. Bruce Ricketts, mnstored tenant August cember John 1, to F. Campbell, nuistered May 1S65. July 8, 'Gl, Captain May promoted 8, to Hrat Lieu- 1863, to Major, De- in July 8, '61, promoted to second Lieutenant December 1, 1864, I860, mustered out with Battery June 20, 1864, to first Captain April to in breveted Colonel. 180-4. Lieutenant, 9, 5, 18(il, 17. Veteran. Charles B. Brockway, mustered in July 8, '61, jtromoted to second Lieutenant February 28,1862, to first Lieutenant March 16,1863, commissioned Captain November 30, 1864, not mustered, brevet Captain March 13,1865, discharged October 22,1864. Veteran. Henry Wireman, imistered in July 8, '61. promoted to first Lieutenant December 6, 1864, mustered out with battery June 9, Veteran. 1865. William H. Thurston, mustered in July 8, '61, promoted to first Lieutenant, A}»ril 22, 1865, mustered out with battery June 9, Veteran. 1865. Francis H. Snyder, mustered in July 8, '61, promoted to second Lieutenant January 31, 1864, Avounded at Mine Run, Virginia, discharged October 8, 1864. George W". Mowrer, mustered in July 8th, 1861, promoted to second Lieutenant, April 22, 1865, mustered out with battery June Frank 9, P. 1865. Veteran. Brockway, mustered seco.id Lieutenant tery June 9, 1 865. December Veteran. in January 1, '62, promoted to mustered out with bat- 21, 1864, — HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. WiHiiiiu Truiup, mustered II. July in tered out^with battery June 1865. 9, 8, '61, first 343 Sergeant, mus- Veteran. Stephen K. Hidgeway, mustered in December 30, '61, Quartermaster Sergeant, mustered out with battery June 9, 1865. Veteran. William B. Melick, mustered July in 6, '61, discharged on Sur- geon's certiticate July 18, 1862. Albert Ilerbein, mustered battery June 9, August in 5, '61, mustered out with Veteran. 1865. Franklin Ilouser, mustered in January 27, Veteran. battery June 9. 1865. mustered out with '62, il. Christian, mustered in July 8, '61, w^ounded at Gettysburg July 2, 1863, mustered out August 8, 1864. Jacob S. Yurdy, mustered in July 8, '61, mustered out with batVeteran. tery June 9, 1865. Jacob M. larman, mustered in March 9, '64, mustered out with battei'y June 9, 1865. Appleman Cyrus B., March 15, '64, wounded at Tolopotomy May 31, 1864, mustered out with battery June 9, 1865. Fause Thomas E., mustered in July 8, '61, mustered out with bat- John I tery June 9, Veteran. 1865. Fox Jacob, mustered July in Washington, D. (1 Gotschall William, mustered battery June 9, 1865. 8, '61, died October 16, 1862, at February in 1, 64, Garringer Charles, mustered in February 21, ington, D. Haag JacoV), June 9, C, September mustered 1865. Hughes Mason A., died at Wash- 8, '61, mustered out with battery Veteran. B., mustered with battery June Hart Johu '64, 11, 1864. July in mustered out with in February 27, '64, mustered out 1865. 9, mustered in July 8, 1864, mustered out at expira- tion of term. Harder I'riestly S., mustered in December Veteran. out January 23, 1865. Need FraiK-is, mustered exjtiratioii of in 8, '61, discharged '61, May mustered 31, 1864 term. Powell Williuin, nuistered certitii;ate July 31, February in July 10, 1863. 8, '61, discharged on Surgeon's 344 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Rake John G., tery June 9. mustered 1 865. in Jiiniiary Roberts Josiah K., mustered witli battery June 9, 1865. Rake Isaac, March 26, 1, '64, mustered out with bat- Veteran. nnistered in in July February 1, '61, 64, miistered out 10, transferred 1864, mustered out with the battery Remline Francis, mustered Slii}»inan Charles, mustered in in July 5, "61, July 8, '61, Veteran. tery June 9, 18()5. Shoemaker .John, mustered in January to June Battery G. 29, 1865. not on muster roll. mustered out with bat- 22, '62, dischargeil on Sur" geon's certilicate. Savage Charles N., mustered in January 1, '62, deserted October 16, 1862. Thompson Edward, nmstered in December 26, '61, killed at An- tietam September 17, 1862. Weaver John July 8, '61, on detached service as F'., mustered in Regimental Hospital Steward. The above are all certainly ascertained to belong to Columbia Battery F participated with distinguished gallantry or Montour. and efficiency in the following engagements, viz Winchester Second Bull Run, Chantilly, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Bristoe Station, Mine Run, VVildernessj Spottsylvaiua, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Cold Harbor, Petersburg and Deep Bottom, a roll of battles of which they may well be proud, as well as of the additional fact that they remained in the service till the war was over, always doing their work thoroughly : and taking it as it came, tlie march, the battle or the prison, with which Capt. Brockwuy has had close acquaintance. all of HISTORY OF COLUMBIA C0UN2Y. 345 FIFTY- Sl'XOND REGIMENT. COMPANY RECRUITER William Silver, Captain, IN COLUJIBIA September May '63, 19, COUNTY. 16, '61, resigned July 17, '62- promoted from Adjutant to mustered out January 27, '65 expira- Nathan W. Pierson, August Captain G. 15, '61, — tion of term. Augustus 2% W. Kush, 1st Sergeant, September 16, '61, resigned July '62. Timotliy Mahony, November Lieutenant, August to 1st 4, 1, '61, promoted from 1st Sergeant mustered out November 5, '62, expiration of term. '64, John S. Marcy, November 4, '01, dismissed September 21, '64. James W. Evans, November 4, '61, promoted from Sergeant to Ist Sergeant, Ai)ril 9, '65, to 2d Lieutenant June 3, '65, mustered out with company July 12, '65. Veteran. Richard Shepherd, November 4, '61, promoted from Sergeant to 1st Sergeant January 1, '64, mustered out November 5, '64, expiration of term. "W. ^V'. Snyder, '64 to March November 4, '61, Sergeant November 26, '65. piomoted to Corporal April 9, Commissioned 1st Lieutenant 6, '64, Veteran. William H. Johnson, November 4, '61, promoted to Corporal November 6, '64, to Sergeant April 3, '65, Veteran. John J. Dasher, September 24, '63, drafted, promoted to Sergeant November 6, '64. George Besli, November 4, '61, promoted to Corporal January 1^ '64, to Sergeant November 6, '64. Wesley Cooper, November 4, '61, promoted 1, '64. to Sergeant January HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 346 William Shultz, November geant January 1, '64. 4, '61, promoted from Corporal Thomas Slaughbaugh, November 4, '61, discharged to Ser- November wounds received at Fair Oaks, Virginia, May William S. Stark, March 11, '64. promoted to Corporal June Henry C. Mott, November 4, '61, promoted to Corporal June 18, '62, for 31, '62. 18,'64. 18,'64, Urias Trate, October 26, 63, drafted, pi-omoted to Corporal William Adams, November ber November November Corporal Novem- 6, 24, '63, drafted, promoted 29, '63, drafted, promoted to Corporal to Corporal '64. H. Rummerfield, November 4, '61, promoted to Corporal Novem- 6, '64. Lewis H. Breeze, March 17, Caleb Creasy, November 4, '64, '61, promoted to Corporal May 8, '65, promoted to Corporal, January '64. William H. Robbins, November uary 1, '64. W. to '64. 6. David Eberts, September ber promoted 4, '61, 7, '64. Jacob Ebliug, September 1, May '65. 1, November Weathervvalks, 4, '64, 4, '61, promoted to Corporal Jan- discharged on surgeon's certificate April 9, '62. Charles E. Bohl, November Adam« Noah, November 4, '61. Anderson William, September Ace George, October Bush Jacob, October Veteran. Veteran. 4, '61. 23, '63, drafted. 19, '64, drafted. 8, '62 Boyer John, October 24, '63, drafted. Bowers John, October "22, '63, drafted Bunn Samuel, October 17, '63, drafted. Burgher Abram, February 25, '65. Bouch Frederick, July 24, '63, drafted. Blon Nicholas, July 24, '63, drafted. Bumbaugh Andrew, March 20, 1864. Bloom John, March 12, '64 Bumbaugh Andrew^ November, '64, expiration of term. 4 '61, mustered out November 5, HIJSTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 347 November 4, '61, discharged on surgeon's certifiNovember 30, '62. Brown Amos, November 4, '61, killed accidentally at Charleston, Baily Weston. cate South Carolina, February Veteran. 18, '65. Carroll William, Se|)tember 24, '63, drafted. Chatman William, November Carey Chesterfield, October Veteran. 4, '61. 31, '63, drafted. Culver Solomon, Novembers, mustered out November '61, 5, '64, expiration of term. Covey Vincent M., November Davis Edward H„ November 4, '61, deserted March 14, 1862. 12, '63, drafted. Delamp Alamaza, October 24, '62. Dalton Thomas, March 2, '65. Dougherty James, November 4, certificate December 9, '62. '61, discharged on surgeon's Etchells Alfred, July 24. '63, drafted. Engle Stephen, October 15, '63, drafted. Ersenhower M. W., October 28, '63. drafted. Edwards Joseph D., February 27, "65. Early James, March 23, '64. Evans James, November October 4, '61, discharged on surgeon's certificate 19, '62. Fitzgerald Patrick, September 24, Fritz Charles, September 25, Hew George. November 4 "63, drafted. '63. Veteran. '61. Foust Edward, September 24, '63, drafted. Fix James, October 29, '63, drafted. Fitzgerald Walter, March 3, '65. Frederick John, December Galligan John 2d, 1, November Grass Charles, September 23, Gilligan J^hn '64, 1st, November '61, deserted April 4, '61. 5, '64. Veteran. '63, drafted. 4, '61, mustered out November 5, expiration of terra. Gemian Thonias, November 4, '64, discharged on surgeon's cer- tificate April, '63. Gilligan Peter, January 1, '62, mustered out January piration of term. Haines Le;?, drafted. '63. drafted. 4, 'Gl. November 4, '61. November 4, 'Gl, mustered Rozelle P^dward E., Redcay Charles, out November 4, 'G3, expiration of term. Redeay George, November 4, 'Gl, mustered out November 5, '64, ex})iration of term. Ritcli Jolm, October November discharged on Surgeon's certificate 4, '61, 29, '62. November Scott Wesley, Veteran. 4, '61, Sanders George M., November Shu|)p Charles, October la, 4, '61, Veteran. drafted, absent, sick, at muster '63, out. Steinhower Jacob, October 4, '63. drafted. Seibert Franklin, September 24, '63, drafted. Schrick John, August Novembea discharged on Surgeon's certificate 4, '61, 44, '62. Smithers John, Fovember discharged on Surgeon's 4, '61, November 30, '62. Stout Joseph, November 4, certifi- cate Marcli discharged on Surgeon's certificate '61, 8, '62. November Shiner Joseph, mustered out November 4, '61, 5, '64, expiration of term. Stout William H., tificate July November Smith Martin, November ruary discharged on Surgeon's cer- 4, '61, died at Washington, D. C, Feb- 1, '62. Smith John ruary 4, '61, 6, '63. P., November 4, '61, died at Washipgton, D. C, Feb- 8, '62. Shunian Milton, November Swartz John, November Thoui])son A. TI., 4, '01, 4, '61, November deserted September deserted September 4, '61, nuistered out 1, '63. 1, '63. November 5, '64, expiration of term. Thomas June Charles, September 1, '64, discharged by general order 4, '61, discharged on Surgeon's cer- 24, '65. Taylor Dilton N., November tificate September 16, '62. Vanduser James, March 28, '64. : HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. AVilliaiii Curtis, ex|»ir;itioii Welsh .John, November 4, '61, mustered out November 351 4, '64, of term. October 16, '63, drafted, deserted November 1, '64. Columbia county men were among the lirst in the field and the last out, and in every place did credit to themThe Regiment was at first under General selves and the county. Henry M. Naglee, and was in the following engagements, viz Lee's Mills, Bottom's Bridge, and a four days' fight on the advance to Kichmond, Fair Oaks, Mechanicsville, and the line of the Chickahoniiny. In December, 1862, it was sent to North Carolina, in January, '63, to Port Royal in South Carolina, and went through an arduous campaign. They made the assault on Fort Johnson, in July 18G4, led by Colonel, late Governor Hoyt, and A detachment of the if su])i)orted would have catured the place. Many 52<1, of these on the 18th February, '65, planted her flag on Fort Sumter. When Sherman marched through joined him. South Carolina, the Fifty-Second Their march terminated in April, with Johnson's surrender near Raleigh. Thence to Salisbury, N. C, and thence to Harrisburg, and -a tnuster out July 12, '65. JilSTOliY 352 OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. KKiHTV-KOrUTH REGIMENT. COMl'ANY l>. HUUl.EY (iUARl>S. AlcxaiuU'V J. Frick, cuptaiu, mustered in Si'[)tember IS, "01, re- siyiu'd ()(.iol>er 2, '62. George Ziim, eaptaiii, ant eomi>:uiy October B October '61, 1, promoted from 2d lieuleu- lieutenant colonel 2, '62, to December 2o, "63. Alexander O. Thornton, captain, December 2-1, '61, wounded at Fort Tublic June, 9, '62, promoted from 1st seargent to 1st lieutenant October 2, '62, to captain December 28, '62, discharged July 8, "64. John W. liissel, captain, december 9, major to 2d lieutenant December November ber July 26, 16, '63, to captain i)romoted from sergeant '(il, 1862, to 23. 1st lieutenant discharged Decem- '64, 14, 1S64. F/al n. Ent, 1st Lieutenant October 1, '61, resigned October 2,'62. James W. Hunter, August 1, '62, promoted to 2d lieutenant Sep- tember 22, '62, to 1st lieutenant 8e})tember 15, David Larish, December October 17, January 13, '65. '(54, 24, 1861, transferred to ]M. ginia, Clark, October May discharged 23, '62, 3, '63, promoted company G to 1st Lieutenant 57th regiment P. V., Veteran. Calvin MacDowell, August 30, Lewis December '63. 2, '61, '61, resigned June 25, '62. captured at Chancellorsville, Vir- transferred Xo company G, 57th regiment P. v., January 13, '65. William A. Tobias, December 24, '61, not accounted for. James G. Moore, December 24, '61, captured at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863, exchanged, not accounted for. Veteran. Hampson, December 24, '61, not accounted for. Henry Funk, December 24, '61, wounded at Winchester, March Josepli D. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 23, 1862, killed at Josiah Mine Run, IleiiiiiiiLfer, , V'irginia, Noveiiibcr not accounted 3(J, 353 1863. for. James W. Price, December 24, "61, wounded at Winchester, Virginia, Marcn 23, 1863. Chark'H Manning, December 24, '61, wounded at Winchester, Virginia, March 24, 1862. Fred C Hess, December 24. "Gl, transferred to coiniiuny G. ';7th ReLriment P. V. January 13, '6o, promoted to Coi])oral, Veteian. Stephen Johnson, Decemljer Virginia, in May 24, '61, captured National Cemetery, section E, division Pierce Russel, December 24, 18, '62, wounded ferred to '61, promoted Chancellorsville, at June 23, '63, died at City Point, 1, to May at Chancellorsville, Virginia, Company G, 57th Regiment ])romoted to 1st Sergeant January trans- 3, '63, January P. V., 1, '65. buried 19, '64, grave 154. VeteranCorporal February 13, '65, Veteran. Chai'les Sill, DecemV)er 24, '61, not accounted for. Theobald M. Dawson, December 24, '61, captured at Chancellorsfound ville, Virginia, May 3, '63, exchanged, not accounted for in Company G, 57th Regiment P. V. January 1, '64, transferred — to Company William Virginia, P. V. II l*rosser, May January June 10, '65, December 3, '63, Veteran. 24, "61, caj^tured at transferred to Comi)any 13, '65, promoted to Chancellorsville (t, 57th Regiment Sergeant July 1, 64. Veter- an. John F. '64, to Crawford, December 24, March 2, HSi>, '01, August 16, March 7, '65. prisoner from discharged April 13, to date Theodore W. Overpeck, December 21, '61, not accounted for. Roman Dunn, December 24, '61, transferred to Company G 57th. Itegiment P. V. January 13, '65. Apsker (teorge, December 24, '61, not accounted for. Arble James B., December 24, '61, killed at Port Republic,, Virginia, June 9, ''(^2. Albert John, Decend)er 24, '61, died at Washington, D. C, Jidy, '62. Albaugh Henry A., December 24, '61, not accounted for. Bunker Isaiah W., December 24, '61, not accounted for. Barrett Frederick, December 24, '61, promoted to hospital steward. Bowers Cornelius D., December 24, '61, wounded at Winchester, Virginia, March 23, '62, not accounted for. II1.ST0RY 354 Bailey Fr:nu'is Yii-giiiia, January P. V. Deceiubei- 24, J., May OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 3, '03, 13, '01, wounded transferred to ''Q'^. at Chanccllorsville, Company G 57th Ilegiment A'^eteran. Boger Christian, December 24, '61, not accounted for. Benton Anderson, captured at Chancellorsville, May 3, '03. Baish Ephraim, October 7, '^2., wounded at Chancellorsville 3, '63, transferred to Company G May 57th Regiment P. Y. January 13, '65. Biiigaman John, September May January wounded 26, '62, Company G transferred to 3, '63, at Chancellorsville, Regiment P. V. Veteran Reserve Corps March 21, 13, '65, transferred to 57th '65. Clayton James E., December Campbell John Clark John A., accounted for. not accounted for. 24, '61, not Crofut Alonzo D., December 24, December December 24, T., '61, 24, '61, not '61, accounted not accounted for. for. Connelly Patrick, captured at Chancellorsville, May 3, '63. Connell John, transferred to Company G 57th Regiment P. V. January 13, '65, mustered out at expiration of term. Dawson Daniel W., December ville, May Dweany 3, '63, Pliilip, wounded '61, 24, not accounted at Chancellors- for. captured at Cliancellorsville, May 3, '63, died at died Novem- Virginia, '63. Doney Peter, captured at Chancellorsville February Philadelj)hia, Pennsylvania, Eby Jacob, wounded at Chancellorsville ber 3, '04, 3, May 3, '63, buried in National Cemetery, Arlington. Fowler Thomas C, December March May 5, '65. 23, '02, not 24, accounted '61, wounded at Winchester, for. Fowler William R., December 24, '01, killed at Winchester, Virginia, March 23, '62, buried in National Cemetery, lot 10. Fest Henry, December 24, '61, not accounted for. Frank Penrose, December 24, '01, not accounted for. Foster John, December 24, '61, not accounted for. Farley Charles, June 28, 'ti2, transferred to company G, 57th regiment P. V., January 13, '05, discharged by general order June 1, '65. December 23, '61 captured at Chancellorsville transferred to company A, transferred to company Fitzharris Michael, May 3, "63, OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. IIIISTORY G. 57th P. V., regiiiieiit to })roiuottHl 355 sergeant June 10, '65, Veteran. Foust Cornelius, October 7, "G2, transferred to company G, 57th regiment P. V. 13 January '()5, promoted to corporal June 10, '65. Gessner William, September 26,'G2, transferred to company G, 57th regiment P. \ January 13, '05, discharged by geneial order . June 6, '65. Hess Asa Y., December 24, Hess Wilbur F., December 'Gl, Hildebrandt Joseph, December Hilburn May 343. Z. W., December 30, '64, buried not accounted for. 24, '61, not National in for. Virginia, Cemetery, section A, grave Veteran. Harding John, December 24, '61, wounded Holcomb Guy, Deceiuber 23, '62, wounded Winchester, March at 23, '62, killed at Port Republic, Virginia. June 9, '62. Winchester, March transferred to c >mpany G. 57th regiment P. V. Jarmary 13, '65. 24, '61, Virginia, May 3, '63, 3, '63, January L., at Chancellorsville, at Chancellorsville, wounded 12, '62, Company G, 57th Regiment P. V. discharged by general order June 1, '65. transferred to 13, '65, wounded 24, '61, not accounted for. Hagar Charles W., August Hall Hosea at Veteran. Hakes Reuben, December May for. accounted died at Yorktown, "61, 24, accounted 24, '61, not April 12, '64, died June 28, '64, buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia. Hojikins Kelroy, December 24, '61, not accounted for. Jacoby George, Decendier 24, '61, wounded May 3, '63, and at Petersburg June 19, Company G 57th Regiment P. V. January Sej)tember 9, '65. at '64, Chancellorsville transferred to 13, "65. discharged Veteran. Jones Joseph, December 24, '61, wounded at AVinchester March 23, '62 discharged 23 December, '64, expiration of term. Kline Abner W., December 24, '61, not accounted for. Kline Jacob, December 24, '61, not accounted foi-. Kline Abraham E., Decend^er 24, Knapp Harvey W., December '61, 57th Regiment P. V. January 13, King James,' December not accounted for. 24, '61, transferred to 24, '61, not '65. Veteran. accounted for. Company G, FTISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 356 Andrew, Docomber Lun. Frank M., October 16, '62, transferred to Company G, o7th Regiment P. V. 13 January '65, discharged by general order June 8, '65 Iiarish Millard Lockard F., December 24, '61, not Merrell Charles C, December 24, June 9, '62, '61, accounted Conn)any G, 57th transferred to for. missing at Port Republic Regiment P. V. Veteran. Milheim Augustus, December 14, '61, not accounted for. December 24, '61. not accounted for Murray Ferdinand, December 24, '61, not accounted for. Morrison John, December 24, '61, not accounted for. Moore Benjamin W., August 11, '62, transferred to Com|)any G, 57th Regiment P. V. Miller Miles, Prosser John, December 24, ed at '61, Winchester, March 23, Resei- Heub^Mi H., December Riddle John, December died JMarch 31 of wounds receiv- ,62. 24, '61, not 24, '61, accounted not accounted for. for. Kutter Anthony E, December 24, '61, died July Cypress Hill Cemetery, Long Island. 16, '64, buried in Simonton Thomas E., December 24, '()1, not accounted for. Seeshultz William E., December 24, '61, not accounted for. Smith Peter B., December 24, '61, not accounted for. Sanders George W., December 24, '61, not accounted for. Steele Samuel A. L., December 24, '61, captured at Chancellorsville. December 24, '61, not accounted for. December 24, '61, captured May 29, '02. Squires Smith B., December 2-4, '61, not accounted for. Shellenbergei-, J. G., Steele Calvin, iriSTORY OF COLUMBIA Schooley Jacob, December December II., December Sage "William, December 24, 'fJI, Missouri, not accounted for. Company G, 57th P. V. 2(J, '()2. ti Kegiment P. V. Teter James C, December 24, 'Gl, Wheeler Jesse L., not accounted December aiisf erred to Company G 57th discharged June G for wounds received at Winchester, Virginia, J. Loiuh, St. 24, 'Gl. transferred to Sheadle Milton, Scpteinber Wingate at 3r.7 19, '63. Sanders Jolin Kegiment 24, 'Gl, died COUNTY 15, *G1, March 23, '62. wounded at Winchester, and for. December 24, 'Gl, jtroiuoted Company G, 1st August 15, 'G3, died 18 June, ()4, of wounds receiv- Kussel, Jiieutenant ed at Petersburg. Wigherman musician Poster, December Not accounted for. 24, 'Gl, piomoted to principal Wi'.lard H. H., not accounted for. Wc'llcr Henry, Oct. 7, '(52, transferred to Company G, 57th Regi- ment P. V. Weller David, transfei-red to Company G, 57th Ilegiment P. V. Williams S. Charles, not accounted for. This Comi)any, known as the '"Hurley Guards" was recruited in Columbia and Montour, and a few men 8ubse^ Montour ooimty. October Iviiinsuy, rcsii^iu'd, W. 11. I'l, 18()2. KckuiMii, Scptciiiln'v 25, 18()1, wouikU'iI ;U Wilderness May 5, and Cedar Creek, Viroinia, Oetober at promo- 19, iSlil, ted from 2d to 1st Tiient'iiant July 25, to Cai)taiii, October 21, 1S()2, to MenteiiMiit Colonel Novcnibei' 27, 1S()1, to Colonel January 2.'5, iMOri. .[o-seph II. .fohnson, Seru^eaiit October October 1, 21, 1S()2. to May 1, iMtll'^, to November 2S, 1S(>4. 2d Lieutenant to ('a|)tain Lefferd \L Kase, Octobi'r 21, Max K. Goodrich, October 2d Lieutenant, July "111, 21, Sergeant from (\)rporal to January 1, ISC^, to 1st Lieutenant, Aiisxnst 1, 1 H(i4, resioiied July 20, 1S(52. '(51, 25, to proinott'd "(11, 1st 1st promoted from 1st Sergeant to Lieutenant October 21,18(52, died June 14, of wounds received Wilderness, N'irginia, INLiy at 5, 18(5;i Oscar Shar|)less, October geant, January to 1. 18(5;?, brevet CJaptain '(SI, to 1st April Court House, Virginia, Seth V. 21, 1, 18(52, 12, 18(51 from Sergeant resigned March 12, to 2d Lieutenant, No- 18(53. Jared llunyan, promoted to Cori)oral March 18, July 1, 1864, to 1st Sergeant November 3')th, tenant January 2, Ve 18(55, 1, 18(55, discharged wounded on to Ser- November 30, 1864, wounded at Spottsylvaiiia 2, 18(55, May Fretv.e, ])roinotcd vember promoted from Corporal Lieutenant, 18(5;?, to 18(54, to Sergeant 2d Lieu- at Petersburg, \^irgiuia, April surgeon's certilicate May 15, 18(55. .M-an. Fre lerick Laubich, October 21, '(51, })romoted from Cor2>oral to TO 11 Y // fs January Sergeuiit, co:ninissi<)iuMl 2(1 May oner Clark :^il '.>, F COL UM li IA CO (IN TY. 18()8, to 1, to Oetolter 1st May Lieutoinmt iHOo, not wounded 1S()4, Petersburg, Virginia, Mareli 1805, 2.3, I8(j.">, to Sergeant Sc))- '()4, 1, May o, absent at Wilderness, at I, mustered, pris- V^eteran. ISd.'i. .SI, 3o9 ScrLiCiuit .laiiii.uy l.'S, proniotcfl to ('orpoi-al .Inly (Juiiiii, teinlxM- () 1804 and at muster out. Veteran. W illiani Miller, lH(i May 18(!4, .'>, 21, promoted '(51, and at Fetersl)urg to C'orporal (October wounded 1804, 1, March 18(5.'), 2.5, 1, at Wilderness, absent at nuis- Veteran. ter out. Charles October Sergeant D^'ceinber to I, \s . Slioles, Octoln/r 21, promoted '(51, ber, 80, 1804, to Sergeant .lanuaiy ness, Virginia, May 1 1801 absent on T), Corporal to wounded 18(51, furloiigb NovemWilder- at niustei- out. at Veteran. John Howe. October 8, (51, 4, t(j Sergeant April 8, 18Go. T. to Cor[)oral Alfred H. Pa'ton, October August icate William Young, October May 1801, discharged on surgeon's certif- 3, 14, 1802. wounded 8, "(51, at Fair Oaks, Virginia, 1802, discharged on surgijon's cerLilicate .'51, September 22, 1802. David Kckman, wounded it. Wilderneas, Virginia, at jiromoted to Corporal October 18(5;5, to Qiiartei'iuaster May 0, 1804, Sergeant January 1802, to 1, Sergeant January 1, l8(5o, 1, absent on furlough at muster out. J. A. Penstermacher, October ber 8, 1801, Wilderness promoted May 1, 1802, wounded at Veteran. 19, 1804. "(54, October 1804, killed at Opeipia, N'irginia, September 1, Hiram Layland, October 30, j)romoted to Sergeant Octo- '(51, 8, to Sergeant to sergeant 5, '04, killed at ;>, prom<^ted to Corjior.d '(51, January 1, '05, Petersburg, April W(junded 2, '6.>, November at W^ilderness May buried in Poplar Grove Natii)nal (Jeinetery, division E., Section E., grave 90. Veteran. George \. (iarrow, ber 80, Wesley '(51. (J. October 12, Gl, piomoted to corporal Ncnem- Veteran .Miller, March 5, 'Gl, pro. noted to 17, "(51, wounded corporal Novenjber 80, at Wilderness, '04. Veteran. May HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 8(i0 Gideon Mellon, February 25, '61, wounded at Wilderness, 1864, promoted to Corporal November .SO, 1M04. Amos October Crass, in hospital at John 1, promoted 21, 'GI, w^ounded at Potersbursj^, IMfij), V. muster C/orporal Mareh 2.5, 21, '01, Charles Kneibler, October 21, promoted to Corporal January '61, i)roinoted to Cor[)oral Aj)ril 3, wounded at Fair Oaks, M.ay 81, 1862 and Virginia, Mareh 2.5, 1H6.5, absent at muster out. 1.S6'), Sanuiel (Juinn, October 21, promoted '01, to at Petersburg, Corporal March 1, V(U,eran. ISOf). (i. IJowei', October wounded 1!, dischargt d December 17, 18()4, to date expiration of term. M. Yoder, October licwis ginia, May .5, 18(54, 21, '61, wounded at Wilderness, Vir- discharged on Surgeon's certificate October 27, 1864. Silas Iv. llai'lnian, Octol)i'r .'5, '61, killed at Cedar Creek, Virginia October 15), 1864. Veteran. Martin V. Murray, October 3, '01, promoted to Corporal January Charlestown, Virginia, August 21, 1864, 1, 186.5, wouiuled .at killed at Petersburg, April 2, 1865. John Henedict, February October L. 1). 2!), Veteran. 1804, transferred from Com])any G 28, 1864. Maugliawout, October 3, '01, June 11, 1862. Joseph L. Hale, October January 11, 1803. 3, '01, Acor 8, discharged on surgeon's cer- tificate Jose{»li S., October discharged on surgeon's certificate 1804, drafted. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNIY. Auld Fumes, October 3, "Gl . December Ammerman cate discharged . on surgooirs 301 certificate 24, 1802. Jolui, Octol)er 21, '01, discharged June on surgeon's certifi- 28, 186?. Albright James, August 2(>, '()3, June 14, 18f).') Brocius Luther S Octobei- drafted, discharged on surgeon's certificate 24, '01, piisoner , 1803 May 3, to October 27, Veteran. Bhie Thomas II., February 25, '04. Henry, November 26, '64, substitute, wounded Br.int Peters- at burg, Virginia, March 25, 1865. Brobst John R., Fel)ruary burg, Virginia, April Behnoy 2, Veteran. 10, '04. Brodlieid Daniel W., October wounded 13, '64. drafted, at Peters- 1805 Eiihraim, February 27, '03. Blatcliley Samuel, February 27, Berger George, December '05. 25, '01, discharged on surgeon's certifi- cate July 24, 1862. Beal C^onrad, September 20, A'irginia, Marcli 25, '05, '64, drafted, wounded discharged by general at Petersburg, order June 7, 1865. Buckley William, September burg. Virginia, March June 20, Bariiliart 5, 1 May at Danville, I'a., March 27, '61, missing in action at Fair Oaks, Vir- 31, 1802. Brunner Jacob L., August der June 13, 1805. Brugler 21, '01, died Veteran. Bear Joseph, Octol)er ginia, wounded at Petersby general order 1865, discharged 865. Henry C, October 1864. 20, '04, drafted, '1^, Edward S., 20, 1803, Feliruary discharged by general 17, '64, not on muster out or- roll. February 21), '04. Cam))bell John W., November 14, '64, drafted. Canada James D., October 3, '01. Caldeiwood Kiios, November 10, '04, drafted. Cornelison Jacob, February 24, 1805. Culp .lolm, Cleaver Alem tificate B., November September 23, 1802. 12, '61, discharged on surgeon's cer- If [.STORY sr)2 C/omish ciitc OF COJATMHIA COUNTY. 2S. Georjjfc, J;itiu;iry disitliarn'cd '(!4, on siir^'coirs cc^rtifi- iHli.'). (.'nip Williiim, Fchniary 24, 'Ol, kilU'd Cliiu- CharK's Dcc-i'iiibor Diivcr Wildenu'ss at May (i. I.SIU. Washiiin-tDii, D. C, iHdt 2(), Au^-ustiis, Novembi'i' May order eral at, Scpti'iiibcr S, '(il.dicd I)., (il, 1(1, drafted, discharged l)y gen- 30, 18()5. November Daiigherty lames, , 2(S, Deiti'iiek Charles F., Novendx'i' Point, N'irginia, Mai-ch 2(1, of '(J-l. 2(). substitute, died '()l, wounds ri'ceived at at, C^ity IN'tei'sbiirg, Virginia, March '1^^, ISC'). Dauby James, November 8,(54, substitute, deserted I^'ebruary (i,'()4, Kekenrodt! Joseph, November 29, '04. substitute, wounded at Petersburg, Virginia, March 25, 18(55. lOverett l*iiilip, October .'5, mustercil out October 27, '(il, lcS()4, ex- piration of term. Nathaniel I^^crliart !>., Oct()l)er .'5, October 2;5, I8(j2. Eciimau Piiilip II., October 3, '(51, '(il, dischargetl on surgeon's certilicate, May Henry b'ree/A' licate i'\)ley killed at Fair Oaks, N'irginia, 31, 18(52. F., October Septend)er 'I'heophilus 15, ,1.. discharged on surgeon's certi- 2!), '(51, 18(52. October 3, '(11, dischargml on surgeon's certit icate 18{;2. Flanigan Wilson, October cate l^'oley June Charles E., Fortner Harris January 3, '(11, 3, B., November 2, '(51, dischaiged November 5, 18(52. November 21, '01, died at Washington, D. C, 1862. Frame Robert ginia, March II.. 25, February ary 5, killed at Petersburg, Vir- 25, '(54, (11, deserted January, 1802. 1805 Fryinire William, October 21, Fitzpatrick dischai-ged on sui'get)n's certili- It, 18(12. James, November 3, '01, substitute, deserted Febru- 1805. Gulic Charles V., October 24, Gibbs Sheldon T., October '01. 3, '01, Veteran. discharged on surgeon's certifi- cate October 15, 1802. Garrow John, died at City Point, Virginia, received at Peter-burg, M;uvh 25, 1805. March 2(5, of wounds STORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. JIT CJ;in:i DccciiiImt .I.inics, Hower Iliiun.'i October Uriali, Hummel ginia, April IS, '04, drafted. November February Ileury, Felniiury 27, '64. James, November Ilannoii William, substitute, deserted '(!i, I, ?^V^ 16, '64, drafted. wounded 13, '65. at Petersburg. Vir- 1H6.5. 2, Ileury Williain, OctoV)er 3, '61, discbarged on surgeon's (X'rtiticate April 28, 1862. Hower July .John Hoovci- Octolx-r J., September .lac(tl) B., Harvey Franeis ruary 3, 6, '64, November J., November deserted 21, 186 I, 12, 18(54. substitute, deserted Feb- 1865, Jones William Jones Robert 14, '64. Marcli L., E., November James H., October September 22, 1862. Jolinsoii cate, (yommissary Sergeant 3, '(il, |)r()m()t('(l to 1864. 1, 21, '64, drafted. 3, '61, Jenkins Hicbard, 0(;tober 21, '61, discharged on surgeouV ('crtili- mustered out October 27, '64, expiration of term. Septeud)er 27, .lohiisoii Toliias S., burg, March Virginia, '64. draftcMl, '65, 2.'), discharged wounded at Peters- by general order June 25, '65. Johnson Jackson B., October 21, "61, wounded at wilderness May 6th, '64, and at Fisher's Hill, Virginia, September 22, '64, died October 13, '64, Ijuried in National (Jemetery, Winchester, Virginia, lot 18. Kreigh I)., October 21, '61, discharged on surgeon's cerSeptember 5, '62. Kline John, October 3, '61, discharged on sui'geou's certificate September 22, '62. Kline Daniel, October 21, '61, mustered out October 27, '64, ex- (ireorge tificate piration of term. Kurtz Samuel buried in H., October Knerr William, Octol)er ginia, May 3. '()3, I'ranklin, 3, *61, Fair Oaks 3, "61, October captured Veteran. IJ, 31, '62, lot 126. at C'hancellorsville, deserted Jnly 12, '61 May Seven Pines, Section died at Danville, Pa., August 23, Kirst Sanmel, October Lebo 13, '61, killed at National (Cemetery, 2, '63. "63. Vir- OF COLCMBIA COUNTY. III.STORY 864 Lynn ITonvy, Fobrn:iry " woundod i^l. '<»!, Si)o(lsylv:ini;i C\)urt ;it llouso, Virn'mia, M:iy 12, '64. Lohniaii A., Novonilu'r F>s|>y Li'isonriiig H, II May 81, Ootobor , substitute. iMi, '(it, wounded '(il, .'?, at F.iiv Oaks, Viiginiii, discliargod on surgeon's eertitieate C)etol)er 81, '(iL*, Leiby Harnian, February eate September 22, '(52. Lawrence John, Oetober on diseliarged 8, '()!, November 21, "(>2. Lehman Henry C\, September '(12. diseliaroed on suroet>irs eertiti- 2(i. "()2. surgeon's eertiti- eate general order.lune 20, Levers Jolm, Oetober 21, '(M, disebarged on drafted, '(i.). diseliarged 8, '(>!, surgeon's o\\ eertitieate February 17, '()8. Lawrence Harnxan K., Oetol)er 21, not on nuister out roll. Menseh Tliomas ^1., Oetober 8, (U Miller Pereival, February 1. '64, wounded at Fair Oaks, May 81, '()2 and at Opequa, ^'irginia, September 19, '64. Moore James H., November 21, '61, diseliarged on surgeon's eertitieate ]\Iiller June JNliller May November Franklin, 6, '(VA. September by general order discharged 8, '64, 20, '6o. Henry. August 0, '64, 18, '62, wtninded Muteheler Joseph K., ceived at Fair Oaks, Virginia, Miller Joseph 1)., Oetober 3, '61, buried at Alexandria, grave Mowrer John tember 19, Jt., October Wilderness, Virginia, wounds re- wounds re. 28, of 81, "62. died May 26, of House, Virginia, 1!I88. 1, '61, 20, '6o. May 18 '64, Veteran. killed at Ope^ua, Virginia, Sep- '()4. Morrill Thomas, Oetober at Sjtottsylvania Andrew 8, '61, died June 14, of Court House, Virginia, Miller John, October McAllister May Spottsylvania Court eeived at at by general order June Oetober 8, '61, died June diseliarged 8, G., McFatridge Michael, (il, not on muster out November November Petersburg, Virginia, April McClure Philip H., October ginia, September 22, '62. May wounds received 12, '64. Veteran. roll. 18, '64, drafted. 18, '64, drafted, wounded at 2, '65. 21, '61, died at Fortress Monroe, Vir- TO RY OF COL UMBIA OO TINT Y. // LS Osmuii TN'ttT OctoV)cr v., May Viririiiia, action at Fair Oaks, discharged 3, 01, on surgeon's certifi- '02. 1, 1 inissiii<^' in 31, '02. Perrin Richaifl, October cate April '01, li, 365 John W., Stptcniber 20, '04, drafted, discharged on general oi'der June 21), '05. Persing Josej)!! B., September 0, '04, discharged by general order June 20, '05. Pennsyl Kli, October 3, '01, wounded at Fair Oaks, Virginia, Patt'ii May 02, died at Baltimore, 31. Jolm VV Phillips Virginia, Ramsey May May 01, 3, Maryland, July 5th '02. missing in action at Fair Oaks, 31, '02. December lteuV)en, V^irginia, October , June 20, '01, wounded at Chancellorsville Veteran. 3, '03. liilchie Jacob Khady Ranch Josei)h, \V. H., October May 31, '62, dischan^ed on surgeon's certificate September 28, G., 4, '64, November draft' d. 20, '64, substitute. 3, '61, wounded at Fair Oaks, Virginia, "02. Rishcl Ohai-les Ji., (Jctober 3, '01, February 16, 62. Reynolds Alfred, October 21, discharged on surgeon's cer- tificate May '01, killed at Fair Oaks, Virginia, 31, '02 Slay William, October Veteran. 01. 3, Steward John, (^)ctober 24, '01. Veteran Stephens William, Octol)er 24, '01, wounded ginia, May 31, '62. at Fair Oaks, Vir- Veteian. Slay Peter, February 25. '64. Veteran. February 25, '64, wounded at Wilderness, Virginia, ]\Iay 5, '05, and at Petersburg, April 2, '05. Shissler James, February 25, '04, wounded at Wilderness, Virgini^i. May 5, '64, and at Petersburg, Virginia, April 2, '65. Shaffer John I,., February IG, '64. Sylvccster Cliarle-s, November 12, '64, substitute, discharged by Swank Isaac, general order June Stertz Peter, August June '(35. drafted, discharged by general order 2, '(J5. Sholes Charles L., tiiiciitc 14, 7, '04, July October 25, 7, 'G'2. '01, discharged on surgeon's cer- HISTORY OF COL UMBIA COUNTY 366 Stephens Charles, October September Sperring Jacob H., October tificate discharged on surgeon's cer- 21, '61, 13, '62. titicate July 26, discharged on surgeon's cer- '61, 2i), '62. Smith William, October 24, '61, wounded at Fisher's Hill, Virginia, September 22, '64, discharged on surgeon's certificate June 14, '6o. Veteran. Sechler William W., wounded at Fisher's Hill, Virginia, November '64, 3, discharged on surgeon's certificate June 14, '65, Veteran. Snyder Lambert P., September 6, '64, discharged by general order June 20, '65. Snyder Henry F., October 3, '61, died June 19, '62, at White House, Virginia. Snyder William M., October 3, '61, killed at Williamsburg, Virginia, Shissler May 5, '62. Edward, October Snyder John C, October Pa. May 3, '61, 5, '64. 10, of wounds received Veteran. died October 14, Danville '64, at Veteran. Shannon John M., Octoler May May died 3, '61, at Wilderness, Virginia, 11, '65, to Taylor Jonathan W., 3, '64, September general order .June 20, discharged by 3, '61, date October 26, general order expiration of terra. '64, drafted, discharged by '65. Turner William, October 21, '61, wounded at Fair Oaks. Virginia, May 31, '62, drowned October 5, '62, at Point Lookout, Maryland. Tittle Oscar, 19, '64. October 3, '61, killed at Varus Valentine, November 18, '64, drafted. Williams John W., December burg, Virginia, March Wiley John, November Waltmire Woods Opequa, Virginia, September Veteran. ,Tacob, wounded at Peters- 18, '64, drafted. 3, '61, discharged on Surgeon's certificate 3, '62. Warntz Alem, October April 11, substitute, 26, '64, substitute. November Charles, October January 1, '64, 'lb, \Sk^. '62. 3, '61, discharged on Surgeon's certificate HI8T0RY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Wagner Charles, November 9, '61, died July 14, 367 City ()4, at Point, Virginia. Wilson Tliomas, November 30, '64, substitute, deserted Febrtiary 3, '6.5. Winner IJobert, December 6, '64, substitute, deserted March 29, '6.'). Wirtz May Israel, 3, '63, October 3, '61, captured at Chancellorsville, Virginia, exchanged, deserted, date unknown. Young Hiram B., substitute. The Ninety-Third saw much and arduous service. bers killed and wounded and missing in Company that the men were always in the front. The official The num- H list prove of en- gagements is as follows, viz: Yorktown, Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Malvern Hill, Fredericksburg, Marey's Heights, Salem Heights, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Coal Harbor, and Cedar Creek. Those not otherwise accounted for were mustered out with the company June 27, 186.'). Petersburg, Oj)e(iMa, Fisher's Hill HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 368 ONE KEGIMENT. IIUNDItKI) EIGTV-Ki>URTll COMPANY B. A. Stauk'v Gearliart, Captain, discharged on Surgeon's oertiHcate August v5, '64. Abner II Brown, Captain, promoted from 1st Lieutenant January 7, '65. Adam S. Hand, 1st Lieutenant, discharged June 9, '6o. Hamilton Norman, 2d Lieuteuant. promoted from private Company K, iBJth Regiment P. V, April 29. '64, died June 24, of wounds received at Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 3, '64 Thomas vS. Anderson, commissioned 1st Lieutenant June 'I'o^ '65, Veteran. Dani' llarkels, Sergeant, II 1 commissioned 2d Lieutenant June Veteran. 26, '65. William H. Jenkins, Sergeant. Cyrus Apph S. bee, Sergeant. James C. Henry, sergeant. George W. Crnm, Sergeant, prisoner from June 'I'l, '64 1, 1865, discharged by general order June 12, 1865. Stephen T. Stasa, Sergeant, discharged on surgeon's May 1, to I\Iarch certiiicate 1865. David C. Sutton, Corporal. John Riley, Corporal. David R. Bailey, Corporal. Mic.iaci Riley, Corporal. Ja> ob Kline, Corporal. Andrew J. William J. Stewart, Corporal. Kline, Corporal. Winn, Corporal. Charles MacGregor, musician, absent in hospital at muster out. P^iyette Acre Franklin, private. Boughner William B., discharged by general order July Veteran. 14, 1865. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Bailey William C, '65, wounded at 369 Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 3, absent in hospital at muster out, Bastian Mathias D., discharged on surgeon's certificate March 23, 1865. Barger John, discharged by general order June 20, '64, Brown Elias, discharged by general order June 3, '65. Brown Perry, discharged by general order June 3, '65. Blyer Samuel, discharged by general order June 3, '65 Berry Simon J., discharged by general order June '65. Browerson George, discharged by general order June 8, '65. Bruner Henry M., killed at Deep Bottom, Virginia, August 14, '64_ Bilger Jesse R., killed at Boydtown Plank Road, Virginia, October 27, '64. Bursline Edwin, killed at Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 3, '64, bur- Cemetery section D, as E. T. Burslem. Bastian Joseph D., died July 14, of wounds received at Petersburg Virginia, June 22, '64, buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, ied in National Virginia. Bessee Robert S., missing in August 25, '64. Burd Franklin G., died May action at Ream's 24, '65, buried in Station, V^irgiuia, National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia. Burd Harvey R., deserted November 13, '64. Carpenter Dennis, mustered out with company. Castle Adolphus, transferred to Company eran Reserve Corps, August 17, der July 26, Crawford 24, '64, '64, E., 7th Regiment, Vet- discharged by general or- '65. Lott, captured, died at Andersonville, Georgia, October grave 11,436. Chrisman Charles, died August '64. Burke Isaac, mustered out with company. Deckert Jesse, discharged by general order July 13, '65. Dreese William, discharged by general order July 13, '65. Devore Lewis, killed at Petersburg, Virginia, June 22, '64. Durke John H., missing in action at Petersburg, Virginia, June 22, '64. Gearhart William, discharged by general order June 3, '65. Galespie Anthony, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Sep- tember 30, '64. 870 JIl.S TOR y OF COL UMBIA CO UNTY. •Greene Aduiii, killed in :it Cold TI;irl)()r, Virginia, June 3, '04, buried National Cemetery, Section B. Healoy John S., mustered out with company. Veteran. Harris Thomas, discharged on surgeon's certificate June 7, '65. Hedglin John, died at Phihideli)hia, Pa., July 1, of wounds received at Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 3, '64. Haskel lleuben, missing in action at Petersburg, Virginia, June 22, '64. Hand Isaac, died at Philadelphia, Pa., July 21, '64. Jenkins John, mustered out with company. Katterman Benjamin, nuistered out with company. Keistard Godfrey, mustered out with company. Kinney Irwin, discharged by general order June 3, '65. Kinney Isaac, discharged by general order June 3, '65. Kulp David, missing in action at Petersburg, Virginia, June 22, '64. Krominger Jacob, tober 18, ca]>tured, • 1, of wounds received at '22, '64. 25, '65. Miles John, died at City Point, July 1, of wounds received at Pe- tersburg, June 22, '62. Meed Harley, captured, died at ber 21, '64, Andersonville, Georgia. Septem- grave 9583. Mansfield Jose])h, died May 15. '64. Morgan Matthias R," died July 21, '64. McClune Johiij mustered out with company. McCurdy Samuel O., discharged by special Order October 13. '64. Nickerson Bernard, deserted October Nolen James, discharged by general order May 15, '65. Osborne Daniel D^, discharged on surgeon's certificate May'15,'65 PolT Josejdi, absent, sick at muster out. Veteran. 10, '64. ITTSTOJIY Pifer Daniel OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 371 transferred to Veteran Reserv6 Corps September S., 30, '64. , Persing Stei)hen K., transferred to company Corpi», February 24, '64. Veteran Reserv-^ II, Reese Conoway, mustered out witli company. Rhodes Morris K., discharged on surgeon's March certificate 10, '6o. Reed Emanuel, discharged by general order June 20, Robbins Asher W., discharged by general'order June Reescr David ^f Ray James killed at Petersburg, Virginia, , R., captured, died at '05. 20,. 