Li' )MS?^ BLOOMSBURG THROUGH THE YEARS Academy 1839 Literary Institute 1856 Normal School 1869 State Teachers College 1927 JUDSON P. WELSH 1890-1906 PRESIDENTS AND PR BLOOMSBURG THROUGH THE YEARS Vol. 19 No. AUGUST. 5 Colleges looking forward to their future must first look backward to their beginnings. Edited by Marguerite W. Kehr Format by Edward T. De Voe Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post OflSce at Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, under the Act of August 24, 1912. 1951 T^he White Towers of Bloomsbiirg (With acknowledfjment and apologies to Winifred M. Letts, whose "Spires of Oxford" inspired these thoughts.) I saw the towers of Bloomsburg as was passing I The white towers of Bloomsburg against The river flowed beneath The town them autumn all its stores The towers shine white at Bloomsburg above Looking at the clock there, sky. across the purple hills, below them with lies just the by, and mills. the mountains grand. no matter where you stand. There's a tower on old Carver and on sprawling Waller too This first one is the larger that shines against the blue. Those who come to Bloomsburg and Are reminded always of their see September's haze happy college days. Up the street to Carver with its ever-welcoming door. They've climbed with eager footsteps for four score years or more. So we set up our signposts for those who follow here. That they may see the towers that we have Our towers may not point upward But looking always at like fingers to the sky," them we cannot To serve our Alma Mater and to it tried to rear. e'er fail to try be true, For the years look down upon us and others that we Harvey A. knev^'. Andruss, President TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword Through the Years Francis Development B. Haas of the College B Sltliff and Harvey A. Andruss \\ Page No. The Beginnings of Bloomsburg State Teachers College Academy and Instimte The State Takes Over State Normal School From Normal School to Teachers College Page No. Teachers College War 5 ( 6 ( ( 1934-40) 8 and Cooperative Programs ( 1941-45 Post-war Developments 9 9 7 Organization of the College W. B. SUTLIFF Boards of Trustees 10 Principals of Bloomsburg Normal School and Literar)' Institute 12 Campus and Nevi.n T. The College Campus Buildings Englehart The College Buildings 16 16 The Curriculums The Development Thomas Hazen of Curriculums, P. North English, Edna J. Business Education, W. C. Forney Secondary Education, John C. Koch Elementary Education, John C. Ko< :h George J. Keller HARRISON RusSELL J. 23 Fenstemaker 19 Geography. H. Harrison Russell 20 Health and Physical Education, F. E. H. Fisher 24 24 Nelson 21 Ethel A. Ranson Music, Harriet M. Moore Science, K. C. KUSTER 21 Social Studies, E. A. n Speech and Sf>eech Correction, Alice 21 John Howard Mathematics, Art, Education and Psychology, Wilson Foreign Languages, Aeronautics and the Development of Aviation, Audio-visual Education, H. S. L. 18 24 25 25 26 Reams 26 Johnston 26 Student Teaching and Placement Service Earl N. Rhodes Student Teaching Summer Sessions and Classes Thomas Summer P. 27 Sessions Pearl The Placement Service 27 for Teachers-in-Service North Chisses for Teachers-in-Service The College Library L Mason and Catherine L. Zealberg 28 Library Student Student Life Through the Years, 27 Marguerite W. Kehr Public Relations and Publications, 29 Life Athletics. E. H. Nelson and John Public Relations and Alumni Activities iO John A. Hoch Alumni Activities, E. H. Nelson A. Hoch 34 40 The Future Looking Ahead, Harvey A. Andruss •41 Features College Songs 35 Alumni Directory 45 FOREWORD THROUGH THE YEARS Francis B. Haas T HE SPIRIT THAT I IS bloomsburg" brings to mind the following lines from Lowell s The Present Crisis": "New We new occasions teach must upward As we move forward through the years, here at Bloomsburg. Carver Hall duties; Time makes ancient good uncouth; and onward, who would keep abreast of Truth." still, is still we find significant midway up the change hill, at the State a familiar alumnus. But the physical plant of the College has climbed the Navy Franklin Laboratory School, and other excellent amples of the way facilities Hall, the Centennial for health education, hill. landmark its swimming pool Mount Olympus, which plant improvements follow curriculum trends in to the oldest The modern Benjamin Gymnasium with topping another Teachers College in spite of are ex- wars and depressions. And through the years curricular emphases have been changing; for example, the child centered school, the community tion, audio-visual education, as an educational resource, intercultural and citizenship educa- and more recently, aeronautics. Kahlil Gibran, the poet-painter of Lebanon, Syria, has said: but that which already lies toward those years to come, hold The three dimensions — material world; but there tween the present and we fast to your precious heritage from the years that are gone. is a fourth elusive and dramatic dimension. To bridge the space be- a certain point in the past, to telescope all time that intervenes — that is a challenging fourth dimension. identify ourselves with the great teachers of the past met the needs of his can reveal to you aught length, breadth, and depth, are substantial, measurable factors in the ative force of one's imagination can "No man half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge." As you strain eagerly generation — the Greek slave, Yet only by the in this cre- way and understand how each of them Aesop, teaching an understanding of uni- versal truth through his fables; the philosopher, Socrates, compelling his followers by his questions to search their own minds and hearts; the ual truth to a simple rural people by parables young carpenter, drawn from Jesus, teaching sublime spirit- their daily experience. If you would be a teacher, practice the use of this fourth dimension and live close to the great teachers of the past. :iii/iJ H^pj i§ftkai»**«i>«<^ai£S(i*i*sw ?rs?^r State Xormal School. ];i.<./ii.\i.«bi kg. DEVELOPMENT OF THE COLLEGE THE BEGINNINGS OF BLOOMSBURG STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE (Academy and W. To B. and development of a great educational sometimes as difficult as to determine the events surrounding the infanq- and youth of a prominent citizen whose birth certificate is non-existent and whose childhood is obscured by the lapse of time. Fortunately, however, many of the highlights of the origin, development and growth of the institution now known as the Bloomsburg State Teachers College were recorded, and may be read, in the somewhat faded records of the Trustees trace the origin institution is of earlier years. Institute) SUTLIFF The location of the building at once became a public issue. Sites were offered by 1. Caleb Barton, lot. Scott Town, near Fair Ground, $1,000. 2. M. Appleman. lot. 3 acres. 51.200. 3. William R. Koons. lot. S2.200. 4. D. J. Waller, residence and two acres of land at corner of Market and Fifth Streets, S 1,200. 5. William and Alice Snyder. 3 acres on land above the Forks Hotel in line with a proposed extension of Main Street. eround, in the lot of ground by R. R. Pealer June 22nd. 1866, whenever it may be preferred, at the rate of S500 per acre and I will donate as stock one thousand dollars and require to be paid Five Hundred Dollars, making the sum of $1,300 as price of land to the Trustees of Bloomsburg Terms; The movement began in the hearts and minds of the enterprising citizens of Bloomsburg before and during the period of the Civil War. Animated by a great desire to place before the youth of Bloomsburg the opportunirj' to secure the fundamentals of a an Academy was opened in 1839 at the corner of Third and Jefferson Streets with C. P. Waller, a graduate of Williams College, as its head. Public school teachers assisted in de^eloping the classroom work of the Academy. Literary Institute." classical education, The growth of the Academy was such that in 1856 The Trustees in 1866. were, D. J. Waller. Sr.. It is to President; interesting to note the objections filed in a minority report what is now considered an ideal location for Institute Hall, 1. "Position of Building has no relation to points of compass or any or building or anything about the Town of Bloomsburg." street, alley, — surroundings A Tavern. Liver>' Stable, and Tannery nearby with the rear entrance of the Tavern facing the building." 3. "The amount of grading is great." 4. "The plot has been rejeaed by both the Lutheran and Reformed churches as a location for a church." However, the owners of the Forks Hotel which stood squarely 2. "The William Snyder; J. K. Gratz; L. B. Rupert; I. W. Hartman, Secretary; John G. Freeze; R. F. Clark; and William Neal. The work, enrollment, and progress had expanded to such an extent that the across securing of an educator of established reputation to head the Institution became imperative. In 1866. Henr)- Carver of Binghamton. New York, was chosen. front of the Literar)' Institute Hall location. He immediately began a vigorous campaign to raise funds for the erection of a building adequate for the development of a larger and more efficient school. By June of that year, 596 new shares of stock were sold at $20 per share, netting Si 1.920. To aid in the campaign for funds, Peter Billinger and C. Bittenbender were commissioned to sell stock in the Bloomsburg Literar)' Institute Corporation. "Each was to receive S3 per day for the time expended." On June 29th, 1866, just one week after the election of Henry Carver, the Board of Trustees passed a resolution to erect a building to accommodate 300 students at a cost not to exceed $15,000. now Carver Hall. a charter was written by D. J. Waller, Sr., and a corporation legally formed to sell stock, and open and manage an Academy to be known as the Bloomsburg Literary Institute. "I apree to give three acres of laid off Main Street, between the present location of the Town Hall and Housenick Garage, agreed to move the Hotel within a reasonable time and thus allow for the opening of Main Street up to the Owners of stock, eligible to vote on the Kxation of the building, met in the Court House June I6th, 1866. The vote was taken, resulting in 489 votes for the Snyder location and 3 for the Koons lot. Mr. Carver was instructed to consult an architect in Washington and to secure plans for the erection of the proposed building. These were submitted to the Board of Trustees and adopted July 13 th. 1866. Meanwhile. Mr. Carver was busily engaged in advertising the opening of the Institute, enrolling students, and securing teachers for the fall term. Some diflSculty to erect the new was encountered in securing building. On November a capable contractor 25th, 1866, the Trustees requested Mr. Carver "to employ a competent teacher for the balance of the term, at the expense of the Institute, to enable Professor Carver to devote his full-time to the pending Subscriptions and the erection of the building." For the dedication of the building on March 30th, 1867, a committee was appointed, "to invite the clergy of the Town and Judge Elwell to accompany the Trustees in a procession from the Academy to Institute Hall, on the following Wednesday at 1;00 P.M. A band led the procession and the new building was dedicated with appropriate ceremonies." A faculty was selected and the class-room work of the Blooms- burg Literary Institute began of 1867, J. P. Wickersham, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, passed through Bloomsburg on the train. The location of a new Normal School in the 6th Congressional District with He saw the new school on the hill, "ablaze Wickersham returned to Bloomsburg and ad- was pending. light." Dr. dressed a meeting of the citizens and expressed the opinion that the Literary Institute location would be ideal for a State Normal March 1868, the following resolution was adopted: the Trustees of the Bloomsburg Literary Institute agree 9th, "Resolved that to establish in connection with the same. and "A State Normal School" to procure grounds and to put up the necessary buildings as soon sum of rwenr>' thousand dollars is subscribed by responsible as the persons." When the Normal School project became public, local contribu- and other citizens were aroused by the tors fear of losing the College Preparatory feature of the school. A compromise was reached and the new Institution became officially, "The Bloomsburg Normal School and Literary Institute." In that dual capacity, it continued to function until about 1920 when complete State ownership put an end to the College Preparatory Department. On April 15, 1868, Professor Carver submitted plans for the dormitory. At this meeting it was agreed to purchase additional grounds, to accept the plans submitted and "to execute a contract with Henrj' Carver to erect the building at his estimated cost, to wit, $36,000." new For what ized, 6% On is many years the campus was bounded by a line marking now Penn Street, then East by a line marking East Second above the old tennis courts; thence northwest to a point from which a line ran south west to Penn Street, the line passing along the south boundary of the Grove. The area of the Grove and of the plot upon which Science Hall now stands was purchased at a later date. Street to a point just The laying of the corner stone of the dormitory of the Bloomsburg Normal School and Literary Institute was a notable occasion. The Governor of Pennsylvania, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Judge Elwell, and other notables joined with the Trustees in making the event a memorable occasion. Prayer was offered by D. J. Waller, Sr. Governor John W. Geary laid the corner stone, made an appropriate address and handed the plans B. Like aU educational institutions, the Noimal Schools of Pennsylvania were not self-supporting. The meager doles of the State could not meet the expanding needs of the schools. For example, the Bloomsbutg Literary Institute and State Normal School had held an option on a tract of land lying to the east of the campus and bounded on the east by what is now Spruce Street. The price was S8,000. The erection of Science Hall in 1906 destroyed the usefulness of the Athletic Field, insofar as its original purpose was concerned. To continue the athletic life of the school, a new field was necessary. Hence, in the spring of 1904, the eight and one-half acre plot was purchased. This was done without aid from the accepted them and promised to complete A bond issue of S30,000 was author- per annum, secured by mortgage. 19, 1869, the school was formally recognized as Bloomsburg State Normal School and Literary Institute. Students rooming and boarding in the new Dotmitory were charged the four dollars per week. On September 4, 1875, the "Boarding Hall" burned down. Forit was a Saturday afternoon and no lives were lost. Insurance of $30,000 was received. tunately, On September 24, action was taken to rebuild. The new building was to be built in the form of a "T " with 162-foot front, and a back wing, 112 feet long. The first State Appropriation mentioned in the minutes was in sum of $10,000, received about July 1, 1870. The dual purpose of the Institution led to some interesting the Having a Secondary Department, more advanced College Department and a Curriculum for the features in the life of the School. a training of prospective teachers, together with a "model School," no scholastic requirements were in force The effect upon for the registration of the athletic teams of that period was marked. Dr. fall J. P. Welsh became the Principal of the Institution in the Welsh had the vision and zeal of a promoter. of 1890. Dr. He at once realized that with overcrowded dormitory and class rooms, the need of new buildings was imperative. By January, 1894, a four-story dormitory connecting Waller Hall and Noetling Hall, together with a new Gymnasium was completed. The Athletic Field was giaded and ready for use, the baseball diamond was laid out where Science Hall now stands. A cinder-track surrounded the field. A new epoch began in the life of the School. A. K. Aldinger, Howard Burdge, and Margaret Bogenrief were new additions to the Faculty, in the field of Physical Education. Mr. Aldinger introduced the game of basketball to this community. The game was first played with nine men on each team. The girls played the game with the floor divided into three equal courts. Players were not allowed to leave their assigned court. No males were allowed to witness the girls at play. However, the introduction of the Annual Gymnastic Exhibition, to which the public was invited, soon put an end to this taboo. term, ending about July 1 was ideal for baseCoach Aldinger developed teams which more than held their own in games which were regularly scheduled with Bucknell, Susquehanna University, Gettysburg, Dickinson. Carlisle Indians, Wyoming Seminary, State College and Villanova. Aldinger was The long spring ball. equally successful in developing strong football teams. Students and teachets living in the dormitory were greatly in No automobiles were in existence. The social life of students and teachers centered about the school itself. The close contact of students and teachers tended to develop that "friendly the majority. spirit which THE STATE TAKES OVER (STATE W. who as soon as possible. February students. School. On work the in Institute Hall. autumn In the to Professor Carver is Bloomsburg." NORMAL SCHOOL) SUTLIFF State. The first payment of S 1,500 was met by borrowing the money. Bonds, secured by mortgage, were issued, to be redeemed in five years. The Trustees of that day are commended for their unceasing efforts to carry on the terms and work of the in the highest life school without allowing either to deteriorate. In view of the difficulty of the financial situation, the Act of May 18, 1911, made it possible for the State the Assembly on Board of Education School. To to purchase the property of each Normal was assimie the obligations, and to take full control, followed by a resolution adopted November 12, 1912: resolved, that we, the Trustees of the Bloomsburg Literarj' and State Normal School, of the Sixth District of Pennsylvania, accept the provisions of the Twentieth Article of the Act of May IS, 1911, known as the School Code, and to that end signify to the State Board of Education, our willingness to sell and convey "Be it Institute the property- of this Institution to the to be by it owned and controlled. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, " After a visit of a special committee to Harrisburg to consult with State Authorities, "a meeting of the stockholders was advertised for April 10, 1913, to vote upon the question of the sale of the propert)' and the dissolution of the Corporation." On March 1913, "The Special Committee for the sale of the School, by its Chairman, reported that an interview had been held with the State Board of Education in Harrisburg on Thursday, Februar)' 6. 1913, at which meeting a proposition had been made by the Board of Education to purchase the School propert\for the sum of S 10,000, the State to assume all indebtedness. Upon its 13, return, the Committee issued a call for a stockholders' 10, 1913, to vote upon the proposition report of the legal steps taken to secure a vote of the stockholders upon the question of the sale and consequent meeting to be held April to sell. A full dissolution of the Corporation The vote was recorded. showed 249 votes in favor of the sale. This repvalue 526,795, the same being a majority of the paid-up capital stock of $39,940. Two cast shares, par 1339-'4 resented went by without action by the years State. "The mills of the gods grind slowly." On July 28, 1915, a committee of the State Board of Education visited the School. Dr. Becht, Executive Secretary', was present. "The Committee expressed its pleasure at the excellent condition of the Sch(X)l and requested a full report of the indebtedness." On December 1, 1915, the special committee on the sale of the School reported that a visit to Harrisburg had been made. With Dr. Schaeffer, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Dr. Becht, they called at the office of the Attorney General but were met by his Deputy. He raised several objections to the consummation of the sale, the chief of which was that the sale had been authorized about two and a half years before. He recommended another meeting of the stockholders, to vote upon the proposed sale. On April 10, 1916, a resolution was adopted setting forth the proposal "to relinquish sell all real all and personal propert)' of the School, to Commonwealth of rights of the Corporation, to the Pennsylvania for the sum of S 10,000 and the assumption by the Bloomsburg Literary Institute State of all indebtedness of the said and State Normal School." The vote was dutly taken and tabulated on April 10, 1916. One hundred and ninety-seven votes, representing 1135 shares, par value, $22,700, were in favor of the sale, no dissenting votes being cast. The mortgage of $50,000 on Science Hall was due March 1, The State approved the issuing of a new mortgage to secure 1916. refunding bonds, aggregating $50,000 at 4I2 per cent, payable March 1, 1936. The bonds were duly issued and sold. At this stage, the Trustees were called to Harrisburg and told some arrangements must be made at once for the payment or that refunding of the note due, aggregating $24,000. On March 27, 1916, the Trustees resolved that, "It being lawful and expedient," 24 bonds would be issued each of $ 1 ,000, payable April 1, 1926, secured by a mortgage. On the same date the Trustees received the deed for the "Buckalew Place," now the residence of the President of the College. Bonds in the S4,000, secured by mortgage, were issued in payment. sum of Shortly after this transaction, the State Board of Education requested the Trustees "not to enter into any unusual contracts increasing extraordinary' expenses." A copy of the agreement of the sale of the School was given to the Trustees. Secretary Becht stated that to the State it would be placed before the Trustees. Secretary Becht stated that it would be placed before the Governor for Approval. On May 29, 1916, a "Deed of Conveyance" was duly submitted to the State. Arrangements were made for the distribution by the courts of the $10,000 purchase price, to the owners of the 1135 shares, and for the dissolution of the Corporation. State Executive Secretar)', Board J. George Bechr, announced the new as follows: A. T. Schoch James C. Brown M. C. L. E. Youngman McGinnis John M. Clark Verar Auten Benjamin Apple Charles W. Miller Dr. Becht met with the Board on August 1, 1916. The Board was duly organized and the Institution became the Bloomsburg State Normal School, fully owned and under the control of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. FROM NORMAL SCHOOL TO TEACHERS COLLEGE VC'. in B. The Bloomsburg Literar)- Institute and Normal School became, name, "The Bloomsburg State Normal School" in 1916. How- College Preparator)', Medical Preparator)', and Secondary' departments continued to hold a prominent place in the life of the School until 1920. Catalogs of 1917-18-19, contained the description of courses in French, German. Spanish, Latin, and Greek. Astronomy, Geolog)', Logic. Ethics, General Biology and Anatomy, Greek and Roman History, Trigonometry and Surveying each had ever, a place in the work offered. Compare and these courses with the curricula of the the early 20's you will understand the exclamation of an old Professor in — reviewing the changes "Then came the Revolution." It may be of interest to note the manner in which the "Summer Schools" came into being. The regular school year called for 40 weeks work. Inquiries began to be made by former students and teachers in service concerning the possibility of summer work. The Principal decided to have nothing to do with the project but co- operated by securing permission from the Trustees to turn the school plant over to the Faculty and allow the teachers to assume the responsibilit)-. the plan. summer They Heads of departments met and decided selected W. B. Sutliff to advertise school of 6 weeks, to be held in assumed no financial responsibility. The 1919. to try and organize a The Trustees teachers took "pot-luck," agreeing to divide the enrollment and tmtion fees in accordance SUTLIFF with the number of hours taught, modified by the number of srudents enrolled in each class. Miss Mar)' Good was appointed "preceptress" in charge of the women living in the dormitory'. The Steward ran the Dormitory, supplying room, board and laundry at S5 per week. The registration and tuition fees amounted to $12 per student: 352 students being enrolled. County Superintendents of the 6th District held examinations at the close of the session for the certification of teachers. The Department of Public Instruction agreed to accept all credits earned, toward graduation. The same plan was in force in the summer of 1920. the State agreeing to pay the S12 tuition. In 1921, under the principalship of Dr. Fisher, the 9 weeks summer school became a regular feature of the Normal School On January year. 12, 1920, Dr. as Principal of the School. was elected A new D. On J. Waller handed July 7, in his resignation 1920, Dr. Charles E. Fisher Principal. era began. Dr. Finnegan, Superintendent of Public In- struction, decreed that the Normal Schcwls were created solely for the preparation of teachers for the public schools of Pennsyl- vania. It should be noted that while the Arts Colleges claimed the honor of providing high school teachers, each Normal School upon graduation received student, a certificate which listed each subject completed and accredited, together with the authority to teach such subjects in the Public Schools of Pennsylvania. Hence, many high school teachers were found with but two years ac- Normal School work. credited 1921 Changes Entrance requirements: 15 high school units and 1st a promise to tion of teach. On 2nd Entrance requirements: Four Curricula: — from Normal years districts School. a comprehensive plan to between the Normal School and the town schools. Arrangements were made to use three rooms in the town schools for Practice Teaching in Grades IV, V, VI, the work to be supervised by Miss Steel, head of the Training School. Mr. Keller was directed to give half of his time to the teaching of Art in the town schools; Miss Moore, in Music; Mr. Black, Penmanship; Mr. Hall, Industrial Arts; and Miss Cruttenden, Household Arts. In 1921, the State Department of Public Instruction established Dr. immediately arranged Fisher establish closer relationship Dean the position Schools. W. of Instruction in each of the State B. Sutliff was appointed to assume Normal this position at Bloomsburg. On May 8, 1922, Dr. Fisher announced that a decision to estabcourse for the preparation and training of Junior lish a three year High School Teachers had been decided upon for all Pennsylvania Normal Schools. A one-room Junior High School was organized upon the local campus. It is interesting to note that this was the first The step taken toward the goal of a Teachers College. by the Department of Public Instruction under Dr. Finnegan, Superintendent of Public Instruccertification of teachers tion, required two years of accredited work, 64 semester hours, and created an im- ie., for all elementary teachers in Pennsylvania, June of the faculty. 1, of the State Teachers College, Bellingham, Washington. — not having a high school and for those not having 15 high school units to qualify for enrollment in solely for students members 1923, Dr. Fisher announced his resignation as Principal of the School. He left to assume the duties of President — Kindergarten Primary Grades I, II, III Group I Grades IV, V, VI Group II Intermediate Grades VII, VIII, IX Group III Junior High School Group IV Rural The Secondary Department was continued for several the Francis V. Mason was employed to organize classes, secure the cooperation of the faculty and establish the work. The response was immediate and gratifying. The enrollment for the first semester of 1922-2.^ was 1770 teachers in service, counting all classes. In his report to the Trustees, November 13, 1922, Dr. Fisher stated that, "In the extension work there are 23 instructors, fifty courses being given in 23 different centers. Two automobiles, owned by the School, were used for the transporta- mediate demand for Extension Courses for teachers-in-service. Dr. Fisher transformed the emphasis of the Bloomsburg Normal School from secondary and college preparatory work for special students, to an institution devoting full time and eflfort to the education and training of teachers. He was succeeded by Dr. G. C. L. Riemer, whose election was announced June 27, 1923. Dr. Riemer continued many of the plans inaugurated by Dr. Fisher. His administration was marked by the conversion of North Hall into a men's doimitory and the construction of the present lobby in Waller Hall. The latter improvement was made possible by tearing out the two stairways leading to the floor above and occupying the space of two large rooms, one on each side of the front entrance. One evening in May, 1927, a school party was at its height, and the old Gym was crowded with students and teachers. Dr. Riemer had been on a visit to Harrisburg. Suddenly, he appeared in the doorway, clapped his hands and called for silence. Amidst the hush, everyone listened with the feeling "What's up? He announced in a loud voice, "I want everybody to sing the old school song, but put the word "College" wherever "Normal" has been sung." And everyone sang for the first time, "Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg College, up on College Hill." That was the way the news of the birth of the title, "Bloomsburg State Teachers College" came to Bloomsburg. On April 11, 1927, the following resolution was adopted by the Board of Trustees: "Resolved that Francis B. Haas be and hereby is elected Principal of the Bloomsburg State Normal School for a term of three years beginning July 1. 1927, etc." With the coming of Dr. Haas, a new era of scholastic and material development and expansion began. The Institution rapidly passed from a College in name, to a College in fact. " TEACHERS COLLEGE (1934-1940) Harvey A. Andruss At the 1934 Commencement, those receiving two year normal members of the Senior Class for the last time at the Bloomsburg State Teachers College. This discontinuance of the issuance of the Normal School Certificate marks the end of the two year preparation level and the emerschool certificates were considered gence of a four-year degree granting institution of higher learning the State Teachers College. Evidence of the importance of the education of teachers of special subjects, such as Art, Music, Physical Education, Home Economics, and more particularly Commerce, began to manifest — itself at Bloomsburg early in this period. In 1934, the first class matriculating as Freshmen in the Department of Commerce in 1930 was graduated and found ready placement in the high schools of Pennsylvania and adjoining states. The few of these factors will indicate that the period from 1927 to 1934 had been a period of transition from a two-year to a four-year basis, during which special curriculums were introduced into the various Teachers Colleges so that the citation of a present structure of the institutions can be said to be fairly well moulded during this period. The pattern provides that each of the fourteen institutions shall train elementary teachers and secondary teachets of academic subjects, while certain institutions are designated to oflFer curriculums for the education of teachers of 8 so-called special subjects. Bloomsburgs business graduates began to prove themselves to the people of Pennsylvania in 1934. Curriculums revised in 1932 were put into effect so that the first two years consisted of general education upon which the last two years could be based to ptovide professional teacher educaRevised admission requirements requiring ing in the lower half of their secondary school only through examinations, served to raise the ments to a higher level. Quality point systems quirements were inaugurated to insute a level of tion. students graduatclasses to qualify entrance requireas graduation rescholarship above that of mere time-serving. or the accumulation of a number of semester hours of credit. The period from 1934 to 1940 was also marked by the growth of the colleges in plant and personnel. The General State Authority building program added from two to four new structures to every campus. At Bloomsburg, the Centennial Gymnasium, the Junior High School ( later called Navy Hall ) a maintenance building, and a new heating plant were welcome additions to the college on the hill overlooking the valley of the Susquehanna , River. The degree of Bachelor of Science in Education was conferred in the elementary, secondary, and on more than 1,000 teachers business fields during the ten year period ending in 1940. Of this group, 77 per cent taught, and 1 5 per cent were otherwise employed. WAR AND COOPERATIVE PROGRAMS Harvey Before the passage of the first selective service act in 1940, A. training courses for industrial workers, naval flight instructors, Navy V-12 rollment. During this period the college operated on a three term calendar Each term was 16 weeks long, but summer sessions were three or six weeks in length to accommodate the teachers-inservice. Sensing the end of the war, the regular calendar of two eighteen week semesters was resumed in September, 1945, and the last of the war programs, the Navy V-12 unit, was terminated in year. October of that in teacher education was ever in the mind of the administration during the war period. Speech Correction as a field of specialization was added during this period. Spanish became first an elective field for Business Education students, then a field of specialization for secondary students. Pioneer work at Bloomsburg brought forth the first curriculum for the education of instructors of Aeronautics in a teachers college in America. Bloomsburg Airport. An War Programs can best be depicted by placing them shown as follows: ( 1940-1945 Teacher Education War Programs Developments Aviation Programs over 1,000 persons given flight instruction. Educational Clinic with Health, Psychological and Speech divisions approved by the State Council of Education. Field of Speech Correction as a part of the curriculum for the education of teachers of Mentally Retarded Children. Field of Aeronautics as a part of the curriculum for the education of Secondary Teachers. — plished by an expenditure of over 5200,000. No less important was the transition made by the personnel. When a language instructor becomes a teacher of mathematics, men an aviator, a physical education director a drillmaster, a geographer becomes a weatherman and the art instructor teaches mechanical drawing, there is truly a campus revolution. After all, plant changes mean little unless personnel is able to — the in parallel columns, Facilities were converted. Dormitory space used for women was changed so as to be used by the men, the dining room gave way to a cafeteria, laboratories were expanded to meet the new science and mathematic requirements all of which was accom- — idea of the balance between the Teacher Education develop- ment and the period of the next five years. War year. Development This Civilian Pilot Training Program marked the beginning of the new phases of education later to be christened by the name of "War Training Programs" since many of those completing these early flying programs went directly into the Air Forces. Space will not permit nor will the time or patience of the reader justify the detailing of the seven war programs spread over meet the new war needs. programs seven in all followed row on row; student nurses from the Bloomsburg The numbers using college facilities for meeting as classes are not available. Those who were instructed by college faculty and for whom records were kept show that 1 160 different persons were served in the war programs. This record had not been equalled by any college of similar size in the country either in the number and the variety of the programs or in the total en- During the next two years, one hundred undergraduates were given ground school instruction at the college and learned to fly adjust itself to officer candidates, Hospital, and Civil Air Patrol. teachers college. a dean of Andruss elementary flying and then advanced flying for civilian undergraduates who went directly into the air forces, aviation cadets for both the army and navy, engineering, science and management it was evident that the enrollment in technical and professional curriculums of colleges and universities would be affected. First, the national guard was called to the colors, then the upsurge in employment in heavy industry with its increasing wage level and the possibility' of war turned the minds of high school graduates away from the preparation for peace to that for war. Looking beyond their campuses, some administrators saw that a transition must be made. They realized that gradual, rather than abrupt, changes require less adjustment on the part of faculty and students, and that alumni have time to understand just what is happening at their Alma Mater. As a result, as early as 1939, some colleges began to teach First Aid courses to larger numbers and there was some talk of undergraduates flying. However, not until September, 1940, was the stirring change being felt. Confronted by ail these confusing forces, the Bloomsburg State Teachers College, on learning of the Civilian Pilot Training Program, began in June, 1940, to explore the possibilities of reopening the Bloomsburg airport. On the basis that Pennsylvania High Schools taught automobile operation as a present life need, and that aviation was rapidly becoming an important mode of transportation, training students to be teachers of ground school aviation courses seemed to be a proper undertaking for a state at the (1941-1945) Field of Spanish as an elective for Education students and later as an elective field for Secondary Students. first. — Civil Pilot Training for lege students. High School Teachers 100 col- of Aero- nautics, 100. Naval Flight Instructors, 250. Army and Navy Aviation Cadet Program, 550. Science Hall facilities provided for 2000 enrollees in Engineering, Science and Management War Training Courses. Business Bloomsburg Hospital School of Nursing received Science instruc- Experimental Laboratory School in Aviation, Summer of 1944. Navy V-12 Unit tion for 35 students. (Officer dates) 500 Trainees. Candi- POST-WAR DEVELOPMENTS Harvey Future prospects in the the curriculums for which field we of teacher education in terms of are already approved may be sum- marized as follows: 1. The salaries of elementary teachers are equalized with the secondary teachers who have equal qualifications, and salaries of is a marked incentive for young women to come to college in order to teach younger children in the elementary grades. Additional subsidies for teachers of special classes for the mentally there retarded are proof of these expectancies. 2. High school teachers are in demand in certain academic such at Mathematics: Science: and Foreign Languages, particularly Spanish. The English and Social Studies fields always have been and possibly always will be overcrowded, since many college Seniors in Liberal Arts Colleges decide shortly before they fields, A. Andruss graduate to complete the minimimn requirements for certification. The kind of student who does not decide what he is going to do with his education until he is a Senior is usually one who does not have the prerequisites for successful work in Mathematics, Science, Languauges, and in similar fields of about equal difficulty. Therefore, we have the cry that "there are too many teachers," based on the fact that the number of certificates issued is in excess of the nimiber of positions available. The question "are there too many teachers?" has never been conclusively answered, and requires careful study. 3. on the college level has marked variations in enrollment, both on account of the number of men enrolled in this field, and also because it was Education as an activity suffered large possible for the high school graduate, with xery little training, to and demand salaries in was found that with the return of peace this situation increases enrollment so that Bloomsburg's business enrollment was highest among Pennsylvania go into business or government offices excess of those paid college graduates. It Teachers Colleges. 4. The expansion of the offerings of State Teachers Colleges, both in the field of Teacher Education and in other fields, is receiving consideration. Whatever may be the outcome, the year 1946 brought an interesting experiment to the campus in the "Farm Out" program. Bloomsburg's part in this plan terminated women elementary education students forced the College to conclude temporarily its form of a cooperative agreement with the Pennsylvania State College under which the College accepted 76 Liberal Arts freshmen for their first year of collegiate life. Twenty-two other Colin 1949 when the need for dormitory space for leges and collegiate institutions were engaged in the Freshman part of the agreement. Nearly 250 Penn State freshmen were accepted during the three years the cooperative agreement was in effect. ORGANIZATION OF THE COLLEGE W. B. SUTLIFF BOARDS OF TRUSTEES The story of the work, self-sacrifice, and devotion to the cause of establishing and maintaining an institution of learning for the youth of Bloomsburg and vicinity, should be told by one more capable of depicting the life and times of that era, than is the present writer. Bear in mind that public high schools were unknown in this when private enterprise in Pennsylvania, at least in the rural districts, was necessary to even think of offering comparable educational advantages to that of the great presection. It was a period paratory schools Realizing the send their sons of the fact that New England. many parents were financially unable to and daughters to such schools and being assured of fact that young men and women of great potential capawere without adequate educational opportunities, prominent citizens early began a movement to provide a school for advanced work which the public schools did not offer. The first available record of a meeting of the Trustees is that of May 2, 1866. This, however, is not the beginning of the project. It is a matter of record that as early as 1856, D. J. Waller, Sr., had written a charter for, and a corporation was legally formed, to sell stock, elect trustees, and carry on the business of a school to be known as the Bloomsburg Literary Institute. The first available record states that D. J. Waller, Sr., was elected President and I. W. Hartman, Secretary. Other members were Wm. Snyder, J. K. Grotz, and L. B. Rupert. bilities Vacancies caused by the resignation of E. C. Barton, Wm. GoodJoseph Sharpless, and Wm, Robinson were filled by the election of John G. Freeze, R. F. Clark, Wm. Neal and Conrad rich, Bittenbender. The sale of 1000 shares of stock at $20 per share was authorized. The June report shows that 596 shares had been sold, realizing $11,920 cash. Remember that was a non-profit corporation and that any hope of the return of the capital investment was nonThe years which followed were years of seeking funds, selling stock and securing loans. A gleam of light came when, in 1866, the State agreed to share the burden to a slight degree, by the promise of an annual appropriation in return for an agreement to add to the curriculum of the Literary Institute, certain prescribed courses and facilities for the education and training of prospective teachers for the public existent. schools of Pennsylvania. The first requirement of the State was the erection of a suitable dormitory to house and board prospective students. A vigorous campaign was at once organized by the Trustees to sell stock in the corporation. A bond issue of $30,000 at 6% was floated. The Campus was enlarged by the purchase of land and the dormitory was erected on the The 1870. first A 10 the effect: That the Trustees provide a house or room for each member of the faculty, to be paid for from the current funds received by the operation of the school. 2. All agreed to accept in money, the net income of the School over and above the current expenses of the operation of the School, to be divided among the teachers in the ratio of their former salaries. The students were provided with homes in town, but the rent of houses for the faculty, maintenance of Carver Hall, etc., had to be paid as well as other current expenses. No record can be found 1. as to how the teachers fated. On April 26, the completed building was opened for inspection. On July 6, the Trustees received a special State appropriation of $30,000 and executed a mortgage for that amount to the State. As an illustration of the time, the question of providing an improved system of lighting Institute Hall (now Carver Hall) was discussed. Lighting by gas was desired. No funds were available. C. W. Miller, one of the Trustees volunteered to pay for the necessary pipes and for proper installations. Needless to say, the offer was accepted. The Board at that time consisted of On On the part of the Stockholders: the following: the part of the State: C. W. Miller John Wolf D. A. Beckley C. B. Brockway E. R. Drake David Lowenberg Troubles for Trustee wete not all financial. In the spring of 1877, certain charges were brought against the Principal, Dr. Griswold. After a careful and painstaking investigation, believing the charges to be fully substantiated, the Principal was dismissed and a new Principal was elected. Dr. Griswold was ordered to vacate his living quarters, but refused to do so and did not leave until late in August. An idea of prevailing wages may be gathered from a report dated August, 1877. "The Cbmmittee on heat reported the resignation of the 'engineer' and recommended the hiring of Luther Benchoft' to replace him at a salary of $25 per month." September 25, 1878. A low point seems to have been reached on this date. In some manner certain creditors had obtained a The Sheriff consented. The supposition is that a settlement was made with the creditors for we hear no more about a sheriff's sale. was received in July, now stands. This was sometimes Hall." disastrous fire of 1875 mitory was followed by a Trustees called a public meeting in the Court House, set forth their plans and reached a decision to rebuild at once. The faculty submitted an agreement, signed by each teacher to which completely destroyed the dordemonstration of courage and belief in flag pole "Hemlock notice. The re- Waller Hall. small building to be used as a "Model School" was built ferred to as which deserves writ and a sheriffs sale was imminent. The minutes read: "The question of what action the Board should take in reference to the sheriffs sale of the personal property of the Normal School, under the execution of McKelvey, Rollins and Homer and Dr. Griswold, which sale is advertised for tomorrow at ten o'clock, was then duly considered by the Board." A committee of three was appointed State appropriation of $10,000 about where the The site of the future of the Institution, by the Trustees and the faculty, to confer with the Sheriff, asking a postponement to October 15. Fire escapes were placed on the east side of the dormitory in 1881. On May 22, 1883, the sum of S 1,000 was appropriated as a contribution toward a system of sewerage for the Town. This was made at the suggestion of the Town Council. Later, a committee was appointed to make arrangements with the Town Council to install the best possible system of sewerage for the School at a cost of not more than S 1,500. In June, 1885, Dr. Waller called the attention of the Trustees to the crowded conditions of the School and to the necessit)' of an additional building. Si 3,485 was accepted. agreed to complete the building by July, 1886. as to materials, etc., for The contractor an observer. It never seemed to occur to the facult)' or Trustees that student teaching in a regular classroom under normal conditions would have been a better plan. However, the plan for maijy small were spared one feature classes seemed to be the usual one. number of which I noticed in visiting other Normal Schools. the schools used the same plan of tiny rooms but had a glass We A covered peep hole cut in each door for stealthy observation. The building, then called the Model School Building, was connected with the steam boilers under Carver Hall and connections were extended to Penn Street and connected with the main of the Heating Company lines. The Model School Building was connected with Carver Hall by a bridge so that passage could be made from one building to the other without going out of doors. The new building had several good classrooms for regular Normal School students. At the end of each classroom was a raised platform for the instructor's desk and chair. Thus the Instructor was placed upon a pedestal physically whether his place in the minds of the students was correspondingly high or not. classes of In the minutes of August, 1888, mention is made of the pur- room of Professor Chapin. This recalls an interesting phase of the school life, at least as far as the boys were chase of a rug for the concerned. Professor Chapin had spent a year or two as a Cadet Point. Why he left, "deponent rifles were secured from the Armory Gym until about 1893. A military saith not." About 60 We at 70 had no or Harrisburg. of boys was formed. were taught in West Point at company Marching and the Manual of Arms style, we believed. This was our physical education course. Nothing less than a broken leg or arm, properly certified, was considered a valid absence from the driUs. In the December meeting of 1889, Dr. Waller reported to the Trustees that the State desired the establishment of a Manual Training Course. A committee was appointed to try to secure funds from the State "for the establishment of a system of Manual Training." The course materialized in the fall in town 1889, a large as the school building. It was not erected until Dr. Welsh became Prin- 30, 1890, Dr. that the old "Chapel" be cut Welsh suggested up into small rooms to the Trustees for the housing of students. This "Chapel" was a large room on second floor of Waller Hall, above the dining room. It had been used for many years for holding a Sunday morning and evening religious service for those students and teachers who did not happen to attend the services in town. Dr. Waller had always provided a service for the "stay-at-homes." The suggestion of Dr. Welsh was carried out and the "Chapel" became only a memory. directly time the fence around the front campus was removed is front of Carver Hall ceased to revolve. The erection of the dormitory, gymnasium and the completion of the athletic field have been noted elsewhere. this turnsile be dismissed with due the Trustees for their able and untiring efforts to meet and solve the many problems of financing the improvements which were necessary to promote the growth and development of the School. It was still a semi-state financial headaches of that period will the statement that great credit is private corporation institution. As a reminder the Trustees, in 1909, called attention to Article 8 of the Charter which stated; "No dividends shaU at any time be declared and distributed by the Board of Trustees out of the net earnings or profits of the Corporation, but shall be applied to the erection, extension, addition, improvement or repair of buildings, providing proper apparatus, furniture, etc., etc." The struggle to lower the indebtedness of the school was an ever present problem. Committees were sent to Harrisburg to plead for special appropriations. They did not always succeed in their quest. The resources of the School, Real Estate, etc., were listed as being 5470,429.84. The liabilities, mortgages, stocks, bills payable, Here etc., at is $470,429.84. a partial list of the Trustees of that period: Wm. N. U. Funk E. C. 'Wells W. C. W. Barkley A. Z. Schoch J. S. J. Neal M. Reber C. Brown E. P. John M. Clark Kerlm LE Drinker John 'Wolf George Elwell 'Waller Frank P. Billmyer In February, 1911, the Trustees decided to charge a student fee of $2 to be used as follows: Each student was to receive for the first term a ticket of admission to all football games; second term, a ticket to lecture courses; third term, a ticked to baseball games. Attendance at basketball As an example games required the purchase of a ticket. of the incessant financial problems confronting the Trustees, the 550,000, 5^, bond issue on Science Hall came due March 1, 1916. It is interesting to note that both principal and interest were payable in gold coin of the United States. No funds were available. The School was negotiating with the State for the sale of the school. Brown, a Trustee, was appointed attorney for the school. J. C. A. Z. Schoch was President of the Board. These men arranged the bonds by a new issue. Amicable arrangements were made. The new mortgage as security for the issue was essentially the same as before, i.e., coverage of Science Hall and the plot of ground, including the grove. When the School was taken over by the State in 1916, a State advised the Trustees that, 'They would have no authority to issue bills, bonds or notes of any kind. Debts for the necessary running of the school were the limit of the Board's authority. official " cipal. On December About and the legal steps for refunding the of 1890. number of students obtained dormitory was overcrowded. The Trustees were already considering plans for the erection of a dormitory to occupy the space between Waller Hall and the new training In the spring of rooms One of the grievances on the part of girl students of that day was that the boys had the advantage of having their beds made and room cleaned by some of these women. The theory seemed to be that girl students would prefer to keep their own rooms clean and tidy while safety first for the health and welfare of the community would be better served on the boys' side of the dormitory by having a daily inspection and clean-up by employees of the The The building contained many small class rooms which accommodated not more than 5 or 6 children, the student teacher and West about the dormitory. school. In October, 1885, bids were received to erect the building now known as Noetling Hall. The bid of Charles Fenez to erect a building in accordance with the specifications of the architect Town "Hemlock Hall" was fitted up to "house the servants" who had been living in the dormitory. This referred to the women who worked in the kitchen, dining room, and general cleaning, etc., He therefore suggested that a $24,000 debt in the form of notes about to fall due, should be funded into bonds, secured by a mortgage on the real estate of the School. This was done. A May 2, 1916, to the Commonwealth personal and real estate property of the Bloomsburg Literary Institute and State Normal School, having been properly executed, was, by resolution of the Trustees, delivered to the proper State authorities and the School became in deed of conveyance as of of Pennsylvania of actuality, a State all Normal School 11 A letter from Executive Secretary, the folJowing appointments to the J. M. G. Youngman Boris Auten Benjamin Apple J. M. In July, 1917, the Trustees received the $54,000 had been appropriated by the State Clark, Secretary welcome news to that pay the mortgage. AND York, officially Institute. He owned Jr., of his election as Principal of the used to tell and operating expenses. Teachers' salaries began assume to re- November. 1923, Dr. Reimer reported to the Trustees that was 751, with 54 jnembers of the faculty and 16 cooperating teachers. The school showed a surplus of In the student enrollment $33,607 of assets over liabilities. laundry was $8 per week. The rate for board, room, and The Reverend evidently believed in discipline with a capital "D". Resolutions began to appear in the Trustees' Minutes. May 23, 1872, "No teacher shall grant to any student permission to leave the grounds nor any other special privilege, but all such applications must be made to the Principal." "Resolved that the Principal be authorized to dispense with the services of any member of the Faculty and change any member thereof by filling his place; the men selected to be approved by the Board." "Resolved that proper information be procured and legal proceedings instituted by the Board of Trustees for the arrest and conviction of the Landlord of the Forks Hotel for selling and furnishing liquor to minors and students of the Normal School." Note: The Forks Hotel still blocked Main Street, occupying the space between the present Town Hall and Housenick's Garage. of Prof. Carver's love for fine team of driving horses and thoroughly enjoyed showing their speed and high spirit to the community. The unique thing about his driving was the fact that Prof. Carver had but one hand. Like the traditional pirate he had an iron hook at the end of his arm and by having a special loop on one of the lines he guided his spirited team up hill and down dale and "took nobody's dust." He was an organizer as well as a promoter. During his administration "Institute Hall" (now Carver Hall) was erected, paid for by a vigorous stock-selling campaign, a faculty was selected, students enrolled and the Literary Institute became a going concern. a fine,well-matched When the State decided to locate a Normal School on the site of the Literary Institute, Henry Carver, having once before laid aside his work as a teacher to contract for and erect the Literary Institute Hall, now took over the job of planning and erecting "a Dormitory capable of housing and boarding the Student body." It God- In June, 1921, Dr. Fisher announced that the State appropriawould be $120,000, to be used for instruction " horses. Fairy tion for the year From certain circumstances connected witli the location and proposed building of what is now "Carver Hall, it appears that Prof. Carver was already on hand prepared to enter upon the job of raising money, planning the building and taking a hand in selecting the location. Dr. D. J. Waller, felt that a LITERARY INSTITUTE On June 26, 1866, at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Bloomsburg Literary Institute, a motion was adopted directing the Secretary of the Board "to inform Prof. Henry Carver of Bing- New The Trustees must have BLOOMSBURG NORMAL SCHOOL PRINCIPALS OF Bloomsburg Literary paid. spectable proportions. In September, 1918, President Schoch announced that the State had paid off the $24,000 bond issue and had also paid the Dillon mortgage of $8,000. In part payment of another mortgage, $22,- hamton. 000 had been father had adopted them. Charles W. Miller A. Z. Schoch, President J. C. Brown, Vice-President Paul E. Wirt A. Z. Schoch James Brown John M. Clark L. E. McGinnis George Becht, contained new board: appears from the records of that period that Prof. Carver carried out the plans and orders of the Trustees and — became the By a resolution adopted June 8, 1872, the contract of Mr. MilSteward, was closed. 'The Principal was authorized "to hire a man and woman to take charge of the Boarding of Students, together with the necessary servants, who shall be under the direction and control of the Principal and he. the Principal, shall have general supervision of the Boarding and the Buildings and lard, Grounds. The next resolution dated June 8, 1872, is unique in assumption of authority: "Resolved that the Principal be authorized to draw and have printed a certificate of character and requirements with the degree of B.S. and B.C., Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Classics to be granted to those students who shall graduate in the Scientific or Classical Departments of this School." On April 23, 1873, "The resignation of Rev. Hewitt, to take end of the present school year, was received and on motion, accepted." A resolution was adopted thanking Rev. Hewitt for his able and efficient manner of handling the affairs effect at the boarding, maintegeneral manager of all activities of the school nance, selecting the faculty, applying for State Appropriations and selling shares of stock in the School Corporation. of the School. On July 1, 1870, Judge Elwell and John Funston were appointed as a Committee "to wait on Prof. Carver in regard to his running the School. Students were charged $4.50 per week for board, room and laundry, and Si per week tuition. Prof. Carver was authorized to hire a Mr. Burrows to "run the Boarding Hall," he to pay the Trustees 50 cents per week to decrease the indebted- S600 for board, rooms, and laundry for his family. was announced on June 12, 1873, that each Normal School in the Commonwealth "shall execute and deliver to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, a mortgage for the amount specified before receiving the $10,000 appropriation." The mortgage shall be upon all real estate and a like mortgage in the sum of $25,000 for sums previously paid by the State, to this School. The Trustees protested the ruling on this placing of an additional mortgage of $25,000 and the payment of interest thereon, because "such moneys had never been looked upon as a debt but rather as a contribution on the part of the State to insure the " ness of the school. A peculiar statement appears here in the minutes of the Trus- Carver evidently did not approve of the plan. He said, "Let the Trustees take the financial responsibility of the School and pay me a salary. If you think it best to elect a Principal for tees. Prof. your School you are ill at liberty to say 'I have resigned because of On June On December 19, 1871, at the suggestion of Superintendent of Public Instruction Wickersham, Charles C. Barkley, Superintendent of the Schools of Columbia County, was elected Principal. A Mr. Millard agreed to "run the boarding department at $3.50 per week, per person. 1873, Dr. L. T. Griswold was elected Principal of $1800 per annimi with a yearly deduc- tion of It success of the original design in the establishment of Schools. health'." 