STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE BULLETIN BLOOMSBURG . . . PENNSYLVANIA Annual Catalogue 1950-1951 The Thing Best 'T'HE BEST THING your enemy is to give to forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; example; to to your to a child, a good father, deference; your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity. — Lord Balfour CARVER HALL TOWER AND FRONT STEPS !4tlMW.a.S5Ji,i£.- L v%{>P-t;: -C,. ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL PRESIDENT, DEANS, AND DIRECTORS COMMUNITY GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OFFICERS State Teachers College Bulletin Vol. 18 FEBRUARY, 1950 No. 4 ANNUAL CATALOGUE MEMBER OF AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES FOR TEACHER EDUCATION BLOOMSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA The State Teachers College Bulletin is issued in August, December, January, February, March, and April, by the State Teachers College at Bloomsburg. Enter ei as Second-Class Matter at the Post OS ice at Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, under the Act of August 24, 1912 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Map of Motor Routes Annual Calendar 3 4 Calendar for 1950-1951 5 College Attractions State Council of Education Board of Trustees Administrative Personnel 6 7 7 8 8 9 Standing —Chairmen Committees Faculty School Districts Providing Laboratory Schools History of the State Teachers College at Bloomsburg Campus, Buildings, and Equipment Fees, Deposits, and Repayments Additional Contingent Fees Summary of Expenses Types of Student Assistance Admission Requirements Academic Requirements Transfers and Evaluations Progress Reports and Records 13 16 19 22 23 26 28 29 30 30 3 System of Grading Placement Service Programs for Veterans In-Service Education of Teachers 31 33 33 34 Extension Classes Laboratory School Facilities of the College 34 Summer 36 37 38 Sessions Student Participation in College Government Extra-Curricular Activities Religious Activities Professional Fraternities An Enriched Program of Studies 35 40 41 42 Choosing a Curriculum Basic Two Years of the Elementary and Secondary Curriculums Specialization and Electives in the Elementary Curriculum Special Education Development of Aeronautics at Bloomsburg Pre-Flight Aeronautics for High School Teachers Areas of Concentration in the Secondary Curriculum Description of Courses for Aeronautics Teachers Courses of Instruction Elementary and Secondary Curriculums Special Education for the Mentally Retarded Department of Business Certification of Business Education Teachers Student Teaching Basic First Year Business Education Curriculum Courses of Instruction Business Education Curriculum Department of Music Evening Artists' Course Enrollment 1948-1949 Analysis of Enrollment Preliminary Enrollment Blank 76 77 78 80 82 86 89 90 108 109 Map 11 Guidance in — — — of the Campus 43 44 46 47 48 48 49 53 55 75 1 97Anilo« to Sfrectu* r»7UiU,i ioeoci»-""« Beaver^wOi ^Jf\ V.Ik,' BtickCXn )x»f ^idia UufeltonV.^ l}rnoki(r^r;/(^T J^ i?l^ (JW ^i^ CMltalt • J|^ Au£JS «39)" 5^ ^•J' ™" Ml. ,Port^ ^S!S/1^ l^'t^ — . ^ — SlJle nnl' i35T PiMun Mlll!_, lf"fT""'i dale ^ cr^ ,1 Da'^:^^^^r>-A licksoiiYille^,.-.-^^" -, T /f jgrj^WcKeansburj V'*Newk Newk ksvaitX Sth:'t'-ksv> Port • sih'* ....£j:4 !:^i'^ 'l~irt [^ (a»ine\ Itiei friedensbur^^Jk^ * , J^^Lji .^'ity ^^l^k^^^^^ Uverpooti __ Port Clinton Intll -^ t- - " C«9byl kiimam ^ 5' lert^4nmU« SUIVn Millertlown ,1^ ^J SliaV>^ I KiiW0!7n2 •.IM^.^Hn^Str.uBtwn e.mft.s/rOs Lvnie Ly?nS irkelk iillfj '*~ (S y/ )ickK)nYille,^»,^J»jW29^f^"*i»o^ ,>W29L "^ ' Miumii Branch (7of >^ f-^ ri^-Jr-'^ki ^ >lalilu nuTAar «»«»»«r.oN iNewJlKmdtK! — \ |p.k.i«rn .^r . rikritLill* V..—«—i lUtitl^ \~^r^\ JToillibirri Fianhlinlown » — ^ ^c«i*>lt I ^Haven^fJ<>6]jJ ^•l• Vtr«l Vtf' ^M' _^V\171 ^ iiJj^U ^^aN f if LanO.wrlir^t O ^KKJif^ >iiT'7 ^WlfllYlll* J —M^ f # y^V5''eH.llO ©Church ^JlFBrownj jroiv Ail kSprints Dover I ^^•^rVolombia Jp*« >-v\ -^ ^ « ^'" '""«"'"', Hallamv-^^^ , "".•T .^f^ nnT till ... ^ ('*'tTl io«Ati.Vrt;i('in£twiJ '-xr^i. Bco XnitnttiiJ /*in»Jto\ ^J^ Blue ^^^(^ STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE ANNUAL CALENDAR 1950 D SEPTEMBER^ NOVEMBER OCTOBER cnciiici] [l][I][iPJ[Iij[l2iEi[H] [wjraiiaiisaaaiaii (ii][i6i[iz]iiS[i9ji^(2i] IM[25i!2il[27l|M]li[3i nnnn mmmmmm mmmmuD nnn DECEMBER [ioiaiaiKiaiQaiiilai i7]iii[ii^[2i][^(g i BiiDaaana 1951 MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY Su fS^|Moi^fu|!^^|Th|| Fr msmmmmm mmmwMwm (2ri(22'f23][24725j^[27l |[sil] [I][2][3] [lS(lgl0l[21jg2l[^(M ai][l2]pii4][lS[16][iZ] [li[l9l[2^l2T[22l'2JfMl [25ii[27]iinnn ;25'i26i [Iil2][lS(i5l5i[l6][17] 2r 28,i29 30. 31] MAY APRIL [C[2][T1[4][5][6][7] [Ill]a0]llj[i2iri3j[l4] [6I7][8I9]30][11]OS] [I5](ig[lll[i8'(r9;r20;[2i] 53ri4l[i5^[ll[17j[18][li [^[2liS^L26j^7ji28l ie[2l!(?2i23l[24l[25jii azDD l2;7M[29]i0j[31]CIII] JULY JUNE , mci] mimBsmm mM nnni AUGUST [^|M3[^HTSl[W][si] [T]r2l[3|4|[5l6l7] [! [KKniaiKBiasiisiasi [I]r9iri0lllill2113il4] fl5iri6i|17Jl8'19'20 21] [H[Q|[SS]5]SS] 22 23 [IJfflTlCllCBaiLl] Page 4 [TICSErsligliioj^ii] PIl3lfl4l[15"16;il7'|18l 27i'28] il9l|20 12?1130j1311LJLJLjU 126 271 24' 25 26 21 22 23124 251 28 29 30 31ILJ CALENDAR FOR 1950-1951 PRE SESSION—Three Weeks 1950 Monday, June Begins Friday, June 23 Ends 1950 REGULAR SESSION—Six Weeks Monday, June 26 Registration Tuesday, June 27 Classes Begin Classes Friday, August 4 End 1950 POST SESSION—Three Weeks Begins Monday, August Ends Friday, FIRST Registration of August 25 Monday, September Freshmen Classes Begin at 8:00 A. Wednesday, September at Close of Classes Thanksgiving Recess Ends at 8:00 A. Christmas Recess Begins at 1 Tuesday, September 12 M. Thanksgiving Recess Begins 7 SEMESTER— 1950-1951 Registration of Upperclassmen M Noon Christmas Recess Ends at 8:00 A. First 5 13 Tuesday, November 21 Monday, November 27 Thursday, December 21 M Semester Ends at the Close of Classes Wednesday, January 3 Thursday, January 18 SECOND SEMESTER— 1950-1951 Tuesday and Wednesday, January 23 and 24 Registration Classes Begin at 8:00 A. M. Thursday, January 25 Easter Recess Begins at Close of Classes Easter Recess Ends at 8:00 A. M March 16 Wednesday, March 28 May Sunday, May Monday, May Alumni Day Saturday, Baccalaureate Services Commencement The Calendar Friday, 26 27 28 of the Benjamin Franklin School does not coincide with that of the College. Please apply to President tion relative to enrollment. Harvey A. Andruss for blanks and informa- State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 6 BLOOMSBURG COLLEGE ATTRACTIONS ON THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CAMPUS IN PENNSYLVANIA Academic and Professional OflFerings Specialized College Faculty (20% Hold Doctor's Degree) Fully Accredited by Regional and National Agencies, Including American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education National Association of Business Teacher Training Institutions Special Offerings in Aviation, Business, Speech Correction Superior Higher Education at Reasonable Cost (^600-^700 a year) Athletics Three Gymnasiums Sunlighted Indoor Tile Two Swimming Pool Athletic Fields Quarter-Mile Running Track Nine Tennis Courts Handball Courts Archery Range Intercollegiate Teams: Football, Basketball, Soccer, Baseball, Track, and Field Sports Extra-CurricuIar Offerings Music, Athletics, Dramatics, Nature Study, Journalism Professional Fraternities Adequate Social Rooms and Specialized Clubs State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 7 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION FRANCIS B. HAAS, HERMAN C. Superintendent of Public Instruction GROSE, Deputy Superintendent TEACHER EDUCATION AND CERTIFICATION Henry Klonower, Director John K. Trayer Assistant Director Stanley A. Wengerc Assistant Director STATE COUNCIL OF EDUCATION President and Chief Executive Officer, Francis B. Haas Acting Secretary, Mrs. Ruth B. Dowling Pittsburgh Marcus Aaron W. Warren Floyd dinger Elsie Allentown M. Heckman Donald CoUegeville L. Helfferich Lebanon Miles Horst Robert C. Camp Shaw Selinsgrove G. Morris Smith J. John Sullivan J. Johnstown Stockton Herbert Hill Philadelphia THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Francis B. Haas, ex-officio Reg. S. Fred Superintendent of Public Instruction Hemingway, President W. Diehl, Vice President Mrs. Elsie Yorks Jones, Secretary Howard Wm. Bloomsburg Weer Kingston S. Fernsler Pottsville L. Shamokin Charles D. Steiner C. Danville Berwick Earl V. Wise George Bloomsburg Catawissa Kreisher Harvey A. Andruss, President State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL Harvey A. Andruss Mrs. Anna M. Knight Thomas P. North Mrs. Mary Lou F. John Marguerite W. Kehr Ethel A. Ranson Mary MacDonald John A. Hoch Robert B. Redman Ralph Edna Dean of Assistant Dean of Women and Women Women Director of Personnel Herre' Hazen Director of Elementary Education S. Director of Secondary Education Director of Business Education Graduate Nurse Beatrice Mettler M. Thayer Dietitian C M. Hausknecht Nevin T. Englehart Edward Sharretts Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings Institutional Secretary CHAIRMEN Howard Fenstemaker John A. Hoch Assembly Athletics H. H. Audio- Visual Education Commencement Week Russell Walter S. Rygiel Activities Edward A. Reams Entertainment W. Extra-Curricular Accounts C. Forney Nell Fraternities Maupin President of P. S. E. A. Unit Faculty Affairs Freshman Week Harriet M. Activities Homecoming Moore Kimber C. Kuster Samuel L. Wilson Publications John A. Hoch Kimber C. Kuster Edna J. Hazen Thomas P. North Public Relations Scholarships and Grants Student Progress Student Teaching John Testing The Dean Manager Business STANDING COMMITTEES of Instruction, bers of all committees. The Dean of Men, and Dean of Business Manager, Dietitian, Grounds and Buildings are advisory members of the call of the Chairman. of of of Dean of Men Dean of Men Assistant Dean of Men Richard G. Hallisy Delia Dean Dean Assistant Ernest H. Engelhardt M. Instruction Registrar Assistant E. J. President Secretary to President all Women J. Fisher are mem- and Superintendent committees, subject to State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania FACULTY HARVEY ANDRUSS A. University of Oklahoma, A.B.; President Certificate in Public and Private Northwestern University; M.B.A.; Graduate Work, ibid.; Research Reader, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, England; Pennsylvania State College, Ed.D. Business, MRS. LUCILE J. BAKER Training Teacher, Grade I Western State College, Colorado, A.B.; Tri-State College, Indiana, Mus.B.; Columbia University, A.M.; Graduate Work, PestalozziFroebel School, Chicago; Denver University. EDNA J. BARNES Training Teacher, Grade VI McMurray College, Jacksonville, Macomb, Illinois, B.S.; Columbia University of Colorado, Columbia EDWARD DE VOE T. Illinois; Western State College, University, M.A.; Graduate Work, University. English State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, B.S.; Bucknell University, M.S. in Ed.; Graduate Work, Pennsylvania State College. ERNEST H. ENGELHARDT Director of Secondary Education, Placement, and Extension Bucknell University, A.B.; New York University; Bucknell University, M.A.; University of Pittsburgh, Ed.D. HOWARD FENSTEMAKER Foreign Languages State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania; University of Michigan, B.A.; New York University, M.A.; Graduate Work, University of Pennsylvania. F. JOHN J. FISHER Psychology Goshen College, Goshen, Indiana, B.A.; Indiana University, M. A.; Graduate Work, University of Pennsylvania; Columbia University; University of Chicago; Ohio State University. WILLIAM C. FORNEY Business Education Temple University, B.A.; New York University, M.A.; Graduate Work, Harvard University, Chicago University. HARRY N. GASSER Training Teacher, Grade V State Teacher College, Kutztown, Pennsylvania; B.S.; Pennsylvania State College, M.Ed.; Graduate Work, Temple University, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University. EARL A. GEHRIG Business Education State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, B.S.; Northwestern University, M.B.A.; Graduate Work, Bucknell University. RICHARD HALLISY Director of Business Education State Teachers College, Whitewater, Wisconsin, B.Ed.; University of Iowa, M.A.; Graduate Study, University of Pittsburgh. EDNA J. G. HA ZEN Director of Elementary Education State Normal School, Edinboro, Pennsylvania; Allegheny College, Meadville, Pennsylvania; Columbia University, B.S.; M.A.; Graduate Work, New York University. State Teachers College, Blootnsburg, Pennsylvania 10 CHARLES H. HENRIE Business Education State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, B.S.; Temple University, M.Ed.; Graduate Work, University of Pittsburgh; New York University. RALPH S. HERRE' Assistant Dean of Men and Social Studies Colgate University, B.S. Teachers College, Albany, New York, M.A.; Graduate Work, Clark University; New York University; University of Buffalo; Pennsylvania State College, Ed.D. ; CLAYTON HINKEL Business Edtication State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, B.S; Temple University, M.Ed.; Graduate Work, New York University; Pennsylvania State College. JOHN A.HOCH Dean of Men Pennsylvania State College, A.B.; Bucknell University, M. A. STEPHEN R. HOPKINS Director, Private School of Music Yale University School of Music, B.M. Student, Tobias Mathay Pianoforte School, Royal Academy of Music, and Dalcroze School, all of London, England. ; ALICE JOHNSTON Speech Park College, B.L.; Columbia University, M. A.; Graduate Work, University of Wisconsin, Columbia University; University of Michigan; University of Chicago; Central School of Speech, London, England; New York League for Hard of Hearing. MARGUERITE W. KEHR Dean of Women Mawr University of Tennessee, B.A. Wellesley College, M.A.; Bryn College; Cornell University, Ph.D. ; GEORGE J. KELLER Art Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania; Teachers College, B.S.; Bucknell University, M. A.; Graduate Work, New York University. State Columbia University, MARJORIE A. KELLER Business Education State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania, B.S.; University of Pittsburgh, M.Ed.; Graduate Work, University of Wisconsin. KIMBER C. KUSTER Biological Science Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania; University of Michigan, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. State HAROLD //. LANTERMAN Physical Science State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, B.S.; University, M.A. Graduate Work, New York University sylvania State College. ; MARY E. MACDONALD Assistant Dean of and Penn- Women and University of Michigan, A.B.; Columbia University, LUCY McCAMMON New York Personnel A.M. Health Education Teachers College, Springfield, Missouri, A.B.; Columbia University, M.A.; Graduate Work, Alabama University; Southwest Missouri Columbia University. 11 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania NELL MAUPIN Social Studies Peabody Teachers College, B.A.; Vanderbilt University; Chicago University; University of Iowa, M.A.; Ph.D.; New York University. M. BEATRICE METTLER Graduate Nurse Bucknell University, A.B.; University of Pennsylvania, M.A.; Graduate of The John Hopkins Hospital School of Nursing, Baltimore, Maryland; Graduate Work, University of Chicago; Registered in Pennsylvania and Maryland. HARRIET MOORE Public School Music Chicago, Conservatory, Bush Mo., State Teachers College, Kirksville, Illinois, Mus. C; New York University, B.A. in Music Education, M.A. Graduate Work, New York University, University of Chicago; M. ; Washington University, MATHILDA G. St. Louis, Mo. MUYSKENS Circulation Librarian State University of Iowa, B.A.; Columbia University, B.S.; Graduate Work, Teachers College, Columbia University. THOMAS NORTH P. Dean of Instruction M.S.; Cornell University, Ph.D. Pennsylvania State College, B.S.; Graduate Work, New York University. HONOR A NO YES M. Business Education George Washington University, B.A.; University of Pittsburgh, M. Ed.; Graduate Work, Pennsylvania State College, Columbia University. ETHEL R ANSON A. Work, Assistant Dean of Women and Mathematics A.B.; Columbia University, M.A. Columbia University. University of Illinois, ; Graduate EDWARD Social Studies A. REAMS Kansas Wesleyan, A.B.; Columbia University, M.A. Graduate Work, Pennsylvania State College, New York University, University of Southern California. ; ROBERT B. REDMAN Assistant Dean of Men and Social Studies Swarthmore College, A.B.; Duke University, M.A.; Graduate Work, University of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania State College. H. HARRISON RUSSELL Illinois State Normal University, B. Ed.; Geography M.A., Clark University, Ph.D. /. ALML'S RUSSELL English Dartmouth College, A.B.; Cornell University, A.M., Ph.D.; London University, Certificate. WALTER S. RYGIEL Business Education University, B.S., M.Ed.; Graduate Work, Temple University, University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania State College. Temple TED. SATTERFIELD Education and Physical Education West Chester State Teachers College, B.S.; Temple University, M.S.; J. Ed.D. State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 12 AiyNA GARRISON SCOTT State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pa.; Training Teacher, Grade IV Columbia University, B.S., M.A. HAROLD S. SHELLY Physical Education Ohio Northern University, A.B. ; University of M.A.; Michigan, University of Cincinnati. S. I. SHORTESS Physical Science Albright College, A.B.; University of Pennsylvania, M.S.; Graduate Work, New York WILLIAM University. STERLING B. Aviation and Business Education Plattsburg State Normal School, Diploma; University of Buffalo, B.S.; Syracuse University, M.S.Ed.; Flight Instructors Rating, Designated Flight Examiner No. 3499 (C.A.A.); United Air Lines Pilot School, Cheyenne, Wyoming. MARCELLA MARIE STICKLER Training Teacher, Grade III State Teachers College, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, B.S.; St. Bonaventure College, M.S.; Graduate Work, Pennsylvania State College. E. MARJORIE STOVER Training Teacher, Special Class State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, Work, Temple University, University of Michigan. DELLA M. THA YER Graduate Dietitian Syracuse University, B.S. in JVA B.S.; MAE VAN SCOYOC Home Economics. Training Teacher, Grade II State Teachers College, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, B.S.; Pennsylvania State College, M.Ed.; Graduate Work, Columbia University. MARGARET E. WALDRON Mathematics Wellesley College, B.A.; Columbia University, M.A.; Graduate University of Southern California, Harvard University. SAMUEL L. WILSON Work, English Bucknell University, Sc.B.; Columbia University, M.A. Work, Pennsylvania State College, Harvard University, ; Graduate New York University. GRACE WOOLWORTH Education and Training Teacher, Kindergarten State Teachers College, Kearney, Nebraska; University of Chicago, Ph.B.; University of California; Columbia University, A.M.; Graduate H. Work, Columbia CATHERINE L. University. ZEA LB ERG State Teachers College, Kutztown, Pennsylvania, B.S. College for Teachers, Nashville, Tennessee, M.A. Librarian ; George Peabody State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 13 SCHOOL DISTRICTS PROVIDING LABORATORY SCHOOLS BLOOMSBURG JUNIOR-SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Berwick, Pennsylvania Senior and Junior High Schools Catawissa, Pennsylvania Junior-Senior High School Danville, Pennsylvania Junior-Senior High School Williamsport, Pennsylvania Thaddeus Stevens Junior High School, Andrew G. Curtin Junior High School, Theodore Roosevelt Junior High School, and Williamsport Senior High School. COOPERATING TEACHERS Banghart, Lee W Social Studies Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S. Barton, William H Business Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S.; Bucknell University, Bickert, Loie M.S. Social Studies Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S. Birth, Jennie A Science George Washington University, A.B. J. Frank Bloomsburg State Teachers College, ; Columbia University, M.A. Brink, Campbell, Lawrence J. St. Bonaventure, B.S. ; Physical Science B.S.; Bucknell University, M.S. Mathematics and Science Bucknell University, M.A. A Christian, Willard Business Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S.; Bucknell University, M.S. Cox, Charles N. Related Mathematics and Science Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S. Derr, Clarence F Social Studies Susquehanna University, A.B. Columbia University, M.A. ; Elder, Caroline E. Bucknell University, B.S.; New York University, M.A. Fisher, Warren L. Pennsylvania State College, A.B.; Columbia University, Free, Sara S. Bloomsburg State Teachers College, Gardner, Gertrude Bucknell University, A.B. English Mathematics M.A. Social Studies B.S.; Bucknell University, M.S. Business State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 14 Gatski, Henry Science J Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S. ; MS. Bucknell University. Green, Bert M. Business Susquehanna University, A.B. Guffy, Wellard T Bucknell University, B.S. Harter, Edna Business Mathematics S. Ursinus College, A.B.; New York University, M.A. Hidlay, Clarissa B. Languages Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S. W Houck, Earl Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S. Business Hutton, Robert Geography Bloomsburg State Teachers College, Kessler, Mary Ellen B.S.; New York University, M. M.A. Business Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S.; Bucknell University, M.S. H Kline, Mrs. Harriet Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S.; English New York University, Klinger, Paul, Jr. M.A. Business Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S. Edward H. Susquehanna University, State University, Business Livingston, B.S.; Ohio M.A. Long, Bess M. Science Susquehanna University, A.B.; Columbia University, M.A. Maneval, Leon H. Languages Bucknell University, B.S.; M.S. Maust, Laura M Business Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S. McCern, Margaret E Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S. Business McCloskey, Walter A. Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S. McKinstry, Cleora Business M Bloomsburg State Teachers College, M.Ed. B.S. ; English Pennsylvania State College, Mercer, Robert H. Gettysburg College, B.S.; Bucknell University, M.A. Miller, Clair Mathematics A Business Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S. Harold R. Bloomsburg State Teachers College, Miller, Miller, I. B.S.; Geography Columbia University, M.A. Business Kerr Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S.; Bucknell University, M.S. State Teachers College, Blootnsburg, Pennsylvania M Mordan, George 15 Mathematics Gettysburg College, B.S.; Bucknell University, M.S. Myerley, George G East Stroudsburg State Teachers College, B.S. Pensyl, Maree Social Studies Social Studies E..... Bucknell University, B. S.; Reed, William New York University, Business I. Bloomsburg State Teachers College, M.S. B.S.; University of Pennsylvania, Schuyler, Thusabert Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S.; Selden, William Languages New York University, H Myra S Bloomsburg State Teachers College, M.A. Business Bloomsburg State Teachers College, M.Ed. B.S.; Sharpless, Shutt, William M.A. Pennsylvania State College, Social Studies B.S. L Business Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S.; Bucknell University, Smith, Delmar L. M.S. Social Studies Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S. Stevenson, Dallas E Mansfield State Teachers College, Social Studies B.S.; Pennsylvania State College, M.Ed. Thomas, Ruth Hartman Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S. Wanich, John C. Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S. Watts, Murray Temple Business Business D Business University, B.S.C. Williams, Robert R Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B.S. Business State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 16 HISTORY OF THE STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE AT BLOOMSBURG PRINCIPALS AND PRESIDENTS Henry Carver December Charles G. Barkley March Jehn Hewitt T. L. Griswold D. J. Waller, Jr 27, 1869 — 1871 —March 1872 1872 —June 1873 1873 — 1877 877— 1890 890— 906 27, 1 Judson P. Welsh D. J. Waller, Jr Charles H. Fisher G. C. L. Riemer Francis B. 20, 1871 1 1 1906—1920 1920 — 1923 Haas 1927 Harvey A. Andruss 1923 — 1927 — 1939 1939 Academy, Literary Institute, Literary Institute and State Normal School, State Teachers College such has been the development of the present State Teachers College at Bloomsburg. — In 1839, a private academy was opened at Bloomsburg. C. P. Waller, a graduate of Williams College, successfully conducted the school for two years. Later, public school teachers taught in the academy during their summer vacations. Among the outstanding teachers during this period were Joseph Bradley and D. A. Beckley. In 1856, D. J. Waller drew up a charter subscribed to by worthy Bloomsburg, which provided that the school be known as the Bloomsburg Literary Institute for the promotion of education in the ordinary and the higher branches of English literature and science and in the citizens of ancient and modern languages. In 1866, Henry Carver, of Binghampton, N. Y., taught the school. His unusual influence and personality had much to do with molding its early policies. He insisted that a new building was essential for the future development of the Bloomsburg Literary Institute. inspiration, the charter of 1856 was received and the President, D. J. Waller; secretary, I. W. Hartman; trustees, John G. Freeze, R. F. Clark and William Neal. Mr. Carver assured the trustees that $15,000 would build a suitable building. The energy and enthusiasm of the men were such that when people doubted that the type of building which he planned could be built for that amount, he assumed, in addition to his duties as teacher, the offices of architect and contractor. Under his following officials elected — On April 4, 1867, that building, the present Carver Hall, was dedicated with gala observance by the townspeople. Members of the first class at the new school D. J. Waller, Jr., the late George E. Elwell, and the late Charles Unangst by popular subscription raised $1,200 in a single week for the fine bell which formerly called the students to their classes. The first faculty comprised Professor Carver, teacher of mathematics and — — u ill r /> V ^s^ LET'S GO TRAVELLING SCIENCE STUDY BEGINS AT HOME ^'F?"