'Oo. June 22, '04. Aiidersonville, Georgia, grave 4476. SteplieiiP Asa A., mustered out with comjmny. Shop William, discharged by s]>ecia] order October '64. Stasa John June August 1, '(54, (1.. near Petersburg, killed Virginia, IS, '()4, buried at Meade's station. Slay man Josc|di. killed near Petei'sburg, Virginia, June 18, ()4, Poplar Grove National Cemetery. Simmons Harrison, missing in a(;tion at Petersburg, Virginia, ])uried in June 22, '04. Sleek William, transferred to 33d company 2d battery, Veteran Reserve Corps, October 20, '64, discharged by general order Se])tember 4, '56 Trempore Jolm, discliarged by general order June 3, '65. Tomlinson William P killed near Petersburg, Virginia, October , 20, '64. Vauglian Edward, mustered out with coni])any. Wagoner Augustus, killed at Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 4, "64. WelHey Nathan, killed at Boydtown Plank Road, Virginia, October 27, 04. Waide Andrew J., 22, (Jold llaibor, \'irginia, killed at Williams Smith, missing in action at Petersburg, June 3, "6-1, Virginia, June 64. Warner C'yrus tember C, 21, '64, Wilson John. captured, died at Audersonville, Georgia, Se])- grave 9464. «le.serted May 18, '()4. Williams Charles, deserted April 3, '(55. \' Curtin. It reached the army in the field during the battle at Cold Harboi-. In all the heavy fighting before Petersburg it had a full share, and was highly complimented. It had the head of the procession at President Lincoln's funeral obsequies, from Baltimore to Inde})endence Joseph Hall. It was mustered out at Ilarrisburg August 2, '65. F. Ramsay, Lieutenant Colonel, discharged September 29, '64^ All the the Company being in command of Captain Young. men not otherwise accounted for were nmstered out with the Regiment. ed in 22, '63, re-organized ately William Young, Captain. Orville D. Harder, 1st Lieutenant. George G. Lovett, 2d Lieutenant, promoted K, discharged March 9, '65. James R. Johnson, 2d Lieutenant. Alfred John JJ. S. to Captain Company Patton, 1st Sergeant. Ware, Sergeant. Sette K. Sharpless, Sergeant. William H. Cool, Sergeant. Frank Rockafeller, Sergeant. James B. Moore, killed at Petersburg, Virginia, June John C. Irvin, Corporal. Hugh P. Liblcirt, Corporal. 18, '64. nrSTOEY OF COLUMBIA COJJNTY. :\7\ Amos John (Jurmaii, (^n'porul. II. William Harder, Cor[)oral. II Molir, Corj)oral. Daniel Marsiiall, deserted .January James 19, Mo. B. Forest, Musieian. Charles P. Harder, Musician. Alward Arthur, private. Brown Benton B, private. Brown George W., private. Beatty John li., private. Berdaniel George W., [)rivate. Bryant William, private. Beaver Charles S., ])rivate. Brace Henry E., private. Birtch Isaac, private, deserted October 10, '(54. C'utair Charles, private. Case Nelson 1>. Caslin Michael. Cani[)bt'll Andrew. C-raig William, died at Williamsport Pa., April 12, 'tj4. Devine John C. Echart Sanmel. Elliot William. Easten James 8. Eyerly Charles W. Funston Charles K. Foreman Osman. Frame .loseph L. Fox John. Fribley William II. Flanigan lleese, died buried at Dand's Island N. Y., August Cypress Hill Cemetery, L. ( Jaudihlue Joseph, in 23, I. (iibbons James H. Gibbs James M. Gibbs (^harles II., discharged on general order May 30, Geiger William, transferred to lo7th Regiment P. V. IIei;ry .lolin. IlefHer Jacob W. '6o. '04, IIISTOKY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. lliillilu'ii F., \N'illi;iiii Hale Epliraini K , discharged on general order July diseliarged on general order Jidy Hawrer John, deserted February 375 o, (35. o, 'O.j. 21, '64. Ickus John. Ickus Henry. Jackson (ieorge Jackson Caleb. Jones William W. 1*., deserted March 1, 'Go. Kercher (iottleib. Kutchnian Theodore, transferred to Veteran lieserve Corps. Levers Joseph. Lewis William. Maney Patrick. Miller John. Morgan Thonias V. Morgan Watkins. Milner William, discharged on Surgeon's certificate July Mellin Oscar G., discharged on general order July Nasli William, June wounded with 18, '64, dischai'ged loss of leg at October 81, '65. O'Brian John. Oplinger Samuel, deserted May 11, '64. Powley Henry. Patton Irwin T. PoUan John, deserted March Rank David H. Reed Peter M. Rishel (ieorge. llishel Charles. Uoberts John. Kantz Isaac. Kidgway Warren M. Roderick John J. Spoonebager Peter. Smith Fdwanl D. Slack Jacob. Sechler Jolm. Stahl Samuel. Sni'U Isaac. 1, '65. 4, '6o. 5, '65. Petersburg, ^'irginia, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 376 Sl:ick '65, for AV., (lisc'liiirgod Ai»ril 17, .Toliii wounds received in action. Sponeberger James, deserted March 31, Or). Sicwurd William, deserted JMarcli l?l, T)"). Thornton CJrier M., dishonorably discharged. Vangilder George W. Vogle William. Wray Lewis V., wounded Petersburg, Virginia, June at 18, '05, and nuistered out with Company. Wertman John. Werkheiser ^V. Ware James 1>. D. Watts William M. Wallace John IT. Williams William. Warren Henry. Warren (Tcorge, absent, sick, at nmster Wirt William, absent, sick, at nmster Waldren John, discharged January 5, out. out. '65, of arm, received at Petersburg, Virginia, Wray .lames, deserted I^'ebruary . «=T- -*H- <»- 2, '(M. cm, S^' 5 fy wounds with June 28, '61. for loss HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNIY. ONK lIUNI>KKO ANI> TWEI.ITH RE<;iMENT. SECOND ARTII.I.EUY. IJATTKUY COLUMI5IA V. MONTOUR. ANI> liolirsljiMg, CV)r- iJear from I furnisli u list of this the dates in my county, I Col : names 3rd, 1878. In of complying men with your Battery F, 2d Pa. in have endeavored to be as accurate as possession would names already published, plete December I'ii., Jno. G. Freeze, requcHt that Art., ?>11 m {)ermit. order to — have furnished a few names of make I the parties have included the record more com- who never returned and a few names of parties that entered from Montour county but upon their return located here, in this to this county, county. As may know why some were comwas the result of conflict of authority. In the Spring of 1864 our regiment had become very strong, numerically, numbering about 2500 men, its numbers rendering it unwieldy. Then it was proposed that a regiment be formed from the surphis men of the old to be known as Governor C.'urtin commissioned a full the ISilth regiment, I*. \. set of otlicers from the old organization, taking such as had been To this arrangement Col. Gibidentified with its early liistory. son, then connnanding, objected, and having the ear of the War Secretary (they being West Pointers) the Governors authority was set asi, Jaiiuiirv regiment October to Colonel, D. Struwbridge, Janiniry tery I, December ment, P. v., March January promoted conunissioned Colonel Ajiril term Captain of Bat- to not mustered, '()'), 11, not nuistered, conunissioned Major of '64, 30, '64, 80, '64. 8, '62, 13, '62, April 18, '(io commissioned Colonel 189th '(12, -1, Volunteers, April 30, Peniisylv;iiii:i promoted S. OF COL ITMBIA CO ITNTY. 18l)th regi- Colonel breveted 18, '60, discharged expireiration of term. Lloyd T. Brewer, July "1^^, '62, promoted to Corporal July 4, '63, to 2d Lieutenant July 1, '65, mustered to Sergeant out with battery January 29, '66. , Josiah Mensch, January 28, '64, to '62, Sergeant December Jaiuiary 29, 1, '64, to tery Jaiuiary 29, uary 29, John ''^'6. 64, to 1, '62, promoted to Corporal Octo'65, mustered out with bat- promoted to Corporal November nmstered out with battery Jan- Veteran. January 29, '66. P. Kline, Sergeant 1, 1, '(55, 2, ''^'1^ promoted Sergeant December 22, January Franklin '(Jl, Veteran. '66. Sergeant July Hart/.ell, 25, Sergeant February John Marshall, January 10, '64, to promoted to Corporal October 1, '64, mustered out with battery Veteran. 1866. John McMullen, November ber 1, '65, to Corporal inustered out December 1, witli battery Veteran. promoted INIay 6, '65, to Corporal discharged October February •l'^, '65, 1, '64, to expiration of term. Jonathan P. Bare, Novend)er 29, '61, promoted froju Corporal TORY OF COLUMBTA COUNTY. JITS J.uiiiiny • 1 "),'(»;-$, disoharged Novfinbcr Ileeso cxpinili'in of 24, '01, term. 379 ' J. January Millard, Pa. A., from April 20, to cliargcd l»y special Captain 2, '02, August order Marcli battery in 26, '64, jiaroled 2d Pro. T, prisoner; dis- '65. lf>. Mowrer, December 4, '64, promoted from Corporal December ID, '(;;{, 1st Lieutenant in l»attery I 2d Pro. l*a. A., from April 20 to August 26, '61, discliarged l)y special order C'liarles November 10, '64. Veteran. Norman C. Kline, Janiniry 26, '(i2, promoted 7, '65, Corporal Januai-y to mustered out with battery J:inuary 29, Charles Mattis, December 29, '05, mustered out with balteiy January Thomas H. Beimet, February "64, 1, November discharged Veteran. '66. October pi-omoted to Corporal 3, '61, promoted '61, 29, November Veteran. 29, '66. Cor[)oral to expiration of '64, 28, term. John Lanciscus, Deceml)er 11, '61, [tromoted to Corporal December 10, '63, discharge*! December 10, 64, expiration of term. Henry J. Pr)tter, November 29, '61, promoted to Corporal February discharged November 2S, '64, 1, Calver Zimmerman, January ber 13, '63, died at January 29, '66. Veteran. Antrim Samuel li., July 13, 2!>, '()3, expiration of term. C., March IS, "64, mustered out 4, '61, Novem- buried with in l)attery mustered out with battery Jan- '63, '{'A'). Buchecker Edward 17, '64, jiromoted to Corporal Washington D. Harmony Burial Grounds. Adams Albert J., December uary 15, '62, E., December IS, '61, discharged December expiration of term. Craw ford Franklin, November 2(), '61. mustered out with battery January 29, '()6. Veteran. Crawford Isaac, February 24, '64, mustered out witli battery January 29, '66. (yoopcr Peter, Nov(2, diseliarged by general order June 24, '65. Farver (George, December 25, '(U, mustered out with battery January 20, Veteran. 'tU). Fogle Michael, January May 1, '(52, discharged on Surgeon's certificate 29, 62. December Farral John, May discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 1, 'Gl, 10, "02. FaiiMuaii William, dischargi'd Ot-tobcr 2S, Fowler Joshua K., discharged October '()5, expiration of term. 28, '65, expiration Farver Theodore, mustered out with Battery January o1" term. 2^^, "(Hi. Farver Samuel, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 29, '04. Adam Graulz June September J., Ilendrickson .lacob. '04, 10. '02, discharged by general order 24, '05. Dcci'inbiM" 11. "01, discharged Dci-ember J^, expiration o( term. ITeacock Win. ITeacoclv Geo. F., absent at nnister out. imislcred out with liattery Janiiary 29, T^. '05. llollman (icorge W., discharged by general order June 27, 05. Johnson William R., December 19, '(51, discharged December 18, expiration of term. "(54, Ktdp Elias, December discharged December 19, '61, 18, '04, ex- piration of term. Kesty John, August gust 29, '04, sion B. Section 15. Petersburg, Virginia, AuGrove National Cemetery, Divi- 22, '62, killed at buried in l*oi)lar grave 53. Keller George, discharged by general order June 24, Lee George S., November Battery F, 189th 20, '01, commissioned 1st Lieutenant Regiment P. V. Ajiril 30, '04, not nmstered, mustered out with Lee Stephen '05. B., l->attery December January 18, "01, 29, '(50. Veteran. discharged December 17, "04, di.() 'I'd, David, February lIuokLe with battery lo. .'OK mustori'il out Veteran. 2!>, 'GO. July January oO, 2iK tit to Vet- "(Hi. eran. Kuekel in January June 2(5, IJillingtou, uuistere«l out with battery Uoe Hartley, kilted at Petersburii", N'irgiuia, 2!\ City I'oint, seelion D, division National I'enietery, '(Hi. buried '01, 4, grave 74. diseharget] Oetoher 28, "Oo, exi>iration IJiili Israel 1.., Koe Asa F., transferred by general order, November Keese John, near killed Reserve to \'eteran ol" term. diseharged Corj)s, 14, 'Oo. Ibirnham, Fort \ ir^inia, buried in National Cemetery, Hamilton. Ragan ter3% ^laariee, Petersburg, buried killed at Reiehelderfer Thomas, Deeember January Shoemaker William, Deeember May nuistered (Uit with Battery 'til, tliseharged on surgeon's "01, 2."), nnistered out with battery Jan- N'eteran. '()(). Shult/ Josepli 2."), 29, '02. Aaron, Deeember uary 29, 2, '(U, 29, '00, Veteran. eertilieate SliatVer National Cenie- in Hamilton, Virginia. 4, "01, R., Deeend)(.'r diseharged Deeember o, '04, expiration of term. Steiuer John, uary 29, Deeember '00. Smith Steplieu expiration 2o, (il. December J., expiration of term. January 28, * Jan- 11, (il. diseharged Deeendier 10, '04, Deeentber 10, '04, 11, '01,.diseliarged 1."). "02, transferred to Veteran Reserve 23, "04, mustered out with battery January Veteran. Tliateher Kdward, January battt-ry, '(i4. Sands John, February 29, '60. with , Daniel. January Corjis o\\{ of,,t.erm. Smith Daniel H., December Spjide nuisti'red \'eteran. November 29, '00, Veteran. 13, '01, nnistered out with Battery JTTSTORY Triflfpiece OF Henry, January (JOLTJMJilA 25, '01, COUNTY. 383 discharged Januury 24, '04, expiration of term. Utt William H., December 20. '01, discharged December 29, '04, expiration of terin. Utt October Pjlias, 27, '02, discharged October 20, 'Oo, exjiiration of term. Utt Jacob, October 29, '02, discharged October 28, '05, expiration of term. Weidel Josejjh, December ary 29, '00. 1, '01, mustered out with battery Janu- Veteran. Wilcox Alvin, December 29, '01, deserted Se].tember 30, "03. until some time in '04, was divided, and jjart of it was in the Ijattle of the Wilderness and KFn vM>s\\rv riKsr un;niiNi ]\iissol K. roiiKM-, mustoviHl (V-tobcr motod from Sorgoant Major 'tU, to 1st Lioutonaiit May Virginia, l-'obruarv "(>.'>. 11, (>, corx/r ('()i.r.)fn/ A 8, to '2, iM "t?."^, -six vniNrii i ^v into (.\>iup;uiy K, '(>!*, wiMUnloil llatvluM's at mustorod ou\ with (.\>uii>aiiY ll', Kun, Au^'iist CV'lobi'r L\ '&2, into (.'ouipany K. luotod troiu Qiiartormastor 8ori>o:iut to iM Lioutoiiant bor IS. (,>•_'. to 1st Lioulonaiit .'>. '(>.">. woiMuioil May at S. I. .Inly '2~, l>()lh, ill. "(i.'>. i\ \\'2, '(M. to \ ir^inia, inustorod pro- N'ovomCaptain ,linn> (Mit TJ, with 'iJo. Ashloman, mustoroil (\'tobor transtVrrod ruary 11, Soplombor Trovilian Station. transforrotl to C\nnjiany Company August IVtor [>ro- niHHMulH'r Lioutt'iiant. "1)5. Daniol C\ Swank, nmsteroil '(>{, vi i:\. Company 1. into (.\Mnpany disi-har^ini on Snrgoon's oortitiratf K, l"\>b- "l>o. John Notoslino, nnistiMVil Oi'tobrr "JT ,'(>_. (."omjiany 1"\ proinotoil to Corporal Juno 17, "l>o. JisohargiHl by oonoral orJor .Inly "Jl. "(io. ^-i iu;nrY-Fiusr uiciMKNr. Daniol Harris. Ov'tobor Virginia, Jinio oO. lo. 'lH. '&2. kiUoJ at CIkuIos City Cri>ss KoaJs HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 387 CHAPTER XXIX. ONE YEAR'S SERVICE. TWO J. IILM)Ki:i> AM> TKNTJI UKGIMKNT. Milton Shumaii, August 30, private to Ist '64, Company special order F'ebruary 14, promoted from p], Lieutenant, September 19, "64, discharged by- '6.5. 13, '64, into Company B, promoted January 28, '65, wounded at Hatcher's Run Virginia. February 6, '05, absent without leave at muster out. John P. Guild, September 7, '64, 1st Lieutenant, Company D, mustered out with Company May 30, '65. William II. Evans, Seplcinber to Ist Lieutenant — company ONK iu;ni>kko am> sixth kk<;imknt William S. Town.send, mustered in April battle of the Wilderness, died at Hill Hospital, May ONK IILNDKEU AND 8. '62, o. wounded in the Philadelphia at the Chestnut 29, '64. Fll "rY-SECOND REGIMENT TIIIKD ARTILLERY- liATTERY D. Amos Townsend, mustered River November in December FIFTH REGIMENT Charles A. Knorr. 13, '62, 6, '64. BATTERY M. died on James HTSTORY OF COLUMBTA COUNTY 388 EIGHTIETH REGIMENT. SEVENTH Tn 1861 William Soorotary of Sipes of Pliiladolphia, was authorized B. War Cameron the 19th day of CAV.Vl.UY. December to recruit a the of Harrisburg, Pa., for liouisville. ed to Gen. Buell. It remained regiment of eavalry. same year it by On broke camp near and ui)on arrival tliere reportarduous and active service un- Ivy., in A the close of the war, and was discharged August 23, 1865. part of Co. D. and a })art of Co. H. were recruited in Montour til have euileavored to select from them the names of If they are omitted I will be glad to have the names supplied to me, to be added. county, and I the Montour county men. COMPANY i>. Samuel Robinalt, deserted December 8, '64, Michael Breckbill, mustered out with Regiment. Samuel Sprout, nmstered otit with Company. Newton L. Sayers, deserted December 2o, '64. John Dugan, discharged on surgeon's certiti<'ate July William C. McCay, deserted Januarj' 12, '(Si*. Joseph lletHer, died at Madison, Indiana, January 12, W. '(53. 22, '6o. Forest. John T. Newcomer, mustered out Octi^ber ol, '64, expiration of term. T. J. Trumbower, ruary 13, 1862 died at Feb- Kentucky, Louisville, —National Cemetery, section A, range 13, grave 6. Martin Kieffer. Charles K. Wagner, nmstered out with Company. Hiram Wertman. William H. Kietfer, mustered out Charles A. Balliet, died Daniel W. at witti Company. Limestoneville, Pa., Rank, mustered out December May 16, 1864, 7, 1864. expiration of term. Capt. James Bryson, died at Louisville, Ky., April W. 1, -(S2. Caldwell. Jacob F. 1863. Balliet, discharged on surgeon's certificate, Februaiy HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY 889 Joseph D. Fulton, mustered out with Company. Carnathan. Alfred Roberts, mustered out with Company. Thomas H. Wm. Sanders, not on muster out A. Fetter, mustered out October Thomas roll. 3, '64, expiration of time. Keisteller. Daniel G. Dildine, died at Bardstown, Ky., February 22, Daniel F. Wagner, discharged on surgeon's certificate, '62. November 16, 'Q2, COMPANY H. Capt. Samuel Hibler, resigned February 16, '62. Thomas J. Wenck, mustered out with Company. Thomas Davis, prisoner from August 20, '64, to April charged June 17, to date May 28, Go, dis- 18, '65. "THE COLUMBIA GUARDS. This Military Company, belonging specially to Danville, but famous all over Columbia county, in honor of which it took its name, by its connection with the Mexican war, was organized in 1817. On the breaking out of the war with Mexico, the Company was under the connnand of Capt. John S. Wilson, and their offer of service being accepted they were mustered into the service of the United States on the 28th day of December, 1846. They were their way to the seat of war, and cheered on their way with every demonstration of popular approval. They were placed in the Second Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteei's, commanded by Col. Wynkoop, and afterwards by Col. Geary, afterwards Governor of Penn- escorted as far by a number of as Pittsburgh, on citizens sylvania. Capt. Wilson died at Vera Cruz on the 10th day of April, 1847 and the command devolved on Dr. C. W. Frick, who gallantly led Their first engagement was at the Guards during the campaign. the storming of Vera Cruz, and the second at Cerro Gordo, where At the battle of Chepultepec they lost one man, John Smith. HISTORY OF COLUMBTA COUNTY. 390 two men, Willijun Diotiich and tl\('y li)st. proiu-hino- |lu> city of all Jolin Snyder. On a})- Mexico, the defense of San Angelos, with the military stores, was coTuniitted to the Guards 13th of Se{)teinber 1H17, tliey were among the ; and on the in triiunjthant first entry into the city. They returned to Danville on the 28tli day of July 1H4!). The whole county turned out to welcome them, and such a demonstration as was then made had never been seen in Danville before or The (ruards kept up their organization until tlie llebellion, and, On the exentered the Union service under Capt. Oscar Ei)hlin. pir.ition of their term of service they were honorably discharged and the (Company disbanded. The following is the muster roll of the Columbia Guards, as went into the United States service for the war with Mexico: Captain John S. Wilson. Lieutenants— 1st,, ('larence II. Friek 2d, Edward P]. LaClere 3d, William lirindle. S,>rgeants— Isl, (Jeorge S. Kline; 2d, Jas. D. Slater; 3d, Robert t,hey — ; Clark 4tli, ; Cort)orals 4th, Music — ; Charles Evans. 1st, John Adams; 2d, James Oliver; 3d, John Smith; Arthur Gearhart. — Drummer, Thomas Clark; Fifer, Jesse G. Clark. I'KIVATKS. Charles W. Adams, Alvin M. Allen, Jacob Apj), Geo. W. Armstrong, Frederick Brandt, Samuel Burns, Elam B. Bonhani, Wm. Banghart, Jasper Musselman, Edward McGonnel, George Miller, William Moser, Archibald Mooney, Mahlon K. Manly, John G. Mellon, Alex M'Donald, John Birkenbine, Sanmel D. Baker, Daniel Martial, Francis Bower, Charles Moynthan, Francis B. Best, Robert M'Almont, Richard ?I. M'Kean, William Brunner, Hugh MFadden, Wm. James M'Clelland, Nortnan B. Mack, H. Birchfield, Randolph Ball, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Peter Brobst, William McDonabl, Abraiii B. Ciirley, Casper Oaten welder, Michael Corrigau, Daniel Poorman, Win. Dieterech, William Erie, Philip Rake, Daniel Chas. Robert Fullmer, S. W. Fortiier, 11. Forster, Peter S. Reed, James A. Stewart, Peter M. Space, Jona R. Sanders, Sewell Gibbs, Oliver C. Stephens, Edward Grove, Daniel Snyder, Geori^e Gamer, Edward Seler, Thomas Graham, Peter Seigl'ried, Shepherd W. Girton, Samuel Ilmitiiigdon, John C. Snyder, John N. Scofield, William Swartz, Joseph Stratton, Wm. II. Sawaney, John A. Sarvey, Benj. Tumbleton, Adam Wray, Adam Ileisler, Henry Ilerncastle, Oliver Ilelme, William 8. Kertz, William King, Jerome Konkle, Charles Lytle, Wm. Ira Lownsberry, I^enjamin Laform, George Wagner, Jacob Willet, Jerome Walker, George Wingar, Benj. J. Martin, Peter Robert Lyon, John A. Lowery, White, W. Yarnell, 391 ; OF COLUMlirA COUNTY //ISTOh'Y n«)2 mTKOOlU'TOKY. Tn the year 1860, a narrativo of tho military ooiMipation of Col- umbia county, tho arrest of many of our citizens, iheir incarcer- ami their subsequent trial before a military commission, appeared it\ the colunms of The (\)Iu»ibian newspaper. It was accompanied with a cojumentaty on the facts and cvi»lence adduced upon the trials; and to these were adtU^l ation in military prisons of additional cast's and personal experiences tif harsh, and unlawful treatment sutTcred by innocent persons in our What was then and there publislu'd stands uncontracounty. dicti'd. and as a portion o\' the history of the county is heri' inserted. A few paragraphs by way of connnent and remark have rejtorts cruel been i>mitted. The tirst August m.uh' for several days, thousand men. trials of troops arrived in detacliment tn-dav evenino-, The connnenced at men 1.'^, IStvl, until the arrests ^vere and Bloomsburg on Sat. cttutintied to additit>ns be number amounted to about one made August 81, ISfil, and the Uarrisburg, t)ctol)er 17, ISlM. William Applenian, paid his tine: one, Sanuicl ICline was par(U>ned by President Lincoln and the, John Kant/., .lohn Lemons, Joseph VanSyekle, Rev. A. K. Hutan, Henjainin CoUey and ^'alentine Fell were par(h>netl by Of the seven ctmvicted, one, President Johnsim. To the narrative o\' these occurriMU'cs is added, interesting matter, the .argument of Hon. Jeremiah S. among other Uhu-k bcfcM-e Supreme Court of the United States on the Milligan case, with the opinion of the Court, delivered by Mr. Justice Davis. This oj)inion fully viiulicates the legal position taken by our jn'ople, ami is a just and authoritativi' condcnmation of the the actions of t]u> military detai'lnnent, ces bv the militarv connnission. and of the trials and senten- iriHTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 393 CHAPTP:!! XXX. MILITARY OCCUPATFOX OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Ill preserve an faithful a orsseHsion, we propose from factH, to cast intos(; (A overawing the peoj^le and of jjreventAnd ing at tlic elections a fair and free expression of ojtinion. the nearer the I'residential election of 1HC4 approached, the more overbearing becatne these government officials and employees, unThe State til a reign of terrf»r was inaugurated in the country. of Pennsylvania was particularly the scene of atrocious outrage. Where it was thought the elections required to be manipulated there soldiers were located, citizens were arrested, property was destroyed, the State itself degraded, and the constitution and laws poses, became insolent set at defiance. I'ike, the in its V>ehaviour The counties of Berks, Columbia, Clearfield, many others were subjected to military raids Schuylkill and memory of which will abide with the victims and their poster- ity for generations. About the first of August 1804, a squad of men led by a young STORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. III 394 Robinson, niiiii iiiiiiu'd by Btoj) iiiolit clnillcngint;' time, scvi'ral fjir iis hiis Neither ;i citizen of Lu/.ci-ni' coiinly, upon ol' ;i our citizens —citizens ever been ascertained, w panions slightly. Th(( any of the ant horitii'S to search for or arrest ly a man named Smith was taken the olTV'iise. and Ilobinson half of the governnuMit. or ad'ra-y names have never haps com|)any was never liad no arrests, or to act in or any way on betiiis shoot- some person or persons (whose name and Representations seem to liave been as a foundation for a military raid, that the drafted had for tried authority yet transpired) went to Ilarrisburg to VVashino'ton. uiid>ia I'ounty the civil SnbstMpient- FoUowinij^ inmiediately u[)on believed that it is his (H)m- ol" made by pai'ties. up, but he his make pretense of authority to so law. challensjjed tJie and one sevei'cly short no attempt was in whom, military to the in passed, no infoi'mation was made, no ail'aii" warrant was taken out, county, not oni' of amenable [jarty kiiowiuiji; the otlier in (he darkiu'ss, party tired and wounded Kobinson ing lis to ;itteinptc'(i |iubiic luLjIiwiiy of tliis Whatmoiv was nevei- reported. men in j»er- made C'ol- alleged has not residt was, that on Saturday evening, August detachment of soldiers arrived in Bloonisburg; and in a. few days, by constant accretions, the armed force numbered one thousand men. It was given out by those in ttie secret, been leai-ned. 18th 18()4, or who The the iirst desired county.'' to be thought so, They encamped upon "that they were to the Agricultural l"'air scour the (Jrounds, below Bloonisburg, and on Tuesday the Kith of August, Major General Couch commanding the Department of the Sus(piehaniia arrived, and he made our town for a time his Head Quarters. At that time the force consisted of Capt. Lambert's Independent Company of mounted men of IMiiladeiphia, under of Infanlry under ; one section of the Keystone Battery command Lit'ut. of Lieut. Roberts, Col. Stewart. and a batallion they were Subsequently, reinforced by a batallion of the Veteran Reserve Corps, complet- ing the Army of {)ccuj>ati«)n. The leading Republicans had long and earnt'st interviews with Gen. Couch. Finally Senator Buckalew was sent for. Subsequently several gentlemen waited upon Col. Freeze with a {>rop- message from the General commanding the Department to the non-reporting drafted men. lie at first declined to go, but finally yielded to earnest solicitation and acosition to bear a HTSTORY OF (JOLUMBTA COUNTY. ceptcfl tlic ex|)l;iin the letter mission. oV)j(!ct is (tlmi. 'I'lic iiiiartment. Several days afterward, in order to put upon reeonl every circumstance relating to Col. Freeze's expedition up the creek, he addressed the following note to a gentleman fads and circumstances cognizant of all the : liloomsburg, Pa., August 22, 1864. CiiAKi.Ks K. 1'axton, Esy., ]Jear Sir : As you were (pi.iiiitcd the creek, with every step, preliminary to fronj Maj. the Susquelianna, will permit, with. in I (ien. Coueli, beg that you am, witli Commanding Departnient will, as fully as whieli, ac- of your leisure great respect, your friend, J. To fully taking a message up the facts in connection there- reply to this, state I my G. FREEZE. on the next day, Mr. Paxton replied as follows : Bloomsburg, Pa., August 23, 1864. John G. Fukkzk, Es<^., Dear Sir : Yours of yesterday is received, and I will, with pleasure, comply with your request. It was thought by Gen. Couch to ])e advisable to notify the deserters in HIiSTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 806 that the penalties to which would be remitted, provided they would innnediately report to tlie Provost Marshal. At the General's retpiest, or with his approbation, I saw Mr. Buckalew who a{>proved of the plan, and suggested that you would be a tit person to conununicate with the deserters, and said he would see After he had seen you, I you, and try to induce you to do so. the northern part of they were subject jis this county, deserters, you and you refused to go. Subsequently, for reasons to me, you consented to go provided Gen. Couch would give you in writing the coninumication it was thought expedient to send to the deserters, the substance of which is above stated. I then introduced you to the General and left you with him. Respectfully and truly yours, called on unknown C. During the interview spoken take Gen. Couch in a carriage u}) of above Col. the creek to him personally meet the people aud hunt the all K. PAXTON. Freeze offered to points and have fort alleged to have bi'cu erected or if the General preferred, each one should choose a friend and the four proceed together in a carriage on the ex; pedition. The Colonel })ledged himself for the entire safety of and agreed to drive to any and every place where any one said the fort was located, or entrenchments or defensive or The General declined, oll'ensive preparations had been made. while admitting he thought there would be no danger. Gen. Couch returned to Harrisburg, Wednesday August 17th. On that same evening Col. Freeze had an interview with Col. Stewai't, in connnand of the forces, and gave him a statement of all the facts iu his knowledge in relation to the Kobison alfair, also a full report of his mission up the creek, from which he had just then returned, assuring him there would be no resistance by the party, any citizens to the arrest of alleged deserters, that ten arrest them the same olfer to men could hundred and concluded by making him, that had already been made to Gen. Couch. as safely as ten ; Col. Stewart also declineil. This peraistent refusal on the become acquainted with our with localities and facts, })art })eople, of the military authorities to and make themselves familiar argues very strongly that the object of the raid upon our County had an entirely different object than the one so ostentatiously set forth, to-wit, the arrest and mustering HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. into service of non-reporting drafted men. They 397 listened only to and exaggerated reports and stories of the enemies of the people, and were thus prepared to "Scour the County." And to prove beyond controversy that such was the case, the fact exists that during the time the troops were encamped on the F'air Grounds, a cavalry officer told Col. Freeze in the presence of the false, malicious Ammerman and by a prominent Republican that to his, the Republican's "certain knowledge, there were five hundred non-reporting drafted men up the creek." Another Republican who had a corn field adjoining the grounds or near them, requested the soldiers not to take any roasting ears from his patch, and pointed out to them one belonging to a "copperhead," which was a proper object for destruction and spoliation. Again, when Gen. Couch first arriveinH, that he had V>eeii Cox, Martin told ; sive and dangerous, and that it n'ax rr^presented to him {Coxmh) that Colonel Kline wan the leader. Mr. Buckalew's reply was, as we are informed, that he had no particular information of what had Creek region beyond newspaper statements; that any general combination of the inhabitants to resist the draft; that the statement about Col. Kline was inconsistent with the character of that gentleman and was no doril^t a falsehood, that in his opinion any military or civil officer could proceed into any of the uppei* townships without beHe further proposed to postpone a journey which ing molested. he was about to make to Niagara and accompany Couch to any place he might desire to visit in the county for the ascertainment The General alleged that he was pressed for time, of the truth. and the interview .closed. The Radical leaders no doubt had given Couch his story, and it would seem they were very anxious to have Col. Kline, (an active Democrat and respectable gentleman,) arrested. In fact it is very likely that Couch's visit to Mr. Buckalew and the emphatic statement made by the latter alone occurred in the he did not believe there was HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY 398 prevented the arrest of Col. Kline and his incarceration in a Govei'ninent Bastile. TIIK AURKST8. The troops collected in the manner described, moved from the Fair Gronnds, near Bloomsbnrg on Sunday August 21, 1S64, and They were advanced up Fishingcreek, on the Orangeville road. under the immediate command of Lieutenant Colonel Stewart. The column was escorted by a large number of sympathisers in The force was com- military methods in buggies and carriages. posed upon the highest principles of military and artillery being uiuted in art; infantry, cavalry proper proportions, and the flng of prostituted for a base purpose, was borne in But the great feature of the scene was the civilian escort. It was for them a joyful Sunday and their looks spoke their exulSo far as they were concerned the churches were abantation. doned, the quiet of the day disregarded, and a political raid upon Their passions their fellow citizens attended and encouraged. were gratified and their hopes were strongly excited at the prospect of political advantage from the armed occupation of our territory, and the application of military influence to our elections. Up past tlie Forks, over Cedar Hill, through Light Street, along the United States front. the narrows beyond, tary line and the all the way to Orangeville, Radical escort "in stance' of inglorious war. all streamed the mili- the ])omp and circum- Beneath the hot rays of an August sun the army of occupation approached the doomed region of the Upper Townships, in which its exploits were to be performed and infamy nnide complete. We will not now, however, follow further the military advance to the North, but will return to Bloomsbnrg and trace subsequent events. On Saturday, August 28, Major General George Cadwallader arrived here from Philadelphia to assume command, and he continued his progress up the creek the next day with three hundred Again was Sunday selected to push troops foradditional troops. its The General returned ward to the proposed scene of operations. Bloomsbnrg on Tuesday, the 30th, and had long conferences and during the night of the 30th, upon with leading Radicals orders from him, troops were posted i^t various points in the upper townships, and at the break of day next morning about one hun- to ; HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 399 and marched to a meeting houKc near Here they were subjected to a siimmarj'^ oriU'al and iiisi>ection, their cases being passed upon by a scoundrel officer in the ]>ulpit upon whispered consultations with promdied citi/t'iis wt-rc aircKtt'fl the vilhige of Benton. inent KadicMls of the neigliborhood. with good reason ; — We say "a scoundrel officer" was subseipiently tried by a military a viUain, and we have besides the proof at for he court and convicted as hand (which will be hereafter given) that he extorted a bribe from one of our citizens under circumstances of peculiar infamy. There was no open examination of the cases of the arrested men nor any o]>portunity afforded them for explanation or dnfense. Whispeied consultations between theirmalicious political enemies who were on the ]»ulpit platform or near it, and the military satrap whose will and word stood in place of all law and justice, constituted the grounds of judgment by which they should be discharged or ordered into exile from their homes to be incarcerated Finally a part of them were discharged within distant ])risons. for their arrest or explanation of their reason assigned out any discharge but forty-five were ordered under guard to Bloomsburg, thence to be conveyed by rail by way of ITarrisburg and Phihidel})hia to Fort MifHin on the Delaware. The prisoners were neaily all driven on foot like cattle, the long 18 miles from Benton to Bloomsburg, without breakfast, and had no meals furnished to them on their way to Philadelphia. ; They reached Fort MilHin on the first day of September. One number was released on the second day after the arrest. The names of the persons arrested and detained, with their of the ages and occupations, and length of incarceration, are as follows AGK. NAMES. Daniel McHenry, Elias J. McHenry, *Joseph Coleman, Mathias Kline, Abraham Kline, 45. " a soldier in the war of 1812. Samuel Coleman, Josiah Coleman, Chailes Coleman, John Lemons, *Wa8 53 : 400 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 31. : HltiTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. None of these persons, we 401 believe, (with the ed) were drafted men, or amenable one exception notupon any pretense whatever to the jurisdiction of military authority. Cadwallader then moved his forces up the creek beyond Benton and hunted in all directions for the fort, field pieces and intrenchments, for a week. He came back to Bloomsburg after the search, and in an interview with Senator Buckalew, Judge Elwell and Col. Tate, pronounced "the whole thing a complete farce." He left Bloomsburg for his home in Philadelphia, on Wednesday evening, September 7th, 1864. OBJECT OF THE RAID. During the progress of the occupation of 1864, calumniation of our people was scattered broadcast by the radical press and by radical orators. It was announced by them that insurgents num- bering hundreds or thousands were armed and organized in tliis county that they had thrown up intrenchments that they had erected a fort that they had field-pieces or cannon, and that ref; ; ; ugees from Canada and deserters from other sections had joined them in considerable numbers. Though all these statements Avere utterly false, they were made and dence because an excuse was repealjed with the utmost confi- wanted for the steps taken, for the outrages committed by lawless powx'r. slanders A may certain be mentioned Reuben One examj^le of these : E. Wilson, a preacher, then resided in Blooms- burg and was seduced from his sacred calling. The following letter will show the flagitious statements made by him in a street speech at Milton, and will illustrate the course of insolent slander to which our people Avere subjected in the days of the military occupation. Milton, Sept. J. G. Freeze, 14, 1865. Est^., Dear Sir Your note ceived, and in reply, say, that I did Rev. Wilson myself; but he stated of the 12th inst. not hear the speech in his is re- made by speech in this place in some thousands of men up Fishingcreek in arms against the Government that these men attempted to set fire to the town of Bloomsburg several times, and had burned Mr. Clark's stable. the open street, that there were — — JIlK'iTOJiY 402 OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. I have made inquiry since the receipt of your letter of those who heard the speech and tliey say he said as above stated. The exact number of thousands tliey do not now recollect. ; Truly Yours, W. THAKP. C. Mr. Tharp is a gentleman of high credit, a member of the Bar, and has recently represented Northumberland county in the Legislature. It is perhaps only necessary to add, that it is understood that Mr. Clark's stable was burned through the carelessness of some little boys who were playing about it with matches, and that the other statements made by Wilson were without foundation. But no matter what were the statements made military inroads, or to give })roi)riety, after trooi)s to it .abroad to invite the a color of necessity or were sent here one thing is very certain: That the military authorities were without any excuse Avhatever for continuing their occupation of the county and for holding our citizens in prison, as well as for ized by them Avhile sundry acts connnitted or author- the occupation continued, (to which we shall For the troops traversed the whole course of Fishing Creek from its mouth to its sources, and ascended the North Mountain into the forests of Sullivan, "scouring" the whole region through Mhich they passed, and ascertained beyond all no field works, no fort, question that there was no insurrection no cannon, no refugees from Canada or deserters from abroad and that there had not been, in point of fact, in all that region any hereafter refer). — actual resistance to the execution of the any othcer, civil or military, in the this was fully known not only laws or molestation of performance of to the corrupt his duties. ofticer All (Lt. Col. who had immediate charge of the troops, but to C4en. Cadwallader himself. His declaration that the alleged insurrection (or his chase of it?) was "a complete farce," was based upon of his scientific his personal examination of "the seat of Mar" inspection of the sugar-camps of Benton and the huckleberries of Sullivan as well as upon his personal intercourse with the inStewart) — — habitants upon the line of his route. We aware that there were any deserters (properly so county at the time of this military incursion. If there were such they must have been very few in number. There are not called) in the HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. were some non-reporting drafted men parts of the country, but as tliere were 403 in all other j)re})osterous to allege that the pur- it is pose was to secure them to the public service. They were not numerous and not one among them (so far as we know or believe) had ever offered the slightest resistance to a legal or regular arrest. Certainly troops were not to be called for to arrest drafted means had failed, and then only so many were reasonably necessary for the purpose. Besides, the army sent into the county was more likely to drive off drafted men than to arrest them, and its cost was twenty times as much as would men until the ordinary as have been required to obtain voluntary enlistments equal in numBut in point ber to the number of men who had failed to report. of fact it was announced that the occupation of the county was to put down an armed and organized insurrection, and the troops proceeded at once to arrest citizens who did not owe military service, instead of drafted men, thus exhibiting its object in an unmistakable manner. NECESSITY OF THIS NARRATIVE. Having described the beginning of the occupation, exposed the and mentioned the first arrests made in the prosecution of its unholy work, we are brought naturally to the narration of its performances after it became fixed upon our people. pretenses for The it, narrative necessity for this consists in the fact that we de- some degree of punishment is to be inHicted by public opinion, and that justice demands that the scribe a great crime for which victims of the military raid as well as our people generally, should be defended against falsehood and slander. Besides, our review must be instructive as it will admonish us that arbitrary power is always selfish, unjust, and opitressive, and that its encroachments and usurpations are be oi)posed Avith sleepless vigilance and to steady courage. But we proceed without further digression, with of occurrences after the troops were located in tlie narrative the county. TROOPS AT ELECTIONS. "No body of troops in the Connnonwealth shall : BO construed as of the United States or of this this Commonwealth during the time of Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be to jirevent any ofhcer or soldier from exercising place of election within such election army be present, either armed or unarmed, at any . HISTORY OF COLUMniA COUNTY. 404 the viglit of suffniojo in the oloction district to Avhich long, if may lio be- otherwise qualified accordiiig to haw." 2nd July 1839, See. Or>— P. Laws, 541.) a very ]>hun hvw and a very good one, ii\tended to st^ cure tlie independence of ehn^tions, and it was in full force in was liehl in con l>iit it IStil at the time of tliese «>ccurrences. tempt by the military power and was rudely broken. (Act, This is Tlu' following performances took place in the county At the ehn'tion eleven soldiers with arms stood : election the at polls in (.\'ntre townshi}> all da\ In Heaver townshiyt a can»[> of about sixty soldiers was located within a few rods them i>f the polling {)lace : and from ten to iifteen of relieving one another. stotxl at the polls all day, the scpiads from ten to morning before the tended the voting the whole day, armed. In JNlount Pleasant townshij) upon the ground In b^ishingcreek township ten to stationed at antl at- polls o|)i'ned, twelve came soldiers iifteen in the armed were soldii'rs the polls and otlier squads within call at three differ- ent points on the road leading to the place of holding the election. Two men wen' arrested on tlie Hemlock township eleven In election day. armed, stood soldiers day all at the polls, and sonu> part of the time twelve were present. In Benton township, ;it the State election, about fifteen soldiers prowled around the eh'ction ground all day and at the Presidential election about f\>i-ty of them were in the township, some of ; them attending the polls. In Jackstm township there were eight or ten who ami n\arched around the place at the close of demanded tlu' the returns. of election they all canii' Of course they were In Sugarloaf tt>wnship at the State election were loi'aled within h;ilf ;i mile of elect — two more within a quarter of a mile at E/.ekiel Cole's election two armed in aiu>ther mih' ed past the polls repeatedly during the day. and refused. house a day, all into the house iiui and West Creek, within squads of two, in liolding the in oiu' : soldiers direction — two or nuu'c and four march- And at the Presi- armed soldiers and an orderly stood house where the election was being held, and dential election six or eight in the yard of tlie others near by. turns, sword in In the evening they c-aww and diMuanded the re- hand. IIISTOEY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 111 Diiiircreek township before the all day November until lour soldiers urined, arrived 40.5 tlie jiight and they staid about the grounds the closing of the polls. They arrested one man dinelection, ing the day. In Orange township and within the village and within easy disj)olls, there were a number of soldiers at the October Between that and the November election an additional tance of the election. number arrived, took jiossession of the by a school of about seventy public school house, then and held it till so township were deprived of the bencHi of a jtubiic school foi- the year. This seizure and appropriation of ))rop('rty ami violation of private right was most \\anloii and iiii])rovoked, and was instituted and applauded by civilians who Irid passions to gratify and interests to subserve. occujiied pupils, late in the winter, that the people of the KI.KCTION AHUKSTS. and on the day of the State Election, (1864,) a number of arrests were made at various points in the County to prevent citizens from voting, and in one instance to wreak revenge Iiiinicdiatcly before upon a county officer foi- j)reventing, in a particular case, the consummation of such a rascally jiurpose. A part of these arrests were made under military orders by soldiers of the Army of Occupation, and j)art under authority of the Deputy Provost Marshal for the county, by soldiers who constituted his guard, having been Some of those cases (selected by assigned to him for service. way of example) we will hereafter describe. For the present we projiose to open up a little the character of the officer who commanded the troops and whose word, for a time, was law absolute in this county. As the main instrument of despotism in making arrests, and clearly responsible for most of them, he merits particular notice and shall receive it. I.lKl T. Cise Coleman, Prothonotary of said county Alexan- der Hess the said I)e])onent to me personally known, and l»eing duly sworn acc'>rding to law snith, that the facts set forth in the forgoing statement subscribed by him are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed ^ before me 25th Febr'y. [-Alex. Hess. A. I). IS67. ) Jesse Coi.eman, Frothy. 