14, the School at a salary of " "The notice Normal other that a similar requirement is not Normal made of Schools." On as Principal. August 22, 1873, Col. John G. Freeze submitted a letter from J. P. Wickersham, Superintendent of Public Instruction, stating in part: "The Commission, in reference to a mortgage of $25,000, will withdraw the condition." They therefore asked for but one mortgage of $10,000. The Rev. John Hewitt was elected as Principal and was installed on March 2, 1872. His annual salary was $800 per annum with On March 24, 1874, the Trustees granted the use of a room to the Philologian Literary Society. This room occupied the space board and housing for himself and family and one servant. now Mr. Barkley soon asked to be relieved of his duties 12 used as the office of the Dean of Instruction together with a used for other purposes. A program of was rendered each Saturday night. There were no fraternities and students were confined to the campus. On Sunday evenings students attended the Church of their choice but were obliged to march in a body to and from the services under the watchful eye of a member of the faculty. On November 23, 1874, a mortgage was ordered to be executed and delivered to the State in order to secure the State Appropri- much now larger space debates, music and other features ation. On Saturday afternoon, September 4, 1875, the Dormitor)' was completely destroyed by fire. No lives were lost. On Monday morning a meeting was held in the Court House, students were placed in boarding houses and a vigorous campaign was started to raise funds for rebuilding. The Insurance Company settled by a payment of $30,000. On November 3, 1876, the Commoncost, S47,wealth reported that the new building was finished — 694.72. Mention has been made of the Philologian A organized in 1865. erary Societ)' had been Literar)' Societ)', rival organization called the Calliepian Lit- formed in 1874. The new building provided two large rooms, occupying space along the east side of the hall leading from the long porch to what is now the book supply room. By a quick payment of S50, the Calliepian were given choice of rooms. This intensified the already bitter rivair)' between the two societies. This led to the adoption, by the Trustees of an elaborate resolution consisting of seven rules of government, duties and privileges. Each Societ)' was given control of the assigned room and its The Final furnishings. rule, number seven, will give an inkling of the pre- vailing conditions: "Rule ~: In case of tumult or disorder in either societ>' which shall not be promptly suppressed by the officers of the Society, it shall be the duty of the Principal to interpose and declare the meeting adjourned; and if the Faculrj- shall not provide against the repetition of disorder or tumult by expulsion of the disorderly members, the Principal shall report the facts to the Trustees." In June, 1877, a committee appointed by the Trustees began an investigation of the report that certain objectionable teachings, comments upon the Scripture and apparent approval of clairvoyant and Spiritualism tenets prevailed. It was charged that the teachings of the Principal, Dr. Griswold, in class were such as to unsettle former convictions and to confuse the minds of students. shall draw the curtain and quote: "On July 19, 1877, a motion was adopted to notif)' the Bloomsburg Banking Company that Dr. T. L. Griswold is no longer Principal of the Bloomsburg State Normal School." On August 16, 1877, Dr. Griswold was requested to vacate the rooms which he and his family occupied in the Dormitory. We The next notable figure in the history of the school was that thouJ. Waller, Jr., a man whose memory is revered by sands whose lives were enriched by his contact with students and of Dr. D. teachers. Dr. Waller was a native of Bloomsburg, with of the finest New all the advantages England preparatory schools, graduating from college and preparing for the Ministry- at Princeton Theological Seminary. Church. He was ordained as a Minister in the Presbyterian One morning as he and his wife were driving into Bloomsburg, from his charge in Orangeville, he was met by a delegation headed by Judge Elwell and asked to consider the proposition of his becoming Principal of the Normal School. Both he and his father were reluctant to even consider a change in his profession. However, we find upon the opening of the fall term of 1877 that Dr. D. J. Waller, Jr.. having been dully installed, was the Principal of the Bloomsburg State Normal School and Literary Institute, receiving "a salary of 51,000 plus S220 for board for himself and wife, or a total of SI, 220 per annum." Peace and quiet attention to duty seems to have prevailed. One little item, however, seems to have indicated an undesirable situation. On April 28, 1897, the Trustees adopted a resolution re- quiring "each and every student boarder to deposit, for safe keeping, with the Principal, all money or other valuables or the School shall not be liable for loss by theft or otherwise." On March 29, 1881, Dr. Waller requested and was granted permission to remove from the dormitory and establish his home in town. The discipline within the dormitory thereafter, was largely in hands of the resident members of the facult)'. A teacher was placed in charge of each hall or section. The rooms were lighted by open flame, gas jets. "Don't blow out the gas" was no empry slogan, for the majority of students came from homes where kerosene lamps were in use. Students were required to be in their rooms immediately after supper and were supposed "to engage in study" until 10 P.M., when all lights were to be extinguished. Visiting from room to room was strictly forbidden. On October 1, 1888, the plot of ground known as the Grove and extending to Penn Street was purchased from John G. Freeze. It contained 3^4 acres, the purchase price being $3,500. The writer came to the Normal School early in the year 1889. Coming from a Prep School where boys and girls mingled on equal footing, he was puzzled to find that at the Normal School talking to one of the opposite sex in the halls or upon the campus was a serious infraction of the rules. When passing from one classroom to another or to the Study walked in single file while a watchful member of the faculty, book in hand, stood ready to record demerits to the Hall, students unwary. The long porch" was out of bounds for all male The Auditorium had no gallery. Rows of single students. desk-seats filled the floor. All vacant periods were to be spent in study in this skipped to his room and was detected. A roll book in hand. The Principal took his regular turn with other members of the Facult)'. had some excellent teachers and there should have been a generation of good students. room. Woe one to who stern-faced monitor sat on the platform — We The rooms of the The student officers, mittees saw to looked. On it Literar)' Societies in were a haven for escapists. making appointments of the various com- that certain obvious affinities were not over- Committee meetings were frequent and well attended. July 2, 1889, the Trustees authorized the purchase of the two plots of ground which are still open lots to the South of Second Street. The purchase price was S4,520. They also authorized the erection of a four-stor)' addition to what is now Waller Hall, this addition being the wing now used on first floor as a part of the dining room and extending to the Long Porch. On March 1, 1889, Dr. Waller presented his resignation as Principal of the Bloomsburg State Normal SchooL He stated: "The only motive is my appointment to the position of Superintendent of Public Instruction." He had served 13 years. The minutes of the Trustees as of that time contain resolutions and letters from both the Faculty and the students deploring this action and entreating Dr. Waller to remain as President. All realized, however, that it was a great and merited honor conferred upon Dr. Waller by the Governor of Pennsylvania, and that he was, in dut)' bound, to accept. The Trustees in releasing Dr. Waller said in part: Resolved that in assenting to Dr. Wallers severance of the relation of Principal, we do so with regret, recognizing that in that step the normal School loses an honorable, energetic and faithful Principal, a distinguished and successful educator and a wise and just disciplinarian and the Faculty an efficient and respeaed head and the Trustees an active and reliable cooperator in the work of the Institution." On April 10, 1890, the Committee on Instruction and Disci"selected from pline recommended to their fellow Trustees that the many and no doubt competent, whose names were presented, it is thought proper to recommend to you the employment of P. Welsh as Principal." Dr. Welsh was Vice Principal of the J. West Chester Normal School and Mrs. Welsh was a teacher of — English in that Institution. She was elected to a similar position here at about the same time as the election of Dr. Welsh to the Principalship. 13 of the fall term of 1890 brought many changes in Boys and girls were allowed to walk from class to class and converse on the way. The front campus was neutral ground. The Grove was out of bounds for couples and the Long Porch, for some time, remained a refuge for lonely girls. The tennis courts were graded and laid out by the combined efforts and money of teachers and students. Boys and girls played within tennis matches together and there was an air of freedom The opening student life. — strict limitations. To illustrate: By rule, no boarding student was allowed to leave the Campus, without permission, until after his last class for the day. For the first time in the history of Bloomsburg, Barnum and Bailey's Circus came to Town. It was a fine day in May. About 15 20 young men, student boarders, arose early and went to the circus grounds to see them unload. To most of the faculty, this was a perfectly natural thing to do. But a rule had been broken! Having secured the names of twelve of the miscreants, twelve young men were sent home for the remainder of the year. It nearly wrecked our baseball team. On April 9, 1892, the Trustees approved a contract to remodel "Chapel Hall" or what is now the Auditorium. A new floor was to be laid, the Stage enlarged and a gallery constructed at a cost of $3,950. New seats were purchased. In another article we have mentioned the expansion of building and the development of the athletic life of the School. The space between Waller Hall and Noetling Hall was filled by the erection of a four-story dormitory. The Gymnasium was built and for the first time, the school had an athletic field of its own. A small grandstand was erected at the northeastern corner of the field and a baseball diamond and running track were completed. to Dr. Welsh introduced Manual Training as a course for all Seniors during his first year. The shop was located in a room which is now the L of the dining room next to Long Porch. The fall term was devoted to lectures on tools, their parts and theoretic use. We learned the differences between a rip saw and a cross-cut saw, but not their age, by an examination of their teeth. As we sat on the work benches, there being no chairs, we became familiar friends of the jack plane, and the smoothing plane, to say nothing of the various grades of sandpapers. How to drive a nail without confusing its location with that of the operator's thumb, was fully explained. Chisels, their size, and proposed use were so carefully taught that there were very few members of the class who were unable to identify the cutting end from the handle. By the end of the spring term, many of the girls had become expert "chiselers" for each had made (?) a Botany press. The Manual training teacher was a graduate of West Chester Normal School. The "farm boys," who had used most tools from the time they were able to swing an axe, dubbed the work of the first term, "Love's Labour's Lost." At the turn of the century, promment citizens of Cuba began sending their sons to the United States to continue their education and in particular to learn to speak and write the English language. This was partly due to a feeling of gratitude to the United States upon the outcome of the Spanish-American War as well as a belief that the future prosperity of largely upon two countries. the opening of Cuba depended the establishment of friendly relations between the A few began to enroll at Bloomsburg, and at the fall term of 1905, twenty-five Spanish speaking students enrolled who could neither speak nor understand English. The Faculty was nonplussed. Cuban boys from the previous year's enrollment helped to save the situation. Fortunately, Dr. Welsh was able to secure the services of Professor Rockey, who could speak and write Spanish. Many of these students had received the equivalent of a high school course in their native tongue. Each seemed to be supplied with plenty of cash, and as they were all boarders, they were a decided help in balancing the financial budget. On 1905, a resolution was adopted by the Trustees was to be built on the baseball diamond. This plot of ground being a late purchase was not covered by a October 5, to build Science Hall. It 14 first mortgage could be given as Land was purchased and a new field mortgage. Therefore, a state security for a was graded bond issue. prise, that the location was secured now Hall The contracts for the The contractor found, to to the east of the grove. of Science Hall were approved. was ground. "filled to place concrete piles. rests upon these piles, The erection his sur- A Philadelphia firm foundation of Science " some of which are 15 feet in depth before reaching solid ground. On July 25, 1906, Dr. Welsh informed the Trustees that he had been offered the position of Vice President of State College effecwith the present office of Acting President. He resigned — September 1, 1906. During this period. Dr. Waller had completed a four-year term Superintendent of Public Instruction and then had accepted the tive as principalship of the Indiana State The Normal School. Trustees, Faculty, and Students voiced their desire for the return of Dr. Waller to Bloomsburg. On August 27, 1906, Dr. Waller was offered the principalship of this school. He accepted but desired to remain W. B. Sutliff, a at Indiana for the opening of the fall term. of the faculty, was designated to serve member "Acting Principal of the Bloomsburg Normal School, to serve Waller." When Dr. Waller arrived he "found the School opened, running smoothly, with all the faculty present and an enrollment of 5.3 .3 students." On April 12, 1908, the School purchased the plot of ground between the old tennis courts and Spruce Street, part of which is now occupied by the Benjamin Franklin Training School Building. as in that capacity until the arrival of Dr. D. J. The minutes "Dr. D. J. of the Trustees, dated September 4, 1908, stated: Waller, Jr., had spent his vacation abroad. He had an Soon after he became seriously ill. A was necessary." A cable advice stated: ""On account of weakness not able to travel. The minutes of the Trustees stated the following: "Someone should be appointed to take Dr. Waller's place. On motion, W. B. Sutliff was elected Actaccidental fall in Scotland. surgical operation — " ing "Vice Principal until the return of Dr. Waller. The fall term opened with an enrollment of 590 students, 291 of whom were boarders. Dr. Waller returned on October 12. The Trustees passed a resolution thanking Mr. Sutliff "for the very satisfactory manner in which he performed the perplexing duties The number of Acting Principal, etc., etc." rolled in the fall of 1909 was 691. More dormitory rooms were total of students en- needed. North Hall was being used as a laundry, a home for non-pro- on third been divided into student rooms, the chemical laboratory having been removed to fessional employees, together with a chemical laboratory floor. By November, 1909, the third story had Science Hall. Sixteen young men moved into the new quarters. The unlimited entertainment of guests by teachers and other employees, had grown to such proportions that regulations were adopted to limit the "free meals" burden. By May 2, 1910, all of the Normal Schools had adopted a fouryear course. Graduates of first class, four-year high schools, could enter the first year without examination. Many of the courses of the first two years are now offered in our best high schools. On April 8, 1912, the attention of the Trustees was called to the State requirement for the "installation of a domestic science department in all Normal- Schools. Rooms in Science Hall were fitted up and a teacher employed to begin the work of the department at the opening of the fall term. The ladies of the town evidently became interested in the work as the school began to charge " S6 for ten lessons in domestic science and S5 for ten lessons in sewing or in millinery, for "non-students. Manual Training was well established and soon became, largely a course for men. "The Commercial Department had grown so that two teachers were fully employed. On August 30, 1912, the Trustees again called upon W. B. Sutliff' '"to serve as Acting Principal to see that the School was properly organized for the opening of the fall term and to conduct the duties of the Principal until the return of Dr. Waller." Dr. Waller returned from his summer home tember. He had been detained by personal in Canada, illness. late in Sep- On February 10, 1913. the first steps were taken for the sale of the School to the State. The project has been discussed in another article. On August, 1914, the Trustees noted that "about fifty chafing dishes and electrical utensils were found in the dormitor)' and were being used largely by teachers." Their further use was pro- The soon resounded with the voices of students and teachmeaning and determination of such terms as average, median, mean, mode, or the validity of the "I.Q." Normal curves, graphical methods, chronological age, mental age, criteria, etc., became topics of conversation. No one halls ers arguing about or explaining the escaped the formula-^ x 100 equals hibited. The class of 1915 left, as a memorial, the sum of $315 to con- vert the "Ice-House" into an infirmary. The school contributed enough to complete the project. Spruce Street. 50 feet wide, was opened in 1915. The deed of conveyance of the Bloomsburg Literary Institute and Normal School was delivered to the State on June 29, 1916. However, the work of the College Preparator)' Department continued to be given until the close of Dr. Waller's connection with the school in 1920. may be of interest to note that on April 9, 1917, "because of the high cost of Itiing" the rate for board, room, and laundnIt would be raised to S5 per week, the previous charge being S4.50. On February 9, 1920, Dr. D. J. Waller, Jr., notified the Trustees would not be a candidate for re-election to the Principalship for the coming year. Appropriate resolutions of regret and felicitations upon his long, harmonious and successful administhat he were adopted. The 1920 summer school was organized and conducted in the same manner as that of 1919 with the ex'ception that the Trustees claimed the registration fees to defray the expense of up-keep of tration of the school the buildings. On July 7. 1920, Dr. Charles H. Fisher was elected Principal at of $5000 and a rent free house. Dr. Fisher met with the Board and explained the new course of study as prepared by the "School Department of the State." The Course was designed for a salarj' the education and training of prospective teachers only. list of the former faculty' to be had examined the files in the State Department and retained only those whose training and experience fitted the requirements of the new course of study. Comparing the 1919 list of the Facult}- with those listed by Dr. Fisher for re-election we find fourteen names missing. Two or three had resigned. As Latin, Spanish, Chemistr)-, Physics, and Higher Mathematics had been eleminated. no teachers of these subjects were elected. A full list of the new facult)' for the fall term contained fort)'-six names. Miss Steele, a new arrival, was elected Supervisor of the Training School. In 1921 summer school opened June 20 and continued for nine weeks. A registration fee of SIO was charged. Board, room and laundr)' cost the student S6 per week. The facult}' received regular salaries. Dr. Fisher visited the school for one day during the summer. Dr. Fisher made arrangements with the Director of the Bloomsburg School District to use three rooms, grade IV, V. and VI for practice teaching. Miss Steele was to supervise the work. Arrangements were made to extend the benefits of Normal School Departments of physical education, music and fine arts to the town by having the heads of these departments spend half of each day in public school work. The same arrangement was made for household arts and penmanship. Dr. Fisher presented a partial retained. He stated that he much-needed advance for all members of the of Instruction was elected by the Trustees and at once assumed the duties of the newly created office. Salaries received a facult}'. A Dean Arrangements were made room to open a kindergarten and a one- junior high school. was given a trial. Determining the members became almost obligatory. I. I. Q. The Project Method Q. of students and faculty Most of the members of the faculty thought it was a fascinating experience; to a few who bemoaned the passing of "Status Quo," it seemed a disturbing influence. Twenty-five or thirt}' students were constantly employed evenings and at spare time to do much of the clerical work. As they evaluated "true or false tests" and had access to all data, and as only those of high intelligence were employed, the situation led to some unhappy situations. of the highest ranking who Of course, there did not desire were many students employment or could not be given work. When Dr. Fisher left in 1923, the Bureau of Educational Research ceased. It was a valuable experience. State Superintendent Finnegan's edict for the certification of made an immediate demand for extension classes, for teachers teachers in service. The Deans for evaluation of credits. office was flooded with demands Many four-year high school course. It teachers had never completed a became a painful process to sacri- earned in a Normal School to complete the required basic fifteen high school units. However, as credit for teaching experience could be used to supplement the 64-semester hours of advanced credits, satisfactory adjustments were finally accomfice credits plished. An organizer of extension classes was added to the facult}'. Two automobiles were purchased for the transportation of members of the facult}'. By September, 1922, Dr. Fisher reported the extension class enrollment had reached 1770. High School seniors were not allowed to register. An development occurred. Each Normal School had number of counties as its district. Although hand, Luzerne Count}' had been assigned to another interesting been assigned close at a certain institution. Dr. Baker, Principal of the East Stroudsburg Normal School, an injunction to exclude Bloomsburg from giving extension work in Luzerne County. The Attorney General's detried to secure cision that was "The School Law defines Normal School Districts but "1 find nothing about what shall be done within said is all. " Districts." That year, 40 out of 45 members of our faculty paid their own expenses to attend a three-day conference of Normal School Teachers. The conference was held at the Lock Haven Normal School. For some years it was an annual event, being held at different schools each year. In June, 1923, Dr. Fisher resigned to accept the Presidency of the State Teachers College at Bellingham. Washington. On June 27, 1923, Dr. G. C. L Riemer was elected Principal of the Blcwmsburg State Normal School at a salary of S6000 and a rent-free residence. The extension classes were continued on a modified scale. A house was rented in town and a number of teachers were removed from c;impus buildings. The Bureau of Educational Research was eliminated. Announcement was made given to any member that no salary increments would be of the facult}' unless he had attended a summer of the ambitious projects of the administration of Dr. Fisher was the establishment of a Bureau of Educational Research. session at some advanced institution. Riemer was authorized by the Department of Public Instruction to remodel North Hall into a dormitor}- for male stu- Two dents. One male teachers who had completed graduate work in the field took over the work of organizing and developing the work of the Department in the Fall of 1920. At the height of its development, the Bureau occupied all of the first floor front rooms north of the main entrance to what is now the Post Office. Courses were established for faculty members as well as for regular students. Dr. The greatest change during his administration insofar as buildings were concerned was the creation of the Lobby in Waller Hall. This has been described elsewhere. The junior high schcxjl was discontinued. The enrollment in 1925 was 75 1 of these, 475 were boarders. ; 15 Arrangements were made to place seniors in the Resolved, "That Francis B. Haas be and hereby Berwick Bloomsburg (Pennsylvania) pal of the was changed from that of a Normal School to a Teachers mention of the event or change of name is found in the Trustees' minutes of that period. Dr. Riemer later became President of Clarion State Teachers On May 9, 1927, another meeting was held which the following resolution was adopted: tion College, although no the term of three years beginning July for 1927, etc." at the close of "Resolved that the Principal-elea, Francis B. Haas, be authorized A meeting of the Trustees was held on April 11, 1927. After the routine business of the meeting was completed the following resolution appears: be cleared through the Dean of Instruction until July is the most important part of the work." locally 1, 1927." "The beginning CAMPUS AND T. elected Princi- and directed to contract with the teachers for the summer session of 1927 and for the regular sessions of 192"-28 and at the request of the Principal-elect the necessar)' routine concerning such employment will College. Nevin 1, State is Normal School schools to do their student teaching. During Dr. Riemer's administration, the status of the institu- BUILDINGS Englehart THE COLLEGE CAMPUS — only the The campus of the college had a small beginnmg portion upon which Carver Hall and certain other older buildings are erected existed originally. Later there were land purchases, the most recent being that of fifteen acres from the Dillon Estate. The campus now consists of about 56 acres, nearly all of it in active college use. The acquisition of land from time to time changed the uses of the campus. For instance, the first athletic field was on what is now known as Science Hall Campus. The baseball infield, the entire which was made of clay, was exactly where Science Hall There was a wooden grandstand near Light Street Road and wooden bleachers were built along the edge of the surface of is now located. present grove. A and even in Bloomsburg. at that early date, there field, high board fence almost entirely enclosed the was a "Knot-Hole Club" In 1905-1906, the erection of Science Hall made necessary the building of Mount Olympus Field, a name supplied by Professor H. Dennis, then head of the Department of Latin and Greek J. Languages. The building of the field was very difficult and costly due to the presence of hard rock and red was used. shale. Much dynamite Then came the days of the Works Progress Administration when the college was given an opportunity to extend its campus area in a number of places. First, a new and larger Mount Olympus on ground formerly used for farming. Work for men nimibering as high as 112, was furnished for a long time during those days of depression. In due time a fence around the area was erected and a grass infield for baseball was built. It has continued to be considered one of the finest and best-kept baseball fields in college ranks. Major leagues have conducted tryout schools on it was The same improvement program resulted in the erection of new clay tennis courts and the reconditioning of some older five ones near Waller Hall. At the present time in a large section of the new Mount Olympus the surplus shale and earth is being removed, bringing closer and closer the time when the college will be able to have separate fields for each major activity and space for an improved runnmg track and all field events. Since 19.^0, six new buildings have been erected which created a need for thousands of feet of campus roadways, street curbs and endless amounts of grading for lawns, terraces, planting of trees and shrubbery. There were days in past years when students living outside of Bloomsburg were few and usually limited to those coming from nearby points by street-car systems or horse-drawn vehicles. Now daily by automobile. Although there are three parking areas within the campus, all parking space on or near the many commute campus sport is demand. point of interest on the campus is the steel flag-pole, surrounded by a group of pine trees, located west of Carver Hall. The pole and trees, together with the bronze tablet are a class gift in memory of seven of our students who made the supreme sacrifice in World War 1. One of them. Miss Merle Phillips, was a nurse. On laid out each year for some time past. Automatically, the former field came to be known as Lower Field. It is in active use whenever outdoor in full is A there the nofth side of the campus, along Light Street Road, a grove, principally of oak and other hard wood trees. This is is the only piece of virgin timber within the corporate limits of Bloomsburg. In this grove thete is a pergola given by one of the classes which provides an open-air stage sometimes used by college and Training School groups. The campus at the head of Bloomsburg's and wellkept lawns, make an attractive natural location of the principal street, its trees setting for the college. in order. THE COLLEGE BUILDINGS Generally, all buildings on the campus are of red brick wall construction, most of them with slate roof. The older buildings were, of necessity, made of wood interior framework. With the advent of fire-proof construction, the new units have been constructed with steel joists and fire resistant walls. Carver Hall, the first building erected, was made possible by funds collected by Professor Henry Carver. In fact, he supervised and did some of the actual work in erecting the building. It was originally a two-story building with three porches. At that time it was heated by a furnace in the basement, and there was a tall brick chimney at the rear of the building. The existing balcony and the clock tower were later additions. In the course of time, outside fire escapes were required by law and these, too, were replaced a number of years later, by three modern inside fire towers The stage also was rebuilt two or three times. Waller and North Halls are the living or home headquarters of or stairways. 16 the boarding students. Also, in Waller Hall are the administration offices, bookstore, postoQice, etc. Many Waller Hall was destroyed by fire. ( 1 874 ) was damaged in a fire in 1904. Alterations to both of these buildings have been frequently made to provide for changing uses of the buildings and also to meet safety require- North years ago Hall, too, ments. The soft old-style plaster and wall-papered walls have been replaced with hard-finish plaster. AH wall and ceiling surfaces are painted and there is a constant trend towards the use of such color schemes as lend themselves best to the use of the buildings or rooms in question. polic\- has been toward the elimihazards in older buildings. All "open" stairways have been taken away and numerous sets of "cut-ofif" doors and fire-walls have been erected. There are thirteen enclosed fire- For some decades, the general nation of fire towers or stairways in the so-called "older buildings" on campus. Some time ago. the floors and corridors in dormitor)- buildings were covered with linoleum. This practice has been continued from time to time as finance permitted and now in nearly all buildings the floors in auditoriums, social rooms, and many classrooms have been so furnished. The first bath tubs in the dormitories more than 60 years ago) were zinc, encased with wotxl. Strange as it may now seem, as late as 1907 students rented earthenware wash bowls and water pitchers from the school for use in their rooms. There were no lava( tories or basins in the bath rooms. Now bath installations are modern showers, enclosed in marble or tile stalls. The floors are of ceramic tile and the other plumbing fixtures are of white enamel or vitreous china. It may be taken for granted that a well-organized housekeeping department is on hand to furnish good service in the care of buildings and furnishings. all formerly distributed to various parts of the by means of overhead wire on poles is now conducted by underground conductor cables from a main transformer vault to transformer vaults at various buildings. In each building or group of buildings, there is a main entrance switch and numerous branch circuit panel boards, each separately controlled. This all contribElectric service, Campus utes to saferj' and prompt location of possible electric trouble. Down through the years the problem of safe food storage was always present. From the good old ice-house, filled with handsawed cakes of ice from the nearby creek or pond, we have, like others, arrived at electric refrigeration and the deep-freeze. This convenience has contributed much to the efficienq' of the kitchen department. The provision of heat when coal-fired the time has involved long series of changes since boilers were located in or under various buildings and coal-burning cookstoves were in use in the kitchen. For some time past there has been a central heating plant distributing both high and low pressure steam through an underground S)'stem to every building on the Campus. This includes high pres- sure steam for kitchen and laundry- as well as for hot water genera- The heating plant, now with four hand30 years old and one travelling grate stoker-fired unit, is being replaced with more modern equipment which is expected to provide for about 75 to 100 per cent increase in horsepower capacit)'. tors in every building. fired boilers ) ( The kitchen and dining room department is one of the most important adjuncts of the college. Over a long period of time, the service in the dining room has varied from seated table service to complete cafeteria service and now back to a combination of the two types of service. During World War II, when the college war programs, it was necessar)' to successfully handled a series of serve different menus for the civilian population and for Navy personnel, hence the necessit)- for cafeteria service. ated oven has taken the place of the coal-fired oven of bygone days. The dining hall has been re-decorated, a linoleum floor covering and some improvements made to the cafeteria counter. New lighting fixtures were also installed. laid, The first elevator was operated by steam and hydraulic power. was both unsafe and uncertain in performance. Elevator service now A includes a passenger car to the four floors of Waller Hall. separate elevator is provided for freight service in Waller Hall and there is another located at the Receiving freight from stock rooms and freight platform The Room for moving to the kitchen. college laundrj' has operated in three locations. Many years was located in what is now the college receiving room. Later, it was moved to the basement of North Hall where a single high pressure boiler was used to make steam for the laundr)', to furnish 50 pounds steam pressure line to the present kitchen, and to furnish heating for North Hall. This boiler was operated about 12 hours per day and was entirely separate from the heating plant service. The new and mtxlern laundry building erected about 193.3 ago it — and economy of operation. The principal gain, however, was the improved service made possible by the installation of new machinery at a cost of SI 1,000. A "two-lay" shirt finishing machine adds in this much to present eflSciency department. When became a Normal School, and began to principal objective turned to training teachers the institution be State-aided, its for the public schools of Pennsylvania. Noetling Hall, then known only as "Model School" was the clinic or school for practice teaching. The Benjamin Franklin Training School, erected about 1930, met the objective in a real manner and that school now has its principal and a full staff of instructors for all grades from Kindergarten to Grade Six, inclusive. Science Hall was erected in 1906. It was a modern building at time and contained laboratories, class rooms, and lecture that rooms for chemistr)'. physics, and the natural sciences. The art studies and the department of music were also located there. Several years ago, it was considerably changed to meet state safety requirements. The open center well was remo\ed and two fireproof stairways were erected. More recently, it has been completely rewired and new lighting fixtures installed. Much laboratory equipment has been added. Navy Hall, built under a General State Authorit)- program in 1938. got its unofficial name from the fact that during World War II this building was official headquarters for the several war programs at the College. Navy officers used nearly all of first floor for offices and storage of material such as clothing, books, and files of records. Second floor was used for class room instruction of trainees. Although planned and erected for a junior high school, it was never used as such except during two short summer sessions. At the close of the War. enrollment in all departments increased rapidly and the Business Education Department moved in. Two compete floors of class rooms and offices and an auditorium on the ground floor make this a fine home for this new and specialized department. Opportunities for recreation are not mentioned last because they are of least importance. On the contrar)-. they have been increased and emphasized in recent years. To summarize them briefly, the college has. in addition to two and tennis courts, a large general recreation room made possible by certain alterations in the Waller gj'mnasium. There is a fine social room on first floor of Waller Hall and separate social rooms with lockers for day men and women in Noetling athletic fields Hall. The Science Hall social rooms provide facilities for serving refreshments. North Hall has its lobby and Waller Hall also has lobbies on each of Some replacement of equipment has been made including a modern dishwashing machine. In the bakery an electrically oper- It eliminated the hazard of a high pressure boiler under a dormitory building; added a new boiler to the heating plant; and brought high-pressure steam directly from the central plant to the kitchen and the laundry building all distinct improvements in service its four floors. The Centennial Gymnasium, one of our finest buildings, covers almost an acre of ground, has a playing floor space of 84 x 48 feet, and seats 1.000 people. Two auxiliar\' gymnasiums, with equipment, are provided for men and women. The swimming pool, of black and white tile, is 35 feet wide and 75 feet long, with a depth ranging from 4 to 10 feet. Ample bleacher space for spectators is provided on the north side of the pool. The who tirely building improvement to benefit the college and all the replacement of old "Long Porch" with an enstructure of brick colonnade design with red quarry tile latest visit new it, is floor, slate roof, and wrought iron glass enclose the inner side, railings. Steel sash making the porch usable and clear for a longer period each year. An electrically operated color-changing fountain, partly a gift of the Class of 1949, has been constructed in Inner Court. As the college campus has expanded and the number of buildamount of maintenance necessary has ings increased, so also the steadily increased. Recently erected was a shop and stor.ige build- ing devoted entirely to matters of maintenance and storage of material. With the years has come the use of power tools, includ- 17 ing a band saw, drill presses, lathes, electric drills, chine, trucks, tractor, power roller, same number of employees and at more efficient service. The college grinding ma- many power-lawn mowers, and numerous smaller electrically operated tools. Thus it has been possible to meet the natural growth of the college with about the same time give quicker and proud of its maintenance per- the is sonnel, ready to take care of daily duties in stride or to step in when emergency situations arise. THE CURRICULUMS THE DEVELOPMENT OF CURRICULUMS Thomas P. With the change in the name of the State Normal School to the Bloomsburg State Teachers College on May 13, 1927, the curriculums were again revised so as to give more attention to methods and the professional aspects of teaching. This trend indicated the early attempts to make teaching a profession. It was during this period of growth that a curriculum in Business Education began with the college year 1930-31. This curriculum was soon given breadth with opportunities to elect one of the following sequences: General Commercial, Secretarial, Accounting, and Retail In the history of the development of the curriculums of the State Teachers College at Bloomsburg, we must begin with the Bloomsburg Literary Institute and its preparatory and classical departments. These departments expanded so that in the year 1868-69. the Bloomsburg Literary Institute had a common school a two-year curriculum for the preparation department followed by of elementary teachers. It also had scientific, classical and com- mercial curriculums. The subjects offered in the Junior year of the course included orthography, reading, evolution, mental and written arithmetic, English-grammar, political geography, higher arithmetic, analysis of the English language, physical geography, elementary algebra, drawing, followed by classical music and theory of teaching. During the latter part of this year, students Selling. The next major curriculum revision took place in 1937 with a reduction in the number of methods courses and the introduction of so-called professionalized subject matter courses. From this year on until 1950 there was continuous revision and refinement especially from the standpoint of adding new electives, evaluation of were scheduled for a course in methods of instruction, analysis of words and technical terms, botany or geology, physiolog)', bookkeeping, history of the United States and Constitution. In the catalogue of 1867-68 the school made special mention of the ownership of a sewing machine and advertised, "That we are prepared to give lessons in plain and fancy sewing and to teach young ladies how to regulate and take care of a machine." In 1869 the school was approved as a State Normal School with the only curriculum requirements being that the student must receive instruction in "theory and practice of teaching." As the length of the common school year was increased and it became apparent that teachers needed preparation for their work, the curriculums of the Bloomsburg State Normal School were modified to meet the needs of teachers. Before 1920, the curriculums were quite arbitrary and Bloomsburg offered what the administration and faculty thought best. In general, the curriculums old syllabi and the administrative Among new ones. These changes were the on the part of the faculty and the of officers. the most important additions during this period were courses for teachers of orthogenic classes in 1938. This development in special education was later extended to include the preparation of speech correctionists ondary on both the elementary and sec- levels. Another change worthy of note was the addition of an area of concentration in aeronautics. Growing out of the crisis of December 7, 1941, Blotjmsburg became interested in aeronautics and entered into programs for the preparation of pilots for the Army and Navy. As a result of this experience, the College was approved in April, 1943, to offer aeronautics as an area of concentration on the secondary school level. As a first area of concentration, twentyfour semester hours of such prescribed courses as the following were required for graduation: Aviation Mathematics, Aircraft Communications, Aerial Navigation, Aerodynamics and Theory of Flight, Climatology, Flight Experience, etc. the end of the period from 1937 to 1950, it became evident that the balance of general and professional subject matter should be re-examined. As a result, the pendulum was found to be Toward not only emerged from the Preparatory School category but also made a significant step toward college status. In the early twenties, the two-year curriculum included largely professional and educational method courses. However, more swinging from the emphasis on methodology to an underemphasis on methods, especially during the latter part of the period from 1937 to 1950. In 1951, revised curriculums provide methods in every field and curriculum. These curriculums are still breadth was given to the program in 1923 with the introduction of a three-year curriculum with a considerable increase in the content of academic subjects. Probably the most important curriculum development at this time was the differentiation of courses between primary, intermediate and junior high school groups. It was at this time that special curriculums also were approved and organized in Pennsylvania for such fields as art, music, home economics and writmg result of cooperative effort ran parallel to the curriculums of the high schools. The present conception of professional education has been a process of evolution. This process became evident in 1920 when the Normal School curriculums became distinctive and differentiated from those of the secondary school. The admission requirements were increased to graduation from a four-year secondary school or its equivalent. Thus, the Bloomsburg Normal School business, North distinctive in that they call for: educational materials; { 2 ) { a greater 1 ) larger integrated units of number of semester hours in courses of specialization in two areas of concentration for teachers of the secondary schools: and 3 ) the placing of student teaching ( on per physical education. a full-day basis. This week means a semester with thirty clock hours of student teaching including school activities. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Edna "The be.t;inning ( What the most important part of the work." is Plato : The Republic — Book II. are the beginnings of elementary education in Pennsyl- About 1830 the Lancastrian societies were flourishing in England. At the same time many persons in Pennsylvania were becoming aware of the need for schools for their children and vania? teachers for the schools. This awareness in Pennsylvania, strength- 18 J. Hazen in England and Massachusetts, led to the passage of the Free School Act of 1834. Not only was there to be an adequate number of schools but "it would extend its provisions so as to secure the education and instruction of a competent number of active, intelli.aent teachers, who will not only be prepared, but well qualified to take upon themselves the govetnment of the schools and to communicate instruction to the ened by similar interests scholars." This was only the beginning of a series of events, for by 1869 May Pennsyliania School Journal reports that enterprising citizens of the Sixth District have a Normal School in progress of construction. Upon inspection it was found to be anJ so Pennsylvanian, because so quietly yet effectively carried on It will compare most favorably with the best in this noble class of "A well graded and properly conducted Model School is the most important adjunct to a Normal School. It is here that the members of the graduating class do their practice teaching. This school, therefore, is intended to be a model in grading, in discipline, and in results. It is claimed that the work done in this department is unsurpassed, and in strict accord with pedagogical principles." the — institutions." As the record shows this was the year in which The Bloomsburg Literary Institute and State Normal School was recognized by the state. Leading citizens sacrificed time and money to found these institutions. "to provide for the due training of teachers for the of the State." From these Common stages until the Schools, Pennsylvania ungraded schools under a Common Schools The State Normal School became the State Teachers College. Demonstration, participation and practice teaching demanded new and better facilities. Despite other building needs, the importance of elementary education and practice was realized by college administrators and we find the following in the 1931 B.S.T.C. catalogue: "The new Benjamin Franklin Training School building was opened moved through many for use the are equal to those of secondary education. More outstanding is the wiping out of the false notion that the education of young children is less important than when these same children are older. Throughout the years this institution has contributed its share toward a better quality of teaching. A page in the 1900-1901 catalogue of the Bloomsburg State Normal School describes its "Pro- Department" in part: "It is the distinctive province of this Normal School to train teachers. No work in the other departments is allowed to influence this or interfere with it. Daily instruction in the science and art of teaching is given, works on teaching are read, and notes and written criticisms are made by all pupils preparing to teach." fessional It further states that is done under the direct supervision of the ProPedagogy and the Model School teachers and in the presence also of a committee of seniors, whose dury it is to take notes and prepare to discuss intelligently all work done. In a subsequent meeting of the whole senior class, called the Criticism meeting, the visiting committees report on the work done in their presence, pointing out failures and successes and discussing all." The original Model School known as Hemlock Hall was a small "practice teaching fessor of white building located on the present site of the Memorial Pinery. It was torn down about 1890. The Model School of 1900 was housed in the building that is now Noetling Hall. The high aims of that day are revealed in the catalogue description: day of the 1930-31 school year. It is designed, planned in accordance with the best modern pracrice. It pro- vides teacher training facilities from the kindergarten to the sixth grade. Among the features is a special room arranged for observation rated excellent by 1900. The half century 1900-1930 has witnessed a revolutionary change of attitude regarding the education of young children. Around 1900, teachers with little education taught little learning to little children for little pay. Little wonder that the general public has slowly broken away from the traditional idea. Today, in 1950, education of young children has attained a place of high importance. Certification requirements und salaries first and equipped County system were and demonstration work." During the college year 1936-37, the Elementary Education Curriculum added Special Education for Mentally Retarded as a field for specialization. Practice teaching is provided in the campus laboratory school. This is a rapidly expanding field and the demand for teachers far exceeds the supply. The Pennsylvania Progr;un of Education for the Mentally Retarded aims to capitalize each child's special abilities and to minimize his defects so that he may live happily and effectively. Today in 1950 the Laboratory School provides opportunity for creative educational experimentation and for the practical application of educational theory under normal public-school conditions. The amount and degrees tent that provision of experimentation must be made is limited to the exand practice for demonstration teaching. After students are grounded in subject matter and professional is assigned to teaching under the direction of a training teacher. A program is arranged, modified from time to time in the light of the nature of the student's development, to give him within the time allotted the kinds of experiences that will make for the best development of teaching ability of which he theory, each student is capable. Young men, as well as young women, are preparing themselves for a lifetime career in elementary schools. no doubt, laid The high aims in 1900, we are doing well the foundation for whatever today. The education of today's children is the nation's foremost reElementary teachers must bear a large portion of this responsibility for it is in the elementary school that all the children sponsibility. are enrolled. BUSINESS EDUCATION W. C. Forney ing of this department meets a growing demand, and many young people have availed themselves of this opportunity to .get, at slight expense, a good business education. Bookkeeping and business arithmetic, with lessons in English, all of which may be had in the various departments of the school, make a valuable addition to stenography In 1869 the catalog was titled "Officers and Students of the Bloomsburg Literary and Commercial Institute and Pennsylvania Normal School State the reference to of the Sixth District" In the following year Institute was dropped from the Commercial This is not to be taken to mean that instruction was not given in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, and Typewriting, but that the change from the status of an Academy to a Literary Institute considered the inclusion of Typewriting and Shorthand in the catalog curriculum. Business Education dates back to 1884 when bookkeeping and penmanship were part of the curriculum of the Bloomsburg State Normal School. In 1888 commercial law was added. The follow- found in the catalog for that year: be noted that candidates for the Senior Class, among other requirements, must have studied Bookkeeping at least seven weeks." ing statement "It is is to The Stenography and Typewriting department was opened Shorthand, Typewriting and added to the curriculum in that year. 1895. is and tj'pewriting and title. in Business Arithmetic were A description of the courses as follows: "An experienced the Cincinnati College of stenography and rj'pewriting. The start- teacher, a graduate of Phonography, gives lessons in tit young men and women still better for re- " sponsible positions. The author of of the bookkeeping text was Lyte and a Manual Phonography by Ben Pitman and Jerome Howard was used in the classes of stenography. In 1904 the name was changed from the department of Stenography and Typewriting to The Commercial Department. The subjects offered were stenography, typewriting, bookkeeping, penmanship, commercial law, commercial geography and com- mercial arithmetic. The curriculum provided for two courses of study. One was a three-year course, for Normal students preparing to teach. The second course was intended to meet the needs of special students who expected to devote their time almost exclusively to the commercial studies. The above curriculum in business education was the general pattern until 1910 when business practice and office methods 19 courses were introduced. curriculum until 1930 No when further changes were made was forced health, he in the Department of Business the present J. Dame was Frank to relinquish the position. In )uly 1946. Dr. appointed to succeed Mr. Forney Dame came In 1930, the Department of Public Instruction designated the State Teachers College at Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, as one of the where commercial teachers for high schools of the would be trained. Mr. Harvey A. Andruss was chosen to institutions educational director of the National Office State tion. 15, The Chamber of an annual Commerce held, the teachers In the tioned fall business, to foster better relationships Omega Pi Pi was now an the purpose of the The present curriculum is activities. divided into four sequences to pro- vide students with an opportunity to select an area of study which is compatible with their interests and abilities. Upon satisfactory completion of the basic first year of Business Curriculum, students are expected to choose one of the sequences. General Business, Accounting, Secretarial, or Retail Selhng. Students completing the General Business Sequence are certified in cial Bookkeeping and Accounting, Business English, Commeror Economic Geography, Business Law, Business Mathe- matics, Economics. Junior Business Training, Office Practice, Salesmanship, Shorthand, and Typewriting. Those completing the of 1934, the Junior Education Fraternity, Pi is between business and the organizing and administering community activities. in is it to include school, and give students an opportunity to secure practice in While the examinations are being who accompany the contestants are provided membership for It that conference to provide a highly practical and profitable program for in the various examinations. with a variety of The conference proved so worthwhile The program has been expanded affair. afternoon as well as an evening session. which became known as the Business Education Club in 1939. All students in the Department of Business Education are eligible for membership in the Business Education Club. On May 15, 1931, the Department of Business Education sponsored the first Commercial Contest. It was such an outstanding success that it has become an annual event sponsored by the Business Education Department. This is a contest in which students in high schools throughout the state meet in competitive examinations in business subjects. Examinations are administered in: Gregg Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Typewriting, Business Law, and Business Arithmetic. Gold, silver, and bronze medals are given to the contestants winning first, second, and third places respectively Sales. Retail Sales Training Conference was held in Feb- first ruary 1947. 1930, the students of the Department of Business Education organized the Junior Associa- from Washington, D. C, where he was Educationist with the Veterans Administration, Division of Business and All students were required to take the same subjects. September Management Mr. Richard G. Hallisy was appointed Director of Business Education to succeed Dr. Dame. Mr. Hallisy'' came to Bloomsburg Director of Business Education to organize the new department. Miss Margaret Hoke was the first teacher elected to teach in the newly organized department. The curriculum was a one-way curriculum known as the Commercial Teachers Training Course. On Director as Bloomsburg from Temple University where he was director of graduate work in business education. He left Bloomsburg in 1947 to accept the position of of the Department. Dr. Education was organized. Chamber the National of Commerce Professional Accounting Sequence are certified in all the subjects named above except Shorthand and Typewriting. Students completing the Secretarial Sequence are certified in all the subjects mentioned under the General Business Sequence except Bookkeeping and Accounting. Students completing the Retail Selling Sequence peti- Business Omega installed at Pi. The Alpha Delta Chapter of Bloomsburg on May 28, 1935, for the purpose of recognizing superior scholarship in the business and professional promise of prospective commercial who have been members of the Business Education Club for two years and have attained a high scholastic standing are eligible for membership. The next few years were a period of great expansion. In 1937 Mr. William C. Forney was appointed Director of Business Education and served in that capacity until 1946 when, due to ill Salesmanship, Retail Selling, Business English, subjects are teachers. Students Commercial or Economic Geography, Business Law. Business Mathematics, Economics, and Junior Business Training. The electives in the Accounting, Secretarial, and Retail Selling sequences may be used to meet minimum certification requirements in other areas of Business Education or in English, Social certified in Studies or Mathematics. SECONDARY EDUCATION John 1927 the Bloomsburg State Normal School became the State Teachers College, which signalled its right to confer the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education, as approved by the Pennsylvania State Council of Education. These in the field of first B.S. degrees in Education were granted In Bloomsburg secondary education until 1934, when all graduates of State Teachers College, including the elementary education field, were C. Koch schools was initiated on a contractual basis with individual teachers, who received additional salary paid by the college in propor- tion to the number of student teachers assigned to them. As the program grew, facilities beyond those available in the town of Bloomsburg were required, and secondary students from the Bloomsburg State Teachers College eventually did practice teaching in Berwick, Espy,"Orangeville and Danville. required to obtain degrees. The work in secondary education at Bloomsburg began in the fall of 1928 at the junior high school level, when about eighteen students were assigned to do student teaching in the Bloomsburg High School under the supervision of a Director of Secondary Education. The Director also taught the theory courses which correlated their college work with practice teaching. In the first few years practice teaching was done in the fields of English, social studies, mathematics and geography. As time progressed and work was done in practice teaching in the senior high school, additional areas of practice teaching were added. These included biology, chemistry, physics, Latin and French. The program 20 of practice teaching in the Bloomsburg secondary Frequent professional meetings of the regular teachers engaged practice teaching conducted by the Director of Secondary Education integrated the work of the group and kept them abreast of new developments in education. Lesson plan procedures, work units and class projects were developed by the group as they proceeded with the program. in The placement of secondary teachers trained in this program was always maintained at a high level through the efforts of the Placement Bureau of the Bloomsburg State Teachers College. Bloomsburg graduates of the Secondary Department are to be found all over the state of Pennsylvania, as well as many neighboring states. AERONAUTICS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF AVIATION John The development C. To meet of aviation education at the State Teachers unique in the history of is probably The program colleges. on started a small scale in the of 1940, with ten trainees, under the Civilian Pilot Training project. Several of the training groups included a girl. One of fall during the war. After Pearl Harbor the program was stepped up and over 100 civilian college students were given preliminary military flight training. Some of our country's first air defenders were men country. To Army Air Force program, the Naxy asked Bloomsburg to train V-5 cadets, and North Hall at one time housed both Army and Nav^ pilots. Over 550 Army and Navy aviation cadets received training at Bloomsburg. In 1942 the Navy asked that Bloomsburg do an exclusive Navy training job, and the Army program was discontinued. In 1943 the Navy selected Bloomsburg, along with only four Georgia. Chicago, Purdue, other colleges in the United States and Texas — instructors. do a specialized training program This program, concluded in training of 250 Naval for Navy 1944, resulted out new summer the curriculum, opportunities were made of 1944 and 1945 for high school stu- dents above the age of fourteen and high school teachers to take aviation courses together, including flight instruction. This, again, was the first opportunirj' of its kind available in the United States, and the program received national recognition in metropolitan newspapers and national publications. Pilots, students Bloomsburg flight in test available in the — to Bloomsburg in aviation education was devised. It was accredited by the Civil Aeronautics Administration as being the first of its kind in the trained at Bloomsburg. In conjunction with the at new aviation instruction on the part of the civilian faculty, and the obvious adaptations needed in educational material to meet the needs of the air-age, a curriculum for the training of teachers these ferried planes and performed the other flying duties of a WASP members the exigencies of war, faculty adapted their talents. An art teacher taught aircraft recognition; a geography professor became a meteorology instructor; and a history professor taught civil air regulations. As a result of this College at Bloomsburg American Koch in educational the who received aviation training at over the world, and their influence and teachers are scattered all and aviation circles reflects credit introduction to aviation which they flight instructors. first on the thorough received at Bloomsburg. ART George The development of visual art at Bloomsburg State Teachers College is a story of progress in educational objectives. Its growth may be divided into three distinct periods. The first, or imitative phase, started with the beginning of the Normal School, and had to do with the development of the pupil's ability to copy reproductions of the masters, as well as photographs and natural objects. Skill in drawing was the criterion by which the student's progress was measured. The Normal instructor was interested only in teaching accuracy in draftsmanship; and in turn insisted upon a repetition of this technique being carried out by students in SkiU in drawing was thus an end in itself. second, or creative period, began about 1921. The general tendenq' in the fine arts then was the encouragement of creative expression. Skill in drawing was now considered only a means to the "model school. " The an end. The development of the individual and a respect for personality were becoming of paramount importance. The Teachers College instructor emphasized the value of self-expression and the omission of imitative procedures. College students met in conference with their teachers and were encouraged to suggest individual ways of motivating lessons in the training school. J. Keller Creative activirj- became a joint affair between the teacher and the pupils. The from about 1932 to the present combination of the creative attitude and a tendency toward practicability. Today, all over the world, there is a movement in the direction of art in industry. Americans everywhere are demanding that their clothes, their homes, and whatever comes into their lives shall be beautiful. The best concepts of art are being applied to objects of daily use and environment. The Teachers College classes are not only taught the principles of beauty for the purpose of conveying this information to their pupils, but they are also encouraged to use these principles in their time, third phase in college art, is a own lives. The college instructor, in conference hours, discusses the creative art teaching procedure, and arouses in the student teacher a consciousness of the importance of good taste in the child's social life, as well as in his future business life. Appreciation of Art has been a part of the requirement for all Elementar)' and Secondary students since the institution became a college. In 1951, Introduction of Art became a part of all curriculums including special fields such as business. AUDIO-VISUAL EDUCATION H. Harrison Russell The college course in 'Visual Education was taught first in 1932. At that time the equipment consisted of three glass-slide lanterns, one I6mm silent projector, one 35mm silent portable fundamentally based on sensory experiences, without which comprehension cannot be obtained. Since radio and recordings are now used in the learning ex- projector, one portable screen and the Auditorium 35mm sound motion picture equipment, hundreds of stereographs and glass slides had been available for use especially in the departments of science and geography and in the Training School. The museum equipment obtained from the Philadelphia Commercial Museum also was available. From the beginning, the objective of the course has been to learn means by which pupils can have experiences which will enable them to acquire correct concepts of the universe, the earth and its inhabitants, and their interrelationship. These in turn will enable them to reason intelligently. In other words they should recognize that abstractions represented by verbal symbols are periences the course projector. Prior to the acquisition of the Perhaps a still better is now labelled Audio-'Visual name would be Sensory Aids Education. in Education. Through the past years, the college has given attention to keeping abreast of the times with reference to sensory aids. Evidence of this is found in the facilities for direct, purposeful experiences, contrived experiences, dramatic participation, demonstrations, field studies, exhibits, still pictures and motion pictures. In recent years, emphasis has been placed on sound pictures, radio and recordings. This does not means that sensory aids of long standing have been abandoned. Each has its place. However, the learning process has been promoted by the opportunities given 21 Other equipment mcludes opaque projectors, overhead projecand filmstrip combination, recorder and public address the prospective teachers for experiences in the educational techniques associated with the modern equipment. tors, disc During 1949 and 1950, an audio-visual room was equipped with permanent l6mm projectors and screen with an experienced operator available during all hours of the college day. Two other buildings on the campus are equipped with portable sound projectors, silent film projectors, filmstrip and glass-slide projectors. Film servicing is done in a room adjoining the audio-visual room. system. The college film library has 132 silent films and 303 sound films, many of which are in color. Also, several hundred lilmstrips and 2-inch slides are available. It is equipped as a lending library for vocational education in the high schools in our college service area. EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY John During the eighty years in which Bloomsburg has been engaged in the education of teachers, the professional portion of the curricula has been greatly increased in amount and changed in content. The Bloomsburg Literary Institute, qualifying under the Normal School Act of 1857, was recognized in 1869 as the State Normal School of the Sixth District. The act required that "a Model School with accommodations for one hundred pupils" be established, practice of and that the course of study "include the theory and teaching." These two requirements are the only features of the law that refer to the introduction of professional material into the course of study. Mental Philosophy, the forerunner of psychology, was taught before the Literary Institute became a Normal School. Mental Philosophy was described in the 1879-1880 catalog as "including the intellect, the sensibilities and the will." The same description was used for Psychology when the title appeared in the catalog for 1885-1886. In the year in which the Institute was given this status, the Model School was in operation. In the same year Theory of Teaching and Methods oj Instruction applied to practice in the Model School were added to the course of study. Although the records are not entirely clear on this point, it is probable that these "professional" subjects composed from ?