./' ,/'\M ransformations */ ' ^i::/'- w homsburg ^nipersity OBITER 1 9 9 Features 16 Academics 28 Sports 40 Seniors 78 Graduation 136 r?p"> ;i*r-x-^f '-.p. -^ J^"*' tk mmmmA as£M > "* 14 r.^ u H U u. i I > o \3 O VJ \ O I 20 ^<^MSB| lif I / \J o vj O I < D O o 25 VJ < < # ^ HP>>^ u PRESIDENT 30 u%. yc^^ic^ '^^f^^ii T>%. (Jt% ^. 'Pne^toK^enniaci^ I VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT LIFE ;4(€t^a(i^^^s^^, Hi 45 Soccer JL 47 occer K 48 49 Tennis 51 Cross Country ?^'£'i.i>a:'.?^'Wsf;-A- Jlaifcjt^^ AikuS" ^^ 53 r^^ Cross Country ;fllf<»«t.^^.. y||^ r-.^>il|iN(^< , , , 55 Basketball Basketball 58 Swimming K^ " 61 Swimming 62 63 Wrestling 64 aseball 66 f ^M 67 Softball 68 ennis 70 71 acrosse 5 1<0^ Cheerleading 74 75 Coaches \ \ 4B \ 77 Il\' Ul CU&s o( Jennifer Adams Deanna Africa AyeshaAkmal KristenAldinger MaurieAltmann Nicole Anderson Matthew Appcl Patrick Atkinson so i^^8 Laura Austin Jennifer Avery Tracy Babjak Rebecca Bachelder Rebecca Baileys ^M^M%m R Michael Banas J. Michael Bankert Julia Barnard ^mtors 81 eu&& /?/ Tracy Bechtold TriciaBeckwith Tianna Becraft Sue Bednar Jeffrey Beilman Duane Benedict LynnBenfante Jeremy Bentz 82 f^^8 Christina Bianchi LoriBickert DanaBillig ^l^^tL Timothy Bingaman Scott Blacker Martiann Bohl Susan Bonifanti Charies Borst Danielle Bouchard Tara Bowers Stephanie Boysen Brian Bozylinski gemots 83 (3U&S /?/ Robert Brouse Erica Brower Jaime Brown Ronald Brown LisaBrownlee Lora Brugnolo JillBudwell Joy Bullock 84 f^^8 Michael Burchardt NicolleBurgard Christine Butcher Jody Caboot ^cnlOTS 85 Ctiis>& />/ Michael Carmosky Amy Cemovsky Laurie Chaple David Cheslock Lauren Chiaro Colleen Chiovarou Ellen Cinchock Lori Ciocci 86 i'^^S Peter Coccetti Maria Colonna Kelly Conn James Connolly Cook Catherine Victoria Cook Janel Cooley Allison Cooper Jessica Cooper Deborah Coslett Catherine Cox Michele Crecca H ^cnhrs 87 CUss i>( Mary Ann Dallazia Carolyn Darrup Jodie Daubert Crystal Davidick i^^8 Diane Davis Jennifer Davis Kelly Davis Ansley Dawidziuk Jennifer Dawson Joshua Degroat CaraDellinger Christopher Demarco ^cnhrs 89 Ctis,& i>( i^^8 Heather Dietrich Gregory Dipippo Jennifer Doherty ErinDolan Katie Donlin Michele Dore Jillian Dougherty Megan Dougherty 90 m Suzanne Elia Paula Elwood Christopher Embert Marion Endler Da\idEngelhai"dt Michelle Engle Gina Facciolo KristaPehr ^cnhrs 91 Ct^ss o( i^^8 % .fr-^9t 92 ^cnlOTS 93 CUss o( MindayFeldman Avery Fenrow Celina Femandes Andrea Ferrett Frank Filipovits Jennifer Fishbum Wendy Fishman Shatara Fitzgerald 94 i^^8 Margaret Fohner 'ljfS=^'^ '! Tiffany Foster Tracey Fountain Dean Frear Stephanie Frederick Monna Fritz Tracy Fritz Jennifer Fromm ^mtor& 95 Cti&s> ol Jessica Frost Pamela Frost Donna Furnanage Nicholas Gabello, Jr. Jennifer Gadomski Jennifer Gambino Misty Garlick JillGensemer Joanna Gentile Adrienne George Ryan Gephart Angela Gilby 96 i^^8 Dawn Giles LisaGladis Caroline Classic Andrea Gonce Teresa Coodspeed Dana Corby Ryan Cottschall Amy Craham ^cnhrs 97 CU&s. 0^ Christine Harder Casey Hardy Tara Harris Kay Harrison 98 i^^8 Michelle Heffner BradHeindel Tracy Hengst Erin Hess ^enhrs 99 Cttss if( Elizabeth Hetmanski Angela Heverling Janine Lea Hickey ErinHietanen Patrick Hill PharezHill Stephanie Hobbie Howard Hodder, Jr. Talitha Homan Donna Hons John Hooven Rhonda Horn 100 i^'^S Denise Homing Jennifer Hosier D. James Hostetter Tara Hucaluk Krista Hufford Kimberly Humphreys Katherine Huvane C. Heather Ireland Sharon Irwin Katie Jeffries Kermit Johnson Julie Johnston ^dyiiors 101 CU&& D^ Heather Jones Renee Jones Michael Kaplan Christine 102 Kays i^^8 Shannon Keller Monique Kelly AllysonKemka Eric Kemp Tiffany Kemper KristinaKett Dennis Keyser Gwendolen Kletzing ^cnhrs 103 Cti^s 104 o( i^^8 i «.