1U)NI). Know that we Alexander Hess of County of Columbia and State of Pennsylvania, and H'-nry C. Hess and Joshua B. H^ss. all of the same township are held and firmly bound unto the United States of America in the sum of two thousand doUa'S lawful money of ail men by Sugarloaf township these presents in the United States to be the ]>aid to the said United States or the au- same to which payment well and truly to be made and done we do bind ourselves and each of us by himself for and in the whole, our heirs, executors and administrators and each of us firmly by these presents; sealed with our seals and dated the seventeenth day of January thorities properly constituted to receive the A. D. ; 186.-). Whereas, the said Alexander Hess has been drafted into the military service of the United States; now the condition of this obligation is such that if the said Alexander Hess shall, whenever called upon by the Deputy Provost Marshal of said Columbia county or by any other of the properly constituted authorities of the United States aforesaid to report as a drafted man as aforeif \\v shall so report when so called upon then this obligasaid, — — HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 408 tion to bo null .-ind void, or else to bo and roiuain in full force and virtue. Signed, sealed in })resence of J. W. and delivered^ S Woods and ^- Wirt. ) Alex Hess, [L. S.] H. [L. S.] J. Hess, B. Hess, C. [L. S.] NOTICE. Deputy Provost Marshal's Office, Hloonisburg Jan. 24th 18(i5. Alexander Hess, Sir ters Wednesday : You Jan. 25, 1865, will report at these Head Quarwithout delay to meet the Board of Examiners at ten o'clock. By Order of WILLIAM SILVER, Deputy Provost Marshal loth District Pa. Per W. H. Abbott, Agent. CERTFICATE. William Silver, late De])Uty Provost Marshall of the 13th District of Pennsylvania do hereby certify on honor, that Mr. Alexander Hess, within nanunl, in pursuance of the annexed noI, tice, did report at Blooinsburg, to the Board of Examiners, on the 25th day of January A. D. 18(55, and that upon examination he was discharged by the Board on account of })hysical disability Rupture. Witness my hand this 25th day of February A. D. 1867. WILLIAM SILVER, Late Deputy Provost Marshal. — Case of Rev. A. R. Rutan: On the 31st day of August 1864, gentleman was arrested by three soldiers at his residence in the lower end of Luzerne county and brought across the county this about ten o'clock at night, to the camp near Benton. The Lt. Col. Stewart before Gen. Cadwall ader who, perceiving no reason for holding him, discharged line, day following he was taken by him upon parole to appear when called for, and he returntdhome. Ho was not wanted or called ior until the night before the October election, when six drunken soldiers arrested him again at his residence and hurried him across the county line to the camp near Coleman's. This was late in the night and the arrest was made in a rude and tliroatonino; manner to the great disturbance and HLSTORY OF COLUMBIA C0UN2Y. 409 A uiaii iiaiiuMl Steele was compelled to Mr. Kutan's team to the camj). Mr. Rutan was kept at the camp two days and nights, slee})ing on the ground, and was then sent to IIarrisl>urg by way of Bloomsburg, under guard. Thu^ alarm of a quiet family. drive an additional voter was silenced at the October election. The 44 meantime securely held in custody at Fort Mifflin (save one who died a prisoner,) and a number of citizens (some of whose cases will be mentioned hereafter) were also arrested on the day of election, or just before, and withheld from the polls. Mr. Kutan confessedly had broken no law, nor had he interposed any act of resistmce to the prosecution of the war. He was a man well advanced in years and not liable to military duty or to military jurisdiction and he was a peaceful and inoflFensive citizen. But tlicsi- circumstances counted as nothing in his favor when the grasp of military power instigated by political hostility was upon him and he was comi^'lied to pass the ordeal of an unlawful military commission. They were "as dust in the balance" against the fact that lie was a Democrat, that he had been active or at least emphatic in his condemnation of the party in jtowei*, and that his arrest and conviction for some j)retended offense might intimiilate tlic peoj)le of his section and weaken the friends of honest government and Constitutional rule. He was arrested three times and at Iauig, and that he likewise was inquisitive as to the cause of his son's arrest. He had brought him up "to the best of liis kiuiwledge and belief" in a proper manner, and was astonished and grieved to find not only that he was the inmate of a public jail but that he had concealed his iniquity (whatever it might be) from parental inspection and reproof. Mr. Eyerly and Mr. Fry Sr., prosecuted their researches for some time without result. The arrest continued a profound myswith Mr. F. in his "pursuit of selection as adviser HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 416 counsel, parent and public. But at length Capt. opened a little the road of investigation, for he was found competent not only to execute the law but to exjjound it also. His exposition was to the following purport 'True it was,' he said, 'that Daniel II. Fry had not been in fact drafted into the military service or notified to appear, but he ought to have been ; that Daniel Fry, the father, had been drawn in the draft, had been notified to appear and had duly re])orted himself to the Board of Enrolment, but this was all a mistake; the proceeding ought to have been upon Daniel H. Fry, tJiereforc the latter had been seized as a deserter f He might have added, like another Dogberry, that though this was not ^croioner quest law' it was good Provost Marshal law, which had become to all intents and purposes, "the law of the land." His ex])lanation not being satisfactory, affidavits of the facts were at once })repared and sworn to, and ap})lication made to the Dep. Prov. Marshal to discharge Mr. Fry, parole him, to take bail for his ai)j)earance, etc., but all to no purpose. He was held in confinement bey(nid election-day, when upon orders from the military authorities at Harrisburg, he was discharged u])()n the ground that his arrest was illegal, unauthorized, and imj)ro[)er. We will add, that it was clearly outrageous and criminal also, and that the sole motive for making it was to deprive Mr. Fry of tery to client, Silver : his vote and to affect the result of time when the arrest was tended aihl followed it, this to merit the slightest attention. and the conclusion pretext put forward for his arrest Cases of IIalter the election. made and Heller: It merits — On tow^nship was arrested by Considering the circumstances which atis inevitable. And the too absurd and )»reposterous is (three days before the State election,) Hemlock — only contempt. Saturday October 8, 18G4, Daniel liolter a citizen of soldiers under the orders of the Deputy Provost Marshal, and Avas brought by them to Blooms- burg and lodged in the county jail. On Monday following Wm. H. Heller, another citizen of Hemlock township was arrested by He was the same authority and was also lodged in the jail. again and Monday case on examination of his promised hearing or In fact both the on Tuesday morning, but none was given him. prisoners were connuitted to prison without any warrant or other HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. All written authority, or cause shown, and no hearing or examination of their cases when was permitted up to 'the afternoon of election day That they were unlawfully arrested and for the express purpose of depriving them of their votes at the election, is most unquestionable. Ilolter and Heller secured their votes in the manner we shall describe, but were hurried off to Harrisburo- on election nitihtand But when their cases held there in coutinement for two days. were examined by the military authorities there, they were promptly and honorably discharged and returned to their homes. There being no cause or even a reasonable pretense for their arthe events to be presently mentioned took place. they could not be held rest, tinued. against in custody nor their persecution con- The high-handed, outrageous and shameless proceedings them canle to an inglorious conclusion. Furman and Robert C. Fruit — Holter and whom we have just spoken) being in the custody of Case of Sheriff Heller (of : the Sheriff on election day, it was believed that their votes were silenced or pi*evented and that a certain radical gain was secured. The fact was the subject of conversation in the town and of evi- was so good a thing have power on their side to have an accommodating Deputy Provost Marshal with a guard of soldiers under his hand, acting in concert with the troops in the county, to pick up voters and keep them away from the polls After a time the rights of Holdent exultation with the radical leaders. to It ; ! ter and Heller as voters came into consideration among their po- and the Sheriff consulted Senator Buckalew on the subject. The latter promptly advised him that Holter and Heller had been unlawfully and improperly arrested; that they were not liable at all to be arrested by the military authorities of the United States, never having been mustered into the Federal service nor drafted undei- United States laws that there was no law. State or Federal, which required or authorized him (the Sheriff) to relitical friends, ; ceive drafted nien or deserters, or those claimed to be such, into them there in custody for one moand that what he (the Sheriff) had already done and might thereafter do in the matter of receiving and holding such men in charge, was and would be entirely voluntary and upon his own responsibility without any obligation of law. These views were the county prison, or to hold ment ; III 41« STORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. aftorwardH fully sufltainod by the military autlioritics at Harrisand by (tov. (Purlin and his Sotrolary and Attorney (icnoral. hiirpr The ShcrilT was Provost Marshal furtlu'r advised that his in the matter, (putting relations to the Deputy the legal question :i8ide,) were 8im])ly tl\ose of comity that liaving received the men to acconunodate the Deputy I'rovost Marshal and holding them for that reason alone, good faith could only require that he should ; not permit their esca]>e, but should deliver tliem \\\) to tlie Deputy Provost Marshal when called for. In the meantime he could ])ermit them to vote in their proper election district without any vio- was evident tlyit Holcharge not only sritlumt lawful cause, but for the express purpose of depriving Further, that lation of faith or of duty. ier and Heller them liad it been arrested and put of their rights as electors, aiul that in to his this frauduU'ut and unlawful enter{)rise he (the Sheriff) would becouie a party by This, as nearly as we can :isIvceping thrm away from the polls. certain, upon it was the advice received by Sheriff Furman and he acted A carriage was procured, Mr. Ivobert C. Fruit promptly. ((^lerk to the Oouiity Oonnnissioners) volunteered as an ;iid to the from the jail by way of Iron Htreet and the mouth of Little Fishing Creek to the Hemlock elec. Thus tion ]>olls, four miU>s distant, wluM-e they gave their votes. All Ihe shanu^ful fraud intendeti by their arrest was defeated. SheriiV, and the men were driv<'n to Jofiiah H. Furman and to the men concerned with liim executing this act of evident justice! They preserved the law fix>n\ violation, securing to two of their fellow-citizens their un- honor in doubted rights and defied the rage and vengeance of power Their ac(ioi\ was legal, laudable, bold and timely, met the necessities of the case in exactly the proper manner, and deserves to I be held in lasting remembrance. Hut the Sheriff and his assistant did not escape punishment for their upright cotidtu't . When, in the course of the afternoon, the had taken Holter and Heller to Buck Horn to enable them to vote, radical excitement and indignation bticame intense. To have the fruits of rascality snatched from their montlis in tbe very hour of sweet enjoyment Avas intolerable Hud a desiiv for full vengeance filled every breast. Tlie dignity ftJ«o of Mr. Deptity Provost Marshal Silver had been touched at a tender ])oint and required signal vindication. Therefore, a squad fact transpired that they HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 419 of soldiers of Capt. Silver's guard was sent in pursuit of the Sheriff and his conii»anion8 with orders to arrest them and bring them [lossible, Head Quarters in the Exchange Hloek or liiggs' This order was executed with as nujcli of Hpeeatience and by upright con. duct they proved beyond all dispute that the charge of insurrecfirmly kept the peace tion spirit among them, was a only for denunciation or contempt. the others above named, were arrested by them, or of an insurrectionary base and utter falsehood, Sheriff Furman an.as in the maintenance and due administration within his judicial district, of ihose general laws of the State which guarantee and But no opportunity was sought protect the libei-ty of the citizen. as Clerk therefore, as well as private rights, — — or pennitted of bringing the arrested tion ; in fact they were hurried off to men before him for examinaHarrisburg to avoid due quiry and judicial action by him, which condemn the arrests and restore the was any greater respect paid to the States having jurisdiction in this it arrested men to liberty. District Court county in- was well known must (to Nor of the United which any offender against the ^laws of the United States might have been sent in due course of law) than Avas paid to our State Court. Military power, when it assumes despotic functions, avoids and hates the Civil Courts as much as the Devil is said to avoid and detest holy water, and never willingly submits to their jurisdiction and censure; lawless itself, it hates all regular justice which But we that justice will is and the tribunals by administered. i^roceed to trace the progress of those events at Harrisburg which affected Sheriff Furman and his fellow victims. And in doing so we shall avail ourselves of papers and memoranda which were made at the time Avhen the events occurred (and now furnished us) as well as of personal information concerning -unwritten facts which soiarces. we have been able to procure from reliable Fortunately, at the time in subsequently, a member of our bar question and at other times was in attendance at Harris- : HISTOBY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY Lurg 421 Cohmibia county prisoners first and accurate information of all that took place there. To him and to the other counsel (members of the Harrisburg bar) who were engaged in the defense of our people before the Military Commission, we are largely indebted for documents and for details of fact upon the subject of the military inroad and oc'eut»ation. as OIK' of the counsel for tlie arrested, and was in a situation to obtain full Passing over intervening time we will come to the occurrences Thursday October 13th 1864. Early in that day Mr. Buckalew (who had arrived at Harrisburg) visited the secretary of the of Connnonwealth (Mr. Slifcr) and opened up to him the matter of Subsequently by appointment he had an interview in the Executive Building with Gov. Curtin, Secretary Slifer and' Mr. Meredith, the Attorney General. The whole subject was con- the arrests. common opinion entertained and expressed that the were improper and unlawful. Gov. Curtin, however, upon being ai)pealed to as the Chief Magistrate of the State (and as sidered and a arrests Buch bound to see that the laws were faithfully executed, and that his subordinate state officials received due protection) declared do nothing with Capt. Dodge (the little military satrap who held connnand at Harrisburg at the time;) that Dodge had treated his Secretary in an insulting manner upon a recent' thut he could occasion when attempted ; a proper interposition on behalf of a citizen was but that he would telegraph a statement of the case to xUr. Stanton, Secretary of War,and ask for him an ol'der of dis-' This plan of proceeding involving delay and an uncertain issue, Mr. Buckalew said he would himself confront the terri- ciiarge. ble Dodge and endeavor to obtain from him what was desired. Pursuing this design he went to the court house and found Dodge, cap in hand, about to leave his office and apparently not at all inclined to a jn-otracted interview or to any [latient attention to business. We have had the scene which ensued described to us, can hardly hope to succeed l)ut ten language. being heanl, much in representing it by writ- Dodge wanted to be olf; the Senator insisted on and there was a hearing and conversation jtretty after the following fashion J>odge : "That was a pretty bold proceeding by the carry off our ]>risoners." Sheriff, to " HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 422 Senator "No law was broken and it was just. Besides, there was no escape." Dodge: "They were in custody and it was the duty of the You say you adSheriif to keep them in prison until called tor. : vised this ?" the men had a right to vote. The was not bound to take them or keep them in charge at all. His act in receiving them was voluntary and you have no jurisdic- Senator: "Certainly I did ; Sheriff tion over him." Dodge: "His conduct was not i*espectful to us. They were our prisoners." is not your business to manage elections or take give lawful votes. Why should these men be men when offense disfranchised? You could complain of the Sheriff only in case he Now refused to return your prisoners when you wanted them. Senator: "It Major — I believe you are a Major? — Dodge (becoming interested): "Well, I'm not sure ; I was nom- inated but I believe not confirmed at the last session." Senator: "Yes, I think I remember the case. No doubt it will come up again next winter." About this time the Major (in prospect) underwent a complete He had been standing, transformation in demeanor and speech. But the sudden reflection that the half impatient, ready to leave. man before him would have a vote in the Senate upon his confirmation to a higher rank in the army, worked like a charm. He passed back across the room, put down his military cap, placed himself at his writing-table, })olitely invited his visitor to take a and resumed the conversation {very kindly): "Well, what do you want done ?" Senator: "An order to discharge the Sheriff and his assistant." No sooner said than done the order Was written and handed Dodge then rose from his chair all benignity, radiant with over. In fact, at that moment, satisfaction at a good action performed. Dodge felt at peace with the whole world felt a benevolent infelt or imagined terest in the welfare of all his fellow-creatures he felt, already, the gentle i)ressure of a Major's straps upon his He was a happy man and quite open to any appeal shoulders The occasion was improved in the inof benevolence or of duty. Dodge was reminded that he had the Hemlock terests of justice. chair, : Dodge — — ! — HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 423 voters (Ilolter and Heller) also under his hand that they were unlawfully held and should also be discharged. He promptly took back his order and underwrote upon it what was desired. That ; document in its final form was as follows: dodge's order. Opdyke Columbia county and on charges preferred by Cap. Silvers. These men will hold themselves subject to any order which may in future be received from the recorder of the Military Commis. "Capt. will release the Sheriff of his assistant, confined sion in session here. Richard J. Dodge, Capt. Dept. Com'dg. Mr. Buckalew" states that the two delinquent drafted men from men arrested as deserters are the draft of 1862. not liable to arrest as deserters. R. J. If so, they are D." The above paper being produced to Capt. Opdyke, who was, we believe, a Deputy Provost Marshal and was playing i)ri8onkeeper. Sheriff Furman, Mr. R. C. Fruit, Daniel Holter and Wm. promptly brought uj* and discharged. They left in the night train and an-ived at Bloomsburg, Friday mornHere they were met at the depot by a con. ing, October 14. course of citizens and welcomed home with cheers and rejoicing. H. Heller were all THE COUCH CORRESPONDENCE. Senator Buckalexn General Couch. Bloomsburg, Sei't. 26, 1864. Major General D. N. Couch, Chambersburg, I*a. I have refrained from writing you on the subject Dear Sir : of the to — arrests of citizens of this county, in the confident expecta- would be discharged Most of these persons some of them are men of fair character and respectable position are aged men accustomea to active employments, upon whom im})risonment is peculiarly severe, and as to all of them, their famiAnd surely the offences lies and business suffer by their absence. tion that they, or the greater part and permitted to return to of them, their homes. ; with which they are charged can be neither grave nor dangerous, when they are not announced or recognized in the community from which they are taken. Only conjecture or suspicion can be exercised upon their cases even by those least friendly to them. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 424 tlie charges upon wliich tlie arrests were orsome degree from a disordered state or condition of luind in their accusers, who Avere carried away by an impression of combination and armed resistance to the laws in the Fishing Creek to\vnshi]is. Upon inquiry made by me since my return from Washington in July, and particularly since our interview in August, I have oV)tained information which enables me to speak confidently upon this subject. And I have to say, that there has I do not doubt that dered arose in not been a time during the present year or other executive officer, could not have when a Sheriff, Marshal, executed peaceably any warrant or writ whatever in this county; that there have been no fortifications or military positions prepared or occupied by in- any intention of establishing them that there has men assembled in arms to resist the conscription, as was reported that no cannon or other arms were obtained for a position on the North Mountain that neither deserters from abroad nor refugees from Canada came to the assissurgents, nor ; been no large number of ; ; tance of the so-called "insurgents," and, in short, that the reports sent abroad of insurrection in this county, (and probably also the statements sent to Washington as to the foregoing particulars,) were quite groundless and false. Gen. Cadwallader's researches upon the upper Avaters of Fishingcreek and on the North Mountain I believe were thorough, and should be held as satisfactory by the trict authorities. ])ublic and to To the President Judge of this dis- me, he characterized the alleged erection of Avorks of and the assembling of men in arms to resist the Governa "farce." But the arrests in question Avere ordered and actually made before the North Mountain Avas scaled and before the imposture Avhich had misled men abroad, Avas fully exploded. Had the truth been knoAvn in the outset, I conclude I would have been spared the composition of this letter and you the trouble resistance ment, as of perusing it. But Avhilethe imposture of "the Fishingcreek rebellion" remained undetected before the advance of Gen. CadAvallader upon the — — forty-four of our citizens Avere taken into custody and transported to Fort MifHin, Avhere forty-three yet remain. With a single possible exception, none of them were deserters or drafted men. They were farmers and business men, having no forests of Sullivan connection Avith the military service of the United States and HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 425 many of them above the age of forty-five years. Neither they nor their friends were distinctly informed of the charges against them, nor has the privilege of giving bail for their appearance to answer, been permitted tliem. known And their accusers are still un- by which they were arrested. I hear it said recently, that their arrest was under an order from the Provost Marshal General at Washington, in which case you as well as the authority are not responsible for the order, but only for its execution. These men, thus arrested, have been confined in prison nearly one month, in an imperfectly ventilated bomb-proof of a Government Fort, subjected to vermin and other hardships, and even if it can be shown that they have been guilty, to some extent, of imprudent or criminal speech or action, they have undergone enough to satisfy the demands not only of justice but of vengeance. Besides, two of them are officers of the county (the one a Commissioner and the othei* Treasurer) whose attention at home to public business is necessary. I therefore now make application for their- discharge without further proceedings or delay, justice as a measure of and humanity, warranted by the facts and demanded by public opinion in this section. submit to you any observation upon the nor upon the propriety of turning these I shall not, General, illegality of these aiTcsts, men over for trial (if they are to be tried at court of the United States all) joining county (at AVilliamsport.) proper to the which holds regular terms It is sufficient for in my an ad- present purpose to say, that the arrests were unnecessary that no such formidable combination of men to resist the laws as was alleged ; had any existence and that these men have undergone already I suppose no advocate of severe and prolonged imprisonment. military arrests of citizens in States untouched by actual war, will ; pretend thej^ should be nor that j)unishment in made except in cases of utmost urgency, such cases should degenerate into persecu- tion. must add some remarks upon the subject of keeping troops This county has a population of 30,000 and no more peaceFor ful, law-abiding district is to be found in the United States. many years the quarterly terms of our County Courts have not had an average duration of four days. The introduction of a large armed foi-oe here was not therefore ])rovoked by the general I here. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 426 character of oui* people, but must have been occasioned by the particular falsehoods already mentioned and exposed. With their exposure the which have been fully reason for an armed force of occupation wholly failed and a part of that force has been withdrawn. I shall hope you will find employment elsewhere for the remainder, and if will give the officers in command interfering with our elections, and par- not, that stringent orders against ticularly against placing tempt of an you troops at the places of election in ancient statute of this con- Commonwealth. remains only to notice in this communication, the two facts which remain after freeing the case of "the Fishingcreek insurIt They are: 1st. That here, as elsewhere, some drafted men had failed to report for duty and 2nd, That there had been a small night aifray in which a young man named Robinson was wounded. I have to observe upon these points (to which the case as originally stated has dwindled,) that for the arrest of the offender in the affray, a single officer, or at most a Constabulary force, was adequate and that as to the drafted men though they were probably impertinent and boastful, they were not numerous nor formidable. I believe that in all military movements there should be an employment of force clearly sufficient to rection" from falsehood. ; ; accomplish the purpose in view, but in the case of these failed to report, the advance of a single had would have had the same effect as the company men who of troops advance of an army, to-wit, their dispersion or submission. The men whose folly or malignity spectre of the insurrection, and was exercised in creating the who have caused an unnecessary and large outlay by the Government, (perhaps in all a quarter of a million of dollars,) are those upon whom the indignation of auIn a fall, rather than the men now in custody. proper place and in due time, I shall probably conceive it to be my duty to insist upon an investigation of this whole transaction, thority should to the end that the truth shall ity be placed where it become known and just responsibil- belongs. I am, General, respectfully, Your obedient servant, C. R. BUCKALEW. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Reply of General Couch. Head Qtarters, Dep't. of the Susquehanna Chambersbuig, Pa., September Hon. C. R. Buckalew, Dear 29, 1864. •,\ j United States Senator, Bloomsburg, Pa.: Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt — of your note of the 26th. arrested in inst., in 427 this day reference to the Citizen Prisoners Columbia county, &c., &c. The commission for their trial has been ordered and I had hopwould have been ready to take up their cases before this, but there have been delays beyond my control, still everything is being done that can be to expedite matters. I went to the Fort on Saturday last for the purpose of seeing myself how the prisoners fared, inspect their quarters and if necessary order them to be removed to a more comfortable place of confinement there seemed to be no cause for complaint and hence no change was made. I fully agree with you that no fortifications were erected by ed it — the "insurgents," but General Cadwallader amination of the country ably two satisfied that is who made a close ex- they had one, and prob- was an organization to remembers of which were armed, and I have other information to the same effect. The men arrested are charged in general terms with resisting sist j>ieces of artillery, that there the draft, the the Draft, which covers the case of those who advised resistance, procured arms, knowing they were for that purpose, or sold arms for the The same object. arrests were not to my knowledge, made by direction of the Provost Marshal General, nor are the prisoners held to satisfy vengeance, but to determine whether they are guilty of the great crime of which they are charged, or not. As regards your friends the may troops interfering with the elections, you and rest assured that there will be no just cause for complaint. When assigned to the command structed by the Secretary of which being in accordance with scrupulously carried out. of this Department, I War, not my was in- to interfere with politics, natural inclinations, has been HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 428 moment cannot for one I think tliat you believe troops are re- tained in Columbia county to control the elections. I was very glad to receive your letter, ure our interview in me August last, recollecting with pleas- and the assistance you extended at that time. subject has received my careful consideration and I hope able to so conduct matters, that none but the guilty shall be to suffer, and so soon as I can satisfy myself that any of the sus pected parties are only slightly involved in this treasonable move- The - ment, it will be consistent with my duty to the Government to order their conditional release. I am Sir, very Respectfully, Your obd't. Servant, D. N. COITCH. Major General Com'dg. Dep't- A second letter to Gen. Conch. Bloomsburg, October 11, 1864. Tuesday Evening. Gen. D. N. Couch, — due course of mail your letter of 29th duly sensible of your politeness in giving so prompt an answer to my communication. I notice with satisfaction youi- statement that you visited "!• ort Mifflin" and gave at- Dear Sir : I received in September, and am tention to the treatment of our citizens confined there, as the fact proves your possession of those feelings of humanity which do honor to our common nature. I read also with satisfaction and upon non-interference Avith our elecby troops under your command or control, and particularly your assurance to me and my friends (as you expressed yourself) that we shoidd have no cause foi- complaint in that particular. These were good words and I have no disposition to tliink tliem But, unfortunately, the proor to re})resent them as insincere. approval your observations tions ceedings of your subordinates have not been consistent with them. Col. Albi-ight, who came preparatory to the trial of u}) to this county to collect evidence, our citizens at Harrisburg, did not con- He went upon the stump in Bloomsburg with the republican candidate for Congress, and made the first As represented to me it was a political speech of the campaign. fine himself to that business. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 429 very inflammatory speech, and gave a most exaggerated and unfair representation of the difficulties in this county. speak from position to documents He professed to and used his inflame public passion against the men who were to be tlie official in his possession, and to render their prosecution useful for party purposes. But 1 proceed to mention events more recent which deserve, as Some days since soldiers were I think, your particular attention. I do not know what they have done sent south of the river. there, but a i)risoner was forwarded here yesterday from Main township and is still kept here. His case is as follows His name His is the same as his father's except a middle initial letter. father's name was drawn in the draft; the father was notified, appeared before the board of enrolment, and was exempted for legal It is now said, or pretended, that the son was really meant cause. and he, without any notice whatever, is seized and taken away from his district, tfie day before the election and held here in spite No one can doubt the motive, and the effect of full explanation the deduction of one vote from the is precisely what was desired poll of Main township. In Fishingcreek township, soldiers were stationed for the day on the main road near the polls, obviously to watch the election. In Benton township one of the election officers was arrested this morning just before the polls were open, and carried off, the others had been previously disposed of and the people found no Last night several men were ^arrested in officers to act for them. the neighborhood and kept away from their places of voting. I They were citizens, believe no one arrested was a drafted man. and had been openly at their homes before. Seven mounted nien were met going toward the Sugarloaf polls early in the day and they, or another squad, were reported later tried : ! — in the day watching the road of approach beyond. the returns come in it will doubtless be found true that When have been held in several districts, because many been intimidated and deterred from attending the citizens have polls, in addition to those who were taken away by actual arrest. No cause for the arrests is known and no man can feel safe in atlight elections tending the election. Of course the intended effect is as certain as the means of securing it are unscrupulous and disgraceful. At the election here in Bloomsburg a man Avas arrested in go fflSTOBY OF COLUMBIA 430 iiig to vote ; soldiers ftp})earing at the State law to which I reforrod you in OOVNTY polls in my violation of fornior letter, lie the was perm Iff di/tner His ease was one of doubtful dereliction under a former enlistment which has expired. He has since been enrolled and drafted under the U. S. laws, and I saw to day kept in hand during the dA\, but not to the polls. his certiiicate of having paid commutation money. more without question living here openly a year or Two men He until has been now. living openly in the neighborhood for two years past and voters in the adjoining townshi[) of Hemlock were ar" one on last Saturday night and the rested and put in jail here They were not liable to arrest and have not other yesterday. been drawn under either one of the V. S. drafts. One of them was pi-oniised a hearing yesterday and again this morning, but it was not given. Of course none was intended until the election should close. I said to the Slieriff who had them in custody, this afternoon, that be would be perfectly jvistitied in conveying them other — to their election district to vote, taking care to prevent their es- cape and holding them ready for any requisition upon him. took an assistant, conveyed them to their He and had returned with them almost home when he and his assistant were arrestHe had been abed by order of the Assistant Provost Mai-shal. sent less than two houi-s, but in that tinuMncalculable mischief had been done. Two of the four men who were to be disfranchiseed were made by the use of your command, and their occurrence justifies my aj)p('al made to you in a former letter for the withdrawal of troojjs from our county, or, in case they were not withdrawn, that stringent orders should be issued against their interfering with our elections and particularly against their presence at our places The arrests soldiers subject to of election in violation of express law. In conclusion, I must express my opinion that some signal condemnation of the wrongs and outrages already committed in this county is due to our people from the j>ublic authorities, and that some effectual provisions should be made against the repetition of such occarrences in the future. I am, General, very truly Your obd't serv't., C. R. BUCKALEW. : HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 482 OBSERVATIONS UPON THE COUCH CORRESPONDENCE. The Couch correspondence demands some notice before we proceed to other matters but we shall be brief in our remarks upon it because more important topics lie before us and invite us for ward. As to the latter we will, just hei'e, take our readers into ; our confidence and imform them what they may expect (in part) from our researches. Be it known, then, that we have obtained by unexpected good fortune though not without difficulty, full records of the evidence in the three leading cases of Columbia county prisoners, tried before the Military Commission at Harrisburg, and shall publish them entire, or their full substance. The cases to which we refer are those of John Rantz, Stott E. CoUey and Daniel McHenry, men upon whom the prosecution the Military Judge Advocate, the spies, informers, pimps and radical politicians, in short all the persecutors and their instruments expended the whole force of their industrj% ingenuity and malice (backed by public power) in In the main, thank God those order to secure their conviction. For the truth and the right did efforts were expended in vain. lies their webs of were broken their wickedtriumph in the end; — — ! ; and the prisoners, the objects of their hosforth from unlawful bondage vindicatpersecution, went tility and Those prisoners went not forth however without ed and free not without grievous expense and scars of conflict upon them great suffering first incurred, nor without bitter and enduring memories of wrong and outrage inflicted by lawless poAver. But, to return to the Couch correspondence, the matter immediness came to nothing, ! ; ately in hand be seen that Couch was notified before the end of September, by reliable and responsible authority, that the pretexts for the invasion were false, and was called upon to discharge the 1. It will Mr. Buckawas answered by him due course of mail and prisoners and remove his troops from the County. lew's letter to him dated September 26th, on the 29th. He received it therefore in was fully acquainted with its contents. Why did he not accept the information thus given him and take proper action upon it ? Assumnig (with gratuitious charity) that he had been misled in the outset, why did he persist in the wrong ? HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 2. lie Gen. Couch in his had them that tluit lie told It letter visited the jirisoners in may appear yet keep them 433 of 29th of September states that Fort Mifflin, but he does not state their arrest "was the worst act of incredible that he could make his life.'? this declaration and custody and allow the persecution again5>t them to continue, but the fact is too well attested to admit of doubt and can be fully proved if called in question. He was conscious that in wrong had been done, and when he stood was extorted from him by his victims the truth tion or of sympathy which he could not ings did not long continue, or at all face to face with feelings of contri- restrain. But those events had but slight feelinflu- He knew too well what his masters exacting were the demands of Radicalism ence upon his after conduct. recpiired of and that him how ; commission would be forfeited by any open exhibiand humanity, and he followed the suggestions of self interest instead of the promptings of his better his tion of independence, justice nature. 