>'^c to \2% of the course of study. Trends in professional thinking in the Bloomsburg State Normal School are indicated by the change of the name of the Model School to Training School in 1918 and by the appearance of new titles of subjects in the catalogs as shown by the table; J. Fisher measurements. Courses in methods carried topics pertaining and use of objective tests. Both standardized and objective teacher-made tests were widely used. The new enthusiasm, however, was short lived. By 1932, although all curricula had been lengthened to four years, courses in educational measurements had been reduced to two hours and fewer objective tests were being given. Two plausible explanations for this rise and fall of objective measurement in education present themselves. First, the measurement movement in its enthusiasm overreached itself. The instruments developed proved to be neither as valid nor as reliable as they at first were thought to be. Second, and this seems to be the more important explanation, there came to be a realization that there are extremely worthwhile outcomes of education which to date have not yielded to objective measurement. Among these "intangibles" are attitudes, interests, and appreciations. The question may be raised whether the conviction that these outcomes cannot at present be measured objectively may not lead to a neglect of instruments and techniques in areas in which they have proved to be appropriate and useful. During the late 1920's and the early 1930's there was a great deal of discussion of and considerable effort to "professionalize" the academic subjects of the curriculum at Bloomsburg. In the "professionalizing" of subject matter the treatment of each topic includes considerations such as the educational value of the topic, the mental processes of children learning it, the best methods of teaching it, and appropriate techniques for determining the degree of its mastery. In brief, the professional treatment of subject matter calls for an integration of its logical and psychotional to the construction 1869-18^0 1873-1874 1885-1886 1885-1886 1885-1886 1902-190^ 1905-1906 1910-1911 development in every part of the same course. The synnever seemed to be complete. The double purpose of teaching college students the academic content of a subject and at the same time teaching them how elementary and secondary pupils learn that content probably proved to be incompatible. To pursue them simultaneously was distracting to both instructor and view and content changed, new names were given to old subjects and new subjects were added. Although main features of the so-called "enriched program" 1937 was to make the first two years a period of general education and to concentrate the technical and professional work into the third and fourth years. In this revision of the curricula History of Education Science of Teaching Psychology Philosophy of Education School Management School Apparatus and Appliances - Practice Teaching School Sanitation As a point of many new titles appeared, the percentage of professional subdid not increase greatly for forty years. This percentage was increased to about 17% by a revision of the course of study in 1910. In 1920, after the State had purchased the State Normal School and it truly became a state institution, the professional material in the several curricula varied from A\% to 49%. In 1926 the professional content in these same curricula ranged from 29%^ to 34%. These percentages have remained quite constant to the present time. The minimum amounts of professional material in the curricula for elementary, secondary, and commercial jects 30% 28%- and 27% respectively. Enthusiasm for the objective measurement of capacity and achievement, which had been rapidly mounting in the universities, struck Bloomsburg State Normal School in the early 1920's. The I92O-I92I faculty included a "lecturer on educational measurements." In 1922 there was organized a Bureau of Educational Research which offered courses in "educational measurements, measurement of intelligence, statistical methods in education, and supervision of measurement." By 1924 all curricula, both two-year and three-year, included a three-hour course in educateachers are 22 logical thesis student. One set up the of the in abandonment of the theory of the "professionalization" of became quite complete. subject matter A study of the graduation requirements of the institution down through the years discloses interesting trends with reference to the differentiation of the professional content of the several curricula. Prior to 1920 the Normal School trained only elementary school teachers and apparently no attempt was made to divide grades one to eight into groups as a basis for differentiation of the professional portion of the course of study. Even though the elementary curriculum has been lengthened and curricula on the secondary level have been added, a core of professional constants for all curricula has been maintained. This core usually was made up of courses in Introduction to Teaching or Place and Purpose of Education in the Social Order, and the first and second courses in Psychology. The newer curricula, however, always included professional subjects peculiar to those curricula. lum was extended When to the senior high the secondary curricu- school, new professional courses dealing with the adolescent pupils were added. When the commercial curriculum, with its specialized subject-matter, was organized, specialized professional courses were included. The special curricula for teachers of the mentally retarded and children with defective speech was made up largely of specialized and professional materials. All these added professional specializations are, in the main, incidental to the extension of the education of teachers into The areas. field, diflferentiation however, present new and specialization in the elementar)' a different picture. reorganization of the Normal School in 1920 marked a radical change in the differentiation in the curriculum for the preparation of teachers in elementary education. The 1920-1921 catalog states that the curricula which are offered have been The "organized on the principle that teaching in the elementary schools can be classified into sufficiently definite types to require specialization. Each curriculum prepares for a specific type of teaching position." At the end of the first semester, students select one of the curricula "for the purpose of specialization in a specific field of teaching." Similar statements are found in the catalogs down to 1938. Although the curricula were revised in that year, the theory of specialization in the elementary field was reaffirmed. The 19381939 catalog stated: "If the elementary curriculum is chosen a student must specialize in the Kindergarten-Primary, Intermediate, Rural, or Special Education Group. This statement was repeated in the catalogs down to 1943. In the catalog for 1943' 1944 the change of one word — must - to may — removed special- ization from the elementar)- area as a requirement and made it optional with the student. There has been no change on this point to the present time. The college began as an institution training elementary teachwith a single undifferentiated curruculum. Thirty years ago the institution organized sharply differentiated curricula in the elementary area on the principle that teaching in the elementary' schools requires specialization. This theory was maintained for twenr)--three years. Since then specialized subjects on the elementary level are available to the student but the choosing of them is ers optional. This partial abandonment of the principles of specialization can be interpreted as a change in attitude toward the theory of transfer of learning. In 1920 the differentiation of professional courses for elementary teachers seemed to derive from the theory that the teacher in training must learn many specific things. The 1950 practice of preparing teachers for the elementary field without reference to particular grades reflects the view that the professional education of teachers is mainly a matter of learning principles which have application in a variety of situations. These have been important changes in the professional por- Sometimes these other times they have been quite changes in professional thinking and tion of the curricula developed at Bloomsburg. changes have been slight; They represent radical. at willingness to abandon practices that have proved to be unsound. In so far as they have been based on intelligent experimentation they give teaching a better claim to the status of a profession. ENGLISH S. While L. the curriculum in English over the past thirty years has remained fundamentally the same, there has been change by way of a shift of emphasis away from a highly professional approach and by way of enrichment in the number of elective courses offered. Thirty years ago we prepared teachers primarily for the elementary and the junior high school grades. At that time there was a junior high school on the campus with training school teachers in charge of each subject in the seventh, eighth and ninth grades, and with college teachers supervising the work in their fields. then required all prospective teachers of one English to take three semesters of the teaching of English, for the teaching of English in grade seven, one for grade eight and We one for grade nine. Later this — two semesters, one and one for the was made a one semester was reduced to for the teaching of literature in the three grades teaching of composition. Still later this course required of all, as it still is in the elementary curriculum. Finally the course was discontinued. There has since been offered from time to time, largely to teachers-in-service and during summer sessions, a course in the teaching of English in the secondary Wilson home books and a secondary teacher in Only with such familiarity will he be able to cope with the problem of selecting materials suitable for the stage of maturity and individual needs of his pupils at these various levels of instruction. Even more important today, we feel, is the ability to take authors and selections out of their old, scholarly categories and adapt them to purposes of instruction in preparing pupils for better living and a better understanding of the world in which they are living. in the field of for children, the field of books for adolescents. We feel that teachers of the language how the control of the voice and arts to use their should understand own voices effec- presenting material to the class. The ability to spell correctly, to punctuate properly, to capitalize and to use acceptable English would seem as important today as ever. In fact, the current emphasis on the communication of ideas should give these skills added usefulness. The emphasis here is, more than ever, to avoid setting these things aside as ends in themselves, and to look tively in on them more and more as aids to effective expression. The school. approach should be to determine the weaknesses and needs of any given group and then select and present material accordingly. Throughout these years all students have been required to take two semesters of composition, one of oral English and one each of English and American literature. Students in the Business Education Curriculum also have one semester of business correspon- practice of selecting and dence. In addition to these courses all English majors and minors must take courses in English philology and advanced composition, plus a number of elective courses, open not only to them but to all students who wish to broaden their cultural background. Among such courses are Shakespeare, World Literature, Modern Novel, Short Story, Contemporary Poetry, The Victorian Period, The Romantic Period, Biography and Autobiography, Children's Literature and Journalism. The guiding principle in the selection and arrangement of courses has been that prospective teachers of reading and literature, of writing, speaking, and listening must have adequate training in each. In literature we feel that a teacher should have a knowledge of English, American and World literature and of the various literary rj'pes. An elementary teacher certainly should be at In writing, prospective teachers should learn the principles and organizing ideas for presentation to They should be able to evaluate writing and should hold themselves and later their pupils to generally accepted standards of usage. The more experience in creative writing the teacher himself can have, the better will he be able to guide young people in their attempts at self-expression. others. It is the better to strengthen these now moving toward a more new concepts that we are integrated program, especially in the communication arts linking more closely written and sfX)ken English, and in general culture, linking world literature with the histor)' of civilization and with appreciation of art and appreciation of music. This step is being taken to make our program fit in more closely with the new curriculums for the elementary' and secondary scho<5ls of the state. Our chief purpose, after all, is to prepare our students for the teaching situation in which they will find themselves. 23 FOREIGN LANGUAGES Howard F. Foreign languages, both ancient and modern, have been a part Bloomsburg almost continuously since the beginning of the institution. The catalogue of 1873-74 shows that Latin, Greek, German, and French were offered. The courses that were given followed the pattern of those included in the curricula of the Academies that flourished during the nineteenth century. With the turn of the century, Greek and French were gradually eliminated, but Latin continued as a required subject for all students, and included one year of elementary work, followed by the traditional Caesar, Cicero, and Vergil. German remained in the curriculum until the twenties, when it was replaced by French. Among the outstanding names associated with the teaching of foreign languages at Bloomsburg were H. A. Curran, J. H. Dennis, Virginia Dickerson, G. Edward Elwell, and Marian Frisbie. G. E. Wilbur, remembered as Professor of Mathematics, also taught for a time in the Languages Department. H. G. Teel, who later became District Attorney of Columbia County, taught Latin and Greek at Bloomsburg for several years before taking up the study of Law. of the curriculum at When the course of study was revised in the twenties, foreign languages ceased to be required subjects, but French and Spanish were offered As a prerequisite, the courses in Latin required three years of work on the secondary level. The following courses were offered; Ovid's Metamorphoses, Cicero's Essays, the Odes and Epodes of Horace, selections from Livy, selected comedies of Terence and Plautus, and a survey course in Roman Literature and Civilization. Latin continued to be offered until 1943, when, because of decreased demand, it was dropped. It was offered again at the close of World War 11, but the enrollment did not justify its contin- uance The courses in French include the following: Elementary French, Intermediate French, Seventeenth Century French Drama, Eighteenth Century French Literature, Literature of the Romantic Period, Realism in French Literature, and French Lyric Poetry. Other courses included in the catalog are taught from time to time, chiefly during the Summer Session. was added as an elective Courses included in the catalog are the following: Elementary Spanish, Intermediate Spanish, Survey Course in Spanish Literature, Survey Course in Spanish-American Literature, and Advanced Composition and Conversation. In the college year 1941-42, Spanish field. Courses in French and Spanish are taught in such a manner as as electives. 1926, Latin and French, with courses on the college level, were offered as elective fields, leading to certification, to those who were preparing to teach in the Junior High School. Shortly In the Bloomsburg State Normal School became the Bloomsburg State Teachers College, and the courses were expanded to meet the additional requirements. To meet the state standards for certification, eighteen semester hours of work were afterward, offered in each Fenstemaker field. to maintain a balanced and progressive advancement in the four basic skills involved in the learning of a foreign language. These the ability to understand the language when spoken: (2) the ability to read the the ability to speak the language; 3 language, and 4 ) the ability to write the language. are ( 1 ) ( ) ( Students selecting either or both of these fields are given adequate opportunity, through student teaching, to be trained in the proper methods of teaching the subjects of their choice. GEOGRAPHY H. Harrison Russell Prior to 1926, the two-year preparation for elementary teaching included only one course in geography; viz., The Teaching of Geography. In the preparation for teaching in the junior high school two courses were scheduled in the three-year curriculum. Economic Geography of the United States was required and World Problems in Geography was an elective, to be taken by those expecting to be certified for geography teaching. In the first year after the change from Normal School to Teachers College, the geography work was organized as a field in pre- paration for teaching in the secondary school. For this first year, six courses were offered, amounting to eighteen hours of credit at the end of three years. The eighteen semester-hour credits entitled the student to be certified to teach geography in the secondary school, but he was not entitled to rank as high as the fouryear student with twenty-four semester hours. Realizing that an elementary teacher cannot use geography as a medium in education, without an understanding and comprehension of geography, the administration, in 1927, added Physiography and Principles of Human Geography to the four- year elementary curriculum. In the early 1930's, the course in Teaching of Geography was HEALTH AND The been organized under the direction of the principal, himself a physician, aided by an experienced teacher of gymnastics." Ten years later a member of the faculty taught "physical culture and elocution," a combination that was in vogue for over a quarter of a century in 24 many schools. ( ( ) In the late 1930's another change was made for the elementaThe required courses became Principles of Human Geography ries. and Economic Geography. In revision of the curriculums during the years 1948-1950, recognition has been given to the need for geographic knowledge for all citizens. All students, no matter what the curriculum, take a three-hour course in World Geography. In the elementary cur- riculum, a three-hour course in Geography of United States and Pennsylvania is included. Since some special guidance in teaching technique is needed. Teaching of Geography is included in a nine-hour course entitled Social Living in the Elementary School comprising arithmetic, science, social studies, and geogr.aphy. In the geography field of the secondary curriculum there are fourteen courses listed, from which one may select at least six courses for certification in the field of geography. H. Nelson 1873-1874 carried the information department of physical culture has school catalogue of ography and a choice of Geography of the New World Western Hemisphere or Geography of the Old World Eastern Hemisphere) constituted the geography in the elementary curriculum. PHYSICAL EDUCATION E. that "within the past year a deleted and so-called professionalized subject-matter courses added to the elementary curriculum. In 1932, Principles of Human Ge- The first thoroughly organized program of Health and Physical Education at the State Normal School took form when A. K. Aldinger came to Bloomsburg as director of the new gj-mnasium, which was opened for use January 15, 1894. On February 22 of that year appropriate dedicatory exercises were held, in connection with a program to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the school. At that time the gymnasium was described as "no better anywhere, its purpose and few so good." For nearly 50 years Gymnasium. It still it served way eventually to the present Centennial serves as a fine recreation center for the stu- well, giving dent body. were characterized by exercises of a formal apparatus work, in keeping with the times. Gymnasium exhibitions were a "must," and each year saw a fine demonstration of the skills gained in the physical education courses. Much interest was evidenced in this new field of instruction by the town people, and standing room was at a premium on The early days much nature and exhibition night. When Dr. Thomas E. Finnegan came to Pennsylvania as Super- intendent of Public Instruction, considerable change was brought about in the requirements in this field. Health instruction was required as well as a broadened activities program. Prospective teachers were given courses in Personal Hygiene and School Hygiene. Training in game skills appropriate for the grades they to teach assumed more importance. Health from was given attention as well as the personal needs of the individual student. During this transitional period it became necessary for the College to go into the field with extension courses in order that teachers in service might qualify under were preparing the child level new the requirements. H. Nelson came to the school in 1924 as Director of Health Education and remained in that capacity until 1943 when he was appointed State Director of Health and Physical Education in E. Department of Public Instruction Bioomsburg now provides the best the for Pennsylvania. in the way of health and student body. A registered, graduate nurse is a full-time member of the Staff. As well as keeping a constant check on student health, she gives courses in Health and Hygiene. Ample play areas, playground equipment, the best in gymnasium and pool facilities make for a background of physical assets designed to give every advantage to prospective teachers. recreational facilities for its MATHEMATICS Ethel A. Ranson Mathematics, the subject which like poetry "says the most in little with the years, but its applica- the fewest words" changes tions may change greatly. was a Normal School, training only elementarytaught only courses in arithmetic subject matter or courses in teaching or supervising of arithmetic. As long teachers, as this we when a junior high school was 1922 established on this campus with two sections of seventh grade, two of eighth grade and one of ninth grade. It was located in Carver Hall with rooms then known as A, B, C, D, and E as "home-rooms." There was an Industrial Arts Department in the basement of Noetling Hall and Domestic Science in Science Hall. The students also took music and art instruction in Science Hall. This accompanied the introduction of the three year course. True to the junior high school spirit, the mathematics taught was always in cooperation with any project undertaken in other subject matter fields, particularly industrial arts. Domestic Science and Social Studies. There were as many as six student-teachers in one class. The student teachers took turns in handling the class, but all Then came the time ( ) helped with the planning of the work and with supervised study and individual instruction. This led to courses in algebra and trigonometry being given in the college. After six years of successful operation, the new Junior-Senior High School in Bloomsburg was ready for use and it took over the pupils from our campus Junior High School. The Normal School then became a Teachers College, the three- year course changed into a four-year course, and the training was extended into senior high school work. Hence, college courses in Teaching of were added to the analytic geometry, calculus. History of Mathematics, Mathematics in Secondary Schools, and Statistics curriculum. With World War II and the arrival of Navy Flight Instruction, V-12s on our campus, much emphasis was placed on V-5's and It was necessary to teach navigation and spherical trigonometry as well as the regular mathematics subjects to ever\'one in the war training program. Those were difficult but interesting days for both students and instructors of mathematics. mathematics. MUSIC Harriet M. Moore Many generations of students at this institution have found an interesting variety of music activities available. The Department met the music needs in the early days, and has continued and community. Music courses for prospective school teachers, music offerings for children in the Model School, and many other music activities have long been a part of our of Music to serve the school College history. The Music Department, or private school of music connected with the College, offered lessons in piano and organ as early as 1873. Gradually instruction in theory, harmony, composition, voice, 1916 mandolin, guitar, clarinet, and violin was added. From 1921 a course preparing students to supervise music in to the public schools offers instruction was conducted. Today the music Department in piano, voice, theory, harmony, and compo- two-hour course in Music Appreciation. They observe demonstration lessons in Music in the Training School, and they have the opportunity to teach Music for several weeks during their Practice Teaching. Students following the Secondarj* Education curriculum have a two-semester hour course in Music Appreciation. In the Model School, Vocal Music was a required subject once a week as early as 1873. Music Appreciation was introduced there in 1916. Music has continued to play an increasingly important part in the experience of the children as the activity the Training School has expanded. ing School is Today the music program closely associated with the current unit of study in the classroom. Music group activities have made a rich contribution to our life. There were the Glee Club and Orchestra in 1894. college sition. Since then additional activities have included Chorus, Vocal music has been in the curriculum of this institution since 1873. In 1884 it was a required course for one-third of a year in the teacher-preparation curriculum. More extensive courses were Chorus. gradually introduced, and in 1921 observation and practice teach- ing of vocal music and music appreciation were added as require- ments. Today all students majoring in Elementary Education have four semester-hours of Music for the Elementary Grades, and a in in the Train- A Capella Choir. Women's Trio. Women's Men's Quartet and Double Quartet. Duo-piano Team. Band, Dance Band. Athenaeum Club and Assembly Chorus. In 1922 a Music Artists Course of evening entertainments was launched by the college and has continued to the present day. For the past three years the college has also collaborated with the local community in bringing a series of superior concerts to Bioomsburg. 25 SCIENCE K. C. KUSTER The story of teaching work of two men science at — Professor life Bloomsburg J. closely parallels the G. Cope, M.E.. and Professor D. S. Hartline, A.B. Professor Cope came to Bloomsburg Normal about 1885 and taught Natural Philosophy and Chemistry in various rooms of Noetling Hall. His mental storehouse supplied facts and genius to supplement the meager scientific equipment of his laboratory. A lesson on sound included a personal exhibition of playing two Jews Harps simultaneously in the midst of a handlebar mustache and sending Morse Code signals across the room by wireless. Professor D. S. Hartline joined the staff as a teacher of Manual Training. Following a leave of absence he returned to teach Nature Srudy and Hygiene to students in the academic field and Anatomy, Physiology, Histology, and Bacteriology to pre-medical students in the College Preparatory course. Professor Hartline's motto was taken from Agassiz, "Study Nature, Not Books." Very often he did 'where does life go when The dynamic it leaves the cat?' personalities of these men and the general trend were responsible for a great demand for competent The crowded quarters teachers trained in the elements of Science. Noetling Hall were not adequate. Plans for a special building were drawn according to the ideas and vision 'of Professors Cope and Hartline. When Science Hall was completed the facilities for Biological Science exceeded those for Physical Science. Miss Mary Good was added to the permanent staff to teach Chemistry while three teaching assistants were employed as assistants in Biological Science. In this way Biology became a department with Professor Hartline as its head. Geology, Astronomy, Agriculture, Entomology, Botany, etc., were added to the curriculum. More rooms and equipment were needed. Students were required to pay laboratory fees which were administered by directors of the departments. Equipment, supplies, and special books were obtained with these fees. Some of the basic equipment purchased with these fees is in still in daily use. With He taught by lecture, class demonstration, field trips and library assignments. The complete out-of-doors was his laboratory. Nature Study included 'nebular hypothesis' and not use a text book. of the times the passing years Bloomsburg has become a college for the training of teachers only, and in Science emphasis has shifted from subject matter and methods to methods primarily. In recent years the Science equipment has been replaced and greatly supplemented, especially in Physical Science. SOCIAL STUDIES E. A. Reams Perh.ips no part of the course of study since the establishment of the Bloomsburg Literary Institute and its conversion to a State Normal School and finally to the Teachers College has undergone such a change as that which is today designated as the Social Studies. In fact, it might be said that in the early history of this equivalent of our present High School courses in these subjects. In the catalog of 1880-81 and in subsequent catalogs for a couple of decades there appears the following explanation of method: "History is taught topically the old catechetical method is avoided and the student required to give a connected view of no such course of study existed. seem to be about the last field set up, although now found in every curriculum whether it be elementary, secondary, or college. Even after some subjects of the Social Studies were introduced, they were in reality adjuncts of other subjects. For example, a certain amount of Latin and Greek History was taught as a background of the teaching of Latin and Greek languages. History and Government were not taught by pedagogues trained as such, but "farmed out" to teachers in other departments. Not until 1891 when W. H. Detwiler, A.B., was listed as a teacher of History and Political Economy were the social studies taught by one specializing in this field. Up until 1880 the subjects taught were confined to the History of the United States and the Constitution and to General History. In view of the text book used, these would seem to be about the the subject in his institution Social Studies SPEECH AND — own language. In 1891-92. under Professor Detwiler, the courses in the Social Studies broadened somewhat, but it is not until 1910 that courses widened sufficiently to include separate courses in Ancient, Mediaeval, Modern, and English History as well as United States History and Civics. The first methods course in History and Geog- The use of the term Social Studies William Brill as the teacher of Social Studies. Up to this time the catalogs never indicated there was more than one teacher of these Subjects. In the four curriculums in the catalog for 1921-22, economics and sociology were raphy is in is listed in 1921-22 191.vl4. when included for the first first the catalog lists time. courses for the Social Studies now in use were adopted in 1932 and with additions since made, provide a much broader list of subjects especially in the elective fields. The SPEECH CORRECTION Alice Johnston In the present Speech program at Bloomsburg, a three-hour course in Speech Fundamentals is required of all Freshmen. The ancestor of this course, according to college catalogues, seems to have been a two-hour course in "Reading and Public Speaking," inaugurated in 1916. Later, in 1922, the catalogue title is "Oral Expression," two hours. This was changed in 1930 to its present title, with three hours credit. Speech Correction at Bloomsburg had its beginnings in 1932, when a two-hour course called "Speech Problems" was first offered in all the Pennsylvania State Teachers Colleges. Shortly afterwards a little work in Speech Correction was begun in our own Training School. In 1938 additional courses in Speech Correction were offered in connection with the Special Education Department of the college, and the Speech Clinic was established. In 1943 the State Department granted our college the privilege of offering courses leading to state certification in the field of Speech Correc- 26 Now students in the secondary field may elect Speech Correction as their area of concentration, and students pursuing the elementary curriculum may also specialize in Speech Correction. tion. The course requirements are the usual undergraduate ones in The last of these courses is the two semester course in Clinical Practice. This is carried on in the College Clinic. The this field. Clinic is organized in three divisions: Clinic in our Training School; Clinic for college students with marked difficulties in speech; Saturday morning Clinic for children from towns in our service area, who are referred by teachers, school nurses, and physicians. This provides a study of all types of speech difficulties. There are at present 55 speech cases enrolled in the Clinic. The student clinician, working under direct supervision of the college instructor, has practice in administering speech tests, observing diagnostic procedure, taking case histories, and working out detailed plans for both group and individual therapy. Aside from this some limited opportunit}' in practice teaching in speech correction classes in a public school is provided. The equipment for the clinic is housed in three offices. This includes wire and disc recorders, and pure tone and group audiometers. The speech majors must become proficient in the use of these speech recorders, helping the speech cases to recognize errors and note improvement. They must give tests with both t)'pes of clinical practice, audiometers so they are prepared to test school children for hear- STUDENT TEACHING ing Since losses. classes all members of the required have to make recordings, there tive study of these The need is Freshman speech opportunity for compara- by clinicians. for speech correction is great and there is a corre- sponding interest in training for that need. A chapter of the National Speech Correction Fraternity, Sigma Alpha Eta, has been established on the campus. AND PLACEMENT SERVICE Earl N. Rhodes STUDENT TEACHING The Campus Junior High School was discontinued of the professional preparation of teachers is student teaching. If the techniques and principles for the selection and retention of students able to profit by professional educa- Since then, tion have been effectively employed, the student in his fourth year should be qualified for the final test, namely, teaching. The facilities for student teaching have made remarkable ad- Consolidated School at Espy. The capstone vancement for the better smce the first "Model School" of 18671868 to the present Benjamin Franklin School, a modern building in every respect built particularly for student teaching purposes first occupied in and the education of children. This building was 1930-1931. During the early nineteen twenties, student teaching was largely done in the campus Elementary and Junior High School. At this time, there were as high as fourteen student teachers assigned to a single elementary classroom, a most unfortunate condition, not only for student teachers but for children. A program of expansion was immediately adopted resulting in the use of elementary classrooms first in Bloomsburg and later in Berwick. There was a time in the early nineteen thirties when the College used fourteen classrooms in Berwick, eight to ten in Bloomsburg, in addition to the campus school and rural schools of Columbia County. all in 1927. student teaching on the secondary level has been in public high schools, at various times in Bloomsburg, Williamsport, Berwick, Danville, Catawissa, and Scott Township done The aim now is on to a classroom to assign not more than four student teachers the campus, and a smaller number to public school classrooms, often only one or two. A student teacher learns to teach by having his work analyzed and his errors and successes pointed out. He may then practice his successes and try to eliminate his errors. Thus, he learns to teach. An instrument for such an analysis as noted above was developed through the cooperation of teachers colleges, schools of education, and public school supervisory officers. The traits of teaching admitting of improvement by practice were checked for frequency, assembled and organized. This "Analysis of Student Teaching" is of great value to student teachers and classroom teachers working with young men and women learning to teach. PLACEMENT SERVICE growth from none in 1923 or 1924 to the most commendable. A factor in promoting this growth was the development of adequate credentials of prospective teachers. These credentials have often been commended by supervisory officers. The Placement Service is, therefore, performing one of its important functions, namely, establishing a point of contact between the college and public school supervisory officers. The follow-up studies demonstrate an interest on the part of the College in its graduates as teachers-in-service, and offer the Placement Service an opportunity to improve the professional status of such teachers as are open to promotion. These contacts with public school supervisory officers and teachers-in-ser\'ice open the way for suggestions for the improvement of the pre-service professional preparation of teachers. responsibility annually of the Placement Ser\'ice graduates in teaching positions in the public schools of the state. Scarcely less important is its follow-up program as represented in three studies made during the last ten years by members of the faculty. These studies demonstate clearly that the college is performing its primary functions of placing its graduates in teaching positions, 77.27 per cent. 1931 to 1940; 83.40 per cent, 1941-1945; 88.73 percent 1946-1948. Beginning salaries for teachers in other states are so attractive ( when comparisons of costs of living are not made ) that the Class of 1950 went to other states in large numbers as: Elementary 56 per cent; Secondary 30 per cent; Business 40 per cent of those is The immediate a healthy to place present time, its placed in teaching positions. During the last twenty-five years the practice of public school superv'isory officers in coming to Bloomsburg for teachers has had when such practically practice is SUMMER SESSIONS AND CLASSES FOR TEACHERS Thomas P. IN SERVICE North SUMMER SESSIONS Simimer sessions at Bloomsburg began with a six weeks session was given on the basis of work done, rather than by the number of weeks attended. The catalogue stated "if intensive work is done in any one line, more credit may be earned than would be possible in six weeks of regular work." The Commonin 1919. Credit wealth of Pennsylvania paid tuition for all students pursuing the regular Normal School course. Tuition was not paid for teachers taking courses to make their certificates permanent or for the purpose of adding subjects to their certificates. In 1921 the summer school was placed on a nine weeks basis and was regarded as a part of the regular year's work with the regular year divided into two semesters of eighteen weeks each. In the light of the crisis preceding World War II, the Board of Presidents of the State Teachers Colleges approved on January 16, 27 weeks pre-session, and three weeks post-session. This constituted a permissive program of acceleration for students desiring to graduate within three calendar years. At Bloomsburg, freshmen were admitted during the pre-session and the regular session. The result of this program was that the summer sessions were largely for regular students instead of for teachers-in-service. This was summer 1942, a session of twelve weeks; three weeks regular six session, especially true after the war, with the entry into college of many Many of these veterans were mature men and women To them, acceleration was a necessity. The history of summer sessions at Bloomsburg shows that they These standards teacher education college or university as a goal. With the issue of the State Standard Limited Certificate for completion of a two-year period of preparation replacing the Normal Certificate in 19.^4, teachers-in-service had to complete additional college work in specified amounts each three years, gradually reaching the requirements for the B S. degree in Educa- These teachers were the backbone of the summer sessions (year round) programs for G. I. students veterans. tion. with families. until the accelerated were closely related emergency to The situations. rise of the school came about with the appointment of Dr. Thomas Finnegan as Superintendent of Public Instruction in 1919 and his reorganization of the Department of Public Instruction in Pennsylvania. This reorganization required a complete new set of standards for beginning teachers and for certification in general. summer amounts ot preparation within from an approved four year called for specified certain time limits with graduation after World War II provided four years of college education in three calendar years. The latest demand of elementary World War III, for teachers. summer This sessions stems factor, from a shortage along with the threat of points in late 1950, to another crisis for Blooms- burg and the profession of teaching. CLASSES FOR TEACHERS-IN-SERVICE Stimulated by a new and more state salary schedule for teachers rigid requirements for certification, extension classes for in-service teachers were organized in September, 1921. The classes met in late afternoons, in the evenings, and on Saturdays. Most of the classes met two hours each week for fifteen weeks. During the initial year, twenty-five classes were organized for approximately seven hundred teachers. Classes were held at Hazleton, Freeland, McAdoo, WiUiamsport, Plains, Edwardsville, Hanover Township, Nanticoke, Dalmatia, Wilkes-Barre, Pittston, Norwegian Township, Lost Creek, Locust Gap. Milton, Duryea, Danville and Bloomsburg. The Extension Department in 1921 also provided for correspondence courses, a "follow-up" of graduates, and a central bureau for the distribution of institute work. A list of available speakers, together with their subjects, was kept on file for the benefit of superintendents and others desiring the services of the Normal School. It can readily be seen that service was a very important feature of the Bloomsburg Normal School schedule in the early twenties. In the course of the next few years, extension work flourished. It was used in a few instances in lieu of the required institute. It was also limited to the holders of standard certificates or old normal school diplomas. Extension courses created many problems, especially with respect to teaching load and salaries for the Normal School bers of the into the program and during the faculty. Abuses hard led to the discontinuance of extension late years of Bloomsburg State Normal Classes for teachers-in-service have been held mem- to control crept work School. on Saturdays for many years. These classes flourished after the passage of the Edmunds Act of 1921 and up until World War II. World War II, with shortage in automobiles, tires, and gasoline, made it necessary for the college to again establish extension So in 1945 the college extended its services to meet the needs of in-service teachers by establishing off-campus centers. The two centers established in 1945 were expanded to include centers at Hazleton, Kingston, Wilkes-Barre, Mt. Carmel, Sunbury, classes. and Danville. Many of the teachers who began this program in 1945 and 1946 have been graduated with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Education. THE COLLEGE LIBRARY Pearl L. Mason and Catherine The present Bloomsburg State Teachers College library, with its and its stream of students and faculty pouring in and out every library hour of the day, now presents a decided contrast to the school library of earlier days which had its beginnings in the merged libraries of the Calliepian and the Philospecial facilities logian Literary Societies, and which was situated on the first floor of Waller Hall in a room adjacent to the business office, where for several years, the school bursar served as librarian, teacher and registrar. Later the library was Alumni Room and was moved fitted to the up room which for a library, double purpose of library and study hall. On is now the and served the the shelves of this were the school library, the libraries of the two literary and the library of the school Y.M.C.A. For a nimiber of early library societies, two members of the faculty acted in the capacity of librarian, together with their regular class work, until 1905-1906, when the years first trained librarian was engaged. library for teachers and research work. 28 A teachers-in-training. and comfortable place Zealberg times to give every possible assistance to students and faculty and to improve and expand the library and to broaden its services. In order to provide training to enable students to become intelligent users of the library, a course of instruction in the use of library resources and library tools has been taught for many years by the librarian or a member of the library staff to all entering students. During the period of 1940-1945 while the Navy war programs were in operation on the college campus, many new problems were presented to the college library. Adjustments had to be made, and library space was quickly converted to house hundreds of Navy books and many other materials of instruction which were cared for and circulated from the library. All the usual privileges and services of the library were made available to these students and were used extensi\'ely by them. With the close of the war, the Library, like the rest of the its attention to a post-war expansion program. The of returning veterans entering college swelled the student enrollment, and the increased demand for library services necessi- college, turned For many years the library has been in its present location on the second floor of Waller Hall. It has been equipped with books, shelves, tables, chairs, a fine large charging desk which was the gift of the Class of 1923, and all the other things which were required and necessary to make a good reference and professional quiet, convenient, L. It has afforded for study, reference a and well qualified librarian has been on duty at all number Renovation consisted what had been the Noetling Hall corridor. This provided an additional 2500 square feet of floor space, and furnished the librarian with a more workable office. The enlarged library was completely repainted and redecorated; new fluorescent lighting fixtures were installed; and tated extensive remodelling of the library. of extending the west wing to include were relocated to break up tlie space area into a reading room, a reference wing, and a section allotted to children's books, to be used by students of Benjamin Franklin School, and by and stacks classes using audio-visual materials, student teachers. The receipt of hundreds of vocational films and filmstrips, plus more than $20,000 worth of audio-visual equipment from the Pennsylvania Area Colleges, more than summer In the were added of 1949, eight new sections of steel shelving bound volumes of concentration during 1949-1950 on the to the reference section to care for the magazines. Specific enrichment of this reference collection added materially to its 1951, the old wooden shelves in the children's section were replaced with new steel shelving, and this value. In the early part of department was modernized. The regular growth of the book collection was increased during 1949 by the assignment of more than 600 books to the Bloomsburg State Teachers College Library from Pennsylvania Area Colleges which closed following their period of usefulness for war services. 'With the renovation of Noetling Hall which was completed early in 1949, Room K was converted into an Audio- Visual Aids Laboratory with an adjoining office. All audio-visual materials films, records, filmstrips, projectors, equipment) which until this time had been housed in the Library, were moved to this office while Room K proper became the official meeting plase for all ( doubled the existing audio-visual collection and resulted in the employment of a full-time clerical person, of Film Librarian. The administration vised by the librarian. Plans for the circulation of vocational materials in the Bloomsburg service area, plus the recent program for purchasing audio-visual teaching materials begun by the State Department of Education, should make this laboratory a rapidlyexpanding and active division. The present library staff consists of two professional librarians. Nine hours of library orientation are taught to each entering student to enable him to use intelligently library materials. Plans for the future improvement of both book collection and library facilities are already being laid, and there is good reason to believe that the library, because of will continue to adapt itself as changing needs of position as a service agency, has in the past to the ever- its it its clientele. LIFE The Washington Excursion LIFE who was assigned the of this newly-created audio-visual laboratory has remained the duty of the library staff, and all cataloging, circulation, and handling of materials is supertitle STUDENT STUDENT for the regularly-scheduled visual education classes. — 1910 THROUGH THE YEARS Highlights From College Publications Marguerite W. Kehr — 1868-69 Student life was under the direction of the Principal and the preceptress in the days of the Bloomsburg Institute and State Normal School. "Persons desiring to enter the schools should make application as early as convenient. Some member of the faculty will be at the Depot on the arrival of each train on the day the terms begin, and at any other time if Students will write and inform the Principal as to what train they expect to come in good reference in a large and handsomely fur- which its library. Streets. the The Amphictyon Society lias a good reference library and commencement of a general library. (No later mention of this society in the catalogs. 1869-70 — "Prohibitions and Requirements: Respectful deportmembers of the Faculty, each other, and enjoined upon all Students; also, neatness and ment towards on." "The Philologian Society has room weekly meetings are held; besides This Society was organized in 1866 the Academy building located at Third and Jefferson nished a citizens, is the 29 cleanliness of person and apparel. Scuffling in the building, and unnecessary noise in or near the building is forbidden. Students will not at any time leave the grounds of the Institution without permission." ''Fatnily Organization: The government is designed to 1873-74 be that of a family, the boarding pupils with the Principal and his Assistants, meeting around the same table, and conforming their manners and intercourse to the usages of a refined family circle. Thus, with the advantages of an educa- — from home, are combined as far as practicable, the disciplines and the social and moral influences of a well tion pursued Long Porch." "The Societies have each a new society Hall, on the first Dormitory Building, the Calliepian in the North, and the Philologian in the South end. These Halls have been recently carpeted, and elegantly, and appropriately furnished, and each is provided with a library, containing a select collection of books, for the use of its members." 1886-87 "Religion and Morals: The school proceeds upon the floor of the New — regulated home. principle that careful religious training Students are allowed social recreation, to the extent regarded by us as compatible with faithful attention to the work which is the first object of school life. Occasional literary and social reunions take place, always with the consent proper development of and under the supervision of the faculty. Ample ball grounds, and croquet lawns, afford opportunities for physical development as well as pleasure. In pleasant weather, the students are encouraged to pass much of their time devoted to recreation in the open air. The Philologian and Calliepiav Societies: These are two flourishing Literary Societies, composed of students and teachers, and, as their names would indicate, are devoted to the intellectual improvement of their members. Each holds a weekly meeting, at which, in addition to Essays, Readings and Declamations, Debates upon various questions of interest are engaged in. Among the benefits to be derived from membership in these societies, by no means the least, is the training received in the conduct of business meetings, and the knowledge of Parliametary rules acquired." Each society gave public programs and plays, published a weekly paper, and had an annual reunion. Calliepian was founded in 1874. "Hoiuehold Department Regulations: The young ladies and gentlemen are not allowed to pause or loiter for conversation with each other in the Hall, Society Rooms, Dining Room, or Parlors, unless in case of special permission. Neither are they permitted to walk, ride, or correspond by letter with each accompanied by other. After evening Chapel exercises, the students are to repair immediately to their rooms for study; the study hour ending only with the ringing of the first retiring bell at nine P.M. During this time no visiting of other rooms, or loud talking is allowed, and no student is permitted to leave his floor without permission from the teacher in charge. Every student should be provided with an umbrella, and lady students with overshoes. Each one is allowed twelve articles of clothing in the weekly washing." — Commencement Calendar Senior by Thursday — Examination June Examining Committee Friday evening — Vocal and Instrumental Concert June Wednesday — Junior Examinations begin June Contests Day and Thursday — June Friday evening — Model School Exhibition June Monday evening — Lecture before June Tuesday, 8 A.M. — Alumni Meeting June A.M. — Commencement Reception Evening — — Dormitory has been occupied new 26 Since April 1875-76 1875 of 17, Class State 18, 23, Class 24, Class 25, Literary Socie- 28, ties 29, 10 Principal's "the by teachers and students, all of whom are delighted with their new home. This building is erected mainly upon the site of the one burned. It is in the form of the letter T ... It is four stories high, and is built of brick. It is heated by steam and lighted by gas throughout. It has a bountiful supply of pure, soft, spring water running into the bathrooms of which there are two on each floor." An L was added later "extending toward the river from the rear of the T. Extending across the end of this wing and 30 to the front of the building is a long piazza. This fronts the river and from it may be obtained one of the grandest views in eastern Pennsylvania." The piazza became known as on ch,aracter. is essential to the The Trustees have taken members of the Faculty should be persons of The religious teaching is evangelical, but not sectarian. Family worship is held daily. The students, care that the religious culture. their teachers, are required to attend church Sabbath morning and evening. A Bible class is held in the afternoon. The students hold prayer meetings on Thursday and Friday evenings." This was in the catalog until 1921. ( — "The prayer meetings, that have been sustained for years by the young men and young women separately, developed during the year into organizations of the Young Men's and the Young Women's Christian Association. A military company has been organized and equipped, and is drilled by an officer holding a cerificate from the United States Government. Students are not required to enter the company but those enrolled are held to the requirements of Military discipline. The advantages thus afforded to the young 1888-89 men can hardly be over-estimated." 1889-90 "General Information: Fourteen acres of campus afford ample space for lawns and athletic ground, and include a beautiful oak grove. The three main buildings are of brick. One is the dormitory', two are devoted to school work. Institute Hall" contains an auditorium on second floor capable of seating 900 persons, and on first floor six recitation rooms. contains 26 school The handsome two story Normal Hall and recitation rooms, well ventilated and abundantly supplied with light, blackboard surface and the most approved furniture. It is here that the seniors acquire the theory of and the practice in teaching." ( 'Now Waller Hall, "Now Carver Hall, ^'Now Noetiing Hall. 1890-91 "Attendance: The attendance has steadily increased through many years. The graduates may be found in positions of usefulness and influence not only throughout Northwestern Pennsylvania, but also in many remote parts of the great — ' . . . — west. The Student Lecture Course: Oct. 27 — Miss Olaf Krarer, Esquimaux lady who lectured on "Life in GreenHon. R. G. Horr, of the N. Y. Tribune, land"; Nov. 22 Peter von Finklestein on "The Labor Problem"; Jan. 16 Mamreov, a native of Jerusalem, on "City Life in Jerusalem"; Feb. 20 Hon. Wm. Blakie, of New York City, on "How The Park Sisters Concert Co. to Get Strong"; March 13 the little — — — — of Boston. The Athletic Association: An athletic association composed outdoor sports, such as baseball, tennis, football and the like, and the directors of the association have done a great deal to foster and encourage an athletic spirit in the school. The ladies have organized several walking clubs, and about one hundred of them meet the teacher of physical culture several times each week for drill in wand and dumbbell exercises. Several clay tennis courts have also been laid out and graded at great expense, and afford healthful and pleasant exercise. The strength of the baseball and football teams is well known in this section of of students, has charge of all the state. Visiting call pupils necessity. and Going Home: Parents are requested not to home during term time, except in cases of absolute Every recitation missed places the pupil at a dis- and endangers his chances of graduation. Giving permission to visit friends is equally distracting. When a visit home or elsewhere is contemplated, it distracts the mind on the day of departure, and it takes the first day after returning to get the mind back to work. This causes practically, the loss of two days in addition to the time lost while absent, and makes the pupil lose much of the benefit for which he has paid." In catalog until 1921.) iidvantage. ( — "The Gymnast 1 50 cents per week toward defraying the expenses of tuition and boarding. 899-00 B.S.N. S. Orchestra: of two girls and ten men — — "The School 1900-01 means Periodical: In recognition of the need of communication between the school and alumni a school periodical, the B.S.N.S. QUARTERLY, has been issued for the past seven years. The paper is an illustrated magazine of from 35 to 40 pages. Its editorial staff a regular of its urn: The classes of '91 and '92 have presented to the school a set of gymnastic apparatus. This consists of chest weights, intercostal machine, parallel bars, members of the faculty as well as students. The Pedagogical. Alumni, Athletic, Society and Local departments of the paper present the work of the school in each number." vaulting bars, wrist machines, flying rings, quarter circles, giant strides, boxing gloves, striking bags. etc. It makes a valuable addition to the equipment of the athletic association and adds very much to the enjoyment of the students. 