^' THE THOUGHTS OF A CHILD ARE LONG LONG THOUGHTS SPECIAL CLASS PUPILS WEAVING AT LOOMS State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania the higher English branches; Rev. and Miss Sarah Carver, teacher of 17 J. R. Dimm, teacher of Latin cind Greek; the lower English branches. In the autumn of 1867, James P. Wiclcersham, State Superintendent Public Instruction, was traveling through Bloomsburg on the train. He saw the new school on the hill "ablaze with lights" and thought that the Literary Institute's location would be ideal for a State Normal School. Consequently at a meeting in 1868, at which he addressed the citizens of Bloomsburg, it was decided to establish a Normal School under the Act of 1857. dormitory was completed at a cost of ^36,000. The school was recognized as a State Normal School on February 19, 1869. In September of that year, 150 students were enrolled in the Normal Department and 80 in the Model School. of A The school was called the Bloomsburg Literary Institute and State Normal School until it was purchased by the State on May 22, 1916. After that it was known as the State Normal School at Bloomsburg until the name was changed to State Teachers College on May 13, 1927, by the State Council of Education. Up to 1920, when the Department of Public Instruction revised the programs of all the Normal Schools, the school offered college preparatory as well as teacher training courses. Principal Carver left in 1871. Charles G. Barkley, Esq., a former county superintendent of schools, acted as principal from December 20, 1871, to March 27, 1872. His successor was the Rev. John Hewitt, rector of the Episcopal Church at Bloomsburg, who served as principal from March, 1872, to June, 1873. In 1873, Dr. T. L. Griswold became principal, serving until 1877. Those early years were trying ones; subscriptions would fall off and would often meet obligations on their own personal responsibility. trustees In 1875, the dormitory was completely destroyed by fire. In 1876, a large building, the original part of the present Waller Hall, was built. In spite of discouraging circumstances, the school began paying expenses during Doctor Griswold's administration. and handsomer In the Fall of 1877, Dr. D. J. Waller, Jr., became principal. For thirteen years the school grew under his guidance. The Model School and the east wing of the dormitory were built during his principalship. When Doctor Waller resigned in 1890, to become State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the school was in a prosperous condition. Dr. Judson P. Welsh Normal School from 1890 served as principal of the Bloomsburg State 1906. During his administration an addition to the four-story dormitory and the gymnasium were both built. Science Hall was opened in the Fall of 1906 just after his resignation. to Dr. D. J. Waller, Jr., served a second time as principal until 1920 when he retired from active duties. Dr. Waller gave the Bloomsburg State Normal School 27 years of splendid service as its principal. He was succeeded by Dr. Charles H. Fisher, who came to the Normal School from the State Department of Public Instruction. He served at Bloomsburg from 1920 to 1923. During his administration teacher training was introduced into the Bloomsburg public schools and extension courses were instituted. He was followed by Dr. G. C. L. Riemer, who came from the State Department of Public Instruction. June, 1927. He served as principal until State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 18 Dr. Francis B. Haas succeeded Dr. Riemer in July, 1927. Under his administration the College made great advancement, both in the improvement of the physical plant and in the program of teacher education in the Commonwealth. Major campus improvements included the addition of eighteen acres of land; the construction of a new Laundry Building; Elementary Training School; Gymnasium; Junior High School; Shop and Maintenance Building; addition to the Heating Plant; Fire Towers for several buildings; a complete remodeling of Science Hall, and the remodeling of the auditorium. Educational development during the administration of Dr. Haas moved along parallel with the improvement in the physical plant and has included the following: the establishment of the Department of Business Education; the inauguration of a Department of Special Education, with an Educational Clinic for guidance and remedial instruction of problem cases; the organization and development of a student government association; the development of such outstanding extra-curricular activities as the A Cappella Choir, Maroon and Gold Orchestra, Marooon and Gold Band, Dramatic Club, and the installation of professional and honorary educational organizations. In June, 1939, the College very fittingly celebrated its Centennial —one hundred years of progress. Dr. Haas resigned in August, 1939, to assume, for the second time, the duties of State Superintendent of Public Instruction for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Before the passage of the first Selective Service Act in 1940, it was apparent that the upsurge of industrial activity would decrease enrollments in technical and professional institutions. Thus a transition made over a three-year period required only gradual adjustment in plant, personnel, and student-body. War programs involving contracts with the Department of Commerce, Office of Education, and the Bloomsburg Hospital, enabled the college to inaugurate educational service in addition to teacher preparation, as follows: Navy Department, National Aviation began for college undergraduates in September, 1940; Army and Navy Aviation Cadets in July, 1942; Naval Flight Instruction School in November, 1942; C-5 Program, Naval Aviation Cadets in July, 1943; Naval Officers Candidates V-12 Basic Curriculum began July, 1943; Engineering Science, and Management War Training Courses for industrial workers in September, 1940; Nursing Education in Cooperation with Blooms- — burg Hospital in September, 1943. Plant improvements in the war and post-war periods include the cafeteria, renovation of North Hall and wing of Waller Hall for use of men students, construction of fireproof staircases in clock tower, rewiring of Science Hall, remodeling of Noetling Hall so as to provide Day Men's Lounge facilities, and Audio-Visual Classroom, remodeling of provide lounge and recreational facilities for faculty offices, Waller Hall Gymnasium to students. Parallel with the plant improvements, the curriculum offerings were extended to the field of Liberal Arts in a cooperative agreement existing with Pennsylvania State College, and extension centers were established for teachers-in-service in Wilkes-Barre, Kingston, Hazleton, Sunbury, Shamokin, and West Pittston. State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 19 CAMPUS, BUILDINGS, AND EQUIPMENT The State Teachers College property comprises about of which over forty acres form the campus proper. The campus lies on a hillside from which one looks down over Bloomsburg homes towards the bright ribbon of the Susquehanna and beyond to the softly tinted distant hills. The campus contains an athletic field, tennis courts, and a general recreation field. An oak grove with a pergola and a lagoon form an ideal place for out-of-door pageants and dramatics. CAMPUS. fifty-five The acres, buildings of the State Teachers College reflect the growth of the institution. CARVER HALL. Carver Hall, erected in 1867, and named for Henry Principal, stands at the head of Main Street. Its white belfry and pillared entrance form a picturesque approach to the College campus and buildings. The building which contains an auditorium seating 800, has recently been completely equipped for motion pictures with sound number of classrooms are also located in this building. equipment. Carver, the first A NOETLING HALL. Noetling Hall, named for William Noetling, the head of the Department of Pedagogy from 1877-1900, is in the rear of Carver Hall. On the first floor are housed the psychological and speech clinics, each with a suite of modern offices and consultation rooms. WALLER HALL. The main dormitory. Waller Hall, named for D. J. Waller, Jr., Principal of the College for 27 years, is four stories high with a frontage of 165 feet and a wing 40 by 104 feet. This building is equipped with one passenger and two freight elevators. The ground floor of this building contains the lobby, the dining room and kitchen, the administrative and business offices, and the post office. Five modern enclosed fire towers minimize fire hazards. The library and infirmary are on the second floor. The women's dormitory occupies the second, third, and fourth floors; and the rooms contain beds, dressers, chairs, and study tables. The Alumni Room on the first floor of Waller Hall is beautifully furnished as a reception room for Alumni and Faculty. College cups and other trophies are displayed in this room. The dining room and lobby are most attractive. The dining room is sunny and cheerful with white woodwork and decorative built-in cupboards. Students are seated at round tables in dietitian directs the purchase, preparation, and serving groups of eight. of food. The lobby with its tapestries and comfortable chairs is a favorite social meeting place. A Every effort is made to keep the students in good physical condition. registered nurse is in charge of the infirmary where students may have proper care and quiet when they are ill. Doctors are called when the nurse cottage on the campus is set aside for housing patients deems it advisable. diseases. Fresh air, pure water, and well-balcontagious develop may who anced meals of wholesome food make the sick at Teachers College a neg- A A ligible number. The library on the second floor of Waller Hall contains over 30,000 standard works of history, fiction, education, and other subjects. It is satisfactorily equipped with reference works, good magazines, and newspapers. State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 20 The third and fourth opened in 1942 to college floors of Waller students. Hall above the Library were men In 1949 a brick and tile structure replaced "The Long Porch" overlooking The View the Susquehanna River beyond the town and Catawissa Mountain beyond the river. In spring, summer, and autumn, students have gathered here for more than half a century. — NORTH HALL. from Waller Hall. 70 men. It is North Hall, the men's dormitory, is a short distance a three-story building, 50 by 90 feet, accommodating WALLER HALL LOUNGE. This former Gymnasium adjoins Waller measures 45 by 90 feet, and the wings each side of this space provide an adequate lounge. Beneath these wings are ample dressingroom facilities, including showers. Hall. The floor area SCIENCE HALL. Science Hall, built in 1906, is equipped for laboratory work in biology, chemistry, and physics. It contains a number of classrooms and two lecture rooms with lanterns, screens and other visual education apparatus. There are two large, well-lighted art studios in this building. Modern laboratory desks and other equipment for the teaching of chemistry and physics were installed at the beginning of the school year of 1937 to provide for the increasing demand for Science on the part of students who are entering the teaching profession. This building has been recently renovated and rewired; and modern fire towers have been added at a cost of $50,000. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SCHOOL. The Benjamin Franklin Training School building was opened for use the first day of the 1930-1931 school year. It is designed, planned, and equipped in accordance with the best modern practice. It provides practice teacher facilities from the kindergarten to the sixth grade, as well as a special class for the mentally retarded. Among the features is a special room arranged for observation and demonstration work. In addition to the practice work done here, a cooperative arrangement makes practice teaching possible in public schools of Berwick, Catawissa, rural work Bloomsburg, Williamsport, and Danville. Practice teaching in done in the rural schools of Columbia County. is LAUNDRY. The new laundry modern equipment for provides, in a separate plant, the handling the laundry needs of the College. The space in the basement of North Hall released by the removal of the old laundry has been developed as a lobby and reading room, and provides locker accommodations for the day men. best CENTENNIAL GYMNASIUM. The Centennial Gymnasium is campus close to the Athletic Field. It is a building modern in every respect and fully adequate to meet the growing needs of the institution. It contains a large main gymnasium with a playing court of 48 by 84 feet, and two smaller auxiliary gymnasiums, one for men and one for women, each with an adjoining locker room. To the rear of the main floor is a fine swimming pool 75 by 30 feet. This building houses, in addition, complete office and classroom facilities for the Health Education located on the upper part of the Department. State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania first 21 This building was dedicated on May 26, 1942, to commemorate the century of the existence of the institution from 1839-1939. Governor Arthur H. James and Dr. Francis B. Haas were present on this occasion. NAVY This building was made available to the United HALL. States Navy for its V-12 officer training program. The building has classrooms, a large auditorium, home economics and industrial laboratories, library, and offices. It is now occupied chiefly by the Department of Business. SHOP AND STORAGE BUILDING. To take the place of the old barn which had been in use for many years is a new modern brick building balancing the laundry. This building is used for shop and storage purposes, making it possible to concentrate the maintenance equipment and services. POWER PLANT. The old Power Plant, situated on the southwest corner of the campus, has been greatly enlarged and fully modernized to take care of the increased needs of the new buildings. State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 22 UNIFORM FEES, DEPOSITS, AND REPAYMENTS IN STATE TEACHERS COLLEGES, PENNSYLVANIA (Subject to change) A. I. FEES Student Activities Fee A fee to be determined by each institution will be collected from all students and administered under regulations approved by the Board of Trustees through a cooperative organization. This fee will cover the cost of student activities in athletics, lectures, entertainments, student publications, et cetera; provided, that students taking extension courses or regular session students taking less than seven sem.ester hours m.ay secure the benefits of the Activities Program by the payment of the Student Activities Fee. II. Contingent Fee. Semester of eighteen weeks. 1. (a) A contingent fee for each student in each curriculum is charged as follows: SEMESTER FEES Elementary Curriculums Secondary Curriculums Business Education Regular Special Total 045.00 (none) $45.00 45.00 45.00 (none) 012.00 45.00 57.00 This fee covers registration and keeping of records of students, library, student welfare, health service (other than extra nurse and quarantine), and laboratory facilities. (b) Students taking seven or fewer semester hours shall pay at the rate of 07.50 per semester hour. Students taking more than seven semester hours shall pay the regular contingent fees; contingent fees for special curriculums shall be prorated on the basis of an eighteen semester hour load. (c) (d) Students taking extension courses shall pay at the rate of 07.50 per semester hour; provided that the regular fees for special curriculums, shall be prorated on the basis of an eighteen semester hour load. The president of the college may, at his discretion, authorize pay- ments for not 2. (a) than one month in advance by worthy students. Sessions. Seven dollars and fifty cents per semester hour. contingent fee of twenty-two dollars and (022.50) will be charged. A (b) Summer less minimum — fifty cents Contingent Fees Special Curriculums. In addition to the above fees, students in the special curriculums will be required to pay a fee to cover the cost of materials, supplies, equipment, and special services used in the laboratories, shops, or studios of the special curriculums. State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania These additional contingent fees will be as follows: SIX WEEKS' SUMMER SESSION •Art $ 6.00 4.00 6.00 9.00 6.00 15.00 3.00 Business Health Education Economics * Industrial Arts *Music * (c) * Home * Library Science 23 Students enrolled for periods of instruction differing from the schedule, pay fees in addition on a pro rata basis of the schedule of fees provided for the regular summer session. Housing Fees (Subject to Change) Housing rate for students shall be $90.00 per one-half semester and $60.00 for the Summer Session. This includes room, meals, and limited III. 1. laundry. For rooms with running water an additional charge of $9.00 per (a*) student per semester or $3.00 for the Summer Session may be made. No reduction in the rate (b) for absence of students who go is to home made for laundry done at for a few days at a time. be home nor (c) A student may, at the discretion of the president of the college, occupy a double room alone by paying an additional $36.00 a semester or $12.00 for the Summer Session. (d) For the purpose of meeting the requirements in those colleges where off-campus rooming students board in the college dining-room, and to meet the requirements of the Home Management Clubs in institutions maintaining home economics curriculums, the housing rates shall be divided as follows: $2.00 for room and laundry, (room $1.50 and laundry $0.50), and $8.00 for table board. 2. Housing rates for employees other than those included in the State Classification Schedule (faculty, clerks, and others) shall be $11.00 per week. The housing fee shall be divided at $3.00 for room and laundry (room $2.50 and laundry $0.50), and $8.00 for table board. The rate for transient meals shall be: Breakfast, $0.45; Lunch, $0.55; Dinner, $0.75. 3. ment The president of the college may, at his discretion, authorize payfor not less than one month in advance by worthy students. IV. Damage Fee 4. Students shall be responsible for damages, breakage, return of college property. V. loss, or delayed Infirmary Fee After three days in the college infirmary, students shall be charged an additional $1.00 for each day in excess of that period. Day who may be admitted to the infirmary shall pay board a day. This charge includes the regular nurse and regular medical service, but does not include special nurse or special medical students at the rate of $2.00 service. * Not available in Bloomsburg. State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 24 VI. Isolation Hospital Fee. If the college maintains an Isolation Quarantine Hospital for contagious diseases, the college shall charge ^10.00 per week additional, but this service charge does not include trained nurse or special medical service. Day students who may be admitted to the Quarantine Hospital shall pay the board rate of ^2.00 a day (see V preceding), and in addition shall pay ^10.00 a week, but this additional charge does not include trained nurse or special medical service. VII. Fees for Out-of-State Students. (Subject to change) Students whose legal residence is out of the State of Pennsylvania shall be charged at the rate of ^7.50 per semester hour. If out-of-state students are enrolled in a special curriculum, they shall pay the special fees as found in Item II, 1-a, in addition to the regular contingent fee of ^7.50 per semester hour. VIII. Private Instruction Fees. The charge for private lessons in music in the State Teachers Colleges maintaining the special curriculum in music, shall be : Voice, piano, band, or orchestral instruments, ^24.00 per sem.ester for one lesson per week. Pipe organ, ^42.00 per semester for one lesson per week. 1. — 2. Rental of piano for practice, 1 period per day, $6.00 per semester. Rental of pipe organ for practice, 1 period per day, $36.00 per semester. Rental of band or orchestral instruments, $6.00 per semester Summer Session the charge is one-third of above rates.) 3. (for The charge for private lessons in music in the State Teachers Colleges not maintaining the special music curriculum shall be fixed as follows: The Board of Trustees of a State Teachers College not offering the special curriculum in music may, subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, contract with individuals to give private lessons in music in order to afford an opportunity for students to continue their musical education. Such agreement shall provide reasonable reimbursement to the institution for any service or overhead supplies by the institution. IX. Degree Fee. A fee of $5.00 shall be paid by each candidate for a degree to cover the cost of degree diploma. X. Record of Transcript Fee. One dollar ($1.00) shall quent transcript of records. be charged for the second and each subse- State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania XI. 25 Delinquent Accounts. No student shall be enrolled, graduated, or receive a transcript of his record until all previous charges have been paid. Fee for Late Registration and Late Payments. Each student registering after the date officially set for registration shall pay an additional fee of ^1.00 per day until the student is in regular attendance in accordance with the regulation of the Board of Presidents, XII. total amount of Late Registration Fee shall not exceed except when because of illness or any other unavoidable causes, permission for late registration has been secured in advance from the President. The same regulations shall apply to approved inter-semester provided that the ^5.00, payments. B. DEPOSITS Advance Registration Deposit A deposit of ^10.00 shall be m^ade by all students when they request registration. This is a guarantee of the intention of the student to enter college for the term or semester designated. It is deposited with the Revenue Department to the credit of the student's contingent fee. //, however, the student notifies the college at least three weeks before the opening of college that he is unable to enter, or if the student is rejected, by the college, re-payment of this deposit will be made on application from the student through the college authorities Check or Money Order for this amount must be drawn to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All Post Office Orders must be drawn on the Post Office at Harrisburg. C. NO OTHER FEES OR DEPOSITS PERMITTED No fees or deposits, other than as specified above, a State Teachers College. D. I. II. Repayment will may be charged by REPAYMENTS not be made: L To 2. For any par: of the advance registration deposit for any cause whatsoever except where students give notice of intention to withdraw at least three weeks before the college opens, or when the student is rejected by the college. students who are temporarily suspended, indefinitely pended, dismissed, or who voluntarily withdraw from college. sus- A repayment will be made for personal illness, the same being certified by an attending physician, or for such other reasons as may be approved by the Board of Trustees for the amount of the housing to and contingent fees paid by the student for the part of the semester which the student does not spend in college. III. The advance registration deposit will be returned to students provided they notify the college not less than three weeks before the opening of the semester or term of their intention not to attend, or provided the student is rejected by the collge. State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 26 SUMMARY OF EXPENSES (Subject to change) The cost of one semester for students living at Contingent Fee Housing Fee (Board, Room, and Laundry) Activities Fee Books and Supplies (Estimated) Total Home College ^45.00 (none) $ 45.00 15.00 15.00 30.00 30.00 ^90.00 ^270.00 180.00 Business students pay ^12.00 additional. Out-of-State students pay ^7.50 per semester hour credit. Students not living at by the college, must home and not working live in the dormitories if rooms are in homes available. approved All fees must be paid in advance of enrollment. Fees for the regular college year may be paid one half in advance of enrollment, and one-half before the middle of each semester. If any fees other than the Activities Fees are paid by Bank Drafts, Express, Post Office Orders, or Checks, they must be made out for the exact amount which is being paid, and drawn payable to the order of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All Post Office Orders paying such fees must be drawn on the Post Office at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. If the Activities Fee is not paid in cash, a separate order must be drawn payable to "Community Activities." Post Office Orders for these fees must be drawn on the Post Office at Bloomsburg. Keys. Each student purchases a room key or locker lock for $1.00. This refunded when the key or lock is returned. is Baggage. hauled on the opening and closing days of each semester Incoming baggage should be clearly marked with the owner's name and "State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania." When baggage is sent to the station, it should bear the owner's name and Baggage is for a small charge. destination. Guests. Arrangements for room guests at Waller Hall and North Hall must be approved by the Dean of Women or the Dean of Men. The guest rates in the college dining room, payable to the Dietitian, are as follows: Breakfast, 45c; Luncheon, 55c; Dinner, 75c. Books and Supplies. The estimated cost of books and supplies is $30.00 for each semester. Students may secure these at the Community Store connected with the college. This store is operated on a cash basis. 27 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Dormitory Residence. Students not living at home and not working in homes approved by the college, must live in the dormitories if rooms are available. School Banking. The Business Office is prepared to handle deposits of cash for students may secure small amounts at convenient times. in order that they Notice of Withdrawal. Students leaving the college must notify the President of their withdrawal. Regular charges will be made until such notice is received. Music. All music accounts are payable in advance for a half-semester period. PERSONAL EQUIPMENT FOR ENTRANTS Rooms. Each room is dressers, study table, with single beds, mattresses and pillows, chairs. Sheets, pillow cases, and white spreads are furnished and furnished for the beds. — blankets or bed Students must provide the following equipment: comforts, towels, and a large laundry bag plainly marked with the student's name. REQUIRED DORMITORY EQUIPMENT 1. Only metal wastebaskets may be used in dormitory rooms. 2. Students must provide covers for bed pillows. Size of pillows inches by 27 inches. These may be of cloth or plastic. 3. Students must provide pads for mattresses. Size of mattress by 75 inches. 