3. Gen. Couch's letter enables us to grapple with the points of the prisoners as they were finally arranged accusation against (and subsecpiently appeared in formal charges before the Military Commission) and is for that reason a valuable contribution to the history of the occui)ation. By it, to a certain extent, our field of in- narrowed and has assigned to it definite boundaries. In the first place there is no imputation that any of the arrested men were concerned in the night affray in which Lieut. Robinson was wounded. Further, the General agrees fully that no fortifications had been erected for purposes of resistance to the military power. But he says that "Gen. Cadwallader who made a close vestigation is examination of the country is satisfied that they" (the alleged 'in- "had one and probably two pieces of artillery, that there was an organization to resist the Draft, the members of which were armed," and that he had other information to the same effect. He says further, that "the men arrested are charged in ireiieral terms with resisting the Draft, which covers the case of those who advised resistance, procured arms knowing they were This is the for that purpose, or sold arms for the same object." whole case against the prisoners as stated by Gen. C >uch one month after their arrest and after the Albright affidavits had been surgents') obtained or extorted in the Fishingcreek country. — HISTORY OF COLUMBIA 434 It will COUJ^TT. be our business in the further progress of this narrative and by record evidence, to ansv»^er and explode these charges so far as they came under examination in the military trials at Harrisburg, and we pledge ourselves in advance to perform this work in the most effectual manner. But we choose to brand at once the statement about "one and probably two pieces of artillery," for which General Cadwallader is given as authority, as an utter falsehood. No evidence to sustain it was ever produced upon any of the military trials, thoTigh if such a fact had existed it could have been easily proved and would have been gladly seized upon by the prosecution. Besides, the common statement of all persons who had means or opportunity for information on this subject, has been, that there was no piece or pieces of artillery known of in the whole region of the alleged "insurrection." CONTINUED IMPRISONMENT. Within a few days after the general arrests were made (Aug. 31, 1864,) some of the prisoners' friends in Bloomsbui-g sent Col. Ent down to Fort MitHinto confer with them and ascertain, if possible, the charges against them, the line of their defence and the names of their witnesses. He performed his mission with diligence, but not one of the prisoners could tell why he had been arrested. One of them had been in the military service, many of tliem had just subscribed money to af^sist in raising volunteers in the pending They draft, and others had sons and other relatives in the army. were not conscious of having conniiitted any offence or of having done any act Avhich should render them obnoxious to the military power, and they knew that the general vague reports of "insurrection'' in their neighborhood would be put down upon even slight investigation fairly conducted. They could not therefore prepare for defence against unknown charges nor anticipate that they would be long detained Cadwallader also, as in prison. The character a gentleman and honorable officer, of Gen. gave as- surance that there would be fidelity and promptness of investiga- and that the day of relief and of vindication them would soon arrive. They did not understand that political malignity in the radical breast was utterly relentless, and that, united to self-interest, it would disregard all law and all justice tion in their cases for the most sacred obligations of duty and the most mands of humanity itself ! Nor imperative de- did they understand that officers — HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 435 army (in high coruiuand even) were under duress to politiand constrained to perfomi the behests of party as the indispensable condition of their continuance in command and of their promotion in the public service that command, rank, pay and constant favor were for the subservient officer, and embarrassment and reprimands, if not dismissal and disgrace, to the independent and just one. Nearly all the prisoners were continued in continLMMcnt throughout the whole of September and beyond the election in October without a hearing of any description and with- of tlie cal leaders ; out notice of charges against them. Meantime as Gen. Cad wall a- der could report nothing sufficient or definite against thcni and as Lt. Col. Stewart was equally unsuccessful. Col. Charles x\lbright was sent up a case. to do How his what they had failed to accomplish make up work was performed we nuiy choose to describe whnt we are now concerned with is the result of his affidavits and statements whicli by an aid-decamp of Gen. Couch were well described as "trash,'' which the hereafter; labors — a bundle of General himself spoke of subsequently with contempt, and m hich when subjected to deliberate examination and answer before a Military Commission were found to be in their essential features These papers however furnished a pretext for the continued imprisonment of our citizens. Though they had been taken in secret and by most disreputable means, though they were afterwards withheld from public inspection and whylly false or their contents worthless. unknown to the prisoners in their Bastile upon the Delaware, they were proclaimed to be most danmatory upon the accused, a complete revelation of iniquity in Columbia county and a full vindication of the occupation and all its works. This was the speech of the Radical Press at Philadelphia, at Harrisburg and at Bloomsl)urg, along the West Branch and in Luzerne, wherever interest could be felt in the affairs of this tal be made by county or political capi- the calunuiiation,of our people. But time passed on; the State election was held on the 11th of October and one of the main objects of the occupation became an More than forty citizens had been kept from accomplislied fact. the election by direct imprisonment, while others had been intimidated or restrained in their free action as electors, of conspiracy and resistance to law in tensively used this and the reports county had been ex- abroad for the purposes of party in the election HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 436 canvass. Under these circumstances of consummated iniquity, of — accomplished purpose it was not unreasonable to think that an appeal on behalf of the prisoners for long delayed compassion and justice would be regarded with favor, or at all events would be heard with civility, was accordingly made by the in the military power. Such an appeal proper quarter, and we will proceed and results. THE EXPEUITION TO CH.VMBERSBURG. to state its character, progress On Friday, the 14th of October, (after the discharge of Sheriff Furman and his companions,) Mr. Buckalew and Col. Freeze went over from Harrisburg to Chambersburg to see Gen. Couch and induce him to discharge the Fort MifHin prisoners. The General had his headquarters at Chambersburg, and the application to him was recommended by Gov. Curtin as more convenient and hopeful than would be one addressed to the War Department An interview with Gen. Couch was promptly at Washington. had and the arrests were fully discussed, together with the circumThe stances of hardship attendant and consequent upon them. unquestioned fact that there had never been any actual resistance any this county, was called to were the further facts, that the pris oners had never been drafted and were not subject to military jurisdiction, and that they had been in confinement a month and a halfvnthout trial or notice of charges against them. He was reminded also, that he had already ascertained that the several reports concerning the alleged 'insurrection' (upon which the occupation of this county by troops had been ordered and the to officer the General's of the Government in attention ; as made) wei'e either wholly groundless or greatly exaggeraand that no public necessity could require further proceedings arrests ted, for the purpose of either precaution or punishment. reply was scattered and evasive, though made Gen. Couch's at sufficient length. Perhaps the word "shuffling" would describe it more neai-ly than any other word in the language. It was not belligerent or uncivil nor was it specific and responsive to the application made to him. It indicated incertitude of mind and a deficient will, a temper not unamiable nor yet pronounced and confident, but above all an apprehension, or a fear of responsibility to of M'Clellan (under eyes whom — a commander who be incurred. The fate he had held command) was before his for failing to do political work and con- HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY 437 — duct a war of spoliation hail been degraded and he hesitated between the demands of humanity and justice on the one hand and the promptings of fear and selfish interest on the other. He recited his journey to Columbia county at the inception of the occupation, touched upon his visit to Fort MitHin, expressed his sym]);ilhy with the prisoners and particularly the old men among them, nuide sundry excuses for delay in the examination of their cases, thought many of them might turn out to be innocent or very when they could be tried much as possible. He said three of the men who were blame, could not say just little to but would expedite proceedings as he liad ordered the release of two or reported to be sick: —At point of the discourse Col. Freeze remarked, "General, one of those men, (Mr. Koberts,) has been discharged by a higher authority than yours he is dead!" There followed an awkward pause, but cons'giiiricantly and this severc-ly — versation was presently resumed. The General's attention was called to the act of Congress which expressly required that where persons charged with resisting a draft were arrested by the military \).)\\(iY they should be forthwith delivered to the cioil author- and it was urged upon him that he could end all and embarrassment, so far as he was concerned, by complying with the law, while he would extend to the prisoners a lewhich they were clearly entitled. To this he made ••al right to no direct answer, but said he would write to Washington for inities for trial, difficulty • He was then requested to allow the prisoners (or such he would not discharge) to give bail for their appearance before a Military Connnission for trial, whenever the Judge .\(lvocate should be prepared to proceed against them, so that in the meantime they might return home, escape the hardships and struct. ons. of them as danger to health inseparable from confinement, and.be enabled to prepare their defense in other words, to allow to them one of ; extended by law to persons accused of and he was told the courts of justice that a.jy amount of bail which he miglit require would be promptly The General thought he could not take bail, and turnfurnished. the ordinary privileges criminal offences before ing to Mr. Buckalew said bond ; : for the appearance of "I ask you as a lawyer whether a bail the prisoners would be good for any- thing and could be enforced?" To this direct question Mr. Buckalew answered, that i/' the proceeding of arrest and trial of our HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 438 by Military Commission was lawful, such bail-bond would it would be taken to enforce a legal obligation; ^y'the military power had jurisdiction of the cases, a contract of bail in aid of that jurisdiction would bind the parties and could be enforced, but if the proposed trials were unlawful a bond for the appearance of the accused would be worthless. Gen. Couch said he thought so too a bond would be good for nothing and he must hold on to his prisoners in order to secure their appearance for trial. What an acknowledgment was this of usurpation and outrage That brute force, naked power, acting in contempt of all law, could alone hold these men in prison or drag them before It was an unblushing announcement of the strange tribunals rule of the strong hand and of despotic will, as a substitute for all those fundamental and statute laws which can aloue bind citizens be good, for — — ! ! the rightful obedience of the citizen. At the instance of Col. Freeze, however, the cases the prisoners were acted upon favorably by Gen. of Couch. two of They were shown by certificates to be sick and suffering from confinement and an order was made for their discharge upon parole to appear and answer when called for. The interview closed with an appointment for another at a later hour of the same day. That second interview was had, but without any definite result. During the latter part of it Col. Alex. K. McClure was present and interposed some remarks in favor of the prisoners or of their Though a republican leader he was sagacious enough discharge. and political persecution could not, in advantageous to his party, and he scorned the the long run, be short-sighted, petty and vindictive policy which inspired and dicto see that arbitrary arrests tated the outrage upon our people. The following morning, October 15th, a final interview was had with General Couch and the application for discharge of prisoners again urged. He was still fidgety, and chatty, but undetermined, and it become necessary conclude the negotiation. at last to bring matters to a point and Mr. Buckalew therefore said to him, we came to you to get relief for our neighbors, supjjospower over them and would be disposed to act kindly. Even their enemies might now agree to their discharge as the election is over. If you can act, say so if you cannot, we will go at once to Gen. Cameron and apply through him to the "General, ing you had full ; HISTORY OF COLUMBIA CO UN 7 Y. 439 War and the President for relief, I believe he will and we cannot go home until this question is settled." The true ground was at last reached. Couch knew that Gen. Cameron was hostile to him and had denounced him, and he had a wholesome terror of Stanton. He therefore came to a quick conclusion and answered with energy, "Don't go to anybody I will do whatever I can for your men I'm sorry there has been so much delay, and I will send an officer at once to inquire into their cases. As soon as he can report to me I will discharge all of them but a few to be held for trial." He proceeded to say that he would Secretary of aid us ; ; immediately call in the officer to and give him his directions. manding the Department be detailed for the investigation And thereupon '"the General Com- of the Susquehanna'' rang his or- bell, (we believe a Col Meredith) and informed him that beside the written order which would be furnished him he would explain to him the object of his apdered to his presence one of his pointment. He was officers, to })roceed forthwith Harrisburg and to in connection with Captain Wessels (the Judge Advocate) examine the papers in the Columbia county cases and report to the names of the principal ofFendeis to be held for that the rest might be discharged. quickly as possible number dozen To The was to be in order made a question put to the General as to be held for trial, he replied, — about that." report him (Couch) trial, The "tive, officer retired to seven, nine, to as the half a prepare for his mission and soon afterwards, farewell civilities having been exchanged between the General and his visitors, the latter turned their faces towards home. DISCHARGES MADE. "Head Quarters" already deshown by the following letter from Gen. Couch which we copy from the Columbia Democrat of April 1st, 1865: The result of the expedition to scribed, is General Couch to Head Quarters, Senator Buckalevo. Dep't. of the Chambersburg, Pa., October 18, 1864. Susquehanna;) j Mr. Senator Buckalew, Bloomsburg, Pa.: you that the Board of officers were you notified, to examine and see how ordered, as which were many of the Columbia county prisoners could be safely released, Dear Sir: I beg to inform HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 440 have recommended (21) twenty-one to be The nature certain conditions. more can be set of the evidence under at liberty is such that no safely released at present. I am, Sir, very Respectfully, D. N. The number 21, COUCH, above mentioned, included ously discharged on account of Maj. General. persons previ- five John Yorks, William E. Roberts (who died before his discharge reached him), Joseph Coleman, Rohr M'Henry, and Elias M'Henry. The number of new cases of discharge was therefore just sixteen. Desickness, ducting twetity-one, the total number of four, the original half still in number confinement half a dozen ; of prisoners, : discharges from fortywould leave more than so that Gen. Couch's "five, seven, nine, — about that," ber to twenty-three. to- wit to be held for trial, had risen in num- This computation does not include Mr. Rutan who was arrested after the olhers. that "the nature of the evidence," rendered The general declared it unsafe to release Of course Capt. Francis Wessels, Judge Advocate and manager of the prosecutions, was opposed to discharges. He showed very pertinacious and sometimes unscrupulous hostility to the prisoners upon the trials subsequently had, and he was actuated by strong motives to oppose their release and to press for their conviction. His service as Judge Advocate was much more safe and more lucrative than service in the field, and he had reason to expect promotion in rank and increased pay as the result of a successful campaign against the citizen voters of Columbia county. By activity and zeal followed by success he expected to win re])utation, and he knew that by exhibiting those qualities against the accused he would recommend himself to a political party that had power to reward him, and would not be critical upon any course of conduct which he might pursue in their service. He reported therefore to General Couch that it would be unsafe more. to discharge so way many prisonei's as proposed, before his objection. The smaller man and his superior gave controlled the greater one, and nearly twenty victims suffered in consequence. Wessels had then left in his hands twenty-four prisoners for persecution at pleasure. convict," was to A Military Commission, '-organized to be furnished him as an instrument for his work, HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 441 he was authorized to employ agents and runners to prepare evidence, a stenogra}»her to relieve him of labor and trouble, and had subject to his call any military assistance he might require. Nor were "the sinews of war" wanting for his campaign. Any amount of money for his purpose could be drawn from army apj)ropi-iatious, and that too without responsibility to public o])inion for the extent or the character The draina of the of the trials Avas about to open, and outlay incurred. all due prepara- had been made. Power, confident and insolent, smiled upon tiie suffering and terror of the weak and defenceless who were to be oitenly smitten and crushed. The performance was to open Judge Advocate, informer and loyal witness were all ready for their j)arts; the ])ublic expectant nothing remained but to organize the Mock Court and begin tion ; ; ! HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 442 THE TiiK Military CojiMissiON Mock Court (called 'a Harrisburg for the three Army ; TRIALS. — On the 17th of October, trial of the prisoners. officers, to-wit: 1864, a was organized at was com})osed of Military Coinniission') It Colonel CMiarles N. Provost, Colonel J. M. Frink and Captain Lee, with Captain Francis Wessels as Judge Advocate. It convened under orders of 'the General Commanding the Department of the Sns(piehanna,' that is without any authority at all excej)t one wholly usurped and lawless. The members went through the form of taking an oath, and business began. The first case called for trial was that of John Rantz (which was supposed to be the best or strongest one for the prosecution) and the charges and sjtecifications against him were })roduced. They were, in substance, that he had confederated with others to resist the draft (what draft was not mentioned) and had formed or united with a secret society conuuonly known and called the "Knights of the Golden Circle," the object of which was to resist the execution of the draft, and that he had publicly expressed disloyal sentiments and opinions with the object of defeating and weakening the power of the Government in its efforts to suppress In brief, he was charged to be a conspiratoi-, an the rebellion. organizer or member of an unlawful secret association, and a man of disloyal speech. For the defendant, John G. Freeze, Hamilton Alricks and A. Herr, Esqs., appeared as counsel, the two latter being members of the Harrisburg Bar, and Mr. Herr District Attorney for Dau- J. phin county. Plk.v OF tlie John Rantz TO the Jurisuiction : — Mi-. part of the defence promptly tiled an elaborate Alricks written on plea It set forth that by most and imi>erative provisions of the Constitution of the United States and of the Constitution of Pennsylvania the defendant was entitled to a trial by jury, inasmuch as he was a citizen and not to the jurisdiction of the Commission. clear HI^STOJRY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. I'lniiloycd hi the military or nuval service ; 443 recited the provisions of several acts of Congress, and particularly the habeas corpus and enrollment acts of 3rd March, 1863, as conclusive that the courts alone had jurisdiction in the case, and referred to sundry legal authorities as confirmatory of the position taken. civil The "The defendant plea concluded as follows: mits that he the is resi)ectfully sub- not triable by this Commission, not being within jurisdiction thereof, or any other military of tribunal whatever." This was answer,al)le ; ver}' but — good law sound, settled, evident and unit was thrown away upon a tribunal which The little about law (or justice either) and cared still less. was overruled and the defendant required to plead to the charges directly whereupon to each charge and sj)ecification he That plea to the plead "not guiliy," and the trial proceeded. jurisdiction however, which was repeated (though in brief form) knew plea ; subsequent cases, stands ui)on record as an enduring i)ropower, and proves that there was no voluntary acquiesence by our people in the jurisdiction assumed over in the test against des[>otic A them. sion, similar plea to the made jurisdiction of a in the Milligan case in tained by the Supreme Court of the which will remain one of the Military Commis- Indiana, was subsequently susIgnited States in a beacons of liberty judgment in future times. was unanimously and promptly overruled by the Hanisburg: precisely the same )>lea, in another case, was unanimously and deliberately sustained by the Supreme Court of the United States at Washington. Such is the the latter endiffereiu^e between a mock court and a real one forces the laws and is competent to its work, will almost always be found learned, patient, impartial and just, while the former will violate laws and exhibit ignorance, impatience, passion and The Kantz plea Military Commission at ; its proceedings and in its judgments. Conviction ok R.*ntz. The trial of John Rantz proceeded for He was several days and was concluded on the 24th of October. thousand one found guilt ij osed by the prosecution) his case was fully light heard and an honorable judgment of acquittal was pronounced. But pending the consideration of his case, the case of Stott E. CoUey was called for trial (Nov. 21, 1864,) and a large part of his witnesses were examined in Mr. Colley's defense, thus narrowing the field of investigation when his own case was proceeded with on the 14th of December. The evidence taken in the two cases must therefore be con-t and exploded here, was phiced in bold relief. the prior convictions had taall the general t'harges upon which ken place. Absolutely ni)thing was left of all the nuitters of genIn that trial too, and the Ivantz meetin<;- still ol" eral accusation against the prisoiu'rs, aiul the occupation stood ut- condemned before its own extraordinary and partial tribunal — the Military Commission and in the presence of all the peo})le. tei-ly — By the unanimous acquital of Mr. Oolley and Mr. INT'IIenry slan- was silenced and the ]»olitical raid upon Columbia placed forever beyond justiiication or excuse. diM- It is true made that particular charges of against the prisoners, or some of count}'^ disloyal discourse were them, in addition to the So far as these related to Mr. Colley and Mr. M'llenry their futility and injustice will appear But when we come to recite the evidence in their cases. we will here remark concerning these charges against lie prisoners generally, that they were cpiite secondary or subordinate to the main ones before mentioned, that they were supported general matters of accusation. by very doubtful were in their or tainted testimony in nu)st cases, aneech and eonduet. He was arrested on tlie 19th of September 1HG4 in a state of intoxication and placed in the jail There he was visited by two of the leading lie was taken on to Harrisburg and held in confinement there until the 22d of October, when he was released upon condition that he would become a government witThe negotiation with him was finally concludcid by Col. ness. Albright, and he was suddenly transformed from a culprit to a patriot, was put on governmetit pay, and became the main support and instrument of the jjrosecution, in all the trials which at liloomsburg. radicals of town. tlie subsecpiently took that Upon j)lace. testimony, of the contradictions his general character and of testimony, mainly, his all tlie were had, and therefore an examination of convictions earlier and to was subjected it become important in which credibility, our investigation. In till' Daniel M'llenry follows fied as M' Jlenri/ JMii-ard on the trial, 1 4th of turorn: — "I IJenton township, Columbia county testi- am a carpenter and reside in know Daniel M'Henry I was ; ; barn about the 14th of August at Rantz's December, he .• from taking the drafted men. to resist the soldiers at liloomsburg The meeting was gathered when The meeting was last. got there at 11 o'clock I ; I sup- There were some speeches made, Samuel Kline made the first one: He advised them to form into squads or companies to I'esist the soldiers nothing else said. Daniel M'pcjse 100 to 125 there. ; llenry was the were times critical resisting next speaker, ; I gave them a the soldiers as thought unanimous ; I told That little them is all speech ; other spi'ech. the spc, iking I said I I in recollect of his spoke in recollect. I in saying that favor of resisting men were encouraging reported, we could do no more but don't 'these resisting the as the old we were drafted and had not than resist ; ; unanimous were they the draft, the people were draft and the soldiers.' day; he understood him to say I it, and better did not hear any Daniel M'Henry 8|)oke a couple or three minutes was about 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon. A ; j)or- ; 448 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. tion of the meeting was armed The meeting formed I ; squads suppose about one — ahnost lialf Avere. There were five squads, Samuel Kline was Captain of one squad, Jacob Shultz of another, a young man from near Orangeville of another, Elias Kline another. I was the other. The squads elected their Captains. These squads did not afterwards resist the soldiers that I know of from what I understood the soldiers were too strong. Part of the squads went to the mountain to keep out of the way. I heard the story that the soldiers were coming to burn and destroy property. Some believed it and some did not. We resisted the soldiers to prevent the drafted men from being taken. I attended so-called 'secret meetings'; I was a member, I joined in the spring of 1863 in Jackson township, near the Union church. We were required to take an oath, which was, 'to suppoit the Constitution of the United States and resist the conscription act.' William E. Roberts administeied the oath to me. It was not a secret meeting at Ezekiel Cole's I think Col. Tate and Daniel MTIenry made speeches there I heard him (D. M'Henry) say, that they ought not to furnish a man or a dollar towards the war; I don't know whether he was on the stand or not I do not recollect that he said anything about the draft in his speech. Do not recollect of seeing Daniel M' Henry at any of these secret meetings I live several miles from him I never attended any secret meetings in his neighborhood. Cross-examined: Can't say I was arrested for same offence as that charged on defendant. I was a drafted man and did not reThe port; I can't say who arrested me or where I was arrested. I was in first I knew I was in the county jail, and I was drunk confinement from the 19th of September till the 22d of October I got my liberty. I do not know that any drafted men but myself were set at liberty. Col. Albright told me if I would make a clean breast of the difficulties up Fishingcreek, as far as I knew, I could have ray liberty. I was not drunk at Rantz's. I don't remember of having said at Rantz's that we would trim apple trees and would turn the ditches. I did not understand that the meeting at Rantz's was occasioned by fear of the Harvey ville boys. Absalom M'Henry was at Rantz's, I heard Daniel M'Henry's speech distinctly, I was examined in these Columbia county piisoner cases. A question submitted here by counsel for Defendant, but objectinto all. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 449 ed to] I do not recollect that T threatened that I would convict Daniel ^M'Henry I do not recollect that I said in the cars coining ; knew what to say and would say. it. Daniel M'Ilenry had no more to do with the meeting at Rantz's than Iliad, f A question by Mr. Herr for defence, objected to and overruled.] to Ilarrishurg I men we were drafted, had not reported and the best thing we could do Avas to resist. The next day Valentine Fell asked I told go up with him went with him. nie to I to Sugarloaf to get people to turn out and —The secret meetings were call- Re-examined by Prosecution do not know when do not know any name used when I was initiated. ed "Kniglits of the Golden Circle," I lie-cross Examined; "Knights of the Golden I — Sometimes Circle'' the I joined: meetings were called by way of reproach and sometimes not. The foregoing testimony complete as given by him, of Ed. McIIenry, may be taken which But was he a credible witness? lowing statement made by an honorable gentleman, McIIenry trial, answer: statement of fact. Jesse Jlartman sinorn: — is exact and his revised as and final Let the fol- in the Daniel and had a conversation with him in Benton and also in Harrisburg. He told me in Benton "if the conscripts would stick to him till he got them together, he would soon drive the hell-hounds (the soldiers) out of the county." I met him in H;xrrisburg at Park House, the time of Colley's suit; I said, 'Ed. McIIenry you have altered your opinion since I sfioke to you at Benton.' He said ''the;/ had caught him, and handcuffed him,, and he coxdd do no better than swaar as he did, and that the innocent at such times must am a farmer. I '•! reside in Sugarloaf township, know Edward McHenry. I : sK.ff'er But irith the Ave cliaractcr f/ifllti/.'' go furtlur we will cite the strong testimony upon which was given on the Colley trial. : his Jacob Welliver, farmer of Benton, testified that lie had known McHenry twenty years, and that his reputation for truth and veracity was bad. He would not believe him upon oath where \w was particularly interested. Ed. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 450 Williayn Ash, n farmer of same neigliborhood, testified he knew Ed. McHenry and that his reputation for truth tliat was not very good. William Brink, of Jackson township, testifiied "I know Ed. McHenry, his reputation is pretty bad. I would not believe him : on oath." Hiram Ash, testified : good, I do not think that "McHenry's reputation I would believe him on for truth is oath. would I not not. Cross Examined: "I think He truth. is man a ing given evid^^nce it do not know of I tell the his hav- have known him otherwise to speak I : hard for him to pretty not of his word. false." John Savage, a farmer of Jackson township, another witness, said he knew Ed. McHenry and his reputation for truth was not good. Martin A. Amm,erman, tance from Ed. of Fishingcreek said he lived McHenry who was considered a rowdy. a disIt was a hard question to say whether he would believe him on oath. Moses Yocum, farmer, Henry, his of Benton, testified reputation for truth poor. is "I : know Ed. Mc- think I would not 1 believe him." "Would Cross Examined: had an interest in not believe him he would not ; tell drinking and cutting up since a boy. would do so and so, Hon. Iram Derr I in anything he He has been have heard him swear he the truth. and then do the reverse." : ''Ed. Mc Henry's character is not good ; so the people say." Samuel Jihone, tion is John O. Dildine, of not good believe JEsq., of Benton, said : McHenry 's Ed. reputa- not very good.'' ; Benton, said : McHenry's reputation is whether I would not well enough acquainted to say him on oath," These citations of testimony will answer, we suppose, on the question of character, especially in view of the fact that not one witness was called on behalf of the prosecution to sustain Ed. McHenry against this strong impeachment. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. The Witness Richard ed Stiles: 451 —This person, who may be rank- importance next after Ed. M'Henry, was a in position if not in swift and willing witness for the prosecution, and though his revelations of fact were not very important nor at all reliable in were well intended to secure the party objects their details, they of the prosecution. Upon the Rantz trial, in October, Stiles testified that he heard of the Rantz meeting on the 14th of August, but that he attended a meeting at the Ash's School last of March present 1864, at which twenty was not there House about the ; twenty-five to men were he believed the school directors called the meeting to ; know whether the people would be willing to be taxed to raise a bounty for volunteers. Some were in favor of the proposition and some were not. "Rantz was opposed advised the people to keep their money to buy arms to fight at home. John R. Davis said, 'John, we can't do it, we are too weak.' Rantz said he thought not he had been to Bloomsburg that day just came from Bloomsburg. He said lawyer freeze had told him, Illinois was about seceding and the State of New York was about to go Rantz said. Abolition leaders had seven pockout of the Union. ets and never were satisfied till they got them all full of money. Meeting adjourned to meet again without doing anything." The witness jiroceeded to state a conversation he had with Elias M'Henry on 14th of August, and another which he had with Rantz in 1862, in which the latter said his son Jonas was not of age to be enrolled, and made declarations similar to that above mentioned about fighting at home. He (the witness) "went on ; ; and left him ; talking." Stiles then detailr-d a conversation man in lows: the spring of 1863, — "I sist the draft ; I he had with William Apple- regard to secret meetings, as fol- heard you had a secret meeting at Ash's I told him I understood they were sworn to reunderstood liim to say they were not sworn at saitl to School House.' in him 'I he said they did take upon themselves an obligation to support the constitution of the United States and of the State of Pennsylvania. I told him I had been straightly informed the oball ; was to resist the draft, and if so, they would all be arrested and put into prison and he replied, 'there would not be prisons enough to hold us.' My sister, Mj-s. Peter Appleman, informed ject ; HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 452 meeting nie of the object of the had been in, but not till it was ; also Daniel Karns, M'ho said he finished, unless he Avould be one of In answer to questiots by the Commission witness to!d some particulars he had heard about the Rantz meeting of the I4th of August, and said he had seen men armed going to and returning from it. them."' Gross-examined: The meeting I speak of [concerning bounThey adjournAsh's School House was the first meeting. ed to meet again without coming to a conclusion I think SamI think there was a vote taken uel Rhone was chairman I '' ties] at ; ; think the majority Rantz did not vote ; night was in favor of raising the money. tliat at all voting was by raising the right hand ; ; kept a sharp look out there was but one more meeting then a committee avus appointed to canvass the sub-districts John J. Stiles, Thomas Davis, William Appleman, John R. Keeler and I ; ; ; I do not remember if Lemon's hauling was on that day or Rantz did not oppose my nomination for Sheriff I consider Rantz a man that talks considerable." others not ; ; ; Examintd hy the Commission: "I can't state who voted in There was a negthink Rantz voted against it, and spoke right the minority at the meeting to raise bounties. ative vote taken. out against Reaiauivs I it." — 1. Stiles said, [to rais'^ bounties] coming finally there to a a vote taken aiiythin^^ Then, But pressed by farther questions he contradiction by saying "I think think the majority that night was in conclusion." gave to himself a was domg "they adjourned to meet again without cross-examination, 1 on direct examination, "the meeting adjourned without ; flat I : favor of raising the money.'' Speaking of the same meeting he said, on cross-examination not vote at all voting was by raising the right hand; 1 kept a sharp look out.' But again he flatly contradicted himself in saying, in answer to a question by the Commission, "I think Rantz voted against it and spoke right out against it." 2. "iJant'^ did ; Stiles' narrative of what was said by Rantz at the meeting mn^t be greatly exaggerated, if not a gross fabrication. Samuel '\ IIISTOBY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. IMione, 4o3 wlio \v:is l*iesident of the meeting, testiiiod subse he "did not hear Rantz make any remarks made uo public speecli litard no remarks from Ka-itz ;" and no Avitness P^sq., queiitly, that ; ; was called to corroboraie within fwrt^ier, that Sules. week a JJesiiles, after Esq. Rhone testified meeting Rautz told him be high but we must try and the 'we must help the boys, the tax will it ;" and William Appleman testified, "1 took subscription for bounties, John Rantz subscribed $103.03 for himself, and pay S2o.00 for another man. These were voluntary subscriptions in addition to the tax." Stiles says 4. his conversation that in with William A])ple- him But immediately maii concerning the secret (or Club) meetings, he understood to deny that the members were sworn at all. afterwards he admitsthat Applemau told him they took an obliga- United States and the conwhich was in fact the very oath of inishown by abundant testimony upon the several trials. tion to support the constitution of the stitution of Pennsylvania, tiation as On the 22nd of November Stiles 18()4, was examined as witness against Stott E. Colley and testified to declarations by the latter a year before, directed against himself by give his testimony as ''Richard mer. I iStiles, know an enrolling it wa sicorn : '. and also to an attempt of intimidation some person w holly unknown. We delivered. — I reside in Benton township : Stott E. Colley, for fifteen years or more. officer for the a made first nine month's drafted men a farI was ; also revised third enrollment after second enrollment. I received a letter about the 1st of last May, [^Evidence of the contents of the letter objected to by the Defense but admitted by Found a letter nailed in a coffin and the lid the Commission.'] — Letter was left as a solemn warning charged me with dragging my friends and neighbors to a field of slaughter in turned down. defence of an inferior race of beings At one time at [Letter jn-oduced.] — gave me solemn in warning. Benton township had a conversation with the accused. It was about one year ago, He contended if tliere had been a after the election of 1863. fair election Woodward would have been Governor. It was through HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 454 fraud Curt in was elected. box once more ; if Tlio Douiocrats would try the ballotwould be blood they had not fair play there spilt. — Cross-examined: Prisoner never threatened or intimidated me; do not know who wrote the letter ])roduced. I think tlie conversation with him was in November 1868, about one month after I election." TiiK WiTNKss this one perhaps that we can — Nathan for the prosecution is Of all the witnesses examined J. IIkss whose testimony was relevant and important least liable to criticism or censure. detect a few inaccurate statements It is true made by him, and was not of a high seem to have been actuated by any malicious or br^se motive or to have been misled by unworthy passions. He was examined as a witness in all the trials of which we have and records before us those of Rantz, Colley, and M'llenry mainly in regard to the Rantz meeting of August 14th 18()4. When we come to treat of that meeting as a distinct subject of iiwfcstigation, the testimony of Hess will become most valuable, and will be freely used. It will exhibit (indirectly at least) the cause of that meeting as alleged in defence upon the trials, and also the circumstances under which it assembled. Unfortunately the witness was not present at the meeting in the afternoon. He says, he went to it "about 10 o'clock and staid until 12. The meeting had adjourned to go to dinner when I left; I did not return after dinner." We have not therefore, the advantage of his testimony as a check upon other statements of what took place and was said in the afternoon, but as far as it goes it has its value and will be made available for our purpose of ascertaining and exposing the whole truth in regard to the Rantz meeting. In the Colley trial, Hess testified to a remark by the defendant about a future fair election and spilling of blood if it should not be had, almost identical in terms with that testified to by Richard Stiles upon which we have already commented. In the Rantz trial Hess was examined as to his knowledge of a secret meeting at the house of Peter Case, but nothing important was elicited. He was not, therefore, examined upon that point we are at liberty to suppose that his intelligence order, but he does not — in the subsequent cases. — We only refer to his testimony concern- * HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 4o5 meeting for the purpose of saying that the witness was its date. He fixed it, "about a year ago,'' which would be in October 1803, whereas it was in fact held many ing in tliat error regarding months before that date, as was fully shown by other testimony. Heas says there were no speeches made at the Case meeting that he was not initiated as a member of the club or association, and that he did not know its object. He had heard the meetings called "Knights of the Golden Circle,'' (but does not say when, or by vihofn "don't know if that was the name or not." Hess had served in the war but returned home 5th of August 1864. Afterwards and at the time of the trials he was, as he ; ; says, in no regular employment. His invited presence at the some evidence that they were innocent in character. It is believed he was induced lo become a government witness in order to save his father from a Every effort and influence possible were used threatened arrest. in the days of the occupation to make up evidence against our citizens. It was sought with avidity and used without scruple. It was invited from all quarters and sometimes extorted or subFear, interest, family affection and party passion were sidized. meetings above mentioned in itself, is, each appealed to for the false, perverted or irrevelant testimony which should consign innocent men to dungeons and gloss over and conceal the iniquity of their arrest and punishment That J. Hess did not swear more strongly and unfairly under the pressure of power, was due to his own scruples of honor or of conscience and not at all to any sense of justice or of moral obligation in those who employed him. Nathan The Witness — Sii-as Karns Another government witness ajiupon the scene under circumstances of a very peculiar He came into view in the Mccharacter and full of instruction. Henry case for the first time, and fresh from the manipulation of the military authorities to whose jurisdiction he was amenable. For he was a non-reporting drafted man who had made terms with power and was transformed from a criminal to a witness, from being an object of vengeance to occupy a position of tolerance and favor. The witness was Silas Karns (who was supposed to have been concerned in the shooting affray in which Lieut. Robison was wounded) and he was produced under instructions pears : : HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 456 and well calculated c'oiKlitioiis A prosecution. world to si)ur his zeal of nieaniug contained is behalf of the in the following in language obtained from his cross-examination in the Mcllenry trial "7"a>M leased and years drafted in first three Capt. /Silver said, if — and I kneto tell all the shooting I came draft and here — in fall of about this case, Vi'o2>. I shotdd be re and liutaiis case, testified of Hobison." Of course Capt. Silver acted under instructions and was not primarily responsible for this arrangement and for the manipulation of the witness, who, pelled to make being within best terms tlie tlie grasp of power, was com- he could. The military authori- Harrisburg and the i"adical politicians who instigated tliem, are the parties to be held responsible for all that was done at ties and about tho in And what trials including the i)reparation of testimony. Discharged Karns from all responsibility and took him into favor upon the express comiition that he would tell them about the shooting alfair and swear against Daniel Mcllenry and ]\Ii-. Uutau. Tlu' latter objects did they do in the case were of course the main ones. quite a secondary matter by violence lost before us — it ? Tlie Itobison honiicide was involved only the question of a —but the ct)nviction of life JMcIIenry and IJutau was an im{>ortant and darling object and to be accomplished by the use of all possible means. It was "a political necessity" that they should be convicted and }tunished, for they had been contumacious to power and their ac(piittal would openly condemn their persecutors before the people. C)bserve the tenq)tation from army service; held from a whole year (or not reporting for — witness exemption punishment for desertion out to the e.