1902-03 "The Chorus: A chorus is organized at the beginning of each year, affording a go' meet to hear a discussion of current political, social, and moral questions by eminent and capable speakers. At some meetings the Auditorium has been filled with an attendance of a thousand persons. A select chorus of girls' voices usually furnishes music for the occasion." — A weekly IN-NEWS 1924-25 — A double 1925-26 — Debating news 1923-24 bulletin published, called BLOOM- paper 1926-27 — The first Y.W.C.A. Uke Qub, Bloomsburg Club, (coUege news- Freshman Customs; green ribbons, black Le Circle Francais, Geography Society, First Aid Club name College at Bloomsburg — ( — education men track, baseball. 'Women Grove receive and baseball Maroon and Gold, Obiter Boy Scout and Camp Fire Girls leadership training Capella Choir — Junior Chamber General of 'WKOK, Sunbury Commerce became Business Edu- 1939-40 — Program Centennial High School later Building Authorit)- State Gymnasium, Heating Plant, Junior ( Hall), costing over 5750,000. — Soccer team had five victories, two defeats in its first ciation 19-10-41 — Civilian Pilot Training Program at local airport began (Over 100 students including three girls were trained as pilots B Club Social Service of the the stu- annual Commercial Contest for High Schools Maroon and Gold Band Kappa Delta Pi and Phi Sigma Pi chapters installed Alumni Trophy Room Color Song written High School Play Tournament sponsored by Alpha Psi Omega — Senior Play — The Copperhead Gamma Theta — 1932-33 Linoleum placed in 'Waller and North Halls Old Bloomsburg song written Intramural basketball and volleyball for men Boys' Association — Roongo A 1941-42 1 ( Husky dog Better Co-ed) — Club — Extra-curricular program began of be curtailed because BSTC was one of five colleges in the country Naval Flight Instruction School A'VP (About 250 NaNy flight instructors were trained here) to have a 1942-43 No ( — In August the Na\'y Aviation Cadet Program (V-5) began on the campus football College Council of Defense formed to take care of air raid drills. First to 1943-44 — BSTC Aid and Home Nursing classes, and service students and alumni in the armed forces In July, 1943, the Navy Officer Candidate Program ('V-12) came to BSTC. (Only 8 other colleges in the state had college this program. BSTC was the only teachers I V-5 program continued About 400 trained Trimester three sixteen week terms schedule Accelerated program Four year curriculum in three calendar ( ( college mascot) to war In September, Upsilon chapter installed Debating Club participated in intercollegiate debates Letter Qub, Philosophy Club ( co-ed York City Public Affairs Forum Alumni Centennial Exercises Girls' Association ABC Club ( — Student Council became College Council Cooperative Association of Pennsylvania State Teachers Colleges founded at a meeting here College Council sent delegates to convention of Eastern States Association of Professional Schools for Teachers, New Prom, Freshman Hop, Senior Chamber of Commerce, composed of — Junior Department dents of Commerce, sponsored 1933-34 girls Y.M.C.A. and Y.'W.C.A. merged into Student Christian Asso- 1930-31 Day and dormitory college mascot) ( Part)' Wrestling Squad 1931-32 ( season Ball Girl's II Bowling group organized Alma Mater) made First college movie Na^7 YMCA and YWCA Day for day — Roongo Soccer began in the receive credit for football, basket- tennis and Cotillion, Junior NSFA CGA Installation ceremony Publications: Sophomore President sent to cation Club Music: Double quartet (men). Girls' Glee Club. Mixed Chorus, Orchestra — Frosh Kid CGA I as college mascot convention in Boston NSFA President visited BSTC enroute to State College to speak at the convention of the Pennsylvania Association of College Students, of which a BSTC man was president 1938-39 credit for field hockey, volleyball, pinball, basket- 1929-30 edited by — Garou succeeded Roongo College May Queen College radio broadcasts over station Athletics: In addition to the required courses in physical ball Association (for business education students) chapter in- Pi Handbook now 1935-36 A First college YOU LIKE ball, Omega 1937-38 ) handbook IT presented by Dramatic Club Extra-curricular program: AS — Eight men cheerleaders Interfraternirj Council Community Government Association organized 1927-28 North Hall Student Government Association Waller Hall Student Government Association Alpha Psi Omega chapter installed Electric Cirj' Scranton and Nanticoke Clubs Maroon and Gold Dance Orchestra 1928-29 last two-year Senior Class representatives on Student Council Now Day Women's Association and Day Men's 1936-37 1927, the State Council of Education changed of the Normal School to the State Teachers 13. The He-She Party Hop, Junior and Senior Proms Interscholastic track meet Football the tion of College Students Kiwanis-Rotary-CoUege evening CGA dinks WiUces-Barre Club, Music Appreciation Club, Science Club. On May CGA stalled appeared. ) Hall Christmas Part)- for Crippled Children delegates sent to convention of Pennsylvania Associa- ^X'aller Pi THE MAROON AND GOLD Players. Two CGA 1934-35 quartette (coeducational) CGA Party and delegates sent to convention of National Student Federation of America, 'Washington, DC. Trustee-Facult)' Reception ) ( years 3J More than 90^^^ of the male members of the college were in most of the offices. Girl cheer- Obiter financed in part by profits from college canteen run by the services. Girls held leaders were introduced. Football — Two V-12 teams played each other on Homecom- ing Day Navy reams in soccer, basketball, track and baseball Navy coaches for wrestling and swimming 1944.45 Navy Ways: Reveille 6:00 A.M. Hit the deck" _ Taps 10:00 P.M. "Liberty" and "restrictions" Commando obstacle course in the Grove Cleaning up for inspection Navy Hall headquarters with bell outside and flags flying across the road Drills on the athletic field "Trainee" and other dog mascots College handbook published Navy time schedule Navy cheerleaders girls 1945-46 — A few returning more Navy men veterans, Football and soccer, mostly V-12 unit left November 1 the second semester about 500 trained here) and College Lounge opened 1946-47 Many veterans here Dames Club for Wives Penn State Liberal Arts freshmen, 72 women and men Extra-curriculars begin to function agairr Mens Glee Club, Wings Club, College Dance Band BSTC joined National Student Association 1947-48 BSTC awarded a Navy commendation bronze plaque signed by Secretary Forrestal for our three Navy training programs The first veterans graduated under the accelerated program OLYMPIAN college magazine) founded 1948-49 Penn State (Libera' Arts) freshmen again The last Penn State group here 1949-50 Most of the pre-war student activities now revived Social — Room ( — ) ( — — — ( ATHLETICS E. In the first Alumni Quarterly, printed H. Nelson and John A. over fifty years ago, addition to the faculty is Professor A. K. Aldinger, of Oil Cirj-, Penna., who is director of the new gymnasium. The trustees searched the country very carefully, desiious of securing for this position the best possible available man. They believe that in Piofessor Aldinger they have the tight man, and his populatity among the students, his enthusiasm in his work, and his excellent results, seem to bear out this opinion." latest The coming of Mr. Aldinger to Bloomsburg 56 years ago ushered in a program of organized athletic endeavor that has continued through the years. He organized athletics on a permanent basis and rnade the activities program a part of the over-all picture in teacher training. Many years after he left Bloomsburg, Mr. Aldinger told friends here that his deepest satisfaction in his work at "Old Normal" was not so much the victories of the teams he coached, but the part that athletics played in the training of good teachers. Bloomsburg had a basketball team as early as 1894. Oddly three home, three centers, enough it was composed of nine men and three goals. It was a far cry from the present-day lineup! It is interesting to note that one game was played in Williamsport where only five men could participate on a side because of the — smallness of the floor. ONE OF THE FIRST In those early years, few schools had athletic teams, and the Normal School was appears this item of interest: The Hoch COLLEGE GRID TEAMS forced to compete with teams representing Y.M.C.A.'s and various industries and factories. This was true in almost every branch of competitive athletics, but some efforts were made to schedule games with collegiate rivals. The success of this scheduling can be noted in the schedules of the '90's when names like Bucknell, Lafayette, University of Pennsylvania, Gettysburg, and Susquehanna appear frequently. The dozen with neighboring high schools, four with area athletic clubs, two with "town" teams, and the remaining three with Susquehanna University, Wyoming Seminary, and Dickinson Seminary. It was the rivalry with Wyoming Seminary over a period of forty years that featured athletics on College Hill. Some of these early teams were rated among the strongest in the state, and there were many outstanding players. One early squad featured a player with a wooden leg who was later featured in Ripley's "Believe It Or Not" column. During these pioneer days, the problem of integrating the athletic program with the school curriculum presented its ditficulties. Gradually, however, the school's athletic teams began to assume a place in the "order of the day that was as important as any in turning out worthy graduates. By 1915 there were intercollegiate teams in football, basketball, and baseball. A track team participated in several meets in 1925-26, and a cross country team was organized in 19-^0-19.M. Tennis began as an intercollegiate sport in 1927-1929 coached by the Dean of Men, John C. Koch. The team made a good record games football schedule for 1901, for example, had an even — three " war forced its discontinuance. There were wrestling teams from 19.^0 to 19.^7 coached by oif -campus men. Soccer began at B. S. T. C. in the fall of 19.^7 through the efforts of Fred Houck, who acted as player, captain, and coach. The team until the played high school teams .for practice, lost the first intercollegiate game to Susquehanna University, but defeated them in the first game played on the home field. In 19.^8-39 Coach Peter Wisher scored against it by took charge. The team scored 16 points to the 6 opposing teams of the season. Winning teams represented B. S. T. C. in the succeeding years. In 1942-43 the war made football impossible and soccer was the fall sport. It was even the main attraction at the Homecoming. .3 — in.iscot), lirM ri>w. left to right Burns, Keefer. Butts, WiUli Hoke, McGutlie, Aldinger, Pealer, Johnson. Second row Snyder, Smethers (captain). Fox, Morgan, Derr. Third row Laubach, Detwiler (manager), Jones, Bray, Aldinger (coach), Wildoner. 34 — — Outstanding intercollegiate baseball teams were coached in the period from 1934 to 1941 by Dr. E. H. Nelson, now president of the Alumni Association. His undefeated team tif 1935 banged out an even dozen victories without loss, a record not duplicated until 1949 when another Husky squad posted a perfect slate. One of Continued on page 39 COLLEGE SONGS ALMA MATER ^W P ^ rt ^^ m * ^ Words by Joseph H. Dennis tJt* ^ f^ .\J' IS35i ^ Far ABsi/erw 'Pi ^h i/>' n d: n J 5^:3:^ SusoMsB^Rtii Pt^lSftof :^ r i ^iW g P moE » 6UV)NS8 >W» Ever seaward Susquehanna Never resting flows — Ever upward, striving, climbing We Onward Bloomsburg Arr. by t^ i^^ i Mf 61V^S ,;. r —*—#1 -•J ^ it N i n Qjg AN» Tcn-irjG fo". I'm - Mr IN 4M- p-m- p J We go to furnish all ail \^ i: f, 5He does To , tz: s^ 4!^-4- * «>-•! yg T « i the games, the change. flow f IVt ^ Hot* /\Nt> GOI.D, a ? PTJOTHArouT! jhe tJilD mE g 50- ^ m m^ms E .^. '^^^ i^ f^ As I grow older I shall grow bolder And Close to too. fe^ n the v»«iui She and the other dames, go ,r|r SHE WCAK :f They all COl.LC<;e Tooy ^ ^ afe W ^3; jj Fenstemaker msm m •' HY wirg | F. fi: :S: r n HOWARD | jij You r I Myi-LABALKO. roTORE. Lire, iwe's 6<>iKtT« Bt :^=p: 2. ] ? K^ ^ m \^ ri nn i i i^ s^ /» \ ^ PP ^^ffi goes. A HULLABALOO GIRLS Old College Song v± 3T|t IJ. Far and wide though we may wander Still our hearts are true To our hilltop Alma Mater our pledge renew. MY Annie Lvle •' ' 1 ^inpi/s even. (a Air: I will hold her my shoulder. 35 OLD BLOOMSBURG Words by FRANCIS B. Music Haas • ^ ||J r J | T« m s m r-1" ^^s ^ ^ Bi oTMeR'^ f=t^ ^ i 2S r^ « \h i' ^^P« To Ft ^s 3^^ ? 7; fl* V • T '^"^ T*?RE ^R? i I IP — coco»l5 V^'l? CHeEt -^ — * s 36 Si^ ff f -t- NAMES l«T?R«:fe-Oe 0E i:.oA)£, Ta *- (* I A Cii-O 8.(ou S ^ ^ 2£3^ »XsT, NAMCJ THAT W( ,L^%J6-rrte f 'f 'fEf <3o<-p ^ ^ Howard ^^ ^^ 3^ 3£^ ^^ f=^! 5E5 55;p5 ^S ^ 5 ^^ F& XT XT ^f ff Ei/T THE" , J. ^ i ^^5^ ^ T<5<-p % i1 co<-oR3 To :t£fi[K>l mJ' ¥ p =^ 'i -i Arr. by THE V- <=o '-ORS THfl «fc< s^r Not p^ ^^ ^m W p i iizzftfi p FAil. ^ f^ ft F i ^ ^ GcTH- te cIL HO vV FoC- i ^^s e^f f ^T ^^ ^ s^ 7AA.^ ^i TX 6 AHoTrtER ^) ^^m ^ F€? ^ f H f ^ i -»-i^ ^ ^ ^ ^m Ff f^ #^ ^r^ ^f^ ^ s t^ f W p^ f¥ ff W ^ ^ i^s ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ r^ w ^ B pf I f ff B P ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ J^ ^ ^ ^ Ff "^^ ^ ^ F T^ 500 Re fbrv. ^<- M.A ANoTt+ER • icXdRY <3-^ 5: ^ -J. \ Hi^H, I'i'i s m mm i s r^iJi^jj J. l^rAt. T-aTHC » m ^ Not \k^AK ROYAL Krd Ttie Fenstemaker s s 11^ Wff » ^^ '\ F. 0)L(jQ4«"FM.ejA^?1J>'-P^ ?55 ^P=*^fV^ Be p r ^ ^ DAY* To 6oMe, ^ ^^ ^ cp uMS PnwO(.f ^ ^• J^ ^g I ''^^/^AR^.-H'^-^'-''' Howard ^ Sg m ^ ?IHAi»4jA Arr. by Tfi-^co ^^ ^ ' ^ s pt «.iT- ^ Music AND cri«|.^^we^^ -V B,,(, ^_^^^ s 3— -*-i-r^^ i Tp-5 i ^ ^ W^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ W^ m Mi P^ ^ I ^— z:^ ?• i''ii i'-l P II S P ±4 l^lf cMAfctewftcwnie nomerr fte /vjpme COLORS BRAvei-lf HoLO; p s AMH ^S iT^ f^ ^r^ '^^ r #^ To the power of the old Maroon, To the glory of the Gold, As 38 the team goes by, lift the colors high, A pledge to the faith of old. To the Men, to the Team, Of Old Bloomsburg. ^ Qai_D lo^no Txe Noa(.e cRv u/iTH to the Spirit s F-|.lAJ" Anyone who taught regularly for one year was counted as a teacher. Any other gainful occupation was classified under "Other Occupation," while the "Miscellaneous" classifications included Unemployed, Married (never having taught or been employed). Enrolled in Graduate School at the time of the Survey, or Armed Forces Service, etc. It is significant to note that the over-all picture shows the number employed has increased from 92.9% to almost 96.7%, a gain of 3.8%, which the number teaching increased from 77.2% to 88.73'"r', a net more graduates gain of 1 1.46%. This would seem to indicate that are going into teaching. Under this closing title in a doctoral dissertation (The Development of Pennsylvania State Teachers Colleges as Institutions of Higher Education, 1927-1928) pp. 194-6, President Harvey A. Andruss concluded that: Since the State Teachers Colleges are the only State-owned and institutions of higher education in Pennsylvania, state-operated during the last twenty-one years there have been a number of proposals for their use. Among them are 1 proposal to reduce, or close, a number of State Teachers colleges beginning in 1932 ) (2) arts college proposal of 1933 to restrict the area of educational influence of Teachers Colleges to the elementary field, leaving the secondary field to the private institutions; 3 ) proposal for extension centers in vocational education; (4) five-year pro( Total posal; 895' 839* 780' Community College interesting to note the * 341 ) growth and development of the sessions during the period. Regular Session 560 570 483 353 188 Post- Session ( 5 ) State Teachers Colleges to Proposal * 747" Approximately 70 ) ( 338 288 306 270 237 104 371 248 194 Total Percent The N on -Veterans 474 477 414 468 Business 557 451 PreSession 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 97 95 83 Veterans 'Djes not include Liberal Arts Freshmen It Teaching 97 Ci rail nates Elementary Secondary ( 1945-1950) 1949-50 1948-49 1947-48 1946-47 1945-46 83.40 76.56 77.24 PROPOSALS FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Enrollment (1940-1950) Size \M Business ( over-all enrollment picture of the post-war period begin- 51S 183 128 ( The Percent 95.08 207 Teaching 174 98 160 Elementary Secondary Total 336 1310 383 340 238 93 1421 1194 839 475 Higher Education; ( 7 ) of become State Colleges; President's Commission ( 6 ) on Penn.sylvania Post-High School Study. Conclusions and Prospects Organization and control factors to be developed are: 1. A re-constitution of the present State Council of Education so that this board of nine members will be laymen. One term to expire each year to insure continuity of policy. 2. Election of the State Superintendent for a term of ten years by the State Council of Education. 3. Appointment of the Presidents of State Teachers Colleges by the State Council of Education after nomination by the local Boards of Trustees and approval of the State Superintendent. 4. Appointment of Deputy Superintendent in the Department of Public Instfuction in charge of Higher Education. 43 5. Payment of all costs of instruction, operation, and new construction so that students and other sources of local income will be expected to carry the cost of books, supplies and housing board, room, and laundry ) only. personnel as school nurses, psychologists, clinicians, secretaries, etc., so that after the general pattern of curriculum is approved by the Department of Public Instruction, certification regulations shall not be applicable to subject matter course titles. 6. Providing opportunities for forty-five percent of teachers-inservice to complete their education for the bachelor's degree by special subsidies to institutions offering curricula and services particularly adapted for experienced teachers. This includes summer schools, extension courses, clinics, workshops, and other offerings yet to be 12. Extension education, laboratory school experiences, and experimental educational opportunities will be subject to the Department of Public Instruction only to the extent that there is assurance that satisfactory teachers are available for public school system of Pennsylvania. ( developed. Among Permitting purchases of goods, services, or new construction in amounts not exceeding S5,000 on basis of two or more competitive bids by local institutions. 7. 1. 2. Maintaining the identity of the individual college budgets from the time they are formulated until they are administered by local S. 3. 4. institutions. 5. Upward revision of salary schedule to encourage well-educated to seek positions in State Teachers Colbasis shall be mandatory on the part of the state. Provisions for sabbatical leaves of absence, administrative officers, definite contractual period of twelve months for some personnel and other safeguards should be included as a part of a salary schedule. 9. and widely-experienced staff leges. Increments on a yearly 10. Interpreting degrees earned, for purposes of granting increments, in terms of their relation to the held of teaching or administra- tive service. 11. To educate pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, and other the following have Proposal Proposal Proposal Proposal Proposal for Community Colleges; for Regional State Colleges; for Five Years of Teacher Education in Some Fields; for Extension Centers for Vocational Education; to Limit Offerings or Change Services and are here arranged in the order of the most desirable to the terms of the immediate steps to be taken in the interest of the youth of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. least desirable in Providing two years of general and/or technical education in the State Teachers College of Pennsylvania for worthy students would give an opportunity for choosing those who possess the intellectual attainments ing. Curricular offerings and services of the State Teachers Colleges should be a part of a general policy developed by the Department of Public Instruction the various proposals described, been mentioned: Such a plan would and personality traits necessary for teachwith the 2 plus plan for five years tie-in .t of teacher education. These are the next steps for the development of the Pennsylvania State Teachers Colleges as institutions of higher education. ALMA MATER If hurrying years have dim'd the past Or busy hfe made you deplore The joyous days of youth, let's cast A backward glance and live once more Amid the scenes which we shall greet, Let's live again with youth now here They play our games, our classes meet; "Youth must be served," give them a cheer. * Once more To 44 I * climbed the see those ivyed walls # That welcomed me, and still Fond mem'ry to me calls The forms, the voices of the past. Here at Whose "Old Bloomsburg," dear Amidst her friendly The happy days And to all pleasant lot was cast halls, recall of youth, the feel the thrill of present For here the friendly happy past days spirit stays. hill William Boyd Sutliff ALUMNI DIRECTORY NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ALUMNI Included herein are the names of those Alumni for whom we have addresses. Names of those reported as deceased have been deleted. with your NOTICE TO ALUMNI — If your name does not appear here, please send address to ALUMNI DIRECTORY. State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. it CLASS OF 1879 M. (Mrs. W. Ellen Allen. C. Bond). 14S K. M;iln .Streel, Hloomsburg, Pa. CLASS OF 1880 Cavanaugh. Maggie I.Mrs. James C. BigleyV .'/"J," Park .\veniie, rililadelphia, Pa. CLASS OF 1881 2.S1 Main Street. Catawissa. Ta. V., Dr., 339 E. Front Street, Berwick, Pa. Guie. Claudia B., Hower. Heister CLASS OF 1882 W., Seguache, Colorado. Halstead, C. M., (.Mrs. C. M. Sanders), 607 Dodge Street, Delta, Colorado. CLASS OF 1883 Conner, John G., 8 Belmont Circle. Treiiti-ii. .\ J. CLASS OF 1884 Dilly, J. Clark, Philip A., leanesville, Pa. Crago, Lizzie I.Mrs. Ji»hn T. Pctcick), 824 Delaware Street, Scranton, "Pa. Dersheimer, Bessie B. (Mrs. John Carter), 506 Keystone Avenue, Peckville, Pa. MacAniff, Michael H., 419 S. River Street, WilkesBarre, Pa. Sharpless, May, lO.^i Light Street Road, Bloomsburg, Pa. CLASS OF 1885 Mrs. G. H. Wilcox I. Kvle. .McDowell Co., \V. Va. Sallie M. Conner, William S., 120 Cypress St.. .Madera, Calif. Cole. Susie W. (.Mrs. M. H. Keogh), 191 Linden St., Rochester, X. Y. Ensminger. Martha K. (Mrs. E. A. Baxter), Pawnee, 111. Hine, Harry O., .\pt. 501, 1401 Fairmont St., N. \V. Wash., D. C. Mickey, Mary, 112 South St.. Harrisburiii. Pa. Cockill, I CLASS OF 1886 M. (Mrs. E. H. Gottschall), 951 Washington Bemhard, Ida, 2.1 E. Fifth St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Felker, Jerome C, 112 E. Market St., Lewistown, Pa. Barnes. EIHeda .-Vve., Tyrone, Pa. I.Mrs. John Ruhl), 31 S. Front St., Lewisburg, Pa. 90.; W. Market St., Pottsville. Pa. Marion A. Esq., 410-411 Majestic Bldg., Cheyenne, Wyo. Leacock, Grace A., 43 Virginia Terrace. Forty-Fort, Pa. Long. Melle .Mrs. Duval Dickson), 209 E. Front St., Berwick. Pa. Low, Elizabeth A., K No. 5. Bloomsburg. Pa. Hoffa, Hattie A. Jones, Flora B., Kline, i McCann, (Mrs. Philip Clarki. leanesville. Pa. Mrs. S. C. Jones). 735 Concord .\ve.. Drexel Hill, Pa. Murphy, Emma W. (Mrs. Thomas Main). Trvon. North Carolina Riley, Mary E. Mrs. Thomas J. Mack), 72 .\rch St., WilkesBarre, Pa. Schoch, Mary L. Mrs. M. S. McKelvy) 75 N. Market St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Snyder, Annie C. Mrs. .\nnie S. Mausteller). 425 East St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Stiles, Jennie M,, 11 E. Jefferson St., Media. Pa. Alice J. Monie, Isabell U. i I I I CLASS OF 1887 Brockway, Alice (Mrs. Clark Kashner) 1013 S. Catherine St., Bloomsburg. Pa. Martin, William E., Freeland, Pa. Mathias, Mary D. (Mrs. H. D. Hermany), 75 S. Main St., Mahanoy City, Pa. Nye, Rebecca iMr^. J. D. Lowry). 15 East Third St., Watsontown, Pa. Petty. Mary. 213 W. Second St.. Berwick. PaRichards. Florence S., 1128 Howard Ave., Pottsville. Pa. Smith. K. Maude Mrs. H. J. Fausel). Waralise Hotel, .-Mbemarle, X. C. Taylor, Charles W., Mackeyville. Pa i CLASS OF 1888 Campbell. Ellie M. Hess, Florence G. Mrs. John B. Houston) 36 S. Hickory St.. Mt. Carniel, Pa. .Mrs. X. G. Cool). 413 Irving St.. (Tulver (7ity, Calif. Kiefer, Margaret R. (Mrs. Margaret Hewitt) 65 Putnam St., Tunkhannock, Pa. Shuman, Ambrose, Dr., Catawissa, Pa. Supplee. Annie I.Mrs. J. B. Xuss). 225 W. Third St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Taylor, Mary iMr^. T. T. Tones) (>32 X. Main .\ve.. Scranton. Pa. Yetter, Ada M. (.Mrs. lohn W. Clapham), 2en. Pa. McNinch. Mary E., 256 West Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Miller, Clarence W.. Sybertsville. Pa, Miles, Julia '.Mrs. William Scanlon), 12,1 S. Tardin St., Shenandoah. Pa. Moran, Lizzie C. (Mrs. J, F, McDonnell). Fairfax Hotel. 43rd & Ix>cust. Phila. Moss. Louise Olrs. E, -\, Benson). 78 Maple .Ave.. Tunkhannock. Pa. Mumford, Minnie B. Mrs. CTias. V. Ingham). 30 Lathrop Street. Montrose. Pa. Nichols. Norma B, iMrs, Wm. L. Davis'). 812 Prescott .Ave., Scranton. Pa. Penman. Minnie G., 95 Iron St.. Bloomsburg. Pa, Powell. EliTabcth (Mrs. Elizabeth Whitman), 25 Broome St.. Binghamton. X.Y. Santee, Edna A. (Mrs. .Adam Hunlzinger), 1905 E. 20th St.. Cleveland. Ohio Stroud, Leia M. (Mrs. J. H. Vanloon). 203 Ashaland .Ave.. Bloomsfield, X. T. Sullivan, Mary E. 'Mrs, Ch^s. GilmerV 2410 X. Second St,. Harrisburg. Pa. Thomas, Hannah (Mrs. D. H Morcnn). ll.W) Hampton St.. .Scranton. Pa, Thomas, Maggie (Mrs. W. T, Beck\ 60 S, Fourth .St., Lewisburg, Pa. Walize. Arthur. Market St Harrisburg. Pa, Williams, Rurton, ^tehoooany. Pa, Williams, Eleanor (Mrs, Richard Roderick"). 65 W, t'nion St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. i I CLASS OF 1889 Mary Albertson, E. (Mrs. C. E. .\dams). 137 E. Sixth St.. Berwick. Pa. Beminger, Martha (.Mrs. Thos. W. Kydd) 2i7 W. Main St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Brown, May, LiT Willow St.. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Elias, Nettie '.Mrs. Price Thomas). Scranton. Pa. Fenstermacher, W. A., 1211 South East 52nd .\ve., Portland, Oregon Harding, Mattie, 3535 Vincent Ave., n.. Minneapolis, Minn. John, Helen B., 353 College Hill. Bloomsburg. Pa. McBride, Bell iMrs. D. Z. Men-ch). Shickshinny, Pa. McKown, M. Adelaide (Mrs. Francis Hawke) 66 W. Harrison St.. Tunkhannock Mensch, Shickshinnv, Penna. Moore. Caroline W. Mrs. L. J. H. Grossart). 424 X. 26th St., AUentown, Pa. Phillips Catharine (Mrs. Catharine Davis), Scranton, Pa. Snyder. Wm. H., 419 S. Market St.. Shamokin, Pa. Stager, L. Irene (Mrs. .\. B. Longshore). 115 Dewart St., Shamokin, Pa. Wintersteen, Bess T. (Mrs. Richard Shelly). 12 Pleasant .-Vve., Passaic, X. J. D. Z. ( CLASS OF 1890 Adams, John K. Rev.. 155 W. Third St.. Bloomsburg. Pa. Bemhard. Laura (.Mrs. E. H. Harrar) 37 E. Fifth St., Bloomsburg, Fa. Brown, Ira S., -'12 Everett Place, E. Rutherford, N. J. Fisher, Margaret E., .Nanticoke, Pa. Gallagher. Grace U. (Mrs. L. D. Bvron). 155 W. lf<8 .St., Xew York 63. X. Y. Hess, Hattie I. (Mrs. S. F. Wilson), 476 Clinton .Ave. Newark. .\. J. Lewis, Kate (Mrs J. J. Davies), 1017 Ridge Row, Scranton. Pa. Magrady, Frederick W., 501 West Ave., Mt. Carmel. Pa. Miller. J. R.. "JfH Park St.. Scranton. Pa. Mentzer. Sudie B. Mrs. J. E. Beck), 1.14 Clayton .Ave., Waynesboro, Pa. Moore. Mary A. iMrs. Tanbel) 1246 W. Main .St.. Xorristown, Pa. I Morrison, Pealer, Hannah W. B., Shenandoah, Pa. Woodin, Dr., 527 W. Diamond Ave.. Hazleton, Pa. CLASS OF 1891 Bogart. Elsie S. (.Mrs. Elsie Tettimcrl. .!435 Dcrrv Crowl, Mary K. (.Mrs. Philip CrimianI, 215 North St., St., Harrisburg. Pa. Harrisburg. Pa. I I XM . CLASS OF 1894 Carpenter St.. I'hila,, Pa. H. Brumstetter). Lycoming College, Williamsport. Pa. Beagle. Willis K., 107 Seminarv St,. Williamsport. Pa. Bell. George H.. R, Xo, 4. Spn'ngfield, Ohio Booth. Lizzie G., Brockton, Pa. Cannon, Nettie (Mrs. E. I. Moore). 74 Park Ave.. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Carr, Teresa G. 'Mrs, T. P. Coslello). 418 W, Oak St„ Hazleton. Pa. Carroll, Belinda, 52 William .St., Pittston, Pa. Abbott, Florence, 6108, Appleman, Lulu (Mrs, F, Carter, Maude, Hazleton, Pa. Corgan, Genevieve (Mrs. Richard Sheridan). 298 E. Main Davenport, Blanche, 247 E. Main St., Plymouth, Pa. St.. Xanticoke. Pa. 45 Oetrick, Flora, R. No. 1, Bloomsburg, Pa. Ellsworth, Adelaide (Dr. Adelaide Ellsworth-Weston), 500 Pine St., Jamestown, X Y Espy, Bertha, One Marbure St., Towanda, Pa. Espy, Mary L. (Mrs. Philip C. Stehlel, 612 Bridge St., Towanda, Fisher, Corinda S. (Mrs. Corinda Mayer), Sacramento, Pa. Flanagan, Anna, 205 Blackman St., WilkesBarre, Pa. Frymire, Mary L. (Mrs. Frank Kirk), Main St., Watsontown, Pa. Gaffikin, Anna, iiO State St., Xanticoke, Pa Garrahan, Margaret, College Misericordia, Dallas, Pa. Gemcn, Minnie, 1002 Columbia St., .Scranton, Pa. Gibson, Maude A. (Mrs. C. A. Diefendorfer), Moosic, Pa. Grimes, Byron J., 831 Oak Hill Ave.. Hagerstown, Md. Hart, David A., K. No. 2. Wapwallopen, Pa. Hehl, Minnie (.Mrs. I. \V. Buckl, 458 Market St.. Bloomsburg, Pa. Hess, Daisy (Mrs. 6. Z. Kunzel, 59 Farley Ave., Newark, N. J. Pa. Hubler, Harry C, SOI Meats Bldg., .Scranton, Pa. Hughes, Sarah J.. ,vl Summer Ave., Scranton, Pa. Johns, Ben M. Rev., Wilmington, Del. Johnston, Bertha L. (Mrs. John J. Kelly), 23 N. Laurel St., Hazleton, Pa. Jones, Hannah, .Nanticoe, Pa. Kline, Mary, Bloomsburg, Pa. Lynch, Bessie C. (Mrs. John Redington), Hotel Redington, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Mahon. Josephine (Mrs. T. L. McGraw), 525 Monroe Ave., Scranton, Pa. Mandeviile, Mollie E. (Mrs. G. S. Wilsey), R. No. 3, Franklin, Pa. McLaughlin, Anna (.Mrs. M. T. Burgin), 622 Fifth St., N. E. Wash., D. C. Minnich, Meda E. (Mrs. R. H. Smith). Sybertsville, Pa. Munroe, Euphemia, X. Clturch St.. Hazleton, Pa. Nesbit, Edith M., 131 Maple St.. Milton. Pa. Palmer, Maggie, 3l6 W. Center St.. Shenandoah, Pa. Pfahler, Geo. E. Dr., 1930 Chestnut St., Phila.. Pa. uinn, Bridget Cecelia (Mrs. J. E. Keough), St. Xavier. Mont. Rassier, Mary, 3.^(1 W. Coal St., .Shenandoah, Pa. Ruddy, Lizzie V., .Miners Mills, Pa. Scanlon, Hannah (Mrs. Hannah Dalton), 419 W. Atlantic St., Shenandoah, Pa. Schappert, Carrie (Mrs. Peter Forve), 112 X. Main St.. Wilkes-Barie, Pa. Sterling, Bessie, 115 E. Oak St.. Pittston, Pa. Sterner. L. P. 9 Rvers .Ave.. Cheltenham, Pa. Straw, Anna M. (.Mrs. C. C. Smith), 733 Wyoming Ave.. Kingston. Pa. Sutliff, Fred Dr., 1901 Cayuga St., Phila., Pa. Turner, Bess J. (.Mrs. Thomas Howell), 237 Mowry St., Danville. Pa. Yocum, S. C, "25 Orange St.. Shamokin, Pa. Houtz, Alfred B., 125 loth Avenue, X.E.. St. Petersburg, Fla. Hughes, Edward, 753 X. Main Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Hughes, Stella M. (Mrs. Irvin Davis), 4211 Kissenas Blvd., Flushing. N.Y. Jones, Martha (.Mrs, S. F. Saums), 118 Warren Street, W. Pittston, Pa. Kistner, Charlotte (Mrs. Wm. H. Ladewick), 85 Court Street, Saratoga Springs, X. V, Kitchen, Florence (Mrs. Clinton FoUmer), Pasco, Wash. Knox, Elizabeth S., 259 Boas Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Lins, Florence (.Mrs. D. W. Arndt), 15 East Water Street, Lock Haven, I'a. Lodge, Margaret, 261 Green Street, Mifflinburg, Pa. May, Inez, ^s .S, Main Street, Mahanoy City, Pa. Miller, Charles W., 5173 Hallwood Avenue, Riverside, Calif. Miller, Elizabeth (Mrs. Frank Eyer), 266 Mirror Lake Dave, St. Petersburg, Fla. Monahan, Rose, 440 Carey .-Vvenue, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Moore, Mary V., 3021 McElderrv Street. Baltimore, Md. Moran, Julia C. (Mrs. Will Gritman). 242 N. Washington Street. Wilkes-Barre Morse, Gertrude (Mrs. Frank H. Strouss), 207 West Third St., Mt. Carmel. Pa. Moyer, Alvin, Xcscopeck, Pa. Moyer, Mira, lilonmsburg. Pa. Muir, Alice, Ids Chestnut Street, Shamokin. Pa. Muir, Gertrude (Mrs. J. T. Ramage). S3 Third Street, Bluefield, W. V'a. Nance, Ethel V. (.Mrs. G. Walter Chambers), (fl2 E. River Street, Anderson, S.C. Oliver, Gertrude (Mrs. Ed. Saums), 280 E. Northampton Street, Wilkes-Barre Rees, Gertrude (Mrs. Ray W. Hartman), 1113 W. Front Street, Berwick, Pa. Reimensnyder, Daisy (Mrs. I. R. Teitsworth). Wyoming .\venue, Kingston, Pa. Rosser, Jane, South Maple Avenue, E. Orange. N. J. Ruggles, Emma Mrs. Starr), 56 Walnut Street, Forty Fort, Pa. Seely, Minnie (Mrs. John W. Thomas) 222 E. Seventh Street, Berwick, Pa. Sharpless, Julia (Mrs. Wm. Eagerly), 165 East Walnut Lane, Germantown, Pa. Shoemaker, Bertha (Mrs. Wm. Harris), 373 William Street, Edgemere Hotel, Ea^t Iranpe. X. J. Shuman, Warren (Dr.), Jersey Shore, Pa. Smethers, Dr. A. L., 612 E. River Street, Anderson. S. C. Smith, Mida D., 743 W. Clinton Street. Elmira. X. Y. Stark, Charlotte H., 175 Madison Street, Wilkes Barre, Pa. Swartz, Myrtle (Mrs. Frank VanWie), Burdett, N. Y. Trevaskis, Anna (Mrs. N. C. Klinetob), 519 E. Eighth Street, Berwick. Pa. Vance, Bessie (Mrs. Willis M. DeMott, Millville. Pa. VanLoan, Lenore, 12 Amsby Street, Binghamton, X. Y. Wilson, Jessie (.Mrs. Geo. Stewart). Beirut. Svria Winter. Rachel i:Mr^. S. T. Pratt). 270 E. Broad Street. Xanticoke, Pa. Yost, Mabel G. (Mr^, Oiarles H. Hall). 551 Montgomery Avenue, West Pittston Zehner, S. Elizabeth (Mrs. Harry E. Keiper), Rock Glen, Pa. 'J ( , ( CLASS OF 1897 ClASS OF 1895 Andreas. Margaret (Mrs. Jos. Lindsay), 624 Front St., Fveeland, Pa. Birtley, Nettie (.Mrs. Emil C. Xiemcycr), .Mt. Olive, 111. Blandford, Jennie (Mrs. John E. Morris), 101 Washington Ave., Edwardsville. Pa. Bloss, Nathan W., R. Xo. 1, Wapwallopen, Pa. Derr, Charles W., 205 Sunbury Street, Riverside. Pa. Derr, Annie F. (Mrs. Benjamiiie \ansant). Turbotville. Pa. Detwiler, Mary, (Mrs. F. E. Bader), 163 Main Street, PhoenixviUe, Pa. Dougher, Lizzie, .Vvoca, Pa. Downey, Mary L., (Mrs. Sheeky), 1324 West Hunting Park Avenue, Phila., Pa. Durkin, Julia M., 126 S. Church Street, Hrzleton. Pa. Eckroth, Dr. Howard B., Mill Street. Danville. Pa. Evans, May, (-Mrs. J. J. John), 214 W. Main Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Everett, Mary (Mrs. Eugene Carpenter^ 664 Church Lane, Yeadon, Pa. Fassett, Fred E., Wvalusing, Pa. Ferguson, Marie (Mrs. G. W. Scott), 351 West Avenue, Mt. Carmel, Pa. Follmer, Anna (Mrs. O. G. Hess), Warren Street. Taft, CaHfornia Gaf^kin, Katherine, Xanticoke. Pa. Gallagher, Genevieve, (Mrs. Wm. Mundy), 1112 Wyoming Ave.. Pittston, Pa. E. Jefferson Street, Detroit, Michigan Gilbert, Laura (Mrs. Chajles Kline). 347 Pine .Street, Catawissa, Penna. Second and James Street, Hazleton, Pa. Singley), Goyne, Minnie (Mrs. Wilbur Hehl. M. Theresa (Mrs. E. B. Holmes). 128 West Fourth St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Misericordia, Dallas. Pa. College Herron, Mary (Sr. Mary Eulalia), Jacobosky, Rosa, 211 S. Main Street. Wilkes Barre. Penna. H. Colley), 236 Reynolds Street, Kingston, Pa. Jacobs, Ada M. (Mrs. Jones, Hattie W. (Mrs. D. John Price). 119 X. Jardin Street. Shenandoah. Pa. Laubach, Merit L., 104 South 2l5t Street, Terre Haute, Indiana Gallagher, Dr. James U., 11410 Wm. Lenahan, Agnes (Mrs. Frank Brown), 191 S. Washington St.. Wilkes-Barre Pa. Lesher, Elizabeth (Mrs. Thomas Dunham), Northumberland, Pa. Lewis, Harry J., Trevorton, Pa. Love, Margaret (Mrs. W. H. Erower), 337 E. Main Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Lowrie, Mary (Mrs. Highbee), 31 Main .Street, Watsontown. Penna. McHenry, Lulu M. (Mrs. W. A. Schlingman). 115 Carey .\ve.. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Mackie, Ruby (Mrs. Byron G. Vanhorn) 22 Engle Street, Englewood, X. J. Malloy, Bina (Mrs. Edward J. Ryan), 113 W. Pine Street, Mahanoy City. Pa. Meyers, Stella G., 553 Locust Street, Hazleton. Penna. Morgan, Mamie E., 427 South Main Avenue, Scranton, Penna. Mover, Sara (Mrs. S. M. BrayX 481 Bnck Street. Hellertown. Pa. Nichols. Florence (Mrs. G. F. McGu're). 497 Wyoming Avenue. Wyoming, Pa. Norman, Geor<»e, Box S. Fairvi'le. Penna. Pendergasl, Mar", 918 Xorth Sixth Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Readier, Calvin P., R. D. Nescopeck. Pa. Richards, Anna C. (.Mrs. A. G. Isaacs). 317 Clay Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Romberqer, Martha (Mrs. Simon Fickinger). Elizabethville. Pa. Roth, Edward, 335 West Main Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Sharpless, Julia (Mrs. Wm. Fegley), 165 E. Walnut Lane. Germantown. Pa. Sidler, Anna (Mrs. P. M. Ikeler). R. D. No. 2. Danville. Pa. Smith, Nellie L (.Mrs. T. C. Sweffenheiser). W. 4th Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Stauffer, Claude M., (M9 Highland Avenue, Bethlehem, Pa. Swalm, Florence, 929 Line Street. Sunbury. Pa. Swank, William W., 27 Dorrance Street, Kingston, Pa. CLASS OF 1896 Barton, Harry S., Bloomsburg. Pa. Bell, Mary F. (Mrs. W. Ferguson). .Scobey. Mont. Best, J. Sluman, Idaho Central Building No. 25. Idaho Falls, Idaho Bowman, Vida (Mrs. P. L. Drum), 415 Warren .-\venue. Kingston, Pa. Boyer. Charles L, 432 Market Street, Lewisbiirg. Pa. Capwell, Minnie (Mrs. F. M. Stark). 821 Bushkill Street. Easton. Pa. Carpenter, Harriet, 404 Center Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Carpenter, Helen, 404 Center Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Carter, Nellie, Hazleton. Pa. Casey, Tillie (Mrs. E. J. Pursell), 345 W. Highland Avenue, Lakeland, Fla. Chase. Marion (Mrs. R. E. Xeumeyer), 452 X^. Xew Street, Bethlehem, Pa. Cope, Hettie (Mrs. Whitney), 3310 Avalon Road, Shaker Heights 20, O. Drum, Nora, Drums, Pa. Duggan. Nellie, Nicholson. Pa. Eason, Louise (Mrs. T. Hefferman), Marion Apts., N. Franklin Street, WilkesBarie. Pa. Fox, J. Sharpless, 5617 Dorchester .\venue, Chicago, 111. Gable, Harry, Hamburg, Pa. Garrison, Gertrude, 108 N. Vaughn Street. Kingston. Pa. Gernon, Cora (Mrs James W'vnkoop), 1002 Columbia Ave., Scranton, Pa. Good, Luella (Mrs. Harry Polkamus), 85 W. Dorrance Street, Kingston. Pa. 46 Appleman. Charles O. Beishline, 400 Calvert Road. College Park. Md. V. (Mrs. W. F. Thomas), 820 New Street, Bethlehem, Pa. J., 126 S. CTiurch .Street. Hazleton, Pa. B. (Mrs. Walter). 2416 Kensington Ave., Apt. 2 Nashville, Tenn. Amy Bonner, James (Dr.). Bodmer, Susan Brace, John S., K, 1). Xo. 2. Tunkhannock, Pa. Brown, Dr. Harry A., Lehman, Pa. Brugler. Martha T. (-Mrs. Harrv Creasv), 153 Caroline \. Dailey, ! Street, Saratoga Springs, Elizabeth (Mrs. George Curran), 60 Gaylord Avenue, Plymouth, Pa. Davis, Bess, 24 S. Washington Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Dix, Vertie K. (Mrs. Tames H. Fuller"), 1657 Capouse Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Eckroth, May B. (Mrs. H. L. Shannon). Mifflinville. Pa. Edmunds, Miriam (Mrs. C. H. Rohlands), 9 Mount Greenwood Road, Trucksville, Pa, Edwards, Anna (Mrs. P. H. Conner), 85 \'an Leew Avenue, Mellbourn, X. J. Gelnett, Harvey, Swineford, Pa. Gilchrist, Jessie, 41 S. Richmond Avenue, Atlantic City, X. J. Good, Mary, W.iowallopen, Pa. Headings, Amy (Mrs. W. J. McXitt), Milroy. Pa. Hess, Dr. D. M., Washingtonville, Pa. Houck, George W., 218 S. Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Huber, Dora 1. (Mrs. Ely). 558 X. Vine Street, Hazleton, Pa. James, Anna (Mrs. James Jones), II Oay Street, LeRoy, X'. V. James, Elizabeth, Darling P. O., Delaware County, Pa. Johnson, Louie H., 54 King Street, Northumberland, Pa. Keiper, Maud Mrs. James W. Hough), 29 N. West Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Kelly, Bertha, "11 W. Elm Street, Scranton, Penna. Kressler, Samuel, Berwick. Penna. Leaw, Grace Paul (Mrs. Charles Miller). 5173 Hallwood .\ve.. Riverside, Calif. Lendrum, Grace (Mrs. John H. Coxe), 12 X. Pleasant St., Norwalk, O. Lloyd, Carrie B. (Mrs. George Gellatt), Thompson. Pa. ( Low, Zerbin, ( irangeville. Lowrie. Blanche, Martin, Eva, 740 21 Main Pa. Street, Watsontown, Pa. W. Diamond Avenue, Hazleton, Pa. McCullough, Emily (Mrs. John Landis) 401 S. Market Street, Mechanicsburg, Pa. McLinn, Ada M. (Mrs. Robert D. CHare), Shirley Court Apts., Box 204, Upper Darl.v, Pa, Meixell, Mae, 225 E. Second Street. Berwick, Pa. Menzies, Jean (Mrs. Frank L. Scott), Linstead on the Severn, Severna Park, M,l Moyer, Elizabeth (Mrs. H, R, Kreider), 3902 Homewood Avenue, Toledo. O. Moyer, Mabel, 370 West Third Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Munro, Foster C, Latrobe. Pa. Ohl. Rev. Arthur C, 206 Jlain Street. Traope. Md. Pettibone, Leonora L., 936 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort, Pa. Prutzman, Minnie E. (Mis. J. B. Robinson), 134 N. Jefferson .\ve., .-Mlentown Richards, Kiler, .Mderson, Pa, Robison, Bessie (Mrs. Jno. D. Butzner), 1713 Sunken Road, Fredericksburg, Va. Rollison, Ora (^Irs. Ralph W. Sands), .307 Maple Avenue, Hawley, Pa. Rosser, Richard, 26 Pierce Street, Kingston, Pa. Sands, Ralph W., 307 Maple .-Avenue. Hawlev. Pa. Savidee, Mary E. (Mrs. .\bram E. ColvinV Fourth & Lincoln St.. Milton. Pa. Seely, Leslie B., .5918 Pulaski Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Seelv, Mary, 208 Pine Street, Berwick. Pa, Smith, Isabel (Mrs. Thomas York), 118 West Avenue. Mt. Carmel. Pa. Umstead, Nora (Mrs. Hendrickson). R. D., Danville. Pa. Von Dorster, Herbert R., Sunbury. Pa. Veale, Mary E. (Mrs. Thomas Probert). 334 E. Elm Street, Hazleton, Pa. Welliver, Curtis, 230 E. Fourth Street. Berwick, Pa. Welliver, Theodosia (Mrs. J. H. Hackett). 216 Race St.. Sunbury. Penna. Wetterau, Matilda (Mrs. Tames Pennington). 1103 W. State St.. Trenton, X. J. WUIiams, Mary J. (Mrs. Edward S. Gething), 139 E. Broad St.. Xanticoke, Pa. Williams, Ruth (Mrs. Robert J. Henry), 6600 N. Seventh St., Oak Lane, Phila. Wilson, Elsie, llartleton. Pa. CLASS OF 1898 Armstrong, Margaret (Mrs, D, R, Danit-K) 94 Bedford Street, Forty Fort, Pa. Bachman, Florence E., .127 Kidder Street. Wilkes Barre, Pa. Balliett, Blanche P., 639 Market Street, Williamsport, Pa. Barrett, Margaret, Carlisle Street. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Bennetts, Katharine Ivey, 418 Bloom Street. Danville. Pa. Bentzel, Flora Bell, 1009 X. Second Street. Harrisburg. Pa. Brader, Laura Adaline (Mrs. C. J. Shaffer), 504 E. Fifth St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Broadbent, Henry, 1415 Xew York Avenue, X. W., Washington, D. C. Burke, Margaret, Tinlon .-\ve. ,S; E. 161st Street, Xew York City. Butts, Henry T., I'hiin*. Pa. Cherrington. Ira C, MA X. Fulton Street, .Mlentowii. P:i. Coleman, Katherine L. (Mrs. H. Anwyll). IJI Pine Street, Harrishurg, P:i Collins, Margaret (.VIi>. J. P. Rolicrtsl. 906 E. Maliinung St., Punxsutawney. I'a. Conner, Frances R., (Inuclu-r CulleKe. Baltimore, Md. Dawson, Blanche G., 10,i K. Hamilloii Street, State College, Pa. Davies, Hannah E. (Mrs. lohn M. Hough), 21 W. Centre Street, Shenan Third Street, Watsontown, Pa. Seely, Bertha Viola, K. D. Xo. 1, Berwick, Pa. Shepherd, Minnie M., (Mrs. E. E. Wertman), Flagler Apts.. W. !';ilni Beach, Fla. Shipe, Amos E., .Sunbury, Pa. Simon, Anna, JS4 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, X. Y. Smith, Stuart Samuel, 347 Second Street, Northumberland, Pa. Stumpf, Catharine A., S29 Church Street. Hazelton, Pa. Swank, Clara M., Wapwallopen, Pa. Thomas, Cora S. (Mrs. F. D. Burgess), 77 James Street, Hazleton, Pa. Tobin, Mary B., (Mrs. Pitner), 17S6 Columbia Road, Wash., D. C. Weaver, Charles H., 515 S. River Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Williams, Joyce, (Mrs. Evans), Wyoming, Pa. Krum, CLASS OF 1899 Bowman, Emory L, 620 Oglethorpe Street. X. W.. Wash., D. C. Burns, Benjamin F., 182 Orange Street, Xortliumberland, Pa. Carpenter, Perry A., Rochester High School. Rochester, N. Y. Church, Lillian (Mrs. .Sydney Dearborn), Waverly, Pa. Creasy, Charles, Catawissa, Pa. Creveling, Bessie, 714 East Third Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Curtis, Edith, 4112 Summit Avenue, Westfield, N. J. Conlan, Veronica (Mrs. (George Holliday), 3217 Garner Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. Dennis, Lindley H., 1010 \'ermont Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. Ellsworth, Minnie, Sliavertown, Pa. Dodson, Martha E., R. D. Xo. 1. Berwick, Pa. Flick, Carrie (Mrs. I. C. Redline). R. D. Xo. 5, Bloomsburg, Pa. Fortune, Margaret (Mrs. C. L. Eves), 1936 X. Park Avenue, Phila.. Pa. Fritz, F. Herman, 4 East Parkway Avenue, Chester, Pa. Gager, E. Prosper, R. D. Xo. 1. Allendale, X. T. Gass, Hilda S. (Mrs. Smith), 49 Tenth Street, Sunbury, Pa. Griffith, Nellie (Mrs. tiay), 53 Vaughn Street, Kingston, Pa. Hankee, Mae .Mrs. J. J. Brandon), 215 Montgomery Avenue. W. Pittston. Pa. Harrison, Minnie (Mrs. E. P. Gager), R. D. No. 1, Allendale, X. .T. Hart, Lloyd, 513 East Fourth Street. Berwick, Pa. Heist, Mabel (Mrs. Henry Clayberger). Edison Villa, Apt. 1-A, Stockton, Calif. Hess, Oliver P., 415 South Street. DuBois, Pa. Hidlay, Lillian (.Mrs. Herbert W. Scott), 4.i7 East Third Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Hollopeter, Cunia (.Mrs. H. M. Persing). 7631 Gilbert Street, Phila. 19, Pa. Hughes, Laura (.Mrs. Richard Lewis), 307 X. Summer Ave., .Scranton, Pa. Keeler, Ray, Be^iton, Pa. Kiefer, Charles, 517 Washington Avenue. Walla Walla. Wash. Kohl, Bessie (.Mrs. Wm. Park), 510 Towanda Street, White Haven, Pa. Latimer, Emily, 62 S. Sherman Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Laubach, John, Carter, Choteau County. Mont. Lutz, Jennie B., 133 Herr Street, Harrisburg, Pa. McHenry, Arthur R., 376 Parker Avenue. Buffalo. N. V. Miller, Lulu (.Mrs. John Hower). 1924 Holland Avenue. Utica. .X. V. Morris, Gertrude, 130 East 67th Street, New York City. Morton, Jennie E. (Mrs. Harry Wildrick), 85 X. Vaughn Street, Kingston, Pa. Mitchell, Mary A. (Mrs. Charles Vermorel), 1000 Park Street. Hollywood. Fla. Nyce, S. (Mrs. C. C. Ellis), Juniata College, Huntington, Pa. Oldfield, Sarah E., Hawley, Pa. O'Malley, Sadie (Mrs. Thomas F. Hanahue), 530 Clay Avenue, .Scranton. Pa. Pace, James W., Lee Park, Hanover Twp.. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Pettibone, Elizabeth H. (.Mrs. E. B. Gregory), 116 Linden Street. W. Pittston. Pa. Price. J. Herbert, 210 Browning Road, Collingswood, N. J. Quick. William J., 526 Fairmont Street. Westfield, N. J. Redline, John C, R. D. .No. 5, Bloomsburg, Pa. Reynolds, Bessie, .South Gibson. Pa. Rhoads, Ray .Mrs. Thomas Flanagan), 3211 W. Penn Street, Germantown, Pa. Richards, Eugene K., Elysburg, Pa. Roberts, Emma (Mrs. B. C. Severance), 107,34 Lindbrook Drive, Los Angeles, Calif. Sandoe, Anna .Mrs. J. C. Hake), 207 S. Connecticut Avenue, Atlantic City, X. J. Shaffer, Rush, R. D. No. 4, Danville. Pa Shuman. Matilda (Mrs. Benjamin Barndt). Bloomsburg, Pa. Smith. Jennie C. (Mrs. Clinton C.uillotl. Bushkill. Pa. Smith, Mary E. (.Mrs. S. B. Slusser). R. D. Xo. 1. Xescopeck. Pa. Sullivan. Joanna. SOS Mulberry .Street, Scranton, Pa. Vallade, Julia H., 1102 Sixteenth Avenue. .Mtoona, Pa. Welliver, Edna (Mrs. Burton Fortner), 232 Leonard Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Williams, Irene (Mrs. Wm. A. Evans), :f-,2 .N. Hanover Street, Pottstown, Pa. Yearick, Harry F., 2419 Herr Street. Harrisburg. Pa. i Emma i ( CLASS OF 1900 Albert. Mary E. (Mrs. J. V. Glenn). Ill Chestnut Street, Berwick, Pa. Appenzeller, Emily, 8 W. Front Street, E. Mauch Chunk, Pa. Beagle, Jennie (Mrs. W. C. LeachI, 432 S. Mc.-\rthur Street, Macomb, 111. Beiswinger, Minnie (Mrs. lohn .Armslrong). 64 Wood Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Bogenrief, Mary (Mrs. Leslie Seelv), .WIS Pulaski .-\venue, Phila., Pa. Bontz, Edna (.Mrs. Ralph Hassler), 198 Hilf Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Boyle, Mary, 137 S. Wyoming Street, Hazlelon, Pa. Brandon, W. Clair, Stockton, .Md. Buck, Louisa (Mrs. David Lewis), .Millport. Pa. Burgess, Lottie (Mrs. Harry Maue), 513 W. Diamond Ave., Hazleton, Pa. Butts, Ida (.Mrs .Morse), 35 X. Walnut Street, Mt. Carmel. Pa. Bywater, Anna, 254 N. Main .Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Carl, George W., .-Xshland, Pa. Clark, Mary J. (Mrs. Wilmer Hunter), R. I). Xo. 2, Lambert sville. .N. J. Confer, Clyde, R. 1), No. 1. Watsontown, Pa. Cope. A. P., I'lilcksviUe, Pa. Cortright, Lawrence, 2935 .Nicholas Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Costello, Michael, 1428 W. .\rch Street, Shamokin, Pa. Cummings, Josephine M., .t(o2 Brisbane Street, Paxtang, Harrisburg, Pa. Davis. Bessie (Mrs, Robert II. Carson). 812 X. Main Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Dietrick, Charlotte I., 225 S. .Maple Street, Mt. Carmel, Pa. Devers, Sallie V., 22i Ejist Coal Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Ent, Minnie E. (.Mrs. Ross Marley), Liberty Street. Bloomfield. .N. J. Evans, Elizabeth (.Mrs. Arthur Eves). South Range, Wis. Fausold, Grace (Mrs. llarncr), R. D. Xo. 2, T.atrobe, Pa. Feidt, Alice, 2.!6 North Street, .Millersburg, Pa. Finnigan, Kate I., 20 S. Gilbert Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Furman, Clora G., 221 West Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Gloman, Caroline, 22 Carlisle .Street. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Gordner, Lillian M. 'Mrs. Cieorgc Baker). 265 W. Main Street, Moorcstown, -N. J. Gorrey. Katherine (.Mrs. Thomas Carlin). 444 VanBurcn Street, Gary, Ind. Greismer, Anna M., 29 William Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Harris, Frank C, ( )rangeville. Pa. Harris, Sara (.Mrs. A. E. Chipman), Seaford, Del. Harvey, Ellen (.Mrs. W. Zimmerman), .576 N. Vine Street, Hazleton, Pa. Hassler, Blanche (.Mrs. E. F. Cowell). 16 Mallcry Place, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Henderson, Carolyn (Mrs. John Hourigan), N. Main Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Hoffman, Katharine, 538 .\. .Ninth Street, Lebanon, Pa. Holderman, Bertha A., 116 X. Jackin Street. Shenandoah. Pa. Housel, Grace (.Mrs. Church), 141 West First Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Hughes, Mary O. (.Mrs. Walter Garmanl, 605 Fourth Street, W. Pittston, Pa. Isaacs, Albert G., 317 Clay Avenue, Scranton. Pa. Jones, Elsie E„ c/o Talgren, Willow Street. Plymouth, Pa. Jones. Helen (Mrs. Mainwaring), 67 E. Pettebone Street, Kingston, Pa. John, Mary A. (Mrs. J. O. Heritage). Mullica Hill. .N. J. Keifer, Harry, R. D. Xo. 5, Bloomsburg, Pa. Kester, Mary (Mrs. Howard .Shoemaker), Williamstown, N. J. Killmer, Miles, i.l Crest Drive, South Orange, X. J. Kirk. Julia, 115 W. Coal Street. Shenandoah, Pa. Kitchen, Lena M. (Mrs. John Bateman), Elwell, Mich. Klingerman, J. E., R. I). Xo. 1. Winchester. Virginia Kramer, Emma (.Mrs. Walter Andrews), 431 E. Washington St.. Slatington. Pa. Landis, S. B., 4912 .N. Sinedley Street, Phila., Pa. Lewis, Edna (.Mrs. I. R Jones), 716 S. Main Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Lins, Olive A., 12020 Lake Avenue. Suite 504 Lakewood 7. Ohio Lowrie Anna (Mrs. T. C. Welles). .52 Main Street. Watsontown. Pa. MacCrory. Louise (Mrs. E. P. Corty), 1418 OHvc Street, Scranton, Pa. McConnell, Ruth, 21 Ross Slieet, Ashley, Pa. Miller, Mary M. (Mrs. J. H. Oliver). 746 Webster Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Monahan, Margaret, Spring Street, Ashley. Pa. Monahan, Nora A., 440 Carev Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Mowery, Guy A., Dnnville. Pa. (R. D. Xo. 4). Moyer, Ulysses A., Huntingdon, Pa. O'Brien, Anna D., 93 Dana Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Oliver, Joseph Hayden, 746 Webster Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Powell, Emma, 125 South West Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Reckhow, Edith, Great Bend, Pa. Ritchie, Nellie, Corner of Madison and Beaumont Streets, Wilkes-Barre. la. Robert, Jane, l(fl East Broad St., Nanticoke, Pa. „ o, j i n Schmidt, Mary M. (Mrs. Charles Knapp), 120 South White St., Shenandoah, Pa. Seesholtz, Leona (Mrs. W. C. VVenner), Stillwater, Pa. Shuman, Alda (Mrs. George Xelson), Box 215, Los Xetos, tahf. Smith, Laura, ,f25 .South Street. Mauch Chunk, Pa. Snyder, Glenmore N., 211 Eighth Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Solomon, Anna (Mrs. A. P. Rubrecht). 705 N. 63rd Street. Philadelphia, la. Speaker, Grace G. I.Mrs. William Wilkinson), Newark, Del. Tobias, Raymond, 33-.!5 East Third Street. Mt. Carmel, Pa. Treon, Carrie, 337 West Third Street, Mt. Carmel. Pa. Turner, George W., 61 Shoemaker Street, Forty Fort, Pa. Vincent, Elizabeth L., 4001 19th Place, X. E., Washington, D. C. Wallace, Carolyn (Mrs. Harrv Harman), Roycroft Blvd., .Snyder. N. i. Watkins, William H., 23 South 61st Street, Philadelphia, Pa-. Welliver, Irene (Mrs. Oliver Klingerman). Jefferson Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Wiehtman. Phoebe (Mrs. A. F. John), 221 West Avenue, Mt. Carmel. Pa. Williams. Mary (Mrs. .-Vrtliur Llovd). 4.56 Market Street. Kingston. Pa. Zehner, Lydia (Mrs. F. A. Shuman). R. D. No. 3, Bloomsburg. Pa. . CLASS OF 1901 Abbott. Esther (Mrs. Benjamin Keist). Catawissa, Pa. Aikman, H. B., Lime Ridge. Pa. Albert, Keller B., Box 764, Reading, Pa. Albertson, E. Joe, !i04 Xelson .\venue. Peeksklll, X.\ ,, „ la. Altmiller, Adele G. (Mrs. George Burkhardt). 154 S. Cedar Street, Hazleton. Baker. Gerdon, 1250 Wyoming Avenue, Forty Fort, Pa. Bitlenbender, Harriet, 405 Pine Street, Berwick. Pa. Brobst Lucy H. (Mrs. l.ucv Kline). 225 West Third Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Burke, Anna, The Cnivdon, 12 East 86th Street. New York 25. N. \. Burns, Genevieve, 321(. X. Fourth Street, Harrisburg, Pa. „ Challenger, Mary (.Mrs. Tohn Griffith). 100 W. Main Street. Nanticoke. Pa. Conaton, Mary, 130 S. Main Street, Carbondale. Pa. Cook, Freda, 1725 I.eishman .\venuc, Arnold. Pa. Pa. Creveling, Evelyn (Mrs. Charles Shuman). 214 X. Front Street, Sunbury, Davis, Clarence J., Clavton Road. Concord. Calif. Dennis. John A., 1821 \Vest Ninth Street, Upland, Calif. Dreisbach, Martha, 7208 Hazel Avenue. Upper Darby, Penna. Ebner, Mary C. (.Mrs. C. C. Groffl. 2255 N. Fifth Street. Harrisburg. Pa. . , . , , "., Tunkhannock, Pa. Eggleston, Daisy F., ,,,.., „ „ BarrcP.i. Flanagan, Mary R. (Mrs. McDcrmott), 210 Blackman Street, \\ likesEdwards, N. ^ Follmer, Gertrude (Mrs. A. T. Lowry), c/o St. Joseph Lead Co., Sixth Street, Harrisburg, Pa. (Mrs Harrv Grant), 2201 North Funk, Marcaret „ ,. , Funk, N. Elwell, 15211 .Spruce Street. Philadelphia, la. Pa. Inkerman, Street. (.4 Main Lizzie, Gannon, 1 a. Gilbert, Ida, 21S West Fifth Street. Hazleton Gormley, Margaret, 1.59 S. Wyoming Street, Hazleton, la. Hamlin, Sarah, 541 Mill Street, Catawissa, Pa. Harrison, Minnie M. (.Mrs W. M. Chambers). Ardmore Pa Henkleman. Augusta B., 5518 S.inthwick Street, Bethcsda. Md. Jacobs, Mary, 5'in .Main Street. Kingston. Pa Jones, Martha A., West Main Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Washington, Kastrupps. Anna (Mrs. George Cassidy), 4219 River Road, X. W.. . M ( ]) Kintner! Ruth C. (Mrs Pittsburgh. Pa. Lams, William Larrabee, . T D. , Parrack), Cathedral Mansions. Ellswarble Ave., R., 2524 Walnut Street, Allentov.-n Pa 24 2047 Kakela Drive, Honolulu 24, Louise, Ha 47 Laubach, Dr. Frank C, 15b Fifth Avenue, New York 10, N. Y. Lawrence, Eva B.. 117 Chestnut Street, Narberth, Pa. Lesher, Helen G. (Mrs. David Frederick), Pottsgrove, Pa. Mengle, Orabel (Mrs. Samuel O. Rarick), Barnesville, Pa. Merrell, Ernest, K. D. No. 2. Bloomsburg, Pa. Morgan, Gertrude (Mrs. Edwin \V. Northb.v). 242 Watson Street, E. Akron Ohio O'Donnell, Maisy (Mrs. Ceorgc Klein), l.!7 East Walnut Street, Kingston, Pa. Owen, Minnie B. (.Mrs. J. W. (leist), 104 West Avenue. Mt. Carmel. Pa. Pennington, Mabel T. (Mrs. W. S. Wieland). College Heights, State College, Pa. Shaffer, Cora M., 113 Price Street, Kingston, Pa. Sharpless, Warren. Catawissa, Pa. Sheriff, Nellie (Mrs. Dixonl, J14 Fourteenth Street, \. E., Washington, D. C. Shoemaker, Mary (Mrs. W. Alfred Valentine), 112 Charles St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Shultz, Leia M. (.Mrs. Infred MadsonI, 744 Watchung Avenue, Plainfield, X. J. Smith, Ralph E., Hotel Oregon. El Paso, Tex. Templeton, Arthur, 36 Graham Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Thomas, Mary A. (Mr.s. D. E. JosephI, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Townsend, Mae E., Pioneer Avenue. Dallas, Pa. Trevorrow, WillUm O., 8J Third Street, Jeddo, Pa. Vought, Virginia, Elysburg. Pa. White, Estelle G., (.Mrs. Armstrong), Audenried, Pa. Williams, George W., 90 Franklin Street. Dallas, Pa. Young, Helen (Mrs. Ralph Shields), 72 Gaylord Street. Binghamton, N. Y'. CLASS OF 1902 Austin, M. Blanche, 141 Grove Street. Wilkes Barre. Pa. Bailey, Marie M. (Mrs. Thomas Smithl, R. D. No. 2, Benton. Pa. Baker, George C, 213 West Main Street, Moorestown. N. J. Williamsport, Pa. Street, Balliett, Hadassa, 639 Market Bradbury, Grace (Mrs. Charles W. Everett), 19 S. Sixth Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. Brennan, Agnes V., 209 Dundaff Street, Carbondale, Pa. Bubb, Genevieve, 81 Washington Street. Williamsport, Pa. Cannon, Grace (Mrs. James Fox). 11.S S. Laurel Street. Hazleton. Pa. Clark, Mame (Mrs. George Meyers). 1835 Graham Blvd., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Collins, John, 107 Carey Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Cotner, David, 222 New York Street, Scranton. Pa. Creasy, Anna (.Mrs. Earl F. lohn) Third Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Crow, Florence (Mrs. W. E. Hebel) R. D. No. 1. Liverpool, Pa. Czechowicz, Helen, 3 Kirmor Terrace. Alden Station, Pa. Diem, Marie L., 944 Taylor Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Dress, Gertrude (Mrs. George Jacobs). 157 S. Fourth Street. Steelton, Pa. Edwards, Margaret J. (Mrs. W. E. Morris). 164 Summit St.. Edwardsville, Pa. Elder, Edna (Mrs. F. J. Strassner). 2 Rynda Road. South Orange, Pa. Fine, Bertha (Mrs. E. ^L Gutm), 7 Bennett Avenue, Binghamton, N. V. Frances, Mary E. (Mrs. G. H. Gendall), Chalfonte, Pa. Fry, Harriet E., 21.! Ash Street, Danville, Pa. Frymire, Martha (Mrs. J. M. John), 2985 Elati Street. Englewood, Col. Gaughan, Henry J., Peely. Pa. Gay, Eleanor (Mrs. F. G. Northrop). Mehoopany, Pa. Anna (Mrs. E. W. McHughl. 289 Stanton Street, Wilkes Barre, Pa. Guest, Alice, 71S E. Market Street, Danville, Pa. Hall, Ruth (Mrs. G. M. Harris). 214 E. Bertasch Street. Lansford, Pa. Harrison, Ada D., 103 Fourth Avenue, Newark. N. J. Heiss, Charles A., Little Brook Farm. Pottersville, N. J. Heller, Charlotte V., 17 Ross Street. Williamsport. Pa. Hiatt, Beth (.Mrs. T. D. Day). 1619 Sparks Street. Phila., Pa. Hicks, Jennie (W. A. Fenstermaker) 1211 S. E. 52nd Ave., Portland, Oregon Hirlinger, Etta M. (Mrs. Alfred Keller). Sun Set View, Orangeville, Pa. Hoffa, Marearet (Mrs. R. O. Henninger) Dushore. Pa. Hollopeter, Essene, (Mrs. E. Martin). 1687 Wyoming Avenue, Forty Fort, Pa. Jacobs, Harry M., 18 Washington Road. Scotia. N. Y'. Johnson, Marion (Mrs. C. O. Skeer). 54 King .Street, Northumberland, Pa. Keating, Helen C, 353 W. 57th Street, New York. N. Y. Keiber, A. E., High School, Davenport, Iowa Keim, Martha (Mrs. E. T. Hartman) 305 High Street, Duncannon, Pa. Kisner, Helen (Mrs. H. B". Woodward). 450 N. Maple Street, Albuquerque. N.M. Krell. Catherine, 575 N. Ouirch Street. Hazleton. Pa Kuntz, Edith, 425 Walnut .Street, Allentown. Pa. Leighow, Estella M. (Mrs. J. F. Lewis). 505 Brinton St., Germantown, Pa. Leighow, Lourissa, Bellevue Hotel, Wash.. D. C. LonF, Bess, 32S East First Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Lueder, Anna B. (Mrs. Harry Barnes). 514 Spruce Street, Trinidad, Col. Melvin, Alice (^Irs. B. Eicholzer), Forest Citv. Pa. Menhennett, Grace, (Mrs. R. H. Vorck). Bradley St, Hallis. Long Island,. N.Y'. Moyer, Laura (Mrs. Arthur Clay), West Third Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Gildea, Ormsby, Sallie, Shenandoah, Pa. Palm, M. Blanche (Mrs. G. Kochenderfer), 637 Valley Street, T,ewistown, Pa. Patterson, Madge (Mrs. C. Rodda), 18 ^fanchester Terrace, Springfield, Mass. Rawson, Gertrude, 748 Prescott Avenue. Scranton. Pa. Reice, Helen Mrs. James Irven), 47^ S. Fourth Street, Lewisburg, Pa. Rentscheler, Bessie (Mrs. Samuel Dresher). Ringtown, Pa. Roberts, Evalvn (Mrs. Johnson). 350 S. Harvard Blvd., I^os Angeles, Calif. Robinson, F. E., I'olivar. Pa. Seesholtz, S. J., R. D. No. 5, Bloomsburg. Pa. Smethers, Amy B., 305 Eleventh Street, Berwick, Pa. Smcczynski, Mary, Cataw'ssa, Pa. Space, Carolyn V. (Mrs. John Kearns). 2~ E. Seventh .Street. Wyoming. Pa. Snear, Eunice, 304 We=t Third Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Thomas, Jennie (Mrs. Walter Smith)- 1729 Canouse Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Turner, Anna (Mrs. W. X. Jones). Blakely Home, Olyphant, Pa. Vance, Effie, (Orangeville. Pa. Williams. Jennie E. (Mrs. W. Conk). 974 West Fourth Street, Hazleton, Pa. Yeager, Bessie (Mrs. Davis), 30 W. Pettebone Street, Forty Fort, Pa. ( CLASS OF 1903 Albert, Charles L.. R. D. No. 2. Dalla,. I'a. Berkenstock, Frank, Renovo, Pa. Burke, Delia (Mrs. John Lynch), 203 W. Spruce Street, Mahanoy City, Pa. Cook, Susie (Mrs. Charles Morgan), 428 East Main Street, Nanlicoke. Pa. Davenport, Mary (Mrs. Charles Doersam), Buckingham Road, Palisades, N. J. DeLong, William, ,!01 East Second Street. Berwick. Pa. Dillon, Max G., 338 Wyoming .\venue. Kingston. Pa. Fleming, Ora (Mrs. W. P. Levering). 31 X. Seventh Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. Franey, Ella (Mrs. Gallagher) 129 X. Garden .Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Gresh, Edith (Mrs. H. G. Kitt), Milton, Pa. Hagenbuch, Rae, Rowland. Xev. Hawk, Ray, 1.56 Willow Street, Plymouth, Pa. Hayes, Marv, Freelpnd. Pa. Hicks, Carrie. 369 Putter A^'enue. Kingston. Pa. Hottenstein, Ellen (Mrs. E. D. Schnure) R. D. Xo. 1, Milton, Pa. Houtz, Howard, 2412 S. Clinton Street. Sioux City. Iowa Humphreys, Frank, 5705 S. Fifth Avenue. Birmingham, Ala. Jameison, Harold, 1506 Washburn Street. Scranton, Pa. Kelley, Mary, 2327 X. Wash'ni'ton A venue. Scranjon. Pa. Kierstead, Irene (Mrs. Trvin Ruebenkaum), Jamison. Pa. K€>erner, Dor^ (Mrs.). Thornhurst. Pa. Krum. Mildred (Mrs. Trvint-' Barndt). 421 Larchwood Avenue, L'pper Darbv, Pa. Larrabee, Beatrice (Mrs. E. J. Albertson. 824 Main St., Peekskill, N. \'. MacFarlane, Laura, 1561 Sanderson Avenue, Scranton, Pa. 43 McCullough, Elizabeth, .Mr-. A. G. .Morrish. Ill Carey Ave., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. McGowen, Winifred (Mrs. Gaughan)^ 180 .N. Laurel Street, Hazleton, Pa. May, Minerva (.Mrs. Matthews). 43 S. Charles Street. Johnson City, N. Y^. Mengle, Ella (.Mrs. H. R. Ileim). Fairmount Street. .Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Patterson, Edith, 3 Redcliffe Avenue. Highland Park, N. J. Poad, Carrie (.Mrs. Warren Smith). 90 Seventh Avenue, Carbondale, Pa. Rarick, Abraham, 1624 (Juincy Avenue, Scranton. I'a. Reid, Ella (Mrs. C. E. Robertson), 66 Main Street, Inkerman, Pittston, Pa. Riland, H. Walter, 11 Warwick Avenue, Scarsdale, N. Y. Robinson, Jean (Mrs. J. G. McLaughlin). Fort Washington, Pa. Rundle, Flossie M., (Mrs. Arthur Chase), 111 Spring Street, Carbondale, Pa. Schatzle, Etta (.Mrs. W. H. Ilorlacher), 326 .Second Street. Weatherly, Pa. SUvius, Mabel, .18 S. Welles Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Sweppenheiser, Nellie (Mrs. S. K. Worman), 24 Bloom .Street, Danville, Pa. Waring, Elizabeth (.Mrs. Leon Colvin). 15 James Street. Binghamton, X. Y. Wilson, Mary S. i Mrs. .Arthur Hilburt), 428 -N. Main Street, Plains, Pa. CLASS OF 1904 Albertson, Elizabeth (Mrs. Harvey Hess). 504 .Nelson Avenue, Peekskill, X. Y. Aldinger, Albert K., (Dr), 1523 W. Grange .-\venue. Milwaukee, Wis. Andres, Daisy (Mrs. J. H. MacBean), 205 Oak Knoll Drive, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Baldy, Lucy C. (Mrs. Gary Rodv), 245 South Street. Catawissa. Pa. Berry, Emma, (Mrs. G. O. Matter). 3200 2Sth .\venue, W. Seattle, Wash. Black, Matilda (Mrs. J. O. Matter) 2527 W. Fourth Street, Williamsport, Pa. Boyer, Jessie M., (Mrs. G. L. Howell) i2 Carverton Road, Trucksville, Pa. Brandon, Pearl E., 136 North Street, Reading. Pa. Briggs, Edna (.Mrs. A. \. O'Reilly). 2833 Greenleaf Street, .\llentown. Pa. Brogan, Margaret P., Shenandoah, Pa. Buckalew, Lillian (Mrs. Harry Rider). 26 West First Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Buddington, Sara E., 17 N. Oak Street. Mt. Carmel, Pa. Burns, Margaret A., 3216 X. Fourth Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Carl, Thomas, Trucksville, Pa. Challis, Anna E. (Mrs. F. W. Thompson), 7 Peter Cooper Road, New Y'ork 10, N. ^•. Cogswell, Irwin, R. D. Xo. 3. Montrose. Pa. Creasy, Martha, 60 East Fifth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Crossley, Pearl A. (Mrs. W. J. Pickett), South Mt. Road, Xew City, N. Y. Cryder, Harold C. (Dr). Stroudsburg. Pa. Davenport, Alvirda, 280 E. Main Street. Plymouth. Pa. Davis, Griselda (Mrs. W. L. Jacobus), 110 West Ross Street, Wilkes. Barre, Pa. DeWitt, Lois (Mrs. Charles McBride). 1644 Guilford Road. Columbus. Ohio Derr, Bessie Mrs. Norman Skedd). 121 E. Delaware .\venue. Pennington, X.J. Fetherold, Nellie (Mrs. C. C. Lesher). 