^r_ ami - CU&s o( ZheniaKlevitsky Michael Knapp Kristen Koblick Ryan Koczot Stacy Koehler Caroline Kolb Christine Kondratick Korrin Konecoff Heather Konschnik Dawn Koons Paula Koppenhaver Amy 106 Kosar i^^8 Rachael Kostecki Tricia Kouch Crystal Kovaschetz Christine Krenos Brenda Krout Marcy Krum Allison Krutsch Michael Kuhar Jennifer Kupchik EmmaKumat Michael Kutchmarick Todd Kyllonen •*«ii(*»» '^' ^mtOTS 107 CUss i Megan Lieberwirth Jennifer Lileck Danielle Lingenfelter Marci Linney Heidi Lohrer Jennifer Lowery James Lowthert Amy Luetke Mason Lunger Diane Lunova Christina Luss Kimberly Lutz ^^^^ Kristie Magliane David Manbeck Frank Mancini Allison Manning Stephanie Mannino Christine Mantione Justin Margut Brenda Marshall ^cnhrs 111 Ct^ss /?/ f^^8 Amanda Martinez Nicholas Matash Colleen Matthews Stacey Matthews Maria Mattu Kendra McCabe Scott McCarty Andrea McClanahan L William McCleallan Misty McCoy Amy McDonald Megan McDonald Richard McDonald Sarah McDonough Robert McFilhn Kathleen McHale ^cnhu 113 CUss Steven o( McKeon Monica McKerns Jennifer McMaster Maureen McNamara Carey McNeill Erin McNeils Shawn McShea Jennifer Miller 14 i^^8 Kelly Molis KimberlyMollath Kelli Moore Magdalena Moore Matthew Moore Michael Moore Dana Morris Robert Monison III ^mtors, 115 CU&& i>( KirstenNeamand Jessica Needham JillNeidhardt Amy Neitheimer 116 10"^ Wendy Neubauer Mary Newsome Jill Niemenski Diana Nimmo Tammi Nordmark Behzad Noubary Megan O'Brien Karin O'Connor ^enhrs 117 Cti&s. c( i'^^S Kathleen Oatley Keenan Okolichany Michelle Olmeda Anastasia Orphanos Brandon Ortman Jessica Otto Suzanne Owens AikaOzeki Staci Paddock Jason Palmer Tricia Papka Brian Parise Jennifer Pearce Kimberly Pencek Jodie Penkala CristinaPemini DenisePetrelli Erica Petrushka Jacqueline Phillips Stephanie Phillips ^mtors> 119 CU&& o( Jennifer Pindle S vetlana Pinkevitch Bridget Pomian Paul Posluszny Cheryl Post Traci Pozenges Amy Price Chandra Price 120 i^^8 Michelle Protzmann Tara Puchalski Melanie Quails ErinQuinlan ^cnhrs 121 4 ^^^8 CU&& Jessica Rappa Paul Ream Kimberly Reamer Christy Reed Rebecca Reese Angela Regrut Sherri Rehfeld Mariana Reyes Laurie Rhoads Pamela Rhodes Anne Riccio Karen Ringo 122 Tara Ritter Jamie Roberts Kenneth Robertson ^I^^lk Thomas Roccograndi Jennifer Roche Christopher Rogers Ehzabeth Romano Vincent Rosati Gwen Roush ^i^ Yvette Roush Troy Ruch Michael Ruggiero ^mtors> 123 et^ss c^ Erin Scharkozy Angela Schaub Anne Schaub Susan Schlader Robert Schluensen Allison Schmidt Melissa Schumacker BarbaraSchwindenhammer !24 f^^8 Michele Seaman Rebecca Seamans Kelly Sears Jacqueline Senenko Debra Senich Gayle Shaw Philip Shedaker Noreen Sheehan Erika Shellhammer Nancy Sickler Jennifer Simcoe Karen Slatteiy ^cnhrs 125 CU&s i>( Barbara Slieko i^^8 Travis Soprano Laura Sorce Nikki Spina Michelle Sporer Matthew Stahl Julie Stalma Lisa Steppe Christopher Steward ^enhrs 127 CU&& l>( Catherine Strang Marisa Strawser Melissa Strolle Kristine Sudol Janessa Susz Justin Swain Rebecca Swety Shane Tamecki 128 i'^'^S £i(i^ Kirk Thomas Lisa Thomas Nicole Thomas Stephanie Thompson Douglas Tice Charles Timpko George Tregear Peter Trentacoste ^cntors 129 CU&s i>( Pifang Tsiao Aaron Turiello Jennifer Tursi ElysiaTusavitz Veronica Umbrell Joel Upright Jennifer Urban Paula Varano i^08 Janet Varvara KerrieVensky Eric Verno Nicole Vemo Shannon Vincent Kevin Vislusky Amy Vitacco Danielle Wade J:^-^^ ^cnlOTS 131 CUss ^^ l^ ' > -' \*"C- '^''^r V %. Z' 153 4 A >^^ -^ k*',i^* '^'^^.'