\em})tion all ;) innnunity, for all possible participation in the homicide affray, and finally, enqiloyment and The road in one direction was made smooth and inviting, while an opposite course pointed to prison and bonds— to poverty, disgrace and i)unishment. compens.ition as a witness. Tt nmst ai)i>ear very remarkable to good unsophisticated peo- ple Avho supposed the military occupation had that deserters were not pursued in shooting Kobison legitimate objects, with vigor, and those concerned sought out and punished. Although the IIISTOMY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 457 county was occupiLMl by :iii jirmy for luoiillis, at an expense of hundreds of thousands of dollars, very little was done by it to accomplish the first of these objects, and (so far as the public knew) nothing to accomplish the last. It is true that deserters (non-reporting men) were not numerous here, and that a few of them left the county but of those accessible scarcely any were arrested by the troops. Those reclaimed or secured to the public service were almost exclusively reclaimed or secured through the regular agency of the Deputy Pro; vost Marshal, either by voluntary reporting to him or (in a few cases) by arrest under his authority. The airny expended its attention upon innocent citizens and watched the elections, but mostly lounged away its time in inglorious but expensive idleness. We have seen too that when so called deserters wtre arrested the main object was to make them witnesses against the citizen ]»ris()ners instead of securing them to the public service or punishing them for their dereliction of duty. Karns was examined as a witness on the loth of December 1864. As his testimony related entirely to the Rantz meeting we shall reserve it until we enter upon the subject of that meeting. In fact we shall rely upon ])arts of it in our exposition of the Kantz meeting as a valuable contribution to the cause of truth and justice. — TiiK Witness Aija.m Li tz: This witness was examined against Kantz and Colley but not in the Daniel M'Henry case. He resided in the village of Benton, was a pumjj-maker and farmer and about the time of the trials an inn-keeper. In the liantz case, Lutz testified that he had heard of the Kantz meeting but did not know its object, and that upon one occasion (the time of which lie could not state) he had heard Kantz say that they (the people) should save their money to buy powder and This remark was made after a lead to shoot the abolitionists. He further failure to raise bounty money to clear the township. testified to a conversation with Kohr M' Henry, to which allusion has been already made, and which was manifestly intruded into the case without reason or justification. was wholly irrelevant to the case })lainly unjust to an absent party. on We trial omit and its it because it introduction ; HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 458 In the Stott E. Colley case, (November 23d, 1864), the testimony of Lutz was Adam as follows Lutz, sworn: : — ''Reside harvest, about July, got into draft and about election. Curtin put in by intrigue. South battle. in ; order. know Last prisoner. with him about the every engagement, lost in said our armies were good lighting ; He claimed Woodward was elected He stated we could never whip the we had been whipped He Benton in conversation He said all cut up while the we could not fill every south was up our armies volunteering was played out, and there was no use in drafting. asked him why they couldn't fill the armies by drafting; he ; I said men should be sent south to be draft was made it would be enforced. they did not intend any more slaughtered. He I said, if the him if a Government undertook that there would be war told home, and the bloodiest times 1 ever heard would be sorry that I had ever left the party. at Cross-examined: — We came nearly talked some before that day. He South any chance to come back way I stated." Upon the face said in the tell of. He said We having blows. to we had never given He Union. of the above testimony it spoke I in the the a})pears that the parties — had a warm dispute about politics that they had "talked some before that day" and that there must have been more of the discourse between them than that reported. There to the conversation — is here great opportunity for mistake not only as to the actual language used but also as to the connection in which it was utter- ed. But the declarations of Colley, (assuming the fact that they are reported with substantial correctness,) fall short of criminality. However improper and censurable they may be thought their utterance violated And no law and to be, could justify no conviction. remembered that they were spoken in excitement and not deliberately, and that they were very probably provoked. it is to be The Witness Robekt La Fayeite Colley make but a single appearance in our narrative, : —This peison as we have will the re- cord of his testimony in one case only; but while he remains beHere fore us for inspection we shall endeavor to do him justice. : HI8T0RY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 459 what ho said on the 23d November 1864, on his brother's trial, whether the latter, who had already undergone nearly three months of dungeon life, should be further persecuted and punished is wlien the question was 7?. L. F. trade, I Colley, know sicom Stott E. : Colley I ; Benton live in he is my , a shoemaker by brother. On Monday evening after they m(t at Rantz's, I heard Stott E. Colley say, in Benton town, "if the soldiers came on that side of the bridge they would butcher every devil, or d d one of them." He had — a gun — saw two others with guns that evening Mathias Kline and Valentine Fell. Through the day saw squads of near twenty armed ni'. some had arms, some few had none. I heard Philip Knouse say, their intention was to give ihe soldiers tight on their way from Bloomsburg to Benton. If they found them too strong they would lay in the brush. If the soldiers come up and behaved themselves they would not disturb them. If they disturbed, or ; I ri ; endeavored to arrest the drafted men, they intended to fight them. He said he knew the drafted men had no Y>eace for a long time and tliey would not stand it any more. P. Knouse left that night; not heard ot him since the arrest. Cross-examined There was a good deal of excitement in I was no nearer to my brother than across the street. I suppose he was excited. There was great excitement in the neighborhood. My brother was not present when P. Knouse spoke what I have detailed. I think I saw him that day I saw him at Appleman's. It was a common talk that the soldiers would burn the houses of the drafted nieti." : town. ; We have already examined the evidence and general status called by the prosecution in the Ilarrisburg trials. Those which remain may be disposed of more briefly with two notable exceptions. We are anxious on the one band of six of the witnesses to present all the testimony against the prisoners or its full sub- and explain who the persons were by whom it was given, and on the other to avoid prolixity and undue minuteness of deOur narrative to be fair, exhaustive, satisfactory and contails. stance, clusive, imist be reasonably full in both sides ; but we will exhibiting the evidence upon consult the convenience of our readers 460 UTSTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. by being ;m immumsc ;is our pti-sibic in fiivtlier (.-itations aiul stiili'- luents. Against Daniel IM'TTiMiry woiv exaniint'd Five of tion to those before mentioned. pose we sliall now dis- reserving o\w for futnre treatment. of, Gu.HKur C M'VVaixk, Esi^., of Sbiekshinny, ft)rnK'rly of Hunt- made by Daniel M'llenry The witness says that he ington townsliip, testified, to remarks at a six witnesses in addi tliese meeting in Benton, in June. 18G3. attended the meeting to obtain volunteers, (we suppose to quota of Huntington township,) that h" showed gave public invitation. opinioM quickest till his authoi'itv M'llenry thereupon said that the and was his was \,oX to furnish a man or a dollai-."' l"|)(m his eross-exainination, however, the witness testified fur; her, that JNF Henry "argued the cause of tlie war; said the troubles were brought about by tlie aboliti'inists and the war might have been settled on the basis of the Crittenden emnpromise, thiid< he did say if we would pass the Crittenden conq)romise to the Constitution we need not furnish men or money. He made a remark that they should wait patiently and ai)i)eal to the ballot-box; I do not think he said anything disloyal. He opposed tlie carrying on of the war to liberate tlie negroes: he favored carrying on the war for the Constitution and the Union." tlie way down to put "it the rebellion 1 Taken together, this testimony exhibits ;i politic:il ;ugument, which, whether correct or not, wa'< innocent and wjxs one of com- mon and open in part at that It may have been prompted time by the attempt of the witness to obtain men use during the war. to be credited on the «piota of stripping M'llenry "s their own. At sion of o})inion and it ;is means for tilling was simply an expreswliat should be done to restore the Union, events all a district in another county, thus m ighborhood to what was not an expression of of available w;is saiil hostility to the enforcement of law. CuAS GnuiONS Benton townshi]>, a farmer, testified that he meeting (Aug. 14, 64) in the forenoon but left about one o'clock. He further stated that he had "attended three or four of the so-called secret meetings; never saw JM'Henry His testimony conat one, nor ever heard of his .attending any." of attended the Rantz — HISTORY OF ceniiiii^ the shall be reaeliefl. Kaiitz (JOLL'MJilA we incotnig, COUNTY. will reserve 401 until that subject Jonas Dotv of Fishirigoreek townshi]), fiirmcr, \v;is eullcd to de(!lfirations made by M'lleiirv tlire.e years before in a conversation with him. They were improbable in character and evidently colored and perverted if »iot manufactured outright, l^pon objection mase- no secret meetings after that time. the meetings ;] I went boating .'' The fact was, the witness was afraid and confused before the ho had the terror of military [tower before liis eyes, Conmiission and hence his scattered answ< rs and discb'moi-s. Although inhe did itiated niid sworn he says he was only partly a member (piently he says, "I atteiided I did not walk far down [to ; ; ; HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY 462 not get through. went bouling As ; he did not walk far to the meeting, and he as quickly as possible ! by him and the object of the meeting, Evans proceeded to say "the oath, near as I can recollect it, was to support the constitution of the United States and the Union. The Constitution of the United States was to be the Constitution to the oath taken — of the society. * * I cannot recollect whether we were to support * * I got there by being told there was to all laws of the land. It was public; the house was was not considered a meeting to resist tlie draft. It be a meeting at the school house. all open. It not for purpose of resisting the draft.' He were twenty to twenty-five persons present was purely political also "tliere said: ; would not say the number; Daniel M'Henry made a speech there. It was a political speech. Can't recollect what he said. John Savage, Charles Kramer, William J. Kramer, Alexander Kramer and one of the M'Uenry's were there; also Levi Lunger." This concludes the testimony of a government witness about a about a disloyal assemblage secret meeting which was open which was sworn to support the Constitution of the Union. ! Thk WiTNKSs Charlks M. Dodson: —James M'Henry, Esq, of Canibra, Luzerne county, was arrested at daylight on the morning August 31st 1864, and hurried across, four miles, to Benton in this county, where the other prisoners were assembled. Without examination he was then taken with the others to Fort Mifflin and was kept inconfinement until December, or for a period At the end of that time he was inof more than three months. authorities military had fiothing against him formed that the and was discharged and permitted to return home. And who was James M'Henry ? A merchant of Cambra, of intelligence and character, who had committed no offence nor given the slightest provocation for his arrest to the military authorities. His standing in the conmmnity was attested, subsequent to his imprisonment, by his election and re-election to the Legislature as a RepWlien arrested he had his resentative from Luzerne county. name upon a note in Bank, along with Edward Hughes, for the amount of $2,000 to raise bounties for volunteers to till the quota of Huntington township. Mr. M'Henry 's arrest was upon the information, it is believed, of church HOST DRY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 463 Dodson a young man of Benton township who had but was at home on leave. Engaging in the government informer, runner and witness, he had his of Charles M. been in the army, business of and thus escaped active service and danger for He took witnesses to the military camp in Benton against D. L. Chapin, Esq., and perhaps others, gave information himself, and was at Harrisburg several times as runner and witleave extended many months. ness. Dodson 's story against James M'Henry was that he had heard make a s[»eech in opposition to the draft, a speech of an the latter inllannnatory and disloyal character, in the Upon per end of Benton township. fall of 1H63, in the up- hi«», which and long imprisonment of Mr. M'llenry were based. The facts were, that at the meeting in question (which was held pending the election for Governor in 18f)3) political speeches of an ordinary character were made by a Mr. Wagner (who had been a soldier and a republican) and by James M'Henry being present and called upon, made others. remarks in favor of Judge Woodward, the Democratic cansome didate for Governor, stating his i)ersonal knowledge of him and Confining himof his high fitness and character as a candidate. self to that subject his remarks were brief and had no reference whatever to the draft or any other general question of discourse was a complete falsehood, the this statement of arrest or debate. Ascertaining by good fortune what testimony Dodson proposed him before the Military Commission, Mr M'Henry to give against manner and urged For a month or more, however the prosecution delayed the hearing while efforts were made to secure additional evidence against him. Mr. Wellington Hughes of Cambra, an honorable gentleman and a republican, was asked to become a witness against his neighbor; in fact we believe he was sent for or brought from one of the western states to testify. But he declared h*^ knew nothing against Mr. M'Henry. Additional witnesses failing the prosecution, and a large number of reputaV)le men standing ready to contradict Dodson, the further persecution of Mr. M'Henry had to be abandoned. Dodson, utterly discredited and impotent for further mischief, could only make the wretched and miserable excuse, that he had beefi mistaken prepared himself for trial in the most effectual that his case should be heard. — HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 464 that it iras not J'amen 31' Henry who had made the disloyal speech, but another 7iian. Dodson's father hud resided for years about two miles from tlie family were accustomed to trade at that i)hi.ce. Cambra and ^['Henry's store and Mr. M'Henry himself were as well knowji whole country. !t them all, as was any place or man in the to was therefore just impossible that young Dodson could have mistaken any other person for James M'Henry at the Benton meetjNIr. ing of 1863. TiiK WrrxKss Natitaxiki: L. CAiMrnKu, : —This witness appeared upon the serene at Harrisburg to testify against Daniel ^fHenry. but he succeeded in making up for himself a soniewliat remarkable record. Testifj'ing to an interview and conversation between himself and M'Henry at Stillwater in February, 1S64, he w;is confronted and contradicted by four or five credible witIn sliort, his nesses upon every material point of his evidence. story was completely overthrown, and his appearance instead late of aiding the prosecution contributed to secure quittal for the defendant. timony literally and wlu'lming testimony in full, We will an now proceed following it to honorable acgive his tes- with a recital of the over- in reply. — Nathaniel L. Camphell, sirorn : "I reside in Centre township, T know Daniel M'Henry. I Columbia county a farmer, attempted to till the cpiota of our township in February last, I attempted to fill cpiota by liiring volunteers, paying a I local bounty of §200, in addition to Government bounty. it was in Februhad a conversation with Daniel M'Henry Daniel jNI'Henry's and got my stopj)ed at ary 1864. I T live above horse fed and dinner, as I was returning home. ; ; Bloomsburg; I stopped. He commenced talking about the war. He remarked war was waged against the South by the black aboI told him 1 thought litionists of the North to free the negroes. he Avas mistaken. He said men going down there to fight now were not going to fight for their country: thej' were going to He said they were really murfight for their money, you know. derers and ought to be shot before they went there or ought to be He remarkshot when they got theie or wheii they came home. ed, the volunteers were reatly murderers and ought to be shot be- ; HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. foro they went there, or after they got there, or (I think he put to as soon as they it) men 46.', came home. I told be drafted. him I thought it was bet- He remarked, he would not give a pence of money to hire volunteers and he would not go himself. I remarked if he was liable to draft he would have to ter hiring go tlian to as well as me. leave him at T remarked. Government would not draft and take me. He either said he was armed home and and prepared or he would arm himself; if he had to die he would die at home and have a decent burial. I said I thought he was foolish. He might shoot down an officer and he would either be shot down or hung. He said we have 500 men ready to defend him or any other drafted men —or any other — was the way he expressed himself man in the neighborhood I undertsood remarked I liad heard a report of that kind in the neighborhood before but I did not believe it; but, I said, suppose that to be the case I think I remarked it was merely a matter of moonshine to attempt to resist the government, the government would send enough men up there to take the whole of them. He said that was not all there was half a million of men in the United States armed and ready at a moment's warning, all they wanted was a man that had nerve and courage to strike the first blow. 1 rejnarked, if that was really true the country was in a worse situation than I sup])Osed it was. but if there was not a man in half a million that had nerve enough to strike the first blow it him; drafted I ; was not very dangerous. He insisted that a majority of the peoin the North were opposed to carrying on the war any further and the South would eventually whip us and there would be a rising up of the peoi)le in the North against the prosecution of the war. He talked on for a considerable time and insisted the war was unjust and a war to free the negroes and I insisted tlie war was just. He talked on for near one hour. I had no other ]»le M'Henvy but conversation with with him before that time. would arm himself and (1)'0SH to < fill Examined. our quota, I ing to get fight at that said time. if 1 never conversed drafted he was armed or home. went into Benton township to do not know that plot a of his township. men out I He Did not come of his township. raise Daniel M'Henry was to high I did words in men filling attempt- think he was excited HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 466 I told him I was a Jackson Democrat. thought it strange. We were not both greatly excited. The words were not spoken in presence of any one about to volunteer. There were four men in the bar-room they were strangers to me. we parted good friends. He ; had accomplished my business and was about to return home. The words had no influence on me. I do not know that they had on any other person. I had got the men I needed. He said the majority of the people of the North were opposed to carrying the war further that the South would eventually whip us and there would be an uprising in the North. His opinion was that the war was carried on to free the negroes. That opinion was carried through all his conversation. I d(j not recollect that he mentioned slaves. I understood the half million of men were to defend men that were drafted, I could not tell who were present there I ; ; wei'e four persons present. I did not behind the stove and M'Henry at the 27th of February last.'" know bar. It They stood them. was previous to the — Contradictions of the Witness N. L. Campbell These were no less than twelve in number, and covered all the material points It will be remembered by in his testimony as given heretofore. our readers that Campbell stated in his testimony that "there were four persons present" when ht had his conversation Avith Daniel M'Henry at Stillwater in February 1H64. Those persons seem to have been James Edgar, W. B. Kline, Moses M'Henry and Wm. Raber, of whom the three first named were called as By them Campbell was flatly contrawitnesses for the defense. 1st. That D. dicted in the following statements made by him: M'Henry '^commenced talking about the war" and the South 2d, "that he talked on for near one hour;" 3d, that "he insisted the war was unjust;" 4th, that he said the men going down South to fight "were really murderers and ought to be shot ;" 5th, that he said "he was armed or would arm himself" to resist if drafted; 6th, that he said "he would not give a pence of money to hire volunteers or go himself;'' 7th, that he said there were "five hundred men ready to defend him or any other drafted man" (of the : — ; neighborhood as the witness understood;) 8th, that he said "there half a million of meti in the United States armed and ready moment's warning" to resist the draft; and 9th, that he said a at was : HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 467 "the Soutli would eventually whip us and there would be a rising up of the people in the North against the prosecution of the war." So far we have a denial by three witnesses against one that cerBut the tain words were spoken at the interview in question. Campbell having denied on contradictions did not stop there. Henry was filling cross-examination that he knew "that Daniel the quota of his (M'llenry's) township,'' and asserted also that he and M'Henry "did not come to high words" by his (Campbell's) attempt to get volunteers out of M'Henry's township, the three witnesses above mentioned proceeded to narrate the conversation which actually took place, which consisted mainly of a dispute betwt en Campbell and M'Henry, about the attempt of the former to get volunteers from P^ishingcreek to fill the quota of Centre, and recited the ''high words" which really passed between them on that subject, thus showing the complete unfairness and false- M hood of Camjjbeirs story. (in order to show that no disabout obtaining volunteers from Fishingcreek had taken place) that he ((Campbell) "had gone into Benton township to Again, Canqtbell having stated jtute raise men to fill the quota" of Centre, and that he "had accom- plished his business and was about to return home" when the conM'Henry occurred that "lie liad got the men he nei'ded. Andrew Freas, Esq., of Centre, was called to contradict him upon that statement. The testimony of Mr. Freas was as — versation with ' — follows Andrew Freas, Esq., stoorn: — "I reside in Centre township, Columbia county, I'm a farmer. Samuel Henderson, Tilghman Noblet, Andrew Freas, Dr. Elisha Low, and Nathaniel Camj>l)(,'ll, [were ajjpointed to act for Centre township in raising men to fill her quota] and he, Nathaniel L. Campbell, went up Fishingcreek. me on the 27th of February (when the citizens came together) that he did not get any men above M'Henry's he got them two miles above Bloomsburg. One young man's name was Chester Dodson. He had none when he got to Daniel M'Henry's. He got two men on the 27lli of Febiuary, near us or Bloom. They were going to Philadelphia, Campbell said." Campbell liaving testified that he had "no other conversation with Mllenry, but that one tiuR," and that that "was previous to Mr. Canq)bell, told ; irrSTORl' 468 OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 'iTtli of Fobrn:»ry," the ooiitradiotion of him by Aiuirow Froas was complete. In point of fart ho l\aii not obtained "the men he needed" and ''accomplished his business," before his interview It follows, that the testimony of with MTlenry. at Stillwater. Edixar, Kline, and M' Henry, about the dispute eoneerniuL;; volunteers fr.MU Fishin>::;ereek to till the quota of (.\Mitre. was reasonable and probable, .and tliat Campbell's denial of such ilispnte was not aeeordinii' tn the fart. The testimony of the witnesses for the defence, to whii-h we have referred in the foreu'oine; exhibit, was as foHows the : f/(^r//^,^• is about tJilgar, strorn: M'Heury dinner. — "I know Nathaniel K. Campbell, that was present at a conversation between Daniel Campbell, and hoard the whole till they went to I all. a-id Tl\ey were pretty much excited towards the last "f their conversation, but no violent languag:e passed between them. The conversation started from getting volunteers. Campbell was out from his township to hire volunteers in MTtenry's township. Daniel Mllenry did not s.ay anything about having live hundred men to resist the draft, nor about dying at home, nor that men who went south should be killed, nor about half a million of men. nor about a rebellion in the North. Cami>bell said he wanted to hire men. M'llenry said they could not be got in his township; Campbell said he h \d a right to hire where he pleased. M'llenry told him he had, but it woidd not be a very gentlemaidy act he would not do so in his (CimpbeU's) township. Campbell said it was no more than lie expected from a disloyal or secession townsliip. Tiien MTtenry got pretty well excited and the bell rang for dinner. That is about all I know. : — I heard all the conversation in tlie bar-room do not know that I could recollect every word not word for word. They talked tifteen, twenty, or twenty-tive minutes, might be logger, though I think not. That was all was said as I recollect. It might have been longer. I do not think I heard Campbell tell M" Henry if he was drafted he would be obliged to go. M"IIenrv did not ?ay anything about Cro.-i.^h\-anihud: where I was. tliat was said men being I — they volunteered for the war. siiot if They were talking about quotas. They talked about so in the bar-room. trying to till their He did not say war and about what their quotas the : : OF JIIST(jKy (JOLUMJilA (JOTJNTY. W.) ahout the war I cannot say further. I do not recollect was a netjro war. I do not recollect about the South. Aftei- (Jarnphell nairl it was a disloyal townsliip they liotli got a little mad what I meant by a sj>at. M'llenry said he would test his loyalty with Campbell, or the loyalty of their township witli Campb(firs townshiji that he had done as much tliey said that M'Henry Haid it — ; to get volunt(;erh mN<;li as tin- as and (,'ampbell, liis township had done as other township." Kline, Hwor7i — "I Fishingcreek township; was present at the conversation Itetwccn Daniel M'Henry and Camjibell, and heard tlie whole ol' the conversation. Nothing was said about five hui:\V. li. a tanner. men dred I know N. L. tion of the who went to tight the South ought anything about lesisling the prosecu- those to be killed, nor did he say war av that the South would whij; us of nerve nor any lielpfly tiiat he eould wol exj»eet anvthing better o{ M'llei\ry when he ealled him a liar. As Campbell retnrneil tlie tar as I remember that is the substant.'e. lie In eonneetion witi\ to the delendant. jitld — Campbell thin;:; better M'llenrv 1 th) replied *yon are a liar and then vou,' ot" J^aid not renuMuber (l>a( : (U'esent. said I l\>r wish to I expeet any- not diniu Mr. i-. lUf Coniniinsio/i : — C.impbell, five do \\o\. Oaniel ^Tllenry, JMoses ^^'illianl Kal>er, — "M'llenr) mention was imule of 1 draft ov abinit his going. William IJaber wards. 110 did he said (he war ough( (o stop. ^rilenrv. ,)an>es M'llenry, were 1 rang bell thi' what he had snbseribed to raise substitutes or volunteers. know anything said abou( the lu (xanihud by dcftuct self and is an old James Kdgar and my- man — about tiO did mit say that he was hundred men or h;df or up armed; a million." — ••! am a meri'h;int :md reside in JfoK(f< J/' //iiit'i/. finu^ni: Fishingereek townshi|>, 1 w:(s present at eonvers:ition between Heard the whole of the eonversation, and C;impbell. defend;int Daniel M'llenry did no( say anything about five hundred men (o resis( the draft, nor speak of being armed, nor about h.alf a million of men dr:vfted. got some in the North to go to w:vr, nor of dying C^impbell e ime to defeiuhint ;ind said id" our men to till tpiota of eoming at home if he would like to draft. l)efend:int we wouKl have any men to spare as we He said we were making preparations to till our own township. would have to work liquet men enough to do it. C:»mpbell said said he did not think Defend:int ;isked l\e would like to h;ivo some or nmst get some. him why he did \\o\ get them nearer home, out of his own towntheir men he did not think it if we did not interfere with ship rinht iov him (CampbelT) to eome (o onr township and interfere with ours. C;impbell said he had a right to get men wherever Oefendant s;ud he knew he had but he did he eould get them. th;it style when he knew wo in>t think a gi'utleman would aet in Daniel M'Henry were trvino- io elear our own township. told him he should not have a man if he eould help it till wo ; HISTORY OF COLUMBIA GOUNIY. could see vvhat'we could do for dinner. I uilli liave lived over owv ten own men, and years 471 the bell rung- with Daniel JVI'IIcnry. There was nothing said at dinner concerning tlie draft. They apjjeared a good deal excited and could not agree, and stopped it. There was a man named Wolf drafted into the army and while there his wife was confined Defendant gave me orders to giveher anything she wanted. Wolf owed him at the same time. He died after his return and defeiuhint forgave her the debt. I am a nephew to defendant. A young man named Mllenry had l)een in the army and came home wounded. Defendant got up an extra dinner, went with a hors(i and carriage and brought them to a free dinner and told liini if he wantetl to ride out he could Wolf was no relation. Last Febhave his horse and carriage. ruary Zinnnerinan came home on furlough, ttc. I met Carn]>bell Ijar-ioom. fiisl in lie I went in witli him to dinner and dined I with them. Cross cxaini/ied: four or five years last It — I am a and then nephew became of the accused his j^artner. ; was We his clerk dissolved The conversation was a quarter of an hour. Towards the last they were a good bit ex« spring a year. laslfd a little bit was some pretty rougli language. 1 think the lie I think Campwas exchanged between them used some oatlis. bell gave the lie iirst. Daniel was talking about secession; CampDefendant said our towns^hi]) had done bell said it was a lie. more than theirs; Campbell said it was a lie. Campbell said some He said he thing about secession; Defendant said it was a lie. done as Campbell he had loyal man as a considered himself as much for the war and would test loyalty with him in any way he had a mind to. Defen(hiiit said if Campbell called him 'secesh' he was a liar. Campbell said he had come there for volunteers Nothing was said ;ind he had a right to get them he thonglit. about drafted men that I heard of. 1 do not know that he said I have heard liim say at at that time that he would go if drafted Campbell did not other times lie would go or get a substitute. say he had got all the men he wanted I do not know that he said he had got any. Defendant did not say there would be trouble I could remember the in the North if continued to draft men. whole conversation there was some general con vei'sation which I have T caniu)t remember unless my attention is dii-ected to it. cited; there — ; ; ; ; //isTom' or COLT. y HI. (\)rxTy. 472 I o^ivoii but !i ;ill the oonvoi\-;;Uiou sliort tiino. V>erh:ii>s thov not over ton niinntos. THE KAN Hut a single the volimtoors; tl\oy oouvorsod about nbout (.'onvorsoil reserved bounty havo stated I all anil that volnntoi'vs. was said. rz MEKTINC^. point t^on wliieli evidenee for the der that was given) remains tor further exposition, in orthe whole strength of the case against our eiti/.ens shall be eoniplotely presented. prosecution at the house o\' John Kantz We refer Henton in to the meeting held township on the 1-Uh day of August. ISiU, in eonseqnenee of the arrival of troops in the eounty, and of the eireulation of reports that property was to be burnt and destroyed by them, and by persons from the lower end of Luzerne county. AVe havo at hand in the records of the tri.als the means of judging what wore the objects of that mooting, wliat was said and done by those who attended it. Hut and what character is to be assigned to it in our history. in ti'eating the subject of that meeting we shall not contine ourselves to the testhuouy given by the government witnesses, nor even strictly to the military records before us. We shall use the testimony given on both sides at the trials, and resort, as occasion niay in\ite. to other and independent sources of information. Tiu: TniF. Wuf.x rr was Uki.o: — The date of was the the Rautz moot- August, IStU, the daiz/olloirhiff the arrival of troops at JBIoomsburg, and most It was of those who attended it came to it in the afternoon. called suddenly and it assembled because the troops came, and ing deserves particular notice. It 1-kth of because exciting and alarming reports were abroad. That meetingdid not cause the military inroad ; on the contrary, the armed Troops did not c»>me to the county because of the Kantz meeting. They were ordered here, and a part of them were in fact here, before the meeting was hold. On August 13th, eighty mounted men and forty infantry Tliey with two pieces of artillery, arrived in Bh omsburg. were followed by other troops, no doubt under orders issued prior tiftv to the I4th. t'*!! the n^orniui:: of the UUh. two hundred and occupation caused and produced it. • HLSTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. more Jirrivcd, uiid within u few days, by additions, the 473 army of occupation was made to number one thousand men. It is i»erfectly phiin then and undeniable that the Rantz meeting cannot be plead as an excuse or justification for sending troops into our county. Those troops were ordered here without any possible reference to a meeting which had not then been held or projected and which never would have been held or thought had not been sent. Who other, some It: Co.Mrosp:i) classes of persons and it is —The who are meeting was made up of several from each to be carefully distinguished to be observed also that later in the day, that apart some attended who attended earlier and before the meeting ended, left and that liantz himself was absent a part of the time. together, the persons the troops of, if may Taken al- be described as follows: — P^irst, Non rejjorting drafted men, of whom (so far as we now remember) not one was ever seized and punished by the military authorities Second, citizens who attended from curiosity and without any foimed or definite object, (these constituted the lar; gest class ;) Third, several their advice the meeting. and infiuence, We rej^eat, persons who attended to prevent, by any imprudent or improper action by these several classes of persons are not confounded with each other and the same judgment applied to each, for the same motives and conduct Avere not common to to be all. It is not our purpose to acquit who attended, from cenmen who had been draft- all sure for imprudence, or to justify those call of the Government, but it from the testimony which we shall produce that the meeting together of the citizens was not criminal, that it was produced by reports of danger to ]>erson and jiroperty in the neighborhood, and that a just discrimination must be made between the motives and conduct of the different classes of jjersons who attended. Having done this we shall next show that the military authorities, (obviously from political reasons and instigated by men in this county who had their ear,) proceeded to seize and imprison men whose conduct at the Rantz meeting was innocent and in fact laudable, while they passed by, uncensured and unpunished, those who were to blame. In fact, it will appear, ed is in their failure to respond to the our j)urpose to show that the man most ])n)minent at that meeting in counselling vio- OF COIATMBTA COUNTY. niiS'rORY 474 lence and who was properly liable to puiiisliment under the law as man a non-reporting drafted man, was the very taken into their confidence and favor and used by them as their ])rincipal witness to se(uire tlie conviction of innocent Its C'Ausk: — Nathan dead,) tc>stified of 14tli tile on the J. citizens. government witness, now "on the morning or H o'clock, Rantz notified him of //csk, trial of J). of August, about 7 and upright (a M'llenry, that he went to Kantz's through curiosity to see what was going on that he went there about ten o'clock in the forenoon and left about noon, and that he heard at the meeting that the soldiers at liloomsburg and the Harvey ville men were coming up to burn tiie projierty in and around Benton." Upon tiic tiial of fb)lin l\antz, the same witness, i)eing more the meeting; that ; fully exaniiiu'd, He testitied with completeness on this gri'ater still was reported around by dilfirent |»ersons that soldii'rs w iTc coming u[> to help some citizens who had been trying \o taki' drafted men, and that they would burn the buiMings 'I'lu re was of those that were drafted and of them that resisted. no op|)ositi(>n made or rt'sistance olVercd to the soldiers when tiu'y point. canu' up" * said, "it * * day, or three or "I lu'ard the rei»orl, as to the object of soldiers foui', before this meeting, a heard afterwards that I the object was because they heard thesoldieis W('re going to burn and destroy was to protect iheir property from soldiers and citizens from other ])laces from Kairmount who had been trying to arrest draft ei nu'u, and that brought on the shooting." * * * It was reported among the nuMi who met at the barn that citizens were coming from Kairnioinit :nid llarveyville to burn and assist in burning pro|)erty. ***•'! heard that repoi't four or live days — ; I before the meeting." Confirmatory of this evidence was of other witnessi's examini'd u})on and I'oi' mony thi' But we trial, Iv. L. F. for the of a number prosecution ourselves to the testi- CoUey testilied on his "there was great excitement in the neighborhood. was a connnon the drafti'd testimony shall conline of governnu'ut witnesses. brother's It defense. tlu' the trials talk that the soldiers would burn the houses of nuui.'' iSilas A'arns, testitied, in the IM'lTcnry trial, storv that the soldiers were coming there to "that he heard the burn and destroy HLSTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. |)ro|>(ity; lieard lie also, testified, Chas. Gibhens that day at the meeting." it said at the meeting wore corning to burn houses and diers It it "that he heard 475 that the sol- kill children." thus appcjars with sufficient clearness from the evidence for the prosecution (without resorting to other sources for information) neighborhood and before, and that they constituted one of the leading causes of the meeting if they did not alone jjroduce it. A great part of those who attended went to it like that exciting and alarming reports were rife in the when the meeting Nathan J. was held, Hess, from motives of curiosity, but it was a curiosity stimulated by alarm and without any formed intention regarding As the action which shou]«l take place. to all such persons, (and they constituted the great mass of the meeting,) there can l>e no imputation of any criminal design or unlawful pur])Ose. may be It feais tlie was IK) 11' said that the rejiorts to which founded upon them in fact we have were alike groundless referred and ; that there no datiger to the persons or property of citizens and necessity for consultation in regard to the impending invasion. all this should be conceded, the explanation the Ixantz meeting would as the result of among still remain ; it might we have given still of be regarded excitement and of a real apprehension of danger But we ore not at all certain that there were the people. no good grounds for excitement and alarm. Threats had been freely uttered at Harveyville and in this county against the socalled "Fishingcreek insurgents," and troops in large numbers, beyond any public requirement for the arrest of drafted men, w^ei-e being introduced into the country. The idea of visiting the Fish- and sword was certainly entertained and such visitation was openly threatened, and troops were prepared or collected apparently for that very work. Therefore, an inircreek country with fire expi-ctation or fear and injury among inflicted upon the people that violence would be used thetn, was not unreasonable or prepos- terous. — There was no organization of the meeting kept of what was done. l)y the choice of officers, nor was any question proposed, or adojtted No resolutions were Irs ru<»(Ki',i)iN<;s: nor any record whate/er submitted to a vote. It was therefore quite Informal and had no official or regidar character as an organized body. Be- irrSTOKY OF rOLrMIiFA cor^TY. 476 sides, us already mentioned, Some attended throughout. tlie siinie })ersons in the did not eonipose forenoon and it tlien U>ft; otliers eame in tlie afternoon. Kantz himself nujst have been absent a good part of tlie time, for upon his trial, E. J. M'llenry testified as follows "I : saw Kant/, I live o'eloek. at my house on Sunday. August Hth, about 12 lie has a farm about live three miles from him. miles from where he lives, whieh he and nmst pass my house to s2;o see." Now obvious that to a meeting- of this irregular kind, is it in its membership, we eannot apply the same rules or reasoning whieh would apply to one of a regular eharaeter and uniform eomj>osition. An individual mem- without organization and shifting ber of the meeting ean only be held responsible for what oecurretl while he was aetually present and to whieli he direetly eontribu- ted by speeeh or eonduet. Presumptive or implied responsibility upon him as a member of the meeting for the aetsof his assoeiates, is out of the iiuesti(.)n and eannot be assumed. Henee it beeomes important, in order to form a jtroper judgment of the Kantz tueeting, to distinguish and diseriniinate between the diflerent elasses of persons who were there, and to explore the motives and traoe Some men, it is said, eame armed to the the eonduet of eaeh. meeting squads were at one time formed in the highway; three persons made brief speeehes or rt marks in the barn, and there was much of conversation during the day among those present. These are the salient facts presented by the testimony for our examination but in examining tluiu the remarks we have already made nmst be kept steadily in view, so that an intelligent, discriminating, complete, and satisfactory judgment shall be reached npon our general question, and at the same time fair treatment and full justice be extended to all individual citizens concerned. ; ; Dk.vfted citizens, Mkn were in Pkksknt: — These, as a position of contempt for they liad not responded to the draft. large nor was there any formed distinguished from other to the conscription laws, Their number was not association to resist their arrest as was falsely pretended: but some of them were no doubt disposed toward violent counsels, or at all events to continued evaThev constituted, therefore, sion of tlieir dutv under the law. JITSTORY OF COLUMBTA COUNTY. All tlie objectionable ingredient of the meeting and to all of the adviee given by Daniel M'llenry upon another occasion most ai)i»ro|)riate, they should to-wit: that instead of But r(q)ort for duty. it is them was "skedaddling around" to be remembered that not one of the drafted men present at the Rantz meeting (so far as we can. learn) was ever tried or punished by the military authorities, ulthougli sonje of them w(;re subsequently in their power. On the contrary t two of them were produced as notable witnesses for he government upon the trials at Harrisburg and were treated commendation than of Cf-nsure or We allude to Edward MTIenry and Silas Karns, punishment. whose testimony, though given under some degree of coercion and imperfect in cpiality, was used with fatal effect against innocent and U|)right men. rather as objects of favor and TiiK Fou.MiNc vSt^iADs: <»i- — Karns (who was the fairer of the two) stated in his testimony, that at the witness meeting "they foi'med into companies and sen to Akkkstki) (^ensure, as : irZS'rOJiY 478 little llablo to OF C0LU3IBIA COUNTY blame, the ease was different, and will business to point out particular instances of now be in the Rantz meeting, and outrageous. ment, for alleged pai'ticipation beyond «piestion, unjust all miles distant. — The evidence of E. was distinct and given heretofore, Rant/, trial, as follows August : John O. Dildine, J. iM' Henry on 14th. He As Karns and j)oint j». m., on Sunday has a farm about live miles from where he He as upon the a rejuitable gentleman, also testified whence he was mile from him. this Besides, conn)lete. — "1 saw Rantz coming home about 4 in the direction conning. I has a son in the army others testify lives, live three fourths of who is a a minor." was nothing done in have been absent from that there the forenoon, and as Rantz appears noon were, wliieli We have already called attention to the fact Rantz was absent from home about noon, two or three John Hantz: tliat iNFr. our and punish- arrest to about the time the meeting adjourned, he can hardly be held responsible for any proceedings which took place. Inde- until meeting was held on his pretnises, there was very little evidence against IMr. Rantz on his trial, except that he had made excited or extravagant remarks on several occasions, which were pretty well accounted for by Richard Stiles, consider Rantz (a witness examined against him,) who said '"I pendent of the fact that this : a man who talks considerable.'' — His loose talk however (suj)pos- be correctly reported) was accompanied by very distinct acts which gave it an innocent complexion. He t'urnislied a minor ing it to son to the army, he subscribed $100.00 to raise a bounty fuiui for must be assistand he waited u})on the soldiers and informed them that "they could hunt up all the drafted men and arrest them, and they would not be disturbed." Rantz was however arrested and severely his district, he declared the ''bovs," (or volunteers) ed, He was convicted (as we have heretof'oie shown) after and unfair trial before the Military Connnission at Harrisburg, ami underwent more than eight months of dungeon But his piison doors were at last opened by ^Andrew Johnlife. son shortly after he succeeded to the duties of the Presidential ottice. We are informed that the cases of Mr. Rantz and of several punished. an imperfect of the other prisoners wert' i)eiiding before President Lincoln, for consideration, at the time of his death, and that they were taken : HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. u]), acted u})on and disposed of by his successor without any apjilicatioii, ers 479 request or solicitation. remaining in Very promptly all new the prison- custody were pardoned and discharged. — Samuel A})plemari This gentleman is recorded as having undergone an imprisonment for 53 days. It appears in the evidence that he resides in the immediate neighborhood of Kantz that he went to the meeting in the afternoon, but was there only about 15 minutes and then returned home. He does not seem to have taken any part in the meeting, or to have given any other ; pretext for his arrest. Joseph Coleman, another victim, aged 68, a surviving soldier war of 1SI2, was at Mr. Appleman's house on the 14th of August, when Daniel M' Henry arrived tliere, accompanied by his Mr. Colewife, child, and a niece, on his way to visit a relative. man spoke to M'lTenry and referring to the Rantz meeting asked him to go up to it and induce the people "to go home to tht-ir request he was joined by Mr. Absalom this business." In Upon D. M' Henry's reM' Henry who was there at the time. marking that they themselves should go up, they replied that he had better go that he was more competent than they were and could accomplish more. Thereupon D. M'Henry went up to the He left his people met'ting accompanied by Absalom M'Henry. at Appleman's, and abandoned the visit he had intended to make. of the ; These facts are fully set forth in the testimony of Absalom M'Henry and of Samuel Appleman given before the Military Commission on tlie Hith day of December, 1864. It will, then, be seen that Mr. Coleman was instrumental in sending a gentlemm to the meeting to discourage and disperse it. We next hear of him as an arrested man. He was seized and taken to Fort MilHiii without any regard for his years or his innocence, and was kept there for a period of 49 days, when he was discharged without trial, under an order issued by Gen. Couch. Meantime, his farm was occupied for a military encampment and extensive depredations were committed upon his property. For these no compensation has ever been made. Daniel M' I/eiiry's arrest is the only additional one we will iri«Mi(ion, in this particular connection, although many others, The testimony of Aboutr.i"-eous in <-har:icter. might be named. : JIl.SJ'OKY 4S0 OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. sjilom ]\r'ITonry. to wliu'li roiVroiu'o tho mooting, and also Kant/, Wo wliilo thoro. M Absalom umbia oounty son: ; what shall thorol'oro givo inony of John Hakor giv«Mi //t /in/, am sirorn it in full, adiling tho tosti- tho sauio tiino. at a farmor. already boon mado, oxwhioh D. IM'lIoniy wont to was said and dono by liini lias plains oloarly tho oironnistaiioos undor : 1 know Daniol M'llonry — "1 livo in .laokson kn(>w Kdward township, Col- I\rilonrv : hi> is n\y saw liim on tho Mti\ of August. \\v oanio to Samuol Apploman's whovo 1 Avas. 1 was thoro a little boforo hinj. .losoph C\Woman was j>iisont. 