638 Market Street. Lewisburg, Pa. Fineran, Minnie V. (Mrs. P. T. McDonough). 28 River Street, Carbondale, Pa. Fletcher, Esther (.Mrs. I. -Armitage). Box 1088, Laguna Beach, Calif. Gildea, James J., 335 AlcLean Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Goldsmith, Aimee (.Mrs. Salo Marcus). 2541 Overlook Road. Cleveland Hts., O. Goodale, Bessie (Mrs. C. Thielman). 225 Hickory .\ venue, Tenafly, X. J. Goyituey, Anna (Mrs. F. W. Canfield). 6544 N. Fourth St,. Albuquerque, N. M. Halloran, Emma, 1024 Plane Street. Avoca, Pa. Hammond, Theresa (Mrs. F. Dunnen), 1525 Greenwood Ave., St. Petersburg, Fla. Helwig, W. Ray, 3174 Flower Street, I.ynwood, Calif. Henrie, H. Clare, Box 1649, Bisbee, .\riz. Herring, Laura, East Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Hinkel, Henrietta (Mrs. B. Howell), 319 Baer .\venue. Hanover, Pa. Hinkley, Emma (Mrs, T. Savior). 313 Pine Street. Tamaqua, Pa. Hitchcock, Harriet (Mrs. McMurrav), R. D. No. 1. Mehoopany. Pa. Ikeler, Irene H. (.Mrs. David Sloan). R. D. -No. 2. Muncy, Pa. Jenkins, Margaret (Mrs. R. .\. Cochran), 16 S 26th Street, Camp Hill. Pa. John, Rosa (Sirs. Frank Pursel), Elverson. Pa. Kelminiski, Emma, Corner Third & Maple, Mt. Carmel. Pa. Kester, Leona (Mrs. R. Lawton). R. D. Xo. 3, Millville, Pa. Killmer, Aaron A., Stouchshurg. Pa. Knorr, Kimber, 339 X. Lewis Street, Staunton, Va. Lanning, Hattie (Mrs. J. W. Bonham). 617 Bailey Street, Camden, X. J. Malone, James, Oak & Main Sts.. Shenandoah. Pa. Mead, E. A. (Mrs. L. Kendrick), 2929 Southwest Seventh St.. Miami. Fla. Mertz, Mabel (Mrs. T. Dixon). Trenton .Avenue, Belle Meade. X. J. Messersmith, Palace, 456 Mountain .\venue. Westfield. N. J. Moss, Claude L., Little Rock. .-Vrk. O'Donnell, Catherine, Laurel Street. Hazleton, Pa. O'Donnell, Daniel, .\ndalusea. Pa. Putnam, Stewart L., R. D. Xo. 2. Tnwanda. Pa. Rentsleer, Guy H., 621 Berkley Street, Plainfield. X. J. Richart. Bessie (Mrs. Corse). 718 E. Second Street. Paterson, X. T. Riley, Tillie (.Mrs. M. Tigue). 1711 Central .Avenue, Chicago. 111. Robbins, Mary (Mrs. J. Bower). 1215 Market Street, Berwick, Pa. Roeers, Louise (Mrs. E. Warren). White Earth. Minn. Seely, Margaret, R. D. No. 1. Berwick. Pa. Smith, Margaret (Mrs. A. Witherspoon). 115 S. Cl-nton St.. East Orange. X. J. Specht. Elizabeth (Mrs. W. H. Martin). 541 X. Vine Street, Hazleton. Pa. Snyder. Vere H. (Mrs. H. St»bbens), Wellsboro. Pa. Trathen, Hprry, 1 Chestnut Street. Ashl.->nd. Pa. Turner. Ruth (Mrs. D. G. Martin) 1201 California St.. San Francisco, Calif. Veith, Lewis, Khensburg. Pa. White. June (Mrs. Carl Dreibelbis), 4(M Park Hill Avenue. Yonkers. X. V. Wilson. Martha (Mrs. Tames R. Beers), 4.103 N. Marvland Ave.. Milwaukee. Wis. Womeldorf, Effie (Mrs. Bentz). 1547 W. Princess Street, York, Pa. i C CLASS OF 1905 1. Wash. Allen, Bertha, Postmaster's Office. Seattle Arnold, Edna L. (Mrs. Andrew Jackson). 711 Peach Street. Peckville. Pa. Brooke, Walter S., Greenw'ch. Conn. Colvin, Marv E. (Mrs. W. Siptroth). R. D. No. 2. Clarks Summit, Pa. Comstock, Fannie (Mrs. R. Smith). Estancia, Xew Mexico. Conlan, Anna, 510 Hazle .\venn^. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Cortrirht, Emma (Mrs. E. .A. Shelly). 17 Fifth Street. X. E., Wash., 2. D. C. Coughlin. Bessie, 18 Bedford Street. Forty Fort, Pa. Crouse, Edna (Mrs. X'. S. Harrison). R. D. Xo. 2. Orangeville. Pa. Dailev, Mary B., 547 Carey Avenue. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. EIwpII, G. Edward. .520 Market Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Englehart. Nevin T., Bloomsburg. Pa. Eshleman, Marguerite (Mrs. I. C. Sweeten), 6523 E. Maple .\venue, Merchantsvillc. X, T. Four Fisher, W. Claude, c/o Consolidated Edison Co. of N. Y., Inc., Room 516 Tr\iiie Place. New Y'ork C'ty. Grimes, Bessie K., 415 "Main Street. Catawissa, Pa. Harris, Sarah (Mrs. T. F. Stubhs). 962 E. Northampton Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Hartman, Gertrude (Sirs. P. Dildine), Orangeville, Pn. Heacock, Frances (Mrs. Georiie Davis), R. D. No. 3, Bloomsburg. Pa. Hemingway, Vera (Mrs. C. Housenick), 364 East Main Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Higgins, Gregory, Carbondale. Pa. Higgins, Julia, 311 W. Cherry Street, Shenandoah. Pa. — Horn, Lulu C, 23 Wall Street, Bethlehem. Pa. Jenkins, William G., 192 Church Street, Edwardsville. Pa. Kaji, Walter U., KiS Vincent Street. Chagrin Falls. O. Kirkendall, Marv (Mrs. P. Hagenbuch). 10 E. Eighth Street, Pottstown. Pa. Leibensoerger, Helen (Mrs. H. H. Murray). Warrington, Pa. Leidy, Dora (Mrs. C. Fleckenstine), 304 West Fifth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. MacAlpine, Ethel lMr». W. C. Spargo). R. 1).. Dover, N. Marsden. Agnes (Mrs. (i. W. Gclchy). Centralia, Pa. CLASS OF 1907 .1. Mertz. Adelia A. (Mrs. E. H. BerKenI, Harlingin. N. J. Mertz, M. Elizabeth (.Mrs. H. V. I.esher), R. D. No. 1. Northumberland, Pa. Milleisen. Sara Mrs C. E. Ehvell), 320 Market Street. Uloomsburg, Pa. Miller, Blanche F. (.Mrs. ('. (Irimesl, 2(M N. .Second Street. Harrisburg, Pa. Mower. Charles L. iDr.(, 159 W. Washington St., Ilagerstown, Md. Olmstead. Kate D., Tavlor, Pa. Ormsby. Mary Mrs. 1. j. Reilly). 36 E. Oak Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Peifer, Lillian iMrs. .^amuel Mock), Richland. Penna. Phillips, Anna, 510 S. Main Street. Taylor, Pa. Pooley, Paul, 30S Ferry Street, Danville, Pa. Rarig, Howard R., Berwick, Pa. Redeker. Florence, JUM Ma39 X. Main Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Meisbereer. David T., Oak & Juniper Streets. Shamokin. Pa. Miller. Elda Mrs. Dutchcr), 3517 Crestmont .Avenue. Los .-Vngele.s. Calif. Mitchell. Ada (Mrs. Bittenbcnder). 183 W. River Street. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Moyer, Helen iMrs. R. F. Hemingway) East Second Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Moyer. Sadie R. Mrs. J. JLlcCullough). 43 Keasler Avenue. Lodi, N. J. Moyer. William V., 5% Centre Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Mullahey. Belle Mrs. F. R. Reilly). 30 S. White Street. Shenandoah. Pa. Noble. Alma G. (Mrs. .Alfred Leidy) HOC I^archmont Avenue. Havertown. Pa. O'Brien. Margaret (Mrs. .A. Henseler). 98 Liberty Place. Weehauken. N. J. Pritchard. Marjorie (Mrs. New-ton Roberts). Bromwell. W. \'a. Ouich. Reba H. Mrs. F. H. Lerch. Jr.). 3405 80th Street. Jackson Heights. N. Y. Reimard. Irene Mrs. John W. Cressler). 87 Hanover Street. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Rittenhouse. Laura (Mrs. Wm. H. Yohey). 1802 W. Front Street. Berwick. Pa. Rodrequez. J. A. E., Box 708. S^n luan. Porto Rico Schwartman, Eva T. (Mrs. I. B. Smith), 2617 Dilland Street, Shreveport, La. Sterner, Bertha I. (Mrs. F. I.. Richards). 023 Baldwin Street. Williamsport. Pa. Todd. Genevieve Mrs. James .A. Brennan). 26 N. Loveland .-Xve.. Kingston. Pa. Tucker. Nellie. 4i Wheeler Street. Deposit. X. Y. Vance. J. Gertrude (Mrs. L. V. Barber). Pottsgrove. Pa. Wallace. Agnes F. (Mrs. N. D. Dutcher). 265 I. Street. I.ivermore. Calif. Warden. Helen L. (Mrs. A. B. Eislerl. 616 Woo0 Race Street. Simbury. Pa. Lewis. Anna L. (Mrs. (iordon Evans). 714 South Main Avenue. Scranton, Pa.^ i i I i i I i I Longenberger, Myrtle (Mrs. C. P. Messersmith), 535 Sherwood Parkway, Westtii-lii. .\. .1. Margerum, Helen, Catawissa. Pa. Masten, Christella F., 10 Jay .Street. Binghamton. N. Y. Maxwell. Ethel. '^23 Warren -\venue, Kingston, Pa. Miles, Bessie V., 3! N. .Main Street. Shenandoah. Pa. Miller, Lillie A. Mrs. Otto ParrI, Nescopeck. Pa. Milnes. Susanna (.Mrs. Harrv White), Briar Creek. Pa. I Mrs. W. H. Bean), Riegelsville, Pa. Mrs. M. D. McChrome), 5516 Eleventh Street. Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. W. C. Nestor), Franklin Boro, N. J. Olmstead, Nina, Tavlor, Pa. Owen, Anne E. I.Mrs. W. Brimijoini, 3918 49th Street. Sunnyside, L. I., N. Y. Owen. Hazel Mrs. H. Schuchart). Box 92. Penney Farms. Fla. Parry. Gertrude M., 3507 Boundary Street. Dickson City. Pa. Pealer. Blanche Mrs. H. 1.. Troxell). 303 Woodside Ave.. Narberth, Pa. Ramage. Margaret H., 107 W. .Avenue, Mount Carmel. Pa. Rayos, Susie Mrs. W. K. Marmon). Lagunas, N. M. Ruhl, Gladys Mrs. A. J. Robbins). 229 Market Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Russell. Margaret (Mrs. R. M. MacMillan). i2'/j Canaan Street. Carbondale. Pa. Ryan. Elizabeth U., Third and Laurel Streets. Hazleton. Pa. Mitchell, Mary Murphy, Rose Oliver, Fannie i ( i I I I i Shambach. John E., Box .54. Hiram, O. Scanlan, Kathryn (Sirs. John Cummmgs), 9741 Yellowstone -Ave., Detroit, Mich. Shuman, Clyde S., Bloomsburg. Penna. Shuman, Edith iMrs. M. J. Grimes), 415 E. Main .Street. Catawissa. Pa. Snyder. Homer H. (Dr.). 1661 Wyoming Avenue. Scranton. Pa. Stiner. Elizabeth (Mrs. H. Mittcldorf). 611 Franklin .Street. Elizabeth. N. J. Tinker. Margaret (Mrs. D.avid Young). Yolmgsvillc. Pa. Titus. Ethel iMr~. W. E. Zecher). }9 Berwvn Park. Lebanon. Pa. Vollrath. Rose E. (Mrs. E. C. Buckhert) 471 S. Seventh Street. Indiana. Pa. Weiser. Cottic, R. D. No. 2. Selinsgrove, Pa. Weiser. Laura. Shamokin Dam. Pa. Williams. Adeline, 810 .-Krchbald Street. Scranton. Pa. Witman. Mary C. (Mrs. H. .-X. Ryder). 11 S. Prince Street. Shippensburg. Pa. Zehner. Maude (Mrs. Paden). Briar Creek. Pa. 1 . I I i i I I i vilk-. C, Wingert. Blanche P. (Mrs. Lucas), 236 S. 14th Street. Allentown. Pa. Wolfe. Anna (Mrs. Foster Magill). Sugarloaf. Pa. Zang. Minnie (Mrs. R. Sarver). P. O. Box 115. Howcy In-The-Hills. Florida CLASS OF 1908 Appleman. Rebecca, Danville. l*a. atawissa. Pa. Mrs. Warren ShariK-^i. Baldy. Sara H. Barnes. Margaret, 2 Win, I'a. tiMil.iM, lli-li'M M.iri4- ISisi.i Miriiiird Miirif), Si. Jcilin'* Ccinvciil. r,,i. \ .,,1, I M.iiv CiHil.iii, Iliiciiillcni St.. '«. I I'niiuoii, I'a. , Mi.iy <>ycl, MDiillilia Slali- ('.iIU'Kc. Iliizcinan, MnlK. M Ki-IimMll MhUbU-IUm ), k. I). Nii. !i, Hl(]iilllt.limK, I'a. Criiii«li-y, Rrnnii .1.1-1 N. WifiM.i- SIliTl. liiiirliliKl. Cron.lry, Miir)i.ii (Mri. V. K.idf Ciii.!.!, i Ailn D. (Mri.. Diivli., I)iivl«. I.iiiirn. !(. Orniiiri'i'. Albirl. II. I). Nci. -', !>. ( 'niwfdnl), Uiillic, HcivviiK. K. Niiilli Slii-.l, Ilc.niiil 2-'(i I';i. l.ll. Mny Mrs. (iriffillin, I'il. Iliiiiipyn, .\. II. ( .\1 «. I. .\lajiM). KM Anlll' Sln-ol. TiikdnM I'jiik 1.'. .\M. Di'IiiiImiii, N.-I1I.l'rli;iulll. ''.U I. Stircl, VV:i«li. I, 0. ('. \li Dlln-r. N.-lil.' I'. IIvikIic-I, II"J Wfslcrvcll Ayiiiiii-, N. I'l.iin Kviiii., Il.irrii-I lloncii (Miv Ili.» I'a. lames Kiilh, -I'd-l \1 I I'.,. s, 1 1 I ( N. J. llruiil,, l;ili,-l I •.. i M,,'isii', ,,\li li'ni;iki-r,'. SliiiU'.liintiy .Miitli Snci-I. Dili I'DiKc, l';i. l.l C'imIiIkIx. M.irllia i.Mn. iti.iflwyil, Ka([aii, l-'arvi-r. 1 I W. Conner. Ailii J(I7 Saira Via. .Mariella. I'a. (). I'l-rey Willred JII7 .S.iira II, ,11.1. Via. Maritlla, O. Viol.i Mrs, (Iweiisl. 1,17 Division Street, Monesscn, I'a. M.iry Kilna (.Mrs, David Diellll 819 Lessen Si., Kicllinonil, Calif. Il.-iiilii. k-.oii. Henri.-, .l,-.,n M. id., line, ll'lin ville. I'a. Hidlay, Kiitli, II- l<,,iirlli Street, lll,„,iiisl>llrK. I'a. Hill. Isali,-I Salome Mrs. A. K. I.i.nnl. ,S4 Ilelriiler Una, I, <;ien Roek, \. J. IliiKlii-s, l.lliel Pearl (Mrs, II,, war, (.iiiillierl l,Jl fv Tllini St., Hlooinsburu, I'a. \ly(U\ i'.iiilin.- ,M s (), D, Deeker), U'S.S Dttniiistiin .\veiine, I'lttslinrKli, I'a. Grlfdllis. Hawk. I Miili,-I I M i I I'ramli. H. iDi i. Mdil. .\ililli N:iyiil Dinlrii'l, (Ircnt !.ul K. ,\ln..iil. '1') CiTilii Slnil. I''urly I'diI. I'Imlin.'i. I.lllli.ii tUvi'liiiul, 1 I'a. .. I .lamiBon, I'a. I ii..l. 1 K. I'c.nilli Slnil. Iliivyii-U. C.inv ,\vriMir. Willirs llani-. C, M.iilliii I'rr,.«, (Virion. Kiilicit Coii/.iln.. .111. Ill .11^ I... Mr-, I Chuicli Sln-i-l, Ilnm-'.illilr. I'll. Kciirlil. (W l'r.iM"-i'l I'ml*. UnKiUlyii, N. V. 1107 Sliiciki'yl, Ml V A. .1. (li.Tii, N.i'iulli(irimh. .Sylvi.i (\h\. Iniilllr I I'll. Kirn. I'liilci l.iin-ii/fi, Siili Si'lli'H, M.'il" (^ihmI.'immii'Ii, 1.11.1 (Ml-. II. Mar-lil. II. I-', Kinnii'llcilf .\vi-ihii-, 'Ill Laii-aluwiic. I'a. lliinl Slrci-l. VVillianis|,nrl. I'a. Ilaiiili. I li.ri'iHi' Siinaiina. K. I>. Nii. .'., I'alatyi—a, I'.i. K.iyiii.iiul Mi'-.i-ryi-). JI.7 Kiisl lin-rii Si., Naiilii-iiUi-. I'a. lull. n. II. iMiv, K. \. .1. .lour... Il.-l.ii (. (Ml-.. I.yiu.ui l.iHlrr), .'iJ.'i Cli-anlali- An-liiu-. Joiii-n, K.illil.-.-ii Marlon. 1117 Miillu-ny Sln-i-l. Ili-iwii-k. I'a. \\i--l ')IK Ki-.-liT. Ki-iiii, I.ilh.iii 1 R. l-.illlli I'a. lli. I. I'a. lli-i-wii-k. I M I.I --tliiT l.Mis. K. Clniii-iisl, .S.I7 .lanu-s Sm-i-l, lla/lcliui. Kiia.'llii. l-lli.-i Mai- I.Mis. Claniii-r Mi-l.ailKlilinl, I'lyiiiuiilli. I'a. .Slii-i-l, Ml iisliiuK. I'a. l-"iist Kiiiili.-i <'li-avi'r, .!(> W'l-sl Kiinli-i, ill I'a. !-;., \..illl Sln-rl. Ill \..illi Klli.tiT, M,il|ili Kiii.tiT, M.illih I-.., 11--I1111K, 1'. .... L-...; »l..l__ 1,,1 I.l.-...l.,l. II .....I Siisio l.i>iiKi-iilii-ri:.-i, Hi'lrn, .1111 K, I-;ikIiI|i, llirw 11- k, I', l,i»vt-. A, IliiiiiHi* iMis, l.i-r), WyalilsiiiK. I'll. I'a. M.i. Oiiiiii.-ll. -Lull. Ma. , iMis. I''.innu-ll rii.iiiipsiinl, Mmiiilaiii T")!. I'a, iMis. I). V. Sllnvliiil, IIS S. Wi-IN Sln-i-1, Wilki-s Ham-, .S,.ill.- Mllili.-.l Iriilialia, riilialia, I'a. l.ii-llsl M ,1' 11 W.isli .Iw.iiils. II. (lli-iii-rall. Apl. l.M. ll.illiiiK Air Hasi-. M MI.I. Ilk. Kiilli K.-liiiccn iMls. Ililll L'j Anllimrr Avniilr. Ai.l ir. M y. ll.-illi,. I.ui-lla ll>ril/l .NIaiii Si.. Mniliiii, I'a. .Inllll, Ill I'a. M I I 1. I , .'\vi-iilli-. I .'\vi-iilli-, .1, \ .., 1,.11-llsl l,iilil.-ii. l,.ilil.-ii. I ,.11 ,\:.. 11, .11: il I. I'a 1' ('. 11 I). ..I. II...... . I'.i. lll-llllill. l.-ii ivlill.-i. V. -111,1 A, My.-is. Myli-s. I.lsl.- Ml 1 M.-rli-. Clai.-iH-i-. M„/i.- I'liillii,-.. I'ukIi. I:1I/,iIi,-|Ii Ui.Ii.ikIs. .1.111 U 1 I'll. ri-. I.. Siin-liaiil. Kay Daii-y. -IJIl .llsl Sln-i-i, Daiiyilli-. I'a, i;, (1, llanii-lll. Mux -"'-I. K. I>. Malillall.ill Slli-l-1. Aslllrv. I'll. Siilliiilaii.I SlniiiK. Id. ml. Silyi-l E. I'riti h.iril, Ml-,, Cei.iKe .S-l '".',. N.i, Forne, I'a. Charlotte I.Mrs, White, M.irlha, Wiiit,-i. 11,'i.sie Isl M.. Ilaer. Siiiilli. (;,-i(iii,l,- Siiiilli, 11,-1,-11 \ ,. lliinislnil'K'. I'a. .Siirlini. .'J Sinipsiiii Slii-i-l, I''. I-'.. \l,.\,l,i,i, 1, K.illi I Wilki-s- lliin-r, I'a. I'll. Y). Nii. OrniKeville, Slr,-,-l. I'll. lll,.i.iiisl,iirK. M.i. My). 271) K. Ilr,.a,l I'a, Street. N'anlieoke. I'a. Ruth M. (Mrs. Dallas C. Haer) 24 Huron .\ve.. Norwoml, Pa. Alma M. (Mrs. K. Llerena), .s27 Run .Inealiy .Ml" Tllel-espolis. Ksta,!,, Ill 1. Clinks Sllmmil. Avi'.. llri-c-luviiiiil Iliillli,! ,le Ilra/il l,iii,-ir,i. Martha (Mrs. CeiirKe Miiorel, W. 4') M 1 20!) Water Street. Korly Fort, r,,ll -l,,\vii .1. I'a. I'a. Hl,«.k, C;. M,l Btirliniraine, 1 s, t.iiks 1 ( I.Mis. W. (I. I'lnkcrK U. Mis, Kussi-ll lli-aiilsU-yl 2*, M,ii. .\slieyillc. I'a. I'ellelione .Street, SliieKcl), Kspy, Pa. Stlmiiiil. I'a. ItraniiiKiin. Margaret M. (.Mrs. I-'rank Martin), le,]il,i. I'a. llianniiiK. Jnanlta (.Mrs, Daviil Siesholts), 128 \V. I'liiladelphia .\vr., VoungsInlMI, (1 Breslin, Catherine B. (.Mrs, (I \. Aletonl, 4 N. Ilriiimie St.. Port Jervis, N. Y. Brower, Mary A. ,\1 s. I'Mnu-r larrinKl"ii), I'4II9 Hee,-liw,io,l Drive, Clievy Cliiise SlaU- SUi-i'l. Ii.l.s i.\li I-'.. 1 I. Albert. .Mil. ( M.iry Ml, .\o. CLASS OF 1915 nnicc, Boone, Eiilab M. nr.ue, -Sar.i A., N,-lli,- I). I'a. W ll.„-li), I'.-iiii,- (.Mis. 111.11 kiiiaii. SliiiiMi. Heaver Datn Road, R. Madisiin Ayenite, Jerinyn. I Iranue. V.uidersliee, Martha H., 17.1 ili-iiw,.,,,! Avemie. l-'.ast N. J. viiii, iv,„,il. Vasline. .laroh Hnrsh. L'liT Kent U,,.i,l. Pa. Waters. Floienei- L. i.Mis, C I., Ilassertl. 1-111 .\venne. Clifton. N. J. Weyli.innieyer. Adah M., P'd West River Street. Wilkes Ilarre. I'a. Wi-iss. I.i.ila iMis C, I-:, Cliamlierlain). Mesliopiien, I'a. 11.111111. S,-I,l,-I. (.4(1 .\la. (Jm-iiyilli-, 1. I'a. lUirnell), 1 1;,.. Skw,-ii. k. Ethel (Mrs Ke,-k). Hll K. •|'Iiiril Slreel. llerwiek. I'a. I.v.i lloyd 'Mis, I-'.inlirey). 21.1 VirKinia Avenue, PittslniiKli, I'a. Ki. ki-it. (ileiinis, Kane, I'a. Hiddl,-, M,iri:,iret. Isaliel, ,'IIK I'riispeel Slreel, KasI OrailKe, N. I. Koli,-rts. C.iil.-ton A.. Ivsses. I'a. Kos-iislii. k. M.irlli.i F., 214 W. l-'iinrlll Slreel, Illniinisliurn, I'a. Kyiii.iii, l..iwi,-ii..- Ilrown, 721) Leavenwiirlli .Street, Sail I'raneisco 9, Calif. Scholierl, .Saliilla (Mrs, K, R. Canipliein. Ontario .\pts., 285.1 Ontario Ril., N. W., C, .,-li .1) .Selt/er, Robert Encch, l-'annelt Tiiwiisliii, II. S., I'Vanklin County, I'a. Severance, Cora (.Mrs, I'",rtiesl I'ililiiiek), I West ,\veniie, .Meshoppen. I'a. Sheard. I.oyisa (.Mr-. (',. A. ( l,i-sniiill), Il,iv,ls Mills. I'a. .Sbimon. .lennie Aftnen, .118 N, WasIiiiiKliin Slreel. Wilkes. Ilarre. I'a. Straniie. M.iry F.. (Mis, .\rlliiii Dveisliaeli ). IIIK Sii-,|m-lianiia .\ye.. W. I'illston, Evan Ruben, 2,(1 Lee I'ark .\v,-lille. Lee I'ark, Wilkes- Ilarre. I'll. Toiirey. M.ii K'ui-rile (Mrs, Uiiaiie), .121 Wyi.miiiK .\\eniie. WyinniuK, Pa. W.-lliv,-r. Sln-cl. Naiuii-nki-. SllTfl, Kric. I'a. S. Clii-sliiul West .I.!.! I I I'iiii- Mis. I - ... II, (Mis. U. K. ll.l .1,1111-, Il.-l.-ii W'ilki- I Cllarlrs Slri-i-l., I'll. II. Su-iiu-r), Drwail. I'll. ."1-1 M.-ssiim I.Mrs. l'..ll.-i- I'lai-i-. Oakwiiiiil Avi-., .Niuiisti.wii. 1'.':; Il.iiislii-i-((n'), 1). Davis -I.lll Ni.i-ly, Kiilli i,\li-., I'ailill. Aiii.-li.i M. I'.-Ki!. .\. , Arden, llirwi, l<,ilpli Nola C. \ I 11.-111 l.-iiil.-illi.ill. I'.-iiK, W I 1.: Olivi-r, K,-id. I Clii-nliT lli-l.-ii I I K.iverl. M.. .1.1 .Maikil Slii-i-1. I'll •.lull, I'a. Mrs, r. .1. ralhiiaii). Vininii. \'a. I.Mrs. .Iiiliii .lum-sl, I.Sli llaylmil Ayniili-. I'ly Ill Kiia.l, Ml. Airy, I'liilaili-liiliia. I'.i. \y K.-ll.-y. Il.-.ii.uil, Mis. K. K. 'I'hiiiiiiisi.ii) Ii25 Kiisl l-'iniil Slii-i-1, Kiilii-iiilall. Uulli II. Ki-aniiy. iMis, l-:vei), 14,'; W, Mi.nnlaiii Avenue. I.aserewee/, N. .M. I-:i, 'IVnii. Ili'ixoili. Caiia-liila. N. V. 11,1-11.11 lli'i.-, Cliaili-h I... hIImt I'aiil, I'.-pN. I'a. I !<»-. I llcll.i, Miii.iMi iMis. .1. II. VVIiili-1 Miiiri- I'lailm. N. .1. Niw l( I I'll. Slrc.-l. Willi. iinsiinrl, I'.liliiil I (.Mrs, Ji-nniiiKs, .Susan (Mis, ,\, W, Keller, Kiissell, 7.'.l Icilk-n l<,,a,l, lliiltiiiiure. M,l. Kinilil,-, [lessie (.Mrs, Cliarles Voiiiml, .iS.S Teiilll Street, (Jnakertown, I'a. I. anil. nil, C. Brrtellc I.Mrs. Ilrilee I. am, nit). .'^19 .\. \ine Slreel, llazlelim, l.,-lio, llessie I). (.Mrs. II. K. \ilK-elill, Danville. I'a. I.loyd, H.-nri,-lla P., .HI.'; \ieli,,las I'laee, Williainsnorl I'a. M.l-'.lwi-e, Kmlly (.Mrs. Ianies,,iil. l'i-MiiiiiKl,,ii. N. I. Miller, Alfred Clayton, Jll, N,irlli|„irt, L.l., N.Y. liL;lilaii,l Avenue. I'll. .111'' Aiiiiilt.', L'll I M. l-'.ditli Alva, lliiiir I Creek. I'a. Burs, Etta I.Mr-, W, Cuy Kvaiis). 11)1. ^,,rk .-Vvenue. West I'illston. Pa. Joseph, o'l Roliert .Street, .-Milen Station. Pa. Carey. Laura E. (Mrs. K. M. Kllswortli) 2<) Cersliorn I'laee. KinRslon. P.l. Clark. Anita Jam- (Mrs. I'"rank II. Cnliier). M..iilaiia Stile Colleue. Ihii-enian, I Cherrie. .M,.iil Conlan, Franeid J., Piltsliin. Pa. Crumb. S.idii- M., 12.12 V Slreel. S. K.. W.isli,. D. C. Cryd.-i. Mill. lid. (M D). Ca|.e .M.iy Ciiurlli.nise. .N. .1. Culv.-i. I), lull L.. Clover Ri.lite I-'arnis. I.aeeyville. Pa. Davis, llild.i C.ertrudc I.Mrs. Lennaiil MomaiO. 81 VilRinia Terr.ace. Forty Fori Dieseroad. M.irie A.. llloonislinrK. I'll. Liixlon). 48,12 Conrac. Phila., Pa. 1. .\. Diet/. Nettie C. iMis . Il.llin. I, III. .11., Kay Walkliis. W,-ii. .1,1, V.. II. .1,1111-1 W.-l/i-l, 127 Mrs. I nil ,\l,l,..l, IS.II.S.lll-. Iv I'liispi-i-l .\vt-Miu-. SlaliWlilln Sliiliip), 1(. I). N,i, ,r|-,.,1ll,l| ,,>•» I'l-iiln- I-'.. Hall. ,1. ,. Ciilli-KC ,1. I'a. Ilriilnrliill. N. Dollman, Warren A.. .T I'a. Williams. KallK-iiiic, li" l.iln-ilv Slii-i-1, .'\sliU-v. Yost. (;,.ral Iloiiart. I.i-ali I'm r,>aiiit-, Olwoii M.i I (Mrs. 111 Kii-,1. (1. A. Ilartlfyl, S. Rivii .S|n-,-l. Wilkes Hiini-. I'n. Mrs, K. H. Hi-yt-viilm'l. ,1.11 Wfsl Carlinn 1 s. t li-uvKi- l.awliiii). HI,! Callii-rim- Haiily, .11) Dilliy Slni-t, Iii»yi*r, ("lay Cialtani, I'a\t,,iivillt-. I'a. Iliiiiinti-tli-i. ilii,kl.-y. Carr, Iri-u,-, II,'. Sirrcl. l-'iut, Si., Miiu'isyilli-. lIUiiiiusluirK. I'a. I'a. i-sl lla/li-liill I'lllilil- ScllDlils, lIll/U-|,ili. K, .M.iiii Sin-yt, Catawissa. I'a. K, llruail Slri-i-l. Xiinlii'iiki', I'a. Sin-i-l. Wilkt-s. Hani-. I'a. I'.i. Ill I... v., ('fiiln I'lirly \\ l-'.ilw.ircl, I'aiil Sli-lla I'll. -Isll I M HniH-, llriii|i,-iili<-rK, l.t'iioxvilh", .IJ-I Ilii/li- Coiilaii. 1-'. ,1., -1.' Churi-li Slri-i-1, I'illslnii, I'a. Coiilaii, M. Alhi-1-la, -U Cliini-li Slri-ol, I'iUsliin, I'a. C'orrlKaii. M:iiy .1. (Mrs. O'llrii-lil, 71 Iniliail 'rrilil, Cospi-r. r,uilhit- Joycii, ,'17.1 Warren .'\ycnue, KiiiKsUin. t'liHik. l-'.uiiiia (iraer, iiii-i s\ ille, I'a l>elly, llowiii-(l, lUi.,iiiislilirK, I'a. Doilnoii. Ostmrne Camp. ('IliiuriM l*"lilU. K IV N-. s. IV Dl'liliiiii. Clayttin. Ili-iMit-k, I'a. W. ('ana, la (tularin, I'll. l-'.llloll, Idwnl H. (Cenerall, Apt. 1,11, Uullinn Ail Sara (Mrs, Kennelll I.. Cain). .I-1(, (Iraee I-'.. llase, Ikeler. Wasll., .\vi-iiiie. Einniuiel, Mary Loin (.Mrs. llruvMil. tl') K yer Kuail. Wilkes llai Erdninn, Knthryn Mprip, -I7fi4 JNl Koiul, Nurtli .-\rIiiiKliin. \'ii- 52 I). .\kioil. re, ('. O. I'a. Pa. Cenrne F. Stalll). .1.127 VVisImw .Avenue, Fresno, Calif. Freii.s, Lois G. (MrGerrily. Helen M.. (.17 N. Main Street. Pitlston. I'a. No. 1. Danville. I'a. D Laura. K Girton. Cress. Wniiam (111), .118 W. Market Street. Potlsville, Pa. C.riesmer. Theresa, 2') William Street. Wilkes Ilarre, Pa. Cronka, Kli/,iheth I.Mrs. Ravin). 48 W, Main Street, (lien Lyon, I'.i C.undrv. M.iry A. I.Mrs. \V. I. I'rizer), 742 Cornell Avenue, Drexel Mill, I'.i. Guntoii, Kiitli M. iMrs. FlwiKid FarrelU, 9 Waverly Road, I.Iancrck, Pa. M rs. (1. W. .Mitonl. 4 X. Ilroome Street, Port .lervis, X.Y. Harris. II, I. -11 E. ll,-i wiek. Pa. H.iKi-iiliii. ti, (itihert, HeadinRS. Esther A., Milloy, I'a. Helfrich, Esther Catherine. 2(i Park .\venue, Wilkes Ilarre. I'.i Hess. Mary E. (Ml-, Waller Criroii). 17,1.1 W'est Front Street. llerwiek. Pa. Hwiij. Norma (Mr-, W, R, MeCreaily'l. Ill) S. Cliesliull .Street. Siimniil Hill. Pa, Hosier. Carl Leon (Dr), 1722 .\illinis .\venue. Seriinton, Pa. Houser, Ciielehen, 20? X. Main Street, Taylor. I'a. Htitebinifs. Marion iMis. Slumt.f). Roek (^len. Pa," 1 M l-'.ilwarils. r. 12 F.. KiKlilh Street. lll,i(misliiirK. Pa. Dreibelbin. M. Esther, 4S.^ Cramalan .\veiiile. Apt, 2 F. Ml. \ ernon, X. N. Duy, .losephine V. (Mrs. l-'rank lluleliisi.iO, LSI) Cliestnut Si., llkioinsIiwrK, Fairehlld, Lois M.. li,2 llanover Slreel, Nanlieoke, Pa. Faux, l-'red W., (JHl I'^ Cainewuon -Street, Sllainokin, Pa. Finke, Ward E., 122 K. I.llll Slreel, llerwiik, I'll. Reheee.i. ' 1 W. Filth Street. Jones, Anne PhillipK, 11" W. Kindi«. Roy C. Clearliekl, llkKinisliurL-. I'a. Shawnee .\venue, Plyiuoulh, I'a. I'a. Ruth (Mrs C.e,irKe IlavesK .122 Harrison Avenue, Seranton, Pa. Koonti, Roy H,, 9 .Shaiiliork lirive. OiauKe, Conn. Lawall, Miriam (Mr-, Hovt K, Heller). W.ipwallolien. P,1. Koehli-r. Losioo, Fnnnip E. |MI^. K. II. \\ .imlil l, S.l') \, \ iiu- Slu-rl. l^i/lrloii. I';i. Mrs. Ilil Irnlirnilci >. U. II. No. llloiiillslmrK, I'll. Lriirhaw, Cnthrrinr Lilll.'. Ki.llifriiif (Mrs. h.lin l!;iki-l<'ss), Cveat Hill Riiml. Sfymiiur, U. I). No. .S, I 2, I'.iini. Mari'lu'lti. Mailiii, (Mrs. Au^nsl AiiRi'linn Edith I.. M I \l ( s. i Mii-liolhii-1. Oniiui \. I. 1(1.1 I.adnl SpiiiiKs. l.^iismil. s, i MauriT. Myitl.-. M. ^.WJ .|,,l,„s,,i, I. Clidcii. N. .1. M .nh.uil villi-. \. I. S(li'i-(. Kua.l. lliucliiiK, Lois M. I.Mis. ILiil.iii .Siivili-rl. < iil.iwiss.i, I'a. M.Ciiir.-, Dora Floieiice, S.H11I1I11..0U CdUils. .I.IJIl ll.lll .S(., N. \V., Wash., I). C. Mcr.<.c. l.i^o J., K.lll \. hranUrm SliiTt, l'ii( s(ii« n, I'a. Mih's. Mihh'<-d iMis. II, UaU(,.Ml, .Shan-t luwii, I'a. Mil.hll. H.i.-n iMis liwiii K. WiaviM). N. K.ihirts Aviiiur. Niw Ihill.inil, I'a. Moss. I.i'oiia Gcrtriidp, ,SJ(i .S. Kixcr .'stiri'l. W'ilkrs Hailc, I'a. Oman, Clara A., MX .Massaihnsil Is Avriiui-. N. K.. Wash, I). ('. PaniU'baki-r, Maude (Mrs. I.awifiu-r lIlKU'rhclil). ».'.' N. .Imu' Slrrrl, IhII.vwdiiiI I mv I .IS. .lilt Ruth K., n I) No. 1. lll,„.insl)urK. I'a. Grace Josephine, Jl .Mrxainii-r Sliic-(. WilKt's Maiic. I'. Rice, Dorothy i\li~ I'.iiil Williainsl, (.-11 W. IliaiiiMTi.l .\vnuii'. ll.i/hl Richnrd.s, EliralMth Chubb, llll .V.lains St., leilaliil, I'a. Rabbins. Shirley J., Kus.ilinil Canlrns .Ajils., Diililis Kerry, N. V. Roldan, Ramon Selles, San l.nreii^o. I'or(i) kii'o. Roth, Beatrice H. Mrs. II. Krevesl. .177 l.afayelle Ave, I'ahiuTloii, I'a. Rudy, Anna Genevieve, IJ.I C'rarv Ave., Ml. Vernon, N. V. Pooli-y, 'HI Mirklieik \. Kreelanil, ,S|., Sick, Adona, H., .ICiS Main V.. l',iik, Am llas|,t.,nrK III' II. I'll. .Sinil. \ W Wasli.. . Mrs. I'ursel 1. W. \\ ashinul Si., I'leasalilville. N. Austin, Mariorie, J.IS .Acailcin V Strt Wilki sHarre, Baer, Beniainin Barre, JdS I.elliKll Sir naiina. I'cnna. Baluta, John Victor Dr I, 215 .Shaiiiokin .Sireel. .Sliainokici, I'a. Burger, Elsie May .M r> Ilarrv Kalerm.iii). Li^lK Sireel Ko.iil, lllo isliurg, Beishline. Bernice I., (Mrs, Shirley Koliliiiisl, IIKld llr.i.i.lwa llr.i.i.lwav. i-i v. Dol.lis V. N. Bone, Z. Esther, 111 Fori S(reel. Korly I'orl, I'a, Boyle, Julia Marie, () Main .S(reel, l-'reelaiiii. I'a. I 1 .1. i 1 I'a. Burns, Kalhryn C, J.ll K. Mahanoy Ave., Cirarilville, I': Carter, Louise P. (.Mrs. C. W. ), -LIO Main Sireel. I'eckviille, I'a. Clark. Hilda (Mis. KInier Kaircliilill. .1.1.1 S. I'ronI Sireel, Millon. Cook, Sara Anna (Mrs. II. Dail.l ^o^^^:l, .1.1.1 S. .\Iarke( Sireel, Sll.iinokill. I'.i. DAiley, Margaret (Mrs. Maig.irel Meen.ilianl. V.l S. Main Si. M.ihanoy I'ilv, Davies. Ellen .M s. l''olsoni). «i.W W. Cliesli.r I'k,. Ilrooni.ill. I'a. Davis, Mary J. (Mrs, Walaee MaeDaviill. .Id Court St., I.aneasler, N. V Depcw, Hilda May (Mrs. (ireRory), .l.lj Knller Avenue KiuKsti I": Dorsey. Kathhin, .'7 Looker Sireel, Ilillsiil|.. N. .1. Dreibelbis. Ruth Anna, INI Cramalan Avenue. .\pl. .Ml. \'el'non, N. N. Dugnn, Elizabeth Clnir, Nieliolsoii, I'a. Elder, Carolyn Emma, (i(l(l V.. Tliiid Street, lU-rwiek, I'.i, I I 1 2F Frilj, Dorothy Margaret, I7IK W, Wesl niorelanil Si., I'lii Fuller, Ruth N. (.Mrs, W. W. Ciegory). Urallierly. I'a. Funk, Cora S., .K l-'ast Tliiid Sirtel. HloonislmrK. I'eiina. Gahbert. Kathryn E. (Mrs. Charles A. Thoniasi. I it>. Ill S, Mali; Sti M. (Mrs. .lohnslon}. Kivcrsidc. Pa, Graves, Ruth Frances (.Mrs. T. U. Kdwards), D.illon. I'a. Hagenbuch, Elsie R. (Mrs. Irvin Nohinsonl. 400 V\'. .Main I'l Hammond, Genevieve I'; .Street, llloonisliniK. I54J I'enna. Ave., Seranton, Harman. Irene (.Mis, W. K. Dewl, ,W.1 K. Cliurili S(reel. N.intieiike. I'a. Harrison, G. (.Mrs. K. I.. .Myers). OrallKeville. K, D. No, 2. I'a. \'. .1. Cravens. Jr.). Emma Hartranft. Clara G. (Mrs. J. Hopkins). (,. 'M') W. 'I'lliril Si,. Ilazleton. I'a. Hillside, N. Harvev. Mary A. (Mrs. W. K. CiinniiiKliam ). (>7 Hillside .\veiiiie. Hess. Katherine R., 1,W Arch Street. .Nanticoke. I'a. Hidlay. Sara M. (Mrs. Kdson A. Poller), Hox 1,11. (lien (iardner. N. Higgins, Mamie 1 I'a. Knies. A. Pauline .Slate Street. (Mrs, Horace Willi.iins s. lolin A. I'reel. IH.I Kramer. Ha/el M Lenr, Harry Kresge, E., 1.17 I'a. Nanlicoke. Pa. Kasl Fidli Street, lllooinshni 1. g. I Delaware Street. W. iillitiry. \, .1. Sireel. Wilkes llarre. I'a Leidlch, Ray D., .1.1 Cresson Sireel, Tremonl. Pa, Line. Anna E. (Mrs, llowersox). 51 Carlisle Street, Wilkes H.irre, I'a. Madden. Mary Agnes (Mrs, Healhl. 9.1 Dana Sireel. l''orlv Fort. I'a. Mason. Catherine H. ,M s, lloyd l.iKelilillell ). X'' Iron Street. IlloonisliUrg. P. Maxey, Florence V. (Mis, M ai ,M illaii 1. 51 Carfield .Avenue, Carliondale, Pa. Mayers, F. Jennie (.Mis, W, Iv hlvans). «2 .Xnipere Parkway, I'-asl Orange N, McAndrews, Harriet (.Mrs. C. Murnliy), ( Nevada Ave., N. W., Wash,. ), C McCormick, M. Annette l,\lrs. I. P. .Murray). 41! Main Sireel, Forest City, Pa 1 I 2<» I .Maflfell I 1 . I McDyer, Anna Leonline, McHugh, Helen Co.ililale. I'a, V., 411 CliesHuit Street, Kingston, Pa, J., c/o Re.irlin); Coniiiativ. .M.-ihanov City. Pa. llarre. I': I. A, O'Coniirll ). 42 Cinderella ,Street. Wilkes I', A, Williams. .!.!.! K. Main Sireel. Naiilieoke. I'a, Meenahan, F'rank Maude Mis, Morgan. Ann (Mis. Miller. I Musgrave. Maud Evelyn, Neely. Alice. I.cliniail. I(i41 .Sanderson Avenue. Scranton '). I'a. P.I. O'Hara. Marearett Loretta, Minooka. I'a. Pennington, Phoebe, (.Mrs. Aiipletnanl, ( li.iiiKevilte. R, D,. iisl.nrg. Pi, Potter, Haiel iMis lloyl). East Sireel, III I'liil.i . I'a. w liniiidlalid. I'a, . r.i ( . EmmitI, Sara, ll.invdle, I'a. Fnterline. Emily Viettn, (Mrs. P. S. liiitlncr). Tlroarlway, Tiirlint ville, I'a. Fans, Hester P. (Mrs, W. T. I'ligle), R. D. No. I, g. I'a. Fisher. Mary Leola (Mrs. Kdwiii F.yerly). .129 EasI Street. Hloonislinrg. Pa. Frew, Agnes (Mis. Willard .1. D.ivis), .1.1 Reicker Trail, Indian Lake, Deuvile. .1. Wilkes- Barre, I'.i I'.i. Chinch Street, Dalloii. Pa. Grossman, Lena, H\ S. Pine Sireet. Ila/leton. Pa. Hacker, Bertha M. iMrs. Schneiil. 41.1 Keystone Avenue. Peckville, Pa. Heller, Edwin, D..111 id Hoys, Hoard of Education, High .School, Orange. N. J. Hoag. Esther, Ncscopeck, Pa, Hodgson, Clarence Thomas, 472 Atlantic Avenue, York, Pa. James. Anna Lois, .11 .S. (iranl Slreid. Wilkes- Harre. I'a. Jenkins, Nan Rachel, 20'' VV. High Sireel, Nesi|Uehiiniiig. I'a. Johnson. Lillian (Mrs. Harvev I'lanlz). Ml. Crilna. Berks Co.. Pa. Jones, Freda E., .172 Schuvler Am-iiiic. Kingston, P.-i. Jones, Louise (Mis W, A, Thoniasl. Ilox 17(1, Langhornc, Pa, Joyce. Walter L., Hilllneade. R. D,. Betliesda. Md. Kahny. Mitry C. (.Mis, C, L. Arnolil), Kiskiniinles School. Salts!. uig. Pa. Keller, William Unger, Dawson, I'.i. Kester. Fred. W.ivdiv. Pa. Kester, Veda E. iMis livili Miller). 1125 (iarrison Avenue, Roehesirr, .N. V. I 1 Kingsbury, Mariorie Ni' Gift, J. Claire, .Millon. I'a. Greener, I-'lorence May, 2l(i Dana Avenue, Gregory. Helen E. ,M s. VV. C. Lipperl). 1 Jones. Jessie. I(. .Vradiinv .Street, I'lvmonlh, I'a, Kahny. Valetta L. (Mis. II, R. Robinson). 402 S|iriiiK Sireel. I.atioi.e. llgliesville. I*:t. Kelsey, John E., h'ellon Stierl. Delaney, Eugene Leo, I'lyinonlli. I'a. Dennis, Hope L. IMrs. I. W, Andeison), Ilox .Id. I'alls Clinich. Va. Dunlnp, Elsie (Mrs. W. O. Weclil. R, D. No. 1, Modntaiii Top. I'a. Dyniond, Mabel (.Mrs lloMin Hell), R, I) No. .t, Dallas, Pa. N', Hill, ( W, Garrison, Sarah (Mrs. Harry Miller), inno F.linira Sireet. Williamsport. I'a. Gensemer, Lillian O. (Mrs. Ralph Moyer), 20 W. Kighlli Sireel, Hloomslniig. .1. I.Mrs. T, Tlioinasl. 257 llloolnlield Ave,. Caldwell, N. J. Cora Gertrude, ''IK Waliinl Street, Williamsport, I'a, Hinchey, Joseph F., eiit .ili.i. I'.i. Howe. Gladys Adelia (.Mrs, R. U, Merrill). R, J). No. 2. I'lster. Hutchiscn. Frank S., IWl Cliestnut Street, nlooinshni g, I'.i. Irvin, Hannah M., Main Street. Coniieiton, l';i. Beebn, l.ura Mae, 1'. I'.I Girton. Lois (Mrs. 1547 III. 1*'.. I'.I, .Mam Wash,, , I I 1 I D., llnMlnigton Mills, I'a, Harriet M., '1.1 Maiv Sliiet, Ashley, I'a. Benscoter, Eflie M. (Mrs. K. II. Kinhack). 752 Main Sireel, Peckville. Pa. Berlew, Mlldre. No. I, OrallKeville, I'a. Whitesell, Ahram Bruce (Dr. I, J(l )iiliai il I'laie, l''iniy l'"oil, I'a. Williams, Tom E.. Sfhl .S, l-'raiiklin .^lne(. Wilkes- Han e, I'a, Yeager, Martha E. (Mrs, Kinttlrlieii), 5KK I'eaie .Sireel, lla/lelon, I'a. Ycrkes, Elizabeth Helene. M il.iti ville. i'.i. Yost, Ruth E. iMis ll.nolil lliakliy), W4 Tiluhmall .Sireel, Alleiilown. I'.i, Zearfoss. Margaret (\Iis l\.iil Iv Kieliardsl, Moinitain Top. I'a. .'IJ 1 1 Stanton, Marg.iret E., 429 l'^. Center Sireel, Shenandoah. Pa. Sullivan. Kathryn M. IMrs. W. (iiirdon), 75 .Searle Sireel. Pillslon, I'a Sutlifr, Ella B. (Mrs. Henry C. llrittain). Ilunlinglon .Mills. I'a. Suwalski. Victoria A., (Mrs. T. A. O'Connelll, .1917 14th Sireel, N. W, I'a. .^(reel, HlooiiishnrK, Mary Simons, Olive, I'a. IIiiaK). i24 rolunili I Siegel. ,1. Shuman, John . '. I'",. May, .| , W Schu, Leo William, l.uellst (lap, Shepherd, Irene S. (Mrs. T. C. F. I,Nils, I'. I'll / ruk 1. 4|P) l.llli Place, N. V... Wash 1). C. Rutherlord, Margaret, E., (Mrs. Ilerherl Dygerl). WS W. Center ."itleet, Aledinn. \ ^ Ryan, Mai y V. (Sister M. Eleanor). 155 WiMow Sireel, Wilkes llarre. Pa. Schlauch, Ivan R., 71(i K, Third Sireel, lllooinsliurK, Pa. Scboffstall, Charles I'oster, ,122 Iv Locust Street, itetlileheiil, I'a. Schuyler. Eva iMis I'. ml ieU'.ild I. Main Street. Tiirliol ville, I'a. Sweppenheiser. Anne M., 41.1 W.ilnut Herwick, I'a. Searfoss, Florence, R D No. 4, Dallas, I'a. Searles, Harriet Ethel, .1(11 Wesl Sireel, Itkiomsliin u, I'a. Seward, I.ucretia ,M s Lewis Long). R. D,. llroaiTw.iv. Pa. Shaffer. Helc-n ,M s S C. Ileiire), .I2« East Sireel, Iirnoinshurg. I'a. Shoemaker. Ethil M. (Mrs. ( Ilerherl llenrie), Millville. I'a. Shovlin, Nan Marguerite (Mrs. I'".ager), Itill lames .Sireel. Wilkes. H.irie Pa Sidh'r. Mildred, Sisleentli Street. N, W',. Wash,, 1), C. 1 I'a. I- Sarichs, Edith Rusk. Anna ( Rei5!i, I Powell, Jojuina iMis, Loieii/). I*)2K I'aiglewood Avenue. Forty Fort, Pa. Reed, Kathryn Marie (Mis, Ray C. Kas(.), .Ill I.ickson ;\veiuii', Uidgwav, Pa. Richards, Mabel E. (Mrs, Cli.nles Miller). 52H5 .Ail.ilils Sireel. Wesl Clies'ler. I'll. Rohbins. Blanche K. (Mrs. Kiiin.iii Dainoiil. .17.1 Main Sireel. W. ConconI, Mass, Roberts, Jennie (Mis, .S, Moirisl. Cor. Clmicli and Cln.iry Sis,. I'alwardsville, Pn. Rogers, Annette Powell (Mrs, .\, 1. l.lovd). (ill N, Summer .Ave,, Selanton, I'li. 1 Kinflig, Bruce, M.idison Lodge, Kaiis. Marion Genevieve, 27 Culherl Road, CrdlillKswnod, N. J. Kresge, Clara Alice, ')(i2 U'aliiill Sireet, I'reeland, Pjl. Lecher, Gertrude Connuelo, 14 Terrace .Stri'el. VVilkes Harrc. Pa. Lord, Gertrude M. Mis C R, Blanch), 514 W. Aich Streel, Poltsville, Pn. Luchs, Clyde Robert, \H \\ liird Sired, BlnomshurK, Pa. McCarthy, Helen Mary (Mrs I. W. O'Toole). f.lll (iihhons Sireel. Scranton. Pa Kline, I I McHenry, John Franklin, Stillwater. I'a. McHugh, Margaret M,, 111 W. Seventh Sireet, Ilazleton, Pa. Maher, Elizabeth, lopl.ol loin, I'a. Maust, Agnes I,Mrs, K DielTcnl.acher ), R, D, j\o, 1, Bkiomsliurg. I'a. Maust, Mabel (Mrs, DwiglK Duck). .142 Wesl Streel. Bkiomsliurg. I'a. I I'.i, 5^ MUeham, Mildred Furman, 27 E. Bennett Street, Kingstuii, Pa. Monahan. Rose, 28 Homesville Street, Ashland, Pa. Moss, Mary Jane (Dobson). 1004 West Main Street. Plymouth, Pa. Murphy, Mary Gertrude (.Mrs. F. Arner Prim;, 130 W. Birch St., Hazleton, Pa. Nyhart, Margaret G. (Mrs. Xorman Thomas), 40 E. Main Street. Glen Lyon, Pa. O'Donnell, Clara (Mrs. L. F. LeMin). 15 W. Avon Road. Chester, Pa. O'Rourke, Frances (Mrs. Leo Dombroskit, 49 Wyoming Street. Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Padagomas, Lucy, 56 E. Main Street, Glen Lyon, Pa. Pettibone, Margaret L. (Mrs. Warner Moss), 41 Hoyt Street. Kingston, Pa. Powell, Anna M. (Mrs. Earl Morgan). 920 E. Mason Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Pursel, Anna M., Box 341, Burnham. Pa. Quinney, Evelyn Rush, Hawley, Pa. Ramage. Russell, Prescott. Ariz. Reichard. Mary Alma, E. Hepburn Street. Milton. Pa. Richards, Anna Mae (Mrs. A. M. Carter), 321 Arthur Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Richards, Earl E., Mountain Top, Pa. Richardson, John L., Jr., 1136 Beverly Drive, San Gabriel, Calif. Rifkin, Lilliain Helen, 37 Washington Street. Wilkes Barre. Pa. Row, Kathryn iMrs. Leo McXamee), Center Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Schaller, Mary Frances, 180 S. Cedar Street, Hazleton. Pa. Shaffer. Frederick H.. 1787 Murray Street. Forty Fort. Pa. Sharpless, Harriet Ethel. 1 W. Fifth Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Shirk. Caroline (Mrs. C. E. Baer), Elwood City, Pa. Shuman, Harriet (Mrs. R. S. Burr). 1309 Wyugate Road. Wynnewood, Pa. Silvius, Ruth v.. Ninth and Race Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Smith, Arline (Mrs. W. E. McQuown), S West Germania Street, Ashley, Pa. Smith. Ruth, 235 S. Burroues Street. State College. Pa. Mrs. Dale (Guthrie). 20 Mimequa Avenue, Canton, Pa. Snyder, Alice Sutliff, Nellie G., 275 River Street. Xantlcoke. Pa. Suwalski, Amelia (Mrs. James Thomas), 113 Park Street, Xanticoke, Pa. Titman, Selena (Mrs. D. L. Kirch t, G:!]ette, X. J. Turner, Freda A. (Mrs. Forrest Sliker). 71 Maple Avenue, Tunkhannock, Pa. Vanderslice, Sarah (Mrs. T. J. Wallace). 52 Juniper Ave.. Mineola. L. L. X. Y. Varker, Mabel A. (Mrs. Tohn H. Stark). 168 Robert Street, Xanticoke, Pa. Veale, Edna (.Mrs. Higgens). 24 Woodleave Rd.. Bryn ^L-lwr, Pa. Wagner. Esther C. (Mrs. Richard J. Rager). Milroy, Pa. Walty. Marguerite Marie, 44 Richard Ave.. Dover. X. J. Warner, Mary Agnes (Mrs. David T. Smales), R. D. No. 2. Laceyville, Pa. Watts. Helen, *'01 S. Franklin Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Wiant, Herman E. (Dr), 100 Windsor Ave.. Haddontield. X. J. Wiant, James Stewart (Dr.). 533 Edgar Road. Westfield. X. J. Wilkes, Blanche, Wananiie. Pa. Williams. Elizabeth M. (Mrs. H. F. Greish), 112 Poplar Street, Kingston. Pa. Williams, Ruth B., 213 X. Main Street. Taylor. Pa. Williams, Stanford, 391 W. Tairview St.. Somerset. Pa. Youngman. Beatrice May (Mrs. Reichart). 179 S. Wyoming St., Hazleton, Pa. Zierdt, Miriam G., 619 W. Sixth Street. Hazleton. Pa. Zwiebel, Ed. A., Jr., 6 Xorth Second Street. Pottsville. Pa. ( CLASS OF 1918 Cunrad Walter). 121 S. Woodward St., Hazleton, Pa. Andres, Helen Grieves, 1402 W. Fifth Street. Tacoma. Wash. Andrews, Bertha A. (Mrs. Frank Stepler, Jr.), 233 Burwood Ave., ColHngswood. Altmiller. Florence E. (Mrs. N. J, Aurand, Edna Carolyn, 162 S. Washington Street, Wilkes Barre, Pa. Bakeless, Katherine (Mrs. F. Alex Xason). 15814 Oak Hill, East Cleveland O. Bavolack, Daniel Jr., Tamaqua Street. McAdoo, Pa. Becker, Helen Ruth, 302 E. Bechtel Avenue. Akron 4. Ohio Boyle. Mary R. (Mrs. X. F. Polaneczky). 7021 Algard Street, Phila.. Pa. Brace, Leslie E., 676 Dorcian Road, Westfield, X. J. Brittain, Norma Evelyn, Register, Pa. Brown, Margaret L. (Mrs. T. A. Wilson). 1610 C St., X.E.. Wash.. D. C. Butler, Ella C. (Mr-. Theodore Wallin). 1305 Prescott Ave., Dunmore, Pa. Carey, Margaret Marie, 1113 Burton Street. Freeland, Pa. Cherrington, Paul L., 314 X. Fulton Street, AUentown. Pa. Conety. Esther E. (Mrs. C. C. Bell), i2 Timpson Street, Ashley. Pa. Cotner, Cora K. (Mrs. Earl Mottern). 425 X. Monroe St.. Arlington. Va. Cryder, Margaret A. (Mrs. Edward Reimer), 237 W. Second Street, Berwick, Pa. Cunningham, Susie C. (-Mrs. R. A. Bacon). Park Avenue. Wycombe. Pa. Davenport, Edna (Mr-. J. R. Ohl). 25 E. 11th Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Deiley, Edna (.Mrs. Clvde Blecker). 3i2 JetTerson Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Devers. Anna E. (Mrs. Anna Gilroy). 2042 37th Street. X. W.. Wash.. D. C. Edgar, Dorothy (Mr?.. W. K. Creasv), Espy. Pa. Edwards, Criddie (Mrs. R. lierninger). R. D. Xo. 1. Pittston. Pa. Edwards. L. Mildred (Mrs. H. S. Daron). 22 Daron Street. Luzerne. Pa. Edwards, Vida Elnora, 124 Berkshire Court. Hasbrouck Heights. X. J. Engle, Rose i.Mrs. Charles S. Popskv). 90 Charles Street. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Foy, Elva C. (Mrs. G. T. Phillips), 101 X. Broad Street, Selinsgrove, Pa. Gaffney, Kathryn Mary, 16 Meade Street, Pittston. Pa. Gilbert, Marjorie (Mrs. Bruce Creveling), E. Fourth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Gillespie. Mary Magdelen, 632 Alter Street. Hazleton. Pa. Good, Zareta Agnes (Mrs. Donald C. White). 1102 Confer Ave., Johnstown, Pa. Gorman. Clara Mary, Main Street. Girardville, Pa. Griffiths, Joseph, Comierton. Pa. Gronka, Rose Agatha (Mrs. Edward T. R'elar). Glen lyon. Pa. Hagenmeyer, Martha (Mrs. Phillips), 1530 Holly Drive. Webster Groves. Mo. Harley, Anna Catherine, 140 S. Hancock Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Harmany. Lee A.. 413 E. Second Street, Berwick, Pa. Harris, C. Dewey, Fifth and East Streets. Bloom'^burg. Pa. Harrison. Dorothy (Mrs. W. LaBarr), H unlock Creek. Pa. Hart, Ralph (Dr.). 658 Fern Street. Yeadon. Pa. Healy, Genevieve C. 109 Broad Street. Pittston. Pa. Henrie, Margaret M. (Mrs. Cralle Henderson), 613 Second Ave., Montgomery. W. \'a Henry. Carol Ruth Fourth Street, Tower Citv. Pa. Henrie, William, 309 Church Street. Danville. Pa. Hen wood, Grace Mae, 201 (^urch Street, Dunmore. Pa. Hess, Florence L. (Mrs. Price). 31 Washington Street, East Orange. X'. J. Hetler. Eleanor (Mrs. Elmer Trimmer). Madison Street. Hackettstown, X. T. Hill. Flcr-nce H. (Mrs. Ernest H. Knorr). 612 E. Third Street, Berwick. Pa." Hutton. Ruth (Mrs. Aucker). 8302 Ellington Drive. Silver Springs. Md. Jones, Muriel E. Mr>. H. H. PefTer). Tamaqua Street. Audenried. Pa. Kabusk, Nellie Madalean, Edwardsville. Pa. Keen, Carrie Hilda (Mrs. Edison Fischer). 30 Market Street. Glen Lyon. Pa. Kerstetter, Mary Irene, 650 Salem Ave., Un'on. X. J. Kester, Raymond Roscoe, 348 Mill Street, Danville. Pa. Knouse, Helen (Mr>. Long). Benton. Pa. Kressler, Russell. Box 103. Pennsville, X. J. Law, Hannah W. (Mrs. Sheldon Groner). 5 E. Fifth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Lohman, Elmer, 154 E. X'ohk Street. X'anticoke. Pa. Longshore, Jennie W., 115 Dewart Street. Shamokin, Pa. Lord, Helen Gertrude .Mrs. Artliur Powell). 196 James Street, Kingston, Pa. Lott. Beatrice Myrtle. 721 Main Street, Forest City. Pa. MacDonald, Elizabeth (Mrs. A. J". King), 209 Victoria Ave., Woodcrest, ( ( W'ihniiicton 4. Del Martin, Alice Clare (Mrs. Alice M. Wolff). 710 E. Mahonoy Ave.. Mahonoy City Maust, Laura, Hiyli Sclmr.!. Willianisriort. Pa McFadden, Katharine Agnes, 137 S. Pine Street, Hazleton, Pa. McManus, Mary (Mrs. Gallagher), 25 E. Fifth Street. Mt. Carmel. Pa. 54 Medo, Edith (Mrs. Zaris), 410 E. Church Street, Xanticoke, Pa. Meehan, Mary Agnes, 2632 Lexington Street, Harrisburg. Pa. Melan, Genevieve Inez (.Mrs. Youii), 704 Walnut Street, Freeland, Pa. Merkal, Leah Rachel (Mrs. Charles Rarig), Catawissa, R. D.. Pa. Miles, Rachel Anne (Mrs. W. M. Porter). 91 Shaver Ave.. Shavertown. Pa. Miller, Clyds A., i>iA Bloom Street. Danville, Pa. Miller, David B.. 4ons Street. Easton, Pa. CLASS OF 1920 Anthony, Agnes S. (-Mrs. J. E. Silvanyl. S3 N. River Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Bennett, Mark, Broad Street, East Bangor. Pa. Berger, Karl R. 192 S. First Street, Lehighton, Pa. Beyer, Florence (Mrs. T, G. Lewis). 120 S. Fourth Street, Lewisburg, Pa. Boguszewski, Adolph R., 10 Lewis St.. Hanover Green, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Boyer, Isabel, 215 Grand Street, Danville. Pa. Brunozzi, Armeda (.Mrs. Fred Petrini). 106 W. Main Street, Glen Lyon, Pa. Cataldo, Felicia, 191 S. Pine Street, Hazleton, Pa. Cloherty, Clare, 601 Fourth Avenue. Scranton. Pa. Cocklin, Alice F., llo W. Union Street, Shickshinny, Pa. Creasy, Leroy, Espy. Pa. Davis, Anna M. (Mrs. Clarence Barrow-), Fourth Street, Ringtown, Pa. Dent, Myrtle (Mrs. Paul Trembly). 239 E. Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Eyerly, Emma R. (-Mrs. Sergio Betancourt), P. O. Box 411, Ancon, Canal Zone, Panama City. Republic of Panama. Ferree, Margaret, Oak Hall Station, Pa. Fox, R. Valara (Mrs. Charles Steinmayerl. 7117 Thomas Blvd.. Glenside Station, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gamble, Ethlyn R. (-Mrs. Kast). Sugar Run, Pa. Gearinger, Katherine (.Mrs. Elias Cohen). 232 E. Fifth Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Gotshall, Grace E. (.Mrs. F. L. Pannebaker). 507 E. -Main Street, Lock Haven, Pa. Griffith, Eleanor, 20 X. Seventh Street. Shamokin, Pa. Grimes, Joseph E., 116 W. First Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Harris, Mary E. (.Mrs. John Greek), Camp Hill. Pa. Hartline, H. Keffer (Dr.). Providence & Bishops Hollow Roads, Media. Pa. Heller, Anna, L.icevville. Pa. Herman, Almire H. (Mrs. Edgar Spencer). 4550 W. I8th St., Los Angeles 6, Calit. Holleran, Teresa M., 117 Luzerne Avenue. Pittston. Pa. Hower, Clair, .^'22 Elkins Park. Elkins Park. Pa. Hower. Margaret V., R. D. -Xo. 7, Danville, Pa. Johnson, Ruth E. 'Mrs. Myron F. Garney), 7109 Renna Ave., Upper Darby, Pa. Keeler. Lawrence V., R. D. Xo. 3. Catawissa. Pa. Kehler, Ronald E. (Rev). R. D. Xo. 1, Ashland. Pa. Kehler, Meriam M. (Mrs. Golden Kehler). Main Street, Locust Dale, Pa. Kelly. Jeanette D., 2(*7 36 Place. X. W.. Wash., D. C. Kline, Lena A., 2J) E. 11th Street. Berwick, Pa. Lage, Francisco, Box 2402. 9 Monric^ue Street, Havana, Cuba. Lawson, Kathryn, 115 W. Washington Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Lewis, Annetta R. (.Mrs. Diffendaferl. 973 Sanford Ave.. Irvington. X. J. Llewellyn, Muretta (.Mrs. .Morgan). 20 Spring Street, Nanticoke. Pa. Marchetti, Elizabeth, Xuremberg. Pa. Martin, Gertrude R., 426 .X. Hemlock Street. Hazleton, Pa. Mauser, Mary M. (Mrs. Roy Fry), 952 West Main Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Mausteller, Grace (Mrs. Elwood Xewhart), R. D. Xo. I. Bloomsburg, Pa. McBride, Mary, 4.W Scott Street. Wilkes Barre, Pa. Mensinger, Jessie, Slieppton, Pa. Morgan, Jennette H., 28 Fifth Street. Plymouth. Pa. Nolan, Miriam J. cMrs. Harold Williams). 27 Bynow Ave., White Plains. X. Y. O'Malley, Anna M. (Mrs. Richard Walsh). 231 Harrison Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Park, Jane, R. I). Xo. 1, Dallas. Pa. Patrick, Dorcas, Tower t itv. Pa. Patrick, Rachel (Mrs. W. O. Seitzinger. Jr.), Tower City, Pa. Petty, Elizabeth, 213 W. Second Street. Berw-ick, Pa. Reese. Agnes, R. I). Xo. 2, Bloomsburg. Pa. Reichart, Harry (Dr.). Riant Theater Building, Conshohocken, Pa. Rinard. Margaret, 201 Plymouth Place. Merchantville. X. J. Robert, Helen (Mrs. R. T. Truscott). 703 >L-idison .\venue, Jermyn. Pa. Rose, Marjorie (.Mrs. S. W. Thomas), 3411 Rutherford Street, Harrishurg. Pa. Santee. Clara N., Conyngham. Pa. Schoch, Mvrtle, (Mrs. .A. W. Xeubauer). Lopez, Pa. Srheafer, Gladys (Mrs. Kohll. 620 Prescott Ave.. .Scranton. Pa. Shaffer, Laura G (Mrs. O. C. Peters). 820 E. Second Street, Nescopeck, Pa. Strange, Earl, 144 Beech Street. Pottstown. Pa. Stroh, Jeanne (.Mrs, James Walsh), R. D. No. 1. York Springs, Pa. Sweeney, Marion A., 510 Chestnut .\ve.. .Scranton. Pa. Sweopenheiser. Ella E. (Mrs. Clark Kennedy). R. D. No. 5. Bloomsburg, Pa. Taylor, Edna H. (Mrs. Benjamin Baileys). 329 Ridge Ave., Kingston, Pa. Taylor, Marion E. (Mrs. Stark). McDermott. Maple Street. O. Titman. Ruth iMrs. R. E. Deitrick). 140 X. Market Street. Bloomsburg. I'a. Traugh. Fern E. Mrs. B. L. Eshlcman), 303 Sixth Street. Berwick. Pa. Unangst, Edward, Catawissa. Pa. Wagner. Evalyn iMrs. L. R. Cover), Box 68. Moonfield, W. Va. Wendel, Hilda, 5.54 Peace Street, Hazleton, Pa. West, Vera F., (Mrs. Bachman), 35 X. 30th Street, Camden, X. J. White, Helen S. (Mrs. Rexford Xoack), 94 Taylor Place. Forty Fort. Pa. White, Wilhemine (.Mrs. W. V. Moyer). 356 Center Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. I CLASS OF 1921 Aenew, Marian E. (Mrs. Allison, Josephine P. Sledel). 858 Cobbs Creek Blvd.. Yeadon, Pa. (Mrs. Moyer), 907 Broad Street, Pleasantville, X. J. Anderson, Mildred H. (Mrs. Emerson Mower), 130 Walnut Street, Nanticoke, Pa. Aponick Lucy (.Mrs. .Sharkowicz), Main Street, Wanamie, Pa. Baldauski, Margaret, 60 Third Street. Wvoming. Pa. Beddall, Gladys (.Mrs. WiUiam Saul), 815 \\f. First Street, Hazleton, Pa. Behr, Oda, L.ipLZ. Pa. Billmeyer, Bertha (Mrs. J. E. Zong) 314 Centre St., Milton, Pa. Blossom, Edith H. (Mrs. HofTman), 532 James Street. Hazleton, Pa. Boetticher, Laura C. (Mrs. Best). Conyngham, Pa. Bohn, Lydia, A., 227 Stephen -Ave.. Scranton. Pa. Boruch, Olga M., Sunbury St.. Minersville. Pa. Boyer, Helen (.Mrs. Harry F. Hostetter), Lewistown, Pa. Brady, Margaret M., 48 Lee Park Ave., Lee I*ark, Pa. Breisch, Lillie iMr~. Ralph Moser), W. Main Street, Ringtown, Pa. Brobst, Ruth " A. (.Mrs. Warne). Wvalusing, Pa. Brower, Mary E., 337 E. Main Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Bi Brown. Marian V., SS2 W. Broad St.. Hazleton, Pa. Buck, Miller J., 2i.7 East Street, Bliwmsburg, Pa. Burlingame, Clyde E., .Almedia. Pa. Carl, Aleta M. Mr-. William Elste), Packard .Street. Sunbury. Pa. Cherrington, Laurence R., 416 Center Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Cleaver, Emma V. (Mrs. W. A. Caldwell), 185 S. Lincoln Street, Keene. N. H. Cole, Martha A. (Mrs. Honstrater). 107 Malone .Avenue, Belleville, N. J. Conner, Jean C, 95 .McCarragher Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Cooke. Jennie C. (Mrs. Ellis). 643 Madison Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Corse, Howard C, Susquehanna. Pa. Decker, Helen E. (Mrs. Bringlesonl. 3910 Lawnview Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Deitrict, Margaret J. (Mrs. Martin), 634 Sixth Street, Bethlehem, Pa Dennis, Marion A. (Mrs. Polk). 304 Oiurch Street, Milford, Del. Dobbs, Victor E., 24 Eleanor Street. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Downing, Mildred L. (Mrs. Elmer Major), Davis Street. Trucksville Pa Dreese, Mary E. i;Mr5. Strieker). R. D. Xo I, McClure. Pa. Edwards, Helen E. (Mrs. Xewman Blaisdell). 311 Main Street, Ellsworth Me Eisenhauer, Helen E. (Mrs. H. R. Kocher). MilTlinville, Pa. Evans, Angcline P. i-Mrs. Ellen L. Beavers), 1612 W. Gibson St., Scranton Pa Evans, Olwen E. (.Mrs. Learn). Tannersville. Pa. EyeHy, Agnes Mae (-Mrs. Walter George), 632 Front Street, Danville, Pa Faean, Julia M. (Mrs. ORourke). 602 X. Church Street, Hazleton, Pa. Felker, Charles A., Beaver Springs. Pa. Fernsler, Mary, 847 S. Franklin Street. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Fischer, T. Edison, 30 Market Street. Glen Lvon, Pa. Fischer, Clara, 129 E. Pine Street, Mahonoy City. Pa. Foley, Marie C, 15 Tames Street. Pittston. Pa. Garrison, Anna C. (Mrs. Harry W. Scott). 570 E. Second Street, Bloomsburg Pa Gerhard, Ruth I., 49 Norman Place. Tennaflv. X. T. Gillaspy. Mary (.Mrs. Shaler), 68 W. .Milton Street. Freeport, L. L, N. Y. Gilroy, Mary E. Mrs. Corgan). .190 Ridge Avenue. Kingston, Pa. Griffiths, Grace, 109 Gaylord Avenue. Plymouth, Pa. Harkins, Marie V. (Mrs. Lehman). 689 Hazlc .Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa Henrie, Hester E. (Mrs. Wilbur Aten). Mifflinville. Pa. Herman, Camilla L. (Mrs. Cecil S. Garey), 1626 Monsev Avenue, .Scranton 9, Pa. Hines, Margaret E., 247 Warren Street. Berwick, Pa. Jervis, Caroline (Mrs. Mead). 310 Warren Street, .Scranton, Pa. Johnson, Elizabeth J., 722 W. Lackawanna Avenue, Olyphant, Pa. Klem, Frank. 110 Newport Street. Glen Lyon. Pa. Koch, Ruth M., 551 Lincoln Street, Hazleton, Pa. Lewis, Leona (Mrs. Phillips). 219 Third Street, Olyphant. Pa. Lobez, Alice (.Mrs. Westgate). Lat-ewood, Pa. Lowe, Helene E. (Mrs. Harry D. Schlegel), 10 Bank Street. Montrose, Pa. Lydia A. Greene (Mrs. George Klumpp). 420 Stafford Avenue, Scranton. Pa. Manhart, Margaret S., 213 Iron Street, Berwick, Pa. Manley, T. Alice (Mrs. James Hannon), I.JOS .Marion Street. Scranton 9, Pa. Martin, Mabel M., Melioopany. Pa. McDonald, Anthony, Centralia. 421 W. Park Street. Pa. McDonnell, Alice M., 325 Sloan Avenue, Collingswood. N. J. McCoy Sue M., 435 E. Diamond Avenue, Hazleton. Pa. McKinstry, Chloe A. (Mrs. Harrv E. Cole), 100 Leonard Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. McShea, Mae D. (Mrs. Raymond Kester). .i48 Mill Street, Danville, Pa. Miller, Pauline S. (Mrs. Oxenrider), Conyngham. Pa. Morgan, Sara B. (.Mrs. SutclilTe). 2746 Larchmont. Union. X. J. Nelson, Lillian (Mrs. Carl T. Yerkes), Box 2, Honesdale, Pa. O'NeUI, Edith B. (Mrs. J. E. Killgore), R. D. No. 1. Stroudsburg, Pa. Pensyl, Marie, 2h] W. Main Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Phillips, Helen B. (Mrs. J. E. White. Jr.). 570 E. Second Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Pritchard, Bemice E. (Mrs. Charles Frantz). 665 Fern ,Avenue. S'eadon. Pa. Pursel, Edna B., Bloomsburg, Pa. Pursel, Russel H., Bloomsburg, Pa. -—_--.-• < ( Reiter, Edward R.. Haddonlield. X. J. Rhodes, Walter M., 288 E. Eighth Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Runciman, Harold J., Minersville. Pa. Scott, Olive, 263 Pierce Street. Kingston. Pa. Seltzer, Emma C. (Mrs. Herbert Ratzburg), .194 W. Main Street, Ringtown, Pa. Shaffer, H. Lucile (Mrs. Willard Kline), Rohrsburg. Pa. Shafer, Myrlynn T., 1432 S. Main Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Shanno, Eleanora (Mrs. Kaiser). R. D. No. 1, Schuvlkill Haven, Pa. Sheets, Grace E. (Mrs. Getty). Huntingdon. Pa. Shuman. Ralph G., 380 E. High Street, Elizabe'htown, Pa. Smith, Evelyn Z. (Mrs. L. Cunningham), 2703 Detroit Ave.. Cleveland, O. Smith, Margaretta H., 563 X. Vine Street, Hazleton, Pa. Souder, Erma N., Xescopeck, Pa. Stanton, Lydia E., 217 Exeter Avenue, W. Pittston, Pa. Swanberry, Anna L., 147 Robert Street, Alden Station, Pa. Thomas, Anna (Mrs. Edward Unangst), 541 Shuman Street, Catawissa, Pa. VanGorden, Nora (.Mrs. Swartz), Moscow, PaWeiss, Helen P. C. (Mrs. T. M. Lostawskv). 145 Roberts St., Alden Station, Pa. Welliver, Helen M. (Mrs. O. M. Girton). 604 Catawissa. Sunbury. Pa. Wemert. Kline S., 112 E. Bertsch Street, Lansford. Pa. Williams, F. Beatrice (Mrs. M. S. Eichen). 906 E. Rittenhouse St., Germantown, Phila.. Pa. Ziegler, Hazel M., 128 Witman .Avenue, Bloomsburg, Pa. CLASS OF 1922 Arnold, Lillian (Mrs. Howard C. Good). Elgin. C)re. Bahr, Genevieve (Mrs. Paul Morrow). 207 E. \'alley Street, Endicott. N. Y. Baker, Gertrude (Mrs. Newman). .X. Mill Street, Danville. Pa. Bamett, Bessie (Mrs. Francis O'Donnell), 345 X. Main Street. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Boop, Marlin W. L., Matamoras, Pa. Bower, Ru.ssell W., 135 W. Second Street, Berwick, Pa. Brittain, Coreene (Mrs. Giere). 332 Dogwood Drive. Union. N. Y. Burke, Alice M. (Mrs. Clarence Moyer), Pocono Pines, Pa. Campbell, Sara (Mrs. Herman C. Lower), Willow Grove. Pa. Coolbaugh, Antoinette B., Dallas. Pa. Cryder, Adelle C. (Mrs. Raymond). 222 McCartrey Street. Easton. Penna. Deitrick, Helen (Mrs. Harman). .^9 Britton Road, Springfield. Pa. Dougherty, Mildred, 513 Wheeler .Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Edwards, M. Tydvil, Briar Creek. Pa. Emanuel, Hannah, 421 River Road, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Fuller, Jane M., light Street. Pa. Gamble, Kathryn E. (.Mrs- Peter W. Layman), Sugar Run, Pa. 55 Getty, Mary C, Milton. Pa. Gilbert, Elizabeth (Mrs. \V. Vincent), 325 Water Street, Danville, Pa. Graham, Marion W. 729 Main Street. Pcckville. Pa. Gray, Mildred E., (Mrs. Bainhart), Box J56, .Newark. Del. Griffith, Leah, JSl Orchard Street, Plymouth, Pa. Grotz, Dorothy M. (Mrs. Fenstemaker), 222 E. Eighth Street, Bloomshurg, Pa. Hampton, Alma, 212 Baldwin Street, New Brunswick, N. J. Hart, Marion R. (Mrs. P. L. Smith), 51 N. Third St., Lewisburg, Pa. Harter, Edna S., Nescopeck, Pa. Harter, Lillie M. (.Mrs. Joseph Cameron), R. D. No. 1, Nescopeck, Pa. Havard, Catherine M.. 150 Reynolds Street. Plymouth, Pa. Hayes, Katherine A. (Mrs. Kelly), 1104 X. Main Street, Scranton, Pa. Hess, Helen (.Mrs. Mahlon Strauch), Benton. Pa. Hinlile, Thomas L., 570 N. Locust Street, Hazleton, Pa. Hoy, Harold L., Montandon, Pa. Johnson, Grace M., 227 E. Bishop Street, Bellefonte. Pa. Jones. Isabell, 52 Regent Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Jones, Martha Y. (Mrs. Schrappell), Hamburg. Pa. Jury, LucUle (Mrs. Earl Wise), 509 East Front Street, Berwick, Pa. Kimble, Hazel H. (Mrs. Carlos Leahl). 1001 Florida Avenue. Scranton, Pa. King J Marie (.Mrs. Oren L. Harris), 12 Farrar Street. Sevanton, Vt. Knoll Theresa H. (Mrs. Scheamski), 12 S. Walnut Street, Nanticoke, Pa. Lawrence, Martha E. (Mrs. E. T. Hoopes). E. King Street. Malvern, Pa. Lawrence, Mary L. (Mrs. Partzell), Mt. Pleasant Road. Milford. N. J. Lewis, Olwen M., .U7 Putman Street, Scranton, Pa. Lesser, Margaret, Freeland. Pa. „, Luxton, Mattie L. (Mrs. Patrick J. Lynch), 206 Main Street, Laurel. .\ld. McDermott. Lucy G., 229 Moosic Street. Jessup, Pa. McGrath. Cresentia, 506 Main Street, Forest City, Pa. Mclntyre, Ruth (Mrs. John I.enhart), 808 Berwick Road, Bloomsburg, Pa. McKeon. Anna C. 20.1 First Street. Blakely. Pa. , 121 W. Main Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. (.Mrs. Walter Gibson), 1028 Vine Street, Scranton, Pa. Gertrude S., 70S Poplar Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Mocn, Beryl J. I.Mrs. Levi Dice). 842 Lake Drive. Miami Springs, Fla. „ Morgan. Eva M., 2U9 N. Main Avenue. Scranton. Pa. ^. Murray, Margaret C. (Mrs. Harry Luke). 534 E. Pme Street, Mahanoy City, Pa. Naylor, Anna G. (Mrs. G. W. Kuschel). 317 Wheeler Ave.. Scranton, Pa. O'Brien, Annette (Mrs. Miner), Endicott, X. V. Payne, Catherine E., 1012 E. Commerce Street. Shamokin. Pa. P/ahler, Lois (Mrs. Horace R. Jones). 485 Cleveland Street, Elyna, O. Philbin Cecilia M., 310 Laurel Street, .\rchbald. Penna. Ramage. Gladys E.. 181 Rock Street. Pittston, Pa. Randall, Bertha M., R. D. Xo. 1. Trucksville, Pa. McKinstry, Cleora, McLean, Pauline M. Miller, A., 747 Pleasant .-\venue, Peckville, Pa. Rees, Mabel Rhawn, George, Jr.. Lilly, Pa. ,,, „ Rhoades, Henrietta (Mrs. Ramage). 93 E. Seventh Street, Wyoming, Pa. Ruggles, Evadne M., R. D. Xo. 1. Hunlock Creek. Pa. Pittston. Pa. Street. I'arnell 39 Sammon, Margaret, Savidge, Mary C, Northumberland, Pa. Saxe, Esther J., K. D,. Wyoming, Pa. Schultz, Geraldine H., R. D.. Millville. Pa. ,. „, Schultze, Harriet E. (.Mrs. A. J. Sweppenheiser), R. D. No. j, Bloomsburg, Pa. Shaffer, Emma, Gravity, Pa. „ t. Sharretts, Clarissa (Mrs. M. A. Welliver). 1909 W. Front Street. Berwick. Pa. Shepela, Frank B., 120 Prospect Hill. .Mden Station. Pa. Sherman, Carlton G., Church Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Sickler, Mary, R. 1>. Xo. 3, Dallas. Pa. Smith, Hervey B., 725 Market Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Snyder. Lucille M., 119 W. Walnut Street. Hazleton. Pa. Sober, Ruth (Mrs. W. E. Fairbanks). 417 Paxton Avenue, Glenside, Pa. Stewart, Robert F., Weatherlv. Pa. Sugarman, Florence H. (.Mrs. Settler). 803 -Ash Street, Scranton. Pa. Sutton, Edgar B., R. D. Xo. 3. Wyom ng. Pa. Swigart, Anna F. (Mrs. Gass), Bloom Road. Danville, Pa. Svpniewski. Valeria A., 121 W. Church Street, Nanticoke, Pa. Thomas, Mabel R., 510 Main Street, Old Forge. Pa. Thomas, Norton, R. D., Bloomsburg. Pa. Th'jrnton. Zellma S. (Mrs. Herbert LuKgl, 700 Main Street. Duryea, Pa. Tosh. G. Arline Mrs. Peter Bohn). 1443 S. Man Street, Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Wagner, Ruth L, 571 James Street. West Hazleton. Pa. Walker, Marjorie (Mrs. I. T. Johnston), Station Ave.. Coopersburg. Pa. Welliver, Esther (Mrs. G. Beckenbaugh), 730 Runnymeade Ave.. Drexel Hill. Pa. Wheeler, Stella J. (Mrs. CIvde Kern). 78 Wash'ngton Stret, Harrison, N. J. Williamson, Lcuise F. (Mrs. James R. Middaugh), 3110 Derry Street, Harris. , , i l.lH-R. I'a. Wintermute. Mabel (Mrs. W. H. Drake). North Mehoopany. Pa. Wood, Beatrice, Benton, Pa. Yost, Edward L., Ringtown, Pa. Aberant, Josephine (Mrs. Morgan) Tunkhannock. R. D.. Pa. Adams, S. Frances (Mrs. Cecil Toor). Sandy Ridge, R. D., Doylestown, Pa. Agnew, Norma L. (Mrs. Stauffer). 26 Merwood Drive. Upper Darby, Pa. Albee, Alice (Mrs. George Lutz), 25 Green Street. Ashley, Pa. .Albertson Hilda (Mrs. Heller). 926 W. Second Street. Charleston, III. Morrisville. .Morrisville, Pa. Pa. Arnold, Hazel E. (Mrs. L. M. Cure). Mayf^eld. Pa. Arthur, Helen E. (Mrs. Rexford GuUey), Thompson, Pa. Ayres, Charlotte R., Mountain Top, Pa. Bachman, Grace, 120 E. Fourth Street, Hazleton, Pa. Bardo, Zela N. (Mrs. Donald Black), R. D. No. 2. Millville. Pa. Barton, Dorothy, (Mrs. Lawrence Cherrington), 416 Center St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Barton, Ruth (Mrs. Budingerl, 228 Oliver Street. Jersey Shore. Pa. Bates, Gertrude, Star Route 5, R. D., Honesdale. Pa. Batey. Robina K., 29 Teanette Street, Plymouth, Pa. Beck, Grace S.. 1014 E. Chestnut Street, Sunbury. Pa. Becker, Hilda D., 227 Church Street, Taylor. Pa. Benfield, M. Elizabeth, .530 Center Street, Bethlehem. Pa. Beniield, May (Mrs. ^Vatts), 1430 Wood Street, Bethlehem. Pi. Bennage, Ada F. (Mrs. Russell). 117 Mildred Lane. Greenridge, Pa. Bennett, Lester, 302 River .Street. Plainsville. Pa. Bingaman, Fara U. (Mrs. O. H. Byerly). Dalmatia. Pa. Bittner, Margaret A. (Mrs. Parke), 430 W. 118th Street, New York City Blaine, Edna G. (Mrs. Harold Major), 129 S. Madison Ave., LaGrange. III. Brace, Katherine R. (Mrs. S. Laubacker), Maple Avenue, R. D. No. 2, Bristi.l Brannan, Kathryn, Blanchard Street, Plains. Pa. Breisch, Florence (Mrs. LaRue Drake), Light Street. Pa. Ely, Bertha (Mrs. Ralph Breisch), R. D. Mainville, Pa. Brezee, Hilda, .Wl.l X. Main Street, Pittston, Pa. Bronson, Annie M. (Mrs. Leslie Seely). .Sugarloaf. Pa. Brust, Katherine L., 99 S. Church Street, Hazleton. Pa. Brutzman, Gladys (Mrs. Frank Snell). 1614 Roselyn Avenue, .Scranton, Pa. Burger, Ruth E. (Mrs. Hoffmaster). 2368 Orlando Place, Wilkinsburg, Pa. Burke, John J., 1101 W. Coal Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Butler, Margaret A. (Mrs. Minner), 529 Chester Pike. Prospect Park, Pa. Cabo, Marie T. (Mrs. J. C. Lesntak), 1315 Prospect Ave.. Scranton. Pa. Caffrey, Agnes C, 678 Main Street, Sugar Notch. Pa. Campbell, Helen (Mrs. Ted Renand), 425 Redmond Ave., Elberson, N. J. 56 ,,,,,,, } I Haupt. Elmer J., , ^ i 117 Dean Street, West Chester, Pa. Healey, Irene, i2» N. Main Street, Plains, Pa. Hess, Marcella C. (.Mrs. .Ash'). Benton. Pa. Hess, Mildred M. (Mrs. Harrington). Benton, Pa. Edith M. (Mrs. Dawson) 419 Lincoln Street, Sayre, Pa. Hill Hottenstein, Carol (.Mrs, A. James), 467 Walnut Street. Luzerne, Pa. Howard, Martha (.Mrs. .Mozart I. 8000 Livingstone Road. Wash., D. L. Howell, Mary (Mrs. Robert R. Dean), 21 X. Second Street, St. Clair, Pa. Hower, Helen E. (Mrs. Robert McXaught), 127 Weslyem Ave., Apponaug, R. I. Hovt, Emmetl M., Kingston. Pa. Hughes. Margaret, 257 S. Grant Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. James, Olwen, 87 N. Welles Street, Kingston, Pa. Jarrett, Ann, 316 W. Grove Street, Taylor. Pa. Jayne, Eunice (Mrs. Darwin Sick). Colley. Pa. Jeremiah, E. Thelma (Mrs. Robert Geise). 147 Race Street. Sunbury, Pa. Jones, Adelia C. iMrs. F. Pendleton), Warren Center. Pa. Jones, Helen Gardner (Mrs. W. A. Reese). 1159 Cornell Street, Scranton, Pa. Jones. Herbert, 707 X. Rebecca .\venue. Scranton. Pa. Jones, Margaret E., 20 N. Atherton Avenue, Kingston, Pa. Kane, Sister M. Aiiselra, KjI S. Washington Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. „ Kane, Sister M. Eileen, Convent of Mercy, Honesdale, Pa. Karalus, Helen K. (Mrs. Hosier). 313 E. Market Street. Xanticoke, Pa. Kasnitz, Fannie P., 5260 Center Avenue, Pittsburgh. Pa. Keeler, Frances, 74 Third Avenue, Kingston. Pa. Keen, Ruth, 43 E. Main Street, Glen Lyon. Pa. Keiper, Violet A. (Mrs. A. PufT), Noxen, Pa. Keller, Helen M., 2.59 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston. Pa. Kelley. Anna G. (Mrs. Kirbv), 270 Chapel Street, Luzerne. Pa. Kessler, K. Elizabeth (Mrs. R. Kashner), 461 East Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Killian, Mary R„ 1172 Main Street, Pittston. Pa. „, „ Fifth Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Kistler, Josephine (Mrs. E. Vandershce), 360 \\ Klees, Clair, Hiegins, Pa. ., , . .,, Kline, Helen (Mrs. K. G. Reber). 6164 Haverford Ave.. W. Philadelphia. Pa. KPne, Mary M. (Mrs. Renzy D. Johnson). Millville. R. D.. Pa. Klinger, Harold, Hatboro, Pa. Knorr, J. Ramona, Principal of School. Division, Mich. Kocher. Lola i.Mr~ Vernon Seward). 118 East Ninth Street. Berwick, Pa. Kostenbauder, Matilda. (Mrs. Lynn M. Tiley), R. D. Xo. 1, Lewisburg, Pa. Kostenbauder, Miles M., 309 Center Street. IVrilton, Pa. Kraof, Ruth, I'.ilinerton. Pa, •' Kroiikowski, Walter, 200 E. Main Street. Glen Lyon, Pa. Laffin. Margaret, 111 Hartford Street, Ashley, Pa. Lawson. Andrew B., 523 Hawthorne Avenue, Williamsport, Pa. Learn, Marv E., .112 Wood Street. Burlington. N. Y. Lerda, Stephen. Hampstead. Md. Levan, Sarah (Mrs. D. W. Leighew). R. D. No. 4. Catawissa, Pa. . CLASS OF 1923 Arms, Mildred. Arms, Myra S.. Campbell, Sister M. Dionysia, 121 Church Street, PIvmouth, Penna. Campbell, M. Kathryn, R. D. Xo. 6. Danville, Pa. Carmody, Ruth, 5II(. Bedford Street, Clarks Summit, Pa. Chaykosky, Hilda (.Mrs. Joseph HIadick). R. D. Jermyn. Pa. Cloherty, Hilda M., 601 Fourth Avenue. Scranton, Pa. Cole, Frances, .19 Kidder Street, Wilkes-Barre, Penna. Colley, Mary J. (Mrs. Eddie Howard), Millersville, Pa. Compers, Verna (Mrs. Stephen Ondush), 786 Market Street, Kingston, Pa. Cordick, Ruth (.Mrs. Arthur Evans), 116 Gates Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Craig, Emily E., R. D. Xo. 3. Catawissa, Pa. Crawford, Olive (Mrs, Monroe CJirton). 1929 Sheridan Street, Williamsport, Pa. Davies, Louise A. (Mrs. Charles Colwelll, Dallas, Pa. Day, Mariam E., .104 Church Street, Taylor, Pa. Derk, Malcolm, Waverlv Road, Wyncote, Pa. Derr, Lillian B. iMi-.. Kliiiel. R. O. .No. 1, Orangeville. Pa. Dever, Sister M. Huberta, 121 Church Street, Plymouth, Pa. Diehl, Alva (.Mrs. Alva .Mack), R. D. No. 1, Milton. Pa. Dillon, Sister M. Alice, 787 E. Northampton Stieet. Willcs- Barre. Pa. Dodson, Lois, 122 Dana Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Dowd, Sister M. John, Convent of Mercy. Bath. Pa. Dreshman, Elva (.Mrs. Loper), Third Street, Ashland, Pa. Edwards, Mildred (Mrs. Howell). 