4. All clothing and other articles to be sent to the college laundry must be marked with woven name tapes (women students), and hot-iron transfer tape or woven name tapes (men students). is is 21 36 inches Athletic Equipment. Students must wear regulation gymnasium uniforms. These are to be purchased in the Community Store after the student arrives at Teachers College, in order that the outfits for the group may be uniform in style and color. Students should bring strong high shoes for hiking and climbing. Laundry. Each student each week. articles. An is allowed twelve articles of plain clothing in the wash extra charge will be made for laundry in excess of twelve State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 28 TYPES OF STUDENT ASSISTANCE — — 1 Student employment by the college Such employment for the most part is limited to work in the dining room, the kitchen, the library, and the college offices. Occasionally there are a few opportunities in the general maintenance service. However, the number of positions at present is so limited that for the most part it is the policy of the college to make them available only after students have demonstrated ability to meet the standards of the college by completing in a satisfactory manner the work of few opportunities are available to Freshmen for substitute the first year. A service. All work is paid for at rates from thirty-five to fifty cents per hour, and the maximum number of hours which a student may be employed upon work administered by the college is twenty-five hours per week. This means that under the most favorable conditions the maximum amount that may be earned is ten dollars per week, and that for the most part this is available for upper class students only. —Household Work—Many students earn housing expenses by working the college. The college refers requests from homes to prospective students. Usually, however, such opportunities are secured through friends or through church or other affiliations. Many students have secured household work and other work through advertisements placed in the Morning Press of Bloomsburg. Students securing such work in a home must secure from the Dean of Women, or the Dean of Men, an "Application for Approval to Live in a Private Home," and have it signed by the parent or guardian of the student and the housekeeper, and approved by the Dean of or the Dean of Men. Until this agreement is submitted and approved, the enrollment is temporary. 2 in private homes approved by Women — — 3 State Scholarships The State offers each year, through competitive examination, one scholarship worth $100.00 in each county. These are administered by the Department of Public Instruction, and information concerning them may be secured from Mr. James G. Pentz, Department of Public Instruction, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. — American Association of University A Bloomsburg Branch of the A. A. U. W. has in the Junior Class. Information may Women a loan Loan Fund fund open be secured from Mrs. —The to a girl Norman Hoff- man, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. —Alumni —^Our Alumni Association has a fund from which loans at very reasonable rates are made to students. Information concerning this fund may be secured from the Chairman of the Alumni Loan Fund Committee. 5 less Loan Fund Loans are to be repaid to the Treasurer in monthly payments of not than $10.00 each and every month beginning four months after the student graduates. Because of the great number of requests for loans, it has been found necessary to limit the loans to the Junior and Senior Classes; and to further limit the amount to any one person to $150.00. — — 6 The Bruce Albert Memorial Scholarship The Alumni Association provides this scholarship of $100.00 to a worthy Freshman or Sophomore selected by the Faculty Scholarship Committee and approved by the President of the College. The scholarship may be divided and given to two students 29 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania $50.00 each. Application blanks on a basis of Dean of Instruction. may be secured from the — — 7 Alumni Association Scholarship The Alumni Association provides from time to time other scholarships amounting to $50.00 each, to worthy Freshmen and Sophomore Students. The selection of the beneficiaries is made by the Faculty Scholarship Committee. Application blanks secured from the Dean of Instruction. may be — —The The net proceeds from the sale of President's Scholarship Tests," written by President Harvey A. Andruss and sold through the College Bookstore, shall be awarded to worthy students who demonstrate ability, professional promise, and need, by a committee composed of the President of the College, the Chairman of the Scholarship letter addressed to the PresiCommittee, and one other faculty member. dent of the College may be used by applicants in lieu of the application blanks used for other scholarships. 8 "Business Law Cases and A ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Entrance Requirements. New regulations for admission to the State Teachers Colleges of Pennsylvania require the applicant to appear at the College on days announced during the summer in addition to the regular registration day at the opening of the fall semester. Following is a statement of the general principles controlling the new admission regulations. Enrollment is conditional until the applicant has met all the requirements set forth in the following five paragraphs: General scholarship as evidenced by graduation from an approved 1. four-year high school or institution of equivalent grade as determined by the Credentials Division of the Department of Public Instruction and ranking in the upperhalf of the class at graduation. Candidates for admission who lack this rank at graduation will be required to present further evidence of fitness for admission as prescribed in the detailed standards for admission. and appropriate Integrity 2. fulness, personality as shown by an estimate of officials of the candidate's trustworthiness, honesty, truth- secondary school initiative, industry, social adaptability, personal appearance, and sympathy. Health, physical vigor, emotional stability, absence of physical 3. defects that would interfere with the successful performance of the duties of a teacher, and absence of predisposition toward ill health as determined by a medical examination at the college. Specific standards will be set up in the detailed requirements for admission. Normal 4. intelligence and satisfactory command of English as evi- denced by rating in standard tests. The tests used will be prescribed each year by the Board of Presidents and will be uniform for all State Teachers Colleges. A interview with particular attention presence, expressed interests of the promise of professional development. 5. speech personal habits, social Students Enrolling for First Time Note personality, applicant, and to Carefully the Following: NEW APPLICANTS must have the following blanks sent ALL (1) by the person indicated direct to the college in advance of (a) the personal conference, (b) the medical examination, and (c) the written examination (^required only by those in the lower half of the graduating class). State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 30 —application admission. physical examination. By a physician—report of By high school principal — high school record and By 1. the applicant for the 2. the 3. evaluation. These blanks will be forwarded on request. Personal conferences may be had by arrangement with the Dean of Instruction. These personal interviews may be arranged for any day from 1:30 P. M. to 3:00 P. M., Saturdays and Sundays excepted. The written examinations (required only of those in the lower half of the graduating class), will be given on dates to be announced. NEW APPLICANTS STANDING IN THE UPPER HALF (2) OF THE GRADUATING CLASS as ranked by the high school principal are exempt only from the written entrance examination. The not less credit unit on which entrance qualification is based represents than 120 sixty-minute periods of prepared work or the equivalent. ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS Scheduling Student's Work. At the beginning of every sem.ester a schedule of classes is handed to each student by the Dean of Instruction. It is the duty of the student to enroll in each class and to have the instructor of the subject sign the the last signature is obtained, the card must be schedule card. permanent credits returned to the office of the Dean of Instruction. When No will be recorded unless this signed card is on file. Provision for Superior Students. A — — "B", or above, student whose work for a semester averages 2.0, may carry in the next semester one course in addition to that normally scheduled for that semester. Transfers and Evaluations. A student desiring to transfer from another college must first present a letter of honorable dismissal and a complete record of the work taken at his former college. These records shall be sent directly from the college to the office of the Dean of Instruction. In evaluating and crediting the work of a student transferring from another college, credit shall be given only for work having a grade one letter point or the equivalent above the lowest passing grade of the institution from which the student is transferring. to All evaluations are made by the Dean of Instruction and are subject to revisions in the requirements for graduation. change according credit will be given for equivalent courses in approved of college grade, but no student may obtain a Bachelor of Science degree at Bloomsburg without a minimum residence of one year in the curriculum in which student intends to graduate. Students desiring Advanced institutions State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 31 work at any other institution must make written application to the of Instruction for approval in advance. Otherwise credits may not be accepted. Correspondence courses are not offered or accepted by this college. to take Dean Transfer of credits having the lowest -passing grade will not be accepted. Progress Reports and Records. For the purpose of reporting the progress of each student, each semester divided into periods of nine weeks. During each period the instructor hands to the Dean of Instruction a special deficiency report at any time the student is not doing satisfactory work. At the end of nine weeks a complete grade report is made. is At the end of the semester final grades are reported, recorded upon the permanent progress card of each student, and filed. The report is then sent out as before. Any parent not receiving such a report at the end of the eighteen weeks' period should notify the Dean of Instruction so that a duplicate will be mailed. System of Grading. A— very Our system of grading and its interpretation is as follows: failure inlow; Cond. condition; E high; C average; D high; B volving repetition of the entire course. — A A A A A — — — — grade of A carries with it 3 quality points for each grade of B carries with it 2 quality points for each semester hour. grade of C carries with it grade of D carries with it grade of E carries with it Condition is Incomplete To 1 — quality point semester hour. for each semester hour. quality points for each semester hour. I quality point for each semester hour. not considered in computing quality points. is not considered in computing quality points. be graduated, a student must have not less than an average of 1.0 quality points. Work accepted from other institutions shall count at the rate of one quality point per semester hour. All students, before receiving a final grade in English I or II, in Arithmetic I or II, or in Business Mathematics I and II, must qualify by receiving a passing grade in the standardized tests in English and Arithmetic. This refers to the tests given to all Freshmen each fall. Removal of Grades "Conditions" and "Incompletes." Each instructor imposing a condition at the end of a semester shall file with the Dean of Instruction a detailed statement of the steps to be taken by the student for the removal of such a condition. A printed form must be secured at the Dean of Instruction's office when a condition has been removed. It is the responsibility of the student to have this form signed by the instructor removing the condition, and to present it to the Dean of Instruction for recording. to be used State Teachers College, Blootnsburg, Pennsylvania 32 E and // the condition is not refnoved within one year, the grade becomes an the course must be repeated. This is also true of the grade "Incomplete." Pre-Requisite for Student Teaching. A student is eligible to begin teaching if he has attained a quality point average of 1.0 in not less than 90 semester hours. Raising the Quality Point Average for Student Teaching or Graduation. he If a student fails to attain the required quality point average of 1.0, raise his average by repeating courses in which he received a grade may of D or less, or by taking courses other than the repeated courses upon the approval of the Dean of Instruction and the Student Progress Committee. The divisor in the computation of the quality point average is the number of semester hours earned. Residence Required for Graduation. The minimum period of residence at this college is one year or its equivalent. Former students certified for teaching by having completed two or three years of college work who are candidates for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Education, must complete at least one-half of the remaining work required for the degree in residence at Bloomsburg. Residence credit may be earned in the classes of a regular semester, in summer school, or in Saturday classes for Teachers-in-Service. Probation. At the end of any grading period a student who has a quality point average of .80, but not less than .50, will be placed on probation until the next grading period. If at the end of the second grading period he has not improved, he will be advised to withdraw from college. Such students may be permitted to enroll, subject to the following conditions: 1. 2. Written application signed advance. The by the student and his parents in application shall state that the student (a) Will pursue a limited program of work. (b) Is (c) Will voluntarily withdraw from college if a quality point average of at least 1.0 is not earned in the following grading on probation. period. Any student having at the end of any grading period a quality point average of less than .50 will be automatically disenrolled. Such students may be placed on probation for another grading period on the recommendation of the Student Progress Committee. Eligibility for Participation in Intercollegiate Athletic Contests. A student to be eligible in intercollegiate athletic contests must have secured a passing grade in at least twelve semester hours of work during the semester preceding each respective sport. ON THE GYMNASIUM LUNCH IN STEPS DAY WOMEN'S ROOM SWIMMING POOL CENTENNIAL GYMNASIUM TENNIS COURTS ADJOINING CENTENNIAL GYMNASIUM State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 33 Placement Service. Service of the college cooperates with the Placement Service of the State Department of Public Instruction, Harrisburg, thus offering additional facilities for the placement of our students and graduates. The Placement The Placement Service has a two-fold purpose. First, it aims to assise school officials in securing competent teachers; and second, it attempts to place our graduates in fields of service for which their training best fits them. Service is in charge of the Director, who answers all gives personal attention to school officials seeking competent The Placement inquiries teachers. and In order that the Placement Service may be of maximum benefit to graduating students, it is necessary that graduates keep in close touch with the Service Office. Whenever a graduate secures a teaching position he should immediately inform the Placement Service Office. Knowledge that a graduate has been placed will prevent the mistake of continuing to suggest for teacher positions one who has already contracted with another school district. The Placement Service also welcomes communications from teachersin-service who wish to have their names placed in the active file of those seeking better positions than ones now held. The Placement Service can only offer time its help when graduates keep the office currently informed. In addition to placement, all services of the college stand ready at any to help former students professionally in every way possible. PROGRAMS FOR VETERANS Veterans interested in continuing their education under the G. I. Bill of Rights are cordially invited to visit the college and discuss their educational problems with Dr. Thomas P. North, Dean of Instruction. If this is not convenient, veterans should write to the college for information and the necessary application blanks. Those interested should address Dr. Ernest Placement Service. H. Engelhardt, Director of State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 34 IN-SERVICE EDUCATION OF TEACHERS (Extension and This work as the library Week-End Campus Classes) residence work so that all the facilities of the college, such and laboratories, are available for the use of the students. is There is always the possibility of offering any course in any curriculum circumstances permit. The offering is dependent upon two things: first the demand for teachers-in-service for the course; and, second, the availability of the faculty instructor. As a member of the faculty conducting such a class receives no extra compensation, it m.ust be offered as a part of his regular teaching load. We, therefore, are limited to the offerings of those courses for which a member of the faculty is found available for the work after the regular schedule for the semester has been determined. if Any teacher in service who is interested in this plan will be fully informed by communicating with the Dean of Instruction. The course of study desired should be indicated. The members of the faculty will teach the courses. A fee of In accordance with the certification regulations of the Department of Public Instruction, six (6) semester hours per college semester is the maximum amount which may be taken by a regularly employed teacher. six and regular dollars is charged for each semester hour credit. Those desiring information relative to enrollment should communicate if possible have a personal interview with the Dean of Instruction, State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. Teachers-in-Service are urged to note carefully the following: (1) Before taking advanced work be sure that you are familiar with the State regulations covering the type of certification desired, and decide definitely the fields that you desire covered by your State Certificate. (2) Be sure that the work which you take will be accepted for certification by the Department of Public Instruction and that it will definitely advance your standing towards the certificate that you desire. In other words, make sure before you begin a course that it will be credited toward your certificate. (3) In case of doubt, state your case to Dr. Henry Klonower, Director Teacher Education and Certification, Department of Public Instruction, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. EXTENSION CLASSES TTie college will offer extension courses in any community within the a sufficient demand for such courses. During the past two years extension work has been given in Danville, Hazleton, Kingston, West Pittston, Shamokin, Sunbury, Wilkes-Barre, Mt. Carmel, college service area provided there and college campus. is State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 35 THE LABORATORY SCHOOL FACILITIES OF THE COLLEGE Those who are to become teachers should have ample preparation in teaching in typical school situations. Considerable attention has been given to enlarging and strengthening the training school facilities of the State Teachers College at Bloomsburg. The Benjamin Franklin School on our campus houses a kindergarten, special classes for the mentally retarded, and grades one to six inclusive. There is a training teacher in charge of each class; consequently, close supervision is given to student teaching. Student teaching in the secondary field is done in the junior-senior high schools of Bloomsburg, Berwick, and Catawissa, the high school of Danville, and in three junior high schools and the Senior high school of Williamsport. The complete cooperation of the school authorities of the towns of Bloomsburg, Berwick, Catawissa, Danville, and Williamsport makes it possible to have a variety of adequate facilities for the training of teachers for the graded and secondary schools. The elementary school training facilities, and the junior and senior high school training facilities of the college are typical of the public schools in our service area. The students, therefore, have ample opportunity to observe well-trained teachers at work and to develop skill in teaching by actual experience under public school conditions. Elementary Education provides preparation in these special fields: Early Childhood Education, including Kindergarten, Grades One, Two, and Three; Intermediate Education, Grades Four, Five, and Six; and Rural Education for consolidated schools. The Special Class in the Bejamin Franklin School offers facilities for observation and student teaching of the Mentally Retarded. The student observes and works with children who range in age from eight to sixteen years, and whose physical and mental abilities may vary to an even greater extent. his The slow learning child acquires knowledge and information through own experiences. Manual activities have a prominent place in the school program because they not only bring the satisfaction that results from having achieved some success but also because they provide a means for developing habits and attitudes of work which may prove helpful to the pupils when they are faced with the problem of earning a living. In many cases, through handwork, idleness in school is replaced by some worthwhile activity. In other cases an attitude of not belonging is changed into one of cooperation; and embarrassment and defeat no longer characterize the child. State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 36 The student teaching program in the secondary field includes opporteach the general fields of the junior-senior high school by actual teaching and observation under the supervision of specifically prepared training teachers. These general fields include: Aviation, English, social studies, mathematics, the sciences, geography, and foreign languages. Training teachers in secondary education are selected on the basis of certification, through preparation to teach their respective subject matter fields, professional preparation to educate others to teach, and desirable personality factors. These specially prepared master teachers have, therefore, two responsibilities: that of teaching children efficiently, and of guiding young men and women in learning to teach. tunities for learning to SUMMER SESSIONS The summer sessions are designed primarily to enable Pennsylvania teachers to advance professionally and to meet the certification standards approved by the State Council of Education. All of the courses offered will be on a collegiate basis, and will be of particular interest to the following: ( 1 ) Undergraduates qualifying for advanced standing or the removal of conditions. (2) Teachers in service qualifying for (a) advanced State Certification, (b) the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Education, and (c) the (3) Permanent College Certificate. College graduates qualifying for state certification through courses and student teaching. in education Students attending the summer sessions hours as there are weeks in the session. may schedule as many semester Special opportunities will be provided during the 1950 summer sessions for persons certified to teach on the secondary level to work toward certificafeature of the 1950 tion to include teaching on the elementary level. regular summer session will be the workshop in elementary education conducted by the laboratory school staff in connection with the work of the Benjamin Franklin School. The methods involved will consist of group discussion, lectures by prominent authorities in their fields with observations as an integral part of the workshop. The Benjamin Franklin Laboratory School affords an excellent opportunity for observation and participation by experienced teachers, especially at this time of emphasis in elementary education. A The enrollment in the 1950 summer session will be limited to teachers, presently enrolled students of the college, and others who have been in attendance at an accredited college. Students enrolling at Bloomsburg for the first time should present a transcript of their college record or other evidence of having attended another college. A copy of the 1950 summer session bulletin addressed to the Dean of Instruction. will be sent upon a request State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 37 STUDENT PARTICIPATION IN COLLEGE GOVERNMENT A state Teachers College is a professional institution for the education of teachers for our public schools. The college, therefore, requires the maintenance of high standards in academic work, balanced programs of social and recreational activities, and opportunities for the development of self-direction and leadership. The attainment of these objectives is aided by a sound health program, favorable study conditions, a good library, and supplementary social and recreational activities. In general, these opportunities are provided through a broad program of college organizations and activities which are developed and controlled through the participation of the entire college in the Community Government Association. This organization, through the College Council, is the general control body for the various college activities. In accordance with the constitution of the Community Government Association, dormitory affairs are handled for women by the Dormitory Women's Association and for men by the Dormitory Men's Association. The activities of students not living in the dormitories are handled or the women by the Day Women's Association and for the men by the Day Men's Association. The detailed plans for student participations in college community life are presented in the Handbook, issued at the beginning of the fall semester each year under the direction of the College Council. Community Government Association The Community Government Association cooperates with the responsible authorities in promoting personal and group responsibility in regulating the affairs of all students. The College Council, which meets every two weeks, acts as the executive board of the Community Government Association. The officers of the association automatically become officers of the Council. The College Council administers the affairs of the association, formulates its policies, and acts cases involving violations of the Community Government regulations. upon Waller Hall Student Government Association This association is an organization of the women students living in dormitories. Its administrative body is the Governing Board whose members are selected from each of the various classes. The Governing Board has the power to make and enforce regulations, to direct the social life, and to promote the general welfare of all women students of Waller Hall. Day Women's Association The Day Women's Association is an organization of women not living in the college dormitories. The governing body is an Official Board consisting of a President and Vice-President elected by the entire association, and two representatives from each class. Its purpose is to promote the general welfare of the day women, and to cooperate with the other student organizations in matters affecting the general welfare of the institution. The women's day rooms, consisting of recently remodeled lounge, lunch room, and office for the Assistant Dean of Women, are located on the first floor of Noetling Hall. Dames Club The College Dames Club College is an organization whose members are wives of college students, and married women branch of the Day Women's Association. who are college students. This is a State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 38 The purpose of the organization is that of providing a means of getting acquainted in a new community with other people with similar interests as well as forming a link between the College and wives of our students. Dormitory Men's Association The Dormitory Men's Association governs the resident men students efficiently. The governing body is composed of the President, the VicePresident, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and a Student Council. By means of this in organization, the men cooperate with the administrative authorities promoting personal and group responsibility. Day Men's Association The Day Men's Association, located in the recently remodeled rooms on the second floor in Noetling Hall, provides facilities on campus for those students who do not live at college. This includes luncheon as well as recrea- tional facilities. The governing board consists of a President, Wice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Assembly Programs Assembly programs are presented each week in Carver Hall Auditorium. The students are largely responsible for the success of these programs. Various college clubs present programs with a wide variety of entertainment. Visiting lecturers, visiting high schools, and members of the college faculty contribute at times to these programs. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES All students are required to take part in one extra-curricular activity one semester each year. The students, for the most part, are eager to take this opportunity to train themselves in this important and interesting phase of modern school work. The extra-curricular work during the past year included the following: Athenaeum Club The purpose of acquainted with, and the Athenaeum Club is to enable students to become appreciative of classical music. Athletics In addition to the required course in physical education, men receive extra-curricular credit for football, basketball, track, cross country, wrestling, tennis, and baseball. Women receive evtra-curricular credit for hiking, skating, volleyball, basketball, tennis, and baseball. Aviation Club The objective of the Aviation Club is to stimulate and develop an The club which promotes sporting aviation is both educational and entertaining. interest in flying. "B" Club The "B" Club is an organization of women who have achieved a given number of athletic points. This club tries to create an increasing interest in sports and sportsmanship. Cheerleaders Cheerleaders, who stimulate an active from the members of the student body. interest in all sports, are chosen 39 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Class Organizations For purposes of government and conduct of social affairs, the Senior, Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman Classes are organized under officers entitled President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Man Representative, Woman Representative, Class Adviser. The last officer is a member of the Faculty. Bloomsburg Players The Dramatic Club provides a workshop for those who wish training in educational dramatics. It stages plays for college affairs and for the public. It has installed a chapter of Alpha Psi Omega, national honor dramatic fraternity. Men's Glee Club The Men's Glee Club radio broadcasts. presents yearly Membership in this Club many is Women's Chorus The Chorus numbers more than one hundred possesses an acceptable singing voice may apply organization. An audition is fine open programs including all male students. to voices. for a Any student position in who this required. Business Education Club The Business Education Club, an organization composed of the students of the Department of Business Education, sponsors a commercial contest for high schools. Through this activity the high school students are acquainted with the type of the professional work being developed here. Contests are held in the major commercial subjects: bookkeeping, shorthand, and typewriting. Winners of the various contest events receive medals, while a Commercial Contest Cup is awarded to the high school having the best contest team. Future Teachers of America The Future Teachers of America is are preparing for the teaching profession. promote interest with the problems and is to an organization of students who The purpose of the organization education and to familiarize prospective teachers tasks as well as with the opportunities awaiting them in in the near future. Maroon and Gold Instrumental Musical Organizations (a) Maroon and Gold Orchestra The Maroon and Gold Orchestra fills an important place in the College Musical programs and entertainment are presented. The orchestra gives an annual public concert. Students with sufficient ability are urged to join life. this organization. (b) Maroon and Gold Band An excellent group of fifty-five members offers training in group and functions and is organized on the basis of an extra-curricular activity. Students with musical talent will benefit by participating in this organization. ensemble playing. The Band plays at all athletic State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 40 The Poetry Club This club is for a small discussion group interested in securing wider acquaintance with the fundamentals of poetry, and a broader appreciation through studying, writing, and reading. Science Club The Science Club consists of members of the student body who are interested in natural and physical science. Subjects for study and observation include topics dealing with history of the various branches of science, plant and animal life, geology and mineralogy, chemistry, and physics. Tlie Maroon and Gold The Maroon and Gold is the college paper, published weekly by a student staff. It aims to keep the student body informed of current happenings at Teachers College. The Obiter The Obiter is the Annual published each spring by the graduating class. contains a review of the activities of the class, with cuts of campus, students, clubs, and teams. If The Olympian The Olympian is the College magazine, published periodically by a student staff. The publication contains popular and literary articles submitted by students from all four classes. The Bloomsburg Alumni Quarterly The Bloomsburg Alumni Quarterly, published four times a year, keeps the alumni informed of the activities and progress of the Alma Mater. It is sent to all alumni who pay the alumni fee of $1.00 a year. This publication is available in the college library. The Handbook The Handbook an annual publication which aims to inform students Bloomsburg. It serves as a guide to freshmen and also as an informative booklet to upper classmen, answering many questions which confront entering students. about college life is at Student Christian Association The Student Christian Association is open to all men and women students of the college. It holds weekly meetings. It aims to develop the social and religious life of the college students. Auditorium Devotional services are held weekly in the auditorium in connection with the assembly programs. Local Churches Students at Teachers Colleges are cordially invited to attend services the churches of Bloomsburg. Students attend Sunday School, Young People's Meetings, and sing in the church choirs. in State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 41 PROFESSIONAL FRATERNITIES National honorary and professional fraternities which foster and advance education ideals through scholarship, social efficiency, and moral development, are permitted to form chapters. There are five such fraternities on the campus. Kappa Delta Pi (National Coeducational Honor Society in Education) Kappa Delta Pi originated at the University of Illinois in 1909 as the Illinois Educational Club, and was incorporated June 8, 1911, under the laws of the State of Illinois as the Honorary Education Fraternity. On October 4, 1932, this title was changed to Kappa Delta Pi, an Honorary Society in Education, and was so registered at the office of the Secretary of State at Springfield, Illinois. Both men and women who have a scholarship record in the upper quartile of the institution, are eligible for mem- Kappa now comprising Delta Pi is both an undergraduate and graduate society, 148 chapters with more than 70,000 members. It has the unique distinction of having a Laureate Chapter composed of outstanding educators throughout the world, the intent being to make this an academy of educators similar to the academy of science or academy of letters. bership. The Forum, official magazine of the society, is issued Other publications of value are the Lecture Series and the Educational quarterly. Research Publications. Gamma Beta Chapter has sponsored a commemorative plate of Bloomsburg State Teachers College, the center picture of which is Carver Hall. The plates are made by the Josiah Wedgewood Potteries, England. Phi Sigtna Pi (National Honorary Educational Fraternity for Men) The Phi Sigma Pi, a National Educational Fraternity, was founded at the State Teachers College, Warrensburg, Missouri, on February 14, 1916. The fraternity has 20 active chapters. The objective of the fraternity is to maintain a professional educational fraternity for men in teacher training The organization is based on high scholastic attainments and seeks to advance educational ideals, promote close fellowship, improve the training of teachers, and uphold just and efficient government. The Bloomsburg Chapter, Iota, has 30 active members, 6 faculty members, and 6 honorary members. institutions. Alpha Psi Omega (National Coeducational Honorary Dramatic Fraternity) Psi Omega, national honorary dramatic fraternity, was organized Fairmont State College, Fairmont, Virginia, to provide an honor society for those doing a high standard of work in college dramatics, and to secure for them the mutual helpfulness provided by a large national fraternity. At present there are 245 chapters located in colleges and universities in the United States and Canada. The Bloomsburg chapter, Alpha Omicron, was organized in March, 1928, and now has an alumni membership of 190. Alpha in 1922 at State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 42 Gamma Theta Upsilon (National Coeducational Honorary Geography Fraternity) Gamma Theta Upsilon originated in the Normal University on May 15, organized by seven Junior and Senior members of Bloomsburg in October, 1931. The chapter Illinois State Geography Club of the 1931. Delta Chapter was of the Geographic Society now has 69 on the roll. students making special preparation to teach is limited to geography. The purpose of this organization is to advance the professional study of geography both as a cultural discipline and a practical subject for study and investigation. A national loan fund to promote graduate study of geography has been established. The roster of chapters totals 15, representing 11 states and having a membership of 835. Membership Pi Omega The Pi (National Professional Commercial Education Fraternity) Omega Pi was started in the spring of 1923 Teachers College at Kirksville. Alpha Delta Chapter was installed at State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, on May 28, organi2^ation of Pi at the Northeast Missouri State 1935. The Fraternity The aims is composed of of the fraternity are: 21 chapters. (a) to encourage, promote, extend, and create interest and scholarship in commerce; (b) to aid in civic betterment in colleges; (c) to encourage and foster high ethical standards in business and professional life; and (d) to teach the ideal of service as the basis of all worthy enterprise. AN ENRICHED PROGRAM OF STUDIES Curriculums for the education of teachers should be constantly rein terms of the needs of the public schools. An effort has been made to adjust the curriculum of the teachers colleges to meet these needs. In accordance with this policy, the presidents of the State Teachers Colleges, with the approval of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, have rearranged the courses, thereby enriching the curriculums. The first two years of the rearranged curriculums will give the students a more thorough academic background. examined The main revised curriculums in the State Teachers Colleges have as their objective, the reorganization of the sequential relationship of courses so that the professional work will be distinctly professional courses in the first in the second year, and additional courses in The following curriculums are Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. (1) and progressive. There will year, more professional courses the third and fourth years. be cumulative in operation at State Teachers College, Four- Year Elementary Curriculum leading to the B.S. in Education, with college certification in (a) Kindergarten-Primary, (b) Intermediate, (c) Rural fields, (d) As a teacher of classes of the mentally retarded, (e) Speech correctionist. Six additional hours of electives are required for graduation in the last two areas. 43 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania (2) Four- Year Secondary Curriculum leading to B.S. in Education, with college certification in two or more of the following fields: Aviation, English, Social Studies, Geography, Mathematics, French, Latin, Spanish, Science, Speech and Speech Correction. (3) Four- Year Business Education Curriculum leading to the B.S. in Education, with an opportunity to secure college certification in the following subjects: Bookkeeping and Accounting, Business English, Commercial and Economic Geography, Commercial Law, Commercial Mathematics, Economics, Junior Business Training, Office Practice, Salesmanship, Shorthand, and Typewriting. Retail Selling may also be chosen as a field for certification. GUIDANCE IN CHOOSING A CURRICULUM In order that entering students may have an opportunity to explore their interests and try out their abilities and aptitudes in the college situation, a uniform curriculum for the first year is followed by those expecting to teach academic subjects in the Secondary and Elementary schools. Those expecting to teach commercial subjects in the Secondary schools also follow a uniform curriculum for the first year. Following the first year's experience with courses in English, Speech, Geography, Science, Health Education, History, Appreciation of Art and Music, and Place and Purpose of Education in the Social Order (including School Visitation), the student is in a position to choose electives in either the Elementary or Secondary curriculums for the second year, basing his decision on his Freshman courses. After having completed courses in English, Speech, Health Education, Economic Geography, Place and Purpose of Education in the Social Order (including School Visitation) as well as courses in Bookkeeping and Accounting, Shorthand, Typewriting and Business Mathematics, the prospective commercial teacher is in a better position to choose either the Commercial, Accounting, Secretarial, or Retail Selling sequence, depending upon his first year's experience. During the Freshman year, to further inform entering students of the nature of the teaching profession, all students take an orientation course entitled "Place and Purpose of Education in the Social Order" (including school visitation). Classrooms of all types and levels are visited. In class, such topics are studied as: How to Study, How to Budget Time, Campus Services, Administrative Organization of the College, The Requirements Possibilities of Teaching as a Profession, Self-Analysis to Determine Fitness for Teaching. All of these are consciously planned to help students choose their curriculum at the beginning of the second year. Such guidance based on professional information and personal analysis is carried on by means of conferences by faculty members with individual students. Persons entering the teaching profession in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania today must view themselves in the light of the mental, physical, and social requirements and possibilities of educational careers as well. and At the outset of the Sophomore year, a second choice is necessary. If Elementary Curriculum is chosen, a student may specialize in the Kindergarten-Primary, Intermediate, Rural, or Special Education Group the II, and III in other parts of this catalogue. If the chosen, two fields of specialization are selected from the following: English, French, Latin, Social Studies, Speech, Mathe- referred to as Groups Secondary Curriculum among I, is State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 44 Geography and Aviation. If the Business Education Curriculum has been followed for one year, to continue one must choose a sequence from the following: Commercial (which certifies all in commercial subjects), Accounting, Secretarial, and Retail Selling. matics, Science, Thus the specialized work of the last three years is based on one year of general preparation for the purpose of acquainting students with the nature of the teaching profession, and at the same time to aid in the prediction of professional promise of teaching success. Following the first year, a change from one curriculum to another may be requested by the student or advised by the Dean of Instruction. This arrangement provides all students with an opportunity to explore, try out, and counsel with the faculty while they are taking courses having a general bearing on the Elementary, Secondary, or Business teacher education situations before a curriculum for specialization is selected. BASIC TWO YEARS OF THE ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY CURRICULUMS (Sequence of courses subject to change for administrative reasons.) First Semester Third Semester Hours Hours Clock Sem. Clock. Sem. English Literature English I including Library Science Fundamentals of Biological Science I 1 Order 3 General Psychology 3 Physical Science I 4 Health and Physical Edu- 3 cation III Electives 3 1 3 19 16 4 3 1 Place and Purpose of Education in the Social Appreciation of Music 3 Economic Geography Health and Physical Education 3 ...3 3 3 3 4 Speech.. 3 3 3 3 2 20 15 3 3 Fourth Semester Second Semester Hours Hours Clock. Sem. English II Principles of Geography . History of Civilization Biological Science II Health and Physical Educ cation II Appreciation of Art Clock. Sem. American Literature 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 Educational Psychology .3 3 3 4 Principles of Sociology or 3 Physical Science II 4 Health and Physical Edu- 3 3 1 cation IV Electives 20 16 2 Prin. of Economics 3 3 3 1 3 4 4 20 17 45 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania ELEMENTARY CURRICULUM SECONDARY CURRICULUM Fifth Semester Fifth Semester Hours Hours Clock Sem. Clock Sem. American Government United States History before 1865 Teaching of Music Reading 1 Art 1 Curriculum in Arithmetic School Law Health and Physical Education Electives 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 22 16 V 3 School Law Educational Measure- ments 1 3 1 2 2 Health and Physical Edu- V cation Electives 3 1 10 10 19 17 Sixth Semester Sixth Semester Hours Clock Sem. History of Pennsylvania 2 2 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 21 16 History of U. S. and Pa. Health and Physical Edu- 3 3 cation VI Problems of Secondary Education 3 1 2 1 Electives Teaching of English, including Handwriting . Music II Art II Health and Physical Education VI U. S. History since 1865 Electives Hours Clock Sem. ... 2 2 10 10 18 16 Seventh Semester Hours Seventh Semester Clock Sem. Hours Educational Measure- ments Curriculum 2 2 Science 4 Visual Education 2 Children's Literature and Story Telling 3 Evolution of the Ameri2 can Public School Ethics 3 3 in Elementary American Government 1 3 3 2 3 3 19 17 Clock Sem. Evolution of the American Public School 2 Visual Education 2 Ethics 3 Electives 2 1 3 10 10 17 16 Eighth Semester Eighth Semester Hours Hours Clock Sem. Clock Sem. 12 3 Student Teaching and Conference 18 Curriculum Materials, and Adaptation 4 15 22 15 Student Teaching and Conference 18 Curriculum Materials, and Adaption 4 12 22 3 State Teachers College, Blootnsburg, Pennsylvania 46 AND ELECTIVES SPECIALIZATION IN THE ELEMENTARY CURRICULUM Students enrolled in the State Teachers Colleges may qualify for 1. the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education by satisfactory completing the basic elementary four-year curriculum and twelve semester hours offered at the college at which the degree is to be conferred. Students desiring to specialize in Early Childhood Education 2. (nursery school, kindergarten, grades 1, 2, and 3), Intermediate Education (grades 4, 5, and 6), or Rural Education (grades 1-6 or 1-8) shall be required to complete satisfactorily the basic four-year elementary curriculum and meet the following specific requirements for the field of specialization desired. a. Early EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Childhood b. Hours Hours Clock Sem. Clock Sem. Teaching and American His. and Government 'Student Teaching in in- Educa- tion 3 3 •Student Teaching in grades below fourth ...18 Curriculum Materials: Selection and Adaption for Early Childhood Grades INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION 12 3 termediate grades 18 Curriculum Materials: Selection and Adapta- 12 tion 4 3 25 18 C. 3 .. intermediate for grades RURAL EDUCATION Hours Clock Sem. Rural School Problems 3 3 18 12 Student Teaching under rura' school condi. tions ;. Curriculum Materials: Selection and Adaptation to rural or in grades 1-6 or 1-S, under conditions appro.ximating those in rural schools 3. Electives may 4 3 25 18 be chosen from the following: Hours Clock Sem. Child Adjustment 3 Child Psychology 3 Diagnostic and Remedial instruction in Reading. 3 Education for Family Living 3 3 Mental Hygiene 3 Safety Education 2 School Finance 2 Special Education Teaching of Arithmetic .3 Red Cross First Aid Standard Courses and Advanced 30 Clinical Psychology (Var- 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 iable Credit) Red Cross Workshop Home Nursing 3 1 3 Education of Exceptional Children 3 (See page 47 for explanation of footnotes 3 marked with •) 4 3 25 18 47 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania in academic fields and special curriculums approved at the which the student is registered: provided that to achieve a breadth of background, not more than six (6) semester hours may be selected from courses listed above, and not more than six (6) semester hours may be selected from any one academic field or special curriculum, except that and courses college in (a) Twelve (12) semester hours may be elected in Speech including Dramatics. (b) pursuing the Elementary Curriculum who may elect to in Speech Correction, in Mental Retardation, or in any other phase of education for teachers of atypical children may take twelve (12) semester hours in courses related to these fields, and in Students specialize addition thereto may substitute courses in the field of specialization to a total of six semester hours for any two of the following: Ethics Curriculum Materials Student Teaching 3 4 3 3 4 3 provided such substitution has the approval of the President of the College. •Three semester hours of the twelve required may be observation and participation in other age levels of the elementary field. ••Three of the twelve semester hours required may be observation and participation in the Early Childhood Education or Intermediate Education divisions. SPECIAL EDUCATION (In Elementary Grades) Special Education for Mentally Retarded SPECIAL EDUCATION FOR MENTALLY RETARDED Sem. Hrs. 24 Hours Hours Clock Sem. Clock Sem. Required Psychology of Exceptional I. 15 , II. Electives 9 Education of Exceptional Children Diagnostic Testing and 3 Remedial Teaching 3 3 Special Class Arts and Crafts 1 Special Class Arts and Crafts II 6 3 3 6 3 Student Teaching in Classes for Mentally Retarded Children 3 1 Special Class Methods 3 2 Children 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Corrective Physical Edu3 cation 3 Mental or Educational Hygiene Clinical Psychology Abnormal Psychology Mental Tests (group) Speech Correction Mental Tests (individual) Speech Correction Sem. Hrs. SPEECH CORRECTION 24 Hours Hours Clock Sem. Required 15 Psychology or Education 3 of Exceptional Children 3 Testing and Diagnostic Remedial Teaching 3 3 Mental Hygiene 3 3 Speech Problems 3 3 Speech Clinic 4 2 Psychology of Speech and Hearing 3 3 Phonetics 3 3 Speech Pathologry 3 3 I. •Preferred electives. Clock Sem. II. Electives •Mental Tests (Individual) 3 4 •Speech Clinic II 3 •Voice and Diction Clinical Psychology 3 3 Mental Tests (group) 48 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania DEVELOPMENT OF AERONAUTICS In the fall of 1940 the State Teachers College at Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, was asked, along with approximately 600 other institutions of higher learning, to participate in the program of Civilian Pilot Training sponsored by the Civil Aeronautics Administration. This flight and ground school training for college men was on an extra curricular basis and was to form a reservoir of pilots in case of an emergency developed in the United States. This emergency became a crisis December 7, 1941, and fortunately ready to meet this situation was a group of trained pilots, including 100 trained at Bloomsburg. Since that time over 900 men have been trained at Bloomsburg for the Army and Navy as Service Pilots, Aviation Cadets, and Naval Flight Instructors. The Department of Public Instruction announced in April, 1943, that the State Teachers College at Bloomsburg had been approved by the State Department of Public Instruction as the first institution to offer courses leading to a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education with specialization in the field of Aeronautics. PRE-FLIGHT AERONAUTICS FOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS The College has instituted a four-year curriculum leading to certification of teachers in Aviation to instruct in the high schools of Pennsylvania in the field of Pre-Flight Aeronautics. Growing out of an active participation in the Aviation Program for college students and Army and Navy Flyers, which has offered an opportunity for over 1,000 young men and women to become airline personnel, teachers of pre-flight aeronautics, and combat pilots in the Army and Navy of the United States, the State Teachers College at Bloomsburg is planning to offer a specialized field in Aviation to pre-service secondary teachers. Primary or Elementary Ground School Course 4 Sem. Hrs. Will include: Civil Air Regulations; Elementary Meteorology; Air Navigation; General Service or Aircraft Instruments and Parachutes; Engines and Power Plants; and Theory of Flight. Secondary or Advanced Ground School Course 6 Sem. Hrs. Will include: Aerodynamics; Advanced Meteorology, and Navigation; History of Aviation; Aircraft Engines; Use of Airways Communications and Lighting Aids; Theory of Flight; Flight Techniques; and Psychology of Flight Instruction. These courses are to be paid for at the usual rate of ^6.00 per credit be applied in the fields of Mathematics, Science, and Geography for the purposes of meeting graduation and certification requirements. They may also be applied in other fields with the preapproval of the Dean of Instruction. hour, and may State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 49 During the 1950 Summer Sessions, the college will continue classes for teachers of Pre-Flight Aeronautics on both the primary and advanced levels. These courses may be used as electives for the fields of Science, Geography, or Mathematics to meet the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Education, and the College Provisional (or Permanent) Certificate. Since the enrollment is limited, persons interested in Pre-Flight Aeronautics should make immediate reservations by addressing Dr. Thomas P. North, Dean of Instruction, State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. The Bloomsburg State Teachers College will continue a course in Pre-Flight Aeronautics for secondary school teachers which was begun last year. On June I, 1941, a letter was sent to Pennsylvania school officials by the Bloomsburg State Teachers College, announcing a class for teachers of Aeronautics. Later the Civilian Pilot Training Program developed plans for teachers to receive instruction along with Aviators who were being trained for the Army and Navy. Bloomsburg State Teachers College organized the first class in the United States devoted exclusively to the instruction of teachers of PreFlight Aeronautics. The enrollment was limited to twenty. College instructors certified by the National Government carried the first group through to a successful conclusion. A large number of these teachers returned to their high schools to begin teaching Pre-Flight Aeronautics in September, 1942. Others are now teaching Aviation at leading Universities, and occupy positions on the staff of the Civilian Aeronautics Administration. AREAS OF CONCENTRATION (ELECTIVE FIELDS) SECONDARY CURRICULUM Sem. Hrs. AERONAUTICS (Minimum 24 in first field) Hours Hours Clock Sem. Clock Sem. Required I. Aviation Mathematics 18 3 3 3 3 Aircraft Communication and Regulations General Service and Struc- II. Electives 6 Climatology 3 3 Aircraft Engines 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 History and Identification of Aircraft ture of Aircraft (includIng Gliders and Model Airplanes) 6 Aerial Navigation 3 Meterology for Aviators Commercial Air Transpor3 tation •Flight Experience (eviPrivate Pilot's 3 denced by ... 