1 askod l^aniol M'llonry if ho was going up to tlio mooting: ho s;iid ho had not intondod to g<\ ho was g«>ing anothor oourso. llo thou got out of his wagon :ind lurnod it. told him w'uld liko him to go up and soo what thoy woro d»>ing thoro :is ihoy might go into moasuros that I did not oonsidor right and I wouhl liko him to gt^ up and spoak and disoourago thorn, lli' wont into tho houso and ho s:iid no word about going up. ;igain ;vskod him and wo wont. 1 ; I 1 1 Wo t:dkoil :is wo wont along wo should adviso th;it thorn to dis- porso and not do anything contrarx to hiw, and ho advisod s[>oak to thom as was T older. NN'o mo to w:ilkod up to tho Ivautz barn, mado a spoooh his spoooh w:is sliort. llo t;ilkod vory muoh wo h;ul spokon. llo told thom thoy had hotter go home and if the st>ldiors did oomo ;vnd burn their houses they had tho law to llo : as f:ill b;u'k think 1 o\\, and tho neighbors would not leave thom sutler. whole of his spoooh distinotly and that w:is the 1 ho;ird tho loading point. 1 w:is pretty oh>se ti> lie did not lulviso tho hini. would luvve remembered it. There was some oonversatiim between us and ho w;inted drafted men to pay or report. Kdw:»rd M" Henry saiil the drafted men should st;uid together and ho wimld bo with ihoni. n\on to stand together. CroS{i-K.vaniin(d — If ho h:vd l);iniol s;iid it 1 MlliMuy did not say ho believed what they had undort.nkou. The objoot of tho mooting at Kant/'s thoy met to eonsnlt what they should (h^ if tho soldiers should oomo up whether thoy should stand luit :ind del\Mul themselves if thoy should injuro them. Thoro was a gooil ntany dr:»ftod men thoro. Ed. M'llonry was at the further I'ud o\' tho barn and 1 eould not hoar all ho s;ud and tho peoi»le woro un:inimous in — : 1 would h:no r:nhor ho would not have spoken, llo :ul\ isod the : : HIHTORY OF (JOLUMBIA *lr;ift(!f] rrifri tlieir plan. aj^airiHt th(^ to I Htick tog<;t her difl Re- JlJj-arninc.d tlic KoUliciH carrio to 4 Ml carry out underHtand that they intended to rebel not lawH unless intended to resist if (JOIJNTY. it was in self-defence. if the soldiers — I)ani<;l came The to arrest tliern M'Hcnry advised \\u: ; drafted so I men thought. peojilc to dis- perse and go home." Jolin Baker, Hworn: I — "I Benton townsliip; a w'agefore I got Daniel M'Henry was not there long. I did not see to the barn. him long. T saw him come to the barn. I do not remember of seeing him after lie made his speedi." back at early supper time. "^fo the same purpose with the foregoing was the testimony of James Evans, who was also present at the Rantz meeting and was examined as a witness for tlie defence. The government witness, Silas Karns, stated M'Henry 's ren)arkfi somewhat diffeiently, though substantially to the same effect. He admitted that "Daniel M'Henry did not advise them to resist the soldiers," and that "he advised them not to go on l>iit to liold on and see what was done in the matter." Such tlien are the facts in relation to Daniel M'Henry 's connecHe went to the meeting upon retion with the Kant/, meeting. quest to oppose all violent and imprudent counsels, and to induce those who were there to disperse quietly and go home, and he carried out his intention faithfully and fully. HIS TO RY OF COL UMBIA CO UNTY. 482 The Spekcues nesses infonn ns, M'FT in y. : — Rem arks were by SaTimel They were made the barn, as the wit- in Kline, Daniel IMTTenry brief l)nt were not all to the and Edward same pnrpose made with the same ol>jeet After some observations by Kline, M'Henry spoke in tlie manner ahead }' described and very propThen Ed. M'lTenry made some excited remarks. erly and wisely. or I). He tliinizs) as 'e])orfed by the witness Karns, ni'in tha*. hal sp ke hefor:' hhn; that vai liO'. (is some men ha I pi'omised to protect tlieai and when tlie -rial came He did ot name who they some men had done so. refused what ho did say I heard wliat I have conld not tell I wei'e. coidd not said recollect to tell liere. tliini:;s I some Some stated said (amon<>- other that 'he tl>.pos(.'(l and spurni'(l! just THE One CLUr. MHKTiX(;s of the principal clnrges trials at Ilarrishiirg. made tlie draft. 1863. against was that they had zation or society to resist OF our citizens oi'_'ani/,ed in the a secret organi- This cliarge (which was enand was contained in used by tlie Judge Advocate. tirely false) ap|»eared in all the cases tried the form of accusation printed Names and dates were tilled in the printed form, in each case, but same in all the cases, and were had. The form of the accusation as it appeared in the charges and specifications against Stott E. CoUey, one of the p'-isoTiers, was literally as follows the sub^tunce of the accusation was the convictions upon it : Specification : — "In tliis. that he the said Stott E CoUey, a cit- Columbia county, Pennsylvania, did unite, confederate and combine with John Rantz, Rohr Mllenry ind many other disloyal persons whose names are unknown, and form or unite with a society or organization commonly known and called by the name of the '-Knights of the (xolden Circle," the object of which society or organization was and is to resist the execution of the izen of draft, and pri-vent persons who have been drafted under the pro- March visions of the said act of Congress, approved 3d, I860, ami the several supplements thereto, from entering the military service of the United States. ship, Columl)ia This done at or near Benton townor about August 14, county, Pennsylvania, on 1804, and at divers times and places before and after said men- tioned day." Theie are three averments in denial of this established beyond dispute by the now charge which were evidence and which we shall and sustain. 1, That the (so-called) "secret meetings," referred to in this charge, were held in the s|iring of 18G3 and none l:;terthan about state : : /rrs TO R 484 month the Y O F CO L UM /i TA CO UN T Y. of INIay of that year nearh/ one year and a half : consoqiuMitly that they wore h<'ld boforo tl\i> arrests were mnde at the end of August 1864. That they were politieal ehibs simply, and had no unhvwful and particuhvrly tliat they were not intended, nor organized and eondueted, to oppose tlie eonseription laws of 2 or improper objeet ; the Tnited States. That they were not e.alled or known, during their existence name of "Knights of the Golden Circle,"' nor was any such name ever assigned to them in any (piarter until tlu> time ,'V by tlie the trials or shortly before. of the Uantz (.)n dence trial, on this we have point David Savage, ti>ri>rfi — am a member ciations. The only secret about them was 1 were sworn to support .Vlmost *he draft. of those secret Asso- We the pass word. the constitution of the Ignited States and of Pennsylvania, and the laws. sist the following evi- : all There was no organization to re- the persons belonging to this Associa- to pay bounties, itc. The Associations Kantz said to me he had been in to see the soldiers, and told them they could hunt up all the drafted men rtn«l arrest them, and they winild not be disturbed. tion subscribed were money ])urely |>olitical. Nirhola,< Kindt, ti>ns. They ceased the *)nly secret in sirorn: last —I was May member a a year 1 think. of these Associa- The password was The obliiration was to support the c-mistituand of Pennsylvania and the laws acThere was no organizaticm to resist the draft. it. tion of the United States cording thcr to. Martin .liniitt rnian. siror/r. — 1 was member of tliese AssociaThey ceased last spring a year. The oath was as stated by There was ni) organization to resist the draft. the last witness. The tmlv S' cret was the sign of recognition. Never heard these .a tions. organizations called Knights of the Golden Circle, tliat till lately, and by outsiders. ()n the trial of Stott K. Collcy, the following very conclusive testimony was given for the defence: ,T(ieoh lYelii>'er. .^iror?i — "T reside in Renton : am a farnu'r. T — HlSTOUy Oh (JOLUMJilA (JOUNTY. knew .lackson of iiieotiiifrs in IovviikIuj). 48.'> wiis tliert; twice. I Knew about them but their signs. I was initiated; whether there or not cannot say positively. The strangers were only excluded when signs were given. They were callerl "JJetnoof nothiiiGT Hecret I heard. Those that could speak, spoke. were lo support the Constitution and laws of llie United States; nothing was said about the conscript act; nothing said that I ever licard of about i-esistiiig the conscription act. cratic Lodges'' as far as We — Never he (JroHH Ej-jnstiluti' and 'Democratic Club.' Cross-e.ratNhud: — We did not take an by the members, at any such meeting tlo/ni Saraf/e, sirorii: farnu-r. I was ship in 1S63. — "I live oath No other: never such an oath did I take. I was to suppoit each such obligation taken ;it.'" Jackson township; in am a one so-called secret meeting in ,l;ickson townWe took an obligation to support the Constitution ;it and haws of the ITnited States. I c:dled it same society it was McHenry beloiiged over the township. I do not know that Ed. Nothing said in o;vth about resisting conscription act or to it. The secret was signs. draft. — The signs were to know each other, and Took na one another know. oath to support each other. The sign was merely to know each It runs in my mind tliere w as nothing about other when we met. helping e:u'h other: that we would know each other by the signs some couUl helj> e:uh other out." if we were to meet one another Cross-exai/il/ied: whenever got into trouble to let ; Jfartin A. Am»n'r»iaf>, sironi: ship. I ingcreek. was « Pennsylvania — 'd live in Fishingcreek initi:ited into the so-called secret meetings * * The oath was :ind of the in Fish- to support the Constitution of United States, nothing in the oath :ibout the conscription act, nor anything about resisting the draft. last meeting was in March or Ajiril. 1808, that I attended. mcmbr/'ti of the Society raised town money to pay rohinteei-s.'* The T/ie : HIHTORY OF COLUMBIA C0UN1Y. Wc'liiivfli ii'tolon; given tilt! testimony A;in>n (>r Williiun Kv.'ins, governinent witnesses, very [dirpose effect with the ;in(l Chih meetings. testilied tliiit Sinitli to iiiuch 487 the ;in against a single witness upon the other side. JlJcery (ttniaed in relation to those Club meethtys whether Ed. ernment, or for the defense, saoe their vindication from all M^ Henry, 1HG3, witness ex- for the govpronounced censure or enil imputation. SPECIAL CASES. THE CASE OF WILLIAM The case KESSI-ER. of William Kesslerof Jackson township in this county, occurring about the time under di(;cussion, interesting. drawn in is both instructive and Kessler was improperly enrolled and his a draft. When name was the officer or person employed for the gave notices to the men drafted at- that time, he was informed thai Kessler was non compos mentis, tliat he had recently escaped from tlie IIarris\)urg liUnaiic Asylum, was utterly and notoriously unfit for military service and that notice to him would No notice was therefore served in the case, V)e idle and absurd. Kessler was arrested as a deserter and afterwards time some but Nothing can hurri" d away from home for trial and punishment. ]»urpose more fidlv show the unfitness of military tribunals for the ad- ministration of justice to the citizen, than the case. In the Congressional debates of ing remarks made by Mr. Huckalew, this case in 1807, proceedings we in his find the follow- the Senate, in reft rence to HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 488 "T know one oaso of jv luan fresh from the Poniisylvania State who was reported upon one of these lists [of non(h-af ted men ;] no notiee was served u})on him or on Lunatic Asylinu report in*;- was carried olV and tried before a military tribuand put in prison, and under the sentence passed upon him lu' was loaded down with a ball and chain an insane man. The case was heard ra})idly, summarily nobody appeared for him the court did not knctw that he was insane they asked him some questions, he gave absurd replies, and they supposed he was an incorrigible offender. It was necessary to appeal to the President in that case and have the man pardoned in order to discharge him from liis prison and from bonds." Cong. Globe \st Sess. -iOth Con. l\ GG2. The following letter was written, pending the application to the President for Kessler's pardon and discharge from Fort any one else: he nal at lIarris\>uro; — ; ; ; Mittiin. July 24, 1865. INIonday afternoon. '•W.\siiiN(; roN, Dkau Siu. — 1 |_ \ had an interview with the President, on Saturday and brought the case of Kessler to his conviction not being among the jtapeis notice. The record of the went to-day to the otlice of the.Iudge Advocate General (but Holt is absent) and found it. A report from that oilrtce will be realy at 10 o'clock to-morrow when I will go again to the President and have the case determined. The record says the Defendant confessed the facts and said he never intended to report, whereupon the sapient commission gave him tic) i/cars with ball and chain ! Yours very truly, C. R. BUCKALEW." COI.. J. G. FUKKZE. We the next give War the order of 1 discharge which was issued from Department: War DlsrART^lKNT, Adjvtant Gknkkak's Washington, July Ori-ici: ^ [- 2oth, I860. ) Special Oroers, Tlie unexpired portion Martial in the case of the I, ^^^.^^.^^^ » sentence of the Gener:vl Court of Private Willi:vni Kessler, an un;issigned [TTSTORY OF (JOLUMBTA COUNTY. 4S() draft(!fl man, from I^emisylvaiiia, Ih remitted. He will be released from confinement at Fort MifHiri, PentiHylvania (where he is now supposed to be,) discharged the service of the United States, and returned charge of a guard in to home his Columbia county, Pennsylvania. The (Quartermaster's Department will in Jackson township, riunish llie necessary transport atifui. liy order of the rrcsident of the United States. {/Signed.) E. D. TOWNSEND. Assistant Adjutant (General. Official, li. Williams, Ass't. Adj't. (Jeiieral. be observeon its face found Jiesides, false. made after his ariest or to almoHt was was either concocted lake the place of more but slight and frivolous as and to be unjust some time ; it was, it it material matters of accusation whicli could not be sustained. was first heard of, It manner, when Col. expedition as an evidence hunter toward or produced Albright came upon his the a citizen in a formal the end of Septend>er, but othtr matters of accusation, or a ditfert'ut form o'( tlie same accusation, wH)uld seem to \Ve have heard that a or bruited about before. Mr. Chapin's for of lead;' tlu' curing or "-2 lbs of lead," furnishing sni>iilies the eoi'ri'spoiulenei' which remai'ks as it fidly explains have been voucher o{ was read or rej>orted as "2 th.Mt he was engaged in ch'ar inference being for the so called bl)ls, pro- "insurrection." made concerning liim is ventilated we subjoin. W'e submit it without .Vnother wonderful statement in bill itsi'lf. — iiisTonr or columbta covnty. v.)\ ((>Kl{i;SI'(iNI»KN( K. Nkw CoHMIU'S, jNInrcli, MkSSRS. •Sirs: \\',\l>.-\\ (ll. I AM> 11, .I.ACdl'. FlT/.(;H{.\l l>, j" — Jjidr you do iin' tlic l;i\or to ihmIiico to wriliiig ;i st:il('iiK'Mt your rt'soni c by (iwyriii 'I'yrcuiiui conccniiiiLC :i rcjiort ill | lie li:id (•;iMiioii and ". ( } — Will niJidc tliat 1'. 1*.\. 2d, 1870. juit llii<.iUij;li circuhiliou iu '1\)\\ II seeing :il)OUt Hill, the hitUT j uiy icaui liiiuliiig art of tht Miiniiicr ol a I.S04 ol)lim' Yours very lesjiuctrullv I). I.. Cumin. Town Hii.i., 1'a. \ 1870./ Hon. D. L. CiiAi'i-N. JJear Sir: Your favor of the second inIn coni][»liance with your stant in before us, and contents nottd. Miircii 3i\, — we aiine.v the following Htatenient. About the time the military forces of tlie United States were marched up Fishingcreek, in the latter part of the summer of 18(il, it was reported that (Jwyiiii Tyrenian liad occasion to be up hite one bright moonlight night, and had seen your team pass retiueist through Town Hill between midnight and daylight with a cannoD which your learn was hauling to Henloii or Fishingcreek in Columbia county for the coiiscrij)t8, who it was rei)orted were congregating there in a large force to resist the draft. Subsequently we were in A. J. Hess' store in Town Hill, and heard him ask Gwynn Tyrenian about seeing your team hauling a cannon to the conscripts ill lieiiton and Fishingcreek, in answer to which Gwynn had never seen your team hauling a cannon or anylhiiig of the kind ami that he had started the Tvieman replied, that he report just to create an excitement. ivespeclfully Yours, P. C Jacob Wadswortii, FrrzcjiKUALU. In the following letter received from Mr. Chapiii, that man refers to certain jjajters and gives some interesting gentle- details of his case. Nkw ('. and r>. IJu()( I'loiii KWAV, Es*,)., — Dear Messrs. ^Va.lsv^()rth CoiXMius, March 7th, 1870. Enclosed iind a letter Sir. and — I'^il/gerald. 1 hardly to, know HIISTOKY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 492 what more my to soiul you. I will, however, annex a brief sketch of career for about 17 years previous to tary. I moved to New C\)hiinbus, A])ril my 1st. arrest by 1847, and tlie mili- engaged In ISo^ I was elected a justice of the Huntingdon townslii|), and was re-elected again in 1858 in the same townshij), which was strongly republican, without opposition. In 1850, I was elected a member of the LegislaIn 18(U, I was elected a justice of ture from Luzerne county. Arrested August 31st, 1864, by the military, the peace again. and transported with a rush to Fort MitHin where I remained until the 19th of December. 1864, (hiring which time I sulfered severely with tlie ague and rheumatism, which disabled me to such an extent that I was obliged to use crutches for some time. On the 18th of December, 1864, an order came to Fort Mifflin for my removal to Ilarrisburg for trial, where I arrived on the evening of the 19th. and was marched up to Canterbury Guard House near the State Cai)itol Hotel, where I was kept with Daniel iM'Henry and others. Daniel jM'IIenry's trial closed and mine was to come next. I was called for on Tuesday, December 27th, but the Commission was not ready. December 28th, was called for again this time the Military Commission was ready. I was arraigned before the Star Chamber and one w^itness, F. M. Ikeler, examined against me, and N. J. Hess was asked one question and my trial was over. It lasted about one hour. I did not call a witness. On Saturday an order came for my discharge and it appeared strange enough to be permitted to walk the streets of Harrisburg without a guard by my side, or in the rear. I ai rived at home on the 2d of January, 1864. About the 12th of December, 1864, Colonel Eastman, the comuiaudaut of Fort MitHin, sent for me to come to his quarters, where, of course, I made my appearance; when he inquirer<)ugh to issue to raise money to i)ay The volunteers were i-Uiiag 'd and three years $300,00 bounty to each volunteer. and promised '^A2o New Columbus a resolution before bounty each, h aving $5)0 to be raised and some not able to ]»iy anything. Hei'e my efforts to fill our quota with voluntt-ers were about to fail. I th'Mi proposed to those liable to the d.-al't t.) get the men ready to start to Scranton on Tuesday morniu!i the 3)th w>) ild adof August aningham knowing what great crimes I am accused of." A CASE OF HANGING. COMMHIA COUNTY, SS. Leonard R. Cole, of Jackson township, in said county, being duly sworn according to law, saith That he is a son of Ezekiel J. Cole of said township of JackThat on Saturday afternoon son, and is sixteen years of age. November 5th, three soldiers came to his father's house and : searched it. to the orchard One barn. barn and deponent started to drive out the sheep to another field. They then went near it of the soldiers stopped Two of them were to the him and took him to the stable in the They said they would make there. : WW or ror.DtniA corxrw //is7'()/n' i!)(i toll \> ga|), to mv horo ho had ^ono t'alhor hunt, and U>ld hln\ tion thoy put a roju' and drew on had a book to sot l>olo rootod \v;i>*. licnvn othor to pull till" uiy 1 \\\c\\\ tlie (lu'vo. liold Onriny; Ho thai said ovor a mow the i\>po and tho otliur my tlio my it. hook dl- had boon tathor thoro two hoiM-s botoro. thoro was no nso lionyinu" Tho ropo was : examina- tlio it Tho ono with said. hardor. know dul not 1 mountain, np Wost oifek nook, aiul throw thom i>t' what \o way tl>i> around Chio it. toM 1 Monday wook on I donioil ho woro drawn otV tho tK>or, .-md wasblimlod and unabh> to spoak. ^ly mothor and KU/.aboth Ki>bbins approaohin>;' thoy took ofT tlio ropo, and I had boon thoro. puUoil until hools I out of stHiiijoroil and tl\ov (^no of stablo. tlio oluainod anothor piooo gothor to draw mo up. 1 in thom with him a ropo hat! tho stabU> and tiod tho two to- had answorod tho tpiostions thoy Inul askod mo. and had not ixivon thom any unoivil languagv. tho namos of tho soldiors in tho stablo, but 1 do not ki\ow would know thom upon sooinu' thom. Tho third ono was Ephraim Klim\ oi Honton township. llo was at tho oorn orib botwoon tho liouso and barn. l.Ft>N Sworn and subsoribovl bot'oro mo Novombor \un K. C'oi.K. 7th, lS(i4. .IeSSK C\>l.K>l.\N, Prothouotary. 1^ TllK KlSlllNi; (.MJK.KK Tho stalo slandors about this subjoot th<>rouiihly rofutod Wo CONH^^EDKKACY. that havo boon so ofton and so wo soUKmu pay muoli attention to thom. howovor, an artiolo on tho subjoot by oi^py. Shtnandoah Ihrahl, 1ST-, an tlio oditor of tho Indopoudont journal, whioh how- Tho writer was knows whereof ho ovor supports a portion of tho Kojniblioan tiokot. a member of tho ".Vrmy of Invasion," and speaks So it is with tho ohariro of fathorino- the "Fishing Crook Conis oast upon tho statesn\an like shoulders of fodoraev" whioh in Yet wo know took part this oharge is OK Vl.KW. false, for in the oolebratoil eampaiL::n to wo wore on orush it. and do we re- tho spot "Well in STORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. iiioinbor the }jcroic cliarge of tlie we made on the supposed battlements confederates after a fortnight's preparation, reconnoitering, scouting and picketing, and quite vivid minds 41)7 «jf the disgusted countenances of is the picture still in our the one thousand braves summit of the mount where we were taught Creek army was massed and which for one long monlli we had regarded with awe and expectancy, and found not a man, nor the meanest evidence that a man had ever Ijeen there. Such was our extreme disappointment that our sojourn in ("oiuml^ia county was shortened none too soon and but a few days ehijised before not a soldier was to be seen where for six weeks all had Vjeen bustle, anws The oOth chapter or in any "The judgment of his who alluded peers," here ; He our more immediate we nor will his peers, or says to, are called the peers of the being of like condition and equal." "When this of this imi)risoned, or disseized or out- way destroyed upon him unless by the lawful juilgment of law of the land.'' the trial by jury, citizen : shall be taken or lawed, or banished, of any Magna Charta upon (piotes snp[)ort of this position. "No freeman trial Mr. Justice Story, as already not in the military conunission. pass by the Story, "is party accused, also expressly says ancestors removed to America they brought this great privilege with them, as their birth right and inheritance, as a part of that admirable common law which had fenced round and interposed barriers the approaclies of arbitrary power." ]->ut this denial of any other form of by military commissions, was asserted passed in the third on every side against P. 1779. and especially that the "Petition of Rights" trial, in year of Charles the First. acted and established. "That no should be put out of his man laiuls or of what tenements, It is state n(n- therein enor condition taken, nor im- HISTOIiY OF COLUMBIA 00UN2Y. jiri.soiR'd, nor disinherited, nor ]»ut to deatli -)03 due witlioiit i)rocess of law." And in speaking of the commissions, aforesaid, the act nseth the following terms: "Which commisssions, and and directly contrary to the others of like nature, are wholly all said law and statutes of the realm." Similar language was employed in the Bill of Rights passed at the time of the Revolution of 1688. And it may be safely member not a tial of the army or navy or England against any person in the militia in actual ser- English Judge has said Indeed, a distinguished vice. no jn-oceed- stated that since that time ings of this nature luive taken place in law as of old docs not exist in England at all," "Mar- : and is con- and has been for a century totally exj.lodiMl." (Irant vs. Gould 2 Hume Bl. 69 I Hale P. C. 246 Kale com. law C 2, 36 This, it has been remarked by a learned judge, "is correct, as to the connnunity generally, both in war and peace." trary to the Constitution, ; By an act approved July 31, 1864, Vol. provided, namely : By trial in statutes at large, 12, l»age 2184, conspiracies are defined, and the the Circuit mode or of punishment Disti'ict Court of the United States of the proper circuit or district. Can these parties be hold not. By tried before the President's any other tribunal i»roclaraation of Sept. '. We 24th, 1862, suspending the writ of habeas corpus, it was ordered, "That during the existing insurrection and as a necessary measure for suppressing the same, all rebels and insurgents, their aidei's and rnited States, etc., shall be subject to martial and punishment by court niai'tial oi- miliWithout stopping to in(iuire whether the taiy cotnniission." liroclaniation was authorized, and if so. whether it embraced per- abettors, within the law and liable to trial sons charged with State not in committing insunectioii, and a substantial when the couits of their powers, the defendant claims that it offense within a ;ire in full exercise has been sujterceded by the act of Congress of the 3rd of Marcii, 1863, (Vol. 12, statutes at large 77')) relating to the writ of hahi'un corpus and the I'resident's proclamation, based thereon of the loth of September, 1862. BISTOIiY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 504 The first section of the act of 1863, authorizes the President to suspend the writ of habeas corpus. The second Secretary of State and of the requires War to re- United States Circuit and District Courts the names of persons held in military custody by order of the President in their respective districts, and if the grand juries of the proper districts fail to find bilL<, it is the duty of the judges to have all such persons discharged on taking the oath of allegiance and giving bond if required. port to The the Judges of the third section provides ported, shall be entitled to that all persons so held and not re- a discharge in the same manner as is provided in the second section, after a failure on the part of the proper Grand Jury to indict him. Here are all the sections of this act which bear on the question and it will be seen that while they contemplate and sanction military arrests, they do not countenance or authorize military trials. On the contrary ihey fairly discountenance them. The President's proclamation based on pension of the habeas law, or to the rules this act, limits the sus- corpus to persons amenable to military and articles of war, &c. No order is contain- and the infei'ence is irto act under the rules of ed in this proclamation in regard to trials, resistible that the proper courts are left law upon that subject, and these are too well defined to require comment. Civil courts try offences against the law committed by citizens. Military courts and commissions try such as are subject to the rules and articles of war, and the defendant claims that he does not fall within that class. The 5. recent act giving military courts jurisdiction of fences against the civil laws, citizens by to be tried 1863, p. its silence by the when committed Ly from any such civil courts for all of- soldiers, excludes jurisdiction, and leaves them such offences. See Rev. reg. 541. But all doubt, if there could be any on this question, is put to by the act of 3rd of March, 1863, entitled or known as the Enrollment Act, where it is expri ssly provided, That where per- rest sons are charged with resistina: the draft, they shall be forthwith delivered to the civil authorities.^'' and ished. The Statutes at large, vol. 12, p. upon conviction be pun- 735, pi. 25. President's proclamation of 15th of September, 1863, pro- HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. fesses to conform to tlie statute, indeed makes the 505 statute the rule of action under the proclamation, and does not impair the right of trial by We jury. have, however, in the enrollment act of the 24th of July, 1864, the Executive and legislative construction of the then existing law, for the hearing of the party in such like cases is exclusively assigned to a Couit of competent jurisdiction and the Circuit Court of the United the offence was committed, Statutes at large, vol. 13, The defendant question is p. 8, 12. j)l. determining that of the jurisdiction, viz: Can the in in dictment for the offence charged cited. not, in which further desires the commission to consider this sentence of this court be j)leaded seem States, in the district in specified as the only proper tribunal. bar to a prosecution upon in the civil courts ? It in- would view of the recent legislation of Congress, already The legislation clearly gives jurisdiction of this case to the civil courts, and upon their failure to try and convict him entitles him to be discharged, either upon terms or absolutely. In view of these considerations, the defendant resjjectfully sub- mits that he is not triable by this commission, not being within the jurisdiction thereof, or any other military tribunal whatever. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN RANTZ. Jt^^t HISTOllY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 50(3 MILITARY TRIALS AT HARRISBURG. Some note ought to be made of the place in this city, during the late civil military war, and trials I ihiir may look i'lcniise on the spot at the time, I believed then and lidieve now, that they were arbitrary and unconstitutional, were w liolly It unnecessary and without justification, jjalliation, or excuh<'. that, living must be recollected,that we in Pennsylvania were living, or thought we were, in a State which was not engaged in the rebellion :igainst the the government; but it turned out that we were mistaken, <>n the legislation the notwithstanding for was; Department War subject, by our State legislature and by Congress, the W:ir Department arrested the citizens of this State, and tried them by military commission, as if the State was in open rebellion. :Mid as if all the courts in the State had been closed; and this, too, alter the State had sent two hundred thousand men to suppress (he <>i' rebellion. The Constitution of the third article that "the trial United States has provided of all critnes, exctpt in cases in the <>f im- peachment, shall be by jury, and such trial shall be held in the Str^te where such crime shall have been committed ;" and tin n in the amendments to the Constitution, article 5, that "no |>eison answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, presentment or indictment of a grand Jury, except in shall be held to unless on a. cases arising in the land or naval forces or, in the militia wImmi in actual service, in time of war or public danger," "nor be deprived And of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.'' criminal prosecutions the accused si all enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury in the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertain"/ hy in article sixth, "in all lamr Our i State legislature in order to prevent any person from aid or assistance to the rebellion, passed an act April, 1861, by which, in on the Liiv \'^\\\ one lengthy section, they provide iitg of for HItiTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 507 every possible case, in which any person could give aid or comfort United States of America," and also where any one should persuade any person or persons from entering the service of this State or the United States "or induce any person to abandon such service'' and enacting that '•every person so offending, and being legally convicted thereof, shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor and shall be sentenced to undergo solitary imprisonmeiit in the penitentiary at hard labor to the "enemies of this State or tlie not exceeding ten years, or be fined in a sum not exceeding thousand dollars, or both, at the discretion of the court." five Congress, by an act passed 3d March, 1863, directed that where [)ersons are charged with resisting the draft they "shall be forth- with delivered to the And by civil authorities." the act approved on the 31st of July, 1864, further and punishment of conspiiacies against the government, and directed and required these trials to be had provided for the trial before "the Circuit or District Court of the United States for the proper circuit or dis^trict." As many perhaps twenty or thirty private citizens, all living Susquehanna river, principally in Luzerne or Columbia counties, were arrested at their homes and tried by as east or north of the military tribunals in this city in the year 1864 or 1865. the trials were held in the lower room of Some of the north corner of Market street and River alley, others in the most easterly upper room of the court house over the court room. The mode of trial was by three military men sitting as a military court, with a person acting as judge advocate, who took no oath to perform his duty honestly, but whose decision on every point was taken as conclusive. A guard stood at the door, and no person was admitted but the one witness called and the counsel of the prisoner. Every cpiestion was retpiired to be suV)mitted in writing. It was with great difficulty that the prisoner's counsel could gain admitHe was required tance to the prisoner's room to see the prisoner. visit to produce an order from the provost marshal. The charges against these persons were generally the same; either for combining to resist the draft, or uttering disloyal sentiments and on every threatening to resist the othcers of the government. was never ac(piainted with any one of these These offences were such as the State The writer ))risoners. courts were authorized I/I>STOBY r)08 OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. And by the act above cited to try, and on conviction to punish. they were the very kind of cases for which Congress had specially provided by legislation and had directed and required to be tried before the United States Circuit or District Courts of the proper district. The prisoners in the military court ; every instance pleaded to the jurisdiction of is, denied that the court had jurisdiction that by the State Court, as Court provided by these })leas were disregardHut Congress. of directed by Act as ed by the War Department. That Department had the military in its hands and would treat every other branch of the government with contempt. The Act of our State Legislature and the State courts, the Act of Congress arisoner was informed that the liad been heard ceed. fi-oju and the trial inimt proceed. Those who gave the orders in the and judges, agreed to adjourn In a few days War Department A'd it War Department did pro- no doubt hoped that notwithstanding this scandalous violation of the rights of the citizens and of the Cotistitution of the United States, some effort would be made by an U'iscruptdous partisan Congress, which lost no opportunity to show its contempt for the Constitution and whifh treated the Suj^reme Court of the United States with un- 510 HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUN'TY mitigated hatred, to screen them afterwards from ces of their acts. But it consequen- tlio must be recollected that Congress can pass no law that contravenes the Constitution of the ITnited States. Congress was created by the Constitution and is inferior to it. conduct of the War Department, exhibiting the most stringi ut exercise of a military despotism, was not attempted to be justified; but our courts were overawed and would not have dared to grant a writ of habeas corpus in any case, and I am confident that if any man had declared publicly that these trials were in the face of the Constitution, he would have been j)icked up on the same day, by the military at the point of the bayonet, and would Til is have been subjected to a whose power and When trial before this very military court jurisdiction he utterly denied. one prisoner was \ip for trial a piece of paper over his head having written on it was pinned the words, "Death to Traitors." trifling the offenses for which these men were tried, punishment authorized by our State law of imprisonment for ten years in the penitentiary, made the crime an infamous one, and therfore clearly within the Constitution which requires However yet the a presentment or indictment. The people whole land ought to understand that the United States is tlie foundation of our government, and the Supreme Court of the United States is the juIf the Supreme Court of dicial expounder of the Constitution. the United States can be so manipulated by Congress, as to of this Constitution of the become a political partisan and the constitution can be institution, instead of a construed in such a judicial one, way as to con- whole genius of our government in establishing a military despotism over the whole land, because of a partial rebellion, that there is an end to all appeal to civil government. The people must either submit to this military despotism in the hands of the War Department, or offer open resistance, and stand upon their rights guaranteed to them by our form of government. useless to talk of amending the Constitution or It would I'O making a new one. for if a Constitution framed bj' Washington and the men of tlie vcvolulion can be treated with contempt and disregarded, no reasonable man would suppose that a Constitumade by the men of the present day, or by the men of any future iicneration would be reoarded. travene the HIti TOR -"Ifiunly I oi bel I've that Constitution to till ha\'' Ix-eii claiiiie(jected to a military .ies- hands of the War Department, until the rebellion is This is the great question that lies at the founda- jtotiMH in the suppiessed? tion of these military trials. Doe.