3.146 Ransom Street, Muskegon. Mich. Edwards, Raymond H. (Rev.). 27 Linden Avenue. Ossining, X. V. Edwards, Winifred, ()4 I'nion Avenue, Apt. 209. Irvington. .\. J. Eidam, Margaret (Mrs. Ralph Taylor). 424 W. Oak Street. Hazleton, Pa. Eike, Helen K. (.Mrs. R. A. West). 17 Birch Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Eisenhauer, Elwood, .Harrisville, Pa. Evancho, Michael (Dr.). 806 Wellington Apts., E. Pittsburgh, Pa. Evans. Elizabeth P. (Mrs. West). 192 Brown Street. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Evans. Rachel (.Mrs. Kline), R. D. No. 2, Orangeville, Pa. Felker, Fred, Beaver Springs, Pa. Fetter, Charlotte (Mrs. Coulston), 144 Bridge Street, City, Pa. Flick, Mary M. (.Mrs. A. Edward Newhard), 313 E. Fifth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Foster, Albert K., State College. Pa. ^. >. Foulk Madeline (Mrs. Benton), 1240 W. Broadway. Hewlett, Long Island, N. \. Fritz, Emeline (Mrs. 1. H. Clemson), 3916 West 69th Street. Mission, Kans. Furm'an. Cecelia J., 38'/ E. Xoble Street, Nanticoke. Pa. Furman, Frances M. (Mrs. Ernest C. Harrell). Bloomsburg. Pa. Gaines, Ruth A., .!(ll Livingston Street, Brooklyn 17, X. ,. ^ Gamble Marjorie (.Mrs. 1. Paul Walker), 229 Palisade Road. Linden, N. J, Garinger, Henrietta (Mrs. L. Keller), R. D. Xo. 4. Dallas. Pa. Geary. Ruth I. M ~. Ralph Beagle), R. D. Xo. 5. Danville, Pa. George Bertha M. (Mrs. J. G. lones). 709 Walnut Street, Freeland, Pa. George Marion (.Mrs. W. E. Evans), 520 Minooka .-\ve., Mousic, Pa. Gilboy, Louise G. (Mrs. 1. R. Walsh), 50 Elm Street, Framingham, Mass. Golden, Frances, 214 Keystone Street. Hawley. Pa Griffith, Kathryn R. (Mrs. F. H. Nicholls), 29 S. Welles Street, Kingston, Pa. Hackenberg. Ernestine (Mrs. Daughlerl. 737 Queen Street. Xorthumberland, Pa. Hadsall, Marian (Mrs. C. Parrish), R. D.. Wyoming, Pa. Hall, A. Geraldine I.Mrs. L. Krauser). 245 South 44th Street. Phda., Pa. Hallock. Alice (.Mrs. Rov .-Austin). 422 Morgan Ave.. Palmyra, N. J. Hampton. Edith E., 119 S. Nice Street. Frackville, Pa. Hanks, Margaret M., 735 Hazle Street, .\shley. Pa. Harder, Kathryn F. (Mrs. Klarr). 1464 Lewis Drive, Lakewood, O. Harman, Helen (.Mis. Maurice Bowes), 305 E. 16th Street, Berwick, Pa. Hart. Arline L. (Mrs. C. N. Brown). 607 Walnut St.. Lansdale, Pa. , . . ™ , , , • Litwhiler, Archie, Ringtown. Pa. Lowe. Sister M. Ime'da, Central Islep. L. I.. N. V. Lukasytis, Isabelle (Mrs. Chiinle=ki), 921 W. Diamond Street, Hazleton. Pa. Luring, Esther E. (Mrs. E. L, Stokes). 1727 W. Walnut Street, Shamokin. Pa. Lynch, Marie E., 71,4 Xorthamnton Street, Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Major, Elma, .Mkntowii Public Schools, Allentown, Pa. Markley, Ira C. Milfnrd. Pa. Martin, Sister M. Regina, Mercy Hospital, Wilkes Barre, Pa. McCarthy, Si^tc-r M. Gonzales, Convent of Mercy. Baysidc. L. I.. X. \. McGrath, Marie, 427 Railroad Avenue, Scranton. Pa. McNelis, Sister M. Carmel, 161 S. Washington Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. McNertney, Ruth iMrs, Smith), Harleigh. Pa. McNinch, Marv Charlotte (Mrs. K. E. Davis). B-rwick. Pa. Mainwaring, Margaret (.Mrs. G. .Schwartz), 619 N. Church Street. Hazleton, Pa. Melick, Minnie M. (Mrs. Ellis Turner). R. D. No. 4. Bloomsburg, Pa. Mensch, Mary D. (Mrs. (Tlevenger). 145 Sprout Spring Ave., Mt. Holly. N. J. Merrell, W. Cletus, Hughesville, Pa. Miller. Miller, Buss, Frank, 90 Oakland Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Byrne, Anna, Raven Run, Pa. Carr, Josephine, 131 Centre Street, Freeland, l^a. Cawthem, Anna, 806 Spruce Street, Kulpmont, Pa. Corrigan, Elizabeth, 336 W. Broad Street, Hazleton, I*a. Cotner, Clyde C, Washingtonville, Pa. Courtney, Beatrice H. (Mrs. W. F. Rader), Tobyhanna, Pa. Creasy, Catherine (Mrs. Huttenstine), MitTTinville, Pa. Crumb, Mary R., 1232 U Street, S. E. Wash., D. C. Naegeli, Nellie A., Taylor, Pa. Naylis, Kathryn (Mrs. Pelak). 57 Church Street, Edwardsville, PaNoack, Madeline (E. R. Heath), 56}3 X. 20th Street. Phila. 44. Pa. O'Brien, Mary W., Miners Mills. Pa. O'Donnell, Nellie K., 1.S9 Main Street, Eckley, Pa. Oplinger, Elsie M. (Mrs. F. Shangnessy). 63 W. Harrison Street. Wyoming, Pa. Ozelka, Anna (Mrs. M. H. Kohlerl, 26 Howd Avenue, Clifton, N. J. Painter, Eliakim (Mrs. Male). X'andling. Pa. Palmer, Effie, Ir. High School, Irvington, N. J. Parker, Vera B. (Mrs. Delbert R. Shultz), 233 E. 13th St., Berwick, Pa. Penman, Cora, 565 N. Laurel Street, Hazleton, Pa. Perry, Elizabeth, 910 Marcy Ave., Duryea, Pa. Phillips, Freda, 19 Main Street. Glen Lyon, Pa. Phillips, Ruth S. (Mrs. Wright Jones), 728 Archbald Street, Scranton, Pa. Pliscott, Rose, 63" Front St., Warrior Run. Pa. Powell, Jennie, 73 Hudson Street, Plains. Pa. Price, Anna M. (Mrs. Charles E. Snyder). 251 Garfielil Ave., Milton, Pa. Pursel, Anna W. (Mrs. Harvey Broome), 3730 X- Broadway, Knoxville, Tenn. Parsley, Louis, 1030 Washington Ave., Lewisburg, Pa. Reider, Henrietta (.Mrs. William Casimir Souleret, Jr.), Apt. 203, 2520 Elm St., N, \V.. Wash.. D. C. Remaly, Lulu W. (Mrs. Harry J. Hartley), 539 Hall St., Aliquippa, Pa. Rhys, Gladys, 455 Beaumont Street. Peely, Pa. Richard, Leroy A., 109 N. Second St., Shamokin, Pa. Richards, Helen M. (Mrs. Wright), 803 Wyoming Ave., Moosic, Pa. Richie, Helen (Mrs. Russell Padgett), R. D. Xo. 1, Mullica Hill, N. J. Riel, Ethel B. (Mrs. Meetching). Radbwin, X. J. Riordan, Sr. Rose Mary, Convent of Mercy. Great Xeck, L. I., N. Y. ' Robbins, Pearl P. (Mrs. Alfred Barton). R. D., Shickshinny, Pa. Robbins, Ruth E. (Mrs. Harold Creasy). Briar Creek. Pa. Robinson, Elizabeth (Mrs. Alfred Roland). 116 S. 13th Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Rogers, Adeline (Mrs. Manley Robbins). Danville, Pa. Rohde, Henrv. Indiana High School, Indiana. Pa. Rowlands, Dilys P., R. D. No. 2, Trucksville. Pa. Ruddy, Elizabeth (Mrs. Simonson), Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Rueppel, Elizabeth (Mrs. Hahn). 1731 Walnut Street. Harrisburg. Pa. Rutherford, LucUle B. (Mrs. A. G. Dazley), 114 E. Front Street, Danville, Pa. Schlegel, Harry D., 101 Bank Street, Montrose, Pa. Schwartz, George P., Jr., 611 W. 7th St., Hazleton, Pa. Seely, Grace (Mrs. Fred Smethers), 742 Floral Ave., Elizabeth, X. J. Sheats, Joy E.. R. D.. Milton, Pa. Shipman, Mary Alice (Mrs. Raymond Edwards), 27 Linden Street, Ossining, X. V. Smith, Christine F., 105 S, Third Street, Catawissa. Pa. Smith, Esther M., Veterans Administration Building, X. Main Street, WilkesBarre, Pa. Smith, Helen B. (Mrs. C. M. McDougall), Third Street, Berwick. Pa. Sodon, Elizabeth (.Mrs. W. W. Saxtonl, 810 Center Street, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Splain, Gertrude, 107 S. Xinth Street, Olean, X. Y. Stinson, Teresa, 545 Orchard Street, Peelv, Pa. Sutliff, Helen E. (Mrs. Brown), 100 X. Second Street, Harrisburg. Pa. Swartz, Wendel A., 318 Zara Street. Mt. Oliver P. O., Pittsburgh 10, Pa. Sweeny, Mary, 622 S. 55th Street. Phila., Pa. Sweetman, Mabel (Mrs. G. Schutter), 845 Laurel Street, Hazleton, Pa. Talbot, Margaret K., 17 E. Butler Street. Shickshinny, Pa. Thomas, Elizabeth J. (Mrs. Chilson), 400 Drexel Ct. Apt., Drexel Hill, Pa. Thomas, Grace M. (Mrs. Skerritt), 3i5 Claremont Ave., .Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Thomas, Ruth C. (Mrs. Tames Jacobs), 507 W. Morton Street, Xashvillc, Tenn. Thompson, Evelyn C. (Mrs. Arthur Reid), 326 X. 25th Street, Camp Hill, Pa. Titman, Dorothy S., S. Lansing. X. Y. Trebilcox, Myra (Mrs. David Llovd). 67 Downey Street, Plymouth, Pa. Troy, Hazel K. (Mrs. George F. Burns). Mifflinville. Pa. Tuffy, Celia R., 618 Mulberry Street, Scranton, Pa. Vance, Cordelia K. (Mrs. Tames Beal), 2232 Cranford Rd.. Durham, X. C. VanDemplas, Violet (Mrs. P. J. Healy), 1212 X. Main Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Watkins, Marion (.Mrs. Theodore H. Evans), 38 E. Trenton Ave., Morrisville, Pa. Weaver, A. Faye (Mrs. Ralph Phillips). Dalmatia. Pa. Weikel, Lucy M. Mrs. Coughlinl. 273 X. Market Road, Durellen, N. J. Weisenfluh, Clinton, 326 Main Street, Old Forge, Pa. Welliver, Jennings, 1019 Front Street, Berwick. Pa. Welliver, Maude (Mrs. Karre). 564 Ward Road, Xorth Tonawanda, X. Y. Wesley, Josephine (Mrs. T. W. Cope), 2449 S. Fourth Street. Allentown, Pa. Wesley, Rhoda C. (.Mrs. Burlingame), 401 Pine Street. Berwick, Pa. Whitby, Elizabeth (Mrs. Davis), 166 Arch Street, Edwardsville, Pa. Williams, Grace I., Ill High Street. Hackettstown. X. J. Williams, Leona B. (Mrs. H. Moore), R. D. .Xo. 1. Simsbury, Conn. Williams, Marion E., Shickshinnv. Pa. Wolf, Helen (Mr». Creveling Strauser). 120 E. Main Street, Bloomlinrg, Pa. Wolf, Robert C. R. D. No. 2. Box 190. Reading. Penna. Yeager, Lester, 2.?57 Main .Street. Xorthampton. Pa. Young, Jean (Mrs. Brown). 22 Charleston Road, Snyder 21. X. Y. Young, Rhoda M., 423 Water Street. Xnrthumberland, Pa. Zelloe, Joseph, 139 Muir Ave., Hazelton. Pa. Daniels, Elmer J., Buck Hill Falls, Pa. Davey, Marguerite, Wanamie, Pa. DecKant, Kathryn E., 7J8 (Ontario Avenue, Renovo, Pa. Deming, Beulah M. (Mrs. Willard B. Gibson, Box i3, Uniondale, Pa. Anna W. (Mrs. Anna Freyermuth), 48 Center Square, Easton. Pa. Emery, 341 College Hill, Bloomsburg, Pa. Monroe, Madaline, 47-60 39tll Place, Sunnysidc. N. Y. Moran, Martha J. (Mrs. Buck). Muncv Valley, Pa. Morgan, Harold C, 2J9 \V. Main Street. Plymouth, Pa. Morris, Ruth (Mrs. Kivler). 116 Chestnut .Street, Nanticoke, Pa. Morton, Genevieve (Mrs. G. M. Schoppert), 123 South Street, Warrior Run, Pa. Moser, Hannah, 1918 Roseanna .-Vve.. Scranton. Pa. Murphy, Sister M. Delourdes, 787 E. Northampton Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. I CLASS OF 1924 Mission. Ethite. Wyo. Abbett, Clara D., St. Michael's Aberant, Helen (Mrs. Leo Rohland). R. D. Xo. Adams, Marion T., Amesbury, Mary P., 118 57 Andres, Mildred (Mrs. 1, Pittston, Pa. West St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Sturdevant Street. Wilkes Barre, Pa. W. Beagle). 116 W. Market Andrews, Marian K. (Mrs. Herbert Laise), Street, Danville. Pa. 41-63 C.lenwood Street, Little Xeck, X V Ella J. (Mrs. G. T. Mover). 506 Bloom Street, Danville, Pa. Baldauski, Aldona (Mrs. Peter Ruklaitis), 60 Third Street, Wyoming, Pa. Barrow, Helen E., 117 Sixth Street. Sunhury, Pa. Baylor, Grace (Mr- H. L. Auten). Thorofare. X. J. Mrs. Ruth B. Lindenmuth), Xumidia, Pa. Beaver, Ruth N. Lr.oez, Pa. Behr, Edith M Benninger, Walter P., St. Johns, Pa. Berlew, Margaret, 106 .Sharpe Street. Kingston, I'a. Blose, Carl D., .i02 E. Xorth Street. Bethlehem. Pa. Booth, Anna M. (Mrs .\rchie Winaus). Star Route. Broadway, Pa. Border, Herman E., .Millville. Pa. Brace, Edith,'i Monument .-Vvenue. Wyoming. Pa. Brady, Elizabeth, 48 Park .\venue, Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Brooks, Lola M., 302 Hallenback .\venue. Parsons. Pa. Bullock, Althea (Mrs. R. C. Allan), 228 W. Arch Street, Shamokin, Pa. Burke, Hildegarde, l.W Searle Street. Pittston. Pa. Burkett, Emma H. (Mrs. Emma Skladzin). Railroad Street, Glen Lyon, Pa. Aurand ( Derr, Eleanor, 220 Honeymoon Street, Danville, Pa. Devers, Margaret C. (Mrs. Peter SamonyJ, Fallon Street, Old Forge, Pa. Dodd, Harper B., Fairview I'ublic Schools, West Fairvicw, Pa. Dohl, J. Paul, 713 X. Green Street, Olean, N. Y. Dowd, Mary R. (Mrs. Harry Dieterich), 530 E. Third Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Drummond, Sister M. Marcelia, Convent of Mercy, Great Xeck, L. I., X. Y. Dunlap, Ruth H. (Mrs. Edward Thomas), 4502 Amherst Road, College Park, Md. Dunn, Mary L (Mrs. Gable), 807 Margaret Street, Flint, Mich. Eisenhower, M. Ruth (Mrs. H. F. Brown), Kingston, Pa. Elligette, Claire, 139 Sanborne Street, Wilkes-Barre, I'a. P. (Mrs. Christopher Baum), Xuremberg, Pa. Ent, Editha (Mrs. Marion T. Adams), 118 West St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Evans, Anna L, :i,M, )ld River Road, \Vilkes-Barre, Pa. Evans, Margaret (Mrs. Raymond Lewis), 51 Pearl Street, Carbondale, Pa. Faatz, Mildred, 718 Main Street, Forest City, Pa. Fahey, Agnes M., I'. O. Box 352, Pittston, Pa. Fear, Cathran J., 224 Linden Street, W. Pittston, Pa. Ferguson, Charlotte C. (Mrs. Chester Ford), 79 Williams Lane, Hatboro, Pa. Ferguson, Isabelle S., 417 Maple Street, Jenkintown, Pa. Fomwald, Mildred T. (Mrs. Robert Amy), 529 Susquehanna Ave., Sunbury, Pa. Fox, M. Jeanne (.Mrs. Develer), 212 S. Fourth Street, Catawissa, Pa. Furman, Sophia P., Alden Station, Pa. Gable, Christina (.Mrs. R. W. Jacks), Auburn, Pa. Gallagher, Mildred M., 133 Bushwick Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Gallen, Virginia M. (Mrs. Allan Knight), Palace Ave., Brookview, Claymont, Del. George, Rhoda E., 317 State Street, Nanticoke, Pa. Goldsmith, Estella, Dallas. Pa. Gribben, Helen (^Irs. Thomas McHale), 1133 Delaware .\venue, Bethlehem, Pa. Groff, Lucile, 203'.. Sanborne Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Grosvenor, Velma B. (Mrs. Hurd), 410 Kevstone .\venue, Peckville, Pa. Hahn, Frances M. (.Mrs. Carl D. Blose). 502 E. North Street, Bethlehem, Pa. Halm, Minnie M., 110 Prospect Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Hall, Margaret L., Beaverdale, Mt. Carmel, Pa. Hart, Lenore C. (Mrs. Beers). 538 Carey Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Hart, Margaret D. (Mrs. H. E. Mingos), 105 York Avenue, Towanda, Pa. Hess, Hazle M. (Mrs. R. Chapin), Nescopeck, R. D. No. 1, Pa. Hess, William M., Wintield. Pa. Hetler, Arline R., 531 E. Second Street, Berwick, Pa. Hile, Laura V. (Mrs. Eberhard), 12 X. Farragut Avenue, Mays Landing, N. J. Hornet, Alice M., Camptown, Pa. Horn, Blanche C. (Mrs. Ernest Zimmerman), 1124 Walnut Street, Allentown, Pa. Houser, Geneva, 136 Main Street, Eckley, Pa. Hower, Heisler, \'olp .Arc I^aboratories. Kingston Corners, Kingston, Pa. Jaffin, Peter C, 1125 Fourth Avenue. Berwick, Pa. James, Myfanwy E. (Mrs. N. S. Bunnell), State Road, Dalton, Pa. Jannicelli, Michael P., 704 Main Street, Forest City, Pa. John, Dorothy K. (Mrs. Harold Dillon), Light Street Road, Bloomsburg, Pa. Johnston, S, Arlene (Mrs. E. S. Banker). 41 Beldon St., Binghamton, X. Y. Jones, Alice, ^4 Main Street, Wanamie, Pa. Jones, Helen G. (Mrs. George Gilbert), Lake .\riel, R. D. No. 1, Pa. Jones, Margaret J., (i32 N. Main .Avenue, Scranton. Pa. Jones, Sarah A. (Mrs. Lawrence Jones), 831 S. Main Street, Old Forge, Pa. Joseph, Mary, 98 W^voming Avenue, W'ilkes- Barre. Pa. Kahler, Laura M. (Mrs. .\lfred Wendel), 400 Colonial Gardens, Forty Fort. Pa. Kane, Patrick J., 801 X. Main Street, Forest City, Pa. Kauffman, Evelyn H, (Mrs. Guy Snyder), Mountain Top. Pa. Keefer. Margaret E. (Mrs. Harry Brumbaugh), Pillow, Pa. Kellagher, Florence, T.ocus' Gap. Pa. Kinf, Katherine E. (Mrs. Howard Roat), 54 W. Dorrance Street, Kingston, Pa. Kistler, Sevilla M., 640 Grant Street, Hazleton, Pa. Kline, M. Faye (Mrs. Milton Sommer). 541 Church Street, Bound Brook, X. J. Kline, Viola M. (^Trs. Homer Bruch). R. D. No. 3. Catawissa, Pa. Klingerman, Ruth V. (Mrs. Richard Brader), Orangeville, Pa. Koch, Elizabeth, 252 Parke Street, Pittston, Pa. Enama, Lena ( Kreidler, Sister M. Cletus. Larchwood. la Krolikowski, Helen C. 200 E. Main Street, Glen Lvon, Pa. Krushinski, Elizabeth R., 74 W. Main Street. W'anamie, Pa. Krzyzanski, Clara A. (Mrs. Rohan), 434 Main Street, Nanticoke, Pa. Latorre, Pauline M., 535 Lasalle Street. Berwick, Pa. Lauver, Mary E., Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pa. Lawson, James V/., 101 W. Washington Avenue. Shenandoah. Pa. Lawson, Miriam R., 644 E. Third Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Leonard, Marion, New Boston, Pa. Lerda, Louis, 10 Orange Avenue, Cranford. N. J. Leutholt, Helen A. (Mrs. Lawrence Nooke) 250 Main Street. TnyMr. Pa. Lizdas, Adda M. (Mrs. Charles Salshurg). Box 21. Plymouth. Pa. Llewellyn, Harold J., Carey Ave. Public Schools, Wilkes Barre, Pa. Long, Max E., 9^5 E. Fourteenth Street. Chester. Pa. Lowenberg, Claire (Mrs. George Reger), W^est Br(Xik Road, Wanaque, Midvale, X, T Regent Street, Wilkes-Barre. Pa. A., 5.10 South Street. Avoca, Pa. A., 314 Highland Street, Hawlev, Pa. McNeal, Beatrice W., East Third Street. Nescopeck, Pa. Mailey, Leona E., 49 Third Street. Kingston, Pa. Martin, Merre E., Mehoopany, Pa. Mathias, Elizabeth, 566 NortTiway Street, Northumberland, Pa. Maurer, Josephine L.. 519 S. River Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Mensch, S. Matilda (Mrs. Russel Wanles\ R. D. No. 2, Bloomsburg. Pa. Mensch, Maud C. (ifrs. M.iurice V. Ridall), ,312 E. Tenth Street. Berwick. Pa. Miller, Charles, 6012 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Wauwatosa, Milwaukee, Wis. Miller, Harold, 52 N. Iron Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Morgan, Dorothy E. (Mrs. Shaver), c/o Public Schools, Merchantville, X. T. Morgan, Elias P., 337 Samuels .\venue, Hazleton, Pa. Morse, Doris M., 5 Franklin Street, WTiite Plains, N. Y. Lyons, Theresa, 85 McDermott, Dorothy McNamara, Veronica Murphy, Anna B., Lost Creek, Pa. Nelson, Olga A., X^esquchoning. Pa. Nordstrom, Anna E., 293 N. Hancock Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Novak, Helen, 1015 Lvnwood Drive. Rolla, Mo. Oman, Mrs. Esther D., TTallstead, Pa. Oman, Lena R. (Mrs. G. Buckman). 5711 Hoffman Avenue, W. Philadelphia. Pa. O'Mara, Mary G. (Mrs. F. A. Earley"). 12,50 Wyoming Ave., Exeter. Pa. O'Neill, Anna M. (Mrs. T?edineton), .5" Grandview Place, Upper Montclair. N. J. O'Neill, Veronica, 901 Main Street. Forest City. Pa. Parsons, Charlotte E.. 2.36 S. Pine Street. Har'eton. Pa. Partridtre, Catherine M. (Mrs F. W. TJeinturt), Dallas. Pa. Paul, Burdella J. (Mr-. Honeywell). 72 Davenport Street, Plymouth, Pa. 57 W. S, Wright), P. O. Box 53, Sea Isle City, X. J. yommg. 1 a. Pollack, Lydia A., 55J Shoemaker Ave., . Pratt Ruth W., 270 E. Broad Street, Nanticoke, 1 a^ cr, R.ver Street, Forty Fort. Pa. 100 FaustJ, Claude (Mrs. Eleancr E. RabeVt, Lyon. 1 a. Raiewski, Stasia, 65 Orchard Street, Glen Perry. Sarah E. (Mrs. g-;;°l^:; W ^X E^(M^^' ^%.^l^ni^I^. ^!^^lLV.'^Mridr?d^M:^\MrT^C.''&^^^^^ RoberUr'G.ertr''ude'M., 313 E. Church Avenue, Factory v.lle. Pa. nox Street 411 Livingston Street. Nanticoke, Pa. g°::i;S^^^a^'R!^f|cfjnS;,Jranton,Pa. Hildebrand, Gertrude (Mrs. Crayton), 418 Center Avenue, Clarks Summit, Pa. Hill, La Verne (Mrs. F. B. Moore), 10 Christian Street, Xanticoke, Pa. Holovich, Helen (Mrs. Xace Broscius), 203 N. Franklin Street, Shamokin, Pa. Hooker. Martha. 702 Main Street. Old Forge. Pa. Jackson. Mary F., 702 Grove Street, Avoca, Pa. Jenkins, Ruth D. (Mrs. M. K. Boona), 6902 Tenadian, \. Woods, St. Louis, Mo. Johnson, Marion, 148 Harrison Street, Old Forge, Pa. Jones, Elsie E. (Mrs. Voight). \V. Pittston, Pa. Jones, Florence E., 50 Green Street. Kingston. Pa. Jones, Florence M., 562 Main Street, Sugar X'otch, Pa. Jones, Jennie P. (Mrs. C. H. Pressler), Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Lancaster Jon^s, Margaret (.\irs. Lester Bennett), 402 River Street, Plainsville. Pa. Jones. Margaret L., (Mrs. Golden), 6625 Allegheny' ..Ave., Oakmont, Pa. Keen, Jessie .Mrs. Wilbur Deeter), 120 E. Main Street. Xanticoke, Pa. Keen, Maude O., 215 Highland Avenue, Clarks Summit, Pa. Kelly, Bemetta M., 1404 Linden Street, Scranton, Pa. Kelly. Essie, ill Russell Street, Honesdale, Pa. Kushma. Michael S., 207 Second Street, Box 21, Drifton, Pa. Lannon. Mary C, (.>42 Altar Street, Hazleton, Pa. Laubach, Joseph B., Benton. Pa. Lawrence. Emily. 83 Oak Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Lawson, Martha (Mrs. Harry Goff), 107 W. Washington, Shenandoah, Pa. Leister. Arlie (.Mrs. H. B. Goodman). 1205 Line Street. Sunbury. Pa. Levan. R. Mary. 224 George .Avenue. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Lecb. Mabel E.. 125 Philadelphia Avenue. W. Pittston, Pa. Long, Cora E., Dalmatia, Pa. McAndrews, Kathryn, 301 Indiana Avenue. Shenandoah. Pa. McCullough. M:riam K.. 409 West Seventh Street. Hazleton. Pa. McDonald. Elizabeth (Mrs. .A. J. King). 48 Atherton .Ave.. Wyoming. Pa. McDonnell. Marie C., .">(XI E. Park .Street. Centralia. Pa. McMennimen. Kathryn R. (Mrs. T. G. Kennedy), 81 Wood St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Maher. William, Hup Bottom, Pa. Marchetti, Violet, 1Ud2 Chestnut Street, Kulpmont, Pa. Maroney, Elizabeth E., Box 73, Miffiinville, Pa. Martin. Clara E.. 426 Hemlock Street. Hazleton, Pa. Martin, Margaret. 698 X. \"ine Street. Hazleton. Pa. Mather. Lyle E. (Mrs. J. Klechner), 36 E. Central Avenue, Morristown, X. J. Mensch, Jeannette, 21/ Xorth Street. Catawissa. Pa. Mensinger. Ruth E. (Mrs. T. E. Gnmes). 116 W. First Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Michael. Bessie Mae (Mrs. Ira Bogart), R. D. Xo. 2, Berwick, Pa. Millen. Laura E., (i9 .Academy Street, Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Miller, Grace, (^Irs. George Creasy), MiffLnville, Pa. Morgan, Gladys M., 178 Summit Street. Kingston, Pa. Morgan, Mildred M. (Mrs. Powell), 2217 N. Main .Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Nahadil, Ada, ~ 22 Ann Street, Duryea, Pa. Nasatka, Martha (Mrs. Frank Coveleski), 1432 Pulaski .Ave., Shamokin, Pa. Newman, Esther, 215 Main Street, Dupont, .Avoca. Pa. O'Dcnnell, Anthony, Lost Creek. Pa. O'Donnell. Loretta, 1,^9 Main Street. Eckley, Pa. Olver, Helen E. (Mrs. Earl Erdner), 107 Helms Avenue, Swedesboro, N. J. O'Rourke. Mae (!Mrs. T. S. Jordan). 1210 Richmont Street. Scranton, Pa. Park, Emily A., 400 McKinley .Avenue, Endicott. X. Y. Parrish. Mae J. (Mrs. Xelson Lewis). R. D. Xo. 3. Pittston, Pa. Patterson, J.-.scn. K. D. -Vo. 1. Easton. Pa. Peifer. Elizabeth M., .506 Ferry Street, Danville, Pa. Peters, Minnie A., Wapwallopen, Pa. Phebey, T. El'en (Mrs. Ellen Gray), 45 Breese Street. Wyoming, Pa. Polanecsky, Nicholas, 7021 Algard Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Poust, Pearl, I'liie Street, Orangeville. Pa. Price, Margaret Esther (Mrs. Miller), 25 N. Tamaqua Street, McAdoo, Pa. Prebert, Mary Beatrice. 115 West Avenue. Mt. Carmel. Pa. Radel. Pearl (Mrs. Leon Bickel). 1028 Masser Street, Sunbury, Pa. Rees, Bronwen (Mrs. Leslie J. Boone), 447 Second Street, W'ashington, Pa. Rhinard, Harriet, 1400 Chestnut Street. Berwick, Pa. Rice, Helen Nadine, Trucksville. Pa. Richards, G'adys A. (Mrs. W. Glechner). Helfrich Springs. Allentown, Pa. Roberts. Abbve. 2^ Wall Street. Plvmouth. Pa. Rohland. Regis M.. (.07 Main Street. Old Forge. Pa. Roushey. Martha A. (Mrs. Ernest Miers). Har""ord. Pa. Ruckle. Arlene L.. 35 E. Fourth Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Ruggles, Alice. Pikes Creek. Hunlock Creek. Pa. Ruggles. Frances (Mrs. M. ^L Trumbower). -South Williamsport. Pa. Ryan. Florence A.. 155 Willow Street. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Saricks. Elizabeth F. (Mrs. Edward Stark). 933 Birbeck Street. Freeland. Pa. Schock. Helen I. (Mrs. Turner). Xoxen. Pa. Schott. Geneva E. (Mrs. Carl Traugh). 407 E. Eighth Street. Berwick. Pa. Schraeder. Celia H., 274 Coal Street. Glen Lyon. Pa. Seybert. Alma (Mrs. Frank Wilson. Jr.). Lght Street. Pa. Shiffer, Marie (Mrs. L. H. Wolfe). 133 Miles .Avenue. Syracuse. N. Y. Shipman. Kathryn L. (Mrs. W. M. Lorah). 753 Broad Street, Montoursville. Pa. Shovlin. Kathryn. 305 Washington Street, Freeland, Pa. Sick. Pearl, Meehoopanv. Pa. Sieber, Elizabeth M. (Mrs. H. P. Robinson). 66 Barton St.. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Smith, Daniel E.. Drums, Pa. Smith, Marian E.. Benton, Pa. Sokolozky. Elizabeth, 1574 Oneida Street. Shamokin. Pa. Spangenberg. Wilhelmina (Mrs. H. J. Lesaws), 804 Phila. Street. Scranton. Pa. Stead. Alice E.. 707 Boulevard .Avenue. Dickson. Pa. Stecker, Gladys. Delaware .Arms .Apt.. Pennsgrove. N. J. Stellmach. Florence A.. L508 W. -Arch Street. .Shamokin. Pa. Sterner, James H.. Eastman Kodak Park. Rochester. N. Y. Stevens, Ruth, 145 E. Sixth Street, Bloom=hurg. Pa. Straub, Mary (Mrs. Clovd Werkheiser), 211 Glen Avenue, Bloomsburg. Pa. Stroh, Elizabeth E., 89 N. Dorrance Street. Kingston. Pa. Teple, Nettie Mae (Mrs. Stanley Beaver, R. D., Catawissa, Pa. Thomas, Elsie. 314 Pn-ell Street. Plymout'i. Pa. Thomas. Mary Ann (Mrs. Schooley), 1418 Market Street. Camp Hill, Pa. Titus, Helen (Mrs. Henrie), Meshonpen, Pa. Troxell. Grace (Mrs. Francis L. Shaffer). Box 271, Sunbury, Pa. Troy. Harold Carson. Miffiinville. Pa. Vitale. Lillian R.. 186 Parsonage Street. Pi'tston. Pa. Walker. Reva G.. R. F. D. X^o. 3. Susquehanna, Pa. Walp, Harriet E. (Mrs. Eastburn), 521 Chestnut Street. Coatesville. Pa. Walper. Ruth E.. 51 S Cedar Street. H.-zleton, Pa. Watkins, Lily Elizabeth, East Main Street, Catawissa, Pa. Weaver, Hannetta E., .Alderson. Pa. Weber, Grace CMrs. Rogers), 31 Stew.nrd Avenue. Trenton, N. J. Welliver, I. Helen (Mrs. T'tt). Box .391. Bloomsburg. Pa. Welsko. Thomas E.. Box 67. Freeland. P.t. Whalen. Mary Esther, .Shenandoah Heights. Pa. _ _, Wharmby. Mvrlle. 92 Elm Street. Plvmouth. Pa. ^., , ^ WUliams. Deborah C. (Mrs. Waller Griffith). 144 E. Fifth St.. Bloomsburg, Pa. Williams. Ruth Mildred. 655 James Street. Hazleton. Pa. Wolfe. Mildred. Front Street. New Berhn. Pa. Yost. Elizabeth (Mrs. .Alvan Sutliff). Benton. Pa. ( McKeansburg, Pa. 23'' Ridge Avenue, Bloomsburg. Pa. e,i,;.Jll.V Friward F Turbotv.lle, Pa. Gaston), lussell ichuyl"; "rLryn C. TMrs. Mich. Schwall, Joseph, 14376 Rutland Road, Detroit Pa Lycn. Glen Street, Market Catherine D., 439 X. fc"he''r'e;,l':uis^B'.'',Sv/.°(?.^1^: go"fa^„d)!- B^x 28 Selecky Wllhamsport, Pa. Shaushnessy, Francis H., 319 Louisa Street, (Congress Ave., Springfield, Pa. 31 Shelbirt Ru h A. airs. Ross Asborn). Street, Xant.coke Pa. Main 221 W. P., Joseph iresko, Sinravaee Peter, SCO Main Street, Sugar Notch, i a.Street, \\ lUiamsport, Pa. sS^er Bessie A (.Mrs. John Shaffer), 732 Cherry W. Pittston, Pa. i'^f ;„r„ Ann, E (Mrs Willis Barnes), 311 Race Street, Berwick, Pa. Street, lull! ETthe''r"M.^:Mr'''jol^ Seely), MjlMarket Pa. Qifford. Johnson), Snyder, Tressa (Mrs. Merle Sfafller Viola Oelaware Arms Apt., Pennsgrove. -\. J. Chartares Ave. Extension, McKees IJevens, D^othy R., (Mrs. R. R Malcolm). . . 145 E. Sixth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. R. (Mrs. Meyer), Rebersburg 1 a Prrk, la. Swartz, Mabel (Mrs. R. D. Gardner), Colon;al Berwick, Pa Swfneforr Adeline E., 506 West Front Stre^et, Street Olean, N. \. Green 713 W. Dohl), Swortw^d. Alberta (Mrs. Washington Rve., Union, X. J. Trrrv Ruth M. (Mrs. Kenneth Corway), 286.Ikes-Barre, la. Street, Washington Thomas, Alma. 374 N. Lyon, Pa Tirpak, Andrew. 439Vi Market Street Glen Scrantcn. Pa. Wainer Grace A., 422 X. Webster Ave., 421 illiamsport. Pa. Woodland, Ave., Waples^Getha m! (Mrs. Walter Shaffer). Watteis, Eva L. Miffiinville, Pa. WpUko Veronica, Box 695. Freelana. la. Fourth Street, Bloomsburg. Pa wirkheiser Elizabeth (Mr^. Levan). 635 E. Street Bloomsburg Pa. wtuiarSs Alke W. (Mrs. R. L. Keller.) 379 E. Third Ir^^ngton. N. J. D I.Mrs. E. D. Williams), 233 Xesbit Terrace. Wrn^rns 40 Price Street K.ngston, Pa. Z"-TZs. Frances M. (Mrs G P. Willianis). Mi^^^^^^^^ Xo. D R 1, ds) F--^, A, ^ Meda F (Mrs ^. Stevens'!*'lrma Stover, I., Maude W W E^a Williams Catasauqua, Pa. WooTin.'^^Cra^e A!"Ml-s.V.''H.''ihomas) 613 Third Street, Woychik. Elizabeth, 133 Hickory Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. street, Berwick, Pa. ^:ll^^: ^""lerheni^-\i^'rfSa?S:So?"E;'"=l™,^r- |£o@?ilSli£ °; r-sk^^r^6 ^itland Rd., Detroit, Mich. CLASS OF 1925 Apcnick, Wanda, 212 E. Green Street, Xanticoke, Pa. Johnson City, N. \. Armstrcns, Thelma (Mrs. Moore), 90 Xew \ork Avenue, Pa. Barrett, Helen H. (Mrs. Lechleitner), Cambra, Pa. Xumidia, Mae, Bessie Beaver, Selinsgrove. Pa. Bolig, Pauline E., 301 S. Market Street. Champion Forest. Jessups, Md. Bolles, Rachel (.Mrs. Malone), (Mrs. Warren Hyde), W atsontown. Pa. Rrarp Laura Ave.. Merchantville. N.J. iradfey Ma?y V. (Mrs: S. W. Xeyhard), 207 E. Maple Bucher, Pauline (Mrs. Swank), Elysburg, Pa. Burgess, Adaline, R. D. No. 3, Wyoming, Pa. Burgess, LUIian, R. D. No. 3, Wyoming, Pa. Burns, Joseph, Kanshaw, Pa. Carr Florence C, 27 Main Street. W anamie. Pa. ^ r> Pa. Cal?;iis"?er M. William. Sisters of Mercy. St. Agnes Convent, Towanda, Cashmareck, Helen V.. 1769 Tioga Street. Shamok^n. Pa. Chivers Muriel. (11 lenkins Avenue. Peckville. 1 a. Citro. Alohonsus M.. 632 Ridge Street. Freeland. Pa. Clarke. Catharine. 424 Hollenback Avenue. Parson, la. Cofiman. William C. Millville. Pa. Connelly, Verna Marie, R. D. Xo. 1. Sunbury. Pa. ., „ .„ Contini Mary C. 4.<4 Green Street. Freeland, Pa. „ Dewville, X. J. CaVhIrh.e C. (Mrs. Gilmartin), Dewville Pubhc Schools. W , , , Ccxc Marion E. 1256 St. Anne Street, Scrantoii. Pa. Curwood, Mary H. 11 W. Butler Street. Shickfhmny. Pa. Pa. Daniels. Elizabeth L. 117 E. Atherton Street. Taylcjr, Davenpcrt. Frsnces (Mrs. Max Penn^neton). Bloomsburg. 1 a. Pa. Wilkes-Barre. Street, Barney Davis. Eli.-abeth R., 225 Davis, Laura A., 2305 Hollester .Ave.. Scr.inton, Pa. Davis, Verna E., 1938 Washburn Street. Scranton. Pa. Donegan, Kathryn, 98 Centre Street, Nesquehoning, Pa. Donohoe. Joseph J., Lost Creek, Pa. r. Dormer, Elizabeth, 911 W. Spruce Street, Shainokin. Pa. nr. Pa. Dougherty. Anna (Mrs. Robert Glennon), 1021 Washington Street, Freeland, Driscoll. Dean, Uushore, Pa. „ n ,,.,-,. Coxe', , , . S'jsan R., (Mrs. Wayne Turner), Miffiinville. la. Durbin. Louise, 1,39 E. Main Street, Plymouth, Pa. Dyer. Ruth M. Mrs. Rudy), Danville. Pa. Eade, Edith May, 101 E. Centre Street, Nesquehoning, Pa. Evans, Lucy H. (Mrs. Charles A. Unold), 325 Roe -Avenue, Elmira, X. ^. Eyerly, Margaret (Mrs. Ralph Aul). Espy, Pa. Farley, Earl T.. 450 Washington Street. Rochester. Pa. Fay, Margaret E., 231 Chestnut Street, Kingston, Pa. Fichter, Claire. 719 N. Locust Street Hazleton, Pa. Finn. Sister M. Theophane, 161 S. Washington Street, W ilkes-Barre. Pa. Fisher, Martha A., 310 S. Front Street. Sunbury, Pa. Flannery, Anthony J., Lost Creek. Pa. Fleming, Margaret R., 92 Main Street. Kingston Pa. Ford. Elizabeth. 249 E. Green Street. Nanticoke, Pa. Fought, B. George, Millville, Pa. Gallagher, Mary L., Church Street, Audenried Pa. o v \r.iu.>har Jnli.- M.. 'Mrs. Xeal Carmodv). 7419 Sixth .Avenue, Brooklyn 9, X.\. Geary, Anna R., (Mrs. J. E. Sidlerl. Danville. Pa Cower. Marian A., 406 Prospect Ave.. Hackensack. X.J. P.a. Griffiths. Margaret. 109 Gaylord Street Plymouth c , r- . t> Pa. Hale. Marion (Mrs. Marion Trethaway), 1175 Wyalusing .Ave.. Forty Fort. Street. Taylor. Pa. Atherton 212 W. Harris. Vivian (Mrs. HoUenbacM. Hart Maryan E. (Mrs. J. F. Miller). 533 E. Sixth Street, Berwick. Pa. Hartzelle. Helen. 117 Second Street. Catawissa, Pa. Henry, Ellen C. (Mrs. J. A. Woods), 12 Walt(3n Street, Toms River X J Pa. Herring, Dorothy (Mrs. J. J. Greenway. Jr.), Blythe Avenue, Drexel Hill, Herriotts, Bessie, 924 E. Northampton Street, Wilkes Barre^ Pa. Hess, Marion E. (Mrs. S. Carmick). 107 Long Lane, Upper Darby, Pa. Hiedix, Marie A., 779 Main Street, Kingston, Pa. Drum, I . . 58 .^ ClASS OF 1926 (Mrs. Thurston Smith). Lakewood. Pa. Ashton, Antonio, 126 Walnut Street, Plymouth. Pa. Allen. Ruth A., Aul, Geraldine K., (Mrs. Carl H. Davis), Mill Street, Orangeville, Pa. Baer, Vera L., I.Mrs. John Steeley), R. D. No. 2, East Rochester, N. Y. Baker, Ethel Dorothy, 5 W. Kilth Street, Watsonlown, Pa. Barklie, Lucy, Hmx 153 Mansfield Depot, Conn. Bisset, Bertha M. (Mr*. D. Leslie Baker), Espv. Pa. Bomboy, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Herbert E. Ralston), R. D. No. 3, AUentown, Pa. Bonham, Mae, 1117 \\':ihiut Street, Berwick. Pa. Brooks, Elizabeth M., 40 S. Second Street^ Lewisburp. Pa. Brown, Margaret V., 21 Main Street. Laflin, Plainsville, Pa. Budd, Alice Mary (.Mrs. Robert Dwycr), Meadville, Pa. Burlingame, Eva M. (.Mrs. Eva Prey), East Fifth Street, Berwick, Pa. Butler, Margaret Eleanor, 486 Second Street, Northumberland, Pa. Campbell, Niargaret H., (i20 Minooka Avenue, Moosic, Pa. Carroll, Blanche C, Du^hore, Pa. Cawley, Sister Mary Agnita, Uil S. Washington Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Coburn, Margaret (Mr>. Ewart Davies), 69 S. Poplar Street. Hazleton, Pa. Conville, Evelyn Veronica, 35 S. Hickory Street, Mt. Carmel, Pa. Coolbaugh, Arltne R. (Mrs. Forest Kunkle). R. D. No. I, Dallas, Pa. '.itesvillc. Pa. Cooper. Gilbsrt, Coyne, Sara Verna, 1191 S. Main Street. Pittston, Pa. Crawford, Beatrice L., Rolirshiirg. Pa. Daniels. Helen L., \\7 E. .\therton Street. Taylor. Pa. Davey, Marjorie Inez, H14 Westside Avenue, Honesdale. Pa. Davies, Mabel (-Mrs. .\rchibald Turner), 63 Robert St., Sheatown, Nanticoke, Pa. Decker, Marion, Xcv.- .Albany, Pa. Deebel. Charlotte Kathleen, I.Mrs. A. I. Huber), 133 Cedor Street. Hempstead. ( 1.. 1 . N, . \. Devine, Catherine M., 43 Brown Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Dickinson. Helen D. (.Mrs. Gustason), 503 Center Street, East Pittsburgh. Pa. Dugan, Mae R.. ^2 Church Street, Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Dunn, Helen Louise (Mrs. Allan Earnhartl. 307 Berwick, White Haven, Pa. Edwards. Emily B. (Mrs. Glen Rupert). 150 W. Main Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Erickscn, Mary S., 1532 Mountain .\venue. Scranton, Pa. Evans. Eleanc- T., 236 01<1 River Road. Wilkes Barre, Pa. Evans. Margaret Louise, 110 Slocum Street. Forty Fort, Pa. Farley. Jennie M.. 743 Hepburn Street. Milton, Pa. Fenstermacher, Maude (.Mrs. W. H. Fahringer). 243 Pine Street, (^atawissa, Pa. Fetterman. Verna. 104(> Reagan Street, Sunbury, Pa. Fisher, I. Frances (Mrs. Ray Perrego), R. D. No. 2, Dallas. Pa. Mary. 311 McAlpine Street. Avoca. Pa. Flynn. Stella Irene, 1319 S. Main Street, Pittston. Pa. Friedberg. Florence (.Mrs. M. H. Harrison), 230 W. Sunbury St., Shamokin, Pa. Friedley. C. Ella (Mrs. Clavton Rohbinsl. Benton. Pa. Friedman. Dorothy Lydia (Mrs. Rand). 242 Main Street. Luzerne, Pa. Fuller. Thelma M. (Mrs. Taylor). 1612 Dyre Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Gallagher. Mary Anna (Mrs. Edmund Jenkins). 59 Franklin St.. Plymouth. Pa. Gavey. Josephine M. (Mrs. Swithers), 5 Orchard Street, Glen Lyon, Pa. Gearhart. Pearle (Mrs. W. McCollum). 406 Market Street. Danville, Pa. Getr. Raymond, Millville. Pa. Gill. Ruth. .!(i: First Street, Olyphant. Pa. Gogolach. Anna R.. 76 .Academy Street. Plymouth. Pa. Goulden. A. Helen. Mountain Top P. O., Blytheburn. Pa. Graham. Hazel Keith. 729 Main Street. Peckville. Pa. Grier. Marie Helen, 78 Elizabeth Street. Pittston. Pa. Hagenbuch. Pearl E. (Mrs. Swenson), 231 Mountain Ave., R. D. No. 2, N. Flannelly. Cal.lufll. ,\. I. Harlos. Grace Ellen (Mrs. Carr). 99 Sharpe Street. Kingston, Pa. Hartwieson, Arline .Mrs. S. S. Tablouski). 25 Ross Street. Ashley, Pa. Haupt. Ruth P. Mrs. Artz), 415 W. Frack Street, Frackville, Pa. Hausch, Mildred A. (Mrs. R. Garinger), Alderson, Pa. Headman, Aletha, R. 1). No. 4. Dallas. Pa. Hennigan, Mary Margaret, 404 S. Main Street, Old Forge, Pa. Hidlay. Louise. 437 E. Third Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Higgins. Mildred K.. Dallas, Pa. Hubert. Fannie H. (Mrs. George Roberts'), 376 Wyoming Avenue. Wyoming. Pa. Hir-oenstiel, Miriam (Mrs. Gassl. 1010 Bloom Street, Danville. Pa. Hobbs. Marearet. KW Girard .Avenue. Plymouth. Pa. Holcombe. Alice Elizabeth (Mrs. Jerry McCartley). R. D. No. 3. Meshoppen. Pa. Hontz. Carolyn. 143 S. Centre Street. Freeland. Pa. Hughes. Margaret J., 331 Main Street. Plains. Parson. Pa. Hutton. Emily Regina, Bloomsburg. Pa. Isaac, Margaret R., 141 S. Church Street. Hazleton. Pa. Jarzenbowicz, Josephine B.. 220 Freed Street. Sugar Notch. Pa. Johnson, Marian Katharine, 57 Catawissa .Avenue, Sunbury. Pa. Johnson. K. Mildred. 7(iJ Main Street. Avoca. Pa. Johnston. Grace Ellen, ,'shavertown. Pa. Jones, W. James, .^>;i Ridge Avenue, Kingston, Pa. Jones, Letha Mae, Noxen, Pa. Jones, William B., 113! W. Locust Street, Scranton. Pa. Kane, Joseph, .?4 Madison Avenue, Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Kanyuck. John S., 16 Slope Street. Nanticoke. Pa. Kaufman. D. Lucille fMrs. Foulrod). 37 N. A'ine Street. Hazleton. Pa. Kehler, Helen Jeanette, 426 Main Street, Locust Dale. Pa. Keller, Elizabeth (Mrs. L. B. Epier). R. D. No. 1. Northumberland. Pa. Kelley. Genevieve F., 1173 Wyoming .-Avenue, Pittston. Pa. Kelly. Mildred E.. Loyalsak .Ave.. & Mulberry Street. Montoursville. Pa. Killian. Margaret. 208 Susquehanna Ave.. Pittston. Pa. Kimble. Josie M., Clarks Green. Pa. Kraft. Margaret A., MS N. Broad St., West Hazleton. Pa. Kuchta, Mary A., .Alderson. Pa. I LambeH. Margaret E., 245 Hale Street. New Brun-wick. N. Laude. Ruth B. (Mrs. Hughes'). Mountain Too. Pa. R. D. No. Leiby. Mary K. (Mrs. Russell A. Fogley'). Elysburg, Pa. Lenahan Anna E., S22 Brock T. 1 Street, .Ashland, Pa. Lesser. Louise Francis, 936 Schwabe St.. Freeland, Pa. Lewis. Benjamin F., 35 E. Noble St.. Nanticoke. P-". Lingertot, Martha M., 123 Dagohert Street. Wilkes B.irre. Pa. Lorah, Louneta, 511 Delaware Ave., Pittston, Pa. Lowry, Edith A., Uniondale. Pa. McHugh. Katherine A. (Mrs. Najaka), 8 East Main Street. Glen Lyon. Pa. McLaughlin, Nellie, Harwood Mines, Pa. Madden. Anna B., 453 S. Main Street. Pittston. Pa. 244 Buttonwood Street. Plymouth. Pa. Mary G., 726 T^fadison .-X venue. Termyn. Pa. Mathews. Margaret, 787 ^Lain Street, Sugar Notch, Pa. Medo. Rose. Newport Street. Glen Lvon. Pa. Meixell, Ruth E. (Mt^. Claude E. Miller), 22 W. Butler Street. .Shickshinr.v. r-^. Merrill, Lois M. (Mrs, N W. Wormley). 360 Third S'reet. Northnmherlanl. Pa. Maher. Loretla. Martin, Miller, Beatrice I. (Mrs. Werkhriser). First Street. Bloomsbnr'r. Pa. Morgan. Alice Maybrey (Mrs. A'aple). Goss Afanor. Dallas, Pa. Morgan. Charlotte D., 178 .Summit Street. Kingston. Pa. Morgan, Gilbert, 500 Sampson Street. Old Forge. P^. Morris, Edith N. (Mrs. J. I. Rowlands^. Box 12. Meshoppen. Pa. Munroe, Kathryn E. (Mrs, Paul Diehl), 8.30 N. Cherry .\venue. Tucson. Mumhy. Catherine M. (Mrs. John L. McHugh). Little Meadows, Pa. Naylor, Thelma M.. 317 Wheeler .Avenue. .Scranton. Pa. Newman. Dorothv E., 201 E. ^Lahoning Street. Danville, Pa. Odell, Helen M.. F.Mls. Pr. G.. 51 KMrter Street. AViltes-Bf>rr". Pa. Oh'man. Elizabeth O'msted. Catherine A.. (601 King .Street. Northumberland. Pa. .Ariz. Otten. Ella M. (.Mrs. Horace Sick), 75 Putnam Street, Tunkliann(3ck Pa Paul, Verna Marie (Mrs. Donald J. Bennett), 808 W. Pine Street, Sha'mok'in Pa Phillips, Margaret (.Mrs. Fred Walker), 15 Railroad Street, Glen Lyon, Pa Podsiadlik, Sophie, oOl Front Street, I'ccly, Pa. Powell, Gertrude, Mountain Top, Pa. Prutzman, Elgie Velma, Ferguson Avenue, Shavertown, Pa Pursel, Helen A., 740 E. .Alarket Street. Danville. Pa. Rasmus, Stephina H., (.Mrs. Bulka), Orchard Street, Glen Lyon, Pa Rees, Florence E., 74/" Pleasant Avenue. Peckville, Pa. Rees, LaVerne (.Mrs. Dykins), iS2 E. Church Street, Nanticoke, Penna Reese, Margaret E. (Mrs. Wdkinson), 5 .N. Walnut Street, Mt. Carmel Pa Rembold, Marion J., Goldsboro Hospital. Goldsboro, N. C. Rhinard. Irene (.Mrs. Lewis Crevehng), 423 Water Street, Hughesville Pa Richards, Margaret H., .'38 Mulberry Street, Berwick Pa Robbins, Elsa, .Millvillc, Pa. Robbins, Evelyn G., 72 West Hudson Avenue, Englewood, N J Roderick, Eleanor June, 23 E. North Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa Roeder, Christine B., 5 Elm Place, .Milltown, N. V. Rowlands, John T., F.ox 12, Meshoppen, Pa. Russell, Jeanette (.Mrs. Paul E. Stockcr), 92 Orniond Street, Hempsteadu. ->. N Yi. Ryan, Mary C, 3J S. First Street, Shamokin, Pa. Savidge, Jeanette K., Berwyn, P.\. Schelbert, Marian E., Newfoundland, Pa. Selecky, Dolores Emma, (Mrs. Mras), 205 Pierce Street. Kingston Pa Sick. Marjorie (Mrs. Harry Fassett), 73 Putnam Street. Tunkhannock Pa Smith. De.mar L., 130 East Sixth Street, Berwick, Pa. Smith, Hazel 1. (.Airs. Stookey), Fordyce Street, R. I). No 2, Box 504 Dover N I Smith. Margaret M. (Mrs. Clyde Dickey). Starrucca, Pa Souder, Leora V., 807 E. Second Street, .\escopcck. Pa. Spare, Helen May, 41 S. Sherman Street, Wilkes Barre Pa Stapinski, Helen A., 132 Main Street, Glen Lyon. Pa. Stevens;, Laura B., 145 E. Sixth Street. Bloomsburg, Pa Stiner, Cleota F. (Mrs. C. Eckroth). Bloomsburg. Pa. Stoker. William E., 42 Main Street, Wanamie. Pa. Straub, Miriam M., Espy, Pa. Strine. Catherine A. (Mrs. Charles Harmon). 208 Parks .Avenue, Milton Pa Suit, Ruth Shirley (.Mrs. C. E. Foster), 416 E. Front Street, Berwick, Pa Sutliff. Bertha M.. Trucksvillc. Pa. ' " Sweeney. Mary Agnes Thompson Louise Timko, John B., J., (.Airs. 458 Ruddy), 5313 Magnol a Avenue. Germantown, Pa Main Street. Peckville, Pa. Eckley. Pa. Tregaskis, Louise E., 9 Cottage Avenue, Plains, Pardons. Pa. Trimble. Jessica C, 125 A'aughn Street, Kingston. Pa. Trivelpiece. Jennie, Nescopeck, Pa. Troy, Dorothy, Sugarloaf. Pa. Vail, Grace Evangeline (Mrs. Russell Noble), Jcrmyn. P'. VanScoy, LoMta M. (Mrs. Gregory), 14 Davton Street, Johnston City. VanZandt. Millicent A., 15 Orange Street, Waverly N A' Ward, Alice V. (Mrs. Karose), ,305 Mill Street. Danville. Pa Warntz, Miriam, .534 E. Tenth Street. Berwick. Pa. N V Watts, Olive Henrietta, 260 Union Street, Millershurg, Pa. Whitenight. Jennie S., 82 Knapp .Avenue. Bloomsburg. Pa. Wintersteen. Inez A. (Mrs. Glodfelter). 679 Grant Street. Williamsport, Pa. Womelsdorf, Fae W., 245 Center Street. AVanamie. Pa. Yoder. Mary Alice, 807 W. Front Street, Berwick. Pa. Zehner, Marjorie (Mrs. A'irgil .Mbertson). Conyngham, Pa. Zelinski. Sophia M. (Mrs. Kozlowski), 10 W. Enterprise Street. Glen Lyon Pa Zettle. Margaret E., R. D. No. 3. Berwick. Pa. Zielinski, Laura Afrs. Franko). 125.M Corhett .Avnue. Detroit. Mich. Zimmerman. Jessie B. (Mrs. E. I. O'Loughlin). .'07 E. Fifth Street. Berwick. Pa. ( CLASS OF 1927 Adams, Mildred (Mrs. Earl McCloughen). R. D., Danville. Pa. Alimenti, Louis M., 604 Main Street, Old Forge. Pa. Alleman, Daisy (Mrs. G. M. Krouse), Mc.Allisterville. Pa. Amesbury, Norine, 57 Sturdevant Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Aumiller, Gladys, Laurelton, Pa. Banghart, Lee W., 425 East Eleventh Street, Berwick. Pa. Barry. Hannah, 346 Walnut Street, Luzerne, Pa. Baum, Harold, 133 S. Cedar Street. Hazleton. Pa. Belefshi, Clara. 42 Main Street. Glen Lyon. Pa. Bender. Naomi K., 524 Catawissa Avenue. Sunbury. Pa. Bennetto, Dorothy, 84 Carlisle Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Benson. Mildred C, 72 Park Avenue. AVilkes-Barre. Pa. Bickert, Loie Catherine, 419 N. Third Street, Catawissa, Pa. Bittenbender, James R., Broad Street. East Brady, Pa. Black, Thelma, 331 E. Broad Street. Nanticoke. Pa. Blank. Frances Elizabeth. 54 Linden Street. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Blossard. Minerva V., 125 Conyngham Avenue. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Bossert, Elsie. 536 Carey Avenue. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Bower. Elsie G., 217 Tackson Street. Berwick. Pa. Brace. Mollv B. (Mrs. G. C. Duffy). 242 Jackson Street, Bristol, Pa. Bradshaw, Joseoh, f^Sl Main Street. Sugar Notch. Pa. Brown, Edna M. (Mrs. Leroy Motfitt). 314 Wyckoff Avenue. Ramsey. N. J. Burdon. Alice E., 1014 Madison Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Carr, Thelma A. (Mrs. Earl Lamoreaux), R. D. No. 1, Dallas, Pa. Caswell, Margaret, Wyalusing, Pa. Ceppa, Helen, 738 S. Market Street, Nanticoke, Pa. Chapin, Esther, .Stillwater. Pa. Chapley, Adelle A., 137 East Coal Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Chicallo, Anna L., 4 AVilson Street, Kingston, Pa. Chumard, Genevieve (Mrs. Cook), South Canaan. Pa. Cimmet, Sylvia. S E. Main Street. Nanticoke. Pa. Clarke, Anna Evelyn, 424 Hollenback Avenue, Parsons, Pa. Connor, Dorothy Rita, 214 Belmont Street, Waymart, Pa. Corman, M. Alma. Rebershurg. Pa. Crothamel. Mildred 'Mrs. AV. McCullough). 910 Harrison .Avenue, Scranton. Pa. Crouse, Margaret Irene, 1126 Orange Street, Berwick, Pa. Culver, Linda Estella, Wvalusing, Pa. Curry, Margaret H., R. D. No. 1. Danville, Pa. Davies, Ruth Elizabeth. (Mrs. W. E. Aston). 450 S. River St.. AVilkcs-Barrc. Pa. Dean, Catherine M., 1221 S. Main Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Deisroth, Anne Marruerite. R. D. Sugarloaf, Pa. Delaney. Elizabeth (Mrs. Fogarty). 125 I>oomis Street. Nanticoke. Pa. Denn, Lillian May. 119 Orchard Street. Plymouth. Pa. Densevich, Mary. 726 East Race Street. Shamokin. Pa. Dent, Maud A. (Mrs. Lee Banghart), 425 E. Eleventh Street. Berwick. Pa. Deppen, Sttena R.. D-ilmatia. Pa. Dierolf. Esther, 1117 Kidder Street. Wilkes. Barre. Pa. Dietterich, Wilma Mae (Mrs. Bowman). 829 E. Second Street. Berwick. Pa. Dietz. Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. E. L. Miller). 212 Ferry Street. Danville. Pa. DiMarco. Concepta. 155 Parsonage Street. Pittston. Pa. Dixon. Jennie, T.ost Creek. Pa. Dodge, Orice, Wyalusing, Pa. Dodson, Dorothy (Mrs. Rowlandl, 271 Courtdale Avenue, Luzerne. Pa. Dunleavy. Helen. 113 East .Avenue. Mt. Carmel. Pa. Edwards. Millicent, !30 E. Broad Street. Nanticoke. Pa. Eisenhower. Dolores J.. 1253 AV. Poplar Street. Kulomont. Pa. Ellery. Rosina C, .338 E. Main Street. Nanticoke. Pa. Englehart, Beatrice M., 740 Market Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. 59 Etzweiler. Lulu A. (Mrs. Zimmerman), 45 N. Fifth Street, Halifax, Pa. Everett, Hattie Irene, 134 E. Mahanoy Street, Mahanoy City, Pa. Eves, Jessie M., 205 E. Second Street, Berwick, Pa. Fasan, Ruth, 183 S. College Avenue, Kmgston, Pa. Farley, Allhea (Mrs. G. F. Betz), R. D. Xo. 1, Box 139, Pottsville. Pa. Feeney, Irene Elizabeth, 319 S. Irving Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Fenwick, Susan, 39 Dean Street, Scranton, Pa. Ferry, Catherine D., 425 S. Tamaqua Street, McAdoo, Pa. Fetterman, Hannah Magdalena, R. D. Xo. 2, Catawissa, Pa. Finnerty, Margaret Rose, 2311 Washburn Street, Scranton, Pa. Fleming, Laura A., Reedsville. Pa. Fowler, Ethel Alice, 226 E. 15th Street, Berwick, Pa. Fowler, Herman E., Espy, Pa. Fowler, Mark. Box 107, Espy. Pa. Fruit, Mary (Mrs. Robbins), Millville, Pa. Gallagher, Mary K., Maple Street, Tresckow, Penna. Gamber. Florence M. (Mrs. J. Earl Haa?), \Vat-A-\u, Route Xo. 1, Duncannon Gemmell, Kathryn D„ 925 Wheeler Avenue, Scranton, Pa. George, Alta Dorothy (Mrs. H. P. Harrington), 317 State Street, Nanticoke, Pa. George. Anna S., 20 Alexander Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Gicking, Bessie Estella, 579 X. Locust Street, Hazleton. Pa. Girton, Mary Edna, R. D. Xo. 5, Bloomsburg, Pa. Goldsmith, Emily, Star Route, Dallas, Pa. Grabowski. Martha I., 190 W. Church Street. Xanticoke, Pa. Graff. Bertha Cecelia, 706 E. Spruce Street. Kulpmont, Pa. Grimes, Gertrude, Hotel Berwick, Berwick. Pa. Harris. Philip, K. D. Xo. 3, Bloomsburg, Pa. Hart, Florence S., 324 Montgomery Street. Nescopeck, Pa. Hartman, Margaret L., 117 E. Second Street, Berwick. Pa. Hartman, Mary, Stillwater, Pa. Hastie, Jassie, 1305 X. Main Street. Avoca, Pa. Helwig, Bethia, R. D. Xo. 1, Catawissa, Pa. Henry. Eleanor Anita, 210 W. White Street, Summit Hill, Pa. Hergert, Helen C. 201 Madison Street, WilkesBarre, Pa. Hess, Cleo Lydia, Xescopeck. R. D.. Pa. Hess, Geraldine Ellen (Mrs. Clarence A. Ruch). 1011 Market Street, Berwick, Pa. Hilton, Mabel Mae, 118 N. Jardin Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Hoff, Hazel Edith, Elysburg. Pa. Honicker, Lillian. Box 82, Locust Gap, Pa. Horsefield, Alverda, 307 Carver Street, Plymouth. Pa. Jermyn. Angela (Mrs. Harry Schmidt), 231 E. Church Street, Xanticoke, Pa. Jermyn, Emma J., Junedale. Pa. Jermyn, Vivian M. (Mrs. Adam T- Frev), Beaver Meadows, Pa. Jones. Ahce Irene (Mrs. Harold Aflsbaugh), 110 W. Poplar Street, Plymouth, Pa. Jones. Elizabeth S., 234 Main Street. Weatherly. Pa. Jones. Helen M.. 229 Gardner Street, Plymouth. Pa. Jones. Mary Elliott, 7507 MacArthur Blvd. Cabin John, Md. Kanouse. Sara Ann, Benton. Pa. Kepler. Mary (Mrs. Harold Bowman), Orangeville. Pa. Killin, Anne H.. 64 Allen Street. Xanticoke, Pa. Krause. Josephine L, 47 Prospect Street, Nanticoke, Pa. Kreigh. Mercea Sara (Mrs. Glen Berneer), McAHsterville. Pa. Krzywicki, Mary E., 117 Wilson Street. Kingston, Pa. Kutz. Mary Constance, 50 W. Main Street, Glen Lyon, Pa. Lanning, Evangeline (Mrs. Deibert), R. D. Xo. 2, Danville, Pa. Lewis. Elsie M., East Third Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Lipsky. B., 440 Market Street. Glen Lyon, Pa. Lloyd, Eva L., Jackson Street, X>w Milford. Pa. Long, Eria GeraJdine (Mrs. F. J. Creasy), Riverview, Berwick, Pa. Long. Pearl E., 211 W. Ninth Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Lowry, Mildred R. (Mrs. Marcy), Dalton. Pa. Luce, Margarette Sarah ,Meshoppen. Pa. Lutz, Elsie. R. D. Xo. 1. Berwick. Pa. McHenry, Mabel A. (Mrs. Robert Brennington). Benton, Pa. McVey. Winifred. 107 E. Center Street. Danville. Pa. Makowski. Amelia, 22 Coal Street. Glen Lyon, Pa. Marr, Elizabeth Jane. 431 W. Front Street. Berwick. Pa. Mathews. George A., 405 Franklin Avenue. \*andergift. Pa. Medley, Vcma O. (Mrs. Ralph Davenport). 14 Ransom Street. Plymouth. Pa. Meeker. Josephine M., R. D. Xo. 2. Shickshinny. Pa. Meiss, Alice M.. 537 Broad Street, Nescopeck. Pa. Miller. Selma E., 519 Colfax Avenue, Scranton. Pa. Mirola, Elizabeth J. (Mrs. J. H. Iloff). Honesdale, Pa. Montgomery. Irene (Mrs. D. C. Fairman). Orangeville, Pa. Moran, Grace T., Broad & Lincoln Street, Hazleton, Pa. Morgan. Mary E., 815 Landis Street, Scranton. Pa. Morgan. Mary J., 109 S. Main Street, Plains, Pa. Mourey, Ada Clara (Mrs. Housenick), MiffHnvitle, Pa. Mulligan, Helen. 7 X'orth Main Street. Plains, Pa. Myers, Delma E. (Mrs. Arthur Husband), 2065 Willow Street, Wesleyville, Pa. Namotka. Veronica. 105 Towpath Street, Pittston, Pa. Naugle, Anna M., Hunlock Creek, Pa. Oates, Ellen V., 531 Monument Avenue. Wyoming. Pa. O'Donnell. Isabel M. (Mrs. Sweeney). Hazle Village, Hazleton. Pa. O'Donnell, Mary R., Drifton. Pa. O'Neill. Teresa L, 831 W. Chestnut Street, Shamokin. Pa. Hortman. Edithe B., 300 E. Eleventh Street. Berwick, Pa. Howells. Helen J. fMrs. G. H. Watrner). 625 E. Market Street. Scranton, Pa. Hummel. Mildred M., Kreamer, Pa. Jaffin. Anna. Berwick, Pa. Jameison, Everett N., 146 S. Hyde Park Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Janulewicz, Viola, 752 Main Street, Sugar Xotch, Pa. Oswald. Ruth A. (Mrs. Karl Olson). 927 W. Centre Street. Mahanoy City, Pa. Palsgrove. Doris G.. 52 S. Balliet. Frackville. Pa. Pawloski, Pauline B., 201 Main Street, Duryea, Pa. Peifer, Alyce M.. 520 Mill Street. Danville. Pa. Petekofsky, Julia, 2066 N. Main Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Phillips. Edith. Burcher Street. Chinchilla. Pa. Pitt, Vivian C. ("Mrs. Hull). Lattimer Mines. Pa. Piwowarska. Sr. M. Valentine, 529 Hanover Street, Nanticoke, Pa. Prosser. Bertine. 900 Main Street, Peckville, Pa. Prosser. Thelma (Mrs. Kenneth Cooper). 900 Main Street, Peckville. Pa. Ouinn, Edith C, (Mrs. Jakobsen), 262 Mountain Avenue, Springfield. N.J. Ranck. Pauline S., 17 W. Third Street. Bloomsbure. Pa. Raup, Dorothy C. (Mrs. George Tarrell), 114 Harding Avenue, Hatboro, PaReese, Lvsod ("Mrs. Thomas Williams), 755 N. Main Avenue, Scranton. Pa. Reilly, Elizabeth A., 25 E. Broadway Street. Plymouth, Pa. Renn, Beatrice M. ("Mrs. Furman Koppenhaver), 720 Green Street. Berwick. Pa. Rice, Mare^aret Jane, Trucksville. Pa. Roan. William BemEtrd, Cresco, Pa. Robbins. Eldora Blanche (Mrs. E. D. Young). R. D. No. 2, Berwick. Pa. Roberts, Mary J.. 49 Moffett Street. Plains. Pa. Robinson. Florence H,, Vandling, Pa. Rockwell, Ruth, Wvalusing, Pa. Rood, Lucy W. (Mrs. L. Stitt). S. T. College. Indiana. Pa. Ross. Lottie I. (Mrs. George Frev), 2146 Swatara Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Rowland, Dorothv Marie, 9 Main Street, Connerton, Pa. Rowland, Mary E., 7 Main Street. Connerton. Pa. Rowland, Fthel Rose. Connerton. Pa. Ruggles, Hilda Pearl, R. D.. Hunlock Creek. Pa. Emma 60 Ruth, Manta A, (Mrs. Robert Steele), 223 Pirmeer Avenue, Trucksville, Pa. Ryah, Mary C, 212 E. Tamarack Street, Hazleton^ Pa. Schaefer, Helen M. (Mrs. Jacobs), Main Street, ililnesville. Pa. Schultz. Blanche, R. D., Millville. Pa. Schultz, Florence (Mrs. Mark Fowler), Espy. Pa. Seitz, Sara (Mrs. Harry Lindauer), 753 E. Market Street, Danville, Pa. Shafer, Marguerite, 122 Main Road, Hanover Green, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Shaffer, Margaret Hippensteel, 259 W. Main Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Sheridan, Margaret Helen, 35 E. Poplar Street. Xanticoke, Pa. Showers, Martha S., 31 First Street, Milton, Pa. Shunk, Mary L., 923 Birch Street, Scranton, Pa. Stitler. Edith R., 2ii2 Martzville, Avenue, Berwick. Pa. Skvarla. Catherine M., 29 Brown Street. Plymouth, Pa. ' Smith. A. Katharine, Church Street, Reedsville, Pa. Smith, Rulh M. (Mrs. Shapiro). 263 S. River Street, Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Smith, Victoria (Mrs. E. M. Bundens, Jr.), 3SS Lightstreet. Rd., Bloomsburg. Pa. Somers, Kathleen M. (Mrs. Bonner), 1004 Gotham Street. Watertown, X. V. Sterner. Lenore Phyllis, 112 East Fourth Street, Watsontown, Pa. Stevens, Reba Irene, Stillwater. Pa. Stoyack. Ethel M., ]n9 Bellman. Dickson City, Pa. Strauser, Creveling, 603 W. Main Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Sweetman, Edith E.. 519 W. Taylor Street, Taylor. Pa. Sweppenheiser, Nellie, 254 Mary Street. Berwick. Pa. Tasker, Martha E. (Mrs. Theron Cook), 221 X. \'ine Street, Shamokin. Pa. Tedesco, Josephine D., 218 Grace Street, Old Forge, Pa. Thomas, Myra L., 394 Jefferson Drive. Mt. Lebanon. Pa. Thornton, Septa May, 229 Morton Street, Old Forge, Pa. Trembley, H. Myrtle, R. D. No. 5, Bloomsburg. Pa. Treon, Margaret. Turbotville, Pa. Troy. Roy F.. R. D. Xo. 5. Espy, Pa. Tucker. Nora M., 166 Church Street, Kingston, Pa. Valentine, Bemeta M. (Mrs. Clark Zehner), Lake Carey Road. R. D. Xo. 2. Tunkhannock, Pa. VanBuskirk, E. Kenneth, 411 W. Shawnee Avenue. Plymouth, Pa. VanHom. Lena E., City Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Vastine, Pauline (Mrs. James Sudgen), Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Walakonis, Michael Paul, Ringtown, Pa. Walsh, William E.. 514 Oak Street, Old Forge. Pa. Warning, Helen Elizabeth, 652 X'orth Laurel Street, Hazleton, Pa. Weldon, Mary M., Locust Gap, Pa. Welker, Esther M. (Mrs. I. R. Copp), R. D. No. 1, Hummelstown, Pa. Welliver. Elsie A., R. D. Xo. 2. Bloomsburg, Pa. Wendel, Anna B. (Mrs. George Leighow), Bloom Road. Danville, Pa. Werkheiser. Kathryn Charlotte, 410 E. Fourth Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Williams, Florence A. (Mrs. Howard Thomas), 616 X. Bromley Ave., Scranton Williams. Jennie, 45 Hillside Avenue, Ed wards ville, Pa. Williams, Oce Beryl (Mrs. W. A. Austin), R. D. No. 1. Harvey's Lake. Pa. Wolfe. Minnie L. (Mrs. David Walters), 711 W. Princess Street, York, Pa. Yablonski, Louis, S3 W, Main Street. Glen Lyon. Pa. Yarasheski, Edward R., 75 Orchard Street, Glen Lyon, Pa. Yeager, Hazel. R. D., Catawissa. Pa. Zimolzak, Stasia, 9 Alain Street. Glen Lyon. Pa. CLASS OF 1928 Abbett. Kathryn, 614 Packer Street. Williamsport. Pa. Adams. Harriet Elizabeth, 409 West Main Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Adzema. Helen Margaret (Mrs. Mehok), 54 S. Maple Street, Mt. Carmel. Pa. Albert, Anna (Mrs. (?.olobl. 209 Jefferson Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Ammerman, Gladys Viola, Gravitv. Pa. Appleman, Faye M. (Mrs. R. E. Dendler). 1132 Market Street, Berwick. Pa. Aten. Caroline Bessie, R. D. No. 3. Bloomsburg, Pa. Avery, Ruth Bertha (Mrs. Robert Kellerman), 2434 X. Washington Ave, Scranton, Pa. Baer, Leroy A., McGraw, N. Y. Bahler, Frieda Anna, 215 E. Grove Street. Taylor. Pa. Bahr, Adelaide M. E., 540 Colfax Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Beaver, Ruth Mary. 551 Shuman Street, Catawissa Pa. Benninger. Anna Louise (Mrs. Edward T. Bush), Louden Hill Farm, S. Montrose, Pa. Berdine, Dorothy May, 101 Crestmont Road, Binghamton. N. Y. Berghauser. Mae Jenkins, 562 Keystone Avenue, Peckville. Pa. Besecker. Margaret L. (Mrs. Weis). 66 W. Dorrance Street, Kingston, Pa. Bilbow, Margaret Agnes, 46 Parnell Street, Pittston, Pa. Blackwell. Mary A. (Mrs. A. L. Litweiler). 1748 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton. Pa. Bohn, Mildred Ann (Mrs. Herbert Kneller), 432 Alder Street, Scranton, Pa. Bolen. Miltona L. TMrs. Klinetob), R. D. Xo. 1. Berwick. Pa. Bower, Mabel Arline (Mrs. Leroy Baer). McGraw, X^. Y. Bowman, Hester L., Mitflinville. Pa. Brandon, Thelma M. (Mrs. Lee). Salem Pike .Clarksboro, N. J. Briesch. Mildred Irene, 450 E. Main Street, Catawissa, Pa. Brochey, Pearl E.. 224 North Street, Catawissa, Pa. Burke, Frances M. (Mrs. Kenneth English). 171 William Street, Pittston, Pa. Cahalan, Mary Roan. 345 Cliester Street, Kingston. Pa. Callender. Phyllis Mae (Mrs. Arthur Michael). Main Street. Shickshinny, Pa. Campbell, Florence L. (Mrs. Walter Vorbleski). 31 E. Front Street. Berwick. Pa. Cantwell. Helen Claire, 191 Xesbit Street. E. Plymouth. Pa. Capparell. Martha. 673 X. Laurel Street. Hazleton, Pa. Cataldo. Rose Marie, L., 191 S. Pine Street, Hazleton, Pa. Ciampi, Carolyn, Mocanaqua, Pa. Coxe, Margaret Alice, 1256 Saint Ann Street. Scranton. Pa. Creasy. Lawrence H., R. D. No. 1. Catawissa. Pa. Curry. Anna C, 6fr0 S. Tamaqua Street. McAdoo. Pa. Daley. Nelle L. (Mrs. Shocklass). 35 Gillespie Street. Swoversville, Pa. Davies, Elizabeth (Mrs. R. P. Miller). W. Mam Street. Shickshinny. Pa. Davies. Irene Elizabeth, 103 X. Welles Avenue. Kingston. Pa. Davis, Edith Pauline, 19 Parsonage Street, Pittston, Pa. Davis. Mildred Mae, Espy, Pa. Davis, Rhea June. 222^2 S. Main Street. Taylor, Pa. Dermody. Marguerite M., 1711 Roselynn Avenue. Scranton. Pa. DeWitt, Marion Arline. Harri^^on Avenue. Tunkhannock, Pa. Diehl, Geraldine (Mrs. George P. Cross). 30 S. Railroad Street. Hummelstown. Pa. Eastman, Helen F. (Mrs. Alvin Wise), Apt. 205, 1101 Fairmont St.. N. W., Wash.. D. C. Edwards. Grace Ellen, 602 East Third Street. Bloomsburg, Epler. Hazel Jane (Mrs. Furman), Northumberland, Pa. Evancho, George, 6 South Street, Eckley. Pa. Pa.- Evans, Alice L., 144 School Street. Scranton. Pa. Evans, Dorothv E. (Mr^. Wrick). 48 Sparta .Avenue. Newton. N. J. Faatz. Loretta M., 718 Main Street. Forest City, Pa. Fairchild. Beulah (Mrs. Weldon Mann), New Brunswick, X. J. Fest, Florence (Mrs. R. K. Johnstone), 497 W. Main Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Fortner. Jack. 232 Leonard Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Frantz. Grace Alice. Picture Rock^^. Pa. Freas, Esther E. (Mrs. J. Fairchild). 1209 Market Street, Berwick, Pa. Garrity, Francis, Junior High School. Englewood, N. J. Gething. Margaret N. (Mrs. Albert Stinner), 605 Spruce. Lykens, Pa. Giger, Arzella (Mrs. Harold Rogers), 438 West Third Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Gilmore, Dorothy L. (Mrs. Roy Gunton), Noxen, Pa. Goss. Dorothy L (Mrs. George Glahn). 346 Madison Street. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Gresh. Dorothy H., 2545 31st Street. S. W*. Akron, Ohio Gresko, Mary Anna, 605 Fern Street. Freeland, Pa. Guest, Ruth Esther, 533 Keystone Avenue, Peckville, Hague. Martha A. (Mrs. \V. Wech), Plains, Pa. Pa. Handlong, Margaret Anna, 66 Wesley Street, Forty Fort. Pa. Hanlon, Esther Mary, 535 Arlington Street, Tamaqua, Pa. Jeanette Brown, 1211 Main Street. Avoca. Pa. Hegarty, Kathryn Mary, 54 Bow Street, Tamaqua, Pa. Heinzelman, Mary Kathryti, 249 Chestnut Street. Sunbury, Pa. Herr, Mildred M.. 2!'2 North Third Street, Columbia, Pa. Hess, Anna Mary (Mrs. Lonberger), Boalsburg. Pa. Hess. Mildred Irene (Mrs. Floyd Cyphers'!, Bartonville, Pa. Hill, Margaret E., 2iT94 X. Main Avenue. Scranion 8. Pa. Hoffman, Karleen Margaret, First National Bank Building, Bloomsburg. Pa. Holmeister. Marjorie, 230 Madison Street, Wilkes- Barre. Pa. Hook. Dorothy A., 217 E. Eighth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Janell, George M., 114 Harding Avenue, Hatboro. Pa. Jannicelli. Genevieve M., 704 Main Street, Forest City, Pa. Jenkes, Helen L., 20 Cemetery Street. Pittston, Pa. Johnson. Catherine Bemadette, 618 McKenna Court. Scranton, V:\. Jones. Dorothy Vernon (Mrs. Robert Williams), 245 N. Mill Street, St. Clair. Pa. Keller, Margaret Drena, 444 Walnut Street, Luzerne. Pa. Kenworthy. Ruey iMrs. Nygren), R. D. No. 1. Box 385. Wilkes-Barrc. Pa. Kershaw, Mary Alma, f'>19 N. Laurel Street, Hazleton. Pa. Hastie. Kester, Viola M., 624 Main Street. Freeland. Pa. Kile. Melva K. (Mrs. Joseph Laubach). R. D. No. 2. Benton. Pa. Killian. Gertrude Beatrice^ R. D. No. 1, Shickshinny. Pa. Klapps, Rachel, 7"5 Main Street, Sugar Notch. Pa. Kramer, Helen Anna, 706 Foote Avenue. Duryea. Pa. Krzyzanski, Celia (Mrs. Penkowski). 303 E. Ridge Street, Nanticoke. Pa. Kulick, Edna Anna, Tames Street. Kelayres, Pa. LaBar, Marguerite Anna, (Mrs. Wilfred Rhodes), 210 Fedgwood Road, Springfield . Pa. Zurlinden, Kathryn Anna, 174 Rock Street, Pittston, Pa. CLASS OF 1929 Amos, Eleanor G. (.Mrs. Albert Steiner). 4.Sfi West Third Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Anders, Lillian W., K. D. No. 2, Green Garden Road, Aliquippa, Pa. Andre, Alburta M. (Mrs. Earle Wooten). 49 Grow Avenue, Alontrose, Pa. Anstett, Margaret H. (Mrs. Edward Heltzel), 52 Sharpc Street, Kingston, Pa. Archibald, Elizabeth M., J(X)3 N. Main Street, Scranton, Pa. Ashworth, Marion Eleanor, Wapwallopen, Pa. Austin, Leonore Grace (Mrs. F. L. Reese), 44 Myers Street, Forty Fort, Pa. Barber, Lila Eudora (Mrs. Thomas), Star Route, Waverly, Pa. Bartko, Mary Martha (Mrs. Klembara), 436 E. Norwegian Street, Pottsville, Pa. Becker, Mary Louise, 310 Stafford Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Benfield, Laura Jsme, 530 Center Street, Bethlehem, Pa. Bielfeldt, Florence Elsie, 945 Prescott Avenue. Scranton, Pa. Bingaman, Kathryn Alverda (Mrs, J. E. Reese), Gonlon, Pa. Bittenbender. Jean LeNore (Mrs. Dale Stitlerl, 618 E. Fourth St., Nescopeck, Pa. Black, Louise C, Maplewood, Pa. Bommer, Thelma Audrey (Mrs. Ernest Stackhouse). R. D. No. 1, Drums. Pa. Bower, Margaret Aivaretta (Mrs. Franklin Bacon). 1811 Church St., Scranton Boyle, Gertrude Marie, 62S Main Street, Freeland. Pa. Brislin, Marie Edwards. Box 98, R. D. No. 1. Plymouth. Pa. Bums. Agnes Elizabeth (Mrs. James M. Wilson). 209 Main Street, Kingston, Pa. Byerly, Marie K. iMrs. Marie Leitzel). 129 Mill Creek. Pottsville. Pa. Calfrey, Helen Beatrice, (Mrs. McMullen), 102 Curtis Avenue, Woodcrest, Wil- mington, Del. Mabel P. (Mrs. Dean F. Lyon), 109 Bloom Street. Danville, Pa. Carman, Antoinette (Mrs. Decker), 732 Monroe Street. Berwick, Pa. Carr, Mary Elizabeth, 330 Keystone Avenue. Peckville. Pa. Colley, Dorothy Catherine (Mrs. Howard Bowington), Benton, Pa. Carl, Martha Anna, R. D. No. 1, Muncy, Pa. Mary A.. -"^41 Rubicon Avenue, Philadelphia 44. Pa. Langford. Phyllis, 4(XI Montgomery Avenue. West Pittston, Pa. Law, Alice Annette, 61 Division Street, Kingston. Pa. Lawson, Sarah R, (Mrs. Tames Dockerav), 203 W. Columbus Ave., Shenn.n Laird, Laird, ' Pa. loah. Lewis, Anna Evelyn (Mrs. B. B. Baer), 20S Lehigh Street, Tamaqua. Pa. Lewis, Margaret Louise, 110514 W. Locust Street. Scranton. Pa. Lipsky, Marcella Tillie, 56 N. Market Street. Glen Lyon. Pa. Long, Rachael Lucelle (Mrs. James Sauers), 608 Walnut Street, Miflfrnburg. Pa. Lynch, Anna Gertrude, 205 Nesbitt Street, Plvniouth, Pa. McCollum. Dorothy E. iMrs. R. Tressler), 123 Jackson Street, Port Carbon. Pa. Masucci, Alberta Clelia, 111 North Main Avenue. Scranton, Pa. Mazukewicz. Josephine Maria, 125 Oak Street, Sugar Notch. Pa. Mears, Charlotte E. (Mrs. N. F. Davis), 26 N. Fifth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Miller, Benjamin Y., K. D. No. 1. Catawissa, Pa. Miller. Claude E.. Pond Hill. Penna. Miller. Faye E. Mrs. F. D. Kessler), King and Park Place, Northumberland Miller. Thelma Fay, 101 W. Third Street, Nescopeck. Pa. Minnich, Catherine M., 322 E. Broad Street, Hazleton. Pa. Morris. Anna Ellen, 16 Elm Street. W. Pittston. Pa. Moyer, Olive Margaret, 224 East Third Street, Williamsport. Pa. Mulford, Mary Alice (^Irs. Charles A. Watkins). E. Center St., Shavertown. Pa. Murphy. Mildred M., R. D. No. 1, Box 119, Pottsville. Pa. Muskaloon, Anna Doris (Mrs. Mark R. Turner), 368 E. Eighth Street, Bloomsi hurtr. Yavorsky, Martha Anna, 446 East Columbia Ave., P.O. Atlas, Mt. Carmel, Pa. Youtz, Mary (Mrs. Elliot Steinert), 52 North Queen Street, Lancaster. Pa. Yuran. Anne Marie (Mrs, Tames >L Catron), 348 Main Street, Luzerne, Pa. Zimmerman. Mary Ruth (Mrs. Floyd Garrison), Fifth Street. Berwick, Pa. Zorskas, Nancy, 2ii41 N. Main Avenue, Scranton, Pa. T'a. Neyhard, Grace Leona, 141 E. Sixth Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Morris, Claire (Mrs. Nuss). 320 E. Second Street. Berwick. Pa. O'Conner, Julia Byrne, 114 Moosic Street, Jessup, Pa. Odell. Lois :\rartha. Falls, Pa. O'Donnell. Irene W.. 602 James Street. Hazleton. Pa. Orr, Mariorie A. 'Mrs. T. C. Tearpock), 540 W. Front Street, Berwick, Pa. Oswald. Margaret L. (Mrs. Walter Gordon), 408 Sixth St., N. Cumberland, Pa. Peifer, Hannah Jeanne. Brandon ville. Pa. Pennington. Warren Edward, 71 N. Green Street, East Stroudsburg, Pa. Phillips, Grace Mary. 420 N. Fourth Street, Catawssa. Pa. Pierce. Kathryn Eliza Mrs. Robert Workman), Freeburg. Pa. Potochney. Suzanna Geraldine. 