3 3 L.icense) or equivalent Aerodynamics and Theory of FUght 3 3 .. The following hourly fees are charged for flight instruction given by the Columbia Aircraft Services at the Bloomsburg Municipal Airport: Dual Piper—65 Hp Hp 75 Hp Stinson— 150 — Ercoupe Instrument Flight Instruction, Stinson, 150-Hp. Multi-Engine Instruction Link Trainer Instruction: ^6.50 per hour. ^10.50 17.00 11.50 19.00 40.00 Solo $ 7.50 14.00 8.50 19.00 40.00 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 50 ENGLISH (Minimum Sem. Hrs. as first 24 field). Hours Hours Clock Sem. Clock Sem. Required English Composition English and American 7 6 Literature English Philogy 6 3 6 3 American Poetry ISth Century Literature Contemporary Poetry Essay Advanced Composition 3 3 Journalism 18 I. II. Electives 6 3 ... 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Modern Drama Nineteenth Century Novel Modern Novel 3 3 Pre-Shakespearean Literature Romantic 2 Literature Shakespeare Short Story Victorian Prose and Poetry (Minimum as first 3 24 field) Hours Hours Clock Sem. Required French I & Clock Sem. 18 I. II. tary) French III and rv (19th Century and Contemporary Prose and Poetry French V (Outline Course in French Literature) French VI (17th Century French History and Literature-Composition) LATIN (Minimum as 6 6 6 6 Electives 6 French VII and VIII (Romantic and Realistic Movement in French Lit- (Elemen- II erature) French IX (French Novel) French X (French Drama) French Civilization 3 3 < Clock Sem. Clock Sem. Roman Civilization SPANISH (Minimum Electives Roman Letters Material 18 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 as first 6 II. 3 3 24 field) Hours Clock Sem. Clock Sem. 18 I. Literature II. Spanish 3 ture 3 as first 6 6 6 6 24 Hours Clock Sem. Clock Sem. Electives (Comparative).. 5 Bacteriology 5 12 ing Plants) vertebrates) 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 Chemistry Ecology B Entomology Embryology Field Botany 5 5 5 Field Zoology Forestry Heredity Histology Ornithology Parasitology Physiology Plant Propagation II •In addition to Inorganic 6 II. Anatomy (Flower- General Botany II (Nonflowering Plants) General Zoology I (InGeneral Zoology (Vertebrates) 3 4 field) I. I 4 Contemporary Spanish Hours 'Required General Botany 3 Commercial Spanish Spanish-American Litera- Drama BIOLOGY (Minimum 6 Con- versation 6 3 3 Electives Advanced 6 6 6 Spanish Conversation 3 3 3 3 Hours Required Elementary Spanish Intermediate Spanish Introduction to Spanish 3 24 I. Plautus and Terence 3 3 3 3 Hours Hours Horace 6 3 field) first Required Virgil and Ovid Livy Cicero and Tacitus 6 3 3 ... 3 3 3 World Literature FRENCH 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 I and II. 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 51 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania CHEMISTRY (Minimum 'Required Inorganic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Qualitive Analysis Quantative Analysis as Hours Hours Clock Sem. Clock Sem. 18 I. Organic Chemistry Setn. Hrs. 24 first field). 1 6 Organic Chemistry II Industrial Chemistry Physical Chemistry Biological Chemistry Chemistry of Food and 4 3 3 4 7 6 Electives II. 4 6 6 7 1 II Nutrition I'hotography •In addition to Physics PHYSICS (Minimum as I and and Zoology II, 3 3 24 Clock Sem. 15 Electives II. 9 Heat 5 3 5 8 3 Optics 6 4 Sound 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 6 4 12 and Magnetism 3 3 5 I. Clock Sem. Electricity 3 5 Hours I. Mechanics 3 field) first II 3 5 5 Hours 'Required Physics I and 5 Communications Measurements Astronomy Photograph Modern Physics Radio Physical ... .... Aeronautics •In addition to Chemistry I and Botany II, 1, and Zoology 5 I. specializing in Physics must demonstrate competency in — Students mathematics. Such students are advised to elect mathematics as a Note second Elective field. Arrangement in General Science. Thirty (30) semester hours in scientific fields shall be required as a for specialization in the field of General Science, and shall include courses in Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Earth Science, minimum and Mathematics. MATHEMATICS (Minimum I. as 24 field) Hours Hours Clock Sem. Clock Sem. Required 18 College Algebra College Trigonometry Analytic Geometry Differential Calculus Integral Calculus 3 3 3 3 3 3 Statistics SOCIAL STUDIES (Minimum A. first Electives II. 6 Applied Mathematics Advanced College Algebra History of Mathematics Synthetic Oeometry Spherical Trigonometry and Navigation 3 3 3 3 3 3 as first .3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 24 field) Emphasis on History Hours Hours Clock Sem. Clock Sem. Required History of Civilization 16 I. 4 3 3 American Government 4 3 3 3 History of the United States including History of Pennsylvania 3 3 Principles of Economics Principles of Sociology 3 II. Electives 8 United States History European History Social and Industrial History of the U. S Renaissance and Reformation Contemporary 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 European History History of England History of Latin America History of the Far East . 2 3 2 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 52 Emphasis on Social Science B. Hours Hours Clock Sem. Clock Sem. Required History of Civilization ir.Electives 16 I. Principles of Economics Principles of Sociology .. 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 American Government 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Evolution of Social Insti- the United States, including History History 8 Contemporary Economic Problems Municipal Government Comparative Government of tutions of Pennsylvania 3 3 3 Rural Sociology United States History History of Pennsylvania Ethics 3 6 2 3 Relations Introduction to Industrial 2 Philosophy Social Problems 3 3 6 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 Speech Elective (For students Elementary or Secondary Curriculum) In Sem. Hrs. SPEECH (Minimum I. as first field) 21 Hours Hours Clock Sem. Clock Sem. Required 3 Fundamentals of Speech (Not counted as part of the eighteen (18) needed 3 II. 3 Required for Elective Field of Speech Interpretative for certification) 8 Reading 3 2 Phonetics Play Production 2 3 3 2 Speech Problems 3 3 Sem. Hrs. III. Electives for the Field Argumentation and Speech 10 Hours Hours Clock Sem. Clock Sem. De- bate 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 Psychology of Speech Speech Clinic I Speech Clinic II Speech Pathology Stagecraft and Scenic De- Community Dramatics and Pageantry Costuming and Make-up Creative Dramatics 3 4 4 3 sign 2 4 Voice and Diction 2 Sem. Hrs. GEOGRAPHY (Minimum as first field) 24 Hours . Clock Sem. I. Required 18 Geography Economic Geography Geography of U. S. and Canada Geography of Latin AmerPrinciples of ica Geography Geography Realm . 3 Electives ology 3 Commercial and Industrial Geography 3 3 II. Climatology and Meteor- 3 3 3 of Europe of Pacific Hours Clock Sem. 3 3 Conservation of Natural Resources Field Courses (to be approved) Psysiography Trade & Transportation Geography of Australasia and Africa Meteorology Geographic Influence In American History Geography of Pennsylvania Geography of Asia .. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 53 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania DESCRIPTION OF COURSES FOR AERONAUTICS TEACHERS REQUIRED 1. Aerial Navigation Sem. Hr». 3 This course includes the study of the various types of map projections their use in air navigation. Navigational instruments and methods are explained and worked in detail. Attention is given to contact, dead reckon- and ing, radio and celestial navigation. Aerodynamics and Theory of Flight 3 Sem. Hrs. This course includes nomenclature of the full scale airplane and develops the presently accepted theories of flight. Attention is paid to the importance of airflow pressure distribution, lift, drag and other forces acting on the airplane in flight. 3 cm. Hrs. Aircraft Cominunicaticns and Regulations Emphasis is placed on C. A. A. regulations governing flight rules and safety procedures. Regulations governing certification of pilots, aircraft, and power plants are included. The communications area covers rudimentary knowledge of Morse code and the use of two-way radio in aircraft. Aviation Mathematics 3 Sem. Hrs. This course will prepare the student to use certain mathematical procedures necessary for computation in meteorology, navigation, and theory of flight. This includes computing height of clouds, wind velocity, etc., in meteorology; figuring compass courses with corrections in navigation, and formulas involved in the various load-factors in airplane structure. General Service and Structure of Aircraft 3 Sem. Hrs. (Including gliders and model airplanes) This course includes aircraft and engine inspection; use of log books and records; inspection and servicing of propellors and instruments; major and minor aircraft repairs, and precautions in servicing aircraft and aircraft engines. Meteorology for Aviators 3 Sem. Hrs. This course includes a study of cloud formations and their relation is laid on the importance of air masses and their movement; icing conditions; thunder storms; fog; humidity; wind; precipitation; warm and cold fronts. A portion of the course is devoted to a study of composing and decoding weather maps. to flying. Stress State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 34 II. ELECTIVES 3 Sem. Hrs. Aircraft Engines Attention will be paid to power plant requirements and the principles of engine design and construction. Comparisons will be made of air and liquid-cooled engines. Generators, ignition systems, super-charger systems, starters, carburetors, and the various octane gas requirements will be investigated. Climatology 3 Sem. Hrs. will discuss the relationship of atmospheric conditions in different parts of the world with the various phases of flying. The importance, origin and movement of air masses, will also be considered. This course found Commercial Air Transportation 3 Sem. Hrs. This course will include a study of global airlines, their means of linking the people of the world together, and the social implications involved. History and Identification of Aircraft 3 Sem. Hrs. A study will be made of man's attempts to fly up to the present-day Air Age. Types of aircraft used in military and commercial aviation will be considered with regard to the various types of aircraft designs, wing and fuselage constructions, Flight Experience and the various tail assemblies. 3 Sem. Hrs. This course includes all maneuvers necessary to understand the physical principles of flight and safety factors involved. < CQ X OS uu O o CQ Z OS u u • .^, ^ ^Sves iv Education IV Health ^.aucauon Heaitn FIFTH SEMESTER Educational Psychology 3 Electives , ^ _^ 20 18 of Teaching Busl- "SSfluMSf"'"* =".".!: ^ra-s-IXcaSn-' | ^a-Sukiio^:::;;;;;::;:::.;:: Clerical Practice 5 4 _3 _1 19 17 ,0 3 3 J_ _ 18 18 :: SIXTH SEMESTER MMhods 4 , q 3 3 """'^^ Electives - - ^ ISess^LawTf 3 Stenographic Office Practice ""'.' .'.;::: ^""" 3 » | Slfrr'":,;:::;:: :;:.:: i i 3 S" i-racuce lE£t"S ' _' 3 3 3 Clerical ;:;:::::= _ SEVENTH SEMESTER Sr^'-o," U. Pennsylvania Auditing S. * ana 3 3 3 3 ^H Auditing Auaiung • ;£,?• ;*....'".:' _ 3 _ 81 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania EIGHTH SEMESTER Student Teaching, Observation and Conference Curriculum Materials 18 12 4 3 22 15 THIRD SEMESTER Secretarial Sequence Retail Sequence Selling Hours Hours Clock Sem. Clock Sem. 3 3 English Literature Business Organization and 3 5 5 3 Shorthand II Typewriting III 3 2 Finance Accounting Electives 3 3 3 1 English Literature Business Organization and Finance Health Education III 3 3 3 3 3 6 5 II Electives 6 3 , Health Education III 1 20 22 16 15 FOURTH SEMESTER General Psychology I Business Correspondence Business Law I (Includes School Law) 3 General Psychology 1 Business Correspondence 3 Business Law I (Includes 3 School Law) Shorthand Applications 5 Typewriting Application ..5 3 3 3 2 Economics Electives 3 3 Health Education FV Health Education IV 3 1 25 18 3 3 . 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 16 3 3 3 3 13 3 7 — —7 16 16 of Teaching Business Subjects 3 Tests and Measurements 3 Secondary School Business 3 3 1 Electives 1 FIFTH SEMESTER Business Law 3 3 Sales and Retail Selling 13 Stenographic Office Prac. 6 II tice 5 6 Electives 3 6 — — 20 18 Educational Psychology Business Law II Sales and Retail Selling Electives SIXTH SEMESTER Methods ness Subjects Tests and Measurements Secondary School Business ) Education Economics Visual Clerical Methods Teaching Busi- of I Education Practice, j 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 1 3 5 — — 18 15 .. Education 2 2 5 2 1 3 — 3 —3 18 15 Visual Education Clerical Practice Retail Selling tising) II (Adver- SEVENTH SEMESTER Biological Science 4 3 Biological Science 4 American Government Economics II History of U .S. and Penn- 3 American Government Economics II History of U. S. and Penn- 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 sylvania Electives 3 3 3 3 sylvania Retail Selling Practice) ...: 3 3 18 6 16 16 31 18 III (Store EIGHTH SEMESTER Student Teaching. Observation and Conference Curriculum Materials The student will elect 18 12 4 3 22 15 one of the foregoing curricula prior to enrolling for the third semester of study. State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 82 COURSES IN INSTRUCTION IN BUSINESS CURRICULA Accounting I, Elementary 3 Sem. Hrs. Bookkeeping and accounting for the proprietorship; the bookkeeping special journals and special ledgers; business papers; personal record-keeping. cycle; Accounting II, accrued and deferred items; Intermediate 3 Sem. Hrs. Further development of the accounting cycle; registers, petty cash, supplementary records, the voucher system; partnership formation, operation and and simple dissolution; corporation characteristics, formation, accounts records, handling of surplus, stocks and bonds; departmentalization, branch and elementary manufacturing procedures. Accounting III, 3 Senu Hrs. Cost Modern methods of cost-finding, specific order costs, process costs, standard and estimate costs; accounting for joint products, by-products; evolution and interpretation of cost-finding methods and cost accounting systems. Accounting IV, Advanced Accounting for consignments, ventures, installment 3 Sem. Hrs. sales; consolida- parent and subsidiary accounting; estate, trust, and public accounts; stock brokerage, insurance, other advanced accounting concepts tions, mergers, and analyses. Accounting V, Auditing 3 Sem. Hrs. General procedures involved in the audit; analysis of original records presented by types of accounts, cash, notes and accounts receivable, inventories, advances, fixed and intangible assets, notes and acceptances payable, deferred credits and operating accounts; preparation of reports; practical auditing cases. Accounting VI, Federal Taxes (Elective) Procedures in tax accounting, individuals, corporations, estates a and Sem. Hrs. including Federal income taxes for trusts; Federal estate and gift taxes; brief treatment of Pennsylvania taxes. Prerequisite: Business Mathematics I 3 Accounting III. 3 Sem. Hrs. Review of fundamental arithmetical processes; reconstruction and extension of computational skills; application of arithmetic to accounting; improvement of quantitative reasoning. State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Business Mathematics II 83 3 Sem. Hrs. Practical and social application of arithmetic skills in problem-solving as related to credit and installment buying, selling, investments and savings, insurance, analysis of financial statements, interpretation of statistical data. Business Writing 1 and development of handwriting penmanship in the secondary schools. Reconstruction instruction for Business Correspondence skills; Sem. Hr. methods of 3 Sem. Hrs. Review of essentials of grammar; study of the vocabulary of business; setup of business forms and modern business letters; emphasis on the "you" attitude in the writing of letters of inquiry, response, order letters, adjustment letters, sales letters; preparation of data sheets, application letters. Business Organization and Finance 3 Sem. Hrs. Historical background of our modern business system; responsibilities of capital and labor to society; basic tools of management; the productive process; marketing; finance; competition and risk; business and govern- ment relations. Business Law {Including School I Law of Pennsylvania) 3 Sem. Hrs. The nature and classification of the law; courts and court procedure; contracts; agency; negotiable instruments; case studies. Business Law 3 II Sem. Hrs. Law of business organizations; personal property; security relations; real property; trade regulations. Clerical Practice and Machines 3 Sem. Hrs. Fundamentals of operating the dictaphone and soundscriber dictation and transcription machines; key driven and rotary calculators; adding and listing machines; mimeograph, multigraph, and ditto duplicating machines; filing systems; office procedures; business papers. Methods of Teaching Business Subjects 3 Sem. Hrs. Psychological foundations of teaching; methods of teaching general business subjects; basic skill-building procedures; methods of teaching shorthand, typewriting, and bookkeeping; demonstration teaching; lesson planning. 84 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania RetaU Selling 3 Sem. Hrs. I Store operation and management; techniques of selling; sales promotion; retail sales training programs, secondary and adult; current trends in retailing. Retail Selling II 3 Merchandise information; textiles and non-textiles Sem. Hrs. from raw materials to finished product. 6 Sem. Hrs. Retail Selling III Supervised selling in selected stores. Secondary Business Education 2 Sem. Hrs. The purposes of Secondary Business Education; the curriculum and its development; guidance, placement, and follow-up; administration of the business department; physical layout, equipment, and supplies; trends in business education. Shorthand I Principles of 3 Sem. Hrs. Gregg Shorthand Simplified completed; development of reading and writing skills; dictation at 50 to 70 works per minute; teaching techniques. Shorthand II 3 Sem. Hrs. Further development of reading skills; fluency of writing and correctof outlines emphasized; dictation at intermediate speeds, 70 to 90 words per minute; development of blackboard writing techniques; transcription introduced; teaching techniques stressed. ness Shorthand Applications 3 Sem. Hrs. Advanced speed building; minute on letters, editorials, matter; transcription skills sustained dictation at 90 to 120 words per educational articles, court and congressional emphasized. Stenographic Office Practice 3 Sem. Hrs. Theory and practice in common stenographic and secretarial activities; from various types of offices; advanced treatment of business problems; office etiquette; part-time work in school offices. dictation of materials Tests and Measurements in Business ubjects 3 em. Hn. scoring, and grading of various types remedial teaching and retesting emphasized; evaluation of standardized tests; statistical procedures. Construction, of tests; administration, analysis of test results; State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Typewriting I Presentation 83 1 Sem. Hr. and mastery of the keyboard and operating parts of the and control emphasized; personal and simple typewriter; stroking techniques business letters, centering, tabulation introduced. Typewriting II 1 Sem. Hr. Further development of stroking speed and control; diagnostic and remedial instruction emphasized; production of mailable letters, manuscripts, multicopy work, business forms; teaching techniques considered. Typewriting III 2 Sem. Hrs. Development of job production techniques; vocational competency emphasized in typing cards, letters, envelopes, multiple carbon work, manuscript and literary materials, billing, tabulation, legal forms; stencils and hectograph masters; transcription introduced. Typewriting Applications Advanced application of typewriting tical office tasks; 2 Sem. Hrs. skills in correct transcription habits accuracy with speed stressed. the completion of prac- and techniques emphasized; 86 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC (Instruction in STEPHEN R. Theory of Music and Private Lessons Voice, and Organ) HOPKINS, in Piano, Violin, Director Yale University School of Music, Bachelor of Music. Student, Royal Academy of Music, Tobias Matthay Pianoforte School, Dalcroze School of Music, London. The Department of Music offers thorough courses in applied music and theory of music under efficient instructors to beginners and advanced The courses are designed to meet the needs of those seeking a general music education and a broad cultural background. All teachers are urged to understand the fundamentals of the art, at least, because music today is a recognized factor in the development of the child. students. The instruction is not standardized and formal. Rather an attempt made to analyze the individual musical and technical problems of each student and to offer solutions based upon constructive thinking and conis sideration for the individual personality. The State Teachers College at Bloomsburg offers superior advantages for hearing music, an important phase of musical training. In addition to the student and faculty recitals of the Department of Music, the Entertainment Course offers several outstanding musical events during the season, and extra concerts are occasionally presented by world-famous artists. CERTIFICATE IN MUSIC A special certificate signed by instructors giving private lessons and theory in music will be granted upon satisfactory completion of the following requirements: — Minimum of two years' study in instrumental, vocal, or theoretical Teacher's endorsement of student's qualifications and proof of a certain degree of advancement at the completion of the two years' study. 1 field. — 2 Satisfactory completion of a one year course in sight singing ear training. and — 3 Satisfactory completion of one year course in theory of music (for students other than those specializing in theory). — Students (other than piano) A demonstrate equivalent proficiency. must study piano for one year or State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 87 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Piano Careful attention is given to acquiring a sound foundation in all the phases of piano technique through the study of the best piano music. For beginners, folk-songs or simple pieces by great composers are used. Then follows a study of the works of Bach, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Chopin, Schumann, and other composers of the romantic and modern periods. Organ Students must have a good piano tcchnic. Considerable time is spent in acquiring a facile pedal technic; then in making a study of the organ compositions of the various periods in musical history. In addition, students are prepared for playing church services. Voice The art of singing is presented with utmost detail and precision. The fundamentals of tone production, breathing, diction, interpretation, and stage deportment are emphasized. A careful selection of repertoire is made to suit the needs and the ability of the singer. Students are trained for recital and church work. Violin Great stress is placed upon position, tone quality, the intricacies of bowing, technic, repertoire, and the preparedness for solo and ensemble work in public recital. In addition to exercises by Hohmann, Kayser, Kreutzer, Musin, Paganini, and others, pieces by Bach, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Vieuxtemps, and all the leading composers are studied. Advanced students are assigned concerti and sonatas of the standard violin literature. Theory of Music given in elementary harmony, followed by advanced harapplication to musical composition. Later, two- and threepart counterpoint is studied, and the analysis of the various musical forms is begun. Written and analytical work is supplemented by practice at the keyboard. Practice mony and is its RECITALS Recital classes are held frequently to give the students each other. an opportunity to play for Public recitals are held during the year to provide experience in public performance. The auditorium in Carver Hall where such recitals are held, is attractive and modern, especially suitable for musical programs. ENSEMBLE PLAYING The Department of Music offers special and violinists under the direction for pianists training in ensemble playing of a member of the faculty. State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 88 MUSIC FOR CHILDREN is offered in violin and piano. The Department of Music can successfully bring out to the fullest extent the natural ability that so many children possess. This is done by stimulating musical initiative and imagination. In addition, fundamental theoretical training through the use of scales is applied to the instrumental lessons, and time Instruction feels that is it given to sight reading and ear training. For very young children, a shorter lesson period than the usual hour may be arranged. half- Children will frequently have an opportunity to play for each other, but playing in public recitals is not obligatory. EXPENSE FOR MUSIC STUDENTS Individual instruction in Piano, Organ, Voice, or Violin: ^24.00 per semester for one half-hour lesson per week; $48.00 for two half-hour lessons per week. Individual instruction in Theory: 024.00 per semester for one halfhour lesson per week; $48.00 for two half-hour lessons per week. Class in Theory: 07.00 per semester for one hour per week. Class in Sight Singing and Ear Training: 07.00 per semester for one hour per week. Use of piano for practice (one hour Use of organ for practice daily): (one hour daily) : 06.00 per semester 06.00 per semester. CONDITIONS FOR ENROLLMENT understood that all students registering in the Department of beginning of a semester are enrolled for the whole semester unless other arrangements are specifically made at the time of registration. No rebate will be made on account of lessons missed by students. Students taking less than the work of a semester will be charged at the lesson rate It Music is at the of 02.00. All payments must be made by the half-semester in advance. No student may appear in public, or take part in a radio broadcast, without permission of the instructor. State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 89 EVENING ARTISTS COURSE— 1949-1950 Namoura, Dancer 1. Litia 2. Margaret Shrew) 3. Webster, Shakesperean Productions (Taming of Evelyn MacGregor, Contralto, and Morton Bowe, Tenor, the (Joint Recital) 4. Hugh Thompson, 5. National Male Quartet 6. Francine Falkon, Contralto 7. Benno and Sylvia Rabinof, Piano and Violin 8. Luboshutz and Nemenoff, Piano Duet Baritone EVENING ARTISTS COURSE— 1948-1949 1. 