-, not it that alter by a furnish further evidence of a military despotism, men have been draj^ged away from the civil tribunal unknown to the laws, and acquitted courts, was most of these men,) that after h)eing turned loose they >iiould be denied in every case all knowledge of the name of the person at whose instance they had been arrested. tricfl {-.Vi the case with Take another illustration of the workings of this military law: drunken officer galloped one day furiously up and down our streels. and rode across the pavement in the centre of the town into a large hotel on horseback, then turned and rode out again. When remonstrated with by the police, he arrested the police, took them into the house and put them under guard, whilst his aids Hourished their naked pistols in tiie faces of the citizens who came in to look on. No magistrate nor court would have dared to issue a warrant for the arrest of these military rowdies, and no warrant could have been executed. But the conduct of these military men was of course all right and necessary as a "war meas- A ure"' hccause a rebellion existed in the ^Southern Do they -hill by their repeated assaults fort < and /States. the leaders of the present party in Congress reflect that lu make lidelity, it that ])artisan, in destroy its independence, a short time their party oril V, .ind their si/ccessors in office if the judiciary, and their ef- oil may may its stability pass into a min- iniitate their bad example and show themselves as reckless and and if they shoidd prove so, what then? With a Supreme Court which is a mere shuttlecock between political parties, what will the Constitution be worth to the i)eople of the whole land? what pn^tection will it afford to any man? ortal arm. As might be xpecteil from the nature of the subject, it has been a good deal anied with the excuse which [has been repeated so often in late days, namely, that rebellion had made it necessary: but it excited intense j)oj)ular anger and every colony from New Ham{)shire to Georgia, made common cause with the two whose rights had that an interference with been especially invaded. thundered it it to part with in SuVjsequently the Continental Congress into the ear of the world, as an unendurable outrage, sufficient to justify universal insurrection against the authority of the Government which had allowed If the men who fought out our it to be done. revolutionary contest, when they frame a government for themselves and their posterity, had failed to insert a provision making the trial by jury perpetual and universal, they would have covered themselves all over with infamy as with a garment; for they would have proved themselves basely lecreant to the principles of that very liberty of which they came to professed to be the special champions. But they were guilty of Hli^TORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 524 iiosiu'h treachery. They not only took care of ttie trial by jury, but they reguhited every step to be taken in a criminal trial. They knew very well that no people could be free under a government which had the power the to punish Federalist, in when he said, that tlie arbitrary ment ism is without restraint. the universal pressed Hanulton ex- sentiment of his time, power of conviction and j)Unishhad been the great engine of despotages and all countries. The existence of such a power incompatible with freedom. The difference between a for pretended offenses, in all utterly master and his slave, consists only in this that the master holds the lash in his hands and he may use it without legal restraint, wJiile the naked back of the slave is bound to take whatever is : on it. But our fathers were not absurd enough to put unlimited power in the hands of the ruler and take away the protection of law from It was not thus that they meant "to sethe riglits of individuals. laid cure the blessings of liberty to themselves and their posterity." determined that not one drop of the blood They which had been during seven centuries of shed on contest with arbitrary })Ower. should sink into the ground but the fruits of every popular victory should be garnered up in this the otiier side of the Atlantic, ; new government. not an atom away. Of all the great rights already won tliey threw They went over JIagna Charta, the J^etition of Eights, the JBill of Rights, and the rules of the common law, and whatever was found there to favor individual liberty they carefully inserted in their own system, improved by clearer expression, strengthened by heavier sanctions, and extended by a more universal api)lication. They put all those the organic law, so that neither tyranny in party rage in for a executive, nor the Legislature could change them without destroy- ing the Government Look the provisions into itself. moment at the i)articulars and see how carefully everything connected with the administration of punitive justice is guarded. No man shall be 1. No ex post facto law shall be passed. answerable criminally for any act which was not defined and made punishable as a crime by some law in force at the time when 2. the act was done. For an act which is criminal he cannot be arrested without a HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. He judicial warrant fouiuled on proof of j)roV)able cause. not be kidnapped and shut up on the mere report .525 shall some base spy who gathers the materials of a false accusation by crawling into his house and listening at the key-hole of his chamber door. He 3. may shall not of He be compelled to testify against himself. be examined before he is committed, and tell his own story he pleases; but the rack shall be put out of sight, and even nor shall his unpublished {>apers be used against him, as was done most wrongfully in the if his conscience shall not lie tortured ; case of Algernon Sydney. He 4. shall be entitled to a sjteedy an indefinite time trial not kept in prison for ; without the opportunity of vindicating his innocence. He 5. of a shall The grounds. be informed of the accusation, public accuser must put indictment, so that the legal its nature, and the charge into the form party can meet it full in the face. Even 6. to the indictment he need not jury, after hearing the they believe it answer unless a grand evidence, shall say upon their oaths that to be true. must be before a regular court, and established for the State and district in which the crime Avas committed; and this shall not be evaded by a legislative change in the district after the crime is Then comes the 7. trial, aYid it of competent jurisdiction, ordained alleged to be done. 8. jury. sense, sworn His guilt or innocenc:" shall be determined by an impartial These English words are to be understood in their English and they mean that the jurors shall be fairly selected by a officer from among the peers of the party, residing within of the court. the local jurisdiction When they are called into he can purge the panel of all dishonesty, prejudice, i)ersonal enmity, and ignorance by a certain number of peremptory challenges, atid as many more challenges as he can suf'tain by the l)o\- showing reasonable cause. 9. The vantage trial shall may be public and be taken. The party 0))en, that shall no underhand ad- be confronted with the own witwitnesses against hira, have compulsory defense. in his counsel of assistance nesses, and be entitled to the jirocess for 10. After the evidence is his heard and discussed, unless the jury HISTORY OF COLUMBIA GO UNI Y 526 upon shall, xmanimously agree their oaths, to surrender him up into the hands of the court as a guilty man, not a hair of his can be touched in way After a verdict of guilty he 11. unusual punishment shall except what is head of punishment. l)e annexed by is still inflicted, tlie protected. No cruel or nor any punishment at law to his offense. all, cannot be It doubted for a moment that if a person convicted of an offense not capital were to be hung on the oi'der of a judge, such judge would be guilty of murder as plainly as if he should comedown from the bench, tuck up the sleeves of his gown, and let out the prisoner's blood with his After 12. own all is hand. over, the law continues to spread Whether he ship around him. is No man never again be molested for that offense. put in jeopardy of These life its guardian- acquitted or condemned he shall shall be twice or limb for the same cause. rules apply to all criminal prosecutions. But, in addition to these, certain special regulations were required for treason the one great political charge under which more innocent — men A tyrannical government calls everyhave fallen than any other. body a traitor who shows the least unwillingness to be a slave. The party in power never fails, when it can, to stretch the law on that subject by construction, so as to cover entious oj)ponents. its honest and consci- In the absence of a constitutional provision was justly feared that st'Uutes might be passed which would ])atriotic citizens at the mercy of the basest minions that skulk about under the pay of the Executive. Therefore a detinitiou of treason was given in the fundamental law, and the legislative authority could not enlarge it to serve the purpose of jiartisaii malice. The nature nnd amount of evidence required to prove the crime was also prescribed, so that prejudice and enmity might have no share in the conviction. And lastly, the punishment was so limited that the propei'ty of the party could not be confiscated and uut it was not easily done: the courts were op}»osed t'» it, for it limited their power kind of power that everybody covets the power to punish without regard to law. He was obliged to hang forty-four judges in his power, after the — — one year for refusing to give his subjects a trial by jury. When the historian says that he hung them, it is not meant that he put them to death without a trial. He had them impeached before the grand council of the nation, the Wittenagemote, the parlia- ; 528 HISTOBY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. During the subsequent period of Saxon soil was powerful enough to refuse If any minister or any king, a legal trial to the meanest peasant. in war or in peace, had dared to punish a freeman by a tribunal of his own appointment, he would have roused the wrath of the whole population all orders of society would have resisted it lord and vassal, knight and squire, pi'iest and penitent, bocman and socman, master and thrall, copyholder and villein, would have risen in one mass and burnt the offender to death in his castle, or followed him in his flight and torn him to atoms. It was again trampled down by the Norman conquerors but the evils resulting from the want of it united all classes in the effort which compelled King John to restore it by the Great Chartei*. Everybody is familiar with the struggles which the English merit of that time. domination no man on English ; ; people, during many generations, made for their rights with the Plantaganets, the Tudors, and the Stuarts, and which ended ly in the revolution of 1688, when the liberties of final- England were placed upon an impregnable basis by the Bill of Rights. Many times the attempt was made to stretch the royal authorenough to justify military trials but it never had more than temporary success. Five hundred years ago Edward II closed up a great rebellion by taking the life of its leader, the Earl of Lancaster, after trying him before a military court. Eight years later that same king, together with his lords and commons in Parliament assembled, acknowledged with shame and sorrow that the execution of Lancaster was a mere murder, because the courts were open and he might have had a legal trial. Queen Elizabeth, for sundry reasons affecting the safety of the ity far ; State, ordered that certain tried according to the army should be But she heard the storm of offenders not of her law martial. popular vengeance rising, and, haughty, imperious, self-willed as she was, she yielded the point; for she ject the English knew that upon that sub- people would never consent to be Lord Lieutenant of trifled with. Viscount Stormont before a military commission, and cut off his head. When impeached for it, he pleaded in vain that Ireland was in a state of insurrection, that Stormont was a traitor, and the army would be undone if it could not defend itself without appealing The Parliament was deaf the King himself to the civil courts. Strafford, as Ireland, tried the ; HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. could not save traitor aud a murderer. liini; condemned he was Charles I. to suffer issued commissions 529 death as a to divers officers for the trial of his.enemies according to the course of milIf rebellion ever was an excuse for such an act, he itary law. could surely have pleaded it for there was scarcely a spot in his kingdom, from sea to sea, where the royal authority was not disputed by somebody. Yet the Parliament demanded in their petition of right, and the King was obliged to concede, that all hia commissions were illegal. James II claimed the right to suspend ; the operation of the penal laws —but the experience of —a power which the courts denied his predecessors taught not suspend any man's right to a trial. He him that he could could easily have con- victed the seven bishops of any offence he saw fit to charge them he could have selected their judges from among the mercenary creatures to whom he had given commands in his army. with if But this to a jury He, too, He was obliged to send the bishops and endure the mortification of seeing them acquitted. might have had rebellion for an excuse, if rebellion be he dared not do. The conspiracy was already ripe which a few months made him an exile and an outcast he had reason to that the Prince of Orange was making his preparations on an excuse. afterwards believe ; the other side of the channel to invade the kingdom, where thous- ands burned to join him; nay, he pronounced the bishops guilty of rebellion by the very act for which he arrested them. He had army to meet the rebellion, and he was on Ilounslow Heath reviewing the troops organized for that purpose, when he heard the great shout of joy that went up from Westminster Plall, was echoed back from Temple Bar, spread down the city and over the Thames, and rose from every vessel on the river the simultaneous shout of two hundred thousand men for the triumph of justice and law. If it were worth the time, I might detain you by showing how this subject was treated by the F'rench Court of Cassation in raised an — Geoff roy's case, under the constitution of 1830, when a military judgment was unhesitatingly pronounced to be void, though ordered by the King, after a j)roclamation declaring Paris in a Fas est ah hoste doceri : we may lawfully learji state of siege. something from our enemies at all events we should blush at the — thought of not being equal on such a subject to the courts of HIS TOR T OF COL UMBIA CO UNTT. 530 Virginia, Georgia, Mississippi, and Texas, whose decisions colleague, General Garfield, has read and The truth that no is, commented my on. authority exists anywhere in the world Attorney General. No judge or jurist, no statesman or parliamentary orator, on this or the other side of Every elementary writer from Coke to the water, sustains him. for the doctrine of the Wharton know the against him. is military All authors who profess to duties of their profession admit themselves to be under, No not above, the laws. book can be found justify the assertion that military tribunals may in any library to try a citizen at a When I say no book, I mean, acknowledged authority. I do not deny of course, no book been found to disgrace the have often clergymen that hireling divine right of kings and other the prove trying to pulpit by place where the courts are open. of rulers to govern they please. as It is many ophants and party hacks have true, also, that court syc- times written pamphlets, and perhaps large volumes, to show that those whom they serve should be allowed to work out their bloody will upon the people. No abuse of poAver is too flagrant to find its defenders among Those butchers' dogs that feed upon garbage and fatten upon the offal of the shambles are always ready to bark at whatever interferes with the trade of their massuch servile creatures. ter. But this case depend on does not It is rather authority. a question of fact than of law. would prove my conveying undeniable evidence of long and undisit to me, coupled with turbed possession under and according to the deed. There is the It is called the Constitucharter by which we claim to hold it. It is signed by the sacred name of tion of the United States. George Washington, and by thirty-nine other names, only less I prove title to my right to a trial an estate if I held in by jury my hand just as I a solemn deed They represented every independent State illustrious than his. then upon this continent, and each State afterwards ratified their work by a separate convention of its own people. Every State that subsequently came standard by which that has ever held in acknowledged that this was their rights were to be measured. office in the great Every man the country, from that time has taken an oath that he would support and sustain it to this, through HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 531 good rei)ort am! through evil. The Attorney General himself became a party to the instrument when he laid his hand upon the gospel of God and solemnly swore that he would give to me and every other citizen What "The by does it tlie full btMietit contain of contains. all it among This, ? other things : crimes except in cases of impeachment shall be trial of all jury." Again "No : person shall be held to answer otherwise infamous crime unless on grand jury, of a except forces, or in the militia public danger pelled in nor shall ; be twice put oflFense to any law in life, arising in naval war or any person be subject for the same jeopardy of life or limb, nor be combe a witness in time of against himself, nor property without due process of liberty, or nor shall private property be ; the land or in actual service criminal case to be deprived of just incases when for a capital or a presentment or indictment taken for public use without compensation." This is not all public trial by another ; prosecutions the article declares that "in accused shall enjoy the right to all criminal a speedy and impartial jury of the State and district wherehave been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation to be confronted with the witnesses against him to have compulsory process for the witjhi in the crime shall ; ; ; nesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense." there any ambiguity thei-ef Is does not signify that a If that and only means of ascertaining guilt in criminal cases, then I demand to know what words or what collocation of words in the English language would have jury trial shall be the exclusive that effect? trial by an against Does this mean that a fair, open, speedy, impartial jury shall be given only whom no special grudge is felt to those by the Attorney General, or the judge advocate, or the head of a department? inestimable privilege be extended only to istration does not care to convict? who commit ordinary crim^s be denied to men who are accused inals, public persons Is it men whom Shall this the admin- conBned to vulgar crim- against society, and shall of it such offenses as th'se for which Sydney and Russell wcro belieaded, and Alice Lisle was — : HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY- 032 hung, and Elizabeth Gaunt was burnt alive, and John Bunyan was imprisoned fourteen years, and Baxter was whipped at the cart's No the words of the Contail, and Prynn had his ears cut off t ; stitution are all-erabracing "As broad and general The of trial ALL as the casing air." shall be crimes cused shall enjoy that privilege answer in any other way. by jury. ALL — and NO person shall persons ac- be held to That should be sufficient without more. But there is another which gi\es it ten fold power. It is a universal rule of construction, that general words in any instrument, though they may be weakened by enumeration, are always strengthened by exceptions. Here is no attempt to enumerate the particular cases in which men charged with criminal offenses shall be enticonsideration tled to a jury trial. But that is It is simply declared that all shall have it. coupled with a statement of two specitic exceptions cases of impeachment; and cases arising in the land or naval forces. These exceptions strengthen the application of the general rule to all Where other cases. the law-giver himself has declared what circumstances you may depart from the general rule, you shall not presume to leave that onward path for other To exce[)tions, the reasons, and make different exceptions. when and maxim is in always applicable, that expressio tijiius exelusio est alterms. But Ave are answered that the judgment under consideration, was pronounced in time of war, and it is therefore at least, morThere may or there may not be something in that. ally excusable. I admit that the merits or demerits of any particular act, whether it involve a violation of the Constitution or not, depend upon the motives that prompted it, the time, the occasion and all the atWhen the people of this country come tending circumstances. to decide upon the acts of their rulers, they will take all these But that presents the political aspect things into consideration. of the case with which, I trust, decline to discuss it. I we have nothing would only to do here. I say, in order to prevent misap- prehension, that I think it is precisely in a time of war and civil commotion, that we should double the guai'ds upon the ConstituIf the sanitary regulations which defend the health of a tion. HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY city are ever to be reluxcd, pestilence is it When abroad. oiiglit certainly not to be done the Mississippi natural channel, and creeps lazily 533 when shrinks within its along the bottom, the inhabi- adjoining shore have no need of a dyke to save them tants of the from inundation. But w hen the boon.ing from above, and swells into a volume which Hood rises conies down high above the on either side, tlien a crevasse in the levee, becomes a most So in peaceabb- and quiet times, our legal rights are in little danger of being overborne l)ut when the wav e of arbitrary power laslies itself into violence and rage, and goes surging up against the barriers which were made to confine it, then we need tlie whole strength of an unbroken Constitution to save us from destruction. IJut this is a question which properly e- plain serious thing. ; I longs to the jurisdiction of the stump and the newspaper. — There is another quasi political argument necessity. If the law was voilated because it could not be obeyed, that might be an excuse. ]}ut no absolute compidsion is pretended here. These commissioners acted, at most, under what they regarded as a moial necessity. The choice was left them to obey the law or disobey it The disoliedience was only necessary as means to an which they thought desirable and now tliey assert that though these means are unlawful and wrong, they are made right, tiid ; because without them the object could not be accomplished; in other words, the enil justifies tlic means. There you have a rule of conduct denounced by all law, human and divine, as being pernicious in policy and false in morals. See how it applies to this Here were three men whom it was desirable to remove out of this world, but there was no proof on which any court would take their lives therefore it was necessary, and being necessary it was right and proper, to create an illegal tribunal which would liy the same mode of reasonput them to death without proof, to poison them in their food, right ing you can prove it equally or stab them in their sleep. Nothing that the worst men ever propounded has produced so case! ; much oppression, misgovernment. and of Stale necessity. ish plea;" it A sulferiiig great authority calls and the connnon honesty of all it as this pretence "the tyrant's devil- mankind has branded with everlasting infamy. Of course, it is mere absurdity to say that these rel.itors were HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 534 necessarily deprive*! of their right a and legal trial, for the record shows that a court of competent jurisdiction was sit- ting at the very time and have been done without lo fair same town, where justice would But concede for by jury was wholly impossible in the sale, denial, or delay. the argument's sake that a trial ; admit that there was an absolute, overwhelming, imperious necessity operating so as literally to compel every act which the commissioners did, would that give their sentence of death the validity judgment pronounced by an ordaitied and itself. This trial was a violation of law, and no necessity could be more than a mere If the commissioners were on excuse for those who committed it. trial for murder or conspiracy to murder, they might plead necessity if the fact were true, just as they would plead insanity or anything else to show that their guilt was not willful. But we are riow considering the legal eifect of their decision, and that depends on their legal authority to make it. They had no such authority they usurped a jurisdiciion which the law not only did not give them, but expressly forbade them to exercise, and it foland force of a legal The question answers established court? ; lows that their act is supposed excuse for If these void, whatever may have been the real or it. commissioners, instead of aiming at the of the relators, had attempted by a sentence of confiscation, to deprive them would any court clare that such a sentence divested the title? make life and liberty of their property in Christendom de- Or M'ould a person any better by showing that the illegal assumption of jurisdiction was accompanied by some excuse which might save the commissioners from a crimclaiming under the sentence his right inal prosecution? Let me illustrate still further. Court, to be Suppose you, the judges of this surrounded in the hall where you are sitting by a of armed insurgents, and compelled by main force to pronounce sentence of death upon the President of the United States for some act of his upon which you have no legal authority to adjudicate. There would be a valid sentence if necessity alone could create jurisdiction. But could the President be legally executed under it? No; the compulsion under which you acted would be a good defense for you against an impeachment or an indictment for murder, but it would add nothing to the validity body IIISIORY OF COLUMBIA CO UN IT. o35 11 jiuigmc'iit wliich the law forbade you to givt. That a necessity for violating the law is nothing more than a mere excuse to the perjjetrator, and does not in any legal sense change the quality of the act itself in its operation upon other of parties, is proposition too plain on original a the aid of authority. I principles to need do not see how any man of common sense But there is decisive authority stand up and dispute it. upon the point. In I8I0 at New Orleans, General Jackson took upon himself the conunand of every })erson in the city, suspended the functions i»f all the civil authorities, and made his own will It was believed to be absofor a time the only rule of conduct. Judges, othcers of the city corporation, and lutely necessary. members of the State Legislature insisted on it as the only way to save the ''booty and beauty" of the place from the unspeakable outrages committed at Badajoz and St. Sebastian by the very same troops then marching to the attack. Jackson used the power thus taken by him moderately, sparingly, benignly, and only for tlie jturpose of preventing mutiny in his camp. A single mutineer was restrained by a short continement, and another was sent four miles up the river. But after he had saved the is to and the danger was all over, he stood before the court to be by the law his conduct was decided to be illegal by the same judge who had declared it to be necessary, and he paid the city, tried ; The sujjreme court of Louisiana, in Duncan, decided that everything done during the penalty without a murnnir. Johnson vs. siege in pursuance of martial rule, but in contlict with the law of the land was void and of none effect, without reference to the circumstances which made it necessary. Long afterwards the fine imposed upon Jackson was refunded because his friends, while they admitted him to have violated the law, insisted that the necessity which drove him to it ought to have saved him from the punishment due only to a willful offender. The learned counsel on the other side will not assert that there was war at Indianapolis in 1864, for they liave read Coke's Institute, and Judge Grier's opinion iu iheprize cases, and of course they know it to be a settled rule that war cannot be said to exist will not set up the absurd They civil courts are open. plea of necessity, for they are well aware that it would nut be They will hardly take the ground that any true in point of fact. where the III8T0R Y O F COL UMBIA CO UNTY. o3G kind of necessity could give legal validity to that which tlu- law forbids. This, therefore, must bo their position. That although there where this commission sat, and no actual necessity for it, yet, if there was a war anywhere else, to which the Ignited States were a party, the technical effect of such war was to take the jurisdiction away from the civil courts and was no war transfer it at the place to army officers. GEN. BUTLEK. We do not Mr. BLACK. Then they can take that position. take no ground at for noth- all, do not wonder to see them recoil from their own doctrine when its nakedness is held up to their eyes. But ing else is left. I they 7nust stand upon that or give up the cause. state their proposition precisely as I way of putting But, it. been the doctrine of in state substance, it it is They may not that ; their is too plain a doctrine the Attorney General's office ever — has since the — incumbent and is the doctrine of their and filed in this case. What else can they say ? They will admit that the Constitution is not altogether without a meaning; that at a time of universal peace it imposes some kind of obligation upon those who swear to support it. If no war existed they would not deny the exclusive jurisdiction of the advent of the present brief, printed civil courts in criminal cases. How then did the military get jurisdiction in Indiana? All men who hold the Attorney General's ojnnion to be true, answer the question I have put by saying that military jurisdiction conies from the mere existence of war and it comes in Indiana onlj- as the legal result of a war which is going on in Missisippi, Tennessee, or South Carolina. The Constitution is repealed, or its operation suspended in one State because there is : war in another. The courts are open, the organization of society is intact, the judges are on the bench, impeded ; but their jurisdiction our opponents, war of that fact is is and their process gone. Why ? is not Because, say and the silent, legal, technical operation to deprive all American citizens of their right to a exists, fair trial. That jury is class of jurists and statesmen who hold that the lost to the citizen trial by during the existence of war, carry out their doctrine theoretically and practically to its ultimate conse- ; HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. TIk' light of trial (jueiiCL's. are gone with it therefore a ; by jury V)fiiig man may be gone, .537 all other rights arrested without an accusation anil kept in prison during the jtleasure of his captors may be searched without a warrant; his property may be confiscated behind his back, and he has no earthly means of his papers redress. a new Nay, an attempt to get a crime. He just remedy is construed as dare not even complain, for the right of free gone with the rest of his riglits. If you sanction that what is to be the consequence ? I do not speak of what is past and gone but in case of a future war what results will follow from your decision endorsing the Attorney General's At the instant when the war views ? They are very obvious. begins, our whole system of legal government will tumble into ruin, and if we are not all robbed, and kidnapped, and hanged, speech is doctrine, ; and drawn, and quartered, we will owe our inununity, not to the Constitution and laws, but to the mere mercy or policy of those persons wlio may tlion happen to control the organized j>hysical force of the country. in a most precarious condition we must war about half the time, do what we may to avoid it. The Pi-esi(lent or Congress can wantonly provoke a war whenever it and they can keep it going suits the purpose of either to do so as long as they please, even after the actual conflict of arms is over. When peace woos them they can ignore her existence and thus tliey can make the war a chronic condition of the counNay, we are at the try, and tlie slavery of the people perpetual. mercy of any foreign potentate who may envy us the possession of This certainly puts us ; liave ; ; those liberties which we boast of so much ; he can shatter our Constitution without striking a single blow or bringing a bear upon us. to us than an A simple declaration of hostilities army is more gun to terrible witli banners. To me, this seems the wildest delusion that ever took possession If there be one principle of political ethics of a human brain. more universally acknowledged than another, it especially civil war, can be justified only when is that war, and it is undertaken to vindicate and uphold the legal and constitutional rights of the He who carries on a system people; not to trample them down. of wholesale slaughter for any other jnirpose, must stand without excuse before God or man. In a lime of war, more than at — TIISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 538 any other time, imblic And she is there in therefore bound to citizens ; liberty in tlie is defend her, hands of the public officers. and by the common obligation of all double irust iirst, ; as tliey are cili/ens and next, as they are her special guardians "Who should ai^aitist her murderers shut the door Not bear the knife themselves." The opposing argument, when turned into plain English, means this, and this only: that when the Constitution is attacked upon one side, its otHcial rebellion strikes blineir fnini among his own creatures and dependents. You can well imagine liow thai great heart would have sw elled Virginia. It viser of his at that time, or at ' with indignation at the bare thought of such an insulting outrage upon the liberty and law of man emphatically his country. called the Father war of 1812, the Constitution was the Talk of perilous times su[»remc K.vecutive Magistrate. the severest trial this In the of the ! there was Union ever saw. That was no half-organized rebellion on the one side of the be crushed by the hostile millions and unbounded reThe existence of the nation was threatened sources of the other. by the most formidable military and naval power then ui)on the Every town ujion the northern frontier, upon face of the earth. cuntlict, to the Atlantic seaboard, and upon the Gulf coast hourly danger. The enemy had jienetrated was in daily and the heart of Ohio. New York, renn8}ivania, and Virginia were all of them threatenThis Capitol was fi(im the west as well as from the east. ed taken, and burned, and pillaged, and every member of the Federal Administration was a fugitive before the invading army. Mean- was breaking out into actual treason all over Four of those slates refused to furnish a man or while, party spirit New England. a dollar even for their own defence. Their public authorities were dismemberment of the Union, and individuals among them were burning blue lights upon the coast as a signal to the enemy's ships. But in all this storm of disaster, with foreign war in his front, and domestic treason on his Hank, Madison gave out no sign that he would aid old England and New England to break On the contrary he and all his supuj) this government of laws. with darkness and with danger, round compassed porters, though and its enemies Constitution the between faithfully stood plotting the ••To shield The framers died of the and were buried tinued (Ml it, and save it, Consiitulion ; their or perish there too." and all cotemporaries their children succeeded them and con- the stage of public; aiVairs until they, too, — HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 540 "Lived out tlu'ir lease of life, To time and mortal custom and paid their breath ;" and a third generation was already far on its way to the grave before this monstrous doctrine was conceived or thought of, that public officers all over the country might disregard tlieir oaths whenever a war or a rebellion was conmienced. Our friends on the other side are quite conscious that when they deny the binding obligation of the Constitution they must put some other system of law in its place. Their brief gives us notice that, while the Constitution, and the acts of Congress, and Magna Charta, and the common law, and all the rules of natural remain under foot, they will try American citizens But the law of nations takes according to the late of nations justice shall ! system did contain a special progovernment might hang one of its own citizens without judge or jury, it would still be competent for the American people to say, as they have said, that no such thing should ever be done here. That is my answer to the law of the nations. But then they tell us that the laics of tear must be treated as paramount. Here they become mysterious. Do they mean that code of public law which defines the duties of two belligerent parties to one another, and regulates the intercourse of neutrals with both ? If yes, then it is simply a recurrence to the law of nations, which has nothing on earth to do with the subject. Do they mean that portion of our municipal code which defines our duties to the Government iu war as well as in peace ? Then they are speaking of the Constitution and laws, which declare in ])lain words that the Government owes every citizen a fair legal trial, as nuich as the citizen owes obedience to the Government. They are in search of an argument under difficulties. When and when they inthey appeal to international law, it is silent terrogate the law of the land, the answer is an unequivocal contradiction of their whole theory. The Attorney General tells us that all ])ersons whom he and his associates choose to denounce for giving aid to the rebellion, no notice of the subject. vision If that that a ; are to be treated as being themselves a part of the rebellion they are public enemies, and therefore they may be punished by a competent court or a jury. This Avithout being found guilty convenient rule woidd outlaw every citizen the moment he is HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. charged with a unfounded both accuse guilty, to bigoted men who is and ments or conduct true tri —that all fact convict them generally as under ated enemy they before the But military courts. sit in all who live in the or ignorant and this court enemy's terri- without regard to their personal senti- and the ; who protection of a Whether innocent in law. in to enemies, jiublic the prosecutions against them are most likely decided in the prize cases that tory are political offenders are pre- who most need persons court and jury, for the to be But political offense. cisely the class of 541 reside converse of the proposition our inside of the protection own is equally territory are to be of the law. they help If the but they cannot be punished without are criminals, legal conviction. You have heard much cerning the natural and fend itself (and you will hear more very soon; coninherent right of the without regard to law. a despotism the autocrat is Tliis is Government to de- wholly fallacious. unrestricted in the In means he may use own for the defense of his authority against the opposition of his and that is precisely what makes him a despot. But in a limited monarchy the prince must confine himself to a If he goes beyond that, and legal defense of his government. subjects or others ; commits aggressions on the rights of the people, he breaks the social compact, releases his subjects from all their obligations to liini, renders himself liable to be hurled from his throne, and This principle dragged to the block or driven into exile. James II, and Charles I. and of cases was sternly enforced in the here that authority official highest on the announced we have it the Queen of England cannot ring a little bell on her table and cause a man by her arbitrary order to be arrested under any preIf that be true, how much more true must it be tense whatever. here, where we have no personal sovereign and where our only government is the Constitution and laws! A violation of law on pretense of saving such a Government as ours is not self-preser- vation, but suicide. ,Salus pojytdi safety of the law. their When suprema lex— ohaervc 7^co/>;g, iiot those hands behave the safety who hold in \i of is the the authority such manner as not of the to put rights of the people in jeopardy, the people salus regis ; the r^^er, is the, supreme ma) Government in the liberties and rise against them HISTORY OF COLUMBIA GO UNI Y 542 and overthrow them without regard The maxim obedience to them. simply the right to It againM the people. out violating its its own bosom legal mode without regaid to prescribed of ours has no Government the sooner which requires and expresses can never be used to stretch the powers of gov>'rnment forms. If this tyranny resist that law to revolutionary is it ; own it is laws, power a poor, weak, tumbles over the to But of protecting itself against itself with- staggering thing, and blind, better. defend seeds of destruction in carries the it it has a most efficient possible danger. all It is clothed from head to foot in a complete panoply of defensive ar- mor. am am What are the perils which may threaten its existence ? to think of more than these which moment not able at this about to mention foreign ; I I domestic insurrection, invasion, mutiny in the army and navy, corruption in the civil administraand last but not least, criminal violations ot its laws comHave we mitted by individuals among the body of the people. tion, not a legal mode of defense against all these Yes, military "? you preserve you preserve the purity of the civil administration by impeaching disand crimes are prevented and punished by honest magistrates You are not merely compelled to judicial authorities. the regular use these weapons against your enemies, because they and they you ought to use them because they only are justified by the law are more efficient than any other, and less liable to be abused. There is another view of the subject which settles all controversy about it. No human being in this country can exercise any kind of public autViority which is not confen-ed by liw and under the United States it must be given by the express words of a writtt-n statute. Whatever is not so given is withheld, and the Courts-martial in the army exercise of it is positively prohibited. force repels invasion and discipline in the suppresses insurrection army and navy by means ; of courts-martial ; ; ; ; and navy are authorized they are legal institutions their jurisdiction is limited, and their whole code of procedure is regulated ; ; by Upon act of Congress. they have or can have bestowed by courts law, all and the jurisdiction if one of them and void. commission is not a court-martial, and it is not a It is not governed by the law which is made for goes beyond what I?ut a military civil court. is the civil is written, its action is ultra vires HI8T0R T OF COL UMB IA GO UNTY. and either, we have has no law of it own. its Within the .543 years last five seen, for the first time, self -constituted tribunals not only assuming power which the law did not give them, but thrusting courts to which the power was exclusively aside the regular given. What is the consequence? and "undefined, gated j»ower is its exercise is This terrible authority The alvva}'? unlimited. field that the Constitution and laws has no boundary. make me a king ; my for then hands the laws which define the duties of that tector of the commonwealth and ute restraining arid limiting rae." I are the royal known among them; and they exercise plies to oftice of sceptre were and answered, be tied up by will make me pro but ; can do what So these commissions have no by which they outside lies Thierry, the French offered to Cromwell, he hesitated for several days not Undele- when the crown and historian of England, says that "Do wholly is without any legal control. please I legal origin and no the children of men power the all no ; stat- prerogative will apply to for legal name no law ap- ; paradoxical reason that none belongs to them rightfully Ask the Attt>rney sions in the exercise Gemral what rules of Come, Mr. Attorney, "gird up thy demand loins now of thee, and thou shalt declare unto derstanding.'' How is come within if man I will ; thou hast un- What What offenses What its jurisdiction'? members of its is its What is ? code of procedure shall witnesses be compelled to attend it? uess to swear falsely? a like me civilians. a military commission organized? number and rank shall be the commis- apjjly to military assumed authority over their Is the function it ? How perjury for a wit- of the the members how they must judge advo- does he Does he tell of the Goviernagent the he convict? Is only persuade them to ment, to command them what evidence they shall admit and what cate? sentence they shall pronounce right or wrong, by the mere What is ; or does he always carry his point, force of eloquence and of their punishments? the nature find, or May ingenuity? they confiscate properly and levy fines as well as imprison and kill? In addition may they also deny him the last conso- to strangling their victim, lations of religion, of giving and refuse his family the melancholy privilege him a decent grave? To none of these questions can tl e Attorney General make a HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 544 reply, for there is He no law on the subject. will not attempt to "darken counsel by words without knowledge" and, therefore, like Job, he can only lay his hand upon his mouth and keep silence. The power exercised through only unregulated by law but What is it assert the right of which you whom that government choose to impute an offense. "? give you a de- I will will not the executive intervention of the judiciary, to person to not is incapable of being so regulated. that you claim, Mr. Attorney finition, the correctness of You these military commissions it is attempt to gainsay. government, without the capture, imprison, and kill or This, in its its very essence, is any may paid dependents despotic and lawless. It is never claimed or tolerated except by those It has been governments which deny the restraints of all law. exercised by the great and small oppressors of mankind ever since the tools it the days of Nirarod. It operates in different ways uses are not always the same it hides its hideous features under many disguises it assumes every variety of form ; ; ; ; change shapes with Proteus for advantages, And set the murderous Machiavel to school." "It can But in all its mutations of outward appearance it is still identical and origin. It is always the same great engine of despotism which Hamilton described it to be. Under the old French monarchy the favorite fashion of it was lettre a de cachet, signed by the king, and this would consign the in principle, object, party to a loathsome dungeon until he died, forgotten by An world. the all imperial uJcase will answer the same purpose in Rus- faithful subject of that amiable autocracy may lie evening to dream of his future prosperity, and before daybreak he will find himself between two dragoons on his way sia. The most down in the to the mines of Siberia. In Tui'key the verbal order of the in a sack Paul of gospel. man Sul- up Nero accused Peter and spreading a "pestilent superstition," which they called the He heard their defense in person, and sent them to the tan or any of his powerful favorites will cause a to be tied and cast into the Bosphorus. Afterwards he tried the whole Christian chia*ch in one body on a charge of setting fire to the city, and he convicted them though he knew not only that they were innocent, but that he himself had committed the crime. The judgment was followcross. — H18T0JRY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 545 ed by mstant execution he let loose the Praetorian guards upon men, women, and children to drown, butcher, and burn theniv Herod saw fit, for good political reasons, closely affecting the permanence of his reign in Judea, to punish certain joosstWc traitors in Bethlehem by anticipation. This required the death of all the children in that city under two years of age. He issued his "general order;" and his provost marshal carried it out with so much alacrity and zeal that in one day the whole land was tilled with mourning and lamentation. Macbeth understood the whole philosophy of the subject. He was an unlimited monarch. His power to punish for any offence or for no offence at all was as broad as that which the AttorneyGeneral claims for himself and his brother officers under the United States. But he was more cautious how he used it. He had a dangerous rival, from whom he apprehended the most serious peril to the "life of his government." The necessity to get rid of him was plain enough, but he could not afford to shock the moral sense of the world by pleading political necessity for a murder. He must "Mask the business from the common eye." Accordingly he sent for two enterprising gentlemen whom he took into his service upon liberal pay "made love to their assistance ;" and got them to deal with the accused party. He acted He made a most elegant and stirring as his own judge advocate. speech to persuade his agents that Banquo was their oppressor, and had "held them so under fortune" that he ought to die for that alone. When they agreed that he was their enemy, then said the king ; — "So is he mine, and though I could sweep him from my siglit And bid my will avouch it yet I vimt not, For certain friends, who are both his and mine. Witli barefaced power ; For these, Whose loves I may not drop." and "many weighty reasons" besides, he thought it commit the execution of his design to a subordinate agency. The commission thus organized in Banquo's case sat upon him that very night at a convenient place beside the road where it was known he would be traveling and they did precisely what the Attorney General says the military officers may do in this country they took ayd killed him. because their embest to ; — HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. rA6 ployer at the head of the government wanted it done, and paid them for doing it out of the public treasury. But of all the persons that ever wielded this kind of power, the one who went most directly to the purpose and object of it was She reduced Lola Montez. 