427 Cedar Street, Freeland. Pa. Price, Ethel R. (Mrs. Ed^ar E. Richards), 146 W^ Rudley Ave., Norwood, Pa. Price. Myrtle Sara, 213 W. Grove Street. Taylor. Pa. Pullen. Alma Linda, 1335 Spring Garden Avenue. Berwick. Pa. Ramage. Zelma H., 181 Rock .Street. Pittston, Pa. Rehm, Mildred J., 24 Grandview Place, N. Caldwell. N. T. Reimensnvder. Anna Helena, 409 S. Front Street. Milton. Pa. Robbins. Winifred CSIts. Gordon Keener), R. D. No. 3. Bloomsburg. Pa. Roberts, Ethel Jane (Mrs. Stafford). 30S Keystone Avenue. Peckville. Pa. Robinson. Hilda Mae, 49 Poplar Avenue, Milton, Pa. Rodda. Anita. 69 Apple Street. Glen Lvon. Pa. Rohland. Walter J.. 607 Main Street. Old Force. Pa. Rosenblulh. Mildred Natalie. 304 Oak Street. Old Forge. Pa Rupert. Florence H. (^^^?. Mia Cole). West Fifth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Sands, Mary Eteanore, Benton, Pa. Sanford, Beatrice Helen, R. D. No. 1. Starrucca. Pa. Saylor, Elizabeth Cigler, 68 Hartford Street. Ashley. Pa. Saylor, Grace Evelyn. 507 Elm Street. Watsontown, Pa. Shain, Leone M., 12 W. Broad Street. Tamaqua, Pa. Shields, Alice Margaret, 242 Rutter Avenue. Kingston. Pa. Spotts, Caroline E. iMrs. R. H. Creswell). R. D.. Lewisburg. Pa. Stackhouse. Helen P. (Mrs. Emery W. Miller), 341 College Hill, Bloomsburg, Pa. Slangert, Helen. ISl Warren .Avenue. Kenmor, N. Y. Starick. Ada Dale (Mrs. Edward Baylor), 23 S. Eleventh Street. Sunburv, Pa. Stokes. Blake. R. D. No. 1. Paxinos. Pa. Strackbein. Louise Anna, R. D. No. 4. Ariel, Pa. Strausser, Sterling, East Stroudsburg. Pa. Sullivan. Sarah Lucille, 224 TTud«on Street. Jermvn. Pa. Sumner. Margaret Mary, R. D. No. 2. Nicholson, Pa. Sutton. Ella Irene (Mrs. Rivenburgh), Carbondale, R. D. No. 1. Pa. Taylor. Glen A.. R D., Dushore, Pa. Taylor. Lydia M. TMrs. Melvin S. Martin). 421 Oak Street. Susquehanna, Pa. Townsend, Mattie Harriet, Lightstreet. Pa. Toye. Kathrvn Presentation, 161 Rock Street. Pittston, Pa. Turri. Anna Magdalene. 330 Adams Street. Freeland. Pa. Vanderslice. Marjorie, R. D. No. 2. Bloomsbure. Pa. Volkman, Florence Irene I'Mrs. Edwin Hess). R. D. No. 5. Bloomsburg. Pa. Wagner, Teloiv Russell, rMrs. Wetzel). R. D. No. 1. Weatherlv, Pa. Rhodes. Ruth E. Mr^. Walleis.T. R. D.. Box 9. Ashland. Pa. Wallize, Marjorie Ellen (Mrs. Francis PrettyleaO, 203 Logan Street, Lewistown, Pa. Walsh, Alice Doloretta, 248 E. Second Street. Mt. Carmel. Pa. Walsh, Mary Claire, 66 Der^ot Street. Forest Citv. Pa. Ward. Elizabeth Claire, (Mrs. Donald P. Obi). Ninth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Watts. Dorothy E., (Mrs. pari Leiby). Bloomsburg, Pa. Wavtei, Natalie Valerie, 231 Vaughn Street. Luzerne, Pa. Weber, Ruth A. (Mr«. Linn B. Sherwood). 72 Franklin .\ve.. Tunkhannock. Pa. Wenner, Gertrude Olr^, Delmar Sands). Oranceville. Pa. Wenner. Miriam A(^es. 202 E. Oak Street. We^t Hazleton. Pa. Williamson. Marv Nancy, 115 Parke Street. W. Pittston, Pa. Yarmes, Adeline Catherine, 626 Fern Street. Freeland. Pa. t ' Connolly, Mary Celia, 72 Depot Street, Forest City, Pa. Conway, Margaret Mary, 406 State Street, Johnstown, Pa. Cotner, Adla Marie (Mrs. Harold Arner). Washingtonville. Pa. Crowell, Lavina Kate (Mrs. Youngl, 347 E. Noble Street, Nanticoke. Pa. Davis, Robert David, 426 E. Main Street, Nanticoke, Pa. Davis, Theodore S., 295 W. Hudson Avenue, Englewood, X. J. Dawe, Virginia Edith, (Mrs. Asher Welker). 608 W. Main St.. Bloomsburg. Pa. Dombrowski, Stefania E. (Mrs. Chester Zimolzak), 174 E. Main Street, Glen Lvon. Pa. Drummond, Florence Mae (Mrs. Harvey Wolfe). R. D. No. 2, Painted Post, N.Y. Dula, Margaret Claire, 215 Vine Street. Plymouth. Pa. Eadie. Ruth Ailene, 218 Third Street. Weatherlv, Pa. Engle, Kathryn Leona (Mrs. Jack Winters), 1057 E. Market Street, Sunbury, Pa. Ermish, Sara Iva iMrs. Otis Adams), 1668 W. Front Street, Berwick, Pa. Evans, Dorothy Jean, 302 Union Street. Taylor. Pa. Evans, Hortense (Mrs. Evan Hagenbuch). 313 E. Fourth Street. Berwick, Pa. Evans. Jane B., 302 Montgomery Street, West P'ttston. Pa. Farrell. Anna Rose, 331 Wayne Street. Archbald. Pa. Ferry, Mary Genevieve, 712 Walnut Street. Freeland. Pa. Fetch. Anna Katheryn, R. D. No. 2. Hunlock's Creek, Pa. Fischer. Wilbur Gwynne, 9 Coal Street, Glen Lyon. Pa. Frantz, Arline Mae (Mrs. Walter Covert). Parrish Street, Dallas, Pa, Gayewski, Frances Dorothy, 102 Hudson Road. Parsons. Pa, Gething, Rachel Williams (Mrs. Powell). 419 Ferndale Ave., Youngstown 7, O. Gogolach. Helen Kathryn. 74 Academy Street. Plymouth, Pa. Gold, Erma Clara, 121 5s^. Second Street. Lewisbursf. Pa. Goscinski, Peprl L., 129 Orchard Street. Nanticoke. Pa. Guest. Irene Ethel, 630 Sumner Ave., Scranton, Pa. Halupka. Elizabeth Rita (Mrs. Stephen Charnitski). Dushore. Pa. Haring. Roy Jay, 535 E. Second Street. Nescopeck, Pa. Harlem, Sara Jeanette. 440 Locust Street. Columbia, Pa. Harrison, Captain Ami, Huntington Mills. Pa. Harrison, Frederick Ralph, Huntington. Mills. Pa. Barter. Esther (Mrs. Paul H. Bittner). 310 Second Street. Slatington, Pa. Hartman, Beatrice, R. D. No. 4, Benton. Pa. Hartzel, Thelma Anna (Mrs. W. Burns). 409 Third Street. Upland, Pa. Hayer, Veronica B., 38 Brennan Street. Plymouth. Pa. Hays, Mary Agnes (Mrs. Harry). Third Street, Nescopeck, Pa. Heiser, Sara E. fMrs. T. P. Reiele). R. D. No. 2, Lewisburg. Pa. Hoegg. Marion Henrietta, 307 Hudsondale Street. Weatherlv, Pa. Hoegg. Myrtle A, (Mrs. Eugene Hayes), 307 Hudsondale Street, Weatherly, Pa. Hollister, Anna Cecelia, 32 Centre Street, Strong. Pa. Hooper. Lillian B., 22 Willow Street, Plymouth. Pa. Howeth. Marie L. (Mrs. W. J. Simmons, Rosewood School, Owings Mills, Md. Hughes, Eleanor Lois, 113 Loom is Street. Wilkes- Barre. Pa. Jackson, Catherine Olrs. George Ludwig), 920 Orange Street, Berwick, Pa. Jarzenbowicz, Louise Rose, 220 Freed Street, Sugar Notch. Pa. Johns, Irene Helen ("Mrs. Tohn Catterall). 1701 Church Street. Scranton, Pa. Jones. Anna ('Mrs. Robert' H. Todd). 62 Academy Street, Plymouth, Pa. Jones. Dorothy W., 135 West Avenue. Mt. Carmel, Pa. Jones, Muriel Perry, 33 Grove Lane. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Jones, William B.. 1131 W. Locust Street. Scranton, Pa. Kaminsky. Charles Jerome, 837 Pine Street. Kulpmont. Pa. Kaszewski, Sophie Christie, 351 E. Church Street, Nanticoke, Pa. Kerstetter. Mary M., 1307 W. Walnut Street, Shamokin, Pa. Ketcham, Marearel White (Mrs. Kenneth Michael), 215 Third St.. Weatherly, Pa. Killian. Ida Elizabeth. 64 Allen Street. Nanticoke. Pa. Kivler. Grace Blanchie (Mrs. Curtis E. Hoover). 339 E. Third St., Bloomsburg Kleback. Margaret D.. 202 Oak Street. Taylor, Pa. Kocher, Lenore Witesell (Mrs. Tohn Williams). 74 Marlborough Avenue. WilkesBarre, Pa, Kotalick, Marv Teresa, 46 Wyoming Street. Ashley. Pa. Krauss. Sara Lillian. 463 E. Third Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Lebo. Elsie Mae l^^rs. Nelson Stauf'er). 59 JLiin Street, Shaft, Pa. Lesber. Helen Louise. Middletown. Pa. Lord. Charlotte Virginia. .^84 .S. Franklin .Street. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Luce. Doris Louise. 229 Tnwood Avenue. Unner Montclair. N. J. Lundouist. Nellie FIi-»abeth, R. D. No. 2. Shirkshtnny. Pa. Mc Andrew. Mary Edith. Box 59. T.ocust Gap. Pa. McEneany, Catharine. New Albnny, Pa. McEneany, Mary Atmes, R. D. No. 45. New Albany. Pa. McGrady. Mary Calltstus. 133 Merritt Street. Parsons. Pa. McHale. Marearet Jane. 507 Grier Street. Dickson City. Pa. Machung, Alice B. (Mrs. Anthony Diska), 1205 South Prospect Street, Nanticoke. Pa. Makarczy, Sophie, 539 I^anover Street. Nanticoke. Pa. Maloney, Marv V. (NTrs. W. T. CullenV 817 Gibson Street, Scranton, Pa. Maroney, Emily Gertrude, MifTI-nvillc. Pa. Martin, Claire Louise, 627 Madison .Avenue. Termvn. Pa. Martz, Ruth Lucille (Mrs. Edw.-ird T. Devoe). Penn Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Matos, Frank J.. 612 Railroad Street. Forest Citv. Pa. Mattavi, Mary Eleanor, 1019 Center Street, Freeland. Pa. Mayan. Coletta Mary (Mr^. Robert Kelly). E. Fourth Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Melan, Marv Carolyn, 145 Prosnect Str'^et. Wilke Avliuh- K, Kivcisiclc. P.l. Moore, Ethel L.iurii (Mrs, W. Il:irvcy), MS E. KIkIkIi Street, Berwick, P.i. Mons, Irene Averettn, 7'' ;\c;iileiny Street, W'ilues- lliirre, I'll. Moss, Myron D., Hroailway, I'ii. Mum.iw, Grace L., S5.i West (ireen Siriet, ll:i/^let(>n. I'a. Munnon, Elizabeth I., 119 West Street, Hl.KmisliurK, I'a. Munson, Joy Ivn, II'' West Street. HloolusliurK, I'a. Nelson, Pauline Evadne, St.'irrucca, I ( li illi Gibbons. Mt. ( ariiiel J()(il> N. Main Street. ScrailtdU, I'a. Petrullo, Caroline Elizabeth, 7li'' KiiiK Street, NurtluiTiilierland, Pa. I'a. Poliwka. Vincent. I'^scelsim Poploski. Stella Marie, Jl.l llnlaiid Avenue, Wilkes- Darre. Pa. Pulson. Eleanor K (,Mrs. Wliileliread), K. 1). No. 1. .Ncscopeck. Pa. Rabuck. Cora Alice Mrs. II. M. Sinitll). Second Hn., (lO Inf. Keprt.. Kort Dix, N..I. RariK, Ruth Ann (Mrs. P. J. Hnien), 1J28 Jonlall Street, Montoursvllle. Pa. Raup, Elizabeth Clara, K. I). No. i, Catawissa. I'a. Readier, Lloyd M.. U. 1). No. 1. Walnvalloiun, I'.i. Reece, Pauline Helen, U. D. No, 1, Nesco|ieck. I'a. Reese. W. Archb.dd, [ti'J (^.riiell Street, .'^cranton, I'a. Ridall. Mildred Rea, .11(1 Kast Tliinl Street, Berwick. Pa. Ross. Mary Alice, R, I). .No, J, .Siiiilmry. Pa. WasliiiiKton Street. Uili'icy (i9, Mass. Roushey. Louise Marion, Rovenolt, Charles Samuel, Till Imt villi-. Pa. Rowland. Mary Frances. .(_' Iloimsville Street, .\slilaiid. Pa. Ruckle, Helen Irene, Si2 Market -Street. liloonisliiirK. I'a. Schell. Pearl Madeline (Mrs. C. II. Carls). -NurciulierK, Pa. Scherer, Hazel. IIIDI Main Street, Ullryea, Pa. ilsbtirg, Pa. Schmidt, Dorothy L., 702 Kast -Second Street, HI . I l.i^ Seletski, Serafine, Mayme J., 521 S. Ilaiiiiver Street, Nallticoke. I'a. Lena (Mrs. Michael Calell). 22 E. Fourth Street, VVyonung, Pa. Shade. Grace Eleanor (Mrs. Cleii VoiinKl. 806 E. Second Street, Ncscopeck. Pa. Shannon. Ruth E., .si.! K. Eiftli Slrcel. Hcrwick. Pa. Shindel. Susiinnc (Mrs. H. W. Moore). 129 N. Sccoiiil Street, Simhiiry, Pa. Shultz, Mary Kathryn, U. I). No. 2. Hloomsliurt;. Pa. Mrs. llarrv Kriini'). S21 E. Einlitli Sired. HlMninsbuiR. Pa. Sidler. Ruth R. Siesko. W.ilter Micb.iel. 221 W. Main Street. Naiiliccikf. I'a. Simonovich, Jessie A., -127 Carvci -Slrcel, Ply llloulli. Pa. Sinconis. Catherine. (i77 Main .Street, Sugar Notch, Pa. Skwarek. Kathryn Ann. M'l River Street. Mocanaillia. I'a. Stauffer. Vera M. (Mrs. P.iiil Uarickl. 255 \V. Main Street. Kinnlown, Pa. Slorosko. Mary Kathryn. 1.(4 Well Sirci-t N.iiKicokc. Pa. Thomas. Florence, .(5,S Wcsl Main Sliecl, Plviiioulh, Pa. Thomas. Laura. .',''. W, Niiilll Street. Illooinslmi K. Pa Thomas. Mi»rKaret Betty, d'^ I'eiiii .\veiiiie. Exeter. Pa. Troutman. Ann.i Miiry, 122 liidepiiKicnce Street, Sclinsgrove. Pa. Veety. Alice Id.i iMis, SiiiaKcr). K. I). No. 1, Factory vllle. I'a. Walsh, Marie Marftaret, Locust (l.ili. Pa. Walsli. Marion Af:nes. Diishoie. Peima. I Ward. Margaret Mary. 117 l'"ast Di.iinotul Ave.. Ila/le(oii. I'a. Wasley. Anna M.iry. .17 N. I.irdin Slreet, Shciiandoali. Pa. Watts. Helen Merrill, Eau'les Merc, Pa. Wheatnn. Helen Mac, III. Old Hivcr Koad. Wilkes- Harrc, Pa. Wickizer, Margaret E. (Mrs. Wat kins). U. I). No. 1. Falls, Pa. Williams, Alberta Mae (Mrs. Howard lirecn). 4 Cemetery Street, Pittston. Pa. Williams. Elizabeth L., 112 Kock Slreet. Scraiiton. Pa. Myfanwy Gertrude, .^17 Kevstoiie Avenue. Pcckville, Pa. Williams. Oliver S., K. U. No 1. Wilkes liarre. Pa. Wilson. Kathryn Mary, 220 N. Urollllcy .\veniic. Scranton. Pa. Wripbt. Fsther Frances. .!25 Miillierrv Street, llervvick. Pa. Wruble, Esther Kay, 1227 Main Sheet. Swoyersville, Pa. YounR, Marion Eleanor, 'rnicksvillc. Pa. Znrr, Beatrice Leah, nciiton, I'a, Zatavetski. Stella (Mrs. E. Z, Waililisl. 93 West T'nion St.. Wilkes-Banc. Pa. Ziemba. Anna. 715 M.iin -Street, Simiison. Pa. Williiims. CLASS OF 1930 Astleford, Katie Frances, (54 .\, l.ocn-t Slrcel. Ila/lduii, Audelevicz, Stacia, .120 W. Main Street. Plyin.iiilli. I'a. I'a. Baker. Florence Eleanor, U. 1), No, 4. 'ruiikhailllock. I'a. Beach. Helen M., 110 Manic Street. Lebanon. Pa. BcnnaRe. Ruth L. (Mrs. R. II. La Rue). U4 Arch Street, Milton, PaBernatonis. Anna E.. 4.?0 K. Llovd Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Biggar. Mabel C. I'nityville. I'ii. Bingman. Frona H., R, I). No. 1. Beavertown. Pa. Bitler, Luther Wilson, 25" Edgewood .Avciule, Williamsport -1", P.-i. Bogle. Florence I.. (Ill Hepburn Street. Milton. I'a. Bogurt, Sabina, SSO Chestnut -Street. -Sliainokin, Pa. Bond. Helen D. (Mrs. Leslie Berk), 225 S. Third Street. Sniiliiiry. P.l. Borkowski, Irene M., 57-^ Orchard Street. Peely. Pa. Boyle, Aurelia Bradley. M.-xry C, (.28 Main Street. Frcelan.l. Pa, Edeen. Byriiesville -Street. Cenlralia. I'a. Branigan. Catherine A.. ^IaiIl Street. IClK-rvale. I'a. Brchm, Lucile (Mrs. Robert Kowlaiulsl. 17,17 Monroe .\vciuie. Dunmore. Pa. Brunner. Edith Mary, 2024 N. Fifth Street. Ilarrisburn. Pa. Bubb, Frances Helen, 114 E. I-'ourlecnth Street, Berwick, Pa, Cabo, Henrietta Mrs. C. M. McCaiin), 1.115 Prospect .\veiuic. Scranton, Pa. 1 Carr, Grnyce Rita, ,12 V.. Broad -Street. W. Ilazlctoii, Pa. Ceppa. Amelia L. (Mrs. .Stephen Conagcl, Mar Lin. Pa. Chehansky. Anna. 511 .Acadeiny Street. Pcckville, Pa.. Chudzinski. Helen W., (..12 Lackawanna Street, Forest City. Pa. Conahi»n. Mjirgaret R.. Beaver Brook. Pa. Contini. Jennie Adaline, 4.14 Creeii -Street. Freeland, Pa. Cook. Jessie (Mi- 1 B Davisl. 115 E. Keller Street. Mcchaiiicslnirg, Pa. Cruickshank. Virginia, 220 N. -Second Street. Sunburv, Pa. Mis, Lee Cuverl. R, I). No. 2. MifTlinlmrg. Pa. Culp. Alda Davis. Margaret E. (Mrs. \'. 0. Yencliarl. 420 N. Maple .Avenue. Kingston. Pa. DeFort, Teresa Mnry, 17.1 Elizabeth Street. Pittston. Pa. Dieffenbach. Lavere A. (Mrs. Ilovt). R. 11. No. 2. Shickshinny. Pa. Donahoe. Sarah Mary, Creels. Pa. Dusbanko. Frank, Jr.. 1040 N. Church Street. Hazlcton. Pa. Dymond. Vivian Jean, K. O. No. ,1, Dallas, Pa. Edwards. Miriam, R, D. No. 5. Benton. Pa, Erwin. Anna (Mis. BnrgesK F;\ux'). Conynghani. ^Pa. Erwin, Dorothy H., 75.1 Sllinniit ;\veniie. River Edge. N. .T. Farrow. Elvira B., 407 Hill Street. Peekville. Pa. Feister. Lorene C. (Mrs. Wilson Whitmiiel. R. D. No. 5, Bloonisburg, Pa. Fenwick. Estella B., .19 Dean .Street. Scranton. Pa. Fen-y, Gertrude Marie, 1013 Washington Street. Freeland, Pa. Fetter, Donald E.. .5000 Oiestnut Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Fleming, Kathryn (Mrs. Oilliert Perry). 1,S4 Wyoming .Avenue, Wyoming. Pa Fleming, Loretta A.. 12-10 Wvoming Avciuie. Exeter. Pa. Foote. Dorothy M s. lack Pihlblail). 7 Orchard Street. .Taincstown, N. V. Forsythe. Miriam Mrs. John (iilliland). Oak Hall Station. Pa. Fortner. Haven W., Indiana. Pa, Foulds. Alice Belle, "tli and Market Strs.. Trcvorton, Pa. Foust, Cora May. R, O, No 4. Danville, Pa. I I i I 62 R. .194 Carrey. Dorothy Mae, ills), O'Donnell. Mary Olshesky. Hel.-n Petekoisky, Winifred M., Mary C, Girton. Be.itrice E., I*a. 10^4 Alilcr Street, .Scrallli.ii, I'a. Theresa. I2.i K. Oak Street, W. Ilazktiiii. I'a. Rita (Mis. .Alex Darshinski). M') \V. .Seciniil St.. Novak. Freda Julia Fritz, Jasper Haen. Dorothy Ida. Harris. Dorothy M.. .'110 No. 1. Nortliumlicrlaiid. Pa. Light Street Road. Bkximsliurg. Pa. I). 24/ West .Street. BlooinsburK. .Mlcii Street. West llazlelon. Pa. Pa. 717 -South Main Street. Old For^c. Pa. Haiise. Kathrvn l.\hs. Paul Everitt) R. D. No. 2. Lcwishurg, Pa. Heminsway. Marjorie (Mrs. Robert Kellernian). 1023Vj Fiisk Street, .Scranton, Pa. Hidlay. H.irold H., 242 I'cnii .Street. Bloonisburg. I'a. Hileman. Dorothy (Mrs. I. Stanley Iluniincr). 511 E. Third St.. Bloonisburg, Pa. Hodges. Raymond T., Rl.l West I'ranklin Street, Richmond, Va. Holuba, Josephine M. (Mrs. W. C. Hawk). 52 Slanworth Lane. Princeton. N. J. Hoover. Mddred E. (Mrs. Ciilbert Morgan). Old Forge. .500 Sampson Street. Pa. Houser. Jennie T.. Ringtowil. I'a. Hull. Margaret M.. 41 Bank Street. Smethport, Pa. Isenberg. Anna E.. 22(i N. Ninth -Street. Sunbury. Pa. Jenkins. M. Evelyn, 41('. T.-iylor .Avenue. Scr;mton 10. Pa. John. Charles Alfred. I'"rankliii. Iii.i. Johnson. Mary D.. 11.(1 Berklieck Street. Freeland, Pa. Jones. Elled Harold, 10,1 Charles Slreet. Wilkes- Barre. Pa. Jones. Florence May (.Mrs. Lewis L. loiics). 57 Bound .Avenue, Milton, Pa. Jones. Kathryn iMis, jasper Fritz). Osceol.i Mills. Pa, Jones, William Morris, 1117 Main Street. Pcndhani. Old Forge, Pa. Kalwcit, Albert Carl, .1.17 E. Broad Street, Nanlicoke, Pa. Kapp. Irma C. .151 Centre Street. Blooinslmrg. I'a. Keith. Dorothy M. (Mrs. C. II. Harris). 24 N. Main Street, Ashley, Pa. Kelder. Mrs. Thelma C. New .Albany, Pa. Klischer, Myrtle E., 7lh and Market Sts., Mt. Carmcl. Pa. Krafchik. Joseph T., 9 Engle Street, Glen Lyon, Pa. Kraynack. Alex J., ICf. Concord Street. Plymouth. Pa. Krebs. Ruth J. (Mrs. Lenkcr). Rohn Ru Kennels. R. I). No. 1. Centre Hall. Pa. Lavelle. Maritaret P., Centralia. Pa. Lavellc. Sara M., North -Street. Centralia. Pa. Lindem-in, Mary A., Milnesvillc. Pa. Litwhiler, Truman, Newport. Mich. McCormac. Helen F., 1,1(1 Cenictcrv Street, Archbald. Pa. McMirhael. Hazel R. (Mrs. Earl Evcland). Forks. R. D.. Orangcville. I'a. M.ickic. Helen E.. 1005 N. Webster Avenue. Scranton. Pa. Macur. Eugene John. 14 Line -Street. Glen Lvon. Pa. Marshalle. Gertrude M., ,155 Railroad Street. Nallticoke. Pa. Merrick. Teresa L.. 11 Perkins Street. Plains. Parsons. Pa. Michael. Arthur L., -Shickshinny. Pa. Miller. Isabella H., R. D. No. 1. Catawissa. Pa, Miller. Louise A. (Mrs. Kenneth Manning). R. D- No. I. Dalton. Pa. Morgan. F, Geraldine, Coal .Street, Trcvorton, Pa. Minor. D.iniel Donald, Church -Street. Kelayres. Pa. Morgan. Helen M. (.Mrs. Daulicrt). 1.12 S- Fourth Street. Lcwishurg. Pa. Morgan. Sara Ruth. 428 E. Main Street. Nanticokc. Pa. Morris. Elma Louise, 155 Washington Street. Edwardsvillc, Pa. Myrick. A. Eli'abeth (Mrs. William Tones). Pcckville. Pa. Morton. Mary Frances. 1,14 Mulberry Street. Berwick. Pa. Nelson. Marie F., .105 Fourth Street, Catawissa. Pa. Norbert. Genevieve M., 257 Zcrbey Avenue. Kingston. Pa. Noel, Mariraret E., Natalie. Pa. Novak, Edna Elsie. 1074 Alder Street. .Scranton. Pa. O'Connell. Maudrue. 10 Hill Street. Ashley. Pa. O'Donnell. Clare M., 502 S. Tanviinia Street, McAdon. Pa. Peeora, Concetta M. (Mrs. loliii Ko(cli). .14 E. Broad Street. West Hazleton, Pa. Pennington. Capitola O. (Mrs. Emerson .1. Recce). R. I). No. 1. Orangeville, Pa. Petroff. Julia. I,(0(. Freas .Avenue. Berwick. Pa. Phillips. Mary L., Chinchilla. Pi. Phdlips. Olive W. (Mrs, M. R Williams), 51 W. Lafayette Place. WilkcsBarre Ransiivage, Genevieve M-, 17 Street, Kingston, Pa. Reagan. Mary R.. l...-t Creek. Pa. Reese. John McKell, Tidlnirv Terrace, West Nanticokc, P,-l. Reese. Lillian Nesbitt, 901 Centre Street. Freeland, Pcnna. Reese. Muriel E.. 1 (^uirch Street. Audenried. Pa. Reicbard. Grace E. (Mrs. Meredith (iarilner). 201 New Street, Muncy, Pa. „ ,, „ _ Redly. Catherine D., 25 E. Broadway. Plymouth. Pa. „ Richard. Myrtle L. (Mrs. Melville Kerr1. Box 124. R. D. No. 2, Catawissa, Pa. Richards. Edgar Ellis, Glcn-Nor High School. Norwood, Pa. Richards, Cladvs, 1,!0 Elm -Street. Shamokin. Pa. „ ,, _ „, Rishel. M.iry Margaret (Mrs. Francis T. tasey). S. Market Street, Bloonisburg Robbins. Catherine W., I.'.i9i ; Green Street. Edwardsville. Pa. Danville. Pa. Roller. Caroline E. (.Mrs. Miles Bowen). R. D. No. 4. Rood. Myrtdla E. (Mrs. Albert Abbott). .129 State Street. Kanticoke. Pa. Rowe. Minnie Jane Mrs. -Samuel Keefer). Box 212 Main Road, Wilkcs-Barre. „ Ruch. Clarence A 101.1 Market Street. Berwick, Pa. , _ _ „, Sondcrs, Hazel Martha (Mrs. Irvin Clancy), Pine Road, Fox Chase Farm. I- ox . , , I Schell. Schild, Annie E. iMrs). 36\ Fair Street. Bloomshurg. Pa. Mandalene. .SOI W. Taylor Street. Taylor. Pa. Schnure. Mary A., R. D. No. 2. Milton. Pa. Schraeder. Gertrude R. (Mrs. Teel Johnson). 121 llartranit Avciuie. Norrislown Schuyler, Thursabert, 27.1 East Street. Bloonisburg. Pa. Sharpless. Myra S.. .166 Center Street. Bloomsliurg, Pa. ,. „ Sharpless. Mary Agnes (Mrs. E.Iwin Boyer). 914 Orange Street. Berwick. Pa. -Shenoski. Clara -lean. 94 Regent Street. Wilkcs-Barre Pa. ,, . -Ave.. Hazleton Diamond Magozza). 45 \\ Mrs. I'ller .A. Schultz, Laura M. Sibly. Richard T., R D. No. 2. Benton. Pa. Pa. Sidler. Sus.ui E., 615 Bloom Street. Danville. Skladany. Anna E., .S9 W. Broadway Street. Plymouth. Pa. Slack Marion E. (Mrs. Knauer). 1(.20 Myrtle Street, Dunmore. Pa. Smith. Delmar L., 422 E. lltb Street. Berwick. Pa. Snyder. Helen E.. 105) E. Market Street. Sunbury. Pa. Snyder Shirley E. (Mrs. l.din E, -Scdiml). Kings Highway. Marvsville, 1.1. Spalone. Margaret R. (Mrs, F, IVIsidoro). 20(.0 Murray Hill Road. Clcvehind, O. Sponscller. A. Nevin, 224 Country Lane Road. Mitchell Park. Hatboro, Pa. Srcdcnschek. Margaret J., 619 Main Street, Forest City, Pa. Stanton. Mae Eva. Nicholson. Pa. .„.,.„ ,,-, , t> Sterling. Leona M. (Mrs. Ilruiigcr). .133 W. Fifth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Stiner. Kathryn B. iMrs. Ilufnagle). R. D. No, 1. Cat,iwissa, Pa. Stiner, Cyril William. ,150 Fifth Avenue. New \ork City, No. 1. Strausner, Anna C, W. Pen Argvlc. Pa. Stroud. Mddred W. (Mrs, Wilson). 162 New Mallery Place, Wilkes Barre. Pa. . - , , I . A.. Kingtown. Pa. „ , ts Swartz. Mari-aret (Mrs. Luther Bitler). George Street. Dalmatia, Pa. Talbot. Elizab<-th L., 17 E. Butler Street. Shickshinny. Pa. Tedesco. Virginia M., -132 .Avenue. Pcckville. Pa. Thomas. Marion Jane, (Mrs. W. B. Tones). 11,11 W. Locust Street, .Scranton, Pa. Thompson. Clara Mrs. N.Minan Millcrl. R. D. No. 2. Clark Summit, Pa. Vandermark, Ruth (Mrs. Mav). 1R09 Mnhantango Street, Pottsville, Pa. Vollratb. Catherine W., Isl E. I'oidar Street. Nanticokc. I'a. Wadas. Ch.arles J.. Blue Star Drive. Mountain Side, N. J. Swank. Orva • I Wosni-r, Mildred A., 5.! I.awrcncc Slnct. Wilki-s-Barrc. Pa. Waurin. Stephen A.. !>'' KlTorson Slri'tl. Sininson. I'a. Weaver. Ruth A. Mrs. ,lay MulTb), Asli t>lrcct, Walsontown. Pa. Weidner. Georgiena L., I'rucksville. I'a. Welker. Dorothy V. Mrs. Millaril DiWirc). 273 h. Broadway, Milton. Pa. Welliver. Sara (Mi^ \V. iKirrcl Kiiwarils), Oakcs, Pa. Welsh, Myron R.. li :iiiKCvilU'. I'a. White. M<\ry Elirabeth (IMrs. 11. liiltcnliemlcr), 27.'; E. .Sixth Micil, llloomsburK Williams. Elizabeth M., III2 Kock Street, Scranton, Pa. Williams. Jane R. (.Mrs. Charles Perry). U Short Street, Kilwardsvillc. Pa. Wilson. Dorothy (Mrs. lohn Kroli), IJ(i HUiin Street, llolivar, N. \. Witkoski. Isabelle C, .501 I'triliiian.l Street, .Serantoii, Pa. Wojcik, Eva Jose, lliim-ins Stroel. Forest City. Pa. .. r. Ycager. Ruth A. (Mrs. KInier Keiiiliart), 157 Plane Street, Wcathcrly. Pa. Yeager. William Brooke, Jr., 110 Hanover Si ret, Wilkes Bane, Pa. la. IVckville, York, Janetta Marie (Mrs. Coleman), 416 Hickory Street. Young, Ethelda C, .t24 K. KiRlith Street, Berwick, Pa. Young, Marion C, 21} N". Bromley .\veiuie. Seranlon, Pa. Zimmerman, Katharine, Nliremlu-iK. P:i. I I ( , , CLASS OF 1931 Boyer. Edith E.. K. D. No. 2. Sclinsgrove. Pa. Boyer. Lulu Esther, 233 l.oRan Street. I.ewistown. Pa. Cav,anaugh. Mae Rita, I(W Second Street, Coaldale. Pa. Cease. Hannah J. (Mrs. Bei.Ielman). 1316 S. Main Street. Phillirsburg, Pa. Ch.allenger. Elizabeth Mae (Mrs. Davics), 41.'; Fifteenth .\vcnue, Scranton, Pa. Chiavacci. Nicia Margaret, 29.S Parsonage Street. Pittston, Pa. Clark, Minnie Sophia, U D. No. 2, Dornsifc, Pa. Cochran, Elizabeth M. (Mrs. C. G. MacPortland). 494 Fern Street, West Hart t\iiiii. Concannon, Mary Jane, 8-10 W, Chestnut Street, Sliamokin, Pa. Coopey, Phyllis (Mrs. Phyllis Swan), 35 Birch Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Crevelins. Lewis L., 423 W.lter Street. HllKliesville, Pa. Cunningham, Helen Cooke, 61 S. Welles .\venuc. Kingston, Pa. Davis, Creta Mae (Mrs. Smick). /ion Grove. Pa. Davis. James Bitting, 115 K, Keller Slreet, MechanicslmrK, Pa. Davis. Davis, I (iriftilli 1 Street. Pitlston. I'a. Derr. LaRue Charles, 16.1 Second Street, llighspire. Pa. Derrick. Edna Mae. -I» W. Snyder Street, Sclinsgrove, Pa. DeVoe, Edward Thoma.s, 204 Penn Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Dohrowolski, Stella F., .'^21 I'oote ,-\veiuie. Duryea. Pa. Dougherty, K.-ithryn Mary, Tiiscaiora. Pa. Dyer. John W.. U D. No. 5. liloonisburg. Pa. Dunn. Florence M., Terinyn. 427 Wash .\veinie. Pa. Eck. Margaret Derr't.Mrs. K. M. Shoemaker), .531 Callierinc Street, BloomslMUg Edmunds, Naomi (Mrs. lack Elile). ,127 E. Third Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Empett. Doris E. (Mrs. Tracy V'anBuskirk), 1183 Chenago Street, Binghamton, \ \' '• Fawcett, Florence E. (Mrs. F'owler). IM Kast F"ront Street. Berwick, Pa. Ferry. Mildred E., K Grant Street, E. Mc.Adoo Pa. Fisher, Mary Cathryn, Front Street, I'Veelnirg. Pa. Forgeng. Dorothy Jean (Mrs. Edward P. .Smith) 1313 Pettchone St., Scranton Fortner, Lydia Ranch (Mrs. F^arl Davis), Main Street. Kspy, Pa. Foust. Dorothy Mary (Mrs. Wright). Watsontown, Pa. Foust, A. Marie (.Mrs. Cletns Merrell). Dimock, Pa. Fowler, Kathryn H. Mrs. Kindig). 205 lackson Street. Berwick, Pa. Francis. Beatrice K. (.Mrs. Smith), 2<>10 George St.. Harrisburg, Pa. Frank, Rose iMrs. Cliormack), Bidille St., (lordon, I'a. Freeman, Harold J., 718 E. Northamton Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Frew. Anna E. (Mrs. George Evans). 129 Main St.. Olvphant, Pa. Frick. Dorothy J. (Mrs. S. A. Macnougall), R. D. No. I, Benton, Pa. Galazin. Helen C. (Mrs Venchek). 2.S0 F. Union Street, Nanticoke, Pa. Gilmore. Rebecca E. (Mrs. Roy Trov). Nuremberg, Pa. Gillovitz, Dora R., 68 N. Hancock Street. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. I Frank J., 259 W. Fifth Streel. BliKinishurg Pa. Gorham. Mary E. (Mrs. Clarence R. Wolever), 238 N. Abington Road, Clarks Colder. I':i. Kathryn Arlenc, P.ixtonville, Pa. Hnggerly, Regina Beatrice, Marvd. Pa. H.-irris. Irene, llukniv Corners. I'a. Hartt. Miriam Frances (Mis. Ktlward Kitchen). 154 V.. Fifth Street. Bloomslinrg Hawk, Kenneth Edgar, Mountain Top, Pa. Hegarly, Ellen Mary, t)2 Row Street, Tam.afjua. Pa. Hess. Corinne Anna. 118 Valley Street. I.ewistown. Pa, Hopkins. Julia Marie. 117 E. Co;il .Street. Shenandoah. I'a. Hubler. Elizabeth H.. 14 W. B-ddle Street. Gordon, Pa. Hulehengs. Esther A. (Mrs. Yale). l'nion Weikel, Aria Pauline, R. D. No. 1, Box 52, Sh.amokm, Pa. Walborn. Helen M. (Mrs. Nelson Penman). InO , . Williams, Catherine, 102 E. Broad Street, Nanticoke. Pa. Phoenix, Am. Williams; Reba E. (Mrs. Paul .Schmi.ll). 2544 Eoole Drive. Williams. Ruth Marie. 317 Keystone Avenue. Peckville, I a. a. Willinrd, Raymond W.. 3(0 E. Shamokin Sireet. Treyorlon 1 SumWolever. Clarence Raymond, 2.18 N. Abinglon Road, Clarks Green. Clarks • Ruth Ellen (Mrs. Kling), R. I). No. 3. I.ewisbuig, Pa. Faus. Frank Victor, 5.S-14 Burchard .'\veiliie. Los Angeles 34, Calif. Fairchild, .Stiiiiniit. .11 Werchok. Leona Maty, 21 Fifth Street, PIvmoulh, la. Wilkes, John Joseph, 1,18 Robert Street. .slie.-llo«;n Nanticoke, Pa. Pa, Williams, Ann (Mrs Cvril Lewis), 1721 Swetland Sireet, Scranton, .South Street, Ecklcv. Pa. Evancho, Peter, Evans. Elouise (Mi- Heilm.inn). 1,S24 llercer ,'\venue. N. Y., Roanoke, Va. Fahringer, Clara Elizabeth, ><2I W. Fourth .Streel. Williamsport, Pa. Fahrineer. Jane Lulu. '*I5 K. l-'ront Street, Berwick. Pa. Graybill, ,ish . Mary Francis Mrs. YcagerV 254 E. NoMc Street. Nanticoke, Pa. Naumi Caroline (Mrs. B. F. Thomas), Foiirlh Street. Blakcly. Pa. Delliquanti. Rose E.. W Lanterman, Harold Hunt, 347 F'air Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Laskowski. Theodore, R. D. No. 1, Trilcksville, Pa. Lewis. Kaom Mae (Mrs. Karl Smith), Drums, Pa. Liddell, Mildred E., 5.15 K. Center Street, Mahanoy City, Pa. McDonald. Ruth Agnes, 511 Clieslnut Slleel, Dnnmore, Pa. McKenzie. Arthur Charles, (>2(. Broad Street, Oxfonl, Pa. McNealis. Margaret L., 124 Church Streel. Nanlicoke. I'a. Mack. Charlotte iMr- C. Kel>ner), ,100 E. Fourth Street, Berwick, Pa. Maines. Dorothv E. (.Mrs. Grosvenoi), 423 Kevslimc .\vcnue, Peckvillc, Pa. Mann. Lillian E. (Mis. Vernon Kiniz). 112 S. Independent St., Kingston, N- C. Masluski. Nellie Dolores (Mrs. Francis Gibbons), 72 Green Street, Edwiirdsvillc Maynard. Helen Laura (Mrs. Lot Lake), Chapel Street, Windsor, N. Y. Meixell. Marion Ruth, Espy, I'a. „., ,^ ,, „i t> Merrell, Cleo M. (Mrs. .Millard Tubbs), 454 E. Third .Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Miller. Harold R.. .;i.5 Catherine Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. ^ Appleman. Helen Margaret. 11.1 \'ine Street. Danville. Pa. Baker, David Hershey,

f/. ' '• „ Chevitski, Anna L„ 117 Wilson ^^'"^^^t'} \'^-'^'^'-- ^^"''^:i[';"/J^\ ,,,, „j Fairfax Rd.. 6.509 Clapp, Eleanor B. (Mrs. Edward S. Ilollman). Apt. 21M Ill 111. -.1,1. M.I. ., , , „ Contini, Congettn A., 4.54 Green Street, Vreelaild, Pa. Mary Elizabeth, 19 Parsonage Sireet, Pulsion, la. DeHaven, Morris D.. R. D. No. 1, Box 252, Wilkes-Barre, la. Derby, Almeda L., 1216 Oram Street, Scr.iiil..n. I a. Devine. Eleanor D., 229 E. Secon.l Stre.l, Ml. Carinel, Pa. rentr-aha, la. Devine. Marie 1. (Mrs. Robert M. Sewell). L.icusI Avenue Draina. Irene T. (Mrs. 143 E. Liberty Street Ashley, Pa. Eltringham. Jemima, 343 S. Vine Street, Ml. ( arniel. Pa. Evans, Roy J., 3.10 E. Third Sired, Empcniiim, 1 a. Felker, Ethel M.. Beaver Springs. I'a. Fester, Frances P., Box 245. Berwick. I'a. Fouike, Ruth M., 2 Green Street, Danville, Pa. A., 56 Coal Street, Glen Lyon, Pa. Gasewicz. Gerosky. Frank J., 29 Welsh Street, Pillston. Pa. Gillow, Lorna M. (Mrs. Nelson Doyle). I.akewood. la. Pa. Hafer, Elizabeth G., (Mrs. E, Scb,x-k), 21 Green Sireet, Mlincy ^1 C. P D. Haggy, Ruth E. (Mrs. Harold Baker), 60! 461h Place S. E., Washington 19, Pa. Hall John A., 551 Monlgomerv .\venue. West litlslon. Pa. Citawissa, Street, Harlman. Gerald C, 54(. Shuman Hartman, Mrs. Helen Keefer, R. D. No. 2, Danville, P.a Harll. Mrs. Sarah E., 225 Calawissa Avenue. Sunburv. la. Pa. HendHckson. Margarl^t M. (Mrs. Kr.inse). 931 E. Third Street, Williamsport, ,, Henry. Alys, (Mrs Nuss), 113 Main Street. Hugllesville, la. _ „ Pa Ilarrislnirg, Heppe. Lois M. (Mrs. P. M. Rosenberger). 2123 Greenwood Si Hess, Chester C, I'M Elm Sireet, Bridgeville. Pa. Howells, Anna L., 114 E. Grove Street. Taylor. Pa. Davis, Emma . , . 63 Howeth, Minnie E., 4001 Dorchester Road, Baltimore, Md. Hoy, Marie S., 24 Gerraania Street, Ashley, Pa. Isaacs, Florence A. (Mrs. J. J. Reid), 602 N. Dartmouth Avenue, Albuquerque, N. M. Jones, Dorothy G., 208 Pond Street, Taylor, Pa. Jones, Helen Elizabeth, (Mrs. Davis). 28 Girard Avenue, Plymouth, Pa. Kane, Margsu-et V., 243 Locust Avenue, Centralia, Pa. Kanjorski, Anthony E., 48 Corner Hill & Spring Sts., Glen Lyon, Pa. Keiman. Phyllis M., 615 Main Street, Dickson City, Pa. Keller, Ethel M. cMrs. Lewis Long), 1101 Orange Street, Berwick, Pa. Keller, Helen M., 222 Maple Street. Mifflinburg, Pa. Kimbel, Alice C. (Mrs. Bruce E. Bowman), 587 E. Fourth St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Krapf, Oliver H. (Rev.), 100 Halleck Place, Altoona, Pa. LaFraince, Rhea A. (Mrs. Ronald Lee), Box 87, Springville, Pa. Box 85, Sonestown, Pa. Lawton, Sara Irma (Mrs. Maus N. Eyer), Millville, Pa. Lawton, Lois E., Millville, Pa. Levan, Harriet A., R. D. No. 3, Catawissa, Pa. Laird, Jessie F., Lewis, Gwendolyn E., 620 Walnut Street, Freeland, Pa. Lewis, Mary Jean (Mrs. William Gregory). Sonestown, Pa. Lewis, Marjorie R. (Mrs. Foster Lewis), 645 N. Mary Street, Lancaster, Pa. Lowry, Mildred H., 515 O'Hara Street, Scranton, Pa. McCormack, Grace E., 314 N. Irving Avenue, Scranton, Pa. McCormack, Ruth E., 314 N. Irving Avenue, Scranton, Pa. McHose, Alice Lucille, 679 Grant Street. Hazleton, Pa. MacMulIen, Alice B. (Mrs. N. W. Muir). 24 E. CTiestnut Street, Shamokin, Pa. Materevicz, Eleanor L, 69 Orchard Street. Glen Lyon, Pa. Milazza, Carmella G.. 838 Shoemaker Avenue, West Wyoming, Pa. MUler, Russell F.. 1427 W. Walnut Street. Shamokin. Pa. Mohan, Bernard E., Byrnesville Street. Centralia, Pa. Ellen L., 318 Keystone Street. Peckville. Pa. Blanche D, (Mrs. John A. Evert), Arbutus Park Road, Bloomsburg, Pa. Harold M., Y.M'C.A., Milton, Pa. Jeanne L. (Mrs. Albert Hudson), 220 Bacon, Jermyn, Pa. Mowery, Florence A., R. D. No. 2, Nescopeck, Pa. Myers, Ruth H., 507 Emmett Street, Scranton, Pa. Njiryauckas, Mildred D., 207 E. Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Omichinski, Genevie M., 73 Orchard Stret, Glen Lyon, Pa. Oshinsky, Ramona H. (Mrs. Thomas), 532 Brady Street, Renshaw, Pa. Oswald, Gertrude E. (Mrs. John Beck), 347 W. Chocolate Avenue, Hershev Pa. Paden, Nola E., 230 E. Third Street, Berwick, Pa. Monroe, Mordan, Morgan, Morgan, Perch, Frank J. White Haven, Pa. Peterson. Edith H. (Mrs. Harrv J. Everlv), 119 Ridge Street, Taylor, Pa. Piatt, Helen S. (Mrs. Truman Greenly), Millville, Pa. Reichard, Paul, Light Street, Pa. Rekas, Helen F., 1208 First Avenue, Berwick. Pa. Rhjnard, Theron R., 805 E. Third Street, Berwick, Pa. Richards Hope G., Elysburg, Pa. Robbins, Ivor L., Virgil, N. Y. Roberts, Lillian M., 69 Franklin Street, Plymouth, Pa. Romberger, Pauline E., Pitman, Pa. Rowett, Alice M., 320 Charles Street, Luzerne, Pa. Saylor, Esther A,, Beavertown, Pa. Schlauch, Adam L., Main Street, Nuremberg, Pa. Shaw, Mary E. (Mrs. Eugene P. Colver), 18 S. Main Street. Lewistown, Pa. Shovlin, Mercedes E., 223 W. Third Street. Mt. Carmel, Pa. Showers, Verna Pauline, 31 First Street. Milton. Pa. Shultz, Margaret N. (Mrs. F. Harrison), R. D. No. 1. Shickshinny. Pa. Small, Hazel M. (Mrs. Arthur Rumble) Numidia, Pa. Smith, Catherine A., 733 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston, Pa. Smith, Catherine Hoof (Mrs. Garman), Hummels Wharf, Pa. Smith, Helen J., 733 N. Lincoln Street, Scranton. Pa. Smith, Henry Edmond, 323 Light Street Road, Bloomsburg, Pa. Standish. Blanche. 319 Hudson Street, Forest City, Pa. Stere, Calvin Seymour, Millville. Pa. Stine, Ruth Anna (Mrs. David Lindemuth), R. D. No. 1, Elysburg. Pa. Sutliff, Carolyn, Shickshinny, Pa. Thomas, Daniel E., 188 Summit Street. Edwardsville, Pa. VanBuskirk. Helen M., 47 S. Atherton Street. Kingston. Pa. Vollrath, Mary A., 63 E. Poplar Street. W. Nanticoke. Pa. Wagner, Myrtle L (Mrs. Fenton Swartz). Cowan. Pa. Wagner, Ruth L. (Mrs. John H. Hileman), Carpenter St., Dushore. Pa. Waiters, Hazel M.. Freeburg. Pa. Warman, Henry J., Clark University. Worcester. Mass. Washeleski, Leo L.. 615 Chestnut St.. Kulomont. Pa. White, Alma E. (Mrs. Russell F. Todd. 332 E. Main St., Girardville. Pa. Zeigler, Virginia R. (Mrs. Raymond Latsba), Spring Glen, Pa. Ziemba, Estelle F., 715 Main St., Simpson. Pa. Zimmerman, Sarah C. (Mrs. Oliver E. Smith, 41" Fowler Avenue, Berwick. Pa. CLASS OF 1933 Abbett, Kathryn, 614 Packer St.. Williamsport. Pa. Abeam, Mary C. (Mrs. John Riley), 824 Lindale Avenue, Drexel Hill. Pa. Allen M. Bethia, Alderson, Pa. Allen, Marjorie S. (Mrs. Carl Bowman), 137 W. Third St.. Bloomsburg. Pa. Appleman, Ruth (Mrs. H. Dean Pealer), R. D. No. 4, Benton, Pa. Artman, Charles. R. D. No. 1, Orangeville, Pa. Artman, William Edgar, 213 Main St.. Veagertown. Pa. Astleford, Bertha E., 654 Locust St.. Hazleton. Pa. Austin. Anna, 319 Bennett St., Luzerne, Pa. Bangs, Donald, Millville, Pa. Bardo, Zela (Mrs. Donald Black). R. D. No. 2. Millville. Pa. Barrall, Alice (Mrs. Hunsinger), Mulberry St.. Berwick, Pa. Beagle, Thomas H., Riverside, Pa. Beishline, Samuel D., Huntington Mills. Pa. Belles. Mabel, 70 Gulp St.. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Benscoter, Eleanor E. (Mrs. W. S. McCarroll) Box 378. R. D. No. 1, Hunlock Crt-ck. Pa. Beminger, Howard R., Mifflinville, Pa. Berriman, Martha E., 226 Railroad St.. Muncy, Pa. Betterly, Mary E. (Mrs. Kenneth A. Maiers), 2725 S. Buchanan St.. Arlington. Pa. Bitetti, Lucy F., '^.^6 Center St.. Freeland, Pa. Bittenbender, James R., Broad St., East Brady. Pa Bixler, Homer S., 1111 W. Walnut St., Shamokin, Pa. Bixler, Mildred P., 12 S. Fourth St., Shamokin. Pa. Bohr, Edward P.. R. D. No. 2. Box 176, Shamokin. Pa. Borsi, Tosca M. (Mrs. Giannini), 945 Shoemaker Ave., Wyonvng, Pa. Boyle, Elizabeth T. (Mrs. John Church). 143 W. First St., Bloomsburg. Pa. Brisiin, Louise K., 360 Miller St.. Luzerne, Pa Brueckmann, J. George, 133 E. Walnut St.. Kingston. Pa. Buckley, Mary L., 824 Washington St., Freeland, Pa. Burke. Elynor G., 95 William Street, Pittston, Pa. Byerly, Florence M. (Mrs. Hoover), R. D. No. 1, Herndon, Pa. Byers, Chester W., llth and King Sts.. Northumberland, Pa. Carl, Mary M., 109 Bloom Street, Danville, Pa. Carroll, Anthony F., 230 E. Fourth Street, Beaverdale. Mt. Carmel, Pa. Chapman, Helen M. (Mrs. R. J. Berkheiser), 328 Locust Avenue, Centralia, Pa. Connors, Dorothy A., Jefldo, Pa. Cox, Charles N., Bloomsburg, Pa. 64 Edna G. (Mrs. Whipple), 374 Broadway, Hughesville, Pa. Dorothy A. (Mrs, Fred E. Johnson), Mazeppa, Pa. Cuthbert, Berenice E. (Mrs. Etfert), 502 Avenue F., Riverside, Pa. Danowsky, Harold M., R. D. No. 3, Lewisburg, Pa. Davis, Ethel M. (Mrs. Hummel), Shumans, Pa. Dean, Rita A., 1244 West Coal Street, Shenandoah, Pa. DeFrain, Marion (Mrs. Harold Danowsky), R. D. No. 3, Lewisburg, Pa. Donaldson, Margaret E., 121 Academy Street, Plymouth, Pa. Drennan, John J., 148 South Main, Carbondale, Pa. Early, John A., Avondale Hill, Plymouth, Pa. Edwards, Inez, E. (Mrs. Fred T. Aten), Mifflinville, I»a. Evans, Frances L. (Mrs. Robert B. Parker), 224 W. Passaic Ave.. Bloomfield. Pa. Evans, Ralph F., 34 Airy Street, Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Fisher, Sarah E. (Mrs. W. F. Schrey), R. D. No. 2, Selinsgrove, Pa. Fowler, Fred W., Espy, Pa. Fowler, Ruth P., 205 Jackson Street, Berwick, Pa. Furman, Helen E. (Mrs. Bence), Box 282, Center Moriches, L. L, N. Y. Furman, Mary E., R. D. No. 1, Northumberland, Pa. Gass, Larue E., Paxinos, Pa. Gearheart, Anna M. (Mrs. Herbert Wise). Berwick, Pa. Gemberling, Violet C. (Mrs. Samuel S. Shirk), Hartleton, Pa. Giajinini, Alda M., 812 Shoemaker, West Wyoming, Pa. Gilmore, Dorothy E. (Mrs. James Lovell), 414 N. E. 92nd Place, Portland 16, Ore. Good. June R., 27 S. Turbot Avenue, Milton, Pa. Griffith, Dilys E., 356 Church Street, Slatington, Pa. Griffiths, Thomas J., 300 E. Union Street, West Chester, Pa. Halkowicz, Pearl L., 108-10 Girard Street, Atlas, Pa. Harris, Naomi R., 1510 Schooley Avenue, Exeter, Pa. Harrison, Arthur H., R. D. No. 2, Dallas, Pa. Hartman, Thomas G., 132 E. Seventh Street, Berwick, Pa. Hartman, Vida H. (Mrs. Harvey), 343 Miller Avenue, Bloomsburg, Pa. Hartzel, James W., 4113 Derry Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Hausch, Adelaide C, Noxen, Pa. Heiser, Evelyn M.. Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pa. Heller, Dorothy N., Fern Glen, Pa. Hensley, Charles F., 127 Madison Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Hidlay, Clarissa B., 421 W. Second Street, Berwick, Pa. Higgins, Nan, C. (Mrs. Edgar P. Buckley), 211 N. George Street, Pottsville, Pa. Hinckley, James L., 415 E. Fair Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Hirsch, Irene E., 242 W. Broad Street, Tamaqua, Pa. Homiak, Anna M., 337 Webster Avenue, Rainshaw, Pa. Houser, Creda Florence, Market Street, Sheppton, Pa. Hower. Wilbur L., Berwick. Pa. Hummel, Bessie M., (Mrs. Elwood Stahl), 209 Fourth Avenue, Burnham, Pa. Jackson, Ruth L. (Mrs. W. K. Richards), 62 Oakwood Blvd.. Poughkeepsie. N.Y. Jenkins, Iva C. (Mrs. Harvard Newton), 36 E. Main Street, Galeton. Pa. Jenkins, Mary L. (Mrs. .Samuel M. Zook), Route No. 1, Bareville, Pa. Jones, Aldwin D., 1404 Washburn Street, Scranton, Pa Jones. Marjorie L., Wapwallopen. Pa. Keefer, Eugene M.. Sehnsgrove. Pa. Kelley. Laura G. (Mrs. Harold E. Bollinger), 244 Water Street, Northumberland Kingsbury, Sheldon C, Berwick, Pa. Lachowicz, Martha M„ 248 West Third Street, Mt. Carmel. Pa. Kreischer. Catharine C, 210 East 13th Street, Berwick. Pa. Lamoreaux. Edna A., (Mrs. Karl .Albertson). R. D. No. 2, Berwick, Pa. Landis, Emily (Mrs. Paul Sopewsky). 1266 Thomastown Ave.. Waterbury, Conn. Laubach, Lois (Mrs. James C. Webster), 609 Shakespeare Avenue, Milton, Pa. Lawson, Lois, 644 East Third Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Leiser, Anna Mary (Mrs. Stanley H. Ritter), 57 Locust Street, Milton, Pa. Lesser, Ruth, ]i , DC. Morgan. Robert, 262 Gardner Street. Plymouth, Pa. Moyer, Mary, 410 Arch Street, Milton. Pa. Musgrave, Claire (Mrs. Porter), Market Street. Sheppton, Pa. Naples, Mary (Mrs. Minichells). Wyom'ne: Avenue. W. Pittston. Pa. Neiss, Martina (Mrs. Marty Moran). 400 High Street, Ashland. Pa. Newman. Phyllis (Mrs. W. Albertini), 129 S. Hickory Street, Mt. Carmel, Pa. Clash, Matilda, 362 Walnut Street, Luzerne, Pa. Osborne, Charlotte (Mrs. Benedict Stein). Churchville, N. Y. Parker. Robert, 224 W. Passaic Avenue, Bloomfield, N. J. Parr. Allen. Mifflinville. Pa. Partridge, Marguerete, Market Street, Trevorton, Pa. Paulus, Charles, Ka=;ka, Pa. Petrilia, Stephen Thomas, Box 19. Hazle Brook, Pa Potson, Andrew, 16 Froble Street, Simpson, Pa. Potter, Lenore. 605 Bryant Street, Reading. Pa. Pyle. Marion, 327 Dean Street, West Chester. Pa. Cuirk, Catharine, 17 Main Street, Locust Gan. Pa. Radel. Grace (Mrs. Byron Hartman), R. D. No. 3. Sunbury. Pa. Rembis, Anna, 64^< Miner Street. Hudson. Pa. Roberts, Kenneth, R. D. No. 4. Bloomsburg, Pa. Rough. Isabell, 124-A W. Second Street, Berwick. Pa. Sacus, Samuel, 508 Main Street. Ranshaw. Pa. Sandbrook. Margaret (Mrs. Kenneth E. Bristol), Bryden Drive. Akron. Ohio Schild, Dorothy, 501 W. Taylor Street. Taylor, Pa. Shipman, Louise, Route No. 1. Sunbury, Pa Sites, Margaret, 3 Luzerne Street. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Smith, Evelyn (Mrs. Samuel D. Haven), R. D. No. 1. Weatherly, Pa. Stabl, Mary. Riverview. Berwick, Pa. Strein, Gertrude C. (Mrs. Merwvn Howells), 716 S. Main Street, Taylor, Pa. Strouse. William G., R. D. No. 1, Turbotville, Pa. Strunk, Catherine C. (Mrs. C. V. Snyder). Box 88. Pitman, Pa. Stryjak, Raymond. 218 W. Ridge Street, Nanticoke, Pa. Stush. John J.. 61 Third Street. Plymouth. Pa. Swalinski. Aleksander J., c/o Pennsylvania State Police, York. Pa. Styer, Harriet A. (Mrs. Ariel C. Boop), 526 Center Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Thomas. Emma J., 213 Gardner Street. Plymouth, Pa. Timbrel!. John O., Hg. 2nd Bn.. IlOth Regt., 28th Div., Camp Atterbury. Ind. Troy, Clair E., Nuremberg. Pa. Wagner. Anna E. (Mrs. Arthur Kramer), Catawi*^sa. Pa. Wagner. Emily D., 619 W. Eighth Street, Hazleton. Pa. Wary, Amelia A. (Mrs. W. E. Higgins), 411 Packer Street, Shamokm, Pa. Watkins, Warren W., R. D. No. 4, Catawissa, Pa. Wildoner, Mary Louise (Mrs. E. W. Fisher), 114 Parke Stri-ct, VV. Williams, Sarah Arline, 3S Miner .Street, Hudson. Pa. Worrall, Grace, /111 Cherry Street, Slianiokin, Pa. Wright, Anna Mae, -Nichulson. Pa. Yozviak, Leo V., .11 Main Road. Buttonwood, Wilkes-Uarre, Pa. Ziegler, Mrs. Margaret Houze, Sug:irloaf, Pa. Pltt!.toii, Pa. Quick, Mildred M., 126 Mid. Keitliltne), 10 .Susquehanna .\venue, Shickshinny, Pa. Czamecki, Felicia M., 78 F. .M.iin Street, Glen Lyon, Pa. Dagnell, Esther E., 118 W. Second Street, Berwick. Pa. Davis, Albert R., Tillbury Terrace, \V. Nanticoke. Pa. Deane, Mercedes I. (.Mrs. .McDermnlt), 4848 North Bouries Street, PWla. 11, Pa. DeWald, Mary (Mrs. Robert A. Elder), 411 Tinsman Avenue. Williamsport, Pa. Dixon, Rose A., Lost Creek, Pa. Doyle, Edward p., Box 259, Mt. Carmel, Pa. Dutchak, Longina Y., 922 Pine .Street, .Scranton, Pa. Edwards, Anna A.. 114 E. Oak Street, FracWville, Pa. Edwards, Maude Mae (Mrs. Howard Eldridge), 909 Ohio Avenue, Corpus Locust Avenue, Centralia, Pa. Engle, Marion M., Nureml>erg, Pa, Eroh, Miriam G. (Mrs. Roger Hatch), 821 E. Third Street. Nescopcck, Pa. Robert T., Evangelista, Lawrence C, 572 Hayes Street. Hazleton, Pa. Evans. Esther I.Mrs. I. D. McFadden), 137 S. Pine Street. Hazleton, Pa. Eyer, Jean Mae (.Mrs. W. C. Bredbenner, Jr.), 232 E. Eighth Street, Berwick, Pa. Fagley. Mary H., 38 S. Hickory Street, Mt. Carmel, Pa. Ficca, Agatha J., 243 W. Saylor Street, Atlas, Pa. Foote, Grace E. (Mrs. J. Conner), 433 East Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Fries, Evelyn R., 1037 \\'heeler Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Garrison, Blanche M., 911 Mulberry Street, Berwick, Pa. Gennaria, James A., 235 W. Fourth .Street. Bloomsburg, F*a. Giger, Irene (Mrs. James .Millroy), 116 North Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Gribben, Joseph, 2019 Huntington Street, Bethlehem, Pa. Groody, Mary M., Lost Creek, Pa. Hartline, Florence S., Box 93, Bloomsburg, Pa. Hartman, Elwood H., 615 Mohawk Avenue, Norwood, Pa. Harvey, Charles Reynold, Huntington Mills, Pa. Hawk, Margaret M. (.Mr-:. R. W. Carls). Wysox, Pa. Hawk, Robert A., Bear Creek. Pa. Henry, Lorraine W. (Mrs. Charles Rishel), Pottsgrove, Pa. Herman, Alice M., Be.'i\er Springs, Pa. Hewitt, Dorothy M., 232 Washington Street, Pittston, Pa. Hinkle, Marion E. (Mrs. C. F. Cristopher). Gadsden, .Ma. Houser, Helen, Ringtown. Pa. Houser, Pauline M., 223 .Noith Third Street. Catawissa. Pa. Hudock, Frank, 98 S. Wyoming .Street, Hazelton, Pa. Hummel, Agnes M., Kreamer, Pa. Hutton, Robert M., 158 Ridge Avenue. Bloomsburg. Pa. Jaffin. Fred T., 315 Rosemary .Avenue. .Ambler. Penna. James, Sarah E., 32 N. Gate Street, Kingston. Pa. Johnson, Dorothy K.. 1701 Spring Garden, Berwick. Pa. Kane, Mary M., 139 Locust Avenue, Centralia, Pa. Karnes, James E., Espy, Pa. Kealy, Alice M. (Mrs. Cletus Covne), Main Street. Locust Gap, Pa. Keefer, Edith C. (Mrs. Hartmani, R. D. No. 2, Danville, Pa. Keeler, Ronald F., Nevis, Minn. Kehler, Deborah H., Locust Dale, Pa. Kelly, James J., 37 Plvmouth Street, Edwardsville, Pa. Kilker, Patrick J., Lost Creek, Pa. Klingerman, Eleanor E. (Mrs. Mack Johnson). Orangeville, Pa. Knerr, Arthur J., Ellenville. N. V. Knorr, J. Wesley, 203 W. Third Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Kokora, Julia D., Mocanaqua. Pa. Koropchak, Roman D., 100 Girard Street, Atlas, Pa. Kreitzer, Howard M., 250 Burmont Road. Drexel Hill. Pa. Krepich, Ivan J., (range Co. Community College, Middletown, N. Y. < Laird, Olwyn K., R. I). No. 1, .\luncy Pa. Langan. Mary C. (.Mrs. .Spence), 102 (I'hurch Street, Jessup. Pa. Lentz, Sarah E. (Mrs. T. F. Eynon, Jr.), P. O. Box 189, Waverly, Pa. Lewis, Jane E., 169 Reynold .Street, I'lynlouth, Pa. Losch. Miriam F., Riclitield. Pa. McAlla, Majorie, ClifY..v.i. la. A., 202 Oarhart Street, Riverside, Pa. .loseph J., New Albany, P.i. B., Jeanesville. Pa. McCracken, Ralph McEmeany, McGlynn, Catherine Malone, Daniel J., 146 Wood .Street, Cumbola, Pa. Markovich, Josephine A., R. I). No. 1. Berwick, Pa. Marshman, Althine R. (Mrs. .\. R. ,\deyl, 547 Grant Street, Hazelton, Pa. Meade. Margaret R., 164 Searle .Street, Pittston, Pa. Menapace, Richard S., 210 W. Girard .Street. Atlas. Pa. Miller, Alfred H., K. D. No. 1, Catawissa. Pa. Miller, I. Kerr, 1212 High Street, Williamsimrt, Pa. Minier, Helen E. (Mrs. Fought), R. D. No. 1, Millyille Pa. Moran, Margaret T., 437 W, Main Street, flirardville. Pa. Nejako, Zicrmund B., Shickshinny, Pa. Nelson, Clifford A., 452 E. Beaser Avenue, State College, Pa. Northup, Anna I. (Mrs. Morris .A. Clreene), .Apt. 406, 2.i31 Cathedral Ave., N. W.. Wash,. 1). C, O'Hora. Margaret M., 319 Ward Street, Dunmore, Pa. Partridge, John W., iM7 Westfield Avenue, Merchantville. N. J. Dorothy Jane, Chincilla, Pa. Dorothy M., Eighth and Center Streets, Bloomsburg, Pa. Jean A.. 1105 N. Locust Street, Scranton 4, Pa. Pregmon, Olga, K, D, No. 1. Clarks Summit. Pa. Phillips, Phillips, Phillips, Shantz, Mary E., 42 Italy Street, Mocanaqua, Pa. Shellenberger, John P., Room 6, Post Office, Florence, S. C. Shiner, Mildred M. (Mrs. Levan). 425 W. Fifth Street. Nescopeck, Pa. Singelmann, Clara M., bSO Rock Street, Pittston, Penna. Turse, Rex N., .Nortbundicrland. Pa. Sonnenberg, Fred R., 3(< Woodburv Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Steele, Basil V., R. 1). No. 1, Sweet Valley, Pa. Sutliff, Harriet E. (Mrs. Harold H. Herr), 422 S. Railroad Street, Plamyra, Swartwood, Grace P. (Mrs. .Arnold Einbleton). 27 Stanton Street, VV. Pittston, Valente, Ernest J., 597 Carson Street. Hazelton, Pa. Vandling. Alfred L., Apt. 116 Jericho Manor, Jenkmtown. Pa. Van Sickle, Robert H., Catawissa, Pa. Veale, Ellen L., 319 E. F:im Street. Hazelton, Pa. Wcnner, Gladys M., 235 E. Sixth Street, Berwick, Pa. Wertman, Kathryn M. (Mrs. Roy W. Moltz). 208 Penna. Ave., Watsontown, West, Albert T., 71 .Ashley Street, .Ashley, Pa. Williams, Jane S.. 12 Rice Avenue, Edwardsville, Pa. Williams, Ruth V. (Mrs. W. H. Young), 30 S. Regent Street. Wilkes-Barre. Williard, Carrie A., Ilarndon, Pa. Wilt, Violet v., R. D. No. 1, McAHsterville, Pa. Wolfe, Margaret A., 3.s0 Walnut Street. Sunbury, Pa. Woolcock, Gerald M., R. D., Millville, Pa. Yale, Kathryn E. (Mrs. Ed Graham) 348 E. Main Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Young, William H., .fO S. Regnt Street, Wilkes- Harre, Pa. Zavarich, John, 1710 R. R. Street, .Shamokin. Pa. Zukauskas, Ella E. (Mrs. Wharton), 105 S. Mill Street, St. Clair, Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. Chrfsti, Tix^i-. Ellis, Runyan, Dorothy G., 305 W. Fifth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Savage, Pearl L., 204 E. Fourteenth Street, Berwick, Pa. Scheib, Irvin P., K. D. No. 1, Box 113, Shamokin, Pa. Schnure, Sarah E. (Mrs. Samuel W. Mack), Pottsgrove, Pa. Schraeder, Bolish C, .58 Archard Street, Glen Lyon, Pa. Semic, Dorothy A., 2.503 S. Fourth Street, Steelton, Pa. CLASS OF 1935 Ackerman, Mrs. Laureen M., Nuremberg. Pa. Street, Reading, Pa. Tenth Anderson, Ellen C, 4 S. Banghart, Lee W., 425 E. Eleventh Street, Berwick. I'a. Beck, John T. East End Apts., Caracas .Avenue, Hcrshey, Pa. Blackburn, Charles £., 13 E Main Street, Wanamic, Pa. Bredbenner, Thelma A. (Mrs. Cyril Menges), 268 N. Eighth St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Brewington, Woodrow G., Third Street, Benton, Pa. Conte, Anthony E., 32} John Street, Elizabeth, N. J. Creasy, Edwin R., Dallas, Pa. Culp, Helen I. (Mrs. Keiner). 507 S. River St.. Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Davis, Thomas F., 1445 Ogden Street, N. W. Washington. DC. Deppe, Mildred E. (Mrs. Roderick Hines), Berwick, 247 Warren Street, Pa. Deppen, John S., Trevorton, Pa. Fauth, Howard E., 211 Lombardi Circle. Lewistown. I'a. Ficca, Sylvester C, 15 Front Street, .Atlas, Pa. Flanagan, Ruth R., 142 High Street, Plymouth, Pa. Ford, Mildred M. (Mrs. Rakocy), 400 Chestnut Street, Kulpmont, Pa. Foster, Dorothy Lane, 3.S4 Westminster Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. Foust, David W., R. D. No. 2, Danville, Pa. Foust, Louretta (Mrs. Lenard Baker). 25 N. Summit Street, Lock Haven, Pa. Frederick, Irene L., Route No. 1 Milton, Pa. Frey. Helen I. (Mrs. M. L. Markley). 900 Highland Ave., Palmyra. N. J. Gilmore, Euohenia (Mrs. John A'eager), 587 Wilbur Courts, Hazleton, Pa. Golder, Rosebud L. (Mrs. William Ungemach). 1740 Franklin Street, Berwick, Pa. Cress, John J., 426 E. 67th Street. .Apt. -25, New York 21. N. Y. Harter, Ceroid C, Holmes, Pa. , „ ^^ ». Hartman, Helen (Mrs. S. I. Cimbala). 116 Norrington Drive. R. D. No. I, . l.ibrarv. I'.i. Hayes, Albert A., Berwick, R. D. No. 2, Pa. Heimbach, Stanley P., 1426 N. 14th Street, Reading, Pa. Henrie, Harold C, 232 Eighth Street, New Cumberland, Pa. Hochberg, Charlotte A. (Mrs. Elmer J. McKechnie), 307 E. S'A St., Berwick, Pa. Hollenbaugh, Mildred (Mrs. Thompson), 212 Olive .Avenue, Girard, Pa. Hower, Donald C, Riverside .Apt. 3, Pennsgrove. N. I. James, Elvira J. (Mrs. S. Stamulonis), 25 N. Jardin St.. Shenandoah, Pa. Kealy, Annie R., 200 E. Center Street, Centralia, Pa. Kelly, Rostland, 342 E. Seventh Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Kitchener, Rosina, 164 Girard Avenue, Plymouth, Pa. Krauss, Sam, .100 E. Water Street. Lock Haven. Pa. LaBrutto, Santini F. (Mrs. .Anthony E. Conte). 323 John Street, Elizabeth, N. J. McCann, Anna B., 1616 N. Webster Avenue, .Scranton, Pa. McKechnie, Elmer J., ,TO7 E. 5'A Street. Berwick, Pa. Makowski, Albert A.. 1849 21 Street. Wyandotte, Mich. Marchetti. Florence E., 1062 Chestnut Street. Kulpmont, Pa. Meixell, Fae, (Mrs. Robert L. Diseroat), 242 West Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Mendenhall, Eunora B., Benton, Pa. Mensch, Catherine A., 521 Shuman Street, Catawissa, Pa. Mericle, Veda K. (Mrs. Stanley Stewart), Catawissa, Pa. Merrill, Helen H., Lightstreet. Pa. Miller, Lucille (Mrs. Mark E. Peifer), Mivvlinville. Box 77, Pa. Miller, Mary E., Centralia, Pa. Morgan, Forrest P., Trevorton, Pa. Moyer, Erma M. (Mrs. Walter .Angstadtl. 34 N. First Street. I.ewisburg. Pa. Myers, Naomi M., 146 N. Charles Street, Red Lion, Pa. Novak, Bruno A., ,504 Brisbin Street, Houtzdale, Pa. Pennica, Camilla K., 208 Amity Street, Elizabeth, N. J. Oxford. Mabel (Mrs. Heckler Melvin), 118 Chestnut Parkway. Garden City, Cli,-lcr. l\i. 1197 Penn Street, Williamsport, Pa. M., >lain Street, Mucny, Pa. Prokopchak, Michael, 249 Fairmont .Avenue. Newark 3. N. 1. Quieley. Anne M. fMrs. Sam Green). 45 N. Oteslnut S'reet. Mt. Carmel. Pa. Reed. William I., 223 W. Fourth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Ruckle, Donald A.. 326 Short Street, Trafford City. Pa. Row, Elizabeth (Mrs. William Reed), 223 W. Fourth Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Schell, Laura B. (Mrs. Ray Schell), Catawissa, Pa. Sell, Francis D., Bovertown, Pa. Shakofski, Anthony, Pearl River, N. V. Slater. Clarence S., Senior llieh School, .Atl.intic City. N. J. Steinhart, Mrs. Hannah. 16 E. Eighth Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Thomas, Charles Glenn, R. D. No. 5. Danville. Pa. Vanderslice, Clara C, Box .W, Bloomsburg. Pa. Van Sickle, George W., R. D. No. 2, Catawissa, Pa. Peferman, Roy C, Pfciffer, Adeline 65 Wagner, Edna M., (Mrs. Donald Stevens. 506 E. Front Street, Berwick, Pa. Wosheleski, Walter, 50 Frable Street, Simpson. Pa. Whitenight, Theodore S., 82 Knapp Avenue, Bloomsbnrg, Pa. Wogcik, Marvin G., 20 South Street, Manville, N. J. Yeany, Louise C. (.Mrs. p. K. Bittenbender p. 4.M1 Spruce Street, Pilila., Pa. CLASS OF 1936 Abbott, Robert D., 50 Brookside Avenue, Somerville, N. J. Auten, Mildred E., R. D. No. 1, Danvdle, Pa. Bankes. Elmira, 403 E. Fourth Street, Bloonisburg, Pa. Baum, Edward Henry, Nuremberg, Pa. Bevilacqua, Howard P., R. D. No. 1. Berwick, Pa. Bianco, Peter, 14(i Railroad Street, Glen Lyon, Pa. Brobst, Kathryn E. (Mrs. Paul L. Hartman), Poplar Street, Towanda, Pa. Brown, Violet V. (.Mrs. Hassell), liiOO Vardley Road, iMorrisville, Pa. Campbell. Evelyn B., 335 W. Fourth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Cohen, Samuel, 25 J\an>on Street, Forty Fort, Pa. Cobb, Bernard J. Kalchin^ky ), Coughlitl High School, W'ilkes-Barre, Pa. Denn, Mary Jane Matthews (Mrs.), Drums. Pa. Dermody, Gertrude E., 65 Calhoun. Torrington. Conn. Dixon. Joseph, 444 E. Chestnut Street, Hazleton, Pa. Fink, Mary Jane (Mrs. Frederick .McCutchin), 446 Brookhurst Avenue, Nar( bcrth, Pa. Garrity, Francis, 362 Ivy George, Englewood, N. Lane, .T. Anna S., 20 Alexander Street, Wilkes- Barre, Anna M., 210 S. Locust Avenue, C'entralia. Pa. Pa. Gordon, Mabel Swineford, 249 Market Street. Sunbury, Pa. Green, Samuel, 3^3 E. Front Street, Berwick, Pa. Guyer, Lillian M. (Mrs. Earl Kershner), 13 Maple Street, Marcus Hook, Pa. Harry, Mrs. Alice Shaffer, 351 Market Street. Berwick, Pa. Harter, Betty L (.Mrs. Harold Wertman). 532 Broad Street, Nescopeck, Pa. Heckman, Phyllis E., 204 E. 14th Street, Berwick, Pa. Jenkes, Helen L., 20 Cemetery Street, Pittston, Pa. John, Kathryn B. (Mrs. Charles S. Evans), 129 Pine Street, Rockville Center, L.L. N.V. Jones, Danile J„ Bridgeton Pike, Millville, N. J. Jones, Vema E. (Mrs. Daniel J. Jones). Bridgeton Pike, Millville, N.J. Karshner, William A., 512 Fulton Street. Stroudsburg, Pa. Keating, Florence E., 77 N. Welles .Avenue. Kingston, Pa. Kershner, Earl Oscar, 13 Maple Street, Marcus Hook, Pa. Kessler, George E., Center Street, Locust Dale, Pa. Kirticklis, Matilda M., (Mrs. John Kasales). 539 E. Broad Street, Tamaqua, Pa. Kline, Gilbert L., ni4-a Haverford Road, Crum Lynne, Pa. Kuhn, Mary C. (.Mrs. Camera), 69 North Vine Street, Hazleton, Pa. Litwhiler, Woodrow R., 114 Franklin .\venue. \'erona, N. J. Marcinkavicz, Stanley A., 42o Webster Street, Ranshaw. Pa. Mayer, Alfred David, R. D. No. I, WilkesBarre, Pa. Mericle, Mervin W., 5811 Merville Avenue, Baltimore 15, Md. Merrill, Kenneth Charles, 229 Elm Avenue, Riverton, N. J. Morawski, Vema, Crum Lynne, Pa. Nevil, Leota A., Reservoir Hill, Bloomsburg. Pa. Petrilla. Stephen J., Box 19, Hazle Brook. Pa. Piatkawski, Florence J. (Mrs. Timmes). 825 Main Street, Forest Citv, Pa. Riggs, Frances 1. (Mrs. Bernard J. Young), 603 W. Calhoun St., Macoinb, Bl. Rinard, Gladys M. (Mrs. Alfred S. Ruesch). Catawissa, Pa. Rompalo, Frank A. 41 Mine Street, Cumbala, Pa. Schubert, Margaret E., 808 Elizabeth Avenue, Lauresdale Pa. Shuman, Sara M. (Mrs. Norman E. Kepley), 141 West Penn .\ve., Rohesonia Thomas, Marjorie A., 367 E. Green Street, Nanticoke, Pa. Thornton, Andrew J., Simpson, Pa. Turner, Archibald Boyd, 63 Robert Street, Sheatown, Nanticoke. Pa. Tumaw, William P., (^7 Monument Street, Wyoming. Pa. Vannauker, Kathryn May, 131 E. Green Street! Hazleton, Pa. Vinisky, Francis V., 817 Main Street, Simpson, Pa. Visatski, Joseph, Merriam Street, Mt. Carmel, Pa. Wagner, Ruth E. (Mrs. Laurence LeGrandc). 126 Oak Street, Hazleton, Pa. Waite, Howard O., 621 Juniper Street, Quakertown, Pa. Warren, Frank P., 502 Higgens Street, Forest City, Pa. Yeager, John, 587 Wilbur Court, Hazleton, Pa. Gillespie, Young, Bernard Yurgel, John, J., 15 603 Frank W. Calhoun Street, Street. Macomb, III. Buttenwood. Wilkes- Barre. Pa. ClASS OF 1937 Andreas, John L., Bloomsburg. Pa, Babb, Amanda (Mrs. Harold Fegley), R. U. No. 1, Birdsboro. Pa. Berger, S. Maria, River Road, R. D. No. 2. Bloomsburg. Pa. Bemineer, Dorothy R., Mifflinville. Pa. Border, Harold L., 201 E. Second Street, Berwick, Pa. Brown, Edward J., 506 W. Third Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Brown, Glenn C, 620 W. Main Street, Bloomsburcc, Pa. Camera, Frank A., 69 N. Vine Street, Hazleton, Pa. Clemens, Randall F., 1115 Walnut Street, Berwick. Pa. Davis, Marie Cordelia (Mrs. T. A. Davison) 697 N. Emerson St., Arlington, Va. DeFrank, Philip J., Center Street. Kelayres. Pa. Deily, G. Edward, 243 Barton Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Dixon, Leon R., ISS S. Wyoming Street, Hazleton, Pa. Ebert, Anna S. (Mrs, E. Munro Darby). 56 Warren Avenue. Kingston. Pa. Evans, M. Elizabeth (Mrs. James W. Blazek), 706 Pollard Park, Williamsburg. \ a. Foust, Marie E., 439 Chestnut Street, Lebanon, Pa. Garvey, Edward P., 725 E. Drinker Street, Dunmore, Pa. Gehrig, Earl A., 407 tLast Fourth Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Goodman, Robert R., 566 Center Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Grosek, Mary R., 103 Merritt Street, Plains. Pa. Hess, Dorothy L. (Mrs. D. C. Linn). 316 West Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Hosier, Eudora E. (Mrs. Robert H. Kuhl). 357 Plaza Avenue, Ferguson, Mo. Hunter, Earl T., 4640 Stenton ,-\venue. Philadelphia. Pa. Hutton, Helen E., 158 Ridge Avenue. Bloomsburg, Pa. Justin, Edith D. (Mrs. Beimet), 838 N. Main .Avenue. -Scranton, Pa. Kreischer, Armina M., 210 E. 13th Street, Berwick, Pa. Lapinski, Alvin S., 704 W. Green Street, W. Hazleton. Pa. Laubach, Anna (Mrs. Earl A. Gehrig), 407 E. Fourth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. McWilliams, Marian L., (Mrs. Cohen), 200 E. Front Street, Danville, Pa. Magee, Josephine M., 2,i6 S. 29th Street, Penbrook. Harrisburg, Pa. Marks, James L., Pine Grove, Penna. Mears, Mary Helen (Mrs. John Henry Northrup). Proctor. Vt. Moody, Theima !., Marysville, Pa. Moore, Florine I. (Mrs. Pratt). 1715 N. Market Street. Berwick, Pa. Muskaloon, Victoria M. (Mrs. Luther R. Hower). E. Eighth St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Nelson, Harry T., 120 S. Laurel Street, Hazelton, Pa. Ollack, Joseph S., 54 Sidney Street, -Swoyersville. Pa. Palsgrove, Mary E., 121 Parkway Street. .Schuylkill Haven, Penna. Plesko, George John, 17 Ridge Street. Ashlev, Pa. Radcliffs, Ruth E. (Mrs. Payson H. Dickerson). Round Lake, New York. Reisler, Mary, 85 W. Broad .Street, Souderton, Pa. Rhinard, Harriet, 413 Pine .Street, Berwick. Pa. Rider, Martha E., 200 E. Front Street. Berwick, Pa. Ritzo, Theresa Marie, 609 W. Penn Street, Shenandoah, Pa. 66 Rupert, Violetta, Aristes, Pa. Saltzer, Blaine J., Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pa. Schalis, Camille R., 427 Allen Street, West Hazelton, Pa. Schlegel, Julia I. (.Mrs. G. Bland demons), 22 Washington Street, Fleetwood, Pa. Schrope, Ray G., East Morrill Street, Yale, Mich. Shutt, William, 210 W. Main Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Smethers, Ruth H., 229 E. Eighth Street, Berwick, Pa. Supchinsky, John B., 42 Grave Street, Edwardsville, Pa. Tamalis, George R., 178 Hillside Street, Edwardsville, Pa. Thomas, Beatrice H., 312 E. 14th Street, Berwick, Pa. Trembley, Mary A,, R. D. No. 5, Bloomsburg, Pa. Webb, Edward L., 1639 Paxton Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Zeiss, William E., Clarks Summitt, R. D., Penna. „ CLASS OF 1938 Allen Mary Anna, Apt. 5-4, Green Tree Apt. Building. West Chester, Pa. Arcikosky, Emily Therese, 247 South Beach Street, Mt. Carmel, Penna. Andrews, Joycelyn M., P. O. Box 53, Sonestown, Pa. Anselmi, Irma R., 9 Susquehanna Avenue, Wyoming, Pa. Apichell, Eleanor J. B., Inspector General, Hqs. Second Army, Fort Meade, Md. Auch, Alice W.. 1806 Northampton Street, Easton, Pa. Beaver, Marjorie H. (Mrs. Jacob B. Morrison), 1701 Second Street, Beaver, Pa. Bott, Josephine D., Main Street, Nuremberg, Pa. Brainard, Alberta H. (Mrs. Peroutskv), 1621 Eastern Parkway, Schenectady, N. ^. Breitenbach, Virginia (Mrs. Blaine J. Saltzer), R. D. No. 3, Gettysburg, Pa. Casari, George R., 2251 Fairview. Detroit, Mich. Conway, Sylvia M. (Mrs. H. T. Maynard), Montrose, Pa. Diehl, Robert G., 529 Northampton Street. Easton, Pa. Dzury, Anne N., 27 East Elm Street, WilkesBarre, Pa. Edgar, Dorothy L. (Mrs. Ray Cronover), 240 Leonard Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Elmore, Marion T., 1715 Green Ridge Street, Dunmore, Pa. Evans, Martha H. (Mrs. Greenwood), 320 Spring Garden Street, Pottsville, Pa. Fester, Freda Pearl, R. D. No. 4, Bloomsburg, Pa. Fetterman, Aerio M., R. D. No. 3. Catawissa, Pa. Fetterolf, Andrew L., 112 E. Walnut Lane, Philadelphia 44, Pa. Fiorini, John E., liernice. Pa. Follmer, Vera E. (.Mrs. Ralph Baker), 345 College Hill, Bloomsburg, Pa. Frankmore, Philip, 704 Walnut Avenue, Easton, Pa. Gilligan, Elizabeth Jane, 355 Crooks Avenue, Paterson, N. J. Goretski, Helen L, 642 Pine Street, Kulpmont, Pa. Graham, Margaret G., 321 W. Woodland Ave.. Springfield, Pa. Grosek, Anne J., 103 Merritt Street, Plains, Pa. Hendler, John F., East Side High School, Newark 5, N. J. Henrie, Charles H., 6,!9 E. Fifth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Hill, Robert Hughes, 2454 N. Washington Avenue. Scranton, Penna. Hummel, Cleo M., R. D. No. 2, Millville, Pa. James, Charles P., Columbia, Pa. Klembara, Michael, 1040 W. Arch Street, Shamokin, Pa. Klinger, Clyde L., Nuremberg, Pa. Kotsch, Jacob, Jr., 120 Willow Road, Colonial Park, Harrisburg, Pa. Kovaleski, John E., Main Road, Glen Lvon, Pa. Kreigh, Willard S., 348 Jefferson Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Kupstas, Alex, 35 Woodburv Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Kushma, John J., 100 St. John's Drive. Drifton, Pa. Langan, Ruth E.. 87 S. Main Street. Duryea, Pa. Laubach, Vance S., 346 E. Eighth Street. Berwick. Pa. Leiby, Ruth E., 113 W. Market Street, Danville, Pa. Litwhiler, Daniel W., Ringtown. Pa. Livsey, Carrie M. (Mrs. E. Deilv), 336 Chestnut Avenue. Bloomsburg, Pa. Malloy, Anna M. (Mrs. Eugene Sharkey), 12,!0 East Centre Street, Mahanoy City. Pa. Martin, Paul Gable, Bloomsburg, Pa. Matthews, Edward Martin, 125 S. Wyoming Street, Hazelton, Pa. Melson, Florence, 50 Meyers Street, Forty Fort, Pa. Menges, Cyril F., R. D.. Watsontown, Pa. Neibauer, George J., 20 Eagle .Avenue. Shamokin, Pa. Miller, Mary Ellen, 176 Penn Street. Highspire, Pa. Papciak, Ted Stanley, 100 W. Main Street, Glen Lyon. Pa. Payne, Herbert E., 1011 North Franklin Street, Shamokin, Pa. Pesansky, Helen, Main Street, Sheppton. Pa. Patrick, Frank T., 83-84 116th Street, Kew Gardens, L. I., N. Y. Potter, Margaret F. (Mrs. Henry Steiner), 241 E. Front Street, Lititz, Pa. Price, Robert, Plains, Pa. Purcell, Francis Daniel, Frackville. Pa. Cuigley, Mary T., 1017 Girard Street, Harrisburg. Pa. Rech, Anna B., Second Street Pike, Southampton, Pa. Reed, Mary Audree (Mrs. Barney Robbins, (AS'A C. Maunel, Columbus 5, O. Reese, John McKell, 66 .Allen St.. W. Nanticoke, Pa. Reynolds, Bernadette T., R. D. No. 2, Pottsville, Pa., Box 532 Richards, Llewellyn C, 3 South Eighth St., Shamokin, Pa. Richie, Neil M., R. D. No. 1, Yardley, Pa. Rowland, Cyril J., Connertun. Pa. Ryan, Agnes Leona, 218 Clark Ave., CTarks Summit. Pa. Salerno. Anthony, 202 Barber St.. Old Forge. Pa. Saluda, Rose S., 49 West Second St.. Mt. Carmel. Pa. Savage, Mary E. (Mrs. Dietterick), Box 95, Beach Haven. Pa. Scott, Esther A., 17 W. Ludlow St., Summit Hill. Pa. Sell. Frances M., 2003 Livingston St.., Pa. Sharadin, Eleanor L., R. D. No. 1, Middleburg, Pa. Sharp, George T., 212 S. 60th St., Philadelphia 39 Pa. Slaven, John F., Fleetwood, Pa. Singer. Ben, .