-iii 159 ' -/•»'> fr' '/: "^ ^-^ Atjence France-Presse Asian economic turmoil triggers global unrest. In October, Hong Kong's stock market crashes. .Asian countries receive billions IANGSEIGIND& dollars in bailout from the International Monetar\' Fund. 9059.89 A 1438.3 Hong Kong reverts to China at 12:01 a.m., July 1, after 156 years of British colonial rule. China says Hong Kong will continue Western way its of life and free-market economv , y A 15-day school strike in Ontai Canada, affects h 2.1 million students. Late in October, 128,000 teachers walk out to protest a controversial would bill that alter educational funding and centralize government control of education. Jan 200 1, Montserrat. once called "the Emerald Isle of the Caribbean," is devastated by ongoing eruptions from a volcano that had been dormant y^ Governments to remedy the in central No-thirds of the years. worldwide race for Powerful earthquakes and businesses Italy kill 1 1 people and damage populace evacuates. "Year 2000" problem. Unless art treasures, including centuries-old Renaissance key computer systems are frescoes by reprogrammed painters, in the Basilica of St. Francis in the to recognize dates new century Italian ofAssisi. the world faces the threat of catastrophic failure in critical safet)', areas like banking, air public utilities and defense. Change sweeps Great Britain Labor Party leader Tony landslide election in May 1997 ousts the Conservatives and Blair, at as Blair's makes 44, Britain's youngest prime minister in 185 years. Hurricane Pauline slams into Mexico's Pacific coast in October, causing flash floods, landslides A The remains of Ernesto President Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire revolutionary, are laid to rest in is in October, 30 years after his execution in Bolivia, where at least resort city of Acapuico is deposed in exile. his bones recently had been found. Kabila, in May 1997 and later dies His successor, Laurent changes Zaire's name to Democratic Republic of the Congo. fatalities. I Halloween fever seizes France. After 32 years of autocratic rule, "Che" Guevara, martjTcd Marxist Cuba 200 and The heavily damaged. At the base of the Eiffel in Paris 8,000 Tower pumpkins are displayed, and French children participate in an American-style Halloween celebration. Diana, Princess of Wales, one of the world's most famous and admired women, dies at 36 in a violent car crasti in Paris Augusts). on Miona On July 23 suspected murderer I Andrew Cunanan, in Miami Beacti. prime suspect spree that 27, commits suicide Cunanan was in a left five ttie cross-country killing dead, including fashion designer Gianni Versace. In April 1997, floods ravage the entire Valley Red River between Minnesota and the Dakotas. Ninety percent of downtown Grand Forks, North Dakota, Once-mighty Apple Computer close to failure Bill it when is under water. is arch-rival Gates of Microsoft "rescues" with a $150 million bail-out in August. The event opens a new era of cooperation between formerly fierce competitors. Americans join I "Stop the Violence" campaigns nationwide in an attempt to generate awareness of and solutions to the problem of violence Joe Camel in is snuffed out as the America. Federal Trade Commission bans tobacco advertisinti ,iinied at minors and institutes swec|iing tobacco advertising restricliiins. A rare urban tornado prow'ls through Miami on May 12, uprootim; trees, shattering windows and snapping power hues. Fortunately, the Sturm inflicts only muior injuries. Teen People a savvy monthly magazine for and about teenagers, premieres in February' Fasiiion advertising and clottiing trends inspire the popularity of the color orange, which replaces neon green as the fad color of the year. In October, a cyberfashion show at the Symposium features fashions with M.I.T. built-in Media Lab Wearable computer devices and M.I.T students designed the high-tech fashions. electronic hardware. Princess Diana tribute merchandise abounds, including a double set and a CD Fashion looks to the Far East. The new Beanie Baby named stick-on bindi, a tiny decorative Princess, a royal purple bear adorned with a rose. Profits benefit the Diana, Princess of Wales accent worn in forehead, popularized by is the middle of the Stefani, lead singer of the Memorial Fund. Gwen band No Doubt. L Nike introduces a new "I