2. Henry Scott, Pianist Margaret Daum, Soprano, and Stephen Kennedy, Baritone (Joint Recital) 3. Eva Jessye Choir 4. Iva Kitchel, Dancer 5. Thomas 6. Sydney 7. Eula Beal, Contralto L. Thomas, Baritone Foster, Pianist EVENING ARTISTS COURSE— 1947-1948 1. Clare Tree Major Players in Twelfth Night 2. Eugene Conley, Tenor 3. Louise Meszner, Pianist 4. Elissa Landi, 5. Russian Operatic Quartet Dramatist State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 90 ENROLLMENT— 1943-1949 Candidates for Degree of Bachelor of Science Lehman Abbott, Priscilla, SI, Abraham, Isaac W., B3, WilkesBarre Ackerman, Clyde J., S2, Zion Grove Adamonis, Joseph A., B4, Pittston Alarcon, Mary Ann, B2, Keiser Albano, Angelo M., S4, McAdoo McAdoo Albano, Joseph A., Bl, Allegar, Edwin M., S4, Stillwater Allegrucci, Gene J., E4, Wyoming Ande, Ralph F., B3. Berwick Andrew, Alexander B., Bl, East Port, Chester, Conn. Andrews, Robert C, S3, Johnstown Anella, Betty Jane, S4, Hazleton Anstock, Lois M., B2, Shenandoah Anthony, Thomas H., Jr., Bl, Shamokin Apichella, Joseph L., S2, Hazleton Arnold, Priscilla A., El, Montrose Ashner, Shirley G., B2, Lehighton Babcock, James R., Bl, Mahanoy City Bacon, Gerald A., B2, Towanda Baird, Ralph W., B4, Bloomsburg Baker, Edward G., B4, Spring City Baker, Glen R., B3, Benton Baker, Lucy Jane, E3, Bloomsburg Baker, Mary G., El, Berrysburg Baksi, George V., Bl, Keiser Baksi, Ramona, B2, Keiser Balent, Robert, S3, Kulpmont Ballantine, Lewis S., B2, Shamokin Banull, Walter J., E2, Scranton Bartleson, William A., SI, Warrior Run Bath, Ruth I., E4, Bloomsburg Baylor, Hurley C, S3, Danville Baylor, Robert A., S3, Danville Beachell, Merlin C, S2, Bloomsburg Becktel. Stewart G., B4, Bloomsburg Behm, Doris J., Bl, Annville Michael, B3, Port Chester, Bell, West Chester, N. Y. Benner, Ned O., B3, Sunbury Bennett, Dale T., Bl, Bangor Bennett, Jane, El, Plainsville Benson. William, B4, Moosic Berlanda, Mario L., S4, Bloomsburg Bernoskv, Peter, Bl, Jermyn Berry, W. Eldon, B4, Berwick BertoUo, Jr., Frank J., S3, Berwick Bertsch. Harry J., B4, Pottsville Beyer, Donald E., B2, Bloomsburg Beyer, Thomas F., B4, Danville Beyers, Roy W^., Bl, Danville Bird, Walter, S4, Berwick Blake, Earl H., S3, Berwick Blew, Robert J., Sec, Mahanoy City Blyler, George E., SI. Bloomsburg Bodine. Francis R., SI. Kane Bolig, Betty V., S4. Richfield Bolinsky, Eleanore D.. Bl Hazleton Bolinsky. Isabel D.. B4, Hazleton Benin, M. Gloria. Hazleton Borst. Kenneth E.. S3. Equinunk Boughner, Shirley M., E4. Trevorton Bourdctte. Margaret L., Bl, Athens Bower, Donald, Bl, West Hazleton in Education Bower, Max, Bl, Shickshinny Bower, Robert, S2, OrangeviUe Bowman, Doris R., Bowman, Thomas SI, Milton E., B4, Blooms- burg Boyer, Jr., Charles, B4, Pottsville Boyle, James H., S3, Shamokin Brace, Barbara J., E2, Dallas Brace, Helen E., E4, Hunlock Creek Brachman, Russell, SI, West Hazleton Brandau, Roy W., B4, Nescopeck Brennan, Dorothy A., B4, Bloomsburg Brennan, William J., S3, Bloomsburg Brobst, Hazel J., SI, Sunbury Bronson, Martha E., E2, Bloomsburg Broski, Theodore R., S2, Hazleton Brown, Albert L., Bl, Sunbury Brown, Francis T., Bl, Sunbury Brown, John C, B2, Harrisburg Bruchs, Robert J., Bl, Hazleton Brundage, L. Mae, E2, Union Dale Brunn, Henry E., S3, Nanticoke Brunstetter, Nancy J., S3, CataBuck, Betty Ann, necticut Buffington, Cos Cob, Con- S3, Mariam B., El, Valley View Burlingame, Helyn Burness, Benjamin SI, Berwick A., SI, Haver- J., town Burns, John J., Bl, Harrisburg Bushick, Ronald P., SI, Kulpmont Bushinski, Walter B., S4, Shenan- doah Buss, Delphine R., E2, Milton Butcofsky, Donald L., S4, Shamokin Butler, Donald J., SI, Warriors Butt, Luther S.. S4, Hazleton Run Buynak, John E., S3, Wilkes-Barre Byham, William E., SI, Kane Caccese, Gloria C, Bl, Hazleton Cain, James M., B4. Bloomsburg Canaan, Norman D., Bl, West Ha- zelton Carouse, Robert C, S3, Berwick Carey, Vivian J., E2, Carbondale Carl, John H.. B4. Trevorton Carls. Rhoda C, El, Ringtown Carroll, Wanda, S2, Claysville Carroll, Wilda. S2. Claysville Carter, Leo, B4, Throop Case. Frederick J., S3, Danville Casula, Michalene A., Bl, Shenan- doah Ca.sula, Patricia R., F31, Shenan- doah Cedor, Dorothy, SI, Berwick Cerchlaro, Frances A., E3, Nesqut- honing Chapin, Katherine E., S3. Berwick Charnetski. Joseph, S2, Plains Chebro, George, S3, Beach Haven Chruney, John, Bl, Will:ea-Barre Letters indicate Curriculum: B-Business. E-Elementar>-, S-Secondary. Numbers Indicate Class: 1-Freshman, 2-Sophomore, 3-Junior, 4-Senlor. State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Terry A., B3, Tamaqua Clark, Naomi R., B2, Danville Clarridge, Clifton G., SI. Washington, D. C. Cleaver, William J., El, Orangeville Cohoat, John J., B4, Frackville Cole, Betty J., Bl, Medhoppen Cole, Beverly A., S2, Bloomsburg Cole, David M., SI, Bloomsburg Coleman, Harrj' E., Bl, Bloomsburg Compton, Vernamae, E2, Bethlehem Comuntzis, Aleki, S4, Bl .^'.msburg Conrad, Robert H., B3, Boyertown Conrad, Royal, S4, Benton Cierlitsky, Cook, Kenneth L., S3, Elverson G., B4, Mary L., El, Dallas Verna, S4, Berwick Max Cooley, Cooper, Cope, Corrjgan, Rome Eugene J., B3, Blooms- burg Cortright, Jay B., B3, Bloomsburg Cortright, Zita S., S4, Bloomsburg Coval, Leon, SI, Bloomsburg Cramer, Robert N., B4, Waymart Crawford, Philip J., Bl, Bloomsburg Creasy, C. Wayne, B4, Bloomsburg Creveling, James R., Bl, Bloom- Dugan, Billy 91 N., S4, Milton Dzuris, Lois E., El, Nanticoke Ebener, Doris, E3, Ringtown Eber, Norma L., E2, Pottsville Eckert, Irene G., Bl, Gilberton Eddinger, Junior L., S3, Berwick Edwards, Charles L., B2, Shamokin Edwards, David T., S2, Kingston Edwards, Edward H., S3, Edwardsville Ruth Elder, Elliott, B4, Berwick H., SI, Shickshinny P., Hugh Emmitt, Harold Enama, Joan C, F., S2, Danville El, Nuremberg Eremich, Albert C, Bl, Mt. Carmel Erie, Elwood C, Bl. New Albany Ermish, Carleton H., S2, Berwick Ertwine, Bruce, B3, Ringtown Ertwine. Elizabeth J., El, Ringtown Evans, Marilyn B., SI, Wilkes-Barre Evans, Michael P., S2, Wilkes-Barre Evasic, Marcella J., E3, WilkesBarre Ewing, Thomas, SI, Chester Fanzo, Marjorie L., B3, Bethlehem Farnsworth, Dorothy J., SI, Danville sburg Crass, James R., Bl, Wilkes-Barre Crouse, Elizabeth J., 84, Danville Crumb, Nancy J., S3. Berwick Curilla, Joseph, S3, Shamokin Czerniakowski, John B., S3, Plains Daise, Donald A., SI, Danville Danni, Romeo J., B2, Allentown Datesman, Lois M., B4, Bangor Davis, Alfred G., B4, Dallas Davis, Russell C, S2, Luzerne Davis, William C, S3, Beach Haven Dean, Francis P., E2, Lost Creed Dedovitch, Walter, B3, Excelsior Deebel, William R., S4, Shenandoah DeGatis, Louis, Bl, Hazleton Deibert, Lola J., SI, Danville DeMatt, Mary C. El. Hazleton Demmi. Fred, B4, Shenandoah Dorothy M., B3, Eyers DeMott, Grove Dent, Neil E., B3, S. Philadelphia DePaul, Bernard J.. E2, Berwick Derek, Janet, E2, Abington Derzak, Joseph L.. E3, Wyoming Devens. Charlotte, El, Forty Fort Diehle, Owen C, S4. Philadelphia Dietz, John A., SI, Plymouth Diltz, Robert O., S4. Stillwater Dixon. Rita M., B2, W. Hazleton Dodson, Harold E., B3. Rohrsburg Donan. Thomas M., S4, Columbia Donnelly, Shirley M., E2, Willow Grove Doody, Ruth Ann, El. Canadensis Dorak, Jr., Michael J., SI, Berwick Dorasavage, Margaret A., El, Pottsville Dorsey, Mary Jane. S2. Bloomsburg Dotzel. George N.. B4. Wilkes-Barre Dreibelbis, Susan A.. B2, Blooms- burg Drennan. Jr., Duhbs, Robert Lyon Fish, Nancy M., E4, Danville Flaherty, Patrick J., E3, Blooms- burg Fox, Herbert H., B4, Danville Fox, Mary L., B4, Quakertown Francisci, Frederick, Henry Anna A., S4. Fern Glen B., B2, Mifflinburg Freeda, Stanley J., E3, Bloomsburg Freedman, William, Bl, Philadel- phia Friday, Vincent G., B4, Phoenixville Froncek, Joseph, SI, W. Wyoming Fronk, Lewis A., SI, Catawissa Fry, Ray C, B4, Danville Fuller, Madge L.. B4. Berwick Fuller, Marjorie G.. B4, Berwick Funk, G. Alberta, S4, Danville Funk, Geraldine M., Bl, Lebanon Furgele, Frank Centralia Sugarloaf Gaglione, Samuel T., Bl, SunburjGaliley, Leonard E., Bl, Danville Gabriel. Louis Gallo. Frank J., SI. S., S4, B., SI, Morea Galow, Gloria I., E4, Hazleton Gamble. Norma E., B3, Wyalusing Garard, Louise M., E4, Lewisburg Gardner, Jack E., S3, Elysburg Garrison, Harold A., S3, Trevorton Cass. Carol M., S2, Danville Gaugler, Elbert G.,E3, Port Trevorton Gavis, Joseph E. E., SI, Wilkes- Barre Harry J., B3, Buck Hill Falls Dudzinski. Farnsworth, Paul R., S2, Danville Faust, Sarah M., E3, Weatherlv Fellon, Leonard A., B3, Trevortbn Fenstermacher, Harry M., SI, Catawissa Fenstermacher, Joan S., Bl, Catawissa Fink, Gerald E., S3, Bloomsburg J.. S2. Shamokin Frank W.. B4, Glen Gazenski, Leonard R., B3, Wilkes- Barre Gearhart, Charles R., S2, Catawissa Gearhart, Luther E.. B4. Ringtown Gearinger, Jill A., El, Bloomsburg Letters indicate Curriculum: B-Business. E-Elementar>\ S-Secondary. Numbers indicate Class: 1-Freshman, 2-Sophomore, 3-Junior, 4-Senior. State Teachers College, Blootnsburg, Pennsylvania 92 Gehrig, George Geist, B4, Danville F., G., William Lykens, R. SI, D. 1. Gera, George, B4, Eckley Gerringer, Donald B., SI, Danville Getchey, Charles D., SI, Aristes Gibbons, Ellen A., Bl, Trucksville Gieda, Joseph J., B3, Plymouth Gilbert, Mrs. Eleanor M., B4, Bloomburg Gilbert, Vincent J., B4, Blooma- SI, Wilkes- burg Gilbert, William J., Barre Gilday, Doris M., Springfield Gillespie, William SI, G., Blooms- burg Gillow, Charles G., S4, Duryea Ginter, WilUam L., SI, Hunlock CrGck Gleockler, Richard C, S3. Forksville Ghdden, Ruth H., Bl, Susquehanna Gobora, Jr., Harry J., B3, Danville Good, Iris E., S2, Shickshinny Grabowski, Anthony R., S2, Sha- mokin Graham, M. Kathryn, E3, Bloomaburg Graham, Sara A., Grande, Joseph J., B4, B4, Bloomsburg Shenandoah Grant, Leon E., S3, Millville Gray, Harry G., Bl, Bloomsburg Grazelle, Joan B2, A., Shenandoah Green, Leon A., Bl, Beach Haven Greenly, John M., B2, Millville Greenly, Marilyn M., El, Blooms- burg Greenough, liamsport, Caroline B., PSR E2, Wil- Bl, Kingston E., B3, Shamokin Grifasi, Dorothy, B3, Berwick Grimes, Richard E., B4, Harrisburg Gumpy, Graydon G., B4, Blooms- Gregory, Jack Gricoski, C., Leonard burg Gunther, Edward T., Bl, Hackenburg, Murray A., Towanda E3, Dan- ville Hackett, Faythe M., El, Glenside Haddad, Dyar N., Bl, Schuylkill Haven Hagenbuch, Elmer W., Bl, Berwick Hahn, William J., S4, Plymouth Haley, Katharine A., El, Catawissa Hallock, William H., Bl, Patchogue, N. Y. Hamershock, Bernard, Bl, Weatherly Hammers, Robert W., B4, Williams- port Hampton, Mary D., Hantjis, James W., Bl, Paxinos B4, Bloomsburg Hantz, Francis A., B4, Duryea Hardy, Joseph A., Bl, Mahanoy City Harman, Barbara E., Bl, Lykens Hamer, Richard C, S3, Berwick Harring, Maynard L., SI, Pitman Harris, Mabel E2, Beach Haven Hartley, Harold V., El, Lenoxville Hartman. Beth E., S4, Elysburg Hartman, Buddy M., S4, R. D. 3, Benton Hartman, Clyde H., B3, Bloomsburg Hartman, Dayne A., S4, Benton Joward R., S3, Dan- Hartzell, Jr., ville Harwood, Theodore burg I., B4, Blooms- Hawk, Norman J., S4., Bear Creek Hawk, Jr., Russell E., S2, Milton Heller, James B., S2, Pottsville Hemlock, Michael, B3, Berwick Henley, Shirley, B., B4, Scranton Henry, LeRoy K., B4, Bloomsburg Henry, William L., Bl, Tamaqua Herb, Curtis W., B3, Bloomsburg Herb, Leon C, SI, Shamokin Herring, Charla R., El, Nuremberg Hess, Geraldine R., S4, Catawissa Hess, Richard C, S4, Bloomsburg Hessert, Barbara M., El, liamsport S. Wil- Heydenreich, Fred C, S2, Muncy Heydenreich, Robert H., SI, Muncy Hileman, Robert E., S2, Light Street Hinderliter, Norma E2, F., Ring- town Hiney, Robert R., S3, Berwick Hippman, Robert S., S3, Shamokin Hoar, Donald L., S3, Harrisburg Hock, Clair C, Bl, Bloomsburg Hoffman, Helen M., E3, Danville Hoffman, Lester J., B2, Milton HoUis, Richard W., Bl, Columbia Homisak, William, B4, Forest City Hontz, June L., E4, Shickshinny Hooper, Jean E., S4, Shickshinny Hornberger, Ralph E., S2, Elysburg Houck, Donald C., B4, Berwick Howell, Donald R., Bl, Bloomsburg Hubler, Raymond W^.. S3, Miami, Fla. Huff, Raymond Hughes, George Hughes, Milton A., S3, Danville R., SI, Shamokin G., El, Wilkes- Hummel, Harry B., SI, Northum- E2, Northum- berland Hummell Richard S., berland Hunchar, Olga. Bl, Warrior Run Hunter, Olive S., Bl, Taylor Ikeler, Mrs. Winifred M., E2, Millville Jackovitz, Edward F., B4, Carbondale Jacobs, Charles K., B4, Bloomsburg Jacobs, June K.. S4, Bloomsburg Jacques, Alice M., E2, Falls. R. D. 1 James, Walter G., B3, Frackville Jarman, Richard E., S3, Bloomsburg Jasczak, Leonard A., B2, Dupont Jeremiah, William G., SI, Shamokin Jewell, Robert J., S2. Dallas Johns, Edward. B3, Wllkes-Barre Johns, George F., S3, Williamsport Johnson, Barbara A., S2, Berwick Johnson, Doyle W., S3, Bloomsburg, R. D. 1 Johnson, Edward W., SI. Blooms- burg Johnson, Eleanor M., El, R. D. Box 304, Johnson, burg 1, Kane Francis R., S3. Blooms- Letters indicate Curriculum: B-Buslness, E-Elementary, S-Secondary. Numbers indicate Class: 1-Freshman, 2-Sophomore, 3-Junior, 4-Senior. SERVICE WITH A SMILE— STORE PRACTICE CLERICAL PRACTICE AND MACHINES ACCOUNTING INSTRUCTION STUDENT ASSISTANTS IN BUSINESS OFFICE 93 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Johnson, Ralph W., SI, Bloomsburg Jones, Eleanor F., El, yhaniokin Jones, Franklin E., B3, Milton Jones, Janice A., S3, Plymouth Jones, John L., S4, Mountain Top Jones, Luther, B3, Wilkes-Barre Jones, Shirley H., E3, Ashley Jones, Thomas C. El, W. Pittston Joseph. Philip J., B4, Easton Kalanick, Nicholas, S2, Berwick Kaler, Ronald A., SI, Millville Kamni, Harold R., B3, Harrisburg Kanyuck, Calvin W., S2, Glen Lyon Kaplan, Max, S2, Port Chester. N. .Y Kapp, Irma C, E4, Northumberland Karas, Vincent W.. S4, Shenandoah Kashner, Robert J., B3, Bloomsburg Kashuba. Margaret K., Mrs. S3, Bloomsburg Kastelic, Ernest, B4, Wilkes-Barre Kazmerovicz, Charles J., S4, Plains Kearney, George L.. S3, Shamokin Kearns. Donald C. S2. Lewistown Keegan, John D., Bl, Shamokin Keener, Paul L., S2, Dewart Kehler, Joanne C, E3. Ashland Keiser, Edwin R.. B4, DuBoistown Keiser. Norman F., S2, Scranton Kelder, Jeanne A., E3. New Albany Keller, Adda L., El. Dallas Keller, Jane L.. E3. Bloomsburg Kelly, Daniel E.. B4. Shamokin Kelly, John R., Bl. Honesdale Kelly, William L., Bl, Bloomsburg Kemp, Gordon L., Bl, Nescopeck H., S3. Bloomsburg Clifford J.. B4, Blooms- Kemp, Wilbur Kendall, burg Kenna. Michael J.. B3, Cumbola Kennedy, Eleanor A., El, Bloomsburg Kenvin. Jane L.. E3, Hazleton Kepping, George. B3. Bloomsburg Kepping, Mrs. Martha. E2, Bloomsburg Kessler. Donald A.. B4. Danville Keyser, Richard B., B4, Bloomsburg Kile, Nelson H.. SI. Wyoming King. Donald F., B3, Dallas Kishbaugh, Robert H.. S2. Berwick Kisloski. Joseph A., SI, Laceyville Kistler. Patricia A., El, Bloomsburg Kleman, James A.. S2, Ashland Kline, Norbert T.. B3. Cumbola Kline, Norman E.. S2, McClure Kline. Richard E.. B3. McClure Klinedinst, James C. S2, Harrisburg Klinger, Edwin J., S4, Trevorton Kllnger, Irwin R., S4, Lykens Klopp, Thomas A., B3. Freeland Klotsko. John A.. S2. Silver Creek Knarr, Ned L., E2. Shamokin Kocur. John. Bl. Junedale Kokolias. Pauline L., B4, Mata- moras Kollesar, Michael. B3. Jeddo Kolodgie, Edward J.. B3, Dupont Koplln. Glenn R., B2, Easton Kotula. Bernard C, El. Cumbola Kowalsky, Mildred I., E4. Blooms- burg Krafchik, Thomas Nantl- B3, A., Krajnik, Mrs. Ruth A.. E4, Blooms- burg Krauser, Barre Henry Wilkes- SI, J., Kreamer, M. Christine, El, Bloomsburg Kreiser, Elmer, S2. Bloomsburg Kreisher. William J.. Bl. Shamokin Kreitz. Edward B3, Slatington J., Krensavage, Thaddeus P., S3, Mc- Adoo Krepich, Mike A., B3, Berwick Kressler, Richard N., S2, Blooms- burg Kriss, F.. S3, Bloomsburg A.. S4. Bloomsburg Genevieve A., E3, Drums Stephen Krum. James Krzywicki, Krzywicki, Jeanne C. El, Plymouth Kulick, Joseph A., S4, Mt. Carmel Kundrat, Stephen. S3. Berwick Kuntza, John, B4, Berwick Kurey. Joseph E., S3. Mt. Union Kuster. Gladys E.. B4, Bloomsburg Lahout, John S., Bl, Danville Lake. Marian E.. El. Carbondale Lambrinos, George, Bl, Endicott, N. Y. Lampman, Alfred M., B4, Kingston Lang. Robert L., Bl, Milton Laubach. Marjorie G., El, Blooms- burg Laubach, Natalie J., E2, Bloomsburg Lauck, Charles L., B3, Mt. Carmel Lauer, William C, Bl, Tamaqua Ledyard, Richard A., Bl, Bloomsburg Lee. John G., B2, Wyalusing Lehman, Mary SI. L., Espy Lepard, Robert K.. B2, Lansdowne Leshinski. Robert W., S3. Hudson LeVan, Robert S., S4. Bloomsburg LeVan, Stanley L.. SI, Bloomsburg Lewis, Charles F., S4, Northumberland Lewis, Trevor F., S2, Sunbury Linkchorst, David R.. El, Shenan- doah Linetty, Charles Lipski, Leonard J.. SI, F., Kulpmont Edwards- B4. ville Liszkowicz, Alex M., Bl, Dupont S3, Courtdale Livingston. Lionel Lockard. Charles H.. B3, Muncy Logar. Berdine A.. B2. Weston Lohr. Louise. S3, Berwick Long, Gloria D., SI. Briar Creek Longer, Charles W., S2, Blooms- C burg Longo. Celestine M., S4, Nuremberg Looker, Russell L.. El. Johnstown Lopata, Paul, B4, Nesquehoning Lovett. Dorothy R., B4. Nanticoke Luchnick, Francis J.. B4. Mt. Carmel Luchs, Robert W., S2, Bloomsburg Lundy. Harold E., S3, Williamsport Lundy, Marilyn W., El, Bloomsburg Letters indicate Curriculum: B-Buslness, E-EIementary, S-Secondary. Numbers indicate Class: l-Freshman, 2-Sophomore. 3-Junior. 4-Senlor. State Teachers College, Blootnsburg, Pennsylvania 94 Lupashunski, Frank T., S3, Berwick Lutz, Alvin E., B4, Berwick Lydon, John B., B4. Havertown Lylo, Michael, Bl, Berwick MacDougall, Joyce L., El, Berwick Maceiko, Andrew, S2, Wilkes-Barre Maciekowich, Zigmond D., D3, W. Hazleton Mack, Angelo P., Bl, Cumbola Mack, Edward W., S3, Bloomsburg Magera, John J., B4, Mocanaqua Maietta, Donald F., S4, Williamsport Maley, Matthew J., B4, Pottsville Mantz, Dale E., B4, Slatington Marchetti, Alfred J., B4, Tamaqua Marek, Henry Marion, Marks, Marmo, L., S3, Dupont James E., B4, Harrisburg Muriel F., B2, Reading Joseph A., S4, Moosic Marsilio, Alfred S., Bl, Hazleton Martini, Robert E., S3, Benton Martz, John N., SI, Shamokin Masanovich, Milo, SI, Hazleton Mattis, Marie B., S2, Shamokin Maturani, John S3, Milton Maza, Robert J., B3, Nanticoke McAloose, William M., Bl, Kelayres McAndrew, Thomas more B4, J., Dun- McCaffrey, Robert W., S2, Berwick McCIintock, Eleanor A., S4, Nesco- pek McCullough, Jane R., E4, Lewisburg McDonald, Joan A., S4, Ringtown, R. D. 1 McDonald, Katherine M., SI, Cen- tralia McDonald, R. D. Leo 82, J., Ringtown, 1 McGrew, Daniel P., Mahanoy SI, Plane McLaughlin, Thomas J., Bl, Buck Mtn., Barnesville, R. D. McNelis. John G. B4, Lansford McNinch, Barbara R., S4, Bloomsburg Meier, Jean M., El, Mifflinville Meiss. Clarence S3, J., Meneely, Marvin L., W. Hazleton Box S4, 102, Mensinger, Clair E., S3, Mifflinville Merena, Walter, B4, Excelsior Merrifleld. Jr., Robert S., B2, Atlantic City, N. J. Messa. Edward F., B3, Easton Messner. Leon H., B4, Wisconisco Metzo. Thomas M., E3, WilkesBarre Middlesworth, Nerine M., E3, Troxelville Millard, Robert T., S4, Spring City Miller, Charles E., S3, Sunbury Miller, Curtis L.. S2, Berwick Miller, Robert E., Bl, Sunbury Miller, Royal A., SI, Bloomsburg, R. D. 3 Miller, William R., S4, Plymouth Millhouse, Richard C, B4, ton W. HazleWilkes- Mitchell, Kathleen T., SI, Mahanoy City Mitros, Edward J., S4, Glen Lyon Mlkvy, Lillian, B2, Palmerton Montague, Robert E., B4, Danville, R. D. 4 Mooney, William B., B4, Kingston Moore, Charles K., S4, Millville Moran, James V., S4, Hazleton Mordan, Florence J., E2, Millville, R. D. 1 Mordan, Jack D. L., S2, Millville, R. 1 Morgan, John N., E4, Old Forge Morgan, Nancy A., E2, Hazleton Morgans, Rodney K., S3, Williamsport Morris, John S., B4, Bloomsburg Morrow, Mary Helen, S4, Towanda Moyer, Lois L., S2, Sunbury Mudrock, Joseph V., B3, Barnes- ville Munchak, Jack B., SI, Philadelphia Murphy, Donald J., S2, WilkesBarre Murray, Henry J., SI, Lost Creek Mussoline, Larry J., B4, Hazleton Myers, Adda M., S4, R. D. 1, Hughesville Narsavage, Eleanor T., S2, Shenandoah Nelson, Gloria M., Bl, Millersburg Nelson, Jr., William E., Bl, Ridg- way Wilmer F., B4, Emmaus Neuman, Dorothy A., El, York Neville, Thomas W., El, Danville Nester, Newman, Lois J., El, Wilkes-Barre Noble, Eloise L., B4, Milanville Nuss, Eugene M., S4, Catawissa OBrien, Robert E., S4, Bloomsburg Olson, Jr., Ernest C, B4, Yeadon Pacholec, Henry F., B3, Scranton Padula, Josephine B., B4, Easton Page, Janet M., B4, Susquehanna, R. D. 1 Palencar, Andrew E., B3, Bethle- hem Mary G., E2. Scranton Panzetta, John, B3, Hazleton Panzetta, Nicholas J., B4, Hazleton Papania, Ann E., S3, Bloomsburg Park, Mary Patricia, S2, BloomsPalutis, burg Parnell, Peter, B4, Hazleton Parrell, Daniel C. E2, Hazleton Parry, Donald, S2, Peckville Parsell, John, SI, R. D. 2, Orangeville Paternoster, George D., S4, Hazleton Paterson, Andrew T., B3., Moosic Paulmeno, Anthony J., B4, Weatherly Pecora, Louis S., B4, Peeuch, Andrew M., W. Hazleton Old Forge John J., SI. Kulpmont Pekala. Lawrence V., S4., Fern Glen Pelchar. Joseph J., Bl, Keiser Perry, Frank V., B2, Shamokin Persing, Carl J., B2, Mt. Carmel Petarra, Concetta G., S3, Camden, S2. Peffer, N. J. Petarra. Josephine A., SI, Camden, N. J. Letters indicate Curriculum: B-Business. E-Blementar>', S-Secondary. Numbers indicate Class: l-Freshman, 2-Sophomore, 3-Junior, 4-Senior. Miscavage, Daniel Barre J., S3, State Teachers College, Blootnsburg, Pennsylvania Peterson, Donald D., SI, Berwick Wanda Petraitis, R. D. ville, B2, M., Roeder, William K., S3, Bloomsburg CoUege- Philomena C, Bl, Shenan1, Hel- lertown D. B4, R. Pichel, Julia, 1, Heller- town Pick, Robert W., D3, R. D. 5, Dan- ville Piestrak, Edward L., E2, Danville Plevyak, Paul P., B3, Carbondale Pope, Arlene M., E2, Danville Popick, Raymond J., B4, Simpson Poust, Eleanor I., E3, R. D. 4, Muncy Powell, Nancy R., S2, Scranton Prete, Michael L., El, Hazleton Prete, Santo J., E4, Hazleton Pringle, Purcell, Frank James M., B4, Bloomsburg S2, R. D. 1, Sha- J., mokin Purcell, John M., B4. Pursel, Archie E., B3, Shenandoah Sunbury Putera, Joseph J., S4, Wilkes-Barre Radice, Francis J., B4, Wilkes- Barre Radzai, Marie H., B2, Mt. Carmel Radzwich, William J., SI, W. Hazleton Rarig, Jr.. Emory W., B3, R. D. 1, Catawissa Readier, Horace E., Barre Reck, George E., S2. Jr., B4, Wilkes- Trevorton Reece, Elizabeth, E2, West Grove Reed, Thomas J.. El, Plymouth Reedy, Jr., James A., B3, Milton Rees, Laureen A., E4, Nanticoke Reichard, John H., S4, R. D. 4, Reichart, Carrol R., Bl, Lightstreet Reichart, Dale H., El, Lightstreet Reimensnyder, Virginia F., B3, Milton Reinhart, Jacqueline E., E2, R. D. Hazleton 1, Shamokin Remetz. George, S4, Swoyerville Kathryn L., Bl, Berwick Rhinard. Richard. A. M.. Margaret H., Sec. Berwick Rick. John J., B3. Keiser Betty J.. B3, Town Hill Rider, M. Janice, El, Millville Riefski, Emor>- S.. B4, Glen Lyon Riegel, Arthur C, S4. Catawissa Ripepi, Mary R., SI, S. Williams- Ridall. port Rishel. William J., S3, Bloomsburg Roach, Alice G., Mrs. Spee, Blooms- burg Robbins, Carl H.. B4. Bloomsburg Robenholt. Kenneth L., B4. Milton Roberts, Charles E., B2, Slatington Roberts. Thomas J., Bl, Kingston Robidoux, Francis A., SI, Philadelphia Rodeback, Jack E., B2, West Chester M., B4, Forest Romig, William G., B3, Danville Roth, Luther H., S4, Wilkes-Barre Rowlands, Clarence C, E4, Plymouth. Ruckle, M. Jeanne, El, Bloomsburg Ruffulo, Salvadore C, Bl, Tama- qua Ryan, John J., B2, Philadelphia Ryan, William H., B3, Riverside Sager, Richard F., B3, Hazleton Sakalski, Stephen F., S4, Bloomsburg Samois, Deryl J., S3, Danville Sampsell, James F., S4, Bloomsburg Savage, Charles A., B4, Bloomsburg Schalles, Madelyn J., E3, Nescopeck Scheetz, Genevieve F., B2, Easton Scheipe, Walter G., B3, Pottsville Schiefer, Charles R., S4, Steelton Schilling, Frank Schukis, City Thomas Schwartz, R., S3, Bloomsburg E., Bl, Mahanoy Richard C, B2, Pine Grove Scott, Charles F., B3, Hyattsville Scott, Marjorie A., E4, Berwick Search, Gene D., S3, Nescopeck Search, Philip W., El, Wilkes-Barre Seebold, John E., SI, Danville Semic, Stanley, B4, Steelton Shanahan, John P., Bl, Bangor Sheehan, Francis J., Bl, Mahanoy City Bloomsburg Reitz, Robert G., S4, Berwick City doah Pichel. Dorothy, B2., R. D. Roll, Nicholas, B4, Romanczyk, Helen 1 Phillips, Charles E., S3, Riverside Philo, Laura A., Bl, Bloomsburg Piccolo, 95 Sheehy, Edward F., S3, Bloomsburg Shelaky, William J., SI, Hazleton Sheleman, John S3, Lopez Shelhamer, Milford E., S2, Mifflinville Sherman, Barbara S., El, Benton Shipe, Eugene R., S3, Danville Shirey, Maxine L., B2, Clearfield Shirk, LaForne S4, Richfield Shoemaker, Mary C, E4, Hallstead Shoemaker, Mary K., El, Blooms- burg Shoemaker, William F., S3, Espy Shultz, Warren C, Bl, Bloomsburg Shupp. Ruth E., S3, Plymouth Sickinger, William R. T., SI, Philadelphia Sitler, Martha Jane E4, burg Skowronski, Edward F., BloomsS4, Wil- liamsport Slipetz, Paul Jr., B4, Swayerville Slol)Ozien, Paul S3, Johnstown Slusser, Paul D., S4, Bloomsburg Sluyter, Joyce N., Bl, Towanda Smethers, Donald R., E3, Blooms- burg Smigel. Thomas, S4, Courtdale Smigelski, Edward J.. B3, Wilkea- Barre Smith, Barbara F., El. Holtwood Smith, George A., SI, Sunbury Smith Grace, S4, Mt. Carmel Smith, Marjorie A., B3, Reading Smolski. Alice A., B4, Archbald Letters indicate Curriculum: B-Business. E-Elementary, S-Secondary. indicate Class: 1-Freshman, 2-Sophomore, 3-Junior, 4-Senior. Numbers 96 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Snyder, Donald E., B4, Stillwater Snyder, Dorothy A., B4, Blooms- burg Emma Snyder, Snyder, E., Bl, Eugene W., Pine Grove S4, Blooms- burg Snyder, F. Diane El, Mill Hall Snyder, Nancy M. (Mrs. D. E.) B4, Stillwater Soback, Andrew, S3, Berwick Sopko, Joseph E., B4, Carbondale Sowers, Charles H., S4, Williamsport Spanich, ville Vanderslice, Joanne M., El, Blooms- burg Vannan, Donald A., SI, Danville Vanyo, Andre M., B3, Duryea Edward Vasilauskas, T., Bl, Mt. Carmel Michael J., Swayer- B4, Vernoy, Carolyn V., S2, Canadensis Vincent, Joseph G., B3, Ashley ville Bloomsburg Espy Plymouth Wapwallopen S4, Shamokin Speicher, Leo J., B4, Spiegel, Dale B., S2, Stadts, Marie A., B4, Stair, Carol N.. S4, Starr, Raymond A., Stauffer, Lewis R., S2, Bloomsbui'g Stec, Dorothy M., SI, Mahanoy Plane Stein, Jean E., S3, Shenandoah Steiner, Edward W., E2, Aristes Steinruck, Doyle T., B3, Blooms- burg George Bl, Shickshinny von Bergen, Ruth C, E4, Hazleton Von Stetten, Glenn D., S2, Bloomsburg Von Stetten, Wayne S4, Bloomsburg Vought, William C, B4, Bloomsburg Vukcevich, Ukasin S., SI, HazleViti, ton Waechter, Richard F., S2, Hazle- Wagner, John Richard, S3, Nesco- ton Sterling, Warren M., Blooms- B3, peck burg Stimeling, William A., S3, Berwick Stonik, John M., Bl, Baltimore Stout, Richard C., B4, Bloomsburg Stratton, William R., B3, Wilkes- Barre Wagner, Muriel F., B2, Carbondale Walters, Betty A., E2, Hazleton Walters, Shirley B., B4, Factoryville Strausser, Gerald T., SI, Shamokin Suchy, Margaret, B4, Forest Citv Swales, Willis, Jr., S2, S. Williamsport Swartz, John D., B2, Montoursville Swartz, M. Stanley, E3, RichfieUl Swartz, Nancy, Bl, Forty Fort Sweeney, Charles A., El, Wilkes- Walther, Robert F., S4, Columbia Walton, Carl K., B4, Allentown Wanich, Carol A., Bl, Bloomsburg Warg, John C, El, Hazleton Warner, Jane K., B3, Weatherly Warner, Janice E., B2, Sayre Wasdovich, George B4, Oneida Watts, Lois Weaver, Barre Swigonski, Thaddeus coke J., Nanti- S4, Symons, M. Eloise E2, Wilkes-Barre Tarole, Carmela A., B2, Bethlehem Tavalsky, Edward J., S2, Johnstown Teel, Martha L., S3, Bloomsburg Terrel, Audrey S3, Waymart Thear, George, B4, Nesquehoning Thomas, Donald, B4, Bloomsburg Thomas, Dorothy A., E4, Bloomsburg Thomas, Jack L., SI, Bloomsburg Thomas, John A., Bl, Wilkes-Barre Thomas, Robert L., S4, Danville Thompson, Kathryn E., El, Berwick Thompson, Wayne E., B3, Harrisburg Thompson, Rose A., B4, Towanda Thurston, Robert L., SI, Sunbury Tiddy, William J., S4, Shamokin Tletjen, Helen L., SI, Newmanston Todaro, Eleanor M.. S3, Hazleton Travis, Troutman, Merrill W., E4, Bloomsburg Tyson, Mary R., S4, Catawissa Urban, Arthur J., B3, Duryea Ulrich, Paul E., S4, Danville Valimont, Agnes T., B2, French- James J., SI, Philadelphia Trimble, John Trimpey, Trobach, L., S4, Jersey Shore Ruth G., B4, Gettysburg Gretchen D., S4, Pitts- W. ton Troutman, Clarence W., kin SI, Shamo- B., E., El. Millville Lorraine E2, Mechan- icsburg Weaver, Ephraim, S., Jr.. S2. Shamokin Webb. Anita D.. S4. Bloomsburg Welker. Daniel C. S2. Lavelle Werre, Oce B.. El. Berwick Wertman, Leah L.. El, Andreas Wesenyak. Nancy A., B3, Durj'ea White, Harold J.. S3. Freeland White, John E. SI. Bloomsburg Whitesell, Carson, L., E4, Hunlock Creek Whitner, Richard H., Bl, Bloomsburg Whitney, James L., SI, Sunbury. Widger, George E., S3, Catawissa Wilcox. Mildred L., Bl, Nanticoke Williams, Carolynn H., B4, Bloomsburg Williams, George E.. SI, Shickshinny Williams. Jack E., S2. Milton Williams, John W.. B3, Bloomsburg Williams. Nancy B., SI, Ashland Williams, Robert E., Jr., S4, Bloomsburg Wingate. Robert M., B4, Shamokin Wintersteen, William J., S4, Bloomsburg Wire. Kenneth E., B4. Bloomsburg Wire, Ralph W., B2. Bloomsburg Letters indicate Curriculum: B- Business, E-Elementary, S-Secondary. Numbers Indicate Class: 1-Freshman, 2-Sophomore, 3-Junlor, 4-Senior. 