1848. when it the to elementary principle. In she was minister and mistress to the Kin 2 of Bavaria she dictated troublesome. all . the measures of the government. All over Germany The times were the spirit of reberion was rising; everywhere the people wanted to see a first-class revolution, like Many persons in Bavathat which had just exploded in France. ria disliked to be governed so absolutely by a lady of the character which Lola Montez bore, and some of them were rash Of course that was treason, and she went to say so. about to punish it in the simplest of all possible ways. She bouij-ht herself a pack of English bull dogs, trained to tear the and with flesh, and mangle the limbs, and lap the life-blood enou(j-h ; dogs at her heels, she marched up and down the streets of Munich with a most majestic tread, and with a sense of power which any judge advocate in America might envy. When she thf'se saw any person whom she chose to denounce for "thwarting the government" or ''using disloyal language,'' her obedient followers needed but a sign to make them spring at the throat of their vicIt gives me unspeakable pleasure to tell you the sequel. tim. The people rose in their strength, smashed down the whole machinery of oppression, and drove out into uttermost shame king, From that time to this neither man, strumpet, dogs, and all. woman, nor beast, has dai'ed to worry or kill the people of Bavaria. All these are but so many The different ways of using the arbiti*ary means which a it is bound to Everywhere it is but another construction, on the same pi-otect. principle, of that remorseless machine by which despotism wreaks In a civilized country it its vengeance on those who offv'nd it. power to punish. variety is merely in tyrannical government takes to destroy those nearly always uses the the whom military force, because that is the sharp- can be and found for such a purpose. But in none of its forms can it be introduced into this country; we have no room for it; the ground here is all preoccupied by legal and free institutions. est, surest, as well as the best looking instrument that HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. Between the officers wlio are liable to who have a power become its may be contented slave your in his ; own hands at his discretion, either with his and relation ex- The master may be kind and the bondage but the man who can take or restrain your liberty, or despoil you of your property life, owns you and he can overseer, are, and the people like this victims, there can be no cept that of master and slave. 547 force you or by means of to serv<' him. a hired All you you have, including your wives and children, are all his property. If my learned and very good friend, the Attorney General, had this right <)f domination over me, frightened, for man in all not is I should not be very should expect him to use the world; but very discreet. blood 1 He n)ighi much as moderately as any should feel the necessity of being still I change The in a short time. an appetite which grows by what know him by it it feeds upon. thirst for We can- Robespierre resigned a because he was too tender-hearted present appearances. country judgeship in early life, pronounce sentence of death upon a convicted criminal. Caligula pas-ed for a most amiable young gentleman before he was to with the imperial purjde, and for about eight months afterIt was Trajan, I think, who said that absolute power wards would convert any nian into a wild beast, whatever was the origiIf you decide that the Attorney nal benevolence of his nature. General holds in his own hands or shares with others the power clotht'd of life cautious in ray all, I mean to be very audi warn you, the judges whom I am and death over us intercouise with him; now addressing, to do likewise. Trust not to the gentleness and kindness which has always marked his behavior heretofore. Keep voiir distance; be careful how you approach him; for you know not at what ing tiger. moment (u- by what a trifle you may rouse the sleep- "Go not near come unto him, Ivemember the injunction of Scripttire: to the man who hath ))()wer see that thou make r.o fault, to kill; lest and if thou he take away thy life presently ; for thou gocst amoiiLT snares ami walkest ui)on the battlenients of the city." The right of the executive govermuent to zens for political oflfi-nses ha>^ kill and imprison citi- not been i)ractically claimed in this country, except in cases where commissioned officers of the army Why should ii be conlined to them? were tlie instruments used. 1 IIISTOR Y 548 Why shoultl not naval otticei-s be permitted to share reason that connuon the is ed from all soldiers . \\\ and seamen it What '? exchid- are ? No law lias bestowed more than upon other persons. If participation in the business the rigl^t upon men OF OOL UMBIA CO UN T army otticers are to be hunor up without that legal trial Avhich the Consti- why not employ co.innissions of clergymen, merchants, manufacturers, horse-dealers, butchers, or drovers, It will not be pretended that military men are better to do it qualified to decide questions of fact or law than other classes of tution guarantees to them, '? people ; for al rule, least it is of known on the contrary that they are, as a gener- to perform the duties that belong to a all fitted judge. The Attorney General which takes a most His idea of humanity as well as law is emmerciful dispensation. bodied in the bureau of military ju:?.tice, with all its dark and bloody machinery. For that strange opinion he gives this curious reason that the duty of the commander-in-chief is to kill, and unless he has this bureau and these connnissions he nuist "butcher" indiscriminately without mercy or ju>tice. I admit that if the oommander-in chief or any other otHcer of the Government has think-* that a proceeding avvay the lives of citizens without a constitutional trial is : the power of an Asiatic king, to butcher the people at pleasure, he ought to have som"body to aid him in selecting his victims, as well as to do the rough work of strangling ami shootinof. But if my learned friend will only condescend to cast an eye upon the all the executive and milita- Constitution, he will see at once that ry officers are completely relieved a citizen shall not be taken court and jury. You by the provision that the at all until after legal cannot help but see that military commissions, to go on, will be useti for most pernicious purposes. cized none of their past proceedings, nor life of conviction by a made any if I suffered have criti- allusion to But what can be the meaning them among us ? Certainly not to punish actual guilt. All the ends of true justice are attained by the prompt, speedy, impartial trial which the courts are bound to give. Is there any danger that crime will be winked upon by the judges? Does anybody pi-etend that ci>uris and juries have less ability to decide upon facts and law than the men who sit in military tribtheir history in the last five years. of this elfort. to maintain — HISTOJiY OF VOLUMBJA COUNTY uiiuls in<>: The ? counsel not insult ycMi in tliis ciiuse will What such an opinion. righteous l)y .549 even liiiit- or just j)uri)Ose, then, em None, whatever. tliey serve'? But while they a'e good, they will l)e utterly powerless to do even a shadow of omnipotent to trample upon innocence, to gai; the truth, to silence patriotism, and They country. will crush the liberties viction will follow the accusation as surely day. The (iovernmeiit night as whom it predetermines to Tlie accuser can choose the judges, and will lect those wh(j are the known ruin and de- certainly se- most ignorant, the most un do whatever may please the promotion and plunder. The will- to be the piincijded. and the most ready power which gives them folhnvs the of course, will accuse none bofon- sucli a commission except those stroy. (»f always be organized to convict, ami the con- ))ay, to ing witness can be found as easily as the superserviceable judge. The treacherous spy, and the base informer — those loathsome wretches who do their lying i)y the job will stock such a market — with abundant perjuiy, for the authorities that employ tliem will be b(Mind to protect and tyrannical command, its crimes. as well government, will shock Plied as it the reward as with such world may be by them. with A engine an the the arts of a corrupt at enormity malignant its of priest- and urged on by the madness of a raving crowd, it will be worse than the popish plot, or the French revolution it will be a combiTiation of both, with Fouquier Tinville on the bench, and You can save us from this Titus Gates in the witness's box. honible fate. You alone can "deliver us from the body of this liood, — death." To }Our hands. that fearful extent From is the destiny of the Reporter. ^^-•^fgF^ this nation in — HISTORY OF (WTAJMBIA COUNTY. 550 OPINION OF THE COURT. No. 350. Ex parte Deckmbeu 'Ikkm, 1865. On In matter of Lambilin P. Milligan, petitioner. : cate of division of opinion between the a certifi- Judges of the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Indiana. Mr. Justice Davis delivered the opinion of tlie Court: On tlie 10th day of May. 1865, Lanibdin P. Miiligan presented a petition to the Circuit of the Uniied States for the district of Indiana, to be discharged from an alleged unlawful inipris'uiuient. The case made by the petition is this twenty years jVIilligan is : Indiana in ; a citizen of the United States ; has lived for and, at the time of the grievances complained was not, and never had been in tiie mililary or naval service of the United States. On the 5th day of October, 1864, while at home, he was arrested by order of Gen. Alvin P. Hovey, commanding the military district of Indiana and has ever since been kept in close conflnenient. On the 21st day of October, 1864, he was brought before a military commission, convened at Indianapolis by order of Gen. Hovey, tried on certain charges and specifications; found guilty, and sentenced to be hanged and the sentence ordered to be executed on Friday, the 19th day of, : ; of May, On 1865. day of January. 1865, after the proceedings of the military commission were at an end, the Circuit Court of the United States for Indiana met at Indianapolis and empanneled a grand jury, who were charged to inquire whether the laws of the United States had been violated and, if so, to make presentments. The court adjourned on the 27th day of January, having, prior thereto, discharged from further service the grand jury, who did not find any bill of indictment or make an}' presentment against Miiligan for any offence whatever, and, in fact, since his imprisonment, no bill of indictment has b(?en found or presentment made against him by any grand jury of the United States. I^Iilligan insists that said military conunission had no jurisdiction to try him upon the charges preferred, or upon any charges whatever, because he was a citizen of the United States and of the State of Indiana, and had not been, since the commencement of the late rebellion, a resident of any of the States whose citizens were arrayed against the Government, and that the right of trial by jur}' was guaranteed to him by the Constitution of the United States. The prayer of the petition was. that under the act of Congress, approved March J, 1863, entitled "An act relating to habeas corpm and regulating : the 3d HIIS'lORY OF COLUMBIA COUN'JY. r.rA proceedings in certain cases," lie may be brought before the either turned over to the proper civil tribunal to be proceeded against according to the law of the land or discharged from custody judicial and court, altogether. With the petition were filed the order for the commission, the charges and specifications, tlie findings of the court, with the order of the War Department reciting that the sentence was approved by the President of the United States, and dinctiug tiiat it be carried into execution without The petition was presented and filed in open court by tlie counsel delay. for ]Milligan; at the same time tiie Disfict Attorney of tlie United States for Indiana appeared, and, by tiie agreement of counsel, the application Tlie opinions of the Judges of the Circuit was submitted to the court. Court were opposed on tliree questions wliich are certified to the Supreme Court— '"On the facts stated in said petition and exhibits ought the writ of 1st. habe/iH roipus to be issued ?" "On the facts stated Lambdin P. Milligan to 2d. prayed in said jK-tition and exhibits, ought the said be discliarged from custody as in said petition ?" upon tlie facts stated in said petition and exhibits the commission mentioned therein had jurisdiction legally to try and sentence said Milligan in manner and form as in said petition and exhibits iJd. "VVhetlier, military is stated ?" The importance main question presented by this reconl cannot framework of the Government and the fundamental principles of American liberty. During the late wicked rebellion, the temper of the times did not allow that calmness in deliberation and discussion so necessary to a conecl be overstated ; of the for it involves the very conclusion of a purely judicitil question. IVien, considerations of safety were mingled with the exercise of power; and feelings and interests prevailed which are happily terminated. Now that the public safety is assured, this question, as well as all others, can be discussed and decided without passion or the adruixture of any element not required to form a legal judgment. We approach the investigation of this cast, fully sensible of the magnitude of the inquiry and the necessity of full and cautious deliberation. But we are met with a preliminary objection. It is insisted that the Circuit Court of Indiana had no authority to certify these questions; and that we are without jurisdiction to hear and determine them. The sixth section of the "Act to amend the judicial system of the United States," approved April 29,1802. declares "that whenever any question shall occur before a circuit court upon which the opinions of the judges shall be opposed, the point, upon which the disagreement shall happen, shall, during the same term, upon the request of either party or their counsel, be stated under the direction of tiie judges and certified under the seal of the court to the Supreme Court at tiieir next session to And be held thereafter and shall by the said court be finally decided ; : HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. ri52 the decision of the Supreme Court and their order in the premises shall be remitted to the circuit court and be there entered of record, and siiall Lave according to the natare of the said judgment and order shall prevent the cause from proceeding, if, in the opinion of the court, further proceedings can be had without prejudice to the merits-" effect Piovided, : That nothing herein contained ******* under this provision of law that a circuit court has authority to certify any question to the Supreme Court for adjudication. The inquiry, therefore, is, whether the case of Milligan is brought within its terras. It was admitted at the bar that the circuit court had jurisdiction to entertain the application for the writ of habeas corpus and to hear and determine it and it could not be denied, for the power is expressly It i« ; given in the t4th section of the judiciary act of 1789, as well as in the later act of 1863. Chief Justice Marshall, iu Bollman's case, (4 Cranch,) construed this t ranch of the judiciary act to authorize the courts as well as the judges to issue the writ for the purpose of inquiring into the cause commitment and this construction has never been departed from. maintained with earnestness and ability that a certificate of division of opinion can occur onlj^ in a cause. and that the proceeding by a party moving for a writ of habeas corpus does not become a cause unid after the writ has been, issued and a return made. Independently of the provisions of the act of Congress of March 3, 1863, relating to habeas corpus, on which the petitioner bases his claim for relief, and which we will presently consider, can this position be susof the But ; it is • tained ? It is true, that it is usual for a court on application for a and on the return wi'it of habeas but the court can elect to waive the issuing of the writ and consider whether, upon the facts presented in the petition, the prisoner, if brought before corpus, to issue the writ to dispose of the case ; could be discharged. One ot the very points on which the case of Tobias Watkins, reported in 3 Peters, turned, was whether, if the writ was issued, the petitioner would be remanded upon the case whicii he had made. The Chief Justice, in delivering the opinion of the court, said: ''The cause of imprisonment is shown as fully by the petitioner as it could appear on the return of the writ consequently the writ ought not to be it, ; awarded if the court is satisfied that the prisoner would be remanded to prison." The judges of the Circuit Court of Indiana, were, therefore, warranted by an express decision of this court in refusing the writ, if satisfied that the prisoner, on his own showing, was rightfully detained but it is contended if tliey differed about the lawfulness of the imprisonment, and could render no judgment, the prisoner is remediless, and cannot have the disputed question certified under the act of 1803. His remedy is complete by writ of error or appeal, if the court renders a final judgment refusing to discharge him but if he should be so unfortunate as to be ; ; ; HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. placed in whether lie .553 predicament of having tlie court divided on the question should live or die, he is hopeless and without remedy. He tlic wishes the vital question settled, not by a single judge at his chambers, but by the highest tribunal known to the Constitution and yet the privilege is denied him, because the circuit court consists of two judges ; Such a result was not in the contemplation of the Legisand the language used by it cannot be construed to mean any sucii thing. The clause under consideration was introduced to further the ends of justice, by obtaining a speedy settlement of important questions where the judges might be opposed in opinion. The act of 1802 so changed the judicial system that the circuit court, instead of three, was composed of two judges and, without this provision or a kindred one, if the judges diflfered, tlie difference would remain, the question be unsettled, and justice denied. The decisions of this court upon the provisions of this section have been numerous. In United States vs. Daniel, (O Wheaton,) the court, in holding that a division of the judges on a motion for a new trial could not be certified, say: "That the question must be one which arises in a cause depending before the instead of one. lature of 1802 : ; court relative 1o a proceeding belonging to the cause." Testing jVIilligan's case by this rule of law, is it not apparent that it is rightfully here; and that we are compelled to answer t)ie questions on which the judges below werr- opposed in opinion? If, in the sense of the law, the proceed- ing for the writ of habeas cmpim it, then it is evident thvtt was the "cauxe" of the party appl3'ing for was pending before the court, and the "cause" it, belonged to it, and were matand not of discretion. But it is argued that the proceeding does not ripen into a cause until It was the cmtfte of ]\Iilligan there are two parties to it. This we deny. when the petition was presented to the circuit court. It would have been the cav>-e of both parties if the court liad issued the writ and brought Webster defines the word those who held Milligan in custody before it. "cause" thus "A suit or action in court, any legal process which a party institutes to obtain his demand, or by which he seeks his right, or supposed right"— and he says, "this is a legal, scriptural and popular use of the word, coinciding nearly with case, from cado, and action, from " ago, to urge and drive MilliIn any legal sense action, suit and cause are convertible terms. gan supposed he had a right to test the validity of his trial and sentence and the proceeding which he set in operation for that purpose was his "cause" or "suit." It was the only one by which he could recover his liberty. Ik- was powerless to do more; he could neither instruct the judges nor control their action, and should not suffer because, without Bui the true meanfault of liis, they were unable to render a judgment. that the questions certified arose out of ters of right : ing to the term tions in Weston One of the ques"suit" has been given by this court. Council of Charleston (2 Peters) was, whether vs. City a writ of prohibition wjis a suit ; and Chief Justice Marshall says : "The HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 554 term is certainly a comprehensive one, and is understood to iipply to any proceeding in tlie court of justice by which an individual pursues that remedy which the law aflFords him." Certainly Milligan pursued tlie only remedy which the law afforded him. Again, in Cohens vs. Virginia (6 Wheaton) he says "In law language : a suit is the prosecution of "To commence a suit is to in a court of justice." demand something by and cess in a court of justice: When some demand Also, the institution of pro- to prosecute the suit is to continue that demanded his release by the proceeding relatand he has since prosecuted it ing to hahedx cKrpus he commenced a suit One of the questions in Holmes vs. in all the ways knowu to the law. demand." Milligan ; Jennison (14 Peters) was, whether under the 25th section of the judiciary Ciiief Justice act a proceeding for a writ of hnbeiii< is his appropriate legal remedy. There was much diversity of opinion on another ground of his liberty." jurisdiction, but on this, that in the sense of the 25th section of the judi- was a suit, was not controverted and he thought that "suit" and "cause" as used in the section mean the same thing. The court do not say that a return must be made and the parties appear and begin to try the case before it is a suit. When the petition is tiled the suit of the party making the apand the writ prayed fur it is a suit plication. If it is a suit under the 25th section of the judiciary act when the proceedings are begun, it is by all the analogies of the law, equally a suit under the 6th section of the act of 1802. iJut it is urged tliat there must be Iwo parties to the suit, because the point is to be stated upon the request of "either party or their counsel." Such a literal and technical construction would defeat the very purpose the Legislature had in view, which was to enable any party to bring the case here, when the point in controversy was a matter of right and not of discretion and the words "either part}'," in order to prevent a failure of justice, must be construed as words of enlargenent and not of rentriction. Although this case is here ex ;)are in passing it are proper to be considered. Tliis law was passed in a time of great national peril, when our heritage of free government was in danger An armed rebellion against the national authority, of greater proportions than his- was raging; and the public tory affords an example, writ of habens corpus should the privilege of the safely required that be suspended. The President iiad practically suspended it, and detained suspected persons in custodj' without trial but liis authority to do this was questioned. It ; was claimed that Congress alone could e.vercise this power; and that the and not the President, should judge of the political considThe privilege of this erations on which the right to suspend it rested. and, as the great writ had never before been withlield from the citizen exigence of the times demanded immediate action, it was of the higiiest importance that the lawfulness of the suspension should be fully establisiied. It was under these circumstances, which were such as to arrest the attention of the country, that this law was passed. The President was authorized by it to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus and he did, by whenever, in his judgment, the public safety required Legislature, ; ; proclamation, bearing date the 15tli of September, 1863, reciting among The suspension of other things the authority of this statute, suspend it. the writ does not authorize the arrest of any one, but simply denies to one arrested the privilege of the writ in order to obtain his liberty. It is proper, therefore, to inquire under what circumstances the courts could rightfully refuse to grant this writ, and when the citizen was at liberty to invoke its aid. law are explicit on these points. meaning of the Congress cannot be mistaken. Tlie public safety demanded, if the President thought proper to arrest a suspected person, that he should not be required to give the cause of his detention on return to a writ of habeas corpus. But should be detained in custody it was not contemplated that such person The second and The language used third seclions of is plain and unless certain judicial proceedings known a certain fixed period common law, were commenced against him. The Secretaries of and War were directed to furnish to the judges of the courts of the beyond to the State tlie direct, and, the United States a ; list of names of all parties, not prisoners of war, resident HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. 556 iu their respective juris'lictions, 'vho tlien were or afterwards sliould be who were citizens held in custody by the authority of the President, and which the administration of the laws in the Federal tribunals was unimpaired. After the list was furnished, if a grand jury of tlie district convened and adjourned and did not indict or present one of the persons thus named, he was entitled to his discharge and it was the d.ity of the judge of the court to order him brought before him to be discharged, if he desired it. The refusal or omission to furnish tl)e list could not operate to the injury of any one who was not indicted or presented by the grand jury; for, if twenty days had elapsed from the time of his arrest and the termination of the session of the grand jury, he was equally entitled to his discharge as if the list wore furnished and any credible person, on petition verified by affidavit, could obtain the judge's order for of States in ; ; that purpose. from imprisonment, averred under the terms of this law to give Indiana jurisdiction. If he was detained in custody Milligan, in his application to be released the existence of every fact necessary the Circuit Court of by the order of the President, was otherwise than as a prisoner of war, if he a citizen of Indiana and !iad never been in the military or naval ser- and the grand jury of the district had met, after he had been arresttwenty days, and adjourned without taking any proceedings against him. then the court had the right to entertain his petition and determine the lawfulness of his imprisonment. Because the word "court" is not found in the body of the second section, it was argued at vice, ed, for a period of the bar, that the application siiould have been and not made to the judge of the but this U vol .«o, for power is expressly conferred in the last proviso of the section on the court equally with a judge of it to discharge from imprisonment. It was the manifest design of Congress to secure a certain remedy by which any one, deprived of liberty, could obtain it, if there was a judicial failure to find cause of offense against him. Courts are not always in session, and can adjourn on the discharge of the grand jury and before those who are in confinement could take proper steps to procure their liberation. To provide for this contingency, authority was given to the judges out of court to grant recourt, to the court itself ; ; any party, who could show, that, under tlie law, he should be no longer restrained of his liberty. It was insisted that Milligan's case was lief to defective, because and, therefore, was it it list was furnished to the judges; under which section of the act it did not state that the was impossible to say presented. It is not easy to see diction. how this Milligan could not omission could effect the question of juris- know that the list was furnisiied unless the judges volunteered to tell him for the law did not require that any record should be made of it or anybody but the judges informed of it. Why aver the fact, when the truth of the matter was apparent to the court without an averment? How can Milligan be harmed by the absence of the averment, when he states that he was under arrest for more than ; HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. sixty days before the court and grand 557 jury, whicli should have considered that under tiie h'lhenx cnrpux act of 1863 the Circuit Court of Indiana had complete jurisdiction to adjudicate upon this case, and, if the judges could not agree on questions vital to the progress of the cause, they had the authority, (as we have shown in a previous part of this opinion,) and it was their duty to certify those questions of disagreement to tliis court for final decision. It was argued that a final decision on the questions presented ought not to be made, because the parties who were directly concerned in the arrest and detention of Milligan, were not before the court; and their rights might be prejudiced by the answer which should be given to those (pu'stions. But this court cannot know what return will be made to the writ of lutbean corpKs when issued and it is very clear thai no one is concluded upon any question that may be raised to that return. In the sense of the law of 1802, which authoriz.cd a certificate of division, a final his case, met Indianapolis at ? It is apparent, therefore, ; means the points certified final upon the court below, from any adverse ruling in all the subsequent proceedings of the cause. But it is said that this case is ended, as the presumption is that Milligan was hanged in pursuance of the order of the President. Although we have no judicial information on the subject, for otherwise learned counsel would yet the inference is that he is alive not appear for him and urge this court to decide the case. It can never be in this country of written Constitution and laws, with a judicial department to interpret them, that any chief magistrate w^ould be so far forgetful of his duty as to order the execution of a man who denied the jurisdiction that tried and convicted him, of/er his case was decision so that it is final ui)ou : estopped ; before Federal judges with power to decide it, wlio, being unable to agree on the grave questions involved, had, according to known law, sent it to But even the sugthe Supreme Court of the United States for decision. gestion is injurious to the Executive, and we dismiss it from further consideration. There is, therefore, notiiing to iiinder this court trom an investigation of the merits of this controversy. The question in the case controlling Milligan's petition, mentioned in \l and the exhibits junniiirt inn is filed, legally to try this : Upon the />ic/.s stated in had the military commission and sentence him ? Milligan, not a resident of one of the rebellious States, or a prisoner of war, but a citizen of Indiana for twenty years past, and never in tiie military or naval service, while at is, his home, arrested by the military power of the United States, imprisoned, and, on certain criminal charges preferred against him, tried, convicted, and sentenced to be hanged by a military ' ommission, organized under the direction of the military commander of Had this tribunal the legal power and the military district of Indiana. authority to try and punisli tiiis man ? No gr iver question was ever considered by this court, nor one which more nearly concerns the rights of the wiiole people when ; for it chartred with crime, is tiie to birlh rigiit of every American citizen be tried and punished according to law. ins TORY OF COLUMBIA CO UN Y 558 'I of punishment is, alone through tlie means which the 1k.ws have provided for that purpose, and if they are ineffectual there is an immunity from punishment, no matter how great an offender tlie individual may be, or how mucli his crimes may have shocked the sense of justice By the protection ot the law of the country, or endangered its safety. human rights are secured; withdraw that protection, and they are at the mercy of wicked rulers, or the clamor of an excited people. If tiiere was law to justify this military trial, it is not our province to interfere if there was not, it is our duty to declare the nullity of the whole proceedings. The decision of this question does not depend on argument or judicial precedents, numerous and highly illustrative as tiiey are. These precedents inform us of the extent of the struorgle to preserve liberty and to The founders of our governrelieve those in civil life from military trials. ment were familiar with the history of that struggle and secured in a written Constitution every right which the people had wrested from power during a contest of ages. By that Constitution and the laws authorized by it, this question must be determined. The provisions of that instrument on the administration of criminal justice a»e too plain and direct to leave room for misconstruction or doubt of their true meaning. Tiiose applicable to this case are found in that clause of the original Constitution which sa3's, "That the trial of all crimes, except in case of impeachment, shall be by jury ;" and in the fourth, fifth, and sixth articles of the amendments. The fourth proclaims the right to be secure in person ami effects and directs that a judicial waragainst unreasonable search and seizure rant shall not issue "without proof of probable cause supported by oath or affirmation." The tifth declares "that no person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime unless on presentment by a The power ; ; ; grand jury, except militia, when be deprived of And the land or naval forces, or in the time of war or public danger, nor or property without due process of law." in cases arising in th'- in actual service in the sixth life, liberty, -iuarantees the right of trial by jury in sucli manner and with such regulations that with upright judges, impartial juries, and an it is in able bar, the innocent will be saved and the guilty punished, "In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the these words: right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury of tlie State and district wherein the crime sliall have been committed, which district sliall have been previously ascertained by law. and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, to be confronted with the witnesses against him, to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defence. " These securities for personal liberty thus embodied, were such as wisdom and experience had demonstrated to be necessary for the protection of those accused of crime. And so strong was the sense of the country of their importance, and so jealous were the people that these rights, highly prized, might be denied them b}' implication that wiien the original constitution was proposed for adoption, it encountered severe opposition ; ; HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. and but for the belief that U would be so Jimetided as it would n(!ver have been ratified. Time has proven the discernment of our ancestors ; embrace to r.oO tliem, for even these pro- words that it would seem the ingenuity of men could not evade them, are mm, after the lapse of more than seventy years, sought to be avoided. These great and go(ws lished by Congress. dent ; because lie is what of war." It can serve no useful purpose to inquire those laws and usages are, whence tiiey originated, where found, and on whom they operate they can never be applied to citizens in States which have upheld the authority of the Government, and where the and usages ; This court has judicial courts arc open and their process unoitstructed. knowledge that in huiiana the Federal authority was always unopposed, and its courts always open to hear criminal accusations and redress grie rances; and no usages of war could sanction a military trial there for any offence whatever of a citizen in civil life, in nowise connected with the and, to the military service. Congress could grant no such j ower : lienor of our national legislature be it said, it Ins never been provoked by — fnS7'()KY 660 OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. the state of the country even to tittonipt constitutional piwisions was. its exercise. One when of the plainest Milligan was by a court not ordained and established by Congress, and not composed of judges appointed during good beliavior. ^Yhy was he not delivered to the Circuit Court of Imiiana to be proceeded against according to law ? Xo reason of necessity could urged against it, because Congress had declared penalties airaiust the otTences charged, provided for their punisluuent. and directcil that court to liear and determine them. And soon infringed therefore, tried W tribunal was ended, the circuit court met, p.>acefully business and adjourned. It needed no bayonets to protect and ivquircd no military aid to execute its judgments. It was held iu after this transacted it, military its a State eminently distinguished for patriotism, by judges commissioned during the rebellion, who were provided with juries, upright, intelligent, and selected by a niarshal appointed by the rresident. The tiovernment had no right to conchule tliat Milligan. if guilty, would not receive iu that court merited punisluncnt for its records disclose that it was ; constantly engaged in the and was never interadministration of criminal justice. If it was dangerous in the distracted condition of atYaii-s to leave Milligan unrestrained of his rupted trial of sin\ilar otYences, in its because lie "conspired against the Government, atforded aid and comfort to rebels, and incited the people to insurrection," the /.iic said arrest him, contine him closely, render him powerless to do further misliberty, chief; and then present his case to the grand jury (^f the district, with proofs of his guilt, and, if indicted, try him according to the course of the common law. If this had been done the Constitution would have been vindicated, the law of 18(>3 liberty preserved and defended. Another guarantee of freedom trial by jury. The great minds rect interpretation to be given to enforced, ami the securities for personal was broken when Milligan was denied a tlie country have differed on the cor- of various provisions of the Federal Conand judicial decision has been often invoked to settle their true meaning; but until recently no one ever doubted that the right of trial by jury was fortified in the organic law against the power of attack. but, if ideas can be expressed in words, and language It is n>nv assailed has any njeaning, thi^ t'ujht — one of the most valuable in a five covuitry stitution; ; is preserved to every one accused of crime who is not attached to the army, or navy, or militia in actual service. The sixth amendment affirms that "in all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the nglit to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury," language broad enough to embrace all persons and cases but tJie fifth, recognizing the necessity of an indictment, or presentment, before any one can be held to answer for high crimes, excepts cases arisuig in the land or naval ; forces, or in the militia, wlien in actual service, in time of war or public danger;" and the framei-s of the Constitution, doubtless, meant to limit the right of trijvl by jury, iu tlie sixth ameudment. to those persons who Til were subject STORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. to indictment or presontmorit in Tiie discipline, necessary to the efficiency of .061 tlic fifth. army and navy, rcquirother and awifler modes of trial than are furnislied by the common law courts; and, in pursuance of tiie power conferred by the Constitution, tlie eil Conj^ress has declared the kinds of trial, and the manner in which they conducted, for offenses committed while the party is in the military or naval service. livery one, connected with tliese fjranclies of the public hhall 1)(! is amenable to the jurisdiction which Congress has created for government, and while thus serving, surrenders his right to be tried srrvice, their by the civil courts. <»j)en, if irial Al\ other perHom, citizens of States where the courts are charged with crime, an; guaranteed the inestimable privilege of by jury. This privilege is a vital principle, underlying the whole ad- ministration of criminal justice; it is not held by sufferance, and cannot be frittered away on any plea of State or political necessity. When peace prevails, and authority of the Government undisputed, there is no for the ordinary modes of trial are never neglected, and no one wishes it otherwise but if society is disturbed by civil commotion if the passions of men are aroused and tlie restraints of law weakened, if not disregarded these safeguards need, and should receive, the watchful care of those entrusted with the guardianship of the Constitution and laws. In no other way can we translli(! difficulty of preserving the is safeguards of liberty ; : — — mit to posterity unimpaired, the blessings of liberty, consecrated by the sacrifices of the revolution. It is claimed that martial law covers with its broad mantle the proceedings of the military commission. The proposition is this That in a time : of war the commander armed force (if in and of which he is of an his opinion the exigencies demand it. to judge,) has the power, within the lines of his military district, to suspend all civil rights and their remedies, and subject citizens as well as soldiers to the rule of fiix of the country wilt, and in the exercise of his lawful authority cannot be restrained, except by his superior officer or the President of the United States. If this position is sound, to the extent claimed, then when war exists, foreign or domestic, and the country is subdivided mere convenience the commander of one into military departments for of them can, if he chooses, within his limits, on the plea of necessity, with the approval of the executive, substitute military force for and to the exclusion of the laws, and punish all persons, as he thinks right and proper, without fixed or certain ; rules. shows its importance for, if true, and there is an end of liberty regulated by law. Martial law, established on such a basis, destroys every guarantee of the Constitution, and effectually renders the "military independent of and superior to the civil power" the attempt to do which Ijy the King of Great Britain was d(;emed by our fathers such an offence, that they assigned it to tiie world as one of the causes which impelled them to declare their in72 steamboat Coclorus GENERAL INDEX. '" '^. A' Vv « * * . .S'^A ^.* ^^^ /.. 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