Can" advertising Year's Day. campaign on New The company does not plan to abandon its "Just Do it" slogan, introduced in 1985, wliich will continue to appear on T-shirts and posters. This year's look cosmetics is in Diet Scent Patches are introduced glimmering, in June by Slimline, a British sparkling and colorful. company. Designed to help people Riding this wave, diet successhilly, the small cosmetics giant Christian arm "Two Platform shoes, a fashion statement Dior introduces Mascara during the disco Flash, make stickers produce in a variety in a big way in 1997, Fat Ladies" Network's hottest becomes the Food new cooking show odor to discourage the wearer in from eating sweets. unconventional British stars, two the U.S., attracting fans wath its of inspiring even platform sneakers. outrageous an unpleasant a style temporary hair comeback color '70s, tints. overweight, middle-aged women. Softer Hairstyle - The Chevrolet Corvette is named Motor Trend magazine's 1998 Car of the Year. Smaller Chest Larger Waist Smaller Hips A new $50 unveiled bill in featuring a larger, off-center portrait of President Ulysses October Design details make the bill more S. Grant is difficult to forge. After nearly 40 years, Mattel's Barbie doll takes on a more realistic face and body shape than the Barbie of the '60s. The new doll will begin to appear in stores in early 1998. Mattel mtroduces Share a Smile Becky in May liright |)ink 1997. Seated in a wheelchair, the doll is ni.irkclcii as a friend to the ' Ir.iditiDii.il Barbie. BcuferiA HiWIia!)? • • 'i''^ »»<''>''''mmmmm>mmmmmmiiiimi>mmmmm Mehndi, intricate designs painted on the body with henna dye, is a popular expression of the fashion trend toward Eastern themes and patterns. Digital "pets" are a 1997 toy craze. These I virtual critters keep their owners busy by beeping when they need care or feeding. If ignored, they "die." Oitk As many as 700 school districts nationwide teach "emotional inleflgence," aiming to develop cfifldren^ vahies 'at and people skyis wen as their minds. Beepers are a status symbol and a lifeslyle must-have for many teens juggBng school, jotis and after-school activities. 40 million beepers Popular board games appear on CD-ROM in bi the U.S., More I are earned an estimated 25 Canada issues a Superhero postage stamp series that includes a 45-cent stamp featuring the percent cH them by people betiveen ever-growing numbers, the ages of 12 and 24. bi colorful, comic-book image of Superman. some including interactive favorites Monopoly, schools, beepers are forbidden Scrabble, Sorry, Risk as disniptive. and Boggle. Lifestyle ialnineiit ^ ; ABC's gritty police drama "NYPD Blue" remains one of popular one-hour dramas on television in 1997, most tlie capturing four Emmv Awards. A Comedian Chris Farley dies on December at 33 of a He starred 18. in drug overdose NBC's "Saturday Night Live" and movies including Tommy Boy and Beverly Hills Ninja. iilumbiaAlandalay from the Knbal Collection y( The Lost World, Sle'jen Spielberg's Jurassic Park sequel, breaks summer box-office records everywhere. It earns ,$229 million in the U.S. Jerry Seinfeld, creator and star of the "Seinfeld," in December 1998 season last. in The NBC hit announces that the 1997- is final May ending the show's episode airs the popular show's nine-year run. ^ Horror films draw teenagers to the box office. I Summer, Know What You Did Last starring Jennifer Love Hewitt and Sarah Michelle Cellar, is one of the year's biggest attractions. ask f In its second season, the WB's campy sitcom "Bufly the Vampire Slayer" l)lossonis into a huge favorite with many viewers. Jenny McCarthy stars fall in in a new NBC comedy "Jenny" that, Januaiy 1998, goes into hiatus only a few months into its first season. McCarthy had been an IVnV personality before movii^ to the network. Fox network launches "King of