97 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania J., Jr., B2, York Wismer, Shirley E., B2, Royersford Wolford, M. Richard, B3, Montandon Woll, Charles T., Bl, Berwick Wire, Robert Womer, Franklin P., SI. Pottsville Womer, Robert M., S2, Pottsville Wray, Charles J., Danville S2, Wright, Mary Anna, burg Wrobleski, Walter, Barre Wyant, Elmer El, S2, L., S3, Joseph R., Yakoboski, kin Yeager, Bruce O., B3, BloomsWilkes- Noxen B3, ShamoNumidia Teager, John J., S2, Wapwallopen Yeager, Lois J., Bl, Numidia Yerges, George F., B3, Berwick Yohey, Clyde E., S2, Bloomsburg Young, Arthur E., SI, Danville Young, Eleanor J., El, Lewisburg Young, Frederick D., Jr., E3, Ashland Young, George, D., B2, Danville Zeigler, Homer L., Bl, Millersburg Zelinski, Bernard J., S2, Mt. Car- mel Zowatsky. Frank J., SI, Luzerne Zorn, Walter A., B2, Lansdowne Zweizig, Mary L., B2, Shoemakersville Letters indicate Curriculum: B-Business, E-Elementary, S-Secondary. Numbers indicate Class: 1-Freshman, 2-Sophomore, 3-Junior, 4-Senior. LIBERAL ARTS STUDENTS Aagard, Kathleen Andruss, Harvey burg V., Raubsville A., Jr., Blooms- Arnold, Yvonne C, North Wales Austra, Joseph, Shenandoah Baer, Robert P., Berwick Barfield, Patricia, Northumberland Boyer, Vincent, Mifflinburg Brossman, Jean Ann, Robesonia Galley, Harry, Berwick Cesare, Donald, Old Forge Chambers, Margaret A., Bedford Cooke, Thomas, Nanticoke Drennan, Edward J., Buck Hill Falls Ellison, Yerdis R., Upper Darby English, Stuart M., Montrose Evans. David C, Reading Finkelstein, Ruth, Wilkes-Barre Frey, Joseph, Retreat Galanti, Angelo. Berwick Geibel, Jean Anne, Butler Goldman, Allan, Wilkes-Barre Hendrzak, Bernard. Wilkes-Barre Hess. Donald J.. Stillwater Hickey, Mary C, Warren Center Holdren, Murray, Millville Hulsizer. James, Turbotville Kester, Sally Ann. Danville Killian. Howard, Berwick Kincaid. Marybert. Blawnox Knauer. Jenny F., Pottstown Koplowitz, Betty, Lewistown Krap, Morris, Shenandoah Kuster, William, Bloomsburg Lit, Selma Belle, Philadelphia Longwell, Ruth M., Bethlehem Macialek. .loseph, Tunkhannock Markovci, Dolores. Palmerton Mayes, Virginia, Perkasie McCormick, Morma, Coraopolis McDowell, Margaret, Reading Mermelstein, Carol, Sharon Miller, Jack L., Elysburg Miller, Miller. Lake R.. Milton Robert S., Wilkes-Barre Mowry, Paul J., Meshoppen Moyer, Harold L. Jr., Bloomsburg Pellnitz, David. Nescopeck Plotkin. Doris, Scranton Pollock, Marian, Sunburg Pulver, Lois, Wilkes-Barre Pupo, Eleanor N., Mt. Carmel Rapp, Martha M., Wernersville Reese, Donald T., Mauch Chunk Reitmeyer, John, Milton Roberts, Margaret, Revloc Robzen. Shirley, Kingston Rudy. Eugene E.. Bloomsburg Russell. Anna, Bedford Shanken. Edward. Philadelphia Shellenberger, Wm., Bloomsburg Silverman. Saya Y.. Pittsburgh Simon, Carol, Saxton Stark, Edgar, Pittston Stewart. Jean. Philadelphia Stewart. Mary Ann. Dormont Supnick, Marion, Philadelphia Sweeley, Patricia, Rochester Tepper. Bernard. Wilkes-Barre Thompson. Barbara, Phoenixville Transue. Mary Lou. Easton Trego. William. Milton Trembly, Nancy D., Bloomsburg Vandever, Shirley, Chester Vrona. Peter. Shamokin Wargo .Leonard, Atlas Wruble, Sidney, Exeter SATURDAY CLASSES ON CAMPUS Andreas, Elizabeth M. (Mrs.) Mifflinville Clark, Lillian Top Mary M. Mrs.. Mountain Auker, Harriet F., Berwick Balchunas. Leonard A., Shamokin Convilla, Batey. Robina K.. Plymouth Davis, Robert D.. Nanticoke Ehret. Rebecca C. Mt. Carmel Fogel. Anna B.. Tamaqua Broome, Elizabeth. Shenandoah Bucher. Grace (Mrs.), Catawissa Burgard. Dorothy Ehret (Mrs.), Mt. Carmel E. (Mrs.). Shenan- doah Goughour. H. Lynn. Wilkes-Barre Griffiths. Margaret E.. Plymouth State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 98 Harder, Helen R., Catawissa Hartline, Florence S., Danville Hawk, Robert A., Conyngham Kemp, Anna M., Conyngham Shawda, Flowd Nanticoke Klinetob, Miltona Bolen, Berwick Kowalsky, Mildred I., Bloomsburg Kratzer, Ruth D., Middleburg Lutz, Elsie J., Berwick McDermott, Edward J., Shenandoah McNealis, Margaret, Nanticoke Mettler, M. Beatrice, Elysburg Killian, Ida E., Miller, Amos G., Roberts, Kenneth A., Bloomsburg Sanders, Roy E., Shamokin Schaeffer, Jason E., Port Trevorton Shamokin Nancarrow, Sara M., Plymouth Povilaitis, George W., Ashland Rhinard, Theron A., Berwick E., Shamokin ShoUey, Olivia B. (Mrs.), Selinsgrove Stackhouse, Catherine, Huntington Mills Stamm, Elbert L., Danville Symons, Catherine (Mrs.), W. Nanticoke Todd, Alma E. (Mrs.), Girardville Traugh, Geneva E., Berwick Volbrath, Mary A., W. Nanticoke Williams, Catherine, Nanticoke Worrall, H. Grace, Shamokin EXTENSION STUDENTS Adams, Mark A., Dalmatie Andreas, Elizabeth M. (Mrs), Tam- aqua ton Balchunas, Leonard A., Shamokin Barnhart, Mary R., Hazelton Barrow, Ann D., (Mrs.), Ringtown Baskin, Dorothy, Drifton Batey, Robina K., Plymouth Baum, E. May (Mrs.), Nuremberg Shenandoah Bernatonia, Anna E., Bitetti, Lucy, Freeland Broome, Elizabeth, Shenandoah Bucher, Grace (Mrs.) Catawissa Burgard, Dorothy E. (Mrs.), Mt. Carmel Burritt, Margaret C, Wilkes-Barre Carbone, Charles A., Tresckow Casula, Jeanne A., Shenandoah Cavanaugh, Claire, Scranton Conner, Jean C, Wilkes-Barre Contini, Jennie, Freeland Curry, Catherine, Haddock Davis, Edythe M., Kingston Deets (Coombs), Marjorie R., Wap- wallopen Dierolf, Esther E., Wilkes-Barre Dimirco, Concetta, Pittston Dodson, Dorothy, Luzerne Dress, Elizabeth V., Wilkes-Barre Dunnigan, Elizabeth J., Hazleton Ehret, Rebecca, Mt. Carmel Emanuel, Hannah, Luzerne Engel, Leah I., Shamokin Engle, Marion M., Nuremberg Evans, Edwina, Scranton Falck, Norman O., Lewisburg Feather, Jean E., Tamaqua Fenwick, Susan R., Scranton Fernsler, Mary, Wilkes Barre Fogel, Hartline, Florence, Danville Harville, Lorraine R. (Mrs.), Hazle- Anna B., F., Tamaqua Tamaqua Fox, Louise Gallagher, Arlene R., Wilkes-Barre Gallagher, Margaret A., Wilkes- Barre Gardner, Edson F., Moscow Gateman, Norman C, Elysburg Gaughan, Mary Allison, Tamaqua Gilbert, Jean, Hazleton Glass, Charles F., Danville Golob, Ann (Mrs.), Scranton Graff, Bertha, Kulpmont Grdan, Marie M., (Mrs.), Plymouth Griffiths, Grace, Plymouth Griffiths, Margaret E., Plymouth Groff, Lucille, Wilkes-Barre Hanlon, Esther, Tamaqua Harder, Helen, Catawissa Hegarty, Kathryn M., Tamaqua Hegarty, Veronica R., Tamaqua Hennigan, Alys M. F., Scranton Hogg, Kathryn Dougherty, Hazleton Horn, Mary G. (Mrs.), Hazleton Houser, Frederick L., Sheppton Hyde, Anthony T., Conyngham Jacoby, Ethel E., Barsville James, Anna L., Wilkes-Barre Jones, Peggy L., Shamokin Karst, Mary I., Larksville Kehl, Marie A., Shenandoah Kelchner, Erma V., Shickshinny Kamp, Anna M., Conyngham Killian, Ida E., Nanticoke Klees, Clair, Hegins Kline, Jacques R., Leighton Klinetob, Miltona, Berwick Kocher, Avis W. (Mrs.), Dallas Kostenbauder, Ebba C. (Mrs.), Courtdale Kovelesky, Mary F. Tamaqua Krom, Elizabeth E., Shenandoah Krzywicki, Irene J. (Mrs.) Plymouth Leiser, Dorothy, Tamaqua Leonard, Loretta E., Wilkes-Barre Lord, Grace, Wilkes-Barre Luckenbill, Robert, Freeland Lutz, Elsie J.. Berwick Maley, Margaret K., Shenandoah Manjone, Leonard A., Weston Marchetti. Violette M., Kulpmont Martin, Mary M., Pittston McAndrew, Agnes (Mrs.), Wilkes- Barre McClellan, Martha A., Freeland McCormack, Grace E., Scranton McDade, Donald M.. Wilkes-Barre McDermott, Edward J., Shenandoah McKeehan, Marien B.. Wyoming McNealis, Margaret, Nanticoke Miller, Amos G., Shamokin Mosgo. Violet E., Hazleton Nancarrow. Sare M., Plymouth Nasevlch, Michael, Lake Ariel Naylor, Thelma M., Scranton O'Donnell, Clare M., McAdoo Orischak, Walter A., Hudson Pawling, Mary C, Sellnsgrove Rhawn, Hannah K. (Mrs), Danville Rhinard. Theron R., Berwick I State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Richard, Mrs. Alda H., Huntington Mills Riley, Mary, Wilkes-Barre Rock, Steve, Hudson Sanders, Roy, Shamokin Scarlos, Eva, Lansford Schaeffer, Jason E., Port Trevorton Seager, Kathryn L., Hazleton Shain, Leone M., Tamaqua Sheary, Helen C, Shamokin Shepard, Rebecca, Wilkes-Barre Shindeck, Mary M., Milnesville Sholley, Olivia B., (Mrs.), Selins- grove Shovlin, Mary M., McAdoo Skrynski, William R., Tunkhannock Smith, Stella C, Larksville Somer, Marguerite M., Hazleton Stamm, Elbert L., Danville Strazdus, Benjamin P., Wyoming Sweeney, Helen, Scranton Sweeney, Nora J., Wilkes-Barre Sutliff, Bertha M., Trucksville Symons, Catherine (Mrs.), Nanticoke 99 Thornton, Septa M., Old Forge Timko, John B., Freeland Todd, Alma E., Mrs. Girardville Tormay, Edith M., Drums Tugend, Florence, Dalton Ulinhanick, George, Wilkes-Barre Unger, Harry, Spring Glen "Van Sickle, Nanticoke Vollrath, Mary, Nanticoke Wagner, Mildred A., Wilkes-Barre Weidner, Georgiena L.., Trucksville Weightman, Berdine E., Drums Wetzel, Teloiv R., (Mrs.). Conyng- ham Williams, Catherine, Nanticoke Williams, Ruth M., Hazleton Raymond W., Trevorton Witheridge, Eleanor (Mrs.), Wyoming Worrall, H. Grace, Shamokin Wroblewski, Dorothy, W. Hazelton Yannes, Adeline C, Freeland Young, Marian E., Trucksville Zorskas, Anna, Scranton Williard, ENROLLMENT— 1949 PRE-SESSION June 6 to June 24 Ackerman, Clyde J., Zion Grove Alarcon, Mary A., Keiser Albano, Angelo M., McAdoo Ande, Ralph F., Bloomsburg Andreas, Elizabeth M., Mifflinville Apichella, Joseph L., Hazleton Burgard, Dorothy E., Mt. Carmel Burlingame, Helyn J., Berwick Burns, John J., Harrisburg Bushick, Ronald P., Kulpmont Butler, Donald, Warrior Run Butt, Luther S., Hazleton Buynak, John E., Wilkes-Barre Austra, Josef R., Shenandoah Cain, Babcock, James R., Mahanoy City Bacon, Gerald A., Towanda Carl, John H., Trevorton Carls, Rhoda C, Ringtown Allegrucci, Gene J., Wyoming Baer, Robert, Jr., AUentown Baker, Edward G., Spring City Baker, Lucy Jane, Bloomsburg Baksi, George V., Keiser Baksi, Ramona R., Keiser Balent, Robert, Kulpmont Banull, Walter J., Scranton Barrow, Anna D., Ringtown Baylor, Hurley C, Danville Baylor, Robert A., Danville Bell, Michael F., Bloomsburg Bernosky, Peter, Jermyn Berry, W. Eldon. Berwick Betz, John W., Danville Beyer, Donald E., Bloomsburg Beyer, Thomas F., Bloomsburg Beyers. Roy W., Danville Bird, Walter, Berwick Bitetti, Lucy F., Freeland Blake. Earl H., Berwick Bodine. Francis R., Kane Bourdette, Margaret, Athens Bowman. Thomas E., Bloomsburg Brace, Barbara J.. Dallas Bradley, Joseph R., Paxinos Brennan, Marjorie Scott, Wapwallopen Brennan, William J.. Bloomsburg Bross. Mrs. Julia, Delano Brossman, Jean A., Robesonia Brown. John C, Bloomsburg Bruchs. Robert J., Hazleton Brunn, Henry E., Nanticoke Brunstetter, Nancy J., Catawissa James M., Bloomsburg Cavanaugh, Claire T., Scranton Chambers, Margaret A., Bedford Chapin, Katherine E., Berwick Cierlitsky, Terry A., Tamaqua Clark, Berniece R., Sunbury Clark, Naomi R., Danville Clarridge, Clifton G., Washington, D. C. Cocco, Diana, Pittston Conrad, Robert H., Boyertown Conrad, Royal W., Benton Contini. Jennie A., Freeland Cook. Kenneth L., Elverson Cooley, Cooper, Max G., Rome Mary L., Dallas Corazza, Mary F., Freeland Corrigan, Eugene J., Bloomsburg Cortright, Jay B., Hummel's Wharf Cortright, Mrs. Zita, Hummel's Wharf Coval, Leon, Bloomsburg Creveling, James R., Bloomsburg Crumb, Nancy J.. Berwick Datesman, Lois M., Bangor Davis, Jean E., Wilkes-Barre Davis, Russell C, Jr., Luzerne Dechant. Kathryn E., Renovo Deets, Mrs. Marjorie R., Wapwallopen DeMatt, Mary C, Hazleton DeMott, Dorothy M.. Eyers Grove DePaul, Bernard J.. Berwick Derzak, Joseph L.. Wyoming Diehle. Owen C, Bloomsburg Dietz, John, Plymouth State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 100 West Hazleton Dodson, Harold E., Rohrsburg Donachy, George D., NorthumberDixon, Rita, land Donan, Thomas M., Columbia Dorak, Michael J., Berwick Drennan, Harry J., Jr., Buck Hill Falls Dugan, Billy N., Milton Dzuris, Lois E., Nanticoke Eddinger, Jounior, Berwick Edwards, Edward H., EdwardsvlUe Elliott, Hugh H., Shickshinny Eremich, Albert C, Mt. Carmel Erie, Elwood C, New Albany Evans, Michael P., Wilkes-Barre Evans, Russell Y., Shamokin Evasic, Marcella J., Luzerne Falck, Norman O., Lewisburg Fanzo, Marjorie L., Bethlehem Faust, Sarah M., Weatherly Fellon, Leonard A., Trevorton Fellows, Mrs. Jane, Mahanoy City Fenstermacher, Harry M., Catawissa Fenwick, Susan R., Scranton Ferry, Mildred E., Haddock Flaherty, Patrick J., Bloomsburg Francisci. Henry A., Fern Glen Freeda, Stanley J., Bloomsburg Fronk, Lewis A., Catawissa Gabriel, Louis S., Hazleton Galow, Gloria I., Hazleton Gamble, Norma E., Wyalusing Garard, Louise M., Lewisburg Gardner, Jack E., Elysburg Garrison, Harold A.. Trevorton Gaugler, Elbert G.. Port Trevorton Gavis, Joseph E. E., Wilkes-Barre Gazenski. Leonard R., Wilkes-Barre Gehrig, George F., Danville Gieda, Joseph J., Plymouth Gillow, Charles G., Duryea Golob, Mrs. Ann, Scranton Grabowski, Anthony R.. Shamokin Grande, Joseph J.. Shenandoah Grazell, Joan A., Shenandoah Griffiths. Margaret, Plymouth Grimes, Richard E., Harrisburg Groff, Bertha C, Kulpmont Guyder, Mrs. Hazel C, Danville Hackenburg, Murray A., Danville Hackett, Faythe M.. Glenside Hahn, William J., Plymouth Haley, Katharine A.. Catawissa Hamershock, Bernard, Weatherly Hammers, Robert W., S. Williamsport Hantjis, Mrs. Harriet, Bloomsburg Harrell, William C, Bloomsburg Hartline, Florence S., Danville Hartman, Buddy M., Bloomsburg Hartman, Dayne Hartzell, Howard Hawk, Robert A.. A., Benton R., Danville Conyngham Meyersdale Henry. Leroy K., Bloomsburg Herb, Curtis W., Bloomsburg Herb, Leon C, Shamokin Herring. Harry E.. Cressona Horn, Mary G., Hazleton Hornberger, Ralph E.. Elysburg Huff, Erma C, Town Hill Henrie, Gilbert, Jr., Ikeler, Mrs. Winifred, Millville Jacobs, Charles K.. Bloomsburg Jaroby, Ethel E., Barnesvllle Jarman, Richard E., Bloomsburg Jasczak, Leonard A., Dupont Johns, Edward, Wilkes-Barre Johnson, Ralph W., Bloomsburg Jones, Luther, Wilkes-Barre Jones, Shirley H., Ashley Kashner, Robert J., Bloomsburg Kashuba, Mrs. Margaret, Benton Kearney, George L., Paxinos Keegan, John D., Shamokin Keiser, Edwin R., DuBoistown Keiser, Norman F., Scranton Kelly, Daniel E., Shamokin Kemp, Donald Kemp, Gordon Berwick Nescopeck Kendall, Clifford J., Bloomsburg Kepping, Mrs. Jane, Hazleton Keyser, Richard B., Bloomsburg King, Donald F., Dallas Kleman, James A., Ashland Kline, Norman E., McClure Kline, Richard E., McClure Klinger, Edwin J., Trevorton Klinger, Irwin R., Lykens L., L., Klopp, Thomas A., Freeland Kocur, John, Junedale Kolb, Elizabeth J., Hazleton Kollesar, Michael, Jeddo Kolodgie, Edward J.. Dupont Kotula, Bernard C, Cumbola Krafchik, Thomas A., Nanticoke Krajnik, Mrs. Ruth D., Bloomsburg Krause, Bernard N.. Nanticoke Krauser, Henry J., Wilkes-Barre Kreiser, Elmer, Bloomsburg Kreisher, William J., Shamokin Krensavage, Thaddeus P., McAdoo Krzywicki, Genevieve, Drums Kundis, Harold, Mt. Carmel Kuntza, John, IBerwick Kurey, Joseph E., Mt. Union Lack, Nellie K.. Harrisburg Lambrinos, George. Endicott, N. Y. Lampman. Alfred M.. Kingston Lauck, Charles L., Mt. Carmel Lee, Mrs. Anita, Bloomsburg LePard, Robert K., Lansdowne Leshinski, Robert W^.. Hudson LeVan, Robert S.. Bloomsburg Lewis, Elsie M.. Bloomsburg Lewis, Trevor F., Sunbury Linetty, Charles J., Kulpmont Livingston, Lionel, Courtdale Logar, Berdine A., Weston Long, Gloriadawn, Briar Creek Longer, Charles W., Bloomsburg Longo, Celestine M., Nuremberg Lopata, Paul, Nesquehoning Lovett, Dorothy R., Nanticoke Luchnick, Francis J., Mt. Carmel Lupashunski, Frank T., Berwick Macelko, Andrew, Wilkes-Barre Maciekowich, Zigmond D., West Hazleton Mack, Edward W., Bloomsburg Maietta, Donald F., Williamsport Malone, Kathryn D.. Cumbola Marek, Henry L., Cupont Marks, Muriel F., Reading Marsilio. Alfred S.. Hazleton Masanovich. Milo, West Hazleton Mattis, Marie B.. Shamokin Maturani. John K.. Milton Maza, Robert J., Nanticoke McCaffrey, Robert W.. Berwick McClintock, Eleanor. Neaoopeck McCormack, Grace E.. Scranton McCullough, Jane R., Lewisburg State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania McDonald, Joan A., Ringtown McDonald, Leo J., Ringtown McGrew, Daniel P., Mahanoy Plane McNamee, Francis R., Bloomsburg McNealis, Margaret, Nanticoke Meiss, Clarence J., McAdoo Meneeley, Marvin L., Aristes Merena, Walter, Excelsior Merrifield, Robert S., Atlantic City, N. J. Metzo, Thomas M., Wilkes-Barre Miller, Charles E., Espy Miller, Royal A., Bloomsburg Miller, William R., Plymouth Millhouse, Richard C., West Hazleton Miscavage, Daniel J., Wilkes-Barre Mitros, Edward J., Glen Lyon Montague, Robert E., Danville Moran. James V., Hazleton Morgan, John N., Old Forge Morgan, Nancy A., Hazleton Morgans, Rodney K., Bloomsburg Morris, John S.. Bloomsburg Moser, Mrs. Ruth, McEwensville Mosgo, Mrs. Biolet E., Hazleton Mudrock, Joseph V., Barnesville Munchak, Jack B., Philadelphia Mussoline, Lawrence, Hazleton Nancarrow, Sara M., Plymouth Nester, Wilmer Emmaus P., Nuss, Eugene M., Catawissa O'Brien, Robert E., Locust Gap O'Donnell, John J.. Coaldale Olson, Ernest C, Jr., Yeadon Pacholec, Henry E., Scranton Palencar, Andrew E., Bloomsburg Panzetta, John, Hazleton Panzetta. Nicholas, Hazelton Parker, Edmund L.. Bloomsburg Parrell, Daniel C, Hazleton Parry. Donald, Peckville Parsell, John L., Orangeville Paternoster. George. Hazleton Patterson, Andrew T.. Moosic Paulmeno, Anthony J.. Weatherly Payer. Stephen F., McAdoo Pecora, Louis S., West Hazleton Pelchar, Joseph J.. Keiser Persing, Carl J., Mt. Carmel Petarra, Concetta G., Camden, N. J. Petraitis, Wanda Piestrak, Edward M., Collegeville L., Danville Pope, Arlene M., Sunbury Poust, Eleanor I., Muncy Prete, Michael L.. Hazleton Prete, Santo J.. Hazleton Pringle, Purcell. Frank James M., J.. Francis J., Bloomsburg Shamokin Radice, Wilkes-Barre Readier, Horace E., Wilkes-Barre Reck. George E., Trevorton Reece, Elizabeth M.. West Grove Reed, Thomas J., Plymouth Reedy, James A.. Jr., Milton Rees. Laureen, Nanticoke Reese, Donald, Mauch Chunk Reese, Jack D.. Fortv Fort Reitz. Robert G.. Shamokin Rick. John J.. Keiser Riegel, Arthur C, Catawissa Rishel. William J., Danville Roach, Mrs. Alice G.. Bloomsburg Roberts, Charles E.. Slatington Roberts, Thomas J., Kingston Robidoux. Francis A.. I'hiladelphia Robzen, Shirley R., Wilkes-Barre 101 Roeder, William K., Bloomsburg Roll, Nicholas, Berwick Roth, Luther H., Wilkes-Barre Anna B., Bedford Donald H., Bloomsburg Ryan, John J., Philadelphia Ryan, William H., Bloomsburg Sakalski, Stephen F., Bloomsburg Russell, Russell, Samois, Deryl J., Danville Sanders, Roy E., Shamokin Savage, Charles A., Bloomsburg Schneider, Evelyn M., Bloomsburg Schwartz, Richard C., Pine Grove Seebold, John E., Danville Sharkey, Winifred Mines Shawda, Floyd E., Shelhamer, Milford Eugene Lattimer J., Shamokin E., Mifflinville Danville Shoemaker, Mary C, Hallstead Shoemaker, William, Espy Shook, Lottie C, Muncy Shovlin, Elizabeth, Mt. Carmel Shovlin, Mary M., McAdoo Sickinger, William, Philadelphia Simmons, Louise, Owings Mills, Md. Shipe, R., Skowronski, Edward F., Williama- port Slobozien, Paul J., Johnstown Paul D., Bloomsburg Smethers, Donald R., Bloomsburg Smigelski, Edward J., Wilkes-Barre Snyder, Donald E., Stillwater Snyder, Eugene W., Danville Soback, Andrew, Berwick Sopko, Joseph E., Carbondale Sowers, Charles H., Williamsport Speers, Alfred H., Mechanicsburg Spiegel, Dale B., Bloomsburg Stadts, Marie A., Plymouth Slusser, Stair, Carol V., Wapwallopen L., Danville Stamm, Elbert Stauffer, Lewis R., Bloomsburg Stein, Jean E., Shenandoah Steinruck, Doyle T., Bloomsburg Warren M., Bloomsburg Stonik, John M., Baltimore, Md. Stratton, William, Wilkes-Barre Swaboski, Ramona M., Mt. Carmel Sterling, Swales, Willis, S., Williamsport Symons, Catherine V., West Nanti- coke Henry C, Wilkes-Barre Carmela R., Bethlehem Tavalsky, Edward J., Johnstown Talarsky, Tarole, Temple, Guy, Unityville Thear. George, Nesquehoning Thomas, Dorothy, Bloomsburg Thomas, Hervey, Orangeville Thomas, Robert L.. Danville Tiddy, William J., Shamokin Todd, Mrs. Alma. Girardville Tyson, Mary Ruth, Catawissa Underwood. Ella M., Danville Vanyo, Andre M., Duryea Vasilauskas, Edward. Mt. Carmel Vincent. Joseph G., Ashley Viti, George, Shickshinny Vollrath. Mary A., West Nanticoke Von Bergen. Ruth C. Hazleton Von Von Stetten, Glen. Bloomsburg Stetten. Wayne, Bloomsburg Vukcevich, Ukasin S., West Hazle- F., West Hazle- ton Waechter, Richard ton Wagner, J. Richard. Nescopeck Walters, Betty A., Hazleton State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 102 Walther, Robert F., Columbia Walton, Carl K., AUentown Wanich, Carol A., Bloomsburg Wasdovich, George, Oneida Wolford, M. Richard, Montandon Wire, Kenneth E., Bloomsburg Wire, Ralph W., Bloomsburg Won, Charles T., Berwick Worrall, H. Grace, Shamokin Wright, Mary Ann, Bloomsburg Wyant, Elmer, Noxen Yakoboski, Joseph, Shamokin Yannes, Adeline C, Freeland Yeager, John J., Wapwallopen Yohey, Clyde E., Bloomsburg Jr., Shamokin Webb, Raymond L., Bloomsburg Wertman, Leah L., Andreas White, Harold J., Bloomsburg Whitney, James L., Sunbury Weaver, Ephraim, Whittaker, Charles D., Scranton Widger, George E., Catawissa Wilcox, Mildred L., West Nanticoke Williams, John W., Bloomsburg Williams, Robert E., Jr., Shamokin Wingate, Robert M., Bloomsburg Wintersteen, William, Bloomsburg Yost, Edward L,., Ringtown Young, Frederick D., Ashland L., Millersburg Zeigler, Homer Zelinski, Bernard J., Mt. Carmel Zorn, Walter A., East Lansdowne Zorskas, Anna, Scranton SUMMER SESSION ENROLLMENT— 1949 June 27 Ackerman, Clyde J., Zion Grove McAdoo Eugene J., Wyoming Albano, Angelo, Allegrucci, Amey, Mrs. Mildred F., Sunbury Ande, Ralph F., Bloomsburg Andreas, Mrs. Elizabeth, MifClinville Apichella, Joseph L., Hazleton Ash, Carol, Bloomsburg Auker, Dorothy M., Wilkes-Barre Babcock, James R., Mahanoy City Bacon, Gerald A., Towanda Baker, Edward G., Spring City Baker, Glen R., Benton Baker, Louise C, Espy Baker, Lucy Jane, Bloomsburg Baksi, George V., Keiser Baksi, Ramona R., Keiser Balent, Robert, Banull, Walter Kulpmont Scranton Barnhart, Mrs. Joyce G., Danville Barnhart, Mrs. Mildred, Newcastle, J., Del. Barrow, Mrs. Anna D., Ringtown Batey, Robina K., Plymouth Baumer, Cora L., Lewisburg Baylor, Hurley C., Danville Baylor, Robert A., Danville Becktel, Stewart G., Halifax Bell, Michael F., Port Chester, N.Y. Benner, Ned O., Sunbury Bernosky, Peter, Jermyn Berry, W. Eldon, Berwick Bertsch, Harry J., Pottsville Betz, John W., Danville Beyer, Donald E., Bloomsburg Beyers, Roy W., Danville Beyer, Thomas F., Bloomsburg Bird, Walter, Berwick Bitetti, Lucy F., Freeland Blake, Earl H., Berwick Blake, Margaret, Berwick Bodine, Francis R., Kane Bolig, Betty V., Richfield Bolinsky, Isabel D., Hazleton Borchers, Pearl S., Wayne Boughner, Shirley M., Trevorton Bowman. E., Bloomsburg Brace, Helen E., Hunlock's Creek Brace, Marjorie E., Hunlock'.s Creek Bradley, Joseph R.. Paxinos Brennan, Mrs. Marjorie, Wapwallo- pen Brennan, William J., Bloomsburg to August 5 Briggs, Loretta R., LeRaysville Bronson, Martha E., Bloomsburg Broome, Elizabeth, Shenandoah Brossman, Jean A., Robesonia Brown, Helene L., West Hazleton Brown, John C, Bloomsburg Brown, Mrs. Sara McCreary, Sunbury Brudnicki, Leonard F., Nanticoke Brunges, Mrs. Leona, Bloomsburg Brunn, Henry E., Nanticoke Brunstetter, Nancy J., Catawissa Buffington, Mrs. Harriett, Sunbury Burlingame, Helyn J., Berwick Burns, John J., Harrisburg Bushick, Ronald P., Kulpmont Bushinski, Walter B., Shenandoah Butcofsky, Donald L., Shamokin Butler, Donald J., Warrior Run Butt, Luther S., Hazleton Buynak, John E., Wilkes-Barre Cabelly, Morris M., Berwick Cain, James M., Bloomsburg Carl, John H., Trevorton Carls, Rhoda C, Ringtown Case, Frederick J., Danville Casula, Michalene A., Shenandoah Casula, Patricia R., Shenandoah Cavanaugh, Claire T., Scranton Clark, Berniece R., Sunbury Clark, Naomi R., Danville Clarridge, Clifton G., Washington, D. C. Cocco, Diana L.. Pittston Comuntzis, Aleki D., Bloomsburg Conboy, Mary Ellen. Friendsville Condor, Doris M., Hazleton Conner, Jean C, Wilkes-Barre Connolly, Millicent T., Scranton Conrad, Robert H., Boyertown Contini, Jennie A., Freeland Conville. Mrs. Mary, Shenandoah Cook, Kenneth L., Elverson Cooley, Max G., Rome Cooper, Mary Louise, Dallas Corazza, Mary F., Freeland