\. Wyoming St., Hazleton. Pa. Smith, Margaret M., (Mrs. Clyde Dickey), Starrucca, Pa. Snook, Florence (.Mrs. W. R. Wallace). 2145 N. 4th St.. Harrisburg, Pa. Stellar, Genevieve R., 1329 Poplaf St., Kulpmont. Pa. Thomas, Williams, 17,W .Adams Ave., Scranton. Pa. Tinney, Hilda E., West Camous. Florida State University, Tallahassee, Fla. Troy, Rowena V. (Mrs. Paul Barrall). Mifflinville. Pa. VonBergen, Doris M. (Mrs. B. Henrv Shafer). 310 Baltimore St., Hanover, Pa. Walukiewicz, Regina A. (Mrs. Kelly), 226 Henry St., Brooklyn 2, N. Y. Wanick, Jack C, Light Street. Pa. Wark, Arthur K., 440 E. Third St.. Berwick, Pa. Weaver, Helen E. (Jlrs. Wilham Ditty). R. D. No. 3, Sunbury, Pa. Weintraub, Charles H., 36 Charles St., WilkesBarre, Pa. Williams. Robert R., 152 East Fourth St.. Bloomsburg. Pa. Withka, Walter D., 29 Rittenhouse St.. Simpson. Pa. Yale, Kathryn E. (Mrs. Edw. Graham), 348 E. Main St., Bloomsburg. Pa. Zalewski, Joseph E.. 246 W. Sunbury St.. Shamokin. Pa. Zalonis, Adolrh Mark, 74 Hillside .Ave.. Edwardsville. Pa. Zola, Stasia, 25 E. Eighth St.. Hazleton. Pa. , ClASS OF 1939 Aikman, Mary F., R. D. No. 5. Bloomsburg. Pa. Amerman, Sarah Alice (Mrs. Donald Fry). 379 Hibbs Avenue, Cjlenolden. Pa. Banta. Sterling J.. Hershey Community Club, Hershey, Pa. Baraniak, Joseph A., 234 S. Main Street, .Shenandoah, Pa. Biggar, Helen B., Unityville. Pa. Bonin, Irene F., (Mrs. Gene Wenrich). Route No. 1. Camp Hill, Pa. Bower, John E., Jr., 60/ S. St.. Clarion, Pa. Burke, Virginia R. (Mrs. Philip Tropane), 22 E. Baker Village, Columbia, Ga. Carl, Melva M. (.Mrs, Douthat), J25 Cooper Street, Nescopeck, Pa. Cheponis, Margaret A., 234 \'ine Street, Plymouth, Pa. Choawanes, John P., 815 West Coal Street, Shenandoali, Pa. Christian, Willard A., Jr., 830 First Avenue, Williamsport, Pa. Clauser, Albert A., 1200 Chestnut Street, Kulpmont, Pa. Coblentz, Harold H., 805 Vine Street, Berwick, Pa. Coppes. Tirrah E. (Mrs. Ralph C. Pesto). 223 N. Front Street. Milton, Pa. DeMott. Fanny Hill, Main Street. Millville. Pa. Deppen, Margaret L., 807 Shamokin Street, Trevorton, Pa. DeRose, James V., 238 Kent Road, Springlield, Pa. Dershatn, Sara Ellen, 300 Green Street, MilTlinburg, Pa. Dugan, Ruth L. (.Mrs. A. W. Smcal), R. D. No. 4, Danville, Pa. Eiiglehart, Dorothy M. (Mrs. Ray Zimmerman), 4507 Maple Avenue. Betlu-sd;i, M.J. Evans. Roy, 3.^0 E. Third Street. Emporium, Pa. Farmer, Lois E. (Mrs. Alfred Koch), Lehigh L'niversity, Bethlehem, Pa. Flaherty, Thomas A., 108 Custer Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. FiKjse, Morgan E., Manheim Twp. High School, Neffsville, Pa. Freehafer, L. Evelyn (Mrs. Oitford R. Young), R. D. No. 1 Sinking Springs. Pa. Giemnak, Andrew J., 86 Plymouth Street, Edwardsville, Pa. Griffith, Deborah Williams (Mrs.), 114 North Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Hart, Elizabeth J. (Mrs. K. E. Bower), Millville, Pa. Hart, Mildred M. (Mrs. George E. Bond), Wapwallopen, Pa. Harwood, Chester J., 1021 West Main Street. Plymouth, Pa. Hopkins, Robert P., 1422 Friendship Street, Philadelphia 11, Pa. Houck, Frederick L., 212 Primes Avenue, Secave, Pa. Hummel, Letha E., 1628 W. Fourth Street. Williamsport, Pa. Jenkins, Elizabeth Mary (Mrs. Parsons), 192 Church Street, Edwardsville, Pa. Johnson, Lois C. (Mrs. Richard Kitchen), 106 Marion Avenue, Schenectadv 17. NY. Johnson, Mary Margaret, Paget West, Bermuda. Jones, Deborah (Mrs. J. D. Rowland), 544 Delaware Street. West Pittston, Pa. Jones, Sheldon C, c/o Esso Transport Co., Marine Dept., Aruba, N. W. I. • Keibler, W. Alfred, Box, 925, Aruba, Netherland West Indies Kleffman, L. Ruth (Mrs. Raymond Ensminger), 409 W. Market Street, York, Pa. Koch, Alfred P., Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. Kocher, Harriet L., New Colonial Hotel, Washington 5, D. C. Lash, Walter F., 131 Xorth Fourth Street, Frackville. Pa. Leedom, Katherine G. (Mrs. P. O. Bokum). 1100 Hunter's Lane, Oreland, Pa. Lipfert, Alvin G., 10 Kresge Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Lonergan, Abigail Marie, 2}2 East Second Street, Berwick, Pa. Lonergan, Marguerite M. (Mrs. J. Winston Smethers), 329 E. Front Street, Heruick. I'ii. Long, Dorothy E. (Mrs. E. L. Hudelson), 553 Green Street, Berwick, Pa. Marshaiek, Michael J., c/o Workmen's Store, W. Fourth St.. Williamsport, Pa. Mayan, Helen Louise, Sister M. Laurentia, Nativity Convent, 640 Hemlock St., Scraiitun, Hillside, I'a. McBride, Ray P., Jr., Nescopeck. Pa. McCall, Emily A., 86 North Atherton Street. Kingston. Pa. McCutcheon. George A., 249 Mill Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. McKechnie, Alexander J., Jr., (Dr.) Temple University School of Dentistry, Phila.. Pa. McManiman, Ethel (Mrs.). 209 W^est High Street, Nesquehoning. Pa. Miller, Clair A., 1141 High Street, WiHiamsport. Pa. Moratelli. William R., 1317 Chestnut Street. Kulpmont, Pa. Mulhem, Edward J., 62 Shoemaker Street, Forty Fort, Pa. Ohl, Robert A., H)7 E. Front Street. Berwick. Pa. Omer, Anna Lydia, 1355 W. Philadelphia Street, York. Pa. Oswald. A. Jane (Mrs. Charles Bleiler). 1913 W. Livingston Street, Allentown, Pa. Parker, Robert H., 231 S. Oak Street. Mt. Carmel, Pa. Reichley, Eva P., 614 Market Street, Sunbury, Pa. Reimard, Robert J., Espy, Pa. Revels, Thomas P., 1215 Main Street, Dickson City, Pa. Rhodes, Margaret E., R. D. No. 1, Catawissa, Pa. Savage, Betty Mae (Mrs. Hope Penman), 130 W. Fourth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Sheridan, Vera F., 35 E, Poplar Street. Xanticoke, Pa. Shiffka, Eleanor M. (Mrs. Kalinoski), Main Street. Mocanaqua, Pa. Shuman, Jean C. (Mrs. Claude Zehner). Bloomsburg, Pa. Sircovics, John J., \)36 Fifth Avenue, Berwick, Pa. Smith, Donnabelle F. (Mrs. James T. Smith), 324 Russell Ave., Williamsport, Pa. Stinson, Wanda Marie (Mrs. Arthur Davis), 384 Warburton Avenue, Hastingson Hure, Phillip W., Lehigh Road. Cedars, Marshallton, Del. Park, Florence A. (Mrs. Cuddie LeBar), R. D. No. 1. Dallas, Pa. Parsell, Theodore R., Dagshoro, Del. Paulhamus. Paul A., R. D. No. 2. Williamsport. Pa. Penman, William Hope, 130 W. Fourth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Pietruszak, William, ^lain Street, Mocanaqua, Pa. Plevyak, John M., St. Joseph High School, Baltimore. Md. Pugh, James G., 44 Green Street, Edwardsville, Pa. Recia, Agnes, E., Market Street, Sheppton, Pa. Reigle, Paulyne T., 347 Orange Street, Northumberland, Pa. Reilly. Violet T., 1058 Mohawk Street, Scranton. Pa. Rieben, Evaline J., 1809 Union Street, Allentown, Pa. Rinard, Muriel (Mrs. Leon Hartley), 2148 W. Taft Street. Arlington, Va. Sanger, Raymond J., 532 E. Nelson Avenue. Alexandria, Va. Sharkey, Eugene F., 45 Main Street, Lattimer Mines. Pa. Shiner, Byron D., 1401 Fairview Avenue. Berwick. Pa. Smith, Christine F., 105 S. Third Street, Catawissa. I'a. Smith. Jean D. (Mrs. W. C. White), Box 227. Elizabeth City. N. C. Smith. Miles G., Jr., 1140 Market Street. Berwick, Pa. Snyder, Lorraine C. (Mrs. Eugene L. Jones). 3033 E. 21st Street, Wichita, Kan. Stefanski. Florence T. (Mrs. John Muscavage), 237 North Fourth Street, Allentown. Pa. Stellfox, Thelma A., 46 S. Walnut Street, Mt. Carmel. Pa. Stine, Mary A. (Mrs. Harold Rarig). R. D. No. I. Catawissa, Pa. Stout, Leonard E., 514 E. Second Street, Nescopeck, Pa. Trimble. William F., Plymouth Twp. High School, Trucksville, Pa. Turse, Rose M., 10 W. Diamond Avenue, W. Hazleton, Pa. Un§:er, Hannah E. Mrs. William Hanck). Tunkhannock. Pa. Visintainer, Ferdinand F., 18 Main Street, Drums, Pa. Wagner, Phylis B., 132 E. Maple Street. Hazleton. Pa. Walo, Kathryn L. (Mrs. William Wertz), Franklin Gardens. Apt. P-5. Clifton, i X. I. Washeieski. Alfred S., 50 Froble Street, Simpson, Pa. Weikel, Mae, R. D. No. 1, Milton. Pa. Welliver. Cari T., R. D. No. 4, Bloomsburg. Pa. Williams, Oliver S., Box 165. K. D.. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Wilson. Gertrude E. (Mrs. J. Whitbey\ Kis-Lyn, Pa. Yeager, Lillian A. (Mrs. Saiiger), 532 E. Nelson, Alexandria, Va. Yost, Fern B. (Mrs. James WhitebreadI, Rock (Jlen. Pa. Ziegler, Bernard T., 9 Hazleton Street, Ashley. Pa. Zimmerman, Ruth A., 229 E. ^L^rket Street. Sunbury, Pa. CLASS OF 1941 Alastick, Agnes, 39 E. Coal Street, Shenandoah. Pa. Albertson. E. Dorothy (Mrs. Howard B. Wodock, 1802 E. I.irt. Wabash Street, Frank- liid, Aponick, Joseph R., \S E. Poplar Street, West Xanticoke, Pa. Arcus, Mas, 14M West Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Baumunk. Avonell A. (Mrs. Williams). Box 136, Lemont, Pa. Beilbartz, Eda Bessie (Mrs. Stuart Edwards), Hemlock Avenue, Kane, Pa. Benninger, Edith R. (Mrs. Karl Balliet). Bedford, Virginia Blizzard, Marie M., R. D. No. 4, Danville. Pa. Bonham, Daniel H., 99 Slocum Street, Forty Fort, Pa. Breslin, Sara A., 38 Main Street. Lattimer, Pa. Bretz, Mary L. (Mrs. Shughart). 113 N. Carsisle Street, New Bloomfield, Pa. Brittingham, C. Grant, Huntington Mills. Pa. Brodbeck. Ruth E., 414 Robinson Street. Pitcairn, Pa. Brunstetter, Mary M. (Mrs. Harman). 441 E. Main Street. Catawissa, Pa. Buchanan, Valaire K. l^irs. Francis Brown). 2'OS Cleveland Avenue, West Lawn Casari, Mrs. Agnes Pinomonti, 2251 Fairview, Detroit. Mich. Crocamo. Ralph C, 48 E. Broad Street. Hazelton, Pa. Crosby. Mary F., Bridge Street. Mahanoy Plane. Pa. Curl. Doris M. i.Mrs. Carl Warhurst). Bloomsburg, Pa. Davis, Mary, S'J E. Vaughn Street, Kingston. Pa. Dean, Virginia M., 1244 W. Coal Street. Shenandoah. Pa. Daily, James. 522 South West End Avenue, Lancaster. Pa. Diehl, Irene J. (Mrs. W. A. Konraii). 210 Hawthorn Avenue, Springfield, N. J. Dixon. Helen K. (Mrs. Edward Karnes. Ir.) Box 2. Benton. Pa. Dobb. Edward, K. D. No. 1, Elvsburg. Pa, Driscoll, Mary L. (Mrs. Robert Chaapel), 863 West Main Street, Plymouth, Pa. Dyke. Jane (Mr--, Willard P. Jackson). Box 445. Honey Brook, Pa. Edwards. C. Stuart, 34 .S. Tionesta Avenue. Kane, Pa. Edwards. Victoria H., 2*^; West Fourth Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Eshmont, Peter J., 743 Chestnut Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Feinour, Elizabeth M., 483 Arlington Village, Arlington, Va. Fisher, Reber R., 7\G Poplar Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Foote, Richard H., 2926 Pittsburgh Avenue. Fort Wayne, Ind. Foust. Mary Vera. R. D. No. 4. Danville. Pa. Fritz. Gerald D., 366 Vine Street, Berwick, Pa. WA Street, Ashley. Pa. Maple Avenue, Bethesda. Md. CLASS OF 1940 Altland, Sara J. (Mrs. Hausknecht. Rose Mary, 224 Huiittr Street, Woodburn, N. J. Heimbach, Virginia M., 302 Front .Street, Danville, Pa. Herman, Stella M. (Mrs. McCleary), 575 Keekr Street, Wooster, O. Hess, William H., 248 Iron Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Hinds, James F., ^15 Market Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Hinkel, Clayton H., 3i2 (ilen Avenue, Bloomsburg, Pa. Hippensteel, Kenneth J., Battey Commercial School, Rome, Ga. Houck, Earl W., P. O. Box lo4. Berwick, Pa. Houser, Albert W., 115 Walnut Street, I.ewistown, Pa. Jenkins, Thomas H., 24 Hillside .\venue, Plymouth, Pa. Jones. Gladys (.Mrs. Ezra W. Harris), 3(i5 Center Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Jones, Isaac T., 55 High Street. I'ottstowiij Pa. Kanasky, William, 11(> Willow St., Shamokin, l*a. Kelchner, Charles, 3501 Minnesota Ave., S. E., Washington, D. C. Keller, Edna E. (Mrs. Roy McBride, Jr), 322 Cooper Street, Nescopeck, Pa. Kiefer, Lawrence J., 500 Osborne Avenue, Morrisville, Pa. Kocher, Frank T., 516-A Elm Road, State College, Pa. Kokitas, Paul B., 14 E. Clay Avenue, W. Hazleton, Pa. Koniecka, Frank, 13 South Devon Avenue, Wayne, Pa. Krieger, Carrie M. (Mrs. Duff Maynard, Jr.), Seaside Hospital, 1 Doden Lane, 2, Sunbury. Pa. 67 Fullmer, Lois E. (Mrs. Metzger), 731 S. Eighth Street, Allentown, Pa. Gillette, Bsirbeu-a E. (Mrs. Benuski), 609 Wilkes-Barre Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 201 Wootiside Avenue, West Lawn. Pa. Greenly, Leon H., P. O. Box 82. Bloomsburg. Pa. Gruver, Lois K. (.Mrs. Oscar Gassert), R. D. Xo. 3, Bloomsburg. Pa. Ha^enbuch, Julia C, Wisconisco, Pottsville, Pa. Hawk, Elizabeth E.. 224 E. Front Street. Milton. Pa. Henrie, Elda M. (Mrs. Frank M. Taylor), Mifflinville, Pa. Heupcke, Willison S., Sugarloaf, Pa. Horn, Charles O., Riiigtown, Pa. Houseknecht, George B., R. D. Xo. 1, Hughesville, Pa. Hudock, Joseph E., 2j2 Union Place, Los Angeles 25, Calif. Hullihan, Vincent T., Locust Gap., Pa. Johnson. Helen L., 70 School St., Galeton, Pa. Keesler, Mary E. (Mrs. Donald Sherwood), Galilee, Pa. Gommer, Thurwald, Kerchusky, WiUiam G., 4'A W. 68th St., Jacksonville, Fla. Kerstetter, Relda, 359 Broad St., Montoursville, Pa. Klotz, Lawrence H., Schnecksville, Pa. Korengo, Anna L., 135 E. Coal St.. Shenandoah, Pa. Lapinski, Jerome G., 1746 \V. Chestnut St., Shamokin, Pa. Lavelle, John E., 1230 Centre St., Ashland, Pa. Leone. Jennie, lol5 S. Rosewood St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Lewis, George R., 309 Lightstreet Road, Bloomsburg, Pa. Lichtel, L. Ward, 136 E. Chestnut St., Shamokin. Pa. Long, F. Lewis, 1101 Orange Street, Berwick, Pa. Malinchock, Joseph J., 224 Spruce Street. Philadelphia 3, Pa. Masteller, Sara B. (Mrs. Howard Tomlinson). ;S4 Carleton Road. WeslieUl. X.J. McGinley, Esther Anne, Jeanesville, Pa. Meiss, Alice M., 537 Broad St., Xescopeck, Pa. Miller, R. Bruce, 623 Mulberry St.. Berwick, Pa. Moss, Jean W.. 300 \V. Ma:n St.. Plymouth. Pa. Murphy, Marian L., 395 Schuyler Ave., Kingston, Pa. Myers, Raymond G., Senior High School, Vork. Pa. Ohl, J. Ruter, 5111 Linwood Street, Royal Oak, :Mich. Olah. Isabella M., 327 Grant St., Berwick, Pa. Oplinger, Catherii.e A. (Mrs. Clark Renninger), 172S X. Rhodes St., Apt. 2-8, (.'olonial \illage, Arlington. \'a. Parsell, O. Marie (Mrs. Thomas Perkins). 233 \V. Commerce St.. Bridgeton, N.J. Pegg, William F., S VV. Park Road. Llanerch. Pa. Pollock, Edythe M., R. D. No. 3, Wyoming, Pa. Powell, Helen F. (Mrs. Thurwald Gommer), 201 Woodside Ave., West Lawn, Pa. Pursel, Maude L. (Mrs. Michael J. Chismar). S7 Brugler Ave., Bloomsburg, Pa. Reager, William M., Box 7S3. Portolis, N. M. Mary F., 105S Mohawk Street, Scranton. Pa. Renninger, Clark R., 1728 X. Rhodes St.. Apt. 278, Colonial Robbins. Charles A., 512 W. Third St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Roberts, Roy, 224 W. Union St., Middletown, Pa. Russin, Jerry S., 139 Maffeti St., Plains, Pa. Saras, Nicholas L., 36 W. Broad St., Hazleton. Pa. Savage, Dorothy J., 204 E. 14th St., Berwick. Pa. Schiefer, Jessie T., 7 S. Fourth St., Steelton. Pa. Schield, Ruth H.. 225 Church St.. Tavlor. Pa. Reilly, \'illage. Schlee. Claraline E., 635 E. Market St.. Danville. Pa. Schneider, Herbert E., 208 Terrace Ave., Anollo. Pa. Schrecongost, Florabelle (Mrs. Herbert E. Schneider). 402 S. Shaifer, Lucretia M., Thalhimer Bros. Store, Richmond, \'a. Arl ngi on. Va. Main St.. DuBois W. (Mrs. George ^L Yoler), 1008 Spruce St., Ashland, Pa. Edward D., State Teachers Colletre. Bloomsburg. Pa. Shay, Ruth L. (Mrs. Richard A. Biery), 409 Hillcrest Drive, Plattsmouth. Sharretts, Xt-b. I'a. port, Circle, Williams- I'a Kokora, Sophie Helen, Main Street, Moconaqua, Pa. Kreiger, Dorothy Eileen, 921 E. Mahonoy Avenue, Mahanoy City. Pa. Lantz, Jean Elizabeth (^Irs. James E. Smith), 317 E. 11th Street. Berwick. Pa. Lash, Margaret McCulla (Mrs.), 144 S. Centre Street, Freeland, Pa. Leiser, George Dayton, R. D. .\o. 1, Watsontown, Pa. Lendosky, Irene Theresa, 103 E. Green Street. W. Hazleton, Pa. Lewis, Jane E., 169 Reynold Street, Plymouth, Pa. Lewis, Walter R., Tlie Woodward School, Washington, D. C. Long, Marian Diana, 680 Wallace Street, Xorthumberland, Pa. Lord, Linda lone, 210 Oak Street. Minersville, Pa. Love, Harriet Anne, Waterville, Pa. Margie, Mary Charlene, (Mrs. J. A. Dean). 33 Concord St.. Jersey City 6, X. J. Matanin, Ludmilla .Mr>. Donald Wintersteen), 319 Coal Street, Port Carbon, Pa. Matthes, Richard O., 1 W. 604th Street. Shanks Village, Orangeburg, N. V. McAloose, Frank Joseph, James Street. Kelayres, Pa. McCracken, Ralph Earl, 200 Randall Circle, Williamsport, Pa. McGonigle, Helen T., 133 Jardin Street. Shenandoah, Pa. Mertz. Jack Lee, 267 Queen Street. Xorthumberland, Pa. Mesh, Adelaide Marion, 198 E. Main Street. Glen Lyon, Pa. Miner, Hobert, 3414 Dectour Street, Philadelphia 36, Pa. Mohr. Walter Heiu-y Ruppert, 48 Green Street. Edwardsvjlle, Pa. Mordan, Mary Jane. 531 Front Street, Northumberland, Pa. Nelson. David, 120 S. Laurel Street, Hazleton, Pa. Noel, George P., Natalie, Pa. Noll, Jearme Lucille (Mrs. Ralph Zimmerman), Box 42, Quarry ville. Pa. Nonnemacher, Richard C, 442 Liberty Street, Allentown. Pa. Olshefski, Joseph Anthony, 34S W. Second Street, Carmel, Pa. Osman, Harriet Dawn (Mrs. Robert Trewella). 134 Booream Ave., Milltown, N.J. Pape, James Daniel, 'il5 Seyliert Street, Hazleton, Pa. Pino, Dominic Robert, 945 W. Diamond Avenue. Hazleton, Pa. Podwika. Peter George, 171 Second Street, Wyoming, Pa. Raby. Gladys Elaine, 39V2 E. Main Street. Ephrata. Pa. Repella, Lydia B., 558 Sunbury Street, Minersville. Pa. Rhinard. Josephine M., 413 Pine Street. Berwick. Pa. Rhys, Ruth Janet, 374 Chestnut Street, Warrior Run. Pa. Rishel, Roy Lee, 103 Ferry Street, Danville. Pa. Ruck, Katherine Louise, 767 Park Avenue. Bound Brook, N. J. I 1. Turbotville. Pa. Seaman, Louise E. (Mrs. John Thomas), Schuylkill Avenue, Hamburg, Pa. Sears. Doris L., (Mrs. James Pheasant), R. D. No. 2. Box 428. Shamokin, Pa. Selecky, H. Dorothy, Wapwallopen, Pa. Sharpless, Mary Jane (Mrs. Arnold Wagner), Box 346. Bloomsburg, Pa. Shipe, Idajane (Mrs. Joseph Madl). Apt. 12-B. College Park Apts., Camp Hill Shianta, John Anthony, 10 Sheridan Square, N. V. Sincavage. Alberta (Mrs. Maurice Procopio), 836 Scott Street, Kulpmont, Pa. Sirrocco, M. Claire, 322 W. Race Street, Pottsville. Pa. Slopey, Lois E. ^Ir^. Gilson W. Davis), 1326 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia Smith, William Elmer, 327 E. Leay Avenue, Springfield. Pa. ( Sloboski, Marie P., fA S. Main Street. Ashlev, Pa. Sweigart, Mary B. (Mrs. Clair A. Miller), 1141 High WilHamsport. Pa. Telford Lane. Bethlehem Street. Swinesburg, Arlene A. (Mrs. Edwarrt Andrews), 1234 Sworin, Joseph, 922 Throop Street. Dunmore. Pa. Thomas, Dorothy J., 86 Hanover Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Tomlinson, Howard, 784 Carleton Road, Westtield, X. T. West, M. Rebecca, R. D. Xo. 1, Danville. Pa. White, Marqucen V., 255 East 14th Street, Berwick. Pa. Willard, George D., 107 Ferry Street, Danville. Pa. Williams, Howard T., 149 S. Rebecca Avenue, Scrantnri, Pa. Williams, Mantana S., 222 Chestnut Street, Slatington, Pa. Worman, Samuel Frederick, 24 Bloom Street, Dansville. Pa. Young, John D., .South Thircl Street, Catawissa, Pa. Young, Marjorie C. (Mrs. F. C. Broderick), 508 Washington Avenue, Manva. H.ivt-rluwn, I\i. Zuchoski, Michalene A.. 40 Sobieski Street. Peely. Wilkes-Barre. Pa. CLASS OF 1942 Austin, Anna Frances, 319 Bennett Street, Luzerne. Pa. Bartha. Edith Esther, 616 East 14th Street, Chester. Pa. Beaver, Elwood Harland, 351 Main Street, Catawissa, Pa. Behr, Edith Margaret, Lfipez, Pa. Betz, John W., Danville. Pa. Bitting, Geraldine Elinor, 29 Avenue B., Claymont. Del. Blaine, Bemice E. (Mrs. Hurley C. Stout Jr.), 228 E. Eighth St.. Berwi Bonenberger, Laura, Barnesville, Pa. Booth, William E., Montour House, Danville, Pa. Bomeman, Robert Urffer, Sarratoga, Pa. Bott. Rose Eliza£>eth, Main Street. Xuremberg, Pa. Brochyus, Howard, R. D. X'o. 2, Bloomsburg. Pa. Carlin, John Patrick Francis, 2015 Spring Garden Street, Phila., Pa. Carr. Edward Banta, 412 Charles Street, Luzerne. Pa. Carroll, Helen Anne, 341 Oak Street, Mount Carmel, Pa. Chandler. Herbert Raymond, Jr., 89 Pond Street. Xahant, Mass. Chelosky, Dorothy A. Mrs. Leonard Janoski), 247 Lynwood Ave.. k. Pa. Snyder, C. David, S. Second Street. Catawissa, T^a. Snyder. Helen Ruth Frances, 442 E. Third Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Solack. Edward D.. 553 Blackman Street, Wilkes.- Harre, Pa. Stiles. Aleta Phyllis (Mrs. Xevin L. Ehrhart). R. D. No. 3, Red Lion. Pa. Straub, Barbara Jane (Mrs. Stuart Hartman), 200 W. Market St., Danville, Pa. Straub, Frank Stuart, 1001 E. Front Street. Berwick. Pa. Taylor, Dora K. (Mrs. W. E. Smith). 327 E. Lenmy Avenue, Snringfield. Pa. Thomas, Francis Paul, 1983 Everitt St.. Valley Stream. L.T., N.V. Thomas, Grace Jean. 1210 Cambridge Court. Ann Arbor, Mich. Traub, Florence A. (Mrs. Matyas). 578 Main Road. Hanover (^reen, WilkesBarre, Pa. Trethaway, Harold Paul, 1034 Scott Street, Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Twardzik, Eleanor Marie (Mrs. Henry T. Zale), 600 E. Centre Street. Shenandoah, Pa. Valente, Frank Francis, 599 Carson Street, Hazleton, Pa. Vanderslice, Josephine Kistler, 34 W. Eighth Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Vemoy, Collin, Ciiiadensis, Pa. Wanich, William Powell, Lightstreet, Pa. Watkins, Robert W., Xtimidia, Pa. Webb. Robert J., Pine Grove. R. D. No. 2. Pa. Whitby. Mary Ellen (Mrs. Walter Mohr), 48 Green Street, Edwardsville, Pa. Wolfgang, Erma M. (Mrs. John Latshaw). 518 N. First Street, Shamokin, Pa. Yarowsky. Rachel M., 1967 W. Market Street, Pottsville, Pa. Yocum. Josephine, K. D. No. 3. Danville. Pa. Yorks, Stewart C, S Lohman Street, Trucksville. Pa. Young, David Marion, 201 Ash Street. Danville, Pa. Zehner, Edna M. (Mrs. W. Pietruszak), 1604 Orange Street, Berwick. Pa. Zeigler, J. Corrine. Herndon, Pa. Zimmerman, Ralph Hartman, Box 42, Qnarryville. Pa. CLASS OF 1943 ."s ( I'a. Cbiiek, Stella Clare, 208 Second Avenue. Lyndalia. W^ilmington, Del. Cole. Carolyn Catherine (Mrs. Willard Fritz). Benton. Pa. Conrad. Wilfred Harold. R, D. Xo. 2. Benton. Pa. Curtis. Esther Lillian, *J17 Marcy Avenue, Duryea. Pa. Davenport, Mary Adeline (Mrs. Frank Sliope. Jr.), 429 E. Fifth St.. Berw :k. Pa Davies, James William, 526 Wyoming Avenue. West Pitt'-ton, Pa. Davis, Albert R., Jr., Tilbury Terrace, West Nanticoke, Pa. Dean. Dorothy. Washingtonville, Pa. Deitrich, Merrill Arthur, 243 Mary Avenue. Bloomsburg. Pa. Deitrich, Cnadace Lila (Mrs. Roy A. Hern), Lenhartsville, Pa. Disbrow, Viola Worden, 30 Orchard Place. Forty Fort. Pa. Ellsworth, Joseph Arvin, Meshopnen, Pn. Eltringham, Jemima, 343 S. Vine Street. Mt. Carmel, Pa. Eroh, Margaret Mae. 821 E. Third Street. Nescooeck, Pa. Evans. Ann J., 328 South Main Street. Taylor. Pa. Feincold, Sylvia B. (Mrs. Sheiman). 292 Union Avenue. Williamsport, P, Franklin, D. Pauline, Cambra. Pa. Griffith. Georee James, 132 Center Street. Trov, Pa. Guild. Doris M. 'Mrs. W. E. Chamberlain). 70 Petrey Stret-t. Waverly N. v. Hardysh, Alexander, 223 E. Center Street, Mount Carmel. Pa. Hartman, Stuart L., Avenue H.. Riverside, Pa. Hastie, Roberta Louise, Brook Haven. CThester, Pa. . 68 Klinger, Paul A., Jr., 510 Chestnut Street, Berwick. Pa. Klingerman, Helen Jean (Mrs. Ralph McCracken), 200 Randall Schuyler. Stanley T., R. D. No. Shank, Helen Brtrre. Heydenreich, Myrtle Evelyn, R. D. Xo. Turbotville, Pa. Hindmarch, Bertha A.. 49 .\. Hickory Street, Mt. Carmel. Pa. Hoagland. Elizabeth Edna iMrs. Edward Dobb), 3i7 Hepburn Street, Milton. Pa. Honicker, Bernice Elizabeth, 148 X'. Nicholas Street, St. Clair, Pa. Hoover, Dale Wesley, Dahnatia, Pa. James Ruth A. (.Mr^. Francis Thomas), 1983 Everitt Street, Valley Stream, 1.1.. X.V. Johnson. Robert Lee, 430 W. King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Jones, Margaret Maire, (Mrs. Glenn R. Letterman), 523 E. Gibson Street, Althoff, Eleanor (.Mr-. J. G. Lapinski). 8525 Philadelphia Road, Baltimore 6. MH. Apple, John M., 113 X'orth Street. "Reiser. Pa. Bartha, Elizabeth Julia (Mrs. Dominick J. Nunziato), 1391 West Sixth Street. Hrc.nklvn. X. V. Barton, WUIiam H., R. D. Xo. 1. Bloomsburg, Pa. Beaumont, Lee Roy, 7717 Q. M. School Ctr.. A.P.O. 175 c/o Postmaster. X. Y. Berninger, Carl, R. D. X'o. 2. Catawissa. Pa. Bomboy, Charles H., 744 Market Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Buck, Anna M.. 2 Buckingham, Boyd, Campbell, W. Independence (X>S S. Mary Katherine St.. Shamokin. Pa. W'ilbur Ave.. Sayre, Pa. (Mrs. Charles Lynch, 355 West Fourth St., Blooms- bun;. Pa, Coombs. Marjorie Ruth (Mrs. Deets\ River Street. Wapwallopen. Pa. Culp, Hannah, R, I). Xo. 2, Dallas. Pa. Carl E., Third Street, Benton. Pa. Dixon. Helen A., (\ilumbia Park. Landover. Md. Donn, Leo Alexander John, 73 Second Avenue. Kingston, Pa. Eastman, Sara Jean, 460 West Main -Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Ebright. Ruth Arline. ^^32 Wash-ngton .Street. MitTlintown. Pa. Evans. Marv Jane, 125 Ea68 West Front Street. Berwick. I'a. Farr, Mrs. Lois Williams, I^ake Ariel. Pa. Faust. Florence E. (Mr-. I*. R. Yeany), 928 Butler Avenue. .Ambler, Pa. Free, Mrs. Sara Smull, 310 Church Street, Danville. Pa. Fuller, Bette Seybert, Beach Haven. Pa. Gaugler, Sara E., Port Trevorton. Pa. Good, Eda A., IS .Mnntgnmery Street. .Montgomery, Pa. Grohal, Veronica B.. -414 Winter^ A\ enue. West Hazleton, Pa. Hackenberger, Mary Jesse, Mifflint E. Green Street, West Hazleton, Pa. Oyer, Helen Anna, 426 North Sixth Street, Allentown, Pa. Parangosky, Helen Jane, 319 W. Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Patterson. Effie (Mr-. Leslie B. Gore), 1926 Washington Street, Allentown, Pa. Pope, Nelena Pauline (Mr^.. Swank), 811 E. Market Street, Danville, Pa. Propst, Jessie E. (Mrs. Ltunani Wearne). 314 South Main Street. Archbald, Pa. Roberts Ida Virginia, Middletown Road, Gradyville, Pa. Anne Theresa, 17'.i K. Oneida, Preston, Ida. Schargo. Ella Rebecca (Mrs. Zinzaretta). 532 First Avenue. Parkersburg, Pa. Schrader, Jean Emma, 115 N. Eighth Street, Shamokin, Pa. Scott, Mary Louise Mrs. Robert C. Bayless. 712 E. I'utnam Drive. Whittier, Sabol, ( Calit. Shank, Janet M. (Mrs. C. P. McLaughlin), R. D. No. 2, Bloomsburg, Pa. Sharretts, Marjorie G. (Mrs. Leon Grant), 7303 Dunlawn Court, Dundalk, Baltimore 22, .Sid. Anna Shortess, Louise, 130 East 61st Street, New ^'ork. N. Y. Carmel Angela, Hop Bottom, Pa. Smith, Elizabeth Mary, Hotel Middendorf, Wyalusing, Pa. Spaid, Joanne Louise (Mrs. William Simmgtonl. 517 Market St., Miflflinburg, Pa. Trapani, Samuel Joseph, 34 South 14th Street, Easton, Pa. Vought, Lucinda K., Numidia. Pa. Williams. Stella M. (Mrs. James Fulton), L'nionville Road. Farmington, Conn. Yocum, Carrie L (.Mrs. Sheeltz). 117 Apple Street. Milton. Pa. Sirianni, Zinzarella, Julian Albert, 532 First .\venue. I'arkersburg. Pa. CLASS OF 1945 Mrs. Carrie Johnston, 309 Ftvry Street, Danville. Pa. Berlew. Nancy E. .Mrs. Borge Lyhne I, 914 S. (Juaker Lane, Elm wood, Conn. Bitetti, Elvira Ann, 936 (_"enter Street, Freeland, Pa. Burnham, Betty Anne, 5703 Charles Street. Philadelphia. Pa. DeVitis, Mary, (> Lantoga Road, Wayne, Pa. Balliet, ( Doney. Evelyn May, 127 S. Market Street. Shamokin, Pa. Downing, Marjorie Grace, R. D. No. 2, Shickshinny, Pa. Duck, Martha J2me (.Mrs. Seymour Kantrowitz). 7117 Boyer St.. Phila.. 19, Pa. Street. Nanttcoke. Pa. 425 Iron Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Flaherty. Mary Ellen, 315 W. Fifth Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Flail, Elsie Gladys, 111 Haven Street. Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Foust, Frances Jean. Bloom Road. R. D. No. 4, Danville, Pa. Frosini. Enso Robert, E. Brady. W. Wyoming, Pa. Furman, Mary Elizabeth, R. D. No. 1, Northumberland. Pa. George, Evelyn D., (x?2 Front Street. Danville, Pa. Dziu*is. Mildred. 410 E. Church Fenstemaker, Mary L. (Mrs. JLarry John), M Guama, Flora Catherine (Mrs. Albert W. Crocker), 24 Lon Steele Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Superkio, Arlene Norma, Box 63, Sennett, N. Y. Vanchieri, Grace M.. 411 Scott Street, Wilkes. -Barre, Pa. Wagner, Mary Carolyn (Mrs. Hoffman). Market Street, Wasliingtonville, Pa. Weiliver, Julia Alberta (Mrs. Charles Driskell), 314 Fair Street. Bloomsburg Wintersteen. Lois Lucilla. Bloom Road. Dai^ville, Pa. Zehner. Betty Louise (.Mrs. Dietrick). 4830 A Street. Phila. 20. Pa. CLASS OF 1946 Brown. Dora Main Street. Dover. Pa. 829 Hudson .Street. Forest City, Pa. Buckingham. Reed. 31(> N. Idth .Street. Allentown. Pa. Cameron, Harrison J., 823 Susquehanna Avenue. Berwick. Pa. Cerchiaio, Rose Marie (Mrs. Paul Cossman), 803 Centre Street, Chunk. Pa. Comuntzis, Athamantia, 403 Lightstreet Road. Bloomsbure. Pa. Graveling Marian J.. 225 W. First Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Bucinell. V., 44 S. Anna Barbara, East Mauch Deleski, Edwin J., Laurens. X. Y. Dickinson, Doris Jean, 63 Rogers Avenue, Manasquan, N. J. Dushanko, Stephen, Harleigh, Pa. Ertel, Elizabeth R.. 825 W. Third Street. Williamsport. Pa. Falvey, Eileen L., 5i' NLiier Street. Belleville. N. T. Felton. Ralph D.. R. D. No. 1, White Haven. Pa. Fichter, Lorraine G., 719 N. Locust Street. Hazleton. Pa. Foley. James Earl. 80.59 Rowland Avenue. Phila. i6. Pa. Gabuzda, Bemice R., 3310 N. 15th Street. Philadelphia 40. Pa. Gatski. Henry J.. 513 We-t Third Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Gehman, Isabel A. (Mrs. William L Davis). 215 N. State Street, Ephrata. Pa. Good. Lola E. (Mr>. Elmer R. Miller). Delta. Pa. Guis, Lillian H., 18.10 Com. Avenue, N. W.. Washington 9, D. C. Hess, Kathleen A., 5.^0 Hickory Street. Hollidaysburg. Pa. Hmelmicky, John J., Christian Brothers College. Memphis. Tenn. Hotz, Stephen M., 20 North Street. Hudson. Pa. Hunter. Alda Romaine (Mrs. Richards). Box 42. Hunlock Creek, Pa. Husovsky, Vincent F., 239 Kossack Street. Swoyerville. Pa. Kane. Margaret M. (.Mrs. Burke). 1261 W. Coal Street. .Shenandoah. Pa. Keeler. Hazel E. (Mrs. Brooks), ?02 .\. Main Street. Bel Air. Md. Kehler, Wanda Marion, Fountain SprinErs, Ashland. Pa. Kinc. Virginia C. (Mrs. Marchakitus). Box 208. R. D. No. 3. Dallas. Pa. Kocher. Dorothy L. (Mrs. Billie Puph). 107 Mercer Street. Newtown. Pa. Kramer. Nellie, 549 Foote .\venue, Duryea, Pa. 69 Marie L. uMrs. Youngi, (Ol'/i Halloway Street. Durham, X. C. Kurilla, Kathleen N., 100 \V. Girard Street, Atlas, Pa. Longo. Mary E. (Mrs. Paschal P. Practico), 1684 Nan L ranken Avenue. Schenectaiiv. S. N. V. ,_ txi Lorah, Mary Ann, 713 Madison Avenue, Ehzabeth, X. J. Krum • Ludwig, Beatrice F., Millville, Pa. McDonnell, Marie C, 30O East Park Street, Centralia, Pa. Miles, Norine G., il North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Mindler, Barbara M.. R. D. Xo. 1 Coopersburg, Pa. Pappas, Anastasia, 1J4 W. Mahoning Street, Danville, Pa. Parscll, Audrey Althea, Pine Street, Orangeville, Pa. Payne, Edith, li'H Market Street. Ashland, Pa. Rabb, Donald D., Mill Street, Benton, Fa. Rhodes, Ora Jane. Route 3, Catawissa, Pa. Romberger, Mrs. Winifred K., Berrjsburg, Pa. Schrader, Phyllis M., 127 X. Fourth Street, Lewisburg. Pa. Schroeder, Mary M., 252 West Wilkes-Barre Street. Easton, Pa. Allentown, Pa. Sevbert M. Lenore I.Mrs. Reed Buckingham), 316 N. 15th Street, Catawissa, Pa. Shaffer, Jacqueline J. cMrs. Charles \V. Creasy Jr.). R. D. No. 1 Sheridan, Catherine, D., 441 W. Main Street, Girardville. Pa Shultz Mrs. Betty Hess, 306 Glenn Avenue, Bloomsburg, Pa. Shultz. Janet R., 122; Foulkrod Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smith, Betty J. I.Mrs. Linnl, 138 Pine Street. Catawissa. Pa. Hamburg, Pa. Stitzel, Martha J. (Mrs. Schappelll, 321 Arch Street, Stover. E. Marjorie, 137 X. Broad Street. Lancaster, Pa. Columbia, South America Bogato, Co., Petroleum Te.xas c o Tremato, Ralph A., Utt R Lorraine, 709 X. 12th Street, Allentown, Pa. Pa Carmel, Street, Mt. Vine 237 S. Wagner, Charles L., ,.,.,.,- ,. Wanich. Mark C, Jr., 88 Morning Side Drive, Apt. 9;A, New \ork ,, N \. Turbotville, >a. No. Tr.l, R. D. 1, Owens, Weller, Violet L. (.Mrs. Ralph Welliver, Robert A., 734 Turner Street. Allentown. Pa. ^ ., , j ^ WUIiams, S. Anne (Mrs. Baaron B. Pittingerl, 18 Warner St.. Hartford. Conn. Witman, Evelyn I. Mrs. Hugh Mooncyl. ShartlesviUe, Pa. Yearick, Mary M., K. I). Xo. 1, Sehnsgrove, Pa. Zerby, Mrs. Ida Wilkinson, Hemdon, Pa. I CLASS OF 1947 Adams, Betty E. (Mrs. Bredbenner), R. D.. Dalmatia, Pa. Angelo, Dominick J., Lower Street. Pardeesville. Pa. Baum, Koch, Clement George, 129 Chittenden Avenue. Columbus 1, Ohio Kohn, Lewis Alfred, 41 Carey Ave.. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Kraiser, Rose Marie Mrs. Schieber). Box 174. Horsham. Pa. ( 82 McLear Street, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. „ 1830 Conn Avenue, X. W.. \\ ashmgtoii 9, Clair Addison, 11512 Grandview Avenue, \\ heaton. Md. Barchock. Joseph Barth, Leah J., Wanda, Kriss. ^ C. D. ,, Bynoth Robert, 1821 Belmont Road, X. \\ ., W ashington, D. C. Brady, Eugene M., Jr., 279 W. Center Street, Johnsonburg. Pa. Brosius, Marlin Edgar, Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pa. Bruner, John H. lOo E. Fifth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. , Bunge, Robert L., Shahls Trailer Camp, R. 15 at 7th Street, Lewisburg, Pa. Chubb, Marian Edith (Mrs. Kline), R. D. Xo. 1, Milan, Pa. Clemens, Mrs. Martha Hergert, P. O. Box 244, Washington, N. J. Conbeer George P.. 94.^ W". Independence Street. Shamokin. Pa. Ciajkowski, Theodore Paul, 42 Lee Park Avenue, WilkesBarre, Pa. Davis, Mrs. Apichell, (18 Grnat Street, Hazleton. Pa. Davis, Mrs. Florence Logar, 309 S. Market Street, Muncy, Pa. DeVizia. Delores Katherine, 87 Mam Street. Enghshtown, N. J. Doster. Lawrence, 4o Yates Street, Forty Fort Pa. d Pa. Egiiie, Pauline (.Mrs. Robert McCaffrey), 32; W. Third Street, Berwick, Eshleman, Dawn Forrester, 203 E. Sixth Street. Berwick, Pa. Fling, Edith Thackara, 118 St. Louis Avenue, Egg Harbor, X. J. Gilbert, M. Jean, bl5 North Locust Street, Hazleton, Pa. Gillis, Gloria M., 93 Chittenden Street, Duryea. Pa. Brockway, Pa. Gillung, George, 722 Broad Street Grow, Thomas P. 19 Main Street, Ringtown. Pa. Harmony, Charles, 2626 Helen Street, Allentown. Pa Hartman, Robert, 122 Buttonwood Street. Reading. Pa. , „ Berwick, fa. Hirt, Evelyn Jane (Mrs. Ralph Brosious). 425 E. Fourth Street, Hollis, Edward John, P. O. Box No. 2, Drifton, Pa. Homberger, Dorothy M., R. D. Xo. 1. Elysburg, Pa. Horvath, William E., 43 Xorth Street, Slatington, Pa. Hummel, WUIiam W., Espy, Pa. Joy, Robert D., 1202 Skipworth Road, Richmond 21, \ a. Jurasik, Theodore E., 8531 123rd Street, Richmond Hill, L.L, X.\ Karnes, Donald Maurice, Lamar. Colorado Kashuba, Matthias F., R. D. Xo. 1. Benton. Pa. . ,_ , . 4, , Pa. Krauss, Sara Lillian, 463 E. Third Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Kravitski, Bertha V., Box 39, Drums. Pa. Kritzberger. Walter Mumie, 234 Cooper Street. Luzerne. Pa. Kucharski. Dorothy K., 266 Harland Street, Exeter, Pa. Lauderman, H. Paul, 778 McXair Street, Hazleton, Pa. Luchi. Margaret Helen, Conyngham. Pa. Lyons, Joseph Francis, i2 Spruce Street. W ilkes.Barre, Pa. Martin, Robert Phillips, R. D. Xo. 1. Trucksville. Pa. McHenry, Nancy Jane, Stillwater, Pa. „ r> v , c t t. Mylet. Frances C. iMrv. .\nthony Kopuschimsky I, R. D. No. 1, Sugarloaf, Pa. Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. 390 East B., Alberta Naunas, Novelli, Frank J.. 35 Italy Street, Mocanaqua. Pa. likes Barre, Pa. Nygren. Mrs. Ruey Kenworthy, R. D. No. 1. Box 385. Pressler, Frederick, 109 Walnut Street. Berwick. Pa. Bloomsburg. Pa. 4. D. Xo. Ruth L.. R. Reichard. Rhodes. Harriet W. (Mrs. James HantjisI, 414 leflferson Street. Bloomsburg. PaRowlands. Paul. I.'y2 Wooster Road. Rocky River 16, Ohio Rowlands. Richard Warren, 203 Greenwich Street. Reading, Pa. Savelli, Lado Joseph, 20 Hemlock Street, SwoyerviUe. Pa. Shaffer, David L., K. D. Xo. 4. Bloomsburg. Pa. Shopinski. Marie Antoinette, 329 S. Poplar Street, Mount Carmel. Pa. Skow. Clifton Samuel. 142 W. Main Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Slegeski. John Michael, 732 Walnut Street. Freeland. Pa. Smith. George. 443 Market Street. Millersburg. Pa. Smith, Joyce Louise (Mrs. Henry .\. George). Sugarloaf, Pa. Stimmel, James Ritenour, 514 Mulberry Street. Scottdale, Pa. Swisher, Harold W., 112 Front Street. Lititz, Pa. Thomas, John Warren, Schuylkill Avenue Hamburg, Pa. Van Sant, Feme E. (Mrs. John Whitby. Main Street, Xumidia, Fa. Vershinski. Thomas Edward, 249 Poplar Street. Mt. Carmel, Pa. Warrington. Robert, 4 Walnut Street. Danville. Pa. Washvilla, Vincent F., 222 State Street. Trenton. X. J. Whitby. John P.. 48 Green Street. Edwardsville, Pa. Wright. Helen May, 58 East Fifth Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Yeager, Irvin R.. R. D. No. 3, Trundle Road, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Zavacky. Harrv. .^28 Main Street. Simpson. Pa. Zerbv, John Richard, Star Route. Dalmatia, Pa. Zoncflo, Louise Anna, 403 Bear Creek Road. Dupont. Pa. i W CLASS OF 1948 Ansbach. Mrs. Rose Poncheri, Nuremberg. Pa. Baker. Paul Newton. Jr., 426 King Street, Pottstown. Pa. 70 Henry Stanley, R. D. No. 1. Bedford, Pa. 35 Broadway. Xanticoke, Pa. S. \'ine St.. Mount Carmel, Pa. Krzywicki, Stanley Charles, Bird. Keiser, Shirley J., lo31 Capouse .\venue, Scranton, Pa. Kerr, Mrs. Emily Baum, 3918 Spruce Street, Philadelphia Klinger, Mae E., K. D.. Lykens, Pa. Beers, Mrs. Leonore Hart, 538 Carey, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Bickert, Loie Catherine, 419 X. Third Street, Catawissa. Pa. Boyer, Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Baldy, U. S. Army Hospital, Ft. Ord, Calif. Brace, Marjorie Edith, Hunlack"s Creek, Pa. Bradley, Mary Eileen, Marcus Hook School, Marcus Hook, Pa. Broadt, J. Rosarma (-Mrs. Wayne Creasy), 385 Lightstreet Rd., Bloomsburg, Pa. Chesney, Joseph John, 408 E. 19th St., Chester, Pa. Clark, Mary Ellen, K. D. Xo. 2, Dallas, Pa. Clemens, Harold Owen, P. O. Box 244, Washington, N. J. Condor, Doris Marie, bl9 X. Wyoming St., Hazleton, Pa. Crawford, Henry E., R. D. Xo. 4, Bloomsburg, Pa. Cumberland, Mrs. Anna Doberstein, Hunlock's Creek. Pa. Dalberg, Elroy F., 339 Park St., Beaver, Pa, Davis, John S., .^9 E. \'aughn St., Kingston, Pa. DeBell, Frederick Jay, Dr., 329 Iron St.. Bloomsburg. Pa. Ditty. Pauline Hazel, R. D. No. 3, Box 682, Shamokin, Pa. Dormer, James John, 506 Preston Lane, Hatboro, Pa. Edwards. Blodwen Phillips, 27 North Welles Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Evancho, Nancy '-Mr>- Robert E. Seltzer), 230 Pine Street, Catasauqua, Pa. Fisher, Betty Lou, Hox 134, Bloomsburg, Pa. Friday, Estella Oneida, (Mrs. Harold Griffith), Box 047, Edwards Air Force Ba~i:, -Munwc. (-alilornia Furman, Jack Crmsby, Box 471, Wyalusing, Pa. Gass, Joyce Elizabeth (Mrs. Barnhart), Bloom Road, Danville, Pa. Gerlak, Anastacia Rose, 301 Wyoming Avenue, Dupont, Pa. Gilbcxly, Janet Eleanor (Mrs. James Murray), MacClellan & X. Main Sts-. C.inihridt'e Springs, Pa. Gillung, Jack Arthur, 773 Broad Street. Brockway. Pa. Good, June Rose, 27 S. Turbot Aevnue, Milton. Pa. Greenly. Barbara Jean (Mrs. Strawn). 153 E. Main Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Guy, John Francis, K^ E. .\venue. McGrow. X. Y. Haines, Eleanor Elizabeth, 284 .\cademy Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Hathaway, Martha Alice, 207 Grand Street. Danville, Pa. Henrie, Gilbert, 'Jin Poplar Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Hosier, Mrs. Doris G. Keller, 16 X. Prince Street. Millersville, Pa. John, Harry Grover, Jr., 425 Iron Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Kulik, Henry Andrew, 145 Laskowski. Theodore. K. D. No. 1. Truckville. Pa. Lehet. Elizabeth. Box 151. Hallstead. Pa. Lewis, Peggy Ann, 133 Fourth .\ve., Phoenixville, Pa. Lewis. Thomas William, 671 Queen Street, Northumberland, Pa. Lipski, Ellen .Moore (>Irs-l 143 Meyers Street. Edwardsville, Pa. Llewellyn, Robert Morgan, P. O. Box 3. Xew Miliord. Pa. Longo, John Aloysius, Centre St.. Sheppton. Pa. Luckenbilt, Robert John, 966 Walnut St.. Freeland, Pa. Ludwig. Millard Calvin, Center St.. Millville, Pa. Magill, John Foster, Jr., Blain, Pa. Mainiero, Floria Carmella (NIrs. Bill). Box 14. Harrington, Delaware Master, Howard Herbert, .Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pa. Menarick. George Edward, 73 Mason St.. E-xeter, Pa. Miller. Harold LeRoy. 32 LTierry St.. Danville, Pa. Mitten. Dorothy Jean, Box 2&3, Elkland. Pa. Molinaro. Frank Louis, 84 Dawson .\ve., Boonlon, N. J. Monaghan. Anna Elizabeth, Byrnesville. Centralia, Pa. Moser, Mary Amelia (.Mrs. Harry Reitzi, c/o Ralph Moser, Shumans, Pa. Moser, Mrs Ruth Kramm. McEwensville. Pa. Moss, Irene Alverctta, 79 .\cademy St., Wilkes-Barre Pa. Moyer, Olive Marsaret, 224 E. Third Street. Williamsport, Pa. Niles, Jane Mae, K 1). No. 3, Wellsboro, Pa. Northup, Anne Fuller, R. D. No. 2. Dalton. Pa. Novak. Clem Edward, 25 E. Ridge St., Xanticoke. Pa. Novak, June Valera (Mrs. Bones), Box 88. Westover. Pa. O'Donnell, Clare Marie, 502 S. Tamaqua St., Mc.\doo. Pa. Ollendick, Anna Kathryn, 3 Front St., Clarks Summit, Pa. Omer, William Stuart, 528 E. Third Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Patrick. Matilda. Leona, 303 Penn .\ve.. Dupont. Pa. Patterson, Clayton Duval, Jr., 442 W. Third St.. Xescopeck. Pa. Penman. Mabel Gertrude. 113 Cricket .\ve.. Ardmore, Pa. Phillips, Harry Albert, Dcrnsife, Pa. Pleviak, Samuel John, 110 Honesdale Road. Carbondale. Pa. Radai. Theodore Joseph, 14 N. Broad St., West Hazleton, Pa. Ramage, Gladys Eleanor, 181 Rock St., Pittston. Pa. Reichart, Charlotte Romaine (Mrs. Richard Sharpless), 188 Spring -\ve., Bellevue. Pirtshurgh 2. I'a. Reinert, Harold William, 112 Main St.. Watsontown, Pa. Reitz. Harry Elwood. Jr., c o Ralph Moser. Shumans. Pa. Remetz. Michael John. 357 Slocum .St.. SwoyerviUe, Pa. Remley. Reginald Sherman, 27'j Wyoming St., Tunkhannock, Pa. Rickmers, Albert Donald, Ellicottville. New York Rishe, Donald Nelson. '>29 Catherine St.. Bloomsburg, Pa. Rittmiller. Lawrence Arthur, Market St.. Middleburg, Pa. Rooney, James Patrick, 352 E. Chandler St.. Philadelphia II, Pa. Rush. Mary Elizabeth. Box 146. Nicholson. Pa. Schlieder. Donald Alvin, W. Locust St.. Oxford. Pa. Schnure. Mary Augusta, R. D. Xo. 2, Milton, Pa. Schram, Robert Francis, 934 Buchanan St.. .-Xrlington. Va. Seltzer, Ralph Eugene, 230 Pone Street. Catasaqua. Pa. Shellenberger, Fern Naomi (Mrs. Robert Baker). 252 E. Fifth Street, Bloomsburg. Pa, Stasko, Georee, l(l7 N. Franklin Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Smith, Mrs. Marion Ruth Hart, 51 N. Third Street, Lewisburg, Pa. Sturman, Bertha May, 42 .'^locum -Avenue. Tunkhannock, Pa. Tiemey, James Gerard, 734' j Newark Street, W. Palm Beach, Florid? Tracly, Nadine E., K. D. No. 2, Hanover. Pa. Troutman, Anna May, 122 Independence Street. Selinsgrove, Pa. Troutman, William Miller, 37 State Street. Middletown, Pa. Walaconis, Michael, Rini^town. Pa. Weame, Leonard Ruth. 314 Main Street. Archbald. Pa. Whitebread, Mrs. Helen Smith, Slocum Street, Wapwallopen, Pa. Williams, Elaine, .^\ Price Street, Kingston. Pa. Wilson. Marion Estella, Kis-Lyn, Pa. Yerger. Robert Leon. -Mt. Pleasant Mills. Pa. CLASS OF 1949 Adamonis, Joseph Anthony, 55 Thi>tle Street, Pittston, Pa. Albfmo, Angelo Maurice, Hawthorne, N. J. Edwin Morris. R. D. No. Andreas, Mrs. Elizabeth Maroney, Allegar. 1. Stillwater, Pa. SlitFlinville, Pa. Anella, Betty Jane, .535 W. 29th Street. Hazleton, Pa. Baird, Ralph W., 429 Hastings Street. Williamsport, Pa. Baker, Edward G., 119 Hecatcr Street. Tamaqua. Pa. Barrow, Mrs. Anna Da-'is, Ringtown. Pa. Batey, Robina Katherine, 29 Jeanette Street. I'lyinuutli, Pa. Bath. Ruth Isabel. Mt Rodgers Street. Hartford. Conn. Baumer. Cora Lee, R. D. No. 3, Lewisburg, I'a. Becktel. Stewart C, R. D. Xo. 2, Halifax. I'a. Benson. Williair.. J.'^ Main Street. Moosic. I'a. Berlanda. Mario Louis, 18 Main Street, Ebervale, Pa. Berry. Wallace Eldon, l-t27 Orange Street, Berwick, Pa. Bertsch. Harry J., -KjO Xichol Street, Pottsville. Pa. Blew, Robert John, State Street, Millville, Pa. Bolig, Betty Virginia, Richtield. Pa. Boughner. Shirley Mae (Mrs. Bruce Treon), 1307 .Market Street, Trevorton, Pa. Bowman, Thomas Eli, i2ii E. p'ourth Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Boyer. Charles, Jr., 1J20 Howard Street. Pottsville, }*a. Brace, Helen Emma, Hunlock Creek, Pa. BrandLau. Roy William, 4J6 Brimmer Avenue, New Holland, Pa. Butt, Luther Samuel, S.>8 Media Street, Bethlehem. Pa. Carter, Leo Stephen, -159 Linden Street. Allentown. Pa. Clarke. Mrs. Lillian M. Denn, R. D. .No. 1, Mnuntain Top, Pa. Cohoat, John Joseph, 115 North Fifth Street, Frackville, Pa. Conrad. Royal William, R. D. -No. -'. Benton, Pa. Contini. Jennie Adeline, 454 (ireen Street, Freelai.d, Pa. Conville. Mrs. Mary E. Rowland, 14 South Jardin Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Cope. Vema Grace, I'-Ol Lincoln .\venue, Berwick, Pa. Cortright. Mrs. Zita Spangler, Rolling Green Park. Hummels Wharf. Pa. Cramer. Robert Noel, 59 Carlxjndale Road, Waymart. Pa. Creasy, Cherl Wayne, i72 Lightstreet. Road, Bloomsburg, Pa. Crouse. Elizabeth Jean, 114 Pleasant Street, Danville. Pa. Datesman. Lois Marie V Walnut Street, Milton, Pa. Ruth Phyllis, tiOO East Third Street, Berwick. Pa. Evans, Edwina Peters, 155 South Lincoln Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Dugan. Elder. Norman Oscar, R. D. .No. 5, Lewisburg, Pa. Fenwick, Susan Robinson, 59 Dean Street. Scranton, Pa. Fisk, Nancy May t-Mrs. Nancy M. Riley I. 504 West Mahoning St., Danville, Pa. Fogel. Anna Beatrice, 250 Mauch Chunk Street, Tamaqua, Pa. Fox. Herbert Harris, Seldon Rural High School, Seldon, Kansas Fox. Mary Louise (Mrs. Angelo .Mbano. Hawthorne. N. J. Francisci, Henry Aloysius, 256 Main Street, Fern Glen, Pa. Friday, Vincent George, 455 Nutt Road, Phoenixville, Pa. Fry, Ray Carlon, foO .Market Street. Danville, Pa. Fuller. Madge Louise, 541 Mulberry Street. Berwick, Pa. Fuller. Marjorie Grace (Mrs. Herbert Sowers), 541 Mulberry St.. Berwick. Pa. Funk. Grace Alberta, R. D. No. 2, Danville. Pa. Galow. Gloria lone, 517 Columbia Avenue, Lansdale, Pa. Garard. Louise Marie, 802 Philadelphia Pike. Wilmington, Delaware Gearhart, Luther Elton, 220 Main Street. Ringtown. Pa. Gehrig. George Franklin, 108 Iron Street, Danville, Pa. Cera. George. \*^ Melrose .\venue. Catonsville. Md. Gilbert, Mrs. Eleanor Frutchey, 1205 Maple Street. Bethlehem, Pa. Gilbert, Vincent Jay, 405 Fair Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Gilday, Doris Myrtle, 220 Harwicke Road, Springfield. Pa. Gillow, Charles George. 209 Dickson Street, Duryea, Pa. Graff. Bertha Cecelia, 706 Spruce Street, Kulpmont. Pa. Graham. Sara Ann, 222 West Second Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Griffiths, Margaret Edna, 109 Gaylord Avenue, Plymouth, Pa. Grimes. Richard Ellsworth, 1725 Fulton Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Hahn. William Joseph, 57 Davenport Street, Plymouth, Pa. Hammers, Robert WUliam, 6 West Southern Avenue. S. Williamsport, Pa. Hantjis. James William, 414 Jefferson Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Hantz. Francis Anthony, 1801 N. Park Avenue. Philadelphia, Pa. Harwood, Theodore Isadore, Naples Central School. Naples, N. Y. Hartman, Beth Eileen (Mrs. Jack Gardner). Elysburg. Pa. Hartman, Buddy McHenry, R. D. No. 5, Benton, Pa. Hartzelle, Helen Elizabeth, Keswick Apt. J., Glenside, Pa. Hawk. Norman John, Hear Creek, Pa. Hawk, Robert Alexander, Conyngham. Pa. Henley, Shirley Blanche (Mrs. Thomasi. 1405 N. Hawthorne Avenue, Crete, Faick, Nt-tira^ka Hess, Geraldine Ruth, i>08 Mill Street, Catawissa. Pa. Homisak, William, R. D. No. 1. Forrest City, Pa. Hontz, June Luella, (>2 S. Main Street. Shickshinny. Pa. Hooper. Jean Elizabeth (Mrs. Robert Williams). 41 Main Street, Shickshinny, Pa. Horn, Mrs. Mary Guenther, 525 Grant Street. Hazleton. Pa. Houck, Donald Clayton. 209 West Second Street, Berwick. Pa. Jacobs. Mrs. June Keller, R. D. No. 5, Bloomsburg. Pa. Jacoby. Ethel Emiline, Grier City. Barnesville, Pa. Jones, John Lloyd, Main Street. Mountain Top. Pa. Joseph. Philip James, 842 Northampton Street, Easton, Pa. Kapp. Iram Claudine, Center Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Kastelic. Ernest. 1527 Scott Street. Wilkes.Barre. Pa. Kazmerovicz. Charles John, 97 William Street. Plains. Pa. Keiser. Edwin Richard, Rising Citv High School, Rising City, Nebraska Kendall. Clifford James. R. 1). No. 1, Troy, Pa. Kessler. Donald Arthur, 290 .Mill Street. Danville, Pa. Klinger, Edwin John. 459 Shamokin Street. Trevorton, Pa. Klinger. Irwin Ray. K. D. No. 1. I.ykens, Pa. Kokolias. Pauline Louise, Matamfiras, Pa. Kowalsky. Mrs. Mildred I. Fisher, 759 Cherry St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Krajnik. Mrs. Ruth Dombroski, .\pt. 7 B-51 Brookside .Avenue. Somerville. N.J. Krum. James Arnold, R. I). No. 1. Bloomsburg. Pa. Kulick. Joseph Anthony, 227 North Locust Street. Mt. Carmel, Pa. Kuntza. John, 72 Pennington .\venue, Passaic. N. J. Kuster. Gladys Mr- Robert S. I.eVan). 655 E. Fourth .Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Lack. Nellie Kathryn, 449 South 14th Street. Harrisburg. Pa. Lampman. Alfred M., R. D. No. 2. Monassas. Georgia LeVan. Robert Schultz, ' K. Spring Street, Nanticoke. Pa. Pa 14, .Michigan Reichard, John Harold, R. D. No. 4, Bloomsburg, Pa. Reitz, Robert Gilger, Chenango Forks, New York Remetz, George, 557 Slocum Street, Swoyerville, Pa. Rhawn, Mrs. Hannah E. Keller, R. D. No. 4, Danville Pa Rhmard, Theron Randall, R. I) .No. 1. Berwick, Pa Richards, A. M. Margaret H., 528 .Mulberry Street, Berwick Pa Riefski. Emory Stanley, IS Coal Street, Glen Lvon, Pa. Robbins, Carl Herbert, Cambra. Pa. Romanczyk. Helen Marie, 814 Delaware Street. Forest City Pa Rowlands. Clarence (:harles. Crag Apts. West First Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. ' Rowlands, William Henry, 1008'- West Main Street. Plvmouth Pa Sampsell, James Francis, 48 Filbert Street. .Milton Pa Savage, Charles Albert, 55S Leonard Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Schiefer, Charles Richard, 7 South Fourth Street. Steelton Pa Scott, Marjorie Ann (.Mrs. Brcnnanl. 501 E. Fifth Street, Berwick Pa Semic. Stanley, 23(Xi S. Fourth Street, Steelton, Pa. Shirk, Lydia Feme, Richtield. Pa. Shoemaker, Mary Catherine, Hallstead, Pa. Shook, Lottie Catherine, 100 .New Street. Muncy Pa Sigworth, Mrs. Hazel Suit, College N. Chili, Monroe. N. Y Sitler, IVJartha Jane (Mrs. Patrick Flaherty). 120 Sterner Ave., Bloomsburg, Pa Slipetz, Paul, Jr., 4,3 Slocum Street. Swoverville, Pa. Smigel, Thomas, 17 Yank Street. Courtdale, Pa. Snyder, Donald Earl, R. D. .No. 1. Stillwater. Pa. Snyder, Eugene Warren, R. D. No. 5. Danville, Pa. Snyder, Mrs. Nancy McHenry, Stillwater, Pa. Sowers, Charles Herbert, 1517 .Memorial Avenue. Williamsport. Pa Spanich, Michael John, 408 Slocum Street. Swoverville. Pa Stadts. Marie Antoinette, 84 Main Road. Plvmouth, Pa Stout, Richard Charies, 970 Brookdale Gardens, Bloomfield, N J Suchy, Margaret, 555 Main Street. Forest Citv. Pa. Swigonski, Thaddeus Joseph, 561 E. Ridge Street, .Nanticoke, Pa. Thear, George. 205 W. Ridge Street. Nesquehoning Pa. Thoma.s, Dorothy Anna, R. D. No. 5. Bloomsburg, Pa. Thomas, Robert Lawrence, 756 E. Market Street, Danville, Pa. Thomson, Rose Ann, R. D. No. 2, Towanda, Pa. Tiddy, William James, Jr., c/o General Delivery, Leonardtown, Md. Troback, Gretchen Dorcas, ,!66 Carey Street, Wilkes- Barre. Pa. Troutman, Merrill Winlack, 414 E. Webster Street. Shamokin. Pa. Tugend. Florence Clara, Dalton, Pa Tyson, Mary Ruth, .^(X) Fisher Avenue, Catawissa. Pa. Von Bergen, Ruth Catherine, 551 North Wyoming Street, Hazleton Pa Walters. Shiriey Belle, R. D. No. 1. Factory ville. Pa. Walton. Carl Kenneth, 644 North 16th Street. Allentown. Pa. Wasdovich. George. 190 Fourth Street, Oneida. Pa. Webb. Anita Dawn (.Mrs. John G. Lee), 220 W. Fourth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Whitesell. Carson Leroy, Hunlock Creek, Pa. Williams. Mrs. Carolyn Hower, 1008 N. Washington Street, Shamokin, Pa. Wire. Kennth E., 412 Woo r D. L. Cierlitsky, Theresa Ann, t>41 Franklin Street, N. E., Washington 1/, ComuntzU. Aleki D., 40.i Lightstreet Road, Bloomsburg, Pa. 1*3. Conrad, Robert Hoffman, 304 Main Street, East Greenville, Cook, Kenneth Leon, Elverson. Pa. Cooley, Max Glenn, Box Xo. 37. Rome, Pa. Corrigan, Eugene John, 328 Center Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Cortright. Jay Brant, Hummel's Wharf, Pa. „ Crumb, Nancy Jane, 217 E. Fouith Street. Berwick, Pa. Curilla, Joseph, S K,. Inderendence Street, Shamokin. Pa Czemiakowski, John Bernard, 51 Hudson Road, Plains. Pa. Davis, WillUm Carlton, 215 W. Second Street. Berwick, Pa. DeChant. Kathryn Ethel, 718 Ontario Avenue, Renovo, Pa. DeMott. Dorothy Mae, E.vers Grove. Pa. Derzak, Joseph Lewis, 49 First Street, \\ yoming. Pa. DiehJe, Owen Charles, 804 College Hill, Bloomsburg. Penna. Dietrich, Mrs. Betty, Route -No. 1, MifHinburg. Penna. Dormer. Bernard John, 401 N. Rock Street. Shamokin. Pa. . , Susan Anna. 4.i9 lefferson Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Drennan, Harry John. Jr., Buck Hill Falls, Pa. Dunningan, Elizabeth Jane. 134 W. Oak Street, Haleton Pa^ Eddinger. Jounior LaMar, 231 \V. Second Street. Berwick, Pa. Edwards, Edward Hall, 27 Hillside Avenue. Edwardsville. Pa. Emanuel, Hannah, 421 River Road. Wilkes- Barre. Pa. Engle, Marian May. Nuremberg, Pa. „ Evans, Russell Yordy, 139 S. Sixth Street, Shamokin, Pa. Evasic, Marcella Jane, 3.v Union Street, Luzerne Pa. Penna. Bethlehem. Street. Fanzo. Marjorie Louise, 116 Mechanic Faust, Sarah Maude, 210 First Street. Wealherly. Pa. Pa. Trevorton, Street, Fellon, Leonard Anthony, 200 Market Dreibelbis, , _ Fink, Gerald, ('.iiiyiij; Pa. ., .„, ^ Flaherty. Patrick Joseph, 43b Railroad Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Freeda, Stanley John, Bre%vster. N. .T tj . t, Pa. Hazleton. Gabriel. Louis Salvadore. Jr., 525 E. Diamond Avenue. Gamble, Norma Evelyn. W yalusing. Pa Pa. yoming. Street, \\ Gardner, Jack Elias, 70J Eighth Garrison, Harold Allen, 626 .\. Maxwell Street. Allentown. Pa. Gaugler, Elbert Graydon, Port Trevorton, Pa. likes Barre. Pa. Gazlnski, Leonard Richard. 108 Parrish Street Gerringer. Mrs. Helen Hoffman, 636 E. Front Street. Danville, Pa. Gieda, Joseph John, lol E. -Main Street, Plymouth, Pa. Glass, Charles Francis, Bloom Road, Danville, Pa. Gleockler, Richard Calvin, Forksville. Pa. Gobora, Harry James, R. D. No. 5. Danville, Penna. Green Pa. Golob, Mrs. Anne Albert, 726 Highland Avenue. Clarks Graham Mary Kathryn, 331 West Woodland Avenue, Springfield, Pa. Grande, Joseph John, 211 Indiana Avenue, Shenandoah Pa. Grant Leon Ernest, 7303 Dunlawn Court, Dundalk, Baltimore 22, iMd. Pa. Gricoski, Leonard Edward, 336 S. Seventh Street, Shamokin, Grifasi, Dorothy, 519 Monroe Street, Berwick, Pa. ilkes-Barre, Penna. Groff, Lucille, 20.i' ; Samhourne Street, Guyler, Hazel Chappell, 242 W. Mahoning Street BanvlUe^ Pa, Hackenburg. Murray Allen. Cross Keys Place, Danville. Pa. Hanlon, Esther Mary. .535 Arlington Street, Tamaqua, Pa. Hartline, Florence Sara, 319 East Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Hartman, Clyde Henry. 615 Berwick Road, Bloomsburg, Pa. Hartman, Dayne Ashel, Benton, Penna. Herb, Curtis WUliam, Race Street, Bechtelsville, Pa. Hippman, Robert Stanley, 135 S. Franklin Street. Shamokin, Pa. Hoar, Donald Lewis, 1928 N. Fourth Street. Harrisburg, Pa. Hornberger, Ralph Eugene. Route Xo. 1. Elysburg. Pa. Huff. Erma Callender. 103 University Avenue, Federalsburg, Mrt. Huff, Raymond Albert, 216 E. Eighth Street. Watsontown, Pa. Ikeler, Mrs. Winifred Margaret, MiUville. Pa. j „ Jackovitz, Edward Frank, 294 Canaan Street, Carbondale, Pa. Jacobs, Charles Kenneth, Berwick Road, Bloomsburg. Pa. Spring Street, Frackville. Pa. James. Walter Guy. 504 Jarman, Richard Edward, 220 Davis Street, Plymouth Pa. Jasczak. Leonard Andrew. 140 Lidy's Road, Dupont. Pa. Johnson, Doyle Wayne, R. D. No. 1. Bloomsburg Pa. Johnson, Francis Raymond, 403 E. Third Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Jones, Luther. 342 Madison Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Plymouth. Pa. Jones. Janice Andrew (.Mrs. Westner), 137 W. Shawnee Avenue. Jones. Shirley Helen, 12 Frederick Street, Ashley, Pa. Pa. Harrisburg. Kamm, Harold Richard, 2510 Agate Street. Karas, Vincent William, 432 W. Lloyd Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Kashner. Robert James. 47 E. Fourth Street, Bloomsburg Pa. Kashuba, Mrs. Margaret Kearkuff, R. D. No. 1, Benton, Pa. Kearney, George Leon. R. D. No. 1. Box 273, Paxmos. Pa. Kelser, Norman Fred. 934 Green Ridge Street, Scranton, Pa. Kelder, Jeanne Ann, New Albany, Pa. , , t. >t t N. .1. Keller, Jane Louise iMrs. Fr.ank Molinarol, :'64 Lathrop Avenue, Boonton, Kelly, Daniel Edward, 520 S. .\nthracite Street, Shamokin, Pa. Kemp, Anna Garie. Conynhan Terrace, Conynham, Pa. Kemp, Wilbur Henry, 351 W. Fifth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Kenvin, Jane Louise, 245 .South Street. Catawissa, Pa. Kepping, George. Chilton Hall. Chilton .\pt. 135C2, Elizabeth. N. .1. Kepping, Mrs. Martha Jjne Price, Chilton Hall Apt I35C2. Elizabeth, N. .1. Eighth Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Keyser, Richard Bird, 1.16 King, Donald Frank, R. D. No. 2. Dallas. Pa. Kline, Richard Eldon, McClure. Pa. Klopp, Thomas Arthur, 1172 Walnut Street, Freeland, Pa. Kocher. Avis Wesley, R. D. No. 2. Dallas, Pa. Kollesar, Michael, 1416 Hampden Blvd., Reading. Pa. Kolodgie. Edward Joseph. 405 Front Street, Dupont. Pa. Koplin, Glenn Rupert, 2010 Lehigh Street, Easton. Pa. Kreiser, Elmer, 1151 Grimell Avenue, Columbia, Pa. Krafchik. Thomas Albert, Star Route. Nanticoke, Pa. Kreitz, Edward John. 909 Main Street, Slatington. Pa. Kriss, Stephen Frank. 716 Park Street. Bloomsburg, Pa, Kryzwicki, Genevieve. Box 147. Drums. Pa. Kundrat. Stenhen. Jr.. 1125 Third Avenue. Berwick. Pa. Kurey. Joseph Edward, 316 Walnut Street. Kistler. Mt. Union, Pa. Lauck, Charles Leroy, 42 X. Walnut Street, Mt. Carmel. Pa. Leshinski, Robert Walter, 62 W. Stanton Street. Hudson, Pa. Livingstone, Lionel Claude, 147 Courtdale Avenue, Courtdale, Pa. LoFar, Berdine Alice, M.Trion College. Mar-on. \ a. Lohr, Mary Louise Mrs David P. Wentzel), 4242 Regent Street. Phila., Pa. Longer. Charles William, 952 W'. Main Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Lord, Grace Alverda, 344 S. Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Lovetl, Dorothy Ruth, 120 E. Main Street, Nanticoke, Pa. , , , . W W W , W , W ( Lupashunski, Frank Theodore, 1173 First Avenue, Berwick, Pa. Maciekowich, Zigmond Dominic, 533 Winter's Avenue, W. Hazleton, Pa. Mack, Edward Walter, Orchard Street. Glen Lyon, Pa. Maietta, Donald Francis, 940 W. Third Street, Williamsport. Pa. Marks, Muriel Florence, 1328 Lancaster Avenue, Reading, Pa. Martini, Robert Ernest, .Main Street, Benton, Pa. McAndrew, Thomas John, 2008 Green Ridge Street, Dunmore, Pa. McCormack, Grace Emma, 314 N. Irving Avenue, Scranton, Pa. McDonald, Leo John, K. U. .No. 1, Ringtown, Pa. McNealis, Margaret, 124 W. Church Street, Nanticoke, Pa. Meiss, Clarence John, 121 S. Woodward Ct., Hazleton, Pa. Mensinger, Clair Eugene, Main .Street, Mifllinville, Pa. 'Merena, Walter, K.xcelsior. Pa. Merrick. Henry. 2 Ziegler Grove. Dupont, Pa. Messa, Edward Frederick, 809 Bushkill Street, Easton, Penna. Metzo, Thomas Michael, R. (>45 -\'. Main Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Middleswarth, Nerine Mae, Troxelville, Pa. Miller, Charles Emery, 721 N. Seventh .Street, Sunhiirv, Pa. Edythe R., 120 (.'enter Street, .Milton, Pa. Millhouse, Richard C, lOO^i E. Green Street, W. Hazleton, Pa. Mitros, Edward John, 90 Newport Street. Glen Lyon, Pa. Montague, Robert Edgar, R. D. No. 4, Danville, Pa. Mordan, Jack LeRoy, Route No. 1. Millville. Pa. Morgans, Rodney Kenneth, 204 W. Third Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Morris, John Samuel, Mh W. Main Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Naylor, Thelma Mae, 317 Wheeler .\venue, .Scranton. Pa. Pacholec, Henry Francis, 318 Fairhaven Ave.. .101 Jefferson Apts., Alexandria, \*a. Palencar, Andrew Emery, 906 Weston Place, Bethlehem, Pa. Panzetta, John Thomas, B-12 Fair Acres, Allentown. Pa. Papania. Ann Elizabeth, W. Fourth Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Parry, Donald, 722 W. Lackawanna Avenue, Blakeley, Pa. Paterson, Andrew Thompson, 197 Main Street, Moosic, Pa. Pecora, Louis Sala- tore, Jr., 10 E. Broad Street. W. Hazleton. Pa. Petarra, Concetta G., 1300 \'an Hook Street, Camden, N. J. Phillips, Charles Elmer, 219 Dewart Street, Riverside, Pa. Plevyak, Paul Peter, 54 Whites Crossing, Carbondale, Pa. Pope, Arlene Mae, K, D Xo. 1, Sunbury, Pa. Poust, Eleanor Frances, Oxford, Pa. Pringle, Frank Madison, 88 Akers Street, .Johnstown, Pa. Race, Ethel Eunice, R 1), Xo, 2. Tunkhannock. Pa. Reece, Margaret Elizabeth, 148 E. Evergreen Street, West Grove, Pa. Reedy, James Allen, Jr., 314 (iarfield Avenue, Milton, Pa. Reimensnyder, Virginia Florence, 228 S. Front Street, Milton, Pa. R'ck, John Joseph, 118 North Street, Marion Heights, Pa. Ridall, Elizabeth Jane, Town Hill, Pa. Riegel, Arthur Clair, 324 Pine .Street, Catawissa. Pa. Riffel, Margaret Berninger, 131 W. Main Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Riley, Mary Ellen, 72 .\rch Street, Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Rishel, WUliam James. Mt. .^iry. -Md. Roberts. Charles Edmund, 542 Franklin Street. Slatington. Pa. Roeder, William Keith, 2i Poplar Street, Kingston, Pa. Rcmig, William George, 124 E. Center Street, Danville, Penna. Roth, Luther Harry, 4s; S. Grant Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Ryan, William Harrison, Riverside. Pa. Sakalski. Stephen Frank, 158 W. Main Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Samois, Deryl Jack, 234 .Mill Street, Danville, Pa. Schalles, Madelyn Jane, 217 Broad Street, Xescopeck, Pa. Scheipe, Walter George, Third & Snaderson Sts., PottsviUe. Pa. Shain, Leone Myles, 30 W. Broad Street, Tamaqua, Pa. Sheehy, Edward Frederick, 550 Cherry Street, Columbia, Pa. Sheleman, John, Box 100 .Main Street. Lopez, Pa. Shipe, Eugene Reid, 215 Cliurch St.. Danville, Pa. Shoemaker, William Franklin, Box 19, Espy, Pa. Sholley, Olivia Bogar, K. 1), No. 2, Selinsgrove, Pa. Shupp, Ruth Elaine, Franklin Street, Shoemakersville, Pa. Skowronski, Edward Frank, 2212 Mosser Avenue, Williamsport, Pa. Slobozien, Paul John, 201 Stone Street, Johnstown. Pa. Slusser. Paul Daniel, R, I). Xo. 3. Bloomsburg. Pa. Smethers, Donald Rawlings, 404 W. Main Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Smigelski, Edward Joseph, 853 N. Penna Avenue. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Smith, Grace (.Mrs. Pachutal, 42 W. Third Street, Mt. Carmel, Pa. Smith, Marjorie Ann, 31 S. 23rd Street, Reading. Pa. Smolski, Alice Ann, 150 S. .Main Street. Archbald, Pa. Soback, Andrew, 100 S. Mercer Street, Berwick, Pa. Somers, Marquerite Mary, o59 N. Locust Street, Hazleton, Pa. Sopko, Joseph Eugene. 19 Murphy Street, Carbondale. Pa. Souder, Leora V., ,^07 E. Second Street, Nescopeck, Pa. Stair, Carol Vivian, R. D. Xo. 1. Wapwallopen, Pa. Stamm, Elbert Leroy, Box 2i, Danville, Pa. Starr, Raymond Alvin, 129 N. Marshall Street. Shamokin. Pa. Stein, Jean Elizabeth, 115 N. Jardin Street. Shenandoah, Pa. Steinruck, Doyle Thomas, 2b6 E. Eighth Street, Bloomsburg. Pa. Sterling, Warren Monroe, 490 W. Third Street. Bloomsburg, Pa. Stimeling, William Alfred, 343 Marv Street, Berwick. Pa. Stratton, William Richard, 191 .New Elizabeth Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Swaboski, Ramona Adams, 414 E. Sixth Street, Mt. Carmel, Pa. Swales, Willis, Jr., 221 W. Southern .-\venue, S. Williamsport. Pa. Symons, Catherine Vollrath, 63 E. Poplar Street, \V. Nanticoke, Pa. Talarsky, Henry Charles, 42o E. Northampton Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. "Tarole, Carmela Ann, 440 Seneca Street. Bethlehem. Pa. "Teel, Martha Louise (Mrs. Robert Ammermanl, 152 N. Iron St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Terrel, Audry Caroline, Waymart. Pa. Todd, Alma Ethel White. ii2 E. Main Street. Girardvil'e, Pa. Tormay. Edith Mae LaBarr, 579 Emerald Ct.. Hazleton. Pa. Ulrich, Paul Edward, 1201 Bloom Street, Danville. Pa. Vincent, Joseph George, 12 Green Street, Ashley, Pa. Von Stetten, Wayne, l.=i05 Olive Street, Coatesville, Pa. Wagner, John Richard, 716 E. Third Street, Nescopeck, Pa. Wagner, Mildred Amelia, 53 Lawrence Street, Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Walther, Robert Franklin, 611 L'nion Street, Columbia, Pa. Warner, Jane Kresge, 3.50 Third Street. Weatherly, Pa. Wesenyak, Josephine Ann, 154 Swetland Street, Duryea, Pa. White, Harold John, 1116 Ferrv Street, Easton. Pa. Williams, John Wilford, 40 E Fifth Street. Bloomsburg. Pa. Williams. Robert Edward, Jr., lOOS -X. Washington Street, Shamokin. Pa, Willard, Raymond, Trevorton, Pa. Widger, George Edward. 70S Shuman Street. Catawissa, Pa. Williams, Catherine, 102 E. Broad Street, Xanticoke, Pa. Wintersteen, William Jackson, Bloom Road, Danville, Pa. Wingate, Robert Maxwell, 20 W. Third Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Woltord, Marvm Richard, Box 45, Montandon, Pa Worrall, H. Grace, 701 X, Cherry Street, Shamokin. Pa. Wyant, Elmer LeRoy. R. D. Xo. 1. Xoxen. Pa. Yakoboski. Joseph. 248 S. Shamokin Street, Shamokin, Tu. Yannes, Adeline Catherine, 626 Fern Street. Freeland. Pa. Youne, Frederick Daniel, Jr.. 1514 Center Street, .\shland. Pa. Zelinski, Bernard Joseph. 212 S. Walnut Street, Mt. Carmel, Pa. Miller, NCIPALS SINCE 1890 W'hal's past is prologue. — The TiiMPEST, II, i.