Scream 2. the chilling hit sequel to Critically acclaimed/lmK/i3(^, I the Hill," an animated show that focuses on the lives of a propane dealer from Texas and his family The show goes on smash hit. to become a Scream, is a wildly successful mix of carnage and comedy starring Neve Campbell, Jerry O'Connell, Tori Spelling, Jada Pinkett of other stars. and a host directed by Steven Spielberg, tells the story of an 1839 slave ship mutiny The film culminates years of effort by producer Debbie Allen to bring the story to life. Religion is a common theme DM eight fall-season network TV' shows inspired by the success of CBS's "Touched by an Angel" starring Roma Downey, Delia Reese and John Dye. New programs include ABC's "Nothing Sacred" and "Teen Angel." TUaiiic is a huge critical and box-office success. The movie event of the year, this $200 million picture is the in most costly in history. After 45 days the theaters, Titanic had earned $308 million. Star Wan captures a new generation George Lucas re-releases the after the first film was shown. the National Air and Space of fans when film trilogy 20 years In Washington, Museum mounts D.C., a huge exhibition of now-historic 5torH'flre artifacts. Michael Flatley's pulsating show "Lord of the Dance" In the fall. Fox debuts fuels the extraordinary "Ally popularity of Irish dance. comedy/drama The show tours Calista Flockhart as a 15 cities in the U.S. through October. McBeal," a starring young Boston attorney The show captures Matt Damon a in TIte Golden Globe Award in stars as an attorney Rainmaker, a movie based on the John Grisham novel. January 1998 for best Damon's successes also include series/musical or comedv the film The Good Will Hunting. WoadaM Worid cfDbnv presents Hs adaptation of "Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella" on ABC, staning Brandy as Cinderella and Whitney Houston as the Faiiy Godmother. Tomomw Never Dies Summer Men in more blockbuster Black grosses , staning; Pierce Brosnan as 007, is holiday box-office hit and a ~ The 1997 season premiere » than $500 million conf inns the enduring popularity worldwide to become 1997's biggest The sci-fi comedy Will Smith and live James Bond movies. those stars is broadcast and draws 42.7 million viewers for NBC. including of hit. episode of "ER" who watch giant screen in it on a Times Square. Tommy MH Lee Jones. Entertal ^ WWF^^M Jeff 1997 Gordon, at 26, wins the NASCARWinston Cup, second Winston Cup point 111 his title lliree\ears. Gordon's 1997 IKiiiiistdlal 4,710. The Chicago Bulls beat the Utah Jazz in June 1997 their fifth for NBA championship in seven years. Michael Jordan is fifth chosen MVP a Finals record time. When the college football season ends, two teams share the national championship. Michigan (12-0 is Nagano, Japan, hosts the 1998 Winter Oljinpic Games Februar), Three sports make curling, No. I by the sports and Nebraska (13-0) by the coaches' poll. new medal their named writers' poll, during Olympic debut: snowboarding and women's ice hockey. Detroit Red Wings captain Steve Yzerman powers his team to the 1997 Stanley Cup championship, in its first 42 years, by sweeping the Philadelphia Flyers in four games. professional sports league for In its debut season, the WNBA exceeds all league expectations for success. the first The pioneers, time. Dee Kanter and are referees in Violet Palmer, the NBA. The Houston Comets' championship win over the New York Liberty caps the 1997 season. Mai1< McGwire, of the 1996 and 58 in St Louis 52 homers Cardinals, slams in 1997. McGwire becomes only the second player in Dean Smith, winningest coach in college basketball history, retires in baseball histoiy with back-to-back, October after 36 seasons 50-home-nin seasons, the other being Babe Ruth. at Carolina. Sports Illustrated North names him 1997 Sportsman of the Year. Sports J^^^t «^ r