Corrigan, Eugene J., Bloomsburg Cortright. Jay B., Hummel's Wharf Cramer, Robert N., Waymart James R., Bloomsburg Crumb, Nancy J., Berwick Datesman, Lois M., Bangor Davenport, Mary G., Plymouth Creveling. State Teachers College, Blootnsburg, Pennsylvania Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Mrs. Jean S., Bloomsburg Nanticoke Russell C, Luzerne William C, Beach Haven Dechant, Kathryn E., Renovo Robert D., Deets, Mrs. Marjorie, Wapwallopen DeMatt, Mary C, Hazleton Joan Grazell, A., Shenandoah Grece, Edith F., Taylor Greenly, Barbara J., Bloomsburg Greenly, Marilyn M., Bloomsburg Gricoski, Leonard E., Shamokin Margaret, Plymouth Grimes, Richard E., Harrisburg Griffiths, Demmi, Fred, Shenandoah Groff, Lucille, DeMott, Dorothy M., Eyers Grove DePaul, Bernard J., Berwick Guyler, Mrs. Hazel Derrick, R. Norman, Unityville Derzak, Joseph L., Wyoming Diehle, Owen C, Philadelphia Dietz, John, Plymouth Dixon, Rita M., West Hazleton Donan, Thomas M., Columbia Dorak, Michael J., Berwick Dorasavage, Margaret, Pottsville Dormer, Bernard J., Northumberland 103 Wilkes-Barre C., Danville Hackenburg, Murray A., Danville Hackett, Faythe M., Glenside Hahn, William J., Plymouth Hamershock, Bernard, Weatherly Hammers, Robert W., S. Williamsport Hanlon, Esther M., Tamaqua Harder, Mrs. Helen R., Bloomsburg Harrell, William C, Bloomsburg Hartley, Mrs. Olwen A., Lenoxville Hartline, Florence S., Danville Dotzel, George N., Wilkes-Barre Dreibelbis, Susan A., Bloomsburg Drennan, Harry J., Buck Hill Falls Hartman, Buddy M., Benton Hartman, Dayne A., Benton Hartzelle, Helen E., Catawissa Dubbs, Robert J., Shamokin Dugan, Billy N., Milton Duy, Suzanne L., Bloomsburg Dzuris, Lois E., Nanticoke Eddinger, Junior L., Berwick Edwards, Charles L., Shamokin Edwards, David T., Kingston Edwards, Edward H., Edwardsville Elliott, Hugh H., Shickshinny Emanuel. Nan, Wilkes-Barre Engle, Marion M., Nuremberg Engler, Robert M., Hazleton Eremich, Albert C, Mt. Carmel Hartzell, Elwood C, New Albany Evans, Edwina P., Scranton Erie, Evans, Michael P., Wilkes-Barre Evans, Russell Y., Shamokin Evasic, Marcella J., Luzerne Eves, Charles M., Bloomsburg Falck, Norman O., Lewisburg Marjorie L., Bethlehem David E., Bloomsburg Fanzo, Faust, Faust, Sarah M., Weatherly Fellon, Leonard A., Trevorton Fenstermacher, Harry, Catawissa Fenwick, Susan R., Scranton Fernsler, Mary, Wilkes-Barre Ferry, Mildred. Hazleton Fink, Gerald E., Bloomsburg Fitzgerald, Anna E., Mahanoy City Flaherty, Patrick J., Bloomsburg Fleck, Rolanda T., Mahanoy City Fogel, Anna B., Tamaqua Frederick, Anna B., Mifflinburg Freeda, Stanley J., Bloomsburg Fronk. Lewis A., Catawissa Gabriel, Louis S.. Hazleton Gardner, Mrs. Beth H., Elysburg Gardner, Jack E., Wylsburg Garrison, Harold A.. Trevorton Gaugler, EHbert G.. Port Trevorton Gavis, Joseph E. E.. Wilkes-Barre Gazenski, Leonard R., Wilkes-Barre Gehrig, George F., Danville George, Rhoda E., Nanticoke Gillow, Charles L. G., Duryea Girton, Robert L., Bloomsburg Glass. Charles F., Danville Golob, Mrs. Ann, Scranton Grabowski, Anthony, Shamokin Graff, Bertha C, Kulpmont Graham, M. Kathryn, Bloomsburg Graham, Sara A., Bloomsburg Grande, Joseph J., Shenandoah Howard R., Danville Hawk, Robert A., Conyngham Heintzelman, Mary K., Sunbury Heller, Charles W., Berwick Henrie, Gilbert J., Meyersdale Henry, Leroy K., Bloomsburg Herb, Curtis W., Bloomsburg Herb, Leon C, Shamokin Hobbs, Mrs. Ellen C, Hendersonville, N. C. Homisak, William, Richmondale Hopkins, Nancy A., Hazleton Horn, Mrs. Mary G., Hazleton Hornberger, Ralph E., Elysburg Hosier, Mrs. Doris K., Bloomsburg Houck, Earl W., Berwick Houseknecht, George B., Picture Huff, Mrs. Erma C, Town Hill Ikeler. Mrs. Winifred, Millville Ingham, Helen A., Montrose Jackovitz, Edward F., Carbondale Jacobs, Charles K., Bloomsburg Jacoby, Ethel E., Barnesville Jarman, Richard E., Bloomsburg Jasczak, Leonard A., Dupont Jenkins, David W., Danville Jewett, Marguerite F., Mifflinburg Johns, Edward, Wilkes-Barre Johnson, Ralph W., Bloomsburg Jones, Luther, Wilkes-Barre Jones, Mrs. Marjorie V., Canal Zone Jones, Shirley H., Ashley Kapp, Irma C., Bloomsburg Karas, Vincent W., Shenandoah Kashuba, Mrs. Margaret, Benton Keegan, John D., Shamokin Keiser, Edwin R., DuBoistown Keiser, Norman F., Scranton Keller, Jane L., Bloomsburg Kelly. Daniel E., Kemp, Donald Kemp, Gordon L., L.. Shamokin Berwick Nescopeck Kendall. Clifford V., Bloomsburg Kenna, Michael J.. Cumbola Kenvin. Jane L., Hazleton Kepping, George, Hazleton Kepping, Mrs. Rfartha J., Hazleton Kessler, Donald A., Danville Keyser, Richard B., Bloomsburg Killian, Ida E.. W. Nanticoke Kleman, James A., Ashland Kline. Dorothy J., Bloomsburg Kline, Norman E., McClure 104 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Kline, Richard E., McClure Klinetob, Miltona B., Berwick Klinger, Edwin J., Trevorton Klinger, Irwin R., Lykens Klinger, Mae E., Lykens Klinger, Paul A., Berwick Klopp, Thomas A., Freeland Klotsko, John A., New Philadelphia Kocher, Mrs. Avis W., Dallas Kocur, John, Junedale Kollesar, Michael, Jeddo Kolodgie, Edward J., Dupont Kotula, Bernard C, Cumbola Kowalsky, Mrs. Mildred, Blooms- burg Krafchik, Thomas A., Nanticoke Krajnik, Mrs. Ruth A., Bloomsburg Krause, Bernard, Nanticoke Krauser, Henry J., Wilkes-Barre Kreiser, Elmer, Bloomsburg Kreisher, William J., Shamokin Krensavage, Thaddeus P., McAdoo Kringe, Patricia M., W. Hazleton Kulik, Irene M., Mt. Carmel Kundis, Harold, Mt. Carmel Kundrat, Stephen, Berwick Kuntza, John, Berwick Kurey, Joseph E., Mt. Union Lack, Nellie K., Harrisburg Lambrinos, George, Endicott, N. Y. Lampman, Alfred M., Kingston Laskowski, Theodore, Trucksville Lauck, Charles L., Mt. Carmel Lee, Mrs. Anita Webb, Bloomsburg LePard, Robert K., Lansdowne Leshinski, Robert W., Hudson LeVan, Mrs. Gladys E., Bloomsburg LeVan, Robert S., Bloomsburg Lewis, Charles F., Northumberland Lewis, Elsie M., Bloomsburg Lewis. Trevor F., Sunbury Lindauer, Shirley R., Danville Linetty, Charles J., Kulpmont Livingston, Lionel C., Courtdale Lockhoff. Harold L., Bloomsburg Logar, Berdine A., Weston Long, Gloriadawn, Briar Creek Longer, Charles W., Bloomsburg Longo, Celestine M., Nuremberg Lopata, Paul, Nesquehoning Lord, Grace A., Luzerne Loveland, Glenn A., Trucksville Luchnick, Francis J., Mt. Carmel Luckenbill. Robert J.. Freeland Lupashunski, Frank T.. Berwick Lutz, Elsie J., Berwick Lyons, Joseph, Wilkes-Barre Maceiko, Andrew, Wilkes-Barre Maciekowich, Zigmond D., W. Hazleton Magee, Mrs. Blendina S., LeRays- ville. Magera, John J., Mocanaqua Maietta, Donald F., WilliaTusport Maley, Margaret K., Shenandoah Malone, Mrs. Kathryn D., Cumbola Manjone, Leonard A., Weston Marek, Henry L., Dupont Marks, Muriel F., Reading Marsilio. Alfred S., Hazleton Masanovich, Milo, W. Hazleton Mattis, Marie B., Shamokin Maturani, John B., Milton Maxey, Nancy E., Scranton Maza, Robert J., Nanticoke McAndrew, Thomas J., Dunmore McCaffrey, Robert W., Berwick McCarr, Mrs. Berniece M., Conyng- ham McClintock, Eleanor A., Nescopeck McCormack, Grace E., Scranton McDermott, Edward J., Shenandoah McDonald, Joan A., Ringtown McDonald, Leo J., Ringtown McFadden, Joseph J., Carbondale McGeehan, Betty, Crum Lynne McGeehan, Charles J., McAdoo McGeehan, Mrs. Frances, Pottsville McGrew, Daniel P., Mahanoy Plane McNamee, Francis R., Bloomsburg McNealis, Margaret, Nanticoke Meiss, Clarence J., McAdoo Mensinger, Clair E., Mifflinville Merena, Walter Excelsior Merrifield, Robert S., Atlantic City, N. J. Mertz, Florence M., Northumberland Messner, Leon H., Wiconisco Miller, Amos G., Shamokin Miller, Charles E., Espy Miller, Royal A., Bloomsburg Miller, William R., Plymouth C, W. Hazleton Mirocke, Marie T., Shenandoah Miscavage, Daniel J., Wilkes-Barre Mitros, Edward J., Glen Lyon Mitten, Dorothy J., Camptown Mocarsky, Mrs. Irene M., Ranshaw Montague, Robert E., Danville Morgan, John N., Old Forge Millhouse, Richard Morgan, Nancy A., Hazleton Morgans, Rodney K., Bloomsburg Morris, John S., Bloomsburg Mosgo, Mrs. Violet E., Hazleton Mouery, Olive L., Mt. Carmel Mudrock, Joseph V., Barnesville Munchak, Jack B., Philadelphia Mussoline, Larry J., Hazleton Nancarrow, Sara M., Plymouth Naylor, Thelma M., Scranton Nester, Wilmer F., Emmaus Ignatius, Mocanaqua Nuss, Eugene M., Catawissa O'Brien, Miriam, Bloomsburg Novelli, O'Brien, Robert E., Locust Gap O'Donnell, John J.. Coaldale Olson, Ernest C, Yeadon Pacholec, Henry F., Scranton Palencar, Andrew B., Bethlehem Panzetta, John, Hazleton Panzetta, Nick, Hazleton Papania, Ann E.. Bloomsburg Parry. Donald, Bloomsburg Parsell, John L., Orangeville Paternoster, George D.. Hazleton Paterson, Andrew T., Mossic Patrick, Matilda L., Dupont Paulmeno, Anthony J., Weatherly Payer, Stephen C, McAdoo Payne, Edith M., Ashland Peifer, Lucille C, Mifflinville Pelchar, Joseph J., Keiser Persing, Carl J., Mt. Carmel Petarra, Concetta G., Camden, N. J. Petraltis, Wanda M., CollegeviUe Phillips, Charles E., Danville Piccolo. Philomena C, Shenandoah Pick, Robert W.. Danville Piestrak, Edward L., Danville Pope. Arlene M., Sunbury Povilaitis. George W.. Frackvllle Prete, Michael L., Hazleton Prete, Santo J., Hazleton 103 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Pringle, Frank M., Bloomsburg I'ugh, Airs. Dorothy K., Newtown Purcell, James V., Shamokin Purcell, John M., Shenandoah Radice, Francis J., Wilkes-Barre Rainage, Gladys E., Pittston Rarig, Mrs. Leah AI., Catawissa Reck, George E., Trevorton Reece, Elizabeth M., West Grove Reed, Thomas J., Plymouth Reedy, James A., Jr., Milton Reese, Jack D., Forty Fort Reitz, Robert G., Shamokin Rhawn, Mrs. Hannah K.. Danville Rick, John J., Keiser Riegel, Arthur C, Catawissa Riley, Mary E., Wilkes-Barre Ringheiser, Margaret Shenan- A., doah Rishel, William J., Danville Roach, Mrs. Alice G., Bloomsburg Roberts, Charles E.. Slatington Robidoux, Francis A., Philadelphia Roeder, William K., Bloomsburg Roll, Nicholas, Berwick Romanczyk, Helen M., Forest City Roth, Luther H., Wilkes-Barre Rowlands, Clarence C, Plymouth Rowlands, Samuel S., Warwick, N. Y. Rowlands, William H., Plymouth Russell, Donald H., Bloomsburg Ryan, Anna T., Shamokin Ryan, John J., Philadelphia Ryan, William H., Riverside Sakalski, Stephen F., Bloomsburg Sanders, Roy E., Shamokin Saunders, Frances L.. Danville Savage, Charles A., Bloomsburg Schaeffer, Jason E., Port Trevorton Schwartz, Richard C, Pine Grove Schiefer, Charles R., State College Seebold, John E., Danville Shain, Leone M., Tamaqua Sharkey, Winifred J., Lattimer Mines Sharrets, Jean B., Berwick E., Shamokin Sheehy, Edward F., Bloomsburg Shelhamer, Milford E., Miflflinville Shawda, Floyd Shetline, Leonard J., Edwardsville Shipe, Eugene R., Danville Shoemaker, Mar>- C, Hallstead Shoemaker, William F., Espy ShoUey, Mrs. Olivia B.. Selinsgrove Shook, Lottie C, Muncy Shovlin, Gertrude M.. Freeland Shovlln, Mary M.. McAdoo Shultz, Mrs. Betty H., Bloomsburg Shultz, Mary K.. Bloomsburg Sickinger, William R. T., Philadel- phia Sigworth, Mrs. Hazel Skowronskl, Edward S., Berwick F., Williams- port Slipetz, Paul, Jr., Swoyerville Slobozien. I'aul J., Johnstown Slusser. Paul D., Bloomsburg Slysofskl, Adam H., Hazleton Bloomsburg Smigelski. Edward J., Wilkes-Barre Smith, Grace, Mt. Carmel Smith. Myron T., Hughesville Smethers, Donald R., Smolski, Alice A.. Archbald Snyder, Donald E., Stillwater Snyder, Eugene W., Danville Soback, Andrew. Berwick Somers, Marguerite M., Hazleton Sonnenberg, Fred R., Wilkes-Barre Souder, Leora V., Nescopeck Sowers, Charles H., Williamsport Spanich, Michael J., Swoyerville Speers, Alfred H., Mechanicsburg Spiegel, Dale B., Stair, Carol V., Stamm, Elbert Bloomsburg Wapwallopen Danville L., Starr, Raymond A., Shamokin Stauffer, Lewis R., Bloomsburg Stein, Jean E., Shenandoah Steinruck, Doyle Bloomsburg T., Sterling, Warren M., Bloomsburg Stonik, John M., Baltimore, Md. Stratton, William R., Wilkes-Barre Strickland, Harry B., Shamokin Robert L., Berwick Swaboski, Mrs. Ramona Sutliff, A., Mt. Carmel Swales, Willis, Jr., S. Williamsport Wymons, Mrs. Catherine, W. Nanticoke Talarsky, Henry C, Wilkes-Barre Tarole, Carmela A., Bethlehem Tavalsky, Edward J., Johnstown Thear, George, Nesquehoning Thomas, Dorothy A., Bloomsburg Thomas, Hervey R., Orangeville Thomas, Robert L., Danville Tiddy, William J., Shamokin Tietjen, Helen L., Newmaiistown Todd, Mrs. Alma E., Girardville Tormay, Edith M., Hazleton Treon, William C, Mt. Carmel Tugend, Florence C, Dalton Tyson, Mary Ruth, Catawissa Van Sant, Feme E., Numidia Vanyo, Andre M., Duryea Vasilauskas, Edward T., Mt. Car- mel Vershinski, Thomas E., Mt. Carmel Vincent, Joseph G., Ashley Vollrath, Mary A., W. Nanticoke Von Setten, Glenn D., Bloomsburg Von Stetten, Wayne, Bloomsburg Vukcevich, Ukasin Waechter, Richard S., W. Hazleton W. Hazle- F., ton J. Richard, Nescopeck Wallace, Ann N., Lewisburg Walther, Robert, Columbia Wanich, Carol A., Bloomsburg Wagner, Warner, Jane K., Weatherly Wasdovich, George, Oneida Webb, Raymond L., Bloomsburg Weller. Lawrence J., Aristes Welsko, Thomas E., Freeland Wertamn, Leah L., Andreas White, Harold J., Bloomsburg Whitenight, Jennie, Bloomsburg Whitney, James L.. Sunburj' Whittaker, Charles D., Scranton Widger, George E., Catawissa Wilcox, Mildred L., W. Nanticoke Williams, Catherine. Nanticoke Williams, Fred C. Pottsville Williams, John W., Bloomsburg Williams. Robert E.. Shamokin Williard. Raymond W., Trevorton Wilson, Marion E., Kls-Lyn Wingate, Robert M., Bloomsburg Wire, Kenneth E.. Bloomsburg Wire, Ralph W.. Bloomsburg Witheridge, Eleanor R., Wyoming Wolford, M. Richard, Montandon WoU, Charles T., Bloomsburg State Teachers College, Blootnsburg, Pennsylvania 106 Worrall, H. Grace, Yeager, John J., Wapwallopen Yohey, Clyde E., Kingston Young, Frederick D., Ashland Zavacky, Harry, Simpson Zeigler, Homer L., Millersburg Zelinski, Bernard J., Mt. Carmel Zorn, Walter A., E. Lansdowne Zorskas, Anna, Scranton Shamokin Wright, Helen M., Bloomsburg Wright, Mary A., Bloomsburg Wyant, Elmer L., Noxen Wyrsch, Mrs. Ruth M., Binghamton, N. Y. Takoboski, Joseph R., Shamokin Yannes, Adeline C, Freeland POST SESSION ENROLLMENT August 8 Ackerman, Clyde J., Zion Grove Allegrucci, Gene J., Wyoming Ande, Ralph F., Bloomsburg Andreas, Elizabeth M., Mifflinville Andrews, Robert C, Johnstown Apichella, Joseph L., Hazleton Babcock, James R., Mahanoy City Bacon, Gerald A., Towanda Baker, Edward G., Spring City Baksi, George V., Keiser Baksi, Ramona R., Keiser Balent, Robert, Banull, Walter Barnhart, Kulpmont J., Mrs. Scranton Mildred, Newark, Delaware Barrow, Mrs. Anna D., Ringtown Baumer, Cora L., Lewisburg Baylor, Hurley C, Danville Baylor, Robert A., Danville Beachell, Merlin C., Becktel, Stewart G., Michael Benner, Ned Bell, F., O., Bloomsburg Bloomsburg Port Chester, N. Y. Sunbury Bertsch. HaiTy J., Pottsville Betz, John W., Danville Beyer, Thomas F., Danville Beyers, Roy W., Danville Bitetti, Lucy F., Freeland Blake, Earl H., Berwick Bodine, Francis R., Kane Bolinsky, Isabel D., Hazleton Boughner, Shirley M., Trevorton Bowman, Thomas E., Bloomsburg Boyle, James H., Shamokin Brace, Barbara J., Dallas Brace, Helen E., Hunlock's Creek Brennan, Mrs. Marjorie, Wapwallo- pen Brennan, William J., Bloomsburg Brossman, Jean Ann, Robesonia Brown, John C, Bloomsburg Brunn, Henry E., Nanticoke Bucher, Mrs. Grace P., Catawissa Burlingame, Helyn J., Berwick Butcofsky, Donald L., Shamokin Butler. Donald J., Warrior Run Buynak, John E., Wilkes-Barre Carls, Rhoda C, Ringtown Case, Frederick J., Danville Casula, Patricia R.. Shenandoah Cavanaugh, Claire T., Scranton Clark, Berniece R., Sunbury Clark, Naomi R., Danville Clarridge, Clifton G., Washington, D. C. Cocco, Diana L.. Pitlrston Conrad, Robert H., Boyertown Conrad. Royal W., Benton Contini, Jennie A., Freeland Cooper, Mary Louise. Dallas Corazza, Mary F., Freeland Corrlgan, Eugene J., Bloomsburg Cortright. Jay B., Berwick to 1949 August 26 Cramer, Robert N., Way mart James R., Bloomsburg Crumb, Nancy J., Berwick Curilla. Joseph, Shamokin Datesman, Lois M., Bangor Davis, Mrs. Jean S., Bloomsburg Creveling, Davis, Russell C, Jr., Luzerne Deets, Mrs. Marjorie R., Wapwallo- pen DeMatt, Mary C, Hazleton DePaul, Bernard J., Berwick Derzak, Joseph L., Wyoming Diehle, Owen C, Philadelphia Dietz, John, Plymouth Dixon, Rita M., Hazleton Dorak, Michael Berwick J., Dotzel, George L., Wilkes-Barre Dubbs, Robert J., Shamokin Dugan, Billy N., Milton Eddinger, Jounior L., Berwick Edwards, Charles L., Shamokin Edwards, David T.. Kingston Edwards, Edward H., Edwardsville Elliott, Hugh H.. Shickshinny Emanuel, Nan, Wilkes-Barre Engle, Marion M., Nuremberg Eremich, Albert C., Mt. Carmel Erie, El wood C, New Albany Evans, Michael P., Wilkes-Barre Evans, Russell, Shamokin Evasic, Marcella J., Luzerne Falck, Norman O., Lewisburg Faust, Sarah M.. Weatherly Fenstermacher, Harry M., Catawissa Fenwick, Susan R., Scranton Flaherty, Patrick J., Bloomsburg Fogel, Anna B., Tamaqua Freeda, Stanley. Bloomsburg Garrison, Harold A., Trevorton Gaugler, Elbert G., Port Trevorton Gavis, Joseph E. E.. Wilkes-Barre George Rhoda E., Nanticoke Gillespie, William G. .Bloomsburg Golob, Mrs. Ann. Scranton Grabowski. Anthony, Shamokin Graham, M. Kathryn, Bloomsburg Griffiths, Margaret E., Plymouth Guyler, Mrs. Hazel C. Danville Hackenburg, Murrav A., Danville Hackett, Faythe M.. Gledisde Hamershock, Bernard, Weatherly Harris. Mabel E., Beach Haven Hartline. Florence Hartman, Buddy Hartzell, Howard Henrie, Gilbert Danville S., N., J.. R.. Bloomsburg Jr., .Tr., Danville Meyersdale Henry, Leroy K.. Bloomsburg Herb, Curtis W.. Bloomsburg Herb. I^eon C, Shamokin Hornberger, Ralph E., Elysburg Jarman, Richard E.. Bloomsburg Jasczak, Leonard A., Dupont 107 State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Jenkins, David W., Danville Johns, Edward, Wilkes-Barre Miller, Charles E., Espy Miller, Mrs. Edythe A., Milton Johnson, Ralph W., Bloomsburg Miscavage, Daniel Jones, Luther, Wilkes-Barre Jones, Shirley H., Ashley Mitros, Kapp, Irma C, Bloomsburg Karas, Vincent W., Shenandoah Kashuba, Mrs. Margaret, Benton Keener, Paul L., Dewart Keiser, Norman F., Scranton Shamokin Kelly, Daniel E., Kemp, Gordon L., Kenna, Michael Nescopeck Cumbola J., Kepping, Mrs. Martha J., Bloomsburg Kessler, Donald A., Danville King, Donald F., Dallas Kleman, James A., Ashland Kline, Norman E., Kline, Richard E., Klopp, Thomas McClure Bloomsburg A., Freeland Kollesar, Michael, Jeddo Kolodgie, Edward J., Dupont Kotula, Bernard C, Cumbola Krafchik, Thomas A., Nanticoke Krause, Bernard, Nanticoke Krauser, Henrj' J., Wilkes-Barre Kreiser, Elmer, Columbia Kreisher, William J., Shamokin Krensavage, Thaddeus P., McAdoo Kringe, Patricia M., W. Hazleton Kundis, Harold, Mt. Carmel Kurey, Joseph E., Mt. Union Lack Nellie K.. Harrisburg Webb, Bloomsburg LePard, Robert K., Lansodwne Lewis, Charles F., Northumberland Lewis, Trevor F., Sunbury Lee, Mrs. Anita Lindauer, Shirley R., Danville Linetty, Charles J., Kulpmont Livingston, Lionel C, Courtdale Lockhoff, Harold L., Bloomsburg Logar, Berdine A., Weston Long, Gloriadawn, Briar Creek Longer, Charles W., Bloomsburg Longo, Celestine M., Nuremberg Maceiko, Andrew, Wilkes-Barre Mack, Edward W., Bloomsburg Magera, John J., Mocanaqua Maietta, Donald F., Williamsport Marek, Henry L., Dupont Marks, Muriel F., Reading Marsilio. Alfred S., Hazleton Masanovich, Milo, W. Hazleton Mattis, Marie G., Shamokin Maza, Robert J., Nanticoke McAndrew, Thomas J., Dunmore McCaffrey, Robert W., Berwick McClintock, Eleanor A.. Nescopeck McCormack, Grace E., Scranton McDonald, Leo J., Ringtown McGonigle. Helene T.. Shenandoah McGrew, Daniel P., Mahanoy Plane McNamee, Francis R., Bloomsburg McNealis, Margaret, Nanticoke Meiss, Clarence J., McAdoo Mensinger, Clair E., Mifflinville Merena. Walter, Excelsior Merrifleld, Robert S., Atlantic City, N. J. Mertz, Florence M., Northumberland Messner, Leon H., Wiconisco Metzo, Thomas M., Wilkes-Barre Middlekauff, Frank F., Shippens- burg Miles, Mrs. Lucille R., Kulpmont Edward Wilkes-Barre Glen Lyon J., J., Montague, Robert E., Danville Mooney, William B., Kingston Morgan, Nancy A., Hazleton Morgans, Rodney K., Williamsport Morris, John S., Bloomsburg Mouery, Olive L., Mt. Carmel Mudrock, Joseph V., Bloomsburg Munchak, Jack B., Philadelphia Mussoline, Lawrence J., Hazleton Naylor, Thelma M., Scranton Nester, Wilmer F., Emmaus O'Donnell, John J., Coaldale Pacholec, Henry F., Scranton Palencar, Andrew E., Bethlehem Palutis, Gay M., Scranton Panzetta, Nick, Hazleton Papania, Joseph, Bloomsburg Parrell, Daniel C., Hazleton Parry, Donald, Peckville Parsell, John L., Orangeville Paternoster, George D., Hazleton Payer, Stephen F., McAdoo Pecora, Louis S., W. Hazleton Pelchar, Joseph J., Keiser Persing, Carl J., Mt. Carmel Petarra, Concetta G., Camden, N. J. Petraitis, Wanda M., Collegeville Phillips, Charles E., Danville Piccolo, Philomena C, Shenandoah Pick, Robert W., Danville Piestrak, Edward L., Danville Pope, Arlene M., Sunbury Prete, Michael L., Hazleton Prete, Santo J., Hazleton Pringle, Frank M., Bloomsburg Purcell, James J., Shamokin Reck, George E., Trevorton Reed, Thomas J., Plymouth Reese, Jack D., Forty Fort Reimensnyder, "Virginia F., Milton Reitz, Robert G., Shamokin Rhawn, Mrs. Hanna K., Danville Rick, John J., Keiser Riegel, Arthur C, Catawissa Riffel, Mrs. Margaret E., Blooms- burg Rishel, William J., Danville Roach, Mrs. Alice G.. Bloomsburg Roberts, Charles E., Slatington Robidoux. Francis A., Philadelphia Roeder. William K.. Bloomsburg Romanczyk, Helen M., Forest City Roth. Luther H., Wilkes-Barre Rowlands. William H.. Plymouth Russell, Donald H., Bloomsburg Ryan, Anna T.. Shamokin Ryan, John J., Philadelphia Rvan, William H., Riverside Schaeffer, Jason E., Port Trevorton Schefflev, Helen E.. Hazleton Schwartz. Richard C, Pine Grove Seebold, John E., Danville Sharkey, Winifred J., Lattimer Mines Shawda, Floyd E.. Jr.. Shamokin Sheehv, Edward F., Bloomsburg Shelhamer, Milford E.. Mifflinville Shipe. Eugene R., Danville Shoemaker, William F., Espy Sholley, Olivia B., Selinsgrove Shook, IvOttie C. Shuman, Mary A., Muncy Bloomsburg Sickinger, William, Philadelphia State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 108 Simmons, Mrs. Louise more, Md. Skowronski, Edward port Slobozien, Paul H., F., Vollrath, Mary A., W. Nanticoke Stetten, Glenn D., Bloomsburg Stetten, Wayne, Bloomsburg Von Von Vukcevich, Ukasin Waechter, Richard Webb, Raymond L., Bloomsburg Wertman, Leah L., Andreas White, Harold J., Bloomsburg Whitney, James L., Sunbury Whittaker, Charles D., Scranton Widger, George E., Catawissa Williams, Catherine, Nanticoke Williams, Fred, Pottsville Williams, John W., Bloomsburg Williams, Robert E.. Jr., Shamokin Williard, Raymond W., Trevorton Wingate, Robert M., Bloomsburg Wintersteen, William J., Blooms- Bloomsburg M., Mrs. Jessie W., Mt. Carmel Stonik, John M., Baltimore, Md. Stibltz, Stratton, William R., Wilkes-Barre Swaboski, Ramona Mrs. A., Mt. Carmel burgh Swales, Willis, Jr., S. Willlamsport Symons, Mrs. Catherine V., W. Nanticoke Carmela Tarole, A., Tavalsky, Edward W. Hazleton W. Hazle- F., ton R., Bloomsburg Steinruck, Doyle T., Bloomsburg Warren S., Walther, Robert F., Columbia Wanich, Carol A., Bloomsburg Spanich, Michael J., Swoyerville Speers. Alfred H., Mechanicsburg Spiegel, Dale B., Bloomsburg Stair, Marjorie M., Wapwallopen Sterling, Mt. Car- Vincent, Joseph G., Ashley Williams- Johnstown Smethers, Donald R., Bloomsburg Smigelski, Edward J., Wilkes-Barre Smith, Grace, Mt. Carmel Snyder, Eugene W., Danville Soback, Andrew, Berwick Soback, Helen Jane, Berwick Sowers, Charles H., Berwick Lewis T., mel J., Stauffer, Edward Vasilauskas, Balti- Wire, Kenneth E., Bloomsburg Wire, Ralph W., Bloomsburg Witchey, Verne K., Philadelphia Woll. Charles T., Berwick Wyrsch. Mrs. Ruth H., Bingham- Bethlehem Johnstown J., Thomas, Hervey R., Orangeville Thomas, Robert L., Danville ton, N. Y. Yakoboski, Joseph R., Shamokin Yannes, Adeline C, Freeland Yeager, John J., Wapwallopen Yohey, Clyde E., Bloomsburg Todd, Mrs. Alma E., Girardville Tormay, Edith M., Hazleton Treon, William C, Mt. Carmel Tugend, Florence C, Dalton Tyson, Mary Ruth, Catawissa Vanyo, Andre M., Duryea Young, Frederick, Ashland Zeigler, Homer L., Millersburg Zelinski, Bernard J., Mt. Carmel ANALYSIS OF ENROLLMENT TRENDS (Figures are for years ending Number 8C Extension Teachers-in-Servicc Summer Qc Other Sessions for Teachers *War and Other Programs TOTAL * 31) of Students Regular Students Part-Time May 1945 207 1946 341 1947 747 37 147 196 299 428* 141 461 167_* _76 971 796 1480 1948 780 224 564 1949 839 _76 1644 77 Army 174 642 1732 Service Pilots, Navy V-5 Aviation Cadets, Naval Flight (Commissioned Officers), Navy V-12 Officer Candidates, and Nurses, Liberal Arts Freshmen. (1947-1949) Includes Instructors Adjusted Enrollment on Fuli-Time Basis 1945 Regular Students 207 Part-Time Sc Extension Teachers-in-Service 15 Summer 6C Other Sessions for Teachers •War and Other Programs TOTAL 1946 166 502 169 1947 747 59 220 76 890 609 1102 341 49 50 1948 PRELIMINARY ENROLLMENT BLANK This blank, together with a check Money Order drawn on the $10.00, payable to the Common- (or Postmaster, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) for wealth of Pennsylvania, should be mailed to State Teachers College, Blooms- Freshman students and other students entering college pay $15.00 additional by check (or Money Order) payable to the order of Community Activities. These sums of $10.00 and/or $15.00 will be used as part payment of your fees. Do not send currency. burg, Pennsylvania. for the Name first time will of Applicant. Last Name First Name Middle Address of Applicant Number and Town Date of Birth County Street State Initial Give the name of town and county of the four-year high school from which you were graduated When were you graduated? Is this your first enrollment in this institution? Give the names and location of any institutions which you have attended since graduation Advance from high school reservation deposits will be returned provided the College notified at least three weeks before the is opening of the semester or session of the desire to cancel the reservation. Permission to live off the campus will not be given as long as rooms are available in the dormitories. Special cases will be handled by the President. Additional copies of this publication may be secured upon request from President Harvey A. Andruss, State Teachers College, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. f! 4) •<^ «D O o< "^ U Qkj ic C 8^-^ 0" "v"^^? K A) to ^ r>j IT) >(. IT) vS A The Tribute to the Teacher teacher He a prophet: is lays the foundations of tomorrow. The teacher an is artist; He works with the prec- ious clay of unfolding personality. The The The is a friend: His heart responds and devotion of his students. teacher faith teacher is a citizen: He is selected and licensed for the improvement of society. teacher is and wider The teacher and The to the is an interpreter: Out of his maturer life he seeks to guide the young. a builder: He works with the higher finer values of civilization. teacher is a culture-bearer: He leads the way toward worthier tastes, saner attitudes, more gracious manners, higher intelligence. The teacher is a planner: He sees the young lives before him as part of a great system which shall grow stronger in the light of truth. The teacher is a pioneer: He is always attempting the impossible and winning out. The teacher is a reformer: He seeks to remove the handicaps that weaken and destroy The life. teacher is a believer: He has abiding faith in the improvability of the race. — Joy Elmer Morgan